va ae i aril Marit oe enEETLE : A ean Inferibil = eS OS SP ie Whcitre ar the 1 Viariverfat anaes Awe M Lief BD ee Pr Sr sie Claim, | Whey eae znd Ornament ae Ke Oneh fs ‘Shis¥mblem Sketch declares the Asathor’s Lim:\ To- serve, or grace, the Counter or HheThrone : “sy A REPRESENTATIVE of Skill-e/ind, | Act fallinproving from plain Netware’ fource; = | Where all thePewman's 2 Qualities are e porn Dm | With / Judgment, Freedom;and nith ceva i ee) TP Shes ghtof Excalence EO page Helly (— ity as : 9 Mecept cach Penman Your fast Merits Due. A Z Sue, :So This av You advanite, the Picture ti is Of Suess QQ Z ee ~ AG H Gas ini del Sold by M King i the Poultry, M! Dod in Ave-Mary Lane, and y the Printfellers Gilman ze ce Three-Fence. ee. Mk ‘oefed. OCC e221 wn a a U¢ bebjont UN Wide Ie Mn bes WS ee : ge sige e ee he fy Se — SS Se eee ae MEE > 7 iS ‘ y yo : On ah the useful, ano ornamental Spanched of: A ledern Aénmman lupo; wih a ) Vf, ; va) Baa Wee 3 ) y SOME 11 cophary G bfere vations on lhe wvellency of the: LOW, WHO UME Ce Vumlber 34 “ ¢ é ¢ ¢ of select e HeMCevwced tH Vrofé and Lerse, VAMOS TOUS of uUsnepe relating (0? i, é ¢ ; D 2 poe Merituanidi Ke anNoS rite; Letters on veveral Ceey COM, ACCUILUTE & Yee Sm ‘an Ountal. ng ,anile* pax com sin llth Witnos now firacte Vow \ Milk he free plbes Suite ae we fe Ue onl tes nfo mie Wile | XS cea Q Ok ) G O)e NPIS : Wav Lnaravd, Gy. Geo: PickGamso > Je Qe ) ae Whol Cmbelishiil nuth beautiful Decorations for her Spracesenreru. of the, Curis aa 6 sONDON: Gy nted for anor Joli by the Allin; 2 ‘the Conn tn 1 fumes ye Street, unhill Prelit, IAI. = ue ind fo 8 mally Go. fe Se) “Lely ty, | le We intr) iY. 9 \\\ ~ Gxrarl eee > GEO, (bok? ZIS\ Intitled the oe &" Tost Lae Dedicatedrt Post doh Oy Sovran \ \ DY ‘ope Mihi TTA TTT hy Uheder Auf nents, to-cmprove lbetr Wlindt 13 MOTEL iio li mT aT RTT qT a iil y Youth fone Lr ie onl, m f May evry. Line, on cach rae int Page ae gly e Vento inter tain their GTOW: ff, O ce teens Oe ether Ge Mlemphuan Teests, or elven tage, | G;. 5 ’ A, P, Firat painted Language on the leafy Lage; Sir A ¢ ae an he epics OS I. oa She vaste Invention doullllefs J cane from Heuvn, ¢ And with it half Humandy WLS YL). om z ¢ pe, ro 5 e Hail hapy Life Art!to Seunce near ally iP os _ 2 H She Tcholarsa Seis} ‘Y, antl the Verchants Guide: D : Z rs 2 Learning, thio thee, descents to distant Hines, e And Commerce travels oe wr remotes C limes: 2 Shou cham events whiche Ayes wuilely (poart, é ONY. it theLovers Wish, relievit the lal} gH “art. é Ee Cout Use alone was what hey fot ‘pours > 3 } Ge She Characters n ere fer, Uti Figured pule2 ‘ Mucceeding. Masters heighten up th Intent; 7 C ‘ E F Yave the free. tyoke, and added Ornament. =_ ¢ “NS CCSDOY Ry eee Bickhart kee | | BL vofe th ‘Engravera onlating Hill p~ ¢ ¢ c 2 Vp . , . hat tracd them Yf aut multyplyd. at wl. ¢ é Bothe Arts tn Britain now unrwalld dell, e Hid the last eacellent, WE CUCL MOIS excel. —_ Hal, Hafy wife Aptistsl for cach other Cort,» Whore Ul. bike, unted, mutually Y adn. » 2D) ae ; ) s Lill Bukhams C lye fuchinimen had not been; 2B} tik ay RPS ape ee Lill theirs, lehe his no Hand was ever seen. Wath Riles iy ust, Cxramfeles ly refinit. FH a (ei aptly chofe, and vartotds an their hint? aco. 5 2 . , e Yey have no Roone toeniulate thety hii; Sor ure, aLlan his finish in cach Fart, G 127 F 2 No futurer Aged hall, Give, Wo former Yue; > ie iz ¢ . yr ee V); Yat Shey alone could write. We only could Cnt, ca é € . ~ aN Ke Zr ae = e Aes LOWMEMEK—~ £4 ey ? Beas rs Api 3 Gj Veliatde an fr borhon To Ha eatlnfive Ue boa Hh Ataf My ain sp ee ag AO, Te me Haig One of the dpe tiperg Tan on np ye —~ oe Aleny tMorefee te spun Sand bag dy ae bac ug full fe ae ee ia oC WE gr nl by, Ae Whe oe. woth yo fiend esane on sgypeeating) ay Unuver sal Genmuan, IS ot BOM ax “ey De oP C C ¢ ‘ £ Tie ee i) anf 20 A CUE ey Le lm lho Gy Ret of hiores 10, ee, Cae _ ry, wah having Dre. atte Wy neishntbace Yh tp Stabe aa % refupely iy boprey You Cyd Li bevel oe fe PY fom c »y Z Be he cetr; eo) aA 27 ve c Wi CFP td a IED PRs VOU COPYfCEU ee: > VA j; ee ] ou Ke eS : / ol CMMCTL y jé a) y ‘os mod C oe uy Soy slie, e eaaee ae, (2 gover Z Coy. Z a > LW We - C — Ss ne ; Shofe fe ho bury Tare vhill havea . Seventh Grates. &) e Ge ow Si, Me oe oh UM We s Gr as VO? thy YO Sly “pliers. eG. GC, ‘allem MeN ond ibis Git aoe Bs Es ae j na wD owe a: I lte ble Cchnow Meadyed that the VC tS y already Cxlanl a— large Variety of Copy -[So0kd, and fe veral of the pn excecttler dL byvery Able and lecurale Tinme Yo Le ST think. may VENMMUIE. lo.apuert Per dhouls Un anil; that Ilone of he mare fol ofeies, ‘ Jo Universally Unefil, Ore ie oe 5 —— a Wisterise as be 5 folerve Ng Cop. ie He LS sae a ak AN ea » Ths being the Mead fiy, tnall probalilly that Ihall make df SO CHUENSMUE Windia Shall-use ty utmost Cl iis anile ae lifts ry tonake the best anil mos t onflete. tnd I fre yumeNo Onenill doubt fy We VOU Ly Mm Wet. 1 fra? tcular, that confiler: 1 the Serms fy: Pry POS alee (ay one OUT AGEN Ml 2) holly ly deppe nis on ee We nit of the Cufrmanee . 2 fe 4) the, roftte 2 ry conn Interest lor Seuly to catel» Sdeubt not but you will ¢ é conlinte, PA) You have begun, fo. Silfy af a Yo e ee nfive anUnitlerl thing, gan permit Wee bousher u into eV ld, under You Latromi ge anid tpotection: i” nil y if Tam but JO hippy ad lo succeed tu fo Views 1OUS ON Cte mip and an yver the C Aapreclalt ons JS of ny: Sri mdli,e Tahal, dif frife the lle Cantley ofa fe envious Crelicks, who are ever “te lo confine Wi hat hey never can be able to amenth, £ Lj Sha VU j Yili ray ay Ul lo wey continte (0 yfromote and cn HSE Tie hes, anil: LEG WEE ffi Ant. tnwhich the Inte Ce and Glory. of your Country “any 2 (ays concernil,and becomes henang (é Pavan pole f Ve Oy lue SS Sea 7d, td Ue Sincere Wrsh of, ei te es a a F.. CIM MEM ibe a 0 Ud, > _~ ee Vag fee Ve, OUI THOS ei “onl, anibn J Prod C Wigett, funn Med: yy b, Se Mh ay, 28K, ae C é ee : IQS eee CBitham CH ee ee — SG Rs bE Ont tent fo the Yeni! Baas ND RY See ‘ Qf 2 OPOMMALOV pics 2 GUS, Liber 7 PEM Me (366, 2a ERA Bea 8 g L! 27, On the Clrt of Wating Seading,..7l! 2, Vertotts Sorred of lotistinefe.--- 1°28, TT ce he a Command Vhe Hand, Cducation,...Jl! Sie Advice 6,4. Nirtite, OD ats Ye silemen; an Castle fig Ye: cstureand daseny ngage Sy which vs nye 7 optedly Ly eaugh Lt Vi ome Vig yay COMUEVSIN ba mith lhe. lide antl Mell bred, DRAWING 01 another recap sary. Lualijication anil ther fore w Shave sa Sia hr maheteDLecoratios of His lork A fii for by the tmetitfaon of th Thifle, whofe Ye lle fais Yhem tothe Til ly of What Op CF ee € Sips MW) VT, ie cs Nhe mot Useful 10. compiles enh Ty V Twa T have gwen a “unger Te Lanter dp (re Hat frurpofess Sahibited in: Preyer Divine anil ioral nith many Y OX Ya Hoe re «Gud asthe Whar Cd oni fole leated, through yf fre snd Afi Nance Via veral Eminent Lon men, anton Magra i mutth fhe greasy, oe ant svactnefs, Py tthe nodoubls bul will meet with a faourableCheceplion from the Lu Mok ghar f logs Je Cf hill Ce avcisdl for attempting Universal alberformance > G.Bickham. INQEo: To veNeT we WANS LETTERS. SN Dg Df? ; ? ( Wy tele Lo UMA UICCE Yo Le MEWS. lhe Memory Y Te Wee Yj GUA Ge J Viake SOP vie, VHA he c Yiapchs morte “je i. Yu SC Sf UP, (gd fo come ts Leeveidleo, Vay Vis Spe Wd CUT 2 ey (thy ‘Se Iiiuh ae Jy, Mtl nile 4 Ve VOM ie vee /, CP ) : we Md annulate interventent Lame antl puthe futse Ng Cd ig ee ay Vid CIC000, 0 Ghat lhe Living anil Lew OWMUVICE logellie?; G10 yy fam c : VEE Ate antaye, lhl We tay VEE Via ont (hee Sd montliones T > Ue Lead that whith hehe Ng MaC WOOF CNC NOE fofay folly. re , 1 ETO aN ew ae ee ; Place this N° Wey SK ONIN OEE Geo. Bickham After Page 2. See SE aN Fecit 2 ound Teat Copuis, Hy Ellington Clark , of Chri Church Soulhwia he Ue a Y aS be Mp te Yh igh Mf Maro nay y 1 Vad wfltevninea Zi Yj ~ jG, — ABCDE as M a OP2RSTUIW RY eee Mather Barbary cP a LONI. Opa C WOU, oe after pA. a: Wi 77 ws aC ife C pannel, ly whith the Knowledge o 5 | Shige td COM ey Le lo our L Upiler Mandingede dnl therefore ee UftOW) @ righte Yyprchen Lon f them dipende J ¥! rectitude } : é > / : & ra GE. four et OOM , and tn order lO SH OU Judy iellds Ga iz a ee . 2 = . . } ts rgb, Chey VetS le uniderttool Zp thet) flfere W Le aired, G = ¢ c € Lay : ? 5 5 ase » x — anil isi tn ther litte. tenfé, ether nll, ruling Ore Jreahiing. Bere ¢ C ‘< Cae ~— Fnvall pour Words let Energy be found, GQ C L ) AndVeaen to rife inSente and fink inSound: e ay ar Warlh Words, tho pectinent, uncooth appear; > oneypleate the Fancy, which offend the Ear. ) x ay org es eae. (ye EAGID : GZ : J pitt (Hyper fers. C @) 0 2 acnprovmenti Wl Ke y Ue Bay WUbE 4 So Vi pode EE i é d os : Cimmenain WNUMMUMES ve VILLA Dil a VACCAL¢ youl CI COMLITCC, yi y | C 2 a fs abe “iitlle grea prodigy Wy. ——e C//¢, — UM; og 2 Ly Mel oe “tn \phihVeen like Gr eld ih LL, To Sat ah lor Yeu, od, and pain unbudy _L a Wel lo / a KK Q Lag amd uml: esl Skill, FD ibs ly Shee, CWP Onuehe be one.Sep nfe perform Che Dash F: Shree. : © Whe g see her lweloihtheHeul antl. WZ. LU Cp Nn take, a, ive, whl cath bul Y Yuet ALS tn fe b, O64 Nith the Ie Vip. LGW of: Dy, aide We Wes See YUCO?, Stn without SLA pare COMME LI Jenfe; @ Sp; Cer hot onfinl, HY, 7. ale Unis Carthls tly Ball ogy Lrauel oer the CE CO bbs UO Ch okt — & Deal. Lilters, Uelts Wlle. Li WNYC lotions ons fi ce 1 DP, ove lo the Soul the elescifoes he Thorigh: tO, Z ai Omer Niort Lifeadealhlifs Witnufs ga SS phe bil all Deets anil tiles ash, antl dive: WO. CD tn. heed: ge Life, Clernily we Cd eras] OG Lew the S17: MMe Ny CS, UL infor mn the. ee, Lae e | ty His Ys se Wwe jie che teferwih aook, Cbd hich, Ville. File al. Nature mM a Book CGe. SOBote bn 3Cthaan ion Deri Oe aD “Sess Sana et po Se foacraces READING and WRITING.«, Zz A, ¢ hy Whe. 1). CS Of heading anid shy “ing, PVC CUP if ab Home ant acquainl OW) Selves Wilh whal ts Piso Wb all the distant Sorts of the Wortil. Sfind What our? Sathery dil long ago inlhefirs Ages of Mankind, é ¢ (ee ¢ x e dot of Letters hoes, AS VVC, FOC all lhe ratte AGe S iS We one andl Let 1 them al once Wee lee Mey COM Cringe all, Mice Nak QMONd 1 fr OM afar, aul 4 Vide a L000, 0S UL WENC A 2 Ge neral Snlervte VU, SO that the most disttanl© 1, CS of Manh Cl Q 2 —< Peay CBE EES Coy her and g fdas moe ey quanlapce >» Lael © brong a thet eSnventiond Vi ML Bs os More — ree necepiary. 4 U ful or conventenfs Han Wrieng, GL which ac Man td Melily delinealohiar ery Conceptions aS J, communicate hisWlind without Speaking, ee O1VE pond 2S ' ( Wwilfohess Arend ab hen bound Mules disfance and ala QO) vi The CUVEE 0, Coventy four: sai. y UL 1 Hibe, jee 2 Bes Oe fie Cb oi / SE f ) DS Se a Cn. < Gay t Vein, he vuldexiteme to boink Qrell. és My Sie mn 1 fu Wyerne niin the Y Lf fe Pyrman Mp a), Kg Le your “de sunng) me! [or di Py ee Pigs Webi. vome frart df oe New lipy Bath. Oe , your Oo, Vig nistoth a, ible & sUaful, Swill ingly ¢ embrace oa Yc he (Yy 1 Yfroee nity Of Pere mgy hot, inl) tha WUC! Mates ea) Ce Tae LOD C. on fhe a Outing, Ras ‘Yous ¢ Yoprove : Meare ie realy ) youi Sheretervite soi ea Say ( cS CLE. Work of this aie hilhoteen Long q Want veh of 20” death 7, oe Your Miles foe weute ar foo nell now To reed any em Hecommena bihins Wh Yah y a oe Cn ght Sih Or Oy Tate celebrated Mauhe > W. Y, huarle Srl, Sou eral ather-emunenfs Lemme Wee He UE: oo Les tmontes f. EL @® Ror eR es @ Ne ae Za Bs Y Gunion, Cant ve Mover iy anleipeois to We 204. Hh, his She Work y 1 ie ae at present en ny ly EY narothuly (yous Salou vamay deel» he neourage ae pe OL WU tbe f She ie esl Difre io une eee Joni OT a y OUP yada ile fe Age OG Hin C2 it ge Va WM, biz. UE aS & ad eo) : 7 ee ie. YD, Pore Wi of Ms Wie Os ee : S fi ie ( Py, WM the poles ye wesldom findin || « Myfbolear frees fourMlany buy im yo Man fbrusinft th the Clr tis yo oinil; Wheelin Mo erly, anid wrote with Citsejm Butin Yourljeriies bathe Coe a et, |) ndevty One, tr the newt. Lage, Mitty, VLIW? Ry happy Chars er conifleter VS ACurinw Soec cinen, Berforn iy You. on Thus rightly» form De Ah ufefal Wieatete oie: | appa hype at liton, havent ayn Thao all You Mohasnihath pe cane an | My cones Stiljand all ny. lit diy “plays e The re 2 flo ving Tovhes tr bruce So Seoportion rts Sroud 4 Via Te SE eas ‘Spas Snughty MMe, a Ty fey whites # Ienwe, and captivate thet Oye as. | a ny ee Your fon je Vie We re Ypie Sus, hi h copying of Your Nuk ; Iau CS a ” a aE 2 Fos oy COSC Z Vi, Vee no, and iL fe a Le Miny V1 Lune Siw li Hla ligt il, lho. sift as Cngels Wings Gwe She 6b Yon commun, fi; Ss Mh bold » Sug QUIC SI UGS : am Whi the bow Pred dip ice a Shgpeals lhe Itvohe bul carmmot reach tee Gram _ Show Jit My Boll whin tn Some Taste 1h Hail, ~ nes: ales Vie F Mars he ken (pe Sen al once JOU Je Preetom wilh Commun! mm, S With e Mftrif. fi ys POG, quith Ornaments nofevan aa ee with Looporton, and with Heat, nefs fe aun; pO) © No pale L, yt “ll, comple tu? fe Pip fR ve OL CQ tnd Coiful mod whine nor oft CSNY OC brf 2. —\ Cer dig 1Yth- Super when theeHand we trate How ni bo. S%, Pon fir fecl CU) 1 Grol Ae a So smooth SO Jné lic numle Maoh SWE UMM, a Like Ly Hyfes Vig Fartis oor ha QC. Morning ye = . I. Champiive orga EDUCATION. © ae Soul milteoul Cilucatin ti lihe Wlarble inthe. Luarry, a while SRCIUS WON Vl ds inherent Deus tl the shill g Via “oe Lote acl LT a Vie thetis oul lee Coleus: LLL dete overs lie ornamental Clouds hil Pulte j< Be oD Uro lhe Cody Sil Citucalion drare oul (0 View ever »Y latent Vijlite Ww. ~ wilhoul such Hilps wold never be ale lO mike Weil Yypeurance.— hMeiviiadlaam pyhrld, bg at no /Y/ ly Ufferent degrees of 4 g Cyfeclion, roportan it Ue Yant it bdvanlie C ofa Lbcral Scalon. C The. MC of ‘dawcation ti a work fy y hey Vie A Moment as ally. Advanta, “ages De Ma SUIT Ued fa Mune. hfe wemagye al Wleasise dipenite CW O70 Uf Us y E Duty Zi nfore pt Lire whi lotnfe se nf? 4 punt “intel, Youle carly: bs ee CS Ji MIT ECE pMonour, VAG ay pupil Me Uli Coan CUJCS V7 ood 4 g Lap foam Mei not take anu tarn, rbe ‘fer hed lo lase J unworle Y, y frurporfed eo reli Rew Aeip> ST C22 : Childs CH, lhe tener C Lp LV, lahe Ue Dow = e Cnil ad dy fu vil ae fi baste LOM Lalriayp lay JS ae nihil We Vi, “eae Youth, A lothil he eo Sn ye WCNC uy. Vel. Bil Vie Jee > es = — — Ww Youth. Ya (right aif WL, 2 Dh ‘fe GO On, a = Vntd, ¢ ach 0 WEI laf ei as with new es Castire done; ma (— Batifne vege sclod till they 4 Grow Ze Yi aN, Ce a > Gad eadt ford Mio Me Lp her dew Darling. Yuli ts, EaanIG 707 becomes habitual, and j 4 gs ull, Vind, De ci aa oF then hard Latlour-to? nfo nthe Mind. OY ulh like Che. fle nil Wie’ nth cup wll ake, “Hofer e Ioup es lea fr tls In 0) ofaions es =) e Vi Ufc aI ae Mer’ Lives Be all be 0) ‘, yt Oli . 4, “foil ey U cloud ball niih Sade Y: nigle im a C vy cation alone lhitl Can Me nN alive, KO unprove eS lolee J of th Y al pyreal nifacliofs. iy. Hats he ¢ 2 Gt UCN WS COM Vas Lent Spe Uf. Jonfe ° VELA usar Education carries Up oir Se. onfe CO” Wisdom GANGA OW) Bul fron her fii Med Orb looks cally MUI C y eZ fi or Deu a Youn Ta CSONN. Y ide f ohh 0 bifet Lewuly of Y Mind, => a Lhe noble Ornament Ve Muman-he (nid, = = Virlucs or: Mufe guards SOU) yiidly Mie Hilt, = — Lh ci 1 pp Sicason, whtn ur Se fe {ONT S = Ss Qua é fons of A. meine (puts 4 ee SUL , Nordoes Uhew Wa ng. Hunourever Ha; my hry rove Ma VE wfecurely y gital, ‘ The OY Ne i. te fuel, nor Mh wu luvs Ye Sole. on — = Gy Ade A : Gia: ~? ee ee, en Oe Te Oo eg eer a ee iv Vislited te Srind of Lie, lhe Foul of Meallle,: ~S) Sez for Duin Conf tk the nih mand Melle D Wi TMC cs ‘ Viriniili 2 above all hing ds G ; j c : fel? Le lo Whe Love al Good null. CO ( Virtue haus Seer Charms whith alr Men Lever, 2 —~ Anil thor Ubal do not choose her Yel Yio} aie a ( z ee Gare ; | Virtue antl ts are altatnid by > © : C Sf. " Wax) fh) € See 7 CqyUcnb Dractiiv S ) By yeveranee> G eS ; : yi ; by Cnefuots Vase: My. Life any) Manners frame: Ma Ree Cc Manly and Spy Vigo ani fae re Som —L3tamer Se oo ee ee ee sa Ox MES @) fo BA ( 4 wi Vi ile ane ee Res De ox € rs Ae meee Scrip: Dison 22 aloo and Beauty, 2 ee Sti PC bs nothing which gies meso pletsing aLiyffed of human A lature, as llelomlemplation f/) Visidom aan Mealy. She latter is peculiar lo thitl Sen white ts therfore called. Yur, when loth meet tn the same. Yorvon Ue Character ts lor sly anh le walle — Va Bawa oie likeIce, our gee does betray:Gx ez. ¢ Ol 6 ASS) pa ae ie Wow oe aap Zona Leckey fevip’. C0.) Qe a a ee a 2 Se Se See N°V. yy oral WU, tues Uemuslve ywilhill Keleipi LOM OVC WU) S cad, Te iss j Usifilile Wis Ue Lyons the Mini lies a5 Greul Comugpliin flu i wilh thee nua VALE Veile ew YA, OS Lome a anil warns ler Toul nite Ve nfdile Pwr ABET ING GE IWAN COI AESOS oe of God. 98 Ras Co ate be fiery Votes, i) » it which the Sobeee cof fine Metigion igion 0 wil PIBAT LS ee 2 DO LY POSSE) Aly gs VIEL gual fi all fer OLS I MW 7 a mths OM “hy wibik Uf & MOC IO UCOE) Mel COUT HO? sgt OP C7 yale WW 5 WICH. OL. Ny rinse 1 COMIC NA vfeke more willing lovby Wy). 0 O GOW, CLARK Sires re, Kos Pim te) aes WTA (yenlle Ke VID upmenipled 204 a WN hose Julie Ly Sale Vie i bul Neer Can cloy la e Yircad hy Soft Y/ Ng OY ly devoted byeasl, O And feltle Ut! Qn curls > Grielor = See He Ug Lf TOYS Ud 10 0 Sulirere Hit? ym he last uf peal fp Ole Fortine c ) fron SO. N pore Gots ally ty leold sway Will be dedarib, — see nee € : She lad meele Sapistmunt he qookk ward, e 5 es Ae Y Le hive 10 Wt ee id your a del Uroul inthe Nhe WU 0e hools, ke o vo familar; vil Mec SeomaneItuiler$ wv, lhe the C7 Gre cue Nitlon I Yhoitl hoe Cel : Learning a, iby Youle Ve ts, Cecome Natura Z el abSiome. Whatever he Athenians haul Monopole; Z ay You arve mute Comimon fo then ‘onus, rho are beholden fo your l laborious Iransle MN 1, Sle a they can nowNial the: VWlusich 0 Vi Yih, cris, Mor Saga): Loleny Yee brilimeheh Ma ‘oMnuachs Vd, the Comer ry ¢, Cue lil, She. Durntyof. Y) Valo Mle. Loy th ofr A wlotle ae Vie We Maenchs Vig ti termites tn fhe. Lille Yong UC OU whit you De adornit with. much bhauly Via Lang Ga Sy Mal re 0 with so rea, ‘propel Y of Cup QOH pr ifs Lwin, biel CUCH fhe G ruginal : blhors, ait they é gully Uni Veh: hitb. both 5 Mion. 4, Ve os H/ Ye fo feelr crun ’ Kee gO — N22 vi. 2S - e Lhe Dusegn of: Learning, is eilher to renwder i Man Wi agreeable ie Om panton tohumscly, anid teach hin lop portdolt - tule wth. Lieu, W236, OF, of Vp w not born lo ane “ale, LO Sify. hil Lr (fect, and furnite hime with the leaped of: gliing OO. ae Mea to) ok coulis round, UP Up MMldd Milf. Ai —~ —| pe || | CH xd mark how Via Us ye Adele mde > se a , Y @ Nobility iihes Ntule, anit. Supremacy CUNT OCU 20 US customary Keesfeer L, Kea muthe Ud the Idols of um unthinking O oul, bits Knowledge anid Learning MONE recommen ts tole. hi ove of thofe na Mprevior é laf, who wdlmre more the ¢ ¢ VWlextts of OU?" Understanding, Yuan eee ldvantages yf ‘our Berth Je Yortune. 2 Os) Sonu Vewe ff DD-— (4 i Cr Cow ypoled ral, ntl 7 Ly WS COSC ihes AN Grandeur mal Witte Dewenoy lm Lull mutih fe OV Ce Tweet Ze y lib} Nie W7. pe Z glide So Vertu Leighte lh WM silom welisiupply : tial theVe Te, Uy UNOl Vie : “arning fo7 fy RSS @ CED, OG 2 FEAST SO ftte Scaring isa dangerns Ching, s2"\-) pea VOIGT OC Ca AD Ka OS OGRIIS™” CBs Drink deev,or tafte not the Vierian Spr pris 6 SD ey ne FOAM OBIS SHAGCD FH Where (h jallow Drags ts intoxicate ein . Ly) ee ie Cc € AG CEG IG TE ~ {id drinking largely fobers us again) Spies Cape [hese ws pane) eee 2 Ta De d — Gas with lhe Charan. Vida Ince does Mipiant St oar, E fy) ; Be x Dn feurlifs ‘ Youth Wwe Coif Ue Hit lets Vi Cot ald Seed ee ae ~o & ? ? 3 a ETA ey While fp ome the Counted Level Vi our Wind, rT. Se — CZ 2 Z i \ i ae Viens we take, nor se Ube. Lenglh Citi (— 3 é en eee aa 3 ¥ ? - SS ( DGGut more advanced tcholi with Mranige Sarpore Yi) ¢ ¢ =~ © A CW. dflanle Teens fens “ie Science 1. a) C Ay a Mf fetes teingashed whiten the Learnt C Vi Wt if? vn the Vlewrnit, sib Jenit lees Ce / whe We Mangers VA Va SEC. OM SL e fei UILY, 0C 1VOUTA nol fare WL Me Ulele oe Che had learn d fe bord the Y ll Ltn the hen Y Land eat he Hail. ~ Cmoac ie ry, Vi mn whi Ne ee, veadand niin, thin fr fr OMe tes Che Nj. op vos he fad von, anid al the calor fee iad congue VC bo G Leaning bse Sedbwer WG Whee Hints of Common So ‘yp Gila Lin those of Noble D Lif CON, Vit. m pry nth Htanily VE LOCI. CULM. Bly, pe var 4 2 ( Terypsth 5 dvi C. yes San —= QD ETAL ES ToVounr “Qentlemen. COWASYUBRIS Ye Virdeike Youths our llyes Map §: Caren ¢ ” , -g = i You whom lhe with Wily, / fooled h, OF Dit ape Se ya ; f, Leurn by the Tin those Talents Po insire, ox e Vat hiv cult « Postar LS fron Mart ry eas ; ae with a dash in ferme may drun a Whirre; g Doha lyon Fale of Cnpues ses tn ahene — e a and Wealth for pin «Delight Yow Hands yo 4 True CHIE MH Marie eu COMES home br. not Chane, Warrant 4 /. yout well canVrte. lly fuse THOUE caste who have hearnid fo. Dance. oe ae Des / Se vay SC IC Sg, OU fel well to. Husherdl evs, 7Y* Mor BSD OD fully of . Nothing Yi whiih 4 0 you woud MUM iS > Une, 14. Dilig “pene your bowl wll ¢ (Gun. ae) ) | Cae ye Arnie Leap ae HME ig. | (Boo 7 I4.G Se fl ‘od Tine al] iAxts t : eon. mee =D ——— Milly V7 ¢ 3 ra , yp > ar e to OME Cr Tndluftry, Wil SO Re alll 1 for c Mypliyn Wl five Wf Cm Wen Leen in wlll Wye I, Chiat te Y fue look il Yue Yee Iulinef, 1 anil. — Snacti uly as CSV Y ‘a hewnous Voatore, ard hife wha filtiem ey earch tt ilo c Moun € i lire Wee, hil Holling 10 Dlttfom ; 5s ei ee ea x : SHAMS the Malienifs of Natilas Y AS Filwity confusls nlletion. 5 (ce 3 : e Des UMIY td needful wa CUCly condone Y- a fe, wwe cannot jwilhontl os CC te aye Yio decently, (7 wasfully hi PO Whe bené bf Sills - fue Won Vie Mert, PCO PS he Udvantaye OF Comfporel WS Vipttd, Ve > fpr WriNg ( ‘ase e Iureet anil Tarlo bee to the Wind, altente “Lm wilh a good G nf NC, wueclens or CN OY Wd, AMES afors Olly : > ST i ED ae: . C Oe WS, bS Cl Guard Cr Bupovente anil iADir lo. tiny ilibi WtS . am ee es Wiiirf 29 e of n v look lach into thee Cd Mit we. eal —~ find Uhal all ths Cigout? Was On WG 7 CO € QLICHIC, i Sirigh Udnife, py, the My: De vUlY Nr Mille Zz /y fu A dbililalid SMa if ve rength Uf Nature. ae Ke BQ& eet: et be i ht Doe by Did were oo “Mf a aga and Doth sultans the Ce. Sv Shave 9 om ay Long, lip vo Se ities cane itd » their So 00 : ae (O8 oil ftrmntg ig He lerves ‘and p purify’d tbe Blood aw) SEDOIDSRS oO Mtn ke fed le Toul inconsanl Health, but I dene diiee G 1Ufele /, anil ests lee Mind, Yor a Man J ye allies may ly WZ li Glin Che Mllinafs Meco I0 Mui je Vid alle tes tobeanIniumleante lo Muiily, andi Wurdbin lo fii. “lf. = DS exipfi€ QO INVITATION, .4.VD INSTRUCTION. C ee Voutles bes LU ULM AU « ALE WD Cine Listen Youths sand AM Dijpley : big iak ss ens With Lenrel Lamd «Len Vie Goll! " Spthes area Certain Wy) e 4 You would Win Ube? Ud . Sus (EI ‘ W/ 4 thal Mn Writeng wold. Diff es Deas Your Master shale. Sdrese se ( Must first with Uriimg fall aleve; : Vil Yfou,fp ah Ze TI ech, Weiser Geil, Ar Sr. yn 2 Do ofr True Suns well ‘all. Make beth Me Laps ZZ ld your € hn. ID ct thats the Chern thll, cagecrs ll, Pree thin gs bear mighty Sway with Men, || ONo can the leaftofthefe Command©) ‘Ehe Sword, the Scepter,and the P E N;; |j| An. the Firft Rank of Fame will Stand =) Nes) O} Z A x > Te v( SN) N°rx. e Boy Sones V/A uaifily ONC Lamp wan Y Lravel Wh WA hee Ce LULINANG eg. y ONE, / Dy 10 the Let fel MMS Ney ll LV Ce Sas & DQ. where lhe VA My Silla us {OY A GUO TRIRVLARED © Doneltn, could it be difcernied by our wil =e Lye, would, int the S Opinion of Plato,a wis ~ us to tout Srexpeel Ole $ Soveofea Wil oom ESR TRO OOS © OWNUUNUC thee Word L Wi WEG (youre ae WOU & 2 NUE. SS (De Wie iM tre ll 4 fee Sit Y, anid wl 7 (you 2 Yo ae Wha alever ll YOu (Ds, “ith, Youre fire lobe: 2 he Seer of he fufl Magers CO Wee ove Gee HONE! STY. Come Ce A hones Means Dealing Gd NC bsg dus anil above low w, Ye Us OUCVY a Saull of wha hil Woe am a Wall Ile PCHOVCS Wie OUP SN Guin ofa fale —~ A the (Oning, anil csleeriees a OO, Le VOMCIIOMS, tho. OU COMES gilded OUT with hee Color SO Gratuity. ae Short is the Date in which ill Acts p pr oe Se le But oe ge can never fail. oe ae ce , e She bheche fun honest Mlan ave never struintl with the Dilushes — of hecantalion;noe dots his Tongue faulser fo muke good atye, Hem the secvel lifes of a double oe reser Inde. Mas far Condi/eons wee — with oulDifiem ting, anil he loves chins above words, fates falshooo ky worse (hun DLewlh, ‘as afatth ful Clee nf of © euclh anid noWlans Ene ‘Sag wale (CO OSS Sohn “Day | y (erie PIXSEISS SIN He > ) oo Diwcoeton Los pol only. Maw tl Wf Yin Ud, — Lal tr ale the Ciraumsantts J if ti Mon, ntl be im like an Under-li Went MO Vie Li ouulente CO glliile = anid derechos tn he crdltui Yi (an Z Of-s Life Yo a, oa I = we planks into pe ae Commiunities & Digieons moe => ——$_ 1 esti: of Men, we may obferve that itis the Difcreet Man not ee the Witty, nor the Learned,nor the Brave who guide Ss ee the Converfation, and ees Meafures to the Society. 4 You Meee ure WU ey Se ining. Yyalitis tre thier Wins 0 ase We WV, Cul (h00C 1S HORE IO Ub ful Wd. Y, MY: HON, tS Us — Vie wnileed pwhtth o bg ya laluctoal Yee res, phiih sels = them ia Mork in thelr Vy ner James anil Serie I, ¢ Ss UMTS my themtolhelladvailage of theLep, ny whol. Lelred of fhem. ” Clie ‘age Y' Vif L( ifyprfid yf Loin a eieees BO ae ae CS) abriel yoo. { fen res) SIRE SIS TENS 34 The Fortune-Teller. v/ Y, patsoer er CONVENUNMEE Nt Y bie hough tobe mE alstiookl anil. Nifwumulatin, aan over bil thew Jnconvenuiniey, US fee ypoelual, because lrinpsallan uniter an ewverla stig fe ansy anid» Mid SUM volhat he ts not believil whe he se SAMURS « Srl, L nor triste whe Mfel rh, ns, ee CC TWCUWS c Honestly Lf Vga sir Vy ly a ‘7 an. Dred psi ek 4th. Ti inf, hte 0 ihn. Od WX Levilfal Goi Ss S mee Ut Rees Untrath nN ig LICOWUNIC td aD Dy, nugreement Celneen thee Jpeech and the Mind of the Speaker. ; VW he yi One. hing EDM RIE Vleuuné, words We no Inge of the a Shonghisel mutkes Ue Wlacks of Speech insig- rife antinul the Wee caning f one Man unintelligible woanotherlhis walrach of the. dptiile of iC hina alan Invaston pon the fights g é lictil yo Ms ha UE Mhcrlle lane f= Go CUpONM ye be OM. C sot Lo UC Whit le WAS THOM b. ill i dS? Custom wd nithe ttt VL de Lil, pee 4 lJ a ttl ass ee We Y (U1; Hell ily C. ( NUM f Wisp Ve Wh Ui Cy rfl DR le lel, yf Med wilh ancl Custom. 1%, oe cb ile ee Cr peg / . ? Clark fi clark Ferip§0. <2 Pet ceesgorns LA e Weis ly. Yeprei SO Halts F0se eo ama WU Habis toon become Caled Wie oS} WM Customs ¢ gather ly Unseen Du ey “4, => ws, Pits Mein: J, Seen T ee. Sa Let the belt courte of Lite pour chorce mbite, fo. Cultomfoon will turn it to Delight. g onl Sk igfune al what 4 ba: O77 ( C pelt) CO, mm Ca ustomn Will 4 has You On. 10, O LUNE 2 Cure: — Sor Cn ftom fo SOC LUC, 190 20Y « Srintl, (for GOO) mm Iu pony OC)" Tape, ani Niele C lature 20 QIOMWS. & z Dont bend your lf lo whl You COVOE 0, Ani never Iver altho the: hing be tit lc, © Ly LS tl he Liked al tl gral C Yen Cs i Yo call on Gor “for cath — In OCLC. Pe DE : ae ae Yall Wee WU SCOWS compli alec O7td , ~~ a Ci wy ? ~ a . . ile = ae Vheual both mfeit VA Mighell ge thee Wines ; eS Cf , a . f ‘ F heed none v Ct pilh Myfouds C Taltes ONY Ul; OO Chere Vie antl: Folly have a gual : SMC, am Gg . 5 . € nidlili¢ nic s00n likes wilh tnolles WV YA —~ ‘ > ‘ : 9 Nees Who CUV0 by Wearrshe Wa SCS anole) ‘Aine: (em Wildl; by crnile temper bave uSorce tithe sont 5 a , rp) Bs 2 : ents ae Somithe cun. Lafont wth, Win VLE SOUl. am = ee aa a OS Onn LL Clr, ee BS ay Pie a \ z J ove, rats on De Uuly, wll lie that aecay, =< ) Cur. Near ay bear ths seniler Chains aD, ly, e ty flor LY anits in VWlantonnefe are WO, —m e 7. Morning. Lorwsire, ani at Cunning COMME , G v0 & / ature binds more COSY, YtC P07C MHIONG Yr YY W he willing He arts anil only hole tt Gong. see —— rts nol loo Wilt YOM HOW VON We “fo oO) VEE five ‘ hifi, e hye OF e MihHife,. SOO? OF Male VALLE Co > 2 in Goode lature wily Cutter af VEEL CO las ~ Sill mikes newt orgests, wl peeved Y fll. We 39 The Good Samaritan. g AO ye. ra Giudle Nature he Soundation of do Cirtues,ether? 7, WNC STOUNMM ON ofa CUS CUPCI Zi Clti MlOtis ie WA Good ij Lalu, Wife bse Vy VON Mj le WAVUCEPL ton Wile Man, good Db Breed wee tne Court. J, 6: he easily Ut: oS. ae leluywon anil Ge, CPUC © 4 0) tH A full Le nope “one ie Ye Oy, ey. We @ op dnd po Yi. ep ye NdC Wildl CV CT Pier os Lo try ae Se, LI ( Joy pe, Wariner. — Pa Gin Le Verse 4 ano GiodF Catire aC 72CVv€ vspraraleds the oe egnorant ; W/L wll. —_ fetus thought ot LDH Ube Good ality, ly whi ee, nee Denefuenceand l Site 5) ts the flroduct g right (é Keg ln, WILLA, of inecefitly We wl re tolhe — oH. ‘allngs yf ‘othe Wd, ty COM ws UNG ey. Wut there ts i nothing og fe wife cL tite WU Carche 100 am hhiselog Oh io Cost Om SN «) s Ynvp wi Mitkas ifs fha df pucfue SS) Wut likEa Shadovo proves the Subfte ME fue. oz Eso SQWt HhkESoliinssmoakées frown ) y ‘ CHoppofing DBody's qeofanefs, not fs ovon, Yo “ % (é “ 7. 4 q ? . 5 a Ree no Compassy vith a Man sho is given fo Sefzatfion ; —~ € ce 5 ea aati a r —~ fo haz tum Patiently, aw fhewa Coumfenonte?of Curourage- we / ¢ ne c x E 4 0 ay, Y me S ) SX ment is fo partake’ of fis Gulf, aud peoupf hin foa Confit —— Cc sas amen haf Dire, vohith Algood Won Should fhe hin for. eens ™_? ” Bee (yee £ > : ‘hé&isa Aut mMan no Chaan tan fam’ ré Of loudly publifhing fis Meighbouzs Shame; E fe) 5 >) Ns SS ie) oi AO On cagkis Wings Jumunocl Stanrdals MEO ré c While Oictuous litions az buf Born anSae. ——_ ee 4 4i The falfe Crticks and oy y Z eh, ¢ 5 CF Mot ities C ult Mot LLM My fe ( ee Lut here or here, de Utod Mire, 5 Ship Hiad mlo de Tees He Mfr; m hoe e tae VLMALLE (ie Salut by nay of Iontle.).n Hee never 4 Yes 10 niles higfeer:: =» \ \ e Mifare aaa we Mel ee Marlee, \\ ¢ Vat froth under nilide teed jm e C Spurr pond lis title Hage, . Anller lips andl lly te, =) KH ie rolling G ye re \ he iy tral ne Mars, § tah wih Gia \ \\ \\ \ She Cag Ut, Uh eer Stile turn x a = Ml danitig CLA ny ¢ A ads — AMrhing a Ching f Lal a: lip! A Wlowitin the bheploasil i Y O Mine “dyn heh foo lish Creature thinks hea Minty, ( Midl pleastladle A heir cnn Cy Mifes fe Vind brought bach, Man fiesl 0 cer dys ie a - INGaae C egret Mark ly white 0 You may de cour a Ottiih whokies nelhe2.» Safle HOI Lurniny, as lebs Lhd he seldom venlures bi frat: Se OM MY. Liefaay Ym cnantlulhor whiih has not ben hiyjore POLE dani, Yuli “nuit e; ly lhe ae Lili Miike anil lhl hers Ciera turns wholly Y UftOIi Ut Mile: Saul ANCESTOR, Mets TA spartifi Oth th 30 VO) VY Cll Me lO pees dil We fini U1 Y $4 ORME ry Kt Svades, ty “01 Y, Yida Wed, My Yh ner. Wort, hans Mids ae enouglh 2 COMMNUSUVOU: Vaehuigyes fi wloAuliule and ve Y Yuen Z Va yl. Ye. aan Aiea x : 5 a é Se lees SS IT 0g Orons ite Le Loe LMflOL the e Dye Wh flow ie CYS Z we F Ze WhO HM willl - HWM fh, Se @ oly Must wn Vi Ve x eS =e oe ZZ A Mee 3 ISS ) ) Dh SE a = ate = e Lapis a relihought LO dell rather L/1O70 ( hrce Mere wes than Miu Ye ‘ltoTed, CO aes S45 COUCL Ue conteuleil. Yruttted fe Meir AN ‘comneuniciale lO Che herdl. uch Mths » as ware worth ther Clservation. She nos eaguisie Morgaand fines e Vtrohes jvees Vi 4p Cithorare thi, e which “ery flen Opens the DOS Lot Mel anid exeuption oy c : 2 ee : ah able, COR Wlan who WIS ahelush, ‘for polite. Learnnganti they AIC hide, Pilea Q SOUP UNG Citing espeting a pil generally wllach. fH wth Y grees Jolene Ei ES 3 (2c he Toe byte, Se ae ~ ye See a ie ( Ss Ae pee pal es i 7 FP a ae OMS. =< see = aa la iin) Ch a ME aioe Lenk creat ctccny = ow DPoytls as LIUC Yonlitd ts bul rare, ——— True Taste ads sldom ta the Orlihs th Sh eee both mits alike Vid Aian dere thir: tiple tl, These born lopuye, as well ad th Lyfe lo wrile <> BEGSGS esa — ) ee e ELL teach others, who benrelves C101, my e And censure freely, who hive wereilten well, Le LF Bis) — Authors are partial to thetr Wil, tid lrltexn \ % Ss But are not Oritiiks to ther Judgment loo" 2) Gs ‘ ; a) %t, Vis Vi Via Wl read cach Work J: Wit 7 Wh Me SUNC Yur hil ls Milhior W) tb Mey Y lhe Whole,nor tithe Mi (ijt Le Sides find, Where Wate moves, Sh VAMUIC WATTS | Vile aes: thn Chuckhum Hilf, i \ = ee a a << we ‘ S — Clo. Doli, Solel naar’ JOCRITICKS ee & aa O viih, A fay Yd Me, having se Vide ved loge ther all Cee» ced / fin C C othe 70. Viel ee APU CS CNL Yf the. Wt Oe Apollo, who received tee Mt vey y Yreonly iy, anil resolve Co mike the — e ith COP Tope “Le #, CMI Ie Viaa a e trout Ve he had teen altro collecting them. oiler lo lets, hee Mn fet lifer L1H te Sacks of D> Wheat, Wd hil bee We ft ALE, Med onl of the ‘ Moe Uf Soe then Cuil be) eae A oul the Oo Ca UMONG the Cé, M1, 5 Lay Y “iastile ty iff. Ye Cutchuf lil MI wlio Whe Sat she 2 he gpeitl Snilu. WMP Y Y anh bar. MMIC, fey Li laving mide the die e he ration, Wile S/O venled ly % fama wtthe the O iQ ‘for bis aa VI /. a G a ioe ae aig fits ws, 1 itor ig i be eer fale 2a Ree. ee Se = = Fas eS Ns aye WIT and HUMOUR, 7 yeaa Sy We OF Dif I ae VOUTNG Sune Wily WAS, a. © Put Wal Qs Ng ad ate Wg « Soe A bald VG amy aes hal WOT Yip HNO? COV fo Livialh wll, sour Asa ec ey. lo Sol he nuts whos Wlonusmen ts Wie. tie, SWE as) Sess vas > AS if, f ihe cat, Fibs 8 0 rer the J Sed ac Nera en ioe of Nha Mata ae {een oe EF oS ROSS Hue « Humour nuit aways le aniler Wee y Chech o Sivas, ane —_—_ : — requires theD pectiin o Whe nicest July Weil, by wo mutih, Y more l= Z TRE A Sa = init gps il wf. tn the mo bourutlefy Sreedoiis.e tn shirt C1 ~~ const theaLi Vasant? Y arte dh /p ne WHE UNL Ti ae ly and Wlurtde _— pitteottle fees ULL Counted by. Truth, anil Miffoor de A hy goo Wh oo yf eliltit ee LEER Cg ae CU on) or pAS Md Lin cs lee nmurrtisle fpecies Y Mee reuliin, a aboveant ldow him awe Se Yt OUS Hi fees Ming Ne dffirent 3 Liglitfrom aber C Beinpe, Kf his Wirth te Wy ifr hom UL, Wyic US Cal fe phisfes Cll “fe lini hii Ue Sty 7. Duspleasite 772 Ge oNalures.. Yatigle Mer ts truleeil it ver "YJ y Youu Coun, Ypotse tothe Fy Yule C10 : fe ems bul reasonille thine flute be capulley ie avin] Jy from nwheial bh WO yall joo to Ud, fence We CN PCCWE. Yr, “from whatts nore Crile Yous Ve = Laiylrer while tt bit he flachire 1S ‘unbracts Meer Venda veakens he Sacilhes, ails calif sa hinly Vi We Comufine fa anil Dy NYioll Lifton tn all the Gowers of) Whe Souls She Lbs Sard, yay Le look td urn as aHuhness tr fhe Com, toflton q earmuanpilivee,CBULy Vi we constiler [he fiw 7 Heluifs 5 Mil We pecele from LS Yow fen il breals y 1Y, Ulm hit ts ae 10 prefs Li fhe Mind anda datip Oller Va hr with pansient unesfpecleiln Vic ite iy ly, one would fake care nor tog Bs fool a “ifr 0 Get alaleiasiee Vie Ye. a ke CO a gee Cail Soh Ii fas a. tthe ae Sifetil ; Teac ya Ne et (ponies CBOCODEEF FG Unhuf, “fry y Wil, , “he moft pustithe, Tulips, « Mone) not for thattney which tt bringe: e In ‘Youth alone ls (Mfely Vi Loats JC TC boast; NM But. soon the short-livil: Wi “andl y oe, oJ 1 lof. g V OP P2IRRA OH. MIF HHL: WA Waa al ts Utd Wit, 1, W. no dour CaTOd ¢ ee The Owners Wife Wop Menen Of jm Sill mit ourTrouble hth LY ‘nif ath Dies \ e Lhe MOVE WE G Ue, ieee Bie dll niguerd, SOLIS TUL} WiLY &, i | Me P@eRCAaAS Se 2 =, Se CE Sryex CASI 3 Like ques Vii Stow > at \ ) (Oi ODag 155 Frou | the Sdiaw Wines 2 fs J KER Be - / = as Goal favo we pation Its iit ote ; Erce wohile if wo8 ae aS (SS pee Ba = STON SS ABCCDEF Gr |G aM is ature to Adv UU rfid. Map Wed Chugh but netrdo well a Be oy Somethin Mp ty Yer puth convinced ae gle CHU find, That /give 1 1s bach ther Ina Ue of ‘our Mini. UN OP22RARS GHATS, i ‘Tes noltaS tosh 7c Ms ancy, whetc ae jomeltMes | FY, 1G sling car Winds Mighlastlihymed; \ Bright WS he ay Mil tht he Mn Wii We GONE, \ ee rue Wb ds € Sverlasteig, lhe Uber op on UT WEY Z.. Faicoe (ELE: | r= aaa —_. AT xi b ( ye BIN IS ewer SS vas Re Soh Srckiham, el 1 — OO ES C BEES Mavild alias lhe aSrind ill, 2 € Yu wh as fe Meirihes, al tes he thinks should wile, ons a —— for Faules, ashe wold niltes find, = Sp Prrentlhy ie UC, bul nol fo W7 due Unb, ~ —_~ SEES SESD ell al for Litieft Liniflip does pretenl, L07 Tae the Lume antl kirtiue 7ee VON Gs SRD ASS GSE e C Gen? Old SI venisllfe no cold Medium ALHOWS, —~ a Burns wilh Oe Sonn 2 Wlh Oe Nos NdiMerl Glens fs ne C Me shoul it’ MlpeMs al Or Ly LOS. Tie 0) oe Wy. Srteritl lb We Mag ft Vii WIA ca WC. eee 2 gees & ne €) Anitin Teviphit) iy ee: TK ES QO) N®xiv. C UM, other things de walle in. Lfeare youd as Yypreprated lorsomee fer lictlay im e Honey SCVUCS OUP Uses, C oa dead a Shespect, Honours gun Ude Yeisen LS, Ver leases contrbitle lo our C) yoy WW. of the Worle Mb. Mules Yp Secure VAs aga) tC Say Sun, andl 4 (yi x Us Le OU UN of OMT Lomb, AS .e i 4, nibs Mp enlains tn itienimleyo of' Convententte jt: wiofe Ie rue tM all cx C wij necesapl Circumstances - Life;tilom Z ? > yy? Des ad be excl eaifrome HO Steace0r On AMON, A) ¢ never be Upseu wnalle never. Goullewme. se, = ae P ee hose ae Bey tee SL, ZZ Ye Lew y, VLA Ve ive Yon — v/ V4, Yy ANC yup cantare ro, Where rik Jotind whe Lin §; Ulin « A Jung Gripiny Mascipny (ares 2Q Miberde LLL Mme ly = m4 nest lip byultMly GG PS Wien Al theihute Livi VS Trcnblp us If ¢ gli .) Wi at. vckapid 4 OD seni Mf ri C. futlfule Vrientl ts tt MIONG. Defencerani YL hath found. wich an One, Lm hath found a ee i CUE a lolh countervall az Failipelr Srient aul / Misi) ancelliney SUN value. c A e Yaithful S rend ei Ue V, U: a “ithe Via az, Vi anil they =e that Svar the. Lord shall find, ‘him W hos fearcth Ge Lord shill direct his RES) Lraribitegp aright foras he OS, SOA ball, VA, Maghtour(that le this S rind) be Mr — ©O 2 Ht fe A inuenled Ve ‘Wf, WN Vformd lhe Shey Gna Lhe Malin mea Mi td Mirnon; U the Chime. > Se Mba Arts enlan yd Ue Veo arrow Sold Ze ( fini lhe fee VC, anil mule the Conard bol = 2 /, é VEO wy fi Bs fh Bat tbat alone the Wreteh tacliaed am wf LOE whl We ( Ye yf 2) Yudene can there le. Sos Wore fu ufc Len and yet Mose pow ifal She I On —Liok Ve Nerd MYT Keslutun breapys Vp ues, a bie We CUIMS « 4illy YMLSHL SMC Ve SS MRS face . Seriphit 50 SELECT. Dblerbations on HMariage;—) ) ip By wero apres. IN-TRODU CT FON: cerning in the Faults of the Perfon beloved,nor after it too dim-fighted and fuperficial. However perfect and it ¢ accomplithed the Perfon appears to you ata diftance, \ y you will find many Blemifhes and Imperfections in i their Humour, upon a more intimate Acquaintance, ) which you never difcovered or perhaps fufpected._, Ki s )59| Here therefore Difcretion and Good-nature are to {hew their Stre sngth; the firft will hinder your Thoughts from dwelling on what is difagreeable, the other will raife in you all the tendernefs of Compadiion and, Hana anity, and by degrees foften thofe very Imperfections into Beauties. lye Jn Nuptials blett, cach loole Detire we than; (> es > Nor Time can end what Junacence begun..—~ = SA M UE L XK aye Oe Se ( > SCripyfil.__ BS ee C UNMAMYC. ay CZ, : oe Gods Vatiure dl CUENG T x SOM, ees ria wily GMC 2 shi 10 COW EC COM, WU ULON Or. Be). GC (is Vil ue and good MMIC WN uprecabh MWe S rt nil, a : Loe dnl COnMAN Ya Viadiae Vij VLE iis as 5 a a 7: Ada Gaes aE Do AM MTs e Varrvege Lhe haf pei er inte 7 Life wowld be, — e Via ee WAC caly je th Where Fee OCS Vie ; ae Cea Ups ccnlarges thes Soin Sur Vii, Linefy and Mubiderted. — ‘ V Wlarrciag CO in 0 ts folett SONC , b Marriag C of Sule: 20S COs Me, = anda oe CWHEVC Coth mect happy. e eye Marviay pa hil sti ees e Vicastre JS Vie Frniditgp, al the € yy ee —S Va Yipes anil. Yawn, and tniter Lull then Iyer a7 Life. ~ ee Gees ion ge La Ry, = 5h Io. Loe Writing Via in ds proper Le “iy le, LC engl bl lo CONMME > 0 hast Sale 0, o/ Grace, and the erst Odinance t J, God a aaa > Manke tl, ted tt ( Busing bof the gi se Inpurtanee Wm y Lif, anda S Many C of C oe “ion, we cannot mike Whe mm C00 mutth Re COucrenece Until . Nehiberatin. e Vipelent:} y 56 Sa Ss BY SC ion = {ands } ee fandom iy Nate x~S XY Drughte ils profi) ) H( 0 TSG E ho, ut thei pei Piaaleons IDK ie vee) aS es LG Se ae Hea iby whour Bou wert ordaind.. AG) aN SE SS ae i Ses C : Worrie Cs dcr as thee Thule capalle y the highest» Humane =~ e Yeluily, ad ye Iistidlulion caleilated fora constant Teenie Uh “td muuch Dy Uiylit 5 BS OPC Bang ws capulle of Ips the Sounilation of C conmuinily, 4 the chie ae band of é Tor wily It td, or ought lO te that e Jeate Y terfect e rwnidstif wn whith there aC, le lng la Uylhay V0, So OC Boilies nt wth bul e "ne e Toul, Cc Fant — 0 0 OS Mhamoto on fet. o) o.g SE: \ age ses : a - de ees EAS ih a w0) jours EB) N09 aa a a os, m Be CYA Vy Aa ¢ Hall wet Ve, LUC, MYST UM, Lin igen: ethic. >= Yi; VU 4 Vif , Slee ofl te tly L222 —m ee SF KO Vi Tf: YA, ie e hSitad fig MM PE CM MCh hel Q202— Wy Ye ve ? y; ae }), Se Ye oer GMM TOU. ce Wad TR [10m WM Mm VEG : ta iy Ue biftal Airy Tipe, by. WOE J Fe, — ae vide UD Aiifi , pil, ee TMi a TONE I , He ey eal Le Cbertls SLA 22 mm eae / am Cf Fi nibere Wi MW, Chili fi Dy lbs yy, Cy if were hulle ee ‘ ye Yeo, se Lye Yi yt, Tip “11 Yt UtlSt hil Vi, ely, AAT hn ( fp A, y;, Hoe Ye Loy hes Me Fifa cle VI MEDC. Uijlts 2 res ZI Wf, bint Wile tM. ui fitipl LD yp Mid. W CLARK SCRIPSTIT. eae L735 he Se. gperpZ2 Bera OES WAS setts (\ he QUASI Cs aw, ESAS = mae = San S ; CEN ‘ LK, SN SSN VET ins flep Eee a TarihalesBa ova oem es SS is ~ tenfonable’ Mi = Yeovil fion, is taliig fo ich ob the soot ofA ‘his ort Pita and he thats entize iY by Fefayon making 9 c=) “SE butte, 8 haha sig je: ber San: Gyemutta Pow aX ee Qee 5 Sie 0) “7 = Ok ‘3 sae ‘ Sor K Ose fli oe ni re NS li Neseui oS iS Seep MDCCXXXV._. we LY, dy. VO. Mi oe ad A “inilrefe, Ye neVOILS ly anil Penevolence:. MU the Adltons tha flow fr bom les e. Yu NG will, fell Us wilh. Shasure and mike ud D sop Bae VELA tecaplalle Ve Vanhinib +1 DOs eee ul fiawe fib aint OA 5o LOK L —<—~ 5 ) Oe ili ofthe Siowes — 5 Soi wiles tnltee Mand ifa oe. UA, ficent Wanare a Tifa “fo “Ng lo the Silt lik: Such ome tsateward ta, Wee ‘nce anid the mole Up Wleans fooneing Wee. Ine, ee CHE ifn Yor CNC, VA elit Ly “ng Ue Ms eral Me anil J bbe ad Nd ou YY Vie 10 ae hal VLZGLL ni fun teh Vici Wh ip US e bey guainlanee 2am win CUS SO nfatible hil it ts not tr Cee Liner yf. ¢ Sol pphy “Wy locolent tl nil oll?” We SVC. SO bounds TZ I, Wat WWUMEUVED WE G by ? ws but tn lee GREE lO yelling WUC nithoul cnib. = Te Ne eS 5 (aGihat Bale cant Soar oz what compeling RE) mex) ungovernd Bult of Avarice reltraunr? se TEealth he has none, wha o mowens his franty Stoic’ os ye of plete ttadves and thinks ue _ ie iF Lee i ee a «Selma we MCS Cexdenes for ‘hee Inereite Va Vulth, lite he Crue Vee of “tnld, V hala EN on pulling oul, ~ WE a) calling WH, Wl Vue OU? ta COMM, pwilhiul ay peal —~ he sith Mernliitle Ye nif alturlo We WM orle A OF OU SLES, —~ a : A S GEASS 3) Pe y . \ SES Pat ee a, Sho i various lines,’ to each destantT ele,» e In Mapp Sales lel achve Comme, MCE rol. —_ c Ay our he highTed ASE li prafi the P* Tay May, to, Lal the Naval World due. Hor EEO fet — 4et Britains. Vhijos t port aie Cpl » Richer than Argos 7 brous ig fe ht to ancient Greece ; 3 Hie CUI NNG. Louden pen the whining Sirti,» 7/7 heck Uyiprrifte se Of peer ledias Shores.) mn ( Sfp) ther shall g Cge LG egreatRiches andy pn Aim So ir Uecar ‘th, ied vindicate the Sea. a) \ Cla ly your Aid, our Yotent Hlects shall yi ge ( Le, faras Winds can bearer Marters flor; \ &. few. Lani to muke, nev Indies wanplore, \ e In Vorlils unkrnonnto plunt Britannia’s Liner, . MNeatins ye tidd bys Pocepttoeclitm jm \ Aine "Hite Bp L&e AreycnBritaing. Name. cn Ree = ey —" Hee pt Of GLOWING « Yich COMMS UMY MEAs é ¢ OPniche tht Shrife« AM When wre nol gual, s GUM, hit, Ort AMM ip Wloney, bil Wd th eee Z brn a A fi z [GS aa Lon Y Vl CUC Y ONC aehe COM ACIC Welds W/Z CMCC.» Ce Diligence, as well as Thrift is neceflary for attaming = / Riches: Both thefe are excellently well recom- mended to common ufe in the three following > Ptalian Proverbs; Never do that by Proxy which you can do your fel / j see oh 2G Never defer that tll To-morrow w you can do Lo-day. Never neglect finall Matters and Eapences. on Z g FAs ( WA a who wold be bofore-hand. ith tee Vborld mist be Oo beforehand (with fis [PUSME, lie Mts nol only ll Ylamuage- em MCI, bitl USCOVCTS US othyful. Disyoor wlion, to do that in lhe oe. e Afiernown, which should have been done tn thee Morning. apa f ) Winn St fe 2-95 tig: Solomon in qettt Wt ap Great Rie O) CS —— Airy: Ta toni mate a Navy 6 Y of Ships onthe Soe of the we Rel. Sea, tn the. Sand of ¢ ne. C yee Se went tn the Wavy e hes LS Servanls pe Ahip Wen that bad Kiponteily ee of thee tea, with we as e Servarl Jf Ths Solomon. c dvd Way ee CNM CO phe and fe “life hil from phos YCl Gelo fer ur tunidred und tin Cpe Vole Wed, aul b Crowg he Ve Fin) Udi — e Yolomon. Vion We Mile fof Gold that 7000 CO* Solemn o Ot O10. Yur PIS MH hartred threfere MUM: ae Gods Lifes thats Se had of thee Merchant Wen, anil of tees ruff of te O Yptie c— Yiley hin 4, anil if Me, YW, ’e Kinige of brabuit, anild Vi ‘hee gon DHOMIS — of the G cunlty. eC bad al. King: Solonuond drinking Z Cfo Gls WET Cam VA Gold, and all the Vifcla of the Howse of the e Yang ee PVC ff pure Gola “i, HOME HTC. Fe Yilve Ve WLS ee Seg a nae athe t ayy “Solomon: Sor the Ke Cong hud aleTen we lany 7 2 Uparstedf pith the ON, any VA Hivam,once tn three Years CO) heed ay of A Vurth if, ding iy Gold, nile SVT Ivory, Wil ec Goes, anh Srucotfs. Se. Hinge Solomon excveded all ther Kinips of the c ‘arth fore Shes, an for Wisdom. I. Kings Chap.IX, Ver. 26, Seen JORG qaexear OOS the aval Stores Nem Ono Fae Sy ee to Build, and batterd & fo repair Sy Zz *esd& : e = sks es DS) Ga : < soe! W. Clark Scrip. fe p5O Co get Rich eg. Y iB ofl : Ape WS Wl Ss C WU mortis lip on wll, WOCUIC Puche SMe Ue UW) UY; of: whe tof Wri 7 ing gianile Ae COOMYUS, OVC potlhec WUMNMCIO. 7 G E ye UINMNG, Wi bel pe LCD Jrecilative OH: Yactial, be j Wl SP, pula LU OF MUO yn VVAMCIOCS, elo € A bt ale Source of Yf, Cale Yh aul Honowr ms GERUDIT ET DITAT. a) : / ates 4 5 t . To the Honourable the COMMONS of GREAT-BRITAIN in Parliam:Afsembled, f The Humble Petition of ¥Lord Mayor, Aldermen, & Commons of the City of LONDON, in Common Council alfsembled, SHE WLTL, ° Dhl your LRhtoners clucrve, in the Soles Wa Yous Henrouralle Hiust,lealahil tars been brought-inm _fursieant the feesolucltond of the Sivteenth Day of March, for fafucaling see eral Sib stdees and anInyrost now payable on tobacco of he Wiritish Slantations, and for granting an Inland Luly on let thereof: ‘ co ¢ | 5 : ane eas : ne Pie gn oi my ; WA they presume er(fere an all Humility, ly a respecyfil. Vy lication to thts Hin House to cfr cfs, Mey have already dene, WMC Measure, ly Uheirlicfres nition (0 ther Mlember) the Universal Sense y the ily of Fondin, concerning any Vis Cher Extention of the Lams Sf CHOWE . S/ yee : ‘ ee } ; j e Yu Le lhe Wurthen S Fares adready nyfpwosil C7 CUED y Arranict of Lrade, however chearjully Lorts veverely fell: tut that YOUr Alli PUerd oychend this Durthen will grew deo heavy lolelorn, ¥ wl cnereas oO ly such vevalious and ofyfr ofiwwe Melhods of levying and wliucling Ghee Dultcs, as they awe afsurd,ly melancholly Crp veence, Chul lhe Nature ofall Cercises mts necepsarily produce. iS Yip ee os 3 ‘ a e Wf Cl L Uc Mlerchants,pudesmen,and : Marfaclarers Ye Cts Atngidom, hutwe Mifiported Cemeselves uniler Che Ips flee lite Necepitly wuld be it Mlotive to cnact.pould be ropialid in Saveur of CeeTrade of Ce ANaton. andl of the Aiberty of te Sulyect- whenever Gat Mlelive should be pemovd, as yo? PMO fT HUE Life tually as by undistirbi Danguility aldeme, ani atpneral Tvace vofu we ly elalliihied AMyoud. 3 e Weel /p-thiskipuctation le entirely lahere un ay. ¥ te CCU CAMUS, DUILEAO of being rofeald are cvlenited (0 other Species of Me pchandext A pags gun d for exile piling Chem wal, your Leleconess carnotin justice to Camselves CSINC1L, and Manufacturers oy the whole Aingorm, and le lee general In les eo ty ther Gountty, conceal thtty BRITAIN; that yreal Suing fre me white Getialth kr yrily oy Cedille A Vidiae will be cbatructeo. th Mercantile Sartyf the Valin will bewmie, ru only Uf able Stale blidvantay lbulunnilling tobude atall fir no. A770 WHO Cathe cnyey ally ffbivileges E Se british Julyect oul of Trade, even with avail Firtune, wll, voluntary PCMOUNCE SU Of the most-valualle of hose Privile God, ly vulyecling Aetit self lo lhe Aas fe wise. . Meitl yourRtitionens arcalle toston that hese they Yypuchensions arepounoe both a ciypertence, Sin fcason:& pe your | Setelioners neesthumlly [Perey Yul ts Moneuralle House wll Cepleasd (hear hem ly thew Ccunsd against thesath ol. | = oie PREDENE: » Bees ORS) ow CO Yl Kit z, AS )) Precept I. e Ire Vhaiups f Wloment on Hy fl depot YWloy pies too far dye Jevrvanl Fr thy rind» Of, (ih private Vhe oe thy. Gea ‘muay, promi fui Y Anite Fervitnls UL Y SUMO UO ANCE. — é Precept Il. S > : x 2 OF MW hut cun be done, nite C are feeiform to Lay, Dang CVI, unthought oY nll alten: Lelay — Wour dftant. Z Puffrects al precurtould WC) mm € A ae a > = A C bhnd Sortune ts as fekle aS Med [UT ,— Kos Precept Ii. > . . 2 7 . + l yD C AN or trot L. pd, nor roti Guin despilfe, a e Molehill, y y bop feapil lor Mountatres tC my fe , > > E , : Ue «gh CUE ny tale « Z Wee Wl, VIA nothing WUC, a Yar thliy iy ling Hee a arnold toe Vounils al lif > ¢ ‘ ¢ W. Clark Scrip, G.Bickham {culp. ROMS Mtef | Commonly hy Po hf & Qi 1 IW'OH Maeso OL Serf forts art apt fo ozé02 a Wi florhune moe hans othéze; i ‘hey fase rob zoo f iovo oe 13 pwns ane eee! ue ferhe fEd)- Chey we Senovble there Sreevsaith Oey, ane Bgl e dusfie = miles es ae whéee Lab SOUT AS aipeonigne le ee ray) re SB Oa ? 70) Bye ? ) 7 > po Fame d1fpoweed of, } arjintory has nof oly a bettie Cofousr, buf ts ‘ cS (Se c i c ap > , ) ) Dai: ie 0. OXY tomméendablé, and thézefore ought fo bé tazefully Penh fed, — — — = x < Wrant ss the Stoo 1 of ery woéalthn i Sool, oe WF ana Rage 13 fuen’d fo Ridualé. Booey =): cs He i: Deer ¢ ie Bieber Seti afer p. 5 Wf. | 4 Py wt . ‘S > ey 2 C > Ppbewon VUSCI OO SCOVC Sawitite Za leer Toul, =~ 7 flied hes Mindiand puts UO VLO~ am De a? EP b a h = letl. MiUltY Of Vhougl. 0M tt MME Petit ifm > i , =) i efter an cinfpuly napmiury Cool, teil foils 2 OLD 70 CH. Ye UY A Ys eo YOOUW, WAC fihd__—~ not tie tt the Lower to ilbitle 07 Selidfy CO. 2 e Be WHOL too fond if opte W/f alih, WHE Arie _— 0 MHL HOME Vl Weise Cit Coaulify thie Wlinil, me ul Mili. Yyltlion Wd, Yours S, 7 vile VOM CIud reniley You her fi leg of Mumia Hip White LIUC + Biopee Uy, H whol wll theese D2. = MMiy Li yutke t You. Mify Uti, §, cp till ithe t eyott Jule LUE) CEE: Mele, DALD ee cf Cnal Cs Meester es , Sade. 2 OP, OL Ping Dim. SE 5) Bey YON thee Gol Lene. Mean sre nollOg 20, = Mw Hants are bounille life, WOE diftie LOVE IO? LO BERS SEED) Qs Savpy the® fear sib ul blefs he Awe wh ath bis is Sa athe er clefy vol fel; ot ( Ae Bas zi Dei fies event aie ead; ( Supirfe Cus Sone anil Ueidlth I not UTC, Gut what Content and Leer Y POGUUTe. | oe eC. ind Monee 3g * Joun Bancxs. Aue 25 he Q ? Je e ee, DPACUC, 2 a tmnortal S tile! Lice Cl fc PIMC, om é Lhee mike Cher Crd ti wll: Wi yey PS Y e Yor: Thee yj Learned theca: Vhectig fees Wnfurty pc bard es Wlise, ther» Mell ise Yr. SS Tan You that wrist lee» Milled Weare 5 cr 20/) oppo yfyoofpyoopyo) Wet what Shou AIC, HC MUMS Bi Wire, 2m, er which re Mibour Vidal aupire, 2 Kon thal we learn lof whom eng eve f (or) Ye mere Delusin S the» Vipul, pm Whence ave we Jer titid Yi Nell am So court wShutle,aLDrewth Y und | GC bof Thou AIC a weal. BoD 5 222 Mim can My, Cirth be undestoodl, piesa : thro Luh, Za Yiwerty popsid £ ~~ Canal the lorvithys Ceatcromp his. Heat, > Gy Compernsiale HOw, lO Ad Cc WHOOP dewtl, ts Fi ee is ‘i w. > 14 D Khe living Moen S Mant le Pyrcadl f : Ye rho wold notte Lt GGA Le, Qe, —— e , ty 2 LO GTO! Od much renownil tts « Me fim Methinks, Inup bvere Uffrd Wee L, c hott at, at Cast. a Yee. tottd Dial» + ee 5 > Ciih: o Show wares aighed Za Might,» Lheved Smetting CCE OP Gb Deceit. rf sli Lode ay G. Bickham “RP Sculpfit._., MDCCXXXVI. A feanty fortune clips the Wings of Fame, And cheeks the Progrefs of a rfing ame. as oe 2 ? CZ GEES ae Same ts at best bil an ti OMMAAE Good, - rae Fain wre the loaeod tes four Tlood: a By ail os b SELL SEE ‘ Ve eee SS x Hi soonest 49 CPA we Mos highly hse, Sl ae no rth ott Youth our short hvil Ln adly des, | Fame, due to vaft Deferts is kept in Store Unpaid, till the Deferver is no more. i r, ha : e bo ge prods Clroour Cols nuthin mn Y Lira, Cl ) . / D Cage T ction ONLY CO + Vical, en Lites UNGES Te to fightand fires Wn yf Mino > is « « Yo leave a memorable Name behin,m CaS Pe Es ae LheThing cM Life with cafcLoan dy Vif laim, And think ul over Sold to purch, oe Ne. a ee Pr ae cae Le (Tel, ~ | Wo ee =: ae p> J Abed Tipe WC Ve IS 10 Villa WUE O Wialive lel bs Wy lol mel nih minds which. ae Wililrally NUM, OF (e.. uth wv tae leer iulivu- ted by grea Cxammfplles OF VA idl ee 1736. Ags Sse ZS fer p.60 f. iS ae Ab ak : 7 : Ne ) Ces | am endeavouring to make my Unwersal/Penman as comyateats di cz € ¢ 9 ap ') ) p p ) i] p * i np p poforble by the e Mfaistance of the beate Vasters; and as the World 1 fonsible, of =) ¢ ¢ é ¢ ¢ . ) it; . ) . your peculiar Excellency m enmanship, this therefore Ad to renew my Request ry) U U é De ii) ? bos Dp 7 p 7 a) é “pp p of an Original from oe f which yf ee pplease to comply with , as tt will be 4D i y C JUNC ular e Services to the» Pub fick » tor have the W lade $ Of J0 correct a Master Ao- y) a) =) p. “mp. , g 0 Ln 5 Copy after, do ut will be Wovsteemd a particula r Favour conferd OME an Ce Ks rod : f ) ery ae a c ) A uy ote 10, oe Say our host 2 0 eae L humbleServ. ae p36 k-) © Gu Who ee ee ee f) 7 eh e Lele ome tower Sfeceh Ue Bs Ste pes Et oe aa a 7 yy c C 7 2) CPCs eee a oe BS SOOM hed oe Lettre fro tte ye th ll, fie See and a Or ion ao ee sep We oe es ives Ct Le ie We 1 Ce va tnefoa C4e She. C Aes CGS yy oY mine She Ds 9, WUC sor ph Ten Sees fo Hee, ? oe ve ( ( ‘ y) jes loyour Caguesl of the tban Herel Johadl Lop Mise 0, Gi ir a0 h, Z We. ee witha, CAL Meee Kecy i ihe mfoom Ge ves Ae maylely Was 8 p We oy eee ee) G mae y y} / Y jl Out 4 harible- Servant J OB tas HONOUR. On polifh’d Springs, true Men of Honour move, Not all the Threats, or Favours of a Crown, Free is their Service, and unbought their Love: A Prince’s Whifper, or a Tyrant’s Frown; When Danger calls, and Honour leads the way, Can awe the Spirit, or allure the Mind, With Joy they follow, and with Pride obey. Of him who to ftrict Honour is inclin’d. Wonour! that Spark of the Celeltial Fre, That above Nature makes Mankind afpire, Ennobles the rude Paflions of our Frame, With Thirlt of Glory and Delire of Fame. Honour’s the Confétence of an Aét well done, O Honour! frail as Life, thy fellow Flow’r, Which gives us Pow’, our own Defire to foun: Cheri 'd, and watch d, and hum ‘voufly efteem d; The firong and fecret Curb of headftrong Will! Then worn for foort ddornment of an Hour, Tbe Self Reward of Good, and Shame of Il. And ts, when Loft, no more to be redeem ad! {eter Norman Scrip. N°xx G.Bickham fap. afer p.Ol Se See LETT C don We0 hb Ujfer 700 Vida nitple. rom Lee dy pee fro “ited ee: HUN fre : Te ti Wed 8 GAUMOT, am tho drann fi ome le “fe: rent pares, le prntinle ti Saas = the fume Vis howl. ei “gin embraces Vs UUs, ted tf —, ( a eypened by Ue CLM Vs God HOnU td hd »—X a Sy ie sreifil AN OVNAME nti lohumuanes Ve ~< os y \ ee ar Minis ia oe Tes, the. Leu vpn KINGS, 2 aE eae WS aon Lhe nobles Words ad Tee thing a Lerfchint 2a He Lal ails Yh ngthe Wd Lorie, where mets her, Oe ( ea ] 4 Lap Ss sheer Uchwne jhe refhe eh PUTED im \ i te ; Felon ay “Dey & ‘) a: 5% ee ay a \ ast | Kenia ee a ey Ze We Whit. de as lO COMENMMEE, VALLE Gf ve a Cn Wile, Wale Vl Viper COMPS ¢ ay Cyuals GN WU CS td: batintly cas VER Wee» Isttle f << ee ipa i ( i A thee 4 Con alet NC, i SOU! OWN AIM MICS UIC VUIY A Loci hig sf nse (0 Wen Sr Tide anil IME we ‘Nill Le MME. Med, iY AIC Miyle Zi ded aftle Cle MG glo lleitl Dg who a ae Mi, lyfe OLS U1 CON VIEL, le Vinee. / / \ : 4a \ a | ON , a5 s 7s ee aR Auftin Sek Wa J73 ray ae 7 Se? tL AsO Orme » 2 bo sous Y A: ORK Z) ee, Ys? A SS << YY Of ol? the Confés wohuth tonopure’” fo bfinds_, Mans Ke 1g Judqrnent & WSQUMDE the Wind, What if weak Déad with frrougefhBrafo antes Z < Cb ie y D\ one Pye ae. ry- ie Je Pug, thé neva forlng Mite. of Fool's. 20 SPrwe hides a Mars Faults from ravfelf, amd magnifies then fo offers. MW "hatéeoe Moatine fas wmWorth dy d>,K5 re She gives WwW loege cereuits of needful Pre; Due woh Eee Wf fouls, fte pon fo ouc fm, —— (e Cc ai 200 Ve of ¢ ; A o hs Me e Lud fills up ol the anghly oid of EWE _, ofr p02 Lheufure and Recreation. c oon SUP C anibNvecrealliin Sf We flr or Whe? ges als lilly WL fa? Y to relieve ott Minds Wiln € e Cc x) : i 6 CZ Dole Vidas loo constearl Cte WIN OME LUMO. Ey _%z poe Ns Keats the Wwe; el Uf« Vette 7 offd —~ : ee. Life Vie Beauly fells Che pwale Wctmed,; os a / e ue Love Cf e Sime tiie \ Doers Louth Celie, —/ ae : 2 7 Fo peg ies aS 6 43 . % 4) : Lrew firtt LL! D978 Mig S th @ 7t2tl eh ———~< tite Ce Ke, COVCOMLON 0, Gy V0), WIE Ly we, alomille, Lil fee haat follow. Mets Lieesitre thse ad of fol 0ustNife ss DP bill WU Wile MINE Ve HO (Dus Mefs to follow. om 6 IG ei eee & oD’ Gai Dire ie Led uftin Scripfit December 173 6. SQ AC SP en aes NI OMS pee G.B. foulp, IN Good ero Soo frguent Mes oes lee Lily fit CMM LPteasures woul when con. antl Vidal Sfiae firoifous Phasues fo bE the Ndusization of a. gaping Croudbuf fo havé hic) ppeobation of a good Man in thé Cool Reflittions of hia 5 Closet, 18 3 Seahifitahon rooethy om Aéeoir Spiz if: Chéc) Np mp laufe of the One makes the Deady Sirdy; buf fhéc) Mtteftations of fhé ofhée mokes i héoref gloos é é «ont, ary Stheastie Untes 10 Yes = Ae Anil spreads false Dyuties fal) “MSMUSC. Cc c trtfe. ] ieee ee Se A M IN GC. a) 1-09 6 9 9 6 care & yee 00. Dye, ‘AON f 0 Or VEEL anil & Diit, howtver OC, iC AG AYNG, AICO Gen a ae . f a > ? 7 — lolluuwe anil. ifs f Am CCP; Cheitit. Mere Recrealuns and wnocenl pA UPTO a Beane SES i * a Metical ie ae Team gL, WG nie BME a Gree, oe UH C. anes al C snl a WN for their perey, >) ae Died create,ani Mischti ff ‘follow Se oa = mee: I lift J Sime, dislials 4 Yl ind anil Sense, DV hilt Oaths and hes we oft lhe CONSEGUCHOE > dnd Wlivders, somnelimed follow lips of PyrteJoe eye 6 Core, CoSopr MBs iekham erie (oS ICD : ) 4 VWiinsthieuaupy warthilte wp evitl VEL Ait whit ryt Wie e Ypres ; EEROL 3D VUE VALLE . Cntif, OM We VE 7 VA Wife lhe in tene anid minty a (lb ie ia eee So Ora, XW tick atone with {udden Gharms can bindNO> 7 / \ 1 yam i) > S SS — aye - . Ss se KR) (as EA ae SLIT (oy eS Saye Wome Sieg Sek Sieiia aie ye) Vas a ae ING XXII. Ks < Wy € lark Senp. Sec abit s Seer G.Bickham. Sculp. SPOS \ i Z tie & howe ee various Lay furpor 7 tilda ilpie feafacns Salt ia oe 2 an While at vache Gh Jonge Wer a7, Yybian Jove, oe Glory "Y: and Wer Mey jinele ee ie , Vow ts frcree Cpe sews te foci Fay gl 5 Yloww Jigs fecal ol, and See hyn be nt ey WN Sand, Oth. DE ie furns of Hatae Vie Qnd the Wold, liter faved. tubdail Gy Torinil > om ¢ Ae. ea ey ll me, O Mfc 1 So thou OF UO, CIM cell } She Wye vik pow Pd thitt SO, SO hoss ¢ lel. Wifi a a Various ae bout Ws tind, a Tivfe te Some Ye nibh peed Yoel iforide f Vind, zeal MM all the fa lo and odo thitr Lk acee hithe aye e Tud wilh past Marche !, l= \Mufick Me A Gs, yee a aS ee gas ay 8 ve fa Pine. oe o) eee Hey. 66 ee: WO wut Wik heats Churn to srsbiek a avage D1 Ci Ge fo fy tne iovk, 1, 100 Gerd abnotedo bls Zp e To rea Whith Ting. s tnanimete pave ne «Gud av wrth doing Sols fue been cnformd Z > [54 y. ee Humber: J, ae yuinseve Sound ?. 0 Ve Cee whiny ae fff) Notes are hewo aI OMuNO , re Y,) Vie ee ee Trampe FI PL ee tel er Sound ?, do Vie Aaubet tous TM we CHO ee J &. Mafich ri eA ee ey, Leuchiny Ye Weel: ps ) sali Jig. ——— — ofr p. 66 aay C Uufichre wenbled Yoctry, tie Cf. = Che namclefys ps Graces whith nollethotls ee ~~ o> e dnd Ww ie Ge We. MC7 fuuntl alone COVE reach, am rar 9 LO RE — ST eee —s AF va Vi bree Ea eaten == Wf ~S. yy yf fi tae cS a) Siiys Sin Singing >) any y fv ee SUR ) i West : a 1 Me yn g were Me by HOPAMd,-» x \ ( ( The Hcha tuft We pid RIG a the Lins; N \ N . ene ss would sm, Ley led hors bent ) LE ney glect heir Lintons to altend NENA S Walese= FES “ee aS Shanion Serv" 1737. ia QR i FQ OSS) TO : G “ A re ae re ee eee ae VS SN we ewe en, Oe oa a aN Kati» Miu: tik, sofone Drea o of VLE ES CL) be a th UC eraphuch Joy S M0VC een ~ Ble i SUATNON) yl Whe Sih all. Me whip (fy Yy Wppvouc —~ —— & = cs LoSPeety, fo a oe Sey Oe ® SYn 7UC ¢ Yutry /Y carries tls oh Conviitton ing = = (, Wl U aid. Mets nile Lo ae enough Eee lente all ths fy 5 te CVS, anit Wate he VEL = t Cwtth ove) Visa tistre. Like Insts ttl: = e UN, yt Lib Sis a lire q Liry 1Y LOUNM Uh, > ! > ‘aba WN cugwidly herays WS OW) Pauly. i. GB. Sculp. O6/ Be : Lop , 7Y haw had the gore Miff Vili Wh “LA tyes OMS c é Leg c ¢ — Mt Cc, VA Ciin adn? WH CUCL ly Bur EEE WA Tle Wed, Baas Cwthien all other Lratts of Yoliienefo have ben ffucd. ue [ “caer ie ae Sfz cevine git J shai wf dchig hf; ec pam Whew Ceuthe Subline’ in Dé fe hacmonious coff, ~ | 4 Ooi fhinto. Rayetucds zafae Sfoite: Soul ee) , ide faanpin i Chee C) lanl / ALS RS SSO GO ZayieTeueeons (dS Vek efi Light5 are ag Shon Ae WIEST eG Vike Gewich a Thougits and Wirtne to fo imfule QS) C as me, XL ¢ Oa Baw z YR OY eT Oy whofe Wt. e Jy. nition mill MMOH CON i WY ; Maly ilo WS Ming Malille anil Me. Mee hitsiliist ey Vole love Y Virtue SIZ) ree WOE OIE As of Deep Senlet we ama neo anfold;, Sree ont 5 alee Geft in int lofty 31 Munnbers Sheu Dee X pale’ Ons PRIMO Se Cy tell he S Ce AS Oe ig Lining > C Yall MheLtoductime ff? humane Ivy Yc nutty, full. fhe Gperating, whith thes Fane, Y, afitsted by by) the Wand ti capath, there es none more excellent wv Use al, 2ONC? + more UNUET: sally Udmireo Shin the e lof unting. ( YEE an Ea) = s Wiatere VIS, es ’ UMCEV CD yet tu Z try held 7 hijeo, ea py Hdgely weighd te fold, pot in Donte 1 aN LOM Les oom, Heawn congentil fo} Alhey, CL, e —~ yc / Eg ‘ a SS She same ther Lite “ar, Cthetr Lease YSMCA— = /. a é 4 a ) eg i vA e Wehke, by MMs, thtY touch lhe Cond CMS Weail, —m Si f Vas WE f end Cach on Ol A refer Ls te Lighls tif, LN q ¢ oo Han Eppa) L&E AHOSWMMOUS JUS Ground Uh hil her Ark Y- Yanting oe cs held in uch high. Reputte. Her Peutthied wre, PS vey > will be Enter: aning We fhe Civ told, nOA ofting MOVE Mastraled the G Glory of aCNation than her Poduchons, hilly a Vol GB. Sculp. oferp. 67 Yoine Mae or poy Loe \ - a ee he Re Se ) vy be Gf Mats first wiih hembling Hand dfiyn 4 Smee Work? ak Line YY * = —ARoman in, a GIO e-cencircli_Bowr——» c The bliss thy Cheng, orVWhe Mer ee Abs Painful and: Mow lore Vole’ Vl web pee And tong oe (ing te “ Louris wail the glorious rigs Le, WY by Deg: 200. v your fee ye we ey Gtve? Abolder Crace2and bil cach Met Live? 2S c ‘on haphae Li felf: From yude fuays logan, _ tid is Laine witha Coal fs taped fs Wan. 0) AD te! )d a : 5} ¢ 6 i) nl Tnctitl Hined, When Yuinting Hiro Cogan, e ae ie oN, Dr C hidlk, Chitts tmttatetl © Wan —\ ay Ling tne the Sister Ait Iron Mheepl) eos Key) ye CC C/4 MIEPs ALSTOM SLA. ay —w~ Co pllae/ oF heary. Vibbathe di Vii fetree Uy. hey ~ Sa PATE, ) NS oy arlongth Wp Aaphae AS Aye al once they a TUS; dm a — g 7 Mreloh all their Limls, x ie al their Cth. em ee Lp Lo oe pose the Ue ipa he Lombard Line ee heal (JAH One Cotourd beth i dil boot. Design Denice Siaphucls, ile Mopiopeh Wiad Hhe nobler 2Surt, athe hiwans Sainting Lokilléde WVirgits Ot. ee By Mow Degrees Whe Lanting At advancil i Ot#t; Wan grew poleshi Liture was tntanctl p= f aa Cc o oftr 68 ora WS eH YN Y Yr Ve CHON/1071, VE VU, UCU, i, fle WdCD aM. ee ws Levens oy OG Flip ddan ied W Shore VIE Liscpually Just WLU VA Ne , Y. es y i s SON END CT ORT OID a Get all things nt their own peculiar plas ee Van RWTOEGQE : : ~e Wino now, that Ora 19 9 the ie sre cos : x i CAS Te SONS ae © ee wees Haid : hls good Cecmom Y; or disiililton Y- Fig uve anit> c c Cc e Ntrikes WH heer proper place produces Whe SNE é Yel, nrdation lo lie Wed, as loner Vi MW, wih totter WINS, po Wi cy bis. e ois NVC oy Bunks slits Vi Vitfue ly lon Giving VE eae SHMOCAL life oe when the) OY GLOW. pee Seat 2 > Gy Gige e Li Le Yi pinion VE ve ee ee ) spas il , <3 >—TE us a0 DO) Saved ior ach arta, iy eee nofwith bis Hit compare NG | eis J. Champion feripfit..~ C WY; Soe ae A editates fome Year. Wp Mil, oN Kt Then Villa bano Le we VON UPd CVE) ny Liem SofEe tot ae Janey full Aa fection gre 1 Ay Cach bold. Ny UIC Wis tem fo move and le. = ae at pas \ 23 = \ : SEIS YY SS ) a J 2 Z . > 7 7. . 8 «he meanedlHt mie wi Ver Lntltiti Tp litye, Gun WMS Ale, i DH 0f), thee Nails anil A am & a Le Liv? tile Spr} Y., ail CUNNING Soot, —_~ ble {if of Via bul nor dispy “ YM ho C Cie CLG SE, Md UCC ) = Ss ——= a te hid yf 0 Soctiy. Ak Cae aA bNyrl yf oe. XE Sibi ofS Siete with sem Gwe Yaw Hi if¢ it cle Osean ue air ere \S OH - Litt cerned fend off. Lif, but wheel bs. Life? = AL) NN: * s| - Yu not lo Wilh about, and draw fred ih iy AD to = CPr= ae LS ex Yom line l0 UME, OF G Jaze ufwon theTiun; =D [ita j ( OL tobe Fre. When Liberty oi | GORE} = ho Ye YIOWS Ut fli aNd fit) lift er Yirlisfe. D (C0 Ge Coe 05) aN ae <2 ae CSIs: Pies FC ie an ee ms Site Atlas i lad Suan +1 yb re | mee ss Oe OM G.B. feulp. ae Sa] TO aos e. “rl Fe Tras e aut oe iG Ty. ws G Geld ipa uf Wits Ale, — SS ee ——~ v =a at ay tbe CE ULL CZ Mi WL WA LICH. A her SMULLE ios ——™~ meee ae Darkaefe onl « Bypeliy tifere her MyS Sy) = vy — Le ball Vial ane Virle Le GIOW Keneell Yer OC YO? am | oe aaEN J Go Ye Ve We Da Vn ee LEE ZJIZ> « © Feo Byitith Fane our choicelt Blefsings com = »)) ie Fane ee abzoad and t ig mpi 2.9 ais as mas Se Tad Ue shall fo; “Ml W), UM cvibe I hil a Youth) — we Or; NCA My gen STU in thet Ure: alnefes uss areas —— ~~ So Wa 3 we Dave ee Sle — link Ubi LE whe he bal: On Urtivary Low: Fe ag Nia, some, lL 0rd Ub ter thé Vb.» <— iN) ee hfs odie pa Llayhiae Bes eo Ya, peg Lo C Serna f Vion, 2S Wt Hii Soifene Cyn?, ————> e Au mniling) ee Yienty VA, ty Pee ‘ ae a Cask o ioe Laas Yaljiclin gy OWA WHORL. ig ) e Aad eat joes we Lis Wy ( ee ple. AN tip re ae Thon madbstthe so Sut 6 (Mature yuy Fae oe pie yi the «Dun; fe MICTO the OSs > ‘ OL | Cision Seivfit. YO x } Cc ALIBE RIY SHOULD WEUCIE EVERY INDIVIDUAL OF ALEOPLE, AT FSHEY ALL, SHARE ONE COMMON ONATUR Es» IF IF ONL LY SPREUDS AMONG GA Mz 7- CURAR DRANCKHES, THERE HAD BESTER, BO NONE AT Abt; SINCE SUCH ALIBERTY ONLY ee. , Sep ie Wh IS FO LOE NS 2 Os a AGGRAVATES THE MISFORTUNE OF THOSE WHO GRE DEPRIVD OF ST, BY SEITING BEFORE THEM f Dik 1G. —REEABLE SUBIECT (OF COMPARISON? Cc (eb): —~“ 048-6 o aa VARIOUS rms of Bulinels, Aelatng to mt Fe, ae en Chill of Yarcels, book - Le ie Tromijury Voted. isla 5, Dll. of haxchanige (: Inlano uno. Foreign) Wills ft ntry, Commnupstine i Divec- ltond, one Reitritiond, Inr ihe te Mecounls of. Sales Accounts Current, E Letter: J on fe VE. val Cocufione, Letition fe Lit Precedents, Ve J, Som (xX ran 2 2 DGC 0 0. Sr the In Fg Mer 0 f Voll, wn all the ee) a, ie GHEE / of: Pormunsheg Uk Neg ee Ve Ki . SY Ly SY SCE satis aa ve ewe e: y VY = Lee OMOmO ) LS) SOME “Qeommercec Sale ano atell regu ite COMME? 00. Stourtsfies by Milsiudes, ano ) gues C myploy ment toall ty. Viofen SOVS sm tects of Che Ly, ANIC AVC SO Wath jy begs” Ores we Losttiine (ie Wa COs, thal vero OU,” Van J Ke Manuf AMM CS wall the tee Markets Va theVorld uno, nith Dangerous. e Industry, fre oul C, hapmen uniter both She + rupithdn by LL ae. | e) a Bye wp gnant Commerce. fart y source ofthe Yuce i ae, LLare Shim Ayhs, and Lure ent Fi Sncveafe, pes By / they o y dif we Thres alle Nahe Med See. 2, Charipion oles Yau art fe ove ry Cline > a eSeconil C Vier. i : ne MRC ea SSS) crip! ies — SZ ee (SI ? lh ae ) She Hit fe Lal Ly, Jor Uy. ae Stee set cae oe ; Bough LOfe Sipe Pe Von a be th DG 29. ees oe ZS 2 mess ems Vested, dt 5 ee. Se ore = 3 1 Beach 4 2/622 Ee. 18: Dishes Duty Tee Ae eee SLL SOND oa OA SeaSableTet topline Dine femal Sedna prgd Mus “nN I fee. Y 4. Yards a — fe, 9e é SO Sine Chints O pucces Ne Red me Seme 08) Cf a3 3. Offer eee eye, Se 3O Indian Ailes. aS?) sae Boy a «ee pan oe C Me ‘Cha Co y <5 ues - Lo SS SF as = Ye Wiis) Hl Seti e tail M 1). —— —— eS S Je Ree se =P) 15 Foxy of Vome ns Usted Hose dit at sone SGP Vian. YE eo 23 Yilto f Mlens: Wipe ee oe Dies JO 2s 382 Ditty fe Mend Yon FS nae LL 33 Dane Oe eof) ba 13 Lilo of Morw wih Mode. ; wae TOLD Hl ass LO LYilto Vie Sher eal, Va ee a a WS UO DOS Poe is 26 Ditto of Womens MlhGjloves y iy eur SUNITA matt the Stars ir Pilots 6 vont, Te wach Haver is 5 thy Sm, cash Meine: thy a bolt Sings a are Gut © Tenants fo toy “Farms and Tie 86 I Glorious (Conrmerces s Sandford of tie Sea 5 ae Their, Septal Sroay must fo thee @ Crident Bons = \ OF A Chey the 6 EM covets 5 | Sak the Donor’ ‘Thou. G eor'8 ‘Tie Wolconda’s > wealtiiy Gaverns Pia ee vind w te eh Bloons of - Vers are. Chine. ) Seriplit N°xxx. J7 oe ay ) mS. GB.feulp. fe eRe We Ut pres C lf C ) ae ee s 40 Gey Wns Vill C1. ‘ Vee Ah lonon Larmnah bed lace tnypleat.... SNe bes OF oe Sa & oe oo FEF AS. ~ Mos ju the. Life ple YA OF ee, As Oo \ SQ) Gi ee ty TOs (LDP jynaker 7 Cfo (bey e AC hein ney afi, andapar yg e Le adic eres Le - = Ae sei Cladse eo /2e Ipctees, tn eon Ururnes eo, Os 9 IOre Af Nate on Wei barn [abinehs ee ah. LYS. JO wh, Tee of. ma LES AS inechhue Ore Ura de Veneer, hi Pe, Screen... t/ a Novl, Ai 00h lace w Glafadoor, Ss ener Dil, tail bie Sh mes Seas eae Li6f 1210. 2 IO Qf AW Me Table & Vien Heb of the taig bate Japarid tiie & ¢ 3 . ; \ a me y ee \ : (fa € o f ® Oe ( Vay (Pap i SE = O 0) a) OR, SHE None Such Gil ae ( ae é a anise | OW echaneee promotes SJumanity; as it has open’d and ee “igh Ree ps up an Jntercourfe between Dlations, far remote , from one~ c t ) nett in Situation, Cuftoms and ‘Religion;promoting Arts, Induftry, ( Peace and Mlenty; by mutual Ddenefits diffusing mutual Love frome R Role toMole; and teaching the Advantages of HonefteCr raffickom 3 Co) C2 Eg ok GENO: Pewee CL OLe Crabe extends ¢ as far as Minds ¢ cant blow, os LE 2Ores see. > ot pi. upon, We Bs Mates flows SS GPR b ) Va Veilfe 2 oh a Fic ate: 2 he) y Wee © is d Saher cr Ce < soy) peas Big WW. Die ta oe ody have fee A el oe ale oS whieh ae ate ra G (2 Date Lfocam destrefe of this ame, and knot ep ee tobe a Mars pet Good - a Oe ey ee ue Have tested to and ly you: Be of yo vd (freer The cance bongs with him Arve thousand? , Mounds - VLEE oes / oF Onder Fo Spr. MVC Ee Yor Dinan pe as much move? on 66 did runt. 1 del Wes ire Vn fer Sear « LM aes, foo VEL z. be poe Ce lidfs Cal you a oe La ee fae Sap tt lhe ne Vo Hher ee va Wy ie and founda; fod Scart Very cheerfully bun the hos sara? Uh aes Jo Mette 4 life ech Pore Line nou, fo-sive an lores Bon Dip ea: ( ) i Ce er G ey d WY Sterech and « hs 11 ( DCC werd 45 73. 7 pee * fc) Aa ( APIMMLE Yh; AML / Sorin a, a Tiina AaADoN oa on a : AA it AT Li icin Ahn LL THE Ve © Homi Wt phan Bw Seon, a. horor Troe o- Crema Ie 9 Eee. CLOVES © FO evchants, tt wfuchs Tey Jometumes contrililerto ees Safety LI ce ENT (Cr of the AP Country; ad they do at all times to les bafyprinipi Therefore of you Ghould be compiled 0 any. detion that has the Uf pearance of Lice OW j Mean nef jin Lon reflecting “fon the Dignity of OUP Pro LSdtOn; Se MY: with hones. horn, ryect whatever wunworth Y of tb e dnd. ad the Hame ‘of Merchant never leg) ales (he Gentleman Jo by, WO EAM does texcliile Vip from that. Soe ponly take heed not lor > Ye) (oye) fj? uf: 5 furchiase the Character of Complatsant aff cafpence Ly One ay ¢ > = VERS Se wea for Sathak § ora Delagns SS nN y Bie aes ies) ; Yland, Forypl N° xxx. = Ban | ae GB. Seulp. ? e:f- Lay er ( Kh, aiid Coy : 2 ) ee fans ne Wun. one Snr Wark & ean 5 aM : Uhids- Ce Se le pote ‘ Lae f ) ~ ii eas (en \y zy aay 2 C dr 28. Bricks raid, 5 Pike [Sue HE if i eas | bys BG, Coa UW 19:5 Diltor.......40, 18.7 ¢ Via On Apa ¥ 26 und, AVS SS b found. eee Se 2% hei ae Sep ie" ig. Z Ly ar 3 ot 2 d-Load yee, eee 9,12 fO Vet 10 i fr Mf. 90. mer a; Lees B10, = ; = - a LU 90 D2. ar OR: Dio? i Gg aioe Te Wg ses 2 ny Man,..90 Bo ah 220 Wie AeA e LOANS ky iat ( es 7, = we iA Sy eas ee OL VOB. « AB rik ough te be o. Arches long, ae Broad? +) 2 Vo thick. D007 ‘ Bee, are a oe a Hes rteesarnil hrs lhe Jame’, 25 Cour ed) ae a ELE af ie ?, WHE O00 ( pe ae ee ahodo rte ‘ Vix A 72 “4 ) ) foe ae aCyik ‘ ahalf hick ” ( ( i eee ke May, SRG ee . & $a 0 Cc Vall >i) : - Oy »Seripfi 4 pS RO) ae \7 Ee ——" bot, Merstef the Merchant is above Mal ofallalher ely bjork JSrubih bein ae fos Hand w ving tS 22 wnirbepcnsille Cor a peorDoapins ve of hs: CS OIE tas Word the Gold of Ophir telhe Ceuntiy wherein be rest. hj, nef unhappy ofall’ Mle tt, avd the weft « yy tosedl fo rr = he: Mnialec ie 0% Wanton refs of Uh © CONUTLOVL Vnceds te re foe ) , ——— Te. Co0edth ts I undone wm Moai) WEP ids She. Tradlesitts I a 2 ¢ See Ve), ound ts 2ECEL ved. COWL OME WHO td 712000 fered vaeke ) "WN0v — — IE Le foe Fifan with Mie Lon dipupe ond. Yager ==>) eae C ‘ Sere uC uy ~ ev De ‘S A oh y Ve os be Untied € ‘a Me rd ( > ps Vout : Py by some He Vo. Ke ISB ms feo: 2), Votes VE we YO a) re as S0¢ Cady: Vis, Boh ifeh, HELD), 5 N SO Dail... 2p DAF Play 5 7 G82 SAA 288. ee tS Het Eek Oh AP MBAG iB 3 ga ie. ET RBA! Y) 7 e Tol eo 2 Lol. d VU i San ae me ay) fae = } , O ‘ ¥ oe, 4)... 120 Thck...... D TBs Cee 48... 100 Yilto...... Ms 72, 7s 220. Mite.. Boe J..ah bh fone F 7g. S029 Sere LS yan, $l 3 CPi pee D k- ee ee any € pare ee sae 3 fo —_~ pda ae. . Lf: DE 22a Ne hs ae | / <. eee) Va ee aE >. ae a Sw Oy: ~ S S N ) PIN » f é —~ ge Sia VR: ois CVOft a ae Liy ee a ee . We a gn & TACO TT Pan _\g ee We tof VOUT, o you Lo vol want tl fore Sood, 4 YOU Wily fr Shy Ach. St Mr nythe pd ANC Body, Wp se Ad ee Mindand pre VOLS the fatal Consegie VCCI Vig Mlenefy. e Ju thes VWuCOh Sf Whe hy ace theall thou cal Dread, until (hor corm eefuen unto the Gooand, for OWS Sf of WASf Show faken for om Dust thou were pe List ahill thowte fuon Ce. Yon 13 SQ.m aoe ) titi N°xxxt. 1738. la : é ae ily) << G.B. Sculp. SE it Hill. anal = Ae. SSS yg % . Cuan ae is Gz co 2S Men WM1Y Mines ue Work Materials oS ee Moiife 2 Cz Les ee) be ,2. Be cae W730. ( ) See ef a ) Y e Hey /o, Caen oe S28... 2-5 eae 070 eee en ? a. 9, Fer et Ta. IS Ton = at $2 go ee AS AQ id fone SH, i 2 OO Apes BE Poot Ss 8 om ¢ We 75} aay dee peat I GO. PEON at OMS Gh apes pee 9 ae ei ee rg Malo ater 2¢ OY ab a 0 ff WU mene ae eee ee, ral Nawls OS oy ae = 14, PUD te DD A Neer eaes Joly ib JO, Wor ogee: ye 90 ay S.C SLB ead ie ees Te as em _~ KE ms a io 2.90 ft wat —, Wainfeobr natn. i Vil on iti ass 3: GY agus Lae Te, We _ Dib ED. Muth? 38 tech>...0b —° | Ad fboot fe SEL 10,4. bake ae am Sf 120, IO i | / ee 7 s » LK 3 > LY} “Lin Nuk antl» Naile are 120 to lhees Bepralpid 2 IO Seer 7 ee) p ey acu Load jand 40 Seeh aSon of Limber—y i) SX x “~ ~ Ss xe \) Renton Sosa and Broferit mm: die See : | vefain’d, and maintained wd by Dil swetion, Sinceri eo; j aitd Sumi, with 3 wobich, fillG Stan ts is ac- \\ commniodated and -acconuplithd, he tg c1S. not of eftecin// | ¢d) ao a eaeN tember in at #-domot: nae Reputation which ts the Lartin of every Man who nud live nth te hnoning and elegarte Feet of > Mankino, ts as Sable ad Z ln ry fe te as well, (founide hd,& oy common Cie Vi human Soc ely bd thorgh “tobe concernih when we hear acMan of good Brchavioar calamnittell Mo® Gratwick, Scripfit. See ee ) Ue apullich. Jile, 2 ( L ae yas Shp P is Ouse Aprile Motives 25, Them, 1/36 30, Anthom YL, Deals, ey Baugheypicts United On a TE Sniliit Compe i, ee OD Le BE Yircounvypt 6 fp Gendt Zeng Qty se 20, Containing 130ficces One Wipe Frage 2 ee Lf. how O fp Lips im CLA > Colina S ) Be of (Jie 4 Loy 34, Containing S90. acces the Berwick? ALY, 16. heh oa ae) We LOG CAs L340 Pieced DL Yip fhe Mapa dd 7. _g Wee a ULI . oe 4p Rete oe Eh ialna mee =, ZUN88 RID. ae Sots of Callico, anil 2. Sots vl ; Oe or ae a ee ae S7 . eee net ety 2060 aa eee As rp O1)1, eae ae mee ? 20 Spier Lees Ct a Aap ie “4g C WY, mb xe Moles Q ‘One 6) "2 oo} ON Q Io sen Mt Genlit of ew Puta, by on Your tony howiiieds Tharights to Unbagutle zZ Do ee dei 4, ae Hie on feace You a agoer Mhasinahs0i your rates Ineseafe7 eee ge neti otengdh am Ke nother Liyects you e Pinus Ee e ae y Sips lay youu fm in tshing “ft “Ha Cxr-3 Mie tL) eager eh ey ss 2¢ yee ee a Aarrgi Mh falosiMler HUME i given yor CE boy ave ee hay nev ICV. Me Pe veugn Mone sched 0 Ue dee e baaltllonminas hor you fllewse — ¢ x S738. GB, Sculpt. De Sg cig, Q Chet of Bij BA 3.) oe (2 It Y Ufone C1 oe | Coven pie foes ay “Ge 2200 2, a 25 he. 2y “, ecb inelosed: Saha by the dat Soot tomy ‘youu liillifoo L197. and dere you lo cent Iethe heat velum,by iy Jol HAillsfay- Vida ofine Grey Grey Pooud Cit pe if of. Halland about ib ip Ws oe ieee Dwi pe a -) Gs pi ) Se Oe es de: = Ve — a a. Mey “needs (2 ks y we ab Loni O70” 4 ? , * i © Ee V, WU Millaam Init. — Londen fr gijes (é GY eT ie ee Od of Me 2. slat Trecewvedl a 1 abso O of the Bh. hon « Bulifor L227 Lt ick a sakes tand fe laced fo V Youn Fe pe e Mibvve We day arts ty fob Hidl accord f to ypirdeo SY upt one Grey bloth y 5 108 Uy sal tify. Lab, Cre 3p. “fine pers Maal 3.0, il “. 10). 19.6 on ys S06, 7. 6 AM, Ws Suite Lis Ae Le i we ey Ov ber al (OVCIMIY, 7 ey He fanned G WA E a oa Ae OU OMO) Ema! Auftin C777 ORCL. 9a eae 5 > CH i fine LZ C7: yh VA ee te e Vo Lyi uw wile he VIA J an : rs LHe Brstncls Will, wil aL prof ULL HUEY d te ie si LCS hil tantly flrariih, whe 7 ee neL Wh - ¢ d ( ay af Vb Old L MLDS ti CFLEVA ‘3 yeguler Ze é ees mero Sao oe se \ © When thou batt Bi BUSIN ESS of concegti todo SS : OC With Prudence Act, and Refolution too ; SE) ( y ? 2 Ander whole Conduct pou will feldom fail, a) “K t O Wifom aatd 1 Comage qoint, malt needs cag D CO ea J) ie =i Bs 2S a eee NN a ‘ Yh wy, My Cine M,, ue Mon ULy, ke pen SUMO di lOUUC, MMA Nfly dee vi We, Vila Gi) hes Wn lore Ces gl a Apitlaln YW Wr a Ye, commentilble, ( Pumas ( Lehn Vi ae Oe: = — Ore Jo jo. Champion s Sear 2: een | bd Sa, (é C Z 2 0 UN ie ucrufi the. Mark noQporte Ve EC GZ. SMAI CHM Hane, COPL eliays M vs Pa Soy he le (i242 oS le APLC? ay ly. Sale a Mi CK % Werits, Y PAM : ic Sond, F pred CWNor-do . ae | I>) ; at OD ham: Sei eee) eae age ~ 4s Za ee a ee Peay SEODICE’ ET _ASSIDU RE é is 7 ace iene ) aS, Co eee ‘a =) : ce LUCCODS C1 A IUMMCDI, L205, the Arts of Thriving. i ) o Myfe. ¢ Grdy 70 ve used Ws Wieands ae Thriving The World, QC? nar other Pham Mufe for GENIUS hy sil anil unre, wove able? Suteyriy Viel beat VE fo lid loaf: sof eproffe vous Condon. Wher4 Bufi And o'er the ties on ye the Ga ed; Prefonce of. Wind, and Courage inDis 2 ( see ~ | ae Ave moreAhan Armies to procure Succefs.. | ~ / > aa a oe 5 Ap i SS ee Le of Gods and. ends by his Decrees, . pes eA ; Forbids our Me only tobe be bought rwilh Cafe, Ge ad seh es aly he | Sawa () Wy LVOVtMEN EE ts commonly In 46 dalye ret 10 We Hae iF ( SM bh Say D CHAMIPICOUS Vey: SOW, thal the gine be bivs: COWS he 2 OC Wn ther 3 ( ‘Cuslorands lhe more they « ee and are Uifeed in Mon -m ¢ ¢ ‘ 0 0 O Would’tt thou be Rich be Diligent. QO Qo. ae fh Beslan @ @ o Vouen se — = =< ae — 6 / oe Te Y. 2 1738) ee 0G. ta ferniite ‘he Beaver Me fo bn Meanwell he Ge “100 O, Srrenty Paani, tated Ms Yee fhe fame Lp flece Uw fo a, Ge eg which Mors i of (sed with bes Recrype fall be your) backer and Warrante . jong wfon ae, yneeen’ te. Aone or Zag Cdvice, to a : O) EE IRS at oo SS : J oti Veil Sy ten ee J \ Ss Jo = =) ee and pe 8 Spas 6 OQ LS GA Via, CMCSA a VA EE 7 Be Chimé Mandi LO, J COs Norch 4 noe. W) Ope W- ) Cototor Apso Nichole lo nn is om es tds De _ Sti Q Wi “lider weary has Loble 7 /be hed oe 5 al ie Hho ia. Iuwe ts ee. G Sa GS Vs We Mt Dyapprall GWA Clark Sergpsil Eo Ke oe CYOUN Ve picasa MINCIC, DU IO Lruide aly YON. Mile real asnol located C the LC Heh oy our Miley YS He who Shunt ted More than hets Mle to a8 Fisforme es Falseto him wf, AN he whe C0 Mots nol Koyfo, rine Wwhil heh Ld. ; Yromtsed t. US Traylor tohisPrvends. Jagone Bone once msde are palt Dat iS = C yate SYN PeL < Shot Crnth's sino | Meal tan at me : = < Be. ‘ we 2 os = Oe) BS de EL A City of good Reputee @ C ¢ ««— rar teputation, hand th Ci of th eMeita anit. iE LC oe REKVE ne) ED) Ae | hae WO don 7 Wane Dos Gas = o% the: wnneduule p feel ) oe OUT Soils. Ds = = AL Iho Me ls raybiir LC, He ‘als ty ash, hh Se somellanyg nothing, a iG Swias mine, le feed, 8 fasten e Mave tor Asante = = on Put he hile ey, pes fp for OMTMe I Yi Good ee / oe : a) KD Kobs me of Wha Whitt OF ¢ nrithed hie io ee Gui? Be 5 Y me for nile 0m 2. Cr EDS! 2) eas; TeeoTBD Giwdit and By Feige Trade, FA | ee wend ‘¢ The 8 oneft te Wieveh ant cnntinentis imades~ ( Gh Words fice, itt, Uitions jut and | Fairs) et | He 6 ¥ : Cees Se Sees) ff ee Lee ; omen LE Mi YY, , , SS é f, W/, C2 ~ Li VETY. yee, - Coed Ae Lay WL: Khawn g Vi) ees 7 a ee 53) wl tf Cp GRU MNE MOLe ee a Jee Merchant deter’ Y LAG ig th thet a Ye eo gether te places hed i Mewllh : A Lim ewe SS \ \ : Jofeph Champion Scripfit, os G Bickham Sculp. “ a Ras General» Ne} cg eer mee ee Pa ee Ware es . BY fe Viphn apis Yas, oneuf ter a Broferinu ve YEE Vie wenger, why WILLIE — Cn Han tingfle wl have Cncatsin for Maney fe 4) ie flay bas Charges fo shasete Rhus tM ) \ eFunrs fer tall re MVC emgs C4 Sil table weit, ) De woe De) fe Lies all recewe diene Ze) Y Moni Mise ge ( ee a Un ee [Paar a OSolonye uy @ (ey U ee oy, LE, ae W2US, Sel. 8.38. (; C oye a LIE: IOC» See : Nie Ils of | . er ay J C Vp 7 DC 6 Sag Ee Z CUE Go a ae sold ly O70€ Lo, PION CO another, teel er tuulan FAVE. qrole Mm wu with eT tie Vie CUC/Le Stun LY ard Ol ye and the e bmounl at the ne of the CZ Line, aid W, oe al the firtuulars are get Dien: and the several» Tuma they ay come toflaceo Zap Onle ey, O10? enuley’ anuothe “C7, hen add the 4G ee and place the. Ta at Che Bi MOM. < 7, 1 ts what ts meant yl y fare aed ts ee rally fey ty MEO 5 ae to the Buyer, hes Form f white tte ‘as follows. AE Y, a se ee: L770 ¢ landers CII ) o \ Cie 2 ofl , iG Braiylt yd Yani Com Be : VEte fe Sep YS. ugar? 2 Whe w, Cu. y eae 13- fe. fog 1 ed Barels..w ie Ls 19 at-1, 14. We COT ed. ot Owe 2_L Barrel a} fe LOST 16 ieee) ey 5 Slyper A Bagg... ae Lame midi 19 BE MIE CLS ZL Bee Waa-4, Cakes... 2 a , Mea DG TS Wee. ae x Ne : x~ , — "Daa Se Se at Gale we WDive Sire Na = Ce 2 Bieta Sealphie.e ge) OO Rr SS g, Promiflory Notes c ) Sy oh eu (Df) U MV. ) Lromiffon y Note mentioning Order ws indorfible from one Lerfon to another; which ts done by the profent Pofeffors wy vung his Name onthe Back of and delt- vering tt up lo the Farty, to whom he intends to affiqn over hus P) operty theretiv. Lt is unnecefjary to have aP» omiffory Note Payable to Bearer indory Cdl, of You are fatisfy a the Note ts. good. And if a Note be ndorfed, tt ts necefjary towrtle a Leeceypt thereon, to prevent tts being negoctaled, after tt us pad and deliverd ofp. Lf the Drawer of a Note? cfufes Layment, the Note os good againft the Indorfer..— The delivering up al romifjory Note to the Perfon who fign dit os a Sufficient Voucher of tls being patd, nor ts there any CO Vecafion of ‘writing a heceypt thereon.» — Pronufjory Notes, and Book-Debts, of not legally demanded on fix Years, cannot be recover by Law: And Y you keep a Promiffory Note upon Demand, i your own Hands above three Days, and the rerfon tts upon fhould fail, the Lofi will beim Your own, but if he fail within the three Days tt will light on the Perfon that pad i you. Let all Notes be made for Value receiv i, and inthe Form of thefe that follow. aa SI 4 pee a LTD aa: aw cas A ; aN, ool (ae oN. oS) ee (Ga Sa } if ete — — \_» ND CCXXXVIII. ea C é SL VOMUIE hifay fe YW William We Mg SON OF Oiler on? yo Uvrelveftounile, Value occulta. 23.0 of Mar tel Jew. ; Cf tO] Se “W_* 00 Ge AD AVU1CT? ( Lf, toflay ol: Wits Oe Wd, Bs Reaver, OT es Hive Lindt Or Ee dae lle he flltay U3 9, = 2) : ae oak Z ’ ae Sf DG ey, ae ( ) ye ie Li, UWMION ican as is C 2 / Wf? r VO é Os ? VOUMUSC fo Cth hr MU CEP Masters Ea AS: 7 Mee fer daft? ie — foes a for ULE: tle Reo cd Malay a Side 2. of 1 eo i eae Gap é Morgoond 2 C(O Oe | oe We “Ce Bas 4S | Se bee C — i 4 ‘ xD 2 Oe. J You te ae ay “ i ae AM AINCE, tH Yes * a Ge Univer Oe w, Pie fe —_ a oe lsbiided 10 ee SC A eee Vee LH & Soh poattinn 5) ZY bin ne ( Weve Vie and Sradesmien. Ium Vi ge ee YY We 191m wece anid C 2 ought a ees Shsecrens rk a 2 of tl eS WE i Vhs Bes ln ta) Cpyeifay Y Poe Ds: Wee g, Bu eee a hing VILMCHt tt ariel E \S wf: fuel gone val (om 2ceon, Yi, pice tly c ae 1 the sae 23) “the? bitte 2 Clnd « think Whee a Bunning. Tied of thar y if Sault Nay Vlalive ts Cette Ada PSs oe 4 AWLObCE MLS Jendency te =) @ 4 ve ae tes PL Than hat: Ue, Hee s commnvenly wrtllen after ee € Ro: Sie a! ane ss Lipted ten oie. 401 ed tt Ie a few Loofe —~ ficheaf tke Ligases Vig yon COO Le by despo Wee < c ; Feared fe have fil a Ht0ce re recalle ae ‘ vison t ee \ ) ie C )) —— ee 5 Sa ee Cees Y eae De Ole ia B Sire ove = d: s pag 0D, WUcmnoumnilitt, JhatT Yous Janpason, of te foanih f MDa apy wn HE East (een ane wp fp lndon, LO- OC am c anid an eee, fore ene fpr Va he. vaed place Groce 2, he fear é 7 c é ae G Sooty ff poe Va (good a tay Wd Money of Great LN ID whacl! ? f ; Zot Cc ¢ € Jone Sp LOMUIE fopoay to Mhe faul« Iimon phnson, He inate YONG iG iz e Sin vate Ole Wugre, ah ot ae WHE VOLE. Y Ly Ve Mpotenber CA 4 Meat ensiing Yhe Gy hereof tn Miinefe wheregf Shave pebisige fot Uy « Misi Ze e 5 a Yor footed Z ny F See ten, we ZA . Gow Cc Cc Cc es > c four PIS. , ae, SOUCIL seers Sg eg ht (eS Cc b F oe = ie ve teil ON! 5) C ? gui, e Weald “nul : Li iscict 2 “1 Xe Se (be ip flout Lp ly e He fh we ge . 2 i ae 4 ae Ae Sinfrson (ex NV i ary 7 2 CHL the ; Defence Va oa. © CF n00 Ver Bia gs ee WOT C10, / < me ( ) Jan Jacobs ' ae a te C x, y Ly YU LO UWCLOMS OM JUNLOW ty See W.. CO Hite Swine Ve Menifow U1 he COMMOUS MC COT, W does Company. er 2e st The Pen an Inftrument tho’ fall, . LAR eae C= Is of great Ufe and Benefit to all, i: : ; Ce pi ‘be if rethipe to your Fingers Ends, \ Re / > <7 7~ Than to the Promifes of Friends. ape Sauio nna ew = SS |oee ar eee OP DC VUSY COMMONS HOW YOUCCONC» De, CUI UD “ ae Soran Y ONC, ypuctully 4g eYyOnd | YOU Wii Wf. He thil-ts Silt? My for We Mran ger all snare Sor Lund he llual hilelee Liye “fe De Iii og NOSSO! Pee: Bet Emporis 738° 2020. OQ 3 Se N°xxxvr. G Bickham fap. oe Ea) yO 30. _——~ OA \ ONMUIE ue ee Me Uh Faas uy an (“ZZ ji OC . Nr se 2 10 Bh ay es nly fovunl, om — ah sae onilon the 2% Dey of Mart A f39. ae e Ap Vie ake Vintts, Ms Felfiz— aay) Bie Pf £2 i SF , @ MPL - if NMI Gol 2 247.39. ig a Ge to WE. Tuhy Comps oe Beaver; a on a pained Ie 2€ Dundve ve twenty fove nn foountls Fere« Vhadllsng sano Bie oe fe y VMaster Ph ote ICD, ~~ oe £34 10,6 < Chart Cd | Daan 70 ¢ 0 aan Sot eee =a Ae, PORE ae ) YOMMICE fo foray fo the Ticyal Yfouan Company Ge) Vsenver: OW ~ OD mas Fwo hots and, (a ae 3 '& y ) ke tugs Me 3 Day ay of May 173.9. xf Lee, 5, VS ft a ey, 2 Mips. “Clever a Han fon A 2600. c —2e860S- “ e Laropay) iY 2 20 ve Auttin ae OOgaet <5 R O M (LS: x Is. ace ( iBe very (Aref Ld ti io ta Li 2d Ode. ( & Dae f V4 VUMILCEA, Onl 2: ~ ( ane pad th Your Share 2 ie \ \ TEMEMACH tl td Cll At Yp Whe ll va 200 2 \ \ fp f { ie / iS eo) 10, th it Eta te. b vot foenfer mes O05 AS Le a : ——— NSE Hes, FOL. Yo) Feiform tt Y (POMS eCtft Wht GYR Fish; County, 4 Wi, Lyeiak. 4 ele OLS Vi y tele Ld Ke lifulalion V4 UIE Sm A Xe GaSe ne ne a a N) DOVE) SCRIPSIT. XK ISS} 6 Loe. il We Sh 1739), of MM, WiMoom CX, ees 7e Soohy vel mn YJounds, nineleene ge and e 6 Pte Fill Se. i ft ove e Jangleton rae a ey ee . : £45 19 i Cs gue He A BE. ltd cee ea Ay, ho Aft Decewitl the j july S739, 7 oe Honourable Cat Inde (amps Chuo oe. sand five Mianidred foourdif fem € beg tn full Tap = € E Jorsethan e Lian fo SOV and ony LALLY, ie a My aS ie < 4 yp James eg Sony & See. 19» = EEE ok, Jecew Ses i 19 Oe P. ope We oe. Millom YOU / ale ee , in full Sy re Le CUS ¢ es are Joly “7 Lait. = Sormy Maslere Sonat: Lamberd ) Se ‘ ai Das ( ) Whee Zion omits Marte —s <— fe ua) SS 2 QCY LS Dine ae SSN Din, fie DO WW Saaducy Ob 2 Yh: Corn pire ices, [eve Le ee e Jal LUM Mricls Weep Ineen Me, Boe 1, Mier Tres lakeh Branches hile Gpoanda Te: tmarkiel Seal fen O $l j Merver comes; ) Wothout nanuning here hind. Mature yiold | ¢ Ve ie ‘ep rflone 4 Of © Son tus , for. See found) ,. : Tie tice SeSture y, and the Grafs Faclid.m ge Wave: ea pres f Ground? (be gee Us fellyouch 2 the e Maffron gots ie UE. ig. land great MNahire Mi. Mh opoynd And. hry nh ther 108 Inilus J firearms SO. éoflow: e Di tol ip DL US eee on Sr ESD) =~ ie) BSS SS) <@y ts the Sbelonel Macon GBaulinels fo collect oF p) i Ai ee ul aocaSs TT! 2c ee. — Cover é SZ ie varions 2 bleffings of each foil ad climate, ant iit oe Cs a. TS Se, — (SED the product of the whole, fo enn | bis Waive Coantiy pw aN Ss N&xxxva. es 2 ee ee GB. fulp. om i we Se NR, ) ‘g SAV OU. 1G YOO ca oe: ( Mee piri fe BBO if Vinay b lof ( Martoen Lounds seventeen fl hii, lugsin i Mw Sor tates 33, ti. a Sflun/ dourils er Ml tap rhadp ey ‘years Font dae Bi Laat rom Cpe fe Cis ee 25S ee id Nea oe ate /) ) SD 2/2 ) tel Dyn 1175 9.9 A She RI Rover POE id Bt. ‘Mop 4 — aes 2 BR 7 € Duta, al ee. Ce: Le Hho aoe ie runes, § ) A ten, dll for hice. Date ee G ee due ay ee Cay & Lady Dy a e-, 0 di 7 van Co C ve a /. LMnlind SS VVAY, a) Sees Goa e YW ye CO the Cat a C7 GF, KS Leb wad he, yo al. Verang CPA, te y VLOTC a A a han wiffeint to nourish all the. Silane though they —~ AVC arnumerable, for the Curth never ceufes to produce her —~ C Stl of Industry te pot wanting; her fertile ‘Dofom ee can never be exhausted. She more numerous Wlen We th at — County Geer uli the Y le laborious p) VWUOVE 7 Hey 1 OY cae ‘Teleme D) sP.104, RE CEIP T. @ By) RS Bins’ 3 Flot Te 2D ee 2, Awe SOME f Ge we Now #2 pf mw ff 1 Tent and Ye Country ¢ MW evns ) yi he nee ae DI B Ls canby, lad Joe ye “Ue We Yk ign er PLY she TD chodiay ee ae a Ue Gee om the BG irl ie cole Lrg: ja ¢ Bre ta lop. Gd, ad Boe, oath i dir. at Lies ( Ye Sona one oe cy. aftr mae a ce, Coguel,« ig ted, Boe ppl Ta ee Well Ios Made lion Coit Clay is hy * oe ae lappy Coy eae 7e Yip 2 2 QO J.Champion Scrip' St Paul's Church-yard, LONDON. Q Q 2: Mee MeL J grep fp (eA John ANd, OLN: ye Cc UNG 7. cuumaml O07 mmr ~Zondon May 29.1739, L 100.— = =e Lp, Night foay Mle John Warunglon ot Onder, neg One hundred fdoundsValucteceivd of bon fel INR ane fitape tte Maye Gory ps eee ke A 4 G Bis Ay Be ap Kae C tin Di i = AEE i ; + —— h : e he Lull of Crchang €tIt Use among Lersond : : Van of Corre sprondence and. Dealing, wo ashort Onder \ . ee ) fr Money, tobe receiv in one [lace or Country, / / € = } ; ; } vas —. ) Vig the Va ue paudlin another; towhih Wen of ae, / Cy ) Ged (fect avery Mitte Honour and Z ga? d. a —, SPV 2 aS ES ~ Sie y Be (ee : SOLE ESP UCI FES) M amt Mata Deviplit. SEO SSREUC MUO SSI ON N° xxxvin. Geo: Bickham Sculp. MDCCXXXIX. ED) a Ge a Cy a) op “ wee 18 poljas 2 Fis. g Lio MWe Madan Longan oe thbe One “es nde iy ff oi Sigs bbs 7 Z lore CUPL CQ vg 2) jw WS fer 7 day's sai? SLi Colas (oon pod Va Mie Aah! Ui ak London eo So Ex ea Le May 173.9 ay” 10, (C GZ, Co Soyo i cay WU, Ma Mee, or 0, dev, Vie 2 « OA Mia See en fall one Jilee yas "CLL ved po Vs = L fobrn 1070. 2 and la ACE ive lbwice fo lew sas ‘ g BO) : Sa ee Ws. Menry Aneth Cr as Ne Myfur Ute Manchusser > awrite OW O) te Gc 2 hil ti thd Wat in th , Life wheick Joon UMtdl cad, Cen all cur vain Designs ntemh?: om SromAMore t+ Arr 2 wh pchowld me TUN, Where HONE iE tiresome 2 UH, Cine LID f Sir banefal Care Ww ll fall frevatl me \ e tad vecrtake a under Tact. De at a wll dodge the great Minds e Tiatn tehint, | Cut-rin ee. oul-e Hy the Widd 2m \ Man ON CaaS ~ ee ee ee Oy eg ee) Soy cone Galt off all necdlefs and diftrnftiul Care = a A little tg enough, too much a Snare. > ene Ss A.D ey = ee oe Hort 8. 739 foe L572: 10: 10tip 7 fy, 3 (c if. ight pay ies es cond Tell iy ny if eee cg y paudunte WE Lae) ly Caliry or Order the Sum f- a ‘§ Seventy tur Ue oe Yen Aelings 4 aos fence Her dong, Cec oe al tir ny fe C. Ue aad and one sa fe Ly: Ge Hd red ef hirnself. self, Y. place ee econ a ifs Gyre ee: ae —_—_ (iy ER —— ee Fa a Sor MMi far Vendor Ue. LE / oa C aoe (a Merchiom Rotterdam (c e Cy, oe May Dig Y39 for £0026, as Boe Vb ae Ee wa Wie: 1, vy secon belef Cs ih ie Mie ai = Or ie Ae Mow lle liu Woe Sire Gui J, Ce oy ae Be Ave te 4 5) ca cai fe Mie bg be L ee (Unlec bees a Waid 3 vip Life C Pye Be iam ¢ foie from: tir ey ) pres G AZ Sr Me imel! ses C a ‘fan Vay CH WE (a LS i (Seah, ‘ Lyllin. aa) ie Tee) : wee ee 29 90 oP) Ve gd ¢ Q) Q00 ee. — eS ae l Ting’ S Calton Houle et oe as Explained.- ae ———* mse Ue De ees : ies i : 2 = os —Z/lCe i as CistomrP Cottse, ta (uliding a tha-latSownes where all the » Cite MOM OVE recew it, aw a. Luty pai ty the € Vil; ject lO the King UfPO?L © ‘poor Catone or G apo tation of? Goppadtled: Fo ee ae LCP Tonnage anie Youndage WOVE orb gromed by: Vartiame 400 br certain Your still the tome funy VI, but then c onstantly and fre Wie tually, ee pce called Cu MOMS OF Cus woman we Liye VAI tei or Werchande; Se CA fear ted or Shuipd. Be. Custom ed fraud, OF SE cure fer fufeced 12 Cir. Lie Cafes lee Revivil OW and M. cap. I. am Jutt Impotts fixd,and Cuftoms fettled right, Support our Strength,and diftant Friends unite; ) Commerce extend, and foreign Riches bring, To crown with Plenty, Britain and her King. TO o N XXXIX. G. Bickham Fecit ( 7 eis fea nig ee Dep pon A 4 je Ae eS) ) France 7) ) SLL CG ote UT lm Df Gf es bey C oe Cle z = TEN fie... 9g. 9. S&F 7 5 ? Wi Sibs...-.. 57 6. g. 8. 4 M4, Ms ei fe oon im, : Yo 102 CEE ¢ eye Ys i 40 Bacon —) : pe) 204 he e Melee Linen 2 ee We ) 6 y ¢ Boh l ander El Y% = Uap. ey f fe 6. ( DOP 46,13, 4 ii ee Oe SST C LE97- (es. (Re ee ea | belie ) Oy toe ye ye the. s Lommungh Teh rn Jamun: O: — \ peri: Sar Wwe hy TI iS Ue BMS ae 9.7 6 Q0 flounitae Aaa Wt Dalegeny a is ie Eee 37 G G33 teat by a de #3 /4 age ier Ys amie We ee (fromente fh oe came Potcr ZG Ouiie 4 wa CMP Pris. r iea x or C Zs » * Ne Se V7 Be Vm % On Guten anil C WRI: bs i, fel stand 2 2 Mf he. Te We ee es —— Lo e1gn . “& we Us ye ee nt Ney a DEI —— —, ‘ > Rear’ 5 ot of aie ‘ct & aM ~y) ie Ye bad ah nil ee ioe aa One) e Yeponais Za Wine feo eecrabook the C Gifts hae a e Lind Works Zs » or the Lor, add Wales o the Cs ke Waygnifuencerto hel FOUL Te Pie? 7 | Ny: ON Maih« Weorchapee converts the Yin 7g ion 70 ins lt Gol, | 7 | \ ane DNF i CI yy J Vol, OP IA f° Lie e UMTS > Choathea he Cw oure Doitish l Manisfectares nl Pee e AMT of the 2 a yy \ 5 ; . Ne 2 7 / AS e Fr05 Cie Aone warmed rtf the Sleeces Sf Ours age we f 7 —~ S2 / Zoe PWTOLD eae ue SY Peak ye TIE Se Cx) (EAM aoe > Y : ORS beni itis 5 SG ate a & ane oo) or Gs (09 Sx Save it) s 3 & ee ee : WwW Es CD A Sie, Goods, and Grin, Nee — Nees ———— [ee Geo, Bickham 5 culpfit. os OF ae fone SSG: = CK pce THN, / fer lenil ie f. ML) the Va iy Vis ele) 30" ly”, Py ou ve Me Aepigie oe Tepes wll fevotll el) 7m Towle ab it eafonal Me, Cfivice Ly Dead On ITMeE for Weer Anount, ‘) a bis 2 Wal tebe Quer Hinowr: fi COM Ce Se vee Lg Paw 2) Z My, OM OG Cer ¢ Z (oe Ee Ce. Yr 220 GS Whine. 8. OD oO O *) ee QW) 2208 Shes Sa actor's 5 Mnfwer WER) Q Ge a Tire, Capen a OS haw effort y Olt yy te e fan, John e ee Com? 30 Ca Of VeLy, G Wie hush Linenie Via not infewir to g) Droduction inHlland:Lhe Invoice and Wedly Ga Lacing areinelosed, as alooraTodll forthe Chaige, Sam See: GE if Vou EA Yewant-y LW Cha. The DoW. Chu. e LON <3 C) hs On j oN if Oe 2, Verh! in Vinton Zia ae cc] 5D) eee Sere a > €:Barwion, feip. pial (I, ni C s elie wo ay ibis charged on Beer, lle Cyr, Uinegar 2 ie w, KC. Lhis Duty was for ICG granted tor Hing Chas Cd Wipe 1000, and tS ONC of the Greate. SC ee of the eventte ve Ie was formerly Sarmed id, Cul now tl ts a dt by se ven Cn mips MONCH 1 for the Hing, who Si at the ye meral Cxctse Mex on the Ud Jury Sonilon they recewe the whole Product of the C QUctse kpay il into the G Lecheguer here lalary od S00. t foe] Unni cach, and they are oblige aly Cath to take norte 07 Reward bat from ies ing only. He e Nerden off Clerks h Collectors, SC0a7C CTY, AUPNCT OMS, and the Charges f heir falari Led USSG Gae y ines to above 300, 0008. Mer Diam: Re SIS Nieman ce mie CER CES (« : Veep & INGE: Ce xB, & y : Ge . Shs Mit yd / 6G) <4 G. Bickham Sculp. i eae ete VD, Ce aes 2 ob! de ; Ae ) ( C e ) Thee ie Soft p dale 9 Ate er ae, DV) C Hho. ConmtsdOnCK JO, Onde. or Ordlery 4 Minely Tove ) : : Mh. i Ge 0 Sees asia 1S i oy A Spe. ID Cece a >) C Op e die “i. Meter bewee Mid C Ma CSL) oS (lone Uf, Gd am, es C ge: ips ye. poy ON at oe ae SS Fe i CA wars ae ere as a if E geoue Te ( a) Ler wy we ger ol WM Ge es ry SA i sO MM GO lm Me / ) ) ea) C : A Te, ye a 2 DE Me Htomas MID e Viney oo ee sixtee fii ae WCE LIL e Ali tha OBE ae Wee o7 ws , ye It Yf/, yt der o, Me(onnnpacn td 0 a val VEILE ny of Creuse 4 c Zage. 16, 0—> ( =) fe 4 jth, Ud, Ci 2 ae Ge 7 Mens : AON (tf? (hittin fort. () G is) J RSS iy Hind from lhe ? Ofthe Jum Sirf PANCCS of thi bet Maser /, COO) Aa. — 2.2 UG See Methane) 0 0 e Cable fgg bby lhilom Wig hie ; / 3 55 2 Bi ~ 7 7 wo iw < Yeise Ge rae EERO be ca fg diligent. Z, Y c Y (Z ‘ 2 ¢ De , ) 7 2 Ya : e Hts a Tee : eg to-copualie Woks ne OUI a ZA. Oe, . c Le ire Sides / ns VO MIIE his Ppx Bh Ld dass Beep OOM fT OO WI JHALAM MI (é tA HOO DGG LD DRMAISIS UU tll, Li01 WME Vig) ae Whe, (Z fy, gb ano ; tee Manning Pons Ww vnulto, wenally Mecupoary an - é : we 5 ( . / ay: ah lan a Mhought neoper fo-trTiodluce Mises Cc a 4 3 rae ae Be fe 1S ouup £6 and Vet ge i « coveren I dm , ) ( jie le ae 4 “1739. ‘ SEE 7 ‘ | ) ( 7, GL. a Pes Saas 1 Om AY A ye a vy fumes 4 a * io} , £ - A yp apt FV ONAOAS YL itdtmefes OV, OF URED WnOthEd, Which tt commonly ae Lye) c Sie eee / Of " 2, Or PF 7 Cling, oly Ye CHCCHCE. Se Be, te Li Mage Atel — Yor SON an UfllT Dm Zi ia Te je ¢ ) Vie 7 Ley 5 ECCI oA Ce M0Nd, ti ofatuly Ue TE WHO NAVE erght @ CLHAUMAME f a y d) Wl? tl, aie Cit de e tny. a7. AM fees Des Vy, 2p aNtiJ0n td See NAVE Coamesdto 744. fe HAUL, WhO inte ee Py, CP CO ACO? Be GC. i a J bs é @ : 7 ye, : e a7 wee J OMEWUMCES MCAMA the e Ly WEY Seed Cig GT tht NLT, KA 0M CMMEA W ee WHEN AA /- i the Lremtim 07 dibarbies Vey. SOU FOCCLME: ie Nee ha fo a 7 Ya f, 2,3, 07 more Joey” Lent wccerdag to Lhe Wy ee Vie bee ¢ Yera (Sy Se Vee whet wn aI Pe Ite ny vent (exe a. second fel up ales » does Me nln Catend: wy Mi hade; aforemetm or ge 4 Pilz t, * ee: Ones Lo T ( HR Wi, (OQ WVOUCES ehewHe le Hand Chive, ges on $p booos fer ty Te let? jos EE filace jie Lee fear lsamong I ka Lhe ff terion who 0 fend the Snvoyee in cali Mar Pl utors pee PY ey hay Sl, vernth + Mepo VEE fay Charges 0» Good sent fom henec2 wo boaiylt halle > eet Yactor to ahloiweo au hurntiale filet On, lor hes hinte ILE: / Comet ORL, Kei fia ea Vie np (hoy UC? a = Lf, Sip, tae 8 CCS ho LUE J G.J. Bickham fe- Wi VOCE off. baled, Se a) Ly, oft 1G ed, Seden onboard cheWlanr, ry pf lorudon Charles oe Ylaster, ound fe y Ia Co nag a lo 0 fame sSmnilhson Factor for fas prope la evo lide hee Wlark? Numbers, Cost and Ofurg Ce WS Wd lions, vy dy :) ios , g12 Greens ie. ae ae = sere Toke Vevey Wb Liye aL}! 3. SOUR Thy ie 6. Seu 12 Whe JO Cine — pa shoe 0G Joage I, CODt tal $9 216.3 ee a OS ets On ao Lyng ene Of fos. LOST ee a) is Stefong, ge Polding, Ce Vaching a Mii OE ee, ae mae ye ean Se 3 ie Canvas, Cindaye 5eIn inti nae 314i 3 Fialpanal Laka ES = Fain, Geo Te vite ape, 5 lyfe MYO anrnn Bg: MM bafize, cmp a as ee 7 H Ab AB ices —. QU ep Comme luon af 2 we a EP ese 2 7 i y, weep pen bile Maat. ; on oe eagle (eo Oy OSS.) e Res, ae de = oe i 2 cake Sas) ) i} COMMISIION Goth the Matter of “a a Ship. ) Ne = CTD One ad ‘onpeny of © nglash vei crates. Rf Sia re or Y difcovery of Mew Braves Dy oe Give and Grant es Vs Lookout Ws MEP fhe GYeoyec ano O ‘Miyalethuf che Pur a or abouts De Hine, ‘co wnile Nifty e Son. V, [VCE liberty ano Lice PICATE Tal to all or way the. Ligh e Oe Lort. I Hoe DUS, OF Sy ore oD 71 uthin the Limuts 6 ranted to lhe? sil 2n WA Company: Lrorriteb ne ver the Uf uf upon Utd ex trop Conowtion,< 2 hike. the suid Wit MEM ¢ och fully conform an all thing. tothe I bule. 4, Dy Lireclwond, a0 Kee, strictions hereunto WNELCO, Othe. DWASE tisha (ee nue tole. Vall and lott: ; andthe sud! Wit MOP with htse Vy Uf, boos ano Wie DOPMMOLE, lO 7. G be liable toall. Zinaltics that ‘ee ss ty Li Com be ae ‘ted. Sova abso hit this Lice nde hadi bed Sone onty for One Vryage out ane hove, eg a aa ano m0 longer. Cpr eduis London thes tenth ¢ ay Gf Aypete mnler, “an One Se ae Ieve 47 Le Murty and Le Me O) OT CY Uf he C Governour Consol Woe Yor nstewls Va the 00. gatil (Op O77 er George Johnifon Serepule — So _ RUGS Dinctions, ani Raat toms Pa 9. Yale Meu bythe with Wl 7 hai SO bay EON wi GN NGS == Sn bis: cine outibards and Gomewardss) Gy, be aid Wlaers tall not te take pliant wae Ty “ ether for Whe Aecownt oft Scie self or any other Lorgon Cy any Goods or Vlerche noize, pout acinus pee ‘for om the fe be favd) Co npn Yi, or thor proper -L floor 4 becufying he Mature, 2Luantites,2ualdris, Kinda, Speciis, Weight Vlumbers, and Fuchage of the “fwd Goolsand Mercharous D TT, Ye pe Waster upon hes Crrival tr hes de. vigneds Led cileoag, before any Y boos or Werth wn; LC areupladir, tall delider lo FAeP Companys Ayert Mere, fillaidpar spe woul of ll Goods wae DP). Visen anol; Zeon ee ier pag: ys ano tywhon fe saw Goods oro Werchahdeg emere ie ie LedeoU Upreatlh Lj, apo fey ‘inns Cori dite a eye ae ged ty Me vad Visser EC bs the fad Master Lyfe tid COO ay Lorh-in Cita) [Sr t/a, shall before hbjiak: Ball riltpp Ho cde Caiparype the pry acy fen a Che fullandp particulars Ave, Our > of ber loading wo Yyuton the several In Ype eves and Luanhhes i Aad Or Worchanvis ce were pul on baad fis sata Mp and towhom hey were Conngned wee, oe hep w lorbee Agnes ) by Wile. walo VWlaster2 2 2 Ss Shu LE cs the Count Leflore and the Buf td S- HAumune Mappureps & Without hls hire CMC swhbraly 710 © Relyane CAYLOMl< tanguage, 700 Confedene C n ? Sree ey) d), aN NO Securit, Li honey UCI OF Cathe me SSN ee ) Cea C Op ip td es scomsstent pith tl. Sine ald Sea lo hl i ott, ws ala ee PCG athand, and. tbs Ufone Our: lijoe, ano tis ready lo drop Q Ob before WE UMC QONVAIE. Whereas a. Lon Cs trowuble- “SOMME, aul 3ld A VWlarec Se Inve lion on ther Rack, Ore Gre. Oo 05 needs a grea MUMMY 10K E, Tua vame hind, to mike il good. 2. c c ¢ as) N°X ut. y Cc) 2, L0MLF H HIM Sc cro) On G.B. fculp. ee ishing ieee fe pa Whip agood brtistrould ta wy ‘yj pie tees Character tn Seulpture Athy endeavours to Mark ujehoss Sugure into all the Terfection hin Imagination carefor ne, nue lo unttatenot. so much what w asrohat may or ought tobe Sipull, follow heir caamnple LPL the Shea Jam gong lo lrace oul of afine Gentleman, by epunbling together Sich 2am 2ualifications ad fem vegusile tomake the Cearacter compleat. In Order to thts, t Tthallp remife wm general, thatlty aFinetyerillenan fmean allan com eatly a qualified as ruell for the Service andUood, asfor the Ornamentand Le light Fe Doct ely. When Sronsuider the Frame of Mind peculiarto a Gentleman, . Vfuppose uw graced nith all the Dignity and Clevation of Yueret halt Human Nature ts capable FD Lo ey Srould havepoined a chew Understanding, a feasorfreefrom Tiyudice a? steady Judgment,andan catensive Kpow. cdlge. When -T think of the. Heart of aYen- Uenian ye imagine dpm and intropudvotd ofall inordinate Tafsione, and fill g sik Ter “rnefs, lom bafaion, and BenevoleneeaWhen Svur thefineyentleman lh? regard to hes VWlarnersIrethinks S see himIlodestrithotl Bah fulnifs, fp ‘cank ar offable without «, Impertinence, obliging and complavantrithouls hervility, Checer- fulandin good, Himour pithouls Vee y oe amiable: ?ualitics arenot cantly oblained netthu PAVE here many Vier, hathavea Gentitd locacel this Vay. >—S~ Ufenested Gertle Were wpurhafids hednosl uncommon ofall the great Characters n Mife. Besides the natural Endowments rvith which hia destinguithed WMlan -~ ts to be born, he mist ruun throigh a long. herted of Cducation | Before he miukes . ; hid hts. Yypearance anid Wtneds in the Werld he WUUlIt lepuriney ated tn Religion, CnIMIUCHO wn all themoral Virtues, and lid through he vvhole Course of the proliler trts and Lm Siences, He Should be nor Mtranger to Courts and lo Canifoa; IETS L tor~ Oren fet Wind,to enlarge hts Ven *d, CO learn the Delictes and Intercal of foreign e Hated, aswell ad to fa. pion and polish Ve self and to get bear of Vattonal Thy le- aces, of whith every Country had its Mare. Te alt these more faentials Mnypivove’- MEPL, ert: tnotforg LO add the fashionable Onaments f Life, so Las are the? Languages and lhe bodily Crercises mod tn Logue: G Veither would Shave hit» think even Drips the 4elf Cencath hts Vobice, 2 . Wt ws 720 VAY UPCONMVIO?L Thing CP helMorld to mnectrulh ler f Probity foo there are likewise agreal many of Honour to be found: Wlen of Courage, Mlen fr Tense, andllen F- Velters are frequent. (But a true fine Gentle nar bs whatone seldom seed. Se properly a Compound of the MUL LE) G ood Qualitied that cine bellih Wlankind,. As the great Pet animated adl the difjerent farts of learn ag by the Fie. f hes Gentids,and radiated all the Conpaps of his Sinorledge ly the Lustre anid Drightng id of hes Imagination , IO al the great and solid. hin eclons o- Life of pear tn He fristied Gentleman, with a beautifil Ylofs and Unrntih a every thing he Says or does ts accompanied mith allarnner, or rather a Charme that draws the Admiration and Good-nill 7) every Deholder: >) N. Dove Scrip. Guardian N° 34. Gbictham nd ‘ ve a €o Sass O( , iZy = Lhe re. J 0007) yfior ee CL M rng ee te Sidi won (Sy eae, vaio: Ee TY S) Wien’: ne Hy a, Correchnefe so freedom areVhelcauhes a Miting, ans ao Ye OU Cx say crelo, Haines a bia cas ie wy Wpaciiats ath fo lage J Deo We iy fhe i aetna ba Te fice age fe ee rand fo-wetle2wtlhe ‘all convene wet? gre € fovrn of ane Iiivoy CEP. ee shorwlebbe glad to Kee Daf? is 65 One Se) ounCaleulatun: nd dneets well wae Maal yo CUUe ie “ive emel e Merihing, sane 2 Aller. 1 Ob Hlowrt Yo 4, ty /Comamand ge Mant ve ul nol bal you eh MILLE Zz Mev Prost», 1) lite ae wae ge 0 ee nd ee OlL i 2 Se CFL oe be of ¢ prio OUP, oe he ? (é ee Bee fo piree hr fe fhe Wovcaulrer ae a. Sam — Ce ee ” JC four n0ae A Wied, yee ate : Ze ; )) ( Jumble etew. 2) Wy C SHS Bee COM LAD ea f fla \ 3 S34 ee IO SL idle : y;, lappy Ww lhe W071 that findilhe We Worn and lhe man Mittl Gelli th anderanding Sor thee mer handed, WL i leltey 2» than the merchandae of Lverantl lee Vii thera, than tHe Vide Vee LS 10} CPU CCS an rubtesand all thie Chingy Wot. anes Mere are notlo deampared. unto her L ength “/ Ul Vis inher right hand. ail tH Wey “ft Aeoud riches and honour c Ney “Wilip jure i eo Yd f flea Mgt andl ae her path 10) fei Hole i ¢ peer U ee Sa ee . ; : x RRS VU, CIUOMS On CViMhe fd Vis We ad. Oa a aaa) Foe D) wo ; eens —— e b, te ie ! i VA S copter which. no- Cures contr al, f nae ex, . Vp. Vafitine rofl jo ee 2 Vie Pex ir mine Cea ¢ ! , eee ae Till constent to acl mbit: Te Lief. ga LSS oates Re a a VY [lad » Ci OM SL N° xu. Ce GB. Sculp. )ecewuanL segur “gio “i Cine Dor mtb. Ti ee ea ee AD " alia ae h an Orig gonad Me Porm ofan ee cafe BourdeaucinSuanee, Gna ult 7 2s hopswile froin : ey ee wth thal lle oe x Ditties Writing’ Ww oe me oo iy Mejia Ot, Mh ee not 7. toate ae he be 7a igraved. i Staite Tien lee Mat yT , yma ofely ce signed a man Yigeuss POM oyu oo bes x Su C ad Hien oy MOO eu 2 could. Hoa finat < Lee soaps ee Je . A KS vyour eacellring Yoel: ies thw The Bis 15 nt Jo 2 a- ie ae a gy charge 0, Ze Anubllec Bir vie 1d, ‘ihe bee beste fe While you e y Vf 7 ey y tag fe a Mathie scl ae “te, Le shay Viutll. ey C all Orcasto Dy wl e ye of Yotl, Bo (otal Wy ae a fo" TN Se Wook? oN) Game: oe {oo bes ee / < > Mes bead Cots ea 2 Za Ly yyae (Gey yard? Packs | E < aaa, f ‘ Li». rie we See, f 0: A ili Foderv, C is} ‘a - th 2p aes & Jar, oF M7 fe 2 VY VOCE f 20 OVS Gosnch Wines; Dix »S0¢ Ss (a Og fons, Claxelin TNerces, aN aN Bee ) Goins oes a ee a Caden Y pie Wale Banyloyal aloaw The. eee ? Iie ey uck ae fore decd: TOE Mash Tn ae ud of lous oO Ws bls Vol, eae ’ Moanbenilan Lovin ee fy ae. ye ST ons, Ue ( S (3 frites Le Dae a eae 0 Langoon Wine g pee = Ga CLD a Be ake a 340, ORAL DALY ee ONES DIO aah, a See One Wee /Glecaleiii..... BO... 2824 y. my oe Pil 2, 0, 0 Olan oe BETO Vas Oe) GES, Mote. fale tom Cle Joy. ee LODE: anos Q¢ a, 2: Mr QZEEO. Ox fevrces, Mond, Phen 201) Dale J De ea GY? i Srceces, OGon eon? gE WM? ft 20. OF ie eye Ye = [cum fo a if Lie, 2 g C Ce Ee ya 1760 ahi ek © LES ZO Oa Roe G. r? Ma ee 7 ele ap Hee tte ere 4 aes 369 eet pee aa Bs Cr pepices Str v bay) at lo aAe ols... Laer howe ies! Sup Y, Boalaye pak Viotw eh ad, ye Sam ea eI Oe P Broker rage ie Tops EEG iin or ihe Ha 30+ eh: 4 (lateip itz < pis oe, LY Looed ee IQ mlm ese th ce pe 1A a . ORE Bane ee ‘ 5 . a on 2220,a OWE 4 AEs OT es ) WA Ee cos ga ue ite A See a ao rex i) ‘Se i Fas Ws C1 Yop MW iopiet Zen eee & py f) s YG ing ly VOWS Crcyleds GC Yi 3 Ca y : ee wy 3 f? 2 OO ap # p C0 C x Lays (cudihond, 4y salle ’ Soained, tt and upo 70 Hee ce, bap aie’ leit fo wheriof ts We. se under God, for Me fe sent Uy ee Joh GN Dit pL Heading oy UCI PO Oe Zoe 2g Qprorte vat ue Ce rbd G Grace a Sebi, Fo say ln ys Dives o Red Oporto Winexfor jaioae & ae g Ve. nitrew 7 Misa A 770 (Oe, . Me as on He. ates ace being Dark dL and Vlumbe rid tt yy Margen, and are a le De divert inthe Mie gree biter, & Well (onditiond; Whe ? 3 aforesaid Tort o Loe (Ve Dange , of Merk Sead ee weet ed.) untor 20 fpijuen |p. es TT She vail VU Len orb teed Yognea, t he or pe Sreag hit Vie Vhe. ee Goods Mirty Malling. i er BG tums 3 Le ae ee Ararage a ee Mii stuf whe veif the usm Tierve ih + of thes Majo halh offirn Ee fle ding 7 ald of Ihe I Be f° Piet peel being accornpol Cite fructier EET fo Mandy Vordlddno fo Ge: ee Hie “gee vA bis to her dever pd fort a on afer yy e fon Dates C Se Pr ole G, 2O1CO Inuy 30 1734 9). cas, GN Gao Av: TREAD WAY, Ar ag Ee oS a ge ay ee ee AWC s TOU HTT TTT il IMAI i ll (a. AY os L ae ts the City of Z Loudon 7 ena ce ee CS goat Cily Seonis tof al upon the Wialers, and tole Queen if He cal; the, Merchants tesrit Mie, fom all darts of the World? ants Suhale onde Bee nifty temous Wech anda inthe UniverseD, SO When Mor txitee inte the (iy: Shen ey cannol Mhinkitotetbeafolace Ce longing ia yin laf ple? bultathes dete al wy CONMINOM 2m Lo en. Vahons, and. he Ce Ths bee. MOWUEN CE, m / a . S ae: — Toe ancient tibia oa for Trade compleat, age aN Ve Her wealthy Merchants Eminently Great; ( er p= HerThames fupports unnumberd Ships of Pride, Oat? TY ‘That float, with pace. down her filverTide. Sees NOSE ae y O 7. a es G oS Ly O YW : °) C = G : < yor Orn Won.) a WG One G QM US did frst the wond rete Crt devise — J Fainting Words, and Speaking to the Oye. INOScTaye G. Bickham Fecit. a aS tS Fm 701M abe ae WLIC Of Ss ” JS mr. itr eircle Ten lym Whe foand / if Wit Wl Wed) COU J / Bey Aas ; e ge ik Miige Hie an eidy Wa yy | Und We lily pag the GUAUE 7 A aes, or Teore Le Whi UG hes by gees. ES, a Dn a rt Ch Line Beck de Hd Si boup Vie Camels, few wh ae: leewar9-went, DT onrm tha dean Ly CF TUM 2m 2 fff Hl cnve, "Ge Hig ab Birecle Ne hoe Ze 4, fh Lael Pane, Gf, we Mh tel kel the SI (Mid limtleld totighl\Cout had she hni oe fnelling Urbs, Uelhorms 3 é 2 ae Aire wel Siuke, the laste Grew | hat under Jecret bees sls tv taba be . Lhe le Ufo they Tes LONEE DPPES We. Lofs Y Liew, | % ce fey, Lou CHE s gone, weeme kind Mecments Vida Ae Mee Op Afy rtitne Vee broke fhies wee ; mals 6 / Po Is Se Wi Wee OMS: cule th Zo Ve 2 . Fone , ' yo > Se Soe ' / WLICUCE ee des Chee “Gow Nor tet lift Meare th nies Sarl teen tye Compof'd bya Lady. * Gen. Chap.24 Ver.53.~ Gee se cal ti Ahan Sculp-r TO A ae Mic a ( i, Se Cx Wi ae oe pq0s < CE Ne e te Sia I, am and having a2 Boy LY cntitd, wn Ge. @ Ete com ee. et, OFF poe e Vonize wxllong Vo ve dw (Za ge tile Me: Wdiucwpion,; e Dn, sould Ue ae fl conic Meer fobfowr (oe re and. Y,; a septa ? 9 Vath reay de SM AOMUS he nay at la MS pee fall tefl Lomo ore We We ss g hie 1 Soe oe and be IGS 4 TH SD Yottt Tae e Vous o> he tl? lo —m ZL, Olle LIED re wn ae Behulfes hall oe ae te tale CZ Be Nea Sis D i) at = SE eS PLY e Auftin ferip ay | SN Zo h- Os lo od lC« debian ip a] ae CL Meri te Nhl VIS orl CAT eae OSD? he a you Se me oo. we Cnfudenee you folace th 710, hs (0 a, Cave sof VOD ULSI UN 7 a GY Youth, ee Litihif 1 fett esd 720: ai 8 Py. Your G Ye VLCV On ily, My Le O7 vel, td COO WE Li bron ye to the Virld, Va Ley, Via lo question ee yr paletucle, eypecially T7ty Te U >) who have tasted Jo largely of your ‘Be. ies oH that you Tay VOI apoured if he Ld thd ready andl WW elling Co leain tthe ae to leach, he rill in die time anger all your a apectalton J,anditnnll be the “lng Le Ialufaction C0 170 we MIVCU JO ode C= Kotron ?, a Zen on es Ay S ee eu Lor cae ig eae ' ee cle eee ny td vtihife Penis a Wliged ae Lr and most Wellionk 7) May 13.0 \ aay i. lervant { \ rs a Sey S/ 40. | \ Lr ae pes i \ Zo eee) “3 Sai OCMten y Dore, Taster of th hee Maiden, Ly tee. eon: oe a.) S DORE SSN ( Toth Coanipa gC SEL E: x sew: Cha on the. Pate Ee oe Oo Mitre SELLE LLIDOOR: eee Cc ' PP) j. 5, Wobitt hermes you have Va Sues igh ace yp bee me sang | re gil ga iy tk ey Hagelonn Mapas my bjecledfay ee ong eS Unshelld 5 ye ep ‘ fsore ey: WEL Spe om (e Miya ighy lvesin saeTfented: Se Jong 2 SCOnlsh ie Beauly jonil | Ctl Ih Bubwhen you pile eee. labrung. MuseL, What gi eu ate your Musick canprodacerm | Me Vp mill diitale and the Poettel?. eee ye S Verse Me capes Str Onnila weg a That asin Ciith ane ene: i Ly) Ae Wy babling Ne ee Zropeal 10 Hoe SED : Yours LO ee ee veel 2 and. a v A Pe , teyote,§ Mand filent anil Gdlove?, mm TD CL A youp lay mets play anew ~ Lee Rr stirs thers fe vt gage rug on Ue dun, Ye Dluschs, pow / your ip mus disclose; Admirtl how high be tau fel ve bity sgh ha one) For as Lyf ws Gey) Uy- Light Viale) é jae | we? \ Cx \ g hampion GS ae Ta « oS (a A We y Vist ia dk WUANEN AIG. mas j ne very PoP ioe wnch of C SEE, whch. bead Pees ee, les 4 L00 —~ ee: A neglecle dA pride Ae ca of a re aera of Lf Ds tn Pee SE MO EE, os Hae ing of: TI Ee a Fe “ih dia inex Thongs, Wer ght be afar elaal, Coss. PANE re ee ee ee Vive Wo Yb Me ee might ach in any-t cepa rahy Die is a eZee ails: d fons eee lo yin ea range Tet oiteapeunl Hie wha ee > Tice Mey Moupl fil fore led aeatdiee of Hc erfacld Lhe opponled Lome oanuwer bas Carregpondante baller OSL AEIGAT a offi ee eo yene: validly. fb Jn vould ford Meepiseleas (Hates atagedly thes Cuitom(uhenT her fey eee ee liege Hea popu iy be fropo Wyle simi’ HES se gy A ieoprif a 162. i ig VILE te, ee 2 aoa a CUD uM digthe. OUs — we S MOI C Cif Mate? alpict Oe ve VON —m O) UNC 30. ae aoe WA (a ee @ 1 UNILMS, Ne Written by William Kippax in Great Ruffel Street, Bloomf{bury. IN, XLVIL. CBickham feulp. i wy Hoy tots SUCK. Hn Ki Co Z f+f- ee : i Ce ) O : ye ae O7 4 S SORU,, WUE: “ine 2f, 1/40. " A ee oy, U4 oy | si thf Létltrs have if forty you ly Qnere Yip, force Minions ies Coe w ee ate T hope, LL OOH St Ao Pipi ous nothing FOC? Se des ait (Za communicate 1a oy eye ee COWCELUE “fs favourable ie of mes GOS. _ Cfo Whose e {profecite ys in ea uth fhe ee tf Ge bicalhionts ia ; gol bow Cb ng, hat 2 ll fru Ove bbe te if ee Sndaspeone. pe ? “avour ap frresers, Na if woals Sopiitil fo my y felf em femme for COVE. UE pone e PE Ps, Ze Lele ee. ecy Loe loher ae oe ; Malye 2 os confuile2un nheulthe ee ae ha AS, bed fhe COM sig F Layer va OVGs Ce Bed C ? ra yMnorl tilife Cfon os ; Yo Cie er, LEM O} gp ¥ ee = SEraning, and Wistue ay ee RIN hep os gS SHY eS) Bis Lh yo calif ue ee TI Dae Me aD, wale F fralt aluuyp eee a BP) Lian’ I ay fore Bs Y tec ely iia Gi fhe. Vibe ae AG ef pp tev EEL LI, Miers 5 sas ic ge. OE ee iy pie re aN COrsech? Nera , tale r ceeal a8 a good yb eine Oba enjoy DRE Se A Thee gr ‘ahi Buferes ie fleas ung ote We athefolbairigim LD (atltatety fe fT AO fo bung poo fs Hb Yap ae, ,- Cy ‘badly, Cony ee concy aud Ge LVL vay Be oar LL, wht ee e Mehee eg You, wate dy Nolhing for TL — ae patttre Wee a) to - ered L dive ots Gia A asta ce yee Z ( Es pas Cur Up — ) —— ce (NX [Se wy ee ee ee tx) Mrs Written by J. CHAMPION of S' Paul's Church-yard London~ / Loar tee ; See Pee tp Me i 7. ae eS Ne ? ; we DPF LOT Bapleny Ce ye tad from z Pe ae acellorel Wi Whe COFFE a fave to ut Mave “tt? gh Ads» a, WS 5 of > ee ought, ei a dee of re 6 es Jurnly ce ée 1e3 dg Ott Ca rnfork js CONUING C7110 — oy SS CSSAOV fa gical Vo CdLe. ote Ge W pte Fas Se Cny, y a Moot AO Ue sy 0 Z~ Ke i Dbl, avid foorn fot praunphover Vbed Clene +e. ily erp ao mn fil PY tt hal Ie pour 2c Vo sed n Hes to Bigg e Jacl rt ¢ @. reoft, and & Le ea a Gpudenee y nt Ile. E Lhd ws hee foue Wan ie ese» the etenseYyoul? 2. 2 , ye > OUP’ Lips Io, and tr Jule AWAY We Gy Wa other df eves He a ve Clb 1, herby Cul To Ohalhee Vi VEE MS YOU de S Nite MOV. ‘Gow canseol reca CEOUTUE Ae yi pita ry re Caylee li COSTE NO oo co. a Se Gigs hee {ets oer up i Wiew,S — Piineee eR OR woe aN ies ee Mino pls te thie in the t fate port if of Light Avy cy) can jaa i rugs. TTB SER ue \ Zh Tomake thy~ reno or ty. 6 KOs : Ss Sn SS a op 7 CTU (yl Freeman V AIG : & 42 ‘ 5 ¢ Tp Saas call hum blest fo egies stall nits Mealih ss Mate ae 2 > 2 S< Brat only Vous thd ae < Large Olah? ~ = He. 1 a glide Mind cam WEVEN Ties, ee = A Ahould all thes heafures of the Me, Sm S ote Dimen veone Sus Meight yD) 3 ee ye Sur infertor to they Oo: ey, bn eel Miomiie rlhegolite ope Tinie, => Were e YE tall to Peach ; the be Role = Suining eno ah his 4 C WMeadton AS FeCes 3 On grasfe We Crean with OUI t, is WA vy He ¢ Had lula hMhretch, L,, Deh AD en LE ox Toes st be PCa hip a ve DI ( Vol: A Ye Winds ther Yiandarl of the e Man. as Vleet, S conupure lomake Pid Great. si) oF 2 or e That alvays PUCOVS @ IAITOW & Toul. ¢ oe re CSeriplit 7 fs ae = N° Xvi. BCYLE ( Veillifib MDCCXL, i) Mi 7G 7” Ze D Oy, Dive — ) Wh HEI O, “ihe te heii CNVY a ) ae oe ee 2») C AGES (SP SO =) : Sr ie —_ bs — taps JO, 00) Lhe gaat Jan fecoveriee vel you hare Bag. cn fhe Cnty Maing tS a havi: Pf foo une ramon Gp Nlltd; oS Heat Vode ye Ww eae mors our We ea Poy why gamd you We. Clem vo Whe. hb Se Venmen. — y gh ee: (Ze Te you he tt Ave Aeon pil Morn, vd tofeo ourTlen vl fove ral Lteced | OV Shes cHemice of my Viper yal fe PUIFICTEV, « Le ee Sy En yee for “oe ie 5 ae es fle: See Za ‘dye rte feosypten fo ee foes WNCE Hous VEY, Smee Vibes wre ne fo-wiife Ge ce or Suro more for = re wm Fee bye | CCC, ae ey Ee Wanner, 7/2 iba Soult nok te ull ofr er Ve oe “tliOrte oy Melee D0, YA Gevvus: Gnd fhe i fooner Be Oy? Mein Mae He T10€ ACCE Oe hw be fo ete S way SSN 2? See See LI ia ee Ai Mor nf Wiel eS se es ( vy, rea a u i CBee ( GL ban a Porting to oS apis Sa C (i Vy z y lost the font fee WALO hith ee lingring he CP CO ( C; dy VLA. Yor Hees Hour Base 7p real ge © Ap red vip thile lhe The os lee Senate meet? ( ys life Le bale lo WW ugh th tlhe vents as 2 e- W, animale (eee Volidliivs droping glo a uae Ofih. tie 0 AS Ye veuloyn, sy Conte fel Of. LO CLE am 6 a Wy SeUnOory ti Mer ‘ars their Counls4 ny tC te ue Ap wa C14 'Y LO youfe ae all Mie OMIM Wt CM. Se ne Uortals to Commantle Mucce, But we Uo JO7 Ce Jey CMO DWC MSG Ly Lierue ul. Cato, Se.I. as eo Si 1 cal n) dS) Lame vee eA C ? a all (rule eee sof the Ze (my “lili. = ee = ) Engrav'd by Geo. Bickham, Sen? 1/40. G : Lia Unok Z eS ee a CSAC Na Ss € fas tf ded theb hoop evvit & THe Oba po haf / Mhatny fer Wfieifor WUUMNUCE, eee emer wifhe a Yi ee Ze ree Ge ale ES oe ty cont ie os 20, ikaio fern You. ln CUCY Jt1tCe,¢ Le, a fat) Yo wt ail NO hark worthy Of a Ce ae. f ao WWCUCE Wiad te. Dy. ty S U fect oe Oba we vot defi al ( Je a You Vat i focord fice Za yy focor Mbile/y. La hey evan a age: ou fel ileafe foe rue o jittee, i good frvr Z Atholl Cm hits Lent Chet aC” wer Lo 56 Wee sy “ofa eae LAIFLEA ae cs ( Gookk s Wg ee i nN S Pa Lour dost bet iste ( > Bienpi ce Viva =Z Loving « A oes) y fe a ee CG ede jax CONES @ a EST igep YON) yt aes aoe (ime So bth Volhy Wi. Bs fone MLO, Of. Litis Yyge Ste bd arly ey Sof) oe Uy Va ta oe “Wy fH. 6 Si) es ; es é Te Dended 1 overly andbhant therewre other /teasond that debase the Minds_~ ¢ 7 fh 2 (ff é Sy ee vhs : Wen, NO live ander Tyranny, though DS, look. We tetd ad the 7 Fined a, vom é c é eh, 8 a . (? B . Q Wt w old to consider the Connection between Despotic Government ae Zam y ek 2 r a OY P 2 Barbary, 5 ‘pow y mat Ler Ufone Jerson more thanTlan,muakes 1 teat fo. ¢ ¢ 4 c d =~ /. >~S€oo long this Queen imperioufly thus Sway4, iris / aie At ) By no a Laws, but by her Will obeyd BN an SSK Nes Sia ) Her fearful Slaves, to full Obedience grown, ee te JA dmire her Strength,&dare not ufe their own. _/ 4 @) /: hoe belut one iodly ie Ligislatore as td WO etter hard Tranny y WEE We? a» Ble ay 10, Sher re Mill want a Bd Vote, andl one ve oer ne utd OL tn Bes hbo fran? es Gy Diy Yputtted and Contentions: Pour ll L, Gave Vhe te farne + Iuconverence Ld am Ko, esd ater Nambertwould cause Too much 6 Cn fl MO. L, “oni aN til an ia eer COWIM a Q hice Trarutesy apligul fllabloss Seb Tifult Ld ted he Var ——4 i TER Gs 2D 2 SS 2 QOS Seaport (RHE CR sos Sl st ROS LDS Ske SOS ae MDCCXL. nee €. OSSHOE gig LN ee ee Sas see VA a, Gal? ( i @ ~ cage & SS eee Oe Ee ( — EO Se fatyou? © Mise Why fa / ne Ye GVA ~ CLOlte saly pl weil lo pions Petitioner to We She fof he Ys County 0d FC: Whe el he prowuld Wor we readily, and ath fully SIPVCY OUP C Muy: yo lofts bounde Zio daly, be al Leal fits aloe ws Le TY 7C mote from the val County, and his Cstale COO niall to support the Was: aid fice 2 2S j a - ca oe efoto i ee thang $ 7 our ta ize oS Vt a DD: ine, of Gy, by fre by LijhaleS. s rae to Vee Sat 51 ap your ® Hifioner (as iat duty 9 Goud) fall rac > de He me *) Con OU? > ee ey e Pays 1 Your =) —Lordihipp. JS LO Ojo r07el bie Gunner =) ‘oa Dritanniae Mopar e ve ite = ie ORC OU bec See aes OF$z,. EO are o(- (Mj Ww ae ee Hat Yhe fee ES, he eo Googe Ae Tew el fee Yours e- i ge e Mate ON Vite Ee e oe Wy we Vhy QD fhe Conlle ee ie OW? Lyi CLs under ny lannand: det ny Zap hes J “ye Zz. —_ fe Eo fons Like Gf YW, lye Ce and Obe Ya auf A ip nile LP rowatipian ee Vie ads eset 4 Z Boy OW ee PIE st. Ya VCP, Ze uniter a yy ore board He Ze Mapeuly My Se Ap te [anle Ll, hia foes of Weber, 1739. —— = g 4 oe Cr e ae noun ht SS hale We high Ol SB, oun al Le dex hee a SS € ae ee e Hb “EE ally ae = . we C4. ) S es Calf Naone JS te fe 0é. vn bitten 6 Cee , wn has Im x Maye ed; foyale Vavy, lo herely ee “afte C2 Ceovy Ce Pt0y. a fri 22 yl Tew eae re, ie Lae ofpoortled ly) —_~ Your hs af oS Do == a fain for a Ganne 2 ort We ges e LM ae S739. Und we do (ee Phe Og pralle Vo AAS te fm ad Ganner ore load am, iz oe Ha cots 4 fourth Male My 2d, 7 a ye BRS ONG oe “noe 2 OUP Hey ore Po pile e ip es PA gt 14. ee ~ tT: vite L739 . eR STR 5 a oi P1070 ME e Napitife ja Va: Table LF Gomme Cornndll Be fs Sponeds of he? Grufion. im hy hm Gee Mind. c Li OD ed. Oy Le ae ie ( fewsinined Greathing: Saas ae Oveet the wif filling Ke Sow pee CO )Sveel Ws lhe Yl OOH the Cf a Grove aoffor Bd, = Oi Sweet the Voted Mar dling Mtl Je Bul not the Ge OUVCI, OY he WN, VU Wont fe ONor wh Whee South cri ( Yong MVS. Sones, a ( Or DON UCT © Vrveel We _PLoasine wis be Doma ( 17) age Sreeiton. ligishoul he ——~ PMO PLB Bo. Ol QQ ss ares raf tie ra AO. CCUSRERESO NO : SoS NO es aa ie ere ae hee Diy 7 ees He i yp bac @ Me iS AGO Ce: Qos wa eal and.¢ é ost of St i al ENS QOCDERE CE ai 2 We ly of he (ee i BODE IGHA, Ca sw: 77 be. Shon bee Dib See oy pull yy UY GUTH anid Lieto: sof ae er DAMA SUL io ae ao SHALMIOL ee We Le Monoarabi oe a ee ra 6 a i bs GUT, D hae 4 Yf- ee VUT, see): On l a ee IE Tbe: Bank feng ‘nugland —) OS a Y VALGETL YR) oy ae eee eS: (ae Pe Soa Sit ais ie NG SAE a i ae igs Itcadl Guth so Pauls Chute ch Yard. we) =e ee ae cE , vac Fittoners is 5 14 te Ge eee Sd ~ ene ey es, ee ‘ Bee ee WINCE Me (o Ye oe SMU: BS ee 2o oly CO - oe WL OWE (oe dof ps te-Ot & Z & i eat Iinpoor rhytice as Moos 0F ais AW Se Via tas Of & /rad®, ws Moors os Dia Asver ily is 111 val ope of you fof HL, Vibe © ver ae wt Sorte Js lol, ? : oubrt wh rt > fo the Fan Oe LS Pe qo LIE S ther rofors a 170! Si pha gfe Hee Very, OWS oe PLersd—5 Ve A Chir AL) VD SA1444. 41. pad foul ars a Ad ¢ jaf canta f Us P3c2 a. i < how Aesgegy Aun. adap Ls This S ufo [thos Pp, tates fm Ch: A , tA wth hes yh LU ae Yposs yeild catiren iL; abl 11 bith DWE ee iva we I ISEL0-% SFE t4KE, by = eS) bs) as "iis SS ae * : Via CS asta : doi ie — oe o, OW ee we w Aye hy 2; eee = 2 e i a fs 2 S hic’ ms ee es Le foton Commony, 6 , M/ 4 Oe ( AMan whe Enféeforus an higs h Opinions ° fhinsfe [ts nofucoll y unigeateful Me has foo Seen offee Wh i his ovo Mei fo BE hank ful Sor ony Savouts 24608. awn Cay Sea Mie Sqn Testi apni ify.) sia = Rohe > & ON > bololy uf BSe%y i WwW A ves gto iti SHB aw Ce ee (Chere seals © Marsh 0 Worvw, - Shine? ef ohy a Jn Thies Stent andy fo Haven Sold. Clare Cx Tu See Meow Ba: sshifisliefar te thouty. WeAED 13 CAwhaey Se andy Meritwithout Mors dof pole “ih: Bit Mor fl Meorithas ao dvoubh Chim fo@ Astepstont? anes tae colly msobscwith as mony Pate ons as Boholdsra, cia Sy \ Oe pr io pH’ EBtpnH A. 9? Pag ss I eit Peas eee ms) Se CO opal Vale full thal youn Tiny | Bigs Y Uae a Wind Dependency on One2L, ¢ Gy aN AN Pie 2 A low far afer b heiterds (hal tange, C Of, mie. SS Va ~ ( With/ Mate Syeoomeo HEA Choos 5 Sains! w/4 GE eam Hoes Vi Lhoolaf cova, Y, Lor es he ‘ght L Line the PN as » C on gue y OVE wee hrcte Ru a GC l hout y ontroul, hs e es ty devour > Lo i. soninge imap Wy dL. ijes belong, i 7 2 2. (? Sean She llrty fo td them, lel pred ty Teadning Wt ig. C c € 7 é “4 | Gili wn S7 O07, ao cas me \. \ 2 “By thelate DUKE of Devonfhic. Neel 4 by we f At we GQ), 9 ff) fe Ri ee e HMowerelhe both Noon firot Cogatis WE Ney Vi Va Diya Sf rusting e fgotule so lawwlifs Weary c f ¢ ep a os ? 2 Slowehe a Sypantmayly Sore pulpit; (GRs AN La ae Wy 7 ; 2, Serwtomellicn Mave fias can tofeite DEANE Iie Dil ais ae, Sho; eet Lhe Cafes Jafestorthe Shione, GLO TOD GOs UWhomate the Leyp obit peL@eeas FR ELP TUTE. (Gas Qo ¢ 2 fy ? Zon Gnd chusing sat hertobe Coil iharsfearit e Aen Vip eae ofp fi wileiMovd. 2 2 ca 2 ye OC liberty, ze G hatrd where ly, Yin iS Zs (é ? e ? C > \ , . 2 E Like Pen Uh, wuhen wanted, thowas valud mihi ¢ Qnost antiews. ae Mn We World, alo é c ? my P “i & ) +, beast thi ws tnown berthe Ctr aftitinds: Phe dguare Hebrew Characler ts ergunally, the halitee Chiaraches, W, Dep fhe e fous pour during the aly lore. he ¢ Lapehivity. Cc Dede Compante J ofr Men tecame Inhabiiants of at) lop che Diteld 0, Ye WEE Dee byent- ps UMG CI, IO ris god ibe they evened VUNtOULd Characherd: She Grechsand hr OMA 0S € have heremn been mor UW farnotd, aul beer Chavacdleyds ave? B fm a Bees ae a hifly wil in OMOfte, bul lhe Crintil. Vafiome have vheir Otek UAT SHANTCY TF Writing. C 2 c 2 Te 7 e pwverals Jrecimens Z which, ETE be SOND . 7 ff . 7 CU ST, a a Lage Za Yh r ee: Emaar vet Muti, Seep LOO — vases ote SS ane tes i. | >) oon é eas ( ae bjstt- Se) } Ce OTS ae CUT4IQS pee e Oe ee rats. AS a We Ka Cie Tov of Seriptu eth Alpabets S — ~~ I ai NIC Ail Gn WW er Sieaemne Ca HEBREW. A yon ny 22 TY ADAK wey Sonnn pin. 2 HN MAMMA VD we? SWAN ‘Son Rly An eee ees SAMARITAN. rakbows: Sata ary: Zar AkAm Ah _ \ \ oO, Ta oS: ab moun % St0 6 MAA aLGaves passe : Gisela dealpat = fag LS ey eee Sea: Gag Spall the Za Manis WOU A auth AMED iS 2 Shes Sp. Mb nfell Ll ts the whole Order y the Li Mets AN an Y Lang MAC LORE fre VOM MY hie antl Dela, the lEAW0O iis ie Lette 45 the el Ci of. ssi el —~ Ce he C ‘nglishe Upp haber contand Henly Tae. oe. S, Veale uv differ oe con Che io : Vie lor aid. Sou, ano vale Yi in their Laces si and Mi yiting tg a i Ce_L%h Ze 0 HAYMES nrtle Com eh eeSightl Fihea fo the- Ly 4: Others frome i Aft to Reagftand back rae i Right to Mfrs oNe » Ohunese fon ay Qe Sip) frCbottom, and. fo VOM High Mie ty f- but the C SU) Oftttd, and moih~ A tpers, mire ‘ips OMe “ft toh fight 4) pihoul Ae ao) cofuont tothe Le ‘6 Bee a: Cee Ml our oy Mu halberd Wee ee a the two newt Lit + ot Pp OY & fal yo D) N? Lit. GC Bickham SFectl x MLCCXLI.~ Ge LVI nn Seat a ae sffuoidxD3S) | LSS SE % aw SR Round Text. Aabbiid igh Mibiyhhhlllinn 7 Ofy) dy ee Y Yr Zs Tyee. arg ABE DEFOHJFRIM abet apne Canopy finn NOPQRSTYWKVSe Round Hand. ~ a Se fPUvIeny ABCDESGHS J HLM MM PN OP 2. Qe SIUM BYYLD Crgen MAaMsbC1lo€é SEG fg Bhi fii RRALMMMWuOo Pp2q, Rie Sfo. Cen Vo vo eas V5: lary > ae “Fe oes Omes csnipigen wher pues epg sof Wt esny sy AWBCLE sae Says ate Feowsye pe Old English ALpint> Aabcdefghijhlmnopgeristtturwxys. ¥C. ALBCDEFG HILLMANOP CQORSTUWYTVZZIO&) Malih Limtr Aabcdefg oh i RIMNOPGL/S CUVWWKVZ.LOX AB CDE F GHIFKLMNOPRAR aR SE UOV WATT Fee / 52 Oe Roman Sn? AabcdefghiklmnopaqrfstuvwxyZ. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ FE ARSTUV A Ttalian Hand~ ad Mccddee We igldyhéliam ail fe rofullaraiygs ABODE FS GHIJISLMMN A CLG RSS UI WWIDY DZ. oy. C ort Wand? PAbsb food Goff shhquy BPs yi Pudoppry Beef SPT Byys. = She hancery.. Ma BEE DS) ee Sffre SoHGHz fF RECO om: Rn HY Dopp Ng ARr2 S/S Bt Muy WwAX Vy 35,26 Commins —_ FOR eee a ee yrs PUM C7 ume: ( aN Be o ‘ Loh oe en Hid ond ae ie ightly Ly hie fo Command, —~ a (7 aes tad give a6 feupul tothe labiing ng Hind m \ ee c. 22th vain wedive cach Wil Paull to teileno ; x) Soiise that non batlitle fudyme nbdno moreGrile. XX e, the a Nee nc sve tothe Sigh Dis S) ebvadtne “y i gover, at best-a Cold Deli light com » ed Gach feafite Stroke di: ‘sift hs helo ly Wlind;~ GO) on Wir rt is Coal eben Over smusoh fr~ 9 ade Orr We Mortatide whakeer We Car, ~~ S) € aFome filly Tpife aswell confeps fhe. Wan. Wins are they ey who cach marWhim re refs ‘Sy — cond Shun Gf Crrours, ty commelling- Lfh. AO BICDS cay. 20 — omits pola oTtntes. 3.) Gi. Se iD) {poems gens