36 SALE NUMBER 2114 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, DECEMBER ELEVENTH AMERIGAINNE? EUROPEAN PAINTINGSS WATER COLORS é’? DRAWINGS FROM THESESBATE OF THE LATE W HITMAN W KENYON SMITHTOWN, L. I. TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF KINGS COUNTY TRUST COMPANY BROOKLYN, N. Y. Executor MESSRS. BROWER, BROWER & BROWER BROOKLYN, N. Y. Attorneys for the Executor TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS DECEMBER FOURTEENTH, FIFTEENTH _ AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERDLEY, PResipent} 489 PARK AVENUE AT BIEDYeNINGH SPREED, NEW YORK 1926 cE | A oo LIBRARY aoe A ‘M Knoedler&Co. | | pe | 14 East 57th St. New York EVENING IN GREENWICH BNE ANUDPCCUNIDIBIR Iels WWAICSUSING INIe/e\c | NUMBER 51 } SALE NUMBER 2114 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, DECEMBER ELEVENTH AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS & DRAWINGS ROME “Wale; ieSIDAe, OF “Wels, ILAVIels, WHITMAN W. KENYON SMITHTOWN, L. I. TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF KINGS COUNTY TRUST COMPANY BROOKLYN, N. Y.. Executor MESSRS. BROWER, BROWER & BROWER BROOKLYN, N. Y. Attorneys for the Executor TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS DECEMBER FOURTEENTH, FIFTEENTH At HIGHDFIFDEEN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES {MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent]} _ 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the con- clusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, reserves the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses incurred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries makes no charge for executing orders for its customers and uses all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON IGALEERIES, ING: 489 Park AVENUE AT Firry-NINTH STREET, New York TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E. H. L. THOMPSON AKKERSILYK AMERICAN AUBERT, E BAKALOWICZ, L. BIRNEY, W. V. BLASHFIELD, E. H. BLOH, C. BOILTN BONSELL BOUGHTON, G. II. BOULANGER, G. BOULANGUE BREVOORT, J. R. BRICHER, BRIDGMAN, F. A. CARDON CARPENTIER, H. CATTERMOLE, C. CHASE, H. CHAUDDIN, J. COLE, T. COLMAN, S. COMAN, C. B. CONSTANTIN, COROT, J. B. C. COUNTAT, A. CROPSEY, J. F. DARLEY, F. 0. C. A. DE HAGEMANN, C. DE HYDER DE LA HOESE DELISSER, R. L. DE PINELLI, A. DIAZ DE LA PENA, N. V. DIXON, M. R. DOLPH, J. H. DORE DUPRE, L. V. DUTCH DUVICHY EPISY ERDMAN ERNST, A. ERWIN, B. ESBENS, E. FELIX, K. FLAGG, M. FRANKEL, I. FRANTZ GARDINER, H. D. GEBHARDT, W. GEORGI, O. GIGNOUX, R. F. GLADWIN, G. W. GOUPIL GRISWOLD, C. C. LIST OF AR NUMBER 6 94 110 4, 69, 145 AS 56 118 UT 87 22, 35 152 81 132 98 33, 54, 144 TA AT 26 131 a 25 30, 37, 103 106 79 TORS 147 34, 100 iG. 18520 70 6 139 64 150 14 36, 77 7 78 55 46, 122 73 82 GUILLAMET, G. GUILLEMIN, A. M. WALL HART, J. MCD. ITART, W. HENNE HENRY, E. L. HERSON, E. ITUBBARD, R. W. INNI JACQU JANSSENS JOILNSON, D. KAEMME LAGYE, V. LAMBDIN, G. C. LA ROCHENOIRE LAWMAN, J. H. LENOIR, P. M. LIGNY, C. LINTON, H. LOBRICHON, T. LOK HORST MAGRATH, W. MARNY, P. MARTIN, P. MC CORD MILLER, C. H. MISCELLANEOUS MORAN, E. MOZIN, C. MUHLIG, B. NEHLIG, V. NEUHUYS, A. NEW MARCIE PATEL, P. PERLMAN PILOTY, F. PORTIELJE, F. QUARTLEY, A. REBOVET, A. REGNAULT, H. REMBRANDT (SCILOOL OF) REYNTJENS, H. E. RICIZARDS, W. T. RIEDEL, £ ROSA, M. C. ROTA, G. RYDER, A. P. RYDER, P. P. SAUMIR, P. A. SAVRY, H. SERATRICE, P. SHATTUCK, A. D. SHIRLAW, W. SIGALON a Wa ale ER, IP. H. NUMBER 149 108 3 40, 126 130 99 38 id 89, 90 97 29 87 102, 129 142 Lg) 42 4 135 48 63 20 i 60 105 86 79 (alg tek) 104 3, 16; 82, 90 72 49 76 8 140 2 114 92 137 120 95 109 19 116 112 92 151 15 146 SIMMONS, J. SMILLIE SMITH, T. L. SONNTAG, W. L. STORTENBEKER, P. SOI, Te, (ANTE, 2) TISSOT, J. J. TIUDINANDUS TOPHAM UNKNOWN VAN CREYLEN VAN MARCKE, E. VAN SCHRIECK, 0. VAN VARLEY, J. VENETIAN NUMBER 85 1 a 125 28 41 68 78 80 2, 5, 80, 83, 84 88 115 123, 59 27 121 VERBOOM, A. I. VERWE VIBERT, VOLKERS, E. VOLTZ, F. WARREN WEBER, T. WHITTREDGE, W. WIGGINS, C. WuST, A. WYANT, A. H. YEWELL, G. H. YOUNG, J. H. 31, 50, ! ZTEM NUMBER 136 138 84, 85 61 24 il, @, 03} 9 127 32,300,038, 101, 128 Wy Sale En 51 OM 67, 91, 183, 134, 143 93 SALE TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER FOURTEENTH, AT 8:15 FIRST SESSION NuMBERS 1-75 1 (a) OIL PAINTING ON PANEL BY SMILLIE Landscape with lake. Size, 7 x 916 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON PANEL BY WARREN Falstaff. Size, 414 x 61 inches. (2) 2 (a) OIL PAINTING .ON ACADEMY BOARD, SIGNED NEWMARCH Landscape with lake. Size, 11 x 18 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON PANEL, UNKNOWN Landscape sketch. Size, 5 x 9 inches. (2) 3 (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED HALL Still life, currants. Size, 16 x 138 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED A.P. Autumn landscape. Size, 11 x 21 inches. (2) 4 (a) OIL PAINTING ON PANEL, SIGNED BAKALOWITZ A lady in red. Size, ‘7 x 416 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED LA ROCHENOIRE Landscape with cattle and figures. Size, 18 x 21 inches. (2) 5 (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED WARREN Shore scene with pleasure boats. Size, 1414 x 2416 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, UNKNOWN Landscape with lake. Size, 11 x 18 inches. (2) (a) OIL PAINTING ON PANEL, SIGNED AKKERSILYK The Philosopher. Size, 1816 x 111% inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON PANEL, SIGNED DE HYDER Paraquets. Size, 816 x 6 inches. (2) (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED T. L. SMITH Winter scene with cottages and cattle. Size, 21 x 2614 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON PANEL, SIGNED J. H. DOLPH Cat and mouse. Stze, 5 x 816 inches. (2) (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED G. W. GLADWIN Landscape with road and bridge. Size, 12 x 8 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON ACADEMY BOARD, SIGNED V. NEHLIG A suitor in the backwoods. Size, 13 x 121% inches. (2) 2 9 10 JU 18 THEODORE WEBER GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY MARINE Two fishing boats with colorful sails are in the fore of a rough sea, other sails in the offing; grey and creamy sky. Canoas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 744 inches; width, 914 inches. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH, 1796-1875 LANDSCAPE A pond in the foreground, thick foliage at the right, a village at the left distance; sunset sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 11 inches; width, 15 inches. E. ESBENS EUROPEAN, 19TH CENTURY PORTRAIT STUDY Head of an Italian girl, brown background. Water color. Signed. Size, 13 x 10 inches. P. A. SAUMIR EUROPEAN, 19TH CENTURY BARN AND FIGURE AT SUNSET Water color. Signed. Size, 13 x 91% inches. W. GEBHARDT GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY IN THE GARDEN OF A CHATEAU Water color. Size, 124 x 10 iches. 3 14 16 We I) E. HERSON EUROPEAN, 19TH CENTURY ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF A VILLAGE Water color. Signed. Size, 9 x 14 inches. MARIO CARL ROSA ITALIAN, 19TH CENTURY AN ITALIAN TOWN Water color. Signed. Size, 18 x 9 inches. F. O. C. DARLEY, N.A. AMERICAN, 1822-1888 AN EPISODE OF THE CIVIL WAR Wash drawing. Size, 10% x 16 inches. BENONI ERWIN, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 1840-1896 WOMAN OF BETHLEHEM Water color. Signed and dated 1883. Size, 18 x 14 inches. F. O. C. DARLEY, N.A. AMERICAN, 1822-1888 THE MILKMAID Pencil drawing. Signed. Size, 10 x 8 inches. HENRI REGNAULT FRENCH, (?)-1871 THREE WOMEN AND A CHILD IN LANDSCAPE Water color. Signed. Size, 71% x 10 inches. 4 bo bo HENRY LINTON. ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY LANDSCAPE Water color. Signed. Size, 15 x 11 inches. F. O. C. DARLEY, N.A. AMERICAN, 1822-1888 PEASANT LIFE IN ITALY Water color. Signed. Size, 11 x 151% inches. GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN, 1843-1905 SHELLING PEAS Colored drawing. Signed and dated 1888. Size, 9 x 8 inches. OTTO GEORGI GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY ON THE ISLAND OF PHILA Water color. Signed and dated 1872. Size, 15 x 101% inches. FRIEDRICH VOLTZ GERMAN, 1817-1886 SHEEP, A GOAT AND AN EAGLE Pencil drawing. Signed. Size, 94 x 71% inches. THOMAS COLE, N.A. AMERICAN, 1801-1848 THE PRISONER Pen and wash drawing on tinted paper with touches chalk. Signed. Size, 14 x 10 inches. 5 of colored CHARLES CATTERMOLE ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY 26 THE BLESSING Gouache. Signed and dated 1871. Size, 19 x 28 inches. JOHN VARLEY ENGLISH, 1788-1842 27 RUSTIC COUNTRYSIDE Water color. Signed and dated 1840. Size, 7 x 10 inches. P. STORTENBEKER DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY 28 LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE AND FIGURES Water color. Signed. Size, 1014 x 15 inches. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH, 1813-1894 29 A SHEPHERD AND HIS FLOCK Crayon drawing on tinted paper heightened with white. Signed. Size, 13 x 916 inches. 30 31 CASTLE GARDEN AND THE BAY OF NEW YORK BY SAMUEL COLMAN, N.A. [| NUMBER 30 SAMUEL COLMAN, N.A. AMERICAN, 1832-1920 CASTLE GARDEN AND THE BAY OF NEW YORK At the left the famous old circular edifice with the landing pavilion at the water front; the fort on Governor’s Island is seen in the distance, and a number of square and schooner-rigged vessels are in the harbor; Staten Island indicated at the right of the horizon. Pale blue sky with flaky cloud effects and a grey mass at the skyline. Water color. Signed and dated 1867 at the lower right. Height, 6 inches; width, 14 inches. An interesting item of Americana. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | J. HARVEY YOUNG AMERICAN, 1830-(?) MORNING, EARLY AUTUMN NEAR GREZ, FRANCE Flat country with fine tree groups at the right, figures and cattle about; blue distance, pale blue sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1878 at the lower right. Height, 20 inches; width, 82 inches. 34 CARLTON WIGGINS, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SHEEP A shepherd and his flock are coming toward the spectator on a sandy road which passes through green meadows; flat distance with a limpid blue sky with stratus cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 16 inches; width, 18 inches. FREDERIC A. BRIDGMAN, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN ALGERIAN INTERIOR Two harem beauties in colorful array on a divan against a beau- tiful grill, fine rug under foot. Canvas. Signed and dated 1875 at the lower right. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. JASPER F. CROPSEY, N.A. AMERICAN, 1823-1900 LAKE GEORGE Limpid expanse with wooded bank at the left, where figures and a sail are seen; islets at the right and distant range of mountains; pale green and creamy grey sky, with the sun half-way up. Canvas. Signed and dated 1870 at the lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches. GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN, 1843-1905 THE ROSE Three-quarter length figure of brunette, standing, her right arm resting on a pediment; attired in pink and red garments; red curtain background. Panel. Signed with initials and dated 1873 at the lower left. Height, 12 inches; width, 91% inches. 8 36 39 M. R. DIXON AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY “GOOD NEWS, KITTY” A young woman in blue gown is playing with a kitten, a letter is lying on the stool at the right; interior background. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 28 inches; width, 18 wmches. SAMUEL COLMAN, N.A. AMERICAN, 1882-1920 SWISS SCENE Lake with town, mountains in the distance; creamy sky with touches of blue. Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 6 inches; width, 111% inches. EDWARD LAWSON HENRY, N.A. AMERICAN, 1841-1919 IN THE DAYS OF GRANDMOTHER A charming interior showing the old lady seated reading the newspaper, a view through the open door at the back giving a glimpse of the kitchen and the colored cook; hall clock, ship model, ete. in nice detail. Panel. Signed and dated 1865 at the lower left. Height, 8 inches; width, 7 inches. CARLTON WIGGINS, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE A peasant leading a donkey drawing a cart, fields in the distance; blue sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, 16 inches. NEAR WONONSCO LAKE, CONN. BY JAMES MACDOUGALL HART, N.A. [ NUMBER 40 ] JAMES MACDOUGALL HART, N.A. AMERICAN, 1828-1901 40 NEAR WONONSCO LAKE, CONN. A number of tan, brown and dun-colored cows are browsing about on a rich green meadow broken by a pond in the foreground; a fine tree group is at the back, and a vapory mist rises at the right middle distance, beyond which a hill furnishes a just line to an admirable composition. Effective blue sky with rolling cumulus cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 201% inches; width, 28 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 10 41 43 44: ATTRIBUTED TO THOMAS SULLY AMERICAN, 1783-1872 PORTRAIT OF A MAN Bust, wearing a soft hat, his arm resting on a pediment; grey background. Canvas. Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches. GEKORGE COCHRAN LAMBDIN, N.A. AMERICAN, 1880-1896 “ASK ME NO MORE” A mother seated is interrogating her pretty daughter standing at the window. Canvas. Signed and dated 1863 at the lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. WILLIAM VERPLANCK BIRNEY, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 1858-1909 THE YOUNG BOTANIST A boy is seated at a table poring over a book, specimens of flora spread out before him; light background. Cradled panel. Signed and dated 1885 at the wpper right. Height, 9 inches; width, 11 inches. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH, 1812-1876 PETS A blond boy is standing beside his collie dog, and a brown-haired gitl holds a parrot; wooded background. Canvas. Height, 121 inches; width, 91% inches. 11 46 A 48 ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER, N.A. AMERICAN, 1847-1917 THE LONE SCOUT An Arab in long flowing hood, red doublet and green breeches holds a long carabine as he rides a brown horse with flowing tail, coming at a trot toward the spectator on a sandy expanse. Sky of emerald and blue at the top merging into green and lemon to the horizon. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | DUTCH 19TH CENTURY VILLAGE SCENE A road with cottages and a figure, nice tree groups, pale silvery sky. Canvas. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. H. CARPENTIER FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY THE GRAPE ARBOR A woman is picking the ripe fruit, a dog at her side. Canvas. Signed and dated 1872 at the lower right. Height, 21 inches; width, 15 inches. PAUL MARIE LENOIR FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY EGYPTIAN WATER CARRIERS On a road beside curious stucco houses a woman is carrying her jug on her back, followed by others in the distance; pale blue sky. Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 2116 inches; width, 14 inches. THE LONE SCOUT BY ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER, N.A. [ NUMBER 45 ]} 49 C. MOZIN FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY THE CHATEAU AT LAUSANNE A viaduct passes beside a high cliff, which is crowned with the remains of a feudal stronghold, while a modern chateau is in the distance; blue and cloudy sky. Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. J. HARVEY YOUNG AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY OCTOBER MORNING IN BURGUNDY A pond with leafy banks and slender trees rising over a luminous creamy and pale green sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1878 at the lower right. Height, 3514 inches; width, 28 inches. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN, 1836-1892 EVENING IN GREENWICH Foreground of grassy spots broken by boulders and stubble; brushwood and tree groups at the right and left; misty distance, with a grey and golden hill at the horizon. Silvery sky, with light grey and ivory cloud effects. Canvas. Height, 13 inches; width, 18 inches. Label on back says: “No. 67 Evening in Greenwich, The Wyant Sale, Ortgies, Feb. 1894.” [SEE FRONTISPIECE | 14 J. HARVEY YOUNG AMERICAN, LOTH CENTURY SHEEP A shepherd is seen with his flock in a green meadow broken by rocks; tree groups at the right, hilly distance, blue and orange sky with the sun half-way up. Canvas. Signed and dated 1878 at the lower right. Height, 2116 inches; width, 31% inches. CARLTON WIGGINS, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN RABBIT SHOOTING A man is preparing to aim his gun as a rabbit scampers by in the foreground; expanse of fields divided by fences, houses in the distance, wooded masses in nice balance, grey and ivory sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1877 at the lower left. Height, 12 inches; width, 2014 inches. FREDERIC A. BRIDGMAN, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN THE CARAVAN A couple of wayfarers have met a cavalcade of camels in color- ful trappings slowly following a road in an oasis toward a range of mountains; blue sky with slight cloud effects. Canvas. Signed and dated 1876 at the lower left. Height, 15 inches; width, 241% inches. 15 LEON VICTOR DUPRE FRENCH, 1816-1879 LANDSCAPE Green meadow broken by a pool, with a slope covered with bushes at the right, cows and a woman in the foreground, tree masses at the left, reaching toward a grey hill at the horizon; effective sky of creamy and grey clouds with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed and dated 1877 at the lower left. Height, 15 inches; width, 26 inches. EDWIN H. BLASHFIELD, P.N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN THE MUSIC LESSON A young woman in classic attire is playing a lute (and a lyre is at her side) to the edification of three tots, one entirely nude, who are grouped at her feet with their pipes; a pool is in the foreground; fine marble interior with plants about, while two figures are seen farther back. Canvas. Signed and dated 1880 at the lower left. Height, 37 inches; width, 26 inches. GEORGE HENRY YEWELL, N.A. AMERICAN, 1830-1923 THE WEAVER A Roman girl is seen at three-quarter length, holding a distaff; landscape background with ruins. Canvas. Height, 274 inches; width, 201% inches. 16 DEPARTURE OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR FROM NORMANDY BY MONTAGUE FLAGG, N.A. [ NUMBER 58 ] MONTAGUE FLAGG, N.A. AMERICAN, 1842-1915 8 DEPARTURE OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR FROM NORMANDY A large number of women and children and some old men, all in colorful dress, are grouped about the rocky coast watching the departure of the fleet for the English coast. Abrupt cliffs in the distance, with an effective sky of grey and silver with touches of blue. Canvas. Height, 45 inches; width, 30 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] 1% 59 60 61 H. VAN SEBEN DUTCH, 19TH CENTURY WINTER SPORT A young mother is guiding a sled to the delight of the child occupant, while the boy is putting on his skates; ladies attended by a servant are stepping down on the ice at the right distance, where other figures are seen; skaters at left distance; pink and blue sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1874 at the lower right. Height, 82 inches; width, 26 inches. LOKHORST BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY COUNTRYSIDE A flock of sheep are grouped near the shepherd, ducks are at a pond on the left, other groups in the distance, nice tree masses and a cottage in the distance; blue sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Signed and dated 1872 at the lower left. Height, 1714 imches; width, 25 inches. E. VOLKERS GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY HUNGARIANS ON A JOURNEY A woman in national costume rides a fine bay mare, with its foal at the side, accompanied by three men; vast plain beyond, with a mountain chain at the horizon; grey-blue sky, with a burst of ivory light on the right. Canoas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 28 inches; width, 34 inches. 18 62 64 K. EK. FELIX MODERN EUROPEAN VENETIAN SCENE A palace and a tower at the left, with the island of San Giorgio in the distance; gondolas about; blue sky with cumulus cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 17 inches; width, 27 inches. CHARLES LIGNY FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY FARM SCENE Countryside with thatched cottages, cows and figures. Canvas. Signed and dated 1860 at the lower right. Height, 2114 inches; width, 801% inches. R. LIONEL DELISSER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN BAVARIAN SCENE An ox team is seen at the left near a group of quaint houses, geese at a pond on the right, a little girl nearby; flat distance; grey and silvery sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 23 inehes; width, 38 inches. H. SAVRY BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY IN THE PASTURE A couple of cows are lying in the foreground, the cow girl is sitting on the fence at the back, other animals are at the right, and several on the banks of a stream in the middle distance; blue hill at the horizon, creamy and grey cloud effects in a blue sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 36 inches. 19 66 68 ADOLPH ERNST GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY HIGH TIDE A pale green sea is rushing in toward the spectator, while a number of fishermen are bringing in nets from the boats nearby, whose sails are bemg furled; effective sky of grey, blue and creamy clouds. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 351 inches; width, 25 inches. J. HARVEY YOUNG AMERICAN, 1OTH CENTURY LANDSCAPE Green fields with flowers and a stream; a fine avenue of poplar trees in the distance, their crests lit up by the setting sun. Canvas. Signed and dated 1878 at the lower right. Height, 25 inches; width, 3144 inches. JAMES J. TISSOT CONTEMPORARY FRENCH MARGUERITE AT THE WELL The ill-fated maiden of Gocthe’s Faust sits on a bank looking plaintively at the spectator, attired in a charming tea-colored gown with black cape and hood; the well is at her right, and a road beyond leads towards a gate and wooded distance. Glimpses of grey sky through the distant foliage. Canvas. Signed and dated 1861 at the lower left. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 20 ee MARGUERITE AT THE WELL BY JAMES J. TISSOT [ NUMBER 68 ] 69 wy ~ 0 1 bo L. BAKALOWICZ POLISH, 19TH CENTURY THE LETTER A lady in cream bodice and blue satin skirt is seated writing with a quill pen; tapestry background. Cradled panel. Height, 3914 inches; width, 31 inches. C. DE HAGEMANN putcH, 19TH CENTURY GATHERING APPLES A farmer ploughing at the right, an orchard at the middle ground, and a shepherd with his flock at the left; hilly distance, light grey sky with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 26 inches; width, 36 inches. (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED C. C. GRISWOLD Landscape with lake, cottages and cows. Size, 18 x 80 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS BY McCORD Landscape. Size, 6144 x 14 inches. (2) (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED WALTER SHIRLAW Sheep and shepherd. Size, 20 x 80 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON ACADEMY BOARD, SIGNED E. MORAN Coast scene. Size, 10 x 14 inches. (2) 22 73 (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED GOUPIL The Letter. Size, 86 x 29 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON PAPER, SIGNED DUVICHY Venetian scene. Size, 5 x 914 inches. (2) (a) OIL PAINTING ON PANEL, SIGNED ERDMAN Portrait of a girl. Size, oval, 9 x 8 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED CARDON Soldiers in an inn. Size, 27 x 83 inches. (2) ALEXANDER WUST, A.N.A. AMERICAN, (?)-1876 LANDSCAPE A stream is rushing toward the spectator over rocks and drift- wood, banks crowned with fir trees, grey hill in the distance, blue sky with clouds. Canvas. Signed and dated 1873 at the lower left. Height, 3014 inches; width, 54 inches. 23 SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER FIFTEENTH, AT 8:15 SECOND SESSION NuMBERS 76-152 76 (a) WATER COLOR, SIGNED B. MUHLIG 78 The Lawyer. Size, 5 x 416 inches. (b) RETOUCHED PRINT Interior of a Cathedral. Size, 2216 x 18 inches. (c) LITHOGRAPH AFTER H. CALMELET Landscape. Size, 514 x 9 inches. (38) (a) WATER COLOR, SIGNED M. R. DIXON Harbour scene. Size, 816 x 1144 inches. (b) WATER COLOR, SIGNED J. CHAUDDIN Italian scene. Size, 614 x 9 inches. (c) GOUACHE, SIGNED BOHN Cattle and figures. Size, 1814 x 22 inches. (3) (a) GOUACHE, SIGNED DORE The Storm. Size, 914 x 71% inches. (b) WATER COLOR, SIGNED TIUDINANDUS The Ambush. Size, 11 x 19 inches. (2) 25 79 80 81 83 (a) WATER COLOR, SIGNED A. CONSTANTIN The Old Tower. Size, 10 x 714 inches. (b) WATER COLOR, SIGNED P. MARTIN Panoramic Landscape. Size, 28 x 42 inches. (2) (a) WATER COLOR, SIGNED TOPHAM Girl spinning. Size, 814 x 914 inches. (6) WATER COLOR, UNKNOWN Lake with Mountains. Size, 10 x 1516 inches. (2) (a) WATER COLOR, SIGNED H. DEARBORN GARDINER On the Darro, Granada. Size, 19 x 12 inches. (6) WATER COLOR, SIGNED BOULANGUE Flower Girls. Size, 1716 x 14146 inches. (2) (a) WATER COLOR, SIGNED EPISY Canal scene. . Size, 714 x 11 inches. (b) GOUACHE, SIGNED ILLEGIBLY Washing at a river. Size, 1214 x 914 inches. (2) (a) TWO WATER COLORS, SIGNED FRANTZ Seaports. Size, 4 x 6 and 91% x 8 inches. (b) WATER COLOR, UNKNOWN Swiss scene. Size, 914 x 8 inches. (3) 84 88 (a) WATER COLOR, SIGNED J. G. VIBERT Two soldiers. Size, 6 x 8 inches. (b) CHARCOAL DRAWING, UNKNOWN Just Awake. Size, 1014 x 814 inches. (2) (a) WATER COLOR, SIGNED J. SIMMONS The Brunette. Size, 12 x 9 inches. (b) PEN AND INK DRAWING, SIGNED J. G. VIBERT A Woman reading. Size, 714 x 10 inches. (2) PAIR OF WATER COLORS, SIGNED PAUL MARNY French village scenes. Size of each, 111% x 9 inches. (2) (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED JANSSENS Fruit and flowers. Size, 1814 x 16 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON ACADEMY BOARD, SIGNED BONSELL Cupid. Size, 5 x 4 inches. (2) (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED P. P. RYDER Head of a girl at profile. Size, 12 x 10 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON PANEL, SIGNED VAN CREYLEN Sheep. Size, 6144 x 914 inches. (2) 27 89 90 Oil 93 (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED R. W. H. (HUBBARD) Landscape. Size, 12 x 914 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING McCORD Sunset landscape. Size, 6 x 14 inches. (2) ON CANVAS, ATTRIBUTED TO ON (a) OIL PAINTING ACADEMY BOARD, HUDSON RIVER SCHOOL Landscape with cows. Size, 6 x 10 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING Landscape with figures. Size, 16 x 18 inches. (2) ON CANVAS, BY HUBBARD (a) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED YOUNG Gathering faggots. Size, 7 x 12 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS, SIGNED WUST Landscape with figures. Size, 18 x 11 inches. (2) (a) OIL PAINTING ON PANEL, BY PERLMAN Little girl with pond lies. Size, 814 x 6 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING (RICHARDS) The rustic bridge. Size, 914 x 141 inches. (2) ON CANVAS, SIGNED W. T. R. (a) ODL PAINTING ON PANEL, SIGNED WARREN The houseboat. Size, 6 x 9 inches. (b) OIL PAINTING Cliffs. Size, 9 x 1244 inches. ON PANEL, SIGNED ZIEM (2) 28 94 96 AMERICAN 197TH CENTURY LOW TIDE A fishing port with many boats, some of which are beached; figures about. Canvas. Height, 10 inches; width, 16 inches. ARTHUR QUARTLEY, N.A. AMERICAN, 1839-1886 FRESHWATER GATE, ISLE OF WIGHT A natural arch is at the left, where a boat and figures are seen; sails in the offing, limpid blue and creamy sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 8 inches; width, 10 inches. AARON D. SHATTUCK AMERICAN, 1832-(?) AUTUMN SCENE ALONG THE HUDSON A slope with colorful trees, sheep and shepherd in the foreground, which descends toward the river at the left; pale blue sky with creamy and grey cloud effects. Canvas. Signed and dated 1863 at the lower right. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. GEORGE INNESS, N. A. AMERICAN, 1825-1894 LANDSCAPE Wooded nook, with a creek and boulders in the foreground. Canvas. Signed and dated 1860 at the lower left. Height, 814 inches; width, 10 inches. 29 99 100 ALFRED THOMSON BRICHER, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 1838-1908 ON THE MILL STREAM A couple of figures are seen on the bank at the left; rich foliage in nice masses; creamy cloud effects with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed and dated 1871 at the lower left. Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches. ° & WILLIAM J. HENNESSEY, N.A. AMERICAN, 1839-1900 GATHERING PEARS A peasant girl is on a ladder gathering the ripe fruit, which is growing vine-like on a trellised wall; thatched barn at the left; blue sky with streaks of creamy grey. Canvas. Signed qnd dated 1876 at the lower right. Height, 20 inches; width, 18 inches. JASPER F. CROPSEY, N.A. AMERICAN, 1823-1900 ITALIAN SUNSET Charming vista with a temple at the right, water at the centre and a big statue in light relief from the foliage; figures about. Canvas. Signed and dated 1856 at the lower right. Height, 714 imches; width, 12 inches. CARLTON WIGGINS, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SHEEP Sloping ground, with a number of sheep moving about among shrubs and bushes; silvery sky. Panel. Signed and dated 1885 at the lower left. Height, 15 inches; width, 18 inches. 30 102 108 104 DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN, 1827-1908 LANDSCAPE A lake with boulders on the right bank, hilly at the opposite shore, mountains in the distance; luminous creamy and grey sky with touches of blue. Canvas. Signed with monogram and dated 1867 at the lower right. Height, 81% inches ; width, 12 inches. SAMUEL COLMAN, N.A. AMERICAN, 1882-1920 LANDSCAPE Grassy field with a strip of blue water, rocky projections, blue sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 8 inches; width, 17 inches. CHARLES H. MILLER, N.A. AMERICAN, (?)-1922 NEAR CREEDMOOR, LONG ISLAND A road leading from the spectator toward the distance, where cows and a figure are seen; a fence and a mass of trees at the left; silhouette of town with church spire at the horizon; creamy and grey sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 914 inches; width, 2114 inches. 31 WILLIAM MAGRATH, N.A. AMERICAN, 1838-1918 105 A COUNTRY ROAD IN IRELAND A couple of fisherwomen, a cart and two huntsmen in the fore- ground, hilly landscape, with grey and creamy sky. Academy board. Signed and dated 1869 at the lower left. Height, 8 inches; width, 10 inches. CHARLOTTE BUELL COMAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 18383-1924 106 COUNTRY RETREAT A path flanked by fine trees at the right, a lake at the left with a boat and houses on the banks; blue sky with creamy clouds. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 12 inches; width, 19 inches. REGIS FRANCOIS GIGNOUX, N.A. AMERICAN, 1816-1882 107 WINTER LANDSCAPE With a pond, cottages and figures; blue and creamy sky. Canvas. Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches. ALEXANDRE MARIE GUILLEMIN FRENCH, 1815-1880 108 AMUSING BABY A young mother holds her child standing on her knee as a maid tempts the little one with a couple of cherries; simple interior. Panel. Height, 181% inches; width, 15 inches. 32 109 110 Wil 1 ALBOY REBOVET BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY PERPLEXED A lady in red and creamy satin house gown hesitates about burn- ing a note in the grate fire; rich interior. Canvas. Signed and dated 1872 at the lower left. Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. ERNEST JEAN AUBERT FRENCH, 1824-1906 THE BLACK FAN A lady is seen at half figure facing the right, attired in white lawn evening costume and holding a fan; foliage background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1881 at the lower left. Height, 17 inches; width, 1444 inches. P. SERATRICE ITALIAN, 19TH CENTURY THE SIESTA A couple of soldiers in Louis XIII costume are at their ease in the barrack room; one is half asleep on a couch as he holds his pipe and a glass, and the other is reciting from a leaflet; nice bits of still life about. Panel. Signed and dated 1871 at the lower right. Height, 14 inches; width, 181% inches. H. EK. REYNTJENS putrcH, 19TH CENTURY THE GAME OF CHESS A company of ladies and gentlemen are about in a fine interior ; two of them are seated, absorbed in the game. Panel. Signed at the lower right. Height, 11°inches; width, 15 inches. 33 118 114 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH, 1796-1875 VILLE D’AVRAY . A road passes from the right to the left, then over a bridge to the middle distance, where a row of houses stand in light relief from a green hill. A stream is at the left, and a dense mass of foliage gives weight to the composition in the foreground at the right; blue sky with vapory cirrus clouds at the top and ivory tinted stratus effects, closes the horizon. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 26 inches; width, 32 inches. An old catalogue description on the back says: ‘“ from the d’Ennery Collection . . . to the right is the garden of Corot, on which spot the French Government has erected the statue to his memory.” [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PIERRE PATEL FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY PORT SCENE With boats, houses and ruins. Canvas. Signed and dated 1694 at the left. Height, 14 inches; width, 1814 inches. 34 VILLE D AVRAY BY JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT | NUMBER 113 } CAGIaBIER: BY EMIL VAN MARCKE { NUMBER 115 } EMIL VAN MARCKE FRENCH, 1827-1890 ss CANITIMLIS, A shallow stream zigzags through a wide meadow, while two cows wade in the foreground and others are spread over the middle ground and distance in a sunlit patch; fine tree groups about; grey and creamy sky with patches of blue. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 23 inches; width, 36 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 36 Bat ] THE DELIVERANCE OF ST. PETER SCHOOL OF REMBRANDT, I7TH CENTURY | NUMBER 116 } SCHOOL OF REMBRANDT puTCH, 17TH CENTURY 116 DELIVERANCE OF SAINT PETER An angel is leading the Saint from a corner in the prison where the other prisoners and the centurions are grouped about on straw; stone column and an arch at the back; bright light at the left. Panel. Circular, 16 inches in diameter. [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | 37 118 119 120 T. LOBRICHON BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY HUNGRY A pretty little girl looks smilingly at the spectator as, seated on a chair beside the house, she holds a piece of bread well covered with jam. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 22 inches; width, 13 inches. C. BLOH EUROPEAN, 19TH CENTURY THE FLOWER GIRL Half length of a pretty maiden offering the spectator a nosegay from her apron full of flowers. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Oval. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. VICTOR LAGYE FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY A LADY OF THE MIDDLE AGES In charming costume, she is seen taking a pink from a choice bouquet in a vase at the left; fine interior. Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 28 inches; width, 171% inches. FRANCOIS PORTIELJE BELGIAN, 1818-1895 THE GYPSY GIRL In fancy attire, a red turban with bangles and gilt embroidered jacket over a white garment, wearing earrings and necklace; interior background. Panel. Signed at the upper right. Height, 23 inches; width, 19 inches. 38 VENETIAN LATE 16TH CENTURY 121 SUSANNA AND THE ELDERS The chaste maiden partly draped is seen on the right, while the two elders in red garments are leaning over a parapet to her great dismay ; architectural setting. Canvas. Height, 20 inches; width, 34 imches. DUTCH 17TH CENTURY 122 STILL LIFE A bronze vase with a variety of flowers, dark background. Canvas. Height, 21 inches; width, 31 inches. OTTO MARCELLUS VAN SCHRIECK putcH, 1613-1673 123 MORNING GLORIES A tree trunk overgrown with a vine in flower, butterflies about. Canvas. Height, 3414 inches; width, 241% inches. SIGALON VENETIAN, 18TH CENTURY 124 THE COURT JESTER Bust of a man to the front, eyes directed toward the right, at- tired in a red, brown and black uniform, holding a glass of wine; interior background, showing a grated window at the right. Canoas. Height, 26 inches; width, 23 inches. Kew 39 WILLIAM L. SONNTAG, N.A. AMERICAN, 1822-1900 NEAR LANCASTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE A limpid lake whereon a boat is seen, steep hills well wooded on the right, misty distance; pink and lemon tinted sky, with the sun half-way down. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 14 inches; width, 22 inches. JAMES MACDOUGALL HART, N.A. AMERICAN, 1828-1901 LANDSCAPE WITH COWS A couple are cropping the succulent grass in the foreground where a number of chickens are also about, a hedge and group of trees are at the left, and a bit of white cottage shows through the foliage at the right distance; blue and grey flaky sky. Canvas. Height, 151% inches; width, 23 inches. WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGH, N.A. AMERICAN, 1820-1910 LANDSCAPE Interior of a wood with a pond. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 151% inches; width, 2314 inches. CARLTON WIGGINS, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN AMONG THE DUNES AT AMAGANSETT A shepherd is following his flock along a narrow road flanked by tall grasses, a slope is at the left and a strip of deep blue sea is seen at the horizon; blue sky, with grey and creamy cloud effects. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. 40 130 131 132 DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN, 1827-1908 MT. LAFAYETTE N. H. FROM FRANCONIA A valley with a stream, habitations and tree groups; a chain of mountains at the horizon; luminous sky with slight cloud effect. Canvas. Signed with monogram and dated 1871 at the lower right. Height, 15 inches; width, 26 inches. WILLIAM HART, N.A. AMERICAN, 1823-1904 LANDSCAPE A shallow body of water reflects the fine tree groups on its banks, while a number of cows are seen near the left foreground ; hazy distance; bright sunset sky, with the sun near the horizon. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 17 inches. HARRY CHASE, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 1853-1889 THROUGH THE MEADOW A wide stream has overflowed its banks, a man is in a boat in the foreground, steam trawler and schooner farther out and a bridge at the left distance; town at opposite bank, low pitched horizon, effective pale blue sky, with grey and creamy cloud effect. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 16 inches; width, 30 inches. JAMES RENWICK BREVOORT, A.N.A. AMERICAN, 1882-1918 COUNTRYSIDE Flat expanse with a pond and cows, nice tree groups, blue sky with slight cloud effect. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 141 inches; width, 2716 inches. 41 188 134 135 J. HARVEY YOUNG AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY WESTERN LANDSCAPE A couple of wigwams are seen beside a group of trees in the fore- ground; distant mountains at the right, blue sky with grey cloud, and warm streaks at the horizon. Canvas. Signed and dated 1871 at the lower right. Height, 28 imches; width, 88 inches. J. HARVEY YOUNG AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY CROSSING ARIZONA A cavaleade of covered wagons drawn by oxen with a scout on a western pony are in the foreground; sparse vegetation, moun- tains in the distance. Academy board. Signed at the lower right. Height, 2714 inches; width, 89 inches. JASPER HOLMAN LAWMAN AMERICAN, 1825-1906 OLD TOWN LIFE Interesting view of a suburban settlement with its tenement houses, showing the pigs in the street, the milk wagon, and the church spire in the distance; grey, creamy and pink sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1868 at the lower left. Height, 21 inches; width, 87 inches. 136 CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE BY ADRIAEN HENDRIKSZ VERBOOM | NUMBER 136 ] ADRIAEN HENDRIKSZ VERBOOM putcH, 1628-1670 CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE Extended view with overgrown ruins of an old castle at the left, a bridge over a stream at the centre and graceful trees rising to the top of the composition at the right; brown slopes and rocks in the foreground and a hill at the horizon. Blue and orange sky with cloud effects. Canvas. Signed and dated 1657 at the lower right. Height, 45 inches; width, 58 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 43 138 139 FERDINAND PILOTY GERMAN, 191TH CENTURY “APRES VOUS, MONSIEUR” Four gentlemen in late Eighteenth Century costumes are hesitat- ing to enter a doorway hung with rich red curtains, as the ques- tion of precedence is somewhat hazy, while a fifth seated at the right is visibly amused; charming interior, with fine marble mantelpiece. Canvas. Signed and dated 1875 at the lower right. Height, 34 inches; width, 25 inches. C. L. VERWEE BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY THE TOILET A lady in purple house gown looks into a mirror, a black poodle is at her right; charming interior. Panel. Signed at the lower right. Height, 31 inches; width, 24 inches. DE LA HOESE BELGIAN, 19TH CENTURY IN THE CONSERVATORY Two ladies in cardinal-red and deep wine-colored gowns are ad- miring the roses and other flowers. Panel. Signed at the bottom. Height, 291% inches; width, 171% inches. AA, ALBERT NEUHUYS putTcH, 1844-1914 140 PREPARING FOR THE BALL A lady is at her toilet, her pet spaniel at her side; fine interior. Panel. Signed at the lower right. Height, 2914 inches; width, 2114 inches. ALEXANDER WUST, A.N.A. AMERICAN, (?)-1876 141 SHOOTING THE RAPIDS An Indian in decorated canoe is coming down a rushing stream; wooded bank with boulders; silver sky with grey clouds. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 31 inches; width, 55 inches. F. H. KAEMMERER puTcH, 1839-1892 142 THE OFFERING A nude young girl standing on a cushion is decorating a couple of bronze deities with orange blossoms; Pompeian interior. Canvas. Height, 4314 inches; width, 23 inches. J. HARVEY YOUNG AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY 143° HALT IN THE DESERT A number of oxen have been unyoked and are scen in the fore- ground, while the wagon is toward the right, and the Pioneers are preparing a camp; a small stream is nearby, and a range of mountains in the distance. Academy board. Height, 21 inches; width, 33 inches. 45 144 SCENE ON THE NILE BY FREDERIC A. BRIDGMAN, N.A. {| NUMBER 144 ] FREDERIC A. BRIDGMAN, N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SCENE ON THE NILE A number of dusky-skinned women are seen about a pond with their water jugs, the river is at the middle distance with its quaint sailing boats, houses are among the palms and tree groups at the left, and a buffalo and figures on the right; pink-tinted mountain range at the horizon, with an orange and pale emerald sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1876 at the lower left. Height, 44 inches; width, 62 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 46 146 148 L. BAKALOWICZ POLISH, 19TH CENTURY THE MANDOLIN A lady in pink satin dress standing as she strums her instrument ; rich interior. Panel. Signed at the lower left. Height, 389 inches; width, 251 inches. GIOVANNI ROTA ITALIAN, 19TH CENTURY THE ROSEBUD Three-quarter length of a pretty blond young woman, seated facing the right, as she holds a flower taken from a vase on a console table; brown brocade background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1872 at the right. Height, 36 inches ; width, 274% inches. A. COUNTAT FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY SWEET IDLENESS A dark-eyed peasant girl in white and blue with flowered apron lies on the grass as she greets the spectator with wondrous eyes ; sloping meadow with masses of foliage; glimpse of creamy sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1886 at the lower right. Height, 23 inches; width, 401% inches. INGOMAR FRANKEL FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY THE PROPOSAL A young woman in fancy costume is seated, her expression de- noting satisfaction at the presence of a young man who appears from behind a curtain on the left; fruit on a table at the right, other guests in the ball room at the back, architectural back- ground, blue sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1869 at the lower left. Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches. ANT PRIMITIVE AGRICULTURE IN EGYPT BY G. GUILLAMET | NUMBER 149 ] G. GUILLAMET FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY 149 PRIMITIVE AGRICULTURE IN EGYPT A fellah is hitching his white horse to a plow at the right, a furrowed expanse and a pond are at the left, while a laborer with a team of oxen is seen in the distance, beyond which houses and figures strike the eye. A range of mountains at the horizon ; opalescent sky of grey, pink and pale emerald, with effective cloud masses. Canvas. Signed and dated 1869 at the lower left. Height, 46 inches; width, 65 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 48 150 A. DE PINELLI ITALIAN, 19TH CENTURY THE DOGE AND THE GLASS WORKS In a high vaulted interior the ruler of Venice and his following are interested in the making of glass. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 51 inches; width, 34 inches. A. RIEDEL GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY THE INDIAN PRINCESS A pretty type, nude to the waist, her black hair decorated with flowers, stands among a thicket of ferns, while two deer are at her side. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Height, 64 inches; width, 37 inches. GUSTAVE BOULANGER FRENCH, 1824-1888 HERCULES AND OMPHALE The strong man seated on the steps of a throne, a pink drapery partly enveloping his brown body, submits to the Queen of Lydia, who holds his head down as she handles the distaff and he the shuttle; she wears his lion skin and white drapery; marble column at the back. Canvas. Signed and dated 1861 at the lower right. Height, 98 inches; width, 67 inches. 49, This catalogue designed by The Anderson Galleries Composition and press-work by Publishers Printing Company, New York TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE BOOK & ART CATALOGUES OF THE ANDERSON GALLERIES FOR THE SEASON @_ We shall be glad to send you our art and literary catalogues for the season if you will remit six dollars. If you do not care to sub- scribe to all of them, we can forward either art or literary catalogues for three dollars. @ The high cost of producing and distributing our catalogues compels us to make this nominal charge, but to those of our subscribers whose purchases amount to two hundred dollars or more during the season, the subscription price will be refunded or catalogues for the following season sent free of charge. @_ To subscribers to art or literary catalogues whose purchases amount to one hundred dollars year for the ensuing season. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES {MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] : 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH ST., NEW YORK or more, the same conditions apply. Q @_ Subscriptions are payable in October of each : | Be Te Re ee Ren Be ee ee ee ee eK