Ped Mie 0) re 8 ae a ts OMS fey, fa} Dhow Fit Va i ble he Vin ed AY yet ; Farhan i ey i ies ; Aa i ’ iy ; et f ; ~ oF. 1h 4 é yess Peel} Meee ; i li ably 4 A ‘ ai { its at ED Hit ay 4 } gals vA ig a 4 ‘ a Bi Hee eee Be THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW BROM SAM Or6ek-e Nis AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 EAST 571TH STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1924 CONTINUING UNTIL DATES OF SALE (INCLUDING SUNDAY, APRIL 6, FROM 2 TO 5 P. M.) THE MAGNIFICENT BENGUIAT COLLECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE AFTERNOONS OF THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL 10, 11 AND: 12) 1924 AT 2215 .0°CLOCK “~ ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE THE MAGNIFICENT BENGUIAT COLLECTION BEAUTIFUL VELVETS AND EMBROIDERIES SUPERB CLOTH OF GOLD BROCADES RESPLENDENT BROCATELLES Italian, Spanish, French, English XVI—XVIII Century THIRTY MAGNIFICENT GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE TAPESTRIES (Six enriched with gold and silver) ROYAL PALACE NEEDLEWORK SUITE AN IMPORTANT AND RARE COLLECTION MAINLY ACQUIRED BY VITALL AND LEOPOLD BENGUIAT CONNOISSEURS AND EXPERTS OF PARIS FROM THEIR BROTHER DAVID BENGUIAT THE EMINENT LONDON CONNOISSEUR, NOW RETIRED TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES i ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY Mr. OTTO BERNET anv Mr. HIRAM H. PARKE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., Manacers MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET NEW YORK 1924 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY WaT oe Pee of ated Sere ee TT) peri rvt h THE MAGNIFICENT BENGUIAT COLLECTION Messrs. Vitall and Leopold Benguiat, the authoritative Connoisseurs of Paris and New York, announce that they have acquired the entire Collection of their Brother, David Benguiat of London, and have instructed the Amer- ican Art Association to now sell these and other fine Textiles at unrestricted public sale. Messrs. Vitall and Leopold Benguiat require no introduction to the American public, for their activities have been many and the most rare and notable Collections of Textiles and Rugs ever sold in New York have ema- nated from them. David Benguiat, their brother, is no whit less known to the English public and throughout Europe, as one of the greatest experts on Textiles. He established himself in London in 1878 and from that time on he has been consulted by the leading Museums of England and the Con- tinent. Naturally, being in England much of his time, he was drawn to collect English Embroideries, and over a period of forty-five years acquired the many Tudor, Jacobean and Georgian specimens that so distinguish this Collection. Amongst the beautiful Genoese Velvets are two Room Hangings of ruby and of a lighter hued crimson, both of the sixteenth century. There are included a number of lovely Jardiniére Velvet Panels and Gold Needle- painted Renaissance Italian and Spanish Ecclesiastical Vestments, Banners, Covers and Palace Baldachinos. Many other Embroideries from far off China, the Nearer East and Europe, have an intensely decorative value with their rich toned silks, gold galloons, laces and fringes. The Venetian and other Brocades are most resplendently woven with cloth-of-gold and silver grounds, and beggar description with their intense beauty of color and richness of rare and unusual patterns. The fine Brocatelles and Damasks are in sufficient quantities either to cover the walls of rooms or to fit them with their entire curtains. Filet Lace, always so useful, is in abundance, and not only has a very quaint variance of animal patterns, but is in a fine state of preservation. There is a small Collection of extremely rare Judaic Silver Temple Objects, mainly Spanish Renaissance, that will attract for their surprising interest. Thirty magnificent Tapestries grace the display and include Gothic and Renaissance specimens from the famous looms of Arras, Brussels, Vieux Paris, Beauvais, Aubusson and Feletin. Especially distinguished amongst these is a set of six, Arras of the late fifteenth century, enriched with silver and gold threads and still retaining their very beautiful deep rich crimsons and other colors. Curiously, they are woven, as frequently happened in the Middle Ages, with both sacred and profane subjects. There are numbers of Renaissance Brussels Tapestries, delightful for their finely compartmented borders and the wealth of details in their romantic landscapes, frequently occupied by numerous personages at differing avocations, often, of course, giving a quaint rendering of some classic or historic theme. Two French examples, Vieux Paris and Beauvais, representing Narcissus and Jove and Venus, are notable for the delicacy of their color and weaving. A large Royal Palace Suite, consisting of a Canapé and twelve Fauteuils, covered in Gros and Petit-Point and Point St. Cyr, is one of the finest ever seen in New York. In fact, this rare assemblage is without doubt the most important that has come to New York for dispersal since the famous Eymonaud Collection in 1920. Frank H. G. Keeste. CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. : ; If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. ‘ V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. : : VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- oe a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also e given. a Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS, INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITS AMERICAN ART GALERIE MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY ak of” =h6P oe € yt! hod _ ‘CATALOGUE ™ FIRST ARFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1924 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 250, inclusive 1—EmproipERED Crimson Satin Lappret Italian, Seventeenth Century Fan-shaped; enriched with scrollings of tulips and other flowers, on rose-crimson grounds. 2—Sitver EmproiEerep Sitx Vest Front Italian, Seventeenth Century Triangular ; enriched with silver floral motive and stem of scrollings en- twined with flowers in colored silks; on old-red silk grounds. 3—Two Gorp Empromerrep Ivory SILK STOLES Italian, Seventeenth Century (a) Enriched with scrollings and crosses in gold threads, emitting flowers in rich colored silk threads. (s) With cruciform and leaf motives at intervals in gold threads con- nected by trailing vines of exquisite flowers and fruit, in mellow, harmo- nious, colored silks. 4—Two Gotp Brocapve Vest Fronts Louis XIV Period Oblong, with lappet. Woven in silver, gold and colored silks with scrolled clusters of rare flowers, on wave motived deep bleu-de-ciel grounds. Orig- inal gold buttons. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 5—Two EmsroipEreD Crimson Sirk Linen Borpers Rhodian, Sixteenth Century Enriched with varied scrollings of Gothic leaves and staves; the ivory linen forming pattern, the crimson silk the backgrounds, One with foot border of a procession of quaint birds. Lengths, 26 and 28 inches; depths, 7 and 6 inches. 6—-Empromwerepd Finer Lace Borper Italian, Sixteenth Century Ivory linen, displaying outfacing cupidons standing on jardiniéres of flowers, interrupted by scrolled dragons. Square mesh grounds em- broidered with puce-yellow. Length, 30 inches; depth, 9 inches. 7—EmpBroweERED LineEN CusHion Cover Mitylenian, Seventeenth Century Oblong, with round corners. Ivory linen, enriched on both sides with floral cruciform motives alternately in green and crimson silks. Border of small sprays and braid edge. 8—Sitk EmproiperepD Linen Borper Southern Italian, Sixteenth Century Deep rich ivory linen; enriched in mellow golden-yellow, green and deep sapphire blue with vases of flowers, carnation scrollings and achaic birds. Length, 24 inches; depth, 15 inches, 9—Go.p EmproipereD Sirk Cusnion French, Early Eighteenth Century Deep, watered ivory silk, enriched in varied stitches of gold threads and crimson foil with floral motives scrolling from corners. Trimmed with gold fringe. ? 10—Two Goup EmproimEerREepD Ivory Sirk MAnirPieEs Louis XIV Period Enriched in gold, with varied floriated crosses and floral scroll-motives in colored silks. 11—Goup Emproiwerep Sitk Warer Howper Louis XIV Period Enriched with floriated cross in gold and sprays of exquisite flowers in colored sliks. First Afternoon 12—-Sinver EmMBroipERED Pink SitK BorpER Louis XV Period Rose-du-Barry silk; enriched with scrolled basket panels interrupted by vines of flowers. Finished with wave edge simulating silver galloon. 13—RareE GOLDEN-YELLOW AND PurRPLE Brocapr Panet Venetian Gothic Delicately woven in purple, with infloretted bouquets within strap scroll- ings of interesting Gothic leaves; on rich golden-yellow grounds. 14—Crimson VELVET CusHion Cover Genoese, Seventeenth Century Blunted oval; fluctuating crimson velvet; impressed with markings of early embroidery. Trimmed with open gold lace. 15—Turee Gotp Emprowerep Maniptes Italian, Seventeenth Century Enriched in gold threads and colored silks, variously with floriated crosses, scrollings, jardinieres and flowers. Two on ivory, the other on crimson silk. 16—Two Si1tx SToLEs Italian, Sixteenth Century (a) Lustrous two toned yellow-green damask ; woven with floral ogivals. (s) Brocatelle; woven with golden-yellow Gothic leaf scrollings having passages of red-pink, on ivory grounds. 17—Goip anp Tan BrocaTeLLe Borpver Florentine, Early Sixteenth Century Enriched in threads of gold and two tones of tan with medallioned seated figure of the “Virgin”; flanked by double winged heads of cherubim and rayed sacred medallions. Length, 3 feet 2 inches; depth, 9 inches. 18—Two Goutp EmrromErep Ecussons Italian, Seventeenth Century (a) Shield, mantled with cardinal’s tasseled hat, blazoned gules, with dove of peace and pellets. (8) Scrolled shield, mantled with a leaf scrolled helm. 19—Two Gotp EmsroripERED Ecussons Italian, Seventeenth Century Strap cartouched shield enriched with fine open drapery festooned. Blaz- oned with varied bars and motto. Mounted on crimson floral damask. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 20—GoLp EMBROIDERED Si1LkK Bopicr Louis XIV Period Pale watered blue silk, enriched with gold scrollings and sprays of flowers in colored silks. Consisting of two loose sleeves, vest and sash. 21—NEEDLEWORK CusHION Florentine, Sixteenth Century Oblong, tan canvas; enriched with jardiniére of fruit sustaining scrollings of flowers and perched bird. Petit point, executed in rich varied colors. Portions of ivory background only finished. 22—Prart EMBROIDERED CAsHMERE Mat Hindu-Perse, Seventeenth Century Oval, daintily woven with scrolled palmette motives in blues, yellow and crimson. Enriched with stellate medallion and scrolled border in minute pearls and gold threads trimmed with gold fringe. 23— EmproiweErep Ivory Sitk Capr French, Eighteenth Century Semi-circular; deep ivory silk enriched in gold with key-scrolled banding and pendant bowknotted scrollings interrupted with sprays of flowers in colored silks. 24—GoLp EMBROIDERED CHAMPAGNE SILK CAPE Louis XIV Period > Semi-circular; very beautifully enriched in varied raised gold threads with scrolled borders of handsome fruit at front corners. 25—THREE EmpBroimwErReD Linen PANELS Rhodian, Sixteenth Century (a) Ivory linen, enriched in sapphire-blue with varied vases and scroll- ings of carnations and astors amid which are birds. (zs) Displaying somewhat similar motives in richly colored silks. (c) Adorned with interlacing wave strap motives and flowers in sapphire- blue, crimson, yellow and green. 26—EmBrormpERED Lawn Cover Moorish, Siateenth Century Deep ivory tan lawn; enriched in rare sapphire-blue, rose-crimson, yellow, \\ green and purple infloretted plaquettes within medallion and borders of similar motives. Fringed at one end. 3 feet 4 inches by 1 foot 2 inches. First Afternoon 27—GreEen Cur Vetvet Bac Venetian, Stateenth Century \ : ; : oe ‘ Pouch-shaped. Mellow yellow-green; woven with wave lattice enclosing small spray and leaves; on uncut pale turquoise-green grounds. \28—Sitver Emproierep Vetiver Bac Italian, Siateenth Century ~\ \“~ Pouch-shaped, amber-yellow velvet, enriched in silver threads with leaf- . vase and scrollings of flowers. Trimmed with lace. 29—Goip EmsromwEreD VELVET Warer HoLper \\ or Italian, Seventeenth Century ai Rich crimson velvet, with applique gold and silver lace developing cruci- form and waved ribbon borders and tassels at lower corners. \ 30—Crimson VetvetT Warer Hover Italian, Seventeenth Century ae ‘cat Lustrous rich crimson velvet; trimmed with gold lace. _ 81—Gortp Empromerred Vetvet Cap Albanian, Seventeenth Century \ \ : : : ‘ : : ae. Close-fitting cap of Botticelli-green finished with band of black. Enriched with appliqué gold and silver floral plaquettes and medallions. 32—GreEEN Brocavre VEstT Régence Period Mellow apple green; woven in ivory and lavender, with borders of small aOR. seated figures sustaining festoons and at foot with rustics gathering fruit = in an orchard. 33—Two Crimson EmproiwEreD Linen Borpers Rhodian, Sixteenth Century , enge motives. Q (zs) With florally scrolled vases of flowers amidst which are birds; nar- row similar border having demi-figure about center. .o (a) Enriched with dainty angular arabesque scrollings surrounding loz- Lengths, 23 and 22 inches; depths, 11 and 9 inches. 34—Crimson EmproipeReD LINEN BorpEr Rhodian, Sixteenth Century Rich ivory linen; displaying interesting angular leaf motives and scroll- iS ing rosettes; backgrounds of rich deep crimson. Borders of minute angularly placed vase motives. Trimmed with particolored fringe. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; depth, 7 inches. ye Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 35—Two Srrver EmproiEreD YELLOw Linen Lapperrs Asia Minor, Seventeenth Century | Oblong ; enriched with foot border and three vertical chevroned bands in | silver ivory and burnt orange, interrupted by floral medallioned motives. 36—Two Crimson Empromperep LINEN BorpeErs Rhodian, Sixteenth Century Rich ivory linen, enriched with fine angular leaf scrollings, bearing inter- esting pomegranate and floral motives in the linen; on rich crimson grounds. Length, 17 inches; depth, 31% inches. 37—Turee Gotp Empromerep Ecussons Spanish, Seventeenth Century Coroneted, leaf scrolled cartouche in gold threads bearing shield blazoned with black double eagle and Arms of Spain displayed on crimson floral vy» damask. 38—Two SitveErR EmBrorErED Ecussons Italian, Seventeenth Century Coroneted leaf scrolled shield in silver and gold, blazoned with rampant lions and pellets. Displayed on crimson floral damask. 39—Two Sirk STOLEs Italian, Seventeenth Century (4) Venetian ‘“‘drap d’or et d’argent” woven with sprays of flowers in colored silks on rouge de fer grounds. > (8) Green damask somewhat earlier; woven with paneled angular scroll- ings and sprays of pomegranates. 40—Fovur Sirx Manipies Italian, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (a) Brocatelle; woven in golden-yellow and old red with Gothic leaf scrollings on ivory. (8) Deep rich green damask; woven with paneled angular scrollings and pomegranate motives. (c) Yellow-green damask ; woven with floral ogivals. (») Ivory silk, embroidered, in gold and colored silks with floriated crosses, fruit and scrollings of flowers. First Afternoon Q \) 41-—Turee Gotp EmproiweErep Ivory Sirk SToLes Lows XIV Period Enriched with floriated crosses, varied scrollings, sprays of wheat and Wy’ baskets in gold and sprays of flowers in colored silks. 42—Two EmproipEreD Crimson Satin Borpers Régence Period . \ Rich lustrous satin, executed in compact chain stitch in the Chinese \\ : P . =.) , manner with mellow green, blue and yellow interlacing vines forming ad 4 ; ; ; , pd’ medallions occupied by large cusped flowers and borders of meandering AS floral vines. Length, 3 feet 3 inches; width, 91/, inches. 43—Two Gotp EmproiEreD Ecussons Italian, Seventeenth Century Strap arabesque shields; blazoned variously with rampant lions on sap- phire-blue and black. One mantled with cardinal’s tasseled hat. Dis- played on crimson floral damask. c 44—Two EmproipEreD Ecussons Italian, Seventeenth Century Ke (a) Coroneted and scroll-cartouched shield; blazoned with cross swords \ , and duck proper. yw (s) Blazoned with demi-figure proper, pellets and crossed maces ; mantled with cardinal’s tasseled hat. Bottom floral crimson damask. 45—Two EmpromeErep Ecvussons Spanish, Seventeenth Century '_ Very finely scrolled cartouche having shell motive at crown and mantling » ))) of cardinal’s red tasseled hat. Blazoned with the Arms of Spain. On ~~ crimson floral damask. 46—Two Goup AND SILVER VELVET BrocapEe Mars \N Spanish, Seventeenth Century nf \~-Cruciform and oblong; woven in apricot, gold and silver with interesting leaf lattice occupied by blossoms on turquoise-blue velvet grounds. Trimmed silver fringe. 47—Goup EmproimpERED Crimson Sitk Lone Cover Moorish, Seventeenth Century fr Rich wine-crimson silk; enriched in gold with end panels occupied b ce g p p ay ap scrolled peonies, asters and long Herati leaves. 8 feet 6 inches by 1 foot 1 inch. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 48—-NreEDLEWoRK PANEL Parmese, Sixteenth Century “a Triangular, rounded at foot. Enriched solidly in “Punto Parma” with \ <— scrollings of large leaves, sprays of pomegranates and grapes in mellow harmonious colors on ivory grounds. 49—Drapr pd’Or Crimson Cur Vetver Borper Genoese, Seventeenth Century — .<“\ \~ Golden-yellow grounds; woven in lustrous cut and uncut velvet with sprays of wheat and strap scrollings. Trimmed with yellow fringe. Length, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 8 inches, 50—Two Brapworx Purses anp Two PaneEts Directoire Period \\ 7 Purses, pouch shape, solidly enriched with varied sprays of flowers, butter- KN ; fly and spaniel. Oblong panels with squirrel and seated figure of Eastern potentate. 51—-Bive Brap Bac Directotre Period Pouch-shaped, with arched floral clasp in cutvre doré. Enriched with \~w ciel blue chevrons at crown and foot flanking series of floral sprays, on milk white grounds. 52—IripEscent Guass Brap Bac English, Late Eighteenth Century Pouch-shape, displaying in brilliant colors a continuous wooded land- scape with village edifices; finished with key bandings and blue chevrons at foot. 53 TIripEsceNT Beap Bac French, Eighteenth Century Flaring pouch-shape; enriched with trailing vine of pink flowers bordered —. \™ by green chevrons and toothed bandings ; diagonally placed black stripes. (Bead fringe and handles worn.) -54—-Iripescent Ivory Gotp Brap Bac French, Eighteenth Century ~ Deep pouch-shape, of exceptionally fine beads; displaying baskets of flowers, wreath at crown and sprays. Finished with diamond motives at foot. (Needs slight restoration.) First Afternoon 55—IripEscent Breap Bac French, Eighteenth Century Pouch shaped, with canted corners and arched cuivre doré floral clasp. Enriched with landscape occupied by huntsman and dogs; reverse with bird amid spray of flowers. (Needs slight restoration.) 56—Smatt Beap Work Box Directoire Period Oblong, with loose cover; very precisely enriched with diamond lattice Wa panels in pink, blue, wine color and green, oval pincushion at crown and open rope-valanced loop feet of multicolored beads. 57—GrReEEN Cur Vetvet Corrret Italian, Gothic Period Arched hinged cover, with rosette forged iron bail handle covered in _' \™~ Botticelli green cut and uncut velvet woven with Gothic staves and leaves ; 32h right end lacks velvet and is fitted with small drawer. Trimmed with gold galloon. 58—Goup NEEDLEPAINTED MEDALLION Italian, Sixteenth Century St. Lorenz standing in a landscape within a ribboned wreath of varied ~~ spring flowers ; colored silks enriched with gold threads. In black frame. Height, 1414 inches; length, 13 inches. 59—-NEEDLEPAINTED MEDALLION : French, 1807 \\ “Achille découvert par Ulisse.” Oval on ivory ground; solidly worked “ee in pastel colored silks, with figure of Ulysses grasping the arm of Achilles cn dressed as a woman in flowing robes and three further personages. In original black and gold frame. Height, 1714 inches; width, 131, inches. 60—NEEDLEPAINTED PiIcTURE Italian, Seventeenth Century “An Abbess Paying Homage to St. Bernard.” The haloed saint wearing _ sacerdotal robes is enthroned under a daised canopy at left, the Abbess ay N kneels at right. Finished with fine gold galloon. Framed. Height, 161% inches; width, 14 inches. 61—GoLpEN-YELLOW Cur VELVET CovER Genoese, Sleventeenth Century Square. Enriched in cut mellow-yellow velvet, with scrolled bouquet and “4 bunches of grapes on ribbed orange-yellow grounds. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 62—Crimson BrocapEe Cusuton Hispano-Moresque, Seventeenth Century Square. Rich crimson field; woven pink, green and golden-yellow with varying stellate tile motives occupied by wreathed blossoms. Deep border at foot of jade green bearing floral bandings in crimson. z 63—Four EmproiEerep Linen CusHions Rhodian, Seventeenth Century Oblong; deep ivory linen, variously embroidered with jardiniéres of flowers, birds, scrolling, animals and medallions in rich silks. 64—Two Gotp Brocape Vetver Cusnions Persian, Seventeenth Century Oblong; woven with mille-fleurs in crimson, green and sapphire-blue velvet n . . . . . * jw on drap dor grounds. Finished with rose crimson brocade borders dis- playing sprays of flowers in gold threads. 65—Turee Emprowerep Linen CusuHions Italian, Sixteenth Century Oblong; deep ivory linen; two with exceptionally fine borders of angular scrollings and jardiniéres in old yellow and pale blue; other with dia- mond motived border in crimson, blue and straw yellow. 66—Gotp EMBROIDERED CUSHION Italian, Seventeenth Century Oblong. Ivory silk, enriched in gold threads with rayed oval sacred medallion, flanked by four husk-balustered scrollings emitting sprays of flowers in pastel colored silks. 67—GoLp EMBROIDERED SILK CusHION Italian, Seventeenth Century Square. Lustrous ivory satin; enriched in colored silks and gold threads with florally lobed sacred medallion and borders of scrolled flowers hav- ing bouquets at corners. Trimmed with crimson and gold edging. _68—GoLp EmpBromwERED Ivory CusHIOoN French, Eighteenth Century Square. Ivory satin, enriched in rich colored silks and passages of gold with wreathed border of very varied beautiful flowers. Trimmed with chevroned gold galloon. 69—Five Mepicran BrocatrELLe CusHions Seventeenth Century Oblong; enriched in crimson and golden-yellow with scrollings of large \~ lobed oval flowers; on pink-ivory grounds. Trimmed with particolored ~ gimp. Vary in size. First Afternoon 4ey 70—FLoraAL GREEN Brocape CusHion Louis XVI Period i Square. Imbricated emerald green field, woven in lighter green, pinks and O84 blues with waved stripes and vines of small flowers. V1—SILVER AND GREEN BrocaprE CusHIoNn Louis XIV Period 10 : S ~~ Oblong; lustrous field-green, woven in pastel-colors and silver threads Ty ° i” does ae : : S with rustic stems of peonies, roses and pomegranate motives. ‘Trimmed with silver lace. 72—Goup anv Ivory Brocape Cusuion Venetian, Seventeenth Century Oblong, fine field green grounds, enriched in deep ivory and gold threads with fantastic infloretted scrollings of conventionalized flowers and fruit SO- SEAS trimmed with gold galloon. 73 < Square, with Vandyke edge; enriched in soft green, blue and crimson with EMBROIDERED Lace CusHion Southern Italian, Seventeenth Century eae beautiful passages of gold threads, on crimson mesh, with panel occu- pied by sacred lamb surrounded by floral scrollings emanating from two jardiniéres. 74—Crimson EmpBroiwErRED Linen CusHion Cover wee Rhodian, Sixteenth Century mee Oblong. Fine ivory linen; enriched with floral diamonds latticed with blossoms, on solid crimson backgrounds. Trimmed with stellate edging. 75—Gortp Brocapre CusHion ‘ Louts XV Period _— Pale blue field; woven in brilliant colors and gold threads with trailing ps — \ \ ribbons sustaining fan-shaped motives and bouquets of flowers at in- tervals. ~%6—Green Damask Cusuion Italian, Sixteenth Century Oblong; lustrous rich two toned field green, woven with banded ogivals ee} enclosing bouquets of flowers and having coronets at intersections. 77—GreEN Damask CusHion Italian, Seventeenth Century Oblong; beautiful golden-green two toned damask, woven with scrolled 4S sprays of leaves, flowers and pomegranates. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 78—NEEDLEPAINTED CUSHION French, Eighteenth Century “The Holy Family.” The Virgin in old red and sapphire-blue robes is ~_“ _ seated before a columned edifice holding the sacred Infant on her lap. ee St. Joseph leans over a green covered table at left watching the Saviour ; St. John is at right before a wooded river. Oblong. 79—Two Green Cut VELVET CusHIons Genoese, Siateenth Century _ Oblong, with central panel of lustrous field green and borders, woven with \ |X" blossomed diamond lattice on golden-yellow uncut grounds. 80—Fovur EmprorErReD LInEN Covers Rhodian, Sixteenth Century Oblong, enriched in beautiful colored silks on deep ivory linen with varied jardinicres and scrollings of flowers, birds and dolphins. 81—Drar p’Or BrocapE CusHion Persian, Eighteenth Century Golden-yellow drap d’or field; woven with mille-fleurs infloretted palmette motives in pastel colors. Cut velvet border displaying larger closely placed blossoms. 82—GoLp EmpBroipeERED Crimson VELVET CUSHION Italian, Renaissance Period Ruby velvet; enriched with appliqué raised gold motives at center with amorino head and cruciform motive and at corners with floral scroll de- vices. 83—EMBROIDERED GREEN SILK CusHION Southern Italian, Sixteenth Century a O- Rich field green; enriched in mellow toned silk with floral and fruit scrolled border having bouquets at corners. 84—Gotp EmproiperEeD Ivory Sirk CusHion Italian, Seventeenth Century : Lustrous ivory silk, enriched in colored silks and gold threads with rayed sacred medallion and floral borders having basketed panels at corners. Trimmed with gold lace. First Afternoon 85—Hunecarian Point Emrromerep CusHion = QO 1, Florentine, Seventeenth Century ORY “ Solidly worked, with ivory field and finely scrolled vase of tulips and peonies in pastel tones. 86—Go.ip EmproipErepD Crimson Satin CusHion Italian, Seventeenth Century S> Lustrous flame-crimson satin; enriched in gold threads with very inter- 2s esting border, displaying palm wreathed coronets at sides, coats of arms and scrollings. 87—GoLp EMBROIDERED SILK CusHION Italian, Seventeenth Century Spade-shape; front of a chasuble. Enriched with very fine pear-shape scrollings of flowers flanking vase and cornucopias of fruit. Executed in aes 0 harmonious silk and gold threads on ivory silk. 88—Sitver EmBromErRED Pink SitK CusHion Italian, Late Seventeenth Century > ) Lustrous shell-pink satin. Embroidered in silver threads and passages of pale blue with coroneted coat of arms, blazoned with demi-nymph proper. 89—-Ivory BrocapEr CusHIOoN Hindu-Perse, Seventeenth Century 8 a playing angu a ings of leaves and husks, on solidly executed crimson grounds. 1614 inches by 14 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. _1385—Gornic Lacr anp Linen Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century \ } hice Fie Oblong center panel of fine lace displaying floral cruciform motives; yo — ex borders of fine linen having Vandyke lace edge. 29 inches by 14 inches. \ 136+-GotHic Lace BorprEr Venetian, Early Seventeenth Century ets iat Displaying circular floral medallions; side borders of vase-like motives. Length, 12 feet 10 inches; width, 4% inches. 137—EmproimErREeD Fitrer Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Sixteenth Century Deep ivory linen; enriched in deep brown with double borders at ends of intricate angularly scrolled floral motives, Gothic lace and fringe. 5 feet 4 inches by 1 foot 9 inches. 138—Fitet Lact anp Linen Cover Italian, Sixteenth Century >. Ivory linen; enriched at ends with broad panels of filet lace developing eis et fine sprays of tulips and intricate angular scrollings. Trimmed with scroll-patterned laces. 5 feet 4 inches by 2 feet 6 inches. 139—Fiter Lace Borper Italian, Sixteenth Century Nr Displaying very archaic angular scrollings of leaf motives. Narrow aS borders of diagonally placed sprays and Gothic Vandyked lace edges. Length, 9 feet 2 inches; depth, 12 inches. 140—Emprowerep Firer Lace Borper Spanish, Late Sixteenth Century Displaying in ivory reversed series of elaborated tulip motives amid which 4 archaic animals and personages are seen; background of golden-browns. Length, 8 feet; depth, 1 foot. 141—Two EmproiweErep Linen Covers Rhodian, Seventeenth Century y Fine ivory linen, displaying curious oval floral plaquettes flanked by ee small rosette motives at borders. Executed alternately in straw yellow and pale jade greens. 7 feet 10 inches by 1 foot 6 inches. First Afternoon 142—Emprowerep Fiter Lace Cover Venetian, Stateenth Century J Ivory linen, forming a band at crown and the pattern; developing very x \ ; elaborate angular scrollings sustaining reversed lily motives. Back- grounds of golden-browns. 4 feet 8 feet by 1 foot 8 inches. 3—Fitet Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Fine ivory linen; finished with filet lace borders displaying very beautiful ir angularly placed pomegranate motives. Vandyke lace edges. 58 inches by 388 inches. 144—EmpromwereD LINEN Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century © © Fine ivory linen; enriched in deep yellow and ivory, with borders of a scrolled square medallions finished with series of angularly placed leaves. \ Particolored Vandyke lace edges. 50 inches by 23 inches. 145—Fitet Lace anp Linen Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century i Ivory linen; enriched with bands of medallions and chevrons at ends and ae borders. Scalloped lace edges. 5 feet 2 inches by 2 feet 6 inches, 146—Two Empromerep Linen Borpers Rhodian, Early Seventeenth Century 4 A ler Deep heavy ivory linen; variously enriched in red crimson, greens and blues with carnation stems and scrolled borders. Lengths, 10 feet 8 inches and 9 feet; width, 7 inches. 147—EmproiwErRED Linen Borper Venetian, Sixteenth Century _ Ivory linen; enriched in golden-brown with very charming diagonally oe, placed and reversed lily motives emanating from an angular leaf scrolling LAY at center. Arcaded crowning border; the lower developing procession eae of quaint birds. Length, 9 feet 8 inches; depth, 9 inches. 148—EmrroweEreD Ivory Linen Cover Rhodian, Seventeenth Century Deep ivory linen, enriched in fine apple green with end borders developing closely placed floral motives and chevrons parted by bands having curious oe medallions in brilliant colors. 44 inches by 27 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 149—Fovur EmproiEerep Linen Covers Italian, Seventeenth Century Deep sheer ivory linen; enriched in rose-crimson, green, blue and yellow with diamond lattice vines and sprays of leaves. 26 inches by 17% inches. 150—Two EmpromwereD Finer ano Linen Covers Venetian, Early Seventeenth Century Ivory linen; enriched on each with double end borders embroidered with = ie backgrounds of brown. One displaying floral scrollings and birds, the 3 other vases of carnations. Medallion Gothic lace end insertions and fringe. 5 feet 7 inches by 1 foot 9 inches. )151—EmpromweErep Linen Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century \ | Ivory linen; enriched in pale jade green with angularly scrolled leaf border at foot and particolored scalloped lace. 6 feet 2 inches by 1 foot 1 inch. 0-152—Two Venetian Gornic Lace Borpers Siateenth Century re é Beautifully enriched with diamond lattice, occupied by medallions with scrollings of tulips and asters. Interesting rustic réseau. —Z Length, 25 inches; width, 6 feet. 153—Six Venetian Gotuic Lace BorpeErs Sixteenth Century Paneled oblong centers enriched with circular geometric medallions, = finished with borders of rustic stems also paneled. Length, 19 inches; width, 4 inches, 154—TuHrREE VENETIAN GotHic Lact BorpErs Siateenth Century Similar to the preceding. Variance in details. Length, 26 inches; width, 5 inches. 155—Fizter Lace Borprr Italian, Seventeenth Century i= Displaying very unusual angular scrollings on mesh background. Length, 41 inches; width, 6 inches. 2 156—F invert Lace CusHion Italian, Seventeenth Century Displaying in center a symbolic pastoral lamb, surrounded by an inscrip- es tion and a border of rustic Gothic leaf scrollings. Trimmed with fringe. (Needs slight restoration. ) First Afternoon Fine ivory linen, embroidered in straw-yellow silk, with small leaf border 5 Linen Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century and two panels of angular leaf scrollings at ends. 61 inches by 30 inches. _-\(A58-——EmBroiperED Linen Cover Italian, Late Sixteenth Century ey 4 : ; : ‘ ~ Ivory linen, finished with a border of X-motives and embroidered filet, eg having two end panels of rustic Gothic leaves; executed in greens and crimsons. (Needs slight restoration. ) 50 inches by 29 inches. 159—EmepromerrRED AND Drawn Linen Cover Italian, Sixteenth Century Sheer ivory linen, enriched with drawn square medallion at center and i q jae B paneled border, both enriched with jardiniéres and leaf scrollings in rich brown linen. Finished with particolored lace edge. 69 inches by 43 inches. 160—EmpBroweErRED Linen Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous rose-crimson satin, woven in silver threads and pastel colors, with a diamond leaf and blossom lattice, occupied by jardiniéres of flowers ; finished on two ends with an inwoven border of scrolled flowers. 52 inches by 38 inches. 169—Go.p Emsrorerrep Ivory Sirk CHAsUBLE Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Rich ivory silk, embroidered in beautiful harmouious tones and gold threads, with scrolled jardiniéres of flowers and rich fruit. Trimmed with gold galloon. (Needs restoration.) First Afternoon 170—GoLup ANpD Sinver EmBroiwEerep Buvue Sitk Cover Florentine, Seventeenth Century Lustrous cerulean blue silk, lavishly embroidered in gold and silver threads, with coroneted and scrolled coat of arms at center, blazoned with wheat and three fleurs-de-lis. Scrolled floral border, having jar- diniéres of flowers at corners. 39 inches square. 171— Emsromerep Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Lustrous rose-crimson silk, embroidered in gold threads and passages of green with small scrolled leaf border, corners and end panels of ara- besqued floral jardiniéres. 60 inches by 401% inches, Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 172—Two Hunearian Potnt EmproipErRED Covers \ Displaying zig-zag bands in very rich golden-yellows, crimson, sapphire- ., SY blues, greens, lavenders and ivory. Trimmed with yellow tasseled fringe. 7 feet 1 inches by 2 feet 7 inches. 173—Go.Lp anv BuivEe BrocapE Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century \\ Pa Beautiful lustrous damassé pale bleu-de-ciel field, woven in gold threads and pastel colored silks, with meandering scrollings and panels of con- ventionalized flowers. ‘Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. 42 by 38 inches. 174—GoLDEN-YELLOW BrocapE Cover Spanish, Seventeenth Century Qi Deep golden-yellow fiied, woven in pinks, greens and ivory, with meander- ohn ing vines of large flowers and pomegranate motives. 40 inches square. 175—Hunearian Point EmpromweErep CHASUBLE Italian, Late Seventeenth Century The orphreys displaying diamond lattice, enclosing rose-crimson lozenge devices, on green grounds. The field with a similar lattice, occupied alternately with ears of wheat and further lozenge motives in brilliant colors. 176—NEEDLEWORK COVER Louis XIV Period Rich ivory field of gros-point, enhanced with petit-point, with central bouquet of roses and wheat; the field semé with varied blossoms in pastel colors. Finished with a medallioned and rosetted border and pale-yellow fringe. 39 by 37 inches. 177—Quiuttep LinEN anp EmsproipERED Cover we Southern Italian, Sixteenth Century ~~ -Deep ivory linen, curiously quilted and embroidered with central coronet and wreathed monogram, surrounded by jardiniéres and scrollings of flowers. Similarly scrolled floral border. 42 inches by 31 inches. First Afternoon Ivory silk, richly embroidered in gold threads and harmonious, colored silks, with jardiniéres of flowers in the orphreys. Sustained by scrollings of flowers and wheat which ramify the field. A canopy surmounts the frontal jardiniére. Bo EMBROIDERED SILK CHASUBLE French, Eighteenth Century 179—Goup EmproipERED Srtk Cover Asia Minor, Seventeenth Century XD Delicate peach-silk field, enriched in pastel colors and gold threads, with very unusual palmette motives, having moosques in center. Finished with a scrolled carnation border. 43 inches by 26 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 180— BrocapE Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Deep rich rose-du-Barry field, woven in gold threads and rich colored Pe silks, with meandering ribbons, sustaining bouquets and sprays of flowers, : set upon varied diagonally striped basket patterning in ivory. 45 inches by 42 inches. 181—Goxp BrocapE CovER Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Very interesting damassé ground of two-toned cerulean blue, enriched \ in gold threads and passages of crimson, with fine scrollings of flowers and pineapple motives. Trimmed with gold guimpe. 41 inches by 39 inches. 182—EmpBroipERED Ivory Sik Cover Chinese, Eighteenth Century Lustrous ivory satin, profusely embroidered with a broad border, de- veloping baskets of flowers, fruit, scrollings, festoons and basket paneling in delicate colored silks. 57 inches by 34 inches, 183—Emproiperep Lace Cover Sicilian, Late Sixteenth Century Ivory mesh field, enriched in pastel colored silks, with varied jardiniéres of flowers, birds and lions facing the central jardiniére. Broad borders of stems of flowers, interrupted by zig-zagged column-like motives. Deeply scalloped edge, trimmed with fine lace. te ) 70 inches by 42 inches. 184—EmprorpERED Lace AND SiLtkK Cover Sicilian, Late Seventeenth Century A Brilliant field-green silk, finished with a border of black mesh on three sides, displaying in colored silk, fine angular scrollings occupied by quaint jardiniéres of flowers. Finished with tasseled edging. 47 inches by 35 inches. 185—Goup Brocape Cover Charming pale-lavender field, woven in silver and gold threads and pas- Cees sages of crimson and green, with basketed central medallion. Deeply ) scrolled border on all sides, inwoven, making a complete whole of the cover. 42 inches square. First Afternoon 186—GoLtp Emproiperep PANEL Italian, Seventeenth Century harmonious silks, with pear-shaped scrollings, sustaining cornucopias of fruit with a jardiniére of further fruit above, birds and scrollings of fine blossoms. Front of chasuble. Ki Rich ivory silk, profusely embroidered in gold threads and very beautiful 187—Two Gotp EmsBromwEreD PaANneEts Louis XIV Period Ivory silk, beautifully enriched in gold threads and pastel colored silks, V0 » with basketed scrolled panel at foot, emitting further scrollings and fine | _” sprays of flowers. Finished with a leaf-scrolled ribbon border in gold. Oa The front and back of a chasuble. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ~ 188—BrocapvE Cover Louis XIV Period Fine pearl-gray field, damassé in ivory, with curious zig-zags woven in pinks, yellow and greens, with bouquets of differing flowers. 39 inches by 38 inches. 189—Ivory BrocapvE Cover French, Eighteenth Century Lustrous ivory silk, woven in very beautiful pastel silks, with lacy mean- dering ribbons, sustaining and enclosing very beautifully drawn bouquets of differing flowers. 38 inches by 37 inches. 190—BrocavE Cover Venetian, Early Seventeenth Century Lustrous Havana-brown ground, woven in delicate tones of blue, mul- ox berry, ivory and green, with clusters of pomegranate motives, sustained on rustic.stems. Trimmed with silver lace. 57 inches by 42 inches. 191—Goxp EmBroIpERED ‘CovER Italian, Late Seventeenth Century Botticelli-green satin, enriched with central pinnacle motive, occupied by bands of flowers in appliqué and silk embroidery. Exceptionally fine border of closely placed and scrolled bouquets and jardiniéres of flowers. 42 inches by 41 inches. 192-—GoLp EmproipERED CovER Asia Mimor,; Eighteenth Century Pale-cerulean blue, enriched in solid stitches of raised gold, with palmette devices at center and border, interrupted by scrolled bandings on three sides. 45 inches by 30 inches, 193—Ivory BrocapE Cover Louis XIV Period S Deep ivory ground, woven in pastel colors and crimson, with large scroll- ings of very beautiful flowers. Trimmed with broad silver lace. 40 inches square. 194— Hunearian Pornt NEEDLEWoRK PANEL Italian, Late Seventeenth Century Fe Solidly worked basketed ivory field, enriched with broad scrollings of = leaves and handsome flowers in rich harmonious colors. Trimmed with yellow silk galloon. The front of a chasuble. First Afternoon 195—Sitver Emprowerep VELVET Coat Louis XVI Period Lustrous deep plum-colored cut velvet fluctuating to mouse brown en- riched with small sprays of leaves. Beautifully embroidered with sprays of wheat in silver and paillettes and cornflowers. 196—Rose-pu-Barry BrocapEe Coat Louis XVI Period Beautiful du-Barry pink; woven with small ivory diamond lattice occu- S pied by minute sprays of flowers. Trimmed with original buttons covered ae in the brocade. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 197—EmpromweErep Drav p’Or BrocapEe Cover ' French, Early Eighteenth Century Cloth of gold, minutely woven in ivories and blues, with sprays of small berries, enriched at center with a cartouched embroidered coat of arms. Finished with very beautiful floral patterned silver galloon. 40 inches by 34 inches. 198—Go.ip EmprorEREeD VELVET Coat Albanian, Seventeenth Century Rich crimson velvet; adorned with frontal panels of gold scrollings, the back with chevroned stripes in silver edged and bordered in gold. 199—GoLp anv GREEN BrocapE Hanecine Venetian, Seventeenth Century Mellow sea-green field; woven in gold threads and yellow with ‘“Temples of Love” festooned and tasseled to flamed scroll motives. Trimmed and paneled with silver galloon and green fringe. Height, 5 feet 4 inches; length, 3 feet 1 inch. 200—Drar d’OrR anp vd’ARGENT BrocapE Hancine Venetian, Seventeenth Century < Damassé bleu-de-ciel field woven in pastel colors, gold and silver threads with pseudo-Chinese emblematic vases and symbols interspersed with sprays of trailing flowers. Height, 3 feet; length, 7 feet 1 inch. 201—Goxtp anp PurpPLe BrocapE Cover Spanish, Seventeenth Century Ivory field; woven in mellow purple with leaf scrolled panels occupied by > flowers and pomegranate motives; towards head and foot with bands of arcaded lotus blossoms having gold backgrounds. 5 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 2 inches. 202—Brivur Damask Core Italian, Seventeenth Century w\ Two toned shimmering Copenhagen blue damask; the field hood and orphreys woven with bouquets within lyre-shaped floral scrollings. Hood trimmed with yellow silk galloon. Length, 8 feet 4 inches; depth, 4 feet 1 inch, 203—Gortp Emproierep Ivory Sitx Corre Spanish, Seventeenth Century Rich ivory silk; enhanced with five series of alternating rampant lions, fleurs-de-lis and castle motives; solidly wrought in gold threads and fol- lowing the semi-circular contour of cope. Length, 9 feet 2 inches; depth, 3 feet 7 inches. First Afternoon -204—Drae v’Or Rose-pu-Barry Brocape anv Vetvet Cover Louis XIII Period Oblong center panel of brocade, with lovely du-Barry pink field woven in gold and silver threads and delicate passages of green with lace-lobed medallions, occupied by very beautifully conventionalized bouquets of SN flowers, interrupted by diamond motives and flanked by small similar devices in which fruit occurs. Borders of very lustrous deeper rose-du- Barry velvet. Trimmed with gold lace and broad galloon. 6 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 4 inches. Note: Remarkably fine and delicate weaving of the highest type. 205—Sinver Empromerep Drap p’ArcENT Brocaprt BANNER Lous XIV Period < Oblong; with two V-points. Pearl gray field, woven in deeper gray and Lia silver threads with exceptionally interesting bouquets of flowers. En- riched with leaf scrolled ribbon border solidly wrought in silver and gold threads. Length, 5 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 206— EmsromnErEeD VELVET BANNER Spanish, Seventeenth Century Very lustrous deep amber velvet fluctuating to almost golden-yellow. aN Enriched at center with appliqué silk cartouched coat of arms, blazoned with gold and blue castle. Trimmed with silver galloon. Length, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. ~~. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 207—GREEN BrocabE Cover Louis XIII Period Light emerald green field; woven in ivory and straw-yellow with broad stripes of scrolled lacy leaves and pomegranates forming heart-shaped motives and narrow bandings of minute floral vines. 13 feet 1 inch by 3 feet 2 inches. 208—Drap pv’ArGENT GREEN BrocapE Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Two toned soft emerald green field; damassé with chevrons. LEnriched in silver thread and rich colored silks with alternating wreaths and inverted lyre devices of flowers and fan scrollings. Trimmed with silver lace. 58 inches by 42 inches. 209—Bravutirut Drar v’OrR anv vD’ARGENT BrocapE CovErR Lows XVI Period Sumptuous striped cloth of silver; enriched with vine entwined broad lacy stripes alternating with three narrow stripes in gold variously bear- ing bouquets and leaves in rich colored silks. 6 feet 5 inches by 6 feet 2 inches, 210—Drav v’Or Crimson Brocapr Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Rich rose-crimson field; damassé with ribbon and scroll motives com- plementing the major pattern, which is woven in gold and silver threads and green silk with diagonally placed cornucopia devices connected by running ribbons. Trimmed with silver galloon. 6 feet 3 inches by 3 feet 2 inches, 211—Daints Sitver anp Brive Brocape Cover Louis XVI Period Lustrous bleu-de-ciel field; enriched with silver banded central panel displaying oak wreathed bouquet surrounded by trailing flowers and stellate devices. Paneled side borders of double ribbons entwined with floral vines; ends with single similar vines and floral Vandykes of silver. 5 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 9 inches. 212—GrerEen Damask Corr Italian, Siateenth Century Lustrous two-toned field green damask; woven with beautiful ogivals entwined with vines bearing bunches of berries and carnations; within \ the ogivals are jardiniéres of unusual flowers. Paneled at orphreys and trimmed with yellow silk galloon. Length, 9 feet; depth, 4 feet 1 inch. First Afternoon 213—Sitver EmproipErep Sirk Attar Frontau Louis XIV Period Rich rose-crimson silk; solidly worked in raised silver threads with elab- orate architectural motives, displaying an arched portico sustained by Corinthian columns and enclosing a scrolled canopy bearing coat of arms at center and sacred monograms at ends giving vistas of “Italian Gardens” with birds and fountains. At the crown between the arches are jardiniéres of flowers; these are surmounted by a scroll-border. Trimmed with gold galloon and silver and gold fringe at foot. Height, 3 feet 3 inches; length, 6 feet 7 inches. \\0 214—GoLDEN-YELLOw BrocapE Core Italian, Seventeenth Century - Lustrous two-toned imbricated field; woven in pastel silks with bouquets of flowers surrounded by scrollings of further fine flowers. Spade-shaped hood. Trimmed with varied gold galloon. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; depth, 4 feet 5 inches. 4 215—Go.xp anp Sitver Lace Vetver Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous rose-crimson velvet fluctuating to areas of charming rose tones. WS Finished with broad borders of open gold and silver lace displaying varied beautiful floral scrollings. ' 6 feet 1 inch by 4& feet. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 216—Sitver anp Brive BrocapE Cover Lows XIV Period Rich two-toned bleu-de-ciel field, damassé with ribbons supporting sprays and bouquets of fine flowers in silver and gold threads and colored silks. 6 feet 8 inches by 5 feet. 217—CuHINESE EMBROIDERED SILK COVER K’ang-hsi_ Period Exquisite warm straw-yellow satin; enriched in pastel and sapphire-blue silk threads with intricate central circular floral medallion surrounded by figures of Mandarins journeying on horseback, huntsmen, musicians, ~ domestics and floral bouquets at corners. Beautiful borders having jardiniéres of flowers at corners and arched floral vines enclosing further groups of flowers. Trimmed with multicolored fringe. 8 feet 4 inches by 7 feet 6 inches. Note: The very beautiful cartoon for this fine cover was originated in Paris and transferred to the Orient for execution. 218—RicH GoLpEN-AMBER VELVET COVER Italian, Late Seventeenth Century Very lustrous velvet shimmering with rare areas of light golden-yellow. Trimmed with ribbon and blossom patterned gold galloon. 7 feet by 5 feet 4 inches. 219—Drar vd’?Or Emproiverep Vetvet Hancine Florentine, Seventeenth Century Rich lustrous crimson velvet ; enriched with appliqué of interesting drap d’or shot with silver threads; developing five panels of scrolled acanthus leaves and husks. Finished at crown and sides with borders of finely scrolled husk devices. Length, 7 feet; depth, 3 feet 3 inches. 220—-T'wo Crimson VELVET PaNnELs Italian, Sixteenth Century Ruby red velvet, beautifully fluctuating in the light to areas of deep Wy rose tones. Cross joined. Length, 6 feet; width, 2 feet 3 inches, 221—Two Sitver BrocapvEe PorTikres Venetian, Seventeenth Century Fine mustard-yellow field; woven in silver threads and ivory with diag- onally placed meandering vines of tulips and pomegranate motives hav- ing festoons of lacy ribbons at intervals. Trimmed with green and yellow fringe. Length, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. First Afternoon 222—Two Rosr-pu-Barry anv Ivory Brocapr PortiEREs qv Louis XIII Period ve Ivory field; woven in rose-du-Barry pink with scrolled sprays of flowers wg and lacy stripes bearing floral vines. Trimmed with green fringe. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet. 223—Ivory anp YeLtow Brocatre te PortiERE a Italian, Seventeenth Century Mi Lustrous ivory silk ground; woven in beautiful golden-yellow with leaf- scrolled banded ogivals alternately occupied by infloretted blossoms and scrolled cornucopias of flowers. Length, 12 feet; width, 4 feet 4 inches. 224—Larcet Ivory ano Buve Brocaprt BAatpAacHiIno Louis XIII Period festoon motives occupied by bouquets of flowers and pomegranates. Q ® Shimmering pale bleu-de-ciel field; woven in silvery ivory with lacy leaf 10 feet by 9 feet 6 inches. 225—CuInEsSE GoLtp EmprorpEereD Ivory Sirk BarpacHuino Eighteenth Century Lustrous ivory satin; solidly enriched in gold threads with central oval oS medallion occupied by basket of flowers surrounded by large all-over scrollings of leaf and husk motives in which are perched birds, quarter round corners displaying jardiniéres of asters. 9 feet by 7 feet 11 inches. 226—Two Green Damask. PorTiEREs Italian, Seventeenth Century ae | Brilliant two-toned field-green damask; woven with banded ogivals out- Viveae lined with minute vines and occupied by single blossoms. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. _227—GoLpEN-YELLOW Damask PorTIERE Italian, Seventeenth Century < Lustrous two-toned golden-yellow; woven with leaf canopied rustic ogi- G vals sustaining large single infloretted blossoms. Length, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches. \ 228—Two Green Damask PormTIERES Italian, Seventeenth Century aed Two-toned rich bottle-green ; woven with zig-zagged rustic stems bearing ——— / sprays of wild roses and having small bouquets of flowers between the \) __ stems. \)Y - Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches, co Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 229—Two Sitvery Green Damask Covers Louis XIV Period Two-toned Botticelli-green; woven with detached leaf scrolled panels emitting sprays of flowers. Trimmed with fringe. Lengths, 6 feet 2 inches and 9 feet 4 inches; widths, 3 feet 11 inches and 3 feet 2 inches. 230—Two GoLpDEN-YELLOW Damask PorrierREs Italian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous two-toned golden-yellow; woven with leaf arched ogivals occu- pied by large single infloretted blossoms supported on especially fine leaf motives. Length, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. 231—Two Damask PorrTiEREs Italian Renaissance Two-toned field-green ; woven with intricate banded ogivals, having cor- onets at intersections and occupied by bouquets of tulips. Length, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 232—IntTereEsTING RosE-crimson BocaTELLE PoRTIERE Lucca, Seventeenth Century Lustrous rose-du-Barry crimson field; woven in golden-yellow and ivory with naturalistic lyre-shaped scrollings of flowers and berries, occupied by large infloretted blossoms. Trimmed with Vandyked tasseled fringe. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 6 feet 2 inches. 233—GREEN Damask PorTIERE Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Two-toned light emerald-green; woven with very interesting ogivals of acanthus leaves, alternately occupied by bouquets of flowers, having diverse pomegranate motives and vines of small leaves. Length, 10 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. 234—Two Frorat Damask PorTIERES Italian, Late Sixteenth Century Exquisite two-toned salmon-yellow damask, woven with closely placed wh large detached sprays of highly conventionalized carnation and tulip x blossoms. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 235—Two BrocaTELLe PortieRES Lucca, Seventeenth Century Rich deep rose-crimson, displaying infloretted blossoms within finely scrolled acanthus leaves and husk motives, on golden-yellow grounds. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet, First Afternoon 236—GREEN Damask Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century \d Two-toned light emerald-green, woven with ogivals of fine acanthus \ leaves, occupied by bouquets of differing flowers and pomegranate mo- tives and entwining vines of small leaves. 6 feet 4 inches by 6 feet 2 inches. 237—-Buvur Damask Cover Italian, Early Eighteenth Century Cool light bleu-de-ciel watered ground, woven in ivory-gray, with mean- tS 0 dering lace-like ribbons emitting sprays of fine flowers. 7 feet 2 inches by 6 feet 4 inches. 238—-Two RicH Go.LpEN-YELLow Damask Porvieres . Italian, Early Seventeenth Century aaa , _ Lwo-toned fluctuating golden-yellow damask, woven with very large and .y~ intricate infloretted bouquets of flowers within acanthus leaf scrollings (\¥ and unusual diapered panels of leafage. Trimmed with Vandyke fringe. Length, 9 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 239—Two Crimson Damask Portigres Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Brilliant two-toned rose-crimson damask, woven with interesting pear- SO \~shaped motives, enclosing bouquets of large berries and canopied by py highly conventionalized pomegranate motives and large acanthus leaves. / Trimmed with Vandyke edging. Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 240—Two GREEN Damask PorTIERES Italian, Seventeenth Century v Charming two-toned field-green damask, woven with very unusual banded and arched medallions, occupied by infloretted bouquets of scrolled leaves and flowers, alternating with exceptionally fine bouquets of pomegranate My : motives. Length, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 241—FELETIN Tapestry French, Seventeenth Century / VERDURE AND BIRD. A large bird stands in the foreground before ff a chateau sheltered by large finely foliaged trees. Woven in old-pinks, green, yellows, blues and ivories. Interesting border of acanthus leaves and strap scrollings; woven in the more brilliant colors of the field, on \ \ \ Ya eae TapEstTRY Seventeenth Century \ Ss 0aR MEETING OF THE PATRIARCHS. ‘Two classic robed pa- triarchs with long gray beards are about center, shaking each other by the hand. Around them are four personages of their immediate fam- x ily. At right are a number of husbandmen with their flocks at various Se activities of the field. At left are a number of camels with their packs ready for a journey. In the distance further personages and wooded hills are seen. Woven in old-pink, golden-yellows, greens, blues, ivories, grays and tawny-tans. Height, 7 feet 1 inch; length, 13 feet 10 inches, (hunquag ypuaajuaaagy) AULSAdV], HSINAT|—?PS “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 246—FeLerin Tapestry Seventeenth Century “WOODLAND AND BIRDS. In a rough uneven flower-decked fore- ground, two herons are seen, before vistas of a chateau and mountains, given by three clumps of large foliaged trees. Woven in old-pinks, golden-yellows, ivories, blues, greens and tans. Border of richer colors than the field, displaying scrolling flowers, fruit and acanthus leaves, amidst which birds are perched, Height, 8 feet 11 inches; length, 11 feet 9 inches, < 4 (hanquag yywaaquaaag) AULSAdV], NILATAY,—OPSZ “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 247—FLemisH TarEsTRY Seventeenth Century a HERCULES AND OMPHALE. Omphale is seated in the foreground ; Hercules is behind her and his lion-skin at her feet. Vulcan is at right, manipulating an implement of war over a fire. Above them in the clouds is a messenger of Jove, giving a message to the company. Woven in old- pinks, blues, rich tans, ivories, greens and yellows. Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 248—Ferrerin Tapestry French, Seventeenth Century VERDURE AND BIRDS. ‘Two herons are in the foreground of a flower-decked uneven ground, rising to a chateau about mid-distance, which is sheltered by two clumps of large finely foliaged trees. Woven in golden-yellows, ivories, tans, greens, old-pinks and blues. Interesting floral border interspersed with jardiniéres, birds, clusters of fruit and acanthus leaves, on tawny-brown grounds. Height, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 7 feet 3 inches, 249—BrussEts TAPESTRY Seventeenth Century HERCULES DEPARTING FOR ONE OF HIS CELEBRATED LABORS. The burly hero stands about center, his lion-skin over him and his club over his shoulder. Minerva precedes him, pointing his path; a small cupidon is at the extreme left, carrying Minerva’s Medusa- headed shield. At right is a robed figure of Hercules’ wife, her left hand on his shoulder and a further cupidon bearing a large plumed helm, a gift from Vulcan. Woven in rich blues, varied shades of yellow, tan and ivory. Finished with its own border of blue, ivory and tan. Height, 9 feet 2 inches; length, 9 feet 8 inches. 250—GorHic RENAISSANCE ‘TAPESTRY Lous XIII Period A ROYAL HUNT. A Seigneur, mounted on a caracoling horse, is seen about center, being attacked by a mythical lion. A hound and three huntsmen are grouped around him. At right, two men are slaying a further lion. In the distance is a chateau seen amidst a wooded land- scape. Woven in old-reds, greens, blues, ivories and tans. Finished with a banding of ivory and blue. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 11 inches. SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1924 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 251 to 465, inclusive 251—T'wo EmBROIDERED VELVET CUSHIONS Italian Renaissance Rich crimson velvet, embroidered in appliqué of golden-yellow, ivory and green with jardiniéres of lilies and a border of tulip motives. Oblong. 252—Smatt Goutp EmBRromERED PANEL Sicilian, Early Seventeenth Century Displaying heavily raised and scrolled floral motives in gold, with leafage in lower relief of silver; upon a ground of closely placed gilded paillettes. Oblong. 253—Goutp EmpromErREeD Coat or ARMs Italian, Seventeenth Century Crimson drap d’or shield, blazoned with three cruciformed motives, or; enriched with surrounding scrollings in raised gold and silver and coroneted crown. Mounted on green damask panel. Oval. 254—Two Gotp EmsrompErREeD Coats or ARMs Itahan, Seventeenth Century Interestingly scrolled cartouches, surmounted by varied helms in ap- pliqué silks and gold, variously blazoned. Mounted on red damask. 255—Two Goip EmproipERED Carpinats’ Coats or Arms Itahan, Seventeenth Century Exceptionally fine scrolled cartouched shields, surmounted by a Car- dinal’s tasseled hat, variously blazoned with trees and monts, displaying eagles and flame motives. sei Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 256—Two anp Strver Empromerep Coats or Arms Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Scrolled cartouches, having shields, blazoned with rampant lions and surmounted by hats of dignitaries. Mounted on crimson velvet of the period. 257—Two Sitver Empromwerrep Coats or Arms Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Green silk, solidly embroidered in silver and gold threads with coroneted shields, variously displaying rampant lions and other devices. 258—EmMBROIDERED PoLE ScREEN PaNner Viennese, 1802 Green silk, very finely embroidered with a music score, which is strewn with a spray of flowers, fruit, butterflies and other objects. 259—Smatt Gotp NEEDLE-PAINTED Panet — Italian, Seventeenth Century THE CRUCIFIXION. Within a scrolled cartouche solidly worked in gold and silver threads is seen the haloed figure of Our Lord upon a crucifix. 260—Go tp EmpromErRED PoLE ScrREEN PANEL English, Seventeenth Century Deep plum-colored silk, enriched with a central lobed oval medallion, occupied by a landscape, displaying figures of travelers resting; sur- rounded by raised gold scrollings and bouquets of carnations, tulips and daffodils. 261—Two Emsrormerep Linen CusHions Rhodian, Late Sixteenth Century Ivory linen; one beautifully enriched with jardiniéres of flowers placed at center and corners and having an angularly scrolled Gothic border in which a motive of clasped hands is repeated throughout. The other with a broad border of jardiniéres of flowers and scrollings, in which birds and hounds are seen. 262—Empromwerep Linen Borper © Rhodian, Sixteenth Century )_~ Fine ivory linen, enriched with crimson silk ground, displaying pattern in linen of sprays of oak leaves on a label in gold threads, “‘Obeialiberia.” Length, 6 feet 8 inches; depth, 334 inches, Second Afternoon 263— INTERESTING BrocaTELLE Borper Florentine, Sixteenth Century < Woven in golden-yellow silks, with medallions, occupied by figures of the AN Madonna and Child and Saints, alternating with fine leaf scrollings, on peach silk grounds. 264—Sitver BrocaTELLte Borper Florentine, Early Sixteenth Century \ 9 Woven in yellows and greens, with oval medallions occupied by figures of ~~ Saints, interrupted by scrollings, on light peach-pink grounds. 4'6"% an “ai, * 265—Goxtp Brocapre Gornic Vetver Maniere Italian, Fifteenth Century Rich crimson velvet, woven in gold threads with most interesting archaic es scrollings. ‘Trimmed with gold lace and fringe at lappets. 266——NEEDLE-PAINTED ORPHREY Flemish, Late Fifteenth Century s Beeb Displaying two groups of two Saints within pinnacled and arched niches. \O Executed in colored silks and gold and silver threads. (2673 SEVEN Smart Panets oF Cut VELVET Italian, Sixteenth Centura “A . . . . f” Woven in very mellow jade-green, on variable yellow grounds, ,with a ox diamond lattice, occupied by blossoms.(¢) fo’x 3'S%" ~G) Il * 1% 268—NeEEpLEwoRK Borper Florentine, Early Seventeenth Century 4 Ivory ground, enriched in very harmonious colors, with angular scroll- “‘\—~ ings of flowers; executed in petit-point and gros-point. Length, 9 inches; width, 4 inches. 269—Two Sitver Emsromerep Crimson Vetvet Borpers Italian, Early Seventeenth Century ~S Rich crimson velvet, finely embroidered in raised silver threads, with husk and fruit scrollings. Finished with a border of narrow fringe. Length, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 5 inches. 270— EmBroimpERED STOLE Italian, Seventeenth Century = Ivory cord silk, very richly embroidered in solid threads of gold, with “A\D scrollings, cruciform motives and flowers in colored silks; fringed at J lappets. 271—Go.ip EmpromerreD MAnipPLe Italian, Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. -% EGS a Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 272—Gotp EmpBroiperep Drap p’Or Store Italian, Seventeenth Century 273—Buve Vetvet DisepatcuH Poucu 274—PrarL EnricHep BELT Wine-crimson drap d’or field, elaborately embroidered in raised threads of gold, with scrollings of wheat, grapes, flowers and cruciform motives. Finished with an arcaded border and gold fringe at lappets. Italian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous gray-blue velvet, trimmed with double tassels at foot and tas- seled draw-cord at crown. Oblong. Albanian, Seventeenth Century Belt of gold galloon, scrolled with acanthus leaves; finished with two gilded, scrolled pear-shaped clasps, very finely enriched with seed pear] scrollings. 275—Two Lenerus or GoLp anp Sitver Lace \ \ Italian, Seventeenth Century Displaying scrollings of finely conventionalized flowers in gold and silver threads, on an open honey-combed reserve of silver. Length, 53; yards; width, 314 inches. 276—LENGcTH oF SILVER AND VELVET GALLOON Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Woven on ivory ground in old-red, pink, black and silver threads, with strap cartouches alternately occupied by double-displayed eagles and two lions passant. Has been joined in places. Length, 18 yards; width, 2 inches. 277—Two Cut ano Uncut Vetvet Borpers Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Woven on finely diapered ivory silk ground, with series of scrolled pale- blue medallions, each occupied by a figure of Cupid in very beautiful pastel colors. Joined in various places. Length, 14144 yards; width, 214 inches. 278—Sitver Mountep Vetvet Missau Venetian, 1769 Rich blue velvet cover, mounted in silver with coroneted repoussé silver coats of arms, blazoned with two hands, proper, and grape-vine. Inter- esting clasps. Second Afternoon “ag aN Covered in rich blue velvet, mounted with a repoussé engraved coat. of S arms and scrolled corners. 279—Sitver Mountep Vetvet Missar Venetian, 1749 280—IttuminatTEeD Herarpic Missax Spanish, Eighteenth Century - Bound in brown hide, tooled with bandings and latticed with fine strap wae motives. Interior illuminated with one-hundred and twenty-eight coats \~ of arms of prominent Spanish families and frontispiece depicting the Conversion of St. Paul. 281—Drap p’Or ann vd’ArGENT BrocapE VEtver Cover / French, Seventeenth Century ous Woven in drap d’or and silver threads over golden-yellow velvet, with oa blossoms within broad leaf scrolls, on fine velvet grounds. 23 inches by 21 inches. 282—Drarp p’Or AnD pb’ARGENT GREEN BrocapE CusHIon Z Lustrous green velvet, woven with very unusual scrollings of leaves and “€ gs ’ i g es husks in threads of gold and silver. 20 inches square. 288—Gorp EmpromneRED SILK CHarice Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century ) Rich lavender silk, embroidered in gold threads with rayed sacred mono- “Le gram and border of scrolled flowers, having passages of colored silks, finished with lace edge. 26 by 25 inches, 284—Two HuncariAN-Ppoint CUSHIONS Florentine, Seventeenth Century a \ Rich solidly embroidered field of golden-yellow, worked in crimson, blues, eo greens and pinks, with large scrolled tulip motive. Trimmed with gold galloon and tassels. ~. : A 2854 Tuner Crimson Vetvet CusHIoNns Genoese, Seventeenth Century ~ >> . yp? Lustrous rose-crimson velvet, fluctuating to areas of flame pink, trimmed with patterned gold galloon. 20 "Agra 286—Four Drar pv’Or GREEN CusHIONS Italian, Seventeenth Century Oy \ Deep jade-green field, woven in lighter tones of green and gold threads, 5 ad ; ; »» with scrolling sprays of pomegranate motives, berries and flowers. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 287—Emprowerep Rosr-pu-Barry Sirk Cuarice Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Watered deep rose-du-Barry silk, embroidered in gold threads with rayed sacred monogram and border of exquisite flowers, scrolling from ribbon bouquets at corners. Trimmed with gold lace. 288—Hunearian-point CusHion Florentine, Early Seventeenth Century Solidly worked chevroned ivory field, enriched in mellow harmonious colors, with central bouquet and scrollings of very beautiful flowers, amidst which birds are perched. Trimmed with gold galloon. 289—NEEDLE-PAINTED Hoop Italian Renaissance THE ANNUNCIATION. The Holy Virgin is seated at right within a niche of an apartment. The angel kneels at left, announcing her mes- sage. Trimmed with embroidered gold border simulating galloon. 290—Prart Enrtcnep CasHmMEere CusHION ~ Hindu-Perse, Seventeenth Century Very finely woven cashmere, with crimson ground and all-over infloretted palmette motives in black, green, blue, yellow and tawny-brown; en- riched with gold threads and seed pearls, having central stellated medal- lioned baskets of flowers at corners and scrolled border. Trimmed with gold fringe. 291—-GoLp anpb Sitver Lace CusHion Spanish, Seventeenth Century Enriched in gold threads, on a silver mesh, with the symbols of the “Passion” within the scrolled border. Finished with a band of ame- thystine velvet of the period, but imperfect. 292—JarDINIERE VELVET CusHION Genoese, Seventeenth Century Beautiful golden-yellow field, woven in cut and uncut velvet, with pome- eee granate device surrounded by flowers. Woven in fine greens and rose- crimson. 293—Pertir-point MEepALLion French, Seventeenth Century JUDITH WITH THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES. Judith at right holds the head of Holofernes in her right hand. Beyond is a tent and — > one of her attendants. Executed in petit-point in rich harmonious colors. Oval. Second Afternoon aS 294— EMBROIDERED Hoop English, Late Seventeenth Century THE RETURN FROM CANAAN. Two burly men in classic attire, are in the foreground of a wooded landscape, carrying over their shoul- ders a huge bunch of purple grapes. In the foreground is a hound and several small lambs, betokening the plenty of days to come. Solidly worked in pastel colors. > 295—Two Gorp EmsroiwEerep TEMPLE PANELS c Italian, Seventeenth Century \S Cartouche-shaped panels, finely wrought in silver and gold threads, \ each with Hebraic inscriptions, surrounded variously by floral motives ; yyy one in gold and the other in colored silks. Trimmed with gold lace edging. € 296—Two NEEDLEWORK CUSHIONS French, Seventeenth Century oO << \ Rich tawny-black grounds, displaying in each two birds before a flower- ‘\ -)} \} ing shrub, surrounded by fantastic scrollings of gros-point in rich : colors. 297—Two Gortp EmproiwEerRED Ivory Sirk CusHions . of Italian, Seventeenth Century \\A Heavy ivory silk, enriched in gold threads and pastel colored silks, with floral lyre-shaped motive, enclosing bouquet of fruit and flowers. Fin- | Wished with a scrolled border, executed with gold threads and paillettes. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 298—RareE Brapwork PANEL Italian, circa 1810 << K Depicting landscape at center, in which is a young maiden followed by > ~~ her favorite dog. Finished with a very richly colored border of sprays of naturalistic flowers. On resonant ivory grounds. Oblong. 299—Drap p’ARGENT CoveR Venetian, Seventeenth Century Bleu-de-ciel satin field, woven in silver threads and colored silks, with > — extremely interesting detached landscapes and figures sheltered by large flowering and fruiting trees. Trimmed with gold fringe. -_ 300—Turee Crimson VELver CusHions Genoese, Seventeenth Century | \ WJ ; Lustrous wine-crimson velvet, fluctuating to rose areas. Oblong; vary- NU ing in size. 301—Greren Vetvet CusHION Italian, Seventeenth Century WAS Very lustrous jaspé jade-green velvet, fluctuating with lght areas; \ trimmed with grape pattern and gold galloon. 302—TxHree Gotp EmpromEerReD VELVET CUSHIONS Spanish, Seventeenth Century \, 6 Rich crimson velvet, solidly embroidered with coroneted and palm (y2* wreathed medallion, blazoned with the arms of Leon and Castile. Trimmed with two bands of silver galloon. 303 Two EmpromwErRED LINEN CusHIONS Mitylenian, Stateenth Century Deep ivory linen, variously embroidered in pastel and deep-toned silks, with jardiniéres of flowers, scrollings and birds. Oblong. 304—GoLp EmproipERED SitkK CHALicE Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Light gray-blue field, enriched in gold threads and deep-toned silks, with central floral medallion, bearing sacred monogram and surrounded by scrollings of larger flowers. Oblong. 3805—Go Lp EmBroIpERED CHALICE COVER Italian, Seventeenth Century Rich purple satin, solidly embroidered in gold threads and tinsel, with rayed central medallion bearing sacred monogram and scrolled borders of tulips and lilies. Trimmed with gold lace. Second Afternoon 306—Rare Empromwerren Linen Cover Flemish, Late Seventeenth Century Deep ivory linen, occupied by a central medallion, depicting Flemish kitchen interior, surrounded by square bordering panels, having a \*\ Hebraic inscription thereon. Rich border of scrolling tulips in vases, oN amidst which are birds; executed in very rich harmonious colors and occasional paillettes. Trimmed with fringe. 3807—Gotp EmpBproimpERED Cover Italian, Renaissance Period Rose-crimson silk, beautifully embroidered in gold threads and delicate \ tones of silk, with central medallion bordered with tulips and other flow- AN »\ ers. Finished with a border of scrolled flowers having bouquets at cor- ners. Trimmed with crimson and gold edging. 308—NeEEDLEWoRK CHAIR SEAT French, Eighteenth Century Deep rich ivory field, enhanced with a basket of fine flowers, suspended \ from a trailing ribbon which continues and forms a border and is . “\ entwined with vines of small flowers. Executed in fine gros-point. Length, 34 inches; depth, 31 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 309— EmBRrormpERED ‘Sirk Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Purple-blue silk, enriched in pastel colors, with central wreath of straw- berries, occupied by a Hebraic inscription, worked in gold threads. Finely scrolled border of roses and buds, having sheaves of wheat at corners. Trimmed with gold lace. 310—Two Prart ann Gotp EmpBroiErEep MEDALLIONS Itahan, Seventeenth Century Rich rose-pink silk, displaying a lengthy Hebraic inscription, beautifully \ wrought in seed pearls. Finished with a laurel border in green, drap dor "and gold threads. Oval. 311—Two Gotp NEEDLE-PAINTED MEDALLIONS Italian Renaissance THE RAISING OF LAZARUS AND THE RESURRECTION. Finely executed in gold threads and pastel colored silks. 312—-Two Repousskt Sitver Crocs Hindu-Perse High arched clogs, with silver enriched leather loops for foot; adorned with scrollings of varied flowers. 3183—Repousst SitverR Bas-RELIEF Italian, Siateenth Century THE DESCENT FROM -THE CROSS. Under a triple-pinnacled m canopy is a group of Saints watching two men lower the body of the = Saviour from the cross. Finished at sides with paneled pilasters, occu- pied by various Saints. 314—RepovussE SitveErR Missa Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Obverse displaying two cherubs holding a canopy over a sacred mono- “gram; surrounded by further cherubic winged heads and scrollings. Reverse similar, with the Virgin and Child instead of the sacred mono- gram. _3815—GILpED SILVER SHRINE Spanish, Seventeenth Century =e THE ASCENSION OF THE VIRGIN. The haloed and voluminously robed Virgin stands within an arched niche. At her feet is a multitude of penitents. Surrounded by a scrolled frame in which cherubic heads are seen. Second Afternoon 316—Nerpitework Ivory Sirk CusHion Spanish, Seventeenth Century Deep rich ivory satin, very curiously embroidered in colored silks and silver, with numerous detached landscapes, figures and flowers, amidst which various animals are seen. 36 inches by 201/ inches. 317—Drar v’Or Brocape Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century : Floral damassé green field, woven in threads of gold and silver and pastel \\ silks, with interesting and varied lace-like ribbon scrollings, emitting J small bouquets of flowers; trimmed with gold galloon. 5 feet 9 inches by 1 foot 91% inches. 818—EmproimERED Ivory Sirk Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century is Rich ivory satin, enhanced in pastel colored silks, with varied detached y— sprays of roses, tulips and carnations, Finished with gold lace. 6 feet 1 inch by 1 foot 91% inches. 319—Drar pv’Or anv v’ArGENT BrocapE Cover French, Seventeenth Century Beautiful rose-crimson field, shot with minute gold threads, beautifully woven with meandering lace-like ribbons in silver and extremely fine \\ entwining vines of wild roses and sprays of hawthorn. Trimmed with silver galloon. 54 by 21 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 320—Dainty JarpINrrRE VELVET Cover French, Early Eighteenth Century Lustrous ivory-tan field, woven in delicate pastel colors, with large central bouquet. of flowers within festoons of similar rare flowers. Fin- ished with its own border of latticed blossoms and ribbon motives. Two extra borders at ends of fine husk motives, alternating with sprays of pink roses. 41 by 21 inches, 3821—Beavutirut Drar v’OR ann v’ArGENT BrocapE Cover French, Eighteenth Century Mellow drap d’or field, woven in threads of silver and charming pastel \ tones with central wreathed bouquet having pendants, stellate motives ) and bow-knotted vines of flowers at sides. Finished with its own border of scrolling ribbons, entwined by dainty vines; at the ends with arcades of flowers, alternating on gold and silver grounds. 43 inches by 23 inches. Note: This charming panel, somewhat on the order of a Scutari rug, was executed for the Bey of Tunis, who was at that period on very friendly relations with the French Monarchs. 322—Four Drar p’ArcENT BrocapE PANneELs Venetian, Seventeenth Century Damassé ivory field, woven with scrolled oval motives in silver, centered with shell fountains and enclosing palace landscape and large flowers. The latter executed in rich pastel colors. Shaped at ends. 43 inches by 20 inches, 323—Two EmpromrerepD Drap p’Arcent Covers French, Late Seventeenth Century Ivory field, broadly shot with silver threads, enriched in gold and charm- ing pastel colored silks, with scrolled baskets emitting fine trailing vines of large flowers which ramify the field. Trimmed with gold lace and fringe. One cover enriched with a group in the center of the Virgin and Child among the flowers. (Needs slight restoration. ) 48 inches by 25 inches. 324—F LemisH Tapestry Panen Seventeenth Century TRIUMPHANT WARRIORS RETURNING. Five burly men in as classic and Oriental costumes are seen before woodland in close proximity to one another. Woven in very rich crimsons, blues, pinks, yellows, greens, tans and ivories. 36 inches by 19 inches. * Second Afternoon 325—Two Gotp EmpBrormEReD Vetiver Covers Southern Italian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous rose-crimson velvet, fluctuating to lighter areas, solidly en- riched in raised gold threads, the field semé with small blossoms and elaborately scrolled corners. Border of further scrolled lotus flowers and carnation motives. 36 inches by 29 inches. 326—Rare CuinesE Drap pv’Or Brocape Haneine K’ang-hst Period TEMPLE SCENE. Slightly above center the three famous Buddhas, Maitreya, Amitabha and Manjusri, are seen enthroned. Before them are two priests, standing, giving a benediction to two large groups of devotees, seen in the foreground amid cloud forms. Above the three Buddhas is a celestial choir and an inscription. Extremely interesting border of grouped lozenge-shaped blossoms and scrollings. Woven in gold threads and delicate harmonious colors. 56 inches by 28 inches. 327—Lone Goup BrocapE ScarFr By Sluck, Polonaise, Seventeenth Century .~ Parti-colored crimson and black field, striped with dainty waved bars \\ of gold, finished at ends with panels of drap d’or, occupied by blue and es deep pink sprays of blossoms. Finished with a similar drap d’or border, | enriched with scrollings of small blossoms. Trimmed with latticed gold fringe at ends. Signed ‘“Sluck” on two corners of foot. Length, 12 feet; width, 1 foot 2 inches. Note: Polonaise weaving of this extraordinarily fine character and in such perfect condition is rarely met with to-day. 328—Go.ip EmpBrorpERED BorpEerR Tudor Period 7 Tan mesh field, scalloped at foot and alternately occupied by carnation / yO motives and scrolled diamond devices. Richly worked in gold threads and dainty pastel colors. Length, 11 feet 4 inches; width, 4 inches. 329—Go.Lp and SitverR BrocapEe Cover French, Seventeenth Century the major pattern, which is executed in solid threads of gold and silver and displays finely infloretted bouquets of flowers, festooned with tassels and enclosed within fine scrollings. Trimmed and paneled on two sides with gold galloon. a Two-toned light rose-du-Barry field, damassé with motives accentuating 47 by 22 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 330—SitvEer BrocaTELLE AND VELVET COVER . 0 Florentine, Renaissance Period \/ \ Central panel of dull pink and golden-yellow silk, shot with silver threads, ( | displaying the subject, “The Resurrection”; flanking panels of ruby- crimson velvet, trimmed with crimson edging and Vandyked fringe. AT by 21 inches, 331—Two EmproImpERED AND Cut VELveT LAMBREQUINS Spanish, Seventeenth Century Field arcaded with panels of gold and spring-green velvet, cut with / A ‘scrolled floral motives, parted by columnar-like motives and scrolling sh” vines in petit-point on silver shot ground. Variously finished at crown (\ “with scrollings and at foot of one entirely with a balustered-parapet ; wees the other has the balusters only at ends. Trimmed with silver galloon. Length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 332—TuHrREE GREEN Damask LAMBREQUINS Italian, Seventeenth Century | Two-toned fluctuating Botticelli green, woven with large arcaded pome- ae » he . . . . . L \ \Y granate motives. Trimmed with tasseled parti-colored fringe. i JN Two, length, 8 feet; width, 1 foot 5 inches. One, length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 1 foot 5 inches. 333—Ivory BrocapvE Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Rad Rich ivory silk field, woven in crimson, very fine blues, tans, yellows and : X greens, with architectural ruined fountains, sheltered by rustic trunks of fruiting and flower-bearing trees. Trimmed with yellow fringe. 7 feet 10 inches by 1 foot 10 inches. 334—GoLtp BrocapE Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Ivory field, damassé with blossomed diamonds, woven in gold threads and Gr very rich harmonious colors, with detached bouquets of beautiful fruit and flowers; trimmed with gold lace edge. 5 feet 1 inch by 1 foot 8 inches. 335——Drap D’OR AND D’ARGENT Brocade Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century / The field solidly woven in gold threads, enriched in silver, deeper gold = threads and pastel silks, with fantastic arched and symbolic motives, Near interspersed with flowers somewhat reminiscent of Chinese weaving. Fin- ished with fine gold lace edging. 7 feet 2 inches by 1 foot 10 inches. Second Afternoon ‘a \ \. 3886—Go.Lp anv Sitver Emsroiperep Cover ee ; ~~ Venetian, Seventeenth Century Deep rich green field, shot with silver, enhanced with appliqué raised birds are seen. Executed solidly in threads of silver and gold; trimmed Eo scrollings of fine leaves, fruit and dolphins’ head terminals, amid which \ with gold galloon and fringe. 6 feet 5 inches by 1 foot 6 inches. 337— NEEDLE-PAINTED PANEL Italian, Siateenth Century Divided vertically into three unequal panels, the central one occupied \ by the “Crucifixion” at crown; below, in two arched and columned niches, ADO Our Lord is seen, in one being beaten by Roman soldiers and in the ee other, kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane. Outer panels occupied by figures and groups of Saints within interesting Renaissance niches. Height, 19 inches; width, 47 inches, 3388—NEEDLEWORK PANEL Italian, Seventeenth Century THE DEATH OF THE VIRGIN. The Virgin is seated about center, attired in blue and crimson robes. Around her are the elders and saints KC) of the church in various attitudes of woe at her approaching end. \ \ Solidly worked; the features and hands painted on silk. FTeight, 20 inches; length, 401%, inches. \ * 3389—Two Crimson VELVET Covers Italian, Seventeenth Century \_. Lustrous rose-crimson, fluctuating to fine areas of ruby; trimmed at ~ ae . yw” ends with broad floral patterned gold galloon. 44 inches by 211% inches. 340—GoLtp EmproipereD LAMBREQUIN Florentine, Seventeenth Century Solidly embroidered ivory field, worked with basketed pattern, display- ing in gold and silver threads and pastel colored silks, coroneted and aN scrolled shield blazoned with three coupes, proper. Field ramified by a XQ scrollings in gold, emitting sprays of flowers and fruit. Trimmed with tasseled silver fringe and gold galloon. Height, 1 foot 11 inches; length, 6 feet 9 inches. 341--Two Lone Brown VELVET Covers Italian, Seventeenth Century ie, Rich amber-brown, fluctuating in the light to almost topaz shades. Fin- \o aS ished at ends with finely patterned gold galloon. yw 8 feet 8 inches by 1 foot 7 inches. lav Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 342—_Four EmproimpERED QuILTED Linen Borpers \e } \ yh =) Manilan, Early Eighteenth Century Ivory linen, interestingly quilted with banded interlocking circular medal- lions; embroidered in very rich crimsons, fine blues, yellows and greens with scrolling border of flowers and fruit, amid which birds are perched and on the field above are quaint Chinese figures, animals and birds. Finished at foot with crimson and green scrolled vine banding. Two, height, 1 foot 4 inches; length, 7 feet. Two, height, 1 foot 3 inches; length, 5 feet 9 inches. 343—Four Ivory BrocapE PaNnEts French, Late Seventeenth Century Very lustrous shimmering ivory field, woven in very delicate yellows, greens, pinks and blues, with quaint jardiniéres of flowers, alternating with barrel and ladder motives, entwined with vines of further flowers; somewhat reminiscent of Chinese weaving. Height, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. 344—Gontp EmBrompERED Crimson VELVET PANEL o Florentine, Late Sixteenth Century Lustrous ruby velvet, enriched in appliqué of drap d’argent, yellow silk, worked with passages of greens, pinks, blues and ivory, with large scrolled blossoms of tulips and larger lilies. Height, 11 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches, 3845—Srx Rare Marine NEEpDLEWworRK PANELS Italian, Eighteenth Century Displaying large golden-yellow cartouches, occupied by various port views somewhat in the manner of Vernet. Executed in very fine even petit-point; the cartouche and outer border of ivory in gros-point. Height, 1 foot 9 inches; length, 4 feet 2 inches. Note: The material may be used for sofa seats and backs. 346—EmBromErRED LineN Cover Rhodian, Late Sixteenth Century > Ivory linen, worked in curious crimson point, displaying two mosques in which personages are seen at doors and upper windows; in the other windows double-eagles are seen. These are parted by large Gothic scrollings of leaves. Interesting border with further displayed eagles, stems of flowers and at crown diamond motives, occupied by archaic animals, 5 feet 2 inches by 1 foot 6 inches. Second Afternoon 347—Firrer Lace Borner Italian, Early Stateenth Century ee) Displaying alternately archaic figures of a princess mounted on a curious steed, coroneted eagles, facing stags and minor figures. Length, 9 feet; width, 8 inches, ~ 348—-Turee Empromerrep Linen Borpers Rhodian, Sixteenth Century ( _ Ivory linen, very beautifully embroidered in crimson mesh, with the fine ,)\.%* linen forming the pattern, variously displaying elaborate angular scroll- ings supporting stems of Gothic leafage. Total length, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 5 inches. 349—Venetian Gotuic Lace FLouncE Early Sixteenth Century ; se Displaying latticed diamonds, occupied by floral oval medallions; fin- ahs ished with a border of leaves and staves. Interesting lace with very open honeycomb brides. Length, 10 feet 2 inches; width, 6 inches. 350—Two Emsproiperep Linen Borpers Italian, Siateenth Century S Tan linen, enriched in curious green with the linen forming the pattern Ne yard _displaying demi-mermen and mermaids, facing jardiniéres of flowers. Length, 29 inches; width, 61 inches. 351—Finer Lace Borvrer Italian, Sixteenth Century Displaying fine angular leaf scrollings, terminating in diagonally placed | . Ss \ pomegranate motives. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 10 inches, 352—MiranesE Lace FLouNcE Italian, Seventeenth Century Displaying leaf scrollings, terminating in varied lily blossoms, interest- as ing open réseau, with two brides. Length, 10 feet 10 inches; width, 71 inches. SY =6©35383—Two Rare Emproiperep Linen Covers Rhodian, Siateenth Century . ; Deep ivory linen, enriched in crimson, with latticed diamonds, stellated . \p~ at intersections and occupied by bouquets of tulips. VY)’ 32 inches by 26 inches. Q \ Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 354—EmpromereD Drawn Linen CusHion Italian, Sixteenth Century \ ee Deep ivory linen center, enriched with a border of floral diamonds and yes stave motives. Finished with open lace edge. Both sides embroidered hom in the same manner. Oblong. 355—Goruic Lace CusHion Italian, Seventeenth Century ‘ Ivory linen, finished with a broad border of varied circular and square ~ florai medallions, banded with open square motives; trimmed with scal- loped lace. Square. (Needs slight restoration.) _ 856—Fiter Lace Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century x th Displaying angular scrolled sprays of tulips and two birds about center. Trimmed with scalloped lace. 50 inches by 80 inches. 357—EMBROIDERED SILK Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Fine tan silk field, embroidered in pastel colors, with central tulip bou- >. quet surrounded by varied birds and quaint animals. Double border; ; the inner one of further scrolled tulip motives and the outer with stel- lated closely placed flowers. Trimmed with tasseled fringe. P tl 48 inches by 31 inches. 358—VeENETIAN GorHic Lace anp LinEN Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century “eae teh Sy Sheer ivory linen, finished with a broad band of lace, displaying diamond ear. motives occupied by small flowers; trimmed at ends with Vandvke lace. 44 inches by 39 inches. 359—Fitet Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Sixteenth Century Tt. Fine ivory linen, with broad inserted border of filet, displaying very > beautiful angular scrollings, supporting lily motives. Trimmed with scalloped lace. 53 inches by 41 inches. 360—EmprormpERED LINEN Cover Italian, Sixteenth Century Exceptionally heavy ivory linen, embroidered in pale straw-yellow and 5 a ae gray-blue, with angular Gothic leaf scrollings, forming irregular medal- lions; trimmed with Milanese lace. 5 feet 10 inches by 8 feet 2 inches. Second Afternoon 361—Ivory Lacr anv Linen Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century ay Sheer ivory linen, with inserted borders and panels at ends, displaying very interesting leaf scrollings, bearing occasional blossoms. Finished with Vandyke lace edge. 55 inches by 33 inches, 362—MinanesE Firer Lace anp Linen Cover Seventeenth Century 7 Sheer ivory linen, vertically paneled with ten broad insertions of lace rN and border at foot displaying large blossoms amidst scrollings. : 10 feet by 2 feet 4 inches. 363—EmBroIpERED LINEN Cover Rhodian, Sixteenth Century Sheer ivory linen, enriched with crimson silk mesh, the pattern formed, Sy by the linen; displaying very beautiful conventionalized angularly placed sprays of oak leaves and acorns. Trimmed with parti-colored fringe. 4 feet by 2 feet. 364—Venetian Gotruic Lace Fiounce Siateenth Century Wr Displaying latticed oval floral medallions and deep scallops at edges. ~) Length, 5 yards; depth, 4°, inches. 365—VeENnETIAN GorHic Lace FLouncE ; Siateenth Century Displaying paneled band of oval floral medallions and larger circular floral medallions in the scalloped points. Length, 6 yards; depth, 4 inches. 366—EmepromwereD Linen Cover Italian, Late Sixteenth Century Ivory linen, displaying end panels, worked in tan silk, with embroidered diamond motives, enclosing finely plumaged birds. Narrow side borders variously in tan and old-pink, displaying archaic dragons facing foun- tains. 58 by 29 inches. 367—Firer Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Ivory linen, with central insertion and borders displaying very highly conventionalized angular scrollings of fine flowers. Scalloped lace edge. 25 inches by 22 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 3868—Fiter Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Broad central panel and border, parted by bands of linen and enriched with angularly placed blossomed leaf scrollings. Finished with scalloped lace edge. 51 inches by 25 inches. 369—EmpBroipERED LINEN CovER Sicilian, Siateenth Century Deep ivory linen, finished on three sides with border, displaying in golden- brown silks, a procession of archaic animals, interrupted by shrub-lke motives. 8 feet 4 inches by 1 foot 101% inches, 370—F iter Lace Borprer Italian, Sixteenth Century Displaying archaic stags, displayed eagles, interrupted by groups of two and three joyous coroneted princesses, birds at fountains and minor animals. Trimmed with fringe. Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot. 371—Fivet Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century ys Fine ivory linen, vertically paneled with four insertions and having bor- ; der at foot, displaying very interesting archaic birds and angular leaf Se scrollings. Trimmed with latticed fringe. ; 6 feet 10 inches by 2 feet 4 inches. 372—Crimson Sink anp Firet Lace Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century ae es Rose-crimson silk center, surrounded by deep borders of tan and ivory filet, displaying rare angular scrolled carnation motives. 49 inches by 35 inches. 373—Fiter Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Late Siateenth Century ’ Beautiful ivory linen, parted at center and bordered with broad bands ; yo of filet lace, displaying varied angular leaf and blossom scrollings. | Trimmed with Vandyke lace edging. 5 feet 6 inches by 4 feet. 374—EmpromwerReD LineEN anp Lace Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Rich ivory linen, embroidered in brown, with central floriated square medallion and borders with similar motives, enriched with @ jour Gothic medallions. Finished with scalloped Milanese lace edging. 5 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 6 inches. Second Afternoon 375—Gortuic Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Ivory linen, enriched with two end panels of Gothic lace, displaying curi- ously paneled sprays of leaves and berries. Finely Vandyked edges of similar lace. 5 feet 1 inches by 2 feet 9 inches. 376—Fiter Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Late Sixteenth Century y_ Heavy ivory linen, enriched with end panels of filet, displaying in each yy) three archaic horses, birds and fruiting trees. Finished with fringed | edging. 6 feet 2 inches by 2 feet 1 inches, 377—EmpsroipereD Finer Lace Cover Italian, Late Siateenth Century : Displaying rosetted diamond lattice, occupied by scrolling sprays of 24 flowers and staves. Lightly embroidered with passages of old-pink and blue; Vandyke edging. 57 inches by 41 inches. 378—Two Empromerep Linen Lawn Covers Sicilian, Early Seventeenth Century | () Deep ivory linen, parted by bands of floral scrollings in crimson, sap- ue | phire-blue, yellow and ivory. Return borders at sides and foot, dis- \ playing curious scrolled pomegranate motives, closely interrupted by (VY archaic yellow birds. od One, 6 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 5 inches. One, 6 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 3 inches. 3879—Fiter Lack anp Liven Cover Italian, Late Sixteenth Century Fine ivory linen, with 4 jour medallioned lace bands, vertically panelling Ts the linen. Deep border at foot, displaying lozenge-shaped medallions, occupied by fine blossoms, finished with latticed lace at foot. 14 feet 8 inches by 2 feet 7 inches. 3880—LarcEe EmpBroipERED Linen Taste Cover Rhodian, Early Seventeenth Century ; _/ — Deep ivory linen, enriched with two long bands of crimson embroidery, “~~ displaying angular scrollings, leaves and pomegranate motives. Trimmed with parti-colored fringe. 9 feet by 6 feet 6 inches. (a , Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 381—Hunearian Potrnr NEEDLEWorRK CovER Florentine, Late Sixteenth Century Field enriched with diamond lattice motives, executed in very beautiful pastel colors and passages of crimson. Most unusual border of waved zig-zags enclosing tulip blossoms in the colors of the field, on golden- yellow grounds. 42 inches by 38 inches. 382—Sitver BrocapE Cover Venetian, Early Seventeenth Century Fine tan field, damassé in ivory, with scrollings and vines of fruit and flowers, complementing the major pattern, which displays in silver threads imbricated lobed medallions, occupied by conventionalized flow- ers and sprays of minute flowers in colored silks. Trimmed with silver galloon. 41 inches square, 383— Brocade Cover Régence Period — Rich pink-brown field, imbricated with green, giving the most remarkable \\ changeable effect. Woven in pastel colors, with very beautifully drawn —) o lyre-shaped motives, which are festooned with vines of further flowers and fruit. Trimmed with gold galloon. 57 inches by 89 inches. 884—Sitver BrocapE Cover French, Seventeenth Century Pe Lustrous ivory silk, woven in two tones of Delft blue and solid silver threads, with meandering lace-like ribbon motives, emitting sprays of - Jj beautiful flowers and fruit. Trimmed with silver galloon. 52 inches by 38 inches. 385—EmpBroipERED GOLDEN-YELLOW Damask Cover Italian, Late Siateenth Century : Rich two-toned golden-yellow silk, woven with scrollings of flowers and \\ fruit. Enriched in silver threads and harmonious colored silks, with scrolled tulip and rose border, having bow-knotted bouquets at corners. Trimmed with silver lace. 40 inches square. 386—GoLtp EmBroipErREeD SitkK Cover Italian, Late Stateenth Century Very beautiful watered rich rose-du-Barry silk, finished with broad bor- der of appliqué ivory silk, enriched with gold, displaying intricate en- ) twining scrollings of leaves and fine blossoms. Finished with Vandyked edge. (Needs restoration.) 6 feet 3 inches by 4 feet 10 inches. ° Second Afternoon 3887—SILverR EmBroipERED Ivory Sink Cover English, Seventeenth Century ag Lustrous ivory silk, enriched with central bouquet of beautiful flowers x S and fruit, surrounded by flying birds and bouquets of large peonies, rose and pomegranate motives amidst which further birds and butterflies are seen. Trimmed with Vandyke lattice and tasseled fringe. 44 inches square. 388—GoLpD AND Sitver EMBROIDERED CHASUBLE Italian, Late Seventeenth Century Ivory silk, very richly embroidered in gold and silver threads and col- Na D ored silks, with basketed scrolled cartouche at foot and pear-shaped \“. ~~ motive above, emitting scrollings of very beautiful flowers, amidst which gold and silver birds are seen. Finished with bandings to orphreys and borders of scrolled and looped floral motives. 389—Go.p EmBrompERED CHASUBLE Florentine, Seventeenth Century Rich watered ivory silk, enhanced with large scrollings of conven- Ai tionalized flowers, rising from central cartouche and basket-like motives. VU Executed in solidly worked threads of gold and very rich harmonious colors. 390—Ivory anp GreEN Damask Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century en Fluctuating jade-green, woven in shades of silvery ivory, with remark- = able scrolled bouquets of tulip and pomegranate motives. Trimmed with silver galloon. 4 feet 11 inches by 3 feet 4 inches. 391—Sinver Brocape Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous amber-toned field; woven with diagonally placed sprays of ee carnations, in silver threads and most delicate shades of blue, ivory, green, yellow and pink. Trimmed with deep silver galloon and lace. 6 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 3 inches, 392—Sirver Brocape Cover Louis XIV Period . Golden-yellow field, damassé with minute diamond lattice, bearing sprays \S of very beautiful varied flowers at intervals; woven profusely with silver and pastel colored silks. Trimmed with silver galloon. 41 inches square. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 393—GoLtp LacE Anp Sink Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous light emerald-green silk, finished with a broad border of floral \ scrolled gold lace, embroidered with pink, lavender and. green silks. (Needs restoration. ) 6 feet 10 inches by 4 feet 2 inches. 394—Gotp EmBrompErRED Crimson Sirk Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Wine-crimson silk, enriched with two end panels, displaying in very bril- lant harmonious colors, jardiniéres of fruit, scrolled with flowers, acan- thus leaves and husks. Panels are bordered with sprays of very varied flowers, which motives continue and also border the field. 6 feet 3 inches by 3 feet 4 inches. 395—GoLp AND SILVER EMBROIDERED CHASUBLE Louis XIV Period Lustrous ivory silk, profusely enriched in gold and silver threads and harmonious silks, with interesting all-over scrollings, supporting flowers and central vases, supporting other blossoms. Trimmed with gold edging. 396—NEEDLE-PAINTED PANEL Flemish, Siateenth Century Lustrous ruby velvet, enriched with two vertical needle-painted bands occupied by figures of Saints, standing under quaint arches. The front of a dalmatic. 397— NEEDLE-PAINTED PANEL Flemish, Siateenth Century Wine-red velvet, fluctuating to ruby areas, enriched in threads of gold aN and colored silks, with central orphrey, displaying the figures of three ) elderly Saints, standing before very quaint edifices. Trimmed with chevroned gold galloon. Front of a chasuble. 398—JaRrDINIERE VELVET CoveER Genoese, Seventeenth Century Golden-yellow field, woven in shades of pink, ivory and beautiful greens, ) with large florally enriched coronets, surmounted by a large bouquet of beautiful lilies and wheat. (Needs slight restoration. ) 4 feet 5 inches by 8 feet 8 inches. Second Afternoon 399—GoLtp anp Sinver EmBromEerRED CHASUBLE Régence Period Rich ivory silk, with orphreys displaying valanced jardiniéres of fruit Ss at foot, cartouche motives and vase, from which scroll sprays of flowers, interesting chevroned motives and cornucopias of further fruit and flowers. Orphreys finished with borders worked in solid gold threads simulating gold galloon. 400—Vetvet Cover Genoese, Seventeenth Century Lustrous rose-lavender velvet, fluctuating to areas of silver, tan and pink. Trimmed with chevroned gold galloon. 4 feet 11 inches by 3 feet 1 inch. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 401—Sintver AND GOLDEN-YELLOW Brocape Cuasuste Louis XIII Period Golden-yellow field, woven in threads of silver and delicate pastel colors, with lobed medallions of flowers and lacy bands bearing interesting small floral vines, medallions and arch-like motives. Trimmed with original silver galloon. 402—Gortp EmpromERED CHASUBLE Régence Period Deep ivory silk, lavishly enriched in raised gold threads, spangles, blue, lavender and green silks, with trailing vines of exceptionally beautiful flowers. Trimmed with gold galloon. "Or anvd pd’ARGENT BrocapE Cover Venetian, Early Seventeenth Century Cloth of silver field, woven in delicate pastel colors and gold threads with wave-banded lyre-shaped motives, occupied by jardiniéres of fine flowers. Trimmed with gold galioon. 46 inches by 38 inches, 404—Two Gotp EmproipeRED Datmatics Régence Period Lustrous ivory silk, profusely enriched with raised gold threads, lavender _blue and green silks, with meandering vines of exceptionally beautiful flowers. Trimmed with embroidered gold galloon,. b 405—GreEN Damask anp VELVET CHASUBLE Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Orphreys and border of lustrous field-green velvet, fluctuating to lighter tones. Field of somewhat lighter two-toned damask, woven with imbri- cated ogivals occupied by bouquets of flowers and pomegranate motives. Trimmed with yellow silk edging. 406—Four Goutp EmproimEerEep Crimson VELVET PANELS Italian, Renaissance Period Rose-crimson velvet, with panel at foot displaying in gold threads and appliqué silks a finely strapped cartouche occupied by jardiniére of flowers and fruit, flanked by scrolling leaves and husks. Trimmed with crimson and gold edging. Height, 1714 inches; length, 22 inches. Second Afternoon Co "407 Gorn EMBROIDERED COVER Manilan, Early Eighteenth Century Beautiful wine-rose velvet, fluctuating to lighter areas, richly embroid- ered in pastel colored silks and gold threads, with stellated lobed central rg medallion, surrounded by wave motives of scrollings bearing stars at aS intervals and scrollings of lotus, peonies and asters, which ramify the field and are occasionally interspersed by flying feng-huangs and other birds. Narrow floral soft toned velvet border. 5 feet 7 inches by 2 feet 10 inches. Note: Very interesting in pattern, simulating a rug, 408—Four Gotp EmproipereD VELVET PANELS \ We Lustrous rose-crimson velvet, enriched with panel at foot and vertical y»~ bandings. The panel displaying a finely strap-scrolled arabesqued car- a touche, occupied by a vase of flowers and flanked by scrolled leaves and ww husks. Executed in gold threads and appliqué silks, The fronts of dalmatics. Italian Renaissance Period 409—AMETHYSTINE VELVET Coat French, Early Evghteenth Century Front of lustrous amethystine velvet, fluctuating in tone and marked with ) the impress of previous embroidery. Back and sleeves of lighter toned velvet, embossed with closely placed sprays of flowers. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 410—Goup AND Sitver Brocave Dress French, Early Eighteenth Century Ivory field, shot with silver, displaying meandering ribbon motives emit- eA x ting bouquets of beautiful flowers, woven in gold threads and pastel ahs colored silks. 411—Green VELVET ROBE Genoese, Seventeenth Century Very lustrous rich emerald green, fluctuating to lighter gem-like tones. Trimmed with braid and small cord edge. 412—Go.p Empromrrep VELVET Rose Albanian, Early Eighteenth Century Beautiful rowge-de-fer velvet, fluctuating to pink tones, lavishly embroid- “~ = \ ered in gold, with flaring panels and shaped sleeves bearing scrollings and floral borders. Finished with silver galloon having scalloped edges. 413—Two EmsroipERED BANNERS Spanish, Late Seventeenth Century 7 Black striped floral silk ground, enriched in pastel colors with beautiful . ) , borders of-scrolled leaves, shell motives and fruit. Scalloped at foot and trimmed with fringe and tassels. One banner occupied by embroidered \ \\U* coronet and monogram; the other with a painted central panel depicting fl St. Agatha. Height, 42 inches; width, 34 inches. 414—Two Gotp EmpromErrep Damask Banners Spanish, Late Seventeenth Century Rose-crimson floral damask, enriched in solid threads of silver and gold, \ with large coroneted cartouche, occupied by the figure of Our Lord \)~ carrying the cross and accompanying angels. Trimmed with gold gal- va loon and fringe. ; Height, 51 inches; width, 26 inches. 415—Crimson Damask Corr Italian, Seventeenth Century Two-toned rose-crimson silk, woven with very beautiful infloretted bou- quets, surrounded by floral scrollings in hood, orphreys and field. ay ps Trimmed with gold galloon, fringe and rosettes at hood. ee Length, 9 feet 8 inches; depth, 4 feet 10 inches. Second Afternoon 416—GreEEN BrocavE Cover Louis XIV Period Lustrous light emerald-green field, woven in rich pinks, crimsons, greens, yellows and lavenders, with large detached rustic sprays of beautiful flowers, pomegranate motives and sprays of large cherries. Trimmed with gold lace. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 417—Two Gorp anv Sitver Kincosn Corres Russian, Seventeenth Century ) Field of two-toned cloth of silver, woven with ribbon-like motives, bearing — trailing vines and forming medallions occupied by fine bow-knotted bou- x \\ quets of flowers. The hood and orphreys of cloth of gold, woven with \ silver, outlined with black, developing in the hood a “Pelican in Piety,” surrounded by floral scrollings, which are repeated in the orphreys. Trimmed with gold galloon. Length, 9 feet 8 inches; depth, 4 feet 6 inches. 418—Crimson VELVET Corer Genoese, Early Seventeenth Century \ <\ Jaspé ruby-red velvet, fluctuating to rich light, almost pink tones. s Trimmed with broad gold galloon. Length, 9 feet 10 inches; depth, 3 feet 9 inches, 419—Sitver BrocapE Hancine Louis XIII Period . \ ©\_ Deep shell-pink field, lavishly woven in silver threads and very delicate x pastel colors, with lace-like lobed oval medallions, occupied by highly conventionalized bouquets of flowers and pomegranate motives. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 3 inches. 420—EmBromperEp’ LINEN Cover Jacobean Period Ivory linen, enriched in brillant colors, with scrolled central medallion, \ “\.__ occupied by the subject, “Phaeton driving the Chariot of the Sun.” The “\ SY “field enriched with sprays of flowers, fruit, birds, animals and two groups symbolic of “Abundance” at head and foot. Broad border of trailing vines of very varied flowers and occasional birds. 7 feet 2 inches by 4 feet 10 inches. 421—EMBrompERED BLuE Sirk Core French, Kighteenth Century Bleu-de-ciel silk ground, profusely enriched with gold threads and har- a _ monious silks, displaying central scrolled pyramidal device in gold, bear- | ing cornucopias and sprays of very beautiful flowers, flanked by large detached floral scrollings. Length, 11 feet 8 inches; depth, 5 feet 5 inches. 422 SitveER BrocapE Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Damassé tan-brown field, woven in exquisite pastel silks and silver threads \\._-with recurring scrolled floral medallions, occupied by jardiniéres of further fine blossoms. Trimmed with chevroned silver galloon. 6 feet 6 inches by 8 feet 8 inches. Second Afternoon % oe Gare ae bss sate ehs EES 423— NEEDLE-PAINTED PANEL Italian Renaissance Ruby-red velvet, fluctuating to flame-like areas embossed with imbricated ihe \) motives, occupied by fleurs-de-lis; the central orphrey solidly worked in gold threads with scrolled arched niches, occupied by figure of Saints, wrought in dainty colored silks. The front of a chasuble. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 424—Sinver anp Goutp BrocapE Cover Italian, Eighteenth Century _ Striped ivory silk ground, richly woven in silver and gold threads and A) NU harmonious colored silks, with stripes of floral medallions and bandings oe of gold and blue, both entwined with vines of charming flowers. ‘Trimmed with silver galloon. 6 feet 10 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. 425—Two Gorp BrocapE PorTIERES French, Eighteenth Century | Damassé deep rose-du-Barry pink field, woven in gold threads and pastel _,Neolored silks, with scrolled cornucopia-like motives, occupied by sprays ¥. of very varied flowers. Trimmed with silver lace. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 426—SiLvER BrocapE Cover Louis XIV Period Very beautiful two-toned damassé bleu-de-ciel field, enriched in silver \ oak | threads and colored silks, with festooned floral medallions, trimmed with silver lace. 5 feet & inches by 5 feet, 427—Goup BrocapE Cover French, Eighteenth Century ~ Rich deep ivory ground, damassé with ribbon and floral motives, comple- menting the major pattern, which is woven in pastel colored silks, and gold threads, displaying very unusual scrollings and sprays of flowers forming irregular medallion motives, trimmed with gold lace. 6 feet 10 inches by 6 feet 3 inches. 428—EmBRoIwERED CLrorH Hancine Italian, Seventeenth Century Pale gray-blue cloth, enriched in solid chain-stitch in pastel colors, with scrolled arch, supported on columns, occupied by vase of flowers. Span- drils and borders of further scrollings and sprays of larger flowers. Trimmed with blue silk fringe. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 11 inches. 429—Crimson VELVET PoRTIERE Genoese, Seventeenth Century AY ) Lustrous ruby velvet, fluctuating in the light to beautiful lighter tones. : Length, 7 feet 5 width; width, 4 feet 11 inches. 430—Crimson VELVET PorRTIERE Genoese, Late Sixteenth Century — 2 \. Jaspé ruby-crimson velvet, fluctuating to rose tones; marked with the att, 0) \) impress of previous galloon paneling. aol Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches. Second Afternoon 431—VeLveT EmproipereD Hancine Spanish, Seventeenth Century Arched central panel of cut and uncut green velvet, woven with bouquets of flowers within scrollings, on cloth of gold ground. Enriched at sides with spirally twisted columns having Corinthian capitals and spirals of very beautiful flowers in petit-point on cloth of silver grounds. At crown about center of festooned pediment are two ‘Tablets of the Law, with Hebraic inscription in gold. At foot is a balustraded panel. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 432—Sitver BrocapE PorTIERE Louis XIV Period a\¥ 433 Lustrous deep plum-colored field, very lavishly woven with silver threads and pastel silks, with lace-like broad ribbon motives, having ivory grounds and vines of beautiful flowers. The ribbon motives are interrupted by infloretted bouquets of flowers set in jardinieres. Trimmed with silver galloon. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. Two BrocapE PorTiERES Lous XIV Period Nery lustrous light-emerald field, woven with rustic meandering stems, ~ bearing fine flowers and fruit, the stems interrupted by handsome bou- quets of fruit and flowers. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches, 434—Two GREEN Lampas BrocapE BaLpAcHINos \4385--InportTant AMBER VELVET BALDACHINO Italian, Early Eighteenth Century Lustrous fine apple-green field, woven in ivory and gray, with large pat- tern depicting two vestals pouring oil on a flaming altar, standing under a canopy supported by two birds and sheltering a pastoral trophy, flanked by Italian colonnaded gardens. At foot a cartouched miniature landscape, supported by griffons and scrollings. Trimmed with uncut velvet blossomed galloon. Length, 8 feet 2 inches; depth, 4 feet 6 inches. Italian, Seventeenth Century Rich amber velvet, fluctuating in the light to almost golden-yellow tones of fine radiance. Paneled with narrow chevroned galloon and trimmed with angularly scrolled patterned wider galloon. Length, 9 feet 9 inches; depth, 7 feet 2 inches. 436—Two Russian Kixcop Brocapre Portizres Early Eighteenth Century a, Lustrous rose-crimson field, lavishly enriched with two tones of gold threads, outlined in black, with large boldly drawn coroneted fleurs-de-lis, surrounded by strap arabesqued acanthus scrollings and husk motives. \ Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. Second Afternoon 437—Gotp EmproiperEep Drap p’Arcrent Axtar Front Lows XIV Period Watered ivory grcund, shot with silver, beautifully enriched in silks, as with large central rayed sacred monogram, surrounded by fine scrollings A of gold, emitting beautiful flowers; the scrollings being arcaded at foot. Very unusual border of bold scrollings supporting husked jardiniéres of flowers. Trimmed with bands simulating gold galloon and gold fringe. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; length, 8 feet 6 inches. 438—Hunearian Point Emproiperep Hanerne Florentine, Early Seventeenth Century A Fine ivory field, solidly worked in basket stitch. Beautifully enriched = in lovely pastel silks with large vase of fruit and flowers at center, having bold scrollings of acanthus leaves; husks and fine flowers flanking the vase. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 9 feet 10 inches. 439—Two Rose BrocatTEeELLE PorriERES Lucca, Seventeenth Century Fine golden-yellow field, woven in very beautiful deep rose-du-Barry &S \ feeemcoy', with large varied infloretted bouquets of flowers within leaf- } scrolled ogivals, supporting quaint umbrella-like forms at intervals and fleurs-de-lis and pomegranate motives. Length, 10 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 440—ELEVEN EmpBromwErEeD Linen CuHarr Covers Jacobean Period e Interesting diamond basket woven linen, enriched in crimson, greens and yellows, with scrolled leaf vase, filled with flowers at center, surrounding scrollings and ribbon borders. Five back covers, 29 by 22 inches. Six seat covers, 28 by 26 inches. 441—Twritve AmBer Cut ann Uncur Vetvet Vanpyxe Pornts French, Late Seventeenth Century Rich two-toned amber velvet, woven with dainty cut sprays of flowers _—~—= within a ribboned diamond lattice. Lighter uncut grounds. Trimmed with somewhat earher gold galloon and fringe. Consisting of thirty Vandyke points, variously joined. Length, 98 inches aa 442—GoLDEN-YELLow Lampas CovERLET AND S1x PorTiEreEs Louis XVI Period Broad watered golden-yellow stripes, interrupted by narrower stripes in differing tones of yellow. Portiéres, length, 9 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. Coverlet, length, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 6 feet. 4.43 BEpRooM SvITEe oF CHINTZ English, Eighteenth Century Comprising eleven variously glazed chintz hangings, displaying a unique pattern of recurring Corinthian columns, the entablatures enriched with Grecian mythological subjects, and all-over trailing sprays of flowers. Printed in rich colors in reserve on fine blue grounds. Approximately 52 yards. Note: This beautiful set of hangings has never been laundered and is in its original eighteenth century condition. 444—SEVEN GOLDEN-YELLow Damask PorrierEs Louis XIV Period Lustrous two-toned golden-yellow damask, woven in very beautiful leaf- scrolled ogivals, occupied by infloretted bouquets of flowers. Three, length, 6 feet 3 inches; widths, 3 feet 6 inches. Three, length, 8 feet. One, length, 7 feet 1 inch. 445—Four SAPPHIRE-BLUE Damask Portirrres Italian, Renaissance Period Two-toned sapphire-blue damask of great radiance, developing varied small scrollings of tulips, asters and minute pomegranate motives, closely y placed, interlacing and forming irregular small medallions. N . \ Length, (one) 9 feet 1 inch, (two) 8 feet, and (one) 7 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. Second Afternoon i 446— PETIT-POINT Coven Louis XIV Period Ay Tawny-brown field, enriched in pastel colors and crimson, with vase-like motive, supported on a valance and surmounted by a canopied spread eagle. Large strap and scrolled arabesques flank the vase motive. Fin- ished with deep borders of crimson, developing central and corner masks, interrupted by scrollings and vines of berries. Executed in fine petit- point. (Needs restoration. ) 6 feet by 5 feet 8 inches, Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 447-—TortrE DE Jouy Breproom Hanerines Lows XVI Period (a) Comprising six curtains and coverlet. ‘The Triumph of Diana” vee and “Diana Hunting.” Printed in carmine with numerous incidents AG | occurring in detached landscapes, medallions suspended from ribbons, ‘festoons and cupids. The composition drawn with fine abandon and grace. (A) Curtains, lengths, 10 feet; widths of four, 3 feet; of two, 4 feet 6 inches. Coverlet, 5 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 2 inches. (8) Comprising three small valances, two deeper valances and three panels. Printed in carmine with detached landscapes and figures, ‘“Boors Regaling,” after Teniers, a “Féte Villageoise” and other rural incidents. (B) Valances, lengths, (two) 6 feet 6 inches, (one) 5 feet 11 inches, (one) 5 feet 9 inches and (one) 4 feet 1 inch; depths, respectively, 2 feet 7 inches, 1 foot 5 inches, 1 foot 6 inches, and 1 foot 5 inches. Panels, heights, 6 feet 6 inches, 3 feet 3 inches and 7 feet 11 inches; respectively, width, 4 feet 5 inches, length, 4 feet 6 inches, and width, 1 foot 10 inches. 448—S1x Gotp Brocape Porrtikres Régence Period Beautiful rose-du-Barry pink field, damassé with vines complementing the major bouquets. Woven solidly in threads of gold and passages of | silver, with basketed and scrolled ogivals, caught at intersections with a bow-knotted tassels and occupied by bouquets of beautifully drawn flowers. ‘ Length, 10 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches, 449——Nine Crimson Damask PorrtieReEs Italian, Seventeenth Century Radiant two-toned rose-crimson damask, beautifully woven with jardi- ep; \ pamére motives, surmounted and scrolled by blossomed basket panels, sup- \\ }\’* ported on vase-like sprays of scrolled pomegranate motives and small carnations. Length, 11 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. —~ Note: A most unusual and rare pattern of damask, . 450—Eicur Green BrocatTette Curtains anp THREE LAMBREQUINS Italian, Seventeenth Century Rich golden-yellow field, woven in very beautiful light Botticelli green, with charming bouquets placed within strap and floral scrolled medal- i lions. Two lambrequins scalloped at foot; the other oblong. es Curtains (two), length, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches. +) Curtains (six), length, 14 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches. Lambrequins (two), length, 8 feet; width, 1 foot 6 inches. Lambrequins (one), length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches. Second Afternoon 451—BrvussEts ‘Tapestry Seventeenth Century STAG HUNTING. In the foreground a stag is proceeding to left, followed by a hound and a mounted royal huntsman. Beyond are two clumps of trees at right and left and a vista of open rising wooded country. Woven in fine blues, greens and superb golden-yellows, rich browns, tans and ivories. Finished with its own border of deep blue, having inwoven Brussels mark of two B’s flanking a red shield. » Height, 431% inches; length, 47 inches. Note: This tapestry is not a fragment, but a small panel, and is signed “F. V. H.,” Melchior Van den Hagen, See Thompson, page 420. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 452—Royvat Aususson TAPESTRY Louis XIV Period PASTORALE. Ina pleasant meadow in mid-distance is a flock of sheep grazing; their shepherd, playing a lute, is seated at right under the shelter of some high rocks and trees. Before them is a stream overgrown with bulrushes, further trees and flowering plants. The distance dis- closes a romantic landscape with a very quaint chateau sheltered by trees at right. Woven in old-pinks, golden-yellows, warm ivories, blues, greens and exceptionally fine green-grays in the rocks and chateau. Very beautiful borders, woven in pastel tones, on rich fluctuating Havana brown, with beautifully festooned and clustered flowers and fruit, inter- rupted at crowning corners by two gay plumaged birds, perched on cornucopia motives which seem to emit the flowers and fruit of the side borders. At center foot is a basket of flowers. Finished with gray, yellow and tawny-brown, scrolled leaf outer guards. Height, 8 feet 1 inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches. (Companion to the following) SOLES if XIV Period) at Aususson Tapestry (Louis Roy No. 452— Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 4538—Royat AvuBusson 'TApEsTRY Louis XIV Period PASTORALE. ‘Two stags are seen at right of a slightly risimg uneven foreground, in which are flowering plants and bulrushes at left, bordering a stream which flows across the center and forms a small waterfall at left under an overhanging cliff, surmounted by trees. At right two clumps of trees rise beyond view. ‘The far bank of the stream is well wooded and crested by a range of hills. Woven in similar colors and having a similar border to the preceding. Height, 8 feet; width, 7 feet 7 inches. (Companion to the preceding) OEE ane an tal 4 a AA No. 4583—Royat Aususson Tapestry (Louis XIV Period) Kindly read the Conditions under’ which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 454—Bravuvais TAPESTRY Louis XIV Period NARCISSUS. In the foreground Narcissus, in very beautiful armor and robes of green and crimson, stands holding a staff in his left hand, leaning over a lily pond, which is across the immediate front, and in which is a reflection of his figure. At right rises a fine overgrown gnarled tree, heavily foliaged at crown, sheltering a romantic landscape, with rocks, foliage, temples and a stream winding about center, before which at left is a group of three classic figures. Woven in very fine crimsons, varied greens, blues, golden-yellows,*tans, grays and rich ivories. Very beautiful border, displaying in the richer colors of the field on fine tan grounds trailing vines of exquisite flowers and fruit, interrupted by birds, shell motives, jardiniéres and cartouches at center of crown and foot. Height, 9 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 1 inch. No. 454—Bravuvais Tapestry (Louis XIV Period) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 455—BrussEts Tapestry Sivteenth Century ALEXANDER THE GREAT AND ANTIPAR. Alexander the Great stands at left of a flower decked foreground in conversation with Antipar, who is at right. Both are resplendently dressed in classic robes, Alex- ander with partial armor. Behind them are four attendants. In the far distance is a pitched camp of tents, with animals, soldiery and camp followers at various activities. The camp is crested by wooded hills, occupied by several chateaux. Very beautifully executed with golden- yellow and crimson-red predominating over the greens, blues, pinks, ivories and tans. Exceptionally fine broad compartmented borders, dis- playing symbolic figures of classic goddesses within vine enriched niches at corners, medallioned landscapes with further classic figures at quar- ters, interrupted with very beautiful vases of arabesqued fruit and flowers. Woven in the rich colors of the field, on golden-yellow grounds. Height, 11 feet 1 inch; width, 7 feet 10 inches. No. 455—Brussets Tapestry (Sixteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 456—Vieux Paris Tapestry Seventeenth Century CUPID, VENUS AND JOVE. Venus gracefully reclines on-a rocky wooded ledge overhanging a stream, bordered with boulders and bul- rushes, amid which Jove appears as a merman, appealing to the fair Goddess on the ledge above, which is also occupied by Cupid, who has just shot one of his shafts at the venerable God. Woven with beautiful gradu- ated ranges of tones in unusually subtle greens, golds, warm and cool browns, ivories, tans, blues and pale pink. Remarkably fine borders, with guards and medallions of flowers in pastel tones and crimson, en- closing classic subjects within further medallions in tones of gold on light blue grounds, depicting Imperial Jove with his thunderbolts, Venus and Cupid drawn by dolphins, Cybele by a lion and lioness, Juno by pea- cocks, Phaeton in his chariot of the Sun, groups of cupids and various signs of the zodiac. Woven at right lower selvage with P, the mark of Paris, but unfortunately the fleur-de-lis which usually accompanies the P is absent. : Height, 11 feet 4 inches; width, 16 feet. Note: This charmingly colored and finely woven tapestry was made at the Looms of Pierre Le Febre in the concession made him by Louis XIV, who established him there in 1647, The cartoon was drawn by the painter Dubreuil, who made many car- toons for this favored loom by order of the king. No. 456—Vievux Paris Tapestry (Seventeenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 457—-F LeMisu ‘Tapestry Sixteenth Century THE ROYAL HUNTING FETE AT THE CHATEAU DE COURCY. Henry IV and his Queen, Marie de Medici, are about center of a flower- decked foreground promenading toward right, attended by two per- sonages. A hound precedes them and a gallant cavalier reins up his horse to give them homage. Beyond in a lightly wooded landscape, with fruiting trees, many personages at various activities are seen, About center a gay company is dancing to the music of two mandolins, At left an important dignitary is being presented with a boar’s head, which has just been struck from the carcass, which is being roasted over a fire beyond, around which are several huntsmen, At extreme right before a stream are several huntsmen with their dogs, and on the stream is a boat with personages, which has just been pushed off from the shore, The varied vistas of the distance exhibit an extensive chateau and large Italian gardens, crested by quaintly wooded hills. At left, amid the flowers of the foreground three little gamboling rabbits are seen. Woven in very beautiful pastel colors, finely relieved by the beautiful greens of the sward and foliage of the trees. Interesting broad compartmented borders; at crown and sides, displaying in arched niches symbolic figures and groups and at centers of crown and sides miniature landscapes in which episodes in the life of the King are depicted. These niches are interrupted by jardiniéres of beautiful flowers and fruit and figures of cupidons. The foot, finished with its own border of ribboned blossoms, is also continued and forms guards on the sides and crown. Executed in pastel tones of the field on rich golden-yellow grounds. Height, 9 feet; length, 16 feet 9 inches. (hanjuay yzuaazary) AULSAdV J, HSINATJ—LOP ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 458—F Lemisu '‘l'apEsTRY Early Seventeenth Century REVELERS DANCING IN AN ORIENTAL LANDSCAPE. A wind- ing stream occupies the immediate foreground and is overgrown with brambles and rushes. In and about the stream grotesque strange animals are seen. An ostrich at left has just stricken down a heron and an alligator appears beyond, while in front of them are further strange birds and a tortoise and two wild horses just out of the water are beyond the ostrich. In the distance rise fruiting trees, interspersed with palms. Rabbits, monkeys and fawns gambol amongst the trees in which a num- ber of birds are perched. At left is a gay company of personages amus- ing themselves before a wooded chateau. Woven with fine sunny glow of golden-yellow pervading and relieving the greens, old-reds, blues, ivories and tans of the foliage and many of the animals. Finished with its own narrow border of scrolled ribbons and blossoms, having a blue outer guard. Height, 9 feet 8 inches; width, 9 feet 6 inches. S athe Ds 458—Fiemisu Tapestry (Early Seventeenth Century) No. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 459—Goruic RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY Arras, Louis XII Period BELLEREPHON AND THE MUSES. Ima rising landscape, lightly wooded with fruiting trees, Bellerophon, in gorgeous attire, is seen rid- ing the winged horse Pegasus. A group of three of the Muses in volumi- nous Gothic robes, are seated in the foreground captioned with their respective names. At left, beyond the group are six personages in con- versation. At extreme right rises an ornate three-tiered sculptured fountain, surmounted by the figure of Apollo. At the basin a further Muse stands, laving one of her hands and holding a cornemeuse under her right arm. Woven in exceedingly rich crimsons, blues, greens, golden- yellows, deep browns, grays, tans and ivories. Finished with a border of scrolled flowers and fruit in the lower toned colors of the field, on resonant black grounds. Height, 11 feet 5 inches; length, 12 feet 2 feet. No. 459—Goruic Renaissance Tapestry (Arras, Louis XII Period) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 460—BrussEts ‘TAPESTRY Early Seventeenth Century THE CARTHAGINIANS GREETING SCIPIO. At right the Cartha- ginian dignitaries bearing olive branches, stand in an ornate tented barge, having coats of arms adorning the sides and being rowed by many oarsmen. At right Scipio stands, a baton in his hand, amid a com- pany of warriors, on the poop of his own elaborately enriched vessel, flying a pennant at the brow and others amidship. Many other vessels are seen in the offing. Woven in crimsons, blues, greens, yellows, golden- browns, grays, pinks and ivories. Architectural border on three sides developing at crown a cartouche inscribed: ‘“Carthaginenses ap Scipionem Pacem Pretendi Gratia Decem Viros Mittunt” (The Cartha- ginians send ten men to Scipio to beg for peace); flanked by festoons of large fruit, supported from the cartouche and two ornate spirally twisted columns which adorn the sides and are enriched with scrollings of leafage and cupidons between the spirals. The fruit at crown executed in the deeper colors of the field. The columns simulating gilding, on ivory and tan grounds touched with reds and tans. Height, 13 feet 5 inches; width, 12 feet 11 inches. LF a No. 460—Brussets Tapestry (Karly Seventeenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 461—Siitver Empromrerep Crimson Vetiver Torreapor’s Mantis Spanish, Sixteenth Century Glorious flame-ruby velvet, fluctuating in the light to brilliant areas; enriched with a border on three sides of scrolling leaves and flowers in appliqué green silks lavishly enriched with silver paillettes. Finished with ivory silk bandings, medallioned with crimson velvet and further paillettes. Trimmed with silver fringe. Length, 5 feet 5 inches; breadth, 6 feet 7 inches. 462——Heratpic Crimson Brocape Tapestry BaLpacHino Florentine, Late Sivteenth Century Rich deep ruby-crimson field, woven in beautiful ivories, golden-yellow, pale bleu-de-ciel and greens, with large central oblong panel, centered with cartouched coat of arms, blazoned with a demi-rampant stag and F aa three fleurs-de-lis; the coat of arms having a pendent satyr mask and er large beribboned and tasseled leaf scrollings very broadly drawn. Broad 7 i i border displaying further boldly scrolled leafage and sprays of lilies and tulips. Fimished with a band of yellow and multi-colored fringe, edged with velvet galloon. . Height, 10 feet 4 inches; width, 8 feet 5 inches. Note: The panel woven in three strips with head and foot borders inwoven to match. A most remarkable specimen of the weaver’s art and accuracy of technique. 463—-SrEvEN BrautiruL BrocaTELLE CATHEDRAL CoLuMN PANELS Italian Renaissance Period Extremely fine golden-yellow grounds, woven in lustrous deep rose-pink, with bouquets of flowers within leaf-scrolled ogivals, alternating with strap, lyre-shaped medallions, scrolled with flowers and occupied by slightly smaller bouquets. Finished with a border of yellow linen painted with varied series of husk-leaves and scrollings. Each, length, 4 yards, 33 inches; width, 31 inches. Note: These interesting Column Panels were woven at the Medicean Looms at Lucca. 464+ Eicenty-onE ExtremMEety Rare Crimson Vetiver CATHEDRAL PANEIS ) Genoese, Early Sixteenth Century Deep ruby velvet of great lustre, fluctuating to rose areas, and with the aid of time to its mellow golden-ivory background. There are three slight differences in the shades of' color on account of the varied aspects to which the velvet panels have been exposed. . In various lengths, totaling 216 yards; width, 22 inches. Second Afternoon Puirty-two Macniricenr Crimson Damask CatHEepratn CoLumMNn PANELS Italian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous two-toned rose-crimson damask of great radiance, woven with a series of immense bouquets of flowers within ogival scrollings and inwoven at crown with coroneted cross and two emblematic hands, evi- dently the symbols of the church for which these marvelous panels were originally woven. Trimmed with broad gold galloon of a slightly earlier period, paneled with basketed and scrolled diamond-shaped medallions. ; Various lengths, totaling 2431, yards; width, 341/, inches. Approximately 510 yards of galloon. Note: Two lengths of the above, about ninety yards, are Choir Valances, in which the pattern slightly varies, having oval rosetted bouquets within similar scrollings to the Column Panels. +) Aiea ‘ ae é , : he al ae vn - ¢ f - ° & ah ao ca Tee 7 eee € 3 e \ 3 — 2 » ; . THIRD AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1924 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 466 to 650, inclusive 4 466—Two Gotp EmproiwEerep Vetver Amices Italian Renaissance Period yar Ruby-crimson velvet, enriched in appliqué silks and gold threads, with central medallioned rosettes, flanked by scrollings of chimeric figures. 467—Two Gortp EmepromEerEeD Laprets Italian, Seventeenth Century B\) Solidly embroidered green field, enriched in gold threads, with most inter- ye’ esting scrollings of pomegranate motives, curiously infloretted. Solid field of silver cloth, richly woven in gold threads and dainty col- ored silks, with rustic scrollings of flowers in gold, emitting bouquets of silver flowers. Trimmed with original gold embroidered buttons. soit BrocapvEe Waistcoat French, Eighteenth Century 469— EmpBromEerep Crimson Vetvet Missat Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century a Ruby-red velvet, enriched on both sides with sacred monograms at centers and basketed scrolling borders in raised work. Back with scrolled medallions. 470—SEVEN SMALL NEEDLE-PAINTED PANELS _ Flemish, Early Sivteenth Century “\—™~ Each enriched with the figure of a Saint standing under a Gothic niche and carrying his symbolic emblems. Orphrey panels. Ss ee Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 471—Go.ip Emproiprerep PENcE Bac Italian, Late Sixteenth Century Coral-red silk, shot with silver, finely paneled with arabesque scrollings in raised work and silver paillettes. Six-sided bag with V-point at foot; trimmed with a tassel. 472—-EMBROIDERED Sitnver Mountrep OvurripEer’s Bac French, 17380 Wine-red velvet, trimmed with tassels and enriched with embroidered coat of arms, blazoned with three fleurs-de-lis and surrounded by a wreath of berries. Oval silver mounting at lip, engraved with coat of arms, dated 1780 and bearing Paris hall mark. Cover of mounting enriched on velvet with similar fleur-de-lis to that on bag. Oblong. 473 Gotp EwricHep Tapestry PANEL Fiemish, Sixteenth Century THE HIGH PRIEST ANOINTING DAVID. About center is a gray \ t\ bearded High Priest in rich robes, enhanced with gold threads, pouring oil on the youthful David. At right and left are further personages. Woven in brilliant greens, crimsons, blues, ivories and tans. 474—Two MiLLe-FLEURS CusHIONS Persian, Seventeenth Century Enriched with diagonal alternate broad and narrow stripes, occupied )\ by varied bouquets and scrollings of minute and greatly varied flowers. . JU Executed in rose-crimson, sapphire-blues, greens, ivories and yellows. i Oblong. 475—Two MiLie-FLEuRS CusHions Persian, Seventeenth Century Similiar to the preceding. Slight variance in details. 476—MILLE-FLEURS CUSHION Persian, Seventeenth Century See, Similar to the preceding. Varying in details; on an even finer point. 477—Go Lp EMBROIDERED CHALICE COVER Italian, Seventeenth Century Floral ivory damassé field, enriched in gold threads and brilliantly col- aes ored silks, with central sacred monogram, wreathed with beautiful flowers —~ . . duh . . and fruit. Border of gold scrollings and similar flowers. Trimmed with gold lace. 478—SILvVER JARDINIERE VELVET CUSHION French, Seventeenth Century a Ivory ground, with lace-like stripes of silver, displaying scrollings of flowers in pastel silks. Finished with a border of gold brocade and silver lace, fringe and tassels. Oblong. Yd —S Third and Last Afternoon 479—Two Goutp EmproipEREeD CvusHIoNns Louis XIV Period husks and raised work border. The husks arranged with scrollings of oe Ivory silk, shot with silver, beautifully enriched with gilded scrollings, NI leaves and fine flowers, in rich harmonious silks. Oblong. 480—Gorip Empromwerep CHaricE Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Rich crimson silk, enhanced in gold and silver threads and delicate col- 7“ ored tones of blue and golden-yellow silks, with central rayed sacred = monogram and a border of irregular scrolled stems and jardiniéres of flowers. Scrolled borders of very varied flowers, centered with jardi- niéres of fruit; trimmed with gold lace. 481—Sitver Empromerep CusHion Louis XIV Period Shimmering apple-green field, delightfully enriched with silver threads C and tones of pink, yellow and blue silks, with central bouquet and aN irregular scrolled border of further flowers. Trimmed with fine loop silver galloon. 482—Dovste Pitre CisELE Crimson Vetiver Cover Venetian, Late Gothic Period Radiant two-toned ruby-red, ciselé with beautiful lobed floral motives, the ground having a lower pile than the motives. Oblong. 483—Goup NEEDLE-PAINTED Hoop Italian Renaissance Period ADORATION OF THE MAGI. Profusely embroidered in gold passages AD of silks, depicting the Holy Virgin seated before a portico at left, with x St. Joseph nearby. Before the Virgin at right are the three Wise Men and their attendants. In the upper right distance travelers on camels are seen. ‘The features are delicately painted on silk. Sitver Ewnricuep Pornt Sr. Cyr Picture Stuart Period THE LOVERS. A Cavalier in court costume is taking off his high crown hat to a lady en face, who is presenting him with a bouquet of 484 ground in which are numerous sheep and a dog chained to the stump 2 of a tree. Beyond, in the distance, are an English country seat, gardens, windmills, birds and at right a fruiting cherry tree. Executed in very compact point, with the features in point St. Cyr in mellow greens, blues, crimsons, browns, tans and golden-yellow. . Height, 28 inches; width, 25 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 491—NEEDLE-PAINTED SCREEN Pane English, Seventeenth Century BACCHUS. The robed god is seated about center, with fine laureated Pets brow, his left arm resting on a tun of wine. He is within an arbor Rass trailed with bunches of grapes and flanked by two flowering trees, on \ which birds are perched. Below him is rising ground in which fruiting and flowering trees are seen. Executed in fine petit-point and charming greens, blues, goldcn-yellows, ivories and tans. Height, 33 inches; width, 25 inches. - 492— NEEDLE-PAINTED ORPHREY Byzantine, Sixteenth Century Deep rich blue silk field, displaying the figures of nine Saints standing i < x) within medallions and others standing within scrolled arched niches. . Each Saint captioned with inscription. \ Third and Last Afternoon 493—NEEDLE-PAINTED PANEL English, Eighteenth Century ~\ CHRIST DISCOURSING TO HIS FOLLOWERS, Our Lord, wearing crimson robes, is seated under a palm tree, holding a small cross in His left hand and having a small lamb at his feet, amid a flower-decked fore- ground. At right is a group of His followers, listening intently to His discourse. In the distance at left are mountains and a chateau. Exe- cuted in exceptionally fine petit-point, almost point St. Cyr, with rich blues, crimsons, lavenders, yellows, ivories and tans. : Height, 19 inches; length, 22 inches. 494—Four Gotp EmpBromEerREeED VELVET CUSHIONS Italian Renaissance \Y yy Fine apple-green velvet, enriched with cruciformed medallion and scroll- ings of husks and acanthus leaves, solidly worked in silver and gold threads; finished with basketed gold embroidery simulating galloon. Oblong. 495—Four Goip NEEDLE-PAINTED CUSHIONS Italian Renaissance \\\ Similar to the preceding. The central medallions enriched with figures of Saints carrying their symbolic emblems. Square. 496—Gortp Emsrorerep Coat or Arms Spanish, Seventeenth Century \ 2 . Coroneted and draped shield, executed in solid threads of silver and gold; the shield blazoned with rampant lion, mullets and the Announcing Angel, proper. Height, 35 inches; width, 2% inches. 497—NEEDLE-PAINTED PICTURE Italian, Seventeenth Century \\\ PASTORALE. A group of three peasant women, in voluminous robes, are seated about foreground, one holding an infant. At left are three cupidons, one with his pet lamb. At right before a small stream are two shepherds with their flocks, standing under trees. In the distance is a broad river spanned by two stone bridges and having edifices, sheltered by woods’ on the far bank. Signed at lower right on a scroll by the weaver, ““Leonanardo Quesi Lycien.” Framed in black and gold. Height, 14°, inches; length, 2034 inches. 498—Gotp EmBromeErRED SILK Care Italian, Sixteenth Century Lustrous bottle-green semicircular cape, enriched with vertical bands of gold lace and border of sprays of carnations. Executed in solid stitches of gold, with passages of crimson and yellow. Length, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 499—GoLp AND Sinver BrocapE Cover Régence Period Interesting mat silver and cloth of gold field, enriched in two tones of gold, brilliant silver threads and passages of dainty silks, with trailing ribbon motives, entwined with vines, bearing bunches of grapes and emitting sprays of fine flowers. Trimmed with gold lace. 5 feet 8 inches by 1 foot 11 inches. 500—Goup BrocapE Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Rich cloth of gold field, in two tones; woven in silver threads and pastel colored silks, with fantastic scrolled medallions and symbols, entwined with sprays of flowers. Finished with silver lace. 6 feet 2 inches by 1 foot 9 inches, 501—Goup BrocapE Cover Florentine, Seventeenth Century Crimson silk field, enriched in solid gold threads and pastel silks, with vi leaf scrollings, supporting jardiniére of flowers and central mask. es \ Trimmed with gold galloon. 5 feet by 2 feet 1 inch. 502— BrocapE Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Coral-pink field, beautifully woven in gold and silver threads and pas- Se sages of dainty colored silks, with cornucopias of flowers and fruit, \ eS emitting scrolling ribbon motives, also adorned with flowers. ‘Trimmed with gold galloon. 7 feet by 1 foot 8 inches. 503 SILVER EMBROIDERED CovER Florentine, Siateenth Century /Golden-yellow field, shot with silver, lavishly enriched in silver threads ee and fine, harmonious, colored silks, with central medallion, occupied by a gayly plumaged bird and scrolled with fine flowers which continue and occupy the entire field. Finished with embroidered silver bands. 3 feet 3 inches by 2 feet 2 inches. 504—Goxtp BrocapE VELver Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Beautiful purple-blue field, damassé with scrollings of leaves, woven in eos solid gold threads and green velvet, with central bouquets, surrounded QS by strap motives which are scrolled with the green leaves. Trimmed with gold galloon. A feet 5 inches by 2 feet 3% inches. Third and Last. Afternoon 505—Five Jarpiniere Vetver Covers French, Early Eighteenth Century Fine tan field, minutely latticed in green; woven with cut and uncut crim- son velvet wreath, surrounded by lobed medallion of green and centered with a rosette quartered with crescents; the medallion surrounded by a further wreath of floral vines and floral corners. Border of trailing pomegranate motives. 57 inches by 27 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 5062-Gorp EmBRoIpERED Crimson VELVET SapptE Housine an . Italian, Early ‘Seventeenth Century Consisting of back-apron and two semicircular side-pockets. Ruby-red velvet, lavishly enriched in gold threads and silver paillettes, with stel- lated field and trailing vine border entwining a sinuous ribbon motive. Trimmed with gold fringe. 507— Cur Vretvet Cover French, Early Eighteenth Century Beautiful fluctuating apple-green velvet field, enriched with trailing vines of cut and uncut velvet having gold wrought in the stems; the center with narrow lace insertion, finished with deeply Vandyked Milanese lace edge. Length, 5 feet 4 inches; depth, 7 inches. 523—GREEN Sitk anp Fivet Lace Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century oe Lustrous light emerald-green, having broad inserted filet lace border, displaying very beautiful angular scrollings ,bearing vines and leaves, interrupted at close intervals by jardiniéres, on each of which quaint Sy birds are perched. Finished with narrow scalloped lace edge. —_- 4 feet 4 inches by 8 feet 5 inches. §24—Finer Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Field with broad central oblong of fine linen and two end bands of similar IK linen, parted by filet lace, displaying finely scrolled lily motives. Inter- Sie : esting border of angularly placed leaves. Finished with Vandyke lace edge. 5 feet 3 inches by 2 feet 11 inches. 525—EmpromwERED Linen Borpver Rhodian, Seventeenth Century ee tne ivory linen forming the pattern. Old-red crimson mesh _ back- Soave } ground displaying series of two very grotesque chimeric animals facing Sb Ss fountains. Under the animals and near the fountains are birds. Very — unusual borders of angularly scrolled grotesque human heads. Length, 5 feet 5 inches; depth, 6 inches, 526—VeneTian GotHic Lace FLouNncE Early Seventeenth Century Band of very interesting stellated trailing vines of flowers at crown. Finished with deep floral Vandyke points. \ y \ \ 2 \ \ Length, & yards 6 inches; width, 5 inches. Third and Last Afternoon 527—Fivet Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Fine sheer ivory linen, enhanced with two borders of filet at ends, dis- BS playing the Sun in Splendor, parting trees bearing pomegranates, shel- tering facing leopards. Finished with floral scalloped lace. 6 feet by 2 feet 9 inches. 528—EmproiereD Finer Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century S Field of ivory linen, having three insertions which continue into broad \\ borders and display fine angular scrollings of lilies and pomegranate motives on yellow mesh grounds; trimmed with scalloped lace edge. 5 feet by 4& feet 10 inches. 529—Fiter Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Late Seventeenth Century Beautiful sheer ivory linen, paneled with filet lace bandings which dis- play on the narrower sides angular scrollings of leafage. The ends with very interesting scrollings of leaves, flowers and husks. Finished with scalloped lace. 4 feet 11 inches by 3 feet 6 inches. 580—Crimson Sink AND Fiter Lace Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century panels very curiously double scrolled Gothic leaves; on the ends jar- diniéres of flowers, scrolled with balustered leaf motives. Trimmed with parti-colored edging. Yb Crimson silk, paneled with tan filet lace, displaying on the narrower 5 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 8 inches. 531—Fiter Lace Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century The field displaying seven bands of filet lace interrupted by floral stripes, ie the bands alternately displaying curious angular scrollings, variously = bearing wheat motives and lilies. Finished with borders of finer filet, x displaying very elaborate scrollings, terminating in leonic heads and diagonally barred leaves. Finished with scalloped lace edging. 5 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. 582—Empromwerep Linen Cover Italian, Late Sixteenth Century og Deep ivory linen, finished with a border of chevrons, enriched with floral motives and square medallions of Gothic lace @ jour; finished on the > edges with deep Vandyke lace in ivory and browns. 5 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 7 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 5383—Porint ‘DE VENISE CovER Seventeenth Century Center developing scrollings of beautiful pomegranate motives and flow- ers in raised toile on honeycomb réseau. Broad borders of more closely placed and larger pomegranate motives, flowers and leafage with broader réseau, mounted on reseda green silk. 7 feet 2 inches by 5 feet. 533—PoInT DE VENISE Cover (Seventeenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 534—Fiter Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century we Linen at crown, parted by six broad bands of filet, developing very inter- MG ae esting angular scrollings. Broad border at foot of filet, developing one lilies alternately reversed within balustered chevrons. Finished with scalloped lace. 7 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 1 inch, 535—EMBROIDERED LINEN CovER Italian, Seventeenth Century Heavy ivory linen, enriched in golden-brown with border of pomegranate ae s motives, alternating with angularly scrolled floral devices which shelter - ED) curious archaic stags. Interesting guards of lily forms. 7 feet 5 inches by 1 foot 10 inches. 5386—Fiter Lact Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Center displaying cruciformed oblong medallion bearing floral motives, =a as flanked by diamond devices, bearing highly conventionalized jardiniéres | of flowers. Borders of blossomed lattice, with V-points over square mesh at edges. Lined with blue sateen. et = 6 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 9 inches. 537—Fiter Lace ano Linen Portirre Italian, Seventeenth Century Large oblong central panel of filet lace, arranged with bandings form- ing three series of medallions, occupied by curious animals and central 2 biblical subject. Surrounded by ivory linen, having insertion displaying le oe varied angular scrolled motives; deep border at foot, with panels, occu- pied by archaic animals, birds and figures. The border being finished with scalloped lace. Length, 9 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. 5388—-Firer Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Fine ivory linen center, interrupted by nine narrow bands of filet lace, ee displaying scrollings of flowers. Finished with borders of very beautiful \ oe scrolled bouquets of lites. Trimmed with short fringe. ae 6 feet 3 inches by 6 feet 2 inches. 589—Goruic Lace anp Linen Coverlet Itahan, Early Seventeenth Century Deep ivory linen, enriched with two small medallioned lace insertions, Oe oa, 5 finished on three sides with borders of Gothic lace, exhibiting beautiful ) floral circular medallions, finished with bands of smaller medallions. 16 feet by 8 feet 2 inches. ey ee ae DO ee ee Oe he a ee faig od TS Bl "he ae OS ED ee er ee ee ¢ et, PMT ew a 4 ee een Third and Last Afternoon 540—Manocany Gotp EmproierepD CHASUBLE Régence Period AY Ivory silk field, resplendent in raised gold threads and pastel colored silks, enriched with scrolled and raised bands at orphreys, enclosing cartouche motives which emit scrollings of gold ramifying the field. The scrollings are adorned with vines and sprays of very beautiful flowers, sprays of wheat and bunches of grapes. Finished with gold embroidered scrolled band simulating galloon. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 541—Firer Lace Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century Shadow filet, displaying central series of winged cherubs’ heads, parted a ie : SS by husked motives and flanked by elaborate scrollings of pomegranate aS heeh a and floral motives, sheltering numerous archaic animals and human figures. Finished with Vandyke lace edge. 7 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 7 inches. 542—JarDINIERE VELVET COVER Genoese, Seventeenth Century x Cae \ Blush-ivory silk field, woven in crimson, amber, beautiful peach color, oa golden-yellow and apple-green, with large bouquets of fruit, beautifully varied flowers and bunches of berries. 7 feet 2 inches by 5 feet, 543—SILVER BrocavE Cover Louis XIV Period ka Lustrous golden-yellow ground, woven in solid silver threads, lavender, Lane \\ old-pink, and green, with bouquets of very charming large flowers. Trimmed with* silver galloon. 54 inches by 39 inches. 544—Goxtp BrocapE Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Lovely cerulean blue field, damassé with scrollings, complementing the _— © major pattern; woven in two-colored gold threads and small passages ae of crimson, with scrolled cornucopia-like motives, entwined with vines, bearing tent-like devices. Finished with gold lace. 49 inches by 43 inches. 545—Gortp EmepromwErreD Buve Sink Cover Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Sapphire-blue silk, enriched in gold and slight passages of colored silks, with double helmed and tasseled coat of arms at center, blazoned with Ne Ry pee a floriated cross and pellets. Corners with jardiniéres of flowers. Fin- ished with very beautiful scrolled border of gold threads and small blossoms. Trimmed with gold lace edge. 72 inches by 41 inches. 546—Sitver NEEDLE-PAINTED CHASUBLE English, Siateenth Century Field of chevroned old-red, woven with silver and ivory formal sprays of carnations. Needle-painted orphreys, cruciformed on one side, which aS es side bears a crucifix, flanked by two angels. Below the cross and on a the reverse orphreys are columned niches, occupied by figures of Saints. Third and Last Afternoon _ 547—Goup BrocapvE Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Beautiful field, solidly wrought in two-toned gold; woven with silver threads and pastel colors, with highly conventionalized floral vines, fruit and curious waved ribbon-like motives. Trimmed with patterned silver galloon. 50% inches by 42 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Cr neem AND Gop Enricuep Cuasuste English, Sixteenth Century . ') Lustrous ivory silk, shot with silver, the orphreys displaying ornate vases MSS of silver and gold threads, jeweled with small corals and emitting ogivals in colored silks, occupied by fruit, flowers and birds. The flanking fields with scrollings of fine flowers, supported on cornucopias at_ base. Trimmed with gold galloon. The front and back of a chasuble. 549—Four Gotp EmpromeEred PANELS Louis XIV Period aN Deep ivory silk, shot with silver threads, enriched with two oblong panels mn ) t bordered with beautiful medallioned bands in gold threads and support- f AS ing floral scrollings in further gold threads and pastel colored silks; WY finished with scalloped bands simulating galloon. Four fronts of dalmatics. Height, 42 inches; width, 32 inches. 550—EmproipERED QuILTED Linen Covere Mamnilan, Eighteenth Century Fine ivory linen, interestingly quilted with interlocking circular medal- lions, enriched in brilliantly colored silks, with scrolled oval central medal- : lion, occupied by two gayly plumaged birds, perched on a basket of XS | 5 flowers. The field with boldly scrolling floral motives, feng-huangs, birds ey ; and ogivaled corners, occupied by interesting Chinese figures being carried in rickshaws. Narrow scrolled vine border. 67 inches by 63 inches. 551—Goutp EmpromERED SiLK Cover Italian, Sixteenth Century Rare apple-green silk, enriched with narrow borders at sides of scroll- x ings, in which a procession of archaic animals appears. Interesting ANS deeper end borders, displaying coats of arms, scrolled with leafage, ter- minating in weird animals. Executed in raised gold threads and colored silks. Finished with fine deep Vandyked lace edge. 9 feet 4 inches by 2 feet 8 inches, 552—Goxip EmsBrorpERED Sitk Cover’ Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Very lustrous rose-crimson silk, enriched in gold threads and beauti- SA fully colored silks, with narrow borders of floral scrollings. Broad end ae Ne panels developing interesting cornucopias of fruit and very beautiful scrollings of flowers, amidst which are birds. Trimmed with fine gold lace. 7 feet 7 inches by 8 feet 8 inches. Third and Last Afternoon 553—Goup BrocapE Cover Louis XIV Period Rich apple-green field, damassé with lattice, woven in gold and silver threads and rich harmonious silks, with meandering floral motives, form- ing somewhat oval medallions, occupied by sprays and bow-knotted bou- quets of very beautiful flowers. Trimmed with wave-motived silver gal- loon. 58 inches by 41 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 554——GoLp EMBROIDERED SILK CovER English, Sixteenth Century Deep shell-pink silk, finished with narrow scalloped borders at side and 2. deeper ones at ends of ivory silk; both enriched in the scallops with Sa jardiniéres of fruit and beautiful flowers. Executed in fine threads of gold and pastel colored silks. (Silk needs slight restoration.) 7 feet 8 inches by 4 feet. SILvER BrocapE Cover Louis XIV Period Lustrous cerulean blue silk, damassé with small diamond lattice, woven in \« xe mat and burnished gold threads, with very interesting sprays of flowers . and pomegranate motives which are en face and are arched with a shell motive toward crown. Trimmed with patterned silver galloon. 555 4514 inches by 43 inches. 556—Gotp Brocape Cover Régence Period 2 Beautiful bleu-de-ciel silk, shot with silver and woven with two-toned a ; J, a gold threads, crimson, lavender, green, ivory and pink silks, with lobed . Sate meandering ribbon motives forming irregular medallions which are occu- pied by bouquets of fine flowers. Trimmed with gold galloon. . 5 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 51% inches. 557—Goup NEEDLE-PAINTED VELVET PANEL Italian, Renaissance Period Ruby velvet, fluctuating to fine gem-like tones, enriched with a cruci- formed orphrey, displaying within a medallion at the juncture of the ee cross, a seated figure of St. Agnes, flanked by angels playing musical -~_ XO instruments. Lower portion of the orphrey displaying within niched canopies, figures of St. George and St. Peter. Trimmed with gold galloon. The front of a chasuble. Height, 46 inches; width, 27 inches. 558—Goup BrocapvE SEFER Toran Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Elliptical top, trimmed with short and long flounce; used to enclose the ae Scrolls of the Law. Rouge-de-fer silk ground, woven in gold threads and \ passages of green silk, with ogivals occupied by bouquets of fruit and flowers. Both flounces trimmed with gold lace. Third and Last Afternoon 559—-GoLp EmproiperEeD Linen Cover English, Sixteenth Century AYO Deep ivory linen, lavishly enriched with gold strap arabesquing in field and border; the field occupied by a central circular medallion, enclosing a spurting fountain, and, amongst the arabesques at quarters, are jar- diniéres of flowers, sheltering quaint animals. At the corners are car- touched vases of flowers and fruit, in which stags are seen. The borders with birds and leaf-scrollings. Executed in very dainty pastel colored silks, with a sapphire-blue note. Finished with lace edge. 35 inches by 33 inches. Note: This beautiful type of English embroidery is extremely rare. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 560—EMBROIDERED VELVET SEFER TorsAH Cover Italian, Seventeenth Century os Oval top, with short and long flounce, used to enclose the Scrolls of the \ S Law. The top a series of arcade panels on the long flounce of green ; cut floral velvet, on gold-shot yellow ground. The short flounce having embroidered spiral columns bearing the arcades, enriched with vines of flowers. Trimmed with silver fringe. 561—J arviniERE VELVET SEFER TorAH CoveER Louis XIV Period Small oval top, with deep flounce, used to enclose the Scrolls of the Law. se Silver and gold shot tan field, woven in exceptionally rare fine purple, ae -) old-pink, pale-blue, crimson and greens, with infloretted scrolled vase, supportmg bouquets of flowers and surrounded by trailing vines. Trimmed with gold lace. 562—Drarp pv’Or Crimson Cur Friorat Serer Toran Cover Louis XIV Period Cy | Oval top, with short and long flounce used to enclose the Scrolls of the x Law. Gold shot ivory field, enriched in very beautiful two-toned cut and uncut wine-crimson velvet, displaying infloretted bouquets of pome- granate motives, supported by charming leaf-scrollings. Finely trimmed with leaf patterned gold galloon and fringe. 563—Goup Brocade SEFER Toran Cover French, Seventeenth Century Pa Oval top, with short and deep flounce, used to enclose the Scrolls of the — \. Law. Interesting latticed deep rose-du-Barry field, having appliqué blos- aN \=— soms. Woven lavishly in two-toned gold threads, with beautiful meander- ing lobed ribbon-like motives and bouquets of flowers. Trimmed with gold fringe. 564—PurreLte VELVET Rose Venetian, Eighteenth Century ance, fluctuating to amethystine tones, trimmed with bands of silver, \ Deep coat, with very broad sleeves. Lustrous purple of great radi- \ \ \ gold chevroned galloon and small edging. Third and Last Afternoon \ WHA tn \o0 \ 565—Fovur Gotp NEEDLE-PAINTED VELVET CusHIONS Italian Renaissance Period — Pa \_ Lustrous rich ruby velvet, adorned with panels at foot. Executed in gold threads with slight passages of colored silks, displaying within rondels, figures of the Saints and of the Madonna, flanked by scrolled vases. Fin- ished with embroidered gold bands simulating galloon. (Two Illustrated) 566—GouLp Crimson VetveT SEFER Toran Cover Louis XIV Period <<) Oval top, with short and long flounce,, used to enclose the Scrolls of the SS 4») Law. Rich ivory field, woven in wine-crimson, with cut and uncut bou- ‘ —~ are two vertical bands which follow the contour of the top and are enriched with strange Gothic leaves, Tudor roses and staves. Trimmed with crimson and gold edge. Four fronts of dalmatics. Height, 49 inches; width, 40 inches, (One Illustrated) A A et \ Period) ian Renaissance EL (Ital AN No. 567— NEEDLE-PAINTED VELVET P Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 568—SILVER EMBromwErED HANGING Florentine, Seventeenth Century Very beautiful varying silver ground, solidly wrought, displaying large husk vase at center, emitting vine scrollings and bouquet of flowers, embroidered in charming pastel shades and gold threads. Amidst the scrollings at either side is a large beautifully plumaged bird. Finished with gold galloon. j 8 feet 1 inch by 8 feet 51% inches. 569—Goup BrocavE Corr Venetian, Seventeenth Century Soy Lustrous ivory-gray field, hood and orphreys damassé with leaf-scroll- ings accentuating the major pattern. Woven lavishly in gold threads, rose-pinks and greens, with interesting scrolled bouquets of pomegranates and sprays of flowers in pink. ‘Trimmed with gold galloon and fringe. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; depth, 4 feet 91% inches. 570—Go.p AND SILtver BrocapE Corr French, Eighteenth Century fo < Pe a Lightly damassé ivory field, hood and orphreys, woven with scrolling sprays of lavender and deep pink flowers, connected by trailing vines in silver and gold. The hood and orphreys trimmed with gold galloon and fringe. Length, 9 feet 9 inches; depth, 4 feet 9% inches. ee ee eee ee Third and Last Afternoon 571—Gorp Emproiwrrep Vetver Rose Asia Minor, Kighteenth Century Rich cerulean blue velvet, embroidered in gold threads, with series of \ AV arcaded and lobed medallions set within bars of oblongs, interrupted by silver and crimson rosetted blossoms. Trimmed with gold galloon. 572—Sitver Brocape Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Lustrous pale bleu-de-ciel field, damassé to accentuate the pattern; woven UL \\ in silver threads and harmonious rich silks, with extremely interesting ie pattern developing sheaves of arrows superimposed on jardiniére-like motives, bearing vines of trailing flowers. Trimmed with silver galloon. 5 feet 51%, inches by 5 feet 3 inches. 573—Drap v’Or Brocavr Cover Régence Period Beautiful drap d’or field of two tones and stitches of gold. Woven with very beautiful leaf and husk scrollings in silver and ivory, forming eee \ irregular panels entwined with scrollings of small flowers in pastel colors. Finished with gold galloon. Length, 5 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 51% inches. 574—Goup and Sitver Empromwrrepn Moseurt Hancine Persian, Late Seventeenth Century Mellow dull mulberry silk, enriched in gold and silver threads and pastel colored silks, with elaborate field displaying at sides two columned mo- t tives, surmounted by a scrolling in gold threads, supporting on either SS side a group of buildings and a large mosque. Between the columns is a larger mosque and at foot is a balustraded garden with fountains and other motives. Between the mosques are sprays and festoons of flowers. Finished with a trailing border of pomegranates and bunches of grapes, interrupted at foot and crown with jardiniéres and at the corners with scrolled motives. Trimmed with fringe. 5 feet 11 inches by 4 feet 61% inches. 575—Goip EmsprorpEerep Corr Louis XIV Period Ivory silk hood and field, enriched in gold threads and very lovely pastel colored silks, with banded scrollings and husk motives in gold threads, - > Dh sustaining very varied beautiful blossoms. The hood having central rayed monogram. Trimmed with gold galloon. Length, 9 feet 3 inches; depth, 4 feet 11 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 576—Go.p Emproiwerep Drap pv’Arcenrt ALTAR FRonTAL Louis XIV Period Ivory silk field, shot with silver, displaying central rayed sacred mono- gram in gold, within a valanced and scrolled arabesqued cartouche, which is continued with scrollings into the valance and supports sprays and bouquets of very delightful flowers in rich pastel colors. The border of reverse arched scrolled leaves, sustaining jardiniéres of similar flowers to the field. Trimmed with very beautiful gold galloon, lace and fringe. 8 feet 1 inch by 4 feet 11 inches. ( ATX sino7y) IWLNOUg AVLTY LNADUY, ad dvuq] GauadIoudWNy ATOO—OLE “ON aA EMSA teas Re t Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 577—BeravutiruLt AMETHYSTINE VELVET AND Brocapr Cope Venetian, Seventeenth Century Exquisite sapphire-purple velvet, fluctuating to gem-like tones in the field. The hood and orphreys of lighter toned damassé sapphire brocade, woven in gold and silver threads and pastel silks, with very elaborate and highly conventionalized symbolic scrollings and trailing vines of flowers. Trimmed with gold galloon and fringe. Length, 9 feet 7 inches; depth, 4 feet 10 inches, 578—Drap v’Or Brocapve Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century — Resplendent cloth of gold field, the pattern woven in silver and gold 2 xa) threads and green and red silks, developing infloretted scrolled lobes, aes eee entwining with one another; one series finished with alternate coroneted fruit motive. Trimmed with wave-patterned gold galloon. 5 feet 1 inch by 4 feet 10 inches. 579—GrREEN BrocapE Cover . Louis XIV Period A) Very lustrous light apple-green field, woven in pastel colored silks, with Aaa very unusual column-like motives, developing scrolled leaf medallions, occupied by archaic buildings; these alternating with most interesting basketed pomegranate devices. Trimmed with gold galloon. 7 feet 11 inches by 6 feet 8 inches. 580—Goutp EmproipERED Crimson VetvetT ALTAR FrontTAL Late Italian Renaissance Period Ruby velvet, fluctuating to deep rose-pink tones, solidly embroidered in ( threads of raised silver and gold; the field with central rayed coroneted = LS 0 and wreathed sacred medallion; borders at crown and sides with very Syee charming leaf and husk scrollings, developing sprays of berries and leaves. Crowning border trimmed with gold and silver latticed fringe. The coronet of medallion enhanced with seed pearls. Height, 3 feet 2 inches; length, 8 feet 8 inches. ay Third and Last Afternoon 581—Go.ip NEEDLE-PAINTED ALLEGORICAL PANEL English, Seventeenth Century THE FALL OF PHAETON. The Sun in Splendor is seen about center, almost resting on a slightly uneven rising landscape. Flanking the sun is a messenger of Jove while Phaeton, head down, is falling into a river in which huge alligators are seen across the foreground at center aS - and left. At right is a centaur among bulrushes. In the wooded land- scape above the center a huntsman in classic attire is seen, attacking a wild boar, and a lion and a rooster are at extreme right. At left above the stream is Diana with her bow and two hounds; approaching her is a further huntsman, bearing a boar’s head to her. A bear and a rabbit are at extreme left. Executed in petit-point and other stitches in gold threads and harmonious, colored silks. (Needs slight restora- tion.) Height, 2 feet 3 inches; length, 5 feet 1 inches. Note: An extremely rare and interesting type of seventeenth century English needlework. 582—Buvr Vetvet Goip BrocapEe Cover Louis XIII Period _ Shimmering cloth of gold field, woven in two tones of very beautiful ° sapphire blue cut and uncut velvet, with vertical meandering vines of berry-like flowers and leaves. 6 feet 8% inches by 3 feet 91% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. rE His tian S 583—Goip Empromwerep AND PainrEeD BANNER —-GoLp EMBROIDERED AND ParnrED BANNER Spanish, Seventeenth Century Very beautiful ruby velvet, fluctuating to fine lighter areas, enhanced a with central oval medallion, painted after the style of Murillo with nt figures of the Virgin and Child, enriched in two tones of gold threads, adorned with a wreath and border of strap scrollings, emitting sprays of flowers. Trimmed with large crimson and gold tassels. Oblong, with V-points. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. (Companion to the preceding) (Illustrated) No. 584—Goitp EMBROIDERED AND PaInTED BANNER (Spanish, Seventeenth Century) cs os \) Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 585—ImportTant GoLD AND StnveR EmproimErep ALTAR FRONTAL WL Florentine, Seventeenth Century Shimmering field of silver, wrought with minute diamond pattern, en- riched in gold threads and very harmonious silks, with central figure of a saint kneeling within a beautiful wreath of fine flowers, supported on strap and leaf scrollings which continue and ramify the field and are interrupted at intervals by large ornate jardiniéres of fruit and flowers and bow-knotted pendants of similar luscious fruit. Very fine crowning border executed in a similar manner to the field, with strap scrollings and jardiniéres of rare flowers. Narrow border at crown and two sides of further scrolled flowers. Height, 3 feet 2 inches; length, 10 feet 5 inches. 586—GoLp EMBROIDERED COVER Venetian, Seventeenth Century Wes Ivory field of blossomed lobed medallions in gold threads, enriched with a slightly lobed gold circular medallion bearing conventionalized bouquet of flowers in rich silks, surrounded by jardiniéres of flowers and pome- granate motives, which again appear at corners and centers of borders above scrollings bands. 5 feet 2 inches by 4 feet 11 inches. 587—Goup anp Ivory VELVET Brocaprt BaLpAcHINo Louis XIV Period Rich ivory field, damassé with lacy ribbon-like motives, accentuating the major pattern. Woven with very unusual trailing ribbons in gold threads and superimposed sapphire velvet pearl motives. The bandings enclose loose bouquets of flowers in beautiful pastel silks and trailing sprays of oak leaves. Trimmed with gold galloon. 8 feet 4 inches by 6 feet 10 inches, 588—Goup AND Crimson BrocaprE BALDACHINO Persian, Late Seventeenth Century Very lustrous rose-crimson field, woven in greens, very pale-blue, 1vory and passages of gold threads, with series of alternating stellate motives and beautiful jardiniéres of carnations and tulips. Finished at crown and foot with broad borders developing palmette motives and stems of very dainty flowers. The foot with a cut-out valance, having pendent lamps and jardinieres, crowned by crescent motives. 12 feet 1 inch by 6 feet 41% inches. Third and Last Afternoon 589—GoLtp NEEDLE-PAINTED ALLEGORICAL PANEL English, Seventeenth Century PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA. The Sun in Splendor is rising over a hilly landscape, wooded with acorn-bearing trees and having a stream across the foreground. Andromeda, chained to a curious pile of rocks, is seen somewhat to right under the sun. Perseus approaches on the winged horse Pegasus to rescue her from the dragon who appears in the water before her. At right and left in the water are further strange ay animals and toward extreme left is a merman appealing to Venus who is seated before bulrushes. Above the latter two figures are a lion and two personages running to view the rescue. At right of the landscape Acteon is seen laving his hands at a fountain. Executed in petit-point and many other quaint stitches of gold and silver threads; the two figures of Andromeda and Venus being executed in satin stump work. (Needs slight restoration.) Height, 3 feet 1 inch; length, 6 feet 2 inches. Note: An extremely rare and interesting type of seventeenth century English needlework. 590—EmproiErep Linen Hancine Early Jacobean Period Deep tan linen, enriched in very mellow greens, brown-pinks and blues, ‘ with rustic scrolling stems bearing large leaves, interesting pomegranate motives and perched birds sheltering on the rocky base a lion, a stag ESO and a leopard. Height, 5 feet; length, 8 feet 2 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 591—Sitver anp Brive Brocave BaLpacuixno Régence Period ash. Lightly damassé bleu-de-ciel field, enriched in silver threads, lavender, ME Say pink and pale green silks, with trailing sprays of charming flowers and S\N very beautiful pomegranate motives. Trimmed with chevroned silver galloon. 7 feet 11 inches by 7 feet. 592— EMBROIDERED SILK BaLpAcHINno Manilan, Eighteenth Century Lustrous silvery ivory-gray silk field, enriched in fine harmonious silks, O *\,_-with central floral medallion, cruciformed by perched birds and further ‘\ “trailing flowers. The field semé with sprays of further flowers and > pomegranate motives and having jardiniéres of flowers at corners and festoons at broad borders; the borders displaying further jardiniéres and scrollings of flowers. Trimmed with fringe and tassels. 8 feet 10 inches by 7 feet 1 inch. 593—Important EmproiperEeD Sirk BaLpacHrino French, Eighteenth Century _ Very lustrous silvery ivory silk field, enriched in solid gold threads and very beautiful pastel colored silks, the field occupied at intervals by — _ peasants and Oriental landscapes in which are seen a group drinking tea, \ a \— another group dancing and reveling and a still further group, in which XN a man is mounted on a camel. These interesting groups are repeated with great variety of incident in the borders which are of interesting scallops, worked in gold and old-pink. Between the landscapes on the field are numerous sprays of flowers and Chinese symbols. 9 feet 10 inches by 8 feet 2 inches. Note: The basic design for this most interesting Baldachino was taken from Chinese motives. 594— E\mBroipERED Linen BALDACHINO Hindu-Perse, Late Seventeenth Century S~ = Fine tan linen, enriched in very brilliant harmonious colors, with the ey “ Tree of Life rising from a mound, occupied by birds and forest animals. \ | The Tree bears numerous large beautiful and varied blossoms and trail- ing vines of flowers. Birds are seen amidst the flowers. Interesting entwined ribbon border, bearing bouquets of varied flowers ; trimmed with red silk fringe. 7 feet 10 inches by 6 feet 8 inches. Third and Last Afternoon 595—Purrete Vetvet Cover Venetian, Seventeenth Century Remarkable amethystine velvet of very great radiance, fluctuating to areas of rose and ruby, paneled and trimmed with chevroned patterned AN gold galloon. 8 feet 10 inches by 6 feet 10 inches. = 96—BEAUTIFUL Crimson Cut VeELvetT BALDACHINO . Florentine, Seventeenth Century 5 Rose silk field, woven in cut and uncut velvet, with elaborate fleur-de-lis motives, supporting large varied series of bouquets, one set in a Jjar- diniére and canopied by large infloretted acanthus leaves. Extremely beautiful velvet fluctuating from light rose tones to deep ruby-red. Trimmed with crimson silk fringe. 8 feet 2 inches by 7 feet 4 inches. 597—Ricu Green Cut Vetvet Hancine Italian, Seventeenth Century Apple-green silk field, woven in cut and uncut deep jade-green velvet, with imbricated leaf-scrolled bands bearing varied lies at the alternate scrollings. Paneled with vertical bands of silver galloon. Trimmed with a. Si latticed fringe toward crown, forming a valance and having a border of varied gold and silver galloon. 10 feet 5 inches by 7 feet 4 inches, 598—Gotp EmproiperReD Sik BaupacHiIno Chinese, Early Eighteenth Century Fine mellow golden-yellow field, solidly wrought in small stitches enriched in pastel and sapphire-blue silks and gold threads, with all-over filet ES \c diamond medallions, cruciformed large flowers, clusters of closely placed flowers and further small cruciform motives at valance. Interesting border of closely placed and scrolled lotus blossoms, having cartouche- like flowers at corners. On recurring sapphire-blue grounds. 9 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 1 inch. 599—Go.p anp Ivory BrocapE CovERLET French, Eighteenth Century Lustrous ivory silk ground, woven with varied stripes, trailed with vines of flowers and others bearing bouquets of fine flowers. Executed in ‘gold and silver threads and dainty colored silks; finished on all sides > with gold fringe and detached scallops of the beautiful brocade, finished with gold edging. 9 feet 9 inches by 8 feet 7 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 600—Larce EmproipEreD Batpacuino BorpeEr Florentine, Early Seventeenth Century S Lustrous pale bleu-de-ciel ground solidly worked in basket-stitch, en- a riched in very beautiful harmonious colors, with bold scrollings of sun- flowers, tulips, fleurs-de-lis, roses and pomegranate motives, amidst which gayly plumaged birds are perched. Finished with golden-yellow basketed guards. Outside measurement, 10 feet 2 inches square. Depth on all sides, 1 foot 9 inches. C\, 601—Two Emprormerrep Ivory Sirk Portieres Wr AN Florentine, Late Sixteenth Century Nee \y Lustrous gray-ivory field, solidly worked in small diamond pattern. ~ Beautifully enriched in pastel colors, with formal central bouquet of ( \y¥ flowers, flanked by stems of further beautiful flowers and_ scrollings. eae Birds are perched amid the scrollings. Interesting border of scrolled lies in the colors of the field. Length, 9 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. 602—-Two Crimson BrocapE PorrTieEREs Southern Italian, Siateenth Century = Boe ne) Rose-crimson field, woven in greens, ivories and golden-yellow, with varied 2 > \W cruciform and stellate motives, occupied by carnation and lily-form i wy blossoms. Very beautiful jade-green border, woven with three stripes \Ov in crimson, developing scrolled leaf and medallioned highly convention- - ‘ alized lotus blossoms. Vi Length, 14 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 14, inches and 2 feet 71% inches. eatin > 603—Two Macniricent Crrson VetveT Parace Portieres Ee a Italian, Seventeenth Century | \ WN y Beautiful rose-crimson velvet, shimmering in the hight with areas of a flame-rose tones. Trimmed with contemporary wave-patterned gold galloon. Length, 11 feet 5 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches. 604—Gortp EmeproipERED Crimson VELVET BAaLpDACHINO Louis XIV Period y> Very lustrous ruby-crimson velvet, fluctuating to radiant tones of deep ie aa ¢ iS) rose; enriched in raised solid gold threads with central wreaths and very \ beautiful scrollings of husk and rosette motives. Finished with original tasseled fringe. 8 feet 5 inches by 6 feet 9 inches, Third and Last Afternoon 605—EmpromwEerRED YELLOW Huncartan Pornt Hancine r ES x Florentine, Late Stxteenth Century Lustrous straw-yellow field, solidly executed in curious petit-point ; en- riched in very beautiful harmonious silks of a wide range of colors, displaying an ornate spouting fountain at center in which two ducks are disporting themselves and numerous birds flying to drink therein. In the lower basin two stags, one at either side, are quenching their thirst. The field displaying at right and left and above and below the fountain large scrollings of exceptionally beautiful flowers. Broad borders with ivory grounds, enriched with central jardiniéres and scroll- ings of equally beautiful flowers to the center; finished with an outer guard of closely placed stems of further flowers and small fringed edge. Height, 6 feet 8 inches; length, 13 feet. 606—-EmBrormpERED GREEN Damask BALpAcHINO USP / abd ae Tapestry Cuorr Stat Borper Italian, Late Sixteenth Century Large central field of lustrous two-toned apple-green damask, woven with coroneted bouquets of flowers. Finished with deep borders having solidly wrought grounds of rich golden-brown, developing in pastel colors detached scrolled bouquets of fine flowers, finished with chevroned guards and parti-colored fringe. Two corners at foot excised. 9 feet 6 inches square. —English, 1568 THE SAVIOUR AND THE TWELVE DISCIPLES. Woven with oval wreathed medallions alternately of golden-yellow and green. The medallions at center occupied by figure of Christ, the others by the twelve disciples, each medallion captioned with the name of its occupant. Between the medallions are fruiting trees and oaks bearing acorns, amidst which birds occasionally appear. At foot are sprays of varied flowers. Woven in very rich mellow colors in which light sapphire-blue is the distinguishing note; on resonant black grounds. Signed at lower right corner within a blue shield, “Mthahd K M D, 1568.” , Length, 25 feet 1 inch; depth, 2 feet 2 inches. Note: This tapestry is so reminiscent in many details of the work done at the looms of Robert Hickes that the signature has been ascribed to one of his \weavers, whose name has not been recorded. j j~ SUN Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ~~ \ 608 jf Larce NEEDLEWORK CovER Italian, Sixteenth Century Lustrous gray-ivory field, enriched with central scrolled and coroneted coat of arms, blazoned with displayed eagles, cruciform motives and superimposed central shield. Supporting the coat of arms are two ram- pant lions standing on scrollings which emanate from the lower part of the shield and ramify the entire field, forming pear-shaped motives at corners, enclosing beautiful baskets of fruit. Interspersed amidst flowers and fruit of the scrollings are many flying and perched birds, monkeys, hounds, a group of ducks, chimeric serpents and other ani- mals. Very beautiful borders, centered on all sides with coats of arms similar to that of the center of field, flanked by intricate scrollings of flowers and fruit occupied by numerous strange animals and birds sim- ilar to those found in the center field. Executed in petit-poimt and point St. Cyr, with most beautiful pastel colored silks, enlivened with occasional passages of crimson. Trimmed with fringe. (Needs restora- tion in the ground of the field and border, but this restoration is such that the missing gray silk gives only a larger variety of tone to the beautiful grounds of the field.) Height, 7 feet 8 inches; length, 11 feet 1 inch. (fanquag yyuaajargy “unyyzy) AAAOD HUOMATAIAN ANAVT—so9 “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 609—Goup EmproipEReD Crimson VELVET Patacet HAncine Florentine, Seventeenth Century Radiant ruby-crimson velvet, shimmering in the light with rose-flame areas. Lavishly enriched with raised gold threads and galloon, with wreaths of palms at crown and foot and coroneted wreaths of acanthus leaves at center of foot; the coronets of wreaths being enhanced with silver threads and pearl motives in green silks. Flanking these motives and occupying the corners are large tulip scrollings of appliqué gold galloon, finished with two borders of gold galloon. Height, 11 feet 10 inches; width, 10 feet 7 inches. 610—MaenriFicENT Gotp EMBROIDERED SAPPHIRE-BLUE PanAck BaLcony — HancIne Venetian, Late Seventeenth Century . ‘Exquisitely beautiful sapphire-blue velvet, ranging from light gem-like ‘tones to very deep rich sapphire-blue; lavishly enriched in solid gold “threads with large husk motives at centers of borders and corners. From these emanate bold interlacing scrollings of leaves, husk motives and sprays of acorns. Above the central husks at sides are flaming hearts, occupied by figures of the Madonna, surmounted by coronets. Finished with a very fine border of arcaded husk motives and oval medallions. 15 feet 2 inches by 13 feet 1 inch, ( 611--Tutrry-stx’ LeEncrHs oF Crimson SILK Italian, Louis XVI Period Rich rose-crimson taffeta silk, fluctuating to almost rouge-de-fer tones. Approximately 250 yards, 88 inches wide. 612—FEicutr SappuirE-BLUE Curtains, CoverLeET AND LAMBREQUIN FOR BED 5 > Italian, Early Seventeenth Century Very radiant two-toned sapphire-blue, woven with dainty floral ogivals enclosing small infloretted bouquets. The curtains having an attached valanced border, woven with half ogivals and arcaded borders. Trimmed with a blue silk edge to match the damasks. The lambrequin woven in a similar manner to the valance of the curtains. The coverlet broader but woven in a similar manner to the curtains. feet 11 inches; lambrequin, 11 feet 1 inch by 1 foot 6% Cover, 8 feet 1 inch by 5 i feet 2 inches by 3 feet 5 inches. inches; curtains, Third and Last Afternoon 613—Srx Drap pv’OR Crimson BrocapE Curtarns vo Italian, Seventeenth Century \ Tae -crimson field, woven solidly in gold threads with interesting pine- apple shaped bouquets within scrolled ogivals of husk and floral motives. Trimmed with crimson and gold Vandyked edge. Length,7 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 614—Five Yertow Damask Watt Haneines Italian, Seventeenth Century bouquets of flowers set in small jardiniéres and: supported on rustic stems of silver flowers which are again supported by even larger bou- quets. Trimmed on three sides with silk edging tec match the damask. Very heavy weaving. Brilliant two-toned golden-yellow damask, woven with large infloretted a. Approximately 47 yards, 20% inches wide. > aa. 7, \ 615 Tiers -SEVEN LEncTHs oF CRIMSON VELVET to rose tones. Rare heavy quality and unusually wide velvet. \ Genoese, Late Sixteenth Century he Heavy fine pile velvet. Very lustrous ruby-red fluctuating in the light Approximately 152 yards, 2 feet wide. 616—Two Rerovussé Sitver RELIQUARIES Hebrao-Spanish, Seventeenth Century Each to contain charm to ward off the “evil eye” and each inscribed “Shadi,” the name of God. (a) Scrolled heart-shape, enriched with leaf-scrollings, candelabra, NaN priestly tiara, the Tablets of the Law and two hands surmounted by SS open bow-knot for suspension and having a pendent bunch of grapes. (s) Square; of fine filigree, showing open scrollings on back and front, surmounted by a pediment of double leaf-scrollings and flanked by open columnar motives having pinnacles. Ring for suspension. Heights, 31%, and 41%, inches. 617—Repovusst Sirver Retiavary Hebreo-Spanish, Seventeenth Century ’ To contain charm to ward off the “evil eye.’ Flattened vase-shape, he enriched with cartouches bearing the inscription “Shadi,” baskets of eS) fruit, candelabra, the Tablets of the Law and a priestly tiara, set upon leaf scrollings which are valanced at shoulders. Double bow-knot for suspension. Parcel gilded. Length, 5% inches, Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 618—Repovussrt SitveER CovereD TarcLum Hebreo-Spanish, Seventeenth Century “Targlum” or the “Twenty Books of the Jewish Law.” Repoussé silver cover, displaying on the obverse an oval wreathed medallion, inscribed aN in Hebrew, “Twenty Books of the Law.” The wreath supported by two a >, lions of Judah, again supported by leaf and strap scrollings. The obverse with medallion supported by two birds within leaf and strap ara- besqued scrollings; clasp of columnar form. Length, 55% inches. 619—JEWELED SiLver Firicree Berir Mita Spanish, Seventeenth Century Oblong box with canted corners and lifting top, finely enriched with scrolled medallions and open filigree rosettes, the top with scrolled label, “Berit Mila.” Surrounded by topazes and amethysts. The interior fitted with twelve silver implements. Leather case for same. Length, 9%% inches. _ 620—Two ParceL GILDED SitveR PinnacLe For SEFER Toran CasE Ze Spanish, Seventeenth Century : Three graduated domed hexagonal arcades supporting numerous bells ~<\ >~ | and the crown of King David at pinnacle. The domes of the arcade are ee (\ \ye variously enriched with imbrications and coroneted and scrolled oval v medallions, bearing monograms, inscriptions and coats of arms. Long tubular socket at foot. Height, 19 inches. 621—Parcet Gi_pED Sitver Puatep FestivaLt CanpLestick Hebreo-Spanish, Seventeenth Century Cartouched back, enriched with two series of spirally twisted columns a, and two arched doors having drapery scrollings and birds. The lower AK columns are flanked by two scrollings surmounted by vases of flowers. pcos The upper series supported on a panel, occupied by the crown of King < ONL. . David, supported by two birds. Finished with scrolled pediment, flanked 2 by two further vases of flowers. The apron with curious demi-unicorns flanking a scrolled medallion, occupied by displayed double-headed eagle. Below the doors at the front is a balustered oblong tray occupied by seven candle-sockets, interrupted by figures of lions. This interesting candle- stick was used at the Festival of Hanubiah, or the Jewish Harvest Festival. Height, 61 inches, Third and Last Afternoon 622—Parcet GiLpED Sitver TEMPLE OFFERING Spanish, Sixteenth Century Shrine having two tiers of open columns, the upper galleried and hav- ing a tasseled flounce, surmounted by a coronet, supported on four lions and a spray of flowers, having a compartment in the larger flower for spice. Within the shrine is a basket of flowers and fruit which ascends to the bell inside the coronet. Supported on molded arched base, adorned with birds, flowers and leaves; inscribed at crown in Hebrew, “In honor of Isaac Ben Brena, Son of Rebecca” and the names of the congregation making the presentation to the Synagogue. In original shaped leather case, Height, 20 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item 1s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 623—JEWELED Gop Prisst’s Insignia French, Early Eighteenth Century In the form of a Book of the Law. Finely enriched with panels of raised leaf and rosette scrollings having on one side the diamond jeweled crown of King David. The reverse with jeweled inscription, “Shadi.” Ring for suspension. ; 624—Rare Crimson Ketim Cover Goan, Seventeenth Cenutry 4 Beautiful rose-crimson field, woven in golden-yellow, ivory and sapphire- < —~ ies blues, with numerous archaic birds and animals seen amongst detached see KS scrollings of flowers and jardiniéres of fruit. Broad border of scrollings emanating from jardiniéres of fruit, sheltering stags and birds. Strap arabesqued and blossomed guards. 6 feet 4 inches by 5 feet 1 inch. 625—ArmoriAL VELours Hancine Florentine, Seventeenth Century Long wine-crimson velours field, fluctuating to rose tones, woven in tur- quoise-blue, ivory, tan and golden-yellow, with very interestingly strap- \ . >) \) arabesqued coat of arms, blazoned with a three-turreted castle and \ f" as having curious cruciformed sprays on which are lions. Three sapphire- Ps blue borders, the central one woven in tan with processions of quaint animals. The others in crimson, green and yellow, with angular scroll- ings. Height, 5 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. 626—Rosr-pu-Barry Ketim Cover Spanish, Seventeenth Century Rich rose-du-Barry crimson field, woven in rose-du-Barry pink, yellows and ivory, with strap scrolled ogivals, occupied by varied floral motives. WA Broad ivory border, woven in pale-green, yellow and crimson with car- touched coats of arms at centers of borders, blazoned with cranes. detached stems of small flowers. Pearl-gray border woven in the colors Ne) of the field, with festooned jardiniére emitting scrollings of leaves and ; husks shelterig innumerable small animals and birds. Small blue inner guards of scrollings and further small animals. Guards finished with two bands of arcades and columned rosettes. 7 feet 10 inches by 7 feet. Third and Last Afternoon 628—Sitver Sanctuary Lamp Hebrao-S panish, Seventeenth Century The shaft composed of three open repoussé drum parts, parted by open galleries in which figures are seen reading the law, playing musical instru- ments and at other avocations. The lower one enriched with bells and a galleried dome at foot; surmounted by the figure of a man holding a basket and having a ring for suspension on his hat. Five scrolled arms for lights, set in middle tier. Ten stellated chambers for oil and wicks. Pendent cup at foot. Height, 31 inches. \ \ ) t : Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 629—Larce Rosr-prxk Keim Cover Goan, Seventeenth Century Charming rose-pink field, woven in crimsons, sapphire-blue, lavender, ivory and golden-yellow, with curious blue-ivory central medallion occu- pied by two heads amidst scrollings. The field arabesqued with leaf scrollings, centered at crown and foot with scrolled demi-figures and \>\\ Jardiniéres. At corners are groups of personages at varied avocations and throughout the field occasional birds and archaic animalistic motives are seen. Rose-du-Barry border woven in the colors of the field, with varied hunting scenes in which mounted huntsmen, birds, lions and chi- meric animals appear. Blue guards of leaf-scrollings, occupied dy birds at intervals. Inwoven on the foot border at left is the weaver’s name. ‘“Moussom Nessept.” (Needs slight restoration. ) 7 feet 3 inches by 6 feet 10 inches, 630—ARMORIAL SAPPHIRE-BLUE AND GREEN VELouRS CoveER Hispano-Moresque, Sixteenth Century Beautiful golden-yellow field, woven in sapphire-blue, apple-green, and ivory, with central coat of arms within arabesqued-square medallion, on blazoned with rampant lions, three fleurs-de-lis and a castle. The medal- \.) lion is inscribed at foot, “Armas de Bulnes.” The field is enriched with interlocking varied lozenge-medallions, alternately occupied by sprays of berries and oblong devices. At each corner of the field is a coroneted sapphire-blue lion passant. Narrow border, with curious sapphire-blue fleurs-de-lis and pomegranate motives combined. Valanced green guards, — (Needs slight restoration.) 7 feet 1014 inches by 6 feet 5 inches. 631—Brussets Tapestry Late Stxteenth Century THE HOLY FAMILY. The Holy Virgin is seen at three-quarter length, standing behind a parapet. She wears rose-crimson robes and aN a blue and lavender hooded mantle and holds the Infant Saviour, who is seated on a green cushion upon the parapet. At left is the young St. John, wearing his symbolic hair shirt and a yellow robe. Fluctuating warm gray background. Finished with a pale-blue border, woven in yellow and sapphire-blue en camaieu, with husk, leaf and rosette scroll- ings. (Needs restoration.) Height, 4 feet 74% inches; width, 3 feet 91% inches. \D Third and Last Afternoon 632—Srrer Toran anv Parcent Gitpep Sitver Case ror SAME Spanish, Seventeenth Century Paneled circular body, half hinged, containing the Scrolls of the Law, the panels each enriched with the Tablets of the Law, surrounded by scrollings and having baskets of fruit and flowers at foot. Supported on six scrolled cartouched feet. Double dome at crown with scrolled gallery and brackets supporting pendants, surmounted by King David’s coronet and two mask-like pinnacles, enriched with numerous bells. Height, 2914 inches, Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered 633 and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ArMoRIAL KEtIM Cover Goan, Sixteenth Century Rich crimson field, adorned with many quartered coat of arms, having animals and other devices. The field enriched with sapphire-blue, pink, ivory and yellow birds and animals amid scrollings and jardiniéres of flowers. Five borders, the inner with blue ground, enriched with scroll- ings of pomegranate motives in crimson and ivory succeeded by a crimson border having leaf-scrolled volutes, flowers and birds; this succeeded in turn by another blue border having very curious leaf vines bearing pomegranate motives in ivory and yellow. ‘This followed by a crimson pomegranate motives in ivory and yellow. The outer border of valanced festooned rope motives and floral devices in pale-blue, crimson, yellow, dark-blue and ivory. 7 feet 7 inches square. (Illustrated) 634—Rare RosE-pu-Barry AND SAPPHIRE-BLUE KEtIM Cover Spanish, Seventeenth Century Beautiful rose-du-Barry crimson field, woven in sapphire-blue, yellow, black, ivory and rose-du-Barry pink with linked depressed and banded ogivals, occupied by conventionalized scrolled floral devices. Broad border occupied by a vase of fruit and flanking scrollings of husk motives which shelter a number of strange animals. Finished with scrolled guards and bandings. 9 feet 1 inch by 7 feet 11 inches. acd vr) sts aA vi oe Oe io 5 % mm, re BY *g & * 8 ae oe SS < BAe a ae “i Sa Century ) teenth ww S aL Kexiim Cover (Goan, 633—ARMORI No Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 635—Rare SpanisH Tapestry Hanerne Seventeenth Century Golden-yellow field, woven in sapphire-blue, with a series of figures repre- senting King Philip of Spain; the figures are parted with a series of Netherlandish coats of arms and the dates 1517 and 1614; finished at crown and foot with borders in which demi-cupidons support scrollings of leaves and flowers, flanked by jardiniéres at ends. The side borders of double scrollings of very varied flowers, forming medallions amidst which archaic birds are seen. 6 feet by 4 feet 7 inches. ad Mewes? EKEE Century) (Seventeenth GING APESTRY Han ARE SPANISH T -——R No. 6385 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 636—Brussets Tapestry Flemish, 1624 ABRAHAM DISMISSING HAGAR AND ISHMAEL. Abraham stands in the foreground of a flowering and lightly wooded rising land- scape near a small brook, spanned by a wooden footbridge. He is dis- missing Hagar, who holds her little son by her right hand. Beyond the group at the extreme left, is a curious thatched dwelling, at the door of which Abraham’s wife, Sara, is seen remonstrating with two small boys. At right the story is continued; the emaciated form of Ishmael is seen reclining on the green sward, while his mother is a little beyond him reply- ing to the angel in the sky, who points the way for their relief. Woven in rose-crimsons, golden-yellows, greens, blues, ivories and tans. The bor- ders are in the richer colors of the field, executed on low-toned yellow grounds, developing in arched niches at corners symbolic figures of Constancy, Justice, Religion and Hope; at center crown, Charity; at center foot, two finely scrolled and helmed coats of arms. Between these motives on all sides, are jardiniéres of fine fruit and flowers. Finished with a blue selvage which is inwoven at foot with date 1614. Height, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 614 inches. yO No. 636—Brussers Tapestry (Flemish, 1624) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 637—BruvssEts ‘Tapestry Sixteenth Century THE WOODEN HORSE OF TROY. King Priam in state robes wear- ing a mantle of blue, stands about center of a flower-decked rising field. Groups of his warriors and counsellors are at left and right of him. About center a gallant band of his subjects and warriors are dragging the famous wooden horse up to the gates of the city nearby. On the walls of the city citizens are seen watching the approach of the horse. At left is a bay of the sea, occupied by many vessels and having numerous edifices on the far shore. Woven in rich golden-yellows, sapphire-blues, greens, pinks, old-reds, grays, ivories and tans, with fine crimson, giving a dominating note to the composition. Very unusual borders, displaying at the crown beautiful festoons of flowers and fruit amid which are birds, perched and flying. Side borders displaying rural mountainous landscapes in which cattle and other animals are seen. The lower border depicts swimming fish and seaweed, with a demi-mermaid at center and a river god and an ocean god at corners. Executed in the lower beautiful tones of the field, finished with blue and golden-yellow arabesqued leaf guards. Inwoven signature of an untraced weaver in lower left selvage. Height, 10 feet 2 inches; length, 10 feet 8 inches. as No. 637—Brussets Tapestry (Siateenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 638—BrussEts TApEstTRY Late Siateenth Century VERTUMNUS AND POMONA. In a rising flower-decked landscape beautiful Pomona sits at extreme left; Vertumnus, garbed as an old for- tune teller, sits beside her, discanting upon her charms. Two richly garbed attendants of Pomona stand at right before an ornate palace adorned with an arcade of caryatids and cupidons. At left are two husbandmen with large wicker baskets on their backs proceeding to a homestead in mid-distance, sheltered by trees and crested by wooded hills amidst which various chateaux are seen. Woven in old-red, crimson, very fine golden-yellows, ivories, greens, tans and very beautiful sapphire- blues which give a distinctive charm to the composition. Very varied borders, the crowning one occupied by a cartouched medallion, having a pastoral landscape within, and flanked by clusters of exceptionally fine fruit and cartouches at corners from which further clusters of fruit are pendent. Side borders occupied by cupidons standing upon pedestals, holding huge bunches of luscious fruit in their arms and canopied by shell devices. The border at foot with central cartouche, flanked by winged mermaids and further fruit. Executed in the beautiful colors of the field, on grounds fluctuating from ivory to gray-tan. Height, 9 feet 10 inches; length, 10 feet 7 inches. ae O No. 638—Brussets Tapestry (Late Sixteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 639—Brussets Tapestry Siateenth Century . GRECIAN WARRIORS IN CONSULTATION BEFORE AN AT- TACK ON TROY. Nestor is seated at center, wearing a large beard with voluminous robes across his knees. Standing at right is Achilles and at left, Agamemnon. The group occupies the foreground of rising ground, overgrown with flowers and brambles. Beyond is a camp, pitched with tents and varied groups of soldiery at their avocations, with a troop bearing lances in the rear before wooded hills. Woven in rich crimsons, fine blues and golden-yellows, which give a sunny glow to the entire composition. These colors are complemented with tans, ivories, browns and fine ivories. Beautiful compartmented broad borders, woven in the more pastel shades of the field, on rich ivory grounds, developing medallions at centers of borders, enclosing varied classic subjects and landscapes; amongst them, Pomona, Flora, Psyche and Vertumnus. Further figures are at crown and side borders within wreathed arched niches, surmounted by festoons, variously held by cupidons and mon- keys. These are symbolic figures of Apollo, Literature, Minerva and Mercury. The spaces between these various figures are occupied by vases of fine fruit and flowers and attendant cupidons. Height, 11 feet 9 inches; width, 10 feet 7 inches. wteenth Century) . Tapestry (S 639—BrussELs O N Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 640—GorTuic ReENatssANCcE TAPESTRY Arras, Late Fifteenth Century THE BURNING OF PERSEPOLIS. At center of a rising uneven flower overgrown foreground a warrior is attacking and attempting to pull a fleeing man from a brown horse which he is riding. He clutches at his robes and tries to pull him to earth. At left is a further warrior, loaded down with loot from the burning city which is seen immediately behind him. Before a portal at the extreme left is a large chimpanzee gnawing a bone, while the city burns almost up to him. Beyond in the center and at left are personages driving a herd of cattle, a man chop- ping down a tree and another setting fire to a vineyard; hills and further edifices and a camp in the far distance. Woven in rich tans, browns, ivories, golden-yellows, greens, curious old-red, crimson and rich sap- phire-blue in coat of central figure, which gives a very dominant and pleasing note to the whole. Borders with light golden-yellow staves, bearing old-red clusters of very fine fruit and flowers at close intervals. Height, 11 feet 3 inches; length, 11 feet 9 inches. fi aye ate No. 640—Goruic Renaissance Tapestry (Arras, Late Fifteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 641—Brussets Tapestry Late Siateenth Century THE MEETING OF DARIUS AND ALEXANDER THE GREAT. A Medieval Legend. The noble Alexander stands slightly at left, in magnificent attire, with two attendants behind him. Before him kneels Darius, presenting magnificent vases as gifts to the Conqueror. Two elderly men attend him. Beyond, in the middle distance, is a columned palace, rising out of sight. Several groups of personages are about the center arcading of the palace. At right, before wooded hills is a group of personages welcoming the coming of the Conquerors, who are unseen in the distance. In the far distance is a further palace, crested by wooded hills. Woven in old-red, crimson, very fine golden-yellows,, ivories, greens, tans and beautiful sapphire-blue, which gives a distinctive charm to the tapestry. Very varied borders, the crowning one occupied by a cartouched medallion, having a pastoral landscape within, and flanked by clusters of exceptionally fine fruit and cartouched corners, from which further clusters of fruit are pendent. Side borders occupied by cupidons standing upon pedestals, holding huge bunches of luscious fruit in their arms and canopied by shell devices. The border at foot with central cartouche, flanked by winged mermaids and further fruit. Executed in the beautiful colors of the field, on grounds fluctuating from ivory to gray-tan. Height, 9 feet 8 inches; length, 10 feet. No. 641—Brussets Tapestry (Late Sixteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 642, Roya Fevetin Tapestry Eighteenth Century PASTORALE AFTER BOUCHER AND HUET. In the foreground at right a fisherman with his dog stands before a shepherdess, to whom he is giving the fish from his latest catch. The shepherdess’ flock is seen scattered in groups over the uneven foreground decked with fine flowers. A watermill, sheltered by a large group of trees is seen at extreme right, its waters flowing through a cleft in the rocks to a stone bridge. Slightly toward right and sheltered by a further clump of trees is a panoramic vista in whcih chateaux are seen. Woven in beautiful golden-yellows, fine ivories, tans, grays, greens, wine-crimson and occasional sapphire-blues. Border simulating gilded moldings, entwined with vines of flowers in crimsons and pinks. Finished at corners with scrolled cartouche motives. Height, 8 feet 9 inches; length, 9 feet 8 inches. No. 642—Royvart Feretin Tapestry (Eighteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 643—BrussEts Tapestry Siateenth Century ALEXANDER THE GREAT AT THE BATTLE OF ARBELA. The laureated Alexander in fine classic robes stands slightly to right of a flower-decked rising landscape. He is surrounded by his counsellors and warriors. In the distance beyond this group, is a large company of warriors, ready to attack. At left are two large groups of further troops, their officers arraying them preparatory to an attack on an unseen enemy. Between these two groups an, executioner is taking toll on the life of a spy with his sword. In the far distance is a range of finely wooded hills, amid which a few edifices are seen. Woven in rich golden-browns, ivory, greens and grays with sapphire-blue and golden- yellow giving the dominating tone to the subject. Broad compart- mented borders with classic figures within niches and in landscapes. At center of crown, sides, foot and lower corners Apollo, Pomona and figures symbolizing Abundance and Music. Between the figures are gar- lands of fruit and flowers, supported by cupidons. The group at the center, crown and foot are situated within beautiful and elaborately arcaded Italian gardens. Executed in the pastel shades of the field, on ivory ground. Height, 10 feet 11 inches; length, 12 feet 11 inches. No. 643—Brussets Tapestry (Sirteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 644-—BrussEts ‘TAPESTRY Late Stateenth Century CLEOPATRA PAYING HOMAGE. TO KING SOLOMON. The coro- neted king, wearing classic robes, is seated on a daised canopy, lavishly draped in sapphire-blue. At left Cleopatra approaches, wearing elabo- rate robes, held by two attendants, to pay homage to the wise king. At right are four counsellors and attendants of King Solomon. In the distance at left, the king is seen again, proceeding toward left on a white charger amid a group of warriors before wooded hills, occupied by many edifices. Woven in old-red, crimson, very fine golden-yellows, ivories, greens, tans and very beautiful sapphire-blues which give a dis- tinctive charm to the composition. Very varied borders, the crowning one occupied by a cartouched medallion having a pastoral landscape within, and flanked by clusters of exceptionally fine fruit and cartouches at corners from which further clusters of fruit are pendent. Side borders occupied by cupidons standing upon pedestals, holding huge bunches of luscious fruit in their arms and canopied by shell devices. The border at foot with central cartouche, flanked by winged mermaids and further fruit. Executed in the beautiful colors of the field, on grounds fluctuat- ing from ivory to gray-tan. Height, 9 feet 11 inches; length, 18 feet 1 inch. aa 3) | —~ a (f inqua e) YJUaaynr S 2p) AULSaaY L STASsNug— v v9 ON bee TS Sie Fase Tae ee Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. This very remarkable set of gold and silver enriched Tapes- tries, woven with biblical and profane subjects at Arras, in the late fifteenth century, have borders at crown and foot only, dis- playing clustered and trailing sprays of varied fruit and flowers. They are, however, finished on all sides with their original narrow bands of golden-yellow and old-red. The subjects are most dramatically portrayed and have a great radiance of color in which crimson, golden-yellows and blues predominate over the greens, grays and ivories. 6454,—Goruic RENAissANcE ArRAs TAPESTRY Late Fifteenth Century THE JUDGMENT OF SOLOMON. The King is seated about center, on a daised throne. He wears elaborately embroidered robes, and be- fore him, on a small pallet, is the dead child. At right are the two women in argument with the King. He has just pronounced judgment and a sturdy man holds the other child in his left arm, having a drawn sword in his right hand, about to execute the King’s purpose. Three counselors are at left, and at right, grouped behind the women, are two further counselors and a falconer with a hawk perched on his wrist. Height, 6 feet 1 inch; length, 9 feet 3 inches. (hanquag yquaaqf{ig ajo’) AULSAdV], SVUUY DONVSSIVNAY OIHLOQ—VGFO ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 6458—Gornic RenaissANcE Arras Tapestry Late Fifteenth Century KING DAVID ENTREATETH BATHSHEBA. The King, wearing voluminous classic robes, in the foreground of a vast panoramic land- scape, depicting streams and several mountain ranges amongst which are edifices and the Sun in Splendor at the right, kneels about center. He is paying his addresses to Bathsheba, who stands slightly to the right of him. She is pointing toward the distance with her left hand. At the left are two mounted horsemen and.a page, holding the King’s horse ready for him to mount. At the extreme right a fox is Jumping over the stunted trunk of a tree toward a squirrel that is perched on the ground before the King’s coroneted hat. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; length, 8 feet 9 inches. qy are ( Fee (hunquag yquaaifjrg 2qv’T) AULSAaV]T, SVUNY AINVSSIVNAY JIHLOX)—ad GPO “ON Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 645c—Gortuic Renaissance Arras TAPESTRY Late Fifteenth Century URIAH ARMING TO DEPART FOR BATTLE. Uriah stands about center in partial armor. At right is a page, bearing his body armor, and at left is an armorer busy equipping him for battle. Bath- sheba, with two attendants, is seen at the extreme left, standing beyond the breast and back plate and plumed helm of the Chieftam. At right is a further personage, carrying two large swords. He,stands near the end of the edifice before which the group appears and a portion of: the landscape with further edifices is seen beyond him. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; length, 7 feet 3 inches. No. 645c—Goruic Renaissance Arras Tapestry (Late Fifteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 645p—Goruic RenatssAncE Arras TAPESTRY Late Fifteenth Century KING DAVID DISPATCHING URIAH TO THE BATTLE FRONT. King David in long embroidered crimson cloak, holding a sceptre in his right hand, is seated at left, his left hand extended, giv- ing instructions to Uriah, who is clad in full medieval armor, and kneel- ing before him at right; a recumbent hound partially seen beside him. Five attendant counselors are grouped around the principal figures. The scene transpires on ‘a tesselated terrace, at the background of which are Ionic columns. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 6 feet 1 inch. ‘ , P No. 645p—GotTnic Renaissance Arras Tapestry (Late Fifteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 645—E—GorTuHic Renaissance ARRAS ‘TAPESTRY Late Fifteenth Century VENUS AND MARS. Venus is seated at left, a drapery across her lap, while a blindfolded cupidon stands beside her, carrying his bow and sheaf of arrows. She leans forward in conversation with the mar- tial god, who stands toward right, clad in classic Roman attire, bear- ing a sword in his right hand and a target in his left. Beyond is a hilly landscape, in which several figures are partially seen at right. Height, 6 feet; length, 6 feet 1 inch. No. 645z—Gornic Renaissance Arras Tapestry (Late Fifteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the-forepart of the Catalogue. 645r—Gotuic RenaissaNcE ARRAS TAPESTRY Late Fifteenth Century MERCURY DELIVERING A MESSAGE FROM JOVE TO PSYCHE. Mercury, in classic Roman attire, with winged helmet, and holding his caduceus over his left shoulder, stands before an open arched portal which gives a vista of a romantic wooded landscape, in which is an ancient castle. At left is Psyche, leaning slightly toward him, listening to Jove’s message. She is wearing a typical costume of the period, enriched with vari-colored bandings. Height, 6 feet 1 inch; width, 5 feet 6 inches: No. 645r—Goruic Renaissance Arras Tapestry (Late Fifteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. This Palace parlor Needlework Suite and the succeeding Chairs came from the collection of the Contessa Mazzarino. They are remarkable for their fine state of preservation. 646—Very Important NEEDLEWORK CARVED WALNUT SUITE French, Early Eighteenth Century Canapé with paneled serpentined back and seat, covered in gros and petit-point and point St. Cyr, developing in the back within scrolled medallion two lovers seated in close proximity, a hound at the youth’s feet. The youth is about to play the cornemuse. Flanked by fantastic [Continued on following page | Third and Last Afternoon eee reer ee eee ee ee ae renee [ No. 646—Continued | scrollings and two further medallions, occupied by court belles dancing. The seat similar; the lovers drinking wine and a belle and a beau in flanking panels, Executed in very rich harmonious colors on resonant black grounds. Open scrolled arms, supported on leaf-scrolled valanced seats and cabriole legs. Four fauteuils are similar in form; the backs variously adorned with interesting groups of figures: a Court Belle at her toilette, a musicale, the Reapers, a Huntsman and a Belle, with hounds and his game, a dead boar. The seats with single figures. Height of canapé, 38 inches; length, 58 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. J41—Two Important NEEDLEWORK CarveD Watnut FavTevi.4s French, Early Eighteenth Century two Court Belles and a Dancing Beau below. Seats with birds, imals and scrollings. é He erate the preceding. The backs displaying Diana in her Chariot i \ ee n 648—Two Important NEEDLEWORK Carved Watnut FAvuTEviLs French, Early Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. The backs displaying Court Belles playing Ny musical instruments amid scrollings. Seats with scrollings. Ne Rae Important NEEDLEWORK Carvep WaLtnut FavuTevits oe French, Early Eighteenth Century \ ee Similar to the preceding. The backs enriched in Chinoiserie subjects, displaying in one two Court Belles sustaining a jardiniére of fruit and in the other a Belle swinging above two attendants. The seats with birds. Third and Last Afternoon 650—Two Improrrant NEEDLEWoRK Carved WaAtnut FAvuTeEvIts French, Early Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. The backs displaying peasants reveling; the seats with animals and birds. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. OTTO BERNET, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. t es COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY VL ae eae [eee ab Oe mae w ee nt Ben co wii nu ig ¢ EG a ateearn ‘ » har re se Y Eira ash fie Pac ‘ t f r s he Pe ey 4 Pit ey: i . bad Bb é L 1 ‘ 4 Ass \ : ta 4 ‘ ‘ i Sb ae ‘ Das ty \ et a ‘ ‘ t i n M t ibe parents i eH A wi Date Abbas wai tee ‘ ‘ hj v TN cy BPS Ceilse: © Ss A tee i t ‘ P VW EE : 20 WARS hit BU yuit Sh Se ated 1 Le bey { ee He es DA) i cia SUR MO mnie SNCS ke BGR Bak Peery y het t dhe eee a 0S ted m, 4 aL cag ee ve ; veut o fe \ ri X a . i ite ve uy ) ' 3 i} Cathe a hee ‘ 46 rm» aha t ee STRUM I ea t cet rar OLS a H i uN t AM i + iy i uh te i Wedd ARS i us } «4 Shh 4 u. fete ‘ ‘ ER ath ie \ Oy Baty ler Tuy haus a Nae wh