| ee sate OF : a er Sas ae € me. Ss » Lig hae ‘ ; ihe 3 | tA e , | | % “Including the Gallery of > = Valuable : me sdern Paintings and Art Objects || Ne Of the City Residence of » To be Sold acinus. at 2.30 weteek at The Philadelphia Art Galleries — yy 5; E. Corner Fifteenth and Chestnut Streets } ’ Second Floor Philadelphia, Pa. : Entrance—103 South Fifteenth Street (Elevator) MOM. BPE eteeine a. _ _—— seg pens . scan oe een ini teee eee eimaaeenaeaa Pee 5 cs ee No. 593 Winding the Skein A. Piot (34 x 35) CATALOGUE OF The Palatial Furnishings Valuable Modern Paintings and Other Art Property of the City Residence of MR. GEORGE H. EARLE, Jr. 1714 Walnut Street and removed to our Galleries for convenience of sale To be Sold Wednesday, Thursday and Friday May 10th, 1Jth and 12th tenons at 2.30 o’clock At The Philadelphia Art Galleries S. E. Corner {5th and Chestnut Streets NOW ON EXHIBITION SAM’L S. ELLIS, Auctioneer HARRY BARE, Manager M. THOMAS & SONS | JO Terms and Conditions of Sale All bills payable in CASH before delivery. ? In case of disputes between bid- ders the lot in dispute shall immedi- ately be put up again and resold. The sale of any Article will not. be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. To prevent errors in delivery, goods cannot be removed without a presentation of the bill, and nothing 2 will be delivered during the sale. f We will not be responsible for goods damaged in delivering. Goods carefully packed and shipped. Ladies and gentlemen unable to attend the sale can have their buy- ing orders executed by us without extra charge. PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERIES udpY lula al te (Aor X 62) UNN 24} 0} JUSSeIIG V Index of Artists Represented A Adams, C. P., 504 (Adan.. Pinggera, O12 3 Parton, A., 616 : R ; Rossi, A., 510 4 Reyna, A., 511 Rosati, G., 513 Rosierse, J., 515 Rousseau, 505 Ss Schafer, H., 502 : ‘Sinibaldo, 522 Salinas, Pablo; 546 each Sane ee Stevens, A., 575, 579, 579a, 587 Ziem, F., 567, .5! | (8%g1 x tol) (10,09. 197@\\) OP][eqIUIS JONUIP, IL zoS "ON CON AM fh W ND Ke) CATALOGUE First Session Sale WednesdayAfternoon, May 10, at 2.30 o’clock Gas Radiator and Scrap Basket Iron Single Bedstead, Springs and Mattress Ash Bureau and Washstand Lot Toiletware Mahogany Rocker Mahogany Side Chair Iron Single Bedstead, Springs and Cotton Mattress Black Oak Bureau and Washstand Lot Toiletware 2 Oak Clothes Tree and Towel Rack Cherry Bedroom Table Cherry Bureau, marble top Clothes Poles and Towel Rack, 3 pieces Gas Radiator Oak Cane Seat Chair Cherry Bedroom Suite, 3 pieces, and Spring Hair Mattress in sections 2 Decorated Blue and White Chinese Vases Cut Glass Flagon Bronze Ewer Shaped Vase Porcelain and Bronze Lamp 2 Art Nouveau Vases Faience Wall Flower Vase Tiffany Glass Claret Pitcher with solid silver mounts 2 Barbotine Jardinieres Decorated Japanese Cylinder Vase Barbotine Lamp 6 Lot of Gas Hose, Bronze Trays, Cuspidor, ete. Nickel Lamp and Shade Decorated Banquet Lamp Shade Cut Glass and Silver Cee Decanter Spinning Wheel Yellow Porcelain Vase Cherry Bouquet Table Oak 2-Door Wardrobe Brass Single Bedstead and Springs Single Hair Mattress Flemish Oak Bookcase, small Antique Mahogany Chiffonier with twisted conn rope moldings Mahogany Ball and Claw Foot Nightstand Carved Mahogany Tilt Top Centre Table Japanese Inlaid Sword Rack Mahogany Bedstead, Bureau and Washstand Sectional Curled Hair Mattress 2 Pieces Porcelain Jardinieres Berlin Bronze Bull 4 Pieces Terra Cotta Groups, lions, ete. Carved Antique Mahogany Pedestal Dressing Table, claw feet, rope molding Inlaid Mahogany Block Front Secretary Bookcase Mahogany Chiffonier with carved claw feet and fluted columns 2 First Empire Solid Mahogany Single Bedsteads, ormolu mounts 2 Box Spring Mattresses 2 Single Hair Mattresses Chiffonier to match Dressing Table to match Set of 8 Empire Mahogany Chairs, 6 side and 2 arm Mahogany Column Chiffonier with carved claw feet (ASE x ov) aseyy “J “UM mopeys pue ysITunNS- 69S ‘ON 7 Carved Antique Mahogany Colonial Sofa with carved shell arms and cornucopia back Sheraton Drop Leaf Breakfast Table Mahogany Rush Seat Chair Decorated Chinese Blue and White Vase Framed Benares Plaque Teplitz Group Decorated Adderleys Vase with handles Decorated Royal Vienna Tete-a-Tete Set and Tray, IO pieces Decorated Adderleys Vase Mahogany Bookshelf Bronze Inkstand and Tray Mahogany Inlaid Work Table with twisted column _ support and claw feet Mahogany Kidney Shape Writing Table, beautifully inlaid with mother-of-pearl and various woods Carved Solid Mahogany Bureau with oval glass and claw feet Dressing Table to match Cheval Glass to match 6 Mahogany Rush Seat Chairs Decorated Porcelain Tea Set, 17 pieces 6 Decorated After Dinner Coffee Cups and Saucers Mahogany Library Table, brass feet Bisque Bust Decorated Bonn Vase Staffordshire Polar Bear Oak Bookcase, small Upholstered Mahogany Sofa, carved claw feet and ram’s head arms Mahogany and Bronze Mounted Chime Mantel Clock Pair of Chiseled Mercury Bronze First Empire 7-Light Candelabras 8 Mahogany Bureau with twisted columns and carved claw feet Carved Mahogany Cheval Glass with beveled French plate mirror Porcelain Vase, iris decoration Decorated Adderleys Vase Gentleman’s Mahogany Dresser, carved columns Antique Mahogany Bonnet Top Highboy with carved shell, ball and claw feet Set of 8 Mahogany Chairs, figured tapestry seats, comprising 6 side and two armchairs Brass and Onyx Top Pedestal Table Cloisonne Gas Leader and Shade Teplitz Bust Inlaid Mahogany Nightstand Mahogany Windsor Armchair Inlaid Mahogany Gentleman’s Chiffonier Black Marble and Bronze Clock Set, 3 pieces (Bailey, Banks & Biddle) Delft Vase and Cover Carved Mahogany Bedstead Set of Woven Wire Springs Sectional Curled Hair Mattress Large Carved Mahogany Bureau to match Dressing Table to match Chiffonier to match Large Decorated Royal Vienna Plaque, Alexander & Darius Bronze Enamel and Jeweled Frame Toilet Mirror Framed Limoges Enamel Plaque, signed Jean Meis- sonier Mahogany Cedar Lined Clothes Chest with carved shell front Dutch Marqueterie Hall Table with mirror No. 570 Evening, Resting by the Way J. B. C. Corot (19% x 25%) _ Antiqu nay Mahogany Sofa, os head back ? sy claw feet e | Arn : ics Old Hall. Vase tae Decorated Royal Bonn Jar and Cover nae Antique Mahogany Side Chair, carved back _ Armchair to match . Japanese Bronze Gas Leader and Shade Triplicate Toilet Mirror Colonial Mantel Mirror, gilt oe Mahogany Toilet Case Anniversary Clock Royal Bonn Vase | 143 Japanese Decorated Vase i 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 I51 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 10 Night Clock in Walrus Case (Bailey, Banks & Bid- dle) Beautifully Carved Mahogany Dressing Bureau, brass handles and claw feet Carved Mahogany Frame Couch, cornucopia head Solid Mahogany Satinwood Inlaid Desk Table with side pockets and secret drawers Large Owari Jar, panel decorations of figures and flowers Mercury Bronze 4-Light Candelabra Decorated Imari Jar and Cover 2 Dutch Marqueterie Single Bedsteads 2 Box Spring Mattresses 2 Single Hair Mattresses Dutch Marqueterie Highboy Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany Swell Front Chiffonier Cheval Glass to match Case of Drawers to match Bookstand with brass claw feet to match Antique Carved Wood and Gilt, Empire Mantel Clock Large and Handsomely Carved East India Teakwood Sofa, panel back and red Spanish leather seat Carved Teakwood Pedestal, marble top Japanese Bronze Vase with Cover, birds in bold relief and serpent handles Empire Mounted Solid Mahogany Chiffonier Writ- ing Desk Empire Mounted Solid Mahogany 2-Door Bookcase Empire Mounted Solid Mahogany 3-Door Bookcase with heavy ormolu heads 2-Door Bookcase to match Beautifully Carved Mahogany High Case Clock with 9 tubular chimes and mercury pendulum (Bailey, Banks & Biddle) 2 Tall Cloisonne Vases, hydrangea decorations ir! S) (TO-x 20) > Speak Satinwood Inlaid Armchair oe in maroon a is Bd cut velour 184 | ‘Black and Sienna Marble Gis Set, 3 pieces; clock ~ surmounted by large bronze bust and 2 side can- delabra with repousse bronze bowls (J. E. Cald- well & Co.) Carved Mahogany Empire Cabinet Carved Mahogany 2-Door Bookcase with ete and claw feet Antique Mahogany Slant Top Watine aS cores column and rope edge Mahogany and Leather Upholstered Couch Regina Music Box and Records Carved English Oak Library Table Inlaid Mahogany Tea Table Japanese Bronze Koro, Dog Foo on cover a Be ie al 200 (1Z X QZ) asedey-uonseg “[ Aue}jlig jo }seod 94} UO ELSON 3 d san Flask ee, bronze mounts 2 panese Bronze Vase, dragons in relief aa: | Decorated Vase | Bi: =? 217 Decorated Ginori Jardiniere ot 218 “Majolica Garden Seat | 219 Decorated Doulton Pitcher Vase ra 220 _ Teplitz Vase, floral decorations eras _ Japanese Bronze Vase with handles 222 Decorated and Enameled Glass Vase, Kaiserzinn an ey stand. | 223 Carved Flemish Oak Piano Bench 224 +42 Chiseled Mercury Bronze 5-Light Empire Cande- _ labras 225 Carved Solid Mahogany Parlor Suite of 3 es / upholstered in green embossed velour =). > © 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 14 2 Tall Sevres Revolving Vases with panel decorations of figures, flowers and birds on blue ground, heavy ormolu mounts, signed A. De Ligny Carved East India Teakwood Pedestal, marble top Another Carrara Marble Bust, Josephine, by Canova Onyx and Ormolu Revolving Top Pedestal Fine Bronze Bust by Moreau Onyx Revolving Top Pedestal Carved and Inlaid Mahogany Divan Armchair to match Tall and Handsomely Decorated Cloisonne Vase, dec- orations of cherry blossoms, peonies, birds, etc. Handsomely Decorated Royal Vienna Vase on Ped- estal; heavily applied gold on maroon and ivory ground; portrait panel by Preller Teakwood Pedestal, marble top Carved and Inlaid Parlor Suite of 3 pieces, compris- ing 2 large Davenports and 1 armchair uphol- stered in green embossed velour Music Cabinet, beautifully inlaid with various woods and finely chiseled ormolu mounts with large Vernis Martin panel | Roman Bronze Reclining Figure on Marble Base 2 Royal Vienna Vases on Pedestal with panel decora- _ tion of figures and heavily applied gold on green ground Carved East India Teakwood Pedestal Finely Carved Solid Mahogany Parlor Suite of 3 pieces, comprising sofa, armchair and side chair, with dolphin arms, upholstered in green embossed velour Roman Bronze Figure, The Flower Girl, by H. Chapu No. 579 Bathers on the French Coast Alfred Stevens (23% x 28%) | fa Plano Bench ; i: andsomely Decorated Tall Royal Vienna Vase and Cover, panel decorations on king’s blue ground, _ “Worshiping Alexander the Great,” by Knolly; — heavy ormolu satyr handles — 34 Large Carved East India Teakwood Pedestal with (te marble top | , Elaborately Carved Japanese High Back Hall Seat ;5 Dutch Marqueterie Armchair 56 Carved Japanese Armchair ik 7 2 Large Bisque Figures : 258 Teakwood Pedestal, marble top 259 ‘Teplitz Vase, iris and figure decorations 260 «‘Teplitz Elephant 261 2 Carved Ivory Shortswords 262 Japanese Vase, bird decorations at 263 Black Marble and Bronze Clock Set, 3 pieces, Bailey ANE ~—& Co. | 264 Decorated Satsuma Vase | 265 Decorated Blue and White Chinese Jar with Teak- wood Cover | 266 Chiseled Gilt Bronze Tankard with repousse Battle Scene , i = 4 c Soe at ie ieee cc : pot i Wircete pd va! eee eA Sraar | ae es ee oe, ~~ ey Ue oe =X Gandiest grapevine aceeall “ee 269 Satsuma Gas Leader and Shade 270 Decorated Chinese Blue and White . Royal Kermanshah cae we : Kermanshah Carpet 274 Sarouk Rug 275 Tabriz Rug | | | 276 Kermanshah Carpet _ < df 277 Sarouk Carpet 278 Sarouk Carpet 279 Senna Rug 280 Kermanshah Rug 281 Kermanshah Rug 282 Sarouk Rug 283 Kermanshah Rug 284 Sarouk Rug 285 Sarouk Rug 286 Kermanshah Rug 287 Kermanshah Rug 288 Kermanshah Carpet 289 Kermanshah Carpet 290 Serapi Carpet = 291 Beloochistan Rug 292 Shirvan Rug 293 Hamadan Rug nae 294 Bokhara Rug | 295 Kurdistan Rug 296 Bokhara Rug 297 Iran Rug 298 Iran Rug 299 Sarouk Rug 300 Bokhara Rug 300A Extra Persian Carpet ? No. §79a A Windy Day Off Dover “‘Alited: Stevens pam [25 Yer x 2103) (Sie yesey fanned 2UI9g 94} UO 3999S Ausiqneq “yO lar Alarm | ewel Safe Bronze Bust, Florentine, by H. Hacobs _ Set ‘of 11 Robert Morris Dining Room Chairs with ia i leather seats, 9 side and 2 armchairs 19 Ferree Flemish Oak Luncheon Table with heavy oe griffin supports and carved top a Carved Flemish Oak Linen Chest - Carved Flemish Oak Case of Drawers with Swedish iron handles: ~ Carved Flemish Oak Cabinet Top Sideboard with carved panel back and door Dining Room Extension Table with 6 leaves, to match Carved Flemish Oak China Closet to match Carved Flemish Oak 2-Door China Cupboard Carved Flemish Oak Case of Drawers with heavy bronze handles, antique eo. Set of 6 Carved Robert Morris Dining Room Chairs, = leather seats a Carved Flemish Oak Drop Leaf Tea Table 3 Carved Back Mahogany Chairs, 2 side ar Carved Flemish Oak Library Table, cla Elaborately Carved Japanese Teakwood 2-I with lacquered panels, heavily inlaid eagles, flowers and birds i with Whittington and a hime (Muhr Sons) } Bess Disc Graphophone and Cabinet vie 2 Lowestoft Jars with Covers Dresden Fruit Epergne Table Mirror nlite: Decorated Japanese Owari Bowl and Cover Bee Decorated Royal Bonn Vase 2 Blue and White Chinese Wall Plaques | 4 Strips of Full Length Lace Sash Gandia : 16 Strips of Lace Window Curtains, Renaissance a applique a 2 Strips Blue and Ivory Tapestry Poriaven fe Silver Plated Coffee Urn and 2 Hot Water Kettles | with Stands, 3 pieces ae Stereoscope Se Decorated Chinese Vase 2 Decorated Vases and Tea Caddy, 3 pieces Chafing Dish with Alcohol Burner | Wicker Armchair penta Cen Bamboo Table ; | S71 Bronze Inkwell, form of snake | 4 Bronze Tray Famous Old Bronze Vase of the Old Roman neous 4 Bronze Lamp and Burmese Shade Ornate Lamp, flower design, and Shade Dark Plain Green Bronze Vase Pottery Jardiniere and Stand \ ee MEANS ) sIeuIuIn |] “ay soandedg oyy 98S ‘ON a pial Mahogany Tea rai ‘lorentine Mirrors | neh Gilt Miniature Cabinet zen Cut Glass Punch Glasses | | ies oz oe Glass ree Glasses | Doze Engraved Wine Glasses Dozen English Engraved Hock Glasses is 1 Dozen. English Engraved Ice Glasses ay, ‘Dozen Engraved Goblets ate Dozen Engraved Rhine Wine Glasses 5 aT Cut Glass Tumblers Re Crystal Melower Vase Silver Plated Tea Caddy, Sheffield design Plated After Dinner Coffee Pot Sheffield Chocolate Pot : Sheffield Tray, 2 Ink Pots and 1 Candiecich 383 1 Dozen Silver Plated Pate Dishes with linings 384. «-% Dozen Silver Plated Pate Dishes, single handle B 385 Silver Plated English Coffee Tray, Sheffield design — 386 Silver Plated Tray, Sheffield design 387 «6Silver Plated Tea Caddy, Sheffield design 388 5 Silver Plated Bottle Coasters, Sheffield design _ 389 Sheffield Lamp, cut glass font and shade 390 Silver Plated Vase, Sheffield design 391 Plymouth After Dinner Coffee Pot Pi cee le! Aaa ae ¥ ae Poles © 7 3 French Gilt et Gus Toilet Pieces 393. «French Gilt Cabinet for F Jewels sta Piven uch vies. wie 394 French Gilt and Glass Miniature Desk 395 11 Individual Copper and Porcelain Co 395A Sterling Silver and Glass Decanter — 3958 Sterling Silver and Copper Mounted 395c Sterling Silver and Hand Beaten Co Set of 3 pieces—tray, lamp and | 396 Lot of Metal Gas Shades, etc. s 397. Bronze Figure with gas attachment _ 398 Piano Stool 399. ©6—Gas Radiator 400 Lot of Oak Kitchen Chairs DO RMN OIE wt GIO lead cca tl (ACI X Bl) }0109 "Dd a | Ape Ul ausdsg 98S ‘ON Third Session Sale Friday Afternoon, May 12, at 2.30 o’clock PAINTINGS The size printed is the size of the canvas F. F. ENGLISH Philadelphia 501 A Gipsy Encampment (Water Color) 31 x 21% H. SCHAFER Paris 502 Street in Rouen (Water Color) 18 x 24 _ H. HERZOG Philadelphia 503 Trout Stream, Pike Co., Pa. 2144 x 27 CHAS. P. ADAMS New York 504 Mount Tacoma 30 x 20 Na POLS? Rome 505 The Morning News (Water Color) 144%4 x 20 OLLERO BLAS Venice 506 In the Bay of Naples 507 Companion W.. GEETS Paris 508 The Wandering Musician 9% X 12% CHAS. LINFORD . Deceased 509 The Meadow Brook, Autumn 3014 x 22 A. ROSSI | 510 The Quarrel 16x 274 ; A. REYNA - : 511 A Harbor in the Bay Be Naples | 29 x 13% F. BERNOT 512 A Rainy Day in Paris — 1934 14 See G. ROSATI 513. The Christening , 10 x 14% | W. CASSIRELLI 514 The Rug Merchant I5 x 22 J. ROSIERSE : | 515 The Night Market, Rotterdam 14% x 19 at LOUIS MEYER Pupil of Aschenbach and Isabey. A painter of the ek highest class. : 516 Fishing Boats on the Coast of France 2I x 15% | Se ate ahs. L. EMILE ADAN ae Parise ae 517. A Present to the Nun 29 x 20% J. R. UNTERBERGER ‘Deceased 518 Bridge and Canal, Venice 20 X 24 No. 590 Heather in Bloom W. Didier-Pouget (20 -X=36) 23 WALTER G. HARTSON New York 519 A Village Street 29 X 23 ANTONIO TORREO Rome 520 Ideal Head I2°X 17 Pa COOK New York 521 The Old Sluiceway 24 x 16 SINIBALDO Rome 522 The Minuet (Water Color) A marvelous production 30% x 18% A. ASTI | Paris 523 Mathilde 24 x 28 BOT A URCH New York 524 Sunset in the Berkshire Hills 35% x 28 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Deceased Born at Paris, 1796. Died, 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Medals, 1833; First Class in 1848 and 1855; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846; Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists 1878, Exposition Universelle. 525 Landscape 20% x 13% FRITZ THAULOW Paris Born at Christiania, Norway. Member of the Jury, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889; Grand Prix, 1900; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1901. Hors Concours. 526 Venice 21% x 18% [Re COUBIE 527 At the Rendezvous — } 19 x 15 JULES DUPRE Born at Nantes, 1812; died at Paris, 1889. Med Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849; Medal, 1867 tion Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Hon Grand Medal of Honor, 1889, Exposition Un Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors C« 528 The Meadow Pool . 20 X 15% ~ CARL MARR 529 Retrospection 15 x 19 FRANCESCO VINEA Born at Di Forli, 1846. Pupil of Pallastrini. Professor AS in the Royal Academy of Florence. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1886; Medals at Florence and Naples; Medals at Rome and Turin. ' rE 530 And Nobody There to See! 531 A Harmless Flirtation _ 14 x 18% JEAN JACQUES HENNER : Paris Prix de Rome, 1858. Medals, 1863, 1865 and 1866. Chev- alier of the Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal of the First Class, 1878, E. U.; Member of the Institute of France, 1880. Hors Concours, 1889, E. U. Medal of Honor, 1898. Commander, 1898. Grand Prix, 1900, E. U. Hors Concours. Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, © 1903. Honorary Member of the Society of French Artists. 532 The Bather 164% x 13 1Ss . George We The Flower Market No. 591 New York Pupil of ‘ee eee: ie ‘tess eee in Munich. Honorable Mice in nee del, 1889, oe Universelle; Hors Concours. Paris = ance), Pupil of Corot and Dau- me hention, 1881; aie 184; Honorable 1900 Bes Concours. inti Medals at ae ese Medal at Tours. | hi amer Morning at Pressaguy po euey pie hope. x I 5% DE IC HENRY KAEMMERER Deceased Born at ie: Hague, 1839. Pupil of Gerome and the Beis ce Beaux-Arts, Paris. Medal, 1874; Silver Medal, 13860, Exposition Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. 535 Time of the Directorie —- 13 x 18 _ XAVIER ALPHONSE MONCHABLON Paris 4 Born at Avillers (Vosges). Prize of Rome, 1863. i _ Medals, 1869, and Second Class, 1874; Medal, 1889, Exposi- tion Universelle. Hors Concours. Societaire. aa 536 Rives de la Savne Vorges 21% x 15 we ' ; LOUIS AIME JAPY Bor at Berne (Doubs). Pupil of ae 1870; Medal, ‘Second Class, — 1873; Medal, . Exposition Universelle. Hors Contours Soci at Strassbourg. 2 537 Cattle in the Pastures : ARS 50 x 42 M. GALLELLI | 538 Madonna and Child 29 x 50 UNKNOWN 539 The Duke of York 36 x 47 Re OS LU EEL 540° Moonrise on the New Jersey Marshes fe! 36 x 24% Bits THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH Born at Suffolk. Died in London, August 2, ke “British School.” Went to London in 1741, and became a pupil of Gravelot, the French engraver. Rie 541 Landscape and Sheep ans a 10% x 9 LEON PERRAULT ve Paris Born at Poitiers. Pupil of Picot and Bouguereau. % Medal, 1864; Medal, Second Class, 1876; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1887; Medal, 1889, Exposition Univer- selle; Silver Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Societaire. 542 The Virgin and the Infant Jesus 1934 X 257% (Ast x Veav) ySiuyy APMSprYy “C ueWIAIIOY 94} Sulplepy zOS "ON 27 PAMILLE HIPPOLYTE DELPY Paris Born at Joigny (Yonne). Pupil of Corot and Dau- bigny. Honorable Mention, 1881; Medal, 1884; Honorable Mention, 18890, Exposition Universelle; Medal of the Sec- ond Class, 1900. Hors Concours. Societaire. Medals at Marseilles and Lyons; Medal at Tours. 543 Washerwomen on the Banks of the Seine 31% x 18% SIR GODFREY KNELLER Deceased | (1646-1723) 544 Countess of Dorset 24% X 30 CHAS. LINFORD Deceased 545 Autumn Woods Near Fort Washington : 22 x 16 PABLO SALINAS Rome 546 An Uninteresting Sermon 26 x 15% COESSIN Paris 547 Arranging the Toilet 1814 x 22% CAMILLE HIPPOLYTE DELPY ee Born at Joigny (Yonne). Pupil of Corot and Dau- bigny, and a worthy successor. Honorable Mention, 1881; Medal, 1884; Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Univer- selle; Medal, Second Class, 1900. Hors Concours. Socie- taire. Medals at Marseilles and Lyons; Medal at Tours. 548 Scene on the Seine, Near the Island 28 x 16 WM. DOBSON Deceased (1610-1647) 549 Lady Halfhyde, Wife of Sir Thomas Halfhyde, Kent 25 x 30 CONRAD KIESEL — 550 ‘The Countess eae JOHANNES VAN COUVER 551 The Outskirts of Leyden 26% x 22 JULES DUPRE | Born at Nantes, 1812. Died at Paris, 1889 : 1833; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849; Me Texpgniog beggars Officer of the heat te ja 552 Moonlight by the Sea 26 x 32% EMILE LAMBINET 553 A Farm in Brittany 18% x 12 Sole VV LEA Loatas 554 The Return from the Village ik 0% x 4% EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN __ Deceased. Born at Warneton, Belgium, 1799. Died, 1880. Chev-_ alier and Commander of the Order of Leopold of Bel- gium; Chevalier of the Order of Michael of Bavaria; Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal; Decorated with the Iron Cross; Published in 1822 in the Gallery of ts the Great Painters of Belgium and Holland; Member of = the Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and St. Petersburg. : : Medals, 1824, and First Class, 1841; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1845; Medal, 1855, Exposition bebeib bi Hors Concours. : 555 Teandecane and Chickens 72 x 5% fe [FO eee) (YVE x YZ) b6S ‘ON UBI[IWXe |, JoIadwiy oY} JO }1INOD oY} }e SUOT}eIOIIq WY 9Y} SunulIed Jaing Iq |V 29 FRANCESCO VINEA Florence Born at Di Forli, 1846. Pupil of Pallastrini. Professor in the Royal Academy of Florence. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1886; Medals at Florence and Naples; Medals at Rome and Turin. 556 Syrens of the Sea 13 x IO ALEXANDRE LOUIS LELOIR Deceased Born in Paris, March 15, 1843. Died January 28, 1884. Son and pupil of J. B. Auguste Leloir. Medals, 1864, 1868, 1870; Second Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Hors Concours. 557. At the Gates 10% x 14% Piero “DUPRE! Deceased Born at Nantes, 1812. Died at Paris, 1889. Medal, 1833; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849; Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870; Grand Medal of Honor, 1889, Exposition Univer- selle; Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours, 558 Landscape in France 9x7 jo). TENNER Paris Prix de Rome, 1858. Medals, 1863, 1865 and 1866. Chev- alier of the Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal of the First Class, 1878, E. U.; Member of the Institute of France, 1889. Hors Concours, 1889, E. U. Medal of Honor, 1898. Commander, 1898. Grand Prix, 1900, FE. U. Hors Concours. Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1903. Honorary Member of the Society:of French Artists. 559 Marguerite 10% x 13% JOHN CONSTABLE ~ 560 The Smithy — * I2 x 10 ADOLPHE WEBER | ee Born at Boulay (Lorraine). Medal, 1867, P: 561 Out for a Day’s Fishing i | 3 17Y4 x 20% EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN ~ Born at Warneton, Belgium, 1799. ‘Died, 1880. Che alier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium; -Chevali - the Order of Michael of Bavaria; Chevalier of. the oO of Christ of Portugal; Decorated with the Iron Petersburg. Medals, 1824, and First Class: 1841; Cross O the Legion of Honor, 1845; Medal, 1855, Exposition, Uni _verselle. Hors Concours. a 562 Sheep in Stable 232 X 15% DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT _ ee ‘Paris Born in Philadelphia. Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux- Arts, Paris. Pupil in 1872 of Gleyre, and in 1876 of Meissonier. Honorable Mention, 1882. Medal, 1888; Medal Argent, 1889, Exposition Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. Gold Medal, Columbian Exposition at Chicago, 1893; Gold Medal, Munich, 1888; Gold Medal, Antwerp, 1895; Order of St. Michael, Munich, 1895; Gold Medal of Honor at Academy of Fine Arts at Philadelphia. t 563 Calling the Boatman | 1814 x 22% E. COMPTE CALIX Paris 564 He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not! in 16 x 22% The First Born C. Doyon No. 596 x2 53) (32 ee rg eee 1 ccc, | ot Claes parents, August gt, ed at Mentone, November 18, 1876. Medals, 1844, ls Cross | of the Legion of Honor, 1851; Sead of NE ag Artists, bs awe tching te 8 Storm ee ‘ Ue ae Paris ied at Paris. Born at Beaume (Cote d’Or), 1822, | ! gpot, end First ai 1852; Medal, 1855, Exposi- rll cer 0: e Legion of Honor, 1878. pote Concours, 16% x 11% New York Born, Benin ‘Township, Indiana, 1849. Pupil of B. F. Hayes, J. -O. Eaton and of the National! Academy, New York; Pupil of the Royal Academy, Munich; Pupil of Wagner, Piloty, in Munich. Honorable Mention in Paris, 1881; Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle; Gold Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Received three Medals at Munich. Medal at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. 569 Sunlight and Shadow 40 X 35% JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Born at Paris, 1796. Died, 1875. Pupil a and Victor Bertin. Medals, 1833; First Class in 570 Evening Rau by the Way = | ae OOya es 2514 : LUCIEN ALPHON SE) GROS* 33s aes Born at Wesserling, Alsace. Pupil of Medals, 1867, and Second Class, 1876; Medal, : tion Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Hors Concours. Medals at Berlin and Munich; Vienna. This artist was ioe best pupil of excepting Detaille. . < 571 A Little Beggar 16 x 20 JULES BASTIEN-LEPAGE Born at Damvillers (Meuse), 1850. Pupil ats Cabanel. Medal, 1874, and Second Class, 1875; Medal, 1878, Exposi tion Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1879. . Hors Concours. . | Paes pr a 572 On the Goes of Brittany eae ates 28 x 214 . “¢ This artist was one of the greatest AE French painters of the last century. His picture of Joan or. a ous for $25,000 Resi es et A. ASTI | : iter Paris 4 573 Geraldine - 18 x 24 CAMILLE FLERS {irae ‘Deceased. Born at Paris, February 15, 1802. Died at ‘Annet - (Seine-et-Marne), June 27, 1868. Pupil of Monsieur Paris. Medal, Third Class, 1840; Medal, Second Class, 1847; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849. Hors Concours. 574 In the Fields of France 1734 x IIK% Early Morning on the Zuyder Zee J. H. Van Mastenbroek (39 4 x 26) JosioqiojuQ a A (“rz x 68) | dIUd A 6 jeue o. purer tL ALFRED STEVENS Paris and Brussels Born at Brussels, May 11, 1828. Pupil of Navez in Belgium and Roqueplan in Paris; Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Medal, 1853; Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863; Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867; Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposi- tion Universelle; Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878; Grand Prize, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium; Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1863; Chevalier and Commander of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria; Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria. The Great Gold Medal of Honor at the Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885. 575 Moonlight at Sea O% x 12% JULES FREDERIC BALLAVOINE Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Pils. Medal, 1880. Societaire. 576 Idle Moments 15 x 18 CHARLES FRANCOIS EDOUARD DE BEAUMONT Deceased Born at Lannion (Cotes du Nord), 1821. Pupil of Boisselier. Medals, 1870 and 1873; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1877. Hors Concours. 577. In the Harem 1814 x 12 ALEXANDRE LOUIS LELOIR Deceased Born in Paris, March 15, 1843. Died, January 28, 1884. Son and pupil of J. B. Auguste Leloir. Medals, 1864, 1868, 1870; Second Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Hors Concours. 578 Sweet Strains 18 x 13% 34 ALFRED STEVENS - Paris and Brussels | 3 Born at Brussels, May 11, 1828. Pupil of Navez in 4 Belgium and Roqueplan in Bares Pupil of the Ecole des — | 7 Beaux-Arts in Paris. Medal, 1853; Medal, 1855, Exposition 3 Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863; Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867; Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposi- tion Universelle; Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878; Grand Prize, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium; Commander of the Order of Leopold of Bel- gium, 1863; Chevalier and Commander of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria; Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria. The Great Gold © Medal of Honor at the Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885. 579 Bathers on the French Coast 23% x 28% ALFRED STEVENS Partisan Brussels Born at Brussels, May 11, 1828. Pupil of Navez in Bel- gium and Roqueplan in Paris; Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux- — Arts in Paris. Medal, 1853; Medal, 1855, Exposition Univer- selle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863; Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of _ Honor, 1867; Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle ; Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878; Grand Prize, 1886, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Chevalier and Offi- cer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium; Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1863; Chevalier and Commander of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria; Chevalier and Com- mander of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria. The Great Gold Medal of Honor at the Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885. 579a A Windy Day Off Dover 254% x 21% | —P i . Ast A After the Bath x on CHARLES FRANCOISE DAUBIGNY Deceased Born at Paris, 1817. Died in Paris, 1878. Pupil of Delaroche. Medal, 1848, and First Class, 1853, 1857 and 1859; Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859; Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposi- tion Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Hors Concours. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. 580 Evening on the Seine 2534 x 15 A. ASTI Paris 581 Fanchon 18% x 24% iL BeeLaARK London 581a A November Day JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Deceased Born at Paris, 1796. Died, 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Medals, 1833; First Class, in 1848 and 1855; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846; Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. 582 The Woodland Path 22 x 32% WILLIAM M. CHASE New York Born, Franklin Township, Indiana, 1849. Pupil of B. F. Hayes, J. O. Eaton and of the National Academy, New York; Pupil of the Royal Academy, Munich; Pupil of Wagner, Piloty, in Munich. Honorable Mention in Paris, 1881; Silver Medal, 1880, Exposition Universelle; Gold Medal, 1900, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Received three Medals at Munich; Medal at the Centen- nial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. 583 The Shower 26 x 32% 36 M: DAHL (1656-1743) 584 The Countess 25 x 30 Pie vl 585 Good Friday in Bavaria 4314 x 32%) E. LUMINAIS 586 The Captives 26 x 22 ALFRED STEVENS Paris and Brussels ™ Born at Brussels, May 11, 1828. Pupil of Navez in ae Belgium and Roqueplan in Paris; Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Medal, 1853; Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863; Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867; Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposi- tion Universelle; Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878; Grand Prix, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium; Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium in 1863; Chevalier and Commander of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria; Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria. The Great Gold Medal of Honor at the Universal Exposition, Antwerp, | 1885. 5 587. A Windy Day Off Boulogne 254 X 29 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Deceased Born at Paris, 1796. Died, 1875. Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Medals, 1833, First Class in 1848 and 1855; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846; Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. . 588 Scene in Italy 18 x 12% 009 ‘ON | _apueleZ ep 2309 shel) “[ ‘d. ee 858. aa or ihe: Laas Aa at Rotana s ij ind Decorations. One of the most illustrious of the Dutch school. The Student | ne 207% x 285% ; x The Flower Market Tye: ; : aa oi 2314 x 28% fe c. YANIEL, RIDGWAY KNIGHT . Paris ae aes ~ Born im Philadelphia. Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux- | ye ee Arts, Paris; Pupil in 1872 of Gleyre, and in 1876 of Meis- es ' sonier. Honorable Mention, 1882; Medal, 1888; Medal . a _ Argent, 18809, Exposition Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. Gold Medal, Munich, 1888; Gold Medal Columbian Exposition at Chicago, 1893; ¢ ae Gold Medal, Antwerp, 1895; Decoration of the Order of Sas St. Michael of Bavaria, 1895. 592 Hailing the Ferryman 4514 x 35% &. PIOT- oe aR Paris | 399 Winding the Skein 34 X 35 ks KOLLER | ee oi. 694 Albert Durer Painting the Art Decorations at 4g the Court of the Emperor Maximilian a 524 x 34% 38 THEODORE ROUSSEAU Deceased Pupil of Lethiere. Born, 1812. Died, 1867. Medals, : 1834, 1849 and 1855; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867; One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867, at the _ Exposition Universelle. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. 595 A Harbor in the Bay of Naples 1234 x 9% Se Parise = 596 The First Born ee: 32 X 53 JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK Rotterdam Born, 1875. Awarded Prize, Rijks Academy, Rotter- dam, 1898; Honorable Mention, Paris, 1900. Represented in the Waiker collection at Liverpool, and most of the great collections. 597. Early Morning on the Zuyder Zee 39% x 26 F. R. UNTERBERGER Deceased 598 Grand Canal, Venice 39% X 24Y2 AAS DELS . Paris 599 After the Bath Jonas P, J: CLAYS Paris Medals: Paris, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Medal, Brussels, 1851. Chevalier of © the Order of Leopold; Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. 600 Cote de Zelande 43¥%2 X 29 SLT ST pur[IOJ, 291004) = LEI OE er? (Sz X Of) _ puelsuq ‘ xossng UT Sn eee od 109 ‘ON SS Cisge Men OO ” a ae. J av GEORGE-MORELAND Deceased An English painter of the last century and of the greatest celebrity. 601 In Sussex, England 30 X 25 CONSTANT TROYON | Deceased Pupil of Rivereux. Born at Sevres, 1810. Died, 1865. Medals, 1838, 1840, 1848 and 1855; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849; Member of the Academy of Amsterdam; Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposi- tion Universelle. 602 In the Shadow of the Wood 25% x 21 LUDVIG MUNTHE Deceased Born at Aaroen, near Bergen, Norway, March 11, 1841. Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honer, 1878; Medal, 1889, Exposition Uni- verselle. Hors Concours. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1872; Lon- don, 1876. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1875; Member of Stockholm, Copenhagen and Amsterdam Academies. Swedish Court Painter, 1875. 603 Evening in Holland 24 x 17% TUEES DUPRE - Deceased Born at Nantes, 1812. Died at Paris, 1889. Medal, 1833; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849; Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870; Grand Medal of Honor, 1889, Exposition Universelle; Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. 604 Driving the Cattle to Water iy ie tas RENE AVIGDOR Paris Born at Nice (Alpes Maritimes). Pupil of Hector Le Roux. Honorable Mention, 1894. Societaire. 605 The Young Countess 235% X 29 40 MARIANO FORTUNY Y CARBO Deceased Born at Reuss, near Barcelona, July 11, 1839. Died at Rome, November 21, 1874. Pupil of the Barcelona Acad- emy and the Academy of the Gigi at Rome; Pupil of Palau and Claudis Lorenzales. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858. Many deco- rations from various countries. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. 606 The Worship of Pan 41 x 30% JULES@DISPRE ss Deceased Born at Nantes, 1812. Died at Paris, 1889. Medal, 1833; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849; Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870; Grand Medal of Honor, 1889, Exposition Univer- selle; Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. 607 Landscape 26% x 21 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY ‘Deceased Born at Paris, 1817. Died in Paris, 1878. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medal, 1848; Medals, First Class, 1853, 1857 and 1859; Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859; Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Hors Concours. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. 608 L’Arbre Penche 30 x 17% Valued at $8000 This picture by Daubigny is from the Madame Brysse Collection of Paris, which was a collection of great note. It is guaranteed by Messieurs Georges Petit and J. Mon- taignac, of Paris, two of the most eminent experts of that city, and a letter signed by them and endorsed by Mr. Charles F. Haseltine, of Philadelphia, will be given to the purchaser of this picture. HOALOI 7-3) i Rr (12 xX &%Sz) SpOOM 9} JO MOopeys ‘ON 41 MARY SHIPARD GREENE Paris 609 Un Reynard Fugitif 36.x 52 A. ASTI Paris 610 A Grecian Girl 13 x 16% ADOLPHE GRISON Paris Born at Bordeaux. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885; Third Class Medal, 1890. Member of the Society of French Artists. . 611 A Bowling Party 14 x I2 H. PRIGGERA Vienna Professor of the Royal Academy of Vienna. 612 Shakespeare at the Court of Queen Elisabeth 67 x 40 PAUL GROLLERON Deceased Born at Seignelay (Yonne). Mention Honorable, Paris, 1882; Third Class Medal, 1886; Bronze Medal, 1889, Univer- sal Exposition; Second Class Medal, 1894; Bronze Medal, 1900, E. U. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours. 613 Defending the Wall ae X25 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Deceased First President of the French Society for Animal Painters. For Designs, Medals, 1851, 1861 and 1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867; Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. For Paintings, Medals, 1861, 1863 and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours. 614 Return of the Flock 30% x 23% CESARE DETTI . Medal, Bronze, Paris, 1889, Exposition Univereeltem and Be Medal, Second Class. Hors Concours. ne 615 The Song 214% x 27 ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. New York Awarded a Gold Medal at the Third Prize Fund Exhibi- — tion, American Art Galleries, New York, 1888, and the Temple ANT Silver Medal at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1889. Exhibited at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. Honor- able Mention, Paris, 1880. | 616 Willows at Margaretville, ‘Delaware Co. ; 26 x 20 BOUCHER (Attributed to) 617 Cupids in Mischief 618 Companion Imperial Academy, Vienna. E, LENDERS | | . > Paris aa 619 Steeplechase (Water Color) PROF. FRANZ WAGNER ‘i Vienna 620 Mrs. Robinson Royal Vienna Porcelain Plaque ASA SE | Paris 621 Gitana Royal Vienna Porcelain Plaque g : a ‘ Js . } AunqIO VJ W A ern ({oke x iv) ueg jo dIysIoM IL OOo oN 43 ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS Engraving, “The Milkmaid,” Edwin Danglar Engraving, Companion, Edwin Danglar Photogravure, “Louise,” Gustav Richter Etching, ““The Card Players” Etching, “Evening,” B. W. Leader Etching, “The White Squadron,” Ed. Moran Engraving, “Napoleon’s Farewell to Josephine” Etching, “Ploughing,” R. W. Macheth Etching, “The Seven Ages of Man,” R. W. Macbeth Etching, ‘Calvary,’ V. J. Munkacsy Etching, “The Gossips,” W. L. Lathrop Engraving, Horse, Rosa Bonheur Carbon Print, “Madam LeBrun and Daughter’ Engraving, “Evangeline,” J. G. Brown Etching, “Christ Before Pilate,” V. J. Munkacsy Engraving, Horse’s Head, Rosa Bonheur Engraving, “The Fire Dance,” Jules Brebon Carbon Print, ‘““The New Dress” Etchng, Allegorical Etching, “Righerwomelt? Engraving, “Josephine,” Etchine, “The Lock: Paving “School Dayar Etching, “Landscape,” Photogravure, eT enes Etching, “Hester Pyaine,” Etching in. Satin; ; Spring, Photograph, ‘Faithful Carnahan S.J. Ferris Engraving, “Lady Jane Gray? wiht * Proof Etching, “The Young Mother,” © ® Etching on parchene = Weerg | noe Bonheur Heliotype, “Joan de Arc” | : By Photograph, “Chloe” Photograph, “After the Bath” Mezzotint, “The Beggars” Photograph, “Elaine,” After Neide es | No. 608 L’Arbre Penche C. F, Daubigny (30 x 17) TT a ae re 3 3125 01662 9160 ur — = Sen 6 ees eet = Pt