No. 325 Sale May 9, 1924 PART IT (and final Part) THE VALUABLE AND UNUSUAL COLLECTION OF | RARE FIREARMS AND ‘| KINDRED WEAPONS La aoe Containing the largest number of Sets with ae O complete Accesssories in their Original as ee Cases ever offered for Sale. aa we GATHERED BY i. Mr. FRED E. HINES of Dorchester, Mass. Restoy samen ke 2 SPOR ae Na Jf ane TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION re - FRIDAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON | May 9, 1924 At 10:30 and 2:30 o’Clock Khe First Session, Friday Morning, Nos. 1—261 Second Session, Friday Afternoon, Nos. 262—540 THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West Forty-eighth Street Bryant 4140 New York View from May 5 No. 325 Sale May 9, 1924 THE VALUABLE AND UNUSUAL COLLECTION OF RARE FIREARMS AND KINDRED WEAPONS Containing the largest number of Sets with complete Accessories in their Original Cases ever offered for Sale. GATHERED BY Mr. FRED E. HINES of Dorchester, Mass. PART II (and final Part) A FINE COLLECTION IN THE FINEST CONDITION Genuine Snaphaunce Pistols with sliding pan cover, the Matchlock, WkLeelock, Percussion and Revolver in rare and unusual examples; the Paterson and Walker Colts, Presentation Pieces, Handsome Pairs of Duelling and Hunting Pistols and Guns; Cross-bows, Cane-Guns, Bayonet Pistols by famous makers, Powder Horns, Cannon Models, ete. 2p Vu >) TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION 4: °267C FRIDAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON May 9, 1924 At 10:30 and 2:30 o’Clock First Session, Friday Morning, Nos. 1—26l Second Session, Friday Afternoon, Nos, 262—540 THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West Forty-eighth Street New York Bryant 4140 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. ALL BIDS TO BE LOT. ‘They are executed free of charge by the Walpole Galleries and the items are bought at the lowest price permitted by competitive bids. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in case of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims, and his decision will be final. He may also reject any fractional or nominal bid calculated to delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. G0OoDS BOUGHT TO BE REMOVED AFTER 9:30 O'CLOCK THE DAY FOLLOWING THE CLOSE OF THE SALE. If not so removed, they will be held at the risk of the purchaser, and these Galleries will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. No deliveries will be made during or immediately after the sale, but all bills and goods will be ready at 9:30 o’clock on the day following the sale. 5. Terms CasH. If accounts are not paid at the close of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, these Gal- leries reserve the right to dispose of the goods without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such re-sale will be charged to the defaulter. ‘This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amounts due without such re-sale at its own option. 6. This catalogue has been compiled by a competent cataloguer, the various lots offered are described with care and accuracy and they will be sold not subject to return. 7. The Walpole Galleries, if requested, will forward purchases at the buyer’s risk and expense. Priced copies of this catalogue at $3.00 each after the sale. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES [Lenore Y. TurRNBULL] 12 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. This sale will be conducted for the Walpole Galleries by Mr. WALTER S. ScoTT ATIAIdSILNOU CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE AND UNUSUAL COLLECTION of RARE FIREARMS AND KINDRED WEAPONS, Ete. Gathered by MR... FRED: E. > EEN Dorchester, Mass. INTRODUCTORY (Reprinted from Part I) It seems almost unnecessary in addressing arms collectors to say much in praise or description of the very valuable and unusual collection of firearms and kindred weapons, gathered by Mr. Fred E. Hines of Dorchester, Mass. To such it has been for some years well known as one of the finest in the United States. Few collectors have devoted the time,—to say nothing of the expense,— that Mr. Hines has to this subject, and, as a result, his collection is sur- passed by few as to number and general excellence, and by none in point of condition. Sparing no expense in obtaining the finest and rarest specimens, it abounds in beautiful and scarce examples of the gunmaker’s art. Beside pieces bought at all the auction sales of the past ten years and of many dealers, private collectors and others, it comprises and includes the majority of the well-known collection of the late Frank Sibley of Boston, many from the famous assortment of the late Charles M. Schott, Jr., of New York, and a vast number brought to this country for Mr. Hines by that well-known dealer and connoisseur, Mr. Sumner Healey of New York City. From such sources what could one expect but the very best obtainable or imaginable. They include practically every known piece and kind, from the various cross- bows and the European match lock gun of the Fifteenth Century down to the modern revolver and automatic of today. The list and descriptions speak for themselves. Few, if any, are the collections that can boast of ten snaphaunces,—real snaphaunces, with the sliding flash-pan cover and separate frizzen. Wheel- locks are as common as flint locks are in some collections. Multifiring weapons of all kinds and varieties are in abundance. The Martial Pistols of the United States Government have received special attention, and may be found in the greatest variety. Few collectors have gone as completely into Colt revolvers. From the Paterson-Colt Revolver and the famous Walker-Colt, so rare and dearly prized by all collectors, and of which there are several, there is every known kind and style of Colt, including a large number of presentation and other pieces, richly ornamented with gold and silver, and contained in their original cases, with their full equip- ment of accessories. But the most noticeable and remarkable features of this otherwise notable collection is the condition of every piece contained therein. Unless other- wise mentioned, each piece is in the condition usually catalogued as “very sood.” To accomplish this has meant the personal labor of years by their owner,—with results that could not have been attained with the expen- diture of any amount of money. The piece with “rusty” or “needing cleaning” has no place in this collection, and simply does not exist here. In this connection, there has never before been offered at any sale a collection of equal excellence, and there are apt to be very few, if any, in the future, as the collectors who devote the time and labor that Mr. Hines has are very scare, and seldom part with the result of such work this side of eternity. - LEWIS APPLETON BARKER. Brookline, Mass., March 3, 1924. NOTE: There has always been considerable error in the use of the term “snaphaunce,” some writers of excellent reputation and great knowl- edge confounding the same with the type properly known as “Miguelet,” the latter being a flint lock with the main spring outside the lock plate and the scear stops protruding through the same. The distinguishing features of the “snaphaunce” proper, which immediately followed the wheelock and preceded the flint lock proper, are the Stminc FLasH-Pan Cover, similar to that of a wheelock, and a FRizzEN SEPARATE therefrom, cperat- ing on an arm on the side of the lock-plate. It was, as a matter of fact, made both with outside and inside main spring. Occupying only a brief and transitory period between the wheel and the flint proper (from 1585 to 1640), it is, very naturally, by far the scarcest of any type of pistol or gun mechanism. In the past fifteen years but two examples thereof have been offered at public sale, to the knowledge of the writer. Sale Friday Morning and Afternoon, May 9, 1924 Note by the Walpole Galleries (Reprinted from Part 1) We believe that widespread interest will greet the announce- ment of the dispersal of the extensive and well-chosen collection of Mr. Fred E. Hines of Dorchester, Mass. It is one of the most important that has ever passed through our hands. Mr. Hines’ policy of placing quality and condition above every other consid- eration, his refusal to place any specimen in his collection which he did not believe to be genuine, his reputation as a generous buyer, all have combined to form a collection of peculiar excellence, and we deem ourselves fortunate to have been selected by Mr. Hines as the agents for its dispersal. An examination of the catalogue, which was prepared for Mr. Hines by Mr. Lewis Appleton Barker, will convey even to the casual eye the many rare and interesting pieces it contains, as well as those corrertly described as “excessively rare,” “almost unknown,” etc. The sale was divided in two parts—a catalogue sold April 11, and the present one, of equal if not greater importance, for sale May 9. , Among the outstanding pieces in Part II are: Walker-Collt, Paterson-Colt, U. S. Martial Pistols, the genuine Snaphaunces with ihe sliding pan cover, Sixteenth Century Cross-bow, Scotch Powder Horn Set with silver and cairngorm, rare Harmonica and Organ Pistols, the “Duckfoot” pair of 4-bbl. Flint Pistols, Tomes’ 7-bbl. Pepperbox, Tiger Pistols, the Earl of Litchfield’s Silver-mounted Carriage Pistols (1794), Commodore Perry’s Duelling Pistols, unique Manton Percussion Pistol, Pairs by Manton and Bond, inlaid Wheelock Rifle with Ducal Arms, French Revolving four-shot Gun, Maynard Rifle and case, in new condition. Priced catalogues after the sale, $3.00. If you would like a copy of the catalogue, please advise us — immediately: Priced copies (after the sale) at $3.00. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES, 12 West 48TH STREET, New York Mr. Walter S. Scott. Auctioneer > on CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE AND UNUSUAL COLLECTION of RARE FIREARMS AND KINDRED WEAPONS Gathered by VERS ERED E> HINES Dorchester, Mass. Part If (and final part) FIVE SMALL PISTOL POWDER HORNS. About 41% ins. and 614 ins. (Five pieces.) All of metal, with shell and game relief. . MAHOGANY PISTOL CASE. Fits a .45 calibre Colt. JAPANESE DAGGER. L., 181% ins. Carved ivory sheath. Farmyard and figures. Most skilfully cut. JAPANESE DAGGER SHORT SWORD AND KODZUKA. L., 17 ins. Bronze mountings inlaid with gold in a brocade design of very fine workmanship; Menuki a wild goose and moon medal- lion; sharkskin sheath. VERY FINE EXAMPLE, . PHILIPPINE KNIFE. L., 20 ins. oot In carved wood sheath. Eagle-head pommel. (Illustrated Plate 14, Page 49) 7 10. EASTERN DAGGER. L., 17 ins. Carved and channeled blade, pearl grip, with jade tips and leather sheath; metal tip. (Illustrated Plate 14, Page 49) SWORD. L., 36 ins. Handsomely incised grooved blade, sharkskin grip. Open work steel guard, which extends as the Quillon. SIXTEENTH CENTURY POWDER HORN. Deeply cut scene. Brown buck-horn. Double tips, iron mounted, iron rim and wood charger, finely carved with a man- at-arms. (Illustrated Plate 1) SIXTEENTH CENTURY POWDER HORN. L., 7 ins. Deeply cut scene. Spreading buck-horn, carved with castle tower, two ladies listening to a minstrel with harp; brass charger. (Illustrated Plate 1) SIXTEENTH CENTURY POWDER FLASK. Diam., 614 ins. Gothic design of carved brass as an oriel window. (Illustrated Plate 1) . INDIA IRON SHIELD. Diam., 33 ins. With antelope horns. Having animals applied in brass sil- houette and four brass bosses. (Illustrated Plate 1) INDIA SHIELD. Diam., 14 ins. With spike in center. Reinforced rim and four heavy iron bosscs. (Illustrated Plate 1) . VERY OLD POWDER HORN. L., 914 ins. Engraved scenes. Double tip and flattened base. Carved with classical figures. (Illustrated Plate 1) VERY LARGE GILT POWDER HORN. Height, 914 ins. Wheelock period. Pilgrim bottle shape. Mounted in old crimson velvet, set in silver gilt of a combat between armed men (one mounted), carved and pierced, with red silk cord and tassel. (Illustrated Plate 1) 9 iD: 16. die a Ui 19. 20. 2m We 22. 23. 24. Pda PERSIAN SLENDER POWDER HORN. L., 10 ins. Beautiful jug-shape copper top, carved brass mounts and tip. (Illustrated Plate 1) OLD BRONZE MODEL OF PHILIPPINE LANTAKA (CAN- NON). L., 1014 ins. Can be fired at both ends. On new tablet form brass rest. (Illustrated Plate 1) SPANISH OR ITALIAN POWDER HORN. L., 814 ins. Deeply carved with stars within wheels, heraldic design, etc., including a band of lettering Domenico Rotonio. (Illustrated Plate 1) PHILIPPINE BRONZE LANTAKA (CANNON). L., 35 ins. Four-inch flaring mouth. Wooden carriage. (Illustrated Plate 1) OLD SMALL BRONZE CANNON. L., 714 ins. On brass carriage. (Illustrated Plate 1) SMALL HEAVY BRASS SIGNAL CANNON. L., 17 ins. On iron carriage. Beautifully modelled piece. (Illustrated Plate 1) MODEL OF ALL BRONZE CIVIL WAR CANNON. L., over all, 11 ins. Carriage, limber, etc. (Illustrated Plate 1) GERMAN SWORD. L., 39 ins. Ribbed ebony grip, basket hilt. As new. PHILIPPINE KRIS. L., 17 ins. Markedly wavy blade. LONG SILVER INLAID BARREL FOR MATCHLOCK GUN. L., 5014 ins. Belled mouth in carved oval form. Very interesting old iron work. JAPANESE LONG SWORD. L., 39 ins. Lacquered sharkskin scabbard, silver mounted iron guard, bronze menuki. 10 26. JAPANESE LONG SWORD. L., 40 ins. Red and black lacquer scabbard, a little chipped; old carved iron guard, cap and band of “orange peel” and bronze. 27. SPANISH DAGGER. L., 16 ins. High leather sheath. Brass-tipped plain round sheath with slight bell at grip; straight, ball-tipped quillons. 28. SILVER MOUNTED FLAT POWDER HORN. L., 714 ins. Light grey color. 29. SMALL AMERICAN POWDER HORN. L., 8 ins. Engraved with the Capitol at Washington, steam engine at Boston, and ship called Hunter’s etc. LONG ARMS, BLUNDERBUSSES, GUNS, CARBINES, MATCHLOCK, WHEELOCK, SNAPHAUNCE, FLINT, PERCUSSION, AND REVOLVERS 30. JAPANESE MATCHLOCK GUN. L., 54 ins. Silver inlay of animals and flowers on the barrel. 31. MOORISH MIGUELET FLINT RIFLE. L., 46 ins. The inlay in ivory and metal is of high rank artistically. A really fine and genuinely ancient arm. Silver inlaid octagon barrel and silver inlaid outside lock. | Museum Piece. An exceedincly fine specimen. 32. LONG MOORISH SNAPHAUNCE GUN. L., 67 ins. Lock has the sliding pan cover. Barrel slightly belled at muzzle, is held to the full-length wood stock by brass bands. The butt stock is of ivory inlaid on wood of various designs. There has been considerable error in the use of the term “snaphaunce,” some writers confounding the same with the “Miguelet,” the latter being a flint lock with the main spring outside the lock plate and the scear stops protruding through the same. The distinguishing features of the “snap- haunce” proper, which immediately followed the wheel-lock and preceded the flint lock proper, are the sLIDING FLASH-PAN COVER, similar to that of a wheel-lock, and a FRIZZEN SEPARATE therefrom, operating on an arm on the outside of the lock plate. It was, as a matter of fact. made both with outside and inside main spring. Occupying only a brief and transi- tory period between the wheel and the flint proper (from 1585 to 1640), it is very naturally by far the scarcest of any type of pis‘ol or gun mechanism. In the past fifteen years but two examples therecf have been offered at public sale, until this occasion. 11 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. MOORISH FLINT MUSKET. L., 63 ins. | With half wood stock. Very strongly made, the stock being re-enforced with steel its entire length. MATCH LOCK GUN. L., 68 ins. Unusual length, with very heavy octagon barrel. The lock, which is of brass has all working parts outside, and is very finely perforated and engraved. The cataloguer has never seen or heard of an arm similar. FRENCH DOUBLE BARREL OVER AND UNDER FINE MOD- ERN SHOTGUN. Gauge, 16. Hammerless. Center fire. Marked Biu Latrice a St. Etienne. BELGIAN DOUBLE-BARREL MUZZLE-LOADING PERCUS- SION SHOTGUN. L., 47 ins. By Renkine Bros., Liege. Attractive gun, pleasing in lines and ornament. Lockplates engraved with landscapes in which are gold inlaid animals. DOUBLE BARREL AUSTRIAN BREECH-LOADING HAMMER SHOTGUN. L., 41 ins; bore, % ins. All metal furnishing finely engraved. Cheek piece in patch box. Has extra pair of barrels. GERMAN PERCUSSION (Formerly Flint) MUZZLE-LOADING RIFLE. Marked G. Meiner, Altenburg. MANTON PERCUSSION FOWLING PIECE. L., 48 in.; bore, 11/16 ins. Gold breech band, nicely browned twist steel barrel, half octagon. Nose of hammer is removable. A fine arm by a master maker. ENGLISH LONG DOUBLE-BARREL FLINT LOCK SHOTGUN. L., 6314 ins.; length of barrel, 4 feet. By Robbins & Murckall, London. Maker’s seal in gold on barrel. Flint shotguns of this length are most unusual and rare. EXTREMELY RARE FLINT LOCK BREECH-LOADING CAR- BINE. L., 3614 ins.; bore, % ins. Operates by lifting lever on right side of barrel, then giving barrel quarter turn to the left and sliding it forward about an inch, then raising breech, which is hinged to back, to load, as is usually done from muzzle. The arm is practically new. This carbine was the model from which the inventor (Urbanus Sar- toris of London) got his patent March 11, 1817. (Illustrated Plate 2) 12 42. 43. 44, Ad. AO. SPANISH MIGUELET FLINT SHOTGUN. L., 3914 ins. The woodwork is ornamented with applied silver cut into designs of much charm. Period, 1750. Arms of this type were made and used by the Moors in Spain, copying Spanish originals. (Illustrated Plate 2) BRASS DOUBLE-BARREL FLINT LOCK SHOTGUN. L., bar- rels, 18 ins.; about 14 gauge, with spring bayonet 12 ins. long on lower side. Barrels, lock plates, trigger guard, butt plate, etc., are all made of brass. The piece is in the finest possible condition. Shoulder arms made of brass are extremely rare. This is the best brass longarm ever seen. (Illustrated Plate 2) ITALIAN WHEELOCK GUN. L., 41 ins.; Cal., .60. Smooth bore. The barrel, which is half octagonal, has marked Lazarino Cominazo, who was the master maker of his time (1600). The wheel is covered. The entire stock is inlaid with mother-of-pearl and ivory in foliated designs and of running animals, terminating in a great eagle with spread wings on the stock. MUSEUM PIECE. (Illustrated Plate 2) ELLIPTICAL MUZZLE SPANISH FLINT LOCK BLUNDER- BUSS. L., 35 ins.; Diam., l-in. by 18-inch at muzzle. The barrel is half octagon. Brass mountings are nicely engraved. The lock has a sunken seal of gold with the name Domenico Aurelit. FINE PIECE AND PERFECT. (Illustrated Plate 2) SNAPHAUNCE FLINT FOWLING PIECE. L., 451, ins.; bore, %-in. ’ With the Wheelock sliding pan cover. Beautifully hand chis- elled and engraved lock. A notable feature of this full-stocked gun is that it comes apart in two sections. At the breech are two sunken golden armourer’s seals. This is a handsome gun, finely refinished, and all metal parts of heavy silver plate. (Illustrated Plate 2) 13 47. 48. 49. 50. mis De, 33. o4. D9. SPANISH MIGUELET FLINT LOCK GUN. L., 48 ins.; Cal., .75. Dated on the lock, 1769. Half octagon barrel with designs of silver and sunken armourer’s marks in gold and silver mountings of fancy design. A MUSEUM PIECE, IN PERFECT ORDER. (Illustrated Plate 2) JAPANESE MATCH LOCK WALL GUN. L., 39 ins.; Cal., .60; Barrel at muzzle, 134 ins. Barrel browned and nicely inlaid with engraved silver fish, etc. AMERICAN MUZZLE-LOADING PERCUSSION TARGET RIFLE. L., 50 ins.; weight, 30 lbs. Telescope runs full length of the barrel. ALLEN & WHEELOCK SIX-SHOT REVOLVING CARBINE. L., 34 ins.; Cal., .45. Loading lever is operated by trigger guard. Stock finely checkered. FINE CONDITION, AND RARE. RARE FOUR-BARREL PERCUSSION REVOLVING GUN. Four individual barrels welded to a central rib, 27 ins. longs; 12 gauge; full length, 43 ins. Walnut stock. Very interesting and rare gun of early American manufacture, Such pieces are rarely found. BALLARD SPORTING RIFLE. L., 4514 ins.; Cal., .45. Metallic cartridge, elevating rear sight. Engraved frame. Finely polished stock. Ballard’s Patent, 1861. Fine condition. EVANS MAGAZINE RIFLE. L., 4414 ins. First hammerless breech-loading magazine rifle made in the United States. Slightly inoperative. AMERICAN PERCUSSION MUZZLE-LOADING RIFLE. L., 50 ins. By Joel Hapgood, Boston. Set triggers, detachable muzzle and German silver moun: KENTUCKY FLINT RIFLE. L., 4 ft., 814 ins. Barrel marked J. Wright. (yee stock. Brass chante quaintly shaped like a horse’s head. In new condition. (Illustrated Plate 3) 15 56. KENTUCKY FLINT RIFLE. L., 56 ins. Particularly beautifully marked full-length stock of curly maple. Mountings, patchbox and other ornaments are entirely engraved German silver. The six key plates represent fish, each 14 ins. long. Lock plate marked R. Ashmore. This is an UNUSUALLY FINE SPECIMEN of a highly prized type of arm. (Illustrated Plate 3) 97. BREECH-LOADING ENGLISH FLINT LOCK MUSKET. L., o2 ins. Marked I. Pendrill. Brass-mounted; undoubtedly one of the earliest breech-loading flint lock guns preceding the Ferguson. A heavy plug on top of the barrel at the breech unscrews for the purpose of loading. Period about 1740. The only other known gun of this kind is in the Harrod collection of Military Arms in England. (Illustrated Plate 3) 98. PERCUSSION KENTUCKY RIFLE (Altered from flint). L., 53 ins. Heavy octagon barrel, marked A. Gibbs, Lancaster, Pa. The full-length stock is a handsome marked curly maple with brass mountings and finely-engraved brass patchbox. 59. LINDSAY TWO-SHOT SINGLE-BARREL PERCUSSION MUS- KET. Two hammers, side by side, with one trigger. One load was put in before the other, the first pull on the trigger firing one, and the second pull firing the other. QUITE RARE. 60. HEAVY AMERICAN PERCUSSION RIFLE. L., 5014 ins. By Wm. Lawrence, Milford, Mass. Patchbox in stock, Ger- man silver mountings. 16 61. AMERICAN LONG PERCUSSION RIFLE. L., 58 ins. By J. Lewis of Troy, N. Y. Octagon barrel has four silver breech bands. Handsome large patchbox of engraved silver. Half stock finely inlaid on both sides in designs of silver of deer, etc. Set triggers. A fine, well made gun. 62. POULTNEY & TRIMBLE PERCUSSION CARBINE. L., 3914 Ins. Smith’s patent. As new. 63. SPENCER REPEATING CARBINE. L., 39 ins. Magazine in the stock. As new. 64. U.S. PERCUSSION MUSKET. L., 501% ins. Marked Whitney-ville, 1863. 65. WINCHESTER REPEATING RIFLE. L., 3914 ins. Model 1897, with bayonet. Muzzle has an attachment marked Pat. March 18th, 1918. This is a modern arm, in first-class condition used in the Boston Police Strike. U. 5. MARTIAL PISTOLS, SINGLE COLTS AND CASES 66. U. S. GOVERNMENT PERCUSSION PISTOL. With extension stock. Model, 1865. Maynard primer and marked U. S. Springfield. Good condition. (Illustrated Plate 4) 67. U.S. GOVERNMENT FLINT PISTOL. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .50. Marked A. Waters, Milbury, Ms., 1843. Model, 1836. Condition as new. (Illustrated Plate 4) 68. U. S. GOVERNMENT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 14 ins.; Cali 255. Marked Palmetto Armory S. C. Columbia, S.C. 1852. Model 1842. QUITE RARE. 9 7 (Illustrated Plate 4) 69. U. S. ARMY FLINT PISTOL. L., 1313/16 ins.; Cal., .54. Marked U.S. R. Johnson Midltn. Conn. 1837. Model, 1836. (Illustrated Plate 4) 17 70. U.S. GOVERNMENT FLINT PISTOL. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .50. Marked A. Waters, Milbury, Ms. 1841. Model, 1836. This has the goose neck hammer. (Illustrated Plate 4) 71. HARPERS FERRY FLINT PISTOL. L., 1614 ins.; Cal., .55. Model, 1806 U. S. Government pistol. Marked U. S. Harpers Ferry 1808. Very good condition. EXTREMELY RARE. (Illustrated Plate 4) 72. U. S. GOVERNMENT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 115% ins.; Gali. 54. Lockplate marked U. S. Deringer, Phila. Model, 1843. Front and rear sights. Box lock. RARE TYPE. (Illustrated Plate 4) 73. U.S. ARMY FLINT PISTOL. L., 151% ims.; Cal., .54. Marked S. North, Midltn. Conn. Heavy steel sleeve at fore- stock. Model, 1816. Fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 4) 18 74. diay 76. ae 78 vee 80. 81. 82. U. S$. GOVERNMENT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 115 ins.; Cal., .54. Marked N. P. Ames, Springfield, Mass. U. lock model, 1843. (Illustrated Plate 4) S. Navy 1844, Box U.S. SIGNAL PISTOL. L., 8 ins.; Cal., .100. Breech-loading. All brass frame. Reversing barrel that can be used at either end. (Illustrated Plate 4) U. S. GOVERNMENT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .50. Marked U.S. H. Aston, Middtn. Conn. 1847, Model, 1842. U.S. GOVERNMENT FLINT PISTOL. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .50. Marked U. S.—R. Johnson, Middn. Conn. 1837. Model, 1836. U. S. GOVERNMENT FLINT PISTOL. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .50. | Marked A. H. Waters & Co., Milbury, Mass. 1844. Model, 1836. U. S. GOVERNMENT PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .55. Marked U.S. H. Aston. Middtn. Conn. U. S. SIGNAL PISTOL. 1847. Model, 1842. The short type. Lieutenant Very’s patent. Brass frame. Marked U. S. Army Signal Pistol A. J. M. Used in the Civil War. U. S. ARMY PISTOL. L., 13 13/16 ins.; Cal. 1862. , 4, Originally flint, altered to percussion. Marked U.S. —J. John- son, Midltn. Conn. Model, 1836. ~HARPERS FERRY FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L., 16 ins. Lockplate marked Harpers Ferry 1807. Has sight at muzzle. Fine condition and RARE. 19 Eagle and U. S. THE COLTS THE GREAT AMERICAN PISTOL 83. COLT PRESENTATION PERCUSSION FIVE-SHOT POCKET REVOLVER. L., 10 ins.; Cal., .31. Model, 1849. All metal parts finely engraved. Silver back strap and trigger guard. Ivory grips on which is carved in relief the bust of a helmeted dragoon. In case with tools. Brand new condition. (Illustrated Plate 5) ats 84. COLT FIVE-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 914 ins. Altered from percussion to carry .38 cartridge. Fluted cyl- inder. Ivory grips. Al metal parts finely engraved and silver- plated. In case with tools. (Illustrated Plate 5) 85. COLT’S WELLS FARGO FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION RE- VOLVER. L., 10 ins. Model, 1848. Square back trigger guard, no ramrod. Silver back straps and trigger guard. In mahogany case with tools. New condition. (Illustrated Plate 5) 86. PATERSON COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 8 ins.; Barrel, 414 ins.; Cal., .31. Octagon barrel, marked Patent Arms MF’g Co. Paterson, N. J. Colt’s Pt. Cylinder engraved with centaur with pistol in each hand killing two horsemen. Has original bluing. Case with tools. (Illustrated Plate 5) 20 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95; COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L..,. 10 ins.; Cal., .31. Model, 1849. Silver back strap. COLT FIVE- eaek PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., 9 ins.; Cal., Model, on) Octagon barrel and round cylinder. Original bluing. As new. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., iOemse- .Cal-, ol Model, 1849. Octagon barrel and round cylinder. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L.,. 1014 ins.; Cal., .41 Model, 1849. Fluted cylinder and round barrel. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., 914 ins.; Cal., .41. Model, 1849. Fluted cylinder and round barrel. PRESENTATION COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION RE-. WAY hoe. Ll ins.s Cal.; .36. Silver mounted and beautifully engraved. Ivory grips. En- graved on back strap Geo. Stetzel Ist Lieut. Co. A, 2d Regt. P. V. Model, 1849. In case with tools. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 11 ins.; Gal 31 Model, 1849. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 814 ins.; Gals xol7 Model, 1849. Silver back strap and trigger guard. Case and tools. As new. WALKER-COLT PERCUSSION SIX-SHOT ARMY REVOLVER. L,, 14 ins.; Barrel, 714 ins.; Cal., .45; length of Cylinder, 214 ins. Marked Model U. S. M. R. Colts Patent B Co., No. 49, is stamped on cylinder, back strap and frame. The original barre] has been replaced with an octagonal one. No loading lever. (Illustrated Plate 6) 21 96. OT; 98. 99. 100. COLT DRAGOON SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .45. Round trigger guard and square cylinder stops. English proof marks very unusual in a Colt Dragoon. New condition. (Illustrated Plate 6) COLT’S WELLS-FARGO FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION RE- VOLVERG CL. Slivins2 Gale ol: Square back trigger guard. No loading lever. Silver trigger guard and back strap. (Illustrated Plate 6) LES PATERSON COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 834 ins.; Cal., .36. Octagon barrel, engraved Patent Arms Mfg. Paterson, N. J.; Colt’s Pt. Cylinder engraved with stage hold-up. In practically new condition. EXCESSIVELY RARE IN THIS SIZE. (Illustrated Plate 6) COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L., 1314 ins.; Cal., .45. Shoulder stock with peep-sight attached. (Illustrated Plate 6) COLT SIX-SHOT FRONTIER CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. ee 1014 in.; Cal., .45. Patent, 1871. In new condition, with original cartridge belt and holster. (Illustrated Plate 6) 22 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., 10 ins.; Cal., .31. Model, 1849, COLT FIVE-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 91% ins.; Cal., .38. Formerly percussion. Model, 1849. Variant A. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION HOLSTER REVOLVER. L., ll ins.; Cal., .31. Model, 1849. Octagon barrel. Silver back strap marked Col. Wm. Blaisdell from Boston Friends. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., 9 THs tal., so. Perfected Model, 1855. Side hammer, fluted cylinder, round barrel. Original bluing. COLT PERCUSSION SIX-SHOT ARMY REVOLVER. L., 14 ins. 5 CoA be 45. Model, 1860. Round barrel and shouldered cylinder. COLT FOUR-SHOT HOUSE PISTOL. L., 7 ins. Called “Clover Leaf,” from shape of cylinder. COLT DRAGOON SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .45. Square back trigger guard and square cylinder tops. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .45. Round barrel and shouldered cylinder. Contained in original fancy black leather holster. 23 109; i Sa70U 110. Lie 112. PAIR COLT PRESENTATION SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVERS. L., 1314 ins.; Cal., Entire metal parts silver-plated; gold cylinders and all parts beautifully engraved. Ivory grips with American Eagle and _shield carved in relief. Silver-plated powder flask with eagle, flags, cannon, stars and other trophies in relief. In case with tools. Plate on one case inscribed Presented to George A. Williams, Capt. Ist U. S. Infantry as a token of respect from B. W. Warner, Memphis, Tenn. May 1864. A very handsome and complete outfit. VERY RARE IN PAIRS, (Illustrated Plate 7) COLT FACTORY ALTERATION OF A MODEL i851 NAVY REVOLVER. L., 13 ins. Changed from percussion to .38 center-fire cartridge. COLT MODEL 1861 ARMY SIX-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 13 ins.; Cal., .38 Altered at the factory from percussion to center-fire cartridge. Nickel-plated and engraved. A fine piece and refinished as new. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L., 14 ins.; Cal., ..495. Nickel-plated. Good condition. 24 (16 (fer, PISTOLS, WHEELOCKS, FLINT LOCKS, SNAPHAUNCES, ETC. 113. FLEMISH WHEELOCK PETRONEL. L., 31 ins. Excellent quality, and every part original. The lock is beauti- fully engraved in the best style with the Renaissance decora- tions. The stock of pear wood, and aged to a rich red brown, is inset with ivory, with representations of fruits and flowers, The stock is almost straight from end to end, the type known as a Petronel, and being an unusually long one of its kind. Period, 1600. A beautiful musEUM PIECE,. in, choice, original condition. (Illustrated Plate 8) 114. ENGLISH WHEELOCK PISTOL. L., 2514 ins.; Bore, 1-in. Original in every part. Strictly plain military piece. Very RARE. (Illustrated Plate 8) 115. SAXON WHEELOCK PISTOL. L., 19 ins.; Bore, 3-in. Engraved, deeply fluted cannon-shaped barrel. The wood stock is banded with ivory and terminates in a ball butt. The chiselling on the cover of the wheel is exceptionally fine. The hammer-spring and hammer are beautifully chiselled and engraved, the pan cover ending in a chiselled head and the jaws of the hammer in a grotesque monster. Period, 1600. An excellent specimen. (Illustrated Plate 8) 25 116. alive 118. 119: 120. 121. 122. Zo. PAIR OF ITALIAN POCKET WHEELOCK PISTOLS. Barrels are half round, 544 ins. long; bore, 1%-in. Mounted with cut and perforated steel on pear-wood. Unusu- ally small length, only 10 inches. Belt hook on the side. Armourer seal on the breech. Wheelock pistols of this size are almost unknown in the collections in America. VERY RARE, (Illustrated Plate 8) PAIR ENGLISH POCKET PISTOLS. L., 8 ins. By Beckwith, London. The lock is of unusual type, with odd frizzen spring, and boxed in safety lock. In oak case with tools. About as new. . (Illustrated Plate 8) ENGLISH FLINT BRASS BARREL BLUNDERBUSS. L., 31 ins.; Diameter of muzzle, 114 ins. Marked Ketland & Co. Has safety and brass lock, which is unusual. ENGLISH DOUBLE BARREL FLINT PISTOL. L., 12) ins. Side by side barrels. two side locks. Marked Tatham, London. PAIR ENGLISH FLINTLOCK POCKET PISTOLS. L., 12 ins.; Gales50): By Fisher, of Bristol. In case with tools. Octagon barrels. Locks have rain drains and safeties. Nicely checked full-length stocks. New condition. ENGLISH FLINT HOLSTER PISTOL. L., 14 ins. Brass barrel and lock marked Heylin, London. All fittings are of solid silver, finely engraved, showing trophies of arms, etc. The mask butt plate is a beautiful example of engraving on silver. Period, 1750. Fine condition. ENGLISH FLINT LONG PISTOL. L., 18 ins.; Bore, 14-in. Marked Richardson, London. Period, 1815. Silver scroll inlay and brass mountings. FRENCH FLINT PISTOL. L., 114% ins. Full-length stock finely carved. Cannon-shaped barrel, entirely inlayed with design of sunburst, flowers and trophies, all in gold. All mountings of engraved silver, terminating in a sculp- tured silver head for a butt plate. A VERY RARE and valuable piece. 26 124. PAIR OF ENGLISH CARRIAGE PISTOLS. L., 1234 ins. Cannon-shaped barrels. Marked Bunney, London. Handle inlaid with silver scroll and end with silver mask. Period, 1700. Polish and scroll gone from the left side of stocks. 125. PAIR SPANISH MIGUELET FLINT HOLSTER PISTOLS. L., Lovins: Cal., :.70. Barrels half octagon, being inlaid with silver and gold. Span- ish proofmarks and maker’s seal. The wood stocks are beauti- fully carved and the trigger guard, side plate and heavy butt plate all finely engraved. Gold bushing around the touch hole. The maker’s gold seal is also on the trigger guard and lock plate. Period, 1750. (Illustrated Plate 9) LD oe — 126. PAIR OF SPANISH FLINT LOCK PISTOLS. L., 19 ins.; Cal., .70. Beautiful pair of pistols, made by Fernandez, whose name appears upon the lock plate and on a gold seal on the barrel. The lock plate is engraved and marked En md. 1730. The bar- rels are half octagonal, being finely engraved, as indeed is all the metal furniture, including the heavy steel butt plates. Gold bushing around the touch hole. (Illustrated Plate 9) 27 127. 128. 129. 130. 13.1. 132. 133; 134. 135. PAIR SPANISH MIGUELET FLINT DAGS. L., 18 ins.; Cal., .75. Half octagonal barrels nicely engraved, as is the steel butt plates. Belt hook on side. AIl mountings and other ornamen- tations of perforated and hand-chiseled steel. An unusual and beautiful pair. (Illustrated Plate 9) MOORISH MIGUELET FLINT PISTOL. L., 1434 ins.; Bore, 9/16-in. Period, 1600. Barrel elegantly embossed. The stock is cov- ered with brass, perforated and engraved with diaper patterns of elegance. There are several minor restorations. This arm is a specimen of extra merit. (Illustrated Plate 9) VERY TINY SPANISH MIGUELET FLINT PISTOL. L., 614 ins.; Cal., .50. Full length stock. The barrel, partly octagon, is inlaid with silver flowers. The brass mountings nicely engraved, have silver profile medallions in three places. Nicely engraved lock. Period, 1750. (Illustrated Plate 9) PAIR BRASS-BARRELLED FLINT PISTOLS. L., 15 ins. Handsome mask butt plate and finely-polished stocks. Locks marked H. T. Cooper. PAIR ENGLISH FLINT HOLSTER PISTOLS. L., 16 ins. Marked Whately. Partly octagon brass barrel; all mountings of brass, including the mask butt plate. Period, 1750. PAIR ENGLISH FLINT DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 1444 ins.; Gale 370 Marked Williams Smith, London. Safeties rain drains. Plain, but well made pair. BRASS-BARREL FLINT BLUNDERBUSS PISTOL. L., 914 ins.; Diameter at muzzle, 34-in. Marked H. W. Mortimer, London. ENGLISH FLINT PISTOL. L., 1514 ins.; Cal., .65. For sea service or militia use. Marked Blake, London. Very strongly made. HEAVY FLINT ENGLISH HOLSTER PISTOL. L., 15 ins.; Cal... 3/0 Heavily brass mounted. Period, 1760. 28 136. SMALL IRISH FLINT POCKET PISTOL. L., 714 in.; Cal., .50 Marked Vickers, Dublin. Swivel ramrod and safety. 137. SCOTCH HIGHLANDER ALL-STEEL FLINT PISTOL. L., 12% THs;3Gal.. 200. Butt is of ram’s horn type, into which picker is screwed. Although the mainspring is on the inside ,the scear stop comes through the lock plate. Belt hook on the side, ball trigger. Barrel is slightly belled at the mouth. Original metal ramrod. The entire piece is beautifully engraved. Perfect working order. A MUSEUM PIECE. The rare and famous Highlander. (Illustrated Plate 10) 29 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. ENGLISH DOUBLE-BARREL SUPERPOSED FLINT PISTOL. L., 16 ins. Marked Griffin, Bond Street, London. ‘There is a lock on each side of the barrels, with outside main spring. Steel butt plate and ramrod along the right side of the barrels. High grade piece, in fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 10) SCOTCH ALL-METAL FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L., 8 ins. Frame finely engraved. Marked Grundy & Co. Period, 1770. (Illustrated Plate 10) PAIR OF ITALIAN SNAPHAUNCE FLINT PISTOLS. L., 84% ins.; Bore, 14-in. With the automatic pan cover. Period, 1675. Marked Z. Bracciolini. Carved steel locks of utmost elegance. Applied ornamentation in brass of rich design. The engraving on the side plate of one pistol shows a mounted cavalier shooting at a running deer. On the other pistol a scene of a tired hunter and his dog resting. The work on wood and metal is of first rank. A MUSEUM PIECE. (Illustrated Plate 10) ITALIAN FLINTLOCK POCKET PISTOL. L., 1014 ins. The fittings are of steel and is a fine example of Italian work- manship and design, both in chiselling and in the elaborate piercing of the steel. The butt and trigger guard are most beautifully and elaborately pierced, as well as chiselled, and the graceful lines and finish of the stock could not be surpassed. (Illustrated Plate 10) UNUSUAL FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L., 12 ins.; Cal., .50. Marked Deullers a Liege. The rear of the barrel is inlaid with gold foliated design. The lock and barrel are in one piece. The trigger guard, tang, and other parts of the pistol are inlaid with gold. The steel ramrod is held firmly attached to the piece by a peculiar spring in the rear thimble. Period, 1750. (Illustrated Plate 10) ENGLISH FLINT HOLSTER PISTOL. L., 1314 ins. Marked Tow, London. Admirably made. Silver mask butt plate and side plate. This was the type used by highwaymen and called an “obey.” Period, 1750. (Illustrated Plate 10) 30 144. 145. 146. 147, 148. SPANISH FLINT PISTOL. L., 17 ins.; Cal., .50. Barrel, partly octagon, is finely chiseled and engraved with Spanish proof marks in silver. All parts of the lock plate, trig- ger guard and heavy steel butt plate are beautifully chiselled and engraved. Belt hook. Lock plate marked with armorer’s seal and Nicolas en Madrid, 1700. A MUSEUM PIECE of great beauty. (Illustrated Plate 10) SUPER-POSED FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L., 1714 ins. Barrels about quarter octagon. The lock plates and barrels are inlaid with gold. Two solid silver bands hold barrels to the stock. The piece operates with a slide on top of pan permitting the firing of either barrel. English make. VERY UNUSDAL AND EXTREMELY FINE. (Illustrated Plate 10) ITALIAN FLINT SNAPHAUNCE. L., 21 ins.; Cal., .50. With automatic sliding cover. Stock of handsome hand- carved wood resembling curly maple. Barrel marked Lazarino Cominazo. Beautifully engraved lock plate. All mountings engraved and terminating in heavy butt plate with lion mask. This type of lock is very RARE. Only two have been up at auction in the last ten years, so far as known. (Illustrated Plate 10) PAIR OF LARGE DOUBLE-BARREL FRENCH FLINT PIS- ooo iG ins.: Cal, .50. Bronze lock plate. Back of the breech the wood bears an unusually handsome inlay of silver wire, mixed with silver flow- ers and leaves of finest workmanship. Very heavy bronze lions butt plates and heavy chiselled bronze fittings throughout. The largest pair the cataloguer knows of. (Illustrated Plate 10) JOSEPH MANTON FLINT LOCK DUELLING PISTOL. L., 15 ins.; Cal., .50. Sunken gold seal on the barrel marked Joseph Manton with crown. Gold breech band and touch hole. Silver name plate and the usual beautifully engraved and finished lock plate of this maker. Octagon barrel. This pistol (by the most famous English gunsmith of all time) is in nearly new condition, with original browning on barrel and bluing on the other metal parts. (Illustrated Plate 10) 3] 149. PAIR SILVER MOUNTED FLINT LOCK HOLSTER PISTOLS. L;, 14:ins.; ‘Cal--45, Marked Kuntz, Phila. These pistols are stocked with beautiful curly maple and are mounted entirely in nicely-engraved silver with an unusual silver side plate and carved and engraved in filigree of a sword and drum. The letters S. M. are inscribed on name plate. The barrels are half octagon. This is one of the finest pair of flint pistols ever made by an American maker prior to the Revolution and carried, we have reason to believe, through that war by an American officer. In beautiful condition. (Illustrated Plate 10) 150. PAIR UNUSUALLY LONG, HEAVY FLINT PISTOLS. L., 20 anid. Galle io: About as large and heavy flint lock pistols as can be imagined, terminating in massive fish tail brass butt. Period, 1750. Kind used by the early Eighteenth Century Buccaneers. (Illustrated Plate 10) 151. PAIR FRENCH FLINT LOCK PISTOLS. L., 15 ins.; Cal., .55. Barrels are partly octagon. Belt hook on left side. Finely engraved side plate, trigger guard, eagle’s head butt plate and ramrod thimbles are all solid silver. Period, 1750. Fine pistol. 152. PAIR OF FRENCH GENDARME (POLICE) PISTOLS. Made at the Maubeuge Works. Period, 1800. Every part marked with French Proofmarks. 153. UNUSUAL FRENCH AIR PISTOL. L., 914 ins.; Cal., .17. Nickel-plated. Bolt action. There is an air reservoir in the grip and special key for dismounting the arm. In wood case. 154. FOUR-BARRELED FLINT PISTOL. L., 814 ins. Probably French. The barrels are rigid and fire from the two centrally hung locks that are connected to the lower pans by the revolving pan bottom operated by the lever on the left side. The checking of the wooden handle is brightened with inset silver points. 155. FRENCH FLINT MARINE PISTOL. L., 14% ins.; Cal., .70. Very heavy pistol, brass mountings. Model, 1815. 156. FRENCH FLINT OVERCOAT POCKET PISTOL. L., 9 ins.; ale 50, Steel mountings. Stock inlaid with silver wire. 32 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. GERMAN DOUBLE-BARREL OVER AND UNDER FLINT PISTOL. L., 21 ins. One side lock and turning barrels. The pans are on the barrels and turn with them. The barrels are held and released by moving the spur in front of the trigger guard. Period, 1720. VERY RARE. Main spring broken. SPANISH MIGUELET FLINT HOLSTER PISTOL. L., 13 ins. Plain but well made piece, with brass mountings. FLINT HOLSTER PISTOL. L., 1714 ins.; Cal., .55. Brass mountings, terminating in large brass ball at butt. - Unusual drop to butt. W. Allport. Side plate marked Boston Light Dragoons, with an engraving of a mounted dragoon. An odd pistol . PAIR ITALIAN FLINT HOLSTER PISTOLS. L., 1834 ins. Barrels marked Geronimo Mutti. Carved stocks. Finely-cut steel mountings. Lock plates and side plates have four differ- ent scenic engravings. The large steel butt plates also have different engraved pictures. Period, 1700. ITALIAN SNAPHAUNCE FLINT POCKET PISTOL. L., 91% ins.: Cal., .40. The brass barrel is beautifully hand chiselled, as is also the lock, hammer and frizzen. The pistol is mounted entirely in brass, all being hand chiselled. The lock has the sliding pan cover of this rare type of arm. Period, 1680. Very seldom seen in this small size. Tur GENUINE SNAPHAUNCE. See No. 32. PAIR OF ITALIAN FLINT LOCK PISTOLS. L., 23 ins.; Bore, 1f-in. By Lazarino Cominazzo. Pistols by the master of his time, and bear his name on the octagon breech of the barrel. The screw on which the hammer pivots is hand chiselled in the form of a rosette, which is also the termination of the heavy steel butt plate. The lock plate, side plate and trigger guard are engraved with cupids, flowers, etc. The stock is finely hand carved. Period, 1690. 33 Sale 1/ PERCUSSION PISTOLS, PISTOLS IN CASES, ETC. 163. PAIR PRESENTATION ENGLISH PERCUSSION PISTOLS. L., 1014, ins. | German silver mountings and ebony handles. Swivel ramrods. Beautiful damascus barrels. By Tarratt, London. Marked To Brig. Gen.l. Lee from B. D. S._ In ease with tools. (Illustrated Plate 11) 164. PAIR ENGLISH PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS.: L., 1514 ins. Marked Samuel Nock, London. Very heavy octagon barrels and unusual-shaped stocks, beautifully checkered. In case with tools and original labels. The engraving on the hammers and locks are particularly fine, all by a master maker. (Illustrated Plate 11) 34 165. PAIR ENGLISH FLINT DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 1314 ins.; Bore, %-in. By Hamburger & Co., London. Silver breech bands, silver vents and the very finest browning on the octagon barrels. Period, 1815. In case with tools. These are a particularly beautiful pair of pistols, in absolutely new condition. (Illustrated Plate 11) 166. PAIR IRISH SAW HANDLE FLINT DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 1334 ins. By Rigby, Dublin, Ireland. Spur trigger guard. All metal parts engraved. Silver vents. In case with tool. About as new. This is the type of pistol that Charles Lever writes of when he has his heroes “blaze” at each other. (Illustrated Plate 11) 167. PAIR SUPERPOSED DOUBLE FLINT LOCK PISTOLS. L., 7% ins. Marked on barrel in gold, Wilson, London. There is a lock and pan with outside main spring on both sides. In case with tools. This is one of the rarest types of double-barrel English pistols, and these specimens are very fine in design and finish. (Illustrated Plate 11) 168. PAIR OF FLINTLOCK BRASS-BARREL BLUNDERBUSS PIS- TOLS. L., 11 ins. With spring bayonets. Half octagon barrels with %4-in. bell muzzle. The bayonets are released by pulling back on stud on top of the barrels. Silver escutcheons and name plates. Closely checked grips. The locks have rain-proof pans and are nicely engraved, with safeties. Marked Wilkinson & Son, London. . High grade pair of pistols, in flannel lined oak case, with acces- sories. Cased blunderbuss pistols are unusual. (Illustrated Plate 11) 169. BELGIAN DOUBLE-BARRELED SIDE-BY-SIDE PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 814 ins.; Cal., .36. Spring dagger underneath, released by trigger guard. Nickeled and finely-polished bag handle. As new. 170. PAIR BELGIAN PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 12 ins. Octagon barrels, multigrooved. Nicely engraved. Spur trigger guard, set triggers and half stocked. In case with tools of unusual design. 35 171. 172. 173. 174. Lia, 176. 177. ENGLISH FIVE-SHOT CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L., 10% ins.; Cal., .44. Marked E. Balchian, Hull. Spring on hammer keeps at half- cock. Double-action. Unusual type. DOUBLE-BARRELED OVER-AND-UNDER ENGLISH PERCUS- SION POCKET PISTOL. L., 614 ins.; Cal., .38. Single hammer. Barrels turn over and have nipple on each. Checkered handle. Engraved frame. ENGLISH SAW HANDLE DUELLING PISTOL. L., 15 ins.; Cal.,.250; Percussion (formerly flint). Marked W. & E. Jacobs, 1835. London. Cap box in butt. Silver-mounted, set trigger and spur trigger guard. ENGLISH DOUBLE-BARRELED SIDE-BY-SIDE PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 101% ins.; Bore, 1/-in. With two side locks. Rifled. Marked Oxborrow, Woodbridge. Twist steel barrels. Stock ends with a silver lion head butt. Nice piece. PAIR OF ENGLISH PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 15 ins.; Bore, 14-in. Formerly flint. By Dunderdale, Mabson & Labron, London. Heavy smooth bore barrels of twist steel, finely browned. About as new. UNIQUE PAIR HAMMERLESS PERCUSSION PISTOLS. L., 834 ins.; Cal., .45. Octagon barrels. Burnished frames. Closely checked grips and silver name plates. Marked A. Crundwell & Co.’s Patent, London. Levers which fit along the tops of the frames are hinged and lift up and forward. This motion brings up the nipple and cocks the pieces, which have safeties on the right sides of the frames. Odd pair of pistols, in good condition, in rosewood case, with powder flask. PAIR ENGLISH DOUBLE-BARRELED SIDE-BY-SIDE PER- CUSSION PISTOUSS) 1,94 ins) Galeean: Marked W. Dooley, Ranelagh St. Liverpool. Cap box in butt. Swivel ramrods. Safeties. Very finely-checkered stocks. In case with tools. Well made pair, and never used. 36 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. PAIR ENGLISH PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 154% ins.; Bore, 14-in. Formerly flint. Half stocks finely checkered and name plate of gold with crest thereon. Blued steel mountings handsomely engraved. Barrels of fine twist steel and marked in gold D. Egg. London. Breech bands and fore sight of gold. Set triggers and safeties. Original label in case which has complete set of tools. All as new, and a beautiful set. KNIFE PISTOL. L., 614 ins. English. Has two blades in horn handle, with a brass barrel. Bullet mould, tweezers and cap box in butt. ENGLISH PEPPERBOX TYPE PERCUSSION SIX-SHOT RE- VOLVER. L., 9 ins.; Cal., .38. Finely checkered handle. Engraved steel frame. Marked Roberts, London. Early type of revolver. New condition. ENGLISH SIX-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 8 ins.; Cal., .31. Finely checkered grips, engraved frame and fluted barrel. SAW HANDLE PERCUSSION BELT PISTOL. L., 934 ins.; Gal... (65. All steel. Probably Scotch. Swivel ramrod spur trigger and belt hook. Handle of burnished steel. An UNUSUAL PIECE, in fine condition. TINY FRENCH BREECH-LOADING PISTOL. L., 514 ins. Engraved frame, fluted ebony handles. As new. PAIR FRENCH PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 1614 ins.; Cal., .50. Half stocks finely checkered. Blue octagon barrels marked in gold letters J and 2. An unusually beautiful pair of percus- sion duelling pistols in case with a complete set of accessories. The case is extraordinarily handsome, being of highly-polished wood with brass inlay and a heavy brass name plate marked W.C.W. Case itself marked with maker’s name, Morian, Paris. Everything absolutely new, never having been used. (Illustrated Plate 12) PAIR OF FRENCH PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 15 ins.; Cal., .40. The barrels are octagon, nicely browned, and marked in gold LePage Arq. Du Roi. The stocks are tastefully carved, and all metal work engraved and case hardened. Set triggers. In case with tools. Period, 1840. This is a fine ontfit, everything being new and complete. (Illustrated Plate 12) 37 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. HOT 192. 193. FRENCH PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 15 ins. Marked Boucheron Pirmet a Paris. Octagon multigrooved rifled barrels. Set triggers, spur trigger guard, and gold name plate. Butt plate of engraved steel set in wood stock, which is finely carved. The fore end terminates in a carved head. Con- tained in case with an unusually complete set of tools. (Illustrated Plate 12) BEAUTIFUL PAIR PLINT LOCK PISTOLS. L., 18 ins.; Cal., .55. Round barrels, which are profusely ornamented with gold inlay of various designs. The locks are of beautiful workman- ship, with graceful chiselled hammers. The butts are pivoted at the center of the grip and can be removed, and a detachable stock can be inserted. A beautiul pair of pistols, in new condition. Preserved in a leather- covered case. (Illustrated Plate 12) MARIETTE TYPE FIVE-BARRELLED PEPPERBOX. L* 714 ins. Barrels unscrew for loading. Ring trigger. FRENCH TEN-SHOT PINFIRE REVOLVER. L., 1014 ins. Lefacheaux type. Checkered grips. Cylinder and frame finely engraved. Blued. As new. FRENCH CARTRIDGE SALOON PISTOL. L., 1414 ins.; Cal., .22. Breech-loading. Blued: barrel. Nicely carved and _ fluted stock. FRENCH SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 614 ins.; Gals <36. This has a ring trigger and is built and operated at the breech like a Mariette pepperbox, save that the hammer is on top. Has an unusual loading lever. PAIR FRENCH UNDER-HAMMER PERCUSSION POCKET PISTOLS. L., 6 ins. Marked J. B. Cressier a St. Etienne. Unique hammers. Handles of handsome grained wood. FRENCH PERCUSSION POCKET PISTOL. Unusually handsome and well made. Ribbed and ringed pan- elled barrel of fine damascus. Engraved frame. Carved and checkered ebony handle. As new. 39 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199) 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. LE MAT TEN-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 1314 ins. Has been re-blued, and its condition is almost as new. SPANISH PERCUSSION HOLSTER PISTOL. L., 12 ins.; Cal., .50. Brass mounted and finely engraved. BRAZILIAN SIX-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 714 ins.; Cal., .31. Mariette type. Ring trigger. LUGER GERMAN AUTOMATIC PISTOL. L., 814 ins. Dated, 1917. This pistol made and used by the Germans in the late war. Slightly inoperative. AMERICAN PERCUSSION PISTOLS, PEPPERBOXES, Ete. ALLEN’S FIVE-SHOT POCKET REVOLVER. L., 734 ins.; Calon Marked Allen & Wheelock. Cocks and fires by trigger move- ment. The hammer without thumb piece. Re-blued. ALLEN FIVE-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 10 ins.; Cal., .31. This is the largest pepperbox known with spur trigger guard. ALLEN SINGLE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET PISTOL. L., O14 ins.; Cal., .36. Angle drop to handle. Half octagon barrel. As new. ~ PAIR SINGLE-SHOT ALLEN & THURBER PERCUSSION PIS- TOLS. L., 934 ins.; Cal., .31. ALLEN & WHEELOCK FOUR-BARREL PEPPERBOX. L.,. 6 ins. Marked Allen’s Patent. Jan. 18, 1857. Scarce. ALLEN & WHEELOCK SEVEN-SHOT EARLY CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L., 5% ins.; Cal., .22. Patent, 1858. Side hammer. Engraved cylinder. ALLEN & WHEELOCK SINGLE-SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 1314 ins.; Cal., .38. Rare in this length. 40 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. BACON SIX-SHOT CARTRIDGE PEPPERBOX. L., 514 ins.; alee 2 PAIR OF AMERICAN PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L. 1534 ins.; Barrels, octagon, 10-in.; Cal., .48. Smooth. By Richard Constable, Philadelphia. As well designed and made as the product of able English craftsmen. Set triggers. In mahogany case with tools. Original label in box. As new. Rare. CONNECTICUT ARMS CO. SIX-SHOT CARTRIDGE RE-. VOLVER. L., 7 ins.; Cal., .25. Marked Conn. Arms Co., Norfolk, Conn. Has peculiar safety on side of frame. PHILADELPHIA DERINGER PERCUSSION PISTOL. L.. 41, ins. By J. E. Evans. Silver mountings. Barrel finished in a mottled bronze effect. Handsome little weapon. Factory condition. HAMMOND BULLDOG NAVAL SINGLE-SHOT PISTOL. L., 8 ins.: Cal., .45. Marked Connecticut Arms & Manf’g Co., Naubuc Co. New condition. JONES SIX-SHOT CARTRIDGE ARMY REVOLVER. L., 1214 ins.; Cal., .44. Marked: Owen Jones, Phila. Patent 1876-77 and ’78. Nickel- plated. Ebony handle. Barrel tips down on hinge in front of lower part of frame and draws cylinder forward for extraction. Below the barrel, a tube holds small tools. MAYNARD SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION TAPE POCKET RE. VOLVER. With 214-in. barrel and extra cylinder. L., 6 ins. Cylinder turns by hand. This is one of the rarest of the Maynards and the only one with octagon barrel. In case with tools. MAYNARD TAPE PRIMER SIX-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 7 ins.; al..7.28. Pearl grips. Gold-plated trigger guard. Frame and cylinder beautifully engraved. Cylinder turns by hammer action. Very handsome piece. As new. 4] 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. FINE MERWIN & HULBERT CARTRIDGE SIX-SHOT RE- VOLVER. L., 1244 ins.; Cal., .44 Army size. All metal parts nickeled and completely covered with engravings. Ivory grips with Mexican arms carved in relief. Perfect order. MOORE’S TEAT CARTRIDGE SIX-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 7 ins.:)Gal-eror Silver frame. Blued barrel. Fine specimen. As new. MOORE’S DERINGER SINGLE-SHOT. L., 434 ins. By National Arms Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Blued barrel. Rest of pistol is of metal silver-plated, and very beautifully engraved. As new. MARSTON THREE-BARREL SUPERPOSED CARTRIDGE PISTOL: (iy Oines Cabs Marked Wm. Marston. Improved 1864. MANHATTAN SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 11 ins.; Cal., .31 Patent, 1859. Engraved frame. Marked Manhattan Firearms Mfg Co., N. Y. NATIONAL ARMS CO. SINGLE-SHOT CARTRIDGE DER- INGER. L., 434 ins. Breaks to side to load, and is shaped to be used as a knuckle duster. PLANT MFG. CO. SIX-SHOT CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L., 1034 ins.; Cal., .40. : Nickel-plated. Patented 1863. One of the earliest cartridge revolvers. ROBBINS & LAWRENCE FIVE-SHOT HAMMERLESS PEP- PERBOX. L., 9 ins. | This was Leonard’s patent of 1849. Case and tools. In brand new condition, barrel showing original browning. FOUR-SHOT PERCUSSION. | Of the Robbins & Lawrence type, but with tigeen guard and ordinary trigger. Said to ieee Sarvs made by the inventor, Mr. Leonard, for his own use. In new condition. A beautiful piece nickeled and engraved throughout. Accompanying are the various models Mr. Leonard used while inventing this type of pistol, there being five large and eight smaller models of wood in different stages of development, and eight models in brass; also, a large placard issued by Robbins & Lawrence of Winsor, Vt., illustrating their pistol. 42 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. mo. 230. STOCKING SIX-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 71% ins.; Cal., .31. Spur trigger guard. RARE, (Illustrated Plate 13) ROBBINS & LAWRENCE PERCUSSION FIVE-SHOT PEPPER- BOK Ie, Goms,; Gal., .28: Fluted barrels, engraved frame and ivory grips. (Illustrated Plate 13) REMINGTON RIM-FIRE FIVE-SHOT NEW MODEL RE- VOLVER. L., 81% ins.; Cal., .38. The grips are of mother-of-pearl and the entire frame of beautifully-engraved silver. The cylinder and loading lever of engraved gold. A beautiful piece, as new. In leather case. (Illustrated Plate 13) UNION ARMS CO. FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 8 ins.; Cal., .36. Modeled after Colt’s. Original blueing, indented cylinder. (Illustrated Plate 13) PECARE & SMITH FOUR-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX. L., 614 ins. Folding trigger, engraved brass frame. Ivory grips. (Illustrated Plate 13) SHARP’S BREECH-LOADING SINGLE-BARREL PISTOL. L., 9 ins.; Cal., .38. With falling breech lock. RARE. (Illustrated Plate 13) REMINGTON-RYDER FIVE-SHOT DOUBLE-ACTION POCKET PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 614 ins.; Cal., .30. Peculiar cylinder. . This was the first type of small double-action pocket revolver, and is rarely met with. (Tl'ustrated Plate 13) RUPERTUS EIGHT-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 51% ins.; Cal., .22. A RARE PIECE. (Illusirated Plate 13) VOLCANIC MAGAZINE PISTOL. L., 914 ins.; Cal., .31. Patented 1854. Partly octagon barrel. The frame and all metal work is steel. Bound butt. Marked Smith & Wesson, Norwich, Conn. The rAREST of the volcanics. (Illustrated Plate 13) 43 231. 232. 233. 234. 2309. 236. 237. 238. WALCH TEN-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 814 ins.; Gato O1, This piece has two hammers and a single sheath trigger. No loading lever and steel frame. VERY RARE with steel frame. (Illustrated Plate 13) MOORE’S SEVEN-SHOT CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L., 84% ee SOE REAP Cylinder turns by trigger action. By pressure on stud in the frame the cylinder swings out for loading. (Illustrated Plate 13) U. S. ARMY PERCUSSION SIGNAL PISTOL. L., 9 ins. Invention of Lieut. Very, N.S. N. Marked U. S. Army Signal Pistol. A.J. M. 1861. All of bronze, except the steel hammer and nipple. (Illustrated Plate 13) BUTTERFIELD PERCUSSION FIVE-SHOT ARMY REVOLVER. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .40. Bronze frame. This has the automatic capper frequently missing. Rare. (Illustrated Plate 13) SLOCUM FIVE-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 7 ins. Marked B. A. Company, Patent April, 1863. Nickeled and. engraved. New condition. (Illustrated Plate 13) WARNER PERCUSSION SIX-SHOT POCKET REVOLVER. L., 614 ins.; Cal., .31. All parts engraved. No loading leaver. Has the split cylinder and two triggers. Rare, (Illustrated Plate 13) SHARP’S BREECH-LOADING SINGLE-SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 10% ins.; Cal., .38. Sharp’s patent, 1848. Has the falling breech-block operated by the trigger guard. Rare pistol. (Illustrated Plate 13) SAVAGE FIRST-MODEL SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 14 ins. Marked E. Savage Middletown Ct. H. S. North, Patented June 17. Long shaped grip with spur. Figure 8 trigger and guard. This is one of the American rareities. Nearly new condition. (Illustrated Plate 13) 45 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244, 245. ELGIN PERCUSSION CUTLASS PISTOL. Length of pistol, 834 ins; total length of knife and pistol, 141% ins. Cal., .36. Rifled. Marked Elgin patent Morrill Mosman & Blair, Amherst, Mass. An EXCEEDINGLY RARE American piece. Only a few are known. (Illustrated Plate 13) POND’S REMOVABLE CHAMBER CARTRIDGE SIX-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 94 ims.; Cal., .31. Early cartridge revolver, with separate steel cylinders. Small screw driver in butt. Nickel-plated. New condition. (Illustrated Plate 13) JOSLYN PERCUSSION FIVE-SHOT ARMY REVOLVER. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .44. ae Side hammer, checkered grips. Marked B. F. Joslyn. In fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 13) LE MAT TEN-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 134 ins. Marked Col. Le Mat Bte. S. C. D. C. Paris.. Fires nine shots from the cylinder, and the tenth being a load of buckshot from the lower barrel on which the cylinder revolves. This charge is fired by moving the nose of the hammer. Spur trigger guard. Fine condition. Very popular with Confederate officers. (Illustrated Plate 13) CONFEDERATE COPY OF WHITNEY SIX-SHOT PERCUS- SION REVOLVER. L., 121% ins.; Cal., .36. Differs from a Whitney in having a bronze frame. It is a Confederate Government issue, and marked on frame “C. S.” VERY. RARE. (Illustrated Plate 13) REMINGTON SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .45. ; Original bluing. In fine condition, REMINGTON SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .45. Army size. . REMINGTON-ELIOT SINGLE-SHOT CARTRIDGE DERINGER. L., 434, ins.; Cal., .41. The entire barrel unscrews and pulls through the frame for loading, and the hammer is the only breech block. Rare. 46 247, 248. 249. 250. 251. 202. 203. 254. 2959. 256. REMINGTON FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., 734 ins.; Cal., .31. Sheath trigger and loading lever nicely blued. REMINGTON SINGLE-SHOT PALM PISTOL. L.,°4 ins. This is the smallest of this type. The hammer drops straight down instead of pulling back, and also forms the breech block. DOUBLE-SHOT CARTRIDGE PISTOL. L., 434 ins.; Cal., .48. Marked E. S. Renwick, N. Y. Pat. 1864. Double Header. Barrel swings on pivot in center, and can be used at either end. Very finely engraved. SHARP’S SINGLE-BARREL CARTRIDGE PISTOL. L., 514 ins.; Cal., .41. Barrel tips up for loading and fires with a push button. Rare model. FOUR-SHOT PISTOL. L., 644 ins.; Cal., .32. Marked Sharp & Hankins, Phila. Barrels slide forward to load by pressing stud on the side of the frame. Has automatic cartridge extractor. Rare. SHARP’S BREECH-LOADING FOUR-SHOT PISTOL. L., 5% ine. ; Cal:,-.30. Barrels slide forward to load. Embossed handle and silver- plated frame. New condition. SLOCUM FIVE-SHOT CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L., 7 ins.; Cal., .38. Marked B. A. Co. Pat. Removable cylinders. SPIES SIX-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 9 ins. Grafton period. Sold by and marked A. W. Spies, N. Y., Engraved frame. In mahogany case with tools. In fine order. STARR SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L., 12 ins.; Cal., .45. Factory condition. VOLCANIC MAGAZINE PISTOL. L., 9 ins.; Cal., .31. Patented 1854. Octagon steel barrel. Engraved brass frame. This is the RARE size. A7 297, 208. 299, 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. MASSACHUSETTS ARMS CO. (WESSON & LEAVITT) MAY- NARD PRIMER SIX-SHOT BELT REVOLVER. L., 1014 ins. Silver back strap and trigger guard. Nicely engraved and blued. In case with tools. As new. WESSON SUPERPOSED TWO-SHOT PISTOL. L., 4. ins.; Galewaes | Marked Frank Wesson, Worcester, Mass. ROLLIN WHITE SINGLE-SHOT CARTRIDGE PISTOL. L., 714 in.; Cal., .30. Single chamber which throws out to right to load. Very unusual model. WHITNEY FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 8% ins.; Gal, 31. Pocket size. PHILADELPHIA PERCUSSION DERINGER. L., 534 ims.; Cal., .38. Marked A. Wurfflein, Phila. Barrel of peculiarly mottled bronze. German silver mountings. As new. SECOND SESSION; Nos. 262-540 SWISS COPPER POWDER FLASK. L., 7 ins. Embossed scenes. Charger. JAPANESE LONG SWORD. L., 3914 ins, Hammered bronze mounts with maple-leaf pattern, old iron guard inlaid with gold, and gold and red lacquer scabbard. FOUR POWDER HORNS. Two flats horns, one having carved portrait and F. T. Lee. All with chargers (4). SIX POWDER HORNS. L., 914 ins. and 7 ins., ete. (6). Brass and copper. One with hunter, dogs and game, in relief. EMPTY PISTOL CASES. Average Length, 11 ins. Six pieces. Average size, oak, Morocco, mahogany, etc. (6). 48 267 a5 — 268 =e. 3.57 269 99 270 3/ 272 6477278. cn 210: tf: 276. Uh 27D . GRIPS FOR COLT REVOLVERS. L., 3 ins. Hard _ rubber. . JAPANESE SWORD. L., 28 ins. Sharkskin lacquered scabbard, bronze guard and menuki inlaid in gold. . ARTILLERY MEASURING DAGGER. L., 22 ins. Triangular stout blade, twisted wooded grip. Serpentine knop and quillons. Period, 1700. . LONG SWORD. L., 53 ins. Basket hilt (slightly damaged). Wire wrapped grip, panelled bell-shape pommel. Period, 1600. (Illustrated Plate 14) . MALAY CHIEF KRIS. L., 30 ins. Wide triple grooved blade in a foliated pattern, set in chased and engraved silver. Fine carved grip. (Illustrated Plate 14) . VERY FINE MOORISH DAGGER. L., 16 ins. Carved silver sheath with curled tip; horn handle with spatula tip, silver mounted. (Illustrated Plate 14) PHILIPPINE LONG SWORD. L., 47 ins. Carved wood handle, broad tip. (Illustrated Plate 14) PERCUSSION CANE GUN. Made to represent a bamboo cane. Good condition. (Illustrated Plate 14) SHORT SWORD. L., 22 ins. : Silver mounts. Grip as a dragon head, set in silver. (Illustrated Plate 14) OFFICER’S DRESS SWORD. L., 39 ins. Pearl grip, blued blade. Carved bronze guard and eagle-head pommel with shell-shaped quillon. Brass sheath. (Illustrated Plate 14) FRENCH CUTLASS. L., 39 ins. Brass hilt. Marked Vive Le Roy. Wrapped grip and brass ball pommel. Oval brass quillons. (Illustrated Plate 14) 50 278. ao. 280. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. TURKISH SWORD. L., 3714 ins. Verse from Koran in gold on blade. Horn grip curved knop, and inlaid cross-shaped quillons. Leather sheath, metal sleeves and ring holder, all finely inlaid. (Illustrated Plate 14) TURKISH SWORD. L., 301% ins. Small crotch horn grip inlaid with silver and tiny turquoise flowers; red velvet and carved metal sheath. (INustrated Plate 14) LARGE “OLD ZACK” YANKEE CLASP KNIFE. L., 12 ins. Blade incised with profile portrait of Old Zach (Taylor), hunt- ing scenes, etc, lettered in scrolls Hunters’ Companion, Rough and Ready Chinese, ete. Hinged into a huge horn sheath set with silver plates. Very odd. (Illustrated Plate 14) . VERY FINE JAPANESE DAGGER AND KODZUKA. © L., 1314 ins. | Ribbed lacquer sheath and grip; the cord-holder a gourd in silver, gold and bronze. Silver and pewter snail menuki and tip. The handle of the short knife exquisitely inlaid in autumn flowers and grasses in gold and silver. (Illustrated Plate 14) JAPANESE SMALL SWORD. L., 124% ins. Silver mounted. With Kodzuka and Kogai, as chopsticks. Lacquer scabbard. The cap, guard and Menuki most beauti- fully wrought in silver insects. A few strands of wire wrapping broken on the sharkskin hilt. (Illustrated Plate 14) NORTHERN INDIA BEHEADING SWORD. L., 2714 ins. = ee f “7 $ Y a) | v Wide blade at tip. Grip with circular quillon and tip. /6. (Illustrated Plate 14) LONG PHILIPPINE KRIS. L., 28 ins. / on Horn grip. Bright waved blade. (Illustrated Plate 14) VERY FINE MALAY KRIS. L., 16 ins. / Vie Carved ivory handle. The flame blade is also carved. (Illustrated Plate 14) MALAY CHIEF KRIS. L., 24 ins. ae Fine carved grip. Unusually handsome. ‘ail 292. 293. . MODEL OF FIRST BREECH-LOADING CANNON. L., 24 ins. Made of wood. Marked Antwerp. Medallion with crowned L. . OFFICER’S SWORD. L., 38 ins. Blued blade. Checkered grip (name shield missing), brass guard, oval quillon with sleeping lion in bronze, and mushroom pommel, the blade incised with initials and crown. . SWORD. L., 3314 ins. Eagle’s head bronze pommel and guard. Brass mounted leather sheath. Period, 1812. . SOUTH SEA ISLAND NATIVE-MADE KNIFE. L., 131% ins. In leather sheath and belt. Bone handle, silver mounted pommel. . FINE FRENCH FLATHORN POWDER HORN. L., 9 ins. Heavily gold and bronze-plated, with trophy of eagle, drums, swords, ete. OLD COLONIAL POWDER HORN. L., 134% ins. Name and date 1775. Marked Wm. Wigglesworth, His Horn. Liberty or Death, 1775. With birds, scrolls, rows of diamonds, etc., carved. RaRE. GUNS VERY HEAVY AND MASSIVE GERMAN WHEELOCK WALL GUN. L., 52 ins.; Bore, 34-in. Octagon barrel. Lock plate beautifully engraved, and ham- mer chiselled in form of a mermaid. Wheel entirely covered by plate. The enormous butt, 11 ins. long by 8 ins. wide, shows very handsome hand carving of animals in combat; also the bust of a Prussian officer in medallion carved on the stock. (Illustrated Plate 15) . GERMAN WHEELOCK RIFLE. L., 43 ins.; Bore, 34-in. Barrel is marked Abraham Dellemair, 1692. From one end to the other the stock is most beautifully inlaid with ivory in designs of running animals, castles, landscapes, etc. The crown- ing work of the inlay is on the reverse side of the butt, where there is a coat of arms (probably ducal) also in ivory. The lock plate is handsomely engraved and chiselled with a scene depicting mounted Knights in combat, apparently with Turks. Altogether, it is a veritable work of art and is one of the most inter- esting, as well as the most beautiful, pieces ever seen. (Illustrated Plate 15) 02 295. 296. 208 ) ee 298. €. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. WHEELOCK RIFLE. L., 45 ins.; Cal., .65. Changed to flintlock. Octagon barrel with the name Steir. Stock of dark wood profusely inlaid with many designs in bone, ivory and wood of different colors. The original lock- plate is still on stock and is engraved with a hunting scene, dog, stag, castle, church, etc. Period when made, about the Sixteenth Century. In fine state of preservation. (Illustrated Plate 15) LIGHT-WEIGHT PIKE WITH FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L., 58 ins. Attached to the end of the wood pike stock is an iron pipe with a hooked bridle cutter, and on the other side a flint pistol, 314 ins. long, which is operated by the trigger placed half way down the stock. The tip is shod with steel spike. Period, 1700. Altogether a rare and curious piece. (Illustrate Plate 15) EUROPEAN MATCH LOCK. L., 60 ins.; Cal., .46. Plain military piece. This type is seldom seen. It differs from the more common Oriental match lock in that the serpentine strikes to the rear instead of towards the muzzle. The kind of gun that required a forked rest stuck in the earth to operate. A piece of great variety, usually seen only in Museums. (Illustrated Plate 15) JAPANESE MATCH LOCK GUN. L., 43 ins. Octagon barrel, inlaid with silver dragon. Period, 1600. JAPANESE MATCH LOCK GUN. L., 53 ins. Well ornamented with brass and silver inlay on barrel. ITALIAN MIGUELET FLINT LOCK RIFLE. L., 46 ins. Lock marked Giovanni P. 1746. Mounted in brass, richly ornamented. Trigger guard not original. FRENCH PERCUSSION SIX-SHOT REVOLVING GUNS. L., 38 ins. Very slender and graceful in design, and nicely engraved. Marked T. I. Hoist. BOLT ACTION AUSTRIAN REPEATING RIFLE. L., 51 ins. About as new. HEAVY GERMAN FLINT RIFLE. L., 43 ins. Marked B. May, Mannheim. Octagon barrel. Patch box. Engraved brass mountings. Cheek piece has design of different colored woods inlaid. 54 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. dil. 312. 313. 314. GERMAN SMOOTH-BORE FLINT SHOTGUN. L., 49 ins.; Cal., .60. Octagon barrel, brass mountings and cheek piece. Light, nicely made gun. ENGLISH DOUBLE-BARREL MUZZLE-LOADING PERCUS- SION SHOTGUN. 14-gauge. Marked R. Jeweson & Co., 137 Fenchurch St., London. Twist steel browned barrels. In mahogany case with tools. About as new, PEABODY MARTINI RIFLE. L., 45 ins. The bolt on which the breech hinges is not original. Finely made gun. ENGLISH FLINT FOWLING RIFLE, L., 54 ins.; Bore, 14-in. Heavy octagon barrel, patch box in butt. Well made, by Ketland & Adams. GALLAGHER’S PATENT PERCUSSION CARBINE. L., 3914 ins. Made by Richardson & Overman. As new. HALL BREECH-LOADING FLINT LOCK MUSKET. Marked Harper’s Ferry, J. H. Hall, 1833. A fine specimen. As new, with original browning on barrel. U. S. PERCUSSION MUSKET. L., 57 ins. Marked U. S. Norfolk 1863. U.S. proofmark on barrel. RARE. U. S. PERCUSSION MUSKET. L., 491% ins. Marked Remmington, 1863, U. S. Patchbox in stock. Factory condition. SHARPS PERCUSSION CARBINE. L., 38 ins.; Cal., .55. Apparently finished for some special purpose. Barrel beauti- fully browned and engraved at breech, as is the entire frame, hammer and trigger guard. In new condition. U. S. FLINT LOCK MUSKET. L., 5814 ins. Marked Springfield, 1833. VOLCANIC RIFLE. L., 34 ins. Magazine under the barrel. Brass frame. Marked Volcanic Arms Co., New Haven, Conn. Pat. 1856. Fine condition. 59 315. 316. 317. 318. O19. 320. ral Fe OLD AMERICAN AIR GUN. L., 49 ins. Worked by a powerful lever attached to side, Finely mounted in German silver, with designs of deer, fox, eagle, ete. Large patch box. Period, 1840. Good condition and working order. Not a toy. (Illustrated Plate 16) BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE-BARRELED PERCUSSION SHOTGUN. L., 46 ins.; Cal.;.75. By William Ellis. Magnificent twist steel barrels. Lock plate, hammers, trigger guard and all metal parts finely engraved. Checking on stock of the finest. Contained in case with tools. This is an English piece of the first water, in absolutely new condi- tion. Made to order for some sportsman. (Illustrated Plate 16) ROPER CHOKE-BORE BREECH-LOADING SHOTGUN. Made by Roper Sporting Arms Co., Hartford, Conn. Patented April 10, 1866. In good condition. Rare. (Illustrated Plate 16) FRENCH UNDER-HAMMER PERCUSSION DOUBLE-BARREL MUZZLE-LOADING SHOTGUN. L., 49 ins. Marked Invention Gosset a Paris. Abundantly gold inlayed, engraved, and richly carved. Workmanship and materials of first rank. Period, 1850. The carved head at the base of the stock is as wonderful piece of hand carving as can be imagined. In original condition. (Illustrated Plate 16) COLT FIVE-SHOT REVOLVING PERCUSSION SHOTGUN. L., 4514 ins. Model, 1855. New condition, with original bluing. (Illustrated Plate 16) FRENCH REVOLVING FOUR-SHOT GUN. L., 44 ins.; Cal., .75.. Beautifully polished and checkered stock. The brightly pol- ished steel mounting is exquisitely engraved throughout with flowers as a design. ‘Two triggers. By pulling the first cylinder revolves; the second causes the discharge. Evidently made to order. As handsome a piece as one would wish to see, and in new condition. (Illustrated Plate 16) ENGLISH BREECH-LOADING SPORTING RIFLE. L., 47 ins.; Cal., .48. : : Has Snyder breech action, marked Newark’s Pat. Maker was Charles Lancaster. Finely finished. Checkered pistol] grip. As new. (Illustrated Plate 16) 26 No. 323, Constable Rifle; No. 322, Maynard Rifle 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. MAYNARD SPORTING PERCUSSION RIFLE. First model. In mahogany case, with three barrels and a very complete outfit of tools, etc. Double set trigger. Tape primer magazine. Two barrels are rifled, one cal., .38; the other is a shot barrel, smooth bore, 24-gauge. Period, about 1855. All as new. It is said that there were only three of these sets made to order. Original cost, $1,000 each. (Illustrated) AMERICAN PERCUSSION RIFLE. L., 48 ins.; Cal., .44. Marked R. Constable, Philadelphia. Browned octagonal bar- rel. Mounted in engraved silver. Check piece set trigger and checkered grip. The beautiful patch box on the side of the stock is a fine example of the engravers art. A handsome rifle, made by one of the best early American makers. In brand new condition. Fine condition. (Illustrated) COLTS — COLTS IN CASES COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., Pens: (Cal. 31. Model, 1849. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., 11 ins.; Cal., .31. Model, 1849. All parts silver-plated (wearing off). Back strap inscribed C. E. Davenport Comp. E 14th Regt. N. Y. S. M. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., 9 pee Cale 3). Model, 1849. Octagon barrel. Round cylinder. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., 9 ansist Gal... 31. Model, 1849. Octagon barrel. Round cylinder. Back strap marked S. H. Lovell. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., 10 ities Gales o.3 L, Model, 1849. Octagon barrel and round cylinder. Silver back strap. Original bluing on other parts. Fine condition. 59 RY AUP 330. ool. Bon. Sy pt 334. oo: COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L., 91, ins.; Cal., .41. Model, 1849. Fluted cylinder and round barrel. Silver back strap inscribed To Capt. J. L. Drake, Co. I, 16th Reg. C. V. from Colts P. F. A. M. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 10 ins.; Cally wit Model, 1849, COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 10% ins.; Calir<36, Model, 1849. Round barrel, fluted cylinder. Silver back strap. COLT FIVE-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 9 ins.; Cal., .31. Model, 1849. Formerly percussion. Variant A, altered at factory to use metallic cartridge. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 10 ins.; Gala 2318 Model, 1849. Marked Address Col. Colt, London. English proofmarks. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION HOLSTER REVOLVER. L., ll ins:; Cal., .31. Model, 1849. Octagon barrel. COLT’S PRESENTATION SIX-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 13 ins.; Cals 236: Inscribed on butt N. A. M. Dudley, From the enlisted men of the 30th Mass. Vetn. Inf. Round cylinder and barrel. In case with all accessories. Hammer, trigger and cylinder of gold. Beautifully engraved silver barrel and frame. All accessories of silver, including the Colt silver flask. Ivory grips having carved in deep relief Liberty treading on a scorpion. Contained in a case of curly maple, ornamented with bands of brass inlaid with mother-of-pearl and brass bosses, with the label of H. Fol- som & Co., Charles St., New Orleans. The finest example of a presentation set the cataloguer has ever seen. All as new. (Illustrated Plate 17) 60 336. O01. 338. Plate 17 COLT DRAGOON SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .45, Round back trigger guard and square cylinder stops. In fine condition, with original bluing on frame and cylinder. Con- tained in original case with tools. It is unusual to find a dragoon in a case. (Illustrated Plate 17) PATERSON COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 7 ins.; Barrel, 4 ins.; Cal., .28. Octagon barrel marked Patent Arms Mfg Co., Paterson, N. J. Colt’s Pt. Cylinder engraved with centaur, ete. This is perhaps the rarest size of Paterson Colt, as only a few were made. This is also the only Paterson the cataloguer has ever seen in new factory condition. Tip of hammer has been broken, but repaired. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. L., 13 ins.; ale 230: All parts silver-plated. Octagonal barrel. Square back trig- ger guard, same as first model dragoon, only smaller. In mahog- any case with tools. RARE. (Illustrated Plate 18) 61 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. Plate 18 PAIR OF COLT FIVE-SHOT PERFECTED MODEL PERCUS- SION POCKET PISTOLS. L., 8 ins. Model, 1855. Fluted cylinders and original bluing on the round barrels. In mahogany case with tools. As new. (Illustrated Plate 18) COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION HOLSTER REVOLVER. L., Thins Cale 230 Model, 1849. Octagon barrel. Original bluing. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 8 ins.; Gal a315 Model, 1855. Ivory grips. In case with tools. COLT CLOVER LEAF FOUR-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. Back strap marked City 26. | New condition. COLT SIX-SHOT FRONTIER MODEL REVOLVER. L., 13 ins.; Cale. AS: Nickel-plated frame, beautifully engraved and ivory grips. A very fine piece, in new condition. COLT NEW SERVICE MODEL SIX-SHOT ARMY REVOLVER. Loveline wGaleeoa: Used by U. S. Troops in Spanish war. Original bluing. Good condition. 62 345. COLT SINGLE-SHOT CARTRIDGE DERINGER. L., 414 ins. Swings to right to load. Nickeled frame. Factory condition. 346. COLT PERFECTED PERCUSSION FIVE-SHOT REVOLVER. ie omnis; Gals 231. Model, 1855. Round cylinder, octagon barrel. Factory condition. 347. SHOULDER STOCK FOR COLT REVOLVER. L., 1714 ins. These are RARE in working condition. SEVEN FINE SETS 348. PAIR FRENCH FOUR-BARREL FLINT PISTOLS. L., 814 ins.; Cal., .45. Two center locks with pan rollers. Nicely engraved frames, checkered handles, inlaid with silver points. In walnut case. About as new. An accompanying certificate states that the pistols originally belonged to a certain prince and general of the First Empire. VERY RARE to find four-barrel flint pistols in cases. Best of condition. (Illustrated Plate 19) 63 349, 350. 351. gon: 353. PAIR ENGLISH DOUBLE-BARREL OVER-AND-UNDER FLINT PISTOLS. L., 8 ins.; Bore, 5/16 ins, smooth. Two side locks, the left one having an inclined bottom to the pan to fire the lower barrel. Hall marked 1794, and bear- ing the crest of the Earl of Litchfield. Mounted in silver. In mahogany case with tools. One of the finest pairs of this type the cataloguer has ever seen. (Illustrated Plate 19) PAIR SMALL PERCUSSION PISTOLS. L., 3% ins. Blued barrels, folding triggers. The tiny wooden stocks are finely checkered, and have silver name plates. Marked Goddard & Co., London. In mahogany case with tools. | (Illustrated Plate 19) PAIR OF ENGLISH PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 1414 ins.; Cal., .50. Rifled. Marked Willicms & Powell, Liverpool. In mahogany case with tools. Period, 1850. About as new. A letter in the case states that the pistols were used by Guion, an officer in the British army, in India, who killed his adversary. (Illustrated Plate 19) PAIR ENGLISH FLINT DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 144% ins.; Bore, 9/16-in. Marked P. Bond, No. 45 Cornhill, London. Finely checkered handles, browned, octagon barrels, gold vents, silver name plate, and all metal parts engraved. Contained in a mahogany case with all tools and original label on inside cover. Period, 1810. These pistols are as they came from the maker’s hands, never having been used. A very beautiful set that it would be hard to duplicate. (Illustrated Plate 19) \ PAIR ENGLISH PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 16 ins. From the estate of Commodore Perry, and said to have belonged to him. Marked H. Meredith, London. Spur trigger guard and set triggers. Silver mounted. Barrels nicely damas- cened with gold breech bands. In mahogany case with tools. Nice order. (Illustrated Plate 19) 64 354. Boo. 356. 307. 308. Boo. 360. 361. PAIR ENGLISH DOUBLE-BARRELED PERCUSSION PISTOLS. Ge 2: ins.: /Gal., .70. By Thomas Ellsworth Mortimer of London and Edinburgh. Back action side locks. Swivel ramrods. Brown twist barrels. Plain, strong and well made. Typical tiger pistol of British officers in India. Period, 1835. In oak case with tools. Original label in case. (Illustrated Plate 19) ENGLISH LONG PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 16 ins.; Bayonet, OP ins: * «2 | With spring dagger on top of barrel. Marked Jackson Market Harboro. Lion head silver butt plate. ENGLISH FLINT HOLSTER PISTOL. L., 16 ins. Mounted with engraved silver. Marked Bennett Royal Exchange, London. Safeties. Excellent specimen. ENGLISH FLINT POCKET PISTOL. L., 6 ins. Marked T. Richards. Silver mask butt cap. Stock silver inlaid. VERY SMALL ENGLISH FLINT CENTER HAMMER PISTOL. ‘L., 5 ins.; Gals 3d; Concealed trigger. Marked Lewis H. Tomes, London. (2) Fine specimens, PAIR OF ENGLISH FLINT TRAVELLING PISTOLS. L., 814 ins.; Bore, 14-in. Smooth. Marked Clark, Holborn, London. Very heavy octa- gon barrels with gold vents. Fine arms, in excellent condition. PAIR ENGLISH FLINT POCKET PISTOLS. L., 614 ins. Folding triggers. Marked Southall, London. Especially good workmanship. As _ new. PAIR ENGLISH FLINT CARRIAGE PISTOLS. L., 13 ins. All mountings of silver. Silver mask butt plate. Barrels of brass, partly octagon. Period, 1750. BRASS-BARREL ENGLISH FLINT HOLSTER PISTOL. L., 14 ms,; Cal... .65. Marked Kenshaw, Cambridge. Brass mountings. Barrel part octagon. Period, 1750. 65 362. ENGLISH FLINT TRAVELING PISTOL. L., 1034 ins.; Bore, %-in. Swivel ramrod, side lock with safety. Marked Tatham, Char- ing Cross. 363. PAIR ENGLISH FLINT HOLSTER PISTOLS. L., 13 ins.; Cal ei; Marked W. Ketland & Co., London. Steel barrels. Kind made for export by England to her colonies, 1790-1820. 364. IRISH FLINT POCKET PISTOLS. L., 534 ins. Marked Pattison, Dublin. Gold bushed touch hole. Finely made. As new. B75 fear eee Seed 365. REUTH’S PERCUSSION TRAP PISTOL. Two barrels with two prongs that spring out and catch the animal. (Illustrated Plate 20) 366. DOUBLE-BARREL SUPERPOSED FLINT PISTOL. L., 7% ins.; Cal., .46 | English. Center hammer. Lever for turning pan bottom to connect with lower barrel. Marked Collis, Oxford. (Illustrated Plate 20) 367. DOUBLE-BARREL FLINT POCKET PISTOL. L., 6% ins.; Cal., .45. cae by-side barrels, top hammers. Barrels unscrew for loading. (Illustrated Plate 20) 66 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. SPANISH MIGUELET FLINT BELT PISTOL. L., 1014 ins.; Cal., .60. Gold armorer’s mark on barrel. (Illustrated Plate 20) SINGLE-SHOT ENGLISH FLINT PISTOL. L., 614 ins.; Cal., .50. Center hammer. Barrel unscrews to load. (Illustrated Plate 20) UNUSUAL ENGLISH SEVEN-BARREL PERCUSSION PEPPER- BOX sb. onins.; Cal... .36. Very heavy, with seven separate barrels that unscrew for load- ing. Heavy nipple shield, concealed trigger, and frame engraved. Marked Lewis H. Tomes, London. Similar to the rare flint lock type. (Illustrated Plate 20) ENGLISH DOUBLE-BARRELED OVER-AND-UNDER PERCUS- SION POCKET PISTOL. L., 64 ins.; Cal., .41. One hammer, and barrels that turn over by hand. (Illustrated Plate 20) FRENCH FLINT POCKET PISTOL. L., 74% ins.; Cal., .45. By Le Page. Cannon barrel partly octagon, nicely engraved. Steel butt plates. (Illustrated Plate 20) SINGLE-BARREL FLINT ENGLISH PISTOL. L., 31 ins.; Cal., .50. Center hammer. Silver name plate. Marked Elston, Don- caster. (Illustrated Plate 20) PAIR ENGLISH DOUBLE-BARRELED OVER-AND-UNDER FLINT POCKET PISTOLS. L., 714 ins. One lock with roller pan. Silver mask butt plate, silver wire inlaid on stock. Marked Derby. A good pair, in fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 20) PAIR EARLY “QUEEN ANNE” TYPE ENGLISH FLINT PIS- TOLS. Half stocks to allow unscrewing of barrels to load. Brass mountings terminating in mask butt plates. Side plates in form of trophies. Marked Inman. Fine pair, in nice shape. (Illustrated Plate 20) 67 a) 376. RARE AMERICAN AIR GUN. L., 23 ins. ; It has 614-inch round barrel. By pulling down on the trigger guard, which forms the lever, the air is compressed in the reser- voir in the stock. A. UNIQUE PIECE. (Illustrated Plate 21) 377. FRENCH HUNTING SWORD WITH FLINT PISTOL AT- TACHED. L., 2714 ins.; Pistol Barrel, 334 ins. Pistol is on right side of blade. The sword guard is shell- shaped. - (Illustrated Plate 21) 378. COMBINATION WEAPON, SWORD AND SIX-SHOT PIN-FIRE REVOLVER. L., over all, 261% ins.; Cal., .44. The 1914-inch sword blade is underneath the barrel of the pistol. Barrel marked Lefaucheux Brevet. Has spur trigger cuard. Fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 21) 68 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. ENGLISH FLINT BLUNDERBUSS DAGGER PISTOL. L., 12% ins.; Muzzle, 7-in. Has spring dagger under barrel. Marked Waters Patent. The patent was for the dagger catch, operated by an extra trigger. Brass barrel and frame. Silver mask butt. A RARE and fine piece. (Illustrated Plate 21) SHORT HEAVY SWISS CROSSBOW. L., 27 ins. The butt like a wheelock, and is inlaid with ivory, showing scroll work and designs of animals. Inlaid on top of stock in ivory is a finely executed design of a fox running. Various ivory inlay on other parts. A paper attached to the bow reads 16th Century Times of Luther. German or Swiss. A MUSEUM PIECE. (Illustrated Plate 21) EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY CROSSBOW. L., 2314 ins. With ratchet and crank. The stock is covered with ivory inlay of ornamental, floral and other designs. The ratchet, which is of steel, is completely engraved with various designs. A VERY RARE type of crossbow, and in good condition, save that crank is not original. (Illustrated Plate 21) GERMAN AIR PISTOL. L., 17 ins. Breech-loading. The air chamber is in the butt. Period, about 1700. Inoperative. (Illustrated Plate 21) JAPANESE MATCHLOCK PISTOL. L., 18 ins. There is silver inlay of a dragon nearly the full length of the barrel. Early type. (Illustrated Plate 21) ENGLISH DAGGER FLINT BLUNDERBUSS. L., 26 ins.; Diam. of Muzzle, 114 ins. By Twigg, London. Brass barrel with folding bayonet on top of barrel. Very fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 21) ARABIAN HORSEMAN’S FLINT BLUNDERBUSS BREAST GUN. L., 2144 ins.; Length of Barrel, 1144 ins.; Diameter at Muzzle, 21% ins. Barrel engraved, and is inlayed from end to end in silver of various designs, and is attached to the stock by a silver sleeve six inches long. Trigger guard, side plate and butt plate all of silver. A very fine piece. (Illustrated Plate 21) . 69 GO =e fos 336. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391° $92. 393. 24° 394. 395. 396. NORTH AFRICAN HORSEMAN’S FLINT SMALL BLUNDER- BUSS GUN. L., 1814 ins.; Diam. of Muzzle, 144-in. | Barrel inlaid with silver from breech to muzzle. Accompany- ing is an ornamented ramrod with ring for attaching to ban- dolier. SHORT BLUNDERBUSS FLINT PISTOL. L., 714 ins.; Diam. at Muzzle, 1-in. : Brass frame and barrel. Rare to find a flint blunderbuss pistol in this size. IRISH FLINT BLUNDERBUSS PISTOL. L., 15 ins.; Diam. of Muzzle, 13/-in. Brass barrel and mountings. Marked Alex Wilson, Dublin. Fine piece. Heavy brass mask butt plate. PAIR OF FRENCH FLINT POCKET PISTOLS. L., 7 ins. Plain steel fittings, full-length stocks, whose butts terminate in a carved monster’s head. UNUSUAL. PAIR FRENCH FLINT DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 14 ins. Multigrooved rifling, set triggers and silver mounted. Octa- gon barrels. Locks marked Brezol Laine a Charleville. FRENCH FLINT POCKET PISTOL. L., 8 ins. Marked N. Duin. Admirable design and workmanship. FRENCH FLINT MARINE PISTOL. L., 1334 ins.; Cal., .70 Heavy brass mountings. Model, 1805. FRENCH DRAGOON FLINT PISTOL. L., 1314 ins.; Cal., .75. Of the type that Lafayette brought over. Marked St. Etienne. Brass mounted and belt hook. Copied by North for the first U. S. pistol. OLD JAPANESE PILLOW MATCH LOCK PISTOL. L., 1714 ins. Plain, and made for use. - TURKISH FLINT PISTOL. L., 19 ins.; Cal., .60 Stock very nicely carved. Heavy chiseled metal sleeve extend: ing 514 ins. from muzzle. Fine hand chiseled butt plate. PAIR OF FLINT LOCK POCKET PISTOLS. L., 714 ins. Locks marked Corbaua a Mastrich. Fittings of brass nicely engraved, terminating in a mask butt plate. 70 These pistols are unusually slender, with ball trigger and heavy round ball butt of ivory. The full-length stocks covered with snakes’ skin. Fore stock slightly damaged on one. A nice pair of this Cossack type. : : 7 PAIR MIGUELET FLINT PISTOLS. L., 19 ins.; Cal., .50. : | 398. PAIR ITALIAN FLINT PISTOLS. L., 9 ins. : Half octagon barrels. Mountings of chiseled steel and original : steel ramrods. Marked P. Lorandi. Period, 1750. 999. ITALIAN FLINT PISTOL. L., 2114 ins.; Bore, %-in. Steel mountings richly ornamented with embossing and engraving of elegance, which have a gilt background. The stock of handsome natural figure is skilfully carved. Period, 1750. PERCUSSION PISTOLS 400. LARGE SIZE “MY FRIEND” FIVE-SHOT KNUCKLE DUSTER. Cylinder Length, 134 ins.; Cal., .32. All metal. Nickel-plated. 401. RIM-FIRE FIVE-SHOT CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L., 29 ins.; Cals. 2:50. Cylinder chambered for .32 Cal. The long barrel was added over the original one. 402. VERY SHORT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 734, ins. The barrel, which unscrews for loading and is 21% ins. long, has a bore %-in. Concealed trigger and cap box in butt. AN ODD PIECE. 403. AMERICAN TWO-SHOT PISTOL. L., 7 ins. Similar to the Lindsay, but has two triggers. Two hammers. Two shots from the single barrel. Brass frame. Rare. 404. PAIR OF PHILADELPHIA DERINGERS. L., 6 ins.; Cal., .45. Two gold breech bands. Barrels marked Deringer Phila., made for F. E. Clark & Co., Memphis, Tenn. Silver mounted, and cap box in butts. In case with tools. Fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 22) 71 Plate 22 405. PAIR OF SILVER MOUNTED PERCUSSION DUELLING PIS- TOLLS: (G0iba4 nee Galati: . By Richard Constable of Philadelphia. Smooth bore. Octa- gon barrels with gold breech bands and set triggers. An extra barrel, which is rifled. In case with tools. Early American gunsmiths made very few sets of duelling pistols. Hence they are EXCEEDINGLY RARE. As new. (Illustrated Plate 22) 406. PAIR OF AMERICAN PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 1414 ins., with 814-inch octagon barrels; Smooth Bore, 7/16-in. By Robertson, Philadelphia. Admirably designed and made. Half stocks, and have the shape of handle peculiar to American makers of duelling pistols. In case with tools. About as new. (Illustrated Plate 22) 407. PAIR SAW-HANDLE FLINT LOCK DUELLING PISTOLS. L., 16 ins.; Cal., .60. Half stocks of handsome wood, closely checked grips. All steel fittings finely engraved. V-shaped flashpans lined with gold and gold vents. Safeties and rain drains. Gold seal on barrel and lockplate bearing the maker’s name, Haslett, Balti- more. In case with tools and original label. A fine set, in almost new condition, by an American maker. (Illustrated Plate 22) Te 408. 409. 410. All. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. PAIR OF SINGLE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET PISTOLS. L., fanses: Gals, 50. , Barrels marked Constable, 1818. Barrels of beautiful brown twist, and nicely chiseled and engraved. Gold breech band. Constable was a noted early American gunmaker. A VERY RARE pair, in almost new condition. Main spring in one is missing. ALLEN SIX-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 614 ins. Barrel and frame nicely engraved. Ebony grips. ALLEN FOUR-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 6 ins.; Cal., .31. Not very common in this number of shots. ALLEN & THURBER SIX-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 7 ins. The type with shallow, fluted barrel. About as new. ALLEN & THURBER SINGLE-SHOT PERCUSSION FLAT TOP HAMMER POCKET REVOLVER. L., 434 ins.; Cal., .36. ALLEN & WHEELOCK SIX-SHOT NAVY PERCUSSION RE- VOLVER. L., 1314 ins.; Cal., .36. Side hammer. Engraved cylinder. Fine condition. ALLEN & WHEELOCK SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION NAVY RE- VOLVER. L., 13% ims.; Cal., .36. Side hammer. Nice condition. > ALLEN & WHEELOCK SIX-SHOT ARMY PERCUSSION RE- VOLVER. L., 131% ims.; Cal., .45. With original blueing. New condition. - UNDER-HAMMER SIX-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 8 ins.; Cal., .31. Marked Bacon & Co., Norwich, Ct. Rare, with odd under-hammer. COOPER FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 1034 ins.; Cal., .38. Marked Cooper Fire Arms Mfg. Co., Frankford, Phila., Pa. Shouldered cylinder. All original blueing. About as new. 73 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. HOARD’S ARMORY PERCUSSION SIX-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 13 ins.; Cal., .44. Marked Freeman’s Pat.——Hoard’s Armory Watertown, N. Y. Original blueing. MAYNARD TAPE LOCK SIX-SHOT REVOLVER. L., 614 ins.; Calee23: Cylinder turns by hand. Ivory grips. Silver trigger guard. Engraved frame and cylinder. About as new. MASSACHUSETTS ARMS CO. (WESSON & LEAVITT) SIX- SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 114% ins.; Cal., .31. Maynard primer. Cylinder turns by hand only. Silver back strap. MOORE SIX-SHOT CARTRIDGE POCKET REVOLVER. L., 714 ins. Early type. Loaded from the front of cylinder. MARSTON THREE-BARREL CARTRIDGE KNIFE PISTOL. L., 6 anse2eGalzei22: Patented 1857. Has indicator to show the barrels fired, and sliding knife on left side of barrels. MANHATTAN FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 114 ins.; Cal., .36. , Marked Manhattan Firearms Co., Newark, N. J. All meta] parts nickeled and elaborately engraved. Ivory grips. MANHATTAN SIX-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 614 ins. PECARE & SMITH FOUR-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX. L., 614 ins.; Cal., .34. Brass frame, folding trigger. Top snap hammer, of which the end is broken. ROGERS & SPENCER SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY RE- VOLVER. L., 1314 ins.; Cal., .45. Original bluing. Fine condition. REMINGTON NEW MODEL FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION RE- VOLVER. L., 834 ins.; Cal., .36. Nickel frame. 74 on ¢ SIX RARE LOCKS 428. SNAPHAUNCE LOCK. L., 61% ins. Sliding pan cover. See Note No. 32. (Illustrated Plate 23) 429, CARVED ITALIAN FLINTLOCK. L., 41% ins. Has peculiar safety to pan. Marked Antonio, Mastre Fiorenza. (Illustrated Plate 23) 430. MIGUELET FLINT LOCK. L., 41% ins. Covered with small engraved figures in relief. (Illustrated Plate 23) 431. LARGE WHEELOCK PLATE LOCK. L., 9 ins. Carved and inlaid with small bronze and copper discs. (Illustrated Plate 23) Plate 23 432. EUROPEAN MATCH LOCK. L., 8 ins. VERY RARE. (Illustrated Plate 23) 433. ENORMOUS BRASS FLINT LOCK. L., 714 ins.; Height, 2% ins.; Breadth of Pan, 2 ins.; Breadth of Frizzen, 2 ins.; Height of Hammer, 6 ins.; Length of Mainspring, 6 ins. Marked Tower and coronet with G. R. Apparently made for some huge wall gun, as it is operated with a trigger. (Illustrated Plate 23) 434. REMINGTON FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET RE- VOLVER. L., 61 ins.; Cal., .31. Beal’s patent. Ratchet for turning cylinder on the outside of frame. 75 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. REMINGTON DOUBLE-BARRELED DERINGER. L., 5 ins.; Caleedds Superposed, tips up to load. Nickeled frame and pearl grips. As new. REMINGTON-RIDER MAGAZINE PISTOL. L., 6 ins. A magazine under the barrel automatically feeds cartridge to the chamber. Frame nickel-plated and finely engraved. REMINGTON-ELLIOTT SMALL SINGLE-SHOT PISTOL. L., 514 ins.; Cal., .41. So made than the face of the hammer backs the cartridge as. a breech block. Commonly called a palm pistol. As new. SAVAGE PERCUSSION SIX-SHOT ARMY REVOLVER. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .44. Marked Savage R. F. A. Co. Middletown, Ct. Re-blued. SHARPS FOUR-BARREL POCKET PISTOL. L., 544 ins.; Cal., .30. Has ivory grips with head of Grecian warrior in relief. Silver- plated frame. Handsome little weapon. SHARP & HANKINS FOUR-BARREL METALLIC CARTRIDGE PISTOL? .L., 544, anses Galiano: Birds’ head butt. SHARPS FOUR-SHOT PEPPERBOX TYPE OF PISTOL. La 51% ins.; Cal., .30. SMITH & WESSON SEVEN-SHOT CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. L., 634 ins. Pearl grips. SINGLE-SHOT CARTRIDGE PISTOL. L., 614 ins.; Cal., .22. Marked Stafford, New Haven, Conn. As new. 76 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449, ERS... L..5 ins. ;: Cal., .44. 450. 451. 452. STARR PERCUSSION SIX-SHOT ARMY REVOLVER. L., 134% ins.; Cal., .44. Beautifully checked ivory handles. Original blueing. As new. LONG VOLCANIC MAGAZINE PISTOL. L., 14 ins.; Cal., .38. Steel barrel, brass frame. Model, 1854. Marked Volcanic Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn. MASSACHUSETTS ARMS CO. (WESSON & LEAVITT) SIX- SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L., 714% ins.; Cal., .28. Maynards primer. Cylinder turns by action of hammer. SINGLE-SHOT FRANK WESSON CARTRIDGE PISTOL. L., 9 ins. Tip-up frame; leaver under frame releases barrel. WHITNEY SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. L., 13 ins.; -Cal., .36. Marked E. Whitney, N. Haven. U. S. PAIR WILLIAMSON’S SINGLE-SHOT CARTRIDGE DERING- Bronze mounted. Blue barrel. New condition. ALRIGHT FIVE-SHOT PALM REVOLVER. L., 4 ins.; Cal., .22. This is a freak revolver, made by the Wright Arms Co., Lawrence, Mass., and so marked. Nearly new. PAIR SMITH & WESSON CARTRIDGE SIX-SHOT REVOLVER. Peet eins Cal... .32. These are of the first type, tip up to load. Marked on barrel, Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Mass. In case. As new. ALLEN & THURBER VERY HEAVY SINGLE-SHOT PERCUS- SION TARGET PISTOL. L., 1714 ins.; Cal., about .28. Heavy octagon barrel, l-inch in diameter. Finely checkered stock, into which screws a peep sight. Spur trigger guard. Detachable shoulder stock. Contained in a case with full set of accessories. 3 A vERY UNUSUAL piece. All in new condition. 77 453. 454, 4595. 456. 457. Plate 24 POWDER HORNS POWDER HORN. L., 12 ins. Iingraved with lizards, snake, pierced heart, ete. (Illustrated Plate 24) DEEPLY ENGRAVED SILVER TRIMMED POWDER HORN. L., 8 ins. Dated 1786, and lettered A. O. D. Flat form, silver tip show- ing hunter in relief firing at an eagle, with wide band of leaf and scroll carving. (Illustrated Plate 24) SPANISH POWDER HORN. L., 9 ins. Marked Roque Padilla. Flat wide horn, with steel belt hook; also engraved and steel engraved base. (Illustrated Plate 24) SPANISH POWDER FLASK. L., 8 ins. Marked Fran, Anto Garzia M. R. Flat, curved grey horn, ribbed at base, with belt hook and charger. (Illustrated Plate 24) SIXTEENTH CENTURY WHITE POWDER HORN. Double tip base, flattened to stand upright. Incised with Pan and nymph, hunter on an elephant, dark horn, four-inch tip. (Illustrated Plate 24) . 78 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. OLD DEER’S ANTLERS POWDER HORN. L., 11 ins. Spreading tip and horn charger. Carved with deer and curi- ous old designs of the Middle Ages. (Illustrated Plate 24) RARE DOUBLE HORN POWDER HORN. L., 614 ins. Two horn compartments. Marked 5./.2. Silver mountings and name plate, with slight carving. (Illustrated Plate 24) LARGE SCOTCH POWDER HORN. L., 13 ins. Silver butt and tip. Carved deeply in a thistle pattern and set with large pink Cairngorm. (Illustrated Plate 24) PRETTY LITTLE PISTOL POWDER HORN. L., 6 ins. Carved brass charger and tip. Dated 1859. (Illustrated Plate 24) SMALL PERSIAN ALL-STEEL POWDER FLASK. L., 4 ins. Boat-shaped. (Illustrated Plate 24) DISC-SHAPED POWDER FLASK. Diam., 614 ins. Made of burl walnut. Bound with ornamented brass and heavy brass chain. Dated 1600. VerRY RARE. (Illustrated Plate 24) PERCUSSION PISTOLS, INCLUDING THE RARE 464. 465. 466. 467. “FREAKS” VERY FINE UNDER-HAMMER PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 1014 ins.+, Gals, .222 The leg handle of handsome grained wood, bound with engraved brass. Dog’s head hammer. DOUBLE-BARRELED SIDE-BY-SIDE PERCUSSION PISTOLS. L., 714 ins.; Cal., .48. : Center hammer with concealed triggers. DOUBLE-BARRELED PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 914 ins. Two hammers worked with one trigger. Ramrod missing. ODD-SHAPED PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 734 ins.; Cal., .22. Bronze frame. 79 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. PAIR SINGLE-SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOLS. L., 7 ins.; Cal., .50 Damascus barrels. Engraved frame. Concealed triggers and fluted ebony handles. ENGLISH KNIFE PISTOL. Takes a center-fire cartridge, and has a swinging breech block and cartridge extractor. There is one bowie knife-shaped blade. The trigger folds. A recess in the butt holds two cartridges, with one in its place. The handle is of checkered brass. In fine condition, and RARE PIECE. SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION TRAP PISTOL. L., 7 ins.; Cylinder, L., 334 ins. The cylinder is divided into two parts; the front part is sta- tionery and has a single nipple connecting all chambers; the rear part moves back and acts as a hammer that fires all six shots at once. _ A VERY UNIQUE PIECE. SMALL PERCUSSION BLUNDERBUSS PISTOL. L., 714 ins.; Diam. of Muzzle, 1 in. SAW HANDLE PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 11 ins. All metal except wood grips. Swivel ramrod. Very strongly made. PAIR TINY PERCUSSION PISTOLS. L., 334 ins. Ivory handles, engraved frames, blued barrels, folding trig- gers. In case with tools. As new. PAIR ENGLISH FLINT BLUNDERBUSS PISTOLS. L., 914 ins.; Diam. of Muzzle, %-in. Brass barrels marked Tower G. R. Typical British official arm such as were issued to British excise and revenue officers. Government pistols of the blunderbuss type were very rarely issued. (Illustrated Plate 25) VERY LARGE Acer & THURBER Se: SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 10 ins.: Cal., Eneraved ee ang ivory grips. tH mahogany case with tools. With spur trigger guard. A fine piece. (Illustrated Plate 25) 80 476. 477, 478. 479. 480. 481. PIN-FIRE TEN-SHOT REPEATING PISTOL. Length of Barrel, Alf, ins.; Cal., 8 mm. Commonly called the Harmonica Pistol. The magazine, which is removable, is at right angles to the grip, operating through the frame of the pistol. The trigger not only fires the piece, but moves the magazine to the left, positioning each cartridge for firing. All metal of bright steel, finely engraved. Contained in case, VERY RARE. Fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 25) PAIR OF FRENCH FLINT CARRIAGE PISTOLS. L., 12 ins. Marked on the lock, Delarou Bordeaux. Trigger guard marked in French, First prixe in the horse race at Decerne, given by central office of Bordeaux, the Ist of the Ist month, 1800. On the name plate is Guillaume Duvergier, who presumably won the race and the pistols. An interesting pair of the period of the French Revolution. (Illustrated Plate 25) PAIR DOUBLE-BARREL SUPERPOSED FLINT PISTOLS. L., 5 ins.; Length of Barrels, 2 ins. Closely-checked handles. Period, 1770. Pistols of this type in so small a size are VERY RARE. (Illustrated Plate 25) UNIQUE PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 15 ins.; Cal., .65. Made by Joseph Manton. Barrel half octagon, rifled. By pressing a spring the barrel tips up for loading. The arm is then cocked with a lever on right side of frame. Beautifully checkered stock, frame and parts handsomely engraved with coat of arms, lion’s head, scrolls, etc. The plunger on bammer seems to be gone. Engraved on top of barrel is Joseph Manton Pat. Hanover Square, London. Only one known. The workmanship on interior of lock; in fact, throughout, is simply superb. The maker well deserved the title bestowed on him, King of the gun-smiths. (Illustrated Plate 25) FRENCH SIX-SHOT FOLDING TRIGGER CARTRIDGE PEP- PERBOX. L., 414 ins. Rammer in butt. Finely engraved, and of the type that resembles a revolver, but is made with the cylinder only. Perfect working order, and about as new. (Illustrated Plate 25) ENGLISH FLINT PISTOL. L., 12 ins.; Bore, %-in. Marked Wilson, London. Cannon-shaped barrel. Stock ends in front of trigger guard. Woodwork of maple, and light col- ored. Mask butt plate, name shield and side plate of sculp- tured silver. Period, 1700. (Illustrated Plate 25) 82 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. A488. 439. VERY TINY JAPANESE MATCH LOCK PISTOL. L., 4 ins. This is the smallest of its kind the cataloguer has ever seen. Finely made, and in perfect condition. (Illustrated Plate 25) PERCUSSION SIDE HAMMER SINGLE-SHOT PISTOL. L., 11% ins. Barrel unscrews for loading. Concealed hammer breaks out of side by pulling on ring. The same action drops the con- cealed trigger. Ebony handle, cap box in butt. An UNUSUAL PIECE. (Illustrated Plate 25) FRENCH PERCUSSION POCKET PISTOL. L., 614 ins. Damascened and engraved. As new. (Illustrated Plate 25) PERCUSSION PISTOL WITH HEAVY CUTLASS BLADE ATTACHED UNDER THE BARREL. Length of Pistol, 9 ins.; Length of Blade, 91% ins. Period, 1845. VERY RARE, (Illustrated Plate 25) IVORY HANDLE BLUDGEON PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 111% mes: Galk,-:40, All metal parts nickeled. Perfectly straight, and looks like a baton. (Illustrated Plate 25) SMALLEST CARTRIDGE PISTOL KNOWN. L., 4 ins. Swings to side to load. (Illustrated Plate 25) ENGLISH FLINT DOUBLE-BARREL SIDE-BY-SIDE PISTOL. L., 1014 ins. : With one center lock. Brass barrels and frame. The pan for the left barrel has a sliding cover operated by a stud on the left side of the frame. Marked London. Excellent specimen, and VERY RARE. (Illustrated Plate 25) THE PROTECTOR REVOLVING SEVEN-SHOT DISC PISTOL. L., 544 ins.; Barrel, 11% ins. . Palm pistol with pearl sides and nickel finish. New condition. ‘Tilustrated Plate 25) 83 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. COMBINATION KNUCKLE DUSTER AND REVOLVING SIX- SHOT PISTOL. Full length, when open, 91% ins; when closed, 41, ins. With folding dagger and brass knuckles, all of which can be folded into small space or opened up for business. Marked R. Jones, 60 Dale St., Liverpool. Practically brand new. (Illustrated Plate 25) FRENCH BLUNDERBUSS PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 9 ins.; Diam. at Muzzle, 114 ins. : The barrel of twist steel is cannon-shaped. Folding trigger and fluted handle. As new. (Illustrated Plate 25) RARE FOUR-SHOT FLINTLOCK “DUCK’S FOOT” PISTOL. L., 8 inches.; Cal., about .45. Four individual barrels, which unscrew. Engraved brass frame with safety. Closely-checked grip, with silver name plate. Marked G. Goodwin & Co., London. This is a fine specimen of this strikingly UNUSUAL PIECE. ExceEs- SIVELY RARE. (Illustrated Plate 25) MARIETTE TYPE FOUR-BARRELED PEPPERBOX. L., 7 ins. Barrels unscrew for loading. Ring trigger. (Illustrated Plate 25) DOUBLE-BARREL SUPERPOSED FLINT POCKET PISTOL. Lite ins.suGal=45, Two-inch spring bayonet under the barrels is released by pull- ing back the trigger guard. Center hammer. Lever turns pan bottom to connect with lower barrel. Marked George E. Jones, Birmingham. (Illustrated Plate 25). DOUBLE-BARREL SUPERPOSED FLINT PISTOL. L., 81% ins.; Cal., .45. Safety. Center hammer. Frame and barrels of brass. Lever turns pan bottom to connect with lower barrel. Nice piece. (Illustrated Plate 25) BEAT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX. L., 814 ins.; Cal., ai metal parts are of brass. Rare American piece. (Illustrated Plate 25) 84 497. 498. 499, 200. 001. 202. 503. 204. MARIETTE TYPE SIX-BARREL PEPPERBOX. L., 71% ins. Barrels unscrew for loading. Nicely engraved frame. Ring trigger. (Illustrated Plate 25) BRASS THREE-BARREL FLINT PISTOL. L., 814 ins. English. Barrels unscrew for loading. Pan bottom turns over to connect with the several barrels by means of a crank. Marked Knubley, London. VERY RARE piece, in good condition. (Illustrated Plate 25) VERY UNUSUAL AND UNIQUE SINGLE-SHOT UNDER-HAM- MER PERCUSSION PISTOL. L., 7 ins. Marked J. B. Cooper's patent, 1849. Ring trigger, double action. The hammer is attached to the barrel at the muzzle, and runs back and acts as its own mainspring. New condition. (Illustrated Plate 25) DARLING PERCUSSION FOUR-SHOT PEPPERBOX. L., 81% gee Gals 231. The ‘arrels are bored out of one solid piece of brass. Rare early American piece. (Illustrated Plate 25) FLINT POWDER TESTER. The force of explosion forces a large disk around to different numbers marked there (1 to 12) until opposite a pointer showing the strength of powder. (Illustrated Plate 25) UNUSUAL KNIFE FLINT LOCK PISTOL. Heavy four-inch blade contained in a horn handle. Attached to the steel frame is the lock with outside spring and barrel. Blade nicked. Flint knife pistols seldom found. (Illustrated Plate 25) PISTOL-SHAPED BRASS POWDER TESTER. L., 7 ins. Ecossais type, having wheel on which a disk is attached. On discharging, the force turns the wheel, showing the strength of the powder. Marked Grice, London. (Illustrated Plate 25) ORGAN maha SIX-SHOT CARTRIDGE PISTOL. Le 634 ins.; Cal., Six sath: Aaa. pins, one over the other, operating one after the other. Flat brass frame. (Illustrated Plate 25) 85 905. VERY TINY MARIETTE TYPE PEPPERBOX. L., 5 ins. Four barrels that unscrew for loading. Beautiful piece, as new. (Illustrated Plate 25) 506. NOEL TEN-SHOT DISK REVOLVER. L., 9 ins.; Cal., .6 M.M.A. French make. Hammer right side strikes horizontally, like that of the Porter rifle. Loaded on the left side by removing the disk. Folding trigger. The trigger movement cocks, revolves and fires. 7 Few used during the latter part of the Civil War. A rarz piece, in good condition. See Sawyer’s Book, p. 84 of Vol. 2. (Illustrated Plate 25) SUPERPOSED TWO-BARRELED CARTRIDGE PISTOL. L.,, 1514 ins.; Cal., .40. With sliding dagger between the barrels. Marked Frank Wes- son, Worcester, Mass. Pat. 1869. (Illustrated Plate 25) val