zit : : ag) ae pate nay Nien Berra ees st alo Nt any OR Or wo pe noon LIBRARY | M.KNOEDLER & GO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York Se oe Pa Seer id W. Roberts, ture in its, ait aks ia EAs béen done peace: ‘awe composition pietures, oe ‘was cut to mal Ae, oh e ‘amd: the figures | 7 - description of the pict in the Rev. John Romp: ‘p. 69, where it is de: Th ips the best that _ before he went ‘to -I uinting was’ exhibited Se Artists in’ 177 a due to the dis Pet alts Galleries” are’ to. Pers on ‘the-a. isitton’ at interesting an ‘valuat p We ors f wei. S Fh y iS ~ i, a > aE a patel, ee ger * BLAS ol § . 5 fe dhe _ Rane cake. i a ‘ y= ov ore 4 y Se eS ORR .) . = ¥ a, +4 e PSO oh Ree * hp a ale Sat Aven F | * if aay: ¢ pa ee ’ 4 A Fy 4 . ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AL IHE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, MARCH Ist, 1916 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE MORNING OF THE DATE OF SALE, INCLUSIVE NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED PAINTINGS FROM THE BLAKESLEE GALLERIES Peet Al UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF Mine A Ayer O TEL FIFTH AVENUE, 58th TO 59th STREET, NEW YORK ON MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 6th, 1916 BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK AND CONTINUING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS MARCH 7th, 8th, 9th AND 10th BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED PAINTINGS OF THE EARLY ENGLISH, FRENCH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, ITALIAN, SPANISH AND AMERICAN SCHOOLS FROM THE WIDELY KNOWN BLAKESLEE GALLERIES OF WHICH, ON APPLICATION OF THE COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY AND MRS. THERON J. BLAKESLEE, ADMINISTRATORS OF THE LATE THERON J. BLAKESLEE SURROGATE COHALAN HAS ORDERED A PUBLIC SALE TO BE MADE THE UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE. WILL BE HELD IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE Pea HOTEL FIFTH AVENUE, 58th TO 59th STREET AND WILL CONTINUE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1916 ge RA ae eee re ~ ot ne Tee - oes. Lo", = i > ae i he 7 : } > TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY X CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- ‘chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P.M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. §, Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. ‘The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every. facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. {. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold ‘‘as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faith- fully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a pur- chaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference sub- mitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. _ a . cy ‘ -_~ . 7 >. 7 * 7 w ° > = . as ‘ al _ 4 7” ® 4 >. i x 2 i ' , a os = > Ps > at poer ee, } { a i Se se » an i 2 S > « \ a e is i ‘ ee . it 4 4 Z = *, rk sot . Pe kee \ , (‘Pie tne. * : IMPORTANT NOTICE THE FIRST SESSION OF THE BLAKESLEE GALLERIES SALE WILL TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 6th, 1916 BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA AND THE CONCLUDING SESSIONS WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS , MARCH 7th, 8th, 9th AND 10th AT 8 O’CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH FIRST EVENING’S SALE MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1916 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58rTn To 59TH STREET BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O CLOCK EMIL RAU i oO a GERMAN: 1858— Uj f) Ares 1—INTERIOR =o wey ae tp Uneke Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches /] Inrerior with three German figures, man standing with pipe in left hand and glass in right, toasting a girl to left; another man playing zither to right. Signed at the lower right, E. Rav, MUNcHEN. WILLIAM KEITH AMERICAN: 1839—1911 fp ; a) 0, r A 3/6 Pale Nib att Sablon 2—AUTUMN: CALIFORNIA Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches GOLDEN-TONED View with group of trees to left, cattle watering in broad placid river. Signed at the lower right, W. Kuirn, S.F. JOHANNES HENDRIK WEISSENBRUCH Durcu: aoe ag Foci fe 3—LANDSCAPE ei Me G ge Panel: Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches ScENE in a well-wooded dell, with spring effects. Signed with initials J. H. W. in lower right-hand corner. WILLIAM KEITH American: 1839—1911 4—GOLDEN SUNSET b HAN prada 4S” y | pa i Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches LanpscaPe with shallow river and cattle watering in center, masses of trees on right and left banks. Signed at the lower right, W. poe S.E, EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN GERMAN: 1799—-1881 5— SHEEP © Lat YY rach | ( SZ ane Panel: Height, 24 inches; width, 19 inches Lanpscare with five sheep in the foreground, other sheep and house in the distance, hill to left; early autumn. Signed at the lower left, EugzkNrt VersoecK Hoven, and dated 1878. With the artist’s attestation signed and dated Brussets pasted on the back of the panel. SCHOOL OF CLOUET ees / A 6—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Nauneudk Mayer Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches /f ¢ IO V Sma. head and shoulders of a lady of quality, gray and black dress with elab- orate design in gold and other threads, white close-fitting ruffle, fair curly hair dressed flat with gray headdress, three-row pearl necklace. In a Renais- sance frame. From the Gavet Collection, Paris. COSIMO TURA Iranian: 1420( ?)—1495 7—DEATH OF LUCRETIA — a é ‘ ; ; Aah 9; o/ U ok Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 32 inches Cassone front with the subject of the Death of Lucretia; a composition of numerous equestrian and other figures; distant view of hills and river with boats. f r SF, ; E AAACK LZAakhir GEORGE PENCZ 8—PORTRAIT OF A LADY | Cee es / () 4 tw o¢ Panel: Height, 25 inches; width, 18 inches V Sma half-length of a lady in black tight-fitting dress, collar and corsage embroidered with gold, gold chain and necklace with portrait medallion pendant, right hand with several rings, elaborately embroidered. gold and silver head- dress. Inscribed at top left-hand corner: “Anno etatis XXII.” GERARD TERBURG Dutcu: 1617—1681 9—THE MANDOLIN PLAYER VV VWV- Oe nnrh— Ne ee Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches SMALL whole-length of a lady in white satin dress with gold plush jacket trimmed with white fur, seated to left playing a guitar and singing from an open piece of music which rests on table to right; brownish hair tied with red ribbon. A version of the picture in the Cassel Gallery. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. EneusH: 1723—1792 a oe ve gery f Y BY | on 3 rg, * = ther ~ & ( “ x 10—COUNTESS OF STRAFFORD Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches Lady Anne Campbell, daughter of the Duke of Argyle; born in 1715, married in 1741 ~ William Wentworth, Earl of Strafford; died in 1785, Hatr-ricureE, in white low dress with two strings of pearls and precious stones; blue and ermine cloak over right shoulder, pearl earrings, blue neck ribbon with double row of pearls. Engraved by J. McArdell, 1762, and others. From Thomas McLean’s Collection, London, 1908. HIBS, 2572/80, oS Omausce Purchased from Messrs. Agnew &§& Sons, London. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. (PERIOD OF) ¢ © 11—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-ricurE to front, age about thirty; dark blue low dress with short puffed sleeves and red band, ruby brooch at center of corsage; black curly hair, red curtain background. ANTOINE VESTIER Frencu: 1740—1824 12—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Height, 35 inches; width, 29 inches Ha.F-LencrtH, seated, pink and white dress, black hat with white feathers and pink rose; right hand on toy dog. GEORGE HENRY HARLOW og Eneutso: 1787—1819 é yy SY Ae, sf 3 x/ 2 tial 3 VACA Vath AA Le 13—MRS. DIXON Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-Fricurr, creamy white dress cut square, with high waist, mauve belt; pearl necklace, dark curly hair bound with pink ribbon. HERMAN VANDERMYN DutcH: 1684—1741 i Ne ee 14—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Uh 6 Otter 26 itaches Height, 32 inches; width, TureeE-quarter length, seated at a balcony, white low dress and blue cloak, flat hat trimmed with black, pearl earrings and bracelet; fruit on lap. Purchased from Sully & Co., London. FRANCIS COTES, R.A. Eneuisu: 1726—1770 15—PORTRAIT OF A LADY ~y f | un mM, VO pyran il ( ae Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-FicurE in an oval, face in profile, creamy white low dress, sleeves slashed with red, white collar, dark hair with feathers and pearl fastener, pearl drop earring. NICHOLAS MAES ig fio Durcn: 1632—1693 . fr 16—A GROUP ee en AT t. Height, 35 inches; width, 26 inches A Youne man in red dress, and pink sandals, holding staff in left hand, girl in blue dress and hat trimmed with ostrich feathers holding bow in left hand; the two figures separated by a greyhound; landscape background. From Lord Buckland’s Collection, England. JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. | ATTRIBUTED Lf eG 6 tanh KX: ' 16A—DEDHAM VALE Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches A misty green and brown landscape stretches away from the spectator. The country is rolling and dotted with single and scattered rows of trees. At the left two gossips pause midway on a path leading to the left, and near by are sheep. In the foreground a pool, and at the right a thatched shed and a man in a red jacket. Painted in England about 1805, ; GERARD VAN HONTHORST Durcu: 1590—1656 17—THE MUSICIAN Height, 34 inches; width, 30 inches Hatr-ricure of young lady playing a violin and singing, brown dress, white neckerchief, black felt hat, long dark hair. JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY, R.A. EneusH: 17387—1815 0 ¢ / e A ie y /f) ; (9 mr AAAS e A KIPAL 18—PORTRAIT GROUP Height, 34 inches; width, 281, inches FatuHer and son in blue dresses and gray wigs, the elder’s right hand resting on back of chair, the son holding a drawing of a classical head; writing material and a paper with figures on table. This group was purchased privately in Boston, and is traditionally said to represent the artist and his son. SIR BENJAMIN WILLIAMS LEADER, R.A. E : 18381— | : 08 (coy | ie dela seagate or Yr) yo nn" 19—_SKIRTS OF A WORCESTERSHIRE COMMON . Height, 19 inches; length, 30 inches Eventine effects on a common with pool in front of cottage to left, figures and cattle in the distance. Signed at the lower left, B. W. Leaver, and dated 1906. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCH, P.R.A. (PERIOD OF) 20—LADY LYNDHURST : con 0 ye Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches H- t LV ferry, Sarah Garay, daughter of Charles Brunsden; married firstly Lieut.-Col. Charles Thomas, of the Ist Foot Guards, who was killed at Waterloo; and secondly in 1819, Sir John S. Copley, Baron Lyndhurst, Lord Chancellor of England, 1827-30; died January 15, 1834. Hawr-ricure of middle-aged lady, face almost in profile; low greenish dress, short puffed sleeves trimmed with white, brown fur-edged cloak thrown back, rose at center of corsage; dark curly hair, bound with pinkish ribbon, hands folded. Purchased from Wallis & Son, London. EDWARD MORAN American: 1829—1901 by L O cle 6: y vé 21_SUNRISE, NEW YORK HARBOR Height, 28 inches; length, 41 inches Earxy morning with sunrise effects on the water, numerous rigged sailing ships and other craft and figures. Signed at the lower left, Knwarp Moran, and dated 1873. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE ( Prrrop OF) 2 ¥) t L, 5 [Vi MI AMAA “oe - (22—THE COUNTESS OF GALLOWAY o “ay 5 ‘a - Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Jane, daughter of Henry Ist Earl of Uxbridge; born Sept. 1, 1774, married April 18, 1787, Admiral George Stewart afterwards Earl of Galloway; died June 30, 1842. Hatr-ricure seated, dark-brown V-shaped low dress trimmed with blue and edged with white; brown curly hair, lace head-dress with long white satin streamers that fall over left shoulder and are held by right hand, left arm resting on table; brown curtain to right. From the Earl of Galloway’s Collection. RICHARD COSWAY, R.A. - Encuisu: 1740—1821 rd ve ya a oY Lh Ag J tA~Anmnkh’&s A4 23—LADY SEATED IN A LANDSCAPE Height, 49 inches; width, 39 inches THREE-QUARTER length of a lady from twenty-five to thirty, seated in a land- scape beneath a tree, white low dress with short puffed sleeves and white fichu, pink bow at center of corsage; gray shawl, powdered curly hair; large black felt hat trimmed with pink ribbon and white feathers; left hand holding partly opened fan; distant landscape to left. le J 24—-NOVEMBER, OR SOLITUDE ~ Nay ryarsvr a \staae 9 wo o Nw lady in gray long cloak and “Dolly Varden” hat. SIR WILLIAM Q. ORCHARDSON, R.A. EncutsH: 18385—1910 06 (Four oil sketches from the artist’s sale) Height, 49 inches; width, 3014, inches Winter landscape with tall trees and shrubs, in the center of which stands a 25—IN THE GLOAMING | A oie Gg / 0° Height, 28 inches; length, 47 Se Evenine scene, with a lady dressed in furs and with fur muff and dark hat seated in an open carriage, and passing through a valley, landscape and towers in the distance. Apparently a sketch for “Lady in Brougham” repro- duced in J. E. Little’s “Life and Work of W. Q. Orchardson, R.A.,” 1897, p- 14. 26—FISHING BOATS q) Pp Tar Height, 26 inches; length, AG inches Moonuicur scene with numerous fishing boats putting out to sea. 27—F LOTSAM AND JETSAM oe “0 ¢ Height, 23 inches; length, 38 inches aon gt Srormy seashore with peasant girl hauling in wreckage. SIR GODFREY KNELLER (AFTER ) 23—EDWARD HYDE, EARL OF a Ae. : snc | THREE-QUARTER figure, seated near a balcony, in Chancellor’s robes, long fair hair, mustache and chin tuft. “o@ Height, 39 inches; width, 89 inches SALOMON VAN RUYSDAEL Dutrcu: Azsoutr 1600—1670 29—_LANDSCAPE Segal tm (tr fa PAADADAAAHWYRE 1 i, ae a Height, 31 inches; width, 42 inches EXTENSIVE summer view of shallow river with boat and well-wooded banks, cows watering. Signed with initials and dated (indistinct) in lower right-hand corner. Purchased from Sully & Co., London. ADRIAEN HANNEMAN Dutcu: 1601—1670 30—PORTRAIT OF A LADY (? | va A; ae OS. Ti AAA Pi by aie 44 Height, 41 inches; width, 34 inches (7 / THREE-QUARTER length of a young lady, seated in armchair to front, old- gold dress cut low with white satin trimming and pearl pendants at corsage, blue cloak, dark hair, pearl earrings, gold necklace, left hand holding red rose. ATTRIBUTED TO JOHN OPIE 31—PORTRAIT OF A LADY | ve Height, 47 inches; width, 35 inches E- bn p Ja ** i AM TuHREE-QUARTER length figure of a lady seated under trees, in low white dress ~ and black fur scarf, holding fan in left hand. ae, ff f LA MYL SPANISH SCHOOL, XVII CENTURY 2) 31A—PORTRAIT OF AN INFANT A / ys : ihe eka, 1jF- oe hy hho U ecko * 06 Height, 2814, inches; length, 36 inches Bust portrait of a young woman. Three-quarter view to the right. Her dark hair is rolled and carried far down over her ears. High, stiff ruff and a triple string of pearls over an old-gold bodice. JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH Eneuisu: 1752—1812 32—GIRL WITH DOG ( an Height, 49 inches; width, 89 tuches id 4 ) ra Vay ys : 1 ° WHoLe-LencrH figure of a little girl about four or five, seated in the corner of a blue upholstered sofa, looking at spectator; low white dress with broad blue sash, and fondling a spaniel which is gazing up into the child’s face; brown curtain to right. John Raphael Smith, the famous mezzotint engraver, painted several pictures of this type. JACOB HOUSMAN (or HUYSMANS) EncusH: 1633—1696 33—MRS. BLOUNT &’ bf &y rf 2 6 0 ell Height, 52 inches; width, 354%, inches THREE-qUARTER length, walking to right, in a landscape; old-gold shot-silk low dress edged with white and fastened with pearl buttons, short sleeves trimmed with white; brownish gray cloak fastened with brooch; brown curly hair with pearl ornament; pearl necklace and earrings; left hand holding a sheet of music. Inscribed to left in gold letters: Mrs. Biounv. Purchased from Hodgkin, Paris. FRANCESCO BOTTICINI FLORENTINE ScuHoou: 1446—1497 33A—MADONNA AND CHILD . > we of rs pe OWL \ ¢ : VrAth— / g ge Fy oe Panel: Circular, 38 inches Hatr-Leneru figure of the golden-haired Virgin, seated to front, in yellow, blue and green draperies, the blue mantle embroidered in gold at the edge: the Infant, with left foot on a cushion which rests on his mother’s lap, the right held by her left hand, in white garment, standing and embracing her; to left a saint in white and red draperies, and to right one in red, each holding a lily branch; blue background. : The attribution to Botticint confirmed by Mr. Berenson. JOSEPH HIGHMORE EncuisH: 1692—1780 34— PORTRAIT OF A LADY ~~ f\ 4 / aw) +e Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches Ny . Es. BALA THREE-qUARTER length, blue low dress embroidered with gold and edged with white, blue hat with flowers, brown shawl over right arm, left hand holding miniature of elderly gentleman in red coat and long wig. - NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE | Frencu: 1656—1746 on , . 35—LADY IN BLACK VW. Vb. g Lae 4 i a Height, 54 inches; width, 41 inches | Turer-avarter length portrait of middle-aged lady in gold-patterned black gown cut to V-shape, hat with feathers; fan in right hand, black mask in left LOUIS GALLAIT Bexician: 1810-—1887 36-—ART AND LIBERTY f. > Whe / sO Height, £8 inches; width, 43 inches Neary whole-length figure of a young man standing by the wall of a lake, in black jacket and white shirt sleeves, a violin in left hand and bow in right; to left writing materials and sheet of music inscribed “Arte & Liberta”; mar- . ble column, inscribed “Maria,” with vine branches. Signed at the lower right, Louis Gatiarr, and dated 1865. MARTIN CREGAN, P.R.H.A. EneuisuH: 1788—1870 37—_MRS. HAWKINS AND CHILDREN Height, 46 inches; length, 60 inches The wife and children of Captain J. Hawkins, of the Bombay Engineers. Group of five figures. The mother seated, in low blue silk dress and scarlet cloak, the youngest child in white on her lap; the elder girl, also in white, rests her right hand on the child’s shoulder and points with a rose to left; the second youngest stands by a red-covered table and holds a spray of flowers; to right boy in blue dress and white lace collar; landscape background. From the collection of Admiral Hawkins, and probably the picture exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1819, PAUL DELAROCHE Frencnu: 1797—1856 38—_FRANCE AND GREECE 3 dg oy Height, 45 inches; length, 57 inches OS - Vr My “Ne Emstematicat female figure of France holding standard, ifeless Greek figure on her lap with broken sword inscribed “La Gréce en 1826.” VAN DYCK SCHOOL 39—GOVERNOR JACOBUS RAGHEIP f) fa) . _ tj /, Y f ae Height, 60 inches; width, 46 inches VV: VAA WY Pee THREE-QUARTER figure of elderly man in black dress and hat, white gauffered collar and cuffs, gray mustache and chin tuft; to right pedestal with coat- of-arms, name of personage and date “M D C XVIII.” LUIS FALERO SpanisH: 1851—1901 40—SCULPTURE oy ary ° ¥ oe AS he = Height, 66 inches; width, 42 inches 4 GSS-Y we © rth F Wnotr-tencrnu nude female figure, seated on yellow patterned draper'y, chis- eling a figure. Signed at the upper right, L. Farero, and dated 1892. LUIS FALERO SpanisH: 1851—1901 41—PAINTING a 47 ) Ce) \ LAO ve Height, 42 inches; length, 76 inches PUN ‘ KG. / atl WHoLE-LENGTH nude figure of young woman with yellow drapery, seated, holding palette and brushes and painting on a canvas which rests on an easel; long flowing dark hair. Signed at the upper right, Farero, and dated 1892. 4 - .' M_L~eet as Canvas: Height, 49 inches; length, 66 inches FRANS DENIS Beitcian: Asout 1610—Arrer 1655 42 FAMILY GROUP F Woe a Porrraits of a gentleman of quality in black dress with white sleeves, white lace collar and cuffs, standing to left, and his wife in black dress with broad lace collar seated in red chair; in the center a child holding a spray of cherries. Signed to right on ledge of pedestal, Frans Dents, and dated 1651. Purchased from Asher Wertheimer, London. PIETER BOEL 2 FLemisH: 1622—1674/7 » f Nee ? . fotravrtio wf A 48—FOWLS SURPRISED BY EAGLE \ 7 ee : ae , 4 Height, 47 inches;, length, 69 inches ro Aw animated scene caused by the sudden descent of an eagle among a group of roosters. The foster-mother of the frightened chickens is hastening to attack the invader, who has its claws fastened into the cockerel. GERARD DE LAIRESSE Dutcu: 1640—1711 44—THE MARLBOROUGH FAMILY (44a Y ON Syisew4 4 a at XO Height, 48 inches; length, 68 inches Group of husband, wife and three children. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK Friemisu: 1599—1641 45—VIRGIN AND CHILD WITH ANGELS Height, 63 inches; width, 52 inches Manponna seated on clouds, in blue draperies with flowing dark shawl above head, holding the Infant who has one foot placed on a globe; to left an angel child in scarlet robe playing a guitar, to right another child angel. This is probably the picture described in Smith’s “Catalogue Raisonné,” No. 335; and in the “Supplement” of the same, No. 118, as being in the possession of Mr. D. W. Acraman of Bristol and as formerly in that of M. Robit of Paris, 1801. It was engraved by Ballin and Beckett. The version at St. Luke’s, Venice, differs in some small details, notably the serpent on the globe in the Venice picture does not appear in this. GUIDO RENI Iranian: 1575—1642 46—ALLEGORICAL GROUP Vy % The ln Aw SU ye Height, 64 inches; width, 511%, inches Fremate figure as Fortune with pinkish drapery, accompanied by Cupid, flying over the globe. Purchased from Henry Graves & Co., London. ROBERT WALKER MACBETH, R.A. — Scotcu: 1848—1910 “ LLER’S DAUGHTER 47—THE MI Q. Aa fd, Height, 551%, inches; length, 67 inches Ait . | Vatiey with cottage and shallow river, girl with long red curly hair, pink | bodice and white petticoat, seated on a bank fishing, red hat and sleeping dog by her side; church and other buildings to right. Signed at the lower right with initials R. M. and dated 1889. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1889, No. 763. Purchased from Arthur Tooth §& Sons, London. THOMAS HUDSON ENGLISH: Lt Ode moh tae 48—FAMILY GROUP bY ae &Y C , 3 a b/ U we Height, 59 inches; length, 64 inches Neary whole-length portrait of a gentleman in red dress, with white cuffs and neckerchief, standing to right; a lady in low white dress and blue cloak to left; and near her a little girl in white dress and cap, holding flowers in her left hand; background pillar and sculptured vase. FLEMISH SCHOOL 49THREE LADIES Ye va | / i gat Height, 59 inches; length, 60 inches WHOLE-LENGTH portraits of a lady in red dress and wearing a crown, with two other women, one kneeling and the other carrying a basket of flowers. DOMENICO ZAMPIERI DOMENICHINO Irauian: 1581—1641 50—MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE Seay | Cr Height, 69 inches; width, 60 a YU: 1S rin ee Grour of six figures. The Virgin in pinkish and blue draperies, holding the Infant, who is placing the ring on the finger of St. Catherine, the latter in red and white draperies; St. Joseph and two angels in the background. MASTER OF SAN MINIATO FLORENTINE 51—DEATH OF CHRIST eae oe PO rl Panel, arched top: Height, 63 inches; length, 64 inches ; he Group of ten whole-length life-size figures. ‘The Dead Christ across the lap of his mother, who is attended by male and female saints, one of whom holds a crown of thorns. GERBRAND VAN DEN EECKHOUT Dutcu: 1621—1674 52—FIGURES ee, ey / CAcYanw qo “ ao Vf A 4A / k S —y ¢. Height, 31 inches; length, 71 inches J] Ws Ww Ficure of three men, one standing in Oriental dress and white turban, looking up at another figure only partly seen. A fragment of a large picture. CORNELIS DE VOS Fremisu: 1585—1651 5383—GROUP OF FIGURES 1 ) /a ; — ; VY Weal SI eeA 35 LF aa Height, 75 inches; width, 34 inches Evperzy priest in white and scarlet robes cutting off the hair of ‘e girl who is kneeling; portions of other figures to right. FRANCISCO JOSE DE GOYA Y LUCIENTES Spaniso: 1746—1828 ; ot Vv. Wb 54—PORTRAIT OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE | Height, 96 inches; width, 76 inches Wirn right hand outstretched and apparently delivering an address is an~ officer in full dress uniform. His dark coat is heavily braided with gold and his breast covered with orders and a brilliant sash. Before him on a lower plane are several men, some with drawing and stone-cutting instruments, and between them an unfinished marble wall. At the lower left is an inscribed tablet, a portion of which is as follows: EISma Sor Principe de la Paz Ge- neralisimo de la Educacion de Espafia é yndias Restaurador de la Educacion Espanola. Painted in Spain about 1814; bought of Mr. Marezell Nemes, Budapest, August, 1911. In an antique Louis XIV frame. ITALIAN SCHOOL a 55—CHRIST ON THE CROSS Vr Ne Ghee: jl ee / U < Height, 39 inches; length, 70 inches Aw over-door, with the Dead Christ on the Cross surrounded by numerous figures; the Dove and angels overhead. | FEDERIGO ZUCCHERO Irauian: 1543—1609 56—PORTRAIT OF A PRINCESS San %2 4 Vy ae Height, 41 inches; length, 78 inches WuoLe-LENcTH, standing to front, red dress elaborately embroidered, black overmantle with gold buttons, black hat with white feathers, white collar, gloves and handkerchief in left hand, King Charles spaniel on right; yellow curtain background. No. 54—Porrrair oF THE PRINCE oF PEACE By FRANCISCO JOSE DE GOYA Y LUCIENTES JUAN BAUTISTA DEL MAZO SpanisH: 1620—1667 57—PORTRAIT OF A LADY a Lf. ( gf Height, 19 inches; width, 41 inches Vy : inne WHoLe-LENGTH figure of a young lady, standing, looking at spectator, in black hooped dress with broad over-sleeves elaborately embroidered and gar- nished with pearl ropes; dark massed hair bound with white, white chiffon | collar, right hand resting on back of red-upholstered chair, left hand holding fan; red curtain to right. Probably a copy of a portrait by Velasquez. PAUL TILLIER — a G Frencu: ContrEMPORARY 58-NUDE WOMAN ne og a. of a 3 qg gate - Height, 45 inches; length, 78 inches WHOLE-LENGTH nude figure of young woman with flowing flaxen hair, near a “ae balcony on which her pink fur-lined cloak rests; background of trees and uM te. flowers. F, Signed at the lower left, Paut Trtumr. Exhibited at the Salon, Paris, 1908. JUSTUS SUSTERMANN Fiemisu: 1597—1681 59—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN OF FRANCE Height, 77 inches; width, 47 ate ya & S70 |, ale Fuvi-Leneru facing the right—doublet of black velvet embroi and silver, crimson hose and sleeves; standing by a table on which is his casque. The actual casque exists in the Metropolitan Museum of New York, whilst the bearer of the casque is in an English private collection. From the Charles Butler Collection, London, 1911.-KalSq 896 -1/019- Moth : Purchased of Asher Wertheimer, London. t Lik rs HE AY. No. 57—Porrrarr or A Lapy By JU: Y BAUTISTA DEL MAZO IL GAROFALO ITALIAN: 1481—1559 60—THE WISE MEN G. mv —- [Gd oe Panel: Height, 47 inches; length, 661 inches Group of seven whole-length Fakes of men, women and a child in a landscape; the two foremost men walking to left and carrying presents. 7 VENEZIANO BONIFAZIO Irauian: 1555—1599 61—_TWO SAINTS : (ths (3 / mma) ee Height, 80 inches; width, 23 inches St. Perer holding the key and accompanied by another saint in monastic cos- g yi p »y tume. UNKNOWN . 62—HUROPA AND THE BULL Y s0 oe. Height, 52 inches; length, 70 inches AArg Wuotn-Leneru of Europa in light flowing draperies, seated on the Bull, and accompanied by an infant; distant landscape. REV. MATTHEW WILLIAM PETERS, R.A. Encuisu: 1759—1814 683—VISIT TO BABY Yo 3 (a eee Height, 73 inches; width, 54 inches 6 mM ue A GOLDEN-TONED group of four figures in an interior. Three fair-haired young ladies, the eldest of whom is richly dressed, visiting an infant lying in its cradle to left; window and red curtain background. No. 638 ByOonREV. Mo W.-PEITERS, R.A. Visit tro Bary MIGNARD Se ae 64—THE EDUCATION OF A oe "Ca 7 4 as Height, 70 inches; width, £3 inches Yourn in armor seated to left, female figure 1 in ei and white robes ‘pointing to a map; cupids overhead. WILLEM EVERSDYCK Dutcu —FAMILY GROUP . SP eee vy, Hae 3 ; 0 ile Height, 531% inches; length, 75 inches Group of five figures in a landscape, with various trophies of shootntas The father and mother to left, two children to right, one holding up a dead rabbit. Signed. — SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK Friemisu: 1599—1641 66—DAUGHTER OF THE COUNT OF HOLLAND / 0 neice Height, 80 inches; width, 46 Vise WHOLE-LENGTH, life-size portrait, age about thirty, standing directed to left, low white silk dress, the corsage garnished with pearl ropes, blue ribbon waistband; brown curly hair tied with blue ribbon, pearl earrings .and neck- lace, left hand holding fold of dress, right holding red rose; scarlet curtain to left, column with landscape to right. From the Earl of Dunmore’s Collection. Purchased from Sully § Co., London. le 93 Another version, in which there is a pet dog to left, and is illustrated in the Klassiker. der Kunst volume on Van Dyck, page 411, belongs to the Earl of Pembroke. No. 66—DauGurTerR oF THE Count oF HoLLANp By SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK (AFTER) Fremiso: 1599—1641 Cauce 7 Vy. ne 67—J AMES STUART, DUKE OF GORDON AND LENOX Height, 82 inches; width, 49 inches Son of Esmé Duke of Lenox, born in 1612; created Duke of Richmond 1641; a devoted adherent of Charles I; died in 1655. . WuHo.eE-LENGTH, life size, standing to front, black satin dress showing white at sleeves and breast, broad white plain collar, long fair hair; black cloak with star over left arm and wearing the insignia of the Order gh the Garter; cur- tain and architectural background. Inscribed at the lower left, James Stuart, Duke or RicHmMonp anv Lenox. B. 1612; D. 1655. From the collection of the Earl of Clarendon, Grove Park. A version of the Duke of Buccleuch’s picture, exhibited at Burlington House, London, 1900, No. 18, and reproduced in the Klassiker der Kunst volume on Van Dyck, page 372. — CLAUDIO COELLO Spaniso: 16385—1693 68—FERDINAND OF AUSTRIA -50 “= WHOLE-LENGTH, in armor, white ruff, long boots with spurs, one hand on sword hilt, the other holding baton, order suspended fr neck; helmet on table to left; red curtain at top to right and left. Height, 81 inches; width, (a Khituws Stesarsd No. 67—J ames Stuart, Duke or Gorpon AND LENOX AFTER VAN DYCK JUSTUS SUSTERMANN FLEMIsH: 1597— 1681 roe 69—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GENTLEMAN ee 20 ve Height, 82 inches; width, 47 inches WHOLE-LENGTH, standing, in demi-suit of armor, black breeches and stock- ings, buff shoes, one hand on vizor with white and red feathers, the other on hilt of sword; red curtain to right. REV. MATTHEW WILLIAM PETERS, R.A. Eneusu: 1759—1814 70—LADY AND ANGELS Wy ee 4 ed so = Height, 41 inches; length, 87 inches Youne lady in white draperies, with angels in attendance. WILLIAM DOBSON - (Arter VAN DYCK) Encusn: 1610— Le inne 71—LORD JOHN AND LORD BERNARD STWART ; / % Ci A Height, 85 inches; width, 48 inches Sons of Esmé, third Duke of Lenox. Two whole- -length, life-size figures stand- ing in front of a pillar and blue curtain; the younger brother looking to left, in scarlet dress, brown cloak, leather top boots; the elder in white satin dress, stockings and shoes, blue cloak over left shoulder, wearing sword. A good copy of the famous picture until 1912 in the Cobham Hall Collection of the Earl of Darnley. CARLE ANDRE VAN LOO Frencu: 1705—1765 72—EMPRESS OF AUSTRIA Soop : 40 i —— Height, 87 inches; width, 49 inches WHOLE-LENGTH, about forty, in state robes of gray satin low dress and short sleeves, elaborately garnished with pearls and precious stones; black gold-em- broidered under-skirt, scarlet and white cloak across shoulders; crown and orb on tabie to left. CARLE ANDRE VAN LOO Be argc 17051765 73—_EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA | we 4 ; Qratyn omer ecenn’y ° / 0 ante Height, 87 inches; width, 49 inches / WHOLE-LENGTH when young, standing, in state robes of gold-patterned coat and breeches, white stockings, black shoes with jeweled buckles, long flowing gold embroidered cloak, gray wig, white collar; order of the Golden Fleece suspended by red ribbon; crown, orb and scarlet and ermine cloak on table to right. SPANISH SCHOOL 7T4—PORTRAIT OF A LADY y Heigl } lt} } ie SOTA KoV2 ere ve eight, 83 inches; width, 50 inches Soge g ele. Whuo.e-LencrH, standing by a table, with writing materials, black dress with an exceptionally large circular lace ruff; fan in right hand, left resting on a Book of Hours. From the Bethell Walrond, 1878; and Charles Butler, 1911, collections. #/b3 4 B 7-81 odvvdt: SIR GODFREY KNELLER EncuisH: 1648—1723 75—PORTRAIT OF A QUEEN OF ENGLAND / v7) ¢° Height, 85 inches; width, 50 ere Y wh Wuote-Leneru portrait of stout middle-aged Queen in state robes with/ermine cloak, right hand resting on crown on table to left, left holding cloak; pillar to right. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. (ATTRIBUTED TO) EncusH: 1753—1839 76—THE EVENING STAR Ly} Bae a Height, 86 inches; width, 51 inches Wuote-Lencru, life-size figure of a young woman, symbolizing a star, floating in mid-air, in dark-brown dress with jeweled star over forehead, brown hair; right arm upraised, left hand holding a phial from which incense is pouring. WILLIAM HOGARTH (PERIOD OF) 77—_AN INTERIOR WITH FIGURES Get iges Height, 52 inches; length, 87 inches Y Cer. rat ed | 9 We Warr : aa eee PropaBiy a scene from a play. Interior with five figures; the central one, a youth in red breeches, white stockings, yellow waistcoat and brown coat is asleep on a couch; a young woman in blue and white dress and mob cap with pink ribbons is anxiously gazing into his face, and in her haste to reach him has upset a small round tea-table, a complete catastrophe being prevented by a negro page boy; on the right is a lady in flower-patterned dress and holding a fan; to left an elderly lady in white dress and pink cloak, her hands ex- tended and alarm depicted on her face; red curtain to right. MICHAEL JANSZEN VAN MIEREVELDT ‘ Dutrcu: 1567—1641 J SO rae ~~ - g 78—PORTRAIT GROUP +e Height, 771, inches; width, 68 inches Group of a father, three sons and daughter. The father, a middle-aged man, with broad white lace collar, gold-patterned brown jacket, black striped breeches and spurred boots, holds the little girl’s hand, his left arm on young- est boy’s shoulder; the children are in dark dresses with white lace collars ; brown curtain. LOUIS TRISTAN SPANISH: Nee Cae: 79—A DOR ATION OF THE MAGI —_ noe Vi TE ann a Height, 90 inches; width, 44 inches Group of ten figures in front of the stable. To right, the Virgin, in rich deep red gown with blue overmantle, is hold- ing the Child; one of the Wise men, in flowing gold-patterned robes, is kissing the feet of the Infant, whilst another, also richly appareled, is offering a gold casket, and the Ethiopian is carrying another; St. Joseph in golden robes is behind the Virgin; a youth bearing a golden crown is advancing toward the central group; three other figures form part of the composition; camels and trees are seen in the background. Signed in full and dated 1620 on ledge at bottom. GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT EncusH: 1767—1797 Vrrhhe “% Height, 78 inches; length, 88 inches . ima ma DernsELy wooded landscape divided by a valley inthe center; man carrying a fagot of sticks, to right a thatched cottage with peasant woman outside; sun- set effect. 80—LANDSCAPE ABRAHAM VAN DIEPENBEECK Fremisu: 1596—1675 81—DUKE OF MOLINO Ts oo Height, 83 inches; width, 57 inches aia cA - p LL WHOLE-LENGTH, life-size of middle-aged man, standing on a balcony, black | _ cloak with long gold chain, white lace collar and cuffs, left hand on hilt of sword; coat-of-arms to left. DANIEL MYTENS Dutcu: Arnovut 1590—1656 82—PORTRAIT OF CHARLES I iY ue Pagid Se Height, 89 inches; width, 57 inches GLE IOI 4 tli WHOLE-LENGTH, life-size, standing looking at spectator, in elaborate costume, with scarlet vest, red and white cloak, chain of the order of the Garter with pendant, white lace collar, black hat with white feathers, hands gloved; to right green covered table with crown, scepter and orb. From General Bulwer’s Collection, England. DOMENICO ZAMPIERI DOMENICHINO Irauian: 1581—1641 88—DAIDALUS AND ICARUS Q be es Canvas: Length, 96 inches; width, 66 inches : WA % ay. Tue elderly winged Dedalus fabricating wings for his son Icarus preparatory to the flight from the Island of King Minos; winged cupids floating in the air. Signed DomENIcHINO in scroll in foreground. From Blenheim Palace. ae = .* ‘ = al : acti ae . . r * a Sy ; an © ae ti ™ a $i ie ne 3 = ‘segs a # ca ” ra j . ; - ~. i a A ~ ‘ ae ; a? « + o oh ie ees ead ; a ee? > | e ee ook ie SL ae Wi SECOND EVENING’S SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1916 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8 O'CLOCK PIETER FRANSZ GREBBER Doutcu: 1600—Artrer 1665 84 VIOLIN PLAYER EA VN gic EVILS & ¢ / 5g °"— Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches Hatr-ricureE of a young man seated, in white and blue draperies, playing a violin and looking up to right. FLEMISH SCHOOL 85—VIRGIN AND CHILD < ore. Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches LV : CAL Vv Sma half-figure of the Madonna in dark red and green draperies, nursing the Infant who rests on a cushion and holds a pear in his right hand; gold back- ground. GEORGE FREDERICK WATTS, R.A. Enceusu: 1817—1904 86—PORTRAIT OF LADY ASHBURTON Panel: Height, 15 inches; width;12 inches LY | LV” Uda: Ata Heap and shoulders, full face, gold-patterned low dress, pearl necklace, dark brown wavy hair with ruby ornament. GIROLAMO DAI LIBRI Irauian: 14°74 1555 87—_MADONNA AND CHILD ° , we wees ML 2 Ni l 0 Nh ate Ae, LALA Panel: Height, 13 inches; width, 17 inches Sma vu half-length of the Madonna in scarlet dress and greenish cloak, holding the Infant Christ who stands on a ledge; hilly landscape; trees and buildings in background. PIER FRANCESCO BISSOLO VENETIAN ScuHoou: 1492—1554 88—_MADONNA AND CHILD 6 oT 6 Height, 22 inches; width, 19 inches V ADA é Gy AMrtic re Tue Madonna seated in a landscape, in white, red and blue draperies, hands clasped, looking down at the Infant asleep in her lap; gray and gold curtain in background. F'rom the collection of Henri Harrow, Paris. CHRISTOPH AMBERGER German: 1490(?)—1563 89—_HEAD OF CHRIST J C-7d fd Panel: Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches aya YS eae Heap of Christ with long fair hair and beard, crowned with thorns. In an old Renaissance frame. Seal on back. MILANESE SCHOOL 90—MADONNA AND CHILD) 1 9 / = AIT Soa be Panel: Height, 20 inches; width, 15 inche 7 Smaxux whole-length of the Madonna standing, in red and blue robes, nursing the Infant; gray blue background. Signed at the lower center, S. F. Purchased from Mason Perkins, Florence, and attribution placed by Dr. Sirén. FRANCESCO BONSIGNORI Iranian: 1455—1519 91—_SANTA LUCIA 4 - VY dren Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches gry} SmALu head and shoulders of the saint in red dress, her left hand resting on stone ledge, red hair in long ringlets. NERI DI BICCI FLorENTINE: 1419—1491 92—MADONNA AND CHILD 3 oe Panel, circular top: Height, 29 inches; G 4 width, 16 inches SmAuu three-quarter figure of the Virgin in scarlet dress, green cloak edged with gold; the Child standing on a cushion, holding a fruit in right hand. Purchased from Mason Perkins, Florence. Attribution verified by Dr. Sirén. JUAN BAUTISTA DEL MAZO SpaNnisH: 1620—1667 Ch. ny A 983—PORTRAIT OF A GIRL od Pati Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches vo Heap and shoulders in blue dress with lace collar and pearl necklace, fair hair with blue ribbon. WATTEAU SCHOOL 94—BLIND MAN’S BUFF oe | : eee | / ot «i Height, 21 inches; length, 25 inches trarhee y Atha Lanpscare with numerous figures of young people playing blind man’s buff; man seated by trunk of tree to right. rh J a Panel: Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches oH 77 ~~ JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT ~ Frencu: 1840—1902 95—CONVENT CHOIR , and Yates Inrertor with group of eight nuns, one playing on a small organ, the others singing and listening. Signed at the lower left, Grorces Vipert, 1865. LE BOURGUIGNON (JACQUES COURTOIS) Frencu: 1621—1676 | 96—TWO BATTLE SCENES Ba Benmarht 4s Height, 17 inches; length, 28 inches 1. BEFORE THE BATTLE Group of mounted and other warriors at halt on a plain, city in the distance. pot : ae Height, te inches; length, 28 inches 7 2. THE ATTACK Tue heat of the engagement with dead and wounded men, horses fordiig a stream, church tower and castle in the distance. AUGUSTIN THEODULE RIBOT Frencu: 1823—1891 97—GROUP OF FIGURES (, | “4 DY rrlehirnr .. Height, 28 inches; width, 23 inches ‘ Interior with five male and female figures, three seated, one reading from a paper. A sketch. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. Eneutsu: 1753—1839 98—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY a ' y & at | — Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Tin: AS te F Soy Wig Ipc Hawr-ricure, seated beneath a tree, green low dress with white fichu, yellow gloves, white mob cap with pink ribbon, dark hair falling over forehead. W. STREETES (ASCRIBED TO) ENGLISH 99—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN oY Nn J gee at eee Panel: Height, 28 inches; width, 21 inches AVAL Harr-ricure of a middle-aged man (resembling Henry VIII) in gold-patterned dress with red sleeves, black cap with jeweled ornaments, long chain with pearls and precious stones, and quatrefoil pendant on gold neck-chain. HOPPNER PERIOD 100—PORTRAIT OF A LADY py py. ¢ Ae 3 LWW An" ea Or Eee Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches / oo UY Haur-ricure of a lady in dark low dress with red shawl across shoulders; gold chain with miniature pendant, auburn hair bound with blue ribbon. GILBERT CHARLES STUART AMERICAN: 1756—1828 101—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Ob nich Galle Busr of a middle-aged man in green coat, white lace stock and neckerchief, powdered wig, dull red curtain to left. ey 7 ( aD Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches JUAN CARRENO DE MIRANDA SPANISH: 16141685 102—PORTRAIT OF A NUN 3 O-t ee Panel: Height, 19 inches; length, 25 inches SmAxu half-figure in white with black cloak, seated, holding an open book on which rest three symbolical objects; gold processional cross in background. SCHOOL OF CLOUET 1083—PORTRAIT OF A LADY. yay sa 4, 4 pf Oe ae Height, 28 inches; width, 231, inches ad Vario Hatr-ricureE of middle-aged woman, gold-patterned dress with gray and black cloak, elaborately decorated with goid and pearl ornaments, white gauffered ruff, pearl necklace, fair hair decorated with flowers. In Renaissance frame. Collection of Ozay le Rideau. ANGIOLO BRONZINO FLORENTINE: 1502—1572 104A— BIANCA CAPELLA (» ¢° / PU oe Panel: Height, 26 inches; wee idth, 19 inches 4 Heap and shoulders, greenish dress with red gold embroidered corsage, white lace frilled collar, pearl necklace, dark hair with jeweled ornaments. JACOBSZ VAN DER LANNEN Fremisy: Asout 1570—1651 105—A MUSICALE Orr od by / 77 sy Panel: Height, 20 inches; width, 25 inches — Inrertor with six ladies and gentlemen fashionably attired, a lady playing a om) ry 9 “ guitar, and two others a game. JAN VAN RAVENSTEYN Dutcu: 1572—1657 106—PORTRAIT OF A MAN ae { yf - 7 Se GIN PIE SI SID E So oe Panel: Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches Hatr-ricure of elderly man in dark dress with elaborate white gauffered ruff, brown hair and beard. ADRIAEN HANNEMAN Dutrcu: 1601—1670 107—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Lh ot VO Neely y i" i Y% AS “Lee oe . . . me 7 ae Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches Heap and shoulders in an oval, black dress, broad white lace collar, gold chain, pearl and jewel pendant, black hair. FEDERIGO ZUCCHERO Ivauian: 1548—1609 108—PORTRAIT OF A BOY LY pee Panel: Height, 28 inches; width, 21 inches (SO Neary whole-length of child in red gold-embroidered dress, white lace col- lar, red hair, hat with feather in left hand. ee Inscribed at top to right: “una Salus Christus,” and to left: . aetatis sua 6 an. Dni 1682.” BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO SpanisH: 1617—1682 109—ST.. JOSEPH AND CHILD g ALM) Sree wy ty) = Height, 271, inches; width, 21 inches SMALL half-figure of St. Joseph in gray drapery, holding the Child in lap. GERMAN SCHOOL 110O—EMPRESS OF AUSTRIA Ze 0 oe Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches F é LPS VOI PI? IFS Heap and shoulders in an oval, red dress, white corsage with precious stones, blue and white mantle, black ribbon neckband with pearl drop, powdered hair with brilliants, crown on red cushion to right. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. (AFTER) 111—THE STRAWBERRY GIRL pee oy | : ~Y. lohnte”: 76 0d crs Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches 6 ae rb (7 ‘ brn. - Near ty whole-length of child in white dress in a landscape, hands clasped, bas- ket of strawberries on right arm. REYNOLDS SCHOOL 112—SIMPLICITY /6 0 ee Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches £ AOR 7 s Neary whole-length of a child seated on a bank under a tree, in white dre blue sash and mob cap. LAWRENCE SCHOOL 1183—LADY MACKENZIE is | Sage 0 so Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hawr-ricurk, age about thirty, seated near a balcony, white low dress dark v overmantle, gold bracelets, left elbow resting on ledge of balcony, dark curly hair, pillar to right. From a sale at Christie’s, June 8, 1909. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. (?) Eneuisy: 1753—18389 d | fi ee TV VM 114—PORTRAIT OF COLONEL LORD HOW DEN , John Francis Cradock (or Caradoc), only son of the Archbishop of Dublin, born 1762; entered the army and became Colonel of the 43rd Regiment of Foot, served with distinction in Egypt; created Baron Howden, October 19, 1819; died 1839. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hawr-ricure of middle-aged man in uniform with epaulettes and numerous orders and decorations; arms folded, gloves in right hand; dark curly hair and side whiskers; plumed helmet on table to left. This is probably the portrait painted by Thomas Clement Thompson, R.H.A., and exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1823. EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL 115—PORTRAIT OF 4 YOUNG LADY ([/ 7%. ep ee aE 7S oe Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Haur-ricurE, Cosway-like portrait, white low dress with short sleeves and golden shawl, large yellow hat with white feathers, dark curly hair. SPANISH SCHOOL 116—PORTRAIT OF A LADY ay ie eee 3 0 as Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Heap and shoulders, in an Bal: black low dress, sleeves slashed with white, white muslin collar, large brooch at center of corsage; dark hair. JOHN NEAGLE AMERICAN: 1799—1865 ae A y/) VV nn. VViactte 117—PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON [RVING 3 [= hoa Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-LEeNcTH, seated to right looking to left, middle-aged, black dress and stock, white front and collar, clean shaven, dark hair. ABRAHAM VAN DIEPENBEECK Fremisu: 1596—1675 118S—HOLY FAMILY _f 0s fn” / 6 i, a Height, 42 inches; width, 37%, inches 4, : lLALa Mei Hoxy Family with St. Elizabeth, also the child St. John in foreground, of- fering a bunch of grapes to the Infant Christ, who is asleep at. His Mother’s breast. Joseph is in the background, resting his nig arm on the Child’s cradle. Transferred from panel to canvas. TITIAN SCHOOL 119—MA DONNA AND CHILD Y-4 VW Y 3 J *r Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Maponna seated in a landscape, the Infant on her lap holding an apple in his raised right hand; a female figure fondling him. WILLIAM HOGARTH (ASCRIBED TO) Oo: WM. Vee Dorralph— -120—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY -_ Height, 380 inches; width, 25 inches ) ooo" {0 Hatr-LencruH, gray and white dress with broad satin trimming, roses in cor- sage; white close-fitting lace cap with flowers, earrings and necklace of rubies) ; dark hair. GOVAERT FLINCK Dutcu: 1615—1660 121—PORTRAIT OF A GIRL # Vand er Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches oa Har-ricure of a young woman in dark brown patterned low dress, white col- lar, gold chain, pearl earrings, dark brown hair, gloved hands clasped. SPANISH SCHOOL (, . yey Y @ 122—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GENTLEMAN / gs) Aes Height, 34 inches; width 27 inches Hatr-Lencru, standing, in gold dress with blade open sleeves showing white shirt, white cuffs with black ribbon, white collar, long black hair falling over shoulders. SIR JOHN WATSON GORDON, R.A. Eneutso: 1798(?)——1864 123-THE YOUNG HIGHLANDER of VW-V. Pegnvarre heart ae y ge Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches THREE-QUARTER length of youth standing under a tree, in Highland dress, cap in left hand. GEORGE ROMNEY Enewiso: 1734—1802 124—HON. WM. FLETCHER Wy 4 oo Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches YN - Y bs LPTs yes Haxr-Lenetu of elderly man, green dress, white neckerchief, gray wig. JAMES INSKIPP Eneutsu: 1790—1868 125—LADY WITH RED POPPY StF Sa Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches eee Galli te THREE-QUARTER length of a young lady in dark gray low dress, white cor- sage, large black hat, dark hair with large red poppy, left hand holding red bag. ADRIAN DE VRIES Dutrcu: 1601—Arrer 1648 126—INTERIOR OF A PALACE ai 3 \ eee / 3 | ee Height, 30 inches; width, 27 inches barber K | AK Tue corridors of a Palace with marble columns, six figures of men and women walking about, porchway entrance to gardens in background. Signed at the lower right, Apr1a~ De Vries, and dated 1594, GOVAERT FLINCK Dutcu: 1615—1660 oo re ; : CQurclo : 127—PORTRAIT OF A PHILOSOP me * Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Haur-Lencru of gray-bearded old man, yellow cloak, holding pen and book. JACOPO DA PONTE BASSANO Irauian: 1510—1592 /[ U) +o ee A ; 128—PORTRAIT OF A MAN Vy : (Uc « ee, Height, 37 inches; width, 28 inches Haur-Lenectu of middle-aged man, dark dress with fur edging, dark hair. PARIS BORDON E Irauian: 1500—1570 Abe Bio 129 PALM A’S DAUGHTER > J-me4 7 Height, 861%, inches; width, inches In dark green and white dress thrown loosely around her and holding red cloak with left hand, architectural background. From the collections of G. P. Boyce, 1897; and Charles Butler, 1911. SIR W. BEECHEY , 3 (PERIOD OF) J OyaY es oe ; 130—PORTRAIT OF MR. PATTON Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Hatr-Lenectu of elderly man, seated, dark coat et oRe with gray, white neckerchief and collar, gray hair. SIR W. BEECHEY, R.A. Enewisu: 1753—1839 131I—PORTRAIT OF A CHILD / u. v Ae Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Aap Wuote-Lenctu of a child about four or five, seated in a landscape near a wall, in white dress, blue sash, red shoes; colored ball in left hand. EARLY ITALIAN 132--VIRGIN AND CHILD ay Panel, circular: Height, 381 inches; width, 31 inches Haur-ricure of Virgin in green and gold robes, the Infant on her lap holding flower spray in right hand and looking up to a female saint who holds a tiny box. . ITALIAN SCHOOL 1383—_F LOR A 6 7g os Height, 38 inches; width, 31 inches Turee-quarter figure of young lady, in blue, white and scarlet robes, basket of flowers in lap, and posy of flowers to right. LE VALENTIN Frencnu Scuoowu: 1591—1634 134—_CARD PLAYERS ey, fn y, A () [s | Height, 32 inches; length, 39 inches YY. SMe Sprantr Two seated figures playing cards; youth to left in dark gold-embroidered dress with white lace gauffered collar, black hat with feathers; lady to right in pink, yellow and blue dress; in front table with cards and coins. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK (AFTER ) a 4 —ANMNWY 0 185—PORTRAIT OF AN ITALIAN NOBLEMAN : 285 0 Height, 38 inches; width, 36 caches THREE-QUARTER length, seated near a pillar, black dress, white sleeves, dark hair, fair mustache and chin tuft, left hand resting on hilt of sword. EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL 1386—_MADONNA AND CHILD A, , ai 4k g Uy | ia / o7 ‘— Height, 42 inches; width, 22 inches P 3 THREE-QUARTER ‘figure of seated Madonna in pink dress and green cloak, holding the nude Infant; red background. WALTER ULLMANN | Eneuisu: 1861—1882 187—_LADY IN A LANDSCAPE as oe Height, 45 inches; width, 27 inches ly 2 H, WL i ® é (fp “ Smay whole-length of a lady in white dress, long yellow gloves and black hat with blue feathers, standing in a landscape; houses and trees in background. Signed at the lower left, Watrer ULLMANN. WILLIAM EDWARD NORTON AMERICAN: 1843— ss_seascape Pt, Ga //o'— Height, 27 inches; length, 47 inches Fuury rigged sailing ship heeling over in the wind, other vessels in the dis- tance; chalk cliffs to left. Signed at. the lower left, W. E. Norron, and dated “%6.” EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL 139—VIRGIN AND CHILD (Oe U — Height, 40 inches; width, 30 Dale VV. d ALIA IO THREE-QUARTER length figure of Virgin, standing in rocky landscape, red dress and blue cloak, holding right hand of Infant who is asleep on green draperies. THOMAS PHILLIPS, R.A. (PERIOD OF) 140—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY T. yy. J ma) Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches bay! Haak. -LENGTH figure, seated in an armchair, white low dress with short sleeves, blue sash, gold bracelets, red background. JUSTUS SUSTERMANN Durcu: 1597—1681 141—PORTRAIT OF AN OFFICER Corn oe Height, 42 inches; width, 30 inches 4, . dv, TI FIX Turee-QuarTeER length of middle-aged man in demi-suit of armor, and gold- handled sword, white lace collar, black wig. JAN VAN RAVENSTEYN DutcuH: 1572—1657 142—PORTRAIT OF A LADY : ae q 4, ‘_— Height, 46 inches; width, 34 inches Varn . Vn THreE-Quarter figure, low rich green and red dress, stiff lace collar and cuffs, pearl necklace, pearl and gold bracelets, lace handkerchief in left band. Coat-of-arms with coronet and motto “At Firmamento” in top right-hand corner. SCHOOL OF THE MARCHES (Circa 1580) 1483—MADONNA AND CHILD V) ath Ct. y os ot Panel: Height, 33 inches; length, 48 inches Turee-quarter length of the Madonna seated in an alcove, red dress and green cloak, the Infant standing on her lap and holding pear in right hand. BERNARDO STROZZI Irauian: 1581—1644 144 CHRIST BLESSING BREAD(L.WA-Wgk 0 , oO oe H oahh 34 inches; length, 46 inches THREE-QUARTER figure of Christ in scarlet dress and green robes, standing, hands raised, invoking blessing on the loaf of bread on table to left. CARLO MARATTI Iratian: 1625—1718 145—PORTRAIT OF A CARDINAL V/- GL YV. og 7o qe Height, 47 inches; width, 34 inches Neary whole-length of middle-aged man, seated, in Cardinal’s dress. From the Michael Palace, St. Petersburg. NICHOLAS HILLIARD Encusyu: 1547—1619 146—PORTRAIT OF A LADY a SAP yo bi. (0. ly , roe 4 0 4, —— Panel: Height, 45 inches; width, 35 inches THREE-QUARTER length of elderly lady in brilliant red patterned dress, white lace ruff and cuffs, gloves in right hand and fan in left, dark hair with jewel, green curtain to left. PAULUS MOREELSE Dutrcu: 1571—16388 147—YOUNG LADY IN RICH COSTUME wy At 38 C WI fae Height, 47 inches; width, 35 inches Neary whole-length, green gold-embroidered dress, white lace collar, four- row pearl chain and pearl necklace, fair hair with pearl band; right hand | holding small volume. W. DOBSON (ArtrEr VAN DYCK) EncuisH: 1610—1646 148—PORTRAIT OF SIR A. VAN DYCK belt a) = Height, 39 inches; length, 40 inches m™ ; /- THree-Quarter length, standing on a balustrade, right arm leaning on ped- estal, red dress and dark green cloak, long fair hair. A version of the Duke of Grafton’s picture. JEAN MARC NATTIER (AFTER) 149—LADY PLAYING GUITAR New. thokracre Turee-quarter length of a young lady in red low dress and black cloak, seated in the open playing a guitar. Ve C7? oe Height, 45 inches; width, 37 inches STEPHEN SLAUGHTER (Diep 1765) 150—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY oe Height, 46 inches; width{ 87 ase | THREE-QUARTER length, standing by a balcpny, a he dress, black over- dress and white chiffon sleeves with pink bows, black hat with yellow feathers feather in right hand, red curtain to left. From the Kraemer Collection, London. JOHN RILEY EncusH: 1646—1691 151—THE DUKE OF BEAUFORT L AWA 0° ee 6 0d ss Height, 48 inches; width, 37 inches Har-Lenctu standing to front, in gold-embroidered dark dress, scarlet neck ribbon with pendant, black hat with white feathers and pearl ornament, gloved left hand holding hilt of sword. . JOSEF DE RIBERA Spaniso: 1588—1656 152—-MONK HOLDING PEN NV an Y rib h lh 7) oe Height, 48 inches; width, 37 inches THREE-QUARTER length of elderly man in black, holding pen in right hand and open paper in left. JEAN MARC NATTIER (AFTER) 158—LADY WITH BOOK f 3 / J a Height, 48 inches; width, 37 inches 4 Lai ‘ THREE-QUARTER length, in loose white and blue draperies, seated in a land- scape, left arm resting on open book, index finger of right hand extended. MELCHIOR HONDECOETER Durcu: 16386—1695 154—BARNY ARD ee Y F 0 — Height, 49 inches; width, 38 inches f, tare ole FARMYARD or aviary with fountains and pools with ducks, ducklings, pigeons and other birds. JEAN FRANCOIS DE TROY Frencu: 1679—1752 155—PORTRAIT OF A LADY J 4 os Height, 4914 inches; width, 3914 inches of: VIS Ts o/ THREE-quARTER length, middle-aged, standing, blue low dress with short V sleeves trimmed with lace, red cloak over shoulder, right hand pointing and holding flower. SCHOOL OF FILIPPO LIPPI 156—HOLY FAMILY 7g © ye a lll Panel, circular: Diameter, 43 inches y : WA T ticket dk! Cod Viren in green and gold cloak, standing before the Child who rests on a green cushion; St. Joseph in adoration to right; choir of singing angels above, stable with cattle and conventional trees in background. ° POLIDORO DA CARAVAGGIO Iratian: ABOUT pei og enced 157—ST. MATTHEW AND THE oe f ve . Height, 41 inches; length, 47 inches Tue Saint in red and brown drapery, seated at a green-covered table writing in a an open book, directed by a youthful angel. | : JACOB GERRITSZ CUYP Dutcu: 1575—1650 158—BOY IN RED Wink ahr nee Ae Height, 50 inches; width, 29 inches [2 Fe ti WHOLE-LENGTH in red dress, sleeves slashed with white, white lace eollee and stockings, yellow shoes with red bows, ball in right hand. CORNELIS VAN DELFF Dutcu: 1571—1645 159-WOMAN WITH TULIP Va | q@ a G f “6 Height, 50 inches; width, 34 inches MippLE-AGED woman in black dress, white lace collar and cuffs and black hat, holding tulip flower in right hand. RICHARD WILSON, R.A. ENneuisu ; 1713—-1782 160—LAKE OF NEMI , a BA bln ~/ 0 Height, 34 inches; length, 52 inches View of the lake with castellated and other buildings, valley with arched bridge and buildings in the distance to left; in the foreground ruins of ancient temple, figures and cattle. ALLAN RAMSAY EwneutsH: 1718—1784 161—PORTRAIT OF MRS. RAMSAY Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches’ , ‘s N.W. A 7 9, ON ie WV: XX Lgewar THREE-QUARTER length, seated, in low creamy white dress with short sleeves trimmed with deep lace, pink shawl, rose at center of corsage, fan in left hand; pearl bracelet set with miniature portrait of a man; pink bonnet, large pearl earring, pearl necklace. Agu-r ct RICHARD WILSON, R.A. (PERIOD OF) 162—LANDSCAPE H ae Tirne / 37 a 3 Height, 36 inches; length, 54 inches Rocky valley scene with broad river, from which two men are hauling a trunk of a tree; overhanging rocky cliffs to right. HYACINTHE RIGAUD Frencu: 1659—17438 1683—PORTRAIT OF LouIs xv & XZ Op pyen fie oe Gg Height, 51 inches; width, 371/, inches THreeE-quarter length, standing, in full robes with breastplate, sword and black wig; right hand holding baton. EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL 164—A SAINT t ¢ LL. J hove Height, 58 inches; width, 39 inches C ] Vy - % Nerar ty whole-length of a female saint in gray, red and brown, kneeling in a Jandscape and holding palm branch. FRANCIS WHEATLEY, R.A. Eneutsu: 1747—1801 165—MISS PRICE, DAUGHTER OF C. ye aka ) THE REV. MR. PRICE OF GLYNN (Go | Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches WHoLe-LENGTH figure of a child in white dress, pink sash and shoes, walking ~ in a landscape, straw hat in left hand. WILLEM VAN DE VELDE Dutcu: 1633—1707 = ELS I (g 166VESSELS IN PORT Ute (3 Sree hn Py >. / 6 ° ° > . / b 2 ST eae Height, 39 inches; length, 57 inches (/ / CrowveEp bay scene with numerous partly rigged battleships with pennants flying. Signed and dated 1660 in lower right-hand corner. BARTHOLOMEUS VANDER HELST Dutcu: 1613—1670 167—PORTRAIT OF AN ADMIRAL We a Ahan. ae Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches —— THREE-QUARTER length of stout middle-aged man in black dress with gold sash over right shoulder, gold-hilted sword, dark hair and mustache. GEORGE HENRY HARLOW Encuisyu: 1787—1819 2d WV. dD rth 168—LADY CARTERET AND CHILDREN 3 Harriet daughter of William Viscount Courtenay, wife of George, Lord Carteret. a9 '~ Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches THREE-QUARTER length of Lady Carteret, seated, low white dress, green cloak and white flowing head-dress; curly fair-haired child to left offering her mother a spray of violets, the second child peeping over elbow of chair to right. ENGLISH SCHOOL 169—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN CF Vy y ”, ais Height, 54 inches; width, 44 inches Neary whole-length of elderly gentleman, gray dress and red dressing gown, _ seated at a table, pointing to a passage in the Bible on the table to left. SCHOOL OF PAUL VERONESE 170—PORTRAIT OF A LADY / d sé Height, 54 inches; width, 44 inches & . Y3 Ptrnnamaday os THREE-QUARTER length, standing, dark dress cut square and trimmed with lace, red wristbands with white lace trimming; fair curly hair, pearl necklace and gold chain; red curtain background, sea with boats to left. From the Butler Collection, London, 1911. DUTCH SCHOOL 171 LANDSCAPE Nes Gor e J ee Height, 39 inches; length, 58 inches Laxe with high hills and masses of rocks, boat with figures. ENGLISH SCHOOL (ABOUT 1830) 172-THREE CHILDREN 2. ‘a Y a Height, 57 inches; width, 39 inclres Jf ears ¢g Turee fair-haired young children standing in a landscape; boy jf red dress, cap, and white collar, elder girl in pink and white, holding gold necklace with right hand and marguerite flower in left; younger girl in white and blue holding garden rake. A. M. HIESCHIG GERMAN SCHOOL 173—DOMESTIC SCENE Vy - Nieoe & part, Hy fers vs Height, 39 inches; length, 58 inches Interior of a kitchen with two Dutch peasant children seated near a stove. Signed at the lower right, A. M. Hrescuie. BRONZINO SCHOOL 174— JU DITH ¢ \y : ‘ 3 [dO eS Height, 57 inches; width, 43 inches Neary whole-length figure of Judith in rich flowing robes of gold and other colors, long red hair, sword in right hand, letter in left; an old woman with white nun’s headdress, to right. TINTORETTO SCHOOL 175—PORTRAIT OF A DOGE yy Q y), pe Ee YY iok Canvas: Height, 44 inches; width, 56 inches (7) 0 THREE-QUARTER length portrait of elderly man with long white beard, seated, in Doge’s official dress and cap; right hand holding volume which rests upright on knee. From the Charles Butler Collection. DOMENICO ZAMPIERI DOMENICHINO Irauian: 1581—1641 176—LOT AND HIS DAUGHTERS . C3) Was 0 fares Height, 46 inches; length, 60 inches Lor in scarlet cloak, one of the two daughters carrying an earthenware urn. IL GUERCINO Iratian: 1591—1666 177—_TANCRED AND ARMIDA 6 S x Sao Height, 43 inches; length, 59 inches 1, 2f Ne BasED on a passage in Tasso’s “Jerusalem Delivered,” canto xx, verse 127. Tancred in helmet and red draperies holding Armida, in a golden dress, by the right arm; other portions of the warrior’s armor and quiver of arrows to right. MIGNARD SCHOOL 1783—_THE FORTUNE TELLER q t) se Height, 54 inches; length, 61 inches ce aga C Vantin Group of three female figures in the open; two seated to right in white and gold dresses ; the Fortune-teller in red dress to left holding a wand. J. TP. PEARSON, Jr. BritTisH 179_UNDER THE WEEPING WILLOW ow, Uh (3 / do Height, 50 inches; length, 63 inches WV trrrthe- Lars by Trunx and branches of a weeping willow tree, with bird perched on a stem ( and duck below. THIRD EVENING’S SALE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1916 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8 O'CLOCK ADRIAAN VAN DE VELDE (IN THE MANNER OF) DutcH: 16385—1672 a = Y. eo SPO Py ak 180_-CATTLE AND LANDSCAPE Panel: Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches Woopep summer landscape, with cowshed and trees, cows and sheep grazing. MICHAEL VAN MUSSCHER Dutrcu: 1645—1705 181—DUTCH TAVERN SCENE : | peo: Vy: PING DLT en % ve Panel: Height, 81, inches; width, 8%, inches Turer figures of boors smoking and drinking; playing cards on the floor. Exhibited at Syracuse by Mr. D. de Kay. GIOVANNI BUONCONSIGLIO Irauian: Arter 16380 182—ST. JOHN Arathi ar Ct ene y, 9 y eo Height, 14 inches; width, 13 inches / Smaxz head and shoulders, in green dress edged with gold, scarlet cloak, long reddish hair; background of blue and gray cloud effects. FRANS VAN MIERIS Dutcu: ee Ate Lahn 1883—YOUNG LADY AT HER era fi ate 3 Height, 12 inches; width, 11 ‘inches Smaxu three-quarter figure, red cloak edged with fur, seated at her dressing table, left hand holding lock of hair; servant girl to right. JACOPO DA PONTE BASSANO Travian: 15 10—=1592 184A-VENETIAN HEAD N-seln Y 2 e Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches | foie Carr Bust of elderly man in red dress, white collar and red cap edged with white. LAWRENCE SCHOOL 185—-HEAD OF A BOY vie (0 / WV - | 20 oo Panel: Height, 17 inches; length, 21 inches SMA. bust of golden-haired boy in white dress with red waistband, right arm extended. - ADRIAAN VAN DE VELDE (In THE MANNER OF) 186—_MARINE SUBJECT (3 rang “Grrr’- LLhg oe Height, 10 inches; length, 13 inches OreEN sea with two full-rigged ships, a man-of-war and a schooner flying pen- nants. C. HOECGEEST Durcu: 1610—1651 187—_CHURCH INTERIOR y, E 4 / f y,) we 0 aa Panel: Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches : Mm: (VAL Kt set Interior of a church with priests celebrating mass, numerous figures. JAN VAN RAVENSTEYN DutcH: 1572—1657 188—PORTRAIT OF 4 LADY Y% ter, < PAE j = i e Panel: Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches 4 cb Bust of a young lady in black with broad white lace collar, dark hair. Dated 1615 in top right-hand corner. FRAGONARD SCHOOL 189-HEAD OF A GIRL 4 oh , Depa 7 337 e Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches f U Heap of a young girl in brown and blue dress with white gauffered collar. GEORGE B. WILLCOCK Eneuisu: 1820—1852 190—LANDSCAPE ry Y: (9, Ricu summer view of an extensive valley, with densely wooded scene to left; cottages and figures harvesting. 6 d o° Panel: Height, 17 inches; length, 21 inches Signed at the lower left, G. B. WiiicocK. IGNACIO LEON Y ESCOSURA SpANIsH: 1884—1901 191—_W AITING FOR THE QUEEN f. ; jf ff A L ; 9 J Hatr-teneru of elderly man, dark dress, yellowish cloak, black cap, gray beard, hands clasped. FREDERICK YATES HURLESTONE EneutsH: 1800—1869 234A—AMEDA © 3 y yin Panel: Height, 39 inches; width, 28 inches oA iy HaLr-Lencrn figure of a young woman in green, red and white draperies, long black unkempt hair, child looking up to her to left. LELY PERIOD 235—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG NOBLEMAN rn 25 Height, 39 inches; width, 25 inches YY Was Wat Turer-auarter length, elaborately gold-embroidered blue dress and white lace neckerchief, powdered wig; holding a sealed letter. LOUIS DERRICK 236—LANDSCAPE O.. wn. W% i Height, 28 inches; length, 39 inches SumMER view of flat landscape, with willows and other trees, winding rivulet in center, pathway with figures to right, cows pasturing. Signed at the lower left, Louis Derrick, and dated “1872 Antwerp.” PHILIPPE MERCIER GERMAN: 1689—1760 237—_LADY PLAYING PIANO SY, 0 a Harr-Ltencru figure in blue, low dress with white corsage and short sleeves trimmed with white; powdered hair, blue ribbon neckband, a hand holding piece of music, left on keys of spinet. ey. nee Height, 39 inches; width, 29 inches ADRIAAN THOMASZ KEY Fremisuw: 1544-1590 238—PORTRAIT OF A DUTCH LADY oe Su. Panel: Height, 39 inches; width, 30 Paw: CS THREE-QUARTER figure of a middle-aged lady, standing, looking to left, in dark dress, cloak trimmed with black fur, white wrist-bands and gauffered collar and cap; gold waist-chain, hands clasped. | NICOLAS POUSSIN Frencu: 1594—1665 239—-LANDSCAPE g as Height, 30 inches; length, 40 fee zs F. VVee 4 Ai fe Die CrassicaL landscape with extensive view of river, distant hills and buildings to right, and figures. From the Buckland Collection. WILLIAM DOBSON EncusHu: 1610—1646 240—COMEDY NURSING THE INFANT SHAKESPEARE / 3 0 Bice Height, 35 inches; length, 39 se a J ? ede oe r THREE-QUARTER length figure of Comedy in loose classical robes, her(jhair adorned with flowers; the infant Shakespeare asleep on blue mantle. GUIDO RENI Irauian: 1575—1642 241—-MAGDALEN 6 I ae Height, 42 inches; width, 34 inches he } y wy Lh ° f THREE-QUARTER length, seated figure, partly draped in red and white, long fair hair, brown curtain to left. FRENCH SCHOOL 242 THE MANDOLIN PLAYER a: Height, 33 inches; length, 43 inches pes C g Lng. ScENE in a park with stone steps and fountain; youth in golden dress and red cloak, seated playing a mandolin, lady in pink seated and holding open music book. JACOPO MARIESCHI Iratian: 1711—1794 2948-THE PIAZZA, VENICE Height, 31 inches; length, 45 inches Khr Oe Ox Vat oe ‘ © ‘ Lod if Evenrine scene in the Piazza, with numerous figures. Y Purchased from Agnew & Sons, London. SIR JOHN EVERETT MILLAIS, P.R.A. (ASCRIBED TO) 244—F# LORA MACDONALD 3/ | —_ Height, 42 inches; width, 34 inches Vy. 02 balls Har-Lencru of a young lady in Scotch plaid dress, directed to left, head in- clined over left shoulder, ruddy hair, right hand holding spear. GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT Enewisn: 1767—1197 245—LANDSCAPE a ame Height, 32 inches; length, 44 inches a 6. f-SGae Summer landscape with trees and bridge over a river, on the banks of which cows are grazing; church tower in the distance. GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI Irauian: 1695—1764 246—EXTERIOR OF A PALACE deus Tue exterior of a palace, with high massive columns and colonnades, numerous = _(_/ figures in semi-classical costumes. GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI Iranian: 1695—1764 247—_INTERIOR OF A PALACE ICV — Evenine scene with chief entrance to a palace; figures in semi-classical cos- tumes, two page boys holding torches at foot of the steps and two men with musical instruments in a pulpit, probably announcing the opening of a ball or reception. f~ Height, 47 inches; width, 36 inches (Zip —) trv CF A f fr Height, 47 inches; width, 36 inches y x i Lh SaernutKgerrt we ¥ JOSEF DE RIBERA SPANISH: 1588—1656 248 MAN WITH STAFF Cece War hWerrclh a 2 ne we Height, 48 inches; width, 35 inches Portrait of a young ecclesiastic with long black hair, in dark brown dress and greenish cloak, holding staff in left hand, and in right paper inscribed: “Descedes ad inferos tertia die Resurrexit a Mortuis.” G. H. HARLOW PERIOD 249—GROUP OF CHILDREN Lf aoe cial Height, 48 inches; width, 36 inches Oi YA ' { THREE curly-haired girls in the open, in red and white dresses, the eldest L playing a violin. FRANCOIS LE MOYNE Frencu: 1688—1737 R e 250—VERTUMNUS AND POMONA: AN OVERDOOR eo 0 — . Height, 37 inches; length, 491/ inches Pomona in blue, white and yellow classical draperies, seated on a bank, with implements of the garden; Vertumnus, in red robe and green head covering, to left. Collection of H. M. W. Oppenheim, London, June, 1918. Purchased from Asher Wertheimer, London. Uf spunthecon Sal 1418 4 ANE « Irn, Serra) taspic, ana ler Jipmhe Ne Ole es IM -0-0- 20; / CANALETTO SCHOOL ; 251—_V ENICE ee he Y fp 3 ert. | Height, 25 inches; length, 40 inches , fy % ae . . . of View of Canal in Venice, with figures, gondolas and other vessels, mountains in distance. FRANZ POURBUS (STYLE OF) 252—LADY WITH DOG Lf 0 oe Height, 48 inches; width, 281, inches ( , e VV, L THREE-QUARTER length of young lady, gold-embroidered dress, black mantle, lace ruffle, pearl earrings and necklace; King Charles spaniel on table to left. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. Eneuiso: 1753—18389 253—_WOMAN PLAYING CHESS z. [3 / of FS ge Height, 35 inches; length, 39 inches Ha.r-ricure of young woman in white low dress, seated, playing a game of chess. THOMAS HUDSON Encuiso: 1701—1779 254 MRS. GRAHAM AND CHILD s 6 woe Height, 47 inches; width, 38 inches oh THREE-QUARTER length of young woman, seated, blue low dress trimmed with white, white head-dress with red flowers, infant in white on lap. FRENCH SCHOOL vs on 255—PORTRAIT OF A PRINCESS PALATINE Height, 49 inches; width, 40 inches © ee THREE-QUARTER length seated in a red chair in Court robes, with blue cloak, pearl necklace and hair ornaments, spray of flowers in right he coronet on red cushion to left. FRANCIS COTES, R.A. Ewarene 1726— 1770 256—PORTRAIT OF MISS HASTINGS Height, 491, inches; width, 39%, aa ™ 6 ASU THREE-QUARTER length of a young lady, standing in a landscape, white dress, broad white gauffered collar, straw hat edged and trimmed with blue, black lace shawl under left arm. WALTER ULLMANN Eneusu: 1861—1882 257—_LANDSCAPE 3 sg Height, 51 inches; width, 36 inches of farce Le AUTUMNAL View of a clearing in a wooded glade. Signed at the left, EK. Warrer ULitmMann. JOHN SHAW 258—_LANDSCAPE am | oe Height, 37 inches; length, 51 inches VIA Y q j : EXTENSIVE view over an undulating country with houses in the middle dis- tance; to front woman and child riding a donkey and conversing with a peas- ant boy. Signed at the lower right, J. Suaw, and dated 1810. GEORGE HENRY HARLOW Enewisu: 1787—1819 259 PORTRAIT OF DR. HOMAN, PHYSICIAN TO GEORGE IV om — Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches 6 | y hrode yy, : AAA” “ad att TuRreEE-QuARTER length, seated in a red chair near a balcony, dark coat with gold buttons, white neckerchief, open letter in right hand; red curtain to left, distant landscape. SIR JOHN WATSON GORDON, R.A. Enewisu: 1790—1864 é f q 260—THE MARQUESS OF WELLESLEY Mee ; Ih 6 4 Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches THREE-QUARTER length seated figure, to front, dark dress, white collar and black stock, gray hair, red handkerchief on lap; left arm resting on table. SIR GODFREY KNELLER ~ Encusu: 1646—1728 261—PORTRAIT OF JUDGE LEVINS N. Ves Poe Sir Cresswell Levins, Knt. and Serjeant-at-Law, Justice of the Common Pleas and - 3 Ait Council for the Seven Bishops, Knighted at Whitehall, Oct. 2, 1678; died Jan. 29, 1700-1. — a Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches THREE-QUARTER length of elderly man, seated, black dress, white cuffs, long fair curly wig, right hand holding a scroll. LOUIS TOCQUE (ATTRIBUTED ) 262—CATHERINE OF RUSSIA . | Q:71-% Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches (KG "= Neary whole-length, seated in gilt and blue upholstered fauteuil, in low white dress elaborately embroidered in gold, scarlet sash, powdered hair with pearl ornaments, and pearl bracelets; spray of narcissus in left hand. ALLAN RAMSAY EncusH: 17183—1784 2683—SITR JOSEPH BRANDT ot Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches ES rey), Seine d 0 A THREE-QUARTER figure standing, elaborately patterned grayish brown dress and cuffs, gray wig, hat under left arm. SIR GODFREY KNELLER Eneuisu: 1646—1723 264—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Wr. b. CAPS Ae 4 oe ee Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches THREE-QUARTER length figure of a lady (said to be a Countess of Salisbury) - seated in a landscape, black dress with white trimmings, black veil. LELY SCHOOL 265—BOY IN BLUE Cary ~ jo Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches on WHOLE-LENGTH, standing on a balcony, blue dress, white stockings and black shoes, bird perched on left hand. From the Earl of Sheffield’s Collection. KNELLER PERIOD 266—LADY AND CHILD 3 d s Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches 3 SN TuRreEE-quaRTER length figure of a lady in blue low dress, holding on her lap child in brown and white. From the Earl of Sheffield’s Collection. / 04 4 BA/~ X23-2-0 KS rweain WILLEM VAN DE VELDE DutcH: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 267—SEASCAPE Host IGz : Height, 51 inches; width, 41 inches Roveu sea with partly rigged ship scudding through the waves ; other vessels to right and left. WILLIAM LINTON EneusuH: 1791—1876 268—_LANDSCAPE AND SEA uf ote Height, 37 inches; width, 59 inches Moon icurt scene on a rocky coast, with ruins of ancient castle and buildings to left. Signed at the lower left, W. Linton. LATE ITALIAN et oe oy 269—CLASSICAL SCENE: AN vee he 4 Height, 48 inches; width, 59 inches Part iy draped female figure in white and blue robes, holding up a flower in her right hand, and attended by three cupids. VENEZIANO BONIFAZIO Iranian: 1555—1599 270—BISHOP AND SAINT VV wn idee / a Height, 66 inches; width, 26 inches WHOLE-LENGTH figure of Saint in red and Bishop wearing mitre. SCHOOL OF HYACINTHE RIGAUD 271—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN By). ** Begs eet Oe Fnohes b D f (3 When trtanre Neary whole-length of a gentleman in black gold-patterned dress, rich short silk scarf, white lace neckerchief with scarlet ribbons, dark wig; scarlet curtain to left. SCHOOL OF HYACINTHE RIGAUD 272—PORTRAIT OF A LADY // 7) of Height, 59 inches; width, 49 inches io : fA Le Botner THREE-QUARTER length of middle-aged lady in Court robes, dark hair a curl of which she holds with her left hand; jewel casket with pearl rope on table to right; yellow curtain. ENGLISH SCHOOL 2783—OFFICER ON HORSEBACK 6 bd 4 . . . wt, ot = Height, 55 inches; width, 46 inches y en Ww P74 OrriceEr in uniform on horseback, pointing with sword, troops in background. DANIEL SEGHERS Friemisu: 1590—1661 274 STILL LIFE L, Lag 3 / y / ¥% 0 =. Height, 48 inches; length, 62 inches Puaster bust of a lady decorated with bright-colored flowers; melons and other fruit are strewn around, to left a paroquet. 4 FOURTH EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1916 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8 O'CLOCK NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1809—1860 * 275—_LANDSCAPE = Mo / 2 vey Dra Jarnrar: Panel: Height, 5 inches; length, 61% inches Fo LanpscaPeE with trees and two cottages, red-capped figure at foot of a hill, gray and blue sky effect. WILLIAM ETTY, R.A. Eneusu: 1787—1849 -276—OPHELIA es go Panel: Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches Sma half-figure walking in a landscape, yellowish dress, long hair with flowers. SCHOOL OF A. DURER 277-HEAD OF CHRIST | CF. (3 - cn ae Ne eee Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches Heap of Christ with crown of thorns. Signed at the lower center, A. D. 1465. DUTCH SCHOOL 278 HEAD OF A MAN UD Ase / QD 42 Panel: Height, 15 inches; width, 10 inches Heap of a young man in dark dress, white neckerchief and red cap bound with fur. FLEMISH SCHOOL 279-THE DEAD CHRIST Sree ae Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches Tur Dead Christ surrounded by female saints, warriors and other figures. C. VON STETTEN GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 280—-LADY WITH RED FAN ee ee t, , hn U ; 9 LAG ) oe Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches ee Smauu half-figure of a lady seated, red and green shot silk dress, black high crowned hat and yellow gloves, holding red fan. Signed at the upper right, C. v. Sterren, and dated, Paris, “86.” MODERN FRENCH SCHOOL 281—_STUDY OF NATURE Millboard: Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches Strupy of rushes and pool. LUCAS DE HERRE German: Azoutr 1534—1584 282—PORTRAIT OF A LADY - | ‘ + 4. Oe Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches — ; i Sma bust portrait of an elderly woman in black dress, white sleeves, white gauffered collar and black hat. CORNELIS CORNELISZ OF HAARLEM DutcH: 1562—1638 283—TWO HEADS SF ata Ay s- 90 Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches Busts of woman and man holding two birds. VAN DYCK SCHOOL 284 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN 7 1, of Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches ; Smauu head of a gentleman in dark dress with white gauffered collar, brown hair and beard. GREUZE SCHOOL ee, Ra 3 ! 0 | Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches Heap and shoulders of infant bacchante, with ivy leaves in hair and fur drapery. ANTONIO MORO (ATTRIBUTED ) 286—PORTRAIT OF MAXIMILIAN ID) 9 y,_ = ye Hee Height, 19 inches ; width, 171, Ay wh Lad | cod hh ; Smauu bust, dark dress, white lace gauffered collar, two-row gold neckchain, _ black flat hat, brown hair and beard. ita ‘ Exhibited at the Armada-Elizabethan Exhibition, 1889; and Tudor Exhibition, 1890. LOUIS PICARD FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 287—GIRL ASLEEP ) ae 44. ee Height, 14 inches; length, 23 inches UV Bust of peasant girl in brown, head reclining against wall, blue background. Signed at the upper left, Louis Picarp. Purchased from the artist. GASPAR DE CRAEYER DutcH: 1582—1669 288—THE CHRIST CHILD 9D) “pate Panel: Height, 22 inches; width, 151/, inches v tes WHoLE-LENGTH of golden-haired child, standing to front with red draperies, holding in left hand glass globe surmounted by a Cross. RUBENS SCHOOL 289—LIONS as Panel: Height, 1714, inches; length, 231, inches tm A Lf . ee Two lions on the backs of which are seated two children holding lighted torches. GREUZE SCHOOL 290—_LOUISE DE LA VALLIERE 3 Aw” Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches WM U 5 a G a d : AY 1 A Hatr-ricuret of young lady in blue and white low dress, golden hair falling over shoulders, right hand against cheek, left on gold casket. ARTHUR HOEBER, A.N.A. American: 1854—1915 291—_MARINE A 2 a? Height, 12 inches; length, 24 inches ( ae ( . Seascapre with waves breaking on the shore, gray sky. Signed at the lower right, Arruur Hoerser. WILLIAM HENRY HILLIARD AMERICAN: 1886—1905 292 LANDSCAPE Height, 24 inches; width, 15 inches Sprine landscape with poplar and other trees reflected in the pool in front, and red-roofed cottage. Signed at the lower left, W. H. Hivirarp. Brose, SCHOOL (D 2983—_V LOWERS Ly pat PG t. see al A CD Height, 23 inches; width, 181, inches 7 Tix —— Basket of white and blue flowers. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS — (PERIOD OF) 294 MAN IN COCKED HAT ) A bora 7 2 - Height, 23 inches; width, 18 sah ¢ ra re - Heap and shoulders of middle-aged man in profile, in eee uniform, powdered hair, blue and gold cocked hat. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK (AFTER) 295—_M ADONNA AND CHILD Dy. / redline ‘ 9s Height, 28 inches; width, 18 inches ae, Sma.v three-quarter figure of the Virgin in blue ea red, holding the Infant. SPANISH SCHOOL 296-MADONNA AND SAINTS : Vim s 0 yee 4 rs Ca: Di Height, 28 inches; width, 191, inches Smaxu whole-length of Virgin seated in a niche and crowned, in gold-embroid- ered wide robes, holding figure of Infant; male saint to right and left. ARTHUR HOEBER, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1854—1915 297 THE BEACH AT EAST ORLEANS -y eee Oe ~ = On Height, 19 inches; length, 29 inches Broap expanse of blue rolling waves, and masses of gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, Arruur Hoeser. THOMAS GIRTIN Eneusu: 1775—1802 298—_HEAD OF A YOUNG MAN S Y [D> fs = ; Ee 32 a Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Smauu head and shoulders, dark coat, yellow waistcoat, long hair. REYNOLDS SCHOOL 299—PORTRAIT OF DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON 7 i 4 5 Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches My) - +f a oe RE ee. pool A Haur-FicgureE as an old man, dark dress, white narrow neckerchief and wrist- band, right hand only seen, gray wig. FLEMISH SCHOOL 300—THE FLAGELLATION ns ; , ~ A ye, win, fp %? Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches = Group of six figures, with the Saviour in the center holding a palm branch; golden background. FRANCIS COTES, R.A. Encusu: 1726—1770 301—PORTRAIT OF 4 YOUNG MAN) __- aan / Tit Mae Height, 25 inches; width; 21 chs. Smatu head and shoulders of young gentleman in deep red coat embroidered ; with gold; white lace collar. FRA ANGELICO SCHOOL 302—THE ANNUNCIATION | Z , 4 ey, /) CS —— Height, 21 inches; width, 26 inches 4 Tue Virgin in red and green draperies, seated to right, the an to left, over- head the Dove resting on pole of a curtain. RICHARD WESTALL, R.A. Encusu: 1765—1836 303—C ASS ANDRA 3 Q mm iG ae / pe Ee Ae H SHIGE 28 inches; width, 22 inches | Heap and shoulders of woman in white dress with brown and gold draperies, face in profile looking to left, black hair of which a pleat falls over left shoul- der; scarlet background. RICCI 304 VIRGIN AND CHILD bho t. Ge Ltt : + ja Height, 29 inches; width, 22 inches an Group of numerous figures, the Virgin in pink and white draperies, chee in the center holding Child. VAN DYCK SCHOOL 305—_CUPIDS oOo” aa Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches Or f Oe Ve Sane Group of eight cupids playing; dark cloudy background. f 1 PIERRE MIGNARD Frencu: 1610—1695 306—_THE DUKE OF BURGUNDY o: ¥ van | fonck Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches Heap and shoulders of young man in elaborately patterned brown and white dress, long flowing brown wig. REYNOLDS SCHOOL 307—_NUDE STUDY Vethind Ce bhirise 4 lj qe Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches Nupe female figure, face in profile looking to right. ENGLISH SCHOOL 308—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN y] Cth... 7s? e Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches beelpre atiareg : Hatr-ricure of elderly man, seated, black coat with gold buttons, white neck- erchief. ENGLISH SCHOOL 309—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY oes ee. oe Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Ha.r-ricure, green dress with brown fur edging, large black hat with white — feathers, brown curly hair. ; FRANCIS COTES, R.A. EneusH: 1726—1770 310—PORTRAIT OF LADY OLIVE Pees ‘ae Height, 26 inches; width, (pe A Heap and shoulders, yellow dress and white fichu, powdered one hair, large black felt hat with feathers. ENGLISH SCHOOL 311—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN 3 3 j ee Height, 30 inches; width, 25 "OD S Hawr-ricure of middle-aged man, seated, black coat, yellow waistcoat, white stock, brown hair and side-whiskers. a HARLOW PERIOD 312—LADY BEFORE AN EASEL ney, | 7 “rt - Height, 80 inches; width, 25 inches | Hawr-ricure of a lady, white dress, yellow shawl, brown curly hair, seated holding an easel. 7 CORNELIS JANSSEN Dutcu: 1593—1664 3183—PORTRAIT OF THE EARL OF WINCHESTER aa — Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Vr an : eee re Haur-ricure, black dress with gold belt, white gauffered ruff, long brown hair, mustache and pointed beard, right hand only seen. ~ JOHN JACKSON, R.A. Eneuisu: 17'78—1831 314—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN YT LY Lee ~ 57 ee Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-ricure, brown dress, white stock, red hair. SIR GODFREY KNELLER Eneutsu: 1646—1723 ie. _ 815—PORTRAIT OF A JUDGE © Vr dt Yh Lah \ F \. AAA j 7 e Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches rd 0 5 g / HAtr-FicureE in an oval of elderly man in chocolate color robes, white lace neckerchief, long black wig. SIR GODFREY KNELLER EneuisuH: 1646—1723 316—_GENTLEMAN IN ARMOR eae? . VA / SANTIS rh : So? ee Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-ricure of gentleman in armor with white neckerchief, star of an order suspended with red ribbon, long brown wig. SIR GODFREY KNELLER EncusH: 1646—1728 317—-KING WILLIAM III (R. z ¢ “a Pa i ths Height, 271, inches; width, 23 inches Heap and shoulders in an oval, robes, black wig. LAWRENCE SCHOOL 318_LADY IN BLACK by ee ay, a odes Se 46 Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-ricure, black low dress with puffed sleeves, black curly hair bound with blue ribbon. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. EneusH: 1753—1839 319—PORTRAIT OF A CHILD mM nG J pth Height, 24 inches; width, 30 inches a WHoteE-LEeNcTH of little child in a woody landscape, in white dress, a fir cone | in right hand. STYLE OF GEORGE MORLAND 320—BOAR HUNTING | L od eae Lanpscape with boar attacking a dog and set on by three other dogs. Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Dated 1790. THOMAS PHILLIPS, R.A. Encuisu: 1770—1845 3821—PORTRAIT OF A LADY ~ | y 2 ae Height, 80 inches; width, 25 inches Heap and shoulders of middle-aged lady, seated in red chair, dark dress, white fichu, gold chain with monocle suspended, dark curly hair, white chiffon bon- net with flowers. ~~ REYNOLDS SCHOOL 322 MIRANDA O.™m: PA é HA eg ht 30 inch es, “width 25 inches q 6 g 5) ’ * 7 J Hatr-ricure of young lady looking to left, in golden draperies, brown wind- blown hair. 7 EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL 323—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Q “yn athe 3 a oe Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Se 2 Hatr-Lencru, seated, in blue low dress, gold bracelets, partly opened book in left hand, brown curly hair. FRANCIS COTES, R.A. Eneusu: 1726—1770 324 LADY IN BLUE ea PPE ban, uf 5 ft Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-teneru of elderly lady, blue dress trimmed with gold, white fichu, gold- patterned white head-dress. EARLY ITALIAN 325 HOLY FAMILY hs if rl J -/ Git eo Diameter, 33 inches Tue Virgin in scarlet robe and blue cloak, kneeling in adoration before The Infant, who is reclining on red drapery; St. Joseph in red robes and the Infant St. John; cattle at a manger to right, distant hills and figures. THOMAS HUDSON (PERIOD OF) : Si 326—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN, . - f- a ef b $e Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches | Harr-Lenetu, yellow and white fur coat, white lace neckerchief, gray wig. EARLY SPANISH 327A DORATION OF THE MAGI o. R PAA Arad / Y pes Panel: Height, 34 inches; width, 25 inches Group of six figures; the Madonna, Child and St. Joseph to left, two of the Wise men kneeling before the Virgin, landscape seen through open window. JOHN JACKSON, R.A. EneuisHu: 1778—1831 328STUDY OF A MAN mn a hie “— Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Haur-Lenetu study of an elderly man in dark dress, dark hair and beard, face in profile, right arm on chair. THOMAS PHILLIPS, R.A. Enewisu: 1770—1845 829—PORTRAIT OF A LADY 35° Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches | z F: Ofer Haxr-ricure of young lady seated near a balcony, black low dress with white sleeves, flowers at corsage, brown hair with rose, pearl and gold necklace. THOMAS PHILLIPS, R.A. Eneusu: 1770—1845 330—SITR JOHN ROSS, THE EXPLORER o ¢ 0 coms Height, 35 inches; width, 27 inches ai ; Ane ASS i Ha.r-Ficure, seated, in blue uniform with white collar and black stock, gold belt and epaulettes, fur cloak across back; rocky landscape background. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. EwneusH: 1753—18389 331—_CHILD WITH DOG 3 0 re Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches k- WN: ony. Wuote-teneru of child in white dress and red shoes, holding forepaw of a (/ dog. VELASQUEZ SCHOOL 382—PORTRAIT OF CARDINAL LANACRIS Height, 35 inches; width, 27 inches | 4 ’ / oy g~ $ Lr. Vi rep clher Hatr-Lencru of middle-aged man, in ecclesiastical dress, dark hair, mustache and chin-tuft. VAN DYCK SCHOOL 333-—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN 4G Ta eee: Height, 86 inches; width, 29 inches Haur-LenerH, in red and gold draperies, long fair hair. JAN DE BAEN Durex: -1683—1702 334— PORTRAIT OF RUTGER HICHOLTZ 3 b oe Height, 39 inches; width, 28 inches b 4. Haur-ricure of an elderly man in dark dress and broad pointed white ¢ollar with tassels; brown hair, mustache and chin tuft, right hand against breast. JAN DE BAEN Dutcu: 16383—1702 3385—PORTRAIT OF WIFE OF RUTGER EICHOLTZ 94 Height, 39 inches; width, 28 inches qos Vera. Haur-ricure of middle-aged woman in dark dress with broad white collar, white cuffs, black lace tight- fitting cap, gold enameled and pearl earrings, gloves in left hand. CARLO MARATTI SCHOOL 336-—PORTRAIT OF A CARDINAL Lp lj Cee Height, 28 inches; length, 36 ie vy Z , Haxr-Leneru seated figure of a young man in cardinal’s robes and biretta, plain white collar, long dark hair, black mustache and chin-tuft. REMBRANDT SCHOOL 337—_CHRIST ON THE CROSS Tue Dead Christ with men in armor and medieval costumes. Ml ot Height, 33 inches; width, 28 inches FLEMISH SCHOOL 338—MADONNA AND CHILD : CY AT Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. (2 - TN: G 10-4 t Tue Virgin seated in the open, in red dress, green cloak and white flowing head-dress ; the Child seated on his mother’s lap, holding a small wreath. FLEMISH SCHOOL 389—_M A DONNA AND CHILD ws Panel: Height, 37 inches; width, 28 i wieeey eee Tue Virgin seated, in blue and red, holding Infant, St. John to left. LOUIS TOCQUE Frencu: 1696—1772 340—PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN MU: se of. 0 oe Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. (A sacks Hatr-tencru of elderly man, gray coat, pink waistcoat embroidered with ; gold, white neckerchief and ruffles, gray flowing wig. THOMAS BARKER OF BATH EncusH: 1769—1847 aes y Ga 341—PORTRAIT OF JOSEPH WRIGHT, wget OF DERBY, THE ARTIS Height, 38 inches; width, 28 inches Hatr-Lencru, middle-aged, brown coat, yellow waistcoat and white neeker- i: chief; gray hair. CARLE ANDRE VAN LOO Frencu: 1705—1765 342 THE MINIATURE rene c., ae Dr gy Sas #4 ss Height, 39 inches; width, 28 inches THREE-QUARTER length of a young man in yellow and white dress, onder hair, resting his left hand on the shoulder of a young lady in blue and yellow — dress; she has a violin on her lap, and is holding a miniature of an ld = Ue 2 man; red curtain and pillar background. Bh 6 VAN DYCK SCHOOL 3483—CUPID Lf L, ii 0 ae Height, 39 inches; width, 23 inches WHoLE-LENGTH of golden-haired cupid, blue drapery held in right hand. DUTCH SCHOOL 344 FV LEMISH SOLDIERS L ae : A / 5 eS Height, 35 inches; length, 88 inches Numerous figures with two soldiers in armor. CARLE ANDRE VAN LOO Frencu: 1705—1765 345—LADY AND DOG “ oh / ( ) lr / A ~/\thy . 8 t on ) Height, 45 inches; width, 25 inches THREE-QUARTER length of elderly lady, seated, brown low dress, black shawl over head, holding toy dog. LUDOLFEF BACKHUYSEN Dutcu: 1631—1708 346—THE SHIPWRECK Om. Mae 0 Lg a3 = Height, 26 inches; length, 40 inches Rocky coast with storm-tossed waves, a vessel driven on rocks, boat with sailors and other vessels to left and in distance. CHRISTIAN WILHELM ERNST DIETRICH German: 1712—1774 347—LANDSCAPE | ( 0 q** | Height, 26 inches; length, 40 inches CZ & ft, baa Lanpscape with the remains of an aqueduct in the center, figures and cattle ' ¥ in foreground, cottage and trees to left. AART DE GELDER DutcH: 1645—1727 348—A STUDENT bf ee lage 70 ye Length, 87 inches; width, 33 inches 7 thea & ExLperty man in yellowish dress and fur-trimmed cloak and hat, seated at h table with books and writing material, spectacles in right hand. FRENCH 18tH CENTURY SCHOOL 349 WOMAN WITH MASK f SL. ( é 9 2S ‘<- : Height, 39 inches; width, 32 inches ' : Haur-tenernu of a lady in red silk dress with creamy white overmantle and powdered hair; black mask in right hand. WILLIAM BETTY Ree | _ Enewtsu: 1787—1849 ‘a 350—STUDY OF NUDE FIGURE Ce (3 7 : PANWNMNMenrmwuoenws_—~» as oe Height, 41 inches; width, 24 inches / ce Wuote-Lencru study of nude female figure, walking to left, flowers in right hand, dark hair adorned with flowers, green cloak to right, scarlet curtain background. | FLEMISH SCHOOL : —@ 351—DESCENT FROM THE CROSS % Gi a y, 7 6 of Panel, arched top: Height, 52 a a Group of four figures, three of whom are assisting at the Deposition, the 3 Cross forming the chief feature of the background. : DUTCH SCHOOL | 3852—-LANDSCAPE AND WINDMILL Q a w/ oe 4 f Ore Height, 42 inches; width, 27 inches OU f 7 = Summer landscape with group of trees and windmill to left, shepherd water- ing sheep to right. ADAM VAN NOORDT Friemiso: 1562—1621 353—PORTRAIT OF A GEN aia fe SOB OLe, SSS 8074 ae Height, 44 inches; width, 32 inches ) THREE-QUARTER length, standing, dark dress edged with gold, large white ruff, brown hair and short beard, left hand holding hilt of sword, helmet with feathers on table to left. Inscribed: “A7Ktatis 43.” RUBENS SCHOOL 354—M A DONNA Le J gf Height, 44 inches; width, 34 inches | ' SA AM Maponna in red and blue holding the Infant towards St. John the Baptist. ROBERT TOURNIERES Frencu: 1668—1752 355—PORTRAIT OF A LADY fe oS, / 0 mood , Height, 41 inches; width, 36 inches Ve. J. ( Harr-tencru portrait of a young lady standing in a landscape, in eu low dress with pink sleeves and blue cloak, powdered hair, her right hand on stone ledge on which are various flowers. HYACINTHE RIGAUD Frencu: 1659—1748 356—A MAGDALEN ‘ Height, 38 inches; length, 43 inches we TO JL0 © J pains ff : oe TureE-auarter length figure of young woman in red robes with ‘green flow- ing scarf, table with open book, cross and skull, right hand on gold vase. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK (AFTER ) 357—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMA yf / £0 — Height, 46 inches; width, 37 inches i THREE-QUARTER length of middle- ee man seated, red dress and fureciee fair hair and beard. : ’ IL PARMIGIANO - : 4 ae Tratsan: 1504—1540 . | @ 1... = LM Irs e bs a Ne : aes 358 PORTRAIT OF A CARDINAL ek Nw: Mace h 3 6 — Height, 49 inches; width, 36 one Nearty whole-length of middle- -aged man in Cardinal’s a seated han resting on arms of chair, brown beard. : From the collection of the Earl of Chichester. DUTCH SCH OR Che 359 JOSEPH INTERPRETING THE male ee os Height, 42 inches; width, 38 inches Inrertior of prison with three figures, Joseph seated and manacled to left. + a +e wes — a SIR GODFREY KNELLER ee a Eneuisu: 1646—1723 _ a wie can 6 360—PORTRAIT OF A GENERAL (yf J (U- 0 °— Height, 39 inches; length, 48 inches THREE-QUARTER length of elderly man, in elaborately embroidered dress, a 7. sash, white lace neckerchief and wig, holding baton in right hand; youth ho = | ing him his vizor. MORONI SCHOOL 3861—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN fe gt Hughie inchersmtlit, OH.trohes” CO. tb Fifer Turee-quartrer length of middle- -aged man seated by a pillar, deel eS / black hair and beard, open book in left hand. DUTCH SCHOOL 362—GROUP OF MEN Height, 40 inches; length, 46 inches LL VY. ? em, ae Oa OCLACE Sg! Han Ni Five men in Eastern robes, one in blue cloak and white turban to left. Por- | tion of a larger picture. PAULUS DE VOS Fiemisu: 1590—1678 363—DOGS 3 7 FS Height, 34 inches; length, 57 inches ex Spe poo Two dogs snarling over the possession of the entrails of an animal, wooden stool to left. JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 364 THE CONQUEROR CONQUERED "a a Height, 56 inches; width, 39 inches THAN MPSS Pog Interior with soldier in demi-suit of armor and black felt hat with red feathers, seated on an upturned drum, and looking intently at a girl in red dress playing a mandolin. Signed at the lower left, J. Jacquet. TOCQUE SCHOOL 365—PORTRAIT OF A LADY ele 4 aha (ord / / Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches THREE-QUARTER length, seated, playing a mandolin, in flower-patterned pink dress with wide white lace sleeves; organ with open music book to left. SIR M. A. SHEE, P.R.A. Eneuisu: 1769—1850 3866—THH FRUIT GIRL a Fe Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches Fema Portrait of young girl in white dress, brown sa and straw hat, seared’ in the open, with a basket of various fruit, and holding a King Charles Bye by blue ribbon. Purchased from Martin Colnaghi, London. VAN DYCK SCHOOL 367—CH ARITY (3. Tata 4 A Abe Height, 54 inches; width, 4 a Woman in loose blue, white and red arenes surrounded by three nude infants. VENETIAN SCHOOL @) 368—GROUP OF FIGURES Gy Se 7 ot Height, 69 inches; width, 28 inches Figures of men and women with merchandise. VENETIAN SCHOOL 369_MERCHANTS IN THE TEMPLE ae ; A b- y, a 4 ae Height, 68 inches; width, 29 wee OPT AMUN / | Group of male and female figures with merchandise expelled from the Temple. FRANCESCO ALBANO Irauian: 1578—1660 370—CUPIDS / oe i’ Height, 36 inches; length, 68 inches Vr , Vr : gerne oo Aw overdoor with cupids playing various musical instruments. FIFTH AND LAST EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1916 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8 O'CLOCK ITALIAN SCHOOL = | 3871_ JUDITH AND HOLOFERNES ee Lo- Falk 1 ’ eee Panel: Height, 10 inches; width, 9 incnes JupirH in green draperies looking up to right, holding the head of Holofernes. IGNAZ MARCEL GAUGENGIGL GERMAN: 1856— 372 THE TROUBADOR Be D4 Panel: Height, 11 inches width, 8 inches — Smaz whole-length of youth in medieval costume, playing a guitar and singing. WINCKWORTH ALLAN GAY 3 American: 1821—1910 (re we () i 3873—_THE ISLAND, COHASSET HARBOR 7 foMe Millboard: Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches Tue island with small sailing boats, in summer time; trees and distant land- scape. ma. Signed at the lower left, W. Attan Gay, and dated 1871. IL SASSOFERRATO (STYLE OF) 374 HOLY FAMILY V6 tLe oe? Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches Lanpscare with Virgin in red and blue dress, the Child and Infant St. John. ROBERT LAYTON NEWMAN American: 1827—1912 875—SONG OF THE BIRDS WA. Vet Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches ipl Bete i Two girls in red, blue and white draperies, in a landscape looking to right. Signed at the lower left, R. L. Newman. ROBERT LAYTON NEWMAN | AMERICAN: 1827—1912 z q 876—_MOTHER AND CHILD ON BEACH | am g¢@ Height, 9 inches; length, 15 inches . Recuinine on her right side, a mother gathers to her breast her sleeping babe. She has auburn hair and her fallen mantle is deep blue. J. ORTEGO CoNTEMPORARY 877—THE CIRCUS Gee Sed y — Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches De ScENE in the wing of a circus, a clown conversing with an equestrienne; other figures in the distance. Signed at the lower left, Orreco, and dated 1873. From the J. Abner Harper sale. : FRANK DE HAVEN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 378—_LANDSCAPE pane vos) ~_ Panel: Height, 101% inches; length, 14 inches J tte Ae ——— Eventne landscape with trees and flock of sheep. Signed at the lower left, F. De Haven, and dated 1898. MODERN ENGLISH 379 BETSY PRIG AND SAIREY CLT a tee oe g at eo Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches Tur famous drinking incident, with the teapot, from Dickens’ novel ENGLISH SCHOOL 380-_INTERIOR OF AN ALEHOUSE u eo va 0 —— Panel: Height, 111% inches; length, 13%, cag Grour of men, with woman and child; other figures to right drinking. FRANK DE HAVEN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 381—LANDSCAPE 1 Zee fob. Height, 12 inches; length, 14 inches SuNnseEtT scene over a landscape, with a flock of sheep grazing. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1898. RICHARD NORRIS BROOKS AMERICAN: 184'7— 382—_LANDSCAPE Millboard: Height, 121%, inches; length, 15 inches View of undulating country in springtime. Signed at the lower right, R. N. Brooxs. GERMAN SCHOOL 3883_MAN PRAYING be hr Ly | / Om) oe Panel: Height, 15 inthes; width, 12 inches Smauu half-figure of elderly man in black dress lined and edged with gold, — black hat, hands clasped. ITALIAN SCHOOL 384—_M A DONNA AND CHILD CES UV 2 f ge a 4 Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches Tue Madonna in red dress holding the Infant. ITALIAN SCHOOL 385—PORTRAIT OF A MAN VL | a Height, 17 inches; width, 13 inches Heap of a young man, yellow dress and brown hair. ENGLISH SCHOOL 386—LANDSCAPE os Qe = Height, 13 inches; length, 17 inches ScENE in a valley with river between two high hills. | MODERN FRENCH 387— SHEEP i Ve Pia ech nck Sime ge Height, 15 inches; length, 16 in¢hes A skeTcu in oils of sheep and trees. ENGLISH SCHOOL 888S—PORTRAIT OF AN OFFICER & f SR Aa Vathtrrey —os Height, 12 inches; length, 19 inches (7 wae A g { -Copiery-1ikk, small whole-length of a young English officer, in uniform, scar- let coat, buff waistcoat and breeches, standing and leaning on his gray charger, hat in left hand. LAWRENCE SCHOOL Vi 389 HEAD OF A YOUNG MAN a hy POR Millboard: Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches po. Bust; black dress and stock, brown curly hair. . ENGLISH SCHOOL 390—OLD MAN RESTING ON BEN oe a YW &e : oé4 Panel: Height, 20 inches ; width, 14 fet as g Smatyt whole-length of gray-haired man seated on a bench in a landscape; dark dress and light breeches. VAN DYCK SCHOOL 391—HEAD OF A MAN KL Eta ©. pn: [ fa eee Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches Smaxu bust; black dress, white plain collar, long gray hair. JOHN WATTS EncusxH: 1770—1820 we (a5 ce 392—_LANDSCAPE WITH CORNFIELD | [ ae : Height, 15 inches; length, 20 inches A sBroapxy painted sketch of a cornfield. Undoubtedly a study for a larger composition. : UNKNOWN 393—YOUNG WOMAN RECLINING Ne ne (3 y koe Height, 18 inches; ae 22 inch¢gs . dl Youne woman in loose blue and white draperies, reclining on a red rug in a landscape. HENRY SINGLETON Eneuisu: 1766—1839 394 RUSTIC SCENE © ee te ; ye Panel: Height, 21 inches; width, 16 we View outside a country cottage, with seated peasant woman ee a child » who is leaning on a dog. CHARLES WALTER STETSON American: 1858—1911 395—A JOYOUS PLACE ee Pe LanpscareE with figures of dancing girls in classical robes, trees and houses to right. v Cae Height, 1714, inches; length, 221, inch Signed at the lower right, C. Warrer Sretson, and dated 1884. HERVEY CORREJA CONTEMPORARY 396_SPANISH TOREADOR (\ rae 7 J aa Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches “i i Smaxu half-figure of toreador in gala dress, holding a cigarette. Signed and dated: Paris, 1885. ISAAC DE MOUCHERON Durcu: 1670—1744 Wy a / 397—LANDSCAPE Se ee Be ST ge Heght, 20 inches; width, 17 inches Forest scene with overhanging cliffs. MRS. MARGARET SARAH CARPENTER | EnecusH: 17938—1872 398—LITTLE CHILD WITH DOLL om A | 3 f Ee Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches a Facine directly front, a fair haired, rosy cheeked child presses her doll to her breast. Her white dress is gathered at the neck with red ribbons and at the back is a green curtain. THOMAS STOTHARDT, R.A. Encusu: 1755—1884 399—_INTERIOR / gO Height, 23 inches; width, l7y, NTERIOR of a church with figure of a lady in white kneeling at an altar; a monk in black in the background. ANDRIES VERMEULEN Dutcu: 1763—1814 400—WINTER SCENE FrozEN river scene with bridge and cottage, numerous rustic figures skatin ay Height, 17 inches; length, 23 inches, _ sy ve ) Ye satin and sleighing. Signed at the lower right, A. VERMEULEN, and dated 1814. ITALIAN SCHOOL 401—H EAD OF FEMALE SAINT Height, 2014, inches; width, shel 4s D | Gunns : Heap and shoulders, red dress, white flowing head-dress, red hair. SPANISH SCHOOL 402—HEAD OF MAN , a. ey, S$ Ae Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inch Tue face is slightly raised and shows strong lights and shadows. Dark brown hair falling to the shoulders. JOHANN ROTTENHAMMER GERMAN: 1564—1623 4083—ST. CECILIA ) - Pid AO F M- tata pe 7 » ay 0 gt “g Panel: Height, 16 inches; length, 26 inches V o AA LY | SMALL whole-length in red and gold draperies, seated playing an organ, a cherub playing bellows. FRANCESCO ALBANO Irautan: 1578—1660 404—CUPIDS QS / A Height, 18 inches; length, 27 inches ~~ ~ ~ 4590 Group of four cupids on clouds, playing instruments and singing from a music-book. ENGLISH SCHOOL 405—PORTRAIT OF A LADY : y 0 /, oie IA reuse VU +4 D4" Height, 24 inches; width, 19 inchbl—- ft 5 Cae y Smatzt bust of middle-aged lady, in dark dress, white crossover, pink rib- bon and red and black turban. 5 a WALD ia ite ITALIAN SCHOOL 406—S AINT AND ANGEL \ ta Sol 3 ye Height, 21 inches; width, 19 inches FEMALE saint, seated in a landscape looking up at an angel. io EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY Frencu: 1804—1886 407—PORTRAIT OF A LADY a Gib NA 4a : / ‘oe i Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Heap and shoulders, dark dress, white collar, gold chain. DUTCH SCHOOL 410—PORTRAIT OF A LADY ‘Gs ot = od : ca Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches a Hawr-ricure, green low dress with double row of pearls, white lace iis black cap, brown hair with pearls. FLEMISH SCHOOL at PORTRAIT OF CHARLES V & 0 — Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Ch: WL. eho: e Heap and shoulders, black dress embroidered with gold, black cap with white feather. JOSEPH STANNARD Eweuisu: 1797—18380 412-VIEW ON A RIVER FE ee Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches CL: Wb ste Sis View on a broad shallow river, with numerous sailing barges and group of logs, to right windmill and cattle. WILLIAM ETTY, R.A. EnousH: 1787—1849 413 STUDY OF NUDE FIGURE pe | JV PI AAA we ee Wuote-Lencru female figure in the open lying on pink drapery, sea in dis- Panel: Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches tance. WILLIAM DOBSON (AFTER) 414—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG M | e am of Height, 26 inches; width, 21 ee SmaLu bust in red dress, deep white collar, jeweled chain with cross of an order, long fair hair. DUTCH SCHOOL ae 415—LADY HOLDING A FAN & Y re be % ‘: Height, 28 inches; width, Hatr-ricure, black dress with deep collar and wristband, dark ee with close-fitting black and gold cap, fan in left hand. ches Signature and date indistinctly seen in lower right-hand corner. ENGLISH SCHOOL 416—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Ce. 7. (0 hale 4 i. 5? Oval: Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches Bust of lady in pink low dress, long black hair. MODERN AMERICAN SCHOOL 417—LANDSCAPE AND RIVER cy / 4, Ure - 46 Height, 17 inches; length, 311, inches (td apr View of a broad placid river with forest of pines and other trees on either side. ENGLISH SCHOOL 418—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Cp Bers BUA oS ae Oval: Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches Experzry gentleman in dark dress holding a pigeon in right hand. ENGLISH SCHOOL 419—QUEEN MARY cee Ee aoe ie of, Oval: Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches Bust of the Queen in black and white dress with ornaments of pearls and pre- cious stones, pearl necklace. ENGLISH SCHOOL yy) + as 420—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN {> od A Sa. ’ TAZ. 7S OE baa : Oval: Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches Bust of elderly gentleman in ermine robes and pendant of the Order of St. George. ITALIAN SCHOOL % nag) 7 : Dy ant | /) s 421 MADONNA AND CHILD Q LORNA OD PS AIOE. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 incheg/ (7 ee Maponna seated nursing the Infant. ARTHUR HOEBER, A.N.A. iAnrniite ws 1854—1915 422—THE EARLY MOON 0, 6 jn iy as? pe I HT ange, 20 inches; length, 30 inches : Bracu scene with breakers, early sunrise effects. Signed at the lower left, Anruur Horser. JOSEF DE RIBERA SPANISH: 1588—1656 423—HEAD OF AN APOSTLE Kon. Pedlis A / Pee Height, 30 inches; width, 221, inches ELDERLY man in green dress and red cloak, brown hair and beard. KENYON COX, N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 424 BLANCHE ET ROSE / ah ye? Height, 35 inches; width, 20 Nupe figure of young girl, with long brown hair bound with pink ribbon, standing on a white rug, jar of pink and white flowers to right. Signed at the upper right, Kenyon Cox, and dated 1881. Exhibited at Boston and at Philadelphia. ELISABETTA SIRANI Iravian: 1638—1665 425—THE DAUGHTER OF ae, , : rhs o e) 5 Oval: Diameters, 34 and 261, inches _ Satome in pink and gold dress and white turban, gold and enameled chain over left shoulder, holding the head of John the Baptist on a gold charger. ; - SKM pseder, From the collections of A. Barker, 1874; Earl of Malmesbury, 1876; and Charles Butler, 1911. in, ~%/0~1070 ROBERT CROZIER (OF MANCHESTER) ENGLISH 426—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY £ poy & eG, | o-/y Height, 83 inches; width, 26 inches AMAL Haur-ricure, seated, pinkish dress with black scarf, bracelet on left wrist, fair hair. Signed and dated 1853 in lower right-hand corner. SIR GODFREY KNELLER Encusy: 1646—1723 yY 427—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN by dt . ~ 5 CANT KI A: 3 0 ge Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Hatr-ricure of elderly man in green plush coat, white neckerchief, long fair curly hair. ENGLISH SCHOOL 428MOSES IN THE BULRUSHES(2 yf, a a Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches | Nearzy nude child reclining on draperies amid bulrushes. EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL 429—PORTRAIT OF AN ELDERLY MAN ue 4 Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches ; “ iG . Haur-ricurg, dull red dress, white stock, gray wig. SCHOOL OF ap GELIC 430—CORONATION OF THE VIRG / 3 ae ey Height, 3054 inches; length, 531%, inches (sight). Curist is represented in the act of placing the crown on the Virgin’s heats : t Four angels are kneeling in the foreground, one with a musical instrument, all in adoration. Transferred from panel to canvas. | : ENGLISH SCHOOL — a 431—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Lo cS bea c: a tay tee Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches a Har-Lencru, seated, red low dress, gold chain, dark hair in ringlets, hands clasped. ENGLISH SCHOOL 432—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Zs 0 re - Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Harr-ricure, red dress, pearl necklace, black curly hair, white rose in left hand. ENGLISH SCHOOL 433—CHILDREN } e- cpr pataay Lf Q ’ Height, 25 inches; length, 80 inches SLEEPING infant watched over by a fair-haired child in red dress. VERONESE SCHOOL HEAD O "OMAN yeh 0 434—HEAD OF A WOMAN Nee Wiel 0 fee 4 J vd Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches f Pa ; \ Hatr-ricur®, low white dress and blue cloak, pearl necklace, fair curly hair. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. EneuisH: 17538—18389 485—FREDERICK EARL OF GUILDFORD ae Oe Cart, s Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches moe * Heap and shoulders, black dress, white stock, blue and red sash, and star of the Order of the Garter. From the Earl of Guildford’s Collection. ITALIAN SCHOOL 486—MADONNA AND CHILD cal MS, raed vé ”d) i Height, 29 inches; length, 30 inches Maponna in red, seated, holding the Child. SIR WILLIAM BEEKCHEY (PERIOD OF) 437—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Vv Lp uf l) 1 Height, 30 inches; width, 28 inches Hatr-ricure of elderly man, dark dress and white neckerchief, with star of the Order of the Garter; fair curly hair. ENGLISH SCHOOL flv sadler / y) ry eee Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches 438—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LA Hatr-Lenecru, seated, black low dress with white sleeves, long golden hair, resting her head on a red cushion. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. (AFTER) 439—PORTR AIT OF GEORGE IV K. doen 50 = Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Hawr-tenctu of the Prince Regent (afterwards George IV) in uniform with numerous orders and decorations. FRANCIS COTES, R.A. EneutsH: 1726—1770 440—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN Height, 38 inches; width, 29 inches b Lge Ghher, Haur-ricureE standing by a balcony, brown dress and cloak, white lace collar and cuffs. Miner. Corr hf Veg Wark Ms 1916, ROMNEY PERIOD ““ «” Cuvpurs of eorg Move ve pA tthe [ Cpmte ‘ LET eff 9-54, 7” 441—PORTRAIT OF A MAN o by Tad «labo 4, 140 bok Sale y Ay b4 ‘+ Height, 39-inches; width, 27 inches eh og ies ite yf Hy ee tf tuff rs b/y + TRREE-QUARTER length of elderly gray-bearded, bald-headed man in gray draperies, right hand on left wrist; Oriental tower to right. ALFRED DE KNYFEF Beucian: 1819—1885 442 —HUNTING SCENE Height, 22 inches; length, 33 inches ye A parx with lake into which hounds are pursuing deer From the artist’s sale. FF. RAUBICHECK AMERICAN: DECEASED ri a) . - A aa of Yl. Lo enr-Ly 443—LANDSCAPE Height, 25 inches; length, 37 inches Be: Summer impressionist view of field with stacks of hay, trees to right Signed at the lower left, F. RauspicHEeck VERONESE SCHOOL 444—A GIRL Ms 4 ahaa 1 ras ee Height, 42 inches; width, 24 inches sleeves and yellow mantle; pile to right. FELIX ZIEM (MANNER OF) 445—VIEW ON THE ADRIATIC SHORE ; ; ; a ; Height, 26 inches; length, 43 AD, Wr Broap view of the Adriatic Sea with mountains in the distance, a fisherman — wading towards the beach. oe Signed at the lower left, Z1EM. WILLIAM BROWN AMERICAN: 1827— 446—GOING TO THE FAIR Ae st a Height, 27 inches; width, 40 inches I | EXTENSIVE view of a mountainous country, with cattle and peasants resting — in a valley. Signed at the lower left, W. Brown, and dated 1853. GUSTAV FRIEDRICH PAPPERITZ GERMAN: 1813—1861 447—NUDE FIGURE Ve hark SMALL whole-length nude figure of finely modeled woman, standing on the ledge of a swimming pool, holding light draperies, flowing auburn hair, pearl neck- lace, red curtain background. 2 ok ‘ Height, 42 inches; width, 23 inches Signed at the lower right, G. Paprerrrz. MELCHIOR HONDEKOETER Dutcu: 1636—1695 : 448-—PARROTS IN A FOREST 4 Vln : VE pe A / 0 ‘ Height, 40 inches; width, 30 inches sk 2 Forest scene with red parrots and other birds. NORWICH SCHOOL wo 449 UNLOADING A BOAT ia oe y | UY. - Tanwar \ As Height, 40 inches; width, 30 inches v View at a pier-head of the arrival and unloading of a fishing trawl; numerous figures. ITALIAN SCHOOL 450 MOTHER AND CHILD } = | VV ALA AA eO"__| Sratep figure of lady in red dress holding child. Height, 40 inches; width, 31 inches ENGLISH SCHOOL 451—LANDSCAPE a ois Pea ee Height, 29 inches; length, 42 inches é Moonucnt effects on a valley with cottages, trees and numerous figures. A. FOUQUET Frencuo Moprern VN cColhnsS 452—MARGARET, WIFE OF ipa CHRISTOPHER STRACHEY, R.N. Oat Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches THREE-QUARTER length of elderly lady seated, brown dress, white lace collar and cuffs, brown hat with white feathers over white cap; black handkerchief in left hand. : Signed and dated: Verpvun 1888. LUCA GIORDANO Irauian: 1682—1705 453—MOTHER AND CHILD ~ as | WN srcdhve s Height, 40 inches; width, 34 inches De Woman in loose dress holding naked child on lap, children’s heads to ay and left. NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL 454-—THREE SHEPHERDS (. WW y Ke / 5 we Height, 45 inches; width, 28 inches THREE peasant figures, one holding a staff. DOMINICUS VAN TOL Dutcu: Between 1631 anv 1642—1676 455—MARKET SCENE oe UDA VILLAGE market scene, evening effect, woman seated at her stall of fowls and game bargaining with a gentleman in black dress, other figures to left. C0 vt Height, 43 inches; width, 32 ENGLISH SCHOOL 456—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Le Vv () oe LL (gia Height, 43 inches; width, 32 inches / THREE-qUARTER length, seated, white flower-patterned dress, white and black hat with black feathers, rose in right hand, fan in left. ROBERT WIGNELL Eneuiso: 181TH CEentury 457—PORTRAIT OF MATTHEW GIBBON , fp Ba th e@ hs > s ge Height, 44 inches; width, 36 inches ae A ae Turee-quarter length of young man, blue, white and yellow robes, long black wig, paper in left hand. Signed in full with name of subject in lower left-hand corner, coat-of-arms to right. ITALIAN SCHOOL 458—-MOTHER AND CHILD aN a Jf ~V PAA. e_ ) /) g° Height, 48 inches; width, 36 inches Woman in red dress and blue cloak, holding sleeping infant. ITALIAN SCHOOL 459—CHRIST ON THE CROSS Wt tee | / (xe Height, 50 inches ; width, 21 ches” ae a Smauu whole-length figure of Christ on the cross, skull and bones at foot. ea ; PIETER BOEL Fuemisu: 1622—1674 460—STILL LIFE Ve frannbeage | Sax ¢ Canvas: Height, 36 inches; width, inches ! ; ee Doe keeping guard over dead game and other trophies of hunting. JOHANNES LINGELBACH German: 1623—1674 , 461—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES 4y 7 y) Ye Height, 48 inches; width, 36 inches Woopy uneven landscape, with peasant and cattle watering. KNELLER PERIOD 462—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMANA- VS ho ee Height, 49 inches; width, 39 inches THREE-QUARTER length, probably of a shipowner, standing, in brown dress, white neckerchief and cuffs, long gray wig, right hand resting on map of the globe, ships in the distance. oi From the Earl of Sheffield’s Collection. 19094 = KEG. X13-/3-0 ds Cooma ITALIAN SCHOOL 468—SIBILLA PERSICA aad a . Vr. 74 PIGS a? ve Height, 39 inches; length, 48 inches Ro are, : THREE-QUARTER length figure in red, brown and white draperies and white turban, seated at a table writing; left elbow resting on volume lettered “Sibilla Persica.”’ Inscribed on ledge to right: “Guaccinianni.” REMBRANDT SCHOOL 464—THE CARPENTERS FAMILY () y c NA AG Viner Lipa As 7 Inrerior with carpenter, wife in red dress seated with open book, and cradle | i Height, 48 inches; width, 43 inches with infant. BOUCHER SCHOOL 465—THE YOUNG ARTIST L,, /) es Height, 57 inches; width, 38 inches Inrant seated at an easel sketching, cupid with flaming torch overhead. THOMAS BARBER Encusu: 181trH CENTURY 466—DR. WOODHOUSE, DEAN OF LICHFIELD rot Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches ee ig G , pf, Y on AKL THREE-QUARTER length, seated in red chair, black dress, white stock, gray hair, left hand resting on open book on table with writing materials and vol- ume lettered “Addison’s Works”; red curtain background, Lichfield Cathedral in the distance. JOHN RILEY Encutsu: 1646—1691 467—PORTRAIT OF A MAGISTRATE eats 0 vs Height, 50 imeher' width, 40 TAr ve THREE-QUARTER length figure, standing, of middle-aged man, in r lace collar, long brown wig, scroll in right hand; curtain backgrov | AMERICAN ART ASSOCIA Ce dE) aang es Pe re oo ¢. Cn THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. - "S REPRESENTED AND IR WORKS . ~~ y “f Signs ae = er ee : > LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ALBANO, FranceEsco Cupids Cupids AMBERGER, Curisroru Head of Christ BACKHUYSEN, Lupour The Shipwreck BAEN, Jan DE) Portrait of Rutger Eicholtz Portrait of Wife of Rutger Eicholtz BARBER, THomas Dr. Woodhouse, Dean of Lichfield BARKER OF BATH, TxHomas Portrait of Joseph Wright, of Derby, the Artist BEECHEY, Sir Witiam, R.A. Portrait of a Young Lady Portrait of a Child Portrait of a Child Woman Playing Chess Portrait of a Child Child with Dog Frederick Earl of Guildford BEECHEY, Sir Wituiam. (After Sir Joshua Reynolds) Portrait of Charles James Fox CATALOGUE NUMBER 370 404 89 346 334 335 466 341 BEECHEY, Sin Wintiam, R.A. (Attributed to) The Evening Star Portrait of Colonel Lord Horde BEECHEY, Sir Witiam. (Period of) Portrait of Mr. Patton Portrait of a Gentleman BASSANO, Jacopo pa Ponte Portrait of a Man Venetian Head BICCI, Neri pr Madonna and Child BISSOLO, Pier Francesco Madonna and Child BOEL, Pirrer Fowls Surprised by Eagle | Still Life BONIFAZIO, Veneztano Two Saints Bishop and Saint BONSIGNORI, Francesco Santa Lucia BORDONE, Paris Palma’s Daughter BOTTICINI, Francesco Madonna and Child BOUCHER SCHOOL The Young Artist BRONZINO, Anetoxo Bianca Capella BRONZINO SCHOOL Judith BROOKS, Ricuarp Norris Landscape BROWN, Wit1u1aM Going to the Fair BUONCONSIGLIO, Gtovanni St. John CANALETTO SCHOOL Venice CARAVAGGIO, Potiporo pa St. Matthew and the Angel CARLO MARA'T'TI SCHOOL Portrait of a Cardinal CARPENTER, Mrs. Marcaretr Sarau Little Child with Doll COELLO, Cxiaupio Ferdinand of Austria CONSTABLE, Joun, R.A. (Attributed) Dedham Vale COPLEY, Joun Sincieron, #.A. Portrait Group COSWAY, Ricuarn, R.A. Lady Seated in a Landscape CORNELISZ OF HAARLEM, CorneE is Two Heads CORREJA, Hervey Spanish Toreador CATALOGUE NUMBER 174 382 446 182 68 16A 18 283 396 COTES, Francis, R.A. Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Boy : Portrait of Miss Hastings Portrait of a Young Man Portrait of Lady Olive Lady in Blue Portrait of a Young Man COX, Kenyon, N.A. Blanche et Rose CRAEYER, Gaspar bE The Christ Child CREGAN, Martin, P.R.H.A. Mrs. Hawkins and Children CROZIER (OF MANCHESTER), Rosert Portrait of a Young Lady CUYP, Jacos Gerritsz Boy in Red DAUBIGNY, Cuaries Francots Marine DE HAVEN, Frank, 4.N.A. Landscape Landscape DELAROCHE, Pauvr France and Greece DELFF, Corneuis van Woman with Tulip DENIS, Frans Family Group DERRICK, Lovis Landscape DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse ViIRGILE Landscape DIEPENBEECK, Asranam van Duke of Molino Holy Family - DIETRICH, Curistian Witunertm Ernst Landscape — | DOBSON, Wittiiam Portrait of the Earl of Pembroke Comedy Nursing the Infant Shakespeare Portrait of Charles I DOBSON, Wiiiram. (After Van Dyck) Lord John and Lord Bernard Stuart Portrait of Sir A. Van Dyck DOBSON, Witu1am. (After) Portrait of a Young Man DOMENICHINO, Domenico Zamptieri Marriage of St. Catherine Dedalus and Icarus Lot and His Daughters DUPONT, GatnsporoucH Landscape Landscape DURER, A. (School of) Head of Christ DUTCH SCHOOL Landscape Cobbler’s Shop Head of a Man Flemish Soldiers Landscape and Windmill CATALOGUE NUMBER 236 DUTCH SCHOOL—Continued Joseph Interpreting the Dream Group of Men Portrait of a Lady Lady Holding a Fan EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Young Lady Landscape (Attributed to Patrick Nasmith) Portrait of a Young Lady Portrait of an Elderly Man EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL : : ss Virgin and Child | a Madonna and Child ee aA Virgin and Child _ A Saint Holy Family EARLY SPANISH Adoration of the Magi EECKHOUT, Gerpranp vAN DEN _ Figures ENGLISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Gentleman Three Children (About 1830) Child with Dog Portrait of a Lady (Karly 19th century) Miss Melville Officer on Horseback Portrait of a Gentleman Portrait of a Young Lady Portrait of a Gentleman Interior of an Alehouse ~ Landscape Portrait of an Officer Old Man Resting on Bench Portrait of a Lady Head of a Lady ENGLISH SCHOOL—Continued Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Gentleman Queen Mary Portrait of a Gentleman Moses in the Bulrushes Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Lady Children | Portrait of a Young Lady Landscape Portrait of a Lady ETTY, Wiiiuam, R.A. * Ophelia Study of Nude Figure Study of Nude Figure EVERSDYCK, Wittem Family Group FABRITIUS, Kare Portrait of a Young Man FALERO, Luis Sculpture Painting Lady Reading HIPPtL Firirro. (School of) Holy Family FLEMISH SCHOOL Three Ladies Virgin and Child The Dead Christ Flowers The Flagellation Madonna and Child Madonna and Child Descent from the Cross Portrait of Charles V CATALOGUE NUMBER 416 418 419 4:20 428 431 432 433 438 451 456 276 350 415 65 FLINCK, Govarrr Portrait of a Girl. Portrait of a Philosopher FOUQUET, A. aa ‘ an Margaret, Wife of Admiral Christopher Strachey, R.N. = 45 FRA ANGELICO SCHOOL The Annunciation Coronation of the Virgin FRAGONARD SCHOOL Head of a Girl FRENCH SCHOOL ; Féte Champétre (XVIII century) The Mandolin Player Portrait of a Princess Palatine Woman with Mask (XVIII century) GALLAIT, Louts Art and Liberty . GAROFALO (IL) The Wise Men Madonna and Child GAUGENGIGL, Ienaz Marcen The Troubadour GAY, Wincxworto ALLAN The Island, Cohasset Harbor GELDER, Aart pE A Student GERMAN SCHOOL Empress of Austria Man Praying GIORDANO, Luca Mother and Child GIRTIN, TxHomas Head of a Young Man GORDON, Sir Joun Warson, R.A. The Young Highlander The Marquess of Wellesley GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco Jost bE Portrait of the Prince of Peace GREBBER, Pierer Fransz Violin Player GREUZE SCHOOL Bacchante Louise de La Valliére GUERCINO (IL) Tancred atid Armida HANNEMAN, AprIiAEN Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Lady HARLOW, Georct Henry Mrs. Dixon Lady Carteret and Children Portrait of Dr. Homan, Physician to George IV HARLOW (G. H.) PERIOD Group of Children Lady before an Easel HELST, BarrHoLtomMeEvs VAN DER Portrait of an Admiral HERRE, Lucas DE Portrait of a Lady HIESCHIG, A. M. Domestic Scene CATALOGUE NUMBER 298 84 167 282 HIGHMORE, Josrru Portrait of a Lady HILLIARD, Nicwozas | Portrait of a Lady HILLIARD, Wituiam Henry Landscape 3 HOEBER, Arruur, 4.N.A. | Marine The Beach at East Orleans The Early Moon HOECGEEST, C. Church Interior HOGARTH, Wituiam. (Ascribed to) Portrait of a Young Lady HOGARTH, Winiam. (Period of) An Interior with Figures HONDECOETER (HONDEKOETER), MeE.cHuior Barnyard Parrots in a Forest HONTHORST, Gerarp van The Musician HONTHORST, WILLEM VAN William II Prince of Orange HOPPNER PERIOD Portrait of a Lady Master David Portrait of a Boy HOUSMAN (or HUYSMANS), Jacos Mrs. Blount HUDSON, THOMAS Family Group Mrs. Graham and Child HUDSON, Tuomas. (Period of) Portrait of a Gentleman HURLESTONE, Frepericx Yates Ameda INSKIPP, James Lady with Red Poppy Neapolitan Fruit-seller ISABEY, Evcine Louis Gaprrer Portrait of a Lady ITALIAN SCHOOL Christ on the Cross Flora Judith and Holofernes Madonna and Child Portrait of a Man Head of Female Saint Saint and Angel Madonna and Child Madonna and Child Mother and Child. Mother and Child Christ on the Cross Sibilla Persica JACKSON, Joun, R.A. Portrait of a Young Man Study of a Man JACQUET, JEAN GUSTAVE The Conqueror Conquered CATALOGUE NUMBER 48 254 326 234 125 220 407 55 133 371 384 385 401 406 42) 436 450 458 459 463 314 328 364 JANSSEN, Cornepis Portrait of a Man Portrait of the Earl of Winchester KEITH, Wii1i1aMm Autumn: California Golden Sunset KEY, Apriaan T'Homasz Portrait of a Dutch Lady KN ELLER, Sir GopFrey Portrait of a Queen of Rnglands Portrait of a Gentleman Portrait of Judge Levins Portrait of a Lady — Portrait of a Judge Gentleman in Armor King William III Portrait of a General Portrait of a Gentleman KNELLER, Sir Goprrey. (After) Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon KNELLER PERIOD Lady and Child Portrait of a Gentleman KNYFF, Anrep pe Hunting Scene LADBROOKE, Henry Cottage and Farm LAIRESSE, Gerarp DE The Marlborough Family LANNEN, JaAcogpsz VAN DER A Musicale CATALOGUE NUMBER LARGILLIERE, Nicouas ve Lady in Black 35 LATE ITALIAN SCHOOL Classical Scene: An Overdoor 269 LAWRENCE, Sir Tuomas, P.R.A. (After) Portrait of George IV 439 ~ LAWRENCE, Sir. Tuomas, P.R.A. (Period of) Portrait of a Lady eli Lady Lyndhurst 20 - The Countess of Galloway 22 LAWRENCE SCHOOL Lady Mackenzie 113 Head of a Boy 185 Portrait of Lord Arundel 214 Portrait of a Young Lady 226 Lady in Black 318 Head of a Young Man 389 LEADER, Sir Benzamin Wixuiams, R.A. Skirts of a Worcestershire Common 19 LE BOURGUIGNON (JACQUES COURTOIS) Two Battle Scenes 96 LELY PERIOD Portrait of a Young Nobleman 235 LELY SCHOOL Boy in Blue 265 LE MOYNHE, Fran¢gots ne Vertumnus and Pomona 250 LEON Y ESCOSURA, Ienacto Waiting for the Queen LIBRI, Girotamo pat Madonna and Child LINGELBACH, JOHANNES _ Landscape and Figures LINTON, WiLiuiAmM Landscape and Sea MACBETH, Rosert Waker, R.A. The Miller’s Daughter MAES, NicHOLAS A Group MARATTI, Carzto Portrait of a Cardinal MARIESCHI, Jacovro The Piazza, Venice MARINUS (VAN REYN ERSWALE) St. Jerome MASTER OF SAN MINIATO Death of Christ MAZO, Juan BAvtTIsSTA DEL Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Girl MIEREVELDT, Micuart JanszeEn VAN Portrait Group MIERIS, Frans van Young Lady at Her Toilet MIGNARD, Pinsix The Duke of Burgundy MIGNARD SCHOOL The Education of a Youth The Fortune Teller MILANESE SCHOOL Madonna and Child MILLAIS, Sir Joun Evererr, P.R.A. (Ascribed to) Flora Macdonald MIRANDA, Juan Carreno pvr Portrait of a Nun MERCIER, Puitirre Lady Playing Piano MODERN AMERICAN SCHOOL Landscape and River MODERN ENGLISH Betsy Prig and Sairey Gamp MODERN FRENCH SCHOOL Study of Nature Sheep MORAN, Enpwarp Sunrise, New York Harbor MOREELSE, Pavtus Young Lady in Rich Costume MORLAND, Gerorcer. (Style of) Boar Hunting MORO, Anronio. (Attributed) Portrait of Maximilian II MORONI SCHOOL Portrait of a Gentleman CATALOGUE NUMBER 306 64 178 90 244 102 361 MOUCHERON, Isaac pr Landscape MURILLO, Barrotomét Estrrpan St. Joseph and Child MUSSCHER, Micuaenu VAN Dutch Tavern Scene MYTENS, Danreu Portrait of Charles I NATTIER, Jean Marc. (4fter) Lady Playing Guitar Lady with Book NEAGLE, Joun | Portrait of Washington Irving NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL Three Shepherds NEWMAN, Rosertr Layton Song of the Birds Mother and Child on Beach : NOORDT, Apam van Portrait of a Gentleman NORTON, Witiram Epwarp - Seascape NORWICH SCHOOL Unloading a Boat OLD PAUL Landscape near Norwich OPIE, Joun. (Attributed to) Portrait of a Lady ; CATALOGUE ORCHARDSON, Sir Wiruam Q., R.A. (Four oil sketches from the artist’s sale) November, or Solitude . 24 In the Gloaming 25 Fishing Boats 26 Flotsam and Jetsam 27 - ORTEGO, J. The Circus 377 PANNINI, Giovanni Paoio Exterior of a Palace 246 Interior of a Palace 247 PAPPERITZ, Gustav Friepricu Nude Figure 4 AT PARMIGIANO (IL) Portrait of a Cardinal 358 PEARSON, J. T., Jr. Under the Weeping Willow 179 PENCZ, Grorce Portrait of a Lady 8 PETERS, Rev. Matruew Wits, I.A. Visit to Baby 63 Lady and Angels 70 Master Hadden Brown 198 PICARD, Louts Girl Asleep 287 PHILLIPS, Tuomas, #.A. Portrait of a Lady 218 Portrait of a Lady 321 Portrait of a Lady 829 Sir John Ross, the Explorer 330 PHILLIPS, Tuomas, R.A. (Period of) Portrait of a Young Lady 140 POURBUS, Franz. (Style of) Lady with Dog | POUSSIN, Nicozas Landscape PYNE, James Baker Marine RAMSAY, ALian Portrait of Mrs. Ramsay Sir Joseph Brandt RAU, Emini Interior | RAUBICHECK, F. _ Landscape RAVENSTEYN, Jan van Portrait of a Man Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Lady REMBRANDT SCHOOL A Rabbi Christ on the Cross" The Carpenter’s Family RENI, Guipvo Allegorical Group Magdalen REYNOLDS, Sm Josuva, P.R.A. Countess of Strafford The Rev. Zachariah Mudge REYNOLDS, Sir Josuva, P.R.A. (After) The Strawberry Girl CATALOGUE REYNOLDS, Six Josnva. (Period of) 2 \ borate Man in Cocked Hat 294 REYNOLDS SCHOOL Simplicity 112 Portrait of Dr. Goodall 207 Portrait of Dr. Samuel Johnson 299 Nude Study 307 Miranda 322 RIBERA, Josrr pr Monk Holding Pen 152 St. Andrew _ 22) Man with Staff 248 Head of an Apostle 423 RIBOT, Aveustin THropuLe Group of Figures 97 RICCI Virgin and Child 304 RICHARDSON, JonarTHan Alexander Pope the Poct 217 RIGAUD, HyacintHE Portrait of Louis XIV 16: A Magdalen 356 RIGAUD, Hyacintur. (School of) . Portrait of a Gentleman 271 Portrait of a Lady 2°72 RILEY, Joun The Duke of Beaufort 151 Portrait of a Magistrate 4067 ROMNEY, Gerorce Hon. Wm. Fletcher 124 ROMNEY PERIOD Portrait of a Man ROSA, SALvaror = Landscape with Waterfall ROTTENHAMMER, Jonann St. Cecilia RUBENS SCHOOL Lions Madonna RUSSELL, Jouy, R.A. Portrait of a Young Lady RUYSDAEL, Satomon van Landscape SASSOFERRATO (IL) Madonna and Child SASSOFERRATO (IL). (Style of) Holy Family SCHOOL OF CLOUET Portrait of a Young Lady Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Lady SCHOOL OF THE MARCHES Madonna and Child SEGHERS, Danie. Still Life SHAW, Joun Landscape SHIGE: Sin: dle er: The Fruit Girl SINGLETON, Henry Rustic Scene SIRANI, Envisaperra The Daughter of Herodias SLAUGHTER, Sreruen Portrait of a Young Lady SMITH, Joun Rapuaer Girl with Dog SPANISH SCHOOL Portrait of an Infanta (XVI century) Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Young Gentleman Madonna and Saints Head of Man STANNARD, JosEru View on a River STETSON, Cuaries: WALTER A Joyous Place STETTEN, C. von Lady with Red Fan STOTHARDT, Tuomas, R.A. Interior STREETES, W. (Ascribed to) Portrait of a Gentleman STROZZI, Bernarpvo Christ Blessing Bread STUART, Gitsperr Citares Portrait of a Gertleman CATALOGUE NUMBER 394 425 412 395 399 29 144 101 SUSTERMANN, Justus | Portrait of a Gentleman of France Portrait of a Young Gentleman Portrait of an Officer TERBURG, Gerarp The Mandolin Player TILLIER, Paur Nude Woman TINTORETTO SCHOOL Portrait of a Doge TITIAN SCHOOL Madonna and Child > TOCQUE, Louts . Portrait of a Gentleman Portrait of a Nobleman TOCQUE, Louis. (Attributed) Catherine of Russia TOCQUE SCHOOL Portrait of a Lady TOL, Dominicus van Market Scene TOURNIERES, Roserr Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Lady TRISTAN, Luis Adoration of the Magi TROY, JEAN Francois DE Portrait of a Lady TURA, Cosimo — Death of Lucretia ULLMANN, Wa trer Lady in a Landscape Landscape UNKNOWN Europa and the Bull Young Woman Reclining VALENTIN (LE) 3 Card Players VANDERMYN, Herman Portrait of a Lady VAN DYCK, Sm Antruony Virgin and Child with Angels Daughter of the Count of Holland VAN DYCK, Sire AntuHowny. - (4fier) James Stuart, Duke of Gordon and Lenox Portrait of an Italian Nobleman Madonna and Child Portrait of a Gentleman VAN DYCK SCHOOL Governor Jacobus Ragheip Portrait of a Gentleman Cupids Portrait of a Gentleman Cupid Charity Head of a Man VAN LOO, Carte ANDRE Empress of Austria Emperor of Austria The Miniature Lady and Dog CATALOGUE NUMBER 137 257 62 393 134 14 VELASQUEZ SCHOOL Portrait of Cardinal Lanacris— VELDE, Apriaan van pe. (Jn the manner of) ‘Cattle and Landscape _ Marine Subject VELDE, WILLeM van DE a Vessels in Port Seascape VENETIAN SCHOOL Group of Figures Merchants in the Temple VERBOECKHOVEN, Evckéne Joseru Sheep VERMEULEN, Anprtes er 5 Winter Scene VERONESE SCHOOL Portrait of a Lady Head of a Woman A Girl VESTIER, Anrorne Portrait of a Young Lady VIBERT, Jenan Gerorces Convent Choir VOS, CorneELis DE Group of Figures VOS, Pavuuus DE Dogs VRIES, Aprian DE Interior of a Palace WATTEAU SCHOOL Blind Man’s Buff WATTS, Grorce Freperick, RA. Portrait of Lady Ashburton WATTS, Joun Landscape with Cornfield WEISSENBRUCH, Jonannes Henprixk Landscape WESTALL, Ricuarp, R.A. Cassandra WHEATLEY, Francis, R.A. Miss Price, Daughter of the Rev. Mr. Price of Glynn Boy Playing a Harp WIGNELL, Roser Portrait of Matthew Gibbon WILLCOCK, Gerorce B. Landscape WILSON, Ricuarp, R.A. Lake of Nemi WILSON, Ricuarp, R.A. (Period of) Landscape Italian Lake ZIEM, Feurx. (Manner of) View on the Adriatic Shore ZUCCHERO, Frprrico Portrait of a Princess Portrait of a Boy Portrait of a Lady CATALOGUE NUMBER 86 392 303 190 160 FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART. AND LITERARY PROPERTY feyveioe AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED Pent N AL “CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY 1 COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK _ AND BINDING BY 5 if 5 : ’ } 4 4 a + RESEARCH INSTITUTE OMNIA 3 01663 0507 125 GETTY iT | 3 Ch rss me ete te ocapeed ae es aoe a cia agar et a 3 ee phere seipmw rah ee * F ens = fee ters, we Het: shine a basses if sate ae ete at oe oF ul rH =}te tees asee eres a é cad tt ‘iy aati a u iter i