, ee ay eee Se : et 2 AL ae Ro : * a ee ae sana a Pe 7 ; ‘ ee oat ores | (Tos x CATALOGUBH — “Loch 4 MoDERN PICTURES Hater fb slout Drawings Or THOMAS CHATEIELD CLARK, ESQ. WW, DBAS. Deceased, late of 132 Mais Terrace, W., and Wootton, Isle of Wight; ALSO _ PICTURES & DRAWINGS, | THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN ; AND FROM NUMEROUS PRIVATE COLLECTIONS AND DIFFERENT SOURCES : WHICH WALL be Sold by Auction by i 5O191 ‘Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, . AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, MAY 20, 1901, AT ONE 0’CLOCK PRECISELY. — 007,00 May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues --—+ihhad, at Messrs. Curistiz, Manson and Woops’ Offices, 8 King | Street, St. James's Square, S.W. ae si? eae See aot S70 pre i - aT =i ae CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than 1s.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. _ Ill. In the case of Lots upon which there isa reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. inthe Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, 7/ required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON and Woops not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty - whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. | VIL. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; ail Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATAROGUE: On MONDAY, MAY 20, 1901, AT ONE 0 OLOOK PREOISELY. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN DRAWINGS—Zn the Folio. ‘2 Views at Genoa; &c. 6 a 2 A WitoH; &e. 6 . - 3 W. Wyrup: Views in Venice; &.—pen and ink Low ploy /2 : Motizr: A Fruit-Gatherer; &c. 3 ALEXANDER: Chinese figures and buildings ] DRAWINGS—/ramed. 2 W. BENNETT. - J - 6A Woopy Lanpsoars, with figures; A Swiss CHAtEer; and A Mlarceg Woopy Roap 3 oe R. P. BONINGTON. Vio s . ; ° ° 7 A Coast Sczrnz, with boats in a squall 44 in. by 64 in. te : sae Eos ee a a “4 . : F. G. COLERIDGE. / oe eee 8 A River Sosne; and A Coast Soxye, with figures | H. F. COOK. om —— , » 9A Lawnpsoare: Sunset; A View in VENICE; and A Swi FARM SCENE a E. W. COOKE, B.A. — J ° 10 Duron Boats—pencil 5h in. by 7 mm. D. COX. mee [o . fO - 11 A Bay Soenz, with figures E ese | TL in. by 104 in. | D. COX. : / / _ 12 Tue Lanpine-Stage—sepia mean ; 6h in. by 104 in. a LAL D. COX (Arrsr). . ¢ x § -/0 - 18 Vinws 1x Watss, sy F. Taree = A, OROFT, 1874, / 2 f-f-: 6 14 Snow Peaxs: Switzerland , eda 12 in. by 23-1n. ibs ; _ ECKHAUT. — ££ 15 Marrsa anp Mupuisropuenus ; and A Youre L AD r white ares a ue % i : x = f. 2. nearer — Riad ee, eee Ce ee ee ee - a eA J C. FIELDING. ' 16 A River Soens, with ruin and figure | 64 in. by 9 tn. ; A. GOODWIN. , 17 Tue Wartcarrs or tHE Arctic Nicgut Confer 18 in. by 193 in. J. D. HARDING. 18 A Town on tHE Irautan Coast fulton M | 8 in. by 12 in. J. HAYLLAR. ae | 19 A Fisserman—in oils; Ruins or an Axpey, by Rothwell; and, . Two Paintings, on glass Mon log F., HEILBUTH. 90 A Lapy on THE Bank or A River Bele wine ie | 124 in. by 7% in. R. LEHMANN. 91 Arter THE Sirtine—pen und ink; and A Lapy, ina garden 2 Leen A. MacCALLUM. 92 Huxsrmononux Castie; and WINCHESTER 9 MURILLO. 3 Heap or THE VIRGIN—4@ study in black and red chalk ehkroe de, ; ; H fngré ; “ = 2: ne oer Ratt , ie: “ a : 5 ' Pe : ; Ly ¢ — - ; r - : P MURILLO. 24 Tux Maeparen—red chalk | Peele Obl le / i / Se 25 A Boat on Aa River 54 in. by 74 in. D. ROBERTS, R.A. Poe - 26 Mosques at Cairo 94 in. by 134 tn. D. ROZERTS, R.A. / z VAc% - 27 Tue Gare or Atcata, Madrid 7 in. by 10 in. : D. ROBERTS, RA. f S§ . 28 Tue WILDERNESS oF Sinal 64 in. by 94 in. oD. ROBERTS, R.A. feat {i 29 A pate and Heap or A GIRL SIR W. ROSS, R.A. fo : JO - 30 ‘Bup anp Brossom’ | Oval—12 in. by 10 an. T. ROWLANDSON. q Z 4] cL 31 Tan Carrin-Marnet—iwo in one frame MO Wa tte . a ae er ear ee ee ee ee ee _f/ 7 T. ROWLANDSON. 32 Barnet: 1812 114 in. by 18 in. ; T. ROWLANDSON. 33 Taste D’Hére WIL | 91 in. by 14 in. T. ROWLANDSON. 84 LAUNCESTON DURING THE ASSIZES 64 in. by 10} in. Ly log ( T. ROWLANDSON. 85 Tuer Ripina-Scnoor ote 5k in. by 94 in. 7 T. ROWLANDSON. 86 Seuumne Cattle . i 54 in. by 94 in. T. ROWLANDSON. 37 A Vutuace Farr; and A Country Town ; 2 4G. | T. ROWLANDSON. 388 A Lanpine-Pace ; and Frenon Prisoners 2 ke T. ROWLANDSON. Oe 89 Fempina CuicKens; and Mastmr anp Man 2 4. SCHEFFER. ee 40 Faust anp Marausrirz—two in one frame ©. VIGHL. : eg oe, ALAND ee | | VR ; Pastel—35 in. by 25 in. C. VISSCHEN. Been). . 42 A Doa; and Hxap or a Duron Pzasant-Woman—chalk E. M. WARD, R.A., 1872. a. J - 48 A Boy Monx at Amatrr; and Beacars Tenoag oe . ~W. WYLD. Ly S ° 44 Tar Laxe at Lvonon © Ble 12 in. by 19 in. Ae DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. DRAWINGS. | ay T. B. HARDY. 0. <1 Ab -A Env Bounp, with budge nad boa i. 4 in, by T im. feet 7 ‘ T. B. HARDY. a 9 - «+ 46 A River Scenz, with bridge; and A Sza Pruce, with boats 2 T. B, HARDY. a Ree? . # , oh 47 A View in A Town; and A Coast Somnz—iwo in one frame — =, ~ W. REYNOLDS. BE. A. PENLEY, 1873. W. TURNER. - o (7 , 50 A Cottece Crosx, Oxford—unframed ie 14 tn. by 105 tn. a P. DOLAN, 1873. af + 51 Roszs in a Vase 13 in. by 11 in. ng 3 _ 52 SuNSET ON THE Lake or GENEVA 16 én. by 23 in. J. ORROCK. (3 it 53 Tur Loox Jed 13 in. by 19 en. ro 7 C. PIGOTT. fe of 54 Sommer-Time ie 12 in. by 20 in. 13 . rh 55 A Rornep CastTLE at # 13} in. by 9 in. (+ f + 49 A Lane Some; and A Sza Pace, with shipping, by Kyaun 2 BE. WAKE COOK, 1893. D. ROBERTS, R.A., 1830. / 2 - 48 A Srewer AraB; and Heap or a Peasant-Womay, by Srusss risell. 2 Fro e/ Ca ae | 10 SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 4 ‘ Ly : | 56 Heap oF A GIRL 13 in. by 10 in. G. SHALDERS, 1867. Oa, A Lanpscars, with sheep /3 (6° 12 in. by 18 in. T. B. HARDY, 1891 2. / ; . 58 Orr Kinespown, Kent 9 in. by 28 in. : T. B. HARDY, 1891. 59 Ramscate Harsour ; QI . : 9 in. by 28 in. PICTURES. MORTIMER MENPES. ~ | / rf : 60 Fiaures OvutsipE a JAPANESE SHOP . 63 in. by 7 in. | | MORTIMER MENPES. 9. : - 61 Turez Fieurss, seated , 8 in. by 65 in. MORTIMER MENPES. | fa - 62 A Jaranese Giru Ain. by 6 in. : is , Wes isi 0 Vt sams Se ro, i Saas “9 My ~ . - yeas "3 + ‘ ot 7. SMe ei ) Pky ee ee ais EU} MORTIMER MENPES. 62a A Girt Arrancina Vases (lt aecy 5h in. by 3 in. a ENGLISH SCHOOL. is é 63 A Winter Scorn, with cottages, figures, and sheep at 14 in. by 183 in. die FAED, R.A. ay Heap oF A Youre GIRL a“ Oval—10 in. by 8 in. ee: | EDWIN ELLIS. 65 ‘Ops ro a NigHTINGALE led te 12 in. by 174 in. ae -- YEEND KING. . 66 A Roap Soenz, with figures Cha : 18 in. by 17 én. a. fe E. M. WIMPERIS. Saal 67 Ricumonp Casrux, Yorkshire Ei tln eee | DA in, ie, 354 in. . 2 , Sk. LEE, R.A., 1888. . re 68 Avenue in Futrorp ParKk (2Ty 1 in. by 354 in. a A, MAUVE. 69 Suuer in a Pasture | Thin. by 12 in, 13° PR: 29 . oe ae LE ey ae | fPES a= 1 nee FO ONO: 12 A. MAUVE. ’ 70 Sueep AND PovuLTry IN A SHED VA TL in. by 12 tn. ad E. LADELL. 71 Froir anp Birp’s-NEstT 17 in. by 14 in. BRAUWER. 72 Boors Puayine Carps On panel—9b in. by 12 im. E. LADELL. 73 A Basset or Fruit, anp Deap GAME On panel—114 in. by 11} in. J. CROME. 74 A Lanpscarz, neAR Nortu Exmuam, with cottage and figuges 114 in. by 16 in. J. CROME, 5 Tuorps, near Norwich | On panel—8 in. by 64 in. BARKER (or Barts). 76 A Forest Scene, with a group of horses 27 in. by 35 mm. P. REINAGLE, R.A. 77 Porraatr or Mrs. Ditton (actress) and her dog 23 in. by 18} in. tZ Le. MO & ae E 4 = af : 13 eo me et 13 G. ARMFIELD. He atta 78 A Serrer anv TERRIER Ge ¢ 17 in. by 23 in. G. MORLAND. FG Saye ee, 7@ Turer SHEEP UNDER A TREE — 9S an. by 12 in. F. GUARDI. 80 A River Scenz, with boats and figures | catia | Koa “ On panel—8} in. by 124 in. SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 81 A Kine Cuaruus Spanien Laggetl . On panel—7 in. by 74 in. From the Wynne-LHilis Collection, 1876 G. OLARIN. NEES ae ae 82 An Hasrern Lapy, with a peacock fan 23 in. by 12 in. G. SAINTPIERRE, 1863. WENN Ses oe oe a . 88 Tue Marmozerrn-Grat 36 in. by 23 in. G. SAINTPIERRE, 1868. 84 A Girt with A MarmozerrE ebogete Y ‘ 25 in. by 164 in. G. E. HICKS, 1874. : : 85 Tux Frowrer-Gigu ’ 24 in. by 20 in. | | 14 eee eas | : J. CARRAUD, 1869. ae ee be te L 86 Tue Paroquet 4A gga tl cs On panel—20 in. by 183 in. Sa SCHOOL OF CARLO DOLCI / «+ f+ 87 Tae AGONY IN THE GARDEN 45 in. by 84 in. VENETIAN SCHOOL. . {0 + 88 Danan 4 88 in. by 52 in. CONSTABLE. / 89 Vinw on THE SoutA Coast, with an old fort ‘ f 5 / TE in. by 10 tn. REYNOLDS. Ss ‘ FS « 90 Dayip GARRICK 114 i. by 9 in. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, DRAWINGS. . es Seo. S, DAINI. Wh tHe. a S 7: Ves 6 91 An Amateur Barper a3: . aw fa 214 in. by 14} in. GEORGE FRIPP. Vez | ae /s- YA ie 92 Fountains Anszy, Yorkshire ClAAS bai 14 in. by 20 in. a 15 T. LLOYD, 1879. 93 A Sunny ArtErnoon T in. by 13 in. T. LLOYD. 94 Tue Prayru. Kirren TE tm. by 14 in. ae | J. SYER, 1878. 95 Haruron CASTLE 113 in. by 19 in, E. M. WIMPERIS, 1898. : 96 ce a In Kent 20 in. by 15 in, EK. M. WIMPERIS, 1878. é 97 Near Arunpen CastLE Seas 15 in. by 25 in. E. M. WIMPERIS, 1898. 98. A Moortanp SCENE, Beddgelert 16 tn. py 24 in. | E. M. WIMPERIS. Near Cromer : | 10 in. by 14 in. ee 16 PICTURES. NIRA 2. + /§ + 100 Carrum By ay Onp Sump Cpt a. ee 3 17 in. by 18} in. D. PASMORE, 1875. /0 . [6 * j01 My Heart anp Lure VL. pnt 18 in. by 14 in. MARCIUS-SIMONS. 2 jae g . 4] - 6 102 Tur Comine Storm 35 in. by 23 an. P. R. MORRIS, A.R.A. : e Gi 7 » 103 A Sartor AND His Lass ; z as 6 29 in. by 19 in. W. SHAYER, Sen. 3 - JO ~ 104 Harvestine 23 in. by 353 in. om W. SHAYER, Sen. 16 : 1b - 105 Gossips A rat | On panel—14 in. by 114 in. A. VICKERS. | 6 106 Hraun Tor, Derbyshire Laie es 9h in. by 144 in. | ni A. VICKERS. Golo. ; 7 y 4] _& 107 Dovevate, Derbyshire | a 9 in. by 114 «tn. ait? oe ee ‘ ee yt i 17 A. VICKERS. “sp 4A - 108 In rae Tarr Vate bari 10 in. by 14 in. Pi E. M. WIMPERIS. | 2 ~ 109 Ar Warsuay, with cattle and ducks : “*> 154 in. by 213 tn.) 110 A Mountain Stream 214 in. by 164 in. The Collection of the late THOMAS CHATFIELD CLARKE, Esq, PRIBA, JP, of 132 Westbourne Terrace, W., and Wootton, Isle of Wight. DRAWINGS. vy, oO - 111 A Parx Sorns, with cattle and figures Witeke Ll 10 in. by; 184 in. Sea | P. BEDINI. fs Nf ~~ 112 A Iranian Lavy Spinnine ; 1G 12 in. by 7} in. a ; ; ' ‘i ee Te. Ce ied See. eo Me Sc ing ee ee ee eg ek 18 F. BURGESS. ‘ : Vttetetl pe 113 Tur Crock Tower, Westminster 133 in. by 94 an. T. COLLIER, 1883. 114 A Common ScENE yl i 6 in. by 10 tn, ) D. COX. a.pL ae 115 Tae Lanpstip ie ML asta 14 in. by 21 tn. D. COX. 116 A View near THE KentisH Coast, with peasants 0 — D/O ‘ 11 én. by 143 in. D. COX, 1866. 117 A Vautny Soczvz, with ruins among trees WES 8k in. by 11 én. D. COX. | ie) 0 118 Tue Terrace, Haddon Hall / | 5 in. by 9% in. D. COX. 4e . & - 119 A Roap Soenz, with sheep 6 in. by 94 in. W. W. DEANE. Lf _14- i 120 Sr. MionazL’s Mount 20 in. by 144 in. ng road ya? LD F. W. W. DEANE. : 3 Ly . 121 Invsrior or Szvinin CaTHEpRaL Re ; 204 in. by 15 in. W. W. DEANE. |. g ~- 122 Harr-Timpzrep Hovsss: Germany VE 164 in. by 12 in. ae W. W. DEANE. ¥ [Sr ie 123 View in Sr. Marn’s, Venice VOLO AI 17 in. by 114 an. | ERNEST GEORGE, 1881. Wokle f -f§—. 124 A Srauur in Brunswick - : 14 in. by 10 in. ? L. HAGHE. ts - 125 A Garpzn Scorn, with a pavilion and figures Z a tees by 11h in. Dene : ; L. HAGHE. oa Lp _ 126 Tue Inreniorn or a CATHEDRAL its 18 in. by 12 in. ppdG aU HALUMIBTT AR: oc ge —S + 127 Sza Rotune In 15} in. by 274 in. T. HART, 1864. Fo 0 2oae 128 A CornisH Coast Sone, with boat 7 in. by 20 in. ~~ aia 20 T. HART, 1867. / 129 On tux Cornisa Coast | ay ‘<< 4 ae Tin. by 20 in. © : WL, i . Ww. A. KNELL. 2. « 180 Doyrr ye 13 in. by 20 in. ~W. A. KNELL. a ag? IAF 131 Fo.krstone 13 in. by 20 in. T. LLOYD, 1870. os 3 t as 132 Tur Wave eS se 10 tn. by 14 in. We ery He R. P. NORMAN, 1873. ris . 183 Rostrin Caapen 1 17 in. by 124 tn. | S PROUT. Ly My. £184 A Lannscarr, with buildings and figures ae 11 in. by 17 in. : . a = D. BOBERTS) BA.1833 eee We : f2. - 135 Tepes . MV | | 123 in. by 19 in. mens “D. ROBERTS, RA. Se J = J ; 186 Nerusry ABBEY =} SaceRe | 12h in. by 9h in, kc | a ai \ ~ rs mg & men - is ‘ “ oe oe Ae 21 C. ROBERTSON. 187 Tus Scuttan’s GuarD 12 in. by 83 tn. A. N. ROUSSOFF, 1886. | if 138 A Ganan Scunz, Venice 7 in. by 14 in. C. STANFIELD, R.A. q [(b » 139 Tue Entrance to CarisprooxkE CASTLE 64 in. by 6 in. is | C. STANFIELD, R.A. / , 140 Sanpown Bay 64 in. by 10 in. f ; A. W. WEEDON. 141 A Scortish Moor, with peat-cutters 123 in. by 195 im. 3 A. W. WEEDON, 1881. | is G 142 Scorrish Moontains . | 13 in. by 20 tn. : _H. B, WIMBUSH, 1890. fo -143 A Lane Scunz: Sunset—vgnette 2 - -p, DE WINT. me fe - 144 A CornrFieLp, with gleaner | 10 tn. by 204 tn. 22 PICTURES. D. COX. 16 : W4 _ 145 A Woovy Lays, with cattle cra: & 7 in. by 10 tx. Re NASMYTH, 1830. SO. Sey 4 oa 146 A Woopy River Soxns, with cottage, figures and duck es On panel—11 in. by 143 in. : From the David Price Collection, 1892 J. ORROCK, 1880. en jdeay 16. £ 147 Tue Cricketers ARMs ; bix: = ; 11} in. by 17} in. a vet FINI. rea 2 London: Printed by Win11AM CLowEs AND Sone Limited, Bia and Charing Cross. ‘ x ' ye S “- ee «| ay ~ her , ty _ | en ae —) ee ee ee eee ee ee pul as ay | ae __ 1901 May 20 LoChC c.1 Christie,/Modern pictures and wat — 87-P10308 NIAC 3 3125 01159 9957