1925 | | cyte vem Jan. 14 7 NeWaD View from Jan. 9 No. 349 Sale Jan: 14, 1925 | Firearms and Weapons > AND A FEW BOOKS FROM THE NOTED COLLECTIONS OF CHARLES NOE DALY,. HARRY IL NORTH EMERSON CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS Capt. Lockwood’s ‘‘Highlander Napoleon III’s Hunting Sword, etc. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Wednesday Morning, and Afternoon January 14, 1925 = 3 at 10.30 and2o0’clock 4g : View from Friday, January 9, 9:30-5:30 | THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street : New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 . WALTER S. SCOTT, Auctioneer apis ty peal shuth Goy-g eo y, Ly tee £ ie aa BP Ai hth Laguna be _ View from Jan. 9 No. 349 Sale Jan. 14, 1925 _ Firearms and Weapons | AND A FEW BOOKS FROM THE NOTED COLLECTIONS OF CHARLES NOE DALY,.HARRY I. NORTH EMERSON CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS Capt. Lockwood’s ‘‘Highlander’”’ Napoleon III’s Hunting Sword, etc. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Wednesday Morning, and Afternoon January 14, 1925 at 10.30 and 2o’clock ¢ View from Friday, January 9, 9:30-5:30 THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street ; New York, N. Y. | Telephone Bryant 4140 | EN ot WALTER S. SCOTT, Auctioneer i af! ; Saage es ae . CONDITIONS OF SALE All Bids to be by Lot. They are executed free of charge by the Walpole Galleries and the items are bought at the lowest price permitted by competitive bids. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in case of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision will be final. He may also reject any fractional or nominal bid calculated to delay or injufiously affect the sale. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Delivery. Goods bought to be removed after 9:30 o'clock the day following the close of the sale. If not so removed, they will be held at the risk of the purchaser and these Galleries will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. No deliveries will be made during or immediately after the sale, but all bills and goods will be ready at 9:30 o’clock on the day following the sale. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the close of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, these Galleries reserve the right to dispose of the goods without notice to the defaulting buyer and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. This catalogue has been compiled by a competent cataloguer, the various lots offered are described with care and accuracy and they will be sold not subject to return. The Walpole Galleries, if requested, will forward purchases at the buyer’s risk and expense. Priced copies of this catalogue at $3.00 each after the sale. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES LENORE YOUNG TURNBULL (Mrs. Edward Turnbull) 12 WEST FORTY-EIGHTH STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. This sale will be conducted for the Walpole Galleries by Mr. Watter 8S. Scott View from Jan. 9 No. 349 Sale Jan. 14, 1925 Firearms and Weapons A FEW BOOKS FROM THE WELL KNOWN COLLECTIONS OF CHARLES NOE DALY, HARRY I. NORTH EMERSON CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS Flintlock Highlander of Capt. Lockwood; Hunting Sword presented by Napoleon III; Silver Mounted Flintlock of Charles Edward Stuart, the “Gay Chevalier”; Superb Inlaid Gun of the Sultan of Zulu; “Canon de Soleil” or Sun Cannon, of the Reign of Louis XVI; Cannon Model in faultless scale used by De Thulstrupp in Civil War Paintings; Miniature Mounted Field Cannon; Cross-Bow from the Greenwood sale; Lady’s rare “birding” Cross-Bow; Ceremonial Ax from Lady Majoribanks’ Collection, and a Pair of North Indian Saw-tooth Executioner’s Swords; French Engraved Hunting Sword Flintlock with Brass Barrel; Gold Mounted Flobert; Lefauchaux Prize Pistols from the Crystal Palace; Fine Luger (new) with stock from Chateau Thierry; a Superb Pair of Balduini Flintlocks; Italian Flintlock Dragoon Pistol dated 1813; Turkish Sword Mounted in Gold and Silver; Renaissance Silver Dagger and Sheath; Gold Mount- ed Presentation English Sabre; North Indian Incised Shield; Darling Six-Shot; Early Powder Horn Engraved with Ships; Fishing Rods and Reels, a fine group, many can be used for Tarpon Fishing; Pocket Case with 3 Dozen Flies; Canes. THE FINEST U. S. MARTIAL PISTOLS THE FINEST FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ARTISANS’ WORK TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Wednesday Morning and Afternoon January 14, 1925 Bana vi) View from Friday, January 9, 9:30—5:30 THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 WALTER S. SCOTT, Auctioneer ‘(zg ased 99S) “TEM [LAID ‘[Ppoy, eTeIS sddnasinyy, 2q FIREARMS FROM THE NOTED COLLECTIONS OF CHARLES NOE DALY, HARRY I. NORTH EMERSON CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS FIRST SESSION LOTS 1 - 240 Note: Special attention is called to the splendid quality of the many fine Pairs both in Cases and without them; to the fine U. S. MARTIAL PISTOLS; to the very unusual East Indian Weapons bought by Mr. Daly in Bombay in 1895 at a sale of captured Native Arms by the British Government; to the Pistols with assured provenance; the Highlander of Capt. Lockwood; the Flintlock of Charles Edward Stuart, the “Gay Chevalier’; the set of Knives presented by the Bahadur of Nepaul; there are many specimens of the finest examples of the gunsmith’s art in the gold and silver inlays, the beau- tifully chiselled locks; the Cross-Bows and Ancient Weapons purchased by Mr. Daly in England at the sales of Lady Majoribanks and the Greenwood Collection are unusual items for a public sale. BOOKS Angling. Natural History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. A practical es-aye on, Aneling by JeV. GC. Smith: (Parti! is-on -Trout*and Angling). A few cuts. 12mo, cloth breaking, stamp on page 1. Boston, 1833. Colvin (L. H.) and Viall (E.) United States Rifles and Ma- chine Guns. A detailed account of the methods used in manufacturing the Springfield 1903 model Service rifle; also descriptions of the modi- fied Enfield rifle and three types of machine guns. Many technical drawings and illustrations. Sm. 4to. New York, 1917. Himmelwright (A. L. A.) Pistol and Revolver Shooting. Tllustrated..12mo. New York, 1922. Sawyer (C. W.), Firearms in American History, 1600-1800. 8vo. Illustrated. Boston (1910). Vol. 1. 2] BOOKS—Continued. —. Our Rifles in American History Series. (Vol. III). Numerous illustrations from photographs. Thick, 8vo. Boston (1920). Sardi (Pietro), L’Artiglieria di Pietro Sardi. Romano, divisa in tri libri, di nvovo Ristampata . . sopra le Machine Antiche, et Arma, etc. Engraved title with portrait of the author guarded by two immense cannon, and 22 plates of scale models of cannon, parts, accessories, etc. Thin folio, original vellum. Bologna, 1689. Fine early 17th century work on the cannon. Askins (Charles), Rifle and Revolver Shooting. Several illustrations. Small 8vo. New York, 1912. Boutell (Charles), Arms and Armour, In Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Profusely illustrated with numerous plates and other illustrations. 8vo. London, 1907. Catalogues. Whitehall (S. W.). Royal United Service Museum, 15 illustrated plates. Over 7000 nos. Small 8vo. Wrappers. South- wark, 1920. Official Catalogue of the Demmin (Auguste). An illustrated History of Arms and Ar- mour, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. About 2000 illustrations. Thick 8vo. London, 1901. Farrow (Edward S.). American Small Arms. A veritable encyclopedia of knowledge for Sportsmen and Military Men. 500 engravings. Tall 8vo. New York, 1904. Only arms of American patent or manufacture are presented. Farrow’s Military Encyclopedia. A Dictionary of Military Knowledge. Illustrated with maps and about 3000 wood engravings. Vols. 1 and 2 (lacks Vol. 3). Thick small 4to, binding loose. New York, by the Author, 1885. Foreign Catalogues of Arms and Armour. Birmingham Museum gallery catalogue. Charles Lancaster’s pocket catalogue of guns, etc. The Banqueting Hall, Edinburg Castle, Arms and Armour contained in it. 12mo, wrappers. Edinburg, 1908. (6 pcs.) 4 19 20 a1 BOOKS—Continued. Seven Foreign Museum Catalogues Containing Descriptions of Arms and Armour. Some illustrations. Small 8vo. Emden, 1903. Leipzig, 1913. Rome, PSpeic.. (7). Greener (W. W.). The Gun and Its Development, with Notes on Shooting. Profusely illustrated. Tall square 8vo, back breaking, some pencil notes on margin. London (1884). “The most celebrated book on the Gun ever published, now very rare. Laking (Guy F.). Catalogue of the European Armour and Arms in the Wallace Collection at Hertford House. 1343 numbers. Small 8vo, wrappers. London; 1901. Catalogue of the Armour and Arms in the Armoury of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. Now in the Palace, Valetta, Malta. 32 fine plates from photographs. Tall sq. 8vo, boards, leather back. London, n.d. Containing descriptions of 464 pieces. Lowell. Illustrated Catalogue of United States Cartridge Co.’s Collection of Firearms. The most complete collection in the U. S. now installed at the Na- tional Museum, Washington, D. C. Profusely illustrated. Tall 8vo, wrappers. Lowell, n.d. Several pages oil-stained. Very scarce now and much in demand owing to the numerous pieces illustrated. Magazine of Antique Firearms. A monthly periodical devoted to the History of Firearms. April- May, 1911. July to December, 1911. January, May, June, July, 1912.’ Illustrations. Tall sq. 8vo, wrappers. (12 issues.) Very rare. Metropolitan Museum Catalogue. Dean (Bashford). Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Mediaeval Arms and Armour. 47 illustrated plates. Small 8vo, wrappers. New York, 1911. Metropolitan Museum of Art Catalogues. Dean (Bashford). Catalogue of European Arms and Armor. Handbook No. 15. About 100 illustrated plates. 8vo, wrappers. New York, 1905. Collection of Arms and Armor including the William Riggs Donation. 65 illus- trated plates. 8vo, wrappers. New York, 1915. (2). 5 pie ZS 24 25 GUNS AND CROSS BOWS 17th Century Musket from the Lamm Collection. From the Carl Robert Lamm Collection, sold in New York, Dec. 22, 1923, No. 410, catalogued as “Gun (musket), Seventeenth Cen- tury, with match and wheelock; round barrel at the back, 8-sided, plain bored, stamps over champer 53mm. So called Suhl barrel. Lock match and wheel-lock, plain stock, whole stock of brown stained wood, uncommon specimen. Length, 1,508m; barrel length, 1,117m. Calibre, 0,019m. (Illustrated Plate 1) Hudson Bay Company’s Flint Lock Gun. L. 69 ins. A very interesting gun created by the Hudson Bay Co. 200 years ago to trade with the Indians. These guns are just short of 6 feet and were made this useless and excessive length by the Company as the usual trade was a pile of beaver skins as high as a gun. Stock cracking. *A moet interesting relic of the pioneer fur company of America. (Illustrated Plate 1) Silver Mounted Flintlock Fowling Piece. L. 48 ins. A very beautiful specimen with a fine Spanish barrel, the stocks delightfully carved, and all the fittings of silver, even to the butt ‘ plate. In a wonderful state of preservation, with ‘the original ebony ivory tipped ramrod. *Decidedly a museum piece. Very light weight. (Illustrated Plate 1) Bavarian Double Barreled Combination Flintlock Rifle and Shotgun, Calibre 50, Gauge 15. L. 42 ins. Known as the “Turn-over-gun.” The barrels, which are ene revolve on a common axis, each barrel having its own flash pan and battery, a single lock and trigger serving both. Full walnut stock, brass mountings, ramrod between barrels, patch box in stock. Signed Joseph Stoser in Zwetl. *A similar gun, bearing the Lpperal Arms of Napoleon I, is on view at the Museum of Artillery in Paris. (Illustrated Plate 1) od val “= & 28 29 Engraved Ivory Gold Mounted Spanish Flint Lock Gun. L. 43 ins. Very interesting and decorative; the stock elaborately inlaid with engraved ivory from butt plate to muzzle; the lock plate and barrel chiselled and inlaid with gold. (Illustrated Plate 1) Sicilian Bandit’s Flint Lock Blunderbus. L. 32 ins. The mouth of the barrel is oval, measuring 134 inches, so that the charge of slugs, gravel, etc., would scatter in a lateral direction; thus blinding both driver and guard on the Coach Box. The stock of olive root is hinged at the grip so that it may be folded and hidden beneath the cloak of the user. A sash hook on the left side allows the gun to be hung from the belt. (Illustrated Plate 1) Fine Old Battlement or Stirrup Cross Bow. L. 50 ins. Span 32°ins. Early 16th Century; from the Greenwood Collection, York, England, 1894. When the bow has been set by the windlass, the latter is detached and hung at the belt of the Archer, while the weapon is discharged. Complete and original with exception of winding cord and one crank grip bow- string. (Illustrated Plate 1) Cross Bow of Peculiar Design. L. 33 ins. Span 15 ins. The maker evidently attempting to achieve distance by mounting a very short and heavy bow on an exceptionally long stock. The stock is slightly carved and inlaid with brass, with a box in the stock for holding the quarrels or bolts. In fine condition. Continental Prodd or Sporting Cross Bow. L. 33 ins. Span 26 ins. 16th Century, in fine original condition with exception of the bow string. From the Greenwood Collection. The bow is set with a goat’s foot lever which is recessed in the stock. Shot Gun and Leather “Trunk” Case. Fine double barrel breech-loading English 12-gauge shotgun, made by Berry, one of the best British custom gun-makers. Damascus barrels, 30 inches long. Scott top action. Mark, S. W. Berry. Early American Flint Lock Musket. L. 57 ins. In perfect condition. Round browned barrel, full length, walnut stock, marked N. Haven in scroll. A fine American relic. 8 40 GU NS—Continued. Good Old Revolutionary Tower Musket. L. 55 ins. The original “Brown Bess.” Full length stock, brass mountings throughout, browned barrel. British proof lock plate stamped Tower and G. Rk. below Royal Crown. Iron ramrod. Old Sharpshooter’s Telescope Rifle. L. 48 ins. Telescope 35 ins. Made for Berdan Sharpshooters. Heavy octagonal brown barrel, with false muzzle (protecting barrel and telescope). Set and hair triggers. Lock marked Loudenville A. S. HCO. Barrel marked P. A. Reinhard, Loudenville, with original brass bullet seater. Case and Manton Fowling Piece. Very fine old English single barrel fowling piece by John Manton, Dover Street, London; half octagon stub twist barrel, in fine ma- hogany case (cracking) with all accessories. The brass handle of the case bears Mr. John Dawson, Swinham Green, Middlesex. Handsome Colt Percussion Rifle. L. 45 ins. Side hammer ; cylinder loading; fine full length walnut stock. Front, rear, and peep sight for fine shooting. Round engraved cylinder. Perfect, and in splendid condition. GUNLOCKS Genuine Original Italian Snaphaan Lock. L. 7 ins. 17th Century, complete in every detail. The rarest type of Banloak known, in beautiful condition. A museum piece. This and the following 20 gunlocks form a very complete series of its development from the Matchlock of about 1500, to the general use of the percussion system of 1850—a development of 350 years. See also Nos. 244-250. | (Illustrated Plate 2) European Rebounding Match Lock Battery. L. 8 ins. On descent of the match-holder the pan slides forward, exposing the priming; on release of the trigger the pan-cover goes home and the match-holder resumes its original position. This lock should be in some mechanical museum. (Illustrated Plate 2) Large Arabian Miguelet Lock. Highly decorated with chased brass and the steel well feated An exceptionally fine example of the 18th Century desert gunlocks, with safety dog. (Illustrated Plate 2) Arabian Miguelet Lock. Having a peculiarly shaped lock plate. Well decorated and in fine order. (Illustrated Plate 2) 9 42 CO Om 43 pis 44 GUNLOCKS—Continued. 47 Vale. V- Moorish Miguelet Lock. In good condition. Original and complete. . (Illustrated Plate 2) Fine Spanish Transition Flint Lock. L. 6 ins. Perfect condition. (Illustrated Plate 2) Fine Spanish Transition Flint Lock. L. 6 ins. Complete and in good condition. (Illustrated Plate 2) Arabian Miguelet Lock. Partly covered with chased brass. A fine specimen of its type, in good and original condition, with safety dog. (Illustrated Plate 2) 10 46 / - 47 / O ad oO 48 <2, Ee 40 lo- 50 GUNLOCKS—Continued. Turkish Miguelet Lock. In fine condition. Removable face plate; its frizzen a most interest- ing piece. (Illustrated Plate 2) Most Interesting Example of the Transition Lock. Of Ripal, the celebrated arms centre of Spain during the 17th Cen- tury. The “Transition lock” is the link between the “true”? Miguelet and the “true” Flintlock. Its mechanism is practically that of the Flintlock (particularly the Scotch flintlock), except that it is on the outside of the lock plate. An extraordinarily rare piece. (Illustrated Plate 2) Very Good Wheel Lock. L. 8 ins. From 17th Century wheel lock Arquebus. Lock complete and in working order. A GOOD GENUINE OLD PIECE. (Illustrated Plate 2) Remarkable Old Wheel Lock from 17th Century Arquebus. This lock has two pyrite holders, complete and in good condition. A very rare and genuine old wheel lock. Lock plate 8.2 ins. (Illustrated Plate 2) Pistol Shaped Flint Lock Tinder-Box. Exceptionally well done steel frame, slightly engraved; large candle- stick on left side; also tinder trap. Fine Old Flint Lock Shelf Tinder-Box. Steel frame; outside springs. Rush holder and reservoir on left side; original stock. Early 18th Century. South German Early 18th Century Pistol Shaped Flint Lock. Pocket Tinder-box; steel frame; outside springs; engraved brass door to tinder reservoir. Exceptional type with stock inlaid with }VOTY. PISTOLS—Nos. 52-88—MANY FINE PAIRS Fine Pair Early French Flint Lock Carriage Pistols. Length 2 einises Cal.-50. Massively mounted in brass, with grotesque masques on heavy ball butts. An exceptionally attractive pair by Penel, a famous maker of the Louis XVI period. (Illustrated Plate 3) 11 ne) Pair of Gold Mounted Flint Lock Dragoon Pistols. L. 14 ins. Cal. 60. A pair of pistols of the Royal Bodyguard of King Louis XVI, in absolutely new condition, perfect in every detail, with the Royal Arms on the butt-caps and inlaid in gold on the beautifully blued barrels, “Gardes du Corps du Rov’ (Guard of the Body of the King). *A finer pair of Royal pistols cannot be seen in any Museum to-day. (Illustrated Plate 3) Pair of Exceptionally Long Oval Butt Italian Flint Lock Pis- trols. 22. ins, Carved full stocks and heavy steel oval and fish-tail butts. The bar- rel, locks, hammer guards, and butts are elaborately hand-tooled. *A pair of pistols that would be an addition to any collection. (Illustrated Plate 3) Pair Fine French Dragoon Flint Lock Holster Pistols. L. 14 ins. Heavy brass mounts, marks: Mfre Royale de St Etienne. A splendid pair of the time of Napoleon Buonaparte. (Illustrated Plate 3) Magnificent Pair of Balduini Flint Lock Pistols. L. 19 ins. A very fine pair; the bronze mounts finely engraved, and the full length stocks exquisitely carved. By the famous JEAN BaALpUINI and of exceptional length for pairs. (Illustrated Plate 3) A Fine Old Pair of Officer’s Flint Lock Pistols. L. 14 ins. ab /0: With half stocks; brass mounts, beautifully checkered grips; flat hammers and brass flash pans. Proof marks on the barrels. (Illustrated Plate 3) A Pair of Gold Mounted Overcoat Flint Lock Pistols of the First Empire. L. 13 ins. An interesting French pair of pistols with original ramrods, safety catches on lock plate; walnut stocks slightly inlaid with silver. The tapered octagon barrels are inlaid with gold maker’s name Moristeau; and a large gold sunburst surrounding the front sight, with gold muzzle and breech bands. (Illustrated Plate 3) Fine Early French Flint Lock Pistol. L. 13 ins. Maker, Bodier L’aine. Carved walnut stock is inlaid with silver; the half round brown barrel shows a design in floral gold inlay. 18th Century. By a celebrated maker of the time of Louis XVI. (Illustrated Plate 3) iS 60 i Pd 3 61 j / at | 62 pom ™ ad A a 63 ; - ez 64 (£0 ie Bsc Ly 65 ee 2, a 7 66 ig Ly sf Ve / 67 Italian Flint Lock Dragoon Pistol. L. 14 ins. Made at the Imperial Arsenal at Turin, when the son of Napoleon was made King of Rome. The letter “R’’ surmounted by a crown appears on the brass trigger-guard and mounts, and the Regimental numbers; the date 1813 stamped on. A very great rarity. (Illustrated Plate 3) Old Spanish Pirate’s Flint Lock Pistol. L. 13 ins. Spanish armorer’s countersink at base of barrel; brass bird head butt. The pistol carried by the Corsairs of the Spanish Main 150 years ago, with sash or belt hook on the left side. (Illustrated Plate 3) Fine French Dragoon Flint Lock Pistol. L. 14 ins. Dated 1816 and No. 31. Brass mounts with brass bird head ring butt. Mark: Mnfre Royale de St Etienne. A most desirable piece. (Illustrated Plate 2) Pair 18th Century Pocket Flint Lock Blunderbus Pistols. L. 9 ins. | Flat box locks and safeties; flat walnut stocks with slight inlay of silver wire and comb checking; steel twist barrels one inch in diam- eter at muzzle. Fine Old French Flint Lock. L. 12 ins. Overcoat pistol with sweeping barrel, steel mounts and ramrod, tang, sight and armorer’s mark of palms. Pair of Pocket Flint Lock Pistols. L. 7 ins. By Wheeler, London. Box locks, unscrew barrels. Flat stocks beau- tifully inlaid in silver. Top hammer jaw missing. Pair Mariette Brevete Four-Shot Revolving Pepper-Boxes. Lie 7 ins. Cals: Breech loading ; unscrew barrels; under hammer, ring trigger; goose neck ebony grips finely engraved. SEVEN FINE CASE AND PAIRS Case and Air Cane. A most complete and exceptional outfit, consisting of an ivory han- dled walking stick which is an air gun, cane, pump, bullet mould, and all accessories. Original and perfect, one of the most interest- ing outfits we have ever seen and in the original mahogany lock case. (Illustrated Plate 4) 14 Case and Pair Extra Large Bore Pocket Pistols. L. 7 ins. Cal. 65. Unscrew barrels, folding triggers; carved ebony handles, complete in every detail with all accessories in a green velvet lined case. *The most perfect hand steel work it is possible to imagine, the fine engraving making the joints quite undiscernible. (Illustrated Plate 4) Case and Pair French Percussion Duelling Pistols. L. 17 ins. Cal. 38. In perfect condition, never having been fired, in an oak and ebony ——~trimmed case with oil accessories. *This case and pair are so exceptionally handsome that it is difficult to do justice to their beauty. (Illustrated Plate 4) 15 ae 70 D, f 4 oY fal Plog 72 4) ee fee fs) << 5°? 74 i 0 75 i 76. Case and Pair Magnificent French Percussion Duelling Pistols. Leiovins. Cale 45. The steel work handsomely engraved and the woodwork beautifully carved, in a brass-bound velvet lined mahogany case with every accessory (11 in all). *A remarkable pair of pistols. (Illustrated Plate 4) Case and Pair French Percussion Duelling Pistols. lL. 16 ins. By Andre, Paris, in a brass inlaid red velvet lined case; the escutch- eon engraved Dr. Bernardin. *A more attractive case of duelling pistols has rarely passed through the rooms; the steel work handsomely engraved; the original blueing of the barrels still perfect and the carved ebony fluted stocks without a blemish. No less than thirteen accessories, all original, are in the case. (Illustrated Plate 4) Case of Gold Mounted Pistols and All Accessories, by Johnas Kuchenreuter. L. 11 ins. Cal. 40. By the foremost gunsmith of Austria a hundred years ago. The barrels, lockplates, hammers, guards and butts are all beautifully hand chiselled in designs of game. The stocks are of olive root inlaid with silver, and traces of the original gold on the fittings still remain; case and accessories. The Kuchenreuter countersink appears on the barrels in front of the folding leaf sights. (Illustrated Plate 4) Case and Double Express Muzzle Loading Big Game Rifle. Cal. 50. Made by Bernard of Paris, of the highest type, in a metal bound case with accessories. ** An interesting feature of this beautiful Arm is that it carries with it a detachable double-edged bayonet, equal in length to the barrels. A rare piece in very fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 4) French Flintlock Pistol. L. 9 ins. Time of Louis XVI, with bronze guard and mounts and exception- ally artistic checkering on the walnut stock. All Steel Vest Pocket D. B. Flintlock Pistol. L. 6 ins. Very rare form of double barrel, cannon form which unscrew for loading. Top jaws of hammers missing, otherwise fine condition. French Dragoon Flintlock Pistol. Brass mounted with lanyard loop through butts; in fine order. 16 Italian Flintlock Horse Pistol. L. 14 ins. Heavy military type though following almost exactly the Dragoon Model of the First Empire. The lockplate marked “Brescia.” ee nly issued when the infant son of Napoleon was made King of Ome: French Flintlock Horse Pistol. L. 13 ins. Brass frame and mounts made at St. Etienne during the latter part of the 18th Century; top hammer jaw missing. The Pistol from which was copied the first U.S. Govt. Pistol made by North and Cheney. French Dragoon Flintlock Pistol. L. 14 ins. A fine pistol of the First Empire, brass mounts made by the Royal Arsenal at Charleville. The type of hammer is entirely different from that of the Armory at St. Etienne. Pair of Miguelet Lock Carriage Pistols. L. 15 ins. Cal. 60. Finely engraved brass mounts and inlay; having the arms of Spain and the armorer’s countersink at the base of barrels typical of early 18th Century Spanish workmanship. Stocks need repairing. Gale55: Steel Pair of French Officer’s Flintlock Pistols. L. 10 ins. st Century, made at the Imperial Arsenal, Mauberge. mounts. Pair Flintlock Pocket Pistols. L. 6 ins. Cal. 40. Checkered stocks, unscrew barrels, folding triggers, engraved steel frames; safety catches. Fine Old Double Barrel Flintlock Pistol. L. 15 ins. The barrels are side by side as in a DB shotgun, with right and left side locks and safety catches; full walnut stock; checkered grip; steel mounts. Double Barrel Flintlock Pistol. L. 10 ins. Engraved bronze mounts, exceptionally fine walnut stock with “plaid” checking. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND LOCKS, the barrels still showing the gold inlay. Fine Pair of Officer’s Continental Flintlock Pistols. L. 10 ins. (aly 65: With full brass mounts; complete and in good condition. Pair Old English Flintlock Carriage Pistols. L. 15 ins. Cal. 70. Fine pair made by J. & W. Richards, with brown octagon barrels, full walnut stocks beautifully checkered. (Piece of hammer off, but attached. ) An exceptionally interesting pair. LA ce ies 89 90 Pair of Georgian Dragoon Pistols. L. 15 ins. Cal. 75. With stirrup ramrods in perfect and original condition. Lockplates clearly marked Tower and crown; full length walnut stocks and brass mounts with the regimental numbers on the trigger guards. Pair of Heavy Military Flintlock Holster Pistols. L. 19 ins. Cal. 70. Full length walnut stocks, brass mountings, iron ramrods. Hunting Sword Presented by Napoleon III to His Head For- ester at Compiegne. Made by Devisme of Paris, Armorer to the Emperor. The double- edged 20-inch blade is triple guttered and openworked for seven inches from the guard, etched and gilded. The hilt, which is of French fine gilt-bronze, is in the design of a tree beside which stands Diana holding a hound; three other hounds lying at the base of the mound on which the Goddess stands form the guard. The scabbard is of brown leather mounted in French fine gilt. The most elaborate Hunting Sword that we have ever offered. (Illustrated Plate 5) Gold Mounted Flobert and Case. L. 15 ins. ‘The first firearm that many of us shot was a Flobert; here is a finer one than you perhaps ever fired, with barrel engraved and richly and elaborately inlaid in gold; carved fluted stock of ebony, in the origi- nal handsome case with handle, key and: some cartridges. (Illustrated Plate 5) 18 91 Beautiful Silver Mounted Single Barrel English Flintlock Pecher Pistol. L.° 9 ins: Q — By Ketland ; unscrew cannon barrel; box lock; sliding trigger guard ; safety, stock inlaid with silver, and silver masque butt cap. Perfect. (Illustrated Plate 5) 92 Double Bladed Ivory Mounted Dagger. L. 21 ins. East Indian; a central grip and guard from which projects either == side a curved double-edged blade. A more deadly weapon at close quarters cannot be imagined. From the Winterfield Collection of Simla, Upper Punjab. (Illustrated Plate 5) 93 Scotch Highlander Flintlock Pistol. L. 13 ins. Cal. 54. Date about 1750, lock marked Thos. Caddell. Silver medallion name plate marked: Right side, Capt. James Lockwood of: Left side, of ol. Colyear's Regt. All steel pistol of the ram’s horn butt type, OD elaborately engraved on all parts in work of the highest quality. In faultless condition throughout. Belt hook; ribbed at the breech; button trigger; ramrod pierced for cord. *The finest specimen of this rare pistol that the cataloguer has seen. The most famous of the All Metal Pistols, in superb original condition. (Illustrated Plate 5) 94 Magnificent Old Silver Mounted Spanish Miguelet Lock Pistol. Pew osins. > Cal,65. Barrel inlaid with silver; armorer’s sunken marks above the breech. — The mounts are of massive silver, handsomely hand tooled, with a gp shapely full length stock and ivory-tipped ramrod. A superb example of the highest type; its equal rarely has come into the market. (Illustrated Plate 5) G5" Deadly East Indian Torture “Feather”. 1. 24 ins. . y This unique instrument, resembling a plume, has seven graduated * ~ ‘ crescent blades, and when the offending native is tickled with this particular kind of “feather,” he is usually tortured to death. From LeD— Upper Burmah. *All the East Indian Arms offered were personally purchased by Mr. Daly in Bombay in 1895 at a sale by the British Government of captured Native Arms. (Illustrated Plate 5) we odiliicavy Brass Bullet Mould. L. 9 ins. ‘ For casting explosive bullets for Elephant Express guns. 97 Central African Native Dagger. L. (blade) 7 ins. Of crude steel, double-edged, with leather sheath. 5d | 19 _— nl Ly eae (2, if" East Indian Curved Dagger. With heavy jade handle; ribbed; slightly chipped. East Indian (Burmese) Short Dagger. L. 12 ins. A dangerous ribbed and curved blade, with heavy metal handle embossed with flowers, animals and heads. Hindoo Serpent’s Tongue Dagger, Khouttar. Lvs fins: Canadian Officer’s Sword. The gilt bronze basket hilt has the inner guard hinged. British Lion rampant in a medallion in the openwork of the guard; steel scabbard. British Petty Officer’s Naval Sword. Time of George III (Revolutionary period) ; gilt-bronze lion’s head surmounts the pommel; blade is stamped G. Kk. Indian Pipe. L. 24 ins. Red stone North American Indian pipe, with stem. Having “feather” decoration. (Illustrated Plate 6) Powder Mill. , Extremely interesting old mill for grinding priming powder of the time of Louis XIV. The bracket by which it is attached to the table is in the design of a “fleur de lis,” the emblem of the Bourbon Kings. *A very rare relic. (Illustrated Plate 6) Armourer’s Brass Bullet Mould and Shot Gauge. L. 15 ins. Casting 59 bullets at one time; buckshot and shot as small as the BB. A very rare old and curious device. (Illustrated Plate 6) Gunsmith’s Calibre Gauge. L. 13 ins. Machined steel and marked both in scale for calibre and gauge. A very difficult instrument for collectors to obtain at present. (Illustrated Plate 6) Japanese Fan Dagger. el 2rins: When the dagger is sheathed it is a perfect imitation of a closed fan, from which can be instantly drawn a dagger with a 672-inch blade. Very curious. (Illustrated Plate 6) 20 108 Exceptionally Fine Flintlock Shelf Tinder Box (Norwegian). Finely engraved brass frame; Rush holder; all metal stock with | ball butt. rs -_ (Illustrated Plate 6) 21 109 if 0- L-— at 112 L a 113 iE 114 L- is 3 116 East Indian Ceremonial Axe. L. 26 ins. Very gaudy and elaborately wrought; the entire shaft of cut and pierced brass engraved, the butt terminating in a double-headed animal. The upper, or spear-head, has serrated edges, springing from which are two full crescent blades, held in place by hand- somely pierced brass plates in a floral design. From the Collection of Lady Majoribank, the Castle, Lees, Seotland. A Museum Piece. (Illustrated Plate 6) Daniel Webster’s Sword-Cane The blade is the fine steel of the French rapier of the time of Louts IV. Said to have been the property of Daniel Webster, with “D W” on the pewter head-band. (Illustrated Plate 6) “Apache” Revolver and Dagger of the Second Empire. L. 5 ins. Pin-fire, with folding trigger, six-shot; with a five-inch blade which clasps in position; bone erip. *A Rare Freak. (Illustrated Plate 6) Cross Bow Windlass. L. 15 ins. Apparently unique, as the teeth of the cog-bar stick upright, and the crank is operated vertically. Armourer’s mark “I M D” in cipher. A Museum Piece. (Illustrated Plate 6) All Steel Fintlock Waistcoat Pistol. L. 5 ins. Flat engraved butt. Such short all steel flintlocks are particularly rare. Made by G Dueiller. A Museum piece. (Illustrated Plate 6) Capper. Very interesting old brass capper and brass rebounding nipple needle (2 pieces). Accessories of the early muzzle loader that are rarely found today. (Illustrated Plate 6) Old Hudson’s Bay Company Axe Head. Hand forged, at least two hundred years old. (Illustrated Plate 6) Two Interesting Old Gun Cappers. One (circular) of brass; the other pear shape of brass and wood (2). In the days of the muzzle loader it was difficult to put a small cap on the gun nipple, when the weather was cold and one had on gloves. By using a capper whereby a cap at a time was automatically fed in position, the trouble was obviated. They have now become curiosities. (Illustrated Plate 6) 22 117 Two Large Rings or “Chakra.” Diam. 10 ins. Razor edges. They are hidden in the turbans of the Arabs and thrown with great force and precision in deadly fashion. VERY RARE. Sometimes called “quoits.” (2). (Illustrated Plate 6) Extra Fine 18th Century French Flintlock Powder Tester. L. 10 ins. Particularly artistic in design. Walnut stock, checkered grip. (Illustrated Plate 6) Flintlock Powder Tester. L. 10 ins. Walnut stock, steel mountings. Early 18th Century French. A fine example and typical of the period. (Illustrated Plate 6) Powder Tester. L. 5 ins. Unique design; percussion, the ratchet wheel being supported from beneath. IN FINE CONDITION. (Illustrated Plate 6) Very Early Flintlock Powder-Tester. L. 11 ins. Ratchet wheel with 28 teeth; walnut stock; steel mounts. (Illustrated Plate 6) Extra Fine Old Fintlock Shelf Fire Lighter. With box locks and tinder box at end; taper socket on right side. we, —_— (Illustrated Plate 6) 124 Pair of D B Gold Mounted F L Coach Pistols. L. 12 ins. Louis XVI period, with parallel barrels ribbed and inlaid in gold with sprays of roses; steel mounts and walnut stocks. Double barrel flintlocks equal to these are seldom offered for sale. (Illustrated Plate 6) Exceptionally interesting old Pistol-shape Flintlock Tinder Box. milop steel. Siened Descos, Lame. * One of the few Tinder-boxes ever found signed, and one of the earliest types. A very rare piece. (Illustrated Plate 6) Brass D. Bbl. Flintlock Pocket Pistol. L.9 ins. Cal. 44. The parallel barrels are cast in one piece with brass sides and flash pans, box locks and safety catches; engraved mounts aad checkered walnut bag stock. (Illustrated Plate 6) 23 126 [3 — hee Fine Double Superposed Barrel Flintlock Pock.et Pistol. L. 9 ins. Demarest, Paris, maker. Handsomely checkerel st/sck; box lock and safety; in perfect order. (Illustrated Plate 6) A Perfect Flintlock Pocket Pistol. L. 6 ins. Date 1775. Unscrew barrel, safety; full checkered flat walnut stock in as perfect condition as when made in France a hundred and fifty years ago. (Illustrated Plate 6) Pair of Exceptionally Small Flintlock Pocket Pistols. L. 5 ins. Unscrew barrels; box locks; folding triggers; walnut stocks. (Illustrated Plate 6) Early Georgian Flintlock Pocket Pistol. L. 7 ins. Walnut stock; steel mounts. (Illustrated Plate 6) Small Waistcoat Flintlock Pistol. L. 7 ins. Time of Louis XVI. Full walnut stock; steel mounts; side lock in péeriectworder: (Illustrated Plate 6) NINE FINE MARTIAL U. S. PISTOLS Rare U. S. Government Pistol Carbine. L. 18 ins. Entire L. 25 Anse Galo. 1855 Springfield percussion; Maynard primer tape lock; swivel ram- rod, bright yellow brass mounts. VERY CLEAR MARK: U, S. Spring- field 1855, and eagle. Burl walnut stock; the detachable stock being much darker, either rosewood or ebony. *The Springfield Pistol Carbine is rare. A favorite weapon for the Dragoons, as it was both powerful and accurate. (Illustrated Plate 7) U. S. Government Flintlock Pistol. L. 14 ins. Cal. 54. Mark: U, S. R. Johnson, Midd’n Conn., 1842, proof marks on the barrel. *The rare 1836 model, in fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 7) With clear marks. Johnson Government Pistol. L. 14 ins. Cal. 54. Percussion, brass mounts, burl rosewood stock, swivel ramrod. Mark: US I N Johnson, Midd’tn Conn 1855. 1849 and proof marks on barrel). Fine. , (Illustrated Plate 7) Rare Aston Government Pistol. L. 15 ins. Cal. 55. Percussion; brass mounts, swivel ramrod; Middn Conn, 1848 U. S. Aston on the lock plate. Splendid example; good marks. (Illustrated Plate 7) 24 139 cs f Take 7 North U. S. Flintlock Pistol. L.16 ins Cal. 54. Handsome and clean flintlock, swivel ramrod, brass pan, steel “cloche” butt, safety; mark Screaming. Eagle, U S and S. North, bse b. (Illustrated Plate 7) oh North Government Pistol. L. 16 ins. Cal. 54. Swivel ramrod, steel band; safety, good mark North, Midl’tn Conn. w= 1821, Screaming eagle and US. The polished steel superb condition, i / brass pan. *Very rare date 1821. Fine. (Illustrated Plate 7) 137. The Rare North Berlin Martial Pistol. L. 16 ins. Cal. 70. Flintlock; 9-inch barrel, pin-fastened; brass mounts, including ram- At rod thimble. Mark: S. North Berlin, Con., Eagle and U. States. [0 . Sunken proof marks on barrel. The Rare North Berlin, with good clear marks, slight repair to stock at tang, otherwise very fine. (Illustrated Plate 7) 138 Harper’s Ferry 1814 Flintlock Pistol. L. 15 ins. “ Cal. 54. if ag Steel mounts, including band. Mark: Harpers Ferry 1614 and - eagle. *Very good example. Rare model of U. S. Martial Pistol. (Illustrated Plate 7) 139 U.S. Martial Pistol. Harper’s Ferry 1807. L. 17 ins. Cal. 54. Flintlock ; bright brass mounts; ramrod; Mark: Harpers Ferry 1807, Spread Eagle and US. q | —_ The barrel shows rust-stains but the marks are fine and clear. Ele pistol is very rare and in good working order. (Illustrated Plate 7) 140 Tryon Short Pistol. L. 11 ins. Cal. 50. Percussion; single-shot; side hammer; back-action lock; 5 in. octa- 5: _ gon barrel, checkered bag grip, brass-tipped ramrod; tang, lock guard and trigger chiselled in a foliated design; walnut stock nearly full. *Rare. Very handsome example. Mark: Tryon, Merrick & Co. (Illustrated Plate 7) 141 Powder Tester. Rare Form. Ecossais Type. L. 10 ins. Flintlock; bird head butt; steel mounts; guage wheel on the top; sks stock splintered away a little at tip. (Illustrated Plate 7) 142 Bolen Pepper Box. Allen’s Patent. L. 7 ins. Cal. 32. _ Six-shot; double-action; 4-inch revolving strapped barrel; top snap 60 with hole to sight through; mark EF. G. Bolen, N Y, and sharply dropped gooseneck grip of curly walnut; gun metal ornaments; = No. 34 (very low number). (Illustrated- Plate 7) 143. U.S. Bronze Signal Pistol and Holster. L. 10 ins. Holster in good condition with belt and bronze U. S. buckle. Mark: 44 U S Signal Pistol A. J. M. 1861. The invention Gia, ery. (Illustrated Plate 7) —_— 26 144 Pair U.S. Martial Pistols in Original Holster. L.15 ins. Cal. 50. FLINTLocK. Mark US R. Johnson, Midd’n Conn 1841. Swivel ramrods, steel mounts, brass pans; proofs on barrels; holsters in good | ) 4 = condition with rain covers and brass tips. *Martial Pistols are very rare in pairs in good condition. (Illustration Plate 7) 145 Rare Early Flintlock Fire Lighter. L. 5 ins. Ge “Oil well” at side, violin bow form stock. Nice little piece. (Illustration Plate 7) 146 Fine Pair of Genuine Little Deringers. L. 6 ins. Percussion; checkered bird head butts; German silver mounts; shield shaped name plates, and pretty little browned panelled rifled barrels. cain on lock and barrel, Deringer Philadel. (Illustration Plate 7) Beg 147 Flintlock Pocket Pistol. L. 6% ins. Cal. 50. Silver mounted, with lion’s head butt plate; checkerel grip; octagon = barrel with muzzle end engraved; engraved lock and safety; in good order. A high grade piece, mark: Hicking, London. (Illustrated Plate 8) 148 English Flintlock Pocket Pistol. L. 8 ins. Cal. 42. Mark: Archer, London. Ribbed cannon barrel which unscrews to 154 load, engraved lock and trigger guard. Period 1780. ie A fine old piece in first class collector’s condition. 4 (Illustrated Plate 8) 27 English Flintlock Pocket Pistol. L. 7 ins. Cal. 40. Mark: T. Ketland © Co., London. Engraved lock, barrel unscrews to load. In fine collector’s condition. Period 1784. (Illustrated Plate 8) English Over and Under Percussion Pocket Pistol. Mark: Conway, Manchester. Finely checkered walnut grip, silver name plate. Center hammer, engraved lock and barrel muzzles in faultless order and condition. A high grade piece of about 1830. (Illustrated Plate 8) English Flintlock Carriage Pistol. L. 11% ins. Cal. 45. Grip inlaid in silver wire in elaborate design (wire is in place). Long graceful, tapering, ribbed cannon barrel. Period 1775. A high grade piece in fine collector’s condition. Rare. (Illustrated Plate 8) English Flintlock Army Officer’s Pistol. L. 11% ins. Cal. 56. Mark: J @ W Richards, London. Sterling silver plain butt plate, engraved lock. Barrel unscrews to load, trigger guard repaired. A high grade, plain piece from one of the best English makers, in good working order, clean. Dated 1791; Hall Marks. (Illustrated Plate 8) English Flintlock Pistol. L. 7 ins. Cal. 43. Mark: Wheeler, London. Concealed trigger; the barrel unscrews to load; safety on frame. In fine condition and good working order. Period 1810. (Illustrated Plate 8) English Flintlock Pistol. L. 11 ins. Cal. 44. | Hall marked and dated 1781, signed T. Wilkinson, Corn Hill, Lon- don. Sterling silver masque butt plate and silver name plate. Slide covers one side of twin pair to prevent both barrels being discharged at once when same is not desired. In good working order and clean. RARE. (Illustrated Plate 8) English Percussion Single Shot Belt Pistol. L. 9% ins. Barrel 4 ins. Cal. 54. Swivel ramrod, belt loop, cap box in butt. Much engraved. Period 1830. A pistol of the highest grade in beautiful condition. (Illustrated Plate 8) Pair of English Flintlock Pocket Pistols. L. 6 ins. Cal. 45. Mark: Ward, Warrington. Engraved locks and barrel muzzle; un- screw barrels to load, safeties. A high grade pair in faultless col- lector’s condition. Period, 1880. | (Illustrated Plate 8) 28 157 Pair of English Flintlock Pocket Pistols. L. 6 ins. Cal. 48. 5? Engraved frames, center hammer, walnut stocks, mark: Scudamore. D _ In almost perfect condition. Period, 1800. (Illustration Plate 8) 158 French Government Flintlock Pistol. L. 14 ins. Cal. 70. Marked No 1822—Wm Ryl de Mutzea. Deep cup ramrod head. 5? This pistol is altered to percussion and under lock plate the altera- "= tion is proofed on the barrel and dated 1861. In good working order ‘and clean. An interesting piece. (Illustrated Plate 9) 159 French Navy F. L. Pistol. L. 1534 ins. Cal. 69. Model 1763. Brass mounted. In good working order and very good condition considering its age; clean; ramrod. —_ This is the Louis XV navy pistol such as was obtained by Benjamin Franklin in France for the Colonial Navy early in the Revolution. (Illustrated Plate 9) 160. French Flintlock Pocket Pistol. L. 8 ins. Cal. 50. Full walnut stock, checkered grip, engraved steel mountings. Ram- rod. Good working order and good, clean condition. A well made . pistol. Period 1800. Six-shot, indented barrel, sheathed trigger. 30 Large Size Pepper Box. L. 12 ins. | Six-shot ; spur-trigger, bag grip with odd silver inlays; strapped bar- rel; has seen service. Siagyseo, snot, 22 Cal. LL. 5 ins. Ring trigger; indented barrel. Colt 31 Cal. Square Back Trigger Guard. L. 12 ins. Address Saml Colt N Y City. Brass mounts, silvered (worn). Turnkey or Tooth Puller. L. 6 ins. Confederate States Belt with bronze buckle marked C. S. (2). (Illustrated Plate 11) American Arms Co. 2-Shot Revolver. - L. 6 ins. Flat form, bronze frame, bird-head butt. Woueor Cal +L, 11 ins; Nickel finish, polished grip. As New. 5-shot; percussion. No. 33761. (Illustrated Plate 11) Allen & Wheelock Side Hammer Revolver. Trigger Guard Rammer. Six-shot, octagon barrel, shows rust stains. RARE. (Illustrated Plate 11) Colt 36 Cal. L. 11 ins. New, never loaded; original blueing. No. 2098. Back strap sil- vered ; indented cylinder. (Illustrated Plate 11) Colt 44 Cal. L. 15 ins. New condition; all original blueing; strap and guard silvered. No. 188310. Remarkable to be found in pristine condition. (Illustrated Plate 11) Huge Granite Stone Axe. L. 15 ins. H. 4 ins. -Well grooved. (Lllustrated Plate 11) Colt Dragoon. British Proof Marks. L. 15 ins. Cal. 45. Brass mounts, shows service but a powerful weapon. (Illustrated Plate 11) Pencil Pistol. Nickel Finish. L. (entire) 334 ins. Chambered for Smith & Wesson, .32. A freak pistol; concealed in the palm of the hand, barrel between the first and second fingers; fired by squeezing in the hand. Pencil pistols, nickel finish, are quite rare, as few were made. (Illustrated Plate 11) 31 181 Handsome French Flintlock Hunting Sword-Pistol. L. (blade) Somitis. Tortoiseshell grip with carved bronze mounts; the cap having a relief of a stag guarding an ornamental old initial “C’’; a similar design on the shell-shape guard; open quillon ending in animals’ heads; a flintlock pistol, with bronze cannon barrel (a very unusual feature) ; the entire blade, with the exception of the edge (which has been abused) incised in fine work, including trophies, medallions incorporating animals, Latin motto, etc., in beautiful renaissance patterns inlaid with gold which still shows. Part of the original leather scabbard with carved bronze head (damaged). Genuine original Flintlock Sword Pistol. (IIlustrated Plate 11) Flintlock Pistol. L. 16 ins. Cal. 70. Full burl mahogany stock, with oval butt cap and set ring; bronze guard and forestock tip; the former with five notches. Bucaneer’s Huge Pistol. L. 18 ins. Cal. 70. : Percussion, side hammer; steel band at short forestock; the grip crudely leather covered to keep from slipping in boarding ships in icy weather ; stock defective underneath at the guard. A very inter- esting old piece. Colt Revolver. L. 11 ins. Cal. 38. Bronze mounts; the mahogany grip crudely checkered with small gashes. Has seen service. Colt Revolver “E12 insweCalesu Indented cylinder guard, exposed nipples; shows service. 32 n= | Cartridge Box. 744x3x3 ins. With strap. Holds 24 cartridges. ‘Native Club. L. 43 ins. Flat leaf shape, 13-inch blade, five-anches wide; damage to edge. Pair Fencing Foils. L. (blade) 33 ins. Button tips, open bronze quillons, cord wrapped square guard and bright gold bronze pommel. “Hall Harper’s Ferry” Flint Musket and Bayonet. L. 55 ins. Browned barrel, spur guard; top action; fine example and rare. 1838. U. S. Springfield Rifle. 1863. L. 55 ins. Fine clear marks; also Model 1870 on the lock. “Burnside” Carbine. Good example. 1864. L. 39 ins. Two Muskets, 1864, “For Massachusetts”’. Percussion, converted ramrod; Mark: S N & W. T. G. for Massa- chusetts 1864. (2 pcs.) Musket, Made in Windsor, Vermont. L. 51 ins. Mark: Robbins @ Lawrence, Windsor Vt, 1851; ramrod; brass bands, guard and patchbox; front and elevating rear sight; nice condition. “EK. Allen,’ Double Percussion Shotgun. L. 45 ins. Brown twist barrel, marked Fine Stub Twist; percussion; lightly checkered grip. Good. “S. Allen” Flint Rifle, Made About 1815. L. 60 ins. Heavy octagon barrel; brass mounts including patch box; silver barrel keys, name plate, etc.; little damage to stock at the tang, but a fine old piece similar to the best Kentucky’s. (Illustrated Plate 12) Turkish, Gun. - L. 48 "ins. Percussion; muzzle and breech loading; all metal and wood finely: carved. Chain Damascus barrel; weight about 13 pounds; length of barrel 32 inches; bore about 70 and deeply rifled. In nice con- dition. Dated 1289 A. H. or 1872. (Illustrated Plate 12) 22 rere) 197 East Indian Bronze Ornament. Horseman. H. 9 ins. 198 203 \ Mounted Vishnu on a well modelled horse carrying a child on his — stirrup-foot; a small scalloped canopy with bosses and winged sides P 2 ,, ya AB in diaper design form a nimbus. (Illustrated Plate 12) Japanese Four-Handed Beheading Sword. L. 4 ft. 2 ins. In nice condition. RARE IN THIS SsizE. Red lacquer sheath; silver cap; the menuki are finely fashioned miniature daggers; large carved guard. (Illustrated Plate 12) Gold and Silver Mounted Turkish Sword. L. 38 ins. Crook-top wood grip, pierced for cord and tassel;; diamond shaped quillons, with vase shaped tips; the curved blade of fine steel inlaid with gold; the scabbard with a chiselled silver sheath except for 7 inches of leather in the centre, which is banded with rings for cord or sash. * Very fine workmanship, in good condition. (Illustrated Plate 12) Two Flintlock Rifles. L. 46 ins. Full black stocks, one with ramrod, scroll trigger guard; proof marks. (2). Two French Sword Bayonets. Metal sheaths; lettered M’re Imp’rle de St Etienne, 1870. (2). Unusually Fine Malay Kris. L. 26 ins. ‘The slightly waved blade is oxidized and watered; the erip is the finest copper wire wrapped on a shaped wood of red tone; the wood sheath is panelled and has wide top band of thin beaten iron inlaid thickly with gold in a floral pattern. (Illustrated Plate 12) Chinese Carved Dark Bronze Temple Jar. H. 12 ins. Flattened oval, slightly indented at base and shoulder; cover with wild deer knob and swinging chain handles connected by a rod as a bough. With wood oval plaque stained black, with hook for hang- dae (2), (Illustrated Plate 12) Persian Bull’s Head Spear Head. L. Blade 12 ins. On pointed metal shaft, entire length 30 inches; ending in a bronze bull’s head; the incised blade fastened in his nose by a copper brad. (Illustrated Plate 12) 35 205 is 206 39. 207 ae: 208 e- : oy 209 = 210 fee Co Zlib jc ZAZ German Automatic. Under combination ring trigger and hammer; checkered grip with ring butt; flat checkered forestock; octagon blued barrel (original). Siamese Two-Handed Sword. L. 30 ins. With hilt wrapped with plaited bamboo. In nice condition. Wood sheath. : (Illustrated Plate 12) Ornate Renaissance Dagger. Silver Sheath. L. 12 ins. Silver grip incised and with flowers and buds in silver relief; the short quillons are leaf-forms; a cord holder is the form of a raised silver button; the sheath deeply incised in a floral design, tipped with a leaf. (Illustrated Plate 12) Set of Sword and Dagger. Sword blade 30 inches, narrow necked and pointed; ribbon carving inlaid with bronze at the back almost to the point; the hilt of carved bronze of crude bird-head form. The 15-inch dagger to match has a wooden sheath. (2). *Rarely found in sets of two. (Illustrated Plate 12) Long Early Italian Flintlock Pistol. L. 21 ins. Cal. 50. Slender tapering strap barrel, fish tail form butt and carved fittings; ramrod and extended stock. Mark, Ja Deleze, Libourne. Beautiful example. (Illustrated Plate 12) Brass Mounted Long Flintlock Pistol. L. 21 ins. Tapering part-octagon barrel with rear and front sights; fine yellow brass mounts including fish-tail butt on a burl walnut stock. No marks. A fine piece. (Illustrated Plate 12) Fine Ketland Flintlock Pistol. L. 15 ins. Cal. 60. Bright brass mounts, silver gilt name plate engraved Wm. Parrett; barrel and stock carved at tang, and nicely panelled violin-bow form > burl mahogany grip with ramrod. Mark: Ketland @ Co.” and English proof marks. (Illustrated Plate 12) Johnson Martial Pistol. 1843. L. 15 ins. Percussion, converted; steel mounts, swivel ramrod. Mark: U S F Johnson, Midd’tn Conn 1843. (Illustrated Plate 12) Lei3 eins: Mark: Patent Bittner. (Illustrated Plate 12) 36 Zo 24 Colt Wells Fargo Type. L. 9 ins. Cal. 38. Nickled indented cylinder, pat. 1876; bird-head hard rubber grip with horse medallion. (Illustrated Plate 12) U. S. Martial Pistol. L. 14 ins. Ramrod (swivel missing) ; brass mounts; percussion, converted from flint. Mark: H. Aston, U S Midd’tn Conn, 1851; repair to stock, and cord hole bored through the bag grip. Bronze Cannon Model. L. 8 ins. French Mitrailleuse or Machine Gun. L. 15 ins. Diam. 5 ins. Firing 24 shots. All steel. No. 13. Allen & Thurber Pepper Box. 1845. L. 7 ins. 5-shot, indented barrel, top snap, carved frame and bag grip. Flintlock Blunderbus. L. 26 ins. Blunderbus. No marks. Checkered grip, patch box in the stock; 2-inch bell muzzle on twist steel barrel; ramrod. New Short Dagger with New Leather Sheath. L. 16 ins. And Frog. Ribbed wood grip, with bronze cap. Short bronze it lons ending in balls; blade double-edged at the point. Collins Elephant Head Dagger. L. (blade) 12 ins. Checkered vulcanite grip, with white metal quillons and elephant’s head pommel; leather sheath and frog; all new condition. Short Double Edge Dagger. L. 11 ins. Double lines of ribbon carving down the blade; pretty little spool shape quillons; and wood grip divided at top. Japanese Short Sword and Kogai (Knife). Sharkskin wrapped grip; sentoku bronze cap and band; the kodzuka with incised sentoku bronze handle. AND SIGNED. (One small knife or kogai missing. ) Spanish Sword Bayonet. Metal Sheath. L. 21 ins. Reeded metal grip; mark, Argentino, 1591; lacquered Japanese sheath; Filipino wood sheath, diamond form; and another dumb- bell shape. (4 pcs.) Fine Persian Front Sleeve Armor. L. 12 ins. With chain and carved strap wrist cuff. Beautifully incised and inlaid with gold. 37 205 f a 206 5° Da 207 ae 208 ao a 209 = 210 bx or, 211 a PAW Siamese Two-Handed Sword. L. 30 ins. With hilt wrapped with plaited bamboo. In nice condition. Woo sheath. . (Illustrated Plate 12) Ornate Renaissance Dagger. Silver Sheath. L. 12 ins. Silver grip incised and with flowers and buds in silver relief; th short quillons are leaf-forms; a cord holder is the form of a raise: — silver button; the sheath deeply incised in a floral design, tipped wit alent. (Illustrated Plate 12) Set of Sword and Dagger. Sword blade 30 inches, narrow necked and pointed; ribbon carvin inlaid with bronze at the back almost to the point; the hilt of carve bronze of crude bird-head form. The 15-inch dagger to match ha a wooden sheath. (2). *Rarely found in sets of two. (Illustrated Plate 12) Long Early Italian Flintlock Pistol. -L. 21 ins. Cal. 50. Slender tapering strap barrel, fish tail form butt and carved fittings ramrod and extended stock. Mark, Ja Deleze, Libourne. Beautiful example. (Illustrated Plate 12) Brass Mounted Long Flintlock Pistol. L. 21 ins. Tapering part-octagon barrel with rear and front sights; fine yello brass mounts including fish-tail butt on a burl walnut stock. marks. A fine piece. (Illustrated Plate 12) Fine Ketland Flintlock Pistol. L. 15 ins. Cal. 60. Bright brass mounts, silver gilt name plate engraved Wm. Parret barrel and stock carved at tang, and nicely panelled violin-bow for burl mahogany grip with ramrod. Mark: Ketland @ Co.” at English proof marks. (Illustrated Plate 12) Johnson Martial Pistol. 1843. L. 15 ins. Percussion, converted; steel mounts, swivel ramrod. Mark: U S$ Johnson, Midd’tn Conn 1843. (Illustrated Plate 12) German Automatic. L. 13 ins. Under combination ring trigger and hammer; checkered grip wi ring butt; flat checkered forestock; octagon blued barrel (original Mark: Patent Bittner. (Illustrated Plate 12) 36 3 —_— Z2i a ie e “apap / =— bell shape. 224 a ; a Colt Wells Fargo Type. L. 9 ins. Cal. 38. Nickled indented cylinder, pat. 1876; bird-head hard rubber grip with horse medallion. (Illustrated Plate 12) U. S. Martial Pistol. L. 14 ins. Ramrod (swivel missing) ; brass mounts; percussion, converted from flint. Mark: H. Aston, U S Midd’itn Conn, 1851; repair to stock, and cord hole bored through the bag grip. Bronze Cannon Model. L. 8 ins. French Mitrailleuse or Machine Gun. L. 15 ins. Diam. 5 ins. Firing 24 shots. All steel. No. 13. Allen & Thurber Pepper Box. 1845. L. 7 ins. 5-shot, indented barrel, top snap, carved frame and bag grip. Flintlock Blunderbus. L. 26 ins. Blunderbus. No marks. Checkered grip, patch box in the stock; 2-inch bell muzzle on twist steel barrel; ramrod. New Short Dagger with New Leather Sheath. L. 16 ins. And Frog. Ribbed wood grip, with bronze cap. Short bronze Hale lons ending in balls; blade double-edged at the point. Collins Elephant Head Dagger. L. (blade) 12 ins. Checkered vulcanite grip, with white metal quillons and elephant’s head pommel; leather sheath and frog; all new condition. Short Double Edge Dagger. L. 11 ins. Double lines of ribbon carving down the blade; pretty little spool shape quillons; and wood grip divided at top. Japanese Short Sword and Kogai (Knife). Sharkskin wrapped grip; sentoku bronze cap and band; the kodzuka with incised sentoku bronze handle. AND SIGNED. (One small knife or kogai missing. ) Spanish Sword Bayonet. Metal Sheath. L. 21 ins. Reeded metal grip; mark, Argentino, 1891; lacquered Japanese sheath; Filipino wood sheath, diamond form; and another dumb- (4 pes.) Fine Persian Front Sleeve Armor. L. 12 ins. With chain and carved strap wrist cuff. Beautifully incised and inlaid with gold. oF 225 226 na a ). 227 Old American Bronze Dessert Spoon Mould. L. 9 ins. Three Bullet Moulds, Locks, Etc. 7 A pretty ‘little carved pistol percussion hammer; jaws of a flintlock and hammer; a pair of triggers for double-barrel pistol; old bronze mould for round and conical bullets ; and two others (1-bullet each). (7). Long Flintlock Pistol. L. 20 ins. Cal. 50. Part octagon tapering ribbed barrel, 1.13; brass mounts, including fish-tail butt; slightly carved mahogany stock; front sight; ramrod. English Flintlock Pistol. L. 19 ins. Cal. 50. Brass mounts, including masque fish-tail butt and brass ramrod; tapering ribbed barrel; curled tip spur trigger; British proof marks on the barrel; incised lockplate. Colt’s Six-Shot 36 Calibre Cap and Ball Navy Revolver. With 7%-inch round barrel of the scarce 1861 Model. With special metal-plated detachable shoulder stock. In perfect order, bore of barrel in factory, new condition. In wooden case with special English made graduated flask and mould for round and conical bullets. Colt’s 36 Calibre Five-Shot Cap and Ball Model 1862 Revolver. With 64-inch round barrel and fluted cylinder. In perfect order with bore of barrel in factory, new condition. In wooden case with English made graduated powder flask and mould for round and conical bullets. Remington Single Shot Target Pistol. With 10-inch barrel by Peterson of Denver, chambered for ordinary 38 Smith & Wesson cartridge. Has made 14-inch groups from machine rest at 50 yards. Remington Single Shot Target Pistol. With 10-inch barrel by Barnes of Ilion; chambered for .38 Smith & Wesson special cartridge. Has made 114-inch groups from machine rest at 50 yards. Long Lee-Enfield British Service Pattern Rifle. .303 Calibre. With 30-inch barrel. Fitted with special graduated target peep sight, with elevation and wind allowance for long ranges and _ special B. S. A. barrel in perfect condition. With sling strap; > Bese celluloid covered; ball bearing cleaning rod, cleaning outfit and three B. S. A. barrel gauges. 38 at Interesting Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of 2 —_— the Remington Arms Factory. A Out of print and very scarce. 235 Two Bullet Moulds. A Winchester and one unnamed, for .38 Long bullet. (2). 236 Two Small Copper Powder Flasks. Pistol sizer (2). 237 Ideal Combination Mold and Reloading Tool. For .38-.44 Smith & Wesson cartridge. 238 Two Ideal Combination Molds and Reloading Tools. For ordinary .38 Smith & Wesson cartridge. (2). 239 Ideal No. 3 Reloading Tool. For .38 Smith & Wesson special cartridge. With double adjustable ae chamber for “Wilder” bullet 358271 and bullet sizer with two ). _ plungers, for “Wilder” and .38-.44 bullets. 240 Ideal Combination Mold and Reloading Tool. For .32-.20 Winchester cartridge. SECOND SESSION—LOTS 241 TO 475 CANNON MODELS, MARTIAL PISTOLS, CROSS BOWS, Ss FLASKS AND HORNS, FINE PAIRS IN Ns CASES, EDGED WEAPONS 241 “Fine Old Shelf Tinder Box. | 4 Flintlock pistol action; outside springs; good condition. 242 Fine Brass Frame Flintlock Shelf Tinder Box. S® Outside main and trigger springs; rush holder and tinder cask on | 2 Beenie cide, Fine-condition. 243 Rare Old Type Flintlock Shelf Tinder Box. Steel outside main and trigger springs; box for extra tinder on left (3 : E ().2 244 245 Massive Flintlock. Lock Plate 914 ins. Hammer 5% ins. High. This and lock No. 246 are from the wall-pieces in the Tower of London. Marked, Memory and U. FE. I. C. (United East India Company). Dated 1793. When the guns were shipped from India many years ago, for some reason the locks were sent in a different ship, and became separated, and the present and lot No. 246 are two of the long lost pieces. ; *An exceptional relic; the weight of this lock alone is as much as many of the guns of today. (Illustrated Plate 13) Fine Spanish Transition Flintlock. L. 6 ins. | Early 18th Century; slightly engraved; complete and in good con- dition. (Illustrated Plate 13) Very Rare Huge Flintlock. | From one of the wall-pieces now on exhibition in the Tower of London; made by Barnett. A very rare piece with an interesting history. See No. 244. Length 8% inches, height of hammer 434 inches. (Illustrated Plate 13) Fine Old Flintlock. L. 8 ins. Of most appealing design; the lockplate resembling that of a wheel- lock. In perfect condition, from a gun of large size. (Illustrated Plate 13) Two Military Flint Gun Locks. One Italian, marked Brescia, the other British, marked Tower, with Royal crown surmounting letters G. R. (2). (Illustrated Plate 13) 40 250 251 LOCKS—Continued. Two Beautiful Flintlocks. Highly decorated, one Italian, the other French. Complete and original in every detail. One gilded, the other bright. Most attrac- tive examples. Length: French 5% inches, Italian 41% inches. (2). (Illustrated Plate 13) Fine Spanish Transition Flintlock. L. 5 ins. In good condition and genuine; slightly engraved. (Illustrated Plate 13) Exceptionally Heavy English Biunderbuss. L. 38 ins. Brass barreled. A government piece, the lockplate bearing the crown and the letters G. R., by Knubley of London. Muzzle calibre 200. The finest type of old British blunderbuss. (Illustrated Plate 14) a nae 41 252 yoew Zo 254 Aes) Canon de Soleil or Sun Canon. A rare souvenir of the First Empire—a Sun Dial mounted on a marble base, has combined with it a small bronze cannon below so that at High Noon the cannon is fired by the direct rays of the sun. During the first reign of Louis XVI and in the First Empire, the choicest and most desirable adjunct to the finest estates in France were the “Canons de Soleil” found in the gardens of the nobility. A Museum piece par excellence. (Illustrated Plate 14) Gun Sighter. Eighteenth Century. A curious and perfectly made instrument for holding a gun while sighting or targeting; brought to Canada by an expert gunsmith in the early part of the last century. In fine condition in every respect, having been successfully used within the past five years, though now probably over a hundred years old. (Illustrated Plate 14) German Fifteenth Century Windlass Cross Bow. lL. 27 ins. Span 22 ins. . From the Greenwood collection. Very decorative and inlaid with ivory; equipped with peep sight and has a set and hair trigger. An exceptional example of the period; original in every respect, even to the bow string. (Illustrated Plate 14) Lady’s Prodd of the Sixteenth Century. L. 23 ins. Span 14 ins. An exceptionally small crossbow of the goat’s foot type, complete in every respect except the bow string. Undoubtedly made for a lady of the period when “Birding” was in vogue, and in the original Sixteenth Century condition as purchased from the Greenwood. Collection in England in 1894. (Illustrated Plate 14) Pair of Exceptionally Small Double Barrel Percussion Pistols. Leeeoaitis: Turn off barrels, concealed triggers and brass shell; cap boxes in butts. The smallest pair of D. B. Pistols we have ever seen offered for sale. (Illustrated Plate 15) Pair of Ivory Handle Ladies’ Muff Pistols. The finest we have ever offered with Muscoen barrels. triggers, engraved pans and ivory stocks. The pair without a check or blemish, and with a total length of but 4% inches. Concealed (Illustrated Plate 15) Superior Pair of Percussion Pocket Pistols. L. 6 ins. Cal. 41. Right angle bar locks and right angle stocks of burl, beautifully engraved, and ramrods in the butts, form an exceptional pair; con- cealed triggers. (Illustrated Plate 15) 42 3S par 259 - = Y 260 261 Pair Double Superposed Percussion Pocket Pistols. L. 7 ins. Exceptionally fine, with single trigger by Lelyon of Paris. The two hammers are operated by two pulls on the folding trigger, As IN THE LATEST GUNS OF TODAY, AND YET THIS PAIR OF PISTOLS IS NEARLY A HUNDRED YEARS OLD. Ebony grips. (Illustrated Plate 15) Beautiful Pair of D. B. Breech Loading Pin Fire Pocket Pistols. L. 8 ins. By Rougier of Perigueux, France. The barrels are fine twist steel perfectly browned, side by side and centre ribbed like a-double barrel shotgun; the breech action is like the original Lefauchaux, the frames handsomely engraved and the ebony stocks elaborately carved; the concealed triggers snap back into place after pulling; fluted grips. An exceptional pair of the highest type. (Illustrated Plate 15) Duelling Pistol and Case. L. 17 ins. By Gastine-Renette of Paris, the armourers of Louis Napoleon, who were considered the greatest duelling makers of their time, when the “affairs of honor” were at the height of their popularity. *A museum piece of the highest order, in a rosewood case, velvet lined; the pistol, a specially made one with accessories, is as fine an example of the work of these famous artisans as likely to be offered at public: sale. (Illustrated Plate 15) Attractive Little Ivory Handle Pistol. L. 5 ins. Ivory stock, engraved frame; unscrew barrel, concealed trigger; a gem in every respect. (Illustrated Plate 15) Mariette Patent Five-Shot Revolving Pepper Box. L. 8 ins. Engraved frame; fine Damascus unscrew barrels; ebony stocks, ring trigger, under trip hammer. A FINE PIECE. (Illustrated Plate 15) 43 Noel Pill-Lock Ten-Shot Disc Revolver. L. 9 ins. The first model of a chamber revolver; hammer on the right side, strikes horizontally like the Porter Rifle. Self-cocking, folding trigger. ? One of the rarest and most interesting small arms; in fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 15) Pair Bayonet Percussion Pocket Pistols. L. 8 ins. Engraved frames, pear shape ebony stocks; 3-inch daggers fly for- ward and automatically lock in position. A most desirable pair, in beautiful order. (Illustrated Plate 15) Exceptionally Fine Four-Shot Pepper Box. L. 8 ins. Beautifully damascened barrels which unscrew for loading; elab- orately engraved frame and carved ebony stock; under hammer, ring trigger. As fine a Pepper Box of the type as we have ever offered. (Illustrated Plate 15) All Steel Pocket Pistol. L. 6 ins. Alteration from flint to percussion, of the highest type; unscrew cannon barrel, trigger guard, safety; mark: Miguet, Liege. The engraved steel stock is a work of art. (Illustrated Plate 15) Pair of Double Barrel Percussion Pistols. Fine twist barrels which unscrew for loading. The concealed triggers fly back to place after pulling; fluted walnut stocks. An active pair in good condition. Pair of Percussion Pocket Pistols. L. 7 ins. Cal. 50. With concealed triggers and unscrew barrels, in velvet lined oak case with L. L. on name plate. Made by Firmin, Paris. All acces- sories; fluted grips. Pair of Attractive Percussion Pocket Pistols. L. 8 ins. Damascene barrels, engraved frames; the walnut stocks slightly carved and inlaid with silver wire. Cap medallion missing. Pair of Early Percussion Traveling Pistols. L. 13 ins. Back action locks, engraved steel mounts, checkered walnut stocks; octagon barrels, ramrods (not mates). 7 Finely Made P. C. Pistolas i ai2.ans. Date about 1850. Twist steel brown barrel; engraved steel mounts and well checkered walnut stock. French. In fine order throughout. 44 Hag 278 Pocket Pistol, Percussion. L. 6% ins. Unscrew barrel; carved ebony stock; concealed trigger; engraved frame. Main spring broken. Charleville Horse Pistol. L. 15 ins. Altered by the Government from flint to percussion about 1850; brass mounts, walnut butt. NINE FINE CASE AND PAIRS Case and Pair Flintlock Pocket Pistols. L. 5 ins. Cal. 40. By Wm. Bond of London. Concealed triggers and unscrew barrels. *In the original case with interesting old label telling that Wm. Bond also made Cross-Bows. A beautifully made pair of pistols, worthy of any collection, public or private. (Illustrated Plate 16) Case and Lefauchaux Prize Pair Pocket Pistols. L. 5 ins. LeFauchaux in Rue Vivienne, Paris, in 1836 perfected the pinfire cartridge and the LeFauchaux breech loading system, which has sur- vived in France until to-day; but it is safe to say he never made a more beautiful pair of pocket pistols than these which he showed at the International Exposition held at the Crystal Palace, London, in 1859, which won the prize. *The ivory butts and fittings even to the ivory handle of the screw- driver are still without a blemish, the joint work a marvel, and much of the original browning of the barrels remains. Double barrel, like a shotgun, breech loading, with concealed triggers, they are truly. a mas- terpiece of the gunsmith’s art, of a total length of but 5% inches. In the original velvet lined case, with original screwdriver, ivory handle, and grease can. (Illustrated Plate 16) Case and Very Superior Gold Mounted Mariette Pepper Box. eens. Cal 38. In green velvet lined rosewood case with all accessories. Four Damascus steel unscrew barrels, under hammer; ring trigger, frame beautifully engraved with game and inlaid with gold. A gold escutch- eon on the comb bears the initials F. JT. Carved ebony handle. (Illustrated Plate 16) Case and Devisme Pres. Muzzle Loading Pistol. L. 5 ins. Caleoe: Complete in every detail in a purple velvet lined ebony case, with ten different accessories. *A pistol of the highest order, with a stock of carved ebony, mark: Devisme 36 Boulevard des Italiens, Paris. (Illustrated Plate 16) 45 280 Cal. 50. Unscrew barrels, concealed triggers, in a red velvet lined case made by Caron of Paris; the name plate has monogram F, 6, All in fine new condition. A rare and interesting feature of this very attractive pair is that it contains an ivory hilt dagger. (Illustrated Plate 16) Case and Pair Percussion Pocket Pistols. L. 6 ins. Case and Combination Hand and Shoulder Arm. Cal. 45. A revolver by Deane, Adams & Deane, London, made by Perlot Brothers, with shoulder stock. This can be attached to the frame, and the revolver barrel (7 inches long) substituted by a rifle barrel of 20 inches. All in a red velvet-lined oak case with every accessory. *In original condition, of the highest quality, and the most complete combination arm that has ever passed through our rooms. (Illustrated Plate 16) 46 281 J» 282 oa 283 Case of Percussion Duelling Pistols. L. 17 ins. Cal. 55. By the celebrated French gunsmith, LePage, in practically new con- z~ dition with all accessories; blued barrels, gray steel engraved mounts, carved Circassian walnut stocks; garnet velvet-lined mahogany case, with the letters C. K. on escutcheon. A WONDERFUL PAIR OF PISTOLS. Case and Interesting Pair of French Duelling Pistols. L. 17 iver Cale 45, Made by Laroche Fils a Laval, well engraved and with carved fluted stocks. Octagon barrels. In a handsome brass mounted case with all accessories. The old copper powder flask bears a large medallion of Mars in silver. Case and Ivory Handle Target Pistol. L. 15 ins. By Duclos of Paris. In a blue velvet-lined brass-mounted case (no accessories). A fine example, single shot, with tooled balanced barrel and carved ebony stocks. East Indian Battle Ax. Hill Tribe Weapon. L. 33 ins. Heavy 10-inch blade with double concave edge; the hardwood shaft wound with wire (some loose). (Illustrated Plate 17) Gold Mounted Presentation British Officer’s Sabre. Particularly attractive in design; the blade being inlaid with gold on both sides, with monogram G R surmounted by a crown, and a Knight on horseback. The scabbard bears the following inscription: “To Major. George Davidson from the Huntley Company strathbogie Volunteers as a tes- timony of their regard, 1805.” (Illustrated Pinted/y British Officer’s Sword with Etched Blade. Gilt bronze basket guard, with entwined l’ R, steel scabbard and sharkskin grip. Very fine. Made by Henry Wilkinson, Pall Mall, premier sword maker. (Illustrated Plate 17) London, England’s Ceremonial Shield. North Indian. Diam. 21 ins. An unusual design and very decorative; elephant hide, painted in gold, with various animals centered on a large golden sunburst of metal. (Fllustrated Plate 17) South American Bolo. Thrown by the expert horsemen of the Pampas in pursuit of the Guanacs. Long thongs of twisted rawhide with pear-shape weighted ends. (Illustrated Plate 17) 47 xO 289 Tomahawk. L. 22 ins. a Steel head with tobacco pipe; hardwood handle decorated with brass- 0 _ headed nails. An early Hudson’s Bay Company trading tomahawk. (Illustrated Plate 17) 48 290 Pair Hand Wrought French Stirrups. Seventeenth Century; the cage sufficiently large to take the broad- / =_— toed foot of the armor of the period. From the Beillemann Collection, Brussels, Belgium. (Illustrated Plate 17) 291 Enormous Powder Flask and Charger. 62 Leather and brass; the size used in the old days for charging the | muzzle-loading Punt guns. —“ (Illustrated Plate 17) 292 Pair of Spanish Stirrups of the Sixteenth Century. Hand-forged iron; an interesting pair of stirrups of an early date. From the Beillemann collection of Brussels. -_ (Illustrated Plate 17) 293 Pair of Executioner’s Swords. North Indian. L. 33 ins. Very heavy, sweeping blades, split and toothed on both sides, making a combination of saw and sword that fulfills the grewsome office to ef periection. | a One of the most interesting of edged weapons, almost unheard of in pairs, one being the reserve sword of the executioner, to be kept at hand if needed. (Illustrated Plate 17) 294 French Apache Blackjack. L. 8 ins. Dumb-bell shape, having whalebone shaft; wrist loop, and head-ends oS? with braid-covered grip. [0 on (Illustrated Plate 17) 295 British Dragoon Officer’s Sabre. L. 34 ins. Complete with scabbard; a lion’s head of gilt, holding in its jaws the upper end of the guard surmounts the hilt; the blade is hand engraved with the British Royal Arms and Motto, and entwined G R. { — AA Sabre carried at the Battle of Waterloo, 1815, and an exceptional relic of one of the Great Battles of the World. ; (Illustrated Plate 17) 296 Fine Filipino Bolo. L. (blade) 18 ins. Ae With well made hardwood scabbard. ee (Illustrated Plate 17) 297 Royal Gold Mounted East Indian Scimitar. L. 36 ins. Heavy metal handle inlaid in gold with an inscription 1n Hindustani. The armourer’s mark on the exceptionally fine blade is also in gold, indicating that the scimitar was made for Royalty. | Purchased in Bombay in 1895 at a British Government sale of cap- oa” tured native arms. (Illustrated Plate 17) 49 esas Pair of Mexican Spurs. 3%-inch rowels with jangles and chains. Jewelled East Indian Dagger. L. 13 ins. The scabbard completely smothered in silver wire overlay, and the handle highly decorated and inlaid with red “jewels.” Gold Mounted Shield, North India, Eighteenth Century. Diam. 22 ins. | Round with four bosses; profusely ornamented with gold damascene work in floral design. An interesting Shield in remarkable condition. East Indian Straight Sword. L. (blade) 28 ins. Captured from one of the Hill tribes. East Indian Scimetar. Bone or ivory grip. Cavalry Sabre from Waterloo. L. (blade) 33 ins. With scabbard; an interesting relic of Wellington’s great victory. Arab Pistol Ramrod. L. 14 ins. The Arabs being always on horseback, discard the ramrods of Euro- pean type, and carry theirs hung from a cord around the neck. They are usually well made, with the handles pierced and carved. Hindu Khouttar. L. 15 ins. A very dangerous and cruel piece, known also as the “Serpent’s Tongue Dagger.” Heavy Silver Mounted Spanish Dagger. L. (blade) 12 ins. Ivory handle, silver mounts and guard. Leather sheath. Horn Hunting Horn. L. 14 ins. Used by the beaters in wild-boar hunting Germany. Maroon and white, mouthpiece. Indian Headdress. Moose hide, beads, feathers and buck antlers. With scalp-lock or horse-hair tassel. Broad band form. 50 Cal 36. Very fine condition, with mark: Address Col. Colt, London; steel trigger guard and back strap. British proof marks. Colt Revolver. L. 14 ins. (Illustrated Plate 18) Case and Colt’s Special Round Barrel R. F. Revolver. Cal. 38. L. 9 ins. Silver-plated trigger guard and back strap in green velvet-lined mahogany case. No accessories. A rare piece in fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 18) Devisme Revolver and Case. L. 13 ins. Practically new and very desirable. Devisme was one of the favor- ite armourers of Louis Napoleon, and the inventor of the system used in this revolver. Fine case, but no accessories. (Illustrated Plate 18) Case and Perrin Revolver. L. 13 ins. Cal. 45. In the original blue velvet-lined mahogany case with all accessories, in the original ‘condition as offered by Perrin, 51 Rue Lafayette, Paris, in the original case, whose name it bears of 75 years ago. *The finest Perrin we have ever had an opportunity to offer. (Illustrated Plate 18) Rare Type Foreign Cap and Ball Revolver. L. 12 ins. Cal. 32. Six-shot; hammerless, with ring trigger; blued barrel, engraved steel frame and ebony grip. (Illustrated Plate 18) 5} FIVE FINE REVOLVERS IN CASES Case and Colt Side Hammer Cap and Ball Revolver. L. 8 ins. Calesc In red velvet-lined mahogany case; no accessories. Case and Deane, Adams & Deane Revolver. L. 12 ins. Cal. 38. Five-shot, cap and ball. A fine revolver, beautifully engraved and checkered, in absolutely new condition, in oak case with bullet mould and accessories made by C. Dandoy; licensed by Deane, Adams @ Deane, London. *An officer's weapon of the highest type. Case and Fine English Revolver. L. 9 ins. Cal. 38. Bull-dog type, C. F., made by Blissett & Sons, Liverpool, a cele- brated firm who went out of business about 26 years ago. In a blue-lined oak case. Case and Lefauchaux Pin Fire Revolver. L. 11 ins. Cal. 40. A fine revolver of its period, in the original red velvet-lined case (no accessories), with monogram W W C on the brass plate. Case and Double Action Cap and Ball Revolver. L. 10 ins. Cal. 38. Made by Wm. Jeffery, 12 George St., Plymouth. Adams patent, and a finely made English revolver in practically the original con- dition. Tranter Revolver, Five-Shot. L. 121% ins. With the double triggers. Barrel 6 inches, weight 2% pounds. The highest type weapon of its period, and now becoming scarce. = Scale Model of'a Civil War Field Piece. A brass model, made to order in the ’Sixties, at a cost of about $600, for T. de Thulstrup, the most celebrated artist of his time in Ameri- can military painting. This cannon appears in many of these pic- tures. Construction and equipment is carried out to perfection in the minutest detail, even to the way the grease and sponge covers are @, es attached. Diameter of wheels, 14 inches; length of cannon, 18 = 314 |= / Sy Es) ae ) —_ | > / 316 / ay. } ef f 7 —_ j @ 318 -_ 4 319 js 320 at inches; muzzle to end of trail, 35 inches; length of limber, rear tire to tug bar, 16 inches; length of caisson, ‘limber eye to spare wheel, Jo mene There is no more complete cannon model in any public or private museum. Among the pictures by de Thulstrup, one of the most famous is “Sheridan’s Last Charge at Winchester, Sept. 19, 1864,” which is used as the frontispiece in Sawyer’s “Firearms in American History, Vol. Il. This cannon, with the buckets and equipment (which still ac- company it) may be seen in the foreground. * (Illustrated Frontispiece) w2 eee 321 U.S. Government Flintlock Pistol. 69 Cal. Lock marked S. North Midin. Con. and Eagle, barrel marked wa (ie ee) i711. In gsood: working order and clean. ‘There is: a ( ) #— crack in the stock which has been neatly repaired, otherwise a per- ja fect specimen of this rare pistol. Ramrod. Only 1,156 made, when contract was changed to 54 cal. Period 1813. (Illustrated Plate 20) 322 U.S. Government Flintlock Pistol. L. 15% ins. Cal. 51. Marked S. North Midlton Conn, 1821 U.S. Model 1819. Eagle on — lock and U.S.P.—J.D.J. on barrel. Swivel ramrod; all in extra fine 4 Of clean condition and working order. (Illustrated Plate 20) 323 U.S. Government Flintlock Pistol. L. 14 ins. Cal. 54. Marked 4 Waters Milbury, Ms 1838. Model 1836. Eagle’s head on lock and U.S.P.—J.H. on barrel. Swivel ramrod. In perfect order G = and almost factory new. (Illustrated Plate 20) 324 U.S. Government Flintlock Pistol. L. 14 ins. Cal. 54. Marked R. J. Johnson Middn Conn 1844 on lock and U.S.— T.W—P on barrel. Model 1836. Swivel ramrod. Good working By = order and good clean condition. (Illustrated Plate 20) * 325 Elephant Hide Shield. L. 39 ins. x 16 ins. Masai war shield from Uganda, Africa. Fine original condition. gO (Illustrated Plate 21) 326 Shield. North India, Eighteenth Century. Diameter 20 ins. Beautifully chiselled steel, profusely inlaid with silver damascene 5? work, in foliate and arabesque design. *A beautiful piece in fine condition. ee (llustrated Plate 21) A ayell 227 Plite 2]. Powder Horn. L. 14 ins. Fine yellow color, marked G. G., G. R., and I. R. (irish Rifles) Slight crack in bottom plug, otherwise fine. (Illustrated Plate 21) Cannon Model. L. 18 ins. W. 7 ins. H. 8% ins. Bore 7% in. Period of 1830. A carefully made piece which can be fired, in good order and condition. (Illustrated Plate 21) 4 1S a 329 330 331 Turkish Yataghan. L. 28 ins. Sea ivory grips, hilt ornamented with red coral and paste insets. Blade inscribed in Arabic, a fine specimen. (Illustrated Plate 21) English Flintlock Blunderbus with Bayonet. L. 29 ins. Brass barrel, 1!4-inch bell muzzle. Barrel 14 inches. Mark: H. Nock, London. Engraved brass mountings, silver name plate. Good working order and clean. Metal ramrod. Period 1780. (Illustrated Plate 21) Egyptian Mameluk Horseman’s Bell-Mouthed Flintlock Blun- Gets. La 20, ins, Bl. -10:ins, Barrel of “Pamir” iron profusely inlaid with silver. Bell 134 inches diameter. Lock of exceptionally fine workmanship, profusely en- graved, stock carved in arabesques; cheek piece; loop and ring to hang from saddle; in perfect condition and order. Maker’s name on tang in Arabic. A museum specimen. Period 1730. (Illustrated Plate 21) Rupertus Single Shot Percussion Pistol. L. 6 ins. Some accessories. Good condition. (Not signed.) Cars: Case and Pair of High Grade English Percussion Pistols. 72 ins.«* Cal: 38, Octagon barrels, engraved lock, concealed triggers, center hammers, show part of original blueing, finely checked stocks of walnut. Bul- let mould, ramrod, powder flask, etc., all in good working order. Period 1830. Heavy Leather Shot Gun Case. Trunk type, green felt-lined, with key. Size 31 in. x 8 in. x 4 in. Chain Mail, European, Fifteenth Century. 15x12 ins. Fragment, of the type known as “Grans do Orge.’’ All rings closed by rivetting, or forged solid. This type of mail was used to fill in joints of armor. In good condition considering its age, irregular in shape. Also pair of Japanese mail sleeves for swordsman. A con- tinuation of plate and link mail over green silk brocade, set off pro- fusely with gold thread. Well preserved and rare. A cherry blossom “mon” on the back of each gauntlet. (3 pcs.) ao” w- = > << o 341 ae Arrow Points, Reloading Tools, Etc. 1-pounder shell, rapid fire armor piercer; 2-pounder shell, rapid fire contact, both empty, complete with projectiles, U. S. 1895. 16 arrow points, American Indian, mounted on card, of good quality and in good condition. Lion’s tooth, mounted on a brass blotter frame with blotters complete, in fine order. 5 reloading tools for brass shells, 12 ga. and up. One field cleaner and case for 12 ga. shotgun, new. Shell belt of webbing to hold box of 25. 2 musket ramrod cleaning tips to screw on, Civil War period. 28 pieces. U. S. Army World War Division Insignia. (No two alike.) Worn on left upper sleeve. (37 pcs.) Cal. 48. Almost new. American Bootleg Pistol. L. 12 ins. Under hammer ; percussion, walnut grip. (Illustrated Plate 22) U. S. Carriage Pistol. L. 9% ins. Cal. 50. Mark on lock and barrel, F. Lins, Phila. German silver mounted, with ramrod, in good condition. (Illustrated Plate 22) U. S. Percussion Carriage Pistol. Cal. 50. L. 8% ins. Mark: Deringer, Phila. on both lock and barrel; engraved; ramped Period about 1830. In good order and rare. German silver mounted. (Illustrated Plate 22) Bootleg Percussion Under Hammer Pistol. Cal. 38. Mark: P. H. Ashton under hammer. -Fine. (Illustrated Plate 22) 56 LL. 8tins’ Bla ins: eee fe ya 348 ‘ie 349 LL - 350 Starr’s Four Barrel Pocket Pistol. Cal. 30. Rim fire, copper mounting, break-open type, button trigger. In fine clean condition. 1864. (Illustrated Plate 22) Lio yee 1S a bl. 23/4 is. Williamson Deringer. L. 5 ins. Cal. 41. Copper mounted. In good working order and fine clean condition. Period 1866. (Illustrated Plate 22) Philadelphia Deringer Pistol. L. 7 ins. Bl. 3% ins. Cal. 46. Mark: Phila. German silver mounted, engraved lock, trigger guard, etc. Ramrod. Of the type made in the 1830’s; almost factory new. (Illustrated Plate 22) Miniature Single Shot Pistol. L. 2 ins. Cal. .08. Break-open pistol, new condition with 16 pinfire cartridges. Silver plated. PERFECT ORDER. (Illustrated Plate 22) Philadelphia Deringer Percussion Pistol. Cal. 50. L. 7% ins. ~ So-called “bull-dog”’; silver mounted and fully engraved, in gooa working order. Rare. (Illustrated Plate 22) Deringer Percussion Pistol. Cal. 45. L. 5% ins. Bl. 13% ins. Phila. so stamped on both lock and barrel. Silver mounted and fully engraved. (Illustrated Plate 22) Cooper’s Pepper Box. L. 514 ins. Bbl. 2 ins. Cal. 28. Rubbed cylinder marked Rk. C. No. 20. In almost perfect condition, rare in this small size. Period 1839. (Illustrated Plate 22) Williamson Engraved Deringer. L. 5 ins. Cal. 41. Copper mounts; rim-fire cartridge; in good working order and fine clean condition. Period 1866. (Illustrated Plate 22) Philadelphia Deringer. L. 534 ins. Bl. 2 ins. Cal. 45. Marked Deringer Philadel. Extra engraved German silver mount- ings; in fine order and good condition. (Illustrated Plate 22) 57 351 Karly Engraved Powder Horn. Engraved with ten different types of boats and ships and the letters B N; the horn nicely serrated about 3 inches from the tip. *Genuine interesting early old horn. (Illustrated Plate 23) Early Engraved Pennsylvania Powder Horn. The type used with the Kentucky rifles; engraved with a large tulip design, also a frontier town with old houses, etc. *A genuine well carved old piece. (Illustrated Plate 23) Brass Miniature Field Cannon. L. 7 ins. H. 3 ins. Mounted on a regulation two-wheel iron gun carriage. *A fine little piece in good condition. (Illustrated Plate 23) Miniature Field Cannon, Period 1812. L. 4% ins. Slender graceful brass cannon, nicely engraved around the touch hole. *Rare early piece. (Illustrated Plate 23) Brass Naval Cannon, Period 1800. L. 8 ins. Heavy piece and well proportioned. (Illustrated Plate 23) Revolutionary Soldier’s Clasp Dagger. L. 20 ins. 32 ins. Horn handle curved at end, into which the blade folds, like a giant EAZOT, Rare relic of 1776, seldom offered. (Illustrated Plate 24) 58 Extended, 358 Palmetto Armory Pistol, Percussion, 1852. lL. 15 ins. Swivel ramrod, brass mounts including band; mark: Columbia S. C. 1852; palm tree in a circle of Palmetto Armory eC. Rare Pistol in good order. (Illustrated Plate 24) North 1816 Flintlock Horse Pistol. A very fine specimen. Steel mounts; brass pan; mark: North Midd'ln Conn and eagle. | (Illustrated Plate 24) I. N. Johnson Horse Pistol. Date 1855. Swivel ramrod; percussion. U. S. 1855. Very good condition and order. Midd’tn, Conn. (Illustrated Plate 24) 59 TIT 2 YU 360 Old English Horse Pistol. Dated 1784. L. 17 ins. Flintlock, brass mounts, lockplate marked with a crown, bag grip and full stock. *Scarce Pistol in good order. (Illustrated Plate 24) Allen & Thurber Pocket Rifle. L. 16 ins. Heavy 12-inch octagonal barrel. Very good and very rare. hammer ; spur guard; engraved; with key. (Illustrated Plate 24) Side Harper’s Ferry Flintlock Pistol, 1807. L. 16 ins. Cal. 50. 10-inch barrel, bright yellow brass mounts, with under rib for ramrod. *Very rare Pistol in as fine condition as can be had, with “Ws Jame very clear mark, Harper’s Ferry 1807, No. 1196 on the barrel. (Illustrated Plate 24) Confederate Pin Fire Double Action Revolver. L. 12 ins. Cal. 44. Double action. Marked C. S. A. on barrel, in fine working order ; with ring butt. (Illustrated Plate 24) Heavy Stevens Target Pistol. Cal. 38. L. 13 ins. Rim fire, checkered handle. Very fine, like new. (Illustrated Plate 24) Colt Frontier Model Revolver. Cal. 45. L. 12 ins. Cartridge; 6-shot, centre fire. Fine bluing, about like new; with indented cylinder and magazine on barrel. (Illustrated Plate 24) Italian or Spanish Curious Pin Fire Pistol. Cal. 44. Two barreled; nickeled; fine carved fluted handle with ring for cord; spur guard. (Illustrated Plate 24) Darling Six-Shot Brass Barreled Pistol. L. 9 ins. Very rare, in good order and condition; six-shot. (Illustrated Plate 24) Case and Pearl Handled S. & W. L. 9 ins. Cal. 32. Handsome pocket pistol; nickel finish; sheathed trigger; 5-shot; octagon barrel with rib top; dated 1865. Fine example in good working order. (Illustrated Plate 24) 60 a 369 J. Rupertus Revolver. L. 6 ins. Cal. 22. 7” on Nickeled, ivory handle. Fine. (Illustrated Plate 24) 370 Copper Military Powder Flask. L. 8 ins. With bugle and Public Property stamped on side. Very rare spect mien; «bronze charger. ot (Illustrated Plate 24) memington,..22 Cal, Li. 5 ins. Indented barrel; 5-shot ; ring trigger; nickeled. Very fine. (Illustrated Plate 24) Top Snap Hammer Muff Pistol. L. 5 ins. Very fine. Part octagon barrel. No. 38. Date 1845. (Illustrated Plate 24) Manhattan Three-Shot Pepper Box. L. 7 ins. No. 126. Very fine condition, and very rare. Indented barrel in one piece, twists to fire; top snap. (Illustrated Plate 24) Swamp Angel Revolver, About 41 Cal. L. 7 ins. Five-shot, nickeled, ivory handles; sheathed trigger. Fine. (Illustrated Plate 24) Rare Combination Knife Pistol. L. (closed) 5 ins. Five-inch barrel, very good. With horn handle. (Illustrated Plate 24) Marston & Knox Single Shot Pistol. L. 8 ins. Dated N. Y. 1854; half octagon and round barrel; bag handle. Good. Defender Revolver, .22 Cal. Nickeled, no main spring. Otherwise very good. Stevens -22 Cal, Target Pistol. ~L. 7 ins. Large handle, 4-inch barrel. Very good. Marlin Revolver, .22 Cal. L. 5 ins. All engraved, nickeled, ivory handles. Very good. Lefaucheux Rim Fire French Revolver. Cal. 44. L. 11 ins. Six-shot, very good order, No. 487. Ring butt; spur guard. Colt Percussion Army Revolver. Cal. 44. L. 14 ins. Fight-inch barrel. Very good condition. Brass mounts; shows rust stains. 61 Colt: Revolver... Cali3i 2 Le iivins: Percussion, 5-shot with holster. Fine condition. D. Cone Revolver. L. 11 ins. Cal. .32 Rim fire. Washington, DD © ~Blucinge good: Brass mounts. Single Shot Rupertus Percussion Pistol. L. 7 ins. No. 41. Handle cracked. Rare. Wesson & Leavitt Revolver. Side hammer; 6-shot, percussion. condition. Very scarce, and in very good D. Moore All Metal Pistol. Cal. .41 Engraved and silver plated, rim fire. Very fine, like new. In origi- nal cardboard box. Brass Barrel Cannon Muzzle Pistol. L. 6 ins. Bag grip; percussion; very good.. Large Flintlock Horse Pistol. L. 16 ins. Brass mounted, butt ; no marks. In very good order. Set ring in oval full stock with brass tip; letters O N on lockplate. Confederate Musket. “Dickson, Nelson & Co., Ala., 1865.” mounts, converted from flintlock; Good order. ramrod. Rare, Brass Very Fine English Flintlock Musketoon. L. 46 ins. Rifled. Marked: Barnett, London. Working order. Imitation twist. 30-inch barrel; ramrod. Volcanic Repeating Carbine. L. 38 ins. Very rare, very good specimen, working order, brass mounted. Moro Bolo and Scabbard of Wood. L. 25 ins. Ribbed and banded wood grip, with flat iron fist-guard; blade. *Brought from the Phiten ie in 1898. shaped Scarce. L. 46 ins. Long leaf shape. A good specimen. Philippino Spear. 14-inch metal head. Butt Stock for Colt’s Dragoon Revolver. L. 18 ins. Good, complete and very rare. Steel mounts. Moore’s Patent Teat Cartridge Revolver. Five-shot. Finely made. Scarce. Re-blued; bird head ebony butt 5 Pn carved and silvered frame. 62 396 So 397 ee 398 a —_— 399 a | 400 1- 401 & 3 : 402 Ly =e 403 9 404 gy a“ 405 ‘Tackle Box. FINE FISHING RODS, REELS, ETC. English Sole Leather Pocket Case for Bait Fishing Tackle. English sole leather pocket case for. artificial flies, hooks, ete. Slightly water-stained. With about 3 dozen English artificial fly hooks, very small. *Including Red Spinner (6), Teal Wing, Scotch Favorite (5), Zulu (4), March Brown (4), and others. Split Bamboo Bait Casting Rod. L. 9 ft. Three-piece, extra tip. Maker, Thomas J. Conroy. Weight 9 oz. In 36-inch cloth case. Split Bamboo Fly Rod, 3 Piece. L. 11 ft. Maker, Van Holt. Extra tip to fit butt to make short bait casting rod. In 48-inch corduroy case. Vulcanite and German Silver Click Reel, for Fly Casting Rod. Mark 3% on rod rest. With water-proof silk line. In chamois bag. Maker, Conroy © Bessett. Vulcanite and German Silver Multipiying Bait Casting Reel. Bronze reel-pole. T. J. Conroy, maker. Very fine quality. Leather case, lined with chamois. Case and Vulcanite and German Silver Multiplying Bait Cast- ing Reel. With fine Russia leather case, lined with chamois. Thomas J. Con- roy, maker. New condition. No. 150 on rod rest. English Sole Leather Pocket Case, for Bait Fishing Tackle. 74%4x4x2 ins. Very fine condition, as new, fitted with wood and ivory reel holder, parchment pockets, compartments, etc. 744x14 ins. H. 53% ins. Painted green tin; 11 bronze-lined compartments and separate tray. Two leather straps, 1 handle and key. Leather Belt with Holder for Use with Heavy Rod. Nice condition, as new. 7. J. Conroy, maker. English (Watson & Hancock) Salmon Fishing Reel. Of wood and gun metal, with click, with deer horn handle and fine velvet-lined leather case, initialled. Good condition. L. 3 ins. and Smaller. Fine distinct shapes. Indian Arrowheads. Flint, greenflint, and two quartz. edges. (4). Serrated 63 = 407 408 409 415 a 416 CANES Cane, Light Weight and Colored Wood. Knobbed head silvered over the natural wood for 5 inches. Cane, Possibly of Olive Wood with Gold Band. Crook handle. A fine cane. Cane of Dark Mexican Wood. Tapering form, all over carving by a Mexican peon; the grip in a plaited carving. Fine Cherry Wood Cane. Crook Head. Partridge Wood Cane. Silver Mounted. Crook head; silver band and cap, lettered. Fine cane. Two Silver Headed Canes. One on a light-toned thorn wood with beaded silver top (initialled ) and band; the other of pear wood, prettily carved (piece of bark knocked off) ; cane of naturel knob wood. (3). Cane with Alligator Head, Carved. Crook head; curious irregular mottled maroon and apricot polished wood. Two of bamboo; one natural root; ete. (5). Sword with Carved Date. L. Blade 22 ins. Double edge, short bronze quillons, ending in slightly carved scrolls, and band which has been silvered (but worn) ; ribbed ebony grip, with small cord holder on the oval reeded pommel. The blade is carved with a medallion design at the hilt, followed by a 2-inch cartouche with the date J. 3. J. 4 on both sides, guarded by an in- cised running animal. Brass-mounted leather sheath. (Illustrated Plate 25) Flintlock Sword Pistol. L. 30 ins. Cal. .45. Straight blade; steel shell shape guard. *A good piece in fine condition. Rare. (Illustrated Plate 25) Curved and Carved Persian Headman’s Broadsword. L. 31 ins. Width of blade, 5 inches. Very unusual piece; short quillons with round flat tips; metal grip, round guard with sunburst and spike; the blade with copper applied and inlaid designs of figures and animals; six blood-drip ridges, and rim guard to inner edge for three-fourths of the blade. (Illustrated Plate 25) 64 417 Superb Silver Mounted Malay Kris. L. Blade 24 ins. Wave blade of fine steel; wood grip (which. has split at the seams) ; and a very handsome soft silver grip formed of bands and Tee braided wire; with smooth native guard. (Illustrated Plate 25) 65 418 420 Fine Italian Rapier. Cut steel guard and the quillons and hilt with cut steel ornaments ; crown-shape pommel with ball top; and a double 7-inch chain of cut steel beads, and double cut steel tassel attached to the quillon; fine tricorne blade and long-linked steel chain and belt hook. (Illustrated Plate 25) East Indian Daggers. Set of Two. L. (longest) 18 ins. Curved blades; pear-shape wood grips; bronze mounts; leather sheaths. *Inscribed on the sheath: “Presented to H. W. Hubbell py sume Bahadhar Prince of Nepaul. From India to England. May, 1850.” (Illustrated Plate 25) Handsome Silver Mounted Pocket Pistol. L. 8 ins. Cal. .70. Matchlock alteration to percussion, with outside mechanism; full stock ramrod (steel) and checkered stock, with butt cloche of steel incised Construido En Placendo. The octagon 4-inch barrel is en- tirely inlaid in bands of tiny heads and flowerets with scrolls guard- ing a centre band of dog, bird and lion’s head ALL IN SILVER. The guard is exquisitely chiselled and the screw plate ends in the head of a Knight in a plumed cap; a dolphin supports the screws opposite the lockplate; the tang and back strap are finely chiselled to match the guard. Very fine. (Illustrated Plate 25) Colt Revolver. L. 10 ins. Cal. .44. Original blued finish; indented cylinder. Mark: Address Col. Sam'l Colt New York U S America. (Illustrated Plate 25) ay. Four Barrel Flintlock Pocket Pistol. L. 9 ins. Made by the celebrated D. Egg of London, and so signed; one trig- ger and one hammer ; rifled barrels; safety; bag form grip. Very rare. (Illustrated Plate 25) Luger Pistol. With wooden holster to convert into rifle for long distance accurate shooting. The supreme achievement of the Germans in arms-making. Saw World War service. Was captured at Chateau Thierry. (Illustrated Plate 25) Large Copper Powder Horn for Wall Gun. Shell design in relief, charger. L. 10 inches. (Illustrated Plate 25) 66 430 i ee. 431 Flintlock; L. 714 ins. Silver eagle head on butt; silver name plate, etc. Good order. (Illustrated Plate 25) Pistol of Charles Seats Stuart, with Silver Crown Mono- Sram, Lb. -20)ins. Cal. Mark Bovlar a Angers on ee beautifully chiselled flintlock plate ; the full stock of olive or burl chestnut is exquisitely fashioned and carved in low relief with a scroll; the slender tapering 13-inch bar- rel has a masque chiselled at the tang and for four inches is incised with figures of a nude man, dogs and bird; the lockplate is incised with a youth conquering a lion; and the key opposite is a dolphin- like creature which supports the screws. It has the ramrod with reeded steel thimbles, and a cord-screw on the butt. *Inlaid in the comb in silver wire is the large monogram of Charles Edward Stuart, “Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Gay Chevalier,” surmounted by a crown and guarded beneath by flowing scroll and flame design. (Illustrated Plate 25) Flat Ivory Engraved Mediaeval Powder Horn. L. 13 ins. Brass tip and charger. Width at base, 4 inches. (Illustrated Plate 25) Turkish Pistol. L. 18 ins. Elaborate inlay of ivory, gold and ebony on curly sycamore wood stock. Very ancient. A ceremonial or court pistol. (Illustrated Plate 25) Chinese Gun, Matchlock. L. 42 ins. In perfect condition. Fine bronze inlays on the octagon barrel of the Kiri Spray and Howo bird with the owner’s “Mon”’ or “crest.” The full stock has applied bronze Kylin animal, and cherry blossom rosettes. Captured by U. S. Troops in Boxer Rebellion. (Illustrated Plate 25) Short Oriental Flintlock Gun of the Sultan of Sulu. L. 38 ins. With marvelous inlay of gold, silver, green and white ivory. Silver inlay on lock and barrel a marvel of goldsmith’s art. Butt and barrel support wonderfully inlaid with sold, silver and ivory in bands and rosettes; wood like an old Strad. Shit Belonged to Sultan of Sulu, and captured from raiders in early Ar- menian occupancy of Philippines. One of the handsomest pieces that has passed through our hands. (Illustrated Plate 25) Blunderbuss, Turkish. L. 22 ins. Three-inch flaring mouth; deeply incised barrel and entire stock in- laid with silver wire. 67 Silver Inlaid Percussion (Converted) Pistol. L. 15% ins. Long barrel, inlaid with a head of a lady under a crown and scrolls; silver plate, ovel butt, stock damaged. Small Flintlock Model Percussion Pistol. L. 7 ins. Brass mounts, silver name plate, large bore, marked Deringe, evi- dently forerunner of the Deringers. Six-Shot Pepper Box Pistol. L. 5 ins. Very small American make, in perfect order. Under Hammer Pistol. L. 121% ins. Saw handle (cracked), brass bound; 1-3 octagonal barrel. Old American Percussion Pistol. L. 12% ins. Marked B @& S. New York. Cast steel. octagon barrel, in good working order. . icon d Colt Pistol. L. 13% ins. Cal. .45. Eight-inch barrel; percussion. Colt Dragoon Revolver. L. 14 ins. Cal. .44. ) Has seen service. Mark: Address Col. Sam’l Colt New York U.S. America. Colt Revolver. L. 8 ins. ) Mark: Colt’s Pt. F.A. Mfg. Co. Hartford, Ci. Gisa) Gorse Wells Fargo type. Bird-head butt; finish worn. Colt Dragoon Six-Shot Pistol. L. 10 ins. Address Sam’l Colt, New York City. Barrel engraved with hold-up scene. Ancient Chinese Sword. L. 33 ins. Wooden scabbard, iron mounts. Captured during Boxer Insurrec- tion. Uniquely made. Curved teakwood grip with iron cap. Chinese Boxer swords are very rare. Spanish Sword. L. 33 ins. From the Philippine Islands, scabbard of stamped Spanish leather. Very old. Horn grip, brass quillons, and curious native plush belt Test. Calthrop. L. 3% ins. Siege of Liege. Four-pointed, hammered iron, so made that a point is always upright. 68 444 A _— 445 oo ?- 446 oe 447 448 j0 449 ae 450 Ao 451 ai Pair of Foils. Open guards, cork on tips, red leather grips wrapped with wire and brass butts. American Sword; Silver Mounts. Eagle head pommel; carved green ivory grip; cut steel quillons (one tip broken) ; the sheath marked Shaw No. 7, Essex Bridge. Evi- denly of the War of 1812. Leather scabbard. Soudanese Short Dagger. L. 10 ins. Red leather scabbard, ornamented with bands of snake skin. Leather wrist loop. Ebony handle, topped with metal ornament (damaged). Remarkable Ancient Sword Cane. L. 271% ins. Beautiful etched blade of finest steel, wide cane scabbard of black lacquered wood, which has slight repairs. Handle of rhinocerous horn with silver filigree band and antique silver Greek coin crudely set in on top; blade fastened to handle by deep band of brass. A unique piece. (Illustrated Plate 26) American General’s Fine Sword. L. 38 ins. Presentation piece, with gold plated scabbard, ebony grip, eagle-head pommel. Late Revolutionary, doubtless of historical interest. Pre- sented to a General by his home town. (Lliustrated Plate 26) Dirk. L. 17 ins. Extra long engraved blade, ivory handle, silver mount. (Illustrated Plate 26) Rapier. L. 42 ins. Elaborate brass carved hilt (18th Century). Triangular blade. A duelling sword of finest steel. (Illustrated Plate 26) Sword Cane. L. 353% ins. Straight horn handle, triangular blade. Good looking piece. VERY FINE EXAMPLE. (Illustrated Plate 26) 452 Japanese Dagger Fan. L. 11% ins. 5 a Innocent looking implement when held in hand but murderous when revealed. “Fannedly, The Wings of Death.” (Illustrated Plate 26) 69 Old American Buckshot Bullet Mould of Brass. L. 7% ins. Twenty-bullet form. (Illustrated Plate 26) Yataghan or Scimitar. L. 25 ins. Turkish, a ceremonial sword of fine workmanship. Wooden scab- bard, brass banded. Elaborately inlaid in silver lines and red ivory. In perfect condition. (Illustrated Plate 26) 70 Flintlock Tinder Pistol. L. 7% ins. Marked: J P H- Letitiean. Nicely carved; oil holder at side. (Illustrated Plate 26) Walsh Ten-Shot Revolver. L. 8% ins. Cal. .32. Percussion, two hammers, one trigger; long 2-inch cylinder; carved brass frame; two charges in each barrel. Fine working order. (Illustrated Plate 26) Old Metal Powder Flask. L. 7 ins. Relief of game; brass charger. (Illustrated Plate 26) Pewter Powder Flask Charger. L. 6 ins. Beautiful relief of fighting birds. (Illustrated Plate 26) Pistol Powder Horn; Copper. L. 5 ins. Bronze charger. (Illustrated Plate 26) Pistol Powder Horn. L. 5 ins. Two compartments, rare form; copper, brass tips. (Illustrated Plate 26) Leather Powder Flask. L. 7% ins. Pear-shape. (Illustrated Plate 26) Brass Powder Horn. L. 6% ins. Nicely carved with dog and game. (Illustrated Plate 26) Fine Pair of Flintlock Duelling Pistols. L. 13% ins. Marked: Greenwood. Octagon barrels; full stocks; ramrods (one tip missing) ; fine mahogany grip; bag handles. (Illustrated Plate 26) U. S. Percussion Pistol. L. 14 ins. | Marked: J. N. Johnson, Middtn. Conn. 1554. Brass mounts, good clear work. (Illustrated Plate 26) Moore Metal Bull Dog Pistol. L. 8 ins. Percussion; checkered grip, 2 inches, the only wood about it; finish wearing. (Illustrated Plate 26) er, 71 French Bayonet Pistol. L. 12% ins. One of the longest pistol bayonets known. Length 21 inches. Per- cussion; centre hammer ; octagon barrel. (Illustrated Plate 26) Brass Barrel Flintlock Pistol. L. 13 ins. Marked: Ketland @ Co. London. Brass mounts, including butt- cap; ramrod. | (Illustrated Plate 26) Flintlock Tinder Pistol. L. 7% ins. Carved with trophy; sliding shutter at breech. (Illustrated Plate 26) Allen & Thurber Pistol. L. 10%% ins. | Marked: Worcester. Cast steel; half octagon; heavy barrel; bag grip. Unusual type. (Illustrated Plate 26) Pretty Little Carved Flintlock Pistol. L. 7 ins. Early form; nice bird-head butt; reeded and ribbed cannon barrel ; ramrod. (lilustrated Plate 26) Silver Inlaid Percussion Pistol. L. 11 ins. Cal. .18. Grooved and silver inlaid barrel, delicately and artistically made with carved (elaborately) and fluted San Domingo mahogany handle with chased steel butt and finial. A beautiful pistol, delicate outlines, made for a lady of quality. (Illustrated Plate 26) American Fowling Piece. L. 45 ins. Delicately made, very light. Marked: A. L. Wetherill. Side ham- mer, percussion; sling strap; ramrod, and bright brass stock bands. Belgian Flintlock Musket. L. 58 ins. Marked: A Liege. Oak stock, hollowed out cheek piece, steel ram- rod. Flintlock Musket. L. 55 ins. Pear or applewood stock, hollowed out cheek piece, ramrod. In use in Philippines until American occupancy. Captured by Amer- icans from Moros. Double Barreled Shotgun. L. 46 ins. Mark: J. R. Cooper @ Co. Twist steel barrels; gold breech bands; silver barrel keys and name plate; incised patch box; nicely engraved lock, and beautiful curly maple stock with checkered forestock. 72 ™ ‘ 7% “~ _ 7 ae < Os i i ~ %, a a > ca u « fe ~. ° = os % Be se we, ~ x t ¥ . » a 7 ; . : 2 * 7" 5 é iat - ah Ui | 2! gr oe \ f ‘ ‘- ' : ; é : Ss Fs » » ed , Es 36 te 5 i o FE ane | AD v aa: Me . = oe oe ee SEASON 1924-1925 Rare Early Americana including many unusual Weste and New York items from Dr. Reginald H. Say: (sold on account of removal) of New York Cit A Noted Collection of Rare Edged Weapons, Gur and Pistols. Furnishings, Silver, Glass and China. The Residue of the Stock of Prints of the late Meder, well known Dealer and Expert. Books relating to Texas History and Settlement, t Collection of the late J. E. Boynton. Early American Furnishings, Glass, Pewter, Lamy Prints, etc. The Fifth Part of the Dramatic Collection of .the la Wm. Winter. ee Color Prints and Books from Private Cc _ lections. A Collection of Books relating to Western New Yor Fine and Rare Books, Hebraica, First Editions, Ne York Items, Rowlandson, Cruikshank, etc. Japanese Sword Guards, Netsuke, Armor and Weapon THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street, New York Holding Weekly Sales of Literary and Artistic Materi et me it he tne nt 7 THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 1925 Jan.14 NeWaD c.1 Walpole G/Firearms and weapons, a 94-P2930 NAIA 3 3125 01184 9186 abate dS: Hi Fee eee min SS eee oe .