: ff 8 9 Q 4: 5 4, S) 6 7 3) 9 0 nf Pa 5 ah 5 Price 6000 1250 ORO O75 795 70 675 150 RRO 120 100 75 90 200 200 rae) 550 90 150 Buyer. A. Rudert Agent Dr. Beckman John Ringling Krayshaar Galleries JH Andrews J.A.Barkey Mrs. B. Wallach S. Sprague Ferargil Galleries Wm. Levy W.W.Seaman Agent J .M.Kaplan H.G.Henderson W.W.Seaman Agent Mrs. B. Wallach Wm. Levy Mr. Thompson Bagcock Galleries J. Wood . a pa 139 140 141 142 143 ——— ae | -E.S.Webster M.Hillquit Wm. Levy Wm. Levy E.o.Webster E.S.Webster G.F.McKinney Durand-Ruel A. Michael H.E.Freeman E. James J. Wood R.J.Gilchrist =£E.S.Webster Kraushaar Galleries Wm. Levy D.B.Reimer Newhouse Galleries BoesGa.tcnrist J.Wood D.B.Reimer H.E.White A.E.Tower C.James A. Michael H.H.P. Agent Wm. Levy Kraushaar Galleries M. Lewis Wm. Levy Jn. Levy Galleries H.H.P. Agent A.A.Tilney Wm. Levy H.H.P. Agent J-M.Andrews Milch Galleries W.C.Fish £$.S.Webster J.C.Willever J.H.Andrews Kraushaar Galleries Wm. Levy Wm. Levy Mrs. B.Wallach Mrs. P. Brown J -M.Kaplan N.C.Fish J -Woods M.Griswold J.C.Willever M.Griswold Wm. Levy S&F hi-: | ae , % £ 4 3 4 ‘ t, =f pte, | ww : 7 . t we wy 3 \% P ing - - a a oe : = = £3 £ > €F } <2 ‘ - od “A. ae ee ip ? => pele = Pi y - 6 & ts ty "ie mt aT > MYR ¢ _ a b -~ *, 7 > . ¢ * Y = é an “ik ee H 1s sae Oe Oo 7 * eo 4 bie a 4 4 eo 7, $ — 1350 60 60 45 50 30 45 50 15 110 35 50 55 25 40 90 | 65 185 110 136 55 137 40 138 40 139 70 1250 - E.S.Webster yg Hbae “Ym. Le M-Hillquit Ga) Lavy + LeVy E.S eWebster E.S.Webster G.F.McKinney Durand-Ruel A. Michael H.E.Freeman E. James J. Wood R.J.Gilchrist » E.S.Webster ar Galleries Newhouse Galleries R.J.Gilchrist J .Wood D.B.Reimer H.E.White A.E.Tower vy Kraushaar Galleries M. Lewis Wm. Levy Jn. Levy Galleries H.H.P. Agent A.A.Tilney Wm. Levy H.H.P. Agent J.M.Andrews Milch Galleries N.C.Fish £.S.Webster J.C.Willever J-H.Andrews Kraushaar Galleries Wm. Levy Wm. Levy Mrs. B.Wallach Mrs. P. Brown J.M.Kaplan N.C.Fish J Woods M.Griswold J.C.Willever M.Griswold Wm. Levy Miss M.Choate 155 155A 156 157 158 159 1100 150 Ferargil Galleries Ferargil Galleries — | N.C.Fish Mrs. B. Wallach C.E.Moran Agent : ap Wm. Levy --. H.G.Henderson > oo Mrs. B. Wallach ~ Mrs. B. Wallach Henry Chandler a Yacbeth:.Galleries © Clapp and Graham Mrs. B. Wallach ; J.C.Willever ‘s— E.S.Webster | J.A.Barkey = J Weitzner ae. J.A.Barkey a R.J.Glenn en J.H.Andrews ae R.J.Glenn sav8 Wm. Levy Tie Wm. Levy Ferargil Goldenseal Dr. Beckman Wm. Levy J.T.Jacobs Kraushaar Galleries Milch Galleries A.E.Tower J.C.Willever Ferargil Galleries Ferargil Galleries Durand-Ruel Milch Galleries Durand-Ruel Dr. Beckman Kraushaar Galleries Wm. Levy A. Whitridge J. Woods Howard Young W.W.Seaman Agent Durand-Ruel Durand-Ruel M. Knoedler & Co. A.C.Goodyear A. Michael Durand-Ruel Durand-Ruel Victor Harris W.W.Seaman Agent No. Price : a $ 35 rs 15 3 20 4 50 > 130 6 100 7 95 Se >: 55 9 50 10 40 ne? 35D LZ 65 13 40 14 LTO a Rs 50 16. 80 L7 90 18 5D Use paneer ae Se: ee ets) 25 85 24 50 ras) 65 26 D0 cade D0 23 60 29 130 50 55 bl 40 52 d20 55 00 54 600 55 225 56 50 57 dD 58 210 59 475 40 150 41 100 42 120 43 oO £4. 85 45 475 Po ee ee ee oe ‘ 2 Or American Art Association April. 21 and 22, Buyer hd. Gilchrist Miss H.Fitzgerald Mr. Wm. Levy S.sprague Kraushaar Galleries Ch.5.Payson . E.&.Webster R.J.Gilchrist S.Sprague Kraushaar Galleries J Betis Wm. Levy H.C.White Mrs. Chauncey A. BE. Tower J. Wood Wm. Levy 7 a Jd. Gilchrist G.M.Sidenberg WW, 25e — Af... Agent Wm. Levy | R.Jd.-Gilchrist Wm. Levy R.J-Gilchrist R.Glenn H.C.White J.Wood R.A.Solomon H.C.White Wm. Levy JeWiood F.K.M.Rehn Wm. Levy M.Griswold F.S.Kershaw Red eh, Thee Io. II. endeavors therein and also at the actual time of the sale to point out any error, defect — or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and — no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfec- tion not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold ‘as is” and without recourse. (J, Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as cata- logued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby vill become respon- sible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. Recorps. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. Buyinc on Orper. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge of commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be re- funded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. (J, Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. ‘These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the cAssociation OTTO BERNET : HIRAM H. PARKE - cC4uctioneers AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC Managers paintings, was a civil engineer of repute, with a wide reputation a _ among lovers of the Impressionist paintings. He was an early enthusiast for the truth and beauty which he saw and felt in the art of the Impres- a sionists—not a late convert to the cult. He was early a friend of Claude oa Monet and a buyer of his paintings. And of course he did not stop with ee / Monet’s productions, but reached out for the works of others who saw ~ not with Monet’s eyes but who worked on principles which he revealed to them. Among Americans he was with the late Mr. Sutton, of the American Art Association, in his admiration and patronage of the great French painter. He was among the leaders in Boston in his service to art, and visitors to the Hub who hurried to the gallery of Mrs. Jack Gardiner were not delayed in visiting the gallery which Mr. FitzGerald built for his pictures at his home in Brookline. His collection was frequently drawn upon by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. His selections prompted the query whether he was himself an artist by profession or as an avocation. He was not, but was an accomplished draughtsman, and his taste and knowledge, both assiduously cultivated, led to a proficiency of judgment which left an impression on beholders of his selections. Besides his numerous Monets, he acquired many works of Maufra, a Renoir, a Degas, a Sisley, a Pissarro, and examples of other foreign artists. He also possessed a John Sargent, a Winslow Homer water color, and works of many little known but worthy American artists whose talent he was quick to recognize. Among these is an aquarellist better known in Boston than in New York, Dodge Macknight, who was never permitted to reach the New York market because Boston so quickly absorbed his works. He is a painter of atmospheric color of notable ability, as will be seen in the examples of his work here to be found. Dana H. CARROLL — - Ss i FIRST SESSION ~ APRIL 21 AT 8: I5 P.M. Catalogue “Numbers 1 to 114 Inclusive ALICE HIRSCHBERG American: Contemporary ' x. j A WILLOW {Water Color] ; (9 - Y 9b Anh Sr - An aged, short and pollarded willow grows at the left in the middle _ distance, just beyond a rail fence. The fields on either side of the = fence are green, and in the foreground daisies are growing. Signed at lower left, Auice Hirscupere, 1886 Height, 7 inches; length, 9% inches WALTER GOLDSMITH Contemporary 2, HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY [Water Color}, 0 AK by In front of a house in the country, of French aspect, hich lies in’ the middle distance on the left, a man is seen driving a two-wheeled cart toward the right, followed by a dog. On the right in the fore- ground a bushy tree overhangs the road. Signed at lower left, GotpsmitrH, 1880 Height, 7 inches; length, 10 inches ALEXANDER ROBINSON American: 1867— . DRIVING HOME THE FLOCK {Water Color] My Hr A country road bordered by tall trees and flande by green pastures, with here and there low farmhouses. In the middle distance a shepherd and his flock. Signed at lower right, AL. RoBINsoN Height, 9 inches; width, 5% inches fy, /, ; ie - NTON MAUVE Dutch: 1838—1888 a, a : : 4. THE WHITE COW {Panel} - qe pipe Portrait of a white cow with a black neck and a WO het) face, standing in the foreground athwart the view. Light illumines her coat from a sun almost directly overhead. | Signed at lower right, A. Mauve “a Height, 8 inches; length, 11 inches C. SERRET Contemporary CHILDREN {Pastel} Pao ta An interesting house stands in the background, at the end of a nar- tow lawn. In the foreground on the left a small girl seated on a carved stone fence or bench is supported by one slightly older who stands behind her, and at the end of the fence stands an older girl who carries a small child in her arms. Signed at lower right, C. Szrret - Height, 12% inches; width, 8 inches CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. American: 1859— DUTCH FIGURES [Water Color} Lue t by yor Done in Holland, the drawing exhibits half a dozen outed strolling beside a stream, white sand under their feet and the atmosphere brilliantly illuminated. In front are a man and a young girl, ap- proaching the spectator, followed by a man who saunters alone. In the distance are figures going in the opposite direction. All are of the peasantry. Signed at lower left, Cumtpz Hassam, Holland, ’87 Height, 11 inches; width, 8Y% inches {See illustration } No. 6. DUTCH FIGURES By HASSAM A GLIMPSE OF THE PAINTINGS IN THEIR ORIGINAL SETTING THE FITZGERALD GALLERY, BKOOKLIINER VAS | a hua a oe AL amt ROBINSON , A er Gi Mbt ET UNDER UMBRELLAS [Water Color] ges se large green umbrellas overshadow long trestle tables on =r nders display their wares. A quaint old market Height, 134 inches; length, 19/4 inches aaa ee eoowil |B a ee Belgian: Contemporary WERP [¥ [ Water Color} by. Nhberwt ae. preen . waters of the Scheldt divide the scene laterally. In the tor eground a vessel with unfurled sail and flying pennant. Ant- werp’ s skyline is seen in the distance, the spire of its famous cathedral fo far above the other buildings. Signed at lower left, J. WiTTE, ’o9. Nota Height, 10 inches; length, 13% inches ee Se Rape eR Py age ET t- T PHILIP LESLIE HALE, N.A. American: 1865— p rT ee RO EP SL See PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY [Crayon] Portrait head of a young lady with dark eyes and wearing a round hat with a broad brim, tilted back. She is facing the right, three-quarters front, and wears a lace collarette. Signed at lower left, PHmie L. Hate Height, 14% inches; width, 10, inches yp - re 20 THE FITZGERALD Sry ROSA BONHEUR French: 1822—1899 Youths - 10. THE KING OF BEASTS AT HOME 1Gaee Drawing} In the foreground a huge lion is lying on the ground, with forepaws a extended and head up, looking fiercely at the spectator. Back of Il. Ree, him a lioness is lying down, asleep and secure. In the background __ at the left is another lioness who has been lying down at rest but has raised her head to look alertly at the spectator. The lower trunks of a few trees are observed in the background. sence at lower right, R. BonHEUR Height, 14% inches; length, 224% inches NELLIE LITTLEHALE MURPHY {Mrs. H. Dudley Murphy} American: 1867— Ch Oe HIBISCUS {Water Color}. Ge AG Depending branches of finely colored flowers, with a perched exotic bird. Signed at lower right, N. LirrLeHALeE Murpny Height, 2114 inches; width, 15 inches FREDERICUS JACOBUS DU CHATTELZ Dutch: 1856— 12. FERME AU BORD DE L’EAU [Water Color iH. de At the left a placid silvery stream enters the scene accompanied /by a narrow wandering path bordered at the right by slender stately trees and leading to a farmhouse in the distance, hidden among heavy sombre foliage. Signed at lower left, Fre. J. pu CHATTEL Height, 12% inches; width, 9 inches I - ” s ; “J is Pw : pete <> a r, iy be od aie 3 ‘gue ! 5 2 ae , a: rn i : FI TZGERALD COLLECTION ‘e ke JAN. HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROCK se hap Dutch: 1875— | ‘CANAL SCENE IN WINTER {Water Color] uy (& Wide wf r nthe foreground the snow covered quay, where men are loading carts Dm a the barges moored in the canal. Upon the opposite bank rise e bui dings of a large city. Signed : d at at lower left, J. H. vAN MasTensrock, and dated 1900 | Height, 8% inches; length, 12% inches ALEXANDER ROBINSON Ens asy ae G8 American: 1867— ee 7 ee A Aca : v ERONA {Water Color] fe tlamnely In the foreground a walk shaded by trees curves sharply to the right. In the distance at the left, the dome and campanile of St. Georgio. '— Signed and dated at lower right, ALEXANDER Rosinson, Verona, 1905 ore. j oe nee a Height, 17 inches; length, 24, inches NELLIE LITTLEHALE MURPHY {Mrs. H. Dudley Murphy] a American: 1867— fs re Tour? . DOUBLE HIBISCUS AND JASMINE {Water Color] Colorful rendering of the flowers massed in studied arrangement. Signed at lower right, N. LirrLeHALE Murpnuy Height, 21% inches; width, 15 inches ee * o. ahd . ee ‘og 7 = - gs 22 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION | ANDREMASS [?] & and a 16. STREET SCENE IN HOLLAND [Water Color] a . A natrow city street, its pavement glistening from a recent downpour, _ y ) im peopled with pedestrians, trucks and push carts. Above, a narrow : expanse of gray rainy sky. oe ee SS Signed at lower left, ANDREMAss Height, 20 inches; width, 13¥% inches ALEXANDER ROBINSON American: 1867—- yy, Hn | 17. VERONA {Water Color] A shaded walk flanked by lowly shanties at the left and a low parapet at the right accompanies the Adige in its course. In the distance d ae the Duomo rises majestically against a background of soft green hills. Signed at lower left, ALEXANDER RoBINSON, Verona, 1906 — Height, 17 inches; length, 244% inches — JAMES KINSELLA American: 1857—1923 18. A BIT OF HOLLAND [Water Color} // Pbelairced On the left is a canal, straight with irregular borders in the fore- ground, and wandering away in the distance, where beyond a trans- verse stream is seen a low shore with a windmill among its buildings. In the foreground on the right is a low shore on which stands another windmill, near some trees and a low cottage, in front of which a peasant woman is seen. Against the bank of the stream a working boat is moored. Signed at lower right, J. KINSELLA Height, 9% inches; length, 13% inches rh ae * « a _ ® at ins ie. oe Arse oe a ee iA aa es - a TH E a ITZGERALD COLLECTION Beh (CARLA KOSTER erg Dutch: Contemporary 19. TULIP TIME { Water Color} L 4h dedintoeg Two "aa of vivid red and yellow tulips in the foreground enliven ano herwise somewhat monotonous landscape encompassed by farm bull Idings ss. In the foreground a velvety green pasture and the gnarled f ton rrunks ks of aged trees. ‘Si nec at lower tight, A. L. Koster th : > Height, 11 inches; length, 17 inches _ JOHN HENRY TWACHTMAN : _ American: 1853—1902 pe ‘Of v4 Guna, AY? . _ WINDMILL ON THE SANDFLATS [Water Color} 7 as “On the verge of a wide expanse of sandy marshes, with water plants growing in the foreground, a windmill is observed in the distance on g in — the right, with isolated trees and a low building its close neighbors. .* at lower left, J. H. Twacutman, 786 Height, 12% inches; length, 15'/ inches ALEXANDER ROBINSON American: 1867— ; VILLAGE STREET {Water Color] vy pik ory The massive stocky tower of a Gothic church looms imposingly above a quaint street of low humble dwellings with peaked red tiled roofs and paved with cobble stones. Signed at lower right, A. Robinson Height, 18 inches; length, 25 inches 24 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION® NELLIE LITTLEHALE MURPHY American: 1867— dev 22. FLOWERS [Water Color] CG Uj dit E A still life of fascinating color—flowers red and pink and a mass of : 5 — leaves of rich green, with occasional brownish stems in sight, in bright _ . sunshine. ae Signed at lower right, Netum LirtLeHALE Murpny $ ‘ Height, 144% inches; length, 20% inches ALEXANDER ROBINSON American: 1867— 23. HOLLAND [Water Color] a , ry rving to left A broad canal fills the foreground and extends back, cu in the distance. Working boats, laden and light, are massed together Y A 2 with sails variously up, along the left, and other boats of different lines lie along the right. The water in slow movement is brightly lighted and marked by reflections. Signed at lower left, ALEXANDER Rosinson, Holland, 1905 Height, 18% inches; length, 24% inches EF. NEWELL MARSHALL Swiss: Contemporary ) De fh / 24. PARROT AND FRUIT {Water Color] (; ¢ | Wa yap In the foreground a green parrot seated on a table is eating a fruit from a tall dish of fruit of different varieties. Back of the bird is Fd eae a rich bouquet of flowers of many colors. Signed at lower right, E. Newert MarsHAty Height, 13 inches; length, 17 inches Exhibited at the Panama-Pacific Exposition ra 9 Sar” Ay ; np i Pe 5 oe Z (= MAURICE B. PRENDERGAST ——— § at American: 1860— ~ TUDY OF FLOWERS {Water Color] f. A fh hy), Pe ‘ “S ection of a garden filled and overflowing with poppies of varying reds. Thickly as they are growing each is individualized in the _ painting, and the whole presents a most agreeable garden. ee _ Signed at lower right, PRENDERGAST Height, 13% inches; length, 19 inches : 6 aie At. RIDLEY fe a j Contemporary - _ q 3 MOORISH SCENE {Water Color} Before a building of Moorish architecture, in an arch of which men are sitting, a group of men are seated on a diagonal wall, seemingly engaged only in conversation. In the right foreground a tree leans before the wall and toward the archway where the other men are sitting. Signed at lower left, A. L. Rietey, 1923 Height, 14 inches; length, 18% inches y fo the shore on the left with a shallow crescent cove. The ne Bs leafless. In front of it on the right is the river, with a bridge in view THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION oe FRANK WESTON BENSON & American: 1862— 34. GRAY MORNING [Water Color] A. we. A gray stream on the right, filled with beguiling soflecae a a ’ cae at lower left, F. W. BENson Height, 141% inches; length, 20% inches {See illustration } 5 & W. DODGE MACKNIGHT American: 1860— ee SNOW [Water Color} | AS fonbaur A flat valley in the foreground is covered with snow, a few trees at i - lower left casting their shadows upon it. In the distance it is bound- ed by hills which are partly snow-covered and Bee obscured under red shadows. Signed at lower left, Dooce MackNIGHT Height, 14¥% inches; length, 21% inches [See illustration } ART HUR CLIFTON GOODWIN American: 1866 36. ESPLANADE, BOSTON {Pastel} (7 ; LW Green turf with some irregularities extends from the foreground to the distance, on the left, and the land is dotted with trees which are in the distance, and along the hither bank are benches, some of which are occupied by men and women idlers. Signed at lower left, A. C. Goopwin Height, 13 inches; length, 19 inches No. 34. GRAY MORNING By BENSON No. 35. SNOW By MACKNIGHT 31 a F. A. McCLURE — te . > American: Contemporary oa 37: BOATS HAULED OUT [Water Color] he haw On a steep shore descending to unseen water on the right lie a small catboat and a large tender. Beyond them is a house with wings on different levels. The corner of a colorful bluff comes into view in the left foreground. ae ae at lower left, F. A. McCiure . Height, 19% inches; width, 12% inches | Echibited at Aa Boston Art Club a | JOHANNES HENDRIK WEISSENBRUCK 2 Dutch: 1824—1903 B ey, os IN HOLLAND {Water Color} ‘ee Low cottages in middle distance on the left face a rambling canal ie which extends from foreground to distance, and across the canal on 7) | f) _ _ the right is a flat grassy shore, which displays a windmill in middle distance and some low structures in the distance. hype baer Ba he Signed at lower right, J. H. WetssENBRUCK Height, 1914 inches; width, 14¥% inches i P< FRANK WESTON BENSON, N.A. American: 1862— De ee hi A leurr 39. PHLOX {Water Color] In an ovoidal porcelain pitcher the reflections from whose surface have the effect of decoration, and which stands in a wide-spread- i? i. ~ ing bowl, is a large bouquet of phlox of delicate coloring. The table / / , covering and the background are both dark, making the flowers and the pitcher most effective. Signed at lower left, F. W. BENson Height, 19% inches; width, 15¥ inches 32 41. 42. THE FITZGERALD COLLE CT ION A. T. VAN seen Dutch: Contemporary iy | . SPRINGTIME IN HOLLAND [Water Colic} A sandy country road dappled with sunlight and bordered by trees shyly displaying their first tender green leafage. A woman 1 and child = are slowly walking away from the observer. Signed at lower right, A. T. VAN DriesTEN | Height, 19% inches; width, 12% inches — VLADIMIR PAVLOWSKY Hungarian: Contemporary 9 L if J HARBOUR ENTRANCE {Water Colort A narrow channel of blue water puts in from the right, across the — middle distance. Beyond it is a rocky shore which tapers in either direction, and in the foreground a low rocky shore broadens out in either direction, the whole in soft colors of low key and engaging © quality. Signed at lower right, VLapimir PavLowsky Height, 14/4 inches; length, 1914 inches HARRY SUTTON, JR. American: Contemporary WINTER [Water Color] | . Wr ia A bleak landscape of rolling land is presented in bright sunshine, the hillocks crowned with small evergreen trees which appear almost black against the snow. In the foreground there is some bush. Signed at lower right, SUTTON, ’o5 Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches Exhibited at the Exhibition of the Boston Society of Water Color Painters THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 33 ‘SUSAN B. BRADLEY oo BAKER’S ISLAND, MOUNT DESERT, MAINE Weer _ Color] | Masses of rocky ledges on the left, and one protruding nearly all the way across the picture, in the foreground, are whitened by the brilliant sunlight, and in the background on the right the tops of green trees, against a whitish-blue sky. Signed at lower right, Susan B. BrapLey Height, 14% inches; length, 22 inches Exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts _ Exhibited at the Philadelphia Water Color Club DWIGHT BLANEY |e The pond enters the picture in the left middle distance—its surface - a light blue in the sunshine. In the background a wooded country- | side, which continues around on the right, connecting with the low x 5 - foreground. Here are more trees and bushes, and on the flat lies a rowboat or small launch. Signed at lower left, Dwight BLANEy, 1924 Height, 14% inches; length, 201 inches W. DODGE MACKNIGHT 45. HIBISCUS [Water Color} _- A Mexican scene. The corner of a low building with extended tile Y h - roof, and a birdcage hanging on the outer wall near an open door, 7 is seen at the right foreground, and a similar building crosses the [Continued American: 1851— ¥) } Gil American: 1845— : ea iY, y . TIHONET POND, WAREHAM [Water Color} “‘ ~~ of American: 1860— Diff) WH &. 7 Nwraoll apt 34 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION No. 45. Concluded s background. In the foreground at the left are flourishing mee 4 _ | of hibiscus, whose blossoms contribute color to the scene in the bright = ~ sunshine. ~ — Signed at lower left, Dooce MacknicHT Height, 14% inches; length, 2134 inches W. DODGE MACKNIG H American: 1860— a) dt | 46. MENDING IN THE SUNLIGHT {Water Color] Slightly to left of centre a young woman is seated, facing the pies ver three-quarters to the right. She wears a bluish-white waist and a skirt of soft red, and is sewing on a white garment. Sunshine is — brilliant in the room, and odd pieces of pottery are noted on top of a cupboard at the right. Signed at lower right, Doocz MAcKNIGHT Height, 14% inches; length, 22 inches ARTHUR B. WILDER American: Contemporary iy f 47. ON THE MEADOWS {Water Color] Mi In the foreground a lake, which extends into the middle distance, seems to cover an expanse of flat meadows and is frozen over and covered with snow, as are the higher lands which surround it. Trees which dot its borders on either side are in the sere. Signed at lower left, ARTHUR B. WitpER, 1909 Height, 15% inches; length, 2134 inches —_ _—_ 2 < t= fe oe €o(° « e : Pa a ae meets THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION a CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY American: 1864— h SY 4 SAINT THOMAS, WEST INDIES {Water Color] 4 In the beautiful Caribbean harbor, seen in the bright sub-tropical sunlight, a steamer lies at rest in the distance and a three-masted schooner is at anchor in the foreground. The near-by water around her is filled with reflections, and beyond her the waters of the har- bor are smooth and a brilliant green. Houses from the water front extend up the hillsides of the distant shore, which terminates in a picturesque mountain. Signed at lower right, Cuartes H. Woopsury 7 Height, 16% inches; length, 22 inches WILLEM STEELINK Dutch: 1856— ope. J | 3 vee J Merle / # . SHEPHERD AND HIS FLOCK [Water Color] A shepherd leaning on his crook watches his flock, which grazes around him while two or three have ventured forward to drink from 4 i 2) ~ the silvery pool in the extreme foreground. eee Signed at lower right, Witm. STEELINK ae Height, 15 Seckaal length, 25 inches i “2 W. DODGE MACKNIGHT i‘ Ee wn American: 1860— a G veel OF THE RED HOUSE, WINTER {Water Color} A frame house painted a dark brownish-red and having an attached wing with slanting roof stands at the left, a side door opening upon y 4. a side hill at whose summit in the central distance are other country | {Continued 36 No. 50. Concluded 52. x00 — ~ ARTHUR B. WILDER JOHANNES HENDRIK WEISSENBRUCK houses. A boy at some occupation stands near the corner of. ae house. The ground is covered with snow which banks up against | the house in steep piles. A scene on Cape Cod. were Signed at lower left, Dopcz MAcKNIGHT Height, 174 inches; length, 22 Fee American: Contemporary WOODSTOCK, VERMONT {Water Color] Wed. Mf A scene in winter, with the ground covered with snow. In the background une hills cross the view, their surfaces snowy and dotted with trees. On the left a road heavy with snow leads from the _ foreground toward the hills, and at a bend in it in middle distance — stands a house, which looks upon a grove of evergreen pine trees at | the centre of the composition. a Signed at lower right, ARTHUR B. WitpErR, 1914 Height, 16 inches; length, 23 inches [See illustration | et Dutch: 1824—1903 HOUSEHOLD LABORS [Water Color] nal In the light of a gray day a woman in gray waist and a white ca is bending over to gather up some linen from the grass. Beyond ie is her combined stable cottage, with sagging roof. A tree stands before the door and others are seen in the distance. Signed at lower right, J. H. WeissENBRUCK Height, 17 inches; length, 22 inches {See illustration } No. 52. HOUSEHOLD LABORS by WEISSENBRUCK a. + No. 51. WOODSTOCK, VERMONT by WILDER No. 54. MOONLIGHT ON THE RIVER | 7 By WILDER ‘ No. 55. COASTAL SCENE By MACKNIGHT a ate THE "FITZGERALD COLLECTION 39 i oe JOHN WHORE xe oe American: Contemporary - y Y ' r > Ree Sander 53. _ LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES [Water Color] ey In the foreground to right of center are standing two female figures, in ample skirts, beside a wide pathway which leads through the cen- - ter of the composition to a tall arched gateway in the wall. The whole i is in bright sunshine, and the play of light and the quality of the reflections give the charm to the picture. ay 20h at lower left, Joun Wuorr, ’75 Height, 17 inches; length, 23 inches - SARTHUR B. WILDER ~ ~ American: Contemporary ’ 54 MOONLIGHT ON THE RIVER, WOODSTOCK J WV Wave at | ce {Water Color} Ui t A} ‘ In the distance stars appear in the sky and a light in a house below is reflected in a stream which courses through the central part of the _ Picture from front to back. The surface of the stream is partly 1 exposed and partly covered with ice, and along either bank are trees and buildings. Signed at lower left, ArTHUR B. WitpEr, 1908 Height, 12 inches; length, 15 inches {See illustration } aye W. DODGE MACKNIGHT | American: 186 4 ) erican: 1660— Ve firull, agh 55. COASTAL SCENE [Water Color] A massive rocky coast, rising in the foreground, makes a bend to- i} 5 — ward the right and curves around toward the left, enclosing gray wa- {Continued 40 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION No. 55. Concluded Aas \ — 4 a \ 56. ter lightened by reflections. The scant herbage on the rocks is full x S of soft color, and the whole makes an engaging composition. - ae Signed at lower right, Dooce MackniGHT Height, 131% inches; length, 21 inches — S {See illustration | WINSLOW HOMER, N.A. American: 1836—1910 THE PORTAGE {Water Color} Mt. i g fe A wonderfully strong, powerful and compelling drawing, with ex- pression in color which is charming and a distribution of light which is nature itself. A picture which has traveled much of the world and been everywhere received with admiration. A sportsman in gray-black clothing and knee boots or puttees is walking up a grade going away from the spectator, and is seen in the middle distance in bright sunshine. He is carrying on his shoulders and over his head his inverted canoe. His muscles are powerful and there is spring in his step. The rapids in the stream glisten in the sunshine and share in reflection and the earth is grayish and discloses patches of color. In the distance the edge of a wood bounds the picture. Signed at lower right, Homer, 1897 Height; 1314 inches: lenpthe alae Exhibited at the Copley Society’s Water Color Exhibition, Boston, 1923 Exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Exhibited at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts {See illustration | No. 56. THE PORTAGE By HOMER ene i" “se ass Tt ae > mle . w= : pyre ’ ors " J c ae eee rt re eet p FIPZGPRATD COLLECTION . “aa - VLADIMIR PAVLOWSKY a... - Polish: Contemporary Dy ; ar 7 « GLOUCESTER HARBOR {Water Color] ; baplenr Fish ng craft are in harbor and tied up to docks and between them a glimpse of a shore building is seen in the background. The boats are colc orful and one sailboat has her mainsail standing but slack. In th 5 for und lies a ship’s small boat of large proportions, con- - tainin ng three hardy fishermen, one standing. ce ini oe mec 1 at lower left, Viapimir PavLowsky —_ ~~ et Be ee fs Height, 21% inches; length, 27 inches Sie =. CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY at Ls ae a American: 1864— eal _ The sea surging up from the left is streaked with seaweed and light, and on a sandy coast in the upper background has deposited a num- ber of dead fish. Signed at lower left, CHartes H. Woopsury Height, 17 inches; length, 21 inches Exhibited at the New York Water Color Club Exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts W. DODGE MACKNIGHT 59. CHRYSANTHEMUMS {Water Color] In an ovoid vase with spreading lip and foot and decorated with the D same flower is a large bunch of chrysanthemums, mainly of pinkish lf 5U ~ tones. Signed at upper left, Dooce MackNicHT Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches z F eG y y A, | | ; VA 58 SARGASSO SEA [Water Color] UM Muchat American: 1860— hy "2 : es agh 44 60. say ee 2 61. 1 62. Peisacus a> AN > a a y TT N . < he A 3 Pte. / UNIDENTIFIED | VILLAGE LANDSCAPE {Panel} 14; if On the left a small cottage, with a red brick chimniey, And inf of it a narrow road leading straight back from the Ergon grass. ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL French: 1830— CAVALIER {Panel} y Ui Portrait at full length of an upstanding, stylish man with moustache oa and pointed beard, facing the spectator. He stands in easy attitude and about to move, and has his right hand on a large curtain and his left hand at his waist. He wears a moderately wide brimmed hat with a plume dangling at one side. He wears a rich brocade suit and a pink sash. Signed at lower right, A. A. Lesre, 1887 ~ Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches WILLARD LEROY METCALF American: 1858—1925 } AFTERNOON BY THE RIVER v In rae pec- The lengthened shadow of slender trees, projected toward the tater, streak a greensward in the sunlight, at the far end of which a — hedge makes a deeper shadow. On higher land and in shadow on the right in the distance stands what appears to be a church structure. Signed at lower left, W. L. Metcatr, Gréz, Oct. ’84 Height, 8% inches; length, 134% inches wo —F ‘S ERALD COLLECTION 45 ° Ot ap ce Pe | re Bien DERIC PORTER VINTON, N.A. feet - American: 1846—1911 * ij by Fabede , aCe 63. ¢ om A tA. VILLE {Panel ] | Perargd 4, Lb 4 ¥ a " J , a4 ¥ ae ‘ oe ion “the: 3e litele French village which was the delight of artists ars ago, , and where many have made pilgrimages, Corot aoe Thatched and other cottages appear among gardens - nd here and there a flower is seen, the whole in gentle ite Porm RORFT COLE c al | American: 1837—1892 - The lake supplies the foreground, its surface marked by shadows, and on the farther wooded shore are numerous cottages, the scene dominated by a single tall poplar tree. Signed at lower left, J. Foxcrorr Cote Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches UNIDENTIFIED 65. LANDSCAPE AT EVENTIDE Mea vef The light of the new moon barely illumines the landscape, ighting the sky sufficiently so that the tower of a cathedral and the spire of a neighboring church in the distance stand out clearly. At left a {Continued ” o ae " we ai be Px ‘eas ~- r Ai ia i ey om LANDSCAPE—VILLE D’AVRAY Xt bs Pitan 46 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTIO No. 65. Concluded mass of dark trees, and on the right occasional lights accentuate a _ mist that overhangs the landscape. In the foreground, where the atmosphere is clear, a man is leading his working team of horses. Undecipherable signature at lower left | Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches ‘ CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. American: 1859— rs 66. SPRINGTIME LANDSCAPE {Panel} A grassy field slopes gently from the right, its pale green lightly — marked by shadows of widely spaced orchard trees. The apple a/ | trees are in blossom and their pale pink somewhat brightens the landscape. In the distance a cottage is descried among trees.. Signed at lower right, ComtpE Hassam Height, 12 inches; length, 14 inches JOHN HENRY TWACHTMAN American: 1853—1902 67. COTTAGE AND BARNS {Panel] bh / +f, Across a level field of grass the eye travels to a coca group with barns, which extends from the right, and to a single detached build- ing at the left. One has a thatched roof. A tall tree grows at the left and others beyond the buildings at the right, while in front of the buildings are a few short trees. Seema Signed at lower left, J. H. TwacHTMAN Height, 134% inches; length, 15% inches 7 - é b= ra : are ry ne T+ Pee ‘ A - ‘ “ ai pr = By a pee: oot ae a4 nad, — . a : se ' i. era ne ; oe eee ee) es pieres alieer : fi a my ** a a pa ao i * = 2 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 47 7 WILLARD LEROY METCALF —_r" wate | American: 1858—1925 % y 68. LANDSCAPE {Panel} ‘Tim oye ‘Tn the foreground a shallow pond with vegetation pushing through or the water, and in the background a few scattered trees. The grass beyond the water is green. The light is dim. Signed at lower right, W. L. Metcatr, 1887 Height, 11 inches; length, 14¥% inches CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY baa pee. fi 5 ~ American: 1864— | en fy e 69. MARINE [Academy Board] ( Janes ba gem A glimpse of the open sea, surging in its masses, with no land visible’ c fom, An expression of the immense power of the sea, unalloyed by human % , 7 Suggestion, the huge waves crested with white and in constant motion A A with no interference. if Signed at lower left, CHartes H. Woopsury Height, 11 inches; length, 17 inches JULIAN ALDEN WEIR, P.N.A. American: 1852—1919 . / ‘ 4 VY Vp yo. A CORNER OF THE FARM Mu Kia Anll On the left some well rounded trees in a field behind a stone fence. In the centre a bar gate leading to an open space where all is sun- } | () — light, beyond a narrow foreground of gray-green grass. Signed at lower right, J. ALDEN WEIR Height, 14 inches; length, 17 inches 71. se a ‘ yt ® JOHN HENRY TWACHTMAN. American: 1853—1902 | ma “tis ¢ If Bt VIEW OF THE SEINE AT NEUILLY [Panel} eae The river runs in a narrow channel through the center s) aes cot oe position, and boats and barges are moored in the stream. Over t tops of the boats the eyes travel to the horizon on the right of picture, while along the left runs the irregular bank. Signed at lower left, J. H. TwacHTMAN - | ic. | Height, 13% inches; length, oh inches {See illustration } ee WILLARD LEROY METCALF American: 1858—1925 THE LILY POND e a Faigh A narrow stream runs between banks on the right and left, and in the foreground is filled with pond lilies in bloom. Trees are thick on the bank at the left, while the bank on the right is in sunshine _ and supports a line of pollard willows. | See at lower left, W. LL. Metcatr, ’87 Height, 12 inches; length, 15 inches [See illustration} No. 72. THE LILY POND by METCALF » we - > No. 71. VIEW OF THE SEINE by TWACHTMAN No. 74. NEAR ANASQUAM by COLE ae ----.-.-.-.rresn—E_$— THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 51 HENRY OLIVER WALKER American: 1843— 73. MOMENTARY REPOSE A fair young woman, nude save for a light drapery, is seated on a bank with tall reeds growing beside it in an open country. Behind her at the right is a group of trees, and in the open background at / h i) the left is visible a small classical construction. She sits facing the observer, with her body bent at the waist and leaning to the right over the bank, on which her arms rest at the elbows, and her head is bent downward so that her brow rests upon her wrists and her face is seen in profile. Signed at lower left, Henry O. WALKER Height, 26 inches; length, 324 inches {See illustration } [30 J. FOXCROFT COLE American: 1837—1892 ) | 74. NEAR ANASQUAM Bk. ( On the right and extending to the middle distance, huge sand dunes, white and patched with yellowish vegetation, as they slope toward [30 the left to a low rough shore. Beyond the middle distance on the left the sea puts in, and Anasquam Light is visible. Signed at lower left, J. Foxcrorr Cote Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches { See illustration } - 7 / / : 4 VA StpHunHawn 7A. “el > ae 52 = MAXIME MAUEFRA _ | (D French: 1861—1918 75. FISHING SMACKS AT SEA 9 Ko : ALBERT ANDRE any: 5) Signed at lower right, Maurra, 1904 46. MATERNITE the right. The weather is murky and in the distance sea and clouds to merge. ae Height, 13 1/3 inches; length, ah inches French: 1869— “sudler Half a dozen women are sitting or standing on the grass in a plot of land which is dotted with trees and brilliant with sunshine. One of them is nude, kneeling with her back to the observer, and another has her breast exposed. The latter sitting at the foot of a tree and another woman who is standing each holds a baby. Still another — woman reaches up at a tree, in the attitude of picking something. Signed at lower left, AL. ANDRE Height, 14% inches; length, 30% inches {See illustration | FYANV “g ALINYALVW ‘94 ON No. 77. PAYSAGE SUR LE LOING By SISLEY a oe ALFRED SISLEY | French: 1840—1899 . Lo oi ng, seen in sik ats foreground and vanishing at a - midd e distance, bears on its bosom a number of small { near a bunch of vegetation growing in the middle ne flat land of the left foreground slender trees yn the farther bank of the stream are more trees = u ep atcline under a light grayish sky. Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches {See illustration } CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY ee American: 1864— - as In broad sunshine in a stubble field stand two ee one in the right foreground the other in the middleground. At the far end of the field in the background are some boundary trees, dark against a sky of light clouds. ea, Signed at lower right, CHartes Hersert Woopsury, ’85 | Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches a Haystacks ie ees = Lo “ EDMUND CHARLES TARBELL a 2 American: 1862— . - A slender and well favored young woman overcome Pe has thrown herself in utter collapse upon a rug and lies there face down- _ ward. Her light brown hair is done high upon her head. She [70 nude and the supple figure is expressive of easy grace. =: 79. GRIEF Signed at lower left, Eomunp C. TarBELL Height, 16 chen oath 32 inches Exhibited at the Museum 3 Fine Arts, Boston F. CORDERO Spanish: se 1 i 80. LANDSCAPE WITH BUILDINGS An open foreground flooded with sunshine shows rough ground patched with coarse grass. This is bounded in the middle distance a Ni ‘S by dense short trees with low buildings among them, and beyond the trees, in the distance, houses of some pretension are seen. | Signed at lower right, F. Corpero Height, 15% inches; length, 24 inches — [See illustration } OYNdYOD “F SONICTING HLIM ACTVISANVI *°8 °ON nw A PORT Al, BELEESIEE 82. No By MAUFRA eae yas a ’ “ Pi a te = OF tT ~« “ie » : Po fins 57 ' , fs ie ff FAS a ee a as see ta rey a 5 tous EUGENE BOUDIN French: 1824—1898 i iJ wl EMC ae DE LA RIVIERE—TROUVILLE ee ’ oe - > es « gro 1 i ing i ee the distance, widens in i siaicavelae Ke, Ye Abn | bosom i is whitened by sunlight. occasional tab en on it, one containing men who are fishing with rod ; e oF two masts are seen, and at the left the edge of a Height, 17 inches; length, 21¥, inches MAXIME MAUFRA French: 1861—1918 aa hy / Be. A PORT AT BELLE ILE | if ie LA 04d. (/ - With the distant sea under a grayish sky which is still full of light, the port puts into the foreground, with the brilliant illumination of day only slightly subdued. Jetties put out from left and right in the middle distance, the one on the left marked by a lighthouse. Back of it on the left, and extending into the foreground, the land sup- ports waterfront buildings, and curving into the immediate fore- exhibits a narrow sandy beach. All along the shoreline are anchored boats headed landward and in the stream at right are other anchored craft. vee ka Signed at lower left, MaurRA, 1905 me Height, 26 inches; length, 32% inches 5 From Durand-Ruel [See illustration } 60 83. HENRY MORET French: XIX Century LE PORT DE PAUL GOAZEC nly CS * Sei A foreground of sandy beach, marked by light ‘satchel of gre and an arm of the sea reaching inland from the right to a ch village buildings in the left background. In the port are. U boats with sails unfurled, which form an pee eS asse f From Durand-Ruel {See illustration} a - re ge ae eaten se tt No. 83. LE PORT DE PAUL GOAZEC By MORET No. 84. LE QUAI DE LA MARINE A VILLEFRANCHE : By BOUDIN 3 = = ‘ZGERALD COLLECTION Py all buil occupy a low point of land which projects | They are of creamy white and grayish notes and nadows. In front of them a man walks toward the Be cleft the water is a dark grayish blue and supports ig, an and in the left foreground three small boats are an- eo ‘shor aad right, E, Bounw, ’ 90; Villefranche F e eS = Height, 19 inches; length, 24 inches aa {See illustration ] 6: foe ho, #5 6; REP aa : Beit er5n sale, P-B, 1/8/41, #273; REP. 92, 200 MAXIME MAUFRA ag, ei French: 1861—1918 ah ith $ { : _ 85. LE MATIN—PORT MARLY of Mol 3 Baca’ landscape of light and springtime gaiety. The Ege aS sings its own spring song. Light sparkles on the river’s broad bosom in the 7 centre of the composition and delimits irregularly shaped white clouds in the sky. On the left the shore supports scraggly trees and on the right a line of regularly developed trees skirts the stream. Signed at lower left, Maurra, 1891 a Height, 211 inches; length, 26 inches , a : ; — J ~ “ al P wa ¢ _ | a e oe hwy, og hy ’ 4 J bol ; 8 j i, a : Se Sa ee ——— <7 _ a : , a ee 7 sen “| ¥ > < z < =) »* ws o z sens = * 4 = o> Gee Lye _ , From Durand-Ruel — 7 = a) > es rm CLAUDE MONET X02 - = é \ French: 1840—1926 : | | — "86, LA CABANE | & 7 ld | vt An isolated hut qe. before the eye ina well timbered region, c 4 i of it, in Pie ot supports various flowers. Signed at lower right, CLaupe Monet Height, 1934 inches; length, 29h inches Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts [See illustration} ALBERT ANDRE French: 1864— © 87. OEILETTES ET STATUETTES ies HL a A handsome porcelain jar filled with carnations of various color SaaS stands on a table with a silken covering in a room with rather plain ov! \ : . | ayy walls. At either side of the bouquet are white marble statuettes on v the same table. On the wall is a huge mirror, in which the statuettes and flowers are reflected against a background of an unseen silk hanging of striped pattern. : Signed at lower right, AL. ANDRE Height, 21% inches; length, 25 inches . LA CABANE By MONET No. 86 LA RIVIERE MAUFRA . 88. By O N mee FITZGERALD COLLECTION 67 MAXIME MAUFRA Lf axe eg French: 1861—1918 ; jy / ff V/s 88. LA RIVIERE Nnytaar Pall - Crossing the foreground is a stream, with a punt lying at the bank near the left. The water is marked by shadows from the shore, where there is green grass with patches of bare sandy earth, above i (0 , which rise buildings and sundry trees, including a group of tall poplars. The sky is gray and filled with light clouds. Signed at lower right, MAurra, ’02 Height, 2114 inches; length, 27. inches {See illustration } 68 § MAXIME MAUFRA | Bec ALFRED SISLEY French: 1840—1899 _ LES BORDS DU LOING A MORET, PRE FONTAINEBLEAU ~ The narrow river courses at the left along a wooded st ore | bordered on the right by a flat and grassy foreground lanc Buildings and trees appear on this side, in ge cunlieei and a mixed sky. : Signed at lower right, Sistey, ’86 me Height, 21 inches; length, 28 inc {See illustration | aS ae a French: 1861—1918 IF Py Ke | | SOLEIL DE PRINTEMPS—LE GUE DU LOIR | In the foreground the river sparkling in sunshine, and streaked with shadows from slender leafless trees which grow on the farther border _ of the stream and on narrow points of land which project into the water from the right. In the background at left a long and low river front building on which is a water wheel and higher buildings __ observed in some obscurity in the distance on the right. ie Signed at lower right, MAuFrRa, 1916 Height, 22% inches; length, 29 inches From Durand-Ruel No. 89. LES BORDS DU LOING A By SISLEY MORET ~~ ee ee ee eee COUCHER DU SOLEIL On O By MONET Same FITZGERALD COLLECTION 71 . CLAUDE MONET al , French: 1840—1926 91. COUCHER DU SOLEIL SUR LA SEINE; ’ YW LL f EFFET D’HIVER Eile ten The sun is setting, a glowing ball of fire, near the centre of the canvas, a dull reddish glow visible in the sky behind it, and another minor glow encrimsoning the foreground, where the river is covered with ab (0 blocks of floating ice. From the right a point of land supporting slender trees comes into the stream, some brush projects through the ice at the left, and back of it low buildings are seen on the land. Signed at lower left, CLaupe Monet, 80 Height, 23'4 inches; length, 3134 inches Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts rasa ¢ wh” {See illustration} _ A NR A AT OTE A ETS ET << GEORGES D’ ESPAGNAT French: Contemporary _ | WOMAN TENDING FLOWERS A young woman on her knees in the grass before a ae or im is attending to flowers blooming in a flowerpot, which rests befo She is clad in a gray-blue gown over which a large loose collar e and a pale mauve apron. At her side is another Hower with ol | soming flowers. 2 ? ‘ Signed at lower right, G. p’E. Ae . | Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches” From Durand-Ruel | A eee [See illustration ] SS | ~ JA GEORGES D’ESPAGNAT 229 | French: Contemporary 93. SPANISH ROAD SCENE ln noe A broad country road leads back from the foreground through the _ centre of the composition, so little and irregularly used that grass is green on it in patches as well as along its sides. It is bordered by trees whose leafage has turned red, and on the left is a reddish-yellow field. In the distant background is a colorful village landscape. Signed at lower right, G. p’E. : Height, 24 inches; length, 32 inches Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts EE EE En No. 92. WOMAN TENDING FLOWERS By D’ESPAGNAT No. 94. LES BORDS DE L’EURE By LOISEAU Sate FITZGERALD COLLECTION 75 GUSTAVE LOISEAU a5 qe French: Contemporary , 94. LES BORDS DE L’EURE, NORMANDIE Mx . Kin Marshy shallows picked out with flowers fill the foreground, at the left a point of thin trees projects into the marshes, and the back- 95 U. ground is bordered by short woods. The sky shimmers from a con- fusion of light clouds. Signed at lower right, G. Lotszau, 1901 Height, 24 inches; length, 32 inches {See illustration} 7 THE FITZGERALD COLLECT Gm = S CLAUDE MONET French: 1840—1926 | hr . 95. IN RURAL FRANCE re bly A hillside declining to the left and forward displays its broad flank in subdued sunlight, the surface rough and irregular and marked by bushes and grasses. In the central middle distance is a group of farm buildings, and in front of them and extending forward toward the left are irregular lines of poplar trunks, one slender one exhibit- ing a tuft of foliage at its top. At the edge of the right foreground a fence projects into the picture, and near it are lying piles of rough sticks. , Signed at lower left, CLaupz Monet, ’85 Height, 25% inches; length, 3134 inches Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts [See illustration] ~~ ” | } 2 Nieto ee me — Sy ae re hia ‘ -. ‘3 fe co ‘ > . ¥ > P 4 ‘ -- e J t No. 95. IN RURAL FRANCE By MONET No. 96. LILE DE GROIX By MORET me FLIZGERALD COLLECTION 79 -) HENRY MORET Mf #) 4 French: XIX Century ; : A» fh f 96. VILE DE GROIX—BATEAUX DEPECHE: (7. “ N ibellr Island points project into the sea from the left foreground and from the right middle distance. Their surfaces are rough, and cut by hollows and shadows, while here and there over them may be seen grass of rich green. The water is blue, and gives off green reflections, i 5 ( under a mixed sky, and in the channel between the land masses appear several fishing boats, under sail. . Signed at lower left, HeNry Moret, 1903 Height, 2534 inches; length, 3174 inches From Durand-Ruel {See illustration } eh Ww THE FITZGERALD COLLEC French: 1840—1926 FISHING BOATS AT Howe's | y ee fishing boats with their sails taken down are ios on the aes in irregular line actoss the geo their bulk and an he Signed at lower left, CLaupzE Monet Height, 29 inches; length 30% | inches {See illustration } + No. 97. FISHING BOATS AT ETRETAT By MONET ’ NATURE MORTE ESPAGNAT D 98 By No. GEORGES D ESPAGNAT French: Contemporary 98. ae ATURE “MORTE - peed h (Bech ba table having a cover of large check pattern in white, cream and red Reece: isa display of fruit, some of it in dishes, vegetables, flowers aad a large pottery jar. The jar has floral decoration and a plaque de a a ed with flowers hangs on the wall. The fruit includes peaches, and sg ap and the vegetables egg plant and squash. All are Height, 324% inches; length, 3934 inches ie {See illustration} CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY American: 1864— 99. FISHING OFF THE GRAND BANKS UY uy y EB A single alert fisherman is seen standing in his dory as it descends a huge wave, coming down toward the left. The dory is of a yellow- brownish hue and the clothing of the fisherman is but little lighter. The huge masses of the water and its heavy movement carry an im- pression of great and heedless power. The sky overhead is of a light greenish-blue overspread by a veil of white mist. Signed at lower left, CHartes H. Woopsury | Height, 36 inches; length, 48 inches E- a # ’ nt ea) 100. SUNLIT SHORES. SHEEPSCOTE BAY 960- IO. white with reflections are numerous s islands, small and low, ; THE Fa TZGE : A ss ; : OLLEG PHILIP LITTLE. American: 1857— ff ED, p, A most vigorous and eloquent painting of a picturesque a summer, under bright sunlight from a mottled sky. In the ground the coast is high and covered with flowers, a mound risin considerable height on the extreme right. Beyond a rambling cha eee” distance. Signed at lower right, Pomp LirrLe San a One Hundred and See Aimee Exhibition Exhibited at the Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, 1921 oe : . {See illustration } CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY American: 1864— _ (V SKETCH FOR GREEN WAVE Ocean waves of strength and power observed with all the keenness that a sketch inspires are rolling vigorously before the eye, with spin- drift flying and white foam spreading. Above, an active sky seems in sympathy with the troubled sea. Signed at lower right, CHarLEs H. Woopsury Height, 48 inches; length, 72 inches A ot Bb os eyo. re, , ee Ne Mes “ i, ie, GRY . om No. 100. SUNLIT SHORES, SHEEPSCOTE BAY By LITTLE x PONT SOR-LA, SEINE ASEAKIs 7. LOZ, No THAULOW By ITZG ERALD COLLE : rt = i ae ge ed ee. | camel ja _THAULOW nar 7 oe ty es n the oar oe where the upper part of ae ars s from the picture to the farther bank which it tig trees rising i bakoee the pisiee eridises of the , and ir n front of them in the water are freight barges at : on we them pointing at the bridge. left, Frits THAULOW ee Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches {See illustration] C. ARNOLD SLADE American: 1888— 7S ROCKS OFF THE COAST Ww) 5 iD, pyr oe ) A blue sea moving in slow surges swirls about two rock masses that stand a few feet above the surface of the water, which is whitened as it breaks about them. Besides the movement of the sea the charm is in the rich colors of the rocks, which appear brown and purple, pink, gray and white under the lapping of the sea and the burning of the sun. Signed at lower right, C. A. SLADE Height, 32 inches; length, 40 inches 88 104. 105. 106. THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY American: 1864— R oe a Line PREPARING CAMOUFLAGE IN WARTIM A great four-funneled cruiser lies in the stream, broadside on to ih observer, and headed to the right. She is daubed all over with red paint and the water of the foreground is ruffled with the red reflections. Height, 29 inches; length, 36 inches | MAXIME MAUFRA French: 1861—1918 BATEAU A LA COTE MORGAT trawelans Med) In the foreground at the left a bit of a flat coast, where half a dozen men ate standing idly in a group, near a point where a line comes ashore from a small but heavy boat with a single mast a few yards out. In the boat are two men. Farther out are high waves with white caps, and waves are dashing against the high rocky coast which projects from the left in the distance. The light over the water is bright, under a darkening sky. Signed at lower left, MAUFRA, 1903 Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches From Durand-Ruel E. H. BARNARD American: Contemporary pe f LANDSCAPE : mn a coarse A bland passage of rural landscape, exhibiting a surface o grass in the foregeround, with small and bushy trees on the right in middle distance, and on the left a couple of cottages or barns also in the middle distance. In the left background the vista is bounded by a low green hill. Signed at lower left, E. H. BarNarp Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches ~ _ THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 89 CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY a American: 1864— ton. SNOW SCENE WB Quwer ei A massive hillside with peak at the left is covered with snow and reflects the light in different degrees. Scraggly trees shoot up through the snow here and there on the sides of the hill and at its top. Seen across the sloping flank on the right is a stretch of gray- _ blue sea in the distance. | Signe at lower right, CHas. H. Woopsury Height, 29% inches; length, 36% inches JULIAN ALDEN WEIR, P.N.A. are. > American: 1852—1919 08. HARVEST Aewlitwe Ayllt we. 4 _——CA ‘broad field is greenish-yellow after the harvest and two bundles oe “ ) __ of sheaves are standing in the background toward the left. Around be i the border of the field in the background are various trees standing peer detached and of different shapes and character. Toward the left --—s in the background are barns. Signed at lower right, J. ALDEN WER, 1887 Height, 22% inches; length, 30 inches ” EDWIN LORD WEEKS American: 1849—1903 109. ALGERIAN TRAVELERS [Panel] (C: J Lil fis ‘SEP 4 A bearded man on foot, an elderly man on a donkey, aif seroman | and her small boy ihaanted on a camel are making their way toward a [ ( _ the left, driving their sheep before them. In the background is a creamy architectural ruin. Signed at lower left, E. L. Weexs, ’73 Height, 17 inches; length, 23 inches SSSeSaQc Sa —_ go IIo. i” Tif. II2. THE “FITZGERALD -COLILEC Tig J. APPLETON BROWN American: 1844—1902 h THE BROOK REFLECTIONS fe f nol Sunshine dapples a country landscape and brings out the shadows of numerous trees which grow in fields through which runs a shining brook. In the centre of the foreground the brook is marked by : the shadows of neighboring trees. Signed at lower right, J. APPLETON BRowNn Height, 20 inches; length, 27 inches CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY American: 1864— ate ee aS MOUNT MONADNOCK, NEW HAMPSHIRE The massive mountain rises in the background, with peak near the right, its massive flanks snow covered and reflecting white in varying degree. Across the canvas, in the middle distance, runs a dense line of evergreens, while in the foreground on the right are other small trees and at the left of the foreground is a group of slender trees all but leafless. Signed at lower right, WoopBury, ’07 _ Height, 20 inches; length, 27 inches J. APPLETON BROWN, Now American: 1844—1902 Hi Al yy Ay” Wo APPLE BLOSSOM TIME jf [ AEM In the central foreground the head of a pond, with shores at right and left and filling the distance. At the head of the pond, at right and left, apple trees in blossom, the view being closed in the distance by other trees. The whole in sunlight. Signed at lower right, J. APPLETON Brown Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches ee o wees , TH E “FITZGERALD COLLECTION 91 RICARDO CANALS _ Spanish: Contemporary 113. DANSEUSES ESPAGNOLES i G 3 er A tall young woman of full figure is most gracefully posed on a _ dancing floor and seems veritably to be in motion in the dance. She : ye wears a blue waist and mantilla and a full white skirt and is poised on : ca. one foot, toward the left, with her upper body bent back and turned so that she faces the spectator. With left arm akimbo, her right arm _ is raised above her head. A seated dancer on the right leans forward 2 and applauds her. Beyond this seated dancer sits a man, and in the _ background another young woman. ome at lower right, CANALS . oe _ Height, 33% inches; width, 28% inches | a _ GEORGE H. HALLOWELL | ES. | American: 1872—1926 114. FOXES by put : +. a Two foxes are depicted sitting side by side on the snow, ae the a observer. Their eyes are wide open and sparkle in the sun, which — illumines brilliantly the snow covering the ground. They are near aa 0 ~ the top of a hill or ridge, and the snow lies only in patches on the ta trees behind them. Signed at lower left, Gzorcze H. HaLLowety Height, 25% inches; length, 30% inches [END OF FIRST SESSION] y 2 Rot ee 3% AX a yA PAINTINGS AND POTTERIES OF THE COLLECTION : IN THE FITZGERALD GALLERY, BROOKLINE, MASS. a c { 95° 115. 116. SECOND SESSION + APRIL 22 AT 8:15 P. M- Catalogue “Numbers 115 to 215 Inclusive GEORGE E. HOPKINS American: Contemporary IN THE FIELDS {Water Color] ML (lal On the left a group of buildings, with a fence extending to the right across the middle distance. Beyond the fence are low buildings and some trees, and more trees appear at the extreme left. Beside a nar- row stream in the central foreground some ducks are wandering. Signed at lower right, Georce E. Hopxins, 1882 Height, 8% inches; length, 12 inches Perales RITTER American: Contemporary LANDSCAPE [Water Color] (y 9% a 7 AA nie On the left, trees and brush, growing on an irregular bank on the shore of a body of water. At the extreme left a house partly ob- scured by trees which are its neighbors. The whole in brilliant sunshine. Signed at lower right, Ritrer, ’91 | Height, 8% inches; length, 12% inches S. JULIEN : Cont by e ontemporaty Hv v/ LADY OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY [Water Color] Full-length portrait of a young lady with dark hair and wearing a very small hat set high on her head. She sits facing the spectator with one foot resting on a cushion, showing a white shoe. She wears a very full gown of white satin, with long skirt and white lace collar and cuffs, and holds a book in her right hand. Signed at lower right, S. JULIEN Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches — Pre hs See a Ce te ce 6 ee) ee (ee Os \ * 5 ere Sane: ‘ pba tie a De a 9 on ee. Ms 7, ; . eral; tS Cag ig } : = > oer, - See, ae eee ot 1 : e a iS = F Lee. ao i td al A, se a oo = “ “ Stee: eee ots Ges a eo ae "4 KR ¢ os THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION | LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN French: 1824—1898 _ Ynucleer hh 118. BY THE RIVER {Water Color On the right near the foreground the point of a dune comes down to a 4 the shore line of a blue bay whose smooth and lightly mottled sur- face occupies the greater part of the picture, punctuated in the ight distance by a single white sail. All is in bright sunlight and i in the sky are strata of white and grayish clouds. : Signed at lower right, E. B. ue Height, 8% inches; length, 11 inches ye | ARTHUR B. WILDER Pcs American: Contemporary ht De, a ‘ 119. CORNER OF A VILLAGE IN WINTER [Water Color} | Thick snow covers the ground and the house roofs, and is marked by = the shadows of various constructions. At the left are a few trees; and at the right the corner of a building is in view. In the centre, in middle distance, stand various village houses. Signed at lower left, ARTHUR B. WILDER, 1910 Height, 9% inches; length, 13% inches A. CONTE [?] Contemporary 120. ZEELAND {Water Color} i hn Wo ii: A broad choppy sea inlet enters from the left and dominates the scene. It is dotted with sailing craft and seagulls are flying overhead. At the right two fisherwomen standing on the shore, their backs turned upon the observer. Signed at lower right, AkTH— ConTE Height, 14 inches; length, 24 inches RALD | "COLLECTION. Meet lee er eg ay oo JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN a ee Dutch: Contemporary tat “ON THE M MEADOWS {Water Color] ay the At “ay : peasant girl watches a group of cows scattered about t 2 aaa Beit and homesteads rise at the horizon. Height, 13% inches; length, 20% inches LIAM JOHN WHITTEMORE a: American: 1860— aera — EAs ae ¢ ol 5 ee 22. # oa | 'T GLOUCESTER [Water Color] i/ oo of the foreground is filled with bright reflections, and e a schooner at anchor lies athwart the line of vision. at lower left, Wm. J. Wuxitremore, and at the lower Cae s “ah the title. Height, 9% inches; length, 18 inches ~ NELLIE LITTLEHALE MURPHY {Mrs. H. Dudley Murphy] American: 1867— -') : ae 123. PLUMA ROSA [Water Color] A Wt | Une a Bouquet naturalistically rendered with lanceolate and serrated Ben - — leafage. | Signed at lower right, N. Lrrrtenace Murpuy > Height, 15% inches; width, 21 inches ANDREMASS on 124. DUTCH § TREET {Water Color} : Low grimy buildings rise at either side of a ‘straight, dreary, s 7 | . peopled street. A rain laden sky above. Pa / Signed at lower right, ANDREMASS : : i | Height, 16% inches; width, eae NELLIE LITTLEHALE MURPHY {Mrs. H. Dudley Murphy} American: 1867— i / " Pay ye 125. SPRING FLOWERS {Water Color] Upstanding branches with delicately tinted petals. Signed at lower right, Netum LirtLenaLe Murpuy SUSAN B. BRADLEY American: 1851— 126. LANDSCAPE [Water Color] 4 (ion te : A garden in winter, with a pond in the conne and sundry trees \h scattered around. In the background a building group which in- — | cludes a tall square tower. The atmosphere is bright and crisp. Signed at lower left, Susan B. BrapLEy Height, 94 inches; length, 13 inches Zs 4 ppt _ " 3 a ates ie > Oe ee —EEE A a: TEE Bee 7 ae ae ae Nene NE ager cnenrn eee ae HE F ITZGERALD COLLECTION aa JOHN WHORF American: 1903— _ é 7 ROC KS IW WINTER [Water Color} , Vth 4 Ail ‘Zz : es ice ze d rocks pile up irregularly athwart the view, sharing in the covering of snow which lies on the ground. Where the mantle a h hite is lacking the rocks are of many shades of color, and the vb IC landscape i is brilliant in sunshine. sned at lower left, JoHn Wuorr : — —— American: 1867— 8 d Bi i HARBOR SCENE {Water Color] I es toh “2 edad bey is dotted with sailing vessels, rowboats and other ‘fia In the distance the vague outline of large edifices upon the = sho 5 ~; ee Signed at lower left, ALEXANDER Rosinson, and dated 1916 Height, 19 inches; length, 22% inches S— ~ NELLIE LITTLEHALE MURPHY a i ‘ ite {Mrs. H. Dudley Murphy} aan | American: 1867— ar ~ ; tf Ad h- f 129. CONGREJERA {Water Color] Upstanding branches of delicately tinted congrejera illumed by a warm light. Signed at lower right, N. LirrreHate Murpnuy Height, 21 inches; width, 15 inches Eston oe SS Sees 100 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION ss a * * ma | ae JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROCK oa Dutch: 1875— 3 é iy a 130. ON THE RIVER [Water Color] a Many vessels are moored in the foreground upon the mirror-like - still waters. Clothing is drying on lines and smoke curls from A. i several chimneys. The city sky-line in the distance. a Signed at lower right, J. H. van MAsTENsROCK, ’99 rae! a Height, 12 inches; length, 14 inches ARTHUR CLIFTON GOODWIN American: 1866— | a 131. ESPLANADE, BOSTON {Pastel A i . Rudrewr a. Women are resting on the public benches in the park, a group in front facing the left. Others with baby carriages come toward the - ee spectator. At the left runs the river, and beyond it are seen build- <9 ings of the city. Signed at lower left, A. C. Goopwin, with title Height, 13 inches; length, 19 inches C. SERRE Contemporary 132. CHILDREN AT PLAY {Pastel] Hacakait ff, Five boys and girls are playing quietly in a subdued daylight. Two are lying on the grass, with heads together, studying a wild flower | in the foreground, while a third child near them extends his hand Uh, to an older girl whose back is toward the observer. She bends over to look at a flower plucked by another girl on the right, who completes the group. Signed at lower right, C. SzRRET Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches We o. ) eee eee e = @&@ THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 101 ail P ALEXANDER ROBINSON a >. American: 1867— ie ; a 133. FLORENCE, PONTE VECCHIA [Water Color} Vim. ry of aes The stream fills the foreground, swirling along the bridge sup- ra ports on the right, its surface marked by light reflections. The 4 buildings on the bridge, of interesting architecture, are of rich col- ors which stand out in the sunshine, and people are seen within one of the arches. In the background the buildings are continued in transverse line. aa Signed at lower right, ALEXANDER Rosinson, with the title Height, 18% inches; length, 24% inches H. J. VAN DER WEELE y, Dutch: Contemporary LGS _ ON THE MOORS [Water Color} ‘Dune landscape; in the foreground a clumsy wagon drawn by a brown horse slowly approaches the observer plodding through deep Z us —~ sandy tracks. Signed at lower left, H. J. v. p. WEELE Height, 12% inches; length, 19 inches — E. NEWELL MARSHALL Swiss: Contemporary 135. PAROQUET AND PEACHES {Water Color] Ya hg [1 Ms inh A red-headed and dappled paroquet perched upon a table is feasting on a peach lying in a large bowl of the luscious fruit. Some of the } lj. “peaches have fallen out. In the background on the same table is a large bouquet of flowers rich in color. Signed at lower left, E. Newert MarsHALy Height, 13 inches; length, 19 inches 102 137. ATs ee ee ea ee oe ee ee 44) iste Esty An a ’ i Page age ee * : LMS eye es me re i < 3 “ pei Yom hp Stes, 7 ¢ ‘ ~~ R * " THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION ARTHUR B. WILDER : American: Contemporary /3 = te ae VILLAGE AT NIGHT [Pastel] iy. Z d MS = A village, European in aspect, lies at the centre of the composition, _ in a plain before a broad hill which forms the background. Snow ~ covers the ground and roofs, and in the foreground banks high © before some evergreen trees. | Signed at lower left, ARTHUR B. WILDER, 1912 Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches ANDRE DELPEY French: Contemporary PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN {Crayon} _(/ 0M. fijelan Study for “Le Vieux.” The old man is seated on a stool at a small square table with slender legs, and is seated with back three- quarters to the observer, and face to the left, seen a little less than in profile. He is having a drink and shee the glass in his left hand, his right hand supporting his chin. Signed at lower left, ANDRE DELPEy, 1910 Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches ALEXANDER ROBINSON AG American: 1867— | ; Cie . GRAY MORNING, BAY OF NAPLES [Water Color] Slowly retreating morning mists vaguely reveal the distant shore. In the foreground a sailing vessel and several rowboats manned with fisher folk, Signed at lower left, ALEXANDER RosBINsoN, Naples, 1905 Height, 181% inches; length, 24% inches * 3 p aa io) eae a a en ee “FITZGERALD COLLECTION 104 eeicus JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN 4 2 Dae, ica Contemporary LILKING TIME [Water Color} | Moke fe ad adjoining the farm, a group of cattle oe been assembled, ee t cn milked. In the middle distance a cluster of trees cut off the ‘ "Ala vsw~ v' a" Ra Height, 194 inches; width, 13% inches : we FRANK WESTON BENSON, N.A. fey ‘a 7 # American: 1862— ) # 140. DU ICKS {Water Color] An GrwoG Se the A on the left the sea, and in the foreground shallows ra eat of : a bay where ducks congregate. Nine of them are now swim- iy Sal 4 "ming about, perking their heads in various directions. ‘i ‘Signed at lower left, F. W. Benson, ’22 e- i Sie Height, 13% inches; length, 19% inches _ JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROCK Dutch: 1875— ia A narrow winding stream divides the town from the grassy bank in _, the foreground. Its well-known church tower rises majestically above the conglomeration of roofs of the surrounding houses. Signed at lower left, tJ H. vAN MasTENBROCK, ’99 Height, 13% inches; length, 21%4 inches oy 141. VIEW OF DORDRECHT [Water Color} 7 é Y, Lyi th va Ll a“. oe . i‘ ia “ fea ae FRANK WESTON BENSON, N. MAE \ American: 1862— . ae —_ 142. POLING THE RAPIDS {Water Color] Oy oi Ww A sportsman in black trousers and a loose white shirt is at the stren- n- : 2 aa ous work of poling his canoe upstream, toward the right. — The shore v in the foreground is coarse and rough, the blue-green water is chopp D ed a ‘q iid _ and foamy, and the farther bank of the stream, in the backgrou nd. oe is high and wooded. . ER Signed at lower left, F. W. Benson ae Height, 15% Pay ers ae wo inch ps - [See illustration] Mee 5 +o P. ALEXANDER ROBINSON American: 1867— 143. THE CLOISTER WALK [Water Color] (hon. a BP; A picturesque vista of a sun dappled pergola; along the parapet | pes are vividly colored blossoms growing in gay profusion. | eae at lower right, ALEXANDER Rosinson, Italy 1909 - Height, 1834 inches; length, 24¥, inches WwW. DODGE MACKNIGHT American: 1860— his 4 h ak v 144. DOWN THE CAPE {Water Color] One of the great cliffs of Cape Cod, over the top of which is seen in 4 Ps the background the sea and in the foreground the surf breaks against _ ‘a Ae | the shore. The cliff masses before the eye, patched meagerly with i verdure on its hither flank. On the crown at the right various — sparse vegetation adds touches of green, and russet colors also appear. _ Signed at lower left, Dooce MacknicHT Height, 1434 inches; length, 21% inches [See illustration] No. 144. DOWN THE CAPE by MACKNIGHT M > ip? > 2. ee yes ee es a! 7 civ ——E a TE HE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 107 PAUL JOSEPH CONSTANTIN GABRIEL Dutch: 1828—1903 o om DUTCH WINDMILL [Water Caloty i, y Jouto - Sombre, partly submerged marshland reaches beyond view. In the ; distance a windmill and adjacent farm buildings clearly out- Td against a gray colorless sky. ; Signed at lower right, J. GABRIEL ot ois Height, 13 inches; length, 20 inches 26 ‘ADRIANUS JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN Dutch: Contemporary * 146. PLOU GHIN G [Water Color] Ar lusplel = = BT the foreground a plough drawn by two weaty Ris cuts d furrows into the dark brown soil. Vast pastures stretch beyond. Signed at lower left, A. J. GRoENEWEGEN Height, 1374 inches; length, 20% inches WILLIAM JAMES ro American: Contemporary oy Gr 147. PINE TREES IN SUNLIGHT [Water Color] WU ig Lb: Sunshine illumines brightly a line of pine trees which crosses thé land- scape in middle distance, on the crest of a low ridge bordering a fore- 99 ground lake. Signed at lower left, Wi1AM JAMEs, 1922 Height, 13% inches; length, 19% inches H(). es “a 148. 149. 150. THE FITZGERALD COLLE a PHILIP LITTLE | American: 1857— Raul a/A : AFTER A SOUTHEAST BREEZE {Water Color] ‘ — O The waters of a bay are well tumbled up, and with active waves well whitened by foam are in active motion, some half-submerged rocks _ : appearing in the foreground. In the background are low hills at either side of a water passage, and near it is a schooner under jib am : mainsail, headed toward the left. ‘ta Signed at lower left, Prtuip LirTLe Height, 14 inches; length, 19% inches ALEXANDER ROBINSON American: ears | ah ( aD s. STEPS OF AN OLD PALACE, VENICE { Water Color} In the foreground the canal, at the right the facade of a palace, in = front of which a gondola is moored. A gondolier is assisting a _ lady and child to embark. ‘ae Signed at lower right, ALEXANDER RosINson, Venice 1905 & Height, 19% inches; length, 25% inches K. MITSUTARI Japanese: Contemporary 3 a 5 Nb MOTHER AND CHILD [Water Color] Onn (4. a Portrait at full length of a young Japanese mother standing facing : the right, with head turned to look at the spectator. She carries her chubby faced infant on her back and holds a parasol over her shoul- der. Beyond her is another Japanese woman, also in kimono, walk- ing away from the observer. Signed at lower left, K. Mirsurari Height, 19 inches; width, 13 inches 7 ow 7 y bd es a Te , B ‘ + aaa THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 109 JOHN WHORE American: 1903— “* a bs j? / 151, LANDSCAPE {Water Color} ip a4 BER it Buildings partly dilapidated appear in the central middle distance, 3 _ extending from the right. They reflect brilliant sunshine and are partly in shadow. In front of them, in the central ground, and al- _ so at the left, are bunches of green trees. Signed at lower left, Joun WHorr Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches _ VLADIMIR PAVLOWSKY ae a Polish: Contemporary ee. / wy EP, 152. BOLD HEAD CLIFF {Water Color] fam Ee | z The great high and colorful cliff rises on the left, in chromatic maj- _——s esty, with broken rocks shelving at its foot. In the foreground a ~ — low and irregular shelf lying in the sunlight connects with a higher 9 tock on the right. In the centre two persons are standing on it. The sea, which fills the distance, puts in in the central foreground and ex- hibits slowly moving wavelets tipped with white reflections. See Signed at lower left, VLADIMIR PAvLowsky Height, 14% inches; length, 20% inches W. DODGE MACKNIGHT American: 1860— 153. A WINTER TRAMP {Water Color] MA Mendkivoor~ A young woman, wearing a small flat hat and wrapped for cold _ weather, is seen in half-figure in the left foreground and facing the ' A H. tight, out for a walk in the snow. The ground is covered with snow, and the trees around. Behind the pedestrian is a wooden fance. Signed at lower left, Dooce MAcKNIGHT Height, 14% inches; length, 2134 inches 110 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION W. DODGE MACKNIGHT American: 1860— 154 “DOWN THE CAPE” {Water Color] A phrase which in Boston indicates only one cape—Cape Cod. It is the season of color, and the trees and. shrubbery are gorgeous in farther shore in the background extends a line of trees whose foliage is rich in reds of varying tone. Their colorful reflections enliven _ the foreground water. Signed at lower left, Dooce MackNIGHT \ . ‘ COLLECTION r Se 3 P. inte: AaG a repeal low trees are silhouetted against it, | ee ae oF thew showing that it is grass-covered, in ssenin, ag light. In the foreground the border of a stream. z t lo ies F, WaGNER oe Height, 9% inches; length, 12% inches * French: 1848—1901 6 61. FRENCH SOLDIER {Panel} / telgre Seated on the grass in an irregular and high field a ie Infantry- man fully accoutred is taking his ease under his load, which is packed jj ys ig on his shoulders. His musket lies across his knees and he grasps c. it loosely. He wears a very slight moustache and looks placidly at the spectator. Signed at lower left, P. GRoLLERON ' Height, 9% inches; length, 13 inches 114 ae. =, "NRHP FPPSE BEAL 6 6 be THE “PPP AGERE CORLEC Ta JOHN B. JOHNSTON American: Contemporary / 6 . SUNSET AT QUINCY Clouds, reddened at sunset, hang above the bineeed over a fad of undulating surface, green and marked by a rude transverse fence. | ‘ In the foreground the sunshine tinges a pool with pink. = Signed at lower left, JoHN B. JoHNsTON Height, 9% inches; length, 13% inches ae CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY American: 1864— THE BREAKER [Academy Board] a 2 lon A huge sea wave caught at the moment of its breaking, the crest just _ to left of centre and the spindrift blowing toward the right. The sea is in heavy motion around it, and the foam makes almost a wall across the sky, only a little of which appears. Signed at lower right, CHarLes H. Woopsury Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches Cc. E. L. GREEN American: Contemporary . EAST SAUGUS, MASSACHUSETTS bas hacdvies Waterfront buildings form a group upon whict the eye looks from the landward side and at the left the land rises higher and trees are seen behind the most conspicuous of the working buildings. In — the centre of the foreground a woman wearing a cap and carrying a load on her back walks away from the spectator toward the water. Signed at lower right, C. E. L. GREEN Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches ie tn ee | a _ THE FITZGERALD ‘COLLECTION 115 chants HERBERT WOODBURY bi es = a ad a American: 1864— _ a Sey HILLS {Academy Board] 4, lnm | a to left, hills in front of you, in continuous series ther | Small transverse valleys are between them, and the valley ‘winds more or less along the left, from foreground to Si I dat lower hii CHartes H. Woopspury-- : Height, 11% inches; length, 17 inches meee. MEYERS American: Contemporary SPRING MORNING eee “ : ee af c impression of landscape bathed in spring sunlight; in a the middle ‘distance a pool of evanescent water; in the background ~ a coppice in full leafage. Under a lavender tinted sky. al aa tees at lower left, G. C. Meyers Height, 13% inches; length, 14% inches 7 P. CAMUS . . Contemporary VA 167. LOW TIDE “ es The eye looks down the head of a coastal harbor when the tide is out. A bit of a mound in the foreground at the left and a simi- lar one in middle distance on the right mark its boundaries. The - surface of the harbor bottom is rough and irregular, with puddles of water and bits of vegetation. In the foreground is a sloop propped up at either side, a small boat lying at her bow, and other sloops lying behind her, canted over in either direction. a Signed at lower right, P. Camus, 1900 on Height, 12% inches; length, 18 inches 116 THAE\VFITZGERALD COLLECTiIGn JOHN HENRY TWACHTMAN American: 1853—1902 ( bale . HARVEST SCENE {Panel} Final & ) A composition presenting as the conspicuous objects of interest a group of five French poplar trees, in central middle distance, while beyond them at the left is low dark wood. In the middle distance some figures are seen, near a growth of brush, and occasional ob- stacles dot the foreground. Signed at lower right, J. H. TwACHTMAN _ Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches [See illustration } FRITS THAULOW Norwegian: 1847—1906 The painter got one of his favorite views of water, running water, in a broad stream which occupies the greater part of the canvas. Its surface is engagingly dappled with light reflections and a hint of colorful shadow from a neighboring building. Along the left and in the background are lines of red brick buildings, a long and nar- row footbridge leading along the line of them and in the left fore- ground crossing the sream, which has a turn to the left. Signed at lower left, Frirs THauLow Height, 25% inches; length, 334% inches {See illustration ] ee eee Vee 777... No. 168. HARVEST SCENE by TWACHTMAN — * No. 169. NORWAY by THAULOW Rk neta S ee 2" = tS oe a LE 1E F y, ITZGERALD COLLECTION 119 LOUIS RITTER American: Contemporary 0. » LA MAISON RO UGE, BEAULIEU ow: ¢ Maison Rouge is an inn where the artist stayed, and appears in the middle distance on the left, another buiding standing in the > line on the right. The fecoravad 3 is a grass plot, green in “suns hine. The figure of a woman is seen standing in the path in ; - fron t of the red house, and midway of the foreground toward the = ta a transverse ae of four pollarded trees. — Signed at lower left, with title, Rirrer, 1886 Height, 13% inches; length, 18 inches roe. t,,. GREEN American: Contemporary a ies ee ; 7 LANDSCAPE 7 7, Juspht _ Projecting from the right a low grass covered bluff comes into the picture, in front of it an unturfed field which extends on the left t. : to the distance. At the end of the bluff a tree with foliage in the brown of autumn, and a few other short trees visible. Signed at lower right, C. E. L. GREEN Height, 13 inches; length, 18% inches Let eA A RC escibeiane Saas ae eee tan — THE FITZGERALD COLLEC TION S. V. E. LEPINE French: Alec tok » 172. LA MARNE, PRES CHARENTON The tiver curves into view in the middle distance, = out” to occupy most of the foreground, and on the right is We by i 4a? standing. The banks of the stream are richly wooded, and on . farther shore near the centre of the picture buildings are seen. Signed at lower right, Lepine F rom Durand-Ruel LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN. French: 1824—1898 Chleh L 173. UN COIN DU DOCK FLOTTANT, HAVRE {Panel} A narrow corner of a harbor is displayed with many vessels in evi- _ / dence on either side and at the farther end. On the left the float- 1 ss ing dock appears, with a vessel in it, and off the end of it is seena _ ae small boat with men passengers. The sky is a light gray and the harbor is filled with shadows of the numerous vessels and neighbot- ing structures. Signed at lower left, E. Boupin, ’89 Height, 14% inches; length, 18 inches {See illustration] | She No. 173. UN COIN DU DOCK FLOTTANT, HAVRE By BOUDIN * > —— ~ , amily a ‘ ra se @ « a ¢ a 4 a ~ Ae ; a ad - -_ 7 ae aa ares * Lhe — 6 a eet ep TZGER ALD _ COLLECTION -MAXIME MAUFRA _ : Beonche 1861—1918 a ~ 4 AVANT LE PORT DU PALAIS, LE MATIN: BEL F iia m the distance the sea puts in to a protected foreground harbor, . the jetties ; at right and left in middle distance protected by light- ouses. es Wi ithin the harbor are sundry sailing craft at anchor, and outside are seen a few others. In the foreground a shore boat puts "es 3 rar passengers through the choppy blue water sparkling with ae lw ik MaurRra, 1912 Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches JOSE WEISZ French: Contemporary Nur’ ey 00 Me 175. LANDSCAPE J =~ Beyond a grassy foreground of wild growth a narrow stream wan- , . ~~ ders from the right middle distance to the left distace. On the Tae farther side are bushy trees short and tall, the shadow of one being reflected on the water, in the direction of the spectator. Clouds obscure the higher sky, the sunshine emerging under them. Signed at lower right, José Weisz Height, 18 inches; width, 13 inches ht ie EN MER | ay hai tee ty oho 5 * ara: Seen. SP ae ne a rac St. The narrow street se a Hen aa. is. picture MTS in RS tas between its converging lines a horse and carriage” _ destrians, among them two nuns. In the — Sonic at lower ight, E. jae Gy oat - : - . | Height, 8 Suche wi ; ate pa i j [See Bae a No. 176. CITY STREET By BOUDIN “a ae So “ = No. 177. LA CORYPHEE By DEGAS | : By. LA CORYPHEE ) (0 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 127 HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS French: 1834—1917 be, seed Y ME Full-length portrait of a dancer poised on the toes of her left foot, with the right leg extended at greater than a right angle and her rahe arm extended parallel to it, while her left arm is equally extended. She is in bare arms and semi-transparent skirts. Signed at upper right, Decas, AM. Heyman Height, 13 inches; width, 9% inches [See illustration] 178, TROUVILLE Not the fashionable SWS NETS | section hace a portio 1 of lage extending along the shore line in the middle dista \ ing a sea wall at which a small sailboat is moored, towarc and at the centre an important building whose hac v =~ water in front of it. At right i in middle distance i isa at we 40 | Signed at lower right, E. Boupin, ’89 ee Height, 38h Inches [See illustration] — No. 178. TROUVILLE By BOUDIN No. 179. ISLE OF SHOALS By HASSAM Bee FITZGERALD COLLECTION 131 ) | q0 CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. 4, American: 1859— 179. ISLE OF SHOALS Vlak Ly lo A narrow point of land puts out from the right, in the middle dis- tance from a white shore, only a bit of which is in the picture. On the point are bath houses, and steps leading down to the sea. Fig- _ utes of young women in swimming costume are seen on a platform 95 t0 _ beside the bath houses, and in rowboats in the foreground are other figures. Beyond the point are sailboats and small boats at anchor. Signed at lower left, Compe Hassam Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches [See illustration } _THE FI TG! ane land. s y Signed at lower lef, Heney oo 1902, -. a 7 | _ Height, 19 % ies 2 From Durand-Ruel | ite [See illustration] No. 180. GROIX, BATEAUX DE PECHE By MORET ANOTHER VIEW OF THE COLLECTION IN THE FITZGERALD GALLERY AT BROOKLINE, MASS. , rhe bem) Y r= Cr Pia, : 7 : (Bale xe ; - , cs Ni ‘ iP 1LD COLLECTION 135 - pag ad HE FITZGERA MAXIME MAUFRA ais 1861—1918 © e vas The e looks across lowlands and a stream to a bridge i in the mid- dl ie ist ce, beyond which rise some slender trees in early foliage, thick ‘grees tree appearing behind them near the centre. On the ' ‘in ed middle distance some tall and slender leafless trunks are y near f the water and in front of a white house with a red at love right, Maurra, 1907 A Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches RICARDO CANALS Spanish: Contemporary : ‘ “ | Ds Wh , 382. CIGARIERES A SEVILLE Mp rusher Women cigar makers in large number are seated at their work at long tables in a great factory of Spain, which appears to be a part ; 6 7 of an old palace. They are on opposite sides of long tables in a i: palatial corridor, or a corridor which may have belonged to an old ae ecclesiastical building. The women seem contented at their work e. and one of them looks up smiling. Their costumes are of light and bright colors, with a generous use of red. , Signed at lower right, R. CANALS ; Height, 22% inches; length, 26 inches From Durand-Ruel Bi PAYSAGE D SDE PRINTEMPS, LAV ARDIN Ay Bulmer THE FITZGERALD ‘COLLEC MAXIME eee ~ = French: 1861—1918 LE PONT DE MORET SUR LOING (41 appearing behind it. From the bridge the BEwie bank of ay ’ ES running forward, supports some city buildings, and the nearet bs nk at the left supports some thick trees clad in 1 fresh green folia 3 Signed at lower right, Maurra, 1907 | Height, 20 inches; ieast 25 A inches tS cathy. MAXIME MAUFRA French: 1861—1918 184. ST. JEAN DU DROIGHT, FINISTERE ( i/ Litdes At left of centre and in the middle distance a Gothic church fises — among some trees, which screen its lower section and extend to the - BS left hand limits of the canvas. To the right are other buildin . . of lower stature, some of them in the foreground. The left of - the foreground is occupied by a reaped field, near the centre of which a harvester stands in working clothes. The lightly clouded — sky is bright with sunshine, which the pleasant earth reflects. Signed at lower right, MAUFRA Height, 25% inches; length, 31 inches From Durand-Ruel {See illustration } No. 184. ST. JEAN DU DROIGHT, FINISTERE By MAUFRA COTEAU DU CHAPOUVAL 185. O N By LOISEAU THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 139 GUSTAVE LOISEAU . ia French: Contemporary 2 Mig rdy 185. COTEAU DU CHAPOUVAL The hill and neighboring landscape in bright sunshine, the hill ris- ing high in the background and falling away to the right and for- ward. It is covered with grass and trees with colors shifting in the | sunshine. In the central middle distance is a large white house and on the right are smaller houses, all with pointed roofs. In the gtassy plain of the foreground are a few short trees, and a man standing beside one of them looks toward the spectator. Signed at lower left, G. Loiszau Height, 21 inches; length, 26 inches Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts {See illustration} 186. ward the right, and back of it toward the I ‘NATURE MORTE A tec melen of volar foe ie on a tid blue decoration and containing green fg si soft white material and the Dackground is iaeoness Fes ESS Rigen Oana ks, Signed at lower left, ReNoIR” Shes eS rs No. 186. NATURE MORTE By RENOIR No. 187. MME. MONET AND CHILD By MONET : . ‘ . Pe oe a ale aA 4 at + my Gl) ee" EGERALD COLLECTION ee sil a a Bice "French 38401 v6 Se eee a) I aman, 97 rait fae Bile pn tel | She j is seated outdoors on a bank, food ae the right, three-quarters front. At her feet ild sit its on the sandy ground, facing the spectator and look- wise ely and solemnly at an open picture book in its lap. In F is 2 ole and near the mother’s foot is a toy horse. The Z woman of pleasant features, is busily at work sew- a ce garment lying in her lap. She is clad in a striped rie uish tone intermingled with white and wears a white uf fon ict. _At her back the whole picture is enlivened by nk of flowers extending all the way across it and blossoming in k, aad at white against the green. Height, 22 inches; length, 2534 inches aes 3 Bihan at the Copley Society's Exhibition of Portraits by Living ye age ‘Painters, Boston, 1914 ~ at ‘ : game [See illustration} all their majesty and in the brilliant cual — a fed sees masses pres from the left i into the ete as is the grass at their foot, while 2 fe toward ¢ expanse of confused and mingled colors). OS Signed at lower left, CLaupz Monet, ’82 Height, 22% inches ts Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts {See illustration | No. 188. FALAISE PRES POURVILLE By MONET OISE jneea bs 2» CONS SU LOISEAU GLA By 189. O THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 147 GUSTAVE LOISEAU French: Contemporary ¥ : 4) / ee ty a0) 189. GLACONS SUR L’OISE Auraud- (Yul ; Ice floating on the river, in huge slabs, glistens with the reflected light of an invisible sun, and takes the shadows of trees which grow : on the bank in the middle-ground at the left. The air is thick with ~) moisture which toward the background seems to be congealing. The trees in the left middleground contribute quiet color to the scene. Signed at lower right, G. LotsEAu, 1908 Height, 23%4 inches; length, 32 inches {See illustration } CLAUDE ‘MONET of | ra : x | = | French: 1840-1926 - i : 190. THE HILLS OF VETHEUIL ON THE SEINE \S In the foreground the shallow border of a stream, ee at by the vigorous branches of a young tree, the bosom of brs tl 5h raga a rabling vile and dot a hillside ap che fal aia f | the towers of other ee peer. The sry be 2 one z Exhibited at the Boston Musuem of Fine Anis is [See illustration] LANOW “g MNAHLAA JO STIIH FHL °°6t “oN No. 191. PEASANTS IN THE FIELD By PISSARRO PHE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 151 CAMILLE PISSARRO <” French: 1830—1903 1° Sp on y), : yy 191. PEASANTS IN THE FIELD LC Trade GM . A “Pointilliste” painting. In a field of flowery aspect a peasant is digging, facing the left, three-quarters front. At left of him a pea- sant woman holding a basket stands looking at him. In the mid- dy ‘ag dleground at the right a child is seated, and back of her a horse and cart with driver is approaching. The field extends to the distance and is bordered by others, and a few low trees are seen. Signed at lower right, C. Pissarro, 1890 Height, 25% inches; length, 3114 inches From Boussod, Valadon & Company Reproduced in Théodore Duret’s “Histoire des Peintres Impressio- nistes” [See illustration] GUSTAVE LOISEAU French: Contemporary _ 192. PEUPLIERS AU VENDREUIL, EURE / y to | ©) ward toward the left. Wild grass stows all around the BS: SS of it under the influence of the scant foliage’s pale shadow « a ek of it sharing in the reflected sunshine. The trees in the fo _ wear an aspect of majesty, while others merge together. —. Signed at lower left, G. Loiszau, 1901 | Height, 254 Br eth, , From Durand-Ruel | {See illustration } eS ‘ ES aula ; Ss MAXIME MAUFRA YY French: 1861—1918 193. LE DEPART DU PILOTE—LE SOIR oS urand- = In the middle of a channel in a harbor mouth a pilot boat Pr BG ot sail is seen headed out to sea, at the end of day. Tinges of red ap- a | iM pear in the clouds, and the shadows which are cast on the water by — 3 small sailboats and two rowboats with passengers merely emphasize — 4 the departing day. Projections of a rocky shore are seen on the a right, while on the left the rocky land is irregular and traversed by — paths, above which the uplands support rich green vegetation. Signed at lower right, MAUFRA, 1900 te Height, 25¥, inches; length, 32 sicher i From Durand-Ruel | ¥ . = Eig Soe = 192. PEUPLIERS AU VENDREUIL, EURE O N By LOISEAU No. 194, LE SEMAPHORE, COTE DU FINISTERE, 1909 er By MORET 4 » 2 { ~ ‘ . " “ ern a THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 155 HENRY MORET French: XIX Century , nee | ed Z ( ‘ 194. LE SEMAPHORE, COTE DU FINISTERE, 1909 A sandy coast of low hills fills the greater part of the canvas, the land supporting green grass which grows scatteringly and is mingled with patches of yellow. At the top of the hill, on the left, is a low coastal building and near it stands a semaphore signal. On the right in the distance is a glimpse of the green sea. Toiling across the foreground and up the hill is a working team of a pair of oxen led by a helpful horse and drawing a wagonload of seaweed. Men are assisting at the labor, walking beside the cart, and two women follow it. Signed at lower left, HENry Moret, ’o9 Height, 25% inches; length, 36 inches {See illustration } "French: 1840—1 eco ae eee dy | 9 GROTTE DE PORT DOMOIS, BELLE iLE Ruffled waters of a bay are in constant motion; in ie f ‘oregrou and extending back toward the left along a high and i irregula lar = The water is a mottled grayish-green, whitened by the ripples al x0 _ the shoreline. The shore presents a number of high bh of 5 4 | regular contour and the light is that of a grayish — Signed at lower left, Gn Monet, °86 ae , | Height, “ inchess - t y ches ae Durand-Ruel a ve From the Cyrus J. Lawrence Collection, New 1 Nor 19 Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts ae S [See itnserationy Willihon Gabe pM 2/4, (Toa mis Rap - OV faureire Sol itio# a $ PB shglee HDS ep se CoQ +. Seat 7 et ed ‘tea No. 195. GROTTE DE PORT DOMOIS By MONET No. 196. SPRING AT EPTE By MONET .. THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION 159 CLAUDE MONET S French: 1840—1926 196. SPRING AT EPTE VA awar , Uft The silent joyousness of outdoors in springtime is here, in full color. | Nature is smiling. The atmosphere is bland. The edge of a stream ut At0 ripples across the foreground, and passes reflections of neighboring trees. Two of them, not yet in foliage, are at the extreme left of the picture, and a line of slender trees extends along the background. The air is balmy and the light subdued, a little color appearing in the sky at the left. Signed at lower right, CLaupzE Monet Height, 26 inches; length, 3614 inches {See illustration ] aS of the Old World, with a Crucifix arn on the wna X creamy white surface save where the shadows tan ic Rs The pentitent, a woman in Se oe has hee aes ver as she faces the screen. eS Signed at the upper right, Joun = Sacer, <9 Museum, New York Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts — ee Exhibited at the Founders’ Exhibition, Grand Central al Galeries, Nen - York, 1925 | WK. 4 C0875 2005%A te {See illustration | 7 THE CONFESSIO By SARGENT 197. No. Noy 1o8eLE REPOS SORarA By ANDRE TERRACE “aie a. “ALBERT ANDRE REPOS SUR LA TERRACE pain eta tas taking his ease on a comfortable terrace, with — seated and standing near him, executed by André at _ Renoir is seated in an open arm-chair and is seen in pro- e to the right, left hand raised as in a gesture of speaking. Oppo- ite him at right ate his three companions, a man leaning against a ; wr ‘a and» two women. All have their hats on. In the -ground, between | them, is a refreshment table. Flowers are in : lower psf ALBERT ANDRE, 705 Pe eres Y . Height, 26 inches; length, 36% inches Ze Eshi ib ited at ye Museum of Fine Arts, Boston i ioe a zt ai [See illustration} = LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN 199. DUNKERQUE, VUE DE LA VIEILLE EGLISE The picturesque tower is seen across the main body of the church, in the middle distance, with extensions of the buildings on the right, merging with buildings of the town. On the left are cottages, and before the line of buildings are boats at the farther shore line, observed across the river which forms the foreground. In the right foreground boys are seen standing on a circular construction in the river. Signed at lower right, E. Boupin Height, 16 inches; length, 21% inches o : | ee hibean French: 1824—1898 hin eg beng 200. LA CHUTE DU PICADOR- 201. _ Signed at lower left, R. CaNats Brad soto Al. B1t46R , p30 44 - RICARDO CANALS” Spanish: Contemporary The bull ring of an amphificatte crowded with spectators is with all the colorfulness of the costumes of the gay meri in the foreground, ah turns to look at the observer. Neat in the ring a bull is goring the horse of a fallen picador with dants crowding around, and off to the right an attendant raise to its feet Ahan fallen horse. From 1 Durand-Ruel | oS : [See illustration} — “ie - : a Wrashaar Sele 41412) aH a Kio Ja . eas y 7 i ! CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY | American: 1864— A y by dws “a . CLIFFS AT OGUNQUIT The broad and uneven flank of a great a is presented to view, ee with snow resting in the hollows and the exposed surfaces black and reddish-brown in aspect. Looking over the decline of the cliff to- watd the left the eye sees an expanse of placid ocean. a Signed at lower right, CHartes H. Woopsury ei Height, 36% inches; length, 48 inches qa ay Bi ge No. 200. LA CHUTE DU PICADOR . By CANALS ee ee ee a a | No. 203. SARDINE FISHING VILLAGE By MAUFRA ae pe rs ITZGERALD COLLECTION . he Bee ee ate > Se s ~ ae ae * inetican! 1888—_ cans orcas hil Eight A rians are - depicted, five of them standing facing the ob- oki on at a card game which is being played by two Height, 58 inches; width, 45 inches ss MAXIME MAUFRA wee ; _ French: 1861—1918 Gj if 7 203. SARDINE FISHING VILLAGE, BRITTANY ae ‘The village rambles round the head of a narrow bay which puts in from the right, occupying the middle distance of the canvas. Its blue surface is ruffled with lighter patches. Hills rise high above the water all around, and in the foreground a wide road winds down to the sea. Village cottages in picturesque array are variously grouped on the sidehills, and a few trees are in evidence. The light sky is patched with puffs of white cloud with reddish tinges. Signed at lower right, MAuFRA, 1903 Height, 46 inches; length, 72 inches From Durand-Ruel {See illustration} 168 / = [5 205. 3p eee AM V 206 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION == CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY American: 1864— . WINTER LANDSCAPE U: (erage The eye looks upon a broad hillside covered with snow, the fore- — ground supporting a number of graceful trees scattered about it. More trees appear in the middleground, and high in the background numerous houses crown the hill. Signed at lower left, CHartes H. Woopsury: Height, 29 inches; length, 36 inches GEORGE H. HALLOWELL American: 1872—1926 op “9 WINTER fp byl : Desolation is pictured. In a mountainous region oné looks across a ridge deep with snow, and across a valley next it where the dark green tops of pine trees show above the nearer ridge, to a second tidge beyond. On the crown of the first ridge straight before the eye grow two huge trees only a few feet of whose trunks appear in the picture. Signed at lower right, Gzorcz H. HaLttoweiy Height, 26% inches; width, 19% inches THEODORE WENDEL American: 1859— . NEW ENGLAND WINTER SCENE Won rf A winter scene at Essex, Massachusetts. A winding road curves from the right foreground to the left middle distance, around a por- tion of a field which discloses strands of yellowish vegetation rising through its covering of snow. On the farther side of the road are houses with red brick chimneys, and slender trees, the roofs and the trees all sprinkled with snow. Signed at lower right, THEoporE WENDEL Height, 26 inches; length, 29 inches {See illustration} | ee a NEW ENGLAND WINTER SCENE By WENDEL No. 206. = i — f a ‘ ; ‘ } - _— = 3 a a . » be oe i RP EY OA TM RSE en FE ee | No. 207. THE HURRICANE By WOODBURY - ee ore sls 7 "HE estostas COLLECTION a ‘e- te at CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY as American: 1864— 207. THE HURRICANE — ce yi Ue Leaver, agt 3 A noble marine painting with swelling seas mounting high and spin- er, drift shooting off. No man nor craft visible; just the surge of the =) age in paint. The great wave seems to be mounting to- ae d the left, under a dull sky. pned at the lower left, Cartes H. Woopsury, 1922 ae; a, ———- Height, 54% inches; length, 72 inches . Exhibited at the National Academy of Design, New York - ie ae fh es — we {See illustration] ce -——s HELEN DUNCAN ge ee ee tas American: Contemporary | | LEAVES AND FRUIT ) th hag law | A still life of large proportions, with huge red apples offering lus- ____ cious suggestions as they lie on a loose white covering over a table. - — A black pitcher just beyond them exposes richly brilliant reflections ‘2. and contains a huge bouquet of large green leaves. Brilliant back- ---—s ground reflecting lights of varied color. Signed at the lower left, HELEN DuNcAN Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches CHARLES HERBERT WOODBURY American: 1864— 209. OGUNQUIT, MAINE Wy | b Mend ort tn A massive summit, with various flanking hills rising from its mas- ‘3 sive body, nearly fills the composition, its skyline being high and the ; 4 “picture revealing above it only a narrow bit of sky with heavy white a clouds. The varying surfaces of the great hill are many-colored. High on the left two men are seated. Height, 24 inches; length, 364 inches 172 THE FITZGERALD COLLECTION q COLIN ALEXANDER SCOTT Canadian: 1861— a i 210. HEMLOCKS IN WINTER 1 [7 amare, Us : A grove or small wood of hemlocks growing on a side hill are de- y picted in bright sunshine on a winter day. Many of the branches __ 94 | i are laden with snow, which lies thick on the ground interrupted by . many tree shadows. The sky is cold and bright. : a f,. Signed at lower left, Cotin A. Scott : Height, 24 inches; length, 28 inches Exhibited at the Boston Art Club and at a Memorial Exhibition at the Twentieth Century Club of Boston MAXIME MAUFRA French: 1861—1918 hie # Filled 211. MOULIN AU BORD DU CANAL, PRES DAMME DE BRUGES In the right foreground the green and flat bank of a canal which rain oe runs back toward the right, the bank lined with a row of slender hes trees. Beyond the trees a sandy pathway in which figures are seen, and in the distance some buildings. On the opposite bank of the canal, near the centre of the composition, a white windmill, and further to left more trees. Signed at lower right, Maurra, 1895 Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches JOHN WHORF American: 1903— 212. IN PORT NM . A wharf with a rude ladder leading up its side comes into a pi in the left foreground, a few outlying pillars extending toward Re middle distance. Alongside the line of pillars and headed toward [Continued f—o PCF Oa, O\ Pe : Cort ey rs > _ : e dt Soe : in. 1 we ie bp gts: . i a iiiteension —— ome a sai oe ae PRE “FITZGERALD COLLECTION 173 No. 21 212. PGoacleded s the observer lies the great hull of a freight carrier. In a dory in front of it are seen two figures. Astern of it is a ship with sails up, its tall canvas rising above the picture limits. | Signed at festa left, Joun Wuorr Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches seg JOHN J. ENNEKING an American: 1841—1916 Bias, Thew 233, "AUTUMN LANDSCAPE, SUGAR MAPLES Yr eke ; a7, A great well rounded and wide spreading maple tree whose foliage ore ‘is all red stands near the centre of the middleground and dominates be as the picture. Lesser trees at the left are also in autumn coloring, Jag _ while behind the big tree is a lesser tree whose foliage is still wholly green. From the trees the land descends slightly to a pool in the ‘ a left foreground. The sky is blue, with floating white clouds. Bae Signed at lower right, ENNEKING, ’91 Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches CHARLES H. HAYDEN : American: 1856—1901 f2 lonA ae 4 *) : Vi LANDSCAPE / VA 4 ll, A river flows between the right foreground and the left middle dis- tance, with a low shore of wild grass in the left foreground. _Be- yond the grass, on the left in middle distance, is a series of build- ings, and a bridge crossing the stream to the bank on the right, where more buildings are seen. All is in sunshine under a brilliant sky. Signed at lower left, C. H. HaypEn Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches . VENICE THE> FITZGERALD COLLECTION AARON BECKMAN Contemporary } Nord The spectator looks directly at Saint Mark’s Cathedral from a point in the open square with a corner of the Campanile coming into view on the right. The towers and minarets vary the picture, which is brightened by colorful banners flying from various posts. Men and young women, some with parasols, are standing or strolling about, and the whole is in brilliant sunshine. Signed at lower right, AARON BEcKMAN, Venice Height, 151% inches; length, 19% inches [END OF SECOND AND LAST SESSION] ‘ox ze s ia pe Ce "OF ARTI antes 4 “THEIR WORKS | REPRESENTED AND = : icine | in Holland [Water Color] utc ch Street [Water Color] Per — re 3 SNS ON, ae Weston, N.A. a Gray Morning [Water Color} ham [Water Color} : ne _ Ducks [Water Color] ih = Poling the Rapids [Water Color] Wild Ducks [Water Color] _o EY, Dwicut Tihonet Pond, Wareham [Water Color] BC ONHEUR, Rosa 7 » AE Pong ; = ~The King of Beasts at Home [Crayon Drawing] - BOUDIN, Louis EuGENE Embouchure de la Riviére—Trouville Le Quai de La Marine a Villefranche By the River [Water Color] Un Coin du Dock Flottant, Havre {Panel} City Street [Panel] Trouville Dunkerque, Vue de la Vieille Eglise 215 34 39 140 142 I55A 44 Io 2 | BROWN, + Asrueae? N. AS eae The Brook Reflections — 3 ~ Apple Blossom Time a : CAMUS, P. Low Tide CANALS, Ricarpo % a ee ee r4 i; 2 tt | 3 ae Danseuses Espagnoles ai 2 Cigariéres a Seville — SN = La Chute du Picador , 5 COLE, J. Foxcrort . Landscape—Ville d’Avray Near Anasquam CONTE, A. [?} Zeeland [Water Color | CORDERO, F. Landscape with Buildings DEGAS, Hivare Germain Epcar La Coryphée DELPEY, ANpRE Portrait of an Old Man Crave D’ESPAGNAT, GeorcGEs Woman Tending Flowers Spanish Road Scene Nature Morte oe 0 ie , Jacosus oat ree t de PEau [Water Color] an itumn Landscape, Sugar Maples _ 213 =a a J , PAUL Deaton CoNsTANTIN Das Windmill [W. ater Color} 145 1 cin n the Country {Water Color} 2 wen , - GC SOODWI THUR CLIFTON Eg ae Boston [Pastel } 36 oF aa Boston [Pastel] 131 . “598 E. L, a "Bast essa, Massachusetts _ 164 cose ! 171 GR AC EM EW GEN, ApRIANUS JOHANNES Ce Ploughing {Water Color] 27 7 te Cattle in Pasture [Water Color] 31 i On the Meadows [Water Color} 121 Milking Time [Water Color] 139 Ploughing [Water Color} 146 ke iF OLLERON, Paut Louis NarcissE French Soldier [Panel] 161 E, Pump Lesuir, N.A. Portrait of a Young Lady [Crayon] 9 _ HALLOWELL, Georce H. Foxes 114 Winter 205 _ HASSAM, Cute, ‘NA. Saber s Dutch Figures. [Water Color} : Springtime Landscape [Panel] _ ie Square [Pastel] Isle of Shoals HAYDEN, Cums Ht ti(‘“<(a‘( i‘ Landscape — | HIRSCHBERG, Atice A Willow [Water Color] HOMER, Winstow, N.A. The Portage [Water Color] HOPKINS, Georce E. | In the Fields [Water Color] JAMES, WILLIAM Pine Trees in Sunlight [Water Colac JOHNSTON, Jouwn B. Sunset at Quincy , SSG RTEN S- Lady of the Sixteenth Century [Water Color] KINSELLA, James A Bit of Holland ee Cold} KOSTER, A. L. Tulip Time [Water Color} LEPINE, S. V. E. La Marne, prés Charenton LESREL, ApotpHe ALEXANDRE Cavalier [Panel } * rae id oa re; ik Dp dit Se a yrs) . TTLE, | -AUL P. 4 a > Old Weir, MacMahan Island [Water Color] 28 a i “Sunli Shores, Sheepscote Bay 100 | After a Southeast Breeze [Water Sse 148 LOISE: 3. ak “Les Bords de I’Eure, Normandie 94 tec u du Chapouval 185 ago sur [’Oise 189 ay au Vendreuil, Eure 192 au a =~ ~~ — ” ACK sae NIGHT, W. Dopce Snow: {Water Color} 35 —— Hibisc [Water Color} 45 _ Mending i in the Sunlight [Water Color] 46 = The- Red House, Winter [Water Color} 50 oe Coastal Scene {Water Color} 55 5s: Chrysanthemums [Water Color] 59 aie ~ Down the Cape [Water Color] 144 a A Winter Tramp [Water Color] : 153 * oe: ; — the Cape” [Water Color] 154 M MIA 2SHALL, E, Newey . Parrot and Fruit [Water Color] 24 -Paroquet and Peaches [Water Color] 135 -MAUFRA, Maxime Fishing Smacks at Sea 75 A Port at Belle Isle 82 Le Matin—Port Marly 85 La Riviére | 88 Soleil de Printemps—Le Gué du Loir go Bateau a la Cote Morgat 105 Avant le Port du Palais, le Matin; Belle Ile en Mer 174 Paysage de Printemps, Lavardin 181 [Continued MAUPRA, : Ree oncluded | zi Pont de Moret sur Loing Pine ea ke ag ; a St. Jean du Droight, Finistére — mare re Départ du Pilote—Le Soit Sardine Fishing Village, Brittany | 0 Moulin au Bord du Canal, pres Damme de Brags cea MAUVE, ANTON The White Cow [Panel} McCLURE, F. A. Boats Hauled Out [Water Color] | METCALF, Wittarp Leroy Afternoon by the River Landscape {Panel} The Lily Pond MEYERS, G. C. Spring Morning MITSUTARI, K. Mother and Child [Water Color} MONET, CLaupE La Cabane Coucher de la Soleil sur la Seine; Effet d’Hiver In Rural France Fishing Boats at Etretat Madame Monet and Child Falaise prés Pourville The Hills of Vétheuil on the Seine Grotte de Port Domois, Belle Ile Spring at Epte MORET, Henry Le Port de Paul, Goazec L’Ile de Groix—Bateaux de Péche Groix, Bateaux de Péche Le Sémaphore, Cote du Finistére, 1909 en) ihe id Sisiatns [Water Color} ‘lov ors s [Water Color} 22 | : Plum: Rosa [Water Color] 123 , oo Flowers { Water Color] ‘ 125 —— [Water Some 129 +. = AVL /Lowsky, VLADIMIR 2 Fi es bour Entrance {Water Color] 4l * Gloucester Harbor [Water Color] 57 EY Bald Head Cliff [Water Color} 152 ; C - a a) RSON, JANE _ pass 1 Beng War Color} 156 : & ‘i SSAI A \R RRO, Gisarcs a sie sal Peasants in the Field IQI - - - i. | NDERGAST, Maurice B. Seedy of Flowers [Water Color] 32 RENOIR ee ania es Nature Morte 186 i _ RIP, Wittem Corn is —— Marshland [Water Color] 30 "RIPLEY, A. L. Moorish Scene [Water Color] 33 RITTER, Louis Landscape [Water Color] 116 La Maison Rouge, or Spring, Beaulieu 170 ROBINSON, AuexanneR 3 Driving Home the Flock Water Color} Fish Market under Umbrellas [Water — Verona [Water Color | Verona [Water Color} Village Street [Water Color] Holland [Water Color] : Bridges at Florence [Water Color} Italian Harbor Scene [Water Color] Florence, Ponte Vecchia [Water Color] Gray Morning, Bay of Naples [Water Color} The Cloister Walk [Water Color] Steps of an Old Palace, Venice [Water Color} SARGENT, JouHn Sincer, N.A., R.A. The Confession SCOTT, Corin ALEXANDER Hemlocks in Winter SERRET, C. Children [Pastel] Children at Play [Pastel] SISLEY, ALFrep Paysage sur le Loing Les Bords du Loing a Moret, prés Fontainebleau SLADE, C. ArNo.p Rocks Off the Coast A Game of Cards STEELINK, Wittem Shepherd and His Flock [Water Color} SUTTON, Harry, Jr. Winter [Water Color} ‘Pont sur la Seine a Patis , JoHN Henry © ott ge and Barns [Panel] pe on the Seine at Neuilly [Panel] it Scene [Panel} ae a io JNIDED 4 FE { a ‘Village Landscape {Panel} i _ nd = a at Eventide AN | DER WEELE, H. J. On the 5 i [Water Color] 1 DRIESTEN, A. T. Be eiiciime in Holland [Water Color] 2 TAD ’ .N MASTENBROCK, Jan Henorik Canal Scene in Winter fWater Color} Dutch Canal Scene [Water Color] - _Harbor Scene [Water Color] On the River [Water Color] _-View of Dordrecht [Water Color] VIN ON, Freperic Porter, N.A. - Cernay la Ville [Panel] WAGNER, F. , A _ WALKER, Henry OLIveR : Momentary Repose Windmill on the Sandflats {Water Color} 168 134 40 13 26 9 130 141 63 160 73 WEEKS, Eset Loa oe Algerian Travelers (Panel) ek ce a = WEIR, Junin Atpen, P.N.A. a a A Corner of the Farm — Ee 2 ee Harvest WEISSENBRUCK, JoHANNes HENpRIK In Holland [Water Color} Household Labors [Water Color} WEISZ, José 7 = or WENDEL, THEoporE New England Winter Scene WHITTEMORE, Wiuiam Jonn” ae East Gloucester [Water Color] WHORF, Joun Landscape with Figures [Water Color} Rocks in Winter [Water Color] Landscape [Water Color] , An Eastern Port [Water Cae In Port WILDER, Artuur B. On the Meadows [Water Color} Woodstock, Vermont [Water Color} Moonlight on the River, Woodstock [Water Color} Corner of a Village in Winter [Water Color} : Village at Night [Pastel] WITTE, J. Antwerp [Water Color] ues va B JR a , Canna ipa 2am a ae homas, West Indies te Color} w Scene ‘Mou oun Plactatnock, New Hampshire ‘7 he Bathing Beach {Water Color} 155 a ee har age [Academy Board] 163 : ng, the, Fills ery Board } 165 APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES & STATE TAX ; INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES e CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS _ z tee ee Te eee Se See ‘ es a YY} ° 4 bh ae is ~ a ike ad = ey > ek Oy | }s me. < : + Pat na 2 Vite Hy * me.y STi eos sep han © : De o , ». \ sei, . 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