EewN PINGS, SCULPTURE AND PRINTS IN THE Peet MENT OF FINE ARTS SESQUI-CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION 1926 PHILADELPHIA DEPARTMENT OF PINES SESQUI-CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION ron 9 he ALEXANDER BOWER Director VICTOR EGBERT Assistant Director CHRISTIAN BRINTON PHYLLIS ACKERMAN Special Deputy for Foreign Art ; Special Assistant for Antique Art ANNA BACH Secretary "ASSISTANTS IN INSTALLATION JoHN BATEMAN EDMUND WINTERBOTTOM DOCENT SERVICE Rose V. S. BERRY YVONNE CREED hah é REGIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES BOSTON NEW YORK Puitie L. HALe, Chairman GarRI MELcHERS, Chairman CarRL G. CUTLER GIFFORD BEAL FREDERICK G. HALL ALEXANDER STIRLING CALDER CHARLES HOPKINSON FRANK V. DuMonp LESLIE D. THOMPSON JosEPpH PENNELL (deceased) CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA GEORGE OBERTEUFFER, Chairman EDWARD W. REDFIELD, Chairman RALPH CLARKSON ADOLPHE Borie JoHN W. Norton CHARLES GRAFLY RALPH FLETCHER SEYMOUR GEORGE HARDING ALBIN POLASEK THORNTON OAKLEY WASHINGTON EpmMUND C. TARBELL, Chairman EVERETT L. BRYANT THE WEST ARTHUR F. MatTHeEws, Chairman F. To_ttes CHAMBERLIN BirGER SVEN SANDZEN WALTER UFER EDMOND H. WUERPEL PeRARTMENT OFVFINE- ARTS SESQUI-CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION y Tal, JURY OF SELECTION ADOLPHE BorIgE EDMUND C. TARBELL Puitiep L. HALE GIFFORD BEAL EDWARD W. REDFIELD GarRI MELCHERS CHARLES GRAFLY and the Director of the Department IN CHICAGO GEORGE OBERTEUFFER ALBIN POLASEK RALPH CLARKSON JoHnN W. Norton and the Director of the Department DRAWING AND PRINT JURY ERNEST D. RoTH WALLACE MoRGAN E. K. K. WETHERILL WALTER JACK DUNCAN EUGENE HIGGINS THORNTON OAKLEY and the Director of the Department HANGING COMMITTEE EDWARD W. REDFIELD GEORGE HARDING THORNTON OAKLEY and the Director of the Department JURY OF AWARD DANIEL GARBER GEORGE HARDING EDMUND C. TARBELL ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO EDWARD W. REDFIELD CHARLES GRAFLY GEORGE OBERTEUFFER GEORGE WALTER DAWSON and the Director of the Department DEPARTMENT. OF. FINE SAR iS SESQUICENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION Vr ACKNOWLEDGMENT I beg to acknowledge, with appreciation and thanks, the aid of the following individuals and firms who have co-operated with the Department of Fine Arts to make the exhibition by the loan of important works of art. ALEXANDER Bower, Director Mrs. GEorGE W. BELLows Mrs. THomas EAKINS Dr. C. W. GESSLER WILLIAM M. HEKKING, Esa. E. J. LAFFERTY, Esq. CLARENCE H. Mackay, Esq. JuLes E. MastsBaun, Esa. GEorRGE Hewitt Myers, Esa. WALTER Pacu, Esq. ARTHUR UPHAM Pope, Esa. FREDERIC NEWLIN PRICE, Esq. F. K. M. Renn, Esa. Mr. anp Mrs. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR. LESSING J. ROSENWALD, Esq. Miss HARRIET SARTAIN WILLIAM C, VAN ANTWERP, Esq. ART GALLERY OF TORONTO CARNEGIE INSTITUTE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS Nazar_E Aca of Paris B. ALTMAN AND COMPANY BACHSTITZ GALLERIES L. BERNHEIMER Of Munich E. BEGHIAN of London Jos. BRUMMER CHARLES DANIEL DEMOTTE DURAND-RUEL DURLACHER Bros. DUVEEN Bros. FERARGIL GALLERIES P. W. FRENCH AND COMPANY I. GLUECKSELIG AND Son of Vienna GRAND CENTRAL GALLERIES P. Jackson Hiccs A.& M.INJouDJIAN FREREs Of Paris KELEBJIAN Of Paris D. G. KELEKIAN FREDERICK KEPPEL AND COMPANY H. KEVORKIAN KLEINBERGER GALLERIES KoucHAKJ!I FRERES KRAUSHARR GALLERIES MacBeETH GALLERIES MarGrAF AND Company Of Berlin MiLtcH GALLERIES H. KHAN MOoniIF New GALLERY M. D. NEwHouseE & SON PARISH-WATSON AND COMPANY THE ROSENBACH COMPANY SELIGMANN REY AND COMPANY JACQUES SELIGMANN AND SONS SociETE ANONYME STEINMEYER & BoEHLER of Lucerne GeEorRGES TABBAGH Of Paris VIGNIER Of Paris E. WEYHE WIEDENSTEIN AND COMPANY Pres pMENT OF FINE ARTS SESQUI-CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION F, H. ANGLADA-CAMARASA Boris ANISFELD EmiIL CARLSEN LAWREN HARRIS WaYMAN ADAMS ERNEST L. BLUMENSCHEIN ADOLPHE Borie FRANK CARMICHAEL JoHN R. CONNER VALENTIN DE ZUBIAURRE NICOLAI FECHIN ANTONIO SANCHEZ ARAUJO BurtTis BAKER R. SLOAN BREDIN JoHN E. CosTIGAN ALEJANDRO ORTIZ ECHAGUE JOHN F, FOLINSBEE Howarp GILES MIQUEL BLAy GLEB W. DERUJINSKY ALEXANDERSTIRLING CALDER LEO FRIEDLANDER BEATRICE FENTON FREDERIC V. GUINZBURG WALTER BECK PRESTON DICKINSON GOLD MEDAL ANNIE HULBURT JACKSON — RocKWELL KENT FREDERICK G. HALL PrEGGy Bacon B. J. O. NoRDFELDT JoHN C. VonpDRoUS ARLE ag AWARDS PAINTING GOLD MEDAL CHILDE HassAm CHARLES W. HAWTHORNE GARI MELCHERS JosEPH T. PEARSON, JR. SILVER MEDAL W. WALLACE GILCHRIST, JR. Kawal GyvoKubDo CHARLES HOPKINSON Eric HuDSsON JOHN C. JOHANSEN Joza KLJAKovIc RICHARD 8S. MERYMAN BRONZE MEDAL WALTER GOLTZ CLARENCE R. JOHNSON HayLty LEVER JoEL J. Levitt ANTONIO P. MarTINO Mari£ DANFORTH PAGE SCULPTURE GOLD MEDAL ALBERT LAESSLE SILVER MEDAL MasaTosuHi Iwal BRONZE MEDAL YOSHIDA HomMEI WATER COLOR GOLD MEDAL FRANK W. BENSON SILVER MEDAL CHARLES DEMUTH BRONZE MEDAL JOHN WENGER MINIATURES SILVER MEDAL MARGARET FoOoTE HAWLEY GRAPHIC ARTS GOLD MEDAL SILVER MEDAL ALLEN LEwIS BRONZE MEDAL LowELL L. BALcom RUDOLPH RuZICKA TAKEUCHI SEIHO LEOPOLD SEYFFERT ROBERT SPENCER MARIJAN TREPSE MarIANO MIGUEL Maurice Mo.Larsky SVIATOSLAV ROERICH W. ELMER SCHOFIELD LESLIE P. THOMPSON E. Kent K. WETHERILL JOSE RAMON ZARAGOZA Henry B. PAncoast, JR. IvaAN Rapovic WELLINGTON J. REYNOLDS A. H. RoBINSON ALICE KENT STODDARD CHARLES J. TAYLOR THEODORE VAN SOELEN PAuL MANSHIP IvAN MEsTROVIC SERGEI T. KONENKOV ALBIN POLASEK BENJAMIN T. KurRtTz KATHARINE W. LANE Pau. L. GILL M. W. ZIMMERMAN BRONZE MEDAL Epa NEMOEDE CASTERTON JOHN SLOAN HERBERT PULLINGER GEORGE O. Hart BIRGER SANDZEN Harry WICKEY The works awarded medals are indicated in the catalogue by an asterisk (*) (By majority of these works are for sale. Prices are not published; but they will be given upon request at the ofice. Works sold will not be delivered until after the close of the exhibition, and should be paid for in full prior to delivery. . » A docent service is in charge of Mrs. Rose V. 5. Berry to whom applications for Gallery Talks may be made. » . THE OLD MILL. BY EDWARD W. REDFIELD WINTER AFTERNOON. BY WILLARD L. METCALF SPANISH PEASANTS. BY LEOPOLD SEYFFERT Pedic.) bY OE REND KK. WELHERILE WINTER'S ARRIVAL. BY JONAS LIE MISS INGRAM. BY CHILDE HASSAM ‘ THE BOAT STEERER. BY CHARLES W. HAWTHORNE BY DANIEL GARBER . OLD ELMS DAVIES BY ARTHUR B. INTO A MOVING NIGHT. TWO WOMEN. BY GEORGE BELLOWS FISH WOMEN OF GALWAY... BY EUGENE HIGGINS THE GREEN DOLMAN. BY WILLIAM M. PAXTON MR. ABRAMSON. BY ALBERT ROSENTHAL THE RED BRIDGE. BY ERNEST LAWSON HERRING FISHERMEN, NEWFOUNDLAND. BY GEORGE HARDING THE NOSE, MT. MANSFIELD. BY GUSTAVE CIMIOTTI THE BATH. BY MAX BOHM THE CONNOISSEUR. BY MAURICE MOLARSKY STILL LIFE. BY HENRIETTE AMIARD OBERTEUFFER ON THE CREEK. BY GEORGE OBERTEUFFER BY CLIFFORD ADDAMS THE BLACK ROSETTE. AUTUMN FRUITS. BY PHILIP L. HALE PORTRAIT: MISS GUERIE SCOTT. BY R. SLOAN BREDIN THE PICTURE BOOK. BY ADOLPHE BORIE LAND OF THE HUNTER. BY JOHN C. JOHANSEN MORNING. BY JEAN MACLANE THE CHAMA RUNNING RED. BY JOHN SLOAN BY THE RIVER. BY JOSEPH T. PEARSON, JR. THE BREAKER BOYS. GEORGE LUKS TILL LIFE. Y HENRY R. RITTENBERG WINTER LYRIC. BY JOHN F. CARLSON THE LITTLE HARBOR. BY W. ELMER SCHOFIELD EMIL CARLSEN AND DINES. BY WAYMAN ADAMS MACPHERSON AND MACDONALD. BY GARI MELCHERS BREEZY DAY. BY MARTHA WALTER ee AUTUMN. BY WALTER UFER THE CITY TOWER. BY HUGH. H. BRECKENRIDGE ANGRE DE CHRISTO MOUNTAINS BY ERNEST L. BLUMENSOHEIN EDMUND AND SERGIUS. BY EDMUND C. TARBELL AUGUSTE RODIN. BY JOHN SINGER SARGENT THE READING LESSON. BY MARY CASSATT A 8TAG AT 8HARKEY'S. BY GEORGE BELLOWS BENSON . BY FRANK W ON CAPE COD BY JOHN WENGER WINTER PATTERN SOLEMN LAND. BY J. E. H. MACDONALD NORTHERN LAKE. BY LAWREN HARRIS AFTERNOON §fKY. BY A. J. CASSON CHURCH, BAIE 8T. PAUL. BY A. Y. JACKSON BY ALBERT ANDRE THE BRIDGE BY JOSA KLJAKOVIC ANNUNCIATION BY ABRAHAM MANIEVICH DAVID BURLIUK BY THE WORKERS eee sat Oo > Be x a o ca) oI a She 2) z 2 & oO +s] 4 ee a Cs) a HISPANIA BY BORIS ANISFELD MOUNTAIN OF KLEK, BY VLADIMIR VARLAJ MOSCOW FIANCEE. THE FACTORY. BY SERGEI SOUDEIKINE BY ADOLF ERBSLOH STONINGTON HARBOR. BY KATHERINE 8. DRE‘IER AUTUMN CHILLINESS. BY DORA BROMBERGER YOUNG GIRL SEWING. SR BY RENOIR DANCING GIRLS IN GREEN. BY DEGAS ~~ « OO _ MACKEREL. BY TAKEUCHI SEIHO AUTUMN IN THE GORGE, BY KAWAI GYOKUDO THE RUSTICS OF GANDIA. BY H. ANGLADA-CAMARASA HOLIDAY. BY VALENTIN DE ZUBIAURRE A SHIPOWNER. BY GUTIERREZ SOLANA STUDY FOR HEAD OF “WAR,” MEADE MEMORIAL. BY CHARLES GRAFLY Eee GLINT OF THE SEA. BY CHESTER BEACH Se CE NARCISSUS. BY ADOLPH A. WEINMAN PENGUINS. BY ALBERT LAESSLE a > MY MOTHER. BY IVAN MESTROVIC KNEELING. BY ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO BY SANTIAGO BONOME MANSIFIERO. - KONENKOV BY SERGED Tf PAGANINI. UNITED STATES MISA TLE 15 14 13 UNITED STATES US. LITHOGRAPHS Bh. At eal 20 25 eS. GFRMANY RUSSIAN RUSSIAN 10 A nonmaeerrs cE ’ WATER © $ RODIN COLORS § er 28 | 29 39 44 6 7 cca BLOCK UNITED STATES US. ETCHINGS ETCHINGS] eS FRANGE ff FRANCE CANADA JUGUSLAV JUGOSLAV UNITED STATES @eeeeeerseses3s#s#sert ete @ @ 30 38 aL a7 COURT BELGIUM JAPAN 36 RENAISSANCE 35 GOTHIC ae al eal PERSIA SPAIN 1 UNITED STATES LOBBY MEN'S ROOM STORE ROOM — = ENTRANCE Plan of the Fine Arts Building Sesqui - Centennial International Exposition HE four tapestries in the lobby of the Fine Arts Building come directly from the Palace of the King of Saxony in Dresden and have hung there since 1710. They were specially made for the famous August the Strong, King of Poland and of Saxony and illustrate scenes in the War of the Spanish Succession in which August participated as an ally of the English. The largest piece shows the Duke of Marl- borough, Commander in Chief of the Allies and the greatest military genius of his age, in conference with Prince Eugene of Savoy and the Margrave Louis of Baden, two of his most distinguished associates. This conference took place at Marlborough’s camp in the Valley of the Neckar in June, 1704, just before Marlborough executed the March to the Danube which was one of the most skillful maneuvers that had been executed up tothat time. The second piece shows Marlborough, the Prince and the Margrave with the other officers of the Staff riding - down to the floor of the valley to review the troops. The other two pieces show typical scenes in the daily life of the soldiers that give a vivid impression of the customs of the time. The designs for these tapestries were made by Lambert de Hondt, a well known military painter of the period and they were woven in the shop of Josse de Vos, the greatest weaver in Brussels at that time. : a UNITED STATES SECTION Paintings GALLERY ONE WILLARD L. METCALF 1. Olden Norway M. ELIZABETH PRICE 2. Japanese Anemone WILLARD L. METCALF 3. Winter Afternoon 4. Birches in June M. ELIZABETH PRICE 5. Anemone No. 2 WILLARD L. METCALF 6. May Afternoon SIDNEY DICKINSON 7. Portrait: Edwin Dickinson CHAUNCEY F. RYDER 8. The Island JOHN F. FOLINSBEE 9. Clouds Shadows E. KENT K. WETHERILL 71O.ePets CHAUNCEY F. RYDER 11. Hemlock and Juniper JOHN F. FOLINSBEE 12. Perseverance Mill CHARLES W. HAWTHORNE *13, Adoration of the Mother EDWARD W. REDFIELD 14. Cherry Blossoms CHARLES W. HAWTHORNE 15. The Child EDWARD W. REDFIELD 16. April Buds CHARLES W. HAWTHORNE 17. The Boat Steerer JONAS LIE 18. Morning 19. Northern Hills DANIEL GARBER 20. In the Arbor JONAS LIE 21. Hillside 22. Winter’s Arrival CHARLES W. HAWTHORNE 23. The Clipper Ship Captain HERMAN H. WESSEL 24. Emerald Bay JAMES SCOTT 25. Melting Snow LEOPOLD SEYFFERT 26. The Hunter CLARENCE W. SNYDER 27. Oxford, Maryland ERNEST ALBERT 28. The White Mantle GEORGE BELLOWS ' 29. Grandma Bellows 30. Coopers Place 31. Bull on the Hill 32. Two Women 33. Storm Weather 34. Cat and Pheasant 35. The Padre WILLIAM RITSCHEL 36. Moonlight—Morro-California EUGENE HIGGINS 37. Fish Women of Galway WELLINGTON J. REYNOLDS *38. Ave Maria WALTER LOUIS WHITE 39. Color Balance—Red and Blue LEON KROLL 40. The Pear Tree MAURICE MOLARSKY 41. My Pupil—Salvatore Pinto ERIC HUDSON 42. Leaving Harbor 43. Rockbound Harbor RUSSEL COWLES 44. The Consolation of Ariadne ERIC HUDSON 45. January *46, Manana W. WALLACE GILCHRIST, JR. *47,. Portrait: S. E. Mathews ALBERT ROSENTHAL 48. The Blue Hat WALTER GRIFFIN 49. Bridge, Venice 50. Chapel by the Sea LEOPOLD SEYFFERT *51. Spanish Peasants WALTER GRIFFIN 52. Brittany Harbor 53. End of the Voyage 64 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS ALBERT ROSENTHAL 54. Costume 1860 EMIL CARLSEN 55. Dines at Eleven 56. The Carved Panel *57. O Ye of Little Faith 58. Dines at Ten 59. The White Jug GALLERY TWO HORATIO WALKER 60. Canadian Pastoral SERGEANT KENDALL 61. A Child BIRGER SANDZEN 62. The Still Water WALTER UFER 63. Hunger HENRY McCARTER 64. Men’s Gods WALTER UFER 65. Where Desert and Mountain Meet RANDALL DAVEY 66. Cruz and Lizzie 67. New Mexican Winter OSCAR E. BERNINGHAUS 68. Her Grandfather DANIEL GARBER 69. Old Elms ERNEST L. BLUMENSCHEIN 70. October GARDNER SYMONS 71. Connecticut Valley CHILDE HASSAM 72. The Beryl Gorge 73. Diana—Huntress MAURICE PRENDERGAST 74. New England Village CHILDE HASSAM *75, Miss Ingram 76. Grove—Appledore 77. Diana as Spring ROBERT HENRI 78. Teresa 79. Boy and the Rainbow 80. West Coast of Ireland 81. Fay Bainter as the Image in the Willow Tree 82. New York Street Scene 83. Far Rockaway 84. Tina ARTHUR B. DAVIES 85. Cast up by the Foam 86. Portal of the Night 87. Under the Trees 88. Into a Moving Night 89. Fording Song 90. Earths Throat Edge WILLIAM L. LATHROP 91. Landscape WALTER GRIFFIN 92. Roman Theatre, Verona FREDERICK CARL FRIESEKE 93. Closed Blinds HAYLEY LEVER *94. Morn in the Harbor, St. Ives, Cornwall WALTER GRIFFIN 95. San Trovaso WILL HOWE FOOTE 96. Dorothea WALTER GRIFFIN 97. Woodland Vista GALLERY THREE ALLEN ST. JOHN 98. The Chicago River ALICE KENT STODDARD *99. Child of Monhegan NATCLITTLE 100. Sanctuary CHARLES BITTINGER 101. The Old Wall Paper LAZAR RADITZ 102. Samuel S. Fleisher MAUDE DREIN BRYANT 103. Rose, Vermilion and Blue WILSON IRVINE 104. Canal at Martigues RALPH McLELLAN 105. The Old Lady THERESA F. BERNSTEIN 106. Lanesville J. ALDEN WEIR 107. Portrait: Head 108. Willimantic 109. Hilltop 110. The Japanese Screen LEOPOLD SEYFFERT 111. Peter J. ALDEN WEIR 112. The Bindery rem, 7 UNITED STATES SECTION 65 JOAHNNA K. WOODWELL HAILMAN 113. Old Seminole Spring ELIZABETH GRANDIN 114. Landscape ERNEST L. IPSEN 115. The White Hat ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER 116. Night WILLIAM M. CHASE 117. Fish Monger’s Shop 118. Still Life, Bass JEAN NUTTING OLIVER 119. A Little Actress ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER 120. Pond in Moonlight EVERETT LLOYD BRYANT 121. Bathers MAURICE FROMKES 122. Descent from the Cross WALTER MAC-EWEN 123. Gossiping 124. Oldebrock RHODA MYERS 125. Square WALTER MAC-EWEN 126. The Painter 127. A Chess Problem 128. The Trousseau MARTHA WALTER 129. Ellis Island GALLERY FOUR MARJORIE D. MARTINET 130. A Cow Boy ELIZABETH K. COYNE 131. A Pennsylvania Farm GIOVANNI BATTISTA TROCCOLI 132. Lady with a Tray JOHN F. CARLSON 133. Afternoon Sun GIOVANNI BATTISTA TROCCOLI 134. A Lady from Salem ROSAMOND COOLIDGE 135. The Sealskin Mantle CARL LAWLESS 136. Falling Snow WILLIAM R. SHULGOLD 137. Self Portrait ERNEST L. MAJOR 138. Fruit and Flowers GUSTAVE CIMIOTTI 139. The Nose, Mt. Mansfield OLIVE RUSH 140. Food Bearers in Shalako Dance FEiLIP L. HALE 141. Musical Moment ABBOTT GRAVES i427) Peonies Now GUSTAVE CIMIOTTI 143. The Hush of Fall WILLIAM O’FALLON FORREST 144. Louise WILLIAM pveLEFTWICH DODGE 145. Moonlight—Madonna FRANK H: DESCH 146. The French Negligee ERNEST DAV ID;ROTH 147. S. Salvador—Granada—Spain GEORGE OBERTEUFFER 148. On the Creek CHARLES S. CHAPMAN 149. Sunlit Woods GEORGE GIBBS 150. Blue and Silver ERNEST DAVID ROTH 151. A Square—Segovia, Spain HOWARD GILES 3 *152. Maine Woods MAURICE FROMKES 153. Black and Gold GALLERY FIVE LOUIS RITMAN - 154. At the Piano _ ARTHUR P. SPEAR 155. A Fantasy ARTHUR MELTZER 156. The Pinnacle Winter memRY BOLLER PANCOAST, JR. 157. North Haven, Maine HENRY SALEM HUBBELL 158. Gloriana JESSIE BURNS PARKE 159. Portrait: Max Catin, Disabled French Aviator JONAS LIE 160. Frosty Morning RICHARD E. MILLER 161. At the Window 66 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS MARY PERKINS 162. Merry-go-round CHARLES W. HAWTHORNE 163. Nellie GEORGE L. NOYES 164. The Harbor of Palermo A. G. WARSHAWSKY 165. Summer Morn—Antibes GEORGE LUKS 166. The Miner ROBERT D. FULLERTON 167. Mountain Laurel A. G. WARSHAWSKY 168. Devil’s Bridge RALPH McLELLAN 169. The Reader of the Mask ERNEST LAWSON 170. The Pool 171. The Red Bridge ROSS MOFFETT 172. The Old Fisherman ERNEST LAWSON 173. The Village in Spring 174. Blue Night WALTER LOUIS WHITE 175. Harmony in Green CHARLES H. WOODBURY 176. The Bow Wave MAURICE MOLARSKY 177. Madame Viardot HOBART NICHOLS 178. Night Magic CARL RUNGIUS 179. Bow-Lake ERNEST DAVID ROTH 180. San Millan—Segovia, Spain GUY WIGGINS 181. In Provence MAX BOHM 182. The Bath ERNEST DAVID ROTH 183. Segovia, Spain WILLARD NASH 184. Trees—Tesuque Valley ALBERT ROSENTHAL 185. Mr. Abramson ROBERT SPENCER 186. Grey Day 187. A River Town MAURICE MOLARSKY *188. The Connoisseur ROBERT SPENCER 189. The Swimming Hole *190. Mill Valley PAUL TREBILCOCK 191. Mrs. Horace Bell GALLERY SIX CARLO CIAMPAGLIA 192. Diana KARL ANDERSON 193. The Orchid CHARLES W. DAHLGREEN 194. The Old Plum Tree GEORGE HARDING 195. Herring Fisherman,—New- foundland EDWARD VOLKERT 196. Pasture by the Sea MAURICE MOLARSKY 197. Modern “‘La Maja” PAULINE PALMER 198. Landscape—When the Leaves Turn HENRY B. SNELL 199. The Rum Runner EUGENE HIGGINS 200. Galway Men CLARENCE W. SNYDER 201. La Langoureuse E. IRVING COUSE 202. The Pictographs CARL RUNGIUS 203. The End of the Round-Up GEORGE HARDING 204. December LAZAR RADITZ 205. Miss Edith Roberts PAULINE PALMER 206. Against the Light SIGURD SKOU 207. At Anchor, Brittany PAUL MARTEL 208. Baskets of Roses MATTEO SANDONA 209. Julia DWIGHT BLANEY 210. A Sunny Corner, Cape Cod WALTER FARNDON 211. Summer Morning UNITED STATES SECTION 67 GERTRUDE NASON 212. The Ivory Gown HENRIETTE AMIARD OBERTEUFFER 213. Study—Still Life GEORGE OBERTEUFFER 214. Portrait of My Wife ABRAHAM MOLARSKY - 915. Mrs. Bird’s Back Yard WILLARD L. METCALF 216. Trout Stream MATILDA BROWNELL 217. Tea Roses GEORGE GIBBS 218. Sally Dressed Up HOWARD GILES 219. Russian Woman PHIEIP Ler ALE 220. Wisteria 221. Portrait 222. Autumn Fruits GALLERY FOURTEEN ~ MAURICE MOLARSKY 223. Adelina JOHN R. GRABACH 224. Sidewalks of New York FREDERICK J. WAUGH 225. Getting Under Way JOHN R. GRABACH 226. River Barges CARL J. NORDELL 727. Child'in Blue PAULETTE vanROEKENS 228. Independence Hall, Philadelphia ~ R. SLOAN BREDIN 229. Girl with Parasol EUGENE HIGGINS 230. Turf Toilers in Ireland _ JOHN NOBLE 231. The Wreck ~ FLORENCE W. GOTTHOLD 232. Aftermath R. SLOAN BREDIN 233. The Children _ SIGURD SKOU * pow saa ieee, ah Sa 234. Off the Banks, Sardine Boats WILBUR G. ADAM 235. The Elevated R. SLOAN BREDIN *936. Portrait: Miss Guerie Scott JOHN R. CONNER 237. Christ in the Wilderness WILLIAM JEAN BEAULEY 238. Sunshine on Saint Marks CHARLES H. DAVIS 239. The Ledge Farm J. ALDEN WEIR 240. Roses WALTER UFER 241. Paint and Indians WILLIAM M. CHASE 242. Lettuce and Tomatoes—Still Life CHARLES H. DAVIS 243. The Rugged Hillside FRANK W. BENSON 244. Portrait MILDRED B. MILLER 245. Descending Night THEODORE Van SOELEN *246. A Santa Fe Hillside FREDERICK CARL FRIESEKE 247. Seated Nude R. McGILL MACKALL 248. Oyster Boats on the Chesapeake JOHN F. FOLINSBEE *949, Outskirts of Trenton GALLERY FIFTEEN ERNEST L. BLUMENSCHEIN *250. Taos Entertains the Cheyennes LEON GASPARD 251. Chinese Archway 252. Siberian Town _ GEORGE MATHER RICHARDS 753. rerika LEON GASPARD 254. Manchurin Forest 255. Peking Gate 256. Procession in Peking THERESA F. BERNSTEIN 257. The Polish Church JOHN C. JOHANSEN 258. Land of the Hunter 68 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS JOSEPH T. PEARSON, JR. 259. By the River JEAN MacLANE 260. Morning WILLIAM JEAN BEAULEY 261. Burgundy Day JOHN F. FOLINSBEE 262. Goat Hill EDITH EMERSON 263. Calling of Elisha JOSEPH “TS PEARSON, ok. *264. The Twins: Virginia and Jane WILLIAM JEAN BEAULEY 265. Crickets WILLIAM RITSCHEL 266. Native Fishermen—T ahiti RICHARD E. MILLER 267. The Plaid Dress JOSEPH T. PEARSON, JR: 268. Winter RICHARD E. MILLER 269. In the Doorway GEORGE LUKS 270. Boy Clowns EUGENE HIGGINS 271. Women of the Claddagh, Ireland JEROME MYERS 272. Coney Island—Under the Board- walk VIOLET OAKLEY 273. Mrs. George Woodward ERIC HUDSON 274. Boats JEROME MYERS P 275. Woodland Festival W. HERBERT DUNTON 276. October LILLA CABOT PERRY 277. At the Window JOHN SLOAN 278. Mesa, Carson Reserve 279, Easter Eve 280. The City from Greenwich Village 281. The Chama Running Red 282. Sunmount Arroyo, Evening 283. Night, Throbbing Fountains, Madison Square ROBERT SPENCER 284. The Blue Gown ADOLPHE BORIE *285. The Picture Book MORRIS HALL PANCOAST 286. Mel’s Landing LESLIE P. THOMPSON *287. Still Life JOHN SHARMAN 288. Still Life—Flowers ADOLPHE BORIE 289. Nude GEORGE L. NOYES 290. Ponta Scopete JOHN SHARMAN 291. Green Grapes and Pears ADOLPHE BORIE 292. The Black Hat GALLERY SIXTEEN HARRY F. WALTMAN 293. White Silence PAUL KING 294. Autumn Glory 295. Turkey Farm 296. Birches and Snow GRETCHEN W. ROGERS 297. Girl in Plum Colored Gown FREDERICK G. HALL 298. Still Life—Roof Tile RUDOLPH F. INGERLE 299. Approach of Storm—Tennessee KATHRYN E. CHERRY 300. Fish, Fruit, Flowers R. McGILL MACK ALL 301. Curtains CHARLES BITTINGER 302. The Old North Church, Boston G. AMES ALDRICH 303. Frankenstein MAURICE FROMKES 304. La Rosaura JOHN NOBLE | 305. Waiting for the Tide WINTHROP TURNEY 306. Flowers in the Corn CONSTANCE CURTIS 307. Lady in Gray THOMAS MORAN 308. The Dream City H. O. TANNER 309. Fisherfolk UNITED STATES SECTION ~ CHARLES BITTINGER 310. The Boston Public Library ~ MAUDE DREIN BRYANT 311. Perennials JOHN NOBLE _ 312. Brittany Moonlight ERNEST ALBERT — 313. The Brook “ETHEL BLANCHARD COLLVER _ 314. Nurses in the Garden ~ DOUGLAS DUER xia 321. Thieves at the Temple MoHARLES REIFFEL _ 322. The Mills in Winter WILLIAM M. PAXTON | __-«: 323. Portrait of the Artist’s Wife HORATIO WALKER _ 324. Early Morning ~ CARL RUNGIUS __--3325. The Stampede _ GEORGE LAURENCE NELSON «326. Interior VERNON K. NEWSWENGER | 327. Portrait of Man with Beard ALSON CLARK — 328. A Mexican Patio _ ABBOTT GRAVES 329. The Sun Dial BURTIS BAKER 4 330. Old Ivory and Gold ‘GRETCHEN W. ROGERS _ 331. Portrait of Mr. C. BIRGER SANDZEN _ 332. The Great Rock Wall PAULINE PALMER 333. Rosita ALBERT ROSENTHAL 334. Self Portrait MARY BREWSTER HAZELTON _ 335. Irene JOSEPH T. PEARSON 350. The Bridge THOMAS P. ANSHUTZ _ 351. The Incense Burner Loaned by Dr. C. W. Gessler VICTOR HIGGINS — 352. Taos Mountains 69 HOWARD GILES 315. Young Girl RICHARD BLOSSOM FARLEY 316. Summer 317. The Opal Sea Pinte PCa 318. By the River RICHARD 8S. MERYMAN *319. Portrait K. R. NUNAMAKER 320. Hill Country GALLERY SEVENTEEN 5. WALTER NORRIS 336. Cargotrove TRUMAN E. FASSETT 337. Heavenly Visitant ROBERT SUSAN 338. Governor Gifford Pinchot FRANK H. DESCH 339. Spring CARL WUERMER 340. Study in Neo-Impressionism ROBER TF PHILIPP 341. Portrait of Himself COLIN CAMPBELL COOPER 342. Chatham Square, New York LEON DABO 343. Greece RANDALL DAVEY 344. Boy with a Quail GERTRUDE FISKE 345. Silver Poplars EDWARD DUFNER 346. Two Intruders LEON DABO 347. The Sea MAURICE FROMKES 348. Spanish Shepherd Boy ROBERT VONNOH 349. Grez Bridge GALLERY EIGHTEEN THOMAS EAKINS 353. John Biglin in a Single Scull 354. The Zither Player 355. Head of Dr. Gross 356. Concert Singer 357. Spinning 358. The Bohemian 70 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS THOMAS EAKINS 359. Home Ranch 360. The Biglin Brothers Turning the Stake Boat 361. John McLure Hamilton 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. Mending the Net Between Rounds Wrestlers Salutat Rush Carving GALLERY NINETEEN MORRIS HALL PANCOAST 367. New England KNUTE HELDNER 368. The Mourners 369. Unloading Bananas FREDERICK J. WAUGH 370. Queens Reach, Jervis Inlet, B. C. KNUTE HELDNER 371. The Approaching Storm MORRIS HALL PANCOAST 372. New England Village CLIFFORD ADDAMS 373. Dianne LESLIE P. THOMPSON 374. Girl with Mirror CLIFFORD ADDAMS 375. Rose, Violet, and Marie EDITH EMERSON 376. Household Goods CHARLES REIFFEL 377. Summer Design CLIFFORD ADDAMS 378. The Black Rosette 379. The Prophetess VIOLET OAKLEY 380. Il Convito (The Banquet) W. WALLACE GILCHRIST, JR. 381. Head CECIL CLARK DAVIS 382. Portrait of a French Woman GEORGE LUKS 383. Mary GALLERY NICOLA D’ASCENZO 653. In a Garden WALDO PEIRCE 654. The Family FISKE BOYD 655. Richmond Street ERNEST LAWSON 656. Winter Magic RAYLEYSLEVER 657. The Drawbridge ANDREW DASBURG 658. Adobe Houses, New Mexico W. WALLACE GILCHRIST, JR. 384. Head JEROME MYERS 385. Italian Street Shrine, New York DANIEL GARBER 386. The Farm Lane FRED WAGNER 387. Across the Delaware W. WALLACE GILCHRIST, JR. 388. Head CLIFFORD ADDAMS 389. Self Portrait C. JACQUES ANNISMAN 390. Portrait: Hon. John M. Patterson PAUL LAURITZ 391. Poinsettia MAURICE PRENDERGAST 392. Shore at Gloucester HENRY R. RITTENBERG 393. Interior DINES CARLSEN 394. Oak Leaves and Pomegranates WILLIAM RITSCHEL 395. Enchanted Pool ERIC HUDSON 396. Seine Boats HENRY R. RITTENBERG 397. Studio of Harry Watrous GERTRUDE FISKE 398. Sister Anne TWENTY-THREE VERNON K. NEWSWENGER 659. The Little White Nude WALTER PACH 660. Clarisse 661. Miss Morris in ‘‘Fashion”’ 662. A Street in Mexico City 663. Raymond ANDREW DASBURG 664. Landscape, New Mexico NILES SPENCER 665. New England House VERNON K. NEWSWENGER ' 666. Portrait of a Man UNITED STATES SECTION 71 VAN D. PERRINE GUY PENE pu BOIS 667. Diffused Light 671. American Girls at Railroad Station KENNETH M. ADAMS 672. Village of Garnes 668. Leona 673. “Chanticleer” 674. The Balcony ALBERT H. KREHBIEL 675. Polish Sisters at the Cafe de Dome 669. Winter in the Hills 76 Cate scene E. AMBROSE WEBSTER E. AMBROSE WEBSTER 670. Southern France 677. La Gande GALLERY TWENTY-FOUR DOROTHA DREIER LEWIS BOUCHE 678. New York, 1921 697. Maima’s Boy 679. Weavers: Holland JOHN E. THOMPSON GUY WIGGINS 698. “Pool’’ 680. South of France CHARLES ROSEN 681. The Esterals 699. A Group of Houses KATHERINE S. DREIER 700. Stone Crusher 682. Stonington Harbor B. J. O. NORDFELDT GUY WIGGINS 701. Juan 683. ees eae CHARLES ROSEN 684. u ey 2 702. The White Boat 685. Pinnacle Wall-Glacier Park 703. The Red Bridge KATHERINE $8. DREIER 686. Portrait Study WILLIAM GLACKENS 704. Tulips and Jonquils PRESTON DICKINSON 705. Girl Seated 687. High Bridge RAYMOND JONSON ANDREW DASBURG 706. Earth Rhythms No. 5 688. Portrait: Alfred GEORGE BIDDLE YASUO KUNIYOSHI 77 Lilies 689. Little Joe and Cow and Calf GEORGE BIDDLE a tcc a 690. Cuban Landscape é ‘ - KARL KNATH TSN EO Moe 691. Chicken Thief iOS mag boc up ees THERESA F. BERNSTEIN B. J. O. NORDFELDT 692. Sarah Ellen 710. Father and Son ALEXANDER BROOK GEORGE BIDDLE 693. Still Life : 711. Cuban Landscape GEORGE BIDDLE CHARLES ROSEN 694. Cuban Landscape 712. The Engine House WILLARD NASH ANTHONY ANGAROLA 695. Self Portrait 713. Spring JOZEF G. BAKOS OLIVE RUSH 696. Cliff Dwellers Canyon 714. Horses on the Mesa GALLERY FORTY PAUL MARTEL CULLEN YATES 399. Bubbles 402. Early Spring CHARLES MORRIS YOUNG CHARLES MORRIS YOUNG 400. Westerly Breeze 403. The Hounds at White Horse ROBERT VONNOH Tavern 401. Bessie Potter Vonnoh 404. Coming Storm 72 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS ALBERT ROSENTHAL 405. Grace HARRY F. WALTMAN 406. Awakening Day CAMERON BURNSIDE 407. Notre Dame E. IRVING COUSE 408. The Mirror FREDERICK CARL FRIESEKE 409. Tapestried Room MAY FRATZ ANDRADE 410. Arrangement—Motif Spanish FREDERICK CARL FRIESEKE 411. Girl with Earrings J. HENRY SHARP 412. Indian Medicine or Black Robe FREDERICK CARL FRIESEKE 413. Child at Piano ERNEST DAVID ROTH 414. Rio Madonna del Onto, Venice MARY FAR GCLAY 415. Elizabeth ARTHUR P. SPEAR 416. Spindrift HOBERT NICHOLS 417. Under the Full Moon MARIE DANFORTH PAGE 418. Suanna ELIZABETH PAXTON 419. Breakfast Abed ALDRO T. HIBBARD 420. The Logmen MARY BREWSTER HAZELTON 421. The Gilder MARY BUTLER 422. Wick Whack Cove: Monhegan W. GRANVILLE SMITH 423. Afternoon HARRY LEITH-ROSS 424. Garden Beach CHAUNCEY F. RYDER 425. Mount Lafayette FREDERICK J. WAUGH 426. Off the Barbados WALTER GOLTZ *427. Village in Winter ROSAMOND TUDOR 428. Mrs. Goldthwaite Dorr’s Daughter : GALLERY FORTY-ONE W. WALLACE GILCHRIST, JR. 429. Girl in a Riding Habit FELICIE WALDO HOWELL 430. From a Window, Exchange Build- Ing, INeay sic: E. IRVING COUSE 431. Moonlight GARDNER SYMONS 432. Forest Snowfall | KATHERINE LANGHORNE ADAMS 433. The Blue Door GRETCHEN W. ROGERS 434. Portrait MARY LEWIS AYER 435. Girl with Fruit ADA C. WILLIAMSON 436. Spanish Gentleman GEORGE PEARSE ENNIS 437. Incoming Fleet FRANK WILBERT STOKES 438. Return of Com. Byrd and Bennett from North Pole SHELDON PARSONS 439. New Mexico, Winter CARL J. NORDELL 440. Her Problem GEORGE W. SOTTER 441. Greenville House—Evening HILDA BELCHER 442. Rosy Chintz LEOPOLD SEYFFERT 443. Dickie CHARLES H. DAVIS 444. Over the Way HENRY R. RITTENBERG 445. Still Life 446. My Daughter WILBUR D. HAMILTON 447. October HENRY R. RITTENBERG 448. Still Life ELSA KOENIG NITZSCHE 449. Dickel CLARENCE R. JOHNSON 450. Point Pleasant, Pa. HORATIO WALKER 451. The Shepherdess STANLEY W. WOODWARD 452. South Sea Surf H. O. TANNER 453. The Miraculous Haul of Fish ANSE bee UNITED CHARLES H. DAVIS 454. The Old Chestnut Tree - SERGEANT KENDALL 455. Alseid W. ELMER SCHOFIELD 456. Rock Studded Coast W. GRANVILLESMITH 457. Afternoon STATES SECTION CLARENCE R. JOHNSON *458. Ponacussing and Dorie Run HORATIO WALKER 459. The First Snow HENRY OLIVER WALKER 714. A Captive GALLERY FORTY-TWO FRED WAGNER 460. Village Road—Winter LILLIAN WESTCOTT HALE 461. Alice JEAN CRAWFORD ADAMS 462. Collioure, France WILLIAM FRANCIS TAYLOR 463. Rivertown FRED WAGNER 464. The Mirror WILL HOWE FOOTE 465. Girl Sewing LAURA vanPEPPELENDAM 466. The Land of Sunlight FRED WAGNER 467. The Green Schooner BERT G. PHILLIPS 468. The Corn Maidens, Taos ROBERT VONNOH 469. Octogenarian WALTER UFER 470. October ALICE RUGGLES SOHIER 471. The Venetian Blind CARL J. NORDELL 472. Summer Morning ADA C. WILLIAMSON 473. In the Town of Zumraya GEORGE HARDING 474. Turkey E. MARTIN HENNINGS 475. Through the Rabbit Brush AGNES M. RICHMOND 476. Rosie JOHANNA K. WOODWELL HAILMAN 477. Nature’s Jalousie FRANCOIS VERHEYDEN 478. The Shepherd JOHN CARROLL 479, Lilith AGNES M. RICHMOND 480. Bill and Lucille FOES OLEVLIE: *481. Window over the Lake WILBUR G. ADAM 482. The Little Dancer ARTHUR: jo HE: POWELL 483. Park Avenue—January second CHARLES H. DAVIS 484. Blowing Over FRANK WILBERT STOKES 485. Aurora Australis-Antarctica EO REN TAK WE EEERIEE 486. The Philosopher of Orchard St. LAURA vanPEPPELENDAM 487. A Spanish Window JOHN F. CARLSON 488. Sombre Uplands RANDOLPH LaSALLE COATS 489. Firenza GALLERY FORTY-THREE ANTONIN STERBA 490. Paula BURTIS BAKER 491. Still Life with Swan CHARLES H. WOODBURY 492. Winter WINTHROP TURNEY 493. Old China E. MARTIN HENNINGS 494. Passing from the Canyon WILLIAM MEYEROWITZ 495. Still Life CHARLES H. WOODBURY 496. Spring SARAH R. DODGE 497. Caroline Elizabeth ERNEST LAWSON 498. Flight of Gulls KARL ANDERSON 499. The Source 73 74 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS FREDERIC TELLANDER 500. From a Window in Rome EMMA FORDYCE McRAE 501. “Rolanda” CORA BROOKS 502. From Autumn’s Treasury COLIN CAMPBELL COOPER 503. Beauvis Cathedral, France LAURA vanPEPPELENDAM 504. Mud, Stone, and Wooden House ERGCOLE-GCARTOERIO 505. Portrait of Miss Marion Ryder CARL WUERMER 506. November Day JEAN MacLANE 507. A Devon Beach LEOPOLD SEYFFERT 508. Fritz Kreisler ADOLPH HEINZE 509. Sunny Old Age ROBERT VONNOH 510. A West Breeze SANDOR VAGO 511. Cleaning the Mirror LEOPOLD SEYFFERT 512. Tired Out ELIZABETH KRYSHER PEYRAUD 513. Sunday Morning ROBERT YVONNOH 514. Turquoise-Rose and Gold LEOPOLD SEYFFERT 515. Arthur BalCarles: 41 JOEL J. LEVITT 516. Girl in the Shadow LEON KROLE 517. A Summer’s Day CHARLES JAY TAYLOR 518. Repose KARL BUEHR 519. A Sunday Afternoon in the Country LIONEL WALDEN 520. Kaena Point, Hawaii GUSTAVE BAUMANN 521. Dancing for the Christ Child CONSTANCE COCHRANE 715. Fog and Spray CARL R. KRAFFT 716. Early June MARY STAFFORD 718. Henry JOHN C. JOHANSEN *719. Interior—Evening GALLERY FORTY-FOUR DANIEL GARBER 522. The Oriole 523. Harmonville 524. Snow at Little Wills 525. Rodgers’ Meadow WILLIAM M. PAXTON 526. Charles Bittinger, Esq. GERTRUDE FISKE 527. Blue and Gold FREDERICK A. BOSLEY 528. The Dark Interior WILLIAM M. PAXTON 529. The Green Dolman WILL SHUSTER 530. The Wool Train WILLIAM M. PAXTON 531. Romance ERNEST L. BLUMENSCHEIN 532. Decorative Landscape with Figures FRANK V. DUMOND * 533. New England Landscape ABRAM POOLE 534. Spanish Sisters FRANK V. DUMOND 535. Glinting Tide ERNEST L. BLUMENSCHEIN 536. Legend HORATIO WALKER 537. The Gossips CHILDE HASSAM 538. Greek Garden—Age of Pericles MAX BOHM 539. Ancient Seaport ABRAM POOLE 540. Mlle. Orosoff PHILIP’ L, HARE 541. Flowers in Moonlight WILLIAM M. CHASE 542. Dorothy, Helen, and Bob LEOPOLD SEYFFERT 543. An Old Dutch Couple CHARLES HOPKINSON *544. Five in the Afternoon RAYMOND P. R. NEILSON 545. The Black Bonnet UNITED STATES SECTION 75 GALLERY FORTY-FIVE ARTHUR SPEAR 546. The Pearl Diver HOWARD GILES 547. Young Woman HARRY G. BERMAN 548. Spring Weather JOHN F. CARLSON 549. Winter Caprice WAYMAN ADAMS *550. Emil Carlsen and Dines HARRY G. BERMAN 551. April Weather JOHN F. CARLSON 552. Winter Lyric WAYMAN ADAMS 553. An Artist JULIUS. ROLSHOVEN 554. The Lace Jacket MAUDE DREIN BRYANT 555. Little Bouquet HENRY BOLLER PANCOAST, JR. *556. The Dam, Media, Pa. EZRA WINTER 557. The Dance ABBOTT GRAVES 558. Peonies No. 2 Pink WALTER FARNDON 559. A Day in Spring MARY FOOTE 560. Portrait of Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt JOHN R. CONNER 561. The Glen GEORGE LUKS 562. The Breaker Boys EVERETTE LLOYD BRYANT 563. Apple Blossoms GARI MELCHERS 564. The Wheeler House *565. MacPherson and MacDonald EVERETT. LLOYD BRYANT 566. Gladioli GARI MELCHERS 567. Pear Tree in Blossorn W. HERBERT DUNTON 568. The Cattle Buyer ROSS E. BRAUGHT 569. Dunes MAURICE FROMKES 570. The Sculptor JESSIE ARMS BOTKE 571. Bird Decoration W. ELMER SCHOFIELD 572. Winter Morning ERNEST L. IPSEN 573. Portrait of Miss Thaw MARGARET F. SPENCER 574. Button Chrysanthemums W. ELMER SCHOFIELD *575. The Little Harbor MARTHA WALTER 576. Sunlight in California GALLERY FORTY-SIX ADA C. WILLIAMSON 577. The Sombrero. DINES CARLSEN 578. Spanish Brass EDWARD W. REDFIELD 579. Village in Winter DINES CARLSEN 580. Delft and Brass MARY F. R. CLAY 581. Christiane de Maubeuge CECIL CLARK DAVIS 582. Mrs. Alfred McIntyre CARROLL S. TYSON, JR. 583. Deadman’s Point, Cranberry Island 584. Ellsworth 585. Echo Lake—Mt. Desert JOHN E. COSTIGAN *586. Woodland Interior—Spring CARROLE-S® EYSON, JR: 587. Bass Harbor Wharves 588. A New England Town GIUSEPPE TROTTA 589. The Artist ETHEL FRANKLIN BETTS BAINS 590. Antiques CLARENCE R. JOHNSON 591. Flowers and Reflections CHARLES §. CHAPMAN 592. In the Redwoods JOHN LAVALLE 593. Portrait of my Grandfather MARY BUTLER 594. Early Morning: Monhegan 76 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS EVERETT LLOYD BRYANT 595. Early Autumn M. ELIZABETH PRICE 596. Casa Fuca JOHN R. CONNER *5907. Music MARY BUTLER 598. No Man’s Ledge : EVERETT LLOYD BRYA se 599. Yachts Maneuvering for Position ALEXANDER R. JAMES 600. Portrait GALLERY FORTY-SEVEN LESLIE P. THOMPSON 601. The Red Hat 4 NANCY MAYBIN FERGUSON 602. The Church Tower MARTHA WALTER 603. Breezy Day WALTER. UFER 604. Autumn WALTER GRIFFIN 605. Longpre Lomine HENRYSRONELL 606. Low Tide IRVING R. WILES 607. Self Portrait GIOVANNI BATTISTA TROCCOLI 608. The White Gloves EDMUND C. TARBELL 609. Going for a Ride 610. The Sisters 611. Children Playing in the Pool LESLIE P. THOMPSON 612. The Rose HUGH H. BRECKENRIDGE 613. Bowl of Fruit 614. Ivory, Gold, and Blue 615. The Pirate’s Chest 616. The City Tower 617. Italian Pitcher and Fruit 618. Nude with Still Life LEE LUFKIN KAULA 619. Old Fashioned Girl CHARLES H. WOODBURY 620. At Sea E. DUDLEY MURPHY 621. The Azalea and Wise Men EDMUND C. TARBELL 622. Mary, Edmund, and Sergius CHARLES H. WOODBURY 623. The Wake FREDERICK J. WAUGH 624. Tiger Lilies and Globe Thistles FLORENCE W. GOTTHOLD 625. A Venetian Lady GALLERY FORTY-EIGHT CARL LAWLESS 626. Creek in January THERESA F. BERNSTEIN 627. New England Ladies E. SOPHONISBA HERGESHEIMER 628. A Southern Jurist: Judge Peeler THERESA F. BERNSTEIN 629. The Immigrants ANTONIO P. MARTINO *630. The Canal CHARLES A. R. DUNN 631. A Girl in Black BURTIS BAKER *632. Interior with Figures CHARLES J. TAYLOR *633. A Maine Souvenir ERNEST L. BLUMENSCHEIN 634. Sangre de Christo Mountains S. WALTER NORRIS 635. Mills at Isen GIOVANNI BATTISTA TROCCOLI 636. Miss Jessie ERIC HUDSON 637. Brown Sails MARIE DANFORTH PAGE *638. Marnie, Page, and Ginger JOHN R. GRABACH 639. The Steel Rainbow CHAUNCEY F. RYDER 640. Across the Valley EDWARD W. REDFIELD 641. Sea Breeze 642. The Old Mill CHAUNCEY F. RYDER 643. Veil of Trees EDWARD W. REDFIELD 644. Ocean Point JOHN R. GRABACH 645. The Village ALICE KENT STODDARD 646. The Buttercup Dress oe WATERCOLORS fist ERIC HUDSON 647. At the Moorings JOSEPH SACKS 648. Dr. Robert Ellis Thompson THEODORE WENDEL 649. Ipswich Marshes VICTOR HIGGINS 650. Fiesta Day S. WALTER NORRIS 651. Firth of Glen Och BURTIS BAKER 652. Portrait of Miss Hoopes Watercolors and Drawings GALLERY TEN GEORGE WALTER DAWSON 750. Oleanders and Carnations, Villa Vicabella 751. Water Lilies BERTHA EUGENIE STEVENS WRIGHT 752. Flower Piece GEORGE WALTER DAWSON 753. Mountain Rhododendrons 754. Lemon Tree Garden 755. Madonna Lilies 756. Forsythia at Palazzo Rufolo MARGARET PATTERSON 757. Hill with Chestnut Trees, Uscio SAUL RASKIN 758. Saheo—Palestine MARGARET PATTERSON 759. Sunset on the Mountains JOHN WENGER 760. Hudson River, April Showers 761. Pachyderm *762. Winter Pattern—Overmantle 763. Gray Day 764. Still Life CLIFFORD ADDAMS 765. Warships Under Way—Grey Day 766. Beatty’s Squadron SEARS GALLAGER 767. Rough Day, Monhegan CLIFFORD ADDAMS 768. Yarmouth Harbor, Isle of Wight 769. Sailors at Ship’s Theatre HORATIO WALKER 770. Hay Boat in Canal 771. Girl and Turkeys LILA M. CABANISS 772. Rhododendrons W. F. MINOR 773. Lake Mists J. ALDEN WEIR 774. Still Life—Rabbits HORATIO WALKER 775. Sheep Shearing 776. Still Life—Wild Ducks JOHN J. DULL 777. The Parkway ELIZABETH F. WASHINGTON 778. The Valley IRMA RENE KOEN 779. The Kaids House JOHN J. DULL 780. Green and White IRMA RENE KOEN 781. The Red Silo GINA DUEL 782 Sunlight and Shadow 783. Sycamores IRMA RENE KOEN 784. On Montmartre JOEN =| 3DULE 785. On the Canal 786. West on Spruce Street ELIZABETH F. WASHINGTON 787. The Foot Bridge FREDERICK W. HARER 788. Going to Market 789. Gran Piton, St. Lucia VERA M. WHITE 790. Flowers of Darkness FREDERICK W. HARER 791. A Windward Island Village 792. Bread-Fruit 793. A Wayside Market 794. The Pitons CHARLES DEMUTH *795. Plums 796. In Vaudeville 797. Landscape 798. Landscape 799. Flowers 800. Plums 801. Egg-plant 802. In Vaudeville 803. Landscape 804. Landscape HENRY O’CONNOR 805. St. Germain des Pres 78 DEPARTMENT ©. PETER. HELCK 806. The Little Roundabout HENRY O'CONNOR 807. Notre Dame ARTHUR B. DAVIES 808. Montmorency Looking Toward St. Germain Selles sur Cher Notre Dame—Paris Pont Neuf—Early Autumn Eve 812. Pont Neuf—Evening 813. Lifting Fog—Seine Valley FRANK W. BENSON *814. From Great Hill, Tamworth 815. Wooster Farm 816. Hawthorne Jar 817. Sun Glare 818. In the Deep Woods 819. Peonies 820. Maine Coast 821. A Pool on the Kedgwick 822. Tihonet Pond 823. On Cape Cod NICOLA D*’ASCENZO 824. Chartres WILMER 5S. RICHTER 825. Quarry—No. 1 NICOLA D’ASCENZO 826. Chartres HILDA BELCHER 827. The Apple NICOLA D’ASCENZO 828. Assisi WILMER 58. RICHTER 829. Quarry—No. 2 VERA M. WHITE 830. The Storm, Rio FRANK G. APPLEGATE 831. Landscape—New Mexico 832. Western Landscape PRESTON DICKINSON 833. Winter—Quebec JOHANNA K. WOODWELL HAILMAN 834. Before the Storm DODGE MacKNIGHT 835. Snow in the Woods 836. Cape Cod Pond in Autumn 809. 810. 811. GALLERY CHRISTOPHER MURPHY, SR. 864. At Bradley’s Point ROY BROWN 865. In the Park FRED KABOTIE, Hopi Indian 866. Basket Dance OF FINE ARTS JOHANNA K. WOODWELL HAILMAN 837. An Afternoon Arrival DODGE MacKNIGHT $ 838. Autumn in Canada : 839. Ice Cutting in New Hampshire 840. Canadian Fishing Village 841. Lupins, Cape Cod PRESTON DICKINSON *842. Harlem River JOHANNA K. WOODWELL HAILMAN 843. Tropic Moonlight VERA M. WHITE 844. Rio de Janeiro FRANK G. APPLEGATE 845. Landscape, Santa Fe 846. Chimayo, New Mexico—Spring- time AIDENSD, RIPiEy 847. Grey Day, Lyons FRANK G. APPLEGATE 848. Pueblo Mountains 849. Pueblo Indian Dance AIDEN RIPLEY. 850. Old Archway, Segovia CARL GORDON CUTLER 851. Around Penobscot Bay WALTER BECK 852. The Ascension 853. God is a Spirit CARL GORDON CUTLER 854. Around Penobscot Bay WALTER BECK *855. In His Presence 856. Sandals of the Lord 857. The Miraculous Voyage 858. Gift of the Madonna AIDEN L, RIPLEY 859. Romanesque Ruins CARL GORDON CUTLER 860. Around Penobscot Bay AIDEN L. RIPLEY 861. San Marco FRANK G. APPLEGATE 862. Arizona Landscape 863. After Snow Storm, Santa Fe ELEVEN TSE-YE-MU, Rio Grande Pueblo Indian 867. Deer Dance R. MARTINEZ, Rio Grande Pueblo Indian 868. Stag and Doe AWA-TSIREH, Rio Grande Pueblo Indian 869. Buffalo Dance WATERCOLORS OGWA PI, Rio Grande Pueblo Indian 870. Basket Dance AWA-TSIREH, Rio Grande Pueblo Indian 871. The Shalako FRED KABOTIE, Hopi Indian 872. Snake Dance AWACTSIREH, Rio Grande Pueblo Indian 873. Corn Dance MA-PI-WI, Rio Grande Pueblo Indian 874. Buffalo Dance TSE-YE-MU, Rio Grande Pueblo Indian 875. Joy Makers HAYLEY LEVER 876. Dancing Boats ROY BROWN 877. Wet Day PALL. GILL 879. Old Boat, High Point MARTIN LEWIS © 880. Pine Branch and Wave, Japan Pauw L GILL . *881. Near Barnegat 882. Boats at High Point J. LARS HOFTRUP 885. Paris 886. Roofs and Hills ROY BROWN 887. Aeolian Building WALTER LOUIS WHITE 888. Winter PeLARS HOFTRUP 890. The Crooked Street 891. African Villa HERBERT PULLINGER 893. Fall Morning MARTIN LEWIS 894. Winter Evening, Japan HERBERT PULLINGER 895. The Boat House 897. The Lake GALLERY WYNCIE KING 922. Bill Tilden JOHN DUKES McKEE 924. Lepreshaum RANDALL DAVEY 925. Interior 926. Coyote on a Ridge YASUO KUNIYOSHI 927. Plants J. LARS HOFTRUP 898. Bridge at Night 899. Concarneau M. W. ZIMMERMAN 900. A Quebec Birch 901. Little House of Four Chimneys 902. On Mason’s Island *903. The Great Hotels 904. From the Grave of Rafuiesque 905. Pimento Trees Jalon! HOFRTRUP 906. Above the River 907. Boats WILL 8. BUDWORTH 909. Spring, Seton Brook HORATIO WALKER 910. Magnolias EUPHAME CLASON MALLISON 911. The New England Auction DWIGHT BLANEY 912. Fishermen’s Shacks CHARLES HOVEY PEPPER 913. Lone Tree Reef CHARLES CURTIS ALLEN 914. The Edge of the Forest CHARLES HOVEY PEPPER 915. Lake Annecey, Roe de Chere 916. The Winding Road EUPHAME CLASON MALLISON 917. The New England Auction, No CHARLES Ho RICHER & 918. Maine Ledges WILL 8. BUDWORTH 919. Autumn, Five Mile River CHRISTOPHER MURPHY, SR. 920. The Green Book and the Roses CLIFFORD ADDAMS 921. Stoker TWELVE RANDALL DAVEY 928. Horses Resting HELEN SEWELL 929. Joan GEORGE BERNHARD MEYER 930. The Convalescent THORNTON OAKLEY 931. Friends’ Meeting House 79 eae 80 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS VIOLET OAKLEY 932. Hon. Governor Pinchot 933. Triosolo from Villa Toruilli 934. R. Tait MacKenzie THORNTON OAKLEY 935. Pennsylvania Hospital VIOLET OAKLEY 936. Mrs. Gifford Pinchot CHRISTOPHER MURPHY, SR. 937. Portrait, Miss S. CHARLOTTE HARDING BROWN 938. Illustration for “May Iverson” CHRISTOPHER MURPHY, SR. 939. Portrait, ““Eleanor”’ YASUO KUNIYOSHI 940. Artichokes and Grapes RANDALL DAVEY 941. Pinto Ponies JOHN DUKES McKEE 942. Peer Gynt and the Troll-Imps RANDALL DAVEY 943. Early Snow 944. Man Training Horse THORNTON OAKLEY 950. Amayas Leigh 951. In the South American Jungle 952. Stenton 953. Old Swede’s Church 954. The University Museum 955. William Penn’s House 956. William Penn 957. Carpenter’s Hall 958. Washington’s Headquarters at Valley Forge Christ Church Independence Hall 961. Attack on the Galleon 962. Illustration HENRY PITZ 963. The Serenade 964. The Craftsman FRANK WILL 965. Avallon 966. Harfleur LEO MIELZINER 967. Felix Adler W. J. AYLWARD 968. Cliff Dwellers, Dieppe 969. Inn Yard, Sables JESSIE WILCOX SMITH 970-975. Illustrations for the “‘Water Babies” c LEO MIELZINER 976. George Bellows W. J. AYLWARD 977. Old Harbor, Marseilles 978. Old House, Dieppe FRANK WILL 979. The Academy, Paris 980. A Bridge, Paris HENRY PITZ 981. Scudding South 982. The Wonder Tree WYNCIE KING 983. Joseph Pennell 959. 960. Miniatures GALLERY TWELVE ALICE BECKINGTON 1001. Study in Greens and Blues ANNIE HURLBURT JACKSON 1002. Boy with a Bird EDA NEMOEDE CASTERTON *1003. Miss Goss STELLA LEWIS MARKS 1004. Self Portrait PAMELA VINTON-BROWN 1005. -Petunias GER FRUDE L. LITTLE 1006. Repose LUCY M. STANTON 1007. Portrait Mr. Joel Chandler Harris MARY N. BONSALL 1008. Amos Bonsall PAMELA VINTON-BROWN 1009. Miss Ruth Shrader EDA NEMOEDE CASTERTON 1010. Mary Beth CLARA H. HOWARD 1011. The Lace Cap MARY W. BONSALL 1012. Amarillis BERTHA CAREW 1013. Child with Cherries MABEL R. WELCH 1014. Drusella STELLA LEWIS MARKS 1015. Past Knox Studebaker Ulric Te MINIATURES 81 HELEN W. DURKEE 1016. Still Life MAY AUSTIN CLAUS 1017. Archelle Sasha MARGARET FOOTE HAWLEY *1018. Mother and Child EMILY DRAYTON TAYLOR 1019. Mrs. Wm. Allison MARY W. BONSALL 1020. My Grandmother SARA HAZZARD 1021. The Poke Bonnet A. MARGARETTA ARCHAMBAULT 1022. Miss Lillian R. Reed ALTA E. WILMOT 1023. Miss Alethea H. Platt JOHANNA M. BOERICKE 1024. The Heart of the Rockies ALEXANDRINA R. HARRIS 1025. Portrait of an Old Woman EDITH SAWYER 1026. Miss Adele Duclos ALTA E. WILMOT 1027. Elinor Phipp SARA HAZZARD 1028. The Green Kimono HELEN W. DURKEE 1029. Margaret ELLA SHEPARD BUSH 1030. Portrait 1031. Baloustion REBECCA BURD PEALE PATTERSON 1032. Miss Meyer MARGARET FOOTE HAWLEY 1033. Portrait of a Man ° Synkitiey. McFADDEN BOYLE 1034. The Sleepy Dragon Fly 1035. Molly M. ELIZABETH A. McG. KNOWLES 1036. The Mother A. MARGARETTA ARCHAMBAULT 1037. Madame Q BMILY DRAYTON TAYLOR 1038. Mrs. Wm. Phillips EDA NEMOEDE CASTERTON 1039. Jane ANNA LYNCH 1040. Miriam Stanton ANNIE HURLBURT JACKSON 1041. Hetty peey M. STANTON 1042. Uncle George, An ex-Slave AURELIA WHEELER REED 1043. Portrait in Red ANNA LYNCH 1044. The Blond Baby MARIA J. STREAN 1045. Miss Browning ANNA LYNCH 1046. Artist’s Mother NICOLAS 8. MACSOUD 1047. Miss Dorothy C. Allien A. MARGARETTA ARCHAMBAULT 1048. Mrs. Jasper O. Nicolls ELIZABETH F. WASHINGTON 1049. The First Parasol CLARA P. HOWARD 1050. Miss Packard MABEL R. WELCH 1051. Hulbert Footmen MARTHA WHEELER BAXTER 1052. The Black Rosette MAY, AUSTIN CLAUS 1053. Grace EDITH SAWYER 1054. A Lady REBECCA BURD PEALE PATTERSON 1055. Carolyn 1056. Mrs. H. ELIZABETH F. WASHINGTON 1057. Abdul Boha STELLA LEWIS MARKS 1058. Ninety Years SARAH Y. McFADDEN BOYLE 1059. Have a Cup ALICE BECKINGTON 1060. Plaid Dress ADRIANNA TUTTLE 1061. James A. Coe, 2nd. MARTHA WHEELER BAXTER 1062. Child with Doll MABEL R. WELCH 1063. Portrait MARY McMILLAN 1064. Marjory Li ANNIE HURLBURT JACKSON *1065. Rose and Silver EDITH SAWYER . 1066. Mr. John S. Norton EVELYN PURDIE 1067. Fruit ALICE BECKINGTON 1068. Helen 82 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS MARIE J. STREAN MAGDA HEVUERMANN 1069. Portrait of a Judge 1076. Franz B. Lenbach Se NN ae ae ue ELLA SHEPARD BUSH ester he 1077. Michal in Poracelcus ADRIANNA TUTTLE 1071. Mrs. Harland N. Houston ELIZABETH F. WASHINGTON 1078. Anne HELEN W. DURKEE 1072. Little Richard NICOLAS S$. MACSOUD MARIE M. FRECHETTE 1079. Miss Virginia Warder 1073. Lady Ame Cavendish ALTA E. WILMOT 1074. Mrs. J. Fred Pierson PAMELA VINTON-BROWN SARA HAZZARD 1075. Miss Vivian Picherson 1081. Portrait Kathryn Hazzard GERTRUDE L. LITTLE 1080. Lilies Decorative Arts WILLIAM peLEFTWICH DODGE 990. Gold Tigers 985. Madonna of the Lily Rolled Decorations 991. Sun Rise in the Tropics BARRY FAULKNER 992. New York Harbor Decorative Panels 986. The Village Square 987. Robin Hood KOYU SUGIURA Kakemonos phe pepe aes ahy 993. Cultivate and Exercise ROBERT W. CHANLER 994. Superhuman Beings Decorative Panels 995. Hermits of Kwazan 989. Silver Maids 996. Five Superhuman Beings Sculpture LOBBY PAUL MANSHIP 1117. Anadyamene 1100. Diana 1118. Flight of Europa 1101. Actaeon 1119. Atalanta 1102. Centaur and Dryad 1103. Dancer and Gazelles JEAN ANTONINE HOUDON 1104. Europa 1120. George Washington 1105. Eve 1106. David ADOLEH@ WEINMAN 1107. Young Woman 1121. Head of Lincoln 1108. Victory Overseas HARRIET W. FRISHMUTH 1109. Armillary Sphere 1110. Mrs. Grace Rainey Rogers 1122. Play Days 1111. Young Man EDWARD BERGE 1112. Mother and Child 1123. Breath of Spring 1113. Adam 1114. Baby Elizabeth =- CAROLINE RISQUE 1115. Europa 1124. “Air Gai’’ Fountain Figure 1116. Briseis 1125. “Child with Bowl” Fountain GALLERY ONE CHARLES GRAFLY 1130. Felix 1126. Symbol of Life 1131. Thomas P. Anshutz 1127. Head 1132. W. Elmer Schofield 1128. From Generation to Generation 1133. Childe Hassam 1129. Aeneas and Anchises 1134. Joseph deCamp UNITED STATES SCULPTURE 83 CHARLES GRAFLY (Continued) 1140. William McG. Paxton 1135. George Harding 1141. Paul W. Bartlett, No. 1 1136. Edward W. Redfield 1142. Paul W. Bartlett, No. 2 1137. Edwin S. Clymer 1143. Preliminary Model for Meade 1138. ‘““War” Study for Meade Memorial Memorial 1139. Frank Duveneck GALLERY TWO A. STIRLING CALDER ADOLPH A. WEINMAN *1144. Naiad with Mask 1146. Duette BASHKA PAEFF ALBIN POLASEK 1145. Julius L. Rosenwald 1147. Forest Idyl GALLERY THREE LEO LENTELLI ee Ue OAs! 1148. General Lee 1149. Highland-Bull GALLERY FOUR EDWARD BERGE BEATRICE FENTON 1150. Violet 1152. The One-Arm Put-Up BRENDA PUTNAM 1151. Sun Dial GALLERY FIVE GEORG JOHN LOBER ARTHUR E. LORENZANI 1153. Snake Charmer 1155. Portrait HELEN SAHLER 1154. A Boy You Know GALLERY SIX JOHN FLANAGAN 1255. Fragment 1156. Augustus Saint Gaudens 1256. Yesterday ALEXANDER PORTNOFF LOUIS MILIONE 1253. Carl Sandberg 1257. Narcissus 1254. Evening Twilight GALLERY SEVEN FREDERIC V. GUINZBURG 1157. Bride of Man Horse GALLERY NINE EDWARD BERGE CARL HALLSTAHAMMAR 1158. Sea Urchin 1159. Blacksmith 1160. Devotion GALLERY TEN EDITH HOWLAND FREDERIC V. GUINZBURG 1161. Sanee Squaw 1165. Rev. D. F. M. Clendenin CAROLINE RISQUE Fee EE 1162. The Bath JO DAVIDSON 1167. Marble Head FREDERIC V. GUINZBURG ABASTENIA ST. LEGER EBERLE : 1163. Mia Moglia (My Wife) 1168. Marble Figure ATTILIO PICCIRILLI BELLE JOHNSON 1164. Marchita ' 1169. Mother 84 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS LOUIS MILIONE JONATHAN M. SWANSON 1170. Portrait Bust of My Mother 1264. J. Sanford Saltus POLYGNOTIS GEORGE VAGIS 1171. The Prophet Isaiah GALLERY ELEVEN NESSA COHEN LOUIS MAYER 1172. Moment Musical 1175. Walt Whitman 173.2) OY AMORY C. SIMONS 1174. Doris on Sunbeam GALLERY TWELVE LOUISA EYRE LOUISA EYRE 1176. Mary Ballard 1180. Dudley Perkins 1177. Head of Italian Boy AMORY C. SIMONS LINDSEY MORRIS STERLING 1181. Phyllis on Bagthrop-Triumph 1178. The Tale of Life 1182. Murton on Sweetheart GEORG JOHN LOBER 1179. Paul A. Schoellkopf GALLERY THIRTEEN JO DAVIDSON GEORG JOHN LOBER 1183. Samuel Vauclain 1185. Portrait of E. Bruce Douglas LOUIS MAYER LEO FRIEDLANDER 1184. Lincoln *1258. Symbolic Memorial to the World War GALLERY FOURTEEN AARON J. GOODELMAN EDWARD BERGE 1186. Lassitude 1188. Discord FREDERIC VICTOR GUINZBURG 1187. Velocity GALLERY FIFTEEN JENO JUSZKO DUANE CHAMPLAIN 1189. Boy with Goat 1191. Bowling Along HENRY NICHOLAS MOELLER 1190. Polo Group GALLERY SIXTEEN CONSUELO E. BATES 1263. Three Dogs GALLERY EIGHTEEN LOUIS MILLIONE AARON J. GOODELMAN 1192. Idling Hour 1194. Comrades ELI HARVEY POLYGNOTIS GEORGE VAGIS 1193. American Bison 1195. My Grandfather GALLERY NINETEEN WOLDEMAR RANNUS 1196. Head of a Negro GALLERY TWENTY-THREE HUNT DIEDERICH 1259. Jockey 1260. Goats UNITED STATES SCULPTURE GALLERY TWENTY-EIGHT JOHN L. CLARKE 1261. Bear 1262. American Bison GALLERY FORTY-ONE KATHARINE W. LANE 1197. Racing Whippet *1198. Pigmy African Elephant GALLERY FORTY-FOUR ALBERT LAESSLE 1218. Rabbit Leaping 1200. The Heron and Fish 1219. Turtle and Prey 1201. Greed 1220. The Hunter 1202. Duck Fountain 1221. Repletion 1203. Locust and Pine Cone 1222. Cat and Serpent 1204. Frog and Katydid 1223. King Crab and Beetle 1205. The Blue-eyed Lizard 1224. Young Turtle 1206. The Contented Hoptoad 1225. The Source 1207. Turtle Fountain 1226. The Fantail Pigeon 1208. The Old Bullfrog 1227. Chanticleer 1209. Toad Sketch 1228. Billy 1210. Maurice Molarsky 1229. Squirrel 1211. Bear Walking 1230. Turning Turtle 1212. Performing Bear 1231. Penguins 1213. Kid Feeding 1232. King Fisher 1214. Abandoned 1233. First Effort 1215. Squatting Polar Bear 1234. Bronze Turkey 1216. Cat 1235. Victory 1217. Polar Bear Standing GALLERY FORTY-FIVE PAUL MANSHIP 1241. Actaeon 1242. Diana GALLERY FORTY-SIX HARRIET W. FRISHMUTH VIRGINIA MORRIS KING 1243. Crest of the Wave . 1246. Spring GRACE MOTT JOHNSON 1244. Colt Walking 1245. Barbary Wild Sheep GALLERY FORTY-SEVEN BENJAMIN T. KURTZ EDITH HOWLAND *1247. Nubian Boy 1250. Shoshone Squaw 1248. Duck EDWARD BERGE 1249. Poppy GALLERY FORTY-EIGHT ROBERT AITKEN 1251. Alpha Delta Phi War Memorial 1252. Tired Mercury IN THE COURT HARRIETTE G. MILLER BEATRICE FENTON The Acheloides A Fairy Fountain EUGENIE F. SHONNARD ADOLPH A. WEINMAN His Majesty, The Heron Narcissus 85 86 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS EDWARD BERGE Sun Dial See-Saw GID VaHuUNT: Nude Figure of a Boy ALBIN POLASEK Man Carving His Own Destiny EVELYN B. LONGMAN Daniel Chester French ATTILIO PICCIRILLI Un Sogno di Primavera SHERRY FRY Maidenhood RUTH SHERWOOD Sleeping Shepherd ERNEST WISE KEYSER Wall Fountain ALBIN POLASEK Dawn SHERRY FRY Fortuna HARRIETTE G. MILLER Eternal Woman ANNA COLEMAN LADD St. Francis with Birds RUTH SHERWOOD St. Francis and the Wolf of Gubbio ALBIN POLASEK Pan MAUDE 58. JEWETT Boy Piper JANET SCUDDER Frog Baby CARL AUGUSTUS HEBER Garden Post JOHN BATEMAN Sea Urchin A. STIRLING CALDER Lethe ALBIN POLASEK *Unfettered MABEL CONKLING The Moon Fish EDWARD BERGE Will o’ the Wisp ATTILIO PICCIRILLI Faun LEO LENTELLI Sun Dial EDWARD BERGE Duck Mother ALBIN POLASEK Maiden CHESTER BEACH Glint of the Sea EDWARD BERGE Wildflower Frog and Boy IN FRONT OF BUILDING POMPEO COPPINI George Washington BEATRICE FENTON Narcissus MALVINA HOFFMAN Boy Neptune Fountain BEATRICE FENTON *Sea Weed Fountain AUGUSTE RODIN Adam Eve The Shadow HARRIET W. FRISHMUTH The Vine JANET SCUDDER Diane Enfant EDWARD BERGE The Wolf IWAI MASATOSHI Lion RAPHAEL SABATINI Bas-relief over Entrance CANADIAN SECTION CANADIAN SECTION Paintings GALLERY TWENTY-EIGHT fA yy. JACKSON 1545. Maligne Lake LAWREN HARRIS 1546. Grey Day in Town A. Y. JACKSON 1547. A Village in the Gulf J. E. H. MacDONALD 1548. The Elements LAWREN HARRIS 1549. A Clergyman TOM THOMSON 1550. West Wind LAWREN HARRIS 1551. Portrait of a Man A. Y. JACKSON 1552. Church, Baie St. Paul A. H. ROBINSON *1553. Melting Snow—Laurentians ARTHUR LISMER - 1554. Old Pine Tree A. J. CASSON 1555. Afternoon Sky Br WARLEY 1556. Self Portrait A. J. CASSON 1557. Cool Weather ARTHUR LISMER 1558. September Gale Ee HOLGATE 1559. Forest Ranger ARTHUR LISMER 1560. Habitant Farm LAWREN HARRIS 1561. Ontario Hill Town C. A. GAGNON 1562. March in Birch Woods A. Y. JACKSON 1563. Autumn LAWREN HARRIS *1564. Northern Lake J. E. H. MacDONALD 1565. Mist Fantasy A. Y. JACKSON 1566. First Snow JE. Hy MacDONALD 1567. Solemn Land 1568. Lake, Oct. Evening Poel. J ACKOON 1569. Pic Island BESS HOUSSER 1570. Hills Algoma JE. Ho MacDONALD 1571.. Mountain Ash ARTHUR LISMER 1572. Mill, Quebec WILLIAM WOOD 1573. Violin Player FRANK CARMICHAEL *1574. A Northern Village CURTIS WILLIAMSON 1575. Portrait of an Artist FRANK CARMICHAEL 1576. Snow Clouds 1577. Spring 87 88 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS RUSSIAN SECTION Paintings GALLERY TWENTY SVIATOSLAV ROERICH *1350. Fresco — 1351. Yellow Lama ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO 1352. Revery BORIS ANISFELD 1353. Budda—Still Life 1354. Dahlias 1355. Golden God *1356. Hispania 1357. Rebekah at the Well 1358. Niagara Falls 1359. Lady in Black ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO 1360. Bathers SVIATOSLAV ROERICH 1361. Nepalese Woman 1362. Fresco ABRAHAM MANIEVICH 1363. Provincial Town CONAN FELDMAN 1364. O. Tshekhova in Tzar Feodor ABRAHAM MANIEVICH 1365. Bronx 1366. Roofs—Moscow 1367. Destruction of the Ghetto 1368. Early Spring—Bronx 1369. Autumn Fantasy 1370. Camden, New Jersey CONAN FELDMAN 1371. Ivan Moskvin in Tzar Feodor SERGEI SOUDEIKINE 1372. Petrushka 1373. The Carnival 1374. Moscow Fiancee VLADIMIR CHERNOFF 1375. Girl frorn Caucasus 1376. Theresa 1377. Flora 1378. Girl with Bird 1379. Autumn BORIS GRIGORIEV 1380. Son of the Artist 1381. Morris Gest NICOLAI FECHIN 1382. The Lone Tree 1383. The Arch FEODOR ZAKHAROV 1384. Football NICOLAI FECHIN *1385. Summer 1386. Still Life—Flowers 1387. The Valley 1388. Sasha BORIS GRIGORIEV 1389. Brittany Girl GALLERY TWENTY-ONE NICKOLAI CICKOVSKY 1390. Russia DAVID BURLIUK 1391. South Sea Fishermen CASIMIR MALYEVICH 1392. The Scissors Grinder DAVID BURLIUK 1393. The Parvenu NICKOLAI CICKOVSKY 1394. Moscow Street DAVID BURLIUK 1395. Stamping out Mutiny 1396. Santa Claus above New York University Harlem River The Workers The Wheel 1397. 1398. 1399. MARC CHAGALL 1400. Bucolic Bliss VLADIMIR BOBRITSKY 1401. Dynamo VASILI KANDINSKY 1402. Composition No. 2 VLADIMIR BOBRITSKY 1403. Mother and Child NICKOLAI CICKOVSKY 1404. Russian Dance VLADIMIR BOBRITSKY 1405. Abstract Composition VASILI KANDINSKY 1406. Composition No. 1 VLADIMIR BOBRITSKY 1407. Factory RUSSIAN SECTION 89 —_———. UDALZOWA 1411. Midday Repose 1408. At the Piano 1412. Returning from Work NIKOLAI IVANOVICH VASSILIEV Pet easent 1414. Tea-time—Peasants 1409. Modern Icon 1415. Mother and Child 1410. St. Nicholas Sculpture GALLERY TWENTY GLEB W. DERUJINSKY 1426. Mother Earth 1416. Egyptian Slave 1427. Spirit of the Tree SERGEI T. KONENKOV UCR spel sche 1417. Nymph GLEB W. DERUJINSKY 1418. Lili 1429. Leda *1430. Eve ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO 1419. Glorification of Beauty 1431. Leonardo da Vinci 1420. Meditation ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO 1421. Symmetric Torso 1432. Torso 1422. Spring Torso 1433. Head 1434. Portrait—Head SERGEI T. KONENKOV 1423. Christ—A Head Ti Soe Eid Rese 1424. Head of a Child SERGEI T. KONENKOV 1425. Firebird *1436. Weeping Willow GALLERY TWENTY-ONE SERGEI T. KONENKOV SERGEI T. KONENKOV 1437. Babushka 1448. Stenka Razin (Robin Hood of 1438. Wandering Musician Russia) 1439. Volga Boatman 1449. End of a Song 1440. Spirit of the Forest ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO GLEB W. DERUJINSKY 1450. Woman Standing 1451. Promenade 1441. Angel of Sorrow 1452. Two Women ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO 1453. Woman Bending 1442. Woman Turning © 1454. Kneeling 1443. Two Souls GLEB W. DERUJINSKY 1455. Leaping Deer SERGEI T. KONENKOV TA56N Danae 1444. Paganini 1445. Tolstoy at Eighty-two ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO 1446. Dostoyevski in Chains 1457. Rape 1458. The Pearl ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO 1459. Angelica 1447. Onward 1460. Last Moment of Pompeii 90 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS GERMAN SECTION Modern Paintings GALLERY TWENTY-TWO FRITZ STUCKENBERG 1461. In the Park ~ MUNTER KANDINSKY 1462. Clearing after Storm DREXEL 1463. The Garden HEINRICH VOGELER 1464. The Invalid 1465. His Children DORA BROMBERGER 1466. Autumn Chilliness PAUL KLEE 1467. Flower Family 1468. Water Color Sketch to M. A. 1469. Messenger of Autumn 1470. Autumn Flowers 1471. Red and Green Steps 1472. The King of All Insects FRANZ MARC 1473. The Dream PAUL KLEE 1474. Ground Festivity 1475. Architecture in Green 1476. Collection of Urns 1477. Ripening Growth 1478. Good Fishing Place 1479. Soft Blown Garden DORA BROMBERGER 1480. Village Street HEINRICH VOGELER 1481. Island of Peace KARL MENSE 1482. Die Wupper HEINRICH VOEGLER 1483. Kremlin, Moscow 1484. A Vision GEORG MUCHE 1485. Composition No. 1 JOHANN MOLZAHN 1486. Other Stations 1487. Curving Machine 1488. It Happened ARNOLD TOPP 1489. Self Portrait JOHANN MOLZAHN 1490. Journey’s End FRITZ STUCKENBERG 1491. Composition GEORG MUCHE 1492. Composition No. 2 BORTWYCK 1493. Train Leaving Tunnel HEINRICH CAMPENDONK 1494. The Rider 1495. Village Scene 1496. Pastoral Scene 1497. The Yellow Cat 1498. Breakfast 1499. Rest 1500. The Village Street 1501. The Wood Carver 1502. The Lovers 1503. Pierrot 1504. Evening 1505. Family Promenade MAGNUS ZELLER 1506. Women Working in the Field After the War ADOLF ERBSLOH 1507. Hill MARTEL SCHWICHTENBERG 1508. Flowering Forest Trees HEINRICH NAUEN 1509. The Good Samaritan ADOLF ERBSLOH 1510. The Factory MARTEL SCHWICHTENBERG 1511. Women Before the House ARNOLD TOPP 1512. In the Battle RUDOLPH BAUER 1513. Composition SEIFERT 1514 The Workman mega” FRENCH SECTION FRENCH SECTION Paintings GALLERY TWENTY-SIX ALFRED SISLEY 1515. The Old Path at Bar-a-By CLAUDE MONET 1516. The Nymphs CAMILLE PISSARRO 1517. The Cathedral of Rouen PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR 1518. Melon and Tomatoes ARMAND GUILLAUMIN 1519. Morning, The Pool at Genetin ALBERT ANDRE 1520. Bathing Beneath the Bridge PIERRE AUGUSTE RENOIR 1521. The Seine at Argenteuil 1522. Young Girl Sewing VICTOR CHARRETON 1523. Autumn ALFRED SISLEY 1524. The Loire at Moret, Grey Weather HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR DEGAS 1525. Two Dancing Girls in Green CAMILLE PISSARRO 1526. The Garden of the Tuileries VICTOR CHARRETON 1527. Spring at the Artist’s Home GALLERY TWENTY-SEVEN GEORGES BRAQUE 1528. Blue Plums JACQUES VILLON 1529. Still Life RAOUL DUFY 1530. Vence HENRI MATISSE 1531. The Roses FERNAND LEGER 1532. Two Women with a Bouquet HENRI MATISSE 1533. Girl in a Pink-Striped Dress FERNAND LEGER 1534. Animated Landscape JACQUES VILLON 1535. The Beach MAURICE DENIS 1536. The Black Rock ODILON REDON 1537. Flowers GEORGES BRAQUE 1538. Anemones MAURICE DENIS 1539. The Kids RAOUL DUFY 1540. Market Women PIERRE LAPRADE 1541. Women in White MARY CASSATT 1542. The Reading Lesson PIERRE LAPRADE 1543. Statue at Langaran ODILON REDON 1544. The Flight Sculpture DEGAS 1790. Horse Rearing 1791. Spanish Dancer 1792. The Right Heel 1793. Horse Jumping 1794. La Masseuse 1795. The Tub 1796. The Sponge Bath 1797. After the Bath 91 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS RODIN MUSEUM JULES E. MASTBAUM FOUNDATION GALLERY TWENTY-FIVE AUGUSTE RODIN 1651. 1652. 1653. 1655, 1657. 1658. 1659. 1661. 1662. 1663. 1664. 1666. 1667. 1669. 1670. 1672. 1673. 1674. 1675. 1676. 1677. 1678. 1679. 1680. 1681. 1682. 1683. 1684. 1685. 1686. 1687. 1688. 1689. 1690. 1691. 1692. 1693. 1654. 1665. 1668. 1748. 1749. 1656. 1709. 1720. Mask of a Young Woman The Call Mulatto Crying Girl Dishevelled Bellone The Tempest Head of a Lady Adolescent Henry Becque Father Aymard Sada Yako Comtesse de Noailles Severine Study (Polypheme) Headless Woman Bending The Three Graces Georges Clemenceau Modesty Father Aymard Balzac Barbey d’Aurevilly President Sarmiento Roger Marx Head of Balzac Study for The Burghers of Calais Madam Morla Vicunha Springtime Pope Benoit XV Head of St. John The Baptist on Tray . Study for The Burghers of Calais Bronzes 1696. Mahler 1697. I Am Beautiful 1698. Puvis de Chavannes 1699. Crying Girl 1700. Head of a Burgher of Calais 1701. Laughing Boy 1702. Detached Fragments of the Gate 1703. of Hell 1704. 1706. 1707. 1710. 1712. 1713. 1714. L7ts: 1716. Lyi 1718. 1719. 1721; 1726. LI2a 1728. 1729. 1730. 1732; 1733. 17355 1736. 1738: 1739. 1742. 1743. 1744. 1745. 1747. 1755. 1756. 1757. Study for The Burghers of Calais The Man with the Broken Nose William H. Harriman The Kiss The Athlete The Oceanides Jean-Paul Laurens The Age of Brass Study for The Burghers of Calais Study for The Burghers of Calais St. John the Baptist Mask of an Old Man Head of St. John the Baptist The Courtesan Jules Dalou Eternal Youth Alphonse Legros Victor Hugo Spring Bernard Shaw Iris Brother and Sister Mignon (Madam Rodin) The Thinker La Femme Accroupie The Benediction Danaide Mask of a Crying Girl Torso of a Woman Cariatide Meditation Eugene Guillaume The Martyre The Sirens The Defense The Thought At the Seashore Adam—(At front entrance) Eve—(At front entrance) The Shadow (At front entrance) Studies of Hands Study 1750 Study 1751 Study 17s Two Hands 1754. The Cathedral Mythological Faun 1725 Centaur 1740 Faun Kneeling The Secret The Hand of the Devil Hand from the Tomb The Hand of God Nymph on a Rock Bacchus (1705. Eve 1708. Minerva 1758. Painting 1759. Drawing _ AUGUSTE RENOIR «1760. Drawing _ EUGENE CARRIERE — 1761. Lithograph ~ ANDERS ZORN 4 1762. Etching 1711. Nude Woman _ JOHN SINGER SARGENT _ ALBERT ROSENTHAL FRENCH SECTION 93 Marbles 1741. Grief 1746. The Embrasse | Plaster 1671. Headless Woman Bending 1734. Despair 1795. Victor Hugo Glass 1722. Anako 1724. Miss H. 1723. Madam Rodin Porcelain 1660. A Vase of Sevres Drawings 1766 to 1789. Studies of Nudes in Pencil and Watercolors Portraits of Rodin ALPHONSE LEGROS 1763. Etching WILLIAM ROTHENSTEIN 1764. Lithograph A. BESNARD 1765. Print PAUL.PAULIN 1694. Bas-relief 1731. Plaster Bust 1737. Bronze Bust 1752. Bronze Bust of Leonce Benedite, by Paul Paulin 04 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS JUGOSLAV SECTION Paintings GALLERY THIRTY-NINE IVAN KRALJ 1578. The Last Supper 1579. Garden of Gethsemane FRAN KRALJ 1580. Mount Olivet IVAN KRALJ 1581. Revolution FRAN KRALJ 1582. Deposition ZIVORAD NASTASIJEVIC 1583. Woman (Nude) JOZA KLJAKOVIC *1584. Annunciation 1585. Women Knitting FRAN KRALJ 1586. Magdalen VLADIMIR VARLAJ 1587. Mountain of Klek VELJKO STANOJEVIC 1588. Portrait in Green 1589. Girl in Red 1590. Toilette BRANKO POPOVIC 1591. Korcula (Island in Dalmatia) VLADIMIR VARLAJ 1592. The Island Hvar MARIN TARTALJA 1593. Still Life IVAN RADOVIC *1594. Portrait MARIJAN TREPSE *1595. The Working Woman MARIN TARTALJA 1596. Terra-cotta BRANKO POPOVIC 1597. Self Portrait VLADIMIR VARLAJ 1598. In the South VLADIMIR BECIC 1599. Portrait of a Lady VLADIMIR VARLAJ 1600. A Village on the Island Krk VLADIMIR BECIC 1601. Woman in Nature 1602. My Children JEROLIM MISHE 1603. Landscape in Dalmatia ZIVORAD NASTASIJEVIC 1604. Coffee House in Serbia VLADIMIR BECIC 1605. Landscape in Bosnia 1606. Love ZIVORAD NASTASIJEVIC 1607. Street in Belgrade VLADIMIR BECIC 1608. Landscape in Bosnia Sculpture GALLERY TWENTY-NINE FRANO KRSINIC 1609. Plaque IVAN MESTROVIC 1610. Head of the Victor 1611. Pieta 1612. The Maiden of Kossovo 1613. A Girl 1614. Sir John Lavery 1615. The Unhappy Angels 1616. The Widows 1617. Madonna with Angels 1618. Woman’s Head 1619. The Widow 1620. Madonna with Children 1621. My Wife 1622. My Father 1623. Descent from the Cross 1624. The Widow and Child 1625. Christ and Merchants 1626. Study for Vestal Virgin 1627. My Mother GALLERY THIRTY-NINE IVAN MESTROVIC 1628. Christ on the Cross 1629. Distant Chords 1630. Mother and Child FRANO KRSINIC 1631. Spring 1632. Mother’s Love 1633. Melody 1634. Prayer PERSIAN SECTION 95 Drawings GALLERY TWENTY-NINE IVAN MESTROVIC 1643. Indian on Horseback 1635. Ascension of the Virgin 1644. First Lesson 1636. Woman Seated 1645. Sybil 1637. Rape 1646. Sorrow 1638. Two Women after Bath 1647. Memories (In Nude) 1639. Mother and Daughter 1648. Playing Angels 1640. Confession of Magdalen 1649. Secret Whisperings 1641. Sacrifice of Abraham 1650. A Prophet 1642. Sculptor at Work PERSIAN SECTION GALLERY THIRTY-FOUR Rare Rugs, Ceramics, Textiles, Miniatures, and Objects of Art from various periods As all the exhibits in the Persian Gallery are labelled and subject to change from time to time, there is no listing of the separate items in the catalogue. MEDIAEVAL SECTION GALLERIES THIRTY-FIVE AND THIRTY-SIX As all the exhibits in the Gothic and Renaissance Galleries are labelled and subject to change from time to time, there is no listing of the separate items in the catalogue. 96 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS JAPANESE SECTION GALLERIES THIRTY AND THIRTY-EIGHT Paintings HIRAI BAISEN 1800. Storm on a Mountain Range 1801. Storm on a Mountain—Second view These paintings are contem- porary and of the Nanga School, showing the subtle use of tones. NAGATA SHUNSUI 1802. Hollyhocks 1803. Pomegranate—Modern KOBAYASHI KANJI 1804. Peonies—Modern TAKATORI CHISEI 1805. Spring UJISANE 1806. Summer KIKKAWA REIKA 1807. Autumn KOBORI TOMONE 1808. Winter These screens, representing | the twelve months, are loaned by the Imperial Household of Japan. They are modern and representative of the Tosa School. TAKEUCHI SEIHO *1809. Monkeys. Screen 1810. Rabbits. Screen 1811. Mackerel This picture; by one of Japan’s foremost artists, is the result of much painstaking labor. Hundreds of sketches were first made before the art- ist finally selected this one. The picture shows the aim of the Japanese artist to attain a pleasing composition with sim- plicity of line and few colors. NOGUCHI KENJIRO 1812. Springtime in the Uplands This work shows the in- fluence of European art on the art of Japan. Many different colors are used and the color- ing is more intense. KAWAI GYOKUDO *1813. Autumn in the Gorge _ Although done by an emi- nent modern artist, this pic- ture conforms to the classic rules of Japanese art which strives for an effect by vary- ing the intensity of the color and using firm, masterful strokes of the brush. TERASAKI KOGYO 1814. Spring in the Valley 1815. Summer in the Valley . 1816. Fall in the Valley 1817. Winter in the Valley OTSUBO MASAYOSHI 1818. Hand Painted Screen This shows an autumn pic- nic in court life about eight hundred years ago. KANO YEISEN 1819 Lion on Screen. Painted 300 years ago. INEN 1820. Flowers of Japan A screen done by an artist of the Korin School. The Korin School flourished about three hundred years ago and is im- portant because of its influence on Japanese design and decor- ative art. Wood Block Prints TOBARI KOGAN 1821. Shore 1822. Old Bridge 1823. Barnyard 1824. Girl Dressing Her Hair 1825. Mill YAMAMOTO KANAYE 1826. An Immigrant 1827. An Inlet 1828. In Hong Kong HASEGAWA TAKEJIRO 1829. Girl by Window 1830. Ferry 1831. A Fishing Boat JAPANESE SECTION 97 Embroideries NISHIMURA SOZAEMON *1832. Two Cranes on Aged Pine Tree —hand embroidered on silk 1833. Iris—Hand embroidered screen TAKASHIMAYA *1834. Peacocks—hand embroidered screen TANAKA RISHICHI *1835. Carp—hand embroidered screen 1836. Turkeys—hand embroidered screen 1837. Ducks—hand embroidered screen KAWASHIMA JINBEI 1838. Japanese Silk Tapestry Screen Sculpture and Bronzes IWAI MASATOSHI 1839. Wife of the Artist *1840. Lion (In front of building) UNNO SHOMIN 1841. Fumed Silver Figure of a ‘‘No Dancer” with mask and mask box. Loaned by the Imperial Household of Japan. OKABE KAKUYA 1842. Fumed Silver Figure of a “No Dancer.”’ Loaned by the Im- perial Household of Japan. WATANABE NAGAO 1843. Bronze Vase YOSHIDA HOMEI 1844. Wood Carving of a Boy *1845. Wood carving of a Snake Charmer KOMATI OTOJIRO *1846. Damascene Pagoda Jewel Case Cloisonne ANDO JUBEI *1847. Cloisonne Vase 1848. The Rising Sun TAKAHASHI SEIZAN 1850. Vase KORANSHA 1851. Vase OHTA TOSHIRO *1849. Cloisonne Vase Porcelain KOMORI SHINOBU 1852. Vase Lacquer Ware OHGAKI SHOKUN _*1853. Tray made of gold dust lacquer MORI JUNJIRO *1854. Gold Lacquer Jewel Box NIKI SEIHO *1855. Lacquer Box Tortoise Shell Work YEZAKI YEIZO 1856. Box made of tortoise shell dec- orated with raised gold lacquer. Bamboo Work IDZUKA HOSAI 1857. Bamboo Basket—hand woven 1858. Bamboo Basket—hand woven 1859. Bamboo Basket--hand woven GALLERY THIRTY-SEVEN Paintings YAMAMOTO SHUNKYO 1860. Spring 1861. Summer 1862. Fall 1863. Winter KAIGETSUDO JOTAKU 1864. Beauty One of the best examples of the work of the Tosa School. Painted 300 years ago. 98 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS ARTIST UNKNOWN 1865. Wisteria By an unknown artist painted about 400 years ago. ITO JAKUCHU 1866. Carp Painted 300 years ago. BAIOKEN EISHUN 1867. Beauty in Old Costume Painted 150 years ago. FUJIMARO 1868. Beauty Under the Tree Representative of the Ukiyoye School. ARTIST UNKNOWN 1869. Peacock Buddha A symbol of purity, painted by an unknown artist, 600 years ago. KANO HOGAI 1870. ‘‘Fudo’ deity, exterminating evil. Painted 50 years ago. KANO TSUNENOBU 1871. A Warrior in Full Armor Painted 300 years ago. HIROSE TOHO 1872. Ducks Going to the Pond KANO MORIMICHI 1873. Maple Festival Painted 300 years ago. SOGA SHOHAKU 1874. Landscape Painted 300 years ago. HANABUSA ITCHO 1875. Birds and Flowers Painted 200 years ago. MORI IPPO 1876. Plum Blossoms Under the Moon- light—Painted 150 years ago. SOGA CHOKUAN 1877. Bamboo and Eagle Painted 100 years ago. 1878. Pine and Eagle Painted 100 years ago. MIYAGAWA ISSHO 1879. A Picnic Painted 100 years ago. NAKAJIMA RAISHO 1880. Carp Painted 100 years ago. ARAKI KAMPO 1881. Birds Contemporary Painted 50 years ago. Tapestries YAMAGA SEIKA 1882. Tapestry—Turkey 1883. Tapestry—Kwannon, Goddess of Mercy, with the Signs of the Zodiac. BELGIUM SECTION Tapestries GALLERY THIRTY-ONE 1915. The Return of Brisels 1916. Thetas Dipping Achilles in the Styx Two of a group of three Brussels Tapestries of the second half of the 17th century depicting the History of Achil- les. Work attributed to Rubens Armories de Carene. 1917. Fantastic Animals Amid Green Foliage After the Style of the 15th Century. 1918. The Nativity. Executed with metal thread in the style of the 16th century 1919. An Episode in the History of Esther—Brussels Tapestry, early 16th century 1920. Verdure of the Town of Auden- arde—18th century 1921. The Rage of Achilles The third of the group of three Brussels Tapestries de- picting the History of Achilles. Attributed to Rubens Armor- ies de Carene. SPANISH SECTION 99 SPANISH SECTION Paintings GALLERY THIRTY-TWO ENRIQUE SIMONET *1927. The Rustics of Gandia 1922. Judgment of Paris 1929. Portrait of Adelina Del Carril de Guiraldez LOLA pz ra VEGA 1923. Landscape of Cueto 1930. The Moth FRANCISCO LLORENS GONZALO BILBAO 1924. Barns 1926. Gypsy Idyle HERMENEGILDO ANGLADA-CAMARASA GILJI ROIG 1925. Portrait of Marie A. de Gon- 1928. Cornador zalez Garano 1931. Sollera de Mallorca GALLERY THIRTY-THREE JOSE GUTIERREZ SOLANA JUAN CARDONA 1934. A Ship-owner 1946. Carmen ELISEO MEIFREN FRANCISCO LLORENS 1935. Harmony in Pearl 1947. The Chestnut Tree EUGENIO HERMOSO ABELARDO COVARSI 1936. Mary and Michael 1948. Portuguese Corsairs in Extre- ELISEO MEIFREN ee 1937. Harmony in Blue RAMON pz ZUBIAURRE 1938. Pottery Maker JULIO MOISES JOSE BENLLIURE VARA Se 1939. Valencian Peasant DANIEL VASQUEZ DIAZ JOSE RAMON ZARAGOZA 1951. Last of a Bull-fighter *1940. Old Bretons VALENTIN pve ZUBIAURRE FRANCISCO LLORENS 1952, Basque Woman 1941. Sunrise JUAN CARDONA ALEJANDRO ORTIZ ECHAGUE ‘1953. Child with Necklaces *1942. Dutch Women VALENTIN vz ZUBIAURRE RAMON vz ZUBIAURRE 1954. After Mass 1943. Ballad Singer of Toledo 1955. Holiday DANIEL VASQUEZ DIAZ JULIO MOISES 1944. Idols 1956. Gipsy Family VALENTIN pve ZUBIAURRE VALENTIN pve ZUBIAURRE 1945. Mayor of Sepulveda 1957. Basque Woman Sculpture SANTIAGO BONOME MIGUEL BLAY 1960. Mansineiro *1967. Sleeping Child 1961. Antroidos MATEO YNURRIA 1962. Codio ae 1963. Young Men from Rioja 1968. The Grape-vine JOSE CAPUZ JUAN ADSUARA 1969. Madrilena MIGUEL BLAY 1970. The Workers 1964. Charity MATEO YNURRIA 1965. Seaman OSE CAPUZ 1966. Nude 100 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS PRINT SECTION The Print Exhibition is to be changed from time to time. Any print not now on the walls may be seen by applying to the curator Etchings GALLERIES SEVEN AND EIGHT ROSALIND ABRAMSON 2400. The Minstrel Boy 2401. Playmates 2402. Moon-Light Sonata 2403. Pierrette 2404. Margaret 2405. Susan CLIFFORD ADDAMS 2406. Limehouse 2407. After the War-Riot in Parlia- ment Square St. Martins Lane, London Chimney by a Prole Horse Guards Sentry The Trampton Statue of Nurse Cavell Youth and an Old Cottage— Highgate, London Windsor Castle House Party Covent Garden Ball Miss O’Donnell Soho Thames at Waterloo Bridge Thames Bridge At Lessons At Lessons Windsor Castle from Eton College A Squall in the Grand Fleet Windmill Demolition Westminster Soho Alley Charing Cross Bridge Harbor Scene, Venice Venetian Square Farm near Venice Obscure Turning, Venice Wedding Day on the Grand Canal A Cardinal’s Palace, Venice Dreamer by the Thames The Little St. James Palace The ‘‘Tiger’’ in the Studio Waterfront Liverpool—The Little Pool Caprice Emigrants’ Exit High Stoop, Philadelphia Tower of London Lady Painting The Little Thames Dordrecht Gateway The Little Bridge by the Doge’s Palace Charing Cross Bridge Dordrecht, Holland 2408. 2409. 2410. 2411. 2412. 2413. 2414. 2415. 2416. 2417. 2418. 2419. 2420. 2421. 2422. 2423. 24-24. 2425. 2426. 2427. 2428. 2429. 2430. 2431. 2432; 2433. 2434. 2435. 2436. 2437. 2438. 2439. 2440. 2441. 2442. 2443. 2444. 2445. 2446. 2447. 2448. 2449. 2450. 2451, 2452. 2453. Dordrecht Cathedral Dordt Canal Scene Nostum Charing Cross Bridge Venetian Shipping Dressmaker Balcony, Venice 2454. The Ferry at Mazorbo, Venice 2455. Waterloo Place GERTRUDE PARTINGTON ALBRIGHT 2456. San Francisco—To the South 2457. Interlacing Terraces 2458. Telegraph Hill 2459. Chinatown 2460. ‘‘Scarabaeus”’ JAMES E. ALLEN 2461. The Bridge 2462. Old New York ROBERT ARMISTEAD 2463. English Bulls 2464. Conrad 2465. Police Dog JOHN TAYLOR ARMS 2466. ‘‘Nassau Hall’’ 2467. Gateway of ‘‘79” 2468. Cleveland Tower 2469. Blair Arch 2470. The Dean’s House 2471. Place Plumerlau—Tours 2472. Old Couer—Roven 2473. Cobwebs 2474. Roven 2475. A Gable in Thiers 2476. Old Saumur-Houses in the Rue Dacier Forty-Second Street—Night 2478. Golden Galleon 2479. The Dragon Ship PEGGY BACON 2480. Foiled Again 2481. Thin Woman 2482. Belinda 2483. Frenzied Effort 2484. Lady Artist *2485. Auction 2486. Country-Dressmaking — 2487. Bouquet 2488. Hatty 2489. Promenade Dock 2490. Socialist Meetings 2491. John Sloan’s Lecture 2492. Dance at the League 2493. Bellows Class 2494. Teasing the Cat 2495. Parrots 2496. The Elevated 2497. Cashdollar’s 2477. ETCHINGS 101 FRANCES E. BAEHR 2550. Canada Goose 2498. The Rendezvous 2551. Snowy Herons 2499. A Little Mother of the Tene- 2552. Scaling Down ments 2553. Mallard Drake “2500. Ankle-deep 2554. Single Duck 2501. Tete-a-Tete 2555. Goose and Teal 2502. After Playtime 2556. Sheldrake 2503. Slumber Hour 2557. High-Flying Ducks 2504. Pirouette 2558. Herons in a Pine Tree 2505. Barbara 2559. Marshes at Evening 2560. Bound Home LILLAN P. BAIN 2561. Mallards No. 2 2506. Winter I ; 2562. Old Squaws No. 2 2507. Winter II ae Q 2563. The Visitor 2508. Winter III 9 ks j Rai 9509. The Sea 564. Ducks in the Rain 2565. Marsh Gunner DIRK BAKSTEEN 2566. Elizabeth 2510. L’arbre et la Grange 2567. Morning Flight 2511. En Plain Air 2568. Canoeman 2512. Au Bout du Monde 2569. Heron Fishing 2513. Domain du Roi 2570. Going North 2514. La Ferme 2571. Blackbirds and Rushes 2515. Fuite en Egypt II Pet la Widgeon Rising CHARLES W. BARTLETT aaa enue aCe 5 ; 2574. Rippling Water 2516. By the River, India 9875 Supper 2517. The Caravan a ee 2576. Shoveller Drake 2577. Three Yellowlegs 2578. The Resting Place 2518. Reading Holy Scriptures 2519. Taj Mahal, Pearl of the Orient 2520. Son and Heir, China 2521. A Corner of Forbidden City os Nea treet 2522. A Mid-day Meal, Java ; . 2523. Fruit Sellers, Madura Bde re ots Sita : : 2582. Cloudy Down LOREN R. BARTON 2583. Little Bluebills 2524. Old Custom House, San Fran- 2584. Ducks at Play cisco 2585. Herons at Rest 2525. Stevenson House, Monterey 2586. On the Kedgwick 2526. In the French Quarter, New 2587. Yellowlegs Orleans 2588. Redheads 2527. Old Adobe 2589. Deer Hunter 2529. Boats, Gloucester 2590. Geese over a Marsh 2530. Doorway, Chinatown, San 2591. Baldpates Francisco 2592. Flying Brant 2531. Old Warehouses, Portland, Ore. 2593. Alert ie eas THERESA F. BERNSTEIN golly 2594. Portrait 2534. Gypsy eed 2595. European Summer Resort 2535. Doorway, Chinese Quarter 2596. Friends 2536. Estuary, San Francisco 2597. Cabbies 2537. Romany Rosa : 2538. French Market, New Orleans 2598. New England Ladies 2539. Doorway, Monroe House, New RICHARD E. BISHOP York 2599. Morning at Barnegat 2540. Sylvia 2600. Dropping In 2541. Dewey Restaurant 2601. Friend or Enemy 2542. Courtyard, New Orleans 2602. Alone 2543. Eucalyptus Grove 2603. Sunset FRANK W. BENSON 2604. The Wise One 2544. Moonlight 2605. Mallard Jumping 2545. Brown Pelican 2606. Morning Mist 2546. Perching Pelican 2607. Marsh Pond 2547. The River ADOLPHE BLONDHEIM 2548. Second Island Outlet 2608. John Noble 2549. Incoming Geese 2609. Man with a Bottle 102 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS ADOLPHE BLONDHEIM (Ccntinued) 2610. 2611. 2612. 2613. 2614. 2015. 2616. W. 2617. Knotting the quilt Spanish Cathedral, Havana Man from the Prairie The Dutchman Two Old Women Cordes La Florida, Havana BOBETTE The Bather EDWARD BOREIN 2618. 2619. 2620. 2621. 2622. 2623. 2624. 2625: 2626. 2627. 2628. 2629. 2630. 2631. 2632. 2633. 2634. 2630; 2636. 26375 GEORGE 2638. 2639. 2640. 2641. Church at Acoma The Long Throw End of the Race Driving to the Round Up Running Wild Horses The Saddle Bunch Parting a Cow and Calf The Emigrant Train Moving Camp Blackfoot Women Overland Mail Umatella Horse Dance Buckskin and Feathers Arizona Punchers The Canyon of Death Noontime Taos The Oven Taos A Bronk Navajo Visitors Conquestidores Entering Cali- fornia Village of Walpi A. BRADSHAW Stable Yard On the Canal Blacksmith Shop Twilight, Provincetown BENJAMIN C. BROWN 2642. 2643. 2644. 2645. 2646. 2647. 2648. 2649. 2650. 2651. 2652. 2653. GEORGE 2094: 2655. 2656. 2657. 2658. 2659. 2660. The Hill Road. Morning Light—High Sierras A Winter Morning—Silver Lake High Sierras, California In the Depths—Grand Canyon In Palm Springs, California Palm Canyon, California Roman Aqueduct, Italy Grand Canyon—Sunset San Gabriel Bells Venice Southwest Museum, Los Angeles Outward Bound ELBERT BURR Arizona Clouds Old Cedars and Spanish Peaks High Street, Oxford From the Little Canyon Sheep—New Mexico A Shower—Mojave Desert In the Painted Desert Evening PAUL CADMUS 2661. 2662. 2663. 2664. 2665. 2666. 2667. 2668. 2669. 2670. 2671. 2672. 2673. 2674. Z0TD: 2676. 2677. 2678. Sarah Marath Profile Fidelma Clothes Lines Roof Tops Water Front, Edgartown Old Doorway, Edgartown Back Yards Aeida Benvenuti Pat Ford Martha Robert de Postels Reclining Nude Kramer Old Man—Reading Zola Mrs. Fischer Seated Nude TERESA CERUTTISIMMONS 2679. 2680. 2681. 2682. 2683. 2684. 2685. The Dance of Semele Priestess of Osiris The Dance of Isis Pierrot’s Phantasta Pierrot, the Curtain Call Elegiac Salome, Dance of Shadows GABRIELE CLEMENTS 2686. 2687. 2688. 2689. 2690. 2691. 2692. 2693. 2694. The Battle Monument, Balti- more Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore Rockport Quarry in 1884 The Way of St. Francis, Charties Church and Castle, Mt. St. Michel Up the Steps, Mt. St. Michel The Return, Gloucester Bell Tower, Taormina Inauguration Parade ELIZABETH COLWELL 2695. 2696. Little Farm at Monomet An Old Man Reading MILDRED M. COUGHLIN 2697. 2698. 2699. 2700. 2701. 2702. 2703. 2704. 27055 2706. 2707. 2708. 2709. 2710. 27113 2712. PACS Corner of Christopher and Bleeker St., N. Y. C. La Boulangerie La Maison Bleue Une Vieille Maison de Mont- martre Paysage de Bretagne Tosselin, Bretogne La Cour du Dragon March rue Beaubourg Old Thomas House, Rye, England La Rue Etuves de St. Martin Dans I’Ombre Les Gargouilles de St. Severin The House of Seven Gables The Metropolitan Tower, N. Y. Madison Square Garden The Coolidge Homestead, Ply- mouth, Vt. Old Houses, Philadelphia ETCHINGS 103 ene ge a SR MARY J. COULTER AK PEUREB.-DA VIES 2714. Old Mission Bell and Stairway 2772. Autumn 2715. The Barred Window, San Fern- 2773. Fountain of Youth ando Mission 2716. Old Carmel Mission WARREN DAVIS 2717. Cesco’s Inn, Provincetown 2774. Glory of the Dance 2718. A Philosopher 2775. Butterfly 2719. La Danseuse Pavlowa 2776. The Trio 2720. Awaiting Repairs 2777. Flight of the Sylphs 2721. The Crooked Street 2722. Old Burial Ground ee Se eat aaa 2723. The House by the Road : | 2724. Landscape FREDERICK K. DETWILLER 2725. Beached Boats 2779. The Arno, Florence 2726. Street in Provincetown 2780. Via Ginocappon 2727. Old Fish House : 2781. Down the Delaware 2728. Telegraph Hill, San Francisco 2782. Building the Nave, Cathedral of OR RS Ee St. John the Divine, N. Y. C. 2730. Drying Nets) ~ 2783. Wooden Ship Yard, War Series ARTHUR COVEY 2784. Framing Up 2731. Building the Cathedral 2785. The Bows 2732. The Great Wheel, So. Troy, N.Y. 2786. The Sterns 2733. Harbor Cove, Gloucester 2787. The Derrick 2734. Steel Workers 2788. Launching the Berea 2789. Fitting Out and Camouflage CHARLES W. DAHLGREEN 2790. Notre Dame, Paris 2735. Winter 2736. Chicago River BLANCHE DILLAYE 273 (e011 the: Pimes 2791. Low Tide on a Dutch River 2738. Down to the Valley 2792. A Narrow Way 2739. The Spirit of Brown Co. 2793. Fishing Weirs, Bay of Fundy 2740. Winter in the Woods 2794. A Dutch Water Way 2741. The Five Elms 2795. Leaning Houses, Dordrecht 2742. On the Summit 2796. On Little Egg-Harbor Bay 2743. Evening Clouds 2797. In the Fields, Papendrecht 2744. Heatherlands 2798. The Last Cargo 2745. Memories 2799. Off of Sour le Cape 2746. Glacier Point 2800. Wortous Slip 2747. Big Pines 2801. A Mob of Houses 2748. February 2802. Lights of Venice 2749. Budding Time 2803. Road to Nanepashemet 2750. On a Mountain Road 2804. An Upland Path 2751. Old Sycamore 2752. Near the Grand Canyon HAROLD L. DOOLITTLE _ 2753. Skating 2805. El Capitan Yosemite 2754. Spring 2806. Ventora Mission—Evening CLEON DAMIANAKES Bo ee a 2755. Old House in Brittany WILLIAM H. DRURY 2756. Impromptu rm 2808. The Skipper 2757. Ballet 2809. A Swordfisher 2758. Street in Brittany 2810. The Mackerel Net 2759. Fruit Bearers 2811. Bum Boats, Haiti 2760. Pastoral 2812. East Wind 2761. The Hill Lop 2813. The Lookout 2762. Scherzo 2814. The Sun Track 2763. The Fountain 2815. San Juan Stevedore 2764. The Creek 2816. Steering 2765. Nocturne 2817. Outward Bound 2766. Allegretto 2818. Thunder Squall 2767. The Legend 2819. Blue Beard’s Castle 2768. Boudoir 2820. End of Day 2769. The Archer 2821. On the Georges Bank, 1918 2770. Moths 2822.59. bo So, 1918 2771. Sunset 2823. Dawn — 104 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS JeReK? DUFE 2824. The River Blythe 2825. The South Downs Shade 2826. Feeding Sheep 2827. Looking them Over 2828. Shearing in Kent 2829. The Oak and the Ash LINWOOD EASTON 2831. Old Houses, Lincolnville 2832. Back of the Village 2833. Quarry 2834. Lincolnville 2835. Biddeford Pool 2836. The Lumber Ship 2837. Gus’ Boat KERR EBY 2838. Rough Going 2839. Artillery Train 2840. Sand & Sand 2841. The Whales Back 2842. Porthleven JOHN SHENTON ELAND 2843. Nocturns 2844. The Bather 2845. S. Rondont Ferry, Kingston, N. Y. 2846. Eva 2847. Reflections ELIZABETH ENGELHARD 2848. The Elephant 2849. The Play Box 2850. Summer 2851. Ships AGNES B. FERNBACH 2852. Oldest House, Sconset 2853. Macy House, Nantucket A. HUGH FISHER 2854. Roman Amphitheatre, Nimes 2855. Roman London A. D. 400, an Imaginary View 2856. Fountain Garden, Nimes 2857. Giotto’s Campanik, Florence 2858. Grosse Horloge, Rouen 2859. St. Germain L’Auxerrois, Paris 2860. Le Pont des Arts, Paris 2861. Westminster Abbey, theEast End EUGENE C. FITSCH 2863. Plowing Oxen 2864. Hill Dwellers 2865. Old Lady 2866. In Jersey Trees 2867. The Poet 2868. 23rd Street in Winter 2869. Corner 49th & 5th Ave. 2870. The Little Bridge 2871. The Ferry 2872. Nude 2873. A Summer Day 2874. The Riveter 2875. Excavation in N. Y. 2876. Rehearsal EMIL FUCHS PH oe bt fe 2878. 2879. 2880. 2881. 2882. 2883. 2884. 2885. 2886. 2887. 2888. 2889. 2890. 2891. 2892. 2893. 2894. 2895. 2896. 2897. 2898. 2899. 2900. Harvey W. Corbett Charles W. Leavitt Modern June Grief Nude, Standing Three Brothers Edgar Allan Poe Mrs. Henry C. Cushing, 3rd Summertime Sarabande Reclining Nude Screamer Homeward Hudson Maxin Convex Mirror Ecstasy Philomena In the Clearing Confidences Mother and Child Semone d’Herlys Cecilia Duczi Mollie Roshanara SEARS GALLAGHER 2901. 2902. 2903. 2904. 2905. 2906. 2907. 2908. 2909. 2910. 2911. 2912. 2913. 2914. 2915. 2916. 2917. 2918. Brooklyn Bridge Old and New Boston Old State House, Boston St. Paul’s Cathedral Maine Coast Pickerel Pond Coast of Mon Legen. Longfellow’s Wayside Inn The West Wind Sea Shells Spruces Old Timer The Goose House Fish House Loft The Marsh ‘Village Censor Mr. Perkins Toil DANIEL GARBER 2919. 2920. 2921. 2922. 2923. 2924. 2925. 2926. 2927. 2928. Lambertville Holcombs’ Mill The Heron From Copper Nose Hill Harmonville French Horses Primrose Farm Land Wharf Tohickon Girl with Shawl EUGENIE GLAMAN 2929. 2930. The Rest Hour Rabbits CHARLES K. GLEESON 2931. 2932. 2933. St. Manzarares Portals, Jalapa A View of Jalapa ETCHINGS CHARLES K. GLEESON (Continued) 2934. 2935. 2936. 2937. 2938. 2939. 2940. 2941. 2942. 2943. 2944. 2945. 2946. 2947. 2948. 2949. 2950. 2951. 2952; 2953. 2954. 2955. 2956. 2957. 2958. 2959. 2960. 2961. 2962. 2963. 2964. 2965. 2966. 2967. 2968. 2969. Doorway, Mexico City Houses and Things Balconies Street, Cuernavaca Doorway, Pueblo Portals, Cordoba Under a Eucalyptus Edge of Town Cathedral Doorway, Cucr- navaca Laurel Tree Rio del Mendecanti Spanish Doorway Cathedral Spires, Burgos Homes of the Lowly Plateresque Doorway Ahlambra Alcantara, Toledo Fifteen Houses Near St. Etienne du Mont Tavern of Seven Trees Les Carriers, Paris A Wine Cart La Cite, Paris Port St. Nicolas St. Eustache, Paris Quai Casimir Delarigne Loure, Paris St. Sulpide Captive Slave Port des Ormes Noon Hour Quai Aux Fleurs Marche St. Germain Life on the Seine Marche des Carmes Building the Schooner ANNE GOLDTHWAITE 2970. 2971. 2972. 2973. 2974. 2975. 2976. 2977. 2978. 2979. 2980. 2981. 2982. 2983. 2984. 2985. 2986. 2987. 2988. Saturday Boquehomo The Kiss Head Rev. Dr. Joseph Barry Negro Women at a Fountain Calf Paris in the Rain At Montmartre Polo St. Thomas, N. Y. Victoria (Standing) Victoria (Seated) Carnival Fig Tree Cock Fight October Moment Musical I Moment Musical II GORDON GRANT 2989. 2990. 2991. A Beam Wind The Whaler Before the Wind 105 LOUIS O. GRIFFITH 2992. 2993. 2994. 2995. 2996. 2997. 2998. 2999. 3001. 3002. 3003. BREE: 3004 3005 3006 Rainy Day Monkey Wrench Cafe Rainy Day A City of Granite Street Gossip Charcoal Schooners, New Orleans Banana Toters Gen. Beauregard Mme. Begues, New Orleans Old Spanish Court Passing of the Slave Market HAINES . Golden Autumn . Birches—Lake Kushog . The Village ELLENeDAY. HALE 3007. 3008. 3009. 3010. 3011. 3012. Porte St. Guillaume, Chartres Street, Mont St. Michel San Diego Mission, California Santa Barbara Mission Street, Palermo Girl in Cap WALTER HALE 3013. 3014. 3015. 3016. S017; 3018. 3019. 3020. 3021. 3022. 3023. 3024. 3025. 3026. Luceram River at Auxerre Waterway in Padua The Generalife Vicenza, Italy Cathedral Door Flatiron Building, N. Y. Piazza Della Erbe, Verona Merton College, Oxford Castle of Turegano Monte Carlo Road Through Qutun Valmarana, Italy Shipyard on the Brenta FREDERICK G. HALL *3027. 3028. 3029. 3030. 3031. 3032. 3033. 3034. 3035. 3036. KLEBER 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 Maison des Ambassadeurs Little French Market House in Oleron House in Vicenza Hotel Moret Old Houses on the Tiber Maison des Cariatides Eglise de St. Nicholas du Chardomet Ancient Doorway, Nevers House in Nantes HALL we yerry. . Hermit of Chester . Billie . Crossing the Bridge » Jazz MARTIN HARDIE 3042 3043 . The Sleeping Ferry . The Incoming Tide 3044. A Dorset Village 3045 . The East Coast 106 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS GEORGE POP] HART 3046. 3047. 3048. 3049. 3050. 3051. 3052. 3053. 3054. 3055. 3056. 3057. 3058. 3059. 3060. 3061. 3062. 3063. Matinee Dance of the Enteurs Jersey Hills Concert Soloist Working People Native Baptism Tahiti Wash Women Boats and Natives Market Stand, Santo Dom Broadcasting Station Boys and Donkeys Market Plaza, Mexico Happy Days Excursion Boat The Hostess Landscape, Santo Dom Bathers Bathing Beach ERNEST HASKELL 3064. 3065. 3066. 3067. 3068. 3069. 3070. S071; 3072. SUL a 3074. 3075. SOLO: 3077. 3078. 3079. 3080. 3081. 3082. 3083. 3084. 3085. 3086. 3087. 3088. 3089. 3090. 3091. 3092. Alna Willows The Snow Farm Crystal Morning Rythm of the Cypress Mirror of the Goddess Amelia Drying the Net The Bowdoin The Idle Cove Tidal Pathway Oak and the Abode Mission Harvest The Portal, San Juan Batiste The Castro House Wildcat Canyon Black Spruce Stevenson’s House, Monterey Cemetery Live Oak Sand Buried Pines, Monterey Boubier’s Field The Shipbuilding Thunder Clouds River Sanctuary Ghost Cypress Head of the Ostrich The Pennant The Barn Torse of the Witch Baby Sequoia CHILDE HASSAM 3093. 3094. 3095. 3096. 3097. 3098. 3099. 3100. 3101. 3102. 3103. Easthampton Elms in May The Viaduct, West 138th St. Mount Vernon A Live Oak Growing in the South The Old Fort St. Augustine Old Slave Market, St. Augustine Place de la Constitution St. Philips, Charleston Spring, Charleston St. Michaels, Charleston The White House, Washington 3104. 3105. 3106. SLOT: 3108. 3109. 3110. oii1i% 3112. 3113. 3114. SLD: 3116. 3117. 3118. 3119. 32120. 3121; 3122. 3123. 3124. S120 31262 312% 3128. 3129. 3130. 3131. The Washington Elms, April St. Johns, Washington An Easthampton Idyl. Vermont Village Colonial Church, Gloucester Napeague Beach The Hay Barn New York and the Hudson Chimneys, Portsmouth Palmers Dock The Dutch Door Old Lace Toys, Cos Cob INDEX TO ARTISTS The numbers refer to the gallery in which the work of the artist is shown. Abramson, Rosalind—7, 8 Adam, Wilbur G.—14-42 Adams, Jean Crawford—42 Adams, Katherine Langhorne—41 Adams, Kenneth M.—23 Adams, Wayman—45 Addams, Clifford—7-8-10-11-19 Adsuara, J.—33 Aitken, Robert—48 Albert, Ernest—1-16 Albright, Gertrude Partington— 7-8 Bachiacca, Francesco—36 Bacon, Peggy—7-8 Baehr, Frances E.—7-8 Bailey, Vernon Howe—13 Bain, Lilian P.—7-8 Bains, Ethel Betts—46 Baisen, Hiari,—30 Baker, Burtis—17-43-48 Bakos, Josef G.—24 Baksteen, Dirk—7-8 Balcom, Lowell L.—9 Bartlett, Charles W.—8-9 Barton, Loren R.—7-8 Bateman, John—O Bates, Consuelo E.—16 Bauer, Rudolph—22 Baumann, Gustave—9-43 Baxter, Martha Wheeler—12 Beach, Chester—O Beauley, William Jean—14-15 Becic, Vladimir—39 Beck, Walter—10 Beckington, Alice—12 Belcher, Hilda—10-41 Bellows, George—1-13 Benson, Frank W.—7-10-14 Bentluire, G.—33 Cabaniss, Lila M.—10 Cadmus, Paul—7-8 Calder, A. Stirling—2-O Campendonk, Heinrich—22 Capuz, J.—33 Cardona, J.—33 Carew, Bertha—12 Carlsen, Dines—19-46 Carlsen, Emil—1 Carlson, John F.—4-42-45 Carmichael, Frank—28 Carroll, John—42 Cartotto, Ercole—43 Cassatt, Mary—27 Casson, A. J.—9-28 Casterton, Eda Memoede—12 Cerutti-Simmons, Teresa—7-8 Chagall, Marc—21 Champlain, Duane—15 Dabo, Leon—17 Dahlgreen, Charles W.—6-7-8 Damianakes, Cleo—7-8-9 Daniel, Lewis-——9 Dasburg, Andrew—23-24 D’ Ascenzo, Nicola—10-23 Davey, Randall—2-12-17 Davidson, Jo.—19-13 Davies, Arthur B.—2-7-9-13 Davis, Cecil Clark—19-46 Davis, Charles H.—14-41-42 Davis, Warren—7-8 Dawson, George Walter—10 Dean, J. Ernest—9 Dean, Grace Rhodes—7-8-9 DeBologne. Jean—36 Degas—26-27 A Aldrich, G. Ames—16 Allen, Chas. Curtis—11 Allen, James E.—7-8 Anderson, Karl—6-43 Ando, Jubei—30-38 Andre—26 Andrade, May Fratz—40 Angarola, Anthony—24 Anglada- Camarasa, H.—32 Anisfeld, Boris—20 Annisman, C. Jacques—19 Anshutz, Thomas P.—18 B Berge, Edward—4-9-14-47-O Berman, Harry G.—45 Berninghaus, Oscar E.—2 Bernstein, Theresa F.—3-8-15- 24-48 Biddle, George—24 Bilbao, Gonzalo—32 Bishop, Richard E.—7-8 Bissell, Paul—9-13 Bittinger, Charles—3-16 Blaney, Dwight—6-11 Blay, Miquel—33 Blondheim, Adolphe—7-8 Blumenschein, Ernest L.—2-15- 44-48 Bobbette, W.—8-9 Bobritsky, Vladimir—21 Boericke, Johanna M.—12 Bohm, Max—5-44 Bonsall, Mary W.—12 Borein, Edward—7-8 Borie, Adolphe—15 Borome, $.—33 Bortwyck—22 Bosley, Frederick A.—44 Botke, Jessie Arms—45 Bouche, Louis—24 & Chanler, Robert W.—10 Chapman, Charles S.—46 Charreton, Victor—29 Chase, William M.—3-14-44 Chernoff, Vladimir—20 Cherry, Kathryn E.—16 Chisei, Takatori—38 Chokuwan, Soga—37 Ciampaglia, Carlo—6 Cickowsky, Nickolai—21 Cimiotti, Gustave—4 Clark, Alson S.—17 Clarke, John L.—28 Claus, May Austin—12 Clay, Mary F. R.—40-46 Clements, Gabrielle deV.—7-8 Coats, Randolph LaSalle—42 Cochrane, Constance—43 Cohen, Nessa—11 D Dehn, Adolph—13 De La Vega S.—33 DeZubiaurre, Ramon-—33 DeZubiaurre, Valentin—33 Demuth, Charles—10 Denis, Maurice—27 Derujinsky, Gleb W.—7-8-9 Desch, Frank H.—4-17 Detwiller, Frederick—7-8 Dickinson, Preston—10-24 Dickinson, Si:diey E.—1 Diederich, Hunt—23 Duz, D. Veisques—33 Dillaye, Blanche—7-8 Dodge, W. de Leftwich— Lobby-4 Dodge, Sarah R.—43 O indicates sculpture exhibited outdoors. Applegate, Frank G.—10 Aretino, Spinelli—35 Archipenko, Alexander—20-21 Archambault, A. Margaretta—12 Armistead, Robert—7-8 Arms, John Taylor—7-8 Awa-Tsireh—11 Ayer, Mary Lewis—41 Aylward, W. J.—12 Bouts, Albert—35 Bouts, Kirk—35 Boyd, Fiske—23 Bradshaw, George A.—7-8 Braque, Georges—27 Braught, Ross E.—45 Breckenridge, Hugh H.—17 Bredin, R. Sloan—14 Bromberger, Dora—22 Brook, Alexander—24 Brooks, Cora S.—43 Brown, Charlotte Harding—12 Brown, Benjamin C.—7-8 Brown, Harold Haven—9 Brown, Pamela Vinton—12 Brown, Roy—11 Brownell, Matilda—6 Bryant, Everett Lloyd—3-45 Bryant, Maude Drein—3-16-45 Budworth, Will—11 Buehr, Karl A. —43 Buller, Cecil—9 Burluik, David—21 Burnside, Cameron—40 Burr, George Elbert—7-8 Bush, Ella Shepard—12 Butler, Mary—40-46 Collver, Ethel Blanchard—16 Colwell, Elizabeth—7-8-9 Conkling, Mabel—O Conner, John R.—14-45-46 Coolidge, Rosamond—4 Cooper, Colin Campbell—17-43 Coppini, Pompeo—O Corarsi, A.— 33 Costigan, John E.—46 Coughlin, Mildred M.—7-8 Coulter, Mary J.—7-8 Couse, E. Irving—6-40-41 Covey, Arthur—7-8 Cowles, Russell—1 Coyne, Elizabeth K.—4 Crimi, Alfred—12 Curtis, Constance—16 Cutler, Carl Gordon—10 Doolittle, Harold L.—7-8 Dreier, Dorotha—24 Dreier, Katherine S.—24 Drexel—22 Drury, William H.—7-8 DuBois, Guy Pene—23 Duff, J. R. K.—7-8 Duer, Douglas—17 Dufner, Edward—17 Dufy, Raoul—27 Dull, John J.—10 DuMond, Frank V.—6-43 Dunn, Charles A. R.—7-8 Dunton, W. Herbert—15-45 Durkee, Helen W.—12 INDEX TO ARTISTS Eakins, Thomas—18 Easton, Linwood—7-8 Eberle, Abastena St. Leger—10 Eby, Kerr—8 Echague, Alejandro Ortiz—33 Farley, Richard Blossom—16 Faulkner, Barry—Lobby Farndon, Walter—6-45 Fassett, Truman E.—17 Fechin, Nicolai—20 Feldman, Conan—20 Fenton, Beatrice—4-O Ferguson, Nancy Maybin—47 Fernbach, Agnes B.—7-8-41 Gagnon, C. A.—28 Gallagher, Sears—7-8-10 Garber, Daniel—2-7-8-19-44 Gaspard, Leon—15 Gibbs, George—4-6 Gilchrist, W. W., Jr.—1-19-41 Giles, Howard—4-6-16-45 Gill, Paul L.—11 Gilliam, Margaret H.—10 Girdlams da Santa Croce—36 Hailman, Johanna K. Woodwell— 3-10-42 Haines, Fred—7-8 Hale, Ellen Day—7-8 Hale, Lillian Westcott—42 Hale, Philip L.—4-6-44 Hale, Walter—7-8 Hall, Frederick G.—7-8-16 Hall, Kleber—7-8 Hallstahammar, Carl—9 Hamilton, Wilbur D.—41 Hardie, Martin—7-8 Harding, George—6-42 Harer, Frederick W.—10 Harris, Alexandrina R.—12 Harris, Lawren—28 Hart, George ‘‘Pop’’—7-8-13 Harvey, Eli—18 Hasegawa, T.—38 Haskell, Ernest—7 Hassam, Childe—2-7-44 Icho, Hanabusa—37 lida, Shinshichi—38 Inen—38 Jackson, Annie Hudbert—12 Jackson, A. Y.—28 Jacques, Bertha E.—7-8 James, Alexander R.—46 Kabotie, Fred—11 Kakuya, Okabe—38 Kamp, H. Glinten—9 Kampo, Araki—37 Kandinksy, Munter—22 Kandinsky, Vasili—21 Kanji, Kobayashi—38 Kaula, Lee Lufkin—47 Keeler, Charles B.—7-8 Kendall, Sergeant—2-41 Kenjiro, Noguchi—38 Kent, Rockwell—9 Keyser, Ernest Wise—O Kimball, Katherine—7-8 Ladd, Anna C.—O-1 Laessler, Albert—44 Lahy, Richard—7-8 E Eishun—37 Eland, John Shenton—8-12 Emerson, Edith—15-19 Engelhard, Elizabeth—7-8 Ennis, George P.—41 F Ferryman, F. Revesz—9 Fisher, A. Hugh—7-8 Fiske, Gertrude—17-19-44 Fitsch, Eugene C.—7-8-13 Flanagan, John—6 Folinsbee, John F.—1-14-16 Forrest, William O’Fallon—4 Foote, Mary—45 Foote, Will Howe—2-16-42 G Glackens, William—24 Glaman, Eugenie—7-8 Gleeson, Charles K.—7-8 Goldthwaite, Anne—7-8 Goltz, Walter—40 Goodelman, Aaron—14-18 Gossart, Jean—35 Gotthold, Florence W.—14-47 Grabach, John R.—14-48 H Hawley, Margaret Foote—12 Hawthorne, Charles W.—1-5 Hazelton, Mary Brewster—17-40 Heber, Carl Augustus—O Heil, Charles E.—7-8 Heintzelman, Arthur William—7 Heinze, Adolph—43 Helck, C. Peter—10 Heldner, Knute—19 Hempstead, Joseph L.—7-8 Hendrickson, David—7-8 Hennings, E. Martin—42 Henri, Robert—2 Hergesheimer, E. Sophonisba—48 Hermose, E.—33 Heuermann, Magda—12 Hewitt, Edward Shepard—7-8 Hibbard, Aldro T.—40 Higgins, Eugene—1-6-7-14-15 Higgins, Victor—18-48 Hoffman, Malvina—O I Ingerle, Rudolph F.—16 Ippo, Mori—37 Ipsen, Ernest L.—3-45 Jakuchu, Ito—37 Jewett, Maude S.—O Johansen, John C.—15-43 Johnson, Belle—10 K Kinney, Troy—7-8 King, Paul—16 King, Virginia Morris—46 King, Wyncie—12 Kissel, Eleonora—7-8 Klee, Paul—22 Kljakovic, Joza—39 Kloss, Gene—7-8 Knath, Karl—24 Knowles, Elizabeth A. McG.—12 Koen, Irma Rene—10 Koenig, Nitzsch, Elsa—41 Kogan, Tobari—38 L Lane, Katherine W.—41 Laprade, Pierre—27 Lathrop, William—2 Erbsloh, Adolf—22 Esherick, Wharton H.—9 Eyre, Louisa—12 Frechette, Marie M.—12 Friedlander, Leo—13 Frieseke, Frederick Carl—2-14-40 Frishmuth, Harriet W.—L-O Fromkes, Maurice—3-4-16-17-45 Fry, Sherry—O Fuchs, Emi!—8 Fujimaro—37 Fullerton, Robert D.—5 Grafly, Charles—1 Grandin, Elizabeth—3 Grant, Gordon—7-8 Graves, Abbott—4-17-45 Griffin, Walter—1-2-41-47 Griffith, Louis—8 Grigoriev, Boris—20 Guillaumin, Armand—26 Guinzburg, Frederic V.—7-10-14 Gyokudo, Kawai—30 Hoftrup, J. Lars—11 Hogai, Kano—37 Holgate, E.—28 Homei, Yoshida—30-38 Honori, Paul—9 Hopkinson, Charles $.—44 Hornby, Lester G.—7-8 Hosai, Idzuka—30-38 Hosford, H. Lindley—7-8 Houdon, Jean Antoine—Lobby Hourlhurst, Annie—12 Housser, Bess—28 Howard, Clara F.—12 _ Howell, Felicie Waldo—41 Howland, Edith—10-47 Hubbard, Hesketh—7-8-9 Hubbell, Henry Salem—5 Hudson, Eric—1-15-19-48 Hunt, C. D. V.—O Hurley, Edward Timothy-—7-8 Hutty, Alfred—7 Irvine, Wilson—3 Isho, Miyagawa—37 Iwai, Masatoshi—30-O Johnson, Clarence R.—41-46 Johnson, Grace Mott—46 Jonson, Raymond—24 Juszko, Jeno—15 Kogyo, Tereasaki—30 Komai, Otojiro—38 Konenkov, S. T.—20 Kosenko, Vera de—9 Kralj, Fran—39 Kralj, Ivan—39 Krafft, Carl R.—43 Krehbiel, Albert H.—23 Krizman, Tomislav—7-8-13 Kroll, Leon—1-43 Krsinic, Frano—29-39 Kuhbriel, Albert—23 Kuniyoshi, Yasuo—12-24 Kurtz, Benjamin—47 Lauber, Joseph—7-8-13 Laughlin, Alice D.—9 Laurencin, Marie—27 Lauritz, Paul—19 Lavalle, John—46 Lawless, Carl—4-47 Lawson, Ernest—5-23-43 Leith-Ross, Harry—40 Leger, Fernand—27 Lentilli, Leo—O-3 Lever, Hayley—2-11-23 Levitt, Joel J.— 42-43 Levy, Beatrice $.—7-8 MacCarter, Henry—2 - MacDermott, Stewart S.—7-8 MacEwen, Walter—3 Mackall, R. McGill—14-16 MacLane, Jean—15-43 MacLaughlin, D. Shaw—7-8 MacKnight, Dodge—10 Macsoud, N. S.—12 Maesta, Isola—35 Major, Ernest L.—4 Mallison, Euphame Clason—11 Malyerich, Casimir—21 Manchester, Emily Burling Waite Manievich, Abraham—20 Manship, Paul—45-Lobby Manuel, Margaret—7-8 Marc, Franz—22 Margulies, Joseph—7-8-13 Marks, Stella Lewis—12 Martel, Paul—6-40 Martinet, Marjorie D.—4 Martinez, R.—11 Martino, Antonio P.—48 Massayoshi, Otsubo—30 Masatoshi, Iwai—30 Nash, Willard—5-24 Nason, Gertrude—6 Nastosyeric, Zivarad—39 Nauen, Heinrich—22 Neilson, Raymond P. R.—44 Nelson, George Lawrence—17 Oakley, Thornton—12 Oakley, Violet—-12-15-19 Oberteuffer, George—4-6 Pach, Walter—23 Paeff, Bashka—2 Page, Marie Danforth—40-48 Palmer, Pauline—6-17 Pancoast, Henry Boller, Jr.—5-45 Pancoast, Morris Hall—15-19 Parke, Jessie Burns—5 Parsons, Sheldon—41 Partalya, Maxin—39 Partridge, Roi—7-8 Patterson, Margaret—10 Patterson, Rebecca B. Peale—12 Paulin, Paul—25 Paxton, Elizabeth—40 Paxton, William M.—17-44 Quinlan, Will J.—7-8 Raditz, Lazar—3-6 Radovic, Ivan—39 Raisho—37 Ranaldictus of Spoleto—35 Rannus, Waoldemar—19 Raskin, Saul—8-10 Redfield, Edward W.—1-46-48 Redon, Odilon—27 Reid, Aurelia Wheeler—12 Reiffel, Charles—17-19 Reika, Yoshikawa—38 INDEX TO ARTISTS L (continued) Levy, Wm. Auerbach—7 Lewis, Allen—7-8-9 Lewis, Martin—11 Lie, Jonas—1-5 Lindenmuth, Tod—9 Lismer, Arthur—28 Little, Gertrude L.—12 Little, Nat—3 Little, Philip—16 M Matisse, Henri—27 Matulka, J.—7-8-13 Mauen, Heinrich—22 Mauroner, Fabio—7-8 Maury, Cornelia F.—7-8 Mayer, Louis—11-13 McLellan, Ralph—3-5 McDonald, J. E. H.—28 McKee, John Dukes—11 McMillan, Mary—12 McRae, Emma Fordyce—43 Meifren, E.—33 Meinshausen, George F. E.—9 Melchers, Gari—45 Meltzer, Arthur—5 Mense, Karl—22 Merrill, Katharine—7-8 Meryman, Richard S.—16 Mestrovic, Ivan—39-29 Metcalf, Willard L.—1-6 Metsys, Quentin—36 Meyer, G. B.—12 Meyerowitz, William—7-8-43 Mielziner, Leo—12 Miller, Harriette G.—O Miller, Kenneth Hayes—7-8 N Newswenger, Vernon K.—17-23 Nichols, Hobart—5-40 Niki, Seiho—38 Nisbet, Robert—7-8 Nishimura, Sozaemon—30 Nitzsche, Elsa Koenig—41 Oberteuffer, Henriette Amiard—6 O’Connor, Henry—7-8-10 Ogaki, Shokun—38 Ogwa Pi—2 P Pearson, Joseph T., Jr.—15-18 Pearson, Ralph M.—7-8 Peirce, Waldo—23 Pennell, Joseph—13 Perkins, Mary—5 Perrine, Van D.—23 Perry, Lilla Cabot—15 Pepper, Charles Harvey—11 Perard, Victor—7-8 Peterson, Martin—8 Peyraud, Elizabeth Krysher—43 Pfeiffer, Henrich—24 Phillip, Robert—17 Phillips, Bert G.—42 Phillips, Walter J.—9 Q R Reindel, William George—7-8 Renoir—26 Resler, George—7-8 Reynolds, Frederick—8 Reynolds, Wellington J.—1 Rice, William—9 Richards, George Mather—15 Richert, Charles H.—11 Richmond, Agnes M.—42 Richter, Wilmer S.—10 Ripsley, Arden L.—10 Little, W. Robert, Jr.—7-8 Llorens, F.—32-33 Lober, George—12-13-5 Lomas, Sidney C.—9 Longman, Evelyn B.—O Lorenzani, Arthur—5 Lucioni, Luigi—7-8 Luks, George—5-15-19-45 Luguiens, H. M.—7-8-9 Lynch, Anna—12 Ma-Pi-Wi—11 Miller, Mildred B.—14 Miller, Richard E.—5-15 Milions, Louis—6-10-18 Minor, A.—10 Mishe, Jerolim—39 Mitchell, James Murry—13 Moeller, Henry Nicholas—15 Moffett, Ross—5 Moises, J.—33 Molarsky, A.—6 Molarsky, Maurice—1-5-6-14 Molzahn, Johann—22 Monet—26 Moran, M. Nimmo—7-8 Moran, Thomas—7-8-16 Morgan, F. Townsend—7-8 Mori, Junjiro—38 Morrison, L. G.—7-8 Moro, Antonio—35 Muche, Georg—22 Murphy, Christopher, Sr.—11 Murphy, Christopher, Jr.—7-8 Murphy, E. Dudley—47 Myers, Jerome—7-8-15-19 Myers, Rhoda—3 Noble, John—14-16 Nordell, Carl J.—7-8-14-41-42 Nordfeldt, B. J. O.—8-24 Norris, S. Walter—17-48 Noyes, George L.—5-15 Nunamaker, K. R.—16 Nuzi, Allegretto—35 Ohta, Toshiro—30 Oliver, Jean Nutting—3 Orr, Louis—7-8 Ostrowsky, Abbo—7-8 Picasso, Pablo—27 Piccirilli, Attilio—10-O Pissarro—26 Pitz, Henry—12 Plowman, George T.—7-8 Polasek, Albin—2-O Polley, Frederick—7-8 Poole, Abram—44 Popovic, Branko—39 Portnoff, Alexander—6 Powell, Arthur J. E.—42 Prendergast, Maurice—2-19 Price, M. Elizabeth—1-46 Pullinger, Herbert—9-11-13 Purdie, Evelyn—12 Putnam, Brenda—4 Risque. Caroline—L-10 Ritman, Louis—5 Ritschel, William—1-15-19 Rittenberg, Henry R.—19-41 Robins, William P.—7-8 Robinson, Boardman—13 Robinson, A. H.—28 Roche, Paul—7-8 Rogers, Gretchen W.—16-17-41 Rodin, Auguste—25-26-O Roerich Sviatoslov—20 INDEX TO ARTISTS Roig, Gili—32 Rolshoven, Julius—45 Rosen, Charles—24 Rosenberg, Louis C.—7 Rosenthal, Albert—1-5-17-40 Sacks, Joseph—48 Sahler, Helen—5 Sandona, Matteo—6 Sandzen, Birger—2-7-9-13-17 Sanger, Wm.—7-8 Sargent, John $.—25 Sartain, John—8 Sawyer, Edith—12 Scallan, Frank Clinger—8 Schlein, Charles—7-8 Schofield, W. Elmer—41-45 Schorer, Eleanor—9 Schutz, Anton—7-8 Schwichtenberg, Martel—22 Scott, Eric Gladden—7-8 Scott, James—1 Scott, Stanley—7-8-9 Scudder, Janet—O Seifert, —22 Seiho, Takeuchi—30 Solana, Gutierrez—33 Senseney, George—8 Seward, C. A.—13 Sewell, Helen—12 Seyffert, Leopold—1-3-41-43-44 Sharman, John—15 Sharp, J. Henry—40 Tanaka, Rishichi—38 Tannahill, Mary H.—9 Tanner, H. O.—16-41 Tarbell, Edmund C.—47 Tartalja, Maxin—39 Taylor, Charles Jay-——43-48 Taylor, Emily Drayton—12 Taylor, Wm. Francis—42 Tellander, Frederic—43 Udalzowa—21 Ufer, Walter—2-14-42-47 Vagis, Polygnotis George—10-18 Vago, Sandor—43 Van der Weyden, Roger—35 Van Peppelendam, Laura—42-43 Van Roekens, Paulette—14 Van Soelen, Theodore—14 Varlaj, Vladimir—39 Wagner, Fred—19-42 Walden, Lionel—43 Wales, George C.—13 Walker, Henry Oliver—41 Walker, Horatio—2-10-11-17-41- 44 Walter, Martha—3-45-47 Waltman, Harry F.—16-40 Warshawsky, A. G.—5 Washington, Elizabeth F.—10-12 Watanabe—38 Watson, Ernest W.—9 Waugh, Frederick J.—14-40-47 Weber, Frederick T.—7-8 Weber, Sybilla Mittell—7-8 Yamamoto, Kanaye—38 Yates, Cullen—40 Yeomans, Walter C.—7-8 Zaragoza, Jose Ramon—33 Zeller, Magnus—22 R (continued) Roth, Ernest David—4-5-8-40 Roth, F. G. R.—3 Rowe, Clarence—7-8 Rungius, Carl—5-6-17 Ss Sherwood, Ruth—O Sherwood, William A.—7-8-9 Shomin, Unno—38 Shonnard, Eugenie—O Shulgold, William R.—4 Shunkyo, Yamamoto—37 Shunsui, Nagata—30 Shuster, William H.—44 Simmons, Will—7-8 Simonet, Enrique—32 Simons, Amory C.—11-12 Sisley, Alfred—26 Skou, Sigurd—6-14 Sloan, John—7-15 Smith, Andre—7-8 Smith, Ishmael—7-8 Smith, Jessie Wilcox—12 Smith, W. Granville—40-41 Smith, W. Harry—7-8 Snell, Henry B.—6-47 Snyder, Clarence W.—1-6 Sodoma—36 Soga, Shohaku—37 Sohier, Alice Ruggles—42 Sotter, George W.—41 Soudeikine, Sergei—20 T Thompson, John E.—24 Thompson, Leslie P.—15-19-47 Thomson, Tom—28 Toho—37 Tomone, Kobori—38 Tonita Pena—11 Topp, Arnold—22 Trebilcock, Paul—5 Trepse, Marijan—39 U Ujisane, Sugawara—38 V Varley, F. H.—28 Vassiliev, Nikolai Ivanovich—21 Vega, Lola De La—32 Verheyden, Francois—42 Vernnese, Paul—36 Verrees, J. Paul—7-8 W Webster, E. Ambrose—23 Weinman, Adolph A.—L-2-O Weir, J. Alden—2-3-10-14 Welch, Mabel R.—12 Welsh, H. Devitt—7-8 Wendel, Theodore—48 Wenger, John—10 Wessel, H. H.—1 Wetherill, E. Kent K.—1-7-42 White, Vera M.—10 White, Walter Louis—1-5-11 Wickey, Harry—7-8 Wiggins, Guy—5-24. Wiles, Irving R.—47 Wilimovsky, Chas. A.—9 Y Yeisen, Kano—38 Yezaki, Yeizo—38 Ynurria, M.—33 Zi Zim, Marco—7-8 Zimmerman, M. W.—12 Zubiaurre, Ramon de—33 Rush, Olive—4-24 Ruzicka, Rudolph—9 Ryder, Albert Pinkham—3 Ryder, Chauncey F.—1-7-13-40-48 Ryerson, Margery—7-8 Spackman, Cyril Saunders—8 Spear, Arthur P.—5-40-45 Spencer, Margaret F.—45 Spencer, Niles—23 Spencer, Robert—5-15 Stafford, Mary—43 Stanley-Brown, Rudolph—7-8 Stanojevic, Elvjki—39 Stanton, Lucy May—12 Sterba, Antonin—43 Sterling, Lindsey Morris—12 St. John, J. Allen—3 Stoddard, Alice Kent—3-48 Stokes, Frank Wilbert—41-42 Strean, Marie J.—12 Stuckenberg, Fritz—22 Stuever, Celia M.—7-8 Sturges, Dwight C.—7-8 Sturges, Lee—7-8 Styles, George C.—7-8 Sugiura, Koyu—10 Sunsui, Negata—30-38 Suydam, Edward Howard—9 Symons, Gardner—2-41 Susan, Robert—17 Swanson, Jonathan M.—10 Troceoli, G. B.—4-47-48 Trotta, Giuseppe—46 Tsunenobu, Kano—37 Tse-Ye-Mu—11 Turney, Winthrop—16-43 Tutor, Rosamond—40 Tuttle, Adrianna—7-8-12 Tuttle, Henry E.—7-8 Tyson, Carroll S., Jr.—46 Utili, Giovanni Battista—35 Villon, Jacques—27 Vondrous, J. C.—7-8 Vogeler, Heinrich—22 Volkert, Edward—6 Vonnoh, Robert—17-40-42-43 Wilmot, Alta E.—12 Williamson, Ada C.—7-8-41-42-46 Williamson, Curtis—28 Will, Frank 12 Wilson, Edith Derry—7-8 Winkler, John W.—7-8 Winslow, Henry—7-8 Winter, Ezra—45 Wood, Wm.—28 - Woodbury, Charles H.—5-7-43-47 Woodward, Stanley W.—41 Woolf, S. J.—13 Wright, Bertha Eugenie Stevens— 10 Wuermer, Carl—17-43 Young, C. Jac—7-8 Young, Charles Morris—40 Young, Mahonri—7-8 Zubiaurre, Valentin de—33 Zukharov, Feodor—20 ii 5 00881 9407 IMM