UES LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK 4 ear. or 5 CHEMM PICTURE SALE. he four evenings’ sale at auction week of the pictures, oils” and — na total of $185,305, which in- en, sold on Thursday evening for | $025, and returned, and which brought |only $850 Friday evening. — |: and only even fairly successful one of | pictures this season. ‘the fact that many of the examples jwere of salable quality and averaged | well in merit. At the fourth and final: ee. March 18, |occurred the dramatic incident discussed elsewhere regarding the two Innesses with- drawn from the sale, and the auctioneer’s This apropos of the sale of a portrait of Lincoln from life s | by the aged artist, S. J. Conant, which was 4 , _ } Marshes,” | probably cost Mr. 1“Dutch TLandscane,’ —|“Contented.” purchased by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke for $3,700. The total of this final sale was $102,800, a good one under the present business conditions. The highest figure | was $8,200, paid for a good Schreyer, “Wal- lachian Teamster Entangled in the by W. Sharpe Kilmer, which Schemm about $5,000. There were many surprises. brought $3,200 from Knoedler & Co. Mr. _| A. A. Healy paid $3,500 for Israels’ “Mother jand Son,” and M. W. L. Austin $5,600 for 4 sold in. | 1902 in Felix Guard sale for $3, 500, a. high | _ | price even for this most important example. . |To the dealer McDonald went a Bruce) Rico’s * ‘Santa Maria della Salute,” | Crane for only $175, and Mr. Fuller secured | for $2,700 a Jacque that is said to have cost | Mr. Schemm $10,000. For Ziem’s “Fete Day—Venice,” for which Mr. James Elver- son, Jr., paid $3,900, Mr. Schemm is said to have paid $4,000 to ‘Knoedler & Co. in 1901. The titles of pictures sold, artists, buyers’ | names when obtainable, and price, follow: First Session. The 88 water colors sold on Mar. 14, brought $10,326. The majority brought very low prices. Limited space prevents pub- lishing same in detail. William Maris and Josef Israéls are as popular as ever. “The Drinking Pool,” by Maris went to N. A. Croven for $1,200. “Amusing the Baby,” by Israéls, was A Blommers went to G. Fliermans for $175 and his contemporary Kever’s “Saying Grace,” sold to J. Wittman for $115. Mr. Fliermans also purchased Albert Neuhuys’s George Poggenbeck’s “Dutch Pasture and Cattle,” went to Knoedler & Co, for $410. A. J. Groenwegen was rep- resented by six paintings, of which his “Landscape with Cattle” got the best price, going to W. H. Johnson for $135. Weissen- bruch’s “Unloading the Fishing Boats,” went to Mir. Fliermans for $850. ‘Feeding the Pigs,” by Mari Ten Kate went to A. H. ) Costien for $220. Tony Offermans’s “Cob- bler,” went to C. re. Ulmann for $205. knocked down to Knoedler & Co. for $1,300. | The sale was on the whole the best| Willem Maris’ | appraised at $1,600, . . Schemm, of ‘Philadelphia, re- fe This was due to] equally theatrical. relating of his having Se neon a spectator of the raising of the flag | 5 on Independence Hall, Philadelphia, July 4, Beet by Abraham Lincoln. rk P SECOND § ] sie NE sian abe andscape and ‘Cattle—L. 7. S\C-Sy aha a Re ee |Landscape Study—Harpigii iieS ; E. Johns |Study of Farm House—Mauve; W. WwW. _|King of Desert—Gerome; E. vi Ser dia ole 475 -|Contentment—E, Grutzner; A. H. : 450 Work and Play—Bloomers; M. E. Migel..... 670 The Gloaming—Bruce Crane; E. J. Cornish, 200 Halt in Desert—C. T. Frere; Mrs. Frederick mea ONL SOM esse sais eminence ee «c's 818 wna Sam 175 -|Monastery Cook—A. Tamburini; M. C. Ander- ie MRE R UR eter ee a eet eg OG, oc Se wipe ohanwiy ous 175 The Cellarer—A. Tamburini; M. C. reneged 220 Return of Flock—De Warville; O. ee Ness Still Life—Josef Wilms; E. O. Kopp......... 105 Off the Coast—A, Stevens; Helland. Art Gallery 160 Resting—Israels; C, Fliermans...........+-++ 1,075 | The Ride—Artz; J. F.-Wittman..... 0c .eeees 420 Oriental Girl—A. Asti; Miss A. R. Kolb..... 210 Normandy Interior—H. Merle; A. J. Cameron 185 Autumn, Shinnecock Hills—W. M. Chase; C. PARES DORVAL averenpiae nigh oes efi tiolp eyocw outer me eles phe TAS Winter Landscape—L. Munthe; S. S. Laird.. 200 {Swamp Lands—W. B. Baker; Knoedler & Co. 220 | Holland Windmill—Du Chattel; Kennedy & Co. 210 | Scheveningen Fishing Boats—Mesdag; F. W. PAROS Hrs a ecw weary Ses waver nj Pere snehy bla sles 300 On March; Battery Going Into Action— Sehpegersa We es ULMER oe sie phele see's we ole 1,050 Village Postmaster—T. Offermans; M.C.Nugel 290 Pet Goat—Willy Martens; Oscar Michels..... 500 Red Drapery—Henner; Knoedler & Co....... 1,100 Late Afternoon—G, Inness; Sen. W. A. Clark. 2,650 Flowers of Field—J. C, Cave; Mrs, A. R. Kolb 525 Summer Moon—Joseph H. Boston; W. TES UN y sta htop ae ea Ry ee NE 125 The Antiquarian—J. A. B. Stroebel; W. L PRAT R EL IMs teratn eater ers laps hs pai opauste salar evenness: G18 aly 210 Farm Yard, "Holiand—C. P.. Gruppe; As A, EXEC |S CAS ain eke Oat Ob. cto ree Cop aCe cioe 105 eichergirio dy R. Knight; A. H. Cosden....., 450 Landscape with Windmill—G. Michel; A. J. CALE MG catipicle ls qiswce Vsdsishgrie’s wat nia’ ale athe: siipf.smielar'd 130 Near Veere—W. C. Rip; O. S, Loeb.......... 150 Halt at Well—George Washington; Lanthier See Gin ty Mea ite an tere eA Mua teta Guetta letetete ve aces 200 Gipsies by Sea— Wordsworth Thompson; A, A. Gane yaeeteietare esis ew suki avieapirne ne 3 onebetogate ral fen atest 130 Lake Copake, N. Pej iwe ky, B. Bristol; M. CS NOU T Deeg Setsn ac meets ce autres aha (aig tes 210 Picture Book—Kever; George A. Hearn....... 875 Lucerne et Champ D’Avoine—J. Monchablon; Beript ea Pent) ao fer aati dear hak emaiae eas 500 Discussion—Von Uhde; Ehrich Gallery, Agent. 900 Calme—Batteaux Rhins—Clays; Harry Sachs: 825 Ceramic Connoisseur—J. G. Brown; MacDonald 280 Eventide—A. Hoeber; C. R. MacDougal...... 100 Wrapt Audience—J. J. B. Brunet; Howard FREI PINP er ci. cce le ae pepe ostia5 aio aneuBiedatpra s-Ci phe 210 Old Mill, Holland—G,. H. Bogert; Bernet, Agt. . 220 Conn. Pasture—Allen B. Talcott; Bernet, Agt. 225 Winter Scene—F, Thaulow; Bernet, Yt ee 625 Love’s Young Dream—W. Rauber; Wm. G. Disp ATE oacw ore alk = aigreuaneanttan Seaaem ets we ange (oleia 8)'ps 140 Carding Wool—D. De La Mar; A. J. Cameron 120 Indian Summer—C. W, Eaton; W. J. Fuller... 225 Wounded—Paul Grolleron; M. C. Anderson... 650 In Full Sail—E. Moran; Seaman, Agent...... 900 Cossacks Guarding Prisoners of War—Prof. ifs Brandes» Gate AOSD. as ae tanto eee tue lh slang 975 Threading Needle—A. A. Crochepierre: J. F. Wiig ebtttATI;: gree ausietals pomtelers era bupeeyeees inte. cucr wie coe 600 (Tailor Shop in Monastery—W. Dendy Sadler; Pehis, Mes lowitey: Gel cin «oes erkve aetweeiel ar elerncne a 380 Sur La Vienne—P. Trouillebert; Seaman, Agt. 420 Bird Seller—Carl Boeker; Henry Schultleis... 875 Marine—F.. De Haven; F. H, Gotliebise..... 110 Baby Asleep—C,. Fischer; J. E. Bauling...... 265 Wind Swept Snows—W. Nettleton; W. W. BAGS 6G sols ot Sio.e atavera acahecbuarqldvaeeWaltvoneteraiaa ital a: sp 200 Winter Landscape—W. E, Schofield; J. E. D, DEN ei leie srcri' ol 5 Wa dk toa fanalte Baa URGE IN ol euletels. oh, 150 Departure of Herring Fisher—C. P. Gruppe; Me DonalasArt (Gellesva wc tate <7 sh cea 240 Test al ve s-gicteaatatad SEMEN siels) na) 6.Wlake Sool View $25,875 THIRD SESSION. Normandy Landscape—L, Richet; C. Weinberg $110 Summer—Sanchez Perrier; Dr. P, J. Oettinger 370 Landscape with Pond—L. V. Dupre; Bernet, | SPUR ARGLYE:-sielpie sr onprarareiuna nin pestis lol's liaise ww Stplotated hac 450 Military Sketches—Meissonier; C. W. Kraushaar 80 fox Hounds—C. O. De Penne; P. W. Rouss. 100 isit to Figaro—Vibert; George A. Hearn. 900 he Old Suitor—Teniers, the Younger; W. a PLP EP Nes ta Slates, 0 Winle fe o.6.° 0% Gra aE NING ee sal wine's 290 | Jolly Tyrolean—G. Kotschenreiter; E. Frankel 200 Halt of Caravan—C. Th. Frere; Mrs. A. R. Kolb 100 Spanish Mandolin Player—Jules Worms; Al- oe RUN TER pei Pet be. 4 AIRE eee i er 135 Harvest Time, Normandy—G. H. Smillie; N. SPR OM ERS ci arayesivinsn a dalelgeteaenangie Dwain ce eg oo be 100 'iOn the Shore, Treport—A. Stevens; Seaman, |’ GE la ams, Katalatare vale qiece bl erscealMG hiety ey os v8 0 125 \Vue de Treport—A. Stevens; C. A. Du Bosch 120 ‘Autumn Landscape—W. Whittredge; E. A. Copp 110 Gray Day—Mesdag; George D. Horst........ 120 On the Marne—H. ‘ad Delpy; George Elliott. 160 Holland Landscape — Weissenbruch; C. W. TRS rc Re 9 RE ORE ee ee 440 Me the Beach—Scheveningen—Mesdag; W. P. Balkey Se ae Pe ee Oe Oe ee ee 390, At... a , Te %. : a VV al wt [berg ; NWLroo p O a ke— a : : A Idle Moments—Jos. Bail; S. C. Hooker,...... Winter Landscape—C. Warren Eaton; G. R. | McDopeak ..-, Sen catn pa eGR oe 4 ocala Shepherdess and Flock—F. S. Brissot de War- ville Ui. WA, CORD: saceeee ances iinet ab.ahebe? Scere iene On the Mediterranean—Harpignies; Knoedler & Corse ee oe or 225 H PRarcyard Corner—W. Bliss Baker; Knoedler 3 Metcalf. 210 “Goose 400 Sheep and Ruins in Highlands—F. A on- heur; J. Metealf ....5. eater sd os aaa 2 UU /The Paddock—Mauve; W. W. Fuller...... weet POPS |Le Pont Royal, Paris—Jongkind; Ed. Brandus- for Geo, Petit Galleries......... PAs +s shih ee UOU Return of Fishing Boat, Brittany Coast—Isa- Bey LPL LORIE yun acqecams Suateiyse ss 5 550 | Normandy Village—Cazin; Sen. W. A. Clark.. 2,800 | Paris Salon, Opening Day—J. Beraud; P..W —— GUIS ib. cc. FReic aceon so cnio. tage c seme os 490 Ideal Head—Henner; Knoedler & Co........ 1,750 Hillside Pasture—C. E, Jacque; Martin Beck. 850) Me Venice—P. Zeim; E. Johns ............. HAG ritg scl ie, Normandy Landscape—D. M. Bunker; H. Schpltheis. cise gece seas SPOR aig nies soss «Sate ; 90 | Still Life—W. M. Chase; D. M. Mencham 170 | Meadows—W. L. Lathrop; Geo, A. Hearn.... 250] Clair de Lune, Holland—Clays =p. W. Rouss.. 625 Game of Cards—E. Grutzner; H. Schultheis... 500 Return of Fishing Boat—A. Hagborg; C. W. Kyatishaar 1.6 ws. esses Fah OS A aI =. 205 Mussel Gatherer—D, R. Knight; E. A. Kopp.. 900 Visite Domiciliaire—L. E. Lambert; W. L. : LADS BeGp GeO pe inocicc Ire ea enero serene 475) 5 On the Lowlands—J. F. Murphy; Sen. Wi A. ‘ BO rss 5 oho pa a sek Er Oe 1,425\ | Apple Blossoms—A. Parton; M. C. Migel...;. 200 Be Line for Camp—c, Schreyvogel; W. H POU MMERUNES Oia cha Fee oa ORE. eee ae 600 Golden Sunset—Bruce Crane; C. W. Kraushaar 190 | Stormy Day—G..Michel; Seaman, Agent... ve. 160 Landscape, Brittany—J. Manchablon; Bernet, BS Cie eater Wether. v0/n5hs hess a abies < veh eee 500 Vers Midi—Mastenbroek; N. C. KROSers cha cas 350 irl Reading—E, A. Piot; A. J. Cameron..... 450 Spanish Nobleman—F. Roybet; R. H, Lorenz, SOU on Ag seen ree a ons 2,000 Neighbors Call—Israels; Knoedler & Co...... 3,800 Drinking Place—A. Braith; Tooth & Sons.... 450 Corner of Pasture—M. Marie Dieterle; Knoed- PERE romana. o. Dhea vec hocks. aes 2,000 Milking Time—J. Dupre; George Elliott...... 550 Beside the Cradle—Kever; O. Bernet ........ 775 | Prayer Mosque of Caid-Bey, Cairo—Gerome; WY wee AU Siitiperea el nee Ge ee ine ane 975 | The Reconnoitre—A, Schreyer; M. Beck...... 7,000 Return of Flock—Ter Muelen; Knoedler & Co 625 Landscape and Sheep—Verboeckhcven; M. C, LTE RS DR Rape * ane RMN DS Ss 925 The Faggot Gatherer—C. P. Gruppe; C. A. C2: ere eer | o 280) Autumn—F, De Haven; C. W. Kraushaar.... 225} | Fetching Water—D. R. Knight; M. C. Anderson 1,000 | | Sheep Grazing—Van Der Weele; W C. Thomp- BN Ogle ox. 5.6 ooo cn us RE de vce gd 280 | Twilight Lake Siljansho, Sweden—W. Von Pepereet iG, Bb. Sewantae de als. ee 130 | | Last Gleam—G. H, Bogert; C. J. Cameron... 275 |i || The Communicant—Breton; E. Brandus ..... 525 | | | Cattle in Holland—J. H. L, De, Haas; E. M. BRCKSIEC Ree ye ty cia Sih Ae A A 610} Start of Fishing Fleet—Mesdag; A. A. Healey 550 The Farmyard—J. Scherrewitz ; EH. Schultheis.. 260 SERV CMDS a charles c y's. sic ss". AMER G Sates Res $46,290 FOURTH SESSION. Man Smoking—G. Kotschenreiter; E. M. Ma- SUM tee Be sine v's Lan ee EE Ae $65 Landseape with Sheep—I. Pokitonow; George PEPTGAUAY aie gy -.<> ste tpt dine our | eee ok 320 | Vallee D’Enfouvelle—J. Monchablon; O. Bernet 450 Little Washerwoman—F. Schlesinger; E. A. ENO DAM tate eyes ye ois has eee CR ete 210] Still Life—Vollon; Holland Art Gallery...... 270 Weeding Time—C. E. Jacque: Martin Beek o.« 775) Head of Girl—Henner; W. S. Kilmer......... 500 Love Letter—F, Defregger; E. D. Servos an 778 Highland Cattlek—Rosa Bonheur: Geo. D. Horst 250) | The Harvesters—Cazin; C. D. Du Bosch... .: 925 | Teasing the Kitten -Joseph Bail; E. A Kopp = 475 Marine—Jules Dupre; A. A PSS OY sii os eee 1,200 Arab Encampment; Night in Desert—J. B.-P. Lazerges; W. H. Johnson ..............:.. 675 | Duteh Landscape—W. Maris; Knoedler & Co. 3,200 | Indian Summer—J. F. Murphy; Knoedler & Co. 1.325 ; Cattle by Sea—F. A. Bonheur; J.N. Culter.. 400 | Marine—A. Stevens; G. R MacDougal....... 1904 |; Vue De Treport—A. Stevens; W. W. Seaman, Boa Ge 2). RR et 180 | Landscape and Cottage—L, V, Dupre; A. F, | ort) a Re ae 250 Landscape with Pool and Cows—L. V. Dupre; : Cornish | ois pays cee iu ook see 275 November Day—H. B. Jones; H. A. Thorne... 250 Landscape with Winding Road—G. Michel: G, KR, MacDougal .,..:., ashi: sc. One 150 Boatman—A,. Koopman; Knoedler & Co. 170 Old. Mill—W. Bliss Baker: H. A, “Chere fo. 175 { Mother and Son Twilight — Israels; A Healey... ... <5... + tubes os oe See 3,500 | \utumn Landscape and Pool; A. H. Wyant; 1 Jernet, Agent ae es ae Bere ae 1,300 |} Vagdalen—J._ J, Hlenner ; E... J,..Comish...h.. 2,100 on MT mon Tnwemlan. \'? Yo he hana EE gle Agent's... 0¢0e8 Gathering Clouds—G. Be eee a DOY—V x Care INGEN. ses aus rich Gal- ad Bab Asleep—Blommers in Flanders—Cazin ce Way to Pasture—A aS “Holiand— ‘Inness; Bernet, Agent. . Fortrait Abraham Lincoln—A. J. Conant; . Thomas B. Clarke tse eines swear sine s scene The Mill—F Thaulow; S. T. Gifford.......... Wet Day at Hague—C. P. Gruppe; C. E. Sehmidee Sow. cs sacra a een renee Wes vc staas ate House, Bosward, |W. L. Austin re oY Rehn; N.C RoOg@eRs radia aed esate cee rece et eee ee ne! Sepsile Flowers-—-W. M. Chase; W. L. Austin Finishing Touch—D, Col; A. A. Healey...... Erittany Farm—F. Thaulow; A, A. Healey... Mother and Child—F. Von Lenbach; Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson : Antiquarian—L. Brunin; Lanthier & Co...... La Place Clichy—G. Boldini; E. Brandus for Georges Petit Galerie ........... ae Near Rotterdam—Clays; J. Elverson, Jr...... Summer—Harpignies ; Beck ee ed Martin Becks sds ‘ovo « Morning Kiss—A. Neuhuys; Knoedler & Co.. Farly Morning—Kever; Berges ccs in totisew Family Meal—Blommers; A. .Tooth &.Sons... Pursuit—Gerome; W. Sharpe Kilmer......... The Veil—Bouguereau; M. C. Anderson Love Song—F. Domingo; Jas. Elverson, Jr... Fete Day, Venice—Ziem; J. Elverson, Jr snes | Ste. Maria Della Salute—Rico; W. L. Austin.. Watching and Waiting—Israels; Bernet, Agent Spanish Fishermen—F. Brangwyn; Gari Mel- Chews joensen lias «ce alee nba e aaa Valley Durdent—J. Dupre; A. S. Vernay...... Farmyard—C. E. Jacque; W. W.. Buller. oo; Wallachian Teamster; Entangled in Marshes— ‘Schreyer; W. S. Kilmer ; Winter Day, Scheveningen—Mesdag; Hirsch. Ce a ee eer or ae? Hutt 6 80 oe eee eeeere ete messes ese ues cs 8s Truck Farming; Holland—De Bock; W. W. Fuller mee Humble Interior—De Hoog; A. S. Vernay... Italian Washerwomen—G. Inness; A. H. Schult- heis Cr oC ee ee ee ee ee ar ag 0) ater im a (84) o16.@ 0 2 eels fo « » afets ew ee. 6 0 sae ee * % wi \ - ‘ 5 aed 4 Pe ee ig = a ae fae’ af ig Pi Sg _- ~ tals ie \4an ‘ o ee al ‘ ba Imann | Son = ote Pee and buyers | $105; FA a Keil for $115; De A. J. Came- ‘SALE $36,200 SO FAR. | mator Clark Gets Janess'’s “Late iy at inftornoen » for $2,650. | The first section of the oil paintings in the collection of the late Peter A. Schemm f Philadelphia made up the offerings of f second session of the Schemm auction sohn Hall last evening, follow- ‘eas of Mr. Schemm’s water color s at the American Art Galleries uesday evening. | Seventy-four paintings sold for $25,875, coe, with the water color sale amount- ling to $10,925, makes the total of the auction to date $36,200. The more in- teresting pictures come up this and coil morrow evenings. well distributed by the sale, for while some of the New York dealers and private buyers were in the announced list of A ee anolpnie, Speintinn (1) (61) Wh Rites 150 to k a been pret for The paintings were apparently seul of the Pennsylvania Academy a ar Fine 75. ner; Ai HL; Cosden., on yore. M. ©. $; Oscar Minas 500 et Goat,” ae ate erie ae peaeaisy eS a aan’ ae i Hever er; G, Ft Cogan Fr aaene Teh ee fae ah osges,” Monchab- nt on Uhde; Ehrich Ss: Harry Sachs......... inter." Mets ow; O. Burnet, agent. “Full Sal, ” Grolleron; M: C. An erson.. ”_ EB, Moran; W..W. Seaman, WERE SCHEMM SALE. op Price of the Evening $7,000 for. caf Schreyer’s ‘‘Reconnoitre.”’ Prices moved up at the Schemm pieture | lauction last evening in Mendelssohn Hall although most of the pictures went at ‘low figures. The seventy-four canvases sold brought $46,200, which brings the ‘receipts to date up to $82,490, with what are regarded as the most attractive or valuable paintings held until the final \session of the sale this evening. Number 204 and 214 of last night’s list, catalogued ‘respectively as Ba ead Storm,” by | George Inness and “Showery Weather,” | by George Inness; were announced as “passed,” without explanation. When the second one was passed without word of raf kind the audience began a buzz ‘Of half-stippressed conversation, but Mr. Kirby. went on to the next picture. There te a good deal of interest in -Innesses these ays. { Schreyer brought the: bigh price last evening, Martin Beck paying $7,000 for his “The Reconnoitre.”. Senator W. A. Clark bought J. Francis Murphy’s “On the Lowlands”. for $1,425 and Cazin’s “A Normandy Village” for $2,800. Jong- kind’s “Le Pont Royal, undid went to the Georges Petit es of Paris for $1,000 and Knoedler Gc. paid $8,800 for “The Neighbor,” by Israéls. Other dealers of this city and elsewhere figured among the purchasers. Following is the hist of the fielded selling at $500 or over? 169—“ A vie to’ Figaro.” Vibert; George PEACH ein te his ceca obiecxrgiys egies $900 186—" On She Mediterranean,” Harpignies; PenGBOIer Osi. a is onde cow ede Coe uot Tté 188—" ape Pallors, ” Biommers; Henry Rein- ia itt ce | ee iy US SPE e i? © yr W iced sph 190" The Paddock,” Mative; W. W. Fuller... 672 191—"“Le Pont Royal,, Paris,” Jongkind: Georges Pent Galery. ee ses ei ase 1,606 192--“Retura of the Fishing Boat—Brittany Coast,” Isabex: J. Metca BSC me aera Normandy thee “Gauin: A Pe DPE ls SCO ea Not yen a hremiee hares ele BS ios ides Head,” Henner: Knoedier & Co. 1,75{ 198—" 3 Hillside Pasture,” Jacaue; Martin ‘sai Pe wi 2 TNs AMIN site Zot Waka foe wy Waves wie ae 3) se enioe.” Belms BH. POBNS. hide is e's eet 57 tO —“Oihir de Lure) Texel, ‘ei der Zee, Holland,” Clays; P. W. Rouss..... 000+. +45 62: pov-—A Game of. Cards,” Gritener: H: *Sebuihels SPORE LA: 10; Rt sna haley ba mieyale hs SANE 506 205-—"The Musse) Gatherer,” Knight; B, A. WOM S15 sn wah bite Siting Aorta dh Sie vas BOC »o7--"On the Lowlands,” Murphy; Ws & a ho ee OHO Sere PU Poeun Een ata Gh getter ta 1,428 | 209- —“Troopers Attacked by Indians,” | Sehreyvogel; W. H, Johnson... 60C 212—" Panoramic Landscape- “Brittany,” Monchabion; Otto Burnet, agent.,......... 500 aT Loe A baa Nobleman,”. Roybet; R. ° bbe Ve ede LOK ORZ, 20s ie 6 hg so $4 fv sss hee fies 8 ose ash , } 247—" The Neighbors,” Isra#is; Knoedier aia be Se MOO ny Poclu bch Ula e Ruleagabeeials of atyh's 5 guy > vipre bao BOC | 219—"A Gorner of the Pasture,” Diéterle; a ls 19 A Gonnes of ¥ Pees toes sued dei ee sin dy 2,000 aarry WA ia ss WOR SLE ; “The two paintings. | which were withdrawn last evening were | exhibited |opening day and press view of the ex-'! ‘to the executors or Mr. new ole be Sean — oper ‘gana y pet eee eee vee e ee ages 1,000 Sethe Communicant, * Breton: E. Bran- a eae 8 ae eC Le age st ae ee ve mutta es REN: Fleet,” * “Mesdag: We aH ren ee 530 ese Bm | UNUSUAL INCIDENT. AT. LAST Painter’s Son Ruled Against Them and | Kirby Asked That They Be Destroyed —Sharp Bidding for Conant Por- trait of Linceoln—Some Good Prices: { Last. night's sale -of pictures at Mow delssohn Hall developed a very unusual experience for the large audience. They heard the auctioneer, Thomas EH. Kirby of the, American Art Association, declare that two paintings in the collection of the late Peter A. Schemm of Philadelphia which had been catalogued as by the late George Inness had been withdrawn from the sale as not being the work of Mr. Inness. This in itself has scarcely ever happened before at a New York picture auction, but Mr, Kirby went further and indicated that the paintings will in all probability be destroyed. The two pictures were | those referred to in THE SuN of yesterday | morning as having been passed in Thurs- day’s auction without explanation, Nos. 204 and 214 of the catalogue. After No. 268 of the catalogue, “Gather- ing Clouds,” by. Mr. Inness, had been sold \last evening for $2,500 Mr, Kirby made | this statement: Nos. 204 and 214, in our galleries during vhe hibition and thev were favoradvly com- mented upon by those who viewed them. | Toward the evening of the opening day (Mr. Geor ge Inness, Jr... who was Siswing | as to these two paintings weiss by his ‘father. Accepting Mr. Inness’s opinion, iI immediately withdrey the paintings ‘from the exhibition ar d ultimately from ‘thesale. Andin furtherance of our efforts to prevent the pictures passing into the hands of other parties I have suggested Schemm that ‘they obtain the consent of his heirs to | destroy the two canvases.” These two paintings had not only been ‘favorably noticed by newspaper critics on the day after their exhibition in the Schemm collection, but they had been shown in many other exhibitions to which Mr. Schemm had lent them and so far as is known their authenticity has never before been questioned. Another interesting development of the evening was in the number of people who made efforts to ges the portrait of i sme Tar ie dae Beds ses Be “Hla esiers.” Gazin; C. al ay # Genie x Hew ee renee ea rs Ce ee ea ed a ee Ok ee a ry Oe es ee ee i ie eed rshlands,” Dearth; es 278—" Despatch a Heine Belicedir Re ee ee en er Cee ee Ce Oe ee errs vs. FSF, ™m: Sal ear rhe Antiquarian,” Brunin; Lal As Be TAO SRE ae aS AE pega 17'S OSE NS RI, UREN 24 "Near Pei” Cas: James NSS Ra So oh BI? | Bi ere Harpignies; Martin Beck.. “The Morning Rss,” Neuhuys; Knoed- 6:9 @ Wise 9'4'6 Soho y en 8 le'Slb cs se eWhiecac Beet ak 9) * evvis adie & ba we e's baie Pals a6 2 o.nwisie e's oThe: Pursuit,” Géréme; W. S. Kilmer = aus Vell,” se oh N, C C, Ander- pea Hoar ie Don oer “4 : aoe igen 2 beige ce er a es 2a ie igen’ Soi Wie,” Taras : ba istic Dh Nord pl tn Eanidseape aid ON aay putea ner: 8. Coraigh an Marcke; W 1,825 Se oe ok rae | ON FREE VIEW —. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES | i BEGINNING FRIDAY, MARCH lors, 1911 : THE VALUABLE MODERN PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS COLLECTED BY THE LATE PETER A. SCHEMM OF PHILADELPHIA EXECUTORS’ UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES On THE EVENING OF TUESDAY, MARCH 14TH AND AT MENDELSSOHN HALL ON THE EVENINGS OF WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MarkcuH 15TH, 16TH AND 17TH ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE ' MODERN PAINTINGS AND : WATER COLORS COLLECTED BY THE LATE PETER A. SCHEMM OF PHILADELPHIA TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF J. HARPER DRIPPS, ARTHUR E. WEIL, AND THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, EXECUTORS ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ManaGers NEW YORK 1911 2 187-189 East 25th Street, New York ~ Press of THE Lent & Grarr Company CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re- sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon re- ceiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7%. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money de- - posited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots wncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tur AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AvcTIONEER. BE SOLD AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES aa Mapison SquarE SouTH FIRST EVENING’S SALE ‘TUESDAY, MARCH 147TH, 1911 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 0’CLOCK FREDERIC HENRI KAEMMERER puTcH (1839- ) THE MORNING WALK Ad ee: ee WATERCOLOR Height, 10 inches; width, 6 inches k, DCC Jeers A youne lady as she walks to the left turns her face partly to the front. It is surrounded by the wide curving brim of a straw hat, decorated with rose- ‘pink ribbon. Her white gown has short puffed sleeves and clings to the curves _ of her figure, as the wind blows from behind and the string by which she holds her lap-dog is coiled round her. Signed at the lower right, F. H. KazEMMERER. IS — PAUL JOSEPH CONSTANTIN GABRIEL : ; putcH (1828— ) No. 2— | DUTCH BARNS WATERCOLOR ne e Lirecnee Height, 11% inches; length, 11 inches Drowsine in twilight shadow, four big reddish brown roofs occupy he greater part of the background. A streak of light comes across the a and in this appears a woman carrying some object. Signed at the lower right, P. H. Gasrret., KAREL KLINKENBERG : puTCH (1852- ) No. 3— - STREET pala warencouon - Ouaidain Height, 101%, inches; width, 6 inches One looks down a narrow shaded street to a brightly lighted building that abuts on a cross thoroughtare. The facade is built of brick with white stone trim and rises, in successively diminishing stories, to a pinnacle. At the left of the shaded foreground the wall is pierced by a doorway, the posts of which support statues of standing figures. Fs AR Signed at the lower right, KiinKENBERG. J. LITTLE DUTCH rae _ Contemporary ce aes RETURN OF THE BOATS WATERCOLOR =e ee “Height, 8%, inches; length, 12%, inches w ee WILLEM CORNELIS RIP DUTCH (1856- ) JO oN ec — HOLLAND LANDSCAPE WITH WINDMILLS 4, oft ve No 5 2 : fe. K 5 Lo : WATERCOLOR Height, 91% inches; length, 1314 inches Prominent near the foreground is a windmill, rising abruptly out of the meadow. The sails are tawny-brown and a touch of blue appears near its top and on a door at the base. A black and white cow and a brown one appear at the left of it near a stream, which extends back with ragged margins to the horizon. Signed at the lower right, Wir1em C. Rip. =i. go— No. 6— BRUNNEN JOHN VARLEY ENcLIsH (1778-1842) warmcoun 7 ~ “Or. Wee Sroge Height, 14 inches; width, 101, shes Tue violet silhouette of a high peaked mountain, arate the J ei te “al dominates the scene. Nestling below is a group of three-storied houses from — which a canal flows to the front. A man in pink stands in a boat Sie with an oar. 5S a ; Ss oe Signed at the lower left, JoHN VaRLEY. JOHANNES BOSBOOM putcH (1817-1891) 2 ie 5, No: 7— STREET SCENE—HOLLAND “a ; warencoros Gs Ch rt ee Height, 914, inches; length, 121 inches From the left three houses, two having red roofs, extend until the street in — es. front of them meets at right angles another, which stretches back from the a? right of the foreground. In the misty atmosphere the facades of the main a, street show lavender and rosy, terminating in a handsome church with tall eh spire. ; zm Signed at the lower right, Bossoom. . a Z WILLEM CORNELIS RIP puTCH (1856- ) No. 8— LANDSCAPE—HOLLAND ALO a WATERCOLOR ny wage Height, 91/, inches; length, 1314 inches peep. Ff. V\ inte Art the left of the foreground a sandy roadway curves to thé right and passes behind a line of young gray-stemmed trees. Near the turn of the road ap- pears a woman, who is carrying something in her blue apron. At the right the ground runs down irregularly to a sheet of water, which is patched with sedge. Signed at the lower left, W. C. Rip. LUIGI LOIR AUSTRIAN Contemporary ee ee No. 9— COLONNE DE JUILLET, PARIS WATERCOLOR 0 Height, 1914, inches; width, 1334 inches i : 0. VY 2 One sees in the background the houses abutting on two sides of a city square, in the centre of which rises a drab-colored column from a white base. The shaft terminates in a projecting gallery, surrounded by a balustrade, behind which several figures are standing. This is continued in a cupola, which is surmounted by a winged figure, poised on one foot. Signed at the lower right, Lom, Lvutc1. : S& wera putcH (1855- ) BERNARD DE HOOG putcH (1866- ) No. 10— AN ORCHARD PASTURE Sein are | : Height, 934 inchegA length, 11 dpehes Parr of a roofed stack appears at left of the foreground. It is suc- ; ceeded by a cottage, seen behind willéw trees which extend in a row across” the back of the pasture. In the foreground, beside a young apple tree, lies a black and white yearling calf, while another, of similar color, stance beside — her, facing to the left. Signed at the lower right, Brrnarp pe Hoos. JOHN F. HULK No. 11— A CANAL IN HOLLAND here ee “6 Wha Height, 9 inches; length, 161%, inthes Tue water reflects in blurred tones of plum-red, purple and drab a mass a Oe buildings at the right of the background. Abutting on a greenish-blue wharf, aye the whitish-buff walls are surmounted by red gables, tiled with slates. Above ae them rises a tall tower terminating in a AL Bpire. ; . aan Signed at the lower left, Hux. - JOHAN MICHIEL SCHMIDT CRANS carat (77 putTcH (1830- ) _ PREPARING THE MEAL LO — fier ‘ j = ; WATERCOLOR MY Dremel mm , _ Height, 15 inches; width, 1034 inches lie WYK “Sits BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS aa DUTCH (1845- ) | O13 THE YOUNG MOTHER / 73 ars WATERCOLOR Height, 1314 inches; width, 10 inches , Fh pre “Wiru her back to a wall decorated with blue and white tiles, a young woman sits stitching, while her baby, tucked up in a creamy-yellow coverlet, lies on her lap. The mother wears a coarse drab apron and a silvery lavender-gray waist, with a kerchief folded over it. The light strikes her white cap on the right side. Signed at the lower right, Buommens. We ee > é vos. meV 8 ge aif Pe F tin! OS a Te jo PAUL JEAN CLAYS FLEMISH (1819-1900) | | No. 14— _ DUTCH FISHING BOATS ia WATERCOLOR VARA: vA mae Height, 9%, inches; length, 154 inches rey A strip of shore at the right of the foreground is fringed with tall reedy growth, except where a pathway descends to the water. A fisherman is coming away from it, while a woman prepares to step down and another appears below. Close off shore a fishing boat, flying the Dutch ensign, is heeling over as the wind fills her buff sail. Signed and dated at the lower right, P. J. Ciays, ’58. Z JOHN VARLEY Pe ENGLISH (1778-1842) No. 15— LAKE MAGGIORE vn Ly (2 reauragabl A TRIANGLE of deep blue water appears at the right, separated by a wall/from a broad quay which stretches back from the foreground. It is bordered at the left by an irregular row of buff and creamy houses, with red corrugated tiled roofs. Figures enliven the scene, among which are conspicuous, one with a red umbrella, and a girl in blue. Signed at the lower left, Joun Vaney. H. CASSIERS DUTCH Contemporary 3 ie No. 16— DUTCH FREIGHT BOATS pets 9 WATERCOLOR Height, 1014 inches; length, 15 inches : OL i A LARGE coasting and river-going barge lies horizontally across the left of the foreground of water. Her hull is reddish-tawny with a broad band of drab below the gunwale, while her deck-house is bright green. She carries a creamy-colored mainsail and tawny-red jib and topsail. A Dutch flag droops at her stern. At the right is a harbor signal. Signed at the lower right, H. Cassiers. JAN VAN ESSEN puTCcH (1854- ) No. 17— THE BARN Ad fy ae WATERCOLOR Height, 101/, inches; length, 15 inches A (9 TCM Sere Tue right of the composition is occupied by the barn, a(drab wooden struc- ture with double doors and a smaller single one. The upper part of the latter is open and an old man in a blue blouse and dark brown trousers is looking into the interior. Signed at the lower left, Jan van Essen. “=No, 18— SAYING GRACE No. 19— A BRITTANY LANDSCAPE JACOB SIMON HENDRIK KEVER puTcH (1854- ) WATERCOLOR Height, 1934 inches; width, 1434 inch From a window at the back of the cottage/interior a table projects, at the _ left of which a young mother is seated with her little one on her lap. She holds — a spoon in a red earthenware bowl, while the child, with her eyes closed and hands on the table, seems to be saying grace. “ Signed at the lower left, Krver. EK. TROUILLEBERT FRENCH Contemporary WATERCOLOR Height, 11%, inches; length, 15% inches lh 9. {Ae Ope. Aw expanse of greenish-gray verdure extend from the foreground to a white cottage with a dull red roof and the gable end and chimney of another, beyond which are to be discerned faint violet hills. A scarcely indicated pathway cuts the foreground diagonally, and, some distance back on it, appears the figure of a man. Signed at the lower left, E. Trovi..eRert. THEOPHILE DE BOCK putcH (1851- ) No. 20— THE FERRY LANDING WATERCOLOR Height, 113, inches; length, 1834 inches Tue water that fills the foreground is interrupted with reedy gréwth and dappled with white and gray reflections from a volume of cloud in the centre of the pale blue sky. At the left of the middle distance, sheltered by some trees, stands a farm house, in front of which a solid causeway projects far into the water. At its extremity appears an ox-wagon, laden with hay, and alongside lies a ferryboat, containing several figures. Signed aft the lower left, Tu. pe Bocx. PAUL JEAN CLAYS FLEMISH (1819-1900) No. 21— A STIFF BREEZE _ ofa ee WATERCOLOR im Height, 11% inches; length, 18 inches HY a Vrarhiwergoth_ / Wuutz the sea in front is a fluster of tawny and blue water, crested with white, V it ae deep lapis-lazuli at the horizon. Fishing boats are running before the wind, and one, nearest to the front, seems to be just coming about on a tack. She has a lavender-purple mainsail and a plum-red jib, bellying in the wind, while at her stern the Belgian black, white and red flag tugs at the halliards. Signed at the lower right, P. J. Crays. b6§— Wh. te ae WILLEM FENDEL DUTCH Contemporary No oe ae TWILIGHT WATERCOLOR Height, 11%, inches; length, 15%, inches In the dim light the low-pitched, widely spreading roof of a barn presents a drowsy mass of brown. A flock of sheep is approaching it, the shepherd — walking alongside. They are passing between two stumpy trees, the fore- % most of which stands on the edge of a little pond. a: Signed at the lower left, Fenve.. FREDERICUS JACOBUS DU CHATTEL puTCH (1856- ) No. 23— ON THE SCHELDT WATERCOLOR (ML # Vp a Height, 11%, inches; length, 181, inches Tue water, mottled with gray, pale lavender and slaty reflections from a cool weathery sky, stretches back to where the left and the right banks seem to meet. At this point, on the left, a substantial farm house is situated among trees. A man is rowing a boat in midstream, and under the lee of the right bank a punt lies moored, in which appears a figure. Signed at the lower right, Frev. J. pu CHatret. BERNARD DE HOOG puTcH (1866- ) No. 24— DUTCH CANAL a WATERCOLOR : \ ; Height, 1114 inches; length, 17 inches eel 1, : ; oo FV Tue centre of the water, which extends from the foreground,/reflects in a large patch the white clouds which are massed in the otherwise blue sky. Meanwhile, alongside- the banks, the water is tawny-olive and brown from the shadow of the bordering trees. These, at the left, are interrupted by two gabled buildings. The vista terminates in a white drawbridge. Signed at the lower left, Bennarp ve Hoos. JACOB SIMON HENDRIK KEVER putcH (1854- ) No: 25— GATHERING AUTUMN LEAVES WATERCOLOR CF Cf ~cmeor Height, 1234, inches; length, 151, inches oe Fhipruranre v In a small grove of trees with brownish-red undergrowth a boy is raking leaves, while a little girl stoops to gather them up into the barrow at her side. She is dressed in a dull bluish-green frock, black cap and stockings and wooden shoes, while the boy wears dark trousers and waistcoat over a bluish-gray shirt. Signed at the lower right, Keven. 60 — MARI TEN KATE putcH (1881-—) No. 26— CHILDREN PLAYING ON THE SHORE WATERCOLOR Height, 1334 inches; | "Oe aman E oe On the shore at the left of the ee child is drawing a baby in a little cart, while a girl and a boy sprawl on the sand watching another boy, as he stands in the water holding a stick for his dog to fetch. Back of the group appear two figures and a cart with a man in it, approaching a cluster of sail- boats that are lying off shore in the shallow water. Signed at the lower left, M. Ten Kate. A. EK. RANITZ DUTCH Contemporary No. 27— A HUNTING PARTY WATERCOLOR ' Height, 13 wee aie 19 nee 4a 7 ? MEApDOWLAND, covered with snow, slopes the fonfgronnd where at the right lies a small pool. In the background on this sid# is a spinney of trees. In the centre of the middle distance a cloud of smoke ascends, grouped around which are five figures. Another appears detached from the party, apparently pointing toward some trees on the left. Signed at the lower left, A. E. Ranrrz. ADRIANUS JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN DUTCH Contemporary No. 28— A DUTCH DIKE b ox WATERCOLOR Height, 13 inches; length, 20 inches Ss oh vA VA, A aL Ws A srpey dike extends almost directly back from the foreground, bordered on each side with willows, those on the right being pollarded and showing the creamy flesh of the recently cut wood. On the left of the water the pasture is crossed by a fence, through the bars of which a white cow has thrust her head. Signed at the lower right, A. J. GRozNEWEGEN. TONY OFFERMANS putTcH (1854- ) No. 29— OUTSIDE THE COTTAGE DOOR 7. rg Vey ree Lan WATERCOLOR ie 1 Height, 17 inches; width, 12 inches oe oO 5 at 5 Tue door and window and part of the thatched roof of a cottage show at the right of the foreground. On a bench against the wall a young woman sits with a bowl on her lap, paring potatoes. She is dressed in a white, winged cap, pinkish body and blue apron. ‘Two hens dot the space in front of her, which is enclosed by a paling on the left and at the rear. In the meadow be- yond a dun cow forms an accent of bright illumination. Signed at the lower right, T. OrrerMAns. WILLEM CAREL NAKKEN putcH (1835- _) Ne No. 30— HAULING TIMBER Fo ee WATERCOLOR 7. sue Ve thane Height, 13 inches; lengths 19%, inches Snow covers the roadway that extends across the fovep ral and the Kipts a a of a cottage among trees on the far side. In front of it a team of hones oe black and bay, stand harnessed to a two-wheeled wagon, under which lie some sticks of timber. ‘Two men are working over them, while a third is ous a in the air from a lever, with which he is trying to raise them. Signed at the lower left, W. C. NAKKEN. « FREDERICUS JACOBUS DU CHATTEL putcu (1856- ) | No. 31— RIVER SCENE—HOLLAND Pin Ae a PYods f a WATERCOLOR “0. VV AA ee Height, 13%, inches; length, 19% inches ee. ‘ Tue water which extends across the foreground is dyed with olive tones from the trees which line the left bank. A barge is being poled past them by a man, while a woman, in white cap and blue jacket, sits in the stern. It is slowly moving from us to a white house, with rich brown roof, set amongst some trees. Signed at the lower left, Frev. J. nu Cuartrer. JOHAN HENDRIK pep TENBROEK putcn (1875- i) BREAKING UP THE WRECK WATERCOLOR . Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches me, BE b — me) ONV EFL TM. sal: }ORDERED the ee on the left, there stretches from thf front a level space, eaked- with balks of timber, strewn with tools and busy with workmen. e of them, at the right, are handling some ropes by which the hull of a _ vessel is being heeled over. A green-colored barge lies moored behind them 1 others appear eet. the smoke from them blurring the distant view of Su | LOUIS APOL putTcH (1850- ) WINTER LANDSCAPE — eae WATERCOLOR Height, 1234 inches; length, 181 inches inca (oaalrog Tue snowy landscape is silhouetted against a violet lavender sky, with slight suggestions of blue. From the right of the foreground slopes down an eleva- tion, where shreds of brown growth show ieee the grayish, dove-colored _ snow, faintly tinged with purple. In the distance, at the right, a farm house lies beneath a hill that, as it descends to the level country, is feathered with trees, through which appears the red light of the afterglow. Signed at the lower right, Louis Avot. So. No. 35— A DUTCH POLDER PIETER ADRIANUS SCHIPPERUS putcH (1840- ) No. 34— A QUAY IN ROTTERDAM WATERCOLOR Height, 12 inches; length, 1934 inghes A THOROUGHFARE, paved with cobble stones, extends directly back from the foreground, terminating in a building that has one pagoda-like roof, super- imposed on another and crowned with a spire. The roadway reaches clear up to the houses that line it at the left, where two men are seated on blue benches before a wine shop. Signed at the lower left, P. A. Scutppervs. ADRIANUS JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN DUTCH Contemporary WATERCOLOR Height, 13 inches; length, Near the foreground of a yellow-green polder a gate appears in perspective, barring the turf causeway which spans a small dike. At the right of it stand a black and white cow and a reddish-brown one with a streak of white down her face. The pasture, dotted with cattle, extends back to a line of yellow cottages, interrupted by a church tower. Signed at the lower left, A. J. GROENEWEGEN. F. J. VEILAND DUTCH Contemporary No. 36— PREPARING BREAKFAST PLS Be WATERCOLOR Height, 17%, inches; width, 13 inches ae Me, % Ad A WoMAN is represented at the left of a table holding a coffee-mill between her knees with her left hand, as she grinds with her right. She wears a white cap, set back on her head so as to display the front hair, a black shawl-tippet, which discloses a scarlet garment underneath, and a blue apron. Signed at the upper left, F. VEetann. CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE FRENCH (1831-1897) 7 o B NOL 37 — POINTERS WATERCOLOR Height, 18 inches; width, 121%, inches Ona é ae ee ue Amipst some tall reedy growth in the foreground, partly trampled down, two pointers are marking their quarry. One, with right foreleg lifted and tail stiff, holds his head rigid toward the right, while the other points similarly, though his body is inclined in the opposite direction. Signed at the lower right, C. O. bE PENNE. / 7 o —— Contemporary THEOPHILE DE BOCK DUTCH (1851- ) No. 38— EDGE OF THE WOOD : | WATERCOLOR £ Dt ht or" QS. Height, 19 inches; width, 1214 inches Gray boulders stained with lichen and overgrown with moss are piled on the left. A silver birch grows at the foot and another surmounts the elevation, seen against a mass of loose, soft foliage. Some crows are flying low over the level at the right, where other birches appear, beyond which is a depres- __ sion, suggesting a pool. ; ; Signed at the lower left, TH. bE Bock. J. SENET No. 39— VENICE vray) pee Height, 14 inches; length, 1914 inches Ar the right of the canal which extends from the front to the horizon is the perspective of a line of houses. Their pinkish-white fagades are interrupted with balconies and enlivened with greenery, while some of them have verandas, connected with the water by steps. A woman is gazing from the balustrade of the nearest one. At the end of the vista appears a cluster of bright red and yellow sails. Over on the left is a distant view of the Campanile. Signed at the lower right, J. Senet. " a. Tv Pe haem vig ae J. H. WIJSMULLER DuTcH (1855- ) No. 40— A DUTCH VILLAGE } oO -— WATERCOLOR Gi, tht g £6 64 5 ° heey Height, 121, inches; length, 203, inches A country road, fledged on each side with yellow grass, slopes from the foreground and enters a village composed of white cottages with high pitched red roofs. At the right of the entrance to the street there is a small garden, fenced with boards, wherein appears a woman in blue jacket and white cap. Signed at the lower right, J. H. Wissmu.ier. JOHAN HENDRIK MASTENBROEK puTCH (1875- ) | No. 41— APPROACH TO A TOWN—HOLLAND Pre Be, ug hel WATERCOLOR Height, 12 inches; length, 203, inches J vy) ae Ee po F Ve Mak Tue roadway in front is colored olive, drab and slaty fiyder the shadow of a row of pollarded plane-trees that border it on the right. A conspicuous feature is the iron standard of an electric light, beside which a man in a red shirt is walking with a bundle on his back. A gleam of white light strikes across the roadway beyond, where it turns to the left to cross a bridge over a canal. —~ Signed at the lower right, J. H. Mastensroex. 5 — JOHAN ANTHONI BALTHASAR STROEBEL DUTCH (1821-deceased) No. 42— SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ORPHAN ASYLUM WATERCOLOR Bane Height, 174% inches; width, ae shee Tuis subject, representative of the artist, shows a gentleman in the costume — of the Seventeenth Century entering from the street into a hallway. He pre- sents a coin to a little girl standing at the left, near whom a lady, veiled in black, is seated on a bench. At the right of the doorway a small child stands nestling close to one a little older. Signed at the lower right, J. STRoeseEt. MARI TEN KATE puTcH (1831- ) No. 43— A QUAY SHOWING Se WATERCOLOR As are Height, 12%, inches; length, 181%, inches THe broad roadway extends back to a tower-like building, terminating in a gabled roof, with a spire at the right end. Conspicuous among the figures that enliven the scene is a grisette, carrying a brown umbrella and daintily holding up her blue skirt. Meanwhile, in front of her strides a fisher-girl, with white head-dress and some scarlet showing on the bodice of her dark short skirt. Signed and dated at the lower left, Mant Ten Karts, Movutns, ’038. iv. GERARD CAREL LOUIS WINDT putcH (1869- ) Fa Li No. 44— COTTAGE AT BROEK af Po Gee WATERCOLOR g Ge Height, 11 inches; length, 214% inches € Via Mera le Tue large trunk of a sycamore, near the left of the foreground, interrupts one V end of the cottage which occupies the back of the scene. A lean-to roof of brown shingles runs along this part of the cottage, covering a chicken-run of wire netting. The right-hand end of the cottage is in clearer light, the lower part of its walls shining white, while the upper is stained a pale plum-red. An old woman, carrying a broom, is entering the door. Signed at the lower left, Gen W1nprT. JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK putcH (1875- ) of on No. 45— A WHARF SCENE Wi, fp = WATERCOLOR Height, 12%, inches; length, 21 inches fe FL orate ; s/ Two sarcers, end on to the front, are lying beside a wharf at the right of the foreground. Abutting it are two tall masonry piers, to one of which a lamp is attached by a bracket. They seem to belong to an entrance gate, on the far side of which appears a square house with red peaked roof. Signed and dated at the lower right, J. H. Masrensroek, ’99, GERARDINA JACOBA VAN DE SANDE BAKHUYZEN | puTCH (1826-1895) | No. 46— FRUIT 3 WATERCOLOR ~ Height, 13 ig Zaps ro Gat ComposED against a greenish-drab background is an arrangeme large i vie | greeny-yellow apples, grapes of a silvery yellow and a single pear. A few filberts are scattered in front, and some hazel leaves, slightly shrivelled, Arey Fie 2 tastefully introduced between the fruit. y Signed at the lower right, G. J. v. vp. BakKHUYZEN. ADRIANUS JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN DUTCH Contemporary No. 47— A DUTCH PASTURE tea (0. Nae Lk aaa inches / ; Height, 13 inches; length, 2 Tue yellow-green of the level polders stretches back to a horizon where a windmill and houses are discernible. In the left corner of the foreground is a small pool, beyond which a black and white and a white and red cow are standing. At the right appears a rail, supported by two posts, at the ex- tremity of which is a red and white cow, while behind it stands a white one, flecked with black. Signed at the lower right, A. J. GRoENEWEGEN. ah? fe Bn ean ADRIANUS JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN DUTCH Contemporary — ir GO— No. 48— SHEPHERD AND FLOCK WATERCOLOR ; nf) ee Stee Height, 13 inches; length, 20 inches Lol Ee 6s Iw the foreground of pale brownish and yellow-green pasture a flock of sheep is fanned out. At the back of them the shepherd in a blue blouse leans on a stick, attended by his dog. The ground rises behind to a cluster of trees, between the stems of which distant lavender woods are faintly visible. Signed at the lower right, A. J. GRoENEWEGEN. ADRIANUS JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN DUTCH Contemporary No. 49— LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE 65° ieee ay F VW bln Ar the right of the pasture a man in blue blouse and buff-drab’ trousers stands holding the neck of a cow as she feeds from a bucket. She is white with a black saddle mark. These colors are reflected in a pool, as well as those of a willow and bush, situated beside a fence in the middle distance. WATERCOLOR Height, 1314, inches; length, 2014 inches Signed at the lower left, A. J. GROENEWEGEN. a 4 Q “own putTcH (1831- ) “40 ~~ putTcH (1856- ) MARI TEN KATE " + re No. 50— FEEDING THE PIGS =). WATERCOLOR ee . , ‘ 4, poder, o . a Height, 131, inches; length, 20 inches a. At the right of the foreground is a thatched sty, constructed of boards which a have taken on tones of drab and pale salmon hue. The front is enclosed with a fence of birch limbs, through the bars of which two pigs are thrusting their heads. A woman is feeding them from a sack, containing some green fodder, while her baby, seated on the ground behind her, regards with apprehension the approach of a hen. Signed at the lower right, M. Tew Karte. WILLEM CORNELIS RIP No. 51— ROAD BESIDE A CANAL ‘e | e ; WATERCOLOR » (9. Vie VOPR 2 20%, - Height, 131%, inches; length inches A TWO-WHEELED wagon, drawn by a bay horse and driven by a man in a blue blouse, is approaching down a road which runs along the left side of a canal. The latter passes under an arched bridge, beyond which project the peaks of a buff and of an orange gable, while above a red roof to the right rises a windmill. Signed at the lower left, Wittem C. Rip. JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK putcH (1875- ) y, No. 52— A TIMBER BARGE WATERCOLOR y) : Height, 13 inches; length, 21 inches i On the right of the foreground, floating in the water, are some sticks of timber, near which lies a barge that seems to be timber-laden. Four men are working upon her, three of them with poles. Across the water, toward the right, ap- pear a tower-like structure and indications of other buildings, surmounted by a windmill. : Signed and dated on the lower right, J. H. v. Masrensroex, ’99. JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK putcH (1875- ) No. 53— HARBOR SCENE Vs ecw WATERCOLOR Height, 13%, inches; length, 21 inches ne. I. VEL eee Tue faint light is bursting from a gap in the centre of the/ gray low ering sky. Wharves and buildings form a background to the expanse of water in the front, where a group of barges is moored opposite to a structure from which what appears to be a red chute descends. Two row boats, with a couple of figures in each, are crossing the centre of the middle distance. Signed and dated at the lower right, J. H. v. Masrensroek, ’98. J. LITTLE oF? @ eee DUTCH ce a 2 : Lh He Contemporary 3 ; No sae _ PLACE DE LA CONCORDE WATERCOLOR Height, 1334 inches; length, 20% inches : > aT in’ ; 7 i Tue obelisk of Luxor rises in the centre of the composition, between the tro 7 a fountains, copied from those in the Piazza di San Petro in Rome. Behind , them extends the facade, abutting on the Rue de Rivoli, with a distant view ; of the Madeleine. Signed at the lower left, J. Lirtte. sf 2 &: ADRIANUS JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN | DUTCH No. 55— LANDSCAPE WITH CAT LE tLe. waTERcoLoR nail Height, 131 inches; length, 20 inches Tue lavender rosy afterglow is reflected in the water which in the foreground ~ indents the pasture. Cattle are scattered over the soft sedgy grass, the main group appearing on the left of the water. Signed at the lower left, A. J. GRopNEWEGEN. — ee a JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK putcH (1875- ) Z No. 56— IN DOCK ed yoaee WATERCOLOR fe Height, 13%4 inches; length, 20 inches Cn ie i, IV AP BO" From the left of the composition projects the hull of a two-masted schooner. On a platform, slung from the gunwale, two men seem to be engaged in paint- ing the vessel’s side. In the foreground appears the edge of a wharf, from which planks lead to a high fence, where the merchant flag of Holland floats. Signed and dated at the lower right, J. H. v. MasteNBROEK. BERNARD DE HOOG putTcH (1866- ) f No. 57— TOWING GO weno WATERCOLOR Height, 13 inches; length, 23 inches aie . U , ROE _ Tue towing path stretches horizontally across the foreground eee the left to a little bridge with white fence. The rope, which disappears on the right, is stretched taut by a white horse and a bay, the driver being seated on the latter’s back. As he faces us, his blouse shows bright blue against the paler blue of the sky. Signed at the lower right, Bernarp ve Hoos. E. TROUILLEBERT : FRENCH JO. Contemporary No. 58— AFTER RAIN ’ warencoton’/”) “1g ‘ Pe Height, 14 inches; length, 21 inches ‘Tue sky shows blue between effectively bold blotches of drab-gray cloud, which — ae are reflected in nearly similar tones in the water that extends from a low line of purple hills to the front. Here a boat with a figure in it is being made — fast by a man who kneels on the bank. The pasture on the right stretches = back to a red-roofed cottage and a stack sheltered by trees. Signed at the lower right, EK. TrovitieBert. Yi THOMAS MORAN, N.A. Bhat x ease AMERICAN (1837- _—) No. 59— VENICE Height, 15 inches; length, 2134 inches Ow each side of the foreground lies a mass of varied craft, laden with mer- chandise, and gay with the bright hues of the sails which hang from the masts or are disposed as awnings. The blue water is dyed with reflections of rose, yellow and tones of brown. In the central distance the Campanile and Doge’s Palace show conspicuously; while nearer the front on the left appears a large white dome. Signed at the lower left with the monogram, T. M. PETRUS PAULUS SCHIEDGES putTcH (1860- ) No. 60— A HOLLAND FARM ( £) 73, GL, WATERCOLOR ( C NPR a Se © aes f Height, 21 inches; width, 15 inches (3 3 en loanr ] A Farm roadway, bordered on each side by a gully, leads straight back from ¢ the foreground. Near the end of it appears the receding figure of a woman in white winged cap, bluish-gray cloak and dark brown skirt. The mossy green pasture that extends on each side of the roadway terminates on the right in a hedge and screen of trees, beneath which nestles a dark red roof. Signed at the lower right, P. P. Scurenees. JACOB SIMON HENDRIK KEVER puTcH (1854- ) No. 61— A HAPPY HOME Fe WATERCOLOR Height, 161, inches; length, 194 inches Ly , (1) YM bik mle Aes Ar the left of a little square window which appears in the back wall of the room, the baby’s cradle stands on the floor. It is of wicker-work, with a green drapery over the hood, a lavender coverlet being tucked around the child. The young mother sits facing it on the other side of the room, upright in her chair, but with her head bowed over her sewing. Her costume consists of a black cap, reddish drab jacket and a deep blue apron. Signed at the lower right, Keven. A. SCHENKEL ee | oe Contemporary _ No. 62— INTERIOR OF A CHURCH WATERCOLOR 0) ; Vien Height, 19% inches; width, 17 inches Tue picture Hees the per spective of the aisle of a church, with a row of oleae to the left from which spring the vaultings of the roof. The bases of the — a pillars are grayish-buff; the coloring of the rest of the masonry being white. — Ws Between the pillars are tawny-brown wooden screens, with entrances to side chapels. At the end of the vista appear figures, among them being a woman : a carrying a basket, accompanied by a child. : Signed at the lower left, ScHENKEL. HENDRIK VALKENBURG LOS me putcu (1826-1896) No 63a: RETURNING HOME WATERCOLOR a ( a Kod. Height, 13%, inches; length, 25% Aces: In the rosy twilight a peasant is walking down a path that leads back to a cottage, in front of which his wife with a baby in her arms is waiting to receive him. Dressed in a drab vest and trousers and dark blue shirt, he carries on his shoulders, slung to the handle of his spade, a little bucket and red earthenware bottle. Signed at the lower right, H. VaLKENBuRG. MISS WALLY MOES puTcH (1857- ) THE FOND MOTHER Be. fs WATERCOLOR ; € i Height, 24 inches; width, 14 inches Kin Of = { TANDING i in Sricosle, facing to the right, a young mother lifts her baby up | , I . full view of the spectator. The woman wears a dainty white cap, with f ty silk under-flap showing against her rosy cheek; a black ribbon clasped d her throat; a lavender red bodice with turnover collar of lighter tone d slaty blue apron. | oa Signed and dated at the lower right, Watty Mogs, ’94. GEORGE POGGENBEEK putcH (1853- ) Le as : No. 65— DUTCH PASTURE AND CATTLE? ££ cy ple Sy — py Mh/O — Height, 151% inches; length, 2314 inches Ys ,, it. A pike crosses the left of the foreground and then turns and passes back fe up the right of the meadow. A little back from the corner it is crossed by a ea wooden dam, affixed to two posts on the bank. At the left of these a brown * cow and a red one, both flecked with white, stand sade by side in the long reedy grass. / Signed and dated on the lower left, Gro. Poccrnsrrx, 84, _ WATERCOLOR / o Gg Riera ADOLF LE COMTE putcH (1850- ) No. 66— SCENE IN A DUTCH TOWN Semniie Q Ulan Height, 14% inches; length, 22 ie Misty atmosphere broods over the whole scene. Up at the right side of the composition rises a white road, bordered with almost leafless trees, protected by guardposts. They stand close to a canal which, paralleling the road, dis- appears under an arched bridge. At the left of the water abuts an irregular line of houses, with roofs piling, one above another, until they are surmounted by the roof and part of the tower of a church. At the foot of the row of buildings an old woman is standing beside a window box, gay with red flowers. Signed at the lower right, A. L. ComTe. HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG putTcH (1831- ) No. 67— FISHING BOATS ames WATERCOLOR \_A~ q. POA AP ION. Height, 141, inches; length, 21 inches Tue sky is a cold gray, silted over with sooty drab vapor. In the stress of the wind the fishing boats, three of which carry the Scheveningen mark on their sails, are rocking on the water which is curdled to olive-gray, streaked with agitated white. Two are conspicuous in the front; the right hand one carrying a tawny-buff sail, the other a purplish lavender-brown. Signed and dated at the lower right, H. W. Mespaa, 1899. NICOLAAS BASTERT puTcH (1854- ) Z No. 68— COTTAGES NEAR HOLLANDALE meses WATERCOLOR Height, 15 inches; length, 201, inches Vr. Vr as ( Lo rw A sanpy road, bordered on the left by brown soil and on the opposite side by a strip of bright green grass, leads back from the front and disappears be- tween two cottages. The one at the left presents a gable end, projecting from a long brown roof. The other, also gable-ended, shows a brownish-red roof, succeeded by one of dull slaty blue, whence a long reddish-buff roof extends at right angles. Signed at the lower left, N. Basrert. ALBERT NEUHUYS DUTCH (1844- ) if é os No. 69— CONTENTED WATERCOLOR Height, 201% inches; width, 15 inches ae J Aiea ee Wiru her shovel and tongs and other metal utensils hanging polished on the wall at the right of her, and a round table spread with a loaf, cup and saucer and bowl at her side, an old lady sits with her hands passively laid in her lap. She wears a white cap, with frills beside the cheeks, a blackish-olive jacket, showing an interval of pinky lavender with a spot of crimson, and a grayish-drab apron. Signed at the lower left, A. NEuHUYS. JAN VAN VUUREN putcH (1871- No. 70— A DUTCH INT a j0 | ; WATERCOLOR 3 My VrKw See Height, 17%, inches; length, 21% inches passage-like room, roofed with beams, which extends to a glass door. Along the right-hand wall are arranged two tables. On the nearer one stand some _ blue and red jars and a brass bowl, while at the other a woman is seated holding a cup. Signed and dated at the lower right, J. van Vuuren, ’00. -HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG 735 — putcH (1831- _—=) a we No. 71— INCOMING TIDE . WATERCOLOR (2 Pa Ve. VW ahirn ; Height, 17 inches; length, 211, inches Own the left of the centre a fishing boat, with her tawny sails half lowered and two figures seated in her stern, drags at her two cables. The body of water is olive and buff-drab, with small white rollers following one another in quick succession. In the offing on the right appears a sailboat in move- ment. Signed at the lower right, H. W. Mespac. JOHANNES HENDRIK WEISSENBRUCH DUTCH (1824- ) No. 72— UNLOADING THE FISHING BOATS WATERCOLOR boa Height, 1534 inches; length, 221, inches ee dl SSP BOOS A FisHinc boat with a pale blue band around the gunwale and its sail loosely flapping, lies in the shallow water at the right. A figure is wading toward the centre of the composition, where some women and children are grouped on the sand beside baskets laden with fish. At the left a sturdy fisherman is approaching, accompanied by a girl. Signed at the lower left, J. H. WeissenBRucH. JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK puTcH (1875- ) No. 73— A DUTCH TOWN SCENE WATERCOLOR Tue water stretches back from the foreground to a quay wall which is pierced Height, 161%, inches; length, 23%, inches 33, U Va Moerregat in the centre by the bridge entrance to a narrow side canal. Above the houses which, packed in picturesque irregularity, form the background, gray and white clouds are piled up against a cool blue sky. Among some boats on the left of the foreground appear a man in a white shirt and another in dark blue coat. Signed and dated at the lower right, J. H. vy. Mastensroek, 1903, : cf, 3 0 WILLEM STEELINK J. H. WIJSMULLER ; putTcH (1855- ) No. 74— CANAL IN WIN comme i, Height, 16 inches; length, 243, inches Reriectine the pale rosy amber of a winter’s afterglow, the canal winds back from the front between snow-covered banks, lined with trees and houses. Con- — spicuous on the right is a red brick building, composed of three gables in suc- cession. Beyond it two women are walking along the canal path. . Signed at the lower right, J. H. WissMuLieEr. putTcH (1856- ) No. 75— RETURN TO THE BARN x \ Wavendoton 1 Cae & 6 . J “A 7 aa W i: a ; as PN ; Height, 1634, inches; length, 2614, inches Tue barn faces us on the left of the background, its two big doors wide open, as the shepherd stands on the threshold. Meanwhile the flock, preceded by three sheep in a group, slowly advances from the front, grazing as it moves along. Signed at the lower left, Witty SrTEeELinx. ADRIANUS JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN DUTCH @ ee pe Contemporary fe No. 76— PLOWING Height, 201% inches; width, 1934 inches f a een 2 A say horse is approaching: at the left of the foreground, drawing a plow, at the tail of which follows a man, clad in grayish-buff trousers and vest, and a blue shirt. A little behind him, toward the right, a woman in blue apron stoops forward so as to show the white crown of her cap as she picks up something from the ground. Signed at the lower right, A. J. GROENEWEGEN. WILLEM MARIS purcH (1844- +) es J of dee & gh A 2 No. 77— THE DRINKING POOL _ if i as ) ' AF : 2 oa on Tiel : f/ 4 WATERCOLOR i so - - —_ Heigh i s » 22, 4 ght, 17 inches; length, 2214, inches eet: hie Te Tue little pond at the left of the foreground is blotted with rich reflections of bluish and olive-black, gray and yellowish tones and interrupted with a shaggy growth of reeds. A post sticks up out of the water at the might, near which a dun cow with white face is standing with her forefeet at the brink of the pond. To her left is a white one with black chaps and saddle- mark, lowering her head as if about to drink. Signed at the lower left, W1LtEM Manis. (/ TO — GEORGE POGGENBEEK e. Mh. Le: + on puTcH (1853- _—_=») R * re a oceiiiil Height, 1714 inches; length, 2334 inches In a grassy retreat, backed by willow trees and a hedge, a bluish-black duck and two white ones are resting near the edge of a little reedy pool. | Signed and dated near the lower left, GEo. PoccENBEEK, ’96, > eh ee CAROLUS JOHANNES THIJSSEN putcH (1867- ) No. 79— BABY ASLEEP WATERCOLOR 0 Height, 17% inches; length, 22%, inches In a simple but spotlessly clean kitchen the baby’s cradle occupies the centre of the red tiled floor. A green drapery hangs over the hood, and a blanket with orange stripes is tucked around the child. The mother, dressed in an olive-colored cap, buff-olive jacket and lightish blue skirt, leans over the cradle adjusting the pillow. Signed at the lower left, C. J. Tutsssen. TONY OFFERMANS purcH (1854- ) THE eed e , 7 si eae is | WATERCOLOR ee alee ; Height, 22%, inches; width, 1714 inches Ma UbLnvan RED ea of ruddy complexion, with a clay pipe in his mouth, the : is boring with his awl into the sole of a shoe. Clad in a light blue am nd leather apron, he sits in front of a window, an oil lamp hanging a e ee over his head. A. I. VAN DRIESTE ee il as DUTCH A DUTCH CHURCH IN WINTER A Oo LV WATERCOLOR eZ : Height, 253, inches; width, 1744, inches . Spinetti Tue church tower rises in three tiers above the snow-covered roofs of a cluster of buildings. The one at the left of the foreground presents a buff-drab , gable “end, with a door below, which a woman in a dull red shawl is ap- __—_- proaching. cf - Signed at the lower right, A. I. van Drixste. Ma /300— VICTOR BAUFFE putTcH (1849- | ) ‘a No. 82— A RIVERSIDE SCENE—HOLLAND 7 : < E ; Height, 17 inches; length, 24%, inches mh On the right bank of a sheet of water stands a little grove of young willows. —__ Between two of them stretches a pole on which a woman is hanging a pair of blue trousers. On the far side of the water the horizontal bank is dotted with trees and cottages, a church or schoolhouse with a small belfry appearing at the right extremity. at Signed at the lower right, V. Baurre. JOSEF ISRAELS | (1824- —) Mi. Kr Ge > Ryo 83— AMUSING THE BABY — ee ¥ PRR SR Sec Tata | Ww. RCOLOR Height, 181 inches; length, 2534, inches Aw old man, left in charge of the baby, is showing it a toy soldier, whose scarlet trousers make a bright, sharp note in a color composition of delicate tonality. The rosy-faced child, esconced in a pale blue baby-chair, stretches out a hand gleefully, as the old man, seated opposite, holds the manikin at arm’s length. Signed at the right of the centre, Joser IsrakEts. ADRIANUS JOHANNES GROENEWEGEN DUTCH of A Contemporary é oF . goa’ No. 84— MILKING TIME By, SF » te WATERCOLOR Height, 18 inches; length, 25 inches Tue foreground is occupied by a pond in which three ducks are swimming. Some little distance back in the pasture, beside a two-wheeled cart with a bay horse in the shafts, a man is milking a black and white cow. At the right of the scene another man, in blue blouse, is carrying a bucket and milking stool. Signed at the lower right, A. J. GROENEWEGEN. WILLEM CORNELIS RIP putcH (1856- ) WATERCOLOR by ae Ms F Powe era No. 85— CANAL AND BRIDGE Height, 13%, inches; length, 17%, inches we . ; Te tl eee A cANAL, stretching back from the foreground, is crossed iV the middle dis- tance by a three-arch bridge. At the right end of it a woman in white cap and blue dress is walking toward some red-roofed houses, surmounted by a windmill. At the left of the canal a barge lies moored beside a quay that is bordered by a row of trees. i Signed at the lower right, Wittem C. Rip. AS ~ 7: ee FRENCH (1829-1900) JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK > puTcH (1875- WATERCOLOR Ptheah iC No. 86— HARBOR SCEN Height, 131%, inches; length, 2014 inches Wavy brown lines lie horizontally in the lower sky, against which toward the __ right appear a sail and the masts of a group of fishing boats. To the left of these, backed by a screen of trees on the far shore, lies a bulky mastless barge with a man in blue on board. At the extreme left are indications of feu On! “lay a spit of land and a boat alongside. ; Signed and dated at the lower right, J. H. v. Mastenproex, '96. EK. TROUILLEBERT | No. 87— eae te! ¢ Barely Height, 1434 inches; length, 211, inches Tue gray foreground, sketchily washed in, is cut at the right by a triangle of whitish gray water. Near the point of the latter a woman is walking from us, in a red tippet and brown dress. Five willows grow along the farther edge of the water and at the back of the meadow a barn and cottage appear. Signed at the lower left, E. Trov1tiesert. CHARLES PAUL GRUPPE ee a Saas AMERICAN (1850- ) 3 G re. a WATERCOLOR b - Sndenig | THE OLD WINDMILL ge V2 | Height, 183, inches; length, 231%, inches ae fe inn the right of the canal, whose surface extends back white and gray with the reflections of the sky, is moored a boat with a green deckhouse and blue B.S a ‘pennon. She lies off the angle of a bank which rises to where a shed stands, Boost roofed with red and tawny shingles. Beside it towers up an old drab windmill. ereenea at the nts might, Cu. P. Gruppe. ee re : : AIS — oS Ib intton hems Pr FPS ~ OIL PAINTINGS 4 S O BE SOLD AT MENDELSSOHN HALL 2 ForTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY SECOND EVENING’S SALE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15ru, 1911 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK No. 89— CHICKENS FEEDING ot . Height, 714 inches; length, 131, inches iG aus vA Vinieek An Italian girl, with one hand raised to her head and the other holding a stick, | stands beside her chickens as they feed in a bunch. The group appears on a stretch of yellow-green grass which occupies the foreground, and extends back at the left, bordered by a vista of low hillside, where villas nestle among trees. At the right of the composition lies an expanse of blue water, into which near the front projects a row of boats, sheltered with awnings. RAFAEL PEREZ SERROT \/ Signed at the lower right, Rarart Perez SERRor. RAFAEL PEREZ SERROT a No. 90— AN ITALIAN FISHERBOY _— as } Height, 7, inches; length, 13% inches + Eee PANEL ye E oe Wn A FISHERBOY, wearing a scarlet Neapolitan cap, his brown libs bare but — ie Be for a white cloth tied with a crimson sash around his waist, is coming forward == over the sand. He carries a basket and rod in his right hand, and in his left a string of fish. To the left of him is a group of three children, one carry- ing a baby. The blue water borders the shore on the right. pare Signed at the lower right, Rarart Perez SERRor. BR oF in ~ JOSEPH VAN SEVERDONCK z FLEMISH . No. 91— CHICKENS Height, 7 inches; length, 10%, inches raat le ne hie On the summit of a mound, over which the roof of a barn appears, a white cock stands among his hens. Near him one is sitting with a chick on her back, while others are scattered around her. Two ducks are swimming in a pool at the right of the foreground. Signed and dated at the lower centre, J. vAN SEVERDONCK, 1890. git ya JOSEPH VAN SEVERDONCK FLEMISH No. 92— SHEEP PASTURE iA Height, 7 inches; length, 101/, inches : PANEL Se ae ae he On a knoll overlooking the sea an ewe is lying with her lamb beside her, while another sheep stands at the right of them feeding. Two ducks are swimming in a little pool. Signed and dated at the right of the lower centre, J. van SEVERDONCK, 1890. LEON VICTOR DUPRE FRENCH (1816-1879) LF No. 93— LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE he ; Ze Height, 8°, inches; length, 12 inches #> PANEL An j Vir es Vivores. Axsove the horizon, stained with scarlet rose, the sky is suffused with yellow, that gradually becomes greener toward the zenith. These tones are drowsily reflected on the surface of the water in the foreground, while the pasture which indents it is already wrapt in shadow. On a spot of the marshy land, extend- ing across the centre near the front, the red and white and brown of some cows afford spots of subdued burnish. Signed at the lower right, Victor Durnre. a GO —— HENRI HARPIGNIES GS — rd = = = FRENCH (1819- ) No. 94— LANDSCAPE STUDY Height, 434, inches ado = AS. > Looxine across a foreground of grass,/gne sees between the stems of four trees — a horizontal stretch of blue water, streaked with white. Above the bank, be- , nr JOHANNES SCHERREWITZ puTcH (1868- ) “No. 116— — - MILKING TIME Height, 15 inches;jlength, 18 inches Mech Loe Ay evn nw In the foreground of a pasture, dotted with ith cattle white cow with a black i patch on her back is being milked by a man, who is‘clad in a dull red coat and blue trousers. Water appears at the left of the immediate foreground, and reappears farther back at the right, where it is crossed by a footbridge and bordered with some scrubby trees, clothed in tawny green foliage. Signed above the lower right, J. ScHERREWITZ. AF, WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N\A. AMERICAN (1849- ) No. 117— AUTUMN ON THE SHINNECOCK HILLS Height, 143, inches; length, 19 inches wel Ore Dr | _ Tux, long pinkish lavender grass on the¢’ hillside is spotted with clumps of 4 white flowers and groups of dull crimson blossoms, growing on separate stems. iN On the edge of the slope, at the left, lies a strip of yellow, bordering a wall, - mauve in shadow, which forms part of the enclosure of what seems to be a small orchard. In the central distance appears a triangle of slaty blue sea under . a greeny-gray sky. 2. Signed at the lower left, Wm. M. Crass. ‘ : HIPPOLYTE CAMILLE DELPY FRENCH No. 118— - COUCHER DU SOLEIL 7 ee Contemporary , vy Height, 1114 inches; length, 2034, inches 6 by —*Br ee ig A cumBrovus river barge, with a red band around her brown hull and flying a blue, white and red pennon at the mast, lies warped to the right bank of the river. At the water’s edge a woman is washing linen. Behind her some steps lead up an elevation where at some distance from the front a cottage appears beneath a tree. At this point the drab sky shows some flots of reddish- orange. In mid-stream lies a boat with two figures in it. Signed at the lower left, H. C. Drury. LUDWIG MUNTHE NORWEGIAN (1841-1896) No. 119— WINTER LANDSCAPE Height, 1434 inches; length, 2014 inches | i? - ~ Between snowy banks, bordered by rude fences, a stream extends back diag- onally from the right of the foreground. Its vista terminates in a cluster of houses with red and brown roofs. One higher than the rest with a smoking chimney shows a roof from which the snow has partly thawed. Signed at the lower left, L. Muntue. 2 10 FREDERICUS JACOBUS DU CHATTEL WILLIAM BLISS BAKER AMERICAN (1859-1889) No. 120— ~— SWAMP LANDS Height, 15%, inches; length, 21%/ inches Sanp and stones, suggesting the dry bed of a stream, occupy the centre o the foreground, which is flanked on each side by luxuriant vegetation, sprinkled with the flowers of the golden-rod. Across the middle distance a brook threads its course, bordered by three clumps of willow. The background is woody, — rising at the right to a bushy knoll. ‘ Signed at the lower Icft, Wm. Buiss Baker. putcH (1856- =). No. 121— HOLLAND WINDMILL | Height, 15% inches; length, 22%, inches reo: Tue grayish-blue water that fills the foreground reflects near/the centre the drab-fawn coloring of a windmill which forms the prominen¥ feature of the bank opposite to us. At the foot of the mill nestles a small brown shed, while toward the right the white gable of a red roofed building catches a strong light, which is also reflected in the water. Conspicuous on the right bank are two white posts. Signed at the lower left, Frep J. pu CHATTEL. Poa ak, 3 eet ae X bs Ra 4) OE, ae Pes Se HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG 7) f putcH (1831- ) Yo < No. 122— SCHEVENINGEN FISHING BOATS Height, 20 inches; width, 15% inches : ~ Tue gray-blue sea is briskened by the wind into lines of white. In the shallow water at the left of the foreground appears one fluke of an anchor whence a cable stretches to a dark gray-black hull, above which a dull reddish-brown sail is flapping at half-mast. From the right a fisherman in buff jersey is approaching the boat on horseback. Among the other craft which spot the water is one with a buff-white sail, registered “Sch,” that catches a bright light. Signed and dated at the lower right, H. W. Mespaa, 1897. \\ / OD ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN (1828-1899) No. 123—ON THE MARCH—BATTERY. GOING INTO ACTION Height, 1234 inches; length, 2314 yi d Wf PA 1A AdhSr— Ereut horses, two abreast, the near ones ae A by driver rs, are drawing a field-gun up the steep ascent which extends from the foreground. Meanwhile, the gunners have dismounted and are putting all their strength into pushing the gun-carriage. An officer with drawn sword rides alone at a little distance toward the left, and over in the distance at the right another gun is seen going into action under similar circumstances. ‘The men are clad in gray overcoats. Signed at the lower left, A. ScurREYER. TONY OFFERMANS putcH (1854- ) No. 124— THE VILLAGE POSTMASTER f) . Height, 21 inches; width, 16°, inches VV ; Co. Ce eS 1 Sreatep at the back of a table, facing us, an old man with head erect looks down through spectacles low on his nose as he makes an entry in a book. His white quill pen catches the light from a window at the left. A black cap surmounts his healthy, ruddy face, while his figure is dressed in a brown waist- coat and very blue shirt. The table is piled with books and papers and several letter stamps. Signed at the lower left, T. Orrermans, y WILLY MARTENS puTcH (1856- ) a 7 -_ “™~ ¥ No. 125— THE PET GOAT), apn ke Height, 1814 inches; length, 22 inches A sMALL boy, whose black shirt is tucked into his corduroy trousers, holds by a cord a white goat while it feeds. Seated at the boy’s feet is a fair-haired child, ‘dressed in a dark brown frock and blue pinafore, with a red shawl around the neck. She points a finger at the goat. Signed at the lower right, Wir1y Martens. eb rae Age JEAN JACQUES HENNER A> : ~ ar FRENCH (1829-1905) 7 j ‘No. 126—~“ RED DRAPERY Height, 2414 inches; width, 18%, inches A youne girl’s head and bust, the latter draped with geranium-red, are shown in profile, facing to the left. The chestnut hair is lighted on the crown, but shaded to a rich golden-brown behind the neck. The eyeball is pale blue, and a golden-brown shadow hovers over the lower part of the cheek and the neck. Signed at the lower left, J. J. HENNER. ISIS —- jy 41248 AMA» Stock = SSXX = Aug 27/46 Saud %. oe f AESx — £030 - 5% tng boll 1£96 4 ASxx Tbs bf$4al Fjeos, ban Sigh MAE SX — Goes - Och ie /ibaq. A.b.F BASKX~— May «igo bol. a .Spes BMxXxx —, C&. I chem bale gob -#lok £AUKK~ A. F0r - +f P GEORGE INNKSS, N.A. AMERICAN (1825-1894) No. 227 LATE AFTERNOON Height, 18 inches; “he 26 HO, Ld he THe foreground of smooth meadow, sprin 1 yellow flowers and showing a stick of timber lying at the left, is enveloped in shadow. But behind a group of trees at the right of the middle distance a rosy glow strikes across the scene, flinging a spot of white on a farther tree, burnishing another at the left to golden-red and kindling into radiance the white walls of some cottages that dot the horizon. Rosy-amber vapor swims above it, streaked with grayish-blue and passing overhead to a rich yellow-rose. Near the foreground, at the right, a woman in gray-blue apron and white cap walks beside a child. Signed at the lower right, G. Innexss. JULHS CYRILLE CAVE FRENCH No. 128— FLOWERS OF THE FIELD Contemporary ) oo —. 7 }) ) Height, 25%, inches; width, 19% inlA 4 wot =) ES Os I om Searep with her body slightly inclined to the left, a child’s face is toward the front, while her eyes glance to the right. She is clad only in a white chemise; and her arms, folded on her lap, embrace a nosegay of narcissus and mar- guerites. Signed and dated at the upper right, J. Cave, 1896. From the Paris Salon, 1896. JOSEPH H. BOSTON, A.N.A. AMERICAN Contemporary No. 129— , SUMMER MOON YY. ff. ST Ln Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches Tur margin of the water, fringed with green reedy growth, crosses the front and straggles back at the left. The blue-gray surface of the pond, flecked with blue and lavender, shows near the front some flakes of primrose, reflected from the full moon, which hangs in a sky diagonally skeined with lavender- blue and pale gray-cream. At the foot of a hill which bounds the farther bank lie some gray cottages, with yellow lights appearing through the windows. Signed at the lower right, Jos. H. Bosron. JOHAN ANTHONI BALTHASAR STROEBEL 4/0 — putcH (1821- ) ! No. 130— THE ANTIQUARIAN 7). So Cover rere Height, 1334, inches; length, 20 inches Tue wall of the apartment above the panelled wainscot is creamy olive in tone, where it is illumined from a high window at the left, from which the light also strikes on to a table. Gathered around this are four men in seventeenth century costumes, occupied with some decorated silver-gilt cups. One, at the left of the table in front, is making entries in a book, while a gentleman at the back of the table sits examining one of the pieces. To his left sits another, talking to one who is standing. These three are in black with steeple hats. At the right, behind a screen, appears an attendant stooping over other speci- mens. Signed and dated at the lower left, Srrorset, *71. CHARLES PAUL GRUPPE AMERICAN (1860- ) No. 131— FARM YARD IN HOLLAND é, heal, peat, 18 inches; length, 24 inches ree Ge: In the dull light from a pei -drab sky the litter which heaps the yard ap- a pears dull olive-drab and buff. Five black and white cows are strung across in an irregular line, at the right extremity of which a man in a blue blouse is pouring something into a trough. At the right, seen behind a fence and some trees, lie a red-walled, thatched barn and a hooded stack. The background at the left is formed by a screen of muzzy trees. Signed at the lower right, Cuas. P. Gruppe. i MIO mm Z % DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN (1850- ) : ceo EN OS] Boe ees THE FISHERGIRL | Height, 22 inches; width, A8 inches In the foreground of sand a girl stands, wd G, e handle of her shrimp | net. Her head, seen in profile, is bound with a yellow handkerchief, while her __ sturdy figure is clad in a coarse drab jacket and pale gray-blue skirt, patched with rosy-lavender, turned up over a drab-fawn petticoat. A basket is slung at her back. é Signed and dated at the lower right, Riwaway Knicut, Paris, 1887. 130 | GEORGES MICHEL ae FRENCH (1763-1843) No. 133— - LANDSCAPE WITH WINDMILL Fi | Height, 1934 inches; a ais i ogee . j Tue tawny-yellow and olive-brown ground s Be at the right to an eminence, crowned by a dark brown windmill with some smudges of white on the sails. To the right of it a thatched roof projects from a clump of olive- brown and golden-tawny trees. Near the centre of the foreground appears a figure, distinguished by a white cap and something carried over the shoulder. In the distance the ground descends to a hollow in which appears the sugges- tion of a gray pool. The sky presents a flux of drab and sooty vapor, slightly stirred with white. WILLEM CORNELIS RIP DUTCH (1856- ) No. 134— NEAR VEERE Height, 181% inches; length, 2534 inches (O [ 5 Y Tue water at the right of the foreground passes under the two Arches of a bridge, on which a man in blue appears. On a bank at the left of the foreground a woman is holding a white object above some vessel. Her figure intersects a fence, behind which rises a rather dilapidated windmill. In the distance toward the right is a group of red-roofed houses, above which looms vaguely the nave and tower of a church. Signed at the lower left, Wi11eM C, Rip. GEORGE WASHINGTON & No. 135— HALT AT THE WELL Height, 23%, inches; width, 19%, inches FLL ee to Tue well is surrounded on three sides by a low parapet and backed by a white wall, with a Moorish arch inset. On the parapet sits a man holding by the rein an Arab steed. Meanwhile its rider, clad in a red fez and jacket, leans ever the parapet as he drinks. One of his pack horses, a white, is stooping its head to drink, while two others, a dapple gray and a bay, laden with merchan- dise, stand at the left. Signed at the lower left, G. WasHINGTON. he feON ce &. )/3O —_ WORDSWORTH THOMPSON, N.A. eee AMERICAN (1840-1896) No. 136— GIPSIES BY THE SEA ae Height, 17 i } hes Height, 17 oh Tiles | Hie Gipsy wagon is halted at the ae of a3 e sandy foregroufid; the bay h small boy, clad only in a shirt. At the right of Ne steps a woman, ace _ panied by.a child and a pointer dog, shades her eyes with her hand. At left an older woman and a man are playing cards, being seated near a trest table which is crowded with objects, including a black bottle. ne Signed and dated at the lower left, WorpswortH TxHompson, ’80. z sé JOHN BUNYAN BRISTOL, N.A. | | AMERICAN (1826-1909) No. 187— LAKE COPAKE, COLUMBIA, N. Y.—JUNE Height, 18 inches; length30 inches . ry. A BRooK meanders through the grassy “foreground, between shelving banks © that are spotted with green circular leaves. It is crossed some distance back . by a bridge, at the right of which, on the sloping sward, a woman in pink stands near to the reclining figure of another in a white gown. Beyond a crescent of foliage appears a triangle of the lake, bounded by distant moun- tains. Signed at the lower left, J. B. Bristow. JACOB SIMON HENDRIK KEVER putcH (1854- ) No. 138— THE PICTURE-BOOK : : Height, 20%, inches; length, 26 inches fn A KCAL’ ARN Art the back of a reddish-brown octagonal table a‘small boy sits with a picture- book in front of him. He is pointing out a picture to his little sister, who also has her hand on the page. As she stands at the left, leaning across the table, the light irradiates her pale corn-colored hair and touches to silvery tones the olive-drab frock. The boy is dressed in a greenish-black cap and brown jacket. Signed at the lower right, Kever. »~ a ts CF tee JAN MONCHABLON FRENCH (1855- ) No. 139— LUCERNE ET CHAMP D’AVOINE—PRES DE CHATILLON, VOSGES HeightA18%, inches; ee ti A stopr extends back from the foreground, parti-colored with rectangular sec- tions of varied cultivation. In the front appears the mauve and green of a patch of lucerne or alfalfa, while the oat stubble stretches up the right, dotted with sheaves and two figures. But the most conspicuous feature is a strip of yellow-green, that reaches from the front to the top of the hill. Along it are approaching a woman carrying a fork and a man with a scythe over his shoulder. Signed at the lower right, JAN Moncwuasron; lower left, oz. 129. FRITZ VON UHDE GERMAN (1848-1911) GHEe No. 140— THE DISCUSSION 2 inches Tue maid of the inn has entered the room at the left, carrying a blue pitcher—/ A and a tray containing three glasses. Her dainty figure, in its white cap and ‘ea apron, pinkish-lavender body and creamy-tan skirt, attracts the attention of a young man in a red tunic who sits leaning his back against a table at the bs Height, 23%, inches; lengt right. An older man, seated on the same bench leans forward to argue with another in the centre of the room, who inclines his head to listen. Meanwhile, an old man has turned his back on the discussion and sits gazing out of a window. Fritz von Uhde, the painter of this work, died quite recently (Feb- ruary 26) in Berlin. He was an artist of distinction and excelled in Genre and historical subjects. He was represented in the collection of German paintings exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum in 1910. Signed at the lower right, F. v. Use. A PAUL JEAN CLAYS 1 bf Y J uN 3 \ N FLEMISH (1819-1900) Y ~ of La No. 141— |. CALME—BATTEAUX RHINS \\Wt aN: x Height, 2334 inches; me inches A Rune barge, with brownish-buff hull, showing a sideboard, occupies the right of the water. She flies the Dutch ensign at her mastNead and has creamy- white, buff-white and buff-red sails. Her cabin top is green and near it appears a figure in a scarlet jersey. Other sail boats are grouped immediately behind and spot the distance, while toward the left are visible a windmill and house with white gable and red roof. é Signed at the lower right, P. J. Cruays. , — Obb/,$93. 6. £ ry obo — Sze OXKK Ofek ty, Storer tnnbigth 8 18x — £80. JOHN GEORGE BROWN, N.A. AMERICAN (1831- ) No. 142— THE CERAMIC CONNOISSEUR See es eR yoa Height, 24 inches; width, 16 PM ae Lh Li ni 4 A sHOEBLACK stands leaning against the base of a dark green lamp-post, holding up in his right hand a blue teapot that has lost its handle. An ash barrel suggests whence he has made his find. Beside the barrel lies the young- ster’s box. Signed and dated at the lower right, J. G. Brown, N.A., 1882. ARTHUR HOEBER, A.N.A. JOO AMERICAN (1854- ) No. 143— EVENTIDE Height, 20 inches; length, 30 broke 4 ae 4) yn Leig | THE eye travels across a level of salt marshes, whose rich green vegetation is interrupted by streaks and flecks of bluish-gray water, with an occasional tinge of white. A bank of greenish-blue vapor hangs over the horizon, above which lie some wisps of rosy-pink. Flecks of the same in fainter tones, mingled with streaks of grayish-tan and drab, float in the luminous primrose-green of the upper sky. Signed and dated at the lower left, ArrHur Horser, 1900. Z1O JEAN JACQUES BAPTISTE BRUNET FRENCH (1850- ) No. 144— A WRAPT AUDIENCE ; Height, 21 Menard, Vee 3 An old woman is seated beside her spinning-wheel on the right of/the fireplace telling a story to some children. They are ranged in a row ow a bench be- neath the sleeping cupboard, which is screened with rosy-crimson curtains. Conspicuous among them is one who clasps her hands, while her eyes are round and starting with excitement. Seated on the floor at the left of the fireplace is an older girl, in white lawn cap, lavender-plum shawl crossed over her breast, and a purplish-black dress. As she clasps her hands on her lap, she listens with quiet absorption. Signed and dated at the lower left, JEAN Brunet, 1891. Exhibited at the Salon of 1892. OG =m GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN (1864- ) No. 145— AN OLD MILL—HOLLAND Height, 20 pies eg ks (= a right of the centre in the Tue olive-buff mass of the windmill rises at the middle distance against a creamy-olive sky; surmounting a brownish-tan house with red roof and blue door and shutters. From this point water flows to the foreground, where, on the left, a man in blue blouse is rowing a boat, containing two buff sacks. In the golden-olive pasture that occupies the far side of the water black and white cattle are grazing. Signed at the lower left, Grorcr BoceErt. : iywty? 5 ALLEN B. TALCOTT AMERICAN ( -1908) No. 146— CONNECTICUT PASTURE Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches : aT ee Ochi, Six sheep are feeding in a little dip of the hillside pasture, sje slopes+up to a group of three oaks, and a single larger one at the left. Lower down at the right appears a birch. Both the pasture and the foliage of the trees are lighted with a warm glow from a blue sky in which pinkish drab clouds float, while a volume of white lies above the horizon. Signed and dated at the lower left, Atten B. Taucorrt, 1901. FRITZ THAULOW NORWEGIAN (1847-1906) bd a No. 147— | WINTER SCENE {* ‘upd a vA a Oo men &> Height, 25%, inches; length, 31% satel LOO Ripe Cs A sHeEeET of water, apparently a mill-pond, extends back from the foregr reas slaty-gray in hue, but stained in the rear with patches of orange. These are reflected from a reddish building, with snow-covered roof, that faces us at the end of the water. It projects at right angles from a bluish gabled building, in front of which is a lower structure of the same color, surmounted by a cupola. In the immediate foreground at the left stand three trees, while on the opposite side of the water appears the angle of a building, constructed of timber, red bricks and plaster, which rises abruptly above the surface of the pond. Signed at the lower right, Fritz THavutow. me jit | ee WILHELM RAUBER GERMAN (1849- ) No. 148— - _—*LOVE’S YOUNG DREAM Height, 321%, jnches; eee 1-2 dace A YOUTH Gad maiden dressed a Gos tuiies of the Sixteenth Century Ge Renaissance, are standing side by side. He holds her hand and leans his toward hers to meet her gaze. Her dress is of brownish fawn-colored ve while the youth is clad in a crimson velvet tunic, cut ge ae the neck over a tucked shirt and laced above the waist. ae “ee Not signed. © {7 40S: DAVID DE LA MAR. puTCH (1835- _—=s») No. 49 CARDING WOOL Height, he Hagin ¢ yee inches Tue corner of a little window at the back of FASE is cut by the wheel of © a | a spinning wheel, which stands beneath it. Wool is piled on the floor, at the right of which a young woman sits. Her healthy face gazes to the front as she holds one of the carders on the lap of her blue apron and draws the other across it. Signed and dated at the lower left, Davi pe 1a Mar, 1888. TST RR pa ST eae ae PERT ESE ET SOT T wien ge eas a Bs Ue ale 4 : ES Os \ ae Naya 36 sre > era 4 ree tend ®. ie Feeyce/ ay Marae XESS ae CHARLES HARRY EATON, A.N.A. AMERICAN (1850-1901) oo No. 150— INDIAN SUMMER Height, 28%/, inches; width, 23 Oped Ae Vy . Tags I peice Tue soft green grass, strewn with brown oak leaves, is intersected by a narrow stream that flows back to a small fence, which forms the boundary of the pasture in the rear. It is masked by a few grayish-drab trees, with a sprinkle of leaves, while toward the right is an oak which still carries a mass. of golden- brown foliage. A thicket of saplings grows in front of it, and another appears on the far side of the fence toward the left. Signed at the lower right, C. Harry Earon. wy, PAUL GROLLERON FRENCH (1850- ) No 151 WOUNDED mila var wie ¢ ial: 32 inches A company of French Tirailleurs are firing over the top of a broken wall at the left of the foreground, while the flag is held by a man who stands in their rear. The enemy appears at close quarters in the middle distance at the right. Meanwhile, in front, a wounded man is being dragged by his comrade out of the zone of fire. Signed at the lower right, P. GrotiEeron. Exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1898. EDWARD MORAN fh AMERICAN (1829-1901) / No. 152— IN FULL SAIL ns) Q. £ eae Height, 25 inches; length, 34 inches , g - A pric, flying the United States ensign and pennon, heels over to the right under a full spread of canvas. At the left, in the middle distance, rises a lighthouse, and in the foreground floats a broken spar. Signed at the lower left, Kpwarp Moran. PROFESSOR JOSEF BRANDT POLE (1841- ) ii No. 158—COSSACKS GUARDING PRISONERS OF WAR \ Height, 25%, inches; (Ore Pret A rRoopER mounted on a bay horse, whose head is pulled to the right, ad- vances at the left of the foreground with the stock of his rifle on his thigh. He has a wide spreading yellow moustache and wears a gray busby with a ad : : ; f a blue bag at the side and an olive-green overcoat, flying open. He is followed : at the left by another trooper, mounted on a blue roan, whose uniform includes a Slaty-gray cap and red coat. He holds his rifle across his body. Behind him 7 march some men on foot, headed by a black, robed in yellow. They precede two camels, each with a covered litter on its back. In the distance at the left appears a column of cavalry. Signed at the lower right, Joser Branpr, 2 Wagram, Mannheim. : ANDRE ANTOINE CROCHEPIERRE FRENCH Contemporary No. 154— THREADING THE NEEDLE ~ Height, 3614 inches; width, 28% inches, , VY ILE: | fa “VVA VLG _ Tue light illuminates the wrinkled face of an old/Woman, who, with her spec- tacles low on her nose is trying to thread a needla/ She is seated at the right of a little round table, partly shown, containing among other things a blue pineushion. ' GEORGES MICHEL FRENCH (1763-1843) ) je ye A STORMY DAY © Ome Height, 19%4 inches; length, 2614 inches mm Bade Morrell i Pcs looks down over level country, swept occasionally with a gleam of buff and cream; but otherwise darkened to olive-green and brown. In one of these "streaks of shadow, near the centre, appears a church spire. Farther to the ES eoht stands a windmill. A band of mossy green appears below the white horizon, over which surges a turmoil of sooty gray vapor, deepening at the right to almost black. JAN MONCHABLON | j FRENCH (1855- y . oe No. 21 2— PANORAMIC LANDSCAPE, BRITTANY | Height, ance length, Pie Mork LIV ASP HKMVYE One looks across a foreground, divided longitudinally into strips. The vO to the left are sprinkled with green amid the stubble, on which sheep are ing, while the one at the right is plowed. In the former patch the _ already standing, the figure of a man appearing behind it on the ed the ground, looking down upon the red roofs of a village. It is backed purple-lavender woods, interrupted by a strip of evergreen growth. M aoe while, beyond and to the left, a panorama extends to distant are ; Bi a Signed and dated at the lower right, Jan Moncuaston, 1889. And at the lower left, o£. xxxvii. J OHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK - go ce wee O — putcH (1875- _—=) No. 213— VERS MIDI Height, inches; width, P91, incke Re ti a _ Some barges lie end to end along the quay at the right gf the canal, which — extends back from the front, disappearing under a bridge in the distance. Above the houses which border the quay rises conspicuously a reddish church | tower, with three lancet windows in its upper story around which hover a _— flock of birds. A fluster of creamy clouds, surmounted by a mass of drab | vapor, appears in the upper left of the sky, the tones being reflected in the waters of the canal. Signed and dated at the lower right, J. H. Mastensroek, ’96. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN (1825-1894) No- 214— SHOWERY WEATHER Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches Tue immediate foreground is embrowned with shadow, beyond which the pas- ture extends, a yellowish-green. At the left of the middle distance the light shines on the olive-gray stems of two maples which unite their greenish-yellow foliage overhead. In the same plane, at the right, is a gray wall, over the top of which appear a green and a golden-yellow bush. Above the latter rise two slender trees. In the distance a stream crosses the landscape hori- zontally, bounded by red and golden woods. A strip of slaty vapor lies over the horizon, above which is a turbulence of white clouds, showing peeps of blue. Signed at the lower left, G. INNEss. A {hh ————— ETIENNE ADOLPHE PIOT FRENCH Contemporary No. 215— GIRL READING Height, 25%, mo aa Pp inches Tue girl’s figure is seen as far as the waist{/almosf facing thé Spectator, wit the head inclined a little to the right. The blond hair arranged in three rolls over the top of the head, appears against a scarlet cushion. Dressed only in a white chemise, leaving the neck and-arms bare, she is holding open a yellow bound book, decorated with red arabesques. Signed above the lower left, A. Ptor. ¥ oe i A oybely % FERDINAND ROYBET FRENCH (1840- ) No. 216— A SPANISH NOBLEMAN Height, 24 inches; width, 171% inches Yj iY. (p) Tne figure, dressed in a black costume of the Seventeenth eZ efandsd front of a table, backed by a tapestry, both of which involve tones of Sat: tawny. ‘The velvet cloak is wrapt around the figure, the right foot advanced and the right hand planted on the hip. y= & Y Aha Signed at the lower right, F. Royse, ~) aN ; Ye a \ i 2 So f* VA, \ , JOSEF ISRAELS \y* 4 Y putrcH (1824- ) < Ot fr No. 217— THE NEIGHBORS Height, 23%, inches; length, 281% inches c 5) 4. =) Ay /2 Turee old villagers are seated at a table, while an old woman, standing in the rear, pours something from a pitcher into a mug. ‘The man in the centre of the group, seen across the table, on which he rests his hand with a short clay pipe in it, is dressed in a brown hat and coat, beneath which appears a touch of blue. He extends his right hand to his companion at the left, who is filling his pipe from a box which he rests on his leather apron. His grayish-blue shirt sleeves are illuminated from a window at the left. Meanwhile, the third man listens to the talk, leaning his elbow on the table and holding his pipe in his mouth. Signed at the lower left, Joser Israrts. y Ch. bebumudele 906 -#U7- SNEXx. 4. Brea, ANTON BRAITH GERMAN (1836- ) ; No. 218— THE DRINKING PLACE Height, 1934 inches; length, 311% inches {> : ( A-A- 5 L 4" A Are / 4 th, ‘VU AR Ar the left of the foreground a little wooden chute projects from the bank, conveying a thread of water into the pool below. ‘Toward it are approaching three calves. A white and blackish-red one, with a bell around its neck, is in advance of a red dun on the left, and a creamy dun, also carrying a bell, on its right. A peasant boy and girl, the latter with a red bodice, are seated on the brink of the knoll in the rear. Signed and dated at the lower right, Anton Brarru, Miinchen, 1891. Sd ~_ } oe LUM SEA MADAME MARIE DIETERLE FRENCH (1860- ) No. 219— A CORNER OF THE PASTURE Height, 23%, inches; length, 291%, inches In a little pool, ragged with grass and reeds, near the right of the foreground, a white calf stands gazing toward the front. A handsome reddish-brown cow with a dark brown neck and a white face and belly is approaching from the left, her nose lowered as if about to drink. Farther back on the left a red dun with a white face lies near two apple trees. In the back of the pasture which is dotted with cattle and bounded by trees, appears a man in a blue blouse between two horses that he seems to be leading forward. Signed at the lower left, Marte Dieverte. q an eet er nem tenements ary JULIEN DUPRE FRENCH (1851- ) No. 220— MILKING TIME | . 1 . Height, 254% inches; length, 32 inches Gs LOPS ie i S a “ . THe scene presents the corner of a very verdant pasture, backed by a wood, which leaves an interval at the left, showing a peep of sunlit yellow meadow and distant violet hills. At the left of the foreground a red cow, flecked with white, is lying behind the standing bulk of a white and black one, while . toward the right the milkmaid, carrying a zine bucket heavy with milk, crosses a plank footway that bridges a rivulet. A rosy kerchief is wound around her head and her buxom figure is dressed in a blue apron with lavender- blue bib, strapped over the shoulder of a full white chemisette. Signed at the lower left, JutmN Dupre, JACOB SIMON HENDRIK KEVER ; puTcH (1854- ) No. 221— ) BESIDE THE CRADLE Height, 26%, indhes; Ve Pl ee 5 A mossy green cloth hangs over th head of the cradle in whi haired baby in a blue frock. On the latter rests the big-br the mother, as she leans forward in her chair at the left. She is seen in sits a fair- ned hand of profile, dressed in an olive-brown cap, brown waist and olive-tawny apron. Signed at the lower right, Knverr. ash hintaan JEAN LEON GEROME FRENCH (1824-1904) y? No. 222—THE PRAYER MOSQUE OF CAID-BEY, CAIRO Height, 24 inches; length, 35 inches YL %¢ ed Lice A recTaAncte of light falls on the carpet from above, and beside it stands a black-bearded figure in a white robe. He extends his hand toward a green shrine that occupies the right of the chamber. Its side is pierced with lattice and hung with a yellow drapery, while the top is arched and at the left rises in a dome, surmounted by a white flag on a pole that is tipped with a crescent. Six other flags droop at the corners and centre of the sides. Crouched in front of the shrine on the ground is a figure in black, with red turban. Signed near the left centre at the foot of an arch, J. 1. Grrome. yr ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN (1828-1899) No. 223— THE RECONNOITRE Height, 27%, inches; length, 391, punches Gy A panp of Arab cavalry is passing across the foreground from the left, where the leader brings up the rear. He is mounted upon a proudly stepping white horse, dappled slightly with gray, on which the sunlight glows, touching to brightness the rosy-pink headgear and bluish-green saddle cloth, from which hangs a decoration of scarlet cords. ‘The chief, clad in a white drapery over his head and back, a lavender-rose jacket and a rosy sash, carries the stock of his musket on his thigh. He is immediately preceded by a Nubian in red fez, with a musket slung across the back of his green embroidered jacket, who leads a bare-backed blue roan. Among the figures in front is one carrying the standard. Signed at the lower right, Av. ScuREYER. FRANCOIS PIETER TER MUELEN putcH (1843- ) No. 224— RETURN OF THE FLOCK Height, 32 inches; length, 35%, inches A rupbeE stable, constructed of gray horizontal boards, occupies the left of the foreground. The upper half of the door is open and the shepherd, dressed in a light blue blouse and buff-brown cap and trousers, is drawing back the bolt of the lower part. Meanwhile, the sheep, standing in a cluster, are watched by a yellow-brown dog that has his back to the front. A willow tree and a few sapling willows border the fence in the rear. Signed at the lower right, Ter MEULEN. EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN - PLEMIsH (1799-1881) No. 225— LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP Height, 35 inches; th, 43 Anf~hes «: ioe A sBiLack ram lowers his head as he sidles up to an ewe that lies at the right of him, with her two lambs beside her. A little drab shed with thatched roof rises behind the group, and in the distance at the left appear two goats. Signed and dated at the lower left, Kuc. VerBorcKHoveN, 1872. CHARLES PAUL GRUPPE ) | we , eee L&E Bg |‘ THE FAGGOT GATHERER Fs if csandet 2 De eign 28%, inches; width, 22%, inches 0 ee QO. Green Zhe f xtends Pack from. the foreground to a drawbridge. A boat | t bank, where a woman in blue apron and white cap stoops over pee is near a hooded stack which appears behind three gray- AMERICAN (1860- FRANK DE HAVEN, A.N.A. AMERICAN (1856- _) tk 5 = AUTUMN Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Ol Od yi Loy Cy a c, Tue ee nd. 3 is flanked on both sides by oaks, ablaze WE yellow, orange and golden-red foliage. A rough road, with deep ruts, curves back from the foreground, at its extremity appearing a flock of sheep, driven by a shepherd in a light blue blouse. The distance shows a vista of pale greenish woods with a winding road. Signed and dated at the lower right; F. pe¥Haven, 1902. No. 227— 450 — ee No. 228— FETCHING WATER Height, 32 monet width, vi mt inte i Surrounpep by bulrushes and flags Caine are sprin ed with a few yellow | iris blossoms, a girl stands beside a little pool in the foreground, holding a as bluish-gray pitcher. Her costume consists of a pinkish-lavender cap, drab te . body with brown stripes on the sleeves, and a drab skirt spotted with dull red, oh ae a tucked up over a slaty petticoat. Rose and purple streak the lower Bigen: of ies the primrose twilight sky. PR AMERICAN (1850-— Signed at the lower right, Riwaway Knicut, Paris. HERMAN JOHANNES VAN DER WEELE | puTcH (1858- ) No. 229— SHEEP GRAZING Height, lee dee eo ae i apes Ce Tue flock, grazing as it moves, is finite: ee the front. Here the herbage grows in wiry tufts, showing intervals of brown-buff soil. It appears to be marshland for there are pools of water back at the right, and sheets of water at the left. In the foreground at this side is a hedge of saplings with a few red leaves. The shepherd in a blue blouse, with a stick tucked under his arm, walks behind the sheep. . Signed at the lower right, H. J. v. vp. WEELE. WILHELM VON GEGERFELT SWEDISH (1844- ) No. 230—TWILIGHT ON LAKE SILJANSHO, SWEDEN JZ ce Height, 261%, inches; length, 3714 inches bs (0. ee : : : E Tue white orb of the sun is half hidden in a bank of rosy | nder mist, and gloom is gathering over the surface of the ice which is scored with the marks cut into it by five skaters. At the right a boat is drawn up onto the bank which, covered with snow, extends back to a rude fence and rises to a slight elevation. Here a sailless windmill rises forlorn against the misty obscurity of the upper sky. Signed and dated at the lower right, W. v. GrcErFeLt, *80. GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN (1864- ) No. 231— THE LAST GLEAM : ¢, Height, 28 inches; length, 35% inches Tue foreground of rough grass, strewn with three large boulders, need in shadow, save where the water that indents it reflects the cream and rosy-gold of the wisps of vapor which float in the pale greening-blue sky, arching around a white glow toward the right. Against this is silhouetted the rich browns of an oak, which stands detached from a dense clump of trees at the right. Ris- ing above the lavender-blue hills on the horizon is a small tree that glows with red. Signed at the lower right, Georce H. Bocerr. ACy TA; YESIULES ADOLPHE BRETON FRENCH (1827-1906) “se No. 232— THE COMMUNICANT Height, 49 ae width, 33 ,~nmches A Breron peasant, with dark brown hair curling over his shoulders, stands holding his stiff felt hat under his right arm and a taper in his left hand. His figure, seen as far as the knees, is clad in brown full breeches, a short greenish- blue jacket, trimmed with black braid and buttons, and a black vest bound with a dark blue sash, while a red band is buttoned beneath the upright white collar. Signed and dated at the lower right, Jutes Breton, 1872. 2ssh- diph Sho Srupucl - he, Thay £485 / fe £ frhamen Lee US XX = &MASx- JOHANNES HUBERTUS LEONARDUS DE HAAS putTcH (1830- ) No. 233— CATTLE IN HOLLAND é Height, 2934 inches; length, 49 nga Thr. VY) In the foreground of the richly verdant pasture, which is spotted in the tance with cattle, three cows are feeding; in order from the left, a white dun head, a red and a black with white between the horns. At the rigM of the last a white and dun is drinking at a brook, on the far side of which appears a clump of willows. Signed at the lower right, J. H. L. ve Haas. HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG puTcH (1821- ) No. 234— START OF THE FISHING FLEET Height, 554, 6h: You aay Rockne on the swell of the amber-gray water, feathere white, five fish- ing boats are lying off-shore, their bows pointing seaward.// The three, count- ing from the left, have lines running back to the foreground, where in the shal- low water a man is handling that of the second boat, while that of the third, which has “H. 799” on its tawny sail, is being adjusted by two men. Mean- while, the fourth boat, No. 67 of the Scheveningen fieet, has all her white sails set, and besides a pennon carries the Dutch ensign on a flagstaff fastened to the mast. Other boats already spot the distant water. The sky is greenish- blue, with balloons of dove-gray, slightly whitish clouds. Signed and dated at the lower right, H. W. Mespae, 1901. [ANNES SCHERREWITZ : ee puTcH (1868- - ) | ey ea Oo } THE FARMYARD ition is occupied by a small red brick barn, roof, over the ridge of which appear the tops of four trees. Near the door of the barn a man, distinguished by the — of his shirt, bends over a heap of refuse which he is forking reeled wagon. One of the team, a bay, faces us, while the other, stands free of the cart, almost in profile. a FRIDAY, MARCH 177, 1911 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL 4 BEGINNING AT 8.15 0’CLOCK : . F G. KOTSCHENREITER GERMAN MAN SMOKING b S Height, 91, inches; width, 7 inches a PANEL a YL - VU ihe aie ae ‘Tu sharp peated profile is turned to the left, an olive-buff cap mounting to a point over the crown of the head. The man is dressed in an old slaty-green coat and blue waistcoat with red tie. A pewter is beside him. _ Signed at the upper right, G. KorscHENREITER. - Lae ee wi 5 > a Sars ; ree ees a etre mt Mass oe ys Owen Be IVAN POKITONOW RUSSIAN Contemporary No. 237— - LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP Height, 7 inches; length, 101%, inches paren Ly Cd: to Wee Tue sheep are grouped around a yellow patch near the centre of the pasture — ca, i which slopes up to the back, where the shepherd, is standing on the ridge. Beyond appears a round-topped hill, divided into sections of cultivation. eet era Signed and dated at the lower right, I. Poxrronow, 1887. “So \y ae yt JAN MONCHABLON — prencu (1855- _) ss No. 238— VALLEE D’ENFOUVELLE, HAUTE MARNE we a Height, 9%/, inches; sgt 14 inches Ve VV ee R AMPA “x : Tue ground slopes down from the front, divided into longitudinal tracts of green, lavender-pink and yellow, which are terminated by horizontal strips of lavender-rose and other colors. These extend to a village with purplish-red roofs, nestling in the hollow. Beyond it appears a winding white road leading off into a far-reaching panorama, bounded at the left by successive mountain ridges. . 5! ee ee ee ee rr eee» + ee Ra ‘3 Signed at the lower right, Jan Moncuasston; and at the lower left, ox, 134 Bis. ae, it 5 8 . . yt & 9% Soo — Lion 10,4 A. Sisbekw BOS - —a Auk Y) 900 A. Srore #oms — FELIX SCHLESINGER GERMAN (1833- ) No. 239— THE LITTLE WASHERWOMAN Height, 91, inches; length, 121% inches he 4 eo Be. CO thy In front of a doorway, part of which appears at the right of the foreground, with a broom leaning against it, stands a washing bench. In place of the tub it supports a bowl in which a little fair-haired child, as she kneels on a chair, is dabbling with her hands. An older sister stands behind, holding up a pair of dripping socks. A doll lies on the ground. Signed at the lower left, F. Scu.estncEr. ANTOINE VOLLON | Ve FRENCH (1833-1900) | No. 240— STILL LIFE 6 1 OF hie OS eect lai IS a pe oe CPL Y phherree Tue central object is a cream-colored china sugar-bowl, that stands on a saucer. At the right is placed a brass Turkish coffee-pot, while on the left a wine glass with a lid appears above a spray of roses. Two old-fashioned pearl earrings complete the arrangement. Signed at the lower right, A. Vouion. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE { I al - FRENCH (1813-1894) Ap = N a" 775 — oo 24)— FEEDING TIME : © Height, 6 inches; length, 91 inches aR Mek p ae gee Lee Five sheep stand in a row, gazing through the open door of a barn, in the dark interior of which appears a well filled rack. The shepherd, in a brown hat and pale gray vest, is entering ahead of the sheep with an armful of fodder. In the front of the yard stand a white hen, a black one and a red and gold cock. Signed and dated at the lower left, Cu. Jacaug, ’79. JEAN JACQUES HENNER | FRENCH (1829-1905) \" AS 2 HEAD AND BUST OF A GIRL Nit “a Height, 16 inches; width, ty inches 4. 4. = Tue bust of a girl, draped in turquoise-blue so as to leave a OL recta opening, shows three-quarters to the front, inclined toward the left. Th ee however, is full to the front and slightly lowered, so that the parting of tl e i chestnut hair is visible on the crown. The whole is sketchily rendered age roy, a dark green background, mottled with elton Signed at the wpper hee J. J. HENNER. 4 Voi g Se FRANZ VON DEFREGGER ——— ; GERMAN (1835- ) No. 243— ‘THE LOVE LETTER ~ Height, 1744, inches; width, 1114 inches PANEL Se, RE : 1 ‘ A PEASANT girl rests her rake on the ground, Ne: reads a etter (Sh is F dressed, Tyrolean fashion, in a straw hat with a pink ribbon and redVflower, a purplish-brown jacket, a laced red corset and a slaty-blue apron, turned up over an olive-brown skirt. | Signed at the right side, De¥rrEccER. ' ‘ MLLE. ROSA MARIE BONHEUR FRENCH (1822-1899) No. 244— HIGHLAND CATTLE Height, 6 inches; length, 9 inches /) KO : » SAN Tue olive-green, reddish vegetation of the moor is interrupted with out-crop- pings of slaty-gray slabs. A long-horned, red dun cow stands across the fore- ground in the direction of the left, her calf of the same color facing us under her head. A bell hangs from the leather strap around the mother’s neck. ‘The background shows the indication of a mountain lying against a milky-drab sky. Signed and dated at the lower left, R. Bonuevr, 61. » ae PY F oe x ) \WF JEAN CHARLES CAZIN > FRENCH (1840-1900) No. 245— THE HARVESTERS | . Height, 12%, inches; with, YA inches, 3 I | (REG) y, “ LAS * / x AALY U / cx And Some distance back in the stubble field a man in a blue blouse stands on a ladder, putting the finishing touches to a rick. At the right of it is one near- ing completion, a man being at work on the top, while another is unloading a wagon alongside. A white horse stands by, at the left of the foreground a man walks toward the rick with a sheaf in each hand, and at the right three figures are busy binding other sheaves. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Caztn. nian JOSEPH BAIL 4 FRENCH (1862- ) % ’ wr \ No. 246— TEASING THE KITTEN Height, 114%, inches; length, 14° inches . a wy, pair iC. SRO wart fh. A cooxk-Boy, as he smokes a cigarette, leans his arms on the right-hand end of a kitchen table, pointing one finger at a kitten. The figure, clad in white apron, scarlet jacket and white cap, is shown as far as the knees, seated so that the back is partly toward the spectator, while the face is in profile. From under the boy’s left arm a white cloth hangs over the edge of the table, in front of which is a stool, holding a bottle, brass lid and two ladles. Signed at the lower right, Bait, JosEerH, JULES DUPRE FRENCH (1812-1889) No. 247— MARINE Height, 121%, inches; leng pp Riots THe sea is a cool olive-green, shot with silvery-grayish light anf breaking into white on the crests of the waves. Into the trough of one of them, near the centre of the composition, a fishing boat is dipping her bow. She has a dark hull and drabbish-white sails, shading to brownish-olive. A touch of red ap- pears on her deck. Farther back on the right another boat is heeling over in the wind, and smudge of a distant sail appears near the left of the horizon. The lower sky is a silvery greenish-gray, above which floats a scarf of creamy- white cloud, while toward the zenith pale gray-blue shows through a veil of drab and gray vapor. Signed at the lower left, Jures Dupre. From the Staats-Forbes Collection. /90b —# I3 fans Stade tx “a f Paul LAZERGES (899. / JEAN BAPTISTE PAUL LAZERGES FRENCH (1845- ) No. 248—ARAB ENCAMPMENT—NIGHT IN THE DESERT Height, 15 inches; length, 18%, ie ve : f, ( drrith , nv Unver the slaty-violet sky, pricked with stars, two low spreading tents are pitched. An orange glow appears inside the right-hand one and in front of it ascends a small column of smoke. A single figure in white stands sentinel, looking toward the front which is spotted with camels, two of which are stand- ing, while the others are stretched on the ground. Signed and dated at the lower right, Paut, Lazerces, 1899. % eas WILLEM MARIS VW * putcH (1844-1910) No. 249— DUTCH LANDSCAPE Height, 1714, inches; length, 23 inches Tue greenish-yellow pasture at the left of the foreground juts out with little spits of reedy bank into the river which occupies the right of the composition, stretching back to the horizon where a dove-gray sail appears. ‘The water is silvery-drab, ruffled to white as, driven by the wind, it laps against the curving projections of the pasture. Here a cow stands looking over the river, while farther back three more are grouped near a man in a blue blouse, The distance is closed in by bushes and feathery trees, sheltering a cottage and hooded stack. Signed at the lower left, Wi11em Maris. — ee ee Re ne ee a RT tS th oT J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. AMERICAN (1853- ) va No. 250— INDIAN SUMMER ans Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches Tue dead grass of the pasture in the foreground presents creamy tones slightly tinted with rose. In the centre an irregularly trodden path leads back and winds behind some trees in the middle distance, in the rear of which a range of steep buff hills show against a white sky, which is sifted over with grayish- drab vapor. At the right of the middle distance a cottage with white walls and buff thatch appears in the interval beyond a maple, which is sprinkled with a few brick red leaves, and a leafless willow. Signed and dated at the lower left, J. Francis Murpny, 1904. FRANCOIS AUGUSTE BONHEUR FRENCH (1824-1884) No. 251— CATTLE BY THE SEA Height, 1734 inches; length 2714 jn ey In the distance at the left appears a strip df greenish sea, streaked with white surf. Bordering it is a belt of sand, succeeded by a level stretch of grass. From this a red and a brown cow are ascending to the foreground, where a red yearling calf is lying close to a white cow splashed with red. Another lies behind her and two more are seen in the shadow of an avenue of stunted, slop- ing trees, which occupies the right of the foreground. Signed at the lower right, Aucusre Bonuevr. ALFRED STEVENS hg es BELGIAN-FRENCH (1824-1906) MARINE J GO — _ Height, 16 inches; width, 12%, inches Stes Ga Gv Mae is a little below the centre of the composition. Above it tant | “234 is dotted with five sailboats. Near the front the eibieey [eae and jib of a fishing smack cast their reflections on the pale green ater, , which is streaked and flecked with tones of cream, lavender and deep "een and blue. At the right of the smack i is a row boat in which two figures ire seated. Tass eae: = right, he STEVENS. = ALFRED STEVENS / ne O BELGIAN-FRENCH (1824-1906) No. 253— , VUE DE TREPORT Height, 16 inches; width, 12%, inches cde VW ove oar: Tue water reaches to the foreground, churned by the action of the tide and wind to an agitated mass of creamy-buff, flecked with white. Conspicuous in the center of the middle distance is a fishing boat with two red markings on | her stern. She has a port-name on her mainsail and flies a tricolor pennon. .: Numerous other sailboats spot the distant water. Over a creamy-drab horizon the sky grows to a pale greenish-blue, interrupted by a few white clouds. Signed at the lower left, A. Stevens. v) a = i ei oee pte: LEON VICTOR DUPRE 3 aS FRENCH (1816-1879) fhe oe Ore No. 254— LANDSCAPE AND COTTAGE ee Height, 213, inches; width, 181, inches ‘ie Gi ¢g are Near the centre of the foreground appears a woman in blue skirt and crimson cap, who is moving in the direction of two trees which occupy the immediate right. At the back of them the olive-green turf, streaked with tan and cream, rises to an elevation where, sheltered by trees, stands a cottage with very dark red roof and a white wall that is strongly illuminated. In the distance the ground slopes up to the left in shadow. Over the horizon hangs a large fluster of creamy-tan clouds, the upper sky being drab in hue with two intervals of blue. Signed at the lower left, Victor Dupre. LEON VICTOR DUPRE FRENCH (1816-1879) No. 255— LANDSCAPE WITH POOL AND COWS Height, tr inches; length, 23 4 . A poor in the foreground, shaped like the segment of ‘Cake catches the light from a cluster of creamy volumes of cloud in the centre of the sky, and also reflects the shaggy fringe of reeds and rushes which line its farther bank. The latter is bounded by two fences that leave an interval in the centre, beyond which three dun cows and a red one are grouped. The herdswoman is seated under one of the two trees that have been borne over by the wind in the direc- tion of a cottage on the right. Farther back, near the centre of the middle distance, appears another cottage whose white gable end is strongly illumi- nated. The intervening pasture is dotted with cattle, while toward the left are the figures of two women, one of whom is distinguished by a white cap. Signed at the lower left, V. Dupre. _ H. BOLTON JONES, N.A. : pes S AMERICAN (1848- ) Bens: NOVEMBER DAY “ued . j ea rs Height, 174, inches; length, 3114 inches ‘ traggles back from the foreground, winding in and Out of rie yf f bank that are clothed with bright green vegetation. In the distance 1S 0, GEORGES MICHEL FRENCH (1763-1843) LANDSCAPE WITH WINDING ROAD D, y Le ; Height, 19%, inches; length, 291, inches Gv < “Tus Bey bur foreground, sketchily rendered, rises from the left to a plateau , at the right. A cream-colored road ascends to a little below the summit, where it makes a turn to the left and then disappears behind the hill. Approaching the turn is a hooded wagon drawn by one horse, which the driver holds by the head and urges with a whip. Ahead of him, around the bend of the road, a shepherd follows his flock. The sky is filled with sooty vapor that breaks into white at the zenith. Be Fo aoe a AUGUSTUS KOOPMAN vv AMERICAN (1869- ) ; No. 258— _ THE BOATMAN Height, 23%, inches; length, 281% inches A patHway of rosy-yellow intersects the green water, reflected from t which lies low i in a blur of primrose, tinged with rose. At the right of t propels from the stern, his oar leaving a wake of green and rose and , swirl. . Signed at the lower left, Avecustrus Koopman. : 17D} WILLIAM BLISS BAKER j Xx aoe Autenican’ (1859-1889), a. T Sn No. THE OLD MILL Height, 22 inches; length, 27 ied i TM: renasdecae Tue view from the front extends across a rere’. to the level line of the overflow. Here appears the reflection of a ragged willow that grows below, near some wooden buildings. Beyond this plane is a vista of wooded landscape, bordered by faint mountains. At the left of the foreground a brown and a white-stemmed tree lean over the water, where a punt is moored amid lily-pads. Signed near the lower left, Wm. Briss Baker. r 4 JOSEF ISRAELS i+ puro (1824 _—»+) ner No. 260— MOTHER AND SON—TWILIGHT : Height, 1734 inches; length, 23%4 inches d ‘ a Iy the dimness of the twilight a woman, with a laden basket on her arm, ac- companied by a boy carrying a stick, is walking along a road that crosses the foreground. She is clad in a lavender reddish-plum cloak and skirt, and pale blue apron, while the boy wears a blue jacket of lighter tone and olive- buff trousers. The portion of a pale red brick cottage, with some vertical streaks of blue in the upper part of the gable, appears across the road at the right. To the left extends a meadow, grayed over with mist, bounded in the distance by indications of a village. KA: Signed at the lower left, Josey Israxis. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN (1836-1892) No. 261— AUTUMN LANDSCAPE AND POOL Height, 19%, ee length, 24 peed caro? bbe QYVSWN A mELLow glow envelops the brownish-olive foreground of rough grass, which is interrupted by a pool. Its irregular margin is fringed with shaggy growth, while its whitened surface reflects the primrose-yellow of the upper sky. In a hollow in the middle distance appear a roof and chimney, to the right of an oak whose round mass of foliage is golden-brown. From it a silvery-brown hill slopes up to the left. The distance at the right is olive-gray, streaked with pale lavender-pink, beneath a white horizon above which are layers of dove-gray cloud. Signed at the lower left, A. H. Wyant. JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH (1829-1905) fe" A 3 No. 262— MAGDALEN : INO. 262 . MAGDALEN Height, 18%, inches; length, 264 inches /) : / ALY f~ GN AAANMH Acatxst a golden-brown background, breaking into an (interval of pale yellow- gray in the upper right corner, the figure is lying prone across the foreground, the head toward the left. The forearms are raised, the hands supporting the head, around which pours a wealth of red auburn hair. A Nile-blue drapery covers the thighs. Signed at the lower left, J. J. Henner. \\ r EMILE VAN MARCKE FRENCH-FLEMISH (1827-1890) Pe Bi No. 263— ‘THE GOOSE BOY tf ee tye - Height, 1914 inches; length, 2734 inches A urrrLe pool occupies the foreground, its surface interrupted with reedy growth, while rushes and flags fringe its bank. Some geese have just entered it, followed by others who are being driven forward by a small boy, dressed in a straw hat, short coat and vest of blue material, and whitish drab trousers. Meanwhile, undisturbed by these arrivals, a reddish-brown cow, streaked down the face with white, is standing in the water at the right, drinking, with a lamb beside her. At the left of the pool, on a little projection of ground, stand two geese. The pasture behind the boy, dotted with a single sheep and many cows, slopes up to a clump of trees, sheltering a dark olive-brown roof. Signed at the lower right, BM. VAN Mancke. Janne he Camseh — CkMkb- Yrsofige) A. $20 PMSxx— = — BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS fj putcH (1845- ) No. 264— BABY ASLEEP dt Height, 22 inches; length, 27%, inches 3 /4 THe sunlight pours through the uncurtained half of a window in the rear and floods the floor with a square of rosy cream illumination. It les just behind the hood of the baby’s cradle, which is draped with a cloth of peacock blue. On the opposite side of the room, at the right, the young mother is seated near a table, sewing, her white cap being relieved against the silvery-drab wall. She wears a bluish lavender, pink waist and an apron of the same color as the drapery that hangs over the baby’s cradle. Signed at the lower right, BLomnoers, 7442 b ~ Soph [bas 0. bts devs MRXX — Uful 7/,8 96 aes Ian Lage p EE SKE \- | / JEAN CHARLES CAZIN Ne FRENCH (1840-1900) No. 265— A MILL IN FLANDERS h, ifr inch@s 3 -tawny grass to a windmill, sur- Height, 23% inches; Y, A roorpatH straggles up a knoll of oli mounting it at the right. The structure is drab, erected upon a creamy-white base that catches the light. Trees appear at the rear of it while a rosy-yellow roof shows above the edge of the ground. At the left a building with light red roof and white walls stands beside a brownish-red gable end. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Cazrn. ANTON BRAITH \ GERMAN (1836- ) — No. 266— ON THE WAY TO THE PASTURE Height, 20 inches; length, 311% he SOB ie Y Lr Ps f HA Ar the right of the foreground a white and a black lamb are skipping ahead of the flock, which includes two brown sheep. One of the latter, beside a yearling lamb, is looking at three fowls on some straw at the left. The shep- herdess is seen some distance back on the top of the green knoll. Signed and dated at the lower right, ANvon Brarrit, Munchen, 1893. (V0 41109? Taek sete Fee mitts avauas q (eres SONU TITER SB ie CORNELIS SPRINGER putcH (1817-1891) No. 267— THE STATE HOUSE, BOSWARD, HOLLAND PANEL Height, 244, inches; length, 32% inéjles [) Pte Lrr.44nnr Tue Seventeenth Century Stadhuis, recently restored, occupies the middle dis- tance; an edifice of red brick, trimmed with white stone, the roofs high pitched and pierced with dormer windows, the whole crowned by a spire that reaches almost to the top of the picture. The shadowed street at the right which reaches to the foreground is crowded with figures, among which appears a man leading a red cow. In front, a woman is seated near a pile of cabbages, with her back to a narrow canal. Signed and dated at the lower right, C. Sprixcer, 1872. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN (1825-1894) No. 268— GATHERING CLOUDS Height, 25, inches; length, 324%, ee VY Vnthnr RHhAMRr’ Aa Two rep cows and a white one are standing in a pond which occupies almost the entire foreground. Near the right extremity of the water rises a tree, bare of foliage, except for a few flecks of green and orange-red at the top. In the further plane, near the centre, a bushily clothed maple stands on the edge of the shadow, which up to that point has wrapt the whole scene in a transparent veil of golden-brown. The meadow beyond is golden-yellow in a gleam of light which reaches back to some creamy-white cottages in the distance. The lower sky, grayish-blue, tinted with amber, shows the lines of a rain shower at the left, while overhead hangs a canopy of olive, drab-brown stormclouds. Signed at the lower right, G. INNEss. a ae A. J. CONANT AMERICAN No. 269— PORTRAIT OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN Height, 30 inches; as Apt (3 Lb jhe Cm Do In an oval canvas with an olive-green background the bust is shown full to the front, while the head is turned a quarter to the left. The very dark brown hair is brushed in a roll above the forehead and spread loosely over the ear. The eyebrows are dark brown, the eyes blue, and the mouth, set firmly with the suspicion of a smile, displays the lower lip full and slightly out-turned. Beneath the black Prince Albert coat is a black satin vest, cut in a low VY, which discloses a shirt-front with three tucks. A black satin bow-tie fills the wide opening of the turned-down collar, under which the ends of the bow are tucked. A manuscript at the back of the canvas reads as follows: “Beheving that this sketch of Mr. Lincoln will possess in coming time some historic value, I make the following statement. It was painted by myself, from life, at Springfield, Ill., in the summer of 1860, between the time of his nomination and election for the presidency. It is the only attempt that I know of to give Mr. Lincoln’s social, genial expression. The testimony of Mrs. Lincoln to its truthfulness was: ‘That is excellent; the best that has been taken. He looks there as he does when his friends are about him.’ His intimate friends, Mr. Dubois and Mr. Hatch, made similar statements. I have retained it until now in the vain hope that the citizens of St. Louis would honor me with a commission for a full length, historic picture in which Mr. Lincoln’s pre-eminently social and genial nature should be represented. And it is with much reluctance, and sorrow even, that I am now compelled to part with it, which is mitigated only by the fact that it passes into the hands of my most esteemed and valued friend, Col. James Eads. St. Louis, February 11th, 1868. (Signed) A. J. Conant.” % ‘ i i FRITZ THAULOW NORWEGIAN (1847-1906) No. 270— THE MILL of (p oe Height, 214%, inches; length, 251%, inches Tue surface of the mill-pond, dappled with gray from the sky and with olive- green from the trees that line the banks, catches some orange from a bush at the right, and is flooded at the centre with the coppery reflections of the mill. The latter, with the wheel at its side, appears beyond the sluice-gates. Farther back toward the right, where the water is bounded by a fence, a man and a woman stand talking in front of a white-walled cottage. Signed and dated at the lower left, Frivz Traurow, ’94. CHARLES PAUL GRUPPE AMERICAN (1860- ) No. 271— WET DAY AT THE HAGUE | Height, 28% inches; width, 22%, inches Ldn, & Se Bare Ar the right is the perspective of a row of city houses, with glimpses of red roofs and brownish-drab fagades broken up with various colors and details, among the latter being a gray disk, suspended over a doorway near the front. The street, which glistens with rain, is bordered on the left by a row of nearly leafless trees. At the near end of it stands a lamp-post toward which a woman, earrying a baby under an umbrella, is advancing. At the left two men, one holding an umbrella over his head, are in conversation. Behind them appear the tops of several barges, lying in a canal, which again is bordered on its left side by a line of trees. Signed at the lower left, Cuas. P. Gruppe. HENRY G. DEARTH ; AMERICAN (1863- ) No. 272— PICARDY MARSHLANDS Height, 3114 inches; length, 451/, inches Tirrdlrs fon A voot in the foreground reflects on its creamy-green surface the orb of the moon and some of the stems of the tall poplars, which form a line in the right of the middle distance. The pale buff, creamy and tan pasture extends back to a hedge which is interrupted by a few deep blue bushes and small trees, showing against the low hills on the horizon. Over the latter lie streaks of creamy tan, while clouds of similar hue are scattered over the upper sky and . massed at the two sides. Signed at the lower right, H. Dearrnu. aahiv: \A DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN (1850- ) A BREEZY UPLAND Height, 32 inches; width, 251%, Vy Resting her rake on the ground, a girl stands(/facing to the left, with h to the wind. The body of her dress is lavender, and the skirt lavende¥-gray, partly covered by a lavender-red apron. Behind her, a man is mowing the long grass, which is sprinkled with yellow flowers. In the distance the ground slopes down to a river that curves to the left. Signed at the lower right, Ringway Knicur, Paris. G3 Skh- Aeb21/ 01 - Catia Jew 6XXK —, hay 4/ot bot 4. Gr B AOSx — FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN, N.A. AMERICAN (1848- ) : No. 274— GRAY DAY, CAPE ANN Height, 22 inches; Ay 36 pcre Ar the left is a mass of rocks, in diagonal strata, purplish-réd and buff, against the far end of which the waves are breaking in bursts of’spray. The gray-green and drab water is approaching in successive swells, over which two gulls are flying. A schooner and small sail make spots on the horizon. Signed at the lower right, F. K. M. Reun. 74 WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. Lone AMERICAN (1849- ) No. 275— SEASIDE FLOWERS Height, 29, inches; length, 383, inches Y oA ero Aw expanse of tan and green grass, sprinkled with pale rosy-pink flowers, stretches from the foreground, bounded on the left by lavender-blue water, the vista terminating in a suggestion of sandy cliffs. Near the foreground is a ridge of green growth, punctuated with a taller bunch that is laden with white blossoms. ‘Two children stand close by, and a third is stooping to pick flowers at the left of the foreground, while near a path which leads back at the right appear two other children and a lady in white. Signed at the lower right, Wm. M. Cuase, BRUCE CRANE, N.A. Ye AMERICAN (1857- ) C No. 276— HAYMAKING Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches 6) WN. UNL, Tue recently mown field, yellowed by the sunshine, stretches back with t ~ rows of haycocks on the left. At their extremity appears an ox wagon with a figure atop of the load of hay and another on the ground with a fork, while a third man, some distance off toward the right, is busy tossing hay. He is separated from the wagon by a footpath which curves to the centre of the meadow and then comes to the front. The left of the composition is closed in with a bit of bright green pasture, bounded by foliage. Signed at the lower right, Bruce Crane. wo CONSTANT TROYON \NO rrencn (1810-1865) No. 277— A GROUP OF ANIMALS Height, 25% inches; wid , 20 adaches ~ In the foreground, with her tail toward the spectator, lies a white goat whose face and back reflect a yellowish-brown glow. Behind her héad a sheep lies, with her head toward the background where three other sheep, one of them of blackish color, are standing. Behind the goat, at the right, stands a donkey, three-quarters turned from the front. All the animals are represented with extraordinary naturalness, and with effects of light that lend remarkable richness to the color scheme. In the background a field of tall grass extends to the horizon, where some trees and a red-tiled roof appear. The sky is streaked diagonally with scuds of amber-white cloud. Signed at the lower right, C. Troyon. ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR FRENCH (1838-1910) No. 278— DESPATCH BEARER Height, 20%, inches; length, 29%, "SE f, of. : wy Aw officer in light blue tunic and red breeches, a despatch bag slung at his side, stands with a pipe in his hand, as he talks to an officer, mounted on a chestnut charger. he latter officer is in the uniform of the Garde Civile—a helmet with horse-hair plume, black tunic and red breeches. His troop is marching away at the right in file. At the left. of the foreground another officer, uniformed like the one with the despatch bag, is adjusting the girths of a bay horse. Signed and dated at the lower right, %. Berne-Beitecour, 1908. DAVID COL FLEMISH (1822- ) No. 279— THE FINISHING TOUCH Height, 28%, inches; length, 36%, inches vaxee Cy (QL By y Heap on one side, palette in hand and gallipots lying on the gropnd beside him, a man is putting a dab of red on the nose of a painted statuette, repre- senting a countryman with a basket on his arm. Several other painted figures decorate the low wall which separates the yard from the little garden at the back, where two ladies are playing piquet at a round table, while a third looks on. At the artist’s back, intent and critical, stands a sturdy woman holding a watering pot. The costumes are of the late Eighteenth Century. Signed at the lower left, D. Cot. 4 rs « + } . - : ' | ; a —— ——- ae er a ee : AR I a FRITZ THAULOW ly yA: NORWEGIAN (1847-1906) No. 280— A BRITTANY FARM Height, 25, inches; length, 32 inches PANEL Os 2. Pe é /) Tue water extends back from the foreground, mottled with silvery-gray, blue, olive and lavender, and splashed with vermillion from the sunlit roofs of Kome cottages in the rear. They lie behind a stone wall, topped by shrubbery. The vista terminates in a hill, clothed with golden and olive-yellow foliage. Near the foreground at the right a woman walks away from thé edge of the water, ‘arrying a pitcher. Signed at the lower left, Frivz Tuavrow. FRANZ VON LENBACH GERMAN (1836-1904) No. 281— MOTHER AND CHILD Height, 30% inches; width, 28 inches "ne t Oe Tuis sketch-portrait of Frau Von Lenbach and her little daughter has not been carried beyond the stage of a preliminary study. The mother’s bust is shown nearly in profile, the head, however, inclined to the front and leaning back, while the body of the child is turned toward her, though her face is directed slightly to the right. he mother holds her on her left arm while her right hand grasps the arm of the child. The lady has golden-auburn hair in ringlets around her forehead, gray eyes and very red lips. The child’s hair is a light chestnut, her eyes being grayish-blue. A string of little red stones hangs around her neck. Signed and dated at the right side, F. Lennacnu, 1902. LEON BRUNIN BELGIAN (1861- ) No. 282— THE ANTIQUARIAN Height, 27 inches; length, 31% inches PANEL mare LAALSL Y Lo Ar the left of an apartment, filled with a profusion of bric-a-brac, a man, supporting his vandyke beard between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand, sits examining a silvery object. He is dressed in a black beaver and doublet, vest and breeches of silvery black, tinged with greenish and. bluish tones. A table at the right, covered with a grayish-green velvet cloth, supports a varied assortment of objets d’art, including a statuette of Christ with hands bound and a crown of thorns on His head. Signed and dated at the lower left, Leon Brunin, Anvers, 1895. ah GIOVANNI BOLDINI ITALIAN (1844- ) No. 283— LA PLACE CLICHY Height, 23%, inches; length, 38 inches ie (ae & / . THE square, paved with cobblestones and animated with figures, shows at the left a statue-group upon a pedestal, in front of which is passing an omnibus drawn by two white horses. It is lined at the back with houses; toward the right being a row of small shops, surmounted by a taller building, placarded with an advertisement: ‘‘Nouveautés de la Place Clichy.” Signed and dated at the lower left, Boupin1, 1874. Tt From the William H, Stewart Collection. 1SG8 - 4 gS = AMMSX ae anvnr Trot. 24 saghh fol Byxxx.. te &. Sacro AB il CG te ara Ee met ent AR a et a Nn * A Ny t ‘ PAUL JEAN CLAYS |}~ ae Sh FLEMISH (1819-1900) ) nary Al j No. 284— NEAR AMSTERDAM | Height, 27%, inches; length, 391, inches 7} } ie \ C Tue shipping, moored at the right of the foreground, sists of three craft, the foremost being a Rhine-going barge, with buff, lavender-brown hull tinted with a little crimson, and crimson and silvery-rose and white and drab sails. In the rear to the left is another barge with white canvas, and to the right a brig, her black hull striped with white, and all her square sails set. 4 ¢ JOSEF ISRAELS puTCH (1824- ) . WATCHING AND WAITING “7 hg oo Height, 37°, inches; length, 52%, inches No. 294—. On a grassy elevation overlooking the sea a young Dutch I, w Hs Ae knits, is watching two fishing boats that seem to be putting into shore. Her figure, seen in profile, is dressed in a loose waist of creamy, pinkish, lavender hue, a dull red skirt and blackish apron. Her face is ruddy and the brown hair shows from under a white cap which receives an accent of light. Her ball of wool has fallen on to the grass beside her. The sea is a faint olive gray-blue, with cream on the crests of the gentle rollers, while the sky is pale blue, sifted over with milky drab. Signed at the lower left, Joser Israrts. Ct. toh PLS lgob—#/k9- BENKK— Q. Hy,,, CA. Oey xxx — FRANK BRANGWYN _— ENGLISH Contemporary No. 295— SPANISH FISHERMEN Height, 40% inches; length, AAS Vere Tue deep blue water is dyed with flots of color reflected from a gondola, which the gondolier, leaning his weight on the oar, is bringing alongside another in the rear. In each is a boatman playing an accordion; and the two, as they raise their instruments, seem to be challenging each other to a rivalry of music. The boats have other gaily dressed occupants. At the back of them is a mass of shipping, with buff and creamy sails spotting the solid blue of the sky. Signed and dated at the lower right with the monogram, F. B., °95. JULIEN DUPRE : % % *y FRENCH (1851- ) \ : Re ine No. 296— THE VALLEY OF THE AES: Lae, —— a A Height, 4434 inches; length, 57%, inches £ flee | | Over the right of the background hill the sky hangs, an almost “fa mass of slaty-purple drab, which breaks into white over the left horizon. It is a stormy day and the cool sunshine streaks the pasture fitfully, the foreground being in shadow. In the front plane at the left approaches a milkmaid with two zine pails, attached to a sling around her neck and kept apart by a frame of bound sticks. She wears a crimson rose kerchief on her head, a black bodice over a white chemisette and a blue apron, tucked up above a brown skirt. At the right a white and dun red cow stands beside another, similarly marked, which is lying down, while in the rear appears a man, running alongside a dark brown cow. Signed at the lower left, Jurze~ Dupre. Cx feoeuinn. hwvcll bans /G9oo— # 70g 04. Sthumntate /90b6-#/27- PESX — GG sya5_ CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH (1813-1894) No. 297— THE FARMYARD Height, 39%, inches; length, vy is fe Far Abr- | Tue farmyard, strewn with straw, is bordered at the back and right with brown roofs and silvery-drab walls; a conspicuous feature being a high gable in the rear, the side of which catches a strong light. A loaded wagon with a man on the top stands beneath it. At the left of the foreground a flock of sheep, followed by the shepherd, is coming around the angle of a wall which seems i io ! to enclose a drinking pool. The two foremost sheep are warily nosing their way up a small incline where two cocks are regarding each other threateningly. At the right of the foreground a man in gray-blue blouse is bending over a plow, while the team, a handsome white, reflecting the evening glow, and a bay, looking over his back, rest alongside. Each of them has a violet-blue , sheepskin over his collar. e | Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacque. —— ee ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN (1828-1899) No. 298— A WALLACHIAN TEAMSTER—ENTANGLED IN THE MARSHES Height, 4814 inches; length, 79 inches L Y 4 Vy. 4 +’. 4 One of the wheels has sunk into the soft earth, causing the wagon to careen over to the left. The two pole-horses, a white and a chestnut, have been brought to a violent standstill, and with their heads thrown together, strain back on the harness. The shock, however, seems to have unhitched the four leaders, which are still plunging forward at a gallop, a bar attached to the slack traces showing on the ground beneath the white horse that is the nearest of the four to the spectator. Meanwhile, the driver, a Wallachian peasant in loose white shirt, blue Turkish jacket and scarlet sash, stands up in his wagon firmly planted above the struggling horses with an iron grip upon the leaders’ reins. Signed at the lower left, Av Scureyer. §, Juergarr Collection of John Wolfe, New York, =. /S$S2Z— FIF - BP SAX bo. #4 Jollection of Hon. E. D. Morgan, New York, Be-./£26- 4 JK£ + PNRXK~ Z espa O ee a Ss HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG putcH (1831- ) No. 299— WINTER DAY AT SCHEVENINGEN Height, 55 inches; "Spr th, 71 inches ‘Tux snowy shore bristles with the boats of the fishing fleet Penis D1 raed up in serried ranks, three deep, their sails and masts sprinkled with white rime. Near one that bears the mark “Scheving. 60,” three men are grouped at the right of two carts. One of the latter, which has a blue backboard, is piled with tawny nets; the other shows brown nets above a backboard which is red. Two horses are standing, free of the carts, at the left. A party of women all in long cloaks and some in white caps, a red and a blue skirt showing among them, approaches the boats at the right of the foreground. The distant sea is a dark slaty-olive with a creamy bar at the horizon, above which are scudding clouds in a faint blue sky. Signed and dated at the lower right, H. W..Mespaa, 1899. Ld. Seen Jal 906 -# /S5~ B S$x% — a. Sao. 2 Mg Se ay RN eee - a om Diassitumadt bien’ ey ne Le see an THEOPHILE DE BOCK putcH (1850-1904) No. 300— TRUCK FARMING—HOLLAND Height, 514%, inches; length, 78% inches Wy We SV IIT Tue level stretch of cultivated land is shaded in the foreground, where grow some scanty bushes at the right and a few green and purple cabbages at the left. In the sunlight beyond, where the red soil is patched with green, two women are kneeling at the right; one of them, dressed in a blue gown and white cap, stooping as if in the act of planting or sowing. Further back on the right two other women are similarly engaged, and in the distance, where the ground is again in shadow, figures are seen around a column of smoke. The level ends in a high bank which, bunched with foliage and sprinkled with trees, follows around the right to the front. Here a woman and child are walking along the top of the bank, above which appears a cottage roof and a red chimney. Signed at the lower right, Tu. pe Bock. wv a BERNARD DE HOOG puTCH (1866- ) Q- His Y No. 301— A HUMBLE INTERIOR iM = Height, 591%, inches; length, 801%, inches ee pf dodios A younG woman, with her hair neatly parted beneath an olive-brown cap, sits at the right of a table, three-quarters turned to the spectator, diligently sew- ing. A greenish-gray tippet-shawl is worn over her silvery-rose waist and a greenish-blue apron covers her lap. With one hand on it a little fair-haired child stands in front of her mother, holding something which strongly reflects the hight. A tawny-colored dog lies prone at the right, while at the left of the scene the baby is asleep in its cradle, over the hood of which hangs a bright green drapery. At the back of the group a young man leans his elbow on the table, as he lifts to his lip a white teacup. Signed at the lower left, Bernarp pE Hoos. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. - AMERICAN (1825-1894) No. 302— ITALIAN WASHERWOMEN Height, 72% inches; width, 54 le thr tte LV od LE From under the arch of a bridge in the middle distance a shallow yee curls in a reversed S to the front. Here in midstream a woman in white dhemise and plum-red skirt stoops over the water, washing a piece of linen. Farther back another woman stands in the brook wringing a garment, held at the other end by a woman, who ace on ie bank beside Pele ke el : washing. Other figures, ae and toceneie Soria On an eminence at the right of the Paceee ne a villa ee Signed and dated at the lower left, Grorcn INNEss, Rome, 1873. % Turomas E. Kirsy, Auctioneer. \RTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORK on aS BASTERT, Nicoxaas a : ane oe Cottages Near Hollandale AUFFE, VicToR oat aus A Riverside Scene—Holland © Bs ne + J rad, Paris Salon, Opening Day BERNE-BELLECOUR, Ertenne Prosper Despatch Bearer BLAKELOCK, Ratru A. Landscape BLOMMERS, Bernarpus JOHANNES Baby Asleep _ 7 The Family Meal RTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORK Seaee UMB 33 113 114 183 246 187 120 259 46 68 82 194 278 95 264 288 | < 4 7 a e The Young Mother Work and Play BOGERT, Georce H., A.N.A. An Old Mill—Holland The Last Gleam BOKER, Cart The Bird Seller BOLDINI, Grovann1 La Place Clichy BONHEUR, Francois Aucuste Cattle by the Sea Sheep and Ruins in the Highlands BONHEUR, Mute. Rosa Marte Highland Cattle BOSBOOM, Jonannes Street Scene—Holland BOSTON, Joseru H. Summer Moon BOUGUEREAU, Witi1am ApoiPHE The Veil BRAITH, Anton On the Way to the Pasture The Drinking Place BRANDT, Proressor JosEer Cossacks Guarding Prisoners of War BRANGWYN, Frank Spanish Fishermen BRETON, Juves Avo.rueE The Communicant BRISTOL, Joun Bunyan, N. A. . Lake Copake, Columbia, N. Y.—June ees Os ae i d / whe : : 7 = O ' “yy x: « 4, yeas 4 a a * b Pe Jail oe mF Beer enraiagge BROWN, anes Grorcer, N.A. — ~The Ceramic Connoisseur 142 B RU NET, Jean Jacaves Baptiste 2 _ A Wrapt Audience — ’ =» © P%'-- B RUNIN, Lion The Antiquarian BUNKER, across MILLER | aay pee acepe - Flowers of the Field _ CAZIN, Jean Po rins GROLLERON, Pact Wounded GRUPPE, Cuarues Pav Departure of a Herring Fisher Farmyard in Holland C The Faggot Gatherer ; The Old Windmill Wet Day at The Hague 7 GRUTZNER, Epvarp A Game of Cards Contentment HAGBORG, Aveust Return of the Fishing Boat HARPIGNIES, Henri : Landscape Study On the Mediterranean Summer HENNER, Jean Jacques | Head and Bust of a Girl | Ideal Head Magdalen Red Drapery HERRMANN, Léo Cuartes The Cardinal’s Siesta HOEBER, Artruur Eventide HULK, Joun F. A Canal in Holland CATALOGUE NUMBER INNESS, Georceer, N.A. Approaching Storm 204 J Gathering Clouds 268 ; Italian Washerwomen 302 Late Afternoon 127 re Showery Weather 214 } ISABEY, Everne Louis Gasrien if Return of the Fishing Boat, Brittany Coast 192 | ISRAELS, Josrr Amusing the Baby 83 Mother and Son—Twilight 260 Resting — 112 The Neighbors 217 Watching and Waiting 294 JACQUE, Cuaries EMILE A Hillside Pasture 196 Feeding Time 241 The Farmyard 297 JONES, H. Bourton, N.A. November Day 256 JONGKIND, Jonan Barruoup Le Pont Royal, Paris 191 KAEMMERER, Freperic HEnnz1 The Morning Walk 1 _ KATE, Manzi Ten A Quay Showing Boats 43 Children Playing on the Shore 26 Feeding the Pigs ; 50 KEVER, Jacoz Simon HENDRIK A Happy Home 61 Beside the Cradle 221 Early Morning 287 Gathering Autumn Leaves 25 Saying Grace 18 The Picture Book 138 KLINKENBERG, Kare Street Scene—Hague 3 KNIGHT, Dantex Rwcway A Breezy Upland Fetching Water The Fishergirl The Mussel Gatherer KOOPMAN, Aveustus The Boatman KOTSCHENREITER, G. J. A Jolly Tyrolean A Veteran An Old German Man Smoking LAMBERT, Louis Evcrne Visite Domiciliaire LATHROP, W. L. The Meadows LAZERGES, JEAN Baptiste Pau Arab Encampment—Night in the Desert LE COMTE, Avour 7 Scene in a Dutch Town s LITTLE, J. Place de la Concorde Return of the Boats LOIR, Luter | Colonne de Juillet, Paris MARIS, Wittem Dutch Landscape The Drinking Pool MARTENS, Witty The Pet Goat MAUVE, Anton Study of a Farm Horse The Paddock a teh MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest Military Sketches MERLE, Hvexu Normandy Interior MESDAG, Henprix WitLEM A Gray Day Fishing Boats Incoming Tide On the Beach—Scheveningen Scheveningen Fishing Boats Start of the Fishing Fleet Winter Day at Scheveningen MICHEL, Gerorcers A Stormy Day Landscape with Winding Road Landscape with Windmill MOES, Miss Watty The Fond Mother MONCHABLON, Jan Lucerne et Champ D’Avoine, Pres de Chatillon, Vosges Panoramic Landscape, Brittany Vallée D’Enfouvelle, Haute Marne MORAN, Epwarp In Full Sail MORAN, Tuomas, N.A. Venice MUNTHE, Lupwic Winter Landscape MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. Indian Summer On the Lowlands NAKKEN, Witiem Care. Hauling Timber NETTLETON, Watrer Wind Swept Snows CATALOGUE NUMBER 167 115 139 212 238 152 59 119 250 207 30 160 NEUHUYS, Ausert Contented The Morning Kiss OFFERMANS, Tony Outside the Cottage Door The Cobbler The Village Postmaster PARTON, Arrtnuovr, N.A. Apple Blossoms PETILLION, J. On the Boulevard ira CG d bs Errenne ADOLPHE Girl Reading POGGENBEEK, Grorcr > Ducks Dutch Pasture and Cattle POKITONOW, Ivan Landscape with Sheep RANITZ, A. E. A Hunting Party RAUBER, WILHELM Love’s Young Dream REHN, Frank Knox Morton, N.A. Gray Day, Cape Ann RICHET, Lion Normandy Landscape RICO, Martin Santa Maria Della Salute . RIP, Wititem Corne is Canal and Bridge | Holland Landscape with Windmills ! Landscape—Holland . Near Veere Road Beside a Canal ROYBET, Ferprnanp A Spanish Nobleman SADLER, Wiiiiam Denpy The Tailor Shop in the Monastery SANCHEZ-PERRIER, Emitt1o Summer SCHENKEL, A. Interior of a Church SCHERREWITZ, Jonuannes Milking Time The Farmyard SCHIEDGES, Perrus Pautvus A Holland Farm SCHIPPERUS, Pierer Aprianus A Quay in Rotterdam SCHLESINGER, Fetuix The Little Washerwoman SCHOFIELD, W. Eimer Winter Landscape SCHREYER, Apour A Wallachian Teamster—Entangled in the Marshes On the March—Battery Going into Action The Reconnoitre SCHREYVOGEL, Cuartezs Troopers Attacked by Indians SENET, J. Venice SERROT, Raraet PEREZ An Italian Fisherboy Chickens Feeding SMILLIE, Grorce Henry Harvest Time—Normandy CATALOGUE NUMBER 216 164 62 116 235 60 34 239 161 298 123 223 209 39 90 89 174 SPRINGER, CorNeELIs~ The State House, Bose: Holland STEELINK, Wittem | so Return to the Barn odes et we { ia STEVENS, Atrrep aes. “ Di, Marine . ie Off the Coast On the Shore—Tréport Vue de Tréport Vue de Tréport STROEBEL, Jouan AntTHONI BaLTHasaR Seventeenth Century Orphan Asylum The Antiquarian TALCOTT, Aten B. Connecticut Pasture TAMBURINI, Antonio The Cellarer The Monastry Cook TENIERS, Davin, THE YouncER The Old Suitor TER MUELEN, Francois Prerer Return of the Flock THAULOW, Fritz A Brittany Farm The Mill Winter Scene THIJSSEN, Caroxius JoHANNES Baby Asleep THOMPSON, Worpsworrn, N.A. Gipsies by the Sea TROUILLEBERT, E. After Rain A Brittany Landscape Landscape CATALOGUE NUMBER 156 Q77 63 "NGA: RT, ConsTANntT eee a | ker | 100 81 The Barn 17 MARCKE, Eaux | _ The Goose Boy 263 v An 5 . Ours vA ASTENBROEK, Jonan Henprix ey ’ A Dutch Town Scene 73 Approach to a Town—Holland 41 A Timber Barge 52 A Wharf Scene 45 Breaking up the Wreck 32 Harbor Scene 53 Harbor Scene ; 86 In Dock 56 a sya Vers Midi 213 _ VAN SEVERDONCK, Joseru — igs Chickens . 91 Sheep Pasture A 92 VAN VUUREN, Jan A Dutch Interior 70 ~VARLEY, Joun Brunnen Z 6 . Lake Maggiore 15 Paes a ars ay i ie VERBOECKHOVEN, Eveiwe Josern Landscape and Sheep \ VEYRASSET, Jutes Jacques In the Hay Field Na = VIBERT, Jenan Grorcus . A Visit to Figaro ay y a : VIELAND, F. J. Reeve? Preparing Breakfast 3: ie 4 VOLLON, Anrore eer ; Still Life : | VON DEFREGGER, Franz The Love Letter " VON GEGERFELT, WitHetm Twilight on Lake Siljansh6, Sweden VON LENBACH, Franz Mother and Child VON UHDE, Fritz ‘ The Discussion ees WAHLBERG, Aurrep ; Moonlight on the Lake WASHINGTON, Grorcr Halt at the Well WEISSENBRUCH, Jonannes Henprix Holland Landscape Unloading the Fishing Boats WHITTREDGE, Worrnuinerton, N.A. Autumn Landscape WIJSMULLER, J. H. A Dutch Village Canal in Winter “Sen ds oe e and Pool ith S = as ka oat Pear, ~*~ Se oe See natn jremarkably high. nyt W. Ae Clark, $1425. 2egaene tap ond ata” Sons, wh Corner of the Pasture, Me Diterte: Knoedler. & Co., $2,000 | | “Milkin Time,” ‘Jullen Dupre; fare. E Hott, $5650. aemies the Cradle,” Kever; O. Ber-| 5 | “The Prayer Mosque of Cald-Bey, 0,” Gerome; W. L. Austin, $875. - Ry conde Schreyer; Martin “Landscape and Sheep,” Verboeck- » n; M. C. Migee, $925. “Fetching Water,” Ridgway Knight; M. ‘©. Anderson, $1,000. | “The Communicant Jules,” Breton; T. Brandus, $525. i *“Catle In Holland,” De Bas; B. M. Bee muire, pee fe ‘Start of the Fishing Fleet,” M sdag a 4. ae ag $550. Y 4 esa AR THDAHUS ‘PDINNES PICTURES Son of Painter Questions the Authenticity of Paintings in Schemm Collection, s | Sixty-seven pictures sold at the last | session of the Peter A, Schemm sale in Mendelssohn Hall last night for $102, - 800, thus -bringing “the grand total to $185,805. Thomas HE, Kirby, of the} American Art Galleries, conducted the sale, It was full of surprises. It was ani- mated, and its prices were at times. The highest was| $8,200, and given by W. Sharpe Kilmer for Schreyer’s “The Wallachian Team- ster—Entangled in the Marshes,” which) had been advertised before the gale as this painter’s masterpiece. ‘That price as compared to those that have) been given for Schreyer’s canvasses) heretofore in this country, must be considered small. Next to the price given for that. picture in importance wes the an-! nouncemieént made by Mr, Kirby re-! garding Inness’s “Approaching Storm’’ and “Showery Weather,” as follows: ‘the two Nerorcee There were many specula as to the dealer or pe ‘these pictures ‘to Mr, Savanna By _ Another’ American picture, | Murphy’s “Indian Summe the Knoedlers for $1,825, Yother, “Wyant's ts. Sell See BaLaee and) } Pool,” to O. Bernet, as agent, for $2, 100, | | }May Be for Union League. Some time after these had ‘been dis-| posed of, A. J. Conant’s “Pontrait of} Abraham Lincoln” was sold to Mhomas| Benton for $3,700, It was whispered) that the purchaser had acted as agent for the Union League Club, and that) ithe picture is ito be hung in ithe elub trooms, When this picture was offered, ‘Mr. Kirby announced ‘that the painter of the portrait, who is ninéty years of age, and executed it in 1860, came to the gallery ‘to view it, and said it. was, at. ithe time, considered a faithful likeness of the Martyred President. Mr. Kirby backed that statement by announcing that on the Fourth of July, '1861, he had seen President Lincoln jraise the flag over Independence Hall in, Philadelphia, and that he was certain of the accuracy of the likeness. That state- | ment produced a storm of appliques and (a storm of Ibids, / Other good- prices “during: the evening } were ‘realized on Cazini’s ‘‘A .Mill, in} Flanders,’ which went to W. W. Seaman,} an agent, for $4,500; Lenbach’s ‘Mother and Child,” to Mrs, Frederick F, "Thomp-| ison for $8,200; Israel’s “Watching and} |Waiting,’”’. to O. Bernet for $4,500; Rico’s “Santa Maria della Salute,’’ to W,. L.} ‘Austin for $5,600, and Harpignies’s “Sum- mer,’’ which went to Martin Beck for $5,100. ; Purchasers and Prices, | There Were many other good prices. These, with the names of pictures, paint- ers, purchasers and prices paid for works that brought: $200 or over,’ are’ in the following list: I Pokitonow; / | “Landscapes with Sheep,” George A. Hearn 0/4. . 05). -pamnneeees $20 “Vallee D’Bafourelle, Haute Marne,” Monchablon; O. Bernet .;..2002..-+s I 450 “The Little Washerwoman,’’ i. DB. A. Kopp | “Still Life,’’ PR oiion! Holland “Ast “Gallery 270 | “Feeding ‘Time,”’ Jacque: Martin Beck. . “Bead and Bust of a Girl,”* aye Ww. 8.) Kealmer’ i Wigs ys 9 sss Cae «ce 650 “The Love Letter,’ Defregge “Dery 775 “Highland one by Me. one Xi ia ~-Bon- heur; Geo. PLONSL ye cs De sume tink 250 “The Ei eeaters ” Canin; O, D, Daubosch. . 925 | 'Peasing the Kitten,” Bail; BL A. ponte 475 pert Jules Dupre; A, A, Healey... 1,200 “Arab Pncampmont-—Night in the Desert,”’ Lazerges; W. H. JOWNSON sada yess 675 “Dutch Landscape,’” Willem ~ Maris; Knoedler & : Co! isk. 'sany - ae. = 8,200 “Indian Summer,” J, Francis Murphy; Knoedler (& Co o,Aii. saedee ses Kis ee 1,825 “Oattle by the Sea,"’ Francois Auguste bonheur; J. M, Culver ..v,..s008 400 "Vue De Trepott,’’ “Alfred Stevetia;® Ww W Beaman cio do ks& viel sein ae va 180 ‘Landscape and Cottage,’ "Leon Victor ; ; , Upre ; A... Be. Vetneys oes ¢). cas came Jat 250 ve $2,650. The next | was $1,100, paid by, 0. for Henner’s “Red Dra- below this was Israels’s went to C, Fliermans for W. S. Kolmer gave $1,050 for! Seas: March—Battery-: Going | » Act John E. D. Trask of the | ynsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. h wha Elmer Schofield's. “Winter for $150; Henry Schultheis. tor Boker’s “The Bird Seller’; , ae paid $600 for Crochepierre’s ng the Needle’; O. S. Loeb paid. } for Brandt's “Prisoners of War”; W.| , Seaman, agent, gave $900 for Seat Gasin'e “In Ful, Sail’; Harry Sachg paid | i $2,000 be to Spanish, "Nopie- S ie Ko for | ssa. atherer,” or Henner’s ‘‘Ideal Jan by the ea Gediers for Hat hon the ‘te liter 1ean,”’ and | George D r) Vibert/s ‘Visit bea . hs ala ft eM LINCOLN PORTRAIT — ; ~ FOR $8,700 IN SCHEMM SALE ‘Two Alleged eae Works hee Withdrawn by sored 4 | ARTIST'S SON | QUESTIONED THEM : | : { } | Unusually High Prices Bring Even- | ing’s Total to $102,009 ard ‘Sale to $185,000, Persons who went to the final Session |of, the sale of the Schemm collection of |paintings in Mendelssohn Hall last night {had the opportunity of enjoying more sensations than usually attend the dis- persal of paintings at auction, The chief of these unusual happenings was the’ for- mal statement made by Thomas E. Kirby |regarding the two canvases attributed to Inness that had heen passed in the sale on Thursday night and the little speech, he made regarding the Lincoln portrait, that aroused an outburst of applause and bids. This is the American Art Associa- tion’s formal statement regarding the Inness pictures made through the auc- tioneer: “Dhe two »paintings, bueaiamene Nos, 204 and 214 of the Peter A. Schemm collec- ry pene ora 7a] vas ‘of his character. It was purchased _by a buyer who uses the name of Th Benton, It is expected the portrait | ‘become one of Be eer anaees treasures of the Union Leag ' In addition re tints ieer de of ora there ws much t mon ‘were as erratic as the March Bus ‘example, a Martin ee ta, Me ‘Della Salute’ * was’ a ponent ey iby. W. Aus- itin for $5,600, and a arplanies went — ei Martin Beck for $3,100. A splendid B lmers brought ‘only $2,550 and a Uae \brought esi of e average of the priges (ee so hi igh $1 02, was obtained far th lsame number of paintings that average less than’ half that amount on the two bie nights. | Amen toe best prices. tory Ses n ht were: Hee tes by é Bock’s. “Truck” Farming,” W. Fuller for Jacque’s “ $4,650 by an agent for Israels’s .** atch-- ing ‘and Waiting,” $3,900 by James. Elverson, Jr., for Ziem’s ‘Fete Day,” $2,800 by M. C. Anderson’ for Bouguereau’s “The Vell.’ $3,000 by Knoedler & Co,: for Neuyhuye’s ‘The Morning Kiss,’ $2,450 hy ithe Georece Petit Gallery of bids for atone “Ta Place Clichy,’ $3.200 b: y Mrs. | Thompson for: Lenbach’s “Mother and vend. Ke $2,500 for Innees’s “Gathering” Clouds,” $3,500 by A, A. Healy for Israels’s “Mother and Son” and $3,200 by bee is & Co. for Maers’s “Dutch Landscape.” | The total for the whole sale was 805, The Pans rasa w, tion, which were withdrawn last evening, were exhibited in our galleries duving the epening and press day of the exhibition, Friday, March 10; and were commented on favorabiy by those who viewed them. Toward ‘evening of the opening day George Inness, Jr., who was visiting the exhibition, informed me of his Goubts as to these two paintings, Nos. 204 and 214, being by his father, Accepting Mr. In- ness's opinion, I ieee - withdrew tre palitings from the exhibition and ul- timately frem the sale, and in further- ance of our efforts to prevent the pic- tures passing into the hands of other arties, I have suggested to the exect- ors of Mr. Schemm that they obtain the consent of the heirs to destroy the two pictures.” | $85 for Clay's ‘‘Calme-Batteaux Rhins”; | ithe Bhrich Galleries, as agent. paid $900 | ‘for Von Unde’s ‘The Discussion” ; George | i A. Hearn gave $875 for Kever’s “The sil ture Book’; A. H. Cosden gave $450 for ‘The Fisher Girl’ by Ridgway Knight, | and Mrs. A. R. Kolb paid $525 for Cave’s | “plowers of the Fields." The sale con- 'tinues in the same hall to-night. | A GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE THEA ae 1 Ptg, by y leo Hermann, “Meditation” 1 Ptg, by N, Diag, "The Coronation” 1 Ptg. by Julien Dupre, 18 x 214 _ "The Shepherdess" $325.00 1 Ptg, by Jan Monchablon, 18 x 24 “Village of Lironcourt" 775,00 1 Ptg. by Jan Monchablon, 132 x 9§ “The Cow Herder" _. 400,00 _ 1 Ptg, by Francisco Domingo "The Halt at the Inn" C.R.C.P, 1 Pte, by Prof, W, Schuch, "GEXA. W.C,2383 1 Grolleron P, red) _ “Skirmish between Swedes & Tarbars" €.W.0.L. & Co, 1 Ptz, by Eugene Verboeckhoven, PER L Pee. ty 3 20 x 143 "The Sheepfold" 7459 1 Ptg. by Chas. Jacque, "The Shepherd and the Flock" 5250,00 7528 1 Pts, by W. Bouguereau, "Going to the well" __2250,00 7515 1 Pte, by G, Jacquet, "Expectation" 1450.00 7558 1 Pte. by A. Lesrel, “The Music Party" 800.00 6627 1 Pte. by P, Kraemer, FEE ' “The Lost Game" 150,00 7529 1 Pte, by H, Laissement, rye "His Eminence's Coffee" 6705 1 Pte. by George Washington, "arabs" WERSHAK XE PERC ROMSHHSE, XE mE PURXXXRRVA "Drummer Boy" 1 Ptg,. by Meyer von Bremen, "The Little Reader" 400,00 1 Pte, by J. C. Cazin, "At Sunset” 2,000, 00 1 Pte, by M, de Munkacsy, “afternoon Tea” C.E,W.N, 1 Ptg. by Ny Diaz, 7481 7662 7741 7400 7700 "The Pool” 1 Pte. by V. Chevilliard, 1,200, 00 1 Ptg. by P, J, Clays, “Calm on the Maas” 800,00 1 Ptg, by Raymond de Madrazo, "Two Friends” 700,00 1 Pte, by Loustaman, A, 223 x 283 C, "She loves me she loves me not" ~ Pte. by Rosa Bonheur, 39 x 252 ¢, "Scotch Cattle and sheep” 9,500.00 $500, 00 10,000, 00 1, 500,00 4,500, 00 2,000, 00 1,350.00 5,500, 00 2,400.00 500, 00 2,400.00 5,000, 00 1,000, 00 2,700.00 600, 00 ee wR nINGs GROSS VAN GIGCH™ C.L,Stern » Ptg. ‘by Prof. J. G. von Bremen, 16 x 20 C, "Decorating the Shrine” $2,000 7659 «1 Ptg, by B, Sanchez Perrier, 143 x 108 p, -- “La Guardina” Alcala, 500s $11,800 7687 1 Ptg, by Jules Dupre 18 x 132 ¢, * "Cattle in a Pool” 4,300 7817 1 Ptg, by G, Jacquet, “Girl Writing" 400 7737 1 Pte. g. bY J. G, Meyer von Bremen, 53 x 42 300 "The endangered study" 7770 1 Pte. by W, Bouguereau, 255 x 414 ¢, "The Gleaner” — 2,600 7,600 7734 1 Ptg. by EB, Van Marcke, 28 x 20§ C, domi "Cattle at Rest" 4,000 7569 ; 1 Ptg, by Jan Monchablon, 20g x 282 fi ; | “Prairies Fresnes" 1,000 7748 i Pte. by M, Rico, 285 x 18 haar ‘Jardin Guidecsa Ponte L Lungo" 1,000 7168 1 Pte. by F. Chaigman, i18f x 142 "Flock in the Woods” 275 7837 1 Pte, by G. Clairm, 353 x 50 “After the Masquerade™ 800 1,075 C.J.5,.J, 1 Pte. by BR. Sanchez Perrier, "River Bank and Hut" 450, C.G.M, 1 Pte. by A, de Neuville, "On Guard Winter" 1,000 1,450 7616 1 Pte. by Jan Monchablon, 132 x 93 C, 300 7980 1 Pte. by B, Sanchez Perriar, 22 x 12: P : “El Vado de Castillaro” 450 7879 1 Ptg. by A, Pasini, 133 x 102 ¢, "Le Santon" 550 1,500 7159 1 Pte. by H, Breling, "Dutch Smoker" 225, 7504 1 Pte, by E, Berne Belcour, 105 x 14> “Officers de Chasseuia cheval" ak, 325, . - 8030 1 Pte. by J. J. Henner, 24 x 18 “Penserosa” 1,750 7824 1 Ptg, by Theo, V, Cederstrom, 98 x 143 "The Solo" 450, 7456 1 Pte. by P, J, Clays, 215 x 282 | "Boats on the Rhine” 650, 7926 1 Ptg, by B, J. Blommers, 275 x 22 "Baby's Sleep" 750, 1,400 1347 1 Pte. by V. Chevillard, 6gnX 8 P, "Youth will,play” 400, 6931 1 Pte, by P, J. Clays, 17 x 12 "Calm in Holland" 400, 7994 1 Ptg. by G, Jacquet, 10$ x 12% "In the country" 450, 7516 1 Pte, by W. 7, Richards, 255 x 143 "Surf Sunset" 300, 1,550.00 _——, 7 Y, Bp. Pa AE SS ee ee Ee =e ‘ "oe rs “ 2 alee we Chel D ae ae f EN ARN Oe: SAE hy pend iis meats f oo lpg Tie quan ane Ce oP) pr “ 9203 1 Pte, by NM. Rico, 18% x 283 C, "Riodei Giardini Publico Venice" $1250.00 9329 1 Ptg. by M, Rico, 495 x 32 ©, "La Salute, Garden of the Seminary and Custom House, Venice", 5000, 00 9085 1 Ptg, by F, Domingo, 403 x 40% P, “Chareson d*Amom", 6000, 00 9077 1 Pte, by M. Rico, 92 x 143 p. "“Poutel del Redentore” *600,00 9377 1 Pte, by A, Pasini, 74 x 93 6, "Blacksmith” 500, 00 1100, 00 8996 1 Ptg. by M, Rico, 28 x 182 ¢, "Ponte del Redentore” $1250,00 62623 1 Pts. by W.T,Richards, 27 x 46 C, "Brigantine Beach Afternoon", 600,00 1850.00 9028 1Ptg, by J. J. Hemer, 18 x 24 ¢, “Penserosce" $2000.00 9362 1 Pte, by R. Knight, 255 x 32 C, "Bruzy uplands" 1350.00 3350.00 8648 Pte. by H. Harpignies, 122 x 10; P, "Souvenirdu Dauphine” 650,00 9431 Ptg. by F, Thaulow 32 x 254 C, "Winter" 1900, 00 2550.00 8982 Ptg. by Chas, Jacque, 252 x 322 ¢, "Landscape & Sheep" 6600, 00 9515 Ptg. by A, Schreyer, 334 x 21 ¢, "Arab Horseman" 5000.00 62426 1 Pts, by B, Van Marcke, 28 x 193 ¢, "Cattle at the Pool” 2500.00 9649 Ptg. by J. J, Henner, 103 x 152 P, "Poetry" 1000, 00 8849 Pte, by F. Ziem, S12 x 214 "Pecne dans la Lagune" de 1*Erasone" 1600.00 9651 Ptg, by E, Sanchez Perrier, “Le Passeur” 365,00 1965, 00 9498 Pte. by H, Harpignies, 32 x 258 "La Mediterranei"” Entre le Cap Martin Menton 2700,00 9626 Pte, by P, J, Clays, 24% x 16% C6, Clair.de Ime" 800,00 ©500, 00 9691 Ptg. Jan Monchablon, 9g x 133 P, "Un Coin de la Saone" 575,00 9827 Pte. by Fritz Thaulow, 183 x 212 ¢, *"Oudenarde temps gris" 1000, 00 9638 Ptg. by J,S.H.Kever, 255 x 198 "Around the table™ 725,00 9688 Ptg, by J,C,Cazin, 255 x 32 C, "Canal and Windmill" 7750.00 9504 Pte. by Josef Israels, 126 x 6% “Children of the Sea" 1300,00 9050.00 ___ PAINTINGS BOUGHT BY COL, 4. GROSS, tit a r pee ae “1 he \ re et aia Ae casa 2 LP ya! FRENCH TELEGRAPH CABLE, a apiece DOLLARS THOEUTHAULOTS FACH 6 DOMINCO sONG S00 LEROY WANTS PURCHAS® sCHEMM saLy{BOLDINI CLICHY 1000 be Tera ’ Hysias, ath ~~ = tee a NOS EPDM TEASING 40 000 \7TEN TETE 2800 (RENNER RSET CONGKINZ PONT 600¥YCGROLLFRON eS ener Mv WOUNDED 8 ne eatin “anal ee iB Cable and a1 by this Hne. 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