++ - PatdT that Mgt tog = = 4 ao > se S: edge as Sine slenga iq: Fe" pansstah kad eee i econ AND HIS | WIZARD @ \ CAMERA |} s Z E a \% VICTOR gl | ms Se co) id 4 = e) Oo S) x NS = 3 Se) BS} ~ 8 N i = 6 a as} = 8 Peat nek 3a 4) S CAMERA THE TOM HAD ) TOM SWIFT AND HIS WIZARD CAMERA OR Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures BY VICTOR APPLETON AUTHOR OF ‘TOM SWIFT AND HIS MOTOR-CYCLE,” “TOM SWIFT ANB A® SUBMARINE BOAT,” “TOM SWIFT AND HIS AIRSHIP,” **,OoM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RIFLE,” *“TOM SWIFT IN CAPTIVITY,” ETC, ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK GROSSET & DUNLAP PUBLISHERS Made in the United States of America BOOKS BY VICTOR APPLETON THE TOM SWIFT SERIES TOM SWIFT AND HIS MOTOR-CYCLE Or Fun and Adventures on the Road ‘TOM SWIFT AND HIS MOTOR-BOAT Or The Rivals of Lake Carlcopa TOM SWIFT AND HIS AIRSHIP Or the Stirring Cruise of the Red Cloud TOM SWIFT AND HIS SUBMARINE BOAT Or Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasure TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT Or the Speediest Car on the Road TOM SWIFT AND HIS WIRELESS MESSAGE Or the Castaways of Earthquake Island TOM SWIFT AMONG THE DIAMOND MAKERS Or the Secret of Phantom Mountain TOM SWIFT IN THE CAVES OF ICE Or the Wreck of the Airship TOM SWIFT AND HIS SKY RACER Or The Quickest Flight om Record TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RIFLE Or Daring Adventures in Elephant Land TOM SWIFT IN THE CITY OF GOLD Or Marvelous Adventures Underground TOM SWIFT AND HIS AIR GLIDER Or Seeking the Platinum Treasure TOM SWIFT IN CAPTIVITY Or A Daring Escape by Airship TOM SWIFT AND HIS WIZARD CAMERA Or Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures TOM SWIFT AND HIS GREAT SEARCHLIGHT Or On the Border for Uncle Sam (Other Volumes in Preparation) J2mo. Cloth Illustrated. Price, per volume, 50 cents, postpai GROSSET & DUNLAP PUBLISHERS NEW YORK CopyRIGHT, 1912 By GROSSET & DUNLAP Zom Swift and His Wizard Camera CONTENTS PAGE A STRANGE OfFrER.......... See Dus sy ord nadlas t A MAN IN THE SNOW BANK.....cccecccces Iz POM MARES UP 11S MIND... sees eee sce es or ONG Peco aii tinct nie us iscewls veisahwke bac 31 ME aS A WARNING oy i.c'o veces wa aes cone 43 Mee the tae. CAMERA. oo okoc os ue cnet eden. St WHAT THE CAMERA CAUGHT.....ccceereces 59 PHOTOS FROM THE AIRSHIP......ee0: Deven 67 RNR TAA. Fcliloig Fd Win'da ona d's 0 saa des 78 TIMER PRCTED VXCTTEMENT. occ ices vc cinss eee 87 PEE LRPRANT “STAMPEDE. ce aeoucnsscavece 94 POM ICUT yer cs hese yds wd eoaes ence ye 103 PEROT MLL IDE, 5 du ew as bd oee W's oo dein oe)a ae 116 Pr MARE ATO ASALD .\. 0 u)5'n'e csi sees 40s eas > eave Lae SNAPPING AN AVALANCHE. sseeeseeeseeeeees 130 EMG RAPH CRDEERS . ol ck sch ess veses'uecee ce ’s 139 ee PtEIOIS” STRANGERS vice de esis pxs'e'w enous ac 145 Se OR ONTIVE —>—~>~>~>~eIY—~—~—~—~——es—E———E—EEEXx=_ ees Uniform Style of Binding. Individual Colored Wrappers« _ Every Volume Complete in Itself. Every boy possesses some form of inventive genius. Tom Swift is a bright, ingenious boy and his inventions and adventures make the most interesting kind of readings TOM SWIFT AND HIS MOTOR CYCLE TOM SWIFT AND HIS MOTOR BOAT TOM SWIFT AND HIS AIRSHIP TOM SWIFT AND HIS SUBMARINE BOAT TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT TOM SWIFT AND HIS WIRELESS MESSAGE TOM SWIFT AMONG THE DIAMOND MAKERS TOM SWIFT IN THE CAVES OF ICE TOM SWIFT AND HIS SKY RACER TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RIFLE TOM SWIFT IN THE CITY OF GOLD TOM SWIFT AND HIS AIR GLIDER TOM SWIFT IN CAPTIVITY TOM SWIFT AND HIS WIZARD CAMERA TOM SWIFT AND HIS GREAT SEARCHLIGHT TOM SWIFT AND HIS GIANT CANNON TOM SWIFT AND HIS PHOTO TELEPHONE TOM SWIFT AND HIS AERIAL WARSHIP TOM SWIFT AND HIS BIG TUNNEL TOM SWIFT IN THE LAND OF WONDERS TOM SWIFT AND HIS WAR TANK TOM SWIFT AND HIS AIR SCOUT TOM SWIFT AND HIS UNDERSEA SEARCH TOM SWIFT AMONG THE FIRE FIGHTERS TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE TOM SWIFT AND HIS FLYING BOAT TOM SWIFT AND HIS GREAT OIL GUSHER TOM SWIFT AND HIS CHEST OF SECRETS TOM SWIFT AND HIS AIRLINE EXPRESS er EN TS OT TNE Seni hn achat nen eg Grosset & DuNLAaP, PUBLISHERS, New York Gc eae ae ee ET THE DON STURDY SERIES By VICTOR APPLETON Individual Colored Wrappers and Text Illustrations by WALTER S. ROGERS Every Volume Complete in Itself. In company with his uncles, one a mighty hunter and the other a noted scientist, Dont ‘Sturdy travels far and wide, gaining much useful ‘knowledge and meeting many thrilling adventures. DON STURDY ON THE DESERT OF MYSTERY; An engrossing tale of the Sahara Desert, of encounters with wild animals and crafty Arabs. DON STURDY WITH THE BIG SNAKE HUNTERS; Don’s uncle, the hunter, took an order for some of the biggest snakes to be found in South America—to be delivered alive! DON STURDY IN THE TOMBS OF GOLD; A fascinating tale of exploration and adventure in the Valley of Kings in Egypt. DON STURDY ACROSS THE NORTH POLE; A great polar blizzard nearly wrecks the airship of the explorers, DON STURDY IN THE LAND OF VOLCANOES ; _ An absorbing tale of adventures among the volcanoes of Alaska. DON STURDY IN THE PORT OF LOST SHIPS; This story is just full of exciting and fearful experiences on the sea. 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There are adventures in abundance—railroad wrecks, dashes through forest fires, the pursuit of a “wildcat” locomotive, the disappearance of a pay car with a large sum of money on board—but there is much more than this—the intense rivalry among railroads and railroad men, the working out of running schedules, the getting through “on time” in spite of all obstacles, and the manipulation of railroad securities by evil men whe wish to rule or ruin, RALPH OF THE ROUND HOUSE; Or, Bound to Become a Railroad Man. RALPH IN THE SWITCH TOWER; Or, Clearing the Track. RALPH ON THE ENGINE; Or, The Young Fireman of the Limited Mail. RALPH ON THE OVERLAND EXPRESS; Or, The Trials and Triumphs of a Young Engineer. RALPH, THE TRAIN DISPATCHER; Or, the Mystery of the Pay Car. RALPH ON THE ARMY TRAIN; Or, The Young Railroader’s Most Daring Exploit. RALPH ON THE MIDNIGHT FLYER; Or, The Wreck at Shadow Valley. 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ROGERS Honey Bunch is a dainty, thoughtful little girl, and to know her is to take her to yous heart at once. | Little girls everywhere will want to dis- cover what interesting experiences she is having wherever she goes. 3 HONEY BUNCH: JUST A LITTLE GIRU HONEY BUNCH: HER FIRST VISIT’ TO veto DRE Coney HONEY BUNCH: HER FIRST DAYS ON ‘THE FARM | ‘HONEY BUNCH: HER FIRST VISIT TO THE SEASHORE HONEY BUNCH: HER FIRST LITTLE GARDEN HONEY BUNCH: HER FIRST DAYS IN CAMP HONEY BUNCH: HER FIRST AUTO TOUR HONEY BUNCH: HER FIRST TRIP ON THE OCEAN GROSSET & DUNLAP, Publishers, NEW YORK ores Walateeets + et. gta? Reh ed ee sve + Sante if ey bs m be> Seeds at ot § ee SYpt she gist state + ¥ aS beers ’ 4 Le Sarah fed — 8 pS ee Ms tple eee) & ve is es AS | sh “Ve sist) shahas 88: titrese erste testhreateibts Seti tate Ty + Ti soedece ot a + > s? es pees ease Fea ms ab =" ae Ramee bere * + ae pistes ee Gt Abs 2h 38 ie het 5-abeat. rede parm iry =¢. need 24 t 33