LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York 1686 - SALE NUMBER 1606 _— ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER NINETEENTH VALUABLE PAINTINGS ase FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE MRS. HARRIET A. CURTIS THE LATE DANIEL F. APPLETON OF NEW YORK CITY AND MR. JOHN C. TOMLINSON TO BE SOLD FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER TWENTY-FIFTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1921 CL. LIBRARY NO. M.KNOEDLER & GO. 1685 556-8 Fifth Ave. + Oa seers ACC. New York LE OR gS AT TEL RAN | id ne | aq | Ch) “EVENING GLOW, A FINE EXAMPLE OF GEORGE INNESS [78] a aa ARURREAinaneeERRRAEERRERRARIRIRRREMUEREIERT AT. aarel dine ace —— SALE NUMBER 1606 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER NINETEENTH VALUABLE PAINTINGS FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE MRS. HARRIET A. CURTIS THE LATE DANIEL F. APPLETON OF NEW YORK CITY AND MR. JOHN C. TOMLINSON AND OTHERS TO BE SOLD FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER TWENTY-FIFTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1921 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER LoT as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 8. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole tisk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or con- cerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. TerMS CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju- dice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the con- tract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Bins. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of the Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale The Anderson Galleries Incorporated Park AVENUE AND FirTy-NINTH STREET, New York Telephone, Plaza 9356 Catalogues on request. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN LIST OF ARTISTS PAINTING PAINTING NO. NO. ADRIAENSSEN 88 GERMAN SCHOOL 48, 60 AMERICAN SCHOOL IGRECOM EI CATT chO)) 95 ANDERSON, W. 57 GRIFFIN, T. B. 12 BARBIZON SCHOOL 15 HAAS, J. H. L. DE 4Y BEGA, C. 87 HABERMAN, H. 59 BESTWARD, D. 58 INNESS, G. 78 BEUL, F. DE 44,45 INNESS, JR., G. 74 BLACK, 0. P. 10 ISRAELS, J. 6 BLAKELOCK, R. A. 54, 71,72 JAMIN, D. F. 46 BOGART, G. H. 56,68 JOHNSON, D. 33 BOL, F. (ATT. TO) 106 KEYSER, T. D. 80 BONHEUR, P. 30 KNELLER, G. Nie BOUCHARD 90 LAMBERT, B. 13 BRAMER, L. 89 LATHAM, N. D. 32 BRANDT, C. L. 16 LAWRENCE, T. 81 BRISSOT, F. DD LEECH, W. J- 49 BRUYN, B. (THE ELDER) 79 LEMMENS, E. 24 CALDERON, C. 43 LLORENTE, B. G. 82 CALVAERT, D. 92 LONGPRE, P. DE 2 CHASE, W. M. 42 LUCAS-ROBIQUET, M. 35 CLAYS (MANNER OF) 1” MACKNIGHT, S. R. 8 COROT (MANNER OF) 31 MAR, C. 91 CORTONA, P. DA (ATT. TO) 108 MARIESCHI, J. 83 GOR, EX 70 MARTIN, H. D. 75 GRAIG) La Be 29 MAUVE, A. 34 CRAIG, W. 23 MINOR, R. C. 65 DECKER, R. M. 28 MONGODIN, V. 14 DEELEN, D. VAN 86 MURPHY, J. F. He DOMINGO, F. 3 PIOTROWSKI, A. 61 DUPRE, J. 62 PRINZ, A. F. i DUTCH SCHOOL 94 PYNE, J. B. 64 EECKHOUT, G. VAN DEN 99 RACKHUYSEN, C. 67 ELTEN, K. VAN 1S RED ye: 19 ENGLISH SCHOOL OG, UO ie, Sh 66, 69 FLAMENG, F. 18 ROUSSEAU, T. 39 FRANCKEN, S. 104 RUBENS (ATT. TO) 98 FRENCH SCHOOL 63,1038 SAFTLEVEN, C. 84 SANTORO, R. SCHAEFFER, A. SCHENK SCHUCHARDT, JR., F. SMITH, H. P. SONNTAG, W. L. STEVENS, J. TAMBURINI, A. THOM, J. C. TITIAN (AFTER) PAINTING PAINTING NO. TRAULICH 20 TWACHTMAN, J. H. 73 GALI, Io (es 40 UNKNOWN 4, 22, 98, 100, 102 VALENTIN (MANNER OF) 105 VANDEVENDONCK, F. 21 WALKER, R. 107 WEISS, J. 41 WIT, G. DE 85 WYANT, A. H. SALE FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER TWENTY-FIFTH, AT 8:15 LOTS 1-108 AMERICAN SCHOOL NINETEENTH CENTURY 1 SUNSET STUDY Low-pitched horizon, the distant hills in leaden tones, while the deep crimson sun just peeps from over a bank of heavy clouds across a pale blue sky. Foliage and a dead tree in the foreground. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. P. DE LONGPRE AMERICAN SCHOOL 2 STILL LIFE, FLOWERS Poppies, daisies and golden rod arranged in a jug placed on a table, neutral background. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at the right. Height, 13 inches; width 9 inches. J = vhs WA - FOSS DOMINGO FRENCH, NINETEENTH CENTURY BONS DO Y A French soldier with pick in hand stands at the roadside, a spade and small bucket at his feet; rolling landscape, blue sky with slight cloud effect. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; width 13% inches. UNKNOWN NINETEENTH CENTURY 4 SWISS MOUNTAIN SCENE Typical view with high peaks and a torrent in a rocky chasm, and fine fir trees at right and left, blue sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 24 inches. 5 OE ie IIT ET NTE OT TERS SOA ORT MSE SOS ATL ERLE Sarno HUNG eel sebitece” Pe AS core Pi ER P| SCHENK DUTCH, NINETEENTH CENTURY THE COOK Seated beside a table on which a bunch of carrots attracts atten- tion, the old peasant woman in homely garb is paring potatoes; kitchen interior. Canvas. Height, 18 inches; width, 13 inches. JOSEF ISRAELS DUTCH, 1824-1911 THE FISHER GIRL Seated on a grassy knoll beside the sea, her gaze is directed toward a trawler near the horizon on the left, blue sky. Water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 10% inches; width, 14 inches. Guaranteed by the owner. A. F. PRINZ AMERICAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE An expanse of verdant meadow whereon a number of cows are moving about, a stream at the left and a church with lofty spire amid groves of trees. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 30 inches. S. R. McKNIGHT AMERICAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY THE BRITTANY BONNET A chubby peasant girl at half figure looks at the spectator, wearing a quaint bonnet with peaked crown, with two big scrolls on the sides over a pink close-fitting base; in brown dress and red shawl, dark background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1879 at lower right. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. COPY AFTER TITIAN NINETEENTH CENTURY LAVINIA A comely blonde girl carrying a platter of fruit; she is attired in 16th century Venetian costume. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 19 inches. 6 I0 iu I2 13 14 OLIVE P. BLACK CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN MIDSUMMER LANDSCAPE A number of trees of bright green foliage rise from the banks of a stream, a hill at the low-pitched horizon, blue sky with pale cloud effects. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN AMERICAN, 1829-1904 SUMMER LANDSCAPE Undulating countryside with hills, a little brook in the foreground, fine tree groups at right and farther beyond to the left. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 16 inches; width, 22 mches. THOMAS B. GRIFFIN CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE Golden brown foreground broken by rocks, groups of trees at the right and left, small lake at the centre, misty blue mountains in the distance, blue sky with cloud effects. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. B. LAMBERT EUROPEAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY DECEMBER EVE A break in the forest reveals melting snow with a woman carrying fagots at the middle distance, fine trees and a crimson and blue sun- set sky. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 12% inches; width, 18 inches. V. MONGODIN FRENCH, NINETEENTH CENTURY CIBNILIDISISIN) AI IP IL YAN? A group of small boys engaged in some absorbing game at the foot of a high staircase, while a little girl standing at the top waves her hand to some playmate in the distance. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Panel. Signed to the left. Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. tf PSS at A oe = oe Se ate 15 16 17 18 19 BARBIZON SCHOOL FRENCH, NINETEENTH CENTURY LANDSCAPE A number of thatched cottages nestling under a grove of giant oaks against a blue sky with masses of gray clouds, figures of peas- ants about. Canvas. Height, 28 inches; width, 23 inches. CARL L. BRANDT, N. A. AMERICAN, 1905 GIRL IN POKE BONNET A sincere and charming painting of a child, the costume in softly blending shades of red and brown. Although the painting is only signed “Brandt,” the attribution to the well-known American painter seems to be justified. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Academy board. Signed toward the centre. Oval. Height, 5% inches; width, 4% inches. MANNER OF CLAYS BELGIAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY NEARS DEE MOU OF EE SCHED A group of fishing sloops of brown and cream-colored sails in the foreground, various craft about, a mill on the mainland at the left, cloudy sky. Canvas. Height, 21 inches; width, 29 inches. FRANCOIS FLAMENG CONTEMPORARY FRENCH A GAME OF TENNIS A number of gentry, some seated on a bench, others perched on a parapet, are watching a game of tennis in which two of their num- ber are engaged. Fine turreted brick gateway and houses in nice design against a blue sky with light clouds. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Panel. Signed with monogram and dated 1889 at lower right. Height, 12 inches; width 17 inches. ROBERT REID, N. A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SNOW SCENE Hilly country with trees in winter attire, a church indicated at the centre, hazy effect, gray sky. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 8 TRAULICH EUROPEAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY 20 DEE 2 EUR SVE S EINE RY: The serving maid is taking advantage of a lull between courses to pass a glass of wine to the guard who presents himself at the head f, of the staircase attired as a halberdier. The family is seen at table 22 ~— through an open door at the right. 17th century interior. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. F. VANDEVENDONCK FLEMISH, NINETEENTH CENTURY ai Sala Ia1y Sheep on a meadow, ducks swimming in the foreground. (Daniel Lfu F. Appleton Coil.) ’ Panel. Signed to the lower right, and handwritten notice on the back with date 1862. Height, 6% inches; width, 9 inches. UNKNOWN NINETEENTH CENTURY 22 MARINE Several racing schooners in foreground in a choppy deep blue =e sea, near a cottage on the rocks, left, many sails about, light gray sky. fe Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 50 inches. WILLIAM CRAIG AMERICAN, 1829-1875 23 COMPANION LANDSCAPES Craig, a Dublin artist who settled in New York in 1863, was one of the original members of the American Society of Water Color Painters. The present examples show his favorite country of hills and streams in autumn dress. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Water color. Signed and dated 1862 to the right. Height, 10 inches; width, 14% inches. \ E. LEMMENS BELGIAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY 24 A QUARREL AMONG THE POULTRY The chickens and roosters, entrenched under the thatching of a oa crumbled wall, keep off the invading and rather timid ducks who ; ; approach from below. A painting with charming and delicately rendered detail. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Panel. Signed to the right. Height, 9% inches; width, 14 inches. 9 25 26 27 28 29 F. SCHUCHARDT, JR. GERMAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY THE COUNTRY MAIDEN Three-quarter length figure of a pretty girl with chestnut hair and expressive eyes, standing in white sleeveless waist holding her maroon-colored skirt, in the folds of which she has gathered some daisies; foliage background. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches. ADOLF SCHAEFFER GERMAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY SAME, JE Mess In the style of the Dutch still life painters. Peaches, roses and grapes grouped at the base of a golden goblet with inscriptions and the date 1840. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Panel. Signed and dated 1870, Dusseldorf, to the right. Height, 11 inches; width, 14 inches. ANTONIO TAMBURINI ITALIAN, 1843-1876 MONK READING Half-length figure of a monk in black and white cowl, engrossed in his newspaper. A charming example. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 9¥ inches; width, 7Y inches. R. M. DECKER AMERICAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Giant oaks in rich autumn foliage rise from a foreground of moist verdure and loom over a sky of blue and cream and gray clouds. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches. THOMAS B. CRAIG, A. N. A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LANDSCAPE WITH COWS A brown and a black and white cow are wading in the shallow pond covered with cane brake at the left, grassy meadows at the right and distance, where a couple of cows are grazing; blue and cloudy sky. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. 10 ae Bo) 31 32 33 PEYROL BONHEUR FRENCH, NINETEENTH CENTURY LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE Madame Peyrol Bonheur was the sister of the celebrated Rosa Bonheur and pupil of her father, Raymond Bonheur. She is well known by her association with her sister in the Free School of De- sign, founded in 1849. The present painting shows a brown cow about to wade into the stream, while further down the pathway is a dappled brown and white cow. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 13% inches; width, 16 inches. MANNER OF COROT FRENCH, NINETEENTH CENTURY LANDSCAPE Limpid water at the right with a sandy shore and a dense mass of foliage at the left, where a bright red touch indicates a figure; cottage at right distance, pale blue and creamy sky. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, 13 inches. NATALIE D. LATHAM AMERICAN, 1880-1908 POUR IMRVAITIE OE A IL ANID Three-quarter length figure of a dark-complexioned lady, seated, face at three-quarters to the left, eyes directed toward the spec- tator, attired in deep green costume enriched with bright gilt bro- cade, wide plumed hat and dark furs. Neutral background. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Canvas. Height, 48 inches; width, 33 inches. DAVID JOHNSON, N. A. AMERICAN, 1827-1908 VIEW AT LAKE GEORGE A punt is beached on the sandy shore in the foreground border- ing a limpid lake, whereon a steamer is plying in the distance; fine group of trees at the left, where several figures are seen, wooded arm of land in middle of distance, timbered mountains at horizon surmounted by a transparent blue sky with nicely grouped clouds of a silvery sheen. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed with customary monogram and dated 1874 at lower right and inscribed on back. Height, 13% inches; width, 23 inches. iil a EE 34 35 36 37 ANTON MAUVE DUTCH, 1838-1888 THE SHEPHERD Lying on the soft bank of grasses in the foreground the shepherd is keeping an eye on his flock of sheep at the right, sparse trees about and hills in the distance. Water color. Signed at lower left. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. Guaranteed by the owner. MARIE LUCAS-ROBIQUET CONTEMPORARY FRENCH IBUIRW IP IPILASe 4 A boy is reclining on the. grassy foreground with an expression of pain on his countenance, while a young woman bandages his right foot; two girls look on and munch their bread. A cart half filled with forage is seen at the right and a bower of hollyhocks detaches effectively from a background of dense foliage at the left. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 44 inches; width, 54 inches. WILLIAM L. SONNTAG, N. A. AMERICAN, 1822-1900 MOUNTAIN SCENE High-timbered mountains slope down to a lake; foreground cov- ered with stumps and rocks, a small landing place with figures at anaes distance, sunset sky effect. (From the Harriet A. Curtis oll. Canvas, relined. Signed at lower left. Height, 32 inches; width, 54 inches. HENRY PEMBER SMITH AMERICAN, 1854-1907 SUMMER LANDSCAPE Fine elm trees bordering a small body of water, a road at the left where a lonely figure is seen, a white, red-roofed cottage at the cen- tre distance; pale blue sky with slight cloud effects. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. 12 38 39 40 4I 42 AL, m ST LiO = RUBENS SANTORO ITALIAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN SCENE Charming rendition of one of the canals bordered with bright villas with a bell tower in the distance, all sparkling in the sunlight ; a gondola in the foreground carries a passenger with a red parasol, contributing a striking note to the color scheme. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 13 inches. _ THEODORE ROUSSEAU FRENCH, 1812-1867 LANDSCAPE Undulated country with a canal, brown banks; a cottage at the left and groups of trees about, cloudy blue and creamy sky. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Panel. Signed with initials at lower left. Height, 5 inches; width, 7 inches. JAMES G. TYLER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN FAIR WEATHER A two-masted brig is ploughing a green and blue choppy sea at a fine pace within sight of land, a spar marks a wreck at the left and a gull enlivens the scene, which is crowned by a pale silvery sky with breaks of blue. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 28 inches; width, 40 inches. JOSE WEISS CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH RIVER SCENE A river winds at the left, banked on the right by dark loamy soil with the stubble of former cultivation; cottages and tree groups in nice values at the distance against a gray and silvery sky. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 10 inches; width, 18 inches. WILLIAM M. CHASE, N. A. AMERICAN, 1849-1916 GRAY DAY A fine study in delicate gray tones of a harbor with many row- boats suggested, and a dock at the left where a number of little ves- sels are moored; misty sky. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Cradled panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 22 inches; width, 27 inches. 13 SES I a eo Se me ee a 43 44 45 46 C. CALDERON CONTEMPORARY FRENCH VENETIAN SUNSET The fine sweep of buildings from the Doge’s palace and the campanile along the Grand Canal and the opposite bank, where the Maria della Salute towers over the the Custom House, are seen in the distance, while a group of pink and orange sailing vessels are the dominant note at the left foreground; sunset sky of blue at the top to emerald and orange at the horizon, with slight cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches. FRANZ DE BEUL BELGIAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY EARLY MORNING A flock of fine sheep and lambs are leisurely passing along a green path, some stopping to crop the rich grass while the shepherdess knits as she walks among her charges. The usual dog at the right, nice tree groups and gray misty sky. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. FRANZ DE BEUL BELGIAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY FARM GIRL WITH SHEEP An excellent treatment of sheep in the interior of a barn, partially lighted from a narrow window. The light falls unevenly upon the shaggy animals, standing or lying upon the golden straw, while the red cocks and a few fowls lend a bright touch of color. In the back- ground the dark beams of the manger and the charming figure of a farm girl in blue dress and white bonnet. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) é Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 25 mches; width, 34 inches. D. F. JAMIN FRENCH, NINETEENTH CENTURY THE BIRD CAGE An interior of gracious charm. A lady in full white morning gown stands by the window, greeting her bird in its tall wicker cage. Details of the delightful room are indicated with delicate feeling. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Panel. Signed and dated 1862 to the left. Height, 101% inches; width, 7% inches. 14 47 48 49 50 J. H. L. DE HAAS BELGIAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY COWS IN LANDSCAPE Two vari-colored cows in the foreground are looking at the spec- tator, while a third is munching the short grass, and others are seen beyond in the rich meadows, which stretch toward the horizon. Fine blue sky with gray clouds. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 17 inches; width, 24 inches. GERMAN SCHOOL NINETEENTH CENTURY A BAVARIAN PEASANT WOMAN OF DACHAU In gala dress of voluminous, brightly colored skirt and magenta bodice, a peasant woman sits in her straight-back chair, her head, crowned by a black bonnet, sunk upon her breast, her hands folded in her lap. The bold splashes of color and the simplicity of com- position make this portrait an interesting one. The picture has been attributed to Max Liebermann. Canvas pasted on academy board. Signed to the upper right. Height, 20% inches; width, 13 inches. WILLIAM JOHN LEECH ENGLISH, CONTEMPORARY LE CAFE DES ARTISTES, CONCARNEAU Interior of the meeting place of the artists at this quaint fishing town. The various apéritifs and other beverages are in two groups on counters at the left, while a guest sitting at a table and a waiter carrying a tray attract attention at the immediate right; billiard table beyond. Sparkling in color and delightfully drawn. Canvas. Signed and dated 1908 at lower left. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. Exhibited at Paris Salon, 1914. J. STEVENS FLEMISH, 1819-1878 TBUS, ILI, IPL WEIR A lady in flowing yellow satin skirt and tight-fitting bodice leans toward the music score before her on the table, as she holds her lute in one hand, as if ready to play. The fine treatment of details and especially the skilful painting of the fabrics is reminiscent of Ter- burg. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Panel. Height, 7% inches; width, 534 inches. 15 a 52 58 HENRY PEMBER SMITH AMERICAN, 1854-1907 CONNECTICUT COUNTRYSIDE Grassy meadows with giant oaks and red-tiled farmhouse nestling close to the banks of a stream in the distance; blue sky with light cumulus clouds. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. jee, THOM AMERICAN, NINETEENTH CENTURY THE OPEN SCRIPTURES An aged man with flowing white beard and eyes which seem to search the future, is seated holding the open Scriptures, against a background of misty landscape and fading sunset. Thom was a pupil of Edward Frere in Paris. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Academy board. Signed to the right: “New York, 65.’ Height, 15 inches; width, 12Y inches. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N. A. AMERICAN, 1836-1892 AUTUMN EVENING, UNFINISHED Rich brown foreground with a silvery pool in the center, grove of trees at the middle distance and a gray hill at the horizon. Pale blue sky with flaky clouds touched by the last rays of the setting sun. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 16 inches; width, 22 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N. A. AMERICAN, 1847-1919 LANDSCAPE Charming presentment of a level stretch of country with tree groups at the right and left, forming an open vista to the horizon with green hill, deep ivory and old gold tinted sky. (John C. Tom- linson Coll.) Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 5 inches; width, 9 inches. 16 F. BRISSOT FRENCH, NINETEENTH CENTURY Re (COWS JID IRAN IONS In the foreground two cows grazing by a stream. To the right, toward the background, two other cows moving forward. Overcast and clouded gray sky, and meadow with the moist green tones of D early spring. Skilful treatment of both animals and background. a — (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Panel. Signed to the right. Height, 14% inches; width, 18 inches. GEORGE H. BOGERT, A. N. A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 56 NEAR OVERSCHIE, HOLLAND Quaint Dutch village, featuring the canal, a peasant in blue shirt ; on horse-back at the centre; low pitched cottages, willows and a ON - mill at the left; a blue sky with masses of big gray clouds. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. WILLIAM ANDERSON ENGLISH, NINETEENTH CENTURY 57 NEAR FERNHURST A charming bit of English countryside, with gabled cottage among trees, low hills in the distance and a broad, lazily winding path, down which some happy folk are strolling. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 17% inches; width, 31 inches. D. BESTWARD EARLY AMERICAN 58 PORTRAIT OF MRS. ANN HEYLYN Three-quarter length figure of an elderly lady seated in a red armchair, with arms crossed, holding an open book in the right hand, attired in blue striped gown with double lace edging at the bodice, high lace collar and hairdress. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Panel. Signed at the left and dated 1818. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches, aly/ ne en oe REN NESTA ORY POOL RCE, SAID OTR ea ET NM Te ten Toe Sess. RG i eA CASI Ss get ue ‘4 Lat ed BY 60 61 62 ATTRIBUTED TO HUGO HABERMANN MODERN GERMAN SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF AN OLD WOMAN A vigorous old lady, who despite her watery blue eyes and sagging cheeks, looks out on life with humor and placidity. Her widow’s bonnet with long black veil is neatly tied beneath her double chin. A colorful collar enlivens the black of her coat. A portrait with a strong feeling for character, and considerable humor. Attributed by the owner to Hugo Habermann. Oil on academy board. Signed to the upper right “HH, 1901.” Height, 18 inches; width, 14% inches. GERMAN SCHOOL NINETEENTH CENTURY GARDEN CONCERT A subject lending itself well to the impressionistic treatment— figures in the foreground seated about their tables, overhead the green masses of the trees, and in the centre the band, standing out in an arc of golden light. Has been attributed to Max Liebermann. Oil on academy board. Signed with imtials to the right. Height, 14 inches; width, 19 inches. A. PIOTROWSKI POLISH, NINETEENTH CENTURY POLISH INSURGENTS OF THE REV OLUDION (OF 71863 In a dun and snow-covered encampment stand the peasant in- surgents, their horses tethered to the fence. To the right, by the snow-covered hut, are a number of scythes; to the left, other groups stand or sit, all with an air of grim determination. (Daniel F. Ap- pleton Coll.) Canvas. Signed to the right: “Paris, 1883.” Height, 21% inches; width, 34 inches. JULIEN DUPRE FRENCH, 1851-1910 THE RECALCITRANT COW A milkmaid in colorful garb is tugging away at the lead of a white and spotted cow, which appears to be making for a glistening stream among the rich grasses; meadows with cows and a gray hill ! “in the distance against a silvery sky with gray cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; width, 21 inches. 18 63 65 66 FRENCH SCHOOL MIDDLE NINETEENTH CENTURY YOUNG GIRL WITH DOG A charming revival of the graces of Louis XV. With a spray of roses in one hand, and an apple in the other, a young girl makes life delightful for her diminutive dog. The girl has the powdered hair of the period, and her dress of striped white gauze, is held by arm- lets of pearls. (From the Mrs. Yerkes Sale, 1912.) This painting was attributed by the former owner to Quentin de la Tour. Canvas. Oval. Height, 2114 inches; width, 30 inches. JAMES B. PYNE ENGLISH, NINETEENTH CENTURY SAILBOATS NEAR A BRIDGE An interesting example of English painting influenced by the warm golden tones of the old Dutch masters. To the left a huge structure with broad stairs leading to the level of the water, in which all kinds of shipping craft are assembled. The far distance is veiled by a golden haze. Canvas on cardboard. Height, 15 inches; width, 19¥ inches. ROBERT C. MINOR AMERICAN, 1840-1904 LANDSCAPE Flat country broken by several small ponds, groups of trees at the right and left, pale blue sky with warm cloud effects. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. JULIAN RIX AMERICAN, 1851-1903 SUMMER LANDSCAPE A vista of richly colored foreground broken up with rocks, a lake and grove of trees in the distance, framed on the right by towering trees with glistening trunks very effective against an emerald blue sky with fleeting clouds. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 32 inches; width, 42 inches. 19 67 68 69 C. RACKHUYSEN DUTCH SCHOOL, NINETEENTH CENTURY FOUR WATER COLORS Illustrating a Dutch ballad, “The Old Knight,” who on the ap- proach of death instructed his followers to dress him in his armor. Thus attired, standing in the midst of his retainers, death comes upon him, and we see him at last buried among his forefathers. Academy board. Signed “CR, ’8£’ to the right. Height, 24 inches; width, 13 inches. GEORGE H. BOGERT, A. N. A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN MOONLIGHT, LANDSCAPE The silver disc of the moon is traversing an emerald sky covered with fleeting clouds, illuminating the waters of a stream in the fore- ground ; with banks on the right and left, groves of trees at the mid- dle distance and a gray hill at the horizon. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 29 inches; width, 87 inches. JULIAN RIX AMERICAN, 1851-1903 A VALLEY STREAM A green valley with a sparkling stream near the centre, surrounded by mountains from which clouds rise; striking bright cloud effect at centre of deep blue sky with heavy rain clouds at the left. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 32 inches; width, 42 inches. KENYON COX, N. A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN AFTER THE HARVEST A sloping field of golden grain, partly sheaved, a couple of fruit trees in rich foliage at the left, a fringe of trees at the crest of the hill in the distance, with the silvery moon rising in a pale blue and violet tinted sky. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed and dated 1888 at lower left; also inscribed on the back. Height, 18 inches; width, 30 inches. 20 Hk Ww S as 74 RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N. A. AMERICAN, 1847-1919 THE LONE INDIAN A brave enveloped in his red blanket stands on a slight eminence in the foreground and faces the sun, masses of foliage at right and left, flat rolling country to horizon, where a hill is indicated. The sun has just set leaving a deep red illumination fading to orange and lemon colored clouds at the top. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right centre. Height, 24 inches; width, 36 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N. A. AMERICAN, 1847-1919 AUTUMN IDYL A gnarled tree rising at the left throws a large bough athwart the sunset sky, while quaint forms of rocks, trees and a lake at the cen- tre, and a low-pitched horizon with a number of Indians just indi- cated on a path at the right, complete this very forceful composi- tion. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 inches. JOHN H. TWACHTMAN AMERICAN, 1853-1902 SPRINGTIME A charming sketch deftly traced in subtle tones, a silvery brook with willows on the right bank and thick foliage indicated on the opposite side with a touch of pale blue sky at the left. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Pastel. Signed with initials at the lower right. Height, 11 inches; width, 8% inches. Presented to the owner by the artist. GEORGE INNESS, JR., N. A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN DECLINING DAY A level expanse of country broken by a body of water in the mid- dle ground is bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, just re- treating behind a bank of clouds near the horizon. Figures and cat- tle in the foreground, a figure in a punt on the lake, a barn on the opposite bank, rich luminous sky. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) One double canvas. Signed and dated 1898 at lower right. Height, 29 inches; width, 36 inches. 21 0 el DD ie OL SS OY 75 76 77 78 HOMER D. MARTIN, N. A. AMERICAN, 1836-1807 EARLY MORNING A foreground of rich dark earth; an abrupt hillock crowned with a straggling growth of young trees at the right, a sloping hill at the left, lake in the distance with a mountain dimly visible through ris- ing mists of a pale tint at the horizon, with a creamy and opalescent sky. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed and dated 1890 at lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 86 inches. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N. A. AMERICAN, 1836-1892 ILANN ID SICA PE, A golden tinted rock rises from a slope of richly colored shrubs and ferns in the foreground, a group of trees at the left and a beau- tifully brushed sky of pink and violet tints at the right give a fine balance to this composition. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 10% inches; width 15% inches. JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY, N. A. AMERICAN, 1853-1920 AUTUMN EVENING Richly colored meadow with a group of trees at the right and a single tree at the left, a small stream in the foreground and a blue distance, finely balanced by a golden toned sky with a bright ivory burst of light from the departed sun at the right. (From the Har- riet A. Curtis Coll.) Panel. Signed and dated 1899 at lower left. Height, 14 inches; width, 19 inches. GEORGE INNESS, N. A. AMERICAN, 1825-1804 EVENING GLOW A wheat field at harvest time, partly sheafed and stacked, stretches from fore to middle ground with a lonely figure of a man silhouetted at the left and a dark tree group at the right; a laden farm wagon is seen in the distance against a ridge of green, while the orange disc of the sun is close to the horizon and a number of crows fly across the sunset sky of light fleeting clouds. The sentiment of re- freshing eventide after a hot harvesting day pervades this fine canvas. (From the Harriet A. Curtis Coll.) Canvas on panelled stretcher. Signed and dated 1883 at the lower right. Height, 22 inches; width, 36 inches. Purchased at the Inness Sale. 22 79 80 BARTHEL BRUYN THE ELDER DUTCH, 1493-1553 DIRTYVEH: DONORS WITH SANDS To the left, the kneeling figures of the women donors, the leader in white headdress and soft green gown with flowing sleeves, the belt of red and gold beads. Behind them, in the sumptuous robes of a bishop, wearing the episcopal bonnet and holding the crozier, is the patron saint. Charming landscape background of dreamy hills, castles and trees. Canvas. (Transferred.) Height, 82 inches; width, 9% inches (each). THOMAS DE KEYSER DUTCH, 1595-1679 DULCE RANITIEY A spacious, dimly lit room, furnished with massive restraint. The mother, seated in the centre of the room, holds the hand of her youngest child, who extends an apple to her older sister, approach- ing from the right. The father, in black velvet and lace, stands in a dignified posture to the left, his hand resting on the back of his wife’s chair. To the back, a young boy bends over a large study table. From the A. Scharf Coll., Vienna, and shown at the Exhi- bition of Old Masters Belonging to Private Collectors, Vienna, 1873. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Panel. Height, 23 inches; width, 28 inches. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, R. A. ENGLISH, 1769-1830 PORTRAIT OF FANNY KEMBLE The famous actress is represented with brown ringlets bound in a narrow fillet, which frames the fine oval of her face. She wears a filmy bodice, while a red drapery falls from her right shoulder. With certified copy of the certificate of Henry Graves & Co. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Canvas. Height, 22 inches; width, 19% inches. 23 82 83 84 BERNARDO GERMAN LLORENTE SPANISH, 1685-1757 PEASANT SCENE Llorente is a follower of Murillo and forestalls the modern se- vere interpreters of the austere peasants’ life, such as Zuloaga or the Zubiaurres. In the foreground is a group of farmers, a young man carrying a lamb away, an old beggar woman walking with crutches and two elderly men, one of whom carries a jar. In the background an abrupt cliff with houses standing against a sombre sky, and to the left, black clouds with a ghostly moonrise, vaguely outlining trees and buildings. A powerful, dramatic work. Hand carved and gilt frame of the period. Canvas. Height, 33 inches; length, 89 inches. Guaranteed by the owner. JACOPO MARIESCHI VENETIAN, 1711-1704 A VIEW OF THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE Charming conception of the “Citta Morta,” the Venice of the 18th century that led a phantom life on the glories of the past. On the shore to the right are old half-decayed cabins, houses and towers, weather-beaten for centuries. On the desolate shore a few men talking. The big merchant vessels of olden times have gone and only a few fishing barks are seen on the wide perspective of the ocean. Marieschi, less famous than Guardi, nevertheless equals him in poetic understanding. Canvas. Height, 13 inches; width, 1534 inches. Guaranteed by the owner. CORNELIS SAFTLEVEN DUTCH SCHOOL, 1607-1682 IN THE BARNYARD An old cottage with thatched roof. A woman draws water from the well; a man carries lumber in a wheel barrow. Gray clouds; orange sunset. Near the woman numerous jugs and barrels. Panel. Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. Guaranteed by the owner. 24 85 87 88 GERIT DE WIT DUTCH, 1616-1679 THE WIDOW BEFORE THE PROPHET ELIAS Standing on a sloping rock, the prophet Elias, wearing a red man- tle, speaks to the widow who is kneeling before him, while friends of hers stand to the left. Romantic landscape with rocks, waterfall and dramatic sky. An interesting example, showing the influence of the great master Rembrandt, of whom De Wit was a pupil. Panel. Height, 16 inches; width, 1634 inches. DIRK VAN DEELEN DUTCH SCHOOL, 1605-1671 CHURCH INTERIOR A church in the Romanesque style, with tall marble pillars and arches and numerous small figures of ladies and gentlemen walking about, the reds and yellow of their costumes lending a touch of color to the otherwise subdued tones of the painting. ~ Panel. Signed in the left corner. Height, 11 inches; width, 14Y inches. Guaranteed by the owner. CORNELIUS BEGA DUTCH, 1620-1664 PEASANTS AT AN INN To the right a table with white cloth and red pottery bowl. Women and children in a compact group around ; whitewashed walls and big rafters forming the background. Panel. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. Authenticity guaranteed by the owner. ALEXANDER ADRIAENSSEN FLEMISH, 1587-1661 SIMUIE, LAU S TM Svert A small cat peers greedily over a large-sized haul of fish lying on a table, while others are resting on a pail above. Two dead birds are in the foreground. A still life of remarkable realism. Copper, mounted on panel. Height, 19 inches; width, 154% inches. Guaranteed by the owner. 25 Gel SP EI SND NG ORIEN 89 gO gI g2 LEONARD BRAMER DUTCH, 1595-1674 THE DEATH OF PYRAMUS AND THISBE In the foreground, at the base of the statue of Ninus, which was their place of rendezvous, Pyramus and Thisbe lie dead. To the right, in attitudes of sorrow and lamentation, stand a group of friends. Panel. Height, 13 inches; width, 16 inches. BOUCHARD FRENCH, NINETEENTH CENTURY BRETON PEASANT MAIDEN In the manner of Bougereau. A portrait of dignified and re- poseful lines, set against an effective background of leafy branches. The Breton girl in her white cap, collar and dark blue bodice, com- bines the sturdy individuality of her peasant type with the subtler beauty of the artist's ideal. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 20% inches; width, 17 inches. C. MAR GERMAN, 1657-1724 BAMBINO ON THE CROSS A charming picture of the nude Christ Child lying on the Cross. The composition, dark background and smoothness of execution all denote the influence of Guido Reni. (From the collection of Edmund de Balla, Budapest.) Canvas. Signed “C. Mar” in the upper right. Height, 20% inches; width, 25% inches. DENIS CALVAERT FLEMISH, 1540-1619 STEEAEIEE An oval basket filled with an abundance of peaches, while a few plums lie at the base. A still life of fine simplicity and technical mastery. Canvas. Height, 1734 inches; width, 22 inches. Guaranteed by the owner. 26 93 94 95 , 96 UNKNOWN ARTIST ITALIAN, SIXTEENTH CENTURY THE ANNUNCIATION A free interpretation of the famous painting at the Annunciata Chapel in Florence. The Virgin seated to the right, her feet resting on an Oriental rug, the angel approaching from the left. On copper. Height, 9% inches; width, 73% inches. DUTCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Mss, WOR A peasant with a shock of dishevelled hair and beard holds a brown jug from which he ostensibly has been imbibing the con- tents. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Panel. Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO EL GRECO SPANISH SCHOOL, SIXTEENTH CENTURY DESCENT FROM THE CROSS This may be an early work by El Greco, under the influence of Tintoretto, who was his master. The body of Christ is inert and drawn with pain. Over Him bends Mary, while to the left Joseph of Arimathea is seated, one hand held out in expressive gesture. In the background, to the left, the grief-stricken figure of the other Mary. Canvas. Height, 22% inches; width, 19 inches. ENGLISH SCHOOL EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY THE SITTING The effect in this composition is concentrated on the pretty lady seated at the right of the centre, while the limner is seaed at the left; visitors looking on and studio effects about. (John C. Tomlinson Coll.) Canvas. Height, 26 inches; width, 32 inches. 27 RS 2 9 NPN POEL LOE SR IY | 97 98 oS 100 SIR GODFREY KNELLER ENGLISH, 1646-1723 PORTRAIT OF THE DUCHESS OF NEWCASTLE A three-quarter length portrait of a stately lady standing on a balcony. Her hair falls in a loose curl over one shoulder. Her robe of soft pink reveals a lining of blue silk and an underdress of fine white muslin. In one of her crossed hands she holds a rose. Ex- hibited at the Union League Club Loan Exhibition, December 8, 1892. With certified copy of the certificate of Henry Graves & Co. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) Canvas. Height, 1434 inches; width, 11% inches. ATTRIBUTED TO P. P. RUBENS NEPTUNE Drawing in red, black and white chalk. The subject corresponds to the figure of Neptune in the large painting by Rubens in the Dresden Gallery, “Neptune Exciting a Storm.” The powerful, ex- pressive execution makes it possible that this drawing is a sketch for the painting. Height, 1734 inches; width, 13 inches. GERBRANDT VAN DEN EECKHOUT DUTCH, 1621-1674 THE ANGEL APPEARING TO THE HIGH PRIEST An excellent painting by this well-known pupil of Rembrandt. Before the burning altar, with its sacrificial vessels, stands the high priest in an attitude of astonishment, dressed in the richly em- broidered robes of his rank. Above him, with broad spread wings, is an angel among clouds. To the left, beyond the curtain, are a group of worshippers and priests. Panel. Height, 18 inches; width, 2434 inches. UNKNOWN FRENCH, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PORTRAIT ORCA AD Ve (ASI) A charming portrait bust in soft tones of gray. A beautiful young woman with powdered hair arranged with 18th century high coiffure and curls. The gray bodice is softened by a fichu of white. (From the Hearn Coll.) Academy board. Oval. Height, 17% inches; width, 14 inches. 28 | [AL] AHdUNW SIONVUA NHOf JO ATANVXE ANIA AUTA V . DNINTAT NWOALNAV,, IOI 102 103 104 ENGLISH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF A MAN The unknown artist who has painted this powerful portrait was undoubtedly deeply influenced by Rembrandt, especially in the fine use of chiaroscuro, and in the direct and forceful interpretation of the personality before him. From the dark sombre background, such as Rembrandt loved, emerges the pale and thoughtful face of a man of thirty or thirty-five, the eyes deeply in shadow, the mouth and chin with firm, decisive modelling. Canvas. Height, 22% inches; width, 17% inches. UNKNOWN ITALIAN, SIXTEENTH CENTURY MADONNA: STUCCO BAS RELIEF The Madonna, in red robe partly covered by a blue cape, is rep- resented with head thoughtfully bent toward the right, her hair cov- ered by a closely wound white headdress, and the head accented by a golden halo. Bust length. Polychromy of later period. In 17th century Tabernacolo frame. (From the Henry C. Lawrence Coll.) Stucco. Height, 18 inches; width, 10 inches. FRENCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AMOR AND PSYCHE A painting in the manner of Fragonard, Cupid embracing Psyche, while a discreet amorino is retiring among the crimson draperies in the background. Z Canvas. Height, 29% inches; width, 2034 inches. SEBASTIAN FRANCKEN OR VRANCX FLEMISH, 1598-1647 BATTLE SCENE The encounter of two cavalry men, a wild mélée in the fore- ground; in the background, in the centre, a hill with green trees, while on both sides there is a perspective into a wide plain. Har- monious color and strong design. Panel. Height, 22 inches; width, 38 inches. Guaranteed by the owner. 29 MANNER OF LE VALENTIN ITALIAN, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY nos “INA, IL{UIIE, IPILANBIR A young girl with expressive brown eyes and chestnut hair, is playing melodies on her lute from an open song book before her. She wears a flowing white gown, open at the throat, and her hair be is knotted with white ribbon. To the right lie her violin and bow. oes The style is reminiscent of Caravaggio. (Daniel F. Appleton Coll.) out Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 27 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO FERDINAND BOL DUTCH SCHOOL 106 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN A young woman strongly suggesting Saskia, the wife of Rem- brandt. She is elaborately dressed in a wine-colored gown, adorned with lace and jewels. The drooping head is crowned by ostrich a ~ plumes, from which falls a graceful veil of gold lace. She is rep- QW resented seated three-quarter length, the body turned to the left. ' Canvas. Height, 41 inches; width, 83% inches. ROBERT WALKER ENGLISH, 1658 107 NOBLEMAN AND HIS HORSE Walker was a contemporary of Van Dyck and influenced by him. He painted the portrait of Oliver Cromwell in the National Por- trait Gallery in London. The present painting depicts a nobleman / 9 — clad in armor with a red drapery over the shoulder, holding a marshal’s baton in one hand, while a boy is adjusting his spur. An attendant is holding the spirited horse which the nobleman is about to mount. Canvas. Height, 90 inches; width, 70% inches. ATTRIBUTED TO PIETRO DA CORTONA | ITALIAN, 1596-1669 169 InIDIXCUILIZS AW Wels, COW Oe OW UASYANILAS, Hercules under the spell of the Lydian queen is seated holding the froke distaff, while the maidens in various costumes are grouped about LLYfe © enjoying the sport. Canvas. Height, 7 feet; width, 8 feet 11 inches. ) | | : 1 | Siar peme seek,