912 Nov .11 INeAnH AN ASS ae Bel agg *s. i] | Z 5 RS xy ERED SS NS SRA — >= aN ; A Sony, COMMATTTTTINTTT « A, (sae a 1 | | Fu TT Engg pk ME paedvacinabavaninii ee ee ee ee eee on ron) oO re Sh 4 Pp < A Z < 2) ) aa ic (inserted) a portrait of Walton (printed in colors, engraved by — Mme. Bovi after Minisi, very scarce), as well as a proof meZZO- — tint of Cotton. 39. ALEXANDRE (ARSENE). Honoré Daumier: Vhomme et louvre. Ouwvrage orné d’un portrait a Veau-forte, de deux héliogravures et de 47 illustrations. 4to, half red levant morocco, monogram on the back, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Hardy. Paris, 1688: 40. [ALLESTREE (RICHARD).| The Gentleman’s Call. ing. First EDITION. Frontispiece, engraved title, and 2 plates, in the manner of Faithorne. 16mo, old red moroce gilt back and side panels, gilt edges. London: Printed for T. Garthwait, 1660. 41. [ALLESTREE (RICHARD).] The Gentleman’s Call ing. Hrontispiece, engraved title, and 2 plates, in the manne of Faithorne. 16mo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London, 1660 ise * Another issue of the First Edition, probably a second, the of 16 leaves, and the last page containing the ‘‘Table of Con- tents,” this latter in the previous copy forming ant of : pe ar preliminary matter. pas ir Tongue, by the Author of The Whole Duty of Man, Evo, old English black morocco, back and sides covered an elaborate design in gold and silver, in scroll an with flower and leaf ornaments, gilt edges. Ree At the Theatre in Oxford, 6 ne Ra Tee Pe Ce ae eee ee ee ee ee Pe . Ae ee eae Pe el ee A te ee < vs AgAle = igh Sen er t ip ne eae pe oe ee =" a S = . ‘ 5 43. [ALVAREZ (FRANCISCO).] Historiale Description de l’Kthiopie, contenant vraye relation des terres, & pais du grand Roy, & empereur Prete-Ian. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bau- zonnet. Anvers: chez Iehan Bellére, 1558 * At the beginning are the two letters of Andrea Corsali. 44. AMBILLOU (R. BOUCHET D’). Sidere, Pastorelle. Plus les Amours de Sidere, de Pasithée, & autres Poésies du mesme Autheur. $8vo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris: R. Estienne, 1609 45. AMERICAN AUTOGRAPH LETTERS. §Inelude A. L. 8. of Donald G. Mitchell, S. F. B. Morse, Park Ben- jamin, Charles Sumner, and others. Together, 18 pieces, 8vo and 12mo,1and2pp. With several envelopes. v. p.—v. d. 46. AMERICAN FOLK-LORE. Folk-Tales of Angola, edited by Heli Chatelain; Bahama Songs and Stories, by Charles L. Edwards; Louisiana Folk-Tales, edited by Alcee Fortier; Current Superstitions, edited by Fanny D. Bergen; Traditions of the Thomson River Indians, collected by James Teit; Animal and Plant Lore, edited by F. D. Bergen. To- gether, 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1894-99 47. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Recueil d’Estampes representant les differents Evenemens de la Guerre qui a procure |’Indépendance aux Etats Unis de 1l’Amerique. With 16 engravings on copper by N. Ponce and F. Gode- froy after Fauvel, Le Barbier, Marillier, and others. 4to, red Jevant morocco, with mosaic wreath of green and blue morocco outlined with gold on the sides, gilt edges, by Marius Michel. Paris: chez M. Ponce et M. Godefroy [vers 1780] * These plates include the Battles of Lexington and Saratoga. and the Surrender of Cornwallis. Plates were copied, given other titles, and published in England towards the close of the Eighteenth Century. 48. AMICIS (EDMONDO DE). Spain and the Spaniards. Profusely illustrated with photogravures, etchings, etc. Accompanied by an extra set of the plates on satin, all mn mats. Ato, cloth, uncut. New York, 1885 * Guadalquiver Edition, limited to 600 copies. 49. AMMAN (JOST). Frauen-Trachtenbuch, 1586; Kar- tenspielbuch, 1588; Wappen und Stammbuch, 1589; Stande und Handwerker, 1568; also, Hans Burgmair’s Leben und Leiden Christi, 1520. Facsimile reproduction of the original cuts. 5 vols. small 4to, half brown (two shades) levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Munchen, 1880-87 * Facsimile reproductions by Dr. Hirth limited to 500 copies. The ‘‘Stande und Handwerker” has verses by Hans Sachs. 7 50. AMOURS DE MIRTIL (LES). Engraved title and 6 plates by Legrand after Gravelot. Small 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Constantinople, 1761 * From the Van der Helle collection. This work i is attributed to Fontenello. 51. AMPERE (JEAN JACQUES ANTOINE). La Gréce, Rome et Dante. Etudes littéraires d’aprés nature. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half green calf, gilt and mosaic back, gilt top, unent. Paris: Didier, 1848 52. AMSTERDAM. Nouvelle Statistique Historique d’Amsterdam. Ou le guide du voyageur en cette ville. Two folded copper-plate maps and 13 other plates, all but one in brown. 12mo, old light green morocco gilt, gilt edges. ee Amsterdam: E. Maaskamp [c. 1800] — 53. AMUSEMENTS. Les Amusements de la Princesse ~ Atilde. 2vols inl. 12mo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt — edges, by Duru. Paris: Charles Osmont, 1697 — 54. ANACREON. Odes, Inscriptions, Epitaphes, Epi-— thalmes et Fragments. 4 plates engraved by Gaucher oe i Queverdo. 12m0, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges. ~— Paris: Didot l’ainé, 179: - * PRINTED ON VELLUM. With the plates in two states, proofs. ‘a before letters, and etched proofs finely colored by hand. The ~ third plate is in uncolored etching state as well. 55. ANALECTABIBLION, ou Extraits critiques de dive livres rares, oubliés ou peu connus, tirés du Cabinet du Marquis D. R. (Du Roure). 2 vols. 8vo, half levant mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1836 56. ANANDRIA ou Confessions de Mademoiselle Saph Contenant les détails de sa réception dans la Secte Ana drine, sous la présidence de Mile. Raucourt, & ses divers aventures. 8vo, half citron morocco, gilt top, uncut. En Grece [Paris?], 1789 57. [ANCILLON (CHARLKHS).] Traite des Eunuques, dans lequel on explique toutes les différentes sortes d’Eunuques, quel rang ils ont tenu, & quel cas on ensa fait, — &e. 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Smeers. — Imprimé Van 1707 58. ANCELOT (MARGUERITE L. V. C.). Un Salon: Paris, 1824a 1864. Portrait and 5 other photographs. Royal — 8vo, half calf, uncut. Paris: E. Dentu, 1866 ne: 59. [ANDERDON (J. L.).] The River Dove. | some quiet thoughts on the happy practice of angl Small 8vo, green calf gilt, gilt edges. | London: W. Picker’ 8 a ree Te ae = es - Pt 60. ANDRE (EDOUARD) L’Art des Jardins—Traité général de la composition des Pares et Jardins. Planches en chromolithographie et de 520 figures dans le texte. Im- perial 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uneut. Paris [1879] 61. ANDREWS (MILES (PETER). Better Late Than Never: a Comedy. In five acts. 8vo, red leather, gilt edges. London: J. Ridgway, 1790 * First Edition; with the half-title. 62. ANDREWS (WILLIAM (LORING). Portfolio con- taining 27 photographs of porcelains, prints, etce., from the collection of Wm. L. Andrews. Mounted on cardboard and enclosed in half morocco portfolio. Small folio. [New York, ca. 18>5] 63. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). The Bradford Map. The City of New York at the time of the granting of the Montgomerie Charter. Mort. Traduit de lItalien par G. Hérelle. 12mo, half green levant morocco, gilt back, plaid silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. — * One of 50 copies on Holland paper. Paris, 1896 72. ANNUNZIO (GABRIELE D’). Les Vierges aux Rochers. Traduction de l’Italien par G. Hérelle. 12mo,_ half citron levant morocco, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. i 1897 * One of 50 copies on Holland paper. 73. ANNUNZIO (GABRIELE D’). La Ville Mort Tragédie moderne en cing actes. 12mo,-half green leva’ morocco gilt, figured silk sides, original covers bound i. by The Club Bindery. Paris, * One of 50 copies on Holland paper. : 10 Sinai Os | | et Lane en i ala mer Oces : é uroy Defpaigne Fernad G Eliza ° .: faitt premicrement en latin par Po rt yr de Millan, & depuis tran/late et | ines auf ANGHIERA. RECUEIL DES ISLES NOUVELLEMENT TROUVEES, ETC. (See No. 67.) ye ae eed Say OS hl ee eee 74. ANNUNZIO (GABRIELE D’). Le Fou. Traduit de l’Italien par G. Hérelle. 12mo, half red levant morocco, figured silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris [1900] * One of 50 copies on Holland paper. 75. [ANTHOLOGIA GRACA.] Florilegium diversorum epigrammatum in septem libros. FIRST ALDINE EDITION. 8vo, red straight-grain morocco, blind and gilt tooled sides, silk linings, gilt edges, by Vogel. Venetiis, in edibus Aldi, 1503 76. APIANUS (PETRUS). Cosmographia per Gemmam Frisium iam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac non- nullis quoque locisaucta. Additis eiusdem argumenti libellis ipsius Gemme Frisii. Nwmerous woodcut maps, figures, diagrams etc. 4 movable astronomical maps, all in perfect condition, and WITH THE RARE FOLDING MAP OF THE WORLD. 4to, brown levant morocco, the sides richly tooled and gilt, gilt edges, by Lortie. Antuerpiz: Gregorius Bontius, 1550 * LARGE AND FINE COPY. 77. APULEIUS. The Metamorphosis, or Golden Ass; and Philosophical Works of Apuleius. Translated from the original Latin by Thomas Taylor. 8vo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru. London: Robert Triphook, 1822 * Thick paper copy; contains the suppressed passages. 78. APULEIUS. The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of Cupid and Psyche. Done into English by William Adlington. With a Discourse on the Fable by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece, one full-page plate, and vignettes. 8vo, half parchment, uncut. London: David Nutt, 1887 * One of 60 copies on large paper, with the plates in two states. 79. AQUINO (THOMAS DE). Prima Pars Secunde edita a fratre Thoma de Aquino. Gothic character, double columns. 177. unnumbered leaves (including the blanks 1 and 177), without signatures and catchwords. 61 lines to the page. KRubricated throughout, and FIRST INITIAL ILLU- MINATED IN GOLD AND COLORS, with a semi-border painted in various colors, other initials in blue and red. Folio. Mentz: Petrus Schoeffer de Gernszheim, 1471 * FIRST EDITION. CONTEMPORARY GERMAN BINDING COVERED WITH STAMPED CALF (joints restored), brass corners, studs and clasps. Inacase. Fine and large copy, having several leaves with rough edges. Hain, 1447; Proctor, 97. In this occurs the famous colophon, that ‘‘ this book is produced not by aid of a pen, but by the new and wonderful art of printing.” 11 80. ARABIAN NIGHTS. Les Mille et Une Nuits, Contes Arabes. Avec une préface de Jules Janin. Vingt et une eaux-fortes par Ad. Lalauze. 10 vols. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Paris, 1881 * One of 200 copies on Holland paper. ; 81. ARCUSSIA (CHARLES D’). La Fauconnerie divisée en dix parties, contenues ala page suyuante. Hngraved portrait of the author by Briot, his engraved coat of arms, 14 plates of falcons, and 5 of implements used in falconry. — 4to, olive brown levant morocco, gilt tooled symbolical in- | side borders, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. ioe Paris: Jean Houzé, 1627 fae * RARE. The most complete edition. 82. ARETINO (PIETRO). Suite Compléte de Vingt — Eaux-Fortes pour iliustrer les Ragionamenti ou Dialogues du divin Pietro Aretino. Dessinées par L. Dunki, gravées par A. Prunaire. 4to, in board portfolio. Paris, 1882 © * All proofs before letters on large Japan paper. 7 83. ARGONNE (BONAVENTURE D’). Mélanges d’His- toire et de Litterature, par M. De Vigneul-Marville. Qua- triéme Edition, revié, corrigée, & augmentée par M . ere 3 vols. small 8vo, old red morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, by RE: Derome the younger. Paris: Claude Prudhomme, 1725 — 84. ARIAS MONTANUS (BENEDICTUS). Humane ~ Salutis Monumenta. Hngraved title by ‘‘ P. H.”’ (Pierre — Huse ?), head of Christ facing to the right and 70 other copper-plates of Biblical subjects by the brothers Wierix, P. — Van der Borcht, Van der Broecke, and others. 4to, brown levant morocco, panelled sides, gilt edges, by Masson- © Debonnelle. (Title mended in lower part and writing — thereon. ) Antuerpie: Christophorus Plantinus, 1571 85. ARIOSTO (LODOVICO). Orlando Furioso nouissi- — mamente alla sua integritéa ridotto. Title within an orna- mental woodcut border and 46 cuts. 4to, ancient brown calf, the sides in compartments formed by interlaced bands, painted black and outlined in gold, with gilt and painted arabesques, gilt edges (rebacked and edges restored). 2 © leaves missing. Venetia: Gabriel Giolito, 1544 86. ARIOSTO (LODOVICO). Orlando Fvrioso, tvtto — ricorretto, et di nvove figvre adornato. Con le Annotationi, — gli Auuertimenti, & le Dichiarationi di Ieronimo Ruscelli, — ete. Title within an architectural woodcut border, with — portrait of Ariosto in the upper part, and 51 full-page wood- cuts, within ornamental borders, engraved after the designs of the celebrated Ferrara painter Dosso Dossi. 4to, brow levant morocco, the sides tooled and gilt in a 16th century Venetian style, gilt edges, by Bedford (margins of tit supplied). Venetia: V. Valgrisi, 1565 12 etry 87. ARISTOTLE. La Morale et la Politique d’Aristote, traduites du Gree par M. Thurot. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uneut, by Belz- Niedrée. Paris: Didot, 1823-1824 * Copy on papier vélin. 88. ARNAUD (F. T. DE BACULARD D’). Les Epoux malheureux, ou Histoire de M. et Mde * * *, Nouvelle édition, Corrigée, augmentée de deux nouvelles Parties qui sont la conclusion de l’histoire, avec figures. Four frontis- pieces. 4 vols. in 2, 18mo, red straight-grain morocco, gilt back, side panels and dots, silk linings, gilt edges, by Durand, with his ticket. Paris, 1793 89. ARNOLD (THOMAS). Christian Life, FIRST EDITION, 1841; Miscellaneous Works, Collected and Republished,1845; Fragments on the Church, 1845; History of Rome, 38 vols., 1845-46; Introductory Lectures on Modern History, 1849; History of the later Roman Commonwealth, Vol. 1, 2 copies, 1845. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1841-49 90. ARRAS (JEHAN D’). Melusine. Nouvelle édition, conforme a celle de 1478 revue et corrigée avec une préface par M. Ch. Brunet. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt centre ornaments, gilt edges, by Lortic. | Paris, 1854 91. ARREST de la Cour de Parlement, contre Iean Chastel escholier estudiant au Collége des Jesuistes, pour le parricide par luy attenté sur la personne du Roy. Small 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Thibaron. Orléans par Fabian Hotot, suyuant la copie imprimée a Paris, 1595. * RARE. Large copy, with some uncut lower margins, 92. ARRIAN ON COURSING. The Cynegeticus, or The Younger Xenophon, translated from the Greek, with Classical and Practical Annotations. To which is added an appendix. With embellishments from the antique. Royal 8vo, cloth, uneut. (Slightly foxed and name on title.) London, 1831 Edition of 250 copies, with the plates on India paper. 93. ARS MORIENDI. Letzter Kampff dess Mensché, dass ist ein kurtzer Begriff der Firnembsten versuchungen mit welche der Laydige Satha den Sterbenden Mensché, ete. Title within an engraved border and 13 curious copper engravings ascribed to Martin Zagel. Small 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges. Miinchen, 1623 94. ART. L’Art et ’Idée. Revue contemporaine illustré [du dilettantisme littéraire et de la curiosité] publiée par Octave Uzanne. The illustrations are full-page and in the text. One vol. boundin two. Royal 8vo, olive green levant morocco, gilt fillets, gilt tops, uncut, original covers. bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1892 * Copy on papier vélin. 18 95. ASHBEE (E. W.). Occasional Fac-simile Reprints [of Rare and Curious Tracts of the 16th and 17th Centuries]. Facsimile woodcuts and types of the originals. 4to, half | light brown levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uneut, by ~ Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed for subscribers only, 1868, &e. * Only 100 copies of each of these rare tracts printed. In- cluded in the collection are, Bartholomew Faire (1641); The Wyse Chylde of thre yere old (Wynkyn de Worde); Drinke and ' Welcome (John Taylor, the water-poet, 1637); The Engle vi Mountebank (1652); and others. - 96. ASSELINEAU (CHARLES). Bibliographie Roman- — tique. Catalogue anecdotique et pittoresque des éditions originales des ceuvres de Victor Hugo—Alfred de Vigny— Prosper Mérimée—Alexandre Dumas, ete. Secondeédition, revue et tres-augmentée avec une eau-fortede Bracquemond. Imperial 8vo, citron levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by — Belz-Niedrée. Paris, 1872 * One of 8 copies on large India paper, with etched iron piece by C. Nanteuil. : 97. ATHEN AUS. Les quinze livres des Deipnosophistes _ traduits pour la premiére fois en Francois {par Abbé de. Marolles) aprés les versions latines de Natalis Comes et de Jacques d’Alechamp. First EDITION. 4to, old French red morocco gilt, gilt edges, by PADELOUP. (Portrait miss- — ing. ) ; Paris, 1680 — 98. ATTAIGNANT (GABRIEL, ABBE DE L’). Poesie de M. Abbé de l’Attaignant; contenant tout ce qui paru de cet Auteur sous le titre de Piéces Dérobées, avec des augmentations trés-considérables, & des Airs notés sur toutes les chansons. . Portrait of the author. 4 vols. 12mo, — old red morocco, gilt, with the CROWN AND INSIGNIA OF THE PRINCE DE SOUBISE, gilt edges. Londres [et Paris]: chez Duchesne, 175 99. AUBERVAL (D. B. D’). Contes en Vers Eros Philosophiques. 2 vols. 8vo, half cloth, uncut. 100. AUCASSIN ET NICOLETTE. Chantetwnte a Douziéme Siécle. Traduite par A. Bida. Révision du tex par Gaston Paris. Portrait and 9 etchings, proofs on Indi paper. 4to, half citron levant morocco gilt, uncut, origin: covers bound in, by Carayon. Paris, 18° * Large Paper copy. eta) 101. AUCOURT (GODART D’). Thémidore; ou, Mo Histoire et celle de ma Maitresse. Tllustré de vingt- deu lithographies originales en couleurs par Lubin de Beauvai Royal 8vo, original covers, uncut. Paris; Ferroud, nu. d. * One of 30 copies on Japan paper, with duplicate set of th plates, proofs before letters, and an One pekMe yo Beauvais. ae i : 14 ‘" 102. AUCTORES Mythographi Latini. Caius Julius Hyginus, Fab. Planciad. Fulgentius, Lactantius Placidus, Albricus Philosophus cum integris commentariis Jacobi Mieylli, Joannis Schefferi, et Thome Munceckeri, quibus, adcedunt Thome Wopkensii emendationes ac conjecture. Curante Augustino van Staveren. Frontispiece by F. van Bleyswyck, and 43 copperplate vignettes in Hyginus’ ‘‘ Poet- acon Astronomicon.’’ 4to, red straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. The Syston Park copy. Lugd. Bat. & Amsteledami, 1742 103. AUDUBON (JOHN JAMES) sand BACHMAN (JOHN). The Quadrupeds of North America. 155 finely colored plates. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt tops. New York, 1849-54 104. AUGUSTINUS (ST.). De Doctrina christiana sive de arte predicandi. Gothic character, 39 lines to the page, 22 unnumbered leaves without signatures, pagination or catchwords. Small folio, old stamped ealf. [Strassburg: Johann Mentelin, ca. 1466] * The first of the two editions printed by Mentelin, and a fine, tall clean copy of an extremely rare specimen of the first press in Strassburg. In one copy a rubricator’s date exists showing that this edition was printed before 1466. The second edition, printed probably two or three years later, has some words printed in full, that in the first are contracted, and typographical evi- dence implies that it could not have been printed before 1468, 105. AUGUSTINUS (ST.). Les Confessions de Saint Augustin. Traduction nouvelle, avee introduction par Edmond Saint-Raymond. Illusirées de huit eaux-fortes com- posées et gravées par Adolphe Lalauze. 8vo, original covers, uncut. In cloth portfolio, with ties. Paris: Georges Hurtrel, n. d. *One of 30 copies on Japan Paper, with the plates in two states. 106. AUMALE (HENRI D’ORLEANS, DUC D’) Les Zouaves et les Chasseurs a Pied Jilustratious de Charles Morel, gravées sur bois par Cl. Bellanger, Léveillé, etc. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt side borders in fillets, etce., doublure of red morocco, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1896 * One of 123 copies on ‘‘ vellum paper.” 107. AURELIUS ANTONINUS (MARCUS). Pensées Morales de Mare Antonin Empereur. Traduits du Gree. -12mo, green levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Bauzonnet- Trautz. Amsterdam, 1655 108. [AUSTEN (JANE).] Sense and Sensibility: a Novel. By aLady. 3 vols. 12mo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for the Author, 1811 * Though dated the year of the First Edition, the above seems to be one of several editions of 1811, by same printer, probably the second. Contains all the half-titles. 15 “xe es 109. [AUSTEN (JANE).] Mansfield Park; A Novel. By the author of ‘‘Sense and Sensibility, &e.’’ 3 vols, 12mo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uneut, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for T. Egerton, 1814 * Probably a later edition than the First, although bearing same date and containing the half-titles. 110. AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. The Autograph Album of Madame Louis Figuier, wife of the well-known writer on Natural History, containing 199 letters and notes of French celebrities from 1859 to 1876, including authors, scientists, actors and actresses, artists, ete. 2 vols. 4to, brown mo- rocco, lettered with her initials ‘‘ J. F.’’ on the sides. * Among the more celebrated names are letters by George Sand, Louis Ulbach, Jules Michelet, Edouard Cadal, Emile Guyon, Victor Hugo, A. de Quatrefages, Jules Janin, Mdme. Anna Judic, Francis Wey, Michael Chevalier, Achille Jubinal, Ae Louis Leroy, E. Firmin-Didot, Marie Favart, ‘Auguste Nelaton; Ri Marie Grandet, Edmond Texier. Eugene Pelletan, Champ- os fleury, Joseph Mery, Laurent Talien, Emile Montegut, Paul ee Fabre, A. Duverger, etc. ; 111. AYRES (PHILIP). Cupids Addresse to the Labiee! % Emblemata Amatoria. Emblems of Love. Embleme d’Amore. Emblemes d’Amour. In four Languages. FIRST EDITION. Hngraved throughout and printed on one side of — paper; frontispiece signed ‘** I. B.’’ (Isaac Becket?), and 44 — emblems. Small 8vo, old English red morocco gilt, gilt — side panels, gilt edges. London: Sold by R. Bentley and 8S. Tidmarch, 1683: 112. B (T. The Rebellion of Naples, or the Tragedy Massenello. Commonly so called: but rightly Tomaso Aniello di Malfa, Generall of the Neopoli- tans. Written by a Gentleman who was an eye-witnes. where this was really Acted upon that bloudy stage, the streets of Naples. Engraved folding frontispiece signed M. (William Marshall). SECOND EDITION. 16mo, blue levant. morocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. . London, 1602 [1651] See 118. BAARDT (PETRUS). Nebulo Nebulonum dat der vielté affgerichté vielt ofte Boertig Ernst overgese uyt den Latynschen in onse Nederduytsche Tale. Hingrave title and copper engravings (2 slightly shaved). 24mo, re levant morocco, gilt edges. . By Franz Pels [n. pl., ‘17th Cent. 114. BAC (FERDINAND). Nos Femmes. Album e couleurs. (Nine of the duplicates colored by hand. ) Nos. Amoureuses. Album inédit et en couleurs. 2 vols. 4t oe half cloth, original covers bound in. Paris, n. | * The illustrations are proofs before letters. ae 16 115. BACON (SIR FRANCIS). The Essaies of S" Francis Bacon Knight, the Kings Aturney General. His Religious Meditations. Places of Perswasion and Disswasion. Small 8vo, original vellum covers, with ties (not original). (Hole on margin of B4.) Printed at London for Iohn laggard, 1613 * The sixth edition. 116. BACON (SIR FRANCIS). Essays Moraux, du tres- honorable Seigneur Francois Bacon Chevalier, Baron de Verulam, & grand Chancelier d’Angleterre. Traduits en Franeois par le Sieur Arthur Georges. 16mo, red levant morocco, crowned: monogram on the back and in the side corners, gilt edges, by Trautz- Bauzonnet. Londres: Jean Bill, 1619 * Contains the preliminary blank leaf, marked ‘‘A,’’ and the two final blank leaves, G11 and G12, unopened. 117. BACON (SIR FRANCIS). Resuscitatio, or bring- ing into Public Light several Pieces of the Works, Civil, Historical, Philosophical, and Theological, hitherto Sleep- ing of Francis Bacon. The Second Edition, somewhat enlarged by William Rawley. Portrait. Folio, ealf, with gilt panels on the sides and THE ARMS OF CHARLES II. OF ENGLAND, to whom the book is dedicated. New back and outer margins. London, 1661 * From the Townley collection, with bookplate, with the extra leaf Oo (281-282) preceding the signature Oo, followed by a second extra leaf without signatures or numerals, containing ‘‘ Faults Escaped in the Printing.” 118. BAFFO (GIORGIO). Poésies complétes en dialecte Vénitien littéralement traduites pour la premiére fois, avec le texte en regard. Portrait. 4 vols. royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris: pour Isidore Liseux, 1884 * Only 100 copies printed. 119. [BAILEY (PHILIP JAMEKS).] Festus: a Poem. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Allo. London: William Pickering, 1839 * Contains the portions which were afterwards suppressed. 120. BAILLIE (JOANNA). The Family Legend: a Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, Scotch plaid silk, gilt edges. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne, 1510 121. BAILLIE (JOANNA). Dramas. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 8vo, half orange levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Smith-Mansell. London, 1836 122. BALDRY (ALFRED LYS). George H. Boughton. His Life and Work. Oolored plates, photogravures and text illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1904 * Extra number of The Art Journal. Autograph presentation copy ‘‘To Robert Hoe, Esq., with sincerest compliments and deepest esteem. From Geo. H. Boughton, London, Nov. 2nd, 1904.” 17 123. BALE (JOHN). A Brefe Chronycle concernynge ~~ the Examynacyon and Death of the blessed Martyr of Christ Syr Johan Oldecastell the Lord Cobham. To which is — added, an Appendix of Original Instruments. Hngraved portrait of Lord Cobham. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt tooled dentelle borders on the sides, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Matthews, in a case. London, 1729 * PRINTED ON VELLUM. Extremely rare in this state. Book- plate of Wentworth Buller, and another (this in colors), motto — of which is *‘Semper Vigilans.”. i 124. BALLADS. A New Ballad. To the Tune of, Lon- — don is a fine Town, &ce. Folio, boards, leather back. ' London: J. Smith, 1726 — 125. BALLADS. The Minstrelsy of the English Border. Being a Collection of Ballads, Ancient, Remodelled, and Original. With Illustrative Notes by Frederick Sheldon. Square 12mo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uneut, by — Stikeman. London, 1847 * EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of numerous engi: ings of the castles and abbeys of the English Border. 126. BALLADS. The Book of British Ballads. and Second Series, complete. Edited by S. C. Hall. trated by Ward, Meadows, Tenniel, Frith, and others. 2 vols. in 1. Royal 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Wright. London, 1847 127%. BALLADS. Broadside Black-letter Ballads, printed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, chiefly in the possession of J. Payne Collier. Illustrated by Origin Woodcuts. 4to, red straight-grain morocco, gilt top, Zeehusdorf. [London]: Printed for private circulation, 1868 — * Collier’s copy, with his autograph on the fly-leaf. Inserted are a number of MS. notes, chiefly in Collier's writing, co cerning ballads and their histor y, and the MS. (4 pages, 4to) an article by Collier on broadside ballads, apa rea before the Society of Antiquaries. ny te 128. BALLADS. Broadside Black-letter Ballads, prin in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, chiefly in th possession of J. Payne Collier. Illustrated by origin woodcuts. Small 4to, red straight-grain moroceo, & top, uneut, by A Aehnsc ore * Bound in is Wie supplementary ‘‘ Twenty Old Ballac and Songs,” 1869, and ‘‘A Few Odds and Ends for Chee Friends,” 1870. Both these were printed for asia ~~ Zaebnsdorf. Penaia: Printed for Sobeente iy 18 ea Ma \pewees? we lh ee ee Pe Teen ie SOR cSt eS a Be) fie ae eb i SK Ma aed ky Si faye ee ee Pee rei Yaw De ret a rn ee ee) ee ee a Se TS oo (a eee o — > i “ee : Tne: . 4 ’ pel ; C “# cata, eet P 4 ai ( ee ‘ naa tee se Sete LR Me ra Be ae Mar See 130. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Physiologie du Mariage ou Meditations de Philosophie Eclectique, sur le Bonheur et le Malheur conjugal, publiées par un jeune célibataire. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown, levant morocco gilt, uncut, original covers bound in, by Alld. Paris: Levavasseur, 1830 131. BALZAC (HONORE DE). (iuvres. 17 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1830-45 * The set includes: Scénes de la Vie Privée, 4 vols.; Scénes de la Vie Parisienne, 4 vols.; Scénes de la Vie de Province, FIRST EDITION, 4 vols.; Splendeurs et Miséres de Courtisanes, FIRST EDITION, 3 vols.; Physiologie du Mariage, 2 vols. 132. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Noveaux Contes Philos- ophiques: Maitre Cornélius—Madame Firmiani—L’ Auberge Rouge—Louis Lambert. ‘FIRST EDITION. Frontispiece on India paper, by Porret after Tony Johannot. 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, uncut, original covers bound in, by All6. Paris, 1832 133. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Le Médecin de Cam- pagne. 4 vols. in 2, 12mo, green calf, gilt edges, by Bau- zonnet. — Paris, 1834 134. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Le Lys dans La Vallée. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1836 135. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Le Lys dans La Vallée. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco gilt, uncut, by Allo. Paris, 1836 136. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Le Livre Mystique. Por- trait, engraved by Hedouin. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1836 * In volume 2 is inserted AN ORIGINAL INDIA-INK DRAWING BY AMAND, representing ‘‘ Seraphita.” 137. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Le Peau de Chagrin. {tudes sociales. 2 plates by Fournier after Lange and Maret, India proofs, and numerous vignettes after designs of Marceau, Baron, Gavarni, Corlet, Langlois, and others. Royal 8vo, half brown levant morocco gilt, uncut, by Champs. Paris, 1838 138. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Scénes de la Vie Paris- ienne. 2 vols. 12mo, half blue calf (rubbed). Paris, 1839 139. BALZAC (HONORE DE). La Derniére Incarnation de Vautrin. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. in 1, 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, side panels tooled in fillets and dots with corner ornaments, doublure of green morocco with borders and corner ornaments, silk moiré end-papers, gilt over rough edges, by Lortic fréres. Paris, 1848 19 140. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Les Contes Drolatiques; Colligez ez Abbayes de Touraine. TJllustrée de 425 dessins par Gustave Doré. One vol. divided into 3. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: [Bénard et Cie. ], 1855 * Thick vellum paper copy. The second and third titles are dated 1833 and 1837, 4 141. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Eugénie Grandet. Owe rage orné de huit swets dessinés par Dagnan-Bouverel, et gravés a l’eau-forte par M. le Rat. Royal 8vo, light brown levant morocco, covered with interlacings of dark blue and compartments decorated with small eighteenth century tools, doublures of dark blue morocco, narrow borders, vellum guards, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris: imprimé pour les Amis des Livres, 1883 * One of 120 copies, with the etchings in two states, one on India paper. Specially printed for subscribers, this being for _ M. Chas. Cousin. 142. BALZAC (HONORE DE). La Cousine Bette. Die compositions par G. Cain, gravées a leau-forte par Gawean et Géry-Bichard. 8vo, half maroon levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. Paris, 18 143. BALZAC (HONORE DE). La Fille aux Yeux @’O 32 aquarelles de Henri Gervex,réproduites par Vhéliogravu en couleurs. 4to, half citron levant morocco, chiselled back, — inlaid with foliage in violet, green and brown morocco, gi top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Meunier. Paris, 18 * Edition de grand luxe. One of 300 copies on papier vél 144. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Une Rue de Paris e son habitant, Avant-propos par M. le Vte de Spoelbereh « Lovenjoul. Illustrations (en couleurs) de Francois Cou boin. Royal 8vo, figured yellow satin, uncut, origin covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris; 13 * One of 125 copies on papier vélin, with a dupe set the illustrations plain, on India paper. 145. BALZAC (HONORE DE). La Maison du Cha qui-pelote. Préface de Frangisque Sarcey. Quarante co positions de Lows Dunki, gravées sur bois par Mau Baud. sVvo, blue straight-grain morocco, gilt, side pan gilt top, uncut, by Chambolle- Duru. APPT ee * One of 200 copies on papier vélin. a ae 146, BALZAC (HONORE DE). La Grenadiére. 6 inys, each in 8 states, designed and engraved by Ad. . lauze. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, original wra pers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Par 20 | aa Sea ee fee a ee 147. BALZAC (HONORE DE). La Grenadiére. 6 com- positions, designées et gravées a l'eau-forte par Ad. Lalauze. Avant-propos de Georges Vicaire. 8vo, citron levant mo-. rocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 1901 * One of 100 copies on Japan paper, with the illustrations in three states. 148. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Le Péche Véniel (conte drolatique). Compositions de Paul Avril, gravées a l’eau- forte par EH. Léon et R. Serres. Royal 8vo, blue morocco, gilt fillets, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1901 * One of 65 copies on Japan paper, with the illustrations in three states. On the half-title is an ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING BY PAUL AVRIL. 149. BALZAC (HONORE DE). La Pucelle de Thil- houze; conte drolatique. Manuscrit et enluminé par Léon Lebeque. 4to, green levant morocco, borders of fillets, dots and azured ornaments, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1901 * No. 96 of 200 copies, with the plates in two states, colored and plain, on India paper. 150. BALZAC (HONORE DE). La Femme de Trente Ans. Avec 35 compositions par A. Robaudv. Royal 8vo, blue levant morocco, tooled borders, silk linings, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. * One of 300 copies on ‘‘ Papier vélin.” Paris, 1902 151.. BALZAC (HONORE DE). la Mye du Roy; conte drolatique. Manuscrit et eniuminé par Léon Lebéque. Royal 8vo, figured yellow silk, blue silk linings, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 1902 * One of 25 copies on Japan paper, with the illustrations in two states, black and colored. 152. BALZAC (HONORE DE). LaBelle Imperia; conte Drolatique. Illustré par Edm. Malassis. Royal 8vo, orig- inal vellum wrappers. Paris, 1903 * One of 150 copies on papier velin. 153. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Histoire de 1’Empereur racontée dans une grange par un vieux soldat. Préface de Henry Houssaye Colored etchings by A. Lalauze, with duplicate set in black before the text. 4to, striped red silk, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by The Club Bindery. * One of 100 copies on papier vélin. Paris, 1904 154. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Le Lys dans la Vallée. . Frontispiece. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris: Louis Conard, 1907 * One of 25 copies on Japan paper (rice), with the frontispiece in two states. ‘21 155. BALZAC (HONORE DE). L’Ecole des Menages, tragedie bourgeoise en 5 actes et en prose, précédée d’une lettre par le Vte de Spoelberch de Lovenjoul. Portrait by i Manesse, after Bertall, in two states. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1907 * One of 75 copies on Japan paper. 156. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Une Ténébreuse Affaire. Avec 28 compositions par Francois Schommer, gravées au burin et Veau-forte par Léon Boisson. Royal 8vo, original — covers, uncut. Paris: L. Carteret, 1909 * One of 75 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in two states. 157. BALZAC (H. DE), CHASLES (P.) ET RABOU (CH.). Contes Bruns.. Par Une (inverted head, engraved by Thompson after Tony Johannot). 8vo, red levant mo- rocco, gilt fillets, with monogram ‘‘ E. B.’’ in the panels and side-corners, gilt over rough edges, by Belz-Niédrée. Paris, 1832 158. BALZAC (J. L. GUEZ DE). Lettres Choisies. En- graved title. 16mo, blue levant morocco, gilt inside borders, uncut, by Motte. Amsterdam: Chez les Elseviers, 1678 159. BANCROFT (GEORGE). A. N. S., 1864; A. N.S. (historical), n. d.; Signature as Collector of the Hom of Boston; and a cut Signature. (4) © ray 160. BANCROFT (GEORGE). History of the Unite States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. Portrait and numerous plates on India paper, and one pag original manuscript, inserted. 10 vols. royal 8vo, cloth uncut. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1861-187 * One of 50 LARGE PAPER copies printed for C. B. Richar son & Co. : 161. BANDELLO (MATTEO). The Novels of Bandetin ae now first done into English Prose and Verse, by John ~ Payne. LARGE PAPER. 6 vols. 4to, vellum boards, gil re tops, uncut. London: Printed for the Villon Society for priv cir na we oO Bio 6a o S} oe) ai <3} a Pe a iy Pe | Z 2) H = Ay & i) N =) N ZA _ = a) om je) ~ =) iS) 4 al 1S) ce o NM a }} | a y a f f Ps GRAPHEUS. BOOKS IN FINE BINDINGS—Continued. 355. HUGO (VICTOR). Les Orientales. FIRST EDITION. Svo. ? Paris, 1829 * Blue levant morocco, back and side borders tooled in a design of interlacing fillets. doublures of light brown morocco, superbly tooled in an Oriental design with rich mosaic centre, gilt over uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Mercier. Inserted is a frontispiece engraved by Cousin, ‘‘ Clair de Lune,” in six states, two other plates, one colored, and an illuminated title by Giacomelli in gold and colors. Also the preliminary leaves of ‘‘ Prospectus” and a portrait of Hugo. 356. HUGO (VICTOR). Eviradnus. Vingt-six com- positions de P. M. Ruty, gravées au burin par P. Gusman. Royal 8vo. Paris [1900] * Calf, front cover chiselled and gilded in a design of a warrior in full armor standing between parted curtains along- side of which are borders composed of oak-leaves, dragons, and other figures, doublures of blue morocco, borders of thistles, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by L. Gruel. One of 40 copies on vélin a la forme, with duplicate set of etchings in the first state and of the woodcuts on papier pelure. A FINE SAMPLE OF CHISELLED BINDING. 357. HUTCHINSON (FRANCIS). A Defence of the antient Historians: with a particular application of it to the History of Ireland and Great Britain, and other Northern Nations. By Francis Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. Svo. Dublin, 1734 * Old English blue morocco, the sides tooled and gilt to the ‘‘cottage” pattern, gilt edges. From the library of the Ear] of Gosford, with his leather book-label. 358. HYGINUS (C. JULIUS). Fabularum liber, eiusdem Poeticon Astronomicon libri IV. Quibus accesserunt Pale- phati de fabulosis narrationibus liber, F. Fulgentii Placi- adis Mythologiarum libri III., ete. 48 woodcuts represent- ing constellations, etc. Folio, old French red morocco, gilt, with the first arms of J. A. DE THOU in the centre of both covers, and his monogram on the panels of the back, gilt edges. Basilez: ex Officina Hervagiana, 1570 * Fine and large copy from the Syston Park library. 359. JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS. MHomélies ou Ser- mons qui contiennent son commentaire sur tout l’évangile de S. Matthieu, traduits par P. A. de Marsilly. Ruled throughout with red ink. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1693 * Old French blue morocco, the sides covered with a rich mosaic design of compartments in red and citron morocco, tooled and gilt in dotted scrolls, in imitation of the bindings of Le Gascon, gilt tooled mosaic backs, inside dentelle borders, gilt paper linings and ends, gilt edges, by Padeloup. MAGNIFI- CENT SPECIMENS IN PERFECT CONDITION. Preserved in three morocco slip cases. (See Reproduction.) o1 BOOKS IN FINE BINDINGS—Continued. 360. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Fables Choisies, mises en vers par J. de la Fontaine. Nouvelle Edition, Gravée en taille-douce Les Figures par le S' Fessard. Le Texte par le St Montulay. With 718 engraved plates after the designs of Bardin, Caresme, Huet, Leprince, Monnet, and others. Text engraved by Montulay and Drouet. 6 vols. 8vo. | A Paris: Chez l’Auteur, 1765-1775 * Old red morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, with the ARMS OF MARIE ANTOINETTE, AS DAUPHIN, on sides of Vols. I, II, III, and VI; oF MARIE ADELAIDE on Vol. IV, and OF ELIZABETH OF FRANCE on Vol. V. ORIGINAL ISSUE OF THE PLATES. This edition was undertaken by the engraver, Fessard, and much criticized during his life- time. The copies in old bindings are sought after, and the first issues of the plates are difficult to find. 361. LAFOREST. L’Art de soigner les pieds, contenant un traité sur les cors, verrues, durillons, oignons, engelures, ete. 12mo. Paris, 1781 *Old French red morocco, the arms of QUEEN MARIE _. ANTOINETTE stamped in gold in the centre of both covers, gilt back and edges. 362. LA MOLETTE (PHILIPPE DU CONTANT DE). Essai sur l’Ecriture Sainte, ou Tableau historique des avantages que l’on peut retirer des langues orientales, pour la parfaite intelligence des livres Saints. 12mo. Paris, 1775 * Old French red morocco gilt, the arms of MARIE JOSEPHINE LOUISE DE SAVOIE, Comtesse de Provence, queen of Louis X VIII, in the centre of both covers, gilt edges, by Derome. 363. LA SALLE DE L’ETANG (S. PH. DE). Manuel dagriculture. First EDITION. Frontispiece engraved by Prevost after Cochin. 8vo, old French green morocco gilt, with arms in the centre of both covers (de.... . ad la croix de gueules, surmounted by the crown of a count of the Holy Roman Empire), gilt edges. Paris, 1764 364. LEMONNIER (ANTOINE LOUIS CAMILLE). Les Maris de Mile. Nounouche. Histoire de Chats. Sorxante- cing aquarelles de A. Vimar. 4to. Paris, 1906 * Citron levant morocco, back and sides tooled in compart- ments outlined in mosaic bands of red and green morocco, central ornaments of green, ivory and red, doublures of citron levant, silk guards, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. One of 32 copies on Japan paper, with a duplicate set of the plates in black, AND 2 ORIGINAL WATER-COLORS BY VIMAR, 365. LIVRE (LE) des statuts & ordonances de l’Ordre Sainet Michel, estably par le treschrestien Roy de France Loys unzieme de ce nom. Institution de loffice de prevost 52 —_ : mn - nee ; Wilt iidae emer Tyuidd a iL be al Mn Bll mF CHRYSOSTOMUS. uanansnaiacseasunes pis ease rng ar ict Pret bg oot Re gS 4 S DS | he eg 4% Oe *"% ct eek fn Sx, €; HOMELIES, 3 VOLS. BINDING BY PADELOUP. (See No. 359.) 4 Sgr 5K ‘- maven t & © ado % BOOKS IN FINE BINDINGS—Continued. et maistre des ceremonies, avec autres statuts & ordonances sur le faict dudict ordre. 4to. [ Paris, ca. 1550] * PRINTED ON VELLUM. Contemporary brown morocco, gilt panelled sides, in the inside corners the bow and on the four outside lateral parts the arrows and quiver of Diane de Poitiers, WITH THE ARMS OF KING HENRY II OF FRANCE in the centre of each cover, accompanied by a crescent painted white between two Hs, a gilt fleur-de-lys on each panel of the back (back re- stored). 366. LONGUS. Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chloé (traduites du gree par Amyot). Frontispiece by Coypel and 28 plates engraved by B. Audran after Philippe d’ Orléans (the Regent). 12mo. [Paris: Quillau, |] 1718 * FIRST EDITION with these engravings. Old light brown morocco, the sides covered with a geometrical design IN MOSAIC COMPARTMENTS of darker brown and red morocco, outlined in gold, gilt tooled mosaic back, silk linings, gilt edges, by PADE- LOoUP. Inserted is the plate ‘les Petits Pieds,” but differing from the usual one, having a dog instead of two cupids, and heavy foliage. Preserved in a morocco slip case. (See Reproduction.) 367. LUCIAN. Dialogues des Courtisanes. Traduction nouvelle de Jules de Marthold. Compositions et litho- graphies de Emile Berchmans. Royal 8vo. Paris: Edition Boudet [n. d. ] * Citron levant morocco, gilt and mosaic back, sides decorated with an elaborate design in conventionalized butterflies, clover blossoms, etc., inlaid in red, white, green and black, doublures of citron levant, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. One of 25 copies on Japan paper, with a duplicate set of the plates in black on India paper. 368. MARIE PRIZE. Competitors for the Marié Prize for the best answers to the question, What is Charm? 4to, silver cloth embroidered with gold thread and silk of various colors to a floral design, within an ornamental border, enriched with garnets and turquoises set in gold, silk linings, embroidered, gilt edges, preserved in a case covered and lined with silk. __ [New York, 1899] 369. MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Le Vagabond. Litho- graphies en couleurs par Steinlein. Royal 8vo. [Paris]: Imprimé aux frais de la Société des Amis des Livres, 1902. * Dark brown levant morocco, covered with a geometrical design of interlacings on a background of thickly studded dots, doublures of brown morocco, gilt over uncut edges, with the original covers bonnd in, by The Club Bindery. One of 115 copies printed for members of the ‘‘ Société.” 58 BOOKS IN FINE BINDINGS—Continued. 370. MERIMEE (PROSPER). Chronique du Regne de Charles IX. TIllustrée de 31 compositions dessinées et gravées a Veau-forte par E. Morwn. 2 vols. royal 8vo. Paris: Amis des Livres, 1876 * Blue levant morocco, back and side borders in a mosaic of fleurs-de-lis and arabesques in ivory and maroon, outlined in gold, silk linings, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. One of 100 copies printed for subscribers. 371. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost and Paradise Re- gained; with select notes subjoined: to which is added a complete collection of his miscellaneous Poems, both Eng- lish and Latin. 3 frontispreces engraved by Holloway and Fittler after Burney, an engraved title and 2 vignettes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1795-96 * Old blue straight-grain morocco, gilt tooled inside floral borders, leather joints, gilt edges, by RoGER PAYNE, with his autograph bill laid in: ‘‘ Bound in the very best manner, sew’d with strong silk, being very thick paper required very strong and honest work..... Every 2 leaves is pickt out of 3 copies, not depending on a whole sheet, as some parts of a whole sheet may be defective and other parts exceeding good, and the very best copy. It took up a good deal of time to examine and pick out the very best.” 372. MOLIERE (J. B. POQUELIN DE). Giuvres. Vol. I. FIRST ELZEVIR EDITION. 12mo, old red morocco richly gilt, gilt edges. First 4 leaves, including engraved title, title and ‘‘ Remerciement,’” missing. ° [Amsterdam: Daniel Elzevir, 1575] 373. MORE (SiR THOMAS). A Most Pleasant, Fruitful, and Witty Work, of the best state of a public weal, and of the new Isle of Utopia. Translated by Raphe Robinson, with Notes and a Biographical and Literary Introduction by T. F. Dibdin. Portrait and engraved title. 4to, con- temporary light brown morocco, gilt and blind tooled in Gothic design, inside borders, gauffred gilt edges. London, 1808 * One of 250 Large Paper copies with an extra plate. 3874. MUSIC. An album, the first 38 pages of which contains music for piano finely written. Oblong 4to, green morocco, enclosed in a gilt metal frame in the Empire style, boss of mother of pearl in the centre, and back inlaid with mother of pearl, gilt metal clasps, gilt edges. 19th century 375. MUSSO (CORNELIO). Sermons tres-doctes et élo- quens mis d'Italien en Frangois par Gabriel Chappuys. Ruled throughout in red. 4 vols. Svo. Writing on titles and wormed. Paris: Guillaume Chaudiére, 1584-86 = Contemporary French bindings in olive morocco, the sides tooled and gilt in compartments, and a medallion representing 54 “i e oo ve 8 8 GA DRNG <4 t OR CW iRNIS KS >: oS RRS LOS x BIS Un NW": me KK TER i Bes. yy , UK \ WV y. QXYY eb t ve fy F 1 ) K WV , fe a ‘ 4 f > AY, ‘ , , i , > Od yA aN XY al . Ce nmay, : fd & ge he “Ht Ne oe X Ss S y x Bn PP IR, * yy fl op “8 tes \ AH MEDA P11 qs eZ IX. WW x | Vp (aS ae 6 rae) ee : ott, 8 ~ 7 ROS Sa, YK Ss & us eo: < ok A tf ‘ j A Hy ‘ Li \ e777 a a” ‘ . > ar eu BSP 4 ‘ GY KO Ao Ae ANS hg ; x ‘ si (yj 4) : 3 WA « =. ¢ ff 4 j ie; Ny 1E lly | a VY, hy | \ eee es y } YY; Ds 3 me 4) 5 ! J bs : ey 4 é ~ Le WY / Ly a D \S t AFL f ne .* ae y & % La “ SS rf : cd K w% , 7 ie V4 a LO DRI as Se IS <>; x \ Wa a N\A } } j ¥ eg eet OF ORE Os he rere * ay ES ‘ ‘ + ‘ % ; i ; Nes Li F “~e ar BOOKS IN FINE BINDINGS—Continued. the Crucifixion in the centre of the covers; on the back of the volumes a skull, THE ROYAL ARMS OF FRANCE, a fleur-de-lis and the motto ‘‘Spes mea Deus,” gilt edges. BOUND FOR KING Henry III. Preserved in morocco slip cases. A few very slight and skilful restorations. 376. OFFICE de la Semaine Sainte, selon le Missel et Breviaire Romain, de la traduction de M. de Marolles. 9 copper-plates, 5 of which after Callot. 8vo. Paris, 1667 * Old French red morocco, the sides tooled and gilt to a semis of fleurs-de-lis and crowned ‘‘ MT’’s, the ARMS OF QUEEN MARIA THERESE OF AUSTRIA, QUEEN OF LoUIS XIV, in the centre of both covers, the crowned monogram ‘‘ MT” repeated six times in the panels of the back, gilt edges (corners and upper and lower part of the back skilfully restored). 377. OFFICE de la Quinzaine de Pasque, Latin-Frangois, a Vusage de Rome et de Paris, pour la maison de Mon- seigneur le Duc d’Orleans. Hngraved frontispiece. 8vo. Paris.ol 754 * Old French red morocco, gilt floral borders on the sides, the arms of PHILIPPE EGALITE, Duc D'ORLEANS, in the centre, and three crowned fleurs-de-lis in each panel of the back, gilt edges, by Padeloup. 3878. ORIENTAL CASE in repousse metal silvered and gilt for carrying the Koran; the upper side worked to an elegant design of flowers and arabesques. In a velvet bag. 379. OWEN (JOHN). Epigrammata. Editio prioribus auctior, longeque emendatior, cura A. A. Renouard. 12mo. Parisiis: P. Didot Vainé, 1794 * One of 12 copies on LARGE PAPER. Old red straight-grain morocco, richly gilt tooled dentelle borders on the sides, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, by P. Bozerian l’ainé. Fine specimen. 380. PALAPRAT (JEAN). Les Ciuvres de Monsieur de Palaprat. Nouvelle Edition, Augmentée de plusieurs Comedies qui n’ont pas encore étéimprimées: d’un Recuéil de Piéces en vers, adressées 4 Monseigneur le Duc de Ven- dome: & de divers Essais de differentes Poésies, &ce. Frontisprece. 2 vols. 12mo, old red morocco gilt, the arms of the COMTESSE DE VERRUE on sides, gilt edges. A Paris: Chez Pierre Ribou, 1712 381. PASCHALIUS (PETRUS). Henri II. Galliarum regis Klogium; eiusdem Henrici tumulus (in Latin, Italian and Spanish). LARGE PAPER. Stuled throughout in red ; 10 pages within architectural woodcut borders, and large woodcut representing the monument of King Henry TI. (portrait missing). Folio. Lutetiw# Parisiorum: apud Michaelem Vascosanum, 1560 * Contemporary French binding in brown morocco, the sides in compartments formed by interlaced bands painted dark 55 BOOKS IN FINE BINDINGS—Continued. green and outlined in silver, the intervening spaces occupied by silver tooled scrolls and arabesques; on the centre of both covers have been painted the royal arms of France, those on the lower one being surrounded by fleurs-de-lis, the crowned H, the interlaced monogram D and H, and the three interlaced crescent painted in gold. APPARENTLY BOUND FOR PRESENTA- TION TO DIANE. DE POICTIERS as a memorial of the funeral of Henry II. Rebacked and corners restored. In a morocco slip case. (See Reproduction.) 382. [PERNETTI (ABBE JACQUES).] Lettres Philoso- phiques sur les Physionomies. 12mo. La Haye, 1748 * Old French red morocco, gilt-tooled dentelle borders on the sides, with the tool ‘‘a l’oiseau” in the corners, blue silk linings, gilt edges, by Derome. FINE SPECIMEN. From the library of Baron Roger-Portalis. 383. PETRARCA (FRANCESCO). Il Petrarea |Sonetti, Canzoni e Trionfi] con dichiarazioni non piu stampate, in- sieme alcune belle annotazioni, tratte dalle dottissime prose di Monsignor Bembo. 16mo, old French vellum, the sides richly tooled and gilt in compartments formed by enter- lacing bands, leaf sprays and interlaced ‘‘C H C”’ in the intervening spaces, the same monogram repeated five times on the back, gilt edges, by Clovis Eve (slightly restored). Lyone: appresso Gulielmo Rovillio, 1558 384. PFEIFFER (J. L.). Doxologia Sacra Veteris testa- menti: das ist Grundliche Erzehlung der Herrlichkeit des Gottes-Dienstes. Hngraved plates. 2 vols. inone. Thick 4to. First title slightly damaged. Erfurt, 1739 * Contemporary German binding in repoussé brass, orna- mental sides; in the centre of the upper cover a large medal- lion representing Moses with the tables of the Law, and on that of the back cover an apostle baptizing; the back divided in three compartments representing scenes from the Life of Christ; brass clasps. 385. PLATO. Omnia Opera tralatione Marsilii Ficini, emendatione, et ad Graecum ecodicem ecollatione Simonis Grynaei, summa diligentia repurgata. Ruled throughout with red ink. Folio. Lugduni: apud Antonium Vincentium, 1548 * CONTEMPORARY LYONNESE BINDING in dark brown calf, the sides tooled and gilt in compartments formed by inter- lacing scrolls, arabesques and other ornaments painted black and grey, the ground thickly studded with dots, THE ARMS OF A CARDINAL in the centre of both covers, and in each corner a medallion stamped in gold representing the Phoenix sur- mounted by the sun with the letters ‘‘ V. E. V.” and the motto ‘‘VT VIVAT” gauffred gilt edges, in a case. Corners and upper and lower portion of the back skilfully restored. 56 st, rset SS a A cao. me i ian ee epee He aes SEE eee ident LE ne te aM a9 "Rencontre eaten psn yam st Meee sae apres en eeetincn tomate ann wa ‘6 oie ‘i . “e : { a 0 Sensei Marne nlite ‘is it ion comegeet “BN HAREONSILOOT “ny nie Oana “ag “ey wa \getr g ‘ty os 'e ( \ i eaiiat a ih enc oiskecccuactoetanaaaaaen eS PO eH SSE pCR MN ro Pn MEP Nor eee ON SS LNAI 08S eT, payee oy: iets aiaeilathteases- made tecuearconmmmantes Mirtafp aces preneegiooaccncneny hh gn BER as aeons re her Ramet Bem ELoGiIuM. Paris, 1560, i ii f os Hewnrici II. PASCHALIUS. Nie sore mqaonen abana reninapeoenenmenecenicen meng as meapiceseniacnreanesseiinist SRE Nariae Oats ; er RB Naren ong airmen NNR iReneshameepnaeRtiN siete Nt haeneare/e te ainsi, reenact Maen arse Oh Shae nena encore wines re 2 Rar neeemancsnaig as 2 : _~ - 503. BOYER (ABEL). The Victim, or Achilles and Iphigenia in Aulis, a Tragedy . . . Second edition, to which is added an Advertisement about the late Irregular Reviving of this Tragedy, etc. 16mo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére. ; London: Printed for James Knapton, &c., 1714 504. BOYER (DE NIMES). Histoire des Caricatures de la Révolte des Francais. 41 plates, of which 38 are printed m brown and 3 wm black, some folding. 2 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Bedford. Paris, 1792 *This work is rare in any condition and especially so with all the plates. It was never completed. 905. BOYER (GEORGES). Le Tréfle a Quatre Feuilles. Illustrations by Paul Avril i two states. Small 4to, hali green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Carayon. Paris, 1887 *One of 40 copies on Japan paper. Autograph presentation copy -from the author. 506. [BOYLE (CHARLES, EARL OF ORRERY).] As You Findit. A Comedy. As itis Acted at the New-Theatre, in Little-Lincoln-Fields, by Her Majesty’s Servants. First EpitTion. 4to, blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: R. Parker [1703] 507. BRACH (PIERRE DE). (CKuvres Poetiques. Pub- hées et annotées par Reinhold Dezeimeris. 2 vols. small 4to, half blue levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Quinet. * One of 60 copies on Holland paper. Paris, 1861 508. BRANDT (SEBASTIANUS). Stultifera Navis in Latinum traducta per J. Locher. Roman character. CLIX numbered leaves and a blank (cut away); 80 lines to the page. 117 spirited woodcuts. 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Basilee: J. Bergman de Olpe, 1 August 1497 * RARE. Fine copy. On leaf 76 v. is an allusion to the dis- covery of America. Hain-Copinger, 3750. 509. BRANTOME (PIERRE DE BOURDEILLE, SEIG- NEUR DE). (C#uvres complétes accompagnées de remarques historiques et critiques. Nouvelle édition, collationnée sur les manuscrits autographes de la Bibliothéque du Roi, et aug- mentée de fragmens inédits. 7 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, uncut, by Thouvenin jeune. (Some pages stained. ) Paris, 1822 510. BRANTOME (PIERRE DE BOURDEILLE, SEIG- NEUR DE). Les Vies des Dames Galantes.’ D’aprés |’edi- tion original de 1666; et d’une notice sur Brantome par Eugene Vignon. Gravures d’aprés H. Pille par Champollion. 3 vols. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Paris, 1879 * Holland paper copy. 73 511. BRANTOME (PIERRE DE BOURDEILUE, SEIG- NEUR DE). Les Sept Discours touchant les Dames Galantes, publiés sur les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Nationale par Henri Bouchot. Portrait and 8 etched plates by Beaumont engraved by Borlvin, in 2 states, before and after letters. ; 3 vols. 8vo, maroon levant morocco gilt, gilt over uneut edges, __ original covers bound in, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1882. * One of 20 copies on Whatman paper. 512. BRANTOME (PIERRE DE BOURDEILULE, SEIG- — NEUR DE). Les Sept Discours touchant les Dames Galantes. — publiés sur les manuscrits par Henri Bouchot. | Dessins d’Edouard de Beaumont, gravés par E. Boilvin. 3 vols. square 12mo, original paper covers. Paris, 1882 513. BRANTOME (PIERRE DE BOURDEILLE, SEIG- NEUR DE), Les Sept Discours touchant les Dames Galantes, pubhiés sur les manuscrits de la Biblhothéque Nationale p Henri Bouchot. Dessins d’Edouard de Beaumont, gravés par E. Bowlvin. 3 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. _ Paris, 188 * One of 170 copies on Holland paper, with the plates in two states. 514. BRANTOME (PIERRE DE BOURDEILLE, SHI NEUR DE). Les Vies des Dames Galantes. Tirées d Mémoires de Seigneur de Brantéme. Nouvelle édition r imprimée sur l’originale de 1666, augmentée de notes et add tions, par C. Grolleau et H. Lachize. Cinquante Dessins (- coors) par Ad. Lambrecht. 2 vols. 8vo, original wrapper uncut. Paris, 19¢ * Limited Edition. ae = aa 515. BRATHWAIT (RICHARD). A Solemne™ foviall Disputation, Theoreticke and Practicke; briefely shadowing the Law of Drinking; together, with the Solem and Con- troversies occurring: fully and freely discussed according the Givill awe ey —The Smoaking Age, or, the man the mist: with the life and death of Tobacco. Engrav frontispieces by William Marshall. 2 parts in one volum 8vo, old vellum. Both the Explanations to the frontispie in facsimile. ? At the Signe of Red-eyes [and of Teate-Nouele 16 * First EDITIon, extremely scarce. The engraved fronbian by Marshall are supposed to be his earliest work. © 3 516. BRAULT. Une Contemporaine. Biographie et ce M. Dudevant. Premiére ‘livraison. 8vo, half red. levant rocco, gilt top, uncut, by Champs. Paris, 74 017. [BRETON (NICHOLAS).] A Post with a Packet of Mad Letters. Gothic Type. Woodcut on titles. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt side borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Several margins repaired. London: Printed for E, Okes, 1669-70 * EXTREMELY SCARCE. Contains the second part, with title dated 1670, also the very rare final leaf of advertisement ‘‘ Cour- teous Reader, these Books are Printed for, and to be sold by Robert Boulter at the Turks Head in Bishopgate-street.’’ This leaf has been repaired. 018. BREVIARIO GRIMANI. Fac-simile delle miniature contenute nel Breviario Grimani, conservato nella Biblioteca Di $8. Mareo [Venezia] eseguito in fotografia. Da Antonio Perini, con illustrazioni di Francesco Zanotto. 110 photo- graphic plates reproducing the mimatures and silver binding of the celebrated Breviarium Grimani with text in French and Italian. Thick 4to, red morocco divided into four compart- ments formed by a cross inlaid in blue morocco, in the centre of which is the Maltese cross on a medallion of brown mo- rocco, the spaces tooled and gilt to a semis of fleur-de-lis, gilt edges, brass clasps. Venezia, 1862 519. [BREWER (ANTHONY).] Lingua; or, The Com- bat of the Tongue, And the Five Sences, for Superiority. A Pleasant Comoedy. Small 4to, red levant morocco, tooled in compartments, doublure of red morocco, gilt top, UuNcuT, by The Club Bindery, in slip case. (Title-page repaired.) London: Printed by Nicholas Oakes for Simon Waterson, 1622. | * Presumably the third edition. The play is attributed to Brewer by Winstanley, who says that Oliver Cromwell ‘‘imbibed his sentiments of ambition’’ from acting the part of Tactus at Trinity College, Cambridge. 520. BRIANVILLE (CLAUDE ORONCE FINE DE). Histoire Sacrée en Tableaux, avec leur Explication. Et quelques Remarques Chronologiques. Frontispiece and 138 illustrations by Sebastien Le Clerc. First Eprrion. 3 vols. 12mo, blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by Chaybolle-Duru. Paris, 1670-75 521. BRILLAT-SAVARIN (ANTHELME). Physiologie du Gout. Avec une préface par Ch. Monselet. Hauz-fortes par Ad. Lalauze. 2 vols, 8vo, paper covers, uncut. * One of 170 copies on Holland paper. Paris, 1879 522. BRITISH POETS. Portraits of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper and Beattie. 138 highly finished engravings by Fittler, Warren, Worthington, Finden, etc. _ PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS on India paper. The original 23 in 22 parts, folio, wrappers. London, 1824 * LARGEST PAPER, LIMITED TO 25 COPIES. ri) 523. BRITISH THEATRE. A Collection of 180 Plays, Edited by Bell and Cawthorn, with the addition of 6 dramas written by James Wild. Illustrated with 176 portraits and scenes, proofs lettered and before letters. 41 vols. small 8vo, contemporary red morocco gilt, gilt edges. London, 1791-1806 * Large paper copy. 524. BRITISH THEATRE. Bell’s British Theatre, con- sisting of the most esteemed English Plays. Vols. 1—X XII. With plates. 22 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt tops, uNcuT, by Triquilier. London, 1797 ~ * Large paper copy. Very scarce, uncut. 525. [BROGIOTTI (ANDREA).] Indice de Caratteri, con |’Inuentori, & nomi di essi, esistenti nella Stampa Vati- eana, & Camerale. Numerous specimens of printing types. 4to, old vellum. Roma, 1628 526. BROME (RICHARD). The Northern Lasse, A Comoedie. As it hath beene often Acted with good Applause at the Globe, and BlackFryers. First Epirion. Small 4to, mottled calf gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed by Aug. Mathewes, 1632 527. BROME (RICHARD). The Sparagus Garden: a Comedie. Acted in the years 1635; by the then Company of Revels, at Salisbury Court. -Firsr Eprrion. Small 4to, citron levant morocco, gilt back and sides, doublures of mar- quetry panels, with wide gilt borders, by Kaufmann. In a ease. (Two signatures misplaced, corners of several leaves mended. ) London: J. Okes for F. Constable, 1640 528. BROME (RICHARD). The Queenes Exchange, a Comedy Acted with generall applause at the Black-Friers. First Epirion. Small 4to, red morocco, gilt edges. London: Henry Brome, 1657 529. BROME (RICHARD). The Northern Lasse, A Com- oedy. As it hath been Acted with great Applause at the Theatre-Royal. Second Edition. Small 4to, citron levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by David. London: A. Moseley, 1663 530. [BROME (RICHARD).] The Debauchee; or, the Credulous Cuckold, a Comedy. Acted at his Highness The Duke of York’s Theatre. Small 4to, maroon levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Pratt. j London: Printed for John Amery, 1677 * Ascribed to Mrs. Behn, but in fact ‘‘The Mad Couple well matched,’’ by R. Brome, with a new title. Lord Rochester wrote the prologue and epilogue. 531. BROME (RICHARD). The Dramatic Works of Brome. Containing Fifteen Comedies now first collected. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1873 * Large paper copy. 76 032. BRONGNIART (A.) ann RIOCREUX (D.). De- scription Méthodique du Musée Céramique de la Manufacture Royale de Porcelaine de Sévres. 80 plates printed in colors, and 26 of marks and monograms. 4to, half brown levant mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1845 030. BROOKES (RICHARD). The Art of Angling: Now Improved with additions, and formed into a Dictionary. Illustrated with 135 cuts, exactly describing the different kinds of fish. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Cuzin. London: T. Lowndes, 1766 034. BROUGHTON (HUGH). A Concent of Scripture. Brilliant impressions of the 6 engravings, four of which are signed *““W. h.’’; the map of both hemispheres unfolded. Small folio, original calf, corner and centre ornaments on sides, and the initials ‘‘A. B.’’ (rebackeéd), n. p. [1591 or 1592] * LARGE PAPER COPy. Inserted at the end are the narrow leaf ‘“To the Reader,’’ and the folded map of northern Judea from the edition of [1590]. Seventeenth century autograph on title ‘*W. Bayntum, Grays Inn.’’ 535. BROWN (THOMAS). The Works of Mr. Thomas Brown, serious and comical, In prose and verse: with his Remains. With The Life and Character of Mr. Brown, and his Writings, by James Drake, and a Key to the Whole. The Ninth Edition, carefully corrected, Adorned with a new Set of Copper-Plates (27 by E. Kirkall and R. Smith). 4 vols. 12mo, calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Bedford. London: Printed for Al. Wilde, 1760 * The most complete of the old editions of Brown. Former owner’s rubber stamp on titles. 5386. BROWNE (MATTHEW). Chaucer’s’ England. Portrait, and woodcuts. First Epirion. 2 vols. 12mo, origi- nal cloth, uncut. London, 1869 537. BROWNE (SIR THOMAS). Religio Medici. io 55 ee Pe eae Ze es ae as e Bee : ERS. * ey oe : . Joa % * : cas Cio ye Md 3 = : 3 : ben 3 3 iS ee % is - ee 3 : Ls ¥ I le mee at R . tee : . SS ») S Pin 7777, 7 —, vs i, >} 4 44 Mun F 3 i gir of RYT TE $4 : ; cI we — Bike LEELEL if ats: Ge, Wien py “ : a é A og ps . ce cet | ; : bir SL Sa Si Ne OFA) ERAS ce id RAs 2 x <8 nee shia Pg Pt: CASTIGLIONE. THE COURTIER, LONDON, 1588. (See No. 618.) amoribus, emblemate expressum. Full-page copper engrav- ung on the back of title, 44 fine emblematic copper engravings, and a view of a Dutch homestead, with text in Latin, French and Dutch. Middelburgh: H. vander Hellen, 1618.—Self- Stryt, dat is Crachtighe beweginghe van Vlees en Gheest, poétischer wijse verthoont in den persoon ende vytte gheleghentheyt van Joseph, ten tijde hy by Potiphars huys- vrouwe wiert versocht tot overspel. Frontispiece engraved by Jode and Vander Venne. Middelburgh: Hans vander Hellen, 1620. Three works in one vol. 4to, old Dutch vellum. 625. CATS (JACOB). Self-stryt, dat is Crachtige bewe- ginghe van Vlees en Gheest, poétischer wijse verthoont in den persoon ende vytte gheleghentheyt van Joseph, ten tijde hy by Potiphars huys-vrouwe wiert versocht tot overspel. First Epition. frontispiece engraved by Schillemans after A. vande Venne, and 3 engravings by P. de Jode after Vande Venne. 4to, contemporary stamped Dutch vellum. Middelburgh, 1620 * In the same volume is bound the following, also by Cats: ‘¢Tooneel vande Mannelicke Achbaerheyt,’’ etc., having 4 very fine copper engravings by De Jode and W. Pass after Vande Venne. Middleburgh, 1628. 626. CATS (JACOB). Hovwelyck: dat is de gansche gelegentheyt des Echten staets. First Epirion. 2 frontis- pieces engraved by P. de Jode after A. Vande Venne, and 37 fine copper engravings by A. and J. Matham, D. Bremden and P. Serwouter after Vande Venne, all brilliant impressions. 6 parts in one vol. 4to, contemporary stamped Dutch vellum. Middelburgh (Amsterdam), 1625 627. CATS (JACOB). Spiegel van den Ouden ende Nieuwen Tijdt, bestaende uyt Spreeck-woorden ende Sin- spreucken, ontleent van de voorige ende jegenwoordige Heuwe, ete. Frontispiece engraved by D. Van Brembden and 115 fine emblematic copper-engravings, all brilliant m- pressions, by W. Hondius, Crispin Van Queborn, A. Matham and A. Stokius after A. van der Venne, with text in Dutch, Latin and French. 3 parts in one vol. 4to, contemporary stamped Dutch vellum. ’S Graven-Hage, 1632 628. CATS (JACOB). ’Swerelts begin, midden, eynde, . besloten in den Trov-ringh, met den Proef-steen van den Selven. First Eprrion. 3 frontispieces engraved by Crispin van Queboren after Adrian vande Venne, engraved portraits of Anna Maria Schurman and Cats, the last, a very beautiful one, by Delff after Miereveld, and 51 fine copper engravings, all brilliant impressions, by J. and A. Matham, D. Bremden, C. van Queboren, and others after Vande Venne, J. Olas, S. de Vlieger, F. Hessels, and J. Matham. 4to, contemporary stamped Dutch vellum. Dordrecht, 1637 91 629. CAUMONT (SEIGNEUR DE). Voyaige d’Oultre- mer en Jhérusalem par le Seigneur de Caumont l’an MCCCCXVII. Publié pour la premiére fois d’aprés le manu- scrit du Musée britannique par le Marquis de La Grange. Facsimile page of the original MS. 8vo, half brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Capé. Paris, 1858 630. CAUSEI DE LA CHAUSSE (MICHEL ANGELO). Le Gemme Antiche figurate di Michel Angelo Causeo de la Chausse. frontispiece, and 200 plates. 4to, red straight- grain morocco, gilt back and side panels, gilt edges, by - Kalthoeber. Roma, 1700 * From the Hamilton Palace collection. 631. CAVENDISH .(GEORGE). The Life of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal Archbishop of York. Edited by F. S. Ellis from the author’s autograph MS. Woodcut borders and wmitials. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1893 * One of 250 copies printed in Golden type. 632. CAXTON (WILLIAM). The History of Godefrey of Boloyne and of the Conquest of Jherusalem. Woodcut borders and wmitials. Folio, vellum, with ties, uncut. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1893 633. CAYLUS (LA MARQUISE DE). Souvenirs de Madame de Caylus. Préface par Voltaire. Notice de M. de Lescure. Nouvelle édition. Illustrée par Inonel Perauz, gravures au burin et a l’eau-forte par Leon Boisson. 12mo, original covers, uncut. Paris, 1908 * One of 75 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in two states, remarque proofs and proofs after letters. 634. CAXTON (WILLIAM). Sex Quam Elegantissime Epistole. Printed by Caxton in 1483; Reproduced in Fac- simile by James Hyatt, introduction by George Bullen. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1892 * One of 350 copies. 635. CAZOTTE (JACQUES). Ollivier, poeme. 12 plates by Godefroy after Lefebre. 2 vols. 18mo, half green morocco, uncut. 3 Paris, 1780 * Printed on Holland paper. 636. CAZOTTE (JACQUES). Ollivier, poeme. 12 plates by Godefroy after Lefebre. 2 vols. 18mo, old green calf gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1798 * Large vellum paper copy. 6387. CAZOTTE (JACQUES). Le Diable Amoreux; Romance fantastique, précédé de sa vie, de son procés, et de ses prophéties et révélations, par Gérard de Nerval. Por- trait, and illustrations by E. de Beaumont. 8vo, half blue morocco, uncut. Paris, 1845 92 .-- I aaah Late < — ‘ 638. CEBETES THEBANUS. Tabula, greece et italice. 8vo, original boards with paper labels, uNcuT. Parma: Bodoni, 1793 639. CELESTINA. la Celestine; Tragicomedie, Traduit d’Espagnol en Francois. [By Jacques de Lavardin.] 12mo, old green morocco gilt, gilt edges, probably by Derome. Rouen: Theodore Reinsart, 1598 * The Labédoyére and Solar copy, mentioned by Brunet. 640. CELSUS (AURELIUS CORNELIUS). Medicine libri VIII, ete. 4to, brown levant morocco, sides tooled in an interlaced Grolieresque pattern, Aldine anchor in centre, fleurons in the corners, gilt edges, by Thompson of Paris. (Blank corner of title and of few following leaves supplied. ) [Colophon] Venetiis: in edibus Aldi et Andree soceri, 1528 ~ 641. CENTLIVRE (SUSANNA). The Busie Bodie: a comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, By Her Majesty’s Servants. 4to, red morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott [ca. 1702] * The first play to bear the author’s name. 642. CENTLIVRE (SUSANNA). The Dramatic Works of Mrs. Centlivre; with a new account of her Life. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London: John Pearson, 1872 * Large paper copy. 643. CENT NOUVELLES NOUVELLES. Les Dix Dizaines des Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles reimprimées par les soins de D. Jouaust. Avec Notice, Notes et Glossaire par M. Paul Lacroix. Dessins gravées de Jules Garmer. 10 vols. 8vo, paper covers, uncut. Paris, 1874 * Holland paper copy, one of 170 so printed. 644. CERVANTES-SAAVERDA (MIGUEL DE). Per- silés et Sigismonde, ou les pélerins du nord, traduit de l’espag- nol par H. Bouchon Dubournial. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée. With 6 plates by Desenne in 2 states. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half orange morocco, gilt and mosaic backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1822 * Large paper copy. | 645. CERVANTES-SAAVERDA (MIGUEL DE). Le Don Quichotte, traduit de 1’Espagnol par H. Bouchon Du- bournial. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée, etc. With 12 plates by Vernet, Lami and others. 4 vols. royal 8vo, orange levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Capé. Paris, 1822 * LARGE AND THICK PAPER COPY. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with a duplicate set of the plates, proofs on India paper, 2 portraits, 47 plates and 26 vignettes by Smirke, proofs before letters. 93 646. CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL DE). El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha. Portrait and 8 plates engraved by E. Stalker, proofs on India paper, and a map. Thick 16mo, green calf, blind tooled in.‘a cathedral design, the gilt figure of a knight on the centre of cover, gilt back, gilt edges, by Simier. Paris: J. Didot Ainé, 1827 647. CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL DE). Don Quixote de la Mancha. ‘Translated from the Spanish of Miguel de Cervantes-Saavedra, by Charles Jarvis, Esq. Care- fully revised and corrected. Illustrated by Tony Johannot, and with a few extra plates inserted. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half — brown levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Matthews. London, 1837-38-39 648. CHALLES (ROBERT DE). Les Illustres Fran- coises. Histoires Veritables. Nouvelle édition, augmentée de Mémoires Historiques & Critiques touchant la Vie & les Ouvrages de leur Auteur. Frontispiece and 9 plates by Yver. 4 vols. in 2, 12mo, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Hardy. Amsterdam: M. M. Rey, 1748 649. CHALUSSAY (BOULANGER DE). Elomire Hypo- condre, ou les medecins vengez. Comédie. ~ Frontispiece engraved by Weyen. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Hardy-Mennil. Paris: Charles de Serey, 1670 650. CHAMBERLAINE (WILLIAM). Loves Victory: a Tragi-Comedy. First Epirion. Small 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt back and edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed by E. Cotes, 1658 651. CHAMBERLAINE (WILLIAM). Pharonnida: a Heroick Poem. Portrait of the author by Hertochs. First Epition. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt back and edges by Chambolle-Duru. London: Printed for Robert Clavell, 1659 652. CHAMBLEY (LE SIRE DE—Edmond Haraucourt). La Legende des Sexes. Poemes Hysteriques. 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Bruxelles: pour l’auteur [1883] * One of 200 copies, privately printed and not for sale, with the Author’s signature. Inserted are 3 etchings after Rops. On page 143 there is an additional signed manuscript poem in the author’s autograph. The Original Edition. Very Rare. 653. CHAMFORT (S. R. N. DE). Mustapha et Zéangir, tragedie. 8vo. Paris, 1778 * Old French red morocco gilt, THE ARMS OF MARIE-JOSEPH- INE-LOUISE DE SAVOIE, COMTESSE DE PROVENCE, on the centre of both covers, gilt back and edges, silk linings, by Derome. 94 654. CHAMISSO (ADELBERT DE). Pierre Schlemihl ou 1’Homme qui 4 perdu son ombre. Suivi d’un choix de ses poésies. Préface par Henry Fouquier. Dessins de Myrbach. Folio, half red morocco gilt, figured satin sides, gilt top, un- cut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. * One of 35 copies on Japan paper. Paris, 1887 695. CHAMPEVILLE (PAUL DE). Les Rebelles. Piéce en trois actes. Nouvelle édition. Tllustrée de onze compo- sitions par A. Robaudi gravées au burin et a l’eau-forte par H. Manesse. Royal 8vo, red levant morocco, rich gilt back and side borders, red silk linings, gilt over uncut edges, origi- nal covers bound in by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1903 * One of 100 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in two states, remarque proofs and proofs after letters. 656. CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL DE). Voyages et Des- covvertvres Faites en la Novvelle France, depuis l’année 1615. iusques @ la fin de l’année 1618. Par le Sieur de Champlain, Cappitaine ordinaire pour le Roy en la Mer du Ponant. Ou sont descrits les mceurs, coustumes, habits, facons de guer- royer, chasses, dances, festins, & enterrements de diuers peu- ples Sauuages, & de plusieurs choses remarquables qui luy sont arriuées audit pais, auec vne description de la beauté, fertilité, & temperature d’iceluy. Second edition. Hngraved title, dated 1619, and six curious copper-plates. Small 8vo, green levant morrocco, gilt back and side borders of leaf sprays, gilt edges, by Pratt. Paris: Claude Collet, 1620 657. CHANSONS. Sensuyuét plusieurs belles chansons coposees nouuellemt les qlles ne furent iamais Iprimees et se chantent sur diuers chans nouueaux pource quelles sont nouuelles et le nombre dicelles se treuue en la table gst a la fin du present. Imprimees noullement a Paris. [Geneva, 16th Century]. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, centre side- ornaments, by Capé. Paris, 1838 * Vellum Copy. Only 4 copies so issued. Printed in Gothic characters. 658. CHANSONS FOLLES. Engraved title by Henry Somm. 12mo, red levant morocco gilt, doublures of blue levant emblematically gilt tooled, red silk guards, gilt over uncut edges, with the original covers, by Lortie. [Evreux: Charles Herissey, n. d.] *One of 75 copies on Japan paper. CONTAINS 69 ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS by Draner. 659. CHANTS & Chansons populaires de la France. [ JI- lustrés par plusteurs artistes, avec des notices par MM. Paul Lacroix, Leroux de Lincy et Dumersan.| First EpIrion. 4 vols. royal 8vo, blue levant morocco, emblematic back, side 95 borders of fillets broken at the corners, leaf-spray ornaments, gilt edges, by Cuzin. Paris [1843] * Engraved frontispiece-titles and 330 other plates, four to each song. ‘‘La Marseillaise’’? in Volume I is duplicated on thick paper. 660. CHAP-BOOKS. History of the Earl of Derwent- water; History of the Lambton Worm; History of James Allan the Northumberland Piper; Neweastle Songsters, Nos. 1, 3, 4, and 5; Sir Robert Bewick and the Laird Graham; The Long Pack; History of Tynemouth; The Factor’s Gar- land; and others. 19 chap-books in 1 vol. 12mo, half roan. Neweastle, n. d. [ca. 1820-80] * Curious and searee collection, 661. CHAP BOOKS. The Haughs of Crundel &c.; The Tragedy of Sir James the Rose; The Blackamoor of the Wood; The Woodman; Hills 0’ Gallowa; Soldier’s Dream; Bundle and Go; Sair, sair was my heart; The bonny lass of Banaphie; The Duke of Gordon’s Daughters; Allan Tine O’Harrow; Welcome Charlie o’r the Main; and five others. 17 pieces in 1 vol. 12mo, half roan, uncut. Stirling, 1826 662. CHAP-BOOKS AND FOLK-LORE TRACTS. Edited by G. L. Gomme and H. B, Wheatley. Includes: The His- tory of Thomas Hickathrift, The History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome, Mother Bunch’s Closet newly broke open and the History of Mother Bunch of the West, The History of Patient Grisel, The History of Sir Richard Whittington. 5) vols. 4to, vellum, gilt tops, uncut. London: Printed for the Villon Society, 1885 * All Large paper copies. Complete set. 663. CHAPELAIN (JEAN). La Pveelle; ov, la France delivree: Poéme heroique par M. Chapelain. Frontispiece and 12 plates by A. Bosse after C. Vignon, and several vi- gnettes, repeated. Folio, red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Louise Reymann. In a ease. Paris: Augustin Courbé, 1656 * First EpITIon of half of an epic on Jeanne d’Are. The manuscript of the second half remains unpublished in the Biblio- théque Nationale. According to Brunet, this copy lacks the portraits of Chapelain and the Duc de Longueville, by Nanteuil. 664. CHAPMAN (GEORGE). Bussy D’Ambois: a Tra- gedie; As it hath been often presented at Paules. First Epition. Small 4to, orange levant morocco, back and sides richly tooled in scroll and arabesque, gilt edges, in a brown morocco case, by Zaehnsdorf. (Autograph of H. M. King on — title, slight repairs to same.) London: Printed for William Aspley, 1607 96 665. CHAPMAN (GEORGE). Homer Prince of Poets: Translated according to the Greeke, in twelve Bookes of his Ihads, by Geo. Chapman. Engraved title by Hole (re- margined). Small folio, Limp VELLUM, in a levant morocco slip case. (Several margins slightly wormed and leaf of the dedicatory poem to Queen Anne re-margined. ) In London, printed for Samuel Macham [about 1610] * First EpITIon of books 8 to 12. The first seven books were published in 1598. This copy contains the blank leaves CC4 and F2, not always found. 666. CHAPMAN (GEORGE). An Epicede or Funerall Song: On the most disastrous Death, of the High-borne Prince of Men, Henry Prince of Wales, &. With The Funeralls, Representation of the Herse of the same High and mighty Prince, &c. Small 4to, very dark-blue levant morocco, back and sides blind-tooled, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by T. S. for Iohn Budge, 1612 * First EDITION, containing the Dedication, often lacking. 667. CHAPMAN (GEORGE). The Conspiracie, And Tragedy of Charles Dvke of Byron, Marshall of France. Acted lately in two Playes, at the Blacke-Friers, and other publique Stages. Small 4to, red straight-grain morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviére. : London: Printed by N. O. for Thomas Thorp, 1625 * Second edition; with the separate title to each part. Pas- sages in this play were objected to by the French Government. 668. [CHAPMAN (GEORGE).] The Warres of Pompey and Caesar. Out of whose euents is euicted this Proposition. Only a iust man is a freeman. By G. C. 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed by Thomas Harper, 1631 *Second edition, according to most of the authorities; first, according to Lowndes and Hazlitt. Chapman’s full name is signed to the dedication. 669. CHAPMAN (GEORGE). The Comedies and Trag- edies of George Chapman now first collected with illustrative notes and a memoir of the author. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. * Large paper copy. London, 1873 670. CHARLES I. Eixwy BaowWsixyn. The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his Solitudes and sufferings. Mold- ing frontispiece representing King Charles I in prayer, en- graved by Marshall. 8vo, contemporary calf (restored). Last blank leaf missing. [n. p.| 1648 * THE RARE GENUINE FIRST ISSUE, with the usual errors of pagination in Signature G. THICK PAPER COPY. VERY RARE. 97 671. CHARLES I. Various Pamphlets, as follows :—(1) The Declaration and Resolution of the Prince of Wales upon the Death of his Royall Father. Edin. 1649; (2) A Hand- kirchife for Loyall Mourners, or a Cordiall for Drooping Spirits groaning for the bloody Murther of our King. Lond. 1649; (3) A Letter writtert out of the Countrey to a Parlia- ment-Man. London. 1649; (4) God and the King. 1649; (5) An Extract of the Resolutions of the States of Holland and West-Friezeland [on their actions on behalf of Charles II.]. Lond. 1649; (6) An Appeal against Tho. Lord Fairfax. By Capt. W. Bray, Lond. 1649 [a remonstrance from the army]; (7) A Proclamation of his Excellency, Tho. L. Fair- fax, L. Gen. [requiring all royalists to leave London in 24 hours]. Lond. 1649; (8) A Vindication of the Imprisoned and Secluded Members of the House of Commons. Lond. 1649; (9) The Several Speeches of Duke Hamilton Earl of Cambridg, Henry Earl of Holland, and Arthur Lord Capel, upon the Seaffold. Lond. 1649; (10) A Manifestation from Lieut. Col. John Lilburn, Mr. William Walwyn, Mr. Thomas Prince, and Mr. Richard Overton, now Prisoners in the Tower. Lond. 1649; (11) The Resolution of the Army, concerning the King, Lords, and Commons. Small 4to, brown morocco, blind and gilt tooling, gilt edges. (Several leaves of last- named pamphlet repaired. ) Edinburgh and London, 1649 * An extremely rare collection of pamphlets. 672. CHARLES I. A Catalogue of Description of King Charles the First’s Capital Collection of Pictures, Limnings, Statues, Bronzes, Medals, and other Curiosities. Now first published from an Original Manuscript ... by the late in- genious Mr. Vertue. 4to, crimson straight-grain morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére. (Initials on title.) London: Printed for W. Bathoe, 1757 * Said to have been in the possession of W. Buchanan, author of Memoirs of Printing, with several MS. annotations by him. 673. CHARLES IJ.—Monarchy Revived; being the per- sonal history of Charles the Second, from his earliest years to his restoration to the throne. Reprinted from the edition of 1661. With fourteen portraits. Royal 8vo, red polished ealf gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Wm. Matthews. . London: printed for Charles Baldwyn, Newgate Street [1822]. * A large-paper copy, with proofs of the portraits on India paper, by R. Cooper after Faithorne, Mignard, Nason, ete. 674. CHARLET (NICOLAS TOUSSAINT). An Album of forty-four original lithographs, by Charlet. Oblong 4to, _ half red levant morocco, by Capé. {Paris} [maa 98 675. CHARNOIS (JEAN CHARLES LE VACHER DE). Costumes et Annales des Grands Théatres de Paris, accom- pagnés de notices intéressantes et curieuses. Ouvrage peri- odique. 177 plates, for the most part in colors, depicting actors and actresses in their favorite characters, historic cos- tumes, etc., engraved by Janinet after Le Barbier, Desrais, and others. 1 vols. 8vo, green levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. - Paris, 1786-89 * The first three years have forty-eight numbers, the fourth only thirty-three. 676. CHARNOIS (JEAN CHARLES LE VACHER DE). Recherches sur les Costumes et sur les Théatres de toutes les nations tant anciennes que modernes. Portrait, frontispiece- litle, and 53 other plates, MOSTLY PRINTED IN COLORS AND PROOFS BEFORE ALL LETTERS. First Epirion. 2 vols. 4to, green levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviére. Paris, 1790 677. CHARRON (PIERRE). De la Sagesse, trois Livres par Pierre Charron. Engraved title-page. 12mo, black straight-grain morocco, gilt back and sides, silk linings, gilt edges, by Simier. A Leide: chez Jean Elsevier [1659] 678. CHARRON (PIERRE). De la Sagesse, trois Livres. THIRD ELZEVIR EDITION. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Duru. Leide: chez Jean Elsevier [1659] * Identical with the 1656 edition, except for the dedication and the newly engraved frontispiece. This copy has the final blank leaf. . 679. CHARTIER (ALAIN). Les fais maistre alain | Char- tier notaire et se- | cretaire du Roy char- | les vie [Colophon] ... . Imprime | en la ville de paris par honnourable homme | maistre pierre le caron expert en lart de im | pression demour- ant en la grant rue du tem | ple ioingnat a saincte auoye faisat le coing | de la rue geffroy langeuin. Le. v. iour de sep | tembre. Lan mil. i1ij¢ 111** et noeuf. Lettres batardes, doubles columns, 36 lines to the page; 162 unnumbered leaves with signatures. Rubricated throughout and initrals painted m red and blue. With a woodcut printed twice. Folio, red levant morocco, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Margin of one leaf repaired, upper corners of a few leaves skilfully supplied and blank leaf 78 missing. Paris: Pierre le Caron, 1489 * THE RARE First Epirion. As the collation of Hain (no. 4912) and Copinger (no. 4912) is not correct, we give here the right one: a-d8, e6, f-g8, h6, i10, k8 (last blank), A-D8, K6, F-G8, H6, I-L8—162 leaves. A large copy. 680. CHATTERTON (THOMAS). Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol, in the fifteenth century, by Thomas Rowley, Priest, etc. With a commentary by Jeremiah Milles. 4to, green straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. * The Thomas Jolley copy. London, 1782 99 681. CHATTERTON (THOMAS). The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton with Notices of his Life, history of the Rowley controversy, a selection of his letters, and notes eriti- eal and explanatory. Engraved title and 3 facsimiles. 2 vols. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uneut. Cambridge, 1842 * Large paper copy. 682. CHATTO (WILLIAM ANDREW). Scenes and Recollections of Fly-Fishing, in Northumberland, Cumber- land, and Westmoreland. Nwmerous woodcuts. 12mo, cloth, uneut. . London, 1834 6838. [CHATTO (WILLIAM ANDREW).] The Angler’s Souvenir, by P. Fisher, Esq, [William Andrew Chatto] Assisted by several eminent Pisecatory Characters. Illustra- tions by Beckwith & Topham. Engraved ttle, dedication, and 31 steel plates on India paper, and woodcut borders. Small 8vo, green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. London, 1835 684. CHAVETTE (EUGENE). Les petits drames de la vertu pour faire suite aux petites comédies du vice par Hu- géne Chavette. Illustrations de Kauffmann et Bmile Lévy. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. - Paris, 1882 685. CHAVETTE (EUGENE). Les petites comédies du vice. 8 eaux-fortes de Benasstt et 14 gravures. . Nouvelle édition. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, original - covers bound in. Paris, 1882 686. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). Works. First CoLuEcTEp Epition. Apparently having been used to complete another copy, it lacks title and many leaves, and is in poor condition. With the original front and back cover of wooden boards covered with blind stamped leather, the back missing. Folio. London, 1532 687. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The workes of Geffrey Chaucer, newlie printed, with divers addicions, which were never in print before: With the siege and destruccion of the worthy Citee of Thebes, compiled by John Lidgate, Monke of Berie. 1561. Folio, brown levant morocco, gilt by F. Bed- ford. [Colophon.] Imprinted at London, by Jhon Kyngston, for Jhon Wight, 1561. * One of Stowe’s editions, with the same title as the First Tssue; with Grafton’s device, but without the portrait of Chaucer, and without the woodcuts to the ‘‘ Prologues.’’ There are 10 preliminary leaves. Tall copy, measuring 12% x 8% in, 688. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Workes of our ancient and learned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly printed. To that which was done in the former Impression, 100 ae x 4 thus much is now added. 1. In the life of Chaucer many things inserted. 2. The whole worke by old Copies reformed, ete. Title within an architectural woodcut border, and en- graved portrat of Chaucer (‘The Progenie of Geffrey Chaucer’’). Folio, dark brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Joly. First blank leaf missing. London: Printed by Adam Islip, 1602 * Speght’s Second Edition. 689. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY) anp SIR FRANCIS KINASTON. Amorum Troili et Creseide. Libri duo priores Anglico-Latini. Tvtle within woodcut border. Small 4to, brown calf, gilt edges, by Riviére. Oxonie: Johannes Lichfield, 1635 * Published by Sir Francis Kinaston, the English text in Gothic type on the right, the Latin translation in italics on the left. As it did not meet with encouragement, the three remain- ing books, with notes on the whole, never appeared. 690. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Canterbury Tales of Chaucer; with an Essay upon his language and versifica- tion, an introductory discourse, notes and a glossary by T. Tyrwhitt. Portrait and wgnette titles. 5 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco, richly gilt backs, side panels, doublures of blue morocco with gold borders, gilt tops, uncut, by Joly. London: Printed for W. Pickering, 1822 * One of fifty copies on large paper. With Stothard’s en- graving of the ‘‘Canterbury Pilgrims’’ in two states—an unfinished engraver’s proof, and a completed proof on India paper. 691. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were never in print before: As in the table more playnly dothe appere. Folio, brown levant morocco, gilt back, doublure of red morocco, rich gilt border, gilt edges, by Joly. (Sig. Ai re- margined at back.) [Colophon.] Imprinted at London by Rycharde Kele, dwellynge in Lombarde streete nere unto the stockes market at the sygne of the Egle. (n. d.) * Third collected edition, probably issued about 1550. ‘Tall copy measuring 124% x 7% in. 692. CHAUCER SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. First Series Nos. 21-24, 30-47, 49-55, 57-61, 63-65, 73, 75-81, 83, 84. Autotypes in portfolio, Nos. 48 and 62. Second Series Nos. 6, 8-28. Facsimiles and reproductions. Together, 69 vols. and a portfolio, oblong 4to and 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1871-91 * Among the publications are A Parallel-Text Edition of Chaucer’s Minor Poems, with a Supplement, edited by F. J. Furnival, 5 vols.; The Same for Chaucer’s Trolius and Criseyde, 2 vols.; A One Text Print of Chaucer’s Minor Poems, 2 vols.; Odd Texts of Chaucer’s Minor Poems, 2 vols.; Chaucer’s 101 ‘“Boece’’; The Harleian MS of the Canterbury Tales; John Lane’s continuation of Chaucer’s ‘‘Squire’s Tale,’’ 2 vols.; Kittredge ’s Observations on the Language of Chaucer’s Troilus; etc., etc, Owing to the lack of the first volumes of this series, many of the separate works are incomplete, and contain only the last parts. 693. CHAUSSARD (PIERRE JEAN BAPTISTE). Fétes et Courtisanes de la Gréce; Supplément aux Voyages d’Anacharsis et d’Antenor; comprenant 1°. La Chronique Religieuse des anciens Grecs, Tableau de leurs Mceurs publi- ques 2°. La Chronique qu’ aucuns nommeront scandaleuse, Tableau de leurs Mceurs privées. Four plates by Michel after Garnerey, two plates of music, a folded Atheman almanac, and a planisphere of the labours of Hercules, engraved by Seller. First Epirion. 4 vols. 8vo, maroon levant morocco gilt; gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1801 694. CHESTERFIELD TRAVESTIE; or, School for Modern Manners. Embellished with ten colored caricatures, engraved by Woodward from original Drawings by Row- landson. 12mo, calf, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Riviere. London: Printed by T. Plummer, 1808 695. CHEVALIER (LE) au Cygne et Godefroid de Bouil- lon, poéme historique, publé pour la premiére fois avee de nouvelles recherches sur les légendes qui ont rapport a la Belgique, un travail et des documents sur les Croisades; par le baron de Reiffenberg. 4 vols. 4to, half morocco. Bruxelles, 1846-59 696. CHEVIGNE (AUGUSTIN RENE, COMTE DB). Les Contes Rémois. Dessins de E. Meissonier. Troisiéme édition. 12mo, red levant morocco, back and sides tooled in fillets, dots, &c., doublure of blue morocco with gilt borders and centre ornaments, gilt over rough edges, by Chambolle- Duru. Paris, 1858 * Tllustrations include,—2 portraits by Buland after Meis- sonier, 42 woodcuts, and (inserted) a portrait of the artist from his own painting, engrav ed by T. C. ais The First Edi- tion with Meissonier’s illustrations. 697. CHEVIGNE (AUGUSTIN RENE, COMTE DE). Les Contes Rémois. Dessins de E. Meissomer. 12mo, blue levant morocco, back and sides tooled in the Roger Payne style, gilt edges. original covers bound i in, by Rousselle. Paris, 1858 * Also the First Edition with Meissonier’s illustrations. 698. CHEVIGNE (AUGUSTIN RENE, COMTE DE). Les Contes Rémois. Dessins de E. Meissonier. 8vo, green levant morocco, back and sides covered with interlacing mosaic bands of red morocco outlined in gold, rose morocco, 102 ornamented with a panel formed of green mosaic bands, richly tooled in garlands of roses and scroll ornaments in Louis XV style, green silk guards, gilt over uncut edges, by Mercier. Exhibited at the Exposition Universelle, 1900. Paris, 1858 * Large Paper copy of the first ‘‘Meissonier’’ edition, on Holland paper, only 40 so issued, with a plate by Buland after Foulquier inserted. In half levant case. 699. CHEVIGNE (AUGUSTIN RENE, COMTE DBE). Les Contes Rémois. Dessins de Meissonier & autres. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1868 * This edition contains several additional ‘‘contes.’’ 700. CHEVRIER (FRANCOIS ANTOINE). Le Col- porteur; Histoire morale et critique. Almanach des Gens d’Esprit; Calendrier pour l’année 1762 & le reste de la vie: publie par L’Auteur du Colporteur. In one volume. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Niédrée. Londres, Jean Nourse [n. d.] 1762, &e. * FIRST EDITIONS. 701. CHOISY (FRANCOIS TIMOLEON DE). Histoire de Madame la Comtesse des Barres. A Madame la Marquise de Lambert. First Epirion. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt back, uncut, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Bruxelles, 1736 702. [CHOISY (FRANCOIS TIMOLEON DE).|] His- toire de Madame la Comtesse des Barres. First Epirion. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt back, uncut, by Trautz- Bauzonnet. Bruxelles, 1736 703. CHOLIERES (NICOLAS DE). Les Contes, et Dis- cours Bigarrez. Déduits en neuf Matinees. [és Apresdinées du Carniual]. Ruled in red ink. 2 vols. 12mo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris: Antoine du Brueil, 1611 704. CHORIER (NICOLAS). les Dialogues de Luisa Sigea sur les arcanes de l’amour et de Vénus ou Satire Sotad- ique de Nicolas Chorier Prétendue écrite en Espagnol par Luisa Sigea et traduite en Latin par Jean Meursius. 4 vols. 12mo, original paper covers, uncut. Imprimé a cent exemplaires Pour Isidore Liseux et ses amis. Paris, 1882. 705. CIBBER (COLLEY). Love’s Last Shift; or, the Fool in Fashion. A Comedy. First Enprrion. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by David. London: Printed for H. Rhodes, 1696 108 706. CIBBER (COLLEY). The Careless Husband.. A Comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal. Small 4to, sprinkled calf; with the half-title. London: Printed for William Davis, 1705 * First Epirion. Col. F. Grant’s copy, with his bookplate. 707. CIBBER (COLLEY). The Comical sioveraseees eomedy. Acted by Subscription at the Queens’s Theatre in the Hay-Market. First Eprrion. Small 4to, blue levant mo- rocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott [1707] 708. CIBBER (COLLEY). The Rival Fools. A com- edy. Priapus, and that on p. 28 intact. | ee 758. COLONNA (FRANCESCO). Songe de Polip traduction libre de I’Italien, aa Jo Ge peer, 2 * Large ‘‘ Vellum paper one i Paris, 1 110 ae agi 759. COLONNA (FRANCESCO). Songe de Poliphile. Traduction libre de |’Italien par J. G. Legrand. 2 vols. 4to, boards (slightly damaged), leather backs, uncut. Parme: Bodoni, 1811 * Vellum paper copy, one of 100 printed. 760. COLONNA-CECCALDI (GEORGES). Monuments antiques de Chypre de Syrie et d’Egypte. Avec 34 planches et de nombreuses vignettes. Royal 8vo, half orange levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, 1882 761. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). Epistola Cristo- feri Colom de Insulis in mari Indico nuper inventis. Wood- cuts. 8vo, half morocco, by Huer. [Basel: Michael Furter, 1493] * Facsimile reprint of the extremely rare edition described by Harrisse under no. 2, and of which not over 2 or three copies are known to exist. 762. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). De Insulis nuper in mari Indico repertis. Woodcut on title, and 3 others. Small 4to, brown levant morocco, Grolieresque design on sides, gilt edges, by Thibaron-Echaubard. [Basel: Johannes von Olpe] I. B. 1494 * This letter formed the second part of Verardus’ ‘‘ Historia Baetica seu Granata Expugnata’’ Sigs. dd5 to ee6. 763. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). Eyn schon hiibsch lesen von etlichen inszlen die do in kurtzen zyten funden synd durch dé kiinig von hispania und sagt vo groszen wunderlichen dingen die in dé selbé inszlen synd. Woodcut on first and last leaf. Small 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Pratt. Strassburg: Bartholomew Kustler, 1497 * One of 5 copies of this facsimile made by John Harris the elder. Eight copies are known of the original, of which five are in public libraries. 764. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). Christopher Co- lumbus: His own Book of Privileges, 1502. Photographic facsimile of the Manuscript in the Archives of the Foreign Office in Paris, now for the First Time published; with ex- panded text, translation into English and Historical Introduc- tion (by C. F. Barwick, Henry Harrisse and B. F. Stevens. ) Illuminated frontispiece, facsimiles, &c. Folio, dark green levant morocco, sides and back tooled in the manner of Dérome, gilt top, by The Club Bindery, London: B. F. Stevens, 1893 * One of five copies printed on vellum. 765. COLVIN (SAMUEL). Whiggs Supplication, a Mock- Poem. In two parts. Woodcut on title. Small 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt back and double side borders with clover leaves, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Edinburgh, 1695 * First EDITION. 111 766. [COMBE (TAYLOR).] A Description of the Col- lection of Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum. 40 plates, containing 79 engravings, by Worthington, Heath, &c. Royal 4to, half citron levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Allo. * Large paper copy of the First Edition. London, 1810 767. COMBE (WILLIAM). Le Don Quichotte rofnan- tique, ou Voyage du Docteur Syntaxe, a la recherche du pittoresque et du romantique; poéme en XX chants, Traduit librement de l’anglais, et orné de 26 gravures. Par M. Gandais. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Smith- Mansell. Paris, 1821 * The illustrations are lithographic copies of the Rowlandson designs. 768. COMMANVILLE (CAROLINE). ‘Souvenirs sur Gustave Flaubert. Portrait in 3 states, and illustrations. — 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1895.0 * One of 20 copies on Japan paper. “tite 769. COMMINES (PHILIPPE DE). Les Memoires de Messire Philippe de Commines, Sr. d’Argenton. Derniére edition. Engraved title, with 4 medallion portrats. 16mo, blue levant morocco, back and sides covered with fleurs-de-lys, crown in centre, gilt edges, by Capé. = A Leide: Chez les Elzeviers, 1648 * First Elzevier Edition. ; 770. COMMINES (PHILIPPE DE). Les Memoires de Messire Philippe de Commines, Sr. d’Argenton. Derniére edition. Engraved title, with 4 medallion portraits. 16mo, red levant morocco gilt, doublures of blue levant, with deep borders, gilt edges, by Bauzonnet-Trautz. ; A Leide: Chez les Elzeviers, 1648 * First Elzevier Edition. we 2 771. COMPAGNIE AGREABLE (LA), contenant toute — sorte d’histoires galantes, curieux divertissements, et autre — 5 plaisantes narrations, pour chasser la melancholie. Engraved frontispiece. 12mo, citron levant morocco, gilt edges, by Koehler. Paris: Claude Barbin, 1685 | * RARE. From the library of Charles Nodier, with book-plate. 772. CONCIONES et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis Ex- cerpte. Argvmenta Singvlis prefixa sunt, que causam cujusque & summam ex rel gest# occasione explicant. Opus recognitum recensitumque in usum Scholarum Hollandie & Westfrisie. Engraved title dated 1653. 16mo, red morocco, — gilt edges. Amstelodami: Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1652 * The Syston Park copy, where it was described as in binding by Roger Payne.” 773. CONFESSION. La Confession Reciproque, ou Dia- logues du Tems, entre Louis XIV. et le Pere de la Chaize son — confesseur. 12mo, old green morocco, gilt back, wide borders — on the sides, red silk linings, gilt edges, by Derome. — ps Cologne [Holland]: Pierre Marteau, 1694 112 SIXTY-FOURTH SESSION. Wednesday, November 13th, 2:30 P.M. 774. [CONGREVE (WILLIAM).] Incognita: or, Love and Duty reconcil’d. A Novel. 16mo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed for Peter Buck, 1692 * First EDITION OF CONGREVE’S FIRST PUBLICATION AND EX- CEEDINGLY RARE, no copy being in the British Museum; with preliminary and final blank leaves. (See Reproduction. ) 775. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The old Batchelour, a Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, by Their Majesties Servants. First Epirion. Small 4to, calf, gilt edges (some pages soiled). London: Printed for Peter Buck, 1693 * Congreve’s first play. 776. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Double-Dealer: a Comedy; and, The Mourning Bride: a Tragedy. 2 plays in 1 vol. small Ato, sprinkled calf, gilt edges (somewhat rubbed). London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1694-1697 ‘*First Epirions of both plays. Sir F. Grant’s copy, with bookplate. T7717. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). Love for Love: a Com- edy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn- Fields, by His Majesty’s Servants. First Eprrion. Small 4to, half brown levant morocco, uncut, with the original front cover bound in. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1695 * This play appears to mark the opening of the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn Fields, and contains the Prologues and Epilogue written for the occasion. 778. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Way of the World, A Comedy. First Epirion. Small 4to, red straight-grain morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. With the half- title. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1700 779. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). A Hymn to Harmony, written in Honour of St. Cecilia’s Day. First Enprrion. Small folio, blue morocco. London, 1703 780. COOPER (JAMES FENIMORE). The Prairie; The Red Rover; The Pilot; The Last of the Mohicans; The Pathfinder ; Wing-and-Wing; The Spy; Two Admirals; Deer- slayer; Waterwitch; The Pioneers. Illustrated by Darley. pose tier, 11 vols. post 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1861-64 113 781. CONSTABLE (HENRY). Diana. Or, The excel- lent conceitful Sonnets of H. C. Augmented with divers Quatorzains of honorable and lerned personages. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. aie London: Printed by James Roberts for Richard Smith, 1584 _ * One of 50 copies reprinted in facsimile in 1818. Theoriginal date is a misprint for 1594. J. Payne Collier’s copy, collated with the edition of 1592, 4to, annotated and corrected in ake autograph. 782. CONSTANT (BENJAMIN). Adolph, Anecdote trou- vée dans les papiers d’un Inconnu, et publiée par M. Benja- min de Constant. 12mo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by David. ; Paris, 1816 783. CONSTITUTIONES legitime seu legatine regionis Anglicane: cum subtilissima interpretatione domini Johannis — de Athon: cum triplici tabella, summa accuratione recognite: annotate: et Parisiis coimpresse. (Edited by Badius Ascen- sius.) Gothic character in red and black; arms of William — Breton on title, and 3 woodcuts, one of which represents a king surrounded by bishops and princes. Folio, brown levant morocco, gilt panelled sides, fleurons in the corners, the Royal arms of England from the old. binding, pasted im the centre of the front cover, gilt edges, by Riviére. [Parisiis: Wolfgang Hovnll n. ee * VERY RARE. Printed by Hoypl at Paris, and edited by Badius Ascensius, who dedicates the work to Wm. Warham, Abp. of Canterbury, the dedicatory letter dated 1506. The book was printed apparently for William Breton—his arms be ing on the first title, and the imprint on the second title states that it is to be sold at the bookshop at the Sign of the Trini in St. Paul’s Churchyard, London. Breton was a London mer: chant who imported books in large quantities in the early part of the 16th Century, and he was succeeded about 1520 at the Sign of the Trinity by Henry Pepwell, the early printer. TI] first leaf in the volume contains Hoypl’s large device, and uf smaller device is on the second title. 784. CONTEMPLATIO totius vite et passionis aon nostri Jesu Christi. 50 fine woodcuts copied from Dur Inttle Passion. 8vo, old French citron morocco gilt, edges, by Bozerian Ainé. Bs Venetiis: apud I. Ostaum et P. Valgrisium, 155 785. CONTES CHINOIS. Traduits par MM. Dav 8, Thoms, D’Entrecolles, etc. Frontispieces. 3 vols. 12mo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Belz-Niédrée. Paris, 182 786. CONTES GAULOIS. ‘Trois Dizains de Contes Ga lois. Illustrations de le natur, eau-forte de. Ferd, Beawmoni 12mo, light-brown levant morocco, gilt fillets on back an sides in geometrical design, gilt ‘edges, uncut, by Marius Michel. Paris: E. ouveyre; 1 18 * One of 50 copies on Japan paper. 114 meeesiatnilaanacen i | bi . ‘|| Licens’d Decemb, 22. 1691. 2 Printed for Peter Buck, at the Sign of the Temple, near Temple Bar in Fleet-ffreet, 1692. a ae) CONGREVE. INCOGNITA. First EpiTion. LONDON, 1692. (See No. 774.) 2 ie 5 a 787. COTROVERSES des sexes masculin et fcemenin (par Gratian Du Pont). Numerous small cuts. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Duru. Paris: Gilles Corrozet, for F. Regnault, 1541 Rare. Containing the ‘‘Requeste du sexe masculin, contre le sexe foeminin,’’ not in the first edition, ca. 1535. 788. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Premiéres Poésies Le Reliquaire—Poémes divers. Intimités. First Eprrion. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. | Thick paper copy. Paris, 1869 789. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Deux Douleurs drame en un acte, en vers. First Epirion. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1870 790. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Fais ce que dois, épisode dramatique. First Epirion. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1871 * Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscrip- tion. 791. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Les Humbles. First Epr- TION. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1872 792. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Les Bijoux de la Déliv- rance, scéne en vers. First Eprrion. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1872 ' * Presentation copy from the author to M. de Lescure, with inscription. 793. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Contes en Vers et Poesies diverses. First Epirion. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1880 * Autograph presentation copy from the author. 794. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). La Maison de Moliére poésie dite a la Comédie-Franeaise, le 21 Octobre 1880 par M. Got doyen des sociétaires a l’occasion du 200¢ Anniversaire de la Comédie. First Eprrion. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris [1880] 795. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Contes en Prose. First Epitron. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1882 * With autograph inscription of the author. 7196. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Vingt Contes nouveaux. First Epirion. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1883 797. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). La Téte de la Sultane. First Epirion. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1886 115 798. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Résurrection: strophes. dites 4 la Comédie Francaise, le 22 mai 1886. Par M. Got doyen des sociétaires, 4 l’oceasion du 1¢7 anniversaire de la mort de Victor Hugo. First Epirion, 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1886 799. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Le Petit Epicier. First Epition. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1886 800. COPPKE (FRANGOIS). A l’Empereur Frédéric _ III. First Epirion. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers ~~ bound in, by Champs. ; Paris, 1888 801. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). A Brizeux: strophes dites — par l’auteur 4 l’inavguration de la statue de Brizeux, 4 Lorient, le 9 Septembre 1888. First Epition. 12mo, half — calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris,1888 802. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Toute une Jeunesse. First Epition. 12mo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. _. Pariswieoue 803. COPPKE (FRANCOIS), Les Vrais Riches. Ilus- trations de Gambard et Marold. 12mo, half calf, uneut, — original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris [1892] * One of 25 copies on India paper. 804. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Le Passant. Comedie en un acte en vers. Reproduction en facsimile du manuserit de auteur et d’une page de musique de J. Massenet. Portrait and 47 compositions by Lows Edouard Fournier, engraved by Leon Boisson. Imperial 8vo, blue levant morocco, maroon morocco bands inlaid on the back and sides, outlined in gilt __ fillets, doublures of blue morocco, chiselled borders of flowers and leaves in mauve, grey, and green morocco, grey moiré silk guards, gilt over uncut edges, by Marius Michel. Paris, 1897 * Printed entirely upon satin, mounted on vellum paper. One of a very few copies so issued. : a 8vo, old red morocco, gilt back, with the arms of Litopoup CHARLES, Duc DE CHOISEUL (1724-1781), in the bottom panel gilt edges. ‘Paris, 1723 806. COQUILLE (GUI. SIEUR DE ROMENAY). Re- — eveil des plaisants devis recités par les supposts du Seigneur de la Coquille. [Conchylius.] 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt edges. + 4 Pavia “One of a limited number of verbatim reprints of the origi- — “ies ae with facsimile woodcuts on six of the eight sub- 116 807. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). Le Cid, 1644; Horace, 1641; Cinna, 1644;-Polyeucte, 1644 (last blank leaf miss- ing); La Mort de Pompee, 1644; Le Menteur, 1645; La Suite du Menteur, 1645; Rodogune, 1647; Heraclius, 1647; D. Sanche D’Arragon, 1650 (lacks 3 blank leaves) ; Nicomede, 1652; Sertorius, 1662. 12 pieces in 2 vols. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Suivant la Copie imprimee a Paris [Leyde, B. & A. Elze- vir], 1641-62. * ALL GENUINE FIRST ELZEVIR EDITIONS, with the exception of the first piece, which is the second issue of the third edition. Inserted in each volume is a general manuscript title-page in perfect imitation of a printed title. From the H. Bordes library. 808. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). Le Menteur, Comédie. First Epirion. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Imprimé a Rouen & se vend a Paris, chez A. de Sommaville et A. Courbé, 1644. 809. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). (Cuvres. Frontispiece dated 1645 and portrait by Michel Lasne dated 1644. First COLLECTED EpitTion. 12mo, red levant morocco, doublures of red levant, covered with rich tooling in compartments, gilt edges by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris, 1644 810. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). La Mort de Pompée. Frontispiece engraved by Chauveau. First 470 Epirion. 4to, blue levant morocco, inside borders, gilt edges, by: Mercier. Paris: A. de Sommaville and A, Courbé, 1644 811. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). la Suite du Menteur, Comédie. First Epirion. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt in- side borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Imprimé a Rouen, et se vend a Paris, chez A. de Somaville et A. Courbé, 1645. 812. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). Theodore, vierge et mar- tyre, tragedie chrestienne. 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Cuzin. Imprimé 4 Rouen, & se vend a Paris, Chez Antoine de Sommaville, 1646. * First Quarto Edition. 813. [CORNEILLE (PIERRE).] Theodore, Vierge et Martyre; Tragédie. First 12mo edition, 12mo, blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by Cusin. Paris: Toussainct Quinet, 1646 * Bookplate of P. Guy Pellion. 814. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). Rodogune, Princesse des Parthes. Tragédie. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Cuzin pere. (Engraved frontispiece missing.) Imprimé a Rouen, et se vend a Paris, chez A. de Sommaville, 1647. * The rare earliest issue, with the dedicatory letter addressed ‘¢A Monseigneur le Duc d’Anguien.’’ 117 815. [CORNEILLE (PIERRE anp orHers).] La Comedie des Tuileries. Engraved title by Daret. 18mo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. [Paris: Augustin Courbé, 1648] 816. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). Cé£uvres de Corneille. Engraved frontispiece and portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, red levant morocco gilt, doublure of same morocco, dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Motte. Rouen: & se vend a Paris, chez Toussainct Quinet, 1648 * There is another issue ‘with the same date, published by Augustin Courbé. 817. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). La Toison d’Or, tragédie. _ First Epirion. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt-inside borders, elt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. First blank leaf missing and margins of last two leaves skilfully mended. Imprimée a Rouen et se vend a Paris, chez A. Courbé & G. de Luyne, 1661. 818. [CORNEILLE (PIERRE).] Suréna, Général des Z : Parthes, Tragedie. 12mo, red levant morocco oilt, oilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Guillaume de ma 1675 _— * First EDITION. 819. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). Le Thé acre a Ee Cor neille. Reveu & corrigé par 1’Autheur. Frontispiece to part 1. 4 vols. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Chambolle- Duru. (Lacks portrait and 3 frontispieces. ) Paris: Guillaume de Luyne, 1682” 820. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). Rodogune, Princesse des” Parthes. Frontispiece etched by Madame de Pompadour after Boucher and finished by Cochin. 4to, old French red morocco gilt, silk linings, gilt edges, by PADELOUP. 2 stamps on title. [Chateau de Versailles] Au Nord, 1760 * THIS RARE PIECE, of which only a few copies were ‘age was printed in the apartment of Madame de Pompadour, N orth | _ side, at Versailles. In a copy of this book from the Comte — d’Ourches library, which once belonged to the brother gfe Madame de Pompadour, Marquis de Marigny, was a note in the — autograph of the latter, stating that his sister having been curious to see the printing of it, the King ordered a press and — a few workers from the “ Tmprimerie Royale’’ to the Chatea de Versailles, and the tragedy of Rodegune was printed unde: the eyes of the Marquise and in her chamber. ; A note on the fly-leaf in Mr. Hoe’s handwriting, referring i ee Madame Pompadour’s copy, reads: ‘‘With the exception o er that [copy] this [the one here offered] is the choicest I ib : ever met with.’’ + 821. CORNEILLE (PIERRE). (C#£uvres de P. Corneil e avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. [édition redigé par M. L. Parelle.] 12 vols. royal 8vo, half cloth, uncut. — Paris, 182¢ * LARGE VELLUM PAPER COPY. HEXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 00 ee portrait by Gaucher and 33 plates after Gravelot from the 1764 edition, proofs before letters. ; ' 118 822. [CORNEILLE (THOMAS).] Les Engagemens du Hazard, Comedie. 12mo, vellum boards, red edges (name erased from title). Imprimé a Rouen, par L. Maurry, Pour Guillaume de Luyne, 1657. *First Epirion of his first printed play. Sir F. Grant’s copy, with autograph comments. 823. CORNAZANO (ANTONIO). Les Proverbes en Facéties d’Antonio Cornazano (xve siécle). Traduit pour la premiére fois, texte Italien en regard. 16mo, half blue levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1884 * One of 200 copies. 824. CORNWALLIS (SIR WILLIAM). Essayes by Sir William Cornewallys the yonger, Knight. (Title slightly de- fective.) London, Joseph Harison for Edmund Mattes, 1606. A Second Part of Essayes. London, Edmund Matts, 1601. Together, 2 vols. 16mo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London, 1606-01 * First EDITION of the second part. 825. CORREGGIO. Pitture di Antonio Allegri detto il Correggio esistenti in Parma nel’ Monistero di San Paolo. Plates engraved after the paintings of Correggio, printed in brown. Folio, half calf, uncut, back repaired. Parma: co’ tipi Bodoniani, 1800 826. [|CORROZET (GILLES).| Hecatomgraphie. C’est a dire les descriptions de cent figures et hystoires, contenant plusieurs appophthegmes, proverbes, sentences et dictz tant des anciens que des modernes. 100 charming emblematic cuts surrounded by elegant ornamental woodcut border of various design. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Trautz- Bauzonnet. From the library of the Comte de Fresne. Paris: Denys Janot, 1543 827. CORYAT (THOMAS). Coryat’s Crudities ; Reprinted from the Edition of 1611. To which are now added, His Letters from India, &c. and extracts relating to him, From various authors: being a more particular Account of his Travels (mostly on Foot) in different Parts of the Globe, than any hitherto published. Together with his orations, character, death, &. With copper-plates. 3 vols. 8vo, blue flexible levant morocco, gilt tops, uNcuT, by Mansell. London: Printed for W. Cater, Samuel Hayes, etc., 1776 *A remarkably large copy, possibly on large paper, very rarely met with in this unusual condition. 828. COSTER (CHARLES DE). la Légende et les aventures héroiques, joyeuses et glorieuses d’Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak au pays de Flandres et ailleurs. Owvrage illustré de trente-deux eaux-fortes inédites. 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Bretault. Paris, 1860 119 ; 829. COSTUMES des Femmes du Pays de Caux. [Paris, de l’imprimerie de Crapelet, s. d.] [Second title] Cent cing Costumes des Départemens de la Seine Inférieure, du Calva- dos, de la Manche et de l’Orne. Engraved title ann 105 COLORED PLATES by Gatine after Pecheux and Lante. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. * Very Rare. Paris: Durand aine. [ca. 1804] © 830. COTGRAVE (J OHN), Wits Interpreter, the Eng-— 4 fish Parnassus, ete. The 2d edition with many new additions. _ Engraved frontispiece, by Gaywood. 12mo, brown levant morocco, gilt, by The Club Bindery. q London: Printed for N. Brook, 1662 — 831. [COURTILZ (GATIEN SANDRAS DE).] Mémoires . de Monsieur de Bordeaux, intendant des finances. Par — M. G. D. C. 4 vols. see ‘red levant morocco, gilt edges, by — Hardy-Mennil. - Amsterdam, 1758 % 832. COUSTEAU (PIERRE). Le Pegme de Pierre Cov- " stav, mis en Francoys par Lanteavme de Romieu gentilhomme ~ d’Arles. 96 woodcuts. 8vo, green levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Lyon, 1555 — * First French edition. The privilege is dated March 7, 1553, and the dedicatory epistle, es cant ds pect ~ Printed ‘within ‘ woodcut borders. ee 833. COSTUMIER DU PAYS ET DUCHIE DE NOR- MENDIE. Gothic characters of two sizes, 35 lines of teat and 45 of commentary to the page. 342 unnumbered leaves (including the blanks 1,246 and last), with signatures. Rubri- cated throughout and initials painted in blue and red. Folio, — maroon levant morocco, gilt and blind-tooled panelled side silt edges, by Riviére. The blank leaves 1 and 342 missin [Paris: Jean du Pré], 148 * First EpIrion extremely rare. Fine and large copy. Th second part includes the ‘‘Tractatus arboris consanguineitatis with three full-page woodcuts representing genealogical trees. Hain-Copinger, 5791; Proctor, 8038; Brunet, II, a0. From the: library of the Duke of Sussex, and since rebound. 834. COWLEY (ABRAHAM, Anp orHers). Auaeue Done into English Out of the Original Greek. 12mo, citro levant morocco covered with tooling of a flower many time repeated, inside borders and gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Oxford, 1683 * Alexander Boswell’s copy (the father of James Boswell with his autograph and date, 1740, on preliminary blank lea and the names of the translators of the various Mee ois in his hand. 835. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). The Works of Mr. Abrah Cowley: Consisting of those which were formerly print and those which he design’d for the press, ete. The te edition. With 32 portraits and plates, chiefly by Van Gucht. 3 vols. 8vo, old calf. (Writing on titles.) London, 120 Bie 836. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). Prose Works of Abraham Cowley, Esq. Including his essays in prose and verse. 8vo, calf gilt, gilt edges, by Matthews. * Large paper copy. London: Wm. Pickering, 1826 837. COWPER (WILLIAM). The History of John Gilpin, How he went farther than he intended, and came Home safe at last, 12mo, red levant morocco, inside borders, gilt edges, by Riviére. London: Printed for J. Fielding [1785] * An early chap-book edition. 838. COWPER (WILLIAM). The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated into English blank verse. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 4to, original boards, new backs, uncut. London, 1791 839. COWPER (WILLIAM) ; Illustrated by a Series of Views, in, or near the Park of Weston-Underwood, Bucks. With portrait, engraved title, and 12 plates. 4to, half green morocco, and boards, gilt top, uncut. London, 1803 840. COWPER (WILLIAM). The Diverting History of John Gilpin: Showing how he went farther than he intended and came safe home again. 6 illustrations by George Crusk- shank. First Epition with these illustrations. 16mo, calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Riviere. London, 1828 841. COWPER (WILLIAM). The Works of Cowper, comprising his poems, correspondence, and _ translations. With a Life of the author, by the editor, Robert Southey. 11 portraits, 29 frontispreces and vignettes. 15 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1835-7 842. [COX (NICHOLAS).] The Gentleman’s Recreation, in four parts; viz. Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing. Collected from ancient and modern authors, Forrein and Domestick, and rectified by the Experience of the most Skil- full Artists of these times. Frontispiece and 4 folding plates. First Epition. Small 8vo, dark green levant morocco, elab- orately tooled on back and sides, with emblematic and floral tools, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London, 1674 843. CRABBE (GEORGE). TheLibrary. A Poem. Lon- don: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1781. The Village: A Poem in two Books. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1783. The News- paper: A Poem. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1785. Aun First Eprrions. 3 vols. in 1, 4to, brown morocco, gilt edges. Contains the leaf of advertisement. London, 1781-85 844. CRABBE (GEORGE). Tales of the Hall. First Eprrion, 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. London, 1819 121 845, CRABBE (GEORGE). Works. First Eprmion. 5 vols. 8vo, green levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1823 * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of ten portraits, three views, thirty-one plates by Heath after Westall, and nine by Adlard after Corbould. Six of the Westall plates are in two states, India proofs before and after letters; the rest are before the letters, and one is the engraver’s etching. The portraits are for the most part proofs. 846. CRAMER (DANIEL). Fifty, copper-plate engray- ings from ‘‘Emblemata Moralia Nova,’’ printed without the — text, and on one side of the paper only, 4to, old red morocco, | gilt edges. [Franckfurt, 1630] * Probably unique. A comparison of the engravings with — those in the printed book justifies the belief that the Pe : impressions are the earlier. ; 847. CRANACH (LUCAS). Passional Christi und pee ehristi. Title within a woodcut border, 26 woodcuts by L. Cranach. 4to, red levant morocco gilt; doublure of citron morocco, with gilt tooled broad dentelle borders, gilt edges, — by Riviére. [Wittembergae: J. Griinenberg, Lo * Facsimile reprint. ino =f 848. CRANE (WALTER). The Claims of Decorative ae Vignettes. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1892 — * One of 110 fine paper copies. 3 iad 849. CRANMER (THOMAS, ARCHBISHOP). Cathe- chismvs, That is to say a shorte Instruction into Christian Religion for the synguler commoditie and profyte of childré and yong people, Set forth by the mooste reuerende Bees, Buack Lerrer. Snconb Epition. Small 8vo, ORIGINAL vite LUM, in a maroon levant morocco slip ease. London: Gwalter Lynne, 1548 * LARGE AND FINE COPY OF THIS VERY RARE BOOK. This appears: to be the second issue of 1548, but the name of ines By as printer does not occur in the book. 850. CRANMER (THOMAS, ARCHBISHOP). futatio of unwritté verities / both bi the holye scripennete an moste auncient autors/and also probable arguments / ai pithy reasons / with plaine aunswers to al (or at the least) to the moste part and strongest argumentes / which the adu saries of gods truth / either haue / or can bryng forth for th profe and defence of the same vnwritten vanities / verities they woulde haue them called / made by Thomas Cranmer late Archebishop of Cantorburie / Martyr of god / and bu at Oxford for the deféce of the trewe doctrine of our s 122 Christ / translated and set forth / by E. P. @The contentes whereof / thou shalte finde in the next side folowinge. SEconp EDITION. Black-letter. 16mo, brown levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Bedford. (Title very slightly re- paired. ) [London: Reynold Wolf, 1558] _ 851. CREBILLON (PROSPER JOLYOT DE). Cuvres. Edition ornée de figures dessinées par Peyron et gravées sous sa direction. Prontispiece-portrat engraved by Petit after Peyron, and 9 plates by Baquoy, Huber, Lemire, Patas, Thomas and Triére after the same, IN FOUR STATES, etchings, before letters, lettered and finely colored (the etchings by Baquoy, Lemire, Péticier and Petit). 2 vols. 8vo, old red straight-grain morocco, gilt floral borders on the sides, richly gilt tooled backs, silk linings, gilt edges, by P. Bozerian jeune. Paris: Didot Jeune, An V [1797] * A MAGNIFICENT COPY ON ‘‘GRAND PAPIER VELIN,’’ AND EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of: (1) the series of a portrait and 9 plates by Marillier (Paris, 1785), proofs before letters, with the title of the play in the upper part of the en- graving; (2) a portrait by St. Aubin and 9 plates by Moreau (Paris, 1818), proofs before letters; (3) five portraits of Cré- billon by Aved, engraved by Ficquet and by Walker (the last in duplicate); by Lemoine engraved by Delvaux, and on steel by Hopwood. 852. CREIGHTON (MANDELL). Queen Elizabeth. 4to, original covers, in a cloth case. London: Goupil, 1896 * Japan paper copy, with the extra series of plates. Vury SCARCE. 853. CRITHANNAH (JOB). Fifty-one Original Fables, with Morals and Ethical Index. 85 original designs by Robert Cruikshank. First Epition. 8vo, blue levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by Louise Reymann. London, 1833 854. CRONIQUE sommairement traictée des faictz héro- iques de tous les rois de France, & de personnes & choses memorables de leurs temps (by George Bernard?) 61 medal- lon copper-plate portraits of King of France, ascribed to Voewiot, and each page surrounded by ornamental borders. 8vo, calf. Lyon: Clément Baudin, 1570 855. CROWE (J. A.) & CAVALCASELLE (G. B.). A New History of Painting in Italy from the Second to the Fourteenth Century, First Epirion, 3 vols., 1864; A History of Painting in North Italy from the Fourteenth to the Six- teenth Century, First Eprrion, 2 vols., 1871; The Early Flemish Painters, Seconp Epirion, 1872; Titian: His Life and his Times, First Eprrion, 2 vols., 1877. Numerous illus- trations. Together 8 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, varying colors, as issued. London, 1864-77 128 | 856. CROWE (J. A.) anp CAVALCASELLE (G. B.). — Raphael: his life and works, with particular reference to recently discovered records, and an exhaustive study of extant drawings and pictures. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1882-85 857. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Comic Almanac. 1835- 53. CompLete Set. Hundreds of humorous plates and wood- cuts (SOME IN COLORS) by Cruikshank. 19 parts bound in 5 vols. 12mo, half green levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, the original wrappers bound in, by Bedford. London, 1835-53 © 858. CRUIKSHANK (ROBERT). Facetia: being a gen- eral Collection of the Jeux d’Esprits which have been illus- — trated by Robert Cruikshank. Numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. 16mo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt edges by Emile Rousselle. f London, 1831 859. CRUIKSHANK (ROBERT). The Playfair Papers, — or Brother Jonathan, the smartest Nation in all Creation. Illustrations, mostly in colors, by Robert Crutkshank. First EpiTIon. 3 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by The Club Bindery. ~~ London, 1841 860. CRUIKSHANK (ROBERT). James Hatfield and the Beauty of Buttermere. A Story of Modern Times. With colored wlustrations by Robert Crutkshank. 3 vols. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt tops, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1843 861. CRUIKSHANK (ROBERT). Brother Jonathan, the Smartest Nation in all Creation, by Hugo Playfair. Illus- trations in colors by Robert Cruikshank. 3 vols. 8vo, brown — levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by The Club Bindery. — London, 18: 862. CUMBERLAND (GEORGE). Inventions. Engrav title-page and 23 outline plates. Royal 4to, half brov levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Krafft. [London], 17: 863. CUMBERLAND (GEORGE). Outlines from t Antients. Introduction by G. Cumberland. 81 plates e graved by F. C. Lewis. Folio, brown morocco gilt, gilt side gilt edges (a number of plates spotted). London, 18 864. CUMBERLAND (RICHARD). The Mysterious Hu band. A tragedy in five acts. As it is acted at the Theatr Royal, Covent-Garden. First Eprrion. 8vo, olive moroce sprinkled edges. London: C. Dilly, 17. 865. [CUMBERLAND (RICHARD).] - The Carmelite: A Tragedy, 1784. The Natural Son: A Comedy, 1785. F Epitions. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, red leather, gilt edges. Baer London, 1784-5 124 eras 866. CUMBERLAND (RICHARD). The Posthumous Dramatic Works of Cumberland. Edited by T. W. Jansen. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, sprinkled tops, uncut. London, 1813 867. CURTIUS (F. CORNELIUS). Virorvm Illvstrivm ex ordine eremitarvm D. Avgvstini Elogia evm singvlorvm expressis ad vivvm Iconibvs. Engraved title and 30 portraits by C. Galle after Francquart. 4to, polished ealf, gilt, by Bauzonnet, Antverpiae: apvd Ioannem Cnobbarvm, 1636 * From the Yemeniz collection. 868. D (J.). The Knave in Graine, New Vampt. oilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. poe London: Printed by I. Dawks, for Jacob Tonson, 16! 152 1033. DRYDEN (JOHN). De Arte Graphica. The Art of Painting. By C. A. Du Fresnoy. With Remarks. Trans- lated into English, together with an original Preface contain- ing a Parallel betwixt Painting and Poetry, by Mr. Dryden. As also a short account of the most eminent painters by an- other hand. KHngraved title. 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt edges. London, 1695 “Stamp on title ‘‘Edmund Burke Beaconsfield. ’? 1084. DRYDEN (JOHN). Alexander’s Feast; or the Power of Musique. An Ode in Honour of St. Cecilia’s Day. By Mr. Dryden. First Eprrion. Folio, brown morocco, un- cut. | London: Jacob Tonson, 1697 * FINE Copy, with the half-title. Measures 1214 x 734 inches. 1085. DRYDEN (JOHN). Miscellany Poems. Containing Variety of New Translations of the Ancient Poets: together with Several Original Poems. Frontispieces. Fourth edition. The Six Parts in 6 vols. 12mo, blue straight-grain morocco gilt, gilt edges. London, 1716 * The Syston Park copy. ; 1086. DRYDEN (JOHN). Fables from Bocecacio and Chaucer. A New Edition. Engraved plates after Stothard. 12mo, half citron levant morocco, gilt and mosaic back, gilt top, uneut, by Cuzin. London: T. Cadell 1806 1087. DRYDEN (JOHN) anp LEE (NATHANIEL). The Duke of Guise. A Tragedy. Acted by Their Majesties Servants. Written By Mr. Dryden, and Mr. Lee. Second edition. Small 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed by R. E. for R. Bentley and J. Tonson, 1687. 1088. DRYDEN (JOHN) ann LEE (NATHANIEL). Oedipus: A Tragedy. The third edition. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Richard Bentley, 1687 1089. DRYDEN (JOHN) anp LEE (NATHANIEL). Oedipus: a tragedy. As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke’s Theatre. The fourth edition. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Richard Bentley, 1692 1090. DRYDEN (JOHN) ann LEE (NATHANIEL). Oedipus: a tragedy As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke’s Theatre. The sixth edition. Small 4to, red morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Rich. Wellington and E. Rumball, 1701 153 1091. DRYDENIANA. The New Atlantis. A Poem, in © three books. With some Reflections upon the Hind and the © Panther. First Epirion. Small 4to, mottled calf, gilt, in- — side borders, gilt edges. Printed for the Author, 1687 — 1092. DRUMMOND (WILLIAM). The History of Scot- — land, From the year 1423. until the year 1542. containing The — Lives and Reigns of James The I. the II. the III. the IV. the © V. With several Memorials of State, during the Reigns of — James VI. & Charls I. With a Prefatory Introduction By — Mr. Hall of Grays-Inn. Portraits of Drummond by Gaywood, — and of James I., II., I1I., IV., and V. First Epirion. Small — folio, old calf (skilfully repaired). ‘ London, 1655 1093. DRUMMOND (WILLIAM). Poems, by That most Famous Wit, William Drummond of Hawthornden. Portrait by Gaywood with arms below. Small 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges. . (Lacks leaf of dedication, several pages repaired). London, 1656 1094. DRUMMOND (WILLIAM). The Works of Wil. liam Drummond, of Hawthornden. Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed, and Those which were design’d for the Press. Now Published from the Author’s Original Copies. Edited by Bishop Sage and Thomas Ruddiman. Portrait. Folio, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére. ¥ London: James Watson, 17 1 1095. DUBOIS. Les Douze Mois de 1’Année, oontredanans Francoises. Présentées a la Reine [Marie Thérése de Savoi par M. Dubois. Gravées par J. Dezauche. 8vo, red moroce gilt back, glit end-papers, gilt edges, by Derome. (Stamp o title. ) Paris, 177 * Engraved throughout, with the music and details of t dances. From the library of Viollet Le Duc. aan 1096. DU BOIS (EDWARD—Translator). The Wreat! composed of selections from Sappho, Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus. Accompanied by a prose translation, with notes. To which are added Remarks on Shakespeare, &e and a com parison between Horace and Lucian. LARGE PAPER COP 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 17 0 With 32 inserted plates, proofs on India paper. 1097. [DU BOIS . (EDWARD). ] My Poors Books Hints for ‘‘A Ryghte Merrie and Conceitede’’ Tour, in qua To be called ‘‘The Stranger in Ireland,’’ In 1805. B Knight Errant. 5 tinted plates. 12mo, Scotch plaid uncut, by The Club Bindery. London, 1 154 1098. DUBOIS (GUILLAUME). Mémoires du Cardinal Dubois. a vols. Svo, tapestry covers of red silk and gold threads, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1829 1099. DUBOIS (L’ABBE J. A.). Le Pantcha-Tantra ou Les Cing Ruses. Fables du Brahme Vichnou-Sarma. Aventures de Paramarta et autres contes traduits pour la premiére fois sur les originaux indiens. Illustré de 13 eaux-fortes par Léonce Petit. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, uncut, origi- nal covers bound in, by Carayon. Paris: A. Barraud, 1872 * Large paper copy, with the plates proofs before letters on India paper. 1100. [DU BREUIL (ANTOINE).] Les Muses Gaillardes, recueillies des plus beaux esprits,de ce temps. Par A. D. B., Parisien. Seconde édition, revue, corrigée et de beaucoup augmentée. 12mo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, un- cut, by Allo. : A Paris: De l’imprimerie d’Anthoine du Brueil, 1609. _[Bruxelles, imprimerie de A. Mertens et fils, 1864. ] *One of 100 copies reprinted. The Notice Bibliographique is signed P. L. [Paul Lacroix]. 1101. DU BUYS (GUILLAUME). UL’Oreille du Prince. Ensemble plusieurs autres ceuvres poetiques. First EpITIon. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris: Jean Fevrier, 1582 1102. DUCHESNE, AINE (JEAN). Musée de Peinture et de Sculpture, ou Recueil des Principaux Tableaux, Statues et Bas-reliefs des Collections publiques, ete. With over 1,000 outline plates by Réveil. 17 vols. 12mo, half green calf, uncut. * The text is in French and in English. Paris, 1828-34 1103. DUCLOS (CHARLES PINOT, SIEUR). Les Con- fessions du Comte de * * * Kerites par lui-méme a un Ami. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, uncut. Amsterdam, 1783 * Large paper copy. 1104. DUCREUX (FRANCOIS). Historie Canadensis, sev Nove-Francie libri decem, ad Annum vsque Christi MDCLVI. Map and 13 plates, one of them (folded) repre- senting the tortures inflicted upon the Jeswmt missionaries. First Epirion. 4to, tree calf gilt, by Kalthoeber. Paris, 1664 * The Beckford copy. 1105. [DUFAI (ALEXANDRE (?).] Le Songe de Madame Sand, pour faire suite au Songe d’Athalie. (Extrait du ‘‘Corsaire’’ du 7 mai 1849.) 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, by Champs. Per: indy * Presentation copy from the author (?) with inscription in his autograph, signed. 155 1106. DU FRESNY (CHARLES RIVIERE), CEuvres — choisies de Dufresny. 2 vols. 12mo, green vellum, uncut. Paris: P. Didot I’ aine, 1810 ¢ ee * The Syston Park copy, on vellum. 1107. DULAURENS (HENRI J.). Le Compére Matthieu, ou ‘les Bigarrures de l’Esprit Humain. 9 plates, all proofs before letters. 3 vols, 8vo, dark blue morocco gilt, gilt edges. [Paris] : Imprimerie de Patris, 1796 : * Thick vellum paper copy. 1108. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Stockholm, Fontaine- bleau, et Rome. Trilogie dramatique sur la vie de Christine. 8vo, blue morocco gilt, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1830 * First Eprrion» Presentation copy, with inscription by the Author on title. * s tag 1109. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Stockholm, Fontain bleau et Rome, Trilogie dramatique sur la vie de Christin Folding frontispiece. First Eprrion, 8vo, half red straig grain morocco, gilt, uncut, original wrappers bound in, b Champs. Paris, 183 1110. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Napoléon Bonapart ou Trente Ans de 1’Histoire de France. Drame en six actes. 8vo, half blue morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1831 _ * First EpivTion autograph presentation copy from pines Author, with inscription. : 1111. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Napoléon Bonne ou Trente ans de l’histoire de France. 8vo, half calf, — uncut, by Champs. Paris, ide by the Author on the title-page. 1112. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Catherine ee drame en cing actes et en huit tableaux. Hitched frontisp after Celestin Nantewil. First Eprrion. 8vo, eke que Paris, 1118. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Angéle; drame en actes. Frontispiece by C. Nanteuil. Firsr Eprrion. — half cloth, uncut, original covers bound in, Some pp. spot Paris, 1 1114. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Keun comédie en : actes. First Eprrion. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt, original covers bound in, by Canape. Paris, 156 1115. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Jacques Ortis, par M. Alex. Dumas, précédé d’un essai sur la vie et les écrits d’Ugo Foscolo, par Hugéne de Montlaur, et suivi d’une traduction inedite de ses ceuvres choisies par M. L. Delatre. First Eptr- TION. 12mo, half blue calf, gilt back, uncut. Paris, 1842 1116. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Gaule et France. Avec Introduction aux Scénes historiques, First Eprrion. 12mo, half light blue calf, gilt, uncut. Paris, 1842 1117. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Impressions de Voyage par Alexandre Dumas. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée. 2 vols. 12mo, half blue calf, gilt back, uncut. Paris, 1842 1118. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Jeanne d’Arc, par M. Alexandre Dumas; suivi d’un appendice contenant une analyse raisonnée des documents anciens et de nouveaux documents inédits sur la Pucelle d’Orléans, par J.-A. Buchon; avec une introduction par M. Charles Nodier. First Epirion. 12mo, half blue calf, gilt back, uncut. Paris, 1843 1119. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Théatre complet d’Alex- andre Dumas. Nouvelle Edition revue et corrigée par l’auteur. 3 vols. 12mo, half blue calf, gilt back, uncut. Paris, 1843 1120. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Louis XIV et son siécle. Numerous illustrations. First Epirion. 2 vols. royal 8vo, old maroon morocco, gilt. Paris, 1844-45 1121. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Le Comte de Monte- | Cristo. Portrait engraved by Lecouturier after Hugéne Giraud, 29 other plates after Gavarm and Tony Johannot, and numerous woodcuts in the text. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt. Paris, 1846 1122. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Grand Dictionnaire de Cuisine. 2 portraits by Rajon. Thick royal 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Paris, 1873 * One of 50 copies on Holland paper. The William A. Fraser copy with bookplate. 1123. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Les Trois Mousquetaires, avec une lettre d’Alexandre Dumas fils. Illustrations by Maurice Leloir, engraved by J. Huyot. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, olive levant morocco, a scene from the novel inlaid in colours on the front cover of each volume, gilt over uncut edges, with _the original covers, by Raparlier. Paris, 1894 * One of 100 copies on India paper, with a duplicate set of the plates, proofs before letters. 1124. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Le Vicomte de Brage- lonne. First Inuustratep Epirion, with 2 frontispreces by Lechard and Leguay, and 55 woodcuts. 2 vols. royal 8vo, red levant morocco, filleted backs and sides v-th corner orna- ments, gilt tops, uncut, by Joly. Paris, 1851 157 - 1125. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Le Chevalier de Maison- Rouge. Préface par G. Larroumet. Illustrations by Julien Le Blant engraved by Léveillé. 2 vols. in 1, imperial 8vo, red levant morocco, exquisitely tooled in scrolls and fillets in a complicated and unique design, arms on the back and sides, doublure of red morocco, filleted borders and corner orna- ments, corded red silk cuards, gilt over uncut edges, with the original covers, by Mercier. Exhibited at the Exposition Universelle, 1900. Paris, 1894 *One of 35 copies printed on large India paper. Inserted is AN ORIGINAL DRAWING By LE BLANT, signed. The full-page — illustrations are in 4 states, remarque proofs both finished and in outline, proofs in bistre, and lettered impressions. 1126. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). La Dame de Monsoreau. — Compositions de Maurice Lelow gravures sur bots de J. — Huyor. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, watered silk linings and end-papers, gilt tops, uncut, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1903 <7 * One of 100 copies on India paper with a duplieate set of: the engravings, proofs before letters. ; 1127. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fis). Le Fils Nafieel Comedie en cing actes dont un prologue par Alexandre Dumas fils. First Eprrion. 12mo, halfgred levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1858 © 1128. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Firs), Un Pére Prodigue, Comédie en cing actes. Firsr Epirion. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Pousetoux. Paris, 1859 , 1129. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Firs). L’Ami des Femmes. Comédie en cing actes, en prose. First Eprrion. 8vo, half cloth, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 1864 1130. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fis). Histoire du Sup- plice d’une Femme. Réponse a M Emile de Girardin. First EDITION, ON THICK PAPER. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt — top, uncut, by Pousetoux. Paris, 1865 1131. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fis). Affaire Clémen- ceau, Mémoire de |’Accusé. 8vo, red levant morocco, back and sides decorated in a mosaic floral design, figured silk linings, inside mosaic and gilt borders, gilt over rough edges, if original covers bound in, by Meunier. ‘Paris, 1866 : *First Eprrron. Author’s presentation copy to George Sand, with autograph of Dumas on front cover. Inserted, are 3 portraits on Japan paper, 2 of them in three states, ‘and 10 plates by A. Besnard. At the end are 32 pp. of advertisemen from Lévy’s catalogue, dated June, 1866. ie 1132. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fus), Les Idées Mme. Aubray. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 186’ * First Epition. India paper copy, with autograph pres tation inscription by the author. Photograph of Dumas i serted. ve ; 158 1133. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Furs). La Femme de Claude. Piéce avec Préface. Royal Svo, original paper covers, uncut, Paris, 1873 “First Eprrion, on Holland paper. Autograph presenta- tion copy from the Author, with inscription. Only 25 copies printed. 1134. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fits). Monsieur Alphonse, piéce en trois actes. 8vo, half cloth, original covers bound in. * First Epirion. Printed on Holland paper. Paris, 1874 1135. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fis). L’Etrangére. Co- médie en cinq actes, 8vo, half blue cloth, uncut, original buff covers bound in. Paris, 1877 1136. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Firs). L’Etrangére. Co- médie en cing actes. Royal 8vo, half cloth, uncut, original covers bound in, Paris, 1877 * Autograph presentation copy from the Author. One of 40 copies on Holland paper. 1137. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fis). la Princesse de Bagdad. LHtched portraits of the author and 4 actors on India paper. First Epuron. Royal 8vo, half green levant morocco, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Champs. * One of 25 copies on large Holland paper. Paris, 1881 11388. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fiis). Denise, Piéce en quatre actes. Royal 8vo, half cloth, uncut, original covers bound in, Paris, 1885 * One of 75 copies on Holland paper. 1139. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fuss). Francillon. Piéce en trois actes. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, uncut, original covers bound in, Paris, 1887 * First EpiTion, on Holland paper, only 75 copies printed. 1140. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fins). La Dame aux Ca- mélias. Préface de Jules Janin et nouvelle préface inédite de Vauteur. Illustrations de A. Lynch. 4to, red levant morocco, filleted back and side borders, mosaic roses of ivory morocco, gilt over uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Chambolle- Duru. Paris, [1887] * One of 30 copies printed on Japan paper, with the etchings in three states, engraver’s etching and remarque proof on Japan paper, and proof after letters on Holland paper; the heliogravures in duplicate, before letters on Japan paper. SIXTY-SIXTH SESSION. Thursday, November 14th, 2:30 P.M. 1141. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Firs). Théatre Complet, — a avee préfaces inédites. Portrait and 32 plates by EB. Abot | after Robaudi. 7 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1890-93 © * One of 135 copies on Papier Vergé, with the plates in 3 | states, engraver’s etchings and proofs before and after letters. — 1142, DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fits). Théatré complet, Avec préfaces inédites. Portrait and 32 plates by HE. Abot after Robaudi. 8 vols. (including the notes) 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1890-93 — * One of 135 copies on handmade paper. The plates include three cancels, all in 3 states, engraver’s etching, and proofs be ee fore and after letters. On each half-title of the seven volumes is an original wae color drawing by Robaudi. Inserted in Volume I are three autograph letters signed by#Dumas, one letter from Robaudi and one from Abot. Vol. 8 consists of notes. This copy was presented by the publisher to his pee M. Conquet, July 10, 1891. 1148. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE, Fits). Théatre Conpiest Théatre des autres. With 10 etchings by L. Ruet after Robaudi. 2 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top: S uncut, original covers bound in, by Champs. __ Paris, 189 * Holland paper copy, wth the plates in 3 states, engraver’s etchings and proofs before and after letters. 4 1144. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE) awnp DAUZATS hee: @uinze Jours au Sinai. First Epirion. 12mo, half blue calf, _ gilt back, uncut. Paris, 1841 1145. DU MOULIN (ANTOINE). -Physionomie Naturelle, — extraite de plusieurs Philosophes anciens. Et mise en F’ran- cois par M. Antoine du Moulin Masconnois. 8vo, red levee Lag morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Lyon: lean de Tournes, 155 1146. DUNTON (JOHN). The Athenian Oracle: Being an Entire Collection of all the Valuable Questions and An- swers in the Old Athenian Mercuries. Intermix’d with many Cases in Divinity, History, Philosophy, Mathematics, Lov Poetry, never before Published. A Supplement to. th tions and Answers in the Old Athenian Mercuries. Frags is- piece. 4 vols. 8v0, Cambridge calf, rebacked. esd | London, 1703 160 } ae aut in wea 1147. DU PERRON ann DE THOU. Perroniana et Thuana; ou Pensées Judicieuses, bons mots, recontres agre- ables & observations curieuses du Cardinal Du Perron et le President De Thou. Engraved frontispiece. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Motte. (Small name on title and marginal notes in same hand. ) A Cologne [Rouen] 1694 1148. DU PONT (ALEXANDRE) ann LULLE (RAY- MOND). Roman de Mahomet, en vers du XIIIme Siécle, et Livre de la Loi au Sarrazin, en prose du XIVme siécle, publiés pour la premiére fois, et accompagnés de Notes, par MM. Reinaud .. . et Francisque Michel. Royal 8vo, red levant morocco, back and sides covered with a delicate monogram, doublures of red morocco, dentelle borders, monogram crown and crest in the corners, arms in the centre, uncut, by Niédrée. In a green morocco case. Paris, 1831 * The only copy printed on vellum, with two facsimiles from the original manuscripts, in duplicate, plain and illuminated. 1149. [DUPONT (GRATIEN).] Les Controuersses (sic) des Sexes Masculin et Femenin. Lettres-batardes. Title within an elegant architectural and ornamental woodcut border, 5 fine full-page woodcuts surrounded by a border syumilar to that of the title, 16*%small cuts and numerous pretty woodcut wtials. Small folio, citron levant morocco, the sides covered with a Grolieresque design of interlacing bands and arabesques inlaid in dark brown, red, maroon, green and dark blue morocco and outlined in gold, mosaic back, gilt edges, by Niédrée. Tolouse: Jacques Colomies, 1534 * First EpDITION. RARE. This curious and remarkable work contains an interesting chapter relating to the history of Pope Joanne. After the publication of the first part the author was bitterly attacked by certain French women, and Dolet wrote sev- eral Latin epigrams against them. A fine copy, from the library of R. S. Turner, with bookplate. 1150. DUPONT (PIERRE). Chants et Chansons (Poesie et Musique). Ornés de gravures sur acier d’aprés T. Johan- not, Andrieux, E. Nantewil, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, half brown levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1853-59 1151. DUPPA (RICHARD). The Life of Michel Angelo Buonarroti, with his Poetry and Letters. Portrait by f. Bar- tolozzi, and 49 outline plates. Large 4to, original boards, re- _ backed. | London, 1807 1152. DURER (ALBERT). Little Passion. Figure Pas- sionis domini nostri Iesu Christi. Title and 38 plates, repro- ductions of Diirer’s original, cut to plate and mounted in one vol. 4to, brown levant morocco, panelled sides, gilt edges, by Riviére. [n. p.—n. d.| * John Ruskin’s copy, which was given by him to his secre- tary. Autograph note as to the former ownership written by W. E. Buckley, laid in. 161 1153. DURER (ALBRECHT). Kleine Passion. Alter © Illustratoren in facsimile-reproduction, Small 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Munchen, 1884 1154. DURFEY (THOMAS), Madame Fickle: or, the Witty False One. First Epirion. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. 2 headings shaved. London: T. N. for James Magnes and Rich, Bentley, 1677 1155. DURFEY (THOMAS). Love for Money: or, The - Boarding School. A Comedy. First Eprrion.. 4to, old Hng- lish red morocco, ou borders, gilt edges, some leaves uneul, — London: Abel Roper, 1691 1156. DURFEY (THOMAS). The Comical History Bree Don Quixote, As it is Acted at both Theatres By His Majesties — Servants. Part II. Second edition. Small 4to, red straight- grain morocco gilt, gilt edges by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for H. Newman, 1702 1157. DURFEY (THOMAS). Wonders in the Sun; or, The Kingdom of the Birds; a Comick Opera» With great Variety of Songs in all kinds, set to Musick by several of thes most Eminent Masters of the Age, First Epirion. Small — 4to, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by David. London: Printed for J acob Tonson, 1706 * With the half title. Very rare in uncut condition. 1158. DURFEY (THOMAS). Songs Compleat, Pleasa and Divertive, set to Musick by Dr. John Blow, Mr. Hen Pureell, and other Excellent Masters. (vol. 6) Wit and Mir or Pills to Purge Melancholy. Portrait. 6 vols, 12mo, r straight-grain morocco, tooled in the style of Roger Payi gilt tops, UNCUT, by Bedford. London: W. Pearson for J. Tonson, 1719-20 * First CoLLECTED Epirion of ‘‘ Pills to Purge Melancholy. * Fine copy, very rare uncut, as above. . 1159. DURFEY (THOMAS). New Opera’s, with comi stories, and poems, on several occasions, Never before Printe e Being the remaining Pieces. 8vo, old light green straig] grain moroceo, gilt back, side borders, gilt edges. Old wr ing on title. London: ‘Printed for William Chetwood, MW 1160. DURFEY (THOMAS). New Opera’s, with eomie stories, and poems, on several occasions, Never before Printe d Being ‘the remaining Pieces, Written by Mr. D’Urfey. © niger skin, gilt back and borders on the sides, gilt edges The Club Bindery. | London: Printed for William Chetwood, ty & 1161. DURIEU (JEAN LOUIS MARIE EUGENE). Souvenirs, A mes Amis. 12mo, calf, gilt back, side borders, embossed centre. Paris, 1830 *In all probability this volume was privately printed. In- serted at the end is an AUTOGRAPH LETTER WRITTEN BY B&RANGER in response to the last poem in the volume, ‘‘A Béranger, aprés les journées de Juillet, 12 Aout, 1830.’ 1162. DYCE (ALEXANDER). Specimens of British Poetesses; selected and chronologically arranged, 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1825 1163. DYER (SIR EDWARD). The Praise of Nothing. Small 4to, red straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. [Collier Reprint. ] London, 1585 _ _*One of 25 copies: so stated on the fly-leaf in handwriting of Collier. 1164. ARLY ENGLISH POETRY. Specimens of the Karly English Poets. Edited by George Ellis. Svo, green morocco, richly tooled back and sides, gilt edges, by C. Lewis. London: Printed for Edwards, 1790 * First Edition. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 46 portraits, many being proofs on India paper. 1165. EDINBURGH ETCHING CLUB. Portfolio (The). A Collection of 12 original Etchings by members of the Club. Folio, loose in board portfolio. Edinburgh, 1881 *One of 75 copies on Japan paper. 1166. EDWARD VI.—inivnccions geué by the moste ex- cellent prince, Edward the sixte, by the grace of God, kyng of England, Fratice and Irelande: defendor of the Faythe, &c. First Epirion. Buack Lerrer. Title within woodcut bor- der, and large printers device. [Colophon]. Imprinted at London, in the first yere of the reigne of King Edvvard the vi. by Richard Grafton. Anno. 1547. * VERY RARE. The famous regulations for the English Church, issued by Edward VI soon after his coronation. The most celebrated undoubtedly is that ‘‘a whole Bible, of ye largest volume in English,’’ shall be placed in churches in places con- venient for the Parishioners to read therein, and that no man shall be prevented from reading it. FINE Copy. 1167. EFFIGIES POETICAi: or, The Portraits of the British Poets; Illustrated by notes biographical, critical, and poetical, by Bryan Waller Proctor. 140 portraits, proofs on India paper. 2 vols. small folo, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London: James Carpenter, 1824 * Large paper copy. 163 1168. ELEONOR DE GUYENNE. Histoire d’Bléonor de Guyenne . . . contenant ce qui s’est passé de plus mémorable _ sous les regnes de Louis VII, dit le Jeune, roi de France; d’Henri II. & de Richard son fils, surnommé Cceur-de-Lion, rois d’Angleterre. Edition augmentée d’un supplément de Sommaires, de Notes & d’Observations, par M****. 3 plates engraved by Delignon, Halbou, and Borgnet, after Borel. 8vo, contemporary French red morocco, fleurs-de-lys on back © and corners of sides (repaired). A Londres [Paris, chez Cussac] 1788 — 1169. ELIOT (GEORGE). The Spanish Gypsy. se Poem. First Epirion. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. . Edinburgh, 1868, ae 1170. ELIZABETH. (QUEEN). A Booke of Christian Prayers, collected out of the ancient writers, &e. [A fragment consisting of title-page of the Second Published Edition, with — cut of Queen Elizabeth Praying, and the 10 pp. of Black Let- ter Text,—‘‘To the Christian Reader, &c.,’’ each page within a woodcut border. Considerable writing on several of the — pages. Unbound. 12mo. Twelve pages in all. Not return- able. ‘ i he 1171. ELIZABETH (QUEEN). A Booke of Christian ~ Praiers, collected out of the ancient Writers, and best learned — in our Time; worthy to be read with an earnest Minde of all Christians in these daungerous and troublesom daies, that God — for Christs sake will yet stil be merciful unto us. Title within the Jesse-tree woodcut border on verso of which is portrait of Queen Elizabeth kneeling, and each page within woodcut bor ders composed of scenes from the Dance of Death, Ge. 8vo dark blue levant morocco, sides and back entirely covered witk rich gilt tooling, doublures of blue morocco, gilt bordered, git edges, by The Club Bindery. (Slight repairs to title ands sev ue eral other leaves, and a few worm-holes. ) ; ers known as ‘‘Queen Elizabeth’s Prayer Book, ’ the ee of which is generally attributed to John Foxe. The text Ss practically the same as the First Published Edition of 1578. 1172. [ELLIS (GEORGE).] Specimenseas oe E lish Poets. 8vo, green levant morocco richly gilt, gilt edg: by C. Lewis. Lone au et variorum orationibus exposita. Hngraved title ae 164 at architectural border and 64 emblematic copper-engravings. 4to, old red morocco, gilt. Norimberge: impensis Levini Hulsii, 1597 * ONE OF THE EXTREMELY RARE COPIES, with the repetition of the engraved title-page, printed on the verso of the last leaf. In the same volume are bound the EmBLEemata Florentii Schoon- Novii partim moralia partim civilia. Goud, 1618, and the ‘‘Em- blemata Boissardi’’ (1588), this wanting the title-page. 1174. EMBLEMATA ANNIVERSARIA Academix Al- torfine studiorum iuventutis exercitandorum causa proposita et variorum orationibus exposita. Engraved title and 64 emblematic copper-engravings. 4to, old vellum, panelled sides, centre ornaments. Norimberge: impensis Levini Hulsii, 1597 a rotten copy of the previous lot, but having the last page ank, 1175. EMBLEMATA ANNIVERSARIA Academie Al- torfine studiorum iuventutis exercitandorum causa proposita et variorum orationibus exposita. Engraved title and 64 em- blematic copper-engravings. 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt and blind tooled sides, gilt edges, by Riviére. Norimberge: impensis Levini Hulsii, 1597 * Another copy but taller than either of the two preceding. The last page is blank. 1176. EMBLEMS. Acht-en-Dertig konstige Zinnebeelden. Bound with the emblematical portion of Goulart’s French translation of Beza’s ‘‘ Vrais Pourtraits,’’ 1581. With 82-en- gravings of emblems. Small 4to, dark brown calf, gilt panels, gilt edges by Pratt. Amsterdam: Bernardus Mourik, 1737 1177. EMBLEMS. A Collection of 117 fine emblematic ecopper-plates printed in Germany in the 17th century. With verses in Latin and German. Oblong 4to, polished calf gilt, gilt edges. : 17th-18th Century * Interleaved with contemporary manuscript poems, using the illustrations as text for rhymed epigrams on notabilities of the time of Queen Anne. Among those referred to are Bp. Burnet, Wm. Cowper (first Earl Cowper), Daniel Defoe (men- tioning his being placed in the pillory ‘‘for the reformation of his manners), Dr. Read (oculist to Queen Anne), Duke of Or- mond, Marquis of Normandy, Grinling Gibbons, Thomas Durfey, Nicholas Rowe (editor of Shakespeare), Bp. Hickman (chaplain to the Earl of Rochester), Earl of Albemarle, Sir Dudley Digges, Duchess of Richmond, Charles II, Judge Jeffreys, and many others. There are in all about 120 epigrams, forming a most remarkable and clever comment on the characters of cele- brities of the second most famous epoch of English literature and history. 1178. EMBLEMES SACREZ svr le tres-saint et tres- adorable Sacrement de 1’Evecharistie. 102 emblematic cop- per engravings. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Lortic. Paris, 1667 165 1179. ENFANT. L’Enfant sans Soucy, Divertissant son — pére Roger Bontemps, et sa mére Boute Tout Cuire. 12mo, — blue levant morocco, gilt back, the ARMS OF THE BARON JE- — ROME PicHON on the sides, gilt edges, by Bauzonnet-Trautz. — * First Edition. Ville Franche: Nicolas 1’Enjoue, 1682 — 1180. ENGLANDS HELICON. Edited by A. B. Small 4to, blue straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uneut, by Zaehns- — dorf. | Collier Reprint] I. R. for John Flasket, 1600 ‘ * One of 12 copies on thick pApey me 1181. ENGLAND’S PARNASSUS. Seven Baglin Poeti-- cal Miscellanies, Printed between 1557 and 1602. Repro- duced under the care of J. Payne Collier. 5 parts in 2 vols. aig small 4to, blue straight-grain morocco, gilt tops, uncut, origi- nal wrappers bound in, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1867 — 1182. ENGLISH AND FRENCH AUTOGRAPHS. In- elude A. L. S. from A. Robaudi, G. Fumagalli, A. Veneroni, and M. Tamoni,—famous binders, bibliographers and binders. (4 pieces. ) Vv. p.—v. d. 1183. ENGLISH AUTOGRAPH LETTERS. Hugh Thom- son, illustrator, 7 pp. on his inability to illustrate a book for the Grolier Club; C. R. Leslie, painter; L. Alma ee painter; F. D. Hardy, painter. (4) “ 1184. ENGLISH AUTOGRAPH LETTERS. James Shér S dan Knowles to Thomas Hood; Francis, and Leonard Horner; © Wm. Beloe; S. C. Hall; Lord ‘Scarborough (2); Lord Wols« ley; George MacDonald. An A. LS. of each.” (sae 1185. ENGLISH DRAMA. The New English Drama, — [113 Comedies, Tragedies, Operas, Farces, and Melodramas] — with prefatory remarks, biographical sketches, and note: Critical and Explanatory ; Being the only Edition existing which is faithfully marked with the stage business and stag directions, as Performed at the Theatres Royal. Edited b W. Oxberry, Comedian, Hngraved portraits of celebrate players. 20 vols. (should be 22), 12mo, half red levant m« rocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Pratt. _ London, el * Large Paper copy. 1186. ENGLISH LANDSCAPE. Birket Roser! s pie of English Landscape. Engraved by the brothers Dalzic with pictures in words by Tom Taylor. 4to, green levan morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. London, 186 1187. ENGLISH NOVELIST (THE). A Collection Tales by the most celebrated English Writers. 1838. Fron piece. 8vo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by ' Club Bindery. Leipsig, 1 166 Qe 1188. ENGLISH POETRY. A Trip to North Wales; The Scaffold lately erected in Westminster Hall; The Kentish Men; The Vestry; Hymn to the Light of the World; The Cartons of Raphael Urbin, &c.; The Mourning Poet; Letter to Monsieur Boileau-Depreaux; Congratulatory Poem to his Grace the Duke of Marlborough; A Trip to Litchfield. In one volume. Folio, red morocco. London, 1701-1705 1189. ENGLISH POETRY. Deborah, a sacred ode; A Trip to Liverpoole; The Publican, his Dream; The Law; St. James Park; Old England’s New Triumph; Heroik Essay on the victory of Major-General Webb; The Encomium; Hymn to the Redeemer; Epistle to Joseph Addison. 10 pieces in 1 vol. small folio, blue levant morocco, by The Club Bindery. London, 1705-1715 1190. ENGLISH POETRY. Tit for Tat; Characters; an Epistle to Alexander Pope and Mr, Whitehead; Epidemical Madness; The English Beautys; An Epistle to Dr. Young, In one volume. Folio, red morocco. London, 1734-1739 1191. ENGLISH POETRY. Cursory Remarks on some of the Ancient English Poets, particularly Milton. S8vo, half ealf, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford. London, 1789 * Large paper copy. 1192. ENGRAVINGS, A Series of plates [50] taken from the Musée Napoleon, engraved by Queverdo, Dague, Villerey, and others, after Bourdon, Le Roy, Dumet, &. Some proofs before letters, &e. Royal 8vo, half red morocco. n. p.—n. d. 1193. ENTRETIEN entre Louis XIV., Roy de France, et Madame la Marquise de Maintenon, Abesse de St. Denis, & St. Cir, sur les affaires presentes & pour la conclusion de leur Mariage. 12mo, old red morocco, gilt back, borders on the sides, gilt over uncut edges, by Bozerian, jeune. ? | Marseille [Holland]: Pierre Matthieu, 1710 * From the Nodier and Kalnoky collections. Nodier remarks in his catalogue that this book is very rare. 1194. EPICTETUS. Reprinted from the translation of George Long. 2 vols. 4to, original paper wrappers, uncut. London: A. L. Humphreys, 1897 1195. EPIPHANIUS (SAINT). Sancti Patris Nostri Epiphanii, Episcopi Constantie Cypri, ad physiologvm. Eiusdem in die festo Palmarum sermo. JD. Consali Ponce de Leon . . . interpretis & scholiastx, bimestre otium. 62 copper- plate emblematic engravings by Van der Borcht. The text 1s an Greek and Latin. Small 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt ornaments on the sides, gilt edges, by Capé. , 7 Antverpiae: Christophori Plantini, 1588 167 1196. EPISTLE from a Nobleman to a Doctor of Divinity: In Answer to a Latin Letter in Verse. Written from H—n C—t. Folio, boards, morocco back. Repaired in places. London: J. Roberts, 1733. 1197. EPISTOLA GRAICA. Epistole diversorum phi- losophorum, oratorum, rhetorum sex et viginti, etc., greece. 138 (last blank and 266 (the 86th blank) leaves, with signa- tures; 26 lines to the page. 2 parts in one vol. 4to, old blue straight-grain morocco gilt, gilt edges. Hain-Copinger, 6659 ; Proctor, 5569; Renouard, p. 18. Venetiis: apud Aldum, 1499 * Fine copy and. scarce. The binder has placed the second part erroneously at the commencement of the volume. 1198. EQUICOLA (MARIO). Apologie contre les mes- disantz de la nation Francoise, traduicte de Latin en Francois (par Michel Roté). 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Duru. Paris: Maurice Menier pour Vincent Sertenas, 1550 * Fine copy of a rare book. 1199. EQUICOLA (MARIO). Les Six Livres.de Mario Eqvicola d’Alveto avthevr celebre. De la nature d’Amour, tant humain que diuin, & de toutes les differences d’iceluy. Remplis d’vne profonde doctrine, meslee auec facilité & plaisir, imprimez de ce temps plusieurs-fois en Italie, & main- tenant, mis en Francoys par Gabriel Chappvys Tovrangeav. Small 8vo, olive levant morocco, back and sides richly tooled with scrolls and azured arabesques, gilt edges, by Capé. Paris: Jean Housé, 1584 * Contains final blank leaf, SSviii. 1200. ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). L’Eloge de la Folie, traduit du Latin d’Hrasme Par M. Gueudeville. Nouvelle edition, revue et corrigée [par Meunier de Querlon] sur le Texte de l’Edition de Basle. Frontispiece, 13 plates, vig- nettes, etc., after Eisen. LarGE PAPER. 4to, red levant mo- rocco gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. [Paris] 1751 1201. ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). Proverbs, chiefly taken from the Adagia of Erasmus, with explanations; and further illustrated by corresponding examples from the Span- ish, Italian, French & English Languages. By. Robert Bland. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, blue morocco, back and sides richly tooled, gilt edges, by Wright. | London, 1814 1202. ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). Eloge de la Folie, augmenté de la préface d’Erasme addressée a Thomas Morus son ami. Notice de Gabriel Hanotaux. Quarante-six compo- sitions gravées sur bois de Auguste Lepere. Royal 8vo, brown levant morocco, sides covered with a design of compartments tooled in flower, scrolls, and dots, arranged geometrically, doublures of brown morocco, gilt over uncut edges, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris: Pour les Amis des Livres, 1906 168 Ti ee a 1203. ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). Morie Encomium cum Gerardi Listrii commentariis, 12mo, old French red morocco, gilt tooled dentelle borders on the sides, gilt end- papers, gilt edges, by Derome. Writing on the back of title. Lugduni Batavorum: I. Maire, 1648 1204. ESPARBES (GEORGES D’.). Les Demi-Solde. Roman épique. 12mo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Carayon. Paris [1897] * One of 20 copies on Holland paper. 1205. ESTIENNE (HENRI). Proiect dv Livre intitulé De la precellence du langage Francois. First Eprrion. 12mo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris: Mamert Patisson, 1579 1206. ETHEREGE (GEORGE). The Comical Revenge; or, Love in a Tub. 4to, red levant morocco, panelled sides, gilt and blind tooled, gilt edges, by Joly. London, 1689 *In the volume are bound the following plays: The Re- hearsal, by George Duke of Buckingham. London, 1692; The Man of Mode; or, Sr. Fopling Flutter, by George Etherege. London, 1693; She Wou’d if She Could, by George Etherege. London, 1693; Love in a Wood, by Mr. Wycherley. London, 1694; The Plain-Dealer, by Mr. Wycherley. London, 1694; and The Country-Wife, by Mr. Wycherley. London, 1695. 1207. EVELYN (JOHN). Sculptura; or, the History and Art of Chalcography, and Engraving in Copper; etc. The third edition, containing some corrections and additions taken from the Margin of the author’s printed Copy. Mezzotent copy by Houston of the engraving by Prince Rupert, etched portrait of Evelyn, by Worlidge, &c. 12mo, sprinkled ealf. Contemporary autograph of J. Hosken on the title. London, 1759 1208. EZOUR-VEDAM (L’.) ou ancien commentaire du Vedam, contenant 1l’exposition des opinions religieuses et philosophiques des Indiens. Traduit du Samscretan par un Brame. Revu et publié (par le Baron de Sainte-Croix). 2 vols. 12mo, old French green straight-grain morocco gilt, gilt edges. Writing on title of volume 1. Yverdon, 1778 * Holland paper copy. From the Yemeniz Library. 1209. a BLES. Tresor de Fables, choisies des plus excellens Mythologistes. Accompagnées du sens moral; explique par l’Ecriture Sainte. Frontispreces, 112 plates, and 22 vignettes, by J. L. Krafft. 2 vols. 4to, blue morocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Bruxelles, 1734 1210. FABLIAUX au Contes, Fables et Romans du XII et XIII Siécle, traduits ou extraits par Legrand d’Aussy. 19 PLATES IN 3 sTATEs, 2 proofs before letters, one on India paper, and a proof after letters, by Devilliers, Bosq, Roger, 169 Ribault, and Croutelle, after designs by Moreau the younger and Desenne. 5 vols. 8vo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. . Parisssiazos 1211. FABRE (FERDINAND). Monsieur Jean. 12mo, haif brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Canapé. Paris, 1886 * First Epirion. One of 30 copies on Holland paper. 1212. FABRE (FERDINAND). Un Illuminé. 12mo, half brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Canapé. Paris, 1890 | * First Epirion. One of 20 copies on Holland paper. 1213. FABRE (FERDINAND), L’Abbé Tigrane. Can- didat a la Papauté. Portrait d’aprés J. P. Laurens et 20 — eaux-fortes originales de EZ. Rudeaux. 8vo, blue levant mo- — rocco, gilt and mosaic back and sides, gilt over rough edges, — original covers steer in, by Canapé-Belz. £3 Paris: L. Conquet, 1890 — * One of 150 copies on Jape paper, with the etchings in 3 states. sd 1214, FABRE (FERDINAND), MonamiGaffarot. 12mo, half green levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers — bound in, by Canapé. Paris, 1895 * First EDITION. One of 10 copies on Holland paper. 1215. FAERNUS (GABRIEL). Fabule centum ex anti- quis auctoribus delecte et carminibus explicate. Engraved title and 100 copper-plates. Small 4to, old French green mo-, rocco gilt, gilt edges. (Title repaired, and name thereon.) Rome: Vicentius Luchinus, 1564 * First Epition. The designs of the plates are attributed es Titian. es 1216, FAERNUS (GABRIEL), Fabule Centum ex ante quis auctoribus delectze carminibusque explicate, et eiusdem Carmina varia. Numerous engravings. 4to, half brown mo- rocco, gilt top, other edges UNCUT. LARGE PAPER COPY. | Parma: Bodoni, 1793 1217. FALCONER (WILLIAM). The Shipwreck, A Poem. With a Life of the Author by J. 8. Clarke. Plates and vig- nettes by Fittler after N. Pocock. 8vo, original boards, unew back repaired. London, 181. 1218. FALK, VON MULLER, anv otHsrs. Characteristics of Goethe. With notes, original and translated, by Sarah Austin. Frontispieces. 3 vols. 8vo, half brown levant mo rocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by All6. London, 183 of Miss Catherine Maria Fanshawe. Edited by W. Harness ; 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top. 170 | Pie ent ‘ 1220. FANTAISISTE. Le Fantaisiste. Magazine Biblio- graphique Littéraire, Philosophique, et Artistique. Reproduc- tion de piéces anciennes ou récentes, désopilantes et curieuses. —Analyses et extraits d’ouvrages intéressants en tous genres, —Correspondance et Mélanges. Publié par la Société des Bibliophiles Cosmopolites. Etching and woodcut. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, red morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. San Remo, 1873-74 “One of 10 copies on China paper. 1221. FATAL DISCOVERY (THE), or, Love in Ruines: A Tragedy, As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. With a Preface in Answer to a scandalous Copy of Verses, written by Mr. Dryden, and prefixt to a play called Heroick Love. 4to, maroon levant morocco, gilt edges, by Mercier. London, 1698 “First Epirion. Edited by George Powell. 1222. FAVOLE scelte, Tradotte dall’ Idioma Francese nell’ Italiano per il Signor de Veneroni maestre delle sudette Lingue a Parigi: e poi da quelle nel Tedesco, per il Signore Baldassaro Nickisch maestro di Lingue in Augusta. En- graved frontispiece by Johanna Krausin, and 96 illustrations. The text is in Italian, German and French. 4to, maroon levant morocco gilt, arms on sides, gilt edges, by AII6. Augspurg, 1707 1223. [FELINE (LE PERE).] Catéchisme des Gens mariés. 12mo, citron levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Cuzin. [Caen: Le Roy, 1782] * This book was suppressed by ecclesiastical authority, and is rare. 1224. [FELIX (HENRY).] Oraison Funébre de tres- haut, tres-puissant, et tres-magnanime Prince Monseigneur Louis de Bourbon Prince de Condé, premier prince du sang. Prononecée par Monseigneur |’Evéque & Comte de Chalon [Henry Felix] sur Saone, dans son Helise Cathedrale, le 6. Février 1687. 4to, red levant morocco, fleurs-de-lys in the back panels and side corners, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Paris: Antoine Dezallier, 1687 1225. FEMINIES. Huit chapitres inédits dévoués A la Femme, a l’Amour, a la Beauté; par Gyp, H. Lavedan, M. Schowb and Octave Uzanne. Frontispieces en couleurs d’aprés F. Rops. Encadrements et vignettes de Rudnickr. Royal 8vo, blue levant morocco, doublure of rose morocco, with floral mosaic borders, silk guards, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by Ruban. Paris, 1896 * One of 183 copies, with the plates in 2 states. 1226. FENELON (F. DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE). The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses. Trans- lated from the French of Messire Francois S. de la Mothe- 171 Fénélon, by John Hawkesworth. Copperplate vignettes by — Grignion after Wale. 4to, old red morocco, broad gilt borders on sides, gilt edges, by Baumgarten, ey London: Printed for the author, by W. and W. Strahan, oe 1768. * First Epirion of the first English translation. 1227. FENELON (F. DE SALGNAC DE LA MOTHE). — Les Aventures de Télémaque, fils d’Ulysse. 2 portraits and a series of 24 plates by Coiny Triere, Simonet, Dambrun, Gode- — froy, Thomas, and Elwauz, after the designs of Lefebvre, OY two states, proofs before and after letters. 4 vols.in2,12mo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Capé. Paris : Didot, 1781 : 1228. FEANELON (F, DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE). — De 1’Education des Filles. Portrait. 12mo, vellum, gilt back and sides, silk linings, gilt edges, by Bozerian jeune. Paris: A. A. Renouard, 1807 _ * Large paper copy, with proof impression of the portrait bys d’Elvaux. et0et 1229. FERRAND (ANTOINE). Piéces Libres et Poésies de quelque Auteurs sur divers sujets. Vignette on title. Small 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by All6. eee _ Londres, 1760 1230. FERRAND (JACQUES). ‘De la maladie d’amour ven ou melancholie erotique. S8vo,.old French red morocco gilt, gilt edges. | Paris: Denis Moreau, ae ne * The J. J. De Bure copy mentioned by Brunet. . 1231. FERTIAULT (F.). Les Amoureux du Biv nets d’un Bibliophile, Fantaisies, Commandements du Bibli phile, Bibliophiliana, Notes et Anecdotes. Préface du Biblio- phile Jacob (Paul Lacroix). Seize eaux-fortes de Jules Chev- — reer. 2 vols. royal 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 18" * One of 12 copies on Holland paper, with the pe states. 1232. FEVAL (PAUL). Le Premier Amour de Char Nodier. Avant-propos de Maurice Tourneux. ‘Woodcuts H. Vogel. 8vo, half blue calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Carayo : Paris, 19( * One of 150 copies, with a duplicate set of the illustratio, proofs before letters. 1233. FEUILLET (OCTAVE). Julia de nee” 4 etchings by Clapés after Henriot. 8vo, red levant moroe gilt, gilt over rough ‘edges, original covers bound in, by Char bolle-Duru. Paris, 18: * One of 225 copies on papier vélin, with the pees in states, before and after letters. ne 1234. FEUILLET (OCTAVE). Le Village. Seane | vineiale. Préface de Mme. Octave Feuillet. Portrait, op page plate and 2 vignettes by Boisson. 8vo, brown | 1 172 Pe ws aL morocco, front cover with an elaborate inlaid design in ereen, olive, orange, etc., doublure and fly-leaves of russia, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by René Kieffer. * One of 143 copies on papier vélin. [Paris] 1901 ; 1235. FIEDLER (FRANZ). Antike Erotische Bildwerke in Houbens Roemischen Antiquarium, ete. With 5 colored plates containing 30 illustrations. 4to, boards. Xanten, 1839 1236. FIELDING (HENRY). Tom Jones, ou 1’Enfant Trouvé ; imité de Fielding par M. de La Place. 4 vols. 18mo, red morocco, blind-tooled, gilt edges, by Derome. * Printed on vellum paper. Paris: Didot, 1784 1237. FIELDING (HENRY). The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. With a Memoir of the Author by Thomas Ros- coe. Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 2 vols. 12mo, green levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru. London, 1831 * Extra-illustrated with the colored plates by Moreau and Johannot, on India paper. 1238. FIELDING (HENRY). The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. With a Memoir of the Author by Thomas Ros- coe. Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 2 vols. half maroon levant morocco, gilt tops, uneut, by Krafft. London, 1831 1239. FIGARO. Contes de Figaro; par Boisgobey, Coppée, Villiers de 1’Isle-Adam, ete. Illustrations by Myrbach. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, inlaid back, gilt top, uncut, origi- nal covers bound in. Paris, 1885 * One of 30 copies on Japan paper. 1240. [FISHER (PAYNE).] Ivenodia Gratulatoria sive Illustrissimi amplissimiq; Viri Oliveri Cromwelli, &e. Epi- nicion, Dedication Praesidi Bradshawo. | Epistle signed Fitz- Paganus Piseator.]| With the three rare plates of Cromwell on horseback, three-quarter length in armor, by Trevillian, and plate with the arms of Edward Popham. Small 4to, polished calf, gilt. Cambridge: T. Neweomb—John Holden, n. d. [1654] 1241. FLAMEN (ALBERT). Devises et Emblesmes d’Amour Moralisez. Hngraved title to the plates, dated 16538, and 50 copper-plate engravings by Flamen. Small 8vo, polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. Paris, 1658 1242, FLAMENT (ALBERT). Fauteuils et Couloirs. 21 eaux-fortes de Minartz. Imperial 8vo, figured green silk, lined with figured pink satin, gilt top, unent, orivimal covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. In a cloth case. Paris, 1906 * One of 75 copies. 173 Ti eo a i, AC a (1243. FLAMENT (ALBERT). Palaces et sikepiiens Eaua-fortes de Minartz. Large 4to, original paper covers, uncut. Paris: Henri Beraldi, 1908 - * One of 75 copies, with the plates in 2 states. — 1244. FLAMENT (ALBERT). Fleur de Paris. Dessins a de Minartz gravées sur bois par H. Paillard. Folio, origina paper wrappers, uncut. Paris, sh * One of 90 copies. 1245. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Madame Bor First Epirion. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Paris, oe | * With a 1 p. A. L. 8. from the author inserted. . 1246. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Un Coeur simple. — —lustrations by Emile Adan. Royal 8vo, olive levant morocco doublures of light brown morocco, containing a scene from th book chiselled on front doublure, and a poppy on the ba one, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by Rap lier. , Parise * One of 100 copies on Large papier vélin, with the etching in two states. ( 1247. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Mémoires d’un Fou Portrait by Adrien Nargeot. Royal 8vo, original covers, un eut. Paris, 19 * One of 100 copies on tinted Holland paper. Be 1248. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Madame Bovary. Com positions de Alfred de Richemont. 4to, brown levant mo edges, by The Club Bindery. Paci 19 “One of 100 copies on Japan paper, with the 27 ap 3 states. 1249. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE): La Lee de St Julien l1’Hospitalier. Préface d’Octave Join-Lambert. simile d’un Manuscrit Calligraphie Enlumine et Histone p Malatesta. 4to, embroidered pongee silk, figured silk linings gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, in a cloth ease, b The Club Bindery. Paris, 1901 * One of ee copies on Japan paper. 1250. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). La Tentation as : Antoine. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse gravé couleurs par Ek. Decisy. Imperial 8vo, original covers, U * One of 30 copies on large imperial Japan paper, wi wi plates in three states, peta proofs in black and i and the finished plate. 174 1251. FLAXMAN (JOHN). Lectures on Sculpture. With a Memoir of the Author. Portrait and 51 plates. [Plate 18 was cancelled.| Royal 8yvo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford. London, 1829 1252. FLETCHER (JOHN). The Faithfull Shepherdesse. Acted at Somerset-House, Before the King and Queen on Twelfth Night, 1633. And divers times since, with great Applause, at the Private House in Black- Friers, by his Majesties Servants. The Fifth Edition. 4to, red levant mo- rocco gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed for G. Bedell and T. Collins, 1665 * The Griswold copy with arms on side. 1253. FLETCHER (JOHN). The Pilgrim, a Comedy: as it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Very much altered, with several additions. Likewise a Prologue, Epi- logue, Dialogue and Masque by Mr. Dryden. 4to, blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviére. London, 1700 1254. FLETCHER (ROBERT—Translator). Ex otio Negotium; or, Martiall his Epigrams. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1893 * One of 105 copies, privately printed. 1255. FLEUR DES CHANSONS. La fleur des chansons. Les grans chansons nouuelles qui sont en nombre Cent et dix, ou est comprinse la chanson du roy, la chanson de Pauie, &e. et plusieurs aultres nouuelles chansons lesquelles les trouueres par la table ensuyuant. Woodcut on title. Ato, orange levant morocco, gilt, uncut, by Capé. [Paris] [1833] * The vellum copy mentioned by Brunet. This book is part of Volume III of the series of reprints issued in sixteen volumes by Techener, 1829-1834. 1256. FLEUR DES CHANSONS. la Fleur des Chansons Franecaises, Numerous illustrations. 8vo, half blue morocco, cilt top, uncut. Paris, n. d. [ca. 1845] 1257. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Les Amis de la Na- ture. Frontispiece gravé par Bracquemond d’aprés un des- sin de G. Courbet. Précédés d’une caractéristique des ceuvres de l’auteur par Edmond Duranty. 12mo, half dark greer straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris; 1809 1258. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Céuvres Nouvelles de Champfleury. La Succession le Camus. Frontispiece des- siné et gravé par Francois Bonvin. 12mo, half blie morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1860 * First edition. Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscription. 1259. [FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). | éuvres Nou- velles de Champfleury. Monsieur de Boisdhyver. Frontis- piece and three other etchings by Armand Gautier. First Epirion. 12mo, boards, uncut (worn). Paris, 1860 175 1260. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Histoire de 1’Im- ~ agerie Populaire par Champfleury. With 388 woodcut facsimile — illustrations. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Cuzin. Paris, 1869 * Thick paper copy. 1261. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Histoire de 1’7Im- agerie Populaire. 38 facsimiles. 12mo, half russia, gilt top, uncut, by Petit. Paris; 1380 0a 1262. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Les Souffrances du Professeur Delteil par Champfleury. Vignettes par Crafty. _ Square 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt — top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Cuzin. Paris, 1870 * Edition de Luxe. 1263. [FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES).] Histoire de la Caricature au Moyeny Age. Par Champfleury. Colored frontispiece and numerous woodcut illustrations. First EpI- ; TION. 12mo half citron levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Petit. Paris, 1871 1264. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). le Violon de Faience; dessins en couleur par M. Emile Renard . . . eaux- — fortes par M. J. Adeline. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, oilt Z top, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 1877 * A small edition printed for the Société des Gens de Lettres. Etched frontispiece and plate, also thirty-three colored vignettes. 1265. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Les Sculptures Grot- esques et Symboliques (Rouen et Environs). Préface par- Champfleury. Cent vignettes et texte avec double frontispiece a l’eau-forte par Jules Adeline. Royal 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. Rouen, Boat * One of 175 copies. 1266. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Champfleury. Henry Monnier sa Vie, son (uvre avee un catalogue complet de l’ceeuvre. 100 gravures fac- similé. 8vo, half citron levant morocco, gilt and mosaic back, gilt top, ‘uncut, by Lanseelin. Paris, 1879 * Six of the illustrations are in two states, plain and colored. 1267. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Champfleury. Les Vignettes Romantiques. Histoire de la Littérature et de l’Art not, Devéria, Jeanron, Edouard May, and others. Royal dto, ; half red levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, by Zaehns- — dort. Paris, 1883 * No. 58 of 100 copies on Holland paper. 1268. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Le Violon ae Fai- ence; par Champfleury. Nouvelle Edition. Jllustrée de = eaux-fortes de Jules Adeline, avant-propos de l’auteur. 8v blue levant morocco gilt, gilt over uncut edges, by Thierry. — * One of 150 copies on Japan paper. mes 1885 176 1269. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Le Violon de Fai- ence. Nouvelle édition. IJllustrée de 34 eaux-fortes de Jules Adeline. Avant propos de l’auteur. 8vo, blue levant mo- rocco, gilt back and sides, with emblematic tooling, gilt over rough edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1885 an of 150 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in two states. 1270. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Contes Choisis— Les Trouvailles de Monsieur Bretoncel—La Sonnette de Mon- sieur Berloquin—Monsieur Tringle. Nombreuses illustrations dans le texte d l’eau-forte et en typographie par Evert van Muyden. 4to, half cloth, uncut. Paris, 1889 “One of fifty copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in three states. On the half-title is an original water-color draw- ing by van Muyden. 1271. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Chien-Caillou nou- velle. llustrée de dix-neuf eaux-fortes et de trente-cing vignettes de Paul Guignebault. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt back, side borders, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. Paris [1903] *One of 30 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in two states. 1272. FLEURY-HUSSON (JULES). Histoire de la Cari- cature sous la République, 1’Empire et la Restauration. Col- ored frontispiece, and numerous woodcuts. 12mo, half mauve levant morocco gilt, uncut, original covers bound in, by Allo. Paris, n. d. 1273. FLORIAN (JEAN P. C. DE). Théatre Italien. Frontispieces and six exquisite plates engraved by Guyard, Dambrun, and de Longueil, after the designs of Flouest and Quéverdo. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 18mo, green morocco gilt, gilt edges, probably by Derome. Paris, 1784 1274. FLORIAN (JEAN P. C. DE). Kédar et Améla. Illustré de dix compositions en couleurs de L. Fauret. 12mo, hght green levant morocco, back and side borders tooled in an outline design of flowers and scrolls, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1901 * One of 50 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in two states, black and colored. 1275. [FONTENELLE, MIRABEAU, ann DUMARSAIS.] Nouvelles Libertés de Penser. First Epirion. 12mo, old French red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Amsterdam (Paris), 1743 | * From the Palais Royal collection of Louis Philippe, with stamp on title. 1276. FOOTE (SAMUEL). The New Theatre of Fun; or, the Modern Aristophanes in high glee. Being a Genuine Col- lection of Jests, Gibes, Witticisms, etc., including those of Lord Lytteton, Mess. Garrick, Goldsmith, and others. Frontis- piece. 12mo, boards, calf back. London, 1778 177 1277. FOOTE (SAMUEL). The Works of Foote. With — remarks on each play, and an essay on the life, writings and © | genius of the author. By Jon Bee. Portrait of Foote after — Reynolds. 3 vols. 12mo, Bey ealf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Bedford. London, 1830 1278. FOUQUE (FRIEDRICH HEINRICH KARL). Un- am dine. Eine Erzahlung. Umrisse von J. EH. G. EHsquisses — pour servir a illustrer Ondine. Dessinées et gravées @ l’eau- — forte, par J. E.G. Ato, half cloth: ee ee 3 * Plates on Tai paper. ' 1279. [FORBONNAIS (F. VERON DB).] Consideration sur les finances d’Espagne. 12mo, old French red morocco gilt, the arms of GuinuAuME La Moranon pE MontTREVAULT on the sides, gilt edges. Dresde, 1753 1280. FORD (RICHARD). Twelve Etchings, after draw- ings and engravings by Parmigianino, and Andrea Meldolla: in “the collection of Richard Ford. Ato, original boards. : ‘London, 1822 * The 12 etchings by Ford are in ie three, and four’ states, and eight additional etchings, also by Ford, show various stage of progress. The issue was limited and privately printed. This copy contains the autograph of Ford and his pres in- -Scription to Henry Wellesley. . 1281, FORREST (EDWIN). A. L. 8, 1p Ato n. #05 mi 28 Jan. 1830. To P. M, Wetmore. Mentions is playing a **Metamora.’ Sig 3 * “«Metamora in Philadelphia took conaineeanes aroma sur- rounded the Theatre, each night of its representation at a unusually earlier hour and thereby almost preventing ae even to the performers. ’’ ; 1282. FORSTER (J OHN). The Life and Times of Olive UU Second Edition. . vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. | : 1283. FORSTER (JOHN). The Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith. 2 vols. in 4, 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by ‘William Matthews. - London, 185- ‘x EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 205 portraits, cluding many fine proofs and places in two states. 1284. FORSYTH (WILLIAM). History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena; from the letters and journals of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe, and official documen not before made public. Map and illustrations. 3 vols. 8v« cloth, uncut. London, 185 1285. FORTUNATUS. Les Aventures merveilleuses Fortunatus, avec une préface par Henry Fouquier. | illustrations by E. de Beaumont. Folio, silk, morocco * Only 30 copies on Japan anen "Paris, 1887 178 ‘Cae 1286. FOSTER (JOHN). An Essay of the Evils of Popu- lar Ignorance: and a discourse on the communication of Christianity to the people of Hindoostan. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt. back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1834 1287. FOUCHE (JOSEPH). The Memoirs of Joseph Fouché, Duke of Otranto, Minister of the General Police of France. With a portrait ‘engraved by Vincent from the rare print suppressed by the Police. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo, blue morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. London, 1825 * First Edition. 1288. FOUQUE (LAMOTTE). Peter Schlemihl: from the German of Lamotte Fouqué. With 8 plates by George Crutk- shank. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. ~Tondon: Whittaker, 1824 *First Epition. Though. attributed to Fouqué, the real author was Adalbert von Chamisso. 1289. FOUTAIZES DE JERICHO (LES). 12mo, light- brown levant morocco gilt, wide inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Constantinople, 1740 [1864] * No. 1 of only 2 copies on vellum. 1290. FRAGMENTA Poetarum veterum Latinorum. 8vo, old green morocco gilt, gauffred gilt edges. [Geneve]: Henricus Stephanus, 1564 1291. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Balthasar. Small 4to, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Dodeé. Paris, 1889 * First EDITION. One of 20 copies on Japan paper. 1292. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Thais. Compositions de Paul-Albert Laurens. Gravures a l’eau-forte de Leon Boisson. Royal 8vo, citron levant morocco, wide gilt borders, gilt over rough edges, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. * One of 175 copies on papier vélin. Paris, 1900 1293. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Histoire de Dona Maria d’Avalos et de Don Fabricio, Due d’Andria. Manuscrite et illuminée par Leon Lebeque. 4to, blue levant morocco, back and sides covered with a design in panels and conventional floral tools, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. Paris, 1902 * One of 25 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in 2 states. 1294. FRANCE (ANATOLE). Le Procurateur de Judée. Engraved throughout, with etchings, by Louis Muller. 16mo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1902 * One of 130 copies. 1295. FRANCKLIN (THOMAS). Translation; a Poem. 4to, boards, morocco back. With the leaf of advertisement. London: R. Francklin, 1753 179 1296. FRANCKLIN (THOMAS). Matilda: a tragedy. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, By the Author of the Earl of Warwick. First Epirion. 8vo, mo- — rocco, by The Club Bindery. London: T. Cadell, 1775 1297. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). The Way to Wealth; or, Poor Richard Improved. Portrait by Tardieu after Du- plessis. LARGE PAPER COPY. 12mo, citron levant morocco gilt, _ gilt edges, by David. Paris: A. A. Renouard, 1795 1298. FRAUNCE (ABRAHAM). Abrahami Fransi,Insig- _ - nivm, Armorvm, Emblematvm, Hieroglyphicorvm, et Sym- bolorum, quee ab Italis Imprese nominantur, explicatio: Que Symbolice philosophie postrema pars est. 4to, old red mo- — rocco, gilt edges. Londini: Thomas Orwinus, 1588 _ * The W. H. Crawford copy, with bookplate. 1299. FREGOSO (ANTONIO PHILEREMO). Le Ris de ~ Democrite, et le Plevr de Heraclite, Philosophes svr les follies, & miséres de ce monde. Inuention de M. Antonio Phileremo Fregoso, cheualier Italien, interpretée en ryme Francoise, par e noble homme, Michel d’Amboyse, escuyer. Auec priuilege. Small 8vo light brown levant morocco, leaf decoration on the back and centre of the sides, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. A Paris: Pour Arnoul l’Angelier, tenant sa boutique au =I second pillier, de la grand’ salle du Palais. 1547. : 1299*. FRENCH AUTOGRAPH LETTER. A.L.S. (ies nature undecipherable), no date but about the end of the : 17th or commencement of the 18th century. - * The letter is addressed ‘‘Cher tutulaire,’? mentions that a _ book has not yet been read, and that the writer is glad that no displeasure has been shown at an ‘‘indiscretion.’’ The sig- nature is possibly either a Christian or pet-name. Bees 1300. FRERE (JOHN HOOKHAM). Works, in Verse — and Prose. Memoir by Sir Bartle Frere. Second edition, — revised with additions. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. aes | London: B. M. Pickering, 1874 1301. FRITH (WILLIAM). .John Leech. His Life and Work. With portrait and numerous illustrations. First — Epition. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 _ * Autograph piesertauan copy from the Author, with jn- scription. A 1302. FULBER (FLORENT). Une Femme Collante. 12mo, 12mo, half leather, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 188% * Presentation copy from the Author, with inscription. J ap re paper copy. ih, 1303. FULVIUS (ANDREAS). Illustrium Tniveenen epee woodcut heads of Roman emperors engraved on black ground : by Ugo da Carpi from the medals in the collection of Jacopo 180 | Sa » 4 ‘ y | ; Mazocchi; each page within very elegant ornamental borders of the Roman style. 8vo, contemporary Italian binding in ealf, blind tooled sides (somewhat restored). Rare. 2 leaves misbound. Rome: apud Iacobum Mazochium, 1517 1304. FURETIERE (ANTOINE). Poesies Diverses dv Sievr F'vretiere A. E. P. Iouxte la Copie Imprimée. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Duru. Paris: Guillaume de Luyne, 1659 *'The stamp of the Duc d’Aumale is on the first and the last leaf. 1305. FURETIERE (ANTOINE). Le Roman Bourgeois. Small 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz- Bauzonnet. Paris: Louys Billaine, 1666 ~ 13806. FURMER (BERNARD). De Rerum usus et abusu. 25 plates, one signed by Jerome Wierix. First Eprrion. Small 4to, russia gilt, gilt edges, by C, Smith. Antwerp, 1575 * The Beckford Copy, and unusually tall. 1307. ALLE (PHILIPPE). Virorum doctorum de disciplinis benemerentium effigies. Title and 44 fine copper-plate portraits engraved by Ph. Galle, includ- mg John Fisher, Thomas More, Erasmus, Vesalius, Orteltus, Petrus Apianus, Christopher Plantin, etc. Antuerpix, 1572.— Imagines L. doctorum virorum, qui bene de studiis literarum meruere, cum singulorum elogiis. 50 beautiful copper-plate portrats by Ph. Galle, including Christopher Acosta, Aldo Manuzio, Paolo Manuzio, Gerardus Mercator, Munster, etc. Antuerpiz, 1587. In one vol. small folio, old vellum, the ARMS OF THE CLERMONT-TONNERRE FAMILY on the front cover, leather ties supplied at a later date. Antuerpie, 1572-83 * BotH First EDITIONS and very scarce. 1308. GANTSCHE PLIGT (DE) van een Christen of de Christen of de Christelyke Zedekunde. Frontispiece engraved by J. C. Philips and 25 emblematic copper engravings. 12mo, old stamped vellum. . Amsterdam, 1741 1309. GARDEN (ALEXANDER). Anecdotes of the American Revolution, illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes and Patriots, who acted the most conspicuous parts therein. Second Series. First Eprrion. 12mo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by AIl6. Charleston, 1828 1310. GARDINER (SAMUEL RAWSON). Oliver Crom- well. With 45 illustrations. 4to, original covers uncut, in a case. London: Goupil & Co., 1899 * One of 350 copies on Japan paper, with the plates in 2 states. 181 et Oe aes ee ee ; ; . 1311. GARNIER (JULES). Rabelais et L’Giuvre. With a portfolio contaamng 160 colored plates (Plate 3 in duplicate, no plate 4). 2 vols. 4to, original covers, uncut. Paris, 1899 1312. GARRICK (DAVID). The Lying Valet. First Epition. 8vo, green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. (Lacks half-title. ) London, 1742 1313. GARRICK (DAVID). The Dramatic Works; to which is prefixed a Life of the Author, Portrait of Garrick by W. Sharp, wserted. 3 vols. 12mo, polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Bedford. _ * London, 1738s 1314. GARRICK (DAVID). Autograph Letter Signed, 4 pp. small 4to, n. p.—n. d. To John Hawkesworth, the essayist. *« ao a tine 1) eel ; a ee eee ae ee Se SN ee se ay one pa . Se a ee oe af . 1570. HICKERINGILL (EDMUND) anp BUCKINGHAM (DUKE OF). (1) The Mushroom, or, a Satyr against Libel- ling Tories and Prelatical Tantivies . . . by the author of Absalom and Achitophel, and here answered by the author of the Black Nonconformist (Hickeringill); (2) Poetical Reflections on a Late Poem entituled Absalom and Achito- phel, by a Person of Honour (Duke of Buckingham). 2 works in 1 vol. folio, half olive levant morocco by [The Club Bindery ]. London: Printed for Fra. Smith, Jun., and Richard Jane- way, 1682. 1571. HILL (NATHANIEL). The Ancient Poem of Guillaume de Guileville, entitled Le Pelerinage de L’ Homme compared with the Pilgrim’s Progress of John Bunyan. Edited from Notes collected by Mr. Hill. Portrait, colored plates and facsimiles. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. London: Pickering, 1858 1572. HILS (G.—Translator). The Odes of Casimere. Translated by G. H. Hngraved frontispiece by Marshall. 16mo, dark red levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by T.W. Humphrey Moseley, 1646 * With Latin and English text. Contains the rare printed leaf preceding title containing a poetical description of the frontispiece. 1573. HISTOIRE de la vie et des aventures de la Duchesse de Kingston. Nouvelle édition, 4 laquelle ona joint une notice curieuse sur Stefano Zannowich, prétendu Prince Castriotto d’Albanie, avec les portraits de ces deux eélébres personnages. SF rontispiece portrait. 8vo, eloth, uncut. Londres [Paris] 1789 * From the library of Edmond de Goncourt, above whose signature ona fly-leaf is anote in his handwriting, ‘‘ Biographie rare. Biographie d’un anglaise dont le salon de la rue Coq Heron fut pendant des années le rendez-vous de la société parisienne et de la société cosmopolite de Paris.” 1574. HISTORIA Deorum Fatidicorum, Vatum, Sibyl- larum, Phosbadum, apud Priscos illustrium; Cum eorum Ieonibus. Title vignette by Durant, and 49 plates, unsigned. Small 4to, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Colonize Allobrogum, 1675 1575. [HITCHCOCK (CAPTAIN ROBERT—Translator). The Quintesence of Wit, being A corrant comfort of con- ceites maximies, and poleticke deuises, selected and gathered together by Francisco Sansouino. Translated out of the Italian tung, and put into English for the benefit of all those that please to read and understand the works and worth of a worthy writer. Large woodcut of Hitchcock’s arms. Small Ato, orange levant morocco, gilt back, arabesque borders on 215 sides, gilt edges, by Pratt. At London: Printed by Edward Allde, 1590. (Title repaired; portions of several margins supplied, two or three shaved close; and numerous marginal notes, etc., in ink.) * First EDITION. Printed in Black Letter. The second part of this work announced by the translator on final page never was issued. 1576. HITCHCOCK (ROSWELL D.). New and Com- plete Analysis of the Holy Bible. Illustrated with steel plate engravings and maps, from original drawings by Thomas Nast and Ff’. B. Carpenter. Imperial 8vo, half blue levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1871 1577. HOCCLEVE (THOMAS). Poems by Thomas Hoc- cleve [Occleve] never before printed; selected from a MS. in the Possession of George Mason. With a preface, notes and glossary. 4to, dark brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. London: printed by C. Roworth,for Leigh and Sotheby,1796 1578. [HOE (RICHARD M.).] The Literature of Print- ing. A Catalogue of the Library illustrative of the history and art of typography, chalecography and lithography of R. M. Hoe. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth, uncut and unopened. London: Privately printed at the Chiswick Press, 1877 * Large paper copy.. _ 1579. HOE (ROBERT). A Series of 45 Photographs of Objects of Art from the Collection of Robert Hoe; consisting mainly of porcelains. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top. [New York] 1875 1580. HOE (ROBERT). A Lecture on Bookbinding as a Fine Art. 63 illustrations, IN TRIPLICATE, ONE SET ON JAPAN PAPER. 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. NewYork: TheGrolier Club, 1886 * Edition limited to 200 copies. 1581. HOE (ROBERT). A Lecture on Bookbinding as a Fine Art. 623 illustrations. 4to, red levant morocco, back and side borders tooled in a Derome design, doublures of red moroceo, gilt borders, gilt over uncut edges, by The Club Bindery. New York: The Grolier Club, 1886 * One of 200 copies on Holland paper with numerous annota- tions and corrections by C. 8S. [Carolyn Shipman]. 1582. HOE (ROBERT). A Lecture on Binding as a Fine Art. 68 plates, proofs before letiers. Ato. New York: The Grolier Club, 1886 * ONE OF ONLY 38 COPIES ON VELLUM. Red levant morocco, gilt tooled dentelle borders onthe sides in the mannerof Derome, doublure of brown levant, with gilt floral borders, gilt edges, by Cuzin. Ina case. 216 1583. HOE (ROBERT). Lantern Slides used by Mr. Robert Hoe to illustrate his lectures on Binding; about 55, size 4 x 3+ inches, held in grooves, in a well-made mahogany box, size 15 ins. long, 8 ins. wide, 54 ins. deep, with hinged cover and hook-and-eye catch. 1584. HOEK (ROBERT). One hundred and seventy-six historic and artistic Book- Bindings dating from the fifteenth century to the present time, pictured by etchings, artotypes and lithographs after the originals selected from the library of Robert Hoe. 2 vols. royal 4to, half levant morocco. New York, 1895 * Limited to 200 copies, printed on Japan Paper. 1585. —— Another copy similar. 1586. HOE (ROBERT). One Hundred and Seventy-six Historie and Artistic Book-Bindings, dating from the 15th Century to the Present Time. Pictured from etchings, arto- types and lithographs after the originals in the library of Robert Hoe. 2 vols. royal 4to, sheets, unbound. New York, 1895 * Limited to 200 copies, printed on Japan paper. 1587. —— A similar set. 2 vols. 1588. —— 3 sets. 1589. —— 5d sets. ~ 1590. —— 85 sets. 1591. —— 5 sets. 1592. —— 5 sets. 1593. —— 5 sets. 1594. —— 5 sets. 1595. —— 5 sets. 1596. —— 85 sets. 1597. —— 5 sets. 1598. —— 5 sets. 1599. —— 85d sets. 1600. —— 5 sets. 1601. —— 5 sets. 1602. —— 4 sets, all slightly imperfect. (1) Vol. 1 lacks plates 18, 32, 34, 35, 45, 65 and 71, and Vol. 2 lacks plates 89,104 and 118. Plate 124 is soiled. (2) Vol. 1 lacks plates 7, 8, 18, 23, 25, 26, 32, 35, 45, 65. Plate 37 is an unfinished plate and plate 71 is slightly damaged in margins, Vol. 2 lacks plates 89, 104 and 118. (3) Vol. 1 lacks plates 1, 7, 26, 32, 54, 35, 45, 61, 65, 71. Plates 27 and 37 are unfinished and plates 23 and 81 are slightly damaged, Vol. 2 lacks plates 104, 118 and 164. (4) Vol. 1 lacks plates 18, 32, 34, 35, 45, 61, 65, V1 and 81. Plates 23 and 37 are unfinished, Vol. 2 lacks plates 89, 104, 118 and 161. Plate 124 is soiled. 217 iv tie | ee ee is 1603. HOE (ROBERT). Catalogue of Books forming the Library of Robert Hoe, comprising: Se Books by English Authors who lived before the year LT00S 45"-Vols, New York, 1903-1905 © Books in English later than 1700. 3 vols. New York,1907 Books printed in Foreign Languages before the year | 1600. 2 vols. - New York, 1907 Books in Foreign Languages published after the year =. 16002" 4 vols New York, 1909 Books of Emblems. | New York, 19083 Manuscripts. _ New York, 1909 © Together, 16 vols. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. NewYork, 1903- 1909 fiat * A complete set, of which 100 copies were privately printed; — ‘‘Books in Foreign Languages’’ and ‘‘Manuscripts” are on — Imperial Japan paper. . 5 1604. —— Another complete set. 16 vols. 1605. Another complete set. 16 vols. 1606. —— Another complete set. 16 vols. 1607. —— Another complete set. 16 vols. 1608. —— Another complete set. 16 vols. 1609. Another set. 16 vols. * In this set Vol. 1 is in sheets, and pages 1 to 5 and 289 to 292 are missing, and Vol. 2 is also in sheets. — — ee Another set. 14 vols. *In this set Vols. 1 and 2 of the English Authors who lived see before 1700 are missing, and Vols. 3, 4.and 5 of the same are in sheets without covers. er 1610. Another collection. 8 vols. | x * This lot comprises Books Printed in Foreign Lanesnees ie before 1600, 2 vols. Books Printed in Foreign ae after 1600, 4 vols. Manuscripts and Emblems. 1611. 1612. —— A similar collection. 8 vols. 1613: Another collection. 7 vols. : u eo ~ * Similar to the preceding with the excep that lot “* does not contains the Book of Emblems. 1614. 161d. A similar collection. 7 vols. Another collection. 11 vols. * This lot comprises Books in English later than 1700, 3 vols. oe Books Printed in Foreign Languages before 1600, 2 vols. Books ; Printed in Foreign Languages after 1600, 4 vols, Manuscripts and Emblems. 2 1616. A similar collection. 11 vols. » 1617. —— A similar collection. 11 vols. 1618. —— A similar collection. 11 vols. -1619. —— A similar collection. 11 vols. 1620. Another collection. 4 vols. * This lot comprises Books Printed in Fores Languag after 1600, 4 vols., and Manuscripts. | alae 218 1621. —— A similar eolleetion. 5 vols. 1622. —— A similar collection. 5 vols. 1623. —— A similar collection. 5 vols. 1624. —— A similar collection. 45 vols. 1625. —— A similar collection. 5 vols. 1626. —— A similar collection. 5 vols. 1627. —— A similar collection. 5 vols. 1628. —— Manuscripts only. 1 vol. 1629. —— Another copy. 1630. —— Five copies. 1631. —— Five copies. 1632. HOFFERUS (IOHANNES). Icones Catecheseos, -et virtutum ac vitiorum illustrate numeris. Item, Historia Passionis Domini nostri Iesu Christi effigiata. 77 wood- cuts, one of which has the mark ‘‘ D. B.’’? Small 8vo, red straight-grain morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Viteberge, 1558 1633. HOLBEIN (HANS). Icones Historiarum Veteris Testamenti, ad vivum expresse, extremaque diligentia ' emendatiores facts, Gallicis in expositione homceoteleutis ac versuum ordinibus (qui prius turbati, ac impares) suo numero restitutis. 96 fine woodculs, wncluding 4 of the Evangelists, after Holbemn. Small 4to, red levant morocco, gilt ornamental borders on the sides, gilt edges, by Cham- bolle-Duru. Lugduni: apud Ioannem Frellonium, 1547 * RARE. Text in Latin and French. 1634. HOLBEIN (HANS). Le Triomphe de la Mort grave d’aprés les desseins de Holbein par W. Hollar. 30 plates, with text in Knglish and French. Small 8Vvo, old English straight-grain blue morocco, silk linings, gilt edges. [London, 1790] * ONE OF THREE COPIES ON VELLUM. It does not contain the portraits of Holbein and Hollar. J. T. Payne’s copy, with autograph. 1635. HOLBEIN (HANS). The Dance of Death; painted by H. Holbein and engraved by W. Hollar. Wath 2 por- traits, 80 plates, and large folded plate of the ‘‘ Dance of Macaber.’’ 12mo, green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. - London: C. Whittingham, 1804 * The Hollar plates in this edition have been retouched. 1636. HOLBEIN (HANS). The Dance of Death, through the various stages of human life. By John Holbein, painter. Portrait surrounded by border in compartments, frontis- — prece (inserted), and 23 plates etched by David Deuchar. 4to, half purple morocco, gilt top. London, 1811 219 2 an 1637. HOLBEIN (HANS). Icones Veteris Testamenti; Illustrations of the Old Testament, with Introduction by Thomas Frognall Dibdin. With 90 woodcuts engraved by John and Mary Byfield after Holbein. Thick 12mo, light brown morocco, gilt edges. London: William Pickering, 1830 * ONE OF 6 COPIES ON VELLUM. 1638. HOLBEIN (HANS). The celebrated Hans _ Hol- bein’s Alphabet of Death, illustrated with old borders en- graved on wood with Latin sentences and English quatrains selected by Anatole de Montaiglon. Large title-vignette. Small 4to, half purple morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris: Printed for Edwin Tross, 1856 * Vellum paper copy, with the borders by Leon Le Maire, partly copied from the Horz of Simon Vostre. 1639. HOLBEIN (HANS). L’ Alphabet de la Mort de Hans Holbein. Entouré de bordures du XVIe siécle et suivi d’an- ciens poémes frangais sur le sujet des trois mors et des trois _ vis publiés d’aprés les manuscrits par Anatole de Montaiglon. [ Illustrations engraved by Loedel, borders by Léon Le Maire. | 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt top, uneut, by Thompson, with his ticket. Paris: Imprimé pour Edwin Tross, 1856 * Printed on vellum. 1640. HOLBEIN (HANS). Les Simulachres & His- toiriees faces de lamort. Lyon, M.D.XX XVIII. Facsimile reprint of the very rare First Hdition of Holbein’s Dance of | Death. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top. Mtnchen, 1884 1641. HOLBEIN (HANS). Historiarum ueteris Instru- menti Ieones ad vivum expresse. Lugduni, M.D.XX XVIII. Facsimile reprint of the rare First Edition of Holbein’s illustrations of the Old Testament. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top. Minchen, 1884 1642. HOLLAND (SIR RICHARD). The Buke of the Howlat. By Holland. Printed in black letter. 4to, green morocco gilt, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1823 * THE ONLY COPY ON VELLUM, EMBELLISHED WITH MANY BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS on the borders and on blank leaves, the text within painted and ruled borders by William Penney. Edited and presented to the Bannatyne Club by David Laing. 1643. HOLLAR (WENCESLAUS). Ornatus muliebris Anglicanus or the severall Habits of English Women, from the Nobilitie to the Country Woman, as they are in these times. 26 fine plates representing the female dresses of all classes in the reign of Charles I engraved by Hollar, all *®brilliant and genuine impressions and all in duplicate, with exception of Nos 7, 8, 11, 13 and 14. Mounted in one vol. 8vo, old English citron morocco, blind-tooled borders on the sides, gilt edges. London, 1640 * THE RAR# ORIGINAL EDITION. Inserted is a portrait of Hollar. Three of the other figures are said to be the portraits of Queen Henrietta Maria, Mary of Orange and Lady Castle- maine. From the Thomas Grenville Library. 220 a aes, es ee! ee ee a ee a. . . — - ee a 1644. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Urania: a Rhymed Lesson. Pronounced before the Mercantile Library Association, October 14, 1846. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original paper wrappers. Boston, 1846 1645. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. 8 illustrations by Hoppin. 12mo, BEOWD levant morocco, mosaic back, gilt edges, by Riviére. Boston, 1858 * First Edition; second issue. Without the woodcut half- title. 1646. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. 8 dllustrations. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Boston, 1859 * Large paper copy. Autograph presentation copy from the author to George A. Bethune (the well-known editor), with inscription, ‘‘George A. Bethune from his friend O. W. Holmes.” 1647. HOLYDAY (BARTEN). TEXNOTLAMIA: or the Marriages of the Arts. A Comedie, Written by Barten Holyday, Master of Arts, and Student of Christ-Chureh in Oxford, and acted by the Students of the same House before the Vniuersitie, at Shroue-tide. Small 4to,- ORIGINAL VELLUM WRAPPERS (cut to size). London: Printed by William Stansby for Iohn Parker,1618. * FIRST EDITION. Contains some interesting references to tobacco. 1648. HOLZWART (MATHIAS). Emblematum Tyro- cinia: sive Picta Poesis latinogermanica. Das ist Einge- blimete Zierwerck, oder Gemialpoesy. 71 emblematic wood- cuts and 14 others representing the 14 greatest German heroes and princes ; text in Latin and German. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet.. Strassburg: Bernhard Jobin, 1581 1649. HOME (JOHN). Alonzo. A tragedy. In five acts, As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, morocco, by The Club Bindery. London: T. Becket, 1773 1650. HOMER. Ilias et Odysszea cum Eustathii archi- episcopi Thessalonicensis commentariis grace (edente N. Majorano cum indice M. Devarii). 4 vols. folio, red straight-grain morocco, gilt borders of interlacing bands on the sides, gilt edges. Rome: apud Antonium Bladum, 1542-50 * EDITIO PRINCEPS OF THIS IMPORTANT COMMENTARY, AND VERY RARE. Some leaves a little stained, otherwise a large copy of this splendid monument of Greek printing, From the Robert Lennox Kennedy library. 1651. HOMER. L’Odyssée d’Homere. Nouvelle Tra- duction. Hngraved title and 24 plates by Schoonebeck. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo, green levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Chez Claude Barbin, 1682 221 1652. HOMER. L’ Odyssée d’Homere, traduite en vers, avee des Remarques; suivie d’une Dissertation sur les Voyages d’Ulysse; par M. [Guillaume] de Rochefort. Por- trait by St. Aubin. 2 vols. 8vo, red morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, probably by Derome. Paris: Chez Brunet, 1777 * Large Holland Paper. 1653. HOMER. OMHPOY IAIAS [et] OAYSSEIA. Medal- lion portrait. 2 vols. 48mo, brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Pouillet. London: William Pickering, 1831 1654. HONDIUS (HENDRIK).. Labores et Certamina Hereulis. Kngraved frontispiece and 12 plates. Oblong 4to, maroon levant morocco gilt, side panels, gilt edges, by | David. Henricus Hondius execudit, Hage, 1610 1655. HONE (WILLIAM—Hditor). [Selected Trials. ] 8vo, 5 parts in 1 vol. half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. London: William Hone, 1815-6 1656. HONE (WILLIAM). The Every-day Book; or Everlasting Calendar of popular amusements, 320 woodcuts, 2 vols., 1826-7; The Table Book, 116 woodcuts, 2 vols. in 1, 1827-8; The Year Book of Daily Recreation and Informa- tion, 174 woodcuts, 1832. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, half olive green morocco, gilt tops (edges scraped). London, 1826-32 1657. HONE (WILLIAM). Ancient Mysteries described, especially the English Miracle Plays, including notices of _Eeclesiastical Shows, the festivals of Fools and Asses, &c., &e. Hngravings on copper and wood. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1823 * FIRST EDITION. Contains the plate of Gog and Magog in colors. Bound in with the above are, (1) Some Ancient Christ- mas Carols, with Music (1822); and, The Apocryphal New Tes- tament (1821). 1658. HONE (WILLIAM). Full Annals of the Revolu- tion in France, 1830. Illegal ordinances of Charles X, &e. Illustrated with engravings. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1830 * In the same volume are Curran’s Speeches, 1819, ‘‘ Tributes of the Public Press to the memory of the late Mr. Whitbread,” 1815, with portrait by T. Blood after Opie, ‘‘ An Authentic Account of the late Mr Whitbread,” by Francis Phippen, third edition, 1815, the Speech of Mr. Phillips in the case of Guthrie v. Sterne, 1816, ‘‘ fifteenth genuine edition,” and ‘‘ Authentic Memoirs of the Life and Death of the Right Honourable R. B. Sheridan,” 1816, with portrait by Harwood. 1659. HONNESTE (L’) Homme et le Scelerat. Seavoir, si pour parvenir dans le monde il faut estre honneste homme ou scelerat. Par Monsieur J. D. D. C. 12mo, old French green morocco gilt, gilt edges. Paris: Michel Brunet, 1700 1660. HOOD (THOMAS). Whims and Oddities, in Prose and Verse. First Series (1826); Also, First and Second Series, 2 vols. (1826-7). Numerous original designs R22 by the author. ALL Frrst Epirions. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, (1) original half cloth and boards; (2) original cloth, both uncut (repaired). London, 1826-7 1661. HOOD (THOMAS). Poems. First EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1846 1662. [HOPE (THOMAS).] Anastasius; or, Memoirs of a Greek. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. | London, 1820 1663. HOPE (THOMAS—English architect and novelist, author of ‘‘ Anastasius,’’ ete.) A. L.S., 4 pp. 4to, no place or date. * Promising to send a painting to a friend, etc. 1664. HOPKINS (CHARLES). Pyrrhus King of Epirus. A Tragedy, acted At the New Theatre, in Little Lincoln’s- Inn-Fields, By His Majesty’s Servants. Small 4to, half ealf (left margin of page 20 torn). London: Printed for Samuel Briscoe, 1695 * FIRST EDITION; with Prologue by William Congreve. 1665. HOPKINS (CHARLES). Boadicea Queen of Brit- ain. A tragedy, As is Acted by His Majesty’s Servants at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-fields. FIRst EDITION. Small Ato, half calf, lower edges uncut. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1697 1666. HOPKINS (CHARLES). Friendship Improv’d; or, the Female Warriour. A Tragedy. Acted at The Theatre in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields, By His Majesties Servants. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, half maroon morocco, lower edges uncut. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1700 1667. HORACE. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata, in quibus multa correcta sunt, et institutiones suis locis posits, com- mentariorum quodammodo vice funguntur. 8vo, old Eng- lish red straight-grain morocco gilt, aldine anchor on the sides, gilt edges. Venetiis: apud Aldum Romanum, 1509 *The Syston Park copy; presented to Sir John Thorold by the celebrated physician G. Baker, with a Latin address written on a vellum fly-leaf. This second aldine edition is more complete than the first, and nearly equal in rarity. Last blank leaf wanting. 1668. HORACE. Poemata. Ratio mensuum quibus Ode eiusdem poets tenentur; Centimetrum Marij Servij; Variae lectiones ex vetustiss. codicibus. 8vo, old English red morocco, gilt centre and corner ornaments, the symbol of the golden fleece in the panels of the back, gilt edges. Name on title. Parisiis: Robertus Stephanus, 1544 1669. HORACE. Quintus Horatius Flaceus. Accedunt nune Danielis Heinsii de Satyra Horatiana libri duo, ete. Hn- graved title. 3 parts in 1 vol. ‘16mo, brown levant morocco, the sides blind-tooled in panels, gilt edges. Last 2 blank leaves missing. Lugd. Batav.: ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1629 223 1670. HORACE. Quintus Horatius Flaccus, cura Danielis Heinsii. Engraved title. 12mo, old English red straight- grain morocco, gilt edges. The Syston Park copy. Amstelodami: D. Elzevir, 1676 1671. HORACE. Poemata, scholiis sive annotationibus illustrata a Joanne Bond. Hngraved title.. 12mo, old French blue morocco gilt, silk linings, gilt edges, by Simier. Amstelodami: D. Elzevir, 1676 1672. HORACE. Poésies Lyriques. [Satires et Epitres. ] Traduction en vers de M. Goupy. Frontispieces on India paper, and numerous woodcut vignettes. 2 vols. royal 8vo, brown morocco, gilt backs, side panels, inside borders, gilt edges. - Paris, 1841 * Large vellum-paper copy. . 1673. HORACE. Quinti Horatii Flacci. Opera. Hngraved throughout, with 225 illustrations, 27 head-pieces, and numerous vignettes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, old red straight-grain morocco, gilt backs, side panels, gilt edges. Londini: aeneis tabulis incidit, Johannes Pine, 1733-1737 * Original issue, with theerror ‘‘post. est.” instead of — ‘potest’ in the vignette on page 108 of Volume II. A BEAUTI- FUL COPY. 1674. HORACE. Quintus: Horatius Flaceus. Opera. Head-pieces by Andrieu. 12mo, green vellum, uncut... In half red morocco ease. Paris: P. Didot, 1800 * PRINTED ON VELLUM. 1675. HORACE. Quintus Horatius Flaceus. Opera. Cum novo commentario ad modum, Joannis Bond. With 12 woodcuts by Huyot after Barras. 18mo, polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1855 1676. HORACE. Traduction en vers. Par Comte Simeon. Frontispieces and vignettes after Chauvet. 3 vols. 8vo, orig- inal wrappers, uncut. Paris: [Jouaust], 1873 * One of a limited edition on Holland paper. 1677. HORACE. Odes et Epodes: chant séculaire. Tra- duction nouvelle par Je Conte de Séguier. Gravures de Méaulle d’aprés les aquarelles de Meyer. 18mo, blue levant morocco, gilt back, wide inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris, 1883 1678. HORACE. Q. Horati Flacci Opera. Frontispiece etching after Alma Tadema. 8vo, dark blue levant morocco, back and sides covered with a Grolieresque design of inter- lacing fillets and solid fleurons, wide inside borders, gilt top, uncut, in a blue morocco case, by Alfred Matthews. * One of 6 copies on vellum. London, 1883 224 ma ET. aan ee ES ot DS Ar ae ee a“ Ne as Pe) e, Ta eee ia ge a | Pisce . Nt Aen. : ‘ I 2a SIXTY -NINTH SESSION. Friday, November 15th, 8:15 P.M. A COLLECTION OF PRINTED HORA. 1679. HORA®. Ces presétes heures a lusage de Rome furét acheuees | le siziesme iour doctobre. Lan Mil. CCCC. iiii. xx. et | xv. Pour Simd vostre Libraire demourat a Paris en | la rue neuue nré dame a léseigne saict iehan leuageliste. Lettres batardes. 74 leaves (a-h 8, i110), 33 lines to the page. Pigouchet’s mark on title, cut of anatomical man, 16 large and numerous small woodcuts, and each page within orna- mental and historiated woodcut borders containing scenes from the Infe and Passion of Christ, the Life of the Virgin, etc. Illuminated initials throughout. Small 4to, blue levant morocco, gilt arabesque borders on the sides, doublures of red levant, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre, 6 October, 1495 * PRINTED ON VELLUM (209x138 mm.). Almanac for 21 years (1488-1508). EXTREMELY RARE. Fine copy with all the woodcuts free from coloring. Not in Hain, Copinger, Reichling, and Proctor. Inaccurately described by Brunet (no 23), who never saw it, and compiled his description from the Reina Cata- logue, where an imperfect copy was offered for sale. FROM THE LIBRARY OF MARQUIS ALESSANDRO GREGORIO CAPPONI, WITH HIS NAME ON TITLE AND HIS STAMP ON THE REVERSE. SBohatta, 532. 1680. HORA. Hore intemerate virginis marie secundum vsum Romanum cum pluribus orationibus tam in gallico quam in latino. Lettres batardes. 96 leaves (A-—M 8). Kerver’s mark on title, cut of anatomical man, 18 large and numerous small woodcuts, each page surrounded by ornamental and his- toriated woodcut borders containing representations from the Infe of Christ and the Virgin, the Apocalypse, grotesques, etc. Small 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt and blind-tooled panelled sides; doublures of maroon morocco consisting of a mosaic eross with emblematical figures in green, orange, blue, brown, eitron and ivory morocco, outlined in gold, silk linings, gilt edges by ‘‘Lortic fréres.’’ Paris: Thielman Kerver for Gillet Remacle, 10 January. 1503. * PRINTED ON VELLUM (217x136 mm.). Almanac for 24 years (1497-1520). Rare. Fine copy with all the woodcuts free from coloring. Brunet, no. 174; Bohatta, 690. 1681. HORAX. Hore intemerate virginis marie secundum vsum Romanum cum pluribus orationibus tam in gallico quam in latino. Lettres batardes. 88 leaves (a-n 8,04). Ger- main Hardouyn’s mark on title, cut of anatonucal man, 15 large and 26 small woodcuts, ALL ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND coors, and illuminated wutials throughout; each page sur- rounded by elegant woodcut borders of arabesques, ornamental 225 PRINTED HORA—Continued. leaves, grotesques, animals, hunting scenes, etc. Small 4to, old French brown morocco, gilt panelled sides, central orna- ment of leaf sprays, clasps, gilt edges, in a morocco slip ease. Paris: Guillaume Anabat pour Germain Hardouyn, 1 Oc- tober, 1505. * PRINTED ON VELLUM (206x136 mm.). Almanac for 16 years (1505-1520). THE BEAUTIFUL FIRMIN-DIDOT COPY, men- tioned by Brunet, no. 225; Bohatta, 732. 1682. HORA. [Colophon] A la louenge de dieu ¢ dela tresglorieuse vierge marie....Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme tout au long sans rien requerir. Auec les figures de la vie de lhomme: et de la destruction de Hierusalem.... Ont este nouellement Imprimees a Paris par Guillaume Ana- bat.... Pour Guillet Hardouyn....Et pour Germain Har- douyn.... Lettres batardes. Only 96 leaves (should be 113). Several small cuts vn the text, and each page surrounded by historiated woodcut borders contaning the Infe of man (sim- lar to the Dance of Death), the Destruction of Jerusalem, scenes from the Apocalypse, etc., ALL VERY FINELY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND coLors. 4to, old French red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Paris: G. Anabat for G. and G. Hardouyn [ca. 1507] * PRINTED ON VELLUM (242x155 mm.). Almanac for 14 years (1507-1520). Brunet, no. 229; Bohatta, 767. Probably the 19 missing leaves contained the title-page and the large woodcuts. : 1683. HORA. Hore christifere virginis marie secundum vsum Romanum ad longum absque aliquo recursu cum illius miraculis z figuris apocalipsis et biblianis vna cum triumphis cesaris. Lettres bdtardes. 102 leaves (A-E8, F2, G6, H-N 8, 06). S. Vostre’s mark on title, cut of anatomical man, 25 large and numerous small cuts, each page surrounded by elegant borders of arabesques, grotesques, mummers, frurt gatherers, etc., and having representations of the history of Joseph (27 subjects), the Sybils, the Cardinal Virtues, the Apocalypse, the history of Susanna and the Elders, of the Prodigal Son, a Dance of Death in 66 subjects, etc.; wmtials painted in red and blue throughout. 4to, red levant morocco, the sides in a Grolieresque design of interlacing bands and arabesques inlaid in dark and light brown morocco outlined in gold; doublures of olive morocco tooled and gilt to a geo- metrical design, gilt edges, by Capé, in a morocco slip ease. Paris: Simon Vostre [ca. 1508] * Almanac for 21 years (1508-1528). 248x167 mm. A RE- MARKABLY FINE COPY OF THESE RARE AND MAGNIFICENT ‘‘ GRAND HEvRES,’’ which are fully described by Peignot (‘‘ Recherches sur les Dances des mort’’), who draws special attention to the French verses attached to the Dance of Death cuts in the borders. The large cuts include the Vision of Emperor Octavianus, Christ bearing the Cross, the Death of Christ, Uriah and David, the Raising of Lazarus, etc. Brunet, no. 80; Ale’s, Supplement, p- 20; Bohatta, 800. 226 SF eee oe ae ee - uh ci . PRINTED HORA—Continued. 1684. HORAX. Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Rouan au long sans requerir: auec les miracles nostre dame et les figures de lapocalipse z de la bible z et des tritimphes de Cesar et plusieurs aultres hystoires faictes a lantique. ont este imprimees pour Symon vostre Libraire: demourant a Paris. Lettres batardes. 88 leaves (a-b8, c4, d-i8, k4, a, €8). Vostre’s mark on title, cut of the anatomical man, 14 small and 22 large woodcuts representing scenes from the lives of Christ and the Virgin, David and Uriah, the Holy Grail, etc., AuL FINELY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLORS, and illuminated wmitials throughout; each page surrounded by elegant histori- ated woodcut borders containing the history of Joseph, a representation of the Sybils (unusually large size), the Apoca- lypse, the triumph of Caesar, a Dance of Death, etc. 4to, brown levant morocco, blind-tooled sides, gilt edges, by Capé. Signatures b 3, ¢ 4, e 2, g 4, a 2-7 (10 leaves in all) missing. Paris: for Simon Vostre [ca. 1508] * PRINTED ON VELLUM (233x162 mm.). Almanac for 21 years (1508-1528). A beautiful specimen of Vostre’s ‘‘ Grandes Heures.’’ Brunet, no. 76; Bohatta, 1221. 1685. HORAX. Hore diue virginis Marie secundum verum vsum Romanum cum aliis multis folio sequenti notatis. Roman characters red and black. 108 leaves (A-N 8, O 4). Print- er’s mark on title, cut of anatomical man, 18 large and 34 small woodcuts, each page surrounded by ornamental and historiated woodcut borders, contaimng representations from the Inves of Christ and the Virgin, the Apocalypse, a Dance of Death in 66 subjects, etc.; Wluninated wmtials throughout. 8vo, red levant morocco, side and centre-piece of dark blue morocco, with pointillé tooling in the manner of Le Gascon, doublures of vellum, with a semis of gilt roses, gilt edges, by Gaillard, in an embroidered slip cover. Paris: Thielman Kerver, 29 May, 1510 * PRINTED ON VELLUM (167x107 mm.). Almanac for 25 years (1506-1530). Fine copy, with all the woodcuts free from coloring. Brunet, no. 186; Bohatta, 818. 1686. HORA. Hore diue virginis Marie secundum vsum Romanum | totaliter ad longum cum multis suffragiis. [Colophon] ....Parisius nouiter impressum: opera | Egidii Hardouyn. Codmorantis in con | finio pontis nostre domine ante ecclesi | am sancti Dionisii de carcere ad intersi- | gnium Rose. pro Germano Hardouyn | commorante ante Palacium ad intersi- | gnium diue Margarete. | Tout pour le mieulx. Roman characters. 108 leaves (A-N 8, 04). Hardouyn’s mark on title representing. Dejanira borne away by the Cen- taur Nessus and Achilles in the act of wounding him, cut of anatomical man, 27 small and 16 large woodcuts, including the vision of Emperor Octavius, the Death of the Virgin, the 227 PRINTED HORA—Continued. raising of Lazarus, etc., ALL ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLORS; also wluminated initials throughout. 8vo, brown levant mo- rocco, gilt panelled sides, centre ornaments, gilt edges, by Bedford. Paris: Gillet Hardouyn for Germain Hardouyn [ca. 1510] * PRINTED ON VELLUM (160xmm.). Almanac for 21 years (1510-1530). Imperfectly described by Brunet (no. 235), who Seems never to have seen a copy; Bohatta, 829. - 1687. HORAN. Hore beate Marie virginis secundum vsum Romanum, cum illius miraculis. Gothic characters in red and black. 128 leaves (a-q8). S. Vostre’s mark on title, cut of anatomical man, 17 full-page woodcuts, and each page sur- rounded by borders, containing scenes from the Bible, a repre- sentation of the Dance of Death in 114 subjects (with repeti- tions), etc.; wluminated initials throughout. 8vo, brown levant morocco, blind stamped historical borders and panels — of fleurs-de-lis on the sides, gilt edges, by Capé. Impresse Parisius opera Nicolai Higman, impensis honesti viri Symonis Vostre [ca. 1512]. * PRINTED ON VELLUM (172x107 mm.). Almanae for 19 years (1512-1530). Good copy, with all the woodcuts free from color- ing. Brunet, no. 88; Bohatta, 858. 1688. HORA. Ces psentes heures a igen de Romme tou | tes au long sans reqrir: auec les’ signes de lapoca | lipse: la vie du sainct héme thobie z de la bone da | me iudie, les accidés de lhéme, le triumphe de cesar, | les miracles nostre dame z plusieurs aultres bel | les hystoires ont este faites a Paris pour Sym6 | vostre libraire: demourat pres. la grand esglise. Lettres batardes. 104 leaves (a-b8, c4, d8, k6, a@i18,66). Vostre’s mark on title, cut of anatomical man, 21 large and numerous small woodcuts, and each page sur- rounded by historiated woodcut borders, contaamng the his- tory of Joseph, of Judith, the troumph of Caesar, a Dance of Death, etc.; witials painted red and blue throughout. Ato, - brown levant morocco, the sides tooled and gilt in the manner of the early Venetian bindings, gilt edges, by Bedford. Paris: for Simon Vostre [ca. 1513] * Almanac for 18 years (1513-1530). 223x139 mm, Ex- TREMELY RARE AND APPARENTLY UNDESCRIBED BY BIBLIOGRAPHERS-. Marginal repairs to several pages, otherwise fine copy. 1689. HORA. Ces presentes heures a lusaige | de Paris, toutes au long sans rié reqrir, Nou- | uellemét i a a Paris, auec plusieurs bel- | les hystoires. . » [Colne . Ilprimees a | Paris, par Thielma keruer .... | ...0 0) insomnia acheuees Lan | mil, v..cés; 2 ocxij. levee de auril. Large Gothic characters in red and black. 200 leaves (a-3 8, aa—bb 8). Printer’s mark on title, cut of anatomical man, 12 large oval woodcuts within borders in the calendar, represent-_ 228 PRINTED HORA!—Continued. ang the occupations of the months, 42 full-page woodcuts, with French verses beneath, 30 small historiated woodcut imtials, numerous ornamental capitals, and mark on last page, Aut: BEAUTIFULLY PAINTED AND ILLUMINATED IN A GOOD STYLE OF ART. 8vo, old French red morocco, gilt panelled sides, fleurons in the corners, gilt edges, in a levant morocco slip case. Sig- natures f 8, h 4-5, and i8 (4 leaves in all) missing. Paris: Thielman Kerver, 29 April, 1522 * PRINTED ON VELLUM (158x103 mm,). Almanac for 15 years (1522-1536). EXTREMELY RARE and not noticed by Brunet. One of the illustrations in the calendar depicts a boy being flogged in a school; the large paintings represent Christ’s de- scent into Hell, ‘‘Kece Homo,’’ Christ appearing to his mother, Christ with the two pilgrims of Emmaus, the murder of Uriah, the prophet Nathan reproaching David, David ordering Solomon to build the Temple, ‘‘ Les trois morts et les trois vifs,’’ Adam and Eve, etc. The Ashburnham copy. Bohatta, 291. 1690. HORA. Ces presétes heures a lusaige de Paris au long sans requerir: auec les figures et signes de lapocalypse: la vie de Thobie zc de Judic:.... ont este faictes a Paris pour Nicole vostre.... Lettres batardes. 104 leaves (a-b8, c 4. dg-18, k6, a 618, 06). N. Vostre’s mark on title, cut of anatomical man, 21 large woodcuts, numerous small ones, and each page surrounded by lastoriated borders containing the history of Tobias, of Judith, the Apocalypse, the triumph of Caesar, a Dance of Death, etc.; initials painted red and blue throughout. Small 4to, red levant morocco, blind-tooled orna- mental borders on the sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. Paris: for Nicole Vostre [ca. 1525] * Almanac for 21 years (1525-1545). 221x144 mm. ~ Fine copy of this‘rare edition. Ale’s, p. 213; Bohatta, 302. Not noticed by Brunet. 1691. HORA. Hore beate marie virginis secundum vsum Romanum totaliter ad longum sine require. Lettres batardes. 112 leaves (A-O 8). Printer’s mark on title, cut of anatomi- cal man, 16 oval woodcuts and several smaller ones, each page surrounded by ornamental and historiated woodcut borders, including the Apocalypse, etc.; iluminated imtials throughout. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Bauzonnet-Trautz. Nouiter impressis Parisius per Germanum MHardouyn beg. .1927 |:. * PRINTED ON VELLUM (181x115 mm.). Almanac for 15 years (1527-1541). Fine copy with all the woodcuts free from coloring. Brunet, no. 266; Bohatta, 1020. 1692. HORAL. Die ghetijden van onser lieuer vrou We, ende vanden helylighé cruce, ef vandé heylighé gheest met die seuen | psalmen.... [Colophon] Dese ghetijden sijn ghedruckt te Parijs: by | die weuwe va Thielman keruer, in sint iacobs | strate, inden eenhoré, én daer worden sij v’cost. | Int iaer ons heeren. M. eccce. ende. xxxiij. Gothic characters black 229 PRINTED HORA—Continued. and red. 136 leaves (A-R8). Printer’s mark on title, cut of anatomical man, 32 large woodcuts, including the murder of Uriah, the Prophet Nathan reproaching David, Solomon recewing from David the order to build the Temple, Adam and Eve expelled from the Eden, ‘‘Les trois vifs et le trois morts,’’ etc.; each page surrounded by ornamental and his- toriated woodcut borders, including a Dance of Death in 66 subjects. 8vo, contemporary binding in red morocco, the sides tooled and gilt to an elegant design of scrolls and arabesques, gauffred gilt edges, joints weak. _ Paris: Widow of Thielman Kerver, 1533 * Almanac for 13 years (1532-1544). 171x108 mm, A RARE EDITION of these Flemish Hours and unknown to Brunet. Fine copy with all the woodcuts and borders free from coloring. On the fly-leaves are prayers in Flemish, written about the end of the 16th century. Bohatta, 1423. 16938. HORAX. Heures Paris contenant plusieurs oraisons debuotes en francoys & en Latin, & confession Generalle. Roman characters red and black. 216 leaves (A-O12, A-D 12). 14 fine small cuts and each page surrounded: by woodcut borders of flowers, fruits, butterflies, etc., introduc- ing the Salamander, the crowned monograms of Francis I and Louse of Savoy, and the arms of France and Savoy. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Niédrée. Paris: par Thielman Kerver (II), 1552 * PRINTED ON VERY THICK PAPER (141 x83 mm.). Almanac for 20 years (1551-1570). The cuts are reprints of those in the 16mo Tory edition of 1529, and the borders were reprinted from the blocks used for the edition of Oliver Mallard, 1541. Brunet, no. 209; Bohatta, 322. The Yemeniz copy. 1694. HORA) DIURNA Breviarii Romani, ex decreto Sacro-sancti Concilii Tridentini restituti. 32mo, old French citron morocco, gilt-tooled dentelle borders on the sides, silk linings, gilt edges, by Duseuil. Lugduni, 1620 1695. HORDEN (HILDEBRAND—HKditor). Neglected Virtue: or, the Unhappy Conquerour. A Play Acted at the Theatre-Royal. By His Majesty’s Servants. First EDI- TION. 4to, light-blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zaehns- dorf. (Title and leaves considerably stained; marginal portions of several leaves supplied. ) London: Printed for Henry Rhodes, &e., 1696 1696. HOUBEN (PHILIP) anp FIEDLER (FRANZ). Denkmaeler von Castra vetera und Colonia Triana in Ph. Houben’s Antiquarium zu Xanten abgebildet auf XLVIII eolorirten Steindruck-Tafeln nebst einer topographischen Charte. Herausgegeben von Philip Houben... mit Erlau- terungen von Dr. Franz Fiedler. Wzuth 48 colored plates. 4to, boards. Xanten, 1839 230 ‘ 1697. HOUGHTON (RICHARD MONCKTON MILNES, LORD). Poems of Many Years. Memorials of a Residence on the Continent. 2 vols. in1, red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. London, 1838 1698. HOUSSAYE (ARSENE). Les Quarante du Siécle. George Sand. Royal 8vo, half red levant morocco, uncut. original covers bound in, by Champs. Paris, 1888 * The original article in La Revue de Paris et de Saint-Peters- bourg, July 15, 1888. An etched portrait of George Sand is inserted, as well as a portrait on steel of Madame Dorval. 1699. HOUSSAYE (ARSENE). Les Grandes Dames. Edi- tion alustrée de vingt gravures sur acier par Flameng, Morin, Cucinnotta (and others, in red and black). Royal 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uneut, original covers bound in (1 cover repaired), by Zaehnsdorf. Paris: E. Dentu, n. d. 1700. HOUSSAYE (ARSENE) anp SAINT-VICTOR (PAUL DE). La Comtesse Du Barry; sa Vie Amoureuse, &e. ... Les Maitresses du Roi. . . Histoire de Madame du Barry. Wirth 2 portraits of Madame du Barry, each in two states. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt over uncut edges, original covers bound in, by Rousselle. Paris: Librairie 4 Estampes, 1878 * One of 25 copies on India paper, with the proofs on Holland and India paper. 1701. HOUSSAYE (HENRY). Aspasie, Cleopatre, Theo- dora. Illustrations by Giraldon, in duplicate. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1899 *One of 120 copies. Bound in citron levant morocco, deco- rated with interlacings of dark green, mosaic ornaments in red, green, and white morocco, outlined in gold, doublures of citron levant, gilt over uncut edges, original covers bonnd in, by The Club Bindery. 1702. [HOWARD (EDWARD).| The Womens Con- quest: a tragi-comedy. As it was Acted by his Highness the Duke of York’s Servants. Written by the Honourable EK. H. First EDITION. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by J. M. for H. Herringman, 1671 * The unusually lengthy Preface to this old play covers about twenty-five pages, and is full of interesting references to the work of the earlier dramatists. 1703. [HOWARD (EDWARD).j_ The Six Days Adven- ture; or the New Utopia. A Comedy. As it is Acted at his Royal Highness the Duke of York’s Theatre. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, brown morocco gilt, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Tho. Dring, 1671 * Contains commendatory poems by Mrs. Aphra Behn, Edward Ravenscroft, &c, 231 1704. HOWARD (JAMES). All Mistaken; or the Mad Couple. A Comedy. Acted by His Majesties Servants, at the Theatre Royal. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, boards (recent). London: Printed by H. Brugis, 1672 1705. HOWARD (SIR ROBERT). Poems, viz. (1). A Panegyrick to the King; (2). Songs and Sonnets; (3). The Blind Lady, a Comedy; (4). The Fourth Book of Virgil; (5). Statius his Achilleis, with Annotations; (6). A Pane- gyrick to Generall Monek. Small 8vo, Spanish ealf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére. (Several marginal lower portions supplied. ) London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1660 * First Edition. Contains a commendatory poem to Howard, signed John Dryden. 1706. HOWARD (SIR ROBERT). Four New Plays, viz. : The Surprisal [and] The Committee, Comedies; The Indian Queen [and] The Vestal Virgin, Tragedies. As they were Acted by His Majesties Servants at the Theatre-Royal. Small folio, dark-green levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Durn. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1665 * First EDITION, John Dryden assisted Howard with ‘‘ The Indian Queen,” é 1707. HOWARD (SIR ROBERT). The Great Favourite, Or, the Duke of Lerma. As it was Acted at the Theatre- Royal by His Majesties Servants. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, half brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviére. In the Savoy, 1668 1708. HOWARD (SIR ROBERT) AND ORRERY (ROGER, EARL OF). (1). Five New Plays; viz. The Surprisal, The Committee, Comedies; and The Indian Queen, The Vestal Virgin, The Duke of Lerma, Tragedies. As they were Acted by His Majesties Servants at the Theatre Royal. Written by the Honourable Sir Robert Howard. The Second Edition, Corrected. Hngraved portrait of How- ard by White after Kneller. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1692 ... (2). [Four Plays by the Earl of Orrery.| viz. Tryphon, a Tragedy, The Black Prince, The Tragedy of Mustapha, The History of Henry the Fifth. London: Printed for H. Herringman, 1672-1690. Bound in 1 vol. small folio, maroon levant morocco, filleted back and sides, interlaced at corners, gilt edges, by David. 1709. HOWELL (JAMES). Dodona’s Grove, or the Voeall Forrest. The Second Edition more exact and per- fect than the former; with an addition of two other tracts; viz. Parables, reflecting upon the Times, and England’s Teares for the present VVarres. Prontispiece title engraved by Vaughan, in 12 compartments. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. . [London] Printed in the Yeare, 1644 * With the final blank leaf, Z2. 232 - 2. g ; 3 4 : ¢ 1710. HOWELL (JAMES), AENAPOAOTIA. Dodona’s Grove, or, The Vocall Forrest. By I. H. Esq?! Hngraved frontispiece of tree, large vignette on title, and 2 plates of trees, by Meran. Small folio, light brown levant morocco, gilt back and sides in panels, corner ornaments of foliage, doublures of olive green morocco, gilt edges, by Mercier. [London] by T. B. for H Mosley, 1640 * FirsT EDITION, with the error in pagination at page 166. 1711. HOWELL (JAMES). AENAPOAOTTIA, Dodona’s Grove, or the Vocall Forrest. The second Edition more exact and perfect then the former; with an Addition of two other Tracts: viz. Parables, reflecting upon the Times, and England's Teares for the present VVarres. By J. H. Esquire. Frontispiece by Vaughan in compartments. Small 4to, red levant morocco, gilt side panels, gilt top, OTHER EDGES UNCUT, by Riviére. [London] Printed in the Yeare, 1644 * Rare in this unusual condition. 1712. HOWELL (JAMES). S.P.Q.V. A Survay of the Signorie of Venice, Of Her admired policy, and method of Goverment [sie] &e. With a Cohortation to all Christian Princes to resent Her dangerous Condition at present. F'wil- page portrait and frontispiece engraved by Vaughan, and woodcut of Lion in red and black on title. Small folio, niger morocco, gilt back, rich gilt sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Richard Lowndes, 1651 * FIRST EDITION, with the numerous errors in pagination. 1713. HOWELL (JAMES). Onwdopia. The Parly of Beasts: or, Morphandra Queen of the Inchanted Iland: Wherein Men were found, who being transmuted to Beasts, though proffer’d to be disinchanted, and to becom Men again; yet, in regard of the erying sins, and rebellious humors of the Times, they prefer the Life of a Brute Animal before That of a Rational Creture, &e. Portrait of Howell engraved by Melan and Bosse, and plate by Gaywood after Barlow. Small folio, red levant morocco gilt, gilt side panels, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by W. Wilson for William Palmer, 1660 1714. HOYM (C. H., COMTE DE). Vie de Charles Henry, Comte de Hoym, ambassadeur de Saxe-Pologne en France, et célébre amateur de livres, 1694-1736. By Baron Jérome Pichon. Engraved title by Varin, portrait by Morse after Rigaud, vignettes, 3 colored plates of bindings, &e. 2 vols. 4to, half red levant morocco, monogram and crest on backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Dupré. A Paris: Libraire de la Société des Bibliophiles, 1880 * LARGE PAPER, with a 4 pp. A. L. S. of the author inserted. 1715. HUART (LOUIS). Muséum Parisien Histoire Physiologique, Pittoresque, Philosophique et Grotesque de toutes les bétes curieuses de Paris et de la banlieue Pour 233 faire suite a toutes les éditiones des uvres de M. De Buffon. 850 vignettes par MM. Grandville, Gavarni, Dauwmier, &c. Royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Rau. Paris, 1841 1716. HUBERT (SIR FRANCIS). LEgypt’s Favorite. The Historie of Ioseph, divided into foure parts . . To- gether with Old Israel’s Progresse into the Land of Goshen. Title-page ruled in red ink. Small 8vo, russia, gilt back and sides. London: Printed by A. M. for L. Chapman, 1631. (A few worm-holes, and a verse cut into.) * In addition to the above four parts, there is a continuation to ‘‘ The Noble Favorite,” and ‘‘ Jacob’s Progresse.” The Mitford copy, with autograph and manuscript notes. 1717. HUDLESTON (RICHARD). A Short and Plain Way to the Faith and Church. Composed Many Year since, and now Published for the Common Good by his Nephew Mr. Jo. Hudleston. To which is Annexed his late Majesty King Charles the Second, his Papers found in his Closet after his Decease, etc. FIRST EDITION. 4to, old English red morocco, gilt panelled sides, outside and inside corner ornaments of pointillé, gilt edges. . London: Printed by Henry Hills, 1688 1718. HUGENIUS (CONSTANTINUS). Monumenta De- sultoria. Poematum libri XI.’ Edente C. Barlaeo. With the rare engraved frontispiece. 8vo, old English red straight- grain morocco gilt, gilt edges. Lugd. Batavor.: B. & A. Elzevir, 1644 * First Elzevir Edition.. The Syston Park copy. 1719. HUGO (VICTOR). Cromwell, Drame. FIRST EDI- TION. 8vo, half green vellum, entirely uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 1828 1720. HUGO (VICTOR). Les Feuilles d’Automne. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, maroon straight-grain morocco gilt, side borders, gilt edges, by Champs. Paris, 1832 * With the autograph inscription, ‘‘ A Monsieur Ch. Magnin son ami Victor H.” 1721. HUGO (VICTOR). Le Roi S’Amuse, drame. V2g- nettle title after Johannot on India paper. - FIRST EDITION. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt over uncut edges, by Cuzin. Paris, 1832 1722. HUGO (VICTOR). Ruy Blas. 8vo, half cloth, all edges entirely uncut. Paris, 1838 F * First EDITION. Volume VII of the ‘‘ Guvres complétes.” 1723. HUGO (VICTOR). Notre Dame de Paris. With 11 plates after Boulanger, Raffet, Johannot, &c., engraved by W. and EF. Finden, and others. Large 8vo, 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, half green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Hayday. Paris, 1840 234 1724. HUGO (VICTOR). Les Burgraves, trilogie. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Cuzin. Paris, 1843 1725. HUGO (VICTOR). Les Feuilles d’Automne. Les Chants du Crépuscule. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt fil- lets, gilt edges, by Thibaron. Paris, 1846 1726. [HUGO (VICTOR).] Chez Victor Hugo par un passant. Avec 12 eawx-fortes par Maxime Lalanne. 8vo, half red levant morocco, uncut, original covers bound in, by Carayon. Paris, 1864 * Preface is signed ‘‘ EK, Le Canu, avocat.” Etchings are on India paper. 1727. HUGO (VICTOR). Les Chansons des Rues et des Bois. dition elzevirienne. Ornéments par EH. Froment. 18mo, half blue morocco, gilt mosaic back, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1870 1728. HUGO (VICTOR). La Esmeralda. [Opera en quatres actes, 1836.] Costumes de Louis Boulanger. Fac- simile poster, 16 plates in two states, and 2 pieces of music. Royal 4to, in cloth portfolio. Paris, 1888 * One of 50 copies on Large Holland paper. 1729. HUGO (VICTOR). Post-Scriptum de ma vie. 8vo, original covers, uncut. Paris, 1901 * One of Hugo’s two posthumous works. 1730. HUISH (ROBERT). The Historical Gallery of Celebrated Men of every age and nation... accompanied by biographical sketches and observations on their charac- ter and writings .. . and illustrated by facsimiles of letters, &¢c., with the autograph of the individual affixed to each portrait. Over 50 portraits on India paper after Reynolds, Vandyke, Holbein, Lawrence, and others. Royal 8vo, half green morocco gilt, gilt top. Rubbed. London, 1830 1731. HUME (DAVID). History of England. 28 por- traits of the Sovereigns by Worthington, proofs on India paper. 8 vols. royal 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt over uncut edges, by Bedford. Oxford, Talboys and Wheeler; and London, William Pickering, 1826. * One of only 8 copies on Large and Tinted paper. 1732. HUNNEWELL (JAMES F.). Triumphs of Early Printing. A Paper read at the Annual Meeting of The Club of Odd Volumes, at the University Club, Dec. 26, 1901. 4to, half brown morocco and boards, uncut. Boston: Club of Odd Volumes, 1902 * One of 68 copies. 235 1733. HUNNEWELL (JAMES F.). Collectors. An Ad- dress read to the Club of Odd Volumes, Boston, December 18, 1907. 4to, half brown morocco and boards, uncut. Boston: Club of Odd Volumes, 1908 * One of 102 copies. 1734. HUNT (LEIGH). Foliage; or Poems Original and Translated. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London: C. and J. Ollier, 1818 1735. HUNT (LEIGH). Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries; with Recollections of the Author’s Life and of his Visit to Italy. First EDITION. 4to, red levant morocco gilt,gilt over uncut edges, by Bedford. London, 1828 * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 71 plates, mostly fine proofs, including 15 portraits of Byron. THREE AUTO- GRAPH LETTERS ARE INSERTED, one from Leigh Hunt, 4 pp. 4to, to R. W. Elliston, who had just assumed the management of Drury Lane, concerning a tragedy he had submitted. In the postscript Hunt writes: ‘‘I was writing a prologue, which I intended to offer to your acceptance for the opening of the theatre, but I guess by the advertisement that you are pre- pared with one. Should the case be otherwise, I shall be happy to furnish it. I send you a specimen Ladies and Gentlemen, it has been said, A certain fine old friend of ours was dead— Gone—dead and gone—so said the grieved electors, And given over, quite, by the—spectators. Twas want, they said :—he shewed such want of pence, That none would listen to his want of sense; Died of excessive want of audience.”’ A short 1-page letter from John Murray is slightly damaged, and a 3 pp. letter from Byron is probably a copy. 1736. HUNT (LEIGH). fe Oa Oe 1740. HUTCHINSON (H. N.), GREGORY (J. W.) AnpD LYDEKKER(R.). The Living Races of Mankind. A popu- lar illustrated account of the customs, habits, pursuits, feasts & ceremonies of the races of mankind throughout the world. 648 alusirations, including colored frontispieces. 2 vols. 4to, half red leather, gilt edges. London, n. d. 1741. HUTH (HENRY—Editor). Ancient Ballads and _ Broadsides published in England in the Sixteenth Century, chiefly in the earlier years of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Reprinted from the unique original copies... in the Library of Henry Huth. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Alfred Matthews. London: Whittingham and Wilkins, 1867 - * Only 50 copies printed. Presented, ‘‘To J. Payne Collier, Esqr., with Mr. Henry Huth’s compliments.” Written in pencil a most valuable Book of its kind that I am aware of. 1742. HUTTON (ULRICH VON). De guaiaci medicina et morbo gallico cura. Arms of Cardinal Albert of Branden- burg, archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, on title, and a fine woodcut portrait of Hutton on the last page. Ato, olive morocco, gilt borders on the sides, gilt edges, by Joly. Moguntiz: in edibus Joannis Scheffer, 1519 * FIRST AND VERY RARE EDITION of this treatise in which is described for the first time a medicine of American origin. 1743. HUTTICHIUS (JOANNES). Romanorum prin- cipum effigies, cum historiarum annotatione: nunc vero alicubi aucta opera Io. Sambuci. Title within an elegant woodcut border, and numerous fine cuts of Roman Emperors and EKmpresses on black ground. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Argentorati: Vuolfius Cephalzus, 1552 1744. HUYSMANS (JORIS KARL). La Biévre. Les Gobelins. Saint-Séverin. Hichings and woodcuts. Imperial 8vo, brown levant morocco, back and side borders tooled in outline, gilt over uncut edges, original covers bound in, by by Chambolle-Duru. | Paris: Société de Propagation des Livres d’Art, 1901 * One of 75 copies on India paper printed for Carteret et Cie. 1745. HYMN TO NEPTUNE. A Hymn to Neptune; Oceasion’d by the late Glorious Vietory obtain’d in the Height of Malaga by Her Majesty’s Royal Navy, under the Command of George Rooke. Small 4to, half brown morocco. London, 1705 1746. HYMN TO NEPTUNE; Oceasion’d by the late Glorious Victory obtain’d in the Height of Malaga by Her Majesty’s Royal Navy, under the Command of Sir George Rooke Small 4to, unbound (a number of top margins cut into, a pagination in ink in addition to the regular). London, 1705 237 1747. YFCONKS historiarum Veteris Testamenti. 94 cuts. Small 4to, old vellum. Stamp on title. Lugduni: apud Ioannem Frellonium, 1547 * A very rare early edition of Holbein’s Bible Illustrations, the first edition having appeared nine years earlier also in Lyons. The vellum is the original binding. 1748. IMBERT (BARTHELEMY). Le Jugement de Paris. Poéme en IV Chants. Suivi d’Giuvres melées. Nouvelle Edition, corrigée et augmentée. Hngraved title by Moreau, a plate and 4 vignettes engraved by Masquelier and Née after Moreau. Royal 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides with emblematic devices, gilt top, uncut, by Joly. Amsterdam, 1774 * Large paper copy of the second edition. 1749. IMBERT (BARTHELEMY). Les Egaremens de Amour, ou Lettres de Fanéli et de Milfort. Par M. Imbert. With 2 plates by Martini after Moreau le jeune. 2 vols. in 1, red levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, by Bedford. A Amsterdam, 1776 * FIRST EDITION ON LARGE PAPER, with the two plates after Marillier lacking. 1750. IMITATION OF CHRIST. L’Imitation de Iesvs Christ, mise en vers francois par Pierre Corneille. n- graved title, and 105 copper-plates by Campion and others. 24mo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by [ Bedford]. A Rouen: par L. Maurry, &e., 1656 1751. INMAN (THOMAS). Ancient Faiths embodied in ancient names: or an attempt to trace the religious belief, sacred rites, and holy emblems of certain nations by an interpretation of the names given to children by priestly authority, or assumed by prophets, kings, and hierarchs. Seeond edition. Plates and woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1872 1752. INSTITUTION. The Institucion of a Gentleman. 12mo, vellum, centre ornament on the sides, gilt edges, by Hayday. | Imprinted at London, by Thomas Marshe, 1568. [London: Reprinted by Charles Whittingham, 1839. | * Black Letter. A few copies were printed for presentation only. 1753. IRELAND (ALEXANDER). The Book-Lover’s Enchiridion: thoughts on the Solace and Companionship of Books, and topics incidental thereto; garnered from writers of every age for the help and betterment of all readers. Portrait and facsimile. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, un- cut. London, 1888 1754. IRELAND (SAMUEL). A_ Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant, and part of France; Made in the Autumn of 1789. Illustrated with Copper Plates in 238 in fy Aqua Tinta From Drawings made on the Spot by Samuel Ireland. Hngraved title-pages, and 43 plates. LARGE PAPER. 2 vols. 4to, half brown levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uneut, by All6é. London, 1790 1755. IRELAND (SAMUEL). A_ Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant, and part of France; Made in the Autumn of 1789. Illustrated with Copper-plates in Aqua Tint from Drawings made on the Spot by Samuel Ireland. Hngraved title-pages, and 43 plates. LARGE PAPER. 2 vols. 4to, half blue morocco gilt, gilt tops, un- cut, by Riviere. London, 1790 * Presentation Copy from the author to Mr. Coram. With additional illustrations, proofs of the prints and most of the etchings, many of them before letters, AND SOME OF THE ORIG- INAL DRAWINGS. 1756. IRELAND (SAMUEL). Picturesque Views, on the River Medway, from the Nore to the vicinity of its source in Sussex: with observations on the public buildings and other works of art in its neighbourhood. With 29 plates in bistre. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. London, 1793 1757. IRVING (WASHINGTON). THE AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT OF THE CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH OF the chapter of ‘‘The School’’ in Bracebridge Hall. Two pages, 12mo (unsigned). * A comparison with the printed version shows that it con- tains one sentence not in the manuscript, which Irving prob- ably added in revising the proof. The compositor’s name is written on the margin. 1758. IRVING (WASHINGTON). History of New York ° by Diedrich Knickerbocker. Illustrations by Darley. 8vo, eloth. New York, 1850 1759. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 3 portraits after Stuart Newton, &e., and 150 vignettes on India paper, engraved on wood by Richardson after Darley, Parsons, and others. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1882 * Edition de Luxe; Limited Issue. 1760. ISHAM REPRINTS (THE). Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis; the Passionate Pilgrime; Davie’s Epigrammes and Certain of Ovid’s Elegies, translated by Christopher Marlowe. Edited by Charles Edmonds. !2mo, vellum boards, uncut, with ties. London, 1870 * One of a limited edition numbered and signed by the editor. 1761. ISOCRATES'-_ Enseignements d’Isocrates et Xeno- phon pour bien regner en paix et en guerre, traduictz par’ Loys le Roy dict Regius de Costentin; Les Politiques d’Aristote traduictes par Loys le Roy. 2 works in one volume, 4to, red levant morocco. gilt edges, by Trautz- Bauzonnet. Paris: Michel de Vascosan, 1568 239 1762. ITALIAN MASTERS. 45 photographs of paint- ings, sculptures and drawings, mostly by celebrated Italian artists, including Michaelangelo, Titian, Guido Reni, Cellini, Fra Bartolomeo, Leonardo da Vinci, Mantegna, Raphael], ete. Mounted on boards and bound in one volume, large folio, half levant morocco. 1763. SON Contes et Poésies du C. Collier, [ Jaequemont] Commandant-Général des Crois- ades du Bas-Rhin. With 2 frontispieces, unsigned proofs. 2 vols. in 1, small 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt, arms of the Duke of Hamilton on sides, gilt edges, by Duru. A Saverne [Paris], 1792 * These ‘‘Contes Gaillards” were written by Jacquemont under the nom de guerre of ‘‘C. Collier” (Cardinal de Rohan), to ridicule that Cardinal, whose chateau was at Saverne. 1764. JAMES VI. The Historie and Life of King James the Sext; being an account of the affairs of Scotland from 1566 to 1596; with a short continuation to 1617. 4to, orig- inal boards, uncut. Printed at Edinburgh, 1825 * Printed for The Bannatyne Club, on large [vellum] paper. 1765. JAMI. The Beharistan (Abode of Spring) by Jami: a literal translation.from the Persian. Printed by the Kama Shastra Society for Private Subscribers only. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, uneut. Benares, 1887 1766. JAMMES (FRANCIS). Le Deuil des Primevéres, 1898-1900. Elégies, La Jeune Fille Nue, Le Poéte et VPOiseau, &ce. Royal 8vo, light brown levant morocco, floral back, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. | Paris, 1901 * One of 20 copies on Large papier vélin, with the author's signature on half-title. 1767. JAMYN (AMADIS). Les CEuvres Poétiques, re- veués, corrigées & augmentées en ceste derniére impression. 12mo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bau- zonnet. Title repaired. Paris: Mamert Patisson, 1579 1768. JANIN (JULES). [(£uvres diverses de Jules Janin, publiées sous le direction de M. Albert de La Fizeliére | 20 etchings by Lalauze and Hédouin, each in two states. 20 vols. 12mo, half blue morocco, uneut, original covers bound ‘in. Paris: Librairie des Bibliophiles [| Jouaust], 1876-1883 * Limited Edition. Set comprises: L’Ane Mort et Le Femme Guillotinée; Mélanges et Variétés, 2 vols.; Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vols. ; Correspondance; Critique Dramatique, 4 vols.; Barnave, 2 vols.; Les Gfuvres d’Horace, 2 vols,; Deburau, Histoire du Théatre a quatre sous; Petits Romans, Mélanges, etc., 5 vols. 240 1769. JARDIN DES RACINES GRECQUES (LE) Mises én vers Francois. Avec un Traitté des Prepositions & autres Particules indeclinables, ete. Frontispiece. 12mo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Pierre le Petit, 1657 1770. JARDINE (SIR WILLIAM) AnD OTHERS. The Naturalist’s Library. Ichthyology (only). Engraved front- asprece portraits and titles, by Lizars, and 159 plates, mostly colored. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth, uneut. Edinburgh, 1835-1843 1771. JAYBERT (LEON). Trois Dizains des Contes Gaulois. With 20 etchings by Bracquemond, proofs on India paper. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, side panels, gilt over uncut edges, by Lortic. Paris: Poulet-Malassis, 1862 * FIRST EDITION. Presentation Copy from the author, with inscription. One of 800 copies on vellum paper for subscribers only. Inserted are 4 autograph letters from the author, anda letter from Chévigné. The Bracquemond proofs, although ex- ecuted for this work, are not found in all copies. 1772. JEANNE D’ARC. LHistoire de Jeanne d’Are d’aprés les documents originaux et les ceuvres d’art du X Ve au XI Xe Siécles. Cent fac-similés de manuscrits, de minia- tures, estampes, tableaux de statues, accompagnés d’une description des planches et de notes de voyage par André Marty, et précédés d’une introduction par Marius Sepet. Copies des miniatures et croquis originaux par Félix Lacaille. With 41 illustrations, many in colors. Imperial 4to, original covers, uncut. Paris, 1907 * One of 250 copies. 1773. JEFFRIES (DAVID). Traité des Diamants et des Perles, ou l’on considere leur importance. On établit des régles certaines pour en connoitre la juste valeur, Et l’on donne la vraie méthode de les tailler. Ouvrage traduit de lY Anglois, sur la second Edition qui a été considérablement augmentée [par Chappotin S. Laurent]. With 10 plates and a vignette by C. Baquoy after Cochin fils. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Belz-Niédrée. A Paris: Chez Debure l’ainé [et] N. Tillard, 1753 1774. JENNINGS (HARGRAVE). Phallicism Celestial and Terrestrial, Heathen and Christian, its connexion with the Rosicrucians and Gnosties and its foundation in Bud- dhism. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1884 * Accompanied by the collection of 10 plates in wrappers. Seldom found together. 1775. JEPHSON (ROBERT). The Count of Narbonne, a Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, olive green morocco [by The Club Bindery]. London: T. Cadell, 1781 * With the half-title. 241 1776. JERROLD (BLANCHARD). The Life of George Cruikshank. In Two Epochs. Numerous illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uneut. London, 1882 gg1777. JESSE (CAPTAIN W.). The Life of Beau Brum- mel, Esq., commonly called Beau Brummell. FIRST EDI- TION. Frontispiece, and two inserted portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, by David. London, 1844 1778. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). George Selwyn, and his Contemporaries. FIRST EDITION. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, polished ealf gilt, gilt edges, by Matthews. Lond. 1843 1779. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). Memoirs of the Court of England from the Revolution in 1688 to the Death of George the Second. 3 plates by John Cook after T. Wageman. 3 vols. 8vo, half blue levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Bedford. 1843 1780. JEST BOOK. The Budget of Momus, or a pre- servative against Melancholy. V2gnette on title. 12mo, mottled calf gilt, gilt top, uneut, by Bedford. London: Printed for J. Coxhead [ca. 1800] * FIRST EDITION, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the-insertion of 11- portraits and views, including many proofs on India paper and before letters, and the rare portrait of Beau Fielding by Van der Gucht. 1781. JEST BOOK. Yorick turned Trimmer; or the Gentleman’s Jester: and newest Collection of Songs. 3 cop- per-plates. 12mo, straight-grained blue morocco, gilt edges. London, n. d. [ca. 1797] *The plates deal with characters from Tristram Shandy; Sterne and Garrick figure in the text. 1782. JEWITT (LLEWELLYN). The Ceramic Art of Great Britain from Pre-historic Times down to the Present Day. Nearly 2,000 illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1878 1783. JOANNET (CLAUDE). Elemens de Poésie Fran- eoise [par Vabbé Claude Joannet]. 4 vols. 16mo, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Paris: Par la Compagnie des Libraires, 1752 1784. JOCELINE (ELIZABETH). The Mother’s Legacie to her unborne Childe. Reprinted from the Edition of 1625, with a biographical and historical introduction. 16mo, light brown levant morocco, gilteback and sides, doublures of red moroeco, wide dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Bedford. Edinburgh and London, 1853 1785. [JOHNSON (SAMUEL).| The Witticisms, Anec- dotes, Jests, and Sayings of Dr. Johnson, during the whole eourse of his life. Collected from Boswell, Piozzi, Haw- kins, &c.... To which is added, a great number of Jests, 242 ate! ee eh ‘ ‘ uy Reg. 7 oN ‘lees z i % 4 ef ay Bs) a ae = * in which the most distinguished Wits of the present cen- tury bore a part. By J. Merry. Third Edition, greatly improved. Frontispiece by Barlow, after Cruikshanks. 8vo, Spanish ealf, gilt top, uneut. London, 1797 * From the library of Lt.-Col. F. R. C. Grant, with bookplate. 1786. [JOHNSTON (CHARLES).] Chrysal; or, the Ad- ventures of a Guinea; by an adept. A New Edition, to which is now prefixed a sketch of the author’s life. With 15 colored plates engraved by W. Read, after HK. J. Burney, T. Mawson and Rk. Corbould. 3 vols. 8vo, red morocco, gilt backs and side corners, gilt tops, by Wood. London, 1821 1787. JONSON (BEN). The Works of Ben Jonson, Which were formerly Printed in Two Volumes, are now Reprinted in One. To Which is Added a Comedy, called the New Inn. With Additions never before published. Engraved portrait of Jonson, crowned with laurel, by Elder. Folio, red levant morocco, gilt back, side borders, gilt edges, by The. Club Bindery. London: Printed by Thomas Hodgkin, 1692 * Third and last of the folio editions; with the Commenda- tory Poems, by J. Selden, Ed. Heyward, Geor. Chapman, Franc. Beaumont, and others. 1788. JONSON (BEN). The Works of Ben Jonson, which were formerly Printed in Two Volumes, are now Reprinted in One. To which is added a Comedy called the New Inn. With Additions never before published. Engraved portrait of Jonson with laurel, engraved, by Hilder. Folio, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére. London: Printed by Thomas Hodgkin, 1692 * Third and last of the folio editions. 1789. JORDAN (THOMAS). Poeticall Varieties: or, Varietie of Fancies. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, Spanish calf, gilt back and edges (title and top. margins of pages cut close), by Riviere. London: Printed by T. C. for Humphry Blunden, 1637 * Contains Commendatory Poems by Tho. Heywood, Rich, Brome, Tho. Nabbes, and others. 1790. JORDAN (THOMAS). The Walks of Islington and Hogsdon, with The Humours of Woodstreet-Compter. A Comedy, As it was publikely Acted 19. days together, with extraordinary Applause. Never Printed before. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, olive levant morocco, gilt side corners, gilt edges, by Riviere. (Title re-edged, repairs to several other leaves. ) London: Printed by Tho. Wilson, 1657 * VERY RARE. 179:. JORDAN (THOMAS). London Triumphant; or, The City in Jollity and Splendour; expressed in Various Pageants, Shapes, Scenes, Speeches and Songs. Invented and performed for the well-deserving Governor, Sir Robert 243 Hanson. ... At the cost and charge of the Worshipful Company of Grocers. Three woodcut coats-of-arms. Ato, red morocco, uncut, by The Club Bindery. (Lower corner of title supplied.) London: Printed by W. G. for Nath. Brook and John Playford, 1672. * Probably the First Issue of the First Edition. the Second being undated. 1792. JORDAN (THOMAS). London in Luster: pro- jecting Many bright Beams of Triumph: disposed into Several Representations of Scenes and Pageants. Per- formed with great Splendor On Wednesday, October X XIX 1679. At the Initiation and Instalment of the Right Hon- ourable Sir Robert Clayton, Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of London. Dignified With divers delightful Varieties of — Presentors, with Speeches, Songs, and Actions, properly and punctually described. All set forth at the proper Cost and Charges of the Worshipful Company of Drapers. Heraldic device on title. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, red morocco, gilt side borders, gilt edges, by Mackenzie. London: Printed for John Playford, 1679 1793. JORDAN (THOMAS). London’s Glory, or, the Lord Mayor’s Show, Containing an Illustrious Description of the several Triumphal Pageants . .. also Three new Songs... performed on Friday, October 29, 1680; for the Entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir Patience Warde . at the proper Cost and Charges of the Right Worship- ful Company of Merchant-Taylors. Small 4to, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges. . London: Printed for John and Henry Playford, 1680 1794. JORDAN (THOMAS). London’s Joy; or, the Lord Mayor’s Show; triumphantly Exhibited in Various Representations, Scenes and Splendid Ornaments, with divers pertinent Figures and Movements... performed at the Inauguration of Sir John More, with the several Speeches, Songs, &c. All the Charges and Expenses being the sole undertaking of the Worshipful Company of Gro- cers. 4tu, red morocco, uncut, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for John and Henry Playford, 1681 1795. JORDAN (THOMAS). Money is an Asse. A Comedy, as it hath been Acted with good Applause. Written by Thomas Jordain, Gent. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, half red morocco (title remounted, and top corners of last two leaves supplied). London: Printed by Peter Lillicrap, for Fra Kirkman, 1668. 1796. JOSEPHUS. Flauij Josephi des Hochberthmten Judischen Geschichtschreibers, Historien und Bicher. Title in red and black within a woodcut border and i101 fine woodcuts by F. and C. Stummer, C. van Sichemand Jost 244 en e | Amman. Folio, brown levant morocco, gilt panelled sides, centre and corner ornaments, gilt edges, by Allo. Strassburg: Theodosius Rihel, 1581 *In the same volume i is bound ‘‘ Egesippi funff Bucher vom Judischen Krieg,” etc., with 21 woodcuts issued by the same printer and in the same year. 1797. JOUSSE (MATHURIN). La Fidelle Ouverture de Vart de Serrurier; ou lon void les principaulx preceptes, desseings et figures touchant les experiences, et opera- tions Manuelles dudict Art. Engraved title and illustra- tions. Folio, brown levant morocco gilt, large centre ornament of scrolls and azured tools on sides, gilt edges, by Trautz- Bauzonnet. A La Fleéche, chez Georges Griveau, 1627 * First Edition. The illustrations are numbered I-LXV, but. there are 42 copper-plates and 31 woodcuts. 1798. [JOUY (JOSEPH ETIENNE DE).] La Galerie des Femmes, collection incompléte de huit tableaux re- cueillis par un amateur. Hitched portrait and a facsimile. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uneut. Lacks the etchings. Sage icnd 1799 [ Bruxelles, eos * Limited to 300 copies. 1799. JUNIOR ETCHING CLUB. Passages from Modern English Poets. Jilustrated with 47 etchings by the Junior Hiching Club, proofs on India paper. Folio, cloth. London [1862] *TIncluded are two etchings by J. McN. Whistler, ‘‘ The Angler” and ‘‘ A River Scene.” 1800. JUNIUS (HADRIANUS). Les Emblesmes faicts Francois & sommairement expliquez. 47 emblematic wood- cuts. 16mo, old French ealf gilt, with the arms of PAULIN PRONDRE DE GUERMANTE, president of the ‘‘ Chambre de comptes,” gilt edges. From the White-Knights and Heber collections. Anvers: Christophle Plantin, 1568 1801. JUVENALIS ET PERSIUS. Satyre ex doct. virorum emendatione. Hngraved title. 12mo, brown levant morocco, uncut, by David. Amsterodami: Daniel Elzevir, 1671 1802. J ALENDRIER (LE GRANT) des_ bergiers nouuellement imprimé a Lyon ordonné a la verité au quel sont,plusieurs augmentations et corrections nouuellement adioustées aultrement quil nestoit par auant. Gothic character, title in red and black, over 100 spirited woodcuts, including & large ones representing the vision of Lazarus and the torments of Hell for the seven capital sins; another large one of Death on horseback, etc. Ato, half ealf, gilt (somewhat rubbed), gilt edges. Lyon, 1510 * RARE. From the libraries of Yemeniz and Firmin-Didot. 245 1803. KALIDASA. Sakoontald, or The Lost Ring. An Indian Drama translated into English prose and verse from the Sanskrit of Kalidasa by Monier Williams Text within ornamental borders of various colors. 4to, citron levant morocco, back panels and side compartments in a floral design of red mosaic and gilt, green mosaic borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. New York: Dodd, Mead Co., 1885 * One of 110 copies on Japan paper. 1804. KANT (IMMANUEL). Critick of Pure Reason, translated from the original. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Wm. Pickering, 1838 1805. KEATS (JOHN). The Poetical Works of Keats. — With Memoir by Richard Monckton Milnes. Illustrated by 120 designs, original and from the antique, drawn on wood, by George Scharf, Jr. 4to, original cloth, uncut. London: Moxon, 1854 * One of 100 copies on Large paper. 1806. KEATS (JOHN). Letters and Poems of Keats, Annotations by Lord Houghton. Edited by John Gilmer Speed. With 7 portraits, 3 colored, facsimiles, etc. 3 vols. 12mo, blue levant morocco, gilt backs, side panels, gilt over uncut edges, by David. ~New York, 1883 * One of 55 copies on Whatman paper, a number of the por- traits in two states, with duplicates on satin. and EXTRA- ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 25 proof portraits and scenes, ' including five examples after Stothard, mostly on India paper. 1807. KEBLE(JOHN). The Christian Year. Thoughts in verse, for the Sundays and Holydays throughout the Year. Printed in red and black, with portrait of the author. 8vo, blue levant morocco, sides and back inlaid with red levant, floral and small dot tooling, gilt top, uneut, in the Grolier manner, in blue morocco case, by Alfred Matthews. * One of six copies on vellum. London, 1882 1808. KEESE (JOHN—KEditor). The Poets of America. 37 walustrations. FIRST SERIES. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, brown morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Matthews. New York, 1840 1809. KEESE (JOHN—Editor). The Poet’s Gift. 36 illustrations. 12mo, brown morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Matthews. Boston, 1845 * Contains contributions by Bryant, Longfellow, Holmes, etc. 1810. KELLY (HUGH). False Delicacy, a Comedy; as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. By His Majesties Servants. 8vo, blue morocco [by The Club Bindery |. London, 1768 * First EpITion. Dedicated to Garrick, who wrote both Prologue and Epilogue. 246 - 1811. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Order of Chivalry. Translated from the French by William Caxton and re- printed from his edition of 1484. Edited by F. S. Ellis. L’Ordéne de Chevalrie, with translation by William Morris. Woodcut designed by Edward Burne-Jones, Chaucer type im black-and-red. Small 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894 * One of 225 copies. The last book printed in small 4to, and the first book printed in Chaucer type. 1812. KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). Fugitive Pieces. Small 8vo, green morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Hayday. York, 1780 * Kemble destroyed many copies of this book soon after publication. 1813. KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). Love in Many Masks; as altered by J. P. Kemble, from Mrs. Behn’s Rover, and first acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, March 8th, - 1790. 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges, [by The Club Bindery]. London: T. and J. Egerton [1790] * FIRST EDITION, with the half-title. 1814. KEMPIS (THOMAS A’). Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ, translated from the Latin original ascribed to Thomas A’Kempis; with an Introduction and Notes by the Reverend Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. Royal 8vo, divided into two volumes, blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Pickering and Major, 1828 * Large paper copy, withan original drawing and 90 selected plates added, including many rare old copper-plate engravings and proof impressions of the more modern steel plates. 1815. KEMPIS (THOMAS A’). Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ. Translated from the Latin original by T. F. Dib- din. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: William Pickering, 1851 1816. KEMPIS (THOMAS A’). Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ. Translated from the Latin original ascribed to Thomas A’Kempis by T. F. Dibdin. Engraved frontispiece —|Eece Homo] from an original painting by Guercino, in two states, both proofs. 8vo, dark blue levant morocco, back and sides richly tooled, gilt edges, by Bedford. | London: William Pickering, 1851 * A note on the fly-leaf reads: ‘‘Given me by F. Bedford, in London 1869. Robert Hoe. Jr.” 1817. [KENNEDY (JOHN P.).] Swallow Barn, or a sojourn in the Old Dominion. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. - 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by The Club - Bindery. Philadelphia, 1832 1818. [KENNEDY (JOHN P.).] Horse Shoe Robinson. A Tale of the Tory ascendancy. By the author of Swallow Barn. First EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, half cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia, 1835 247 1819. [KENNEDY (JOHN P.).] Rob of the Bowl: a Legend of St. Inigoes. By the author of ‘‘ Swallow Barn.”’ FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, half cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia, 1838 1820. KENNEDY (JOHN P.). Quodlibet: containing some annals thereof, with an authentic account of the origin and growth of the borough, ete. Edited by Solomon Second Thoughts, Schoolmaster. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, green levant moroco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1840 1821. [KENNEDY (JOHN P.).] The Blackwater Chron- icle: a Narrative of an Expedition into the Land of Cahaan, Virginia. Illustrations by Strother. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. New York, 1853 1822. KENNEDY (JOHN P.). Memoirs of William Wirt, Attorney-General of the United States New and revised edition. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, half brown mo- rocco, uncut. New York, 1866 1823. KETTELL (SAMUEL). Specimens of AWvican Poetry, with critical and biographical notices. 3 vols. 12mo, half green morocco, uncut. Boston, 1829 * Contains the first appearance of Whittier’s Poem ‘‘ The Sicilian Vespers.’ 1824. KILLIGREW (SIR WILLIAM). Three Plaves Written by Sir William Killigrew, Viece-Chamberlain to Her Majesty the Queen Consort. 1664. Selindra. Viz. Pandora. Ormasdes. Small 8vo, russia, blind-tooled back and sides. London: Printed by T. Mabb for John Playfere and Thomas Horsman, 1665. * FIRST EDITION. These three plays have saporete titles and pagination; Pandora is dated 1664, the others 1665. Contains Commendatory Poems by Edmund Waller, Richard Stapylton, and others, 1825. KILLIGREW (SIR WILLIAM). Three New Plays, viz., Selindra, Ormasdes, Trage-Comedies; Pandora, a Comedy. Small 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Simon Neale, 1674 * Third Edition of the first two plays; fourth edition of ‘« Pandora.” 1826. KILLIGREW (THOMAS). Comedies and Tragedies. Written by Thomas Killigrew, Page of Honour to King Charles the First. And Groom of the Bed-Chamber to King Charles the Second. Brilliant wmpression of the por- trait by Faithorne, in the first state, with the unfinished 248 ‘ escutcheon (remargined). Folio, red levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1664 * This collection consists of eleven plays, each having a separate title-page with the imprint ‘‘ J. M. for Henry Her- eae 1663, excepting the last two, which bear the date — =—-1827. KING (CHARLES WILLIAM). Antique Gems and Rings. With 10 copper-plates, 56 woodcuts, and nu- merous text illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1872 1828. KING (HENRY). Poems, Elegies, Paradoxes, and Sonnets. Small 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt back and side panels gilt, gilt edges, by Hayday. (A few top margins shaved close and a name partly erased from title.) London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1664 * Second Edition, with 38 pages of Elegies added. 1829. KING AND QUEEN. The King and Qveenes En- tertainement at Richmond. after their departvre from Oxfogzgd: In a Masque, presented by the most Illustrious Prince, Prince Charles Sept. 12.1636. Small 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, side borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Oxford: Printed by Leonard Lichfield, 1636 *FIrRST EDITION. The dances were composed by Simon Hopper, the music by Charles Colman; the parts of the Captain and the Druid were performed by Lord Buckhurst and Edward Sackville. The masque is written in the Wiltshire dialect. 1830. KIRK (ROBERT). The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies. Comments by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1893 * One of 60 copies on large paper. 1831. KIT-CAT. CLUB. The Kit-Cat Club, done from the original paintings of Sr. Godfrey Kneller by Mr. Faber. Title-page and 47 beautiful plates engraved in mezzotint by John Faber the Younger after paintings by Kneller. Folio, red levant morocco, gilt panelled sides, gilt edges, by Bed- ford. London: J. Tonson, 1735 *FirsT Epition. ‘The portraits include the Duke of Rich- mond, Duke of Grafton, Duke of Newcastle, Earl of Dorset, Earl of Carlisle, Earl of Scarborough, Sir Richard Steele, J oseph Addison, William Congreve, Sir Godfrey Kneller, etc. The portrait of Edward Hopkins is not in this copy. 1832. KNIGHT (CHARLES—Editor). London. Nu- merous illustrations. 6 vols. in 3, royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: H. G. Bohn, 1851 1833. KNIGHT (RICHARD P.). Knight’s Modern and Antique Gems. 85 plates contaming over 500 figures en- graved by Dick, Scott, Forrest, &c., from designs by Vining, and others. Small 8vo, green morocco, gilt side borders, | gilt edges, probably by C. Lewis. [London], 1828 * Said to have been the poet Southey’ S copy. 249 HR: 1834. KNIGHT (SAMUEL). Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul’s in the Reigns of K. Henry VII. and Henry VIII and Founder of St Paul’s School, &e. Por- trait, and 7 plates. 8vo, purple straight-grain morocco, back and side panels finished in blind tooling, leather joints, gilt edges, by C.Lewis. London: J. Downing, 1724 * FirsT EDITION. Large Paper copy. 1835. KNIGHT (SAMUEL). The Life of Erasmus, more particularly that part of it, which he spent in England; Wherein an Account is given of his Learned Friends, and the State of Religion and Learning at that Time in both our Universities. 8vo, pigskin, UNCUT, by Clarke and Bedford. Cambridge, 1726. * Uncut copy of the small paper edition, with portrait by Vertue, and 16 other plates, with the three extra engravings, including the portrait of Froben, and a proof on India paper of Sir Thomas More and his family. Autograph of ‘‘ Samuel Prince” on Title. Dibdin says that he never saw this book in. an uncut state. 1836. KNIGHT (SAMUEL). Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul’s in the reigns of K. Henry VII. amd K. Henry VIII, and founder of St. Paul’s School. 8vo, boards, uncut, back repaired. Oxford, 1823. * Probably on large paper. 1837. KNIGHT (SAMUEL). The Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul’s in the reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. and the founder of St. Paul’s School. With an appendix containing some account of the masters and scholars of that foundation. 2 portraits, and 6 plates. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt and mosaic back, gilt top, uneut, by David. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1823. 1838. KOCHLER (ADAM). Disputatio de Nuptiis jure divino prohibitis. 4to, old boards (cracked), vellum back. [n. p., 1615] 1839. KORAN. L’Aleoran de Mahomet. Translaté- d’Arabe en Francois, par le Sieur du Ryer. Suivant la Copie imprimée a Paris, chez Antoine de Sommaville. 12mo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Bauzonnet- Trautz. [Amsterdam: Louis Elzevier], 1649 * First issue of the first Elzevier edition, with the dedication. to the Chancellor, *2-*8, making eight preliminary leaves, . instead of six, as in the second issue. Height, 130 mm. 1840. KREIHING (JOANNES). Emblemata Ethico- politica carmine explicata. Hrontispiece and 162 emblem-- atic copper-engravings. 12mo, vellum. Antuerpizx, 1661. aed at © é <— Che Anderson Auction Company PRICED LIST OF THE Robert Hoe Library PART FOURTH Lot No, Price per Lot Lot No. Price per Lot Lot No, Price per Lot ‘ES ae $ 55.00 5 te ae ta $51.00 Oe. Settee $ 40.00 Bie os 25.00 Es ier creer 9.00 sarees 30.00 1 bachahe eats 32.50 BAN eara's 36.00 POR ase as 4.50 Bays nits 5.00 LSS nee 45.00 ee greats 505.00 aera. <4 8.00 Lp rrates 59.00 Senet ease 9.00 Rae cise’. e 7.90 2 Pe 15.00 eS Se SS 105.00 ig ae 22.50 es he 17.00 sarah Oa Rae 4.50 Beet .°0' 22.50 4 I Se 8.00 BOM ees 9.50 ee 27.50 LO git ean? 10.50 Bara as 17.00 Bee ot. 70.00 : ee 62.50 sig Cypser 45.00 1S ae 5.00 Be siae ss 3.00 BOG. ares: 30.00 ee 12.00 BUN Ft Pa so 11.00 ol he prt 20.00 eae 7.50 Buby So eis 39.00 ss Sanaa 22.90 GAS 3.00 fe Oe 9.00 SAR Beil ea 4.00 ae 31.00 ae Oe tact 13.00 DO sees a 3.00 rea 'a's 10.00 Dat tls: 4,50 fin es BaP 7.00 aie a," 13.00 5 Se eee 150.00 ot VTE eas C85 1.00 1h a 15.00 ae pene 6.00 2 ieee eed 21.00 (ee ae 22.50 Sle Gale ee 18.00 Dey eck 12.00 ae ae 7.50 les es 3.00 OD. os cndin ¢ 40.00 GE: pean 18.00 Dee wee es 2.00 OD pees 15.00 BE Mires. <3 15.00 LL ae 3.00 SW eS 7.00 8 aera 20.00 Giese s b 3 5.00 ye TRESS 20.00 Oe oe eae 13.00 182 aang 16.00 1 AE oS Er 4.50 Bs “oe 16.00 ae De We es gate 10.00 OS ae 20.00 Ee eee PROVO utes ecu es§ 17.00 2 nian 15.00 or ee ae £40,005) 1026 oon, 5.00 ee is 19.00 5 toe Rare eh iy Od. woke wire 55.00 ean: > 2.00 Bee ee) 50 LOS Bi LO4 SoS cc. 300.00 1 a 9.00 aS a ee AOE LOD oe ale a's 2.00 CNS ea 20.00 eee i. Lae LOB. ie 55.00 VES ean 10.00 i eee Sie by LOT sain eis 12.50 La aan 11.00 SIN wactocs cs LG) LOB Sy cry 55.00 eyes) 20.00 ('] ge Ber eerie ey TO eS i ve co 45.00 at ae 7.00 Nae emery ig PDO LD i eeuss se 25.00 BEMIS 5:2 15.00 gin eee Sw Beets ary ip sn es 12.00 a 175.00 edge tee i ae TLOD0G We ciclo Se 15.00 Peis ays = 1.00 [PS ae S750) doh iats ia ap 1.00 ILAPE7—D /AF/7 The Anderson Auction Co. Lot No. Price per Lot Lot No. Price per Lot Lot No. Price per Lot 14s ee $ 7.00.) 163: ..5.. .$> 75.00 7) 2 ee $ 15.00 Oe Bsr gon ea ee 125.00 7166) 8. ee 140,00) Zig eer 17.50 VLG eee 55.00 2 S-Di Gare 16.009) 21 15.00 be oe kage 715.0064 5 163745840 65.00 4. 2205 eee 12.00 LR 16:06 4) DOs te aes 100. 005222 eee 3.00 fe ray dete oe 8.00) oT eee 02.00. jo Zanes 10.00 T20 eer aes 1002 ol ees 13.00 |: ZAG eae 22.50 PLT 8.002) eh ae ee 10.00 | 22a ere 15.00 AW ete nae 1700: el iSagtee. 26.00. |. aoe eee 20.00 LOS Sshyeee 26.00-|" Ti4as eee 1.00: | 226s eee 22.90 124s Sige es 1:00 2 owe 30.00 ||) 22a oe 40.00 LAD evo 15:00 3 11 Gaee sa: 10.00 | 226 Fees 12.50 LAG Va ee 6/00 ET ee ae 20.00 1 229 Bere ee 30.00 Le Eras eee 15:00 O14 S iets 4.00 || 230 See eiwa 15.00 BP eh eee 0:00 est Ee te 13.00 20d oe pence 25.00 120 Pawns 9.00 Sai ease ae 12.50 «) (252m ares 23.00 TSO ee ees 30:00 5 hed eer. 15.00 42a eee ee 26.00 13 Lees Sa00 | Ca ezemer Go 2.00 4) ase ane ee 2.50 BRS yoy Reis 6.00 Clea e ae 2.00 | 230s eee 3.00 IDS fhe 2100 hss ea 13.00 ) 2665 ee 1.50 LOA Raped L750 i isomre ee o 13.00 A B8d eo ope 36.00 Lab hee: 200 «786 tear 13.00 |} 258 Sate 19.00 ADO hte wae 30.00) Shs fete ene 15.00 |) 2595 eee 17.50 Neve wne ae 17.003) 2 1Sb ee ae 100,00 240.52 ee 25.00 LOO eke ae 1:00) ls ae 12:50 |) 2a eee 1.50 LOO arith Dai) baled cer ew 3.00 - 2420) ane 3.00 140 er ee 60.0054 glol ane 6.00°| 243 Ree: 5.00 141 eee 100.0051 02 ieee 10.00 | 244....... 20.00 NAD Be ee 0-002) OS ete 16.00 1 240 eee 34.00 LAS Meee 12 D0= | 10a a 5.00. 2a 0a eee 165.00 144....... 10:00) Big rena 135.00 |) 2aT ees 4.00 145 eee C00 sO OSe ae 67,50) |, 2aBe eer. 2.00 TAB eae a ie 3.00.4. oie ee 110.00 32a eer: 8.50 TEES pots 1,00) SEO Ra eer: 180.00) 2O0Re ees 20.00 148 oe 50.00) OO acta a 9.00 bea eee 40.00 1A0 BN ae 60,00 =) 2007 acer, 5.00 4) .202 gehen 100.00 THO eee oe 29.00) a2 eens 30.00 | 253. 2222. 6.00 1S bees eee 22.00 || 02 aes 12.50) 3 20428 eee 95.00 152 tee 30.00 | 208....... D.00°4- 2bo ete 1.00 1S. aia 19.00 -P 204 ents 53.00 | 256,57 20.00 Ohi) Naa Pe 6.00): Boar eva. 1.00) (23 eee 2.00 LOD as onnoae 3.004) 20645 cre, 200.00 1° 25 6iae eee 2.50 1G rcs dene, 6:00 5 208 Bee 10.00: 250 eee 70.00 LO ieee 13,00: 3 00 Seen 8.00 1: 200 eee 10.00 LBB cet hcnes 10,00 Wea ace, 2,00): 264 uence 32.50 LO ay haa AOU: NZS yore 10.00 | "262.5 Fae 3.00 LOU sees 20,0024 22 2 eae 10.00 | - 268 0e eee 2.00 LG Taek es BUDO 421 pes eee 17.00 "| “26453 2.50 GB bag eT 67.50. | [2 Teen 10.00 | 265 geen 46.00 LOS Sa SOLO hg Be AB hse 5 G8 ss 15.00 |: 26602 ee 61.00 1640283 ves 4.00 LG eas 17.50 |. 267-3ageee 4.00 The Anderson Auction Co. Price per Lot Lot No. Price per Lot Lot No. _ Price}]per Lot LS ets 10% Sean Otome. .$ 80.001) 870... 0... 8 6000 Ries wis Roos ones... 2. DO00+) STL oo... 240-00 > erase main. en, OOO: | BSISCS. . nus BOO > ae ae Sema daetiect... 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HODGA 1: SBE PE: <,... e2EOOF |) 480. oc, 7.50: * ae 135.006), 369701... 100.009) 421........- 35.00 The Anderson Auction Co. Lot No. Price per Lot Lot No. Price per Lot Lot No. Price per Lot AB? Pal eis a Bo POOL ATS A Ce $ 16.00.) 524.0 ..55, $ 50.00 Ca AY ee 12,007 | ia n.. 6.00." |). D2b epee 1.00 424....... ZO MOS TS ek ced - 2:00 | BZ 10.00 Aa eta L100) AT 6 ies 100,00: |} 527 eee 25.00 BOG ev dscis DOO Eat Te) ilererens 11.00 | “b2ecteeee 12.50 A asd oe VT3.0O McA TBs erate 100.003 | (320 See 10.00 AB have: D200 0479 Vek. 85.00) |: Se0 sear 30.00 A te 280,00 ABU Sie 18.000 |) ieee 16.00. 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OT OO | MOIS S: 22s. 2 O00 Peo aiacs EAD OE fc sine BO SO Oeics abot ae UM Mig ONE ta ae ste TO;00:" P02 oe ana 1.00 pees hs. Pog0s s070e) oe. UO Olde” Ta O0 Be ees POO OTe 2 ADO0 TL 1L02R 8 6.00 jee WSO (E07) ve. 10.00 1 1028-2, eo) Ms tc) o. Be ce The 6s bo 00s | 1024 eco ou a eae POO el COTA eh DOO | LO2B ince LO Ee 4000. 1972. 22. 590.007) 1026..-.. «80.00 os i SLU A) Wied SO ail cb meee ie TS OOn OA erie ic 27.50 CO a ea DT Ogata aia lcsexe GOO! OZR cea 3.00 ee ts . .. TMO,UUe CCL p cen eerenae PUL OO sO SON iar: 155.00 Ba, < TOTO en Boo O80 ae Ue TO OOS age) ast clans 160,005 Os ayes 50.00 LO S0e OSL, ac. W750. W08eLe see. 100.00 The Anderson Auction Co. 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Lot No. Price per Lot Lot No. Price per Lot Lot No. Price per Lot Se ae Br Lo00 4) L288 oe... See OC eae evan, $ 12.50 LO shes ss ey TE oe a) eee uO ip sek ares, Tate 2.00 oy beset oe ei, Dea elas... 2 BU OG near hoe 0.00 1S, Re aie Ome he a FAM thted eae cits als 97.50 ee Pata sare 0 UE 9 let 0: 5) OO Em ace reson 47.50 Be chcares JTW a i a 05, e ud 024) Se ie 25.00 ees iu 67.50 | 1244...... OU) Whee ea ey cc tute 2.00 1512): Ole PAM pe LAS oie. BAAN eb eoO ws 6.00 a ac 3 OM VAAO ves MOUs meet ness k's 85.00 Pettey fo: MAO AAT S. ECO PLAS? 38° ays 11.00 ker aaa Sib SW Sealed ets paar TECH SEL OO 18.00 Js ie See OA eto." SAMO st L299 8.00 hi Ae Ou.O08 | 1200. CLR ERT) alta hy cris 2.00 Une Sis As eron BO UUs aad 6: OOP ebsU crater a: 6.00 ee Os cigs AOLS RW el Es yee AL OO tT S8O0 25. Sankt 2.00 Oe As. Te1E 21, 08 est Boos See SD UUR EE Lalo tus 3.00 101 1 ee 40.00 | 1254...... 100s pe 804. ee 7.00 1204 Sea. 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D.00:'| 1AB5 Se 62.50 LOBES Stes. 2.00 | TAS Ds sae 60.00 VR sis p24 pane oe LOO 00 A748 ee oe 2.50 -| 1794.5. 9a 56.00 LBS es oss BAS CONG peat in” Sere 45.00. 1 Li9b.. eee 40.00 GOA a, «os BLED U: zak Mb ea cA ee 20:00 | 1796.22 ae 15.00 RES a. 10,00 1746s wee: 1:00 3 L794 eee 225.00 IBRARY GETTY CENTER 1912 Nov. 11 NeAnH c.1_ ate ae of Robert Hoe, TH MLN 3 3125 01160 7790