ey sae Bpeceeteaeseteessseeeics LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK m3 EHIME COLLECTION “METS LOW FIGURES ‘Highest Price at. Auction Is |. $4,800, Paid for a Paint- . ing by Corot. | | | | | The ninety= Fired pictures of the Julius Oehme collection sold at Mendelssohn Hall last night brought but $56,595. There were in the collection pictures by. ‘the modern Dutch painters and by the: Barbizon meni ~,That proves, the even- ing to have been one of great bargains.) {Perhaps on no one occasion was. the jauction price equal to that demanded’ jfor the pictures at ithe Oehme Galleries. ( Corot’s “Morning [brought the top figure of the session, 4, 800. BP. J. Goodhart’s bid of $4,600 secured for him a ‘Fontainebleau Forest’ ipicture by Diaz. Josef Israel's ‘Reflecting been admired before’ the sale, lHenry Reinhardt for $2,700. Marie Dieterle’s ‘A’ *Normandy” was | bid for with an excitement that was rare {during the evening. jon it were mever large, but they finally prought the selling figure up. to $3,700, .? which had | The sale was conducted by Thomas: H. | Kirby, of the American Art Galleries, | Names of pictures, painters, purchasers | ; of the works that realized $500 or over 4 follow: } Return to the Barn, Amton Mauve; M. ee ORGIEPS 5: MPO Slt IS sare GA a Baroness iE e $ feces Israels; Henry "Reinhardt pas dates 2,700 Home Life, Blommers; C, eermians. 575 |) Return from the Fields, Israels : ©. Fleer RIVALS ie Spicsirinon pai aiors asus ale eyalevehs.s witila. o WRI ees 1,059 ) Gathering Fagots, Pieters; 0. Rernet (agt.). 500: } Children on the Beach; Bilommers; > Bike IS IBOOM ELS Co CCAM bank olin eiate 4 sataig w ieras ba 3,100 | Fontainebleau. Forest, Diaz; P. J. Goodhart 4,600 Study. of a Cow, Troyon; W, Henderson, , } Momming in the Valley — An Italian Tdyl, Moret iW 28s) Mdwands. 22. eb sina en . 4,800 Village at Sunset, Konsseau; John Johns. WS Cattle in the Pond) Dupre; W. 'W. Seaman. 2,200 Fisherman’s Hut, Corot; C. Pleermans. , 625 Sunset, Barbizon, Daubigny: A, A: Healey. 850 Ghateaw de Gournay sur Aronde (Oise), Du- WSR Se ALO peM ees Niece wiace win Wiaralewia ais trekauee 600 | Hye ening On, the Loire, Plarecless Pad, Pc CGrOOGUTRAIG | Se SG) Sie seg bens sale me syeele ware 625 | Morning in the Valley, Hiarpignies ; AW Hen: PULOMS OT si tine win eli tetece tale Santino wre teO yun bap ath kare Ont 560 “Calm... Evening, Holland,’ Jongkind: é PER UR MOE LOT Gee, Lo wt cs a hainiote wictanhiona:! ponent, 575 | “Wironcourt ‘in. the Vosges,’’ Monchablon: hb Shenae SCHUbb Mem te Cow,’’ Constant Troyon; W. } FLenderson. 9. Sos: ses ee ane 60g “Morning in: the Valley—An Italian Idyl, ” Qoroets Wy Svc Hd werds.ss ceva de ees 4.800) “Village at Sunset,”’ Rousseau: John Johns» 775 “Cattle in the Pond,’ Jules Dupré; WR Ns nte od PGR INIAN Fics Sitoand ahs a) cay AmNNbeenlG A etic tinate #,200) “isherman’s Uut,’’ Corot; C. Fleermaus, 625) ) “Sunset, Barbizon,’? Daubigny, AY Au+ { gustus Pleat seo a ik Di ay ayer ecco Sok Nal ore 850} | “Italian Landscape,’’ Corot; N.| Kuenster. 230) “Chateau de Gournay sur Aronde” (Oise), « Jules Dupré; ry erat Wes ON ie Sa aN ect 600: Waco. Je Henner; Knoedler & “il Peirentns on the Loire,” H. Harpignies; Puig -Goadhart seins sis nt ae eee $25) ‘Morning in the WValley,’’ H. Harpignies: | Week On dersan «S.A ne haute oo eee 560 | “Calm Evening, Holland,”’ Jongkind; wenoedler = & CG. av brhesiee OU dee rene 57a ‘‘Vironcourt in. the Vosges,”’ Jan Mon- chablon;- H.: Schultheis: vo, s..4 .. faaenee. 550 oe Ruin,” H.° Harpignies; W. Hender— “ea “phe Grand<« Canal,”’ Ziem; Otto Bernet j MARONT) hao tslotacec sc tats ose URN UE aS eae Se 1,225) “L'Octroi d’Izzy,’’ Cazin; C. A. Bosch..... 2,000% “The. New . Novel,’ » Dagnan- Bouveret; W. he Thonipson fesse Peo soe we ches 425 “Dordrecht,’? BH. Boudin: Durand-Ruel,.... 650 ‘Apple Trees in Blossom,. Eragny,’’ C. Pis— sarro; W. W.-Seaman (agent):........2. 1,075 | | ‘The (Old: Mill, ” ‘Fritz Thaulow; Hs Schul- ! PHBIS) Tore, Aociy Boney Sain et 580) pees erty of Cape’ Martin, ” H. Harpignies; Rah EDS Telia carey sited ets Mee etl ciao: 3,800 iA Cavalier of the Regency,” 'F. Roybet; Soy Mia Maguire ion. 23 ate als Oops Cte 500 “Departure of the: Bridal Party,?? rol Detti; | Pea MOttingern. enc. Veena bth 625. “A Normandy Farm, ”* Marie ks ARAN BE. ; CtSchaefer 35 aera ae erates: al) Rape OO “The Windmill,’’ H, ‘Dearth: Raters 275 “The Merry-Go-Round,’ F. Kaemmerer; Folland, Art: Galleries. iis ais ns as alan 300 1€ ek ie ~—FEBs 4 494, — | = . OEHME PICTURE SALE. For the 93 pictures, mostly oils, which formed the stock of Mr. Julits Oehme, the veteran dealer, who has, Kirby obtained an announced total of $56,595, at Mendelssohn Hall, Friday evening, Jan. 27. This was a disap- pointing result, as it had been hoped that Mr. Oehme, for whom general sympathy in his illness and consequent forced retirement is felt and expressed, would realize more from the dispersal, of his good st’, which is said to: chave | cost him about $100, 000. But the season is not a good one for picture auctions, and some of Mr. Oehme’s- stock had become old. fash- ioned, as for example the examples of Teemmeter and Kowalski, The Bar-' ‘bizons and Dutch pictures in the sale |were not well supported by the dealers, and some went at almost bargain prices. The excellent Diaz, which sold for $4,600 and which was secured by Mr. P. J. Goodhart, is said to have cost Mr. Ovhme some $11,000. | The dealers were out in force and | jamong those present were Messrs. Schauss, Reinhardt, Vose, Glucksman, Durand-Ruel, Knoedler, Scott and Fowles, Fay, MacDonald, Schultheis and Thompson. .There were comparatively ifew private buyers, but among {these ‘were Messrs. Hugo Reisinger, who se- cured a good Pissarro for $1,075, A. A. Healey, avo picked up an excellent De Bock for the low price of $210, P. J Goodhart, and M. M. Lehman. Following are the pictures, atin buyer’ Ss name where possible, and) prices: ; Hee | “Return to the Barn,” Mauve; Knoedler & Co. $725) ‘Reflecting,’ Israéls; H. Reinhardt ss Ua Lae eatatere 2, ay “Homie Life,” Blommers ; C. Fleermans...... 75 “Return from Fields,” Israéls ; C. Fleermans.. 1,050 “Children on the Beach,” Blommers; Knoedler : BC... aia ect eee 3,100 “Fontainebleau Forest,” Diaz; P. J. Goodhart 4) 00) “Study of a Cow,’ > Troyon;: Ww. Henderson.. boo ‘Morning in the Valley—An Italian Idyl, ” Corot; W. S. Edwards sidgloasi a aUrile cecal Ree ee 4,800 “Village at Sunset,” Rousseau: John Johns.. 775) “Cattle in the Pond, ” Dupré; W. W. Seaman, AGENT... ..2y scualece a 9 eee 2,200 ‘‘Fisherms an’s Tfut,” Corot; C. Fleermans..... "625 “Sunset Barbizon, 3 Daubigny : A. A. Healy. 850) “Chateau de Gournay sur ‘Aronde,” Dupré; E. | suMeyer 12... acs en oe Ol “Evening on the Loire,” Harpignies; P. ip Goodhatrt 3... cs. ea.5 ae a 825) “Morning in the Valley,” Harpignies; W. Flénderson ; 3... «+ nss-. a nn 560. Eyone, Holland,” Jongkind; Knoedler | DEUS Oo ie ayers aise dip ons ans <5 “Vironcourt in the Vo osges,”’ Monchablon; H. oo Schultheis <.. i Sic. <0... cae ae 550 “The Ruin,’ Harpignies: W. Henderson...,.. 500} “The Grand Canal, sg Ziem ; Otto Burnet, eo I 1225 | ‘“L’Octroi d’Issy,” Cazin; C. A. de Bosch. 2,000 “Dordrecht,” Boudin ; Durand- Wiel organs ccm 650. “Apple Trees in Blossom, Eragny,” Pissarro; Hugo-Reistniger -.. . 3.5 ca eee 1,075) “The “Old Mill,” Thaulow; I. Schultheis..... "580 “Souvenir of Cape Martin,’ Harpignies; M Ee Lehman 3 aus clis, sfavet oon phan Piatt rarer ne 3,800 eparture of the Bridal Party,” Detti; P. J. — | ARM Cisco Sok eee 625 |{“A Normandy Farm,” Marie Diéterle; E. C. SCRCO OF A i a ies terete, ea 3,700 “Leading Cow,” Mauve; Holland Art Galleries 410 “Dropped Stitch,” J .Weiland; Daniel Huber. . 380 “Gathering Fagots,” E Pieters; Otto Burnet, MIE Beye e) 65 <6 nai sah Cie oa he Oe 500 “Ttalian Landscape,” Corot; N. Kuenster.. ae 230 “Meditation,” Henner; Knoedler & Co....... 475 “The New Novel,” Dagnan-Bouvert; W. C OLSSON ES. 09 RECS SS a ee 425 “Merry-Go-Round,” F. Kaemmerer; Holland VELOC TIES rc rs 300 BavcHeetions,” Victor Bauffe................. 50 “Barking the Trees,” Jan Van Essen......... 80 Eiiotherfand Baby,” Kever.................- 145 “Rotterdam—Winter Evening,’”? Van Masten- WETS ooo anole ee ee ae ZS: “Nieuhaven—Moonlight,’? Van Mastenbroek... 55 “Homestead by Lake,” J. H. Wijsmuller..... 60 “Return to Barn,” Willem Steelink.......... 80 “Shepherd and Flock,” Willem Hamel....... 80 “Forest of Fontainebleau,” Diaz.’............. 300 “From My Studio Window,” Cazin.......... 290 Bale Oespaton, Prof. C. Seiler.............. 100 “Normandy Fisherwomen,”’ SADE a teerate aes oc 250 ‘Watering Horse,” Constable................ 250 “On the Dunes at Berck,” F. Tattegrain...... 190 “Lady of the Regency,” G. Jacquet.......... 250 “Sortie du Conservatoire,’”’ J. Beraud......... 320 + Confidences,” Meissonier ............... ais, cte 450 Bebestacy, Gabriel Vion Max:.......6.6..0. A 300 BO the South Coast,” Leader............... 185 “The Gossips,” Joseph Bail........ ae coe ele . 425 “Farmhouse at Quimperlé,” Thaulow......... 235 “Ttinerant Musician,” V. March............. - 210 “River in Flood,” Georges Michel....... Wares 350 eeMiponismemadyer cs Kabres, sf. ess cass nce ce ; 90 “Interrupted Novel,” G. Signorini .......... 155 “Pastures by the River Yssel, H. G. Wolbers. 75 SBishine Harbor,” De Bock. ............ Bran 210 “Return of Flock,’? Willem Steelink...... Rieke 135 pWreaumbseezen De Bock. ¢....2..0¢00800ce. i 310 “Mills at Gorinchem,” K. Klinkenberg........ 140 “Young Woman Spinning,” Willem Jorissen.. iS} “Canal—Rotterdam,” Van Mastenbroek....... 350 “Cottage on Canal,” A. J. Van Driesten...... 115 “Dutch Trawlers,’’ G. M. Munthe........... A 125 “Windmill Beside Pond,” J. C. Van Reckum.. 150 “Feeding Pet Goat,’ Willy Martens....... friars 300 “Plowing on the Hillside,” Van der Weyden.. os Se lamine dam pets. fe. CUTS. c)s1 cfs cas + aa SSheepminwastauce, J. R. Leursic.. doses oe ee “Delftshaven—Sunset,” Van Mastenbroek..... : ‘| “New Born Lamb,” Van der Weele.........- a fi “With Grandfather,” Jan Z. Tromp.......... a , A. Du: Bosch, $2000. Apple Trees in Blossom, Bragny; Camille Pissarro, $107. Souvenir of Cape Martin, Henri Har- Piguies; M. H. Lehman, ¢ A Cavalier of the Regency, Ferdin- ike, ttt; Oe hese eiety Farm, Mme. Mar ome of the pic- prices, with the’ ing, Joseph Israels; Henry Rheinhardt, | e Valley, an Tialian idyl; §. Ed-, vat “Sur set, “Theodore Rousseau; John Zeim;. 0, Bernet, Qptrol d'Issy, Jean Charles Cazin; C. A. Apple ‘Trees in Blossom, Eragny; Camille ED. SANE Gost 3 : : Souvenir, of Cape Martin, Henri-Harpignies; ‘M. H. Lehman, ies Pi PRS i” Regency, Ferdinand Roybet; Bridal Party, Cesare Detti: Oe D ‘ A Normandy Farm, Mme. Marcdieterle; E. ©, Shaeffer, - $3700. tie fei 5 | | modern Dutch paintings, $56,595. tor, Barbizon artists. A smali Corot, There was a good audience, ‘and, fair prices, a dealer’s sale seldom bringing the prices of a well-known private collec- . There was a large collection of with works of ‘Morning in the Valley; ‘An Italian Tayl,” brought the highest price | of the sale, going to S. Edwards for $4800. | |) Ao Diaz, “Fontainebleau Forest,” brought the second highest price, $4600, given by ~ P. J, Goodhart. A charming Blommers, “Children on the Beach,’ went to Knoed-— ler & Cu, for $3100. Martin,’ by Hiarpignies, went to M. Lehmaa for $3800. | Marie Dieterle’s “Souvenir of Ca ae h Shi Normandy Farm’ went to HE. C. Schaefer for $3790. Following is a list of some of the pictures bringing ‘the higher pricés, with the pur- f Chasers ‘where given: Return to the Barn—Anton Mauye; M. ieenoeb ler Gt: CO. sa. sia sas dace mains Leading the Cow—Anton Art (Galleries eve cee eye spent rye ees The Fishing Harbor—Theophile De Bock; A. A. Healy, Brooklyn bbs te eI ise Israels; Henry Rhein- hands, o7./: Seer as Par ae healer Bey SA pbeih ieind stan saneeete Wwe wees wk ag es eo ow ore arg fet . Home Life—Bernardus ‘Johannes’ Blom-— 4 mers; F. C, Fleemans...., Ficitiaeiolighs gl tie boesthe 575 | Return from the Fields (water , color)— Joseph Israels; F.C. Fleemans..........) 10503 Gathering Fagots—Eyeret Pieters; O, Ber-— ~ Hebi aPents Wes, «<9 ste sec Farieteme toate banca pai 500 Children on the Beach—Bernardus Johatittes ; Blommers; M. Knoedler& Co:....: i, 3106 | Fontainebleau Forest-—-Diaz; P. J. Od ER A ATG ache pias ae ste ose Stature « Pipa Sirsa alien ODOM Study of a Cow-—-Troyon; W. Henderson... 600” Morning in the Valley—-An- Italian Idyl— i COLOT eae OOM Er OS ol tcl Ws Site tls orem a+» 48008 Village) at © Sunset—Theodore Rousseau; Y PON SOMBIE yee ete Sa ahs eee 175) Calm’ Evening, Holland—Johann Barthold Jongkind; Knoedler’ & Co..... LS ei eS 5751 Vironeourt in the Vosages—Jan' Moncha— bien; Henry, Schultets i) cen ue ie ok 650» The Ruin—Henri Harpignies; W. Hender— BO oe aajhfe ished obsae meses pe uade bias sispie seg 6 b.9'e(9 60 OOM The Grand Canal—Felix \Zeim; O. Bernet, EY tone hd sapere eee xiks Skee ened a opee ts eSreerniy Re ee 12257 L’Ostroi. DtIssy—Jean Charles Cazin; C, : A. DU BOSselis aise ee vaca clee df kinr Vniivaa 2004 The New Ncvel—Dagnan Bouveret; W. CG. SROTADSOMC a aeaie ule vriuie 4 ache UB ae mea “425 | Dordrecht—Eugehe Boudin; Durand Ruel. . 650 Apple Trees: in. Blossom, _Hragny—-Camille f PISSaTIGs dalrt alain tiny epee ued fd deer ehies vee OTE The Old. Mill—Fritz Thaulow; Henry 4 Sehwuithety cusses cone une Rtas thay tate wie 580 | Souvenir of Cape Martin—Henrt -Harpig= Dies {M7 eh. eM aasyoa ee mel eo ka - 3800 | A’ Cavalier’ ‘of | “the Regency—Ferdinand Roybet; Ht Mis Maguire... siya core a 500 Departure of the ‘Bridal Party-—Gesare Det Pig, OPIN Eris vie eckeceu bik Sars ake 625 A Normandy Farm—Mme. Marie Dieterie; PORE eA Shaefers si. ss ce eae ey DAILY wor: $4,600—~0the Other ‘Prices tow sold at auction in Mendelssohn Hall last Art Association, and the result was as is usual at a ‘dealers’ sale.” The ‘pictures eas for extremely low figures, almost | without exception, the total realized for the entire lot being only $56,595, . The dealers wera out in foree, and picked “up bargains galore. Knoedler & Co, led | the list, buying Mauvre's ‘‘Return of the Flock” for $725, Blommers’s “Children on the Beach” for $3,100. Henner’s: ““Medita- tion” for $175 and Jongkind’s “Calm Bven- _ | $650 for Boudin’s “Dordrecht”; H. Schul- ' T theis gave $580 for Thaulow's “The Old Mill,” $550 for Monchablon’s ‘Vironcourt on the Vosges,’ and the Holland Art Gal- leries bot ght Kaemmerer’s ‘‘The Merry Go | Round” for $300 and Mauve’s “Leading the Cow’? for $410, Among the private buyers were A. A, Healy, who paid $210 for De Bock’s “Fich- ing Harbor” and $850 for Daubigny’s “Sun- set, Barbizon.”. Henry Reinhardt paid $2,700 for Josef. Israels’s ‘Reflecting’; C. | Life’? and $1,080 for Isreals’s ‘“‘Return from) the Fields”; P. J. Goodhart paid $4,600 for Diaz’s “Fontainebleau Forest’ and $825 for | Harpignies’s ‘evening on the Loire’; “Ww. | 'S. Edwards paid $£800 for Corot’s ‘‘Morn- ‘ing in the Valley’; W. W. Seaman, agent, igave $2,200 for Dupre’s ‘Cattle in jthe ‘Pond’; Otto Bernet, agent, gave $1,225. for Ziem’s “Grand -Canal’’; C. A. Du Bosch paid $2,000 for Gazin’s “TOetrol D'Issy”; /M. H. Lehman gave $3,800 for “Souvenir de | ‘Cap Martin,” by Harpignies,” and B.C] |'Shaefer vaid $3,700 for sli Dieses “A [Normandy Parm.” : Bgl ae a ia a iY ' The hinety-three paintings that com- ‘prised the SJullus Oehme. colléction were | night by Thomas H. Kirby of the American ing, Holland, for $575. Durand-Ruel paid | Fleermans gave $575 for Blommers’s “Home, a Se = = ae 9 Z bei xt Nii hee why ¢ the ace ‘were heen er- valuation Alleged Against Aged Deal- er—Sale | Brought $56 $56,595—Buyers Will Not Be ‘Disturbed in Possession. The Gavarnment began fault in the: United States Circuit Court yesterday to. forfeit the proceeds of the sale of eighty-| nine paintings: which were auctioned at Mendelssohn Hall on January 27 for lius Oehme, the art dealer of 467 Fifth favenue, who was retiring. from business because he was 82 years old and had had! two strokes of paralysis. It is. charged. that the paintings were imported at less. than their true valuation by means of false invoices and false affidavits. When the Oehme collection was put on | sale Auctioneer Thomas E. Kirby sur-' ‘prised the buyers by announcing that only cash bids would be accépted, despite any arrangement Mr. Oehme might have rmade with his friends. Mr. Kirby knew /what the buyers did not—that the pictures had been seized the day before by Col- ‘lector Loeb’s men after they had been ‘on exhibition since January 21 at the ‘American Art Galleries. : Mr. Kirby had pointed out to the ‘customs men that the sale had been advertised and that fairness to the public demanded that it go on. He told them ‘that if the Government allowed the sale to proceed and impounded the cash it would be better off than if the pictures were allowed to deteriorate and pile up charges in storage. Collector Loeb and Mr. Oehme thought so too. So,the sale }was virtually managed by Uncle Sam, Ninety-three paintings were sold, ut ‘four of them were American products: and: do not figure in the suit. The whole batch brought $56,595, which is being turned over to Collector Loeb as fast as the buyers pay up under the thirty day rule.. From this sum must be deducted) Mr; Kirby’s commission and other charges. The Government doesn’t know yet just { how. much it will realize. In the complaint | Assistant District Attorney Whitney puts ithe’ value of the pictures at $75,000, be- cause that is what Mr. Cehme had them j insured for. | The complaint alleges that Mr. Oehme’ | had been receiving undervalued pictures’ from. September 19, 1905, to* March 7, 1910; that he wilfully failed to declare to the Collector the actual cost of his mer- | chandise and that he substituted fraudu- j lent invoices for the true ones. The Gov- ernment makes no public estimate of} the total undervaluation attributed to) Mr. Oehme. Mr. Loeb said yesterday that the fraud) had been discovered by chance. while his inspectors were rooting into other. cases. It is iit aistai that the tip came, from Paris. Y Emanuel’ himienattel of Blumenstiel &| Blumenstiel, attorneys for Mr. Oehme, | said that the pictures had been libelled! ifor a comparatively small undervalua~ | tion, Peet oe Dutch school. A 1¢ ON FREE VIEW FROM SATURDAY, JANUARY 2isr, 1911 UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE, INCLUSIVE VALUABLE MODERN PAINTINGS BELONGING TO THE WELL-KNOWN DEALER AND EXPERT MR. JULIUS OKHME OF NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT MENDELSSOHN HALL ON FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 27tTu, 1911 BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK w= = ab 7 I ve Hscis ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE MODERN PAINTINGS BELONGING TO MR. JULIUS OEHME NEW YORK CITY RELINQUISHING BUSINESS ON ACCOUNT OF ILL-HEALTH TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT MENDELSSOHN HALL ON THE DATE HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1911 Press of Tue Lent & GRAFF Co (PANY 137-139 East 25th Street, New Yor CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re- sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty: whatever, they will, upon re- ceiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money de- posited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Ture AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AvcTIoneEeEr. New York, December 28th, 1910. The American Art Association, Madison Square South, New York City. DeEaR SIRs: Continued ill-health has forced me to relinquish all business pur- suits, and, under these circumstances, I consign to you the valuable paintings forming my stock, which comprises desirable examples of various masters, including a number of important works by the Barbizon and Modern Dutch painters, acquired by me during recent visits abroad, which are of the high artistic excellence demanded at present by the American connoisseur and amateur. ‘These works I place in your hands to be sold at public sale absolutely without restriction or protection of any kind, in order that I may, in com- pliance with the request of my physician, be free from all and every business care. Yours truly, (Signed) JULIUS OEHME. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORK CATALOGUE NUMBER AUBLET, ALsertr In the Garden vial BAIL, Joseru The Gossips 63 BAUFFE, Vicror Reflections if BERAUD, Jan Sortie du Conservatoire 56 BLOMMERS, Bernarpus JOHANNES Children on the Beach 3 Home Life 19 BOUDIN, Evcenr Dordrecht 69 BOUVERET, Pascat ApoLPHE JEAN DacGnan The New Novel 68 BRUNERY, F. The Eavesdropper 70 CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES “From My Studio Window” ; 46 L’Octroi d’Issy 64 CONSTABLE, R. A., Joun Watering the Horse 49 COROT, Jean Baptiste CAMILLE An Italian Idyl 38 Fisherman’s Hut 42 Italian Landscape 44 CATALOGUE NUMBER COURTOIS, Gustave a Portrait of Mlle. Marie Louise B. an 88 DAUBIGNY, CuHartes Francois Sunset, Barbizon 43 DEARTH, Henry G. The Windmill . 91 DE BOCK, THEOPHILE A Fresh Breeze 16 The Fishing Harbor 14 DETTI, Cesare . Departure of the Bridal Party 86 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse Vircine Fontainebleau Forest ia 36 In the Forest of Fontainebleau 41 DIETERLE, Mur. Marre ; A Normandy Farm 90 DUPRE, JULES ed Cattle in the Pond Sipe 40 Chateau de Gournay Sur Aronde (Oise) 45 DUPRE, JULIEN ie La Fermiére | 80 FABRES, Anronro A Moorish Lady 10 The Sultana’s Coffee 81 GRUPPE, Cuartes P. At Voorburg, Holland 87 HAMEL, Wittem Shepherd and Flock ; 3 HARPIGNIES, Henrtr Evening on the Loire Morning in the Valley Souvenir of Cape Martin The Ruin HENNER, Jean Jacques Meditation ISABEY, Lovis Gasrier Normandy Fisherwomen ISRAELS, Joser Reflecting Return from the Fields JACQUET, Gustave A Lady of the Regency JONGKIND, J OHANN BartTHoup Calm Evening, Holland JORISSEN, WitLem Young Woman Spinning KAEMMERER, Freperic Henri The Merry-go-Round The Music Student KEVER, Jacosp Simon HeENpRIK Mother and Baby KIESEL, Proressor Conran The Duet KLINKENBERG, Karen Mills at Gorinchem KRICHELDORF, Hermann G. Still Life CATALOGUE NUMBER 51 53 82 60 50 48 20 83 8: La CATALOGUE NUMBER LAISSEMENT, AvotpHe HENRI Caring for the Flowers 713 LANGEVELD, Frans Evening (Dee LEADER, R. A., Benzsamin WILLIAM | On the South Coast 61 LEURS, Joh : Hauling Timber 30 Sheep in Pasture 31 LYNCH, ALBert Arranging the Flowers 85 MARCH, Vincenzio The Itinerant Musician 66 MARTENS, Witty Feeding the Pet Goat 27 MAUVE, Anton Leading the Cow 12 Return to the Barn 8 MEISSONIER, Jean CuHar es Confidences — a5G MICHEL, Grorces _ River in Flood 67 MONCHABLON, Jan ; Vironcourt in the Vosges 58 MUNTHE, GrerHarp MorcENsTsERNE Dutch Trawlers 24 PIETERS, Evert Gathering Fagots 28 CATALOGUE NUMBER ~PIOT, AvotpHe Tea Roses. 74 PISSARO, Camitie Apple Trees in Blossom, Eragny 7 ROUSSEAU, Txfovore Village at Sunset 39 ROYBET, Ferprnanp A Cavalier of the Regency 84 SCHMUTZLER, Lroroxip Return from the Christening | 92 SEILER, Proressor Conran The Despatch AT SIGNORINI, Gutserre An Interrupted Novel 1. STEELINK, Wittem } The Return to the Barn . i Return of the Flock 15 TATTEGRAIN, Francis On the Dunes at Berck 52 THAULOW, Farirz Farmhouse at Quimperlé 65 The Old Mill 78 TROMP, Jan Zoretrevier With Grandfather 35 TROYON, Constant Study of a Cow 37 VAN DER WEELE, Jonannes HERMAN The New Born Lamb 34 CATALOGUE NUMBER VAN DER WEYDEN, Henry Plowing on the Hillside 29 VAN DRIESTEN, A. J. Cottage on a Canal 22 VAN ESSEN, Jan Barking the Trees 2 VAN MASTENBROEK, Jonan HeEnprixk Canal—Rotterdam 21 Delftshaven—Sunset 33 Nieuhaven—Moonlight 5 Rotterdam—Winter Evening 4 VAN RECKUM, J. C. Windmill Beside a Pond 26 VON KOWALSKI, Atrrep Wiervs An Exciting Drive—Wallachia 72 The Bathers 89 VON MAX, GasrieL Ecstacy 59 WEILAND, Jowuannes The Dropped Stitch 25 WIJSMULLER, J. H. Homestead by the Lake 6 WOLBERS, Hermanus GerHarDus Pastures by the River Yssel 13 ZIEM, Feuix The Grand Canal 62 EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 277TH, 1911 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY, NEW YORK BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK Novl VICTOR BAUFFE \e. i i U DUTCH () (1849--) REFLECTIONS Height, 144, inches; length, 20 inches dt. : WATERCOLOR In the middle distance a man stands in a punt, propelling it with a pole, his figure being duplicated on the surface of the water which reaches to the foreground. On the right of the latter lie some lily- pads, while, over on the left, the bank is fringed with flags and bulrushes. ‘The scene is closed at the back by a vista of meadow, with indications of a village and church spire on the horizon. Signed at the lower left, V. Baurre. re No. 2 e JAN VAN ESSEN \ (1854- ) BARKING THE TREES Height, 121% inches; length, 2034 inches WATERCOLOR ey Co. ty tale TF’rom the left of the foreground a strip of bright green twrf extends back diagonally; bordered on the right by a little weedy pool with stones about it, and at the back by a narrow canal. At the left of the turf is a glistening white pile of short willow sticks, from which the bark has been stripped. A man is seated beside it, turning the back of his blue blouse to the spectator, as he bends over his work, drawing his material from a stack of undressed fagots in front of him. Beyond the canal a polder stretches to the blue horizon, where there are indications of a wood and a windmill. Signed at the lower left, JAN van Essen. No. 3 JACOB SIMON HENDRIK KEVER || | DUTCH , (1854- —) MOTHER AND BABY Height, 161%, inches; length, 1814, inches WATERCOLOR 7%, gtloed OF CE Mien THE little one is seated in a Dutch baby-chair, the red scroll work of its back appearing above the baby’s face. The mother sits bending toward it, with her back turned to the spectator. She is dressed in a black cap, plum-gray waist with full sleeves and a brown skirt, partly covered with a rough drab apron. The interior is of the rudest kind, with a low timbered ceiling. Signed at the lower right, Krver. \ \ hs No. 4 Rig if” J | by Se JOHAN HENDRIK VAN-MASTENBROEK ‘\ ae DUTCH Ce ROTTERDAM—WINTER EVENING Height, 133% inches; length, 211% inches a ( ? f NUMEROUS barges are moored at the left of the water, alongside a quay, which is planted with trees. Snow clings to their leafless branches and covers the ground; lying also on the top of the barges, in contrast to the pale dull-red of one of their hulls and the greenish- blue deckhouse of another. From the chimney-flue of the latter rises a spire of smoke. It hovers in the chill air and forms a veil through which the buildings at the rear of the canal show mistily. Over their roofs the sky presents a bar of yellow, surmounted by streaks of gray and reddish-purple vapor. Signed and dated at the lower right, J. H. v. Masrensroex, 1906. No. 5 JOHAN HENDRIK VAN MASTENBROEK DUTCH (1875- ss) NIEUHAV EN—MOONLIGHT Height, 14 inches; length, 2014 inches Sco... og ees) Gen eee. THE view of this old harbor exhibits the perspective of a winding street, gleaming in the moonlight, and lit by a few lamps. It is bordered on the left by a continuous row of red brick villas, ap- proached by flights of steps; the vista being terminated by a house, facing? Us, Over which appears a church spire. ‘The right of the street is marked by some bushes and a. wooden fence, beyond which the ground descends to a flat meadow that extends to a stretch of water. On the opposite side some buildings are vaguely dis- cernible, punctuated with points of light. Signed and dated at the lower right, J. H. v. Mastensrorx. No. 6 J. H. WIJSMULLER DUTCH (1855- —) HOMESTEAD BY THE LAKE Height, 16 inches; length, 241% inches Bie O Gh Glas THE homestead is seen across a sheet of water which reflects one of its gables. It is built on the plan of a right angle, a small turret sur- mounting the intersection of the two roofs. ‘The latter are yellow- mossy brown, and the walls white with green shutters and weather- board. A row of lopped plane-trees stand in front of it along the water’s edge. At its right is a clump of four trees, rising out of purplish undergrowth; and on the left a line of five poplars. Signed at the lower right, J. H. Wissmutzer. No.1 3Se WILLEM STEELINK CO DUTCH v (1856- _—+) THE RETURN TO THE BARN Height, 17 inches; length, 2414 inches Ger vena c We oe oe Ur Tue barn occupies the left of the composition, rudely constructed of boards, stained gray and drab with time and weather, and slightly tinged with yellowish lichen. It has double doors painted blue, the upper half of the left-hand one being open, disclosing the darkness of the interior. Some of the sheep are already waiting outside, as the shepherd approaches at the head of the rest of the flock. He is attired in a black cap, light blue blouse and olive-drab trousers. Signed at the lower right, W1iLm. STEELINK. yi : No. 8 vy ye ot | ANTON MAUVE \ DUTCH e (1838-1888) RETURN TO THE BARN Height, 7%, inches; length, 11% inches pine o° WATERCOLOR Tue right of the composition is fiiled with the silvery-gray wall of a rude barn, one angle of its brown roof being visible over the door, while the latter, made of dull olive-colored boards, is being held open by a girl; a goat and kid are stepping into the gloom of the interior, followed by an older kid. The girl is dressed in a bluish-white cap, | a blue waist with white collar and edging around the short sleeves, and a black skirt. Upon this rests a brown earthenware pan, which the girl is carrying with her right hand. A besom stands against the barn wall, near a little window. The yard is encircled at the rear with a straggling reddish hedge. The whole is characterized by this |) _artist’s subtlety of sober yet gracious tonality. Signed at the lower right, A. Mavve. From the Staats-Forbes Collection. No. 9 WILLEM HAMEL ee DUTCH (1860- +) SHEPHERD AND FLOCK Height, 21 inches; length, 301%, inches a: Lak WATERCOLOR L174. Wir# a black dog at his heels, a shepherd is walking at the rear of his flock. He wears a blue blouse and drab trousers, and carries his staff horizontally in front of him. With the exception of a single ewe on the right the flock presents a compact mass, as it moves over the scanty yellow herbage toward a mass of reddish-purple growth, out of which rise a few birch stems. ‘This seems to form the outskirts of a wood, which looms beyond, dull slaty purple. A few crows are fiying overhead. Signed and dated at the lower right, Hamet, 1906. No. 10 ANTONIO FABRES SPANISH Honorable Mention, Paris 1895. Awarded Silver Medal Universelle Exposition, 1900 A MOORISH LADY Height, 30 inches; width, 18°4 inches "Reber O. Feeke SEATED in a room, wainscoted with colored tiles, a Moorish lady has looked up from the embroidery which lies on her lap. From under a pointed hood of greenish-yellow and rose tapestry, lined with carmine, deep black ringlets descend over her ears, which are em- bellished with large rings. She is dressed in a sleeveless Jacket with broad tapestry collar, an under-robe with full, drooping sleeves and bloomers of crimson satin that reach to the ankles. On the. floor be- side her lies a rug, woven in tones of olive-green and pale and dark plum. Signed at the lower left, A. Fasres. No. 11 wee Ks O° Zs GUISEPPE SIGNORINI bere : mt) ITALIAN i Awarded Bronze Medal Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889 AN INTERRUPTED NOVEL Height, 1714 inches; length, 2414, inches WATERCOLOR ADn (p (0 In a room, decorated in rococo style, a young lady ‘has been listen- ing, while a gallant, presumably her lover, reads a story. They have come to a point where he looks up from the book, and the lady, poising her embroidery frame on her lap, returns his gaze. ptt? JEAN CHARLES MEISSONIER FRENCH J A Soon, CONTEMPORARY Medals, 1866. Gold Medal, 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1889 CONFIDENCES Height, 15 inches; length, Ere THE centre of the inn kitchen is occupied by a long oak table with a bench in front of it. On this two men are seated; the owe in a brick-red jerkin and ruby-red knickerbockers and_ stockings, the other in turquoise-blue tunic and stockings and dove-gray knicker- bockers. The latter rests his elbow on the table, a church-warden pipe in his hand, as he listens to the talk of his companion, who leans forward holding a tankard on his thigh. At the high chimney-place, in the r No. 66 VINCENZIO MARCH ITALIAN THE ITINERANT MUSICIAN nis non In what appears to be the yard of a wine-house in the Campagna, a number of gaily dressed peasants form a group of eager listeners, while an old man plays a guitar. In the rear a girl, dressed in a yel- low skirt with a red kerchief over her head, stands leaning against the wall at the entrance to the interior, in the shadow of which appears a younger girl. At the right of the foreground a woman, in a gray- — blue bodice, with her hands on the lap of her bright red skirt, is seated back to a wall on which a baby lies. Another woman reclines beside her, leaning her elbow on the wall, at the back of which sits an old man in a wide-brimmed straw hat. In the middle distance at the right are some low buildings with brown roofs and white chim- neys, in front of which grows a patch of grape vines. A man stoops to pick the fruit, while his panniered donkey grazes, and a girl looks on beside a donkey which is gaily caparisoned. Signed at the lower right, V. Marcu. No. 67 eee ie, a LS GEORGES MICHEL ~ aut () FRENCH (1763-1843) RIVER IN FLOOD Height, 18 inches; length, faves Ke (dele Over the centre of the white horizon lowers an inky mass of cloud that forms the nucleus of a threatening murk of blackish-drab which rolls across the sky with occasional breaks of lightish-gray. Under this canopy of storm-clouds the hills at the back are shrouded in gloom and a row of oaks on the right bank of the river shows cold olive-brown and black. ‘They are backed by a clump of dull olive- gold foliage, and grow out of a bed of golden-brown dried fern, which reaches to the edge of the bank. The river which presents a swollen turmoil of cream and olive tones breaks over a ridge of stones and falls to a lower level in gray and tawny tumult. On the left of this swirling foreground the bank is broken up with tones of golden-brown, out of which some stunted bushes show dark against the sky. From the Henry Graves Collection, New York, Catalogue No. 48. rn PASCAL ADOLPHE JEAN DAGNAN BOUVERET No. 68 FRENCH (1352 sae) Medals, 1878, 1880, 1885 and 1889. Grand Prix, 1889. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1892. Member of the Institute, 1900 THE NEW NOVEL Height, 24 Ve. a a GA “A YOUNG woman is seated in profile, facing to the lleft, her figure visible as far as the arm of the mahogany chair. Her back is turned slightly to the spectator, and her head inclines a little to the front. Against a bottle-green background the pale straw-colored hair is sottly silhouetted, being fringed over the forehead, puffed at the sides and hanging low down the back. The woman’s face, supported by her left hand, is beautifully modeled in clear life-like flesh tints. Her neck, encircled with a chain of little pearls and sapphires, is garnished with a white fichu. She wears a robe of pale robin’s egg blue with full sleeves, and a veil of the same color draped over her arm. Signed at the lower right, Pascat DaGnan. No. 69 ) EUGENE BOUDIN | | FRENCH (1825-1898) al DORDRECHT Tue anchorage is astir with fishing boats and a two-masted sailing vessel which are sheltering from the storm that threatens. For the sky is piled high on the left with a mass of slaty-purple vapor which breaks toward the right into volumes of cloud, illumined with whitish light. On the left of the water is a spit of cool juicy grass, where a shed appears and two roofs, respectively red and white. A smack with red sail lies moored near the bank, from which a man is rowing three passengers in a small boat. Farther back on this side, where the bank again projects, a windmill rises out of some shrubbery. Trees and houses with red roofs are strung across the distant back- ground, and close in the nearer view on the right where a high narrow tower shows conspicuously. Signed and dated at the lower left, EK. Bounty, ’83. No. 70 F. BRUNERY FRENCH Honorable Mention, 1903 THE KAVESDROPPER Height, 2114, inches; a 18 mG CG As A cardinal slumbers on one side of the fireplace, his niece of the other is receiving the attentions of a young gallant who kneels at her feet. Meanwhile, in the rear of the apartment a pert maid- servant is listening with her hand to her ear. The decorations of the room and the costumes are of the period of Louis XV. The girl’s hair is dressed high on her head with powder, ribbons and jewels, and her elegant figure is arrayed in a rose-colored skirt flounced with white, over which hangs a puce flowered-silk train, puffed over the hips. The youth wears a silk coat, striped with two shades of green, and sea-green breeches. Signed at the lower right, F. Brunery. INO EL ALBERT AUBLET / rv ‘ FRENCH Cg 7s ee Honorable Mention, 1879. Medals, 1880 and 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1890 IN THE GARDEN Height, 24 inches; Te lan ee Y A LAby, attired in a lavender-pink gown, with a white overhanging collar, stands between two bushes of delicate rosy-yellow tea-roses. She raises her right hand to the boughs of the taller one and lowers her left hand to the top of the smaller bush. Some iris-flags grow at her feet, and her figure is relieved upon a background of dark green foliage, her brown hair showing against the blue of the sky. Signed and dated at the lower left, Arpert AvuBieT, 1899. \ € No. 72 ALFRED, WIERUS VON KOWALSKI POLISH CONTEMPORARY AN EXCITING DRIV E—W ALLACHIA Height, 18%4 inches; length, 241, ce A RUDE cart, occupied by two handsome peasant girls, Vi at a lively pace, drawn by a white horse. A black and white hound runs barking at its head. 'The girls are laughing and look full of mischief, as if they had been racing the cart which appears farther back in the road. They are dressed in white blouses with full] sleeves. One holds her hands together near her cheek in the excitement, while her companion, who has a crimson handkerchief over her blond hair, seems to be slowing down the horse after the race. The road is bor- dered with foliage, yellow in the mellow sunshine. Signed at the lower left, A. Wrerus y. Kowatsk1. No. 73 ADOLPHE HENRI LAISSEMENT FRENCH CONTEMPORARY Honorable Mention, 1882 and 1889. Medals, 1898, 1900 and 1905 CARING FOR THE FLOWERS 2 i Height, 24 inches; width, 19%, , Ae : me: y (0 ; Morarrtty A RED-ROBED cardinal is watering some yellow chrysanthemums and pink and white cineraria, which are growing in a blue bowl, sup- ported on a gilt tripod. The watering pot, which is grayish-white, has a curious handle, composed of two concentric loops. On the mantlepiece at the back of the flowers stand a small urn and the statuette of a reclining draped figure, the latter being reflected in the mirror. Signed at the lower left, H. LatsseMEnv. f No. 74 — ADOLPHE PIOT FRENCH CONTEMPORARY TEA ROSES Height, 251%, in ; width, 1934 inches THE lady’s figure, facing the spectator, is seen to the waist, where it terminates in a profuse bouquet of La France roses, which she is negligently holding with her right hand. The other hand is laid over her breast, grasping a spray of the same flowers. Her head slightly inclines over the left shoulder; the hair, parted in the centre and waved at the sides, forming a bright spot of corn yellow against the dark background. Over a chemise, which leaves her neck and part of the left arm exposed, is draped a grayish smoke-colored gauze veil. Signed at the right side, A. Pior. No. 75 FRANS LANGEVELD ae .Y / ike Seah al DUTCH / | oa \/ Pl ee ae om * CONTEMPORARY a EVENING Height, 201, inches; length, 29 "Yh i, Pye ee ee Tue sky lowers with purplish-gray masses of cloud. The road, which extends back from the foreground, shiny from recent rain, is mottled with puddles that catch the light and with the brown shad- owed hollows left in its soft sand by the feet of four cows. They are moving along in straggling order; a black and a red one leading, while a black and white cow and a white one, which reflects the light, follow with the herdsman, in pale blue blouse, between them. ‘The road is skirted on the left by a garden wall, over the top of which “appears a small square building with a domed roof. On the opposite side of the road a clump of golden-brown oaks rises out of an under- growth of similar colors. Signed and dated at the lower right, Frans LanceEvELD, 1907. PA No. 76 HERMANN G. KRICHELDORE GERMAN CONTEMPORARY STILL LIFE Height, 2114 Beast NE ara Conspicuous among the objects disposed on a rough brown table is a lobster, the rich scarlet of which forms the clou to the whole composition. At the back of it stands an earthenware “krug,” em- bossed with figures, and a green tumbler, half-full of water. ‘To the right is a handsome silver-gilt cruet stand, with amber oil in one of the flasks and crimson vinegar in the other. Five unopened oys- ters lie at the right extremity of the table. The objects are seen against a tawny olive-green background that passes into deep golden- brown on.the left. Signed and dated at the top right, H. G. Kricuerporr, 1903, NON a7. CAMILLE PISSARRO Da ere FRENCH | \ \ } | , a (1831-1903) : APPLE TREES IN BLOSSOM, ERAGNY Height, 233, inches; length, 28%/, inches ene i vicdiap UNDER a pale dove-gray sky, astir with soft air, tHe yellow-green grass of the foreground shows cool and fresh. It is cut by two cart ruts which extend diagonally from the right. On the left of them appear two figures; a woman in a yellow waist, stooping to the ground, and one in a blue gown and a straw hat standing by her side. In the immediate foreground, at the left, stand two young apple trees, their leafless limbs snowy with blossom. On the farther side of the cart ruts is another white flowered tree and several with pinkish blossoms adjoin it. Beyond this extends a row of poplars with the suggestion of a brook. ‘Thence the ground rises with two enclosed fields to a cluster of cottages which crown the slope. Over on the left stands another rank of poplars. The scene is alive with the soft freshness and animation of early spring. Signed and dated at the lower left, C. Pissarro, 98. ese ee » FRITZ THAULOW \ | Cae | NORWEGIAN (S : (1847-1906) THE OLD MILL Height, 23 inches fJlength, 29 inches tt Ee \ . J * . . A WILLOW tree, growing out of Some reeds/in the immediate fore- ground, at the left, spreads its gnarled truwwk and branches against the gable end of a drab, green-stained shed. Its roof is continued on one side, so as to cover a structure that projects over the water. The latter, dappled with gray, dove and tawny drab reflections, ex- tends across the main part of the foreground and reaches back to the middle distance. Here, on the bank, a woman, in red waist and black skirt, is hanging linen on a line. The white spots show against a pink shed with scarlet roof, that adjoins a drab-walled, brown-roofed cottage. Beyond this stands a clump of trees, while in front of it, at the water’s edge, is a bush whose foliage is golden- yellow in the bright sunshine. Signed at the lower right, Frivz Tuaurow. No. 79 eee PROFESSOR CONRAD KIESEL 4) ~ GERMAN | | prsi6- > = ) THE DUET Height, 27 inches; width, eye Z) Der 63 wee). ’ In front of an illuminated music book, which occupies the left of the composition, two ladies are standing, their figures visible to the waist. One of them faces the spectator, a laurel wreath and violets crowning her blond hair which curls over her forehead and ripples down her right shoulder. Her companion is a brunette, whose hair is arranged in a knot on the head and falls in ringlets over the forehead. She is looking toward us over her left shoulder, her back being turned three-quarters to the front, draped in white, while a crimson and gold mantle les over her Jeft arm. Signed at the upper left, Conrapd KieseEr., ; No. 80 | JULIEN DUPRE FRENCH (1851-1910) Medals, 1880, 1881 and 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892 LA FERMIERE Height, Bolts yes ea Unver a sullen purple-gray cloud the pag of the smoothly with slaty blue. At the foot of it a gleam of cold yellow light is spread across the meadow beveled hill in the background is shadowed which extends to the foreground. Here on the left projects the end of a pool, toward which some white and fawn-colored ducks are waddling. As a white cow lowers her black neck and head to drink, a handsome girl rests her hand on the animal’s shoulder. Her head is bound with an old rose handkerchief, and her shapely figure clad in a pinkish fawn waist and slightly redder skirt, over which a light blue apron is turned up. At the right of the foreground lie two sheep, beyond which appear a white cow and a brown and white one near a willow. Signed at the lower right, Jur1eN Dupre. a ee Eee No. 81 ANTONIO FABRES b & U SPANISH . Ly 6 CONTEMPORARY THE SULTANA’S COFFEE Height, 28%4, inches; width, 23%, Ee (4 Cre, ‘ LU if A YOUNG girl of swarthy complexion, richly attired, has entered from a curtained doorway, carrying a tray on which are a coffeepot and cups and saucers. A cap of beaded net sits on her black hair, which falls loosely over one shoulder and down her back. Three ropes of pearls encircle her neck and a string of large yellow beads hangs over her bosom. She is swathed around the breasts and waist and over the left hip with a golden-yellow shawl, striped with dark red and blue. Her rich crimson bloomers reach to below the knee and her bare feet are encased in green velvet, embroidered slippers. A tabaret with a brass pitcher on it and a brass bowl, containing pampas grass, stand against the tiled wall, respectively at the left and right of the curtain. Signed at the lower right, A. Fasnes. eS roe a / \ oe fo HENRI HARPIGNIES é Ae ce yt’ FRENCH (1819- - 9) Medals, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1878, 1897. Grand Priv, 1900. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer, 1883, and Commander, 1901 SOUVENIR OF CAPE MARTIN Height, 25%, nonin nha THE cape is seen in the distance, jutting out with a gradual decline. Near its extremity is a square white block-house, and another appears farther back and higher up the slope. The water of the bay fills the middle distance; a sheet of blue, ruffled with little whitecaps. All this is seen through a screen of trees which grow out of a scrubby hedge that crosses the back of the foreground. ‘They are of slender growth, with the exception of one on the left of the centre which is sturdier and topped with a pompon of leaves. ‘The stems are sil- very-brown and the masses of foliage, silvery brownish-gray, seen against a pale primrose and white sky, which passes above into pale blue. A narrow path straggles across the foreground of coarse gray- green grass, broken up with stones. Signed and dated at the lower left, H. Harrientss, f. 1907. No. 83 FREDERIC HENRI KAEMMERER DUTCH (1839- —) THE MUSIC STUDENT 8. (sae oa Height, 32 inches; VEU aieeee G CAA y As A young lady, carrying a violin case, is being escorted by her chaperone she seems conscious of a young man, following her, upon whom she has evidently made a marked impression. The costumes are of the period of 1830 to 1840; his consisting of fawn-colored trousers, a long tailed brown coat and a vest striped with the same two colors. The young lady wears a straw hat with wide curling brim, and a white dress with short puffed sleeves and flounced skirt, short enough to reveal white stockings, set off with green satin shoes. The older lady, who carries a music book under her arm, is dressed in a pink gown and large poke bonnet. Signed at the lower left, F. H. KaeEMMeERER No. 84 | FERDINAND ROYBET | FRENCH (1840- +) Medals, 1866, 1893. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892. Officer, 1900 A CAVALIER OF THE REGENCY VVCLALS Height, 32 peta 251%, inches ° own to a little In front of a green tapestried curtain the figure is below the waist, facing three-quarters to the right. Whe head is in- clined over the left shoulder, the right hand resting on the hip, while the left grasps a malacca cane whose silver top is held against the lace cravat. Black love-locks project from under the wide-brimmed black felt hat; the eyebrows are correspondingly dark, but the mous- tache, curling up slightly, is chestnut. The costume consists of a handsome drapery cape of creamy fawn-colored silk, damasked with flowers of a brighter hue, and a fawn-colored doublet with tight sleeves, which are embellished with pink buttons and lace cuffs. Signed at the upper left, F. Royser. No. 85 wy ALBERT LYNCH A Vis PERUVIAN , | CONTEMPORARY Medals, 1890, 1892 and 1900. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1901 ARRANGING THE FLOWERS A LADY is seated on a blue garden bench Were a table of a: same ] color, on which lies a profusion of white marguerites and purple V iris. Her beautiful face, fringed with chestnut hair, is surmounted by a frilled sunbonnet of delicate pink material, gathered in with a black ribbon, one end of which hangs to her waist. A white fichu, edged with lace, is fastened low upon the bosom of her lavender-pink gown. Her graceful figure appears against a background of yellow leaves. Signed at the lower right, ArBert Lyncu. No. 86 CESARE DETTI ITALIAN (About 1850- ) DEPARTURE OF THE BRIDAL PARTY Height, 321%, ie ge i (9 ; HieuH up on the left of the composition appears the wing of an Italian Palace, with an arched entrance, in and out of which are pass- ing ladies and gentlemen in gay costumes of the seventeenth cen- tury. From the terrace a broad flight of steps descends to the fore- ground. Near the foot of it a gentleman, attired in tunic and knick- erbockers of creamy hue, with blue garters to his pink hose, stands holding his beaver on his hip, as he extends his hand to a lady. She is resplendent in a high ruff, and rose damask overskirt, the train of which is held up by a page. Another page carries her jewel-case. At the right a coach, drawn by two white horses, is coming round the angle of the balustrade. Signed at the lower left, C. Derr. © No. 87 | CHARLES P. GRUPPE A AMERICAN \ ( 1860- ) AT VOORBURG, HOLLAND Height, 351%, -inches; width, 27%, egy ay it THE water of the canal which flows straight back from the fore- ground is colored with the pale gray of the sky and scored with the dark wavy reflections of some trees on the right bank and a boat moored beside it. A man 1s stooping to chop sticks, his figure being seen against a haystack, sheltered by a roof. It is cut by the bare stem of a tree, and other trees appear farther back, in front of the gable end of a white cottage, roofed with red tiles. Near it the water is crossed by a wooden drawbridge. Signed at the lower right, Cuas. GRUPPE. No. 88 ; GUSTAVE COURTOIS ‘ | FRENCH (1853- ) Medals, 1878, 1880 and 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1889 PORTRAIT OF MLLE,. MARIE LOUISE B. Height, 381, inches; width, eee A HANDSOME brunette, with tawny ivory skin, dressed in the costume of a Moorish dancer, is seen in profile, facing toward the right. She is seated on a low seat so that her knee is raised, and on it rests her right elbow, while her hand is held under her chin. Black hair, brushed loosely off the face, falls in profusion down her back to the waist. Around this is wound a geranium-colored sash, the torso be- ing nude except for a little crimson sleeveless Jacket worn above the breasts. From it hangs, back and front, a fall of golden net, part of which is wrapt around the right arm. The costume is completed by a golden-yellow silk skirt, striped with black. Signed and dated at the lower right, Gustave Courrois, Paris, 1900. Exhibited at the Beaux Arts, 1901, Catalogue No. 159. No. 89 ALFRED WIERUS VON KOWALSKI POLISH \ / : \/ (1849-—) THE BATHERS Height, 31 inches; See ea Nas Oe ora A VERY unusual example of Kowalski’s style of subject; the picture was painted for the artist’s own house. It shows the nude form of a young girl, standing on the right bank of a pool of water. While she stoops down to thrust forward her right hand, as if to touch the water, she turns a laughing face to the spectator. Her wet hair drips like seaweed over her left breast. She is standing on some trampled dead reeds, her figure silhouetted against the pale olive tawny of the bank and a distant bush of soft fluffy olive foliage. On the left bank of the water are sketchily indicated the nude forms of a girl lying down and another standing beside her. The vista of water terminates in a background of dark bluish-green and olive tawny trees. Signed at the lower right, A. Wierus v. Kowatskt. (4 + No. 90 DAUGHTER OF EMILE VAN MARCKE 5 ae MME. MARIE DIETERLE FRENCH CONTEMPORARY Honorable Mention, 1883. Medals, 1884, 1889 and 1900 A NORMANDY FARM Height, 31 inches; ey th, OL ds inc elu f) Tuts vigorously natural scene represen Ss a spot on thé artist’s own farm in Normandy, where she satisfies her love of cattle by breeding them as well as painting them. A group of cows is distributed over the foreground, which seems to be a marsh-meadow, with straggling pools of water. In the shallow water in front a handsome red cow, with white face, neck and belly, stands almost full-front, turning her head, however, to the left, so that it is seen in profile... She is, perhaps, arrested in the act of drinking by the appearance of a scrubby haired dog, which has his tail to the spectator.