se f EF “eae 4 PRU 1 em el ee 0 be 8 SOLD ON-ACCOUNT. Se / ha oa Bakc THE INTEREST OF THE, LATE aa te ¥ oe Ae TRDAY, JANUARY 27, 1923 = LL, 642-4 MEL, LO G5- (x) Gilt of oe OX the Hagop Kevorkian Pye a, Foundation New York University Libraries Institute of Fine Arts & CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Ii, The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. Identification and part payment by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall oni a vard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices aS may be required. f the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer. and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due forall purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases may have been removed. Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. on sales’ days and on other days—except holidays, when no deliveries will be made—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made only during the forenoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrange- ment to the contrary. Deliveries at the storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of 9 and 5 Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made ae discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. VI. Storage in default of prompt payment and ealling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. NOTE: The Limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above requirements necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its patrons, whose goods eerie would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. VII. 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Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. : IX. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. ‘ : Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists*of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece shou'd also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or references submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, New American Art Galleries, Block of Madison Avenue, 56th to 57th Street, Entrance, 30 Hast 57th Street, New York City. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. ‘Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States “Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION ACT UGES NEW AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE BLOCK OF MADISON AVENUE, 56TH To 57rH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK Clry THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MANAGERS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ART PROPERTY AND ANTIQUITIES Liquidating the Interest of the Late MADAME ANNA KELLER In the Art House of KELLER & FUNARO Afternoons of January 25, 26, 27 and 29, 1923 To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and handing it to the Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making the first purchase. Purchaser’s Name Address in Full Amount of Deposit THIRD AFTERNOON'S SALE SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES 353—CHISELED SitverR Lamp Directotre Period Tapering round shaft, with leaf and claw foot set on a half-fluted column and a stepped square base. Urn-shaped lamp, with ad- justable screen displaying military trophy. Height, 18 inches. 354—SiILvER Lamp Italian Eighteenth Century Slender circular shaft; with leaf vases at crown and foot. On fluted round base; urn and vase top, fitted with four arms for wicks and pendent impedimenta. Short upper shaft with leaf- scrolled handle for adjustable shade. Height, 36 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem ts offered and sold. | )/ They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. RX Fao XV Polk WV V 355—AbDJUSTABLE SILVER Reaping LAMP Louis XVI Period Slender round shaft, with vase and leaf enrichment; on circular fluted base. Urn-shape lamp for four wicks and having pendent impedimenta. Upper shaft with shield shaped adjustable shade. iid ry) UV Height, 30%, inches. 356—SILVER AND Bronze Lamp Italian Eighteenth Century Mercury, in black bronze, parcel gilded, stands on a festooned _ round pedestal and holds aloft an urn-shaped lamp, enriched with WA winged amorini heads; arched silver drum frame for shade. i @/ Height, 27% inches. ao 357—ReEpoussE SILVER Hancine Lamp 7 § Spanish Seventeenth Century Molded bowl shape, with deep pendant; enriched with scrolling bands of flowers, leaf bands, three scrolled arms for lights and large yellow silk tassel. Supported on three link chains to re- V /poussé canopy. OV Height, 43% inches. Ds a X 358—SiLvErR Hanoine Lamp Spanish Eighteenth Century NY Repoussé bowl-shaped lamp; enriched with leaf-scrolled car- vs touches, festooned and pendented with flowers, leaf and medal motives in cutvre doré. Supported on cuivre doré leaf-scrolled () and festooned arms to an enriched silver canopy. e () Height, 5 feet 2 inches. \ WV 9—SILVER CRUET AND EPERGNE Italian Eighteenth Century Molded oval base, with open balustered gallery, leaf and claw feet and floral scroll handles. Fitted with four beautiful cut-glass bottles and four similar castors, mounted in silver. A central Corinthian column bears four scrolled arms for lights, enriched with Capo di Monte porcelain floral vines; surmounted by a pierced and engraved oval bonbon basket. Height, 17 inches; length, 18 inches. “ Third Afternoon 360—Bronze Mortar Italian Seventeenth Century Molded bell shape; enriched with coats-of-arms interrupted with detached pineapple motives in low relief. Height, 6% inches. y, e/(' w {0° 361—Scutprvurep Statuary Marsie Heap Grecian, Third Century B.C. “Head of a Vestal.” Beautifully poised head, turned toward right shoulder. She wears her curling hair in a graceful mode, confined by a broad fillet and having a rolled small oval chignon slightly drooping over neck. On sculptured Italian Renaissance marble column base; enriched with honeysuckle motives and acan- thus scrollings. Total height, 29 inches. From the famous collection of Prof. Poddio, Bologna. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee ne A) (). ONE aes Statuary Marspie STATUETTE By Bernim, Italian Seventeenth Century () #David.” Graceful standing figure in classic garb, holding a Q/ sword in right hand, his other held to his breast. On oblong / 0 \ base. Height, 25 inches. A\ \ 363—BronzE STATUETTE By Pierre Puget (1622-1692) “Neptune.” Finely modeled and dignified figure of the “God of the Sea.” Standing with right foot on the head of a curling dolphin. In his right hand he carries a trident. Very rich patina of yellow-green and deep green. On molded square alabaster pedestal, mounted with cuivre doré pater. Total height, 15 inches. From the collection of Archduke Francis. Third Afternoon TEXTILES OF THE FIFTEENTH, SIXTEENTH AND ) SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 364—RoskE-cRIMSON CUT-VELVET CUSHION y y Genoese Sixteenth Century — ce Scrolled cartouche shape. Woven with infloretted conventional- |/ ‘ ized bouquet and scrollings in charming deep rose, on satin ground. Trimmed with tasseled fringe. 365—-GOLD-EMBROIDERED Biur VetvetT CusHIoNn o/ Italian eee ae oY Oblong. Central panel of sapphire-blue velvet, enriched with O° yellow silk appliqué; displaying medallion occupied by coronetted " M and surrounded by Gothic leaf scrollings. Border of rose- crimson velvet. ‘Trimmed with silk edging. 366—NEEDLEWORK CusHION English Seventeenth Contury Y Square. Displaying jardiniéres of flowers standing in landscape g 0 with squirrel and rabbit in the foreground. Executed in petit- and gyros-point with rich colors on sapphire-blue grounds. Trimmed with tasseled fringe. 0) + OY 367—NEEDLEWORK CUSHION English Seventeenth Century! pe) f) Similar to the preceding. Varying in colors; crimson and brown hed grounds. 368—GoLD-EMBROIDERED Buur VELVET CUSHION Italian Renaissance, Q hy, z Oblong. Lustrous sapphire-blue velvet, enriched in yellow silk / O- appliqué with sacred medallion surrounded by Gothic leaf and XO husk scrollings. Trimmed with border of crimson velvet. | Trimmed with silk edging and crimson tassels. ? O07 3869—GoLD-EMBROIDERED BLUE AND Crimson VELVET CUSHION Italian Renaissance Oblong. Crimson velvet center, with end panels of lustrous blue velvet, enriched with yellow silk appliqué of Gothic scrollings. Trimmed with silk edging and crimson tassels. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. “dl (\ Dy 3Y0—NeEpLework Cusui0n French Seventeenth Century Square. Center medallion displaying allegorical scene, “Justice Enthroned Weighing the Enormity of a City,” seen in flames in the distance. Rare medallioned fruit and bird border. Executed | / in petit-point and point St. Cyr with fine rich harmonious colors. \/ ‘Ween A From the collection of Mme. Guillemet, Paris. he : VQ 0) BTL oN ecrene ime CusHION — French Seventeenth Century V Square. “Henri II and His Immediate Family Enjoying the Pleasures of the Country.” The gallant king stands in fore- _ ground, his family grouped around him. Rising rough distance, / with chateaux and vines of flowers. Executed in petit-point, gold )/ threads and point St. Cyr, in rich harmonious colors. » : From the collection of Mme. Bernard, Passy, France. 372—Two Gotp anp Sttver EmBroipEreD VELVET APPARELS Italian Renaissance \ Deep rich crimson velvet; enhanced in gold and silver threads with beautiful strap-scrolled medallions, enclosing “Sacred Lamb” in one and “Vase of Lilies” in other; fine husk scrollings emanate from the medallions. Trimmed with gold galloon. 211% inches by 161% inches. Third Afternoon 373—TIwo Goup NEEDLE-PAINTED AMICES Itahan Renaissance Wine-red velvet; enriched with medallions and delightful strap y ee leaf scrollings. ern eo in medallions, “St. Jerome” and 0 8t. Francis of Assisi.” Ailes 374—Two EMBROIDERED WINE-RED VELVET CUSHIONS Italian Renaissance Oblong, deep close-pile velvet; enriched in appliqué silks with : floral arabesque motives and leaf scrollings. Trimmed with multi- i colored tassels. \ 0 32 inches by 21 inches. 375—EMBROIDERED WINE-RED VELVET CUSHION Italian Renaissance A Similar to the preceding. a GOLD-EMBROIDERED VELVET Amicres’ Italian Renaissance Lustrous red velvet ; enriched in gold threads and passages of blue and yellow silks, with arabesque scrollings and Gothic leafage. = X wy Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. CV NEEDLE-PAINTED CHASUBLE Italian Renaissance “ Field of crimson, silvery ivory and golden yellow brocatelle; dis- playing interlacing Gothic leaf scrollings and flowers. Orphreys, of solidly wrought gold threads and colored silks, paneled with columned niches occupied by standing figures of saints with their emblems. oT GoLtp NEEDLE-PAINTED VELVET CHAsuBLE Italian Renaissance () / Close- -pile, fluctuating deep ruby velvet. Enriched with beautiful \ orphreys of solid gold threads, delicately touched with colored re silks. Displaying seven medallions of various apostles within oblong panels enhanced with scrolled chimere and finished with embroidered bands simulating gold galloon. el / V/ h ( yp? : Ae 379—PurPLteE Drap v’Or BrocapE Attar FRONTAL Florentine Seventeenth Century Composed of five panels; finished with galloon. Woven solidly in gold threads with tulip and husk ogivals occupied alternately with fleurs-de-lis and “Doves Bearing Olive Branches.” Fringed and compartmented border at crown of scrolled yellow drap d’or brocade. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 9 feet. {) / (Illustrated) 380 Ameruyst Vetver Corr Italian Seventeenth Century Heavy-pile velvet, fluctuating to light gemlike tones. Orphreys of gold and silver Venetian brocade with similar purple grounds, displaying fantastic scrollings and trailing flowers. Length, 3 yards; depth, 1 yard 15 inches. SN x 5), e Py. ae No. 379—Purpie Drap p’Or Brocape Autar FRONTAL (Florentine Seventeenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 381/—Go.p-EMBROIDERED Rusy VELVET Corr t Italian Sixteenth Century \ ,£- silver threads and passages of green, blue and yellow silks, with NY cartouched coats-of-arms and panels of saintly figures supported and interrupted by a long staff entwined with acanthus leaves and husks. Hood with arabesqued jardinieéres. 7 \ (\/ Lustrous close-pile ruby velvet. Orphreys enriched in gold; Length, 3 yards 5 inches; depth, 1 yard 161 inches. ’ 38 a GREEN VeLvEeT Cope Italian Renaissance a Heavy-pile apple-green velvet ; fluctuating with fine lighter areas. f CO Orphreys and hood, enriched in raised silks appliqué with inter- ‘6 N lacing Gothic leaf arabesques paneled with narrow staff and leaf \ borders. Hood trimmed with latticed gold fringe. Length, 3/3 yards; depth, 1 yard 21 inches. 3834} SaPPHIRE-BLUE Drap p’Or VeLver CoPE Italian Fifteenth Century iw The field, hood and orphreys, displaying meandering leaf bands / " in gold touched with blue and placed on soft sapphire-blue vel- x \ vet bands; the golden bands are husked at intervals and emit \ scrollings of flowers and pineapples in cut blue velvet on broad intermediate grounds of gold. The field, hood and orphreys trimmed with bands of yellow and rose floral velvet and crimson edging. om f j \) / \\ () (Illustrated) Length, 3 yards 6 inches; depth, 1 yard 17 inches. \y ie p’Or BrocapEe Dress Venetian Seventeenth Century Child’s dress, pleated at waist and having short open sleeves. Deep blue, woven in gold, pink and ivory with fantastic scroll panels and sprays of flowers. Trimmed with gold galloon. 38557GoLp BrocapE Dress French Eighteenth Century es Consisting of small vest, frontal panel and dress. Beautiful 2\° damassé changeable blue ground. Woven with small arcaded \ VW temples and trees supported by scrolling gold ribbon motives. 3 Trimmed with gold lace. (hanquag yzuaagsrg unryy7) Ad Ov) LAATA A r@) aq dvuqi WO Td-AdIHddVS—€E8g “ON ‘ Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 386-{Drap p’?Or Buut Brocapre Dress Venetian Sixteenth Century 4 Me Fluctuating blue ground; richly woven in soft pink, silver, pale ~S \ VU green and gold with highly conventionalized scrollings of pome- \ U7) \ granates and leafage. Trimmed with gold lace. U \ \ Note: Rare heavy weaving, exceptionally fine in texture. (Illustrated) \ / 38%7-J ARDINIERE VELVET COVER Venetian Sixteenth Century i Fluctuating rose-du-Barry velvet; woven with beautiful recur- JO ring ivory, rose and canary-green palmettes, displaying fanlike X \ \ motives of carnations and tulips. Trimmed with patterned gold N a galloon. 49 inches by 50 inches. Note: While the-weaving is Venetian, the pattern retains the motives derived from the Saracenic Rhodian School. aah patos AMETHYST VELVET CovER Italian Seventeenth Century x ( > Cee rich amethyst jaspé velvet, with fluctuating areas of | warmer tones. Enriched with narrow borders of scrolled rosaces in straw-yellow silk, 3 yards 3 inches by 2 yards 28 inches. / | : 389 ees NEEDLEWORK CovER French Sixteenth Century Ce. field; enriched with jardiniére emitting scrollings \f S: of large fruit and flowers which ramify the entire field. Broad \ > border, with jardiniéres at centers and corners emitting similar scrollings of rare fruit and flowers. Executed in fine gros-point with rich mellow harmonious colors. 3% yards by 1 yard 28 inches. Or Buve Brocapre Dress 386—DrapP pD’ S No Yy) ixteenth Centur (Venetian Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold.. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 390—Drap v’Or BrocavE Cover Venetian Seventeenth Century Oy Acisvties ground of gold threads and shimmering yellow silk; dis- playing irregular basket panneaux and trailing sprays of finely \/ conventionalized flowers. Woven in old-red, pink, blues and YA threads of silver. Trimmed with gold galloon. 2 yards 10 inches by 2 yards 8 inches. 391j7-APPLE-GREEN VELVET Cover French Eighteenth Century 0) Lustrous close-pile velvet ; fluctuating in the light with pale jade- ‘ts ‘like tones and deeper areas. Paneled and trimmed with patterned 4 of \ 0 gold galloon. 3 yards 5 inches by 2% yards. 392—NEEDLEWORK PANEL English Tudor Period “Queen Elizabeth Rusticating.” Uneven rising ground sparsely V / wooded, amid which are fruiting trees, flowers and birds ; occupied q at left by a castle and a crenellated wall leading to an edifice S | beyond view at right. The Queen, in quaint hoop skirt, is about center; she carries a basket and bag in her hands. A youthful Vf \ \ swain is seated before the castle playing a lute, while his dog dances nearby. A cunning cupid about to loose a shaft is before the wall. Petit-point, executed in rich deep blues and greens enlivened with crimsons and yellows. Height, 18 inches; width, 261% inches. 393—ReEMARKABLE NEEDLEWORK PANEL () English Seventeenth Century 0 “Rebecca at the Well.” Arched panel, with floral border at crown and sides; on tawny-brown ground. Eastern landscape, qT Y occupied at left by Rebecca standing at well; before her Abra- / ie ham’s servant is offering a chain of pearls. Her two sisters are ina \) behind the well, two camels and an attendant. Executed in ex- We aay tremely fine petit-point with relieving gros-point in rich colors. Original walnut frame. Height, 251% inches; length, 471/, inches. Third Afternoon 394—NEEDLEWCRK PANEL French Seventeenth Century “Scene from an Italian Comedy.” Executed in petit-point with rich harmonious colors. On a columned and draped dais at back a queenly figure is seated beside an elderly hunchback who, much to her disgust, is paying court to her. At left and right of the marble-tiled foreground are two groups struggling for largess thrown by an attendant. Height, 211% inches; width, 16 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 3955 -NEEDLEWoRK PANEL English Stxteenth Century © / “The Life of the Virgin.” Four panels bordered at crown ana foot with scrolled flowers and fruit, parted at center with two vine-entwined columns. Presenting “The Adoration of the () Magi,” ‘The Flight to Egypt,” “The Assumption” and ‘‘Corona- \\ tion of the Virgin.” Executed in petit-point in mellow tones of yellows, blues, greens and ivories. Height, 311% inches; width, 28 inches. 396;—NEEDLE-PAINTED PicTURE French Seventeenth Century () ' “The Judgment of Solomon.” Entirely executed in exceedingly -\ fine petit-point. The king is seated on the canopied “High Seat L of Justice” before the city gate; two soldiers attend him at left : and right. At the foot of the throne an executioner stands wait- | IV) ing for the command to cleave the infant in twain before the two ay mothers’ eyes. Varied tones of Royal blue in the principal draperies are relieved by dull reds, yellows, greens and tans. In- original carved and gilded frame. 321, inches; width, 261% inches. 3 397—Important NeEDLEwoRK Cover Italian Seventeenth Century , S Ivory field, beautifully enriched with jardiniéres at corners, emit- “~ ting heart-shaped motives of flowers and rare fruit scrolling ; %) toward center and ramifying the whole field; gay-plumaged birds AA \) are perched at intervals amid the scrollings. Rare golden-yellow y \\ borders of recurring scrollings of fruit and flowers with perched = birds. Executed in petit- and gros-point with rich crimsons and pastel colors. Trimmed with tasseled yellow fringe. 3 yards 2 inches by 2 yards 5 inches. (Illustrated ) No. 397—Important NerpLeEworK Cover (Italian Seventeenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 398—Importrant NEEDLEWORK PANEL French Henry II Period “The Death of St. Louis”: Louis [IX of France. The aged king, wearing wonderful patterned blue robes, is seated on a Renais- (/sance throne; before his feet is his favorite hound. At left stands A fis son Philip, wearing elaborate court attire, closing the king’s “ eyes with a kerchief, and beyond are two members of the house- > hold in agitated conversation. At right is the Sieur de Joinville, 4 bearded and wearing plumed hat, and near him are three of the \\ king’s daughters. The throne is placed on a tesselated pavement, A \ and immediately beyond it rise columned edifices, and further edifices in the distance. Executed in exquisite petit-point in very rich golden-yellows, fine blues, old-reds, greens, pinks and orange- browns, giving a charming golden glow throughout. Carved oak frame in the French Renaissance style. Height, 431, inches; length, 611% inches. From the collection of Baron Courreval, France. — (Illustrated) BOF 7) MEDI FAINTED VELVET PRocEssIONAL Cross m6) / Flemish Sixteenth Century \( Z\ < Wine-red velvet; the cross enriched in gold thread and silks with fy \% scene at juncture, ‘“*The Death of the Virgin”; under, within two § niches, “Christ on the Road to Calvary,” and “The Annuncia- tion.” ‘Trimmed with gold galloon. Length, 50 inches; width, 22 inches. 400—NEEDLEWORK PANEL French Seventeenth Century gy] / “The Annunciation.” The subject within a finely cartouched Ady round medallion flanked by scrollings of acanthus leaves and n/ \ x V flowers. Executed in petit-point with rich blues, crimson and | golden tones on ivory ground. Leaf carved and gilded frame. Height, 2 feet 1 inch; length, 6 feet. 401 Two Cut Green VELVET PoRTIERES Lows XIV Period Rich jaspé cut velvet, on grounds of golden yellow silk; display- aU ing finely scrolled heart-shaped motives sustaining large blos- soms. ‘Trimmed with wide gold galloon and fringe. Lined with nN 4% dscns crimson and ivory brocatelle of an earlier period. Nietste L Length, 3 yards 81 inches; width, 1% yards. )402—Two Cur Green Vetvet Porriires Louis XIV Period h\ ah Similar to the preceding. (poiwag [J isuay youety) TANVG WAOMATAGAAN LNVLUOdW]—86E “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 403—Drar v’Or BrocapE Bartpacuino Italian Sixteenth Century ty Rich crimson ground, shot with silver threads. Woven in two enhanced with conventional bouquets and husks of pomegranates V7 Oo tones of solid gold threads with scrolled strap arabesque panels, \ heer N \ / \ { \ and pears. ‘Trimmed with varied gold fringe. Length, 3 yards 10 inches; width, 3 yards 3 inches. 404-—-Six JARDINIERE VELVET PorTIERES Genoese Seventeenth Century Composed of two breadths each; woven with beautiful alter- nating motives of lyre scrollings enclosing baskets of flowers and cornucopia-scrolled panels enclosing rare bouquets. Executed in cut and uncut green, rich crimson salmon pink, pale sapphire- blue, purple and yellow, on lustrous deep ivory grounds. Trimmed with green fringe. Approximately, 51 yards. Length, 4 yards 14 inches; width, 1 yard 7 inches. (Illustrated) ROT BE SE ST ENE RONNIE RORY! Se ROR Sheet 4 ena worsens . a ediibdalmaeiatinconeaaaaer octane ERES VELVET Port ERE 404—S1x JARDINI O. N (Genoese Seventeenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item us offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 405—Imrortant VENETIAN Lacre FLoUNCE Stateenth Century Point Tagliato; extremely rare toile partially of embroidered iv cut linen, with miniature figures heavily raised. Displaying beau- _U/ tiful jardiniéres, emitting intricate interlacing scrollings of flow- val \ Spas ers, forming medallions at intervals occupied by varied figures aie of Court beauties. Finished with Gothic scroll borders. Length, 354 yards; depth, 7 inches. hate 4065 ARE VENETIAN Lace FLoUNCE Siateenth Century — a 0/ |Beautifully varied toile; displaying strap scrollings interlacing Mn “\ and forming upper and lower oval medallions alternately occu- /[ a | ¥ pied by large and small floral motives. These flank a central Gee band occupied by intricate rosetted round medallions alternating with lily devices. Small Vandyke edge at foot. (Illustrated) 407—ExeuisirE Point pr VentsE Lack FLrouncrE / Seventeenth Century Q/ Exceedingly fine and varied toile, with dainty picot raised work © leaf scrollings bearing beautiful flowers which are arranged to form cartouche patterns at intervals. Small Vandyke edge at : cP and scattered rosace brides. Displaying interlacing strap and foot. Length, 2 yards 4 inches; depth, 10 inches. (Illustrated) (Aanquay YruaaquUa02—) AINAOTA wowy] ASINAA Gd LINIOg ALISINOxy— oF ° ON (hanquag yzU20IrIG) SHONNOT.T HOw] NVILINGDA—QOp-GOP ‘SON LOD pets Bie Bho Bien Be Bn Mea Bes de we. r. Din» Stoo ee, eee a & i 1C ya eo é a, < * ab® pee te ee & tad ge ee ea SS LCR al RAE ROGET XPREA IAB et BEBE SER AT Rees ogy eT a) WRN SLOPEP LT OPEL A LLG 1 RCE Meeps pe ramen ae > a a SALEREIOREE LOD LEB ASD GOV DCT PENTA PER LOL 8b yahag gn Pe GER ERS & Y A a "7 tn wae ® : $e: Mage ~ Ther Bh, 3 % on ‘ bs ‘ ss a a mn es Se he PER kM Se ee 8 Oe'g CUS @ ERE PTS P te Oe eee, Peas tate PR PRIS or . aX rs ‘ san a : ‘ood : Te mB ad rk ae DLN NSS GIO IR OSA ES, COS OL ERAT VOY oe RA ot yas Soe! EET RIG SER SREOR ENO RA xy Bde sé: a NRRL woh eon yee Rene, le rom\ i / Vv Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered amd sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. -408-—Important Point D’ARGENTAN LacE FLOUNCE KS D \ 409—ExauisirE Point pE Franct Lact FLouNcE / Uf l/ Early Eighteenth Century Beautifully varied toile; with blossomed scallops at foot. En- riched with scrolled floral panels occupied by intricate jardiniéres of flowers; flanked by spouting fountains and festooned medal- hons of small flowers. Mounted on crimson satin. Length, 3 yards 14 inches; depth, 21 inches. (Illustrated) Seventeenth Century Exceedingly fine and varied toile, raised in portions; with regu- lar, picot brides. Alternately displaying jardiniéres of flowers and floral heart-shaped motives sustaining pineapple and pome- granate devices. Both of these motives develop scrollings of | very beautiful flowers and further pomegranates. Scalloped at foot. Mounted on lavender silk. | Length, 3% yards; depth, 23 inches. (Illustrated) (hinjuag ypuaaquaaay) AONOOTY DOV] AONVAT AC LNIOg ALISINOXy—GOP “ON (hinqguag yzuaaybiy hpiogy) AONAOTY BOW] NVINGDUY d LNIOG LNVLUOdW]—goOp ‘ON 607 / [ ‘9 “ Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Arie ye Pa = oa Gotuic Lacr ALB Venetian Sixteenth Century Fine sheer linen, enriched with insertions down front, back, sleeves and shoulders; broad cuffs and deep border at foot. The inser- tions display very beautiful trailing vines of flowers; the cuffs and border have similar vines enclosing medallions of jardiniéres and double displayed eagles. Crimson silk behind the lace. 0 f (Illustrated) 08° 411—Point pE VeEntisE LAce CovERLET AND Four VALANCES Seventeenth Century Green silk enriched with four central bands of lace paneled with similar border and deep outer borders of very intricately pat- terned lace. Displaying interlacing scrollings of leaves and flowers in raised toile. Four valances with scrolled floral borders and insertions of similar lace. 2 yards 20 inches by 2 yards 14 inches. Two Valances: Length, 1% yards; depth, 17 inches. Two Vaiances: Length, 1144 yards. (Illustrated) i ete at ci No. 475—Fourrotp Renaissance Tapestry SCREEN (Flemish Sixteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 476—Tarrestry THREEFOLD Watnut Screen Flemish Renaissance Each fold, enriched with two series of allegorical figures, the upper within columnar niches, the lower niches supported by caryatids; woven in blue, crimson, yellows, greens and ivories. Molded frame, carved with husk and rosette motives of a later period. Height, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 3% inches, (Illustrated) ES ne No. 476—Tapestry THREEFOLD Watnut SCREEN (Flemish Renaissance ) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 477 OSE-DU-Barry CaAarvep Watnut CHAISE-LONGUE iy French Eighteenth Century LD Large and small bergéres and central bench with incurved ends, ; ky Bergéres with molded horseshoe backs scrolled into arms, en- \y riched with bowknotted laurel wreaths. Supported on festooned seat rail and fluted tapering round legs. Loose seats and backs, covered in contemporary rose-du-Barry lampas, displaying ivory jardiniéres and festooned bouquets of flowers, Height, 3 feet 4 inches; total length, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet. (Illustrated ) b/ 10 / \ ~478—Avpusson Tapestry Carvep Ann GrinpED SvuITE Louis XVI Period Consisting of settee and two armchairs. Molded arched back, armpads and seat, covered in Aubusson tapestry developing birds amid finely clustered fruit and flowers. Woven in rich mellow colors on ivory grounds, supported on reed-fluted tapering round legs. Height, 38% inches; length, 441% inches. (hanquag yyuaaqgybig youasz ) DADNOT-GSIVH) LOANIVAA GHAUVD AUUVG-Od-dsoy—LLy "ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 4°779— Renaissance Tapestry TworoLtp ScREEN Brussels Sixteenth Century Brussels tapestry shaped as a cantonniere ; the center and borders covered with rose-crimson velvet; brass-nailed. The tapestry displays three variedly posed cupidons, reclining amid a riot of clustered fruit and flowers. Woven in crimsons, yellows, greens, blues and ivories. Height, 8 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches (Companion to the following) pm the collection of Comte Coffintéres de Nordeck, France. Note: This extremely fine specimen of tapestry weaving and the following are from the famous looms of Wilhelm de Pannemaker; the companion screen is signed by this distinguished weaver. (Illustrated) Nai 480—Rewnaissance Tapestry 'woroLp ScREEN Brussels Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. With added medallions at lower sides, in yellow camaieu, displaying scenes from the “Life of Alexander the Great.” Signed at the lower right with the weaver’s mono- gram. Height, 8 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches. (Companion to the preceding) From the collection of Comte Coffiniéres de Nordeck, France. Note: This fine specimen of weaving is signed in monogram at lower left selvedge by the famous weaver, Wilhelm de Pannemaker, whose eae were active in 1541. PELRLL OL ET STEREO PEE TA LER EEA ES TRESS SS ES Fe 2% ERPRELRY AH eH PREERRORS RPL ERG Lees EHS ED RERPT ESR ORS LEP AN ARE RS SHR SE HERE Sa ES RICRSRAD RH PROMS Lee OR ER HK FRRAR ERR BOE S ERD GH etesettnnmmnn: Pass KR RW RS gee ee eee eee oe ey ‘ SRANERRORESESROREA GEES 9 OS eee se ERECT Dew eD EOE RE DA eK ORE DL ED Lx viess cee LEAL KS sells AFRELRENPDERSFORKR EO RO ERM MPRA RaQ eRORRS SE EEKO EY SPRECRSELAE RO Foe RT RH 2 #e LRA R LER Eg Roe SEEKER SHLRERSGR IGS ERRELERE SE LS KRY REEGE RIS Snowe Oe es ERE ERLE RLS EMAMREFT SSAA ARDS AE ESE EE EARL ERROR NER EE Ke TA ARAH ERO OER SRR RSEREREKA RECA REED EEE OREREM OO KD SHES wa ae x ScrEEN 479—RENAISSANCE Tapestry Tworo.p No teenth Century) 1 (Brussels § Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed tn the forepart of the Catalogue. 481—Carvep Wautnut Cassone Itahan Renaissance AV Massive hinged oblong top, in one piece; enriched with scalloped 4% imbricated moldings. Sarcophagus-shaped body, enhanced with Ly , () festooned satyr-mask frieze and deep gadroons below; finished at A vA center and ends with acanthus-leaf motives. On paw feet. Height, 2 feet; length, 5 feet 91% inches. From the Bardini Collection. (Illustrated) AVS ILDED Tootep LEratTHER CASSONE Italian Seventeenth Century 0 Half-round top; hinged to open diagonally. Enriched with () panelings of brass nails and varied floral toolings of medallions. \ Original wrought-iron hasp and side bail handles. Height, 2 feet 2 inches; length, 511 inches. (aouvssipuay uviyi]) ANOSSV) LANTIVAA GHAUVD—IQh ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. y « \\” 483—Carvep WaLtnut CaBINET French Seventeenth Century Upper portion, with molded cornice and frieze enriched with cherubim at corners and scrollings; arranged with two hinged enclosing doors enhanced with masks, eagles and fruit pendants, flanked and parted by caryatid pilasters of male and female warriors. Lower portion, with frieze having two scroll enriched drawers interrupted by mask and ram’s-head blocks; fitted with similar enclosmg doors and pilasters to the upper portion. Molded base and cushion feet. Height, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. (Illustrated) No. 483—Carvep Watnut Casinet (French Seventeenth Century) a Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 484—Carvep Watnut Liprary Tasre Italian Seventeenth Century Deeply gadroon-molded top; paneled frieze with three drawers and satyr-masks above legs. Supported on square paneled h) Y ? baluster legs adorned with leaf and husk devices and gadrooned h box stretcher. mals \ Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 6 feet 61% inches; diameter, 3 feet 21% inches. \ 485¢—Carvep WaLNuT CREDENCE Early Italian Renaissance (Aa Yd j V4 f Oblong top, with dentil enrichment ; frieze fitted with three leaf- molded drawers having knobs and being interrupted by satyr- masks. Front enclosed with three similarly molded doors, these interrupted by demi-nymph and shell-motived pilasters. On gad- rooned base with claw feet. Panel ends. Height, 3 feet 111% inches; length, 7 feet 6 inches. \{486—Carvep Watnut CREDENCE Italian Renaissance y y td C 45, / —Watunvut Rerectrory Tasie Italian Sixteenth Century 0 8 Oblong top, with long canted ends; enriched with gadroon and dentil motives. Finely molded guilloche motived frieze trimmed with original knobs. Front fitted with two enclosing doors having mask centers, arabesques and rosetted rails; canted end doors with similar arabesques. Supported on robust reed-fluted columns and beautifully embellished molded base having vari- ously guilloche, leaf and gadrooned motives and claw feet. Height, 4 feet; length, 7 feet 11 inches. Massive oblong top; finely molded frieze, fitted with three paneled drawers having original knobs. Supported on baluster legs hav- ing molded square feet and solidly framed box stretcher. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 7 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) (Aunquay yyusairig upiyyy) AIAV, AMOLOTAATY LANIVA\—ZLEF “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. re 4) 2d 488—Larcre Watnvut Rerectory Tasre Italian Sixteenth Century Massive oblong top in one piece; molded frieze fitted with central drawer. Supported on lyre-scrolled ends having heavy scrolled central stretcher. Rich patina. Height, 2 feet 6 inches; length, 10 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 8% inches. From the famous collection of Prof. Podio, Bologna. (Illustrated) i RY evar Rerecrory, Tase Italian Siateenth Century Massive top; with straight frieze. Supported on slender end pear-shaped balusters with scrolled cross feet and central stretcher. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 10 feet 2 inches; diameter, 2 feet 1 inch. (Aunquag ypuaajaig uviyzy) AIAV], AVOLODAAY LANIVAA ADUVI—Egp ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 490—Larce Watnut Rerectory Taste Italian Siwteenth Century 2-Rare massive top, mainly in one piece; frieze paneled and fitted S70 with three drawers having original brass handles. On _ box- stretchered square legs having molded feet. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 9 feet 31% inches; width, 2 feet 101, inches. From the famous collection of Prof. Poddio, Bologna. (Illustrated) OIL PAINTINGS p¥/ ROSALBA CARRIERA “ Irauian: 1675—1757 \ a) 491—SIGNORINA MARIA MOROSINI Pastel: Height, 16 inches; width, 124% imches Tue fair subject seen at half length, wearing a string of pearls in her gray Pompadour hair and a bertha over a dull pink dress. and gilded frame. In carved : ROSALBA CARRIERA S | Irauian: 1675—1757 \ 492—-STGNORINA MARIA MOROSINI Pastel: Height, 16 inches; width, 12% inches Tue fair subject at bust-length, slightly turned to right; wearing a lace cap with blue ribbon over blond curling hair and fur-trimmed ivory robe. In carved and gilded frame. (hunquag yyuaajirrgy uvipzy) AAV], AMOLOTATY LONIVAA ASUVT—OGP “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ROSALBA CARRIERA ¢ Q) Traian: 1675—1757 ' “ 493—STGNORINA MARIA MOROSINI Pastel: Height, 16 inches; width, 12% mches. Tue fair subject seen at bust length, wearing a straw hat trimmed with rose, feathers and blue ribbon, curling hair to shoulders, and blue- trimmed ivory dress. In carved and gilded frame. ROSALBA CARRIERA 30 Iranian: 1675—1757 494—SIGNORINA MARIA MOROSINI Pastel: Height, 16 inches; width, 12% inches Tue fair subject seen at bust length; wearing lace-trimmed lawn mantle over curling hair, ivory and blue dress, with rose at breast. In carved and gilded frame. | GIOVANNI BONSI DI FIRENZE x \ Ivatian ScHoou: WorKED circa 1366—1371 / 495—ADORATION OF THE VIRGIN On arched panel: Height, 401% inches; width, 30 inches. Tue Virgin, wearing a nimbus and embroidered ivory robes, is en- throned in the heavens within a rayed oval supported by four winged angels in crimson and green drapery, before a gilded background. Kneeling and seated in the attitude of adoration are ten of Our Lord’s disciples. Inscribed in panel at foot, “Ave Maria Gratia PI.” Third Afternoon TAPESTRIES OF THE FIFTEENTH TO THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 496—GoLD-ENRICHED GopErtins Tapestry CANTONNIERE Vieux Paris Seventeenth Century Finely woven with hunting and musical trophies at center and foot of sides, blue scrolled leaf corners and birds perched amid very beautiful trailing and in- tricate clusters of varied flowers and luscious fruit. Executed in gold and silver threads, rare pastel colors and crimsons on rich brown grounds. ‘Tan and ivory guards of ribbons and scrolled leaves. Height, 6 feet 10 inches; length, 9 feet 4 inches. Depth at crown and width at sides, 134 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. {> Kd No 497—RENAISSANCE Ob wane or Mantret TArPEstry Brussels Seventeenth Century “Armorial Bearings and Landscape.” Field occupied by lightly wooded hilly country, with flying birds. Executed in pale pastel blues, greens, ivory and yellows. Magnificent broad borders, at crown and sides, of scrolled acanthus leaves amid finely clustered trailing flowers. Interrupted at center crown by a coronetted quartered coat-of-arms enclosed within an oval medallion of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The arms are of Leon and Castile— woven in very rich harmonious colors, with crimson giving a fine dominant note. Signed on upper right selvedge with the ‘Brussels Mark,” “T'wo Bs with a small shield between.” Height, 4 feet 1 inch; length, 7 feet 8 inches. From the lection of Comte Coffintéres de Nordeck, France. Q (Illustrated) () \ 498—RENAIssANCE Over-poor or Mantey Taprstry Brussels Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. Rather more brilliant in color. (Un- signed. ) Height, 4 feet 2 inches; length, 7 feet 9 inches. From the collection of Comte Coffiniéres de Nordeck, France. (hinquay yjuaajuanay sjassnsg) AULSHAV], AILNVJ YO AOOd-4AAG) AONVSSIVNAY—LEF “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item 1s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. | oy £0 499—RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY Flemish Sixteenth Century “Scene from a Contemporary Florentine Novello.” A youth in crimson habit links his arm with a maiden wearing flowing blue robes and points to some distant object to which they are run- ning from the outskirts of a wood occupying the background. On a lake at left, another youth and maiden are in a rowboat. Executed in fine weave and rich colors. In contemporary carved and gilded frame. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; length, 4 feet 9 inches. From the Volpi Collection. (Illustrated) (hunquag YRUaarigY Yysiwapy) AULSHAV J, AINVSSIVNAY—6EGP ‘ON “ 2 i 4 é r F * : a : cs ¥ i Sgenerte one yay oon HE SAE SRE AUTEN 6 RE: S 5th te arate inane ec ese a LA eee ee ES Sm a AE pes, ra Bh RR (Riri WR Aaa Kt Merino th i dbectc ra ® is ka Le » ay ae Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee Set of Four Rare Feletin Tapestries of the early sixteenth century. Ilus- trating a French medieval “Pastoral Romance.” The weaving is of fine and even character; the coloring is of restrained blues, greens, yellows, tans, ivories and dull pinks, giving a most agreeable tonality. These tapestries are of great import in illustrating the quaint costumes of the period. One is evidently signed by the weaver in monogram, T.G.A. Any signature on Feletin tapestry is extremely rare, and certainly denotes that the weaver considered the work of great merit, and he was un- doubtedly correct. These tapestries were originally in the collection of Comte Hendrekoff. 500—Ferretin Tapestry Early Siateenth Century “The Betrothal.” In the center of uneven ground, rising to several distant chateaux, flanked by fruiting oak trees, a young rustic seigneur, who has just returned from hunting, clasps the hand of a maiden wearing flowers in her hair and grasping a long staff. At left, the gallant father has his arm round his wife’s waist ; at right are seated the bride’s father and mother. In the mid-distance a further couple look on with evident interest at the ceremony. | Height, 6 feet 8 inches; length, 8 feet 11% inches. From the collection of Comte Hendrekoff. (Illustrated) (Aunquag yzuaaqaig Ajwvg) AMLSAAV], NILATEJ—0OG Kwndly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed wn the forepart of the Catalogue. 501—FeELetTin Tapestry Early Sixteenth Century “The Return of the Errant Maid.” Lightly wooded, rough, un- even country, with a stream and cattle seen about center and many chateaux dotting distant hills. Across the center fore- ground is a family group seated in conclave. At left mid-distance the mother receives her maid with a kiss; several relatives are grouped behind the mother. Height, 6 feet 8 inches; length, 8 feet 10 inches. From the collection of Comte Hendrekoff. (Illustrated) (Early Sixteenth Century) No 501—Ferwtetin Tapestry Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 502—FeE.eTIn Tapestry | Early Sixteenth Century “The Maid Lamenting Her Lover.” The maid sits before an oak tree on which is carved the monogram of her absent lover. Be- yond is a couple running by, derisively looking at the mourner. Height, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 8 mches. From the collection of Comte Hendrekoff. Note: The monogram T.G.A. on the tree is obviously the signature of the weaver. Third Afternoon 503—FEvEeTIN TAPESTRY Early Sixteenth Century “The Forlorn Maiden Promenading in the Woods.” ‘The maid, wearing curling blond hair to shoulders and ample medieval cos- tume with slashed sleeves, promenades in the foreground amid oak and other fruiting trees; rising in the distance are two chateaux. Height, 6 feet 81% inches; width, 3 feet 101% inches. From the collection of Comte Hendrekoff. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. U7 nay v) ), 0 ms iy, 504—Gornic Taprstry Flemish Fifteenth Century “A Royal Audience.” Sixteen important personages, closely but finely grouped, are in attendance at an important function. The figures are richly habited in Gothic brocades, wear quaint head-dresses and stand in loose series before a draped back- ground. Woven in exceptionally beautiful apple-greens, crim- sons, tans, browns, blues and ivories. Height, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 11 inches. (Illustrated) h Fifteenth Century) ws No. 504—Gortnic Tapestry (Flem Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. 5 They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. RENAISSANCE ‘TAPESTRY Brussels Sixteenth Century “Romulus and Remus cast into the Tiber by their Grand-uncle.” In the vine-overgrown foreground a muscular man, in classic Roman attire, bends over and places the “Infant Romulus” amid the rushes at left near a satyr; he still holds Remus in his arms, but is about to place him also in the trough with his twin brother. Above, before wooded chateaux, on rising ground a priest is seen with an attendant nearby, officiating at the “Altar of Mars,” the God of War, the reputed father of the twins and into whose body Romulus was supposed to go on his strange dis- appearance from earth, ever after in Rome being worshiped as Mars. In the sky is an apparition of great Jupiter. Woven in old-reds, golden-yellows, greens, ivories and browns, the sap- phire-blue robes of the grand-uncle giving a very agreeable and charming tonality to the whole. Fine original borders of jardi- niéres and laurel staves bearing choice fruit and flowers inter- spersed with birds. Low-toned guards of leaf plaquettes. Height, 10 feet 10 inches; width, 8 feet 1 inch. From the collection of the Vicomte de Clinchamp, France. Note: This beautifully woven tapestry is signed at the lower left sel- vedge with the “Brussels Marks,” “Two B’s with a shield between”; also with the “Weaver’s Mark” on right lower selvedge. This mark is recorded (but has not yet been identified) in Thompson’s “History of Tapestry.” (Illustrated) ¢ 4 - No. 505—Renaissance Tapestry (Brussels Siateenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. f/AQY ‘@ & \ py LA 506—Rewnaissance Brussets Tapestry Sixteenth Century “Venus and the Rebirth of Ascanius, the Son of Atneas.” Ina flower-o’ergrown, uneven foreground of the city of Idalium in Cyprus, Venus in voluminous floating robes bends over the sleep- ing Ascanius, scattering flowers over him, while Cupidon stands behind. In the distance, before woodland, Imperial Jove floats in the air, conducted by a further cupidon. Woven with rare greens, yellows, ivories and tans, with the fine blue and crimson robes of Venus, giving a beautiful tonality to the subject. Broad borders, displaying long blue cartouche at crown, inscribed with episode of scene portrayed; the sides with niched allegorical figures of the “Arts,” interrupted by clusters of fruit and flowers ; lower border with group symbolic of “Maternity.” In the colors of the field on ivory grounds. Ribbon and rosette guards. Signed by the weaver. Height, 11 feet 8 inches; width, 8 feet 10 inches. ) , am , : \ : SaaS Note: This\very interesting and decorative ‘tapestry )is si at lower left selvedge with the Brussels Mark, “Two B’s with a shield betweert”” Also with the monogram of the celebrated weaver, Francois Geubels, circa 1545. (Illustrated) No. 506—ReEnaissaNce Brussets Tapestry (Sirteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed wm the forepart of the Catalogue. 507—Bravvais Tarrestry French Early Eighteenth Century () “Orpheus Instructing Muszus to Play the Lyre.” The laureated Orpheus, clad in classic Roman attire, a beautiful crimson mantle over his shoulders, is seated in a rocky foreground overgrown with flowers ; a bow and quiver of arrows are on the ground nearby. His left arm is on Museus’ shoulder; with his right hand he instructs the youthful poet how to play a lyre held on the poet’s lap.