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| Con.No. 87'-
Atlas of absorption spectra
UHLER, H. S. and WOOD, R. W.
H. S. UHLER and R. W. WOOD
Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington
May, 1907
By R. W. Woop.
In spite of the very large amount of work which has been done on ab-
sorption spectra, there exists practically no collection of photographed spectra
from which one can pick out the media most suitable for any particular line
of investigation. The greater part of the published records are drawings
made from visual observations, and give no information regarding the optical
properties of the media in the ultra-violet. It seems desirable therefore to
compile a set of photographic records which are free from the errors liable
to enter into observations made by visual methods, and to arrange them in
such a way that the medium or media necessary to secure a desired result
could be readily found from a mere inspection of the plates.
A great deal of experimental work was necessary before satisfactory
photographic records were obtained. The details of the spectrograph and
the refinements of the method have been worked out very skilfully by
Dr. Uhler, who has done practically all of the experimental work. It was
our original plan to include the colored salts of metals, and to examine a
large number of colorless substances for peculiarities in the ultra-violet. The
solutions of the inorganic compounds could not, however, be investigated
in precisely the same manner, owing to their less powerful absorption. Much
thicker absorbing wedges were required, and these gave trouble, even when
compensated, as a result of dispersion. It was therefore decided to limit
the present work chiefly to a study of the aniline dyes, which are used toa
much greater extent than the metallic salts, in the preparation of absorbing
screens. The absorption spectra of a number of metallic salts, however,
have been photographed, as it is believed that many of them will be useful
in the preparation of ray filters; some of them are far more transparent in
the ultra-violet than the aniline dyes. Even such substances as the salts
of erbium, neodymium, and praseodymium are useful in special cases where
it is desired to suppress one or more isolated spectral lines. For example,
a solution of neodymium has a very narrow and intense band coincident with
the D lines, and has therefore the property of cutting out the sodium radia-
tion from a given source, transmitting at the same time nearly the whole of
the remainder of the spectrum. _ The same salt can be used to advantage
when working with the new cadmium and zinc arc lamps in quartz tubes,
made by Heraeus. The fact that the absorption of each substance in the
ultra-violet is recorded, makes the plates of especial value to any engaged
in the preparation of screens for spectroscopic or photographic purposes.
For the removal or transmission of one or more isolated lines some
other arrangement is often more useful than an absorbing screen. A
spectroscope with a slit placed in the focus of the observing telescope
(monochromatic illuminator) is frequently all that is necessary. But if more
light is required, the following device may be used. A block of quartz from
2 to 4 cm. in thickness, cut perpendicular to the optic axis, is mounted
between two Nicol prisms. The transmitted spectrum is crossed by black
bands, which result from the rotatory power of the quartz. By adjusting
the nicols and varying the thickness of the quartz it is often possible to get
rid of the spectrum lines which are not desired, and at the same time to
utilize the whole area of the source, which can never be done with the spec-
troscope. In this way, with a quartz plate 45 mm. thick, the line 4809 of
the zinc arc in quartz can be completely removed and the two lines 4721
and 4679 transmitted. This method is especially useful in the study of the
fluorescence excited in various bodies by monochromatic light.
If it is necessary to separate radiations of very nearly the same wave-
length, for example if we wish to work with the light of one of the two
sodium lines, the following arrangement can be used: A quartz plate about
2 cm. in thickness, cut parallel to the axis, is mounted between crossed nicols,
with its axis making an angle of 45° with the principal planes of the polar-
izing prisms. The source is placed behind a vertical slit 2 or 3 mm. in
width, and the light, after traversing the polarizing system is brought to a
focus by a lens. A number of concentric maxima and minima will be
formed, the light of D, and D, being found in adjacent maxima. The
wave-length which is not desired can be stopped by a screen of suitable
dimensions placed at the focus of the lens. In this way it is possible to
obtain a source of Dior Deradiation of sufficient intensity to show distinct
fringes ina Michelson interferometer. By acurious coincidence this method
occurred independently to the writer and to Professor Michelson on the same
day. It has been found to give excellent satisfaction. The thickness of
the quartz plates used in either of the above cases depends upon the close-
ness of the lines which it is desired to separate.
Weare under great obligation to the Actiengesellschaft fiir Anilinfabrika-
tion and to Meister, Lucius & Briining, both of which firms presented the
Johns Hopkins University with a large collection of aniline dyes.
If we look over the literature of the subject of absorption of light we
fail to find a collection of absorption spectra presented in such a manner as
to enable the observer to select at a glance a substance which produces
either general or selective absorption in any specified part of the visible or
ultra-violet spectrum. The wave-lengths of the absorption bands and other
characteristics of the absorption exhibited by innumerable natural and arti-
ficial compounds and mixtures, both inorganic and organic, may be found
in a great many books, journals, memoirs, and dissertations. If all of these
results were reproduced and catalogued in one volume they would not satis-
factorily fulfil the requirements just mentioned, because the different experi-
menters have had various objects in view and hence they have worked in
various and limited parts of the spectrum, have used different numerical
dispersions, have employed optical systems of unlike dispersion curves, have
not made it possible even to reduce their results to graphical form much less
to a common basis of wave-lengths and normal dispersion, etc. The nearest
approach to a work of the kind under consideration is made by the publica-
tions of J. Formanek, especially the two volumes entitled respectively ‘‘ Die
Qualitative Spektralanalyse anorganischer Kérper” and ‘‘Spektralanaly-
tischer Nachweis kiinstlicher organischer Farbstoffe;” Berlin, 1900, For-
manek’s investigations are very extensive and complete from the point of
view explicitly stated in the preface to the last-named volume. It was his
aim to develop a practical spectroscopic method of procedure by which any
given organic coloring matter could be unambiguously identified. He says:
‘‘Das Princip des hier beschreibenen neuen Verfahrens beruht auf der Kombina-
tion der spektralanalytischen Beobachtung und der chemischen Untersuchung ; dieses
Verfahren liefert nicht nur sichere Resultate, sondern sein Vortheil liegt auch darin,
dass man mit Hilfe desselben alle einzelnen Farbstoffe von einander unterscheiden
Formanek, in order to obtain his results, varied the concentrations of
his solutions until each absorption band of a given substance became in suc-
cession as well defined as possible, so that the wave-lengths of their maxima
might be read off with precision. This method is preéminently adapted to
locating maxima, but it gives very little, if any, information relative to the
absorption between and beyond the maxima, for bodies exhibiting marked
: 3
selective absorption, and it tells even less about substances presenting
weak, general absorption. Another important respect in which Formanek’s
diagrams fail to give the data required by the first sentence of this section is
that he confined his measurements to eye observations, unaided by phos-
phorescent screens, and hence he omitted the entire ultra-violet region.
In fact, his wave-lengths have the limits 420~2 and 741Iyp, 1. e., from
“above” the G line to a little ‘‘ below” the aline. Formanek used a prism
spectroscope to the dispersion of which he gives no clue.
To fill in this gap in the then existing collections of absorption spectra
the present research was begun in the spring of 1903. Its chief object is Zo
furnish graphical representations, on a normal scale of wave-lengths, of the
absorption spectra, both in the visible and in the ultra-violet regions, of a reason-
ably large number of compounds.
The most obvious use to which such a collection can be put is the pro-
duction of color screens either for photographic work or for removing higher
orders of spectra from the first order, in the case of diffraction gratings. It
also makes possible the selection of such solutions as will transmit relatively
narrow, and hence roughly monochromatic, regions of the spectrum. Such
solutions are often convenient substitutes for somewhat elaborate pieces of
apparatus which first disperse the light by a prism (or grating) and then
permit any desired portion of the resulting spectrum alone to continue unin-
terrupted by means of a suitable slit and screens. Other directions in which
the data given below may be of practical value need not be pointed out here.
That a great deal of time was consumed in constructing apparatus and
in performing preliminary experiments is shown by the fact that, although
the investigation was entered upon in the spring of 1903, it was not until
July, 1904, that the first really satisfactory negative was obtained. Only
aqueous solutions of the aniline dyes have been investigated up to the present
time. As is well known, the position of an absorption band may be shifted
within wide limits by varying the solvent ;* moreover, many aniline dyes
are insoluble, or nearly so, in water. On this account it would have been
desirable to have made use of the alcohols, benzol, and other organic com-
pounds as solvents for the media under investigation. But difficulties were
met with which were not overcome until the study of the dyes was completed.
Chief among them may be mentioned the rapid evaporation of the fluid held
between the quartz plates. Attempts were made to obviate the difficulty by
painting the edges of the wedge with melted paraffin, but the heat of the
spark was sufficient to drive off the greater part of the fluid before the
* See Nos. 158 and 165.
exposure was finished. Water is, however, the solvent generally used, and
the easiest one to manage. It is moreover free from ultra-violet absorp-
tion, which is not true of the majority of the other solvents available, and
all dyes which can be dissolved in water can be used for staining gelatin
films. The gelatin can be dissolved in the solution of the dye and clean
glass plates flowed with the warm solution, or an unexposed photographic
plate, after preliminary treatment with thiosulphate of soda and thorough
washing, may be stained with the solution of the dye. It is probable that
the position of the absorption bands is the same in gelatin as in water, for
the indices of refractién of the two media are very nearly the same.
Because of their great variety, strong selective absorption, and general
interest, aniline dyes and their related organic compounds were selected as
best suited for the study contemplated.
In order to obtain reasonably normal spectra a spherical, concave,
speculum grating, whose radius of curvature was 98.3 cm., was used. For
the first order spectra and for short photographic exposures the astigmatism
of the reflector did not produce deleterious effects. This-was determined
by actual measurements. The length of one line of the ruling was 1.96 cm.,
and the assemblage of lines covered 5.36 cm. The spectroscopic resolving
power was 21,250 (2.125 inches with 10,000 lines per inch). The incon-
venience of superposed higher orders will be mentioned later on. To obtain
a general idea of the normality of the spectrograms and of the linear dis- .
persion it may be stated that, by calculation one millimeter the center of
which was at 214.7», Or 399.4uu, OF 656.34, covered 25.77, 25.84, and
25.71 A. U., respectively, for the spectrum was designed to be normal at
the air line 399. 4p.
Because of the short radius of curvature of the focal surface (about 49
cm.) celluloid films were employed in most cases. The films used through-
out were M. A. Seed’s ‘‘L-ortho cut negative films,” size 5 by 7 inches.
The emulsion is by no means equally sensitive over the field of wave-lengths
studied, i. e., from 0.21 to 0.634. The chief maximum of sensitiveness is
in the yellow, about 0.56. A much weaker maximum is near o.49. The
middle of the less sensitive intervening region is very roughly 0.52».
For the short exposures given throughout, these films are not appreciably
influenced by wave-lengths longer than about 0.614. The resultant effect of
the Nernst glower and the Seed emulsion is best understood by referring to
fig. 102, plate 26, for which the times of exposure were, in order, 2 seconds,
5 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, and 3 minutes.
Various schemes to make the resultant action more uniform were tried
and other makes of films were tested, but no improvement on the simple
combination of the Seed emulsion and the Nernst glower resulted, therefore
they were used almost exclusively. The Seed films are good in the ultra-
violet as is shown by the fact that with an exposure of 5 minutes the alumin-
ium line at 185 was clearly recorded. To see if appreciable shifts in the -
apparent positions of the absorption bands were produced by the yellow
maximum and the green minimum of the Seed films, negatives of the same
absorbing medium, under exactly the same conditions, were taken on sev-
eral different makes of films and plates which did not exhibit maxima and
minima of sensitiveness for the same wave-lengths. Also, other and inde-
pendent tests of this possible source of error were made. The conclusion
was that no noticeable displacements of the bands were caused. However,
in the cases of brown and other visibly colored solutions, exhibiting weak,
general absorption, the observer of the appended positives must be careful to
distinguish between true absorption and the spurious effects in the vicinity
of O. 52H.
In photographing bands in the orange and red, Cramer ‘‘Trichromatic ”
plates were found to be the best and hence they were used. The plates
being plane they had to occupy a mean position with respect to the focal
surface of the grating. Since only a comparatively small region of wave-
lengths was thus recorded, no measurable errors were introduced. In fact,
in the region considered, the second order ultra-violet of a discontinuous
spectrum taken on a film and on a plate could be superposed line for line.
' The developer used was a simple hydrochinone solution made up
according to Jewell’s formula.*
For wave-lengths from ‘‘above” 0.65” to ‘“‘below’’ 0.326, and for
exposures of about one minute, the Nernst glower was found to be the most
satisfactory. Prevailing circumstances made desirable the use of 104 volt
glowers on a circuit carrying about 133cycles. The emissivity of the Nernst
lamp varies so very greatly with the e. m. f. impressed upon its terminals
that it was obligatory to keep in series with the glower a Thomson A.C.
ammeter having a range from zero to two amperes and graduated directly
to 0.02 ampere. Fluctuations of more than 0.02 ampere invariably resulted
in a ‘spoiled photograph, consequently boxes containing variable metallic
resistance were maintained in series with the ammeter and thus, in spite of
large changes in the load on the dynamo, due to other experimental circuits,
it was possible to prevent the effective current in the filament from changing
*L. E. Jewell. Astrophys. Jour., v. XI, 1900, pp. 240-243.
by more than o.o1 ampere. The current was usually o.8 ampere or a little
less. The ammeter was appreciably more sensitive to small changes in the
terminal voltage than a comparably graduated Thomson A. C. voltmeter,
because the current shunted through the voltmeter was not negligible in
comparison with the current which fed the glower. Among other sources the
electric arc was given a fair trial and discarded for two reasons, first, because
of the intensity of the carbon and cyanogen bands, and second, because of
the inconveniences resulting from its unsteadiness and great emission of heat.
For wave-lengths between the strong ultra-violet of the Nernst glower
and o. 2 a spark discharge in air of about 1 cm. length wasused. In obtain-
ing the greater number of the negatives one electrode was composed of an
alloy of equal parts by weight of cadmium and zinc and the other was made
of sheet brass. The alloy wore away so rapidly that the brass electrode was
employed to reduce the labor attendant upon sharpening the terminals.
The electrodes were given a form apparently not
described before. As is very well known, many
spectral lines, both weak and strong, produced
by sparks between metallic surfaces extend only
a short distance beyond the metal and hence do
not offer a continuous source of light| across the
entire spark gap. In order to obtain a back-
ground of uniform intensity from edge to edge
of the negatives it was necessary to use some
scheme to nullify the effects of the non-uniformity of emission in the spark.
One way of accomplishing this is to rapidly translate the electrodes (main-
tained at a fixed distance apart) back and forth parallel to the length of
the slit of the spectrograph by some mechanical device.
The reciprocating action associated with this plan shakes the camera
and grating to such an extent as to demand greater rigidity in the apparatus
than it usually has. Therefore the electrodes were made in the shape of
wedges or chisels with the sharp edges parallel to the slit. The well-known
distribution of a rapidly alternating current in a conductor necessitated
curving the edges of the electrodes, as is shown in fig. 1, which is 5 natural
size. Due to the tearing away of the metal, and to various other causes,
the innumerable thread-like sparks changed the positions of their ends so
rapidly that the integrating action of the photographic film recorded a
perfectly uniform negative for exposures of 15 seconds or more. The
exposures generally lasted 75 seconds. The electrodes had to be kept sharp
and smooth, for, when this was neglected, the elementary sparks persisted
much longer in one position than in another and consequently caused streaks
of varying intensity to run along the negatives parallel to their length, as
can be seen in some of the positives reproduced in the appended plates, e.g.,
fig. 99, plate 25.
Fig. 1.—Flat and edge views.
The current for the spark was obtained in the following manner: An
alternating e. m. f. of about 106 volts (133 cycles) was impressed on the
terminals of an induction coil of unknown ratio of turns. Eight or nine
amperes commonly flowed in the primary. The interrupter of the coil was
thrown out of circuit and the coil therefore performed the functions of a
transformer. In parallel with the secondary was placed a Leyden jar about
18 inches high and of unmeasured capacity. No auxiliary spark was intro-
duced. The system could spark about 2.5 cm. in air between metallic
The great intensity of some of the ies characteristic of all the common
metals tried (Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn, etc.) made these metals undesirable
for the present work. Cadmium and zinc were selected only because of the
strong continuous background to which they give rise. Uranium, its salts or
its earths were not used in this work because they are unmanageable.
Naturally the pure metal in air burns to oxide at once; pitchblende can not
be worked into a suitable shape (at least, for such specimens as we have
been able to obtain); and, pitchblende is so very heterogeneous that the
position of the spark can not be depended upon for an instant. To have
employed a neutral atmosphere in conjunction with a reciprocating mechanism
would have consumed, obviously, too much time and would have demanded
too complicated, cumbersome and inconvenient an assemblage of apparatus.
In order to show the variations in the absorption spectrum of a given
substance when the thickness of the absorbing layer changed linearly, a
wedge-shaped cell was constructed. Vessels made on this principle have
been designed and used often before, notably by Angstrom, Gladstone, Govi,
Gibbs, Tumlirz, Hodgkinson, F. Melde, Hartley, and others.* Neverthe-
less, because the precise form of the cell is supposedly new and certainly
useful it may not be superfluous to enter into a detailed description of it
here. This little piece of apparatus was designed so that the relative posi-
tions of the quartz surfaces through which the light entered into, and emerged
from, the absorbing liquid could be varied at will, within certain limits. In
other words, matters were so arranged that the liquid could be in the form
either of a wedge, of variable angle, with zero thickness at the refracting
edge, or of a prism of variable angle and finite depth throughout, or of a
plane-parallel layer of changeable thickness. To satisfy these conditions it
was convenient to rely upon gravitation to preserve certain parts of the cell
in mutual contact. This in turn necessitated both the horizontal position of
* See H. Kayser, ‘‘ Handbuch der Spectroscopie,’’ v. 1, pp. 58, 59-
the bottom of the cell and (because it was desirable to reduce the number of
reflecting surfaces to a minimum) a vertical type of spectrograph.
The cell comprised five separable parts, as follows: (1) A brass frame-
work upon which the other parts rested; (2) a transparent tray, without a
lid, which confined the liquid in proper bounds; (3) a transparent boxlike
system which gave the upper surface of the liquid the desired position; (4)a
vulcanite framework to hold the last mentioned box in place; and (5s) four
mahogany pins or pegs to fasten the box to its framework.
(1) A side view of this framework is presented in figure 2. There
were three micrometer screws, all of the same pitch, viz: 1 turn = g in.
Tr + =0.053'cm. Lhe heads
: rit of the screws were grad-
e uated, on their upper sur-
Fig. 2.—Four-fifths natural size. hee screw TI was in the
medial plane of the cell while the remaining screws (T’ only is shown) were at
the other end of the system, were equidistant from this plane, and were as far
apart as possible. The micrometer screws called for vertical scales on the
adjacent brass-work to count whole turns. The handle is denoted by HH.
A black fiducial mark, F, on a white ground, enabled the experimenter to
tell what position the cell occupied with reference to the length of the slit of
the spectrograph. The lower end of F moved over a scale parallel to the
slit and in the plane of the jaws of the latter. The flange at the bottom of
the framework was made of brass only 0.014 cm. thick so that the absorb-
ing medium might be as near the slit as possible.
(2) An accurately ground, plane-parallel plate of quartz 40 mm. long,
18.5 mm. wide, and 2 mm. thick had cemented to its periphery four
rectangular sheets of thin glass 8 mm. high. Hence, the greatest depth of
liquid which could be studied by the aid of this cell was 6 mm.
(3) In figure 3, a, 4, c, and d designate the vertices 5
of the section of a quartz plate, made by a plane per-
pendicular to the plane the trace of which is the line \ b
ad. ab was 2 mm., ad was 34.8 mm., and the angle _ Fig. 3.—Four-fifths nat. size.
between the planes of ad and dc was 55 minutes of arc. The horizontal
width of the wedge was 10 mm. _ Glass walls surrounded three sides of the
wedge, as the outline indicates. The reason for using the quartz wedge was
to counteract the deviation and dispersion produced by the solution in the
cell. The angle of the liquid wedge could be varied until the deviation
effected by the quartz wedge nullified the average action of the absorbing
solution. At first it was supposed that with liquid wedges of 15 or so
minutes of arc a plane-parallel quartz plate could be used successfully instead
of the quartz wedge. This was true for some dyes but for concentrated
solutions of certain other dyes (notably the sodium salt of p-methoxy-
toluene-azo- #-naphthol-di-sulphonic acid) some compensating system was
absolutely necessary. Finally, the quartz wedge was made with the utmost
care by an expert optician, special pains being taken to have the edge
through d, perpendicular to the plane aécd, as sharply defined as possible,
and the surfaces whose traces are denoted by ad and dc were accurately
(4) Figure 4 presents a side view and an end view of the vulcanite frame
into which the quasi-box just described fitted. This frame was shaped
—— , out of a single block of vulcanite, for
experience showed that a cemented
system of several pieces was not dur-
able; also a dielectric was needed to
keep the sparks from jumping to the
screws. P indicates a little depression
Fig. 4.—Four-fifths natural size. which fitted over the point of the
screw T. P’ designates the end of a straight line along which the rounded
extremity of the screw T’ slid. P” is the cross-section of a shallow,
V-shaped groove along which the pointed end of the third screw, T”, like-
wise slid. The perforations M, M’, etc., correspond to each other and to
the associated wooden pegs mentioned above as (5).
Figure 5 is an unconventional
sketch of the cell when completely
A cell of the construction just
Fig. 5. described is very well suited to the
study of thin layers of solutions in solvents of relatively high boiling-points,
such as water and amy] alcohol, but, unless inclosed in some suitable vessel,
it is not applicable to solvents of lower boiling-points like ethyl alcohol,
ether, chloroform, etc.
A few words concerning cements may not be superfluous because a great
many receipts were tried and none was considered entirely satisfactory.
No single cement was found which satisfied the following three necessary
conditions : (a) Of being unaffected by hot or cold water ; (4) of being insolu-
ble in the alcohols, ether, chloroform, carbon bisulphide, etc. ; (c) of drying
or setting in three or four days, at most.
The plan used by Prof. H. N. Morse, in waterproofing cells for the
study of osmotic pressure, gave the best results and hence it was followed
in fastening together the quartz and glass parts of the cell described in the
last section. These parts were first fastened together with Khotinsky
cement in the usual way, that is, by heating them in an air bath, to any
convenient temperature above the melting point of this cement, and by
heating a stick of the adhesive mixture in a Bunsen flame and then applying
it to the surfaces of the hot quartz and glass.
Since this resinous cement is soluble in ethyl and amy] alcohol and other
solvents, and because it is attacked by various liquids, such as an aqueous
solution of potassium permanganate, it was necessary to coat the exposed sur-
faces of the cement with something which was chemically inert towards the
solutions to be studied. Such a substance is a solution of rubber in carbon
bisulphide. This solution was made and used as follows: From an adequate
length of black, soft, rubber connecting-tubing segments about 2 cm. long
were cut and heated in an evaporating dish over a Bunsen flame until the
sections fused, ran together, and formed a very sticky, viscous liquid. (A
single long piece of tubing does not liquefy at all satisfactorily.) The liquid
state persisted after the contents of the evaporating dish had been allowed
to cool down to about room temperature. Carbon bisulphide was next
poured into the dish and the contents of the latter were stirred until a
homogeneous solution resulted.
The relative proportions of the carbon bisulphide and rubber used were
immaterial and were determined by convenience only The solution can be
retained indefinitely in a tightly stoppered bottle and used whenever needed.
A thin layer of the solution was painted over the Khotinsky cement, after
which the quartz-glass system was heated in an air bath at about 100° C.
until the layer became dry and hard, and was no longer sticky. (Of course,
during the first part of the process the transparent elements of the cell had
to fit over a suitable wooden ‘‘form,”’ because Khotinsky cement softens too
much at 100° C. to maintain objects in their proper relative positions.) After
this another thin coat of the rubber. solution was applied and the heating
continued. This succession of operations was repeated until a thick, hard,
dark-brown covering for the joints was obtained. It then made little differ-
ence whether the original cement were present or not, as the hard rubber
held the quartz and glass together very satisfactorily.
A cement which dissolves readily in water and in acetic acid but which
is not affected by ethyl alcohol, amyl alcohol, carbon bisulphide, glycerin,
chloroform, ether, benzol, nitrobenzol, aniline oil B, benzaldehyde, toluol,
etc., is made by dissolving 2 pounds of pure gelatin in one quart of water and
adding to the resulting solution 7 ounces of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.35 to 1.42).
The final solution is colorless and when applied in thin layers dries in a day
or so. It is called Dumoulin’s liquid glue. This glue does not keep well,
even in a tightly stoppered bottle, and is best made up fresh just before
being applied as an adhesive.
Since the completion of the experimental work on the aniline dyes a
cell, in the construction of which no cement at all was employed, has been
designed and successfully used by one of us.* This cell could retain any
liquids which would not attack glass and quartz and, although it was
designed to confine the solutions in plane-parallel layers, nevertheless, the
principles involved in its construction were such as to admit of extension to
the production of a cell which would be wedge-shaped in the interior and
would, at the same time, hold organic solvents, prevent evaporation, etc.
The essential parts of a vertical section of the spectrograph are outlined
in figure 6. They may be tersely described, with the aid of symbols,
as follows: In the first place, the elements of the system were adjustable
in every respect. Light from the Nernst filament, N, was focused by the
concave speculum mirror, R, on the slit, S, whence it continued to the
erating, G, from which a portion of it was dispersed in the direction of the
sensitized film, F. The distances from the middle of the slit to the centers
of the mirror and grating were respectively about 89.5 cm. and 97.1 cm.
The electrodes, E, were usually at the distance of 4.2 cm. above the slit and
they did not interfere with the passage of the light from the reflector to the
slit. No lenses or other reflectors were used. The micrometer head at M
indicated the separation of the slit-jaws. © and Q’ denote a screen system
such that when QO was vertical the passage of light from the grating to the
camera was not interfered with, whereas when Q was horizontal only ultra-
violet light of shorter wave-length than 0.4» could reach the photographic
film. PP is a horizontal platform with a scale along its front edge. By
sliding projecting, horizontal, opaque screens of various widths along this
platform it was possible to cut out completely any region or regions of wave-
lengths desired.
In making certain tests, the platform and sliding screens were very
convenient. L is the section of a thin, black, metal shutter capable of
motion in a horizontal direction and hence at right angles to the length of
the photographic films; in other words, parallel to the slit and to the rulings
of the grating. A number of long, rectangular slots or openings, suitably
spaced and_proportioned, were present in this screen so that strips of differ-
ent widths of the films or plates could be exposed to the light from the
grating without causing any displacement of the sensitized surfaces with refer-
*The description of the details of the cell is given on pages 241 to 243 of Publication No. 60 of the
Carnegie Institution of Washington, entitled: Hydrates in Aqueous Solution. By Harry C. Jones.
ence to the grating and slit. This was necessary for impressing comparison
spectra, etc. H and H’ suggest the rack-and-pinion system by the aid of
which the films could have unexposed portions brought successively opposite
to some selected opening in the slide-screen L. D and D’ denote two of
the four doors which gave access to
the interior of the spectrograph, and
which made it possible to close up
the camera light-tight, while making
various adjustments with the rest of the
system. The camera was made so
that, when it contained neither a film
nor a plate, it was possible for the
experimenter to look directly at the
erating and to make observations with
the assistance of an eye-piece.
Certain black-on-white scales and
ruby-glass windows (Z, for example)
enabled the experimenter to know the
precise relative positions of the various
" accessories on the interior of the spec-
trograph, when the entire system was
shut up and exposures were being made.
Numerous dull black diaphragms and
screens (Aj, Ay, As, As As, etc.) pro-
tected the photographic film from the
unusable light which came from the cen-
tral image, I, and from all the spectra
except the one desired. Uj, and O;
give the extreme rays of so much of the
first order spectrum as was studied,
that is, U; and O, correspond respec-
tively to about 0.20 and 0.6254. Ob-
viously, the spectrograph was dull black,
both inside and out, and contained
plaited black velvet in appropriate
places. A general idea of the size of
the apparatus may be derived from
the following dimensions: From RK to
the plane of BC — 198.5 cm.; BC
— 34.5 cm.; the bottom edge perpen-
dicular to BC — 27.5 cm.; BJ = 116
Fig. 6.—One-tenth natural size. cm. a and JK — 29 cm.
A small, known mass of a selected dye was carefully weighed on a
chemical balance, and put at the bottom of a medium-sized test-tube.
Then distilled water was run from a burette into the test-tube, and the
latter shaken up from time to time, until the resulting solution appeared to
have the proper concentration. As would be expected, practice produced
skill in judging absorption of visible light, but to get the right concentration
with respect to ultra-violet light was not always soeasy. The greatest error
in measuring the solvents was about 0.2 per cent. Since the concentrations
are only intended to serve as general guides to an understanding of the
spectrograms, a higher degree of accuracy would have been superfluous.
Neither was there any reason, in general, for noting the volume of solution
which contained a known number of grams of pure solvend; in other words,
changes in volume due to the processes of solution were not regarded.
Especial care was taken to remove all coloring matter from the cell
before introducing another solution into it. Dust caused more trouble than
anything else. After cleaning the quartz and glass elements of the cell the
various parts of the latter were assembled and, when a frzsm of liquid was
to be studied, the micrometer screws regulated in the following manner:
All the screws were turned down so as not to touch the vulcanite framework,
and:thus to cause the quartz wedge to rest on the quartz plate. Then the
screw I had its point elevated again and again until it just touched the
deepest part of the depression P. (See figures 2, 3, 4, and 5.) This
condition was attained by gently rocking the system around the edge d of
the quartz wedge, somewhat after the fashion of experimenting with certain
types of spherometer. Thus the zero position of the cell was determined,
before each experiment, of course. Next, guided by the circular and plane
scales, the observer turned up the screw T until the desired angle, between
the wedge and plate, was known to obtain. After this, the screw corre-
sponding to T’ was turned up until its tip projected far enough into the groove
P” to prevent the quartz wedge and its accessories from sliding over the
quartz plate around the point T as pivot, but yet not far enough to raise the
vulcanite frame the least bit. Finally, a small amount of the solution was
poured into the cell and the latter was then placed on the very thin brass
sheet which rested upon and protected the jaws of the slit.
As soon as the cell was placed over the slit and the glower had been
lighted the cell was moved forward and backward, parallel to the slit, while
one edge of the field of view was examined with an eye-piece, until a position
of the cell was obtained for which the light passing through the quartz wedge
at its refracting edge (d of figure 3) illuminated the very limit of the
field of view as seen through the chosen slot of the shutter (L of figure 6).
The position of the mark on the handle of the cell (F of figure 2), with
respect to the horizontal scale in the plane of the slit-jaws, was then read off.
If the cell were then moved, ever so little, in one direction the width of the
brightly illuminated field could be seen to be less than the opening in the
shutter; whereas, if the cell were translated in the opposite sense no increase
in the width of the illuminated field occurred. At this opportunity, eye-
observations of the absorption between 0.400» and 0.625 were always
made and the facts recorded.
When the concentration of the liquid in the cell was much too great or
far too small this instrument had to be cleansed and filled with a solution of
more suitable absorbing power, obviously, but when the concentration was
not too remote from the best value the effective depth of the cell was varied
until the desired result was obtained.
All three screws were raised and regulated in an obvious manner when
prisms of liquid having nowhere infinitesimal thickness were wanted. When
layers of liquid of uniform depth were studied a system much like that
shown in figure 3, but which had for bottom a plane-parallel plate of
quartz 2 mm. thick, was substituted for the quartz-wedge system.
The diedral angles formed by the cell were calculated from the dimen-
sions of the instrument, and also from measurements made with a spec- -
The majority of the spectrograms consist of three distinct photographs
taken side by side and as close together as possible. (,See the plates.) The
width of each photograph was practically the same as the width of the
opening in the shutter L. Numerous trials showed that this field of view
was completely filled with light, with no overlapping on the grating-side of
the opaque portions of the shutter, when the length of the slit was dia-
phragmed down to 10.5mm. Consequently, the slit was limited to a length
of a very little more than this number and the cell was moved along exactly
10.5 mm. between the taking of two adjacent photographic strips on the
same film. By this means, the thickness of absorbing liquid through which
the light passed to the very edge of one photographic strip was equal to the
thickness subsequently traversed by the light which recorded itself at the
contiguous edge of the adjacent strip. Of course, the best appearing records
were obtained when the film holder, actuated by the rack-and-pinion system,
was moved, by an amount exactly equal to the width of the opening in the
shutter. A casual inspection of the positives reproduced in the appended
plates shows that mechanical shifts, in wave-lengths, of the strips on one
complete spectrogram, with reference to one another, exist. This may mar
the appearance of the photographs somewhat, but the ultra-violet spark lines
show the magnitude of the displacements so that corrections can be made,
and hence the ultimate scientific value of the results is not decreased.
The order of events in taking a complete negative of ¢hree strips was
invariably as follows: The thickest layer of absorbing liquid was over the
opening of the slit first, then the intermediate layer, and last of all, the
thinnest layer, which usually tapered to infinitesimal depth. This sequence
enabled the comparison spectrum to be taken by moving the shutter, L,
without jarring the film-holder, so as to minimize the shift of this spectrum
relative to the adjacent photographic strip. For negatives of more than three
strips precisely the reverse succession was adopted because it was easier to
commence with the cell in adjustment and then to raise the quartz wedge
parallel to itself than to lower all three micrometer screws by the same
number of turns until the quartz wedge just barely came into contact with
the quartz bottom of the cell. With the screen Q horizontal the first expo-
sure with the spark was taken. The screen was lowered and the second
exposure was made, this time with the Nernst glower. These two exposures
produced the first of the three photographic strips. Next the film-holder
and cell were moved the proper distances, as explained above. The glower
and spark exposures followed in the order named. After again moving the
film-holder and cell, the fifth and sixth exposures were produced by
the spark and glower respectively. Finally the cell and diaphragm were
removed from the slit, another opening in the shutter was adjusted before
the film, and the comparison spectrum impressed. In general, the glower
exposures lasted 60 seconds, the ultra-violet exposures 75 seconds, and the
comparison exposures 35 seconds. The width of the slit was always 0.008
cm. In any one complete spectrogram the exposures to the Nernst light
were all equal to each other and those for the ultra-violet were related to
one another in the same manner. Experience showed that the intervals 60
and 75 seconds were best suited to cause the overlapping ends of the photo-
graphic impressions to blend as if they had been produced simultaneously
by light from a single source. With the longest exposures used, the light
from the glower did not affect the films and plates for wave-lengths as short
as 0.315 and, since the field photographed did not comprise wave-lengths
longer than 0.63», there was no trouble produced by the ultra-violet of the
second order. The screen Q took care of this matter so far as the spark
exposures were concerned. Figures 14 and 15, plate 4, indicate how the
processes just explained can be extended to negatives as wide as may be
desirable and hence to as deep layers of absorbing liquid as may be wished.*
*Of course, a cell deeper than 6 mm. would be necessary if the matter were pushed very far.
If the distances from the edge of a positive which is adjacent to the
comparison spectrum (which edge therefore corresponds to zero depth of
liquid in the cell) to arbitrary points on the boundary of a sharply-defined
absorption curve be called ordinates, and if wave-lengths be considered as
abscisse, we may say that the absorption constants* associated with any
two chosen wave-lengths are inversely proportional to the ordinates belong-
ing to these wave-lengths. This statement involves certain assumptions,
about emission curves and sensibility curves, a discussion of which will not
be given here.
If the edge of an absorption band is a straight line at right angles to the
length of the picture it means that the position of this side of the band
will not appreciably change with wide variations in the concentration of the
solution; in other words, the limit of absorption will remain at the same
wave-length regardless of the concentration. This is roughly the case in
figs. 4 and 15 of plates 1 and 4 at the respective wave-lengths 0.29» and
0.515, and for most of the narrow bands of figs. 96, 100, and ror. If this
condition holds for all the bands of a given substance, which are within or
near the confines of the visible spectrum, the color of the light transmitted
by the solution will be the same no matter how much the concentration be
varied. This is well illustrated by solutions of the salts of neodymium and
When the boundary of an absorption band is a straight line inclined to
the axis of wave-lengths it may be inferred that the limit of the band will be
displaced in proportion to the change of concentration, and that the factor of
proportionality depends upon the angle which the line makes with the axis of
abscissae. This is exemplified in fig. 45, plate 12, by the portions of the
band, at wave-length 0.47 corresponding to the thicker layers of liquid.
In like manner, the general relation between the displacements of the
limits of absorption and the associated changes in concentration may be
easily inferred when the confines of the absorption bands are curved either
convex or concave.
Two plans suggest themselves for the sequence of the experimental data,
viz: (a) To classify the material on the basis of the characteristics of the
absorption spectra, i. e., the succession, intensity, etc., of the bands and
regions of absorption ; (4) to arrange the results according to the chemical
: —Kl
ein fee
nature of the absorbing media. Because the first method conforms more
closely to the professed object of the present research than the second, every
scheme consistent with it was tried which suggested itself. The great num-
ber of combinations on the negatives of the effects of weak, general absorp-
tion with definite, intense bands, combined with more or less uncertainty as
to the interpretation of the negatives in the region for which the source of
the discontinuous spectrum had to be used, made it impossible to find a
satisfactory permutation of the photographic records. Consequently the
second plan suggested above was followed as far as the text is concerned.
The spectrograms, on the contrary, are arranged, as far as possible, so as
not to have widely different absorption spectra succeed one another on the
same plate.* The organic coloring matters succeed one another in the same
order as is given to them in the English translation by A. G. Green of a
book by G. Schultz and P. Julius entitled ‘‘A Systematic Survey of the
Organic Colouring Matters’ (Macmillan & Co., London, 1904). This con-
nection between the contents of the volume just named and the material
recorded below has the advantage of making it easy to find out many things
about the dyes which can not be appropriately given here, such as the names
of their discoverers, their literature, patents, methods of preparation, their
behavior with various reagents, chemical constitution, etc.
The descriptive tables following this explanatory section present the
experimental results in the following order:
(1) The absorption of a small number of interesting intermediate prod-
ucts, so-called, arranged according to the alphabetical order of their names.
(2) The absorption of such dyes as were studied and were capable of
identification with the dyes discussed in the book by Schultz & Julius.
(3) The absorption of such dyes as were not unquestionably the same
as any given in the reference volume. The accounts of these dyes follow
the alphabetical order of their commercial names.
(4) The absorption of certain miscellaneous objects of more or less
interest, in alphabetical order.
Whenever a number without qualification is given to a substance it
refers to the present account, but when a number is quoted from the volume
by Schultz & Julius attention is called to the fact by the abbreviation S. & J.
In the brief account of any one dye the details are presented in the
sequence explained by the following sentences:
First. The arbitrary number of the substance in the present list is given.
Second. The commercial name of each substance is recorded precisely
as it was labeled by the firm which furnished the coloring matter. When
*Plate 2 is an exception to this statement.
two firms sent the same dye under the same or under different names the
circumstance is explicitly presented.
Third. Immediately after the commercial name that of the factory is
given. The dyes were obtained from three sources. Both the Actiengesell-
schaft fiir Anilinfabrikation and Meister, Lucius & Briining presented a large
number of dyes of their manufacture to the Johns Hopkins University. The
other dyes were purchased from the firm of Eimer & Amend, New York.
The following abbreviations are used throughout.
[A.] Actiengesellschaft fiir Anilinfabrikation, Berlin (The Berlin Aniline Co.).
[A.A.C.] The Albany Aniline Color Works, Albany, New York.
[B.] Badische Anilin-und Sodafabrik, Ludwigshafen am Rhein (The Baden Co.).
[By.] Farbenfabriken vorm. Fr. Bayer & Co., Elberfeld (The Bayer Co.).
[C.] Leopold Cassella & Co., Frankfurt am Main.
[D.] Dahl & Co., Barmen.
[D. H.] L. Durand, Huguenin & Co., Basle and Hiiningen.
[G.] J. R. Geigy, Basle.
[I. ] Société pour |’ Industrie Chimique (formerly Bindschedler & Busch), Basle.
[K.] Kalle & Co., Biebrich am Rhein.
[M.] Farbwerke vorm. Meister, Lucius & Briining, Hochst am Main (Meister,
Lucius & Briining, Limited).
[O.] K. Oehler, Offenbach am Main.
[P.] Société Anonyme des Matiéres Colorantes de St. Denis, Paris.
Fourth. The chemical name of the absorbing medium is given.
Fifth. Reference is made either to the figure (or figures) and plate
which belong to the substance under discussion itself or to a figure which is
very much like the spectrograms of the dye considered.
Sixth. When possible, the number of the dye or the page of the inter-
mediate product, as found in the volume of Schultz & Julius, is recorded.
Seventh. The color and superficial character of the dry coloring matter
is suggested.
Eighth. The color of the solution as observed in a test-tube is followed
by the color in the cell. The change of color with thickness is often
Ninth. Then follows the concentration in grams of dry solvend ina
liter of solvent. The term ‘‘saturated”’ is to be understood in its general,
practical sense and not in the almost unattainable, theoretical sense.
Parenthetical, qualifying words, such as ‘‘(heated, filtered),” call attention
to the fact that the substance does not dissolve readily in water, or fue the
solution contained gritty, foreign material, etc.
Tenth. Next is given the angle between the quartz plates forming the
top and bottom of the various cells used. In the same line the numbers
denote in order the minimum and maximum depths of solution through
which the light passed before acting upon the outer limits of the negative.
The intermediate thicknesses vary linearly, of course. The same angle is not
always associated with the same maximum depth, even when the minimum
thickness is unchanged, because several cells of different dimensions were
Eleventh. Finally, a brief account of the most noticeable characteristics
of the absorption spectrum, between the limits 0.20» and 0.63», is furnished.
The results of eye-observations of the absorption spectra come first and
serve as checks on the photographic records. The data obtained visually
are qualitatively reliable for all strong bands between o. 40% and 0.63». For
cases of very weak, general absorption much less importance must be
ascribed to the visual results because, unfortunately, the cells were not con-
structed so as to present side by side, in the field of view, two spectra, the
one of the light after passing through the absorbing solution, the other of
the unabsorbed light direct from the Nernst glower.
When the solution is fluorescent, or decomposes when ultra-violet light
falls upon it, or possesses a characteristic odor, etc., the facts are noted.
That the spectrograms are not distorted by the presence of fluorescent light,
but give as true records of the absorption spectra of fluorescent compounds
as they do for non-fluorescent solutions, was ascertained by direct experi-
ments. (In particular, see the record for solution No. 107.)
Lastly, the apsroximate wave-lengths of the maxima and minima of
absorption, as obtained from the spectrograms, are given, beginning near
0.204 and continuing to 0.634. When the wave-lengths of the ‘‘ends”’ of a
region of absorption are given they obviously have significance only under
the conditions of thickness of absorbing layer, of concentration, of length
of photographic exposure, etc., which prevailed at the time when the
spectrogram was taken. The maxima are not subject to the same limita-
tions. The fact that the Seed films can produce spurious absorption bands
in the green must be again emphasized. (See figure 102, plate 26.)
When the end of the spectrogram, which marks the fading away of the
sensitiveness of the emulsion from the yellow to the orange, is practically a
straight line perpendicular to the length of the spectrogram it means that
there is no appreciable general absorption in this locality, but when the limit
just specified is approximately a right line inclined at an obtuse angle to the
positive direction of the axis of wave-lengths it signifies that appreciable
general absorption is present in this region.
1. Amidonaphtholdisulphonic Acid H. (M.)
Mig.t,-pl..1; pp, 57.and 58, 5. & J.
Grayish-white lumps. In _ solution
brownish yellow, colorless.
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
No visible absorption. Intense blue
fluorescence. Ultra-violet absorp-
tion ends about 0.347p.
2. B-Naphtholdisulphonic Acid G. (M.)
Peres ands, pl, 1; p. 51, 0. & J.
Pinkish-white powder. In_ solution
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
No visible absorption. Intense blue
fluorescence. Absorption ends very
definitely and follows approximately
a straight line from 0.346p to 0.356p.
Fig. 5 shows absorption exhibited by
a solution made by diluting a certain
volume of the saturated solution to
eight times its original value.
3. p-Nitraniline. (Powder, “extra.”) (M.)
Page 12, S. & J.
Lemon-yellow powder. In solution yel-
low, faint yellow.
Angle 37.1’. Depth 0 to 0.34 mm.
No visible absorption is produced by
a column 6 cm. deep. Entire ultra-
violet absorption is weak. A region
of slight absorption from 0.204 to
0.255 is followed by transparency
as far as 0.34n. Faint absorption
extends from 0.34 to 0.40n. From
0.40p to 0.634 no absorption is no-
4. o-Nitrobenzaldehyde. (M.)
Page 61, S. & J.
White needles. In solution colorless.
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Extremely weak absorption from 0.20p
to 0.24u. Transparent from 0.24 to
5. p-Nitrosodimethylaniline.
Piet pl. Bs pgaedak J.
Dark-green, crystalline powder. In
solution brownish yellow, clear yel-
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
5. p-Nitrosodimethylaniline—Continued.
Strong absorption in violet and blue
increasing towards the ultra-violet.
A remarkably transparent region
extends from 0.30u to 0.375u. All
the strong lines between 0.324 and
0.3634 are transmitted with almost
no decrease in intensity.* A very
round band stretches from 0.375 to
0.448 with its maximum at 0.432».
Complete transparency from 0.49p
to 0.63p.
6. Resorcine (techn. pure). (M.)
Pigs 4; pt. 25 Pp. 455.00. Oci);
White, crystalline lumps. In solution
Nearly saturated.
Angle 29.3’. Depth 0 to 0.27 mm.
No visible absorption. Very faint yel-
low in a layer a decimeter thick. Ab-
sorption ends very abruptly and
shows an almost vertical right line
determined by 0.287 and 0.293».
y/3 ee Yellow. (A.) Naphthol Yellow
(M.) Sodium salt of dinitro-a-
naphthol-8-monosulphonic acid.
Bigs. 4, DigliseNO. Asc Oa
Orange-yellow powder. In_ solution
brownish yellow, pure yellow.
Saturated (heated).
Angle 31.2’. Depth oto 0.29 mm.
Intense band in violet, ultra-violet side
invisible. Absorption decreases from
0.20n% towards 0.3354. Transparent
region around 0.3354. . & J-
Brownish-yellow powder. In solution
brownish yellow, yellow.
15 g. per liter.
Angle 23.4’. Depth o to 0.21 mm.
Absorption in violet and blue. The
region of partial transmission in
the ultra-violet is not as complete
for solution No. 9 as for solution
No. 32. Also the boundaries of the
violet band are somewhat more defi-
nite for the former solution than
for the latter. The less refrangible
side of this band is more like the
corresponding region for solution
No. 129, fig. 13, pl. 3. Absorption
decreases gradually from 0.20” to
semi-transparency at about 0.34». A
wide, diffuse band extends from this
region to about 0.4754. Its maxi-
mum is at 0.40n. Transparent from
0.475p to 0.63p.
10. Orange G. (A.) Sodium salt of benzene-
azo-B-naphthol-disulphonic acid G.
Fig. 30, pl. 8; No. 14, S. & J.
Yellowish-red powder. In solution
red, yellow.
Saturated (heated).
Angle 21.3’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Strong absorption in blue and green.
Sharp on yellow edge. Two ultra-
violet bands meet at about 0.29pm in
a semi-transparent spot. The maxi-
mum of the less refrangible band is
0.325u. This strong band meets a
very weak one at 0.3654. The center
of the weak band is 0.39n. The
weak band joins an intense one at
0.424. This last band joins a still
stronger band, from which it is not
resolved, at 0.4854. The maximum
of the stronger band is at 0.505p.
Absorption ceases at 0.534. Com-
plete transparency to 0.63. —
11. Ponceau 2 G. (M.) Sodium salt of
benzene -azo-8-naphthol - disulphonic
acid R.
Ir. Ponceau 2 G—Continued.
Fig. 6, pl. 2; No. 15, S. & J.
Bright-red powder. In solution yel-
lowish red, yellow.
7 g. per liter (filtered).
Angle 27.3’. Depth o to 0.25 mm.
Comparatively weak band in the blue-
green, with a shadowy, fainter com-
panion on the yellow side. Absorp-
tion decreases gradually from 0.20p
to 0.34. The nearly transparent
region from 0.34 to 0.44» is inter-
rupted by a very faint band having
its maximum at 0.394. The pair of
stronger bands extends from 0.44»
to 0.545u. Transparent from 0.545m
to 0.63u. Same empirical formula
as No. 10. No. Io is derived from
the G acid, while No. 11 is a salt
of the R acid.
12. Chrysoidine. Hydrochloride of diami-
Fig. 7; pl. 2. NO. 17; os
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
brown, yellow.
Io g. per liter (filtered).
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Absorption in violet, blue, and green
with maximum in the indigo. Ab-
sorption decreases from 0.20 to
0.334. Transparent from 0.33a to
0.36n. A pair of broad, unseparated
bands absorbs from 0.36 to 0.54.
The band of greater refrangibility
is the more intense and has its max-
imum at 0.434. Transparent from
0.54 to 0.63. The less refrangible
band disappears first on dilution. A
five-strip negative shows that the
outer boundaries of the pair of bands
are steep and definite.
13. Chromotrope 6 B. (M.) Sodium salt
of p-acetamidobenzene-azo-1 :8-dioxy-
naphthalene disulphonic acid.
Fig)’8, pl. 2;"No*38, S. aus
Grayish-brown powder. In solution
red, pink.
5-71 g. per liter.
Angle 11.7’. Depth 0 to 0.11 mm.
Strong absorption in green-yellow.
Transparent from 0.354 to 0.465p.
A strong band has its beginning at
0.4654 and its maximum at 0.515p.
The less refrangible side joins a weak
companion band extending into the
orange and red. More dilute solu-
tions show that the intense band is
symmetrical with respect to its max-
oe =, o
13. Chromotrope 6 B—Continued.
imum until it joins the associated
band. More concentrated solutions
show very distinctly the weaker
band in the orange-red.
14. Azo Coccine 2 R. (A.) Sodium salt
of xylene-azo-a-naphthol-p-sulphonic
Fig. 9, pl. 2; No. 50, S. & J.
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
salmon pink, salmon pink.
Saturated (heated).
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Narrow band in the blue-green. An
absorption band of very indefinite
edges extends from about 0.48» to
0.53H with its maximum at 0.505p.
Transparent from 0.53p to 0.63p.
15. Brilliant Orange G. (M.) Sodium salt
of xylene-azo-8-naphthol-mono - sul-
phonic acid.
Fig. 31, pl. 8; No. 54, S. & J.
Cinnabar-red powder. In _ solution
yellowish red, deep yellow.
7 2. per liter.
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Intense absorption in blue-green and
blue. Very sharp on the yellow side.
Absorption decreases from 0.20p to
weak absorption at 0.295u, then in-
creases to maximum absorption at
0.32n. At 0.355 semi-transparency
obtains. A definite band has its
maximum at 0.3954 and joins the
next band at 0.434. The next band
has its maximum at 0.48» and joins
the adjacent band at o.505u. The
final band has a maximum at 0.52u.
Absorption ends at 0.545%. Com-
plete transparency to 0.63n. The
band at 0.395 disappears rapidly
with dilution. Same empirical
formula as solution No. 14.
16. Ponceau 2 R. (A.), (M.) Sodium salt
of xylene-azo-B-naphthol-disulphonic
Similar to fig 55, pl. 14; No. 55, S. & J.
Brownish-red powder. In solution red,
5 g. per liter (heated).
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Hazy-edged band in the blue-green.
Similar absorption to that of solu-
tion No. 17 in the ultra-violet and
identical with it in the visible region.
17. Ponceau 3 R. (A.), (M.) Sodium salt
of y-cumene-azo - B - naphthol-disul-
phonic acid.
17. Ponceau 3 R—Continued.
Fig. 55, pl. 14; No. 56, S. & J.
Dark-red powder. In solution red, pink.
5 g. per liter (heated).
Angle 29.3’. Depth 0 to 0.27 mm.
An absorption band is in the blue-
green. It has its maximum at 0.50p
and extends from about 0.474 to
0.544. Transparent from 0.54» to
18. Crystal Ponceau 6 R. (A.), (M.)
Sodium salt of a-naphthalene-azo-
B-naphthol-disulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 55, pl. 14; No. 64, S. & J.
Brownish-red crystals with golden re-
flex. In solution light red, pink.
5 g. per liter (heated).
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Hazy-edged band in the blue-green and
green. Similar absorption to that of
solution No. 17. The ultra-violet ab-
sorption, however, is somewhat more
intense and extends to greater wave-
lengths for solution No. 18 than for
solution No. 17. The visible band
extends from 0.465 to 0.56% with
its maximum at 0.5Ip.
19. Bordeaux B. (M.) Sodium salt of a-
naphthalene-azo - B - naphthol -disul-
phonic acid.
Similar to fig. 19, pl. 5; No. 65, S. & J.
Brown powder. In solution red, red.
4.18 g. per liter.
Angle 42.5’. Depth o to 0.36 mm.
Hazy-edged band in the green. The
sides of the band in the green and
the orange end of the spectrogram
slope a little more for solution No.
19 than for No. 106. Band from
0.485" to 0.5454, with maximum at
0.515u. The least refrangible ends
for all the spectrograms slope, thus
showing that there is some general
absorption in the orange. More con-
centrated solutions show that the
greatest transparency occurs. at
0.414. Same empirical formula as
No. 18.
20. Coccinine B. (M.) Sodium salt of p-
methoxy.-toluene - azo - 8 - naphthol-
disulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 55, pl. 14; No. 73, S. & J.
Dark-red powder. In solution bright-
red, red.
13.64 g. per liter.
Angle 12.8’. Depth 0 to 0.11 mm.
Strong absorption in green-yellow.
Similar to solution No. 17, save that
20. Coccinine B—Continued.
a weak absorption band seems to
have the limits 0.315 and 0.355n,
with a maximum at 0.33. Intense
band from 0.465 to 0.555, with a
maximum at o.510u. Transparent
from 0.555 to 0.63u. Very concen-
trated solutions or deeper layers
show that the transparent region on
both sides of 0.414 becomes opaque
much faster than the orange and red
region. Red is transmitted when all
shorter wave-lengths are absorbed
completely. The solution exhibits
strong dispersive power.
21. Eosamine B. (A.) Sodium salt of p-
cresol - methyl-ether-azo-a-naphthol-
disulphonic acid.
Fig. 52, pl. 13; No. 74, S. & J.
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
yellowish red, pink.
8.89 g. per liter.
Angle 21.3’. Depth o to 0.18 mm.
Strong band in blue-green and green.
Intense, round band from 0.465p to
0.565, with its maximum at about
0.52u. Transparent from 0.565 to
0.63u. Same empirical formula as
No. 20.
22. Erika B. (A.) Sodium salt of methyl-
benzeny] - amido - thio-xylenol-azo-a-
naphthol-disulphonic acid.
Fig. 57, pl. 15; No. 78, S. & J.
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
red, pink.
6.67 g. per liter.
Angle 19.5’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Strong absorption in blue, green, and
green-yellow. Two unresolved bands
absorb strongly from 0.46 to 0.59p.
The more refrangible band shows
greater intensity than its companion
and has its maximum at 0.52y. Slight
absorption in the orange is followed
by greater transparency in the red.
23. Emin Red. (A.) Sodium salt of methyl-
benzenyl - amido - thioxylenol-azo-B-
naphthol-sulphonic acid.
Fig. 29, pl. 8; No. 80, S. & J.
Red powder. In solution red, pink.
Saturated (heated).
Angle 31.2’. Depth o to 0.29 mm.
Weak, hazy absorption in blue and
green. Strong absorption from 0.20p
to about 0.35u, then a rather rapid
decrease in absorption sets in. From
23. Emin Red—Continued.
0.38 to 0.454 a semi-transparent re-
gion exists. A round band extends
from 0.45p to 0.54u. Its maximum
is near 0.495n. The less refrangible
side of this band is far more definite
than its ultra-violet edge. Trans-
parent from 0.54p to 0.63y.
24. Janus Green. (M.) Chloride of safra-
No. S175. & J:
Olive-green, crystalline powder. In so-
lution blue, blue.
4.6 g. per liter.
Angle 17.0’. Depth 0 to 0.14 mm.
Band in orange and orange-red. Trans-
parent to pure red. Very general ab-
sorption in ultra-violet, decreasing
gradually from 0.20p to 0.40p. Trans-
parent from 0.40n to 0.5154. The
absorption band begins at 0.515p.
25. Tropeoline O. (C.) Sodium salt of p-
Similar to fig. 37, pl. 10; No. 84, S. & J.
Brown powder. In solution wine-color,
Saturated (heated).
Angle 25.5’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Faint absorption in the violet. Similar
absorption to that of solution No. 81.
Weak absorption from 0.20% to
0.275. Transparent from 0.275, to
0.325u. A weak, hazy band extends
from 0.325 to 0.4In with its maxi-
mum around 0.374. Transparent
from 0.4Ip to 0.63.
26. Tropeoline OOO No. 1. Sodium salt of
Similar to fig. 31, pl. 8; No. 85, S. & J.
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
red, salmon pink.
6.67 g. per liter.
Angle 21.3’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Absorption in violet, blue, and green.
Similar absorption to that of solu-
tion No. 15. Rather strong absorp-
tion continues from 0.20n to about
0.33H and then decreases rapidly to
semi-transparency. A tolerably trans-
parent region is from 0.35p to 0.37.
Three unresolved bands with maxima
at about 0.41p, 0.48u, and 0.52 fol-
low. The intermediate points of less
intensity of absorption are 0.435u
and 0.450n. At 0.545 the absorption
ceases. Transparent from 0.545h to
27. Tropzoline OOO No. 2. Sodium salt of
No. 86, S. & J.
Bright, orange powder. In solution
deep red, salmon pink.
14 g. per liter.
Angle 21.31 Depth o to 0.18 mm.
Visible absorption and spectrogram
identical with No. 26. Similar ab-
sorption to that of solution No. 15.
Nos. 26 and 27 have the same em-
pirical formule, but differ by a and B
in the naphthol.
28. Methyl Orange III. (P.) Sodium salt
of p-sulphobenzene-azo - dimethylani-
iar, pl 11; No. 87,5. & J.
Ocher-yellow powder. In solution red,
Saturated (heated).
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Absorption in blue and green. A strong
band extends from 0.36 to 0.525p.
This band is very round with its
maximum at 0.44». Transparent
from 0.5254 to 0.63.
29. Tropxoline OO. (C.) Sodium salt of
p-sulphobenzene-azo - diphenylamine.
Similar to fig. 40, pl. 10; No. 88, S. & J.
Yellow powder. In solution yellowish
red, yellow.
6 g. per liter (heated and filtered).
Angle 25.5’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Delicate absorption in violet and blue.
Similar absorption to that of solu-
tion No. 32. The extreme ultra-
violet absorption is weak because the
lines near 0.23» show on all three
photographic strips. From 0.385 to
0.47p a weak absorption band obtains
with its maximum at 0.43. The
substance is very transparent to yel-
low and red. Nos. 29 and 32 have
the same empirical formule. No. 29
is the para-compound and No. 32 is
the meta-. No. 29 shows weaker
absorption than No. 32.
30. Curcumeine. (A.) Mixture of nitrated
diphenylamine yellow with nitrodi-
Fig: 22; plh.33.No..91, Sak. J.
Ocher-yellow powder. In solution red,
Saturated (heated).
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
30. Curcumeine—Continued.
Absorption in violet, blue, and blue-
green. Absorption complete at 0.20p,
decreasing very gradually with com-
paratively definite contour to 0.455.
Transparent from 0.455p to 0.63p.
31. Azo Acid Yellow. (A.) Azo Yellow,
concentrated. (M.) Mixture of
nitrated diphenylamine yellow with
Similar to fig. 12, pl. 3; No. 92, S.& J.
Ocher-yellow powder. In _ solution
brownish yellow, yellow.
Saturated (heated).
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Strong absorption of violet, blue, and
blue-green. Similar absorption to
that of solution No. 30. Absorption
is nearly complete and uniform from
0.20p to about 0.394. Then the ab-
sorption decreases in a gently slop-
ing curve to about 0.505. Trans-
parent to yellow and red. Nos. 30
and 31 are mixtures of the same con-
stituents and have very similar re-
gions of absorption.
32. Metanil Yellow. (A.) Sodium salt of
Fig. 40, pl. 10; No. 95, S. & J.
Brownish-yellow powder. In solution
yellowish red, yellow.
4.29 g. per liter (filtered).
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Absorption in violet and blue. A band
with very indefinite boundary ex-
tends from about 0.36u to 0.47. The
maximum is near 0.4In. Transparent
to yellow and red. A very concen-
trated solution shows complete ab-
sorption from 0.20 to 0.5Ip with a
semi-transparent spot at 0.34» and
maximum absorption at 0.40". Ab-
sorption ceases abruptly at 0.535m.
33. Naphthylamine Brown. Sodium salt of
Similar to fig. 11, pl. 3; No. 101, S. & J.
Brown powder. In solution reddish
brown, almost colorless.
II.11 g. per liter (heated and filtered).
Angle 30.0’. Depth o to 0.45 mm.
Very weak, general, indefinite absorp-
tion for all visible colors of shorter
wave-lengths than the yellow. Sim-
ilar absorption to that of solution
No. 47. Absorption was nearly com-
plete from 0.20n to 0.274». From
34. Fast Red A. (A.)
33. Naphthylamine Brown—Continued.
the latter wave-length the absorption
decreased very gradually to a maxi-
mum of semi-transparency at about
0.43u. The apparent absorption at
0.52u is much exaggerated by the
lack of relative sensitiveness of the
photographic film at this spot. Very
slight absorption from 0.55 to 0.63p.
A weaker solution presented only
ultra-violet absorption.
New Coccine O.
(M.) Sodium salt of p-sulphonaph-
Figs27 ipl, 9; Nonroz, Suk J:
Brownish-red powder. In solution red,
5 g. per liter (heated).
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Hazy absorption in blue-green and
general absorption in blue. Muddy-
looking solution. Two partially re-
solved bands extend from 0.415p to
0.544 with maxima of absorption at
about 0.454% and 0.5054. The less
refrangible band is the more intense.
Orange and red are transmitted, but
the sloping end of the photograph
shows that slight, general absorption
is present in orange. Nos. 33 and 34
have the same empirical formule.
They differ by a and B naphthol.
35. Azo Rubine S. (A.) Sodium salt of
p-sulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 55, pl. 14; No. 103,
ee aa Be
Brown powder. In solution red, pink.
10 g. per liter.
Angle 19.5’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Absorption in green. Much like solu-
tion No. 17 with slight differences in
the ultra-violet. Absorption decreases
from 0.20p to 0.27p. The strong lines
at 0.255 and 0.275» are transmitted
by the deepest layer. Absorption in-
creases from 0.274 to a maximum at
0.3154. Then the absorption de-
creases to approximate transparency
at 0.36u. Transparent from 0.36 to
0.465u. Strong band from 0.465» to
0.5554 with maximum at 0.5Ip. The
visible band is in the same place as
the like band of No. 20, but the
ultra-violet is different. Transparent
to orange and red.
36. Fast Red, extra. (A.) Sodium salt of
monosulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 55, pl. 14; No. 105,
Ss. &
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
red, pink.
7 &. per liter.
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Absorption in blue-green and green.
Absorption the same throughout as
for No. 35 except the position of
the visible band. No. 36 absorbs
from 0.460p to 0.545 with the max-
imum at 0.505. Same empirical
formula as for No. 35.
37. New Coccine. (A.) Sodium salt of
disulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 52, pl. 13; No. 106,
Scarlet-red powder. In solution yel-
lowish red, pink.
10 g. per liter.
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Absorption in blue-green and green.
Similar absorption to that of solu-
tion No. 21. The ultra-violet absorp-
tion of solution No. 37 seems to con-
sist only of one band whereas that
of solution No. 21 seems to be separ-
ated into two bands by a minimum of
absorption near 0.274. Absorption
decreases from 0.20» to transparency
about 0.37n. A strong, round band
from 0.445 to 0.56% has its maxi-
mum at o.5Ip. Transparent from
0.56pn to 0.63p.
38. Fast Brown 3 B. (A.) Sodium salt of
Similar to fig. 23, pl.6; No. 111, S. & J.
Dark-brown, glistening powder. In so-
lution reddish brown, faint brown.
15 g. per liter.
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Absorption most intense in blue-green
and green with slight general absorp-
tion on both sides. Similar absorp-
tion to that of solution No. 60. A
fairly strong band from 0.46pm to
0.54» has its maximum at 0.51p. No
definite band from 0.54 to 0.63p, but
general absorption is made evident
by the slope of the end of the nega-
39. Mordant Yellow O. (M.) Sodium salt of
sulphonaphthalene-azo-salicylic acid.
Similar to fig. 13, pl. 3; No. 116, S. & J.
Yellow powder. In solution reddish
yellow, yellow.
10 g. per liter.
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Absorption in the violet only. Similar
absorption to that of solution No.
129. Strong absorption from 0.20p
to 0.284. Slight weakening of ab-
sorption from 0.28n to 0.34. Ab-
sorption attains a maximum at 0.36n
and then slopes gradually, with a
comparatively definite edge, to trans-
parency at 0.44n. From this point
to 0.634 complete transparency ex-
bo WianiieVeliow R- (M.)
Similar to fig. 37, pl. 10; No. 124,
Ss. &
Orange-yellow powder. In _ solution
clear yellow, yellow.
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Faint absorptiag, in violet.’ Similar ab-
sorption to that of solution No. 81.
Absorption is comparatively strong
at 0.20% and decreases to partial
transparency near 0.295u. A toler-
ably weak band extends from this
region to about 0.435u. Its maximum
is indeterminate. Transparent from
0.44p to 0.63p.
41. Resorcine Brown. (A.) Sodium salt of
xylene - azo - resorcin-azo-benzene-p-
sulphonic acid.
Fig. 38, pl. 10; No. 137, S. & J.
Brown powder. In solution brown,
7.78 g. per liter.
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Strong absorption in the violet and
blue. A more concentrated solution
exhibited absorption in the green
and yellow. A long band or region
of absorption extends from 0.35 to
0.52u. The maximum is near 0.395.
There is a slight minimum of absorp-
tion at 0.48u. The presence of a
weaker, less refrangible band, in-
creasing in intensity at 0.48u, is more
marked as the concentration is in-
creased. More concentrated solutions
show that the transparency in the
ultra-violet rapidly disappears,
41. Resorcine Brown—Continued.
whereas the bands do not encroach
as rapidly on the yellow. Trans-
parent from 0.534 to 0.63. The
absorption of the concentrated solu-
tions is like that of solution No. 77,
fig. 35.
42. Acid Brown. (D.) Sodium salt of bi-
Similar to fig. 39, pl. 10; No. 138,
nat af
Brown powder. In solution brown,
7.5 2. per liter.
Angle 25.5’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Absorption in violet and blue. Similar
absorption to that of solution No. 8.
Very weak absorption from 0.20p
to 0.29u. Transparent to continuous
background of spark from 0.29» to
0.33u. Weak, indefinite absorption
band from 0.33n to 0.484, with max-
imum indeterminate. Transparent to
yellow, orange, and red.
43. Ponceau B O, extra. (A.) Sodium salt
of benzene-azo-benzene-azo- B-naph-
thol-disulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 52, pl. 13; No. 146,
Sad, Ji
Light-brown powder. In solution yel-
lowish red, pink.
71g pershiter:
Angle 21.5’. Depth 0 to 0.20 mm.
Strong absorption in blue and green.
Similar absorption to that of solu-
tion No. 21. Absorption decreases
from 0.20n to 0.295u, and then in-
creases to a maximum near 0.345.
This band fades to semi-transparency
about 0.4n. The width and general
appearance of the region of separa-
tion between the ultra-violet bands
and the band in the green resembles
much more closely the correspond-
ing region for solution No. 48 than
for solution No. 21. Transparency
continues from 0.4p to 0.44p, where a
strong, round band begins. The last
band ends at 0.565u. Its maximum is
at o.5Ip. Transparent from 0.565p
to 0.63u. Absorption from this band
moves more rapidly towards the
ultra-violet than towards the red,
with increasing concentration. Same
empirical formula as No. 42.
44. Janus Red B. (M.) Chloride of tri-
methyl-amido - benzene - azo - m - tol-
Similar to fig. 23, pl. 6; No. 149, S. & J.
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
yellowish red, faint yellowish red.
Angle 54.6’. Depth 0 to 0.50 mm.
Pointed, V-shaped, weak band in the
blue-green. Similar absorption to
that of solution No. 60. Absorption
is strong at 0.20u and decreases
gradually and in a poorly defined
manner to transparency at 0.375p.
The transparent region continues to
0.455u. An absorption band lies be-
tween 0.4554 and 0.540pn, with its
maximum at 0.5Ip. Slight general
absorption in the yellow and orange,
but transparent to the red.
45.Cloth Red G. (O.) Sodium salt of
toluene - azo -toluene-azo-8-naphthol-
monosulphonic acid.
Fig. 25, pl..7; No. 153,15..000,
Reddish-brown powder. In_ solution
red, faint pink.
8.33 g. per liter (heated and filtered).
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Bands in blue-green and green with
hazy edges and weak general ab-
sorption in both directions. A band
extends from 0.445 to 0.55u and ap-
pears to be composed of a stronger
band with a weaker, morerefrangible,
unresolved companion. Their maxi-
mum of absorption is at 0.515". The
slant at the end of the negative shows
that weak, general absorption is ex-
erted in the orange. Transparent to
the red.
46. Cloth Red O. (M.) Sodium salt of
toluene - azo-toluene-azo-8-naphthol-
disulphonic acid.
Fig. 21, pl. 6; No. 154, S. & J.
Dark-brown powder. In solution deep
red, very faint red.
6.36 g. per liter (warmed and filtered).
Angle 33.2’. Depth 0 to 0.30 mm.
Maximum of absorption in blue-green
with weak absorption in yellow and
orange. Absorption band starts at
0.485, attains its maximum at 0.52p,
and is dissipated in weak general ab-
sorption about 0.555. The end of
the negative slants appreciably.
Transparent to red.
47. Cloth Red 3 G A. (A.) Sodium salt of
toluene - azo-toluene-azo-B-naphthyl-
amine-monosulphonic acid.
Fig. 11, pls 7 No. 165), 6):
Brownish-red powder. In solution red-
dish brown, light brown.
Saturated (heated).
Angle 1° 57’. Depth 0 to 1.07 mm.
General absorption in violet, also a
maximum of absorption in the blue-
green and green. Absorption is about
complete at 0.20u and increases very
gradually, with hazy contour, to
semi-transparency at about 0.42p.
Semi-transparency from 0.42m to
0.49u. Weak band from 0.49p to
0.54». Transparent from 0.54" to
48. Ponceau 4 R B. (A.) Sodium salt of
sulphobenzene - azo - benzene - azo-B-
naphthol-monosulphonic acid.
Fig. 51, pl. 13; No. 160, S. & J.
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
yellowish red, pink.
10 g. per liter (heated). _
Angle 19.5’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Strong absorption in blue-green and
green. At 0.455 the strong band be-
gins and extends to 0.565u, with its
maximum about 0.5Ip. Transparent
from 0.565 to 0.63p.
49. Biebrich Scarlet. (K.) Sodium salt of
sulphobenzene - azo - sulphobenzene -
Similar to fig. 51, pl. 13; No. 163,
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
red, pink.
6 g. per liter.
Angle 19.5’. Depth o to 0.18 mm.
Absorption band in blue-green and
green. Absorption decreases from
0.20p to about 0.324, where a semi-
transparent region appears. This is
followed by an absorption band with
its maximum at 0.3554. Slight ab-
sorption from 0.39p to 0.454. A defi-
nite band starts at 0.45u, reaches a
maximum near 0.5Ip, and ends at
0.5554. Transparent from 0.555» to
0.63u. A solution of 10 g. per liter
showed almost complete absorption
from 0.20p to 0.36u. From 0.395 to
0.445m only the first photographic
strip received light. The band is very
round from 0.4454 to its end at
49. Biebrich Scarlet—Continued.
0.585u. Transparent to orange and
red. Same empirical formula as No.
48 and almost identical visible ab-
50. Wool Black. (A.) Sodium salt of sul-
phobenzene-azo - sulphobenzene-azo-
Fig.67, plz; No. 166; S..& J.
Bluish-black powder. In solution pur-
ple, light purple.
5.50 g. per liter (filtered).
Angle 35.1’. Depth 0 to 0.32 mm.
Hazy band in yellow spreading indefi-
nitely into the orange. Transmits
bright red. At 0.49» a region of ab-
sorption commences which seems to
consist of a hazy central band with
a weak, washed-out companion on
each side. The chief maximum is
about 0.54. Absorption is very weak
from 0.60 to 0.63u. A very concen-
trated solution shows that the max-
imum of transparency is near 0.44.
51. Ponceau 6 R B. (A.) Sodium salt of
sulphotoluene - azo - toluene - azo - B-
naphthol-a-sulphonic acid.
Fig. 56, pl. 14; No. 169, S. & J.
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
scarlet red, pink.
5-38 g. per liter.
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Strong band in the green which is
more definite on the blue side than
on the yellow border. Strong band
from 0.465 to 0.5654. The maxi-
mum is at 0.514. The band is prob-
ably composed of two unresolved
bands of which the weaker lies nearer
the red. Transparent from 0.565 to
52. Blue-Black. (B.) Sodium salt of sulpho-
8-naphthalene - azo - a - naphthalene-
azo-8-naphthol-disulphonic acid.
No. 186, S. & J.*
Bluish-black powder. In solution bluish
violet, violet.
6.69 g. per liter (filtered).
Angle 33.2’. Depth 0 to 0.30 mm.
Very indefinite absorption in green-
yellow, yellow, and orange, with
maximum in yellow. Absorption is
strong at 0.20u and decreases gradu-
ally to about 0.34n. Approximately
transparent from 0.4n to 0.54. Ab-
sorption starts near 0.50u, increases
to a maximum about 0.54», and de-
52. Blue-Black—Continued.
creases to weak, general absorption
from 0.58 to 0.63.
53. Anthracene Yellow C. (C.) Sodium
salt of thio-di-benzene-disazo-di-sali-
cylic acid.
Similar to fig. 37, pl. 10; No. 190,
Se Ga:
Brownish-yellow powder. In solution
muddy yellowish brown, greenish
6 g. per liter (filtered).
Angle 21.3’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Absorption in violet. Somewhat sim-
ilar absorption to that of solution
No. 81. However, the absorption of
solution No. 53 is more intense than
that of solution No. 81. Absorption
decreases from 0.20p to a semi-trans-
parent strip at about 0.2954. Beyond
this strip a band with hazy contour
extends as far as 0.41» with its max-
imum at about 0.34». Transparent
from 0.4Ip to 0.63p.
54. Bismarck Brown. (A.) Hydrochloride
of benzene-disazo-phenylene-diamine.
Fie _7, pl. 2;..NO- 107, sac |.
Dark-brown powder. In solution brown,
30 g. per liter (filtered).
Angle 19.5’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Visible and photographic absorption
identical with that of solution No. 12.
55.Vesuvine. (B.) Hydrochloride of
Fig 7, ploae NOne0l, oe |:
Dark-brown powder. In solution red-
dish brown, yellow.
4.29 g. per liter.
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Visible and photographic absorption
identical with that of solution No. 12.
56. Congo Orange G. (A.) Sodium salt of
dipheny] - disazo-phenetol-8-naphthyl-
amine-disulphonic acid.
Fig.33; pl. 93.No: 217, S. & J.
Brownish-red powder. In solution red-
dish yellow, yellow.
5.36 g. per liter,
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Hazy absorption in blue, blue-green,
and green with maximum in the
green. Tolerably strong absorption
decreases from 0.20p to a weak mini-
mum near 0.324 and then increases
to a maximum about 0.36%. A
semi-transparent region lies between
* Spectrogram too indefinite for reproduction.
56. Congo Orange G—Continued. 59:-Congo Red. (A.) Sodium salt of
0.405 and 0.44». A weak, hazy band
begins at 0.44u and continues to
0.475, at which point it joins a
more intense band. The latter has
its maximum at 0.505 and then de-
creases to transparency at 0.53.
Transparent from 0.53n to 0.63n.
More concentrated solutions empha-
size all the maxima of absorption
just outlined and the minimum at
57. Chrysamine G. (A.) Sodium salt of
diphenyl-disazo-bi-salicylic acid.
Similar to fig. 36, pl. 9; No. 220, S. & J.
Yellowish-brown powder. In solution
brownish yellow, faint yellow.
7 g. per liter (heated and filtered).
Angle 35.1’. Depth 0.26 to 0.58 mm.
No visible absorption unless, perhaps,
a faint weakening of the extreme
violet. Somewhat similar absorption
to that of the more dilute solution of
No. 77. For the layer used the ab-
sorption is nearly complete from
0.20u to 0.29. The continuous back-
ground is transmitted from 0.29 to
0.30n. The limit of the ultra-violet ab-
sorption is approximately a straight
line joining the wave-lengths 0.365p
and 0.395 at the opposite edges of
the negative. Transparent from
0.395" to 0.63u. More dilute solu-
tions and wedges of liquid tapering
to infinitesimal thickness show that
ultra-violet absorption is very weak.
58. Cresotine Yellow G. (M.) Sodium salt
of diphenyl - disazo -bi-o-cresol - car-
boxylic acid.
Similar to fig. 36, pl.g; No. 221, S. & J.
Yellowish-brown powder. In solution
yellow, faint yellow.
Angle 39.0’. Depth 0 to 0.36 mm.
Absorption in violet and indigo. Ab-
sorption much like that of the more
dilute solution of No. 77. The solu-
tion has a peculiar odor. A washed-
out band begins at 0.31, passes
through a maximum near 0.355p,
and then fades away at o.44u. A
rather narrow region of semi-trans-
parency, the center of which is near
0.30, separates this band from a
weak, more refrangible ultra-violet
band. Transparent from 0.44 to
diphenyl-disazo-bi-naphthionic acid.
Similar to fig. 26, pl. 7; No. 240, S. & J.
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
red, yellowish red.
5.9 g. per liter.
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Absorption in blue, blue-green, and
green with maximum nearer the
green end. Similar absorption to that
of solution No. 69. Absorption de-
creases from 0.20u to near 0.284 and
then increases to a maximum at
about 0.3254. These two partially
resolved bands are followed by a re-
gion of approximate transparency
extending from 0.385, to 0.426 with
its maximum at 0.4054. Transpar-
ency is terminated at 0.4264 by a
pair of wide, hazy bands of which
the more refrangible is the weaker.
The chief maximum is at 0.505p.
Absorption ends at 0.545u. Trans-
parent from 0.545 to 0.634. More
concentrated solutions show that the
ultra-violet and visible bands soon
run together, whereas the absorption
does not advance much towards the
60. Congo Corinth G. (A.) Sodium salt
of diphenyl - disazo - naphthionic-a-
naphthol-sulphonic acid.
Fig. 23, pl. 6; No. 24g" 5sGam
Greenish-black powder. In solution
brownish red, red.
5.38 g. per liter (heated).
Angle 27.3’. Depth o to 0.25 mm.
Absorption in blue-green, green, and
yellow. Very general absorption at
the red border. Absorption band
from 0.46p to 0.555 with its maxi-
mum near 0.5154. The end of the
negative slants considerably, show-
ing that general absorption con-
tinues into the orange. Transparent
to red. Same empirical formula as
No. 61, but different constitution.
61.Congo Rubine. (A.) Sodium salt of
diphenyl-disazo-naphthionic acid - B -
naphthol-sulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 19, pl. 5; No. 243,
Greenish, crystalline powder. In solu-
tion bluish red, dull red.
Saturated (warmed).
Angle 39.0’. Depth 0.26 to 0.62 mm.
61. Congo Rubine—Continued. ©
Absorption in blue-green. Absorption,
especially in the visible spectrum,
similar to that of solution No. 106.
A layer about 2 mm. deep absorbs
all the visible spectrum except the
orange and red. Complete absorp-
tion at 0.20 decreases to a minimum
near 0.275p, then increases to a maxi-
mum at about 0.31, and finally van-
ishes in transparency at 0.345. Ab-
sorption band from 0.485 to 0.55u
with its maximum at 0.52. Trans-
parent from 0.554 to 0.63u. Same
empirical formula as No. 60, but dif-
ferent constitution.
62. Anthracene Red. (I.) Sodium salt
of nitrodipheny]l - disazo - salicylic-a-
naphthol-sulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 56, pl. 14; No. 262,
S. & J.
Brownish-red powder. In solution deep
red, pink.
7.5 ¢. per liter.
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Hazy-edged band in the blue-green
and green. Similar absorption to
that of solution No. 51. Absorption
decreases from 0.20n to semi-trans-
parency at 0.29. About 0.31 a well-
rounded, hazy-edged band _ starts,
passes through its maximum near
0.364, and ceases at 0.42u. Partial
transparency from 0.424 to 0.465p.
A symmetrical absorption band pre-
vents transmission from 0.465 to
0.55¢. Its maximum is near 0.5Ip.
Transparent from 0.55u to 0.63pm.
Less concentrated solutions show
that the ultra-violet absorption is
comparatively weak.
63. Congo Orange R. (A.) Sodium salt of
ditolyl - disazo - phenetol-8-naphthyl-
amine-disulphonic acid.
Similar to fic. 11, pl. 3; No. 27575. & J.
Yellowish-red powder. In_ solution
brown, yellowish brown.
5 g. per liter (warmed and filtered).
Angle 39.0’. Depth 0 to 0.36 mm.
Indefinite, general absorption in the
blue and blue-green. The liquid is
not clear, but behaves somewhat like
an emulsion. Similar absorption to
that of solution No. 47. Absorption
decreases from 0.20n to about 0.20p
and then remains about constant as
far as 0.365. From this point it de-
63. Congo Orange R—Continued.
creases to very weak, general ab-
sorption at 0.43n. A slight increase
in absorption has its maximum at
0.515. It is partly, but not entirely,
due to the weak spot of the Seed
emulsion. Transparent from 0.54
to 0.63u. Deeper layers of greater
concentration show the minimum of
absorption to be the region around
64. Benzopurpurine 6 B. (A.) Sodium
salt of ditolyl - disazo - bi-a-naphthyl-
amine-sulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 26, pl. 7; No. 278, S. & J.
Red powder. In solution red, brownish
7.78 2. per liter (filtered).
Angle 29.3’. Depth 0 to 0.27 mm.
Hazy-edged band in blue and green.
Similar absorption to that of solu-
tion No. 69. Strong absorption from
0.415 to 0.554. The chief maximum
of absorption is at 0.51p. Probably
two hazy, unresolved bands, with
more refrangible, weaker component.
Transparent from 0.55% to 0.63».
Weaker solutions show more rapid
increase of transparency on the ultra-
violet side of the visible band than
on the red side.
65. Benzopurpurine B. (A.) Sodium salt
of ditolyl-disazo-bi-B-naphthylamine-
B-sulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 26, pl. 7; No. 279, S. & J.
Brown powder. In solution reddish
brown, brown.
8.75 ¢. per liter.
Angle 25.4’. Depth 0 to 0.23 mm.
Same visible and photographic absorp-
tion as No. 69. Identical visible ab-
sorption to that of solution No. 64.
Solutions Nos. 65 and 69 seem to
have only one region of absorption
in the ultra-violet, whereas solution
No. 64 has a slight minimum of ab-
sorption near 0.2754. Nos. 64 and
65 have the same empirical formule,
but different chemical constitution.
66. Diamine Red B. (A.) Deltapurpurine
5 B. (M.) Sodium salt of ditolyl-
disazo-bi-B-naphthylamine - sulphonic
Similar to fig. 26, pl. 7; No. 280, S. & J.
Reddish-brown powder. In solution
yellowish red, pink.
66. Diamine Red B—Continued.
6.36 g. per liter (warmed and filtered).
Angle 25.4’. Depth 0 to 0.23 mm.
Same visible absorption as No. 64.
Similar absorption to that of solution
No. 69. Nos. 64 and 66 have the
same empirical formule, but differ-
ent chemical constitutions.
67. Brilliant Congo R. (A). Sodium salt
of ditolyl-disazo - B - naphthylamine-
monosulphonic - B-naphthylamine-di-
sulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 26, pl. 7; No. 281, S. & J.
Brown powder. In solution, yellowish
red, yellowish red.
8 g. per liter.
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Hazy-edged band in blue and green.
Similar absorption to that of solution
No. 69. A pair of unresolved bands
extends from 0.42 to 0.56u, with
their chief maximum at 0.5154. The
less refrangible band is the more in-
tense. Transparent from 0.555 to
0.6 p.
68. Diamine Red 3 B. (A.) Sodium salt
of ditolyl-disazo-bi-B-naphthylamine-
8-sulphonic acid.
Fie "Gi, pl 10 "NG coe, 5. ye
Reddish-brown powder. In_ solution
reddish brown, brown.
7 g. per liter (heated and filtered).
Angle 50.7’. Depth 0.64 mm. to 1.10
Hazy-edged absorption in the blue-
green and green. A pair of unre-
solved bands absorbs from about
0.435u to 0.5454. Their maximum
is near 0.5154. The more refrangible
band is weaker and more indefinite
than its companion. Transparent
from 0.545p. to 0.63n.
69. Brilliant Purpurine R. (A.) Sodium
salt of ditolyl-disazo-naphthionic-f-
naphthylamine-disulphonic acid.
Fig. 26, pl. 7; No. 283, S. & J.
Red powder. In solution red, pink.
8.75 g. per liter.
Angle 25.4’. Depth 0 to 0.23 mm.
Same visible and photographic absorp-
tion as No. 67. Nos. 67 and 69 have
the same empirical formule, but dif-
ferent chemical constitutions. Ab-
sorption gradually decreases from
0.204% to partial transparency at
0.388u. This minimum of absorption
extends to 0.41Ip. A pair of unre-
69. Brilliant Purpurine R—Continued.
solved bands absorbs all radiations
between 0.411p and 0.563y. The less
refrangible band is the more intense
and has its maximum at 0.515.
Transparent from 0.563p to 0.63.
70. Rosazurine B. (B.) Sodium salt of
ditolyl - disazo - bi - ethyl-8-naphthyl-
amine-sulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 26, pl. 7; No. 285, S. & J.
Brown powder. In solution red, pink.
7 2. per liter (heated).
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Weak absorption in the green, with
very hazy, blue boundary. Similar
absorption to that of solution No. 69.
The precise size and shape of the
visible band matches very closely the
corresponding band of solution No.
45, fig. 25. Absorption from 0.47p
to 0.55, with the maximum near
0.5154. Transparent from 0.55u to
71. Congo Corinth. Sodium salt of ditolyl-
disazo - naphthionic-a-naphthol-p-sul-
phonic acid.
Similar to fig. 22, pl. 6; No. 286, S. & J.
Grayish-black powder. In solution red,
9.09 g. per liter (very gritty; filtered
Angle 21.5’. Depth 0 to 0.20 mm.
General absorption in green, yellow,
and orange. Very weak and hazy
towards the red. Similar absorption
to that of solution No. 74. Weak,
general absorption in ultra-violet,
permitting all strong lines to pass
through the solution. It fades away
about 0.354. Several plates and films
show that absorption begins again
about 0.494% and becomes relatively
small at 0.56u. Weak, general ab-
sorption, however, continues to 0.63.
The maximum of absorption is inde-
terminate. Saturated solutions gave
the same general results.
72. Azo Blue. (By.) Sodium salt of ditolyl-
disazo-bi-a-naphthol-f-sulphonic acid.
Somewhat like fig. 22, pl. 6; No. 287,
Tans ae
Bluish-black powder. In solution deep
blue, reddish blue.
4.29 g. per liter.
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Hazy-edged absorption in green-yellow,
yellow, and orange. The red border
72. Azo Blue—Continued.
is very indefinite and the maximum
appears to be in the yellow. Ab-
sorption is like that of solution No.
74, except in so far as it is stronger
than No. 74 in the orange. Compara-
tively weak absorption in the ultra-
violet from 0.20u to 0.3554. There
are slight indications of two ultra-
violet bands with the intervening re-
gion near 0.2Qu. Transparent from
0.36 to 0.49u. Absorption begins at
0.49, increases to 0.53u, then fades
to partial transparency near 0.59».
Weak absorption from 0.59p to 0.63.
73. Diamine Black B O. (C.) Sodium salt
of ethoxy-diphenyl-disazo - bi-amido-
naphthol-sulphonic acid.
Suggested by fig. 22, pl. 6; No. 304,
Black powder. In solution blue, blue.
7.5 g. per liter.
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Strong absorption in the yellow and
orange with diffuse borders. Red is
transmitted. The absorption is some-
what like that of solution No. 74
except in so far as it is stronger than
No. 74 in the orange. Absorption
decreases from 0.20p to about 0.37p.
Transparent from 0.374 to O.5Ip.
Absorption extends from 0.5Ip into
the clear red. The maximum of ab-
sorption is indefinite.
74.Benzopurpurine 10 B. (A.) Sodium
salt of dimethoxy-di-phenyl-disazo-
bi-naphthionic acid.
Pee, pl..6; No.307, 5. & J.
Brownish-red powder. In solution red,
5-83 g. per liter.
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0.05 to 0.26 mm.
Chief absorption in the green. The
visible band extends from about
0.48 to 0.55 with its maximum at
0.515u. The slanting end of the nega-
tive denotes general absorption in
the orange.
75. Benzoazurine. Sodium salt of dimeth-
oxy-diphenyl disazo-bi-a-naphthol - p-
sulphonic acid..
Somewhat like fig. 22, pl. 6; No. 311,
oe. Ss}.
Bluish-black powder. In solution red-
dish blue, blue.
7.5 g. per liter.
* Spectrogram too indefinite for reproduction.
75. Benzoazurine—C ontinued.
Angle 25.5’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
No very definite, visible band, but a
general weakening of the green, yel-
low, orange, and red. The ultra-
violet absorption is weak and ends
near 0.355. The region of general
absorption begins about o.51n and
continues beyond 0.634. There is a
weak maximum near 0.53u. The
end of the negative slants to an un-
usual degree. The contour of the
weak band is V-shaped like the
visible band for solution No. 74.
76. Diamine Green B. (C.) Sodium salt
of diphenyl - disazo-phenol-disulpho-
NOP 872 PO. Gel s*
Dull-gray, crystalline powder. In solu-
tion bluish green, bluish green.
3 g. per liter.
Angle 17.0’. Depth 0 to 0.14 mm.
Gradual absorption in the orange and
red. Very weak absorption in the
ultra-violet from 0.20% to about
0.384. No visible or photographic
absorption between 0.384 and o.6p.
General absorption begins about 0.6p.
77.Congo Brown G. (A.) Sodium salt of
sulpho - benzene-azo-resorcinol - azo-
diphenyl-azo-salicylic acid.
Figs. 35 and 36, pl. 9; No. 379, S. & J.
Brown powder. In solution light brown,
4.67 g. per liter.
Angle 27.3’. Depth o to 0.25 mm.
Absorption in violet, blue, and green.
Very hazy at green side. Absorp-
tion decreases from 0.20pn to a some-
what transparent region around
0.2954. Maximum absorption at
0.365. Absorption ceases at 0.53.
A weaker solution (fig. 36) showed
transparency from 0.29p to 0.315p.
Absorption from 0.315 to 0.428.
Maximum absorption at 0.365, as
before. Transparent to yellow,
orange, and red.
78. Congo Brown R. (A.) Sodium salt of
diphenyl-azo-salicylic acid.
Fig. 35, pl. 9; No. 380, S. & J.
Dark, brownish-red powder. In solu-
tion reddish brown, yellow.
Angle 29.3’. Depth 0 to 0.27 mm.
78. Congo Brown R—Continued. 81. Curcumine S—Continued.
Same visible and photographic absorp-
tion as No. 77. The change in the
constitution is from benzene to naph-
79. Fast Green O. (M.) Dinitroso-resor-
cinol. (Dioximidoquinone.)
Similar to fig. 11, pl. 3; No. 394, S. & J.
Grayish-brown powder. In solution
deep coffee brown, coffee brown.
Saturated (heated).
Angle 1° 6’. Depth 0.05 to 0.66 mm.
General absorption in violet and blue.
Similar absorption to that of solu-
tion No. 47. The boundaries of the
bands, however, are more definite for
solution No. 79 than for solution No.
47. From 0.20p to 0.325 the ab-
sorption is complete. Absorption de-
creases with a long, gradual slope,
from 0.325 to a minimum of semi-
transparency at 0.4754. Then a
weak band with maximum at 0.52u
presents itself and continues to 0.54.
Only very weak absorption is
present from 0.54u to 0.63u. With
the same solution and the cell
set for 35.1’ and 0.32 mm. the ab-
sorption was almost complete from
0.20 to 0.30n and then sloped gradu-
ally to transparency at 0.4054. The
band at 0.52u could not be dis-
80. Naphthol Green B. (C.) Ferrous so-
dium salt of nitroso-B-naphthol-f-
monosulphonic acid.
Fig 10, pl. 3; No. 398, S. & J.
Dark-green powder. In solution green,
light green.
8.75 g. per liter (boiled).
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Absorption in violet and in dark red.
Absorption very strong from 0.20u
to 0.31n. Then the absorption de-
creases very gradually, with a long
slant, to 0.455. From 0.455 to the
orange the transparency is complete.
Absorption begins again in the red.
81.Curcumine S. (A.) Sodium salt of
the so-called azoxy - stilbene - disul-
phonic acid.
Fig. 37, pl. 10; No. 399, S. & J.
Brown powder. In solution yellow,
faint yellow.
Angle 1° 10’. Depth 0.11 to 0.75 mm.
Faint absorption in violet. Absorption
decreases from 0.20p to 0.2Qn. Trans-
parent from 0.29p to 0.34. Weak
band from 0.34p to 0.43 with max-
imum at 0.39u. Transparent from
0.434 to 0.63p.
82. Auramine O. (B.) Hydrochloride of
Fig, 43, pl. 11; Nov 425, S..cca.
Sulphur-yellow powder. In solution
yellow, faint yellow.
Equal volumes of a saturated solution
and of water (filtered).
Angle 42.5’. Depth o to 0.36 mm.
Strong absorption in violet and indigo.
Relatively transparent at 0.224. The
continuous background of the spark
indicates one band or, at most, two
bands from 0.23n to 0.2754. Un-
usually transparent from 0.275 to
0.345. A pair of partially-resolved
intense bands absorb from 0.345 to
0.47. Their maxima lie at 0.365u
and 0.4254. The intervening, par-
tially-transparent spot is near 0.385.
The less refrangible band is the more
intense and is very round. Trans-
parent from 0.470p to 0.63.
83. Malachite Green. (M.) Oxalate of
tetramethyl - di- p-amido - triphenyl-
Similar to fig. 46, pl. 12; No. 427,
Da hee Le
Green, metallic, glistening plates. In so-
lution greenish blue, greenish blue.
3.75 g. per liter.
Angle 25.5’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Strong, double band in the orange and
clear red. Deep red is transmitted.
Similar absorption to that of solution
No. 86 from 0.20 to the yellow. All
strong lines in the extreme ultra-
violet are transmitted freely. Ab-
sorption band lies between 0.29 and
0.33u. A faint band has its maximum
near 0.4254. Strong absorption com-
mences at 0.55pm.
84. Emerald Green. (B.) Sulphate or
zinc - double - chloride of tetraethyl-
Similar to fig. 46, pl. 12; No. 428,
Golden, glistening crystals. In solu-
tion green, green.
4.62 g. per liter.
84. Emerald Green—Continued.
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Compound band in the orange and red
with the maximum in the red. The
contour is hazy. Similar absorption
to solution No. 86 from 0.20, to the
yellow, save that the band near
0.425 is hardly discernible on the
negative. Strong absorption begins
at 0.574. For ultra-violet details see
No. 83 above.
85. Light Green F S. (B.) Sodium salt of
carbinol-trisulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 46, pl. 12; No. 434,
Brownish-black powder. In solution
green, green.
to ¢.. per liter.
Angle 21.3’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Strong band in the yellow, orange, and
red. Except for concentration, the
absorption is the same as that of so-
lution No. 86, hence for further de-
tails refer to No. 86.
86. Acid Green, concentrated. (C.) Sodium
salt of diethyldibenzyl - diamido - tri-
phenyl-carbinol-trisulphonic acid.
Mie oy ol. 12, No. 435, 5. & J.
Bright-green, dull powder. In solution
deep green, green.
13:43 2. per liter.
Angle 25.4’. Depth 0 to 0.23 mm.
Strong band in orange and red with
no return to transparency visible.
Absorption in violet and blue. Ab-
sorption decreases from 0.20 to
about 0.2754. Then a strong band
begins, having its maximum near
0.32u and returning abruptly to
transparency at 0.34. Transparent
from 0.34 to 0.39». A round band
extends from 0.39 to 0.455 with
its maximum at 0.4254. Transpar-
ent from 0.455p to 0.554. Strong ab-
sorption commences at 0.55 and in-
creases to complete opacity at 0.63.
Weaker solutions show conclusively
the transparent region around 0.275u
and also that the band at 0.425 van-
ishes most readily.
87. Fuchsine. (M.) Mixture of hydro-
chloride or acetate of pararosaniline
and rosaniline.
Fig. 48, pi 12 No. 448, 5. & J.
Green, crystalline powder. In solution
deep red, red.
87. Fuchsine—Continued.
Angle 21.3’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Intense band in blue-green and green.
All lines near 0.234 and from 0.25
to 0.26u are freely transmitted. The
background indicates a band with
its maximum at 0.2854 and extend-
ing from 0.27p to 0.305. Transpar-
ent from 0.3054 to O.45u. Very
strong absorption from 0.454 to
0.575 with maximum near 0.53».
There are probably two unresolved
bands of which the more refrangible
is the weaker. Transparent from
0.575 to 0.63u. A layer about I mm.
deep limited the more refrangible,
transparent region to the interval
from 0.35 to 0.39p.
88. New Magenta. (O.) Hydrochloride of
Fig. 50; pli 13; No. 449, 5.& J.
Beetle-green powder. In solution red,
bluish red.
6 g. per liter.
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Strong band in the green, steeper on
the yellow side, and suggesting -a
sharp band superposed upon a
weaker one. The band extends from
about 0.44 to 0.56% with its maxi-
mum tear 0.52u. Transparent from
0.56% to 0.63p.
89. Dahlia. (B.) Mixture of the hydro-
chlorides or acetates of the mono-
di- or tri-methyl (or ethyl) rosani-
lines and pararosanilines.
Fig. 69, pl. 18; No. 450, S. & J.
Green, lumpy powder. In solution deep
blue, reddish violet.
257-9. per liter,
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Absorption commences in the _ blue-
green, has its maximum in the green-
yellow, and decreases gradually into
the red. Transparent to deep red.
Absorption in ultra-violet is weak.
A band which is definite on the more
refrangible edge commences at 0.48
and increases to a maximum at
0.52u. A weak, unresolved com-
panion joins the last one near 0.574
and fades away at 0.62p.
go. Crystal Violet. (B.) Hydrochloride of
Sima to fi7.,00, ploi7: No. 452,
cs Na aad
go. Crystal Violet—Continued. 93. Methyl Green OO0O—Continued.
Cantharides glistening crystals. In so-
lution violet, violet.
1.38 g. per liter.
Angle 42.5’. Depth 0 to 0.36 mm.
The absorption is the same as that ex-
hibited by solution No. 92, hence see
the description given below.
gt. Ethyl Violet. (B.) Hydrochloride of
hexaethyl pararosaniline.
Fig. 64, pl..16; No. 453, S. & J.
Green, crystalline powder. In solution
pure, deep blue, pinkish blue.
2.7% ©, per liter:
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Intense absorption in the green. Very
sharp and abrupt on the blue side
but indefinite on the red border.
Strong lines in the ultra-violet are
transmitted pretty freely. Relative
transparency in the vicinity of 0.265.
Absorption ceases about 0.3Ip and
from this wave-length to 0.495u
transparency obtains. At 0.495 an
intense band having its maximum at
0.5254 begins. About 0.585 the ab-
sorption becomes relatively weak and
diffuse and continues thus to 0.63.
92. Methyl Violet 6 B. (A.) Chiefly a mix-
ture of the hydrochlorides of benzyl-
pentamethylpararosaniline and hexa-
Fig. 66, pl. 17; No. 454, S. & J.
Metallic, glistening powder. In solu-
tion blue, reddish blue.
25°e. per liter,
Angle 31.2’. Depth 0 to 0.29 mm.
Transmits only blue and pure red in
concentrated solution. The solution
described below showed two bands,
the more intense in the green-yellow
and the weaker in the orange. All
strong ultra-violet lines are trans-
mitted. The chief band starts at
0.50u, has its maximum at 0.535p,
and joins its companion about 0.57.
The weaker band has its maximum
at 0.595» and fades away at 0.615».
Transparent from 0.62% to beyond
93. Methyl Green OO. (By.) Zinc-double-
chloride of hepta-methyl-pararosani-
Similar -to -fig: 47, pl. 2232No. 460,
tee ae F
Green crystals. In solution greenish
blue, greenish blue.
6 g. per liter.
Angle 19.5’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Band in violet and blue, also strong
absorption in orange and red. The
band in the orange is partly sepa-
rated from the stronger band whose
intensity increases to, and beyond,
0.634. With due allowance for dif-
ferences in concentration, it ap-
pears that the absorption is, in
toto, the same as that shown by
solution No. 94. Absorption de-
creases from 0.20p to a region of
less intense absorption at 0.28p.
Then follows a strong band with
maximum at 0.3154. A band from
0.3754 to 0.445y has its maximum
at 0.415u. The yellow and orange
band begins at 0.515p.
94. Methyl Green. Zinc-double-chloride of
ethylhexamethyl - pararosaniline bro-
Fig 47, pl. 12; No. 461, S. & J.
Moss-green, crystalline powder. In
solution bluish green, bluish green.
20 g. per liter.
Angle 19.5’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Band in violet and blue, also strong
absorption in orange and red. Trans-
mits green and yellow-green. Band
from 0.36u to 0.454 with maximum
at 0.4154. This band is steeper on
its green side. Very transparent
from 0.45u to 0.495. From 0.495p
the absorption is intense and no re-
turn to transparency can be seen at
0.634. The band at 0.415 disap-
pears first on dilution.
95. Fuchsine S. (B.) Mixture of the so-
dium or ammonium salts of the tri-
sulphonic acids of rosaniline and
Fig. 53, pl. 143 No. 462, S, sccele
Metallic, green, glistening powder. In
solution red, red.
3 g. per liter.
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Strong absorption in the blue-green
and green. The middle of the first
transparent region is about 0.265p.
A weak absorption band has its
maximum near 0.295u. The visible
band commences at 0.475», has its
maximum about 0.535, and ends at
0.5754. Transparent from 0.575 to
99. China Blue.
96. Red Violet 5 R S. (B.) Sodium salt of
ethylrosaniline-sulphonic acid.
i202, pl. 16; No. 463, S. & J.
Brownish - violet, metallic, glistening
lumps. In solution brownish red,
brownish red.
Angle 58.5’. Depth 0 to 0.54 mm.
General absorption in the green, yel-
low, and orange. The ultra-violet
absorption is complete from 0.20p
to 0.364. Absorption decreases
gradually from 0.36 to a minimum
of general absorption near 0.47». A
weak band has its maximum about
0.525u. The marked slant of the end
of the negative shows the presence
of appreciable general absorption in
the yellow and orange. Red is trans-
O72eikali Blue 6 B: (A. A. C.) Sodium
salt of triphenyl-p-rosaniline - mono-
sulphonic acid.
Pie 72, pl. 18; No: 476,.S. &J.
Blue powder. In solution blue, deli-
cate blue.
12.5 g. per liter (heated).
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Strong absorption in yellow, orange,
and red. Intense, continuous absorp-
tion from 0.20u to 0.32n. Abrupt
decrease in absorption from 0.32p to
transparency at 0.3454. Transparent
from 0.345 to 0.5Ip. Strong ab-
sorption from 0.51p to beyond 0.63.
No decrease in absorption as far as
0.63u. The apparent increase in ab-
sorption near 0.624 is due to the
relative diminution of sensitiveness
of the photographic emulsion.
98. Methyl Blue. (O.) Sodium salt of tri-
phenyl - pararosaniline - trisulphonic
Similar to fig. 71, pl. 18; No. 479,
Dark-blue powder. In solution deep,
bright blue, blue.
6.89 g. per liter.
Angle 21.3’. Depth o to 0.18 mm.
Strong absorption in the yellow, orange,
and red. The description for solu-
tion No. 99 holds here quantitatively.
(A.) Sodium salt of the
trisulphonic acid of triphenylrosani-
line and triphenylpararosaniline.
Fig: 71, pl. 18; No. 480, S. & J.
99. China Blue—Continued.
Coppery flakes. In solution blue, blue.
3.57 g. per liter (filtered).
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
A hazy-edged band begins in the green
and continues into the red. The
strong lines around 0.255 are trans-
mitted by the deepest layer of liquid.
Absorption is more or less uniform
from 0.20pu to 0.32 and then shades
off to transparency at 0.3454. Trans-
parent from 0.345u to 0.505. Then
a band starts and continues with un-
diminished intensity to 0.63.
Coralline Red. Dioxy-amido-triphenyl-
Fig. 49, pl. 13; No. 484, S. & J.
Reddish-brown lumps. In solution red,
salmon pink.
11.25 g. per liter (heated).
Angle 19.5’. Depth o to 0.18 mm.
Sharp band in blue and green. Very
definite at yellow side with maxi-
mum in green-yellow. Rather strong
absorption from 0.20p to 0.27p, then
a decrease to transparency at 0.315p.
Strong absorption from 0.445 to
0.5574 with maximum at 0.527n.
Probably two unresolved bands with
the weaker component at the more
refrangible side. Transparent from
0.557» to 0.63.
Night Blue. (B.) Hydrochloride of
p-tolyltetraethyl-triamido - diphenyl-
Similar to fig. 70, pl. 18; No. 480,
Violet, bronzy powder. In solution
bright blue, blue.
2/31 °o. per liter.
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm.
Absorption in the yellow, orange, and
red. The limit at the green side is
steep and the curve is flat in the
longer wave-lengths. The visible re-
gion of absorption begins about
0.5254. For the ultra-violet absorp-
tion see fig. 70.
Victoria Blue 4 R. (B.) Hydro-
chloride of phenylpenta-methyl-tri-
amido -dipheny] - a - naphthyl - car-
Pie. Zo, pl. 15; No. 490, 5. & J.
Bronzy, glistening powder. In solution
deep blue, reddish blue.
2.78 g. per liter (heated).
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Victoria Blue 4 R—Continued.
Hazy-edged absorption in yellow and
orange. The red is only partially
absorbed. Comparatively weak ab-
sorption decreases steadily from
0.20n to about 0.3354. A band com-
mences at 0.495y and continues to a
maximum at 0.53u. From this point
the band shades off gently towards
the red. (The apparent increase of
absorption at 0.624 is probably due
to the increasing lack of sensitive-
ness of the plate.)
Rhodamine B. (B.) Hydrochloride of
Figs 65,0ph127 > Now 504,.c3.c0ce Je
Reddish-violet powder. In solution
bluish red, violet.
7.5.8. per jiter,
Angle 42.5’. Depth o to 0.36 mm.
Two distinct bands, the one in the yel-
low-orange and the other in the
green-yellow. Eye observations,
changes in concentration, and differ-
ent makes of films show that the
more refrangible band is the more
intense. Fluorescent solution. Ab-
sorption decreases gradually from
0.20p to an indefinite limit near 0.32u.
Strong absorption from 0.494n to
about 0.594. The maxima are at
0.524 and 0.5574 with the inter-
vening minimum of absorption at
0.54u. Transparent beyond the
orange band into the red.
Fast Acid Violet B. (M.) Sodium
salt of diphenyl - m - amido-phenol-
phthalein sulphonic acid.
Fig. 63, pl. 16; No. 506, S. & J.
Maroon powder. In solution bluish
red, pink.
3 2300 Det uiiter.
Angle 27.3’. Depth o to 0.25 mm.
Absorption band in the green-yellow.
This band is comparatively definite
on the green side and has a shadowy
companion on the red side. General
absorption continues well into the
orange-red. All strong lines in the
ultra-violet are transmitted. The
ultra-violet absorption ends about
0.33u. The visible band begins at
0.5054 and has its maximum near
0.53u. The less refrangible limit is
indeterminate. The essential differ-
ence between the spectrograms for
solutions Nos. 104 and 106 is that
104. Fast Acid Violet B—Continued.
for the former the visible band is
asymmetric, whereas for the latter
it is symmetric.
Fast Acid Violet A 2 R. (M.) Sodium
salt of di-o-tolyl - m - amido-phenol-
phthalein-sulphonic acid.
Similar to fig. 19, pl. 5; No. 507, S. & J.
Violet-red powder. In solution red,
4.67 g. per liter.
Angle 23.4’. Depth o to 0.21 mm.
Very narrow, definite band in the
green. All strong ultra-violet lines
are transmitted. The ultra-violet ab-
sorption ends about 0.335. The
visible band begins at 0.495p, has its
maximum at 0.525, and ends near
0.57n. The slanting end of the spec-
trogram indicates general absorption
in the deep yellow. The green band
for this solution is of the same type
as the corresponding one for No.
104, although it is much less asym-
metric, and therefore it resembles
more closely No. 106. The spectrum
of solution No. 105 is best described
as a transition form between Nos.
104 and 106. Solutions Nos. 104
and 105 have the same empirical
Acid Rosamine A. (A.) Sodium salt
of di- mesidyl - m- amido - phenol -
phthalein-sulphonic acid.
Fig, 19, pL 5; No. 508s 20g
Light-red powder. In solution red,
10 g. per liter.
Angle 29.3’. Depth 0 to 0.27 mm.
Single V-shaped band in the green.
Weak absorption beginning with ex-
tinction at 0.204 and fading gradu-
ally to transparency at 0.32u. Ab-
sorption band covers the interval
from 0.505u to 0.565 with its max-
imum at 0.5354. Transparent from
0.565p to 0.63p.
Uranine. (B.) Sodium or potassium
salt of fluoresceine.
Figs. 15 and 16, pl. 4; No. 510, S. & J.
Yellowish-brown powder. In solution
reddish yellow, yellow.
Intense, narrow band in the blue-green
with a weaker companion on its more
refrangible side. Very strong, yel-
lowish-green fluorescence.
————_ eC
107. Uranine—Continued.
Fig. 16 resulted from a solution of 2 g.
per liter.
Angle 23.4’. Depth 0 to 0.21 mm. Only
the stronger band shows. Here it
extends from 0.480pn to 0.504p with
its maximum at 0.493».
Fig. 15 corresponds to 2.67 g. per liter.
The angle 31.2’ gives a maximum
depth of 0.49 mm. Complete trans-
parency from 0.330u to 0.443u. The
spectrogram shows that the visible
region of absorption has roughly
parallel sides which are very definite.
The visible maximum is at 0.493
as before. At the outer edge of the
fifth strip the absorption covers the
interval from 0.443 to 0.515p.
A solution of 5 g. per liter, of angle
42.5, and of depth o to 0.36 mm.,
absorbed from 0.432» to 0.518 with
the maximum at 0.493p.
A solution of 20 g. per liter with an
angle of 42.5’ caused the ultra-violet
and visible absorption bands _ to
coalesce, on the third photographic
strip, in a semi-transparent region
extending roughly from 0.355 to
0.3954. Intense absorption from
0.395" to 0.5334. The short wave-
length boundary is indefinite, but the
opposite limit is very sharply de-
fined and steep. Maximum absorp-
tion at 0.493».
Tests were made to ascertain whether
or not the conditions were favor-
able to contamination of the absorp-
tion spectra by the fluorescent light.
The most dilute solution was illu-
minated with intense ultra-violet
light and an exposure of five min-
utes was given to the photographic
film. Full development of the film
brought out no trace of previously
incident light. Therefore, since the
Nernst glower alone was used in
making the records of the visible
bands and because, in all cases ex-
cept one, more concentrated solutions
were used, it follows that the spec-
trograms are correct representations
of the absorption, at least so far
as the fluorescent light is concerned.
108. Eosine, yellowish. (A.) Alkali salts
of tetrabromo-fluoresceine.
Fig. 58, pl. 15; No. 512, S. & J.
‘ia Or
Eosine, yellowish—Continued.
Deep red powder. In solution yellow-
ish red, pink.
20 g. per liter.
Angle 21.3’. Depth o to 0.18 mm.
Very strong absorption in blue and
green. Faint green fluorescence in-
creasing with dilution. Intense ab-
sorption from 0.20p to 0.33. The
absorption then decreases, first gradu-
ally and then steeply, to partial trans-
parency at 0.37u. This transparent
region continues as far as 0.434».
Intense absorption from 0.434 to
0.56. From 0.515 to 0.5254 the
solution is almost opaque. Two un-
resolved bands seem to be present.
The more refrangible boundary of
the visible absorption is less definite
than the opposite side. The latter
limit is steep and sharp. Transpar-
ent from 0.56 to 0.63.
Eosine a l’alcool. (B.) Potassium
salt of tetrabromo-fluoresceine-ethyl-
geet, Dis NO. SLA, 3. Os).
Brown powder mixed with small,
green crystals. In solution red, pink.
4.29 g. per liter (heated).
Angle 46.8’. Depth 0 to 0.43 mm.
Sharp, narrow band in green, abrupt
on yellow side and diffuse on the
blue side due to a faint companion
band. Slight greenish-yellow fluo-
rescence. Very weak absorption in
extreme ultra-violet. Absorption be-
gins at 0.4954 and ends at 0.540w.
The chief maximum is at 0.525p.
Transparent from 0.540p to 0.63p.
Methyl Eosine. (A.) Potassium salt
of dibromodinitro-fluoresceine.
Similar to fig. 58, pl. 15; No. 515,
Brown, crystalline powder. In solution
red, orange.
10 g. per liter.
Angle 15.6’. Depth 0 to 0.14 mm.
Intense band in blue and green. Ap-
parently two unresolved bands. Sim-
ilar absorption to that of solution
No. 108. Absorption is rather com-
plete from 0.20u to 0.30 and then
decreases to about 0.364. Strong
absorption from 0.46 to 0.56u. The
principal maximum is at 0.52u. Very
transparent from 0.56u to 0.63,.
Ai Te,
Eosine, bluish. (B.) Sodium salt of
Similar to fig. 58, pl. 15; No. 517,
Pre it fs
Lavender powder.
15 g. per liter.
Angle 21.3’. Depth o to 0.18 mm.
Intense absorption in the blue-green.
Similar absorption to that of solu-
tion No. 108. The yellowish-green
fluorescence only appears in dilute
solutions. Absorption decreases
gradually from 0.20 to 0.36u. In-
tense absorption from 0.455u to
0.555u. Maximum of absorption at
0.524. There seem to be two unre-
solved bands of which the more re-
frangible is a little less intense than
its companion. This region of ab-
sorption is sharper and steeper at
its yellow border. Transparent from
0.555 to 0.63p.
Erythrosine. (M.) Sodium salt of
Fig. 59, pl. 15; No. 517, S. & J.
Dark-red powder. In solution red,
15 g. per liter.
Angle 21.3’. Depth o to 0.18 mm.
Intense absorption in the blue and
green. A strong band in the middle
with a slightly weaker, unresolved
companion on each side. The yel-
lowish-green fluorescence only ap-
pears in dilute solutions. The re-
gion of visible absorption is from
0.455" to 0.562u. The chief maxi-
mum is about 0.518. The yellow
edge of this group of bands is very
sharply defined. Transparent from
0.562 to 0.63p.
Cyanosine. (M.) Alkaline salt of
tetra - bromodichloro - fluoresceine-
Fig: 18, pl. 5; No. 319 5.¢4);
Brownish-red powder. In solution red,
bluish pink.
Saturated (boiled).
Angle 25.4’. Depth 0 to 0.23 mm.
Bind in blue-green and green. Faint,
yellowish fluorescence. Strong ab-
sorption from 0.493» to 0.553" with
its maximum at.0.525u. Transpar-
ent from 0.553 to 0.63p.
In solution red,
114. Rose Bengal.
(B.) Alkaline salt of
Similar to fig. 59, pl. 15; No. 520,
Sk he
Brown powder. In solution red, orange.
15 g. per liter.
Angle 21.3’. Depth 0 to 0.18 mm.
Double, unresolved pair of bands in
green. In amyl alcohol the bands
were nearly resolved. Strong ab-
sorption from 0.20pn to about 0.33,,
except a slight weakening at 0.295.
Transparent from 0.33u to 0.48n.
Strong absorption from 0.48 to
0.575u. Transparent from 0.575» to
Phloxine. (B.) Sodium salt of tetra-
Fig. 60, pl Ths" No, $27, oa
Brick-red powder. In solution cherry
red, pink.
12.5 ge. per lier,
Angle 42.5’. Depth 0 to 0.36 mm.
Intense absorption in the green. Dark-
green fluorescence. Visible band lies
between 0.458 and 0.574. The max-
imum is near 0.5254. For dilute so-
lutions the absorption is very much
like that shown by fig. 18, except
that the contour of the band in the
green is sharper than for solution
No. 113.
Galleine. (By.) Pyrogallol-phthalein.
Similar to fig. 11, pl. 3; No. 525, S.& J.
Violet brown powder. In solution very
dark brown, brown.
Saturated (heated).
Angle 58.5’. Depth 0 to 0.54 mm.
Hazy-edged absorption in the blue-
green and green. Absorption is com-
paratively strong at 0.20n and de-
creases very gradually to semi-trans-
parency about 0.4354. Only partial
transparency exists between 0.435m
and 0.485u. A V-shaped band ab-
sorbs from 0.4854 to 0.553u. The
maximum is about 0.524. The end
of the negative slants a good deal,
showing general absorption in the
yellow-orange. The spectrogram is
like that which would be obtained
with a more concentrated solution of
No. 47 if it were possible to produce
such a condition.
117. Phosphine. (M.) Nitrate of chrysani-
line (unsym. diamido - phenyl - acri-
dine) and homologues.
Hig. 32,0 8; Nou 53205, 6. |.
Orange-yellow powder. In
brown, yellow.
11.25 g. per liter (heated and filtered).
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Absorption in violet, blue, and green
with hazy limits. Strong absorption
from 0.20p to 0.295p, then weaken-
ing to semi-transparency at 0.325.
Next a band with maximum at
0.364. Return to partial transpar-
ency at 0.41. Then follow two un-
resolved bands with maxima about
0.4584 and o.50u. Complete trans-
parency from 0.52 to 0.62u. A solu-
tion so concentrated as to absorb all
the ultra-violet and visible spectrum
from 0.20pn to 0.5384 was transpar-
ent to 0.63.
Alizarine Brown. (M.) Trioxyanthra-
Similar to fig. 11, pl. 3; No. 538, S.& J.
Dark-brown powder. In solution dull
brown, brown.
Angle 35.1’. Depth 0 to 0.32 mm.
General, indefinite absorption except
in the red. Absorption intense and
uniform from 0.20p to 0.33. From
0.334 the absorption decreases very
gradually and nearly linearly to
about 0.47p. A very weak band with
its maximum at 0.524 exists over
and above the intensity minimum of
the sensitized film. The end of the
negative slopes appreciably, denoting
continued general absorption in the
orange. No visible weakening of the
red. A maximum of transparency is
around 0.484. The spectrograms for
solutions Nos. 116 and 118 are very
119. Alizarine Red S. (B.) Sodium salt of
alizarine-monosulphonic acid.
Fig. 14, pl. 4; No. 546, S. & J.
Orange-yellow powder. In
reddish yellow, yellow. .
12 g. per liter (heated and filtered).
Angle 30.0’. Depth 0 to 0.45 mm.
Absorption in violet and blue. Opaque
from 0.20% to 0.275. Absorption
decreases gradually from 0.2754 to
partial transparency at 0.377y, and
119. Alizarine Red S—Continued.
then increases to a maximum at
0.424. Absorption ends at 0.485.
No visible absorption from 0.49 to
120. Alizarine Blue S. (B.) Sodium bisul-
phite compound of dioxy - anthra-
Fig, 25D. 72NGe 5695-5, &. be
Chocolate-brown powder. In solution
yellowish brown, brown.
7.327 2. per liter.
Angle 58.5’. Depth 0 to 0.54 mm.
Absorption in violet, blue, and green.
The absorption extends into the
ultra-violet. Absorption from 0.20u
to 0.334 is almost complete save a
slight weakening around 0.285. In-
tense maximum at 0.315u. Absorp-
tion decreases abruptly from _ be-
yond 0.33 to transparency at 0.36p.
The transparent region is from
0.36% to about 0.385. A pair of
wide bands absorbs from 0.385 to
0.5434. Their maxima are at 0.44u
and 0.5174. The intervening mini-
mum of absorption is at 0.48n.
Transparent from 0.543 to 0.63.
The ultra-violet bands remain very
intense even when dilution causes
the visible bands to disappear.
Neutral Red. (D. H.) Hydrochloride
of dimethyldiamido-toluphenazine.
Similar to fig 54, pl. 14; No. 580,
Se: Ge]
Dark-green powder. In solution red,
3 g. per liter.
Angle 39.0’. Depth 0 to 0.36 mm.
Band in blue and blue-green, not sharp
at edges. Very similar absorption
to that of solution No. 122. Slight
transparency at 0.23». ec
Eight crystalline plates of oO 4
carborundum and three © °
of diamond were fastened ) f
to a strip of black paper
parts of a long, slit-like
opening in the paper.
The carborundum plates
varied in color from
in such a manner as to g
bridge across. different
visible transparency to 8
deep blue. The carbons ») j
were colorless. The ac-
companying sketch shows 3
approximately the size,
shape, relative positions,
and distribution of blue of — Fig. 7.
the plates. d, e, and f denote the
diamonds. The paper strip was slid
over the slit of the spectrograph, par-
allel to the length of this opening,
and successive exposures were taken.
* Kindly loaned by Mr. L."E. Jewell,
154. Carborundum and Diamond.—Cont’d.
The absorption produced by plates
a, b, c, d, and e was first photo-
graphed, then the absorption of f
and g, next that of h and 1, and
lastly, that of 7 and k. The spark
and glower exposures were 75 sec.
and 60 sec., respectively.
Plate a was uniformly colored a blue
of moderate intensity. Its absorp-
tion is shown by the photographic
strip, the outer boundaries of which
are numbered 1 and 2. In cases
where the crystals were not in con-
tact the light passed through be-
tween them and produced narrow
comparison spectra; for example,
the strip between Nos. 2 and 3.
Plate b was almost colorless with a
frosted surface. Thickness 0.036
mm. Its absorption spectrum is the
strip between 3 and 4.
Plate c had about the same color as
plate a. Thickness 0.173 mm. Its
absorption spectrum is the strip be-
tween 5 and 6.
Plate d was a smooth, colorless car-
bon. Thickness 0.191 mm. _ Its
spectrum is between 6 and 7. ¢ and
d were practically in contact. This
pair of plates shows how much more
transparent to ultra-violet light pure
carbon is than a colorless plate of
carborundum of comparable thick-
ness. Judging by the negative the
former transmits no light of wave-
length shorter than 2748.7 A. U.,
whereas the latter absorbs everything
shorter than 0.390p.
Plate e had such an irregular surface
that the light transmitted by it did
not fall upon the sensitized film.
Thickness about 0.191 mm. The
blank between 10 and 11 is due to
translation of the photographic film
between the first and second settings.
Plate f was a diamond with irregulari-
ties running parallel to the slit.
Thickness 0.533 mm. Spectrum be-
tween II and 12.
Plate g was a deeper blue than any of
the above-mentioned crystals in the
pentagon nearer plate f. The wide
border, extending around four sides
of the blue area, was practically
colorless. Thickness 0.602 mm.
154. Carborundum and Diamond—Cont’d.
Spectrum between 13 and 14. f and
g contrast diamond. colorless car-
borundum, and blue carborundum
with one another. The blank: from
14 to 15 marks the second setting
of the film.
Plate h had a delicate, uniform, blue
tint. Thickness 0.064 mm. Spec-
trum between 16 and 17.
Plate + was a deeper blue than any of
the preceding crystals. Thickness
0.345 mm. Spectrum between 18
and 19. The blank from 19 to 20
corresponds to the third setting of
the photographic film.
The center of plate 7 was as deep in
color as the middle of 7 and it was
also the thickest plate studied. Thick-
ness 0.693 mm. Spectrum between
20 and 21.
Plate k was of a delicate blue color of
a slightly deeper hue than plates b
and c, except in the corner nearer 7.
In the latter place it had about the
same tint as plate h. Thickness
0.097 mm. Spectrum between 22
and 23.
Chromium Chloride.
Fig. 79, pl. 20.
In solution very dark green, green.
Angle 50.7’. Depth, from nearly o to
0.46 mm.
Strong absorption in the violet, blue,
orange, and red.
Absorption was complete from 0.20u
to 0.3034. The boundary of the
ultra-violet band curved around
from 0.303 to 0.3284 as the thick-
ness of absorbing layer increased
from its least to its greatest value.
Semi-transparency from 0.328 to
0.380n. A wide, round band, with
its maximum near 0.4384, absorbed
from 0.380n to 0.498. This is fol-
lowed by fairly complete transmis-
sion from 0.498% to 0.555. The
orange and red region of absorp-
tion commenced at about 0.555,.
156. Cobalt Chloride.
Fig. 78, pl. 20.
In solution red, rose-pink.
351.9 g. of anhydrous salt per liter
(2.71 normal).
156. Cobalt Chloride—Continued.
Angle 58.5’. Depth 0.53 to 1.07 mm.
One absorption band in the blue-green
and another in the deep red.* Ab-
sorption was complete from 0.20 -to
about 0.2484. The solution was
quite transparent from 0.254 to
about 0.495u. An absorption band,
with its maximum near 0.520, ex-
tended from 0.497p to 0.542u. Trans-
parent from the boundary of this
band as far as the deep red.
157. Cobalt Chloride and Aluminium
Fig. 95, pl. 24.
The plane-parallel cell was kept at the
constant depth of 1.41 cm.
The successive solutions were made up
in the following manner: First, a
chosen volume of the mother-solu-
tion of cobalt chloride was run from
a burette or pipette into a measur-
ing flask. Next, a certain amount
of the mother-solution of aluminium
chloride was run into the same flask
and mixed with the solution of the
cobalt salt. Finally, distilled water
was added to the mixture until the
resulting solution filled up the meas-
uring flask to its calibration mark.
Of course, all the usual precautions
necessary to avoid errors due to
changes in volume on mixing and to
lack of homogeneity were taken.
Each solution of the series was made
up to the same volume and con-
tained the same amount of cobalt
chloride. On the other hand, the
mass of the dehydrating agent pres-
ent changed from one solution to
the next.
The photographic strips nearest to the
numbered scale and to the compari-
son spectrum correspond, respec-
tively, to the solutions which con-
tained the least and greatest amounts
of the aluminium salt. The inter-
vening strips succeed one another in
the order of increasing percentages
of aluminium chloride. The con-
stant concentration of the cobalt
chloride in the solutions was 0.271
normal. The concentrations of the
aluminium chloride in the several
*For exhaustive details see “‘Hydrates in Aqueous Solution,” etc.
Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Harry C. Jones, Publication No. 60 of the
157. Cobalt Chloride, etc.—Continued.
solutions of the series were 0.000,
HIS, 1.304, 7.676, 1.781, 1.887,
2.096, and 2.459 normal.
The solution which contained no dehy-
‘drating agent only absorbed the con-
tinuous background from 0.20 to
0.23Ip. The band in the blue-green
extended from 0.5034 to about
The solution of concentration 2.096,
in the aluminium chloride, absorbed
the continuous background from
0.20n to 0.2884. The band in the
blue-green extended from 0.485, to
The absorption in the yellow and
orange is brought out clearly by the
photographic strip adjacent to the
comparison spectrum. The changes
which the bands in the orange and
red undergo when the amount of
dehydrating agent in the solutions is
increased are pronounced and inter-
esting, but they are too complicated
to admit of discussion in this place.*
Similar changes are brought about
by other dehydrating agents, such
as calcium chloride, for example.
Iigure 95 illustrates the fact that the
absorption bands of a colored salt,
so-called, can be widened by the addi-
tion of suitable colorless salts as well
as by simple increase in concen-
158. Cobalt Chloride in Acetone.
Fig. go, pl. 23, and fig. 94, pl. 24.
Fig. 90 shows the changes in the posi-
tions of the centers of the regions
of absorption and transmission of
cobalt chloride produced by varying
the solvent. The depth of the cell
was 2.40 cm. Counting from the
comparison spectrum towards the
opposite side of the spectrogram, the
four photographic strips correspond
to solutions of anhydrous cobalt
chloride in water, in absolute methyl
alcohol, in absolute ethyl alcohol, and
in anhydrous acetone, respectively.
The aqueous solution was rosy red.
The methyl solution was purple.
The color of the ethyl solution was
blue with a slight reddish tinge. The
solution in acetone was blue with a
158. Cobalt Chloride in Acetone—Cont’d.
slight greenish tinge. The concen-
trations of the solutions, in the order
named, were, respectively, 0.325,
0.099, 0.097, and 0.010 normal.
The aqueous solution absorbed prac-
tically all radiations from 0.20p to
0.275p. The blue-green band ab-
sorbed the region between 0.45 and
0.5 5/-
The solution having methyl alcohol for
solvent absorbed all of the ultra-
violet from 0.20u to near 0.39n. It
then transmitted from 0.39 to
0.4954. The next absorption band
extended from 0.495p to 0.56u. The
faintness of the associated photo-
graphic strip shows the presence of
appreciable absorption in the yellow.
Both the ultra-violet absorption and
the adjoining region of transmis-
sion were very nearly the same for
the solution in ethyl alcohol as for
that in methyl alcohol. On the con-
trary, the third strip gives no indi-
cation of return to transparency in
the yellow of the band which ab-
sorbed all of the green.
The acetone solution transmitted the
region between about 0.384 and
0.564, but absorbed all the other
radiations which could affect the
Seed film.
The phenomena in the visible spectrum
were brought out very clearly by
photographing with a Cramer
“Trichromatic” plate. The depth of
the cell was decreased to 2.00 cm.
The aqueous solution transmitted
from beyond the shorter wave-
length end of the plate to 0.46 and
again from 0.543 to beyond 0.625u
at the other end of the plate.
The solution in methyl alcohol trans-
mitted from 0.387% to 0.495 and
again from 0.548 to beyond 0.625n.
The intensity of the transmitted
light, in the yellow and orange, how-
ever, was not as great for the
methyl as for the aqueous solution.
The solution in ethyl alcohol only trans-
mitted from 0.385 to 0.497.
The solution in acetone only trans-
mitted from 0.373 to 0.560p.
*For exhaustive details see ‘‘Hydrates in Aqueous Solution,” etc. Harry C. Jones, Publication No. 60 of the
Carnegie Institution of Washington.
158. Cobalt Chloride in Acetone—Cont’d.
158. Cobalt Chloride in Acetone—Cont’d.
from this wave-length to near
It is thus seen that the photographic
center of the band of absorption in
the green was displaced by about
200 Angstrém units as the solvent
was changed from water to methyl
alcohol. A still greater displacement
was produced by changing from the
one alcohol to the other, the concen-
trations of the two solutions being
very nearly equal.
The empirical data given above serve
to illustrate* the general fact that
the position and character of a
given region of absorption or of
transmission of a chosen colored
salt can be varied, in general, over
wide ranges by suitable changes in
the solvent used.
Fig. 94 shows the way in which the
limits of absorption change when
water is added to solutions of anhy-
drous cobalt chloride dissolved in
absolute acetone. The depth of the
cell was 2 cm. The solutions were
made up in the following manner:
A certain arbitrary volume of water
was poured into a measuring flask
and then the flask was filled up to
its calibration mark by running into’
0.552». A strong absorption band
commenced at 0.552 and extended
into the red.
The photographic strip pertaining to
the solution which contained the
smallest measured amount of water
transmitted from 0.333 to about
0.5664. The change in absorption
due to the addition of water to the
anhydrous mother-solution is, there-
fore, more noticeable in the ultra-
violet than in the yellow. The photo-
graphic boundary of the ultra-violet
absorption band changed but little,
as the percentage of water present
in the solutions increased from 2 to
12, and this is due to the intense
ultra-violet absorption of the pure
acetone. (See No. 148.) On the
other hand, acetone possesses no ab-
sorption band in the visible spectrum,
and hence the limits of transmission
in the green and yellow, as shown
by the several strips of the spec-
trogram, represent correctly the
changes in absorption consequent
upon the addition of successive in-
crements of water.
it from a burette the requisite amount 159. Cobalt Chloride in Ethyl Alcohol.
of a mother-solution composed of See No. 158.
anhydrous cobalt chloride and abso- 160. Cobalt Chloride in Methyl Alcohol.
lute acetone. When water is gradu- See No. 158.
ally added to such a mother-solution 161. Cobalt Glass.
the resulting liquid changes by de- Fig. 85, pl. 21.
grees from deep blue through light A plane-parallel sheet of ordinary blue
blue and then through an almost
colorless condition to faint pink.
The percentages by volume of the
water in the solutions under consid-
eration were, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12.
The concentration of the mother-
solution was 0.015 normal.
The photographic strip nearest to the
comparison spectrum corresponds to
the solution which was anhydrous.
The next strip pertains to the solu-
tion which contained 2 per cent of
water, and so on, across the entire
spectrogram. The mother-solution
absorbed completely all radiations
between 0.20pn and 0.333u. The con-
tinuous background was very much
weakened as far as about 0.361».
The solution transmitted freely
cobalt-glass was ground to the form
of a wedge and then polished. A
prism of colorless glass was at-
tached at the sides to the cobalt prism
with its refracting edge parallel to
that of the colored glass. The two
wedges were in contact over their
hypothenuse planes, and hence the
outer plane surfaces were nearly
parallel. The object in using the
colorless glass wedge was, obviously,
to correct for the dispersion of the
cobalt-glass prism. The lack of
agreement between the contiguous
edges of the two photographic strips
shows that the angle of the color-
less prism ought to have been at
least twice as large as that of the
blue prism. The angle of the cobalt-
* See also No. 165.
Cobalt Glass—Continued.
glass wedge was approximately 9°.
The compound system absorbed all
the ultra-violet from 0.20 to 0.325.
The boundary of the ultra-violet
band does not curve or slant very
much with reference to the long axis
of the spectrogram because of the
absorption of the colorless glass in
this region of the spectrum. The
cobalt-glass transmits from about
0.3274 to 0.497. Beginning at
0.497 a region of absorption ex-
tends into the red. The most re-
frangible band in this region has its
maximum near 0.524. The mini-
mum of absorption between the band
just mentioned and the less refran-
gible, neighboring band is at wave-
length o.560n. The band in the
orange extended into the red beyond
the field of view of the spectrograph.
These results were tested by using
a red-sensitive photographic plate.
Cobalt Sulphate.
Similar to fig. 78, pl. 20.
Reddish crystals. In solution red, sal-
mon pink,
Angle about 6°. Depth o to about 3.2
Rather weak absorption in the blue-
green. All of the strongest ultra-
violet lines were transmitted. The
continuous background was absorbed
from 0.20% to about 0.255n. The
band in the blue-green extended
from 0.505 to 0.525 with its center
near O.515p.
. Copper Chloride.
Fig. 77, pl. 20.
Dark-green crystals. In solution dark
green, yellowish green.
534-7 g. of anhydrous salt per liter
(3.98 normal).
Angle 19.5’. Depth nearly 0 to 0.18 mm.
Intense absorption in the red. The
solution was remarkable for its
strong absorption of the ultra-violet
radiations. Absorption was complete
from 0.20p to 0.32 at the thinnest
part of the wedge. The end of this
band curved around from 0.32p to
0.40. Transmission was complete
from about 0.40» to the orange.
164. Copper Chloride and Calcium Chlo-
Figs; 024 pl. 23.
The plane-parallel cell was kept at the
constant depth of 1.41 cm. The
several solutions were made up as
explained under No. 157, which see.
The photographic strips nearest to
the numbered scale and to the com-
parison spectrum correspond, re-
spectively, to the solutions which
contained the least and _ greatest
amounts of the calcium salt. The
intervening strips succeed one an-
other in the order of increasing per-
centages of calcium chloride. The
constant concentration of the cop-
per chloride in the solutions was
0.398 normal. The concentrations
of the calcium chloride in the sev-
eral solutions of the series were
0.000, 0.271, 0.541, 0.812, 1.082,
1.353, 1.624, 1.894, 2.165, 2.435,
2.706, 2.977, 3.247, 3.518, 3.788, and
4.041 normal. The addition of cal-
cium chloride to an aqueous solution
of copper chloride changes the color
of the latter from clear blue, through
green, to yellowish green, due to the
presence of an absorption band in
the red* and to the encroaching of
the ultra-violet band upon the violet
and blue.
The solution which contained only
copper chloride absorbed all radia-
tions from 0.20u to about 0.36Ip.
The solution which contained the
greatest amount of the dehydrating
agent absorbed all radiations from
0.20n to about 0.509Qu. Hence, the
ultra-violet region of absorption
widened by about 1480 Angstrém
units when the concentration of the
calcium chloride was increased from
0.000 to 4.041 normal. The spec-
trogram shows clearly how the suc-
cessive increments of absorption de-
creased as the concentration of the
calcium salt increased in arith-
metical progression. Other dehy-
drating agents, such as aluminium
chloride, for example, produce sim-
ilar changes in the limits of ab-
*For exhaustive details see ‘“‘ Hydrates in Aqueous Solution,” etc. Harry C. Jones, Publication No. 60 of the
Carnegie Institution of Washington.
165. Copper Chloride in Acetone.
Fig. g1, pl. 23, and fig. 93, pl. 24.
Fig. 91 shows the changes in the posi-
tions of the ends of the regions of
absorption and transmission of cop-
per chloride produced by varying the
solvent. The depth of the cell was
1.50 cm. Counting from the com-
parison spectrum towards the oppo-
site side of the spectrogram, the four
photographic strips correspond to
solutions of anhydrous copper
chloride in absolute acetone, in ab-
solute ethyl alcohol, in anhydrous
methyl alcohol, and in water, re-
spectively. The acetone solution was
brownish yellow. The ethyl solution
was dark green. ‘The color of the
methyl solution was yellowish green.
The aqueous solution was blue. The
concentrations of the solutions, in
the order named, were, respectively,
0.022, 0.321, 0.283, and 0.795 normal.
The aqueous solution absorbed all
radiations from 0.20 to 0.387 and
from 0.588 into the red.
The solution having methyl alcohol for
solvent absorbed all of the ultra-
violet from 0.20u to near 0.462u. It
transmitted from 0.4624 to beyond
the region of photographic sensibility
of the Seed films.
The solution in ethyl alcohol absorbed
from 0.20p to about 0.515 and again
from 0.59p into the red.
The acetone solution absorbed from
0.20 to near O.510u. It transmitted
from 0.510u to beyond the region of
sensibility of the film used.
These results were supplemented by
the aid of a Cramer “Trichromatic”
plate. A bluish-green, aqueous solu-
tion of concentration 1.590 normal
was substituted for the one referred
to above. The depth of cell and the
concentrations of the three remain-
ing solutions were unaltered. This
photograph showed that the new
aqueous solution transmitted from
0.434p to 0.588n, the methyl solution
from 0.4624 to beyond 0.625, the
ethyl solution from 0.513" to 0.604p,
and the acetone solution from 0.510p
to beyond 0.625.
165. Copper Chloride in Acetone—Cont'd.
The exposures for the Seed film and
the Cramer plate were, respectively,
1.5 and 2 minutes long.
Fig. 93 shows the way in which the
limits of absorption change when
water is added to solutions of anhy-
drous copper chloride dissolved in
absolute acetone. The depth of the
cell was 2cm. The solutions were
made up as explained under No. 158,
which see.
The percentages by volume of the
water in the solutions under consid-
eration were 0, I, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8.
The concentration of the mother-
solution was 0.022 normal.
The photographic strip nearest to the
comparison spectrum corresponds to
the solution which was anhydrous.
The next strip pertains to the solu-
tion which contained 1 per cent of
water, etc., across the entire spectro-
gram. The mother-solution ab-
sorbed completely all radiations from
0.20p to 0.5174. The next four solu-
tions had a region of transmission
the center of which was at 0.436n.
This region was followed by an ab-
sorption band whose middle was dis-
placed towards the ultra-violet as
the amount of water in the solutions
was increased. For the 1 and 2 per
cent solutions the center of the ab-
sorption band had the approximate
wave-lengths 0.478» and 0.475, re-
spectively. The solution which con-
tained 8 per cent of water absorbed
all radiations from 0.20% to about
0.3934 and transmitted from this
wave-length to beyond 0.62u.
169. Copper Chloride in Ethyl Alcohol.
See No. 165.
167. Copper Chloride in Methyl Alcohol.
See No. 165.
168. Diamond.
See No. 154.
169. Erbium Chloride.*
Fig. ror, pl. 26. In solution very faint
Concentrated (filtered).
The solution was poured into a quartz
cell, the ends of which were plane
and parallel. The cell was succes-
sively adjusted to the following
* A specimen from the collection of the late Prof. Henry A. Rowland,
169. Erbium Chloride—Continued.
GRpeis, Viz: 0.830189)" 2.43, 1:73,
@.04),.2-33,°2,03) and 2.973 cm. In
other words, the thickness of the
absorbing layer was increased by 3
mm. between the successive photo-
graphic exposures. As has _ been
often remarked by other observers,
the solution in question has a very
large number of remarkably narrow
absorption bands.
For the depth of 0.83 cm. all of the
ultra-violet is absorbed from 0.20p
to the cadmium line at 2880.9, while
for the depth of 2.93 cm. transmis-
sion begins near 0.300n. The wave-
lengths of the maxima of the ab-
sorption bands, and the essential
characteristics of the bands, as ob-
tained directly from the original
negative, are as follows: 0.325,
0.350u, strong with a broad penum-
bra on both sides; 0.3555, faint;
0.3045, strong; 0.3662u, faint com-
panion of the last; 0.3766p, nar-
row and faint; 0.3792u, strong and
sharp; 0.3875, faint, diffuse band
shading off gradually towards the
red; 0.4054, weak and_ sharp;
0.4075, weak; 0.416p, faint, dif-
fuse band shading off towards the
red; 0.419p, faint; 0.422, faint and
narrow; 0.4274, extremely faint
and diffuse band; 0.4425p, faint;
0.4504, comparatively strong and
narrow with a very faint com-
panion at the more refrangible side
and with a broad, hazy band near
the opposite edge; 0.4675p, very
faint; 0.47254, very faint and dif-
fuse; 0.480n, extremely faint;
0.485, weak; 0.48754, Ccompara-
tively strong and narrow; 0.49Ip,
wide, hazy band shading off to-
wards the red; 0.5186, weak and
narrow; 0.5205n, narrow; 0.5235p,
strong and narrow; 0.5365, weak
and broad; and 0.5413", weak with
a broad, diffuse companion on the
side nearest to the red.
171. Glycerine—Continued.
of the continuous backgrcund as
far as about 0.334. The exposure
lasted for 1.5 minutes.
172. Litmus.
Figs. 83 and 84, pl. 21.
In solution blue and red for the
neutral (or alkaline) and acid con-
ditions, respectively.
Angle, about 6° for both cases.
Depth o to 3.2 mm., approximately,
for fig. 83.
The absorption of the blue solution
is suggested by fig. 83. Absorp-
tion was practically complete from
0.20u% to about 0.284. From this
wave-length the absorption band
followed a gentle slope to about
0.42p for the greatest depth of so-
lution. A region of partial trans-
parency extended from 0.424 to
near 0.496u. A band of absorption
began at 0.496» and had its max-
imum approximately at 0.53Ip.
The spectrogram indicates the ex-
istence of intense absorption in the
orange and red.
Fig. 84 gives the photographic record
obtained with an acid solution of
litmus. This solution absorbed
the greater part of the ultra-violet
region just as the neutral solution
did. On the other hand, the acid
solution exerted general absorp-
tion in the violet and blue, where-
as the neutral solution, of the same
depth, transmitted the light of
these colors. The maximum of
the band in the green was at 0.515
for the red solution. The displace-
ment of this maximum from 0.53Iu
to 0.5154 was probably exaggerated
by the variations of sensibility of
the photographic films for radia-
tions of different wave-lengths.
Fig. 84 recorded only weak ab-
sorption in the yellow-orange. Red
was transmitted.
173. Methyl Alcohol.
170. Ethyl Alcohol. See No. 148.
See No. 148. 174. Neodymium Ammonium Nitrate.
171. Glycerine. Figs. 96, 97, and 98, pl. 25.
A plane-parallel layer of glycerine Pink crystals. In solution pink.
13.5 mm. deep absorbed all light Concentrated (filtered).
of wave-length less than 0.25 and For fig. 96 the solution was poured
it produced a general weakening into a quartz cell the ends of
174. Neodymium Ammonium Nitrate—
which were plane and parallel.
The cell was successively adjusted
_to the following depths, viz: 0.53,
O.83,. -1103e NES, P1738 (20059 12.33;
and 2.63 cm. In other words, the
thickness of the absorbing layer
was increased by 3 mm. between
the successive photographic ex-
posures. As has been often re-
marked by other observers, the so-
lution in question has a large num-
ber of unusually narrow absorption
bands, some of which are very in-
tense and persistent.
For the depth of 0.53 cm. all of the
ultra-violet is absorbed from 0.20p
to the zinc line at 3302.7, while for
the depth of 2.63 cm. only very
faint transmission obtains in the
immediate vicinity of 3407.7 A. U.
The general characteristics of the
most intense bands can be readily
seen by referring to fig. 96, hence
it will suffice to give the approxi-
mate wave-lengths of the absorp-
tion bands which were recorded
by the original negative.
The centers of the bands were at
0.347p¢@;, 0.350H, 0.355H, 0.381p, very
faint; 0.418y, faint; 0.4275, sharp ;
0.433u, very faint; 0.4437y, dif-
fuse; 0.46Ip, faint and diffuse;
0.46954, 0.4755¢, faint; 0.4823p,
0.50874, O.51I2u, with a hazy
boundary at the less refrangible
side; 0.520, 0.52254, broad and in-
tense; 0.5324, faint; 0.5775, broad
and intense, and 0.5925, faint and
Fig. 97 shows the absorption of the
same solution when placed in the
wedge-shaped cell. The angle of
the liquid wedge was 1° 18’ and
the depth increased linearly from
0.71 mm. to 1.24 mm. Except for
the transmission of the strong
metallic lines at 2558.0, 2573.1, and
2748.7, the ultra-violet absorption
is practically complete as far as
0.3250n. The negative for fig. 97
recorded very faintly all of the ab-
sorption bands given above except
the ones at 0.347p, 0.350p, 0.38Ip,
0.418p, 0.461, and 0.5324p.
Neodymium Ammonium Nitrate—
The angle of the cell was 39’ for fig.
98, so that the thickness of the
absorbing layer varied from about
o to 0.36 mm. Absorption was
complete from 0.20p to 0.2374. The
boundary of this region of ab-
sorption curved around rather
abruptly from 0.2374 to 0.250u as
the depth of solution increased
from its least to its greatest value.
Transmission by the deepest part
of the liquid wedge was weakened
somewhat from 0.277% to 0.308».
Only the intense absorption band
at wave-length 5225 A. U. was re-
corded by the negative.
Nickel Nitrate.
Fig, 81, pluan
Green crystals. In solution green,
light green.
Angle, about 6°. Depth 0 to 3.2 mm.,
Strong absorption in the orange and
red, also weaker absorption in the
extreme violet. The absorption
was nearly complete from 0.20u
to about 0.3124. The end of this
region of absorption curved
around from 0.312u to 0.326n with
increasing depth of solution. Un-
usual transparency from 0.326pn to
0.3744. A symmetrical absorption
band, with its maximum at 0.39Ip,
extended from 0.374% to 0.408p.
Transmission was complete from
this point as far as the absorption
band in the orange. The sloping
end of the spectrogram calls atten-
tion to absorption in the orange.
Nickel Sulphate.
Fig. 82, pl. 21.
Green crystals. In solution green,
pale green.
Angle, about 6°. Greatest depth, 3.2
mm., approximately. Absorption
in the extreme violet, orange, and
red. Using the faint comparison
spectrum as a standard of com-
parison, it becomes evident that
the solution was remarkably trans-
parent to the ultra-violet radia-
tions from 0.226n to about 0.365.
A symmetrical absorption band,
176. Nickel Sulphate—Continued.
with its maximum at 0.39Ip, ex-
tended from 0.3674 to 0.415p.
Transmission was complete from
179. Potassium Permanganate—Continued.
10.67/94 periditer:
Angle 27.3’. Depth 0 to 0.25 mm.
Five distinct bands clearly visible
this point as far as the absorption
band in the orange. A comparison
of figs. 81 and 82 is very sugges-
tive. Both spectrograms show the
same band at wave-length 0.39Ip,
but the ultra-violet absorption ex-
erted by the nitrate is entirely dif-
ferent from that shown by the sul-
in the green with a very faint com-
panion on the blue side. The cen-
tral band of the five is a little
more intense than its less re-
frangible neighbor. Light from the
spark decomposes the potassium
permanganate so rapidly, with the
formation of innumerable small
bubbles, that the exposures had
yy eeicric: Acid.
Pie<36, pl. 22.
Yellow crystals with greenish hue.
In solution yellow, pale yellow.
Concentration unknown.
Angle 50.7’. Depth o to 0.46 mm.
Hazy band in the violet extending
to be made as follows: Ist. Expose
to spark for 25 seconds. 2d. Re-
move cell from spectrograph and
clean away the bubbles. 3d. Re-
place the cell and make another
exposure for 25 seconds, etc., three
times for each distinct strip of the
into the ultra-violet. Absorption
decreased gradually from 0.20n to
partial transparency at 0.275.
Semi-transparency from 0.275 to
0.300n. A band of absorption, with
hazy contour, extended from about
0.300 to 0.400p, its maximum being
near 0.35pm.
178. Potassium Chromate.
Fig. 80, pl. 20.
Yellow crystals. In solution yel-
low, faint yellow.
Very dilute.
Angle 50.7’. Change in depth 0.46
Absorption in the extreme violet ex-
tending into the ultra-violet. The
most refrangible absorption band
only extends from beyond 0.20, to
0.226. The solution is noticeably
transparent to all radiations from
2265.1 A. U. to 2321.2 A. U., inclu-
sive of these limits. An intense
band extends from 0.227p to 0.300p.
This is followed by a region of al-
most complete transparency, the
middle of which is near 0.316. A
spectrogram. The absorption at
O0.20n 1S weak and decreases to
transparency near 0.254. Unusual
transparency from 0.254 to 0.2Qp.
This fact is brought out in a half-
dozen spectrograms of the region.
A band of absorption extends
roughly from 0.294 to 0.36% with
its maximum at the center. The
transparency increases to com-
pleteness and continues to 0.483».
The wave-lengths of the 7 photo-
graphic bands are 0.457p, 0.472,
0.488, 0.505m, 0.525n, 0.545H5
and 0.570u. (Only 5 bands show on
the complete spectrogram.) In
decreasing order of intensity the
three strongest bands are 0.525p,
0.505 and 0.545p.
An effort was made to detect the 8
bands given by Formanek,* but
the conditions were not favorable
to recording more than seven
bands. Formanek’s wave-lengths
are “571.0, 547.3 (Hauptstreifen),
525.6, 505.4, 487.0, 470.7, 454.4,
and 439.5.
The negative for fig. 75, pl. 19, shows
the seven bands. The solution
was practically saturated since it
contained 50 grams per liter at
Figs. 74 and 75, pl. 19. room temperature. Here the ultra-
Grayish-brown crystals with violet violet absorption extends as far as
reflex. In solution deep violet, 0.394. For concentrations from
violet. 16.67 to 50 grams per liter, and for
strong band of absorption extends
from 0.332 to 0.406u with its max-
imum at 0.369».
179. Potassium Permanganate.
* See J. Formanek, ‘‘Die qualitative Spectralanalyse anorganischer K6rper,” p. 59.
Potassium Permanganate—Continued.
the method used, the bands do not
shift at all Trichromatic plates
were used to see if any photographic
bands less refrangible than 0.570u
could be recorded. No evidence of
the existence of such bands was pre-
180. Praseodymium Ammonium Nitrate.
Fig. 100, pl. 26.
Yellowish-green crystals. In solu-
tion yellowish green.
Concentrated (filtered).
The solution was poured into a
quartz cell, the ends of which were
plane and parallel. The cell was
successively adjusted to the fol-
lowing depths, viz: 0.73, 1.03, 1.33,
1.63,.-1.93, 223, 2.53; ‘and. 2.83. cm.
In other words, the thickness of
the absorbing layer was increased
by 3 mm. between the successive
photographic exposures.
The solution is remarkable for the
comparative narrowness and great
intensity of its absorption bands.
Absorption was complete from
0.202 to about 0.3334 and 0.343n,
respectively, for the least and
greatest depths of solution investi-
gated. The centers of the four in-
tense bands which fell within the
region of sensitivity of the Seed
emulsion were at wave-lengths
0.44454, 0.4685, 0.4820n, and
0.590u. The least refrangible side
of the band at 0.590 does not ap-
pear in fig. 100 because the band
came very near the limit of sensi-
bility of the photographic film em-
Sodium Bichromate.
Suggested by fig. 14, pl. 4.
Orange-red crystals. In solution
yellow, pale yellow.
Very dilute solution.
Angle 50.7’. Depth 0 to 0.46 mm.
181. Sodium Bichromate—Continued.
The spectrogram differs from fig. 14
in having the ultra-violet absorp-
tion curve displaced bodily to-
wards the region of the shortest
wave-lengths. Absorption was
practically complete from 0.20 to
about 0.274, for all depths. At the
thickest part of the liquid wedge
absorption was complete from 0.20
to 0.40, but both the photographic
strip adjacent to the comparison
spectrum and the one in the mid-
dle of the spectrogram recorded a
comparatively narrow band of
semi-transparency, the center and
maximum of which was near
0.3184. This was followed by a
strong, round absorption band
whose maximum was at 0.36. In
other words, there were two round,
ultra-violet bands of absorption
which coalesced at the wave-
length 0.3184. Transmission was
complete from 0.40p to 0.63».
182. Sodium Nitroprussid.
Fig. 76, pl. 19.
Garnet crystals. In solution reddish
brown, light brown.
Angle 1° 45’. Depth 0 to 0.96 mm.
Weak absorption in violet. Light
from the spark decomposes the
solution at the very beginning of
illumination so that the method
used for photographing the ultra-
violet absorption of the perman-
ganates was not applicable. This
difficulty was not overcome. Ab-
sorption decreases to about 0.38u,
then increases to a weak maximum
near 0.396u, and finally decreases
to transparency at 0.4284. No
selective absorption from 0.43» to
183. Water. See No. 148.
* See H. Kayser, ‘Handbuch der Spectroscopie,” v. iii, Pp. 415.
PAMEETICSEG eater aietaiste ates «ck a cae oat
PRETORIALOWDI ie cos vis ....
Diamme Black BYOs... oss...
Diamine Green. Balen » 3
841%... 3/7
23)|. 8 29
21} 13 52
Tog; 5 17
Ty |eemey olla are
108 | 15 58
169 | 26 | Ior
22) 15 57
Tr 1s, 59
L7O}) 22 87
gI| 16 64
OS ieee tel iar eur
104} 16 63
SES neal eon
FAC hlis.o.o\ldoue
34) 7 27
Boilie wis 2 +s
| GBiersl Soret
TAG | es. 01si|/arevs
37.| r2 48
95 | 14 a3
PIG |e sc eleass
TB lisse [ise oi
TAS We xcscieanss
124] 17 68
TAZ) Weve oi lea 01
ipuency vecliste- yontiaine S4.cde ss
WightiGreeni 1. ceicet- areca
Malachite Greens... ....6.-- v0
NMetanil aViellow,s.. oles «crestor
Methyl ileohol stn 10.0. 0en
Methyl Blue
Methyl Ti aaine rere cle-e iris sete
Methyl Green
Methyl Green OO) «2 orice
Methyl Orange III......
Methyl Violet 6 B
Mordant Yellow O.
Naphthalene Ried fa ees enree-
B-Naphtholdisulphonic AcidG....
Naphthol Green B..
Naphthol Yellow
Naphthol) Yellow Seer - sem. =< <-
Naphthylamine Brown.........
aa eC ee © Flee ee © wi 0 ns © 6a
2 OO we ob 0 4 4 47 © wee
es eter ere eee eeee
po 0 (stwia 600 le see, «
») Sie 0.19 se em
eon ee ast es
Neodymium Ammonium Nitrate.
New) Macentag mc citetsinns.c sane occ
Nickel: Nitrateicc. Gor. r ees set
NickelSSulphateysak enrich o Jone
Night Bima aes eutelewe « a ecur cee
Nigrosine, soluble..............
p-Nitraniline. (Powder, ‘‘extra.’’)..
o-Nitrobenzaldeltydeo..... se =
PhenosatraminG.s isc. ..s8 pene
iPhloxinesee sects aches peers
Page| No, | Pl.
Boi AA Is
35 | 85].
SQM a2 eos
34 | 83|/2Z.
25 | 32] 10
53 | 173| 22
pa eS
BOE LEON rer =
36 | 94| 12
30 4) "QB lanes
25) 26u £0
30 OZ 17.
DTN Oi ee.2:s
42 ;127) 5
21 2) I
34 | 80] 3
21 ah Sit
25 yee
2'5, J\\ 33 ieee
53 | 174] 25
AM ELD Tater sets
ZOM TS Tal entacns
20) 34| 7
35], So7 53
54 | 175] 21
54 |176] 21
BF ie LOla eys-<
42 | 126].
2 aa
21 agers
21 fine
22) NEO) oa
Asal eA Adonai
At |) T2235) 1a
AO WT Sa) 5
Rhos pie gern cet eteevoistele tis
eerie] ICRC DCLG iste reievereyeieste ,
i Saul Poncea 1s (Ol extraarrs er cere
841\| Ponceal 2) Gia. a. . ceteris
Lae TONGAN Baty 2.0 voici eiotele Rete Raid
AGN LE OMCEAIIS IR. (a in. cos letelersie a etoienr ions
Br MN Poncea uty RR Bins.» = s.- sels cis aun
Gia | MEtesav clever oh) ced 5p s eiey wren ec cas
verre GROldostMiMeC ATOMALC.). ele clei
47 || Potassium Permanganate.......
41 || Praseodymium Ammonium
66 Niktratemmoreirenc ot ie.. ess © ole
7, | Ouinolineaslusaer inn ses<- 62%
20 || Quinoline Yellow Of -jic- 0
= 4 4230.7
ee I
4447.2 §
; {ree
\ Air.
is Air.
\ Air.
1 Air.
Cd. oat
\ Air.
. 99, pl. 25, is given.*
The numbers on this positive correspond to those preceding the wave-lengths below.
The wave-lengths were derived from the two following sources:
AV2253 Lis
4800.1 Cd.
4810.7. Zn.
AGL2.3 (LIK,
4924.8 Zn.
5045.7 Air.
5086.1 Cd.
5116.0 Zn.
5140.2, Cd.
5395-00 Cd.
5354-4 Cd.
5379-3 Cd.
5497-4 Cd.
5509.0 Zn.
Ba4r.8 LD.
5602.0 211.
5761.8 Cd.
5901.6 Cd.
6014.0 Air.
6035.0 Zn.
6071.8 Zn.
6144.4 Zn.
6152.08 /Zm.
6160.4 Cd.
6266.6 Cd.
From the Philosophical Transac-
4649.2 Air.
4680.4 Zn.
The following table facilitates the finding of the numbers, names, etc., of all the
substances which have an absorption spectrum more or less similar to that shown by a
selected spectrogram. ‘The third column gives the number of every substance referred
in the text to the plate and figure of the preceding columns.
*The negative was not a single exposure.
33, 63, 79, 116, 118, 135, 140.
10, OF,.105, 125.
126, 143, 144.
126, 138, 144.
59, os 65, 66, 67, JO; 140.
72; 73) 75+
9, 29.
+ “Doubtful Origin.”
{ The subscript 2 denotes the second order of spectrum.
83, 84, 85.
37, 43, 137-
~ 133.
Ler, 124.
16, 18, 20, 35, 36.
TiC Lit:
To stand reproduction the extreme ultra-violet was ‘‘favored.”’
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Oo is 39 36 37 66 SB .34 3S 282 .8t .820 .29 .28 27 .26
ile 0. OREN. 2.
62 61 60 58 58 57 50 55 bY 53 52 51 50 49 48 M7 HG 45 be WG AQ 44 WO .39 ai 87 86 35 34 33 82 31 .30 .29 .28 27 a 25 2% .23 .22 21 20
inal ul INN issuance wall tutu nt TOSVUUUVATUIQUOLTOLLEHUAAYEROSEH (HAHA hi Mi iii ula
pee ae ee
- +)
62 61 66 58 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 4S AT 4G 45 4h 4S AQ 41 40 39 88 37 86 35 34 63 32 31 30 .29 .28 27 .26 .25 .24
| Soominitant adit set malls rf sihseeltrntirtil : |
Ph Ah
MGs Wile
FIG. 13.
62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 53 52 5 5 49 48 LT AC 45 OA
FIG. 14.
FIG. 15. SEE NO. 107. URANIN
FIG, 16; SBE NO. 107. URANINE.
62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 hs 58 52 51 50 40 48 47 4G 45 WY 4B 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 3% 33 82 31 30 .29
, i “ a 33 32 3 < 20.28 27 206 25 22 23 22 21 26
dunhucnutint MATT bility
JETT 1 Se Sie es OE
FIG. 12:
aS He jj)
r Hh [)
FIG te)
FIGy 20:
62 61 .60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53
51 60 49 48 47 46 45 4h 48 AQ AL 40 39 B88 37 .36 35 B34 33 32 7 0 .2 28 27 16 .25
Al we
ee Pi
7 Te Sy a
FIG. 24.
62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 5’ 5S 52 51 60 4O 48 W7 46 45 Wh WB 4D 41 KO 39 98 87 .36
gala Juul |
AL ee a
BCR raype
FiG. 28;
FlG. 25. SEE. NO: 45." CBO RED GE:
FIG. 27; SEE NO. 84. (RASTBRED' A.
62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 4 12 4 40 39 88 37 .36 a
rica Zo:
FIG. 30.
PiG sit,
iG, B2s
FIG: 30. SEE NO.10. “ORANGE G:
FIG, o2..5SEE NOS iif] PHOSPniNEs
i 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 5 53 52 51 50 49 AS 47 AG 45 43 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 .29 28 27 26 26 24
17 eT a Le ee eS Te
FIG. 33.
FIG. 34.
FIG. 36.
62 61 60 BO 58 57 56 55 5 53 52 51 50 49 AB MT AG AS U4 4G 42 41 LO 30 G8 37 36 85 34% 33 32 31
alti i
30 .29 .28 27 26 .25 2% 23 22 .21 20
FIG. 38
i | i
es Se | E
aed |
FIG. 40.
62 61 60 59 58 .57 56 55 54 56 52 61 50 40 AS 47 46 45 4h 4S 42 41 40 «89 38 37 £86 25 34 33 32 31 30 .29 .28 27 .26 25 24
halla wuteulinati ,
FIG. 42.
FIG. 44.
62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 Be 5S 52 51 50 49 AS 47 A
FIG. 46.
FIG. 47.
PCE iw Hi ie cam’
62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 BL 58 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 AS 4 43 42 41 40 39 88 87 86 35 3% B38 32 .31 .80 .29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
atta anti uettiiatudaeeelataad
FIG, 49.
5 A
Pig oe:
FIG. 51. SEE NO. 48. PONCEAU 4R B.
62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 5% 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 AG AB Yh 4B 4D 41 40 .B9 .B8 .B7 .B6 B85 3% B23 82 .31 .B0 .29 .28 27 .26 .25 2% .23 .22
FiG. Os. obce NO. 96. UGH SINE Ss:
PIG, 06. (SEE NOU 51. -PONCEAU 6 RB:
62 61 60 59 5S 57 56 55 5% 5G 52 51 50 49 48 47 4G 45 tb)
FIG. 60.
FIGr67. SEE NO. 225 (ERNKAB.
62 .61 60 59 58 57 56 55 5% 53 52 51 50 .49 48 AT AG AS Hh MO 42 AL LO
Hees rat | i |
86 35 .34 33 382 31 .80 .29 .28 27 26 .25 2% 23 22 .21
adalat utr undue /
ih mn
bi ons
FIG. 61;
FIG. 62.
RIG. 63:
FIG. 64.
PiG. 62. SEE .NO,go. REO VOLES Rese
Fig. 64. SEE NO: Si.) Era VIOLET.
8 G2 61 60 59 5S 57 56 85 5%° 53 B2 1 60 40 AS 47 AG AB OY AB 42 41 HO 29 B88 37 36 BB BS 339 32 31 .B0 .29 28 27 26 25 24
PIG wey.
Mf SSMS es ae ai
FIG. 68.
oo : =
yi /
mn %
psa SO 58 58 57 56 BS St 53 52 51 50 49 AB AT AG AB BA 4G 42 41 40 30 G8 37 26 35 3% 33 32 31 30 .20 28 27 .26 25 2% .23 22 21 20
funn oan i nf
1 SR i a
FIG. 69.
FIG. 69. SEE NO. 89. DAHLIA.
62 61 60 58 58 57 56 55 5Y 53 52 51 50 49 48 AT 46 4S Wh 4S 4D AL 40 39 38 37 86 35 34 33 32 3
| btn etal bsaathtih facie | |
S08 I il
FiG. «76.
62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 5% 53 52 51 50 40 48 M7 4G 45 Wh 4B 42 WA 40 89 .B8 .B7 86 35 3% 83 82 31 .80 .29 28 27 .26 25 24 23 22 21 21
anal uta
a ee ee re ae ee
y Ir!
FIGi 77.
Ee ay
61 60 .59 58 on 56 aS 5 53
‘ln alt ivi mn didi abtub idole iti
| 1 a a
41 40 39 88 37 36 35 34 33 a ‘B31 80 .29 .28 27 .26 .25 .2% .23 .22 21 .20
FAG ee
PGs ee.
FIG. 88.
FIG, 84.
mC hee):
FiG. 84. SEE NO; 172, EMPMUS, RED;
62 61 60 i 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 S51 50 40 AS AT 46 4S 44 18 42 41 40 39 88 37 86 35 3% 33 82 31 30 .29 28 27 26 25 2% 23 22 21
hee Muti inurl ICRA nh tt | | | mi alfa |
FIG, 88.
FIG. 86.
FiG. 875
FIG. 88.
FIG. 89.
SEE NO. 148.
SEE INO. 50:
SEE NO. 154,
' 61 60 .B9 58 57 56 5B 5B 53 52 51 50 4O AS 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 88 B37 BE 35 .3B4 33 B82 B31 .30 29 28 27 .26 25 24 .23 22 21 .20
rey |
nui i hs
Wye Why |
“- 61 60 59 58 .57 56 55 5 53 52 51 50 49 48 7 46 AB 4h 4B 42 41 40 39 .B8 37 86 .B5 B34 B83 B2 .B1 .80 .29 .28 27 .26 25 24% 26 22 21 2
Tah Hear hve t ear | on
ansuntvivdtveit li MMT | | |
FiGs SS.
32 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 5’ 53 52 51 50 49 48 wT KO 45 bd 4G AD AL 40 39 38 37 86 35 384 33 82 31 .380 .29 .28 27 26 25 24
a 2 ~ SSE EES soe
; cL Ped aaa
ak i
_ A NE ARE AT I spe tam
FIG. 97.
Sat PAGE M69)
cc «Cc
62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 AT 46 48 paced 43 42 dat 40 39 .38 37 36 35 .34 .33 82 31 .80 .29 .28 27 .26 .25 24% 23 .22 .21 .20
| Ney rat | | +a | De dives licatt statin | | f hy
width i
FIG. 100.
FIG. 102. SEE PAGES 5 amd 20
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