Dacia SO het i ad a Sab "5. dace’ 5 Tac be # Vy
6 rar nA Ay TG
CAbich will be Sold by Auctton, by
On. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1848,
¢ wt | Commencing at Twelve o'clock precisely each Day. ares:
{ For particulars of Catalogues, see next page.
a =
Catalogues to be had, price FirrzEn Suiiiines each, to admit Four Persons,
during the View and Sale, of Messrs. Curriz, Woopcarz, and WILLIAMs,
32; Lineoln’s Inn Fields; Messrs. Barker and Bowker, 1, Gray's Inn Square ;
Messrs. Licutroot, Rosson, and Licutroot, 26, Casile Street, Leicester. Square;
Messrs. Norris and Sons, 2, Bedford Fico 3% and at Messrs. Curistiz and
Manson’s Offices, 8, King Street, St. James’s Square. Also, at Manchester, of
Mr. Acyew, or Mr. Grunpy; at Liverpool, of Mr. Grunpy ; at Birmingham, of
Mr. James Norton; at Oxford, of Mr. Ryman: at Buckingham, of Mr. CHANDLER ;
at Aylesbury, at the Office of “The Bucks Herald;” at Northampton, of
Mr. Watzspy; and at the Wolverton and Euston Stations.
*.* The Vinw will commence on Tuurspay, Auaust 3, when
Parties not provided with a Catalogue, will purchase a copy on onlenee
the Mansion. - +. + = pus eed ee ee
.~--- =
*,." The nearest point on the Nort Western Raiiway is the WOLVERTON
oF \ et «te aGrhon.
The Sale will commence each Day at Twelve o'clock punctually.
Tuesday, August 15, 1848. — Lor
The 6 Drawing Hoorn Majelice, or Raffaelle Ware , coh ta: 18S
Wednesday, August 16, 1848.
Japan Closet—Majolica, or Raffaelle Ware ; ; Drawing
oom Chinn, Bronzes, &e. - .. A ag sdhnges
Thursday, August 17, 1848."
Shakspeare Closet-—Majolica, or Raffaelle Ware ; Tapestry
Drawing Room? .«:: eo. cal ox C euvii tl 66. £00894.
- 2
~-. Friday, August 18, 1848. |
Tapestry Drawing Room (continued)—China, Bijouterie,
> Raffaelle Ware; State. Drawing Room—Furniture 395 to 533
Saturday, August 19, 1848. es: ae
State Drawing Room (continued) Furniture, &e.. —-. - 584-to 639
i } b2
iv Order of Sale.
Monday, August 21, 1848. Lor
Saloon, North Hall—Antique Sculpture . wot 2) 650:to 783
Tuesday, August 22, 1848. |
Music Room; Library; Print Room —..- : . 784 to 914
Wednesday, August 23, 1848,
Print Rao (continued)—Sévres, Dresden, Oriental, and .
English Table China; State Dressing Room . 915 to 1038
Thursday, August 24, 1848.
State Dressing Room (centinued)--Table China (con-
tinued); State Bedchamber ; : . 1039 to 1160
n Woe
Friday, August 25, 1848.
Ante Library —Antique Marbles, Bronzes, &c., Etrus-
~ can Vases . : : : : wooo eth leto 1284
Tuesday, August 29,1848.
Cellar of Wines ‘ : p A wie) ora ad Sendak
Wednesday, August 30,1848.
Cellar of Wines (continued) .
. ; yg 192 te 808
Order of Sale. v
Thursday, August 31, 1848. Lor.
Services. of Gilt Glass ; Buckingham Rooms; Chapel | - :
Passage ; and Vestibule to Grenville Drawing
Room : oy are eee i. F ; . 1285 to 1408
Friday, September 1, 1848.
Grenville Drawing Room; West and East Corridors;
and Nugent Staircase . : . 1414 to 1548
Saturday, September 2, 1848.
Cellar of Wines (continued) . : . : . 9809 to 463
Monday, September 4, 1848.
Service of Plate ‘ : / fe : ‘ 1 to 162
Tuesday, September 5, 1848.
Service of Plate (continued) . Jy ie . l68to 334
Wednesday, September 6, 1848.
Service of Plate (continued) . : ; : . 8835 to 498
Thursday, September 7, 1848.
Service of Plate (continued) . . : . - 499 to 659
vi Order of Sale.-
a Friday, eon og 1 ag og HO
Service of Plate (continued) a ~ 660 to 830"
Tuesday, September 12, 1848. _
Collection of Pictures ~...3, 6 3.) 8.4. ms meh ee “ Lto 141
Wig a ee Le ednesday, Seniember 13, 1848.
Collection of Picturés keonitinned) mikirateh &e. Pt. 142 to 280
Tharsday, ee ae 14, 1848.
Collection of Pictures (continued) meme
_ Friday,. September. 15, ‘1848,
Collection of Pictures (continued) . a a 4 383 to 438
Saturday, sate! 16, i848. bs
Cellar of Wine—(last “portion — es ae 464 to 516
c ms Pig ONS
~ Monday, September 18, 1848, - ~
Gronille Rooms, Cobham Rooms, ° and ee | e
Rene te . 1549-to 1673:
; Order of ‘Sale. Vii
— Tuesday, September 19, 1848. Lor
Bishop's . Rooms, Temple Rooms, and Plantagenet tobwiapth
Rooms : : : : ; ; . 1674 to 1800
vee, Wednesday, September 20, 1848. itogh ‘xiioraet
Bast Fie Bedrooms : . 1801 to 1935
Thursday, September 21, 1848.
Clarence and Chandos Bedrooms . ¢ : . 1936 to 2064
Friday, September 22, 1848.
Chandos and Arundel Rooms A ‘ : . 2066 to 2204
Tuesday, September 26, 1848.
Japan Rooms—Glass, &c. . : . 2205 to 2324
Wednesday, September 27, 1848.
Kast Wing—Chapel Rooms—Armour, of Carton
Pierre, &c. ; : ‘ : ; . 23825 to 2425
Thursday, September 28, 1848.
Service of Cut Glass, Bronzes, Organs, Ebony Furniture,
and Summer Dining Room . : - . 2426 to 2547
viii Order of Sale.
Friday, September 29, 1848. Lor
Bachelor’s Gallery—Bedrooms : : . 2548 to 2690
Saturday, September 30, 1848.
Servants’ Rooms ; : ; . 2691 to 2810
mumerabrary. = sl aie hash gly (i
Weetee, , wt. 7
emmone = ere s l| ltl, 8
Peeters es) > = fo 4. 246
Arundel Gallery and Rooms 214,232,236
Arundel Passage oe epee BOS
Bachelors’ Gallery . . . . 257
Basement Passage . . . . 246
Basement Rooms . . . . 265
muneps Rooms /7 ... .. . 208
Re Oi siresiiis 4) e217
Oe he pe ket | TT
Buckingham Rooms. . . 103, 221
Meets =), ell Cf, 245
Chandos Gallery. . . . .. 281
Chandos Rooms . . . .»« .s- Aa/
Meyer aMeADe. . 4. exer. 2, 106
Cuere:Hoome . .°*. . . 248
China 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 26, 38, 41, 60, 67,
68, 69
Chinese Bronzes .. . .« . «. 109
Coins toooms 6S et, «215
Clarence Rooms. . . . . °223
Ceppeio0nws i ae |.) 7208
Coramriuist--) oo...) .. » 114
omiceroWerte we) se CTY
Drawing Room . Ns Bad a
Seen.) SLO 288, 251
Ryreek rottety . . . . . 82
Grenville Rooms. . 107, 110, 201
Hall, North . 45, 46, 47
- Japan Closet .
Japan Rooms
Majolica .
Music.Room .
MS. Library .
Nugent Rooms
Pink Rooms .,
Plantagenet Rooms
Piste. *,
Print Room ,
Raffaelle Ware
Saloon . «
Sculpture .
Servants’ Hall
Shakspeare Closet
State Bath Room
State Bedroom
State Dressing Room
State Dining Room
State Drawing Room
_ Stairs, East .
Stairs, West
Stucco Passage
Summer Dining Room .
Tapestry Drawing Room
Temple Rooms
Vestibule to Colonnade
. 5,6, 15, 22, 32, 42
, a
EO, OF 15, 22,92, 42
37 3254
. 204
ni guteet
. eke
® 125
58, 63
». 87, 116, 194
I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between
two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put
up again and re-sold.
II. No person to advance less than 1s.—above Five Pounds, 5s.—and so on in
III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay
down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of
the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or
Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold.
IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults and Errors of Description, at
the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the Sale; Messrs.
Curistie and Manson not considering themselves answerable for the
correct description or authenticity of any Lot.
V. To prevent inaccuracy in deliyery, and inconvenience in the settlement of
the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time
of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be
paid on delivery.
VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited
in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the
time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the
Deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the
Defaulter at this Sale.
7 : aasn() ay OLS ABL, US % Seq
Prep irgie
agree bs
First Day’s Sale.
On TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1848,
CHINA, &c.
1 A pair of kylins, made of shells; a pair of japan boxes; 2 curious cups, with
festoons; 2 taper stands; a junk; and some other pieces of lacquer
2 A box; a work box; and a basket—in Chinese carved ivory
3 Eighteen plates, of rich old Japan :
4 Twelve fruit dishes, of old blue and white
5 Twelve ditto
6 Six large blue and white dishes
7 One hundred pieces of old blue and white
8 Various pieces of Dresden and oriental—imperfect
| B2
4 First Day's Sale.
9 A teapot, of oriental white ware, with a gilt spout; an incense burner and
stand ; and 28 pieces of curious oriental white ware
10 Six old Japan fruit dishes; and a basin, on feet
11 A bowl; and 15 oriental fruit dishes
12 Two brown teapots; and various pieces of oriental burnt-in and enamel
13 Two chelsea fruit dishes; 10 Dresden saucers; and 7 cups
14 A Dresden coffee cup, and 4 saucers—beautifully painted with ee
15 A pair of Chinese female figures
16 A pair of Chinese carved ivory balls, elaborately worked, and containing
numerous others of different patterns
17 A pair of brown ware jars, with plants in relief—one cover broken
18 A sitting figure, with a frog—of steatite
19 A chymera—a beautiful specimen of majolica _
20 An old blue and white bottle, with handle; and a burnt-in bottle, with handle
and spout
21 An old Japan basin and cover; another, of different pattern; anda large
old Japan cup
22 A cup of white ware, with upright silver handle; another, with handle and
spoon; 3 other cups; and 6 small animals, of white ware
23 A teapot, of brown ware; a ditto, with silver spout; and 6 small trays, of
brown ware
24 A small Tournay carpet, fitted to the room
25 An ottoman, with a cover of Chinese silk, the altar covering from a Chinese
joss house; and a loose cover, of cloth of gold
26 A Tournay carpet
27 A couch, covered with blue Chinese silk ; and the drapery . the wits
First Day's Sale. 5
28 Four curious brown ware cups; and 7 eggshell enamelled cups and saucers
29 A SET OF FIVE BEAUTIFUL JARS—three of them with covers
of compressed shape—painted with a Chinese subjects of many figures
30 A pair of green enamel beakers
31 Two old Japan scalloped bowls ; a pair of ditto dishes; and 3 dishes
32 A pair of groups of jasmine, in pierced cups, of rare old chelsea
33 An oval sugar basin, cover, and stand, of rare old Worcester—blue—painted
with bouquets
34 A head of Neptune, designed for a stopper—silver gilt
35 A deep enamelled dish ; and an old Japan ditto
36 An ewer and salver of the richest oriental enamel on copper—mounted as a
table, on a carved and gilt stand
37 Three Dresden figures; 1 white figure; and a female figure—in biscuit ;
and a milk jug
38 A teapot, milk pot, sugar, and slop basin, cover, and stand; 4 coffee and
3 teacups, and 5 saucers—beautifully enamelled with Chinese subjects
39 An old Japan beaker; and a pair of enamelled beakers, with plants and
flowers raised |
40 A bottle, with arms; 2 green enamelled jars, with handles; and 2 small
41 A green enamelled teapot; 2 others; 2 brown ditto; and 4 cups of white
ware .
42 A pair of small beakers, of old Worcester; and 4 cups, of the same, of
oriental pattern 3
43 A pair of beautiful vases—painted with subjects from Roman history, with
festoons and ornaments in relief—of rare old chelsea
44 A basin—blue—pencilled with gold ; 2 other basins ; and 2 green enamelled
dishes, with implements
6 First Day’s Sale.
45 A bottle and stopper, of Dresden, with flowers raised; 2 teapots, 2 small
basins, 16 cups, and 5 saucers, of different patterns
46 A very large enamelled jug and ewer—painted with Chinese subjects
47 A rosary, of agate beads, faceted with a cameo; and J other rosary
48 An amber crucifix; and a bronze crucifix—jfrom the abbey of St. Bertin,
at Rouen
49 A beautiful small square lantern, of or-moulu, with flowers of Dresden, and
nozzles for two lights inside
50 Meleager and Calisto y)
51 Dionysius; and 1, With a frieze of figures and serpents
52 Scipio
53 The Trojan horse
54 The rape of the Sabines—imperfect ; and a Roman siege
55 Battle between the Romans and Aleindrini
56 Diana and Acton
57 A bacchanalian subject—beautifully painted
58 Joseph’s coat brought to Jacob; and Christ exposed ' Q
59 The death of Procris, and a cover—imperfect; and 1, with arabesques
painted on both sides ; and 1, with a cupid driving, and arabesques
60 Phoebus; and 1, with a conversation of three figures
61 The meeting of two armies, the marine deities painted on the back ; "th
Moses on Horeb ate
62 The death of Aineas
63 Cupid with the shield; and Cupid with trophies
First Day's Sale.
64 Jupiter and Calisto; and Neptune and Minerva
65 The death of Tarpeia; and a portrait
66 The rape of Europa
67 Noah ; and the Virgin and Child—hoth imperfect
68 Danae and Cupid with a bowl
69 Coriolanus and M. Sczvola
70 The judgment of Midas
71 Death of Hannibal
72 David
73 Proserpine; and Io
74 Hannibal approaching the Alps
795 Hannibal arriving at the river Po
76 Curtius leaping into the gulf
77 The incredulity of St. Thomas—a curious early piece
78 A funeral pile—a subject from Pliny
79 A subject from sacred history
80 Hannibal crossing the Tyber
81 One, from Ovid; and 1 other—imperfect
§2 A cupid, surrounded with trophies; and Hercules and Nessus
83 Cain and Abel’s sacrifice ; at an apostle
84 A tazza, with mythological subjects
85 A tazza, with Diana and Acteeon—very fine
86 Ganymede and Apollo
87 Judith; and a landscape
88 Figures before a statue; and I, from Ovid
89 Jason; and Venus and Vulcan
8 First Day's Sale.
90 A PAIR OF NOBLE JUGS OR EWERS, with exquisitely finished
paintings of Chinese subjects
91 A ditto bowl; and a pair of fluted basins
92 A set of four old blue gourd-shaped bottles, of different forms, with silver
93 A pair of beautiful hexagonal jars and covers, with Chinese subjects, and
kylins on the lid
94 An enamelled bow]; 2 basins, of different patterns; and a pair of dishes—
blue, with flowers in compartments
95 A pair of noble jars—blue—pencilled with Indian ink—23 inches high
96 A pair of jars, of very old Japan, with flowers raised in panels on brown
ware—the ground, old blue, flowered
97 A set of three large circular old blue dishes
98 Twelve very beautiful tea cups and saucers—oriental, with flowers of gold
on deep blue ground, and Chinese subjects in compartments
99 A pair of very beautiful jars, with flowers encrusted, and painted with.
Chinese subjects—the ground pencilled with gold
100 A set of three, of the same pattern—imperfect
101 A SET OF THREE EXQUISITE VASES, of Dresden—the siete
covered with calices of flowers, and other flowers, in relief, with subjects
from Watteau, and mounted with or-moulu
102 A group of the nativity, sculptured in a large specimen of amber
103 A box of japan lacquer—a tortoise « 3
104 Five chocolate- coloured cups—pencilled with gold ; 6 coffee cups ; and 7
small pieces of old blue and white
105 A pair of yellow enamelled jars, with flowers—mounted with or-moulu ;
and a set of three bottles, mounted as prefericula—mounted with
First Days Sale. 9
106 A pair of old Dresden figures—mounted in or-moulu, with branches for
three lights each, and flowers
107 A pair of jars, of green enamel, with plants and insects
in silver gilt,in fine old taste—the handles are greyhounds, and on the
top are Chinese utensils surmounted by a dog
109 A pair of pearl nautilus shells, with glass liners, mounted as ewers—in
silver gilt
110 A bowl; and a pair of scalloped dishes, of old Japan
111 A pair of gourd-shaped bottles, with chrysanthemums raised, of old Japan
tea pot and stand, sugar basin and cover, milk pot, cover, and stand, seven
tea cups and ten saucers, six coffee cups, with flowers in blue on gold
ground, and Chinese subjects in compartments
113 A set of four large blue and white dishes
114 Two teapots, of different patterns, with upright handles; and a pair of
bottles, with arms
115 A Dresden tea and coffee service— octagonal — painted with birds and
flowers, in imitation of the oriental, consisting of thirty-two pieces
116 A tankard and cover, of old Japan; 2 burnt-in plates, of different sizes;
and a bowl
117 Three very fine old Japan dishes, of one pattern
118 A small enamelled teapot and stand, a cover, and 2 cups—honeycombed
and enamelled; 6 honeycombed cups, of white ware; and Q, of a dif-
ferent pattern
119 Four blue and white dishes; a bowl and cover; and a jar
120 A pair of blue and white jars, and 1 cover; and a pair of blue and white
121 Two large vases, of old blue delft, of different patterns ©
122 A pair of blue and white beakers ; and a pair of octagonal bottles
10 First Day's Sale.
123 Two old blue and white basins, and 2 others, the outsides marbled; and
12 various smaller pieces, of old blue and white
124 A burnt-in basin, with brown border; 2 plates; a basin; 2 stands; an
octagonal jar and basin; 3 other pieces; and a brown ware teapot
125 Three scalloped basins and stands; 2 cups and 4 saucers, of Dresden;
and a large basin, with birds
126 Three circular dishes
127 A large bowl and stand
128 A pair of hexagonal jars, and | cover ; anda pair of brown coffee pots—
enamelled with flowers
129 A pair of octagonal old Japan basins; and an enamelled tea canister
130 A pair of bottle-shaped cups, saucers, and covers, of Chantilly, with birds
and flowers
151 A yellow Dresden sugar basin and cover, of oriental pattern; and 2 Dresden
cups and saucers—painted with insects
132 Twelve pieces of red ground ware, with Etruscan designs
133 A BEAUTIFUL TEA SERVICE, of rare old chelsea, consisting of
thirty-four pieces—three pieces imperfect
End of First Day's. Sale.
Second Day's Sale.
———— 0
ee Jo
JAPAN CLOSET— (continued),
134 A rabbit; a pair of dogs; an enamelled jar, with figures; and a Japan
shaving basin
135 Four Chinese figures, of steatite; and one of brown ware.
136 A large cup; 2 white cups; an enamelled cup; a teapot, with plants
raised ; a three-lipped cup and stand; 2 green enamelled basins; and a
small blue bottle
137 Three beautiful old Japan basins and covers; and a plate to correspond
138 A Chantilly sugar basin and cover; 4cups and saucers; a Chantilly basin
a Dresden tea canister; and 4 saucers ?
139 A black cock, of old chelsea; and a pair of cups and covers, of the same
140 Twelve coffee cups; 2 saucers; 6 cups, and 5 saucers—different ; a basin
and cover; a blue and white teapot; 2 other coffee cups; and a milk
141 Four circular dishes, with flowers in Indian ink; an old Japan shaving
basin; one enamelled; and a green enamelled dish
c 2
12 Second Day's Sale.
142 A pair of old blue and white circular dishes—mounted as tables
143 A set of three old Japan jars and covers
144 Two Chinese figures; 4 white kylins; a peacock, formed of shells; a
Chinese gardener ; a brown ware teapot; 4 kylins, of steatite; and a
sitting figure
145 Three teapots; 3 bottles; 10 cups; and 8 saucers
146 A Dresden coffee pot, teapot and stand, sugar basin and cover, and slop
basin; tea canister; 6 cups, and 4 saucers, of Chinese pattern
147 Two enamelled Chinese figures; 2 kylins ; and a figure, of white ware
148 A gourd-shaped bottle, with chrysanthemums raised, of old Japan
149 Eight basins and 2 covers; 2 teapots; and 4 pieces of blue and white
150 A pair of hexagonal cylinders—enamelled
151 An ancient bottle, with a lizard on the neck, and rosewood stand; anda
beautiful.low vase, with plants—in reliief
152 A ribbed vase, on feet, with upright handles; and a fakir
153 A pair of stands, of Japan lacquer; and a pair of smaller ditto
154 The crucifixion—in ivory—in glass ‘case; a carving, with two figures ;
a pagoda; and 3 groups of flowers .
155 A wooden chalice and cover, engraved with animals—dated 1619; a pair
of lava cups—metal mounted ; and a pearl shell ’
156 A pair of card racks-—elaborately carved in ivory
157 ‘The crucifixion—in ivory—in glass case ; a relief, with two subjects; 2—
boxes; and 2 other pieces
1E8 Buddha, seated—in bronze
159 A fakir—in steatite; 3 small deities—in bronze; a pair of ege cups; |
and 1 other piece )
160 A pair of incense vases and stands—on feet
161 Two very ancient vases, with upright handles, of different shapes; and a
pair of ancient bottles, with figures—in relief
Second Day’s Sale. 13
162 A pair of bead slippers; a Chinese lady’s shoe; a carved fruit-shaped box :
a painted needle-case; and a tortoise shell—silver mounted, as a cream
163 A sitting Chinese figure—carved and gilt ; 2 kylins—carved in box wood; a
fish skin box ; and a Chinese compass
164 An opium pipe—richly enamelled on copper; some Joss offering paper; a
stand—carved in rosewood ; a crackle box, with pierced cover, and stand ,
a bamboo, carved with figures ; and a box of Chinese pastiles
165 An ivory snuff-box, with head of Louis XIV.; a horn box, with head of a
negro ;- a tortoiseshell box ; a box, with records of events in the reign of
George IV., with a medal; a medallion of Captain Cook, and a cameo—
in jasper ; and a Chinese carving
166 A tortoiseshell comb case, with two tortoiseshell combs; and a tortoiseshell
pocket comb, and case
167 A pair of beautiful small girandoles, of or-moulu, with flowers of Dresden
168 A pair of cow tail chowries, with silver handles
169 A Chiuese lantern, and shade; 2 feather fans; and an ivory chowrie
170. Five beads for Chinese hats; a figure, of steatite ; 2 brown ware teapots;
a woman and child; and a box, with cover of red Japan
171 A Chinese figure, of jade
172 A very curious Chinese bronze—pierced, and with figures in relief
173 An ancient bronze vessel, on three legs, with rosewood stand; a sitting
figure, of bronze ; and a bottle, with a lizard round the neck’
174 A vessel and cover, surmounted by a kylin; and 2 kylins, of bronze
175 Three pieces of bamboo—-carved with Chinese subjects
176 A root of tea tree—carved with a grotesque figure ; and 2 smaller ditto
177 An ancient bronze duck; a cow; and a leaf-shaped stand
178 A large and very fine specimen of the root of the tea tree—carved with a
Chinese figure .
14 Second Day's Sale.
179 A small sofa, of rosewood and marble; a skreen—carved with plants in
relief; and an opium pipe
180 A burnt-in teapot and stand, tea canister and stand, and 4 coffee cups and
saucers—with arms
181 An enamelled slop basin and cover; a teapot, slop basin, tea canister
and stand, milk pot, 4 tea and 3 coffee cups, and 2 saucers—with
182 Four Chinese figures, of steatite
183 Three carved ivory baskets; a small enamelled teapot; a brown ware teapot ;
2 white cups; and 5 small pieces of white ware; and a walnut shell
184 A burnt-in teapot and stand; 3 cups and 5 saucers; a basin and cover ; an
enamelled drinking cup and stand; and a small bottle :
185 Six very small enamelled leaf-shaped stands; 8 very small bottles; an
enamelled drinking cup; and 4 enamelled chocolate cups, and 2 saucers
186 Five Dresden scalloped cups, and 9 saucers; and 5 larger cups, and 7
saucers ; and a small teapot
187 A pair of kylins, of white ware; 2 teapots; 2 small coffee pots; 2 cups ;
and 2 fruits |
188 'I'wo brown cups, and 4 saucers ; 2 burnt-in cups; a jade mouthpiece; an
alabaster cup and stand; 4 small cups, and 7 saucers; a silver hadge ;
and a burnt-in teapot
189 Six octagonal cups, with figures in relief; 5 green enamelled saucers; a
cup—on foot ; a basin ; a basin and cover ; and a cup afid saucer
189* A pair of Chinese figures—male and female, the latter with a costly head
dress and other rich decorations— 5 ft. high
190 A pair of Chinese daggers; a pedigree—inscribed on wood; a pair of
shoes; and 2 hats
191 A vessel, with handle, with dragons in relief
192° Two very ancient vessels, with upright handles—on three legs each
193 A large Chinese bell |
Second Day's Sale. 15
194 A lotus-formed vase, with lizards in relief
195 A stork on a tortoise
196 A salver, of alabaster, carved with medallions and arabesques in relief—on
a carved and gilt stand, formed of a boy
DRAWING ROOM—(continued).
197 The punishment of Perillus ; and Vulcan
198 The creation of Adam; and Isaac and Abimelech
199 Pluto and Proserpine ; and an ewer, with M. Scevola
200 .A tazza—painted with the crucifixion and angels, with the emblems of the
passion painted on the reverse
201 A large circular dish, with chimeree and arabesques
202 Another, with a boar hunt
203 Another, with a chariot race
204 The triumph of Judas Maccabeeus; and Jephtha—both imperfect ;
205 Jupiter; and a plate, of curious blue colour, with arabesques—both
imperfect _
206 A pair of Raffaelle ware dishes, with Hercules and a harvest scene—mounted
as tables, on tripod stands
207 A Chinese pagoda, of tenstories, of mother-o’-pearl—with paintings on the
doors and windows
208 A pair of very rare and fine jars, of black japan lacquer on porcelain
209 A noble dish, of majolica, with a subject of the vintage
210 A pattern plate, of the service made for the Emperor Nicholas, by Copeland ;
two japan lacquer boxes; and a scratch back
211 A pair of Dresden baskets—painted with flowers, and open borders
16 Second Day’s Sale.
212 A pair of toilette candlesticks—of amber, with reliefs in ivory
913 A TRIPLE CASKET, OF AMBER, with friezes and medallions in
relief—in beautiful Italian taste; this beautiful object of decoration ts
from Fonthill—under glass shade
214 A SUPERB TOURNAY CARPET, with arms in the centre, and a
rich border of flowers, formed to the dais—94 yds, by 8 yds.
215 A smaller, with griffin in the centre, and a border—4% yds. by 23 yds.
216 A carpet, formed to the dais, with a wheatsheaf in the centre—
33 yds. by 42 yds.
217 A carpet, with adove—3 yds. by 7 yds.
218 A very handsome or-moulu fender, ornamented with a pair of lions
219 A brass wire guard; and a set of fire irons
GENOA VELVET, with draperies, ‘and gilt cornices
221 A PAIR OF SUPERB FAUTEUILS, with high backs, the frames
boldly carved and ‘gilt, the backs and seats covered with crimson velvet
from the Doge’s Palace at Venice
222 A PAIR OF CHAIRS of a different pattern, covered with crimson silk
223 A single ditto
224 TWO CHAIRS, the seats and backs covered with rich’ flowered Genoa
velvet from the Doge’s Palace at Venice
995 A PAIR OF SETTEES, covered to correspond
9296 A PAIR OF HIGH-BACK FAUTEUILS—carved — and gilt, the
seats and backs covered with rich needlework of flowers in silk
* pil
Second Day's Sale. 17
pillars and or-moulu ornaments, the centre door panelled with buhl
work, and masks in or-moulu—the side doors glazed
229 An open cabinet, of oriental japan lacquer, with folding doors and sliding
230 The companion cabinet ,
231 A cabinet, of oriental japan lacquer, with folding doors, shelves, and drawers
—on a carved and gilt stand—7 ft. 7 in. long
232 The companion cabinet
233 A rosewood sofa, with squab, two aces and bolsters—covered with
crimson satin damask
234 A rosewood footstool, inlaid with brass
235 ‘Two footstools
carved and gilt, with borders in imitation of precious stones—/rom
239 A pair of beautiful jars, of the rarest old japan lacquer on porcelain, with
branches for five lights each, of or-moulu—on feet
with the history of Adam and aN the top with a hunting subject and
241 A pair of arm chairs—white and gold, covered with Eee if of flowers,
in colours, and chintz covers
242 AN ANCIENT STATE SETTEE, the frame and back very ae
carved with lions’ masks, and gilt, the seat covered with crimson velvet,
and two cushions, covered with cloth of gold
243 A pair of high-back Venetian chairs—carved and gilt, the seats cover red W ith
-erimson velvet
18 Second Day’s Sale.
244 A STATE CHAIR—white and gold, the seat and back covered with
white satin flowered damask
246 A SUPERB SKREEN, the frame carved with masks and figures, and
gilt, the panel of rich crimson and yellow silk damask
247 A pair of vase-shaped pier glasses, with otters on the frames, carved with
foliage in festoons
DIMENSIONS—126 in. by 78 in.—in a richly ornamented gilt frame
249 A PIER TABLE—10 ft. 6 in. long, covered with crimson velvet—the
frame of the newest design, with festoons
250 A PAIR OF ELEGANT CANDELABRA—carved, white and gold,
formed of swans’ necks, with lions’ masks in the — branches
for four lights each
251 A GORGEOUS TABLE, the frame boldly carved in the richest taste,
with masks and foliage, the top covered with crimson velvet—9 ft. by 4 ft. ;
and a green damask cover
252 A PAIR OF GIRANDOLES, composed of circles—carved with flowers
and trophies, and a figure of a bo¥ in each centre supporting branches,
with five nozzles for lights
253 A FLORENTINE CABINET, with eleven drawers, the fronts with
nineteen slabs of mosaic, with birds and flowers |
254 A FLORENTINE CABINET, with eleven slabs of mosaic and two
marble columns to the door, which encloses four drawers, fronted with
255 A VERY HANDSOME TABLE, of buhl manufacture, with masks and
other ornaments of or-moulu, and six drawers
(256 A SMALLER TABLE, OF MARQUETERIE, the borders and legs
inlaid with white metal
257 A PAIR OF CAN DELABRA—rtichly carved and gilt, of grand design
Second Daz’s Sale. 19
258 «A pair of two-burner lamps, of or-moulu
259 A PIER GLASS, in two plates, the larger 70 in. by 48 in., with open-
work gilt frame, and glass border
260 A PIER TABLE—carved and gilt, with a slab of VERY FINE
FLORENTINE MOSAIC—45 in. by 30 in.
261 A pair of stands for lights, of black wood, the plinths covered with silver
boldly chased with foliage, and centres and borders of chased silver
262 A pair of glass lustres, for three lights each
263 A pair of ditto
264 A pair of ditto
265 A pair of ditto
End of Second Day's Sale.
Third Day's Sale.
266 Time—a figure in ivory, upon a triangular pedestal of rosso
267 A tray, of Florentine pietre dure, of lapis lazuli and rare jaspers—mounted
with or-moulu—on a carved and gilt stand
268 A small square slab of Florentine mosaic, composed of lapis lazuli, with
groups of shells, coral, and pearl, in different coloured jaspers—on a japan
269 The companion table, the slab of Sicilian jasper, with butterflies and
flowers in different rare stones
270 A pair of hexagonal jars and covers—enamelled
271 A beautiful bottle—deep blue—pencilled with flowers in gold
- 272 A pair of small oriental brown ware square bottles—silver mounted
273 A pair of toilette candlesticks, of oriental fillagree, with animals, fruits, and
flowers in enamel
274 A JEWEL, DESIGNED FOR A BENITOIRE, in the most exquisite
taste, of the period of Cellini. ‘The vessel for holy water is formed of a
single almandine, supported by two angels, of gold—enamelled: on the
lid is a bust of the Virgin, and cameos: above is a relief of the Virgin, in
a glory, supported by angels, with the Trinity above. The whole jewel is
thickly studded with rose diamonds and turquoise. This beautiful work
is of the most cladcrate cinque-cenlo design
Third Day's Sale. 2]
275 A pair of circular dishes—beautiful specimens of oriental raised enamel, in
blue and white
276 An ostrich egg—mounted as a sideboard cup, in silver
277 An ostrich egg—mounted, in silver, as a sideboard chalice, with terminal
figures in relief, the rim engraved with hunting subjects: it is supported
on a group of three ostriches, and the foot is chased in beautiful old
278 A pair of beakers, of Saxon porcelain—painted with flowers
279 A pair of beautiful small basins and covers, of old Japan: and a pair of
scalloped old Japan basins
280 Six small basins and covers
281 A set of three small and very fine beakers, of green enamel
282 A pair of fine bowls, of old Japan
283 A pair of basins—blue, pencilled with gold
284 A pair of green enamelled scalloped basins
285 An old Japan dish; and a pair of burnt-in dishes
286 A cocoa nut—silver mounted, on a stem and foot of silver
287 A casket, of amber
288 THE FONTHILL CABINET: the friezes are composed of lapis lazuli,
the fronts of the drawers are slabs of hcoematite, set with coloured stones ;
in the centre are groups of Neptune and marine deities, with figures and
animals in relief, in the niches of a temple, supported on four columns
of rosso antico. The whole is richly ornamented with chasings of
or-moulu, and is designed in fine architectural character
289 A pair of small chandeliers, for five lights each, of metal gilt, in different
colours, suspended from brackets—in the taste of the Renaissance
290 A pair—similar
291 A pair of sconces, for two lights each, of Dresden porcelain, with cupids
292 A pair of beautiful console encoigneures, with flowers of Dresden porcelain
22 Third Day's Sale.
partly gilt, on five legs, the arms and backs with pierced panels
of solid ivory, with the tiger’s head of Tippoo on the extremity of the
arms. These almost unique objects of decorative furniture were presented
by Warren Hastings to Queen Charlotte 7
994 A TOILET TABLE, OF SILVER —chased in the boldest and most
beautiful taste
295 THE TOILET GLASS, in silver frame, to correspond.
These princely objects were presented by George Villiers Duke of Buck-
ingham to the Countess of Shrewsbury at Avington
296 A beautiful small oval salver, of Sevres turquoise—painted with waterfowl
and bouquets
297 A pair of exquisite small turennes, with ribbons of Sevres turquoise, and
powdered gold ground, with festoons and bouquets, and subjects of
298 AN EXQUISITE SALVER, of scroll shape, of Sevres turquoise, the
centre painted with a group of fruit, and two beautiful subjects from
Watteau on the border
300 A set of three noble old Japan jars and covers—octagonal, with kylins on
the lids
DRAWING ROOM— (continued).
301 St. John writing the Revelations
302 Soldiers bathing, from the cartoon of Pisa
303 The Judgment of Solomon
304 Aa interior, with an artist painting the Majolica ware—very curious.
305 Mereury and Argus; and 1, with trophies
Third Day’s Sale. 23
306 David and Goliath
307 Three, with arabesques, with medallions in the centre
308 ‘The camp of Hannibal ; and the rape of Europa
309 Alexander and Roxana, and a battle painted on the reverse—imperfect
310 The finding of Moses; and St. Christopher
311 Cupids; and a Roman trophy—a pair
312 The rape of Europa—fiuted
313 The triumph of David
314 David and Bathsheba; Esther and Ahasuerus
315 Miriam and Moses
316 March of an army
317 Three river gods
318 The battle of Joshua
319 The fall of Phaeton
320 Hercules and the centaurs
321 Triumph of Pompey
322 A pair, with beautiful friezes of figures and serpents
323 Scourging of St. Peter and St. Paul
324 The trial between Neptune and Minerva; and Narcissus
325 Pan; and Marsyas and Apollo
326 Cupid and Pan; and a Charity 2
327 Ganymede
328 Cleopatra; and the fall of Phaeton
329 Joseph and his bretheren, with cupids painted on the reverse and the
destruction of Pharaoh’s host—the companion— imperfect
P p
330 Lycaon
331 Moses striking the rock, with figures on the reverse
24 Third Day's Sale.
332 The money found in Benjamin’s sack ; and Abraham and the angels
333 Apollo and Marsyas
334 Ganymede; and the death of Argus
335 Hercules; and 1, from Ovid
336 Soldiers attacking a convent; and a battle piece
337 The judgment of Paris; and Vulcan
338 Christ walking on the sea
339 The rape of Europa; and 1, from Ovid
340 Joseph and his bretheren; and Judith
041 A beautiful Tournay carpet, with foliage and flowers—28 ft. by 24 ft.
342 A Tournay hearth rug
343 An or-moulu fender, with lions at the end, and fire irons; and a guard
344 Two pairs of window curtains, of the richest Genoa cut velvet, with flowers
on white ground, with carved and gilt cornices
345 A rosewood loo table, with inlaid rim of or-moulu, on pillar and plinth
346 A large square ottoman with chintz cover
347 A carved and gilt settee, covered with crimson silk damask, and chintz cover
348 Five fautenils—gilt, and covered with the richest Genoa cut velvet, with
flowers on white ground
349 Three smaller fauteuils—white and gold, covered with chocolate coloured
silk, and chintz covers
350 A fire skreen—white and gold, with tapestry
351 A small two-flap table, inlaid with flowers of marqueterie
352 A pair of oval coffee tables, with flowers of marqueterie
353 A handsome or-moulu chandelier for twelve lights, with holland cover
354 A Persian carpet table cover
Third Day's Sale. 25
355 A small cabinet, of old japan, with two drawers, on a handsome cld carved
and gilt stand
356 A beautiful glazed case for miniatures, with metal frame, on legs of white
and gold, and tray beneath, covered with green velvet
357 A casket, of tortoiseshell and ivory inlaid, with fall-down front enclosing
drawers, inlaid with Bombay work
358 A rosewood box, the surface covered with ivory elaborately carved and
pierced, of Chinese work
359 A very handsome cabinet, of rich buhl on tortoiseshell
360 A MAGNIFICENT ROUND-TOPPED CHEST, of the finest old japan,
beautifully inlaid with mother-o’-pearl. This was brought by Lord
Cobham from Vigo, after the storming of that place by the British
army, in 1719
3961 A BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN CABINET, of fine cinque-cento architectural
design, consisting of two tiers of columns of red marble, with niches, with
slabs of lapis lazuli and oriental alabaster—the friezes gilt. This superd
cabinet is from the Borghese Palace
tiers, supported by pilasters, the fronts and frieze beautifully carved, with
looking-glass back : itissupported ona pier table, with square legs, carved
with masks and trophies in relief, and a beautiful trophy of arms in the
centre beneath. The whole is composed in the best taste of the early
part of the last century. Nearly 5 feet wide
tortoiseshell, with busts of or-moulu at the angles, and rich mouldings of
or-moulu, and yellow marble slabs
365 A clock, with an orrery, of Amboyna wood and or- tht by Raingo, of
Paris—under a glass shade
366 A pair of girandoles, of or-moulu, with female figures, and branches for two
lights each
26 Third Day's Sale.
367 A SUPERB CABINET; with groups of fruit, flowers and insects,
pietre dure in high relief, with terminal figures at the angles, and rick.
mouldings and masks of or-moulu, surmounted by a slab of green marble
369 A VERY HANDSOME GILT PIER TABLE, with a magnificent slab
of verde antique, 5 ft. 11 in. wide, the stand carved with festoons of oak
leaves and acorns, and lion’s head and claw legs
370 A NOBLE PIER GLASS, ina superb frame, with palm branches entwined
with roses—the principal plate 82 in. by 45 in.; and two smaller plates
371 A drapery, of Chinese silk; worked with flowers; and a pair of Chinese
fans .
372 Two pieces of Chinese leather—painted with dragons, &e.; ahd 6 small
Chinese blinds
373 A lace drapery for a toilet glass—beautifully worked in silk and gold
374 A pair of pillows—exquisitely worked with gold and coloured silk
375 A casket, of inlaid marbles, with mosaics of birds
376 A Chinese tea caddy, of ivory—most elaborately carved with Chinese
landscapes and figures—under glass shade
377 An old Japan cistern
378 A pair of enamelled bottles, with spouts; and a pair of green enamelled
379 Four figures, of priests and nuns; a small enamel bottle; and 3 very small
380 A pair of crimson and green enamelled beakers
381 A set of four Dresden salts—white, with crawfish and shells
382 A set of three Dresden vases and covers, with masks and flowers encrusted
=) e . . . °
383 A pair of oriental jars and covers, encrusted with flowers—in colours
Third Day’s Sale. 27
384 A pair of figures, male and female, of Dresden—in colours
385 A pair of oriental cups, with plants encrusted; and a pair of flower
386 A Dresden group, of Venus and Cupid on a dolphin
387 A NOBLE JAR AND COVER, 30 in. high, of old blue oriental
porcelain, with flowers pencilled in brown
388 An oval fluted bowl, of rich green enamel
389 A burnt-in circular dish ; and a pair of green enamel ditto
390 A pair of beautiful bottles, of crimson and green enamel—]8 in, high
391 A Dresden figure, of Mercury; and a girl with flowers
392 A pair of green dragon cups, covers, and stands ; 2 enamelled saucers; and
an enamelled teapot
393 A pair of very beautiful oriental teapots and stands, with flowers en-
394 A pair of Dresden pastoral figures; a pair of oriental white cups—mounted,
with upright handles; and a pair of Persian enamelled metal cups
End of Third Day's Sale.
E 2
Fourth Day’s Sale.
oe — ()
On FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1848,
ee (re
395 A yellow Dresden teapot; and 4 pale green fluted cups and saucers, with
flowers in gold ,
396 A pair of small old Japan dishes 3a pair of plates; a pair of scalloped
dishes ; and a bowl
397 A pair of beautiful beakers—blue, pencilled with gold, for five lights
398 Anor-moulu candelabrum of rich design, the stem of green porcelain
399 The companion candelabrum
400 A pastoral group of figures, of biscuit, with glass shade
401 Another nearly similar
402 A small enamelled oriental ewer, with lizards encrusted; an enamelled
box ; a shell box; and two painted snuff-boxes
403 A shell-shaped basin, of oriental enamel on copper, with flowers
404 A pair of Sevres sceaux, of brilliant turquoise—painted on each side with
beautiful subjects after Watteau
405 A pair—larger
fourth Days Sale. 29
pressed shape, covered with masks and ornaments of metal gilt, with a
foot and stopper
407 A pair of girandoles, of or-moulu, with branches for two lights each
408 A scent bottle, cut in a beautiful specimen of hoematite, and mounted
409 A pair of beautiful cups and saucers—silver gilt, enamelled with subjects of
conversations and mythological subjects
410 A set of six very small cups, of silver gilt, each painted with four miniatures
of celebrated French beauties in enamel
411 A pair of cups and saucers—silver gilt, painted with battles in enamel
412 A cup of Venetian ruby glass—mounted, with handles and foot of silver gilt
413 A ruby glass scent bottle, of compressed shape—fluted, on foot, the stopper
with helmeted heads
414 A circular cup, of basket pattern, of ruby glass, on a lion’s foot
415 A shell-shaped cup, of ruby glass, on a gilt stem and foot
416 A pair of ruby glass bottles, with hunting subjects engraved—-mounted with
silver gilt, with birds on the stoppers
417 A cup, of rich dark coloured agate 7 °
418 A beautiful egg-shaped cup, and foot of rock crystal—engraved, the stem
a group of beautiful children, in silver gilt
419 A beautiful engraved glass, with cyphers and arabesques
420 An oval gold snuff-box—beautifully enamelled, and painted with subjects
in cameo
421 A square gold snuff-box—enamelled with flowers
422 A beautiful Dresden box—gold mounted, painted with seaports—a subject
~ from Watteau on the inside of the lid |
423 A rosary of tortoiseshell, with saints in relief; and a gold enamelled figure
of a saint, witha brilliant in the breast suspended
30 Fourth Day's Sale.
424 A curious cinque-cento jewel, constructed for a whistle: it is in the form of a
dragon, the body of mother-o’-pearl, surmounted by figures, and encrusted
with pearls and precious stones
425 Enamelled portraits of George II. and George IIJ.; 2 German emperors ;
and 2 female figures
426 A snuff-box, of oriental porcelain-—enamelled with figures ; dad: 1, painted
with a vase of flowers
427 An oval tortoiseshell snuff-box ; and 1, painted with figures
428 A pair of slabs of modern porcelain—painted with shells
429 A set of seventeen miniature portraits of the descendants of the race of
Akbar; and 1, of Tippoo Sultan, in gold setting—painted by Indian
430 Perseus and Andromeda—a beautiful carving in ivory, from the celebrated
antique relief, in a frame of lapis lazuli; and the companion
431 A set of forty oval miniature portraits of kings of England and nobles, on
432 Fifteen coloured pastes from gems
433 A beautiful set of ivory chess men, representing oriental and British troops,
and 2 dice boxes
434 A set of Hindoo chess men,—crimson and green
435 Two enamels, after Boucher
436 An enamelled snuff-box—painted with dastotal subjects; and a a very small
cup and saucer, of Persian enamel on copper ,
437 A papier maché snuff-box, with a group of boors ; anda circular box, of
japan lacquer ; and an oriental dice
438 A small oval snuff-box, enamelled with flowers—on metal ; ee a square
enamelled box for a miniature
439 An oblong box, of porporina—mounted with silver gilt, with a beautiful
mosaic of a spaniel on the lid
Fourth Day's Sale. 31
440 A necklace and earrings, of coloured glass—eurious specimens of antique
441 A figure of a mounted knight armed for the tournament, suspended by a
chain. This beautiful cinque-cento jewel is of gold, enamelled, and set
with precious stones
442 An agate. snuff-box—-silver mounted; and an enamelled watch case—
painted with figures—not mounted
443 A Dresden box—not mounted—painted with views ; an enamelled ditto, with
444 Two subjects painted in enamel; a Dresden snuff-box; 2 thimbles; and a
445 A pair of oriental enamelled counter stands; a carved ivory card and needle
case; and a snuff-box, with a carving in ivory
446 A pair of jars, of deep blue! oriental enamel, with flowers—the surfaces
engraved, in handsome mountings of or-moulu
447 A pair of green enamelled jars and covers, with a erysanthemums
448 A pair of Dresden baskets; and an oriental figure, with a bell
449 A set of six beautiful Dresden chocolate cups and saucers, powdered with
- gold and flowers, encrusted in imitation of oriental porcelain, with rims of
silver gilt
450 A negress, with a basket and cover of Dresden
451 A BEAUTIFUL CINQUE-CENTO JEWEL, of gold and enamel, with
a phoenix and flowers, set with precious stones and pendant pearls
452 A pair of candlesticks, composed of hoematite and jaspers—mounted with
or-moulu 7
453. A blotting book, with a relief—carved in oak
454 A beautiful oviform vase, of Raffaelle ware, with a mask, and Apollo and
the muses | |
455 A preefericulum—painted with arabesques
32 Fourth Day’s Sale.
456 A magnificent salt, of Raffaelle Ware, with goats’ heads, masks, and
festoons—painted with arabesques
457 A beautiful oval gold enamelled snuff-box, with a miniature on the lid, set
round with brilliants
458 A blue and gold oval enamelled snuff-box, with a miniature, set round with
brilliauts, and two clusters of brilliants, and sprigs underneath
459 St. Paul’s at Rome, before the fire—a minute and beautiful Roman mosaic
460 The companion mosaic—a view after the fire
461 Fifteen large buttons—painted with subjects from the life of Henri Quatre
462 A large emerald—engraved with the head of Minerva
463 The apotheosis of Augustus—an intaglio ona slab of agate
464 Amphitrite—intaglio cornelian
465 A ring—chalcedone; a Roman head—cameo; and 2 other engraved
cornelians |
466 The Aurora, after Guido; and Night—cameos on Sicilian shells
467 , white silk, worked with flowers—in colours
554 A pair of gilt stools, covered with needlework on crimson cloth
_ 556 A pier glass, 82 in. by 47 in., in a carved and gilt frame of old pattern
557 The companion
558 A Chinese silk cover, worked with birds and flowers
559 A pier table, with a scallopedslab of green marble, supported by a figure
of a boy on two dolphins—carved and gilt
560 The companion table __
561 A larger pier table, supported by three figures of boys, with a bay-shaped
slab of various marbles, inlaid in ornaments and landscapes
562 A carved and gilt pier table, with a slab of jasper, 524 in. by 264 in.
563 The companion table
3 ft. 34 in., supported by terminal figures with festoons, and an eagle in
the front
38 Fifth Day's Sale. si
566 A BEAUTIFUL CHESS TABLE, composed of malachite and Labrador
feldspar, with borders of rosso and giallo, and small medallions of birds
in mosaic, supported on a carved and gilt stand
567 A BEAUTIFUL TABLE, with a slab of malachite, bordered with black
marble and lapis lazuli, and surrounded by sixteen small mosaics of
cupids, on a carved and gilt stand
baster sculpture in the most beautiful cinque-cento taste, with a date—
1538, and partly gilt: upon the tops are a pair of or-moulu stands for
flowers—7 ft. 9in. high
569 An octagonal table, inlaid with different specimens of rare marbles, on
inlaid rosewood pillar, plinth, and claws
570 A PEARL NAUTILUS—mounted with silver gilt, in beautiful Italian
taste, surmounted by a figure of Neptune on a dolphin, and set with
coloured stones; it is mounted on a pedestal, the cylinder of which hae a
beautiful carving in ivory of children, by Fiami: ngo
570*A table, with a slab of lapis lazuli, 16 in. square, supported on conta of
or-moulu, completes this magnificent ornament.—JI¢ is from Fonthill —
571 An oval cup of brown jasper, with an enamel foot and handles oe
CHINA. Ch ae
072 A PAIR OF NOBLE CANDELABRA, each composed of a superb
enamelled cistern, surmounted by branches for lights; and a fluted vase,
of oriental alabaster, upon painted and gilt pedestals
573 A pair of beautiful octagonal jars and covers, 35 in. high, of the richest old
oriental enamel, with Chinese subjects of plants and flowers—imperfect .
074 A pair of beautiful candelabra, with groups of figures, of fine old Dresden,
each surmounted by nozzles of or-moulu for five lights % 7. fs a age
\ i #) a 4 ¢ ore
079 A beautifully scalloped Dresden cup and =e a with four beautiful
paintings of pastoral subjects and flow ers eer 7, ey | J
Lifth Days Sale. 39
576 A pair of candelabra of or-moulu, with infant satyrs, each with nozzles for
six lights
577 A clock, by Le Roy, in architectural case, with figures of or-moulu, on
plinths of lapis lazuli, and festoons of fruits, in pietro dure, in relief
578 A pair of beakers, of rare old japan lacquer on porcelain—mounted with
579 A pair of handsome candelabra, of or-moulu, for seven lights each
580 A pair of handsome octagonal jars and covers, of old Japan, 36 in. high |
o8l A SUPERB JAR, of the richest modern oriental enamel, with Chinese
subjects, 35 in. high
582 An old Japan jar; and a beaker,
583 An enamelled jar and cover, with fioures ; and an old blue and white jar
and cover ey,
584 A pair of tall blue jars, with landscapes in compartments—one imperfect
585 A noble blue and white jar, 30 in. high
586 A pair of narrow blue jars; and a jar, of different form
587 A green enamelled jar and cover
588 Two beakers; and a jar, of different shape
_ 589 A pair of blue jars—pencilled with gold, with landscapes
590 A pair—similar
591-A pair of old Japan beakers ; anda blue jar and cover
592 A green enamelled dish; and a pair of small scalloped dishes
593 A coffee pot and basin—metal mounted, of Saxon porcelain—painted with
_ 594 A scalloped stand, of Berlin—painted with birds; and a hot milk jug
595 A mug—painted with a saint in adoration before the Virgin, with a cover
foot, of silver-gilt
40 Fifth Day's Sale.
596 AN EXQUISITE SERVICE, OF DRESDEN, pale green, with flowers,
and beautifully painted with subjects from Watteau, consisting of teapot .
—silver.mounted, and gilt sugar basin and cover, and four eups and saucers” Pim
597 AN EXQUISITE DEJEUNE, OF DRESDEN, dark blue, with a net
work of gold, and beautifully painted with subjects of birds, consisting of 7 ~
plateau, sugar basin, cream ewer, two coffee and two tea cups, and two es
598 One two-handled and 3 other Dresden cups and sie hi mith rs “f j
seaports ts a
599 A pair of noble blue and white jen blue, pencilled with gold : sa Hse fi . :
600 A pair of bottles—deep blue and gold, sith birds and flowers i in com: A f “Al
partments évt
fluted, of Persian delft—mounted with or-moulu = | odes opu
602 A pair of green enamelled dishes; and a burnt-in dish | a2 se bie
603 A very fine Dresden coffee pot— mounted with ate gilt ; a teapot, slop / 5
£ a
601 A set, of a jar and cover, two beakers, and two gourd-shaped bottles — f Ay f
basin, tea cup and saucer, with vines in fruit—in relief
€C4 A tea kettle, lamp, and Saale! yainted with subjects of zy?
cupids, after Boucher eS é
605. A Dresden coffee and tea service—painted with seaports, in lilac, ey, if
of coffee pot, teapot and stand, sugar basin, slop basin, tea canister, and _ ‘J
_ four cups and saucers _
606 A Dresden tea Lares paraeed with landscapes, eighteen j pieces | Se he d+ a4
607 Three circular oriental burnt-in dishes . ‘. wed ee Se Lee 1
608 Four ditto . a tag ye as iat: a: fi% i
609 Four ditto | . eee 4 ie ind high
610 Four ditto * Re aR Liy 2 a
611 A noble bowl, of old J apan, with ehrysanth émumsy 19 i in. diameter we ey MG
612 A pair of green enamel beakers ~~ Ae ae ae a?
| ya
Fifth Day's Sale. 4]
613 A pair of deep enamelled dishes
614 Four green enamelled circular dishes
615 A pair of fluted dishes, of old J apan; and a2 pair of ditto, green enamel —
616 A magnificent bowl—-enamelled with Chinese subjects, 214 in, diameter
617 A pair of fine old Japan beakers |
618 A pair of modern enamelled oriental jars—48 in. high, covered with Chinese
figures—very highly finished
619 An enamelled cistern, on feet, with plants, and fish inside
620 An old Japan dish, with green border; and 1 other
- 621 Four dishes of old Japan
622 Three ditto—one with arms ; and 2 plates
623 Twelve cups and 23 saucers, of different patterns
624 A CHINESE TEMPLE, OF MOTHER-O’-PEARL, with seven figures
of josses and other deities, on a japan stand, supported by four enamelled
kylins at the angles; and a vase, with a bird cage
625 A coffee cup and saucer—bleu du Roi, with scrolls, in imitation of precious
626 A coffee cup and saucer, with festoons, in imitation of precious stones and
roses, on a yellow ground
627 A large coffee cup and saucer, blea du Roi and gold, with a beautiful
miniature of a boy piping to a dog
628 A coffee cup and saucer—bleu du Roi, with clusters, in imitation of precious
stones, and festoons of gold
629 A ditto—yellow, with the initials of Louis Quatorze, and exotic birds
630 Another—bleu du Roi, with festoons, cameos, and imitations of pearls
42 Fifth Day's Sale.
631 A chocolate cup, cover, and saucer, bleu du Roi, with imitations of pearls
and precious stones
632 A .coffee cup—olive colour, with a cameo, and imitations of coloured
633 A tea cup—rose du Barri—painted with landscapes
634 A pair of chocolate cups and saucers, of modern Sevres, with miniatures of
Ninon de L’Enclos and Queen Christine, after Petitit, by Jacquetot
635 A pair—green, with miniatures of Anne of Austria and Francoise d’Orleans,
by Charin
636 A chocolate cup and saucer, with poveebian du Roi, with two beautiful.
miniatures of ladies, and four of cupids ,
637 A beautiful coffee cup, saucer, and cover—dark blue and gol, of Vienna
porcelain, with a miniature of Venus and Cupid LO. b oat
I Get
638 A pair of cabinet breakfast cups and saucers “
SEVRES—turquoise, painted with a subject afier Watteau, of many
figures, and a smaller plateau beneath, painted with cupids: they
are mounted as a table, the frame of which Ao or-moulu of the most
elaborate design and workmanship 57, ?
640 AN OVAL SALVER, OF SEVRES—turquoise, with a subject after
AY aU ae to form a companion to the preceding table
Met G bs
641 A MAGNIFICENT CISTERN, with festoons and lions’ heads, sup
ported on chimzerze, and painted with arabesques, ow inside painted with
_.a subject from Roman history | Mic Bab
Miles nor é
642 A beautiful dish, with a Roman encampment kta :
‘ é ‘ go VY” a : :
643 A ditto, with a banquet and many figures - Cet nl bi ied EOF
644 A dish, with Hannibal crossing the Alps. pre e
Fifth Day’s Sale. 43
645 One, with a Roman triumph, on stand
646 Amphitrite; and 1 other
647 Orpheus entering Hades
648 The rape of Proserpine
649 Joseph sold by his brethren”
End of Fifth Day’s Sale.
Sixth Days Sale.
eee (J
On MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1848,
650 An Axminster carpet
651 yards of brown holland
652 Two tiger skins
653 An oval gilt stand
654 A ditto
655 A ditto
656 A ditto
657 A pair of ground-glass lamps
658 A pair of ditto
659 A pair of ditto
660 A pair of ditto —
661 A pair of ditto
662 A pair of ditto
663 A pair of ditto
664 A pair of ditto
665 A pair of crimson yelyet curtains, and brass pole” LA
666 A pair of ditto ) |
Siath Day's Sale. 49
667 A pair of crimson velvet curtains, and brass pole
668 A pair of ditto
669 Six cushions, covered with printed cotton’
670 Six ditto
671 A tripod incense burner, of classical design, supported on griffins, with lions’
legs—tichly carved and Bite ft. high
672 A ditto”
673 A ditto
674 A ditto
675 A Brussels carpet, of marble pattern, about 80 yards ¥ |
676 A damask cover to carpet i ae
677 A pair of pier tables, with vein marble slabs and carved stands
678 Three pairs of curtains, of rich crimson Utrecht velvet, with brass poles and
rings, and tassels from PP 'F)
679 A mahogany hat and umbrella stand
680 A ditto
681 A set of six beautiful old chairs—inlaid with ivory, with cane seats and
cushions, covered with Utrecht velvet, and cotton cases
frame of or-moulu, surmounted by a ducal coronet, and glazed with. coats
of arms of stained glass Ws
683 A-small obelisk, of rosso antico marble, supported on the back of an _
elephant—a copy from that in the Piazza di Minerva, at Rome =
46 Sixth Day's Sale.
684 An elegant antique group, of three female figures ite se, on y, 7)
truncated column of grey marble ; yp Ji
Vs Lhe
685 A pair of beautiful tripods, of giallo antico marble, on bases of ate marble
and granite A fe ~
g fe : LJ ( : ii
a )
687 A pair of Campana-shaped. vases, of alabaster, with chimeere 4 a
668 A tazza, of beautiful oriental alabaster Y Ya }
689 A larger tazza, of oriental alabaster, on a plinth of serpent Uf L#é [2b O
690 A smaller tazza, of oriental alabaster Sti /) oy
691 A pair of vases, of different coloured sete py
692 A beautiful square tazza, of giallo antico, with swans at ‘th! 0 ae on a
fluted stem and plinth of verde antique 4a, G Vm
693 A pair of oviform vases, of alabaster, with serpent handlés, aft. Bi in, high Bs, “4
694 A prefericulum, of oriental alabaster, with festoons, and a satyr at Lod 4
handle L /
695 Canova’s lions, from the tomb of Clement XIV. at St. Peter’s s ee Bg f 3 /. j
696 A pair of small vases, of Plabasior! of two colours . of 3h
697 THE MARINE VENUS arranging her hair—a hadutil antique q
statue, about 4 ft. 6 in. high—found in excavating the baths of i
Agrippa at Rome, and ih Sa diddcs to Tingtana Jee i Marquess of i
Chandos al), /
698 A pair of large vases, of alabaster, on pedestals on 7
; 699 An antique chimera, i in white marble, representing the ancient x if or
lyre, supported on the extended wings of a swan—/found 7 in a tomb, n Shy
the Villa Adriana, by the Marquess of Chandos Sly ;
700 A goat tied to the stump of a tree, of beautiful Greek work By Fe4 q
701 A lion, of giallo antico, with a group of boys on his back—purchased at Rome th j
702 The reclining statue of the Princess Pauline Borghese, the sister of
Napoleon—a beautiful small copy, in. marble, by ch reniane thy from
Canova - -. nun ee teeta -« mek
Stath Day’s Sale. ; 47
703 The Apollo Belvidere—a small copy, in marble
704 The Venus Callipyges
705 A small figure
714 A Roman bust, with drapery of jasper
715 A Roman bust, with drapery of alabaster
716 A Roman bust, with drapery of alabaster
717 A Roman bust, with drapery of alabaster
718 A BEAUTIFUL TAZZA, OF VERDE DI PRATO, the handles of ©
twisted serpents, the foot of lions’ feet, and vines in relief, on pedestals of
- the same; and an additional wood pedestal _ 6 ie
719 A pair of oviform vases, of Egyptian granite the handles of ‘marine
figures, in or-moulu, 24 in. high y . ;
__720 A pair of half columns, of Egyptian granite : {
721 The hermaphrodite—a beautiful small copy, i in white marble fe
722 An antique Roman sarcophagus, with reliefs of cupids hunting wild ene
upon the feet and ends
723 A Roman imperial head, on socle
724 A head of St. Peter—a spirited work, in Roman mosaic !
725 An‘antique marble bust of Tiberius—fownd in the ruins a4, his palace, at
OD Ths hi
726 A_ bust. of. Pee roucis from ere by Seas Marques Y Buck-
ingham , fn
ond A) OM
oP n
r wth
48 Sixth Day's Sale.
727 A female dancing figure—a relief in marble
728 The Farnese Hercules—a beautiful old Italian bronze, 30 in. high 22. {2
729 Adonis—a fine bronze, 26 in. high eer 9 2g
730 Seneca—a fine bronze bust vy. yy
731 Hadrian—a fine bust, in bronze ‘D2 ‘2 A
732 THE MERCURY OF G. DI BOLOGNA-—a beautiful copy, the size”,
of the original, on a marble half column re of 464
BRONZE, BY CARBONNEAUX, the size of the antique marble— SUG
one of the most important bronze groups in this country. From Fonthill ,
734 A SUPERB CANDELABRUM, formed of branches of lilies, wit
nozzles for ten lights, supported by a bronze group of two boys, beautifully , a4
modelled, on a pedestal, with festoons of or-moulu _ | y -
736 A MAGNIFICENT PEDESTAL, of the richest wt and ‘enol
with festoons and masks
738 A NOBLE ANTIQUE VASE, of white marble, with a faun pursue
a bacchante, in relief, on the front, and a similar subject differently
treated on the reverse, with twisted handles of the most graceful form, /
springing from masks and satyrs; the socle sculptured with foliage. This
vase has been in part restored, but is engraved by Piranesi in its present A
form. 3 ft. 6 in. high, on white marble pedestal. Found in the Villa
Adriana |
739 A MAGNIFICENT ANTIQUE VASE of white marble, the surface 4
covered with cupids and vines in relief, in exquisite taste, the handles 7 q
formed of serpents, and under the lip is the Grecian honeysuckle. This — #3
rare work of ancient art is 3 ft. 10 in. high, and is engraved by Piranesi:
it has a white marble pedestal. Found-in-the Villa Adriana |
740 An octangular table, the slab composed of lapis lazuli and rare antique q
marbles, upon a gilt pedestal, with dolphins 4 y Y q
Siwth Day’s Sale. 49
741 HYGEIA—a fine antique statue, the head and i sie restored, 5 ft. 6 in.
high, on painted pedestal
742 A Roman senator—a marble statue, 5 ft. fiat on Perce pedestal— found
in Herculaneum
743 A bust of Juno, of peutalic marble
Bate Sit, BATH ROOM.
744 A marble bath
745 An antique Roman sarcophagus, with a recumbent male figure within the
folds of a large snake, on the lid: in front, is a frieze, with a procession of
priests leading a bull to sacrifice; at one end isthe following inscription :
—“«D. M. Antonia Pacuvio filia fecit sibi et Erennio filio suo plissimo
Imperatoris ‘Trajani Cesaris Augusto Germanici servo dispensatori
746 A square pedestal, of statuary marble, with saalcat mouldings
747 A tournament—a group in statuary marble, of early German work
748 ‘An antique sarcophagus, of white marble, with a group of figures oe
the deceased, who is deposited on a couch in the centre—discovered by
the Marquess of Chandos on the Via Appia, near the ae of Cecilia
Metella, in 1817 ery
_¥7A9 A small bust of a Roman child—antique _ .
750 A bust of a child, on giallo socle
%, ee BILIAG, on a square pedestal of different marbles
e nero antico, with bases and capitalsk— 5 ft. high
757 RICHARD, DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, when Marquess, by // -
50 Siath Days Sale.
753 A NOBLE OVAL CISTERN, of rare Corsican marble, with a fillet and Ly A
handles of or-moulu, supported on lions’ feet
754 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL VASES, of white marble, of antique design,
spirally fluted, with upright handles, and masks of satyrs
755 A BEAUTIFUL STATUE OF A FAUN, with a goat on his Bao / f/f g: ;
3 ft. high, on veined marble pedestal :
756 A BACCHANTE, with a young faun on her shoulders—the companion ,
4 roup "83
Trentanova, on dove marble pedestal
758 THE RIGHT HON. GEORGE GRENVILLE, in robes, by i <
NOLLEKENS, on dove marble pedestal :
759 LORD NUGENT, by Trentanova, on marble pedestal
dove marble pedestal Ura A
762 THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER, by Cornolli Pas
b4L4 o
Siath Day's Sale. 51
781 Venus and Adonis—a beautiful group, by Scheemakers
782 Vertumnus and Pomona, by Delvaux | i
These two groups were formerly at Canons, the seat of the first Duke of
End of Siath Day's Sale.
H 2
Seventh Day's Sale.
On TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1848,
ee ee
—< |
4/ — 784 A Tournay carpet, 13 yds. by 10} yds. ; and the piece to the bow |
' 785 A handsome hearth rug Hee
£9 786 A very handsome or-moulu fender, with cupids at the ends; and a set of
fire irons
787 A brass guard; and a foot ottoman
788 ‘Three pairs of green and white satin damask window curtains, with
vs Sf. ae. draperies, cords, two tassels, and gilt cornices
789 An oblong ottoman, covered with silk needlework ; and 4 cushions, covered.
| with crimson silk velvet worked with gold
we— 190 A carved and gilt sofa, the back and seat covered with tapestry of flowers —
A434,05-¢ F911 The companion sofa
g (92 A smaller sofa, covered with crimson and white silk damask, and a crimson
silk damask cover
Seventh Daz’s Sale. 53
2.4.0 794 A pair of fauteuils—carved and gilt, the seats and backs covered with rich
———— flowered satin damask
2, 7-2 795 A similar pair
7 796 A set of four high-back chairs, covered with rich flowered satin damask
a _ 497 Two chairs, with cane seats, white and gold
: x 798 A handsome fire skreen, the panel painted in oil with a féte champetre, the
= back of figured satin, the frame carved and gilt
ie 2o 799 A chimney glass, 99 in. by 62 in
800 A cut-glass chandelier, of ancient pattern, with branches for eight lights
— 80] A pair of cut-glass lustres, for three lights each
-—___.. 802 Another pair
<—— 803 A ditto, for two lights each
{804 A pair of carved and gilt tripods, with goats’ heads and feet
4 __. ~——- 805 - Another pair
7. a-— 806 Another pair—different
a 807 A horizontal grand piano, six octaves, by Broadwood, in a mahogany
— case )
808 A stool—the carved legs with figures, covered with flowered satin
809 A beautiful table, with a circular slab of Florentine mosaic in pietre dure,
with a vase of flowers in the centre, with borders of white marble and
Ss oriental alabaster inlaid with birds and flowers, on a carved and gilt
oy 7 .)
A 810 The companion table, with the doves of Pliny in the centre, and borders of
FEF. 4) verde antique and oriental alabaster
5 ft. 10 in. by 3 ft. 2 in., with a border of or-moulu, upon a carved and
By ste gilt frame, in Grecian taste, with bulls’ heads and festoons, the legs and
— front with slabs of verde antique
A gra 4
54 Seventh Day’s Sale.
813 A MAGNIFICENT TABLE, composed with most exquisite taste, with
an_ oblong slab of jasper, with fillets of lapis lazuli and rosso antico, and
egg and anchor mouldings of Carrara marble. The slab is 43 in, by
= 25 in., the frame which supports it is of or-moulu, in Roman taste, with
bosses of lapis lazuli
814 A ‘e table, on a lyre-shaped stand, formed of antique slabs from the
a BUT Soe yre-shap antiq | une
ae baths of Titus
Z 2.2.0 815 The companion table, formed of slabs of agate and ribbon jasper
816 A square table, on a tripod stand, carved and gilt, the slab composed of
I2.M.E rosso verde and other antique marbles from the baths of Titus
—— Coal
re 817 A TABLE, the SLAB OF MALACHITE—in the centre is a boar
: hunt, a large mosaic, of the finest Roman work, with a border of masks,
av 03S Se ws thyrsi, and vines also in mosaic, 36 in. by 27 in., on a richly carved and
gilt stand, in very handsome old taste = Oe
818 A table, with a slab of giallo antico, 70 in. by 35 in., on a caryed and gilt
stand, of bold design, with female busts
819 The companion table | ne?
820 A receptacle for miniatures, in eight divisions, glazed with plate glass, in
metal frames, on a circular table, of white and gold, supported by three
winged terminal ficures ig 3
821 A candelabrum, of or-moulu, for six lights, with masks, on spirally fluted
pedestal, supported by lions—in the beautiful taste of Louis Quinze
822 The companion candelabrum ©
823 A pair of magnificent oriental cisterns—deep blue and gold, with figures in
compartments, the insides painted with fish—23 in. diameter :
CRYSTAL, of compressed oviform, deeply engraved with arabesques in
beautiful old Italian taste: it is mounted with a lip and handles of silver-
gilt E
825 A salver, composed of a centre octagonal and six other slabs of crystal—.
engraved and mounted |
Seventh Day’s Sale. | 55
826 A NEW CUT BRUSSELS CARPET, of handsome pattern, 23 yds.
by 7 yds.
827 A hearth rug
828 A ditto
829 A brassand steel fender; a set of fire irons; and a guard
830 A similar set
831 A set of curtains for seven windows, of crimson and white damask, lined with
fringed draperies, cords, and tassels, and gilt lions’ masks on the cornice
832 A chimney glass
833 A ditto
834 A 4-burner lamp, with cut-glass dish and drops
835 A ditto
836 A ditto
837 A capital mahogany sofa, covered with morocco, with squab, three cushions,
and two bolsters
838 A ditto
839 A ditto
840 A ditto
841 A pair of mahogany arm chairs, with round backs and stuffed seats, covered
with morocco
@- PA 842 A pair—similar
843 Twelve mahogany chairs, the seats stuffed, and covered with morocco
844 Twelve ditto
845 A pair of oak chairs, with carved backs, the seats covered with crimson velvet
846 A pair of ditto
847 A pair of carved mahogany arm chairs, with stuffed backs, and seats covered
with crimson silk tabaret
56 Seventh Day’s Sale.
848 A pair of gilt fauteuils, with cushions covered with crimson silk damask,
hee es and chintz covers
ee 849 A pair of noble fauteuils, the frames carved and gilt, the seats and backs
covered with tapestry with subjects from La Fontaine’s fables
850 A pair of ditto
851 A pair of ditto
852 A pair of ditto
853 A pair of ditto
854 A pair of ditto
855 A fire skreen, in a richly carved and gilt frame, with a subject from re
Hk 2. ae Fontaine’s fables in tapestry
856 A fire skreen on a carved and gilt stand, with a subject in needlework of a
boy keeping sheep
857 The companion skreen—a girl with flowers
858 An oblong ottoman, covered with yellow silk worked with gold, with silk
eS mas cords and tassels
Ax Se Ata A footstool, covered with needlework
=, 860 A pair of card tables, of inlaid wood lined with cloth
1a Es
ie ae 861 A superb table, of marqueterie, with carved legs, and mounted with masks
in or-moulu, the top with the subject of Alexander and Diogenes in mother-
exe tS fe he Ai eee o’=pearl and coloured woods
862 A table cover, of compressed needlework, with flowers and fuliaee 8 ft. long,
and 6 ft. wide
863 An oblong table on spiral legs, the top with festoons of flowers and birds, in
fA At 2. ls. o marqueterie, of mother-o’-pearl and wood
a 2 Lf EC Sie 7 864 The companion table
eee 865 A pair of oak stands for flowers—carved with festoons of flowers, on spiral
: w, LAL legs
“yo. e.c %8 An octagonal table, of pollard oak, the border inlaid with brass
Seventh Day’s Sale. « 57
a © 867 An eight-foot bagatelle board, with balls, queue, and mace
868 A mahogany easy chair, with spring seat and stuffed back, covered with
869 A square chess table, composed of marbles and jaspars, on a gilt stand
870 A curtain, of Gobelin tapestry, with cupids supporting a trophy
871 A clock, by Le Pautre, in an or-moulu case, surmounted by figures of Anthony
WA - and Cleopatra; and a subject in relief in the pedestal, which contains a
—— musical movement : it is in a glass case, with metal frame
872 An alabaster group of three figures of Atlas supporting a globe—on a
873 An alabaster group of three female figures, with festoons, supporting a globe
—on a pedestal
874 The rape of the Sabines—a group in alabaster, on a pedestal
875 The companion group—the rape of Proserpine
876 A set of four small vases, of Dresden porcelain,with female heads
877 A similar set of vases
878 A pair of encrusted Dresden vases, painted with flowers—and with masks
of Medusa at the handles
879 Another pair—not encrusted—painted with subjects and birds
880 A clock, in an or-moulu case, with two figures of boys blowing bubbles—
under a glass shade
881 A microscope, by Prichard, in a mahogany. case ; and a small cabinet of
pe. Co objects
882. A telescope, by Dolland
884 A nest of three trays of oriental japan ; and a pair of hand skreens
885 A very curious CLock, by Raingo, shewing the days of the week, and
surmounted by an ORRERY, which is attached to the works of the clock ;
| Mr
5B Seventh Days Sale.
886 A capital cut Bruel carpet, of ars pattern—9 yds. by 7h yds.
887 A hearth rug
888 A steel and brass fender; a set of fire irons; and a guard
889 Two pairs of crimson and white damask window curtains, with fringed
draperies, cords, and tassels
890 A handsome or-moulu lamp for six lights, with balance weight and chain
891 A pier glass, in a richly ornamented and gilt frame, in two plates=
the larger, 82 in. by 40 in.
892 A chimney glass, 70 in. by 44 in.
893 A console table—richly carved and gilt, with a Brey marble slab—
4 ft. 8in. long
894 A handsome sofa, with carved rosewood frame and laa seat-—the three
back cushions, two pillows, and two bolsters covered with crimson satin
damask—printed cotton covers
894*A foot hassock; 2 cushions, covered with silk; and 2 pieces of crimson
silk damask
895 An easy chair, with stuffed back and cushion, covered with crimson satin
damask, and printed cover
896 A low easy chair, with spring seat, with printed cotton cover
897 A high-back chair, the frame white and gold, covered with crimson and
gold satin damask ; and 2 covers
898 An old settee, with carved and gilt frame
899 An easy chair, with stuffed back and cushion, covered with crimson silk
damask, and chintz cover
900 An easy chair, with spring seat, covered with morocco
901 A large easy chair, with stuffed back and cushion, covered with richly
flowered green silk damask
902 A mahogany library table, with rising top, for folios
Seventh Day’s Sale. 59
903 A rosewood table, with chess and backgammon boards
904 A small table, the top and legs with foliage—in marqueterie
905 A larger table, with centre and border of foliage and flowers—in marqueterie
906 A circular rosewood table, on pillar and plinth, the border inlaid with brass
907 A shawl-pattern table cover—6 ft. square
908 A small cireular table; and 2 pairs of library steps
909 A small circular rosewood table, on pillar and plinth
=a _ 910 A satinwood fire skreen, with flap, panelled with green silk Ces ee
911 A leather chess board, and a set of ivory men
912 An ivory and ebony chess and backgammon board
913 A backgammon board and men; and a thermometer
914 A mahogany sofa table, with two drawers
End of Seventh Day's Sale.
Eighth Day’s Sale.
er. 915 Fourteen burnt-in plates; and 9 octagonal, with landscapes
916 Ten enamelled plates, and 2 different ; and 9 enamelled and burnt-in
/&-O. O17 A pair of very fine circular dishes—sea green, with dragons raised, and ~
landscapes in compartments—in blue |
918 Eight deep burnt-in plates; 8 enamelled with vases of flowers; and 6 with
utensils, in red
919 Eleven, enamelled with flowers; 1, crimson; and 11 deep enamelled
t~920 A service of oriental burnt-in, with arms, consisting of two tureens and
covers, four oval, fifteen dishes, ten circular, fifteen soup plates, twenty-four
table plates, six bowls, and four butter boats
921 Fifteen oblong dishes; 11 circular; 14 soup plates; 24 table plates; 6
bowls ; 2 butter boats; 7 basins; and 1 bottle
é 923 A pair of very large bowls
924 A bowl and cover
925 Seventeen oblong dishes ; 10 circular; 15 soup plates; and 23 table plates
; raft .
ie = ‘s 926 A tea service of the same, consisting of two teapots, three tea canisters, two
: a milk pots, ten coffee pots, seventeen cups, forty-three saucers and
stands, twelve basins and covers, two sugar basins and covers, ten basins,
and seventeen stands, on feet
Kighth Days Sale. 61
927 Two teapots; 2 tea canisters; 2 milk pots; 17 cups; 43 saucers and stands ;
12 basins; 1 sugar basin and cover; 10 basins; and 17 stands, on feet
928 Two teapots; a milk pot; 17 cups; 43 saucers and stands; 13 basins; 2
sugar basins and covers; 17 basins; and 17 stands, on feet
929 Twenty blue and white circular dishes
930 Twenty ditto
931 Twenty-four ditto
932 Forty-six Nankin deep plates
933 Thirty-two ditto; and 40 plates
934 Thirty-three Nankin dishes; and 4 sauce tureens
935 Fifteen burnt-in plates ; and 11, with arms
936 Forty-three plates, with flowers in Indian ink
937 Seven dishes—enamelled and burnt-in; 7 different; and 10 octagonal plates
938 Twelve old Japan dishes
939 Thirteen dishes and 28 plates—enamel, of one pattern
940 Two bowls—enamel; 6 fan-shaped dishes; 16 blue and white sweetmeat
dishes; and 6 cups
941 Four enamel plates; a tureen, cover, and dish
942 An enamel vase and cover; 2 bowls; and 32 pieces—blue and white
943 Forty-one Nankin plates
944 An English dinner service, of handsome oriental pattern—149 pieces
945 Ten pieces of chamber ware
946 Various chamber ware
947 Two Derby ice pails, with flowers; and 1, Sevres pattern
948 A dessert service—cornflower pattern; 2ice pails; 4tureens ; 3 dishes—on
feet; dishes; and 33 plates
949 A dejeuné, with fruits—brown and gold ground—8 pieces
62 Eighth Day's Sale.
950 A breakfast service—blue flowers—113 pieces
951 Twenty breakfast cups and saucers—different ; 24 shee! and 4 jugs and
covers—white and gold
952 Twenty tea and coffee cups and 24 saucers, of two patterns; and 2jugs and
953 Eighteen breakfast cups and 19 saucers, of two patterns; and 2 jugs and
covers 5 Re ER AN
4.78.6 954 A white embossed breakfast set—41 pieces; and 2 jugs and covers
—=——~___ 955 A blue and white dinner service—89 pieces
956 A dinner service—salmon colour and gold, with arms, consisting of two
EG: iD VI 26 tureens, covers, and stands, eight sauce ditto, four scroll and six oblong
—— dishes, covers, and liners, twenty-seven dishes, and one hundred and
nineteen plates
a7 957 A dessert service—white and gold, embossed, four ice pails, six tureens,
we feb covers and stands, four dishes on feet, six sheli ditto, six circular, six
jn eee square, seven oval, eleyen deep plates, and thirty- six plates
JG. 05. © 958 A similar service
959 Three dozens of plates, similar
960 Three dozen ditto r Tie
ae 961 A breakfast service—pink, white, and gold—twelve breakfast cups and
MEO nS sancers, twelve tea cups, twelve coffee cups and saucers, four butter tubs,
. Ek four basins, four muflin plates, four fruit stands, two dishes and covers,
four sugar basins, two milk pots, two jugs, six dishes, four large and
sixteen smaller plates, two egg stands, and twelve cups
962 Twelve breakfast cups and saucers; 11 tea cups; 12 coffee cups and
saucers ; 4 butter tubs; 4 basins; 4 muffin plates; 4 fruit stands; 2
dishes and covers; 4 sugar basins; 2 milk. pots; 2jugs; 6 dishes; 4
large and 15 smaller plates ; 2 egg stands; and 4 cups
963 Twelve breakfast cups and saucers; 8 coffee cups and saucers ; 4
butter tubs; 3 basins; 5 muffin plates; 4 fruit stands; 2 dishes
and covers; 4 sugar basins; 2 milk BOIS 5 a jug; 6 dishes; 4 large.
and 15 stié plates | 3
Eighth Days Sale. 63
964 A beautiful Dresden dinner service, with pastoral subjects and bouquets in
blue between each, two soup tureens, covers, and stands, a_ bowl, eighteen
dishes, twenty-four soup, and eighty-four table plates
965 Two basins and 12 plates, with flowers
966 A dessert service—green borders, with birds in compartments, two tureens,
covers, and stand, a centre, four square, six round, two larger, two octa-
gonal, and four oval dishes, and thirty-six plates
967 Four square, 6 round, 2 larger, 2 octagonal, and 4 oval dishes, of similar
pattern ; and 40 plates
968 Twelve plates—turquoise and gold borders, with flowers
969 Twelve ditto
970 A pair of sceaux—turquoise, with Watteau subjects
PRINT ROOM—(continued).
971 A circular box, of oriental japan, in three divisions
972 A beautiful coffer, of tortoiseshell, inlaid with buhl work, with groups of
flowers, and mountings of or-moulu
973 A smaller coffer, with three divisions—mounted with metal, and painted with
LXE ~ 974 A pair of burnt-in dishes, with arms, 18 in. diameter, on gilt tripod slabs
975 The beautiful models, in Sévres biscuit, of the children reading and writing,
15 in. and 14 in. high, in porcelain plinths, with glass shades
976 A clock, by Baillon, in a marble case, surmounted by two figures of cupids
oe 7 in or-moulu, upon an or-moulu pedestal, with five slabs of Sevres
porcelain painted with figures of children and flowers
6 4s~o 7 A pair of candlesticks, of Dresden porcelain
978 A pair of Dresden basins, with rams’ heads and festoons—painted with
64 Eighth Dav’s Sale.
ae O. o 979 A clock, by Le Pautre, in an or-moulu case, surmounted by a bust of
Homer in bronze ,
2. @-/ 980 A rosewood skreen, with a Chinese drawing of a female at a window
981 A NOBLE BOWL AND COVER, with upright handles of oriental
ae 7 a ali enamel, of sacred symbols, on copper, the legs elephants’ heads, the top
surmounted by an openwork knob, with a dragon’s head
981*A plinth, of curious wood—mounted with ong and panelled with
ebony inlaid with ivory y
982 A PAIR OF SUPERB CANDELABRA, the stem and bist of
mee uo Sevres bleu du Roi, mounted with or-moulu: they support vases with
2h b./52>oQ terminal heads at the handles, and feet of marine horses; from the vases
= spring branches of poppies, with nozzles for five lights each—8 ft. 6 in.
oe 2G iit
; Z7-b -@ . 983 A very handsome Brussels carpet (new), 10. yds. by 7 yds.
oe 984 A hearth rug
12 - GO 985 A steel and or-moulu fender; a set of fire-irons; and a guard
tf. '
2 986 A pair of curtains; and draperies for two windows, of rich satin damask,
aes has og with gimp and fringe, with gilt cornice, ornamented with carved shells
J2.fE-o Xi A large sofa, with gilt frame, with squab and two bolsters, covered with
crimson satin damask, and printed cotton covers
vee Co 988 A smaller sofa, with carved and gilt frame, covered with crimson and
white satin damask, with extra crimson silk and printed cotton covers
989 A set of four arm chairs—white and gold, the backs and seats coy vered with
crimson satin worked with white silk
990 Three fauteuils, with carved and gilt frames, the seats and backs covered
er . Yt oa with tapestry of pastoral subjects, with two sets of covers |
991 An easy chair, covered with printed cotton, with a cushion covered with
re og. fo needlework
Highth Days Sale. 65
tp 992 A high-back chair, with white and gold frame, the back and seat covered
+ Moc . with flowered crimson satin damask
99% A toilet commode—white and gold, with masks and ornaments in relief on
2, 00. O the panels, with folding doors, and a white marble slab
994) An oval dressing glass, 23 in. by 18 in., in a white and gold frame, with
cupids, and an oriental drapery, painted with flowers
{4.0 995 A five-leaf skreen, with white and gold carved frame, panelled with
muslin, in needlework of beautiful design
996 7 very elegant small table, of brass, tortoiseshell, and mother-o’pearl,
ee? ood vith masks and mouldings of or-moulu
7 E>’ om 997 The companion table |
3S @ — 998 A clock, by Baillon, ina case of or- -moulu—in rich old French taste
999 A BEAUTIFUL PIER TABLE, OF BUHL, of the very finest
7. Oo period, with masks of satyrs, and other decorations of or-moulu
- _ 1000 A PAIR OF SMALL PEDESTAL CABINETS, the panels of the
aT finest old marqueterie, of vases and flowers, and mouldings and masks of~
Ser ye6
Ly, 2 41001 A pair of carved and gilt pole fire skreens, with yellow satin mounts
1002 A horizontal grand pianoforte, by Broadwood, in a case of pollard oak ;
— and leather cover
_. Bo 1004 A pier glass, in six divisions—in gilt frame
1005 A mahogany double desk ; and a music stool
1006 A rosewood music stool, covered with needlework
~2 2 1007 A tambourine; a triangle ; and a pair of castanets
— 1008 A set of five beautiful cushions, covered with satin damask, with flowers in
A colours on a purple ground
~———————s« 4009 A small circular rosewood table
1010 A mahogany canterbury
richest buhl, of tortoiseshell and brass, with eight drawers
eT aaa — ——e
66 Eighth Day’s Sale.
Az; -— 1012 A BEAUTIFUL OVAL TOILET GLASS, the frame of tortoiseshell
a encrusted with arabesques of or-moulu, under a canopy—above is a
figure of Queen Anne, in relief
S&.f»e, 1013 A small octangular table, of buhl m
45-&.@ 1014 The companion table :
pee oe LOLS A MAGNIFICENT PIER TABLE, the frame composed of Peale in
ie rich Italian taste, carved and gilt, with shaped black and gold matble
slab .
1017 A pair of Chinese hand skreens, of exquisite workmanship Bt oie
1018 A pair of candelabra, composed of a pair of oriental figures supporting
baa Nb. C baskets—carved i in pear tree—on richly ornamented stands .
If. Be Fe cg 1019 A pair of ditto
—*——~ 1020 A knee-hole table of old and very fine buhl, on tortoiseshell, with ee
4 WA and four drawers
1021 A NOBLE ARMOIRE, OF EBONY, the sande of tortoiseshell seek
ASL. ~ folding doors are also ornamented with inlaid woods and metal ; the
—<—— hinges arein rich taste, and the top and base are richly ornamented with
masks of or-moulu
oa buhl, with subjects from Ovid in or-moulu, in relief : the insides of the
1022 A Chinese table apteen the panel painted with a Mie ai rosewood
4E be 1023 A knee-hole table, of the richest buhl, with seven drawers, and onaickal
1024 A SHAPED TABLE, OF MARQUETERIE, of flowers in different
4 ee a curious woods, with drawers and ornaments of or-moulu, the centre
covered with green morocco
1025 A BEAUTIFUL, INKSTAND, OF SILVER, partly gilt, composed
oe of two ewers, with terminal figures for handles, anda bell on a salver—
. ine whole richly chased with arabesques i in old Italian taste
1026 A BUHL COMMODE, with four lar ge drawers a very rich work, with
ee massive handles and ornaments
| 1036 A pair of hexagonal jars,
Kighth Days Sale. 67
1027 A square table, of old marqueterie, with arabesque ornaments in Italian
4 CHINA, &c.
1028 A stand for flowers—a beautiful specimen of the finest old chelsea green—
painted with a subject from Roman history
1029 A pair of oriental enamel jars and covers
1030 A large bath, of English porcelain—beautifully painted with natural
1031 A small jar and cover, of oriental enamel, with flowers in relief—mounted
with or-moulu
1032 A superb tureen, cover, and dish, of the rarest old chelsea— painted with
exotic birds, and festoons and insects, in gold, upon deep blue A eupe
with mouldings in gold, in relief
1033 Two green enamelled oriental dishes; an old Japan dish ; and an old
glass scalloped dish
1034 Four chocolate cups—honeycombed and burnt-in—oriental ; and 2
enamelled cups
1035 A beautiful burnt-in basin ee cover, with arms; and a pair of enamelled
bottles, with plants and insects—small
of yey fine old Worcester—deep blue and cold,
with exotic birds
1037 A pair of beakers, of old Japan
End of Eighth Day's Sale.
Lh th
Ninth Day's Sale.
TABLE CHINA—(continued).
1039 A white and gold set, with spots, consisting of ten breakfast cups and
twelve saucers, six coffee cups and saucers, a stand and a plate, and two
tea cups and saucers ;
1040 A service, with a border of flowers, consisting of nine tea cups and twelve
saucers, nine coffee cups and twelve saucers, two plates, and a sugar
basin and cover
1041 A set—with blue and gold stripes, consisting of six tea and seven coffee cups
and seven saucers, and two plates
1042 A set, blue and gold with flowers, consisting of twelve tea, and twelve coffee
cups, and twelve saucers, sugar basin and cover, slop basin, milk pot,
and two plates
1043 A dessert service, of Derby porcelain—white and gold, with flowers, consisting
of nineteen dishes, two sugar basins and stands, and forty-four plates
1044 A dessert service, of Berlin porcelain with openwork edges—beautifully
painted with flowers, consisting of four baskets, two tureens, covers, and
stands, twelve circular dishes, and twenty-four plates
1015 An English dessert service, with the Garter, consisting of four ice pails,
three bowls, four tureens, covers, and stands, twenty-four dishes, and
sixty-seven plates
g. 2.
tf em
Y. F
A. V0
Ninth Day's Sale. 69
046 A beautiful Sévres basin, cover, and stand—turquoise, with pastoral subjects
in compartments
1047 Six Sévres coffee cups and saucers—turquoise, painted with birds
1048 Twelve Dresden custard cups and covers—painted with flowers
1049 Six ditto, without covers
1050 A beautiful set of Dresden porcelain, consisting of twelve tea and six coffee
cups, and nineteen saucers—exquisitely painted with flowers
1051 Twelve Dresden dessert plates—exquisitely painted with fruits
1052 Twelve ditto
1053 Twelve ditto
1054 Twelve ditto
1055 Twelve ditto
1056 Twelve ditto
1057 Twelve ditto
1058 Eighteen ditto
1059 An exquisite ewer and basin—painted with subjects from the antique,
and studded with imitations of precious stones, upon a jad green
1060 An ewer and basin—rose du Barri, with ribbons of green, and painted
with fruit
1061 An ewer and cover, and basin—green and gold, with bouquets of flowers
1062 A small sceau, with bouquets
1063 A pair of large sceaux—turquoise, painted on both sides, with subjects from
Watteau — ;
1064 A pair of ditto
Ninth Days Sale.
ce Yb of Te 1065 An ewer and basin—turquoise, with subjects —
MS 4 7 ae 1066 An ewer and basin—deep blue, with festoons in gold, and bouquets
ve vf i 1067 A scalloped plateau—turquoise, with a subject from Watteau, and bouquets
dO 1068 A salver, with two handles—yellow, with arabesques, in = centre a subject
Ff: Z Z of Italian peasants, after Lingelback
ee " ih 1069 A beautiful salver, of scalloped form, with bouquets
4 1070 A large sceau, of the same pattern
4 g ‘a 1071 A pair of sceaux—rose du Barri, painted with exotie birds eo
painted with trophies in columns, and trellis work of blue—very elegant
73 A LARGE SALVER—turquoise, with a subject after Watteau, and
LZ a 2? bouquuts—mounted in or-moulu, with dragon handles
1074 A PAIR OF CANDELABRA, composed of vases—green, with exotic
aS birds in compartments, and mountings of or-moulu, in rich old taste, and
z hb / branches, of lilies, for five bets each, springing from them
Z V4 i, fi i 1075 A noble bowl and cover, of old Japan
| E Lid 1076 A ditto, with handles
ve 1077 Four beautiful coffee cups, of old chelsea—blue and gold—painted with
1078 Six ditto—imperfect
dancing figures
A jj. 1
1080 A set of four cups, of oriental white ware—mounted with flowers of ‘gilt
A pair of preefericula, of oriental blue—pencilled with gold—mounted
with or-moulu—one imperfect
ee Ve i 1081 A set of three toilette bottles, of tortoiseshell—inlaid with flowers of silver
1082 A BEAUTIFUL VASE, OF ROCK CRYSTAL, formed as a shell,
ss 4 Se 3 and engraved—on a stem and foot of the same, the cover surmounted
KY. by a triton: the foot set with jacynths and lapis lazuli
Ninth Davy’s Sale. 71
Saad A PAIR OF SUPERB ORIENTAL JARS—painted with fang-ho-
Vi Wig angs and other birds and plants, with borders of the richest enamel:
the covers surmounted by birds—gilt—52 in. high
1085 Two drinking glasses and stands; 2 cups and covers; and 2 toilette
bottles, of gilt glass
Wy 1086 A set of four salts, of Dresden, on tripod stands—with heads
and set with fourteen large amethysts
ais A cup, of crystal, engraved in panels—mounted with silver gilt, engraved
1088 A pair of toilette candlesticks, the stems of rely twisted ruby glass, on
G tripod stands of or-moulu
1089 A pair of exquisite taper candlesticks, of agate—mounted with silver gilf,
oy" with masks, lizards, and insects of the most beautiful work
090 A Geneva watch, in a paper weight, with Swiss views, and enamelled case,
YU. 3 with upright handles 7
1091 A Sévres flower stand, of clegant form, in two divisions—painted with
o”y | flowers, and a rustic landscape on the centre panel
1092 A beautiful Sévres chocolate cup and saucer— turquoise, with subjects, after
// f Watteau
> . . * ° .
1093 A pair of beautiful Sévres quatre foil stands—turquoise, with exotic
yy birds
71094 A large Sévres bowl—turquoise, with subjects of cupids on the outside,
“Lf. vi and fruits and flowers, and a subject after Watteau, within
1095 A beautiful cup, with figures and trees encrusted in gold enamel—with a
' ten}
Lig foot, silver gilt, set with rubies
/_ lr e 1096 A shallow bowl—turquoise—painted with exotic birds
g Dh 1097 The companion bowl
eZ) 1098 A pair of Dresden leaf-shaped dishes, with flowers
1101 An or-moulu bell; and a snuff box, of agate
, 102 A beautiful bonbonniere, of matrix of amethyst—gold mounted, and set
Yi : with small brilliants
72 Ninth Days Sale.
£ a Ts 1103 A scent bottle, with dancing figures, of old chelsea; and a pair of ditto
va ok
ye eh fe ” 4104 A leaf-shaped inkstand, of white porcelain, with enamelled covers
1105 A casket, the top composed of jade—inlaid with flowers, of beautiful
jaa oriental work
106 An octagonal casket, of silver gilt, with plates of crystal, set with Indian
ZL 3D. A we polished rubies and emeralds—on feet, of agate: the top with a lusus
naturee of pearl, set as a Chinese figure
1107 Twelve figures and ornaments of Chinese jewellery, in silver—some of them
set with pearls
ve 2. | Vi 1108 A scent bottle, of amber—mounted with silver gilt, and set with stones
1109 An oriental enamelled stand for a watch, with flowers raised; and circular
| ZL ii a stand
1110 A coffer, inlaid with figures and arabesques in ivory and mother o pearl—
ees of fine old German work
/ J 1111 THE STATE BEDSTEAD—most magnificently carved and gilt, with
| ty yellow silk tabaret curtains and hangings; the lining of crimson silk,
. Z the canopy with a network of gold and rich scrolls at the angles; the
| /) Ps columns formed as Roman fasces: at the head are the arms of Chandos
| GL. OD
| fo embroidered; with two hair mattrasses, a wool mattrass, a down
bolster, two down pillows, a Marseilles quilt, and a white satin qultey..
| cover
| | 1112 A bed step—white and gold, covered with crimson velvet—carved in
| LY/ beautiful taste
1113 A ditto
i z I // 1114 A pedestal cupboard—a fluted half column—white and gold with marble
te. top
Lf/O07T0 1115 A ditto
| oS VE: (6 1116 A towel horse—white and gold
Z | a 1117 A basket, lined with crimson satin
Ninth Days Sale. 73
f= 7Z—1118,A set of six chairs—white and gold, with cane seats—gilt
—_ 1119 A folding horse—white and gold
1120 An elegant sofa table, of mahogany—painted white and gold, the top
VA covered with light velvet—in the taste of the Renaissance
AG 1121 A silk table cover—stuffed
1122 A toilet table, covered with rich oriental silk, and drapery of point lace
1123 A pair of white and gold arm chairs, the seats and backs covered with
/7 crimson satin worked with white silk
4 SK 1124 A pair of pole fire skreens—white and gold, with worked silk mounts
25 A very elegant cheval dressing glass, with white and gold frame, with
C4, 4 arched top—56 in. by 28 in.
, A126 A circular table, with a white marble slab, supported by a figure of a boy—
f Vis 74 in white and gold
o3 g.. 1127 The companion table, the top cut for a basin
% 1128 A rich flowered silk table cover ; and a crimson ditto
4 Hf. 1129 A crimson and white satin toilet table cover
—t 130 A very magnificent Persian carpet, of shaw! pattern, with a border of
aa birds and flowers—8$ yds. by 5} yds.
3. /S- 1131 A Persian rug
J / J, / 1132 A steel and or-moulu fender ; a set of fire irons; and a guard
Bec A pair of window curtains and draperies, of yellow Chinese silk, bordered
eT. with crimson silk velvet, and fringed; and white and gold cornice
Bet, Af 1134 A very large carved and gilt sofa, covered with yellow Chinese silk
J. / 1135 A foot ottoman, covered with similar silk
$70 1136 A pair of carved and gilt fauteuils, covered with the same silk
‘ha 1137 Another pair
WA GH, Y 1138 A case table cover, oa with flowers in gold thread, and coloured
silk—10 ft. by 8 ft. 2 in.
/ J 1139 A fire skreen, with carved and gilt frame, panelled with flowered silk
74 Ninth Day’s Sale.
Ht Le 1140 A carved and gilt stool, covered with crimson silk damask
1141 A ditto
1142 Twenty-seven yards of Brussels car a eta 5 ft. 4 in. wide
() 1143 A pair of foot stools, covered with figured silk
1144 A PIER GLASS, 55in by 24 in.—in. a frame decorated with panels of
4 Wed silver, embossed with boys, flowers, and other ornaments in high relief;
| ‘ and a pair of silver girandoles inserted in the frame
4 with three figures of children supporting the top, which is covered with
£ Ue yh A crimson velvet: upon it is a rich stand supporting a small bust of the
Queen—with a panel of silver
old German work, formed as A TABLE SUPPORTING A
CABINET: on the fronts of the drawers, which are fastened by con-
LIS fe cealed springs, are subjects and landscapes in marqueterie, of different
coloured woods and pearl: in the centre door is a relief, in silver gilt,
of Bacchus and Ariadne, of exquisite work ; and above are two small
figures of cupids, the body of each composed of a lusus naturze of pearl
1147 A TABLE, NEARLY SIMILAR, the door with a relief of flowers:
/, ol q by Boulanger, and subjects after Berghem .
1148 A table, the frame carved with cupids and flowers, in rich old tasto—yith
€ J. a white marble slab
1149 A table, the legs with terminal figures of boys, carved and gilt, and ‘
Kies La 4 slab composed of specimens of marble and jaspar
a flowers and birds, with nine drawers, and a door enclosing six others—
oe AOR) 4 the lower part with one long drawer and folding doors panelled with
1151 A CABINET, NEARLY SIMILAR, the marqueterie of wood and
ivory, with fourteen drawers, and a drawer enclosing eleven others:
4 i L _ beneath are two drawers and folding doors, panelled with mar-
Ninth Day's Sale. 75
1152 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL CANDELABRA, composed of vases of
Yl G Sevres bleu du Roi, with handles of goats in or-moulu, having branches
| for seven lights, with boys and goats in or-moulu springing from each,
and supported on feet, with sphinxes of or-moulu
1153 A MAGNIFICENT HIGH CLOCK, by Stollenw aaa in a case of
S7 rqueterie, richly ornamented with figures of boys, trophies, and
kh. fl 1154 A beautiful table cover, of crimson and white satin, with lace border
1155 Another, worked with flowers—in colours and gold
[ete bl "masks in or-moulu
1156 Another, of the same pattern—smaller
1157 Another—smaller, with a border of point lace
1158 Another—green, worked with flowers and lace
1159 A pair of pillows, covered with rich flowered silk
1160 An Indian scarf—embroidered with gold
End of Ninth Day’s Sale.
OO ——
Tenth Day's Sale.
On FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1848,
Led Gp Hf 1161 A handsome crimson figured Brussels carpet, 144 yds. by 54 yds.
1162 The damask cover to the carpet -
1163 A ditto rug
1164 A cut steel fender and fire irons; anda wire guard
, 1165 An oval table of yew tree—on carved legs
/* 1166 A chess and backgammon table, with semicircular ends—on standards
1167 A set of chess men, of carved ivory—black and white
1168 A ditto—white and red—wanting one piece
1169 Parts of three sets of chess men; some backgammon men; and 2 grass —
1170 An ottoman, with squab and back cushions—covered with printed.
1171 A ditto
Ang @ a 1172 A bronze and or-moulu inkstand ; and a taper stand
1173 An inkstand ; and a paper weight
“yy pe 2 ft. 6 in.—on a carved and gilt stand
Tenth Day’s Sale. 77
on a stand of rosewood—partly vilt
~ 1177 A pier table, with a slab of Italian scagliola, in colours, with birds, &c.
1178 The companion table
1179 A small pier table, with a slab—on a stand of rosewood
1180 ASMALL PIER TABLE, with slab, composed of rare antique marbles,
with a plinth of curious woods—inlaid
1181 A dial, by Dutton
1182 A Japan cabinet, with folding doors and drawers—on a gilt stand
1183 Four pairs of rich crimson satin damask curtains, with fringes, cords, and
tassels, and brass poles
1184 An easy chair and cushion, covered with green morocco ; and an extra
cushion, and printed cotton covers
1185 A ditto, and cushion covered with printed cotton, and extra covers
1186 A mahogany ditto, with Gothic frame, and cushion
1187 A ditto
1188 A very handsome library chair, with rotatory seat, with carved back
and legs
1189 A pair of window seats, covered with crimson damask, and chintz covers
1190 Five mahogany chairs, with leather seats
1191 A mahogany card table; and a footstool
1192 A pair of bell-shaped vases, of grey granite—18 in. high
1193 A pair of low tripod candlesticks, of bronze
1194 A pair of ditto
1195 A Chinese cup, of steatite—carved, and lined with metal
78 Tenth Days Sale.
1196 A Chinese cup, of steatite—carved, and lined with metal
1197 A smaller ditto, beautifully carved with vines and fruit
1198 A smaller ditto
1199 A squirrel eating grapes—a beautiful Chinese carving in steatite
1200 A pair of baths, of alabaster—on verde antique plinths
1201 A two-handled vase and cover, of alabaster
1202 A pair of enamelled basins; and a pair of old Japan dishes
1203 A pair of skreen mounts, of coloured feathers
: z 2 1204 A small tazza, of rosso—on pedestal of breccia Africana
cf Y f1205 Mars—in bronze antique
AL, 1206 Hercules—antique—12 in, high
a: HE 1207 Perseus—the companion bronze
Vids 1208 Caracalla—whole length figure in bronze; on siallo nédaatal
/ : 1209 A pair of bronze storks, with serpents
1210 Two small bronze models—the temple of Vesta; and the temple of Jupiter
kK. 1211 A beautiful small model of a fountain, in bronze, with four figures and a
1212 Two small Roman Imperial figures, in bronze
1213 Two small paper weights, of rosso; with hieroglyphies ; and 1, with an owl
BY he +h 1214 A model of the biga in the Vatican—on marble plinth +
: 1215 A pair of oriental blue bottles, sith lips; and a pair of eireular. dides _
for stands . 4
& by 216 An antique bronze bull, with marble pedestal Ase ee | 4
iy bean Fortune—a beautiful small bronze, on black marble pace . 3
1218 A tazzo, of giallo antico, with handles
1219 A ditto, of rosso
Lf 1220 Ganymede—a beautiful antique bronze-—10 1 in. high, on 1 black, rarble
F mt) Fal pedestal es
Tenth Day's Sale. 79
"YY /4 _ 1221 A pair of or-moulu candelabra, for four lights each, of rich design
a A pair of beautiful square pedestals, of alabaster, with reliefs of arabesques
i. jf. of beautiful Italian work—in the taste of G. da Udine
, ‘f 1223 Martiana Augusta, in the character of Venus, with bow of Cupid—an
id se exquisite antique bronze, 9 in. high—on a pedestal of serpentine
1224 A pair of blue and white gourd-shaped bottles and covers, with Chinese
- subjects
1225 A pair of circular old blue and white dishes
/j yb Minerva—a beautiful small antique bronze, with a flowing drapery, with
the egis—on a pedestal of black marble
4 Ps fine The sacred bull of Egypt—an antique bronze ona pedestal of giallo
j : antico
1228 A paper weight, with a serpent, in bronze ; and 1, of oriental alabaster,
' with the swan
3 y 1229 A beautiful small group of six dancing cupids, in bronze—on marble
1230 A beautiful small figure of Mercury, of antique bronze
1231 The Mercury of G. di Bologna—a small copy in bronze: and the fountain
/ 0 in the Piazza Navone, in home
, 1232 Hygeia—a beautiful antique figure, 12 in. high—on a half column of black
O.Ge marble
1233 A match pot, with Chinese animals in relief—a fine specimen of bamboo
4934 A smaller ditto—more elaborately carved with Chinese figures
/ 1235 A model of the tomb of Scipio, of giallo antico, with the inscription
1236 A model of one of the Egyptian obelisks, in Rome, with the hieroglyphics
Vw ee and inscriptions, in rosso antico—2Zo in. high
1237 An obelisk and pedestal, of different antique marbles—29% in. high
o/h v4 1238 A triangular obelisk—a beautiful specimen of rosso antico, 28 in.
‘ rey
80 Tenth Days Sale.
Vis 1239 A BEAUTIFUL VASE, of Egyptian form, with cover and upright
handles, of antique oriental alabaster—20 in. high , .
a ee ee ee
1210 AN EXQUISITE OVIFORM VASE, spirally fluted, with handles
on the body of the vase is a frieze of dancing female figures, of the
most beautiful workmanship—20 in. high
1241 A small bust of Caracalla—the head of rosso antico, the drapery of very %
af YY Vy fine oriental alabaster, the socle of giallo—on pedestal, with two beautiful . wa |
: reliefs of Cupid, of rosso antico 4
c fies A Roman Imperial bust—the head of rosso antico, the drapery of oriental
0th b alabaster—17 in. high
1243 ‘The companion bust
ae J 0 MARBLE, with pedestals, plinths, and caps of different marbles—
. 5 ft. high
v0... BLUE AND WHITE—I8in. high
1246 A pair of old blue and white dishes
/ 1247 A pair of octagonal garden seats, of the richest oriental enamel, with
a : bosses and subjects of Chinese battles
hi-0 1248 A pair of ditto, with plants and birds
cae 1249 A pair of old oriental blue and white jars and covers, with plants and
landscapes, in compartments—2Y in. high
va 1250 A pair of obelisks—beautiful specimens of Egyptian granite, on ppate a
of different marbles , |
1251 A pair of candelabra, composed of female draped figures, of old French
y/, by Ve bronze, bearing cornucopiz, with branches for three lights and a
thyrsus, of or-moulu—each pedestal of statuary, with festoons and plinths
of or-moulu
4). o 1252 The infant Hercules with the serpents—a small copy from the antique—
in statuary marble, on a plinth of mona marble
>> Deon
Va A ee
Tenth Day's Sale. 81
y [128 A disk, with a bacchanalian figure on an ass, supported by an antique
G0 bronze hand—on a small column of porphyry
1254 Hercules with the Nemzan lion; a hook, of antique bronze, part of a
Roman steelyard, on a half column of serpentine, on a plinth of black
1255 Jupiter Tonans—a fine antique bronze, 12 in. high—on a half column of
is 3 black marble
256 A small Roman Imperial bust, with a drapery of jaspar
LH. y of jos
2957 A column and pedestal of breccia Africana, with capital and base of giallo
antico—5 ft. high
1258 A cinque-cento bronze lamp, partly gilt, surmounted with a figure of
Judith with the head of Holofernes
1259 A ship’s thermometer, by Breguet
60 A coffre, of ebony, with six slabs of the finest Florentine mosaics in lapis
Zf /. x lazuli, jaspar, &c.
1261 A jar,of lava—mounted with metal, plated; and an old Japan plate
f. — 1262 A coffre, of old raised Japan, with engraved silver mountings
? 1263 A marble tazza, the handles of twisted snakes—on pedestal—4 ft. high
; 1264 Marcus Aurelius—the equestrian statue from the Capitol—in bronze, on
/ : statuary marble pedestal
j? / 1265 Constantive, from the equestrian statue at St. Peter’s—in bronze, on
7 ; statuary pedestal
é 35 in. high
1267 Two old blue and white oriental jars
fo 1268 A tazza, on a pedestal, on the plinth of which are masks in cameo,
and sea horses, composed of different specimens of lava from
82 Tenth Day's Sale.
1269 A pair of small tazzas, with handles of rosso
1270 A small bath, of rosso ae |
1271 Asmall oval tazza and pedestal, of oriental alabaster; a lion paper weight
on plinth of verde antique; and a book, of rosso antico
Vig J oe 1272 Hercules destroying the monster Gorgon—a fine old Italian bronze
1274 A Campana vase, with a banquet on the front, and mutes on the reverse—
16 in. high—found at Nola
J; sae 1275 A beautiful two-handled vase, of fine clay, with a priestess inated ona
; bull, on the front and the reverse—found at Canino—18 in. high
1276 A two-handled vase, with a warrior receiving a cup from a priestess, and
the same subject differently treated on the reverse—18 in. high
1277 A vase, of beautiful form, with a warrior standing by his horse, and listen-
ing to a minstrel, behind whom is a faun: on the reverse ate three
figures—1L5in. high
1278 An upright vase, with two handles—painted with hoops, of Carthaginian
ware—l13 in. high
1279 An urceus, of coarse ware—13 in, high
1280 A beautiful urceus, found at Canino—witha sik of Silenus with a female
figure, and a faun
1281 A Campana vase, found at Canino—with paintings of sa and
Ariadne—12 in. high
1282 A three-handled vase, of beautiful form, with two female figures Aocorting
a column— 15 in. high
Tenth Day's Sale. 83
1283 A magnificent vase, with upright handles, with masks and necks of swans:
) 2 on the front is a group of seven figures, with Dido and Auneas, and a
WY bacchanalian group on the reverse: on the neck of the vase are chimerez
: —24 in. high
1284 A beautiful vase, of the finest clay, with three handles; and a group of
/, J seven figures in a procession : on the shoulder are warriors with a biga
7 —very fine—19 in. high
End of Tenth Day’s Sale.
N.B.—The ELEVENTH Day’s Sate will be on Tuespay the 29th.
I ee
: .
¥ ~
¢ w
‘ j .
Eleventh Day's Sale.
On TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1848,
eee ()
1 Three dozens of Sherry, (Smith,) bottled in 1845 Bin 14
2 Three ditto
3 Three ditto
4 Three ditto
5 Three ditto
6 Three ditto
7 Three ditto
8 Three ditto
9 Three ditto, more or less
10 Three dozens of Sherry, 1842 } Bin 62
11 Three ditto
12 Three ditto
13 Three ditto
14 Three ditto
15 Three ditto
16 Three ditto
17 Three ditto, more or less
fe ees
88 3 Eleventh Day's Sale.
18 ‘Three dozens of Amontillado Sherry, 1818 eae se :
19 Three ditto een
20 Three ditto
21 Three ditto
22 Three ditto
23 Three ditto
24 Three ditto
25 Three ditto %s
26 Three ditto
27 Four ditto, more or less |
28 Three dozens of Amontillado Sherry, 1818
29 Three ditto
30 Three ditto —
31 Three ditto
32 Three ditto
33 Three ditto
34 Three ditto
35 Three ditto, more or less_
Pe. ee
36 Three dozens of Port, (Smith,) 1845
37 Three ditto
38 Three ditto
39 Three ditto as eg
40 Three ditto
Eleventh Day’s Sale.
41 Three dozens of Port, (Smith), 1845
42 Three ditto, more or less
43 Three dozens of Port, (Smith,) 1845
44 Three ditto :
45 Three ditto
46 Three ditto
47 Three ditto
48 Three ditto
49 Three ditto
50 Three ditto
51 Three ditto
52 Three dittu
53 Two ditto, more or less
54 Three dozens of Latour, 1834
55 ‘Three ditto
56 Three ditto
57 Three ditto
58 Two ditto, more or less
59 Three dozens of Latour, (Brooks,) 1834, bottled in 1843
60 Three ditto
61 Three ditto
62 Three ditto
63 Three ditto, more or less
64 Two dozens of Lafitte, 1835, more or less
65 Three dozens of Latfitte, 1834
Bin 18
Bin 20
Bin 1
Bin 67
Bins 26
Bin 77
ae 90 | Eleventh Day’s Sale.
a 66 Three dozens of Lafitte, 1834
: 67 Three ditto
68 Three ditto
tA 69 Three ditto
se 70 Three ditto
“ ) 71 Three ditto
uaa 72 Three ditto
; a 73 Three ditto, more or less
74 Three dozens of Chateau Margaux, 1834
75 Three ditto fae
76 Three ditto
77 Three ditto
78 Three ditto
79 Four ditto, more or less
Ee 80 Three dozens of Claret
i 3 81 Three ditto
2 7 82 Three ditto
ge 83 Three ditto
84 Three ditto
85 Three ditto
86 Three ditto
ei A ae
= nf «
ome 87 Three ditto Ee bil ead ;
Ps | 88 Three ditto
i a 89 Three ditto
ah 90 ‘Three ditto
= 91 Three ditto
92 Three ditto
93 Two ditto, more or less
Eleventh Day’s Sale.
94 Two dozens of Sillery Mousseux, (De Massine and De Loisson)
95 Two ditto
96 Two ditto, more or less
97 Two dozens of Sillery Mousseux
98 Two ditto
99 Two ditto, more or less
100 Two dozens of Sillery Mousseux
101 Two ditto
102 Two ditto
103 Two ditto
104 Two ditto
105 Two ditto
106 Three ditto, more or less
107 Two dozens of Champagne, 1845
108 Two ditto |
109. Two ditto
110 Two ditto
111 Two ditto
112 Three ditto, more or less
113 Two dozens of Johannesberg Cabinet Wine, 1819
114 Two ditto
115 Three ditto, more or less
116 Two dozens of Johannesberg (Behrend’s)
117 Two anda half ditto, more or less
Bin 2
Bin 6
Bin 8
Bin 98
Bin 34
Bin 32
92 Eleventh Day’s Sale.
118 'Three.dozens of Marckobronner, 1822
119 Three ditto
120 Two ditto
121 ‘Two ditto, more or less
122 Three dozens of Cabinet Rothenberger
123 Three ditto
124 Three ditto
125 Three ditto
126 Two ditto, more or less
127 One dozen of Brandy
128 One ditto
129 One ditto
130 One ditto
131 One and a half ditto
132 One dozen of Brandy
133 Ten bottles of ditto
134 Eleven bottles of White Brandy
135 One dozen and a half of Peach Brandy
136 One dozen of Rum
137 One ditto
138 One and a half ditto, more or less
139 One dozen of Rum, more or less
140 One dozen of very old Rum
141 One ditto
142 One ditto
Bin 54
Bin 55
Bin 2
Front, Bin 34
Front, Bin 60
Bin 102
Eleventh Day’s Sale. 93
143 One dozen of very old Rum Bin 57
144 One ditto
145 One ditto
146 One ditto
147 Eight bottles of ditto, more or less
148 One dozen of Hollands, &c. Bin 106
149 One ditto |
150 One ditto, more or less
151 One dozen of Whiskey, more or less Bin 42
End of Eleventh Day's Sale.
Twelfth Day's Sale.
On WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1848, —
152 Three dozens of Sherry, (Cunningham,) 1845 Bin 7
153 Three ditto
154 Three ditto
155 Three ditto
156 Three ditto
157 Three ditto
158 Three ditto
159 Three ditto
160 Three ditto
161 Three ditto
162 Two ditto, more or less
163 Three dozens of Sherry, (Cunningham,) 1845 Bin 9
164 ‘Three ditto
165 Three ditto
166 Three ditto
167 Three ditto
168 Three and a half ditto, more or less
Pee Pee ee ee er Pr eee.
Twelfth Day’s Sale. 95
169 Three dozens of Sherry, (Smith,) 1845 Bin 10
170 Three ditto
171 Three ditto
172 Three ditto
173 Three ditto
174 Three ditto
175 Three ditto
176 Three ditto
177 Two ditto, more or less
178 Three dozens of Amontillado Sherry Bin 1]
179 Three ditto
180 Three ditto
181 Three ditto
182 Four ditto, more or less
183 Three dozens of Amontillado Sherry ) | Bin 68
184 Three ditto |
185 Three ditto
186 Three ditto
187 Two ditto, more or less
188 Three dozens of Port, (Smith,) 1842 Bin 49
189 Three ditto ,
190 Three ditto
191 Three ditto
192 Three ditto
- | Twelfth Day's Sale.
: 193 Three dozens of Port, (Smith,) 1842
4 194 Three ditto _
; 195 Three ditto
196 Two ditto, more or less
197 Three dozens of Port, (Brooks,) 1845
198 Three ditto
199 Three ditto
200 ‘Three ditto
201 Three ditto
202 Three ditto
203 Three ditto
204 Two ditto, more or less
205 Three dozens of White Port, more or less
e. : : CLARET.
ee 206 Three dozens of Claret, (Cunnningham,) 1845
‘ 207 Three ditto
208 Three ditto
209 Three ditto
210 Three ditto
3 211 Three ditto
oe 212 Three ditto
a 213 Three ditto
| 214 Three ditto
ee 8215 ‘Thies ditto A
216 Three ditto
217 Two ditto, more or less
Twelfth Day's Sale. 97
218 Three dozens of Chateau Rauzan, (Cunningham,) 18495 Bin 101]
219 Three ditto
220 Three ditto
221 Two ditto, more or less
222 One dozen of Claret, Bin 48; and 1 dozen and 3 bottles of Claret Bin 103
223 Three dozens of Lafitte, (Cunningham,) 1841, bottled in 1845 Bin 97
224 Three ditto
225 Three ditto
226 Three ditto
227 Three ditto
228 Two ditto, more or less
229 Three dozens of Claret Cases
230 Three ditto
231 Three ditto
932, Three ditto
233 Three ditto .
234 Three ditto
235 ‘Three ditto
236 Three ditto
237 Three ditto
238 Three ditto
239 Three ditto
240 Three ditto
241 Three ditto
242 Three ditto
243 Three ditto
244 Three ditto
1 eS Sareea iS 50 oto)
Ue a
rt oe
98 | Twelfth Day's Sale.
245 'Three dozens of Claret
246 Three ditto
247 Three ditto
248 ‘Three ditto
249 Three ditto
250 Three ditto
251 Three ditto
252 Three ditto
253 Three ditto |
254 Three ditto, more orless ~ —
255 Three dozens of Sercial, 1815
256 Three ditto
257 ‘Three ditto
258 Three ditto
259 Three ditto
260 Three ditto
261 Four ditto, more or less
262 Two dozens and a half of Red Constantia—in pints, more
263 Two dozens of Red Constantia
264 Three ditto, more or less
265 ‘Two dozen quarts of Red Constantia
266 Two ditto
267 Two ditto
Twelfth Day's Sale. 99
268 Two dozen quarts of Red Constantia Bin 78
269 Two ditto, more or less
270 Two dozens of Red Constantia—in pints
271 ‘Two ditto, more or less
272 Two dozens of White Constantia Bin 88
273 Two ditto, more or less
274 Two dozens of White Constantia—in pints, more or less Bin 91
275 Two dozens of Waite Constantia—in pints, more or less . Bin 92
276 Three dozen pints of Red Constantia Bin 29
277 Three ditto
278 Three ditto
279 Three ditto
280 Three ditto
281 Three ditto
282 Three ditto
283 Three ditto, more or less
284 One dozen of Sirop di Ponche Bin: 108
985 One ditto, more or less
286 One dozen of Shrub Bin 16
287 One ditto
288 One ditto
289 One ditto
290 One ditto
291 One ditto
292 One ditto
293 One and a half ditto, more or less
100 Twelfth Day's Sale.
294 One dozen of Shrub, more or less | Bin 50
295 One dozen of Arrack Bin 35
296 One dozen of ditto
297 Hight bottles of ditto, more or less
298 One dozen of Cherry Brandy, more or less Bin 94
299 One dozen pints of Usquebagh, 1807 Bin 96
300 Four pints of Usquebagh; and 1 quart and 6 pints of Kirsebeer liqueur
Bin 95
301 Three bottles of Maraschino—very old, Bin 113; and 7 others Bin 117
302 ‘Twelve bottles of Liqueurs Bin 113
203 Twelve ditto ) Bin 117
304 Two bottles of Maraschino ; and 10 quarts of Liqueurs Bin 53
305 One dozen and 11 bottles of Cyder Ground
306 Three dozens and 11 bottles of ditto ditto
307 Two dozens and 9 bottles of Ale ~~ _ Bin 43
End of Twelfth Day’s Sale.
Thirteenth Day’s Sale.
4 Wn // ~~ 1285 Four claret decanters
SN) 1286 Two water jugs; and 2 glasses and covers
1287 Two ditto; and ditto
1288 Two ditto; and ditto
1289 Four claret decanters
1290 Two water jugs, and 2 globular ditto ; and 10 finger glasses
1291 Four claret decanters
y. 1292 Ten caraffes; 18 tumblers; and 12 finger glasses
1293 Ten caraffes; 18 tumblers; and 12 finger glasses
4 1294 Eighteen tall green glasses, and 18 short
1295 Twelve tall glasses, and 26 short ditto
F ¥4 oe 1296 Twelve goblets; and 12 finger glasses
iLO 1297 Twenty-four tall white wine glasses
1298 Thirty-six short ditto
1299 Forty-two ditto
a 1300 Twelve goblets; 12 custard cups; and 12 liqueur glasses
102 Thirteenth Day’s Sale.
1301 Twelve custard cups; 12 liqueur glasses ; and 8 wine glasses
1502 ‘Twelve custard cups; 12 liqueur glasses; and 21 wine glasses
1303 ‘Twelve liqueur glasses, with thin stems; and 24 wine glasses
1304 ‘Twelve liqueur glasses; and 33 champagne glasses
1305 Twelve liqueur glasses—four different; and 24 champagne glasses
1306 Twenty-two champagne glasses ; and 12 liqueur glasses
1307 Twenty-four liqueur glasses
1308 Four decanters, tinted yellow; 4 liqueur glasses ; 6 champagne glasses ;
and 18 wine glasses
1309 A new Brussels carpet, 5 yds. by 4 yds.
1310 A hearth rug; a fender, fire arms, and a guard; a bell pull; and a piece
of matting
1311 A pair of window curtains, and drapery of crimson silk damask, and ma-
hogany cornice
1312 A mahogany table; and 3 chairs, with cane seats
1313 A table—the top composed of various marbles—on a carved and gilt stand
1314 A shower bath—painted white and gold
1315 A mahogany washing stand, with marble top and drawers
1316 Two basins and ewers; 2 other pleces——white and gold ; and a foot pan. }
1317 A mahogany cupboard; and a ditto towel horse
1318 A teapot, milk pot, basin, and 2 cups and saucers, of Dresden porcelain—
painted with flowers
518*An oval tray, and a milk pot and stand—Dresden—painted with flowers
1319 A pair of vases, of Worcester porcelain—pierced at the shoulders for pot-
pourri, and beautifully painted with shells
cl Se A pair of vases, and covers—painted with poetical subjects; anda a éf 3
smaller ditto, with cupids
i 1. i
et i i ;
{ee » ure Thirteenth Day's Sale. 103
kA pair of cups and saucers, of Derby porcelain—painted with flowers; and
a large cup, cover, and saucer—painted with Cupid
p- of 77 1322 An oriental figure, on a carved and gilt bracket
1322* A pier glass, ina richly carved frame
2 1326 A very handsome Brussels carpet—new, 64 yds. by 63 yds.
7g 1327 A hearth rug
‘ -~~"1328 A brass wire fender and fire irons; a guard; a coal box; and a bell pull
1329 Two pairs of very rich blue satin damask curtains, with bouquets of flowers
in colours, with draperies, and white and gold cornices, cords, and tassels
Gal A pair of ditto, and drapery to the arched recess
Two jugs and 3 basins; brush and sponge trays; foot pan; large basin
and vase—white and gold
1332 A mahogany sofa bedstead, with squab, back cushions, and two bolsters,
covered with crimson silk damask
1333 A feather bed, and 2 pillows
1334 Three blankets
1335 A Marsielles quilt
Ly 1336 A fauteuil—white and gold, with stuffed seat and back, covered with
crimson satin damask, and holland cover
3 me 1337 A pair of chairs—the gilt frames carved with lions’ masks and feet, stuffed
backs and seats, covered with crimson silk damask
: a 1338 A set of four chairs, with carved backs and legs, with lions’ masks and feet,
ef the seats covered with crimson Utrecht velvet
9 An elegant oval dressing glass, 24 in. by 18 in .—the frame of white pad
/. Js gold, carved
ay Pa ye by
104 Thirteenth Day's Sale.
om V- “1340 A dressing stool—richly carved and gilt, and covered with crimson silk
damask | ,
oy P / (yh 1341 A shower bath—japanned, white and gold
fe a 1342 A cheval glass, 47 in. by 27 in.—in mahogany frame
yi : fh 1343 A cut-glass chandelier for eight lights—of old pattern
4b 17 1344 A beautiful chimney glass, 40 in. by 29 in.—with openwork gilt frame,
and glass border
Vk F _ 1345 A pier glass, 34 in. by 26 in.—in a superb gilt frame, carved with boys
supporting the Doge’s cap, and seated among foliage
Yy ys ih 1346 A slab of Florentine mosaic, with birds—3 ft. 3k in. by 1 ft. 4 in.—on an
ebonized stand, with gilt ornaments
Y/ // \8A7,A ditt, 90.114 in, by Al
} 1348 A cabinet—the door and sides with three large panels, of black and gold
Ae ‘ JL, japan lacquer, bordered with tortoiseshell, inlaid with buhl work, with
rich ornaments of or-moulu, and surmounted by a slab of breccia
hs 1349 A table, with two drawers—the top and sides of rich marqueterie of ivory,
vA SE VA D mother-o’pearl, and wood—engraved with birds and animals—on
spirally carved legs—4 ft. 9 in, by 2 ft. 9 in.
eo vA 1350 A cover for the same—of pressed tapestry work
1351 A rosewood commode—the glazed folding doors and panels with blue silk,
with a slab of serpentine marble, with white border—4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 7 in.
ye /, i 1352 A small oval table—of marqueterie, with a shelf, and white marble slab,
tr with brass rim | 3
vA q. 1353 A ditto
1354 An ebony cabinet—the doors and panels of black and gold Japan lacquer,
y, with or-moulu ornaments, and a slab of oriental alabaster—4 ft. 3in.
VY. he, by 1 ft. 6 in, : |
1355 Aknee-hole writing table, with five drawers—the fronts, ends, and borders of
©, ie J. Yl the top, of marqueterie, with or-moulu ornaments—the top covered with
leather—4 ft, 11 in. by 2 ft. 64 in, | :
Thirteenth Day’s Sale. 105
1356 An inkstand, of metal gilt, with silver fillagree ornaments, supported on four
wae Yy- lions, with four inkstands and a bell of Italian spar—formerly belonging
to Pope Sixtus V,
> bh 1357 A pair of gilt liqueur bottles; and a tumbler
| / 1358 A centre vase—on a pedestal; and 2 cups, of English ens a8 pam
4 0 with subjects
1359 A pair of large vases --painted with cupids
3 h 1360 A pair of alabaster ficures—on pedestals, of Aristides and Cicero
— 1861 A pair of ditto—Homer and Socrates
1362 A pair of Wedgwood vases, and a dish—painted in imitation of Etruscan
ware; a glass lustre; and a glass dish
1363 7
/, LU. A vase of Derbyshire spar
1364 A cut-glass lustre—on brass stand, for five lights
1365 Two basins; 2 jugs; brush and sponge trays—of ironstone ware
1366 A large oriental blue and white jar and cover
1367 Two small ditto—different patterns |
1368 A handsome Brussels carpet—new—6 yds. by 3} yds.; and a piece to
the Ante-Room -
1569 A hearth rug; and a footstool
1370 A fender and fire irons; a guard; a pair of skreens; and a coal box
; 2 gig) 1371 A pair of blue silk curtains and draperies; and white and gold cornice
rox 1372 A pier glass, in two plates—the larger 59 in. by AT i in.—in a gilt frame
sf 1373 A sofa, with blue cloth cover—richly embroidered with gold, formerly the
Aly, GY > fs ~ elephant howdah, of Tippo Saib, given by the Marquess of Wellesley
106 Thirteenth Day's Sale.
24 1374 A carved and gilt fauteuil—the seat and back covered with crimson
VA ‘a figured satin damask, and holland cover
Ws ns, i A375 A ditto—carved with lions’ heads and gilt, covered with crimson silk damask
WS he 1376 A pair of chairs—carved with lions’ heads, coveréd with the same
1377 An invalid chair, with wheels
1378 A portable ditto
kn 1379 A carved and gilt pier table |
y, ee 1380 A ditto, with a slab of breccia, 3 ft. 4 in. by 1 ft. 103 in.
1381 An octagonal table, of pollard oak—the border, pillar, and plinth inlaid
1382 A silk patchwork table cover ,
ef Vi, 1383 An oak tray—very boldly carved, with foliage in pai ot
ug 1384 A japan cabinet, with figures and birds in mother-o’ pearl, with folding
ag Vy doors enclosing drawers, on a japan stand
A385 A square shagreen case, with silver lock and mounting, containing four
Zp. fs bottles
ON1286 A ditto, containing two bottles
Lt 4 1387 A pair of vases, of oriental alabaster; and a pair of lustres
1388 Three black oriental cups; a pair of Wedgwood cups and saucers; and a
1389 The floorcloth—98 yds. by 23 yds.
1390 A pair of carved mahogany arm chairs
| Ms: W 1391 A pair of carved and gilt tripods, of very beautiful ee
1392 A pair of cut-glass lustres: and a lamp, with balance weight
1393 A pair of French candelabra for four lights, each of bronze and’ or-tioulti
| a 1394 A pair of carved and gilt tripod stands—in rich old taste
Vn ts 1395 A pier table, with a slab of Sienna marble, supported upon a ¢arved eagle
Thirteenth Day’s Sale. 107
Y, Lp 1396 A bronze model of the column in the Place Vendome, with the effigy of
Napoleon under the pedestal, and a description of the column
/ V4, 1397 A table, with veined marble slab, on japan stand
- DP DUKE OF WELLINGTON—modelled by the celebrated sculptor
es}, Vi, SCHADOW. Inthe centre is a sitting figure of Britannia, holding a
spear in one hand and a winged figure of Victory in the other; at her
feet are female figures, emblematic of the four rivers ‘Tagus, Ebro,
Garonne, and Seine, victoriously passed by the Duke of Wellington; on
the bronze plinth is inscribeda—‘* Georgio Regnante—Wellington ”
—¢4 1399 A crimson Brussels carpet-—6 yds. by 73 yds.
eo 1200 A pair of small sofas—carved and gilt, covered with flowered satin damask
1401 A bronze three-burner lamp, with weight
1402 A holland and a damask carpet cover; and 3 mats
2 e 1403 A NOBLE ARMOIRE, with openwork folding doors: of rich design—
oF subjects chased in the side panels, gilt—10 ft. high by 5 ft, 4 in. wide
1405 A pair of or-moulu girandoles, for two lights each
1406 A Chinese quilted bed cover, of crimson and green silk
1407 A large and fine Persian table cover—11 ft. 9 in. by 5 ft. 6 in.
(1408 A ditto—smaller—S8 ft. 3 in. by 4 ft. 9 in.
End of Thirteenth Day's Sale.
Fourteenth Day’s Sale.
%/. 1414 A crimson Brussels carpet, 4 yds. by 34 yds.; and a rug
ts Ni 1415 A pair of Utrecht velvet curtains, of flowered pattern, with brass pole
1416 A mahogany card table; a wood basket ; and a piece of floorcloth
1417 A mahogany cabriole chair, with cane back and seat
1418 A piece of crimson Venetian carpet; a coal box; and a wood basket.
1419 A curtain, of Gobelin tapestry, with a subject after Boucher
b Von ~ 1420 A small cabinet, of japan lacquer, with folding doors enclosing drawers
and recesses for china __
4) he Ver A larger cabinet, of very fine old raised japan, with folding doors enclosing
ten large drawers
oY, of 1422 A pier table, the slab composed of rare marbles, with a view of N aples in
scagliola, supported on a carved tree, with a monkey, gilt
vA ie wi 1423 A table, ona tripod stand, the slab composed of rare antique marbles
> i te 1424 A pair of low ebony chairs, with square backs
oe i v7, 1425 A pair of very beautiful ebony chairs, covered with elaborate carving of
- figures of arabesques, on spirally turned legs and frames
J {0
Fourteenth Day's Sale. 109
1426 A pair of small columns and pedestals, composed of different rare marbles
—5 ft. high
1427 A pair of cut-glass lustres—vase shaped
1428 A pair of globular jars, of old blue and white; and a circular japan box,
and cover
1429 A pair of rich old Japan jars—1 imperfect
1430 A pair of small cups, richly enamelled with figures; and another pair,
with handles
1431 A Joss, of brown ware; 6 very small cups; and an enamel cup, of a
different pattern
1432 Four basins, with spoons of Chinese lacquer ; and 4 smaller basins
1433 Eight small cups, of two sizes
1434 A pair of or-moulu girandoles for three lights each
1435 A cistern, of fine old burnt-in oriental porcelain 7
1436 A bronze portable stove, by Harpur and Joyce
1437 A pair of small beakers, on rosewood stands; and a small square cup,
surface ornamented
1438 A pair of stands for wax lights, of lotus form, on tripods of kylins’ heads
1439 Two small square beakers, on rosewood stands
1440 A square vase, with upright handles, on legs—the surface partly gilt
1441 A pair of square vases, of unusual form—pierced for incense, and sur-
mounted by kylins—the vases surmounted on four legs each
1442 A mule, richly caparisoned with silver chain and bells
1443 A very fine square beaker, 16 in. high, the surface ornamented, and raised
ornaments at the angles—on rosewood stand
J/ Se 1444 A circular vase, 13 in. high, with handles, the surface elaborately orna-
mented—on a rosewood stand
110 Fourteenth Day's Sale.
ag re 1445 The sacred cow, bearing a polished metal mirror, the reverse of which has
animals in relief |
cL. Yi, 1446 An Indian deity, cut in a large block of rock crystal
/ // / 1447 A man presenting a petition to a Chinese mandarin
Wa oe 1448 A very ancient gourd-shaped vase, 17 in. high, the surface engraved, and
kylins raised upon the shoulder—on rosewood stand
/ L . — 1449 A noble bronze kylin, of unusual size—on a rosewood stand .
Ys t, y/ LZ o 1450 A capital Turkey carpet, 114 yds. by 6 yds.
1451 A crimson Brussels rug
1452 A steel and or-moulu fender; a set of fire irons; and a guard
1453 The crimson Brnssoks carpet round the room, about 38 yds.
i oy. 1454 A four-burner lamp, with glass dish and chain, and a balance weight |
ee) a
1455 A pier glass, 93 in. by 42 in., with slide slips—inga gilt frame
J, 3. _ 1456 The companion glass
- 4 S, 1457 A gilt pier table—boldly carved with masks and foliage, with a slab of ori-
Py) Loe ental alabaster, bordered with statuary—6 ft. 2 in. long, and 28 ft. wide
|b, / 4 * 1458 The companion table |
Z vi 1459 A set of three window curtains, and draperies of erimson and white silk
(Ed A gear tabaret ee ae
covered with flowered satin damask
1461 A pair of ditto, and holland coyers . rg,
Sb 2MD : 1462 Three ditto, covered with flowered velvet in colours, and chintz covers
1460 A pair of fauteuils, with carved and gilt frames—the seats and backs
a o 1463 A ditto, covered with crimson silk damask, and chintz cover.
,, 1464 Anarm chair, with white and gold frame—the back and seat corered with
vp £4 of se ane flowered satin damask | .
y, |
, 2
- Fourteenth Day’s Sale. lil
1465 An easy chair, with cushion, covered with damask
1466 A pair of carved stools, supported by figures, covered with flowered satin
1467 A pair of richly carved oak chairs, with high backs—the seats covered
with flowered satin damask
1467*A pair of ditto
1468 Six mahogany chairs—the seats covered with leather
} 1469 A mahogany portfolio stand
1470 A fire skreen, with carved and gilt frame—panelled, with a subject in
tapestry, after Teniers
1471 A curtain, of Gobelin tapestry, with a subject after Boucher; and brass
poles | |
_ 1472 A pair of carved and gilt-pier tables
iy’ lag 4 1473 A pair of carved ditto, the tops of japan lacquer
1474 A pair of crimson cloth curtains
1475 A very handsome knee-hole table, of nol fo ab ieee with masks
Lh] covered with leather—6 ft. 4 in. long, 2 ft, 10 in. wide
yl yw and ornaments of or-moulu, and five drawers, the centre of the top
1476 A table cover—richly worked in gold and colours
1477 A tortoiseshell and buhl inkstand, with or-moulu ornaments
1478 A worked blotting-book cover
1479 A two-burner or-moulu lamp, supported on an eagle, and square pedestal
1480 A ditto
1481 A pair of grey granite vases, 174 in. high
are A pair of ditto
1483 An oriental burnt-in bowl; and 2 square tea canisters
1484 A pair of tripod incense burners, with goats’ heads of Saxon porcelain
J ye ys 1485 A pair of vases, with upright handles and-masks of the same —
112 Fourteenth Day's Sale.
4 af 1486 An enamelled teapot; and’6 cups and saucers, of different patterns; anda
v7. et
, pair of cups, without saucers
of. AT. 1487 A burnt-in teapot; and 10 oriental cups and saucers, of different patterns
Lh. 1488 A pair of rare and very Pematlal beakers; with plants and chrysanthemums
enamelled in compartments, with lips and feet of or-moulu
1489 A Chinese cup, of steatite, with vines in relief
1490 An old Japan jar
1491 A pair of ditto beakers |
24 0 1492 A pair of old Japan circular dishes; and a green enamel ditto
Wy, 4 1493 A Dresden two-handle cup and cover, with handles beautifully painted —
Ys ‘ gy with Venus and Bacchus, and trophies |
1494 A beautiful dejeuné, of old Dresden—exquisitely painted with subjects of
YY se cupids—consisting of a square plateau, teapot, milk pot, sugar basin,
" two tea canisters, sugar basin and cover, two stands, and four tea cups
and saucers
1495 An exquisite chocolate cup and cover, of the rarest old Sevres bleu du Roi,
WV c covered with a net work of gold, and painted with cupids and exotic birds,
in compartments
1496 A COSTLY PIER TABLE, with a solid slab, 5 ft.2 in, by 2 ft. 9 in,
oe of Egyptian porphyry : the frame ‘is supported by two antique chimera, of
Of. ae the finest oriental alabaster—the table stands upon a plinth, with a
looking glass at the back | . |
te; | , 1497 A pair of ebony pier cabinets, the panels carved with sacred subjects, with
/ tf ag v6 S, friezes of children, and masks of or-moulu—the slabs of Verona marble
Lo 7 1498 A pair of candelabra of fiye lights each, supported by bacchanalian
Stace figures—in bronze
vA eae A pair of oriental porcelain vases, covered with Chinese landscapes and
: wh a figures, in the finest Japan lacquer and mother-o’pearl—17 in, high
1500 A pair of very large and deep old blue dishes—imperfect—mounted as a
table | : :
Fourteenth Day’s Sale. 113
i | /) 1501 A pair of praefericula, of Savres bleu du Roi—the handles of female figures
y : and mountings of or-moulu—upon Sy res plinths
/}) 1502 A beautiful French clock, of statuary marble and bisquit, with Genius
and Science directing Youth—designed and executed by Vulliamy, 1787
1503 A SUPERB CANDELABRUM formed of branches of lillies, with
Y. gaA nozzles for ten lights, supported by a group of two boys—beautifully
bhawe cowb modelled—on a pedestal with festoons of or-moulu
1505 A MAGNIFICENT PEDESTAL, of the richest buhl and or-moulu;
vA, gn with festoons and masks |
‘4 _ 1507 Seventeen enamel and burnt-in oriental plates, of different sizes and
1508 Seventeen ditto
1509 Seven oriental bowls, -of different patterns
1510 Three large old blue and white circular dishes
1511 Three ditto
(Hp 1512 A crimson Brussels carpet,10 yds. by 3 yds.
1513 A mahogany frame, with a marble slab—broken
1514 A mahogany round-back chair
1515 About 19 yards of very handsome Brussels stair carpet ; and 32 brass
PA 1516 A pair of alabaster vases, with masks and white and gold pedestals—
V1. carved with lions’ heads
=// J). 1517 A lanthorn, with or-moulu frame
1518 A Brussels carpet, of marble pattern—about 53 yds.
114 Fourteenth Day's Sale.
1519 Two damask carpet covers
1521 A five-leaf japan skreen
| f a 1522 A pair of superb carved and gilt tripods—6 ft. 6 in. high
hg 1523 A two-burner or-moulu lamp
1524 A ditto
f- _. 1525 A carved and gilt pier table, with a green marble slab
Yf, / g _ 1526 A black marble tazza, with handles—with a mask inside, on giallo foot
fh _ 1527 A pair of ancient hall chairs—carved in oak
/ 1528 A pair ditto, with figures
3 1529 A pair, of different pattern
1530 ‘Two chairs, of different patterns
, f 1531 A hall table, with a slab of veined marble, 7 ft. long—on a gilt stand—
carved in beautiful taste
1532 A MAGNIFICENT CLOCK—the works contained in a vase of white
marble : they are indicated by a figure of Truth. From the vase spring
f- Vi ae branches of poppies, with nozzles for seven lights: the pedestal, of
white marble, is enriched with festoons of fruits and flowers, and mould-
ings of or-moulu, and a plinth of Verona marble.} This beautiful piece
of decorative furniture is 7 ft. 6 in. high
7 1533 St. John with the lamb, kissing the hand of the infant Christ—a beautiful
gL. Ze. ee group by J. de Cock |
//. // 1534 A bath, of black and gold marble—on lions’ feet of giallo antico
J Gf, 7.1535 The companion
Zi 1536 A Brussels carpet, of marble pattern—about 60 square yards
7 ‘1537 A set of six very beautiful old mahogany chairs—the backs carved with
ay we : lion’s masks—the seats covered with ancient needlework
Fourteenth Day’s Sale. 115
7 VA Uy - A 1538 A pair of mahogany stools, to correspond with the chairs—the seats covered
Sf. with needlework, and the date 1681
y J {> 1539 A pair of pier tables—the marble slabs, with three Florentine mosaics
i : each—on elaborately carved and gilt stands, of Italian taste
1540 A pier table, with a shaped slab of marble—on a handsome carved and
Yj 1/ gilt stand
1541 A small pier table, with a black and gold marble slab, on a carved and
/ 0. gilt stand )
1542 A pair of pier tables, with slabs of grey granite—the frames carved and
ob a gilt—in beautiful taste
1543 A pair of pier tables, with solid slabs of breccia—the frames of bamboe
73. LL. pattern—gilt
1544 A pier table, with a slab of black and gold marble—the frame carved
2 and gilt with festoons—in very rich old taste | |
1545 A pair of hall tables, with slabs of veined marble—on gilt stands
Ze 1546 A lamp, with four burners, of or-moulu, with ground glass pan and shades
— and balance weight ; .
1547 A damask cover for the carpet; a piece of India matting; and 2 skin
1548 A very handsome mahogany table, constructed to contain a pair of brary
|. a ke 2 geleiee steps
End of Fourteenth Day’s Sale.
Fifteenth Day’s Sale.
ene (} oem
308 Three dozens of Sherry Bin 63
309 Three ditto
310 Three ditto
311 Three ditto
312 Three ditto
313 Three ditto
314 Three ditto
315 Three ditto, more or less
316 Three dozens of Sherry Bin 65
317 Three ditto
318 Three ditto
319 Three ditto
320 Three ditto
321 Three ditto
322 Three ditto
323 Three ditto
Fifteenth Day's Sale. 117
324 Three dozens of Sherry, more or less |
325 Three dozens of Sherry, 1844 Bin 22
326 Three ditto
327 Three ditto
328 Three ditto
329 Three ditto
330 Three ditto
331 Three ditto
332 Three ditto
333 -Three ditto
334 Two ditto, more or less
335 Three dozens of Sherry, (Cunningham,) 1844 Bin 99
336 Three ditto
337 Three ditto
- 338 Three ditto
339 Four ditto, more or less
340 Three dozens of Sherry
341 Three ditto
342 Three ditto
343 Three ditto
344 Three ditto
345 Three ditto
346 Three ditto
347 Three ditto
348 Three ditto
349 Three ditto
350 Three ditto
118 Fifteenth Days Sale.
35] Three dozens of Sherry
352 Three ditto
3953 Three ditto
354 Three ditto
355 Three ditto
356 Two ditto, more or less
357 Three dozens of Port (Thompson,), 1839 Bin 25
358 Three ditto ;
359 Three ditto
360 Three ditto
361 Two ditto, more or less |
362 Three dozens of Port, 1844 Bin 89
363 Three ditto |
364 Two ditto, more or less
365 Three dozens of Port, (Brooks,) 1845 Bin 13
366 Three ditto i
367 Three ditto
368 Three ditto
369 Three ditto
370 Three ditto
371 Three ditto
372 Three ditto
373 Three ditto
374 Two ditto, more or less
Fifteenth Day's Sale. 119
375 Three dozens of Latour, (Brooks,) 1837. bottled in 1843 Bin 64
376 Three ditto
377 Three ditto
378 Three ditto
379 Three ditto
380 Three ditto
381 Four ditto, more or less
382 Three dozens of Lafitte, 1841, bottled in 1845 Bin 28
383 Three ditto |
384 Three ditto
385 Three ditto
386 Three ditto
387 Three ditto
388 Three ditto
389 Three ditto
390 Three ditto
391 Three ditto
392 Three ditto
393 Three ditto
394 Three ditto
395 Four ditto
396 Three dozens of Claret
397 Three ditto
398 Three ditto
399 Three ditto
120 Fifteenth Day's Sale.
400 Three dozens of Claret
401 Three ditto
402 Three ditto
403 Three ditto
404 Three ditto
405 Three ditto
406 Three ditto
407 Three ditto
408 Three ditto, more or less
409 Three dozens of Marsala
410 Three ditto, more or less
411 Three dozens of Lachryma Christi
412 Three ditto
413 Three ditto
414 Three and a half ditto, more or less
415 Three dozens of Tinta Madeira
416 Three ditto
417 Three ditto, more or less
418 Three dozens of Tinta Madeira
419 Two ditto
420 Two ditto, more or less
Bin 5
Bin 60
Bin 4
Bin 33
eS 2.
Fifteenth Day/s Sale.
421 Three dozens of Tinta Madeira
422 Three ditto
423 Four ditto, more or less
424 Three dozens of Malmsey .
425 Three ditto
426 Three ditto
427 Three ditto
428 Three ditto
429 Three ditto, more or less
Bin 15
430 One dozen and a half pints of Malmsey, more or less Bin 24; and 5 quarts
431 One dozen and 8 bottles of Malmsey
432 Three dozens of Seges
433 Three ditto
434 Three ditto
435 Three ditto
436 Three ditto
437 Three ditto
438 Three ditto
439 Three ditto
440 Two ditto
441 Two ditto, more or less
442 Two dozens of Canary
443 'Two ditto, more or less
Bin 70
Back, Bin 80
Bin 2
122 Fifteenth Day's Sale.
444 Three dozens of Calcavella
445 Three and a half ditto, more or less
446 Three dozens of Falernian, more or less, Jamaica 1843
447 Three dozen and a half pints of Paxarete
448 Three dozens of Sack
449 Three ditto
450 Three ditto
451 Two ditto
452 Two ditto, more or less
453 Three dozens of Sack
454 Three ditto
455 Three ditto
456 Three ditto
457 Three ditto, more or less
458 Two dozens of Sack
459 Two ditto, more or less
460 Three dozens of Sack, in pints
461 Two ditto
462 ‘Two ditto, more or less
End of Fifteenth Day’s Sale.
Bin 23
Bin 81
- Bin 52
~ Bin 75
Bin 76
Back, Bin 85 —
. Front, Bin 85
EO LS Oa Oe ee aT NE ee, eee” ONY a, ene ea
SS a ae
Pr ee a ee ag!
R 2
L) Qe ee =~ Tha fae
BP ‘
~ oe 3
J -
? s
_* oe ;
i 5
4 =:
, «
? g 5 ie
Sixteenth Day’s Sale.
1 A pair—20-inch
2 A pair—18-inch
3 A pair—163-inch
4 A pair—16-inch
5 A pair—13-inch
6 A pair—ditto
7 A pair—ditto
8 A pair—ditto
9 A pair—124-inch
10 A pair—ditto
11 A pair—ditto
12 A pair—ditto
13 A pair—11-inch
126 : Sixteenth Day’s Sale.
14 A pair—l11]-inch
15 A pair—ditto
16 A pair—ditto
17 A set of four—103-inch
18 A set of four circular dishes—11]-inches diameter 3 |
19 A set of four—10-inch \
20 A set of four—93-inch |
21 A set of four—9-inch owe .
22 A pair of ice pails, spirally fluted, with gadrooned and shell edges —
23 A pair of ditto
24 A circular vegetable dish, with three divisions—gadrooned edge
25 A small circular soup tureen—fluted bowl and cover, and gadrooned edge
26 ‘Twelve hot water plates
27 Twelve ditto
28 Sixteen ditto
29 Six small trays, for toasted cheese
30 Four plain oval heaters
31 Four square ditto
32 Three plain oblong heaters
Qh A pair of double wine waggons
j Lip 34 A pair of ditto
30 A set of four candlesticks, of or-moulu
36 A casket—the surface of elaborate open work
37 A gilt tazza—from the design of Cellini
38 Two pair of grape scissors ; and 6 egg spoons
Sixteenth Day's Sale. 127
39 Two gravy spoons; and 10 salt spoons
40 Twenty-four table spoons
41 Twenty-four ditto
42 Twenty-four ditto
43 Twenty-four ditto
44 Twenty-four ditto
45 Twenty-four ditto
46 Twenty-four ditto
47 Fifteen wine labels
48 Fifteen ditto
49 Eleven ditto
50 Twelve dessert spoons
51 Seven wine labels
52 Six wine labels, with rims chased
53. A saucepan
54 A ditto
55 Thirty-six old tea spoons
56 Eight figured tea spoons
57 A pair of plain chamber candlesticks, and extinguishers
58 A pair of ditto, and ditto
59 Two odd ditto, and ditto
60 A pair, with plain saucers, and ditto
61 Three scallop shells; and a plain wine strainer
62 Four oval salts
yy px
128 Sixteenth Day's Sale.
63 Twenty-four plain old three-pronged table forks
64 ‘Twenty-four ditto
65 Twenty-four ditto
66 Twenty-four ditto
67 Twenty-four ditto
68 Seventeen ditto
9 Twenty-four plain dessert forks
70 ‘Two dozens and eight ditto
71 Twenty-four plain dessert spoons
72 Twenty-four ditto
73 Twenty-four ditto
74 Nineteen ditto
75 Twelve table spoons
76 Twelve ditto
77 Twelve ditto
78 Twelve ditto
79 Twelve ditto
80 Twelve ditto
81 ‘Twelve ditto
82 Twelve ditto
83 Twelve ditto
84 Twelve ditto
85 Twelve ditto
86 One dozen dessert spoons
87 One ditto
Siateenth Day's Sale. 129
88 One dozen dessert spoons
89 One ditto
90 One ditto
91 Six gravy spoons r
92 Six sauce ladles ; and 2 sugar ladles—shell shaped
93 Seven ditto
94 One scallopped, and 1 plain soup ladle
95 Two soup ladles
96 Two ditto; and a pair of asparagus tongs
97 One dozen table forks
98 One ditto
99 One ditto
100 One ditto
101 One ditto
102 One ditto
103 One ditto
104 One ditto
05 One ditto
109 A'large saucepan
110 An oval wooden stand, with silver urn for a centre
111 A pair of oval soup tureens and covers, with beaded and gadrooned edges
112 A pair of ditto
113 A pair of ditto
114 A pair of ditto
115 A pair of sauce tureens and covers, of the same pattern
116 A pair of ditto
117 A pair of ditto
118 A pair of ditto
1") poy
Uf Py)
130 Sixteenth Day’s Sale.
119 A plain preserving pan
120 Four double sauce boats—gadrooned edge
121 A pair of chamber candlesticks—beaded edges
122 A pair of old snuffers, and tray
123 A pair of snuffers, and tray
124 A night lamp
125 A pair of handsome double sauce boats
126 A pair of handsome fluted sauce boats, with storks for the handles
127 A pair of ditto
128 A pair of ditto
129 Twelve plates
130 Twelve ditto
131 Six ditto
132 Twelve ditto
133 Ten ditto
134 Fourteen plates, with scalloped and gadrooned edges
135 Fourteen octagonal ditto, with shell and gadrooned edges
136 Nine ditto oP
is * Pike, oP Pee a. oe
137 A pair of small sugar vases and covers—embossed with flowers? in. high
Y fe se :
s 4s ¢ ety ae: (3 oe
138 A pair of hooped pint mugs
— ee, Ne a
139 A pair of glass claret jugs, the shoulder ornamented with wreaths of vine
in fruit, with handles of the same, and chased stand of foliage
ee A rosewater ewer and salver—chased—in beautiful Italian taste
Taga circular tazza—on foot
14] A pair of beautiful three-light candelabra
Sixteenth Day’s Sale. 131
py gen A pair of very elegant candlesticks—chased with scrolls, and engraved in the
antique taste
143 A pair of ditto
144 A pair of ditto
145 A pair of ditto |
146 A plain circular salyer—on foot
yp #147 A pair of ditto—larger
~ 148 A pair of ditto
~~~ 149 A pair of ditto
| 150 A pair of very small ditto
152 A pair of ditto
Y-, 153 A pair of leaf-shaped fruit dishes—from the Duke of York’s collection
154 A pair of ditto
155 A pair of ditto
156 A pair of ditto
. 157 A pair of ditto
ffs Pop A large tankard and cover—the surface hammered
159 A pair of claret decanters—the handles and mountings of vines in fruit
160 A pair of ditto
ce. m4 iv 161 Four gilt glass decanters, with silver-gilt corks
y 162 A pair of ditto
End of Sixteenth Day's Sale.
Seventeenth Day's Sale.
osama (comme
163 Six salts; a mustard pot; and an oval basin
164 A high candelabrum, with Corinthian column, and four branches
165 A pair of table candlesticks, for shades ORES tige
166 A pair of library ditto; a chamber candlestick ; and snuffers and tray
167 ‘Twelve drinking cups, of different sizes; 6 egg cups 5 and I] knives anc
forks se i | sea”
168 Six decanter stands; and 2 larger
169 A 23-inch venison dish, with a tap for gravy
170 A 20-inch ditto : :
171 One 20-inch dish, and a pair 11-inch ditto; and a fish son
172 A pair 16-inch ditto
173 Four 14-inch ditto
174 Four 12-inch ditto
175 A pair of circular ditto eink
176 A:set of four Corinthian column candlesticks ; and 2 chamber candlesticks
177 A set of four plain table candlesticks; a pair of library ditto; and 2 chamber
Seventeenth Day’s Sale. 133
178 A cruet stand for eight glasses ; 2 plated snuffers; and tray
179 A fluted tea urn
180 A ditto
181 A ditto—smaller
182 A plateau, in five divisions, 6 ft. long, with gadrooned edges
183 A cruet stand, with ten cruets, and plated labels
184 A pair of openwork bread baskets
7 eee Various wine labels; and nutcrackers
| 86 A plateau, in three parts, with looking glass; and wainscot case
‘ __187 A circular supper tray, with four oval dishes and covers; a small tureen ;
"4 : 8 cruets, and the wainscot case to contain them
188 A pair of ice pails, and stands
189 A pair of ditto, and stands
190 Four corner dishes and covers; and 4 circular heaters
191 Four pincushion dishes and covers
192 Four oval gadrooned dishes and covers—serving as dishes
193 A pair of oval heaters
/) 194 A circular soup tureen
195 A ditto
196 Four circular sauce tureens and covers
197 group of figures on the lid—the rim and foot embossed
L: Ly
156 Nineteenth Day's Sale.
646 A pair of very handsome spirally fluted ice pails, with marine heads at
a the handles, each foot composed of four dolphins, the flutes alternately
: bright and frosted .
My 4 647 A pair—similar
648 A beautiful tankard—parcel gilt—chased with a triumph and procession of
| Venus, of fine Flemish work
” 649 A ditto, with Amphitrite and marine deities, the handle and cover in the
y richest Italian taste
4 650 A beautiful ewer—chased with scroll ornaments, in fine taste
651 A pair of scent bottles—spirally fluted, and very delicately chased ; and a
7 pair of salvers
652 A pair of tazzas for dessert—scalloped, the borders embossed with scrolls
V4, 4 G —on feet
/4/. Y
653 A pair of ditto
654 A pair of ditto BA
655 A pair of double-tier ditto
656 A pair of ditto
658 A VERY HANDSOME EWER, with rich chased medallions, and a
mask under the lip, with massive handle, of the finest design of Queen
Anne’s time
,6+9 An oval tray, with three stands for ink and taper—in handsome old
End of Nineteenth Day’s Sale.
Twentieth Day’s Sale.
pameeecee ()
ee J eee
660 A 223-inch dish, with gadrooned edges
661 A ditto
662 A pair—19-inch
663 A pair—18-inch
664 A pair—15-inch
665 A pair, ditto
666 A pair, ditto
667 A pair, ditto
668 A pair, ditto
669 A pair—14-inch
670 A pair, ditto
671 A pair, ditto
672 A pair, ditto
673 A pair—13-inch
674 A pair, ditto
675 A pair, ditto
676 A pair, ditto
158 Twentieth Day’s Sale.
677 A pair—13-inch
678 A pair, ditto
679 A set of four—12-ineh
680 A pair—13-inch—circular
681 A pair, ditto 2
682 A pair—12-inch—ditto
683 A pair, ditto
684 A pair, ditto
685 A pair, ditto
686 A pair—I11-inch—circular
687 A pair, ditto
688 A pair, ditto
689 A pair, ditto
690 A set of four—103-inch
691 A 17-inch fish plate
692 A ditto
693 A 16-inch ditto
694 A 13-inch ditto
695 Four butter boats, with festoons and masks
696 A pair of plain ditto; and a single ditto
697 An openwork inkstand
iy Piss A tray, with two inkstands; and a taper
699 Five openwork bottle stands
Fyf2— + 700 A ditto, bread basket
701 A pair of 15-inch shell and gadrooned waiters
f hy if ro hes 02 A pair of 83-inch scalloped waiters
703 A pair of 7-inch waiters
704_A pair of ditto mee
Twentieth Day's Sale. 159
05 An oval threaded 12-inch waiter
—~ .* 706 A pair 64-inch ditto
kk typ. pair of oval gadrooned side dishes, and covers
709 A
yp prop?
707 A 17-inch fish plate
tea urn, with twisted serpent handles, and lamp
710 A ditto teapot, sugar basin, milk pot, and cover
711 A teapot
712 A plain round tea pot, with gadrooned edge
713 A tea pot—chased with scrolls
714 A ditto, with scrolls and shields
715 A plain coffee pot
716 A ditto
717 A ditto, with festoons
18 A set of three tea caddies—richly chased with Chinese subjects
719 A pair of oval sugar stands—embossed with foliage
720 A tea urn, with beaded edge
721 Avery handsome two-handled tea urn—spirally fluted, and chased with
722 A tea urn, of elegant form, with festoons of drapery and foliage
723 A tea urn, spirally fluted surmounted by a triton, of beautiful old work
724 A plain octagonal coffee pot
725 A plain coffee pot
726 A ditto
727 A ditto—richly embossed with flowers and scrolls
728 A small teapot—embossed
729 A plain teapot, sugar basin, and milk jug
730 A melon-shaped teapot
731 A ditto—chased
Twentieth Day's Sale
733 A smaller ditto
iy’ ie A pierced sugar vase—with goats’ heads
734 A sugar basket, with vines; and a milk ober
735 A sugar basket—pierced ; and a pair milk jugs—beaded
736 Two pierced; and 2 glass muffineers
737 An egg frame, with six cups—gadrooned edges, and four spoons
738 A set of three square caddies—embossed lids—in a mother-o’ “Peal box
739 An oil and vinegar stand, with gadrooned edge
, 740 Six scallop shells
741 Three ditto
742 A pair of small tureens, with goat’s heads at the feet
743 A pair of magnificent butter boats—the handles of tritons, and with friezes
of shells and masks in relief
744 An oblong fluted Italian salad bowl, with scroll handles, and gourd edge
745 A ditto |
746 A superb bread basket—most richly chased with festoons, lower: and
masks—pierced, and upright handle
+ 747 A beautiful pierced bread basket, with festoons of flowers
748 A pair of candlesticks, with branches for two lights each—richly embossed
-749 An oak drinking cup on a silver stand, and lined with silver—from St. Mawes
750 A beautiful ewer—fluted and embossed
751 A very handsome ewer, in old taste
752 A pint mug—richly embossed
753 An inkstand, with oval tray; and 2 stands
794 A pair of very handsome silver sconces, with the crown and cypher of William
III., with branches, for two lights each
759 A BEAUTIFUL EPERGNE—openwork with flowers, with eight —
branches and baskets ;: Alo
756 A plainer epergne, with fruits, eight branches, and baskets
Twentieth Day’s Sale. 161
Vy OT: 7 A plain tea kettle, lamp, and stand
798 A coffee pot, with fluted spout
799 A plain coffee pot
male and female figures, with festoons, and scroll feet
764 AN OBLONG PLATEAU, of silver, 36 in. long, with an oval centre,
supported by three boys, four corner ditto supported by cupids, and a
“if + pair of pierced tazzas, with glasses
Bc. ie
765 A silver toilette, in very rich old taste—the frame of the glass of openwork,
with figures, fruits, and birds: the tray supported on legs, with corre-
v. 4 sponding rich border: there are five scent bottles, three glass boxes, and
two inkstands, with embossed tops, a circular box with pincushion, and
two stands for incense
766 Baifour and Botiiwell—the beautiful centre piece executed by Messrs.
Yj os Garrard
i) 767 The death of Colonel Gardiner—the companion group
768 The death of Sir Bevil Grenville, at the battle of Lansdoun Hill, with ape
y (Gua small branches for lights
769 A pair of square candlesticks, partly fluted, of handsome old pattern
U3; 770 A two-handled sideboard cup and cover, with chasings of birds and foliage,
eS of rich pattern, on gilt ground
771 A very handsome two-handled vase, with medallions, and handles formed of
satyr’s heads—in the best taste of the time of Anne
if , @i2 A beautiful ewer, with upright handle—in fine old taste
ope 773 A set of four salts—on stands, of openwork foliage, and scroll
Twentieth Day’s Sale.
hy, 77774 A pair of ancient square fluted candlesticks—engraved
4 775 A pair of old tripod candlesticks, of rich pattern
y 776 A beautiful tea canister, with festoons and spiral flutes
J; o
777 A ditto—different
% 778 A-set of four scalloped and fluted dessert dishes
a 779 A beautiful stand for flowers—a female figure supporting a shell-shaped
To |
basket on a rich gilt foot, in which are inserted four reliefs of cupids
780 A ditto
781 A salver—in the centre is a lion embossed, in the border are six sacred
f subjects, of fine work
y 4 782 A circular salver, with Cupid in relief in the centre, and very rich Bsa
of chased openwork, and gadrooned edge
| 783 A pair of very elegant candelebra, on tripod feet—after those from Hercu-
WA J 4 laneum—from Fonthill
784 A pair of candlesticks, with branches for two lights each, with leaves chased
ol, 7 —from Fonthill
My 4 785 A pair of ditto
786 A coffer, of glass, with fillagree mountings
787 A smaller coffer
788 A beautiful bottle, of agate
789 A South Sea idol, of greenstone; a specimen of agate; and an engraved
slab of mother-o’- pearl
790 A square box, of jaspar; and an oval silver box, with japan top
(791 A pair of drinking cups and covers, of oriental fillagree, with flowers in
792 A large scalloped circular dish
793 A pair of smaller ditto
t Sd,
Twentieth Day's Sale. 163
794 A pair of ditto
795 A pair of ditto—smaller
796 A circular box; a smaller ditto
797 A basket; and a very small box
798 A scent bottle, carved with arabesques of gold; and an etui
799 A small gilt fillagree box; and a vinaigrette
800 A leg, mounted as a tobacco stopper; a small jaspar scent bottle; and a
lozenge-shaped jewel
801 A gold pencil case ; a knife; an egg-shaped vinaigrette ; and a jaspar box
802 A bonbonniere, with a jaspar top
803 A cup, of hoematite
804 A beautiful etui, of lapis lazuli
805 A square etui, of agate, with gold fillagree
806 A snuff-box, of agate; and asslab of polished agate
807 A snuff-box, of agate; and a needle case, of gold fillagree
808 A bonbonniere, with crystal top; and a vinaigrette |
809 An etui; and a vinaigrette, set with rose diamonds
810 A small gold watch, with a painting in enamel
811 A small circular cup and cover, of jaspar—the top set with cameos and
pearls, in an openwork of enamel
812 Ahead of asatyr, in green jaspar—on a pedestal of cornelian—gold mounted
813 A running footman, of gold and enamel—on a pedestal of jade and lapis
lazuli, set with stones, and gold mounted
814 Hercules—a beautiful small figure, in silver—on a pedestal of cornelian
and jaspar
815 A salt cellar, of silver gilt, in the form of a pedestal, with busts of Vespasian
and his Empress, and two Limoge enamels, with the date 1549: on the
cover is a figure of Neptune, with sea horses—a beautiful specimen of
cinque-cento art
, y 2
164 Twentieth Day’s Sale.
S16 A cup, silver gilt—engraved, and set with forty-three antique intaglios, of
coloured stones
f- M W/ S17 A ring, with emerald and brilliant—formerly belonging to the Countess of
— Shrewsbury, to whom tt was given by Charles II.
818 An ancient silver watch, by R. Marsh, of Ipswich
e ora /— 819 A gold watch, by Ellicot, in an ancient case—chased with a subject from
a Roman history
820 A gold watch, by Hellote, with the subject of Diana and Endymion chased
821 A silver case—chased with the judgment of Paris; and a small old Italian —
scent bottle, set with cameos
ae _ ‘7 822 A bust of a boy, of cameo onyx—set with coloured stones, in gold enamel
Y va 823 A silver-gilt medallion of Charles I.
824 A gold coronation medal of George LV. .
825 A gold ring, with a cameo of sheep
u f ove 826 A gold ring, with a miniature of George IIJ.; and a ditto, with Queen
Tn ae Charlotte !
827 An enamel, with a nymph and cupid; anda painted top for a snuff-box
2 om 828 Horatius Cocles—a cameo onyx; and Mars and Venus—cameo in
829 Heads of the Triumviri—shell cameo; and 2 intaglios, in amber
830 Plate chests
End of Twentieth Day's Sale.
Lhe next Day’s Sale will be on TuESDAY, the 19th.
ye ger
Twenty-first Day’s Sale.
Rubens .
Van Dyck, after
G. de O‘Era
Sir Joshua, after
Jansens .
Howard Duke of Norfolk; Lady Mary Fleetwood
John Duke of Argyll
Duchess of Montague; and Miss Moleswortn
George Lord Cobham; and Prince Maurice
Abraham Symonds; and 1 other
Helena Forman—a sketch
Miss Penelope Berenger
Henry Duke of Beaufort; and Duke de Guise
Henrietta Maria
Duchess of Queensbury ; and 2 others
Peace and War—after Rubens
Mrs. Siddons, as the Tragic Muse
William Dobson
Henrietta Maria
Duchess of Montague
Lord Cornbury
: 168.
ween a
Fielding. . .
TH J/ _—Kreller . tea
eee ee ee ed GEE eo
Lf __— Owen
ORES Gene ee
Spagnoletto .
fi a
ee ee He —6 Es. Van de Velde
F. SEE Scott
Per wihs
Twenty-first Day's Sale. :
Sidney Earl Godolphin; and Sir Thomas Hanmer
Philip Earl of Chesterfield; and John Earl Granville — LA NM a
Heads of Generals Lambert and Fairfax
Catherine Finch, Lady Wenbrook
Mr. Charles King ; and Mr. Charles Stanhope
Sir W. Stanhope; and Pulteney Earl of Bath
A female head; and a man’s head
Mary Queen of Scots; 1, in crayons; and | other ~~
A gentleman—temp. Elizabeth
James I.—whole length
A cavalier in armour
A man in a fur cloak
James Duke of Monmouth
Sir Philip Sydney; and Cardinal Fleury—in crayons -
Thomas Horner, Esq., M-P. for St. Mawes
Riddle’s scale of mountains — , sadhodd
St. Peter; and St. Paul—a pair
Sir Thomas and Lady More—small
The siege of a town on a river, in the low countries
Joseph Caneras, with gold and silver vessels =
Thomas Astle, Esq.
View of a mansion
A gentleman—temp. Charles I.
The fire of London
The installation of the ake of St. Patrick—small
sketch | ‘
George Marquess of Buckingham~small whole length
Walker. .
Holbein. .
Dietrich .
3 _ Van Dyck, after
=~ “Russell”.
jG Holbein...
Russell .
‘g Oem. + .
3. Zucchero . .
Mireveldt . ,
ey ee err Re ene OE
LILO ESOS | ee i
‘4 2, LoS eS
Rotenhaemer .
Van Balen . .
Tintoretto .
LH Van Goyen .
Twenty-first Day’s Sale. 169
Sir Thomas Wharton; and Philadelphia Lady Wharton
A man holding a letter; and a gentleman
A man in armour; and a woman in hat and feather—
small .
Mary Queen of Scots LA Ghencer
Edward VI.; and Queen Jane Seymour
Charles I. and Henrietta Maria
The Earl and Countess of Lindsay.
Margaret of Parma—from the collection of Baron
Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk
Lady Southesk, Anne Hamilton .
William Earl of Pembroke—small; and the Magdalen
Calvin; and Anne Boleyn KA Sf cannes eed ek
Mary Queen of Scots : eee Lord Darnley
Heads of Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia and Katharine
Duchess of Buckingham
William Earl of Glencairn: and Mrs. Behn
Head of Christ—oval
A boy with a bird’s nest
The Holy Family
The adoration of the Magi
A ball in Venice
A river scene, with boats and figures
170 | Twenty-first Day's Sale.
7¥. fi « Schalken . . 64 Anold woman and a boy—candlelight
Engels . .. . 65 An Italian landscape, with cattle
Mt 7? __ .Ruysdael. after . 66 A pair ofsmall landscapes
Bredael. . . 67 A pair of small battles
Borgognone. . 68 A battle piece, with an advance of cavalry |
J.Miel . . . 69 Italian peasants
Loutherbourg . 70 An English landscape
eas ¢ 6 Bassano . « 71 The adoration of the shepherds; and the return of the
prodigal ,
— ce
ae | Vp Claude . . . 72 A classical jandscape, with a bridge and figures
Y//p J. UW. Van Leyden. 73 The Virgin and Child, with St. Joseph
Early Flemish . 74 ‘The Virgin and Child
Guido . . . 735 Adam and Eve
Van Vliet . 4 76 Interior of a church, with figures
SE f/. ( Van Falens. . 77 A horse fair
P. Wouvermans 78 Italian peasants merrymaking
Loutherbourg . 79 An illustration to Young’s Night Thoughts bd Kagel
Snayers. . . 80 A battle piece
French . . . 81 Anencampment
Richardson. . 82 Maria Temple, daughter of Sir R. Temple
S010 _ Van Loo . . 83 Viscount Cobham
Hoare . . . 84 Richard Earl Temple
/). Vas Kneller . . =.) 85S Sir William Wyndham, in robes:
Ditto . . « 86 Lady Catharine Wyndham :
Ve re Ve Hoare . . . 87 The Hon. Mrs. Grenville Yes. ~wladwrene
Ashford. . . 88 A pair of views in Derbyshire _
Twenty-first Day’s Sale. 17]
Modern. . . 89 A landscape
7 ~ ___ Kreller, after . 90 Charles Duke of Somerset
Guido, after. 91 St. Peter in contemplation
Barney . «. . 92 A gipsy with a child; and the companion
——— 93 A miniature ofa lady, in the manner of Rembrandt
Barlow . . . .94 Birds and insects
——— 95 A sea fight—circular; and a river scene, in water
—— 96 Two female heads—in crayons
Russell . . 3 . 97 Venus—in crayons
-—-— 98 Bulls—a pair
Modern. . . 99 A pair of illustrations to novels
Sir Joshua, after 100 The girl with a muff—in crayons
j Wh L. Van Leyden. 101 Saint Christopher ; and the companion—in grisaile
—_—_—_———_ 102 Susannah Grenville
FUSELI . . 103 Midsummer Night’s Dream—painted for Boydell’s Now Tote
Sis Shakspeare wes
DITTO . « 104 Another scene, from the same ow K Mw, rlaulicthiy
2. Zh ——_—_——_——- 105 The Emperor Paul of Russia—presented to Lord
A. Kauffman . 106 Christian VII.,.King of Denmark—presented by the
King on his visit to Stowe, in 1768
a 107 Frederick Prince of Wales
—_————— 108 Augusta Princess of Wales
172 Twenty-first Days Sale.
Rubens . . ~ 109 The reposo, with angels offering fruits
THORNHILL 110 Charles I. on horseback
111 M. de St. Simon carrying his helmet—after Van Dy ck
L . Se
G. F. Cipper } 112 A family concert, a group of eight igures—admirably |
(Tedesco) composed, and full of character
Ditto . . - 118 A vegetable market, with an old woman weighing |
cherries | | |
Ditto . . + 114 Two young noblemen, with a group of gypsies |
Ditto . . . 115 Italian peasants at their repast : |
Tintoretto . . 116 The resurrection | ae |
ey wae P. da Cortona . 117 Hagar seated in the desert with Ishmael before her
ye7/ va Titian, after. . 118 The reclining Venus “e
v y (Ramsey » « « 119 George III. in his coronation robes—whole length
2d , / ditto » « «© 120 Queen Charlotte—the companion |
Wirt se 121 William IIT. in armour—half length
122 Sir Henry Wootton
123 Charles II
124 Flora
ny oe 125 Henry VIII. and his Queens—in one frame
126 Chief Baron Comyn
Twenty-first Day's Sale.
ef, ra 127 Henry Duke of Gloucester
128 Lord Cadogan
129 Marquis of Montrose
130 Louis le Dauphin
131 Due de Longueville
Z a - 132 Camden
133 General Richards
134 Isabella Sforza
a /op 135 Old Morland—Lady Coventry
3 /2_, 186 Ditto—Duchess of Hamilton
137 George IT.
138 Lady Grenville
139 Earl Temple, when a boy
140 Comte D’Avaux
141 The late Duke of Buckingham—engraving p.p.
End of Twenty-first Day's Sale.
Twenty-second Day’s Sale.
0 |
Bredael . . . 142 A battle, in a landscape
B. Graet . . 143 Cavaliers halting at a village
Schweickhardt . 144 A river scene—moonlight
Steenwyck . . 145 St. Peter in the hall of Pilate
Neefs . . . 146 Interior ofa cathedral, with figures 3
Rubens . . . 147 The Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth—small copy ;
and the companion j
Van Oss . . 148 A view of Dort, with boats :
Steenwyck . . 149 Interior of Antwerp Cathedral, with many figures |
Brackenborg . 150 Interior, with a party playing cards
Van Loo. . . 151 Susannah and one of the elders
Gentileschi . . 152 The reposo of the Holy Family—the Virgin suckling
the Infant, and St. Joseph sleeping in the background
Storck . . . 153 A river in Holland, with vessels and figures
Bassano. . . 154 Orpheus charming the brutes
Ditto . . . 155 The entombment
De Cort. . . 156 A river scene, with a chateau, boats, and figures
Biaibent.~ . 157
Van der Meulen 158
Steenwyck . 159
V. Vitelli . . 160
Soavoda, i . 161
Bassano . . 162
Le Sueur med Aa
Schalken . . 164
Pynacker pie iies
Procaccini . . 166
Milé . 167
Guercino . . 168
Rubens . . 169
Van Loo. . < 170
Drimcks:, » §.,-171
Zoffany. . .» 172
moter. . .. 173,
— 174
Vanderbanck . 175
Kneller , . . 176
eer 178
ee ee 179
SSS eee Fe
Twenty-second Days Sale.
King Hezekiah showing his treasures.
the peace of the Pyrennees
Interior of af church—small—candlelight
A pair of views in Naples
A pair of rocky landscapes—small
The marriage of Cana
Tobias’s wedding night
A girl holding a candle
A landscape, with peasants and cattle
Salvator Mundi
A boy with a basket of fruit
The return of the prodigal
The death of Adonis
Joan of Arc
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
‘The Pont Neuf, with a procession of Louis XIV. after
f? P ;
Alicia Countess of Egremiont—seated | Sena ee
Elizabeth Countess of Thomond
Lady Wyndham—oyal
Lady Carlingford
Penelope Lady Conway
Charles Earl of Egremont
Percy Wyndham O:Brian
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham—ain crayons
Colonel Speed—in crayons
Zucchero . . 181
—_——— 182
——————— 183
————-— 184
C. Jansens . . 185
Rigaud . . 186
Kneller . « IBF
—— ——— 188
——————— 189
Laly og)
Coates . . . 191
———. 192
Van Dyck - 193
‘Kneller . . 194
Ditto es)
—_——. 196
——— 197
Zucchero - 198
Ditioie 0 alee
Jansens . . 200
Zucchero . . 201
Kneller. . . 202
Jansens . . 203
Ee — 204
————. 205
Kneller. . . 206
Twenty-second Day’s Sale.
Sir Bernard Grenville »
Bernard Grenville, 1609, and his wife
Mary, wife of Sir R. Temple
Mary, wife of Sir Bevil Grenville ~~ eee, He
Sir Peter Temple
James Craggs ©
Elizabeth Duchess of Somerset
Katherine and Elizabeth Wyndham
Elizabeth, wife of James Craggs
George Dodington, Esq.; and gto of the same-
family | : pate
George Marquess of Buckingham, in a fancy dress
Elizabeth: Wyndham—in crayons ~ |
Hester Lady Rous—whole length
Christian, wife of Sir T. Littleton; Michael: Nugent,’
Esq.; Mrs. Knight, of Gosfield | Vf5.]
Richard Elliot, and his wife
Elizabeth Wyndham, wife of George Srpnviligy ey
Catherine Lady Braybrooke
Martha Temple, Lady Peniston
Elizabeth Temple, Lady Gibbs
Dorothy Lady Temple
John Temple, of Stowe
Penelope Temple
Edward Grenville
Hester, Lady Temple
Richard Lord Cobham
Ann Viscountess Cobham ~~
Hudson, . . 207
Coates . . . 208
Ditto . . . 209
Sherwin. . . 210
Rubens, after . 211
—— 212
Moos... . +. 213
Breughel . . 214
Bassano. . . 215
Cuyp, after. . 219
Van Dyck . . 220
Lely Sere eed
—— ——- 227
Holbein. . . 228
—_—— 229
—_—— 230
—_———-—-— 123]
—--—— ———— 232
Fwenty-second Day's Sale.
Ann Countess Temple
The Hon. James Grenville
qQ Bien we é
Reon of’ OS nr. Clk) Ov
Margaret Banks, wife of Henry Grenville i
Bacchanalian children
St. Mark’s Venice
A village fair
A frost piece
The Israelites
Charles I. when prince
Installation of the Knights of St. Patrick
La Belle aye ptiaiere apne the Duchess de Berri's
_ Madame de Montespan
Cattle watering
Robert Earl of Lindsey
Elizabeth Countess of Lindsey '
Casino di Medici
Diana and nymphs
Four early German pictures
Thomas Grenville—after Richtiond
Sir Kenelm Digby
Edward VI.—coloured
A man’s portrait
Ninon de l’Enclos; and Madame dle Maintenon
A man’s portrait
Count Witgenstein
Lady Shelley
178 Twenty-second Day’sSale.
233 A figure, with joints, of a Highlander in full costume, with broadsword,
target, and daggers
234 A dress found in the apartments of Tippoo Sultan, and the sword and cuttar
belonging to Tippoo
235 Two oriental shields; 5 dirks, aud swords; a spear head; 9 daggers ; and
a pistol
236 A coat of chain mail; 2 spears; a gauntlet; and 5 swords
237 A dagger: on the hilt a figure of St George standing on the dragon—in
a metal case, chased with masks; and a battle axe—engraved
238 A small cannon ona carriage, and a cannon ball; a brass helmet; a breast-
plate; a sword; and a matchlock gun
239 A battle axe, with ornamented blade, the handle containing a pistol and
dagger a)
240 A dagger knife and fork, with a figure of St. George and eagles forming
the handles—in a metal sheath, chased with a warrior and arabesque
241 An oriental quiver and bow, and case; a powder pouch; a cuttar; and
2 daggers—one with a sheath chased with animals
242 A scimitar, with Damascus blade—the sheath and hilt with enamelled
mountings: the belt embroidered with gold: the buckles and mountings
also of enamel
243 A Scotch dirk, knife and fork, with two cairn-gorns, and other stones; and
a brace of iron stock pistols—engraved
244 An oriental dirk, with jade handle
245 A scimitar with Damascus blade—the hilt and mountings pea iat and
246 A yatagan—silver mounted; 2 dirks—one with silver sheath; and a
battle axe
Twenty-second Day’s Sale. 179
247 A scimitar, with Damascus blade, and engraved mountings—the hilt of
jade; and a gold embroidered belt
248 A figure of a tartan, in a silk dress, with chain helmet, back and _ breast-
plates, and gauntlets—chased and engraved
249 A visor helmet; a bar helmet; a back and a breastplate; 2 swords;
a bundle of arrows ; and a spearhead
250 Two oriental swords; anda shield
251 A visor helmet; a coat of chain mail; 2 spears; an oriental shield ; and
3 swords
252 +A shield, embossed with the subjects of Perseus and Andromeda, surrounded
by smaller subjects; and 6 swords
253 A small cannon on a carriage
254 A figure ina complete suit of chain mail
255 A half suit of ribbed armour—partly gilt, consisting of back and breastplate,
gorget, arms, and gauntlets
256 A coat of chain mail; ashield; 7 swords; and 4 spears
257 A bar helmet; a back and breastplate; and 2 helmets
258 Four helmets; 2 back plates ; anda pnictd
259 A dress of chain armour; 2 oriental swords; and 2 spears
260 A shield; 3 matchlock guns; and a barrel
261 A Tartar’s suit of chain armour, consisting of coat, helmet, armlets, and
chased back and breastplates—inlaid with gold
262 Another suit, of coat, legging, helmet, and back and breastplates—inlaid
with gold
263 'I‘hree matchlock guns :
264 A helmet; a yatagan; 2 creses; a dagger; and an iron flute
265 A figure in a suit of buff leather, with jack boots, and morion
266 An early Greek painting of the Virgin and Child, on a gold ground—
from the Capuchin convent at Syracuse
2a 2
180 Lwenty-second Day's Sale.
267 A set of six reliefs—in bronze—from the life of Christ
269 Head of Henry VIII., in relief—carved in wood and coloured
270 A gong ,
271 A BEAUTIFUL ANCIENT OAK CHEST, the front and ends richly
carved with figures, and Gothic panels—from the Jerusalem Chamber at
272° The oilcloth
273 The stairs carpet
274 A dumb waiter; a brass dish, with a medallion of Cicero; and 4 pieces of
Chinese paper
275 A lanthorn, with stained glass
276 Witutam IIIJ.’s Sirver Watcu, by Bushman, of London: in the face
is a medallion of that monarch
277 Tue Sasu or THE PretenpeR CHARLES Epwarp, taken from his
baggage at Culloden in 1745: itis of white silk -
278 The dagger of Hindoo Rao: with a beautiful Damascus blade, and hilt we
rock crystal
279 THe BapcE anp Rispspon. oF THE ORDER OF ‘THE Batu, worn. by
Sir R. Temple at the coronation of Charles 11.—under glass shade
280 A Lock or tHe Hair or QureEN Mary, taken from the: corpse at
St. Mary’s Church, Bury, in 1784
CHARLES II., by COOPER, sent by the King, in 165], to Henry
Lord Beanchagii It is contained in an enamel case set with. Tose
diamonds, and suspended on an oak tree of bronze ; on the pedestal is
inscribed the authentic account of this beautiful and interesting historical
~ relic :
ae of Twenty-second Day's Sale.
Twenty-third Day's Sale.
his hand
, 1 See:
Y Holbein . . 281 Martin Luther ) Codcaw
7 gad Raffaelle . . 282 Portrait of aman ina black cap: he holds a letter in
4 Gt Lely . . . 283 Philip Earl of Chesterfield; and his Cemates:—a rer
: —small
a = God Russell . . . 284 Philip Lord Wharton; and his Ladyece geet ag
2_ Gr 4 Kneller. . . 285 Prince Eugene in armour: given by the Prince to Mr.
. Craggqs NO gba oad ct Ai teva, :
Mireveldt . . 286 Prince Maurice of N assau 2
eee a O87 Clement XTV. —puinted by order of the Pope, Rid the
i; Marquess of Buckingham
soot ts 288" Ménry VIL,“
oy, Holbein. . . 298 Henry VIII. in a rich slashed dress, with hat and
1 f a } Ys
ALloag feather
Wh 4 Gat wa tCt«w:«C290 Queen Mary, ina black dress, with richly ornamented
; ~ sleeves ,
SS gad Zucchero . . 291 Queen Elizabeth, ina rich dress, holding a fan
Lbs Janet ° e °
a aoa
gp WYVCR nde
borJ Richardson .
lbh. g23——
f f Van der Bank
es ee pe
Lips eee
Dahl 23-5
«4 Kneller 5.
Hl Gn Thornhill . ,
EP ae
tf pmo uae ee.
oY 925 on.
Dittee sk reye
Twenty-third Day’s Sale.
Henry III. of France, in a black dress, with jewels-—
half length
Louis XVI. in a pink velvet coat—oval ry, £. 7 aoe
Marié Antoinette—the companion
The Duke of Marlborough on horseback
Pope; this was given by him to Mrs. Vert
Locke |
Ben Jonson
Dean Swift: presented by ee Dunkin, to Robert
Earl Nugent
Sir Charles Wager
Edward Earl of Orford
General Michael Richards, and General en Richards
with a siege in the background
George I. in his coronation robes—whole length .
A burgomaster, in a black dress ~
Portrait of a lady—the companion
Dr. Moorcroft, his hand resting on a Bible now in the
library at Stowe
Maurice of Nassau
Lord Bacon
Frederick King of Bohemia; and Elizabeth his Queen
James I., in robes
Hee. Kalatnbon ae i
Ll? yt
a1 9%
A ha
Van der Meulen
mneier . «3
Myttens .
Kneller . sf
- Wan Dyck . .
hit 2 yoke
Sir A. More.
Wyck «°.--.
Sir A. More
Mireveldt . .
Walker. .
Van Dyck. .
Netscher wih)
OS a
Van Dyck .
Myttens. . .
Van Dyck . .
Beye ees
Sau KR. fed ,
Twenty-third Day’s Sale. 183
313 George Monk, Duke of Albemarle, in armour, with
the robes of the Garter—half length: an army and
fleet in the background
314 John Duke of Marlborough—whole length: given by
the Duke to Mr. Craggs
315 King Henry V.
316 William Earl of Pembroke | if |
317 Mary Duchess of Montague 6 Beet l ok (Kencon all
318 Sir Richard Levison, in a black dress with a frill
319 The Earl of Strafford, and his Secretary
. 820 The Marquis of Northampton
321 The Duke of Marlborough Bx ted
322 Lord Keeper Coventry G. (Soot. .
323 Lord Clinton F
324 Sir C. Hatton
325 General Lambert, in armour
826 Mary Curzon, Countess of Dorset—whole length .
327 A portrait, called Lady Jane Grey
328 General and Mrs. Desborough—a pair
329 William Prince of Orange
330 Thomas Earl of Southampton
331 Colonel James Stanyan
332 Philip Earl of Pembroke
333 Anna Maria Countess of Shrewsbury, as Minerva
Mp ged Van Dyck . .
Lely Tier
334 - Elizabeth Countess of Chesterfield, in a white dress,
gathering roses
335 Ford Lord Grey
——— 336
Dh 4 Rubens. . 337
Lely. . 338
SC {14 Hudson . 339
H Va Van Somer . 340
hoa wn 1) aC EN
I: Ys 4 re 343
hi fhd san SIR I.REYNOLDS 344
Uh. - jig aaa
Reare or, 4 846
MiG an 4 Gainsborough . 347
or ay Kneller . 348
Hoppner 319
hi Lely. oo he
Mit “Mie ~~ —— 351
f2 iN Richardson . ,
syns Kneller . Sade
Jt G* Ditto . ,
AL ons Jansens . ,
Twenty-third Day's Sale.
Louis XVI, in his robes—half length
Helena Forman
Catharine of Braganza, seated
Hester Grenville, Countess of Chatham
Sir Thomas Temple
Richard Grenville, Earl Temple, in_ robes of the
Garter—half length
Mary Marchioness of Buckingham, with her son the
late Duke—whole length—in a landscape
Lord Grenville, seated at a table
The Right Hon G. Grenville, in robes
Sir Richard Temple, 1686—in classical costume
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham |
Robert Earl Nugent, seated—whole length nxt’ hom
Hester Countess Temple
Mary Lady Arundel
Sir Richard Temple, 1650 Sat Q Cas
Sir Bevil Grenville
George Marquis of Buckingham, holding his son
Richard Earl Temple, whom the Marchioness»
seated in the foreground, is about to draw a portrait
of—in a landscape—whole length
Oliver Cromwell, attended by Sir P. Temple
Anne Hyde, Duchess of York
Barbara, Countess of Castelmaine
Prince Henry, in half armour—whole length
LOY? jVan Huysum . 357
WY? poy ye RPB58
Wan Dyékion. 1s 359
Richardson . . 360
“fb G5 Van’ Dyck”. =. ‘361
Lf GSLELY ce ape> B62
cua... » 363
Ity LELY¥> .'o- «: 364
Jb grgkoeller . diay , 365
gd YoVAN DYCK 367
fogs UELY . . . 368
S7 gr4 VELASQUEZ . 369
y PEN ois 5.) sp: 370
bee gt SIR J.REYNOLDS 371
Mf Van Goyen. . 373
Palamedes . . 374
BY ei iens 3x’ B66
Yl go BSieenwyek era es
Twenty-third Day's Sale. 185°
Portrait of the painter
Lady Henrietta Berkeley
Archbishop Laud
The Right Hon. James Craggs
Gaston d’ Orleans, brother to Louis XIII.
Frances Stuart, Duchess of Richmond, in a ea
satin dress-—whole length
Charles V., in armour
Charles II..--whole espe baey ie by Sir Richard
Sarah Jenning, Duchess of Marlborough—given by
her to Mr. Craggs
James II., in his coronation robes—presented by the
King to Sir Richard Temple .
Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, in armour
Anne Countess of Southesk |
Count Gondomar, in a black dress—whole length
Nell Gwynne—whole length, in yellow and blue dress
The Marquis of Granby—whole length, leaning on a™
mortar, an engagement in the background |
The Marquis de Vieuville, 1 in a white dress and biisate
cloak—whole length : he was killed at the battle of
Aubbrne Chase
The saree of Dort, with boats on the river Nl. Sa.
A musical conversation of a cavalier and lady, a page
pouring out wine
St. Peter delivered from prison: in the foreground
a group of soldiers, who have been gaming, are
sleeping under the powerful light of a lamp
186 — Lwenty-third Day's Sale.
fry WW P. Veronese. . 376 The adoration of the Magi
Guido . . . 377 St. Francis, his hands clasped in prayer .
4 Van Goyen. . 378 The shore at Scheveling, with a fish market, and
4G “a, hl G Alfa numerous boats and figures Vly. <
~Tassi . . « 879 View on the Tiber, with figures landing merchandise,
and boys bathing
A, Spe J WILSON . . 380 Minchenden House, Southgate, with estensiss land-
: scape and water, and figures in the foreground \1) on
Me gH DITTO . . 381 Caernarvon Castle, with peasants and cattle ig $3 (3)
This renowned portrait is presumed to be the work of Burbage, the first
actor of Richard III., who is known to have handled the pencil: It then
We os dn5 became the property of Joseph Taylor, the poet’s Hamlet, who dying
iss about the year 1658, left it by will to Sir William D’Avenant; At the
vA ne oe / SM fiers. death of D’Avenant, in 1663, it was bought by Betterton the actor; and —
when he died Mr. Robert Keck, of the Inner Temple, gave Mrs. Barry,
a iL NK ¢ Gr f the actress, forty guineas for it. From Mr. Keck it passed to Mr. Nicholl,
"6 of Minchenden House, Southgate, whose only daughter and heiress
Margaret, married James Marquis of Carnarvon, afterwards Duke of
Chandos; from whom it descended, in right of his wife’ Anna Eliza, the
late duchess, to the present Duke of Buckingham and Chandos
YH / yy { STANFIELD, 382* WRECKERS OFF CALAIS—the celebrated en- ~~
R.A. graved picture
N.B.—This beautiful work is removed from Wotton.
End of Twenty-third Day's Sale.
Twenty-fourth Day’s Sale.
Ws Wouvermans . 383 An engagement of cavalry, in which they are contending
for a standard
“am dg G. Poussin . . 384 A view in the Apennines, with a peasant watering
cattle near a cascade
Ditto” . 385 A river scene, with a man driving a mule—the
This Brot. Biel all . . companion Vito eee ae
Te P. Brill . . . 9886 A dance of satyrs, ina landscape, with water anda
| woody foreground |
Ys 014 Tintoretto . . 387 Vertumnus and Pomona
P. Lastman . 388 David playing on the harp, pajore, an altar in the
/ Va Temple
Lf G. Bellini .- . 3889 The marriage of St. Catherine—inscribed, and dated
Fobale . 1504 ..
Murillo, . . 390 The conception of the Tots with infant angels A. Ihe fore ;
2 a Ditto . . . 391. The glorification of the youthful Christ—the companion |
O. Marinari. . 392 The daughter of Herodias with the head of St. John,
7? | _. with a-female by her side, and an infant angel bearing
the reed cross of St. John
Vernet . .
Backhuyzen .
Mbps ee
io DAs Teniers .
V4 Vga ie
Vig Ditto.
Twenty-fourth Day's Sale.
. 9893 A view in the Mediterranean, with a storm, and a ship
striking on breakers: in the foreground are figures
saved from the wreck of another vessel, fragments
of which men are dragging on shore; a round tower
and fortress are seen on the rocky coast
394 A landscape, with two shepherds crossing their crooks
for a goat to leap over; other goats and sheep are
under a tree near a river
ae A view of Rotterdam, from the river, with a royal
nA [hie ‘ 13 ook: [yacht under sail saluting, and other vessels in a
% breeze
396 A kitchen, with a lady and her son superintending the
preparations for a feast ; she is seated in the fore-
ground; in the backgronnd are numerous joints and
poultry at the kitchen fire 7
. 397 St. Catherine reading a book, and holding a sword in
her right hand: in the background is a romantic
landscape, with figures | '
. 398 St. Barbara, with a book in her left hand: she is
standing near a tower—the companion ° Fe
Gr Van Dyck . .. 9 Prince Maurice of Nassau, and Prince Henry of
Born Y1. Rolhichitd Prussia, on grey chargers
oe Raffaelle ©. . 400 © Portrait of the painter— rom the collection of the Earl
Rieaa” wee
of Besborough ee (or Ld Bedrtowr
. 401 The Virgin and Child, with St. John and St, Elizabeth
- 402 Judith with the head of Holofernes .
403 Head of Christ ; his hands crossed upon his breast. in
adoration: the head raised, and full of exquisite
character |
- 404 Head of the Virgin, in a blue drapery; her hands
Twenty-fourth Days Sale. 189
j v4 o L. DA VINCI 405 Diane de Poictiers at her toilette, her head richly -
Y | decked wijh jewels, a muslin drapery falls from
her neck: on a table before her is a casket of
trinkets, and an attendant is at a robe chest in the
7 fs REMBRANDT 406 The enraged prisoner—supposed to represent the
confinement of John Duke of Cleves, by his father,
for insanity, with two black boys to attend on him
Fol - 7 TENIERS. . 407 Interior, with a man and woman lighting a pipe: in
"LP Barc} sot another apartment, in the background, four boors
it are at cards, near a chimney. 18 in. by 143 in.
OGr DEGUELDER 408 Interior of a Jewish synagogue, with figures in rich
costume, and a Levite bringing a lamb to sacrifice
jf, Gps REMBRANDT 409 Judas casting down the thirty pieces of silver before
| the Sanhedrim; from the collection of the Earl of
f7-Yr5 DITTO . . 410 A negro armed with bow and arrows, and richly
j RUYSDAEL . 411 The sea shore near Scheveling, with fishing boats
7 Seg | lying off, and the sea washing in over a Clear: sand:
at the shore are groups of figures |
VICTOOR. . 412 Laban searching for the images in Rachel's tent :
ne vf he is removing a rich carpet which has been thrown
af The ake over some utensils; Jacob stands behind Rachel,
a8 Wearimeler! SS. who is seated on a sheaf of corn; a chef d'euvre
| of this capital painter
f UZ 1 RUYSDAEL . 413 A landscape—sunrise, with a man driving a flock of
Pe g sheep through a stream which crosses a road: on a
high bank on one side is a cottage, on the other a
noble group of oaks at the entrance to a wood
ait Ip RUBENS . . 414
Lr TENIERS . | - 416
DENNE . 418
4] fry Me. iets,
HS Via BERGHEM . 419
Sa Fava ein : i960(| os)
of, Rembrandt. . 421
pee Pasion ok eee
W/, ag 423
yy h. |. Betas ngh 16
Twenty-fourth Day’s Sale.
The infant Christ sleeping in the lap of the Virgin,
who is preparing his cradle: St. Joseph is contem-
plating them from behind; from the Duke of
Cumberland’s collection
The standard bearer. The artist has represented him-
self in a velvet cap and feather, with a cuirass and
mantle: he bears a white standard, on which a
powerful light gives wonderful relief to the head,
which is full of character
Two sportsmen, with a hawk and dogs, in conver-
sation with an old man near a village—the roof of
a chateau seen in the distance
A jetty, with fishing boats and figures, and a man-of-
war lying at anchor
Head of his mother—a capital specimen of this won-
derful painter ~ ld Beartoe [fot
The ruins of a Roman bath, with a female peasant
in conversation with a man in the water; other
peasants have advanced with their cattle, after
watering in the pool
Moses deposited in the Nile: the father is dinabes
in grief: the city in the background is relieved by
the light of sunset ; the subject 1s beautifully treated
—from the Orleans gallery rt. Kebewstns
Portrait of the painter, when young, in a hat and
Venus blinding Cupid, and addressing another who is
leaning on her shoulder ~ |
A view on the Grand Canal, with a ae and gon-
dolas, and figures; a brilliant sunshine adds to the
beautiful transparency of the water
Ca erase:
ee a a2
[7 Gre REMBRANDT 424
Uo Priace RUYSDAEL . 425
gs bee ab Hy Wi age y ve wth
3 TP: Sieg i¢ < de fr ap
bas V. DER NEER 426
PON ae slacd
TENIERS. . 428
has ALBANO , 429
hoe Res
vr Fe riches 1760.
Twenty-fourth Days Sale. 19]
The wife of the painter, as Minerva, armed with a
helmet and cuirass, from which falls a rich em-
broidered velvet drapery ; her right hand leans upon
a sword, on her left arm hangs the egis
A wooded bank of a river, with fallen timber, and a
sandbank in the foreground, and a beautiful sky—
A Dutch village on a canal, with brilliant effect of the
rising moon, a church and buildings in the fore-
ground, a boatis drawn up, and a man is laying eel
traps—a charming work of ihe master
A Jewish Rabbi, seated, and leaning upon a stick ; he
wears a velvet hat and feather, with a rich Ais
full of powerful character Ndi 4-38(6) Wibe.
Three old peasants in conversation, near the door of a
farm house, which a woman is entering, a village
and church seen in the background, and a pool of
water lighted by a settingsun, with a beautiful silvery
sky—a very important work of this great master.
D ft. 5 in. by 3 ft. 8 in.
St. John baptizing Christ, with two angels attend-
ing him, and beautiful groups of infant angels above ;
on the bank of the river figures are contemplating
the scene with deep interest ; on the opposite side is
a boat and figures, and mountainous distance.
From the Orleans Gallery.
ida Cracun . . 430° “A palace on the sea shore in the Mediterranean, with
Sic Womencan
a round tower in the half-distance, a vessel is
approaching the shore; a brilliant afternoon sun
illumines the ripple of the waves. This capital
picture ts from the collection of the Earl of
192 Twenty-fourth Day's Sale.
hit 2s CLAUDE . . 431 Roman edifices in ruins; a drove of cattle crossing a
“ ; . ford, and a manin a ferry-boat is approaching a
‘Ylon 1k. IU Cov 37 group of figures in the foreground, near a fine group
of trees—effect of cool early morning
UL, 4 (fas DOMENICHINO 432 Sybilla Persica—the celebrated picture from the
Orleans Gallery
nif VAN DYCK . 433 The Virgin seated, contemplating the Infant in her
a4 en lap, who extends his hand towards her face.— Thes
picture was presented by George Villiers, Duke of
Buckingham, to the Countess of Shrewsbury
“ CORREGGIO 484 Mercury and Venus teaching Cupid to read.—This
Me beautiful replica was probably brought to England
by George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, in the
time of Charles I., and was given by the Duke, his
successor, to the Countess of Shrewsbury, at
fin mat es DT 435 A burgomaster in a black dress seated: he has his
igre 15 Ain) right hand raised in the act of speaking; he wears
( BN. VIS sot fo, _ a Skull cap and ruff, and has fine grey hairs; this
: HA. < magnificent production is from the Orleans
Gallery. 4 ft. 4in. by 3 ft. 7 in.—upright
S. ROSA . . 436 The finding of Moses: on the bank of a river the
daughter of Pharaoh is seated with arms extended
/, . : to receive the infant; a cascade falls through rocks
Kd DudGor on the right, which are surmounted by trees; and
in the distance the rocky shore is brilliantly lighted
by effect of sunshine, which extends its influence over
the whole subject; this grand work is painted in
the best time of this wonderful master. It was
brought to England by William Young Ottley, Esq.,
as the cumpanion to the celebrated picture in the
National Gallery. 6 ft. 7 in. by 4 ft.
STAG % vient S41. \
N ows Noth
Twenty-fourth Days Sale. 193
| CUYP. . . 487 Philip baptizing the eunuch: the apostle is in the act
ls of baptizing the enunch, who is kneeling at the
brink of a pool; one negro holds the Books of the
3 Prophets, and another, in the chariot, holds a turban ;
"OI, LA. A ernal Le | Ye. the chariot is drawn by two grey horses, and
Argon ry sheltered by a rich umbrella; a band of mounted
: negroes are in attendance. The water weeds in
front are sparkling in a brilliant sunshine, which
lights the mountainous distance, and the richly
wooded foreground on the right. 5 ft. 6 in. by
3 ft. 9 in.
REMBRANDT 4388 The unmerciful servant brought before his lord,
between a soldier in a morion, and an aged servant.
The lord, who is habited in a turban and rich
ys Pe costume of red silk, is resting one hand on a table,
the other is extended tewards the culprit, each of the
(La { forked ) countenances expressing the different emotions in a
wonderful manner. This, one of the most famous
works of the great Dutch painter, was purchased in
Amsterdam of the representatives of the family, for
whomit was painted, and brought away immediately
before the entrance of the French troops. It is
engraved by Earlom. 7 ft. by 5 ft. 10 in.
End of Twenty-fourth Day’s Sale.
Twenty-fifth Day's Sale.
ae () eee
ee ()
463 Three dozens of Sherry, recently bottled
464 Three ditto
465 Three ditto
466 Three ditto
467 Three ditto
468 Three ditto
469 Three ditto
470 Three ditto
471 Three ditto
472 Three ditto
473 Three ditto
474 Three ditto
475 Three ditto
476 Three ditto
477 Three ditto
478 Three ditto
479 Two ditto, more or less
Twenty-fifth Days Sale. . 195
480 Three dozens of Sherry, recently bottled
481 Three ditto
482 Three ditto
483 Three ditto
484 Three ditto
485 Three ditto
486 Three ditto
487 Three ditto
488 Three ditto
489 Three ditto
490 Three ditto
491 Three ditto
492 Three ditto
493 Three ditto
494 Three ditto
495 Three ditto
496 'Two ditto, more or less
497 Three dozens of Port, recently bottled
498 Three ditto
499 Three ditto
500 Three ditto
501 Three ditto
502 Three ditto
503 Three ditto
504 Three ditto
196 Twenty-fifth Days Sale.
505 Three dozens of Port, recently bottled
506 Three ditto
507 Three ditto
508 Three ditto
509 Three ditto
510 Three ditto
511 Three ditto
512 Three ditto
513 Two ditto, more or less
514 Three dozens of Claret, 1841
515 Three ditto
516 Three ditto
517 Three ditto
518 Three ditto
519 Three ditto
520 Two ditto, more or less
521 Three dozens of Claret (Justerini)
522 Three ditto :
523 Three ditto
524 Three ditto
529 Three ditto
526 Three ditto
527 Three ditto
528 Three ditto
529 Two ditto, more or less
Twenty-fifth Day's Sale.
530 Three dozens of old Lafitte (Cunningham)
531 Three ditto
532 Three ditto
533 Three ditto
534 Three ditto
535 Three ditto, more or less
936 Three dozens of Lafitte, (Cunningham,) 1845
587 Three ditto :
538 Three ditto
539 Three ditto
540 Three ditto
541 Three ditto
542 Three ditto
543 Three ditto
544 Three ditto
545 Three ditto
546 Four ditto, more or less
547 Three dozens of Madeira, 1835
548 Three ditto
549 Three ditto
550 Three ditto
551 Four ditto, more or less
552 Three dozens of Madeira
553 Three ditto
554 Three ditto
Bin 58
Bin 17
Bin 37
Bin 38
198 Twenty-fifth Days Sale.
555 Three dozens of Madeira
556 Three ditto, more or less ; to ihe
557 Three dozens of Madeira, 1815 ob sein Big
558 Three ditto why ol Sal
559 Three ditto
560 Three ditto
561 Three ditto, more or less
563 aie Wen
564 ote: GRE
565 Three dozens of Malaga, 1804 : | Bin 73
566 Three ditto OS EEE See
467 Three ditto ie ae
568 Three ditto ee ay
569 Three ditto none : Os ie ire
570 Three ditto
571 Three ditto
572 ‘Three ditto
573 Three ditto | nace: ae
574 Three ditto fh see che
575 Three ditto, more or less ail , ER a
576 Three dozens of Malaga nits Bin 74 bis a
577 Three ditto eis Ss qate
578 Three ditto anh ae a or
579 Three ditto ott at! eke . a a
Lwenty-fifth Day's Sale. 199
580 Three dozens of Malaga
081 Three ditto
582 Two ditto
583 Two ditto, more or less
584 One dozen and 7 bottles various, Bin 105; and 6 bottles Bin 104
585 One dozen and 3 bottles of Frontignan, liqueurs, &c. Bin 107
586 Three dozens various Bin 109
587 One dozen and 10 bottles various Front, Bin 4
_ 588 Four dozens and 11 bottles various . Bin 111
589 Ten quarts and 9 pints various Bin 93
290 Two dozens and a half of Muscat, &c. | Bin 100
O91 Eleven bottles of British, Bin 72; and 11 pints of Sweet Wine Bin 59
592 Nine bottles of Gordon’s Sherry, Bin 66; and 8 bottles of MadeiraBin 89
593 ‘Two dozens, unknown, Bin 45; and 2 dozens and 4 pints—ullages Bin 44
594 Two dozen quarts and 19 pints various | . Shelf
595 One dozen and a half of Arancio Bin 112
996 One dozen of White Wine, (Stocks,) Bin 114; and 1 dozen and 2 bottles
of Sauterne, 1820 — | Bin 116
597 One dozen and a half of Bucellas, more or less Front, Bin 80
098 Three dozens of White Wine Bin 84
999 Two dozens and a half ditto, more or less
600 One dozen and a half of White Wine, more or less Bin 90
601 Three dozens and a half of White French Wine Bin 59
602 Two dozens of light Sweet Wine Bin 47
603 One dozen pints of Italian Wine; 2 bottles of Madeira; 4 bottles of
Noyeau ; 6 flasks ; and 1 other , Bin 48
200 Twenty-fifth Day's Sale.
604 Three dozens and a half of Cape
605 Two dozen and 3 pints, and 9 quarts of Cowslip
606 One dozen of Burgundy, (Smith,) 1844
607 Three dozens of Cote Rotie
608 Two dozens and a half ditto, more or less
609 Two dozens of Sparkling Moselle,1834 ~
610 One and a half ditto, more or less
611 Three dozens of Sicilian Wite Whine
612 Three ditto
613 Four ditto, more or less |
614 Three doeens of Red Greek Sweet Wine |
615 Three ditto 3s
616 Two ditto, more or less
End of Twenty-fifth Day's Sale.
Lwenty-sixth Day’s Sale.
Soe | Sena
1549 A mahogany four-post bedstead, with printed cotton furniture ; and a
1550 A wool mattrass
1551 A feather bed and bolster
1551*Four pillows
1552 A pair of satin damask window curtains, and draperie
1553 A Venetian carpet; a Brussels rug; a fender and fire irons; and a coal
1554 Three blankets; and a counterpane
1555 A mahogany table, with two drawers; and a glass
1556 A mahogany writing table, with a drawer and inkstand; a bell; a pair of
snuffers and tray, and extinguisher
1557 A painted washing stand, with ewers, two basins, brush (rays, ee
two tumblers, a foot pan, and jug
1558 A large arm chair, covered with damask ; and a stool
1559 A mahogany chest of five drawers
1560 Two bed steps, of yew tree
| 2D
202 Twenty-siath Day's Sale.
1561 Four chairs; and a fire skreen
1562 A mahogany bidet; and a towel horse _ | ©
1563 A pier glass, in three plates —
1564 A mahogany tent bedstead, with printed furniture : and a window curtain
1565 A wool mattrass =
1566 A hair ditto; a bolster; and 2 pillows
1567 Three blankets ; and a Marseilles quilt
1568 A mahogany chest of three drawers —
1569 A mahogany table; a glass; 2 stools; and a chair
1570 A mahogany night table; a bidet; and a towel horse Leh
1571 A painted washing stand ; ewer; jug; 3. basins; brush trays ; pelle and
tumblers; foot pan and jug ; ie a towel fe
1572 An inkstand; a blotting book; a bell; 2 conclarienas and 5 yrs
ornaments pines
1573 A Venetian carpet; a rug; a fender and fire irons; a guard a coal box
a kettle; and a piece of matting
1575 An ottoman, with squab, covered with printed cotton
1576 An easy chair, with cushion, covered with printed cotton
1577 A mahogany writing table, with brass rim, and meh gir top covered
with leather
1578 A press bedstead and furniture ; and a mattrass .
1579 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow "3" > [A 4eer
1580 Three blankets ; and a counterpane iy A Oa
1581 A mahogany table; and a washing stand, ewer, and basin id Oe
Twenty-siath Day's Sale.
1582 A mahogany cupboard; a chest of five drawers; a’ piece of carpet; a
glass; and 2 chairs
1583 A four-post bedstead and furniture; a paillasse; 3 blankets; ‘and a
1584 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
1585 A mahogany cupboard ; a washing stand, ewer, and basin; atable; and
a chair
1586 A mahogany four-post bedstead and chalie farina 5 a tae e ; ‘and 2
window curtains and draperies
1587 A wool mattrass
1588 A feather bed, bolster, and 2 pillows
1589 Three blankets ; and a counterpane
1590 An Indian coverlid
1591 A tent bedstead and printed furniture ; and a hair mattrass
1592 A feather fed bolster, and pillow
1593 Three blankets ; and a counterpane
1594 A Venetian carpet ; and a hearth rug
1595 A mahogany chest of five drawers
1596 Two bedsteps, of yew tree
1597 An easy chair and cushion, covered with printed cotton
1598 A mahogany arm chair, covered with printed cotton ; and 3 others
1599 A sofa, covered with leather, and cotton cover
1600 A mahogany table, with a drawer ; and a bidet
1601 A mahogany table; a painted washing stand; 2 ewers and basins
bottle and tumbler
; and
204 Twenty-siath Day’s Sale.
1602 A fender and fire irons; a coal box; a kettle; a foot pan; acan; a
towel horse ; an inkstand; a pair of snuffers and stand; anda bell |
1603 A dressing glass; and a needlework skreen Lagat ety
1604 A pier glass, in two plates
1605 A mahogany chest of four drawers
1606 A mahogany table; and a dressing glass
1607 Along mahogany table; ewer and basin; bottle; tumbler; foot pan ;
‘and can ee gtr on
1608 A mahogany night table; and a bidet oT ea
1609 A Brussels carpet ; a mahogany table; and 8 chairs
1610 A four-post bedstead, with damask furniture; and a mattrass | _ a v ‘
1611 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow cae) A Beat
1612 Three blankets; and a counterpane ; A 4e5I
1613 A deal table; a washing stand; ewer and basin; aglass; a picce of
carpet; 2 chairs; and a mahogany stool pie
1614 About 28 yards of Kidderminster carpet, to the Passage
1615 A mahogany four-post bedstead, with blue damask furniture ; and a
paillasse i atiibie ie
1616 A wool mattrass
1617 A hair ditto
1618S A feather bed
Twenty-sivth Day's Sale. 205
1619 A bolster; and 2 pillows
1620 Two large down pillows
1621 Three blankets
1622 A Marseilles quilt
1623 A Brussels carpet; and a rug 3
1624 A fender and fire irons; a guard; a kettle; and a coal box
1625 A mahogany table, and a yellow silk worked cover; and a dressing glass
1626 A mahogany washing stand, with marble top; two basins and ewers, brush
trays, bottle, and tumbler ; a foot pan; and a jug 3
1627 A mahogany wardrobe, with folding doors, and four drawers under
1628 Two bedsteps, of yew tree
1629 A pair of easy chairs, with cushions, covered with printed cotton
1630 A mahogany table; a bidet; 3 chairs; a basket; and a towel horse
1631 A carved stool, covered with needlework; a skreen; and a footstool
1632 A pier glass, in two plates | |
1633 A pair of large oriental blue and white jars and covers
1634 Nine small pieces of ditto }
1635 A Brussels carpet ; and a rug
1636 A fender and fire irons; a kettle; and a coal box
1637 A needlework skreen; a stool; and a footstool
1638 A large mahogany sofa bedstead, with blue damask furniture, squab, down
pillow and bolster, covered with blue damask ; also a mattrass, bolster,
and 2 pillows
1639 Three blankets; and a counterpane
1640 A mahogany table; an arm chair and cover; and 3 others
206 Twenty-sivth Day's Sale.
1641 A sofa table, of yew tree, with two drawers and cover; an inkstand; a’
blotting book; a bell ; a taper stand; and a pair of snuffers and stand
1642 An oriental jar and cover; 2 basins and3 other pieces—blue and white;
and 2 saucers . a i a
1643 A mahogany writing table, with drawer and inkstand
1644 A painted washing stand, two basins and ewers, brush trays, bottle and:
tumblers ; a foot pan; and a can
1645 A mahogany bidet; and a small table
1646 A cheval glass, in mahogany frame
1647 A cabinet, with numerous drawers—inlaid with engraved ivory and.
tortoiseshell—on a mahogany stand, with four droge
1648 A Brussels carpet ; and a hearth rug |
1649 A fender and fire irons; a kettle; a coal box; and a poe
1650 A chimney glass, in a painted frame .
1651 An arm chair, covered with needlework, and printed cover; and a stool to.
1652 A couch, covered with printed cotton, with a down squab and two pillows
1653 A mahogany two-flap table, with a drawer and cover ; an inkstand; a bell ;
snuffers, and extinguisher
1654 A mahogany washing stand, with marble top, ewer, three poe brush
trays, bottle, and tumbler; a foot pan; and a jar “’ |
1655 A mahogany night table; and a bidet
1656 A painted table; a towel horse; and a deal stand
1657 ‘Two pairs of blue damask curtains and draperies
1658 A cabinet, of tortoiseshell and engraved ivory—on a mahopany stand, with
three drawers
1659 An oriental pot-pourri jar; 2 basins; 8 cups—blue and white ; and a
figure of Britannia—in white . .
Twenty-siath Day's Sale. 207
1660 A four-post bedstead and furniture ; @ mattrass; 3 blankets; and a
1661 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
1662 Two chairs; a piece of carpet; a table; a glass; a vas he | stand, ewer,
-and basin; and a mahogany eupbdurd : )
1663 A crimson Brussels carpet, 9 yds. by 5 yds.
1664 A long mahogany table, with slabs of scagliola, with Pompeiian ornaments
1665 A pair of china depositories, with similar slabs
1666 A carved and gilt table :
1667 A pedestal closet, of aa neare Dont with the Aurora, after Guido
1668 Three plaster busts of Czesars
1669 Two ditto—Adrian and Caracalla
1670 Two arm chairs ; and the holland cover to the stairs carpet |
1671 About 21 yards of very handsome wide Brussels stair carpet; and 33 brass
1672 A pair of alabaster vases, with masks—on white and gold stands, carved
with lions’ heads .
1673 A lanthorn, with metal frame—gilt, on marble foot
‘End of Twenty-sixth Day's Sale. _
Lwenty-seventh Day’s Sale.
eee (Jeers
1674 A mahogany four-post bedstead, with printed cotton furniture anda paillasse;
and a pair of window curtains and draperies
1675 A hair mattrass
1676 A wool ditto
1677 A feather bed
1678 A bolster ; and 2 pillows
1679 Three blankets
1680 A Marseilles quilt
1681 A mahogany bedstep
1682 A ditto
1683 A capital mahogany chest of five drawers
1684 An arm chair, covered with printed cotton; 3 others; and a stool
1685 A painted washing stand; 2 basins; an ewer; brush trays; bottle and
tumbler ; foot pan and can; and a towel horse
1686 A Kidderminster carpet; a rug; a fender and fire irons; a kettle; and a
coal box
Twenty-seventh Day’s Sale. 209
1687 A mahogany table; and a dressing glass
1688 A mahogany bidet; and a fire skreen
1689 A mahogany writing table, with drawer and inkstand; a blotting book ;
and a taper stand, snuffers, and extinguisher
1690 A sofa, with squab—covered with printed cotton
1691 A painted: French bedstead, with printed cotton furniture ; and a pair of
window curtains and draperies
1692 A mattrass
- 1693 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
1694 ‘Three blankets; and a Marseilles quilt
1695 A Kidderminster carpet; and a rug
1696 A brass wire fender; a set of fire irous; a guard ; a kettle; anda coal
box of
1697 A mahogany chest of four drawers
1698 A mahogany table; and a dressing glass
1699 Two arm chairs, covered with printed cotton; 3 others; and a stool
1700 A mahogany washing stand ; 2 ewers ; 2 basins ; brush and sponge Peng
foot pan and can; and a towel horse
1701 A mahogany night table; and a bidet
1702 A carved stool; and a needlework skreen
1703 A press bedstead and furniture; a hair mattrass ; 3 blankets; and a
~ coverlid
1704 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
2 05 A mahogany table; a ditto cupboard; and 2 ahs
210 Twenty-seventh Day’s Sale.
1706 A mahogany table; a dressing glass ; and a washing stand sid ever
1707 A tent bedstead and check furniture; a paillasse; 3 blankets; and a
1708 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
1709 A mahogany cupboard; a glass; 2 chairs; and a deal table
1710 A mahogany four-post bedstead, with chalie furniture ; and a paillasse
1711 A wool mattrass
1712 A feather bed
1713 A bolster; and 2 pillows
1714 Three blankets
1715 A Marseilles quilt
1716 A needlework ditto
1717 A Venetian carpet, 6 yds. by 54 yds. ; and a hearth rug
1718 A fender and fire irons; a kettle; a guard; a coal box; and a boot jack
1719 A painted washing stand, ewer, 2 basins; brush trays, bottle, and tumblers ;
foct pan and can ; and a towel horse
1720 A mahogany two-flap table; and a dressing glass
1721 A pair of chalie window curtains and draperies
1722 Two bedsteps, of yew tree
1723 A capital mahogany chest of five drawers
1724 An easy chair and cushion, covered with printed cotton
1725 A mahogany bidet ; a towel horse; and a stand
1726 A sofa and pillow, covered with printed cotton
Twenty-seventh Day's Sale. 211
1727 A mahogany two-flap table; an inkstand, and blotting book; a bell; 2
cups ; snuffers and stand, and an extinguisher
1728 A mahogany arm chair, and a stool, covered with Sea cotton; and 4
cane-seated chairs
1729 A mahogany chest of three drawers
1730 A mahogany night table; and a bidet
1731 A mahogany long table; 2 basins, an ewer, brush trays; jug, bottle and
tumbler; foot pan and can; a candlestick; and a towel horse
1732 A mahogany arm chair; a cane chair; and a mahogany table
1733 A small two-flap table ; a dressing glass; and a Venetian carpet
1734 A four-post bedstead, with crimson silk furniture ; and a paillasse
1735 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
1736 Three blankets; and a counterpane
1737 A mahogany night table; a washing stand, ewer, and basin
1738 A deal table; a glass; 3 chairs ; and a piece of carpet
1739 About 27 yards of Kidderminster carpet
1740 A capital mahogany four-post bedstead—carved with lion’s heads, on French
castors, with silk tabaret furniture and gilt cornice; and a paillasse
1741 A hair mattrass
1742 A wool ditto
212 Twenty-seventh Day’s Sale.
1743_A feather bed
1744 A bolster; and 2 pillows
1745 Three blankets
1746 A Marseilles quilt
1747 ‘Two pairs of silk tabaret window curtains and draperies, and gilt cornices
1748 A handsome crimson Brussels carpet, 64 yds. by 53 yds. ; and a hearth rug
1749 A brass wire fender; a set of fire irons; a guard ; a kettle; anda coal box
1750 A mahogany bedstep
1751 A ditto
1752 A capital mahogany chest of five drawers
1753 A mahogany table; and a dressing-glass
1754 A painted washing stand; 2 ewers and basins, brush and spouse trays ;
a bottle and tumbler; and a white foot pan and j jug
1755 Seven painted and gilt arm chairs, with cane seats, and cushions covered
with silk tabaret
1756 A mahogany ‘arm chair; and a stool, covered with printed cotton; a
towel horse ; and a skreen
1757 A chimney glass, 39 in. by 24 in.—in a very richly carved and gilt fea:
1758 A pair of or-moulu double candlesticks, of Chinese pattern
1759 Two oriental octagonal basins; 2 cups and saucers; a bell; snuffers and
tray ; and extinguisher
1760 Two toilet covers
1761 A crimson Brussels carpet; about 4 yards square ; a piece to the passage;
and a hearth rug .
1762 A ditto, the same pattern, 83 yds. by 33 yds.; and a hearth rug
1763 A brass wire fender, and fire irons; a kettle; a guard; and a ear box
1764 A similar lot
Twenty-seventh Day's Sale. 213
1765 A.chimney glass, in three plates—the largest 30 in. by 21 in.—in a gilt
1766 An easy chair and cushion, covered with damask
1767 Five cane-seated chairs
1768 A mahogany table; and a dressing glass
1769 A ditto; an inkstand; a blotting book; a taper stand and extinguisher
1770 A mahogany chest of four drawers
1771 A mahogany washing stand, with marble top ; 2 ewers and basins; brush
and sponge trays; bottle and turnbler
1772 A mahogany cupboard; and a ditto bidet
1773 A mahogany boot-jack; a painted towel horse; an yew tree boot horse ;
a white foot pan and jug; and a piece of oilcloth
1774 Two pairs of silk tabaret window curtains, with draperies, and gilt
1775 A pair of pastoral figures—in biscuit
1776 An enamel bottle; 4 cups, and 2 saucers—oriental
1777 A capital mahogany sofa bedstead, with squab, bolster, and pillow—
covered with green damask and furniture of the same; also a mattrass,
bolster, and pillow
1778 Three blankets; and a Marseilles quilt
1779 A capital mahogany low wardrobe, with wings, folding doors, drawers,
and slides
1780 A painted washing stand; 2 ewers and basins; brush and sponge trays ;
bottle and tumbler; anda white foot pan and jug
1781 A mahogany table ; a dressing glass; and a painted towel horse
1782 A mahogany table; an inkstand ; a blotting book ; a match pot; a taper
and ; snuffers and stand, and extinguisher
1783 A mahogany arm chair; and a stool, covered with printed cotton
1784 A mahogany cupboard; and a ditto bidet
214 Twenty-seventh Day's Sale.
1785 A japan cabinet, with drawers, on a gilt stand; and 4 Japan boxes
1786 A chimney glass, 42 in. by 25 in., in a gilt frame
1787 A tent bedstead, with two sets of furniture; and a mattrass
1788 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
1789 'Three blankets; and a counterpane
1790 A wainscot chest of five drawers; a glass; and a piece of carpet
1791 Two tables; a window curtain ; 2 basins; an ewer; bottle and tumbler ;
mahogany cupboard; and 2 chairs
1792 A small sofa
1793 A carved and gilt table, with a slab of inlaid marbles |
1794 A table—the frame of ebony, with panels of tortoiseshell
1795 A mahogany and gilt frame, with a slab of breccia
1796 A ditto
1797 A cabinet, inlaid with ivory and tortoiseshell—engraved with foliage, with
folding doors and drawers, and a looking glass in the top
1798 A ditto
1799 A pair of carved mahogany arm chairs, covered with silk
1800 A pair of or-moulu girandoles
End of Twenty-seventh Day's Sale. | »
Twenty-eighth Day’s Sale.
oe (Joes
1801 A four-post bedstead, with printed cotton furniture; and 2 pairs of window
curtains and draperies
1802 A hair mattrass
1803 A wool ditto
1804 A feather bed
1805 A bolster; and 2 pillows
1806 Three blankets ; and a counterpane
1807 A coverlid; and 2 crimson silk curtains
1808 A Kidderminster carpet, 8 yds. by 44 yds. ; and a rug
1809 A brass wire fender and fire irons; a guard; a kettle; and a coal box
1810 A painted dressing table; a ditto washing stand; 2 basins and ewers ;
brush and sponge trays; bottle and tumbler ; and a foot pan and can
1811 A mahogany table; a dressing glass; anda towel horse
1812 A mahogany bidet; and a ditto cupboard
1813 An ottoman, with squab and back cushion, covered with printed cotton
1814 A mahogany winged wardrobe, with folding doors, and four drawers
under |
216 Twenty-eighth Days Sale.
1815 A mahogany cupboard ; a towel horse ; and a footstool
1816 Two arm chairs, with printed cotton covers; and 2 others
1817 A blue and white bowl and covers; 2 cups and saucers; and 2 other cups
—oriental ; an inkstand; a blotting book; a bell; snuffers and stand,
and extinguisher
1818 A square mahogany table ; and a chimney glass
1819 A French bedstead, with canopy and chintz furniture; and 2 pairs
of chintz window curtains and draperies
1820 A wool mattrass
1821 A ditto
1822 A feather bed
1823 A bolster; and 2 pillows
1824 Three blankets
1825 A needlework quilt
1826 A Kidderminster carpet, 8 yds. by 43 yds. ; and a rug
1827 A brass fender and fire irons; a guard ; a kettle; and a coal box
1828 A painted dressing table, with two drawers; a washing stand; 2 basins
and ewers; brush and sponge trays; bottle and tumbler; and a foot pan
and can |
1829 A capital mahogany chest of six drawers fy
1830 A mahogany cupboard; and 2 arm chairs, covered with printed cotton
1831 A mahogany table; a dressing glass; an inkstand; a blotting book;
snuffers and tray, and extinguisher; and a pair of candlesticks |
1832 A chimney glass, in three plates ; and a towel horse 6 . .
1833 A pair of Chinese female figures; and a figure of Winter, of white ware-
1834 Two blue and white basins; 2 cups; and 2 white bowls—oriental |
Lwenty-cighth Day's Sale. 217
1835 A four-post bedstead and furniture ; and a mattrass
1836 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
1837 Three blankets ; and a counterpane
1838 A mahogany chest of tive drawers
1839 A two-flap table; a painted washing stand ; jug, basin, and brush trays ;
a glass ; 3 chairs; and a piece of carpet
1840 A four-post bedstead and furniture
1841 A wool mattrass
1842 A feather bed, bolster, and 2 pillows
1843 Three blankets; and a counterpanie
1844 A four-post bedstead and furniture
1845 A wool mattrass
1846 A hair ditto
1847 A feather bed, bolsters and 2 pillows
1848 Three blankets; and a counterpane
1849 A Kidderminster carpet; and a rug
1850 A fender and fire irons; a guard; a kettle; and 4 chairs
1851 Two arm chairs, with printed cotton covers; 2 stools; and a towel
1852 A mahogany table; a glass; and a damask curtain
1853 A mahogany corner washing stand; 2 ewers; 2 basins and brush trays ;
and a mahogany cupboard
1854 A painted washing stand; 2 ewers and basins; brush and sponge trays ;
bottle and tumbler ; a foot pan and can; and a towel horse
218 Twenty-eighth Day's Sale.
1855 A mahogany table; a ditto
1856 Seven pieces of oriental—blue and white ; 2 pairs of candlesticks ; an ink-
stand; snuffers and tray; and extinguishers
1857 A rosewood Devonport
1858 A straw ottoman
1859 A view of Oxford—print, framed and glazed
1860 A mahogany wardrobe, with folding doors, and four drawers under
1861 A painted dining table; and a glass | |
1862 An ottoman, with squab, and three back cushions, covered with printed
1863 A four-post bedstead, with chintz furniture; and 2 pairs of window
curtains and draperies
1864 A hair mattrass
1865 A wool ditto
1866 A feather bed
1867 A bolster; and 2 pillows
1868 Three blankets
1869 A Marseilles quilt
1870 A mahogany bedstep
1871 A ditto
1872 A mahogany wardrobe, with folding doors, and four drawers under
1873 A painted dressing table, with drawers; a ditto washing stand; 2
basins and ewers; brush and sponge trays; bottle and tumbler; anda
foot pan and can
1874 A mahogany bidet; 2 painted towel horses; anda basket
1875 A dressing glass, in mahogany frame; and a mahogany table
Twenty-eighth Days Sale. 219
1876 A mahogany framed sofa, with printed cotton cover
1877 A large arm chair, covered with needlework, and printed cotton cover
1878 A mahogany arm chair, with printed cotton cover; and a sliding skreen,
with mahogany frame
1879 A chimney glass, 53 in. by 25 in.—in a gilt frame
1880 A Kidderminster carpet, 8 yds, by 5 yds.; and a small piece in the
adjoining room; and a rug
1881 A brass wire fender and fire irons ; - guard; a kettle; and a coal box
1882 A japan chest, on a stand
1883 Two large cups; a jar; and 4 other pieces—blue and white; and a
white cup and saucer
1884 An inkstand; a blotting book; a bell; 2 japan boxes; a pair of
candlesticks; snuffers and stand, and extinguishers
1885 A mahogany table; a dressing glass; a painted washing stand; 2
basins ; an ewer; brush trays; and a white foot pan
1886 A mahogany cupboard; a ditto bidet; and a chintz curtain
1887 A French bedstead, with chintz furniture; and a hair and a wool
1888 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
1889 Three blankets; and a counterpane
1890 Two pairs of window curtains and draperies ; and a chintz cover
1891 A sofa, with chintz cover
1892 A large arm chair, covered with needlework ; and a chintz cover
1893 An arm chair, with chintz cover; and 5 other chairs
220 Twenty-eighth Day's Sale.
1894 A chimney glass, in three plates—the largest 37 in. by 27 in.
1895 A mahogany bidet; and a ditto cupboard
1896 A mahogany chest of six drawers |
1897 A long mahogany table; and a dressing glass
1898 A painted dressing table; a ditto washing stand; 2 ewers and basins; brush
and sponge trays; a foot pan and can; and a towel horse
1899 A Kiddermidster carpet, 8 yds. by 44 yds.; and a rug
1900 A brass wire fender and fire irons; a guard; a kettle; and a coal box
1901 A japan cabinet, with folding doors; and drawers on a stand ay
1902 A chime clock, by Massey | | - .
1903 A japan fan-shaped box; an inkstand ; a blotting book; a pair of candle
sticks, snuffers, and extinguishers
1904 A teapot, 6 cups, and 2 saucers—oriental blue and white
1905 A four-post bedstead and furniture; and a mattrass
1906 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
1907 Three blankets; and a counterpane
1908 A mahogany commode, with folding doors, and four drawers, on a carved
1909 A mahogany round-back chair; a painted washing stand; a glace 2
chairs ; and a piece of carpet
1910 About 52 yards of Kidderminster carpet; and some - Pieces of crimson
1911 A white and gold settee; a mahogany card table; a coal box; and a
1912 A capital fire engine, by Merryweather, with hose; and 6 leather tee
Twenty-eighth Day's Sale. 221
1913 A four-post bedstead, with crimson damask furniture; a paillasse; and a
hair mattrass
1914 A feather bed, bolster, and 3 pillows
1915 Three blankets
1916 A worked coverlid
1917 A Brussels carpet, 7 yds. by 6 yds.; and a hearth rug
1918 A fender and fire irons; a guard; and a coal box
1919; Two pairs of damask window curtains and draperies
1920, Two large arm chairs ; and 4 others
1921 A mahogany table, with two drawers ; and a dressing glass
1922 A pier glass, 40 in. by 25 in.
1923 A mahogany night table; and a bidet
1924 A table, with two drawers; a stool; and a needlework skreen
1925 A mahogany reading table, with rising top
1926 A painted washing stand; 2 ewers and basins; brush trays; bottle, and
2 tumblers; a foot pan and can
1927 A four-leaf skreen, covered with paper
1928 A yew tree table; an inkstand; a candlestick, snuffers, and extinguisher;
a reading desk ; and a piece of ivory
1929 A four-post bedstead and furniture ; and a mattrass
1930 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
1931 Three blankets; and a counterpane
1932 A mahogany chest of five drawers
222 : Twenty-cighth Day's Sale.
1933 An inlaid satinwood commode, with folding doors
1934 A Brussels carpet; 2 deal tables ; a aaa 3 a ius and basin :
and a window curtain :
1935 A blue and white jar; 5 cups and 4 figures j in white | .
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‘ End of Twenty-cighth a Sale, — sie :
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Twenty-ninth Day’s Sale.
1936 A very handsome fotir-post bedstead, with gilt pillars and cornice, with rich
crimson tabaret furniture; and a paillasse
1937 A hair mattrass
1938 A wool ditto
1939 A feather bed and cover
1940 A bolster; and 2 down pillows
1941 Three blankets
1942 A Marseilles quilt
1943 A mahogany bedstep
1944 A ditto
1945 A painted and gilt couch, with squab and bolster, covered with printed
1946 A mahogany table ; 4 chairs ; and a towel horse
1947 A table cover, worked with silk
1948 A capital mahogany chest of five drawers |
1949 A pier glass, in two plates—the larger 42 in. by 28 in
224 Lwenty-ninth Day's Sale.
1951 A quilt, worked with flowers in silk
1952 A pair of crimson silk bell pulls
1953 A handsome Brussels carpet, 7 yds. by 43 yds.; anda rug
1954 A brass wire fender and fire irons; a kettle ; and a guard
1955 A blue and white jar and cover; a bottle; a beaker; 2 dishes; 4 cups and
saucers; and 2 other pieces—oriental
1956 A pair of bronze boys—on marble pedestals
1957 The Apoilo of the Belvidere—in poueeee and a pair of vases, of s spar
and alabaster |
1958 A pair of crimson tabaret curtains and draperies ; and gilt cornice
1959 A four-post bedstead—white and gold, the furniture of white silk, ia
with figures and flowers in colours, and lined with yellow s satin
1960 A wool mattrass
1961 A feather bed, bolster, and 2 pillows
1962 Three blankets
1963 A Marseilles quilt stash:
1964 A white silk coverlid, worked with figures to match the furniture. 470 |
1965 A handsome Brussels carpet, 63 yds. by 5 yds.; and a hearth Tug? py
1966 A brass wire fender and fire irons; a guard ; a kettle ; and a coal box
1967 A carved and gilt fauteuil, covered with crimson silk damask, and printed
cotton cover
1968 Nine painted and gilt arm chairs, with cane foe and sehen Be
with crimson silk damask, and printed cotton covers”
1969 A mahogany table; and a towel horse
1970 A mahogany bidet ; and a ditto boot-jack
1971 A washing stand, with closet of yew and cther wood, with gilt ornament.
and a marble slab
Twenty-ninth Day's Sale. 225
1972 Two basins ; 2 jugs; a foot pan ; brush and sponge trays; a vase—painted
with flowers; and a bottle and 2 tumblers
1973 A stool—carved with lions’ heads, and covered with needlework
1974 A pair of crimson tabaret curtains, with gilt cornice, draperies, cords, and
1975 A mahogany writing table, with brass rim and drawer
1976 A French chest of three drawers, of rosewood, with brass ornaments
1977 A chimney glass, in two plates—the larger 38 in. by 25 in.—in a richly
carved and gilt frame
1978 A pier glass, in three plates, with slips painted with flowers—in a gilt
‘1979 A carved and gilt pier table
1980 A pair of crimson silk bell pulls
1981 A small cabinet, of oriental japan—on a stand, with foldings doors and
1982 A larger ditto—on carved and gilt stand, with folding doors and drawers _
1983 A rosewood cabinet, inlaid with flowers in ivory, with folding doors and
» 1984 A sleeping boy, in bronze—on pedestal; a bell; anda blotting book
1985 A pair of alabaster pitchers—engraved
1986 A pair of blue porcelain vases, with or-moulu branches for three lights
1987 A blue bowl, with figures in gold; and 2 cups and saucers
1988 A handsome Brussels carpet, 7 yds. by 43 yds.; and a hearth rug ©
1989 A brass wire fender and fire irons; a kettle; a guard; and 2 pieces of
226 Twenty-ninth Day's Sale.
1990 A washing stand, with two drawers, and marble top, with two basins, two
~ jugs, brush and sponge trays, bottle and two tumblers, and a foot pan
1991 A deal toilet table, with cover—worked, with coloured glass -
1992 A cheval glass, in. mahogany frame—52 in. by-28 in.
1993 A mahogany writing table, with brass rim and drawers, the top een
with leather
1994 A stool, covered with needlework; a towel horse; and a needlework
skreen —
1995 A pair of crimson tabaret curtains, with gilt cornice, and draperies, cords,
and tassels
1996 A couch, with squab and’ bolster, covered with meee cotton.
1997 A pair of mahogany stands ; a silk bell-pull; a bell ; a match pot; an
extinguisher; a basket; and a blotting book
1998 An easy chair, with cushion—cover ed with printed cotton :
1999 A cabinet, of oriental japan, with folding doors and shelves—on : a carved
oak stand ae si
2000 A French rosewood et of three ee with brass tage And handles
2001 A japan chest
2002 A pier glass, 75 in. by 41 in.—in an openwork carved ‘and gilt frame, \
with birds
2003 A writing table, of marqueterie, with LPs top
2004 A blue and white jar and cover ; anda pair of pot- pourri jars and ¢ covers
2005 A small Brussels carpet and a piece; a fender and fire irons; anda
2006 A lady’s mahogany wardrobe, with folding. doors ; stat a drawer
2007 A painted washing stand ; 2 basins; 2 j jugs; and. brush trays ; bottle and
- tumbler ; a towel eee and 2 arm chairs and cushions .
Twenty-ninth Day's Sale. — 227
9008 Three blue silk damask curtains and draperies
2009 A mahogany table ; and a ditto bidet
9010 Three blue and white vases and covers
9011 A japanned washing stand, with an oriental bottle and basin; and a
basket ; and a candle stand |
2012 A bronze figure, of a negro, supporting branches for two liehis. with.
porcelain flowers
2013- An old Japan dish; 2 blue and white Baek iy and 2 cups: )
2014 A Sa cscet Sicatond; with damask fur niture ; .a paillasse ; he a items 5
2015 A feather bed; bolster ; and 2 pillows
2016 Three blankets; and a counterpane
2017 A mahogany’ table, with three drawers; and a dressing glass
2018 A mahogany table; a washing stand, jug, and basin; and a chair. |
2019 A mahogany bidet; and a ditto Selb ues A
2020 A japan coffer, on a stand
2021 A piece of Brussels carpet; es a piece for the stairs, of the same
- pattern; and 3 dimity curtains and valence
2022 A bola! carv ea dia gilt abel : sheep skin mats ; and a deer acto
2023 s Ee atewrany fo i ie bedstead, with fawn Pa ani furniture, He
gilt cornice
2024 A wool mattrass estity sim! +f.
228, Twenty-ninth. Day's Sale..
2025 A wool mattrass
2026 A feather bed
2027 A bolster; and 2 pillows
2028 Three blankets; anda counterpane
2029 A pair of damask window curtains and gilt cornices:
2030 A mahogany bedstep
2031 A ditto
2032 A painted dressing table; a washing stand; 2 basins and ewers; brush
and sponge trays; bottle and tumbler; and a foot pan and can.
2033 Two mahogany arm chairs, with printed cotton covers; and 2 stools:
2034 A mahogany bidet;.a towel horse; and a needlework skreen -
2035 Two arm chairs and 1 cushion; and 4 others; anda gas serie
2036 A mahogany two-flap table; and a dressing glass’ 3° “Usuodamnd VOUS
2037 A mahogany invalid bedstead, with three siti a inion and pis.
covered with printed cotton
2038 A pier glass, 83 in. by 44 in. . anh OBOE
2339 A Kidderminster carpet, 7 one by 6 yds, ; and.a hearth rug.
2040 A fender and fire irons; a guard; a kettle; and a coal box.
2041 A bronze inkstand; a blotting book; 2 cups and'saucers; a vase; 1 thier
cup; a pair of candlesticks, snuffers, and extinguishers
2042 A mahogany wardrobe, with folding doors, and four drawers under
2043 A large blue and white jar
BEDROOM, No. 2. i
2044 A four-post bedstead, with richly carved rosewood pillars, and drab
moreen furniture
2045 A wool mattrass
2046 A hair ditto
Twenty-ninth Day’s Sale. 229
2047 A feather bed
2048 A bolster; and 2 pillows
2049 Three blankets
2050 A Marseilles quilt
2051 A mahogany bedstep
2052 A ditto
2053 An arm chair, with printed cotton cover; and a skreen
-2054 Three rosewood chairs, with cane seats and cushions
2055 A sofa, with squab, and two pillows, covered with printed cotton
2056 A painted washing stand, with drawers; 2 ewers and basins; brush and
sponge trays ; bottle and tumbler; a white pan and jug; and a towel
_ horse '
2057 A mahogany table, with crimson damask cover; anda dressing glass
2058 A pair of moreen window curtains, and draperies
2059 A mahogany chest of five drawers
2060 An oval pier glass 7
2061 A mahogany two-flap table; and a ditto bidet
2062 A Brussels carpet, 53 yds. by 5 yds.; and a rug
2063 A brass fender and fire irons; a guard; a kettle; anda coal box:
2064 A porcelain lamp, with a female figure; a pair of flower pots; an ink-
‘stand; a blotting book ; a pair of candlesticks and extinguishers
End of Twenty-ninth.Day’s Sale.
Thirtieth Day's Sale.
fence () ene
On rallies SEPTEMBER 22, 1848,
2066 A F fohch bedstead and furniture ; and mattrass
2067 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
2068 Three blankets; and a counterpane
2069 A mahogany winged wardrobe, with six drawers, and folding doors under
2070 A mahogany table ; and a dressing glass
2071 A mahogany two-flap table; anda bidet; and a pair of moreen curtains
2072 A mahogany corner cupboard; a painted washing table; 2 ewers and
| basins ; brush and sponge trays ; bottle and tumbler ; 34 foot pan’ and
jug ; md a towel horse
2073 A Brussels carpet ; and a hearth rug
2074 Three arm chairs, and 4 others; a fender and fire irons; a guard ; and
a kettle
2075 An inkstand; a blotting book; a pair of candlesticks; a bell; snuffers
and extinguisher
2077 ‘Iwo Chinese figures, of white ware; a vase; and 3 other pleces
2078 A writing cabinet, of oriental japan, on a stand
Thirtieth Day’s Sale. 231
2079 A four-post bedstead, with chintz furniture ; and a mattrass
2080 A wool and 4 hair mattrass
2081 A feather bed
2082 A bolster; and 2 pillows
2083 Three blankets; and a counterpane » |
2084 A mahogany bidet; and a ditto cupboard
2085 A mahogany table; and a dressing glass
2086 A mahogany two-flap table ; anda cupboard
2087 A moreen window curtain, with carved cornice
2088 A mahogany wardrobe, with folding doors, and four drawers
2089 A sofa, with squab and cushions, and two bolsters, covered with moreen
2090 An arm chair, with cotton cover; and 2, covered with needlework, with
covers; and a stool
2091 A:chimney glass, 43 in. by 31 in.—in a gilt frame ~
2092 A painted washing stand; 2 ewers and basins; a jug; brush and sponge
trays ;. bottle and tumbler ; a foot pan and can; and a towel horse
2093 A Brussels carpet; and a hearth rug
9094 A fender and fire irons; a kettle; a guard; a coal box; anda skreen
2095 An inkstand; a blotting book; a pair of candlesticks, snuffers, and ex-
tinguishers ; 2 Chinese figures, of white ware ; and 5 other pieces
2096 A small Brussels carpet; a rug; a fender and fire irons; a guard; a
kettle ; and a coal box
9097 An easy chair, with cushion covered with damask ; and a pair of window
curtains and draperies
232 Thirtieth Day's Sale.
2098 A mahogany chest of four drawers
2099 A mahogany table; 3 chairs; and a chimney glass
2100 A mahogany table ; and a dressing glass
2101 A corner mahogany washing stand ; 2 jugs, basins, and a foot pan; brush
trays ; and a bottle and tumbler
2102 A mahogany night table; and a bidet
2103 An inkstand; a blotting book; a pair of candlesticks; extinguishers; and
acup; and askreen
2104 A tent bedstead and furniture; and a mattrass
2105 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
2106 Three blankets; and a counterpane
2107 A small mahogany chest of five drawers; a table; and a pair of moreen
2108 A table, with three drawers ; a glass; and a mahogany cupboard
2109 A painted washing stand ; 2 ewers and basins; and a chair, with cotton
cover; 2 others; a stool; a fender and fire iruns ; and a kettle
2105*Twenty-four yards of Brussels carpet
2106*T wenty-nine yards of crimson Venetian carpet, 1 yd. wide
2107*A chime clock .
2108*Forty yards of Venetian carpet, 22 in. wide
2103*Forty yards of crimson Venetian carpet, covering the Gallery
Thirtieth Days Sale. 233
2110 A mahogany four-post bedstead, with carved pillars, a foct board, and
yellow damask furniture .
2111 A hair mattrass
2112 A wool ditto
2118 A feather bed
2114 A bolster; and 2 pillows
2115 Three blankets ; and a counterpane
2116 A mahogany chest of four drawers
2117 A large arm chair, and 1 other, with printed cotton covers ; and 3 others -
2118 A pair of mahogany cupboards; and a ditto bidet
2119 A painted washing stand; 2 ewers-and basins; brush and sponge trays ;
bottle and tumbler; a foot pan and can; and a towel horse.
2120 A mahogany writing table, with drawer and inkstand
2121 A mahogany table, with amber satin cover—worked ; and» a° dressing
2122 An ottoman, with squab and back cushion, covered with printed cotton
2123 A Kidderminster carpet; and a rug
2124 A fender and fire irons; a guard; a kettle; and a coal box
2125 A pair of amber damask curtains and draperies, and mahogany cornice ;
and a chimney glass
2126 Nine japan boxes; a bell; a taper stand; snuders, stand, and extin-—
guisher ; and a blotting book ‘y
2127 Six pieces of oriental enamel porcelain
2128 A cabinet, with drawers, with nine slabs of Florentine mosaic, in pietre dure
“9199 Titian’s mistress—a highly finished miniature copy, Y Galvani
2130 Head of Titian—the companion, by Galvani »
234 Thirtieth Day’s Sale.
2131 A tent bedstead and printed furniture; a mattrass; 3 blankets; and a
2132 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
2133 A tent bedstead, with striped furniture; a mattrass; 3 blankets ; and a
2134 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
2135 A four-post bedstead, with two dimity curtains ; a mattrass; 3 blankets;
and a feather bed, bolster, and pillow
2136 ‘Two pieces of carpet; a rug; a fender and fire irons; a scuttle; a wash-
ing staud, ewer, and basin; and 5 chairs
2137 An inlaid commode, with folding doors; and a drawer
2138 An arm chair; a washing stand; a deal table; a glass; anda rug
2139 A pair of mahogany card tables; a box; a washing stand; and a
2140 A half-tester bedstead, with dimity furniture; a mattrass; a feather bed,
bolster, and pillow; 3 blankets; and a counterpane
2141 A similar lot
2142 A carved and gilt couch, with printed cotton cover
2143 An arm chair, and 7 others; a carpet; a rug; a fender and fire irons ;
and a guard
2144 A large mahogany table and cover; a dressing glass; and a chest of
2145 A mahogany table, with drawers ; an inkstand; and a glass
2146 A long mahogany washing stand; 4 basins and ewers; brush trays
bottle and tumbler .
Thirtieth Day's Sale. 935
2147 A mahogany four-post bedstead, with damask furniture; 2 mattrasses ;
and a pair of window curtains
2149 A feather bed, bolster, and 2 pillows
2150 Three blankets; and a counterpane
2151 A four-post bedstead, with printed furniture ; and a mattrass
2152 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
2153 Three blankets; and a counterpane
2154 A mahogany sofa, covered with leather
2155 A painted washing stand; ewer; 2 basins; brush and sponge trays;
bottle and tumbler; foot pan and can
2156 A ditto, of yew tree, with drawers; ewer; 2 basins; brush trays; bottle
and basin
2157 A small Brussels carpet; a rug; a fender and fire irons; a guard; a
kettle ; and a coal scuttle
2158 A mahogany table and cover; an inkstand; a pair of candlesticks ; and
a group—in white ware
2159 A table; a dressing glass; a mahogany bidet; and a stool
2160 A deal table; a glass; a towel horse; an arm chair; 3 others; a foot
stool; and a skreen
2161 Three pairs of worked muslin window curtains
2162 Three pairs of ditto
2163 A small cabinet, of oriental japan, with folding doors and drawers—the
interior formed as a dwelling—on a stand
2164 A smaller ditto, with folding doors and drawers; 3 boxes; and a
2165 A cabinet, with folding doors, the panels of japan, bordered with ivory—
engraved with flowers—on a stand
2166 A tent bedstead, with crimson moreen furniture ; a mattrass; 3 blankets;
and a counterpane
2H 2
236 Thirtieth Day's Sale.
2167 A feather bed, bolster, and pillow
2168 A mahogany table; a glass; 5 chairs; and a silk curtain
2169 A deal table; a washing stand; 2 basins and jugs; brush Bice: a ea :
fire irons, and a guard
2170 A cabinet, of oriental japan, with folding doors and drawers—on a stand. ~
2171 A mahogany linen chest—on legs
2172 A ditto
2173 A capital mahogany four-post bedstead, on French castors, with mahogany
cornice and brass poles, and blue damask furniture
2174 A hair mattrass
2175 A wool ditto
2176 A feather bed
2177 A bolster; and 2 pillows
2178 Three blankets
2179 A Marseilles quilt
2180 A pair of blue damask window curtains, with mahogany cornice
2181 A mahogany bedstep
2182 A ditto
2183 A capital mahogany chest of six drawers
2184 A dressing glass; a towel horse; and 3 chairs
- 2185 A large basin, in an oak frame; and a towel horse ~
2186 A painted washing stand; 2 ewers and basins; brush and sponge trays;
bottle and 2 tumblers; a foot pan and can
Thirtieth Day’s Sale. 237
2187 A mahogany bidet; and a hassock
2188 A mahogany arm chair, with printed cotton cover; and 1 other, covered
with needlework, and printed cover
2189 An ottoman, with squab and back cushion, covered with printed cotton
2190 A Venetian carpet, about 5 yds. square; and a rug
2191 A fender and fire irons; a guard; a kettle; and a coal box
2192 A looking glass, in a frame carved with figures, and gilt
2193 An inkstand; a blotting book; a bell; snuffers; and extinguisher
2194 A dish and box, of japan lacquer; 2 cups and saucers; and a bottle
2195 A pair of two-handled vases, of English porcelain—painted with views
2196 A mahogany dressing table, with blue satin cover, worked with flowers
2197 A pollard oak table, with inlaid border
2198 A Venetian carpet; arug; a fender and fire irons; a kettle; and a coal
2199 A mahogany wardrobe, with folding doors, and four drawers under; and a
pair of window curtains
2200 A mahogany table; an inkstand; a blotting book; an extinguisher; a
vase ; 2 cups and saucers ; and 2 figures
2201 A mahogany cupboard; and 3 chairs
2202 A painted dressing table; a glass; and a towel horse
2203 A painted washing stand ; 2 ewers and basins; brush and sponge trays ;
a bottle and tumbler; foot pan and can
2204 A looking glass, in a gilt frame, carved with figures
End of Thirlieth Day's Sale.
The next Day's Sale will be on Turspay, the 26th of SEPTEMBER.
Lhirty-first Day’s Sale.
2205 ‘Twenty-four finger glasses ; and 24 coolers
2206 Seventeen ditto; and 12 coolers
2207 Fourteen plain decanters and water bottles; and 12 lamp glasses
2208 Four green decanters; a water bottle; and 18 tall glasses
2209 Twenty tall green glasses; and 49 others
2210 Twenty-four champagne glasses ; 24 ale, and 12 liqueur glasses
2211 Four water bottles; 35 ale glasses; 33 champagne, and 15 liqueur glasses
2212 Four water jugs; 2 sugar glasses; and 4 milk jugs
2213 Six smaller ditto; 3 sugar glasses; 4 ditto; and 2 butter tubs
2214 Six glass milk jugs; 2 jelly stands; and 2 ditto
2215 Two honey pots; 2 sugar basins; and 2 muffineers —
2216 Fifteen jelly stands; and 25 jelly glasses
2217 Ten ditto
2218 Ten ditto
2219 Two sugar basins ; 2 muffineers ; and 2 butter tubs
2220 Two goblets; 2 sugar basins; and 2 butter tubs
2221 A butter tub; 2 sugar basins; 13 jelly and custard cups ; ae 25 small
sweetmeat stands
Thirty-first Day’s Sale. 239
2222 A very handsome four-post bedstead, with canopy, white and gold, with
rich yellow satin damask furniture
2223 A hair mattrass
2224 A wool ditto
2225 A feather bed
2226 A down bolster
2227 Two down pillows
2228 Four blankets
2229 A Marseilles quilt
2230 An oriental coverlid, worked with yellow silk
2231 Two pairs of yellow satin damask window curtains, with carved and gilt
2232 A very handsome crimson Brussels carpet, 5} yds. by 64 yds.; anda
hearth rug
2233 A brass wire fender and fire irons; and A guard
2234 ‘Two bedsteps, of yew tree
2235 A mahogany washing stand, with drawers; 2 ewers; 3 basins; brush
trays; bottle and tumblers
2236 A mahogany table, with a richly worked satin cover; and a pair of silk
bell pulls
2237 A mahogany dressing glass