PEAT 3 ect Pare y u LLY yy t ne i yee ait SuY 4 Mi Bi fs eee he + t ‘ rs alee map iy ae oh AU eae Sed 42 Ay PL te ? ‘\ Weer TSS) sit NET eee chee, Bee a i ia “9 AE a eae Ay ey ‘y 4 Y Was ite eee ee ean GP A i Franklin Institute Library PHILADELPHIA Class. LE, - Book e a sa 3 BROS } ENN ap Accession 6.5. 38 3 4 REFERENCE GIVEN BY ait ayvel ie ae Che, erate rh c: ‘ te t , o . ‘ ‘ 4 s i $ ‘ j Ps t 2 ) Z S “ A * 1 - ’ \ 4 y a7 . * ' ’ *QYONOW &T,, SHIOM 'SNOAT ‘SHLNVUOTOO SHAHILVW AG ASIVNNOAT ANNLOVANNVN ‘BOTY 1B SYIOM "W ‘0 jaoyyuesy IBIU INYUIBW 1e SyIOM COTTON YARN PRINTING CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY No. 3228. 182 anp 184 FRONT STREET NEW YORK BOSTON: 39 OLIVER STREET PHILADELPHIA: 126 AND 128 SOUTH FRONT STREET PROVIDENCE: 64 EXCHANGE PLACE ATLANTA: 47 NoRTH PRYOR STREET MONTREAL: CANADA, 59 WILLIAM STREET. ',9939 993 UdDGOO4 ____ On account of the liability of Nitrazol C, pat., to spontaneous _ combustion, we do not carry this article in stock. Wherever the us e of same is mentioned in this hand-book, we recommend, in- _ Stead, the use of diazotized Paranitraniline, for the coupling of our colors, The final result is exactly the same. fe a CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY. COTTON YARN PRINTING. Cotton yarn is printed either A) in hank form or B) in form of warps or single threads. A. PRINTING OF COTTON HANKS. . Bleached yarn is usually used, the printing being done only in particular cases on yarn which is simply boiled. The boiling and bleaching is carried out in the customary manner. Printing: Special machines are used for yarn printing the rollers of which produce the desired patterns. For printing the paste on the yarn the rollers have elevations, which are arranged either horizontally or verti- cally to the axle of the roller. The first-mentioned kind (Fig. la and b) is used for the production of fine designs showing only one colour, the latter (Fig. 2a and b, see next page) for coarser patterns in various colours. Thickenings: For yarn printing with Basic Colours, Diamine Colours, and Chrome Colours, tragacanth solution is as a rule used as a thickener, because printed yarns are frequently not washed after steaming and traga- canth hardens the fibre the least; deeper shades are obtained by adding a little wheat starch. Gum Senegal is sometimes used in connection with Basic and Diamine Colours for light shades. For Immedial Colours, British gum particularly has proved a very suitable agent, with the possible addition of a little starch. 1 = | Fig. 1. Yarn-Printing Machine for One-Colour Printing (Pearl Printing). Bishan} a ‘SJULIG P2eINO[OD-I}NW pPuUe SIUTIG ANOJOHD-2eug s8SIvOD JOJ VUTYIBIY Suyutrg-wieK “Z “3Iy ANE | | DIRECT PRINTING. A. DIRECT PRINTING WITH BASIC COLOURS. For this purpose, the following dyestuffs are used principally: For Yellow and Orange: -Thioflavine T, TCN Paraphosphine GG, G, R Diamond Phosphine GG, PG, R, D Tannin Orange R, GG. For Red: Trisamine G, G extra Safranine, all brands Magenta Ia. Dia. large and small crystals Magenta, all brands Cerise Ia Geranium GN Russian Red B, G. For Blue: New Methylene Blue N, NSS, GB, NX, RK, 3R, GG Methylene Blue BB, DBB New Blue, all brands Acetinduline R Paste, 3146J Indazine, all brands Naphtindone BB. For Grey: Methylindone B, R Metaphenylene Blue, all brands. For Violet: Tannin Heliotrope Crystal Violet 10B Methyl Violet, all brands. For Green and Olive: Solid Green, all brands Malachite Green conc. Brilliant Green, all brands; further, combinations of New Methylene Blue N and Thioflavine T or New Methylene Blue N, GG and Diamond Phosphine GG, R, D. For Brown: Bismarck Brown, all brands Chrysoidine, all brands; further, combinations of Thioflavine T with Safranine and New Methylene Blue N or Diamond Phosphine GG, R, D with Safranine and New Blue. For Black: Printing Black X Jute Black GN, 8174, 09624. Directions for Printing: I, General I) 15-20" 30 80 120-150) 2180) 363 = DOS 20) 20" ar, 340 col 2607 220°, 20 a ge CON ZO ee 500 400 400 360 _,, 25 Dine Oe: OO oir, 25 SO el TV ites: 1000 parts. Directions: 40 parts dyestuff are dissolved warm in acetic acid of 8° Tw., acetine and water, and mixed thoroughly with wheat starch and tragacanth solution (65:1000), the whole being then boiled. After stirring until cold, tannie acid dissolved in acetic acid of 8° Tw. are added. Recipe Il Il’ Direetions for A@etinduliine: 100 parts dyestuff (paste) are mixed well with 200 50 1000 parts. Recipe Ill acetic acid of 8° Tw., wheat starch and tragacanth solution (65:1000) and boiled; when cold, tannie acid dissolved in acetic acid of 8° Tw. are added. Ill. Directions for Naphtindone BB: 30 parts dyestuff are dissolved warm in 70 27 glycerine, acetic acid of 8° Tw. and water; the whole is mixed well with wheat starch and tragacanth solution (65:1000), and boiled. After stirring until cold, tannic acid dissolved in acetic acid of 8° Tw. and chlorate of soda dissolved in water are added. 1000 parts. Steaming and Aftertreatment: After printing and drying, the yarn is steamed for % to % hour in a steamer at slight pressure. In order to com- pletely fix the colour, the yarn is usually treated, after the steaming, for from 10 to 20 minutes in a bath of 40 to 50° C. (105—120° F.) containing 4—8 oz tartar emetic per 10 gallons of liquor or a corresponding quantity of some other antimony salt; in order to neutralise the acid which is being liberated, 4—8 oz chalk or a little soda may be added. The yarn is finally washed, soaped if necessary at 40° C. (105° F.), rinsed, and. dried. Very frequently, yarns printed with Basic Colours are woven up without first being washed. In such case, the yarns before printing are prepared with stannate of soda, the preparation consisting in a treatment for some time with a solution of stannate of soda of 49 Tw., the goods being then wrung off, left lying for an hour, hereafter soured off with sulphuric acid 1° Tw., and finally rinsed very thoroughly. The yarns prepared in this manner are then printed with the above-mentioned print colours containing tannic acid, dried, and steamed for about % to % hour, after which they may be woven up without further rinsing. B. DIRECT PRINTING WITH IMMEDIAL COLOURS. The Immedial Colours are very well adapted for the production of prints on cotton yarn of good fastness to washing and light. The “Immedial Colours for Printing” come in the first place into consideration. For Blue and Violet: Immedial Indone B Double for Printing Immedial Indone R Double for Printing Immedial Direct Blue B Double for Printing Immedial Indone Violet B Double for Printing. For Green and Olive: Immedial Green GG Double for Printing Immedial Deep Green G Double for Printing Immedial Olive 3G Double for Printing. For Yellow and Orange: Immedial Yellow GG Double for Printing Immedial Orange C Double for Printing. For Brown: Immedial Bordeaux GF Double for Printing Immedial Maroon B Double for Printing 'Immedial Brown BR Double for Printing Immedial Cutch O Double for Printing. For Grey and Black: Immedial Carbon B for Printing. For Red Prints: Immedial Purple C also is suited. WoPrrinting Directions for Recipe IV Winders Colour sa. fon Printing”. 10 40 60 parts dyestuff are mixed with Tea Oe erly cerine, 20 40 60 = ,, glucose and 20, “SOV 400 eaustics soda. lye of 75° Tw.,- the whole being then heated for abt. ty hour with 20 40 40 #4, Hyraldite C extra 1:1 (dissolved in water) and 220 140 70 ,, water to a temperature of 60° C. (140° F.). After dissolving, the whole is well mixed with 200 200 200 ,, British gum thickening (300:1000) and 500 500 500 = «4, Alkaline Thickening. 1000 parts. Alkaline Thickening: 150—200 parts British gum are boiled up with 500 ,, water and ; 300 ,, caustic soda lye of 75° Tw., and stirred until cold. 1000 parts. After printing, the yarns are dried and steamed with hot steam (about 102° C. or 216° F.) as free from air as possible. | | Steaming is best carried out in a steam-jacketed iron boiler of moderate size. When the yarn has been put in, the boiler previous to admitting the direct steam is heated by means of the casing, and, in order to quickly remove the air contained in the boiler, steam is blown in rapidly for some minutes while leaving the steam exit valve open. This valve is then nearly closed and the steaming continued for about % hour at slight pressure. After printing, the yarns are passed through a bath slightly acidulated with hydrochloric acid (4° Tw.), to which 3—41% oz bichromate of potash per 10 gallons (especially in the case of black prints) may be added; the yarns are then rinsed thoroughly, soaped hot (4—8 oz olive soap per 10 gallons), rinsed and dried. C. DIRECT-PRINTING WITH CHROME COLOURS. Chrome Colours: Chrome Blue F for Printing Chrome Violet M for Printing Chrome Fast Blue FR for Printing Anthracene Yellow BN, RN, GG. Recipe V Directions £0T FP premises V. For Anthracene Yellow BN, RN, GG. 20—40 parts Anthracene Yellow are dissolved in 400 ,, water and boiled with 30 ~=~4 #\Wheat starch and 450 ,, tragacanth solution (65:1000); when quite cold, 40— 80 ,, acetate of chrome of 32° Tw. are added. 1000 parts. Recipe VI VI. For Chrome Blue ¥ for Printing, Chrome Fast Blue FR for Printing and arouse Violet M for 2 rime nie. 50—150 parts dyestuff are mixed well with 380—220 °,, Warm water and 500—500 ,, +tragacanth solution (65:1000); when quite cold, 20— 30. ,, “formic acid 90% and 50—100 ,, acetate of chrome of 32° Tw. are added. 1000 parts. Tragacanth Solution 65:1000. 65 parts tragacanth are soaked well in 435 ,, water and left standing for 48 hours; then 500 ,, water are added, the whole being boiled until a smooth solution results. 1000 parts. After printing and drying, steam for % to 1 hour in the case of the dyestuffs indicated under No VI (Chrome Blue etc.), then chrome feebly, wash, soap, rinse, and dry. Anthracene Yellow is steamed for about one hour, then washed if necessary, and dried. _— es 4 +e ~ ; D. DIRECT PRINTING WITH PARANITRANILINE RED (PARA RED OR ICE RED). _ Paranitraniline Red is produced on the fibre by means of direct printing, the yarn being mordanted with Naphtol solution and printed when dry with the diazo solution of Paranitraniline or with Nitrazol C. Paranitraniline comes in slightly cheaper, while Nitrazol C, the ready diazo combination, is the simpler and more convenient of the two in its application. Mordanting with Naphtol Solution. The boiled yarn, bleached if necessary, must be perfectly dry for mordanting. . The yarn is mordanted either in a trough as shown in the sketch below, or in a tramping machine of the kind frequently used for Alizarine Red, with Beta Naphtol, or with Naphtol RC for more bluish shades. Composition of the Mordanting Liquor. For 100 Ibs cotton yarn: 1000 grms. (2 lbs 3% oz) Beta Naphtol or Beta Naphtol RC are mixed with I. + 1000 grms. (2 lbs 3% oz) caustic soda lye of 75° Tw., then 10 Jitres (21% gallons) boiling water are added, and the whole is stirred until dissolved. In another vessel, 2500 germs. (5% lbs) castor-oil soap are dissolved in 10 litres (2% gallons) boiling water. Solutions I and II are then mixed together and diluted to 65 litres (13% gallons). An equal quantity of Turkey-red oil may be used in the place of castor- oil soap; with the latter, however, somewhat more bluish and brighter shades are obtained. In order to increase the stability of the preparation on the fibre, a little antimony paste (15—20 grms. per litre or 2%—3 oz per gallon), potassium sulphite or glucose may be added. Fill the trough with 15 litres (3% gallons) of this mordanting liquor, which should be lukewarm (about 40° C. or 105° F.) pass 2 lbs of the yarn through the same, add 900 cc. (19/,, pints) more of the mordanting liquor, pass another 2 lbs of yarn through, and so on until the whole lot of 100 lbs has been passed. Then pass the yarn in lots of 2 lbs at a time once more through the same liquor, wring off, wrap it up in light cotton cloth (calico), and hydroextract well for 15 or 20 minutes. Recipe VII Recipe Vila Recipe VIIb The yarn is then hung up rather loosely over square sticks (not more than 1 lb for each stick) and well dried for some hours in the drying chamber. This is best done overnight. The prepared yarn must be dried separately in order to prevent it from (for from acetic acid), whereby the colour might become spotted or streaky. Both the hydroextracted and the dried yarn should be well protected from water drops. coming into contact with acid vapours instance, The prepared and well dried yarn should be printed with the diazo solution with the least possible delay. Printing with Paranitranaline,@ 21 parts Paranitraniline C are dissolved in 100 ,, boiling hot water with the addition of 42 ,, hydrochloric acid of 36° Tw.; this solu- tion is cooled off quickly to 10° C. (50° F.) by the addition of 207 ~+«,, cold water and ice, and then 115. ,, nitrite of soda solution 1:10 are added in one lot whilst stirring. This solu- tion is left standing for 5 or 10 minutes, until clear, when it is filtered through cloth and stirred into 440 ,, tragacanth solution (65:1000). Immediately before use, (approx.) 25 ,, acetate of soda dissolved in 50 , water are added cold. 1000 parts. By means of methyl orange paper it is easy to ascertain whether the amount of acetate of soda added is sufficient; acetate of soda should be added until the paper ceases to turn red. Printing with Nitrezoiow This method is applicable in those cases particularly in which the diazotising causes difficulties, and it besides renders the use of ice unnecessary. 90 parts Nitrazol C are dissolved well by stirring with 295 ,, cold water and allowing to stand for about 1% hour. The solution is then filtered through cloth and imme- diately before use added to 500 tragacanth solution (65:1000), in which 30 ,, acetate of soda have previously been dissolved; finally 35 4, caustic soda lye of 320 Tw. diluted with 50, water are added. 1000 parts. This print paste must not redden methyl orange paper, but if this be the case, a little more caustic soda lye should be added with care. The yarn printed with diazotised Paranitraniline or Nitrazol C is dried well and then washed thoroughly, a little hydrochloric acid being to advantage added to the first wash water in order to prevent the white from becoming stained. The yarn is then soaped at about 50° C. (120° F.), rinsed again thoroughly, and dried. If necessary, the yarn may be chemicked in order to clear the white, the red thereby becoming still brighter. (approx.) + * a4? 4 ; . E. DIRECT PRINTING WITH DIAMINE COLOURS. Diamine Colours are used principally for light shades, the following being those best adapted for direct printing: For Yellow and Orange: For Blue: Thioflavine S Diamine Yellow CP, N Diamine Fast Yellow FF, A, B Diamine Fast Orange EG, ER Diamine Orange F, G, D, B Oxy Diamine Orange G, R, RN. Diamine Diamine Diamine Diamine Diamine For Pink and Red: Diamine Diamine Rose B extra, BD, FFB Diamine Fast Scearlet GFF, 4BFF, 4BFS, 5BFF, 7BFF Diamine Brilliant Scarlet S$ Diamine Fast Red F Diamine Bordeaux 8, B Diamine Brilliant Bordeaux R Diamine Violet Red Diamine Brilliant Rubine S. Diamine Diamine For Green: Diamine Diamine Diamine For Violet: Diamine Brilliant Violet B, RR Diamine Fast Violet FFBN, FFRN Diamine Violet N Diamine Heliotrope B, G, O. Diamine Diamine For Brown: Sky Blue FF Blue BB, 3B, RW, 3R Fast Blue FFB Diamineral Blue CV,.CVB, B, R Steel Blue L Bengal Blue G, R Deep Blue B, R Dark Blue B Black BH. Green B, G, CL, FG Dark Green N. Brown B, 3G, 5G; M; MR, ist pie Catechine B, BZ, G, 3G Fast Brown G, R, GB Oxy Diamine Brown RN, 3GN Cotton Brown A, N Diamineral Brown G For Grey and Black: Diamine Fast Grey BN Diamine Jet Black Cr, RB, SS, OO Diamine Fast Black F, X Diaminogene B, extra. Diamine VITRE rimist nes Rec i pe : Bronze G. Recipe VII 2—15 parts dyestuff are dissolved in 580 ,, ee 100, 300 1000 parts. water with the addition of phosphate of soda and glycerine, and mixed with tragacanth solution (65:1000). Dissolving the Dyestuffs: The print pastes are best prepared with con- densed water; when using calcareous water for dissolving, it is an advantage to add some citrate of ammonia (10—12 oz of 99 Tw. per 10 gallons). When dissolving Diamine Brown M, B, 3G or Diamine Yellow N, it is well to add a little soap. ‘After printing, the yarn is steamed for % to 1 hour’ without pressure. Diamine Colour prints should be steamed in a very damp condition, by which means the colours are fixed best; the yarn is therefore before the steaming hung in a cool place in order to absorb moisture. Any rinsing after the steaming is in most cases unnecessaty. > 3 CeVece 5) , 929% 9D 5 DI er | 1D. Dies 33 ing is BY ae saved. oo aN, a shy me el : re ¢ ¥ way shade in shade effects- of very sae fastness to” washing, instance, may be obtained. DISCHARGE PRINTING. A. DISCHARGE PRINTING ON DIAMINE COLOURS. Light and medium shades for discharging are dyed direct; dark shades, however, are as a rule produced by diazotising and developing, or by coupling, because these owing to their good fastness to water and washing do not bleed in the discharging and washing, thus yielding clean discharge effects. The Diamine Colours suited for the various shades for discharge printing will be found in the tables on pages 45—53 of our “Manual of Dyeing”, Vol. IV. Directions for dyeing, diazotising, developing, and coupling are indicated en pages 7—15 and 37—38 of Volume I of the “Manual of Dyeing”. The dyeings to be discharged are to advantage rinsed thoroughly, or soaped lightly after the developing or coupling, as the discharge effects will in such case be clearer. Hyraldite of all the discharging agents exercises. the most powerful effect, and is applied the most generally. As compared with the older tin crystals discharges, Hyraldite offers the important advantage of yielding much better discharge effects, the fibre moreover not being tendered in the very least even by prolonged steaming. Zinc dust discharges, likewise used formerly in some cases, have been supplanted practically everywhere by Hyraldite which is simpler in its application. The following brands of Hyraldite are sold for discharging purposes: Hyraldite C extra Hyraldite CW extra Hyraldite A and W Hyraldite Special. Hyraldite A and W are half the strength of Hyraldite C and CW extra. Hyraldite Special is used chiefly for discharging Naphtylamine Claret. For white discharges, all these brands are suited, but for coloured discharges Hyraldite C extra, A and Hyraldite Special are to be given the preference. Hyraldite CW extra or W are preferred for white discharges on deep shades owing to their action being more powerful than that of the other brands. ix HyraldvteoWhite Discharg e. 100—300 parts Hyraldite CW extra or C extra are heated with 200 ,, water and 500 ,, British gum thickening (300:1000) or some other neutral thickening for y% to % hour to about 60—70° C. (140 to 160° F.), and stirred well, and when dissolved, the paste is stirred until cold. 1000 parts. Of the single strength brands Hyraldite A and W, 200 to 500 parts in 1000 parts print paste are required. Besides British gum, either ordinary gum, tragacanth, or starch-traga- canth thickening may be used as thickeners. . Se BT a Recipe IX The yarns printed with the discharge are well dried and then steamed for about 5 or 10 minutes. For the steaming, any kind of steam-box may be used, provided that dry hot steam fairly free from air is available. If not already provided with a mantle for heating, it is well to insert a few gilled pipes in order to warm the steam-box before the direct steam enters. If the steaming apparatus is situated some distance from the boiler house, it is well to insert a water-trap into the steam-pipe a short distance from the point at which the steam passes into the steam-box. After steaming, the yarns are washed, soaped slighty in the case of aftertreated dyeings, rinsed, and dried. A little alum (4—8 oz per 10 gallons) is frequently added to the first rinsing bath in the case of discharged direct shades. Hyraldite Coloured Discharges. For coloured discharges, the same directions as indicated for piece-goods on pages 56—59 of our “Manual of Dyeing”, Vol. IV, may be applied, but the print pastes should be slightly less thickened for yarn printing. B. DISCHARGE PRINTING ON PARANITRANILINE RED. Regarding the dyeing of Paranitraniline Red see page 39 of Volume I of our “Manual of Dyeing”. The yarn dyed as there indicated is best rinsed very thoroughly, and soaped hot, the red becoming much brighter and a purer white. discharge effect resulting. The discharging is carried out in the same way as indicated for discharg- ing Diamine Colours, the quantities required for Paranitraniline Red being 250—300 parts Hyraldite C extra or CW extra per 1000 parts print paste. After printing on the discharge, the yarn is steamed as described for the Diamine Colours, and washed. B. COTTON WARP AND THREAD PRINTING. For printing cotton warps and cotton yarn in the shape of threads with one-colour stripe patterns, Warp-Printing Machines are used built in various designs. The following sketch shows a machine built by Gebr. Donath Nachf., Chemnitz. @e@ ulus Fig. 3. Warp-Printing Machine. In this machine the two printing rollers are adjusted one above the other, and the design is produced by grooves running parallel with the axles of the rollers as illustrated in the hank-printing machine on page 1, Fig. 1. The warp to be printed is passed from above over guiding rollers into the machine and runs in a stretched state between two printing rollers pressing against each other. Similar machines provided with two pairs of printing rollers are used for producing two-coloured effects. If designs other than narrow horizontal stripes are to be printed, or multi-coloured designs are to be produced, the warps are printed either by means of hand blocks with suitable patterns, or on the roller-printing machine as used for piece-goods. In order to prevent the printed design from being distorted during the steaming, washing etc., some weft threads at intervals of about 4% yard are loosely interwoven, which are removed later on before the weaving. For printing cotton yarn in the shape of threads, the machine illustrated on page 1 may likewise be used; the sketch below shows this machine in use for that purpose. iT iC Fig. 4. Hank-Printing Machine used as a Thread-Printing Machine. For direct printing or discharge printing on cotton warps, the dyestuffs are applied according to the same directions as stated on pages 1 to 11 for printing yarn in the hank. The steaming of the printed and dried warps is carried out either full width, by rolling them up, if necessary, between blankets, and steaming in the cottage steamer like piece-goods, or, like yarn in hank form, suspending the warps in the steamer over a stick covered with felt, or by depositing them in wire cages. Any washing of the warps which may be necessary in order to remove the thickening is carried out mostly by hand in an ordinary wooden vat, or by working several times over a winch. The warps may also be washed on the broad-washing machine; it is then well to pass them through the washing liquor between endless runners of wide mashwork, the thickening being removed by sprinkling water on and squeezing. Z, i) SS Nido it See Re oto ee No. No. tas — = Now 12! No. ‘13..- No. 14. No. 15; No. 16. 20 parts 20 parts 20 parts 20 parts 20 parts 20 parts 20 parts 20 parts 20 parts 20 parts 20 parts 20 parts 15 parts 10 parts 20 parts 20 parts To be understood per 1000 parts print paste. A. BASIC COLOURS. — Thioflavine TCN Thioflavine An : Diamond Phosphine GG Diamond Phosphine R- ~ Diamond Phosphine D Para Pheapiine evel: Para Phosphine G : i Tannin Orange GG Tannin Orange R Irisamine G Safranine S No. 150 Tannin Heliotrope Solid Green Crystals 0 a. New Methviené Blue GG New Methylene Blue N New Methylene Blue R BASIC COLOURS Hearse a0 Rel. pe ey ALE ose ols oe. 10 parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts 4,6 parts 0,4 parts 32 parts parts parts parts parts parts To A. BASIC COLOURS (Continued). Crystal Violet 10B Victoria Blue B Methyl Violet BB 72 No. 0 Indazine M Naphtindone BB Acetinduline R paste Methylindone B Irisamine G Thioflavine TCN Safranine GGS Thioflavine T Thioflavine T New Methylene Blue N Thioflavine T New Methylene Blue N Thioflavine T New Methylene Blue N New Methylene Blue N Safranine S No. 150 Diamond Phosphine D New Blue B Diamond Phosphine GG Safranine S No. 150 New Methylene Blue N Thioflavine T Safranine GGS New Methylene Blue N be understood per 1000 parts print paste. Printed according to Recipe ck Ill BASIC COLOURS No. 338. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. .39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 438. No. 44. No. 45. No. 46. 30 30 25 5 30 2 6 4 20 40 40 20 60 50 40 80 35 5 20 20 B. IMMEDIAL COLOURS. Printed according to Recipe as parts Immedial Yellow GG double for printing pat. LV parts Immedial Orange C double for printing pat. . very parts Immedial Yellow GG double for printing pat. IV parts Immedial Green GG double for printing pat. parts Immedial Yellow GG double for printing pat. EN parts Immedial Green GG double for printing pat. parts Immedial Indone B double for printing pat. | Ie parts Immedial Green GG double for printing pat. parts Immedial Bordeaux G double for printing pat. Iv parts Immedial Cutch O double for printing pat. IV parts Immedial Brown BR double for printing pat. IV parts Immedial Indone Violet B double for printing pat. IV parts Immedial Indone Violet B double for printing pat. parts Immedial Olive 3G double for printing parts Immedial Deep Green G double for printing i parts Immedial Purple C pat. parts Immedial Deep Green G double for printing pat. parts Immedial Orange C double for printing pat. parts Immedial Indone B double for printing pat. parts Immedial Indone R double for printing pat. To be understood per 1000 parts print paste. Sea Shh Sei i rit printiag ey putt ee sty) s fOr pees bdisl ket .-. Fer pritt ii aan wdliad, foie 2 oo ae eee pediah ny — Ea ehable sor i > ete * eae Bear 4 pea mene f en C, CHROME COLOURS. 65. 40 parts ‘Antiraeeee Yellow GG ou 66. 40 parts Anthracene Yellow BN 67. 40 parts Anthracene ailog RN 68. 150 parts Chrome Blue F for printing pat. 69. 60 parts Chrome Fast Blue FR for printing pat. : . 70. 10 parts Chrome Violet M for printing pat. . 71. 50 parts Chrome Violet M for printing pat. D. PARANITRANILINE RED (ICE RED). a2. Paranitraniline Red _E, DIAMINE COLOURS. 73. 2 parts Diamine Rose BD pat. 74. 7 parts Diamine Fast Yellow FF pat. 3 parts Diamine Sky Blue FF 75. 8 parts Diamine Fast Violet FFBN pat. 76. 6 parts Diamine Fast Scarlet 4BFF pat. 2 parts Diamine Fast Red F 77. 10 parts Diamine Catechine G pat. 78. 8 parts Diamine Fast Grey BN 79. 6 parts Diamine Fast Yellow FF pat. . 80. 5 parts Diamine Blue BB ; To be understood per 1000 parts print paste. 4 ie pace ial qa DIAMINE COLOURS CHROME COLOURS. PARANITRANILINE RED. No. Biles . 82. 83. 84. 85. . 86. 87. 88. b) Diamine Colours diazotised and developed with} MOU: 90. re) Li 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. F. DISCHARGE PRINTING ON DIAMINE COLOURS AND PARANITRANILINE RED. 0,25 % 1,25% 0,25% 0,5 % 0,6 % 0,25 % 0,25% 0,25 % © a) Diamine Colours dyed direct. Diamine Rose BG pat. Diamine Fast Scarlet SBFE pat. Diamine Violet N Diamine Sky Blue FF Diamine Fast Blue FFB pat. Diamine Green B Dianne Catechine G pat. Diamine Grey G pat, Reta Natit olr Phenylene Diamine, 2 2 3 3,2 % Diaminosane Sky Blue N, developed with Beta Naphtol IX oF Diaminogene Blue NA pat. _,, Diaminogene Blue 3RN pat. _,, Diaminogene Blue 6RN pat. ,, Diamine Azo Scarlet B a Diamine Azo Bordeaux B - Diaminogene extra > Oxy Diaminogene OB pat. _ Diaminogene Blue NB pat. 2? 2? 2 29 39 be) 9) 9 99 99 99 2 2) 9 99 29 2? 99 IX ‘se a & i § hiv z) y tu is * i xX ‘ + me Wane Bah , LUTE * ' 1 i vy ; - reat rppitee fe Le RE OA MISA GOLOU! acy: 11 he te ee ko : cao DISCHARGE PRINTING ON DIAMINE COLOURS AND PARANITRANILINE RED } | t \ hii ~\, ie DISCHARGE PRINTING ON DIAMINE COLOURS AND es ae PARA ITRANILINE RED (Continued). mar as a i? acco Noneevie) 4,5 % Diamine Black DB, Peeetoped with Phenylene Diamine : - No. 98. 4,5 % OxyDiaminogeneOT pat, 3, =» © ww aS e c) Diamine Colours coupled with Nitrazol ©. a No. 99: 4,8 % Diamine Nitrazol Searlet A, coupled with Nitrazol if ae : ba No. 100. 4,8 % Diamine Nitrazol Bordeaux GB pat. ,, : Nowl01>, 3° of Diamine Nitrazol Orange R pat. ,, No. 102. 2 % Oxy Diamine Brown RN . No. 103. 2,4 % Diamine Nitrazol Brown GF pat. ,, oar No. 104. 2,5 % Diamineral Blue CVB: %; : Nowi05. 2,5 % Diamine Bronze G a; a Nowe] O65 41,5 .% Diamine Brown MR - No. 107. 3,5 % Diamine Brown S f ‘ No. 108. 4,5 % Diamine Nitrazol Green GF pat. ,, No. 109. 2,4 % Diamine Nitrazol Green GF pat. ,, 1,6 % Oxy Diamine Yellow CR s No. 110. 1,25% Diamine Grey G pat. sé No. 111. 3,5 % Diamine Nitrazol Black BB pat. ,, t d) Iee Colours (Paranitraniline Red; IN Gre ldo: Paranitraniline Red id ,} | WK SKY wil yh ) ! f ie I fl ) y x i ' : \\ j ( i A'S ee yt ’ eh Sen ‘ N I i t / u é q ' s\ ‘ Ss WANS al Ath Mi GRAN | | . | > \ | | DISCHARGE PRINTING ON DIAMINE COLOURS AND PARANITRANILINE RED VII ~ ' ‘ 4 eat 3) age < ea a 2 - \ Null Ber ey ret ; ‘ 4 ry vita r i ie xy ) Se, ‘ ~ “a Le oS M a, v ” Fs . - ‘ 7 . . ~ * 3 4 a ats r. vs . bey 7 , : 2% A F ey. 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