3 cad on ve Hi Zz fy Nee “£ ae ee aes Kowa in US. Qones ae eee Wan <) ay PPS te eae pe ae . pie ee Gbituary, MEMORIAL SERMON, Poiuies Or heqard. ON THE OCCASION OF THE DEATH OF Mrs. HULDANA SQUIER HENRY, BORN AT NEW HAVEN, VT, JULY 22, 1811, AND DIED AT DETROIT, MICH, MAY 38, 1880, HARTFORD, CONN.: Press or THE Casg, Lockwoop & BRAINARD COMPANY. 1880. DEDICATION. It has -become my part, who knew Mrs. Henry well, to gather a few notices and tributes from the mass placed in my hands, and arrange them for readier and more permanent use among her relatives and dear friends. There is nothing expressed in these pages that exceeds my own appreciation of her noble life and char- acter. My acquaintance with her has been an arm of strength because of her wise counsels; a help to spiritual life because of her continuous walk with God ; and an abiding inspiration toward bet- _ ter efforts, because of the clear shining of her exemplary virtues. Having many times before her illness said to those dearest to me that I never knew a grander character than Mrs. Henry, I may now be permitted to reiterate the same expression. The memory of such a life is a great legacy, more precious than gold, and the meditations upon it represented by the tributes of these pages is an interest in which I am thankful to bear a humble part. Hearts are sore now, lives are subdued, but hearts and lives are enriched by the light reflected from the increasing radiance which glows from such a death as only can follow such a life. We cannot think of her as dead, but only as passed on before us to the sphere of glory, with her Master preparing a place for us, and sharing yet an intense interest in her loved ones who linger awhile on earth. : To the comfort of him whese singularly-faithful companion, and wise counsellor for nearly half a century, has been taken to glory, while the pxans of his own victory may almost be heard, and to the comfort also of his children, and his children’s children, who live in his heart lovingly and inseparably, as they lived, and still con- tinue to live in hers, the sacred labor of the following pages is humbly dedicated. aR: me ie WAT Y The funeral of Mrs. Huldana Squier Henry took place May 5, 1880, from her late residence, 125 Lafayette Ave., Detroit, Mich. She was the daughter of Hon. Wait Squier, of New Haven, Vermont, born July 22, 1811. She was born also into the deeply- religious life which pervaded the home of her parents. And, when twelve years old, her mother was taken from the earth, Huldana was not in danger of losing her Christian type of character. The mother’s life had already imbued her own, and the treasured im- pressions of her death wrought a great influence for good upon the child. Atthe age of fifteen she wrote a memorable letter to an elder sister, who was absent at school, stating her deliberate deter- mination to unite with the Church, and to lead a life of Christian usefulness, and exhorting her sister to a similar determination. ~ SS EMA as . WS SSAA WH iy Ss LY Z yy Ye typ Le \ ~~ a CE = esi Arr dete tii tp es GAD Atos ey tis LI Ze \ \ o AK ~ \\ : Si REA S SSS VVrays SS \\ WS ~ SS N ~ AN SS SV SN SS S S SVAN SS SV WS AN ASS ARAARCRCAARKR LES . SSN SS WS SS = So WS 3S S ~ ARS AKG AC Sy AX SAN