~ L e tie cee aa ¢ nan 4 > fe we Se enna as rey err rhea ee tart aye ly al aa lhe een Fae 0: le. wyrmehoyn = c So = = tad = LIBRARY r—) [i ) > oc = a Pee | — i ae =e Ag <= 8B a aL AE Sete yw ME bt seeps ops “THE PORTFOLIOS OF ae TALON HATFIELD _ AND OTHER AF irons BARE “AMERICAN PORTRAITS: avn Jonzs, Carr. oe: _ ConyNenam, WASHINGTON, FRANKLIN, LAFAYETTE AND _ OTHERS, | AMERICAN VIEWS: Government Hovusz AND FEDERAL HALL IN COLORS AND OTHER NEw YORK VIEWS INCLUD- ING A SeERresS oF PrRooFs oF THE MILBERT VIEWS; CHODOWIECKI's VIEWS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION; VERNET’s “QUALIFYING FoR A CAMPAIGN” IN COLORS; “BOSTONIANS IN DISTRESS, 1744”, ETC. : ‘CARICATURES: Contemporary ENGRAVINGS OF THE AMER- aie i _ IcAN REVOLUTION; THE FRENCH NAPOLEONIC PERIOD, it) REO. OLD MASTERS OF ENGRAVING: AtLpEGREVER, BEHAM, Feito Lucas vAN LEYDEN, OSTADE, REMBRANDT AND OTHERS. ne ie EARLY DRAWINGS: COLORED COSTUME PLATES: iets : AND OTHER INTERESTING PRINTS. + TO BE SOLD AT 8:15 O’CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 13, 1914 On Public Exhibition from Saturday May 2, 1914 | AT Che Anderson Galleries Metropolitan Art Association Mapison AVENUE AT FortTIETH STREET New YorK 3 Gunhitions of Sale 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also re- serves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in de-_ fault of which the Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle-. ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending pur- chasers, and the Metropolitan Art Association will’ not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse. But upon receiving before the date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, the Metropolitan Art Association will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. ’ 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be re-sold by either private or public sale at such time as the Metropolitan Art Association shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Metropolitan Art Association to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Metropolitan Art Association will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers, Che Anderson Gallerivs METROPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION, MApDISON AVENUE AT ForTIETH STREET, TELEPHONE Murray HI 7680. New York. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for 50 cents. Se A Na) eA ase RORY yelp Mes 5 Paas ae ay) Ny ate o ean we fe o America including a further Selection A ne TAYLOR HATFIELD ofNew York nee aie and other collectors | Wednesday Evening, May 13, 1914, at 8:15 e’clock ar 2 ADAMS (J OHN). Bust portrait. Lithograph by C. Motte. Inpra proor; Reproduction of the painting by Healy, bust, on Japan paper. 4to. (2). sg, ~ ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY). Full bust in frame, stipple ie fee ey Longacre.” Small folic. *Second state, with frame, put before all See f on ALBANY, N. Y. Albany, Capital of the State of New , York; House of the First Dutch Governor. LitrHo- 5 GRAPHS FROM NATURE BY J. MILBERT. Small folio. Es ~ INDIA PRooFS . (2). 4, ALDEGREVER (H.—Pupil of Durer, born in 1502). Ammon Forces Thamar; The Stern Father; ‘Two Spoons. Bartsch 23, 73 and 268. (3). 5 — History of Joseph. The four plates. Two are from the Storck Collection. B. 18-21. 6. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES AND VIEWS. Woodcuts and engravings, various. About 200. ”. AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Stonewall Jackson; bust in oval on India paper; Garfield, by Perine; Lewis Cass, rare India proof lithograph. 4to. (38). 3 + folio, margins trimmed. — BO i ae Shee *Rare. The interior of as Bar Sagi BY Le aes the wall shows “New vou ; “Seat of War in North ‘Amencks are fencing and_ scaring cats and_ mice. - — *;5 “ably represent Gens. Howe and Kay eeaeee aA 9. ANDERSON (MAJOR ROBT.). Photograph, -... quarter length, seated, in uniform. War time . _ graph autographed in ink. 4to. 3 10. ANDRE (MAJOR JOHN). Capture of André. ss ENGRAVING AFTER STOTHARD. 12mo, full margins 11. AUDRAN (J BAN). Antoine Coyzevox, after hen . eee es Henriette Anne d’Angleterre and Marie Eleonor aK | ate after Van der Werff. Folio. Sos ea 12. Laas Antoine Coyzevox. Engraved bust in oval, in r ae tangle. After Rigaud. Small folio. Framed. ~ *Audran’s Academy plate, 1708. 13 -BARTOLOZZI (FRANCESCO). Religion, oval stipple ; printed in brown after Angelica Kauffman; Virgin | appearing to three Monks, etching after Guereino. =f Folio. Framed. (2). — ‘ - Cupids after Cipriano and Guercino; Lady read- ing, after the latter. Original impressions. Framed. (3 pieces). 14. 15. BEGA (CORNELIS). The Country Tavern. Etching. " Fine original impression with margin. Small iy 3 16. The Smoker; The Loving Pair; A Woman Smok- gy } ing; etc. Richings. 10); ae 1”. BEHAM (H.S., pupil of Durer, 1500-50). Prodigal Son Wasting His Substance. B. 32 18, eee Cleopatra. B. 7%. am Lat iy ty te ee | ate ia the Witches, B. 151. cee and ‘al copy) 5 sabe. Halberdier, B. 49. (3). area tly ee, ae and Eve; Adam and Eve by the Tree; 7 _ Laeret aL B. 4, etc. (4). oF “ee “BOSTON. View of Boston and ite South Boston Bridge | _ LirHoGRAPH BY J. MILBERT, the figures by Victor Adam. Small folio, INDIA PROOF.. ean i 0 BOSTONTAN Ss (THE) IN DISTRESS. _ London, BG piece ~~ eee for RR. Sayer and J. Bennett, 1774. Folio, mezzo- tint. VERY RARE, with margins. *Caricature showing a cage marked “Boston”, yap from the “Liberty Tree’, at the roots of which are cannon ’and Militia, The cage is filled with Patriots, one of whom resembles Franklin, who a ae : are being fed with raw fish. eget * BREUGHEL (PIETER). The Virtues and Vices. En- Siam t graved by H. Cock, 1558. Six curious and scarce en- gravings. Folio. (6). 25. BROOKLYN NAVY-YARD. Original water-color draw- ing of the breaking-up of the war-ship “Pennsylvania’ in 1850 in the Brooklyn Navy-Yard. With German inscription written beneath. 4to. Signed F. Holz- sed ~ ~ huber. | 26. BROWN (JOHN—Of Ossawatomie). Half length in oval. Mezzotint by Wm. Sartain. 4to, full margins. Open letter PLOOL, 27. BRUYN (NICHOLAS De, 1570-1655). THE SMALL PAS- SION OF JESUS CHRIST. Bl. 64-75. 12 engravings executed in 1618-19, all with margins and fair im- pressions. The complete set. Small 4to, mounted in three frames. *Scarce in good condition and impressions as above. ° \ 28. —— Christ and the Centurion. Engraved in 1603. Large oblong folio, framed. One of the large plates of the artist. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36, 37. 38. 39. BRY (THEODORE DE). Country Dance. Rare. —— Soldiers March, with Death on Horseback. Rare. — Pride and Folly, circular engraving with caricature portrait of the Duke of Alva; Procession of Baccha- nals. ‘Two scarce engravings. (2). BRYANT (WM. CULLEN). Bust portrait. Hngray- er’s proof signed twice, by 8. Hollyer. Small 4to. BURGOYNE’S SURRENDER. The spot where Bur- goyne surrendered to Gates. INDIA PROOF LITHOGRAPH BY J. MILBERT. Small folio. CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER. The Pictorial Union, Sacramento, Cal., April, 1854. Tllustrated. Folio. 4 pp. Published by J. Anthony & Co., Sacramento. *The seventh number; the eight number is advertised to appear on the 4th July. The illustrations include three views of Stockton; Coloma in 1851; Campo Seco; Placerville; Sonora; etc. Rare. CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER. The Wide West, Illus- trated Edition. Large folio, 4 pp. Bonestell & Wil- liston, Publishers, Clay Street, San Francisco, [1854 ?]. | *Views of North Beach, S. F.; Lone Mountain Cemetery; Grass Valley with residence of Lola Montez; etc. CALLOT (JACQUES). The Prodigal Son Among Wan- tons; St. Nicholas Preaching in a Wood; Small plates from the Miseries of War; and others various. (20). Grotesques; The Apostles; Small engravings of scriptural subjects; and miscellaneous subjects. (74). CHODOWIECKTI (D.). Bust of Shakespeare and Illus- trations of Henry IV., Part I., with two others. 16mo. 14 pieces. —— Scenes in the American Revolution. Capture of André; Surrender of Burgoyne; Capitulation at Yorktown; Boston Tea-Party; March to Lexington; Bunker Hill, etc. A series of 12 small etchings, in undivided state on a folio sheet. Rare. 6 cv WAR. Richmond, Va. “In Commemoration of 6 ie a » vthe Glorious Victories.” Lithograph by Magnus, 1865. _ PRINTED IN BLUE (6) and one in black. Folio. Oct 44. CIVIL WAR CARICATURES. Jeff Davis on his own | Platform; Distinguished Militia Gen. during an Ac- tion, and two others. Lithographs by Currier & Ives. Small folio. (4). 45. CIVIL WAR BROADSIDE. “Stand by the Flag.” Woodcut, apparently used for recruiting a LOU. lacie ‘Folio. SCARCE. 8 aw igs 46. CLAY. (HENRY). Full length, standing, in his library. 3 ~~ COLORED LITHOGRAPH BY N. CURRIER. Small folio. Fine condition. s 4%. CLINTON (DE WITT). Half length in frame by J. B. Papert) Longacre. 4to. FINE PROOF OF THE FIRST STATE BE- | FORE THE NAME OF MAVERICK AS PRINTER. Full mar- gins. — 48. COCK (H.—1510-70). The Country Fair, after Breu- ghel; Peasants performing a sword dance, etc. Ob- long, folio. Framed. 49. COLE (THOMAS). The Voyage of Life. Four plates | forming the series engraved by Jas. Smillie. Folio. (4). 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. «BS. 59. -—— Game of Chess (Napoleon) ; "Grinning Modern Punch Maker. Small 4to. Framed. — Taste; John Bull learning a new Movement; New Minister; French Bug-aboo. Small 4to. Fram (4). om Bes etc.; The Three "Beat Physicians, Dr. Diet, Dr. Merr man and Dr. Quit. Folio. Framed. (4). COLORED MEZZOTINTS. The Young avanton pre vateer; The Card Party; etc. Colored mee published by Sayer about 1770. Folio. (3). COLUMBUS. Columbus among the Learned. Very rare — and early Italian engraving. 4to. From the W. Kél- ler Collection. ie mote COLUMBUS. Bust engraved by Mercuri, 1843. Proof. : : ae the title, and another impression with title. ee, (2). COLUMBUS, | VESPUCCIUS, CORTEZ, AND | OTHERS. Three small sepia drawings mounted on ~ one sheet, one signed Bergeret, the centre one contain- ing 12 medallion portraits of explorers, with a scene on te side. Tne, CONSTITUTION OF THE U.S. Lithograph, varnished _ and black with age; Niagara Falls, by Buller after | Hamilton, water-stained; Cricket at Lord’s in 1822, colored facsimile. Large folio. \Old frames. (3). g \ Augustatus: Kuning- | Bameus Marin Comodore au _ Service des Ktats ie ent on board a vessel. iat Sencauporny etching. IN coLors, with small margin. VERY RARE. Sd ; *Conyngham commanded a privateer during the early years of ee the SP ape toa and had relations with Paul Jones and Franklin, eure 61. *. COSTUME PLATES, ETC. Degres des ee colored ; _ Suileries, colored ; The Parisian i in London—The Eng. lish Seny in Paris (plain). Framed. (3). i eo — ine Sammlung verschiedener Zeiten und Nationen. Herausgegeben von Gerolamo Franceschini. Twenty various parts containing eighty lithographs in color of costumes from the fifteenth century to about 1800. Vienna about 1830. (80). “* 63. Swiss Costumes about 1840. Twenty-four various ee. t colored lithographs by Schultz and Grenier about Retest weet. 45-1840.- (24). ae 64. —— Venetian Costumes. lHtchings (uncolored) by : - Bosa, about 1820. In the original wrappers with title and descriptive list. (24). he i ae 65. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Fairy Connoisseurs In- specting Mr. Frederick Locker’s Collection of Draw- ings. Etching, privately printed in a very limited issue. Royal 8vo. Framed. *Beautiful proof. 66. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. The first | public reading of the Declaration. Engraving by No- ble after Hamilton, within engraved border, from Barnard’s History. Small folio. Framed. 67. -—— Printed on satin, surrounded by a chain of oval medallion portraits of Washington, Adams and Jeffer- son, and various Allegorical scenes. Lithograph by H. Brunet. Folio, mounted. j 9 68. 69. 70. vale U2. 73. 74, 7. 76. rare 78. —— Negative taken July 25, 1883, from the original parchment; also engraved facsimiles by Kimberly; and by J. C. Buttre. (3). *The photographic facsimile is scarce. DRAWINGS. Wash drawing by Hans Burgkmair, about 1500; Solomon Receiving the Queen of Sheba. One corner restored. Framed. | Sepia drawing by Lazaro Vasari, pupil and follower of Pietro della Francesca, about the early part of the sixteenth century; A Full-length figure in Russian costume. Framed. — Pen and ink and wash drawing by Adrien van Os- tade, about 1650; A sheet of figure studies. Framed. —— Red crayon drawing finely executed by Rodrigo Monzales, seventeenth century; full-length figure of an open book supported by a cherub; heads of cherubs a female saint supported on a lunar crescent and trampling on a dragon, turn towards a man who holds seen above. Framed. —— Red crayon drawing by Paul Brill, about 1600; Jonah thrown to the whale. Framed. —— Pen and ink drawing by Guido Reni, about 1600; The Holy Family with two angels. —— Pen and ink drawing by Sebastian del Piombo, about 1520; The Coronation of the Virgin. Circular. Shghtly damaged. Framed. —— Bistre drawing by Allaert van Everdingen, about 1650; Christ disputing with the doctors. Circular. Framed. —— Wash drawing by Tintoretto, about 1550; The Bap- tism of Christ. Framed. — Pen and ink drawing by Andrea del Sarto, about 1520; Madonna and Child. Framed. 10 , Re Magne ots een vr) —— 0, well executed ; St. Francis. Framed. Wo. Crayon Drawings; ; The Penitent Magdalen; ; oat Pee lot spare of a kneeling nun, signed “L” as avater) ; Pen and ink drawing, Italian, of a woman dle ish conversing with a seated soldier. Framed. (2). s - 82. a 2 erin in bistre by Theresa Winkel, German ve oi er aaa painter of the eighteenth century ; Half-length figure ; of a girl seated with wool basket. Finely executed and Hage Ange pee and dated 1797. Framed. \ : 285, —— Mercier drawings: Portraits in profile, half- length of a man and woman. Very beautifully exe- cuted and signed “Hoffman, 1812.” Framed. (2). 84, —— Pen and ink drawing with wash by Francesco Rossi a (Cecchino de Salviati), about 1550; “The Last Sup- per.” Signed. Slightly damaged. iat 85. — Exquisitely finished red crayon drawing by Hubert Vos, modern painter; A Cornish Fisherman. Signed, 1890. Framed. -86.. —— Pen and ink drawing by Simone da Pesaro, about 1630; The Holy Family. Framed. 87. Pen and ink and wash drawing by Raphael Mengs, about 1760; The Flight into Egypt. Framed. _, 88. —— Holy Family, early Italian wash drawing; “Die . Kunstler auf Reisen, water color by Geissler; water color drawing of a boy. Framed. (3). d 89. —— Red crayon drawing by QGuercino, about 1620; A boy holding a basin. Framed. 11 ele AG. ee, drawing by Annibale Caracci, : of a young oa Both eighteenth century. Bee bee 4, 92. E 94. 95. ee 97. 99. . FAGAN (JAMES). Portrait of a Chief q yas Full bust. ee iy C. Motte, 1826, with rial pointing aS his Aesth eee Small folio, with margins, Paris, chez Basset = Folio and gauiter (13). United States. Etching. Signed. rematiue He Japan paper. Folio. = ford, Con: GEO. M. DArLAs, lighopeapt IN “coro Ss by N. Currin. Ato, stained. (2). 5 FRA ANGELICO. The Last Judgment. Photoeranhs of ; the painting, shaped top. Oblong large folio. _ FRANKLIN. (BENJAMIN), Benienmeu iene Francesco Petroncini dis. e inc. Full bust. Line en- graving, open letter ee with full margins. Small — 4to. : printseller’s stamp. Small folio. yy _ a —— [Av Genre DE FRANKLIN]. Allegorical engraving, etched by Fragonard and finished by Mlle. Gerard, his sister-in-law and pupil. Folio, cut down. *Very rare, with collector’s mark, “J. S.’” FRANKLIN DIscoveRING Exrctriciry. India proof reproduction in colors of the painting by Benjamin West. Small folio. — 12 sil (a ated or euiie by. Gacanann Welch, aid ie or others. Syo. a). 4 FRANKLIN'S RECEPTION, FRANCE, 1778, litho and chromo; Henry Clay; Landing of Motus: ete. Tees a. Oo) eee . FRENCH COLORED CARICATURE. La Société Lit- ' _—s- téraire. Etching in colors, Empire Period, probably a parody on the Salons held by Pauline and Caroline, sisters of Napoleon. 4to. Framed. . FRENCH NAPOLEONIC CARICATURES. Les Der- - niers Monumens de la Republique; La Couronne Théatrale disputée par Mdlles. Duchesnois et Georges; we tia Bt Vue brillante de lAniversaire du 14 Juillet 1801; ete. eae Three colored. (6). ue — ge, *French caricatures of the Napoleonic period are rarely met with. 104. FRENCH CARICATURES IN COLOR. Le Supreme Bon Ton; Les Musards de la rue du Coq; L’Ossian Moderne; Folie du Jour; etc. All of the early part of the nineteenth century. (11). 105. FRENCH CARICATURES. A similar lot to the above, [Sang but uncolored; Marche Incroyable; Le Boulevard Italien; Liberte de la Presse; etc. (18). 106. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Devouement de Mme. Elisa-. beth, 20 Juin, 1792. Stipple by Verité ane: Bouil- lon. Large folio, old gilt frame. 107. GILLRAY (JAMES). “A Morning Ride” outside St. James Palace. Etching in colors after Gillray. Gilt frame. | Middlesex Election, 1804; L’Assemblée N ationale; Political Dreamings (with Napoleon). Caricatures in colors after Gillray. Guilt frames. (38). 13 108. 109. ‘110. 111; 112. 113. 114. 115. 116 alg Kg 118 119. - Plum-Pudding in Danger (Napoleon) ; The Nur-— sery; King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver (Napoleon). Caricature in colors after Gillray. Gilt frame, ete. (3). Engravings after Gillray; French Invasion; Un- corking Old Sherry; The Union Club; etc. Colored. Folio. (18). Ktchings after Gillray; from the Anti-Jacobin Review; etc. A fine collection for extra-illustration, many referring to the beginning of the Napoleonic period. Mostly in colors. (102). | | GOLTZIUS (H.). The Fortune-teller; The Vain Wom- an; Man and Woman skating; Cavalier on horseback; etc. Hngravings after Goltzius. (7). GRANT (GEN. U. 8.). Full bust, in uniform, life size, engraved by W. HK. Marshall. Large folio, India proof, with inscription “To friend Townsend, with kind regards. Wm. Edgar Marshall.” | LIEUT. GEN. ULYSSES 8. GRANT. Full bust in oval, mezzotint engraved by Wm. Sartain. 4to. India proof. U. S. GRANT. Full bust engraved by J. ©. Buttre. Folio. —— KEngraved portraits by W. E. Marshall, in uniform and plain dress, busts. Folio and 4to. (2). —— Equestrian portraits by J. Sartain and H. B. Hall; bust by J. C. Buttre. Folio. (3) — GRANT AND HIS GENERALS. Colored litho- graph with key, by Currier & Ives. Folio, fine condi- tion, 1866. —— GRANT AND HIS GENERALS. 3 copies of the same, ALSO IN COLORS. 14 NDER OF GEN. Lux, litho by Robinson; ith. and printed in Colors by Bingham & rtford, fui 1865, and four other Sri two Ae | 2 N cK (GEN. ‘Wz. S.). Lithograph portrait, life 7 size; Gen WESLEY Merrtrt, lithograph; Gun. WIN- “3 5 FIELD Scorr, Halleck, Butler pee others: in a group. | Folio. (3). } mtonrin (WENCESLAUS). Piazza in Convent gar- den (Covent Garden) ; Willebrock bey Boom, 1651. Oblong 12mo, framed. (2). i a PY ns | : 13. sede “Tothill: Fields, London, original impression and a one with the retouch; The Rhine at Cologne; Four i as heads of women; Portrait of Hollar by Meyssens. (8). 124. Grotesque Heads after Da Vinci; Lions after Ru- bens; Children at Play. (10). 125. —— Herodias with the head of John the Baptist ; Heads of Women; etc. (15). Am es 126. HORSEMANSHIP. Hight various plates from the Duke of Newecastle’s Treatise on Horsemanship, 1657, en- graved by Clouwet and others, including the portrait of Charles the Second mounted. One plate is torn and another colored. Large folio. (8).. 12%. HUDSON RIVER. Haverstraw, or Warren Landing; Town of Hudson; The Hudson and the Mills, near Sandy Hill; Falls at Sandy Hill, Lirnocrapus From NATURE BY J. MILBERT. Small folio. (4). eee 3 Sing Sing, Jessup’s Landing, Bridge near Luzerne; Hudson and the Catskills. INDIA PROOF LITHOGRAPHS ‘BY J. MILBERT. Small folio. (4). 15 130. Sige ee Soars River; Deer Creek Falls; Falls on ‘the Ge 131. 132. 133. 134, 135. 136. 137. JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Full -buchheme eee es F Rers socal . eee ; View of Adley; Fall at Glenns; INDIA ares eee pALRAES Bes Fouge E (ons Falls of Mt. Ida, above Tie ‘Theresa B near the residence of Mrs. Montgomery. INnp1a | LITHOGRAPHS BY J. MILBERT. Small = 8: JACKSON (LIBUT, GEN. THOMAS J. STON Sartain. Folio, proof with Fall margins. Dequevauvillier after Desnoyers. Small folio, INDIA. PROOF. | ine JONES (PAUL). Pav Jonzs, Americain, Capitaine Commandant la Fregatte l’Alliance, ete. CoNTEM- PORARY ETCHING IN COLORS. Full-length in oval, on # the deck of his vessel. 4to, with margins. ae KAUPFMAN (ANGELICA). Roman Lady braiding - her Hair. Original etching. 1765. Small 4to. Framed. Scarce, ee: LAFAYETTE. Franzosischer Feldherr, 1792. J. F. Bolt Se. Berlin ’92. Medallion profile bust 4 in uniform and an 12mo. Rare. ae [Laraverre AND Louis PHILIPPE]. Embracing. Full-length. Lithograph, very rare, but cut down. Two Photo grayacey views. 4to. . (3). [ LAFAYETTE. ] Lafayette embrassant le Roi, Min- iature aquatint in colors and 7 others printed on two sheets, showing episodes in his life. Rarr. ) 16 138. LAUNE (CH. ETIENNE DE). Allegorical engravings of Asia, Africa and America. 16mo. (3). | ph aks . *The figure of America is a very early engraving dated 1575. : LAUTENSAK (H.). Georg Roggenbach, engraved in 1554. B. 9. Folio. toa7 as Ree fa *An interesting print, fine impression on old paper with water ca Mia mark, in fine condition, the landscape clearly and beautifully printed. A Akg LEPICIE (BERNARD). Le Jeu des Echecs (Chess) ; : ; Beate be La Mére Laborieuse, engraved in 1740; Nicolas Ber- Si g : tin, after De Leu. Folio. Framed. (3). 141. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. The Four Evangelists. B. Aah ne 100-103. Copper engravings dated 1518. 12mo, mounted in one frame. ; 142. —— The Tooth Drawer, 1523; The Surgeon, 1524. B. 156 and 157. 12mo. (2). Conversion of Paul. B. 107, original but worn 143. impression, showing the border line. From two old collections (one royal) with stamps. 144. —— An Old Woman with a Bunch of Grapes. B. 151. 145. —— The Milk-maid. B, 158. With collector’s stamp. 146. —— The Virgin and St. John at the foot of the Cross ; The Man of Sorrows; etc. Worn plates. (4). 147. Hive handing the apple to Adam; Adam and Eve driven from Eden; etc. Worn plates. (4). 148. —— St. Christopher; Christ and the Magdalen; ete. Worn plates. (3). 149. Vergil suspended in a basket; Venus; Pyramus and Thisbe. Worn plates. (3). 150. —— Lucretia; Two Children with a shield and helmet; etc. Worn plates. (4). 17 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. ‘157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. [LINCOLN (ABRAHAM)]. Bust. Lithograph. Rare portrait, but cut down. : —— Mezzotint, half length, in oval, by Wm. Sartain. Ato. —— Full bust, in oval, nearly life size. Engraved by W. HE. Marshall. Large folio. FINE PROOF ON INDIA PAPER. — Bust portrait in rectangle. LITHOGRAPH IN COL- ors by Kimmel & Forster. 4to. —— The same in oval. In COLORS. 4to. THe Nation’s Martyr. Bust, tes by Cur- rier & Ives. — Bust, lithograph by the same, different. By W. E. Marshall and J. Sartain (mezzotint). Folio. (2). By Serz; with the Cabinet by Ritchie (damaged) . and bust, life size. Large folio (3) and three others smaller. (6). —— Engraved and wood portraits, scenes, etc., no du- plicates, one in colors. 4to, etc. (18). [LOMBART (P.).] Portrait of N. De La Fond, Editor of the Holland Gazette. Half-length, 1667. Small folio. Imprint cut away. Framed. *One of the famous portrait engravings of the century, known as “le Gazettier Hollandois.”’ LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.) IN HIS LIBRARY. Engraved by S. Hollyer. Oblong folio, 1882. McKINLEY (WM.). Etched portrait bust, by T. John- son. 4to. SIGNED INDIA PROOF. 18 164. MALIBRAN-GARCIA (MADAME). Lithograph por- _ trait by Pendleton after Gimber. Printed by Bourne, _ Broadway, New York. Folio. _——s«465,. MARIUS SEATED IN THE RUINS OF CARTHAGE, Bircaat | Line engraving by Alonzo Schoff. Folio. SoratcH LETTER PROOF ON INDIA PAPER, *Considered the best plate of the engraver. . MILLET (J. F.). The Angelus. Etching by Martial. Remarque proof on parchment, signed by Martial. 4to. Framed. 7 MISCELLANEOUS. L. 8S. by John Ross Key of the _ Revolution, 1798; Portraits in colors of Washington, Franklin and Sherman; YANKEE Doopte illustrated by Darley, and various prints, ete. (50). . MOHAWK RIVER. Road and Bridge over the Mo- hawk; Cohoes Falls, River Mohawk. Inpra PROOF LITHOGRAPHS BY J. MILBERT. Small folio. (2). 8 169. MONTCALM (MARQUIS DE—Killed with Wolfe at a the Siege of Quebec). Mort de Montcalm. By Mo- ret after Desfontaines. AQUATINT PRINTED IN COL- a ors. 4to, with margins. VERY RARE AND A FINE IM- PRESSION. 170. MORLAND (GEORGE). Two Colored Prints after Morland, Interiors; Dance of Cupids after Albani; The Fates, after Michelangelo, and others. 4to. Old frames. (8). 171. NAPOLEON I. Equestrian portrait by Fry & Suther- land after Heath. In cotors. Large folio, London, 1836, with margins. 172. NAPOLEON AND JOSEPHINE. Etched by Carl Pick. Medallion portraits, In coLors. Signed proof on China paper. Damaged in the background. Small 4to; NAPoLEoN, full length, lithograph by Fauconnier. Folio. (2). ? 19 Chee _ NELSON (LORD). Agustin in colons sh colors, “Scene at the oe of ie core ‘Garde i transparency of Nelson; etching of the Bess . the Battle of the Nile, circular. oe 174. NEW JERSRY. Passaic Falls and River (aye near Schooley’s Springs. MILBERT LITHOGRAPH a INDIA PROOFS. Small folio. (4). 175. NEWSPAPERS, ETC. Evening Telegram (frst mn) ; Sept. 19, 1881, with the death of Garfield; Ulster Co. Gazette (3); Star and Herald, Panama, Dee, 8, 1876, i ERR Ga Bs 1”6. NEW YORK: THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE. _— a - le od . - pone wt doy ae ae a eS ed ag ER te SS a i TO ee Se a = SS a ro eer POETS f aie ia hot 2 go ogee Sa Say ee ae ete iad See nN sacs yer taery