, Wednesda y, Thursday & Frida Yr
z 41G>
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
February 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1894,
This Collection is sold by order of the
For large advances, storage and expenses, for account
of whom it may concern.
DAVIS & HARVEY, Auctioneers,
1212 Chestnut Street.
=“ The following Artists are Represented
arez, 148.
in the Collection:
Colantoni, 35, 58.
Conti, 81, 113.
Corelli, 157.
Corradini, 99, 273.
Cuesta, 13.
Daini, 94, 154.
Damschroedter, 100.
Daubigny, 190.
De Block, 228.
De Franchesci, 98.
De Groix, 210.
De la Hoese, 201.
Delaunay, 43.
Delort, 243.
Desvarreaux, 52.
Diaz, 30, 117, 192, 249.
Dieffenbach, 186.
Donat, 71, 72, 141,
Doyen, 172.
Dupre, 191.
Duval, 184.
Epp, 51.
Ettienne, 169.
Fabres, 152.
Filosa, 56, 93, 126.
Filosini, 9.
Finelli, 57. |
Fondivilla, 21.
Fortuny, 251].
Frangiamore, 238.
142, 211,
Gabelint, 34. Lazerges, H., 69, 107, 119, 135,
Gabrini, 67, 101, 111, 195, 206, 158.
221, 242, 259, 276.
Galofre, 64.
Gambogi, 3.
Gatti, 203.
Gaubault, 134.
Gegerfelt, 66, 129, 163.
Gentili, 226.
Giacommotti, 45.
Gigli, 209.
Gioja, C., 41, 199.
Gioja, E., 155, 164, 230.
- Gomez, 10.
Goupil, 95.
Guillou, 279.
Guinea, 68.
Guzzone, 88.
Hagborg, 268.
Haseltine, 54, 182.
Hernandez, 253.
Herpfer, 82.
Herson, 145, 146.
Horstig, 235.
Indoni, 166.
Ingami, 29, 240.
Kerremans, 187.
Kops, 4.
Kozakiewicz, 17.
Kratke, 11.
Kuehl, 183.
Lagye, 105, 161.
Lanckow, 180.
Lazerges, P., 65, 159.
Lecomte Du Nouy, 245.
Lefebvre, 250, 280.
Lemaire, 204.
Le Roux, 137.
Lessi, 26.
Leutze, 258.
Leys, 106.
Loewe, 122.
Longuet, 156.
Lugo, 231.
Luna, 62, 109.
Marcotte de Quivieres, 8.
Marriotti, 36, 92, 227.
Maso, 97.
Massani, 131, 144.
Massoni, 55, 200.
Michetti, 104.
Miralles, 49.
Monti, 202.
Muccioli, 178.
Muzzioli, 264.
Nardi, 27, 220.
Noel, 229.
Olive, 255.
Oyens, 23.
Palmaroli, 246.
Pallares, 5, 6, 73, 79.
Paredes, 15.
Pecrus, 12, 179.
Perez, 78.
Philippeau, 138. Signorini, 59, 125, 150, 151, 241.
Pigna, 225. Simoni, 121.
Piot, 167. Stevens, 266.
Piquet, 50. Tamburini, 22.
Pittara, 257. Tapiro, 31.
Plassan, 236. Tedesco, 139.
Polidori, 61, 185. Tissot, 118, 168.
Pollak, 140. Tomba, 80.
Prospero, 239, Tommasi, 114.
Quinton, 115, 116. Troyon, 28.
Raffaelli, 256, 265. Toulmouche, 132.
Raggio, 136. Valerj, 224.
Ramsey, 124. Van der Ouderaa, 70, 271.
Randinini, 153, 219. Vanni, 96.
Rauber, 207. Van Starkenburgh, 39.
Ricci, 90. Vanutelli, 147, 270.
Riva, 215, 232. Vernier, 130,
Rivas, 91. Verschuur, 247.
Robert-Fleury, 244. Vibert, 252.
Rosenboom, 208. Villegas, 108.
Rossi, 267. Vinea, 189.
Roszezewski, 160. Vitali, 216.
Rougeron, 83, 272. Voltz, 2, 234.
Rousseau, 254. Von Seben, 47.
Roybet, 173. Waagen, 193, 194.
Sain, 165. Waugh, 46.
Salles, 123. . Weber, Ad., 133.
Sambusetti, 75. Weber, Th., 162, 233.
Sarri, 20, &5. Willems, 171.
Schlessinger, 269. Wyld, 18.
Schneider, 180. Zampighi, 32, 87.
Semenowsky, 25, 102. Zimore, 213, 214.
Senet, 198, 278. Zingoni, 84.
INI (Guido) _ Florence
5 Pupil of Sanchez Perrier. )
Medals at Rome and Florence.
| In the Brunig Pass—in the Tyrol.
122 x 163.
Born in Munich.
- Pupil of his brother.
Z (L.) Munich
4 Deer in the Forest.
173} x 1D,
BOGI (Emile) avi ane
‘Welcome Friend.
f 24 x 15}.
KOPS (Fr) Munich
Born in Munich.
Pupil of Kraus.
Medal at Dortrecht.
4 Corina.
10 x 13.
PALLARES (J.)_ . Rome
5 The New Doll.
6 The Pet Dog.
12 x 14§.
ATALAYA (Enrique) Paris”
Born in Spain.
Pupil of Boldini.
Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
7 A Day in the Park.
144 x 218.
Shay at Riigees (Gironde).
fae Pupil of Bouguereau.
Mention, 1886. Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition
i. Universelle.
B04 5 253:
IN I (C.) Rome
14 x 183.
Pupil of Alvarez,
263 x 394.
9 ,
Pupil of Baron Leys.
11 Caught.
183 x 15.
Pupil of Willems.
12 The Young Duchess.
163% x 20%.
CUESTA (Munoz y)
Medal at Florence.
13 Surveying the Field.
27 x 403.
CHICOTIN (deceased)
Formerly of Rome and Paris.
14. A French Girl of the Period.
15 " A Medals at Rome and Venice.
ae aii ralier of the Order of the Crown of Italy.
. oy . Bridge of Sighs—from the
Straw Bridge. :
15x 21.
eee. | rie
ert : _ Medals at Florence and Rome. Ae,
~ aad
ey :
38 | On the Campagna.
Pa 4
| 512 x 28%.
iby 3 . 17
+l ee
Nicholaus Tjarda) | Dusseldorf
Born at Wehe, Groningen, in 1822.
Member of the Amsterdam Academy.
Medals, The Hague, 1857; Lyons, 1865.
39 A Summer Day in Thuringia.
52 x ais
BRADFORD (William), deceased.
Born in New Bedford, Mass , 1830.
Academician National Academy of Design.
Made several expeditions to the Arctic Regions with Dr. Hayes.
40 Karsosook Rock, Coast of Green-
44 x 28.
This picture was painted from studies made on the spot.
GIOJA (Camillo) | Rome —
41 Dispensing Provisions on the Fete
Day of the Virgin.
BOSCHI (Prof. Achille) Florence
Professor at the Florence Academy.
Medals at Rome, Genoa and Florence.
‘Medal at Vienna.
42 Alfiera in Spain.
35} x 218.
DE LAUNAY (J.) Paris
43 In the Park.
15 x 18.
BOHN (Germann Von), deceased
Born at Heilbronn, Wurtemberg, Feb. 25, 1812.
Studied at Stuttgart, then in Paris under Henri Lehman and
Ary Scheffer, also for two years in Rome.
He then lived in Paris until 1876, when he was appointed
Court Painter at Stuttgart.
Medals in Paris in 1844 and 1849.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1852.
Hors Concours.
Member of the Order of the Wurtemberg Crown.
44 The Anxious Mother.
254 x 37.
GIACOMOTTI (Felis Henri).
Born at Quingey (Doubs).
Prize of Rome, 1854.
Medals, 1864, 1865 and 1866. _
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867.
Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
Hors Concours,
4g Whois It?
Wr ee
982 x 391,
WAUGH (8. B.), deceased
Pcs. ae A Rerene
29 x 36,
47. The Bird’s Nest.
225 x 274.
~ BLUM (Maurice) Paris
Born at Lyons.
Pupil of Picot and Eugene Delacroix.
48 In the Ante-chamber.
Born at Valencia, Spain.
Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts of Valencia.
49 The Young Duke.
124 x 20}.
PIQUET (R.) Paris
50 Meditations by the Sea.
213 x15.
EPP (Rudolph) Dusseldorf
51 A Letter from a Friend.
14} x 20}.
Pupil of Yvon, Jacque and Vuillefroy.
52 On the Border of the Forest.
BALZE (Paul Jean Etienne), deceased
Born at Rome of French parents.
Medal, 1833.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1873.
Hors Concours.
§3 Faun and Nymphs.
08 x Tee
HASELTINE (William Stanley) Rome
Born at Philadelphia.
Pupil of A. Achenbach and Weber.
Academician of the National Academy of Design.
54 Capri.
383 x 44,
; Mf an,
7 4
| NI (E.) | Rome
OSA (C. Rome
6 ) The. Friar’s Niece Revealing her
~ Betrothal.
J LL (Edouardo) Rome
a M usicians of Stamboul.
Od} x 32h.
wet o
TON A1G:) Rome
On a Balcony at Cairo.
: 2T x 394. !
be gar.
sy Xi i? ’
REE SS. 3, 4
FO oe oT) taba
SIGNORINI (Guisep) Rome
59 The Favorite of the Seraglio.
26 x 39,
AURELI (G.) Rome
60 A Scene in Modern Rome.
29 x 204.
POLIDORI (C.) Naples
61 A Lazy Day off Naples.
40i x 274,
LUNA (Mariano) Rome |
62 Ready to Receive.
404 x 271,
Balcony in Seville.
323 x 40.
Born at Reus, Spain.
: Medal at Naples, 1876.
Medal at Rome, 1877.
183 x 302.
a Born at Paris. °
__- Pnpil of his Father.
‘Medal, 1884.
; ee | - Societaire.
oe Medal at Venice, 1879.
ie Medal at Melbourne, 1881.
SES fiicen Baptiste Paul)
GEGERFELT (Wilhelm de) | | Paris
Born at Gothembourg, Sweden.
66 Moonrise at Venice.
34 x 21g.
Medals at Rome and Turin.
Medals at Naples and Genoa.
Medal at Vienna.
67 Lighting Lamps at the Evening
Hour at Venice.
22% x 344.
GUINEA (Anselmo) Rome
Born at Abando-Bilbao, 1855.
Pupil of the Bilbao Academy.
Pupil of the Academy San Fernando at Madrid.
Moved to Rome in 1880.
Before leaving Spain was Professor of the Art School at Bilbao.
68 Feeding the Sacred Fire.
30 x 203.
=RGES (Hippolyt Jean Raimond),
. deceased
n at Narbonne (Aude), 1817. _—_- Died in Paris, 1888.
Pupil of Bouchot and d’Angers.
Medals, 1843, 1848 and 1858.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867.
Officer of the Academy.
Hors Goose
233 x 31}.
| DER OUDERAA (P.) Antwerp
Born at Antwerp.
Pupil of Baron Leys.
Gold Medal at Antwerp, 1879.
Gold Medal at Antwerp, 1881.
70 The Comforter—Scene in the Time
of the Dutch Republic.
294 x 39%.
Lhe first figure of the measure is the width.
a ep
Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek.
71 The Return at Evening.
72 Fishing in the Lake.
94 x 62
PALIARES: () 4 Paris
73 Gathering Fagots.
214 x 284.
AURELI (G.) Rome
74 Whispered Thought Intended for the ~
29 x 203.
The Pet Dog,
See 21x aed,
Watching and Waiting.
me 263 x 39.
Rome ©
TOMBA (C.) Rome
80 A Court Musician.
22 x 30%.
CONTI (Tito) Florence
One of the greatest painters in Italy.
Medals in Naples, Florence, Rome and Turin.
A number of Italian decorations.
81 An Italian Soldier Off Duty.
x X 133. ;
HERPFER (Carl) Munich
82 Winding the Clock.
1234 x 163.
ROUGERON (Jules James), deceased.
Born at Gevrey-Chambertin (Cote d’Or).
Pupil of Picot and Cabanel.
In 1880 the French Government bought his Salon picture.
Medal, 1880. 3
eo in tie Pace,
= r ’
Tr (A) : | Florence
27 x 20}.
3 Florence
Pupil of Coomans.
he Rude Awakening.
A 29 x 234.
HI (E,) Rome
aliers in a Wine Cellar.
iv ae
: ef 4
ii a
Pupil of Fortuny.
88 Boabdil, the Moor.
143 x 21.
BENLLUIRA (Mariano) Rome
89g In the Waters of Venice.
27 x 40.
RICCI (A.) Rome
go The Royal Bride.
214 x 29%.
RIVAS (Antonio A.) Rome
gt A Corner Market in Cairo.
25 x 381,
ere ie 3) Rome
)ver the Apennines.
383 x 25h,
% (C.) : , | ~ Rome
i Deep Reverie.
308 x 213.
a Rome
0 193 x 3Y,
L (Jules), deceased.
Pupil of A. Scheffer.
Born at Se
Be Broa: of aha Legion of Honor, 1881.
Hors Concours.
: 134x195.
‘is the celebrated one by this gifted painter known as
“The Straw Hat.”
VANNI (Demetris), deceased.
g6 The Countess.
212 x 284.
This picture, painted in 1846, is from the celebrated collection of
the late Adolph E. Borie, Esq.
MASO (Felipe) Paris.
Born at Barcelona (Spain).
Pupil of Bonnat.
Medals at Barcelona and Madrid.
Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
97 A Song of Saragossa.
174 x 214,
Pupil of Alvarez.
Medals at Rome and Milan.
98 The Restless Model.
193 x 24¢.
+ - Rome
Medals at Rome and Turin.
Medals at Naples and Genoa.
Medal at Vienna.
Bers! 221 x 31h.
| 39
CONTI (Tito) Florence
One of the greatest painters of Italy.
Medals in Naples, Florence, Rome and Turin.
A number of Italian Decorations.
113 The Gulf of Spezzia.
174 x 103.
TOMASSI (Adolf) Rome
Pupil of Madrazo.
Medals at Rome and Naples.
Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
114. Humble Living in an Italian Home.
25 x 164,
QUINTON (Clement) Paris
Born at Paris.
Pupil of Sauerfeld.
Medals in 1890 and 1892.
Hors Concours.
115 Cattle in the Meadows.
116 In the Sunlight.
DE ‘LA PENA (Narcisse Virgile),
ae deceased.
- Born at Bordeaux, 1807. Died at Paris 1876.
Medals, 1844, 1846 and 1848.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1851.
ma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Univer-
| selle, 1878.
oe a7 A Pool in Fontainebleau.
et | 18} x 143.
SOT (James) London
ey Born at Nantes. find
Pupil of Flandrin and Lamothe.
* Medal, 1866.
oad of Faust and Marguerite” is in the Luxembourg.
— 20 x 284.
et Pupil of Horace Vernet and Lecompte.
Born at Narbonne (Aude), 1817.
Pupil of Bouchot and d’Angers.
Medals, 1843, 1848 and 1858.
Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867.
Officer of the Academy.
~ Hors Concours. A
13} x 184.
AURELI (G.) Rome
Medals at Rome, Florence and Naples.
A celebrated painter.
120 In Paris—Time of the Directory.
38 x 23%,
SIMONI (G.) Rome
- Medal at Rome.
Medal at Naples.
Medal at Florence.
Medal at Turin, 1880.
Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
121 The Garden Ramble.
13 x 194.
LOEWE (M.) Munich
122 A Flirtation.
154: 22h
oA LLES ta) Munich
A Great Artist.
123 The Birth of Castor and Pollux.
mee i, ;
a eer
2 é
M: SEY Y (Milne) Hn Parvs
if Pupil of Bonnat.
4 Objects of Nature han Art.
36 x 29.
1 ORINI (Fran) ye Rome
26 The Perilous Advance.
26% x 405.
A (C.) | Rome.
easing and Selling. | -
22 x 3l.
a a ) | Rome
. Bae 40} x 27.
ee. 43
128 Going to Market.
GEGERFELT (Wilhelm De) Paris
Born at Gothenburg, Sweden.
Medal at Stockholm.
129 Evening on the Lagoons of Venice.
34 x 21%.
VERNIER (Emile Louis). Paris
Born at Lons-le-Saunier.
For Painting, Honorable Mention, 1878.
Medals, 1879 and 1880.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1881.
For Drawing, Medals, 1869 and 1870.
Hors Concours.
130 Marseilles.
O74 x 16.
SANI (Prof. :) Florence
Professor of the Fine Arts at Florence.
Medals at Rome, Florence and Naples.
Medals at Milan and Turin.
Medal at Cordova.
131 The Soldiers’ Carnival.
. 291 x QIK,
. _ Born at Nantes.
-_ Medals, 1852, 1859 and 1861.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870.
* Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle.
- Medal, Second Class, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
Hors Concours.
Medals at Toulouse and Marseilles.
Medals at Rome and Florence.
Medal at Vienna.
2 Prepared to Receive.
; 19 x 27.
ER (Adolphe) | Paris
| Medal at Vienna. |
3 A Love Story.
ee 144 x 21h.
y 7
Pupil of Detaille.
134 Vive l’Alsace.
253 x Qik.
LAZERGES (Hippolyte Jean Raimond),
Born at Narbonne (Ande), 1817.
Pupil of Bouchot and d’Angers.
Medals, 1843, 1848 and 1858.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867.
Officer of the Academy. |
Hors Concours.
Conservator of the Municipal Museum of Algeria.
135 A Corner Market in Algiers.
RAGGIO (G.) Rome
136 Asking Alms of Italian Banditti.
12} x 20,
ROUX (Hector) Paris
ai . Born at Verdun (Meuse).
m Pupil of Picot.
- Medals, 1863, 1864 and 1874.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1877.
Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle.
meget, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
Hors Concours.
37 A Roman Senator Praying for his
Wife to the God of Fever.
26; x 17.
: ILIPPEAU Copies Paris
BE aN picture representing this great artist at his best.
i Medals at Rouen and Amiens.
Medal at Brussels.
o z a The Martyrdom of St. Catherine.
474 x 66.
DESCO ie! Rome
Medals of various nations.
Chevalier of the Crown of Italy.
| ien
Medals at Amsterdam ant
The first figure of the measure is the width.
} NAT (M.) Brussels
Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek.
a oa On the Banks of a Holland Canal.
| B04 Threatening Weather.
4 x 63...
4 VET (H enri) | Paris
sere at Paris.
S ON ie Theatre Francaise.
103 x 134.
MASSANI (Professor Pe Florence
Professor of the Fine Arts at Florence.
Medals at Rome, Florence and Naples.
Medals at Milan and Turin.
144 Puzzled.
18 x 12%.
HERSON (Emile), deceased.
Pupil and Friend of Diaz.
145 A Spring Day in Normandy.
144 x 10}.
146 es Canal at Honfleur.
die x9;
VANUTELLI (Cavaliere Scipione) Rome
Born at Rome.
Pupil in Vienna of Wurzinger and in Paris of Heilbuth.
Medal, 1864, in Paris.
Medals at Rome, Florence, Naples and Milan.
Government Director of the Roman Exhibition.
Cross of the Order of the Crown of Italy.
147 Early Morning at Venice.
1% x 12%.
ALVAREZ (Y. Espino) Rome.
Born in Spain.
Medals at Rome, Seville and Madrid.
Medal, Centennial Exposition, 1876.
Gold Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
Hors Concours.
a 148 A Card of ieuchon:
i Tx
APRIANI (A.) - Rome
Sr Medals at Rome and Naples.
oe 149 “The Little Hill of Posillipo.
I 20% x 153.
) ae) : | Rome
Deciding by the Marguerite.
a 20
J 8 x 123,
ey ~ Rome
aK the Spring. |
94 x 20.
( STINT (Guido) Florence
AUR. ia c) Rome
ic | 7 Born in Italy.
sae Medals at Rome, Florence and Naples.
223 At the Fall of Tivoli.
148 x 21}.
224 A Woman of Stamboul.
15 x 212. ; “eg
——— ro
225 The Artist’s Model.
63 x 29}.
226 Chatting i the Ware
15} x 22.
227 The Secret Missive
ae 21 x 205, fa
YI BLOC CK [Eugene Francois) Munich
Born at Grammont, Belgium.
z Pupil of Baron Leys.
ae “Medals i in Antwerp, Brussels and Amsterdam.
; Medal in Paris Salon, 1842.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846.
Hors Concours.
. a 28 A Flemish Home.
138 x 163.
NC ORL L (Jules) Paris
ae ve a Born at Quimper.
Pupil of Charioux.
a A eayindy Day at Treport.
eo, — 212 x 243
a (Bou Rome
x, iat 123 x 18.
LUGO ; pe
‘ Medals in Turtataadetignsmae ha
x ‘ . wh Soe 7
t) 12302 easy. : is,
. es i z
RIVA (Guiseppe)
232 Gathering Fagots.
143 x 203.
_ WEBER (Theodore)
Born at Leipsic, Saxony.
Pupil of Achenbach. :
Naturalized Frenchman,
Honorable Mention, 1886. _ eS
Societaire. .
Medals in Munich and Dusseldorf.
Medals in Antwerp and Brussels.
233 Leaving Boulogne fo 7
21 x13,
(6 oe
aa } lw
a? ‘a
bus Z (Frederick) Munich
Born at Nordlingen, 1817.
Pupil of the Munich Academy.
~ Royal Bavarian Professor.
Medals at Berlin and Vienna.
_ Medals at Munich and Dusseldorf.
Great Wurtemberg Art Medal.
Member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich.
234 A Holstein.
. 224 x 184.
; TORSTIG (E.) Munich
‘= 235 Off for a Ramble.
| ae 12 x 26.
LASSAN (Antoine Emilie) Farin
i = ; Born at Bordeaux, Sept. 29, 1817. :
Medals, 1852, 1857 and 1859.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859.
Hors Concours.
Medal, Centennial Exposition, 1876.
iB e0 The Foster Child’s Return.
11} x 88.
Born at Bologne-sur-Mer (Pas de Calais).
Pupil of Picot and Barrias.
Medal, 1869.
Medal, First Class, 1872.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878.
Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle.
Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
Hors Concours.
237 The Coast at Trouville.
82 x 43,
Medals at Rome, Florence, Naples and Bologna.
238 The Secret Meeting Discovered. f
133 x 22,
239 Chaffing.
24x 19,
3 240 Keep Your Distance. .
ihe Tex 15k.
-SIGNORINI ( Francesco) Rome
241 The Young Prince.
933 x 34},
GABRINI (P Gos ? Rome
. we The Gift of the Necklace.
a 20 x 28}.
DELORT (Charles Edouard) — Paris
Born at Nimes, Feb. 4, 1841.
Pupil of Gleyre and Gerome.
Medals, 1875 and 1882.
Teroas of the Legion of Honor, 1889.
Hors Concours.
EE 243 Falstaff and the Merry Wives of
16x 22,
ROBERT-FLEURY (Joseph Nicholas)
deceased —
Born in Cologne, 1797. a
Pupil of Girodet, Gros and Horace Vernet.
Medals, Second Class, 1824; First Class, 1834, 1855, 1867.
Cross of the Legion”of Honor, 1836.
Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1849.
Member of Institute, 1850. ;
Director of French Academy at Rome, 1866.
Commander of Legion of Honor, 1867.
244 The Evening Lesson.
10 x 134.
toine) Paris ©
Born at Paris. ; |
Pupil of Gerome and Signol. -
Medals, 1866 and 1869.
Medal, Second Class, 1872.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876.
Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
Hors Concours. |
Societaire. 7
245 A Corner Market in Pompeii.
18§ x 15.
LMAROLI (Vicente) Paris
Born at Madrid.
upil of his Father and Madrazo and the Academy of Fine Arts
‘at Madrid.
“Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle.
: Hors Concours.
r. Ripointed Director of the Spanish School of Art at Rome, 1882.
_ Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Charles III. of Spain.
alier and Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic.
Gorn 3 in Amsterdam, June 11, 1812.
pee Died at Vorden, July 4, 1874.
Pe Pupil of Pieter Gerardus Van Os and C. Steffelaar.
° tae Medals at Berlin and Vienna.
Medals at Ghent, Brussels and Antwerp.
- Medals at Amsterdam, 1831, 1832 and 1838.
Medals at Rotterdam.
Medals at The Hague, 1858 and 1859.
Member of the Academy at Amsterdam, 1833.
meecer of the Academy of Rotterdam, 1862.
BARUCCI (Prof. P.) ~ Rome_
Professor at Rome. | -
Medals at Rome and Naples.
Chevalier of the Crown of Italy.
248 Sheep on the Hillside.
20 x 27.
DIAZ DE LA PENA (Narcisse Virgile)
“ deceased.
Born at Bordeaux, 1807. Died at ‘Paris, 1876.
Medals, 1844, 1846 and 1848.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1851.
Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition a
Universelle. a
249 A Grecian Family.
45x 7.
LEFEBVRE (Jules Joseph) Paris
Born at Tournan (Seine-et-Marne) in 1836. a
Pupil of Leon Cogniet.
Prize of Rome, 1861.
“Medals, 1865, 1868 and 1870.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878.
Medals, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle.
Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878.
Hors Concours.
Member of the Jury of the Vienna Exposition, 1882.
250 Espionage.
118 x 17%.
Born at Reuss, near Barcelona, 1838.
Died at Rome, 1874.
i of the Barcelona Academy and the Academy of Chigi at Rome,
Chevalier of the Order of Charles III.
Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858.
_ Many decorations from various Boshiiist. 2
asx ane Bathers.
54 x 73.
Fl. 3ERT (Jean Georges) mex aris
Born at Paris, 1840.
“Pupil of Barrias and the School of Fine Arts.
Medals, 1864, 1867 and 1868.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870.
~ Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle.
Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882.
Hors Concours.
ec; A Societaire.
Br 52 Awaiting the Contest.
Born in Spain. + Sas
Medals at Madrid, Cordova and Seville. fae 2)
Medals at Rome, Florence and Naples. ?
253 The Surprise. :
74 x 103.
ROUSSEAU (Theodore), deceased.
. Pupil of Lethiére.
Born, 1812. Died, 1867.
Medals, 1834, 1849 and 1855.
. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867.
One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867, Epos
verselle. ‘
254 A Sunburst.
| oe (Jean Baptiste)
Born at Marseilles.
Pupil of Vollon. —
Houona ee ee 1882.
“Hom Ganene ae
- Societaire.
2 55 [iandseape in France.
138 x Mes re : :
84 ;
AELLI ess Francois) Patio 3
Born at Paris.
Mor? _ Pupil of Gerome.
pose tA" Honorable Mention, 1885.
Gold Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889.
7 Hors Concours.
ARA (Carlo) | Paris
Born at Turin.
Pupil of Ch. Humbert.
- Medals at Rome and Naples.
Hors Concours, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
_ Hors Concours.
103 x 16. ae
17 ‘ZE (Emanuel), deceased.
Born at Gmiind, Wiirtemberg, May 24} 1816.
- Died in Washington, D. C., July 18, 1868.
— under Lessing: also scadied in Munich,
Venice and Rome.
| - Je Blected National Academician in 1860.
ogi in Berlin in 1850, given for his great picture of Wash- _
ington Crossing the Delaware.
g 58 An Pea Sheikh.
15; x 21%.
Medals at Rome and Turin,
26g Journeying Towards Rome. —
434 x 258, :
Born in Italy. ae
Medals at Rome, Florence and Naples.
A celebrated painter,
372 x 23%.
| Born in Spain.
261 At the Masquerade.
262 x 40.
An illustrious artist.
262 The Gossips.
sah Stes
|ANET cle : , Paris
Born at Paris.
ae "Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
263 The Love Letter.
108 x 16.
uzz1011 (G.) Florence
Medal at Florence, 1881.
Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
83 x 11.
PA AELLI (Jean Francois) Paris
Born at Paris.
Pupil of Gerome.
7 Se Honorable Mention, 1885.
ae Gold Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
Gross of the Legion of Honor, 1889.
Hors Concours.
eS : 10} x 7.
STEVENS (Alfred) _, Paris and*
Born at Brussels, 1828. errant e ~
Pupil of Navez in Belgium and Roqueplan in Paris. rec
Medal, 1853. aE ss
Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Be Bice
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863. : .
y Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle.
Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. é
Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle. __
Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878.
Grand Prix, 1889 Exposition. :
Hors Concours. _
Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium.
Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Pe
‘St. Michael of Bavaria.
Chevalier and Commander of the Order of —
Ferdinand of Austria.
ae Papers, ape at pees 1885, ye
266 Moonlight at Sea.
93 x 128,
ROSSI (Lucius)
Born in Italy. a ;
Pupil of Fortuny. ae a
Medal in Parma. Ran “
Medal in Turin.
Medals in Rome and Naples. lee
oF Medals in Milan and Bologna. =
Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. — ie
267 The New Catch.
12% x 165.
AGE 30 RG (a) Paris
ae at Gothemburg, Sweden, 1852.
Chevalier of the Order of Vasa.
be Gold Medal, Paris Salon, 1879,
By and
re Praxanta by the French Government for the Luxembourg
Diploma of Honor, Munich, 1879.
Gold Medal, ee 1883.
- Cross of the Legion of Hexen 1893.
Hors Concours.
40 x 26.
[LESSINGER (Felix) Munich
Se Born in Hamburg, Oct. 9, 1833.
ee of the Dusseldorf Academy and Jordan.
Lived for several years in Paris.
Permanently settled in Munich.
hs, a Medals in Vienna and London.
1 ana Medals at Munich, Berlin and Dusseldorf.
i. ob ea Medal at The Hague.
VANUTELLI (Scipione Covalone)
Born at Rome.
Pupil in Vienna of Wurzinger and in Paris of Heilbuth. i
Medal, 1864, in Paris. ;
Medals at Rome, Naples, Florence and Milan.
Cross of the Order of the Crown of Italy.
Government Director of the Roman Exhibition. __ ~
270 Pet Doves.
18} x 13%,
VAN DER OUDERAA (P.) _— Antwerp
Born at Antwerp. | Reh
Pupil of Baron Leys.
Medals at Antwerp and Amsterdam.
Gold Medal at the Salon at Antwerp, 1879.
Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1881.
President of the Antwerp National Acedeny A
in Belgium.
G ERON (Jules), deceased.
Born at Gevrey, Chambertin (Cote d’Or).
eT ee. Y _ Died at Paris in 1880.
es = cat , Pupil of Picot and Cabanel.
3 ed Medal, 1880.
n 1880 the French Government bought his Salon nl shee
cok RRADINI (C. A.) Rome
ae Pupil of Alvarez.
a ag Medals at Rome and Florence.
E 273 The Amateur.
203 x 184.
AG GOSTINI (Guido) Florence
ts ae Pupil of Sanchez Perrier.
274 Ruins of Poppillio, near San Marcello
Seek 2 Pistoja. |
isi. 128 x 163.
ATALAYA (Enrique)
Betas in one
275 A Siesta at Seville.
ea? D8 x 44,
Medals at Rome and Turin.
276 The Discovered Meeting.
20 x 29,
Born in Italy. |
277 The Betrothal.
; ; 173 x 298.
eae 92.
=(R.) | Rome
s 2 The Farewell Kiss.
104 x 134.
=e UILLOU (Alfred) Paris
Born at Concarneau (Finistere).
- Pupil of Cabanel and Bouguereau.
Medals; 1877 and 1881.
Medal, Argent, 1889, Exposition Universelle.
Hors Concours,
279 Bet adfather s Boat.
| 2 | 23% x 174..
“One of this artist’s works has been purchased by the French
rnment, and is in the Gallery of the Luxembourg.
LEFEBVRE (Jules Joseph) Paris
Born at Tournan (Seine-et-Marne) in 1836.
Pupil of Leon Cogniet.
_ Prize of Rome, 1861.
Medals, 1865, 1868 and 1870.
Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878.
; ee p he First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle.
Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878.
Hors Concours.
aig of the Jury of the Vienna Exposition, 1882.
5g x 8.
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