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KITTY FISHER By Sir Joshua Reynolds “or Beart. Mass. cePart: I Comprising Remabeable East Indian Jewelry, European and American Paintings Chinese Porcelains, Bronzes, Jades, Crystals, Lacquers, Tusks, and Incense Boxes; European Enamels, Miniatures, Faience, Silver, Ivortes, Jewel Caskets, Oriental Rugs, and Armor With a few pieces of Fine Mahogany Furniture and a Collection of Japanese Swords To be sold at Unrestricted Public Sale in Ten Afternoon and Evening Sessions, at 2:30 and 8:15 o'clock, beginning on Monday, April 8, 1912 On Exhibition from March 30th The Anderson Galleries Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street, New York | : : | o ye) CONDITIONS OF SALE. 2: 1. All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalognet aver A, 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith - of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which, in his judgment, may delay or injuriously affect the sale. a 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which, the lots purchased — to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which, The Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in our Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITH- OUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Auction Company will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Auction Company shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale, it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju- dice to the right of The Anderson Auction Company to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. The Anderson Auction Company will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MapIson AVENUE AT FortTIETH STREET, NEw YorRK TELEPHONE 7990 BRYANT “yf elee # ORDER OF SALES he, _ Monday Afternoon, April 8th, 2:30 o’clock . . . Lots 1-86 ; 3 ____ Silver, Robes, Embroideries, Bronzes, and Rugs. Ve. _ Monday Evening, April 8th, 8:15 o’clock . . Lots 87-212 i} jes Kakemonos, Jades, Crystals, Group of Elephants, and Swords. & ae Tuesday Afternoon, April 9th, 2:30 o’clock . . Lots 213-313 - , Jewelry: Necklaces, Pins, and Rings of old East Indian Workmanship. in $ Tuesday Evening, April 9th, 8:15 o’clock . . Lots 314-387 ue Paintings of Flemish, German, Early Italian, and Eighteenth Century 1° English Schools. | . Wednesday Afternoon, April 10th, 2:30 o’clock . Lots 388-491 Jewelry: Antique Rings set with Greek and Roman Intaglios; Enamels, Scarf Pins, Pendants, Rings, East Indian Necklaces, Pins, and Rajah’s Rings of great brilliancy and variety. : . a Wednesday Evening, April 10th, 8:15 o’clock . Lots 492-595 e Chinese Porcelains. : Thursday Afternoon, April 11th, 2:30 o’clock . Lots 596-694 Persian Rings, Scarabs, Seals, Medallions, Brooches, and Belt Buckles. Thursday Evening, April 11th, 8:15 o’clock . . Lots 695-808 7. Miniatures, Enamels, Ivories, Jewel Caskets, Placques, Dresden and - Sevres Porcelains, Majolicas, and Antiques. Friday Afternoon, April 12th, 2:30 0’clock . . Lots 809-909 Jewelry and Antique Intaglios of Greek and Roman Periods. Friday Evening, April 12th, 8:15 o’clock . . Lots 910-1018 Laces, Snuff Bottles, Satsuma Ware, Lacquers, Tusks, Screens, Jars, Cellarette, Furniture, and Antique Busts. Aw } re ARTISTS REPRESENTED | Ahrenfeldt (Paul).. 314 Antonello (da Messina). 350 Bunn (George)......... 320, 326 Cartierrc nese eter 321 ae (Nicholas Tous- 11, 9 Breese ese aerg Ae 315 a8 ona) eae aes 317 De Bylandt (Count Alfred) 387 Del Sarto (Andrea) [at- tributed tah oe iret a es 355 Devieuxin aos So we ser 370 Diaz (Narcisse ne 343 Durer (Albrecht)... 380 Elsheimer (Adam)...... 333 Farrand: (1) 2.5 Ose eee 364 Gainsborough (Thomas) 373 Ghisolfi (Giovanni)...... 386 Grogaert (Georges)...... 342 Hamilton de (aera Philip).. : 23, 337 Harding (Chester). ER. 344 Harlow (George eet 374, 376 Hart (Alessandra R.).. 322 Hilliard (William H.)... 341 Holbein (Hans) [the younger] 7s: 375 Hondecoeter, Melchior (attributed). s..0-.. com 338 Honthorst (Gerard)... .. 367 Isabey (Jean Baptiste). . 328 Jardin du (Karel) [attri- PUledhor. a ae. sk see 335 Kneller (Sir Godfrey). . 379 Lawrence (Sir Thomas).. 378 Mantegna (Andrea)..... Moran (Peter).......... 316, Morland (George). ..325, oy ed sal = Murillo (Bartolome Este. Z ban [attributed]... «88 Nattier (Jean Marc)... Nuzzi (Mario) [Called Mario da Fiori]....... Opie (John) .; jade. Two carved teakwood stands. Height, 8 inches. Of emerald green and white on stand of rosewood and ivory, elaborately carved. Height, 4 1-2 inches; diameter 5 5-8 inches. — 101 IMPERIAL JADE BOWL. Mate of the foregoing. 102 IMPERIAL JADE TEA-POT. i The tea-pot is very thin and the surface above and below is covered with the finest carving. Stand of elaborately carved rosewood and ivory. a Height, 6 1-2 inches; diameter, 6 1-2 nce 103 BOX OF LIGHT CHRYSOPHRASE GREEN. Carved to represent Sacred Tortoise. On a stand. 104 BOX OF CHERRY RED JADE. Carved to represent a fruit known as Buddha’s Hand. With stand. (Box and cover broken and repaired.) 105 IMPERIAL JADE WINE-CUP. Color, brilliant emerald green and white. the Lotus flower. With a stand. Length, 2 inches; height, 1 1-2 inches. Design of 106 JADE INCENSE BOX. Delicate green in tone. With a stand. 2 1-2 inches x 1 1-2 inches. 38 Archaic in oon and decoration. With carved rose- wood cover and jade top. With a stand. . Height, 3 1-2 inches; diameter, 4 inches. SQUARE CUP WITH HANDLE. Archaic in design and carving. With a stand. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 2 1-2 inches. 109 CELADON COLORED JADE CUP. Most elaborately carved in open work of branches and flowers which surround cup. On a stand. 8 1-4 inches high; 4 inches long. 110 JADE KORO OR BOWL WITH COVER. ae Elaborately carved and perforated. With stand. Height, 5 1-2 inches; diameter 5 inches. A VASE COMPANION PIECE TO KORO. Both used in ancestral worship. With stand. Height, 6 1-2 inches. 111 JADE VASE. Of ancient form, finely carved with elephant heads and Fret handles. On a stand. Height, 8 inches. 112 JADE VASE. Fine in form, beautifully carved with chrysanthemum flowers, with ring handles. On a stand. Height, 12 inches. 39 dbs wee (onan TTR er ote ROEM Stoo PEN METEM te ra oe eon ee Te oP 7 \ Ret See Weer oF) ANY Te 113 114 115 116 117 118 JADE VASE. | Of unusual color and of early form. Ona stand. _ : x Height, 6 inches. VASE, Cut from jade in the form of an elephant. On a stand. Height, 6 1-2 inches. A RECTANGULAR VASE. Of ancient form, cut from jade of Celadon tone, cov- ered with very fine carving in bold relief and lined with gold. With a stand. Height, 12 inches. TABLET WITH GREEK FRET BORDER AND SYMBOLS OF LONGEVITY AND HAPPINESS. Jade of a pale green color. 3 inches x 2 1-8 inches. JADE VASE. Graceful in form, of dull gray and brown tone, This vase is prehistoric and was pronounced by Chinese experts as being one of the oldest pieces of carved Jade known in China. On a stand. Height, 9 1-2 inches. HAND MIRROR. Of carved cabbage green jade, set front and back with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and pearls. This mirror was taken during the Boxer Rebellion from the private rooms of the Late Empress together with an elaborate Belt Buckle set with small jewels with Cambodian enamel work on pure gold, also to be found in this collection. 40 9 120 121 122 123 124 125 ‘St RAIGHT-SIDED VASE. Of rare jade, with iridescent surface, showing deli- cate tints of pink, blue and green. On stand. Height, 6 1-2 inches. TRAY OF GREYISH-GREEN JADE, WITH FIVE WINE CUPS OF DEEP GREEN JADE. Length of tray 6 1-4 inches; width 5 1-2 inches. Cups, height, 1 inch; diameter, 2 inches. DOUBLE VASE. Of cherry red and snow-white jade, carved to repre- sent hollow tree trunks with branches, fruit and stalks. On a stand. Height, 7 inches; length, 8 inches. SACRED WAND OF DEEP GREEN JADE. Used in the worship of the Temple of Heaven. The design represents a Fungus, the special symbol of Longevity. Length, 15 inches. JADE FIGURE OF GODDESS OF MERCY. Cut from dark green jade. Figure, dress and full string of prayer beads elaborately carved in detail from the one stone. With teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. DOUBLE GOLD-STONE JAR AND COVER. With ring handles and elaborately carved. On a stand. Height, 9 1-2 inches; diameter, 5 inches. PIECE OF ANCIENT GOLD STONE, This is an unusually large and fine specimen of this artificially made material, showing its appearance be- fore carving. 41 126 DOUBLE VASE. es Cut from jade of leaden grey tone. Desige? of pun = flowers and branches elaborately carved, covering the — surface. Witha stand. Height, 10 1-2 inches. — 127 FIGURE OF TOBUSAKU, A FAMOUS CHINESE > POET OF ANTIQUITY. Cut from jade of a Celadon color, with peach branch and fruit in bold relief. On an ivory stand, beautifully carved, which also rests on a stand of rosewood. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. 128 LARGE WINE PITCHER. Cut from jade, elaborately carved in the form of a mythological animal. With finely wrought cover in gold and silver. On teakwood stand. : Height, 10 inches. 129 JADE BOWL. Brilliant dark emerald green in color, perteees in form and quality. Height on stand 7 1-2 inches; diameter, 12 1-2 inches. 130 JADE VASE, IN THE FORM OF A PILGRIM eas TLE WITH COVER. Jade brownish yellow in tone, surface of unusual finish, covered with fine carving and Chinese char- acters inlaid with gold. On a stand. Height, 11 inches. 131 SET OF EIGHT SACRIFICIAL BOWLS. Carved from light greyish blue jade used by the Em- perors in the annual ancestral worship in the Temple of Heaven, for food offerings. With teakwood stands. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 5 1-8 inches. 42 12 ORNAMENTAL PIECE. ea Jade of a dull greyish white tone, carved to rear a woman seated under a tree attended by a deer. On _ stand. Height, 4 3-4 inches. SQUARE WINE CUP. With handle, beautifully carved. On carved side. ery Height, 2 3-4 inches. _ 134 PAIR OF BELT CLASPS. Of Celadon Jade, beautifully carved and _ polished, and so finished that the centers are free to turn in their sockets. An example of most skillful and elab- orate workmanship. 2 1-4 inches in diameter. er 135 JADE PLAQUE. Minutely carved, representing the flower of the chrysanthemum, with branches and leaves. On a stand. Length of plaque, 6 3-4 inches. 136 LARGE LEAF PLAQUE. Minutely carved all over. With elaborately carved stand. 9 inches long x 7 1-2 inches wide. 187 LEAF CUP. Of Celadon jade, elaborately carved top and bottom. 4 1-2 inches in diameter. 138 ROUND CUP. Elaborately carved with Dog-Foo handle, and three feet. Height, 4 1-2 inches x 8 1-2 inches in diameter. 139 JAR. Of cherry red and dull white, elaborately carved all over. On a stand. Height, 3 inches. 43 140 JADE BASKET. cs ee Of dull green tone, very beautifully car ed. One carved teakwood stand. 2 3-4 inches in | dia met Tae 141 CUP. Of green jade, carved minutely in the form of crab, and beautifully polished. ~ 142 JADE JAR. e Of mottled greys and greens, with red veins, known ; to the Chinese as the jade with the bloody veins. On ~ a stand. Height, 4 1-2 inches. — 143 JADE JAR. Cut very thin, the exterior elaborately decorated in carving. On a carved stand. : Height, 4 inches ; diameter, 4 inches. 144 COVERED JAR. Of Imperial Jade with brilliant enamelled green spots, carved elaborately, with flowers and branches and sacred symbols. Ona stand. Height, 4 1-4 inches. 145 DEEP GREEN JADE TABLET. Evidently made in honor of some distinguished sage or warrior, with the inscription beautifully cut on both — sides. The characters were orignally filled with gold. 9 1-4 inches long x 4 1-2 inches wide. 146 KORO. Of dark green jade, minutely carved, with five ring handles ; a most unusual bit of work; on carved teak- wood stand. 7 1-2 inches high x 6 inches in diameter. 44 — ee a ns - COVERED JAR. Be 149 150 151 152 Dark green in tone, minutely carved and elaborately polished, with ring handles. On a stand. Height, 9 inches. THE GOD OF WISDOM. This ancient figure of the god attended by the deer and stork is minutely carved in stone (a form of steatite) ; on a curious antique stand in harmony with the carving. Height, 9 inches. LARGE AMETHYST CRYSTAL. Carved in the form of a duck. On a stand. Height, 5 inches; length, 5 inches. A COVERED JAR, CUT FROM NEARLY PER- FECT CRYSTAL. Elaborately carved in representation of branches and fruits. With a small open case at the side. Ona stand. Height, 8 1-2 inches; width, 5 inches. GEM—LAPIS-LAZULI. Of the deepest sapphire blue flecked with gold. Carved on each side to represent mountain and forest with temples. Ona stand. Height, 4 1-2 inches; length, 4 inches; weight, nearly 12 ounces. TRIPLE VASE. Of varying height, cut from perfect white crystal, design hollow tree trunk with branches, leaves and flowers, in relief. It rests on an ivory stand, elab- orately carved to match. Heigth, 6 inches; length, 6 inches. 45 153 154 155 156 157 GROUP OF WILD MOUNTAIN GOATS. bs Carved from fossil amber. (On a stand, A COVERED JAR, CARVED FROM po Be CRYSTAL. ae Surface is carved in representation of plum branes flowers and birds. The borders are of the Greek Fret. — i a The side ornaments are Elephants’ heads with ring ee handles pendant. The Dog-Foo surmounts the cover. —_— On two stands. Height about 14 inches, i = he JADE VASE. Rectangular in form, finely carved with flaring lip and base. On a stand. Height, 11 inches. ; oe JADE KORO IN FORM OF SARCOPHAGUS. Covered with carving of archaic design. Cover mounted with finial of coral red and cabbage green jade, carved in form of Fungus to represent Lon- gevity. On stand. Height, 10 inches; length, 5 1-2 inches; breadth, 4 inches. PIECE OF CARNELIAN RED JADE. Covered with light, translucent Celadon jade like a coating of thin ice. In design of mountain peaks with stork. Carved ivory base and carved teakwood stand. This remarkable piece of jade belonged to the famous Li Hung Chang. After his death it was purchased of his son for this collection. It was regarded in China as one of the rarest and most valuable examples of jade to be found in any Chinese collection. Height, 9 inches; length, 9 inches. 46 poe ce ads carved in design of bird and fe flowers. : Below, is carved the design of a peach— age emblem of Longevity. The ornamented disc is sup- _ ported by figures boldly carved and decorated in gold and red lacquer. Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 19 inches. | : OT ER LO ete Rae eT ee oe ee Pep es Ss 159 160 161 162 163 Chinese Incense Boxes The following six boxes were kept in the Temple of BS Heaven and held sacred incense used in ancestral worship. Each box carries a double inscription— _ one on the inside of cover and one on the bottom of the box. They were given by Prince Ei-Ye, son of the Emperor Kank-Si, for the Temple service. \ IVORY BOX. Of light cabbage green jade, carved in the form of fruit ; of old ivory color. BOX OF SANDAL WOOD. With lapis-lazuli top, carved in the form of fruits; dark brown in color. SK Length, 4 1-2 inches; width, 3 inches. BOX OF SANDAL WOOD. With gold stone carved in the form of fruit set in the. cover. Of dark drab color. BOX OF SANDAL WOOD. With large emerald on the cover, carved in the form of a cluster of grapes; drab in color. IVORY BOX. With jade of the Han Dynasty on the cover, carved in form of fruit; dark green in color. 48 SLINVHdda TA NIVTAOAOd ALTHM “S9T “ON 164 I\ IVORY BOX. Berit: green in color. e. 165 WHITE PORCELAIN ELEPHANT. _ The leader, marching, carries on his back, held in a gold and silver houdah, a black crystal or agate ball 3 3-4 inches in diameter. The two attendant elephants are trumpeting the praises of their leader and his ~~ famous burden. Mounted separately on carved rose- wood stands. Height, 18 inches, each. a ONE OF THE ATTENDANT ELEPHANTS DE- ‘SCRIBED ABOVE. -165-b THE OTHER ATTENDANT ELEPHANT DE- = SCRIBED ABOVE. >) cio ; Ee 166 A ROYAL EAST INDIAN ELEPHANT. Carved from ebony, and carrying on his back, held by an ivory support, a white crystal ball 33g inches in diameter. The elephant is covered with royal capari- sons inlaid with pearl and ivory. The elephant rests on an antique metal bound lacquer stand. Height, 20 inches. 51 * With cherry fed jade in the cover, carved in the form 167 SARACEN SWORD OR SCIMETAR. ;, O = With Damascene blade with inscriptions inlaid in gold on each side. Bone handle, bound with silver. _ 168 SULTAN’S SCIMETAR. With curved bronze blade. Inscription inlaid on hilt. = a 2 The scabbard is silver elaborately ornamented, show- ing that it was once covered with gold. 8 169 OLD PERSIAN DAGGER. ae re Blade of bronze, curved in form. Scabbard of sive oe shat pa decorated in Persian style. : 170 JAPANESE SHORT SWORD. In a bright red lacquer scabbard, ornamented with (4: iron with gold inlays. Marks on hilt. Made in 1631 by Hizen Nokuni. 171 DANISH BOAR HUNT DAGGER OR KNIFE. $ Mounted in silver, finely carved. Side knife in shield. a Sade Silver chain and belt holder. Made in 1650. 172 OLD PERSIAN DAGGER. With carved bone handle. Blade of bronze. Scab- ie bard of silver covered with ornamentation in the an- ; cient Persian style. ANESE SHORT SWORD. In ribbed scabbard with gold ornamentation. Marks on hilt; made in 1300 by Kaugemitsu, School of _ Osafune, a very famous maker. LONG SAMURAI SWORD. In a scabbard ornamented with malachite closely set in lacquer and polished to a fine surface. Made in 1700. TWO-HANDED EX ECUTIONER’S SWORD, KNOWN AS A KNEE-SPLITTER. : _ Under the old Emperors of Japan, the executioner, with one powerful stroke, must sever the head of the kneeling culprit and split the knees by a single blow. Made in 1560. Maker Tenma-Daijizai-Tenjin, a fam- ous maker of the old Bizen school. TWO-HANDED EXECUTIONER’S SWORD UN- DER THE SHOGUNS. Also a knee splitter. Made in 1700 by Takahashi Osanobu, of the Seki School. SHORT DAGGER. Made to pierce the heaviest of mail. Made in 1800. Maker of the Osafune School. IMPERIAL SHORT SWORD. In Tiger Skin Scabbard, marked with Imperial crest. Made in 1600 by Kanekage of the Seki School. OLD JAPANESE SHORT SWORD. Teiko crest on the handle. No marks. 53 OLD JAPANESE SHORT SWORD. Checkered scabbard. Made in 1420, by pupil of Makumune. OLD JAPANESE SHORT SWORD. In a yellow wood scabbard. Made in 1650 by Masat. sura—School of Awataguchi. ~ : (te = DOUBLE-EDGED HARI-KARI DAGGER. = Mounted in ivory and silver. Imperial Dragon mark. SHORT SWORD. ee - Of finest make. In scabbard, covered with ornamen- __ tal work of silver and gold. Made in 1340 by Kanenje ee Inabanokami Kanetatsu Shizusamurow Kanenji. VERY FINE LONG SWORD. ; In gold lacquer scabbard with silver mountings. Made _ in 1450 by Noshiu Kokuraju Kanetatsu of the Seki School. 185 LONG SWORD. : In gold lacquer scabbard with gilt mounts, bearing the i Pi crest of a Prince. _ 186. LONG SWORD. 6 +o In gold lacquer scabbard. Made in 1500 by Hiro. 187 SWORD OF SCHAMYL—THE HERO OF THE CAUCASUS. ~0 A very old Damascus blade in leather scabbard, / | Bat mounted in silver, decorated with Circassian enamel. Schamyl’s name in enamel, appears twice onthe silver 54 > (nal a. = g- ____ scabbard. The blade bears a very ancient mark. For _-_-_—_—_— thirty years Schamyl] successfully repelled all attempts to subdue him and conquer his country. At length, Russian gold led one of his friends to betray him, and he was surprised and captured by Russian soldiers at night with a band of his followers. When taken he snapped his sword over his knee and broke the blade ~ at the hilt. In repairing, the smaller piece of the hilt could not be replaced. Its absence is now apparent. Bought from the son of the Russian officer who effected the capture. LONG SAMURAI SWORD. ) ; Gold lacquer scabbard, silver gilt mounting. Toku- ‘ gawa crest. Made about 1700. LONG SAMURAI SWORD. Black and gold lacquer scabbard. Made about 1725. LONG SAMURAI SWORD. Gold lacquer scabbard ornamented with many crests. Made by Hoju in 1600. LONG SAMURAI SWORD. In green lacquer scabbard decorated with ivy leaves in gold and autumn colors. Made about 1700. BARBER’S WOODEN SWORD. Elaborately carved. In olden times, the barbers of Japan indulged in frequent fights, often with fatal results. To end this state of things, the reigning Em- peror issued an edict forbidding the barbers to own «or wear anything but a wooden sword. 55 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 SHORT SWORD. In old red lacquer scabbard. Ornaniettaae of iron inlaid with gold. Buddha mark on the blade. Bizen School. Made in 1700. a SHORT SWORD. _ In fine black and gold scabbard with silver mounts. Made in 1600 by Kanematsu. School of Minoseki. SHORT SWORD. With peculiar blade and a razor end. Made by Bunsei Rokunei Shigatuhi (Kato Turnatoshi) Tsukuru. Made in 1800. . VERY FINE OLD SHORT SWORD. In a reddish scabbard. Made in 1352 by Hiramitsu. SHORT SWORD. In a mottled green scabbard. Mateg in 1790 by Kansei go ne Hachigatsu. HALF LONG SWORD. In wooden scabbard. Made by Kauenaga in 1020. . HALF LONG SWORD. In a green and gold lacquer scabbard. Made in 1470 by Nisikiosada. HALF LONG SWORD. With mounting of ancient coins in gold, silver, bronze and copper of China and Korea, set in the handle, hilt and scabbard. Made in 1600. 56 Oe a 6 LR ds De Te ae ee ee ‘ cary 201 +A LADY’S DAGGER. With fine blade. Made in 1610 by Kunikaue, School ‘of Awatakuchi. HALF LONG SWORD. In a seal-skin scabbard. Blade fine. Made about 1750. HALF LONG SWORD. In black and gold scabbard, decorated with leaves and flowers. Blade fine. Made about 1775. DAGGER OF THE PRINCE OF ICHIGO. In a silver scabbard elaborately carved and orna- mented. The blade was made by Gasan, in 1800, the scabbard by the famous gold and silversmiths Hideaki and Somada. This belonged to the Prince of Nara. SWORD OF THE PRINCE OF ICHIGO. In scabbard of gold lacquer with silver mountings, all decorated in designs of the chrysanthemum. The blade was made by Tsuda Ominokami Sukenao in 1690. The scabbard was made by Shimi. This be- longed to the Prince of Nara. DRESS SWORD OF THE SHOGUN OR TYCOON. With full Tokugawa marks and crest. This sword has a famous blade made by Miyochin of Tadyoshi in 1631. It is mounted in a scabbard lacquered to represent the rising sun of Japan. Several years after the retirement of the last of the Tycoons and re-estab- lishment of the Emperor on his throne, this sword and the War Belt following, were acquired directly from the Tycoon himself. 57 bn AB fas® f 207 208 209 210 211 212 A WAR BELT. Worn over the coat of armor ahon in full war dress. It consists of squares of some fine white stone, on each of which is cut the family crest. The stones are — fastened to a lacquer and brocade belt by silk cords. A BEAUTIFULLY MOUNTED SWORD. Bears the crest of the first Tycoon, Clan Taiko. It is mounted in gold and silver, with a rare scabbard in finest lacquer. It was made in 1500 by Makiu-Kane Moto. BLACK AND GOLD LACQUER SWORD RACK. With the Tycoon’s crest, Clan Taiko. AN IMPERIAL GOLD LACQUER SWORD RACK. With private Imperial Crest. AN EMPEROR’S SWORD IN A TIGER’S SKIN SCABBARD. The Imperial Crest is on the hilt. This sword was taken from the dead body of Gen. Saigo after his death, at the end of the Satsuma Rebellion. This sword blade was made by Hachi Man Kitama Iwakuni Tsukuru. The scabbard was made by Fusa Hide Omori. Made about the year 1000 A.D. Other marks are: Go-to, Itsu-Jan, Itsu-Jeu. FAMOUS MATAMURO BLADE. This sword was sent by the Japanese Government as their finest example of the sword makers’ art, for exhibition at the Columbian Fair in Chicago in 1893. The blade was made by the famous Matamuro, one of the most famous of all Japanese sword makers, in 1300. The scabbard was made by Namikawa. It is inlaid with enamel. Purchased at the close of the Exposition from the Japanese Government Officials in charge. 58 THIRD SESSION Tuesday Afternoon, April 9th, 2:30 o'clock | 4 Antique Roman Rings, Greek Intaglios, East Indian Necklaces, Armlets, Rings, Pendants Containing Emeralds, . Pearls, Rubies, Diamonds, Topazes of great variety and_brilliancy NOTE—The attention of buyers is called to paragraph 6, of the CONDITIONS OF SALE Be at the ee tone of this Catalogue as follows: “All lots will be exposed for public exhibition two or more days before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any effect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse.” These are the usual Conditions of Art Sales and represent the general practice of auction houses throughout the world. In this Sale and in future sales by this Company, which contain Precious Stones and Metals, such as Diamonds, Gold, Silver, etc., the genuineness of all such Precious Stones and Metals will be guaranteed by the Company, and if subsequently not found to be as described in the Catalogue the lot may be 59 E r ae ok Cann e cote sa Sh ans nares ee RRS Te st Se ees oe No exception will be made to this rule. 213 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. With fine intaglio male head cut on male sard. 214. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. Intaglio figure of Cupid cut on red and white sard. 215 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. Intaglio of Bull on male sard. Modern setting. (Stone damaged.) 216 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. = With female Roman head cut in amethyst. Modern = Y § Pecks setting. A 217 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. With figure cut on male sard. Medieval silver gilt be * mounting. = 218 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. . With head of Mars cut on male sard. Modern gold setting. e 219 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. s Ase Intaglio of seated figure of Mercury cut on male sard. Woes. Setting modern. 220 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. ts da Intaglio Head of Livy cut on male sard. 60 oF pire ‘gold with Pures Gorgon’s head. Ex- ramed at Mitylene. 2 7 IRON RING. _ Of carved iron inlaid with silver, having a Crest on the top and poison cup below. Elaborately carved. @ 223. ‘OLD ITALIAN RING. Of iron with a Crest or ine cut in the top. XVIth ees _ Century work. 224 OLD ITALIAN SEAL RING. Of carved iron inlaid with gold with a Crest or symbol cut in the top. XVIIth Century work. 225 CRUSADER’S RING. Of carved iron set with three semi-precious stones. _ A poison cup is found in the ring. 226 GREEK RING. “Head of a Woman cut in relief on pale emerald. (Damaged. ) - 227 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. Intaglio figures of Apollo before an altar, cut on male sard. 228 ANTIQUE HINDOO RING. Set with strange Cat’s-eye agate. 61 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 ANTIQUE GREEK RING. With Intaglio Head of Jupiter Serapis cut on curious greyish-white sard. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. With two Intaglios, the biga cut on eer: sard, and the trireme cut on female sard. CURIOUS OLD VENETIAN RING. Head of a Nubian carved in relief on black and white onyx, in singular setting. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. With raised inscription cut on dark green sard. Antique setting. ANTIQUE PHOENICIAN RING. Intaglio male head surrounded with inscription cut - in light green stone. ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. | Set with Intaglio of a Bull cut on a green jasper. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. Intaglio Head of Ptolomy the Elder cut on plum jacinth. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. Intaglio portrait Head and Bust of a woman cut on artificial stone. Signed in Greek characters. 62 Pe - With coli: symbols cut on a curiously tattle Sard, ANTIQUE HAMMERED GOLD RING. With Intaglio of female figure of a Muse cut in male sard. 239 ANTIQUE GREEK RING. “a Of Fine Hammered Gold, with Intaglio Head of Mars cut in black and white sard. - 240 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. Intaglio figure of Minerva cut on male sard. Modern “iq mounting. — Be 241 ANTIQUE GREEK RING. a Intaglio head of Hercules cut on male sard. | . 2 242 ROMAN FIBULA. 4 With three antique Roman intaglios, of different designs, set in fine gold. Exhumed at Pompeii. 243 MEDIAEVAL RING. With female head cut in intaglio on male sard, with two small garnets in original setting. 244 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. Intaglio of Cupid cut on male sard. 245 A PAIR OF ANTIQUE ROMAN EAR-RINGS. In fine gold, set with garnets. Exhumed at Pompeii. 63 246 247 248 249 250 251 RD2 253 ANTIQUE HAMMERED GOLD EGYPTIAN R With double head, two figures cut in the gold. ANCIENT SEAL RING OF AN EARLY PHOENT- CIAN PERIOD. | Intaglio cutting of figure surrounded with iriscriplenee cut on milky agate. Mediaeval setting. ANTIQUE GREEK RING, With intaglio cut on white sard. ANTIQUE GOLD ROMAN RING. Intaglio of male head cut on male sard. Modern setting. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. Intaglio male head cut on male sard. Mediaeval set- ting. ANTIQUE GREEK GOLD RING. Head of Socrates cut on jade. Mediaeval setting. EGYPTIAN SCARAB RING. | | The scarab cut in lapis-lazuli and set to revolve. EAST INDIAN RING. Containing three sapphires and diamonds, the sap- phires being of unusual tint. This and the two following were worn together in India on one finger and known as the bunch of flowers. EAST INDIAN RING. With light pink sapphire center set on each side with a ruby and sapphire. 64 4 Be é Soe | 255 EAST INDIAN RING. in sd Beautifully carved having a fancy sapphire center surrounded with diamonds with an olive green sap- phire on one side and a green sapphire on the other. AN EAST INDIAN TWIN RING. Set with yellow and delicate green sapphires bordered with blue sapphires and rubies. EAST INDIAN RING. | With a green sapphire center and two ruby spinels. EAST INDIAN RING. With a pink sapphire center surrounded by diamonds. EAST INDIAN EMERALD RING. The emerald bolted on the setting is surrounded with a cluster of ruby spinels. ANTIQUE EAST INDIAN RING. Containing an emerald center set with small diamonds, a yellow sapphire and deep pink ruby. EAST INDIAN RING. Containing a star sapphire with setting finely carved. OLD EAST INDIAN RING. Containing an emerald set with a cluster of white sapphires. ANTIQUE ROMAN BAIL RING. Set with three stones, one green and two red. 65 ihe Ca yn Reo a aba Moree be Neu Va heh eae ad F 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 ANTIQUE EAST INDIAN RING. In quaint setting holding a pink ruby surouneed with a cluster of white pearls. BAIL RING. Containing an intaglio finely cut on a red sard, subject unknown. The symbol at the side indicates this is the head of a naturalist. EAST INDIAN RING. In ancient setting holding one of the rarest gems, the leopard stone. IMPERIAL BELT CLASP IN THREE PARTS. Chrysophrase of a brilliant emerald green color, in silver gilt setting. ITALIAN RING. Of iron, finely carved. XVIth Century work. EAST INDIAN NECKLACE. Of the gold work of India, holding as pendant an emerald capped by an Old Mine diamond in the ancient Indian cutting, with an emerald in the clasp. EAST INDIAN NECKLACE. Of irregular emerald beads with carved gold beads, carrying four pendants of a single drop emerald, and a single pendant with a large sapphire and an emerald. NECKLACE OF SYRIAN BEADS, Crude glass of different colors inlaid in Archaic designs with enamel of different colors in alternation | with gilt metal beads. 66 : : | ; re nl 4: ‘ - A —. ' f ST INDIAN RING. Containing a blue sapphire surrounded with diamonds. owls Weight of Sapphire, 6 karats; Diamonds, 2 1-4 karats. 273 OLD ENGLISH PIN AND EARRINGS. ___‘The Pin containing a large amethyst surrounded with a double cluster of pearls; the Earrings of carved gold set with pearls. _ 274 OLD NECKLACE. Of star design set with pearls, with pendants of rubies and aquamarines and seed pearl ropes for the fasten- ings. The rubies and aquamarines are a later addition. 2% NECKLACE OF NINETY-SIX TINTED PEARLS : AND ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE SMALL DIA- MONDS. The heading of the necklace is composed of perfect Oriental white pearls. The mounting is of the most delicate gold work. The main part of the necklace is of perfect Oriental pearls of exquisitely soft tints, graduated in size to match. From the necklace, hangs a large pendant and two smaller pendants, which, when detached, form a brooch and earrings. All the pearls have the finest Oriental lustre and brilliancy. 276 ANTIQUE EAST INDIAN BROOCH. Of rare workmanship; set with pearls with end pen- dants of large baroque pearls and center pendant of two emeralds and a brilliant lilac tinted sapphire. 67 aS | we - : i 1S a a ae |} 0] on | om Se ie ales ee. | Y -5 | 1s a3 al ‘| al I Bk cc MMe ai “ ited i fn ti ee ¥ 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 A NAULAKA—THE JEWELS OF AN INDIAN PRINCE. : The heading of the Naulaka is composed of fifty-one sapphires, jargoons and other stones of all colors. Two of the pendants are set with sapphires, one with a sapphire in the center of the gem blue color. Other of the ornaments are set with Oriental pearls. BRACELET. It is made to match the preceding Naulaka, and is set with twenty-one fancy colored sapphires. MASSIVE DIAMOND RING OF OLD SPANISH WORKMANSHIP. Perfect diamonds encircling a large center Canary diamond. é Formerly belonged to Queen Isabella. RING. Opalescent Ceylon sapphire, set with fifteen Oriental pearls of yellow tint corresponding to the sapphire. EAST INDIAN RING. Containing a sapphire surrounded by a cluster of diamonds in carved gold setting. RING. Containing a sapphire of brilliant color surrounded by a circle of diamonds. RING. Containing a beautiful Siberian garnet set with a circle of Old Mine diamonds. 68 Containing a rose red ruby surrounded by Old Mine vex diamonds. : Containing a very brilliant Plewandiite set in Oriental oy design with thirty-two diamonds. 286 RING. Containing a Ceylon olive-green beryl set sou a ~ cluster of Old Mine diamonds. ‘ ‘ te RING. With burnished setting containing an Oriental cat’s- eye cut in the form of a perfect ball. EAST INDIAN RING. Containing an olive green pear shaped diamond of old cut, two Old Mine diamonds also pear shaped and a pink ruby. RING. Containing a black diamond set in platinum surround- ed by rose diamonds. RING. Set with two large Old Mine diamonds in the old cut with a light pink sapphire. This ring belonged to the famous tragedienne, Mme. Rachel. When in Boston, a few months before her sudden death, she exchanged this ring with a leading jeweller for one which she liked better. A few days afterward this ring was acquired for this collection. 69 a diamonds. RING. | Containing a Ceylon sapphire or deep golden color 2 : set with a circle of Old Mine diamonds. Be ORIENTAL RING. The center stone is a ruby-sapphire, set in elaborately carved gold representing grapevines and leaves of small rubies and sapphires. Formerly belonged to Dhuleep-Singh. RING. Unusual Oriental opal of brilliant coloring set with Old Mine diamonds. EAST INDIAN GOLD RING. Elaborately carved setting containing a diamond between two gem blue sapphires. NECKLACE AND BRACELET. Pure gold of ancient Persian design holding six sap- phires of fancy colors and large size and an enormous golden brown and green Alexandrite. 298 CRUDE ANTIQUE EAST INDIAN RING. Containing five ruby spinels mounted with twelve rose diamonds. 70 RARE EAST INDIAN RING. __-With a large sage-green Jargoon in the center sur- rounded by a cluster of fine rubies, the setting minute- ly carved. RING. | Containing a perfect white diamond of fine quality. RING. Containing a perfect white pearl with a cluster of diamonds. EAST INDIAN RING. Containing four Oriental opals of the first water, mounted with diamonds. RARE EAST INDIAN RING. a Containing in the center a brilliant extremely rare green ruby supported by a delicate pink ruby and an old gold sapphire, mounted with diamonds. é EAST INDIAN RING. Containing a beautiful pink ruby surrounded with diamonds. EAST INDIAN RING. Containing three Jargoons, in three shades, mounted with diamonds; the sacred stone of the Brahmin which, in their belief, insures good luck to its possessor. 306 PEARL NECKLACE. Of sixty-four white baroque pearls. 71 PR 74" of 4 6 os é] i 307. FRENCH COURT PIN. center and a pearl pendant ; in double bow being . filled with rose diamonds. 308 GOLD SNAKE RING. Set with a brilliant white sapphire, ruby eyes. 309 EAST INDIAN RING. Containing a brilliant lemon-yellow sapphire sur- rounded by blue sapphires. . 310. LARGE STAR SAPPHIRE PIN. Having gold mounting in leaf form with eight white pearls. | Weight of Sapphire, 21 karats. 311 OLD GREEK RING. Of green paste with a Cupid cut as an Intaglio in gold and silver mounting. 312. OLD EAST INDIAN NECKLACE OF PURE GOLD. From the necklace, as a pendant, enclosed in the mounting of a serpent carved from fine gold, with scales of diamonds and head set with ruby eyes, hangs a very large Canary diamond. Its weight is estima- 9 ted at about 70 karats. When found in India, it was in an ancient cut which was very irregular and im- perfect. It was re-cut in London by the finest dia- mond cutter there, after the form of the famous Re- ao gent, and when held to the light, shows a perfect Mal- tese Cross. The name of this stone in India was the Rajah. Its original weight was two and one-half times its present weight. The necklace from which 72 E.. shred quarters of an inch and it is perfectly flex- ible. The serpent is covered with pelcotiely formed - ‘rosettes i in the place of scales. 313 ARMLET OF PURE GOLD. | Of ancient East Indian work, it is formed from pure gold and, while apparently solid, is made of separate joints so adjusted as to be perfectly flexible. This armlet is made also in the form of a serpent with head set with ruby eyes. 3 Formerly on the arm of an idol, and dates back to the period of Serpent worship. It has been kissed smooth by devotees. $ : PxGCL Se FOURTH SESSION ie ‘Tuesday Refine, April 9th, 8:15 o'clock Paintings of F eens, German, Early Italian, and the Eighteenth Century Schools _ PAUL AHRENFELDT 314 HUNTING DOGS. Three hunting dogs in brown and white spotted ors are seen pointing against a green landscape. Panel. Signed. Height, 4 1-4 inches; width, 7 1-4 inches. NICHOLAS TOUSSAINT CHARLET French, 1792-1845 315 NAPOLEON AT WAGRAM—1808. Around a camp-fire are gathered a number of officers with Napoleon seated in the ee Sketch on ivory. Dated 1828. Height, 4 inches; width, 3 3-4 inches. PETER MORAN Contemporary American Painter 816 LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP. A group of sheep rest in a sheltered spot against a - background of shrubbery; a roadway leads past to an open landscape. At the right a blue-bloused shep- | } ) I a herd boy leans on his staff watching his flock. ay Canvas. Signed and dated 1863. oe Height, 20 inches; width, 80 inches. 75 HOWARD COPE Contemporary American Painter 317- A DEAD CALM OFF MONTAUK POINT. Under a summer sky several schooners with sails set drift on the glassy surface of the water. On the right — 6° the distant line of Long Island shore is seen, and in js the foreground some stakes rise above the surface of the water. Canvas. Signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 24 1-2 imches. Bought from the artist. CHARLES A. WALKER Contemporary American Painter 318 LANDSCAPE IN FRANKLIN PARK, BOSTON. The season is Spring and new leaves are coming out to clothe the branches of the trees that rise at the right. At the left a shepherd sits with his dog watch- , ing a flock of sheep grazing near by. Canvas. Signed. .~ Height, 16 1-2 inches; width, 29 inches. Le we Bought from the artist. JEAN MARC NATTIER French, 1685-1766 319 PORTRAIT OF THE COUNTESS OF CHAMBORD. In blue dress trimmed with fur and open at the neck, the young woman is seen front view at half length. a She wears a white wig dressed with white ribbons, wl and a white ribbon encircles her throat leading down to a bow in her corsage. Pastel. Height, 21 1-2 inches ; width, 17 1-2 inches. 76 VI EW ON THE SCHELDT. On the right a number of Dutch fishing boats are _ drawn up on the bank, with other boats far off on the S __- surface of the river. The sky is filled with low hang- ag ing clouds. Canvas. Signed and dated ’90. ee Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. Bought from the artist. CARTIER a 821 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. Le Two cows, one red and white, one black, stand in a pool in the foreground drinking; beyond them stretches a meadow in which other cows are grazing. z At the right are a few trees. Canvas. Signed. es Height, 20 inches; width, 37 inches. ALESSANDRA R. HART Contemporary Italian Painter - 322 HEAD OF BEATRICE PORTINARI. The blond young woman, seen in profile at bust length, wears a red cap bordered with a band of pearls. Across the high collar of her gown hang two strands of red beads. Canvas. Signed on the back. Height, 21 inches; width, 14 inches. Purchased from the estate of Mrs. S. D. Warren, Boston. 77 FERDINAND PHILIP DE HAMILTON 1664-1750 Court Painter of Charles VI, of Austria 323° STILL LIFE. On a table with a red marble top lie a number of dead birds with brilliant plumage. At the back a gray cat is seen with excited eyes and paw extended. Canvas. Signed and dated 1698. Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. Taken from the Tuileries during the Commune in 1871. SIR DAVID WILKIE Scotch, 1785-1841 324 ON GUARD. A black and white terrier sits before the door of a house; turning her head to the left she shows her teeth at the approach of some intruder. Panel. Height, 5 1-4 inches; width, 4 1-2 inches. GEORGE MORLAND English, 1763-1804 325 LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP. Two sheep, one standing the other lying down, are seen against a background of green bushes. A pool of water lies in the foreground, and at the right is a glimpse of a distant meadow on which sheep are graz- ing. Canvas. Height, 10 inches; width, 12 inches. From the collection of Mr. John Ogilvie of Breechen, Scotland. 78 TE Se ee Meee a | Contemporary hen tee Painter a ee. ISHING SMACKS. _ Some Dutch fishing boats are drawn up on the sands with their dark sails spread out to dry; other boats are seen out on the water. In the foreground stand amanand woman. Canvas. Signed. : _ Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. Bought from the artist. a PETER MORAN Contemporary American Painter a 32% LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP. Be A group of sheep rest peacefully in a summer land- scape against a background of shrubbery. At the right a foot path leads away to an open meadow bordered by trees. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. JEAN BAPTISTE ISABEY French, 1767-1855 »328 DESIGN OF A CRADLE FOR THE COUNT DE CHAMBORD. Mounted on winged sphinxes, the prow of the barge is surmounted by the figure of a winged victory hold- ing out a laurel crown. Water color. Signed and dated 1819. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches. Bought at the sale of the Count de Chambord, Paris. 79 ‘JEAN MARC NATTIER French, 1685-1766 = 329 PORTRAIT OF CATHERINE THE GREAT, EM- — PRESS OF RUSSIA. At bust length the great Empress is seen in her prime. Her face shows an imperious, voluptuous beauty. ry _ Her shoulders are bare and a curl of her brown hair > apa falls on her neck. On the top of her head are orna- ments representing corn flowers and ears of wheat in gold and enamel. Canvas. In carved wood frame. Height, 15 1-2 inches; width 13 3-4 inches. From the collection of Herr F. von Paulig of Griinberg, Germany, a descendant of the Ambassador for whom it was painted. PETER VALENTINO French, 1600-1822 330 THE CARD PLAYERS. A couple of cavaliers wearing plumed hats and the costume of an earlier century, sit at table playing cards. An old man looks over the shoulder of one, ~y and at the right an old woman in a cap talks with a ws youth seated at the table. Throughout, the details are minutely painted. Valentino was a follower of Caravaggio. Panel. Height, 4 1-2 inches; width, 6 inches. DAVID TENIERS, THE ELDER (ATTRIBUTED) Flemish 1582-1649 331 A VILLAGE DANCE. In a public square a crowd of villagers are gathered 4° in a scene of merry-making and dancing. Along the ‘4! building which forms the background are ranged a number of spectators. The costumes of the dancing 80 Bac EN GROIN a A MERE SEIT BI we 8 Set eee! te é i na wl 2 Tt ove eee ’ fe hee s did st ee Ae im ae PSN yo aets 4 * oe ren Tied ao, ee > ee SP 2 i men and women give sparkle and movement to the scene. Panel. Signed with monogram at the right. Height, 5 inches; width, 7 inches. ABRAHAM van STRY Dutch, 1753-1826 SHEEP, CATTLE AND LANDSCAPE. At the base of gnarled trees across whose trunks stretch a barrier of braided willow twigs, two cows are lying, one facing the spectator; at her side is a dark sheep, and another sheep and a lamb stand at the right. Beyond is an apple orchard. Canvas. Re- lined. Height, 13 1-2 inches; width, 15 inches. ADAM ELSHEIMER German, 1578-1620 TOBIAS AND THE ANGEL. At the base of a dead tree that rises on a bank of a stream are seen the figures of Tobias and the angel. Above, at the left, is a red stone church in Roman- esque style, embowered in trees. Beyond the river, where some cows are drinking, are farm-houses backed by green trees. Panel. Height, 8 1-2 inches; width, 18 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER English, End of XVIII Century 834 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Wearing a low cut yellow dress, the front of which is adorned with bows of blue ribbon, the sitter is seen at half length. Her hair is dressed high with blue > ‘on ribbons inserted, and a single strand of pearls en- , circles her neck. Across her shoulders falls a brown mantle. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 19 inches. Se ee co les aategey . re ee r id 81 perme erac S \S \% se " ‘ KAREL du JARDIN (ATTRIBUTED) Dutch, 1625-1678 335 CATTLE ON A DUTCH MOOR. In the foreground a group of cattle is seen in the green meadow, while afar a gray fog is coming in from the sea. Panel. Signed with monogram. Height, 11 1-2 inches; width, 13 1-2 inches. MAX WEYL Contemporary American Painter 336 PINES. ON THE BANK -OF THE Slovene POTOMAC. Through an opening in the grove of slender pine trees, a glimpse of the broad Potomac Gulf is seen with a line of blue shore beyond. The sky is tinged with yellow light. Canvas. Signed. Height, 20 1-2 inches; width, 16 1-2 inches. FERDINAND PHILIP DE HAMILTON 1664-1750 Court Painter of Charles VI, of Austria 33? Se LiLL ikke A group of dead birds lying on a marble top table show quite different plumage from those in the companion picture by the same artist in this collec- tion. But the same gray cat appears at the back, excited at the prospect. Canvas. Signed and dated. Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. Taken from the Tuileries during the Commune in 1871. 82 _ _ MELCHIOR HONDECOETER (ATTRIBUTED) | Dutch 1636-1695 838 LANDSCAPE WITH FOWLS. At the foot of a large tree some game cocks are seen strutting about with feathers spread ; beyond stretches a landscape under a brilliant sky. Canvas. Signed. Height, 22 inches; width, 29 inches. Taken from the Tuileries during the Commune in 1871. GEORGE MORLAND English, 1763-1804 339 LANDSCAPE AND DONKEYS. In the foreground two donkeys are seen, one standing grazing, one lying down. A gaunt tree bends over from the left spreading its branches against a summer sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1784. Height, 12 inches; width, 14 1-2 inches. From the collection of Mr. John Ogilvie, Brechen, Scotland. MARIO NUZZI, CALLED MARIO DA FIORI Italian 1603-1673 340 THE MAGDALEN SURROUNDED BY A WREATH OF FLOWERS. In a wreath of roses, tulips and other flowers, in the painting of which this artist won great renown, appears the head of a young woman, her brown hair falling in ringlets about her neck. MHer face is upturned showing the whites of her eyes as she gazes ecstatically at some vision above. One hand holds her hair to her throat. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 22 inches. Taken from the Tuileries during the Commune in 1870. 83 WILLIAM H. HILLIARD Contemporary American Painter 1836 ~ 341 AN ENGLISH ROSE GARDEN. The long low barn with thatched roof extends from the right enclosing a garden space with beds of rose bushes. Beyond rise tall trees. Canvas. Signed and dated ’80. Height, 17 1-2 inches; width, 24 inches. GEORGES CROGAERT Contemporary French Painter 342 PORTRAIT OF THE ARCH DUCHESS OLGA. i ; The blonde young woman with blue eyes, in low cut white evening gown, is seen at half length, front view. She wears a stomacher of pearls with strands of pearls across her arm, and a seven strand necklace about her neck. Bows of white ribbon are seen at her shoulders. Panel. Signed. Height, 12 1-2 inches; width, 9 inches. NARCISSE VIRGILIO DIAZ French 1808-1876 348 A LANDSCAPE STUDY. Across a stretch of rock-strewn pasture land runs an unused roadway toward a range of blue hills hemming the horizon. Scant trees rise on either hand with the scrub underbrush of the wild country. A mass of boulders is seen on the left. White clouds hang low in the blue gray sky. Panel. Signed. Height, 4 inches; width, 6 inches. 84 ee eS ee ee ee ee ee eS ee «CHESTER HARDING American, 1792-1866 _ PORTRAIT OF DANIEL WEBSTER. The oval portrait shows Webster at bust length with three-quarters view of the face. He wears a black coat and white stock. Canvas. Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches. EIGHTEEN OLD POLISH MINIATURE POR- TRAITS. | . In oils, on wooden panels, in two original frames of carved wood. They show the portraits of Sigismund First and Barbara Radzewill, King and Queen of Poland from 1507-1548, each occupying the centre space surrounded by eight portraits of celebrated Poles whose names are inscribed beneath. Found and purchased in Warsaw. HENDRIK VALKENBURG § Dutch, 1826-1896 346. « In a sheltered spot in the mountains a horse, goat and cow are seen resting at nightfall. The rocky 91 py fees ee aes | cl! Sel Tae Serer sree SOO fo but pia i lg rine BE 2 re re aan si ei haha $ eed, | + . walls of the mountains rise as a background against a blue sky. Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 24 inches. Formerly hung in the Tuileries whence it was taken at the time of the Commune in ’71. UNKNOWN PAINTER 359 THE PALMIST. In an interior a peasant in a red dress stands before a handsomely dressed woman seated, who reads the story of her life from her palm. An open window above gives a view of the woodland. Panel. Signed and dated at the lower right, but illegible. Height, 20 inches; width, 17 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER 360 PORTRAIT OF SIR FRANCIS BURDETTE. Seen at bust length turned three quarters to the right the great London banker looks directly at the specta- tor. He wears a black coat, high white collar and ruffled shirt. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; undth, 21 inches. HERMAN SAFTLEVEN Dutch, 1609-1685 3861 “EUROPA AND THE BULL. At the right is a sheet of water in which is seen the bull bearing Europa on his back with a red scarf fluttering over her head. A group of figures look on from the shore; beyond stretches a mountain land- scape. Canvas. Relined. Height, 19 inches; width, 27 1-2 inches. 92 . t | 364 _ GEORGE MORLAND English, 1763-1804 ¢ “PORTRAIT OF THE COUNTESS OF ESSEX. Dressed in a quaint costume with ruffle at the neck, the slender figure is seen at half length, gazing directly at the spectator. Her dark hair clusters in ringlets about her temples; landscape background. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. From the collection of the Honorable George Hodgson, Norton Hall, Lincolnshire, England. UNKNOWN PAINTER THE FORTUNE TELLER. Seated in a stone porch on a broken capital, a woman in a yellow dress with a white apron, is telling the fortune of a child which has been brought to her by the Roman peasant mother who kneels before her attended by a dog. At the back a column rises from which arches spring to the right and left through which is seen the Roman campagna traversed by an aqueduct. Panel. Signed in monogram on the pillar at the left, but illegible. Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches. L. FARRAND Contemporary English Painter SOUTHDOWN SHEEP AND SHEPHERDESS. A group of three sheep lie at rest on a knoll watched over by a young girl who sits on a log at the left. A clump of bushes rise behind her, and at the right stretches a landscape under a sky filled with yellow light. Canvas. Signed and dated 1869. Height, 26 inches; width, 44 inches. 93 fon at Rat By te ; nt = # £ % W. VELTEN Contemporary German Painter 365 A ROYAL DEER HUNT. Through a thicket of trees and brush a body of horse- men in the uniforms and cocked hats of an earlier period ride at a gallop in pursuit of their quarry. The picture is distinguished by the most careful bey drawing of both men and horses in action, with the Se closest attention to detail. Canvas. Signed from Munich. Height, 29 inches; width, 44 inches. Bought from the artist. BE Cea k ME a sa la eB eel SF Res, Fake oe Sb ae Oe et ENS" ae Se Crt re iia oa fa ALL pa A at i = fay A ts i “ a rity gts heat Fis , ate a! evi pe’ wil . ies Ss ee SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK (ATTRIBUTED) 366 PORTRAIT OF CHARLES I, WHEN PRINCE OF WALES. Wearing a coat of golden brown, the young Prince stands leaning against a pillar which rises at the right. 8 On his head is a brown wig with long curls which fC fall to his shoulders and his brown eyes gaze directly at the spectator. Canvas. Oval. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 1-2 inches. Formerly in the collection of the Countess of Jersey and purchased directly from the executor of her estate. GERARD HONTHORST Flemish 1592-1660 367 ELIZABETH, DAUGHTER OF JAMES VI OF ENGLAND, QUEEN OF BOHEMIA. The beautiful Princess is seen at half length, her head in three quarters view. She is dressed in black with Re) corsage cut square and bordered with a wide double 94 brown hair is rolled back from the forehead, a Fs ea of large pearls with a large pear-shaped pearl pend- ant encircles her neck. Canvas, relined. - Height, 27 inches; width, 22 1-2 inches. Purchased from the collection of the Earl of Craven. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK (ATTRIBUTED) Flemish, 1598-1641 368 PORTRAIT OF LORD WILLIAM ALEXANDER, EARL OF STIRLING. Dressed in black with a broad white collar the sub- ject is seen at half length standing, and holding his cloak to his breast ; his hair is long and falls in curls to a his shoulders. His face is seen in three-quarters view, and he gazes directly at the spectator. Canvas. Height, 28 inches; width, 23 1-2 inches. Purchased directly from a descendant of the family liv- ing in England. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS English, 1723-1792 369 AN ENGLISH BOY. | | | | _ . In a golden brown coat with wide flat collar edged fi with lace, the boy is seen at half length. Across his The left arm hangs a scarf. His black hair falls loosely over his brows and his dark eyes look directly at the spectator. Canvas. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches. 95 est) ee. = be eT See Sg ae ee Toa oe: DEVIEUX Contemporary French Painter _ 370 ° THE HEAD WATERS OF THE RHINE. In the foreground a river shaded by tall trees, breaks into a cascade over rocks, above which the stream is spanned by a bridge on which a man and woman stand talking. At the right winds a roadway on ; which advance some cows driven by a man meeting a 7, €" woman and a boy. In the distance rises a range of aie mountains. Canvas, signed. . Height, 20 inches; width, 37 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER 371 PORTRAIT OF MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Wearing a dark dress with green silk sleeves ending in white cuffs and a high ruff at the neck, the subject is seen at half length seated, looking directly at the spectator. On her head she wears the pointed cap; a single strand of pearls is about her neck, also a long chain which is looped up in the center and held to her corsage by a knot of ribbon. In her right hand she holds a kerchief, and a double chatelaine fastened to the point of her waist falls across her skirt. Can- vas. Height, 38 inches; width, 28 inches. Pte, Wg & FRANCESCA ZUCCARELLI Italian, 1702-1788 3872 FLORENCE AND THE ARNO FROM FIESOLE. The height from which the view is taken is thickly wooded and two figures are seen on the right playing guitars at the base of a statue of Diana; at the left 96 No. 373. THE HONORABLE MRS. GRADDON By Thomas Gainsborough two figures are seated. Through an opening in the trees is seen the city of Florence with the river spanned by a bridge of many arches. Canvas, re- lined. Height, 25 inches; width, 32 inches. THOMAS GAINSBBOROUGH English, 1727-1788 __- 373.-«~ PORTRAIT OF THE HON. MRS. GRADDON. Wearing a blue dress open at the neck, with a gauze scarf, the lady is seen at half length against a land- scape background. Her hair is rolled high above her forehead and crowned by a mob cap of lace trimmed with blue ribbon. Her left hand is raised to her face. Canvas, relined. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Bought from the collection of Lord Curries, Primrose” Gardens, London. (See Illustration.) GEORGE HENRY HARLOW English, 1787-1819 374 PORTRAIT OF HON. J. AYTON. In black coat with voluminous ruffled stock the hand- some young man leans his right arm upon an open book, with his head resting on his hand. His left arm is extended against the red back of the chair. His face is turned and he looks to the right. His brown hair is brushed back from his forehead. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. From the collection of Mr. John Ogilvie of Brechen, Scotland. (See Illustration.) 99 HANS HOLBEIN, THE YOUNGER (ATTRIBUTED) German, 1497-1543 375 PORTRAIT OF MISTRESS VON MEYER. In a black dress with wide lace edged ruff and cuffs she sits with hands folded on her lap. Several rings are seen on her fingers and a chatelaine chain about her waist falls at her right. On her head is a close fitting German cap. In the upper left corner a Coat- of Arms appears on the background, with an inscrip- tion giving her age as 62 and dated 1525. Canvas — relined. Height, 31 inches; width 26 inches. GEORGE HENRY HARLOW English, 1787-1819 376 PORTRAIT OF LADY FAIRLEE AND CHILD. The mother, seated, is seen at half length drawing to her side a golden haired child who fingers a rib- bon knotted about her mother’s waist. Her black hair clusters in ringlets about her brows and her blue eyes look directly at the observer. About her bare neck is a fine gold chain, and over her white ruffled gown she wears a crimson coat with puffed sleeves and wide standing collar. A brooch is fast- ened in the ruffle of her corsage. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 22 inches. From the collection of Mr. John Ogilvie of Brechen, Scotland. (See Illustration.) A. R. VERON Contemporary French Painter 377 AN OLD MILL ON THE UPPER LOIRE. Embowered in trees, the gable roofed structure with outside wheel stands on an elevation to the left, the 100 No, 374. HON. J. AYTON By George Henry Harlow as smoke curling from its chimney. Below the river sos sweeps by at the edge of which a wagon with four oxen is standing, from which men are unloading grain. A second building is seen at the left, while on the high farther shore is a castle. Golden light = fills the sky. Canvas, signed and dated 1854. i Height, 21 inches; width, 28 inches. cae SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE 1769-1830 3%8 PORTRAIT OF THE HON. MRS. ASHLEY. Wearing a white dress open at the neck, the subject is seen at half length seated. She wears a turban of white cloth with red bars, from which her dark hair escapes in ringlets about her temples, and her blue eyes gaze intently to the right. A red scarf falls loosely about her shoulders. The low branches of a tree form the background. Before she became Lady Ashley, the sitter was the widow of Opie, the Scotch painter. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. Purchased from Mr. Ogilvie, a Scotch collector, at Brechan, north of Edinboro. She appears in the family group, by Opie, No. 347 in this Collection. (See Illustration.) SIR GODFREY KNELLER English, 1646-1723 379 PORTRAIT OF GENERAL SIR JAMES STAN- HOPE. Seen at half length, the subject stands with one hand at his belt. He wears a red coat with gilt buttons, 103 which, open, reveals his white stock and scarf. His - brown eyes look directly at the spectator, and the long curls of his brown wig fall to his shoulders. Canvas. Height, 80 inches; width, 25 inches. ALBRECHT DURER German, 1471-1528 380 PORTRAIT OF HANS IMHOFF. The panel shows this friend of the artist at bust length wearing a black coat with a wide collar of brown fur, open at the front to show his gathered shirtfront and ruffled band. His curling hair falls to his shoulders and on his head is a broad brimmed hat which forms a strong contrast to the golden back- ground. His keen brown eyes gaze intently to the a left and the expression of the face is haunting; the contracted brows, the firm mouth show keen in- telligence. In his left hand, just visible at the bottom, is a rolled up paper. The picture is painted with minute care and is a variation from a portrait of the same subject in the Prado, which is smaller in size. Its history can be traced back almost a century, when it belonged to that renowned connoisseur, Car- dinal Fesch. At the famous sale of the Cardinal’s collection in 1848, the picture was purchased by Sig- nor Brizziolari, of Genoa. After his death it was secured by Mr. Graves from his widow. Panel. Signed with monogram and dated 1521. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 imches. 104 No. 376. LADY FAIRLEE AND CHILD By George Henry Harlow ¥ . 381 LANDSCAPE. _—,s ADAM PYNACKER - Dutch, 1621-1673 Along a roadway which crosses the foreground at the base of a mound crowned with thickly clustered _ trees, a woman on a donkey, attended by a woman on foot, is passing. Two other figures, a man and a woman, are seen sitting at the right. Through the openings in the branches above, a deep blue sky ap- pears, and at the left a wide meadow with a flock of sheep grazing reaches away to a distant range of mountains against a golden sky. Canvas. Height, 85 inches; width, 45 inches. j j : SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS English, 1723-1792 382 PORTRAIT OF KITTY FISHER. Seated in a green chair, with a rose mantel trimmed with ermine over her shoulders, the young woman sits holding a dove in her lap, while another is perched on the base of the window above. Her low cut dress has a brooch in the front and she wears a blue sash; a blue ribbon is entwined in a curl of her hair which falls to her bare bosom. She is seated against a green curtain. Sir Joshua painted a num- ber of portraits of this beautiful daughter of the Ger- man stay-maker, each with some variation from the other ; one of these showing the lady wearing a minia- ture portrait of David Garrick about her neck may be seen in the Art Gallery of the New York Public Library. Canvas. Height, 37 inches; width, 28 inches. From the Collection of the late Countess of Jersey, purchased from the executor of her estate. (See Illustration.) 107 MAX WEYL Contemporary American Painter 3883 AN OLD VIRGINIA CHERRY ORCHARD. . From the foreground a wavy footpath wanders on past the gnarled roots of the trees, over the meadow and up and across a low hill in the distance. The Wa ground is mottled with light falling through the branches; above is a blue sky with white rolling , clouds. Canvas. Signed. . Height, 32 inches; ee 27 ines ¥ BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO (ATTRIBUTED) © Spanish, 1618-1682 384 THE HOLY FAMILY SURROUNDED BY A WREATH OF FLOWERS. The young Mother seated, holds the Infant Christ on her lap, resting her chin on the top of His head. _ She wears a rich red mantle and a gray-blue scarf falls across her shoulder down across the body of the Child, who is clothed in a white shirt. Beside the Mother sits St. Joseph, wearing a brown robe, his head resting on his right hand. This group is in an oval circle surrounded by a garland of many dif- ferent kinds of flowers forming a brilliant framework. Panel. Signed, at the right. Height, 41 inches; width, 29 1-2 inches. This Painting was purchased from a noble family in Seville and brought to Boston many years ago. 108 ASHLEY o 1S) SS 5] aes rae om: jaa) Gs , ao KR oD re) a _ SIR HENRY RAEBURN Scotch, 1756-1823 > * s “385, PORTRAIT OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. = With body facing the spectator, the poet turns his wit head to the right with gaze directed upward. His hair of light brown is brushed back from his fore- head. His buff waistcoat opens at the neck revealing a white stock. His coat is of brown color. Raeburn painted his friend Scott a number of times; the present portrait was painted when Scott was 26 years : of age, that is in 1797 when Raeburn was 41. Can- i vas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Bought from Mr. John Ogilvie, a Scotch Collector at os Brechen, Scotland. Formerly in the Russell Collection. os (See Illustration.) GIOVANNI GHISOLFI Italian, 1632-1683 386 THE DEATH OF CAESAR. : Within a lofty architectural structure, a vast spectacular architectural dream of columns and arches, porches and colonades, numerous figures are seen, among them the mighty Caesar fallen at the base of a statue, stricken by the dagger of an enemy bending over him. Above, at the left, an angel in rose drapery floats on a cloud, as heavenly witness of the deed. While the architectural scheme is the work of Ghisolfi, who was renowned for his archi- tectural creations, the figures are the work of his friend and fellow-artist, Salvator Rosa. Canvas. Height, 44 inches; width, 54 inches. 8 i fi 111 iia COUNT ALFRED DEBYLANDT Belgian, Died 1895 : 887 LANDSCAPE SS FLANDERS. ¢ i a tree. Noble oak trees lift their mighty arms 3 the summer sky, while beyond lies a wide stretch 0 pte peaceful summer landscape. Canvas. Signed. — a4 _ Height, 51 inches; width, 66 inches. This painting hung for many years in the Boston Art Museum loaned by Mrs. = D. Warren and was pureed from her estate. re 112 No. 385. SIR WALTER SCOTT By Sir Henry Raeburn ss“ FIFTH SESSION _ Wednesday Afternoon, April 10th, 2:30 o’clock | | Jewelry he ¥: Enamels, Scarf Pins, Pendants, Rings, East Indian Necklaces, Pins, and Rajah’s Rings of great brilliancy and variety _. 388 ANTIQUE EGYPTIAN AMULET. With inscriptions on each side. $89 OLD ENGLISH GOLD FOB SEAL. Of red sardonyx. 390: ITALIAN SCARF PIN. _-In the form of a leaf in green enamel; mounted in gold. 391 SCARF PIN. Containing an East Indian sapphire. 392 SCARF PIN. With sky-blue sapphire. 115 nee a ne os cm SCARF PIN. : =e With a rosette of white as . SCARF PIN. SCARF PIN. Of a tinted pearl with diamonds. SCARF PIN. With white pearl and diamond head. SCARF PIN. : Containing a “scarab cut from an Oriental opal; a mounted in gold. a CHILD’S ANTIQUE BRACELET. Of fine gold in a braided design. 399 SCARF PIN. Of jockey club design, a star sapphire forming the — cap, the gold vizor holding three rubies. 400 OLD ENGLISH GOLD FOB SEAL. Of red sardonyx. 401 OLD FRENCH FOB AND SEAL. Of fine gold of extraordinary workmanship, the fob set with a large golden topaz. 402 ANCIENT TYRRHENIAN HAMMERED GOLD a ; RING. With singular symbol of a tree in the center. 116 408 409 410 : 03 E206 GREEK RING. _ In original setting containing an intaglio of eee gus cut on red sardonyx. Period of the Crusades. FINE GOLD RING. Set with seven singularly cut crystals ; Hindoo mount- ing. RED CARNELIAN SEAL. With finely cut ea of the heads of Socrates and Pericles. MEDALLION. Showing the head of a Sheik with the head of a Me as a cap; mounted in gold and silver. Syrian work. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. Intaglio head of Diana cut partly in male sard, partly in gold. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. In original setting containing an intaglio of the head of a woman cut in female sardonyx. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. In original setting containing an intaglio of two fig- ures, cupid and the imp cut in red jasper. ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. With intaglio of two figures and trees cut on gold bearing lapis. 117 411 ANTIQUE GREEK RING. = : a With Orpheus seated with lyre on rons reget AT oie intaglio on an panethy st. Mounting ee Century. vay 412 ITALIAN FIBULA IN FINE GOLD. ft Set with a coin of Alexander the Great. pis 413 BETROTHAL RING. of With crown, heart and clasped hands, in fine gold. 414 ANTIQUE GREEK EMERALD BROOCH AND PENDANT. ., Showing the head of Medusa exquisitely carved in AY relief ; the emerald is of fine color. / Fi From the Duke of Hamilton’s collection of antique gems. 415 ANCIENT GREEK PURE GOLD RING. ef With symbol in center in bold relief. /v 416 ANCIENT GREEK HAMMERED GOLD RING. fl. With head in center. Probably 250 B. C. 41% ANTIQUE GREEK BAIL RING. In fine gold setting with intaglio figure of Plenty cut on an emerald of fine color. Of the best period of Greek art. 418 ANTIQUE GREEK RING. . In original setting containing an intaglio of male fig- ro ure cut in white sardonyx. 118 419 ANTIQUE GREEK RING. “so In Indian mounting of pure gold containing an in- taglio of Cupid cut on pale amethyst. EAR RINGS OF FILIGREE GOLD. Of pure gold in design of the baskets used by native carriers. OLD ITALIAN SEAL. With the head of a negro cut from black jasper, and containing an antique Etruscan intaglio for a seal; mounted in gold and silver. OLD ITALIAN SEAL. Containing an antique intaglio of Hermes. XVIth Century workmanship. SCARF PIN. Containing a large smoky baroque pearl with dia- mond. SCARF PIN. Containing a large white pearl held in a band of twisted gold. PENDANT. In fine gold setting enclosing antique Greek Intaglio of Hermes cut in light chalcedony. 1 ¢ if f \ i , = - ie. Sek Ae” ”" ih ' 4 } 3 ; ANTIQUE EGYPTIAN SCARAB. Of steatite mounted in fine gold as a seal ring. De- sign shows a double Asp, with inscription. ASS 119 rey LE OMT aa ee em - pom ie ane . at fp EAR Oa a ‘S ee i ats Gh my m, aif i ee ee ae he As ay a sae is eA ie aid 45 aah em a) i, meres ‘ : if é Tat at Re ee 7 hale ey Pe, ray 433 434 435 ANTIQUE ETRUSCAN SCARAB. In red sardonyx, mounted as a ring. ANTIQUE ETRUSCAN SCARAB. In red sardonyx, mounted as a ring. ANTIQUE ETRUSCAN SCARAB. Of red sardonyx, mounted-as a ring. MEDIAEVAL SEAL. Elaborately carved design of knights in armor fight- ing, set in gold and silver, carrying a fine antique intaglio of the head of Mars. ANTIQUE ROMAN SEAL. The Goddess of Plenty cut in intaglio on red jasper, in Medizval gold mounting. ASSYRIAN CYLINDER SEAL. Of hematite, mounted in gold showing the god with double winged head. ANTIQUE ASSYRIAN SEAL. Mounted as a ring. Archaic design of flower, leaf and branches. ANTIQUE ETRUSCAN SCARAB. Of light chalcedony, mounted as a ring. ANTIQUE ETRUSCAN SCARAB. In red sardonyx, mounted as a ring. 120 437 438 439 440 441 ANTIQUE ROMAN BRONZE BURIAL RING. Once covered with gold, partly visible now, set with ancient intaglio of Victory cut in red jasper. ANCIENT GREEK RING OF PURE GOLD. With intaglio head in the gold. RED CORAL BRACELET. With large cameo head under clasp beautifully carved; mounted in gold. ANTIQUE EAST INDIAN NECKLACE. Formed of fourteen rubies pierced for mounting in alternation with seventeen baroque pearls, in gold. The whole supports a large ruby inscribed on both sides with the talisman of Good Luck. AENEAS, IULUS AND ANCHISES. Cut in male sard with antique setting. From the famous Collection of the Duke of Hamilton. SCAEVOLA Q. MUCIUS. The Roman Tribune is seen burning his hand before Porsena. Cut in mottled male sard. A Greaco- Roman example. INTAGLIO CUT IN A LARGE WHITE CRYSTAL. Shows five full length figures; a King seated on his throne under a tree with subjects addressing him. A superb example of the best period of Greek Art. 121 443 ANTIQUE GREEK DOUBLE INTAGLIO. . Showing A‘sculapius cut in red and white sard. In- ae taglios on each side are so cut that when examined | J] 35 against the light, the cutting on one side does not appear on the reverse. One of the rarest examples. 444 ANTIQUE GREEK HEAD WITH INSCRIPTION. Cut in light brown and grayish white sardonyx. A fine example of early Greek work. Pao MRS eS ait PA ern ta et ee) day te ATS Tye 2 ES Sy 2G pe een ec) so c ier a =) eas RIS Sel Spemee > . Co SR nis leas as ee ad xe — 445 WINGED MERCURY WITH CADUCEUS. Greek figure with inscriptions. Cut in white car- paths nelian, mounted in gold. 446 GANYMEDE AS CUP BEARER TO THE GODS. Cut in mottled sardonyx, in which the artist used the opaque center of the stone as drapery for the nude figure. 44% HEAD OF A VESTAL VIRGIN. Intaglio cut in dull green agate, and set with a clus- eee. ey ee 2s ae. Sef SPEC ter of crudely cut diamonds mounted in gold as a 3 aaa pendant. ; 448 THE THREE GRACES. Cut in opalescent chalcedony. This is one of the | : most beautiful examples known of the best period of 4 q° ancient Greek Glyptic Art. 449 THE GODDESS OF PROSPERITY HOLDING : HORN OF PLENTY. 4 oe Cut in vari-colored dark brown sardonyx, and i mounted as pendant in gold and silver. 122 | o¢ 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 ENAMEL. _ Head of a woman on a blue ground; set in gold, as a pin, with diamonds and sapphires. ENAMEL. Head of Rubens, set in gold, as a pin, with rubies and lemon yellow sapphires. OLD ITALIAN ENAMEL. A head set in gold and silver as pendant. PAIR OF ITALIAN EAR RINGS. In fine gold with dull enamel and pearl pendants. Of the time of the Medici. ANOTHER PAIR. Similar in design but smaller. Of the same period. SQUARE MEDALLION OF FINE GOLD. A hunting scene with King mounted on horseback and wild animals in gold on transparent Imperial green enamel. An example of old Jeypore enamel. ANOTHER. Oval in form, similar in design. ANOTHER. Oval in form, similar in design and smaller. ANOTHER. Oval in form, similar in design. 123 Painting in enamel on gold, surroumed with gi vines and leaves, the leaves in enamel and the grap. formed of pearls. Louis XIVth period. 460 OLD ITALIAN ENAMELED RING. aes / 40> The design shows Aphrodite in relief, standing in a sea-shell. of dzey & . 461 NECKLACE OF SEVEN GEM AMETHYSTS. - Of fine color, holding a large perfect gaat 4 Rs 3 < Go” pendant. pe 5 462 PIN AND PENDANT. = c = Large aquamarine on which are cut in intaglio the ae gt heads of Pericles and Aspasia, surrounded with dL Oriental pearls and four East Indian flame Jacinths. = 463 EAST INDIAN PIN AND PENDANT. 3 Large perfect flame Jacinth surrounded with a circle 6. of East Indian olivines, and these by a second circle of golden beryls. 464 PIN AND PENDANT. : Large Persian turquoise perfect in quality and in AQ: color, surrounded by a circle of twenty-five Oriental = cs eg pearls. 465 PIN AND PENDANT. Of pure gold and platinum in crown form containing perfect Old Mine diamond, ruby and sapphire cut in & : pear shape surrounded by Old Mine diamonds. 124 PIN AND PENDANT. Pale-pink topaz, set with bee garnets alternating with diamonds. PIN. Large Tasmanian opal set to revolve, showing on the one side most brilliant points of many colored lights. It is set with diamonds. Opal imperfect. Weight of Opal, 24 karats; diamonds, 4 karats. 4 PIN AND PENDANT. Containing very large and beautiful East Indian sky- blue star sapphire, set in a wreath of pearls and diamonds; stone flawed. ~ PIN AND PENDANT. Containing a perfect Oriental opal mounted in fine gold with perfect diamonds and emeralds, and a perfect pear shaped pearl as pendant. PIN AND PENDANT. Siberian Amethyst, with its two colors sharply de- fined, in a setting of diamonds and pearls in the design of a wreath. GOLD PENDANT. Elaborately carved front and back; mounted with an antique relievo head of a Roman Vestal cut from light brown sardonyx. Extremely fine in its work- manship. 125 ® . sai rae en? See ser aD \ AR , ses, SO hat Seta 6 WAS LER a Containing rier Alexandrite. in natural light Efe color is deep moss-green, in artificial light the gree disappears and the stone becomes a beautiful I ruby red. EAST INDIAN PIN. Center contains a brilliant East Indian aquamarine = surrounded by a cluster of golden beryls, and this in turn surrounded by a circle of rubelites. Original — East Indian setting. PIN AND PENDANT. Containing a remarkable star ruby of a delicate pink color set in a wreath of pearls and diamonds. 475 FRENCH NECKLACE. a Consisting of pearls and diamonds set in silver with = eS gold back in a design of leaves and flowers; from a Lu 6 t= the center, which is a bow-knot of diamonds, hangs as pendant, a large pear-shaped pearl. e. 4%6 FRENCH PIN. The head is a spray of leaves and flowers of white 3 A: gold, set with diamonds. From this hang three ; Sv pendants of East Indian pink topazes, set with dia- ~ monds. 47% EAST INDIAN PENDANT AND CHAIN. Pendant set with five pearls holding as drops oe cabochon emeralds and a ruby. 126 EAST INDIAN NECKLACE. With large emerald pendants and a ruby head; other emeralds on the clasp; gold work of India. ANTIQUE FRENCH CANE HEAD. Of chiseled gold of different colors and set with precious and semi-precious stones. On the top is the letter ““P” set with rubies and emeralds. FRENCH FOB. Cut from agate set in fine gold elaborately mounted with rubies and diamonds. FRENCH FOB. In gold, holding a large amethyst. OLD EAST INDIAN NECKLACE. With rose diamond heading and golden sapphire and emerald pendant. OLD EAST INDIAN GOLD NECKLACE. Dating back to the period of Serpent Worship; the head of the serpent, set with rubies, holds in his mouth as pendant a large white crystal. EAST INDIAN RING. Containing a dark pearl center with four dark pearls adjoining ; set with small diamonds. OLD BURMESE COURT NECKLACE. Unusual in form and workmanship; of pure gold set with various precious stones embedded in it and ornamented all over with designs of Burmese enamelling. This piece is of very old workmanship. 127 BURMESE ARMLET. : Of pure gold decorated with the ancient Sree a bor enamelling in quaint design. The ends are formed a i two Dragons’ heads, in which, as tongues that ¢nove are two large rubies. This piece is of very old ae manship. a) 487 ANCIENT BURMESE ARMLET, OR ANKLET. = Of solid, pure gold set with curiously cut diamonds. — = The whole decorated with Burmese enamelling. This - piece is of very old workmanship. 488 OLD PERSIAN GIRDLE. me Of gold with 6 large Persian turquoises having talis- Ls ‘, mans engraved upon them, filled with gold and semi- q f precious stones set in alternation. ae 3 489 EAST INDIAN TWIN RING. ~ a In fine gold holding two fancy colored sapphires sur- as: a6 rounded with diamonds. a = Le g* oe i E 490 OLD FRENCH PIN. . = | In the form of a branch with leaves, flowers and = gt: fruit set with pearls, rubies and sapphires. 491 ENGLISH PIN AND PENDANT WITH NECK ] CHAIN. 3 @ . Set with four pink tourmalines and six brilliant 4 — beryls. “ éZ re x . y, «* v 49 2 492 493 495 496 Z SIXTH SESSION | Re ineaday Evening, April 10th, 8:15 o'clock Chinese Porcelains KORO. Of tripod form, archaic in design, carved under the glaze, fine crackle surface. «Height, 5 inches. STAND. With Dog-Foo heads and feet, with a glaze known as - gold rust, brownish yellow in tone, iridescent. Height, 3 inches; top, 6 inches square. Chien-Lung period. BOWL OF JAPANESE POTTERY. Of soft black surface with leaf decorations. Made by Ninsei. On a stand. Height, 4 1-2 inches. VERY OLD BOWL JAPANESE. Square in form and archaic in design, with decoration of dark brown leaves on a creamy ground. Made by Kenzau, signed. On a stand. Height, 4 inches. ORANGE-YELLOW DOUBLE VASE OF JAPA- NEO POFTERY. Minutely perforated or carved in Oriental design and covered with a light green glaze. Old Raku. Height, 8 1-2 inches. 129 ANE a) ‘Nin yEcacAn Sheth ene ny aa. = 497 BOWL. er ayo Oval in form. Of creamy inte pasta carve a designs of flowers and basket pattern. On a Height, 7 inches. Ming f De 498 ENAMELED PLACQUE. Decorations of birds, flowers and butterflies en- ne ameled in natural colors on soft white ground, on no = copper. Diameter, 7 inches. Kang-Si period. 499 ENAMELED TEAPOT. Of unusual form, with decorations of birds, ieee Bae . and branches on a soft white ground. Example of __ a . old Chinese enamelling on copper. On a teakwood stand. Height, 8 inches. Kang-Si period. 500 BOWL. Of solid black color, with unusual glaze and lemon 7 ee peel surface, on tripod feet. Diameter, 7 inches; height, 4 1-2 inches. -Yung-Ching period. 501 SOFT PASTE JAR. With delicate decorations of birds and flowers in Lip? soft colors. With carved teakwood top. On a stand. Height, 14 inches. Yung-Ching period. 502 RARE CREAMY WHITE VASE. 0 With incised decorations under the glaze. Head of eee Dog-Foo handles. On a stand. Height, 13 inches. Yung-Ching period. 503. VASE. ae Rectangular in form of deep Sang-de-boeuf, with medallions on sides carved in paste. On a stand. Height, 18 inches. Chien-Lung period. } 6 Eé = 130 GALIPOT. _ Of unusual form, with decorations in delicate blue of horses, clouds and symbols. On a stand. Height, 8 inches. BLUE AND WHITE JAR. With delicate decorations of vines, flowers and con- ventional forms on a white ground; on carved teak- wood stand. Height, 15 inches. Chien-Lung period. BOWL. With lemon peel surface of rose pink, having round medallions, decorated with fruit, branches and flowers. On a stand. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 8 inches. Chien-Lung period. BLUE AND WHITE BOWL. Of unusual form, with decorations of blue on white ground. On carved stand. Diameter of bowl, 7 inches; height, 5 1-2 inches. CRACKLE VASE. Dull drab in tone. On a stand. Height, 6 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung period. VASE. Of very fine glaze with crackle cafe-au-lait surface. On a stand. Height, 8 1-2 inches. Yung-Ching period. BOWL. With flowers carved in relief in natural colors, with leaves, lined with brilliant blue glaze. On a stand. Diameter, 5 1-2 inches; height, 3 3-4 inches. Chien-Lung period. 131 Pes st 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 511 BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. Decoration of bamboo stalk and leaf with feath border. Ona stand. xe Height, 14 1-2 inches. Chien Lung period. COVERED JAR. With decorations in white, of symbols, flowers, and foliage on a blue ground. On a stand. Height, 12 inches. Chien-Lung period. COVERED JAR. Of antique form, with decorations in two shades of blue, in the ancient Chinese language. On a stand. Height, 12 inches. Chien-Lung period. COVERED JAR. Old form, with silver rim on lip. Decorations of landscape in two shades of blue. On a stand. Height, 14 inches. Kang-Si period. VASE. | Of apple green color, with fine crackle surface. On astand. Height, 5 3-4 inches. Chien-Lung period. BOWL. With pale green glaze of fine crackle surface. Ona stand. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 5 inches. Yung-Ching period. CLUB SHAPED VASE. > Deep sapphire blue ground with four-claw dragon and symbols in gold. Height, 15 1-2 inches. Tao-Kwang period. IRON RUST BOWL. One of the earliest examples of its kind. On a stand. Height, 4 1-2 inches; diameter, 6 inches. Yung-Ching period. 132 i = 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 In soft, dull, bluish green tone, on an elaborately carved stand. Height, 7 inches. Cochin-China Ware. PEACH-BLOOM ROUGE BOX AND COVER. With robin’s egg blue lining. Height, 2 1-4 inches. Chien-Lung period. KORO. Of Tripod form. Height, 4 1-2 inches. Ming period. JAR. With carved ivory cover. Large crackle surface under glaze. On a stand. Height, 5 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung period. VASE. | Of Red Pigeon’s blood. A very rare example. Un- usual in quality. This glaze is produced by grinding garnets and rubies to powder and was first established under Imperial patronage about 1430. Height, 14 inches. Yung-Ching period. COVERED JAR. With Persian designs on dull white ground. On a stand. Height, 11 inches. Kang-Si period. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. Soft uniform Sang-de-boeuf color. On a stand. Height, 12 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung period. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. Perfect peach bloom glaze on crackle ground. Ona stand. Height, 10 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung period. 133 527 528 529 530 532 533 VASE. Of crushed strawberry color. Extremely rare. Ona stand. Height, 10 1-2 inches. Kang-Si period. VASE. Of white soft paste, of fine form and texture. Ona stand. Height, 8 inches. Chien-Lung period. BOWL. Of dark peach bloom surface. On a stand. Height, 3 3-4 inches. Chien-Lung period. VASE. Creamy white in tone and trumpet shaped form. Signed under glaze. On a stand. Height, 10 inches. Tsung-Te period. 1636-1644. LARGE COVERED JAR, Of the Famille de Rose with delicate floral decora- tions in natural colors on soft white ground. Cover of carved teakwood with carved jade medallion set in. On a stand. Height, 12 1-2 inches. Yung-Ching period. COVERED JAR. Ovoid in form and creamy white in tone. The paste carved in design of flowers and branches, under glaze. On a stand. Height, 11 inches. Chien-Lung period. COVERED JAR. Of Ovoid form. Ground of old ivory of fine crackle surface. Decorations in blue and white of the eight famous horses of the ancient Emperor Mu-Wang. On a stand. Height, 12 inches. Chien-Lung period. 134 mnie grt mt aa ONE ONG PEI OLS ele a Fn 2S ee ee be | —. 584 B85 536 537 538 539 COVERED JAR. Round form. Imperial yellow ground with decora- tions in soft colors showing symbols, sacred bats, fruits and flowers The symbol of Longevity is on the cover. On a stand. Height, 11 inches. Tao-Kwang period. COVERED JAR. Unusual in form, with border of rich blues and yellows at top and base. The ground is of creamy white, overlaid with decorations of symbols and arabesque designs in dull orange. On a stand. Height, 11 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung period. COVERED JAR. Of archaic form. Dull white ground, with decora- tions of Dog-Foo, clouds and symbols in reds, greens and yellows. On a stand. Height, 11 inches. Chien-Lung period. VASE. Of unusual form, with medallions carved on each side in landscape designs, and covered with a pale blue glaze. Ona stand. Made by Wam-Bing. Height, 14 inches. Yung-Ching period. JAR SHAPED VASE. Very fine pearl grey crackle surface. On a stand. Height, 10 inches. Chien-Lung period. APPLE GREEN JAR. A perfect example of this fine solid color. On a stand. Height, 12 1-2 inches. Tao-Kwang period. 135 5, & f < " (Vv. 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. te Flambé glaze of blue, green and purple on dull pray ee ground. Cochin-China Ware. Ona stand. Height, 11 chen BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. Flambé glaze of green and blue on dull grayish ground. Cochin-China Ware. Ona stand. Height, 12 wches. BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. Of solid apple green color, with thin transparent glaze, showing the crackle distinctly. On carved teakwood stand. Height, 14 1-2 inches. Tao-Kwang period. POTTERY VASE. . Covered with an unusual grayish green glaze of mottled effect. On carved stand. Height, 12 1-2 inches. Yung-Ching period. VASE. Of peculiar form, with so-called iron handles; with most unusual decorations in soft colors on a pow- dered blue ground. On carved teakwood stand. Height, 15 1-2 inches. Tao-Kwang period. VASE OF SOFT WHITE PASTE: With delicate decorations in soft colors. On teak- wood stand. Height, 18 1-4 inches. Yung-Ching period. PAIR OF VASES. With pink hawthorn flowers and branches, carved in relief on a Nile green ground. On a stand. Height, 12 1-2 inches. Tao-Kwang period. 136 2 548 549 550 551 552. 553 , BAT BOTTLE VASE. Of old soft paste of creamy white ground, with decorations carved under the glaze. On a stand. Height, 13 1-2 inches. Yung-Ching period. ROSE DU BARRY VASE. Of slender body and wide lip and exquisite shade of rose color. With stand. Height, 11 1-2 inches. Tao-Kwang period. VASE. Of deep orange or tomato color. Fluted decorations in paste, shaped to vase form. On a stand. | Height, 12 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung period. VASE, Old form with handles, green and red splash on dull yellowish ground. Ona stand. Cochin-China Ware. Height, 12 1-2 inches. VASE. Of soft paste with fine peach bloom color. On a stand. Height, 17 1-2 inches. Tao-Kwang period. VASE. Elliptical in form with delicate lemon peel surface and rose back. Height, 12 1-2 inches. Tao-Kwang period. VASE. Red flambé glaze on yellowish ground. Height, 10 inches. Yung-Ching period. 137 a © a f Ge JA 555 556 557 558 559 560 | LARGE GINGER JAR. With decorations of flowers, insects, birds sae reen tables, on a robin’s egg blue ground, with carved y . teakwood cover and stand. = Height, 12 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung. period. ’ KORO. Yellowish white in tone, with fine crackle surface. Carved rosewood cover. On a stand. Height, 10 inches. Chien-Lung tie BOTTLE SHAPED W Aoi Monochrome of deep tea glaze of finest quality. On a stand. Height, 8 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung period. ROSE BACK EGG-SHELL PLACQUE. Diameter, 8 inches. Chien-Lung period. | (Fine crack on the bottom.) TALL TEMPLE JAR. The cover bears a figure of the Goddess of Mercy ~ seated. Surface of soft white with decorations in panels, in light brown and gold. On a-stand. Height, 23 inches. Chien-Lung period. COVERED JAR. The ground is of iridescent, rusty gold, with decora- tions in medallions of flowers and insects in natural colors. On a stand. Height, 11 1-2 inches. Kang-Si period. ANTIQUE FIGURE OF DOG-FOO. Decorated in dull green, blue, yellow and brown. Height, 7 1-2 inches. Old Cochin-China Ware. 138 ? 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 BEAKER SHAPE VASE. Blue and white, landscape decoration in deep blue on white ground. On a stand. Height, 12 inches. Chien-Lung period. JAPANESE WINE POT. Of deep dark green, carved in relief, and covered with a deep red glaze like that of Foo-Chow lacquer. Made about 1800. Height, 11 inches. LARGE COVERED JAR. The surface is the soft waxy black highly prized by the Chinese, with hawthorn trees and flowers in white. On a stand. Height, 26 inches. Chien-Lung period. =< he surface is a soft waxy black, with white haw- thorn flowers and branches. On a stand. Height, 18 inches. VASE OR JAR. Of unusual form, with decorations of Pomegranates in clusters, and foliage in blue, on grayish-white ground. On a stand. Height, 16 inches. Chien-Lung period. VASE. Of beaker form, with decorations of figures and flowers in blue on white ground. On a stand. Height, 19 inches. Kang-Si period. VASE. Of soft paste, with square lines; decorations of unusual character on a dull drab ground, finely crackled under glaze. On a stand. Height, 16 inches. Chien-Lung period. 139 568 VASE. a iS Of beaker form with decorations of landscapes, i ee birds and figures, in blue on white ground. On a stand. Height, 19 inches. Kang-Si period. 569 STATUE OF THE ANCIENT SAGE TOBOSAKU. . Elaborately carved from steatite and red conglomer- 3 ate, clad in a robe carved to represent embroidery ; the different colors of the stone are used to repre- ‘el Sax sent the ornamentation of the dress. He bears on his shoulders a branch of the peach tree with the fruit. The Chinese tradition about Tobosaku is that he was a saint, a sage and a poet; that he travelled according to the seasons from one province of China to another, teaching his doctrine; and that he ate nothing but peaches and lived to be one thousand years old. a ~- 570 VASE. On the plain surface between the top and the bottom blue decoration are seen ripe pearnes with branches o-~ and leaves.. On a stand. Height, 16 inches. Chien-Lung period. 571 CELADON JAR. With decorations of ripe peaches, branches and r leaves ; with a carved teakwood cover in which is in- / vg’ - serted an Imperial jade panel. On teakwood stand. Height, 10 1-2 inches. Kang-Si period. oy ag 572 CELADON JAR. Decorated with ripe peaches, branches and leaves; «qf with a teakwood cover, inlaid with a panel of fat ; os jade minutely carved. On a stand. Height, 10 1-4 inches. Kang-Si period. 140 | | | AALVLS AGV£ GNV SNIVTHOAOd ASANIHO ‘€29-69¢ “SON CELADON JAR. Lighter in tone, with delicate decorations of peaches, branches and leaves; with a carved teakwood cover. On a stand. Height, 10 3-4 inches. Kang-Si period. PLACQUE. Of blue and white, with coral red Imperial dragon. Diameter, 7 inches. Chien-Lung period. FIGURE OF A SAGE. Some Chinese Sage or Emperor seated on a throne; decorations in dull green, blue and yellow. Cochin- China Ware. Height, 7 1-2 inches. KORO. Glaze of copper rust. On a stand. Height, 3 1-4 inches. Diameter, 5 inches. Chien-Lung period. COVERED JAR. Blue flower and vine decoration on white ground. Carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 7 inches. Kang-Si period. VASE. In solid color of dark peach bloom glaze. On carved stand. Height, 18 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung period. PAIR OF COVERED JARS. Ovoid form. Of finest red coral ground, with delicate landscape decorations on ivory white ground in irregu- lar panels on the sides. On a stand. Height, 11 inches. Kang-Si period. 143 Py § SZ é 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 ANTIQUE KORO IN FORM OF A FROG. With silver cover. On a stand. Height, 9 1-2 inches; length, 10 3-4 inches. _ Yung-Ching period. : : OLD COCHIN CHINA COVERED JAR. Menochrome of dull dark green. On a stand. Height, 9 1-2 inches. Sung period. SMALL CHINESE CUP. Of Japonica green color, with fine crackle surface. On a stand. Height, 2 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung period. RARE TURQUOISE BLUE VASE. With violet soufflé lines in crackle. Elephant’s head handles. On a stand. Height, 8 inches. Yung-Ching period. TURQUOISE BLUE BOWL. With lemon peel surface. Interior decoration in white. On a stand. Height, 3 1-8 inches. Chien-Lung period. GREEN BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. Surface carved to represent basket work under the glaze. On a stand. Height, 16 inches. Chien-Lung period. VASE. Of white glaze, with decoration of five-clawed dragon in light celadon under glaze. On a stand. Height, 5 1-2 inches. 144 591 592 5 STARS R pe uty Uke tet ae emmy ettienie atime ule 8 a pai ny ir seine ge rele btm a iene nens es ia INR ee aR a 46 Na : R ee SNES r ; , » ea Cada ‘ it Mo - Teor fois sag . ee x ae | Sa te ‘4 ‘ VASE. Fine in form, quality and glaze. Light chocolate brown in color. On a stand. Height, 13 inches. Chien-Lung period. PALE BLUE VASE. Fine monochrome. On a stand. . Height, 8 inches. Yung-Ching period. PAIR OF MANDARIN COVERED JARS. Beautiful in form and tone, with decorations of symbols, flowers and arabesque designs in soft shades of pink, blue, yellow, green and red on a white ground. Ona stand. (Slight repair in gold on the cover of one jar.) Height, 20 inches. Chien-Lung period. OLD COCHIN-CHINA VASE. “arly form with suspension loops. Surface carved and decorated with branches and flowers in soft colors, on dark olive-green ground. On a stand. Height, 16 inches. Eighteenth century work. OLD PORCELAIN SURGEON’S SWORD. Decorated with a pattern of vines and flowers in deep blue on a white ground. SERVICE OF THREE DISHES OF IMPERIAL YELLOW. Very old form. Decorations in carved paste in archaic patterns, under the glaze. Used by the Emperors in ancestral worship for food offerings. Central dish, rectangular in form, with handles. On a stand. Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches. 145 Shh ah ‘ A od Dik ics) SN “Sit a ee : ——_ +d \ ONE SIDE DISH. Round in form with standard. (Repaired.) Height, 8 1-2 inches, diameter, 6 1-2 inches. ANOTHER. Height, 8 1-2 inches, diameter, 6 1-2 inches. a Chien-Lung period. 593 VASE OR JAR. ¢ Of unusual form and deep sapphire blue color. On ny pean a stand. Height, 14 inches. Chien-Lung period. 594. A VERY REMARKABLE KORO. Of gold bronze, decorated in patterns and set all over with lapis-lazuli turquoise and red jade, with nN a carved wooden cover and stand, the cover contain- Sede ing a carved white crystal for a handle. Height, 16 inches; length, 14 inches. 595 GOLD BRONZE JAR AND COVER. Of extraordinary character. The fungus—symbol of _Longevity—is carved in the bronze over the entire surface and appears on the handles and cover. A hundred different pieces of jade and other stones cut in the form of every known symbol of the Chinese, are inlaid in settings cut to receive them. The characters incised on the base of the jar signify “Priceless Treasure.” On a stand. Height, 21 inches. Largest diameter, 9 1-2 inches. Chien-Lung period. rar 146 * Te UvV[ AZNOYT NAGIOD ‘G6 ‘ON ; ‘ONON AZNOUA ANOLLINV ‘6S ‘ON . ‘OUOM AZNOUD ASANIHO ‘€L°ON i pee Albani ghar pin eee eS ee dp 2 aA Bieycliy Rajah Rings, Scarabs, Seals, Medallions, Brooches, and East Indian Jewelry PERSIAN SILVER CHAIN. Arranged as a modern watch chain. SILVER BRACELET. | 4 In the form of a serpent. (Damaged.) De: PIN AND WATCH HOLDER. The head of a bird in enamel showing the iridescent colors about the head and neck. GILT BELT CLASP. v2 Holding two centers decorated with landscapes and figures. ANCIENT SILVER RING. Containing an intaglio finely cut on a red sardonyx; in the original setting. ANCIENT PERSIAN RING. With intaglio head cut on paste; in the original silver setting. 149 602 603 604 605 606 607 ANCIENT PERSIAN RING. With intaglio head cut on red sardonyx. MEDALLION. Having a head of Pescenio cut from ivory and set on serpentine, mounted in gold and silver. (Damaged.) ENAMELED SCENT BOTTLE. Gold mounted, with chain ring for wearing on the finger, with enamelling in different colors. INTAGLIO PIN. With two Roman heads exquisitely cut in sard, mounted in fine gold. OLD ITALIAN BAR PIN. Silver Niello work, set with a baroque pearl and small gems. ANTIQUE EGYPTIAN SCARAB RING. Cut from mottled porphyry. ANTIQUE PERSIAN RING. With an intaglio head cut on sardonyx, in the original silver setting. PIN. Containing an example of the ruby as found in the emerald matrix, cut en cabochon, forming the center of the brooch surrounded with a cluster of pearls and an outside spray of enamel points. 150 —— a OLD FRENCH BROOCH. Of two tulips and stems; one flower carved from stone with long pistils set with rubies, the other flower carved from fine gold with pistil set with sapphires ; the whole mounted in gold and silver, set with dia- monds, ANTIQUE BAIL RING. With an ancient intaglio, Sassanid period, cut in hematite, set to revolve; a rare example. GOLD RING. Holding the portrait, in enamel, of a child. RING, © The intaglio head cut on a male sardonyx. ANTIQUE ASSYRIAN RING. With an intaglio of a crawfish. OLD JAPANESE RING. Of fine gold, containing landscape delicately wrought in iron. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. With an intaglio cut in a stone of delicate pink color. BIOVER LOCKET. With transparent enamel face with Cupid and flower ; the whole set with pearls. 151 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 OLD FRENCH GOLD PITCHER. Beautifully carved and set with an emerald, and probably worn as a charm. CROWN RING OF FINE GOLD. Set with rubies and diamonds and containing two miniatures of court beauties. HORSESHOE PIN. In fine gold set with turquoise and Oriental pearl and small golden sapphires. OLD PERSIAN PIN AND PENDANT. 3 Holding a large Persian turquoise with a talismanic inscription in gold. LARGE MOONSTONE PIN. Set in fine gold work with three crystal pendants. OLD ITALIAN PIN. With bouquet of flowers and leaves and a wreath on black enamel ground, the whole surrounded by rubies of fine color and grass-green emeralds. PIN AND PENDANT WITH NECKCHAIN. Containing a turquoise of robin’s egg blue surrounded with a cluster of rhodolites. ANCIENT ROMAN MEDALLION. With the head of Septimus Severus cut in ivory and laid on a medallion of serpentine, mounted in silver and gold. 152 ANTIQUE EGYPTIAN SCARAB. Without inscription. OLD FRENCH PIN. In the form of a branch with leaves cut in silver and set with pink ruby, diamonds and Persian turquoise. _ FRENCH EMPIRE PIN. In the form of a Bee; an emerald and pearls form the’ body with ruby eyes and wings. EGYPTIAN SCARAB. Cut in dull red jasper and mounted as a ring. Design shows a cartouche of the Sacred Ibis. PIN. Holding a Cameo in sardonyx of pink color showing the head of Ajax mounted in fine gold. XVIIth Century. EAST INDIAN RAJAH’S RING. Containing a star sapphire of light blue and a star ruby of light pink, set with diamonds. OLD ITALIAN ENAMELED PIN. With the head of Catharine de Medici in relief, set in fine gold, with lemon yellow sapphires and rubies. RUSSIAN PIN AND PENDANT. Containing a gem amethyst of finest quality in a fine gold setting of grapes, vines and leaves. 153 . \ isk -% % be WS t AWA Oe ee ya 635 636 637 638 640 641 642 RUSSIAN MEDALLION OF IRON. Set in gold and silver. OLD ITALIAN PIN. Of blue enamel on gold in a design of leaves and flowers set with pearls; the whole in a mounting of gold. RUSSIAN PIN. The bar of malachite, mounted in gold. LOUIS XVI SILVER LOCKET. With enamel portrait, the whole surrounded with leaves and flowers, set with the old French paste. BLACK ONYX CROSS. Of gold mounted with a large Baroque pearl center. FRENCH GOLD WATCH HOLDER. Made after an Etruscan design, with two white pearls. CAMBODIAN BELT BUCKLE. With curious enamelling on pure gold and set with a cluster of diamonds, rubies, sapphires, pearls, emer- alds, turquoises and moonstones. This Belt Buckle was taken with the Jade Hand Mirror, (see No. 118 in this Catalogue), from the apartments of the Late Empress of China, during the Rebellion. ITALIAN PIN. Of perfectly white pearls with gold mountings. ITALIAN PIN. Of gold with blue enamel set with pearls. — 154 < a : i —— se a i q — , ra + re Ca ‘= : a S ia 0m i PIN. Made from iron and gold beautifully carved of fan shape resting on bamboo bars. An example of the best Japanese metal work. ANTIQUE PENDANT. Containing a Persian turquoise with deeply cut talis- man filled with gold, mounted in silver and gold. PIN. With two intaglio heads cut one above the other in brown and dull gray sardonyx, mounted in fine gold. PIN. Containing a large flame Jacinth surrounded by a cluster of half pearls. ; CRESCENT PIN. Set with whole pearls and diamonds. ANCIENT CAMBODIAN GOLD RING. Of antique design showing in the center an enameled figure of Dog-foo on gold. Part of dog missing. PERSIAN TURQUOISE RING. Of three stones, mounted with diamonds. Of delicate workmanship. SMALL GOLD RING. Finely carved and set with a rhodolite. EAST INDIAN RING. Holding a lilac tinted sapphire, mounted in gold. 155 diamonds. FRENCH EMPIRE BEE. Of lapis-lazuli with a Bee set with diamnent center. ANTIQUE ROMAN RING OF THE Iv CENTURY: : Gos: With the early Christian symbols cut as an Hes 1 a red sardonyx in the original mounting of gold. 2 655 RING. eee Containing a sapphire of fine color cut en cabochon. — GOLD RING. Set with a single sapphire of sky-blue color. ANTIQUE CAMEO RING. - > Exquisitely cut from two stades of sard, in the ancient mounting. , OLD ITALIAN RING. a e With a pink ruby center and two spon on either s side. se 659 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. cs Gor Of fine gold with the head as an intaglio, beatae ' cut on red sardonyx. 156 660 ANTIQUE GREEK RING. i _--—s In gold with an intaglio cut on red sardonyx showing i the Goddess of Plenty. 661 GOLD RING. Holding three pearls and two rubies. - 662 AMETHYST RING. Of delicate colors. 663 ANTIQUE ITALIAN RING. Set with four emeralds and five pearls. 664 ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. In original setting containing an intaglio of a warrior cut in red jasper. _ 665 EAST INDIAN RING. © Containing a hazel star ruby or sapphire. 666 RING. Containing a rare and beautiful sapphire that changes ~ to a brilliant lilac in artificial light, surrounded with a cluster of white sapphires, 667 RING. Showing an intaglio head cut on a fine sardonyx in gold setting. 668 GOLD RING. Set with spinel ruby of rare color surrounded by a 0? “Sia cluster of opal balls. _ 157 E a oa | ee j _ 669 670 671 672 673 674 - 675 676 ANTIQUE GREEK RING. Containing the head of Ptolemy, the younger, cut on a rare plum jacinth. OLD EAST INDIAN PEARL BROOCH. Of quaint design with three pendants. REMARKABLE MINERAL SPECIMEN. Consisting of two large crystals of ruby in the native emerald matrix. HAT PIN. The stone carved to represent a shell with gold and silver mountings, set with diamonds. OLD ITALIAN WATCH HOLDER WITH CHAIN AND CLASP: With enamel and metal. Of the time of the Medici. OLD EAST INDIAN NECKLACE. Of four strands of pearls, mounted in gold with a pendant of pearls holding in the center an enormous pearl-like a bunch of grapes. OLD ITALIAN NECKLACE, Of fine gold beads of two sizes strung on a gold chain. FRENCH GOLD FOB. The fob made of agate set with emeralds ; the pendant of red moss agate set with diamonds; the whole mounted in fine gold. 158 pup 684 ITALIAN PIN. The design shows a quiver of arrows bearing a female head in enamel, set with pearls and diamonds. LOUIS XVTH BROOCH. Containing two miniatures of court beauties set in gold and silver in a basket pattern with leaves and flowers of diamonds and rubies. EAST INDIAN PIN. With a large sapphire, rubies and emeralds, mounted on fine chains. The large center stone is a sapphire of unusual color and brilliancy. This was worn on the throat or on the corsage like a decoration. RAJAH’S RING. Containing a Cabochon ruby set in fine gold sur- rounded with a pavement of diamonds. ANTIQUE GOLD RING. Containing an antique intaglio of the head of Caesar cut on a lilac tinted sapphire. RAJAH’S RING. Containing a gem blue sapphire of richest color, set with diamonds. RAJAH’S RING. Containing a large sky-blue star sapphire surrounded with a pavement of diamonds. FOB CHAIN AND SEAL. Of fine gold of the George III. period; the seal con- taining a large amethyst. 159 THE A CAO Pe Te re ee b pes otal mle eel, "Spear ee G 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 ANCIENT PERSIAN RING. With a talisman cut in stone, attached as a pendant to an ancient silver chain arranged for a modern watch chain. OLD JAPANESE NECKLACE AND BRACELET OF CRYSTAL BALLS AND PENDANT. Composed of 19 perfect spheres mounted in fine gold, 28 altogether and pendant. OLD SPANISH SET OF THE XVIIth CENTURY. Consisting of five pieces—a necklace, ear-rings, brooch and pendant of the most delicate design and finish. The workmanship is in pure gold of the most delicate design and finish; the stones are beautiful Aqua-Marines set in alternation with Ruby Spinels. OLD EAST INDIAN NECKLACE. Double strands of curiously marked agate beads, in the original mounting. OLD EAST INDIAN JADE NECKLACE. With double rows of balls, in the original mounting. OLD ITALIAN BELT MIRROR. Set with precious stones. Of the Medici period of the XVIIth Century. OLD ITALIAN NECKLACE. Of enamel on silver and gold set with pearls and precious stones. XVIIth Century work of the Medici period. 160 692 NECKLACE. Of rubelites mounted in gold, with a pendant of an enormous dark colored ruby weighing over 100 karats, cut en cabochon, and surrounded with ancient East Indian emeralds. The pendant can be worn as a brooch. 693 ANTIQUE GREEK NECKLACE. Of fine gold and Smaragdus (the emerald of the ancients) ; the Intaglios show that it comes down from the best period of Greek Glyptic Art. It was exhumed at Carthage in 1894 and is today precisely as it was found excepting the cord on which the parts are hung, It was found some twenty-five feet below the surface in the same excavation as the Bust of Hermes, No. 993 in this Collection. 694 ANTIQUE ASSYRIAN SEAL. Of Archaic design, mounted as a ring. Dates back to about 1000 B. C. 4) LL - 161 EIGHTH SESSION - atl Thursday Evening, April 11th, 8:15 o'clock | Miniatures, Enamels, Ivories, Jewel Caskets, Placques, Dresden and Sevres Porcelains, Majolica, and Antiques iz je 695 ROMAN DRINKING HORN OF BONE. e/o-~ Surface elaborately decorated with relief carvings. | . Height, 12 inches. ? 696 CASE OF THREE NAPOLEON III. MEDALS. Of the same design but different color. } ] : Taken from the Tuileries at the time of the Commune in . 1871 and sold to Captain Nathan Appleton, of Boston, from whom they were acquired. Letter accompanying. 697 PAIR OF WINE FLAGONS. ge Deep blue bodies ornamented with gilt and mounted in f silver in a rococo pattern of masques and scrolls. 698 CARVING IN ALABASTER. D Religious subject. Set in the original frame. 699 COPPER LOW RELIEF PLACQUE—THE DE- CLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 70 - Medallion representing the Signing of the Declaration iy of Independence in the center, with the words of the 163 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 document in raised letters surrounding it. Across the bottom runs a band showing the names of the signers in reduced fac simile. Height, 7 1-2 inches; width, 6 3-4 inches. Formerly hung in the Library of President Buchanan. AN IVORY TRAY. In leaf form with relief carvings of fruits, flowers and insects. Tinted. ANOTHER. Lotus leaf, with sprays and insects. ANOTHER. . Leaf form, green tinted. RELIEF CARVING IN IVORY. Representing Anarchy. A masterpiece in design and execution. In an ebony frame. Length, 12 1-2 inches; width, 8 inches. RELIEF CARVING IN IVORY. Companion to the foregoing, with representation of a battle. Length, 12 1-2 inches; width, 8 inches. VENETIAN BELT. Metal and gilt link chain with oblong metal bands ofnamented in an arabesque pattern. VENETIAN BELT. Metal and gilt rosettes on cloth of silver bound with red velvet clasps ornamented in repoussé in a pattern of arabesques and amorini. XVIIth Century. 164 7 HEAD OF AN OLD WOMAN. as ebony frame. T. BLOIS CHARLOTTE CORDAY. In frame studded with turquoises, opals and carbuncles. . | a - UNKNOWN ARTIST THE DUKE DE CRILLON, PEER OF FRANCE. Be In silver gilt frame, set with old paste brilliants. UNKN OWN ARTIST LUCY WALTERS AS “BLORA. ie In ebony frame. UNKNOWN ARTIST HEAD OF OLD MAN. In ebony frame. UNKNOWN ARTIST HEAD OF A YOUNG WOMAN. In Ormolu frame. 165 > 713 714 715 716 Jas 718 719 FRA SALAMONI POPE GREGORY XVI. Signed and dated 1827. In Ormolu frame. L. MASSON SIGNORA SEVARINA DEL MONTE. Signed. In Ormolu frame. JACQUES BRUNIER SIGNOR M. ORFALIA. (A celebrated Italian Jurist.) Signed. In Ormolu frame. Ivory cracked. M. RICHARD MADAME RICHARD. On porcelain. In velvet frame. ROMAN MOSAIC OF THE PANTHEON. A fine example of minute Roman work. Framed. Diameter, 3 inches. MASSANDIER LA FONTAINE. In ebony frame. From the Duchess of Orleans’ col- lection. DOUDIN MARIE ANTOINETTE. In Ormolu frame. From the Duchess of Orleans’ collection. 166 C. STANFORTH 720 DUCHESS OF CUMBERLAND. Signed. In Ormolu frame. UNKNOWN ARTIST MADAME BLANCELOT. Spanish work. In Ormolu frame. SOPHONISBA ANGUISCIOLA CASSANDRA. In elaborate Ormolu frame. f MARTIN MOLIERE. In oil, on copper. In Ormolu frame. From Duchess of Orleans’ collection. MARTIN MADAME MOLIERE. In oil, on copper. In old gold Ormolu frame. From Duchess of Orleans’ collection. AUGUSTIN MADAME ROLAND. In ebony frame. From Duchess of Orleans’ collection. VIGEE LE BRUN MARIE ANTOINETTE AND HER TWO CHIL- ~DREN. Signed. In Ormolu frame. 167 1 Zt Mell ee ae tae oe! Ss | wee? rene < } He } 727 728 %29 730 731 732 733 UNKNOWN ARTIST HEAD OF A SAINT. Of silk embroidery ; Spanish wore of Four- teenth Century. RICHARD COSWAY PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Bought from the executor of Cosway’s estate who found this in the artist’s writing desk. RICHARD COSWAY PORTRAIT OF A LADY. The same subject bought at same time. Ivory warped. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE PORTRAIT IN MINIATURE OF HIMSELF. From the Duchess of Orleans’ collection. T. A. OUDIN MADAME DE POMPADOUR. ‘Signed. In ebony frame. From the collection of the Duchess of Orleans. F. MARAIS COMTESSE DE ROLAND. Signed. In Ormolu frame. From collection of the Duchess of Orleans. (Damaged.) ARTIST UNKNOWN MADAME DE MONTESPAN. In Ormolu frame. 168 MINIATURES No. 752 No. 745 No. 749 No. 744 . No. 746 No. 732 No. 720 No. 757 No. 751 IZALQUIEZ M’LLE. LAMBERT. In ebony frame. From the Duchess of Orleans’ collection. M. SIMON LOUIS FIFTEENTH. Signed. In ebony frame. From the Duchess of Orleans’ collection. M. SIMON MARIE LEZINSKY, WIFE OF LOUIS FIF- TEENTH. Signed. In ebony frame. From the Duchess of Orleans’ collection. UNKNOWN ARTIST LADY GORDON. In ebony frame. UNKNOWN ARTIST (ENGLISH) HEAD OF A WOMAN. In Mahogany frame. C. VERDEL CONTESSA DE SILVA. In ebony frame. From the Duchess of Orleans’ collection. M. CARELLI, 1813 THE SIBYL (After Luca Giordano.) In ebony frame 171 : m1) MARY, (QUEEN OF SCOTS. In ebony frame. From Duchess of m lection. UNKNOWN ARTIST (After Lefebvre) = 142 HEAD OF A WOMAN. | In translucent enamels on copper. In ebony ; rat é surrounded with cluster of paste brilliants. UNKNOWN ARTIST OF LOUIS FOURTEENTH. In Ormolu frame. L. B. HUET, 1777 DUCHESS DE-POLIGNAC: Signed. In gold frame. - RICHARD COSWAY HON. MRS. GRAHAM. Signed in Monogram. In metal frame. PETITOT LOUIS FOURTEENTH IN ARMOR. In gold frame, with metal back. a J. WESTON (ENGLISH ARTIST) ca ai 747 BISHOP PHILLIPS BROOKS. oS = Saar ‘ In gold frame, with metal back. Signed “J. W. 1893.” | 172 | ’ UNKNOWN ARTIST (AFTER DAVID) 748 MADAME RECAMIER. In metal frame set with jewels. From the collection of the Duchess of Altenberg. With letter MARTIN. 749 CHRISTINE, QUEEN OF NAPLES; SISTER OF MARIE ANTOINETTE. Signed. In metal frame, set with old paste cluster. From the collection of the Duchess of Orleans. UNKNOWN ARTIST (SIGNED IN MONOGRAM “J.W.”) 750 NAPOLEON AS FIRST CONSUL. In fine gold locket. (Damaged. ) CAPEICHE, 1780. 151 MAROUISE DE SABLE. In gold frame with metal back set with garnets and sapphires. UNKNOWN ARTIST "52 DUCHESS DE MAINE, DAUGHTER OF LOUIS FOURTEENTH. In gold frame, surmonted by double bow-knot of diamonds. From collection of Duchess of Orleans. UNKNOWN ARTIST (OLD ENGLISH) "58 HEAD AND BUST OF A MAN. In gold frame with hair at back. Inscribed “Daniel Browne, 1843.” 173 .? jan Pd Ric ma ae 2 54 UNKNOWN SUBJECT. — = / & - 3 ‘In gold frame. UNKNOWN ARTIST os 755 SIR JAMES EVELYN. Se In Memoriam, with initials and hair. ame oa kg and seed pearls. Ba 3 J. CHARLIER 756 LADY LUCAN. (A study in white.) © In silver gilt frame. UNKNOWN ARTIST 757 HON. MRS. FITZ ALLAN. In fine gold frame. MALBONE, 1810. 788 SUBJECT L. PIERCE, JR. In metal frame. T. A. OUDIN "59. PRINCESS DE PONS. Signed. In gold frame, set with old paste cluster. iq From the collection of the Duchess of Orleans. 760 ITALIAN SNUFF BOX. i. e Bound and lined with gold foil. The cover holds an / Italian landscape in natural colors, in mosaic. From the Duchess of Orleans’ collection. (Cracked.) 174 IVORY SNUFF BOX WITH PORTRAIT OF THE OMTESSE DE LONGUENAIS BY TRESCA. Shell lining. From the Duchess of Orleans’ collection. COURT SNUFF BOX. Tortoise shell box, ornamented with portrait of Marie Second, Queen of Portugal, inlaid with gold. From the Duchess of Orleans’ collection. CHINESE HAIR COMB. Of tortoise shell and fine gold. Worn by the wife of a Mandarin of high rank. OLD GOLD BON BON BOX. The top set with a stone cameo, exquisitely carved, of a woman’s head and bust. COURT COMB. Of tortoise shell, elaborately decorated with gold in archaic design and set with emeralds, pearls and other precious stones. Old Hindoo work of the XVIIth Century. ITALIAN SILVER JEWEL BOX. Elaborately decorated in relief. SMALL JEWEL BOX, Old Viennese enamel on silver. COURT SNUFF BOX. Covered with lilac tinted enamel. A portrait in enamel, set in pearls on the cover. 175 769 770 U71 72 773 V74 COURT SNUFF BOX. — - Of leather, bound with ormolu. With miniature of | Mdme. de Pompadour on mother-of-pearl. From the Duchess of Orleans’ collection. COURT SNUFF BOX. Fine gold, with monogram of owner inside the cover. This box is entirely encrusted with rubies, sapphires, emeralds and pearls. In the ceten of cover, the head of a Court lady in enamel, with carved heads in gold on either side. -) i Ln! re ee, GOLD WATCH. With enameled head on the back, set in diamonds. GOLD WATCH. Breguet, maker. Plain case with gilt chased dial; the edge engraved with trophies of the chase and dogs. PO ae ee Fo OLD SPANISH RELIQUARY. With long chain of pure gold. A fine example of old Spanish work. Emblem of the Carmelite monks. LARGE ANCIENT GREEK BORCHIA. Of pure gold covered with engraved figures of an historical character. This was the ornament of a King _/and is an example of ancient Greek gold work. Ex- humed at Mitylene. Of extraordinary workmanship. About 400 B. C. Length, 4 inches; width, 3 1-8 inches. 176 — CC ee. 775 TWO EMBLEMATAS. One, a tablet of silver on which is carved in relief Alexander the Great, Bucephalus, Philip and atten- dants. Exhumed in Rome. Mounted in a frame of gold and silver. The other, with five figures. Subject, The Judgement of Paris. .This Emblemata is on silver, backed with deep sapphire enamel and mounted — in gold as a pendant. -776 ITALIAN JEWEL CASKET OF IRON AND SILVER. The box rests on four scroll feet ending in ram’s heads ; on the four corners are winged female figures rising from leaf work; on the front and back are class- ical figure medallions in high relief joined by grotes- que masks and on the ends cartouches in relief. The hinged cover is ornamented with relief work in arab- esque pattern with relief medallions of bound torches and quivers, and surmounted by a finial of Cupid seated on a laurel wreath. Lined with red velvet. Length, 8 inches; width, 4 inches ; height, 7 1-2 inches. 777 ITALIAN INCENSE HOLDER, LATE XVIth CENTURY. A round covered cup of iron inlaid with gold and silver in an arabesque pattern; the cover having four female portrait heads in relief, and surmounted by a finial representing a knight in armor kneeling. The cup rests on a silver tripod set with colored enamels and decorated with three climbing satyrs. Period of Charles V. oo — 177 7718 v79 780 781 183 184 ITALIAN JEWEL TRUNK, LATE XVI. Of wrought iron elaborately inlaid with gold; with secret lock and crest of the Prince of Savoie. Height, 6 inches; width, 4 inches; length, 6 inches. SET OF SIX ITALIAN SPOONS. The bowls are of rock-crystal set in silver handles, elaborately carved and decorated with vari-colored enamels on white ground. XVIth Century work. Length of each, 5 1-2 inches. JAPANESE ORDER OF THE RISING SUN. The highest honor of the Imperial Government. JEWEL CABINET. Of ebony with Ormolu standards, lined with olive wood. The outside is decorated with black marble panels inlaid with fruit, flowers and birds carved from different semi-precious stones in bold relief. Floren- tine work. Length, 15 1-2 inches; width, 12 1-2 inches; height, 10 inches. OLD DAIMIOS TOBACCO POUCH. Ornamented with gold and silver, with ivory Netsuke and silver and gold hinged chain. A SET OF SEVEN PERSIAN LACQUERED SHER- BET SPOONS. Covered with Persian designs and inscriptions. BRONZE STATUETTE OF AUGUSTUS CAESAR IN ARMOR AND TOGA. Height, 26 inches. Ebony base ornamented with Boulle marquetry and ormolu mouldings. 178 785 JEWEL CABINET. Made of pear wood covered with leather tooled with gold; within, the ornamentation is of silver both carved and repoussé in classical designs. On one door is the Coat-of-Arms of the Ruspoli family, on the other that of the city of Florence. The wood and leather work are in part restored. Purchased directly from the Ruspoli family. Rare workmanship XVIth Century. Length, 24 inches; width, 10 hee: height, 21 1-4 inches. ITALIAN ENAMEL ON COPPER. Subject—The Betrothal of the Virgin. XVth Cen- tury. In anebony frame. Size, 12 x 9 1-2 inches. DRINKING HORN. The Northern mythology of Valhalla painted in enamel on a gold ground, and ornamented with finely carved figures and heads in gold and silver. XVIIth Century. Height, 10 inches. CLOCK AND INKSTAND. Ratzendorfer enamel in classic designs on silver gilt with figures and fruits in relief. Old Viennese work. In original case. ENAMELED CARD CASE. Decorated in Wateau designs in soft toned enamels on gold and silver. MINIATURE SEDAN CHAIR. Sevres enamel on copper, in a modern case. (Enamel chipped. ) 179 Pee Pe) [a 791 792 793 194 195 796 197 REDUCED COPY OF THE ANTIQUE STATUE OF HERCULES. Cut from mottled green porphyry. After the original Farnese Hercules in the Vatican, Rome. Height, 17 1-2 inches. ANTIQUE HEAD. Of small size representing Nero beautifully carved in bold relief from red jasper and set into black marble. Framed. TWO ITALIAN ENAMEL PLACQUES. Of classical design and brilliant color. In ebony frames. Size, 5 1-2 x 5 1-2 inches. PAIR OF BRONZE BUSTS—ANTONY AND VENUS. Italian Renaissance; on ivory pedestals. LARGE MEDALLION. Landscape view of the mountain pass over the Great Scheideg. Enameled on fine gold. ITALIAN BRONZE RELIEF PANEL. Subject—The Marriage of the Virgin. In a black frame. Size, 7 inches x 6 inches. A PAIR OF CAPO-DI-MONTE VASES. Of urn form, decorated with landscape, children and goats. Marks of the time of Ferdinand IVth. Height, 12 inches. 180 ’ ONIAUNVO GOOM ASANIHO “AMASVATd AO LVOH ‘108 ‘ON SHAZNOUD ASANIHO ‘29 pur 69 ‘E9 ‘OL ‘ZL “SON WY ee CAPO-DI-MON TE JEWEL CASKET. Decorated with figures modelled in relief and Fenty colored; with carved Ormolu handles, lock, feet and bands. Marks of the time of Ferdinand IVth. Height, 13 1-2 inches; length, 13 1-2 inches; width, 7 1-2 inches. TWO COVERED MEISSEN JARS. The surfaces covered with detailed representations of trees, birds, flowers and fruit. Signed with the Meis- sen mark under Bruhl, the famous Director of the Dresden Works, and dated 1751. : Height, 16 inches. (Chipped. ) 800 SEVRES OBLONG, OVAL DISH. With borders of deep sapphire blue and gold; on a the sides are landscapes, signed by the artist Menard. ==] m Old Sevres soft paste. 801 WOOD CARVING. The Boat of Pleasure, with a covering of carved haw- thorn flowers and branches minutely wrought with ancient Sages of China and their symbolic animals on a voyage of pleasure. The whole, wonderfully carved in detail out of fine grained sandal wood. Length, 21 inches; height, 12 inches. 802 LARGE PALLISSY PLACQUE. Made of pinkish clay, decorated with fish, reptiles and shells in bold relief on a deep blue ground. Diameter, 20 inches; depth, 4 1-2 inches. 183 803 ENAMEL POTTERY PLACQUE ATTRIBUTED ; TO FRANCOIS BRIOT. a Decorated with heads in medallions in vari-colored en- ?) amels. Length, 14 inches ; width, 12 inches. 804 LARGE VASE OF SERPENTINE. Urn shaped, with two handles formed of entwined vines, cut from a single block of verde antique, and decorated with leaves, masques and heads of satyrs in relief ; resting on a square base. } It is a reproduc- of the Warwick vase. Width, 18 ncher height, 20 inches. Formerly in the Collection of the Director of the Antwerp _ Art Museum from whom it was purchased. Lage” 805 MODEL OF THE ROMAN TOMB OF CECILIA sae METELLA. 9 Of antique marble. : Height, 14 inches. 806 BUST OF GALEAZO VISCONTI. Of heroic size. Of Italian Majolica. From the Col- lection of Count Guglielmi, of Lucca. : te Galeazzo Visconti (b. 1277-d. 1328), became Lord of Vu Milan in 1322 which he defended against an army incited by the pope. 807 GARNITURE OF FIVE PIECES OF OLD ITALIAN MAJOLICA. Consisting of one large round center jar, two upright jars standing on either side and two additional round jars decorated in dull shades of blue and yellow with medallions showing heads of distinguished men. 184 ‘ va Me irchased at the Bale x ie effects of Lady Franklin in — E London i Ba ag coke a oe h if % fe $ 185 Ml foie 809 810 NINTH SESSION Friday Afternoon, April 12th, 2:30 o'clock Jewelry and Antique tntaglios of Greek and Roman Periods ANTIQUE GREEK TEAR BOTTLE. AN CIENT EGYPTIAN GLASS UNGUENT BOT- TLE. Exhumed at Fayoum. ANCIENT EGYPTIAN DOUBLE UNGUENT BOT- With handles on each side. Exhumed at Fayoum. ANCIENT PHOENICIAN PERFUME BOTTLE. Of iridescent glass. Exhumed at Tyre. ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ARBALUS, OR PERFUME BOTTLE. Worn like a pendant on the neck. Exhumed in Upper Egypt. SMALL TANAGRA VASE. Exhumed at Ephesus. 187 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 ROMAN PIN—ROUND. Set with silver medallion head of Ajax. OLD FLORENTINE GUILD RING. Of fine gold with scallop shell center ornamented with colored enamel PENDANT MEDALLION. , Intaglio male head in giass, set im silver gilt. NECKLACE. Consisting of fourteen medallions. EAST INDIAN RING. Set with four garnets and small pearls. TRON PENDANT MEDALLION. Set im silver gilt showing the figure of a woman read- ing from parchment. “ ORIENTAL RING. Quaintly carved, holding a single white pearl 188 ANTIQUE ET. PRUSCAN NECKLACE. . Of archaic design and workmanship; exhumed at d ef Viterbo. . Bee > _ OLD FRENCH FORGET -ME-NOT RING. Set with Persian turquoises and diamonds. TWIN RING. Set with two stones one golden and the other blue beryl, OLD EAST INDIAN PIN. Of fine carved gold in the form of a boss on a shield, set with) 2 pai garnets and lemon yellow sap- phires. SMALL EAST INDIAN RING. Set with rubies and sapphires of different tints. _ PIN OF FINE GOLD. Containing a large Persian turquoise with talisman yor carved and filled with gold. -_——s« ga: GOLD BRACELET. ; FO Set with a large sapphire of an aquamarine tint. a: | 7 Law = | y : { e: 828 GOLD BRACELET. . Set with a ruby and two sapphires. 829 OLD STONE CAMEO. With two female heads, beautifully cut, set in a clus- ter of Oriental pearls. 189 fre #, ¢_ 830 831 832 833 $34 835 836 837 838 OLD EAST INDIAN PIN. The center stone is a brilliant aquamarine set in a pearl cluster. S . PEE EAST INDIAN PIN. r With rubies in the center and pendants of antique emeralds. EAST INDIAN MARQUISATE PIN. With a pink ruby center surrounded with a pe of olivines from Simla. OLD EAST INDIAN RING. Finely carved and set with five Oriental opals. OLD VENETIAN RING. Set with a pink conch pearl in the center surrounded with a cluster of diarhonds and rows of white pearls at the shank head. ANCIENT PERSIAN RING. In pure gold of native mounting holding a fine Persian turquoise in the dark porphyry matrix. ROMAN MOSAIC BRACELET. Representing a bouquet of flowers in natural colors. RARE OLD RING. | With head of Augustus Cesar cut in amethyst. RING. With antique head of a Greek warrior cut on a male sard. 190 ¥ SS J 9 OLD EAST INDIAN PEN. uae _ Containing a turquoise engraved with symbol of the See _ Sagred tree, set in a gold frame of diamonds and sie -Tubies._ “LARGE TURQUOISE RING. * Set with a cluster of small golden sapphires. - 84 EAST INDIAN RING. Set with a large star spite and two diamonds. 842 HEAVY GOLD MUFF CHAIN. . Of Russian workmanship. Length, 5 feet, 4 inches. e 843 WIDE BAND BRACELET. . Of fine gold. 1 inch wide. Finely carved, set Feat a gem cat’s-eye witht a ruby and star sapphire on either side. 845 A PAIRSOF OLD SPANISH EARRINGS. __ Of pure gold set with topazes. g46 “OLD EAST INDIAN RING. Secining a green garnet surrounded with fine rubies, the setting finely carved. 847 EAST INDIAN BAR PIN. Center stone a star sapphire with a star ruby at either end; bar set with blue sapphires. 08 SPAS 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 EAST INDIAN GOLD BRACELET. Set with seven fancy sapphires of different colors. ANTIQUE DOUBLE NECKLACE. Of various beads of stone and glass; exhumed at Thebes. GENTLEMAN’S RING. Set with a large sapphire cut en cabochon of arp blue color and mounted in fine gold. HEAVY GOLD CHAIN. Length, 5 feet 4 inches. LONG GOLD CHAIN. Carrying a jade pendant, pean titeie carved and perforated. ROUND IMPERIAL BELT CLASP. Carved in floral designs from jade of grey, green and pink tones. In original metal setting. NECKLACE OF THE PRECIOUS BLUE KNOWN AS “BUDDHA’S HEAD.” Sky-blue beads and ornaments artistically carved. with pendants. ANTIQUE CHINESE NECKLACE. Of pink crystal balls strung in alternation with peach stones carved to represent human skulls. JADE NECKLACE. Formed of thirteen discs of the emerald green and fat jade mounted in gold with elaborately carved pen- dants of pink quartz and carved jade and pearl. 192 85% NECKLACE OF A MANDARIN. Porcelain spherical beads minutely carved and tinted yellow with large blue centerpiece and a pendant of pink beads. 858 CHINESE NECKLACE. Formed as a gold rope of twisted coil, suspending a carved jade pendant, bearing on one side, the Sage of Wisdom and attendant, and on the reverse, a poem in praise of the rarity and beauty of jades. 859 NECKLACE AND PENDANT. Composed of jade beads of different colors. Several beads bear the ancient Chinese characters inside. 860 AN EMPEROR’S NECKLACE. Very long. Composed of brilliant golden amber beads with small rondells of emerald green jade and red coral between beads, with amethyst ornament at top and bottom. Side pendants of fine aquamarine stones, with end pendants of the Imperial jade mounted in gold. | 861 ANTIQUE NECKLACE. Of cabbage-green jade beads, strung in alternation with the Sacred Fish, finely carved; gold clasp. 862 SILVER BRACELET. Set with green jade in the center of which is placed a red rubelite, showing it to be a bracelet belonging to a Mandarin of the Red Button. 193 863 CRYSTAL NECKLACE. = Cut from perfect stones in old Chinese pattern, oY ae mounted in silver-gilt. 864 CRYSTAL BRACELET. oe To match the foregoing. 865 THREE STONE RING. val In fine gold holding three tourmalines of blue, lemon Se yellow and pink colors. . 866 RING. Holding a fine fire opal set with diamond crescent d_ and star. 867 RING. The center stone, a very rare Alexandrite, set with 2 ka ae aes a cluster of Old Mine diamonds. 868 RING. rt? Containing a large brown cat’s-eye set in fine gold. 869 AN EAST INDIAN TWIN RING. Holding a golden sapphire and an Indian aquamarine. 870 OLD ITALIAN RING. : &s With emerald center and large rose diamonds. 871 RING. : Containing bullock’s blood ruby square rose cut and ae, 4 a white sapphire, set with four small round moon- stones. 194 872 OLD PERSIAN RING. ve e With turquoise center and cut talisman inlaid with gold. With intaglio of The Goddess of the Harvest cut in oblong white sardonyx. _ ANTIQUE ROMAN RING. With intaglio head cut on a blue sapphire, and the head in cameo cut on red sardonyx. REPRODUCTION OF AN ETRUSCAN TORQUE. In fine gold with a large scarab as pendant. NECKLACE AND PENDANT. Of fine gold, the design showing an exquisitely carved bird in light carnelian of two delicate shades bearing a bunch of grapes. The pendant is set with pearls. EMERALD NECKLACE. Unusually large pear-shaped emerald of fine color, pierced for hanging as a pendant. It is mounted in fine gold work. Capped with a pear-shaped diamond. ANCIENT GREEK SILVER FLAGON. Used in offering libations to the gods. Ornamented with heads and chased figures of Priest and Priestess dancing while holding flaming torches. Exhumed at Pompeii. Height, 7 inches. 195 879 pe J 880 +s n & YA ae 881 eit Boge Ya 882 5 «tt POS 883 We LAX 6& } Antique Relievos. All or nearly all of these were purchased directly from the famous Duke of Hamilton Collection. ANTIQUE GREEK SUBJECT > SoHE Kega. STRANGLING THE HYDRA.” Set in fine gold as a pendant. Size, 2 inches « 1 1-2 inches. HEAD OF MARS. Cut in grey and bluish-grey agate. Mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. Superb example. Size, 3 inches x 2 inches. ANCIENT GREEK HEAD IN BOLD RELIEF. Cut in dark bluish-grey agate, mounted in gold and silver as pendant. (Damaged.) Size, 3 inches « 2 inches. ANCIENT GREEK “HEAD OF HERCULES” IN BOLD RELIEF. Cut in dull yellow and bluish agate. Mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. 2 Size, 2 1-4 inches x 1 1-2 inches. ANTIQUE GRAECO-ROMAN NUBIAN HEAD. Cut in bold relief from unique variety of sardonyx. Mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. Size, 2 mches « 1 1-2 inches. 196 ~ ee ; Dee , Ca + 884 ANTIQUE GREEK RELIEVO “EUROPA AND fre BULL.” Cut in a shell. Mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. Size, 2 3-4 inches by 2 1-2 inches. ANTIQUE GREEK MYTHOLOGICAL SUBJECT. Cut on a shell, mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. Size, 2 1-2 inches x 2 inches. ANTIQUE ROMAN HEAD OF ONE OF THE WIVES OF THE CAESARS. Cut on a very rare and beautiful dull red and grey- ish-white sardonyx. Mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. Size, 1 8-4 inches x 1 1-4 inches. ANTIQUE ROMAN MALE HEAD. Cut on beautiful dull red and light brown sardonyx. Mounted in gold and silver as a pin. Size, 1 1-2 inches x 1 1-8 inches. FOUR NUMIDIAN HEADS. In black sard with red center. Mounted in fine gold as a pin. Size, 1 1-2 inches x 1 1-4 inches. ANTIQUE ROMAN HEAD OF WOMAN. Cut in mottled sard. Mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. Size, 1 1-2 inches x 1 inch. ANTIQUE ROMAN FEMALE HEAD. Cut on greyish-red sard. Mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. Size, 1 1-2 inches x 1 1-8 inches. 197 Rae ets he 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 ANTIQUE ROMAN HEAD OF ONE. OF | CAESARS? Mounted in gold and silver as a pendanea = Size, 1 1-4 inches x 7-8 inches. ANTIQUE GREEK FEMALE FIGURE. In grey on reddish ground; subject offering a sacrifice on the altar. | Size, 1 3-8 inches x 1 1-4 inches. ANTIQUE GREEK FIGURE OF A LION WITH PREY, On mottled sard. Mounted in silver as a pendant. Size, 1 1-4 inches x 1 1-4 inches. ANTIQUE GREEK MALE HEAD. On pinkish grey sard. Mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. (Slight damage on nose.) Size, 1 1-4 inches x 7-8 inch. ANTIQUE GRAECO-ROMAN FEMALE HEAD. In pinkish grey sard. Mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. Size, 1 1-8 inches x 7-8 inch. ANTIQUE GRAECO-ROMAN HEAD. On pinkish-grey sard. Mounted in gold and silver as a pendant. Size, 1 inch x 3-4 inch. ANTIQUE HEAD OF APOLLO IN BOLD RELIEF. A freedman’s work of art. Mounted in gold and sil- ver as a pendant. This is in iron. 198 ADS OF TWO FEMALES. CSE des of sard—of unusual colors. ogether i in fine gold as a pin. a 4 Size, 2 inches x 1 inch. i Cut on mottled sard. Mounted in silver as a peadant Size, 1 1-2 inches x 1 1-4 inches. Cut on mottled sard. Size, 1 7-8 inches x 1 1-4 hee Bi “901 GROUP OF TWO FIGURES DANCING. Italian cameo cut in white, brown and black sardonyx. Mounted in fine gold as a pendant. Antique mount- ing. 902 ANTIQUE ROMAN HEAD. Cut on reddish brown sardonyx and mounted in fine = gold as a pendant. Antique mounting. = Size, 1 1-2 inches x 1 1-8 inches. a 903 ANTIQUE PIN e Containing two examples of the most ancient Phoe- nician glass. One of aquamarine color, the other of sapphire blue. Mounted in gold and silver. The Tassie Gems. 904 COLLECTION OF INTAGLIO GEMS AFTER THE ANTIQUE, BY WILLIAM AND JAMES TAS- i. The collection of antique gems by the Tassie brothers, comprises all the celebrated intaglios existing in their time, 1765-1790, in the various antique collec- tions of Florence, Rome and Naples. This collection consists of one hundred and thirty-four separate pieces, mounted in silver as medallions. There are three hundred and seventy-four, unmounted, in addition to the above, in separate cases, not in this a* sale but which may be had if desired. This is by FOQ* far the most important collection of these gems in existence. The next collection in importance is that owned by the British Crown and preserved in Old Cambridge House, London. The brothers Tassie were graduates from the School of Art in Glasgow, Scotland. They received im- portant orders from various crowned heads; among others, from the Empress Catherine Second of Rus- sia. Flaxman, who did the medallion portraits for Wedgwood, was one of their pupils. 905 DUTCH BIBLE. “Biblia, dat is de gantsche H. Schripture vervat- tende alle de Canonycke Boecken des Ouden ande Nieuwen testaments.” Engraved title, plates and in . maps. Folio, old stamped calf, brass corner-pieces and clasps. Gouda. P. Rammazeyn, 1648. 200 Pa 906 DRESDEN GALLERY. “Die Vorziiglichsten Gemalde Koniglichen Galerie in Dresden nach den Originalen auf Stein gezeichnet herausgegeben von Franz Hanfstaengl.” 193 origi- nal India proof lithographic plates, with letter press in German and French. 3 vols. large folio, morocco gilt. Dresden, 1836-49. 907 MUNICH GALLERY. “Konigl. Bayer. Pinakothek in Miinchen und Ge- malde-Gallerie zu Schleissheim.” 204 superb litho- graph plates on India paper, by Stixner, Piloty, Hohe Selb and Flachennekker, representing the prin- cipal pictures of the Pinakothek in Munich. 2 vols. very large folio, morocco gilt. Munich, 1817-36. 908 WALTERS COLLECTION. Oriental Ceramic Art. 116 plates in color, and 437 black and white cuts, reproducing specimens in the collection of W. T. Walters. 10 sections bound in 5 handsome portfolios, each holding 2 sections. N. Y., 1896. Limited to 500 copies. The Walters collection was begun over forty years ago, and is well known to American and European collectors of Oriental Ceramics. It is classed among the choicest private collections in the world. 909 EIGHT TRAYS (48 PIECES) OF CASTS, IN MIN- IATURE, OF BAS RELIEF OF ELGIN AND PHY- GALIAN MARBLES IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Made by Henning in London, in 1820. In original mahogany case. Formerly the property of Gilbert Stuart, and purchased from Miss Jane Stuart two years before her death. Inside the case will be found an envelope containg a description of the casts in her own handwriting. 201 ce y *? a ge we ot Oe 2 Evy cee aot mie aie ee. “TENTH | SESSION 5 : ane Evening, Apnil 12th, 8:15 o'clock be a5 ’ “a ae Old ce Snuff Bottles, Satsuma Wee ee Lacquers end Tusks, Screens, Jars, Cellarette, Furniture, and Antique Busts FIVE SMALL PIECES OF OLD LACE. Reticella, bobbin-edge, X Vth Century ; Filet Guipere, knotted mesh; Lacis, twisted mesh, XVIIIth Cen- ‘tury, and Milanese, XVIIIth Century. Mounted on ee a Fa cards. : FOUR SMALL PIECES OF OLD LACE. ~— | . E E a Alengon of the XVIIth Century; Burano of the XVIth Century. Mounted on cards. FIVE EXAMPLES OF OLD FLEMISH LACE. a XVIth and XVIIIth Centuries. FLOUNCE. Of old black thread lace. Length, 4 1-2 yards; width, 18 inches. FLOUNCE. _ Of old black thread lace. Length, 4 yards; width, 20 inches. 203 MANTILLA. Of black Spanish lace. CIRCULAR SHAWL. COAT OF OLD CLUNY LACE, Cream color in a pattern of diamonds and eee ornamented with French pearls. This belonged to the Ex-Empress Eugenie ahae was fakes from her wardrobe in the Tuileries, after her flight. WHITE LACE SHAWL. | Of the finest old applique. Pointe d’Alencon. MANTILLA. Of black lace with medallion center and deep border. all oc he Snuff Bottles. : Boss in tone tah crackle ere On a stand. _ SMALL VASE. Olive green in color over crackle surface. ic On a stand. 922 SMALL JAR. Plain color, drab tone over crackle surface. On a stand. — BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. Fine example of drab glaze over fine crackle surface. On a stand. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of white crystal, containing, on one side, utile crys- tals, surface carved and chased; top emerald green and fat jade. BLUE AND WHITE SNUFF BOTTLE. Decorated with Imperial five clawed dragon; with ’ pink coral stopper. 4 924 SNUFF BOTTLE. : Of unusual form of agate with smooth surface; im- # perial jade green top. SNUFF BOTTLE. ZA With peach bloom decorations. With stand. ae 205 925 926 927 928 SMALL WHITE PORCELAIN JAR. Carved decorations under the glaze. On 3 a stat SMALL JAR. With figure decorations on white ue On a stand. : TWIN SNUFF BOTTLE. Dark peach bloom decorations. With stand. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of curiously formed agate, having surface slightly carved ; emerald green top. SNUFF BOTTLE. With blue and peach bloom decorations on white ground. With stand. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of vase form with figure decorations; orange capped stopper of stone. With stand. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of curiously clouded agate with smooth surface and pink top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of agate, with smooth surface, having very unusual markings in the stone; dull red top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Rectangular in form with flowers and vines, green and red. With stand. 206 3 3 4 ‘ ra, A . 4 SS be apple green ee With stand. 93 Pier BOTTLE. Be Of cabbage green jade, having smooth surface; with pink coral top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of yellowish crystal, plain surface; with red agate stopper. Of glass, milky white in tone, with green top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of antique glass; with old glass top. 938 SNUFF BOTTLE. P : Of agate carved with figure of a sage under a tree in relief, showing different colors of the stone; with green top. SNUFF BOTTLE. . Of antique opaque white glass; with pink top. 933 SNUFF BOTTLE. | : Of agate, carved with decoration of monkeys play- : ing at the entrance to a cave and insect flying at the entrance; with amethyst top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of white crystal carved in the form of fruit, the stem of the fruit forming the top. 207 934 935 936 937 938 SNUFF BOTTLE. Of agate of sage green and yellow color with ae = ¥ tion of birds and bamboos ‘carved (si i= aa a emerald green and white jade top. LARGE SNUFF BOTTLE. Antique. Cut from white rock crystal, filled with - rutile needles ; with emerald green and white jade top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of cameo glass with different decorations; with top of red coral. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of deep sapphire blue elaborately carved; with pink coral top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of cameo glass with different decorations; with top of red coral. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of cameo glass with different decorations; with top of red coral. . Pe ye Sey ee SNUFF BOTTLE. Of smoky quartz with carved surface; Imperial green jade top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of carved porcelain with decorations i: medallions on the sides ; with emerald green and white jade top. 208 A met ee a Of unusual quartz crystal, having a smooth surface; _ Imperial green jade top. ger ‘OLD PEKIN CAMEO GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. f _ Ruby red carved on white ground. \ee 94 41 SNUFF BOTTLE. Sas Of jade, carved in relief, representing fruit; with a 4 : silver mounted top. On a stand. is 9 SNUFF BOTTLE. Of fossil amber, finely carved; with top of emerald green and white jade. a 943 SNUFF BOTTLE. Of white crystal, the sides carved in medallions, with flowers and plants; with pink coral top. On a stand. OLD PEKIN GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE. Ruby red color, with rose pink stopper and spoon. 944 SNUFF BOTTLE. Of rare cameo glass, with decorations in bright blue of birds and trees in relief, on mottled ground; with red coral top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of cameo glass, with different decorations; with top of green paste. 209 945 946 947 948 949 950 551 SNUFF BOTTLE. Of cabbage green jade, with flowers one branches carved in relief ; with Imperial green top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of smooth quartz crystal filled with rutile crystals; with pink coral top. On a stand. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of curious agate, with smooth surface, variegated colors; with emerald green cap. On a stand. SNUFF BOTTLE. With green figure decorations on white ground; pink coral stopper. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of very rare cherry red and orange yellow mottled glass; with emerald green jade top. > SNUFF BOTTLE. Of brown agate, with carved heads of Dog-Foo on the sides; with emerald green and white top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of cabbage green jade, smooth surface, with emerald green jade top. On a stand. SNUFF BOTTLE. Decorated with figures; with red coral stopper. 210 4 SNUFF BOTTLE. Of unusual agate, with carved surface ; Imperial green jade top. Of rose pink al On a stand. Of carved white jade; with emerald green and white jade top. = 981 SNUFF BOTTLE. Of red or cherry colored jade mottled with grey, carved ; with ivory top. 958 SNUFF BOTTLE. . Of finely carved cameo glass, with designs of jars, vases and stands in jet black on a milk-white ground ; with red coral top. SNUFF BOTTLE. Of antique cameo glass, with carved floral decora- tions in reds, greens, pinks and yellows; with red coral top. 211 960 SNUFF BOTTLE. Of cabbage green jade, smooth surface; coral cap. On a stand. 961 SNUFF BOTTLE. Very fine carved amethyst of unusual form; ¥ fluted ivory top. 962 TWIN SNUFF BOTTLE. Cut from perfect white crystal with decorations) of A ; t a poem, birds and flowers on the interior. With | bl e ivory tops. A rare and perfect example. ae 963 SNUFF BOTTLE. Of agate of rare color, showing horse with monkeys i as grooms and attendants; both sides carved; vent / F ; emerald green jade top. ae Pas 964 SNUFF BOTTLE. Of very remarkable blue moss agate finely carved; LA ie agate of similar color forms the top. 965 SNUFF BOTTLE. ire Of agate in different design and color; with similar top. ; SNUFF BOTTLE. } we Of antique glass, finely painted and decorated on the interior; with pink crystal top. 212 Gary Satsuma — 967 BOWL AND COVER. 968 BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. . rac Of light golden tone, the surface covered with deco- rations of chrysanthemum flowers and Arabesque © patterns. Made by Yabu-Meisan. On a stand. Re Height, 14 inches. — 969 JAR FORM VASE. a Mate of the foregoing, but with different landscape decorations. Made by Yabu-Meisan and signed. On a stand. Height, 11 inches. & 970 JAR FORM VASE. The decorations depict the farmer’s life from the Ree. ; sowing of the seed until the harvest. The sky is eis yf formed by minute stippled dots of gold of the finest : yv quality. Made by Yabu-Meisan and signed at the | bottom. On a stand. Height, 11 inches. 971" JARSOF OLD IVORY COLOR: Round and pyramidal in form. Red apple and leaf eS on the cover. Seventeenth Century. With red crepe fy Fie Height, 7 eee s 972 JAR WITH GOLD LACQUER COVER. Dull grey in tone, the paste carved in panel form. - . Old Corean work. Ona stand. Height, 14 1-2 inches. ‘Ss 214 | | } 973 A BOWL. 6s Outside decorations in fine gold. Inside, the decora- tions in Satsuma clay in bold relief, represent a rock grotto overgrown with vines, mosses and _ lichens, every part of which is marked by absolute fidelity to nature. Down one side of the grotto, pours a moun- tain stream, and in recesses on either side, are a serpent and monkey. Within the grotto, seated at a table, are the great Daimios of Satsuma and Hizen, playing the game of Go, while behind them stands an attendant. In the rear appears the beautiful bay on the coast of Satsuma, with its charming landscape. Made in 1825 by Norinobu Takeda, and regarded by all Japanese experts as the masterpiece of Satsuma relief work. On a stand. Diameter, 10 inches; height, 8 1-2 inches. 215 974 GOLD LACQUERED OBLONG BOX, With original silk cords. 975 LIU-KIU ISLAND LACQUERED STAND. Inlaid with pearl of iridescent colors in designs oe fruits and flowers. 976 LONG GLOVE BOX. *Geke Deeply carved in designs of birds, flowers and 3 foliage. Lacquers of every color were used in form- tet ing this box and are most harmoniously blended. ac Length, 9 1-4 inches; width, 4 ee . depth, 3 inches. — 97% COMPLETE TOILET AND LUNCH SET. ae Twenty pieces of old Roiro, black and gold lacquer, _ with crest of the Princess Osumi. ‘ mf, Bs > 978 ANTIQUE STAND. On four curved legs resting on a square base; deco- &. rated in red and dark green lacquer with landscapes } x! = and figures. Height, 17 inches. 979 ANTIQUE STAND. ae Ps Mate to the foregoing and similar in form and deco- » ; ration. 216 980 DARK RED LACQUER BOX. Of finest quality, deeply carved in various intricate designs. Of scroll outline in form. Height, 4 1-2 inches; diameter, 12 1-2 inches. 981 GOLD LACQUERED TRAY. Square in form, with decorations of leaves Ree flow- ers in sprays. 982 A REMARKABLE RED LACQUER BOX AND STAND. Made as two inscriptions show, for the great Em- peror Chien-Lung. Decorated with Imperial five- clawed dragons sporting in the waves. The quality of the lacquer and the depth and fineness of the carving, stamp this example as a masterpiece. The stand upon which the box rests is equally fine in quality and workmanship. Height, 11 inches; diameter, 12 inches. 983 FINE OBI ARMOR TRUNK. Of dark red lacquer ground, highly decorated with gold and vari-colored lacquers, showing the crest of the Prince of Buzen. Ornamented with elaborate metal binding and heavy silk cords. Made in 1750. Length, 25 inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 16 inches. 984 A SET OF THREE ELABORATELY CARVED IVORY TUSKS. Mounted on black and gold lacquer stands. The center tusk which is of large size is mounted on a revolving stand. All are covered with carvings of an historical character and the center one is inlaid with i gold, silver and precious stones. Full records are 217 carved on each piece. These pieces > pu in 1873 from Mr. Doyle, U. S. Consul Translation of marks on center tusk: “Made Mitsuakira Housai.” The side pieces were made b Kunimitsu Jokosai. The center tusk was the tusk of a mammoth found in Siberia. The other two are the tusks of East Indian elephants. ah The stand for the center tusk is a gold lacquer cabinet with ivory panels inlaid with gold. The doors open- — ing show a set of drawers with ivory panels inlaid with gold. Height, 36 inches; diameter, 6 inches. Height of two side pieces 17 inches each; diameter, 4. 1-2 inches and 4 inches. 985 RELIEF PANEL—ANCESTRAL TREE OF DARK GREEN JADE. Resting on a pedestal set with turquoises and covered with letters in gold recording sayings of Buddha and 19 enclosing representations of events in his life. The in- ee ey scriptions show this was made for the Emperor Chien- ; Lung. The panel is 4 feet 6 inches long x 2 feet 4 inches wide. 986 FOUR FOLD CHINESE SCREEN. With carved bamboo frame, and panels of wood set 4 with birds, leaves and flowers in carved ivory of 7 ' various colors. Both sides similarly decorated. ; Height, 52 inches; length extended 74 inches. ee ee Oe 987 IMPERIAL THREE FOLD SCREEN. With black satin front panels embroidered in heavy ~ pure gold bullion in pattern of storks. On the sides ay of the frame are storks carved from single pieces of wood ebonized; the central panel is surmounted by 218 carved Imperial crest of Japan with two dragons. Frame throughout carved in relief. The back is lined with two shades of uncut velvet with gold threads. An Exposition piece. Height, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 9 feet. 988 VERY LARGE SIXTEENTH CENTURY JAR. Surface of dull olive green with decorations of birds, flowers, leaves and branches, and arabesque designs in relief covered with a dull yellowish enamel. This vase was tribute from the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Emperor of China. Height, 54 inches; diameter, 22 inches. 989 ANOTHER. Mate to the foregoing and similar. These two water jars are examples of the old Cambo- dian potters’ work. 989-2 TWO CARVED ROSEWOOD STANDS WITH MARBLE TOPS. 990 QUEEN ANNE CELLARETTE. Mahogany case with brass handles, lock and key, containing six large and six small decanters in sepa- rate compartments, with two toddy glasses, two wine glasses, one whiskey glass and a glass funnel; all decorated with gold in a vine and grape pattern. 991 THE ORSINI SHIELD. Made of wrought iron inlaid with gold and silver. The Orsini Family Crest forms the center or boss, surrounded by panels in which great events in Roman history are modelled in bold relief. Purchased directly from the Orsini family. An unusually fine museum piece. i” 2 219 993 ANT IQUE BUST OF HERMES. With bronze head and antique marble ae This was exhumed in ancient Carthage in fine example of ancient Greek work and b ie be by Praxiteles. It was found some twenty-f below the surface in the same excavation as 994 ANTIQUE BUST OF GERMANICUS ae = The head of heroic size in bronze is set in a Phidian : marble bust representing ancient armor, and rests ¢ on. . a pedestal of mored porphyry. This was exhumed ~ about six feet below the suifast in 1897. (See Illustration.) 995 A SET OF PERSIAN ARMOR. Made of the finest steel inlaid with gold. Coadanes of seven pieces, covered with inscriptions from the 5 Koran inlaid in gold and silver. 996 A SET OF INDIAN ARMOR. Consisting of seven pieces of steel with gold inlays of the finest workmanship and covered with inscriptions. XVIIth Century. These two sets of ancient Armor had been handed down in one of the wealthiest Hebrew families of Constantinople for generations. Through the assistance of a Hebrew friend of the owner they were acquired after three years’ delay. 220 No. 994. ANTIQUE BUST OF GERMANICUS CAESAR Exhumed in the Island of Cypress | Mahogany Furniture. 997 CHINESE TEAKWOOD STAND. The wood in its natural color; with vari-colored marble top. Height, 21 inches. 998 OLD CHINESE CARVED MULBERRY WOOD STAND. Height 21 inches. 999 COLONIAL MIRROR. Gilt baluster frame with rosette corners. Height, 36 inches; width, 24 inches. 1000 WOOD PEDESTAL. Square base, stem and top. Mahogany veneer. Height, 37 inches. 1001 WOOD PEDESTAL. With fluted stem and round top. Height, 37 inches. 1002 DUTCH ARMCHAIR OF CARVED MAHOGANY. With jar splat, square uprights, turned braces, and cabriole front legs with duck feet; upholstered slip seat. 1003 DUTCH SIDE CHAIR OF CARVED MAHOGANY. To match the foregoing. 223 : the ape velvet WOOD PEDESTAL. With fluted stem and round top. Gas crac. = Height, 8? h SOLID MAHOGANY TIP-TABLE. — With claw and ball feet, and revolving top. WOOD PEDESTAL. Square base, stem and top. Mahogany veneer. Height, 37 inches. WOOD PEDESTAL. With four spread feet and round top. 3D Height, 37 inches. ; QUEEN ANNE LOWBOY. Of San Domingo mahogany ; finely carved with heen ; ole legs and claw and ball feet. One large and three | small drawers with brass mountings. Height, 29 inches; length, 35 inches; : width, 20 inches. — OLD COLONIAL BUREAU—WRITING DESK. Of solid mahogany with hinged drop front and orig- _ inal brass handles and trimmings. There are seven — small drawers and pigeon-holes in the top, and four large drawers in the lower part of the desk. Height, 43 inches; length, 39 inches; depth, 19 1-2 inches. 224 | FINE OLD COLONIAL SIDEBOARD. : t: Of San Domingo mahogany; with decanter pull at one end, three drawers and three large under com- partments; the front ornamented with four columns having carved capitals resting on lion paw feet. Original cut glass pulls. Height, 44 inches; length, 75 inches; width, 25 inches. _ 1012 HIGH-POSTED CANOPY BEDSTEAD. Of solid mahogany; with slender fluted posts; head- board carved with Cornucopia and fruit. Height, over 7 feet. 1018 DINING ROOM TABLE. tis Of mahogany; the legs carved in a spiral design; original brass pull on drawer; drop leaf. 50 inches x 41 inches, open. 1014. MAHOGANY DINING ROOM TABLE. Resting on four tapering square legs with holly inlays ; drop leaf. 59 ches «+ 48 mches, open. 1015 SHERATON SOFA. Of mahogany inlaid with satinwood; upholstered in dark green corduroy velvet. Length, 4 1-2 feet. 1016 OLD FRENCH WOOD COFFER. With Hammered Brass panels resting on paw feet, with tapestry panels on top and sides. Height, 19 inches; length, 32 inches; width,19 inches. 225 - 1017 TAPESTRY IN OLD F LEMISH DESIGN. . . Depicting a picnic under the green wood trees; in the distance through an opening in the trees are seen chateaux, mountains and trees. Size, 17 1-2 feet x 10 feet. 1018 TWENTY-ONE GLASS SHOW CASES. The cases having four glass paneled sides and hinged glass doors rest on tables built expressly for them. Lined with black cloth. 4, height, 72 inches; width, 83 1-2 inches; length, 1, height, 1, height, 1, height, 6, height, 7, height, 1, height, 54 72 72 72 72 77 70 1-2 inches. inches; width, 19 inches; length, 55 inches. inches; width, 15 inches; length, 35 inches. (Glass cracked.) inches; width, 20 inches; length, 45 inches. inches; width, 83 inches; length, 49 inches. (2 with cracked glass.) inches; width, 30 inches; length, 27 inches. inches; width, 26 1-2 inches; length, 50 inches. (The table has a deep drawer, 47 inches « 12 inches). 2 4 yay? ee eee pS ee AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY j AEA LS ~ a i sa mn) ig SY Xe ee ENoe) Bixee) hie ° ne ' ‘ Se «4 Wheat By A ey Ce pA. ; te a ta 5 re Meare c : ‘on TaN > pees ‘Wi is ie "e Ae) et Aaa R £ ze / Maetiaisenk “that bd Neem Tht * she An amet mabe ee te Sie Lae make sae pa 3 Siti iting Tekan ste ries * Grane morte mem Ag rome ihe latched A; (rege i hanthonas Pe potas ers Nae Nbr aciesy LA Avge Si decay ea bey Mbttealalorst bon Abd hate ene mbeaay nt vbea bose sitet Ni egy Su eases bays wet mtatetienattes ay Wavfioeenes: a ves parhees Ne aphanees ena eee ne Sa Pree tamtets Seite Metieniae as SAGAS Ty Ni say evar ta OES hi Gian ha siaete ae a pease gh Sas . beat FON SUPRA eles rt ann Schone US ml Kae, cee +" heal Tipabacns hire ee Seley AE RVG A ep ey Meare etree pehererifes SER, metadata eet Re eAty oy RAT 4 Vibe me WU AN ene ais MADE Chae sty deere seoace rebet “ Anh) dy Setter ey ep heated hres ik Os Fasamn AN a Hodehrtartctin sacvcee Beuiay Vas eye ly Shi Gaby TAQ RSL Martel KL SPSL venig a, Money te hean Pains SEEN PRN wear Heri Rowe baow a Wa abe 7 Dh ewipeales ee had tt ote TNA MDPC Hm, OIA) tbe bds Cente aN Dk alae te pbs hove ay eaphton art: PEN LST es AD ga treet See hyo Meas eruar agers Sioa ym N He ge, A rity is sry nrbRatitne tat ys hla ee PnO8 Pratt iwbbves ue iy: ML PtariP tna epee ilo HE Mityirmiburis Ge ale Oy Fai ane hie sick) papers Hema Ach IB Na FY 4 bs cle RE EWS Nils Maen siee tee tree Sty Crsths Ponte re elm ct be yan SHAS, hdd in hte RS We Mase SAL Wren Beruinc SAS cag es SuNiel Wissonnty wor SPRANG FAS aiiener ees aS RD EA MS hy “trate Waite Y ohh “ ai Ans at ach dices, oy vel Frente asta: tchine bran a a Sg hte sin eck | Mi erry Neen May Hh Misa Ta bas, iO\Asbara bing Lhidvhy Mary EN Ns tbs NO ay We Pas asoe ta, Col Wea te Se hreerigngtan a Lin te ree a Seles At ete PETA FAAS Mise, ucidibe tA oe Ae) ayy AG eee Bn Td WAST CUTE Nereis ater Naat glare eitat Ria eC ae % WA Be nw Fase oy Ma hy ee re Theanies wy Sheed SE AN oldie fe aes STR Kine arate Venti PE sey PAN litho te as ee Me ge tices oka abe EES amin aga fi sg nen cout cara? as ets care Seti OO A PL ew. eek ty Nett Risntere heals Seri) ce Peeks tS ea ee, AM akg aA Ao i Selb eu Senta heithe Pperetcen ah ae WN a ete ms peat FECA VM and mete tyras Paae ttt Ne Ubhayg See aa dacs ety te Pope yee: Bewe i oa vk Seen 4 Bad toe nh doh gea reid an i oe ret re AE Nie Patent Coren sae y Bente niet ; arnore lets Aickese LER Abed Hed vy beta be Pa a bye ata tiae to Py, hed Sa patti 3 ai Utne kowcbiyeualge tht th De theyee: seth Se goby ivesias Rak Sorrel acy opts MAL et hrs topkd Cine oui § “ bios Fearne tora ear aan kod Seti set 4 tiie i eiireses ey Sip Ayu is either fae Scene: aie iat = 4 paths Nitiereg : _ Ei orien age es be agi Ph SAVES BRR bbb a os, ARN yery Fink Rana Ver werver sik wacay ait % +4 AEN eatelbdaten oe Bee NRO r Retell Au are: AEG AALS Meth Sy jon 3 Shs hye ‘nels heaebie Ie iit LL cn SPV TE eb rb he alt PE ined ahg4 ve Hoes Aas omer Ae od ig Le hael Ye. bees ~ Wy tim? 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