LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York n 2 ; ys bY eae / ay * EXECUTORS’ SALE 5% OF THE Collection of Paintings BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE Peel) BLODGETT, Comprising choice examples of the most eminent Modern Painters of the AMERICAN AND HUROPEHAN SCHOOLS. Also WILLIAM W. STORY’S celebrated Marble Statue of 2 SEMIRAMIS a Now on Exhibition day and evening at the Pees 2 ART GALLERY, No. 6 East 23d Street, Madison Square, | To be sold at Auction at SHICKHRING GREE, _. ye: | O Fifth Avenue and Highteenth Street, © On Thursday Evening, April 27th, 1876, at 8 oy Yin ROBERT SOMERVILLE, i Gos ~~ ¥ The following named Artists are tepregented in the Col-- lection : ft EChurch: Wm. Hunt. A; B. Durand. Wm. T. Richards. ‘). E> Cropsey, Regis Gignoux. William J. Hays. Cie Orancth. G. W. Stillman. Charles T. Dix. Rosa Bonheur. AY Schreyer. Eug. Fromentin. Th. Rousseau. John Constable. Villegas. Jean Louis Gerome. FE. Meissonier. A. J. Decamps. R. Madrazo. B. Vautier. Edward H. May. A. E. Plassan. C. F. Daubigny. OQ. Achenbach. C. Landelle. K. Girardet. fil ecle: Constant Troyon. C. Verlat. F. Peralta. Berger. William W. Story. 9 AMERICAN. FOREIGN. SCULRT OR: J. E. Keaete S. R. Gifford.- George Hiverale Louis R. Mignot. Thomas Hicks. George H. Boughton. T. P. Rossiter. W. Po OW, Daa W. Whittredge. Tilton. Thomas Couture. E. Frere. F, Hi Drowais: N. Diaz. Pyrol Bonheur. Jules Dupre. W. A. Bouguereau.. Hugues Merle, Gericault. G. Brion. Agrasot. Prof. Graeb. Felix Ziem. A. Achenbach. Robert-Fleury. Emile Lambinet. Paul Meyerheim. R. P. Bonnington. Solomons, Valles. C. E. Boutibonne. Ty EB. Duyerger , Ai /) } y, \ yun4a* * PA TALOGUE. PaaS (WILLIAM J.) ae New York. ve Aisquimaux Dog. - Jom ev A (WILLIAM PP. W.,) | New York. 2. The Ship. a PUAN D, (ASHER &.,) New York. oS, Study of Trees. 7° a a VALLES, feome. 4, merchant Of ATLIGUILies. 4 to em oo ie ye. ee tee PRUE te, ay ee SO ee ae) eae re me a fis Wy me ¢ a 1 te ie ie ich net i nate Sh, lar PEELE, (JOHN T,) Londo B), Music in the Reeds. ee * Tandscape. 2 Moonlight. . ROSA DA TEVORS DUTCH SCHOOL, 1655-1705. 8. | Hunting the Bull. « KILGOGR (Lisa f hy 9, View eae - Glasgo WANG, (LOULS,) Lormee, Pees Kausts Marguertte. - Mee a SPRINGER, (C.,) Amsterdam. Be J" scene tr Amsterdam. 6 £00 — S27 As, (J. W.,) ‘London. : Bie, Battle Scene. é. FSO LS. Groom wtth Horses. ; #SO-— ROSSTTER, (THOMAS P.,) 3 New York. (DECEASED. ) 14. The Bride. IC. Pn a te i i ee PR ae | a en ae A TEE Bel yy) A I Le oe a " 2 ; 7 RR MT els, ry Pe BGORL, (PETER,) OLD FLEMISH SCHOOL. | 15. Monkeys disputing for Grap TERBURG, (GERARD,) OLD DUTCH SCHOOL. IKE. The Music Lesson. BERCKHEYV DE, (GERRIT § JO. OLD DUTCH SCHOOL. | 9 hie. Interior of a Chainer . hs DLX, (CHARLES TEMPLE) ~ New 3 (DECEASED. ) aay T&S View tr Venice. ~ ore re . ay - , : . >t Fa. a pK ae y ; al SG dg os ‘i yah: es eahate 14 ry. = ; rt 4 a Fs FPSO DUVERGER, (THEODORE E, Bordeaux, Medals, 1861, 1868, 1865. 2 70. The Hoop-skirt. . | ee fee os, (THOMAS, ) , New York. OO. Hdadwir clooth, : , 76a (iin nis-ecnaracter of lago.) BGLHRGHL, Dusseldory. iQ¥g The Cottagers. LO 0.7 Bee oT’ UNENOWN. oe. BIC OLONTLG (70 G ile E0 — 2d. (Companion.) CO. a RUNDGEH, (J. #) O44. OEE seat STILLMAN, (G. W.) BS | Landscape. AGRA SOT. 26. The Suicide. VERLAT, (CHARLES) he Al Dog. GIGNOUX, (REGLS,) Op ltek ; Hirst Snow. ®& ] y, g yp CCS MIGNOT, (LOULS ®.,) New York. : (DECEASED. ) no. Winter Landscape. — Ys SO. eA TA, (f.,) Rome. oO. Church Interior. , 44 E. ARTIST UNKNOWN. ped. /SOUSE IIB: ; foe GIFFORD, (SANFORD f£.,) News / Onlee ar: Autumyn. S602 Bae GIRARD HTL, (BESTEL { re) Envtrons of Versailles., LAMBINET, (HMILE,) Medals, 1848, 53, ’57; Legion of Honor, 1867. 8. Tie foto. MEVERHEIM, (PAUL) Medal, 1866. BO, Monkeys Heasttiig, PEELE, (JOHN T,) Ploy Wreath of field Flow f ct Me KENSETT, (JOHN F.,) J O40 a (DECEASED, ) OF, Marine. ‘ cS GO = : / ya . BS, SLULLULTT UL a Ge Peer VON, (CHARLES, ) Paris. Medals, 1842, °45, ’48, 55; Legion of Honor, 1855. J t¢am ase. boaueie Well, Peewee /GNY, (CHARLAS LF ,) Lars, aw > Medals, 1848, ’53, 55, 57, 59 and 767; Legion of Honor, 1869; Officer of Legion 7, IC, = of Honor, 1874. 1) Landscape. Jos , to a2. Intertor. v go aah: FN ae - > ¢ <3 “Ss. ie - ie GED LIB SOLIS Rome. js ABS View tn Ventce. / BEC a VAUTIER, (BHENIAMIN i= | Paris. Medals, 1865, ’66, ’67. MAY, (EDWARD #H.,) Medal, 1855. | | pe 48. Calvin going Co histiaaes Com- 7 va JS AC b SOLOMON. 45, Girl with Larkeys. “ 4/6. VALLES, Rome. B26, Beco tia, Cera, mar see J. Mee fro AY, Cee AZ. The Glonde. / J, ot - WHITTREDGE, (W.,) New York. 48, Urterion. Jife Aa | ar Ae a —— CT ie =. wore =e eS Hy y. HUNT, (WILLIAM M,) 4 “52, Grapes. Pye . ie : : +2 : vx Ris or a ie, 3%. 7a ee Ren) bef & " 3 ; i 4 or Boston es or a a 49, Peasant Boy. , “7% | O10} Peasant Girt. Medals, 1852, ’57, ’59; Legion of Honor, 1859. ‘Tea Lhe) NOV Clr as HIATT, (GLO eG tea e : New York. aay. (Companiton.) , ae f SoS3 aoa CROPSEY, (JASPER F.,) New York. 54, Gotng to the Tournament. « LOO 55. Returning from the Tourn-- &~ rd C= PIT POT UE. BOUGHTON, (GEORGE H.) London. BG Passing into the Shade. ' ~47CGm m7 CfoS, (THOMAS;) New York. ee. Washington Irving in his SO TaAbrary. — / oe | 16 b.- P Medals, 1864, °65, °67. a4 ‘Grek DE URIs kelleh, > ‘ = 8 59. Child and Dog. * i a HED) \ a. (OL Meme WhO. OPUCLCS, CHURCH, (FREDERIC E,) 4 New York. ™ re Aurora Borealis. , 4IC?O . OUTURE, (THOMAS,) Paris. Medals, 1844, 47 and ’55; Legion of Honor, 1855. 8 ex Z Fa Pierrot and VIGTHCGALIE, TIBONNE, (CHARLES E.) | Paris. Medal, 1847. eee LOL ——_s ZIEM, (FELIX,) Medals, 1851, 52, °55; Legion of Honor, 1857. eer Scene tm Venice.- FRERE, (HDOUARD,) ‘ Medals, 1851, ’52, ’55; Legion of Honor, 1855. ; OPA, Hisher Boy. recur oa a Pal eee 1) Se ee oa eae at 4 A +H LL 2 =e puae vives?" ie etal WwW = FF wavy 18s EP, : at n ay ; iw ey? a oe ee : ( Sarl W e Apee nie ria ‘ = » ; agit i Pak TAZ, ( ( NARCISSE) a =e Medals, 1844, 46 and ’48; Legion of Honor, 1851. i Diana. + “Ad Cam Landscape. Se en " RO USSEAU, (THEODORE) Paris... ‘(pEcEASED.) Landscape. PATS ts Medals, 1844, °47 and 5B: Legion of Honor, 1855. , i — - av i Pr. x: BD) dt CC: - A ee = wee Ow é [4 4 a .— tel ; : pe Pee ge Dee eet RE Ses) rie es ee oe Ae bee (4 a GERICAULT, | CONSTABLE, (JOLN,) = a 4 See 1776--1837. | TE. Landscape. ! ZA bce a BONHEUR, (P¥YROL,) (SISTER OF ROSA BONHEUR. ) CD LATO ORG. Cis and Kittens, 24 DUPRE, (JOLES,) Os | Bre Cor oe Abe iT ies lLee?r: — — ey ne DECAMPS, (ALEXANDER J.) FIASU: oS. 1803-1860. Intertor. Writely, (f7 UG OLS;,) 79, Medals, 1861, 63; Legion of Honor, 1866. LIntertor. MADIRAZO, (L£2.,) Sewing Gir. "GRALHB, (Prof. CARL,) Sal, Landscape. Paris. LIS ¢0,— Parts. ae a. * SS wha etal ud | coat aap Oa DLeLON, 0G: (Seis Medals, 1853, ’59, 61, ’63 and 67; Shes Medals, 1849, 57, 59 and 67: Legion of Honor, 1859; Officer of Legion of Honor, 1869. SY, Hastern Scene. Ve ACHENBACH, (ANDREAS) Dusseldorf. Medals, 1839, °55 and ’67; Legion of Honor, 1867. S4, Marine. ACHENBACH, (OS WALBA Dusseldo Medals, 1869, 61 and ’63; Legion of Honor, 1863. ; \ SO. Scene near Naples. ' Le a) Bit pe bh 230.- ROBERT-HLEURY, (JOSEPH WN.) Parts. Medals, 1824, 34, 55 and 67; Legion of Honor, 18386; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1849; Member of the Institute of France, 1850; Commander m4 H/o of the Legion of Honor, 1867. SO, Pe COC FOLTLULL fee ON, (CONSTANT) Paris. (DECEASED. ) PeeeLanascape, Sheep-and Cattle. Cove = e@ MHOAMPS, (ALEXANDER. J.,) Paris. (DECEASED. ) SS, PEPE VSULCLO e. The famous Picture which established Decamp’s reputation, Bedi. oh 5: B.« G? a i ie AE ee ee ee ee * ¢ 7 , r i te wy ae BOUGUEREAU, (WIILLIAM A SY, Gotng to the Bath. COUTURE (LHOM AS he Medals, 1844, 47 and ’55; Legion of Honor, 1855. Medals, 1847, 48 and ’55; Medal of Honor, 1855; Member of the Tustite of France, 1865 ; Medal of Honor, 1867; Officer ‘of the Legion of Hanon a 1867; Medal of Honor, 1874. 91. Prayer in the Mosqu a —- ii itst—~— PIO ECO. , Bf mas e: : “4 CHU U? "RCH. (FREDERIC E.,) a. New Mork. 4 | Gee feart of the Andes. | 107 Paris. ¢ Medals, 1845, ’48, 55 and 67; Legion of Honor, 1865. O93. Landscape, Sheep and Cattle. a Parts. 1867; I H - Member of the Institute of France, 1861; Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Le OT LLOLUET:. RE, (GUSTAVE) he Paris. oe ae ag iS a we Transfigurattor. . a: 9g oe 95. Marble Statue “Semir ROBERT SOMERV A - § Chee es Getcha Ss te ar eat Nib elete : e Sales Uitte vit iTh q aie is * Mt) i | Tht, Tele) Tart ot pasate 4 ‘ 16 #5 ie Ltn i$ ae oe a. » q ‘i! eet vt mete MOE LPL ANN AEH ' may atdt ‘s. ee en ity ‘ eit: ; Nie satay! iit ——, = a Oe Praca i ee oe - = = Ses . = = ae Pe ih it ‘ ri oe Pn Dena tr — ee ard. ~ : < $= — = “- Be et ee a a aan a ae eit Cp eae ee oe . A a aw SE tea Sea ee ee An alr — png ag eine es oily, i Le a nan oD OT agi again — ne Ain, Aa . ; o— “ neon = a a a A oe wale one one ye PP OES Se ee oe rie ~ la a ae i 9 3 ‘ =o oo a En Pie itm —< = 7" ai oar er ym Ot. on , 2 o>