THE V. & L. BENGUIAT PRIVATE COLLECTION OF RARE OLD RUGS BAR Ti! ee AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION:-:INC MADISON AVENUE - s6tTH To 57TH STREET NEW YORK 1926 ase 269% ‘2 Gift of wi the Hagop Kevorkian : Foundation New York University Libraries -Institute of Fine Arts ee 3 & o} ohh = hi prt FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION From Saturday - November 27 - To Time of Sale Weekdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 7 Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Saturday, December 4 Beginning at 2:30 p.m. EXHIBITION AND SALE AT THE American Art Galleries Madison Avenue: 56th to 57th Street New York City eS SALES CONDUCTED BY Mr. O. Bernet and Mr. H. H. Parke American Art Association ” Inc MANAGERS 1926 a Rare O Id Rugs Perel Tl OF SEH EWVe &3L. BEN GUTA TD PsRV Asie Orla Gee ON Collectors’ examples of the art of the loom with Ispahan rugs and Polonaise carpets 1 A magnificent royal Perstan animal carpet from the -Marquand (ollection + More formalized carpets of Kouba, of Asia Minor and of Spain + Saracenic ‘Damascus rugs of the tifteenth century 1 Fine Cfereghans, Khorassans and Samarcands NEW YORK AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION:-INC 1926 4 5 Tene z . wu , J i fy 4 ¥ z < 2 wn MF ’ | - « . Tie AMERICAN ART. ASSOCIATION vine ; Designs its Catalogues and Directs All Details Pleo ston Text and Typeeraphy wr eel > ; ne i * " a é ‘ P ‘ o% CR ; 4, \ we é , ' * Conditions of Sale CE APM,» 1. REJECTION oF Bins. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. THE Buyer. ‘The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. IpentTIFICATION AND Deposir By Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. QJ, A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. (I If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. 4. 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I In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. : gh eee : ; 8. Surppinc. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however; 10. Il. afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. Guaranty. ‘The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of the sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuine- ness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. ( Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Associa- tion will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. Recorps. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. BuyING ON OrpeEr. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if con- ditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge of commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association OTTO BERNET - HIRAM H. PARKE - cMuctioneers AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC Managers Cforeword HE American Art Association, Inc. has the honor to announce that the Messrs. V. and L. Benguiat are placing before the public the second part of their private collection of rare rugs, of which the first part was offered at unrestricted public sale in December, 1925, and which comprised carpets of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, including some of the most important examples extant of this first class. In point of sheer workmanship, the Oriental carpet of the Middle Ages, and more especially of the Sefevid Renaissance in Persia, is unique; for no other product of the sixteenth century possesses in our day the vitality and purity of preservation of these masterpieces of a highly or- ganized craft-technique. Under Shah Abbas [1557-1627] the two most magnificent types of carpets came into flowe:: the Ispahan rugs of East- ern Persia, with the brilliance of their draughtsmanship and amazing rose- crimson, sapphire-blue and emerald grounds, and the ‘Polonaise’ carpets, woven as presents from the Shah to foreign monarchs, in silk and gold and silver threads. The Benguiat Collection possesses the outstanding specimens of either class which are in private hands at the present time. Of the for- mer, two large carpets and two small rugs may be cited as the technical equals of the finest carpets, and the Polonaise rug [ No. 77] is one of the most dazzling ornaments couceived and executed by the East. From the Henry G. Marquand Collection is the royal Persian animal carpet [ No. 76] of brilliant craftsmanship and detail. It is described by John K. Mumford as being “as near perfection as the woolen carpet of the East has come or ever will come.” This carpet was a gift from the Emperor of the Persians, an authentic record in the possession of its former owner setting forth that the rug was among the effects of the Sultan Abdul Aziz of Turkey at the time of his death. It resembles closely the famous car- pet owned by Prince Alexis Lobanow-Rostowsky, published as Plate XI in the Vienna Museum’s historical. work. For meticulous execution it may be compared with a little seventeenth millefleurs rug [ No. 73], cov- ered in its entirety with a blaze of tiny gemlike flowers. Beside these court productions are the more virile formalized car- pets of Kouba, of Asia Minor [a group of the powerful red and blue Oushaks] and of Spain, with its fantastic late Gothic leafage and bird figures and Renaissance scrolled borders. ‘The earliest type of rug repre- sented is the Saracenic ‘Damascus’ carpet, with its tile designs in red and leaf-green, strongly recalling Moorish art and belonging to the fifteenth century; these rugs are perhaps the most interesting of all, and make their special appeal to the collector and the didactic expert, since the exact site of their manufacture still remains to be determined. American Art Association, Inc a SALE AT THE -4MERICAN -4RT GALLERIES The Benguiat Private Collection of Rugs DECEMBER 4, 1926 oe To save time and to prevent mistakes each purchaser will oblige the management by filling in this slip and handing it to the record clerk or sales attendant on making the first purchase. [PLR N NYAS) a Se in a ERP RLS (ahs ESPN, tea el a Catalogue Number Amount of Deposit AMERICAN ArT ASSOCIATION * INC * Managers AFTERNOON SALE Saturday December 4, 1926 at 2:30 Catalogue Numbers I to 80 Inclusive PERSIAN SILK SADDLE TRAPPING Symmetrical pattern of opposed tulips, lotus and floral palmettes in a ground of delicate branches of flowers, in pastel greens, pinks and blues on a ruby-red ground. ‘Tiny scrolled fawn border. Length, 1 foot 8 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches THREE PERSIAN SILK TRAPPINGS Comprising border and two lappets. The former with trailing design of lotus and jasmine on a scarlet ground, the latter with tulips and lotus flowers within a cusped arch, in a field of ruby-red. Tiny fawn floral guards. PERSIAN GOLD-WOVEN SILK Mat Maroon field with graceful symmetrical floral design in silver threads outlined in brown-black and interlacing with minute scrolling green twigs of flowers. Mellow deep ivory border with jade-green plaquettes woven with blossoms and caligraphic inscriptions. Length, 1 foot 11 inches; width, 1 foot 3 inches OusHAK RuG Asia Minor, XVII Century Exhibiting a pendanted quatrefoil medallion in olive-green, infloret- ted in blue and scarlet, in a scarlet ground overrun with angular blue branches. Scarlet border with angular formalized branch motive. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch .. RARE KtrRMAN Mart, PorTRAYING THE MADONNA AND CHILD XVII Century Within a serpentine arch of branches is a group of the Madonna and Child clad in blue, rose and green against a rose-crimson back- ground; buff spandrels with figures of affrontés birds. Border of deep blue-black with an undulating green branch motive bearing yellow henna flowers. Length, 2 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches 13 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 6. PERSIAN SILK SPECIMEN RUG Golden-yellow field beautified with an Ispahan design of palmettes, blossoms and lotus scrollings interspersed with cloud bands in a symmetrical pattern. Delicate sapphire border with fimbriated leaves linked by scrolling branches of tiny flowers. A specimen rug of incredible fineness of weave. Length, 3 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches 7. FRAGMENT OF AN ISPAHAN CARPET Eastern Persia, XVI Century Corner of field exhibiting a superb rose-crimson and brown color with portions of infloretted palmettes, lotus scrollings and Mongo- lian cloud bands in soft colors and ivory. Deep sapphire border with large leaf palmettes alternately directed, principally in crimson, orange and yellow, and lotus blossoms supported by scrolling green creepers. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch 8. FRAGMENT OF A Damascus CARPET XVI Century On a soft cherry-red ground a pattern of symmetrical scrolling branches, particolored in fawn and blue-back, enclosing lotus blos- soms. The field further enriched with trailing curved branches of white jasmine. Rare specimen. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches 9. PERSIAN SItK SEMICIRCULAR RUG Sang-de-boeuf ground symmetrically patterned with swaying heads of large formalized lotus blossoms and palmettes, interspersed with tiny leaves and white jasmine. Unusual border of spatulate leaves linked by broad serpentine infloretted branches in soft colors and old-ivory, on a ground of the same color. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches 14 10. Ty. Iz. ry. Afternoon Session Saturday, December 4th PERSIAN GOLD-WOVEN SILK RuG On a claret-colored ground a minute and delicate design of the Ispa- han type of fringed palmettes, birds, lotus, jasmine and lilies, woven in primrose-yellow, shades of blue and green, rose, tan and ivory in a symmetrical design. Sapphire-blue border with birds, primrose- yellow palmettes and tangled branches of smaller blossoms. Of superb fineness of weave. Length, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches Pair ANTIQUE FEREGHAN MEDALLION Mats Old-ivory field centred with a skeleton sawtooth medallion outlined in dark-green and enclosing formalized floral ornament in brilliant colors; the spandrels with upstanding angular stems of tulips in rose-crimson. Narrow pistache-green floral guard. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches Rare Kousa fLoraL RuG _ XVII Century Rich field of mellow sang-de-boeuf tone with two skeleton leaf- shaped medallions outlined in ivory and enclosing upright formal- ized stems of yellow henna flowers. Border of the same with a pattern of linked hexagons enclosing triads of henna and pink roses, between ivory guards with undulating figure. The pattern curi- ously raised in a thick pile, in a ground with delicate patina. Length, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 10% inches ' Tapestry PRAYER RuG Egyptian [?] XVII Century Deep indigo-blue field beneath a pointed and stepped mihrab with suspended mosque lamp; the spandrels in scarlet, woven with a species of canopy plant in blues, fawns, and ivory. Golden-yellow border with recurring serrated figures between deep brown and mazarine-blue geometrical guards. Double-sided tapestry rug, en- riched with metal threads. Length, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 3 fect 8 inches 15 ene ee ee ee nee en een Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 14. ig: 16. 1:73 FRAGMENT OF A GoTHic Damascus CARPET XV Century Developing a centre with geometrical mosaic devices, and two broad borders exhibiting on a sky-blue ground a linked pattern of rosettes in dark crimson alternating with elongated plaquettes in leaf-green with tiny straight stems. Four deep crimson guards with chains of floral ornament in shades of green, yellow and ivory. Length, 8 feet; width, 3 feet 7 inches SPANISH RUG XVII Century The field of buff develops two large opposed vase motives formed of scrolled branches in two shades of blue and green, separated by two central shaped medallions enclosing striped formalized leaf ornament. The tan border exhibits a graceful scrolling branch motive in green and yellow, supporting fawn diamond-shaped blossoms. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches SPANISH FLORAL RuG XVII Century In a tan field two large opposed Louis XIV designs of large sym- metrical scrolling branches in sapphire-blue enclosing angular blos- soms and leafage in sky-blue, yellow and ivory, with traces of rose- pink and celadon; the whole within a narrow invected frame of mazarine-blue. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches SPANISH RENAISSANCE Birp RuG XVI Century An oval medallion, in a tone of rich sapphire-blue and centred with eight spokes terminating in blossoms, is surrounded by four check- ered bird figures in green and ivory and detached stems of flowers, in a field of tan; at either end is a vase with an upstanding plant, flanked by leaning stalks of roses and tulips at the corners. Indigo- blue border with an interlacing strap design, principally in tan. j Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches 16 18. 19. 20. 2.1. Afternoon Session Saturday, December 4th Damascus Gotuic RuG XV Century In a deep blood-red ground a central eight-pointed stellate medallion centred with geometrical ornament and outlined in grass-green; the rest of the field occupied by characteristic tile patterns enclosing geometrical forms and wheel-shaped leaf devices, in grass-green and sky-blue. Border in colors of the field and exhibiting a chain of circular deep red rosettes alternating with elongated green plaquettes enriched with leaf ornament. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches Asta Minor “SEVEN Mountarns” RuG Early XVII Century A scarlet border, with stepped hexagonal plaquettes alternately in yellow and ivory, surrounds a cerulean-blue field ornamented with detached geometrical floral ornament; a large latch-hooked hexag- onal medallion in old scarlet is centred with a golden-yellow pla- quette bordered by formalized carnations and other blossoms in pale blue, celadon and tan. Geometrical scarlet and yellow guards. Length, § feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches Asta Minor “SEVEN Mountains” RuG Early XVII Century A scarlet border with stepped hexagonal plaquettes alternately in yellow and ivory surrounds a mazarine-blue field ornamented with detached geometrical floral ornament; a large latch-hooked hexag- onal medallion in old-scarlet is centred with a golden-yellow pla- quette bordered by formalized carnations and other blossoms in pale blue, celadon and tan. Geometrical scarlet and yellow guards. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet LADIK PRAYER RuG XVII Century Narrow field of pigeon-blood red, beneath a stepped pointed mihrab with two sapphire-blue spandrels surmounted by floral pinnacles in a scarlet ground. Brown border with cruciform rosettes alter- nating with angular L-shaped stems of tulips; guards of red, ceru- lean-blue and old-gold with geometrical and swaying vine ornament. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches 17 22. 23. 24. 25. Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue LapikK PRAYER RuG Early XVII Century Field of deep sang-de-boeuf with a stepped pointed and latch-hooked mihrab and two floral columns; the spandrels of sapphire-blue with detached formalized leaves and blossoms. The field is surmounted by pinnacles, from which spring upstanding tulips in a field of deep blood-red. Pale vieil or border with oval rosettes alternating with L-shaped angular stems of tulips. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 5 inches OusHAK MEDALLION RUG Asia Minor, Early XVII Century Double-arched mellow scarlet field bearing a small hexagonal gold- en-yellow medallion with blue branch pendants amid tiny scattered gem-like blossom heads; the spandrels in deep greenish-blue with angular red branch ornament. Sapphire-blue border with Mon- golian cloud-bands in red interspersed with scattered formalized blossoms and angular leafage. Length, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 8 inches PERSIAN LEGENDARY RUG Depicting a romantic tale with figures of lovers and a watchman in a palace garden, with a tall tree and love-birds, on a ruby-red ground; spandrels with winged angel figures amid yellow scrollings. Sky-blue border with trees and flowers, birds and seated figures of witches in the corners. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches PERSIAN GOLD-WOVEN SILK SPECIMEN RUG Delicate ruby-red field with a fragile pattern of fringed palmettes and birds supported on slender scrolling branches, interspersed with Mongolian cloud bands and bearing conventionalized lotus. Deep turquoise-green border with recurring fimbriated leaves and infloret- ted palmettes, within a scrolling tangle of creepers, in soft colors. A textile specimen of fine weave. Length, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet § inches 18 Afternoon Session Saturday, December 4th 26. RHODIAN FLORAL RuG Field of dark téte de négre, with flattened design of a row of pointed laviolate medallions, infloretted with blossoms and emitting lateral branches of carnations; the whole in sapphire, scarlet and pistache- green. Beautiful cerulean-blue border with a winding serrated branch motive supporting Rhodian lilies and carnations. Brown and scarlet floral guards. Length, 11 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches PERSIAN EMBLEMATIC SILK RuG The field of old-ivory, occupied by figures of men and women, cypresses, flowering trees, long-tailed birds and in the centre the figure of a bearded monarch robed in blue, grasping by the necks two lions. Delicate rose-crimson border with carnations, lilies, lotus and other blossoms, birds and figures of musicians, between undulating floral guards. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 10 inches From the Charles T. Yerkes Collection ANTIQUE FEREGHAN HERATI CARPET On an old-ivory field a close allover Herati lozenge pattern with particolored scarlet, blue and yellow curving leaves and supporting formalized rosettes and tiny leafage; the pointed ends projecting into cypress-green spandrels woven with naturalistic roses, carna- tions and jasmine. Unusual sapphire-blue border with longitudi- nally placed vases emitting angular branches of conventionalized leaves and blossoms and separated by chains; the corners with large rose-red fern-leaf plaquettes. Length, 13 feet 4 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches . HERAT CARPET Early XVII Century Fluctuating soft scarlet field with velvety patina and woven with an allover Herati design of unusual size and elongation, enriched with rosettes and tiny scattered white jasmine blossoms. Sapphire- blue border in which is a recurring cruciform rosette device in shades of blue, scarlet, green, tan and ivory linked by diagonal branches. Golden-yellow and ivory floral guards. E Length, 13 feet 2 inches; width, 6 feet 7 inches 19 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 30. HERAT RuG Late XVII or Early XVIII Century 5, 32. 33: On a mellow deep blue field an elongated rhomboidal pattern of the Herati leaf, particolored in scarlet, yellow and sky-blue and inter- spersed with white jasmine. Scarlet border with formalized ‘‘turtle”’ palmettes joined by slender interlacing branches bearing waving fronds and jasmine blossoms; cowslip-yellow floral guards. Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches HERAT CARPET AVIII Century On a rich sapphire-blue field the allover rhomboidal Herati design with curled lancet leaves particolored in blue and old-scarlet and centred with rosettes in deep blue, scarlet, yellow and ivory. Broad fluctuating scarlet border with infloretted palmettes outlined in ivory, and supported on interlacing creepers with curled Herati leaves. Primrose-yellow guards with interlinked branch ornament. Length, 14 feet 5 inches; width, 6 feet 11 inches KousBa RuG Early XVII Century An archaic rug of great interest. On a ground of deep metallic sapphire-blue, is woven a pole of skeleton scorpion-like medallions outlined in scarlet and enclosing formalized leaf motives; flanked at either side by large serrated leaves in fawn and celadon-green. The remainder of the field is covered in nomad fashion with small detached rosettes, leaves, hooks and floral motives. Narrow bor- der of old-ivory with recurring geometrical latch-hooked figures, and at one end an undulating floral border. Dated 1132 AH. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches SAMARCAND SILK RuG Late XVII Century On a field of old-ivory an allover design of paired rows of laterally disposed branches of flowers of the jasmine type, with jade-green angular branches bent into lozenge designs centred in tan. - Border of scrolled striped figures representing waves, enriched with a species of fleur-de-lys motive. Diapered outer guard, inner guard with lei-wén, or key-fret motive, in green. Length, 11 feet; width, 5 feet 8 inches 20 34. 35: 36. 37: Afternoon Session Saturday, December 4th SAMARCAND SILK RuG AVIII Century Fluctuating bleu-de-ciel field bearing five rows of huge rounded octa- gonal plaquettes in mellow scarlet, embellished with fungus motives in ivory centred with tiny yellow ju-i scrolls; the rest of field occu- pied by zigzag rectilinear branches with rudimentary hooked leafage. Double border of fret ornament in soft colors on a bluish-ivory ground, with inner floral guard of tawny-orange. Length, 13 feet; width, 6 feet 5 inches SPANISH GOTHIC RUG XVI Century Golden-brown field developing a cruciform design in mazarine-blue alternating with a rhomboidal pattern in cypress-green enriched with tiny yellow bird forms; amid this, a meandering angular pat- tern of serrated ivory branches. Border of the same, with parti- colored angular scrollings of leaves and straggling foliage, in tones of the field. Length, 10 feet 6 inches; width, § feet 6 inches SPANISH GoTHIC RuG XVI Century Golden-brown field developing a cruciform leaf design in mazarine- blue, alternating with a rhomboidal pattern in cypress-green en- riched with tiny yellow bird forms; amid this, a meandering angular pattern of serrated ivory branches. Border of the same with parti- colored angular scrollings of leaves and straggling foliage in tones of the field. (Incomplete. ) Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches SPANISH RENAISSANCE RUG XVI Century Allover design, forming a species of lattice, of serrated incurved diamond figures in sapphire-blue, fleurdelisés and centred with leaved rosettes in orange, two shades of blue, deep green, yellow and ivory. The spaces between the figures are filled by a lattice- work of ajouré green leafage supporting orange and blue rosettes. Border of the same with an archaic running angular branch motive bearing green and ivory-yellow leafage. Length, 8 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches 2! Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 38. 41. SPANISH GOTHIC CARPET Early XVI Century The composition is in two tones, on a ground of téte de négre, pre- senting a ribbed appearance from age. On this is a formal design in fawn of a large floral diamond lattice enclosing serrated leaf medallions of incurved diamond shape, fleurdelisés. A simple bor- der of fawn is reserved with a chain of small cruciform links in brown-black. Length, 10 feet 4 inches; width, 6 feet 9 inches LaTE GOTHIC SPANISH CARPET AVI Century On a pale field of the hue of ashes-of-roses, with soft patina, are woven three large circular wreaths of green leafage each enclosing a mystical cruciform device of angular scrollings, the remainder of the field occupied by latticed ornaments with blossoming lilies. Bor- der of pale green, with a design in a deeper tone of clasped S-scroll- ings embodying winged birds and terminating in dragon heads, between striped guards. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 3 inches OusHAK RuG Asia Minor, XVII Century The halves of two huge leaf forms in cypress-green, infloretted in blue, yellow and scarlet, project from either end into a brilliant red field woven with straggling blue leafage and two small opposed quatrefoil ornaments in blue. Sapphire-blue border with fimbriated palmette leaves joined by slender undulating twigs bearing formal- ized blossoms and lotus flowers in colors of the filed. Red and olive- green guards with running design. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches RARE TAPESTRY CARPET Spanish Renaissance Interesting ground composed of bands of blue, pistache-green and scarlet stripes, interrupted by rectangular strips enriched with archaic ornament of human figures astride trees, Renaissance vases, double-headed eagles and cherub heads alternating with affrontés monsters; borders of angular branch motives in ivory. The whole woven in blues, rose, tans, greens and ivory in a flat pileless tapestry stitch. Length, 13 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch 22 42. 43. 44. 45. Afternoon Session Saturday, December 4th IsPAHAN RuG Eastern Persia, Late XVI Century A wine-colored field, with fugitive metallic patina, displays a cen- tral group of six symmetrically opposed peony palmettes, linked by cloud-bands in rose and cypress-green, amid lotus blossoms and sec- ondary cloud-bands also symmetrically placed and woven in soft blues, greens, yellow, rose, buff and ivory, and joined by curved flowering twigs. The broad mature border exhibits large alter- nately directed fringed leaf palmettes infloretted and alternating with finely drawn lotus blossoms, amid a network of slender creep- ers. Floral outer guard, pinnacled counterchanged inner guard. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches Kousa RuG XVII Century On a field of old-ivory a regular pattern of longitudinal and hori- zontal rows of formalized striped bird or leaf figures particolored in rose and crimson, light and dark green, blue and ivory; alter- nating with angular stems of blue and red rosettes with fringed leaves. Ivory border with a continuous pattern of undulating angu- lar branches supporting conventionalized leafage in colors of the field. Length, to feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches SPANISH RENAISSANCE CARPET XVI Century On a field of warm tan an allover lattice of ivory leafage enriched with blossoms in orange, yellow and blue, enclosing large serrated incurved diamond figures in sapphire-blue, fleurdelisés and centred with similar rosettes. Border of the same, exhibiting a pure Renais- sance running design of vases or candelabra in orange between pairs of clasped fringed volutes enriched with straggling leafage in colors of the field and deep cypress-green. Length, 11 feet 2 inches; width, 9 feet 8 inches ANTIQUE CHINESE FLORAL RUG On a velvety field of tawny-tan, rows of scattered sprays of the Hundred Blossoms interspersed with butterflies, in light and dark blue, yellow and ivory. Old-ivory border with recurring pink and white peonies heading short scrolled stems of leaves in blue. Inner pearl border of white and blue. Length, to feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches 23 eR RSS RSET SET SS a SS DRS LAR DRS Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 46. KouBa RuG AVII Century 47. 48. 49. Exhibiting a curious allover design of particolored angular scrolled branches in scarlet and blue, celadon and yellow, rose, ivory and tan enclosing formalized blossom heads and angular leaves, inter- spersed with tiny S-hooks. Border of the same with pairs of ser- rated leaves alternating with rectangular and stellate rosettes in brilliant colors, between ivory floral guards. Length, 13 feet 3 inches; width, 6 feet KouBA CARPET AVII Century Beautiful bleu-de-ciel field, fluctuating from pale blue to deep tur- quoise and woven with seven lateral rows of serrated hexagonal plaquettes enriched with hooked motives and sagittate devices, in brilliant blues, reds, greens, tans, golden-yellow and ivory; the spaces between filled with tiny geometrical rosettes, arrow-heads, stars and other emblems, nomad-fashion. Ivory border with an angular formalized swaying vine in colors of the field between scar- let guards with running leaf motives. A rug of unusual color and spirit. ji Length, 12 feet 4 inches; width, 7 feet OusHAK MEDALLION RuG Asia Minor, XVII Century Centrally, a huge pendented hexagonal medallion in bleu-de-ciel, woven with a scrolled cruciform ornament in jade-green, yellow and old-scarlet, in a mellow red field filled with formalized leaf mo- tives in a brilliant shade of blue. The spandrels scrolled and cusped, and of deep cypress-green. Fluctuating cerulean-blue border with large recurring rosettes and diamond-shaped floral motives, between scarlet guards with swastika devices and hooked figures. Length, to feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches OusHAK CARPET Asia Minor, Early XVIII Century From the corners huge quarter-plaquettes of jade-green, enriched with branch motives, project into a field of scarlet overrun with straggling blue branches, in the centre of which is a gigantic pen- danted hexagonal medallion with vermiculate edges, enriched with quatrefoil leaf motives in blue, green, scarlet and primrose-yellow. Variable sky-blue border bearing large green and red blossom forms interspersed with leaf motives. Length, 13 feet 10 inches; width, 8 feet 3 inches 24 Afternoon Session Saturday, December 4th 50. OUSHAK CARPET Asia Minor, XVII Century ee §2. 53. On a ground of fluctuating sapphire-blue, a pole of three flattened lozenge medallions with scrolled edges in old-scarlet, infloretted in fawn and blue; between them projecting from the sides huge demi-plaquettes of bleu-de-ciel woven with angular branch motives, the spaces between in the field filled with trailing formalized foliage. Narrow old-scarlet border with a running pinnacled figure in ivory having pendent blue palmettes. Sky-blue and fawn guards. Length, 13 feet 6 inches; width, 7 feet 3 inches OUSHAK CARPET Asia Minor, XVI Century On a beautiful mellow scarlet field an unusual allover design of angular serrated leafage and branches forming a species of lattice- work in golden-yellow picked out in sapphire-blue. The conventional border has on a deep cypress-green ground a chain of linked stepped medallions in scarlet outlined in pale blue with latch-hooks. Scarlet and bleu-de-ciel guards with leaf ornament. Length, 16 feet 6 inches; width, 8 feet KHORASSAN ANIMAL CARPET Late XVII Century The ground of deep blue-black is woven with an allover pattern of the rhomboidal Herati leaf design, embellished with roses and con- ventionalized lotus in tawny-red, sea-green, blue, tan and ivory. Superimposed on this in arbitrary fashion are nine symmetrically placed animals at each end of the rug—pairs of ring-doves, hares, leopards and song birds, and the yellow Lion of Persia at the foot. Narrow border of scarlet with an undulating branch motive in ivory winding among lotus blossoms and black rosettes. Six ribbon guards. Length, 15 feet 9 inches; width, 7 feet 6 inches OusHak MEDALLION Carrer Asia Minor, Late XVII Century The carpet is characterized by a central pendanted hexagonal ‘medallion of great size in sapphire-blue outlined in green and de- veloping a large cruciform leaf motive in blue, red, green and golden-yellow. The rest of the field is diapered in blue with hooked motives, the corners being occupied by large laviolate quarter plaquettes in cypress-green overrun with angular branches. Fluctu- ating blue border with quincunxes of scarlet lotus blossoms having rectilinear branches. Length, 17 feet; width, 8 feet 6 inches 25 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 54. 55. OusHAK MEDALLION CARPET Asia Minor, XVI Century In a well-preserved field of mellow scarlet filled with straggling blue foliage is a large pendanted oval medallion in sapphire-blue with cusped green edges, enriched with a cruciform leaf ornament in scarlet picked out in yellow, the whole embellished with a tracery of scarlet branches. At the corners are four leaf-shaped quarter- plaquettes in deep greenish-black, portions of which have been curi- ously finished in brown wool. The border is of sapphire-blue and exhibits recurring fringed leaf palmettes in colors of the field amid a welter of small for- malized blossoms. Two geometrical guards in blue and scarlet. Length, 13 feet 9 inches; width, 8 feet 4 inches Damascus GOTHIC CARPET XV Century In a mellow red ground a central eight-pointed stellate medallion enclosing an octagon outlined in sky-blue and with geometrical designs reserved in grounds of emerald-green and golden-yellow; the remainder of the field filled with characteristic geometrical fig- ures enriched with diaper ornament and wheel-shaped blossom de- vices. The border, in the four colors of the field, develops a chain of oval and elongated plaquettes alternately in grass-green and crim- son, infloretted with tiny scattered leaves. Length, 13 feet 6 inches; width, 9 feet [See Illustration Opposite | FEREGHAN FLORAL CARPET Early XVIII Century Pale golden-yellow field with unusual allover diamond lattice design having blue blossoms at the intersections and enclosing symmetrical upstanding sprays and vases of blossoms in soft reds, greens, tans, lilac and ivory. Seven borders of pistache-green, scarlet and deep blue, with serrated swaying vine motives having pendant blossoms. Length, 19 feet 6 inches; width, 8 feet 4 inches 26 fe ee a aa ae det ae i 4 | i | A 4 te : geen ee SSE Lasciccmmcwmee eee o Ses sh 6 ar Oo aor soe | s Ks wai: NaI a 57: 58. 59- Afternoon Session Saturday, December 4th KousBaA FLORAL CARPET Early XVIII Century Allover design, falling into three lines, of variously shaped fringed leaf palmettes linked by straight diagonal scarlet branches support- ing smaller blossoms and formalized leafage; woven in sky-blue, rose, yellow, emerald, purple, tans and ivory. Variable deep moss- green border with large crimson, rose and fawn leaf palmettes joined by angular straggling rose-crimson leafage. Rose guards with running leaf motives. Length, 22 feet 7 inches; width, 8 feet KouBaA CARPET Late XVII Century Beautiful deep sapphire-blue field woven with an allover pattern em- bodying five longitudinal rows of large infloretted palmettes—cir- cular, spade-shaped, cruciform and fringed—and joined by a dia- mond lattice of slender yellow branches bearing conventionalized leaves; the whole woven in a variety of mellow reds, tans, chocolate- brown, sky-blue, emerald, yellow and ivory. Dull scarlet border of later date, with running floral design. Length, 21 feet; width, 9 feet HERAT CARPET XVIII Century _ Deep blue-black field woven with allover design of rows of fringed lotus, peony and spatulate palmettes enriched with leafage and linked by short diagonal scarlet branches; in orange, tans, yellow, mazarine-blue, green and ivory. Tawny orange border with recur- ring dark-blue lotus palmettes alternating with cruciform leaves and white blossoms and joined by angular branches. Yellow guards with a swaying branch motive. Length, 31 feet 4 inches; width, 8 feet 9 inches 29 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 60. ANTIQUE KHORASSAN VASE CARPET 61. 62. 63. Beautiful rose-crimson field, woven with three pendants of large jewel-like plaquettes of various sizes, centred with a deep blue scal- loped diamond medallion overrun with floral ornament, which is repeated in the spandrels. Amid the brilliant colors of the plaquettes are six symmetrically placed vases of white jasmine. Two borders of red and pistache-green with turtle palmettes and “‘pear” devices respectively, are framed by numerous blue and scarlet guards. Length, 18 feet 4 inches; width, 13 feet 5% inches ANTIQUE KHORASSAN HERATI CARPET Delicate ivory field exhibiting the allover Herati lozenge design with particolored leaves in sky-blue and rose, centring rosettes sup- ported by delicate almond-green leafage. Border of almond-green similarly enriched with a smaller Herati pattern and enclosed be- tween the frames of numerous rose, blue and ivory floral guards. Heavy velvety pile. Length, 20 feet 4 inches; width, 16 feet KHORASSAN ANIMAL CARPET XVIII Century Deep blue field beautifully woven with an allover naturalistic floral design of slender interlacing branches of lotus, peonies, wild roses, cowslips and other blossoms in celadon, sky-blue, rose, yellow; inter- spersed with pairs of adossés and affrontés green and blue parrots and small animals. At either end, at the base, are red vases of blossoms flanked by pairs of yellow stags. Elaborate frame of seven borders, with counterchanged pinnacles, running branch motives and linked palmettes in colors of the field. Heavy soft pile. Length, 13 feet 4 inches; width, 10 feet 2 inches ANTIQUE KHOoRASSAN ANIMAL CARPET Deep sapphire-blue field with a scalloped floral diamond medallion in rose-crimson amid poles of pendant jeweled plaquettes of various shapes, and vases of blossoms, in sky-blue and shades of rose, yel- low and ivory; the spandrels of rose-crimson exhibiting blossoms and figures of lions pursuing hares. Surrounded by an elaborate frame of sixteen borders with swaying vines, recurring “pear” figures and linked turtle palmettes, in colors of the field. Heavy velvety pile. Size, 15 feet square 30 Afternoon Session Saturday, December 4th 64. 65. 66. OusHAK MEDALLION CarPET Asia Minor, Late XVII Century The entire field is occupied by three enormous hexagonal medal- lions in sapphire-blue and cypress-green, outlined in green and sky- blue and enriched, the end ones with pendanted cruciform devices, the central one with allover floral ornament in scarlet, dark and light blue, green, tan, yellow and ivory. From the sides of the field project green pinnacles, the space between filled with scattered blue leafage. Fluctuating blue border with angular rosettes and lotus blossoms joined by saltirewise branches; scarlet and blue guards. Length, 21 feet; width, 10 feet 6 inches OusHAK MEDALLION CarPET Asia Minor, Early XVII Century Centrally a gigantic cusped oval medallion in deep green, bearing a large cruciform leaf ornament in mellow scarlet, the whole enriched with meandering angular leafage in red, green, blue and brown. The remainder of the field is occupied by blue straggling leafage, with the exception of the corners, from which project large demi- leaf plaquettes in cypress-green similarly enriched with a formalized design of leaves and branches. The border is broad and of deep green, and woven with a recurring cluster of green, crimson and blue blossom heads alter- nating with fringed tawny orange leaf devices. Guards of orange and sky-blue patterned with trailing floral ornament. Length, 18 feet 2 inches; width, 9 feet 10 inches OusHAK CARPET Asia Minor, XVI Century A piece in delightful preservation of color and texture. The char- acteristic design displays a large pendanted circular medallion in sapphire-blue enriched with a cruciform leaf motive in brilliant emerald, the whole overrun by fantastic rose-colored branches of leafage and flowers. The field of deep scarlet, with a similar deco- ration of straggling floral ornament in blue, has four large leaf- shaped demi-plaquettes at the corners also in dark blue, picked out in scarlet and yellow and projecting into the field to buttress the composition. Border of rich deep blue, arranged with small alternately di- rected palmettes on a background of slender angular branches and formalized blossoms. Scarlet floral guards. Length, 17 feet 9 inches; width, 10 feet 3 inches 31 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue OF. KouBA CARPET Early XVII Century Rose-crimson double arched field of superb tone and patina, woven with an allover pattern of angular fringed palmettes and floral ornament infloretted and interlinked by bent diagonal branches in sky-blue and yellow, the whole centred with a group of three huge leaf plaquettes, two in sapphire-blue, the third in tawny orange, de- veloping angular stems of formalized leafage and blossoms and outlined in yellow and sky-blue respectively, with scrolled contours of Chinese influence. Exceptionally broad deep cypress-green bor-. der, in which the design of the field is repeated in changed colors; outer guard of rose-red and ivory, the inner of ivory with inter- lacing formalized swaying vine figure. Length, 30 feet; width, 9 feet 3 inches KouBaA VASE CARPET AVI Century On a field of soft mazarine-blue, the composition falls into long vertical lines formed by large palmettes and leaf motives of every possible form—square, circular, spatulate, lyre-shaped and others— infloretted and woven in varied tones of blue, old-red, celadon and emerald-green, maroon, tans, ivory and black. The palmettes are interlinked by creeper-like branches which support small blossoms and snail figures, and among which are placed symmetrically five amphora vases filled with violets and jasmine. An archaic narrow maroon border develops lotus flowers and tiny palmettes alternating with squarely-disposed clusters of violets, bluebells, jasmine and hyacinth in soft colors. The inner guard is pinnacled and counterchanged in brown and ivory.- Woven on a double warp. Length, 21 feet 8 inches; width, 7 feet 10 inches RARE PERSIAN ANIMAL CARPET Late XVI Century On a field of old-rose is an allover patterning of delicate spreading branches of small blossoms — roses, jasmine, hyacinths, and other flowers — on which are superimposed larger conventionalized lotus motives, symmetrically placed. Among the flowers are crouching stags, rams, and small buck, pursued by lions, tigers and leopards, each group of animals in exact symmetry about the longitudinal axis. Unusual border of grayish-buff with traces of a diaper orna- ment, enriched with a number of curious leaf-shaped green pla- quettes with scalloped edges, alternately in groups of three and one, and infloretted with jasmine, in rose, tan and ivory. Guards with pinnacled diaper pattern. Length, 20 feet 5 inches; width, 7 feet 9 inches 32 Afternoon Session Saturday, December 4th 70. IsPAHAN CARPET Eastern Persia, XVI Century at: The design, beautifully drawn on a field of soft crimson, falls lon- gitudinally into seven lines, and transversely in three main groups of motives, forming a lavish allover decoration of palmettes of every shape, lotus blossoms, cloud-bands, a variety of smaller flow- ers and curling particolored lancet leaves, the whole intermingled in a scrolling network of interlacing creepers. A fine border, of deep velouté emerald, exhibits spade-shaped leaves in tan and ivory outlined in rose, recurring between two varieties of alternately directed palmettes, one pointed, the other turtle-shaped, in sapphire and sky-blue, ivory and fawn, on a back- ground of entwined branches. The outer floral guard of rose-crim- son, the inner of deep emerald-green. Length, 21 feet 7 inches; width, 9 feet 9 inches Note: An interesting feature of this carpet is the occurrence, woven into the field and border, of small details—hooks and combs—characteristics of the weaver’s fancy; a practice which has descended through nomad weaving to the present day, but is rarely found in large carpets. MAGNIFICENT IsPAHAN CARPET Eastern Persia, XVI Century The composition is marked by the predominance of the long curling frond of the particolored Herati leaf. In the middle is a huge lotus-shaped palmette centred with a ring formed of two curling leaves clasped by a jasmine blossom, supported on a serpentined and jeweled cloud-band in sapphire-blue and emitting a pair of huge scrolling leaves and nodding lotus palmettes. Above it is placed an elaborate ornament formed of intertwined curved Herati leaves and suspended from a scrolled cloud-band in tan. The rest - of the field is occupied by pairs of large fimbriated leaf palmettes symmetrically disposed, with elaborate infloretting and joined by curving sea-green branches bearing smaller blossoms. The broad border of deep moss-green, with a velouté patina, exhibits recurring lotus palmettes in brilliant colors, alternately directed and enclosed between large curving lancet leaves, in rose- crimson, sky-blue, fawn, jade-green, tan and ivory. Floral outer and inner guards of rose-crimson and sky-blue respectively. Length, 21 feet 8 inches; width, 14 feet 2 inches 33 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 72. IsPAHAN RUG Eastern Persia, XVI Century An exquisite rose-crimson ground is centred with two pairs of op- posed palmettes in ivory and emerald-green, supported by golden- yellow and sea-green cloud-bands and secondary symmetrically placed palmettes in green, tan, sapphire-blue and crimson. The whole field is pervaded by interlacing scrolled ivory and green creepers diversified with lotus blossoms and peonies, tiny violets, orchids, buttercups and daisies in naturalistic colors. A mellow deep green border develops alternately directed and fringed leaf palmettes alternating with smaller lotus blossoms and interlinked by undulating crimson and green branches. Rose-crimson and pistache-green guards. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches [See Illustration Opposite ] Pe O N IN: Gneitr3i SO Ute lige ee Bees tat N MILLEFLEURS RUG Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 73. SOUTH PERSIAN MILLEFLEURS RUG XVII Century A cusped arch supported by two rose-colored cypresses encloses a field of deep crimson, with a baluster vase at the centre of the base from which emerges a mass of tiny fragrant branches of jewel- like blossoms covering the whole field and drawn in flat perspective, so that their calices are fully seen— roses, carnations, jasmine, peonies, lotus, in a blaze of brilliant gems. The base and span- drels are of cowslip-yellow, similarly adorned with a profusion of tiny blossoms; the border of sapphire-blue with upstanding stems of carnations and jasmine alternating with tiny lotus palmettes. Ivory guards with a beautiful running design of naturalistic minia- ture flowers. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet [See Illustration Opposite ] 38 ‘ Salley ay Bi 3 ein sa RAG Rae +7@* Ea Nee FS om % ree. Pee, 208 wee ob S ON San Ca peor Pe Fe A ek ed - pone ae, MERE IEE: Picker lcias salen 2 ca ae ON ia ys oe Lf oy oi op _, i izg < % =P fe sag ees Pe at * mene Fer ka ISPAHAN RUG Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 74. IsPAHAN RuG Eastern Persia, XVI Century The design is centred with four spatulate palmettes infloretted with lotus blossoms and surrounded by six larger spade-shaped leaves directed inwards, in a deep wine-red field. About the main elements are symmetrically disposed subordinate palmettes, lotus blossoms and a multitude of minor flowers and delicate leafage sustained on a tangle of green and ivory branches. A rich border of deep cypress- green exhibits fimbriated spatulate palmettes alternately directed and divided by rose-crimson lotus blossoms, on a foundation of interlacing green and rose-crimson creepers. Floral guards of wine- crimson and sky-blue. Length, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 9 inches [See Illustration Opposite ] 42 NO 75 PERSIAN VASE CARPE FT Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 75. PERSIAN VASE CARPET Circa 1600 Fluctuating deep crimson field, woven with longitudinal rows of large plaquettes and palmette devices of various shapes — square, circular, lyre-shaped, spatulate and lozenge-shaped, elaborately infloretted with lotus, peonies, chrysanthemums, hyacinths and other flowers or enriched with checkered diaper motives. ‘These are superimposed on a delicate latticework of slender interlacing twigs bearing leafage and jasmine, violets, carnations and other small flowers in naturalistic colors. Deep sapphire-blue border with lotus and chrysanthemum rosettes and small plaquette devices alternating with squarely disposed heads of hyacinths, bluebells, jasmine and forget-me-nots. Length, 13 feet 7 inches; width, 11 feet 9 inches [See Illustration Opposite ] 46 4 NCO 70s ROYAL PERSIAN ANIMAL RUG Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 76. RoyAL PERSIAN ANIMAL RuG XV or Early XVI Century This rug has been described by John K. Mumford as being “‘as near perfection as the woolen carpet of the East has come or will ever come.” It was a gift from the Emperor of the Persians, presumably to the Emperor of Turkey, for an authenticated record in the pos- session of its former owner sets forth that the rug was among the effects of the Sultan Abdul Aziz of Turkey at the time of his death. In design it is close to the historical rug which is illustrated as plate XI in the book of the Vienna Museum and is in the collection of the Prince Alexis Lobanow-Rostowsky. On a dark green, almost black ground, is a close confusion of moss-green creepers, each detail of which is arranged in orderly symmetry; the parent stems being of orange outlined with red, curving and putting forth green leaves, tendrils and flower shapes. In the centre is a cusped pendanted oval medallion in Ispahan rose- crimson and elaborately ornamented in delicate pink with inter- woven vine traceries, surmounted by a superb arabesque branch de- sign in silver thread; this is centred with four skilfully drawn birds of the hawk tribe. Outside the medallion are disposed amid the green vines deer, gazelles, sheep and goats pursued by wild animals —lions and leopards — in vigorous attitudes. The border is of a rich golden-yellow, woven in deeper tones with delicate interlacing branches, and supporting a chain whose alternate links are composed of rose-crimson rosettes and cusped oblong plaquettes, the latter woven in silver with caligraphic coup- lets of Persian poetry.* The floral guards are of crimson. Length, 11 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet From the Henry G. Marquand Collection. *The inscriptions have been translated by Dr. Richard J. H. Gottheil as follows: “O Saki, the zephyr of the spring is blowing now; The rose has become fresh and luxuriant. “The drops of the dew are like pearls in the cup of the tulip, And the tulip unfolds its glorious flag. “Narcissus keeps its eye on the stars, Like the nightwatch throughout the night. “To sit alone in the desert is not Isolation, with the company of wine. “When Saki passes the beautiful cup around, The rosy cheeks of the beauties become “Violet for the love of the rose, And look like the purple robe of a horseman.” [See Illustration Opposite] 50 2s Se gst £2 ois PEA id * ~ wae “fe Neon Jay: ROWAL POLONATSE GOLD- AND SILVER- WOVEN SILK CARPE) Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 77. ROYAL POLONAISE GOLD- AND SILVER-WOVEN SILK CARPET Circa 1600 Fond d’or et d’argent, of solid metal threads, centred with a cusped oval medallion in a delicate grass-green, enriched with a rhom- boidal pattern of curving lancet leaves and four orange and sky- blue lotus blossoms; the remainder of the field symmetrically woven in silks of mellow color and patina with a brilliant mass of scrolled and interlacing brown branches, rich with Herati leafage in varied shades of greens and yellows and lotus, peonies, carnations, violets, primroses, and jasmine, interspersed with amorphous clouds and bats, of Mongolian origin. At the corners are reserved leaf-green spandrels. The border shows a masterly counterchanged design in leaf- green and ruddy orange of spade-shaped fimbriated palmettes flanked by curving Herati leaves and supported beneath a cusped scrolled framework of branches in gold and silver. Golden-yellow floral inner guard, outer guard with pinnacle ornament. A unique rug. Length, 13 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet [See Illustration Opposite ] 54 iar 7.8 ROY ALALSPA HAN CARP EL Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 78. RoyaL IsPAHAN CARPET Eastern Persia, XVI Century The field of this magnificent carpet is of a superb rose-crimson color, with velouté texture and soft patina. The Ispahan composition of particolored Herati leaves, lotus and peony palmettes and Mon- golian cloud-bands is evenly and symmetrically distributed against a background of intertwining and scrolling green branches beautified with small blossoms and delicate leafage. Of the colors may be distinguished a leaf-green, mazarine-blue and a magnificent bleu- de-ciel, lime-yellow, rose, tawny tans and ivory. The border is distinguished by the perfect preservation of the deep moss-green ground, in which is woven a beautiful composition of alternately directed lotus palmettes in the colors of the field encircled by brilliant particolored and fringed Herati leaves. This is framed between rose-crimson and royal blue guards. Length, 16 feet 3 inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches [See Illustration Opposite ] 58 7 we % i Pe es Now 79. ROYAL GOLD- AND SILVER-WOVEN SILK POLONAISE CARPET aie Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 79. RoYAL GOLD AND SILVER-WOVEN SILK POLONAISE CARPET Circa 1600 This is one of the rarest of the ‘Polonaise’ designs, showing a marked dissociation from the influence of the Ispahan carpets in the absence of the cloud-band and the unusual rectilinear composition of the field, which is more characteristic of Northwestern Persia. The design falls into numerous lateral rows of angular cusped plaquettes, reserved alternately in gold and silver, closely linked and extending across the width of the rug. The field between each two rows varies; beginning at the top, a beautiful series of fluctuating orange, leaf-green, tawny orange, lime-yellow, brown and salmon- pink tones to the centre, the play of light subtly changing the values of the colors in the other half of the carpet. On this is superimposed an allover design of large and small lotus blossoms and cinquefoils with curving fringed Herati leaves, symmetrically linked by graceful scrolling branches interlacing with the plaquettes, whose intersections are enriched with coiled creeper ornaments. The border has a winding tawny-pink branch bearing leaf palmettes in tones of the field, between pairs of curved lancet leaves, dividing it into grounds of gold and silver. Length, 13 feet 2 inches; width, § feet 8 inches [See Illustration Opposite | 62 O N Afternoon Session Saturday, December 4th 80. RoyALt IsPAHAN CARPET Eastern Persia, Late XVI Century Mellow rose-crimson field, in which the formal Ispahan design is broken up into what is virtually an allover pattern. The central plaquettes and lotus flowers are reduced in size and distributed, so that the effect is of rows of beautifully diversified emblems — large spade-shaped plaquettes, fimbriated leaves, lotus blossoms, cinque- foils and Mongolian cloud-bands, linked by scrolling creepers wrought together in rhomboidal frameworks. The border, also in superb preservation, is of a deep metallic moss-green, with velvety patina. In this recur large spatulate leaves of fawn color repeating amid saltires of scrolling branches orna- mented with lotus and smaller “‘turtle’’ palmettes. Delicate floral guards, the outer of rose-crimson, the inner of sky-blue. Length, 22 feet 8 inches; width, 9 feet 6 inches [END OF SALE] 65 COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY APPRAISALS FOR PNT ED STATES & STATE -TAX INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS CAPM, » Te, HE American Art Association, Inc. will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. QThe Association is prepared to supplement this appraisal work by making catalogues of pri- vate libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced sales’ catalogues of the eAssociation. Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many trust and insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees, attorneys and private individuals for whom the eAssociation has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax (ommission and others in interest. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION +: INC eMadison Avenue at 57th Street NEW YORK : cvkeky ie Ree alt Ne dane *# eM 4 . * \ \ % i CC ae % ¥ * . Tie s \ Hi 6 x a. . A r * a oe 1 a < + t ‘. " oh * \ 1 ' ae i t .. i \ , : t:& "5 a t+ . re . | CENTER GETTY 1926 Deo, 4 Ne AmB ¢ 4 n Ra old rugs, Part Il. it AUN TUNG - OYFONL