ORICAL SALE — ELEGANT ART WORKS : a FROM THE ESTATES OF GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON CAESAR RODNEY, Signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence CHARLES CARROLL, of Carrollton, Signer of the Declaration of Independence COL. THOMAS RODNEY, Member of the Continental Congress CAESAR A. RODNEY, Attorneys-General of the United | States AND THE LATE JUDGE JESSE S. L’AMOREAUX, of Ballston Spa, N. Y. (Sold for the Benefit of the Presbyterian Board of Ministerial Relief and Sustentation) ‘ TO BE SOLD ry Monday and Tuesday Afternoons, October 6 and 7, 1919 AT 2.30 O'CLOCK EACH DAY. ORDER OF SALE: First Sitting, - Lots I to 200 Second ‘ £ iM 201 toend t / eee ; STAN. V. HENKELS a AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT has For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings 1804 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Assistant—STAN. V. HENKELS, Jr. . es ne ee ry RRS Jee Soa Sates es get — —s OR =" Ps r- jai | i « 2%, : ; é eet : . @ a >t ie as wo MLKNDESLER S68. : q “gt ea | oa + : “* ‘ ' ere ¢ a y ‘ a ee +e 55G-8 rit Aes =~ New Yor eat eh ad 73 Se ¢ hae x ~*~ i “4 i i ' . ' j y aya \ ‘ ‘ is r\® Bis 5 Vine } , : ¥ ‘ 1 \ i 1 L " ‘ I 4 ) \ 4 1 4 ‘ YY a : : we ( i 5 a * 1 ‘ hy : P aaaler} f ‘ j i ‘ ; " < ‘ Wet ‘ t y ) ( - , r | a f - i No. 64 CATALOGUE No. 1241 HISTORICAL RELICS Antique Furniture, Silver, China and Glass Elegant Marqueterie Inlaid Furniture Choice. Bronzes and Bric=-a-Brac AND Magnificent Chinese Embroideries and Ivories FROM THE ESTATES OF CAESAR RODNEY, Signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON CHARLES CARROLL, of Carrollton, Signer of the Declaration of Independence COL. THOMAS RODNEY, Member of the Coniaentan Congress and First Judge of the Mississippi Territory CAESAR A. RODNEY, Attorneys-General of the United States AND THE LATE e JUDGE JESSE S. L’AMOREAUX, of Ballston Spa, N. Y. (Sold for the Benefit of the Presbyterian Board of Ministerial Relief and Sustentation) TO BE SOLD Monday and Tuesday Afternoons, Oct. 6 and 7, 1919 AT 2.30 O'CLOCK EACH DAY. STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings 1304 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. Assistant—STAN. VY. HENKELS, Jr. The only Auction House in the country where the Prints are catalogued by the person who cries the sale—an ad- vantage not to be lightly overlooked. NOATCE: Bids will be executed by the Auctioneer without extra charge. Bids are always so much per piece, unless otherwise stated in catalogue. TERMS OF SALE—CASH. All purchases must be settled for and removed on day imme-. diately following the sale. STAN. V. HENKELS, AuCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1304 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. MAURICE H. POWER, PRINTER 1110-16 Sansom Street Philadelphia CAPALOGUE Relics of Caesar Rodney, Signer of the Decla- on ration of Independence and Major General of the Delaware Troops in the Revolution. All these relics are accompanied with an affidavit of H. N. Twells, Executor, and relative who inherited them from the Estate of the late John M. Rodney. Caesar Rodney’s Open Face Gold Watch. Caesar Rodney’s Solid Gold Seal, with large topaz. Caesar Rodney’s Solid Gold Seal, with agate intaglio of a Satyr pushing Cupid in a wheelbarrow. Caesar Rodney’s Solid Gold elaborately-carved Watch- chain. The Star of Major General, worn by Genl. Caesar Rodney when in command of the Delaware State troops in the Continental Army, while serving under General Washing- ton at the Battle of Trenton, Princeton and invasion of New York in 1776 and 1777. The Star is made of silver with four large and twelve smaller points, and ts probably the only one of its kind in extstence. Caesar Rodney’s Seal, silver, with the Rodney Coat cf Arms, wooden handle. Caesar Rodney’s Gold Pencil, with topaz in top. Caesar Rodney’s Gold Pencil, carved gold top. Caesar Rodney’s Seal, made of steel, with the Rodney Coat of Arms, lacking the handle. Relics of Caesar A. Rodney, Attorneys General of id il the United States, and other members of the Rodney family. Solid Gold Watch Chain, heavy links, with cornelian seal. Belonged to Caesar A. Rodney. Gold Lorgnette, used by Caesar A. Rodney. 12 13 14 22 4 Pseaumes de David. Mis en Ryme Francoise par Clement ~ Marot et Theodore de Beze. Amsterdam, 1648. With tortoise shell cover, silver mountings and care Belonged to Caesar A. Rodney. Has inserted on fly leaf ‘‘ Mary Higgins, her Book, it was brought from France By her Great Grand Mother Madame Bayard in 1650.’ ‘* Mary Higgins Book Wilmington Sept 15, 1810.’ Also has the name ‘‘ Susanna Witherspoon’’ on back Hy leaf. Pair Solid Gold and Diamond Cuff Buttons. Belonged to John M. Rodney, Consul at Matanzas. Pair Gold Cuff Buttons, with initial ““R.” Belonged to John M. Rodney. Pair Gold and Enameled Cuff Buttons. Belonged to John M. Rodney. 3 Gold Shirt Studs. Belonged to Caesar A. Rodney. Gold and Stone Cameo Ring. Belongedto J. M. Rodney. Gold Locket, with cornelian mountings, with initial “ R ” on each side. Gold Society Badge. Gold Compass, damaged. Seal of the United States Commissioners at Buenos Ayres. Used by Caesar A. Rodney as a member cf that commis- sion. Burr-Hamilton Duelling Pistols. Pair Flint-lock Duelling Pistols, made by Booth, the well- known early gunsmith of Philadelphia, with London-made barrels, in mahogany case. The tradition in the Rodney family ts that these pistols were presented to Caesar A. Rodney by Col. Aaron Burr, who, at the time of the duel with Alex. Hamilton, were intimate friends, as Burr's letters to him, which I sold June 13th last, will prove, but later Rodney had the disagreeable task, as Attorneys General under Jefferson, of prosecuting his friend Burr for treason. These pistols, therefore; stand as a mute monument to the pas- sions of man. The false idea of ‘‘ The Code’’ deprived the country of the guardian hand of Hamilton, and forever destroyed the usefulness of the greatest Democrat, Burr, to his fellow man. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 5 Pair of Percussion-cap Duelling Pistols, made in London, with silver-mounted stocks, in mahogany case. Belonged to Caesar A. Rodney. Very Old Violin, sweet-toned. Belonged to Ceasar A. Rodney, in case. This violin was inherited by Jno. M. Rodney from Caesar A. Rodney. John M. was quite an expert performer on it. In Jact, he enjoyed the reputation of being the best violinist in Wit- mington for many years, and many a connotsseur tried to pur- chase the instrument from him, on account of the volume and sweetness of tts tone. Two Old Violins. Damaged. Antique Solid Silver Cream Pitcher, made by H. Lewis. . Belonged to Gen. Caesar Rodney of the Revolution. SEE PLATE. Solid Silver Mug, used by Caesar A. Rodney, with his name engraved on side. SEE PLATE. Silver-plated Milk Pitcher. Belonged to Thos. M. Rodney. Silver-plated Coffee Pot, with carved-wood handle. Be- longed to Caesar A. Rodney, with his monogram. Antique Sold Silver Bowl, made by J. Lownes. Belonged to Genl. Caesar Rodney, Signer of the Declaration of In- dependence. Silver Dinner Caster for 6 bottles. Two bottles and one stopper missing. Belonged to Genl. Caesar Rodney. Fine piece. SEE PLATE. Bronze Ink Well.» Belonged to Caesar A. Rodney. Silver Plated Wine Caster, with three tall Bohemian Cut Glass Bottles with Stoppers. Belonged to Caesar A. Rodney. Pair of Antique Silver-rimmed Spectacles in Alligator- skin case. Belonged to Gen. Caesar Rodney. Antique Solid Silver two-handled Strainer with the maker’s mark “J. B.”’ Very old and fine piece. Belonged to Genl. Caesar Rodney. Antique Solid Silver Tea Strainer. Belonged to Genl. Caesar Rodney. Antique Solid Silver Tea Strainer in shape of a Flower. Belonged to Genl. Caesar Rodney. 6 38 Antique Solid Silver Sugar Tongs. 39 Antique Solid Silver Soup Ladle, with maker’s mark “J. B.” Belonged to Caesar A. Rodney, with Monogram. 40 Antique Solid Silver Soup Ladle. Belonged to Gen. Caesar Rodney. 41 Two Antique Solid Silver Sauce Ladles made by McConnell. Belonged to Caesar A. Rodney. 42 Pair Antique Silver and Ivory-handled Butter Knives made by “J. P. & Co.” Belonged to Col. Thomas Rodney. 43 Six Antique Solid Silver Table Spoons made by J. D. Anderson. Belonged to Col. Thomas Rodney, with en-. graved name ‘‘ Rodney ”’ on each. 44 Four Antique Solid Silver Table Spoons, worn. 45 12 Antique Solid Silver Dinner Forks, made by J. Merick. Belonged to Gen. Caesar Rodney. 46 8 Antique Solid Silver Tea Spoons, made by P. Jones. Belonged to Gen. Caesar Rodney, with name ‘‘ Rodney.” 47. 4 Antique Solid Silver Tea Spoons. | 48 3 Antique Solid Silver Tea Spoons. 49 2 Antique Solid Silver Salt Spoons. Belonged to Col. Thos. Rodney, with name ‘“ Rodney.” . 50 3 Solid Silver Breakfast Forks. Belonged to Caesar A Rodney. : 51 3 Breakfast Forks. 52 Wooden Fan. 53 Gold Bullion Epulettes, worn by Caesar A. Rodney. 54 Daguerreotypes of Senator Jno. M. Clayton, Caesar A. Rodney, and one other. 3 pieces. 55 Bronze Centennial Medal. General Washington’s Chairs from the Presidential Mansion, Philadelphia. 56 Five Mahogany Side Chairs, Chippendale style, made in Philadelphia about 1790. The style of these chairs ts similar to that prevalent Jrom 1750-1800. The splats are elaborately carved, the scroll being embellished with a floral design, and the top rail ending with heavily carved scroll work. The legs are cabriole, terminating in bird's claws and ball feet. The knees carved in acanthus leaf design. SEE PLATE. 9S ‘ON GaeeUN OSes ON 7 These five chairs belonged to General Washington, and were used by him during his Presidency, in the mansion occupied by him tn Philadelphia. At the termination of his second term as President of the United States, he ordered all the furniture tn his Philadelphia home to be disposed of at public sale, and these chairs were acquired at that sale, and repurchased of the purchaser by the late Col. Frank M. Etting, Curator of the State House, now known as Independence Hall. Mr. Etting presented one to Independence Flall, there being stx in the set at the time he bought them. They were inherited by Col. Etting’s nephew, from his Estate, and who ts the present owner. A certificate of genuineness will be given lhe purchaser. They will not be sepa- rated, but sold together at so much per piece. St 1s quite a remarkable incident to find as many as five chairs all of the same pattern of the American Revolutionary period, and made by a Philadelphia cabinet maker, together. Furniture which formerly belonged to Charles Carroll, of Carrolton, Signer of the Declara- tion of Independence. 57 Sheraton Mahogany Drawing-room Set, comprising Sofa, _Lady’s Chair and Gentleman’s Chair, upholstered in French damask. SEE PLATE. 3 pieces The backs are neatly and beautifully carved in scroll design. The splats are open work and also carved. The legs are straight, with straight braces between the legs. The arms of the sofa are carved and gracefully curved. To anybody wanting an exceptionally fine and delicately de- signed Sheraton set, we draw their particular attention to thts. For beauty of design it could not be surpassed. The lines are perfect. The back of the sofa ts composed of two designs stmilar to the backs of the chairs. Belonged to Charles Carroll, of Carrolton, signer of the Dec- laration of Independence, and were purchased at the sale of hts Surniture by the late Judge James Campbell, who married the daughter of Roger Brooke Taney, Chief Justice of the United States, as a present for his wife. Colonel Frank M. Etting married the daughter of Judge James Campbell, inherited this 8 set from Judge Campbell's estate, and they were inherited trom Col. Eiting’s estate by his nephew, the present owner. A cer- tificate of genuineness will be gtuven the owner. 58 Mahogany Half-round Folding-top Card Table, inlaid with white holly, straight tapering legs. Hepplewhite style. 59 Mahogany Folding-top Card Table, rounded corners, straight tapering legs, inlaid with white holly. Hepple-— s white style. SEE PLATE. | 60 Mahogany Folding-top Card Table, rounded corners, straight tapering legs, inlaid with white hoily. Hepplewhite style. The above three tables all belonged to Charles Carroll, of Carrolton, signer of the Declaration of Independcnce, and were obtained in the same manner as lot 57. A certificate of genuine- ness will be gtven the purchaser of each. 61 Two Antique Reed-back Chairs, painted white. 62 Antique Reed-back and Arm Rocker. 63 Antique Mantel Mirror, with three bevel-edged glasses. Gilt frame supported by columns. Houdon’s Life Mask of Genl. Washington. 64 Life Mask of General Washington, taken from the life by Jean Antoine Houdon, the great French sculptor, from which he made the Statue for the Capitol at Richmond, Virginia. The Mask is in white plaster. GEE PLATE. In 1785 Houdon received a commission from Dr. Benj. franklin to make a statue of Genl. Washington, which adorus the State House at Richmond, Va., and for that purpose Houdon vistted Philadelphia to obtain the model of this work, and took this mask from the living features of Washington. Houdon made two copies of the mask. One he took abroad with him, and the other he left with the Washington family in case of an acctdent happening to the one he had. Hloudon valued his copy, and would not part with tt during his life. At the sale of his effects, after his death, it was purchased by Mr. Robert Walsh, of Philadel- phia, who brought it to America, and presented it to Mr. Jno. Struthers (who presented the Marble Sarcophagus now at Mount Vernon) he presented it to Ferdinand Pettrich, a German 65 66 67 9 sculptor, and at. his death tt was purchased by the great sculptor W. W. Story for his Bust of Washington. (The above is Story’s history of the copy of the Mask which Houdon took to Paris.) This Mask now offered is a replica from the copy left in America, which was inherited from the Estate of General Wash- ington by George Washington Park Custis, his adopted son, and 1 was informed by the late Joseph Mickley, who was one of the Committee to visit Mount Vernon on the occasion of removing the remains of Washington from the Vault to the Sarcophagus donated by Mr. Wim. Struthers, that Mr. Custis showed them the Houdon Mask in his possession, and was persuaded to let six or seven replicas be made from it. A couple of these were given to gen- tlemen of the Committee, and the others to members of the Wash- ington and Lewis families. Some of these have changed hands, and one ts tn the possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvanta. One owned by Mr. John Gribbel, of Philadelphia, and there was one in the possesston of a Mr. Lewis, residing somewhere in New Jersey, aside from the one now offered, I do not know of the whereabouts of any other. I should like to know what became of the one owned by George Washington Park Custis. Thts re- plica ts no doubt one of those made at the time of ‘the removal of Washington's remains from the tomb to the Sarcophagus given by Mr. Struthers. Sully’s Portrait of Washington. Life-sized Bust Portrait of George Washington painted by Thos. Sully from the original by Stuart. SEE PLATE. A very interesting portrait, painted in Sully’s well-known style, for a member of Daniel Webster's famtly. Oil Paintings. ADOLF LIEBERSCHER. Noted German Painter. An Alsatian Wedding Feast. Szgned. Canvas. Size 44 x 76 inches. SEE PLATE. F. MACPHERSON. Noted Scotch Artist. Evening in the Highlands of Scotland. Signed and dated 7839. Canvas. Size 26 x 42 inches. 68 70 Tk 72 73 74 75 76 IO -H. HERZOG. | Noted Landscape Painter. Waterfall in the Mountains. Signed. Canvas. Size 22 x 28 inches. . HANNS STEIDLER. Springtime. Szgned and dated. Canvas. Size 18 x 24 inches. FRANK K. M. REHN. Noted Philadelphia Artist. A Rocky Coast. Water Color. Signed. Size 16 x 28 inches. J. TAPIRO. Italian Artist. At the Well. Water Color. Szgned. Companion. Etchings. The Sheepfold. Etched by J.S. A. Monks. Aréist’s re- marque proof, signed. Framed. . A Quiet Stream. Etched by Kruseman Van Elten. e- marque proof, signed. Framed. The Whist Party, by P. Mossano. Remarque proof. Framed. : The Musicale in the time of Louis XIV, by A. Arligne. Remarque proof. Framed. Elegant Furniture. Estate of the late Judge Jesse S. L’Amoreaux. 77 78 Verdi Martine Cabinet, with beautifully painted panels on door and sides. Verdi Martine Card Stand, with beautifully painted panel on top. Verdi Martine Side Chair, with beautiful painting on back. Mahogany and Marqueterie inlaid Tete-a-Tete Sofa uphol- stered in Satin Damask. | Arm Chair, to match. ane res | + el sy 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 gi 92 33 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 II Mahogany and Marqueterie inlaid Arm Chair upholstered’ in Satin Damask. Mahogany Arm Chair, inlaid with white Holly, uphol- stered in silk plush. Mahogany and Marqueterie Inlaid Servants’ Table, with three shelves. Marquetrie Inlaid Folding-top Card Table. Large Mahogany and Marqueterie Inlaid Pedestal Centre Table. Mahogany Cabinet. Bookcase, handsomely carved, with two beveled plate-glass doors. Heighth, 54 inches; width,. 45 inches. Rosewood and Ebony Centre Table, with elaborate Flo- rentine mosaique inlaid marble top, with Buhl-work mountings. Mahogany Revolving Bookcase, with beveled plate-glass.- doors. Mahogany Cabinet: Bookcase, handsomely carved, with three plate-glass doors.. Heighth, 61 inches; width, 72 inches. Mahogany Cabinet Bookcase, handsomely carved, with Cathedral beveled plate-glass doors. Heighth, 64 inches; width, 55 inches. Mahogany and Marqueterie Inlaid Secretary Bookcase,with two plate-glass doors on top. Genuine Teakwood Arm Chair, inlaid with ivory and pearl, handsome gold embroidery on back, marble seat. Genuine Teakwood Pedestal, elaborately carved inlaid marble top. Another, to match. Genuine Teakwood Pedestal Table, inlaid marble top. Antique Toilet Mirror, gold frame. Antique Toilet Mirror, with painted scenic panel, gold and black frame. , Venetian Metallic-frame Beveled-plate Mantel Mirror. Bronzes. Genuine Bronze—‘‘ The Man with the Rake.” By Ch. Levy. Salon des Beaux Arts, with Mexican onyx revolv- ing pedestal. 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 IIo Lt I1t2 113 114 IIS 116 a Br 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 12 Genuine Bronze Figure—‘‘ Glaneuse par Aizelin Hors Con- de} cours,’ revolving base. 3 Companion—‘ Faucheur par Azelin Hors Concours,” re- volving base. Large Genuine Bronze Placque—A Vestal Virgin. Large Japanese Bronze Vase, with cover, decorated with grotesque figures of dragons and birds and flowers. Pair Genuine Bronze Figures. , Pair Japanese Bronze Vases. Japanese Bronze Pitcher. : Genuine Bronze Figure—‘‘ Mercury,” with marble base. Genuine Bronze Group—‘ Paul and Virginia,” made by Moreau, with revolving marbie base. Pair Bronze Figures. 3 Bronze and Porcelain Candlesticks. Bronze and Porcelain Vase. 2 Antique Brass Bronze Candle Lamps, with -cut- aur prisms. Empire period. Benares Brass Vase, elaborately ornamented. __ Bronze Candlestick, Ash-tip and Small Antique Benares Bowl. 3 pieces Bronze Suit of Armor, damaged. Japanese Bronze Mirror, with lacquered cases. Cloisonne Enamels. Large Japanese Cloisonne Enameled Globular Vase, with cover. Large Japanese Cloisonne Enameled Placque. Cloisonne Enameled Jewel Case. 2 Cloisonne Enameled Vases. Small Cloisonne Enameled Globular Vase. Large Cloisonne Enameled Placque, decorated with birds and flowers. Diameter, 19 inches. Large Japanese Bronze Placque, inlaid with gold and decorated with fish and flowers. Diameter, 17% inches. Persian Small Placque, enameled in colors. 126 135 13 Porcelains. Pair Dresden China Tall Vases, with medallions on sides by Martin, on blue and gold background. One slightly damaged but neatly repaired. | Antique French China Grecian Shaped Vase, with painted scene decorated in gold on cream-colored background. Pair Japanese Porcelain Vases, decorated with birds and flowers on blue background. Pair Japanese Porcelain Vases, highly decorated with arabesque design in brilliant colors. Pair of Italian Vases. Sarriguemines Majolica. Decorated with grape leaves in high relief on Prussian blue back- ground. Pair Satsuma Vases. Damaged. Pair Japanese Porcelain Vases, decorated with birds and floral design on maroon and gold. Pair of Dresden China Vases, with medallions of figures and scenes on blue and gold background. Pair of French Faience Vases, with armorial decoration after the antique. Pair of Zsolnay Porcelain Vases, with Arabesque decoration in gold and colors, Pair of Japanese Tall Vases, with floral decoration in bril- liant colors on canary background. Pair of Silver-plated Tall Vases, decorated in high relief with Bacchanalian figures. Antique Green and White Bohemian Glass Vase. Venetian Glass Vase, highly decorated in gold. English Porcelain Vase, with figures of birds in gold. Royal Worcester Pitcher Vase, decorated with birds in gold and colors. Porcelain Two-handled Vase, decorated with flowers in gold and colors French Faience Vase, decorated in gold and colors. Antique Peruvian Water Bottle in the shape of a grotesque figure with folded arms. Benares Vase and Small Cloisonne Vase. 2 pieces 146 147 148 149 150 150 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 14 Japanese Porcelain Jardiniere. Japanese Porcelain Jardiniere. Japanese Porcelain Jardiniere. Large Satsuma Vase. Damaged. Japanese Porcelain Garden Seat, highly decorated in gold and colors. Faience Vase, decorated with butterflies and flowers in gold and colors. Dresden China Vase, with beautiful medallion on sides, irridescent green glaze, highly decorated in gold. Japanese Porcelain Two-handled Vase. Open-work Majolica Vase, highly decorated. Dresden Porcelain Tall Vase, with handsomely painted panel on side, bronze irridescent glaze background highly decorated in gold. Two-handled Porcelain Vase, thistle decorations in colors and gold. Porcelain Vase, highly decorated with panel of musical compositions on pink background. German Porcelain Two-handled Vase, highly decorated with arabesque design in gold and colors. Parian Pitcher, with mythological subjects in high relief. Venetian Cut Glass Vase, with buhl work mountings. Two Antique White Glass Vases, with scenic decorations in black. Two Tucker China Grecian-shaped Vases, with floral dec- orations in gold and colors. One slightly damaged. This 1s the first porcelain made in America. Lustre China Pitcher, decorated with mythological sub- jects in colors on light blue background, Staffordshire China Dark Blue Sauce Tureen. Staffordshire China Pitcher and Basin, with scenic decora- tion in light blue. Staffordshire China Large Soup Tureen, with cover and ladle. Scenic decoration (Acropolis) in light green. Staffordshire China Large Meat Tray, with scene of Bat ester Castle in dark Be. 3 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 15 Two English China Plates. One with portrait of Long- fellow and the other with Longfellow House. Dark blue. Staffordshire China Plate, dark blue—“ Christmas Eve,” from Wilkie’s design. Staffordshire China State Plate, with a view of the Capitol at Washington in the centre and a portrait of Washington supported by the figure of Justice, the border decorated with the names of fifteen States. Faience Porcelain Tall Large-handled Vase in the shape of a cornucopia supported by a mermaid, highly decorated in gold and colors. Japanese Porcelain Vase, highly decorated with birds and flowers in colors. Japanese Porcelain Vase, mandari in decoration, in brilliant colors and gold. Porcelain Two-handled Vase, decorated with flowers and colors. Faience Two-handled Vase, highly decorated with Ara- besque design and flowers in brilliant colors and gold. Japanese Porcelain Tall Vase, with globular base, brilliantly decorated with flowers in gold and colors on blue back- ground. Japanese Porcelain Umbrella Stand. 2 French Porcelain Figures. Porcelain Vase, decorated with a crane in gold and colors. Japanese Porcelain Vase, with four panels symbolical of the religion of Japan in high relief, and other decorations in gold and colors, and with four handles of grotesque figures. Pair of French Majolica Figures, one damaged. Heavy Cut-glass Flower Vase. Heavy White and Green Cut-glass Flower Vase. White and Green Bohemian Cut-glass Tall Bottle, with stopper, silver top. Irridescent Glass Vase. 5 Glass Vases, assorted. French Porcelain Vase, with cover. 2 Porcelain Vases. Doulton China Tall Vase, with scenic decoration in blue 190° orort 192 193 ae 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 6 . ne Tall Venetian Pitcher- shaped Vase, with stopper, beauti- | fully decorated. : Dresden China Two-handled Vase, with beautifully painted — panels of Venus and Aeneas and Bacchus and Ariadne on dark pink background, with cover. German Porcelain Vase, with painted medallion’ on ane glaze background. | Open- work Porcelain Vase, with cover, decorated in dark | blue in Persian design. Two French Porcelain Candlesticks, decorated with cor ored forget-me-nots in high relief. Two Royal Worcester Ornaments. Dresden China Small Vase, with Juvenile Scenes. Four Ornaments. Dresden China Cup and Saucer. Vienna Glass Vase, inlaid with chrysanthemums in gold. Irridescent Glass Bouquet Holdei, with bronze base... Colored Bronze Fruit Basket. ; Two Parian Vases, with decorations in high relief. Wedgewood Bacchanalean Pitcher, with blue background. Antique Sheffield Silver-plated Candle-snuffer with Tray. Japanese Porcelain Two-handled Vase with Cover, dragon decorations in gold and colors. German Porcelain Placque, with scenic decorations in blue. Large Porcelain Jardiniere, with floral decrorations in colors. Porcelain Garden Seat, with floral decorations in colors. Royal Worcester Pitcher Vase, bird and floral decorations in brilliant colors. Porcelain Cornucopia, decorated in gold and colors. Repaired. ‘ Pitcher, cream colors, with lions heads in relief. Amber Glass Box, enclosed in wire Filigree work. Porcelain Ewer, Bohemian soft paste, blue and gold deco- rations. Damaged. Japanese Teapot and Sugar Bowl, green and: blue decora- tions. _ 2 pieces Ages “ON DEEZ “ON G “ON 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 yee: 233 233A 233B 233C 233D 233E 17 Doulton Two-handled Vase, brown ground, decorated with Dragons and Oriental designs. Pair Antique Small Bottle Vases, black base, with gold base and color decorations. Antique China Ornament. Pair Old Bristol China Glass Vases, eold decorations. English China Soup Tureen, with tray, gold bands. English China Soup Tureen, with tray, gold bands. Alabaster Card Receiver. Antique Colonial Glass Fruit Stand. Antique China Decorated Tray. Italian Majolica Fruit Basket, decorated with oranges and grapes in relief. Japanese Roseleaf Jar. China Teapot and Pitcher. Irridescent Glass Vase. China Teapot, green and red decorations. China Tobacco Jar, yellow and gold. China Tobacco Jar, blue and white. Decorated China Hanging Vase. 8 China Plates, with views in centre of Buildings of the Centennial Exposition, 1876. Colored borders. China Plate, with View of the State House. Mexican Onyx Revolving Pedestal. Marble Pedestal. Carved Ivories. Carved Ivory Group of two Chinese Fishermen, one seated smoking a pipe. Heighth, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. SEE PLATE. Fine old piece. Carved Ivory Figure of a Chinese Hawk Fisherman, with hawk perched on his shoulder and fishing basket in hand. Delicately carved, very fine. Size, heighth, 9% inches. SEE PLATE. Chinese Ivory Group—‘‘ Chinese Wood Cutter and his two little children.’ One he carries in a basket over his head. Beautifully executed. Heighth, 6% inches. SEE PLATE, 233F 233G 233H 231 233 J 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 744 245 246° 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 18 Carved Ivory Figure of a Chinese Devil-man. Beautifully executed. | Carved Ivory Figure—Chinese mandolin player. Carved Ivory Figure of a Chinese traveling musician play- ing amandolin and singing. Fine. Heighth, 5% inches. Carved Ivory Group of a flock of five geese crossing a bridge. Mounted on teakwood stand. Carved Ivory Figure—Chinese rat tamer. Carved Ivory Figure—Chinese mandarin and little eae Fine old piece. Carved Ivory Group—Chinese Woman and Child. Carved Ivory Figure of an old Chinaman, 4 is inches nigh Carved Ivory Figure—Chinese. Carved Ivory Figure—Mask. Carved Ivory Figure—Small cart drawn a a rabbit. Small Ivory Tusk Vase, mounted on silver stand. Carved Ivory Puzzle in Carved Ivory Box. The Same made of Sandalwood. Ivory Chinese Puzzle in Teakwood Box. Ivory Game in Inlaid Box. Chinese. Carved Ivory Ornament. Human Skull. Carved Ivory Figure. Reclining Child. Carved Ivory Figure. Crocodile. Ivory Ball. Imitation Ivory Chinese Idol. Ivory Pin Cushion. Elephant Tusk with etched View of a City on both sides. 26 inches long. Walrus Tusk with etched View of Walrus hunting. Circular Piece of Polished Ivory. Chinese Ivory Chop-sticks, with carved Ivory Holder. Mounted with silver. Handsomely Lacquered Japanese Dressing or Jewel Case, with floral decoration in heavy gold. 5 drawers and mirror. Fine piece. Chinese Book. ‘‘ Dream of the Red Chamber.” Illustrated, 16 vols. in cloth case. Curious. 257 258 Fg Japanese Dagger in Lacquered Sheath. Very Old Malay Folding Knife. Blade beautifully en- graved. Inlaid handle. Embroideries and India Shawls. 259 260 261 262 263 204 265 Genuine India Shawl, elaborate palm leaf pattern on black ground, 6 feet 9 inches square. A very fine piece. Paisley Shawl, palm leaf pattern, with white centre. Size, 5 feet by 10 feet. Very fine. Paisley Shawl, similar to the above, damaged in the white centre. 5 feet 5 inches by 10 feet. Heavy Chinese White Silk-embroidered Crepe Shawl, with heavy fringe. Size, 5 feet 6 inches square. A magnificent piece of embroidery (back and front the samc), the design being flowers of various kinds, elaborately executed. Mandarin Coat of dark blue silk, lined with gold-colored silk brocade. Magnificently embroidered with seven me- dallions of scenes in the life of the Chinese, each sur- rounded with an elaborate border of flowers in gold and colors. The coat bordered with white silk, handsomely embroidered in brilliant colors with figures of the Chinese and flowers. The collar matches the border. A very handsome and rare piece. Mandarin Coat of dark blue silk, lined with rose-colored brocaded silk. Magnificently embroidered with eight me- dallions of flowers and fruit in gold and colors. The coat bordered with black silk, handsomely embroidered with fruit and flowers in gold and colors, with collar to match. The cuffs are of yellow silk, exquisitely embroidered in gold and brilliant colors, with birds, butterflies and flowers. Mandarin Coat of Crimson Silk, lined with green silk brocade. The whole coat eiaborately and delicately em- broidered with scenes in Chincse life, butterflies and flowers. The coat is bordered with blue silk embroidered with fig- ures of Chinese, butterflies and flowers, with collar to match. The cuffs are of white silk similarly embroidered. 266 267 268 269 270 271 O72 273 274 275 276 20 Mandarin Undercoat of Cream-colored silk brocade, lined with rose-colored silk. The coat elaborately embroidered with six medallions representing scenes in Chinese life, birds, butterflies and flowers in gold and brilliant colors. The border is of blue silk elegantly embroidered with flowers and butterflies in gold and colors. Bordered with a heavy green fringe, with tassels of vari-colored silk. Mandarin Pleated Skirt of yellow silk, beautifully and most exquisitely embroidered with scenes from Chinese life, and butterflies and flowers in gold and colors. The borders are of dark blue silk embroidered in brilliant colors. Mandarin Pantaloons of green brocaded silk, with dark blue border, elaborately embroidered with flowers and colors. Chinese Vest of Yellow Brocaded Silk. Chinese Priest Vest, elaborately embroidered in gold and colors, with twelve streamers of different colored silk em- broidered and each ending with a silver bell. Turkish Coat, embroidered with heavy gold bullion inlaid with turquois. Turkish Black Crepe Veil or Shawl, elaborately embroid- ered in arabesque design, with silver bullion. __ Swiss. Lady’s Costume or Dress, beautifully embroidered with beadwork of various colors and silver bullion, in- cluding cap. Accompanied with photograph of Swiss Girl wearing the Costume. Colonial Patch=-work. Colonial Patch Work Counterpane of Vari-colored Chintz in an elaborate star design. Size, 8 feet square. Colonial Patch Work Counterpane, composed of thousands of pieces of vari-colored chintz in an elaborate design of stars and squares, with fancy border. Size, 9 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches. Colonial Patch Work Counterpane, composed of hundreds of pieces of green and pink chintz in squares worked on a white background with fancy border. Size, 8 feet by 9 feet 6 inches. The above three bedspreads are very handsome pieces of Colonial patchwork. 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 #00 300 21 Antique Watches. Antique Silver Bull’s-eye Watch, made by William Clayton, London, about 1670. Antique Silver Bull’s-eye Watch, made by Owen Biddle, Philadelphia, about the middle of the eighteenth century. Antique Silver and Enameled Open-face Watch. 2 Nickel Open-face Watches, a Pedometer, and a watch movement. -4 pieces. Egyptian Watch Fob, curiously enameled. Turkish Silver Watch Fob. Silver Watch Fob, Paris Exposition, 1900. Persian Filigree Silver Bracelet. Curious Silver Persian Ornament. Persian Silver Bracelet. Persian Antique Silver Band Bracelet. Lady’s Antique Silver Chatelaine Set. Leather Chatelaine Bag and Clasp. Small Silver Pocket Flask. Leather and Bead-work Waist Bag. Pair of Beautifully-embroidered Chinese Lady’s Slippers. Lot of Chinese Ornaments. Pair of Binocular Field Glasses, made by C. P. Goerz, Berlin. Pair of Opera Glasses. Stereopticon. Miniatures. Ivory Miniature—Duchesse of Devonshire. In gold bronze frame. Ivory Miniature of a French Lady, by Dres. Gold bronze frame. Ivory Miniature of Madame Du Barry. Ivory Miniature of Duchesse de Provene. Gold bronze frame. 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 317 318 22 Ivory Miniature of Madame Monkesson. Gold bronze frame. Ivory Miniature of Louis XVI. Gold bronze frame. Ivory Miniature of Marie du Medici. Bronze gilt frame. Ivory Miniature of a French Lady. Bronze gilt frame. Ivory Miniature of a French Lady. Bronze gilt frame. Gold Bon-Bon Box, with Ivory Miniature of Duchesse de Coscane in top. Ivory Miniature of Captain Rufus Green. Painted by J. B. about 1765. In antique gold pendant frame, with lock of hair in the back; exquisitely painted. Ivory Miniature of Mr. Cady, of Philadelphia, artistically painted, in carved gold pendant frame, with lock of hair in the back. Antiques, Relics, &c. Alaska Indian, carved black stone pipe. A curious mix- ture of grotesque figures. 10 inches long. Collection of American-Indian Stone Arrow Heads. 325 pieces. Pair of Colonial Brass Andirons. Pair of Colonial Brass Andirons. Pair of Colonial Fire Tongs and Poker, brass tops. Pair of Colonial Fire Tongs, brass handles. Brass Wire Folding Fire Screen. Brig.-Gen. Frazer’s Sword. A Sword, with blade beautifully carved and inlaid with gold, with silver-plated scabbard. Made by Eickhorn and Sohn. This handsome sword was presented to Brig .-Gen, Persifor Frazer of the American Revolution, who commanded a batal- lion in the Pennsylvania line. Antique Mahogany Banjo Clock. Antique Pewter Pitcher, with lid. 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 330 337 338 339 340 341 ” er , 23 Antique Silver-plated Sheffield Caster, with 4 cut-glass bottles. Lacking 2 bottles. Antique Pewter Tall Lamp, made by Capen & Molineux, | New York. Small Pewter Lamp, made by the same maker. Antique Copper Warming Pan. Antique Hanging Clock. Tucker China-Chamber Lamp, with scenic view in colors and gold decorations. Tucker china is the first porcelain made in America. 2 pieces of Tucker China, odd. Bayonet Sword, used in the Franco-Prussian War of 1871. 2 Bayonet Swords, used in the Franco- Prussian War of 1871. Pair of Fencing Foils. Antique Cotton Umbrella, with 9 whale-bone ribs, made about 1780. In good condition. Ivory-headed Cane. Antique Leather-woven Cane. ay Canes. Silver- plated Tea Pot. Antique Hand Mirror, two glasses, one magnifying. Be- longed to Brig.-Gen. Persifor Frazer. Bronze Lustre-ware Milk Pitcher. Bronze Lustre-ware Cream Pitcher, with blue bands and colored figures. Large Tucker China Cup and Saucer. Highly decorated with flowers on blue background. Old Porcelain Tete-a-tete Set. Comprising Tea Pot, Cream Pitcher, Sugar Bowl, Slop Bowl, Two Cups and Saucers and Tray. White, decorated with green ivy leaves in high relief, Historical China. Two mugs and a cup and saucer. 3 pieces Dutch Glass and Enameled Bottle. Antique Enameled and Cut Glass Decanter. 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 350 357 358 359 360 24 Antique Bottles. Glass Flask. One Quart. Washington and Taylor. Dyot- ville Glass Works. | The Same as preceding. One Pint. : Glass Flask. One Quart. Without Dyotville Glass Works. Light Green. The Same as preceding. Half Pint. Glass Flask. One Pint. ‘ Washington and Gen. z. Taylor” inscribed above the bust. Glass Flask. One Pint. ‘‘ Washington” and “G,. Z. Taylor’ inscribed below the bust. | Glass Flask. One Quart. With busts of Washington and Taylor. No inscription, Light soe The Same. One Pint. Glass Flask. One Pint. Bust of Washington on obverse, sheaf of wheat on reverse. Light green. Glass Flask. Bust of Washington in uniform on obvetse. and unknown bust on reverse. ‘Bridgton N. J.’ Ye rare. Glass Flask. “ Rough and Ready”’ and “ Major Ringoolaes " Busts on obverse and reverse. Scarce. Glass Flask. Half Pint. Yacht on obverse, star on reverse. Glass Flask. One Pint. Obverse “ Eagle” and “ Liberty,” reverse “ Willington Glass Co. West Willington.” Dark amber, rare. Glass Flask. One Pint. Eagle and Scroll on both sides. ‘‘ Stoddard N. H.” Dark amber, rare. Glass Flask. One Quart. Union, clasped hands, etc., on one side, and flying eagle, scroll and H. S. on other side. Glass Flask. One Quart. Similar to the preceding. ‘‘Waterford.”’ Scarce. Glass Flask. One Pint. Cornucopia on both sides, dark amber. Scarce. Glass Flask. One Quart. Unfurled flag and “Coffin & Hay, Hammonton.” Reverse, ‘‘ Eagle and Shield.” Rare. Glass Flask. One Pint. ‘‘ Free Trade and Sailors’ Rights.” Very rare. 361 362 363 364 305 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 3774 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 25 Glass Flask. One Quart. “Jenny Lind,’ with bust. “ Fislerville Glass Works’ on reverse. Rare. Glass Flask. One Quart. ‘‘ Kossuth,” with bust on obverse. Tree on reverse. Glass Flask. One Quart. Bust of Washington to right on obverse. Tree on reverse. Rare. Glass Flask. One Quart. “Union” bottle. Glass Flask. One Quart. ‘Union’’ bottle. Different from the preceding. Glass Flask. One Quart. ‘ Union” bottle. Different from the two preceding numbers. Glass Flask. One Quart. Flying Eagle and Scroll. Glass Flask. One Quart. Light green. Same as pre- ceding, Glass Flask. One Quart. With tree on obverse, double headed sheaf of wheat. Rake and fork on reverse. Glass Flask. One Quart. Double headed sheaf of wheat on obverse. Star on reverse. Glass Flask. One Quart. Hunting and Fishing Scene. Rare. Glass Flask. One Quart. Bust of Washington on ob- verse. Eagle on reverse. Tall Elaborately Cut-glass Decanter. Old English Cut-glass Decanter, with stopper. Pair of Old English Cut-glass Madeira Decanters, with stoppers. Old English Cut-glass Decanter, with stopper. Old English Cut-glass Decanter, with stopper. 2 Blue Cut Glass Decanters. Very old. Old English Cut-glass Brandy Decanter, with stopper. 2 Antique Cut-glass Decanters. Antique Cut-glass Decanter. Antique Cut-glass Decanter. Pair Cut. glass Sherry Decanters. Cut-glass Sherry Decanter. Cut-glass Decanter. : Antique Iron Pestle and Mortar. 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 4Ol 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 AUT A412 26 » Antique Marble Pestle and Mortar. French Mantle Clock and 2 Bronze Vases. Clock runs eight days and strikes hours and half hours. Iron Tongs and Poker. 4 pieces Four Antique Snuff Boxes. | Three Antique Snuff Boxes. Five Bronze Medals. Three Pieces of Embroidery and Needlework. Three Pieces of Embroidered, Turkish and Chinese Lady’s | Shoes. Gold Plated Chatelaine. Lot of Antique Beads. Bizantine Mosaic for Breastpin. Tortoise Shell Spoon. Twenty-one Small Wooden Bells made from the Wood which originally supported the Liberty Bell in Independ- ence Hall. Several Ornaments from the same Wood. Four Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Egg Cups. Box made from the wood of the Frigate Constitution. Medal, with bust of Lafayette, worn at the funeral cere- monies held in his memory in this city. Two Silver Medals. Obverse, Washington; reverse, Lin- coln. Glass Drop accidentally broken from the Chandelier in. Independence Hall. Three Antique Porcelain Tiles. Lot of Chinese Buttons. Lot of Chinese Books and Passport. Foreign and American Medals. 48 pieces. Two Letters of George P. Kelport, dated Baltimore, Dec. 11, 1779, and May 23, 1780. Each containing samples of cloth for clothing, etc., for the Continental soldiers. The letters are addressed to Thomas Simm Lee. Small Wedgewood Round Medallion on Blue Background... Two Colonial Account Books, unused. Lot of Relics. 413 414 415 416 417_ — «418 419 420 ~42t 422 423 424 (425 426 427 ‘428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 430 437 438 439 440 44t 442 443 27 Confederate Buttons worn by Officers in the Confederate States Navy and Army. 30 pieces. Union Army and Navy Buttons, worn by Officers in the Civil War. 53 pieces § Fancy Clay Pipes. - 5 Fancy Clay Pipes. 2 German Decorated China Pipes. Opium Pipe. Red Amber Cigar Tube. Antique Horn Tobacco Pouch, silver mountings, Antique Flint and Tinder Boxes and Snuff Box, ae of tinder. 4 pieces. Large piece of Itacolumite, or Flexible, Sandstone, 9 inches long. Pair of Old English Razors. Pair of Boot Hooks. Silver Liquor Syphon. 4 Champagne Taps. Piece of wood from the tree planted on Peter’s farm by General Washington. Lot of Foreign Silver and Copper Coins. Lot of Relics. Set of Composition Chessmen. Antique Buhl-work and Bronze Inkstand. Silver-plated Egg Caster. Curious Hindu Vase. Bronze Horse. Bronze Figure. Very old Violin and Bow. Curious Carved-wood Lemon Squeezer. Cork Presser. Large lot of Historical Relics. Old Silver-plated Tea Set, comprising Coffee Pot, Tea Pot, Creamer and Slop Bowl. 4 pieces. White Silk Masonic Apron, &c. 12 Ivory Napkin Holders. Very Old. 3 Silver Tags for Liquor Decanter. 445 446 447 448 449 450. 451 R462 Piece Colonial White Cotton Vallance Lace for + tri rim ‘ A:Similar Lot. 29. feet long; “ae as ‘: Pe er 2 old Gane. Porcelain Bottle ee Bed Vallance and Connterpanes. 7 feet 6 i inc’ 1es A Similar Lot. 23 feet long. ties A Similar Lot. 25 feet long. ee 3 Colonial White Cotton and Lace Table Cove be 3 Colonial White Cotton and Lace Bureau Scarfs 2 Lot Colonial White Cotton Lace. eS Arabian Bridle. ak, Blea ’ ‘ eT ae ed <, nm > Fads « sed 5 el se ee. - "e nf] iy > _ ome EP «f , 3 oe, EA wide aks a = bgt iw - if J = Fz a ye Vrs riage : ale a he Se sh eta ut * = “ ie 2 * "ae z ~- a » ~ S a . : ine | sf - he m4, < — 4 i : — Px ia : - ~ “> ; s ele. ar, td ; ¥. 7 Ri hg, 108 ~ in 5 Re eo PAE REME TE WON Ta) be | hee ‘a ON id CHARS “2 GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE A tf he | “ff | ated o> ae ft hel ONN a | WONU NOOO OT . be ‘ h JPisel 7 if | ; Aen 1 rae 663 Wa yy: = TON SI An td ee RRs X 3 3125 01 1018 Re i! he Ruy se Ne : x ni 4 ; | | Am Le a mL Ray NS UN ke AN AN Ny / time FP A eS } Ry ae a8 Uy Pie Lik dee aM SR thew ee wh Bey A she ding eae are stk Seal Wal serves jhe Pew ay nl SA OM REE SO Sakata tetas oe fayhae Cai ae ofa) oe t Roe ie PAS So gi Ain ULE Ta tata ake whee EMO) fc ndieqnetoe Shop Mwah, fre) oR magi Pan eM RNa SA zeae a Gay bo: Ss Asree oe oS. 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