April 25 NeFi Ronen ean ae “ RC ol UCU Pans eset at SUNT nr et ee Ud Ship eee seer Whee ese i a re vy Rate WG Wedd a hy SPA belted ) tin8 t Pierre ty ay PRY te pinay Haat hl en ay ff oe bh We ; Ue a hie Ve ak Led SS ENUIY (8 Ab bi ta eye yi ty 4 Whee SB LIE ( Apogee ad dra gh eed Snes Wiel wit i ipee dd eh Ah ty a Hinde ibe Mi ¥ bali Wd Cee f Mi LZ SS eat Os y ers een PONS ths fe — VARious Owners elt ( wit ruslave covers) | : is HOME DECORATIONS wer ) “Thursday and Friday Evenitigs, April 25, and 26, “ART OBIECIS ~ PAINTINGS THE PROPERTY OF PRINCESS FIGUERIA de ALMEIDA Estate of ASHER R. MORGAN " Exate of the late P.- VAN VALKENBURGH 841 MADISON AVENUE Estate of GEORGE, J. SEABURY - BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS DAYS “OF SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY April 25th, 26th and 27th, 1912 AT 230 O'CLOCK EACH DAY THE PAINTINGS WILL BE SOLD ON At half-past eight o'clock each evening eee a at iy Aber Pe AGC: M. KNOEDLER & CO, LIBRARY | | or 4 ee ees 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK ¢ if CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to 5e the Buyer, and if any hice arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute sh. be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses’ and to pay down a cash deposii, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genu- ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; THe Firrh AvENUE ArT GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. _ settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time eforesaid shall be resold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such resale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without Erejudice to the right of the Auc- tioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such resale, if he thinks fit. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliv- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure 4, comply with the above conditions, the THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sile. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. The Alexander Press, 114-116 West 27th St., New York. or rebate on | ~ i | FIRST DAY’S SALE _ THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1912 privet At 2.30 P. M. _ Lot of kitchen utensils Lot of kitchen utensils, clothes baskets, etc. 1 Gos Sy IO ta Oe ee 1 Lot of rubber mats, etc. Three oak cabinets | is fe Two arm chairs Two kitchen tables, chair and book rack Fight kitchen chairs Roll top desk, oak us Three oak rockers and arm chair ae 10 Eight oak dining chairs and umbrella stand wn * of ’ 11 Enamel bed | (s i 12 Two enamel beds, springs and mattresses Nae s | ki 13 Oak bed, spring and mattress _ ane 14 Oak bureau | 15 Kitchen table, chair and rocker 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Every ae sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so sted in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on. any pretence whatever. Lot, washstand, etc. Walnut bedroom suite, bed, spring, mattress ) and bureau, chiffonier, 2 washstands and 2 tables | Walnut drop leaf table Gard table Birch desk Oak bookcase Two cedar chests Three trunks Library steps, etc. Rosewood bureau Another Another Two footstools Mahogany washstand Walnut desk Mahogany bed, spring, mattress and pillows Lot of portfolios Velour arm chair Oak extension table Mahogany bureau Morris chair Rosewood cabinet Beh f } : ee table 50 Lot of mirrors, etc. pore un we vatnut ‘wardrobe ; | ype a : a Be Walnut chiffonier 4 Hee ot arm: ‘eats | | | i a ‘ 54 Walnut bookcase : a i 55 Three gilt frames 3 : q 56 Mounted fish nies 57 Damask couch ; 58 Antique mantel clock | : 59 Birdseye maple chiffonier 60 Birdseye maple chair and rocker 61 Two gilt frames Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on ~ any pretence whatever. Rano 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Two enameled brass beds and springs Lot of velvet stair carpet Lot us assorted china Oak chiffonier Two engravings. Three electric fans Oak table Enamel and brass bed, spring and mattress — Two colored pictures Two Kensington art squares Two tapestry side chairs Fancy fire screen Refrigerator Two stuffed birds Three silver plated bottle holders Eight pieces of silver plated ware Two sets, carver and forks Silver and bronze cigar holder Lot of ash-trays, etc. Walnut marble top sideboard Vacuum cleaner Mounted fish Oak bureau and chiffonier Three mounted birds Penta, Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 86 87 88 89 90 o1 Ue 93 94 95 96. 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Lot of velour drapery Two assorted pictures Lot of toilet ware Three velour window cushions Fourteen pairs of net sash curtains Two water colors Two engravings Two brass beds, springs, mattresses and. pil- lows Birdseye maple dresser Table and night stand, 2 pieces Four pairs of lace curtains Four assorted pictures Oak hall settle Lot of cutlery Lot of assorted china Six assorted pictures Lot of books Electric fan Oak table desk Three pictures Velour rocker Lot of bric-a-brac Birdseye maple chiffonier any pretence whatever. | 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Velour arm chair Two Vienna vases Birdseye maple chiffonier Lot of books Velour arm chair Four pictures Lot of sash curtains Wicker divan Three costumers Five pieces of bronze Walnut and plush pedestal Silver plated teapot Two pieces of bronze Real bronze figure Bronze student lamp Benares brass jar Velour drapery Two mounted birds Two Barbedienne vases Marble and bronze clock set Leather hat box, etc. Carved walnut sideboard Walnut table, 2 leaves Walnut side table ae Every article sold as it is, and at so much NR each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on at: ANN Ned = he , : Peck HAM Be tiz- a fj AVS 4 Cio % assorted get plated ware, etc. — 136 Card table ’ Three window cushions ie 2 Silk damask sofa Bronze banquette amp Walnut letter file : Walnut Louis XV. | bed, spring and dresser , Antique mahogany sectional bookcase | Lot of assorted bric-a-brac Wicker table ie Three Barbedienne vases Colored picture Lot of books Lot of blankets Four down comforters Two engravings Brass bed, spring, mattress and bolster ee plaque Lot of velour drapery Three pictures | Walnut and cut velvet parlor suite, 4 pieces Three bas-reliefs Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 3 pss 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 Vy, 178 179 Lot of drapery Wicker arm chair Four Pine pillows Wicker conversation chair Silk table cover Cuspidor Wicker stand Five pearl shells Lot of china Walnut table : : Birdseye maple weet and side chair Birdseye maple chiffonier Two fans Engraving Another Lot of blankets Brass bed, spring, mattress, bolster and 2 pillows : : Seven feather pillows Lot of assorted china Walnut centre table Umbrella jar Lot of assorted china, etc. Oak extension table nd at so inless n or rebate on 1 Two Barbedienne vases ie : Walnut marqueterie dressing table, bureau ame BSP 3 ; ; ‘ # a and night stand Me) db, ‘18. ‘ Lot of assorted vases _ 184 Engraving 185 _ Brass bed, spring and 2 mattresses Lot of counterpanes Lot of bric-a-brac | Revolving card table Elaborately carved bedroom suite, consist- ing of bed, spring, chiffonier, dresser and night stand | Travelling bag Bronze card receiver Lot of books Encyclopedia, 25 vols. : Henry’s Commentaries, 4 vols. National Portrait Gallery, 2 vols. Lot of assorted books Kensington art square Lot of velvet carpet Lot of velvet carpet Moquette carpet © _ Every aes sol MOu1S, 0% are nothing sold by the lot, unless in the catalogue. No reduction or fr any pretence whatever. — 199b Pet of Brussels carpet 199c Lot of Brussels perk 1994 Lot of velvet stair SAEs 199¢ Lot of Brussels carpet eS 199f Moquette carpet o 199g Smyrna rug -199h Another 199; Another : 199; Another 199k Another cor ‘ 1991 Another | 199m Three Smyrna rugs 199n Three more | 1990 Three more 199p Smyrna rug 199q Two rugs 199r Lot of waste baskets 199s Mahogany table 199t Bronze card receiver | 199u Walnut pedestal 199y Oak desk 199w Walnut frame mirror 14 x 20 on | on | SCHEUERER (Jules) i Hunting Scene, Dogs ne x 16 203 - UNKNOWN he | 4 Landscape, Shepherd and Sheep [old AG aa My, SNYDER (W.-B.i SHELURITH (F.) x . a . Summer ENE 7 x 10 206 GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas) Landscape and Figure ~ 26'x 18 \ 207 HAQUETTE (George) Gathering Sea Weed Pole a AW 208 BS LEINICKE (Ha Cattle oWea'g 209 STEINICKE (H.) Sunset, Cattle Watering i at f 210 ‘SCHEUERER (J.) Dogs and Stag, Hunting Scene 6 x 16 211 GARLAND (Valentine) Puppies 8 x 6 212 | GIIORDANO (Bernardino) | Italian Saint Paol Zax 30 213 LUINI (Benardino) Italian Madonna and Child 22 'x 28 Collection of Duke D’Alba ; pT ceee DAUBIGNY (C. F : Landscape Saas OO ee RICHTER (G.) a Mother and Babe Pode at 218 UNKNOWN _ Cowboy ino Desert | P20 awl 2: Cherry Time a 7 FOE ee | O73 hee | , 221 Woodcock (14x 11 | RIEGER (Albert) pas Swiss Alpine Scene with Caalet | j ee ae : 30x 40 Ms | fee ae ara oS | f y BeeDUPRAT (A.G.) 7 | Paris Sole On the Grand Canal, Venice 7 nae: | | hi a if iss x 227 ae INNESS (George) : ie vee Landscape, The Alps . 29 x 20 206° WOUVERMAN (Philip) ; | mF Battle D4 20 a . 227 GILBERT (Gal) Little Ferry, N. J. ; 22°x16 228 ROBINSON (Hal) | The Hudson - The Unspeakable Lecture fo | he eee 16 x 20 | aa: ¥ REANSKI (Alfred) Ss Soa Sunset 24 x 28 a 232 ae ae ae VAN VREDENBURGH (C.L.) New York _ ae Uae a steit Che Boon | as : e912 : ve 233 ee ee! BRUNIER (R.) Going to Pasture 20 x 26 ~ CECCHI (A.) r IL GUERCINO se Entombment B20 ma ae 235 VAN DYCK (Anton) Roman Charity | 52. x 40, a Collection of Duke D’Alba . 237 ‘ VAN BREDAL (P.) deceased : The Fight at Sea 1 EIRRS aa 238 : UNKNOWN Portrait of General U. S. Grant rit ve P.). e Cc ~~ . i K (Oli ne _ Landscape ay | : sae. Anvers : 13 i 18 - lw -ZAMPIGHI (E.)' : Florence ae - Beat That if You Can | Rae, ge Are 3.20 i 243 -Pussy’s Chance | A ee @ bi po GO) 5 Q SE SE a en ane L iis S 2 RIEGER (A.) mid COBB (By oS | : Hunting Dogs | | 10 x 14 Bete TYLER (James G.) i : A Lumberman ; eons jos 2 ee 247 MEADOWS (William), R.A. Farm in Sussex, England 7 2a 42 248 TERMOHLEN (Karl E.) Evening Glow 4 ~ An Unfair Advantage _ 723 x 32° Forfeits Cae | | | Hah. 252 Blind Man’s Buff 10) n253° VAN RYN (Rembrandt) | Flemish ee \ . Sr eee Ga Gipsy Camp ie Rin) late ID ae 15) amen OIL GRECO... A as Portrait of Brutus V. I ; ee EPPIUS (O.) < uaeee : Return from the Village S20 24 - Ae 256 - STANICK (C.) The Serenade 18 x 22 257 ARMFIELD ie uae Dogs Hunting Pheasant 1x 1B D’OTEMAR 259 HYNEMAN (H. N.) The Auto Girl 16 x 20 260 CECCHI (A.) A Preceptor ox 20 261 MURILLO (Bartolomeo E.) Spanish Sacred Family 50 x 60 Formerly in Church of St. Catherine, Cadiz 262 PALIZZI (Filippi) IItalian 1860 Country Near Naples bee 15 263 LAZERGES (Paul) Paris The Merchant of Ryelad, Algiers 25% x 18% oe : . : CLARE (George) Poa eons) so Blowers VALERO (J.P) 7 ‘The Guitar Player and Two Maiden: “ 266 | GEEEDA Cy. : ; | Music Soothes 16 x 24 267 VACCARO (Andrea) _ Blind Bellisario SEAS. qaeee 268 MARTORIELLO (Gaetano) es Italian Scholar of Salvatore Rosa (9 aan The Brook | 15 ¥ 26 ae | The Beau of the Village | Aa BU x 22 : Tas a - ven bee COSENZA (G.)_ sof Venetian Fishing Boats 12% 19 aed 272 | FAIRMAN (J.) Co a ; The Sleeping Angler | t 16 x 20 a | — 73 ‘LOGAN (Lilly) Pao | Italian Girl : 31x19 : ate. —_ DE PENNE (C. H.) Waiting 11 x 14 _ Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 277 278 gh? 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 a Zo 293 294 295 SECOND DAY’S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 26th, 1912 At 230 P. M. Mahogany library table Lot of bric-a-brac Two Sheffield coasters Sheffield entree dish Ebony and bronze mounted desk Mahogany bookcase Twelve fruit plates Three pieces Sheffield Barbedienne vase Majolica dish Two Cloisonne vases on porcelain Lot Dresden plates Octagon shape mahogany table Four walnut and velour chairs Three terra cotta groups Mahogany chiffoniere wardrobe Music box and table Tapestry parlor suite, 7 pieces Lot of velour draperies - Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 296 PASI 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309: 310 311 312 313 314 S15 316 OL7 318 Velour rocker Barometer and thermometer Two silver plated wine coolers Teresstria globe Porcelain miniature Glass and silver plated claret jug Two silver plated bottle holders Marqueterie card table Mahogany armoire Three decorated vases Two decorated jugs French Limoges cracker jar Two decorated vases Carved walnut buffet Photo screen Two plush table covers Eight pairs of lace curtains Carved mahogany and tapestry arm chair Fur rug | Mahogany and tapestry parlor surte, five pieces French bisque group Mahogany gentleman’s chiffonier Six terra cotta groups Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 319 Mahogany table 320 Five pieces of satin drapery 321 Two tapestry arm chairs 322 Gilt and tapestry side chair 323 Two Teplitz groups 324 Two glass cruets 325 Oak china closet 326 Two Vienna vases 327 Two brass candlesticks 328 Set of poker chips 329 Carved gilt cabinet 330 Two silk Damask sofa pillows 331 Silk tapestry arm chair 332 Bronze gong 333. Mahogany and tapestry easy chair 334 Teplitz elephant 335 Teplitz rooster 336 Walnut china closet 337. Ebony and bronze mounted chair 338 Lot Worcester china 339 - Mahogany cabinet 340 Two bisque groups 341 Copper percolator 342 Silver plated cassarole Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 343 Sheffield entree dish — 344 Sheffield ice bowl 345 Silver plated chaffing dish 346 Sheffield tray 347 Seven pieces silver plated ware 348 Two Biter plated bottle holders 349 Silver plated crumb tray and scraper 350 Two pieces of bronze, candlestick, etc. 351 Walnut library table 352 Silver plated, mounted, platteau 353 Carved mahogany ce velvet rocker 354 Majolica jardiniere and stand 355 Brass and onyx pedestal 356 Embossed velour arm chair 357. Rosewood and Damask rocker 358 Bronze mounted and walnut piano bench 359 Lot of satin drapery 360 Seventeen doylies 361 Thirty-one linen napkins 362 Twenty-four linen tea cloths 363 Two linen table cloths 364 Pair of cretonne curtains 365 Carved gilt and silk damask arm chair 366 Tufted Damask sofa i Pa i pieces: s silver plated ladels, etc. : eis assorted napkin rings | ; ‘Lot ‘assorted spoons and butter knives "Fourteen assorted peppers and salts “Lot grape ‘scissors, etc. Lot oyster forks ‘Lot of after dinner ‘cottea spoons hoe fits Lot knives Thirty-three assorted spoons Silver plated nut dish Seven dinner knives Lot assorted epoons Twelve soup spoons Four pieces, soup ladle, etc. Twelve dinner knives Crumb scraper and tray Silver mug Bohemain glass vase Music box Six pair velour curtains Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated — in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 389 Carved gilt and silk tapestry arm chair 390 ris China platter 391 Three assorted vases 392 Three pieces majolica ware 393 Two crystal candlesticks 394 Lot royal Worcester 395 Buhl table 396 Lot of cretonne drapery 397 Carved gilt ane silk Damask sofa 398 Two arm chairs to match 399 Mahogany and Sheraton side chair 400 Carved gilt and Vernis Martin divan 401 ‘Two fancy sofa pillows 402 Silk Damask couch 403 Inlaid mahogany waste basket 404 Six Royal Dresden soup plates 405 Three assorted vases 406 Silver bronze clock set 407 ‘Tiffany bronze electrolier 408 Three sofa pillows 409 ‘Two panne velvet arm chairs 410 Lot of blue velour drapery 411 Five chenille table covers 412 Lot of velvet drapery Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 ‘424 425 426 at Oe 428 429 Velour table cover Two tapestry table covers Eight chenille table covers Brass plaque—Epitaph Kaga bronze vase Damascus tabouret Five silver bronze panels Two Cloisonne plaques Inlaid bronze vase Sevres electrolier Two bronze vases Antique walnut drop leaf table Four decorated vases Two Teplitz busts Decorated vase Two mechanical birds Carved white enamel: Louis XVI. bedroom suite, consisting of bed, spring, mattress, dressing table, night stand, desk, chif- fonier and side chair White enamel wardrobe Bronze mantel set Silk tapestry picture Silk tapestry picture, after Herring Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 44] 442 443 Silk tapestry picture Swiss music box Silk embroidered picture Another Gilt Empire boudoir mirror Two Tokio china vases Three tapestry sofa pillows Mahogany and marqueterie arm chair Three Chinese vases Carved mahogany desk Two porcelain candlesticks Chinese vase and candlestick Two French china vases Russian bronze and crystal group Two magnifying glasses Three decorated Japanese vases Cut glass and silver muffinier Bronze travelling clock Two telescopes Two pairs of field glasses Morocco leather jewel case Cut glass olive dish Two Sheffield coasters Tiffany silver soldered coffee pot Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 458 Pair of field glasses 459 Cloisonne plaque 460 Cloisonne on porcelain puff box 461 ‘T’wo Cloisonne vases 462 Two more ~ 463 Vienna bronze dog 464 Royal Worcester box 465 Shirvan rug, 5x2.6 466 Shirvan rug, 3.2x2.1 467 Anatolian rug, 4.3x2.6 468 Camel’s hair rie,7 1x3 469 Belooch rug, 4.6x2.9 470 Bokhara rug, 4.2x3 471 Moussoul rug, 4.11x2.11 472 Belooch rug, 4.10x2.4 473, Bokhara rug, 5.1x3.7 474 Iran rug, 6x3.7 475 Fereghan rug, 5.10x3.4 SECOND EVENING’S SALE _ FRIDAY, APRIL 26th, 1912 At 8.30 o’clock 475 NIEMANN (E. J.) _ Thames Backwater 7 x 14 476 CLARE (George) Still Life—Apples, Plums and Strawberries 6x9 477 NOTERMAN Monkeys Riding Dogs : 12 x 18 478 BECHI (L.) 3 | Imitating Grandpa Loi 2 ‘. 1 2 CL Ses : 233 alt rh ; SS CO ler ge a the French Coast | Toho ge 3 ; i , _ A 4 te LOGAN (Lilly) er ae - Head—Italian Girl. | | 1 15 482 ERIN (P.) The Fisherman’s Daughter pe OLE x 7 ae 483 | | WEBSTER (R.) : New York Park Calin Off Dover 16 x 24 0) GILL (W.) | ae : Punch and Judy ee 8 _ LO as ‘ 486 WILLIS (A.V) Landscape | 40g : : 487 ae ae WILLIS (A. V.) ae, 3 3 Landscape : | 814 x 9 : 488 DUVERGER ; The Laundry 11 x 14 Florence Ween Flower Vender 7125 x 34 “DOLCE (Carlo) | a Italian Madonna 11 x 14 493 Vase of Daisies 28 x 18 PARTON (Arthur) ae View of Lake George cs x 127x208 oe 496 HUYSMAN (J.B) ; Waiting i ‘aie . ont 16x 8 see MIGNOT In the Tropics : a . P | 24 x 40 C | 498 5 ~ TERMOHLEN (Karl E.) | The Mystic Hour Pex 26. 00% | 501 LLMYHR | (Conrad) ee - Steamer Kaiser Wilhelm II. at Sea Pye TEALIAN Portrait of Queen Mary Amalia Wife of Carl III. 40 x 30 ee 503 | GIORDANO (Luca). — Ttalian | | Christ 25 9x30 Sear reer peecorsemerpeecaceeemmrerereee et 904 , VECEEDI (Ficianes Italian St. Paul 39 x 5] From the Duke D’Alba Collection 505 REICHERT (C.) - Madonna, ates 26 x 40 506 UNKNOWN Fruit and Flowers 28 x 38 507 SCALINI (V.) Cenre—Vegetable Girl 18 x 14 508 TYLER (James G.) New York Entering Port 12 x 18 (K) Leisure Moments P26 x 20. ees, o (E.) Lae _ Florence 4s PAE Pleasant Conversation 7 14 x 20 | (F. Russell) The Old Mill mee 513 | | - MONSTED (T.) Landscape So x 47 DUPRE (Victor) Evening Landscape sige & 10x 13 “516 GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas) _ | Boy’s Head 13 x 20. SIy; GIORGIONE Head on Wood | 23. x29) 58 an From the Duke D’Alba Collection 518 BEARD (Wm. H.) Doubtful Connoisseurs | On Wood ne Ne ig 519 VACCARO (Andrea) Italian Apostle Penitent 38 x 50 520 GILBERT (Gaul), N.A. New York Near Hackensack, N. J. 12.16 521 RIBERA-SPAGNOLETTO (Jose) Italian Sacrifice of Sanit 52 x 39 522 WEGELIN (J. R.) Psyche 24 x 20 Ded SOUTHWOLD (W.) Landscape—Rabbits ji aioe Wg 524 RIGNANO (V.) | | ‘Return, or The Warriar’s Tale 20 x 31 525 BREANSKI (Alfred) | Brooks and Mountains 20 x 30 7 526 : DE- HAAS: (J. Heke Brussels Landscape and Cattle 22% x 29 527 | GREUZE (J. B.) France Innocence Ao 17, From the Duke D’Alba Collection 528 TURNER (J. M. W.) English Landscape, Scene on the Seine 44 x 30 From the Duke D’Alba Collection — a een a ~ New York - Summer | p< 30 ne SEAU (Theo.) 2 : | Paris aa, i Evening Landscape [10% x 1514 Lees SAUNDERS (J. C.) New York — Oe ae i ee Near Newport, R. I. ee HOBBEMA a Dutch ‘joan Landscape | : ae © AY x! 31 : 534 . pris "4 oe Sy TYLER (James G.). ss New Vor nam Getting Under Way ; : ca 4 25 x30 BEN ti. Joo GEORGES (Claude) Paris | St. Francais. | From the Paris Salon of 1899; No. 462 34 x 29 536 BOUILLIER (A.) ‘Paris Normandy Pasturage | From the Paris Salon of 1909; No. 240 : 35 x $0 537 : ROSA (Salvatore) | Italian Landscape, Solitude | 19 x 15 538 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua) English Portrait of Poet ZK 1S 539 SCHEYERER Austrian Alps 28 x 38 540 CORREGGIO Italian Madonna 24 x 28 From the Duke D’Alba Collection 541 BARRUCCI (Prof.) Rome Demanding Duty Entering Rome 25 x 52 542 RIEGER (Albert) Swiss Mountain Scene, Mountain Torrent 30 x 40 543 PAYCD SR.) Still Life 40 x 60 544 ts" MORGAN (Heriert A) New York Interior of Peasant’s House es — 36 x 43 945 STEPPE (Romane) Marine 36 x 50 546 IRMER Summer Landscape, Cattle 40 x 50 547 UNKNOWN : Arabian Nights 548 POKITOHOW (lIvan) Landscape | A\xld 1 alltime alto 12.05 mS : Landscape We eo X, 30° Br nae sold a: an nothing sold by” rhe lot, in the catalogue. No ‘reduction a PERreUCen whatever hives = _ THIRD DAY'S SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 27th, 1912 At 2.30 P. M. 552 Two Cloisonne vases 553 Bronze rooster 554 Two Cloisonne vases 555 Bronze box 556 Two Cloisonne vases ‘ ose 557. Two more . 558 Antique mahogany footstool _ 559 Two Sheffield entree dishes 560 Musical bird 561 Two bronze fish 562 Satsuma koro 563 Bohemian glass silver mounted decaneee 564 Carved mahogany centre table 565 Four Cordova leather side chairs 566 Two brass candlesticks 567. Two bisque figures 568 Carved mahogany chiffonier 569 Electric dome 570 Cut glass ice cream dish Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 571 Four pieces of cut glass 572 Cut glass and silver plated vase 573 Two cut glass bottles 574 Three assorted pieces of bric-a-brac 575 Cut glass nappie 5/6 Cut glass caraffe and bottle, 2 pieces 577 Cut glass punch bowl 578 Bohemian glass flower vase 579 Japanese bronze koro 580 Two Italian Faience figures 581 Bisque group 582 Marble bust and pedestal 583 Four pieces of assorted Bohemian glass 584 Leaded glass table screen 585 French bisque group 586 Carved mahogany desk 587 Leeds umbrella stand 588 Real bronze group 589 Marqueterie etagere 590 Mahogany muffinier 591 Mahogany and tapestry side chair 592 Musical birds 593 Musical birds ‘i 7 ; oN at each; nothing sold by tl A Soeee.), tithe. Cataloguen me hae reduction or : a pee whatever. ‘ . shy 594 Tivo Italian walnut pedestals 505 Mahogany rocker Co Sa > 596 Inlaid mahogany tea table 597 Pair of silk plush curtains 508 Embroidered silk picts 599 Mahogany arm chair 600 Lacquer and ivory inlaid work cabinet 601 Brass and pearl inlaid table 602 Canton china dinner ‘set 603 Bronze and onyx lamp 604. Carved English oak sideboard 605 Table to match with leaves > 606 Six chairs to match 607 China closet to match 608 Framed butterflies 609 Two Italian Faience figures 610 Kishu vase 611 Two Sang de Boeuf vases 612 Chinese blue and white vase 613 Antique picture 614 Carved mahogany bookcase 615 Decorated leather screen 616 Picture—Hunting Scenes 617 Embroidered silk picture—Marine Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 618 619 . 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 . 638 639 Two Japanese bronze figures Bronze mounted Sevres mantel clock French marqueterie secretary Mahogany and tapestry Chippendale side chair | Bronze group Carved teakwood pedestal Pair of embroidered velour curtains Two single portieres Silk damask parlor suite, 5 pieces Two fancy sofa pillows Carved gilt and damask divan Brass telescope Two-pieces of Webb glass Bronze mounted Vienna desk set Bronze and marble clock set Carved oak hall settle Two carved gilt Louis XVI. reception chairs Three-fold decorated screen Marble figure Onyx and Sevres pedestal Gilt and damask piano seat Two fancy sofa pillows Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 Two mahogany tapestry arin chatrs Twelve Hamersley china tish plates Dickson Sheffield fern dish Bronzed Bohemian glass epergne Two old English punch bowls Twelve Cauldon china fruit plates Mahogany library table | Three pairs of damask and velour curtains Silver plated etched panel Velour Davenport Marble group Onyx and Russian enamel pedestal Mahogany muffinier Carved mahogany corner closet Pair of bronze fire dogs Two Tiffany bronze and glass jewel boxes Two Chinese Cloisone vases Three pieces of Tiffany glass Four pairs of lace curtains Four more Four pairs more Three pairs more Five pairs more Two pairs of velour portieres Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 664 665 666 667 668 669 — 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 Two satin sofa pillows Embossed rep table cover Two silk damask arm chairs Bronze clock set Carved gilt and damask Louis XV. sofa Mahogany Colonial side chair Satsuma cover dish Bronze group Verde marble pedestal Limoges fish set Doulton jar Four assorted French prints Marble group—Musician Marble pedestal Three assorted French prints Magnificently carved enamel bedroom suite, consisting of bedstead, spring, mattress, chiffonier, dressing table, centre table, etagere, chaise longue, 2 side chairs, arm chair, slipper chair, footstool, triplicate cheval glass and 3-fold screen Dresden electrolier Carved gilt and Sevres table Japanese bronze group Sterling silver book rack Cut glass and sterling silver puff box 685 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 Dutch ae card tray 686 | Tiffany sterling” silver flower basket ah Sterling silver candlestick | ; . Dutch silver Seger iete Sheffield card tray Dutch silver f paornnicre inet Russian bronze group Two Cloisonne vases Six assorted after dinner cups and saucers Two Crown Derby vases : Six Hammersley fruit plates with scenes of castles in England | Twelve Coalport ‘bread one butter plates Twelve Copeland cups and saucers Six Hammersley fruit plates : Bronze mounted Louis XV. cabinet Chinese lacquer table Carved gilt tapestry arm chair Dresden china cake plate Six Limoges fruit plates Blue Kishiu vase Ten Crown Derby dinner plates ea Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 707 708 709 710 711 4 ee 713 714 1p 716 oi7 718 ZAY 720 721 pe 723 724 ities 726 her 728 Wer] 730 oi Pearl and ivory teakwood desk Two carved teakwood side chairs Electric applied bronze group Verde marble pedestal Marble bas-relief Carved teakwood table Bronze applied figure—After the Bath Verde marble pedestal Twelve English dessert plates Bronze inkwell Bronze Empire clock set Twelve Cauldon soup plates Bronze mounted marqueterie library table Twelve Dresden soup plates Royal Worcester pitcher Bonn vase Eight Coalport dinner plates Buhl table Mahogany and bronze mounted hall clock Blue tissue vase Tiffany bronze electrolier Japanese crackle vase Carved mahogany desk Two real bronze groups Two onyx enamel pedestals Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 732 Colored print 733 Marble bust—Veiled Lady 734 Colored marble pedestal 735 Carved gilt prie-dieu 736 Carved Italian walnut and Genoese velvet arm chair 737 Marble group—Musicians 738 Verde marble pedestal 739 Bronze mounted cabinet 740 Ten Limoges dinner plates 741 Two Russian enamel vases 742 Enamel bronze musical clock 743 Seven Limoges fruit plates 744 Carved walnut library table 745 Onyx and Russian enamel garniture set 746 Two colored French prints 747 Two more 748 Sevres and Russian enamel clock set, Tif- fany & Co. 749 Three Chinese saki cups 750 Carved bisque box 751 Five assorted Kishiu vases 752 Two carved stone groups 753 Two blue and white vases 754 Snuff bottle Kvery article sold as it 1s, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated | in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on | any pretence whatever. ' See ee | 755 Another | 756 Another 757 Another 758 Another ea 759 Another : 760 Another 761 Another 762. Another 763 Another 764 Another 765 Another 766 Another 76/7 Another 768 Another 769 Another 770 Another 771 Another 772 Another 773 Another 774. Eggshell bowl 775 Blue and white vase and box, 2 pieces 776 Cloisonne on porcelain vase 777 Four assorted Kishiu vases 778 Blue and white incense burner Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 Assorted blue and white dishes, etc., 5 pieces | Rose jar Two blue and white vases Five pieces of Chinese bric-a-brac Bronze mounted Louis XV. cabinet Two Aubusson tapestry panels Royal Worcester vase Inlaid walnut Queen Anne corner desk Marble group Onyx pedestal Three-fold hand tooled leather screen Ormolu Empire clock set Bronze mounted Vernis Martin cabinet Antique Chinese screen Walnut Queen Anne corner desk Two Canton china vases Two mahogany cane seat arm chairs Japanese lacquer centre table Mahogany and velour Queen Anne sofa Two Gothic side chairs Carved oak side table Adams arm chair Real bronze group—Carry Me and Pil Drum It Through, signed Bartlett Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 pretence whatever. Bronze mounted mahogany Louis XV. hall clock Bronze mounted marble top Empire table Axminster rug Cabistan rug, 5.4x3.3 Daghestan rug, 4x35.5 Berlin carpet Ispahan prayer rug, 4.8x3.7 Another, 4.4x3.6 Cabistan rug, 6.3x3.7 Another, 4.9x9.1 Serrebend rug, 4.4x3.5 Antique Chichi rug, 5x3.3 Antique Daghestan rug, 6.3x3.5 Antique Cabistan rug, 7.10x3.6 Another, 3.10x8& Kermanshah rug, 3.6x2.9 Antique Moussoul rug, 5.2x3.2 Antique Daghestan rug, 4.9x3.1 Antique Chichi rug, 5.2x3.7 Antique Cabistan rug, 5x3.4 Antique Inelli carpet Antique Cabistan hall runner, 19.3x3.1 Beloochistan rug, 4.5x2.6 Bokhara rug, 4.5x2.7 Camel’s hair rug, 7.2x3.6 Every article sold as it is, and at so much each; nothing sold by the lot, unless so stated in the catalogue. No reduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 827 +828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843, 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 ihirvan Tie, reas Moussoul rug, 4.5x3 : Iran rug, 7x3.1 Bokhara rug, 3.3x3 Beloochistan rug, 4.8x2.8 Anatolian rug, 5x2.5 Bokhara rug, 4.6x2.6 Shirvan rug, 4x3.6 Fereghan rug, 6.5x4.8 Berlin carpet Ghiordez carpet Inelli carpet Berlin carpet Another Marble tripod hall table Carved marble hall settle Marble hall table Another Composition fount Two marble Sphinx Two marble crouching lions Terra cotta jardiniere Decorated enamel Steinway & Son electric piano Mahogany baby grand piano, G. Steck & Co. Oe TR p F F. ' : f 7 € & i ee RESEARCH INSTITUTE Til i LT uy 3125 01662 9 ‘ ‘ . \ bi yy ge t vt \ 1 ' ree Fat ‘ we t ‘ ay ' net we ' ot t Riv fils cab Se) Y y f ‘ ALAS hn oi; : 4 An Sy Ahk, & NG pans “ aaa aN hah pAye bie AEH Sy eS Bact Ce kre % Din fa UIE KEY ey! a Moet Rev MRE ke nt See UAL A ant Rees TaN okt i; on md au Vy. 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