Lane hteens pinta tees Ont neta ene: — . - sestysetecreyetetones 3 | LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co.j 14 East 57th St. | New York ; cL etna tnanieainies Wen Hugues Merle, dec’d. Angels’ Prayer. 27h No. 1 CATALOGUE OF MODERN PAINTINGS " BY CELEBRATED FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS PRIVATE COLLECTION OF THE LATE CHRISTIAN TH WOLFF Eso. OF PHILADELPHIA TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE BY ORDER OF B. WOLFF, Jr., Esqa., EXECUTOR ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS APRIL 2D AND 3D BEGINNING AT 8 O0’CLOCK PROMPT EACH EVENING AMERIGAN: ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE, NEW YORK WHERE THE PAINTINGS ARE NOW ON EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) UNTIL DATE OF SALE THOMAS E. KIRBY, - AUCTIONEER AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, - MANAGERS 1888 — > CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1, The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dis- pute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money, 7f required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remain- der of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or other- wise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article ts not to be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within three days from conclusion of Sale, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THOS, Eek IRBY, AUCTIONEER. Achenbach, QO. Alvarez. 63. Amberg, r15, ARTMSTS REPRESENTED. 67, 127. Bakalowicz. 6. Barilli. 78. Baron. 46. Bosch. 16, Becker. 75, 157. Bellows. 4. Blin. rr. Blythe. 153. Boughton. 34. Boulanger. 35. Caille. 135. Chaplin, 71, Col. 132. Comte, 148. Compte-Calix. Corrodi. 152, Crane. 451. Crepen, 150. Dargelas, 5. Daubigny, C. DeCock. 125, De Crano. 50. De Haas, J. H. sea Gye F. 52, 107, DeJonghe. 38. Delort. 73. D2 Loose. r4o. De Nitis. 100. De Shay. 118. Diaz. 158: Escosura. 65. Frére, E. 29. Gautier. 9. Gifford, S. R Glaize. 55. Goupil. 81. Gutwin. 137. Hoeffler. 93. Hamilton, 15. Hardy. 83. Hart, J. M. go, Haseltine, 86, Healy. 1309. Herbstoffer, 13, 92. Hereau. 60. Herzog. 21. Hetzel. 28, 56, 87, 103, 141. Hildebrandt. 89. Hoguet. 2, 22, or. Inness. 48, 136. Jacque. 68, rr4. Jourdan. 19. Kaiser. 33. Kauffman. 61. Kraus. 54, 143. Kuwasseg. 129. Lambdin. 37. Lambinet. 53. Landelle. 97. Lawman. 85. Leickert. 23. Leisten. raz. Lemmens. 42, 111. Le Poittevin, tre. Lewis. 3. Linford. rz, 24, 39, 70, 88, - Log, 109, 116, Lobrichon. 99. McEntee, 106. Merle. 27. Michael, 151. Moeslogen. 102, Moormans. 18. Moran, E. 47. Moreau. 98, 146 Munsch, 51, Nehlig. 49. Noterman. 95. Oertel. 41. Olt jar33) Pascuti. 104. Michetti. 64, 105, 126. Passini, 72, Pearson. 82. Perego. 122, Pille. 147. Pittari. req. Plumot, 17. Poore. 62. Portaels. 160. Raffaelli. 77. Ramsey. 59, 144. Richards. sro, Richet. 131, Rossiter. 7. Rousseau. 155. Salentin. 156, Schultz. x19, Schlosser, 145. Schreyer. 69. Seigert. 3154. Seignac. 32. Smillie, N. S.J. 1. Stone. 26, Sully. 31 Tait. to. Trayer. 66. Van Elven. 8, Van Starkenberg. 70. Vautier, 58. Vernier. 25, 80. Veron. 40, 96. Verschur. 14, Wihert.rros. Wagner. 44. Wall, 120, Weber, P. 113, 128, Whittredge. 20. Wittkamp. 76, 84. Woodwell. 36, 43, 57. Wylie. 142, Zasso. 140. Zuber-Buhler, 30. CATALOGUE. SALE MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 2p. AT 8 O’cLocK PROMPT, AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. No. 1 Noonday, Sketch from Nature SMELL LB Ne Ss [ACORS) see ec ete New York Born in New York. Studied at Cooper Union, with J. O. Eaton and with James D, Smillie. No. 2 The Trusty Cook BEES ee, } peas HOGUET (CHARLES), dec’'d...........005 005, Beulin Born at Berlin in 1813. Finished his studies in Paris under Bertin and Paul Delaroche. Has painted in England, Germany, and f J Holland. Member of the Berlin Academy. Medal, Paris, aa 1848, Died, 1870. a 6 THE WOLFF COLLECTION. | Resco: = gate AS cree Whe eet eee me Nor | JS) + i +(e Morning in the Tropics 4 A Al Ak eh : : ATC WETS Sette) NIGCLING ID SION eh tree Svat ce ated Philadelphia if fs | 17 x 132 Ml x O:>m ' No. 4 | : | Spring | F g of x rst 12x20) ; | BELLOWS (AC T.), NA. gtd... .2 eee New York Born in Massachusetts. Studied in Paris and at Royal Academy, LMTeO Antwerp. Member of National Academy, New York, and i i We Se Royal Belgian Society of Water-Colorists. Hh : No. 5 i : . The Gardener’s Child | ‘bss Tae (8 iu A tLtttle | (PR GEING ENR 0 ee Paris Born at Bordeaux, 1828. Pupil of Picot. Medals, Paris, 1867— : 1881. gam. i No. 6 | _ In the Boudoir ae 5 pe Fe a Ee 124 x 94 | ; » -rimdnt i BAKAEOWIO7 “(LA DISTAU SB) Crue ie ea Poland - j Born in Cracow, Poland, Ptipil of Academy of Warsaw. / | | MODERN PAINTINGS, 7 Too Hot / we / VA : K Iox 8 ROSSITER (C.) | Roe a ech et oreo am oP Pa ondeon No. 8 Lisbon Fish Market ya 4 18 x 22 4 Mes C4 td Aat/ VAN ELVEN (PIERRE &) theses havh eter ooo eee Antwerp ¥ 3 No. 9 The Sister’s Walk Fi ie 7. f/ 10k x 84 GAUMERUAMAND) ko eg Paris Born at Lille, 1825. Pupil of Souchon and Cogniet. Medal, 1882, No. 10 fxs Young Ruffled Grouse TAIT (ARTHUR F.), N.AC/ Born at Liverpool, England, £810. Came to America in 1850, and Elected Member of the National Acad- New York settled in New York. emy, New York, 1858. 8 THE WOLFF COLLECTION. i No. | i ie Twilight | p> LE TQ 32 1G] TSN OAR Dy CCAR) ie ecient s anaes Philadelphia Born in Pittsburg, 1846. Self-taught. Received Medal at Boston, | “1878. = “ oo | Oa No. 12 | ; At the Seaside aro, ey 10X13 ‘| 7 . LEPOrT TEVIN (EUGENE), dec’d ............ Paris 4 ' Born in Paris, 1806. Pupil of /’Zcole des Beaux Arts and of Louis t Lente Herseut. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Chevalier of / the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Died, 1870. | | No. 13 / ‘/ Polish Exiles MLA ca yr, 16 x 12s i HERBSTHOFFER (KARL), (GUSTOMG iat ree ttig e, Pe! Paris iq Born in Presburg, Hungary,’April 17, 1821. Died in Paris, 1876. 1 Pupil of Vienna Academy under Amerling, afterward settled 4 — ~ in Paris, where he adopted Isabey’s style of painting. 4 ee} & ta No. 14 i | Interior of a Stable i “J TO; Xx 18 | VERSCHUR (CVonde@ dia: Meats. sue etes- Amsterdam j Born at Amsterdam, 1812. Died at Rotterdam, 1874. Pupil of j Van Oos and Steffalaer. Gold Medal of the Order of Fehx vi | oe Meritis, 1831. Silver Medal, 1822. q 4 / MODERN PAINTINGS. 9 No. 15 Morning in the Mountains 24,x 18 HAMILTON (JAMES), deed............. Philadelphia Born in Ireland, 1819. Died, 1878. Brought to America as a 9 g r) child. Studied in Philadelphia. Spent 1854-55 in London. — No. 16 Red Riding Hood a Clee 26 BOSCH (ERNST gal Gatien ee ae Diisseldorf Born at Crefeldy Germany, 1834. Studied in Wesel under Schex, and in 1855-56 at Diisseldorf Academy, under Sohn, Hilde- brandt, and Schadow. No. 17 The Sheepfold gs paige ee . 19 x 28 PLUMOT (ANGRE) pie me ees once No. 18 The Money-Changer oy ae WOOBMANS. Gee ote eae Antwerp TO THE WOLFF COLLECTION. No. 19 Wood Nymphs Gar 14 x IO » C (4-4 a aes ei JOURDAN (ADOLPHE) GemEO Re Lines vik eae atau) Cine Sa heey Paris Born in Nimes. Pupil of Jalabert. Medals, Paris, 1864-1866, and 1869. on eee No. 20 , Meadow Brook t. oH d v } I5 x 25 — Eppa ee fe 7 3 Lt1-gaintw WHITTREDGE (WORTHINGTON), N.A...New York Born at Springfield, Ohid, 1820. First studied art in Cincinnati, Ohio. Studied in Paris, 1849, and afterward in Diisseldorf, under Andreas Achenbach and Lessing. Spent ‘some time in Holland, studied in Belgium under Robbe, and for five years lived in Rome. First exhibited, National Academy, 1845. Elected National Academician, 1860. Was President of the National Academy, 1875-1876. No. 21 Scene in Norway Geko Vile HERZOG (HERMANN) 62 ioc. can) nce Philadelphia Bor in Bremen, 1832. Studied under Schirmer at Diisseldorf Academy. Came to the United States in 1869 and settled in Philadelphia. MODERN PAINTINGS. II No. 22 Bas Island of Heligoland Aye Pires Lara 16 x 23 HOGWET. (CHARLES) teed i572 eet Berlin Born at Berlin in 1813. Finished his studies in Paris, under Bertin and Paul Delaroche. Has painted in England, Germany, and Holland. Member of the Berlin Academy. Medal, Paris, Fei A) 0 om 1848. Died, 1870. No. 23 one y Winter in Holland ator 23 | e, Foe. ae 8 x 24 LEICKERT (CHARLES) Saath oy uae 2 The Hague No. 24 hee Spring as D) : s the Es I4 xX 10 LINFORD (CHARLES)... pe seite.. ent Biladelphia Born in Pittsburg, Pa., 1846. Self-taught. First exhibited, 1875, at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Received Silver Medal at the Boston Exhibition in 1878. Member of the Philadelphia Art Club. % oh, Nor 25 is Landscape and Cattle G ie ie y ot x 123 THRNTDR (EMR LOUIS) ie net. ete Paris, Born at Lons-le-Saulnier, inthe Jura. Medals, Paris, 1879, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1881. 12 THE WOLFF COLLECTION. No. 26 | | ee are Ideal Head i Pree 24 x 20 | y Sel A pee ai. STONE-~(WILLIAM OLIVER), (GKSONCI acai ar New York | v | Born at Derby, Conn., 1830. Died at Newport, 1875. Studied in i New Haven under N. Jocelyn. Removed to New York in - 1851. Elected A. N. A., 1856, and N. A., 1859. i 4 eo : No. 27 i | 4 . Angel's: Prayer y g ¢ is re 14 ¥ 10} MLR RED UGUESS deeds 1. Swi tices ose als on Paris Born at Saint Marcellin, France, 1822. Pupil of Léon Cogniet. Medals, 1861-1863. Legion of Honor, 1866. Died, 1881. i No. 28 | On the Allegheny / ¢ ff te o IIx 14 | WUEIZED (GEORGE) 50h, se Philadelphia | ea en oes No. 29 1 / i : : Children with Basket of Fruit | { @ $ 16 an) if Arabal (eitatd eit | FRERE (PIERRE EDOUARD), dec’d........... Paris Born at Paris, 1819. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medals at Paris, : : 1850-1852-1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1855. hh 4, |, ‘== Died, 1886, q j a ] i MODERN PAINTINGS. 13 No. 30 Fool’s Cap 3 ‘ Bs BURIAR ( ars) Pai gine aa eae naan Paris Born/at Locle, Switzerland. Pupil of Picot. A ete No. 31 Be Riding Hood pe 164 Sy are eo dec’d OT ee Philadelphia Born in Lincolnshire, England/ 1783. Died in Philadelphia, 1872. Studied with Gilbert Stuart ; also with Benjamin West, in wo ite London. No. 32 Grandmother's Birthday Z pots Lopx & SIG NAC (CE AUIL) ee ene eee ie Sesame ee Paris Born at Bordeaux. Pupil of Picot. Now23 Battle Scenes : (A Pair.) ; F] 35 510) KAISER (FRIEDRICH) Bs ae heis Mat re Rave can eins yeNates Berlin Born at Lorrach, Baden, 1815. Historical and battle painter. First a lithographer, then went to Paris, where Horace Vernet’s battle-pieces inspired him to take up same line of work. Studied several years in Munich. In 1848 went to Carlsriihe, and in 1850 settled in Berlin, THE WOLFF COLLECTION. Winter WA 12 x 20 BOUGHTON (GEORGE H.), N.A.and A.R.A.. London Born in England, 1834. Brought to Albany, N. Y., by his parents in 1837, where, when a youth, he began the study of art. Afterward he studied in London and Paris. Elected member of the National Academy, New York, 1871; Associate of the Royal Academy, England, 1879. Naiess Scene Near Rome eg FA ’ yy 16 x 24 / SOUL NeMmerOUIN a, ee Paris Born at Vercelli, Piedmont, 1806. Died, 1867, at Dijon, where he was Director of the School of Art. Pupil of Lethiere and of Achille Deveria. One of the leading artists of the Romantic School. Medals, 1827-1835. Legion of Honor, 184o. No. 36 _ Pont Vert, Cernay WOODWELT“(JOSEPH R) fe Ra eke eee ee PATS / poe MODERN PAINTINGS. 15 No. 37 Bigwing Bubbles fg f) A Ve f a ‘ Y {/ A fy ZO oa22 } A Nghe 1 J 1) LAMBDIN (@EORGE C), NAL... 20... Philadelphia Born iff Pittsburg, Pa., 1830. Studied at the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of/Fine Arts and under J. R. Lambdin, Philadelphia, and later # Paris and Munich. First exhibited, 1859, at the National Academy, New York. Elected N. A., 1868. Vice- President of the Artists’ Fund Society of Philadelphia. Pro- fessor in the Philadelphia School of Design. No: 38 : The Toilet 4 // 24 x 183 DE JONGHEL (GUSTAVE) en Se oe Brussels Born at Courtrai, February 4, 1828. Pupil of Navez. Gold Medal at Antwerp, 1862 ; Paris, 1863. i No. 39 i Landscape foe dy VY, fo y Yt , 18 x 30 LICFORD. (CHARMS), i 2 cn eaass Philadelphia Bor in Pittsburg, 1846. Self-taught. Received Medal at Boston, ) 1878. No. 40 ; Apple Blossoms fy j fe [Pe ee 174 x 283 WERUN’ (ARa sc ess i AE RC AG ee A Bot Paris THE WOLFF COLLECTION, No. 41 The Farmer’s Return ~~ - : ee X 20 | OERTEL ‘ OKI oe ae Teed eee 8 New York | Va No. 42 ; We Barnyard rgoh isn | PE MIMINS (Bi) adem ec) st Paris | Pupil of Lassalle. | / No. 43 View in France 6} x 12 WOODWELL atone 1 hho ae are Nt ha are SR Paris | No. 44 i Singing School SY ) on Of 17 x 134 WAGNER (FY. 0. wets dia ca eae een ee Munich 4 vA ~ No. 45 _ In the Spring E LL. Wiba gis x 20 CRANE (BROCK) SiC ie He ae Ae eas sat iE New York Born in New York, 1857. Pupil of Wyant. Studied abroad, i / 1878 and 1882, Member of Society of American Artists, MODERN PAINTINGS. 17 No. 46 Rest Cartan 0 BARON (HENRI CHARLES ANTOINE)...... Paris Born in Besancon, 1816. Pupil of Gignoux. Medals, 1847-1848- 1855-1867. Legion of Honor, 1859. yf / ad | PA em Ee Te No. 47 Off the Coast Se cee rt tered MORAN (EDWARD), KINA ae pene ee New York Born in Lancashire, England, 1829. Elder brother of Thomas and Peter Moran, and father of Percy and Léon Moran. Came to America, 1844. Pupilof James Hamilton and of Paul Weber. 4p Elected Associate of the Nationa] Academy, New York, 1873. Member of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and of the American Water-Color Society, No. 48 Evening Shower e INNESS (GEORGE) NA eo ee .. New York Born at Newburgh, N. Y., 1825. Studied Art in Newark, N. J., and engraving in New York. In 1846 began landscape paint- ing as a profession, spending a month meanwhile in the studio ed of Regis Gignoux. Visited Europe several times for pur- i / s/, 7B 10 ¥ 14 poses of observation and study, and lived in Italy from 1871 to 1875. Elected National Academician, 1868. Member of the Society of American Artists. THE WOLFF COLLECTION. No. 49 : The Serenade RS GY UL NE POE (VECROR a ck ibe: oI, ee Paris Born in Paris, 1830. Pupil of Cogniet and Abel de Pujol. Came vf? wifi fi) ~~ UNScIP{OSEPH) « to New York in 1850, Elected N. A., 1870. Returned to Europe, 1872. No. 50 Little Fairy BO ees Ae Philadelphia No. 51 Vg) The Duet r2i x 164 ft haf Born ai Liiz, Austria’ Pupil of Munich Academy. No. 52 * Brittany Harvest Scene | ox 68 x 123 (CHARLES FRANCOIS), dec’d... . Paris 1GNY~ Born at, Paris, 1817. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche, and for three years studied in Italy. Medals, 1848-185 3-1855- 1857-1859-1867. Legion of Honor, 1859; Officer of the same, 1874. Died, 1878. Diploma to the Memory of De- ceased Artists (Zaposition Universelle), 1878. eS ee = ‘p,oep ‘Ausigqneg ‘4 ‘9 ‘aueds ysenuey Aueyiig ‘2S ‘on | MODERN PAINTINGS. ne) No. 53 Duck Pond A f} ( . ay Fo -\ iy haga II x 16 é 4 eg 4 a © Beli C LAMBINET (EMILE der'ds cr aes tae eats / Born at Versailles, 1810l/ Pupil of Drolling. Medals, Paris, 1843- 1853-1857. Legion of Honor, 1867. Died, 1878. No. 54 Bip? foe Fiead of a Young Girl Le = 6 Se : 10 x 8 KRAUS (PRIROERICHY. ae Berlin Born in Krottingen, East Prussia, 1826. Studied at the Kénigs- berg Academy ; later in Paris, 1852-54, and in Rome, 1855. /C Settled in Berlin, 1855. /O0.- No. 55 Stopping the Way Wh Ry, Omey Z UU AAT GRAIZE (PLE RR oP AWW ON) aa atk Paris Born in Paris. Pupilof his father and of Gerome. Medals, 1864- 1866-1868-1878. Legion of Honor, 1877. ys No. 56 ‘) On Bald Eagle Creek ye be Aye Ae Sa TORS 1S WBTZEL (GEORGE): Segoe _.. Philadelphia “A VA THE WOLFF COLLECTION. No. 57 | View near Cernay / / f lb dedesscavsth GF E (SG, ake Ue Ak avn: Paris b oe inary he 58 . The Intercepted Letter y y ait 4p : 9x 74 Sia ea (PROFESSOR BENJAMIN)........ Berlin Born at Morges, Switzerland, 1830. Pupil of Rudolphe Jordan, Diisseldorf. Medals, in Paris, 1865-1866, and at Lixpositions Universelles, 1867 and 1878. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Member of the Academies of Berlin. Munich, Ant- n werp, and Amsterdam. Professor of the Academy of Berlin. % Medal at Jubilee Art Exhibition, at Berlin, 1886. No. 59 Objects of Art and Nature j fy ee Lite £ I2 x 16 va (MILNE) Deemer pence Philadelphia Born in Philadelphia. Studied with Bonnat, in Paris. No. 60 The Shepherdess and Flock M4 Y- A 1 oats ee: : HEREAU (HET) leGiders ao aan thee Sc ee Paris Born in Paris, 1830. Died, 1879. Landscape painter of great merit. Medals, 1865-1868. —— es MODERN PAINTINGS. 2 No. 61 s Y) Winter in Holland iy oare 2 KAUFFMAN re ee eee Hamburg Born at Hamburg, 1808 il of Gerdt Hardoff, in Hamburg, and of Munich Academy. VAs LOO No. 62 A ets Burning for Sheep Pasture G55 we . 20 x 30 Vi Ost i ERKY Abs cN) He) Sl ee here Philadelphia Born in Newark, N.J.,4859. Studied at National Academy, New York, Pennsylvania Academy, and with Peter Moran, Phila- delphia, and Luminais, in Paris, No. 63 The Amateurs agp 154 xX 124 ALVA RGG4 (T2US) jc come veeiad ns Gees eh ne Born in Spain. Pupil of Madrazo, No. 64 Driving the Flock f) six II MICHE TT? (PROF. PAULO FRANCESCO)....Rome Born at Chieti. Pupil of Dalbono; later, studied in Paris. THE WOLFF COLLECTION. No. 65 The Appointment Born in the Asturias. Pupil of Jean Léon Géréme, Paris. Com- mander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain, and of the Order of Christ of ; Ve are: Portugal. No. 66 Mother and Child Pee TRAVER (EAN BAPI LISTE ULES ns Paris Born in Paris, 1824. | Pupil of his father and of Lequien. Medals, 1853-1855. No. 67 View Near Rome 4 At WU Ae : ACHENBACH (PROFESSOR OSWALD)... Diisseldorf Born at Diisseldorf, 1827. Pupil of his brother Andreas. Profes- 4 sor at the Academy of Diisseldorf. Member of the Academies of Berlin and Vienna. Medals at Paris, 1859-1861-1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863. Great Gold Medal of Germany. o > o ie °° icp) o Qa ° a