No. 1302 CATALOGUE OF THE DAVID N. CARVALHO COLLECTION, OF INCUNABULA WITH A FEW BOOKS OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY MODERN BIBLIOGRAPHY AND BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS ‘ al TO BE SOLD N‘\ ,¥ WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON _ APRIL 25, 1917 AT 2:30 o’cLOocK On Public Exhibition from Wednesday, April 18th THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Mapison AVENUE At FORTIETH STREET NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2, The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 5. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled ac- counts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. 6. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good - second-hand condition. If material defects are found, not men- tioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Magazines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are without recourse, : 7. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. 8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our custom- ers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids, Books on Public Exhibition from April 18th. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED Telephone, Murray Hill 7680. 7 Catalogues on request. MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET, NEW YORK. Sales Conducted by Mr. Frederick A. Chapman, INTRODUCTION. Some twenty-five years ago while seeking data pertaining to ink phenomena: of renaissance times to utilize in his work, ‘Forty Centuries of Ink,’’ Mr. David N. Carvalho of New York City purchased one of the books in this collection be- eause of the so-called contemporary ink handwriting on its wide margins, its floriated initials in several colors and the illuminated border on the opening page of the text. Later he secured a few others of like character, and then it occurred to him that it would be well to collect a series of dated books, beginning with the first. He did not succeed in obtaining any with an earlier date than 1470, but he did secure an unbroken sequence of books printed from that year to the close of the Fifteenth Century. He also acquired fifty-five books printed between 1500 and 1591. In addition the cata- logue contains forty-one lots of carefully chosen bibliography and books about books. Mr. Carvalho’s collection of Incunabula is the largest that has ever come on the American market. As ‘specimens of the work of many of the most famous printers of the early cen- turies, the books are exceedingly interesting and should prove welcome additions to public and private libraries. As Mr. Carvalho himself has said: ‘‘The genius and ability of the printer’s art of the present day does not and cannot surpass the craftsmanship displayed in the periods covered by dated books in this library. The paper, water marks, type, ink, illuminations, bindings, and other evidence of a more skillful workmanship, even after the lapse of nearly four hundred and fifty years, emphasize the fact that those who were rocked in the very cradle of printing and at a time when a thousand years of ignorance and superstition, flees with piper es facilities and crude peste their : mon screw worked by a bar handle—a platten ae fo Es CRE) size of the form, which required shifting every time an difficulties they surmounted in creating rodents exem ola S of a new Art, antien will continue to be perhsta ong -disappeared.’’ , Bee ty om ae CATALOGUE OF THE DAVID N. CARVALHO COLLECTION OF INCUNABULA WITH A FEW BOOKS OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY MODERN BIBLIOGRAPHY AND BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS Catalogued by Years, beginnfng with 1470 Wednesday Afternoon, April 25, 1917, at 2:30 o'clock 1. HIERONYMUS (S.). Epistole et Tractatus. Vol. I only. oman character, 46 lines to the page; 300 unnumbered leaves without signatures or catchwords. Initials painted red and blue by a contemporary hand. Large folio, old russia (rebacked. Leaf 11 supplied in old printed facsimile). Rome: C. Sweynheym & A. Pannartz, 1470 Large copy of this splendid monument of printing from the press of the first printers of Italy. Hain-Copinger, 8552; Proctor, 3312. 2. LYRA (NICOLAUS DE). Glosse in universa Biblia. First Epirion. Vol. I. Roman character, 46 lines to the page; 450 unnumbered leaves without signatures or catchwords. Furst page ornamented with an tlluminated border containing a coat of arms on the lower margins, and beautiful wluminated wmitials; other wutials painted red or blue. Large thick folio, half morocco (3 leaves missing, 2 leaves cut into, injuring the © text, blank portion from lateral margin of another leaf cut off, and last leaf mended). Hain, 10363; Proctor, 3321. Romz: Conrad Sweynheym & Arnold Pannartz, 1471 3. NICOLAUS FALCUTIUS. Antidotarium, Quid pro Quo, Sinonima. Roman character, 27 lines to the page. 4to, half cloth. Hain, 11764; Proctor, 4076. A fragment of 22 leaves containing the last two tracts. Venetiis: Nicolaus Jenson, 1471 4, CARACCIOLUS DE LICIO (R.). Quadrascsiietes aor Penitentia. Roman character, 33 lines to the page; 342 un-— numbered leaves without signatures or catchwords. Small initials painted red or blue. 4to, boards, vellum back. Hain- ; Copinger, 4426; Proctor, 4221. (A few small worm-holes.) Venetiis: Bartholomeus Cremonensis, 1472 5. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Opus de mysterio misse. Gothic character, 34 lines to the page; 135 leaves without signatures or catchwords. Folio, half levant moroceo (first and last — few leaves wormed, writing and stamps on first leaf, otherwise eae ler Pe copy with some uncut leaves). aa Ulm: John Peaks 1473 — First Epririon, and the seventh or eighth dated book oa % at Ulm. Hain, 449 ; Pellechet, 287; Proctor, 2494. a 6. BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). De mentinae sylvis, frontz re bus, lacubus, fluminibus, éte. Roman character, 41 lines to the page; 75 unnumbered leaves without signatures or catchwords. © Folio, boards (some worm-holes, and lower margins of several — pS leaves weak from damp stains). Hain-Copinger, 3326; ; Proctor, ie ae 4048. : Venetiis: [Vindelin of Speier], 1473 a 7. AUSMO (NICOLAUS DE). Liber qui dicitur Supple- is page; 335 unnumbered leaves without signatures or catch- words. Imtials pated red and blue, the first with pen note at end). Hain, 9153: Proctor, 4162. Venetiis: F. Renner de. Hailbrun & Nicolaus de Frank. fordia, 1474. tures and pM rears Woodcut iunie ee half ee (imperfect and margins of a few leaves damaged). Hain, 7991; Proctor, 1553. [Augsburg : Gunther Zainer, bee: ef 10. AQUINO (THOMAS DE). Questiones de Quodlibet. Gothic character, double columns, 40 lines to the page; 152 unnumbered leaves with signatures. Imtials painted red. 4to, old wooden boards covered with ealf, clasps (rebacked ; Library stamp on two leaves and last 2 leaves mended). Hain, 1404; Proctor, 4304. Venetiis: "J. de Colonia & J. Manthen de Gherreten. 1476 id BONIFACIUS VIII. Liber Sextus Decretalium, cum apparatu Johannis Andree. Gothic character in red and black, larger for the text and smaller for the commentary; 50 lines for the text and 66 for the commentary. 162 un- numbered leaves without signatures or catchwords.. First umtral painted in blue and red with pen ornaments, others in red, by a contemporary hand. Folio, half levant morocco (lower inner margins mended throughout. Some slight water- stains). Hain-Copinger, 3594; Pellechet, 2737; Proctor, 7480. Basilez: Michael .Wenssler, 1476 12. MAMOTRECTUS super Bibliam. Gothic character, double columns, 39 lines to the page; 228 unnumbered leaves (including the first and last blank), with signatures. Initials painted red and blue by a contemporary hand. 4to, old vellum (the upper and lower margins of the first leaf of text cut off, and the 2 blanks pasted on the inside cover). Short copy. Hain-Copinger, 10557; Proctor, 4168. Venetiis: Fr. Renner -de Hailbrun & Nicolaus de Frank- fordia, 1476. 13. MAMOTRECTUS super Bibliam. Gothic characters, double columns, 40 lines to the page; 206 unnumbered leaves (including 3 blanks) without signatures or catchwords. Initials painted red and rubricated. Small folio, half calf (back torn). Large copy. Hain, 10556; Proctor, 1162. (Several leaves at end stained and the three blank leaves 1, 76 and 206 missing). Ancient writing at top of first leaf. (Cologne: Conrad Winters of Homburg], 24 Dec. 1476 14. PHILELPHUS (FRANCISCUS). Satyre. Roman character, 35 lines to the page; 150 unnumbered leaves 'with- out signatures or catchwords. 4to, vellum. Hain, 12917; Proctor, 5881 (first leaf mended and stain on a few leaves). Milano: Christophorus Valdarfer, 1476 15. QUINTILIANUS. Institutiones Oratorie. Roman character, 41 lines to the page; 206 unnumbered leaves, with signatures. Folio, vellum (several leaves missing, and a few worm-holes). Large copy. A beautiful example of early print- ing. Hain, 13648; Proctor, 5794. Milano: Antonio Zaroto, 1476 7 16. ROLEWINCK (WERNER). Fasciculus temporum. Gothic character, 58 lines to the page; 74 unnumbered leaves (including 3 blanks) without signatures or catchwords. Wath a few woodcuts mtended to represent cities and diagrams. Folio, old vellum (plain corners of some leaves ‘slightly damaged and leaf 36 missing). Cologne: Conrad Winters de Homborch, 1476 One of the earliest and most curious illustrated chronicles. Caxton drew from it when he made additions to Higden’s Poly- chronicon. Hain, 6919; Proctor, 1160. 17. ATHANASIUS. LEnarrationes in epistolas 8. Pauli, Christophoro de Persona interprete. First Epirion. Roman character, 44 lines to the page; 278 unnumbered leaves with- out signatures or catchwords. Initrals letters parnted blue and red by a contemporary hand. Folio, contemporary Italian binding in oak boards covered with leather, panelled sides formed by blind-tooled borders of knot work, centre orna- ments (rubbed). Hain, 1902. (Some leaves stained and 4 leaves missing’) . Rome: Ulrich Hahn alias Gallus, 1477 18. BARTHOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Lectura super tribus libris Codiciscum additionibus Angeli de Perusio et ~ Alexandri de Imola. Gothic character, double columns, 56 lines to the page; 86 unnumbered leaves with signatures. Folio, half calf. Very large copy. Hain, 2558; Proctor, 4112. (2 leaves and the 2 blanks missing).- Venetiis: Nicolaus Jenson, 1477 19. ANTONINUS (S.). Summa Theologica. Parts I, Il & Ill. Gothic character, double columns, 59 lines to the page. 252, 3822 and 464 wnnumbered leaves without signatures or catchwords. Part I, 1478 (2 copies, one wanting 13 leaves, and some leaves damaged), floral border and initials painted in gold and colors; Part II, 1477 (2 copies, one wanting 11 . leaves and the other 37 leaves; some stains), Part III, 1478 (17 leaves missing and minor defects). Together 5 vols. large folio, contemporary German binding in oak boards covered with stamped calf or stamped pigskin (one binding badly damaged, the others somewhat worn). Hain, 1242 (1-3); Proctor, 1981,-1983, 1988. Nuremberg: Anthon Koburger, 1477-78 20. AUSMO (NICOLAUS DE). Liber qui dicitur Supple- mentum. Gothic character, double columns; 324 unnumbered leaves without signatures or catchwords. Initial painted red by a contemporary hand. Large folio, contemporary German binding in oak boards covered with stamped pigskin, vellum marks (binding wormed). Hain, 2157; Proctor, 1986. (Some slight water-stains.) Large copy. Nuremberg: Anthon Koberger, 1478 8 21. CURTIUS RUFUS (Q.). Historia di Alexandro Magno, tradotta da P. Candido. Roman character, 32 lines to the page; 166 unnumbered leaves with signatures. 4to. Hain, 5888, Proctor, 6100. 2 copies, one in boards vellum back, and one in old calf (both imperfect; one wants the last leaf containing colophon, and the other somewhat stained and with 3 leaves in manuscript). Firenze: apud Sanctum Iacobum de Ripoli, 1478 22. ATTAVANTI (PAOLO). Quadragesimale de reditu peceatoris ad deum. Gothic character, double columns, 50 lines to the page; 296 unnumbered leaves with signatures. Folio, wooden boards, leather back. Hain, 7166; Proctor, 5926 (8 leaves supplied in pen and ink and a leaf missing). Mediolani: Ulricus Scinzenzeler & Leonardus Pachel, 1479 23. CARCANO (MICHAEL DE). Sermonarium tripli- catum per adventum et per duas quadragesimas. Gothic char- acter, double columns, 60 lines to the page; 270 unnumbered leaves without signatures or catchwords. Initials painted blue and red, two of large size with pen ornaments. Large folio, ’ contemporary German binding in wooden boards covered with stamped calf (rebacked and rerimmed). Hain, 4509; Proctor, 7490 (stained throughout and margins of some _ leaves mended). Basel: Michael Wenssler, 1479 24. ROLEWINCK (WERNER). Fasciculus temporum. Gothic character, 72 unnumbered leaves (including the first blank), with signatures (b-1). With numerous woodcuts and diagrams crudely colored. Folio, 16th century stamped calf (a few leaves stained and binding cracked). Hain, 6923; Proctor, 1240. Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 1479 25. ROLEWINCK (WERNER). Fasciculus temporum. Gothic character, 71 leaves. 11 small woodcuts of cities (re- peated) and numerous diagrams. Small folio, old boards, calf back (worm-hole in the first 12 leaves and 2 spotted). Hain, 6924; Proctor, 4486. Venice: Georg Walch, 1479 26. ANTONINUS (S.). Summa Theologica, Pars II. Gothic character, double columns, 56 lines to the page; 822 unnumbered leaves, with signatures. Several fine ornamental initials painted in gold and colors, the others m red and blue, with pen ornaments, and rubricated throughout by a contemporary hand. Folio, contemporary oak boards covered with stamped morocco (somewhat restored). Hain-Copinger, 1243 (2); Pellechet, 878 (2); Proctor, 4126 (water-stained). Venetiis: Nicolaus Jenson, 1480 9 27. AQUINO (THOMAS DE). De veritate catholice fidei. Gothic character, double columns, 55 lines to the page; 194 unnumbered leaves with signatures. Folio, old vellum. Hain, 1389; Proctor, 4125 (first 2 and last 2 leaves missing). Venetiis: Nicolaus Jenson, 1480 28. HOLKOT (ROBERTUS). Opus super librum Sapien- tie Salomonis. Gothic character, double columns, 42 lines to the page; 428 unnumbered leaves (including a blank), with signatures. Furst intial painted red. Folio, russia, blind tooled, gilt edges (joints restored). Fine and large copy. Hain, 8755; Proctor, 1188. In the Bodleian, and not in the British Museum. [Cologne: Conrad Winters of Homburg, ec. 1480] 29. JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS. De bello iudaico. Koman character, 36 lines to the page; 211 unnumbered leaves, with signatures. Initials painted red and blue by a contemporary hand. Small folio, old vellum (first 2 preliminary léaves missing). Verona: Petrus Maufer, 1480 The first of only two books issued at Verona by Maufer. Marginal notes by contemporary hands. From the library of the well-known tenor Mario de Candia, with his autograph on the first leaf. Hain, 9452; Proctor, 6918. 30. BALDUS de Ubaldis. Lectura super VII, VIII et 1X — Codicis. Gothic character, 63 lines to the page. VII, 134 unnumbered leaves with signatures; VIII, 66 unnumbered leaves, with signatures (last blank massing) ; IX, 56 unnum- bered leaves (one misbound) with signatures. 3 vols. in one, folio, oak boards covered with russia, scored sides. Large copy (marginal notes by ancient hands and a leaf mended). Hain, 2298-2300; Pellechet, 1725. Venetiis: J. de Colonia & N. Jenson, 1481 31. BIBLIA Latina cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra. Vol. I only. Gothic character, double columns; 369 leaves. Folio, half leather. Hain-Copinger, 3164; Proctor, 468 (worm- holes, 96 leaves missing’). [ Venice: Johannes de Colonia & N. Jenson, 1481] 32. BIBLIA Latina. Gothic character, double columns, 47 lines to the page; 571 unnumbered leaves with signatures. With several large initials in blue, red and green, with pretty pen ornaments, other initials i red or blue, all by a contem- porary hand. Folio, ancient oak boards, covered with calf (rubbed), clasp. Hain, 3086; Proctor, 7563 (some leaves mended, some water-stains and 5 leaves missing). [Basel: Johann of Amorbach] 1482 10 33. FERRARIIS (JOHANNES DE). Practica nova judi- cialis. Gothic character, double columns; 213 leaves with signatures. With a full page woodcut of the Arbor of con- sangunmity. Folio, contemporary German binding in oak R boards, covered with calf stamped with griffons, roses, orna- 4 mental leaves, etc. (much worn and back torn). Hain, 6990; Proctor, 2017 (marginal notes on several leaves, and a piece -cut off from the first page of text, with damage to it, and last leaves somewhat water-stained). Nuremberg: Anthon Koberger, 1482 34. MAJUS (JUNIANUS). De priscorum proprietate ver- borum. Roman character, double columns, 54 lines to the page; 286 unnumbered leaves (including last blank) with A 7 signatures. Folio, contemporary binding in oak _ boards, leather back (torn). Marginal notes by a contemporary hand. wy Hain, 10542. No copy in the British Museum and Bodleian ‘\vi Library. Venetiis: Octavianus Scotus, 1482 35. PANORMITANUS (NICOLAUS) de Tudeschis. Lec- tura super quinque libros Decretalium. Parts I, IJ, V and VI. Gothic character, double columns, 69 lines to the page. I, 214 unnumbered leaves (first blank cut off) ; IT, 210 leaves; V, 210 leaves (first and last blanks cut off); VI, 162 leaves (first blank cut off); with signatures to each part. 4 vols. \\ e folio, half calf. Venetiis: Andreas Torresanus de Asula, 1482-83 Torresanus, the printer, was the father-in-law of Aldus Manutius; he printed these volumes with the types of Jenson, purchased at his death, in 1480. Hain, 12313; Proctor, 4695 (in the Bodleian; Part I only). 36. BONAVENTURA (S.). Devote meditazioni sopra la fo passione del nostro signore. Gothic character, 30 lines to the Pgh page; 52 unnumbered leaves with signatures. Ato, vellum i \ “\ (manuscript title-page inserted). Copinger, II, 1185; Reich- yt ling, IV, p. 151. Venetia: Pietro Maufer, 1483 387. HEROLT (JOHANNES). Sermones discipuli de tem- pore et de sanctis. Gothic character, double columns, 53 lines to the page; 405 unnumbered leaves without signatures or catchwords. Initials painted red or blue and rubricated \ rai throughout by a contemporary hand. Folio, ancient wooden boards, modernly covered with stamped calf. Hain, 8486 (title cut from original leaf and inlaid to size, and several leaves with outer margins extended or mended). Strassburg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinberg] 483. EL 38. HIERONYMUS (S.). Vite sanctorum patrum. Gothic character, double columns; 252 leaves, with signatures. First mitral painted in gold and colors, the others in red or blue. 4to, dark green morocco, gilt edges. Hain-Copinger, 8599; Proctor, 4573 (first leaf missing). Venetiis: Octavianus Seotus, 1483 39. CARVAJAL (BERNARDINUS DE). Oratio in die Cireumcisionis dominice. Gothic character, 28 lines to the page; 8 unnumbered leaves without signature or catchwords. 4to, boards. [Rome: Stephanus Plannck, 1484] Carvajal was Spanish Ambassador to the Pope; he is the Same man who delivered an oration in Rome in 1493 wherein is to be found a mention of the new islands recently discovered. Hain, 4546; Proctor, 3639. 40. ANTONINUS (S.). Summa Theologica. Part III, — Vol. I. Gothic character, double columns, 58 lines to the page; 215 unnumbered leaves with signatures. First initials painted an red and blue, with elegant pen ornaments, other watials im red, and rubricated throughout by a contemporary hand. Folio, boards. Hain, 1257 (8); Pellechet, 890 (badly water- stained and some leaves wormed). [ Venice: Andreas de Catharo, 1485] 41. BARTHOLOMAUS ANGLICUS. De proprietatibus rerum. Gothic character, double columns, 47 lines to the page; 300 unnumbered leaves (last blank) with signatures. Initials painted red and blue by a contemporary hand. Folio, ancient binding in wooden boards covered with stamped calf (rebacked and rerimmed, title mended and a few water- stains). Strassburg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg | 1485. An early edition of this well-known encyclopedia of natural history and medicine, much consulted in the 14th and 15th centuries. Hain, 2506; Proctor, 592. 42. BERGOMENSIS (J. PH. FORESTI). Supplemen- tum chronicarum. Gothic character, 49 lines to the page; 380 unnumbered leaves with signatures. Folio, half calf (leaves 1, 2, 21 and last missing). Hain, 2806; Proctor, 6965. Brixiz: Boninus de Boninis, 1485 43. CASALI (UBERTINUS DE). Arbor vite crucifixe. Roman character, 58 lines to the page; 250 unnumbered leaves (including 3 blanks), with signatures. Small folio, old boards, half calf (cracked and worn, marginal notes by contemporary hands, the first and last blanks cut off). | Venetiis: Andreas de Bonetis, 1485 First Epition of this curious work, written with the intent of proving that Christ was the founder of the Franciscan Order, of which the author was a member. Hain, 4551; Proctor, 4816. 12 a, 44, CHEVRERIUS (PHILIPPUS). Oratio ad Innocen- lL, * tium VIII. Gothic character, 33 lines to the page; 2 unnum- ad 5 bered leaves. ‘ 4to, half leather. Hain, 4947; Proctor. 3661. Ww WN [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 29 Febr. 1485] 45. FLISCUS (STEPHANUS). Variationes seu senten- tiarum synonima. Gothic character, 33 lines to the page; 72 (should be 74) unnumbered leaves without signatures or catch- words, 4to. Hain, 7141; Reichling, I, p. 145. [Roma, / Stephanus Plannck, ¢c. 1485.|—SACROBUSTO (JOHANNES oe 4 DE). Sphera. Roman character, 25 lines to the page; 48 ~ . unnumbered leaves with signatures. Woodcut astronomical diagrams and woodcut initials. Hain, 14108; Proctor, 4175 hy \ (Capper outer margins of several leaves worn). Bound in one ‘vol. 4to, boards, morocco back. 46. BARBARUS (HERMOLAUS). Oratio ad Federicum -imperatorem et Maximilianum regem Romanorum. Gothic character, 33 lines to the page; 16 unnumbered leaves without g) e _ signatures or catchwords. 4to, paper covers. Hain, 2417; _4\ Proctor, 3673. (Margins cut close, the marginal notes being We ', cut into). [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 4 Aug. 1486] 47. JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS. Antiquitates Judaice et de Bello Judaico. Roman character, 56 lines to the page; 278 unnumbered leaves (including 4 blanks) with signatures. eS 2 parts in one volume, folio, half vellum. Hain, 9454; Proctor, ‘) / 5118 (some leaves stained and few worm-holes and last blank \¢/ missing, otherwise a large and sound copy with several uncut iS leaves). Venetiis: Johannes Rubeus, 1486 48. AUGUSTINUS (S.). Sermones ad heremitas. Gothic character, double columns, 32 lines to the page; 134 unnum- bered leaves with signatures. First page of the text with a f pretty illuminated imtial and border; other initials painted \'\ _-~ red by a contemporary hand. 8vo, contemporary binding in \\ oak boards covered with stamped calf (rebacked). Hain, ¥ 2002; Proctor, 5160 (library stamp on a leaf, and first few leaves wormed on the upper corner). Venetiis: Paganinus de Paganinis, 1487 49. CHRYSOSTOMUS (JOHANNES). MHomiliz super Matheum. Gothic character, double columns, 45 lines to the oa ied page; 140 leaves. Initials painted red by a contemporary by hand. Folio, boards. Hain, 5035; Proctor, 1071 (some leaves a> water-stained and the 10 preliminary leaves missing). Cologne: Johann Koelhoff, 1487 50. AMBROSIUS (S.). De Officiis libri tres, ete. Only LO Part I. Roman character, 37 lines to the page; 92 unnumbered J leaves with signatures. Initials painted blue and red by a 3 | ¥ | \\ : Xd all st contemporary hand. 4to, unbound. Hain-Copinger, 908 and 911; Pellechet, 594; Proctor, 6006. Large copy. [Milano: Ulrich Scinzenzeler, 1488] 51. DURANDUS (GULIELMUS). Rationale divinorum officiorum. Gothic character, double columns, 47 lines to the page; 263 leaves, without signatures or catchwords. Folio, contemporary German binding in wooden boards, covered with pigskin (rebacked with calf). Hain, 6494; Proctor, 616 (a few leaves water-stained and an initial drawn in black ink, somewhat defacing the page). Strassburg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Qned! amie 1488. 52. FERRERIUS (VINCENTIUS). Sermones de sanctis. Gothic character, double columns, 46 lines to the page; 176 unnumbered leaves with signatures. 4to, vellum, from a 13th Century manuscript. Hain-Copinger, 7003; Proctor, 6007 (some worm-holes and hole in first leaf, slightly damaging the text). - Mediolani: Ulrich Scinzenzeler, 1488 03. AQUINO (THOMAS DE). Prima pars summe theo-, logis. Gothic character, double columns, 64 lines to the page; 189 unnumbered leaves, with signatures. Folio, boards, vellum back. Hain, 1445; Proctor, 4595 (writing on the margins of several leaves, stamp on the last, and one leaf missing). Venetiis: Antonius de Strata, 1489 54. AUGUSTINUS (S.). Psalmorum Explanatio. Gothte character, double columns, 54 lines to the page; 550 unnum- bered leaves (including 2 blanks) with signatures. 3 parts, small folio, contemporary German binding in wooden boards covered with stamped pigskin (bindings and books somewhat wormed). Hain-Copinger, 1971; Proctor, 7582. Basilee: Johannes de Amerbach, 1489 55. CARACCIOLUS DE LITIO (ROBERTUS). Quad- ragesimale de poenitentia. Gothic character, double columns, 51 lines to the page; 338 leaves, with signatures (a few leaves misbound). Hain, 4464; Proctor, 4514. Venetiis, Johannes et Gregorius de Gregoriis, 1490 Quadragesimale de peccatis.. Gothic character, double col- umns, 51 lines; 158 leaves with signatures. Hain, 4441. Venetiis, Johannes et Gregorius de Gregoriis, 1490 Sermones de laudibus sanctorum. Gothic character, double columns, 50-51 lines; 210 leaves (including 2 blanks). Hain, 4477; Proctor, 4915 (somewhat wormed). Venetiis, Georgius Arrivabene, 1489 3 vols. bound in one volume, thick 4to, vellum. Good copies. Venice, 1489-90 14 Cs 56. SVETONIUS. Vitx duodecim Cesarum, cum commen- tario M. A. Sabellici. Roman character, larger for the text and smaller for the commentary ; 188 leaves. Folio, old boards, vellum back. Hain, 15122; Proctor, 4639. First Edition with this commentary (title-page and last blank missing). Venetiis: Baptista de Tortis, 1490 07. ANTONINUS (S.). Opus Historiale. Gothic charac- ter, double columns, 61 and 62 lines to the page. Vol. I, 292 leaves (the 2 blanks wanting) ; Vol. II, 328 leaves; Vol. III, 340 leaves (first blank missing), all with signatures. Fine large vutial wluminated in gold and colors at the beginning of the text of each volume. 3 vols. folio, white vellum. Hain, 1160; Proctor, 2067. Nuremberg: Anthon Koburger, 1491 58. AUGUSTINUS (S.). Opuscula plurima (Meditationes, Soliloquia, Enchyridion, Confessiones, ete.). Gothic charac- ter, double columns, 55 lines to the page; 350 leaves (including two blanks), with signatures. 4to, old vellum, with portions of a 13th Century MS. used for the inside. The last leaf, which should be all blank, contains on the recto two columns from two different parts of the text, which shows that the paper had been used for printing a proof. Hain, 1949; Proctor, 5277 (some worm-holes and water-stains). . Venetiis: Dionysius Bertochus, 1491 59. BONAVENTURA (S.). Perlustratio in libros IV Sententiarum. Parts I & II only. Firsr Epirion. Gothic character, double columns, 55 lines to the page: Part I, 314 unnumbered leaves; Part II, 259 unnumbered leaves. With 2 fine elaborate large initials painted in various colors at the beginning of the text of each part, the others m red or blue, by a contemporary hand. Bound in one vol. folio, contem- porary German binding in oak boards covered with stamped pigskin. Hain, 3540; Proctor, 2068. [Nuremberg: Anthon Koberger, ¢. 1491] 60. JUSTINIANUS. Digestum vetus. Gothic character, red and black of two sizes, large for the text and smaller for the commentary ; double columns, 71 lines for the commentary. 380 leaves (last blank) with signatures. Folio, contemporary binding in wooden boards covered with calf, bearing stamps of the pelican, eagle, ete. Hain, 9556; Proctor, 4725 (some leaves at end damaged by damp-stains in the lower corner). Venetiis: Andreas Torresanus de Asula, 1491 61. PLATO. Opera, Marsilio Ficino interprete. Gothic character, double columns, 62 lines to the page; 4 unnum- _ bered and 444 numbered leaves, with signatures. Folio, 15 vellum. Hain, 13063; Proctor, 5216 (ink-spot on leaf 29 facing a portion of text). Venetiis: Bernardinus de Choris de Cremona & Simo Luere, 1491. : 62. PEROTTUS (NICOLAUS). Cornucopiz sive commen tarii lingue latine. Roman character, 61 lines to the page 326 leaves (including 2 blanks) with signatures. Folio, calf oe A Hain, 12700; Proctor, 5220 (last blank cut off, otherwise fin {ll copy). Venetiis: Bernardino di Cuori, 14 63. PETRARCA (FRANCESCO). Epistole Familiar eee Roman character, 41 lines to the page; 124 leaves with sig V7 tures. 4to, half moroceo. Hain, 12811; Proctor, 4526. on rt margin of last 2 leaves mended). (Vs a Venetiis: Johannes & Gregorius de Gregortis, u 64. BERNARDUS (S.). Meditationes. Gothic and fink character; 32 unnumbered leaves with signatures. 8v0, pap us biieate ca Clare Copinger, 2885; Proctor, 8110. 4 yl Parisius: Georgius Mittelius, : : Sir 2 oo \ 2 A J 3170 gy Pires Anthon oberger, 149 VEEN \\ 66. NUREMBERG Chronicle. Firsr LATIN EDITION, Ww 4 / hundreds of woodcuts. Folio, old vellum (only 253 leave ar 326, and several leaves. damaged). eer; ie [Nuremberg: A. Koberger, 1 67. SENECA. Tragedies cum commentariis eae Marmite et Danielis Caietani. Roman character of two s y 150 leaves with signature. Folio, old vellum. Hain, 146 ( p Proctor, 4994 (the first 4 leaves missing, a few leaves me c ! and one torn. Marginal notes by ancient hands). Ly / Venetiis: Matthzeus Capeasa, 1 y 68. CICERO. Philippiezse cum commentario Fra turantii. Roman character of two sizes, larger for e t os and smaller for the commentary ; 78 unnumb. leave. s ee natures. Ornamental woodcut initrals. Small ee] i russia. Fine copy. Hain, 5139; Proctor, 5430. Xe Venetiis: J ohannes Tacuin 16 “hoo Llane 69. GERSON (JOHANNES DE). Opera. ParsII. Gothic character, double columns, 53 lines to the page; 258 unnum- bered leaves (including last blank), with signatures. Fine full-page woodcut on the verso of the title-page. Folio, 16th Century German binding in oak boards covered with stamped pigskin (loose). Hain, 7625 (2); Proctor, 698. [Strassburg: Martin Flach], 1494 70. REFORMATORIUM vite, morumque et honestatis clericorum. Gothic character, 31 lines to the page; 99 wn- numbered leaves with signatures. 8vo, boards. Ancient writing on title. Hain-Copinger, 13720; Proctor, 7724. From the library of the Monastery of Buxheim, with inscription and stamp. Basel: Michael Furter, 1444 (should be 1494) 71. BIBLIA Sacra Latina, cum postilla Nicolai de Lyra. Gothic character, larger for the text and smaller for the commentary, 61 and 83 lines to the page. In all 1,512 leaves with signatures and catchwords. 6 vols. folio, white vellum, gilt edges (some worm-holes and last volume badly stained). Venetiis: Paganinus de Paganinis, 1495 First Bible printed with catchwords throughout. With a few woodcuts in the text, chiefly illustrating the temple and its con- tents. Hain-Copinger, 3174; Proctor, 5170. 72. BRANT (SEBASTIANUS). De origine et conversa- ‘tione bonorum regum, & laude civitatis Hierosolyme, cum exhortatione elusdem recuperande. ' Roman character, 28 lines to the page; 160 unnumbered leaves with signatures. With two woodcuts representing Maximilian, King of the Romans, and printer’s mark at the end. 4to, vellum. Good \ copy. Basel: J. Bergmann de Olpe, 1495 First Latin Edition of this curious work inciting the Chris- tian Kings to deliver Jerusalem from the Turks. Hain, 3735; Proctor, 7272. 73. DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Vitex et sententiz philoso- phorum. Roman character, 42 lines to the page; 112 num- bered leaves with signatures. Folio, old boards, calf back (slightly water-stained and last few leaves wormed). Hain, 4204; Proctor, 6654. Bononix: Jacobus de Ragazonibus, 1495 74. HIERONYMUS (S.). Epistole et tractatus. Gothic character, double columns, 66 lines to the page; 375 leaves with signatures. First page of text surrounded by a fine floral border painted in gold and colors, 3 wluminated iatials, the others painted red. Folio, contemporary. German binding in oak boards covered with stamped pigskin (wormed). Hain, 8562; Proctor, 2101 (somewhat wormed and title in manu- seript facsimile). Nuremberg: Anthon Koburger, 1495 17. \ \\ : \¥ 75. TARTARETUS (PETRUS). Expositio super textum Logices Aristotelis. Gothic character, double columns, 62 lines to the page; 130 unnumbered leaves with signatures. 4to, unbound. Reichling, Appendices, II; no. 758 (numerous marginal notes by ancient hands. Wormed, some leaves spotted, and several corners worn). [Liyons(?) ¢«. 1495] 76. SCRIPTORES rei militaris. Roman character, 37 lines to the page; 98 unnumbered leaves with signatures. Small folio, old vellum. Copinger, II, 2594, and III, 5330; Proctor, 6607 (2 leaves mended). | Bononie: [Franciscus] Plato de Benedictis, 1495-96 77. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Philosophia naturalis. Roman character, 38 lines to the page; 54 unnumbered leaves, with signatures. Woodcut on title and 3 others in the text. Ato, half calf. Hain, 506; Proctor, 4931 (title mended and margi- nal notes). Venetiis: Georgius Arrivabene, 1496 78. ANTONINUS (S.). Summa Theologica. Part I. Gothic character, double columns, 67 lines to the page; 262 unnum- bered leaves with signatures. Initials painted red. Folio, con- temporary binding in oak boards covered with stamped calf (rebacked and rubbed). Hain, 1249 (1); Proctor, 469 (title missing). Large copy. Strassburg: Johann Reinhard of Gruningen, 1496 79. ANTONINUS (S.). Summa Theologica. Parts I-III. Gothic character, double columns, 67 lines to the page; I, 262 unnumbered leaves ; I, 226 unnumbered leaves; III, 311 un- numbered leaves. “Initials pated red and blue by a@ CcOon- temporary hand. Bound in 2 vols. folio, contemporary bind- ing in oak boards covered with stamped calf (one volume rebacked, the other broken). Hain, 1249; Proctor, 469-71 (some small worm-holes, otherwise sound and good copies). Strassburg: Johann Reinhard of Gruningen, 1496 80. AQUINO (THOMAS DE). Summa totius Logica Aristotelis. Gothic character, double columns, 46 lines to the page; 46 unnumbered leaves with signatures. 4to, unbound. — Marginal notes by a contemporary (some small worm-holes and a leaf (f 4) missing). Hain, 1490 & 8532; Proctor, 5397. : Venetiis: Simon dictus Bevilaqua, 1496 81. VALLA (LAURENTIUS). Elegantie lingue latine. Roman character, 59 lines to the page; 90 unnumbered leaves with signatures. Ornamental woodcut mitials. Folio, con- temporary wooden boards, leather back (covers repaired ; first leaf torn and mended, one leaf missing and another loose and torn). Hain, 15820; Proctor, 5237. ; Venetiis: Christophorus de Pensis, 1496 18 a ay 82. HEMMERLIN (FELIX). De nobilitate et rusticitate dialogus. Gothic character, 53 lines; 156 unnumbered leaves with signature. Initials painted red. Small folio, old French red morocco gilt, with the Sutherland arms added at a later ae on the front cover, gilt edges. Hain, 8426. 4 aye’ [Strassburg : Johann Pruss, c. 1497] 83. AQUINO (THOMAS DE). Scriptum super primo libro Sententiarum. Gothic character, double columns. 149 — numbered leaves and a blank, with signatures. Folio, boards. Hain, 1478; Proctor, 5091 (old library stamps on title and some leaves "foxed). Venetiis: B. Locatellus expensis O. Scoti, 1498 84. AQUINO (THOMAS DE). Scriptum super secundo Sententiarum. Gotlic character, double columns, 52 lines to the page; 158 leaves with signatures. Woodcut ornamental imitrals. Folio, boards. Hain, 1478 (2); Proctor, 5096. Venetiis: Bonetus Locatellus, 1498 85. BIBLIA Latina cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra. Vols. I, Ii, [V and VI. Gothic character, double columns; 377, 318, 480 and 279 leaves. With numerous woodcuts. 4 vols. folio, | boards. Hain, 3172 (1, 2, 4 and 6) ; Proctor, 7763. Basel: Johann Froben and Johann Petri, 1498 86. SENECA. ‘Tragcedie cum commentariis Bernardini Marmitz et Danielis Galetani. Roman character of two sizes, 48 lanes to the page for the text and 63 lines for the commen- tary. 150 leaves with signatures. Woodcut initrals. Folio, old boards, calf back (back worn). MHain-Copinger, 14670; Proctor, 5452 (some water-stains and worm-holes). Venetiis: Johannes Tacuinus, 1498 87. BOETIUS. Opera. Part I only. Gothic character of two sizes, double columns, 65 lines to the page; 204 leaves with signatures. Ornamental woodcut initials and diagrams. Folio, old boards, vellum back. Hain, 3352 (1); Proctor, 4559 (3 leaves mended, one with slight damage to the text). Marginal notes by an ancient hand. [Venice: Johannes & Gregorius de Gregoriis, 1499] 88. CASSAR. Opera. Roman character, 45 lines to the page; 134 unnumbered leaves (including the last blank) with signatures. Folio, half vellum (stamp on title). Hain, 4221; Proctor, 5321. Venetiis: [Philippus Pincius] Sara es Benedicti Fontana, 1499. 19 (eo on rr’ -Beroaldi. Roman character of two sizes, larger for the text 89. CAPELLA (MARTIANUS). Opus de nuptiis phil logiw et Mercurii libri duo, de grammatica, ete. Firsr Epti- TION. Folio, boards, vellum back. Hain, 4370; Proctor, T1714 (signature e268 leaves—missing). , Vicenza: Rigo di la Zeno, 1499 90. DIO CHRYSOSTOMUS. Oratio de Ili captivitate, : Fr. Philelpho interprete. Roman character, 30 lines; 26 wn- numb. leaves. 4to, boards. Hain, 6185 (the second part, con- taining the Satyricon. of Petronius, missing ; some worm-holes and first leaf mended). Venetiis: Bernardinus de Vitalibus, 149 91. GUILLERMUS PARISIENSIS. Postilla super epistol et evangelia. Gothic character, double columns, 47 lines to the page; 160 unnumbered leaves with signatures. numerous small and imteresting woodcuts. 4to, brown m rocco (covers worn, imperfect and water-stained). Hain, 829 Proctor, 1802. Augsburg: Johann Schinsperger, 149 92. SUNCZEL (FRIDERICUS). Collecta et exiles octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis. Gothic character, 48 lin to the page; 140 unnumbered leaves (including 2 blanks with signatures. Initials painted blue and red and rubricate throughout by a contemporary hand. 4to, contemporar German binding in oak boards covered with stamped pigskin, clasp. Hain, 15186; Proctor, 3198 (with several small worm- holes and a piece torn off from plain lower margin of a leaf). Hagenau: Heinrich Gran, 1499 In the same volume is bound: ‘‘Textus veteris artis, si Isagogarum Porphirii, predicamentorum Aristotelis,’’ e Hagenau, H. Gran, 1501. 93. APULEIUS. Asinus Aureus cum commentario Philipp and smaller for the commentary. 302 leaves with signature Folio, old vellum. Hain-Copinger, 1319; Proctor, 6647 Oe 16 preliminary leaves containing the table missing). Bononiz: Benedictus Hectoris, 15¢ 94. MAILLARD™~ (OLIVIER). Opus quadragesim Gothic character, double columns; 144 leaves (last blank ca away). Printer’s device on title ‘(repeated before the 8vo, old calf. Hain, 10516 (2); Proctor, 8202. an Parisius : Philippus Pigouche 95. BIEL (GABRIEL). Collectorium “super pr secundo sententiarum. Gothic character, double colu 2 parts in one volume, folio, contemporary German indi ae h ee ae wooden boards covered with stamped pigskin (upper cover broken and back torn). : ; oe Johann Otmar impensis Friderici Meynberger, 1501]. 96. BIBLIA Latina cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra et Addi- tionibus Burgensis, etc. Vols. I and II. Gothic character, double columns. Woodcuts in the text. 2 vols. folio, one in old oak boards covered with calf, the other in contemporary oak boards partly covered with calf. [n. pl. n. d., probably Strassburg, ¢. 1502] 97. BIBLIA Latina, cum postillis Hugonis de S. Caro. Vol. VII. Gothic character, double columns. Folio, vellum (title missing and one leaf torn). Basel: Johannes de Amerbach, 1502 98. LACTANTIUS. Opera. Accedunt Jo. Chrysostomi de Eucharestia, Tertulliani Apologeticon, ete. Woodcut on title, and fine woodcut ornamental witrals, some of large size, im- cluding one printed wm red. Folio, old vellum (some leaves stained ). Venice: Johannes Tacuinus de Tridino, 1502 99. GELLIUS (AULUS). Noctes Attice. Title printed in red. Gothic character with small cut below. Folio, half vellum (title page mended, otherwise fine and large copy). Benonie: Benedictus Hectoris, 1503 100. GREGORIUS DE ARIMINO. Lectura in primo et secundo Sententiarum. Gothic character, double columns. Ornamental woodcut initials. 2 parts in one vol. folio, con- temporary English binding in oak boards covered with stamped calf (binding damaged and a few leaves loose). Venetiis: Bonetus de Locatellis, 1503 101. DIONYSIUS (NESTOR). Onomasticon sive Voca- bularium. Small folio, contemporary binding in wooden boards, stamped pigskin back (half of front cover lacking, half of the title-page torn off, injuring text, and margin of first leaves worn). Strassburg: Johann Pruss, 1507 102. BONIFACIUS VIII. Liber Sextus Decretalium. Accedunt: Clementis V Constitutiones, Extravagantes com- munes, et Extravagantes XX Johannis XXII. Gothic char- acter, in red and black, double columns. Full-page woodcut repeated twice, and woodcut tree of consanguinity. 3 parts in one vol. 4to, contemporary binding in wooden boards, covered with stamped calf (rebacked). Parisiis: Thielman Kerver, 1508 21 103. HORATIUS. Opera cum commentariis A. Mancinelli et Iodoci Badii Ascensii. Fine ornamental woodcut initials. Small folio, calf (some worm-holes and stains and title. mended). RARE EDITION. — Paris: Jehan Petit, 1511 104. BIBLIA Latina. Gothic character, double columns. With numerous woodcuts copies from those in the Mallermi Bible, and woodcut initials, all crudely colored; the Canons of Eusebws, with arched columns printed in red. Folio, an- cient binding in oak boards covered with stamped calf, brass corners (worn, some small worm-holes and title missing). Lugduni: Jacobus Sacon, 1512 105. HUGO de S. Victore. Quzstiones super epistolas Pauli. 4to, old deerskin (small piece cut off from plain upper margin of title). Lovanii: Theodoricus Martinus Alostensis, 1512 106. BADIUS (JODOCUS). Navis stultiferz collectanea. Gothic character, small cut on title and 115 large woodcuts, copies of those of Brandt’s edition. 4to, half morocco (some worm-holes and stained). Paris: KE. de Marnef, 1513 107. MAILLARD (OLIVIER). Opus Quadragesimale. Gothic character, double columns. Printer’s mark on title. 8vo, old ealf. [Paris]: Johannes Petit, 1513 108. VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Opus cum Oliverii com- mentariis; addite sunt in fine operis Ascensii familiaria. Folio, contemporary binding in wooden boards covered with stamped pigskin, clasps (one missing, a few leaves slightly water-stained, otherwise good copy). | Mediolani: Leonardus Vegius, 1513 109. CICERO. Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium libri IIIT; De Inventione libri II; ete. 4to, vellum (somewhat stained). Venetiis: Aldus, 1514 Aldus tells in the preface of this work of the placard he had placed on the door of his office, on which he said that all visitors A were expected to talk only business and that briefly, unless fo} \ they came to help. 110. LACTANTIUS. Divinarum Institutionum libri VII, De ira Dei, ete. 8vo, dark green morocco, gilt edges (first 2 leaves slightly wormed). Venetiis: Aldus, 1515 111. DUNS SCOTUS (JOHANNES). Disputationes Col- lationales; Tabula Generalis Scotice subtilitatis. Gothic char- acter, double columns. Titles within an architectural woodcut border, with portrait of Scotus. 8vo, contemporary binding 2 in brown morocco, blind-tooled arabesque borders and centre- pieces on the sides (back of binding a little damaged, other- wise the book in the finest condition). Pavia: Jacob de Burgofrancho, 1517 112. PEROTTUS (NICOLAUS). Cornucopiz sive linguz latine commentarii. Folio, vellum. Fine copy, with the rare last leaf containing the anchor. Venetiis: Aldus, 1513 (should be 1517) 113. SENECA. Tragediew. 8vo, old vellum (small hole on title, otherwise good copy of this interesting and attrac- tive Aldine). Venetiis: Aldus, 1517 114. PARATUS. Sermones de tempore et de _ sanctis. Gothic character, double columns; title in red and black and woodcut wmitials. 4to, unbound (a few small worm-holes, some water-stains, and outer margins of several leaves damaged). [Paris: Francois Regnaut, ¢. 1518] 115. HISTORIA Auguste Scriptores. 8vo, boards, vellum back. With the rare blank leaf numbered 396. Venetiis: Aldus, 1519 In the same volume is bound: ‘‘V. Lupani Annotationes in Aelium Spartianum, Julium Capitolinum, ete.’’ Parisiis, 1560. 116. BIBLIA cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti. Gothic character, double columns. Title in red, with a fine woodcut representing St. Jerome, enclosed in an elegant bor- der, full-page cut dwided into six compartments, representing the Creation, and three other beautiful large woodcuts, all by Hans Springinklee; also 185 fine smaller cuts wm the text; the Canons of Eusebius printed within arched columns wm red. Folio, 16th century elaborately stamped pigskin (enclosed in the front cover are 16 leaves from a book printed in Ger- many about 1474, originally used by the binder as a board). Inserted is a leaf from a 13th century manuscript Bible (somewhat water-stained). Lugduni: Joannes Marion, 1520 On the first fly-leaf is a manuscript genealogy of some early Long Island settlers, ancestors of the Rev. I. B. Johnson. It also mentions the name of the first female child born on Long Island. 117. MURNER (THOMAS). Invectiva contra Astrologos. Gothic character, 37 lines to the page; 6 unnumbered leaves with signature. Woodcut on title. [Kirchheim, not before 1499.] Hain, 11649; Proctor, 3211. Sewed together with: Ritus et Celebratio phase iudeorum. With 2 woodcuts re- peated twice. 4to, unbound (2 leaves missing). | [Frankfurt? ¢. 1520] 23 118. PANEGYRICI Vari. With 3 fine ornamental and historiated woodcut borders after Hans Holbein and fine woodcut initials. Ato, old calf, with the arms of the Duke of Sutherland stamped on the front cover (cracked, margin of the first leaf mended and a few leaves water-stained). With the armorial book-plate of Sir John Leveson Gower. Basilee: Jo. Frobenius, 1520 119. VALLA (LAURENTIUS). Elegantiarum libri. Fine woodcut initials. 4to, old calf (slightly rubbed and rebacked). Paris: Henricus Stephanus, 152 120. SCRIPTORES rei rustice. 4to, old vellum (ste leaves foxed). Florentie : Heredes Philippi Tunte, 1 ' Seams 121. BIBLIA LATINA. Gothic character, in red and blacl double columns. With numerous small cuts, and woodcut imitrals. 4to, Spanish calf (loose in binding, several leaves wormed). Lugduni: Johannes Moylin, 152 122. JUSTINIANUS. Volumen inris totius civilis velu colophon ac complementum, complecteus librum Authent corum, tres posteriores libros Codicis, libros duos Feudor Constitutiones Federici II imperatoris, ete. Gothic charac red and black, double columns. Title within a fine ornamen woodcut border, large woodcut facing the beginning of th text, and historiated and ornamental woodcut initials. ‘Foli half levant morocco (title and last leaf inlaid). | Parisiis: Claudius Chevallon, L 123. PLINIUS. Historia Naturalis. Books I-XVI, an Indices. With 5 fine historiated and ornamental woodeut a borders. Thick 8vo, half vellum (somewhat water-stained). aN : Colonize: EK. Cervicornus, 1 124. BAYFIUS (LAZARUS). Annotationum in L. Ves ff. de auro et argento leg. seu de re vestiaria liber. 4to, vellum. Basilee: J. Bebelius, 15 In the same volume are bound 15 other curious and inter ing pamphlets, printed between the years 1644 and 1675. 125. JUSTINIANUS. Digestorum seu Pandectarum | quinquaginta. Vols. I and II. 2 vols. 4to, contemporéz German binding in wooden boards covered with ealf, fine or mental and historiated blind tooled borders and panels on t sides (Vol. I rebacked, worm-holes, some wile few leaves mended). 5 Nuremberg: Gregorius Haloandrus ~~ qe 24 a 126. MELA POMPONIUS. De orbis situ libri III. Title —¢ ~~ within a woodcut border. Folio, old boards (a few worm-holes Tg and some leaves slightly water-stained). Parisiis: [C. Wechel], 1530 127. AQUINO (THOMAS DE). Tertia pars summa, cum commentario Thome de Vio Caietani. Gothic character, double columns. Folio, half calf (first 2 leaves missing). 8 | Venetiis: L. A. Giunta, 1533 In the same volume is bound: ‘‘Opuscula, Questiones et Quolibeta omnia Thome de Vio Caietani. Venetiis: L. A. = Giunta, 1531. 128. VEGETIUS. De re militari libri IV; Frontini de stratagematis libri totidem, ete. Numerous full-page woodcuts 0] of military engines, diving sutts, etc. Folio, half levant mo- rocco (title stained, torn and badly mended, with damage to the woodcut on the back, lower margins of several leaves torn and mended, damaging some words of the text). Parisiis: Christianus Wechel, 1535 , \ 129. CICERO. Opera ex Petri Victorii codicibus maxima S ex parte descripta. Fine ornamental woodcut imtials. 2 vols. ) wy in one, folio, ancient German binding in calf, with blind orna- V ments on the sides. Parisiis: Robertus Stephanus, 1539 d 130. BIBLIA (Vetus et Novum Testamentum), grexce. y Folio, contemporary binding in wooden boards covered with ‘ uy stamped pigskin. 2 leaves (Melanchthon preface missing). 7 Basileze . A : J. Hervagius, 1545 131. BIBLIA Greca et Latina. Woodcut of the creation of Eve at the beginning of text. 5 vols. 8vo, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges (rubbed, stained and title of Vol. V partially rebacked, covering two words of text). “tel Basel: Nicolaus Brylinger, 1550-62 RARE. The imprints of the last two volumes are different from the others, and vol. V is dated 1562. The Edition really consists of 4 volumes, only containing the old testament, but the new testament is nearly always found added. 132. THEODORETUS. In quatuordecim §S. Pauli epistolas — eommentarius. Folio, old boards, vellum back (somewhat \ water-stained ). Florentia : L. Torrentino, 1552 s 133. [PARADIN (CLAUDE).] Quadrin historiques de la . Bible. With 199 woodcuts representing scenes from the Old - Testament engraved by le Petit Bernard. 8vo, old calf (a few A -| light water-stains and title-page backed). F Lyon: Jean de Tournes, 1553 25 2% 1 Edition with 680 pp. -[Geneva: a ae 134. APOLLODORUS Atheniensis. Bibliothesest sive Deorum origine, greece, et latine B. Aegio Spoletino interp: Epit1o Princeps. 8vo, old vellum (2 leaves loose and a page cut short on the external side). ph Rome : A. Blache! 1b 135. MEDINA (PEDRO DE). Libro de la Verdad. ‘Goflite character; title in red and black within a woodcut border, woodcut initials, etc. Folio, old vellum (water-stained and imperfect ,). MAKE [Valladolid, 155 136. CICERO. De Oratore; Orator; de claris oratori 8vo, half levant morocco (a few light water-stains). Venetiis: Aldus, 1 137. FACIUS (BARTHOLOMAIUS). De ebae ten. A Alphonso primo Neapolitanorum rege. 4to, old calf (cracked Lugduni: Heredes S. Gryphii, Be) In the same volume is bound: ‘‘Francisci Contareni de reb in Hetruria a Senensibus gestis cum adversus Florentin 8) adversus Ildibrandinum Ursinum.’’ es 1562. g 138. ESTIENNE (HENRI). Totroduct gaan iradté de conformité des merveilles anciennes avec les modernes. 8v half morocco (badly foxed and margin of a leaf mended 140. LANDOLPHUS. Vita di Giesti Christo. Nadie small woodcuts. Folio, boards, vellum back (loose, some wa stains, title mended, 4 leaves missing, and a leaf torn). _ Venetia, 141. CALVINUS (JOHANNES). Commarea in I prophetam, 1583; Prelectiones in librum_ prophetia Jeremie, et Lamentationes, 1576. In one yol. folio, vell from a 15th century choral book, stamped pigskin back. | Geneve: E. ‘Vignon, 15 3 Aen 4a 142. BIBLIA Hebraica. Title ee a fine archi woodcut border and ornamental woodcut headin tia calf (worn and cracked, title backed). | ae Antuerpie: Christophorus Be : und der furnemesten Fest. ee diene oe ‘ Jar. Three title-pages within pictorial borders and o 26 vignettes. Thick folio, old calf over wooden covers, with por- tions of the brass corners and clasps (binding damaged, corners of covers broken off, and wormed throughout. Sold as is). Franckfort am Mayn: Johann Feyerabendt, 1582 144. CICERO. Epistole famigliari tradotte da Aldo Manutio. 8vo, half morocco (a few worm-holes and 2 leaves missing). Venetia: Ugolini, 1584 145. ALBINUS (PETER). Meiszm’sche Land und Berg- Chronica, in welcher ein vollnstendige description des Landes so Swischen der Elbe, Sala, und Sudodischen Bemischen .... \ 6? metal und metallar beschreibungen. Titles within a woodcut y / \ order, woodcut plates of coats of arms, and ornamental | initials and tail-pieces. 2 parts in one vol. folio, ancient | boards, stamped pigskin back. Dresden, 1589-90 . 146. CLEMENS (NICOLAUS). Austrasiz reges et duces ——s epigrammatis descripti. With 63 fine medallion portraits en- a graved on copper by Pierre Woeciriot. 4to, old calf (cracked and rubbed, portions of 2 leaves cut off, but the pieces laid in, so nothing is missing). Colonix, 1591 147. EVANGELIA Quatuor. Arabice et Latine. Wath 149 6 woodcuts by Luca Penm after A. Tempesta. Folio, old calf (covers rubbed, title and one leaf in manuscript and 6 leaves \y. eS Rome: Typographia Medicea, 1591 \ rt ad L fp ' 5 . per | BIBLIOGRAPHY AND BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS : We. 148. ANDERSON (CHRISTOPHER). The Annals of the 4 : English Bible. Firsr Epirion. Frontispiece portrait. 2 vols. 1 9 8vo, full maroon morocco, inside dentelles, gilt edges. Lond.: Pickering, 1845 149. BELOE (WILLIAM). Anecdotes of Literature and Searce Books. First Eprrion. 6 vols. 8vo, full calf (re- ~ backed and some covers loose). Lond. 1807 AP 150. BIBLIOGRAPHIA Antiquaria sive Introductio in notitiam Seriptorumqui Antiquitates Hebraicas, Grecas, Romanas et Christianas Scriptis illustrarunt. By Io. Albert Fabricius. Engraved frontispiece. 4to, original boards. ? Hamburg: Apud Ioannem Carolum Bohn, 1760 f The third and best edition. Very scarce. With the old book label of Henry Muhlenberg, Jr. 27 fo Lo Bie’ | ~ gome covers loose). met 1802 % ns items of Incunabula. o va ) pbk (Duff), Lond. 1893; Early Illustrated Books (Polla: 151. BIBLIOGRAPHIHE Instructive: ou Traite de la Co noissance des Livres Rares et Singuliers. Par Guillaume- — Francois de Bure, le Jeune. 9 vols. 8vo, sprinkled calf. Two of the volumes are priced in ink on the margins. Paris, 1763 tg 152. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Dictionary, containing a chronological account, alphabetically arranged, of the most curious, scarce, useful and important books in all depart- ments of literature. 8 vols. 12mo, full old calf (worn and 153. BIBLIOTHECA Sussexiana. A Deseriptiae Cat logue, accompanied by Historical and Biographical Notices of the Manuscripts and Printed Books in the Library of the Duke of Sussex. By Thomas J. Pettigrew. Illustrated with portrait, facsimiles, etc. 2 vols. in three, imp. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, uncut (one vol. loose in covers). Lond. 18 154. BIBLIOTHECA Uffenbachiana Universalis: 2H graved frontispieces. 4 vols. 12mo, half vellum (a font ae ‘ stained). Francofurti ad Menum, 1729-17: \ An important bibliography covering rare books, including 4 hinge 155. BLADES (WILLIAM). The Biography and Typog- raphy of William Caxton, England’s First Printer. With — facsimiles and ilustrations. 8vo, cloth. . N. Yj 1882" 156. BLADES (WILLIAM). The Pentateuch of Print- ing, with a Chapter on Judges. Illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 18 157. BLADES (WILLIAM). The Enemies of Books. With a Preface by Richard Garnett. Illustrated. 8vo, clot gilt top, uncut. | Lond. 18! 158. BOOK-WORM (The). Edited and illustrated by Ph. Berjeau. Numerous illustrations, facsimiles, printe marks, etc. 5 vols. in two. Imp. 8vo, half roan. | Lond. 1866- 18 r 159. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Early Printed Boo Lond. 1893. I aisivasionss 2 vols. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Lond. be 160. BOUCHOT (HENRI). The Printed Book. Its h tory, Illustration, and Adornment, from the days of Gute berg to the present time. Wirth numerous illustrations ¢ , facsimiles, printers’ marks, etc. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, une ne (name stamp on title). NX 28 } oe 161. BRUNET (JACQ. CHARLES). Manuel du Libraire et de 1’Amateur de Livres. 4 vols. 8vo, marbled calf (worn, portion of one back wanting and pages foxed). Paris, 1820 162. CATALOGUE of the Rare, curious, and valuable col- lection of Books, Tracts, Autographs, etc., of the late EH. B. Corwin. Interleaved and priced in pencil, mainly with owners’ names. 8vo, half calf. Nev L856 163. CATALOGUE of the Books, Manuscripts and Engrav- ings belonging to William Menzies. Prepared by Joseph Sabin. Priced wm ink. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. a Se Sods. 164. CATALOGUE des Livres Rares et Precieux, Manu- serits et Imprimes composant la Bibliothéque de feu M. le Baron 8. de la Roche Lacarelle. Illustrated with facsimiles of bindings and title-pages. Imp. 8vo, origimal-wrappers;— uncut. Paris, 1888 165. CATALOGUE d’une Collection Unique de volumes imprimés par les Elzevier et divers. Typographes Hollandais du XVIlIe siécle. Rédigé par Edouard Rahir. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Paris: Damascene Morgand, 1896 166. CATALOGUE of the David N. Carvalho Collection of Incunabula, consisting of a sequence of dated books, 1470- 1499, together with a number of Sixteenth Century books. Compiled and annotated by Henrietta C. Bartlett. 8vo, buck- ram, paper label, uncut. 120 copies. N. Y.: Dodd and Livingston, 1911 167. DAVIS (WILLIAM). An Olio of Bibliographical and Literary Anecdotes and Memoranda, original and selected. First Epirion. 12mo, cloth, morocco back, uncut. Lond. 1814 168. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). An Introduc- tion to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. Second edition, enlarged and cor- rected. 8vo, old calf (one cover loose). Lond. 1804 169. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). Typographical Antiquities ; or, The History of Printing in England, Scotland and Ireland. Containing Memoirs of our Ancient Printers, and a Register of the Books printed by Them. Illustrated with mezzotint portraits, facsimiles, and other plates and cuts. First Eprrion. 4 vols. 4to, full calf, gilt backs (two covers loose). Lond. 1810-1819 A very good clean copy internally of this invaluable work, which unfortunately was never completed, through lack of sup- port. 29 om 170. DIBDIN' (THOMAS FROGNALL). © Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, and of Many Valuable First Edi- tions in the Library of George John Earl Spencer. 4 vols. ~ Lond. 1814-15; Addes Althorpiane and Supplement, 2 vols. . Lond. 1822; Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, lately forming part of the Library of the Duke di Cassano Serra. Jllustrated with numerous curt- ous and interesting facsimafes of early woodcuts, plates, por- traits, etc. 7 vols. imp. 8¥o, full russia (one or two hinges weak). Lond. 1814-18238 A very desirable Lance Parer copy of the First EpIvion. These catalogues are of the utmost importance to the the- ologian, historian and collector and their accuracy and utility - render them invaluable to the bibliographer. 171. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). The Biblio- graphical Decameron; or, Ten Days’ Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts and subjects connected with early engraving, typography and bibliography. Illustrated with numerous fine engraved portrats and plates, consisting of fac- similes, etc., many on India paper. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half russia (bindings worn and some pp. spotted). Lond.: Printed for the author, 1817 First EDITION of the finest of Dibdin’s works and the rarest. Contains the rare specimen of printing in gold on p. 417 of Vol. 2, also the slip of Notice to the binder. . 172. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). The Library Companion; or, the Young Man’s Guide and the Old Man’s Comfort in the Choice of a Library. First Eprrion. $8vo, eloth (rebound). - . Lond. 1824 Contains much curious and useful bibliographical informa- tion not to be found elsewhere. j 173. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). An Introdue- tion to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Hditions of the Greek and Latin Classics. Fourth Edition, greatly enlarged and corrected. 2 vols. 8vo, half cloth, uncut (covers of one vol. loose). Lond. 1827 174. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). A Bibliographi- eal, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Ger- many. Portraits and illustrations. Second Edition. 38 vols. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1829 175. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). Bibliomania; — or, Book Madness. A Bibliographical Romance. Portrait and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, roan back, gilt top (back worn). * - Lond: TaiG. LARGE PAPER COPY. 30 176. DE VINNE (THEODORE L.). A Treatise on Title- pages. With numerous illustrations in facsimile. First EpiTion. 12mo, cloth, gilt top. Nes ES02 177. HARLY VENETIAN PRINTING. Illustrated with over 200 pages of facsinules in red and black, printers’ marks and devices, title-pages, ancient alphabets and initials, etc. wal Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Venice, 1895 178. FALKENSTEIN (KARL). Geschichte der Buch- _druckerkunst in ihrer Entstehung und Ausbildung. TJllus- i trated with numerous facsimiles. 4to, boards, cloth back a (pages stained), uncut. Leipzig, 1840 179. GENERAL Bibliographical Dictionary. From _ the German of Frederic Adolphus Ebert. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, oy paper labels, uncut. Oxford: University Press, 1837 ——— 180. GRESWELL (WILLIAM PARR). Annals of Parisian Typography, containing an account of the Earliest 4 Typographical Establishments of Paris, etc. With facsimiles -\ of printers’ marks. First Epition. 8vo, full scored calf / (worn), by Frye, with his label. Lond. 1818 } LX From the library of Edward Hailstone, with his morocco ae : label. . - 181. HOLBEIN SOCIETY. Andree Alciati Emblematum ; Fontes Quatuor. An Account of the original collection made at Milan, 1522. By Henry Green. With Sketch of Alciati’s my Life, ete. Woodcut illustrations on nearly every page. 8vo, al half red morocco, uncut. Lond. 1870 ws | Printed for the subscribers. aa ¥ 182. JOHNSON (J.). Typographia; or, the Printers’ ’ \? Instructor. Illustrated, and printed within ornamental bor- YL ee ders. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, brown edges. Lond. 1824 5 LARGE PAPER COPY. : 183. LONGMAN’S Catalogue of Old Books for the Year eek 1824. With prices. Lond. [1824]; A Catalogue of the _ bo Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Lond. q 1821. 2 vols. 8vo and royal 8vo, half and full ealf. 184. LUCKOMBE (P.). The History and Art of Printing. © Tllustrations. 8vo, cloth (back strip torn and pp. soiled). 2 Lond. 1771 e \y 31 185. PHILES (GEORGE P.). The Philob: Monthly Catalogue and Literary Journal. 2 vols. ante half green morocco (rubbed). N ‘4 é All published. ‘Complete with Indexes. Contain bY able critical notes on rare books. ies 2 186. PRIME (WENDELL). Fifteenth Century — A Study in Bibliography. First EDITION. 8v0,_ oi fo rocco back, uncut. 3 4 187. TAYLOR (ISAAC). The History se the Tran sion of Ancient Books to Modern Times. New edition, r and enlarged. Liverpool __/ 188. WHEATLEY (HENRY B.). Prices of Books. enquiry into the changes in the price of books w WW occurred in England at different periods. —12mo THE GETTY CENTEK LIBRARY ee Foe AnC c.1 n /Incunabula. ahead HN