a ONEREPUBLIC VIEW Peeve eve | C6. P.M’ Pee RICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1923 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATES OF SALE (INCLUDING SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2 TO 5 P. M.) ITALIAN DECORATIVE ART OBJECTS Ogg Oo ae GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE PERIODS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF meee AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE AFTERNOONS OF WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 AND 22, 1923 BEGINNING AT 2.15 O’CLOCK . : ~ hy » ——— ‘ ‘ ; J ‘ ‘s Fe a 2 = PS . . a é - 7 ’ - : oa . = * Le WARE Pedal? ; Y be : % 4 a alts a 7 % ‘ 15 RE RN BH ee Mi BS GW A NW es i A Corner or Cav. Carto M. Girarp’s Srupio aT THE VittA Poperino, FLoRENCE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF ITALIAN DECORATIVE OBJECTS FURNITURE, SCULPTURE AND PAINTINGS | OF THE GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE PERIODS Pe I TURE) FORGED IRON.AND COPPER VENETIAN GLASS, SCULPTURED BAS-RELIEFS eos VELVE ITS AND OTHER RARE TEXTILES | FAINTINGS OF THE FLORENTINE AND SIENESE SCHOOLS THE ENTIRE COLLECTION FROM THE NEW YORK STUDIOS OF THE CONNOISSEUR AND ANTIQUARIAN CAV. CARLO M. GIRARD TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Peete AMERICAN: ART GALLERIES ON THE AFTERNOONS OF NOVEMBER 21 AND 22, 1923 THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY Mr. OTTO BERNET anv Mr. HIRAM H. PARKE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INc., MANAGERS MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET NEW YORK ~ .. x aap ow é hos - 4 = , ; ¥ ta y “" te < ‘@ ¢ ~~ THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATIO} _ DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DI { . eee Wy = 7 > é 5 ; t é . ’ ¥ rs ‘ h . ‘ eet Mi ‘ i ae > =. ‘ ¢ on , é 4 z ‘ b 7 r i Nae * » t ’ + ’ « . INTRODUCTION THE GIRARD COLLECTION OF ANCIENT ITALIAN DECORATIVE OBJECTS Cavalier Carlo M. Girard, the Florentine connoisseur and well- versed antiquarian, recently relinquished the lease of his studios at 149 East 57th Street, New York, in order to return permanently to his studios in Florence, and has therefore consigned his entire collection to the American Art Association to be sold. Cavalier Girard is widely known for his taste and judgment in the art circles of Italy and to many of the American travelers who have a penchant for the beautiful. ‘During eight years or more, he was chiefly concerned with assembling the unique gatherings of Furniture, Velvets and other objects for the historic “Villa Palmieri,” near Florence, ‘“‘Boccaccio’s Villa.”” There friends visited the famous poet, Boccaccio, and there was written the “Decameron.” ‘The remarkable ‘‘Forged Iron” that adorns the Villa is the foremost collection of its kind in the world, unrivaled for its variety and completeness. The Great War interrupted the Cavalier’s activities, but, although he was not permitted to join the army, he soon asso- ciated himself with his own and the American Red Cross. In this field he was called upon to erect the “Homes for Sons of Men at the Front.” These buildings were constructed on the famous ancient walls of Lucca, without destroying the fine old artistic flavor and spirit; for, fortu- nately, Cavalier Girard had not lost the cunning he had acquired as an architect at the “Fine Arts School” of Florence. His country created him a Cavalier of the “Order of St. Mauritius and Lazarus,” and America commissioned him an Honorary Captain. The Bargello, in Florence, recently accepted and is exhibiting a most interesting small, but rare collection of Bronze Bells, secured during a period of many years by the Cavalier. ‘The gathering now shown includes numerous objects from well-known collections, such as those of Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, the Davanzati Palace, Professors Pedulli and Guzzardi, Cavalier Cigerza of Rome, Conte Cassoli of Reggio, the Bossi, Conte Brancoli Bus-draghi of Lucca, Chevalier Cantoni, and the Celebrated English poet, Robert Browning, several of the Cabinets coming from such historic sources as the Strozzi, the Chiarimonte and Salviati Families. The spirit of Italian craftsmanship is to be seen in the cherishing - of the wonderful old patina of the woods which has given full play to the lovely tones of the Furniture. The classic Furniture is of the Gothic and Renaissance periods, including numerous Chairs of all types from the “Balia” or small Nurs- ing Chairs, to the noble State Chairs, covered in rich Velvet, Needle- work or Tapestry ; Cassoni from the Schools of Sansovino and Pocetti; rare Cabinets and Credences; a Revolving Top Center Table used for playing the popular card game of the day, “‘Banker and Broker,” and a number of unusual Refectory Tables of great merit. Among the Chairs is a beautiful needlework set of twelve, executed in rare “Punto Parma,” a stitch almost identical with French Petit- point. These chairs are in their original condition, even to the green fringe. The Italian Government evinced so much interest in them that it stopped their removal and only bad times gave a pathway to their escape. There is also among the furniture a group of five small Marriage Writing Cabinets, or “Steppo a Bambocci,” that are exceedingly in- teresting, having been executed in the late fifteenth century in the Bottega of Verrocchio, or by his followers. One of these, no doubt, belonged to Browning and held the precious manuscripts of this cele- brated English poet at his Villa in Candeli, near Florence. Each of these Cabinets, with its many small sculptured symbolic figures, is a gem of fine craftsmanship and composition. The Venetian Glass shown is of the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- turies, and is amazing in its delicacy of form. Professor Pedulli, the great Florentine authority on Metal Work, is responsible for the fine Repoussé Brass “Piatti a Spoffi’?; two or three of these being of the fifteenth century. The interesting Northern Italian Halberds are from the Villa of Professor Guzzardi of Florence. There is a very attractive assemblage of Italian Gothic and Renaissance Forged Iron and Copper; including Lavabos, Andirons, Lanterns, Candelabra, Torchéres and the famous Davanzati Palace Chandelier. Among the very important Velvets are many of beautiful and unusual color that quite beggar description. None have been illus- trated, for it is futile to attempt to give any idea of their charm of color from a black and white photograph. A set of seven Crimson Balcony Hangings from the Roman Palace of Cavalier Cigerza are in their original condition, as when woven at the Meditean Looms of Lucca. The Early Florentine and Sienese Primitifs include two charming Terra-cotta Bas-Reliefs by the Della Robbias ; several naive and lovely, tinted stucco Bas-Reliefs of Madonnas, two Polychrome Busts and a group very appealing in their simplicity and strength. The paintings are represented by sterling works of Cozzarelli, di Nardo, di Niccolo and di Daccio. Perhaps the only non-Italian work of art on display, except a few Flemish and Aubusson chair coverings, is the very powerfully decorative set of Gothic Renaissance Enghien Tapestries of the six- teenth century, depicting animals amid large scrollings leaves and wooded landscapes. The entire exhibition gives one a very distinctive appreciation of the care and thought that Cavalier Girard has given to the selection and preservation of this rarely homogeneous collection. Frank. H. G. Keerte. . , / t ’ ‘ i . 2 \ 3 : » > : : j é : LU r. ‘ ‘ ) 7 4 CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a eard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not _paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold ‘as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. _ Xi. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- Aen det a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also e given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS. HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS, INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. ‘Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITS AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY CATALOGUE ~ FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers | to 200, inclusive INTERESTING SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN GLASS 1—Two Enametep Licut Green BoTTLes Venetian Early Eighteenth Century < Low round body, with short incurved neck. Enriched in colors with festoons and scrollings. ¥ —2—Two EnamMetep Licot GREEN BotTtTies Venetian Early Eighteenth Century Varied incurved bodies, with scrollings and festoons in color. ® ‘3—Two ENAMELED CLEAR Guass BotTTLEs Venetian Early Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. ¥ 4—Two ENAMELED CLEAR Guass BotTTiLEs | ~) Rat Venetian Early Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 3 5—Two Enametep Crear Grass Botries Venetian Early Eighteenth Century OO Similar to the preceding. ¥ They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. ENAMELED Criear Guass BotrLtE anp INKSTAND Venetian Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Bottle similar to the preceding. Inkstand with globular body and three apertures. Seventeenth century. 2 6 4—Two Enametep Licot Green BorTTLes Venetian Early Eighteenth Century Bulbous body, with neck and scrollings in enamels. 3 (Imperfect. ) — 8—ENAMELED Light GREEN BoTTLEe s A Venetian Early Eighteenth Century etn Similar to the preceding.g 9—Lichot GrEeEN Guass Liqueur BotTrie as Venetian Seventeenth Century met er , Oval body, with curved spout and long flaring neck. ¥% Height, 81%, inches. , 10—Licut Green Guass FLower Vase Peo \v /2Venetian Seventeenth Century Bulbous; with fluted neck and flaring mouth. Height, 64% inches. 11—Buve-creen Guass Botrie /2 Venetian Seventeenth Century Low, bulbous body; with short neck. (Imperfect.) Height, 4 inches. \ 12—Licutr O.ive-creren Grass Botrie ome ee /eVenetian Seventeenth Century Depressed globular body, with slender neck. Height, 81% inches. BT eS Guass BotriE /o Venetian Seventeenth Century SS Globular body, with expanding neck. Height, 834 inches. First Afternoon 14 16 17 oo GREEN Guass Liaureur BotTrie aX | yin & Venetian Seventeenth Century Round, with long curved spout and flaring neck. Height, 8%, inches. 15—Green Grass Botrre /6 Venetian Seventeenth Century \~ “Low bulbous body; with beautiful long neck. Tasseled cork. Height, 75% “inches. 16 Crear Guass Liagurur Botrie Venetian Seventeenth Century Globular, with beautiful long curving spout and slender long ia neck ; wtih pink and gold tasseled cork. €0 Height, 12% inches. 17—Licut O1LivE-GrREEN Guass BotTTLE | et Venetian Sixteenth Century Square-sided, with round shoulder and small incurved neck hav- ing milk-white lip to mouth. 3¢ C18) Licgut OLivre-GREEN Guass BotTTLe Venetian Sixteenth Century Height, 93%, inches. Similar to the preceding. 32 Height, 934 inches. a» C19) cunas Guass BorrLe Venetian Sixteenth Century - \ yp Sumilar to the preceding. 20 Ef Height, 914, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE BRASSES AND BRONZE CANDLESTICKS OF THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 20—THrREE UmpriaAn Bronze CANDLESTICKS Seventeenth Century Py NY tae Ss yb Finely balustered shaft; with molded triangular base, ball feet and cup bobéche with long pricket. so Height of two, 101% inches, and one Bi, inches. 21—Bronze Wine Ewer Venetian Early Sixteenth Century Graceful oviform, with fine flaring spout enriched with rudimen- tary satyr mask, slender scrolled loop handle and beautifully molded foot. Sv Height, 9% inches. _ 22—Two Tuscan Bronze Attar VasEs Seventeenth Century Md Ribbed oviform body; with incurved neck and roll-over mouth. Ae On molded round foot.@ 0) Height, 6 inches. 23—Two Tuscan Bronze Aurar VaAszs Seventeenth Century Yr - ae yy Similar to the preceding.@-0) ; = Height, 5% inches. 24—'T'wo Umprian Bronze Canpuesticks Seventeenth Century \ Fine baluster shaft, with molded cup bobéche, long pricket and \~ incurved triangular base having claw feet. #¢ Height, 12 inches. On) 25—Two Umprian Bronze Canpiesticks Seventeenth Century A NE Similar to the preceding. &» Y Height, 121% inches. 26—Two Umprian Bronze Canpiesticks Seventeenth Century J Graceful baluster shaft, with cup bobéche having long pricket. > On exceptionally fine tripod bases developing amorini heads, oval * \: medallion with Bishop’s insignia and bracketed acanthus-leaf legs having claw feet. vg Height, 191% inches. | First Afternoon \.S 27—Two Tuscan Bronze Canpiesticks Sixteenth Century Interesting ribbed oviform and pear-shaped baluster-shaft, with ~ urn-shaped bobéche having long pricket. On massive incurved , molded pedestal. Fine golden patina. /20 Height, 221% inches. Note: A rare Pistola type of bronze candlestick. See Bronze PEnToua Italian Sixteenth Century Hard bronze cooking vessel. Globular body with cup crown, — curious open lug Geciee and flaring stump feet. Sivery-golden patina. 60 Height, 8% inches. CaporiAn Bronze PENTOLA Italian Stateenth Century Hard bronze cooking vessel. Globular, with lightly molded cup- < mouth and curious open round lug handles. On tapering round flaring legs. Fine golden patina. 72 Height, 121%, inches. 30—Repovussé Brass Prarro a Bupino Venetian Sixteenth Century Round deep dish, with flaring flange border; stamped with small ral fleur-de-lis. Central boss, with pear-shaped gadroons and plain round center to receive wine ewer; surrounded in the depression of dish by a border bearing Gothic inscription. Golden patina. 5© hee Diameter, 19 inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli; an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. 31—Repousst Brass Piarro a Bupino if Venetian Siateenth Century Pate Similar to the preceding; slight variations in the stamping of flanged rim. S@ Diameter, 175% inches. From the collection of Professor Pedullt; an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. 32—Repousst Brass Prarro a Bupino | Venetian Stateenth Century < Similar to the preceding. $@ 33 Diameter, 18%, inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli; an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 33—-Rrepoussk Brass Piatto a Bupino Venetian Stateenth Century Similar to the preceding. 56 Diameter, 1714 inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli; an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. 34—Repoussk Brass Piatto a Bupino Venetian Sixteenth Century Deep round dish, with flaring flange border, punched with ar- ay © cadings and floral motives. Bossed center, with spiraled pear- shaped gadroonings,-acorn motives and sunk center for wine ewer. Marly with spiraled flutings terminating at a dainty garland of punched oak-leaves. $6 Diameter, 161/, inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli; an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. ITALIAN GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE FORGED IRON AND COP- PER LAVABOS, ANDIRONS, LANTERNS, CANDELABRA, TOR- CHERES AND CHANDELIERS 35—Finety Forcep anp GitpEp Door Sien Italian Eighteenth Century _ Open pearl-molded oval medallion, with central strap medallion “~~ bearing letter P and a pendent husk from which scroll to crown very beautiful acanthus-leaf sprays and flowers. 9@ Height, 91% inches; length, 12% inches. \ 36}-Four Forcep Iron Door Panets y Venetian Eighteenth Century ; Oblong; with open oval shield at center flanked by open scrollings and sprays of well-forged leaves and flowers. /a@ Height, 11% inches; width, 9 inches. 37—Forcrep Iron Por Hoox Cua Savoyard Sixteenth Century Linked round chain, with two long hooks having spiraled shafts, one with double hooks to adjust height for pot or kettle. Se Length, 6 feet 1 inch. First Afternoon 38—Two GinpEp Iron STELLATE LANTERNS Italian Seventeenth Century > . . aT eee se pointed stars, with each point pentagonal in section. sy” Ring for suspension. (58 Diameter, 20 inches. 397-Two Brass anp Forcep Iron Anpirons Tuscan Fifteenth Century ) Square shaft, chiseled with feather motives having frontal hook es and brass ball terminal. ~ On chiseled arched feet with interior Ry double pendent scrollings. to) — Height, 15 inches. 40—-Forcrep Iron Sacristy APrlievE AND FrLoweEr Basket Italian Seventeenth Century AG Scrolled strap back-plate, emitting toward crown a leaf-scrolled S-arm terminating in coronetted bobéche; below is an open scrolled semicircular basket for flowers. ¥ 2 Height, 20 inches. 41—Two Forcrep Iron TasLte CanDELABRA Stenese Fifteenth Century — 0 Broad round tray base; with central round shaft terminating in yp a round button and supporting an adjustable open spiraled bas- ket having scalloped rim bearing two sockets for lights. /ov Height, 163, and 1514 inches. 42—Two PotycHromMED Forcrep Iron Taste CAanpELABRA Italian late Eighteenth Century - On annular waved rim, supporting alternately three leaf bobéches with prickets and three acanthus-leaf cusps occupied by Venetian \_ glass lamp-holders. ‘The rim is sustained on three S-scrolled 4 strap feet which continue upward, scrolling to a central cusp having another glass lamp holder. 6 ¢ Height, 11 inches. 43—Two PotycuHromep Forcrep Iron Taste CANDELABRA ES a Italian late Eighteenth Century XS Similar to the preceding. Go ae —— Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 44—T wo Forcep Iron Tapie CanpELaBra Stenese Fifteenth Century Broad round tray base; with central round shaft terminating in a leaf-enriched candle-socket. The shaft supports two adjust- able open spiraled baskets having scalloped rims each bearing two further candle-sockets. /Od Height, 221/, inches. 45—Forcrp Iron Sacrisry Appueuk AND FLoweEr BaskerT Italian Seventeenth Century “ _ Scrolled cartouche back, emitting toward foot a finely scrolled arm enriched with leaf bobéche, flowers and flanking floral sprays. Above the arm is a scrolled semicircular basket for flowers. /20 Height, 191% inches. First Afternoon 46—GintpED Forcep Iron Wat Appriauk Italian Stateenth Century Back as a lily blossom, with stamen and emitting a leaf-scrolled arm terminating in cusped lily concealing a tubular bobéche. Extension, 18 inches. 47—Two Forcrep Iron anp Brass ANnpiRoNns 4 Tuscan Early Seventeenth Century Bhowt Faceted and balustered shaft, with brass ball terminal and frontal iron hook near base. On two strap-scrolled legs!s® ) Height, 21 inches. 48—Two Forcrep Iron anv Brass ANDIRONS Tuscan Siateenth Century = Faceted and balustered expanding shaft, with brass ball terminal and two frontal hooks toward base. On very unusual double strap-scrolled feet having central shell motived valance. $© } Height, 241, inches. 49—T'wo Forcrep Iron anp Brass ANDIRONS Tuscan Sixteenth Century < Expanding square shaft, with central molded baluster, brass ball A\ terminal and fine frontal hook toward base having brass ball terminal similar to but smaller than that at crown. On broad arched feet having interior Gothic tracery. “0 Height, 251, inches. 50-—T'wo Forcrep Iron anv Brass Anprirons : Tuscan Sixteenth Century — Similar to the preceding; with chiseled fluted feet, chevroned shaft and leaf pendent below shaft\é Height, 261 inches. 51—Repousst Copper Lavazo anp Forcep Iron Stranp Florentme Sixteenth Century Tripod iron stand; very beautifully lyre-scrolled above and arched feet below; enriched with two rosetted open triangular “sh stretchers, spiraled tendrils and mid-stretcher having central ro- sette and pendent tendril; parcel gilded. Circular lavabo, with gadroonings and oval flutings at finely flaring neck. Rich patina. Height, B41/, inches. Kindiy read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. aT Ene Te TT 53— They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ( 52—Repousst Copper Lavaso anp Forcrep Iron Sranp Umbrian Fifteenth Century Iron stand; with spirally gadrooned round shaft having four “OY strap brackets for basin and scrolled incurved round-sectioned tripod legs. Rare oval lavabo; with rounded sides and excep- tionally fine fluted incurved neck: original copper loop handles ; the basin slightly later in period than iron stand. 2 $v Total height, 841, inches. Two Carvep, Ginpep anp ForcEp Iron CanpDELABRA Italian late Seventeenth Century Gilded gadrooned urn-shaped vase, with open leaf-scrolled han- dles. Fitted with forged iron bouquets of lilies for five lights, parcel gilded. Goo Height, 281, inches. IID alte RIS a i OB eo ate First Afternoon 54—Two Parcet Gitpep Forcrep Iron TorcHEres be Umbrian Seventeenth Century Ov Open tripod strap baluster shaft, enriched with scrollings above; : large acanthus leaves and central flame motive at base. Sup- ; ported on flaring open unusual tripod having scrolled feet and incurved strap stretcher. Very broad round tray bobéche, with long central pricket. &¥ Height, 55 inches. 55—Two Parcet Gitpep Forcep Iron TorcHEres Umbrian Seventeenth Century (Companions to the following) AW Similar to the preceding. 2" © Bee Height, 55 inches. | | (Companions to the preceding) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 56—Two Forcep Iron Sranpinc CanpDELABRA Ligurian Seventeenth Century Faceted square shaft, with fine balusters at center crown and foot; enriched with large rosetted acanthus leaves and fine strap scrollings. Round crowning plate, sustaining central cusped ” acanthus-leaf bobéche with pricket and three scrolled arms with acanthus enrichment and coronetted bobéches having prickets. On high rarely scrolled strap tripod scrolled to central stretcher; ball feet. Painted deep mellow green. 3e¢@ Height, 63 inches. (Companions to the following) First Afternoon <» 57—Two Forcrep Iron StTanpinc CANDELABRA ae Ligurian Seventeenth Century ae Similar to the preceding. 260 \ pe Height, 63 inches. (Companions to the preceding) 58—Two Forcrep Iron Stanpinc CaNnDELABRA Ligurian Seventeenth Century Ad Spirally twisted shaft; enriched with three lobed strap scrollings at foot and four open brackets at crown sustaining flat round bobéche with pricket and three acanthus leaved and curved arms having scroll-bracketed bobéches and further prickets. Sup- ype ported on arch-scrolled tripod legs. Have been painted mellow | old green. /7 6 Height, 56%, inches. (Companions to the following) 59—T'wo Forcep Iron Sranpinc CANDELABRA Ny Ligurian Sevententh Century A Similar to the preceding. /7 0 por Height, 56%, inches. (Companions to the preceding) 60—GitpED Forcrep Iron CHANDELIER Neapolitan Eighteenth Century Open bowl-shaped basket, with annular ring having many SS prickets; the basket formed of numerous beautifully wrought sprays of flowers and leaves; finished with small pendent cusped flower. Supported on three spiraled S-linked chains to an open scrolled dome. 2%? Total height, 4914, inches. 61—Repousst Su.ver-PLATED Sacristy Haneinc Lamp Italian late Seventeenth Century oe BAN Ase: -shape, enriched with flutings, rosettes, leaf moldings, shell cartouches and open leaf-scrolled handles carrying open link chains to small canopy. (/¢ 20> Total height, 481, inches; height of lamp, 25 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. eee ————eE—Ee————— \ \ a —, — _ 62+-Forcep Iron CHANDELIER Italian Fifteenth Century Style Circular basket center; with under scrolled brackets and cusped pendant enriched with four clusters of three leaf-scrolled arms “\ fitted for electricity. Supported on two V-hooks on each side and spiraled bars to crowning ring. “2587 Height, 5 feet 5 inches; diameter, 36 inches. 63—Forcep Iron Batcony Guarp Tuscan Stxteenth Century < Serpentined oblong front of square lattice formed of round bars. > (Crowned with fleur--de-lis motives. Ends with fine open scrollings in which further fleur-de-lis devices appear. (250) Height, 46 inches; width, 43 inches. (Companion to the following) _ .. 64—Forcrep Iron Batcony Guarp Tuscan Sixteenth Century Se Similar to the preceding. (25°/ SS ITALIAN RENAISSANCE SILK BANNER AND OTHER TASSELS aS Os. 65—Two Parr or Fiouncep TassExs Italian Seventeenth Century Tapering latticed heads; with tasseled valances. One pair deep ivory, the other Botticelli green. Each pair joined arith cords. 66—Turee Parr or Sitver, YELLOW AND Pink TassEts tage Italian Seventeenth Century Dainty heads, with tasseled flounces. Each pair joined with chevroned cords. \\ 6%—Two Yettow anv Tan TassEts o> > \ ow x a, Italian Seventeenth Century Ruffed heads, with finely tasseled flounces and short cords. /¥% 68--I'wo Brur anv Ivory TassELs anp Gorp anv Prxx TassEn : Italian Seventeenth Century Blue, with ruffed heads and many tasseled flounce joined with cord. Gold tassel with latticed head and deep cut flounce. 26 First Afternoon 69—Two Crimson Sitk Tassets 4, Italian Seventeenth Century ~_ Ruffed head, with double tasseled flounce; joined with long cord. ( (70Two Otp Rep Sitx Tassets 20 Italian Seventeenth Century \ \ Ruffed, latticed head; with finely tasseled flounce; joined with cord. \71—Ser or Gotp Banner Tassers £6 Italian Sixteenth Century \N Ss Five latticed tassels, with chevroned heads and multicolored and gold flounces. Joined with double looped cords. 72—Two Sets or Banner Tassetrs Italian Seventeenth Century Four latticed tassels; with multi-colored flounces in each set, a= joined with double cords having latticed medallioned center. /20 (two Sets oF Ivory anp Goutp Banner TassEts : Italian Sixteenth Century a Finely latticed tassels, with chevroned heads and ivory and gold flounces; joined by doukle cords having lattice medallioned center. /2-0 (3000 SETs OF GREEN AND YELLOW Sink Banner TassEts Italian Sixteenth Century ~_O Long latticed heads; with thread flounces; joined by double cords. (20 es Sets oF Goup Banner TassEs Italian Sixteenth Century AD Five tassels in each; with finely latticed and chevroned heads and cut thread flounces in yellow, green and pink silks and gold threads; joined with double cords. ; 2.0 76—Two Sets oF SiILvER Banner TassEts Italian Sixteenth Century oe Five tassels in each, with silver latticed heads and soft old orange- red flounces; joined with double cords. / 26 \uod son mt Saal s “ae - ~\ af Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 77—Fovr Par Dv Barry Si1tx Tassers spe Louis XVI Period 3 Finely latticed pear-shaped heads; with thread silk flowers over- <> laid with floral drops. In rose-du-Barry ivory, green and crim- son silk. , 18—Two Lenerus or Rost pu Barry Frincr Louis XVI Period a Similar to the preceding tassels; with finely looped heading. ¥0 Total length, 138%, yards; depth, 414% inches. TEN RARE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE EMBROIDERED VELVETS, BRO- | CADES AND BROCATELLES 79—Two SILveR-EMBROIDERED Crimson Srtiuxk CusHtons KD Itahan Seventeenth Century th od Oblong; with silver-embroidered scrolled leaf borders and floral yr cartouche corners; on mellow old crimson silk. © oo) / 80-—-Two Borricenr1 Green Vetvet Cusutons Fe >; \ Italian Seventeenth Century \ Oblong; jaspé fluctuating green velvet, paneled and bordered \)v" swith contemporary gold galloon. Enriched with embroidered “Cardinals’ coats-of-arms” in corners. (CZ>) 81—Crimson Vetvet Coverrep Missa re Itahan Eighteenth Century Bee io Rich rose-crimson velvet cover; trimmed with contemporary gal- loon framing a “Cardinal’s coat-of-arms.” Missal dated 1792. Folio. (/é0> 82—JARDINIERE VELVET CusHIon Genoese Seventeenth Century N Oblong; center panel displaying in rich and varied colors beau- Ba tiful sprays of flowers on deep ivory silk grounds. Border of drap @argent floral brocade. Paneled and trimmed with gold lace; gold tassels at corners. 00 22 inches by 19 inches. First Afternoon 83—THREE GREEN CisELE VELVET CusHIONsS S Genoese Early Seventeenth Century ee Oblong; center panel of green pomegranate and floral sprays in cut velvet on deep ivory ground; borders of green and yellow brocade. Paneled and trimmed with gold galloon and tassels./‘® 4 84—Two GREEN CISELE VELVET CUSHIONS Sy Genoese Early Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. /00© 85—Drar pd’Or anv vd’ArGENT BrocapE Cover < Venetian Seventeenth Century \ yy sere woven in gold and colors with interesting fantastic scrollings and sprays of flowers on silver grounds. ‘rimmed with silver lace. “© 22 inches by 17 inches. 86—Drarp v’Or anv vd’ArRGENT BrocapE Cover ~ oe Venetian Seventeenth Century me Similar to the preceding. ¢® 22 inches by 17 inches. 87—Ametuyst CisELE VELVET Cover Italian Early Sixteenth Century Noss Rich amethyst velvet, ciselé with minute diagonally placed staves interrupted by small scrolled leaf sprays; on a lighter-toned silk ground. Finished with fan-patterned silver lace. G°@ 4 feet 2 inches by 1 foot 8% inches. 88—GraAyY-GREEN VELVET COVER Italian Seventeenth Century “a Close soft-pile velvet, with charming ivory-gray areas wandering to almost soft olive-green. Trimmed with fringe{ /£0) 4 feet 11 inches by 1 foot 11 inches. 89—Crimson VELVET COVER Italian Seventeenth Century Wine-crimson velvet, fluctuating to flame-crimson tones. Trimmed eS with gold lace. /% 361%, inches by 341%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 90—GoLD-EMBROIDERED GREEN VELVET CoveER Lucca Sixteenth Century ot ot Sparkling spring-grass-green velvet of fine depth. Enriched in pastel colors and gold with open arabesque border scrolled with tulips and anemones. /22 3 feet 2 inches by 2 feet 114 inches. 91—Crimson Damask Cover Italian late Stxteenth Century - Rich crimson ; woven in two tones with closely placed infloretted Shes blossoms. Trimmed with narrow crimson fringe(@O ) 7 feet 4 inches by 5 feet 314 inches. 92—AmeEtTHyst VELVET Cover Sicilian Sixteenth Century oN Soft amethyst velvet of great depth and radiance. Trimmed a a: with gold lace and edging. 2¥ 0 3 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 2 inches. 93—RoseE-crimson Vetvet Cover Genoese Seventeenth Century \. & _ Rich flame rose-crimson velvet of great variance of tone in the ~~ ) light. Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. “60 4 feet 2 inches by 8 feet 114 inches. 94—AmeETHyst Vetvet Cover Italian Early Seventeenth Century . ~< Lustrous fine pile velvet, of great radiance and soft amethyst es tone. Remains of floral embossing are visible. Trimmed with chevron-patterned gold galloon.\/60> 4 feet 1 inch by 4 feet % ineh. 95—Ricu Buur Vetiver Cover Itahan, Empire Period Deep cerulean blue, fluctuating to lighter tones. Three breadths. 30 5 feet 7 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. / ASHE 967-JADE-GREEN VeLveT CuasusLe Italian late Sixteenth Century a, \, \ ~ »~—~ Fluctuating deep jade-green velvet;-with fine grass-green areas. Trimmed with silver galloon( ‘2 a 97—Crimson VEtvet Cover Italian Seventeenth Century a Close-pile, flame-crimson velvet of great brilliance. Trimmed FS one with gold lace. /@0 3 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 1 inch. First Afternoon 98—NEEDLEWORK CovER Umbrian Sixteenth Century Oblong; displaying central staff closely entwined with varied flowers in rich mellow colors on ivory ground. Inner borders of ae closely placed blossoms; outer borders, with sprays of flowers pie on tan grounds executed in fine gros-point. Trimmed with green fringe. 32-0 . 7 feet by 2 feet. 9—Sici1n1an Woot Hancine Seventeenth Century a Mellow blue field, woven in yellow, red and ivory with castellated motives. Old-red border with lozenge motives; fringed. 20 7 feet 10 inches by 4 feet 2 inches. (1005) ness VeLvet PorTIERE Genoese Seventeenth Century Shimmering deep grass-green velvet, fluctuating with areas of jade green. ‘Trimmed with gold and yellow galloon and tasseled fy he ss : 3 s , ae 2 ct 2B Cy fringe. Lined with contemporary crimson silk. £6” Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. pe ‘~ 101—Crimson VELVET Corr“K6o/ Italian Sixteenth Century “trans ee, Lustrous flame-crimson velvet; with much worn areas and_cracks. Length, 8 feet 2 inches; depth, 4 feet. 102—Ametuyst VELVET CoPE Italian late Seventeenth Century Lustrous amethyst velvet, fluctuating to wine-color and lighter NS areas. With origimalbood. Trimmed with patterned gold gal- loon and fringe> Length, 9 feet 6 inches; depth, 4 feet 8 inches. 103—Ametuyst VeLveT Hancine b Italian Late Seventeenth Century > Similar to the preceding. 246 6 feet 1 inch by 3 feet 4 inches, 104—Twetve LenetHs Crimson SILK Empire Period Heavy moiré silk; deep rose-du-Barry crimson, with dull ra- : Ny) diance. /0 0 Approximately, 18 yards; width, 3 feet 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item 1s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. nn EEEEEEUSEEEESUEEEESNSSNeeeees 105—FovurtTreen LenctTHs oF Crimson SILK Italian Seventeenth Century Beautiful heavy moiré silk; soft-rose crimson. /% 0 Approximately, 28 yards; width, 28 inches. 106—Twenty-ong LenerHs or Crimson SILK “ae Italian Seventeenth Century was ¥ Rich heavy, lightly corded silk of fine rose-crimson. Several lengths only half width but very long. S60 Approximately, 65 yards; width, 40 inches. 107—Si1x Lrenetus oF YELLOW SILK Italian Late Seventeenth Century \ss Beautiful golden-yellow taffeta silk. Three lengths half width, others full. /7¥0O Approximately, 20 yards; width, 1 yard 5 inches. 108—Two Larcre BrocaTELLE PorrTIERES /g0Lucca Seventeenth Century VA Rose-crimson, on golden-yellow grounds. Woven with banded i ogivals and lyre motives having bouquets at intersections and ; in the ogivals. (Have been considerably cross joined.) Length, 9 feet; width, 5 feet 3 inches. Note: The brocatelle for these interesting porti¢res was woven at the celebrated Medicean Looms at Lucca, Tuscany. 109—Crimson BrocaTELLE BAaLDACcHINO Lucca Seventeenth Century Flame-crimson, on golden-yellow grounds. Woven with de- pressed leaf-scrolled ogivals occupied by Florentine lilies and curious leaf borders. ‘Trimmed with pink and yellow fringe. /¥O 8 feet 5 inches by 7 feet 6 inches. Note: This fine Baldachino was woven at the celebrated Medicean Looms at Lucca, Tuscany. First Afternoon 110—Two Larce Brocatette Currains “ae Lucca Early Seventeenth Century at. Crimson on golden-yellow grounds. Woven with large-leaved \ — ogivals and ovals occupied by bouquets of flowers. Trimmed co with yellow fringe. Original dull pink linen linings and forged iron rings. “#0 Length, 14 feet; width, 4 feet 11 inches. Note: These curtains were woven at the celebrated Medicean Looms at Lucca, in Tuscany. 111—EicutTrren Lenerus or Vartep Crimson BrocatTetLe Lucca Seventeenth Century Ad Woven with large floral and coronetted ogivals and other pat- terns. (Several lengths much worn and split.) >@0 Approximately, 35 yards; of varied widths. ITALIAN PRIMATIF POLYCHROME SCULPTURED BAS.- RELIEFS, GROUPS AND PAINTING 112—PotycHromE Stucco Bas-RELIEF Lombardian Fifteenth Century i The Holy Virgin, seated wearing voluminous robes and _ halo, \\o holds the Infant Saviour on her knees. Blue ground, bordered with fleurs-de-lis. Arch molded frame. (Has been restored.) ose Total height, 30 inches; width, 21 inches. 113—PotycHrRoME SCULPTURED WALNUT STATUETTE Ferrarese School, Fifteenth Century e Three-quarter-length figure of Our Lord, nude save a loin-cloth, His hands clasped before Him, wearing the crown of thorns above His agonized face, and long curling hair of the Nazarene. 260 a at Height, 19 inches. From the Pedulli Collection, Florence. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. LS _e@“@zee 114—GiLtpED PoLYcHROME SCULPTURED BAS-RELIEF 260 Sicilian Sixteenth Century “Descent from the Cross.” Our Lord, in richly gilded and em- broidered robes, is borne from the cross. He is surrounded by five Roman soldiers, who revile Him in His death. In original gilded arched frame. Total height, 271% inches; width, 1714 inches. From the collection of Chev. Cantoni, Florence. First Afternoon Gat PoLYCHROMED ScuLPTURED Watnut Group: Maponna Anpd CHILD /350 Umbrian School, Fifteenth Century The Holy Virgin stands slightly bending to right, carrying the rae, Infant Saviour on her left arm. He wears a gilded crimson robe. a= The Virgin in loosely draped scroll-gilded crimson and blue robes and mantle. Height, 4414 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. BENEDETTO DA MAINO FLORENTINE: FirTEENTH CENTURY 116—MADONNA AND CHILD Stucco: Height, 231% inches; width, 151% inches Tue Holy Virgin, clad in crimson robes and deep blue mantle, is seen at three-quarter length, seated looking toward right before a festooned deep blue background. She holds the Infant Saviour, who is draped in ivory, on her knee. In original oblong molded frame. 360 From the collection of Professor Pedulli. UMBRIAN SCHOOL Late FirtrentH Century 117_THE ANNUNCIATION On panel: Height, 4324 inches; width, 333/, inches Tue Holy Virgin is seated at right, on the dais of a colonnade. She wears gilded embroidered crimson robes and dark blue mantle, At left the angel kneels and presents a wand; she wears white robes and crim- son mantle. Architectural green and gilded frame. (/2¢0) COFFRETS AND CARVED AND GILDED ITALIAN RENAISSANCE CANDELIERI 118—Forerep Iron anp Vetvetr Corrrer Genoese Fifteenth Century | es Semicircular top, diagonally hinged. Paneled with rich contem- porary floral ciselé crimson velvet. Bordered with iron bandings displaying rosettes and archaic grape sprays. C/o? Height, 10% inches; length, 1714 inches. 119—Decoratep Parrer-mMacukt Banppox Venetian Eighteenth Century Heart-shaped, with loose cover. Enriched with scrolled medal- i are lions occupied by “Landscapes with Groups of Rustic Figures” ; rocaille and floral scrolled borders; on blue grounds. JQ Height, 101% inches. First Afternoon 120—Beravtirutty Carvep Ivory Taste Casiner Hindu-Portuguese Late Seventeenth Century Oblong, with two enclosing doors, disclosing interior fitted with six varied small drawers. The exterior entirely studded with if < ivory, the interior with ivory panels and ebony bandings. Finely Pe enriched in very low relief with dainty florally scrolled panels and many bandings in which tiny animals appear. Gilded brass loop handles. (Needs slight restoration.) (027 Height, 77%, inches; length, 10 inches. 121—Tureer Carved ann GiupED “CANDELIERI” Tuscan Sixteenth Century Ae i Acanthus-leaf and flute-enriched baluster shaft. On incurved wy tripod base, with medallioned panel and scroll bracket corners having claw feet. Heigths (two), 24 inches; (one), 20 inches. 122—Two Carvep anp GILDED “‘CANDELIERI”’ (/) Y is / Umbrian Stiateenth Century GS , Baluster shaft, enriched with lily cusp, two acanthus-leaved bulb- YY ous motives and urn bobéche with pricket. On incurved scrolled tripod bases having Amorini heads and claw feet. Height, 27 inches. 123—Two Carvep anp GiLpEep “CaNnpDELIERI”’ ¥O Umbrian Seventeenth Century —S\) Interesting lobed and paneled triangular baluster-shaft ; enriched Via a “Rose,” the emblem of “St. Rosa.” On scroll-paneled tri- pod base bearing further emblematic rose. Height, 30 inches. 124—Two Carved AND GILDED “CANDELIERI”’ < 4 “YOUmbrian Seventeenth Century = Y Similar to the preceding. Height, 3314 inches. 125—Two Carvep Brecu “CaNnpDELIERI” Yo Umbrian Sixteenth Century D Slender expanding shaft, with urn bobéche and pricket, leaf de- _ vices and gadrooned bulbous motive toward foot. On deeply Aeae incurved tripod base, enriched with central cartouched medallions. Have been silvered. (Need restoration.) Height, 3414, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ITALIAN SEVENTEENTH CENTURY TAPESTRY AND NEEDLE- WORK STATE AND OTHER CHAIRS, BENCHES AND SOFAS ( 126\_Neri see Watnvut PancHETTO Sas Tuscan Seventeenth Century \ Stool, with oblong top covered in gros-point displaying bouquet BEN z ; z : hee hte of poppies on golden-yellow grounds; trimmed with fringe. On stretchered flaring spirally twisted legs. /£¥ Height, 221, inches; width, 18 inches. 127—'Two NrrpLtework Watnutr Low Cuarrs Bergamo Early Sitateenth Century Open-back, with square supports terminating in leaf and berry ins . pinnacles; open scrolled cartouche cross splat with oblongs of ~~... JN box-wood inlay. Seat in chevroned point Hongroise embroidery. as On square legs having stretcher similar to cartouche of back. /3@ 128—Two NrerepLtework Watnut Low Cnairs ~X DS Bergamo Early Sixteenth Century _ Similar to the preceding; with the seat covered in amethyst a velvet trimmed with multicolored lattice fringe. /3 O a~ >») 129Two Avususson Tapestry Watnut Brencues CSeoDItalhian Seventeenth Century , Square seat, covered in varied seventeenth century floral tapes- “4 oo . try; fringed. Supported on stretchered bulbous turned legs. 130—Avsusson Tapestry Watnut SEerree Italian Seventeenth Century Oblong back and seat covered in Aubusson tapestry developing & golden-yellow flowers scrolled with varied green leaves; trimmed aay with green lattice fringe. Open bulbous turned arms and legs with H-stretcher. €ée@ Height, 40%, inches; length, 421, inches. First Afternoon 131—NEEDLEWORK WALNUT STATE CHAIR SS Ligurian Seventeenth Century Oblong back and seat; covered in petit and gros-point developing a small bouquet of flowers in back surrounded by fantastic scroll- ings of shell and floral motives on black grounds; seat with scrollings only; trimmed with green fringe. Open beautifully molded arms; on similar molded scrolled legs having fine H- stret chers\ é So) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. . 1382—NEEDLEWORK CARVED Wels STaTE CHAIR GF 0 G20 \Piedmontese Seventeenth Century Oblong back and seat, covered in gros-point displaying in back scrolled medallion occupied by bouquet of flowers and surrounded by curious scrollings of flowers in pastel colors and crimson on resonant black ground. Seat with scrollings. Open leaf-scrolled arms, with baluster supports. On H-stretchered balustered legs. First Afternoon BAS 133—NereEepLEworkK Carvep: Watnout Strate CuHair Piedmontese Seventeenth Century Woe Oblong back and seat, covered in gros-point developing bouquets \ of fine flowers in rich colors, rising from crimson flanking rosetted and infloretted lobes.. Open leaf-scrolled arms. On H-stretch- ered balustered legs. \© 80 pat 134—NeEEDLEWoRK WaLnovutT State CuHair 6S Ligurian Seventeenth Century oat aa Similar to the preceding, the needlework displaying fine trailing large poppies in reds and yellows on deep ivory grounds. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. DECORATED ITALIAN SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FURNITURE Including two Suites of Chairs from the Collection of Robert Browning, the Celebrated English Poet. 135—Five Decoratep Ivory Laqueé Carrs 60 Roman, Directoire Period pie Open back; with broad incurved top rail enriched with mask and TASS \ _scrollings. Gilded open splat composed of reversed swans, in- \Y” curved supports and legs adorned with vines and husks. Seats in ciel-blue silk. 136—Fovur Decoratep Ivory Laaut CuHarrs 24) Roman, Directoire Period ESA - Open back, with horned cross top splat, enriched with rosetted _\N~ scrollings having pendent shell motive; rosette serpentined lower oS, ol splat. Cannée seat, with loose blue silk seat cushion. On balus- tered and stretchered legs. 187—Fovur Dercoratep Ivory Laaurt Cuarrs So. | Roman, Directotre Period Ee ft Similar to the preceding. 20 138—Carvep Prar-TrEE CanapE /8@ Lucca Eighteenth Century Three-back; with curiously outcurved side supports to molded open back having six double leaf husk splats. Outcurving arms ONG ~) even with back, with three molded cross splats and terminated \ with acanthus leaves at foot. Loose seat and two square arm cushions in floral crimson damask. On square tapering legs. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 5 feet 8 inches. 139—Fovurroip ILtuminaTED LEATHER SCREEN 220Italhan Late Seventeenth Century eae Large upper panels; enriched in gold, silver and crimson-red with Poa 5 bold scrollings and sprays of flowers and pomegranates; on : deeper crimson grounds. Lower panels of deep-brown hide. Fin- ished with double rows of old brass nails. Height, 6 feet 3 inches; length, 7 feet 7 inches. First Afternoon 140—Carvep PotycHrRoME BooKcAsE Tuscan Late Seventeenth Century Upper portion, with leaf-enriched cornice broken over pilaster brackets ; frieze enriched with painted medallions and scrollings. Front fitted with three doors paneled with forged iron grilles developing all-over gilded lyre-shaped strap scrollings; the doors parted with long scrolled brackets. Lower portion; fitted with three frieze drawers and three doors under. On molded base. Finished laqué green and parcel gilded. “0 Height, 7 feet 1 inch; length, 7 feet 2 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 141—Manocany CAaNnNEE SUITE Savoyard, Directoire Period 142— <> Vy aoe 143 Consisting of long four-back settee and two chairs. Very inter- esting and unique open back with supports incurving at crown, straight toprail and two cross splats; cannée seat with molded incurved fronts. Supported on tapering round legs. ¥$ @ Settee: Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 6 feet. From the collection of Robert Browning, the celebrated English poet, and used by him in his Villa in Candelt, near Florence. Manocany CANNEE SUITE Savoyard, Directoire Period Similar to the preceding; consisting of two armchairs with arms terminating in hounds’ heads and four side chairs. 3e@ From the collection of Robert Browning, the celebrated English poet, and used by him in his Villa in Candelt, near Florence. DecoratTeD Ivory LaquE CaBINET By Poccetti; Florentine Sixteenth Century Bracketed molded oblong top; front arranged with two enclosing doors and broad pilasters. Painted in tempera with Amorini, birds, cartouches and Raphaelesque arabesques in mellow colors. Interior frieze drawer. On molded base and bracket feet. 530 Height, 49%, inches; width, 4714 inches. ITALIAN SCULPTURED WALNUT FURNITURE OF THE FIF- TEENTH, SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 144—-Carvep WALNUT ScricNo Florentine Stateenth Century QAO ~*~ Writing cabinet; dentil molded cornice, with small scroll-brack- eted dome having drawer. Deeply paneled fall writing front; in- terior fitted with four crowning and long bracket drawer under, trimmed with brass loop handles; compartment at foot. Pilas- terior fitted with four crowning and long bracket drawer under ; Height, 2714, inches; width, 26 inches. First Afternoon 145—Scunprurep Oak PANEL 300 Savoyard Renaissance Oblong, with leaf molding at crown and four enriched half bal- ANS usters parting three shell niched panels occupied by finely draped female figures symbolic of Constancy; Religion and Abundance. Height, 26 inches; length, 49 inches. 146—Carvep Watnut Cassone Tuscan Seventeenth Century Molded oblong lifting top; paneled front and ends; on gadrooned 2 cushioned base with claw feet. <260_ Height, 22 inches; length, 33 inches. 147—Green Vetvet Watnut PancHeTrtTo Italian Seventeenth Century ey Y Stool, with oblong top covered in rich jade-green velvet ; trimmed with multicolored fringe. On box-stretchered bulbous turned legs. & © Height, 1834 inches; width, 1414 inches. Ce VELVET Watutnut PANCHETTO Tuscan Seventeenth Century Stool; with oblong top covered in extremely fine flutuatmg blue x velvet. On balustered legs, finely H-stretchered. 2 0 Height, 181% inches; width, 151% inches. 149—Carvep Waunut PancuetTTo, or BENCH Tuscan Sixteenth Century x = ‘S Molded oblong top; frieze paneled with rosette and leaf motives. Supported on flaring lyre ends having fine baluster cross stretcher. /@0 Height, 1714 inches; length, 271% inches. 150—Carvep Watutnut PancHeETTO, ork BENCH Yo Lucca Late Seventeenth Century aS Oblong top, covered in contemporary amethyst velvet, trimmed with gold galloon. On molded frieze and stretchered curule legs, Height, 19 inches; length, 1914 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 151—Two Buvur Vetvet Watnut Foupine StToo.1s ee Venetian Eighteenth Century WS m NT Oblong loose seat, covered in deep turquoise-blue velvet ; trimmed a with fringe. On folding spirally twisted X-supports; parcel gilded. 2¢-0 152 “Ewe” Buue Vetvet Wautnut Forpine. SToots *« QO X Venetian Eighteenth Century Be Similar to the preceding. 2¢© 153—CarvEeD AND GILDED SGABELLO, oR BENCH By Brustolon of Venice, Seventeenth Century Oblong top, covered in rich contemporary crimson velvet; AN fringed. Small molded box frieze. On pierced flaring lyre sup- ports, very beautifully enriched with vigorous scrollings of acan- thus leaves and claw feet; leaf balustered stretcher from back to front. 330 Note: Brustolon is known as the Grinling Gibbons of Venice. (Companion to the following) 154--CarvED AND GILDED SGABELLO, OR Bencu 78 Ne By Brustolon of Venice, Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. 3Y0 Note: Brustolon is known as the Grinling Gibbons of Venice. (Companion to the preceding) PP teas G55)-Watses “RoOcCHETTO,” OR SMALL CHAIR é Florentine Early Stxteenth Century : ca Open back, with balustered supports having vase terminals; high scrolled and rosetted pediment with three pear-shaped balusters and unique lower rails having upright balusters. On stretchered balustered legs. Covered in olive-green velvet ; trimmed with silk galloon. Fine original patina. /é0 — ‘wo Watnur “RoccHetTTI,” oR SMALL CHAIRS : Florentine Early Sixteenth Century Be oS 2 Similar to the preceding; with seats covered in contemporary y\ J” lustrous field-green velvet. /Y® yy 4S First Afternoon 157—Two Carvep Waxtnutr Fotptinc Monastery CHAIRS Wy, Py } CESe) Casentino, Fifteenth Century a rolled X-splatted back and legs, pivoted with closely set rails f seat to fold. Back splats molded and crowned with broad cross rail having incurved sides and rosetted enrichment. ox Carvep Watnutr Fortpinc Monastery CHairs eS Casentino, Fifteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Slight variations in enrichment. 2YO SEN AS Similar to the preceding. 60-0 From the collection of Professor Pedulli, Florence. 193-—Carvep Waunout Rerectrory TABLE y Umbrian Sixteenth Century es, oe Oblong top, with dentil-fluted apron; supported on scrolled lyre ee x ends having claw feet and demountable long scrolled central stretcher with rosette at center. 3¢° | Height, 2 feet 61%, inches; length, 7 feet 1 inch; width, 2 feet 91% inches. 194—Watunot Rerecrory TasLE : Tuscan Early Seventeenth Century ~ > Oblong top, with remarkably fine patina. Supported on beauti- 3 ful oviform balusters having cross-brackets at crown and at foot. Long central stretcher. 6¢0 Height, 3 feet 4%, inch; length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 2814, inches. 195—Watnvut Rerecrory Taste Ferrarese Seventeenth Century =e Oblong top, with under molding. Supported on square vase- ee shaped end balusters having broad, scroll-bracket feet and long ie central stretcher. 3 6? Height, 2 feet 71% inches; length, 10 feet 81/4, inches; width, 2 feet 71 inches. ‘ouraosung fo J00y9,') ANOSSV) LANTV AA qaunLdtTA9G—T6I ‘ON (hanquag yyuaaqaig unrosalg Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 196—ImrortTanr Carvep Waunut Rerectory TABLE a OAS Brescian Sixteenth Century Massive molded top, with dentil-fluted apron. Recessed frieze, enriched with leaf brackets on both sides and fitted with three drawers on front. Supported on very beautiful reversed lyre ends, adorned on both sides with scrollings and central extended pilasters, banded with moldings three parts down and sustained on a broken molded base. Long molded central stretcher, hav- ing forged-iron leaf-scrolled brackets at ends adjacent to sup- ports. /¢ 00 Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 9 feet 8 inches; depth, 3 feet 1% inch. From the collection of Chev. Cantont, Florence. First Afternoon 197—Carvep Watnut Breav CuEst Bolognese Late Sixteenth Century Oblong paneled chest, studded with varied brass nails. On | molded base and paneled straight supports with molded feet. E> Peaked triangular sectioned hinged top, with further cartouche panels, brass nails and scrolled ends, $e) = ee a Height, 3 feet 61% inches; length, 5 feet 10 inches. Note: This chest is almost identical with the one sold at the Davanzati Palace Collection, American Art Association, 1916. 198—Carvep Watnut Fovurrost Brp . Bergamese Seventeenth Century Open balustered low posts, with vase terminals and similarly shaped legs. Paneled headboard, enriched with leaf-scrolled car- Ba. touche pediment and spiral flutings Bera Open foot, with spirally fluted rail; paneled side rails. © w Lady, Height, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches; length, 6 feet 2 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 199—Carvep AND GILDED Sepan CHaiR | Savoyard Late Seventeenth Century te Rectangular front, with scrolled double domed crown and shaped | | back ; window openings at front and sides. Covered in fine black | oa hide, skilfully enriched with brass nails. Frieze adorned with carved and gilded husk-scroll, arabesque motives; the window openings in door and sides adorned with reeded moldings having leaf motives at_intervals. Interior lined with ciselé jade-green floral velvet.2%O Height, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches; depth, 3 feet 1% inch. First Afternoon 200—Carvep and Intaip Wautnut THREE-sEATED CHoiR STALL Umbrian Sixteenth Century Broken molded cornice, with frieze inlaid with masks and husk scrollings in boxwood. Supported on four reed-fluted pilasters having Corinthian capitals and parting molded panels inlaid Wo with flowers and acanthus-leaf scrollings. Lower portion, with a back panels of masks and scrollings similar to frieze. Finely molded open-scrolled arms; lifting seats. On deeply—incurved brackets and molded base. Wide loose dais for same\S?® ) ~ Height, 7 feet 31%, inches; length, 7 feet 91% inches. A Corner or Cav. Carto M. Gtrrarp’s Srupio AT THE Vitta Poperino, FLorENcE SECOND AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 201 to 398, inclusive INTERESTING SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN GLASS 201—Ercuep Crear Guass TuMBLER /eVenetian Seventeenth Century Faceted tapering sides, with etched panels of lattice at crown. Height, 51%, inches. 202—EtcuHep Crear Guass TumMBLER Venetian Seventeenth Century Similar to the precedingye 208—Licut Green Grass Liqueur BoTrTiE . Venetian Seventeenth Century Bulbous body, with long curved spout and flaring neck. / 0 ee Height, 8 inches. 204—GREEN GuaAss SincLE Rost Vase Venetian Seventeenth Century / Pear-shaped body, with fine long slender neck. 2 Height, 1234 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 205—SEA-GREEN Guass Borrie Venetian Seventeenth Century Sow \ Pear-shape, with beautiful slender neck. % fg NOt Be Height, 91/4 inches. | : F Se | spain es Guass BorrLE Venetian Seventeenth Century | eat ’ Low as body, with slender neck and crimson silk tasseled cork. ' Height, 9%, inches. 207—-GRrEEN Guass BoTtrLe 3 Venetian Seventeenth Century Ww ’ Similar to the preceding ; without tassels and cork. ¥ Height, 91%, inches. 208—GreEEN Grass Borrie Venetian Seventeenth Century ) aes ‘ q) £0 Similar to the preceding. ¥ , Height, 1014, inches. 209—-BLUE-GREEN Guass BorrLe Venetian Seventeenth Century ¢ gv Square-sided, with round shoulder and small incurved neck. 70 | Height, 91/, inches. 210—Buve- -GREEN Guass BoTrLe Venetian Seventeenth Century A V Similar to the preceding. / Height, 111% inches. 211—BuveE-creen Guass Botrie Venetian Seventeenth Century l, 4 Similar to the preceding. /@ Wie Les ' Height, 113% inches. 212—Ricu OLivE-cREEN Guass BorriE Seventeenth Century < Similar to the preceding. /o ue Height, 1214 inches. 213—Licnt Green Guass Botrie Venetian Seventeenth Century wha Low globular body; with fine long neck. Ww Height, 917, inches. 214—Licut Green Grass Borrie Venetian Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. /@ . ‘al \ \ gt da SS AROGs Height, 105% inches. a8 he Second and Last Afternoon 215—Cixar Guass Liqueur Borrie Venetian Seventeenth Century me Globular, with beautiful long curving spout and slender long re oneck, OS” Height, 121%, inches. OTTLE-GREEN Guass Botrire Venetian Seventeenth Century apering round sides, with round shoulder and fine incurved neck. 30 Height, 131% inches. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN FAIENCE 217—Monvretvurpo Farencre ALBERELLO i = Italian Seventeenth Century jv Incurved round body, with incurved shoulder. Enriched with i] cartouched leonic coat-of-arms and surrounding wreath, in greens and blues; on cream grounds. 36 Height, 97% inches. wo Monreturpo Faience ALBERELLI éoTtalian Seventeenth Century imilar in shape to preceding; enriched with more slaves coat- ~»y of-arms; in rich blues, greens and golden yellows. /O© Heights, 101% and 11 inches. 219—Montetvuro Faience ALBERELLO Italian Siateenth Century Round, with incurved sides; fine creamy paste, enriched in rich a f\) blue-green ‘and golden-yellow, with apothecary’s inscribed label ; 4V'0 terminating in scrollings; surmounted by a rooster and having ; pendent shield with the apothecary’s insignia. (Fire crack.) Height, 1114 inches. ~930—Monretvro Fatence Atseretto — Italian Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. /@ fay Height, 111% inches. 921—Monrteiupo Farence AxtserELto Italian Siwteenth Century Similar to the preceding. /@0 Height, 1034 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. ITALIAN GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE REPOUSSE BRASS DISHES OF THE FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH CENTURIES Including a Rare Bronze Pentola 222—RepoussE Brass Piatto a Buprvo Venetian Sixteenth Century Deep round dish, with flaring flanged border punched with in- . teresting procession of small animals and floral motives. Bossed center, having spiraled pear-shaped gadroons, and sunk center for wine ewer; surrounded by a broad Gothic inscription. Ring for suspension. Golden patina. © Diameter, 181% inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an pas on ancient Italian metal-work. 223—RepovussEt Brass Piatto a Bupino Venetian Siateenth Century Deep round dish, with flaring flanged border punched with vary- ing fleur-de-dis motives. Bossed center, having spiraled pear- shaped gadroons and sunk center for wine ewer; surrounded by a Gothic inscription succeeded by a small-leaf punched wreath and spiraled flutings on the marly. Golden patina. $@ Diameter, 181% inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. 224—Repousst Brass Piarro a Buptno Venetian Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding; with variances in the minute Dunes of rim and center. $® Diameter, 18 inches, From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. Second and Last Afternoon 225—Repousst Brass Prarro a Buprno Venetian Siateenth Century Similar to the preceding, with plain marly and different punch- ings. 60 Diameter, 18 inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. 226—Repousst Brass Piarro a SPoFFI | Venetian Fifteenth Century Deep round dish, with flanged border punched with fleur-de-lis motives. Center finely spiraled with pear-shaped gadroons around a rosette succeeded by a medallioned border of Gothic inscription and another narrower without the medallions. Marly with spiraled flutings. Golden patina. 60 Diameter, 1814 inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. 227—Revoussk Brass Prarro a Sporri Venetian Sixteenth Century Deep round dish, with flaring flanged border, punched with minute fleur-de-lis and leaf wreath. Round medallioned center, bearing the head of “Marcus Tullius Cicero” and so inscribed ; finished with three borders, the first of bosses, the others of varied Gothic inscriptions. Spirally fluted marly. Golden patina. 70 Diameter, 17 inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. 228—Repoussk Brass Prarro a Sporri Venetian Sixteenth Century Deep round dish, with flanged flaring border, punched with ar- cading and minute leaf wreath. Medallioned center, displaying “Satyr and Harpy,” facing a scrolled Renaissance vase, finished with borders of Gothic inscription and small leaf wreath. Spir- ally fluted marly. Fine golden-yellow patina. 70 Diameter, 1614 inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. eee enna ee otters Dass seen ne 229—-Reroussrt Brass Prarro a Sporri Venetian Sixteenth Century Round deep dish, with flaring flanged border, punched with tas- seled arcade motives. Round medallioned center, displaying group “The Assumption of the Virgin”; rosetted narrow border, suc- ceeded by broader, bearing a very interesting Gothic inscription. Marly spirally fluted. Fine golden-yellow patina. 7O Diameter, 16 inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. | 230—Repoussét Brass Prarro a Sport Lombardian Fifteenth Century Deep round dish, with flanged flaring border punched with minute pomegranate devices. Medallioned center, occupied by “Sym- bolic Figure of Good Augury,” a young woman in flowing robes seated holding up an egg in one hand and a bird in the other ; above her an inscribed scroll. Finished with a border of a curious inscription in Germanic Gothic. Marly with spiraled flutings. Rich golden-yellow patina. 70 Diameter, 15 inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. Second and Last Afternoon 231 232 231—Repoussti Brass Pirro a Sporri Venetian Fourteenth Century Deep round dish, with flanged border. Enriched in center with a raised stellate rosette superimposed on another similar, larger and differently disposed. Golden-yellow patina. 7 4 Diameter, 157% inches. Wote: An extremely rare and unusual type of Gothic craftsmanship. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. 232—Repousst Brass Piatto a Sporri Venetian Gothic Fourteenth Century Round deep dish, with flanged rim. The center with contem- porary riveted panel displaying central boss cruciformed with pomegranate motives between which are horned bull’s heads emitting bunches of grapes, flanked by scrolled grape-leaves. 70 Diameter, 141%, inches. Note: A very rare and unusual type of early Italian Gothic craftsmanship. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 233—Repousst Brass Piarro a Srorri Venetian Fifteenth Century Deep round dish, with flaring flanged border punched with series of minute fleur-de-lis and leaf wreath. Medallioned center for wine-ewer, surrounded by fine pomegranate devices ; leaf-wreathed border, bearing a Gothic inscription. Spirally fluted marly. Exceptionally fine golden-yellow patina. 70 Diameter, 151% inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli,.an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. 234—Repousst Brass Prarro a Sporri Venetian Fifteenth Century Deep round dish, with arcade punched, flanged border. Medal- lioned center for wine-ewer, surrounded by spiraled pear-shaped gadroons and a border bearing Gothic inscription interrupted by small circular symbolic medallions. Spirally fluted marly. Golden-yellow patina. 60 Diameter, 15 inches. From the collection of Professor Pedulli, an authority on ancient Italian metal-work. 235—Caporian Bronze PENTOLA Itahan Sixteenth Century Hard bronze cooking vessel. Molded bulbous body, with flarmg mouth and iron bail handle, terminating in cartouches formed of scrollings and bunches of grapes. Body enriched with berried oval medallion enclosing group, “St. Joseph and the Infant Saviour.” On flaring hoofed legs, having satyr masks at crown. Silvery-golden patina. 22-D Height, 15 inches. ITALIAN GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE FORGED IRON AND COPPER LAVABOS, ANDIRONS, LANTERNS, CAN- DELABRA, TORCHERES AND CHANDELIERS Including the Davanzati Palace Chandelier 236—T'wo Forcrep Iron Torcuetres Piedmontese Stiateenth Century Square shaft, enriched with double reversed pear-shaped strap scrollings on four sides and leaf motives. Scrolled tripod feet. Large crimped round tray bobéche with pricket. Remains of gilding are visible. 2% 0 Height, 583, inches. Second and Last Afternoon 237—Fine_y Forcrep Iron Tasie Lamp | Florentine Fifteenth Century yr Chiseled iron scrolled and winged dragon support. Sustaining from its flame-like tongue a loose slender baluster and low square lamp with extended corners for wicks and spiraled arch-handle fastened to baluster. 202 Height, 20 inches. Note: Rare early Florentine forging, much in the manner of Tacca. 238—Brass and Copper Lavazo anv Forcep Iron Stanp Southern Italian Fifteenth Century Square shaft; bracketed to annular ring for lavabo. Supported on arch-scrolled tripod legs having central open pendant. La- vabo with round flaring brass mouth, having loop bail side han- dles and copper bowl. )7 VU | Height, 381, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 240 | 239 239—-Two Brass ann Forcep Iron Anprrons Tuscan Early Fifteenth Century Interesting expanding shaft, scrolled with long chiseled artichoke leaves on three sides; three rear hooks for spit. Brass ball ter- minal. On arch-scrolled legs having frontal leaf valance. Height, 211, inches. 240—Two Forcrep Iron Anpirons Tuscan Fifteenth Century Strap shaft, with open basket terminal and lyre scrollings at base. On arched and scrolled strap feet. 90 Height, 24 inches. 241—Two Parce, Ginpep Forcrep Iron Brackxer Apprieués Open oblong back supports, with diamond lattice and peaked, cusped crown occupied by gilded leaf rosettes; two brass vase terminals flank peak. Broad open scrolled bracket, bearing many gilded rosettes, leaf motives and acorns; terminated with a cusped bobéche and pricket. Back hooks for suspension. 3@0 Height, 4434, inches; extension, 3644 inches. SE a re Second and Last Afternoon 243 242 242—-Two Brass anp Forcrep Iron Anpirons Tuscan Fifteenth Century Upper shaft, expanding and faceted; balustered above square lower shaft, having balustered frontal hook terminating in a brass ball smaller than that surmounting shaft. On chiseled arched strap legs with central fleur-de-lis scrollings. ¥V Height, 241% inches. 243—Two Brass anp Forcep Iron Anpirons Tuscan Gothic Period Expanding upper shaft, and balustered square lower shaft hay- ing long frontal hook terminating in a smaller brass ball than that surmounting shaft. On very finely chevroned chiseled strap arch feet with interior Gothic tracery. / 230 — Reise tS F Height, 26 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 244—T'wo Forcrep Iron Torcuéres Stenese Sixteenth Century Octagonal shaft, spiraled from crown to about center; enriched below with three double scrolled brackets. Leaf-pendented tray bobéche, with pricket. Supported on S-scrolled tripod legs. 3S¥ Height, 581 inches. 245—Two Forcrep Iron anp Brass Sranpingc CANDELABRA Florentine Seventeenth Century Faceted shaft, with fine brass balusters at center, crown and foot, sustaining at crown central leaf coronetted round bobéche and three rosetted scrolled arms having cusped-leaf bobéches with prickets. On stretchered scrolled tripod legs having curious central leaf terminal. Painted green. 2¢€0O Height, 7014 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 0 } | / 246—Two Forcep Iron Torcutres Florentine Sixteenth Century Faceted square shaft, with groups of C-scrollings at center, Wu (pr crown and foot. Exceedingly fine adjustable basket crown, cov- ring the pricket and composed of small lies, C-scrollings and -de-lis motives. On arched tripod legs. 45e Height, 624% inches. (Companions to the following) “Two Forcrep Iron Torcutres Florentine Sixteenth Century imilar to the preceding. 35° WW Height, 621, inches. (Companions to the preceding) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 248—THr Davanzati Patace Forcep Iron CHANDELIER Florentine Siateenth Century Graceful leaf-cusped shaft, with smaller cusps at crown and base. ‘The shaft supports twelve S-scrolled arms finely adorned with leafage and terminating in sockets having large prickets for candles. Suspended on a long strap-iron arm scrolled its entire length with acanthus leaves. 38 Total height, 10 feet 7 inches; of chandelier, 2 feet 10 inches. -From-the. Davanzati Palace Collection, American Art Associa- tion, 1916. ae | = Second and Last Afternoon 249—Forcrep Iron FirE-cuarp Piedmontese Fifteenth Century Open oblong; with expanding shafts terminating in open bossed round baskets; scrolled and bracketed at foot. On lozenge- enriched strap arched feet. The shafts variously bearing spir- 0 aled brackets, one sustaining strap looped chain, the crest of the royal house of Savoy. Open scrolled pediment, in which two / birds and poppy spray appear. ‘The bird emblematic of the | “Fireside” and the poppy of “Restfulness.” ¢SU Height, 55 inches; width, 50 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Di ee Hexagonal paneled Hody } with outcurving spear-shaped motives See at crown and cuspe . Having sprays of flowers. Sup- ; ported on shaped brdgeKet\ having spiraled top bar and tendrils | a and leaves in scr s.\ Oval cartouched open back, with | ieee “Tower” and ‘‘Pierce t,” symbolic of strength and devo- tion. S$&O Height, 47 inches; extension, 461, inches. From the Castelnuovo di Garfagnana. 251—Repousst Copper Lavaso anp Forcep Iron Stranp tao N , Tuscan Sixteenth Century _ | Stand; with open round basket top having four finely scrolled ‘ () strap supports, bracketed below to a round shaft which is sus- | tained on four flaring feet scroll-bracketed above to shaft. Round deep bowl-shape lavabo, enriched with gadroons and at straight \ y neck with imbrications; fine patina. 2-S0 Nae tne Total height, 341, inches. Second and Last Afternoon 252—Repousst Copper Lavaso anp Forcep Iron Sranp Stenese Fifteenth Century pentined below, enriched with open triangular stretchers, fine spiral tendrils and leaf motives. Deep lavabo, enhanced with gadroonings and on the flaring neck with oval flutings. Fine old patina. /SO | poe Intricately wrought tripod stand; lyre-shaped above and ser- Height, 34°/, inches. = Copqer Lavazso anp Forcep Iron Sranp Bolognese Siateenth Century go 3s with spirally twisted shaft, bracketed at crown for lavabo d doubl¢ scro arched papee ae The back en and crown- Reeds in a qusped ie and ree, a Sani arm for towels. Oval - lavabo, gadrooned toward foot; slightly flaring lip, with excep- tionally fine brass bail handle formed as a demi-nymph. 5&0 Height, 71 inches. NORTHERN ITALIAN HALBERDS OF THE FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH CENTURIES From the Collection of Professor Guzzardi, Florence 254—Two Lancia SPUNTONE Lombardian Sixteenth Century Halberd, with slender diamond tapering blade, shaped ripping beak and apex. The other with cruciform perforated apex and y Yo a long blade; finished with crimson tassels studded with brass nails. Long hexagonal beech shafts. /30 Lengths, 7 feet 6 inches and 8 feet 38 inches. From the collection of Professor Guzzardt,. Florence. ~255—Lancia SPUNTONE AND LanctA Corsa _ ; | | Lombardian Early Sixteenth Century # Iberds, one similar to the preceding, with crimson tassels and \ brass-nail studded shaft; the other, with lozenge tapering dagger- AV aped blade and green fringe under blade. Both with octagonal 3 eech shafts. / ¥ 2 Lengths, 8 feet. From the collection of Professor Guzzardi, Florence. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. eS eee eee 256—Two Spunrong TrRIDENTE AND Lancia Corsa Piedmontese Early Sixteenth Century \Halberds; the “Tridente” with diamond tapering blade and lcrescent-shaped beaks; one covered with old crimson velvet stud- Pa - AN (I ;.4™. ded with brass nails to round shaft fringed at crown; other, with VA ee velvet at crown and hexagonal beech shaft. Lancia with long = diamond-sectioned dagger blade; velvet at crown, studded with nails on the octagonal shaft. /¥ ° Lengths, 7 feet 71 inches, 8 feet 4 inches, and 8 feet 5 inches. From the collection of Professor Guzzardt, Florence. 257—Two SpunToNE TRIDENTE Umbrian. Fifteenth Century _ Halberd; with diamond tapering blade and crescent-shaped beaks, , ,,1one shaft covered with green velvet at crown, brass-nailed and »)\U*" fringed; other, fringed in crimson. Octagonal shafts, studded 940, g& : 8 8 f with brass nails./¥ O Lengths, 7 feet 1014 inches and 8 feet 3 inches. From the collection of Professor Guzzardi, Florence. 258—Two Lancia Lineva pi Bove Lombardian Fifteenth Century Halberds, one with fine diamond-sectional broad-channeled blade, ~ expanding into pointed lobed beaks; balustered socket. Shaft ae \._ with fringed crimson velvet at crown and mouse-colored velvet A] )Oe below; other, trident form, with fringed green velvet at crown Zs over octagonal shaft. 2e0 i Lengths, 7 feet 9 inches and 7 feet 10 inches. From the collection of Professor Guzzardi, Florence. Lancia Lineva pi Bove anp TRIDENTE Tuscan Fifteenth Century fr Halberds, the Bove, with fine channeled broad tapering blade, UO (Rat having two pointed lobed beaks. Shaft covered in fringed con- 259 temporary crimson velvet studded with brass nails. Tridente, with finely shaped trident blades having central ribs. Round beech shaft having fringed green velvet at crown studded with / brass nails.L°O i Lengths, 9 feet 1 inch; 7 feet 3 inches. From the collection of Professor Guzzardi, Florence. Second and Last Afternoon 260—Two Lancia Lineva pt Bove anp TRrIpenTE Lombardian Fifteenth Century Halberds, the Bove with long channeled dagger blade and ser- pentined beaks. Shaft covered in contemporary crimson velvet, ‘ fringed at crown and studded with varied brass nails. Tridente, wv “with small diamond-sectioned tapering blade and crescent beaks above a finely balustered socket ; octagonal beech shaft, covered with crimson velvet at crown; fringed and brass-nailed. 2v® 7 Lengths, 9 feet and 8 feet 21% inches. From the collection of Professor Guzzardi, Florence. £ 261—Hancia Tacrracotta AND Lancia Roncora Umbrian Fifteenth Century alberds, the T'agliocolla, with long diamond-sectioned narrow ade, scrolled apex and ripping beak, finely etched with ara- esque scrollings. Shaft covered with green velvet, studded with brass nails. Roncola, with pointed half lozenge-shaped blade having supplementary beaks, one V-shaped, other hooked, irregu- larly placed about center, and two smaller beaks at socket. Finely etched with arabesqued oval and diamond medallioned borders. Shaft covered in crimson damask; fringed at crown and studded with brass nails. 20-0 Lengths, 8 feet 8 inches and 8 feet 7 inches. From the collection of Professor Guzzardi, Florence. 262—Two Lancia Lincva pi Bove Tuscan Fifteenth Century Halberds, broad-channeled dagger blade with crescent beaks. One shaft covered in crimson velvet crowned with fringe; other with crimson velvet and fringe at crown and mouse-colored vel- () Car \yet below. Both studded with brass nails. 2@¥ Lengths, 9 feet 8 inches and 8 feet 7 inches. From the collection of Professor Guzzardi, Florence. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. VERY IMPORTANT ITALIAN GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE VELVETS AND EMBROIDERIES In exceedingly fine and unusual colorings and condition. Not- withstanding the great beauty of these velvets it is futile to attempt to reproduce their marvelous colors in black and white; hence none have been illustrated. 263—Two GrnorsE Crimson Vetvet CusHions Italian Early Seventeenth Century a9 ' atiaz i he tL at Up- Oblong: rich shimmering flame-crimson velvet, with varied gold is Ena pork and crimson tassels at corners. Original con- dition. G 264— wo GENOESE Crimson VELVET CUSHIONS aa pt Italian Early Seventeenth Century | iO 0, fu Similar to the preceding.76 / Og se 265—Genorse Crimson Vetiver CusHton i Cs Italian Early Seventeenth Century ut A / Similar to the preceding. L& _/266—Bovcit Crimson anp Gotp Goruic Vetvet Cover a : Italian Fifteenth Century - ( » Center of velvet displaying medallioned pineapple motives with ( 9“ "arabesque borders. Crimson velvet a pei fringed in gold. 20248 inches by 121% inches. x 26 AR Two AMETHYST EmBrormpERED VeLveT Banners Cé C F e rr Italian Seventeenth Century OA U HV \ ¥Double- -pointed ; rich shimmering velvet, trimmed with gold lace, i galloon, fringe and tassels. Enriched with coronetted cartouche hearnte biblical subject. \ 60D) Length, 42 inches; width, 201% inches. 268—CIsELE GREEN VELVET CovER Genoese Early Seventeenth Century an Oblong; displaying bouquet and vase of flowers in rich bluish- ( U green velvet; on light green silk grounds. Paneled with blos- som-patterned gold and silver lace; trimmed with narrow lace edge. 2-0 4 feet 8 inches by 1 foot 8 inches. Second and Last Afternoon of 269—RovceE-pE-FER Vetiver Cover Italian Seventeenth Century ; Interesting close-pile velvet, with areas of dove-pink tone. >» Trimmed with silver galloon. “SO 4 feet 11 inches by 3 feet 2 inches. 270—Drap pv’ Arcent AmMETHystT CutT-vELVET CovER Italian Fifteenth Century Shimmering fluctuating amethyst velvet; woven with small inter- | f y y» lacing oval medallions, enriched with minute sprays of leaves; on lighter amethyst drap d’argent ground. Trimmed Ae gos lace. 3 feet 7 inches by 3 feet 8 inches. 271—BeravtiruL Borricer1z1 Green Cut-vELvET Cover Florentine Fifteenth Century Remarkable shimmering green velvet; woven with dainty scroll- . ~) L ing leaf motives, coronets and tulip devices; the pattern formed of tan corded silk usually appearing as the background. Trimmed with gold and silver lace and edging. 360 4 feet 3 inches by 8 feet 4 inches. 272—SILVER-EMBROIDERED CORAL-PINK SILK HaAncInG scrolled into finely conventionalized floral arabesque devices. Italian Seventeenth Century iy O ’ Beautifully enriched in many stitches with cartouche motives Scrolled floral crowning border. ¥ 6 Height, 6 feet 8 inches; length, 2 feet 9 inches, 273—SILVER-EMBROIDERED CoORAL-PINK SrutK HANGING Italian Seventeenth Century eOU Similar to the preceding. 0-0 4—Rarrt Movusr-yELLow Cut-vELVET CovER : Sicilian Fifteenth Century xquisite soft-toned yellow velvet; woven with series of conven- onalized leaf motives, on slightly deeper corded silk ground. Trimmed with gold galloon. ¥©O6 feet 3 inches by 2 feet 91% inches. 275—Crimson VELVET COVER Genoese Early Sixteenth Century Wine-crimson velvet, fluctuating to brilliant flame-crimson areas. yu Impressed with marks of galloon. ‘Trimmed with Vandyked tasseled crimson fringe. 2-¥ 0 : 5 feet 5 inches by 4 feet 10 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 276—Rarre Dove-spLve CisELE VELVET Genoese Late Fifteenth Century fe) Lustrous fluctuating velvet, with lovely soft downlike areas. Woven with beautiful small sprays of pomegranate motives; on ivory corded silk grounds. Trimmed with silver fan-patterned lace. (¥60 | } ) aay XK 6 feet 11 inches by 4 feet 11 inches. 277—Rosre Drap v’Or Cut-vELvET Cover Genoese Early Stateenth Century ) Soft pulsating rose-velvet, woven with interlacing leaf ogivals Re Ge bearing the Savoyard royal insignia, interlacing bow knots, at intersections. On pink drap d’or ground. Trimmed with con- temporary rose fringe. 7/$® 2 feet 5 inches by 9 feet 5 inches. 278—Rare Ametuyst VELVET PorTIERE ga Italian Early Seventeenth Century ta 3 | Fine close-pile amethyst velvet, fluctuating to almost rose tones Ls and dove-like areas. Trimmed with gold galloon. #@® Length, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. é °279—Rare Ametruyst Vetver Cover EUR Italian Early Seventeenth Century fs \ (/ / Similar to the preceding. Trimmed with silver edging and deep \ silk fringe. €60 6 feet 2 inches by 1 foot 9 inches. 280—CerrvuLEAN Buve Vetiver Portiere Venetian Early Eighteenth Century ae Lustrous close-pile velvet, pulsating with the light to soft and e/] [VU even more radiant tones. ‘Trimmed with chevron-patterned gold / ~ galloon. 360 Length, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet 71%, inches. aes Rosr VELVET CovER ( | Venetian Early Seventeenth Century | > Close, low-piled velvet of very beautiful radiance, fluctuatin eas / to dovelike and deep rose tones. Trimmed with gold gallon. $9 2 A , \ we . 6 feet 4 inches by 5 feet 1 inch. Second and Last Afternoon Larce Crimson Vetver Porrirre Piedmontese Early Seventeenth Century Close, heavy-piled velvet, fluctuating from flame-crimson to rich deep tones of crimson. Four breadths. Trimmed with scrolling ribbon-patterned silver galloon. 60 Length, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 6 feet 4 inches. 283—Larcr Crimson Vetiver Portikre Predmontese Early Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. Y ©O Length, 9 feet 31%, inches; width, 6 feet 5 inches. Venetian Late Seventeenth Century Close rich-pile velvet, of great radiance, fluctuating to deep tur- quoise-blue and downlike sky-blue tones. Trimmed with silver galloon. /2& 6 feet 9 inches square. From the collection of Cav. Cigerza, Rome. 285—Cerutean Buve Vetvet BatpAcHIno Venetian Late Seventeenth. Century (yO Similar to the preceding. Slightly deeper in tone. /#@@ 6 feet 8 inches by 7 feet 10 inches. From the collection of Cav. Cigerza, Rome. 286—Rosr-corat VELVET BaLpDACHINO AD Venetian Early Seventeenth Century cA Lustrous soft close-pile velvet, of great radiance; fluctuating f from a pink-coral to light downlike blush pink. Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. /9°® 7 feet 11 inches by 6 feet 8 inches. 287—Natriier Buve VELVET PorTIERE Venetian Early Seventeenth Century Rich soft-pile, fluctuating from a deep Nattier blue to rare deep turquoise sky-blue. Valanced with silver fringe. Trimmed with silver galloon. /0 99 Length, 6 feet 51%, inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. a \ Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a TS DT ETE 288—Goruic CisELE Crimson VELVET Cover : Genoese Early Fifteenth Century Lustrous flaming rose-crimson velvet, with gemlike areas. Cvselé to the ground with lobed motives bearing differing pomegranate bouquets and rosettes. Border of slightly lighter plain velvet. Trimmed with crimson and gold edging. “009 < 7 feet 2 inches by 2 feet 2 inches. 289—Rire GreEN VELVET PorRTIERE Via: Sicilian Late Fifteenth Century '/ Interesting deep jade-green jaspé velvet, fluctuating with beauti- ful downlike areas flushed with subdued crimson, which appears 3 ymson velvet,)on. back. Trimmed with valance of gold ;|panehed and edged with gold galloon. /6 FO é Uy Length, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. : of) (Companion to the following) REEN VELVET PoRTIERE 290—RaA Sicilian Late Fifteenth Century '/ Similar to the preceding. /600 ad ITALIAN PRIMITIF POLYCHROME BAS-RELIEFS AND BUSTS, IN WOOD, STUCCO AND TERRA-COTTA, AND EARLY PAINTINGS MARIOTTO DI NARDO FLORENTINE ScHoou: ActTIvE circa 1420 291—_MADONNA AND CHILD On panel: Height, 2734 inches; width, 154% mches Tur Holy Mother seated before a gilded Gothic niche wearing lawn robes and blue-black hood and dress. She holds the Saviour on her lap, looks toward Him and admonishes Him with her right hand, while He holds her robe with right hand. He wears a robe of very beautiful Venetian red. In original carved and gilded Gothic arched, columned and crocketed frame. 770 From the collection of Prof. Pedulli, Florence. (Illustrated) No. 291—Maponna AnD CHILD Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. eg a SI SSS IE TE ANDREA DI NICCOLO SrenesE Scuoou: 1440—1514 292-THE ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN On arched panel: Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Tur Holy Virgin, in voluminous ivory robes, is seated on a circular platform borne aloft on the winged heads of cherubim, while others appear at sides and crown of the throne. Her countenance is beauti- fully serene and her hands are joined in invocation. Four angels, fly- ing at left and right, dispense sweet music. In the foreground, before a romantic landscape, are two groups of saints: at left, Sts. Nicholas, Gregorius and the kneeling Catherine; at right, Sts. Francis of Assisi, Benedict and Agnes, the latter kneeling. Note: Accompanying this delightful early painting is a framed photograph of | same with autographed authentication by F. Mason Perkins, the author of “Rassegna ) @Arte Sienese,” viz., “This picture has already been published by me in the ‘Ras- segna d’Arte Sienese’ as being by Andrea di Niccolo of Siena. It is a work of this painter’s later period.” 370@0 (Signed) F. Mason PERKINS. No. 292—Tue AssuMPTION OF THE VIRGIN Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. eee ae ry) GIACOMO COZZARELLI SrIENESE ScHoou: Earty FirreentH Century 293—_MADONNA AND CHILD On panel: Height, 26 inches; width, 18°4 imches Tue Holy Virgin, seen at half-length, is seated before a gilded back- ground. She wears lavishly embroidered gilded robes under a dark blue hooded mantle and glances downward to the Infant Saviour standing on her lap. St. John the Baptist is at left and St. Catherine of Siena is at right. In carved frame of slightly later date. 7400 Note: Accompanying this beautiful painting is a framed photograph of same with autographed authentication by F. Mason Perkins, the author of “Rassegna d’Arte Sienese”: “This picture is undoubtedly by Giacomo Cozzarelli of Siena.” (Signed) F. Mason PERKINS. o. 298—Maponna AND CHILD Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SCHOOL OF MAITANO FLoRENTINE: FirreentH CENTURY 294—_-MADONNA AND CHILD Polychromed stucco bas-relief: Height, 2534, inches; width, 22 inches Tue Holy Virgin seen at half-length in profile to right, her lovely, serene head inclined downward to the Saviour, who stands beside her. She wears crimson robes and blue mantle. Light blue background. Original architectural frame. /O00 From the collection of Signor F. Manozzt. No. 294—-Maponna AND CHILD oe Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a ————— SSS8£0:,c, ee AGOSTINO DI DACCIO FLORENTINE: EARLY FIFTEENTH CENTURY 295—MADONNA, SAVIOUR AND ST. JOHN Tinted stucco bas-relief: Height, 33 inches; width, 2744 mches THe Holy Mother seen at half-le gth, hooded mantle, holding the Sayiou fig voluminous robes and er arms at her left. St. John is seen at the Virgin’s left sh and four cherubic heads are dis- posed about right upper two loWer corners. Very lightly tinted. In architectural frame. 3 66-0 Note: In the Opero del Duomo, Florence, there is a marble bas-relief by di Daccio which is almost identical with the above interesting stucco bas-relief. 295—Maponna, Saviour aNnp St. JoHN Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. eee eee ———————EEEE———eEeEeEeEeEeeeeeEEE—EEEEEE=E=E=EEE—_ rm ee POLYCHROMED SCULPTURED BUST \ U) FLoRENTINE: Late FirTEENTH CENTURY 296—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL Height, 1884 inches; total height, 21°4 inches; width, 1914 mches Her beautiful head and shoulders tinted naturalistically. She wears brown closely curled hair and low cut blue robes with gilded fillets. On loose original molded oblong base. 2500 No. 296—PortTrRaIT oF A YounG GIRL Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. , G par" Paduan Late Seventeenth Century i i Serpentined paneled back and loose seat covered in soft jade- green velvet. X folding support for seat. 6@0 Second and Last Afternoon 309—Carvep Watnut DanTeseuE Foupinec CHair BY? ¢ Florentine Early Sixteenth Century Scrolled back enriched with central coat-of-arms and flanking scrolled sprays of flowers; many spindle curule arms and legs with lifting seat, folding on pivot; cross stretchers, with claw feet. JOO From the famous Davanzati Palace Collection, No. 351, Amer- ican Art Association, 1916. Note: This remarkable chair was originally bought at the above sale and sent by an “American Connoisseur” to his villa in Italy, and is now back for sale in Mr. Girard’s Collection. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 310—Watnut anp Crimson VELVET ARMCHAIR AY 350 Tuscan Fifteenth Century \") © Oblong back, with leaf-scrolled terminals and seat covered in rich ruby velvet of beautiful depth and radiance; trimmed with crimson galloon and fringe. Slghtly scrolled arms; on square supports, continuing into legs; open lozenge patterned stretcher. From the collection of Chev. Cantont, Florence. (Illustrated) “311—Stx Crimson Vetver Watnvur Cuarrs Lucca, Early Seventeenth Century | Arched, slightly flaring oblong back and seat, covered in con- temporary rose-crimson velvet of great brilliance; trimmed with tasseled fringe. Supported on vase-balustered legs very finely stretchered. 9 SO From the collection of Conte Brancoli Busdraght, Lucca. my pies (Illustrated) 312—-T wo. Crimson VELVET Watnut CHAIRS Lucca, Early Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. 320 > | U ) \\ From the Ole en of Conte Brancoli Busdraghi, Lucca. 3138—DPwo CRIMSON VELVET WaALnuT CHAIRS Lucca, Early Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. 320 qe \ From the collection of Conte Brancoli Busdraght, Lucca. 14-—_Tivro Crimson VELVET Watnout CHAIRS . wucca, Early Seccnteataa Century Similar to the preceding.420 faite From the collection of Conte Brancolt Busdraght, Lucca. —(hanquag yyuaazuaaay kyu “voovy) =SaIVHD LANIVAA LOATAIA NOSWIYD XIG—I1E “ON (hanquag yjuaaqjry uvosny) AIVHOWAY LOATAA NOSWIUD GNV LANIVM—OTE ‘ON Ile = Og Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed wn the forepart of the Catalogue. veT GILDED CHAIR .3815—EMBROIDERED Crimson VE 60 Savoyard Seventeenth Century wn and seat covered in lustrous nkiched in yellow silk appliqué with ; caktouches and husk festoons. On avin fine leaf-adorned X-stretcher. \ Oblong back, with serpentined “| erimson velvet of the perio; — leaf-scrolled banded bor leaf balustered square legs, Second and Last Afternoon 316—Green Vetver Wainer Armcnarr Tuscan Seventeenth Century 1g’ Oblong back and seat; covered in deep jade-green velvet. Open bulbous arms; on exceptionally well-stretchered baluster legs. Back enriched with embroidered coat-of-arms. 360 317—Crimson Vetvet Watnutr ARMCHAIR . Tuscan Seventeenth Century Z YO Similar to the preceding; seat covered in rich rose-crimson vel- WZ vet. 280 318—EmpromEreD Watnur ARMCHAIR Tuscan Seventeenth Century | 1 Psat: to the preceding; with spiral arm and seat covered in fine chevron-pattern |\point Hongroise embroidery. ~*° ALNUT SMALL CHaArIR Bergamo, Early Sixteenth Century 319—Carvep anp In arp £0 Open back, with squard supports having leaf pinnacles, upper scrolled cartouche panel\having inlaid oblong center and finely scrolled lower rail. Seat\in rich green velvet. On square legs with stretcher similar to lower rail of back. /0° 320—Two Carvep Waunvut “Barua,” or Nurstinc CuHairs ay I~ Casentino, Late Fifteenth Century (A WW ow open back; with square supports, scratch-carved arched pediment and cross rail below sustaining three tiny balusters. Seats covered in varied crimson floral damask. On stretchered square legs. One enriched with button rosettes. 60 Note: A most interesting type of early Italian peasant craftsmanship. ES ctu Waunout “Barua,” or Nurstnc CHarrs ge’ Casentino, Late Fifteenth Century Similar to the preceding. One seat in apple-green; the other in crimson damask. Legs and rails scratch-fluted. @® Note: A most interesting type of early Italian peasant craftsmanship. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 322—Two Waunut and Brive Vetvet Low Cuairs Italian Eighteenth Century A, > tee ; Open molded fan-shaped back; with most interesting splat, repre- L | ' a senting in silhouette an arcade, seen through a flanking avenue ~ es of. trees. Loose seat, in lustrous turquoise-blue velvet. On stretchered fluted tapering legs. /3O 3230— 7 two SmatL Carvep AnD Intarp Watnut CuHarrs } Bergamo, Early Sixteenth Century ( Le ‘Ones back; with scrolled mask terminals, upper scrolled car- “4 NX touche, paneled with inlay developing medallion, bird and bear, | and lower scrolled rail. On straight square legs, having similar strong stretchers. Seat covered in contemporary drap dor orange-pink and ivory brocade paneled with old galloon and fin- ished with charming orange-pink velvet. 2S0 (Illustrated ) 324—-T wo Smatu Carvep AND Inztaip Watnut CHairs I —— Bergamo, Early Sixteenth Century r) (DA Similar to the preceding; with slight differences in details; hay- Au U ing Dates urn finials and scrolled frontal stretcher. 2-S0 325+4T wo Smatt Carvep anp Inztarp Watnut Cuarrs Al |p — Bergamo, Early Stateenth Century Similar to the! preceding; with slight variance in details. 24> 626-1 wo! Smatut Carvep anp Intaip WaLnout Cuarrs / Bergamo, Early Stateenth Century / A f kK Similar to the preceding; one with no lower rail to back, crotch "walnut in panel and straight stretcher. Other slight variances. \\ 250) | 827—Two Smatu Carved. and InLaip Watnut CHairs. eee oi. hy A Sea | Bergamo, Early Sixteenth Geuuirs (\“~ Similar to the preceding; varying slightly in details. Fine in- laid back panel. 250 (Illustrated) (hunquag yyuaaqvig hyo ‘ownbsag) SUIVH) LANIVA\ GIVIN] GNV GaAuVD TIVNG A ke Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 328—Two Carvep WALNUT SEGGIOLE DU GuaARDIA, oR Guard Room CHAIRS Sicilian Early Sixteenth Century Open back, with supports and cross rails enriched with rustic flutings and enclosing balustered arcading; molded walnut seats. ‘Supported on square legs, enriched and framed in similar manner to back. Very fine rich patina. /é0 Note: Very interesting type, showing distinct Saracenic influence. eet ere Carvep WALNuT SEGGIOLE DU GuarRpIA, or GuARD Room | CHAIRS Sicilian Early Sixteenth Century isis to the preceding. /A4 { + Ke li A how Note: Very interesting type, showing distinct Saracenic influence. 330—Carvep Watnut Buivr VELVET SUITE Ligurian Seventeenth Century _ Consisting of large canapé, state chair and three side chairs. Arched back and seat, covered in rare lustrous turquoise-blue velvet of great radiance; trimmed with Vandyked fringe. Deep scrolled and molded arm of unusual type. On lyre-scrolled legs — having very beautiful H-stretchers. Canapé: Height, 44 inches; length, 60 inches. | Originally from the Villa Il Podermmo, near Florence. (Companions to the following) (Illustrated) 331—Carvep Watnut Buve VELVET SUITE | Ligurian Seventeenth Century | oe Similar to the preceding. Consisting of state chair and three | side chairs. | Originally from the Villa Il Poderino, near Florence. (Companions to the preceding) atl 330—Carvep Watnut Buure VELVET SUITE O N ian Seventeenth Century) wgur (L Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 832-Carvep Watnut “SGABELLO’ A VENTAGLIO” aH Tuscan Late Fifteenth Century > Chair, with paneled fan-shaped back and incurved fluted crown- ing rail terminating in fine ram’s-horn scrollings and having y" ee vase terminals. Massive octagonal walnut seat. Sup- ported on flaring paneled box pedestal having valances toward foot. 23d Second and Last Afternoon 333—Srx DecoratED WALNUT SGABELLO CHAIRS Tuscan Early Sixteenth Century y\ finely painted cartouched oval coat-of-arms of the da Corte fam- rieze and flaring cartouched front and back supports. 7¥¢ ~ 334—Two DrcorATED WaLNut SGABELLO CHAIRS (wh Tuscan Early Sixteenth Century 6 imilar to the preceding. ‘260 335—Two DrcoraTEeD WALNUT SGABELLO CHAIRS Tuscan Early Sixteenth Century ( Similar to the preceding. 24¢ 336 Two Decorate Watnut SGABELLO CHAIRS Tuscan Early Sixteenth Century at Similar to the preceding. 7.40 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 337—CaRVED AND Gitpep Favurevin Italian Eighteenth Century f Scroll-molded cartouche back, armpads and loose seat, covered in strap-arabesqued floral ivory brocade of the period. Finely scrolled open arms and valanced cabriole legs, enriched with ro- caille motives and leafage. 240 From the collection of Chev. Cantont, Florence. Second and Last Afternoon 338—Four Carvep WALNUT SAPPHIRE-BLUE VELVET CHAIRS Paduan Late Staxteenth Century Oblong back and seat covered in seventeenth century sapphire- blue velvet of fine lustrous quality, trimmed with original fringe. Back with circular wreathed medallion painted with coat-of-arms in crimson, blue and yellow. Scrolled terminals. On square legs having inlaid cartouche stretcher. 67v 339— rR Carved WaLtnut SAPPHIRE-BLUE VELVET CHAIRS ~~ Paduan Late Sixteenth Century 4p Similar to the preceding. @792 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee ee ee ne 340—Two NrrpLtework Carvep WaLNnuT Strate CHAIRS Ligurian Seventeenth Century Arched oblong back and seat; covered in petit- and gros-point . ,\ developing two cranes before vessels set on a pedestal; illus- ( : ; j ai A, VV ; trating an episode from La Fontaine’s Fables ; surrounded by « ee A scrollings of gay blossoms in gros-point; on tawny brown —— grounds; the seats with similar flowers and grounds. , Open leaf- scrolled arms. On balustered and stretchered legs. SO 3h NE CarRvED WALNUT AND CuT-VELVET STATE CHAIR Tuscan Fifteenth Century ee Open oblong paneled back, with leaf terminal and seat covered oY U/ in fine contemporary velvet, displaying small scrollings of blue O velvet leaves on ivory silk grounds; trimmed with velvet galloon. v Open scrolled arms, with baluster supports. On square legs having open lozenge stretchers. So) Note: This fine state chair is in its original condition, and with its origi- nal covering. (Illustrated) 342—Two Carvep WatnuT Strate Cuairs I Ligurian Early Seventeenth Century vf r Serpentine oblong back and seat, covered in beautiful contem- Vaal porary lustrous rose-crimson velvet; trimmed with scroli-pat- \ oe terned velvet galloon and fringe. Very beautifully and unusually WU, . molded open arms. Similarly molded lyre-scrolled legs and H- | ie stretchers. £60 aN. From the well-known Glisenti Collection, fq ' (Illustrated) AVAL | 343—Two CarvED WALNUT STATE CHatRs Ligurian Early Seventeenth Century Gini to ee preceding. bou From the well-known Glisenti Collection. B44—Two Carvep Watnut State CHAIRS Ligurian Early Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. 660 From the well-known Glisenti Collection. (hunquay yyuaajuasaagy hpwvg upiunbvy) SuIVHD ALVLG LAN IVA, GAAUVD OMT —ZPE “ON (hanquag ypuaa fig uvosny) aIVHD ALVLG LAATHA-LAQ GNV LANTIVAA GIAUVD—IPE ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee ——————————_———————_—<—S 345—T'wo Carvep And Intaip Watnut ARMCHAIRS (\\ My Brescian Sixteenth Century pen back; with scroll-inlaid square supports terminated in SL / x scroll motives. Broad upper scrolled cartouche cross-splat, with 2 oblong panel of finely scrolled inlay ; lower cartouche similar but narrower. Leaf-bracketed flat arms, with square supports. Molded walnut seat. On square legs, having central stretcher similar to the lower splat of back and two auxiliary scrolled narrow stretchers. /¢@ Second and Last Afternoon 346—Two NEEDLEWoRK WALNUT STATE CHAIRS Ligurian Seventeenth Century Oblong back and seat; covered in gros-point developing curious fantastic scrollings of shell and leaf motives amid trailings of flowers; on resonant black~ grounds. Finely molded open scrolled arms of unusual type. Supported on lyre-scrolled legs with H-stretchers. /42 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed nr the forepart of the Catalogue. 34°%—NEEDLEWOoRK Carvep Watnut Stare Crair Ligurian Seventeenth Century L} 0) Oblong back and seat, covered in fine gros-point displaying in YW rich harmonious colors large fantastic scrollings and rare pome- granate motives; trimmed with green fringe. Beautifully molded and scrolled open arms of unusual type. On similarly scrolled legs with H-stretcher. 6¥@ Second and Last Afternoon i Te he ah edn , #4 / WDM yyy hy ph, yp AG MGIGET A, ? > ttphthiidle ~ 348—Srx/Aususson TAPESTRY Watnout CHairs Florentine Seventeenth Century Fan-shaped, serpentined back and seat covered in virile Aubusson 7] () tapestry paneled with bouquets of flowers on tawny-brown Wa grounds having blue borders of scrolling leaves. On tapering baluster legs with double-scrolled and molded U-stretcher. 7250 349—Two Avususson TAPESTRY Watnut CHAIRS Florentine Seventeenth Century Le cdimilar to the preceding. /40U 70 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. St PPE ee Tapestry Watnut Cuarrs OM Florentine Seventeenth Century | O° Similar to the preceding, /6°V Lt Avususson Tapestry Watnut CHarrs ri AV. Florentine Seventeenth Century pees m Sinaia to the preceding. /)e0 352—NEEDLEWORK Carvep Waxnvur Strate Cuair Piedmontese Seventeenth Century : C Oblong back and seat, covered in gros-point displaying interest- A\ ing fantastic scrollings of flowers and fruit in rich crimson, blues, greens and ivory; on resonant black grounds ; trimmed with parti- colored fringe. Open leaf-scrolled arms with baluster supports. On Hostretchered balustered legs. 63 6 a Very Important Punto pt Parma NEeepLEworK WALNUT / CHAIRS Parmese Seventeenth Century en a ope ghtly flaring back entined at crowns and seats, covered 4A ‘Keo |p Parmese petit- and\ gros-point developing, in pastel shades and Acrimson on rich i ivory\grourd, scrolled medallions variously occu- Oo? ie pied by Warrior, Court Reaux and Belles and Rustics; sur- Bee _ rounded by scrollings \jof pomegranates and floral motives. The seats variously of animpls antLkindscapes and fantastic scrollings similar in color to bac immed with original valanced green and finely molded scrolled double j fringe. On square pa ry _ U-stretchers. Molded oblong top ; with \four \button-rosetted pilaster blocks, \ parting three frieze drawer; enrighed with leaf moldings and iron Bee ring handles. Front fitte three very finely cartouched and paneled enclosing dogfk; the\ central bearing in colors the arms of the “Salviati’ fam\ly. Pilasters with tapering fluted columns having Ionic capitals. On broken molded base. / ¥¢? f ) j Height, 2 feet 10 inches; length, 5 feet 9 inches. Ks goat the famous Salviati Collection, Venice. (fanquay yyuaaqxigy unayouvpy “Jooyry oulosuvgy) VZNAGHUD) LANIVAA GHAUVD—GOE ‘ON ovens PoC nO A TOT : a OST RETRRE: Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 366—Carvep Watnut INcuINOCCHIATOIO Vasarian, Florentine Sixteenth Century Prie-Dieu; molded dblong top; with bracketed frieze, fitted with drawer. Front arra with two paneled enclosing doors having bronze knobs. Flhankéd by exceptionally fine caryatids and open columns. Molded \heeling-box, with lifting top and loose cushion covered in rich cdntemperary crimson velvet. Y#o Height, 3814 inches; width, 34%, inches. Note: A beautiful classic example in Vasari’s best manner. From the collection of Chev. Cantoni, Florence. Second and Last Afternoon 367—CarveD WaALNuT CREDENZETTA Tuscan Early Siateenth Century | . Zr Rectangular cabinet, with molded top; interesting frieze, with paneled central drawer having fluted knob and flanking small scroll-bracketed drawers over pilasters; similar brackets on ends of frieze. Front arranged with enclosing paneled door bordered with guilloche molding and centered with cartouched coat-of- arms bearing fleurs-de-lis; flanked by fine broad half reed-fluted pilasters which also appear on ends under the brackets. On molded base with claw feet.@ SV : Height, 371 inches; width, 43% inches. cushion base and claw v. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 368—ImporTant Carvep Watnut CrepEenzA VASARIANA | Florentine Sixteenth Century Molded oblong top, ith \fluted dentil enrichment. Bracketed frieze, fitted with two\drajyérs. Front arranged with two pan- eled enclosing doors t\yhmtd with brass knobs and flanked by classic caryatids and@’\open\end columns. On spirally fluted eet, Remarkably fine old rich brown ‘ X patina, /+60 Height, 3 feet 101% inches; length, 5 feet 10 inches. | (hanquag ypuaajixig auruasopy) VNVIAVSVA VZNGGHUD LONIVA\ GAAUVD LNVLYOUNT—— 896 “ON rf 5 = - a —— a. , ~ eee ee Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 369—Rare Carvepn Watnut Center Taste Aa Pozzo Umbrian Sixteenth Century Le Octagonal top, with flute-dentiled apron. Recessed valanced and molded frieze, following contour of top with curious exten- sions over the eight baluster legs and box stretcher. /S?© Height, 303, inches; diameter, 5214 inches. From the collection of Cao. Cigerza, Rome. 370—Rare Carven Watnur Notary Tape aap \ | } f Umbrian Early Stateenth Century Massive broad obl g top, with flute-dentiled apron. Supported | ing open balustered columns at back and front, arched cigs stretcher and high-placed, scrolled cen- tral stretcher. fy remarkable rich patina. éeo length, 6 feet 3 inches; diameter, 3 feet 11 inches. Height, 2 feet Note: Notary tables of this fine type are very rare. It is interesting to observe the excessive Width of these tables, which were so made to keep contending parties at a reasonable distance from their opponents’ daggers. Second and Last Afternoon 371—Carvepo Waunout CEenTER TABLE Umbrian Early Sixteenth Century Very massive revolving octagonal top; inlaid with lines. Sup- rted on three boldly flanged scrolled legs having scrolled acan- thus leaves at knees, feathered claw feet and central pineapple pendant. Legs parcel gilded. /4*0O Height, 31%, inches; diameter, 431 inches. 872—Carvep Watnut CREDENZA Ligurian Sixteenth Century Molded oblong top; frieze fitted with two drawers, enriched with satyr-heads and fine acanthus-leaf scrollings; parted by Amo- rini heads over the three pilasters. Front arranged. with two molded enclosing doors, interrupted by pilasters adorned with satyr-heads and drops of husks and berries. On molded base and gadrooned ball feet. Rich brown patina. feo Height, 42 inches; length, 64° inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. — o iG ne Watnut CREDENZETTA ea ft) Tuscan Early Sixteenth Century Ky Molded oblong top; ee rieze with paneled central drawer and two Front fited with pangléd\ door bearing the helmed cartouched coat-of-arms of the \élehrated Italian family ‘‘Chiarimonti.” aoe Flanked by half reed+flut€d broad pilasters. On molded base having claw feet. Rich) brown patina. Leo Height, 43 inches; length, 4614 inches. From the collection of the princely family of Chiartmonti. From the collection of the celebrated English poet, Robert Brown- ing, and used by him in his Villa i Candela, near Florence. 374—ImportTant Carved Watnut CentER TaBLE f , Perugian Sixteenth Century { Octagonal top, witk fluted valance and spiral fluted frieze hav- fae ing four drawers tri with original brass knobs. Supported |] ~oncentral pedestal Xneled with money-pattern motives and four Soa, attached scrolled brackets\enriched with fine masks at crown and NS bold \claw feet sustaingéd on square molded plinth with canted / Va e com 20-60 i | Height, 34 inches; length, 52 inches, | } _ / (Illustrated) ae / : (hinjuay yzuaajzniy unibnsag) ATAV YT, YALNAT) LONTIVAA GHAUVS) LINVLYOdN[I—PLg “ON | a ete Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee SSS —w—————= CENTER TABLE Savoyard Sixteenth Century (y Ayu Inlaid revolving massive octagonal top. Supported on four flanged boldly scrolled legs, ened with strap scrollings, acan- hus leaves, claw feet and pineapple pendant; finely molded octagonal base. /%’H | Height, 3014 inches; diameter, 44% inches. Note: This interesting table, with revolving top, was used in the latter half of the sixteenth century to play the then extremely popular game of cards known as “Banker and Broker.” ® Second and Last Afternoon 376—Watunvut Rerectory Tasie Piacenza, Stateenth Century Massive oblong top, enriched with three-reed moldings. Sup- ported on beautiful simple pear-shaped end balusters with mas- sive arched cross stretchers and long central stretcher. ¢70 Height, 2 feet 7 inches; length, 7 feet 41 inches. Originally from the Villa Il Poderino, Florence. (Companion to the following) 377—Lone Waxnout Rerectrory BENCH 1(0 378-—TLone Watnut Rerectory BreNcH 170 By ERT Rerecrory TABLE as e wi ey at ae Piacenza, Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding in form; and originally used with the preceding refectory table.3 20 Height, 1 feet 63, inches; length, 7 feet 5 inches. Originally from the Villa Il Poderino, Florence. (Companion to the preceding table with which tt was used and the following bench) _ Piacenza, Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding, and used in same manner. 22D , Originally from the Villa Il Poderino, Florence. : (Companion to the preceding ) | Tuscan Early Seventeenth Century Massvie oblong top of finely toned walnut; with flute-dentiled apron. Supported on ten exceptionally fine pear-shaped and drn-motived balusters arranged in a very dignified manner: six across the center and two at each end, set on a well-molded base having cross T’s at ends. /2-50 Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 9 feet 714 inches; width, 2 feet 71/4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 380—GILDED Carved Watutnut Tape | f- i Paduan Late Seventeenth Century Oblong top, in one piece of finely grained walnut. On three vase- | shaped supports, enriched with husk drops and having acanthus- y scrolled cross feet and shaped stretchers, with further leafage and central terminals. Laqué green and parcel gilded. /30@ Height, 2 feet 5 inches; length, 9 feet 1 inch; width, 2 feet 3 inches. (Illustrated) 381—ImportTant Carvep Watnut Rerectrory TABLE Brescian Sixteenth Century Remarkably massive top in one piece; with under molding; molded frieze, finely enriched with beautifully cut guilloche motives inter- rupted by acanthus leaves at center and ends. On very beauti- ful pear-shaped bulbous legs adorned with strapped fe ige and set on oblong molded feet having pateraed panel. 400 Height, 2 feet 10 inches; length, 9 feet 8 inches; width, 8 feet 5 inches. Note: The large massive top of this table in one piece is almost unique. This fine dignified table was used for many years to tan and dress leather upon, with the result that it had to be refinished. (Aunjuay ypUuaaquaaay ajvT uvnpyg) GIAV], LANIVAA GHANVD GAACTIQ—O8E ‘ON =. aa > _- oe a a ee See eee ee SS ee! eee lle Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 382—Scutrprurep Watnutr Pancne pa Coro Perugian Fifteenth Century Bench, finely paneled and molded back, with arms as standing griffons, “Emblems of Perugia.” Molded walnut seat with loose crimson velvet slip. On oblong paneled ends, enriched with leaf scrolled satyr heads. /6 00 Height, 4314 inches; length, 601% inches. Note: A remarkably fine, virile example of fifteenth century Italian “Sculptured Walnut.” (hanquag yjuaat fry unbnsag) ok ANWVS AO NOILVAAT YY GN GNV OHO) Vad AHOINV LON TV AA qqunLdTAIS Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ne E 383—ScutprureED Watnut PancHE pA Coro Perugian Fifteenth Century y | Similar to the preceding. With Hippo-griffon arms. 1 S60 Height, 4 feet 2 inches; length, 5 feet 7% inches. Note: A remarkably fine, virile example of fifteenth century Italian “Sculptured Walnut.” (hanjuag yyuaarfoy unibn.tad ) AWVG dO NOILVAGTY GONG GNV OOD Vd AHONVG LANTVM aqauaALdtao¢g Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 384—Carveo Waunut PancHE Umbrian Sixteenth Century Bench; dentil molded paneled back, enriched with central car- touched coat-of-arms bearing a rampant lion and end-gadrooned half rosettes. Small interesting acanthus-scrolled arms. Rope- molded walnut seat, with loose crimson velvet cushion. On deeply inscrolled acanthus-leaved brackets and wide oblong dais having spreading foot molding. $€¢® Height, 44 inches; length, 691%, inches. (A Ln} ua’) yd UIIAILIGY UYIUQUL/ ) aqHoO NVd LANTIVA\ GIAUVDO—PSE “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 385—DercorateD PoLycHroME ARMADIO School of Beccafumi, Sienese Siateenth Century Cabinet; with molded cornice, enriched with dentil and leaf mo- tives; gray-black frieze, with gilded scrolled honeysuckle mo- tives. Front arranged with two tripaneled doors, decorated with grotesque arabesque motives in colors on deep ivory grounds; inscribed with motto which, translated, reads, “If you serve with songs merrily you will have thanks and praise.” Pilasters in recurring gray black en_camaiew with further arabesques. On molded bracket feet. FOO Height, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 4 inches. From the collection of Signor Picciolo, Ardenza. | No. 385—Decoratep PoLyCHROME ARMADIO (School of Beccafumi, Sienese Sixteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 386—ScuLpetrureD Wartnut Marrio ARMADIO Iigurian Sixteenth Century Marriage armoire; molded oblong cornice; frieze enriched with two central demi-amorini and finely scrolled acanthus leaves ter- minating in flowers; putti heads over the pilasters at center and ends, which develop satyr-masks and very charming drops of fruit, flowers and leaves, and part two sunk paneled doors of superb Ligurian walnut. Lower portion, frieze fitted with two drawers having central satyr heads and similar leaf scrollings to crowning frieze; similar pilasters and doors. On deep molded base and stump feet. Interior lined with crimson damask. Charming nut-brown patina. 1260 Height, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 42), inches. Note: An extremely rare and beautiful type of Renaissance furniture. From the Bossi Collection, Genoa. No. 386—Scuuprurep Watnut Marrio ARMADIO (Ligurian Sixteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 387—Two PotycHromMEeD ScuLrpTrurRED AND ForcEep Iron STANDING CANDELABRA : Modenese Seventeenth Century Boldly sculptured baluster shaft; enriched with festoons of fruit at crown, acanthus leaves and half gadroon-fluted pear-shaped motives at foot; leaf urn at top, sustaining forged iron leaf-coro- netted bobéche with pricket and three leaf-scrolled S-arms ter- minated in similar smaller coronetted bobéches. On sculptured scrolled tripod having claw feet, money-pattern bordered honey- suckle panels and Ionic capitals. 9 Height, 691, inches. (Illustrated ) 388—ImrorTant ScutprureD Sraruary Marsie and PoLycHRoME \\Wartnut TorcHire y, t Roman Second Century and Veronese Early Fifteenth | \ ; Century se | ie The vpper shaft with fine pear-shaped reed-fluted baluster, en- Ae haatced with acanthus leaves, festooned Amorini head motives in “———Dplack and gilding; sustaining crimped forged round iron bobéche having cusped leaf socket and contemporary candle painted with medallion of Madonna and Child and Raphaelesque arabesques. The lower shaft of statuary marble, sculptured with acanthus leaves and dart motives. All of the Renaissance period. Sup- A ported on sculptured statuary marble tripod base of the Roman second century epoch, having festooned masks at crown with rams’ heads at corners, surmounting very interesting panels vari- ously displaying symbolic trophies of Music, Mercury and Amour. Supported on leaf-molded base, with floral panels; “bulls? heads” at corners and plain plinth. 6000 J : . Height, 7 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) No. 387—-T'wo Potycuromep ScutprureD AND Forcep Iron STANDING CANDELABRA (Modenese Seventeenth Century) No. 388—ImportTaNT ScuLprurRED Statuary MarBLE AND ~ PorycHroME ToRCHERE : (Roman Second Century and Veronese Early Fifteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. en en ee SET OF SEVEN CRIMSON VELVET PALACE BALCONY HANGINGS From the Collection of Cav. Cigerza, Rome, woven during the six- teenth century at the “Medicean Looms” of Lucea in Tuscany. There are three breadths of velvet in each, and they are lined with rose-pink linen and silk. The Palace inventory numbers are at crown of linen, and they are all in their untouched original condition. 389 Grins Vetvet Patace Batcony Hancine or PorTIERE ( oh } Lucca Sixteenth Century ' Rich/ heavy-piled velvet, of ruby crimson radiance and great / y vr (a depth, Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. Bayo ie \ Length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. A/_ () gil 7 (Companion to followmg) From the collection of Cav. Cigerza, Rome. 390—Crimson VetvetT Patacr Batcony Hanerne or PortTIERE u/ Lucca Stateenth Century Similar to the rece noe 0 (Companion to preceding and following) From the collection of Cav. Cigerza, Rome. 391—Crimson VetveT Patacre Batcony Haneine or PortiERE ps Lucca Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Vp (Companion to preceding and following) From the collection of Cav. Cigerza, Rome. ee \ Begs, a\v Second and Last Afternoon 392—Crimson VeEtvetT Patack Batcony Hancaine or PortTIERE nae Lucca Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. @) YW (Companion to preceding and following) From the collection of Cav. Cigerza, Rome. 393—Crimson Vetvet Patace Batcony Hancine or PorrTiERE | Lucca Siateenth Century — Similar to the preceding. & 4 0 (Companion to preceding and following) From the collection of Cav. Cigerza, Rome. 394—CrimMson Vetver Patace Batcony Hanernc or Porrikre | Bye Lucca Staxteenth Century Similar to the preceding. \, “2 (Companion. to preceding and following) From the collection of Cav. Cigerza, Rome. 395—Crimson VeLveT PaLace Batcony Hancine or Portikre Lucca Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. $¢0 (Companion to the preceding) From the collection of Cav. Cigerza, Rome. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SET OF THREE ENGHIEN TAPESTRIES Of supremely decorative character and woyen in the early sixteenth century. Rich golden-browns and greens give the keynote to the compositions. The borders are beautifully arranged with clusters of fruit, vegetables and flowers and symbolic figures seated at cor- ners of lower borders. They are woven in rich pinks, many golden- yellows, rare greens and blues. Finished with blue and yellow medallioned guards. “ww S~ | eee 396—ENGHIEN TAPESTRY Sixteenth Century “Animals and Verdure.”