1924 Sept.11 | NeWaV v from Sept. 8, 1924 No. 337 Sale Thursday, Sept. 11, 1924 PISTOLS AND GUNS Edged Weapons Blunderbusses :: Carbines THE COLLECTION OF FRANK L. VAUGHAN Secretary and Treasurer of the Providence Engineering Corporation, R. I. WITH A SMALL GROUP OF OTHER PROPERTIES FORMING THE LAST PART OF THE SECOND SESSION TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION EP Phureday Morning and Afternoon September 11, 1924. First Session, Thursday Morning, Nos. 1—252 Second Session, Thursday Afternoon, Nos. 253—538 AT 10:30 AND 2 O’CLOCK Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 | E WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West Walter S. Scott, Auctioneer View from Sept. 8, 1924 No. 337 Sale Thursday, Sept. 11, 1924 PISTOLS AND GUNS Edged Weapons, Blunderbusses, Carbines THE COLLECTION OF Perea NK L. VAUGHAN Secretary and Treasurer of the Providence Engineering Corporation, R. I. with A Small Group of Other Properties forming the last part of the SECOND SESSION Among the many fine pieces of Mr. Vaughan will be found Simeon North (14 in all) including a Berlin North, Two Harper’s Ferry, 1807-1808, both original flintlocks; Two Palmetto Armory, Columbia, S. C.; Three Box Lock Ames, and a Box Lock Deringer, Thirteen Pocket Deringers. Allen & Thurber and Allen & Wheelock includ- ing a double-action pistol stamped No. 1, and marked “Allen & Thurber, Grafton, Mass.”; two Evans Valley Forge; I. N. and R. Johnson of Middletown, Conn.; H. Aston; A. Waters; Sharps’ Four- Shooters; Sharps Breech-loader (without wooden full stock) ; Colts, Remingtons, Savage, Joslyn, Pettingill, Star and Butterfield percus- sion revolvers; fine English flintlock pistols with fish-tail brass butts and brass mounts; Seven brace of Pistols, some very fine pairs; a Flintlock carried by Gen. Schuyler in the Revolutionary War (269), etc.; Collected by Mr. Vaughan from Maine to Missouri, from Michigan to Virginia during thirty years on the road. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION Thursday Morning and Afternoon September 11, 1924, eR of 0 AT 10;30 AND 2 O’CLOCK THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. is Telephone Bryant 4140 WALTER S. SCOTT, Auctioneer Conditions of Sale 1, ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT. They are executed free of charge by the Walpole Galleries and the items are bought at the lowest price permitted by competitive bids. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in case of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision will be final. He may also reject any fractional or nominal bid calculated to delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods BOUGHT TO BE REMOVED AFTER 9:30 O'CLOCK THE DAY FOLLOWING THE CLOSE OF THE SALE. If not so removed, they will be held at the risk of the purchaser and these Galleries will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. No deliveries will be made during or immediately after the sale but all bills and goods will be ready at 9:30 o'clock on the day following the sale. 5. Terms Casu. If accounts are not paid when bills are rendered, these Galleries reserve the right to dispose of the goods without ‘notice to the defaulting buyer and all costs of such re-sale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such re-sale at its own option. 6. This catalogue has been compiled by a competent cataloguer, the various lots offered are described with care and accuracy and they will be sold not subject to return. 7. The Walpole Galleries, if requested, will forward purchases at the buyer’s risk and expense. Priced copies of this catalogue at $3.00 each after the sale. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES LenorE Younc TURNBULL [Mrs. Edward Turnbull] 12 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. This sale will be conducted for the Walpole Galleries by Mr. Water S. Scott PISTOLS, SWORDS AND CARBINES of FRANK L. VAUGHAN of Providence R. I. FIRST SESSION: (1-252 PREFATORY NOTE Providence, R. I., July 7th, 1924 THE WALPOLE GALLERIES, New York, Gentlemen: This collection represents about thirty years of my spare time and comes from almost every state east of the Mississippi and north of Virginia. To get my 350 pistols | have probably pur- chased three times that number and kept the best. My brass pistols and Deringers are the best I have even seen. . .. I am retired from business and not adding to my collection are my reasons for selling. Yours, F. L. VAUGHAN 1. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 5 in. Two inch half octagon barrel, double action, flat top ham- mer, scroll chiselled frame, mark Allen’s Patent. Fine order and condition. No. 88. 2. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL SIMILAR. L. 5 in. Mark: Allen’s Patent. No. 418, Date 1845. Fine order and condition. 10. ll. é SINGLE SHOT: PERCUSSION PISTOL, SIMILAR. L. 5 in. Mark: Allen’s Patent. Fine order and condition. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. No. 1. L. 6 ins. Three inch barrel, flat top hammer. Silver name plates on stock and chiselled silver back strap. Mark: Allen & Thurber, Grafton, Mass. Excessively rare with the mark + 1]. Fine order and condition. No. 1. A very EARLY ALLEN MADE IN GRAFTON. (Illustrated, Plate 1, Page 9) CASE AND PAIR SINGLE SHOT DOUBLE ACTION PISTOLS. | Pato , Three inch barrel. In mahogany case, plush-lined-with com- bination powder flask, bullet holder and cap box with yellow bronze mounts. All in good order. Mark: Allen & Thurber. (Illustrated, Plate 1, Page 9) ALLEN & THURBER SINGLE SHOT DOUBLE ACTION PIS- TOLS, L.. Zin. Three inch barrel. Good order. No. 125. -ALLEN & THURBER SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 7 in. Three inch half octagon barrel. Gander hammer. Good order. No. 252. ALLEN & THURBER SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 7 in. Three inch barrel. Gander hammer. ‘Very good example. No. 137. ALLEN & THURBER SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 8 in. Four inch barrel. Gander hammer. Fine early example in fine order. No. 3. ALLEN & WHEELOCK SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. Ge 8 in. Four inch barrel. Gander hammer. Fine order. No. 879. ALLEN & THURBER SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. Pia 9am: : Five inch half’octagon barrel. Gander hammer. Good order. No. 369. Po, 14. 15. 16. iid 18. 19. 20. ALLEN, THURBER & CO. SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISs- TOL. L. 9 in. Five inch barrel. Gander hammer. Fine order. No. 987. ALLEN & THURBER SINGLE SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 10 in. Six inch barrel. Gander hammer. Fine order. No. 315. DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 7-in. Three inch barrel. Gander hammer, single trigger on parallel double barrels with two hammers. No marks, but probably Allen and in good order. SILVER MOUNTED DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PIS- eG ato “in. Five inch double parallel barrels. Single trigger; steel ram- rod. , No marks but probably Allen and practically new. ALLEN & WHEELOCK PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 13 in. Cal. .44. Six shots, 714 inch barrel; trigger guard forms ramrod lever. New blued condition. PEPPER BOXES ALLEN & WHEELOCK FOUR SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 6 in. 234 inch barrel, early pattern without guard over nipple, top snap, good order. Date 1845. No. 630. ALLEN & THURBER FOUR SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 6 in. Three inch indented barrel; top snap. Good order. Date 1845. ALLEN, THURBER & CO. FIVE-SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 6 in. Three inch barrel, incised frame. Good order. ALLEN & THURBER SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 8 in. Five inch strap barrel. Handsomely incised foliated frame. An early make patented 1837, in beautiful condition. 5 24, 26. 28. 30. ALLEN & THURBER SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 6 in. Four inch strap barrel, made at Grafton Mass. A very early make with no guard over nipples. Complete and in working order, but in fair condition only. ALLEN & THURBER SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 7% in. Four inch barrels. Good order. SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 714% in. : Four inch barrels. No marks, but probably Allen. In good order. ALLEN, THURBER & CO, SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 744 in. Four inch barrels. Good order. ALLEN & THURBER SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 714 in. Four inch barrels. Fine order. ALLEN & THURBER PEPPER BOX REVOLVER. L. 84% in. Five inch barrels, 6 shot. Good order. LONG ALLEN & THURBER SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 8 in. Five inch barrels. Good order. LARGE ALLEN & THURBER SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX RE- VOLVER. L 1014 in. : Six inch strap barrel. Spur guard. Fine order. An excellent specimen of the RARE LARGE SIZE PEPPER BOX WITH SPUR GUARD. Date 1837. (Illustrated, Plate 1, Page 9) ALLEN & WHEELOCK DOUBLE BARREL PISTOL. L. 6 in. Three inch barrel, single trigger, two hammers. Very good blued conditions. ALLEN & WHEELOCK SIX SHOT. L. 7 in. Cal. .32. Rim fire revolver. Side hammer, octagon barrel, front sight. Good order. Date 1860-1858. . 6 Le 33. 34. 36. 37. 38. LADY’S MUFF REVOLVER. L. 6 in. Cal. .22. Eroan ALLEN & Co. Side hammer; seven shot; octagon barrel; bird head butt; sheathed trigger. Good order. Date 1852. LADY’S LITTLE PEARL AND NICKEL REVOLVER. L. 514° tHe Gal. .22: Ethan Allen & Co. Seven shot. Side hammer, carved pearl stocks, sheathed trigger, as new. (Illustrated, Plate 1, Page 9) VERY SMALL MUFF PISTOL. L. 4 in.; Cal. .22. Single shot, 3-inch barrel, opens to right, sheathed trigger, bird-head butt. Good order. Mark: E. Allen & Co. VERY SMALL MUFF PISTOL. L. 4 ims.; Cal. .22. Forehand & Wadsworth, single shot, 3 inch barrels, bird-head butt. Good order. A pretty little piece. FOREHAND & WADSWORTH SWAMP ANGEL REVOLVER. L. 614 in.; Cal. .38. 21%-inch octagon barrel, five shot, sheath trigger, bird-head butt. Fine order, nickel finish. Dates 1861-1872. SMALL E. ALLEN & CO. SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L.5; Cal. .22. Three-inch barrel. Fine order. Date 1865. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 14 ins.; Cal. .45. 8-inch barrel, fiuted cylinder with extension yellow brass mounted stock and saddle ring. Total length 27 ins., stock and pistol. Fine working order and condition. Mark: Address Col. Sam’l Colt, etc.” (Illustrated, Plate 1, Page 9) COLT SIX SHOT ARMY PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 14 ins.; Cal. .44.- Eight-inch barrel, round engraved cylinder, fine order and condition. Mark: “Address Col. Sam’l Colt, etc.” 7 39. 40. Al. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 14 ins.; Cal. .44. Eight-inch barrel, engraved cylinder. Practically new, with handsome burl walnut stock. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 14 ins.; Cal. AA, Eight-inch barrel. Engraved cylinder. Good order. COLT SIX-SHOT ARMY PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 14 ins.; Cal. 44. Kight-inch barrel, engraved cylinder, all metal parts nickel plated: fine order. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION DRAGOON REVOLVER. L. 14. 714-in. barrel. Engraved cylinder. Model USMR. Round trigger guard, square slots in cylinder for stop. Very heavy. Fine order. All parts 13931. Mark: “Address Sam’l Colt, New York City” (note absence of “Col.”). COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION DRAGOON REVOLVER. L. 14 int Gal Ap: 714-inch barrel, has been refinished and blued, square end trigger guard, round holes in cylinder for stop. Fine order. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. L. 14 ins.; Cal. .36 7\4-inch barrel, cylinder engraved with vessels, round barrel. Fine order, nickeled and brass guard and back strap, presenting a very handsome appearance. Date 1843. All parts, 4309. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. OL. 14 ins.; Cal. .36. 74-inch round barrel. Good order, polished steel and brass butt straps, all parts 2868. COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. L. 13 ins.; Cal. .36. Steel frame, blued, round barre]. Fine order. 8 48. 49. 50. OL, 93. CASE AND COLT SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. L. 1314 ims.; Cal. .36. Brass frame, silver plated, ivory grip, octagon barrel blued, engraved cylinder. New, in mahogany case with powder flask, bullet mold, cap box, three packs of cartridges, cleaning rod, nipple wrench and screw-driver. Presentation pistol in new condition. COLT SMOOTH BORE FIVE-SHOQT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 11 ins.; Cal. .36. 6-inch barrel, fluted blued cylinder, fine order and condition. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L. 10 ins.; Cal. .31. Six-inch octagon barrel, back strap (wearing), engraved cyl- inder, silvered. Good order. “Address Sam’l Colt, New York City.” COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L. 814 in.; Cal. .31. 4-inch octagon barrel, all silver plated, with engraved cyl- inder. A handsome Colt in fine order. COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L. 814 ins.; Cal. .31. 4-inch octagon barrel, good order, the steel a little dulled, back strap silvered. CASE AND COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET RE- VOLVER. L. 844 ins.; Cal. .28. 4-inch barrel. In mahogany case with powder flask, cap box, wrench and screw-driver. Presentation pistol in good order, showing traces of bluing; the butt-strap silvered. (Illustrated, Plate 1) COLT FIVE-SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 74% ins.; Cal. .32. 3-inch octagon barrel. Wells, Fargo & Co. type. Made with- © out loading lever. Fair order but shows service. so om 10 o4. 26. aXe a9. 60. 61. COLT FIVE-SHOT SIDE-HAMMER PERCUSSION REVOLVER. i. 6 ins:: -Cal. 32. 314-inch octagon barrel, fluted cylinedr, sheathed trigger. Fine order. COLT FIVE-SHOT SIDE-HAMMER PERCUSSION REVOLVER. Ionia. Cal. 32. 314-inch blined octagon barrel, round cylinder, engraved In- dians attacking log cabin, sheathed trigger. Fine order. CASE AND COLT FIVE-SHOT SIDE-HAMMER PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 8 ins. 344-inch octagon» blued barrel and frame. Ivory grip; sheathed trigger. Round cylinder engraved Indians attacking log cabin. In mahogany case with brass double bullet mold, powder flask and cap box. Fine outfit, dated 1855. (Illustrated, Plate 1, Page 9) TWO COLT POCKET REVOLVERS. L. 9 and 10 ins. Five-shot percussion. Poor order. Both New York address. (2) BELGIAN SIX-SHOT PIN-FIRE REVOLVER. L. 9 ins. 414-inch barrel, ring butt. Good. COLT SIX-SHOT ARMY REVOLVER. L. 13 ins.; Cal. .44. Altered from percussion to metallic cartridge by cutting off end of cylinder and filling in frame. Ejector on right. Good order, but shows service. Date 1871-2. COLT SIX-SHOT FRONTIER REVOLVER. L. 13 ins.; Cal. .45. Metallic cartridge, ejector on right, hammer screw broken, otherwise good, and presents a fine appearance, as all metal parts are nickeled and the cylinder fluted. COLT POCKET REVOLVER. L. 6 ins.; Cal. .22. Seven-shot. No frame over cylinder, bright brass and bronze frame, bird-head butt. Mark: Colt’s, Hartford, Ct.” COLT LADY’S NICKELED REVOLVER. L. 6 ins.; Cal. .22. Seven-shot, bird-head butt, sheathed trigger. Main spring broken, otherwise fine. 11 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. COLT SINGLE-SHOT DERINGER TYPE. L. 6 ins.; Cal. .41. No. 2, Hartford. Opens to left, with foliated incised frame, sheathed trigger and checkered bird-head butt. COLT LADY’S MUFF PISTOL, SILVER MOUNTED. L. AV, ins.; Cal. .41 Single-shot pistol, Deringer type, bird-head butt, sheathed trigger. Opens to right. Condition as new. COLT LADY’S MUFF PISTOL. Cal. .41. Single-shot pistol, Deringer type, opens to right. In fair order, with pretty bird-head butt and sheathed rigger and yellow brass mounts. COLT SIX-SHOT DOUBLE-ACTION REVOLVER. L. 9 ins.; Cal. .38. Center fire, mounted police model, checkered ebony grip, fluted cylined, blued trigger, 3!4-inch barrel, nickel finish. Very good example. SHARP’S SILVER-MOUNTED FOUR-SHOT. L. 6 ins.; Cal. .30. Mark: C. Sharps & Co., Phila. Stud on end. Model 1859. Silver-plated frame (wearing), ivory handle. Firing pin in face of hammer, and blued barrel. Fine order. C. SHARPS RIM-FIRE FOUR-SHOOTER. L. 5 ins.; Cal. .32. Round butt, Model 1859, 24-inch barrle. Blued barrel, silver plated frame (wearing). Fine order. A heavy well-made small pistol, with pretty bird-head burl mahogany butt and firing-pin in face of hammer. SHARPS SILVER-MOUNTED LADY’S MUFF PISTOL. L. 5 ins.; Cabk\.22; Four shooter, stud on side, Model 1859. 214-inch blued bar- rel as new. Rare example. SHARPS FOUR-SHOOTER. L. 5 ins.; Cal. .22. Stud on end. Model 1859. Gutta percha handles, carved in relief, silver mounts (wearing). Fine condition. 12 7A. 79. 76. oe] =e 78. 79. SHARPS FOUR-SHOOTER. L. 5 ins.; Cal. .22. Stud on end. Model 1859, with carved gutta percha handles. In fine order, with yellow brass mounts. SHARPS NICKELED FOUR-SHOOTER. L. 5 ins.; Cal. .22. Stud on end. Carved gutta percha handles. Fine condition. SHARPS FOUR-SHOOTER. L. 5 ins.; Cal. .22. Rosewood handles. In good order, with brass frame and stud at end. LADY’S FLAT PALM PISTOL. L. 4 ins.; Cal. .22. Frank Wesson three-barrel superposed pistol 2-in. barrel, ring hammer. Sheathed trigger, bird-head rosewood butt. Mark: Frank Wesson. Worcester, Mass. Pat. Dec. 15, °68. Nickel plated. Fine. Date 1868. No. 1491. STEVENS SINGLE-SHOT TARGET PISTOL. L. 9 in.; Cal. .22. Good order, with nickeled frame, back strap and 5-inch blued barrel. MORGAN & CLAPP SMALL SINGLE-SHOT PISTOL. L. 6 in.; ale ees 3-inch barrel. Sheathed trigger, barrelswings to right. Mark. Morgan & Clapp, New Haven, Ct. Fine order, with all metal parts nickeled. J. M. MARLIN PALM PISTOL. L. 4 in.; Cal. .22. Single shot. 2-inch barrel. Good order, with bronze frame and rosewood bird-head butt. STAR VEST POCKET OR PALM PISTOL. L. 3-in.; Cal. .22. Single-shot. 2-inch barrel. Good order. A very small real cartridge pistol with bird-head butt. LADY’S ENGRAVED IVORY HANDLE REVOLVER. L. 7-in.; Cal. .22. American Standard Tool Co., Newark N. J. Seven-shot, 2-in. barrel. Frame silver-plated and handsomely chiselled in a foliated pattern, the barrel blued and carved to match. Fine example. ‘13 80. 81. 82. 83. 34. SDs 86. 87. SHARPS & HANKINS FOUR-SHOT PISTOL. L. 6-in.; Cal. .32. Rim fire. 314-inch barrel. Stud on side. - Revolving pin Separate from hammer. Face of hammer flat. Sheathed trig- ger, checkered grip, blued finish, almost as new. VERY RARE. (Illustrated) SHARPS & HANKINS FOUR-SHOOTER. L. 7-in.; Cal. .32. 314-inch barrel. Revolving pin in face of hammer. Good shape with checkered grip. Date 1859. WHITNEYVILLE ARMORY FIVE-SHOT REVOLVER. L. 8-in.; Cai. .32 3-inch barrel. Brass frame, bird-head butt, fluted cylinder. Good condition. SMALL REVOLVER. L. 5-in.; Cal. .22 Mark: Continental Arms Co. Norwich, Conn. Rim fire, five- shot pepper box type. 214 inch fluted barrel which is held by strap in center; sheathed trigger, rosewood grip. Fine. Date 1866. (Illustrated, Plate 1) RUPERTUS PATENT PISTOL MFG. CO., PHILADELPHIA. L. 6-in.; Cal. .22 Eight-shot pepper box type revolver, Has split pin and cleaning rod. Brass frame silver-plated. A rare pistcl in fine working order and condition, witli milled edge back-plate, sheathed trigger and deeply fluted cylinder. PROTECTOR PALM (ROUND) PISTOL. L. 5-in.; Cal. .32. Cuicaco Frre Arms Co. Seven-shot, nickel-plated. Fine. Dated 1893. To be fired by the contraction of the palm with the barrel between the second and third fingers. MARLIN STANDARD REVOLVER. L. 7-in.; Cal. .32. J. M. Marlin five-shot, 3-inch nickel-plated barrel. Very handsome with birdhead rosewood butt. Dated 1878. Cc. S. SHATTUCK, HATFIELD, MASS., FIVE-SHOT REVOLVER. L246 in Cale 232: 23/-inch octagon barrel, with semi-automatic ejector, nickel- plated, hard rubber checkered grips. Good order but hammer will not stand. Rare. Date 1879. : 14 88. 89. 90. Sa 92. oe 94, WESSON & HARRINGTON, WORCESTER, REVOLVER. L. 6 in:; Cal. .22: A-inch octagon barrel. Trigger spring missing, otherwise very good with peculiar hand ejector, bird-head butt, bronze frame, seven-shot. Rare. Date 1871. FLAT POCKET PISTOL. L. 6-in.; .32 and .22 Cal. American Arms Co. Wheeler Patent, Boston 1866. Two shot over and under pistol. 3-inch barrels. Fine order, with brass frame and rosewood grip. PLANT MFG. CO. SIX-SHOT NICKELED REVOLVER. L. 11- ia Gals <38. 6-inch barrel. Ejector at rear. Takes a speci’ *~at cart- ridge, loaded at front of cylinder. Made for officers’ use in 1863 and 1864 by Merwin and Bray, New York. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 1) HANDSOME NATIONAL ARMS CO. REVOLVER. L. 7-in.; Cal. .32. 6-shot, 3-inch barrel. Cylinder and barrel silver-plated and engraved: frame of carved bronze. Hammer catches, otherwise in fine condition, with pretty rosewood bird-head butt; sheath- ed trigger. Takes special teat cartridge. NATIONAL ARMS CO, SIX-SHOT REVOLVER. L. 7-in.; Cal. 2. 3-inch barrel. Carved brass frame, blued cylinder and barrel. Fine order. Takes special teat cartridge. VOLCANIC PISTOL. L. 9-in.; Cal. .28. 314-inch blued octagon barrel, yellow brass frame. Patent 1854. A repeating pistol, forerunner of the famous Winchester, and working on same principle. PAIR OF HAMMOND BULLDOGS, L. 8-in.; Cal. .44. Connecticut Arms Co., Naubuc, Conn. Hammond Bulldog single-shot, 4-inch octagon barrel, sheathed trigger and checker- ed grip. A pair of strong, heavy breech-loading pistols of the Civil War period. Good condition. 15 95. SMALL ALLEN SINGLE-SHOT PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 5-in. 2-inch barrel. Flat top hammer. Fine. 96. IVER JOHNSON, FITCHBURG, MASS., REVOLVER. L. 614 in: Cale: 3-inch barrel. Nickel-plated, hard rubber grip, 5-shot. Very good. 97. ALL METAL MY FRIEND KNUCKLER. L. 4-in.; Cal. .22. Seven-shot, bronze carved frame. Very good. 98. ALL METAL MY FRIEND KNUCKLER. L, 4-in.; Cal. .22. Seven-shot, silver-plated and nicely carved. (Illustrated, Plate 1, Page 9) _ 99. A. PRESCOTT, WORCXSTER, REVOLVER. L.. 12-in.; Call. .38. 7-inch octagon barrel, rosewood grip. Brass frame, rim fire six-shot. Very Fine. AN EXTREMELY EARLY METALLIC CARTRIDGE REVOLVER. (Illustrated, Plate 1, Page 9) U. S. MARTIAL PISTOLS Very important and handsome group in remarkable condition. 109. H. ASTON & CO., MIDD’TN., CONN., PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. L.. 14-in.; Cal. .50. Brass trimmings. Swivel ramrod, burl chestnut stock, 9-inch polished steel barrel. Date 1852. A VERY FINE EXAMPLE. Nearly all these martial pistols are polished steel and yellow brass mounts with rosewood stocks. ONE OF THE FINEST GROUPS IT HAS EVER BEEN OUR GOOD FORTUNE TO OFFER. (Illustrated, Plate 2, Page 17) 101. H. ASTON & CO., MIDD’TN, CONN., PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. L. 14-in. : 814-inch polished steel barrel. Brass trimmings. Swivel ramrod. Walnut stock, very clear marks. Date 1849. Good condition. 16 104. 105. 106. 107. H. ASTON & CO., MIDD’TN, CONN., PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. L. 14-in. 814-inch barrel. Brass trimmings. Swivel ramrod. Very clear marks. Date 1846. Good. PALMETTO ARMORY, COLUMBIA, S. €., HORSE PISTOL. L. 14-in. Cal. .50. . 84-inch barrel, brass mounted. Swivel ramrod. Lock plate and barrel stamped with palmetto tree. Barrel marked: Wm. Glaze & Co. In fine order. Taken from Lieutenant R. I. La Roche, Palmetto Volunteers, early in 1861. In fine order. Date 1852. (Illustrated, Plate 2) PALMETTO ARMORY PRECUSSION HORSE PISTOL. L. 14 in. 814 in. barrel, brass mounted, swivel ramrod. Lock plate and barrel stamped with palmetto tree. Barrel marked Wm. Glaze & Co. Fair, the plate worn off and somewhat pitted. Date 1852. I N. JOHNSON, MIDD°’TN., CONN., PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. L. 14 in. 81,4 in. barrel, brass mounted, swivel ramrod; R. A. K. rudely scratched at trigger guard. Date 1854, good. I. N. JOHNSON, MIDD’TN, CONN., PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. L. 14 ins. 814 in. barrel, brass mounted, swivel ramrod. Slight crack in butt, otherwise fine with very clear marks. Date 1853. (Illustrated, Plate 2) HARPERS FERRY 1807 FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 17 ins., Cale. 10 in. barrel. Brass mounted with rib for ramrod under- neath barrel. Very rare pistol with superb markings including screaming eagle and U. S. and No. 1413. In fine order. (IUustrated, Plate 2) 18 108. 109. 110, 111. 112. 113. ‘114. HARPERS FERRY 1808 FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 17 ins., Gali. 10 in. barrel. Brass mounted with rib for ramrod under- neath barrel. Fine order. Very rare pistol, fine clear marks, including an indented “Liberty cap” “P.” “U. S.” and No. 1642. (Illustrated, Plate 2, Page 17) EVANS FLINTLOCK HORSE PISTOL. L: 15 ins., Cal. .70. 9 in. barrel, fastened by band. Brass mounted. Stock orig- inally full length, but has been cut off at band, ramrod, Mark: Evans; very clear. Barrel marked 1814. Goop AND VERY RARE. (Illustrated, Plate 2, Page 17) W. L. EVANS, V. FORGE, 1831, FLINTLOCK NAVY PISTOL. beet ains., Cal. ..50, With sash attachment or belt hook. 814 in. barrel, swivel ramrod; brass sight and flash-pan. Very fine and clear marks. Good and rare. : (Illustrated, Plate 2, Page 17) A. WATERS, MILBURY, MS. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 14 ins., Cal. .50. 814 in. barrel. Steel mounted with bronze flash-pan. Swivel ramrod. Fine with very clear marks. Dated 1838. (Illustrated, Plate 3, Page 21) A. WATERS, MILBURY, MS. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 14 ins., Cal. .50. 814 in. barrel. Steel mounted. Swivel ramrod. Almost equally fine as the preceding. Dated 1837. A. WATERS, MILBURY, MS. PISTOL. L. 14 ins. Converted to percussion by inserting nipple in barrel. Lock plate marked T 1844. 814 in. barrel. Fine, with all steel mounts except brass sight. A. WATERS, MILBURY, MS. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 14 ins. 814 in. barrel. Swivel ramrod. Steel mounted. Supers, like new. Dated 1841. (Illustrated, Plate 3, Page 21) Hr 115. 116. PLZ. 118. Ti. 120. A. WATERS, MILBURY, MS. PISTOL. L. 14 ins. Converted to percussion by inserting nipple in barrel. 814 in, barrel. Lock plate marked T. Steel mounts; fine; very clear marks. Dated 1838. A. WATERS, MILBURY, MS. FLINT LOCK PISTOL. Altered to percussion by screwing lug in side of barrel. Steel mounted. Fair, with pretty dolphin chiselled hammer; ramrod not original. Dated 1840. FLINT PISTOL ALTERED TO PERCUSSION. L. 14 ins., Cal. .60. By screwing lug in side of barrel. Brass trigger guard, bal- ance mounts steel. Name and date ground off lock plate. Said to have been made up from parts left over from previous con- tracts at Waters plant in Milbury in 1861. Fair. R. JOHNSON, MIDD’TN., CONN. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 14 ins.; Cal. .50. . : 814 in. barrel, steel mounts with bronze flash-pan and sight. New condition, with polished burl walnut stock. This is a very late date for a flintlock government pistol. The navy depart- ment used the Ames percussion pistol in 1843. This is dated 1844. 7 R. JOHNSON, MIDD’N., CONN. FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. l4:ins., Cali 230: 814 in. barrel. Fine piece with swivel ramrod, steel mounts, bronze flash-pan and sight. Dated 1842. (Illustrated, Plate 3) R. JOHNSON, MIDD’N., CONN. FLINTLOCK PISTOL, L. 14 in. 814 in. barrel with swivel ramrod. Fine in every way. Dated 1842. R. JOHNSON, MIDD’N., CONN. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 14 ins., Cal. .50, 814 in. barrel. Fine, with handsome polished mahogany stock, swivel ramrod, etc. Dated 1840. 20 126. R. JOHNSON, MIDD’N., CONN. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 14 ins., Cal. .50. 81% in. barrel. Good piece. Dated 1837. N. P. AMES, SPRINGFIELD, USN BOX LOCK PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 12 ins., Cal. .50. 6 in. barrel, the three-quarter stock held by brass band; brass trigger guard and butt-screw-plate; swivel ramrod. Mark- ings clear. Dated 1843. A VERY EARLY NAVY PERCUSSION PISTOL, in good order. (Illustrated, Plate 3) N. P. AMES, SPRINGFIELD, USN BOX LOCK PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. ‘12 ins. 6 in. barrel, similar and very good. Dated 1845. N. P. AMES, SPRINGFIELD, USN BOX LOCK PERCUSSION PISTOL. Lola ins, 6 in. barrel, similar and very good. Dated 1845. SUPERB S. NORTH FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 16 ins., Cal. .70. 10 in. barrel, pin fastened. Brass mounted with belt hook and ramrod. Lock plate marked with eagle U. States, S. North, Berlin, Conn. THE RARE Bertin NortH: A Beauty: With full polished burl wal- nut stock, slightly bird-head form. Marks: “S. North, Berlin, Con.;” a screaming eagle and “U Srares” (Model 1812). Very clear. (Illustrated, Plate 3) S. NORTH U S MIDL’N, CONN. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 15. ins., Cal. .69. 9 in. barrel with double band. Stock cut off even with band. Original ramrod. A VERY HANDSOME PISTOL, accentuated by the beauty of the burl or “curly maple” stock, and all-steel mcunts, except the bronze flash pan. Issued for service in the Seminole War (Date 1814). (Illustrated, Plate 3) S. NORTH U S MIDL’N, CON. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L.. 15. ATiS:¢) (alk, 09, 9 in. barrel with double band. Stock cut off even with band. Original ramrod. Almost as fine as the preceding 1814 model, practically no dif- ference. 22 130. 131. 132. 135. 136. S. NORTH U S MIDL’N, CON. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 15 ins., Cal. .54. 9 in. barrel, double band. The fine mahogany stock extends through band; ramrod. Fine example (Model 1816). Also issued for the Seminole War. (Illustrated, Plate 3) S. NORTH U S MIDL’N, CON. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 15 ins., Cal. .54. 9 in. barrel. The curly-maple stock extends through tie double band. Fine marks. (Mode! 1816.) S. NORTH U S MIDL’N, CON. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 15 ins., Cal. .54. 9 in. barrel, double band. Stock extends through band. Fine and clear marks. (Model 1816.) S, NORTH U S MIDL’N, CONN. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 16 ins., Cal. .54. Single band, swivel ramrod. Fine. Burl walnut stock, steel mounts, safety, very clear and fine marks. Dated 182i. A SUPERB SPECIMEN. (Illustrated, Plate 3) S. NORTH U S MIDL’N, CONN. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 16 Wee als 04. Single band, swivel ramrod, steel mounts. Dated 1822. Fine. S. NORTH U S FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 14 ins. 814 in. barrel. Swivel ramrod, single band, belt hook; steel mounts. FINE SPECIMEN OF THE RARE Nortu Navy. Slight crack around lock plate, otherwise very good with unusually fine and clear marks. Dated 1828. (Illustrated, Plate 2, Page 17) S NORTH US MIDL’N, CONN. PISTOL. L. 15 ins., Cal. .54. Altered to percussion by screwing lug in side of barrel. Single band, three-quarter stock, swivel ramrod. Good condi- tion. Dated 1822. S NORTH US MIDL’N, CONN. PISTOL. L. 16 ins., Cal. .54. Altered to percussion by government with lug brazed on side of 10 in. barrel. Single band, swivel ramrod. Fine. Dated 1822. 23 137. S. NORTH U S MIDL’N, CONN. PISTOL. Changed to percussion by screwing lug in side of barrel. Wooden ramrod with brass tip. Date ground off lock plate, but either 1821 or 1822. Good condition with safety. “A. M. WAKE” incised on screw plate oppesite lock. 138. S. NORTH U S MIDL’N, CON. PISTOL. L. 15 ins., Cal. .54. Altered to percussion by screwing ne in side of barrel. 9 in. barrel. Double band. Shows considerable use, date ground off. Good condition. 139. S. NORTH U S MIDL’N, CON. PISTOL. L. 15 ins., Cal. 54. Altered to percussion by screwing lug in side of barrel. Double band; ramrod. 9 in. barrel marked SN Y. Stock ( cracked, otherwise good cendition. 140, A MAGNIFICENT PISTOL CARBINE. L. 17 ins., Cal. abt. .60. SPRINGFIELD PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL WITH EXTENSION STOCK. 12 in. barrel. Swivel ramrod, bright yellow brass mounted. Maynard primer tape lock. Full length, including detachable stock. 28 ins. REMARKABLY FINE. Very clear marks. Dated 1855. A powerful and aceurate weapon for the Dragoons. (Illustrated, Plate 4) 141. SPRINGFIELD PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. L. 17 ims., Cal. .70. 12 in. barrel, swivel ramrod, bright brass mounts. Maynard primer tape. Dated 1856. Rear sight missing. Good, with ring butt and swivel strap ring; fitted for extension stock. 24 142. NO 143. 144. 146. 147, 148. 149. 150. C. SHARPS & CO. BREECH LOADING PERCUSSION PISTOL. LOL sane Gales 2 6 in. round barrel, side hammer; Trigger guard forms the breech-block. Lawrence primer tape. With extra butt for target work. Fine blued finish. (Illustrated, Plate 5) P & D MOLL, HELLERSTOWN, HORSE PISTOL. L. 14 ins. Altered to percussion by serewing lug in barrel. 14 ins. long, 814 in octagon brass barrel and mounts. Silver name plate engraved S. STRIPED CHERRY FULL STOCK, wooden ram- rod. Fine and rare colonial piece. Mark: London, warranted. (Illustrated, Plate 5) SINGLE SHOT CARTRIDGE PISTOL. L.-7 ins., Cal. .22. Not marked. 3 in. half octagon barrel. Good condition with yellow brass frame, sheathed trigger. No. 1580. LADY’S MUFF PISTOL. L., 4 ins., Cal. .22. Single shot, 2 in. barrel not marked, turns to left. Brass frame, bird head butt, sheathed trigger, good condition. SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 6 ins., Cal. .22, 3 in. barrel. No name, but probably Tryon. Fair order, with checkered grip (unusual) box drop and sheathed trigger. LADY’S MUFF PISTOL. L. 4 ins., Cal. .22. Single shot 2-inch barrel. Frame silver plated. Fine, with pretty bird-head butt and half octagon barrel. Not marked. ——-, SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. .22 Cal., 3 ins. long. 2 in. barrel. Brass frame. Similar to preceding but smaller. Fine condition. THREE MUFF PISTOLS. L. 5 ins., Cal. .22. Single shot, 2144 in. barrels. Two marked Eclipse. All in good order, nickeled. (3) TWO BELGIAN PISTOLS. Six shot pin fire revolver 714 ins. long, folding trigger. Fair. Percussion pistol 7 ins. long. Poor. (2) 26 15]. BELGIAN SIX SHOT PIN FIRE REVOLVER. L. 614 ins. Octagon barrel, folding trigger. Ejector missing, otherwise cood. BRASS & IVORY PISTOL. L. 6 ins,, Cal. .30. No marks, probably Morgan & Clapp. ee 4 in. octagon barrel. Ivory stock; brass frame. Fine. 153. SMALL SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 5 ins., Cal. .22. Solid frame and barrel. Swinging breech block. A crude piece with bird-head butt, probably Belgian. Fair. 154. THREE REVOLVERS. “Napoleon” and two Defiance. .22 cal., seven shot, 514 ins. long. Fair condition. (3) 155. SIX SHOT PIN FIRE REVOLVER. L. 10 ins., Cal. .45. 44 in. barrel. Engraved frame and fluted cylinder; check- ered grip and ring butt. Hand ejector missing, otherwise fine. 156. BELGIAN SIX SHOT PIN FIRE REVOLVER. L. 5 ins. Folding trigger. Ivory stock. Poor. London Armory Co. five shot percussion revolver, Kerrs Patent, L. 14 ins. Hammer missing. Rusty. From North Carolina. (Civil War relic.) (2) 157. THREE REVOLVERS, 5 and 7 SHOT. L. 6 ins., Cal. .22 & .32. Hopkins & Allen Dictator; Crescent. Pearl stocks. Good con- dition and a Smoker No. 1. Fair. (3) 158. HOPKINS & ALLEN FIVE SHOT REVOLVER. Cal. .32 Fair. Nickel finish. COLT FIVE SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOLVER. L 159: Pans. Cal. .32. 4 in. barrel. Fine. Rectangular cylinder slots. Silver mounted (Wearing. ) 160. THREE REVOLVERS. L. 6 and 7 ins., Cal. 22. Defender; Prairie King; Czar. Fair condition. (3) 161. GERMAN TRENCH HELMET. Iron, slightly painted. Genuine. relic of the War. 27 162. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. GERMAN DRESS HELMET. Genuine relic of the War. SMITH & WESSON SIX SHOT HEAVY REVOLVER. L. 16 ins., Cal. .44. 4 in. barrel. Used considerably, but in good order with nickel finish, hard rubber grip. SMITH & WESSON SIX SHOT REVOLVER. L. 8 ins., Cal. .32. Made by L. W. Pond for S. & W. Tip-up, hinged, octagon barrel which is cut down from six inches. Good, with screw- driver in the butt. SMITH & WESSON SEVEN SHOT REVOLVER. L. 7 ims., Cal, .22. With split hammer to release cylinder stop spring. Silver plated frame, 4 in. blued barrel. Goop AND A RARE PIECE. Model 1859. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) SMITH & WESSON SEVEN SHOT REVOLVER. Cal. .22. Model 1859. Good order, similar to preceding and nearly as good. SILVERED AND IVORY SMITH & WESSON SEVEN SHOT REVOLVER. Cal. .22. Ivory stock. Strap, engraved with owners name H. M. Bullock. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 5) PEARL AND NICKEL SMITH & WESSON SEVEN SHOT REVOLVER. Cal. .22. Model 1860. Pearl stocks. Frame, barrel and cylinder finely chased in a foliated pattern and nickel plated. Very fine. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) NATIONAL ARMS CO. SINGLE SHOT. _ L. 6 ins., Cal. .41. Deringer type pistol. Fine brass carved handle and bird-head butt. 28 170. Li Li2, 173. 174. Tis, 176. ya MOORE’S ALL METAL PATENT KNUCKLER. L. 5 ins., Cal. 41, Single shot pistol, Deringer type. FRAME AND BARREL BEAU- TIFULLY ENGRAVED. Barrel silver plated. Frame gold plated. Very fine example of a gold mounted all metal pistol. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) SILVER MOUNTED ALL METAL PISTOL. L. 5 ins., Cal. .41. Moore’s Patent Knuckler single shot pistol, Deringer type. All metal. Silver plated and engraved. Very fine. Similar to preceding. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) WILLIAMSON DERRINGER-FORM PISTOL. L. 5 ins., Cal. .41. Single shot pistol, wood frame. Barrel slides forward. With removable shell with cap nipple. Hammer has two faces, one for metallic cartridge, and one for powder and ball shell, to be used as a muzzle loader. Rare with this attachment. Check- ered bird-head butt. Date 1866. Very good. PRETTY LITTLE BRASS MOUNTED BALLARD. L. 5 ins., Cal. .41. Mark C. H. Ballard & Co. Single shot pistol, mahogany bird-head butt, showing traces of original bluing. Fine. Cc. H. BALLARD & CO. SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 5 ins., Cal. .41. Date 1869. Similar to preceding. Very good. THE SOUTHERNER. L. 5 ins., Cal. .41. Brown Mfg. Co. single shot pistol. Southerner. Steel frame. Good. THE SOUTHERNER. L. 5 ins., Cal. .41. Brown Mfg. Co. single shot pistol, Southerner. Bronze frame. Fair. UNDERHAMMER PISTOL, NO MARKS. L. 13 ins., Cal. .32. A heayy well made pistol with handsome dark mottled wood stock. 8 in. octagon barrel panelled into. 16-sides. Good. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 29 178. EZ; 180. 181. 183. 184. 185. 186. ASHTON UNDERHAMMER PISTOL. L. 12 ins. 8 in. half octagon barrel, brass strap, saw-handle, walnut stock. “Caleb D. Shreve,” owner’s name burnished on. ASHTON UNDERHAMMER PISTOL. L. 8 ins. 4 in. half octagon barrel, brass strap, saw-handle, walnut stock. Fine. GIBBS, TIFFANY. & CO. UNDERHAMMER PISTOL. L. 8 ins. 4 in. blued barrel. Marked EF, Hutchings & Co., Agents, Balto. Brass strap, saw handle, walnut stock. Very fine, clear marks. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) BACON & CO. UNDERHAMMER PISTOL. L. 8 ins., Cal. .32. Fine with bag walnut grip and half octagon barrel. MANHATTAN ARMS .CO. THREE SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 6 ins. 3 in. barrel turned by hand. Fine. Rare, with kag handle, top strap and exposed nipples. ) REMINGTON PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 14 ins., Cal. .44. “New model” 1858. 8 in. barrel, blued with silvered trigger cuard. Fine. REMINGTON SIX SHOT PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER AND HOLSTER. L. 15 ins., Cal. .44. Blued finish including trigger. “New model” 1858. Very fine. REMINGTON PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 15 ins., Cal. .44. New model 1858. Blued. Fine. REMINGTON PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 15 ins., Cal. .44. Blued. Good order. N. T. on side. 30 187. 188. 189. 190. TOM. 193; 194, REMINGTON PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 15 ins., Cal. .44. Model 1861. Fine. Polished steel finish. REMINGTON PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 15 ins.. Cal. .44. “New Model” 1858. Fine. Polished steel with brass guard. REMINGTON ARMY SIX SHOT REVOLVER. L. 15 ins., Cal. .44. New Model 1858. Fine. Polished steel with silvered guard. (Wearing. ) REMINGTON PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L. 14 ins., Cal. .38. Model 1861. Fine. This is the six shot type with frame milled out so that cylinder pin can be removed without releas- ing lever. REMINGTON NAVY REVOLVER. L. 13 ins., Cal. .36. Beals Patent. 8 in. octagon barrel. Fine. Nickel finish with brass guard and butt dug out on either side of strap at base. POCKET REMINGTON PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 7 ins., Cal. .32. 3 in. barrel. Fine five shot example with sheathed trigger. “New Model” 1858, blued finish. REMINGTON FIVE SHOT PERCUSSION POCKET REVOL- Meriter ie ¢ ins:, Cal. .32. 3 in. barrel. Hand outside. Beals Patent, 1856-7. Very good. Curious grip, looks like horn. REMINGTON METALLIC CARTRIDGE PISTOL. L. 12 ins., Cal. .50. 7 in. barrel. First model 1854-1866. Single shot. Front sight missing, otherwise very good. 31 195. 196. LOT 198. 199. 200. 202. 203. REMINGTON METALLIC CARTRIDGE PISTOL. L. 13 ins., Calees0. 8 in. barrel. Model 1866. Fine with spur head butt and traces of original bluing. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) SMALL REMINGTON POCKET PISTOL. L. 5 ins., Cal. .32. 4 in. barrel, four shot. Ring trigger. Patent 1860. Fine vest-pocket pistol. REMINGTON POCKET PISTOL. L. 5 ims., Cal. .32. 4 in. barrel, ring trigger, four shot. Patent 1861. Carried in Civil War by a Providence surgeon. Fine. REMINGTON FIVE SHOT POCKET PISTOL. Cal. .32. Eliot’s Patent 1860-1861. Ring trigger, silver plated, indented barrel. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) REMINGTON FIVE SHOT POCKET PISTOL. L. 5 ins., Cal. .22. Patent 1861. Ring trigger, blued. Fine. REMINGTON SINGLE SHOT POCKET PISTOL. L. 6 ins., Cal. .41. Patent 1861. Good. Flat shaped, rosewood grip. FLAT VEST POCKET OR PALM PISTOL. L. 4 ins., Cal. .22. Probably Remington. A single shot vest pocket pistol. Ham- mer forms breech block. Blued, but not marked. In case with cartridges. Fine, as new. A genuine example—not a toy. REMINGTON SINGLE SHOT VEST POCKET PISTOL. L. 4 Ins, Galen: Hammer forms breech block. Very good, similar to preced- ing. REMINGTON SINGLE SHOT. L. 5 ins., Cal. .41. Deringer type pistol. Hammer form: breech block. Nickei finish with bird-head butt. Model 1867. Fine and Rare. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 32 204. 205. 207. 210. REMINGTON FIVE SHOT REVOLVER. L. 7 ins., Cal. .30. Model 1873. Ejector on right side. Front sight missing, otherwise very good, with nickel finish. SMALL REMINGTON TWO SHOT DERINGER. L. 5. ins. Cal. .41. Fine with superposed blued barrels. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) REMINGTON PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 7 ins., Cal. .30. Five shot double action; 3 in. octagon barrel. Model 1859. Good. DERINGER BOX LOCK PISTOL. L. 12 ins., Cal. abt. .60. 6 in. barrel. Lock plate stamped US. Deringer Philadel. Very good, with brass fore-stock and swivel ramrod. (Illustrated, Plate 5) SILVER MOUNTED DERINGER PISTOL. L. 7 ins. 3 in. barrel. Gold inlaid in breech. Solid silver trimmings. Set trigger. Ebony ramrod. Cap box in butt. Original Damascus finish. Very fine with two gold breech bands and checkered grip. (Illustrated, Plate 5) SILVER AND ENGRAVED DERINGER PISTOL. L. 7 ins. 3 in. flat top barrel, silver trimmings. Cap box in checkered bird-head butt. Original Damascus finish, silver breech bands and sight. Very fine. SILVER MOUNTED DERINGER PISTOL. L. 514 ins. Original Damascus finish. Very fine with flat top barrel and checkered bird-head grip, silver breech barrels, sight, ete. SILVER AND ENGRAVED DERINGER PISTOL. L. 5 ins. 2 in. barrel with German silver trimmings. Cap box in checkered bird-head butt. Original Damascus finish. Very fine. PAIR SILVER MOUNTED DERINGERS. L. 5 ins. 2 in. barrels. German silver trimmings. Original Damascus finish. A very fine pair of small Deringers with silver breech-band and checkered bird-head butts. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) 33 Ral I 214. 215: 216. Pod Els 218. 219. Dads Bs DERINGER POCKET PISTOL. L. 9 ins. 4 in. barrel. Ramrod. German silver trimmings. Fore-stock slightly cracked, otherwise fine. For W. H. Calhoun, Agt., Nashville, Tenn., on flat top barrel. DERINGER POCKET PISTOL. L. 6 ins. 3 in. barrel. German silver mounts, all nicely carved; silver breech-bands and sight; checkered bird-head butt. Fine. SILVER MOUNTED ENGRAVED DERINGER. L. 6 ins. 214 in. barrel. Fore-stock slightly cracked, otherwise fine. DERINGER POCKET PISTOL. L. 6 ins. 2144 in. barrel. Marked only on lock plate, other parts engraved. Fine. | (Illustrated, Plate 8) DERINGER POCKET PISTOL. L. 6 ins. 214 in. barrel. Silver mounts, checkered grip. Fine. DERINGER POCKET PISTOL. L. 6 ins. 214 in. barrel, silver breech bands and engraved silver mounts. Fine. DERINGER SEVEN SHOT REVOLVER. L. 6 ins., Cal. .22. Finely engraved and nickel plated frame. 3 in. blued chis- elled tip-up barrel, sheathed trigger. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) DERINGER SEVEN SHOT REVOLVER. L. 7 ins., Cal. .22. 3 in. barrel. Nickel plated. Good. Dated 1878. CASE AND PAIR A. WURFFLEIN, PHILA., PISTOLS. L. 7 ins. 3 in. barrels, with gold bands inlaid in breech. Solid silver trimmings. Circassian walnut checkered bird-head stocks. In mahogany plush lined case with bullet mould, cap box, powder flask, cleaning rod, oil cup, nipple wrench and screw driver. Case 6 x 11 x 2 ins. PIsTOLS IN ABSOLUTELY NEW CONDITION. Wurfflein considered these pisto!s his masterpiece, and refused to part with them during his lifetime. Purchased by owner in 1913, and said to have been 65 years in a Philadelphia showcase. A VERY HANDSOME PAIR OF SMALL PISTOLS. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) 34 Dut ho ~~) ed WURFFLEIN PERCUSSION TARGET PISTOL. L. 8 ins., Cal. 18. Silver plating rather thin, otherwise fine. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) DERINGER TYPE PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 9 ins. 4 in. barrel. German silver trimmings, mahogany checkered stock. No marks. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) SILVER MOUNTED DERINGER TYPE POCKET PISTOL. LI. L. 6 ins. 21% in barrel. No name. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) DERINGER TYPE POCKET PISTOL. L. 7 ins. 314 in. barrel. No name. but claimed to be a Tryon. Fine, with silver breech bands, engraved silver mounts and checkered bird-head_ stock. (Illustrated, Plate 5, Page 25) DERINGER TYPE POCKET PISTOL. L. 5 ins. 2 in. barrel. Marked Steel. Thumb piece on hammer broken, otherwise fine with engraved silver mounts. From Kansas City, Mo. DERINGER TYPE POCKET PISTOL. L. 5 ins. 2 in. barrel, silver mounts and breech-bands. Good order. From Alexandria, Va. (Illustrated, Plate 8) DARLING BRASS BARREL REVOLVER. L. 8 ins. Four shot percussion, brass barrel and frame. Barrels turned by hand. Probably made by Darling at Woonsocket. Rare and fine with burl walnut grip, indented barrels from one piece of brass, initials A. G. S. (Illustrated, Plate 5) STOCKING & CO. ENGRAVED PEPPER-BOX. L. 71% ins. Six shot percussion, 314 in. strapped barrel. With long thumb hammer and spur trigger guard. VERY GOOD, RARE PISTOL. (Illustrated, Plate 5) 35 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 239. COOPER R C SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 8 ins. 314 in. strapped barrel. Under-hammer, ring trigger, en- graved frame. Good. Providence. COOPER R C SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 8 ins. 314 in. barrel. Under-hammer, ring trigger, engraved frame, blued strapped barrels. Good. COOPER R C SIX SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPER BOX. L. 714 ins. 314 in. barrel, under-hammer, ring trigger, engraver frame, blued barrel. Very good. W. W. MARSTON SIX SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 8 ins. 314 in barrel, double action, top snap. Very good. ROBBINS & LAWRENCE FIVE SHOT PEPPER BOX. L. 4 ins. 4 in. barrel, spur grip, under-hammer, ring trigger. Fair. ROBBINS & LAWRENCE ENGRAVED PEPPER BOX. L. 8 ins. Five shot, 314 in. barrel. Under-hammer, ring trigger, spur grip. Fair. | SIX SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 14 ins. Rogers & Spencer, Utica, N. Y. 8 in. octagon barrel, some- what pitted. Fair. MANHATTAN ARMS CO. aS REVOLVER. L. 114% ins., Cal. .36. 614 in. octagon barrel, engraved cylinder. Fine. MANHATTAN ARMS CO. REVOLVER. L. 9 ins., Cal. .36. Five shot percussion, 4 in. barrel, brass mounts and engraved cylinder. Fine. SIX SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 14 ins., Cal. .36. 7144 in. barrel. Probably Whitney; brass trigger guard; pitted. Fair. 36 240. 244. 245. 247, EK. WHITNEY FIVE SHOT PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 9 ins. Engraved cylinder, 4 in octagon blued barrel. Fine. COOPER PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 9 ins., Cal. .36. Five shot, double action, 4 in. barrel. Brass mounts. Mark: Cooper Firearms Co., Frankford, Philadelphia, 1880. Fine. BACON ARMS CO. REVOLVER. L. 9 ins., Cal. .31. Five shot percussion, 4 in. barrel, blued finish, indented cy]- inder, engraved frame. Good. SEVEN SHOT RING TRIGGER REVOLVER. Cal .31. No name. Pushing forward trigger turns cylinder. Good condition. (Illustrated, Plate 6) WALSH TEN SHOT REVOLVER. L. 10 ins., Cal. .31. Percussion, two hammers, one trigger. Long cylinder; brass frame. ‘Two charges in each barrel. Poor. STARR ARMY REVOLVER. L. 14 ins., Cal. .45. 8 in. barrel, all parts steel, mahogany grip. Date 1849. Good. STARR SIX SHOT ARTILLERY REVOLVER. L. 12 ins., Cal. 45. Double action, 6 in. barrel, orig. blued condition throughout. Date 1856. Fine. STARR SIX SHOT ARTILLERY REVOLVER. L. 12 ins., Cal. AS. Double action, somewhat pitted, 6 in barrel; brass buit-plate and pearl diamond-shape pieces inlaid in grip. Fair. B. F. JOSLYN PERCUSSION ARMY REVOLVER. L 15 ins., Cal. .38. A pistol used considerably by the Confederates, with blued finish, checkered grip, 8 in. barrel. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 6) 37 249. PETTINGILL SIX SHOT REVOLVER. L. 14 ins. Double action, 7 in. barrels. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 6) Zod: ho a Ww 254. BUTTERFIELD FIVE SHOT ARMY REVOLVER. L. 14 ins. 7 in. barrel. With primer attachment. Fine. Date 1855. (Illustrated, Plate 6) SAVAGE ARMS CO. NAVY REVOLVER. L 14 ins, Six shot navy revolver, 14 ins. long, no hammer, two triggers (one aring). Good. Dated 1856-60. SAVAGE ARMS CO. SIX SHOT NAVY REVOLVER. L 14 ins., Cal. .38. 7 in. barrel. One hammer, two triggers. Fair. Shows service. SECOND SESSION; Nos. 253-538 SMALL BACON & CO SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 5 in., Cal, .28. 2 in. half octagon barrel with milled ridge. Flat top hammer, bag handle. Good. No. 104. Mark Bacon & Co., Norwich, Conn. Cast steel. BACON & CO. SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L, Ceans ye Gale ta2, 3 in. barrel. Flat top hammer. Good. Similar to preceding. 38 Pay: 208. 260). 261. 264. bo oy ur BACON & CO. SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 9 ins. 9 in. half octagon barrel. Ring trigger, gander hammer. ‘Good. No. 18. BACON & CO. SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 9 ins., Cal. .28. 2 in. barrel. Gander hammer, carved frame. Good. No. 21. SMALL WASHINGTON ARMS CO. PISTOL. L. 6 ins. Single shot percussion, 2°, in barrel. Flat top hammer. Fine. Similar to the Bacon. TWO PISTOLS. L. 7 and 6 ins. Sheathed triggers, top action, flattened frames at triggers, round tapering polished barrels, bag handles, no marks. Fine. THREE POWDER FLASKS. One brass 614 in, one copper 7 in, one zine 8 in. All fine with shell and quail relief design. (3) (See also 353.) TWO POWDER PISTOLS. I.. 6 and 7 ins. Half octagon and tapering barrels. Fine. (2) FOUR COPPER FLASKS FOR POWDER. Two with broken springs, two 8 ins. long. Two for pistols with game engraving. Fair. (4) TWO VEST POCKET PISTOLS. L. 5 ins. 2 in. half octagon barrels, bag handles, sheathed triggers. Both good. (2) LARGE POWDER HORN. L. 15 ins. Double curve, light gray. Fine. (See also 353.) HERO POWDER PISTOL. L. 5 ins. 2 in. barre! and bag handle; brass frame; sheathed trigger. Very good. T. KETLAND & CO FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 15 ins., Cal. .70. 84 in. barrel. Heavy pattern. Brass tapering barrel and trimmings; full stock of polished light brown wood; ramrod brass mounted. Odd shaped hammer. Very fine. London on barrel and T. Ketland & Co. on Icck plate. 39 266. 267. 269. PAIR T. KETLAND & CO. FLINTLOCK PISTOLS. L. 14 ins., Cal. .70. 9 in. bright yellow brass barrel and trimmings. A very nice pair of plain pistols with handsome full stocks of “curly” or striped light brown polished wood; clear proof marks. Fine. HANDSOME WILSON FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 14 ins., Cal. .60. 8 in. brass barrel, brass-tipped ramrod, curled-tip trigger, the brass guard lettered G-48. Mark Wilson with London on the barrel. FLINTLOCK BRASS BARREL PISTOL. L. 14 ins., Cal. .70. Brass mounted. Marked London on barrel. Fine. Fish-tail brass butt with trophy of drum, horn, etc.; steel tipped ram- rod. WILSON FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 14 ins. 8 in. slightly belled brass barrel, marked Minories, London. Ramrod. Brass mounted barrel and mountings finely engraved. Neme plate engraved JLVB. Said to have been the property cf Gen. Schuyler and carried by him in the Revolutionary War. After- ward presented to his nephew John Lawrence Van Boskerck, a cap- tain in the New York State Militia, and carried by him in the war of 1812. Sworn affidavit accompanied pistol. A VERY HANDSOME SHOWY PISTOL WITH BRASS FISH-TAIL BUTT. FINE. (Illustrated, Plate 7) SADLER FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 14 ins. 8 in. slightly belled brass barrel. Brass trimmings with barrel handsomely chased. Ramrod. Fishtail butt with masque. A very handsome pistol. Probably property of a British officer in Revolutionary War. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 7) H. NOCK FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS PISTOL. L. 12 ins. 7 in. brass barrel. % in. bore, cannon muzzle, brass mounted. Fine. Indented proof marks and London on barrel. (Illustrated, Plate 7) HEAVY BRASS BARRELED PISTOL. L. 12 ins., Cal. .75. 63, in. octagon barrel. Altered from flint to percussion. Barrel with Belgian mark EK L G; but probably English make. Full mahogany stock with checkered grip and oval brass-tipped butt; brass-tipped ramrod and front sight. Fine. 40 bes 274. bo sl wt 276. eae ie 29: J. KEMP PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 14 ins., Cal. .54. Converted. 8 in. octagon brass barrel and trimmings. Very heavy flat butt. English proof-marks; goose-neck checkered grip; oval brass capped butt; steel ramrod. Fine. Ne KETLAND & CO. BRASS BARREL PISTOL. L. 13 ins., al. .54, Percussion, altered from flint. Fine. KETLAND BRASS BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 12 ins., Cal .50. Altered from flint. 7 in. half octagon barrel. Very old pistol. Name obliterated with good English proof-marks and burl-mahogany full stock; ramrod. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 7) KETLAND LONDON HEAVY FLINTLOCK BELLED OCTA- GON BRASS BARRELED PISTOL. L. 12 ins. 6 in. belled octagon barrel. Flat butt with brass plate and brass lock plate. Very handsome pistol. Fore stock has been nicely repaired, otherwise in fine order. ‘The checkered grip set with silver “points.” Brass mounted ramrod. (Illustrated, Plate 7) BRASS BARREL FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 12 ins. 6 in. octagon barrel, with cannon muzzle. Stock cracked, otherwise a fine and handsome old (English) pistol. FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS PISTOL. L. 12 ins. Elliptical 14 in. muzzle, 6 in. brass barrel. Silver wire in stock. Probably French make. Fore stock has been neatly repaired, otherwise fine. (Illustrated, Plate 7) CHINESE MATCH LOCK PISTOL. L. 9 ins. 5 in. heavy brass barrel curiously and heavily chased with the Dragon of War. Stock carved like elephant’s head with trunk coiled for match to pass through. Cannon muzzle. A handsome piece in fine order and heavily chased with the Dragon of War. (Illustrated, Plate 7) 41 280. 282. 283. 284. 286. 287. BELGIAN BRASS CANNON MUZZLE PISTOL. L. 8 ins., Cal. 38. : Percussion. 4 in. octagon barrel with ribs; Circassian walnut bag grip and decided drop. Fine. BELGIAN BRASS BARREL PISTOL. L. 7 ins. 3 in. barrel, cannon muzzle. Similar but smaller. Fair. BELGIAN VEST POCKET BRASS BARREL PISTOL. L. 5 ins. Percussion, similar, 2 in. barrel. Cannon muzzle. Fine. BELGIAN DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 7 ins. 4 in. brass barrels side by side. Fine. BRASS BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 101% ins. 514 in octagon barrel. Cannon muzzle. No name. With bag handle. Similar to following but percussion. Fine. BRASS BARREL FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 10 ins., Cal. .38. Cannon muzzle, octagon barrel and bag grip of light wood. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 7) FRENCH EPROUVETTE OR POWDER TESTER. L, 10 ins. A regular pistol frame with checkered grip. Tumbler screw broken, otherwise very fine. (Illustrated, Plate 7) LONG SCOTCH FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 15 ins. 10 in. carved barrel. Solid silver trimmings, including fish- tail butt with masque. Fore stock cracked and neatly repaired. Mark ends in LL FE. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 7) BARBER, NEWARK (ENGLAND) FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 12 ins. 7 in. ribbed cannon barrel, mouth slightly belled. Silver butt, inlaid wire in frame. Safety catch for hammer. Beautiful pistol in fine order. (Illustrated, Plate 7) 43 289. 291. 2935. 296. CLARKSON, ENGLAND, FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 8 ins. 314 in. ribbed cannon barrel, silver masque butt plate, center hammer. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 7) SMALL ENGLISH FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L., 8 ins. 7 41, in. ribbed and panelled barrel. Very small butt. Full stock. Peculiar trigger guard with trigger of horse-shoe shape; ramrod. A rare, shapely and fine little flintlock. (Illustrated, Plate 8) FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 8 ins. 3 in. barrel. Gold inlaid, side hammer, full stock, checkered srip, flat butt. No ramrod. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 8) VERY SMALL BECKWITH, LONDON FLINTLOCK PISTOL. b.Soine, 2 in. tapering carved barrel, center hammer, concealed trig- ger. Very good. SPENCER, LONDON, FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 6 ins. 2 in. barrel, center hammer, concealed trigger, bag grip. Fine. PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 9 ins. 414 in. heavy cctagon barrel, flat oval butt, checkered erip, German silver trimmings. Good. PAIR RICHARD HOLLIS, LONDON PISTOLS. L. 714 ins. — 314 in. barrel. Percussion; concealed trigger, side hammer, checkered butts with cap box. Silver name plate, engraved frame. VERY FINE PAIR. (Illustrated, Plate 8) I. W. EDGE, BIRMINGHAM, PISTOL. L. 8 ins. 314 in. barrel. Percussion. Concealed trigger, center ham- mer with locking device. Frame and barrel engraved. Fine example. (Illustrated, Plate 8) 44 c9L 191 162 Dress Helmet 161 Trench Helmet 2997. BELGIAN PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 6 ins. 21% in. octagon barrel, bag grip. Fine. 298. DOUBLE BARREL BREECH LOADING PIN FIRE PISTOL. L. 9 ins. 41% in. barrel, which tips up shot gun style. Engraved frame. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 8) 45 300. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 7 ins. 3 in. barrel. Belgian make. Good, with checkered bag grip. DOUBLE BARREL BELGIAN PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 8 ins. 3 in. octagon barrel, baz watnut grip. Good. ‘ DOUBLE BARREL BELGIAN PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 8 ins. 3 in. barrel. Slightly carved. Good. PAIR DUELLING PISTOLS, THEOPHILUS RICHARDS, LON- DON. L, 15 ins. Beautiful pair percussion duelling pistols, 9 in. twist steel barrels, set triggers, German silver trimmings, half stocks finely checkered, spur trigger guards. Ribs under barrel for the ebony ramrods, ie trimmed, goose neck grips. Silver name plates. VERY FINE PAIR. (Illustrated, Plate 9) KETLAND & ADAMS, LONDON FINE PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 16sins.,. Gal: 60: 10 in. barrel altered from flint. Checkered goose-neck stock, barrel fastened by two keys with silver plates, silver name plate marked E H. Very fine, with good proof-marks. PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 11 ins. 6% in. octagon barrel, Damascus fimish, German silver trim- mings, palsren proof-mark; checkered bag grip with a cloche of brass. Hammer will not stand, otherwise fine. : PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 9 ins. 414 in. octagon barrel, made on lines of Philadelphia Der- inger, but not so well finished. Good example with checkered grip and ramrod. FLINTLOCK ENGLISH TOWER PISTOL. L. 19 ins., Cal.-.54. 12 in. barrel, brass mounted. Very good, but slight damage to forestock. FLINTLOCK ENGLISH TOWER PISTOL. L. 15 ins. Navy type tinned, 9 in. barrel. Very fine with swivel ram- rod and all steel mounts. (Illustrated. Plate 9) 46 309. 310. 311. 313. 314. aL, FLINTLOCK ENGLISH PISTOL. L. 15 ins., Cal. .70. 9 in. barrel. No maker’s name, but similar to Tower. Brass mounted, steel ramrod. Fine. T. KETLAND & CO. FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 15 ins. 9 in. barrel, brass mounted. Steel ramrod, full stock. Fine. LONG EARLY ENGLISH FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 19 ins. 12 in. barrel. Marked with crossed swords and crown. Heavy iron masque butt, fishtail type. Chiselled iron trimmings. Carved stock. Half of horn foretip gone, otherwise fine. Very old type of pistol, of light weight. (Illustrated, Plate 9) ENGLISH FLINTLOCK PISTCL. L. 10 ins. 5 in. barrel, brass mounted. Name obliterated, full stock and bag grip. Good. HARLY ENGLISH FLINTLOCK PISTOL WITH SPRING BAYONET. Pistol 914 ins. long, bayonet 4 ins. Center hammer with safety catch. Checkered stock inlaid with silver “points”; twist steel octagon barrel. Bayonet released by pulling back trigger cuard. Very good. BRANDER & POTTS “TRUMPET SHAPE” FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS. Gun shaped stock, 15 ins. long, 7 in. barrel, 114 in. at muzzle. Brass mounted. Fine. From Barbadoes. (Illustrated, Plate 9) PIRATE’S LONG HEAVY FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 20 ins., Cal. .70. 13 in. barrel, brass mounted. Probably French or German. A Buceanier’s pistol. Fishtail brass butt cap, steel ramrod and brass forestock-tip. Good. HEAVY FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 16 ins., Cal. .70. Brass mounted. Set ring in oval brass-capped butt. 9 in. barrel. Belgian marks. Good. 47 316. 317. 318. play 320. 321. PAIR J. JONES LARGE ENGLISH FLINTLOCK PISTOLS. L. 2014, ins. Inlaid in gold. Carved full length stocks, chiselled steel mountings with fishtail butt. Very good. (Illustrated, Plate 7) CARVED TURKISH FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 20 ins. 13 in. barrel. Chiselled iron mountings, wire wrapped at fore-stock. Fair condition. W. KETLAND FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 15 ins. 9 in. barrel. Brass mounted. Trigger guard not original, ramrod. Fair. FLINTLOCK TRICK PISTOL. L. 9 ins. | Marked B. Boschi. A nice frame, iron mounted, with butt plate, ramrod, etc. On pulling trigger top of barrel opens and flag flies out. Good. (Illustrated, Plate 7) PERCUSSION CARBINE PISTOL. L. 17 ins. With detachable stock. %14 in. barrel. Total length with stock 2614 ins. Brass mounted. Safety catch for hammer. Very good and an interesting early form; No. 915; the end of the barrel in a brass sleeve. (Illustrated, Plate 9) FRENCH PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. L. 14 ins. 8 in. barrel, brass mounted. Side hammer. Altered from flintlock. Lock plate marked Mre Impale de St. Etienne. Very good, with ramrod, brass capped ring butt and brass sleeve at 34 stock. . HEAVY DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL. L, 20 ins. 10 in. twist steel barrel. Checkered cherry stock. Cap box in butt. Fine working locks, ramrod. Barrels rusty and pitted inside, otherwise fine. (Illustrated, Plate 9) PAIR RIGHT AND LEFT GERMAN HOLSTER PISTOLS. L. 16 ins. Percussion: one right hand and one left hand. Brass mounted. Good pairs of right and left hand pistols are rare. One ramrod (steel) and the other replaced with wood; peculiar safeties. 48 324, Sat, 328. 330. THREE POWDER HORNS. Two 74% ins.; one 5 ins. Fair. (3) POWDER HORN. L. 1114 ins. Crudely and slightly carved with bird, wigwam, house, J W R, ete. Good. CHARLEVILLE 1763 FRENCH FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 16 ins. 9 in. barrel, brass mounted with double band. Lock plate marked Manufacture de Charleville. Date on barrel 1763. Stock broken but nicely mended with brass double sleeve. Very good. From battlefield of Palo Alto, Mexican War, and shows pittings. CASE AND PAIR JAMES WILKINSON VERY FINE ENGLISH FLINTLOCK DUELLING PISTOLS. L. 15 ins. 91% in. barrel, full stocks, finely checkered. Horn tip ram- rods. Engraved locks and trimmings. Octagon barrels with gold inlaid at breech. Platinum touchholes. In mahogany case 3 x 9 x 18 ins. with name plate engraved S. P. Janes. With copper powder flask, bullets and spare flints. Case with original label: “James Wilkinson, Gun Maker to his Majesty and the Honorable East India Company. Successor and son-in-law to the late Henry Nock, No. 12 Ludgate Hill, London.” (Illustrated, Plate 7, page 42) WIGGIN & CO., ENGLAND, BRASS BARREL FLINT LOCK BLUNDERBUSS WITH SPRING BAYONET. Blunderbuss 2914 ins. long, 14 in. barrel, 114 in. bore at muzzle. Brass mounted. Checkered stock. Bayonet on top of barrel, 13 ins. long, released by pulling back catch. Stock slightly cracked at muzzle. Very fine. (Illustrated, Plate 9) BRANDER HEAVY BRASS BARREL FLINTLOCK BLUNDER- BUSS. L. 33 ins. 18 in. barrel, 114 in. at muzzle. Brass mounted. Cannon muzzle. Stock slightly cracked at breech. Very fine. (Illustrated, Plate 9) SHARPS BREECH LOADING CARBINE. For .52 cal. linen cartridge. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 9) 49 331. oo ts 338. 039. 340. 341. 342. 343. SHARPS BREECH LOADING CARBINE. For .50 cal. metallic cartridge. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 9) MAYNARD BREECH LOADING CARBINE. L. 40 ins. Good. SMITH BREECH LOADING CARBINE. L. 42 ins. Good. SMITH BREECH LOADING CARBINE. L. 42 ins. BURNSIDE BREECH LOADING CARBINE. L. 43 ins. Special cartridge. Good. U. S. SPRINGFIELD MUZZLE LOADING RIFLE. Cut down to carbine. Maynard primer tape. Good. (Illustrated, Plate 9) EDGED WEAPONS FOUR ANGULAR BAYONETS FOR RIFLES. L 21 ins. Good. (4) FOUR BRASS MOUNTED SABRE BAYONETS. L. 28 ins. Two complete with steel scabbards. Very good. (4) TWO HEAVY STEEL MOUNTED SABRE BAYONETS. L. 30 ins. For .45 cal. Turkish Peabody Martini rifle, with black leather scabbards. Fine. (2) ; FRENCH CHASSEPOT RIFLE BAYONET. L. 28 ins. Complete with steel scabbard. U. S. TROWEL BAYONET. L. 16 ins. For .45 cal. Springfield. Complete was scabbard and frog. RUSSIAN KNIFE BAYONET. L. 15 ins. With scabbard and frog from Russian hospital. CAVALRY SABRE MARKED U. S., 1864. L. 47 ins. Brass mounted, complete with scabbard, open guard ending in oval quillons. Fine. ol 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349, 390). 301. MOUNTED OFFICER’S SWORD. L. 39 ins. Used by Rhode Island Militia in 1818. Blade half blued with gold design. Flat ivory or bone guard with eagle head. Brass mounted. Original scabbard black leather which is wearing. Sword fine. ARTILLERY SABRE MARKED AMES MFG. CO., CHICOPEE, MASS. L. 37 ins. Brass guard and “S” quillon. No scabbard. Fine. CAVALRY SABRE MARKED MULLER, SOLINGEN. L. 41 ins. Steel mounted, with scabbard. Good. CIVIL WAR NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER’S SWORD. With metal scabbard. Good. (IIlustrated, Plate 8) CAVALRY SABRE MARKED P. S. JUSTICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Brass mounted complete with scabbard. Fine. (IIlustrated, Plate 8) ’ CIVIL WAR OFFICER’S SWORD. Blade marked Solingen. Beautifully etched with scrolls and U. S. one side, eagle on other. Scabbard of metal, silver plated, with gold plated trimmings. Hilt gold mounted. Scabbard chased and engraved: Presented to Capt. Dan Casey by his friends May 24, 1864, at Nashville. Gold plating dull. Fine order. 3 (IIlustrated, Plate 8) LIGHT DRESS SWORD, ETCHED BLADE. Tip of scabbard missing, otherwise good. (IIlustrated, Plate 8) CIVIL WAR MEDICAL OFFICER’S SWORD. Flat guard, plated scabbard, blade nicely etched. Very good. (Illustrated, Plate 8) OLD STYLE SWORD. L. 28 ins. Brass mounted. No seabbard. Fair. (Illustrated, Plate 8) 52 353. 3904. 320. 396. 358. oo. 360. 36]. COPPER POWDER FLASK. L. 9 ins. Marked U. S. with cannon, flags and eagle. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 8) POWDER HORN. L. 11 ins. White with dark tip. One priming ee 5 ins. Good. (2) CAVALRY SABRE MARKED S & K SOLINGEN. L. 47 ins. Brass mounted. Complete with scabbard. Fine. CIVIL WAR CUTLASS. L. 26 ins. Blade marked with anchor. Brass hilt with covered guard, leather scabbard, brass tipped, and belt. Very fine. CIVIL WAR CUTLASS. L. 26 ins. Brass hilt, covered guard (split), leather scabbard and belt (worn). Good. OLD STYLE CUTLASS, CURVED BLADE. Flat brass guard, leather scabbard rather worn, with eas mounts. Flat guard with reeded grip. Cutlass fine. CAVALRY SABRE, BRASS MOUNTED. L. 47 ins. Complete with steel scabbard. Fine. OLD STYLE FRENCH ARTILLERY SIDE ARM. L. 25 ins. Brass mounted, with leather scabbard. Reeded grip, very good, with a U. S. Pattern Huniine Knire with leather sheath and belt hook. (2) SOUTH SEA ISLAND KNIFE. 1314 in. blade. Fair, with curved leather sheath. Greek’ dagger, prettily shaped metal mounted ivory grip, 5 in. blade. Good. (2) TWO CIVIL WAR NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER’S SWORDS. No scabbards. Good. (2) OLD STYLE ARTILLERY SIDE ARM. L. 25 ins. Brass mounted. Marked United States 1835. No scabbard. Good, with brass fish-scale grip, the pommel incised with an eagle. 53 364. THREE SHELLS. One soft point; one three pounder; one one pounder shell with case. (3) 365. SADDLE HOLSTERS. For flintlock pistol and Civil War army revolver. (2) OTHER PROPERTIES Rare Edged Weapons of Europe, Asia and America, Guns, Pistols, Pencil’ Pistols, Brown Bess, French Heavy Rampart Rifle, Naval Officer’s Gold Mounted Sword, Carbines, Etc. 366. TWO DOUBLE POWDER AND SHOT POUCHES. Belt form, with chargers (one imperfect) ; Crvi. WAR BELT, with bronze buckle; box of 50 Lir SHELLS. (3 pes.) 367. EARLY BRONZE MOLD. L. 11 ins. For 12:44 conical bullets. 368. POWDER HORN. L. 12 ins. White horn, with beautifully marked dark tip. 369. PENCIL PISTOL: NICKEL FINISH. L. (entire), 334 ins. Chambered for Smith & Wesson .32 cartridges. A freak pistol, to’ be concealed in the palm of the hand; fired by squeezing in the hand with the barrel between the first and second fingers. Pencil pistols, nickel finish, are quite rare, as but few were made. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 370. PENCIL PISTOL: BLUED FINISH. Entire Length 334 ins. Chambered for a Smith & Wesson .32. Rare little pistol fired by holding in the palm of the hand and pushing spring trigger with two fingers. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 371. COLT .44 AND HOLSTER. L. 15 ins. Inoperative and abused. No ramrod. o4 373. 374, oli. 378. 319; 380. QUIVER OF LEATHER WITH ARROWS. With painted and plaited leather finish (wearing) with steel tipped arrows and darts (8). (9 pes.) FOUR SWORDS. Two cavalry swords; a prettily gold and blued etched dress sword (but grip imperfect, and sheath broken) ; two swords in poor condition; cane made of a fish-spine. (5 pes.) SWORD AND SHEATH. L. 36 ins. Slender tapering blade, wire wrapped grip, oval quillons and plain guard with ball pommel. CUBAN SWORD. L. 20 ins. Shepherd’s crook, bone handle with carved steel panels, wide etched blade; straight edge and curved double point. SWORD. L. 36 ins. Straight narrow blade, wire wrapped grip, oval ball pommel; straight guard. Sheath (wearing). fe oeoW ORD. L.-35 ins. | Etched design for half the blade, pierced guard and quillon. NICE PIECE. CAVALRY SWORD. L. 42 ins. Etched design for half the blade. Mark: Horstmann & Son, Phila. Sheath (worn). U. S. ARTILLERY SIDE ARM. L. 28 ins. Roman style, with fish-scale bronze grip; bronze mounted leather sheath. NAVAL OFFICER’S GOLD MOUNTED SWORD. Maker: Joseph Starkey, Conduit St., London. The shining blade is etched in patriotic and foliated designs, with the name ~ of the officer, “Nicoll Ludlow”; Sharkskin hilt; a pierced and carved gold mounted guard and sheath; gold bullion ribbons and tassels. (Illustrated, Plate 10) 55 381. U. §. NAVAL OFFICER’S SWORD. Similar to preceding but with bronze mounts, and bronze mounted leather sheath. (Illustrated, Plate 10) 382. HUNTING KNIFE. Bone grip; doubie edge at tip; Three bayonets; Naval off- cer’s sword (tip broken off) ; Belt and bronze mounts; artillery side-arm with ribbed bronze grip and turn-down quillons (old sheath, wearing). 7 pieces. 393. TWO DOUBLE POINTED SPEARS. L. 72 ins. and 76 ins. Leaf shape blade and spatula point at the other end. The shaft inlaid in colored metal. 384. ELEVEN CANES. Bamboo with shepherd’s crook handle, another with small cannon morticed on as handle; one inlaid with bands of silver wire; two very cleverly adapted horn heads as funny faces. Another with caricature carved woman’shead in a cap, ete. (11) 395, PAIR STAR CLUB ICE SKATES. No. 11, Left and right Halifax patent; Fuse from a Spanish chell found on the deck of U. S. S. Terror after shelling San Juan, ete. 386. CASE AND SMITH & WESSON REVOLVER. L. 10 ins.; Cal. .32. 6-shot, ebony grip, tip up octagon barrel, has seen service; in case with some accessories and a small Remington nickel- plated 5-shot revolver. (2) 56 387. 388. 389. 390. oe. 393. 394. 395. U. S. SPRINGFIELD RIFLE. L. 46 ins. First-class condition with bayonet. U. S. SPRINGFIELD, 1858. L. 56 ins. Tape primer lock; ramrod and brass forestock band. Good condition. POMEROY MUSKET. L. 58 ins. Date 1821. Ramrod; percussion converted model with side hammer. POMEROY U. S. 1821. Converted to percussion. Similar. REMINGTON DOUBLE-BARREL SHOT-GUN. L. 47 ins. Canvas cover; tip of forestock damaged, good condition otherwise. REMINGTON CARBINE. L. 48 ins.; Cal. .50. Rim-fire; Rider patent; long the best breech action known to many nations. (Date 1864.) INDIAN SPEAR aee DAGGER HANDLE AND BEADED SHAFT. Leaf-shape blade, the pole adorned with horsehair cluster and covered with beads in bands of blue, yellow, red, inter- rupted with tassels; long slender dagger handle. (Illustrated, Plate 10) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK DUELLING PISTOLS. L. 10 ins. Half octagon barrels, with incised decoration, full stocks (crack), laareds: checkered grips with octagon steel tipped butts. No marks but a very pretty small pair. RARE BELGIAN NEEDLE FIRE GRAVITY REPEATING PISTOL. L. 15 ins., Cal. .38. Engraved frame, spur trigger guard, backstrap and butt plate in a foliated pattern; octagon barrels, checkered grip with cord holder in the butt. Rone: pistol, in fine condition. (Illustrated, Plate 12) o7 wg ; wer 104% 396. 397. 398. ooo: ANG. AOI. 403. FINE JAPANESE MATCH-LOCK HAND CANNON. L. 12 ins. The barrel is very heavy and is ornamented with silver and gold-bronze inlay of a carp swimming up the waterfall (which latter is exquisitely rendered with silver “points” as spray), the handle is lacquered with the pomegranate crest in gold lacquer of the owner. Flaring muzzle, about calibre .32. Rarr, PIECE IN FINE CONDITION. (Illustrated, Plate 12) BALLARD BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. L. 37 ins. Rim fire cartridge. VERY SCARCE CARBINE, in fairly good con- dition. (Illustrated, Plate 11) HALL PERCUSSION CARBINE—1837. L. 42 ins. With ramrod bayonet. Good condition. VERY SCARCE. (Illustrated, Plate 11) WARD BURTON BREECH-LOADING BOLT ACTION CAR- BINE. L. 42 ins. Good condition. A VERY RARE PIECE. (Illustrated, Plate 11) GERMAN FLINT-LOCK CARBINE. L. 33 ins. Marked “Potsdam.” Fine condition. (Illustrated, Plate 11) “BROWN BESS” FLINT-LOCK MUSKET. Marked Tower, Crown, G. R. Complete with ramrod, bay- onet and sling strap. Very good condition. Full length 72 ins. (Illustrated, Plate 11) EARLIEST TYPE BREECH-LOADING RAMPART PERCUS- SION RIFLE. L. 62 ins. 38-in. heavy round barrel, calibre .75. Made at Charleroi, France, 1830. Has removable breech block, using paper cartridge, fired by percussion cap. INTERESTING AND RARE PIECE, IN EXTRA FINE CONDITION. (Illustrated, Plate 11) CHAKRA, or “Quoit.” Made of highly tempered steel, with very keen edges, 815 ins. in diameter. These were used by Sikhs and worn on conical caps. A deadly weapon of war. (Illustrated, Plate 12) a0 4Q4, A(6. 407. 409. 410. CHAKRA. Another. 6°4 ins. in diameter. SIOUX INDIAN WAR CLUB. L. 21 ins. Made of 6-in. stone pointed at cach end, with rawhide handle. Fine. (Illustrated, Plate 12) INDIAN ELEPHANT GOAD. L. 26 ins. Painted and carved handle. (Illustrated, Plate 12) UNUSUALLY FINE PERSIAN SERPENT’S TONGUE KATAR. L. 18 ins. | The base of the blade and the rest of the piece is covered with most beautiful gold decoration damascene showing animals and floral decoration. The rare ox-tongue dagger opening on a third blade all handsomely damascened in gold. ONE OF THE FINEST PIECES THAT HAS PASSED THROUGH OUR HANDS. Fine condition. (Illustrated, Plate 12) PAIR RIGHT AND LEFT SIAMESE TWIN SWORDS. L. 17 ins. With barrel-shaped ebony grips, brass mounted. Nice pieces. TWIN SWORDS FOR RIGHT AND LEFT hands are very scarce. (Illustrated, Plate 12) INDIAN TORTURE DOUBLE BLADE DAGGER. Known as “Bitchwa,” or “Scorpion Sting Torture Dagger.” Carried by the coolies of India and used for torture by picking at the hackbone of their victims. Gilt bronze guard in arab- esque design. Rare piece, in very good cendition. (Illustrated, Plate 12) JAPANESE TANTO OR DAGGER SWORD. L. 13 ins. Very fine quality steel blade, lacquer sheath, holding both the kogai (or knife) and the earpicks, with silver tips and ribbed end; the lacquer inlaid in iridescent pearl with the crest of the owner (a cherry blossom in a circle). (Illustrated, Plate 12) 60 All. SET OF DAISBO OR PAIR OF SWORDS. L. 42 and 27 ins. The katana (long sword) and wakizashi (short sword), which carries the knife. Finest quality white sharkskin sheaths, with handsome fittings of carved and gold bronze. (2 pieces). AN UNUSUALLY HANDSOME PAIR of swords carried by the Japa- nese of the Military Caste in olden times. The longer was the fighting sword, and the shorter for ceremonial suicide or Hara- kiri. 412. PERSIAN DAGGER. Length 16 ins. Bone grip. Scabbard missing. Fine condition. Straight-edge blade. (Iliustrated, Plate 12) 413. GOORKA KNIFE. L. 21 ins. Carved grip. Scabbard missing. Fine condition. The knife used by the Savage Africans with such bad effect on the Germans. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 414, FINE PHILIPPINE CHIEF’S BORONG. L. 24 ins. Mounted in soft virgin silver and beautifully reeded grip. Perfect condition. Scabbard missing. (Illustrated, Plate 12) 415. FINE FOLDING KNIFE. L. 16 ins. with blade open. Brass, horn and bone mounted. Two of the bone side plates are broken, but are both in place. Blade marked: Du Bos and St. Joannis. (Illustrated, Plate 12) Alo. FINE JAPANESE KATANA. Complete with red lacquer scabbard and gold inlaid guard. The tip on the scabbard is missing, but the blade is a fine one and the guard shows the mythological kylin in gold bronze with peony; the menuki is a pair of wild horses in bronze. 417. FINE PERSIAN SHORT SWORD. L. 34 ins. High grade keen-edged blade, bone grips. Black leather scab- bard with embossed low grade silver cap. Very good condition. 418. JAVANESE SERPENTINE KRIS. LL. 25 in. No scabbard. 62 419, 420. A2l. A295. 426. A27. 428. 429, TURKISH YATAGAN. L. 30 ins. Silver mounted, crutch bone handie decorated with semi- precicts stones. Low grade silver scabbard covered with stamped foliated designs. Gcod condition. PERSIAN SCIMITAR-SHAPED SWORD. L. 34 ins. Bone grips, imperfect, no scabbard. CUBAN MACHETE WiTH SCABBARD; HEAVY CUBAN MACHETE ADAPTED FOR PCLE. Short Triangular Spear Head; Short War Club. (4 pes.) MALAY KRIS. L. 31 ins. Plain piece, in nice condition. No scabbard. FINE PLAIN PERSIAN STEEL SHIELD. 11 ins. in diameter. Shows service. SOUTH SEA ISLAND WOODEN PADDLE. L. 30 ins. Hard red wood, nicely polished, blade shaped at upper end. CHAKRA. 74 ins. in diameter. Sharp steel circle, a wicked war instrument thrown by the Sikhs. (Illustrated, Plate 12) TEN SOUTH SEA ISLAND STEEL POINTED ARROWS. L. 28 ins. Good condition. Painted feathered shafts. (10) SOUTH SEA ISLAND SPEAR HEAD. Leneth 15 ins., 434 ins. at the base. Leaf shape, no shaft. TWO VERY FINE ARCHERS’ BOWS. Over 6 ft. long, with reinforced faces. One bowstring miss- Migkoct 2) THREE BOWS. Two South Sea [sland Bows, 614 ft. long, one with string, black lacquered and bound with red rattan; and one Short African Bow. Very interesting. (3) 63 430. 431. 434, 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440, FIREMEN’S BELTS. Interesting collection of the old-time belts, collected in various parts of the country. With cut and painted leather, in red, gold and black. (19 different) FIREMEN’S LEATHER HAT INSIGNIA. Collected in various parts of the country. Interesting collec- tion. Cut and painted. (85 pes.) BRASS RANGE FINDER. Used with the Charleroi rifle. Fine condition. H. 18 ins. JAPANESE MATCH-LOCK GUN. L. 55 ins. Flaring muzzle. The barrel is inlaid with silver flame dra- gons, clouds of war, ete. Very good condition. FRENCH FLINT-LOCK MUSKET. Marked “Maubeuge.” Complete with ramrod and bayonet. Fairly good condition. Full Length 72 ins. GERMAN PILLOCK MUSKET. With long sword bayonet and sling strap. Good condition. Full Length 82 ins. GERMAN BOLT ACTION CARBINE. L. 38 ins. ‘Calibre 8 mm. Model 1893. Serviceable condition. GERMAN MAUSER RIFLE. L. 48 ins. Cal. 8 mm. Model 1896. Fairly good condition. AUSTRIAN CIVIL WAR CARBINE. Short German percussion Boar rifle; German percussion mus- ket with sword bayonet. Good condition. (3 pieces) GERMAN PERCUSSION MUSKET. French Gras bolt action musket; German breech-loading mus- ket. All have sword bayonets and are in good condition. (3 pes.) BRITISH ENFIELD MUSKET. Altered to breech-loading, with unusual sword bayonet. Very good condition. Full L., 70 ins. 64 441, KRAG RIFLE. L. 61 ins. Model 1898. Cal. .30-.46. With bayonet and scabbard. Fine condition outside, but the inside of the barrel is not perfect. 442. HALL BREECH-LOADING FLINT-LOCK MUSKET. Browned barrel. With bayonet and sling strap. Almost fac- tory new. Full Length 69 ins. 442A. HALL PERCUSSION BREECH-LOADING MUSKET. Made at Harpers Ferry. Nicely browned barrel. With bayonet, scabbard and sling strap. Almost factory new. Full length 71 ins. 443. HALL BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. L. 41 ins. Dated 1849. The last model with the side catch. Searce. Fairly good condition. 444, JOSLYN BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. L. 39 ins. Almost factory new. 445. JOSLYN BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. L. 38 ins. Almost factory rew. 446. LEE STRAIGHT PULL RIFLE. Cal. .236. Full L. 57 INS...~ Complete with bayonet, scabbard and sling strap. Outside condition fairly good: inside of barrel somewhat rusted. — 447, LINDSAY PERCUSSION MUSKET. Full L. 75 ins. Almost factory new. With hayonet, ramrod and scabbard. Rarely found so fine. 448, PALMER BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. L. 37 ins. Almost factory new. AAD, PLYMOUTH PERCUSSION RIFLE. Full L. 64 ins. Fitted with Dahlgren bayonet. Shcws most of factory finish. 450. REMINGTON PERCUSSION MUSKET. L. 48 ins. Dated 1863. Adapted for sword bayonet. Equipped with sling strap and ramrod. Bayonet is missing. In new condition. 65 A451. 453. 454. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. SHARPS BREECH-LOADING CARBINE. L. 39 ins. Rim fire. Factory new. SHARP & HANKINS CARBINE. L. 39 ins. Almost factory new. SPENCER BREECH-LOADING REPEATING CARBINE. L. 37 ins. Almost factory new. SPENCER BREECH-LOADING MUSKET. Full L. 66 ins. Complete with sword bayonet, scabbard and sling strap. Fairly good condition. | SPRINGFIELD BREECH-LOADING MUSKET. L. 52 ias. Model 1873. Ramrod bayonet and sling strap. About fac- tory new. SPRINGFIELD BREECH-LOADING RIFLE: 1863. Cal. .50-70. Full L. 64 ins. With trowel bayonet, scabbard and sling strap. Fairly good condition. SPRINGFIELD PERCUSSION MUSKET: 1864. Full L. 73 ins. Complete with bayonet, ramrod and sling strap. Almost factory new. WINCHESTER REPEATING MUSKET, MODEL 1886. Cal. .45-.70. Full L. 69 ins. With bayonet, scabbard and sling strap. Almost new con- dition outside. Inside of the barrel is somewhat rusted. These muskets are now rarely found. GERMAN PERCUSSION PISTOL CARBINE. L. 26 ins. With detachable shoulder stock. Very good condition, proof marks. MAYNARD TAPE-LOCK PISTOL CARBINE. L, 29 ins. With shoulder stock, swivel ramrod and leather strap. Mark U. S. Springfield, 1566. Very good condition. 66 A461. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. TRYON (PHILA.) PERCUSSION BRASS MOUNTED MUSKET (BARREL MISSING). Wooden Cadet Drill Rifle; U. S. Trowel Bayonet for Spring- field breech-loading rifle; Smith & Wesson .32 “tip-up” Revol- ver (poor condition) ; 2 Bayonets, period 1860; 2 U. S. Officers’ Swords (badly rusted—battlefield relics). (8) THREE U. S. CARBINES. Starr, Burnside and Gallagher. Good condition. (3) FOUR CARBINES, ETC. Remington calibre .22 single shot rifle; English double per- cussion shotgun; Merrill carbine; Joslyn carbine. Good con- dition. (4) FOUR U. S. CARBINES. Maynard, Sharps, Smith and Burnside. Fairy good condition. (4) FOUR BREECH-LOADING MUSKETS. 1869 German needle gun; 2 Remington breech-loaders; Vetterli breech-loader. All with bayonets and are in good condition. (4) EDGED WEAPONS FINE SCOTCH CLAYMORE. L. 42 ins. Complete with scabbard. Used by an officer of the 42nd Regiment. Mark: London & Morland, Jermyn St., St. James, London. (Illustrated, Plate 13) CLAYMORE—EARLY XVII. CENTURY. L. 42 ins. Fine quality two-edged blade with the usual guard. Pommel of round crown shape. Grip of wood wound with twisted wire. Rare piece, in very good condition. Scabbard missing. FINE INDIAN ALL IRON JAVELIN. L. 37 ins. The 9 in. blade is ornamented on one side with etched foli- ation, and the other side shows foliation and two elephants. Fine piece with mushroom tip. (Illustrated, Plate 13) 67 OY et eannnmnmnnmeascsitancanet Mi SRE eee 469. 470. AT71. ue ~] bo A73. A7A4., A75. 476. A77. RARE BRITISH BOARDING AXE. L. Blade 8 ins., W. 3 ins. Period 1750. British broad arrow and other marks, probably denoting the ship on which it was used. AN EXTREMELY RARE PIECE, IN FINE CONDITION. (Illustrated, Plate 13) CUTLASS BAYONET. L. 33 ins. For Canadian Enfield musket. Very rare. (Illustrated, Plate 13) RARE PERSIAN PROCESSIONAL SWORD. L. 41 ins. Blunt end blade with chiselled iron hilt supports. Scabbard missing, otherwise a fine and rare piece, in perfect condition. (Illustrated, Plate 13) SCYTHE TRIDENT. Used by cavalry in charging. Haft missing. Rare piece. L. 28 ins., width tip to tip 16 ins. (Illustrated, Plate 13) U. S. CIVIL WAR BOARDING PIKE. Marked “U.S.” 8 in. point and 20 in head on 8 foot shaft. UNUSUAL CONFEDERATE PIKE. L. 2514 ins. Haft is missing. Made from a bayonet marked “U. S.” These were used by the Georgia Pikemen in repelling General Sherman’s invasion. AN EXTREMELY RARE PIECE. (Illustrated, Plate 13) VERY UNUSUAL ENGLISH SABRE BAYONET. L. 31 ins. Fine condition. (Illustrated, Plate 13) RARE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD NAVY CUT- IeA5s. bi. 33° ins. Corrugated iron grip, fine quality blade but shows piitings. Scabbard missing. Rare piece requiring cleaning only. (Illustrated, Plate 13) TWO CIVIL WAR LEG IRONS. Two Civil War Wrist Irons. (4 pes.) (Illustrated, Plate 13) 69 478. 479. A480. A8l. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. A88. UNUSUALLY FINE U. S. OFFICER’S SWORD. The guard is of gilt bronze showing screaming eagle, U. S. and other emblems, with acorn on the end and steel grip with foliated designs in bold relief. High officer’s sword, scabbard missing. Exceptionally fine inlaid sword. BAYONET AND SCABBARD. L. 17 ins. For Lee-Metford Rifle. L. 17 ins. U. S. PRESENTATION OFFICER’S SWORD. L. 41 ins. Made by Ames. Nickel-plated scabbard. Period 1840. Marked “United States.” Very fine. U. S. FOOT ARTILLERY SWORD. L. 26 ins. Roman pattern—1841. With scabbard, brass mounted. U. S. BOLO BAYONET, WITH SCABBARD. L. 15 ins. Used in the Philippines in connection with the Krag rifle. Scarce. TIFFANY PRESENTATION CAVALRY SABRE. L. 42 ins. Nickel-plated scabbard and guard. Period 1840. Fine piece. TWO (2) RARE U. S. SWORD BAYONETS. One marked “P. S. Justice, Philadelphia; the other “Ames Mfg. Co., Chicopee, Mass., U. S. N. 1870.” No scabbards. FINE U. S. STAFF OFFICER’S SWORD, 1812. Straight blade, square form. Ivory grip. Brass guard. The leather scabbard is somewhat dilapidated. U. S. NAVY CUTLASS. Civil War period. With scabbard. U. S. STAFF OFFICER’S STRAIGHT SWORD, BELT, BUCKLE AND CARTRIDGE BOX. Civil War period. The leather scabbard needs repairs, oth- erwise this outfit is in good condition. U. S. CAVALRY OFFICER’S SABRE. The leather scabbard is somewhat dilapidated. Revolution- ary War period. 70 489, 491). 49]. 492. 493. 494, 495. 496. U. S. OFFICER’S SCIMITAR-SHAPED SABRE. L. 40 ins. Leather scabbard, brass mounted. Revolutionary War period. Fine and rare sabre. THREE SWORDS: U.S. CIVIL WAR ARTILLERY OFFICER’S SWORD. Scabbard missing; 1845 U. S. Cavalry Sabre; 1863 Non-Com- missioned Officer's Sabre, with scabbard. , U.S. BOLO. L. 19 ins. Marked “U. S.” and “S, A. 1910.” Used by the U. S. troops in the Philippines. Interesting piece. FINE FRENCH CAVALRY SABRE. L. 38 ins. Straight, heavy blade. 1871 period. Fine condition. A very showy piece. FRENCH NAVY CUTLASS. Dated 1834. With leather scabbard. Very fine. FINE FRENCH COURT SWORD: LOUIS XV. PERIOD. Copper wire wound grip, lattice pierced guard, facetted pom- mel, The blade is covered with engraving for nine inches on each side from the hilt. Scabbard missing. (Illustrated, Plate 14) CIVIL WAR ARTILLERY OFFICER'S SABRE. Leather scabbard, brass mounted, with belt and initialed brass buckle. Made in France. The leather is somewhat worn but the sword itself is in fine condition and a very fine one. (Illustrated, Plate 14) FINE CHINESE SWORD. 35 in. blade, with bright silvered scabbard, hand hammered fire gilt guard with sharkskin grip and pierced oval quillon. A very beautiful sword. (Illustrated, Plate 14) ‘ys 497. A498. 499. 500. CHINESE TWO-HANDED BEHEADING SWORD. L. 40 ins. Cord wound grip with silver pommel. Old iron oval guard with half-inch drop; wide and narrow blood-drip channels. Fine piece. (Illustrated, Plate 14) FINE GERMAN DUELLING FOIL. 36 in. Blade. With plush covered scabbard and frog. Nice piece, in very good condition with serpentine reeded grip and urn-shape pommel, (Illustrated, Plate 14) PERSIAN SWORD. L. 37 ins. ' The blade is divided at the point for 7 ins. and serrated on each side. Gold damascene grip with hat shaped guard and pierced for cord, mushroom tip quillons. (Illustrated, Plate 14) UNUSUALLY FINE MALAY EXECUTIONER’S KRIS. L. 39 ins. The grip is beautifully carved. Scabbard missing. Nice piece with cotton wiping-rag attached. (Illustrated, Plate 14) ELEVEN (11) EUROPEAN BAYONETS. Period about 1870. No scabbards. NINE (9) EUROPEAN SWORD BAYONETS. With scabbards. TWO GERMAN SAW-TOOTH BAYONETS. 2 U. S. Officers’ Swords (Civil War Period); and one Euro- pean Officer’s Sword (period about 1850). The seabbards on _ the two officers’ swords are missing. (5) SIX (6) UNUSUAL EUROPEAN SWORD BAYONETS. Early period. No scabbards. (6) NINE (9) EUROPEAN BAYONETS. Period 1870. No scabbards. NINE (9) EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN BAYONETS. Most of them 1800 to 1830 period. 73 307. 508. 309. 510. oll. oa | — to vt a we) ELEVEN EUROPEAN SABRE BAYONETS. Scabbards missing. (11) THREE GERMAN HEAVY CAVALRY SABRES. With scabbards. Period about 1870. (3) FOUR HEAVY GERMAN CAVALRY SABRES. With scabbards. Period about 1870. (4) HEAVY GERMAN CAVALRY SABRE. Without scabbard; German Navy Cutlass, without scabbard; Heavy German Calvary Sabre. (3) NORTH INDIAN GAUNTLET SWORD. L. 42 ins. The gauntlet and the hilt of the blade show fine silver damascene decoration. Fine condition. (Illustrated, Plate 15) SOUDANESE DERVISH STRAIGHT SWORD. 24 in. double-edged blade, three blood-drip channels, proof marks. Scarce piece. Scabbard missing. In very good con- dition with grip leather wrapped and mushroom pommel, cross shape iron quillons. (Illustrated, Plate 15) KORA, FROM NEPAL. L. 28 ins. | Expanding blade 15g ins. to 334 ins. Silver damascene grip in a beautiful Persian design with hat-shape pommel. Fine, rare piece. (Illustrated, Plate 15) RARE PATTERN ANCIENT INDIA BEHEADING SWORD. L. 34 ins. Very heavy scimitar-shaped blade, 2 ins. at the base, 2% ins. _ at the widest part. Silver damascene grip in a_ beautiful oriental design with hat-shape pommel; a gold lined medallion set in the blade. Rare piece, in good condition. Scabbard missing. (Illustrated, Plate 15) 74 516. 517. FINE SIAMESE FOUR-HANDED BEHEADING SWORD. L. 3614 ins. Ring end. Fine piece, in good condition, the handle wrapped in red and tan. THESE BEHEADING SWORDS WIELDED BY TWO MEN ARE EXCESSIVELY RARE. (Illustrated, Plate 15) FINE PHILIPPINE KRIS. L. 31 ins. Hilt silver mounted of very graceful shape. Scabbard miss- ing. Fine condition. (Illustrated, Plate 15) PERSIAN SWORD WITH DAMASCENE STEEL GRIP. L. 41 ins. Fine piece, two blood-drip channels, curved guard ending in a tiger’s head; inlaid hat-shape pommel and mushroom tip quillons. (Illustrated, Plate 15) 75 alg, 020), 020. 226. O27. U. S. NAVY CUTLASS. L. 26 ins. Roman pattern, period 1841. No scabbard. Very rare, with flat guard. (Illustrated, Plate 15) PISTOLS ENGLISH FLINT-LOCK NAVY PISTOL. L. 15 ins. Brass mounted, with belt hook. Period 1800. Good con- dition. Scarce. FLINT-LOCK DRAGOON PISTOL. L. 16 ins. Brass mounted, flat butt with ring, and swivel ramrod. Fair condition, ENGLISH FLINT-LOCK DRAGOON PISTOL. L. 16 ins. Brass mounted. Swivel ramrod. Dated 1846. Good con- dition. FLINT-LOCK HORSE PISTOL. L. 16 ins. Brass mounted. Flat butt with ring. Fine condition. TURKISH FLINT-LOCK HORSEMAN’S PISTOL. L. 19 ins. Brass mounted. Fair condition. (Stock damaged.) U.S. SIGNAL PISTOL. L. 9 ins. Civil War period. All brass. REMINGTON NAVY PISTOL. L. 13 ins., Cal. .50. Model 1866. Fair condition. GERMAN PERCUSSION HORSE PISTOL. L. 15 ins. Swivel ramrod. Ring in butt. Brass mounted. Fine con- dition. BEALS PERCUSSION NAVY REVOLVER. L. 1/4 ins., Cal. .36. In original holster (wearing). Fine, clean condition. Scarce. 76 930. bode aoa. aa0. oo, 336. De le 538. STARR DOUBLE ACTION PERCUSSION REVOLVER. L. 13 , Cal. .44. ae igger spring weak, otherwise in very good condition. SPANISH BOLO. Four Civil War Musket Nipple Wrenches, Screw Drivers, 4 Wormers, 2 Nipple Wrench and screw drivers Combined, Indian Stone Sinker, Empty Shell Extractor, and 2 Shotoan Wire Brushes. TWO DU PONT POWDER FLASKS. Copper powder flask with embossed picture of horseman, and leather shot pouch with graduated charger. TWELVE FOREIGN BAYONETS. Period about 1865. No scabbards. (12) RELOADING TOOLS, 12-GUAGE. Two graduated powder and shot measures, shell cutter, erimper and bench loader. TWO (2) U.S. ARMY BULLET MOULDS. Casting six bullets each, one calibre .45, one calibre .38. TWO SPRING VISES. And vent pick and brush used in connection with the U. S. 1822 musket. Rare. TEN U. S. COMBINATION SCREW DRIVERS AND NIPPLE WRENCHES. EIGHT BULLET MOULDS. Various types and sizes. (8) CIVIL WAR HAND GRENADE. ~ Boxer’s Brass Knuckles and Gunner’s Combined Hammer and hook. (3) DOUBLE SADDLE HOLSTER, WAR OF 1812. Scabbard for .45 Colt automatic pistol; and 2 fencing bay- onets. (4 pcs.) ~ The Adams-Payne Printing Service, Inc., 313-317 West 37th Street, New York City } ) i \ 1924 Sept. 11 NeWaV c.1 __| Walpole G/Pistols and guns, edged my 92-P5531 SEASON 1923-1924 A Fine Library of Handsomely Bound Books to Close an Estate. A Noted Western Collection of Rare Edged Weapons, Guns, and Pistols. Furnishings, Silver, Glass and China. The Residue of the Stock of Prints of the late F. Meder, — well known Dealer and Expert. A Private Library to close an estate. Books relating to Texas History and Settlement, the Col- lection of the late J. E. Boynton. The Fifth Part of the Dramatic Collection of the late Wm. Winter. Japanese Color Prints and Books from Private Collections. A Sale of Prints, principally Etchings. A Collection of Books relating to Western New York. © Fine and Rare Books, Modern First Editions, New York Items, Rowlandson, Cruikshank, etc. + THE WALPOLE GALLERIES, 12 West 48th St., New York City