MODERN PAINTINGS CLARKE’S ART ROOMS 5 WEST 44th STREET, NEW YORK AVENUE BANK ADJOINING THE FIFTH eens tte IE i nr ae ee res 556-8 FIFTH AVE. T - CLARKE’S ART ROOMS Soy 5 WEST 44th STREET, N. Y. Priday Evening, November 28th, 1913 Promptly at 8.15 o'clock (ONE SESSION ONLY) BY ORDER OF UNITED STATES TRUST CO., Executors Satie & Shearer, Attorneys, 45 Broadway, N. Y. — > AT SAME. TIME _. ‘THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE _ JOHN A. ASPINWALL _ BY ORDER OF _ FREDERIC De PEYSTER FOSTER, Esgq., Executor | be . : 44 Wall Street, New York City TOGETHER WITH CONTRIBUTIONS:FROM VARIOUS ESTATES THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY | MR. AUGUSTUS W, CLARKE te SY hear ce el ase ae ee ee: ‘ CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to’pay down a cash deposit of not less than one-third, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The‘lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within 48 hours, and in the case of machinery and fixtures, one week from the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genu-~ ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at thé buyer’s expense and risk; A. W. Clarke not being responsible for the correct description, genuiness or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliv- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. A.W. CLARKE is in no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at this sale. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, Auctioneer, 5 West 44 th Street, N. Y. City. Tel. 4029 Bryant THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 W. 27th St., N. Y. CATALOGUE THE FOLLOWING PAINTINGS THE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF THE Late JOHN A. ASPINWALL BY ORDER OF PaovereyolER FOSTER; ‘Esq: EXECUTOR UNKNOWN Italian School Landscape to-= 16 BURGAT (E.) Paris Three Apples Gx 9 CHURCH New York Old Fireplace LS MUNCI (M.) Firenzi Still Life, Birds 12% x9 a 9 a : 4 “2 SCHARITAS sere % b. PANATTA (A.) | 2) River Scene ’ AV, x 3 _ CERRUH (C. D.) | 0 nig | Head of Madonna 12 x 10% 8 : FISCHER £ \ Tesdtee EARL A Scotch Terrier ‘ lil x 11 IOS (F. R.) Be Munich cal er Boon Companions ; Gi 9 ‘ ae a Bed Ae 13 UNKNOWN ee . The Masquerader j PL oe af, | 14 UNKNOWN Italian School ' po : Madonna and Child 2 33 x 22 BINDER (A.) | ee The Proposal 15%4x 11% : Ar ny . 17 / _ UNKNOWN , The Last Advice 21 430% <1 18 GOLZ (Alex. D.) ; The Medicant | 35 x 20 | 19 ae : fh UNKNOWN The Madonna 25 x 20 ae Market Scene 2K Lee Bea 22 r TI (Eugene) | 7 Paria es Strolling Musicians icon: 2-x0 | 23 2 “ -BENAR : Paris After the Battle 9% x 13% aa BENAR “ Paris Reconnoitering 91%4 x 14 ae ie Flemish Scool : MACY (W. S.) 4% ie Be Pe. Landscap FELDMAN (A.) : Grandmother’s Birthday 221, 318, a a ADAM (B.) 7 $e In the Stable 18% x 25 28. UNKNOWN . | | a 52 The Holy Family 28 x 21 do. 3 Q _, WAN DER STAN (A.) } Munich ; } Young Shepherdess and Flock 19:97, French School | Hay Makers rt : 25% x 48 | After Rosa Bonheur Munich we The Village Chapel - Se 31 x 42 : 33 | _ GEBLER (0.) | Munich * Ea, ‘The Fair ei me ee 8% x ll 34 BOUGHTON (G. H.), N.A. Newevork Lake Scene . mf 1x 13 w - BEHM (H.) _ Monk Readin CORTES (Fils) be: Approaching Storm — i 38 x 51 « od | ) 3B. “y MULLER 1) Christ at Emmaus 42 x 61 pat 39° ~ MOORMANS (F.) Winding the Yarn 13 ae 40 LEPINAY (G.) Paris On the Lagoon, Venice ‘be 20 x 30 41 PERRAULT (L.) Paris A Young Italian Girl 16% x 13 42 Ae Jf. ODIETERLE (M.) Paris a” » ae Pupil of Van Marcke Cows in Pool 17 x 12% 43 MINOR (Robert C.), N.A. New York Autumn nyo~ 54 x 36 THE FOLLOWING PAINTINGS BY ORDER OF VARIOUS ESTATES 44 eo SURCAU Paris \ Chickens 1344x9% 0 ” BRAUNEWAY (G. A) | Faithful to the Last 9% x 14 * 47 R oe CARLSEN (Emil), N.A. Aas Still Life, Carnations 20 x 16 59° poem ‘hb | HASBROUCK (DE) 5 Vay Autumn 12 x 16 49 £ HOEBER (Arthur), A.N.A. gil Grainfield 14 x 22 New York Paris” “On the Beach at Trouville 22 x 14 53 : 4 ID (Robt.), N.A. New York | sa _ The Sleeping Valley, Moonrise ? 24 x 27 54 _ SMITH (Henry P.) _ New York aby ; Approaching Storm, Coast of Holland F 28 x 22 BIEDERS (J. W.) ae ! Cloudy Day | oi | 12 x 20 hue GRISON (Adolphe) The Preplexing Hand _ é Pane ABA A17 Ee é MORAN (Edw.) Sunrise ay ord ~ 62 : N (A.) ie New York asad A Bit of New York ie 28 x 36 63 , London Sunset on the Beach, Dieppe 14 x 19 64 7 TOUDOUZE (E.) Paris Maternal Tenderness 18 x 15 WORMS (Jules) INNESS (George), N.A. p OTe BS Improving His Opportunities — 20x 24 +h 67 Landscape with Sheep 15 5 2o. Signed and dated, 1858 zi } 68 REID (Robert), N.A. Scene in the Bronx 26 x 30 THE FOLLOWING PAINTINGS THE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF THE LaTEe A. A. ANDERSON BY ORDER OF UNITED STATES TRUST CoO. _ EXECUTORS 69 PERKINS (Granville) New York - Mountains Near Trinidad—tTrinidad, Cuba . Bex § (Two pictures) 70 PERKINS (Granville) New York Cake Maize—Sunset in Cuba Sab eee! (Two pictures ) 71 PERKINS (Granville) New York Cape Creuz—Old Battery at Santiago, Cuba oie (Two pictures) Denes | (Black and White) : JONES (H. Bolston), NA. ees 6: Landscape oe ; 12 x 20 s (Water Color) — ee ‘| d Be KREUTZER (E) ‘ Sunset, Winter 16 x 20 Lf ath Ba New York iy DE HAAS (M.F.H),NA. Ne PG ‘Cloudy Day wake aie | 14 x 23 ae 83 ‘ 4 od 90 PARTON CA N.A. | A Scotch Lake 20 x 28 8A WYANT (A. HL), NA. 9,0 c A Woodland Vista 12% 15 85 INNESS (George), N.A. Olives, Albano, Italy 18 x 26 From the Inness Sale, 1894 86 SANCHEZ (Perrier E.) The River Farni 23 x 34 Sen \ OF THE PEsTATE OF THE re JOHN As ASPINWALL 88 Marble group—Columbus (With Pedestal) 89 - Marble bust—Christ, by Hiram Powers ae (With Pedestal) AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, Auctioneer.