reaver jeisdpe gases epes a stpe sic ipa Ba eas L Eien) tadradusoqin cee Bi : figs wey, PP anne TH + epee ueity Ae nigel i sb "4 “pnt aly Sic kae HLL ware hia ot see. ti ty Meh) p54 ent ' vhs ‘tale pik tereetp ty ibe WAN ce eghen Haun sHeuau sy a wecte 244 vcAi9 G.sat alle op eipeipemets hepsi y 4 VIA al peak} OTe aa ahve ie Feu Nan citam tps ayaeat, Aiba ies » a his PAE ROW AIM oR Mad of be aed 1 pt ok Reto gali nyt 4 Uo sh + sravedagawte Pa) itt Aras a4 a ane pac sy. Riha aae einsae aie ase hel 4) Hoe on thve nibs He Rabat: f i eh ie Nts an) Aye eg) M st peat ea ‘, itd ie Liebe ia ae Kaan be Ups eo su Bab asia peer Veet, i, Nahe ash ie whe AiG tpt oe Dat aL vi) Arion \ iad ik Be #) ed ay Hak Gah af Xx XVIILXIX CENTURY PAINTINGS Chiehy a the e English and cAmerican Schools THE GOLLECTION OF THE PeerROLL GALLERY - «LTD. 12 BLOOR STREET » TORONTO * CANADA ; a nee 10 GEORGE STREET * LONDON * ENGLAND Ee _ Gogether With Examples Grom Other “Private Sources _ ON FREE EXHIBITION FROM APRIL 4 by UNTIL TIME OF SALE ~ WEEKDAYS _ FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. » SUNDAY FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE peer 8; AT. 8:15. PM. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE 2 4 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION ‘Inc. ‘Ghe AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. “Designs its Catalogues and ‘Directs “All “Details of Illustration, ext and Gypography @ a BE VRSRRHU. ae mad bap _—. aon ei a ° a4 aes tL OTORSe aso iVedeud. English - European and American Paintings: Collection of the CARROLL GALLERY, Toronto & London, at American Art Galleries, Sold April 8, 1925. Buyer G.Gustavus Dr. Muller Dr.M.Halm Metropolitan " E.R.Gee Metropolitan n W.W.Seaman,agt. n n tt tt Metropolitan G.Gustavus J.J.Campbell W.W.Seaman,agt. " Mr.Haas R.Glendenning Metropolitan A.J.Sequeira J.J.Campbell W.W.Seaman, agt. Metropolitan Mr .Haas W.W:Seaman,agt. F.Buscher Metropolitan A.J-Sequeira Mr.Haas A.du Vannes E.Metzgar O.W. Swift Metropolitan F.Buscher G.Gustavus Metropolitan Clapp & Graham W.W.Seaman, agt. W A.M.Henny L.M.Walton E.W.McMahon No. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. oi. 52. 535. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 65. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. T2- 73. 74. 75. 76. Price $ 300. 500 80. 240. 130. 60. 55. 230. 470. 130. 100. 210. 70. pele 500. B00. 375. 1,850. 90. 55. 35. 250. 200. 40. 150. 410. 100. 200. 140. 110. 150. 60. 310. 330. 95. 160. 80. 140. 700. 145. 130. 120. 610. 110. Buyer E.Walter " A.M.Henny Metropolitan " Mr .Haas G.Gustavus Clapp & Graham W.H.Williams Metropolitan A.M.Henney Metropolitan W.F. Laporte L.Rissi Metropolitan A.Rudert.agt. E.Walter W.W. Seaman, agt E.Walter Metropolitan &4.M. Henny JeLEvy Metropolitan A.M.Henny Metropolitan Scott & Fowles Ai Dr.M.Hasig@i hn S.H. Ainslie E.W,McMahon Metropolitan R.Glendenning Metropolitan N.M.Vose J.Levy Metropolitan W.S.McCall A.M.Henny A.J.Sequeria Metropolitan J -Levy W.W.Seaman,agt. Metropolitan " ” ‘eo a a FOREWORD CHANGE in the directorate of the well-known Carroll Gallery, Ltd., of Toronto, and George Street. Hanover Square, London, has impelled the Canadian branch of the firm to proceed to the realization of a part of their collection of paintings; which are con- | sequently offered at free sale, together with a number of other canvases sold to close various. private estates. Of the Carroll Collection, pan-national in character, a few | examples may be selected for notice. A Gainsborough, the portrait of _ Admiral Vernon, one of a trio known to have been painted by him and one of which is in the National Portrait Gallery, London, came _ authentically from the family of the Admiral himself, to that of the _ Dashwoods of Ipswich, and was disposed of at the sale of their heir- looms in 1914 to the famous British expert, Sir Hugh Lane; while the | Lely canvas of Sir John K elyng, from Tehidy Park, Camborne, Corn- _ wall, has been in the possession of the resident family long enough to have received mention in the topographical works of a hundred and _ twenty years ago. The interesting George Romney, depicting Edward * Wortley Montagu, the son of the famous Lady Mary, in Eastern dress, is distinguished by one of Robert’s scholarly brochures; | the names of Nathaniel Hone, Morland and R. S. Lauder forming the middle part of a series which includes the English moderns, Brangwyn, Lavery, Dorothea Sharpe and others. Artz, Van Essen, and Willem Maris represent the nineteenth century Dutch school, headed by the great Josef Israels’ Maria of Utrecht Learning the Sentence of Oldenbarneveld, illustrated in Dr. Max Eisler’s book, Josef Israels, pl. IV, and formerly owned in Amsterdam. Of the pictures from other sources the most noteworthy 1s prob- ably the Sir Thomas Lawrence portrait from the Clement Griscom sale of 1914; but the American paintings may claim attention with two examples by Inness and a finely atmospheric Bogart, among a group of familar names. w CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. _iiI. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each ist shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a eard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the : Dp purchase prices aS may be required. - I’ the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not _paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser. and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- ehasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. , XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given. but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the ASso- ciation, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. : ; Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES anp STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS cA ppRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its serv- ice of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such cata- logues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. ' The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private in- dividuals for whom the Association has made ap- praisements which have not only been entirely satis- factory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. he AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 571m STREET NEW YORK CITY EVENING SALE Bee eONESDAY, APRIL 8, 1925, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 89 inclusive , = ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS ; 4, Frencu: 1803—1860 a as. (Water Color) Height, ‘74 inches; length, 111% inches In a dusky cottage room, deserted but for himself, a man who was weary of life lies on a couch, a suicide—an old-fashioned long-barreled pistol on the floor telling the tale of his ending. Signed at the lower right, Decamps. BPurchased from Wallis and Son, of London, 1901. To be sold to close an Estate. AVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER (Arrrisvtep To) ; ZY, FiLemisH: 1610—1690 "Z—LANDSCAPE WITH PEASANTS ) So (Panel) Height, 61% inches; length, 81 inches THE country road passes first by a gabled farmhouse; before which are two peasants gossiping, a third on his way home with a bundle of kindling wood and in the doorway at the extreme right a woman and her child. Sold by order of the Carrott Gauuery, Limirep. JOSE TAPIRO LY . Map NINETEENTH CENTURY 3—TWO FIGURES | SO (Panel) | Height, 614 inches; length, 11 inches J Two dark skinned men of the East, one in brilliant colors seated on — an Oriental rug, the other seated and looking at him; in the back- — ground a wall and a garden. : Signed at lower right, Tartro. From the Robert Hoe sale. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ADOLPHE MONTICELLI - | FRENCH: 1824—1886 i { E | 4—THE CAVALIER US, (Panel) Height, 101% inches; width, 414 inches A Cavauier in black velvet costume, mounted on a white horse, ap- proaching on a road at the edge of a forest. Signed at the lower left. From the Catholina Lambert Sale, 1916. T’o be sold to close an Estate. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. MERICAN: 1853—1921 5—FIELD IN4SAUTUMN Height, 10 inches; width, 734 inches f yf (Water Color) ___ A Frexp of stones and bracken with a boundary fence running athwart __ the picture, with half denuded trees shaking whip-like branches into a slate-colored sky, lightening progressively near the horizon. Signed at lower left, J. F. Murpuy. Property of a Private Collector. GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, R.A. @ y, AMERICAN : 1833-—1905 6—THE /MEET Oo 0 Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches A “souTHERLY wind and a cloudy sky” at about half-past six on an autumn morning; at the white lodge before the clump of firs in the middle distance, hounds are met, a small pack, with the officials of the hunt and a few early arrivals in “ratcatchers” in a straggly group along the road. Signed with initials at lower right. Collection of Sir Bruce Maawell-Seton, Bart. Sold by order of the Carroti Gavirry, Limirep. FRANCIS POURBUS THE ELDER rd { ; Friemisu: 1545—1581 (—PORTRAITS OF THE DUKES AND CARDINALS DE GUISE BAR g ° (Panel) Height, 71% inches; length, 10% inches In a formal interior, framed above by an olive-green drapery, are the four Guises: Francis, the second Duke, Charles, the second Cardinal of Lorraine, Henry, son of Francis, and his brother the Cardinal Louis ; the two cardinals are seated at the left, the dukes, in slashed and puffed doublet and trunks, with black cloaks, standing menacingly at the right of the picture. National Exhibition of Works of Art, Leeds, 1868. Collection of Ralph Brocklebank, Esq., Haughton Hall, Cheshire, England. Sold by order of the Carrotu Gauuery, Linrrep. .* Bye ¥ : 3 , ‘i | a/ S08 ; Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches e In the foreground a meadow of lush grass beside a stream crossed by £ the single arch of a stone bridge at the left, next which is a tall spread- Ei ing tree; the background is a dense mass of woodland. } ; | t _ Signed at lower left with initials, J. F. M. a ee F = Property of a Private Collector. SUGUSTIN THEODULE RIBOT Frencuo: 1823—1891 9— THE COOK : ) J fi Height, 11 inches; width, 814 inches Harmony softly melodious—a motive in rich browns, olive and gray. The whole surroundings are dark, with a subdued light from above on the right falling upon the gray-white cap and coat of a hardy peasant who is seated beside a dark brown basket of green vegetables. Signed at the lower right, T. Risot, 1853. Purchased from the late Daniel Cottier. From the I. T. Williams Collection, 1915. To be sold to close an Estate. WASHINGTON ALLSTON ember, National Academy of Design, elected in 1827. UE Wrwrtones OSES AND THE SE NT O . Height, 15 wighes; length, 18 mches Mosrs draws back from the serpent which has arisen from his rod, and at either hand figures garbed in soft and rich colors shrink in fear. From the Collection of Richard Norton, son of the late Charles Eliot Norton. | To be sold to close an Estate. (Companion to following) WASHINGTON ALLSTON Honorary Member, National Academy of Design, elected in 1827. Mu , k ry, 1779—1843 11—DAVID PLAYING BEFORE SAUL f O ° Height, 15 wmches; length, 18 inches Tue young David, a blue tunic dropped from one shoulder, picks the strings of his harp, while Saul leans towards him and the other figures about in admiration and amaze. From the Collection of Richard Norton, son of the late Charles Eliot Norton. T'o be sold to close an Estate. (Companion to preceding) NATHANIEL HONE, R.A. 417—1784 ENGLISH: 12—PORTRAIT OF THE 4RTIST’S SON E. = Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches {12 an oval appears the head and shoulders of a pale-faced youth of about t fifteen, facing the observer. The eyes are large and brown, Lose coarse and the lips full and somewhat mean; the brown hair (Companion to following) a A RE =” NATHANIEL HONE, R.A. eh EncusH: 1717—1784 rad ov 7] 13—PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST'S DAUGHTER 60 p. Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches et Tu girl is dressed in a rose-pink costume with a Vandyked collar. | he oval face is framed by thick jet-black hair, which imparts to it t a + startling pallor; but the features are finer and more sympathetic han those of the boy, the eyes in particular being quite remarkable. . . Sold by order of the Carroti Gatiery, Limiren. 5 (Companion to preceding) JOHN J. ENNEKINS 14—EVENI sek ast GLOW gE ; Height, 101% inches; length, 14 inches Tue straggling forms of trees in winter, massed at the left like a tangled black lace before a garish sunset sky filled with orange and _ yellow. Signed at lower right, ENNExtns, 796. Property of a Private Collector. . BYZANTINE SCHOOL XVII CEentTuRY 15—GARVED WOOD TABERNACLE Z O : Height, 8°4 inches; width, 6 inches Tue right wing (outside): THe Maponna anp Cuitp. The Virgin is in her traditional robes, ornamented with floriated designs; the infant — in parti-colored dress and fully draped. ‘The inscriptions, in post- classical Greek characters, ““Mother of God” and “Jesus Christ”; the right wing (inside), St. Jerome in THE Desert. The left wing (out- side); Sr. JoHnN THE Baptist; the left wing (inside), Sr. Francis RECEIVING THE StTicmMaAtTa; the centre panel, CuristT In THE Toms. This is evidently an archaistic Byzantine XVIIth century work, based upon a limited knowledge of Italian pre-renaissance art and yet con- forming with the ecclesiastical traditions of Byzantine formalism. Formerly in the possesston of Imbert, in Rome (No. 2053). From the Ferdinand Hermann Collection, 1918. To be sold to close an Estate. Frencu: 1807—1876 16—THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT lp NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA 4 £ | j 4 b ; Height, 12 inches; width, 914 inches | “Iw the fading sunset glow two figures are faintly illuminated in the _ foreground, a young woman seated sidewise on an ass and facing the Le spectator, and a man standing on the ground beyond her and looking ie up at her, his head seen across the neck of the ass, which is drinking 1 eat a low fountain. Distant buildings are indicated in the valley, and others on a high hill at the right. ; i, - Signed at the lower right, N. Diaz. * ae Height, 12 inches; length, 14 inches Aw admirable composition of masses; receding diagonally from the left foreground we have successively: the seated bulk of an old ram, a lamb feeding from the dugs of a standing ewe, a third sheep grazing | with its head turned away from the whole, and the spreading russet branches of an oak, first of a line of trees fringing the field. The sky, bright above the pasture, is threateningly gloomy over the distant | hedges. Sold by order of the Carroit Gatiery, Limirep. EASTMAN JOHNSON : AMERICAN : 24—1906 TOMB OF WASH 18—_THE / 5. Height, 121% inches; length, 201% imches of On the left, in the shadow of large trees, stands a large circular mauso- leum on a high plinth, with a short flight of steps leading to the plat- rf form. In the gloom of the shadow near the steps of the mausoleum are seen the figures of two women, one dressed in black, one wearing a red — shawl over her shoulders, and between them a small child dressed in — white. Signed at the lower right, E. J., 1858. ' To be sold to close an Estate. (Companion to following) EASTMAN JOHNSON | ry) je w AMeERicAN: 1824—1906 19—MOUNT VERNON IN 1857 F Height, 2114 wmches; length, 19% imches Tuis is a study of a broad, grass-grown road at the back of the Mount Vernon mansion, made before the modern improvements were under- taken. On the left is a tall gateway at the corner of a field, and on the right, beyond a characteristic Virginia rail fence, is seen a field of ripe Indian corn, with two buildings in sunlight under great over- hanging trees. Signed at the lower right, E. J. T'o be sold to close an Estate. (Companion to preceding) FRANCESCO FRANCIA (Arremvren 10) Iratian: 1450—1517 . | 20-—MADONNA AND CHILD | '/3o : (Panel) Height, 261% inches; width, 1934 inches Tue sweet-faced Mother is seated facing slightly toward the right and observed at three-quarters length, before a background of landscape and architecture, holding the Child on her lap. To be sold to close an Estate. SIR JOHN LAVERY, R.A., R.S.A. © EncuisuH: 1856— 21—SKETCH PORTRAIT OF/QUEEN VICTORIA e) (Panel) Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches Iw profile to the left, without background; the head, black bonnet and scarf are alone rendered. The face is severely, almost poignantly { modeled, the side of the head being in very deep shadow, the full light | from the left bringing out the simultaneous traits of firmness of will, | expressed in the mouth, and unrelenting mourning in the grief of the eyes, that H. M.’s biographers have seen in her at this period. Signed at lower right, J. Lavery, Wrnpsor, ’89. From the Collection of Sir Bruce Maawell-Seton, Bart. Sold by order of the Carroiti GaLiEry, Limirep. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. (ArtrrisuTep To) Britisu: 1727—1788 22—CHARACTER STUDY OF MRS. SIDDONS — Yee O z Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches A FINISHED study of the great actress in half-length, seated, the head ~ in three-quarters to left and slightly inclined, with right hand resting _ on cheek; powdered hair dressed high and with purple ribbon inter- twined ; wine-colored gown with white lace at neck and white under- : sleeves. To be sold to close an Estate. LOUIS ALEXANDRE LELOIR Frencu: 1843—1884 TE HUNTERS (Panel) Height, 914 inches; length, 221% inches Two men in high boots, and costumes of gray and yellow, brown and red, are seen on snow-clad summits, armed with bow-guns. One lies flat, taking aim; his comrade is re-loading, and beside him is a fallen antelope. Signed at the lower right, Louis Letom. From the Willtam Merritt Chase Collection, 1917. To be sold to close an Estate. N. H. J. BAIRD, R.O.I. ongeyfporary Eneuisi Be : ea HE LASTY LOAD j . | Height, 13 inches; length, 17 inches Across the sunlit grass of the foreground comes the high-heaped hay- ragon drawn by a roan and a gray horse in tandem; behind, a man 3 nd maid with linked arms. ‘The leader is held on the near side by a ~ countryman in a fawn-colored smock. ; ti cere ee "2 Signed with initials at lower left. ~ £e “i + ae “Sold by order of the Carrott GaLiery, Limiren. ahibited at the Royal Institute of Painters, London. A. J. MUNNINGS, A.R.A. fy fF vp ~ Conrrmporary ENGLIsH fee 25—THE (aa eed 70. Height, 1 inches; width, 18 inches a Ts much like a peacock, but lacks the cultivated color sense of the bird. Item, a tailed coat of bright emerald with black facings and ____ buttons like soup plates; item, a buff vest and knee breeches ; white stockings and pumps; and a truly Incroyable hat. Caressing its lips ____ thoughtfully—if it can be said to think—with the knob of its cane, it looks over the garden to the group of fine ladies on the path which runs across the background; and is as preposterous as Bel’s Dragon. Signed at the lower left, A. J. Munnines. Sold by order of the Carrot GaLiery, Limitep. e@ WINSLOW HOMER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1910 Coun” 26—THE COCK FIGHT Zi ia), (Water Color) . Height, 1014 inches; length, 19 inches A provup though much-punished game cock stands athwart the picture, over the body of his finished antagonist, while the ground about them is strewn with feathers from both of the birds. ; | Signed at the lower right, Homer, 1885. Manuscript note on the back, by Mr. Smith, saying that he met Homer at M. Knoedler & Co.’s in 1910, and that Homer told him he painted three pictures of game cocks when in Santiago de Cuba in 1885; that one of them (this picture) went to La Farge, who later sold it. From M. Knoedler & Co., 1910. Collection of the late Frank Bulkeley Smith, Esq.; 1920. To be sold to close an Estate. KAREL DU JARDIN Dutcu: 1625—1678 27—MOUNTAIN PASTURE b 4 (Panel) Height, 13 inches; length, 17 inches Tue brilliancy and warmth of the atmosphere is the outstanding effect in this sunlit picture of a bare pasture with a background of rocky, cloud-topped mountains under a sky of brilliant blue. In the fore- ground is a young woman in a peasant costume of indigo-blue with a dog, herding a few cattle and sheep. Signed at lower left, K. pu Jarprn. From the Collection of John Outram, Esq. Sold by order of the Carroty, Gatiery, Limirep. ADOLPHE MONTICELLI . Frencu: 1824—1886 AA Charen TUDY OF MACKEREL (Panel) Py) =} ; 7 eight, 1414 inches; length, 18 inches te ble before a partly-filled decanter and a wine so that 1 the white of the belly is uppermost, -el-blue, geest green, striped sheen of the eae Wetrad at lower left, MonticEeLu. — =e ee 2 Cannon Gatien, LiiTep. - PIERRE MIGNARD Frencu: 1610—1695 AND DANIEL SEGHERS @ Le ee 9 PO DRT RAIT OF A LADY Height, 161 inches; width, 13 Goa s¥-CHEEKED young lady is presented, head and shoulders, as in cartouche or medallion embowered in flowers. Her portrait is sur- ug ded by a medley of blossoms of brilliant colors, the whole seen t a dark, rich, reddish-brown interior background. Portrait y Mi one oi: flowers sd Seghers. rom the Nicholas M. Matthews Collection, 1914. y > be sold to close an Estate. FRANK BRANGWYN, R.A. EncuisH: 1867— If. (Water Color) - H eight, 22 inches; length, 27 wmches At the quay, against a background of pink-white houses at the left, is piled an amorphous mass of shipping, glowing with a riot of power- ful color—gondolas, fishing boats, feluccas in serried files—peopled with busy men, and reflecting the bright sunshine from an almost cloudless sky of very pale blue. Signed with initials F. B. at lower right. Sold by order of the CarroLti, GatiERy, Limirep. : AUGUSTIN THEODULE RIBOT | Frencu: 1823—1891 PLAYER Height, 21 inches; width, 1714 inches MAN of muscular frame is portrayed nearly at full length, his face seen in profile. He is singing to a mandolin accompaniment. His breeches are buckled at his knee and his dark cloak is thrown back from his right shoulder, leaving his swarthy breast nude. Olive back- ground. 2 Signed at the lower right, Rrsov. > Purchased from the Cottier Galleries, New York, 1910. _. From the J. R. Andrews Collection, 1916. To be sold to close an Estate. HUGH BOLTON JONES, N.A. i MERICAN: 1848— d32—MARSHY LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE O. Height, 124% inches; length, 22% inches Grass meadow with clumps of’ willows and pollard oaks and in the foreground at the left a swampy pool with the bare poles of three sycamores. Cattle are under the trees and a distant village perched on the gray hillside. Signed at lower right, H. Bouton Jones. Property of a Private Collector. / é ry > GEORGE INNESS, N.A. | { VE AMERICAN: 1825—1894 ¥ 33—LANDSCAPE NEAR MILTON a aa / J. Height, 121% inches; length, 18 inches A sombre clearing in the bulk of woods at the right, with the brown waters of a streamlet flowing diagonally into the left foreground; behind, a dense curtain of leaves broken at the left by a ragged U- shaped gap opening up a vista of far hills and uncovering something of an ultramarine sky. Signed at lower right, G. INNEss. Property of a Private Collector. HUGH BOLTON JONES, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 34—WINTER/TWILIGHT O. etght, 1244 inches; length, 22¥% inches AN uneven snow-covered road runs from the foreground up a low rise; at the left, bleak open fields separated by the line of fence and an occasional naked tree; at the right the tree-border of the road, and _. along the road away from the observer a sleigh painfully traveling towards the sunset. Signed at lower right, H. Botron Jones, and dated 1882. Exhibited at the National Academy of Design, 1882. Property of a Private Coilector. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, N.A. WD) oy, AMERICAN: 1848—1909 i Y LANDSCAPE is r eight, 1414 inches; length, 24 inches Looxtne down from the foreground the prospect is of broad valley broken up into patches of color by fields and clumps of furze; at the left the sharply blocked mass of a plateau. Signed at lower left, G. H. McCorp, N.A. Property of a Private Collector. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. American: 1825—1894 36—PHHNTOM SEA i b. (Panel) Height, 15 inches; length, 20 inches Tue foreground is the edge of shore with rocks, brown grasses and sand, on which are two water birds; the long even lines of the waves reach out to the distant arms of the coast at left and right, and to the solitary sailing vessel seen against the cleanness of a dawn coming: up in faéry magic over the remote coast-line at the right. Signed at lower left with monogram, G.I., and dated 1856. Property of the Estate of late Dante F. Appieron. (Illustrated) + ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH SPANISH: 1847—1896 Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches A HEAD and bust picture of a monk eating oysters from a plate on a table before him. He is about to slip an pe: which he holds in his right hand, into his open mouth. Signed at the wpper left, Anronto Casanova y Estoracu and dated Parts, 1888. Purchased direct from the artist. T'o be sold to close an Estate. Ei EVERETT SHINN 4 # AMERICAN: 1873— [= C | 38 BRIDGE rid, LA VILLETTE Uy, (Pastel) Height, 191% inches; length, 241% inches Crossinc the foreground is a rapidly moving river, mirroring the French houses on its farther shore, a huge red bridge of numerous arches which crosses it at the right, and the shadows under the bridge’s deep arches. On the farther bank, a white horse is tugging a laden cart whose driver walks ahead. Signed at the bottom, at right of centre, KE. Surnn, 1903. To be sold to close an Estate. ? KARL STAHLMULLER GERMAN: XIX CENTURY 39—FORDING THE STREAM 36 ° 7 | (Panel) Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches In the foreground at the left, a peasant girl, standing on a rough wooden bridge, urges her cattle across. Behind her, a tree rearing slender branches against the sunset sky. Signed at lower right, K. StaHLMULLER, Mitncuen, 1899. Sold by order of the Carrot Gatiery, Limtrep. JAN (VELVET) BREUGHEL Friemisu: 1568—1629 AND 4 4 RANCKEN : Nadia ee 40—FLOWERS AND FIGURES Ke 4. (Panel) Height, 25 inches; width, 191% inches A cotorrut wreath formed of a large variety of flowers, by Breughel, surrounds an oval picturing the Holy Family seated under the figure of a dove, painted by one of the artists collaborating with Breughel, generally said to be Francken. T'o be sold to close an Estate. NATHANIEL HONE, R.A. Enciau: 1f17—1784 41—PORTRAIT OF A LADY] IN A BLUE BODICE , HOLDING A BOOK Height, 27 inches; width, 23 inches Facine the observer, the right arm bent and holding the volume, her hair combed back and dressed high. The subject is a young woman in the twenties, with large brown eyes, straight nose and rosy com- plexion. Sold by order of the Carrotyi GaiEery, Limirep. A: E. BOTTOMLEY, R.B.A. Sg ce CoNTEMPORARY ENGLISH tiae FARMYARD i Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches On a cold, windy day in late autumn, the farmyard, centred round the duck-pond in the foreground, is protected from the gale by two hay- stacks, and the barn, the side of which is just visible at the extreme right. A labourer in a brown blouse, and some scattered hens, are dwarfed by the wind into unimportance. Signed to left of centre, A. E. Borromtey. Sold by order of the Carroti GaLiEry, Limirep. DOROTHEA SHARP, R.B.A. 43—BY THE SEA ae A stupy of sun effects—the margin of the sea with three toy bathing machines in the centre of the foreground against a band of brilliant cobalt-blue, children lazily playing round them, in the right fore- ground one chubby mortal attacking a sand-hill; the glare of the sand, and the quivering heat of the atmosphere—all expressed with a kind of eager gaiety. CoNTEMPORARY ENGLISH Be t, 20 inches; length, 24 inches Signed at lower left, DoroTHEA SHARP. Sold by order the Carrott GaLLERy, LimiTep. rE ALEXANDER HARRISON, N.A. | AY fy AMERICAN: 1853— Ca ss MIDNIGHT NY ‘Height, 21% inches; length, 3134 inches Darx the sea and black the sky, and low toward the right the old moon glowing a dull red and spotting the water with light reflections; at left distant shore lights, and coming forward a steamer with her running lights both in view. | Signed at lower right, A. Harrison. To be sold to close an Estate. ey HARRISON, N.A. ¢ hide AN: 1853— 45—NUAGES: hues cz Height, 21144 inches; length, 32 inches T HE wide expanse of the ocean with a little space of beach showing at the lower left and a point of land in the left middle distance. The waves, delicate grass green in color, are rolling in and breaking into pink-white foam. The sky of pale blue with white cirrus clouds pre- sents a distinguishing feature—suggesting to the artist the title, *“Clouds—Foam,” given to the picture—in a mass of purple clouds which rises above the horizon in fantastic forms. Signed at the lower left, A. Harrison. To be sold to close an Estate. FRANCESCO GUARDI yy. Traman: 1712—1793 46—THE WATER MILL J TO A Height, 22 inches; length, 29 mches Aw Italian landscape with a river and figures. In the foreground, a sailboat and a horseman on the roadway bordering the stream. On the right, masses of buildings including a mill, with its wheels turning by the current of the river. In the middle distance, a castle, with mountains beyond. From the Paul Delaroff Collection, Petrograd. To be sold to close an Estate. (Companion to following) 2, FRANCESCO GUARDI : Vitby Iranian: 1712—1793 4A7—ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH BUILDINGS F GO : Height, 22 inches; length, 29 inches A mass of ancient buildings and a dilapidated wall occupy the left of the composition ; also, in the immediate foreground, is a building with a small chapel before it and a flight of steps, where a woman and a child are descending. On the right is a river with mountainous country beyond. From the Paul Delaroff Collection, Petrograd. To be sold to close an Estate. (Companion to preceding) DOROTHEA SHARP, R.B.A. CoNTEMPORARY ENGLISH 48—SEASIDE JOYS 0 ; Height{/32 inches; length, 33 inches Tuer edge of the sea in the brilliant summer sunshine; figures of chil- dren bathing, a central group of three romping in the shallows and at the right two others walking through the waves; in the foreground on the right a young girl with her skirts tucked high leaving the water. Signed at lower left, DororuEa SuHarp. Sold by order of the Carroity Gatiery, Limirep. SALOMON VAN RUYSDAEL utcH: 1600—1670 ve oy ee Pog ANTE. ack 7. 0 Height, 32 inches; length, 401% inches ENTRALLY, a pool framed at the left by a mass of trees behind which are red-roofed farmhouses and the squat shape of a windmill bleak against the gray morning skies; passing to the right, the middle gap with its vista of meadow and distant church spire is succeeded by a group of cottages and a pond in the right foreground, among the sheltering forms of trees. The pond is fringed about with reeds, and at the right are the figures of three countrymen in a small boat, one of whom is dipping his hand into a floating basket of bait towards which the boat has pulled out. Purchased from Cottier, New York. Property of a Private Collector Scotriso: 18083—1869 . 50—THE CHILDREN OF 4A. J. BASSETT, ESQ., nk J O OF CAMBORNE Height, 28 inches; width, 21 mches Tue two fair-haired children are grouped together, the elder girl sit- ting in a large chair, the younger leaning on the arm of it at the left; at the right a painted landscape prospect. Signed at lower right, R. S. Lauper. Collection of A. F. Bassett, Esq., of Tehidy Park, Camborne, Corn- wall, England. Sold by order of the Carroti GALLERY, Limiren. = gc er a% ice Li BIRGE HARRISON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1854— | _51—A* QUIET EVENING: MARINE = d. _ Height, 24 inches ; length, 30 imches A PALE green sea under a pale rose sky, and the low slow waves roll- ing sluggishly in upon a flat beach, a corner of which appears in the left eas ; a Signed at the lower right, Birer Harrison. To be sold to close an Estate. BIRGE HARRISON, N.A. 4 AMERICAN: 1854— 52_THE E OF THE PARK = TS. ° Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches A WINTER scene in the City of New York from 59th Street and 7th Avenue, looking East. The broad parkside with snow cleared away and heaped up to make a space for walking fills the foreground. Farther . away other buildings are seen and in the distance is the facade of the ; _ Hotel Netherland illumined by the setting sun. Signed at the lower left, Brrck Harrison. To be sold to close an Estate. ALLAN RAMSAY AG Scop 1713—1784 53—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL, AGED SEVEN, 30 SEATED AT A SPINET Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches Harr length to the right, the head turned to face the observer; the left hand turns a page of the music, the right resting on the keyboard of the instrument. The artist was Chief Portrait Painter in Ordinary to George III, and was much admired for his paintings of women, among others by Horace Walpole, who in his Letters preferred some of them above those of Reynolds (Champlin.) Sold by order of the Carroti GALLERY, LimiTEp. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. : : Avice 17538—1839 54—PORTRAIT Aric. A mae O. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches ALF-LENGTH seated portrait of a lady about twenty-five, with brown eyes, in three-quarters view to right; white low gown, transparent brown drapery over right arm and holding a sheet of music in right hand; background of landscape with honeysuckle flowers at left. To be sold to close an Estate. At Mey A aa Via H °*THOMAS MORAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1837— J 0 Height, 22 inches; length, 37 inches In the distance on the right the Doge’s Palace and the Campanile, and opposite, the domes of the Salute, with a sunset sky beyond and the buildmgs largely in shadow. In the Laguna, a gondola crossing _toward the right, and back of it a large number of boats closely bunched. Signed at the lower right, TM (in monogram, with a device). To be sold to close an Estate. ALEXANDER HARRISON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— 56—LES VAGUES ht, 16 inches; length, 40 inches THE open sea is depicted in a generally prevailing cast of blue-green and waves in the foreground break into foam as they spread over an invisible beach. In the middle distance a strip of light on the water is made by the sun striking through a rift in the gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, ALEx. Harrison. To be sold to close an Estate. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH,. R.A. (Arrrieutep To) EncusnH: 1727—1788 57—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN IN A BROWN COAT Height, 25 inches; width, 18 mches A youne man—possibly in the early twenties—in a snuff-brown coat permitting a glimpse of a scarlet waistcoat, and a lace jabot; facing half left, the head and virile shoulders alone being painted. The sandy hair, cut square above an undistinguished forehead, falls scantily over the collar, the pale face seeming to partake of its lack of vitality. Sold by order of the Carrott Gauuery, LimiTen. PETER FREDERIC ROTHERMEL MERICAN: 1817—1895 58—JEANNIE DEANS ‘0 ae Height, 29 inches; length, 36 inches THE composition depicts an episode in Walter Scott’s “Midlothian,” with Jeannie Deans on her journey from Edinburgh to London. The girl is seen about the enter the porch of a church when a bowman has snatched her bonnet from her head. | Signed at the lower right, P. F. RorHEerMet. To be sold to close lst ate. FRANCIS WHEATLEY Encuiso: 1747—1801 59—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES (Canvas) Ve / Height, 291% inches; width, 3834 inches On the right a flight of stone steps leading into a wood, having at the foot a young man and woman, the former in a blue coat, the latter, with her hand on the youth’s arm, and carrying a long walking stick in her right hand. On the left are a waterfall and a rocky landscape. From the old Simonetti Collection, Rome. T'o be sold to close an Estate. SIR PETER LELY Friemisu: 1617—1 680 60—THE CHIEF JUSTICE, SIR JOHN KELYNG SOB . Height, 50 inches; width, 40 mches SEATED in an armchair facing left, the head turned towards the ob- server, before the base of a column which appears dimly at the left. The judge is capped, and clad in full scarlet robes fringed with ermine; bands at the neck, and around his shoulders the golden collar of SS. The face is thin, with high cheekbones and an aquiline nose; the eyes worldly and shrewd. Mentioned and briefly described in the well-known Britton and Brayley’s Topo- graphical Works, 1802, “The Beauties of England and Wales,’ Vol. XI, p. 506. Mentioned in Lyson’s “Cornwall,” 1814, p. 144: . . . “There are some good pictures at Tehidy; among the portraits are Chief Justice Kelyng, and his Lady, by Lelyo te 7p An illustrated brochure, edited by W. Roberts, to be sold with this picture. Removed from T'ehidy Park, Camborne, Cornwall, England. Sold by order of the Carrot Gauiery, Limrrep. No. 60—Tue Cuter Justice, Sir JoHN KELyING By Sir Peter Lely) GEORGE ROMNEY MNcusH: 17384—1802 61—EDWARD W@RTLEY MONTAGU, ESQ., IN EASTERN DRESS Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches Tue tall figure, in three-quarter length facing very slightly to the right, is turbaned, robed in a dress and cloak of dull scarlet and holds a scimitar and a curved dagger in damascened sheaths. ‘The lower part of the face is entirely concealed by a full white beard, pre- sumably false, and moustaches; above which there appears a pair of deep-set dark eyes, a hawklike nose admirably in character and the fresh complexion of a man in vigorous health. An illustrated brochure, edited by W. Roberts, to be sold with this picture. Exhibited at National Portrait Exhibition, South Kensington, 1867. Eahibited at National Exhibition, Leeds, 1868. Collection of Capt. Bruce Vernon-Wentworth, Wentworth Castle, Barnsley, Yorkshire, whence it was removed. Sold by order of the Carrott GALuErRy, Limirep. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. EncusH: 1769—1830 62—PORTRAIT OF A MAN Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches A WHITE-HAIRED man with red cheeks and powerful features, clean- shaven and with his hair roughly brushed up above his forehead, is painted at three-quarter length seated in a red upholstered arm chair, turned somewhat to the right. He wears a bottle-green coat with black velvet collar and large metal buttons, a white waistcoat and _ buff breeches, and in his right hand, resting in his lap, he holds a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles; the dark coat and collar are relieved at the neck by a white stock and loosely tied cravat. Neutral background. Purchased from the late Robert M. Lindsay, Philadelphia. Clement Griscom Collection, American Art Association, 1914. Property of a Private Collector. V7, fi. SO. Height, THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. H7.f. ENGLISH ¥ 1727—1788 za ; @ e é - 4 6838—ADMIRAL EDWARD/VERNON inches; width, 40 inches Martiat background, displaying on the left, rocks and a cannon, on the right, a sea fight. The admiral, who is attired in a simple coat of plum color, with touches of white at the neck and wrists, is painted in three-quarter length, his cocked hat tucked under his left arm, his left hand gripping the hilt of a court sword, his right thrust into liis bosom. Admiral Vernon (1684-1757), at one time a member of Parliament, was distin- guished by his capture of Portobello in 1780, and in 1745 held the North Sea com- mand. An illustrated brochure, edited by W. Roberts, to be sold with this picture. From the collection of the Sitter, from which it passed directly into that of the Dashwood family of Wherstead Park, Ipswich. Dispersed as part of the “Dashwood Heirlooms” in 1914 (purchased by the late Sir Hugh Lane, Bart.). | , Sold by order of the Carrott GALLERY, Limirep. ee an > cent av ee ee —omemrenetnies aly No. 63—ApmMmiIRAL Epwarp VERNON (By Thomas Gainsborough, R.A.) OTTOMAR ELLIGER THE ELDER ie Fremisu: 1633—1679 64—STILL LIFE: FRUIT, GLASSES AND LOBSTER 0 Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches On the tablet of a marble pedestal, draped at the left, is a massed composition of fruit, a lobster tilting over a plate, wine glasses and a decanter and an empty flower vase, with mellow lighting from the left front. Signed at lower right, Orro Exricer, 1665. Sold by order of the Carroitt GALLERY, LimiTep. THOMAS COUTURE Frencu: 1815—1879 SS. Height, 23 inches; length, 28 inches On a divan in a smoke-filled studio are sprawled the figures of two artists and two half-clothed models, the pair at the left in a drunken embrace, the man at the right puffing at a pipe while lying on his back with his head against the bare shoulder of the other woman. Sold by order of the Carrou1t, Gauiery, Limirep. 7 ALEXANDRE JACOB FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 8 inches; length, 211% inches ‘Tue waters of a broad’ stream wash the foreground, the slope of the grassy bank curving around to a bend where stand two old thatched cottages on the further bank, the morning sun calling joyous glowing life into the heaped trees which frame the scene with passages of pale ees baum siptect /et7y eeiben Jey ¥ ie: = in SR: ; 1 emerald and rosy color. From the cottages at the left a man putting off in a small scow. ~ Signed at lower right, A. Jaco. Property of a Private Collector. FREDERICK STUART CHURCH AMERICAN: 1842—1924 67—_ALLEGORY OF WISDOM — | 7 SO ° Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches Tuer edge of a lotus-strewn river, the low bank carpeted with grass and blossoming shrubs. On the ground is seated a young girl regard- ing the quizzical figure of a rose-crimson ibis, which stands placidly on one leg like an image, three of its companions stalking the reeds in the left middle distance. Signed at lower right, F. S. Cuurcu and dated 1909. Property of a Private Collector. ALFRED VON KOWALSKI-WIERUSZ ‘ PoutsH: 1849— SSIAN FETE 7 ID Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches ® THrovucH a pool in the foreground, breaking the flat line of the steppes, is a cavalcade of carts, each drawn by a pair of horses and filled with villagers in gala costume, rattling over the stones towards the observer. Signed at lower right, A. Wierusz-Kowatsx1. Property of a Private Collector. MATTHIAS J. ALTEN German: 1871— a Bp 69—OXEN: NOONDAY REST 7? 7 iy f Height, 2W inches; length, 30 inches Iw a field fenced and planted with a root crop and running away to a near background of low blue hills is a team of two powerful white oxen harnessed to a cart and occupying the whole of the foreground Signed at lower right, M. AutEN, Lyme. Sold by order of the Carroty Gauiery, Limirep. VICTOR PIERRE HUGUET @ Frencu: XIX CENTURY Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches Swampy sand country with a pool in the foreground and in the dis- tance vague shapes of mountains. Around the oasis are the figures of five mounted Arabs in long burnous and djibbeh, reconnoitering among the rushes. a Signed at lower left, V. Hucuer. _-—s- Property of a Private Collector. MARIANO FORTUNY Y CARBO pr. 5 Be age 1841—187 4 T1I—ENVIRONS DE TANGE 5 j (The artist’s last work, unfinished) , Sf 0 : Height, 261% inches; length, 60 inches | Aw ébauche, or the laying-in of a picture. An old, uprooted tree is to the left, and to the right are suggestions of figures about a hut. In the distance, to one side, is a body of water, and in the middle the ruin of a square, low building. ‘The work is painted in free, vigorous strokes, each one of which is full of significance, and demonstrates the artist’s manner of approaching an important composition, and as such is most interesting. Seal at the left, VENTE Fortuny. From the W. H. Stewart Collection, New York, 1898. From the Emerson McMillin Collection, American Art Assoctation, 1913. To be sold to close an Estate. ETIENNE DINET Adi 72—A DESERT PROCESSION of, IV F Height, 26 inches; length, 3914 inches In the hollow of the sandy hills of a north African oasis is a small party of natives moving across the foreground to the right; in the van a boy carrying a palm fan and a girl with a dish on her head, followed by two robed and hooded women, the rear brought up by their sag ‘ old attendant carrying a sack. Ny Signed at lower right, E. Divert. Property of a Private Collector. | ) BURROUGHS-FOWLER, R.B.A. i “4 aE CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH ce | : | | l pS e Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches A LAKE of brilliant turquoise, seen through a gap in the slender birches that fringe the shore. Looking somewhat down on the calm water, the reflection of scattered fleecy clouds is apparent, with a first hint in the coldness of the sky of a coming autumn. Signed at lower left, W. Burrovcus-Fow er. Sold by order of the Carroti Gauiery, Limirep. FREDERICK STUART CHURCH ee 1842—1924 74 ADVENT OF SPRING VK . Height, 43 inches; width, 23 inches O N 14 grass at the border of a pool, whose surface is rich with the soft colors of lotus leaves, stands a young girl draped only in a diaph- anous garment and holding against her left breast a white dove; her right hand reaches to grasp a branch of the luxuriant apple blossom which pours its oe about her in the soft freshness of the dewy _ morning. Signed at lower right, F. 5. Cuurcu, and dated 1896. is Property of a Private Collector. JULIAN RIX RICAN: 1851—1903 :/ of O° Height, 32 inches; length, 42 inches Fiat wooded country with the bend of a narrow stream in the fore- ground and at the left farm buildings with clustering trees; above, the white and grayish brown cumulus is rapidly being overshadowed by the inky mass of a gigantic storm-cloud. Signed at lower left, Jurtan Rix. Property of a Private Collector. ° THOMAS PHILLIPS, R.A. EncusuH: 1770—1845 go RTRAIT OF BURRIDGE Height, 36 inches; width, 281 inches sa sitter, seen at half- ‘length facing the front, occupies a square- backed arm chair upholstered in dark red, against a sombre wall re- lieved by a panel of light gray. A man of large prominent features, wearing a full white stock; the florid complexion and slightly parted lips impart to the face an expression of eagerness. Purchased from T. J. Blakeslee, Esq., New York, 1902. Mrs. Clarence M. Hyde Collection, American Art Association Sale, February, 1912. Property of a Private Collector. IAN VAN ESSEN ® DutcHu: 1857— (1—THE CORNFIELD be Height, 29 inches; length, 43 inches A PALE grayish-blue sky tops the narrow vista of stubble, blocked by the rows of shocks which fill the view; in the centre middle distance is the bent figure of a labourer, stacking one of the last of the sheaves. Signed at lower right, Jan Van EssEn. Sold by order of the Carroti GaLiEry, Limirep. Se at a eee ee WILLEM MARIS Dutcu: 1844—1910 THUNDERCLOUD : So : Height, 31 inches; length, 41 inches THE edge of a pond, extending to the borders of a field at the right, in which cattle are grazing, one of whom has come down to the margin to drink. All that is visible of the sky is a brilliant blue; but over- head lies the thundercloud, and field, pond and cattle are almost blotted out by the black pall which has fallen over them. Signed at lower left, WiLtEM Maris. Sold by order of the CarroLi Gatvery, Limirep. \ Psd lies ee a bast) fas Ag Pa i % be FRANK BRANGWYN, R.A. / EncuisuH: 1867— TMS Yrte 79—LADY IN A JAPANESE KIMONO 2 J 3 0 - Height, 40 inches; width, 38 inches Acarnst a gray panel decorated with chrysanthemum is seated a young woman in profile to the left, clad in a kimono of deep blue; on the table before her is a bowl filled with cherry blossom, while she looks solemnly, with a kind of careful intentness, before her. Signed indistinctly at lower right. Sold by order of the Carrott GaLiery, Limirep. MAURICE BOMPARD FreNcH: CONTEMPORARY 8 80—VENI : THE GRAND CANAL Height, 28 inches; length, 431 inches Aw unclouded sky of evening above the broad sweep of still waters: at the right gondolas moored before the walls of the buildings over- topped by the two cupolas of San Marco. In the centre of the canal a solitary gondolier poles a heavily laden craft away from the observer. Signed at lower left, Maurice Bomparp. Property of a Private Collector. FRANCIS COTES, R.A. Lbrsticte poe : 1725—1770 81—LA MOORE ,f Height, 47 inches; width, 321/ inches THREE-QUARTER length figure, against a brownish background of land- scape, of a young woman in a white dress with long sleeves, her right hand resting on a balustrade, a golden-yellow sash about her waist; the hair is dressed with pearls and falls in ringlets down to the shoulders. Property of a Private Collector. ALEXANDER HARRISON, N.A. ee” . PY/AMERICAN: 1853— 82—LA BRETAGNE h) : Height, 24 inches; length, 351 inches A smootH blue sea, reflecting a sky of gray-blue, rolls slowly in on a sandy beach in the right foreground, the waters spreading out with lines of foam. From the right middle distance the shore extends in a graceful curve to a point at left, where in still darker blue waters are two white sails. Signed at the lower right, A. Harrison. To be sold to close an Estate. On the deck of his smack is the figure of a sturdy man—skipper of the boat—in oilskins and sou’wester, seen in profile, smoking a cutty pipe. The sea and the skies are of a pale, bitter gray, against which the composition of figure and woodwork is rendered uncompromisingly in deeper grays and hard browns, chiming in with the stern mood of the whole. Signed at lower right, Arrz. Sold by order of the Carroit Gatiery, Limirep. JOSEF ISRAELS Durcu: 1824—1911 OL pt " UTRECHT LEARNING THE SENTENCE OF HER HUSBAND, OLDENBARNEVELD Height, 60 inches; length, 80 inches JOHAN VAN Stinwnotetrem (1547-1619), who in 1617 led the at- tempt of the States of Holland to obtain their independence as a sovereign province from the states-general, at the head of which was Maurice of Nassau, was arrested by the stadtholder on the failure of the local levies to resist the opposition of the central authority. After an unfair trial, lasting three months, the old statesman at the age of seventy- one, deserted by the son of his former sovereign, was beheaded in the Binnenhof at The Hague. The central figure of the scene is that of Maria van Utrecht, in black dress, broad white collar, and Dutch cap, who is seated in a crimson state chair, a handkerchief held limply in her right hand as she stares fixedly before her. At the right and left are her sons, the — lords of Groeneveld and Stoutenburg, next her the weeping veiled figure of her daughter, and in the background a neighbor, the bearer of bad news, in brown doublet and breeches, the sun shining on his — virile face, is reading to his mother the last letter of Oldenbarneveld announcing his sentence of death. Signed at lower right, JosEF Israrts, 1852. This picture is painted in the so-called “Rembrandt manner” of the artist; a photograph with an authentication on the back signed by the painter will be given to the purchaser. Illustrated in Dr. Max Eisler (1924), “Josef Israels,” Pl. IV. Sold by order of the Carroti Gaiery, Limirep. (sjapusy fasor fig) QTHAANUVANACT() ‘aNVdsoOyT udxpy Ao GHONGALINGG AHL ONINUVAT LHOAULS) #0 VIUVI—FS8 “ON GEORGE H. BOGART, N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— 85—MIST AND SUNSHINE yi fanf Height, 36 inches; length, 56 inches ie, A GREAT sweep of gray sky with the misty ball of the sun hanging low over the hills behind the lake in the centre of the middle distance; to left and right the wintry ground rises up in even slopes crowned with trees. The frost-covered foreground, broken by hulking dark shapes of boulders, is cleft in the middle by the rushing waters of a river flowing out of the central basin over a rocky bed and disappearing at the lower right; the outlines of earth and trees alike are rendered with a blurred grace by the all-pervading haze. Signed at lower left, GzEorcrk H. Bocarr. Property of a Private Collector. “be Mn & > hye ALEXANDER HARRISON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— eight, 2914 inches; length, 5514 inches rising to a low rocky hump at the right, with a greenish sea stretching interminably to a cloud-filled sky into which melts at the right the curving line of the shore. Against the sky is silhouetted a Sailing vessel in distress, while on the beach in the foreground a youth in torn red blouse and blue trousers, holding in his left hand a staff, waves above his head a scarlet rag. Exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1881. Exhibited at Chicago Exhibition, 1882. Exhibited at the Detroit Art Loan Eahibition, 1883. | Property of a Private Collector. [ JOHN OPIE, R.A. . | ENGLISH: 07 |= 87—PORT WOMAN Height, 84 inches idth, 54 inches Jol ee motif permeates the whole setting. For the lady, seen prominently at full length, holds a torch above her head, while she regards the ground before her with passionate gaze. A symbolic key is in her left hand. Collection of the late R. Hall McCormick, 1920. To be sold to ciose an Estate. CHARLES MARION RUSSELL “» AmeERICAN: 1865— S8S—ATTACK ON THE PLAINS 7 b : Height, 48 inches; length, 72 inches In the centre of the scene the survivors of a small band of settlers huddled together behind a barricade of the bodies of their horses are _ firing at the rapidly moving figures of the Indians circling round them on the arid plain. The sandy ground with its few clumps of scattered brushwood is strewn with bodies and weapons. Drifting powder smoke obscures the middle distance, leaving to view only a distant snow- topped peak. i Signed at lower left, C. M. Russeiyi, 1899. Collection of the late John C. Lalor, Esq., American Art Association Sale, January, 1924. Property of a Private Collector. ® J. L. EUGENE ISABEY Frencu: 1803—1886 S9—ON THE COAST Ve Up O 7 Height, 59 inches; length, 81 inches A GRANDIOSE composition, showing an inlet of the sea on the right, de and great rocky cliffs on the left, extending up to the top of the pic- ture. In the left foreground a piece of the mast of a sailing vessel with blocks and cordage which has been washed up on the sands; on 3 the right, tossed about by the waves, is the hull of a wrecked galleon. 4 In the middle of the picture, in an open space between the rocks, sun- light shining through the left illumines the turgid waters. In the upper portion of the canvas, a stormy sky with heavy black clouds. From the Mr. Oren Westcott Collection, New York, 1917. To be sold to close an Estate. = | LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER ALLSTON, WasuincTon Moses and the Serpent 10 David Playing Before Saul at : ALTEN, Marruias J. fa Oxen: Noonday Rest 69 fF ARTZ, Davin AvotpHE Constant Ea A Quiet Smoke” —— - | 83 x $ 7 BAIRD, N. H. J., R.O.1. | E The Last Load 24 7 BEECHEY, Sir Wirzuam, R.A. iz Portrait of a Lady 54 BOGART, Gerorce H. Eo Mist and Sunshine 85 : BOMPARD, Mavrice Venice: The Grand Canal 80 BOTTOMLEY, A. E., R.B.A. The Farmyard A2 BOUGHTON, Gerorcer H., R.A. The Meet 6 BRANGWYN, Frank, R.A. Shipping, Venice 30 Lady in a Japanese Kimono 79 BREUGHEL, Jan (Velvet) Flowers and Figures 40 BURROUGHS-FOWLER, W., R.B.A. September BYZANTINE SCHOOL A Tabernacle (carved wood) CASANOVA Y ESTORACH, Antonio Succulent Oysters CHURCH, Frepericx Stuart k Allegory of Wisdom Advent of Spring COTES, Francis, R.A. Lady Moore COUTURE, Tuomas L’ Atelier DECAMPS, ALexanpre GABRIEL The End DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcissr The Flight Into Egypt DINET, Errenne A Desert Procession DU JARDIN, Karen Mountain Pasture ELLIGER, Orromar, tHE Exper Still Life: Fruit, Glasses and Lobster ENNEKINS, Joun J. Evening Glow FORTUNY Y CARBO, Mariano Environs de Tanger i? CATALOGUE ‘NUMBER ~ = useage FRANCIA, Francesco Madonna and Child 20 GAINSBOROUGH, Tuomas, R.A. Character Study of Mrs. Siddons 22 Portrait of a Gentleman in a Brown Coat ‘sir Admiral Edward Vernon 63 GUARDI, Francesco The Water Mill 4G Italian Landscape with Buildings Ay WTIARRISON, Atexanven; N.-A. E Marine: Midnight — 4A Nuages, Ecume ee A5 Les Vagues | 56 La Bretagne 82 A Shipwreck 86 i= HARRISON, Brrcz, N-A. £ A Quiet Evening: Marine 51 The Edge of the Park 52 HOMER, Winstow, N.A. The Cock Fight 26 : HONE, Naruantet, R.A. _ Portrait of a Lady in a Blue Bodice, Holding a Book AY HONE, Nartuanict, R.A. Portrait of the Artist’s Son 12 Portrait of the Artist’s Daughter 13 HUGUET, Vicror Pierre Mounted Arabs 70 INNESS, Georcer, N.A. Landscape near Milton 33 Phantom Sea : 36 z , CATALOGUE NUMBER ISABEY, J. L. Everne On the Coast s9 @ ISRAELS, Josrer Maria of Utrecht Learning the Sentence of Her * Husband, Oldenbarneveld 84 JACOB, ALEXANDRE Fs Morning on the River 66 . JOHNSON, Easrman é The Tomb of Washington, 1857 18 a Mount Vernon in 1857 TS JONES, Hucu Bouton, N.A. Marshy Landscape with Cattle 32 Winter Twilight 34 LAUDER, Rosert Scort, R.S.A. The Children of A. J. Bassett, Esq. of Camborne 50 LAVERY, Sir Joun, R.A. Sketch Portrait of Queen Victoria 21 LAWRENCE, Srr THomas Portrait of a Man 62 LELOIR, Lovis ALEXANDRE Alpine Hunters 23 LELY, Srp Perer The Chief Justice, Sir John Kelyng 60 MARIS, WiLLEM The Thundercloud 78 McCORD, Grorce Herpert, N.A. Valley Landscape 39 MIGNARD, Prerre Portrait of a Lady 29 | MORAN, Tuomas, N.A. Venice -MONTICELLI, Avotrue = The Cavalier Study of Mackerel MORLAND, Gerorcr Sheep in Pasture MUNNINGS, A. J., A.R.A. | The Fop_ MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. Field in Autumn — Vernal Landscape _ OPIE, Joun, R.A. Portrait of a Woman PHILLIPS, Tuomas, R.A. Portrait of Burridge POURBUS, Francis, THE ELprer Portrait of the Dukes and Cardinals de Guise RAMSAY, Atzian Portrait of a Young Girl Aged Seven at a Spinet i RIBOT, Avcustin THrtopuLE y The Cook 4 Mandolin Player RIX, Junian Cloudscape: Storm ROMNEY, GerorceE Edward Wortley Montague, Esq., in Eastern Dress ROTHERMEL, Perer FreEpeEric Jeannie Deans - m= Npdeatye hahgal CATALOGUE NUMBER 55 25 87 76 53 61 58