1923 Apr. h SALE NUMBER I1'730 NeAnI, N FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, MARCH THIRTY-FIRST \ fy | THE COLLECTION OF Mr. HENRY W. LANIER s OF NEW YORK CITY ~ Ni} WITH ADDITIONS EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE eee RE COLLECTION OF RNITURE AND TEXTILES MADE BY THE ORIGINAL SHAKERS OF MAINE AND UNUSUAL PIECES FROM THE SETTLERS ON LONG ISLAND WITH EARLY 18TH CENTURY CHAIRS AND A FINE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN CHEST PrNiSe LOWESTORT, POTTERY Ser rPiELD PLATE, PEWTER, MIRRORS CLOCKS, LANTERNS, GLASS, ANDIRONS ORIENTAL AND EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED RUGS JEWELRY, ORNAMENTS, PICTURES mt MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AFTERNOONS APRIL FOURTH, FIFTH AT TWO-THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Present] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 Lore] ; | | ; OOLL Thoav ‘AVMGVOUT [ UTHWAN WOU TALNVW GAAUVO WVAV ATUVA OIMOLSIH . 5 & niecsoncestinklbon SALE NUMBER 1730 | ON FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, MARCH THIRTY-FIRST THE COLLECTION OF MR. HENRY W. LANIER OF NEW YORK CITY WITH ADDITIONS EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE meee DING A RARE COLLECLION OF Perv RE AND TEXTILES MADE BY Pe OniGINAl: SHAKERS OF MAINE Poe UNUSUAL» PIECES FROM THE Piebieek>s ON LONG. ISLAND Peery 18TH CENTURY CHAIRS PND A PINE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN CHEST Pat oot LOW ESTORT, POTTERY eee Phi PILATE, PEWTER, MIRRORS PiOGks LANTERNS, GLASS; ANDIRONS ORIENTAL AND EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED RUGS Rev iL, ORNAMENTS, PICTURES Pe PaliISCHLLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AFTERNOONS APRIL FOURTH, FIFTH AT TWO-’THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr_] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 LA ¥45°3 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleris, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. +o The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for one dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN URING the century from 1730 to 1830 there were many crafts- men throughout even the sparsely settled regions of New Eng- land. Generally they were unknown except locally; but the mere sight of their home-made tool-handles, or their sets of planes (made from beechwood or rock maple) gives a seeing eye a sense of efficiency and adequacy. And more conclusive still are many of the pieces of furni- ture clearly produced in this way. These country workers did not call themselves cabinet-makers; they could surely not have matched some of the most finished products of English and French shops; but as all-round, fully equipped builders of home furniture they were in a class by themselves. They knew how to select their wood on the stump—maple, birch, hickory, ash, pine, applewood, sycamore, elm, beech, cherry or what not (for all was fish to their net, and they would often combine several kinds in a single piece). They knew when to cut it, and how long it must be seasoned, and the exact virtues and defects of every kind for any given purpose. They still possessed that eye for good proportion which was so usual before the age of power-machines and the mon- strosities of the “dolorous Forties.” They were skilful and ingenious in every process of wood-working and construction. And above all, their work was pervaded with honesty, simplicity, and an abiding sense of practical usefulness. That they also had a real sense of beauty is patent in the graceful outlines and restrained decoration of the better pieces. Many of the homely wrought-iron implements made by some country blacksmith for kitchen fireplace cookery have a touch of the real artist. A concentrated example of this widely diffused craftsman spirit was offered by the Maine Shaker community, which produced a number of the items in this catalogue. Established about 1798, in what was still a pioneer’s country, this colony was soon making not only prac- tically everything it used, but was also supplying the neighboring households. The Shakers had their own forest, sawmill and woodwork- ing shop; some of the men worked in iron and made finished fenders and fire-irons of pierced steel; women and men performed every opera- tion in furnishing their own clothing, linen, blankets and rugs—from growing the flax and rearing the sheep to making the garments by the exact prescribed patterns. There was a hatter’s shop, and a shoe- making department. They prepared their own beautiful and imper- ishable dyes. And if the results are compared with similar commercial nies made to use and those made merely to sell. It is this spirit in whet te eighteenth an maker of New England worked, which pervades the furnis behind him. ORDER OF SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL FOURTH POTTERY AND CHINA, MAINLY ENGLISH EARLY AMERICAN BRASS AND COPPER EARLY AMERICAN AND OTHER GLASS STAFFORDSHIRE COTTAGE ORNAMENTS POLYNESIAN FABRICS MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART CLOCKS, MIRRORS AND LANTERNS MISCELLANEOUS PICTURES EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE INTERESTING COLLECTION OF FURNITURE AND TEXTILES MADE BY THE SHAKER SETTLEMENTS IN MAINE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL FIFTH JEWELRY AND DIVERSE ORNAMENTS SHEFFIELD PLATE AND OTHER PLATED WARE CHINESE LOWESTOFT FLINTLOCK FIREARMS MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS, TEA CADDIES, BANDBOXES, ETC. POTTERY AND CHINA, MOSTLY ENGLISH EARLY AMERICAN AND OTHER PEWTER DIVERSE TEXTILES EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE ANDIRONS, CANDLESTICKS, ETC. ORIENTAL AND EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED RUGS 1- 20 21- 32 33- 52 53- 59 60- 64 65- 98 99-104 105-114 115-170 171-186 187-205 206-215 216-223 224-227 228-235 236-252 253-268 269-294 295-346 347-355 356-364 SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL FOURTH, AT 2:30 — FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-186 POTTERY AND CHINA, MAINLY ENGLISH NUMBERS 1-20 FOUR PIECES OF JAPANESE POTTERY AND PORCE- LAIN AND EUROPEAN FISH-SHAPED DISH IN JAPA- NESE STYLE Satsuma teapot, blue and white jar and vase, brown and white teapot and fish-shaped dish. (Two pieces damaged) (4) TWO PIECES OF GERMAN PORCELAIN Meissen ‘“‘onion pattern” blue and white cup on standard, and covered jar with painted decoration, scene on the Rhine. (2) Height, 344 inches THREE PIECES OF PORCELAIN GERMAN, ABOUT 1840 Meissen cup and saucer with “‘jewelled” decoration, Royal Ber- lin mug with cover, and Berlin brown glaze chocolate pot with cover. All with marks. (3) ONE NORMANDY AND ONE SPANISH MAJOLICA PLATE (2) LARGE SPODE PLATTER, IMARI DECORATION Length, 181% inches BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE CHINA PITCHER, GRAVY BOAT, AND VEGETABLE DISH (H. W. Lanier Collection) (8) TWO CHILD’S MUGS, AND LIVERPOOL PLATE One mug with early railway view: “G is the Guard, that sits perched up above, And sees that no parcels or passengers move.” (Cracked) (H.W. Lanier Collection) (8) 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TWO WEDGWOOD CUPS AND SAUCERS a ee One, black with gold-leaf border in relief; one gray, with mytho- logical reliefs on blue ground, silver scroll frames. (H. W. Lamer Collection) (2) OLD COPPER LUSTRE MUG Centre with blue band bearing relief decoration. Height, 334 inches LONGPORT “IRONSTONE” PITCHER AND BROWN AND TAN ENGLISH CHINA TEAPOT (Sold asis) (2) Height, 64% and 8 inches EARLY AMERICAN COPPER LUSTRE PITCHER Flower-spray decoration. Height, 414 inches TWO LIGHT BLUE AND WHITE ENGLISH CHINA BOWLS One with Chinese decoration, the other with Italian scenes. (One cracked) (2) Diameter, 61 and 9 inches FOUR STAFFORDSHIRE HISTORICAL CUPS AND ONE WEDGWOOD VASE (Sold as is) (5) MOCHA WARE MUG Charming color. (Sold as is) ’ THREE PIECES OF ENGLISH CHINA One Wedgwood style plate, another with pale blue relief, one cup and saucer with floral decoration. (Sold as is) (3) SEVEN MISCELLANEOUS PLATES Some English. (Sold asis) (7) FIVE LIGHT BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES Made by Mayer, Longport. Diverse subjects. (5) BLUE AND WHITE HISTORICAL CHINA PLATTER R. Pall’s, St.. Woolstans, Kildare, Ireland.. Length, 1434 inches 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 HISTORICAL CHINA PLATE BY AMOS WOOD Transylvania University, Lexington. Diameter, 91/4, inches STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER Polychrome landscape, pale blue border. Well and tree. (Fire crack) Length, 19 inches EARLY AMERICAN BRASS AND COPPER NUMBERS 21-32 EARLY AMERICAN BRASS PESTLE Two square handles. Height, 334 wches PAIR OF SMALL EARLY AMERICAN BRASS CANDLE- STICKS Square base; short baluster columns. (One bobéche cracked) (2) Height, 614 inches PAIR OF EARLY AMERICAN BRASS CANDLESTICKS WITH ROUND BASE 7 (2) Height, 914 inches PAIR OF EARLY AMERICAN COPPER TELESCOPE CANDLESTICKS On square base. (One damaged) (2) Height, 914 inches BRASS TRAY AND CANDLE SNUFFER EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 (2) BRASS TRAY AND TWO CANDLE SNUFFERS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 (3) BRASS CANDLESTICK Octagonal stem and base. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 81% inches BRASS CANDLESTICK Round stem, slightly scalloped base. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Soke Height, 91/4 inches 3 29 30 31 32 393 34 35 36 37 BRASS DOOR KNOCKER Urn-shaped plate, with semicircular knocker. (H. W. Lanier Collection) BRASS DOOR KNOCKER Oblong plate, with oblong knocker. Head of bolt forms striking pin. (H. W. Lanier Collection) BRASS SAUCER CANDLESTICK Shaped dish base with moulded edge. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 51% inches HOT-WATER BRAZIER Charcoal burning heater for the tea-table. Perforated brass sides and top. Wooden feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 5 inches EARLY AMERICAN AND OTHER GLASS NUMBERS 83-52 SANDWICH GLASS SCENT BOTTLE Channelled, blue stripes. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 3 inches PAIR OF OPALESCENT SANDWICH GLASS ROSETTE HANDLES aBpouT 1830 (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) Diameter, 184 wches FIVE PAIRS OF SANDWICH GLASS DOOR KNOBS ABouT 1830 Glass handles showing raised crosses at bottom, brass mountings. Unusual to get a set in good condition. (H. W. Lamer Collec- tion) (10) PAIR OF PRESSED-GLASS CANDLESTICKS Fluted stems, impressed design. (One rim broken) (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) Height, 101% inches GLASS CANDLESTICK Baluster stem. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 7 inches 4 —88 39 40 41 42 43 4.4 45 46 47 PRESSED-GLASS LAMP Pineapple design on bowl, baluster stem, hollow base. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 9 inches TWO WINEGLASSES, ONE LIQUEUR GLASS Sherry glasses engraved with festoons. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) (3) STIEGEL GLASS BEAKER Engraved tulip and vine decoration. Exceptionally graceful in shape and decoration. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 6 inches PINCHED GLASS DECANTER Applied ridge decoration and seals with fleur-de-lis. (H. W. Lamer Collection) Height, 8 inches EARLY GLASS FLASK Raised network design. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 61% inches SET OF SIX CUT-GLASS TUMBLERS Barrel-shaped, lower part fluted. Engraved with star pattern. (H.W. Lanier Collection) (6) PAIR OF EARLY DECANTERS Grape and vine engraving. Hollow stoppers. (H. W. Lamer Collection) (2) Height, 11 inches SET OF SIX VERY EARLY GLASSES Deep bottle-green in color. (H.W. Lanier Collection) (6) FOUR PANES OF COLORED BULL’S-EYE GLASS EARLY AMERICAN Very unusual to find these circular decorative panes in such richly variegated colors. The plain bull’s-eyes were customary ornamental features over doors. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (4) Diameter, 7 inches OLD ENGLISH GLASS JUG Height, 534, inches 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 PAIR OF BOHEMIAN RED AND WHITE GLASS VASES Quaint flower-spray decoration in red on white. (2) Height, 9 inches FOUR-PIECE SET OF VASELINE-YELLOW GLASS Creamer, covered sugar dish, covered compote bowl and vase. Moulded glass, with grape leaf design. (4) SET OF SIX MOULDED GLASS GOBLETS Festoon design. (6) STIEGEL ENAMELLED GLASS MUG | Floral design. Initials “J 1’. . Height, 614 inches CELLARETTE OF GILT GLASS BOTTLES Set of eleven early bottles, five large, six small (one missing) ; decorated in gold. In early square oak case (case damaged). (H. W. Lanier Collection) STAFFORDSHIRE COTTAGE ORNAMENTS NUMBERS 53-59 THREE STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES Clown, and pair of figures—a sailor and his lass. (Repaired) (H. W. Lanier Collection) (38) Height about 7 imches FOUR STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES Flower Girl, resting her basket on something substantial; Flower Girl, posies in apron; Pair of ‘English Watteau” figures in 18th century costume. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (4) Height, 414 and 514% inches FOUR STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES Boy and Girl—consciously unconscious of their best costumes or the appreciative spaniel; The Dog Turns—Carlo decides to play imstead of drawing wagon; Birds and Nest; Goat. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (4) Height, 3 to 514 imches 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 FOUR SMALL STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES Child seated on dog; Seated woman holding jug of good cheer ; The Gleaner, with sheaf of wheat; Italian Image Hawker, carry- ing three strapped-up bambini in basket. (H. W. Lamer Col- lection) (4) Height, 3 to 4 mches TWO STAFFORDSHIRE ANIMAL ‘FIGURES Greyhound (sold as is); goat decorated with flowers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) Height, 4 to 614 inches STAFFORDSHIRE “CASTLE” ORNAMENT A red-coated drummer boy resolutely turns his back upon the “purely original” architecture. (H.W. Lanier Collection) Height, 714 inches TWO STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES Seated youth with basket of grapes (mended) ; and a turbaned maiden holding fruit basket. (H.W. Lanier Collection) (2) Height, 8 and 916 inches POLYNESIAN FABRICS NUMBERS 60-64 INTERESTING SOUTH SEA HANGING White bark with very decorative design in black. (From the John La Farge Collection) (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 24 x 144 inches TAPA CLOTH Plain cream-colored fibre. (From the John La Farge Collection) (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 68 x 80 inches WOVEN TAHITIAN MAT Thin fringed mat, of woven palm-leaf fibre; edging of red feather work. (From the John La Farge Collection) (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 68 x 70 inches TAPA CLOTH Tahitian hanging. Design in red brown on white ground. (From the John La Farge Collection) (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 90 x 100 inches 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 ~] bo FRINGED TAPA CLOTH Tahitian hanging of inner bark; rich red-brown all-over design. (From the John La Farge Collection) (H. W. Lanier Collec- tion) Saze, 80 x 100 inches MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART NUMBERS 65-98 EARLY AMERICAN PINE CANDLESTAND With adjustable candle holder. Cross-shaped base. Taken from an old stone house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. EARLY AMERICAN OAK HAT RACK Said to have come from an old Quaker meeting house. EARLY AMERICAN PINE KNITTING SWIFT Taken from an old house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. EARLY AMERICAN PINE KNITTING SWIFT Taken from an old house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. EARLY AMERICAN WOODEN BUTTER BOWL Taken from an old house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. Diameter, 20 inches, OLD RUSH PIGEON BASKET WITH COVER Taken from an old house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. NETTED SILK PURSE-BAG Charming little purse or handkerchief bag of dark blue netted silk with gay decorations and rainbow tassel. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 6 inches BEADED CARD-CASE Black velvet, heavily crusted with colored beadwork design. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 5 x 3 inches 73 74 15 76 vari 78 ae 80 BEADWORK MAT Wreath on blue background; centre dotted in white. (H. W. Lamer Collection) Diameter, 71 inches BEADED DRESS ORNAMENT, AND COIN PURSE Half-oval band of doeskin with beaded relief design. Long crochetted coin purse with ribs and tassels of steel beads. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) INTERESTING OVERSHOES OF PURE RUBBER NEW HAMPSHIRE Made of pure red rubber before the days of vulcanizing. Tooled decorative design. (H. W. Lanier Collection) PAIR OF TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES—“WANDER- ING MINSTRELS” A pair of Nineteenth Century Troubadours “wasting their music on the savage race.” (One repaired) (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) Height, 15 inches DOLL’S CHAISE Amusing painted tin toy chaise with rocking horses, and early doll driver. (H. W. Lanier Collection) TWELVE PIECES OF CARVED IVORY Cup-and-ball, small panels, napkin ring and cup. Brought from China by a sea captain about 1800. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (12) VICTORIAN BLACK LACQUER AND MOTHER-OF- PEARL WRITING BOX Size, 814 x 11 inches TWO SNUFFBOXES—ONE “PERRY’S VICTORY” One with facsimile of Perry’s dispatch announcing victory on Lake Erie. The other, painted street scene. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 THREE METAL SNUFFBOXES—ONE “FLYING MA- CHINE” One, of brass, with engraving of a winged steam-engine soaring over mountains, inscribed *‘Modern Prophecy”. Early one of stamped iron: a piccaninny on a puncheon smoking a long pipe: “My massa sells de best tobacco.” ‘The third with ship and light- house. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (8) TWO ROUND PAINTED SNUFFBOXES One lacquered, with vigorously painted portrait of bearded gen- tleman—genus Raptores. The other, wood, with bird and flowers in gay colors. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) THREE ROUND PAINTED LACQUER SNUFFBOXES “Sporting a Toe” (damaged) ; “La Garde meurt”; and Japanese design in green and gold. (H.W. Lanier Collection) (8) TWO HORN SNUFFBOXES . Oblong—one with stags carved in relief. (H. W. Lanier Collec- tion) (2) THREE SMALL PAINTED SNUFFBOXES Round, two-inch size, painted decoration. (H. W. Lanier Collec- tion) (3) SEVEN SNUFFBOXES Various shapes—lacquer, tin and wood. (H. W. Lanier Collec- tion) (7) Ul PAINTED TIN SNUFFBOX—NELSON Portrait of Lord Nelson on red ground—*‘Nelson, Victory of Trafalgar.” (H. W. Lanier Collection) PAINTED TIN TEA CANISTER Rose decoration. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 5 inches PAINTED TIN CUP-HEATER Could have been used for heating the baby’s milk—or many other purposes. Whale-oil burner below, with double water-pan and cup above. Floral design in colored gilt or blue background. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 9 inches 10 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 LARGE OVAL PAINTED TIN TRAY EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Upright edge, with finger-hole holds; floral decoration. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 23 x 30 inches PAINTED TIN TRAY > EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Oblong. Painted design of pheasant and flowers. (H. W. Laner Collection) Size, 18 x 24 inches LARGE BLACK-AND-GOLD JAPANNED TRAY Shaped and scalloped border, with design of flowers and leaves in gold. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 3014 mches BALANCE WITH BRASS SCALES A primitive weighing apparatus—simply two brass dishes and pointer above, with rough lead weights. (H. W. Lanier Collec- tion) INTERESTING IRON EARLY LOCOMOTIVE WEATHER VANE ; Very unusual weather vane: a cut-out, wood-burning railroad locomotive, engineer in cab. Might have been for some “Railroad Inn” around 1840. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 42 inches SILVER SNUFFERS Embossed decoration. (H. W. Lanier Collection) TWO STEEL SNUFFERS Scissors-shaped snuffers, of early and graceful design. (H. W. Lamer Collection) (2) ODD HAND LAMP Iron frame, pierced at sides, with folding handles, encloses whale- oil burner. Above, a small copper chamber. (H. W. Laneer Collection) Height, 6 inches BRASS NESTED MEASURES AND COIN SCALES A small brass bucket with hinged top and catch encloses four smaller nesting measures. (Dutch ?). The scales were for test- ing the weight of gold coins. (H. W. Lanier Collection) LI ao) 100 101 102 103 104 CLOCKS, MIRRORS AND LANTERNS NUMBERS 99-104 SMALL WALNUT WALL MIRROR EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 Rectangular, with scroll and fluted ornamentation above and below. Old glass. (Restored) Size, 1844 x 10 mches PAIR OF EARLY AMERICAN CRYSTAL GLASS PRISM CANDELABRA Central shaft and two branches hung with prisms and with all- over facetting. (2) Height, 13 inches MAHOGANY “MT. VERNON” MANTEL CLOCK EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Separated turned columns, broken voluted pediment, bracket feet. (Painted panel cracked) (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 28 inches RARE “BETROTHAL” MIRROR MAINE, ABOUT 1800 Pine frame, with border band of colored glass (damaged) ; painted glass insert in angled-arch projecting top. Locally known as “‘betrothal” or “engagement” mirrors. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 11 x 16 inches “CONSTITUTION” AND “GUERRIERE” MIRROR Painted view of battle between the ‘Constitution’ and ‘*Guer- riere” (War of 1812). (A wedding present to a Maine bride, about 1815) (Defects) (H. W. Lanier Collection) f Szze, 16 x 31 inches VERY FINE BRASS SHIP’S LANTERN A splendid specimen. Tall top, heavy brass, corrugated glass. (H. W. Laner Collection) Height, 21 inches MISCELLANEOUS PICTURES © NUMBERS 105-114 EARLY AMERICAN PAINTING WITH FLOWER URN Diameter, 1484 inches 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 EMBROIDERED PICTURE A sentimental boy gathers blossoms from a spreading tree while a bedecked shepherdess watches—beside a doll-sized house. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 1414 x 1614 inches TWO GLASS PAINTINGS: “DEATH OF NELSON” 1806 One view shows Nelson giving his last orders to Hardy; the other his death, and monument. (One cracked) (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) (2) Size, 12 x 1514 inches EARLY AMERICAN COLORED PRINT, “BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL” Design drawn and engraved by J. Baker. FRAMED PICTURE William P. Van Ness, second to Aaron Burr in the famous duel. FRAMED PICTURE: “JOHN OLIVER ESQ.” FRAMED PICTURE British Officer, about 1776. INTERESTING EARLY LITHOGRAPH: RAVENSWOOD, Rag A spirited scene, drawn by M. Swett, showing East River with sailboat, a four-oared boat with rowers in red uniform, ete. In background a proposed Shore Drive, with existing houses re- arranged. Lithographed by N. Currier. Rare. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 49 x 17 wnches FOUR COLORED DRAWINGS OF OLD NEW YORK WATERFRONT Charming views of South Street, forty years ago, when sailing ships still thrust their bowsprits over the street. By F. L. Hunter. Old Slip Old Burling Slip Coenties Slip Foot of Maiden Lane (H. W. Lanier Collection) (4) Size, 834 x 1114 inches FOUR CHINESE PAINTINGS (H.W. Lanier Collection) (4) 13 116 117 118 119 122 EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE NUMBERS 115-170 PINE WASHSTAND Top rises to expose shallow compartment. Below, one drawer and cupboard. Wooden knob handles; bracket feet; shaped apron. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 35 inches; size of top, 24 x, 37 inches PINE CONSOLE TABLE Plain top. Three square, tapering legs. Length, 38 inches EARLY AMERICAN PINE CORNER CUPBOARD Truncated corners. Inside with two shelves enclosed by panelled doors. Height, 32 inches; length, 47 inches EARLY AMERICAN PINE INVALID’S REST MAHOGANY FIRE SCREEN — Earty AMERICAN, ABouT 1800 Square mahogany frame, filled with figured silk. Turned baluster support on tripod base. Slender round pole. MAHOGANY CHAIR EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1825 Pierced slat, square tapered posts. (H. W. Lamner Collection) PAINTED SLAT-BACK CHAIR MAINE, ABOUT 1820 Two slats. ‘Turned posts and stretchers. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) MAPLE BALUSTER-BACK CHAIR MAINE, ABouT 1780 | Four balusters. Turned posts and stretchers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) POLE FIRE SCREEN AMERICAN, ABOUT 1825 Sliding screen in gros point, with design of Scotch child on Shet- land pony. Flat tripod base with turned feet. Bands of gad- rooned brass, and finial raised hands. (H. W. Lamer Collection) MAPLE SIDE CHAIR MAINE, ABouT 1780 Bowed top rail. Urn-shaped solid splat. Square posts with moulded edges. Turned legs and stretchers. (H.W. Lanier Col- lection) 14 127 130 131 132 133 EARLY AMERICAN PINE CHEST, PAINTED BLUE Moulded base, standing on heavy ball feet. Taken from an old house in Ulster County, built in 1740. Size, 36 x 1816 inches CHILD’S ROCKING CHAIR Earty AMERICAN, ABOUT 1825 Four spindles. Turned spraddle legs and stretchers. Painted green. (H.W. Lanier Collection) DOLL’S PAINTED PINE WASHSTAND EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Round turned legs connected by undershelf with drawer. EARLY AMERICAN CHILD’S PAINTED HIGH CHAIR EARLY AMERICAN PINE BUREAU Top and upper drawer with slightly curved outline. Three straight drawers below. Bracket feet. Height, 351% inches PAINTED WINDSOR ROCKING ARMCHAIR MAINE, ABOUT 1800 Tall back with seven spindles. Painted yellow. Turned spraddle legs and stretchers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) BIRCH AND HICKORY LADDER-BACK ROCKING ARM- CHAIR MAINE, ABOUT 1730 Three curved slats. Turned posts and stretchers. Curved arm- rests. Woven splint seat. Painted red. (H. W. Lanier Collec- tion) OBLONG PINE TAVERN TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 Turned maple 1eB®> oblong stretchers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size of top, 23 x 36 inches MAPLE CHIPPENDALE SIDE CHAIR EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 Bow-shaped top rail. Pierced fiddle-back splat with heart. Square legs, turned stretchers, rush seat. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) | bee 15 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 MAPLE BALUSTER-BACK CHAIR MAINE, ABOUT 1780 Curved top rail; four balusters. Turned posts, ball finials, and stretchers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) MAHOGANY OCCASIONAL TABLE Slender turned legs. (Sold as is) Size of top, 19 x 1814 inches PINE BUREAU DESK EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 The fall front enclosing interior with large compartments. Lower part with cupboard section enclosed by two panelled doors. ‘Taken from an old house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. Height, 41 inches; length, 42 inches MAPLE BALUSTER-BACK CHAIR MAINE, ABOUT 1720 Voluted top rail; three balusters. Turned posts with slender finials. ‘Turned stretchers of oak. Exceptionally delicate in de- sign. (H. W. Lanier Collection) SMALL PINE TABLE WITH DRAWER EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Square, tapering legs. Size of top, 1614 x 201% inches WINDSOR ARMCHAIR MAINE, ABOUT 1780 Horizontal splayed armrest pierced for back spindles. Spraddle turned legs, turned stretchers. Seven long spindles, four short ones. (H. W. Lanier Collection) EARLY AMERICAN PINE CLOCK SHELF Taken from an old house in Ulster County, built in 1740. CHILD’S PAINTED PINE HIGH CHAIR EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Round legs connected by stretchers. Rush seat. MAHOGANY CARD TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Classic style. Folding top, supported by two octagonal col- umns. Oblong base with brass feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size of top, 34 inches square PAIR OF CHILDREN’S PAINTED PINE LADDER-BACK ARMCHAIRS Three-splat back. Round posts and legs. (2) 16 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 ROUND MAHOGANY TIP-TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Baluster support on tripod, snakehead feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Diameter, 321% inches PAIR OF WINDSOR CHAIRS MAINE, ABouT 1780 Seven bamboo turned spindles. Saddle seat. ‘Turned spraddle legs and stretchers. Painted white. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) SMALL OVAL TIP TOP MAPLE TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Baluster support on tripod. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size of top, 14 x 19 wmches PAIR OF CHILDREN’S PINE AND HICKORY CHAIRS Round posts. Two-slat back. Rush seats. (2) ROUND WALNUT TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 Top with raised moulded edge. Baluster support on tripod; snakehead feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Diameter, 221% inches EARLY AMERICAN CEDAR CHEST (Sold as is) Height, 43 inches; size of top, 261 x 45 inches MAHOGANY DOUBLE CABINET EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Probably a special made-to-order piece. In two sections, the upper with handles. Shelves below. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height about 62 inches; width, 251% inches OVAL MAPLE TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABouT 1760 Round tapered legs, duck feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size of top, 27 x 382 inches WINDSOR CHAIR MAINE, ABouT 1780 Nine bamboo turned spindles; pine saddle seat; turned spraddle legs and stretchers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) 17 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 1604 161 WINDSOR CHAIR MAINE, ABOUT 1800 Double horizontal top rails with three short spindles between. Seven bamboo turned spindles, turned spraddle legs and stretch- ers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) MAHOGANY DRESSING TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Above, two moulded drawers; Y-shaped support; square moulded base and bracket feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size of top, 1514 x 28 inches PAIR OF MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1850 Rounded open backs. (Upholstery worn) (2) RECTANGULAR MAHOGANY TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Spirally turned legs. (Top cracked) Size, 3314 x 1634 inches CHERRYWOOD COMMODE - gEarty american, aBpout 1810 Two small drawers above three long drawers. Oval brasses. Bracket feet. (Sold as is) Height, 40 inches; length, 40 inches OLD PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN PAINTED PINE CHEST Height, 191% inches; size of top, 2034 x 49 inches EARLY AMERICAN PINE FIRE-SCREEN FRAME Taken from an old house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. Height, 55 inches MAHOGANY CHINA CABINET AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Moulded top. Glass doors, with patterned mullions, enclose three shelves. Below, two drawers. Short cabriole legs, duck feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 65 inches; width, 43 inches EARLY AMERICAN PAINTED WOODEN CHEST MAHOGANY SOFA EARLY AMERICAN, ABouT 1830 Back frame deeply curved; scrolled ends. (Upholstery worn) Length, 76 inches 162 163 164 THREE-BACKED OAK SETTER EARLY AMERICAN Back rail and connecting stretchers boldly scalloped and curved. Cane seat with scalloped edge. Eight legs with connecting stretchers. Length, 58 inches LADDER-BACK ASHWOOD ARMCHAIR MAINE, ABOUT 1730 Turned posts with tall finials. Four ‘shaped, curved slats. Curved armrests. Rush seat. Fine specimen of the “Grand- father” chair of the New England home. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) y [164] VERY RARE SHEFFIELD CHANDELIER ENGLISH, ABouT 1760 Nine gracefully curved arms, with pierced candle holders, hang from upper inverted bell by large links. Acanthus relief decora- tion. Originally from an old James River mansion and exhib- ited at the Jamestown Tercentenary Exposition in 1907. An almost unique piece of best period Sheffield, suggesting the dig- nity and charm of 18th century Virginia. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) Height, 47 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | I 165 166 168 169 170 PINE CHEST OF DRAWERS | gEarty american, aBour 1770 Two small drawers above three long drawers. Brass handles. Bracket feet. Taken from an old house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. Height, 42 inches; length, 39 inches EARLY AMERICAN PINE CRADLE Taken from an old house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. EARLY AMERICAN PINE BLANKET CHEST Drop lid with moulded edge. Moulded base with bracket feet. Size, 49 x 20 inches SET OF THREE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS | EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Classic shape. Top rail with carved floral motif. Slightly curved legs. One with leather seat, the others with woven fabric. (3) MAHOGANY LADDER-BACK SIDE CHAIR MAINE, ABOUT 1780 Four curved slats. Square posts, roughly shaped above. Oblong stretchers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) PAIR OF FIDDLE-BACK CURLY MAPLE SIDE CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1830 Cane seats. Shaped top rails. (2) § INTERESTING COLLECTION OF FURNITURE AND TEXTILES MADE BY THE SHAKER SETTLEMENTS IN MAINE NUMBERS 171-186 STRIPED HAND-WOVEN BLANKET (SHAKER) mare Double blanket of hand-woven gray wool, with brown and yellow stripes—vegetable dyes. Made by Maine Shakers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) 20 173 175 176 17 178 £79 SINGLE COLORED HAND-WOVEN BLANKET (SHAKER) MAINE Light blanket, woven by Shakers, variegated soft coloring, in stripes. Interesting specimen of Early American home textile weaving. (H. W. Lanier Collection) GRAY BROCADED SHAWL (H. W. Lanier Collection) HESTER ADAMS’ PRUNELLA SLIPPERS Pair of blue prunella slippers (with French heels!) brought by Hester Adams when she joined the Maine Shakers. In blue bag. (H. W. Lanier Collection) TWO SHAKER HANDBAGS One worsted-work with flower design, leather-mounted. One carpet bag. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) SHAKER ELDER’S COSTUME MAINE, ABOUT 1800 Long fawn-colored tailed coat; two blue waistcoats, one woolen; shiny red-brown trousers. (The cloth was sent to the fulling- mill to secure this stiff glazed surface.) (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) ROUND MAPLE STAND (SHAKER ) MAINE, ABOUT 1800 Top with raised edge. Baluster support on tripod, snakehead feet. Painted brown. Made by Shakers in Maine. (H. W. Laneer Collection) Diameter, 16 inches UNUSUAL SET OF SIX MAPLE LADDER-BACK SHAKER CHAIRS MAINE, ABOUT 1810 Three curved slats; turned posts and stretcher. Made by Shaker workmen from maple grown and seasoned on the community’s home place. Seats of hand-woven colored listing, done by Shaker sisters. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (6) MAPLE SHAKER ROCKING CHAIR MAINE, ABouT 1810 Three curved slats. Turned posts and stretchers. Same set as the preceding. (H.W. Lanier Collection) 21 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 HAND-WOVEN CARPET RUG (SHAKER) MAINE Cross stripes of conventional decoration, in blue, red and brown. Unusual. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Width, 38 inches; length, 12 feet HAND-WOVEN CARPET RUG MAINE Woven on a carpet loom. White stripes against soft green- brown background. (H. W. Lamer Collection) Size, 71 x 76 inches WHITE SILK SHAKER SHAWL (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 52 inches square BLUE-AND-WHITE HOMESPUN COVERLET MAINE Made by Shakers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 92 inches square BLUE-AND-WHITE HOMESPUN COVERLET Made by Shakers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) | Size, 92 x 104 inches -BLUE-AND-WHITE HOMESPUN COVERLET (SHAKER) MAINE All wool. Made by Shakers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 88 x 92 inches ROUND MAPLE STAND (SHAKER) MAINE, ABouT 1800 Top with raised edge. Baluster support of unusual shape on tripod, snakehead feet. Made by the Shakers in Maine, who settled there about 1790. Painted red. (H. W. Lamier Collee- tion) Diameter of top, 1614 wches SALE 187 188 189 190 ot 192 193 THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL BIPYTH, al bo 230 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 187-364 JEWELRY AND DIVERSE ORNAMENTS NUMBERS 187-205 EARLY BEADWORK BRACELET Interesting bracelet band, dull red and white on green back- ground. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Width, 2 inches FOUR BRASS AND SHEFFIELD SHOE BUCKLES (H. W. Lanier Collection) (4) PAIR OF LARGE SHEFFIELD SHOE BUCKLES Octagonal frame, bands of waved decoration; triple-arched tongue. (H.W. Lanier Collection) (2) Size, 31/4, inches square * PAIR OF SHEFFIELD SHOE BUCKLES Shaped frame with bossed design, and arched tongue-piece. (H. W. Lamer Collection) (2) Width, 252 mches PAIR OF STEEL AND LEAD SHOE BUCKLES Early form—steel, with a lead facing bearing a chiselled design. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) Width, 3 inches CARVED AMBER ORNAMENT Deep brown amber mounted in silver and kingfisher feathers. Suitable for brooch. Semi-oval. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 21 x 258 inches ANTIQUE CHINESE CARVED AMBER ORNAMENT Rich brown amber, mounted in silver and kingfisher feathers. Oval. Suitable for brooch. (H.W. Lanier Collection) Size, 214 x 252 inches 194 195 196 Loe 198 199 200 201 208 204 PAIR OF CHINESE JADE COSTUME ORNAMENTS Green carved jade mounted in silver and kingfisher feathers. Round. (H.W. Lanier Collection) (2) Diameter, 214 inches PAIR OF PAINTED PORCELAIN EARRINGS (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) PAINTED PORCELAIN BROOCH AND THREE BUTTONS Set of painted costume ornaments. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (4) FILIGREE PENDENT GOLD EARRINGS Hollow, melon-shaped, network design. (H. W. Lanier Collec- tion) TWO BROOCHES One white cameo, oval, 284 inches (damaged). One ivory tooth, gold-mounted, 334 inches. (H.W. Lanier Collection) (2) MINIATURE Youth, wearing stock. Oval frame. (H. W. Lanier Collection) 236 inches THIN ENGRAVED GOLD WATCH Back engraved with castle and woman’s figure. Brandt, Geneva. (H. W. Lanier Collection) THREE SILVER BULL’S-EYE WATCHES One with chain. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (38) SILVER BULL’S-EYE WATCH Repoussé design on back. By Robert Hynam, London. (H. W. Lanier Collection) ENAMELLED WATCH Painted woman’s head, with two inserted brilliants. Design in blue enamel and gold. By J. Mathey, Locle. (H. W. Lanier Collection) WATCH WITH PAINTED PORCELAIN MINIATURE By Fres. Bordier, Geneva. (H. W. Lanier Collection) 24 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 GOLD “EAGLE” WATCH Eagle and shield engraved on face; U. S. shield and scroll on back. By M. J. Tobias, Liverpool. (H.W. Lanier Collection) SHEFFIELD PLATE AND OTHER PLATED WARE NuMBERS 206-215 PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, ABOUT 1810 Fine Adam design. Oval fluted base; tapering fluted column. Urn-shaped candle holder. Unusually fine. (2) Height, 12 inches REED AND BARTON TEA SET AMERICAN Teapot, sugar bowl with handles, and creamer, of octagonal design, in the white metal which succeeded pewter. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (8) Height of teapot, 1084 inches SHEFFIELD JAR , Urn-shaped jar with cover. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 8 inches OVAL SHEFFIELD FRUIT DISH Open basket-work sides; narrow rim with beaded edge. (1. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 181% wches SHEFFIELD FRUIT DISH Openwork wire sides. Gadrooned border, with raised scrolls. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 10 inches SHEFFIELD CAKE DISH Round dish, raised scrolled border, engraved centre. With handle. (H. W. Lanier Collection) PAIR OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRA Curved and fluted branches. Base and candleholders with gad- rooned rims. (2) Height, 7% inches SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICK WITH HURRI- CANE SHADE Height, 17 inches bo Or 214 215 221 PAIR OF WHITE METAL LAMPS WITH PRISM PEND- ANTS AND ETCHED GLASS SHADES EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1840 Fitted for one electric light. Standing on square base with four ball supports. (2) Height, 1714 inches PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE CHINESE GINGER JAR LAMPS WITH SHADES Fitted for electricity. Sketchy landscape decoration. Parch- ment shades. (2) Height, 101% inches CHINESE LOWESTOFT NUMBERS 216-223 TWO PIECES OF CHINESE LOWESTOFT Entrée dish in famille-rose colors (sold as is); blue and gold teapot. (2) CHINESE LOWESTOFT BOWL Rose decoration; waved dots and red border band. (Mended) (H. W. Lanier Collection) Diameter, 9 inches CHINESE LOWESTOFT PLATTER Scalloped edges, rose decoration, red chain border. (From the Pruyn sale) (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 17 inches CHINESE LOWESTOFT WARMING PLATE Hollow, for hot water, pierced handles (one broken). Salmon- pink, black and gold border, with conventional leaf design. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Diameter, 10 inches SMALL CHINESE LOWESTOFT JUG WITH COVER Flower cluster decoration. Purple red and gold border. (H. W. Lanier Collection) — . Height, 5 inches CHINESE LOWESTOFT CUPS AND SAUCERS One pear-shaped, with handles. Rose sprigs, waved line and dot border. (One cracked) (H.W. Lanier Collection) (3) 26 222 223 224 225 226 227 CHINESE LOWESTOFT CREAMER AND SUGAR BOWL Rose sprig decoration; bowl with twisted handles. (Pitcher mended) (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) Height, 6 and & inches CHINESE LOWESTOFT VEGETABLE DISH Shaped oval dish and cover, acorn knob, twisted handles. Border blue and maroon, gold stars. Four rayed circles with cornu- copias. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 18 inches FLINTLOCK FIREARMS NUMBERS 224-227 FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS Engraved steel barrel with bell muzzle. Hammered brass butt- plate. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 191 inches FLINTLOCK PISTOL Barrel, engraved steel. Carved rest and grip. Shaped and chased brass butt-plate. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 20 inches INTERESTING EARLY FLINTLOCK PISTOL Handle, under side of barrel, ramrod seat, and trigger-guard covered with thin sheet of engraved brass. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) Length, 16% inches BRASS-BARRELLED FLINTLOCK PISTOL Barrel, brass in form of cannon. Brass trophies inlaid in wal- nut handle. Butt-plate, a grotesque head. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) Length, 134% inches MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS, TEA CADDIES, BANDBOXES, HAG: NUMBERS 228-235 228 HATBOX—NAPOLEON AND GUARD MAINE Napoleon and soldier of the guard—green, maroon and white on yellow ground. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 15 inches 27 230 231 232 233 234 235 HATBOX—NEW ENGLAND MEETING-HOUSE NEW HAMPSHIRE Top, meeting-house and dwellings of New England village. Sides, a waterfall with men fishing. Blue-and-white and green-brown on yellow ground. (H.W. Lanier Collection) Height, 12 inches TRIPLE CHINESE TEA CADDY Box of black-and-gold lacquered wood encloses three pewter tea canisters with engraved tops and covers. (Sold as is) (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 1134 inches INLAID MAHOGANY JEWEL BOX ENGLISH, ABOUT 1790 Top with moulded edge and brass handle. Rope inlay around edges. Inside, three compartments. Pierced brass escutcheon. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 914 inches BANDED TRUNK-BOX EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1830 Leather-covered, with green iron strap bands, brass rails. (Dam- aged) (H.W. Lanier Collection) Length, 9 inches MINIATURE TRUNK-BOX Leather-covered, with patterned brass nails and brass handle. “Henry Miller . . . (From London). No. 313 Pearl-street, facing Peck-slip, New York.” An amusing jewel or letter box. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Length, 9 inches INLAID MAHOGANY TEA-BOX ENGLISH, ABouT 1790 Fine specimen. Inlaid strip with dentils at top, conch shell on front. (Slight defects) (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 414 inches MARQUETRY MAHOGANY FERN-BOX Shaped oval, pierced metal gallery, metal-lined; diamond mar- quetry; ball feet. (H.W. Lanier Collection) Length, 14 inches POTTERY AND CHINA, MOSTLY ENGLISH NUMBERS 236-252 LARGE LIVERPOOL POTTERY PITCHER On the sides, black transfer print decoration of idyllic farm scenes and verse. On the front, representation of the sailing ship “Hannibal” flying the American flag. Height, 1314 inches 28 237 238 239 240 241 243 244 245 246 FOUR STAFFORDSHIRE PALE BLUE AND WHITE PLATTERS AND VEGETABLE DISHES (Sold as is) (4) Length not over 191% inches BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE SOUP TUREEN WITH PLATTER AND COVER (Sold as is) WEDGWOOD SOUP TUREEN AND RED AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE CHINA VEGETABLE DISH Both with covers. (Sold as is) (2) SIX LARGE DAVENPORT BLUE AND WHITE CHINA SOUP PLATES Chinese decoration. (6) SET OF SIX BLUE AND WHITE HISTORICAL CHINA PLATES Fulham Church, Middlesex. R. Hall’s, Picturesque Scenery. (6) Diameter, 9 inches SIX PIECES OF WEDGWOOD IRONSTONE CHINA Chinese design. Two plates, two cups and saucers. (6) SIX-PIECE BLUE AND WHITE HISTORICAL CHINA TEA SET Teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, two cups and saucer. Columbine decoration. (Saucer chipped) (6) PAIR OF OPENWORK CHINA FRUIT STANDS ABOUT 1880 White and gilt; rim and pierced apertures arched. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 814 inches FOUR PIECES OF LEEDS WARE Sauce boat, salt-shaker, mug and pitcher. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) (4) Height, 3 to 41% inches WORCESTER TEA SET Thirty-nine pieces. Scalloped edges, decorated in red, black and gold. Marked with crown and “B. C. Co.” (Barr, Cham- berlain) (H. W. Lanier Collection) (89) 29 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 FOUR BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES One, Fruit, by Stubbs; English Cottage, by Riley; Hunting Scene, by Clews; and Bag of Game, unmarked. (One cracked) (H. W. Lanier Collection) (4) Diameter, 10 inches SILVER LUSTRE BOWL Fluted sides, octagonal stem-base. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 41% inches FINE LARGE BLUE AND WHITE STAFFORDSHIRE PLATTER WITH DRAINER A Rogers platter, English cottages and dappled deer—with sepa- rate pierced slab for draining. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 1614 x 21 inches PAIR OF URN-SHAPED CHINA VASES AMERICAN, ABOUT 1840 Body white and gilt, applied vine decoration, scalloped top. Relief flowers in color. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) Height, 8 inches LUSTRE CREAM PITCHER ENGLISH, ABouT 1820 Tavern scene in rose and bronze. Height, 5 inches FOUR PIECES OF CHINESE PORCELAIN Two tea bowls with covers, bowl with flower and bird decoration and Canton plate, with floral design. (One piece cracked) (4) : EARLY AMERICAN AND OTHER PEWTER NUMBERS 253-268 DEEP PEWTER PLATE AMERICAN, ABouT 1800 Large sized deep plate made by Danforth. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) Diameter, 13 inches EARLY AMERICAN PEWTER PLATE Large shallow plate, stamped “E. A.” (Broken) (H. W. Lanier Collection) Diameter, 13 inches 30 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 268 264 UNUSUAL EARLY AMERICAN PEWTER =$ MEAT PLATTER This fine dish has one side straight, the opposite one rounded. It brings back the generous displays of roast fowls and meats in olden days. (H.W. Lanier Collection) Size, 1414 x 19 inches PAIR OF PEWTER WHALE-OIL LAMPS Urn-shaped table lamps with circular handles on rounded base. “S. Rust’s Patent. New York.” (H. W. Lanier Collection) (2) Height, 6% inches PEWTER SALT-SHAKER The perforated top unscrews. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 5 inches RARE FOUR-LIGHT PEWTER HANGING LAMP This very unusual hanging lamp is in the form of half a hollow globe, giving a thin circular oil-chamber. Three ornamented scrolled arms project from the circumference, and chains at- tached to these hang from upper gadrooned bell. (H. W. Lanier Collection ) Height, 1614 inches PEWTER CANDLESTICK EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Square base. Height, 814 inches THREE EARLY AMERICAN PEWTER PLATES (3) Diameter, 9 inches EARLY AMERICAN PEWTER “BETTY” LAMP Height, 13 inches PAIR OF PEWTER CANDLESTICKS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Round base and shaped column decorated with gadrooning. (2) Height, 1014 inches EARLY AMERICAN PEWTER COFFEE POT Maker’s mark: “R. Gleason” on bottom. Height, 11 inches TWO OLD ENGLISH PEWTER FLAT PLATES Both engraved with initials “A B” on bottom. One with Eng- lish marks. (2) Diameter, 714 inches 31 265 266 268 269 270 bo ~ pal 272 OLD ENGLISH PEWTER THREE-HANDLED CUP ON STANDARD | Height, 7 inches OLD ENGLISH PEWTER BOWL With initials “A B” scratched on rim. Three makers’? marks on bottom. Diameter, 834 inches ETCHED PEWTER TEAPOT ENGLISH, ABouT 1810 Adam shape. Fluted cover. Height, 7 inches EARLY AMERICAN PEWTER SHAVING DISH AND TWO-HANDLED BOWL (2) DIVERSE TEXTILES NUMBERS 269-294 WORSTED-WORK SQUARE Fringed square for small table or chair-back. Pair of figures and cottage in colors. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 17 x 15 inches SAMPLER OF LACE STITCHES Interesting and unusual sampler with fifty-five different examples of lace and needlework stitches, beautifully wrought. (H. W. Laner Collection) Size, 14 x 29 inches SAMPLER MAINE, 1810 “Let Modesty that Heaven-born maid Your words and actions grace. Tis this, this only, that can aid True lustre to your face.” “Mary James AE. 8 years. Scarborough (Maine), September. 1810.” (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 1514 x 22 inches SAMPLER MAINE, ABOUT 1805 On dark green ground. “Elizabeth Hawkes. Born July 27, 1795. Windham (Maine). Her Sampler.” (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) Size, 1234 x 1614 inches 32 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 LINEN SWALLOW-TAIL COAT A “dress coat” for summer wear, of heavy hand-woven linen. (H. W. Lanier Collection) LAVENDER SILK WAISTCOAT With lining of hand-woven linen. (H. W. Lanier Collection) EMBROIDERED PANEL Such as ornamented a ball-dress of Marie Antoinette’s time. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, framed, 10 x 1744 inches PAIR OF EMBROIDERED PANELS From an Eighteenth Century costume. (H. W. Lanier Collec- tion) (2) Size, 13 x 171% inches EMBROIDERED PANEL French embroidery, same set as the preceding. (H. W. Lamer Collection) Size, framed, 36 x 22 inches SAMPLER MAINE Alphabet sampler, with heart; hand-woven ground. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 10 x 8 inches SAMPLER MAINE Alphabet sampler, on hand-woven ground: “Sarah Emerson Foster, Aged 11.” (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 8 x 10 inches EARLY SAMPLER NEW HAMPSHIRE, 1769 Alphabet, Lord’s Prayer in French. “Sarah Douplass’s sampler. Finished in the Year of our Lord 1769.” Birds, dogs and con- veritional decoration. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 14 x 16 inches SAMPLER—“MAIN STREET” Alphabet sampler, by Mary Joann Tucker, with row of New England village houses at bottom. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size about 18 inches square PERSIAN SHAWL Black centre with palm-leaf in corner; conventional border. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 52 inches square 33 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 PAISLEY SHAWL Design of cross stripes, variegated colors. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) Size, 62 x 118 inches EMBROIDERED SILK SHAWL Yellow silk with heavily embroidered flower corners. Found in Maine. (H. W. Lanier Collection) THREE FANCY WAISTCOATS Finery of New England “bucks.” Silk, satin and brocaded vel- vet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (8) EMBROIDERED SILK WAISTCOAT Charming embroidery in colors of rose sprigs and leaves. Eigh- teenth Century. Hand-made linen lining. (H. W. Lanier Col- lection) SHAKER WADDED CLOAK Blue mohair, lined and wadded. (Damaged) (H. W. Lanier Collection) PIECED FLORAL QUILT Central panel, with charming pieced design of flowers, and sprig border. (H. W. Lanier Collection) CHINTZ PEACOCK QUILT MAINE Heavy unglazed chintz, peacock and tree design. Patchwork backing. (H. W. Lanier Collection) PATCHWORK QUILT MAINE Variegated design of colored calicoes. For four-poster. (H. W. Lanier Collection) CHINESE TAPESTRY—BUDDHA Uniform in style with No. 293; three circles, each with Buddha on lotus. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 31 x 10 inches CHINESE TAPESTRY : Kien Lung Ko’seu depicting Tartar warriors on horseback, with flower border. (H.W. Lanier Collection) Size, 34 x 38 inches 34 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 RARE CHINESE TAPESTRY—FIGHTING HORSES Very interesting and beautiful early piece of Ko’seu—with yellow circle against dark blue background containing scene of horses at drinking trough. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 21 x 82 inches LARGE CHINESE EMBROIDERED HANGING Scene of Immortals, beautifully embroidered on cherry-red ground. (H.W. Lanier Collection) Size about 34 x 120 inches EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE NUMBERS 295-346 EARLY AMERICAN PINE TAVERN TABLE agzour 17380 Turned legs, connected by stretchers. Taken from an old house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. Size of top, 44 x 29 inches PINE SIDE BOARD EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 High shaped back board. The body with two short drawers above one long drawer. Two doors with sunken panels enclosing compartment with shelves. Turned front feet. Bone escutcheons. Height, 55 inches; length, 46 inches PINE AND OAK HUTCH TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABouT 1800 Bracket end supports, with chest section enclosed by drop-lid between. PINE HUTCH TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABouT 1800 Round adjustable top. Diameter, 41 imches MAPLE AND MAHOGANY LOWBOY Mahogany top with long drawer. Central drawer in lower row with fan carving, square drawer on either side. Cabriole legs with club feet. The drawers maple, stained mahogany. Height, 36 inches; length, 42 inches; depth, 25 inches 35 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 PAIR OF HICKORY WINDSOR CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Five-spindle back. Legs, stretchers and posts with bamboo markings. (2) EARLY AMERICAN PINE DRESSER Top with plain moulded cornice and two shelves. Lower body with narrow drawers for silver at either end, and two panelled doors enclosing shelves. Taken from an old stone house in Ulster County, New York, built in 1740. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; length, 61 inches PINE CHEST OF DRAWERS Earty AMERICAN, ABout 1800 Top with wide moulded edge. Three drawers. Shaped block feet. Length, 36 inches; depth, 20 inches LARGE CURLY MAPLE TABLE WITH DROP LEAVES EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Square straddle legs. Size of top, open, 52 x 4014 inches SET OF SIX CURLY MAPLE SIDE CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 18380 Plain backrail and horizontal splat connecting posts. Rush seats. Round legs. (6) . EARLY AMERICAN LOW PINE TAVERN TABLE Spraddle end supports connected by braces and central stretcher. Size of top, 50 x 32 inches f PINE STRETCHER-TOP TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1730 The square legs connected by plain stretchers. Taken from an old house in Ulster County, New York, built about 1740. Size of top, 48 x 30 inches SMALL MAPLE ROUND TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1770 Baluster support; tripod base. Diameter, 19 inches MAPLE CANDLE STAND EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 Round top. Baluster support ending in tripod base. Diameter of top, 181% iwches 36 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 PAIR OF MAHOGANY DUNCAN PHYFE SIDE CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Back gently curved, with plain panelled top rail. The hori- zontal splat with central carved rosette, two open rings and carved three-feather emblem of the Prince of Wales. Slip seats. (2) SET OF SIX MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Boldly scrolled and shaped top rail. Violin-shaped splat. Slip seats. (6) MAPLE DROP-LEAF TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Square tapering legs. Size, when opened, 33 x 36 inches OBLONG PINE SETTLE-TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1730 Top turns up on wooden pins to form back of a bench. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size of top, 88 x 7014 inches CURLY MAPLE CARD TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 Folding top with scalloped edges. Square tapered, fluted legs. One drawer. (Top cracked.) Exceptionally beautiful burl maple. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size of top, 3314 inches square MAPLE SLANT-TOP DESK EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Above, three small drawers and pigeonholes; below three draw- ers. Bracket feet. Original brasses. An excellent example of the small-sized desks of this type. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 3644 inches; width, 39 inches PINE KITCHEN CABINET EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Upper section on bracket feet; below wide moulding, two glass doors, each with six panes and separated by three-pane window, protect two shelves. Lower section, three drawers above panelled cupboard doors covering one shelf. ‘Turned feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 86 inches; width, 66 inches 37 Lote] PLL ‘ISHHO VINVATASNNGd GaLNIVd 316 317 318 319 320 321 PAINTED PENNSYLVANIA CHEST PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN, 1774 Three arched panels on front, decorated with painted tulips in earthenware pots, in reds and blues. Inscribed about pierced keyhole escutcheon: “Hannes Tommes 1774.” Large iron handles. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 2514 x 51 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TALL BIRCH AND MAPLE SECRETARY EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Doors of upper section each with four mullioned panels, arched at top, covering three shelves. Middle, six drawers and pigeon- holes behind panelled doors. Folding desk top. Below, three drawers. Turned legs. Original brasses. (H.W. Lanier Col- lection) . Height, 83 inches; width, 38 inches MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Carved posts, pineapple pear and acanthus design; claw feet. Above, three small drawers, one large with glass knobs; below, cupboard with panelled doors. Characteristic voluted back-piece between carved posts. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 63 inches; width, 47 inches RARE WALNUT ROUNDABOUT ARMCHAIR NEW HAMPSHIRE, ABOUT 1750 Shaped top rail. Turned posts and rear stretchers. Very rare curved square stretchers in front. Shaped back slats. Cabriole leg. Said to have belonged to a Colonial governor of New Hamp- shire. (H. W. Lanier Collection) : MAHOGANY AND BIRCH SWELL-FRONT BUREAU MAINE, ABOUT 1790 Admirably proportioned chest of drawers. Four drawers, ma- hogany fronts outlined with birch. Top and sides, birch. Grace- ful tall curved bracket feet. Old solid brass pulls. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 3614 inches; length, 401% inches; depth, 21 inches BIRCH CHEST OF DRAWERS MAINE, ABOUT 1790 Four drawers. Bead turned projecting corner posts, turned legs. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 881 inches; size of top, 18 x 3814 inches 39. 323 325 326 327 CHERRYWOOD PANELLED CUPBOARD-ON-CHEST NEW HAMPSHIRE, ABOUT 1790 Of remarkably rich dark cherrywood, with unusual and attractive window-pane design of splay-edged panels. Dentil and bead top moulding; two doors, each with ten panelled wooden panes, cover three shelves. Below, five drawers, original brass pulls. Bracket feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 84 inches; width, 39 inches INTERESTING IRON TREASURE CHEST SIXTEENTH CENTURY A delightful example of our forefathers’ inherited burglar-proot and fire-proof home safes for valuables. Built of iron sheets, reinforced outside by crossed iron straps, the whole rivetted to- gether. The squares formed by external strapwork decorated with naive painted roses. A secret knob releases keyhole cover, and one key unlocks seven spring bolts. (H. W. Lanier Collec- tion) Length, 24 inches; depth, 16 inches; width, 14 inches PAIR OF CHIPPENDALE BLACK-AND-GOLD SIDE CHAIRS aBout 1770 Pierced violin-shaped splat. Top rail with gilded cartouche and leaf decoration in relief. Cabriole legs, claw and ball feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) MAPLE SIDE CHAIR MAINE, ABOUT 1730 Bowed and scrolled top rail. Square posts with moulded edges. Urn-shaped solid splat. Turned front stretcher with double ball. Spanish feet. Rush seat. (Same type as No. 129 in Hudson- Fulton Exhibition) Painted black. (H. W. Lanier Collection) MAHOGANY WRITING DESK EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 Fall front, enclosing interior with row of twelve arcaded pigeon- holes and small and large drawers above, the central one with sunburst carving. Lower body with four drawers. Bracket feet. (Slight restorations) Height, 40 inches; length, 39 inches BLACK-AND-GOLD LACQUER STOOL Encuisn, aBout 1780 Cabriole legs, painted on the knees with gilt acanthus-leaves. Seat with slip cushion. Height, 17 winches 40 328 329 330 331 332 333 PAIR OF MAHOGANY POLE SCREENS WITH PAINTED PANELS EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 The screen pole ending in urn above fluted tripod feet (one dam- aged). ‘The panels Chinese with pheasants painted on rice paper. INLAID MAHOGANY FOLD-TOP TABLE ENGLISH, ABOUT 1790 The edge of top and apron with narrow herringbone inlay. The square, tapering Hepplewhite legs with linear satinwood inlay. Height, 29 inches; size of top, 36 x 34 inches CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 Deeply curved top rail, with fine acanthus carving. Violin- shaped splat, with scroll and leaf carving. Cabriole legs, leaf- carved on the knees and ending in ball and claw feet. Red vel- vet slip seat. SET OF SIX PAINTED SIDE CHAIRS | EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1830 Painted yellow and green. The top rail with acorn design. Three narrow splats. Round, ringed legs. (6) MAHOGANY AND SATINWOOD SPINET ENGLISH, ABoUT 1807 The inside fittings of satinwood with label of John Broadwood & Son, London, 1807. The case mahogany with ebony inlay ; fluted Sheraton legs. Size of top, 25 x 66 inches IMPORTANT SET OF SEVEN DUTCH LADDER-BACK PAINTED CHAIRS HOLLAND, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Armchair and six side chairs. Each of the five bevel-edged curved slats on each chair bears a different view of Dutch scenery, dashingly sketched and mellowed by time. All wood- work decorated with delicate flower and stipple design; gilded finials and feet. ‘Turned posts and stretchers, square armrests, rush seats. A most unusual and appealing set, in remarkable condition. Found in Maine. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (7) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 42]| 41 334 335 336 [333] MAHOGANY BEAU BRUMMEL EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 The double-hinged drop-lid enclosing numerous compartments and two removable trays. Drawer below. Four opaque white Sandwich glass knobs. Fluted Sheraton legs. Size of top, 20 x 2134 inches WALNUT TIP-TOP TABLE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 Plain top, supported by turned baluster and ending in three legs with snakehead feet. Diameter of top, 38 inches RARE VIRGINIA WALNUT BUREAU EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 The top drawer inlaid with two oval motives in hollywood linear inlay. Three drawers below. Bracket feet. Brass handles. . | Size of top, 20 x 43 inches 337 308 339 340 341 BUTTERNUT “KAS” LONG ISLAND DUTCH, ABOUT 1720 A rare piece of furniture of the Early Dutch, settlers of Long Island. Top with heavy moulding borrowed from the European Dutch kas. The doors with smaller panels; base with one wide drawer with brasses from about 1790. Moulded base on bun feet. These rare Dutch pieces must not be confused with the Pennsylvania-German specimens. (Henry W. Lanier Collection) Height, 74 inches; length, 67 inches PANELLED OAK HALL CLOCK FRENCH, ABOUT 1760 Charming specimen of the style characteristic of Normandy and Brittany. Bracket clock by Dubreuil, “A St. Laurent.” Rayed hands; pierced and modelled brasswork with mythological head, doves and cock. Case of oak, two sunken panels, one relief panel on front, three sunken panels on sides; border of relief floral carving. Glass door and side panes of graceful scalloped de- sign. Unusual shape and rich patina on old wood. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 89 inches SET OF SIX WINDSOR CHAIRS MAINE, ABOUT 1780 A very attractive set of these characteristic chairs. With the round pine settle-table (Number 340), and the two spring-back Windsor armchairs (Number 341), they furnish a typical din- ing room of Revolutionary times in New England. Seven bam- boo turned spindles; pine saddle seat; turned spraddle legs and stretchers. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (6) ROUND PINE SETTLE-TABLE MAINE, ABouT 1720 Top hinged to tilt back. Shelf-seat below, with rounded edge. Four square legs on castors, one oblong stretcher. A splendid example of serviceable early pine, richly colored by time. CHW, Lanier Collection) Diameter, 48 inches PAIR OF WINDSOR SPRING-BACK ARMCHAIRS MAINE, ABouT 1760 Nine spindles. Saddle seat. Turned spraddle legs and stretchers. (H. W. Lamer Collection) (2) 43. 342 343 344 FIVE HISTORIC INTERIOR DOORS FROM MORRIS MANOR HOUSE About 1800 The Manor of Morrisania, overlooking the Harlem and East Rivers, was granted to Chief Justice Lewis Morris in 1697. His grandson Gouverneur Morris (member of Continental Congress, Revolutionary financier, ambassador, senator, and social leader ) acquired the mansion in 1787. He was an intimate friend of Washington, Hamilton, Lafayette, and almost every famous man of his time; and a procession of distinguished personages passed through these hospitable and beautiful doorways. Five mahogany six-panelled doors; corniced lintels (one cornice missing) with admirable simple dentil moulding. One pair large pilasters ; four pairs smaller; all panelled, with dentils. Exceed- ingly distinguished in proportion and dignified decorative effect. (H. W. Lanier Collection) (5) Size of doors, 8 feet 7 inches x 7 feet 5 inches IMPORTANT WALNUT CHIPPENDALE THREE-CHAIR- BACK SETTEE EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 A striking combination of staunch English simplicity with Span- ish Creole swing in the carving and the dashing twist of flaring shaped arms and their subtle volutes. Discovered in a negro cabin in Tennessee, the bequest of mistress to slave. Hardly a product of the Anglo-Saxon East, but rather of Creole New Orleans, whence it travelled up the Great River to a spacious Blue Grass home. The three pierced and carved splat backs are crested and joined by vigorously carved floral ornaments, while the supporting frame has eight solid square early Chippendale legs with stretch- ers. Upholstered with antique Chinese embroidery. (H. W. Lamer Collection) Length, 68 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SHERATON MAHOGANY SECRETARY DESK EARLY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 The upper section with deep shelf and numerous pigeonholes and drawers, enclosed by glass doors with arched latticework. Fold- back writing flap with pull supports. Apron with drawer in- laid in two shades of mahogany. Fluted, tapering legs, carved at the top with leaf motives. Height, 5434 inches; length, 37 inches 4A 345 RARE BALUSTER-BACK CHAIR WITH CARVED CRESTING MAINE, ABOUT 1710 Beech and hickory; oak stretchers. Top rail carved with double scrolls. Four half balusters with flat side front. Square posts with bands of baluster turning. A mate to a chair in the Bolles Collection exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1909 (No. 100, Hudson Fulton Exhibition) (H. W. Lanier Collection) AS 846 HISTORIC EARLY ADAM CARVED MANTEL FROM NUMBER 1 BROADWAY BOE Shr Go, Intimately connected with a long series of notable figures of American and New York history. This famous house was the British headquarters during the Revolution, and Washington’s and Putnam’s for a time. André had his office here when he set out on his ill-fated expedition. Captain Kennedy (afterwards Earl of Cassilis) bought No. 1 Broadway and rebuilt it about 1760—giving Broadway its first start as a fashionable residence street; probably this mantel was made for him at that time. Carved wood; round tapering columns with bands of stopped fluting; panel beneath bowed shelf bears a rayed oval with un- usual check-fluted lunettes on each side. (Many decorative mo- tives classed as “Adam,” such as rayed ovals and stopped fluting, were taken by the brothers Adam from the work of J. Carter, who slightly preceded them; and these designs began to come to America about 1760.) Careful removal of several coats of paint has disclosed the sensitive carving of fans and lunettes and mouldings. The building at No. 1 Broadway was torn down about 1882, when this mantel was removed by Hausling & Stonebridge. Mr. Walter G. Earl, who became connected with the firm about that time, vouches for the identity of the mantel in a letter which accompanies the piece. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Width, 80 inches; height, 6014 inches; size of opening, 42 x 55 inches | SEE FRONTISPIECE | ANDIRONS, CANDLESTICKS, ETC. NUMBERS 847-855 347 PIERCED BRASS FIREPLACE FENDER Upper gallery, pierced band of interlaced design, claw feet. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Height, 13 inches; length, 54 inches 348 BRASS WARMING-PAN puTCH, ABouT 1780 Incised pheasant-design. (H. W. Lanter Collection) 46 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 TALL EARLY AMERICAN IRON CANDLESTICK On tripod base. Lower part of column spirally twisted. EARLY AMERICAN FIREPLACE SET Consisting of poker, shovel and tongs. Steel, with brass handles. Painted leather bellows, with maker’s mark: Miers, Busch, No. 20 North Third Street, Philadelphia, 1829. EARLY AMERICAN HELMET-SHAPED BRASS COAL BUCKET Height, 15 inches EARLY AMERICAN WROUGHT-IRON FIREPLACE STAND Twisted column with numerous hooks for hanging cooking vessels. PAIR OF LARGE EARLY AMERICAN IRON ANDIRONS FOR YULE LOGS Long bars with straddle supports at either end. (2) EARLY AMERICAN IRON TOASTER Diameter, 15 inches EARLY AMERICAN IRON TRIVET ORIENTAL AND EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED RUGS NUMBERS 356-364 WOOLEN RUG FERAHAN, PERSIA Five borders, the main one with Herati design on vermilion, the two others with angular vines on nile-green. Centre field with Herati design on deep blue. (Slight imperfections ) Size, 11 feet 3 inches x 8 feet 6 inches HOOKED RUG MAINE Intricate floral design in brilliant colors, about a cluster of roses, morning-glories, and so on. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 28 x 47 inches A 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 HOOKED RUG MAINE Scroll border about cluster of roses and buds, against soft brown background. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 31 x 53 inches HOOKED RUG EARLY AMERICAN Floral design—roses, lilies and so on. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 28 x 88 inches HOOKED RUG EARLY AMERICAN Border of scalloped lines about centre of conventional design. (H. W. Lanier Collection) Size, 32 x 50 inches ROUND BRAIDED RUG EARLY AMERICAN Crisscross pattern in red, black and white. (H. W. Lamner Col- lection) Diameter, 57 inches EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED RUG Fine piece in vivid coloring with accents in orange and black. Flower and leaf mosaic pattern. Size, 60 x 35 inches EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED RUG Vivid floral spray on white ground in centre. Scrolled border. Size, 46 x 29 inches EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED RUG Braided edge. Centre with wide flowered border, surrounding central strip with diagonal varicolored stripes. Size, 60 x 387 inches 48 ay