PHOTOG. NH | Se M9941 A591 1887 THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY “ANIMAL LOCOMOTION 7% rors! ALE TOL RO IEEE ii i ig ee 7, AN ELECTRO-PHOTOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION OF CONSECUTIVE PHASES OF ~~ ANIMAL MOVEMENTS BY Ae =" Es WEARD MUYBRIDGE » ESTA THEE eR TI eg FL rs eunctened UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE : _UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA ue Seah tele oe PROSPECTUS ¢ AND fe : Sain’ ee » CATALOGUE OF PLATES. « A Fe 4 RE PLATES PRINTED BY THE PHOTO-GRAVURE COMPANY OF NEW YORK A ie : ee eee er ? Lok be 4 44 5 ine * Be : } | : Bye fd r PHILANELPAIA x gS is Ne : i ms PrRintep By J. B. Lippincott CoMPANY Hf ivy ‘ + tS FS Pt } te fe ea Ath tes go 3 re vi ~ FP SO TSU Eee ¥ *> € * 5 re FIN 4M XC Bhs : c Limes cei a asa a > were era tee a Wo A & NTR rer —, . M - Serer V \eeseh pn Ors y iS oak. ' _ Copyright, 1886, by EaDwEaRD MUYBRIDGE. - i \ 4 ; j \ é Hy RE BP RR ANS PRIETO I EE TT RITE werner ae pope esa TT RANG RM EN rs ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. PROSPECTUS. In 1878 the author of the present work published a few Photographs under the title of “The Horse in Motion ;” these were the results of some experiments in California with automatic electro-photographic apparatus, devised by him for the purpose of demonstrating the successive phases of Animal Locomotion. This subject had engaged his at- tention since 1872, when the first lateral photograph of a horse trotting at full speed was made by him. The experiments were continued in 1879. Upon their termination the author became convinced tbat a com- prehensive and systematic investigation with mproved ~ mechanical appliances, and newly-discovered chemical ma- nipulations, would demonstrate many novel facts, not only interesting to the casual observer, but of indisputable value to the artist and to the scientist. This investigation demanded of necessity, so large an outlay of money, and the subsequent publication in its present generous form assumed such imposing proportions, that all publishers not unnaturally shrank from entering the unexplored field. {n this emergency The University of Pennsylvania took the prosecution of the investigation under its auspices, and its liberal assistance has enabled the author to complete his work, which he hereby announces as ready for publication. THE WORK WILL BE PUBLISHED EXCLUSIVELY BY SUB- SCRIPTION, AT THE PRICE OF ONE Hunprep Do.Luars Kor EACH Copy. Nera” SONI GY Peters RADS orp ye oS CARRY aR OOF CRM RRR Poe npott ¢ te PaPoas ty ree ‘si * - . 2s ao '5ey * a as 3 is . ; oe a wit, met ¥: Lay . # ae =) . s rt O24 eit > 9 pris AN: oh ? - > ta A‘, a Tr, “ 4 < ts x rd i ena Tt > nas tyaty dna Reto wi) See vel in Ok - “5, i ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. One Hunprep PLATES OF ILLUSTRATIONS WILL consTI- f4 TUTE A COPY OF THE WORK. These one hundred Plates, the subscriber is entitled to select from those enumerated in the subjoined Catalogue. It is believed the description given therein of each move- ment will be found sufficient to enable this selection to be made with intelligent discrimination. The 781 Plates described in the Catalogue comprise more than 20,000 figures of men, women, and children, animals. and birds, all actively engaged in walking, galloping, flying, working, playing, fighting, dancing, or other actions inci- dental to every-day life, which illustrate motion and the play of muscles. The figures illustrating the various movements are re- produced from the original negatives by the photo-gelatine process of printing, without any attempt having been made to improve their pictorial effect, either in outline or detail ; or tc conceal their imperfections. . ‘In the vitle of the work, the term “Locomotion” is stretched to its broadest capacity. The Plates, without margin, vary in dimensions from 12 inches high by 9 inches wide, to 6 inches high by 18 inches wide. ‘The average area of the Plates is 108 square inches, or about 660 square centimetres; they are printed on linen steel-plate paper, of size 19 by 24 inches, and weight 100 pounds to the ream. Subscribers desiring a greater number of Plates than the one hurdred for which they subscribe, vill be entitled to obtain such addit’ons, and at the samo proportionate rate of payment; provided they make the selection at the sanve time that they select the Plates for their Subscription Copy. Subscribers for two or more Copies have the right of an independent selection of Plutes for each Copy. a -delHars, on account of each Copy subscribed for, the work PROSPECTUS. Subscribers for s1x Copies of the work,—that is, for 600 Plates,—each Plate being of a different serial: number, will be entitled to the remaining 181 Plates without additional payment. They will thus have an impression of each one of the 781 Plates. Each Copy of the work will be enclosed in a Portfolio. The entire collection of 781 Plates will be enclosed in _~- 8 Portfolios. Pie Upon receipt of the accompanying blank, duly filled with the necessary instructions, andaremittanee-oftwenty- will be forwarded free of express charges to any part of the United States; theremainderof the subscription to be paid upon delivery. - a cael Subscribers in foreign countries should, preferably, desi nate an agent in the United States to act in their behalf & or, they will be corresponded with, direct. All remittances and correspondence to be addressed to EADWEARD MUYBRIDGE, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A. ; 4 PRY SOPOT ow 39 tole thew en ihe 4 re vali ot. << brat we ree a wi eH _ at nen hares e teri Be naa ety rosy a sat ee Eris ein A? LJ ad = t of de a z ; ‘ ‘ “Af Ba eae gis 2 ey Met np Fontes 3 Po s ri ¥ ay ee oe ae = ry * ee ee 7 Ae ean ewe Po es it ieee dee ne a PY trie i : « * Pe ey | de eS a eek Gee ; “ 3 é, : im © gest od Bet 3 ey Seiad ey oe a ee re om we i 7 io En ee * 2 6 OF ers = y % ¥ Y baa > 22 7 eee ae BPs - +Y _ ry , hs » ‘" . 4 case if oe , - “ . ¢ @ ¢ as , 3S. 2 aah. < ’ ee ; m oP ear ; oe : ¥ : , + 7S ; vs in Je — ae yy wo? ‘ Leta 4 ee + es 3 7 ? ] ; - » ‘. , = » + , = a 4 te e ; “t r x jee Pare ee a bares * c y E = vi - ; i ‘ e 4 dey f +e Ese ORe: = 4 a 2 4 ~ . ’ és = " t 4 { s ak ® iD) | ns 0 aor a. ‘y n "i A ees y > x an rey | *s 3 + x A et Kx a, and Arrangement of the badd ° 1 4 iwylvan t The University of 2 10 & Apparatus for Investigating Animal Locomotion. ram of the Stud | Diag 1 11 10 b 8 2 1 } STUDIO, APPARATUS, METHOD OF WORKING. oO Cae STUDIO, APPARATUS, AND METHOD OF ma lebie “ — Gey WORKING. . 1 / : / In the diagram, B is the Lateral background ; consist ti t- : of ashed 37 metres, or about 120 fect, long, the front of which is open, and divided by vertical and horizontal threads into spaces 5 centimetres, or about 2 inches, square, and by broader threads into larger spaces 50 centimetres, or about 19} inches, square. At C and C, 37 metres, or about 120 feet, apart are “fixed” backgrounds, with vertical threads 5 centimetres, or about 2 inches, from their centres, with broader threads 30 centi- metres, or about 12 inches, from their centres. For some investigations, readily distinguishable in the plates, “portable” backgrounds are used, consisting of frames 3 metres wide by 4 metres high,—about 10 feet by 13 789101112 13 1415 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 24 o N #, f feet 4 inches,—over some of which black cloth and over S / others white cloth is stretched, all being divided by vertical a % and horizontal lines into square spaces of the same descrip- af ee ee ‘ me ‘ef * tion as those of the lateral background. a e he These portable backgrounds are used when photograph- or in ing birds and horses, and also wild animals when possible a |e to do so. = =o L. A lateral battery of 24 automatic electro-photographic } cameras, arranged parallel with the line of progressive 1 motion, and usually placed therefrom about 15 metres or = 49 feet. us hal: Slow movements are usually photographed with lenses of 3 inches diameter and 15 inches equivalent focus; the ' centres of the lenses being 15 centimetres, or about 6 inches, “i oo apart. Rapid movements are photographed with a portable battery of cameras and smaller lenses. ™ 1* . gore : abe 3 g aa f uf green AIR APP, peer se Necten bes ee Pou >, a : el PTE BO TOT YS AUREL RRR PIO REE TRU HET EN, A ETO PT IEC IMP: TS OREM MAEM WO FOE MEET i eh ee ae ed ert, Veeck on thes A beens. 5 AMA Bly ce ind Sete ra. ali %% 8 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. . 4 _ The centre, between lenses 6 and 7, is opposite the centre Kee of the track T. ig tin § aap bpleblia comprising both “Laterals” and “ Fore- pings,” cameras 1 to 12 only are uscd. ben “Laterals” alone are required, cameras 13 to 24 are connected with the system and used in their regular sequence. R. A portable battery of 12 automatic electro-photo- graphic cameras, the lenses of which are 1} inches diameter and 5 inches equivalent focus; the lenses are arranged 73 centimetres, or about 3 inches, from their centres. When the battery is used vertically, Jens 6 is usually on the same horizonta! plane as the lenses of the lateral battery. In the diagram this battery is arranged vertically for a series of “ Rear Foreshortenings” ; the points of view being at an angle of 90° from the lateral battery. . . “ E F. A battery of 12 automatic electro-photographic cam- eras, similar to that placed at R, arranged horizontally for a series of “Front Foreshortenings” ; the points of view averaving an angle of 60° from the lateral battery. O. The position of the operator; the electric batteries ; the chronograph for recording the intervals of time be- tween each successive exposure; the motor for completing the successive electric circuits, and other apparatus con- nected with the investigation. , ee - - #4 bg T T. The track. parallel with the lateral battery and ¥ covered with corrugated rubber flooring. M. The model, approaching the point number “1” on the track where the series of photographic illustrations will ‘ commence. 2 An estimate having been made of the interval of time : which will be required, between each photographic expo- F sure, to illustrate the complete movement, or that portion 4 of the complete movement desired, the apparatus is ad- \ ANALYSIS OF THE PLATES. 9 justed to complete a succession of electric circuits at each required interval of time, and the motor is set in operation. When the series is to illustrate progressive motion; upon the arrival of the model at the point marked “1” on the track, the operator, by pressing a button, com- pletes an clectric circuit, which immediately throws into gearing a portion of the apparatus hitherto at rest. By means of suitably-a:ranged connections, an electric cur- rent is transmitted to each of the 3 cameras marked “ i in the various batteries, and an exposure 18 simultancously made on each of the photographic plates, respectively, contained therein. At the end of the predetermined interval of time, a similar current is transmitted to each of the cameras marked “2,” and another exposure made on each of the 3 next plates, and so forth until each series of exposures in each of the three batteries is completed. Assuming the operator to have exercised good judgment in regulating the speed of the apparatus, and in making the first electric contact at the proper time, and that the figures 1 to 12 represent the distance traversed by the model in executing the movement desired, the first three photographie exposures—that is, one exposure in each bat- tery—will have been synchronously made when the model was passing the position marked “1” on the track T; the second three exposures will have been made when the model was passing the position marked “ 2” and so on until twelve successive exposures were simultaneously made in each of the three batteries. This perfect uniformity of time, speed, and distance, however, was not always obtained. ANALYSIS OF THE PLATES. Of the broader horizontal lines seen in the plates, the second from the ground is (excepting it special instances TTT ORT REMMI ONY ORY ERENT RETR TST Fs TREY PRUNE ORLA: THT S eaaicnt iadoae aia laa yer; Bt Be Ns rah cinta oi. i) Fi, 1 : 7 i = * Ps _* eam ot > oe ruler gts jin EL niv a vlna Een R. a ape 10 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. on the same horizontal plane ag the 1 battery of cameras hereafter described. ound of the lateral illustra- 6 inches, apart from each easily recognized) lenses of the latera The numbers on the backgr tions are 15 centimetres, or about ir centres. See adopted to facilitate ana y movements may be exemplified by a refere Go poaens The model “8” is walking towards the rig et Rad of movement illustrated is two steps, or ong ie: oe ad successive phases of on petra eo is a eee e es The interval of time Esashi ears: twelve phases was about one-ci hth of : Po 2 or according to the chronograph one ipod cane one-thousandth parts of a second (0.120 " Kee movement having been accomplished in Boos ) half seconds. The number of figures 0 lysis of the various rence to plate 14. n the plate is 36, arranged thus: | | Laterals. Rear Foreshortenings from points of view on the game vertical line, at an nings from Front Fereshortening ) | puinte of view on the | same horizontal plane, at | angles averaging 60° from 9 }10 | 11,12) the Laterals. { | 8} 9110/11/12] Laterus. A similar method of arrangement prevails in all te plates which illustrate a movement, as seen simultaneously frora each of three points of view. — When the illustrations are, respectively, sm s of view only, a system of arrangement 18 from one or two dopted point angle of 90° from the — ans a Sea 8 Ai lta Sc me a aS a a Re NERA ER Ty ANALYSIS OF THE PLATES. 11 which is considered the most convenient for their especial , comparative examination. The successive phases of movement are usually arranged in the plates to conform with the direction of the first phase illustrated. If, for example, the motion of the first phase is towards the right, the arrangement of each succeeding phase is thus: m1 23, ete. If, however, the motion of the first phase is towards the left, the arrangement of the successive phases is thus: ete., 3 2 1.<« When two or more distinct series of illustrations are included in one plate, each separate series is distinguished by the letters A, B, C, ete. Each series, of the plates numbered 520 to 528, inclusive, illustrates a single phase of motion, photographed synchro- nously from each of six points of viev In some instances it will be found that the number of phases of motion from each of the respective points of view do not correspond, some being omitted. This arises from the loss of negatives during manipulation. The subject being, perhaps, one of interest or importance, and impossible to duplicate, it has been included in the work notwithstanding -the deficiency. Serial numbers connected with a brace indicate that one and the same series of phases is illustrated in two plates, the laterals being in one plate, and the foreshortenings in another. Although, as before stated, the broadest interpretation has been given in this investigation to the word Locomotion, it is not assumed that a response to every possible inquiry in this inexhaustible subject will be found in this work. oe — e seat slg: nts oft _ par ad} a £ a9 4 Paes ty oe ba a ee alee ats “he Outen tae oe z Feat 15 z eg 2 Phe LS oe sae i. ng - pe me a > ail tnd 4 Se ROE WET, Bees “Pe RT « - . bd t+. 4 a 4 hia om ~~ & > ORY i ra e 4 £ a hy 7 i . Ww Lta5S ; i * st ™ re. 4 bf » ma o “ f 4 ‘ i ye ee £ f ¢ ie mie «1 : ' = a a a ye 4 a é r bh y 4 é%. z 4 . r » is ae Ts ; : as ” { “+ é Teale es “Ps he any 12 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. MODELS. A few particulars in reference to some of the human models, will assist subscribers in the selection of their plates. The greater number of those engaged in walking, run- ning, jumping, and other athletic games are students or graduates of The University of Pennsylvania,—young men aged from eighteen to twenty-four,—each one of whom bas a well-earned record in the particular feat selected for illustration. ‘he mechanics are experts in their particular trades, and tbe laborers are accustomed to the work in which they are represented as being engaged. Unless otherwise described the arms of the models in the progressive movements are in a position naturally consistent with the movement. Ki Each model is distinguished by a number, and may be recognized by that number throughout the work. The male models are numbered with bold-faced type, thus: ge"? and the females with light-faced type, thus: “ 62 : ho models 52, 64, 65, and 66 are teachers in their re- ~ gpective—professions; 60 is a well-drilled member of _the State Militiag 51, a well-known instrucio: in-art;(g5, 9n ox-athlete, aged about. sixt¥¥; 22, a mulatto and professional puyilisty 27, 28, and 29, boys aged thirteen to fifteen; 42 and 49, public acrobats; 17, 19, 21; 74 to 91, inclusive ; 92 and 94 were patients of the University and Philadelphia Hospitals, se'ected to illustrate abnormal locomotion. The female models were chosen from all classes of society. Number 1, is a widow, aged thirty-five, somewhat slender and above the medium height; 3, is married, and heavily built; 4 to 13, inclusive, 15 and 19, are unmarried, of ages varying from seventeen to twenty-four; of these, 11 is ANIMALS AND BIRDS. 13 slender; the others of medium height and build; 14, 16, and 93, are married; 20, is unmarried, and weighs three hundred and forty pounds. The endeavor has been in all instances to sclect models who fairly illustrate how—in a more or less graceful or perfect manner—the movements appertaining to every-day life are performed. In the column headed “Costume,” the state of the model with regard to apparel is represented by N. Nude. When any one figure is nude, the entire series is so Classified. S.N. Semi-Nude. The model so designated is usually clothed with a light or transparent drapery from the waist to the knees, or to the ground: in some illustrations of the *:iJet it also in- cludes more or less underclot hing. P. C.. Pelvis Cloth. , Xa 9 m,n i — + ets, rete See ‘ b i > » s - a 4 q . a stand? Fa ae Se eae 3 P ¢ om ¥ “4 2 is Si de ; x v 4 , ad a +” P +* F< 4 ‘ 4) : ; . > re : . r , x eS : Rea eee Se Se 4 2 ra 2 * 75) \ . a + ‘ 4 % . - Oe eB Pee ‘ - » Ff . \ ? on5,5 : ¥ x hes . f LA ts i ‘ » , ire ne | ‘ t r % % f ‘ 7 s PA ; a, J ; + lech 4 ie Ras ‘ be : - > ie ° 7 Ps > : : ena Ths { ‘ 4 nig ah = ; at peed : i \ _ J 4 5 , ; 5 f rs if 7 ' ssibaabaat Stoke! wala agers fe RR OURS Ae we ventas: tn see es Vv Be says, “The above is the somew “tributor to the volume is left unrecor ga TES wage RB ois nas aan - ue 18 ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. ed from Nature (London), June 29, 1882. Title of the book is quoted, the reviewer hat long title of a large and n Cambridge graph, reprint After the full important work issuing from the well-know (U. S.) University Press. “Long as is the title, the name of the principal con- ded there; though, glance over its contents shows how he mode of motion estigations of Mr. indeed, even a cursory much indebted is the whole question of t in the horse to the elaborate series of inv Muy bridge.” KE. M. UNiverstty OF PENNSYLVANIA, January, 1887. C i f 5 att lll Pe RATAN RO RIS ALE ELLE LOE LS ping petra ete maemee epee ly nate a rr ANIMAL LOCOMOTION CATALOGUE coe men etre . + ks sar UTE a Sat RT yy PRM RTA RRR - " Ts RON PAT RELL TIRES RR NIE CN MY TG PEN LR I NET TT ie cit At TOT NPL LTS PRP a ASSETS OTR IE NET PP ee ee | . ese STL PATE aT EF Youd 36 Geos te a bees 8 | t+ Peer TOK, by Ae Kat Yi TONS. ws v IVVoCLD. fe ee oe ag ge AND CLOTHING SEE P.12-|2 : “a Ae. ~ P, Ton Pea a ‘5 - . ee or: ats - *. m ae: — - PTET : CE EET cat Dean Mental aio 3 Sa Oe a Steal Shy oH le os ae lee Ng ee ee CATALOGUE OF PLATES. ge i cole ‘ a aan teenies en ene emcee ¢:. ape 43 ! No.of | *haser o vemr io | Model. | Oiewate " r x= Ppag | jee ee teerten es r | E 2 | r Foreshortenings e ae g : MOVEMENTS. | Seo | | at Angles from Laterale. es = : 22% a = |E3| * wi eestor | A Ci Front, |) Rear ey fz © : ee — 1} “ 3 3 ee a hea eet len ae mE 22S te bs db a ‘4 E % Qe | 1 S a S = 4 | SES] 27 8 | oo] coe |] wo! oof & |Fa) & = ee | eS a ees ee He ee Sed ls Pb eis 1 Walking . ’ Soe ual < saan Ue ; ‘ eee N 712)" 32 i ai 12), 5-8 | 68} sx ~ 2 eee tare eRe , | 46 TN Pah. 2). he (25. | P1080 a8 8 Ue Sipe hae its ce ahe TE GD mt ate cont, 4 7 O01 eee ; a ee ee ye eee es (ty ta ene 1-2 | 48 = : b eee et : | 46 | NJ ai 8} | 5-8 | 83 S : 3 6 ares. ; | aa (ENO ater 6-8 | 76)... 4 Tee wore ee el ee) ieee 2 |. ped | Ohta 8 : iit ae py ae Be LPP eal a 8 1-24 7E) toe ee és a i | fe Pal a 8 12/74, 6 © F 10 - ef a Goch ra | 26 | NG 6 6} a! 1-2 | $8) .5% = : iB | vs ee : 24 | NJ] 12 | 12! Vl 1 | & 2 , Sve: : : 'e7,28; N § 12 i, 72 | | cont 1-2: 1040s oe 13 ay ‘ sagt Me enon aa 6 ee > SNe ee i pea oe 95 | " 14 a peht Handat chi 35 ae 6 kw 7B Ma ee 2 (1312.0 1. bagel... i 15 CMO Ts Pana eae bo a oaig0 | 101. .9 6-8 | 103]. . pias 16 u bg Nae Pw ied) 10:1 5-8 poise: ? 17 BE ot poe Nha Speak erenbe elt 6 WN Bole. oe gage 18 | left hand across abdomen : 3 NWepea IH 12 | 45 99 : 19 | UL commencing to turn around. . . 20 N fj 12 12 || 1-2. 124 12 20 | W alking, right elbow bent... . 3-4 | 91| 5 21 both elbows bent : L106: 5 22 ee with high-heeled boots on ; 1 | Eee oe zy 23 x right hand at chin, high-heeled shoes on te ko eee ae 24 Caw ith high- heeled shoes on : 1) } JOB. 4 25 tt 1 95| 6 : 26 st. carry ing Toa. stone on Jeft shoulder | 46 125 tile 20 “ ‘ “ head, hands raised 3-4 | 92| 6 28 Uh ve 50- Ib. dumb-bell in right hand 8-4 | 99{ .6 3 29 6 «“ bucket of water in cach hand : 3-4 | 90| 6 80 ut “ce ts 6s 66 ‘ 3.4 | OF é | 31 “ & 75-Ib. stone on right Feats mn f8 | 104]. . ‘an 32 &“ 4“ bucket of water in each hand . 1 OS tale 83 “ “ 14-Ib. basket on head, hands Q raised hehe & : 84 te “6 15-Ib. basket, on "head, hands 3 7 raised ; , 2) oo 35 “ ‘0 child (70) on right arn ; ma } 86 ee st child on left arm y | 87 ae left hand holding dress, right h: ind at fave - a ; 38 te opening parasol é eae Tee S ies ' ¢« 89 os hands enenged in knitting ; ; i ty } Ao i throwing handkerchief ever shoulders a | ee ee ee eee . ~” ae > 5 CAE eae flirting a fan . art are er. : Bi Wik Woe thos Meta oD]. Be 42 iF pouring water from pitcher . te | e' 43 | “- aprink’g water from basin, turn’ around | Sa Rs —" I). Sip. 44 u taking off hat. . 4 | ea re a es Se ; Se 45 op two models meeting, ¢ and partly turning 4, | ag 46 lg flirting a fan, and bapning around . 47 6 and turning nrougd : 48 C. We ath ath bouquet i in both hands MRE OTN ERRORS UTR GT Nee Be a sa eit SORE See De eee eee ae i aie a ton PR Tote anata 7¥ one = eg P= hie oot ee a et tin ty A alga ease : 58 Beige | | Foreshortenings. ‘ | : g} aie oy 4 MOVEMENTS, q om Bx Shee |. tes | 3 ‘ a myo || ¢ 5 | : rh, bce | A_[= aa a ak a 49 Walking and turning tod ny; a satchel in one hand, enne in other. ae 43 | Dy 22 12 ‘ “ fig und, carrying pucket o ‘gs ? * eee). Si hand Ps ‘ ' 190 Se 12 Ie i | ha 1 ei e b i 61 “ turning around, using eprinkling: pot : iH TONPE AL 7 374 a, \" 1 ~ 1 62 Ls carrying child, turning nround ; another | > : ’ child (70) holding on to dress of 03, Fm D Pos, Sa “ oe . : Ses iu 5B | 58 i. oseattering flowers and turning around .| 12 |S NF i2 ||. .| 124) 12 367 a b4 re two models (one flirting a fan), arm in | | | ne Jj urm, turning around, . 6... + 6 «| 1,8 oN 12°] 12 13 : ve 3S a ‘BS cS turning } around, aetion of aversion. . . re vt D M1 - Se eee 7 Ae Q Ss ; 56 rT “ and stooping to Jift train | 12 r Db 12 | Pan = at : ae é S i 67 | ts “ ground, 10-Ih. basket on head . | i= I 12 : Ve | as Re ty ; = ; BS $e . ut sweeping the floor...) 1 N V2 | a | POS ato ay bs = 3 69 | Starting for a run (shoes) ss oye ed a7 (PCE I24 12). . he ee | yi BaP 60 | Running at a half-mile wait (shoes) , See pee v/ \P Cc 10) 40 1. Weed oy 42 ae . 61 | Sites “fall speed Ginepesiere action, shoes) ee eRe oe a | ate: = - ~ re L ‘ rate a an th “ a Oe) ac ba ha Sa Rae hie tae Se pone ee 10 5-8 | 389) 1 ” if "i * Ae le eee FO N eS | ro 5g 28 64 | ne Bae ie age 33 : sheet Sg a eee ta + “ i we = H = 87 seer gee va ; ao ae 1g be ee cate 5-8 | 56). . i 68 Te eae Ao NGC 9a 1-2] 88]. . 4 69 at > two modell. ciate sey kok os 2 ORT ABP Ie a ID oa es 1 i ; 0 DOI re ase Ge Re ws a ee er 5-8 | G1]. . : i | 7 2 124 1 | 100 F i Running. . Fda nai AERA POS. oe eT AS 7 ITD]. . fi. . 12 || ; : 4 72 leading child. (70) hand in hand . | 12, 7 D 12 12]. . |) 12 1 93 ae | 73 | Turning around in surprise and running away. . 8 N eee eS | ae 1 z “ee - d Ascending mcline, angle Pin €5 20. 3. oe a ed ee eee 12 | 12 | - 11-2 168 | 5 75 « Hr geivoe ot e tk hes oi 9 L. See : 76 “ “ ee eee ah Lys 12 |} 12 |. . [3-4 | 136 i 1 «“ ty eikding 0 sams 3 |N ivi, . [12 121. See i is | : “flirting 9 fan. | 1 PNW]. ./ 32 [32 |. [6-8 | 98). . ; ih ets eps | x ~ | . . ; = . a \ ; RO « & — 20-Th, basket on he: ie Piers ba yo ee |i 14 - 1-2| 71). . g : j 81 v “bucket of water in each hand 1 | N 12 | V2 | Ke bs 1-2 | 70 3 x 3 8? “ vc tk tb “e cs vc g 'N » Ve] | 12 b | 127 = 2 j 83 “ “ «Fight & 2 | N p12) V2). [1 ass. g } 84 sc “c ee “ ay “ zs r N a oF H ie | Zi sy ee 6 2 i 4 to) = «(Wearing shoes) R | N . i \ Le - ee S 3 i Othe. 2h aed 5 os) F 4 4 86 “ te “ ‘“ ; Washes oe ela i eh tae ; Ce | : 87 & “bucket water each hand (shoes) | : ne | eed ee eB S A + i cps hy = Zo] a 3 RD ese 2s Siar ag ee aaa a2 1 B-4 84) Bin : : / 90 Fatt 24 |N410/' 10!. ./| 10] 1 1498 Ss : ' 91 ie ee F 22 |N|F12/. |. ] RG ~ é t ¢ 92 « oe 2 | N }12 || i 12 3-4 | 100 3 : 1 93/ a RE a oie Pouregeh ee pe yt Re. 4 12 bad beled ee £ 94° “ “ Jooking around; basin in hands . ee N 9 12 | | 12 : J 13] ' <= i 95 & ‘© 9 basin in hands ’ 3 D 12 | V2 | 1 a2 . 4 96 . “ Jooking round, waving hand’ chief 7 N } 12 tf | 12 dee 1 230 | , - 97 | Turning to ascend stairs, with a piteber : and goblet | C : 2 : og 4 | in hands . 2 g TD 12 \ =F | 1 | 12 4 ray sake 3 98 | Turning and ascending stairs . i N a. | 12 — ae nee ; 99 “ b, sb ic . 6 N 12 i ae : | ae . . ' 100 “ ‘“ (4 “a 5 D 12 \! 12 ie 5 | € j i ’ Am, : a ae Re ries; OL PTET Ee ARERR LE BL ES ee NEAL IO SE) ERB PSP ROR LIES CATE ET ELIT 5A IRI FS SERRE TT RS PEE MT GET OR os me PO 2 2 a — - et eee ad Pate & ox = —~ we » mae a ? eee fe ige CTs Ae wo elation. wad ay My A i 008 eee ow i Me} a “7+ y et % * 7 y - & > ° oy ae ‘. + a 2 un . Ee, — . on gy en vi et ee mie. Ba |e ae ham im a ? * y a wy > > « +. i iy a rN 2 By i x Ree KEE sachs ‘.: - 2 § Sctolbiatatige 8 i ee eS Be ca e 101 | Turning and ascending stairs, waving hund 1 r 102 | Turning, ascending stairs, bucket water in, hand 103; Turning and ase ending stuirs, ecigad nnd goblet 104 105 16 107 | Turning to ascend stairs, brooin in hands. . 108 | Turning to ascend stairs; stooping, Vifting a pitcher 8 109 Ascending step-ludder . . th, 26 110 G two steps nt a ‘time : & 11] | i Indder 30 112 | « foo. cle 8 i Descending incline, angle 1 in 4 24 114 73 ; « : 3 ee ee a ay ke 36 1h m «with hands clasped in-front . 7 116 MO ee, one band on chin 8 Bre (73 6b t 1 118 | 6 6 EARL amas Ce iG 7 a a « yi¢ht hand on breast (shoes) 8 20 “6 “ bucket of water in right band . 2 1?) | “ és a“ ‘ce “i ench An 1 teu | a3 46 ce sc (as 4c 73 8 123 | ‘ 20-Ib. basket on head, hands raised. 5 2. 1 a in hands. . te Turning; nscending ati urs, bad ke t v ter ‘in en. hi md water jaronleftshoulder) J to wan i sae + as hee Pe Rigi Sade rok oe Ese MOVEMENTS. 4c « Ducket water ine, hand bucket of water und 124 | Descending incline, 20-1b. basket on head, hands 125 126 127 128 129 13 131 132 133 134 1385 136 137 138 39 140 141. 142 143 “144 145 146 147 148 TAGE ERT raised . S{ajTS". te 4c hands clasped . . .-- - waving hand turning to look around, and | waving hand . . | throwing hondkerchiet “over shoulders AOR 2 ees with basin in hands. . and turning; lamp in riehit hand full demijohn on shoulder turning around. . tnmning j pitcher in left hand looking never and ‘waving ic turning and flirting fan . dress caught ? PT ee nr ea Be igh BM Se ui cupand saucer in r. hand “ basin in hands ... 6 bucket water in r. ane Ke water jar on I. shoulder sé ce aoe yy Tr. ae af carrying bucket of water and broom . stooping to lift a pitcher He lifting pitcher, turning Cie Payless’ i) ck ‘AZ , Costume. } { VATA AACA ATA A AY AME Me Ly AY AO ae LOE ALA ee a — ae ee ee ee ee diel et et et to SISW NNW WISI mR teh te ten nw be Roe. ieee ceeate Foreshortenthge, a || Front. iI Rear $ A, 6 ‘WAFE ga 38 g | 8/3 mye} ne |} nae we o & 4 re ee 11 1 | 803 mel 11 1 | 325 ree 12] 1 |295|.. Hee eel RRL 12 F266 oe re 12 1 | 446 2 12 1 165 i 12 TZ Tee 5 1 pall el ay Be 1 | 206 Pesereay (a fe. 1 108 at 11 1-2 | 107 | 18 ot Bote [l=2c8 Sai iG (Ae 124 12 Pl-2 27 L 12 | ane 1 84 12 he A pit. i 32 fae Pe 2 Os 6 ie 1% ] 128 | 2a... | a) oe i) 91 : grat eee in (Fe Da ] 109) 6 hl 2s eel 1 129 4 nee J2). . $1 1-2) 148 aren 12 ] 105 ; 12 ; 12 9.1 1-2) 129 { hoe eh 11249 38-4] 91). . t vt to 12 em a 5 co t 12 | 12 _ bob —_ bo ee ee ed rownwtytbyoe 11 12 — Sat aaduantbeadianse arc! sear op RM pms fee pee ‘NOILOWOQOT TYWINV ‘SaLKTd AO AAVOTVLVO REE IINE 2 LT LT AT RT ERE IE TE LT OE SE NET LES IEE TE NE TE oe ee ee AE NTI «ile ee pediee™ my eet ey sick hs = ahs ’s - ean enantio get cand os ti OT ai, ~~ oe mes . 3 | ; _Foreshortenings, i a wm % = Zz Re oe eae 2 F ‘ = MOVEMENTS. cs =p € Front, is Rear. = 3 at t 2 | 44 avers seen [ee Bec a “ e = & FS |} 900} Gn} ao] oooh & ze f 151 Desoond'g step-ladder, turn’g aronnd, rock in hands 26 N £10 < I TOs 1 135). ci Th | Jumping ; running straight high jump (shees) , 37 IP CE 12: 2 ae ap ae! a tee 2 Via “ “ “ elon mo) 39 Ip ola ice wo pee ye ind 4 Ml a“ Hate Mog ys. we ROLY OEM Me te tees ayo) goes: lian} ow “ i) sod tutte atte: 8 MOE 1 dees TE oe aes Tht “ ve uy “ ee rete ae oar alee 4 DS Pe0s feeder hifica, wee 1 105), . 17 «4 twies (phos). | 37 TPC 12 | 42 || A he wld: 4IGGR, see 168 | “ “ “4 ( a Garg | 37 PCy eae Whew a twee e 149 "Peed “b brond jump (shooa) .., 2. 6) 37) (PCP 12 | 12], a eae aoe 95 160 “ “ “ ut OW tadbaee tf. 37 SP Cees i eae ee Me srg eee lil | “ standing high fb Se Lp Ls ere AO:amt i. GU Riaai tee | UR 1 41804. = 1a2 “ “ broad psi ete 2. 200 IS e 12 L 1166 =) 163 “ « tb pagal (ehoen) eed gy TR tas sh 1 2 16a 4 164 “pole vaulting. 6... 6... 2 | 46 | NGI]. ie ee eee S Wis us tt eehs 46 N 12 Say | ha Me A I 166 st over man’s back (leap-frog) spy ieee 5S Nol az ier? 1) 246455 e 17 | $4 (Cre boy sna ee. teas Nilo} 9} 1 | 109]. ost 168 | “ 46 “i “i i Bet wl mete, N 7 12 1}! 12 | 7-8 87). ing} ok pe ta hed weenplh (cc ak ae F | 1 /107 170 | “i from stone to stone across a brook... 1263S ae 2 pele ; ciple L. 7 3194 Av | Stepping Bp orbs wetias jumping BOW SaEring 4 8 PN Pio ie. Pie 42 1 a 2 1lj28 12 [T Diels feo 124) 32 E290 tas 175 Ascending sep and jumping off ys den hese Ge 4: Ae ee oe gece eee 1. Posts, : 1400 Running and jumping with skipping-rope sagas | pha (erates | 121. ci). 441941 1-2) 108 2s d 176 + Crossing brook on step-stones with fishi ing-pole ij <: bis WH OA 2 eadan tes Suis ela okie wees? RIS yee, Ne it tote ee q 176 | Crossing brook on stopatones| with fishing-pole | and basket... . Tae | N 10 ae _177 | Crossing brook on step-stones, "with fishing-pole Gt tna beckett ream Be Pa 178 | Stepping on and over a trestle. Teel DS ay 179 | Stepping on and over a rock, a basket on head, | : ) right hand yaised io. 2S ee SS Oe ee eA 12 i et a2 pa) 129 180 Stepping on and over a chair . sep cabes Megs eas 7 iid faiyss | Bee Pine ete (i eee. iG) 181 | ee over a fence. Sk sn ene ek x es ee ee 2 lel 1 | 169 4 182; Crawling on hands and knees ane wrote ee 8 Nop i272 “|}+ 12 1 88]. = 183 | a atking ron Bands and feet ‘ 8 Neg. 4. Ae Slat ee eee Le] IR | «“ ee EM 0 12 |.) Tae ee ‘a ; 185 | Hopping on tet FO0E Le ce duteaw fw ac a WE dh cc. gh lo SE aS 8} 8 2 |141 ro) 4 186 right foot, ss 6 2 x. ease a, he ee 129 2 8} g F 17 ( Dancing (fancy) ea a 8 aoe we © Tava Gt ee ae eer : Ee Pacer S # 188 | i sce etre he ie ee eo, & 180 | « De ey be OF eee ee eT Dis be ldo beak a 2077 ° 190°} Daneing {nautch).. 500. . s ww te ee eh reneaaeta 1 | 192 1M Go} ee ee ee 2 A 1 | 244 hy } Jo2 - ere er ee rere SK) i Be ak 1 | 211 S Wes pf. a ce wl + stele s a a ca ihe ee eee ae I 12] 1 |2u00;.. *& att OEE eB on die a ete, ee ne 10} 1 aS ia 4 ys a WRILE ea roy ee Ae eee 734 NP Ie ee ot eee wn = EOS | ae > two model a es oe at A Ree Be Tk oe ee ee ee es ; 197 %: 66 A Mg pg a ea a 1 | 81 198) Courtesying . Sa MLE eee 124. 4-41 121 toe 4 19 es fan in “right hand, eee = & } Diane ii Poin le Lew Pei peda =K) . kissing han: land turning around te (eB BNO Wee 10 a0 1 220 ; 01 Taki ne = 12-1b, basket from head, RAE it on the i ' | { fae ound. ‘ ; 1 N J 12 || 12 | eet EAE BIS 202 Do ping and lifting handkerchief . > 7 ING BI as. | 11 1 oe i a ae ERED NEE ELON DT EET ES et BM 2, OTA ESE TSE TIT PE TO IT TE LIE ET ET IS IE IS EE LN IEE me bak — A od ao @ e a 3 ev oe >t ra ‘ - 42 ae er oe oF rere. . Foe Pei a a. ew eo eee oe i ex Bog! he ae 4 rie Ne SE t Sat Sigg * Lape a agetges cn uatinialenedl satel ARR Ser oer en ; eh ae er eee “ _ sg ‘3 a ‘ ‘: Sigh oe an S é ‘ ~v 7 ie ae toed » Ao ae ae t “ ‘ wp ee ‘ hye ig aah ig * wees Seen e Lae - ~ i — ee . ; qi ‘ ~ . * of a yout ‘ x 4 c * 5 ~ Py “ae . é ; m ei ae ve i we os = > c. ss a he e ~ em Sr 4 “ bl Py a te oe ; 5 - 7 4 vw ~ : 3 = * ie ~ . s. ; i. ; - 7, ¥ > * oo > ; ; ee : ss S ¢ 5 a " 7”) < « ‘i 2 . = a P- i ~ ” a ; SS — Ee sia the ree 7 a es oe ee ss i ale { ee PRM tts set ee = | “3 : S | * me ee oreshorte Meigs, s | Te % a MOVEM ENTS, = 8 E aa rout. 4 | Hear 3 | “ Fe me : £ ; ¢ 154 2 }- mueereeer, Ge ae ee § : Pa oe x af me Gue i gw | oot of | & |v 5 ee ee ae E i eee ere peerriee ee —- . —- —- | 203 | Bending over a trestle with water-jar, x | N J12 || 12 | Bea ee Be Be Fs) em 204 Stooping to pick up ball. : ee oes ee: Oe pe eam eee J? a1 gt cay Y05 | Carrying and stooping with Vase , (EDP I24 72 ea Ge ete de Vari eee 205! Carrying water-jur on head, turning and pl wing i ' ~ it on the ground ee ace Ep Py2 124 \| ; 12 sie Bs Be oe 207 Stooping and lifting train f eb 1D PII a? ae. ob awa, < 208 | Dropping a fan and stooping to lift it . Ai / AF NAD ie ate (eee eee 1. 4158 A = : VOD | Stopmg and lifting a handkerchief oe 7 PDA 2 eat 1 845 . ; 210 “4 dyosss a fan in left hand 4)p4ii2 | eae 1 (916). } 211 ee “ « hand’chief; parasol in 1. hand] 4 D | 12 || a eds 1 198310 ~ 212 | Dropping broom and lifting bucket of water . do.) DST ia, Wey 1 i ake4 S 4 212 | Lifting and emptying basket “es eae 12 |] 12 oes 12} 1. 3233 s) a 214 ua child (70) from the ground, turning proud | 12 SNE12 |! 12 ll 2 } 73h g <= = ~215 | Placing child (70) on the ground, child running off | 12. 8S NP}12 ) 12 : | : 129 1 | 290 4 216 | Bending to fill water-jar; js lncine j jar on head SPR ae | 12 Po ae 3 OTK Sivoping, lifting, and carrying 80-Ib, basket... pda S00 Gee es Os ie 12) ho 200 ~ 218 | and lifting fall demijohn to shoulder . 39 | N fiz! 12 > 4 A eee oe 219: | +, een broom and sweeping . : fl 7 Nopi2 tice {10-9 I yeza a k 220 | ut out “ handkerehief and turning 7 PEt E49 4, pig. 2s 4a = 3 oe « & Y2-1), basket to head . Me es ee eee |. .| 129 2 -| 240], 222 | “ ee aL water-jar to head and turning esa Nod 2 es ego te ee 223 | ts “ “ basin, wiping it, and turning 8 INF 8h Sin} Si 4}: peaties 224 | < Z a _water-j; ur to head Er tes 4 N | 12 | : : 12 1 | 268) 10 © 225 | Removing water-jar from shoulder to the ground , 4° NUE toh. ee 1 | 582/ 1.10 : 226 | Removing water-jar from shoulder to the ground 4 | and turning She ee ara Ppa = GFN is pete te bi 1) q08 jos iA 2 . ° N Gee Oslen elbset: pe hay : 3 281 | Base-ball; catching and throwing . 3 : | 34° | 150 es 2x2 “a bt « ‘ 30 N PO es 10 | = > = 983 ye «“ “ «“ 30 N 12 ! 12 ries) 3-4 id . rr) i“ “ “ ce é 30 N 712 | oar 12 1 201 |. : Sh | 12 1 37 ‘ 985 | “ 7 “t c i 30 N We i . 1 105 z 2865 | s throwing. . . . 25°31 N | 12 }* v 1 Th ‘ ; 287 es running and picking up ball : 26 | N 11 ls 1 |108| 16 . 288 te error. bie 5 30 N 10 eat m 7 ; é 3 289 | Cricket; round arm bowling . 69 N}-- | 7 | eer 1 9 2 a > 290) “over se 69 | N i 13 | i 2 ae : 291 “6 batting; drive . 69 |. N | 12 | 1 9 Mis : ex 202 | a st back cut | 69 N i acl z 2 Sy ‘ < 293 u « Cee se od Ee ee ; ii} 21 ‘ 4 2 i r » a 25 N 10 ‘I ay ge | > | “ x j ied Law n tennis; serv ing ; | 74 | D 8 | 8 4 210 5 4 296 “ (s 15 D g 8 1 152 : “ : 997 pitta “ lig kee D B44 R | 1 170 3 < ; : 08, “ (fii ig a0 | 1D) ty is ] 168 | 7 i ( 5 ‘ oe 7. Meas hy : 299 | Playing with | a ball. . 15 D 24 gs : ed : 4 \ 300 | Foot-ball; drop kick | i i: 7 i : ee a * i d ? 201 | cb nint 3 = . \: 4G 8 ; : ; . ale _ vic king up nu bi all and throwin ing it | 28 | ‘ + 12 19 : al 74: 2 4 ' : 304 “ 7 t e & Reach aes £0 MS Teg 19 F 1 a : j 305 ie “ “ tu ‘ ea 12 |TD] 12 | 12 ti 1 218 | : 306 « roe? see | 7 ip i2 |. 112]. : ah j 207 | Throwing anirondisk. .. . - -| 30 | N42 ) one a = | 540 | 7 a 808 “ the hammer. . : jee? es it hae ees! ; 1 07 ; a i 8309 “ tt tk ‘ rm 8 A | 35> al N og en an . oe ; ae 9 a 310 | Putting the shot .| 68 Nv i. pee T2 H 12). . 1 14 ) be “a | 311 | Weaving 75-lb. rock . | 22 | Nypl2i. .j-- ieee ! 1 G., wees ‘ . Ae read Pen gt Be LUIS AT TUS iw oe AAS CE NR IOF EATS SSAC OT RE I Pe RITE EE ERLE AE BE TREE LLG OIE LE ELIOT NS TT Nn AINE Sm, 1 ag ’ : an ‘ 2 fang 0g. a Re a sein es ca tg 7 “~ < we i ts *y rae] ‘i? =? . s P ae es, aie AAAI VSR, Ot a pg 4 . BN 7 _ =k Sd) ae ae ela ee oe a sobs Me Ne a ain alae ie ie eee ee R f elt - Su a a CAs TA Tse Net se ey, 4 wT , i ite ar eee © DR Se Seeley manga y > bd ar 4 Ee oe mp Ps ’ oa aor 4p * ei: Se eh Os ™ . Be TSAR ok hh ie 4 > 5 a a. , * = ¥ ° “ Me = he . + 7 e - 4 i ; aa \ ~ > q ‘ * ; i 1 { t we - + i ; i B ‘ oe > - iy ¥ ° aa MOVEMENTS. tc n 312 Heaving a 75-Ib. rock... 2 2 6 we 813 #0-Ib, ASE . pits a4 at ans 9 ee Fin 815 | UL Af US aig ad . : 316 | ue Se An panei teat ee AIP RS B17 | y Wek Oc SF eete digs tei We oa F FG 818 | Lifting " Unter eee nar conip eoerege ic ny i) Ieaving £ e Siig se aA Paes 820 Lifting 50-Th. duinb-bell.. aewail B21 | A, lifting 50-1b. dumb-bell ; B, posing : 822 | Lifting and letting down two 50-Ib. dumb-bells 803 | ic sb 4c “es hb 4i ia 324 | Curling 50-1b, dumb-bell, model } length 825 | Lifting and holding two 50-Ib. dumb-bells . BY | Lifting 60-Ib. dumb-bell at arm’s length . oil Rowing nceereee wie epnas : 828 OF a = ieee 829 Boxing; (shoes) 330 -eross-vounter (shoes). 331 . stop for cross-buttocks (shoes) 832 at cross-buttocks (shoes) ; 833 i 53 knocking 52 down (shoes) 3384 . with gloves (shoes) . 8356 6c 4b sé ce B36 | f i open hand H oa7 t ia 6 cb i Sie Mean eee Vg ae Te 858 839 340 341 B42 343 844 845 reer open hand (shoes)... .- - te us ae ot 2 4b at ce if a) ete { a “ 6 cc = { AE “ So TAL ees Striking a blow (left hand) | 3 “(right hand) « SUNY restling j teem : 845 B47 348 349 850 851 R52 353 354 855 3560 857 B58 359 860 861 862 363 B64 865 BH6 367 868 f ve 6 r swoo-Roman 1 i th Nhe aeons Fertice ot) eee ae | “ Fix’? and tiamfix bayonets” “Shoulder,” “ order, and “ carry arms’? | “Support arms” and “arms port” ‘Carry arms,’’ “ parade rest,” ¢ and “ trail arms’”’ On gu: ard, w alking and turning around . | Kneeling, firing and rising . Lying prone and firing Lyi ing on back and firing Charging bayonet . ‘Throwing a spear . oe ae (er Back somersault Running somersault . PAN Hand-spring over man's back A Head-spring, a flying pigeon interfering. | Running, hitch and kick. . 2. +> Kicking a hat Acrobat descending etairs on hands . Wis PORES, ENOTES SN FRET EERE ET TRE PIS oT ee | eset aes = Rear. z ee ra 99° | 60° 39 | Re 46 SU ee 46 cease wees 35 eee iar 35 12 ; 52 13 42 : 42 : 52 42 ; 42 “alee | 42 1204 42 | 39 aes 30 12 68 12 | 63 12 52,53 12 | $2553 J2 52,53 | JO). 52,53 12 52, 53 12 52,53 12 52,53 12 64, 65 64, 65 ee mw ss Quantity. fh pec fee et peek pee ped be ek feed bend pt fed ph beet eat ed bet fe eh eh ret end ed be rd . 4 a i| | be A 390]. . 1451. 160). 104]. , a6]... ~ 489 i ~ 119). 3 5 TBO tere Ss 825). . ea See ed ana ee 488 <) 308 | . Ss 8561. . o33|.. 3s 2 eg Pi Be tee a o8|.. 176 168 lo 961... | 188 ee W5t es - D alee Reh a = z oe ") & 4115 3 4 Q 4 =| 4 & ae 4 } Tilsis yy 987| 24 hy 316 = 319 ae oe ees LSGsiee A 136 - 182 1,8 1001, 8 ee eu ad Sih ogee Jj tp AOE ER SY IE SARA TO EE re " Seiki ae: x ea 7 ae eh le eee Seat sina ty otme 2 ead died rf wenn i tips ag Aaa am ~~ ‘ a Spree 7 eS eure . v7 a ~- = 2p — ~ - i = : 2 Ba} & or - Te, = jase. L by ? z ra nibs va - - * ° : : oe a - het eS we Fee tes Yel * Ws Mose d= Signing ne G a hs Le Me RA a Ly fh rhe: eco ucmieemtr eo) So PE Se yg on Sp are Peioliey os r ~-, 4 os > a. 2 waar 7 7 . P< tes _ ‘ “ F , : Sa ‘ c = hg ape, : preloes Tele , a ee ae ~ - ns eee dain! t Serer | t IO We Ne Ae oe “ aie ‘ tem, Say a ee ee ee ae eee ae | ae wm oa” ‘ = “7 oe “a% - ee > ee we ieee eee a ETT ‘ ye es ' bho ef ‘ Sia . peter rn ert EN SEE SRI rei nag CP Ri ete it a eee - _ a ag Ne Se Re ae ta See WE ca neg dice a EP ee 2 > “t88 | hak, 2 ae ag a ee Sg ? it ho ad Oe . ie vay eR vin oe eta ie . Page, a. Sine Nae oe so PP CPE OFCR™ tee a ye 6 ke 5 . . as Beye ; Sale at Mae ge raed es km lala Se ae ee ae 5 » i. a ys, ad 25.) ae Se ee , : 2 ne y= ie ger — 4 i a 4 ¥ z ee a ek” Soe ee a Rega a Se Be ey see oP Se ee es See ee ee > i NP cigs ne ce te ee % z SO RRS awe iD ey a " 1 . : ys Ae ont ; , Se 2 cy ; ee me a ws Ae as ; . Ps P ; a i ~ a f. > z M ee CMM Ae ——_ = atin fg Og? Gilg aay =) , . ‘a = * * rf . ¥ = ; = . % z ,, s ? r ’ . . t «} ~» “ 3 < >. . a4 5 * x £ oe oo ia » 5 : : = } aie = om eek i 7 « + su . ‘4 ; _ 4 . off ad 1 “ ¥ z . a: ah i hs Lo oy 7) & J 1 i ne ea i \ a { i? , ~ ° 4 a . i . i i. . * PR or S cm | = wn 9 ') y a + “ “~~ 9 t 2 < te. > + = i w 7 t i ‘ | ’ a: A : a » - ® ; : - ~ = ° Bs A ‘ % x ‘- ’ » f " : ‘ 3 : « lb SLi line bas orca catia Op Ha al ke ab PB oy. «pps, as Bhan win eter nen ee anna ane cs tet SAAT AAA a re | | 7 | rsx : F Foroahorten Ings. e y ; MOVEMENTS. 3 E E _ Fron ront, 4 Rear, Fs g E . Ae é si ty 5 ETS | 00 | woe >|! gue 90° | we & |e i ¥ a OKT Ee, Se Peek eee 1 rg eee « 869 First ballet action... @ «2. fs eee ) . . Ya \ 12 ae ‘12 i oe : : B70 ge ee amin: Gris et. nies ee eesiey a ae ‘ 871 | Acrobat, vertical ‘ press ap sk ee ke eee vie 12 ee ; ar ae y 872 se horizontal press up? . 6 ew ee ee 42 P C 12 | i g Lee i | 363 5 % 873 The press up" from chair .. on is C : |. a 1 18831. nes e: B74 Blacksmiths, othe models, hammering, on ana os 6: U af “112 |. 12] 1. (188). . 5 y 875 + ie ae Te 4 1499 een % 876 LS sbibact hie erase on anvil, two beahds =< bl ae 2 II . “ a ; se: i ce Ss ‘ 877 | Blac camiths, two models, hammering on anvil. . | 44,45 No i ; i 5 | 7 ; oF ly oon E 378 | Blacksmith, hnmmering on anvil, two hands. ..| 6! 4% ‘3 ae ‘e = Tashan : S = 379 | Carpenter, planing a boss ts See gce. 2275 Oe Ae x 5 | : ai i 1-o8\. ra 880 “ . pawing . aria Shomer po Ce eos 59 : e 1 1211%. = bs SH Pasa Se ths Bi. 8 é oe 881 | Mason, laying a: Vetabye (x, sascha ck eee elas | ‘6 10 1 1296 iS = " 382 | Lifting adog on entdaudhias “9 5 1 se o> + Fee aeey : beet | 2 111 aos] ee o 883 | Lifting alog on shoulder . 2 6 2 6) ee es 8) 39 4 i | i | se en? tie i) =] B84 | Heaving ¢ a log fromshoulder. «%...cutee + « « «© | 239 N : | o | rere ee > af 95 | Farmer, using a pick ses sg megs os Gat uss Cah pe a . tape oe 886 | Miner,--- ‘ St aa > OT é 12 fe ay | 49 1 losers 2 ; 387 Farmer, using a long-handled shovel + wee ato «le 4A N ae Bast 12 12 : 1} gpa oe # BRR ts a spade ; hi gi see Ge ae an Ge ee N i * A $9 ; 1 O8|.. ; BRY) ot scattering GOOCH ea: Ehihce Maa es) 4r N ie je / 12 5 : : 390 rT mowing PIA «soniye SE nS = a : | ma eae ood Via toe, 3 391 “ $s ganas bale atcha d pecans 2 2 || 12 7 mess : 392 Dmaging a gurden roller. ; eas | 39 4 | ee Ae ee : ; q 393 | Pushing “ ees i auras nemtte se 28 39. N 12 | \ 12 | 1.1186}: =. 394 riers Ae eaee handle... . 47 | a = Sk cn gS 2 395 | Turning acrank handle. ... . 47 | N p12 1 12 " : 3 jee es Ree ee 396 | Pounding with amallet . . . 39 N Oe lee atte of = LS 2e0n £ 897 | Lifting 75-lb. stone on shoulder: 4 68 47 N 12 : ~t. «fhe ee i 398 Lifting bucket of water toempty it. ......| 41% N 1.12 |] 12 $3 L. js = 399 Emptying busket ws WASAE' PEC oa eo se ee eee 2 12 th ; 12. [a be Eee > 400) ok vans hecbubdha ade 2 ML ees Pete lee ame ee 1 YeOr iam + 401 | ut a a pha eRe 2 |N]12|. 12 1. 9880 , 102 “Asin «8 8 |Nfi2i. .| 12 121 1 |301). . : 403 vi bucket hs 7 ote : 4 | D | 24 | og Greed fool) oa ai: i a 404 “ “ou ; 4, Pp Pie... 4 12 121 101g Soe & 405 | Carrying a of bricks up a uludder . . . 59 |PC] 8] 8 8} 1-2)172). 2 8 406 | ( Two models, 8 pouring bucket of water over rl ) 1,8 | N } 12} 5 Sele 285 : = 5 407 | \ « a 8 a ‘ ee J 1 See Beek 12} 125, 1 | 285 ra 2 soa | Two «© J 4 eter: « g.| ES 1 Ne 8 08. se ee a ‘ 409 | Pouring basin of water over head. . . 8 | NET2 | 125) 32 1 A ae + { 410 | Stepping out of bath-tub, sitting down, wiping feet Sab Bo haz ae oe 12: | Po S8h ie £ 411 | Lifting a towel while sitting, and wiping feet . (2 Ne Pera iy 11 l (233) SS : \ 412 | Washing, wiping face, and turning . 8 | N | Oa 91 bh [443779 2 4 413 | Pouring water in basin and washing face E g N 8 | 8 i}. 8 1 | 546 a s 414 | Wiping body with towel. . . 8 -N | 125) {Fatale oof 213; ty % ; : 415 | Toilet; preparing to put ¢ on clothing. 7 N 410 | ie 107-1 =| 188 ei. } ¢ 416, a putting on dress. . : 13 Nob t2 4) 12-4. 12 | 3-4 | 241 5 iS 4 417 “ sitting and putting on stockings . 1. GNI 12} 12 12 1 | 344 oe € 418 u “ D va et Me 73h SL ifs 12) 12 sh Be ae a Ps 419 “stooping, throwing wrap around shoulders . & TN #12 Wf 12 12.5° toe | 2a7 & 420 rising from chair, and putting on cloth- | é ing. | 12 SNP 12 4 12 |. P12) 286 | cay é 42] “ throwing handkcenchict around houlders:. 12 6 NEI | 12 | | 12 1 215 | cas : 422 putting on shoes, and rising from chair. . 38 1D 9|| 9| bo nih Le a a ee € 423 | aD bog. 8) i ME A IB 4o8) Teepe p 424 “ rising from chair, and putting on shawl. . 85) Dar eee to we. La aby a 4 3 ERR OLR RET RNa IO LEE LT LOLI LET LET IN i a ih aca eas i SE Ea lie al a i el ei i 2 Redo se) dictate ate he Ke ‘< ine ats ‘ . ete: i ; oo se pede tale <> ae bees on eR, ‘ ¢~ 2 ¢ o . ~~ 2 ie ‘ae S nes Le ta Ons ant a “ae ae. oy a nara elt ok ws Mak cee ‘ - # ‘ . ane at Ts. PAD: Gn) & SC "; a 2 ee ce eg ee Fee — FN AA 8c ons Fa. Natal ly 1 pe ~~ 23 oye erica ir. aie yf *~ aioe 4 te “! obey 2 ~— ate yA ® i “et ~ Re Fw we > ee > * na a & L - < 7 3 M 4 - , y ; & | ‘ 4 3 ke ws f r q ‘ d a i iol fa : | 7 # . : é " , Ts 5 3 : ; P > er: ‘ : 7 a 12 i ee i ¥ ‘ be 5 ee - J f, . 4 ; fi : | La a bye " { ! ¥ ; 5) at Ms *% . - as . es ‘ ' Soe “ n . z 4 ‘e $ ; ~ : a é “a 4 : ? reo ers oat 2 * ; ak 2 iy . ’ 7 ~ > } ~ . \ y . ‘ \ By ms f ' > pepe » ee ar ' Serial No. 449 | te ee > UT ro St om | x a 2 | Throwing self on heap ‘of hay Se tales ote | Raking hay . . . AS eee Carrying jar on-shoulder and basket in hand, and | MOVEMENTS, Lt Toilet; Cai a on aoe ate turning Lae al vas 6 srushing her bair and walking off 2... f * two models, ] direbing.& es 1 ;.« “ tO Mi Pr od Moraceae tate eee) “6 ‘4 “4 1 “i “lee or areata “h taking off clothing Sac ce eckids Aaa gets 4c , be > ae a ee » Washing ated HE (0 Wisc, a6 Senin eee eee Wringing clothes... 2. eres 6 6 | Hanging clothes online, . . 06. Trontig elitiiet 00.5560 a) scs05 beg ties Muking up a bed ....... mS a Lar? es Setting down bucket and preparing RAVeep . . “ “i 4 “ v6 ‘ serub . | Spreading a rug on the floor .. Stooping and rinsing tumbler ‘ | Carrying vase and ph: icing it on table . ; | Stooping wand rolling a stone on the ground . . | Drinking fron a goblet while standing Two models shaking hands and kissing each other Two models, 8 drinking from ioaler jae on the shoulder of Tg; : 3 Filling pitcher on the eroun: 1 ee Ww diet: jar. , Two models, Staking water-jar from shoulder of 10 Two models, 11 descending stairs with goblet meets | J0- with bouquet’... 6 ws Beodien aidog..°.. Two Tuodels, 8 brings cup of tea, ‘1 takes cup ] | and drinks . Two models, 8 brings cup of tea, ‘1 takes cup and drinks... ei Two models, 8 kneels, drinks from water-jar in hands of 1, and both walk off 5 | Two models, 8 kneels, drinks from water-jar i in { hands of 1, and both walk off 8] Taking 12-lb. basket from head and placing if on the ‘cround . Stepping on chair, and re: aching up. p Lifting handfuls of hay, turning, throwing it down Stepping on chair, reaching up. and deseending placing them on the ground ee Opening | nv parasol, and turning around... Pouring libation on ground, drinking from goblet. te aching up stooping, nnd turning around Two models, 16 chasing 4 with » broom . Two child, 70 N, bringis : bouquet to 12 i! bbe Tad §) N, te a“ oe ate } Child, Rec PRES ars os | ifs 1 a . Bs om ONG See alae Fak RG: Te a es | running . «70 N, running’ afters aman. “ crawling on hands and knees . 3 2 ‘< -ppetr tie. % ce walking up-stairs . ‘ Model. | DID BPOWWHENHYHOHSEyY YY ah tee Vg. | 106 1,8 = 25 oo} he Too rT | | | | | TL EE TD et / ' tstcm. wes Laterals. Fi 5 N N N N N N |i NJ} NpR N Jl N]1 N ] Nf Diz. D N N N Jie, N }12/ N | N N N N ‘ “ * a ee Yumi ome oe 2 ees ee e | * aeade AZ AR ed RB ooh fash 3| SE rR EE PLE TET TESS RTS EET, TRIE AT RE RE I ET a tok ee par ee ee a ee oe a ee — ¥ si ror Shh, WANS Wow reao: | 4 pA Pres B EIS NE: HEE | te tobe t as Sho bobo Lone. 0° | me 4 8 12 oe ee 10 12 12 eae gl, ei Sede 4 iD) 12 Quantity. - ts cS het pet et Sa tr oo _ is) to =) — a i fo) to a a to — ou Pe EO RS ee ea r Ke ee) _— LORRI OEE SL TIT EMMI RCT ET PRG PRT SN RY BRL EE PERE II IN PITY LE LI LT I LORE WAX ‘NOILLOWOODOT 'TYWINV SaLVTd JO AQNOOTVLYO a toe orem ae “ie = pretence paseo tatiana : * We, bg 6 eS we ord se ow ~~ Ce eee ee Ee tite, eet inner ns Fendi patching ele ve ; ed ; ‘ ee = : : ’ ’ : 5 en es ie se Ein ie teas Esters ene BS -e " oe — E> ep ee Pr ; — = cay ae, be * ‘ . ~, f 1 as 7 " Ais “yee nore Pixies & , “ 3 ae = . - # x “% % . r Te - ae wee on . Tis e % - 4 4 i | ~ 5 : a ia Py E i 8 : . Sa - < 2 ™- - = < rh > t Pe: 4 2 .: Ny re aa © a 7 ie 4) ra i r _ mt aS ? a = x ] 4 7 ab 7 “1 r : a o ; 2 3 ¥ f W 4 x pe i ' Se . ‘d 6 E 7 “ * > 3 S 4 De a ) F 4 ° z ‘| : 2 ’ , F = - 4 ee : . F g ~ v= ? wr | iT oe Pry eyrre teras 3 F MOVEMENTS. 4 a 474 | Child, walking up-stairs, kneeling, reaching for vare 475 “petting upon echair . . 61 ee 2 tt es 476 “sitting down onthe ground... 6 6 ee 477 “stooping, lifting a goblet, and drinking .. 478 “sprinkling water over some flowers 479 “getting up from the ground. ° : 480 “walking and crawling up-stairs . 5... 481 “ “}ifting a doll, turning, and walking off... 482 | A, walking; B,ascend’g stairs; C, ascend’g incline 488 | A, lifting basket; B, running, waving handkerchief 484 | A, sweeping; B, dusting a room... . . 1. 485 | Two models; A 10, standing and filling a goblet ; 488 | A, lawn-tennis; B, dumb-bells; C, walking ‘on 489 | A, ascending incline; B, ascending incline with 50-Ib. dumb-bell; C, descending incline; D, de- 490 | A, sitting down; B, sitting down; C, sprinkling 491 | A, bammering at anvil; B, hammering at anvil; B11, drinking while lying on the ground . astep; D, ascending a Jardder the ground; C, walking; 1), running . hands; D, ascending stairs . scending incline with 50-Ib. dumb-bell water; D, stooping for cup and drinking C, using hatchet; D, sawing a board . A 103, rowing; B96,rowing . 4... - Miscellaneous phases of the totleti.: <> eee ad ae bk [73 a i“ rs ct See an: 6 ‘6 bb SME) er oe i“ a3 sb ane i“ te rv iT Raking and packing hay... +--+. +--+. Various movements with water-jar . . . - Miscellancous,—stooping, kneeling, ete. . 3 i eee Si AS sg arene rents Ascending and descending stairs .. . Bricklaying ..... vt . . ° . . . Carpentering i. . 2. . ++: Shoeing a horse. . 2. 2 + ees a iz $ aes Of: PINGS 4 ack AOE ow) oe Le cs Dv Getting on and off table. . . 1... +: Meeding a. doge-i35 ot seas Bo gli ay Ascending and descending stairs, ete. . . . + - Miscellaneous movements with a water-jar . . 6h be ue wu 4é = 5A Sitting down, rising, ete. 2 2. 6 6 2 ee ee es A, throwing disk; B, ascending step; C, walking . A, 98 and 100, wrestling; B, 98 and 100, wrestling ; 3,99 and 101, wrestling; D, 99 and 101, sparring without. gloves sees wr Y & tier te onthe ground ...-..-+-+-. \ ice 66 46 A, lawn tennis; B, ascending x» step; C, descending 7 | A ascending a step; B, liftine » handkerchief from OP EEE SENT EE TT SE TI TEE IE EE TITS BTS UI ET es OO FTP dT Tt TT - are Me Yormborietinent eee k : | & a erences s a | P| eee a ee ea 1g oan fre | 9° me || goo | ¢ 51k 7% N ee HH. Vaeh 1+ jal. - PINE SA os | 8 1 |260| 28 ae Ce ae ee 12 (1087eS N 8 || 8 | {| 884). - ea Ni &8i} &| 1 Ld ah eae NP eat. i 18. os MoS Ue daeies 4 boogie; 5 Ree bettie ee alae 1 |182; 1 wy N | 36 ee cea -| 2 D120]. bate st imi yes D £20). 1. eek: ier W132 iets ea oa ne : N ah eed : 2 5 \ ee D128) 2| 2) 2 . HG or N a 2 yee N nes i See N a | ae Pa NU40]).. (ays Bases ane ely ees 4 4 4 ee : 4 4 4 3 3 2 a ie er oi = say OTe gt rag 3 Pe ee ee: Race yy 4, = at ee ee ie / tea z. wees 3 hy i oi} oieee S x

] SRR SES Se pee a Se SL Ba EN ICES IER ESS oo o- o 628 | A, B,O; 1, carrying child 104; D, walking with | child roq4, hand in hand; BE, renning with child | Tos: hand In wands cacy acca a hepa 1 N 5 5 5; 5 oli 8 BPG! Various poeeig. 5 ts 41 hme ue wits » weenie | OS 4 aN Rote or UR meee are Bsa Fe a ~ B20 u“ Oe Wank Sock nee ey eRe ne, oe 101 404) eee Bad a th Mats ce cans og snake Ls Sane rome Pee bap | Sees ee Se MRA 2 632 | Movement of the hand; drawing a circle . - e531 : Bree |: whe <) $2 ees 533 “ aus. 6 clasping hands. . . . .| 51 | : SUD caer cae uae Wome eo = 3 | e ese Wine eball sues = - eek? 1). ce who uN Whe Rote B35 | 4 a o beating thin. c=. ¢ i wile 5x 12 | » abe eh Bie piOhtiea B26 | “ ts a6 hands changing pencil .| 51 i Dlbee call meee tae g PW ef ae ABNORMAL MOVEMENTS. 3 537 | Single amputation of leg; hopping with crutches .| 82 N J 12 z 588 | Double amputation of thighs; poy ; A, moving for- | ward; B, getting on chair; C,down from chair On N 86 ; 539 | Infantile paralysis; child, walking on hands and feet 92 | N P12 ; eo 540 | A, bow-legs; boy; B,spinal caries; girl, walking . | 90; 91| N | 24 4 H41 ) Multiple cerebro-spinal sclerosis (choreic); walking | 21 | wy : a 542 | HM se tt WANKATE a oy) oe ee .2 4 543 | Spastic gait (hysterical) ; walking 0... <> eye Nj 12 g z 544 | Artificiully-induced convulsions ; A, B, C, while _ = § ts Sekiya yon 5 ak ee cae near ng N 49 56 Re a B45 | Artiticinlly induced convulsions; A, B, while} | | . | 4, S B fo, SGIttITIE macatens | 74 | N | 22 | ¢ 657 tb u A, B, C, while standing . 5 nets 74 N } 36 | 3 558 | Puraplegia; partial; walking Baek te hides a oe | 80 | N | 12 e 559 | Disseminated sclerosis ; walking with cane . es I Up = 560 | Locomotor ataxia; walking ot oe eS a ieee + 3% 561 | Hydrocephalus; walking og el se an ee? N 12, + 3 662 | Lateral curvature of spine; walking rae Per N p12; oH oe 4 EP SLE SEE OT EST A LY ETTORE, LI IT SRN TTT RIT LE TLIC OIA HET SR TYNE OTE EE LTRS IG ET 2 I TEL TOT I LEG ELIE EY IS ot I oT cn TT “ SM Se ec meus o . ps3 .! 2: F- : ee 3 J < Pats, oe 5 : Se SSR enero ie ee ae as i 5 Sym jig Bere i anata ne! ” pl ae singe, ; oe ° joe ; SE Ea eS os ae By a r 73S te . re, A 4 7 cae ¥ os bi ied peace é nibble terest BE -* - We Ut P20 wl paeN ge WO aire Sr Ri Ba ne cae al, NI 2 Bs mhorGe « a ea a6 Re poy ae ee ee Ae Pt EAN ie em ig ee SO aS a é EN Ce ae eee, Se or Es see tt 9g 7 ae ate. _. ee oe d el 3 . io ee ; PR woe ay ‘ : Oe he - S : ae. e - ae ~e 2 - ~*~ et “ b < » > “ » 1 Sab. _ . . * 1 re & w a ‘ i > * “? + z Aad , Pa ! - n a" ® ES by : " . ‘ is , . b- : ow ’ Mca \ ‘ = i ~ t ‘i | | | | | hae of i y Fy | y UDINE, A ¥ Se leas nersoning, ee q d i ANIMALS AND MOVEMENTS. E | Front, | ‘Teear, 3 iz § seh Se | sige) ha ok ae € = & E HORSES. ee we | 60° | we | gop & é z = 1 as 663 | Hauling; broken log chain; daviapiay Bol, aes Dusels oye eee a bd al sae ag 564 aaa, 6 “4 u“ mG ic 2 ee Monte gh ee ae eee = 666 “ dark-gray Belgian heres G0 ere ee OR ae ete wd) a ark a nas | 4 " n SE Pee ges PPS Seg Bi easy oe ae eee a [ 667 { %s m sabia Pirin ar aed i See eG ye ee es Le 1 ge bee = os HO8 2 4 WEE yk lei” Noeperess G ce. Pah ot > ry POF A en Seen “P S x 660 « “ i Be es ae) Se eiy oe Be Se ye B70 | “ upphbepeadity inde (1 Te eee BAe ol ao ae 1S ee h71 Vight-gray mare. 2... . . . . . JSohnson . .f 12 1). iy} ’ 1 95)... 672 head being pulled; light-gray mare . ne ~ ib deed. tal Te at sas | Tia 5 578 * man pulling at bead; light-gray mare“! Se ee | La 9210) 17 | . . Soe a hi4 | Walking; free; durk-gray Bel cian horse... Hansel. . 0.234, a). 3% Oak AD ee oe 675 e “ “ Wee a a eee te ee ee BA sie s ii “lightemy hotee . 24°, > ooo Jagle So 0 Te 12, | 1494 2 ei = 677 | “Gs saddle; irregular; white horse . . . Clinton. . 2912 aes ss ; 122514661 33. ae oe 578 | ie bareback ; di kenny Belgian home .Dusel. . 0.0051. .1 124). . | 32 $152 4 6b ies S a 579 | “-gaddies whiteharn os es Biberin EAS ed 18 Wan 12 0p ee = HRO | ge ak thoroughbred bay mare... AnnieG. . . $12 ee eee eee EY oe noe 581 | a bareback ; rider, 43, nude; lieht-gray | horse. oe oes mith. - Sede Ho ee... ie ee ee x 582 s saddle ; rider, 43 ‘nade; light-gray = = horse. oe Sinith eee tale 12h Peasy ie 583 gaddle; female ‘rider, nude: eray horse Tom... 712 12). Re Dee | LOS ie pce 5R4 page “ irreculur; brown mare . . . Beauty. . .F 12 4. «| Tei Ge flees Gee Ee 5B5 - sulky; light-gray mare . . . . . . Katydid pha ies | 12 38-4 | 62]. . 586 - + we Ng ee Ree ns te mB 5 1Z 12} Se fs ew OE Os 587 | Walking ; sulky; sorrel mare... - + - . Nellie Rose . Dd) HRS | ae bay horse . . . Reuben . ARO | Asnlitieas (single foot); bareback ; “white horse . Clinton. * 690 | Ambling (single foot) ; bareback ; rider, 106, nude; white horse. . . 2) Sate. 6591 | Racking (pacing) ; eadille brown horse. . . . Pronto . §92 ze «s se LET res re - §93 6c 4 cc 6c uc ae eee ac 594 st ze sulky ; “ te rere Q 595 ac ay ce t¢ ae ee ee “e “iter th 596 | Trotting; free; light-gray horse . Eagle = 7 HO7 bs arebi ick ; d: irk-gray Belgian Norse . . Hansel . SN 3 59S | st saddle; bay borse . . . Daisy (ee: | Bon | 6 bareback ; ‘dark-gray Belgian horse . Dusel. >) 4 600 | “ “ “ ry “ ei ee ss GOL | “i saddle ; brown mare . . . Beauty . 602 ss parcback ; By, 43, nude ; light-cray = Deme. - . Smith 3 603 a“ saddle ; rider, 43, ‘nude; " Tight-eray y : horse sh is Fie ape on camera Ee 4 * 604 = yeh saddle ; white horse, eT. eee ee GENE N 4 Ghd as sulky; bay Horse) eo kw te 2 a Rew bens res] a G06. |? “ AM mE Pe File eB ea eee ‘a CUT te. ee ‘¢ mare . Go ciation ee a, ES ERC 608 “ «© gorrel mare... . - . + + + Flode Holden 609 “ at "bay mare. PS ee ee ee el aaie Me 610 i st “tray ronres 2 2% ks 9 = 3 Katydid . . E 611 “ « ED 2h we poy a eee 4 612 | + shaw hare... ann ee ee as 4 613 “ “ sorrel mare . . . . Nellie Rose . g 614 | “ «“ breaking to gallop; sorrel mare Flode Holden A — RD) LPO RDI: IPSS Os EE FT TOE, OE LIT I, PELE ITT SL EI II TY OE ELE RTS OT RENT TL ESTEE SITY EE LS EE Ee ST aia ae wees WR tHe a jn yma bale? a - € “a a : wn * Ie rv. oe : Voreshortenings. a | b 3 : pa cet a - pe 4 é Pies — a q ¥ ‘ Renr, i ANIMALS AND MOVEMENTS. _ Front, |] Been eg § : i Horses nye on? 1 me 60° gees ae emt ’ peepee Pa oes ae Ed a Eee Daten \| . . * . . 1 z 86 e ia : 615 Canter; bareback; dark-gray Belgian horse. f «ae oe 1 ear 3 616 vc snddle ; bay horse ., eee Dai) p Sere aa x) | : eta i iS 1 661. j G17 | at bareback ; rider, 106, nude; white horse C Hinton. 2. | oe 1s ‘aie yee : 618 « §«6pnddla; brown horse. . 2 6s ss Middleton , nee “yy LR = 1 619 “ ‘“ “ eee 5 ee pees’ 12 |. 1 49123 = { 420 a “ thoroughbred bay. mare. , . » AtmieG. Ford hea, ae ta) oar 6 eee 4 G21 6 vs “ ‘s — 4a 5 Oe 12 ee ft 12 . 1 aa ; ; > 1 $22 ¥ «rider, 43, nude; gray horse . Smith ... eee as | ees ped cee | 623 «bareback; rider, 43, nude; gray horse . ‘ae eee a1 8 yal tee 4 624 Gallop; saddle; bay Horse © ce ve alias Gala “en se AEM Ce : '% ie OS at ee 8 a 625 ve thoroughbred Lay ROTRG ce. 2 As Bouquet : fas : : 1 or aes 3 O26 MU +f A TRATGS «ss. se « es hese [os aes Pe, ae = i 627 ts z te kes hae eee See wie ; 628 u bay horse. . . ae Dnisy ee es |e erste 49 NPE iar SS a 629 6G. bareback ; Belaian draught horse oe linseleeee ae Be ie eke oS ; 630 « saddle; grav mare. . va 8 a RRS an ere \ Ak ice 2 ; 631 vA « thoronghbred bay ‘hore. Co Bouquet. | a oe : 6382 NR eee 5 as peed s Ss 12 py s 8 37 gar i 4 t oe {- t a is ’ ae 8 _ : er ee 28 \Se4o1 7a i’ ; 634 « af PAY DOTS seo. ce sth tee ie . a 3 625 a eae WikPe ot vs ces he See ees iat cg 2S 24 1 42 A 5 636 junpios a hurdle; saddle; Pee for the | 2,15 ; leap; bay horse... : ered UCL ein : : is, | 637 | Jumping a hurdle; saddle ; “clearing, landing ae : oe 4 and recovering; bay horse . . oe alsy ree Recs | Sears ae 7 638 | Jumping a hurdle ; saddle; bay hdres. . wa > bins ears h a ted : rhb siacahny 4 G39 | Jumping a hurdle;-saddie; bay home. . . . . Drisye . . 20. 1.7.2 5 ow Pe hae ee i 640 ¥ “ Hu Ree cary te ees re) eee ees We per ye 4 641 | Jumping a hurdle: saddle; knocking over hurdle 4 and landing; rider 105; gray mare . . . . . Pandora ..f12]/. .].. oes peed : : 642 | Jumping a hurdle; saddle; rider, tos, nude; i gray mare. . . ale demnioniaece, pe2O ate 4 |. tite 1 60}. . } 643 Jumping a hurdle ; “bareback ; clearine ond land- ‘ z ing; rider, 105, nude: eray mare... 2 Pandora ger Le lf eal ose [vo oe oi et OO as j 644 | Jumpinga hurdle; sadd}«; clearing and landing; ° Q : knocking over hurdle; rider 105 ; gray mare . Pandora Ene es es 8 E Si ea eee ee ; 645 | Jumping a hurdle; saddle; clearing ‘and landing; | yo : rider 105; gray mare . . Fae encore oie eat pee col pemee clic eae fe } 646 | Jumping « hurdle; saddle; rider, 105, nude; re} gmiv mare . . .. «hs Pandork: (ae Somes ee ie 1124.1 at eee 647 | Jumping a hurdle ; bareb: ack ; rider, 105, nude ; | g gray mare < is andorn we hee rc lereee e Le 12 1 TR. Se 648 Jumping over three horses ; nu ‘B; chestnut horse Hornet). eo ee oP Se Sl hs a é 657 Rolling a box; pony . actin ih 6c due bs & Sa ok MOULD ac 9° gg Gas elvopeapets 1 ie ae bi | | M4 P H | M4 ol He Pete Ma SAO US el EDD ce atone di sae = PREECE LE NTL E EGE ENOL. AEE LE TE TEE LESS STEIN EINE A ETT I RE ETN S REO n: ETE VE ITE Fils Blea adithagae ths ipaiilijen tesa ae eR a De ia Punt ’ sz Sei ke pe a Bh a ct ti 9 Geren ed Ai ie tales Been aes Fs a mee | tiger 7 _ Wy . ee an ear. te as a = r is A Pl, Ma mys ge , € 2 r i aa : * 2 c = yon tre ~ me Sdechte tt pa nny Saag ENE Poe = " ay ¢ twa i ~ - . — 2 + £°2 41> sew - Fe Se Sah Tte ; 7 " < © OM isla as ake ~ = 2s" sas “es - a 4 a we 7. > teed = i Be -. ose '‘ ? va ry > ae r ~ . ¥ & P ie , : a Se ie nwa F ; P oe 3 > 2 : Oa ee ran dae, ane = 4 an y sige . . iain - b “ ¥. : ~ Me OTT Foreshortenings. is 3 ||—_—_—_—_ —{ s : e ‘a Front. Rear. = 4 ANIMALS AND MOVEMENTS, 5 Heian, |e BE 4 || aoe | gue | ane | soot o & | po —————— : St ee he 4 : a é = ath? 2. bia > Be ewes : { 658 | Mule; A, kicking; B, kicking .. + + +> | 2 s a . 16 . * . . * . . . B59 “A, B, bucking and kicking... 6 + + > Ruth. a 1 = . A. a rer ahs » 8 +pas | ¢ . ee me 660 « miscellaneous performances 6. + + 5 + hone Be re ee ee ee = gol | 9 A, By)a refractury animal, . 2.6 + + + : ey he rea hee ea S 662 i“ A.B “ ee teta) Waser Ec ely + = nays rfhy Dy E b aS ea (a vide - if 9 a «te ye * ' 6 “A,B, payee aks “ 30 ; ; 66 sb various performances; ata tuble, ete. . - ¥ 7 12 = gus | Ass; walking j mrebuek ; 2 boy riding... + Jenni ae nes ee Q 666 | «4 suddle 5 t M3 ruling «53 ceds es L090 sere eee | 19 a “ : ie eee 3 reece Roser G67 a3 “ ; e a boy Teese a vi 8 CN mee ee ° 668 | “ ambling; irregular; saddie; a boy riding . . el aoe oe ; S FER9 (One y wallelign 99 Aes ote te, ere wee eee et 32 |i 19 ae S G7 : is hie es eh . ue ea le CU Che se fc te 12 | ee ; : 12 : 671 ue sie ec Biba Ek oe etd Se a ee nee Files ee a | ae oe 672 tL Seat Te 4 ee er en ee Eee asl. i 673 | Sow; walking ee er ee eRe = cer ee ares pea 12 |, 1 42 674 - Fee Ne gh Cae ROAR IEA. Sg eee OE ey ES ae nr i | 675 ne ue 4 Eka tr i eee ee E 676 Gont; walking << je Lo eke PUA De poe one ag eee 6771 ee ut in sulky Seeder e er aes ores sie en they <0 a | a aes | a 678 | “ trotting, in sulky Se Ele tere ee ke tee a 679 | geillop han SiN es src 2 oak ony 7 ea - 680 | Orex; galloping : 19 | Bee eu lae: ' 681 | Virginia deer; (no antlers ; :) buck ; walking, startled to a gallop 6R2 | Fallow deer; buck; A, trotting; B, galloping’ 4.0% -s5 6. «9s ela | : Virginia deer; ; (no antlers;) buek ; me alloping aie ye eee Fallow deer; A, buck «nd doe; B, two does; trotting, galloping Cee | eae Pe “ 6“ buck and doe; trotting 5 686 a“ éc a3 4c be 687 te 3 te aes we wey ealloping ‘ x group of stat galloping HR “ T “ «“ . . — ey A, B, buck, and group of does : allo ing = gelo ,and g pi 690 | o “© buek and group of does; various movements 3 3 ? : j i Abe 3 4 Si, Ob lh once: eeuitl sucion| kone: Geeta Ss 691 ef ge me Llane galloping ; and kid; ; Jumping As <5) aera bar tees re Vee hee . GOS) bes trotting 0s! aT ic le tek a op cw Jia chea hes een CM Ee et rests att et oe oa Gi oS «galloping a4. ts ass, sncsi he ena oan eee ce cee Eee eee ‘ ae a i OZ | ss = irregular... « sige ey) gas sae ee ie Geoec Wea. | ge be ae ioe r 695 | “ Pe ee ere te er Se RE ie G96 1° Bland s: trotting “33.05.02. Sten coe wale ys 1s eee ce ee ee ' 697. | Antelope; tretting 05.0504 ei se ave. « wos lent alk Ee en eee 698 Be galloping Jeter : f 12 Aopen oe 699 | Buffalo; walking . . eee 2 8-4 | 32'.. 4 1 See : 12; 591.. &§ : 8-4 | 51)... @ : 3-4). 2 gq i Bek) eee i : pean 2 ° : ee Sa SE a ee IT eS) eS Sy tse Eee es 1 6h oe H 700 “ galloping shina? be. unl Spin ame cp, wwe ohh ee phe al ene cma ae 9 cee eho Eile ie eee 1 PIER ISS oa : , 101} Gnu; walking. . .. fa i LES ig Sb ase oe ed Ba eee ete |e ToD oes ees S 3 702 “ bucking and galloping . ene Te) Ang oa Re Dee Le eee ere Tea te 2 : : 93 | Dog; walking ; interrupted ; mastiff . daa oe CAPO el x SR ls ae Gg ded te eet Re by 3 704 sh at wmethil sss. /e) eda sa 4 Pi eg ie Ma ey Balle tls Cees Alte ae es le ” ; ie Ee 2 2 es ee eres Se Pa, US Mog ee Gee eR ACRE ESE i ee es OT SF eas an aes SITs ad a het LAz2) (Gi : 2 207 jo. < pellopine sho ee ee read oem bee Sige ween ee Hoe Pe i 2 708 a sc brown facing hound. 0). 4c AKO. Pe he aie Oh 11-4 43]... ae \) 709 : uu white ue oy ues ~Alagete co bel Zab. 12). .$1i-2) 41 A + 4 710 i“ “ iT “c 9 eae ; racing hounds @. . Ike, Maggie |. 4,12 4 Lokal a bey ae eg lee bear ec 711 | Dogs; two, racing ; A,B i exe | ae ae 98 oy ios alee eaten a — REIT ONT LSE MT ELT TET LIT LEI, OE TEI FE I SIE EL REY 2 FIT MEST ES ET TS ERSTE PE Ee SP ee ee SP hte MBE reer) oi eo ea 2 s 1h.3% Fe yr wwe S “i £ hi 7] 7 71 7 71 Tl 71 7 OO ORI ESTE | | | ‘ ra Warn ait ANIMALS AND MOVEMENTS. Dos; three, tugging ata towel . . Cut; walking; change ta gulloping ‘ “trotting ; sb a sé Lion; walking ins if it iT ce a in) tk “ galloping ae 4h 64 “s ab . . . . . . . . . . . . * * . * ‘ . . . . . . . . . , turning around. ta a6 P tc 46 . «and lioness; walking .. . Lioness; walking; lion; lying down. “i "3 4c Tigress ; . ory See) O4 Jacuar; A, walking; B, turning around ‘ ; Elephant; walking «1. .-« 2 «+ % ae “i . turning around. . . oe, a ee ee ee ee, Le ea ee, os ©.) © = Elephants; two, walking... . . ee ac ae . ee, We Egyptian cumel; racking. . .. . . . . 2 _- Dog; jumping hurdle; mastiff .. . ; around, ete.; setter , aroucd by a torpedo; mastiff . - se Aorend = ace Ras Use weiveenl & saa SNUG os pee Ike, Mueevie, ete. . WS te tat Le eee oOo) En 8 oe Oem yer: he eo Ret we See, ea Tet val. eer mee Tei ee ee eet eh ob > ea fe sa oe, Cw ete 8" Sol aot eRe er tes . sv = & Be He. | = | E | 3 || an 3 ¢ rd = Bore o B | wz 1 See (EY eee a licen 3 Ae FS eee ESE onary ae ae ay eB RR awe enn BON sox ewe | oe bate oe ee eS eee ey Poe 12 EG ee er ays Meg or Mee ay JESS AS es 1-2 136 | nanthat ne 7 ~ Foreshortenings. Frent Revr, ue | GOO |; 92 | GOS apie (ae oS a ee LD Al pee Ses ; Jee ps hoe Se bas oven vane Tek ws . . . a H . . . . ’ . . t ’ ' . e Sete Gatti ieee | | PS ot 2 aie ae mike i Pole hea kte Seoul eee yea TES RIE LNT: EE INE ISS TS IE ER I TT PIE SLOTS TN NE Ti TP TOE — os rs et ee xxx ‘NOILOWOOOT TWKINV a ie ei I cle TY ‘nm Pm Msceipisen oo oe eh petlitichea a4 % : %e ‘ & ac ‘ * { od % Animal locomotion : an electro-photogr Prin