, Peale eh awe od a pk: aie Gere Se > OM ase eae a “ oe Neen a cee rE a ies ; ; +f To tes a ‘ . ' : i ; " se - ¢ . ‘ a . * Fe = ied as ~- ¢ + . - - 2 i ; : . - ‘ : an =a 7 ~ : oes o 7 a a 30 5 ee or ae ‘ * = j “py 4 ie aos 4 : \ ‘ ‘t= x * ‘j AND = hae . a iy eee ‘eon a 8 ~ * > ao Fae S lee ~ % z aa wae : : 3 i shew 5 , B ae“) Baar) Adee, fat ~ -\ a D E " boat xa os Me 3 e Ff " . = N17 ya ¥ - Lae > ‘ beds Baw, x vee = ae Cea £ Se “ ‘ me YY - fe - 9 - 3 5 x ad i Laer 2 \ee ene = By ih z te - ve i rine ars : A a Se ery ae a =! \ } 5 ae ge Ve < eit 3 . i ri + e be Py ~~, 4 - 2 a ve ' ee f x a y - , > m Maes Mee ne a ~ ae = re A Nit ¥ Sec “i & Ta: SCS * y tS + 4 i § % wai Ty Sy — zr “fa > fom 7" . ~~ aes : 2 4: 3 y F A= t ‘ : . a ci i a, ee ef Xe exe é . j ‘ Oe ok . : Lf ~S Bs —F « te. Z 4 ah ‘ a4 =), 4 - Eat a | P £ 5 Ss ¥ * Mi : 9 2 i é a = a =f Me + 4 v 2 es ky Pe ale VE Og pete see Cs NO ala eae ie He kee 7 * . fh ni) ” ae 7 te LN VP WAL Vee in AI oS AE ir %}, SaeF gv Aa a ale o Ae NS ye Je Ge a Elta bad Maly Ate nes ae { fr i hi ay" is : : - ' oa f > \! i | aN: & yh Ag. oxi Py ee oo ih f we ha ft auth x | (a cL RH ATCAUN WA Sn eter MSW) Sea ik GD 2 t aici Price, : $6, 100, Is Obtained for a George Inness “Land- There was great Hiterest shown in the _ dispersal sale of ninety-seven paintings | scapes in the collection of the late Governor | Oliver Ames, of Massachusetts, at Plaza Hotel, last night, held ‘by American Art Association, with Thomas E. Kirby auctioneer. the | the Nineteen works of American artists were represented in the groups of international painters of note! and the best prices were received for the George Innes pictures. “Landscape,”’ that artist, went to John Levy for $6,100, | ane enother landscape of a later period| wen’ tn the same buyer. for the same, by price. The Holland Galleries bought Et- tore Bimmenetti'’s were:— “A Worist’s Le RBoy.... “At the Costumers” for G.. Downing purchased Felix | Ziews ~Wenice’’ for $2,250. Other pictures sold, the artists, the buy- ers and prices being given in that order,| Shop,” Jules FE. Saintix; ML ee Cee eee Ce teem es er roreees oe “Departure of Persian Caravan,” “Alberto Pasini; A. OMIVOtHS Sipe Us “Shadow—Autumn, 2 Ollivotti; "Armand MARTY arash Ebon wes s bei wees imeiielote cine ai “Return from. the Hunt,”’ Pani L. “Viry: eg A Ge Winters v0.5. LA pach 2 SA ae io eta “Landscape and Gattle,”” C. ‘E. Pierce; A. G. Winter ...... ee Oe ee ewe e wes enteeteve “*Millpond, East Lyme,’’ Robert Yan Bos- kerek; C. J. MpeNononeh i... de sus ‘Landscape end Cattle,’ Friederich Voltz: S Laird. ee ee ee eo a ee ea The Lady in Black,” Ff. i. abet A. C. Crocker ... ee ee “High Noon, Near Niantic, co R, Ww. Van Boskerck; M, ee Roy Hogan “Carisbad,”’’ Swe mr evra oreee eee ove POOR CeO se sere seoeesesesraceae ‘Mihaly de Munkacsy; Holland Galleries Ciogueieacmigty eee 6 S04 0 alibi wid) O15 aoe *Sossip at t he Wonuntaiv. Rabat Morocco,’’ Wala: Weeks: 3f..G. Hogans. ee secis **In the Harbor—Moonlight,”’. M. F. BH, De Pasa Mtte DEMetuse wou ee balou ce wae “Landscape sud Cattle,” R. Burnier- Hol- BENG MSR EIONIOS Shea tl kW sles lei hele eee: s **Youth,”’’ Ch leries .... aries Landelle; Arlington Gal- i es Veet Peasant,’? A, Guerra; W. a Down- A ae leries ...4. “Max ‘Volthart; Holtend Gat. Sees ee nose ere eeewseseesereves *“Saying Grace,” Knut Ekwall; H, Schul- the coeree “Venice,’? BY. “Floreal, 2 Sanford .... ie. Unterberser; MiG. Hogae. Prederik H. Kaemmerer; A ie Pee ere e te ew esoe eos ttoewesred ees “Sen and Shore,” William ‘Trost Richards: FREI CB OLS: a ccuieels. wlohe ON. sos. bia gua eee ee ee Youth and A. Stalgan “Chiogeia,’’ Old Age,’ Girolame Induno; ee wos eeser eee ernst veoee te ecowes Ciardi: A, Ollfvotti.. ..2. 50.04 A **Ajone at Last,” E. Tofano; A. Slatean. ... “Cottage by Sea,’’ William I, Picknell; Kranshaar **Salome,’’ Jules Joseph Letebvre: Holland ‘Galleries . Galletiagniks Oss aie eee ee oe a a ae °° the. siarwes. 3 36 At the afternoon seanteas tor rhe glassware and porcelain ‘of Governor Ames, which American Art Galleries, — South, there was lively b | Martin paid the top price of $360 fo M pa 3 richly decorated Minton — plates. S. F. Lawrence | set with gilded borders Crown Derby porcelain p M. Robbins for $260. ~* Salome,” 1 for 87, for $510. ae Forest of 7 ntain Ben ies - No, $4, went to’ ehlsehe 00, same bu Le pe tep ieee: ‘Arrives, ean uel or 25. syria “Lerolie’s ‘‘ The Potato ene ers,” a Paris Salon picture, and said to I be the artists’s masterpiece, No. 97, went to Leroy for $1,100. The ninety-seven : dy ef the collection brought ‘) ° ie VENICE,” ‘$2,250 | Henet Leroltl’s “The Potato. Gath- | erers” Fetches $1, 100, and W. Te ; “Richards’s “Sek and Shore” : 181,000, - . i id ae 3 takes Pisicapes nee a river ‘seene brought the highest prices at the {sale of the paintings of the late Gov- -ernor ‘Oliver Ames of the mere sold. under the auspices of the American 1 Art Galleries by - Thomas E irby at the ‘Plaza last evening. The two land- ‘scapes went to John Levy. The largest— | No. 45 in the catalogue, 22% by 34 |inches—in the manner of Inness’s later i period, meadow land, trees, and a ‘pond | reflecting pink-tinted clouds, brought the | | highest price, $6,100. A smaller land- Iscape, 16 by 24, No. 24, of Inness’s | middie period, showing a dark belt of | trees. at the back, 3 pond in the fore- pees with a man in a boat, and warm-tinted clouds, went to Levy for | $5,100. “(The River,’’ No. 29, another | painting of Inness’s middle period, a | | stream running through the centre with | tree-covered banks on either side, a) }man in a boat in the foreground and a bridge in the distance, went to the Hol- land Galleries for $3,250. “Venice,” by Ziem, No. 69, went to Ww. G. Downey for $2,500, and another pleasing Venice by Franz Richard Un- terberger, No. 64, went to M. G. Hogan | for $465. Willlam Trost Richards’ s ** Sea and Shore,’ No. 72,- went to Henry Schultheis for $1,000; ‘* Land- scape and Cattle,””. by Friedrich Voltz, i No. 87, went to S. Laird for $450; Leroy paid $310 for No. 40, Van Boskerck’s | ** High Noon, Near Niantic, Conn.’’; [the Holland Galleries paid $760 for No. i 44, “Carisbad, * an avenue of trees with | | women in light gowns walking; Edwin | | Lord Weeks’s ‘ Gossip at the Foun- | | tain,” No. 47, went to M. A. ‘Hogan for | $280. *“Youth,’’ No. 55, by Charles Len- delle went to the Arlington Galleries | for $500; ‘‘ Floral,’ a graceful young woman robed in white, carrying 2 bas- ket of roses, about to ascend e stone steps of a terrace, No. 66, went to J. Sanford for $400; “Youth and Old .” by Girolamo Induno, No. 738, went to August Flatteau for $200. WwW aya aint Picknell’s ‘A ed by. Sea,’’ ea 82, went to C. Pca tehaar for $450 | a oe for one and $5,100| ee F nness | landscape’ : ' went to the Holland , 4 250. ok ava painting 250, and. wr ealios “Po- went to Mr. Le Roy for} ne collec- ae: ‘Sales. 2 that. sold for $150 with titles and buyers: : in, ‘A Florist’s ep a: ‘arature “ot 7. "A. Ollivotti. ‘The Music , eens eeeeee see eee * Mr. Ge Roy...:. rea ara from the er.. ioe tiste | “Blowers went’, M Miss R. Lorenz... 220 Oudinot, “On the “Oise”; 0. nt .-< w50eeere 160 aaa Landscape interi si hes 176 Van Boskerck, : Bast Lynn, . McDonough. 27 acawaasaaine aves ; P 5,100 “the | “River”; , Cae he BAR arian Siler gemange. Se ig” Lady “in | eevee awne 160 Boskerck, Niantic, . 810° 50 760 Inness, ey. eerves . 8,100 ieavriitians “Tait, | ; ood 7 ime piace ae ‘ont igs ol mle ee? 6) eee ney | A aay Siw AL AL aera gue atx lee William “Prost baitatas. Sea) nd Shore’; Henry Schtithies.. 1,000 Girolamo Induno, “Youth and / Age’: August Flattau....... . B00 HC “Chioggia’; Ollivotti.. 180 $1—F., Tofano, “Alone at Dast Awe cic. 153 } coh gust Flattau . i 82-—William Lamb nee ee hie the Sea’”’ ne . Krau- Aes 450 Weegee lene fer Us aa A Be ee Ie Dk Le ad Ed Liat aie aatoks o1—F -Tisconto, va ie in the "Wor- ¥F 190 $2208, To Frank. ee. eens oi Visconti, “uporest “of "Pontaine- bleau’’; Otto Bernet, agentiscice 600 98—FErnest Koerner. ‘A Moorish | Pee é wo ow. Seaman, 10) ig etean: Huctavd Faequet, MLA. Pres Body Arrivée’; Otto ‘Bernet, - ne ot—Henri Lerolle, fre ” Potato Gath- > erers’; Mr. Lie ROy...-+-ser esses 1,100 | Good Prices for Dinner Plates. | . At the afternoon sale in the galleries: on Madison Square the principal interest | appeared to lie in the rare sets of dinner plates, which provught good prices. : S, S. Laird gave $320 for No. 129, a set. of twelve Minton falence ‘dinner plates; William H. Browning paid $200 for No. 136. eighteen Coalnort porcetain plates; Mr. Martin got No. 139,twelve Min- ton faience plates for $360; O. F. Roberts paid $260 for No. 141, a set of crown: Derby plates; Mr. Town bought No. 142, | ‘eighteen crown Derby plates, for $142; Mr. McDonald gave $215 for No. 143, 4 set of crown Derby soup plates, and No. | 144, eighteen bleu de roi dinner plates, went to Mr. Redman for be Ss Pata | The total for the afternoon was $5, 550. The Ames sale continues in the galleries | to-day. The Sterling pictures will be! sold to-night at the Plaza, a i SR j eS ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY 11TH, 1919 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P. M. | THE ART COLLECTION OF THE LATE GOVERNOR OLIVER AMES OF MASSACHUSETTS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58TH TO 59TH STREET ON THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 16TH, 1919 BEGINNING AT 8.15 O0’CLOCK AND ON THE AFTERNOONS OF THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JANUARY 16TH AND 17TH © AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING EACH AFTERNOON AT 2.30 O’ CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE PAINTINGS AND OTHER ART PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GOVERNOR OLIVER AMES OF MASSACHUSETTS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE TRUSTEES UNDER THE WILL ON THE AFTERNOONS AND EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK 1919 as , THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION _ DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS a | | ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION _ j TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY Ae oJ, ie Ay = CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the: Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. : 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on. account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. EVENING SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1919 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, FIFTY-EIGHTH TO FIFTY-NINTH STREET BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK No. 1 A. MARIA LA MONACA SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY IN THE GARDEN a a 6 A fae LS Panel: Height, 11 inches; width, 7 inches A FULL-LENGTH figure of a lady, in white satin low gown, standing in a garden path and reading a book. Background of plants, in pots, and green foliage. $0” Signed at the lower left: A. La Mownaca. No. 2 RUDOLPH EPP German: 1834—1910 FEMALE HEAD 4 4 —_— Panel: Height, 11 inches; width, 8 inches Heap and bust picture of a young woman, in three-quarters view to right; the hands holding a lock of her brown hair; red-brown a striped bodice. Signed at the upper left: R. Epp. Sot, Mawr Area 2 Fe by thas bilsg fod PNK — Arad p87, No. 3 JAN VAN BEERS Beucian: 1852— ae Way A BLONDE BE frcedlerrtock : Panel: Height, 12 inches; width, 9Vy inches we A CAREFULLY finished picture of a blond young woman, with blue square neck gown and pearl necklace, the head in full face, inclined to left. Signed across the top: Jan Van Beers, Paris, 1882. | é — Purchased from Noyes & Blakeslee, Boston, —. No. 4 C. F. PIERCE AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY HARLY SPRING Height, 10 inches; length, uae inches A FLOCK of sheep and lambs, in a lane, Se the early spring praned at the lower right: C. F. Prerce. No. 5 DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1827—1908 a. vy. L Efer ne THE HOUSATONIC RIVER, NEAR BARRINGTON Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches _ Tue waters of the Housatonic River and a tree-lined shore occupy the foreground and middle distance, on the right. At left are the nearer shore, with trees and a rowboat, tied up at the bank. 0 A Sky of white clouds and blue. Signed at the lower left: J.D. in monogram, "76. Signed also on back of canvas: Davip JOHNSON, 1876. *4- : hs 3 ef a * No. 6 JULES EMILE SAINTIN Frencu: 1829—1894 MN. te herd A FLORIST’S SHOP Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 81% inches A Parisian fleuriste, in light gray gown and black apron, stand- fl’ ing in the doorway of her shop, holding a bouquet in her hand; [, [ } on the sidewalk, in brackets and in the shop window, pots of flowers “ and blossoming plants. Signed at the lower right: Jures Emire Satntin, 1875. Eh ai eral —_——- CHARLES EDOUARD DELORT Frencu: 1841—1895 Panel: Height, 121% inches; width, 91% inches A COQUETTE as es” 9 the nmet Aah Fa A HALF-LENGTH picture of a pretty girl, the body in profile to () right, and the head turned to face the spectator; white frilled bonnet, with pink ribbon; cloak of pink and green shot silk, with fur collar. Signed at the lower right: C. Detorr. Purchased from Gustave Reichard, New York. : : No. 8 ALBERTO PASINI ie IrauiaAn: 1826—1899 DEPARTURE OF A PERSIAN CARAVAN Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches Four horsemen, with a musician beating cavalry drums riding with them, are advancing in the foreground at the head of a caravan; on the left a figure, dismounted, with a rearing horse, under a tree; sunlight effect and blue sky. | Signed at the lower right: A. Pasrnt, ’59. Painted from studies made during the artist’s travels in Southern Persia, 1855-56, as stated in French inscription on back. ANTONIO PASCUTTI ITALIAN: CONTEMPORARY THE MUSIC ROOM Aes f 0 al Panel: Height, 14% inches; length, 18 inches | 2 y, In a room, with Empire furniture, two ladies are making music, one, in long, flowered low gown, seated before a spinnet, with high top and small clock, the other in pink, playing a guitar. Signed at the lower left: A. Pascurri1, 1874, 55- No. 10 WILHELM MENZLER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY YOUNG WOMAN IN PROFILE Panel: Height, 13°, inches; width, 1014 inches A HEAD and bust picture of a young woman, in profile to left, with white satin cap ornamented with gold and jewels, black, fur-trimmed neckpiece and chain of beads. Signed at the upper left: W. Menzter, 1878. No. 11 C. MACCARI Iranian: 1840— Q O Ade THE FORTUNE TELLER 16 Panel: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches A croup of two figures composed of a young woman, wearing a brown velvet cloak, and an elderly one of the peasant class, both seated. The old woman, in a sumptuous armchair, is telling the other’s fortune from a pack of cards and what she is saying is eagerly received. Signed at the upper right: C. Maccart, Roma. From Galerie Pisani, Florence. No. 12 ARMAND CHARNAY Frencu: 1844— THE CHATEAU—AUTUMN Height, 13814 inches; length, 18% inches a. OAc A cHaARMING little landscape depicting the grounds of a French chateau, which stands on the border of a lake, in the right center ee of the composition; at left, the trees of the park with sparse brown leafage; in the foreground, a lady in black, reading a book, | a _as she walks along a path by the lake; sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower left: A. Cuarnay. MK. bE 4 both Uw Anne Ht 29.ttba BA OSs > No. 13 . ERNEST JEAN AUBERT Frencu: 1824—1906 YOUNG FRENCH WOMAN Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches A HALF-LENGTH picture of a young French woman, with brown hair, in full face; white low gown, red drapery about the shoul- ders and a bunch of roses held before her; landscape background. Signed at the lower left: Jean Avsert, 1880. | a | /0 y | No. 14 BAREND CORNELIS KOEKKOEK Dutcu: 1803—1862 NEAR TIEL, HOLLAND ; 7A 7 Height, 16 inches; length, 2014 inches /¥ : Le toy {/ @® A vannvscareE in Holland with a road in the foreground on which are a man, a boy, two cows and, farther away, a cart; a cottage and figures, at right; level pasture lands, with cattle, and a glimpse of the Rhine, at left; sky of white and gray clouds with spaces of blue. Painted with careful attention to detail. Signed at the lower right: B. C. Korxxork, rc., 1839. No. 15 FRIEDRICH OTTO GEBLER GERMAN: 1838—1896 | Jit and Leth : SHEEP Panel: Height, 13 inches; length, 18 inches {_— : k : ; | ths Two white ewes, a brown one and a lamb, in a stable; light falling from a small window in the upper right center. Signed at the lower left: Orro GrepiEr. No. 16 ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. AmERIcAN: 1855— POST-OFFICE, NEAR LAKE GENEVA | ‘atl Height, 13 inches: length, 181% inches 4 > a g 9 Ye A wipE highway leads from the foreground with a red-roofed, white-walled building, on the right; before the doorway, a peasant and his cart; at left, a glimpse of a river and distant hills. Signed at the lower right: R. W. Van Boskercx. I. Cols x J m1 . oe ee he } 9 No. 17 PAUL L. VIRY FrEeNcH: CONTEMPORARY RETURN FROM THE HUNT QA Panel: Height, 161, inches; length, 21 inches A. a“ A GENTLEMAN, in Louis XIII costume of silver gray with yellow sash, has returned from shooting and is taking the collar off from one of his dogs. He is seated beside a table in a dining hall with stone chimney piece and his wife, in pale blue and lilac gown is bringing him a glass of wine. Signed at the lower right: Paut L. Viry, 1875. No. 18 og Keven, Age JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE “aad A / Berean: 1821—1910 FLOWERS AND FRUIT Panel: Height, 15%, inches; length, 20 inches A BuncH of flowers, including a pink rose, a tea rose and other flowers; a basket of strawberries, on the grass, at right, where there is a little bird, and some purple plums. Signed at the lower left: J. Roster. No. 19 to Oe d scene, with trees and boulders at of a wood, at right, and a view of No. 20 A. VAN DAM Dutcu: ConTEMPORARY SKATING- L hoe: ay. eet Ne aoe AND iv. J H eight, 174% inches; length, 20 inches _ TER scene in Holland with skaters on a river, at right, and a high, cat turreted building on the left; sky of gray clouds. ‘Signed at the lower left: Ap. Van Dam, F. 1867, Axosr. | | | } No. 21 A. OUDINOT FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY deri 496 | ON THE OISE Panel: Height, 16 inches; length, 27 inches A LANDSCAPE of pearly gray tonality, depicting the river Oise, with shore at the left, lined with tall trees and hills and woods in the distance, on the right. The sky is of qualified blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower right: A. Ounrnor. From the Noyes § Blakeslee Galleries, Boston. - 4 § = ~ ¢} F * No. 22 C. F. PIERCE AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY SPRING LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE , "/ By, | —_ . Height, 18 inches ; length, 24 inches h ‘ J AS A Herp of cows are coming forward on the bank of a stream flow- ing through the pasture, nipping the early spring herbage or sipping a drink as they pass. A group of trees, a hillside, at left, and distant fields, with cattle, on the right, complete the eee which lies under a sky of gray with a bit of blue. Signed at the lower right: C. F. Pierce. No. 28 ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— THE MILL POND, EAST LYNN, CONNECTICUT Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches a i Dowrrw- A rep mill, screened by two large trees, appears in the left centet of the landscape with the water of the pond covering the fore- ground; a rowboat drawn up at the shore, at left; a wooded hill- side, back of the mill, and a sky of light blue-gray. Signed at the lower left: R. W. Van BosKercx. No. 24 yp GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AmeErRiIcan: 1825—1894 LANDSCAPE Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches A THOROUGHLY representative landscape of the Inness middle : period remarkable for fine tone and atmospheric envelope. Level ? green meadows and a little stream with a man in a boat occupy 4 99 the foreground. Across the middle distance stretches a belt of \ trees with two fine oaks standing out prominently. Beyond lies a hillside with woods and scattered houses, and in the distance is — | a range of high hills. The sky with hazy warm tinted clouds and a suggestion of blue in the upper part is filled with the light of an -autumn afternoon. Signed at the lower left: G. Iyness. lotion: ‘nis Mahe Depa bs SiiadReRe ad aS eed ———— OOo € pa ee Ht | No. 25 G. LEKIGIAN CoNTEMPORARY | QZ. bie, ANh a AMONG THE TOMBS Water Color: Height, 27 inches; width, 191% inches . Two figures, one a young man, with dark blue jacket, white trous- other a young woman, in pale yellow robe and white headdress, standing beside him. Many other headstones are seen on the slope behind the figures and, overhead, is a blue sky with white clouds. yl 3 0 < ers and turban, seated on the base of an Oriental tombstone, the Signed at the lower right: G. Lexicran, Trazisor, Asta. No. 26 C. F. LOTS ConTEMPORARY 0 i, HW ahh LANDSCAPE “Curt Height, 21 inches; length, 2734, inches eo A ROAD, with a covered wagon, winding from the foreground over : O a mountain slope down into a valley; a peak on the right and, beyond, a plateau with a river; sky, gray and warm tinted white clouds. 3 Signed at lower right center: C. F. Lots, 746. ey No. 27 JOHN FREDERICK ENGEL GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY WALKING IN THE PARK . Height, 26 inches; width, 17 inches Aitthday brrgntiitine pA LITTLE as with brown velvet jacket and buff breeches, is ~ coming forward on a pathway leading to a doorstep, 1 in the fore- sina, leading by the hand a little girl, dressed in pink satin. é wa In the distance the mother is seen slowly following. Signed at the lower right: Joan Frev, Encer, Municu. te . Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. | \ p if a MK. SEH 4 | Sole thon Anes Absypst BU KK | No. 28 % ; Z ETTORE SIMONETTI IraLtIAN: CONTEMPORARY AT THE COSTUMER’S Water Color: Height, 291, inches; width, 1912 inches L bo A party of ladies and gentlemen wearing fine clothes of the First iis, a Empire, in an elegant apartment, discussing the costumes that a tailor exhibits for their inspection. _— Signed at the lower left: Errore Simonet, Roma, 1881. cof te borg: ii gr vi i No. 29 GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 THE RIVER Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Pa at o A tanpscaPE of the Inness middle period exhibiting the best quali- / £0 ties of his rendering, color and general tone. A river with placid 4 ri waters occupies the middle portion of the composition, with its” A banks on either side covered with trees in diversified foliage tints of green and suggestions of yellow brown, indicative of the first days of autumn. In the distance a bridge crosses the stream and the sky, with some masses of white cloud, shows strong blue in the upper part. 7 Signed at the lower right: G. Innuss. ak Jello - ee nom + ee = aoe Ee ~ SS eee - TT ne — ec Sie GERMAN: 1846— a LANDSCAPE | EE G | oa es a ae Height, 16 inches; length, 3114, inches | A PIECE of sandy shore and shallow water, in the foreground: a level plain, beyond, on the right; rising ground and a line of hills | on the left; sky of white clouds and spaces of blue. Signed at the lower right: L. Neuzerr. =e ~~ SON. 86 P. ARMENZ GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY PEASANTS IN TOWN Height, 25 inches; length, 3514 inches A party of countrymen in their farm jackets, corduroy breeches and bell-crown hats, have invaded a café in the city and are sitting on red velvet gilt stools in the middle of the room, while various habitués of the place and a coxcomb of a waiter are star- ing at them. ; Signed at the lower left: P. Anmenz, "72. No. 87 FRIEDRICH VOLTZ GERMAN : 1817—1886 3.9. hand LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height, 151% inches; length, 364, inches a A HERD of cows and a bull calf beside a stream and scattered i J *mong the trees of a greenwood and the tall grass along the shores. Under a spreading tree, at right, sits a cowherd. Signed at the lower right: Fr.- Vorrz, 1874. i No. 38 (| WILLIAM FRANKLIN LANSIL 1 AMERICAN: 1846— es ae YG atom WAITING FOR THE TIDE Height, 22 inches; length, 36 inches A croup of sailing vessels, in the central foreground, with dories moving about in the waters; a square-rigged ship, farther away, on the left; sky of gray clouds with blue in upper part. | Signed at the lower left: W. F. Lanstm, 1882, Boston. No. 389 Fr. EK. BERTIER Frencyo: ConTEMPORARY A LADY IN BLACK yf Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches py dasercrn Caauly » A HALF-LENGTH picture of a lady with dark hair, full face, head a __ inclined to left, wearing a black gown trimmed with fur; the = hands clasped on a crimson: cushion. Painted when the artist visited New York. (ae 3 fo is Joa oi "Signed at the upper meg: F. E. Bertier, New York, 1887. | a he tt Age BIXX q. ae ( “@ - ’ No. 40 ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— HIGH NOON, NEAR NIANTIC, CONN. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches Bw ‘ 6; io In the lower half of the composition are the smooth waters of a river, covered with lily pads and their white blossoms; in the middle distance, at right, a grove of trees; at left a sloping bank ; sky of pale, warm gray. Signed at the lower left: R. W. Van BosKERcK. le Bree Laue. s fan 30 go Jn. | Leite, Wlur Xblees Morn No. 41 E. NICZKY GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY Dhathavrk Sathur SPRING Height, 33 inches; width, 21% inches A LaDy, in an elegant costume of white, trimmed with brown pa velvet, hat with plume and collar of black fur, is walking through () a forest park, with a little girl at her side, who is dressed in crimson velvet. In the left foreground, a bush with pink blossoms ; seen beyond through the tree trunks, the white walls of a castle. Signed at the lower right: E. Niczxy, 1878; Mincuen. MK. Jo/G « Se ae a eS a No. 42 | a | EK. NICZKY | GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY | | “CAUGHT” hl d Lath annul Height, 33 inches; width, 22 inches 'h0 ON LADY, with gown and hat of crimson velvet, who has just risen from a marble seat in a park, where she has been hid from view by a massive pillar, descries a pair of lovers who are billing and cooing as they stand on a terrace a short distance away. Signed at the lower left: E. Niczxy, Mtncuen, 1878. Purchased from Goupil and Co., New York. MK 10/7, | Setd. Wl Aynto the bio Sip AE ANS » Yok 12878 G al py | m. “9. 3 big: b 7 No. 48 F. MAZZOTTA ITALIAN THE YOUNG CULPRIT Height, 25 inches; length, 36 inches In the kitchen of a peasant’s home a good grandmother has been cooking a casserole of beans over a charcoal fire, set on a stand, on the floor, but has fallen asleep. Meanwhile her grandson has slipped in from work in the fields, and is slyly helping himself to a spoonful while his little sister, sitting by the grandmother’s side, looks on with interest. Signed at the lower right: F. Mazzorra, 1879. No. 44 MIHALY DE MUNKACSY y? - Hunearian: 1846—1900 k CARLSBAD J Lytp pd Height, 25 inches; length, 36 inches Aw avenue, lined with trees, in the park of the springs at Carls- bad, occupies the foreground, with a lady in white, walking, and other figures. On the right a lady, in pink, and a little girl, at the side of a brook. Sunlight filters through the trees and specks the roadway and the grass. Signed at the lower right: M. pe MunxKacsy. MK K4AH . Sola Deru, Arius tua 17 jbb 3 » oh: OXXKY Ni No. 45 GEORGE INNESS, N.A._ AMERICAN: 1825—1894 LANDSCAPE Academy board, cradled: Height, 221% inches; length, 34 inches ae LANDsCAPE of the Inness later period characterized by his syn- thetic handling, strong color tints and unity of ensemble. On the right of the composition a piece of meadow land and some trees appear in vigorous green, while on the left a pond reflects, with contrasting violet hue, the pink-gray tinted clouds that are seen in the sky, near the horizon. In the distance, a stretch of country receives a gleam of light, on a hillside at left, and a strip of blue "in the sky is reinforced by dark clouds above it. Signed at the lower right: G. Inness. ee See ES eee ee ne Te ee ee LP Le Nh. nate t ap A No. 46 ARTHUR FITZWILLIAM TAIT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1819—1905 “TREED—A GOOD TIME COMING’ Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches A parr of hounds, white, liver-color and black, have treed a black bear, seen hanging over a limb of a big tree, and are baying furiously in the attempt to dislodge him, In the woods, at the left, another bear is climbing over a mound and will soon join in the sport. Signed at the lower right: A. F. Tarr, 1876. Signed, also, on back of canvas: No. 52. A. F. Tarr, 1876. | { i | No. 47 EDWIN LORD WEEKS AMERICAN: 1849—1903 GOSSIP AT THE FOUNTAIN, RABAT, MOROCCO Height, 35% inches; width, 27 inches Two young Moorish women, one standing, at right, the other seated on the curb of a fountain basin and holding an earthen jar where the water flows from a spout in a setting of green, blue and yellow tiles. Signed at the lower right: E. L. Weexs, Rasar, 1879. No. 48 eo, I. H. CALIGA | A own AMERICAN: 1857— REMINISCENCE Height, 27 inches; length, 35 inches A HALF-LENGTH, life-size, seated figure, in profile to left, of a young woman dressed in white, with a pillow behind her in the armchair and holding a book in her lap. On the left, a curtained window and a palm, on a small table. Signed at the upper left: 1. H. Cariea, 1889. No. 49 WILLIAM THOMAS SMEDLEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858— THE WEEKLY MAIL / ° ) Qa ‘ge J Hh Lin Height, 30 inches; width, 21 inches a, 7 ds elderly man, with rotund paunch, seated in an armchair beside an open window, looks up, over his spectacles, from the newspaper he is reading as he listens to the news a young woman, standing on the other side of the window, has received in a letter she holds in her hand. On the floor lies the old gentleman’s hat stuffed with letters and papers. Signed at the lower left: W. T. Smeptey, ’81. No. 50 5 M. F. H. DE HAAS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1832—1895 IN THE HARBOR—MOONLIGHT . f a“ Height, 33 inches; width, 24 inches C 107 f Lawit al er l A sauarE-ricceD ship, with a tug beside it, on the right; at the left, a sailboat; beyond, the buildings and docks of a city. The full moon, halfway up in the sky, sheds its beams over the waters in the foreground. ; | Signed at the lower left: M. F. H. pe Haas, 776. No. 51 PAUL WEBER id. fp. Lagrictn- German: 1823— ¢ - LANDSCAPE Height, 21’ inches; length, 86% énehes the right, a farm house, in the right center, and a belt of trees, beyond; on the left, a green slope with cattle grazing, and through the middle foreground a winding road. A town is seen in the distance, at left, and the sky is filled with gray and white clouds. (, _— A LanpscaPE depicting farm country, with a field of ripe rye, on Signed at the lower right: Paut Weer, 1868. No. 52 RICHARD BURNIER Dutcu: 1826—1884 JUuthivde Delh> TLANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Height, 34 inches; width, 261, inches ‘eg — Two cows, facing the spectator, in the foreground, and a Dutch f . peasant girl walking slowly beside them, at right, knitting as she goes. The landscape setting, painted in an effect of morning light, consists of trees, at left, a plain enveloped in mist, at right, and a gray sky. : Signed at the lower left: R. Burnier, 780. No. 538 ALFRED L. BELLOWS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1829—1883 THE MILL IN THE DINGLE Height, 23 inches; length, 36 inches te. Y, Mter - Tue mill is seen, embowered among the trees, at the extreme left. In the middle foreground, crossing a bridge over a stream, a farmer is driving a wagon loaded with sacks of grain, and at the extreme right is a road leading up to the hillsides which enclose the valley. Summer sky with white clouds. Signed at the lower left: A. F. Brtiows, 1866. a She I oe re ome A No. 54 cs KNUT EKWALL Ah CAN SCANDINAVIAN: 1843— MOTHER AND CHILD Panel: Height, 33 inches; width, 26 inches A xapy, in white flounced gown, trimmed with light blue ribbons, reclining on a couch and holding her little boy beside her as he plays with a white dog beside the couch. The figures are seen in an interior with much carefully painted detail. Signed at the lower left: Knut Exwatt. No. 55 CHARLES LANDELLE Frencu: 1821—1908 YOUTH oe eee” Height, 391, inches; width, 33 inches b A LIFE-SIZE, semi-nude figure of a young woman, with white drapery, seated to left with head turned in full face to right; landscape setting of green foliage and a pool indicated in immedi- ate foreground. Signed at the lower right: Cu. Lanperire, 1877. No. 56 ETIENNE ADOLPHE PIOT ia : FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY i wr - 1; Z Te 8) et i. Cm. hs YOUNG WOMAN | Height, 814 inches; width, 254% inches | 7 A HALF-LENGTH, life-size seated figure of a young woman, in low i 5 gown of gold and white satin; the head in full face and inclined | to left; a jewel in the left hand and a fan in the right. Signed at the lower right: A. Prior. No. 57 MARCO CALDERINI ITALIAN: CONTEMPORARY We ke Keng | SPRING LANDSCAPE Height, 271% inches; length, 381% inches rf 0 @& Aw open space in a wood, with a stream in the middle foreground ; os on the banks, some slender birches; across the canvas, a wall of green forest in springtime leaf, and overhead a gray sky. Signed at the lower left: M. Carprertnt, 775. Exhibited at the Turin National Exposition, 1880. No. 58 A. GUERRA Iranian: ConTEMPORARY ITALIAN PEASANT INTERIOR | Height, 247 inches; length, 381 inches — ly. f, ieee As) 7 | 12 os «=A PARTY of Italian peasants at a meal, spread on a table at right, i, in a large room with a great fireplace, which occupies the left half of the composition. A buxom maid is carrying a large dish of good things to the table and a man, straddling a bench, plays - a mandolin. Signed at the lower left: Guerra, 1881. From Alfredo Candida Gallery, Florence. No. 59 ee : ALESSANDRO RINATOL IraLtiIAN: CoNTEMPORARY THE MUSIC LESSON n OLwel sae Height, 371, inches; width, 26 inches ! ___Iy the organ loft of a church, with a sister at the keyboard, on | 0 — the left, and another in the middle of the composition, a group of a dozen children, music books in hand, are rehearsing choruses. One little girl, on the right, is not paying attention but idly peers over the gallery rail. Signed at the lower left, Rrnatou Atess., Mirano, 1882. H i} No. 60 N. RIEGEN DutcH: ConrTEMPORARY G Her kik. A HARBOR IN HOLLAND Height, 26 inches; length, 391, inches A croup of Dutch fishing boats, with men and women aboard, appear in the middle of the composition. On the right, a piece of shore, with buildings and figures; on the left, other boats, farther out at sea. Sky of blue with warm-tinted white clouds. Signed at the lower right: N. Rincen, Fec., AMSTERDAM. No. 61 MAX VOLKHART GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY Leth - COURTSHIP Height, 3634 inches; width, 80 inches A croup of two figures in a room with a window, at left, giving a view of a town with red-roofed houses. A man, perhaps a soldier, in black and gray, seated on a stool beside a green-covered table and holding a cup of wine, is addressing compliments to a pretty girl, also seated, who is dressed in gray, red and white and holds a rose in her left hand. Signed at the lower left: Max Votxwart, op. 108. No. 62 KNUT EKWALL SCANDINAVIAN: 1843— SAYING GRACE Sle Panel: Height, 3134 inches; length, 39 inches f a" FAMILY group about a dining table in a well-furnished apart- ment. The meal being finished, a little girl, standing with hands clasped before her mother, is giving thanks and a little boy stands at her side in the same attitude. The father, in the background, is reading his evening paper. rae Signed at the lower right: Knur Exwatt. No. 63 A. GUERRA ITraLian: CONTEMPORARY AN ITALIAN PEASANT HOME Height, 36 inches; width, 25%/, inches JY: fp. arf We An 0 a 0 A stuccorp house, showing an archway in the first story, rises Ee. to the top of the canvas, with stone steps, on the right, leading to the floor above. In the courtyard, which is screened by a vine- covered trellis, a woman and a girl are busy with household duties and a flock of hens and a rooster are picking about. Signed at the lower left: A. Guerra, 1880. No. 64 FRANZ RICHARD UNTERBERGER Austrian: 18388— VENICE Height, 23 inches; length, 43 inches | A view of Venice with the Doge’s Palace and the Campanile in the middle distance. In the right foreground are a steamer, some vessels with red, white and yellow sails and a gondola. Other Gee vessels and a steam yacht appear near the middle of the picture f) and at left. Rosy morning sky. Signed at the lower left: F. R. Unversercer. On back of canvas: Venezia, Iraty, F. R. Unversercer, Bruxerzes. vA : : ¥ = > yoke : ‘ eae f \ \ . oF ee Te Oe eee Sek Spree ee ; ; Hye : : i. ; ; a an Ps ee lea [UA armies POS ee : a ‘ oie! ' r . \ a a ee De Mee! ’ » : : min Bea a nt Secor tie So ed WSR 2 72 ON NET No. 65 - q CHARLES JONES, R.C.A. BrittisH-CaNADIAN: CONTEMPORARY | AN AUTUMN EVENING, | WORCESTERSHIRE Height, 24 inches; length, 42 inches 0 a A ¥Fuock of fine sheep on a slope in the foreground and in the middle distance, at the left, a valley and range of hills. Evening sky of blue with the setting sun, just above a bank of purple cloud. Signed at the lower right: C. J. 790. Signed also on back of canvas: Cuartes Jonss, R.C.A. 1890. No. 66 MULLER-KURZWELLER- — ; /? ert GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY A WINTER EVENING Height, 274, inches; length, 42 inches a / i A scENE on the edge of a wood, which appears at the right, with ‘ n “a frozen stream in the foreground, and a cottage in the left / D middle distance. The ground is covered with deep snow and the sky, in the east, is tinged with pink as are the tops of the forest trees, Signed at the lower left: Miitter-Kurzwetier, 1890. No. 67 R. GALLON BritisH: CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH LANDSCAPE . Height, 24 inches; length, 4114 inches G4 au RIVER, in the foreground and winding away on the left, past Ee poetry church ; on SG ae trees ¢ on the eee a low wes Signed at the lower left: R. Gatton. / oS No. 68 FREDERIK HENDRIK KAEMMERER . Durcu (Frencu Scuoor): 1839—1902 FLOREAL S Height, 431, inches; width, 2542 inches 3 A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman, in low white gown and straw-colored fringed sash, carrying a basket of roses and about to ascend the stone steps of a terrace, at left. Signed at the lower right: F. H. Karmmerer. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris. No. 69 FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 a b. Mraraty VENICE Height, 261/, inches; length, 44 inches A BRILLIANT sunlit picture of Venetian waters, with boats with ¢ & ved and yellow sails and gondolas moving about. In the middle distance, at right, the Church of St. Maria de Salute and other buildings. Blue sky. Signed at the lower left: Ties De Bees No. 70 A. B. FORMIS ‘ CoNTEMPORARY hrs | ENVIRONS OF CONSTANTINOPLE Height, 25°, inches; length, 491, inches Ow a level space of sand and sparse grass, with a pagoda and wall on its borders, parties of Turkish ladies are seated on rugs, and, beyond, in the shade of large trees that grow by the river- side are gatherings of many people. The effect is in sunlight and the sky is of tempered blue and white. Signed at the lower right: A. B. Forms. 0° a No. 71 A. B. FORMIS CoNTEMPORARY THE AFTERNOON PROMENADE Height, 251%, inches; length, 4914 inches y, the d A scENE in the environs of Constantinople at the hour before dinner when the ladies of the harems take their outings on the river and the members of the diplomatic corps enjoy a drive or a horseback ride. In the foreground, on the river bank, a party of ladies; on the opposite shore, at left, a summer palace amid the trees, and on the right, equipages and equestrians; evening sky, suffused with pink and yellow. Signed at the lower right: A. B. Forms. Ps De No. 72 4 —“ WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS ey AMERICAN: 1833—1905 iw me Honorary Member, National Academy of Design SEA AND SHORE bLhunr Height, 27 inches; length, 47 inches ; Tue sea, in the foreground, is breaking over rocks, at the right, and the shore, occupying the middle portion of the composition, shows slopes of greensward rising to a rocky mound. Sky of gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower left: Wm. T. RicHarps, 1887. No. 73 GIROLAMO INDUNO IratiAn: 1827—1891 YOUTH AND OLD AGE se Height, 321, inches; length, 4714 inches In a baronial apartment with oak wainscoting, tapestries and carved stone chimney piece, a young man and a young woman playing chess have stopped their game to give attention to what an elderly man, in a long black fur-trimmed velvet robe, is saying to them, while another elderly seigneur sits by the fireplace and turns his head to listen also. Signed at the lower right: Girmo. InpuNo, Minano. No. 74 Fr. H. TOMPKINS AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY Bae: 3 j : A YOUNG MOTHER am a e uit x Height, 431, inches; width, 31 inches 4 A vurer-quarTERs-LENGTH, life-size, seated figure of a young 00 woman in profile to right; brown dress and white collar; at her ! " side, in the background, a baby in a cradle. Signed at the lower left: F. H. Tomexins, Mtneuen, 85. No. 75 HUGO MUHLIG GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY Henny, 5S ALA PEASANTS ON THE HIGHWAY Y Height, 31 inches; length, 48 inches A LANDSCAPE in the Low Countries with a broad road leading from the left foreground to the middle distance, where it turns, at the right; on the left a plain in the morning mists and a town; gray sky. On the highway, coming toward the spectator is a long line of donkey and dog carts carrying milk and other farm products to market. Signed at the lower left: Huco Miuuic, Dor, (Dusseldorf). a Je ae a ee ae ae eee tied. ee No. 76 CLARDI ITALIAN: CoNTEMPORARY CHIOGGIA Height, 30 inches; length, 5014 inches » 7° Gs : | h. Ghercthi pla Tur smooth waters of the bay of Venice, reflecting a sky of blue | . ® with white clouds on the horizon, fill the lower half of the composi- tion. In the central foreground is a rowboat with fishermen draw- ing in their nets and a boy at the bow. In the distance, at the left, the buildings of Venice and, at the right, a blue line of shore. Brilliant sunlight effect. Signed at the lower left: Craronr. No..77 CIARDI Iratian: ConNTEMPORARY FISHING canis ; {/ ° Height, 30 inches; length, 50 inches CA : Y LAM AL Fas (ip. | On the smooth waters. outside of Venice, occupying the lower half Vi of the canvas, is a boy fishing from a punt. In the distance lies jo | the shore line, and overhead is a sky of broken gray clouds with | openings showing pink and warm tinted white. Signed at the lower right: Crarpi, VENEZIA, 1882. pee No. 78 A. B. FORMIS CoNTEMPORARY P/ a G. Ven dist THE PASSING CARAVAN Height, 251% inches; length, 49 inches A caravan, with a white camel in the lead, is seen advancing on a road through an oasis of the desert, its passage raising clouds of dust. On the right, in a grove of palm trees, are long low buildings and numerous figures; at left, on the roadside, tents and a group of Arabs; gray-blue sky. Signed at the lower right: A. Fors. No. 79 A. B. FORMIS C 4 Ege: de G ‘an i CROSSING THE STREAM Height, 25 inches; length, 49 inches In the foreground is a wide, shallow stream with some large boul- ders in its bed, across which, coming toward the spectator, some cows are being driven by a party of peasant women and children who are wading the stream. In the middle distance, the opposite shores extend across the picture. Sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower right: A. Forms. Pees mae NO“ S80 Me, AURELIO TIRATELLI. Tratian: 1842— AN ITALIAN FAIR a } tranth Height, 244, inches; length, 53842 inches aoe tents, ia cee and Pole: in the middle atte a eo castle 0 on a hill; Eee effect under a sky of blue. ee _ Signed at the lower right: A. Trrareri1: Roma, 1889. , No. 81 E. TOFANO Iratian: ConTEMPORARY ALONE AT LAST dag 4 Coit Height, 52 inches; width, 30 inches A WELL-KNown picture that has long enjoyed popularity, repre- senting two figures, a man in evening dress and a lady whom he is closely embracing, dressed in a wedding gown of white. The setting for the figures is a luxurious apartment, with a large palm in the background and flowers on the mantelpiece, at right. Signed at the lower left: E. Torano. Signed also on back of canvas: EH. Torano, “78. Ct,. Mrurhave No. 82 WILLIAM LAMB PICKNELL, AN.A. | is American: 1852—1897 | : So A COTTAGE BY THE SEA Height, 36 inches; length, 50 inches A Brirrany landscape with the foreground in shadow and a thatched cottage, in the right middle distance, shining in the sunlight; at the left, an estuary and, beyond, a line of hills. Sky of heavy clouds. : a Signed at the lower left: W. L. Prcknett, 85. ih ei i Wy it Nia) | iN ! i Nhat | H } i y dt} te) i Wa ih i { { } No. 83 CHARLES LANDELLE A WOMAN OF THE EAST Height, 511% inches; width, 3314, inches | Frencu: 1821—1908 bic pm ssi es a A THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH, life-size figure, in full face, of a | | 4, . beautiful young woman of Oriental race, wearing headdress and loose gown of white, jewelled bandeau around her forehead and elaborate necklace. The right hand rests on an earthen jar. Signed at the lower right: Cu. Lanverie. Purchased from Goupil & Co., New York. No. 84 - 2 EK. FONTANA 7. f KL UA. Tratran: ConTEMPORARY THE MAID AND THE MARMITON Height, 511% inches; width, 391%, inches A wattine maid, with low blue frock and white, lace-trimmed » @ apron, standing beside a pantry, is receiving somewhat insistent addresses from a good-looking cook’s boy, in white cap and jacket, who leans over a sideboard on which there is a dish of pears and grapes. Signed at the lower right: E. Fontana, Mirano, 1882. No. 85 F. VISCONTI FrencH: CONTEMPORARY LANDSCAPE Height, 33% inches; length, 5814 inches | a In the foreground, at the right, a pool where women are washing LA _—lothes, and, at left, large trees with brown foliaged branches 0 spreading over the upper part of the canvas; a cottage, fields and trees in the middle distance, and sky of pale blue with great — masses of white cloud. ~ Signed at the lower right: F. Visconti, 778. No. 86 JEAN XAVIER FRANCOIS ROFFIAEN Frencu: 1820— LE LAC DE WALLENSTADT . pei: Height, 3414 inches; length, 57 inches the foreground of the picture and stretch away in the distance, on the right, between the mountain shores. A boat with an awning, rowed by a peasant girl, is seen in the right foreground and there is another on the left. The middle distance is occupied by the mountains, painted with great care as to detail; blue sky, with white clouds. 0 ‘Tue mirror-like waters of the Lake of Wallenstadt extend across Signed at the lower right: J. F. Rorriarn, 1869. Fjo~ No. 87 JULES JOSEPH LEFEBVRE Frencu: 1834— SALOME Height, 59 inches; width, 36 inches A THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH, life-size figure of a young woman, with black hair falling over her shoulders, full face with head inclined to left. The costume consists of lace drapery about the shoulders and a skirt of red with patterns in gold, white and black. The left hand rests on the hip, while with the right she holds a brass platter on which rests a double-edged short sword. Signed at the lower left: Jutes Leresyre. (Oriental inscription in upper left hand corner.) Purchased from William Schaus, New York. Sine om oe a No. 88 en H. SCHNEE —@g GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY AFTER THE CHRISTENING Height, 411% inches; length, 561% inches A roan, in the foreground, with a wall at left, and the branches of a great tree, which grows on a green bank, at right, spreading above it leads from a fine old stone church; on the roadway, a young peasant woman, carrying her white-robed baby, her hus- band and an elderly woman are coming from the doorway and spectators are standing about. Signed at the lower right: H. Scunes, 790. No. 89 EK. FISCHER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY A SWISS LAKE Height, 331, inches; length, 691, inches Tue lower half of the canvas is occupied by the smooth waters of a lake, with a pebbly point of shore extending from the left. At the extremity of the point three boats are tied up and fish nets are drying, at the left. Mountains form the shores on either side and the sky is filled with gray clouds. Signed at the lower right: Ep. Fiscuer, 790. No. 90 CLEMENT R. GRANT AMERICAN: ConTEMPORARY (Member Boston Art Club) DAY DREAMS Pats Height, 5% inches; width, 38. inches ip A THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH, life-size figure of a young woman, with brown jacket, dark blue skirt and black cap with white band, standing with hands clasped in pensive attitude as she leans against a tree. the background of the landscape, a view of the sea. \ Signed at the lower left: C. R. Gran. No. 91 F. VISCONTI FreENcH: CONTEMPORARY A POOL IN THE FOREST Height, 46 inches; length, 6514, inches 5. y. Srank Wi Lan In a rugged foreground, on the edge of a forest, is a pool, the appear two hills. A row of thatched cottages lines the edge of the woods. | q O “ and back of the belt of trees, in the middle of the composition, Signed at the lower left: F. Viscontt, 776. No. 92 FRANCESCO GIOVANNI MANCINI Iranian: 1829— p Vg rekek La Crust 4 ROAD NEAR NAPLES Height, 621% inches; width, 41 inches A CARRIAGE, in which ladies are riding, drawn by three chestnut 40 “horses, is coming forward on a road at a lively pace, urged on | by the driver, who is standing up on the box and cracking his whip; on the left, a high cliff; on the right, a stone wall; beyond, a wide valley and a mountain peak. Blue sky with scattered white clouds. Signed at the lower right: F. Mancrni, Napout, 1881. water reflecting a mass of white cloud, high up in the sky,. LS ee ee ee ee oe ey ee en. — No. 93 V. CORCOS FrENcH: ConTEMPORARY oy THE BALCONY iG | i Ui Ohwdhl: Re Height, 44 inches; length, 71 inches IR REE ladies, dressed in fashionable costumes of the eighties, ated on a balcony overlooking the city of Paris. On the right, 1 the corner of = balcony. a white azalea in bloom. Signed at the lower left: V. Corcos, ’84. ~ a wee . No. 94 F. VISCONTI FreNcH: ConTEMPORARY Height, 541 inches; length, 15 inches F FONTAINEBLEAU , & es FOREST OF FONTAINEBLE aie A ay _ A STRIKINGLY composed landscape, with great forest trees on the 3 ~ right and a pond in the left center; other trees at left and in | 4 ee _ middle distance, and ot of dark, rolling clouds and blue. Signed at the lower left: F. Visconti, 776. 7 TAR Gn ees MOORISH MARKETPLACE a Die burns, C4 1h 5 No. 95 ERNST KOERNER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY Height, 53 inches; length, 79 inches A scENE just outside of a Moorish city with many figures in the foreground where vegetables, cakes and other articles are exposed — for sale, and a man on a camel riding through the crowd. The a | buildings of the town extend across the picture yaar a group of . palm trees at the left. Sky of gray-blue. niles at the lower oe Ernst KoerNeEr, 1890. No. 96 JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 LA PREMIERE ARRIVEE H eight, 93 inches ; width, 56 inches Tue celebrated picture by Gustave Jacquet which was greatly admired and favorably criticised when it was exhibited at the Paris Salon. A beautiful young woman with blue velvet, em- broidered cape and white satin skirt, holding a long staff in her | right hand, has been the first of a little party to reach the top of an eminence in a park, two young men and another young woman following and just mounting a slope, at the left. This charming picture is painted with the well-known skill of a talented French artist. , | si Signed at the lower right: G. Jacquet, 1879. (Illustrated) []00°: No. 97 HENRI LEROLLE | Pet Ss Koy Frencu: 1851— THE POTATO GATHERERS Height, 79 inches; length, 116 inches A CELEBRATED picture by the well-known artist Lerolle: 'Two young women are seen in the right foreground harvesting pota- toes, one wearing a red skirt, the other a black one. Bags filled with the crop stand about them and in the distance are some trees, a flock of sheep, at right, and level fields. a AAG in . ~~ a ae \ wine i ai maa ot 5 LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND : . THEIR WORKS / CATALOGUE . NUMBER | _ ALDI, i ‘ Caught in the Act | 34 _ ARMENZ, P. i= ——C@Peasants in Town re 86 e AUBERT, ‘Ernest Jean eo 7 s | Young French Woman 13 in BELLOWS, Aurrep L., N.A. | —s« The Mill in the Dingle 58 [= BERTIER, F. E.- pe A Lady in Black | 39 i= BURNIER, RIcHARD — Landscape and Cattle 52 | CALDERINI, Marco _ 3 Spring Landscape oT |= CALIGA, I. H. 1 _ Reminiscence 7 48 E - CASTALDO, F. Corpora | 9 Sea and Shore 33 i | i i ; CHARNAY, ARMAND The Chateau—Autumn CIARDI Chioggia Fishing COMTE, Pierre CHARLES La Toilette CORCOS, V. The Balcony DE HAAS, M. F. H., N.A. In the Harbor—Moonlight DELORT, CuHarites Epovuarp A Coquette DONZETTI, L. The Setting Sun EKWALL, Knut Mother and Child Saying Grace ENGEL, Joun FREDERICK Walking in the Park EPP, RupoLteH Female Head CATALOGUE & NUMBER 12 76 77 30 50 27 Beer sCHER, EK... | sf wa A Swiss Lake _ FONTANA, E. The Maid and the Marmiton é A _FORMIS, A. B. __———s Environs of Constantinople The Afternoon Promenade _ The Passing Caravan Crossing the Stream ime «GALLON, R-~ ' English Landscape e 4 ay : GEBLER, Friepricn Orro | — Sheep 2 - GRANT, Ciement R. : > aa Day Dreams —_— GUERRA, A. i= az Italian Peasant Interior An Italian Peasant Home as INDUNO, Girotamo Youth and Old Age _INNESS, Grorcr, N.A. . _ Landscape The River Landscape CATALOGUE NUMBER 89 84 90 73 ‘ JACQUET, Jean GUSTAVE La Premiére Arrivée JOHNSON, Davin, N.A. The Housatonic River, near Barrington JONES, CuHaries, R.C.A. An Autumn Evening, Worcestershire KAEMMERER, FrepERIK HENpDRIK Floréal KOEKKOEK, Barenp Corners Near Tiel, Holland KOERNER, Ernst A Moorish Marketplace LA MONACA, A. Marta In the Garden LANDELLE, CuHartes Youth A Woman of the East LANSIL, Winiiam FRANKLIN Waiting for the Tide LEFEBVRE, Juss J OSEPH Salome CATALOGUE | NUMBER | 96 68 14 95 38 87 CATALOGUE NUMBER LEKIGIAN, G. | Among the Tombs 25 LEROLLE, HeEnrI The Potato Gatherers UL LOTS, C. F. Landscape 26 MACCARI, C. The Fortune Teller 11 MANCINI, Francesco Giovanni On a Road near Naples 92 MANTEGAZZA, Gtacomo Street Musicians | 31 MAZZOTTA, F. The Young Culprit 43 MENZLER, WiLHELM Young Woman in Profile 10 MUHLIG, Hveo | Peasants on the Highway 75 MULLER-KURZWELLER | A Winter Evening 66 MUNKACSY, MrHaty DE Carlsbad Ad NEUBERT, Lovis Landscape NICZKY, E. Spring “Caught” OUDINOT, A. On the Oijse PASCUTTI, ANTONIO The Music Room PASINI, ALsBEerto ; Departure of a Persian Caravan PICKNELL, Wu11aM Lams, 4.N.A. A Cottage by the Sea PIERCH, C. F. Early Spring | Spring Landscape and Cattle PIOT, Errennr AbDOLPHE Young Woman RICHARDS, Wituram Trost Landscape Sea and Shore RIEGEN, N. a. A Harbor in Hollan RINATOL, ALEssanprRo The Music Lesson — : ROBIE, Jean Baptiste Flowers and Fruit ROFFIAEN, Jean Xavier FRAncots Le Lac de Wallenstadt I 3 fa SAINTIN, Jutes Emir Pe ee eS ee ae i cM Oy tee Ene a ees ee ; Ah ecg ." as ahs 7 : aes Bais New rs . t me ee es | i E) f at. i {ee SeRHRG 1 : ee \ Se A Florist’s eer SCHINEE, H. After the air serine SIMONETTI, ieee = At the Costumer’s 1 es : SMEDLEY, WituaMm THomas, N.A. The Weekly Mail / TAIT, Artuur Firzwituium, N.A. “Treed—a Good Time Coming” TIRATELLI, Avretio An Italian Fair - TOFANO, E. Alone at Last TOMPKINS, F. H. A Young Mother CATALOGUE NUMBER 59 18 86 88 28 49 46 80 81 (e) i ee i UNTERBERGER, Franz RicuHarp - Venice VAN BEERS, Jan A Blonde VAN BOSKERCK, Rozert Warp, N.A. Post-office, Queechey, Lake Geneva The Mill Pond, East Lynn, Connecticut High Noon, near Niantic, Conn. VAN DAM, A. Skating—Holland Vel Ryo Arie | Return from the Hunt VISCONTI, F. Landscape A Pool in the Forest Forest of Fontainebleau VOLKHART, Max Courtship VOLTZ, Friepricu Landscape and Cattle WEBER, Pav Landscape CATALOGUE NUMBER | 64 20 61 37 P Pea ate eee sa Ne gl a 2 ie — Age} “ ; j : ae : CATALOGUE NUMBER iKS, Epwin Lorp Gossip at the Fountain, Rabat, Morocco AT ZIED I, Fiurx eed - e 69 7 eet R ; Dus } 5 = = oa a Hv. - [Gea e ’ : aan im ’ ra Sa ee me ; ae i : ’ - : ( “ee = —~ 5 ‘ Se roa es pif ——_, — soe ai ~ — a <= eo - i . ot ee eee 27 a a or ig rs > cal Sa - ~ — | z _ — ood s SS } - - 2 b= et er ahs ~ aS, ° ‘i > 1 . ea ae prreyeerren er eae " FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK TABLE GLASSWARE 98—Twenty BoHEemian Ruspy Guass GosBLets Elongated gadrooned bodies on short feet, enriched with cartouches, floral scrolls and bandings in raised gilding. 99—Twetve Bonemian Rusy anp Enamet WINE Grasses Inverted conical ruby bodies, quatrefoil bases, enriched with floral sprays in colored enamels and gilding. 100—Twentve Bonemian Ruspy anp Enamet WINE GLASSES Similar to preceding, but with white glass bodies. 101—Twetve Bonemian Rusy Guass TumMBLERS Finely cut and gilded decoration of scrolled cartouches, flowers and bandings. 102—ELEvVEN Crear Guass TUMBLERS Similar in pattern to preceding. 103—Twenvy-ricut Bonemian Rusy anv. EnamMet TumBiers Richly gilded and enamel floral grounds with recurring qua- trefoil reserves holding dainty flower sprays; small size, by “Barrach.” as First Afternoon 104—Sert or Bonemian ENAMELED Guiass TUMBLERS Three handsome gilded and enameled leaf sprays rise from the foot. Consisting of: eleven in ruby enamel, ten in blue, and eleven in red and green. Small size. 105—NinetEeen BonemiAn Green Cur Grass TumMBLErs Heavy, tapering, faceted bodies, with plain gues rims. (One rim chipped.) 106—Twenty BoHEMIAN CuT AND GILDED Guass TUMBLERS Slightly swelling bodies, the lower portions enriched with — spear-shaped faceted cutting; above, sunk and gilded gar- — lands of flowers. 107—Twetve BoHEmMIAN YELLOW Guass Tati WINES Hexagonal faceted stems with white spiral interior deco- ration; bowls with six oval medallions cut to the clear white ground; enriched with raised floral scrolls and bands of gilding. 108—NINETEEN GILDED CrystaLt GuAss TUMBLERS Fine clear bodies with round bases, supported-on three gilded cornucopie. (Small size.) 109—NINETEEN GILDED CrystaL Guass TUMBLERS Similar to preceding, but of larger size. 110—FirTreen GinpED CrystaL CHAMPAGNE GLASSES Goblet shape, supported on pear-shaped feet and three gilded cornucopie. LLI—NINETEEN Cut ann Ercuep CrystaL Guass 'TuMBLERS Richly decorated with birds, large foliage and flowers. ee Jt ae —, ER. First Afternoon 112—E1cHTEEN Cut ano EtcHEpD CrystTaL CHAMPAGNE GLASSES _ Funnel-shaped bowls enriched with birds, large foliage and flowers; faceted hexagonal tapering stems, gilded bands. 113—E1cHTEEN CuT AND EtcHeEp CrystaL Tati WINE GLASSES Similar to preceding. 114—Ser or Gitpep Cur Guass Richly decorated with deeply cut and gilded garlands of flowers. Consisting of: Twenty champagne glasses, twenty finger bowls and twenty plates for same, and five tall com- potiers. PORCELAIN DINNER WARE 115—Twentve DecoratTep PorceLaIn PLATES Gilded scroll and leaf rims, allover decoration of small bouquets of yellow flowers. 116—Twetve Royvat Worcester PorcELain Cake PLateEs Skilfully decorated with sprays of maiden-hair fern in - gilded relief, and dragon-flies in low tones, on pale straw- yellow ground; gilded rims. 117—Twetve Dovrton Farence Fruir PLatss Raised floral scroll rims, borders of gilded stars semé on pale coffee-colored ground, centers delicately painted with varied spring blossoms by ‘*Wilson.” 118—E1cutTEen Royat Porcerain Fruir PiLates Gilded scalloped rims, borders enriched with three jeweled and enameled winged cartouches in brilliant colors; sprays of grapevines and apples in raised natural colors and gild- ing, spring from the cartouches and are tied with bowknots of pale blue ribbon. First Afternoon 119—Eient Rovat Porceain Caen PLATES ) Gilded, scalloped and scroll rims; the centers decorated with groups of Cupids amongst clouds. Each plate illustrates a Theme of Music or the Arts, in Boucher style. Pale straw- yellow backgrounds. 120—Twetve Royat Worcester PorceLaIn Dessert PLATES Borders enriched with floral stars, valances and bandings in raised gilding; the centers finely painted with loose bouquets of varied summer flowers, roses, dahlias, stocks and poppies. 121—Twetve Ricuty Decoratep Dovuron Farence DESSERT PLATES Shaped, scalloped borders enriched with raised and gilded husks and wave bands of dull reds; centers of varied branches of raised growing flowers, roses, chrysanthemums, poppies and violets, executed in various tones of gilding. 122—T ree Decorated Royat Minton Farence Puates (a) Gilded border decorated with transparent lozenges, center painted with group “Cupid and Psyche” by A. Boul- lemier. (s) Border, raised gilded bands guarding a wide, rich tur- quoise-blue ground, occupied by raised scroll and canopy motives in white. Center painted with subject, “Spring.” (c) Slightly scalloped gilded rim, rose-du-Barry border with raised, gilded scrollings. Center painted with “Still Life” panel. 123—Two Drespen Porcretain Oren Borper Puatres - Intricate pierced and scalloped borders of forget-me-nots, basket-work and delicate scrolls; the center panels painted with “Cupids” and “Watteau pastoral scene” on bleu-de- rot and gilded grounds. (One repaired.) First Afternoon 124—Royat Vienna Porceiain PLATE Border enriched with crimson and raised, gilded scrolled panels, and oval reserved medallions. Center painted with group “Vortigern et Rovena” after Angelica Kauffmann. 125—Four Royat Vienna Porcetarn PiateEs Elaborate scrolled borders in raised gilding and rich blue; the centers variously painted with subjects after W. Kray, Beyschlag and Kiesel, ‘‘Allegorie der Winter,” “Psyche am Meer,” “Griechisches Madchen” and “Tochter des Scheik.” 126—Fovur CorEetanp PorceLaIn PLaATEs Richly gilded and jeweled scroll borders. Three painted with female heads, and one with classic seated figure by S. Alcock. 127—Twetve Royat Worcester PorceLatn DinNER Piates Decorated in brilliant colors in the psuedo-Chinese style. Borders of green scales and diapers interrupted with flower panels; centers, birds-of-paradise among flowers. 128—Twetve Dovurtron Farence Dessert PLATEs Blue relief scrolled borders in the Louis XV style; centers painted in blue with various “Historic Scenes” and “Cas- tles of Britain,” Chester Castle, Haddon Hall, Melrose Abbey, Queen’s Cottage and Dunluce Castle. 129—Twenve Minton Farence Dinner PLarteEs Beautifully gilded borders pierced with key fret and oval medallions; the centers in colors with various domestic and country themes of a lady of degree, painted by A. Boul- lemier. (One repaired.) | From the famous Mary J. Morgan Collection Catalogue, No. 1180. First Afternoon 180—Twetve Ricuty DECORATED COPELAND PORCELAIN PLATES Slightly scalloped edges, borders beautifully enriched with jeweled shells, scrolls, pateras and fleurs-de-lis in fine gild- ing; the centers decorated in delicate colors with varied female standing figures in classic draperies, by the noted porcelain painter, S. Alcock. 181—TuirtEen Royat Dounton Faience Frouir PLates Deeply scalloped rims in dull tan and gilding enhanced with relief scrolls; centers decorated with various growing flow- ers in colors and outlined with raised gilding, creeping bamboo, clematis, blue-bells, Christmas bush and golden- wattle. 182—Twenty Royat PorceLain DLNNER PLaTEs Gilded, scalloped and pierced basket borders enriched with pale yellow panels alternating with others sustaining bou- quets of varied colors which trail over toward the centers. First Afternoon a a a ai ee a CN 1383—NInE DEcorRATED Sevres Dessert Puates Finely paneled borders of blew-de-rot, enriched with conven- tionalized bouquets in gilding; the centers occupied by varied themes of “Chevalier et Dame,” painted by and signed “K.. Sieffert de Sévres.” 184—Srvenreen Decoratep Minton Farence Dinner Prates Borders enriched with banding, shells, husk garlands and floral medallions in raised gilding on a fine ivory glaze. Slightly scalloped edges. 1385—NIneTEEN Royart Beri Porcerarn Dinner Puares Decorated in the Louis XV style, the centers with varied bouquets of flowers and garlands in natural colors; the borders enriched with six alternating scalloped panels of slightly modeled floral scrolls and sprays, and open basket- work richly gilded. First Afternoon 136—EIcHTEEN RoseE-PInk AND GoLp CoaLport PorcELAIN Din- NER PLATES Gilded, gadrooned and scalloped edges, the border and dip — enriched with an irregular band of rose pink finished with floral raised gilded scrollings in the Louis XV style; between the rim and first scrolling is semé with gilded points; lus- trous cream grounds. 137—NIneETtTEEN Roya Porcenain DINNER PLATEs Slightly scalloped, pierced borders enriched with gilding and pink garlands; the centers occupied by different noted castles carefully painted in red: ‘‘Godesberg,” ‘*Marks- burg,” ‘‘Oberlahnstein,” “Ellfeld’’ and others. 1388—Twetve RicHty Drecorarep PorceLain DInNER PLATEs IN THE Roya VieENNA MANNER Varied borders enriched with alternating vase medallions and panels of pale blue, deep crimson, straw yellow, lavender, pale pink and raised gilded scrollings and bandings. Centers painted with classic female and Cupid themes after Kray, Avesler and Tillier. First Afternoon 189—Tweutve Ricuty Decoratep Minton Farence DINNER PLATES Borders pierced with key fret and oval medallions flanked by bands and garlands in raised gilding; centers, octagonal medallions of Cupids in bistre on dark crimson backgrounds. Six have Sévres blue surrounds enriched with husks and flanked by cream, and six have cream surrounds flanked by rose pink. 140—NINETEEN Royat Porceiain Dessert PLates Gilded scalloped borders with alternate scrolled shell and pierced basket panels, lined on the lower edge with pale pink. Centers painted in old red with varied groups of Cupids, representing various themes of “Music,” “Driving Dolphin,” and the “Arts,” in the manner of Boucher. First Afternoon 141—SIxTEEN Crown Derpy PorcELAIn DINNER PLATES _ Wave edge, borders and centers enriched with raised, gilded floral scrolls simulating old lace; under borders gilded. 7 142—EicHTEEN Crown Derpy PorceLarn Dinner Puates | y ; a Bleu-de-roi, enriched on the borders with floral diapers, — spear-shaped floral and scroll motives in raised gildings. 143—EI1cHTEEN Crown Dersy Soup Puates Similar decoration to preceding. 144—E1cHTEEN Biev-pF-rot PorcELAIn DINNER PLATES IN THE Royvau VrirenNA MANNER Borders and dips enriched with floral scrollings in raised gilding; circular center medallions in reserve of varied Ideal heads of young girls after A. Seifert, H. Knocht and V. Bauer. ae First Afternoon 145—Twetve Royat Vienna Porcetain Arrer Dinner Correr Cups AND SAUCERS Elongated cups with gilded scroll handles; bodies decorated with varied classic themes: “Psyche,” “Amor,” and ‘‘Cu- pids”; short spreading feet in rich crimson, jeweled and gilded. Saucers occupied by richly gilded eee pan- els of crimson and blue, pink and pale yellow. 146—Royat Vienna Porcenain WINE Ewer anv Tray Ewer, ovoid body with a broad, gilded band enriched with painted groups of Bacchanalian Cupids in reserve; foot, neck and spout of crimson enriched with gilded scrolls and grapes. Tray, circular, with broad, gilded band enriched with groups of Cupids painted in reserve, illustrating “Spring,” “Summer,” “Autumn” and “Winter.” Painted by Sibl. Height, 111, inches; diameter, 12 inches. COLLECTION OF VENETIAN GLASS _ By the Famous Makers, Dr. Salviati, Testolini and The Venezia Murano Compagna 147—VENETIAN Guass VasE | _By Testolini. Swan design, the plumage and head in clear glass, the beak in dull red, the body granulated with metal to resemble avanturine. (Tail chipped.) Height, 31%, inches. 148—Two BorrLE-sHAPED VENETIAN Guass VASES By Testolini. Slender, cylindrical expanding necks, high, baluster spreading feet; one clouded with pale olive, the other ruby pink and milk-white glass flecked with silver. Heights, 71, and 71, inches. First 149— Afternoon Two Rare Venetian Grass VasEs By the Venezia Murano Compagna. One in the form of an — open-mouthed fish, composed of blue and clear glass mottled with silver on body and gold on fins, diagonally placed on a glass stem and broad short foot. (Tail imperfect.) The 150— other a slender, lily-shaped vase with two scroll handles at the bulbous base. Rich royal-blue glass with bulb and handles in clear glass. . : Heights, 7 and 7%, inches. Pate YELLow VENETIAN Guass VaAsE AND PITCHER By Dr. Salviati. Long, loose lily in yellow, lined in white, held almost horizontally by a coiled sea-serpent with head erect; short foot and serpent of pale blue iridescent glass. Helmet-shaped pitcher on low, broad foot; a sea-horse in bluish clear glass placed with two paws on rim, forms the handle. Heights, 814 and 7%, inches. 151—Two Parte Biuve VEnETIAN Guass VASES By the Venezia Murano Compagna. Cups in the form of flat gadrooned shell supported by two twisted and looped spirals with floral termination of clear and amber glass flecked with gold. Low, broad feet of blue glass powdered with silver. Height, 8 inches. 152—Two VENETIAN Guass VASES By Dr. Salviati. One a lily-cup of clear yellow glass sup- ported by a coiled and winged sea-horse in clear glass. The other a vase in the form of a Damascus lamp; ribbed glob- ular body and long funnel neck, curiously marbled with pink, yellow and milk-white on pale amber; four intricate scrolled sea-horse handles of clear glass. Heights, 914, and 8 inches. 149 153 151 First Afternoon 1583—Two BravutiruL SLENDER VENETIAN Guass GOBLETS By The Venezia Murano Compagna. One, graceful incury- ing bowl with flutings and bosses under in clear ruby glass flecked with gold, two clear glass handles of scrolled and _ winged sea-horses with red tongues, fine baluster stem en- riched with six open scroll supports; ruby foot. The other, with ribbed pear-shaped bowl enriched with a double row of bosses and flutings under; scroll handles partially of clear glass flecked with gold, high bell foot; lovely iridescent clear a sky-blue glass. Heights, 914, and 91/ inches. (Illustrated ) | 154—Two Venetian Guass Bowus One an incurving bowl on short foot, enhanced with four scrolled dragon-head handles terminating in shells. Amber glass flecked with gold, simulating avanturine. The other a bowl with upright sides ribbed in three places; of lovely iridescent clear sky-blue glass enriched with two scrolled sea-horse handles, two lion-masks, four bosses and short — scroll feet, in delicate clear amber glass. Diameters, 4 inches. 155—Two Venetian Guass Dotputn Drinxine VEssELs By Dr. Salviati. One with upcurving tail and scroll handle, on small, low circular foot; under-gills of blue glass. One with head uplifted and mouth open, and tail scrolled forming handle, on broad short foot. Both straw-yellow, with en- richment of milky-white and clear glass. Heights, 6 and 4 inches. 156—Two Venetian Guass Wine Ewers By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Ribbed pear-shaped bodies; slender necks with trefoil-lipped mouths, from which spring molded scrolled strap handles; short bell feet. One splashed with crimson-pink, blue and green on a milky glass and flecked with gold; the other with ruby splashes on slightly. milky glass. Heights, 103%, and 1134 inches. First Afternoon 157—Two Pater YELLow VENETIAN Guass VASES By Dr. Salviati. One bottle-shaped, on stemmed low foot; enriched with six clear glass scroll handles holding loose pendent rings. The other pear-shaped, with slender neck and expanding mouth, stemmed short foot. Enriched on shoulder with three shell and scroll handles alternating with small shell orifices for individual flowers. Heights, 7 and 81%, inches. 158—IripEscent Pate Buive VENETIAN Guass VAsE By Dr. Salviati. Double gourd-shaped, with slightly spiral ribbings, enhanced at neck with two intricate handles of scrolls and sea-horses in clear glass, delicately flecked with silver. Height, 7 inches. 159—VENETIAN Guass Tripricatre VASE By Testolini. Tapering bodies, with incurving necks, lily- shaped mouths; marbled with deep blue and milky-white glass terminating at the foot in clear amber, flecked with silver. : Height, 7 inches. - 160—Patr YELLOW VENETIAN Guass VASE AND WINE-POoT By Dr. Salviati. Spiral ribbed conical body terminating in a vertical lily-mouth, two sea-horse and scroll handles of clear glass. Globular, with trefoil mouth expanding into scroll-shell spout, S-scroll handle and loose bail handle of clear glass held by loops on shoulder. Both lined with milk- white glass. | Heights, 9 and 614, inches. 161—T wo BorriLe-sHAPED VENETIAN Guass VASES By Testolini. Slender expanding necks, on high feet. One invested with warm amber and milky-white glass, the other marbled with dull crimson and milk-white on blue-black glass; both flecked with silver. Heights, 74, and 71/, inches. First Afternoon 162—Two Venetian Grass Wine Ewers a By The Venezia Murano Compagna. One globular, with slender neck and duck spout, scrolled loop handle, on short baluster stem and broad foot. Clear glass enriched with beautiful spiral bandings of deep rose outlined with crim- son, flanked by gilded and narrow milk-white lines. The other depressed globular, with neck wound with spiral scroll, _ loop handle, enriched with glass nulling; set on rosetted __ diminishing baluster stem and broad foot. Clear lapis-blue marbled with bluish-white glass. Heights, 1034, inches. 163—Two Rose Pink VENETIAN Guass VasEs By Testolini. (a) Pear-shaped body, slender neck and wave lip, short foot; enriched with spiral on neck in clear glass. (B) Dolplin vase, with upcurving tail extended — and forming scroll handle; low foot; fins and gills in clear glass. Sa Heights, 8 and 6%, inches. ; 164—VeneTian Guass Two-HanpLED Bown . Patterned from an old Roman model. Short serrated foot and rim, rustic handles. The body enriched with recurring _ shell and spear-shaped motives and a band of circular plaquettes ; veined with rich purple, lavender and ‘blue. = Diameter, 454 inches. 165—Parte YELLow VENETIAN Grass PITCHER By Dr. Salviati. Horizontal, pear-shaped body elongated into an upcurved neck; scroll handle, dragon-head stopper. Height, 71, inches. 166—Two Venetian Guass Liqueur Borris By Dr. Salviati. Pear-shaped bodies with long slender necks, delicately ribbed with milk-white glass; covers form small glasses; one of rich amber glass, one clear glass tinged with yellow. _ Heights, 9 and 914 inches. First Afternoon 167—Two VenetTIAN Guass VASES By Testolini. One bottle-shaped, of light and dark claret color and milk-white glass flecked with silver; enriched with enameled and gilded sprays of roses. The other ovoid shape, with incurving neck and low, broad foot of clear glass enriched with looped ribbon ribbings in gold, body hair-lined with milk-white glass; two swan handles on shoul- der. (Repaired.) Heights, 8 and 9 inches. 168—Two Srenper Lity-vases or VENETIAN GLass One, long trumpet form, supported by gadrooned baluster and open scroll stem, low broad foot; pale yellowish-green glass. The other, trumpet form, with undulating lip, of yellow glass, supported by an iridescent bluish glass dol- phin whose tail twists around stem; blue collar, low broad foot of yellow. (Both imperfect.) = Heights, 131, and 12 inches. 169—GrEEN aND Gop VENETIAN Guass VASE By Dr. Salviati. Bottle-shaped with slender neck, bell mouth, short, incurvate stem on low broad foot; decorated with alternate vertical stripes of green and gold, enriched with six scroll and loose ring handles in clear glass. | Height, 7% inches. 170—VeEneTIAN Grass VasE AND A Dovusie Borrie By Dr. Salviati. The vase, slender amphora shape, with two high square top strap handles terminating in lion masks; slight, twisted ribbed body of brilliant ruby glass. The bottle, in the shape of two gadrooned shells which are elongated into long entwining necks, supported on short baluster stem and broad foot; iridescent glass with hair- linings in milky-white. Heights, 11 and 9% inches. First Afternoon 171—Venetian Guass Lity-vasE anp a WINE-POT The vase, depressed bottle-shape, of white glass enriched with rustic branch holding two blue flowers and forming handle; ribbed neck and shaped, spreading upturned lip in two tones of ruby. The wine-pot, globular, with trefoil mouth of pale red glass liberally invested with powdered gold, scroll handle at mouth and swinging bail handle held by loops on shoulders, of clear glass. Heights, 914 and 6%, inches. 172—Two Rusy VENETIAN Guass VASES By Testolini. One bottle-shaped, finely ribbed, on short foot. Clear glass enriched with alternate wide ruby lines and milk-white hair lines; intricate scroll and sea-horse handles flecked with gold. The other globular, with funnel neck on small baluster stem and broad foot, beautifully enriched with alternating spiral bands of rose outlined with. crimson and milk-pink lines. Heights, 8%, and 91/, inches. 173—Two SLenper VENETIAN GtiAss VAsEs By Testolini. Pear-shaped vase with long cylindrical neck and splay foot, marbled with ruby and milk-white glass flecked with silver. Two-handled vase with long ovoidal body, slender neck, and squat foot; invested with a marbling of rich blue and cream-white glass flecked with silver. Heights, 7144, and 734 inches. 174—VENETIAN Guiass Dracon CANDLESTICK By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Bulbous socket and broad spreading base of powdered red-gold glass, en- riched with clear glass bobéche; support, a winged red- tongued dragon of milk-white glass into which gold is intro- duced. Height, 914, inches. First Afternoon 175—VENETIAN Guass TripticaTtE DoupHIn VASE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Three dolphins, with open upturned mouths and scrolled tails, are supported by a bossed, bulbous, baluster stem and broad bell foot; pale clear turquoise-blue, with the fins and gills of clear glass powdered with gold. Height, 9 inches. 176—I'wo Ricu Rusy VENETIAN Guass BotrrLE-sHAPED VASES By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Pear-shaped with long expanding necks, short broad feet, ruby glass bodies, deep rose crimson feet. Necks enriched with twisted bands of clear glass. Heights, 1014 and 10% inches. 177—Ruvsy VENETIAN Guass VASE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Graceful ovoid body on short baluster stem and molded spreading foot; slender incurvate neck with waved mouth; ribbed scroll handles of clear glass. Height, 91/4, inches. 178—Rvsy VENETIAN Guass AmMPHORA VASE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Long, slender oviform body; straight cylindrical neck with bell mouth, on low, wide molded foot; ribbed hook handles terminating in shell motives. Height, 125% inches. 179—Two VenetTIan Griass BorrLe-sHaPeD VasEs By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Pear-shaped bodies ; slender, cylindrical expanding necks, short baluster clear glass stems, and spreading feet. One of lovely turquoise- blue, the other rose crimson deepening into a rich ruby. Heights, 914, inches. First Afternoon 180—Two Green VENETIAN Grass VASES | By Testolini. One with octagonal bulbous body, spreading neck with eight scalloped points, short stem and ribbed foot, two scroll handles terminating in shell forms of amber-green glass, body and handles studded with clear glass bosses. The other, a three-handled bottle-shaped vase on broad foot; between handles are three shell-ornamented vertical tubular openings for individual flowers. Deep, grass-green glass. Heights, 91/, and 8%, inches. 181—Two Venetian Grass DECANTERS By Testolini. One depressed bottle-shape, with slightly bulbous neck; one invested with milky-white cloudings on clear glass flecked with silver and striped on two sides with three plum-colored lines. The other, pale amber with cloud- ings of milky-straw colored glass and striped on two sides with ruby lines. Heights, 8 inches. 182—Two Pate YELLOW VENETIAN Guass VASES By Dr. Salviati. One bottle-shaped, with slender cylindri- cal neck on high bell foot; enriched with two intricate double-scroll handles of clear glass. The other a spiral- ribbed double gourd-shaped vase enhanced at neck with two intricate handles of scrolls and sea-horses in clear glass. Heights, 71, inches. 183—Two Venetian Grass Ewrrs By Dr. Salviati. One with canary-yellow, pear-shaped body, slender cylindrical neck and stem, broad low foot, sinuous handle of semi-milky glass simulating a sea-serpent, while another serpent is coiled around the stem. ‘The other of turquoise-blue, with inverted pear-shaped body, slender neck, molded scroll strap handle, short stem and broad foot. Heights, 1214 and 10 inches. First Afternoon 184—Rusy VENETIAN Guass STANDING COUPE By Dr. Salviati. Irregular boat-shaped coupe with sea- 3 horse head at prow, and scrolled winged sea-horse set on __ rim at stern for handle; gadrooned baluster stem with simi- lar sea-horse coiled around same, circular low broad foot. Coupe and foot striped with alternating ruby and gold bands, stem of clear glass, sea-horses of pale amber pow- _ dered with gold. . Height, 12 inches; length, 10 inches. (Illustrated ) 185—Two VreneTIAN Guass Drinxine VESSELS ~ 4 By The Venezia Murano Compagna. One a low incurved bowl sustaining lion-masks at intervals; short spout; sea- horse seated with two paws on rim of bowl forms handle; reversed rope scroll support on low broad foot; bas- ket pattern of green and clear glass, sea-horse, masks © and trimming of pale ruby. The other, bowl and foot of clear ruby veined with milk-white glass; sea-horse, masks and trimming of pale amber. Heights, 9 inches. 186—VENETIAN Guass Ewer And VASE By Testolini. The ewer with slender oviform body, in- curving neck with scroll strap handle, broad bell foot of pale blue deepening at the extremities and veined with milk- white glass. The vase ribbed, pear-shaped, with expanding neck, spirally ribbed short stem, broad fluted foot. Rich, translucent cobalt-blue glass. Heights, 14 and 91% inches. 187—GREEN VENETIAN Guass BorrLE-sHAPED VASE | By Testolini. Depressed bowl, slender spreading neck with molded band, high bell foot. Remarkably marbled with rose, crimson, milk-white, blue and deep purple on emerald- green, powdered with gold. Height, 1114 inches. First Afternoon 188—IripEscENT VENETIAN Guass VESSEL By Dr. Salviati. Fashioned after an antique bronze. Cir- cular, faceted incurving bowl, enriched with two series of small oval plaquettes holding winged Cupids’ heads, alter- nating with bosses; shaped rope swinging bail handle held at the rim with loops. Pale blue glass wandering to a light amber. Height, 5 inches. 189—IriIpEscENT PaLE Buvue VENETIAN GLAss STANDING COUPE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Bell-shaped coupe with serrated edge, slender gadrooned baluster support en- riched with two intricate scroll side handles; low broad foot. - (Repaired.) Height, 8% inches. 190—Iripescent Pare Bivurt anp AmBer VENETIAN Glass STANDING COUPE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Ribbed bowl-shaped coupe supported on a gadrooned baluster interrupted by two spirally lined and twisted floral stems terminating in ‘flames and blossoms; semi-milky blue glass with scrolls flecked with gold. | | Height, 101, inches. 191—BeavutTiruL VENETIAN Guass STANDING COUPE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Incurving pear- shaped coupe with two sea-horse handles, supported by six unequal sized scroll brackets; fine baluster stem; low broad foot. Coupe and foot marbled with milky-pink on glass the color of wine lees powdered with gold; sea-horses in pale crimson and amber and stem of clear glass. Height, 1114 inches. 192—Ricu Canary-YELLow VENETIAN Giass EwErR By Dr. Salviati. Ribbed globular body, slender cuplike neck, spirally ribbed low foot, neck banding, and molded scroll handle with shell motive terminant in milky-white glass. Height, 10 inches. First Afternoon 198—IrIpEscENT VENETIAN GuAss AmPpHORA VASE By Testolini. Slender, ribbed club-shaped body with bell mouth, hook handles terminating in shell motives, short broad foot; pale blue glass wandering to milky-white at the extremities. Height, 131, inches.. 194—VENETIAN GLASS SWAN JARDINIERE By Dr. Salviati. Swan with upper portion of body open and cygnet seated on tail; broad, circular molded foot. Heads and wings of swan and cygnet in warm amber and gold with beaks in pinkish glass; body and foot striped with ruby and warm gold bandings. Height, 61/4 inches; length, 9%, inches. 195—TvrevolsE-BLUE AND AmBER VENETIAN Giass Wine Der- CANTER By Testolini. Bulbous body with slender neck, holding an amber and gold winged sea-horse scrolled with head down to form handle. Shoulder enriched with rope molding and below a series of bosses, in amber. Body beautifully mottled in pale turquoise-blue, crimson and gold. Height, 71, inches. 196—Two SLENDER VENETIAN Guass. VASES By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Tapering bodies with rounded shoulders and short mouths, low broad feet, two square upright loop handles; on the stems are coiled dol- phins. One of clear cobalt-blue marbled with milk-white glass; the other splashed with crimson, blue, amber and green on clear glass. Handles and dolphins on both of clear glass powdered with gold. | Heights, 1314 and 121 inches. First Afternoon 197—Canary AND GoLp VENETIAN Guass VASE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Inverted pear-shape with slender expanding neck, short stem and low broad foot. Spirally banded with an alternate series of lines in milk- white, canary-yellow and gold. Height, 11%, inches. 198—IriwEscENT CiLoupED PALE Sxky-BLuE VENETIAN GLASS STANDING CouPE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Straight-sided coupe supported by four scroll brackets of peacock-blue powdered with gold; baluster stem of clear glass with outstanding peacock-blue scroll surrounding the central boss; low broad foot. = Height, 81% inches. . 199—AmpBeER VENETIAN Grass VASE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Incurving bell-shaped. Top supported by an elaborate stem composed of a slender two-handled vase holding foliage and flower terminal; low broad foot. Stem powdered with gold. Height, 11 inches. 200—Pate Tureuoisr-BLuE VENETIAN Grass VasE _ By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Incurving bell top of alternating radiate bands of turquoise-blue and clear glass, 5 basket lined with milk-white; intricate stem, a two-handled gadrooned vase in clear glass, supports a wreath with pea- cock-blue and milk-white spirals with a swan and a forget- me-not blossom occupying the center; broad foot. Height, 111% inches. 201—Venetian Guass Piterim’s BorrLe By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Beautiful clear cobalt- blue glass. Flat, inverted pear-shaped ribbed body, expand- ing fluted neck, two scroll handles terminating in shell mo- tives, short gadrooned stem, molded low foot. Height, 11 inches. 202—VeEnETIAN Guass Piuerim’s BoTrTLEe Similar to preceding, but in fine grass-green glass. Height, 11 inches. First Afternoon 203—BriLuiANt BuuE VENETIAN Guass Fruit Bown Irregular oval. Low bowl decorated with raised pildeat a sprays of fruit, supported by sea-horses and rustic feet. aq , Height, 6 inches; Pedi 11 inches. 204—SEA-GREEN VENETIAN Guass VASE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Funnel-shaped recep- tacle and low broad foot in green. Twin spiral stem of clear ee 3 glass from which spring two green carnations. Height, 11 inches. 205—TIwo BrautiruL VENETIAN Guass VASES By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Inverted bell-shaped receptacle with wave rim, high bell foot, both enriched on clear glass with segments of pink, yellow, blue and green simulating mosaic. The elaborate stem represents a combat — between the Lion of St. Mark’s in blue-green and a sea-_ horse in amber. The other similar but with ruby splash s receptacle and base; lion and sea-horse in pale amber and gold. Height, 114% inches. 206—Iripescent Pate Biur VENETIAN Guass VASE’ a By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Globular bowl in blue — diagonally placed on a clear glass gadroon stem powdered | with gold, on broad blue foot. Surmounting the bowl is a winged sea-horse in pale amber glass liberally enriched with gold. 7 Height, 13 inches. 207—BLvrE anp GREEN VENETIAN Guass Stanpine CouPrE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Bowl-shaped coupe and broad foot of pale clear blue marbled with milky-blue glass; slender stem of green and gold leafage. Height, 14%, inches. First Afternoon 208—-Rosr-pink VENETIAN Guass VasE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Inverted bell-shaped receptacle and low broad foot in rose pink, the elaborate stem composed of curious heart-shaped cartouche formed by a series of clear glass spirals in which gold and milky- white glass occur. (Repaired.) Height, 12%, inches. - 209—Canary-vELLow VENETIAN Grass Ewer . By Dr. Salviati. Inverted pear-shaped body, incurving neck, conventional spout, low broad foot. Milky-white glass molded ribbed scroll handle terminating in a shell motive. Height, 12 inches. 210—ExasoraTe VENETIAN Guass VASE | By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Double bulbous body, flaring neck with scalloped edge, short molded foot, and two clear glass scroll handles enriched with berry lobes. On the body are lion-masks and bosses in clear glass. Clear and milky glass splashed with ruby and silver. Height, 121% inches. 211—VENETIAN GLass CoMPOTIER By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Curled autumn-leaf receptacle splashed with greens and silver on old yellow ground; stem, entwined sea-horse and serpent in peacock- blue and clear glass powdered with gold. The expanding foot matches receptacle. ; Height, 11 inches. 212—Canary-YELLOoW VENETIAN GLAss EprERGNE By Dr. Salviati. Lobed bowl and spiral bell-shaped foot in yellow; above are two sea-horses in milky glass supporting a ribbed baluster stem and lily-vase for flowers. Height, 11 inches. aks See ~~ First Afternoon 213—TIwo Larce VENETIAN Gtuass VASES Inverted pear-shaped body, slender neck with waved mouth, high flaring foot of ruby glass clouded with milky-white and powdered with gold; two vigorous green and gold sea- horses form the handles. The other similar in shape, but of rich blue splashed with gold to resemble avanturine, and with clear glass handles. FIOhEN Ibe tnchés. 214—IripEsceNT PALE BuuE VENETIAN Guass VASE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Inverted pear-shaped body, graceful flaring neck, short stem and broad foot; enriched with three scrolled and ribbed handles terminating in shell motives; three shell receptacles for individual flow- ers interrupt the handles. eight lvincher 215—LarcEe VENETIAN Gass VASE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Inverted pear-shaped body, slender neck with waved mouth and high flaring foot of light peacock-blue glass, curiously figured with inserts of reds, white, green and gold, simulating mosaic. Two sea- horses, powdered with gold, form the handles. Height, 15 inches. 216—WhuirtE anp Rusy VENETIAN Grass VasE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Oviform body, with _ incurving neck and trumpet mouth; high bell-shaped foot. Clouded and splashed with ruby and milk-white and pow- dered with gold; round the shoulder are six lion-masks in clear glass. Height, 14 inches. 217—Larce Ruspy VENETIAN Guass EPERGNE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Shallow bowl and broad low foot of ruby and white marbled glass; pale amber swan handles; the elaborate stem formed of two entwined dolphins of amber powdered with gold. Height, 13° inches; diameter, 11 inches. First Afternoon ONY sted enantio lessee Camero Guass VASE By Webb. Persian bottle-shape, with enrichments of milky-white glass in the Chinese manner; at the lip with a band of key fret, at neck and foot, each with two bands, one a series of spear-shaped motives, the other ju-i heads. The body is most skilfully cut with ostensibly the four Chinese flowers of the Seasons among acanthus foliage. Height, 1014 inches. 219—PatEr TurQuolIsE-BLUE Camro Guass VASE By Webb. Bottle-shaped, with slender cylindrical neck en- riched with a spray of brambles bearing fruit and butter- flies in milk-white glass. Height, 844 inches. First Afternoon 220—Parz Rusy Cameo Grass Vase By Webb. Oviform, with short spreading mouth. Enriched with three oval medallions sustaining tulip, pansy and rose sprays; background of floral diapers; neck and foot leaf molded. All enrichments in cream-white glass. Height, 65% inches. 221—PatE YELLOW Cameo Guass VASE By Webb. Bottle-shaped, with enrichment of sprays of blossoming wild roses in milk-white glass. = Height, 9 inches. 222—Buur Cameo Guass Bown Short incurving neck. Enriched in the Chinese manner at the neck with ju-t band, on the body with two coiled three- clawed dragons, in milk-white glass. =a! Diameter, T/, inches. 223—Brituiant Rusy VENETIAN Guass VasE By The Venezia Murano Compagna. Graceful oviform body, low broad molded foot, cylindrical trumpet neck, molded mouth; interior lined with white glass. Height, 19 inches. 224—Two Enametep Rupy Bonemran Guass Vases AND CovERs Ovoid bodies on short feet, low domed covers with pear- shaped terminals; enriched with enameled oval medallions of Cupids in rich crimson draperies, playing musical instru- ments; background semé with minute gilded stars and en- riched with gilded over-trailing vines. Height, 1634, inches. SECOND AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.830 O CLOCK DECORATIVE PORCELAIN VASES, POTTERY, JARDINIERES Including Sévres, Solon Pate sur Pate, Royal Berlin, Crown Derby, Royal Worcester, and the Famous Dennis Vase of Lapis Cameo Glass 225—JAPANESE SILVER CLOISONNE ENAMEL VASE Oviform, with short neck and foot, decorated round the base with a group of white storks; charming background of pale gray-blue. Height, 31% inches. 226—RarEe Satsuma Bowr “A Thousand Flowers and Butterflies.” Muinutely deco- rated in delicate natural colors and gilding, with alternating spiral bands of innumerable chrysanthemums and butter- flies. Diameter, 454 inches. 227—Two BravutTiruLt Satsuma VASES Elongated oviform, with short incurving necks. Muinutely decorated in colors and gilding, with three transverse bands ; on the shoulder a wreath of delicate flowers ; under, innumer- able figures illustrating a Court Féte; at foot, mountainous landscape with winding river and much shipping; these are flanked by narrow geometric bands. - Height, 5 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 228—Two Satsuma VasEs _ Elongated oviforms, with short incurving necks, spreading feet. Minutely decorated in colors and gilding with con- tinuous panels of mountainous landscapes and lakes, “The Isles of The Blest”; under, delicate growing flowers, panels flanked by narrow geometrical bandings. Height, 514, inches. 229—-Two Berautirut Satsuma VASES Slender barrel-shape. Minute decorated in colors and gild- ing with three continuous bands, on the shoulders a medley of fruit of every conceivable kind, in the centers a winding river with shipping among mountain ranges, at the feet various growing flowers delicately handled. The panels are flanked by exquisite small geometrical bands. (One repaired. ) Height, 4°/, inches. 230—JapranEsE CrLoisonNkt ENAMELED SILVER VASE i Oval with small incurvate neck; invested with a translucent ruby enamel. Height, 4%, inches. 231—Frencnu Carvep Ivory STatuEetrrEe Cupid standing with arms outstretched and balancing him- self ona Seles high cylindrical molded pedestal. Total height, 7 inches. — 232—Two Frencu Enamet Vases IN THE Limocres STYLE Oviform, with incurving necks and feet. One decorated in delicate colors and gilding on lustrous black ground, with a group of “Cupids Fishing”; neck with sprays of roses and foot with ivy-leaves and birds. The other decorated with two Cupids and bird among flowers. Respective heights, 61/, inches and 5 inches. 233—TureE Botrie-sHarep CuinesE Guass Vass Oviform bodies with cylindrical necks. One each of Imperial yellow lined with white, rich sang-de-bauf lined with white, and brilliant cobalt-blue lined with white. Height, 6%/, inches. Second and Last Afternoon 234—Two Royau Porcrenain Vases Oviform, with short incurving necks and short feet. One decorated in natural colors and gilding with two cartouche- shaped panels in reserve, Cavalier and his Lady, subject, “The Toast’; reverse, a bouquet of beautiful flowers, back- ground of dark peacock-blue enriched with reserve sprays of apple blossoms. The other decorated with gilded floral band simulating lace, and sprays of enameled daisies on mottled blue and green ground, neck and foot with geo- metric motives on peacock blue. Height, 7%, inches. 235—Two Royat PorcELaAIn STATUETTES Standing figures of young man and girl attired in Watteau costumes, the man playing a violin,’ the girl singing; deco- rated in delicate colors and gilding; on small square plinths. (Male figure slightly chipped.) Height, 61%, inches, =236—Two Royat PorcetaIn STATUETTES - Similar to preceding. Height, 61/, inches. 237—Two Roya Porcerain Groups One, a seated figure of young girl in rich eighteenth century costume, her embroidery on her knee and work-basket at her side; circular plinth. The other, a standing figure of a young girl before whom on one knee is a young man, his right arm around the maiden’s waist, his other hand fond- ling her dog. The figures are decorated in delicate colors and gilding; on rococo scroll bases. (One hand chipped.) Respective heights, 642 inches and 74, inches. 238—Two JapaNEsE PorcELaArin VASES Elongated gourd-shape. Delicately decorated in black with birds on branches of blossoming prunus trees in moonlight, on a translucent white ground of fine texture. Height, 814 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 239— JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL SILVER VASE Oviform, with short molded neck. Decorated in natural colors on a brilliant lavender ground, with landscape which is occupied by a richly robed young woman playing a musi- cal instrument; above in the heavens is a similarly robed floating figure playing a drum. , | Height, 71, inches. 240—Two RoyvaL Crown Derspy PorcELAIN VASES One bottle-shaped, with slender expanding neck, invested with a beautiful ruby glaze; decorated in gilded relief with sprays of chrysanthemums and berries, the neck with four long floral trefoil spear-shaped panels. The other ovi-— form, with short neck and foot; the body decorated with recurring and varying cartouche-like panels of floral strap- work in royal-blue and raised gilding, which hold conven- tionalized floral motives on straw-yellow grounds; neck and foot enriched with small blue and gold geometric bandings. __ Respective, heights, 81/, inches and 61/, inches. — 241—Royat Worcester Porcertain Low PitcHER Squat dome-shaped body, short neck and long spout; in- vested with an even yellow glaze; handle formed of a crouching winged dragon in two-toned gilding. | Height, 7 inches. 242—Royat WorcesTER PorcEeLaIn VAsE _ Squat pear-shaped, with short flaring neck and foot. Mod- eled in low relief with leaf motives and gadrooned bands; pointed loop handles, enriched with gilding of two tones. | Height, 6°, inches. 243—RoyaL Porcevtain VAsE Oviform, with short incurving neck, two high looped scroll and leaf handles, four short scroll feet ; decorated with large reserved sprays of apple-blossoms in natural colors and gilding on dark peacock-blue ground. | Height, 8 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 244—Royat Worcester Porcetain BorriE-sHAPED VASE Pear-shaped, formed of six lobes with slender expanding neck and short foot. Modeled in relief on the alternate lobes of body with Oriental floral pointed medallions; the neck with long and short spear-shaped leaves, flutings and reeds; the ornamentation simulates bronze parcel-gilt on a matte ivory glaze. Height, 11 inches. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, No. 8389. 245—RoyaLt Worcester Porceiain Piercep Borrie-sHAPED : VASE Globular, with slender, molded incurving neck and short spreading foot. Elaborately and minutely reticulated, the body with circular geometric medallion, upper and lower bands in ivory with rich gilding, the field honeycomb pattern in pale blue and gilding, upper and lower bands of neck and foot with leaf-scrolls in ivory and gold; on the shoulder are two scrolled masks in soft pink. Height, 9 inches. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, Catalogue No. 825 246—Royvat Worcester PorcEeLAIN JARDINIERE Formed of three vertical lobes, each reticulated and mod- eled with birds, flowers and rockwork in the Japanese man- ner, decorated in natural colors and two-toned gilding with portions simulating bronze on matte ivory ground; banded at top and foot with lattice and ju-t heads and supported at the three indentations with scrolled bracket feet. Height, 634 inches. 24°77—Royat Worcester PorceLain BortLEe-sHaPpeD VASE Bulbous body with long slightly expanding neck, spreading foot, and two loop handles at shoulder; enriched with spear- shaped arabesque panels in the pseudo-Persian manner simu- lating silver and gold inlay on matte ivory ground. Height, 111% inches. Second and Last Afternoon — 248—ReMARKABLY Fine OrtentaL CrystaLt Gazine Bau Clear crystal sphere, mounted on silver scroll and leaf stand. Total height, 6 inches; diameter of crystal, 314 inches. — a 249—ELABORATELY INLAID AND ENAMELED JAPANESE SILVER VASE Ovoid body, incurvate four-lobed neck, spreading ju-i foot. On the shoulders are two weird dragons forming the han- dles ; two heart-shaped panels adorn the gilded body and are occupied by domestic landscapes and on the reverse by fig- ures symbolic of “The Feast of Dragons,” minutely en-— crusted with jade, mother-of-pearl, coral, carnelian and ivory. Neck and foot enameled with chrysanthemum scroll — panels. Signed under foot. Height, 81, inches. — 250—Burack PorceLaix BotTLE IN THE JAPANESE STYLE Pear-shaped, with incurvate neck; rich crimson black glaze __ enriched with lacquer “three-clawed dragon and cloud ~— forms” executed in two-colored golds, oxidized silver, red, — and powdered with minute particles of mother-of-pearl on — cloud form. Height, 9 inches. 251—SLeNDER SEvres PorcELAIN VASE i Graceful pear-shaped body, trumpet neck and foot; dense x lustrous white paste enriched on the body with a continuous. - series of Cupids sporting with a long garland of roses. The neck and foot sustain turquoise-blue leafage and gilded bands. | Height, 14 inches. 252—GracEFuL DrespEN PorcELAIN STATUETTE Standing figure of a young girl playing with her cat, at- tired in eighteenth century morning dress, wearing gilded cream brocade robe, cap and petticoat liberally enriched with filmy lace; on circular molded plinth. Under glass dome on black circular stand. (Lace slightly imperfect.) . Height, 9 inches. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, Catalogue No. 872. Second and Last Afternoon 253—CuInEsE Carvep Ivory Set or CHESSMEN AND LACQUER Foupinc Curss Boarp anp Two Dict Boxes Elaborately carved figures; three are representatives of the “Pa-Hsien or Eight Taoist Immortals”; with rich robes and trappings, all on molded, carved, paneled lozenge-shaped bases. The opponent set is stained a brilliant red. The King is represented as “Shou-lao, the God of Longevity,” with his ju-2 sceptre; the Queen is represented as “Lan T's’ai Ho,” with her basket of flowers; the Knight is represented as “Chung-Li-Ch’uan,” with his chowry brush; the Rook as a mounted warrior, the Castle as a caparisoned elephant carrying a tower, and the Pawns as kilted foot-soldiers. Includes two molded circular dice boxes and a folding box with indented corners, lacquered rim and panels exhibiting domestic scenes. On the top the black squares are enriched with crouching figures in gilding. (One red pawn missing.) 254—Larce Crrcunar PorcretaIn PLAQvuE IN THE Royat VIENNA STYLE The matte ivory center is occupied by sprays of growing flowers in natural colors, white lilies, wild roses and berries. Dip and rim enriched with gilded bands; flange, rich crim- son. Diameter, 2114, inches. 255—-Royat Vienna Circutar PorceLain PLaave Oval medallion occupied by figure, subject “Aurora,” painted by “R. P.” after Guido Reni; very rich and inter- esting raised gilded border widening at top and bottom, ~ enriched with dolphins, flowers and fine acanthus scrolls on deep crimson ground, flanked by narrow pearl and cream- colored gilded floral bands and interrupted by four oval symbolic medallions, variously holding roosters and other designs. In frame covered with deep claret velours. Diameter, 20 inches. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, Catalogue No. 1086. Second and Last Afternoon 256—Carvep Ivory Tusk IN THE CHINESE STYLE Curved truncated form; marvelously undercut, leaving most of the delicate foliage and flowers free from the background; enriched with growing sprays of roses, chrysanthemums, ~ lilies, daisies and peonies, bead and leaf band at rim, leaf scroll at foot. On carved and pierced wood stand. Height, 9 inches. 257—Royva.L PorcELAIn VASE AND CovER Oviform, with short incurvate neck, dome cover terminated with pinnacle, two upright scroll and leaf loop handles, sup- ported on four short leaf and scroll feet. Decorated with two oval medallions with richly gilded borders and connect- ing arabesques on deep ivory backgrounds; obverse, Ideal Head of a Young Girl in pate sur pate with warm gray ground. Reverse medallion, bouquet of flowers in natural colors. Handles, feet, borders and cover in white glaze and © gilding. : Height, 12 inches. 258—RoyaL PorcenLain PATE sur PATE VASE Oviform, with tall incurving neck and short spreading foot. Decorated with two oval reserve medallions with delightful _ gilded scroll borders and connecting arabesques on deep — ivory backgrounds. Obverse medallion occupied by lightly draped seated nude figure of young girl in pate sur pate on warm gray ground; reverse medallion of azaleas in full colors. Neck and foot in white glaze gilded. _ Height, 121% inches. 259—PAtTe sur Pare Drespen Porcerain Tray Deep, molded four-lobed oval rim; enriched in center with pate sur pate group, “Cupids Bearing Tribute to Venus,” and arabesque border of pale blue foliage on deep plum- colored ground with gilding and bands of silver. Length, 14144 inches; width, 11 inches. | Second and Last Afternoon 260—DecoratTED Douttron Fatence BotrruE-sHAPED VASE Globular with cylindrical neck. Deep cream body enriched in delicate relief with a simulation of floral lace over which is a spray of chrysanthemums in rich colors and gilding; neck mottled with gilding and rich tobacco color. Height, 101% inches. 261—DercoratEpD Dovuttron Fatence PIrcHer Globular body, with slightly expanding neck, small spout, scroll loop handle, short molded foot. Ivory body decorated with sprays of iris in colors and gilding; foot, handle and neck of dark tobacco color, the latter penciled with minute leaf scrolls and flowers in gilding. Height, 9°4, inches. 262—CuinersE CeLapon Porceiain Bow. Curving sides with serrated rim, on short foot; the interior modeled with many low relief petals forming a large peony blossom; invested with a pale sea-green glaze. (Cracked.) _ On carved and pierced wood stand. Diameter, 9 inches. 263—Crown Dersy PorcenaIn Vase IN THE MoorisH STYLE Inverted pear-shaped body, molded cylindrical neck, two pierced wing-like handles. The body decorated with ara- besques of strapwork and floral scrolls in dull red, blue and gilding; at the foot a series of arched scroll panels lightly modeled and gilded. Height, 1314 inches. 264—Crown Dersy Porcerain Vase Double gourd-shape, with scroll pierced flat and curved wing handles set on the shoulder. Allover decoration of varied ruby and gold floral arabesques on a pale yellow ground. Height, 1234 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 2965—ELABORATE Royat Worcester PorcELAIN Ewer IN THE RENAISSANCE STYLE Flattened globular body, with long molded incurving neck, mask spout, molded and gadrooned foot, deeply scrolled handle sustaining a half female figure terminating in drap- ery. Ivory body with all-over pattern of floral scrolls and four masks enriched with scroll and strap bandings in silver _and gold simulating metal mountings. Height, 16 inches. — 266—Royvart Worcester PorcELAIN Wine Ewer AND CoveER Persian shape, with long spout held with band at neck; matte ivory glaze enriched with gilding. The body, cover | and cup lip decorated with reticulated floral arabesque — medallions in turquoise-blue and crimson enamels and gild- ing. Height, 17% inches. 267—Two RoyvaL WorcrEstTER PoRCELAIN VASES Tall oviform, with short incurvate necks; gilded, fluted and — molded bases with scrolled feet. Ivory eggshell glaze, en- riched on both sides with sprays of growing poppies modeled | in full relief and decorated with two tones of gilding. Height, 141, inches. 268—RoyvaL Worcester PorceELAIn BotrLE-SHAPED VASE Pear-shaped, with slender molded neck and short foot. Ivory eggshell glaze enriched in full relief with skilfully modeled growing hyacinths, wild roses and daisies in natural colors and gilded leaves. (Flowers chipped.) : Height, 1434 inches. 269—Two PorcELAIN STATUETTES IN THE DRESDEN STYLE Standing figures of Cinderella and the Prince, attired in elaborate eighteenth century Watteau costumes; decorated in colors and gilding. Height, 1434 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 270—CuINESE ENAMELED PorcEeLain VASE Bottle-shaped, reticulated with cloud forms over which are modeled in low relief several five-clawed dragons in light and dark aubergine and green on pale yellow glaze. Height, 1234 inches. 271—JaPpANESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL VASE Club-shaped. Among growing autumn-tinted maple leaves are several white birds; greenish-gray background. Height, 1414 inches. 272—Two JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL VASES Club-shaped; decorated with growing plants from which the flowers have fallen and thistle-down has taken their place; sky-blue ground lightening toward the foot. (One neck faulty.) Height, 141, inches. 273—Two JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL VasEs Quadrilateral with rounded shoulders and incurving necks and feet. Decorated with branches of growing white cherry trees in blossom; pale blue-gray grounds. Height, 141, inches. 274—RoyvaL WorcrstER PorRcELAIN JAR Ovoid, with outcurving mouth. Mouth and shoulder en- riched with gilded drapery tied with cord and tassels; round the body are sprays of brambles in fruit and flower, of natural colors and gilding on a matte ivory ground. Height, 12 inches. 275—RoyvaL WorcESTER PorcELAIN JAR AND COVER Ovoid, with broad molded neck and dome cover terminated “with floral finial. Cover and body enriched with spiral gadroons alternating with panels reticulated with flowers and scrolls; neck, foot and shoulder with geometric reticu- lations. Old-ivory matte glaze enriched with gilding. (Cover repaired. ) Height, 15 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 276—Crown Dersy Porcetain Jar and COVER Ovoid body, short straight fluted cylindrical neck, reticu- lated dome cover with ball terminal. Decorated with grow- ing bamboo and tropical foliage in brown and two colors of gilding on clear yellow ground. (Cover has kiln cracks.) Height, 151%, inches. 277—RoyvaL Crown Derspy PorcELAIn VASE AND COVER Low flattened globular body with short cylindrical neck, dome cover with reticulated pinnacle, outcurving foot and two double reticulated floral scroll handles in white and gilding; body decorated in the pseudo-Persian style with gilded floral arabesques and all-over floral sprays in crimson and blue on clear yellow ground. Height, 114, inches. — 278—RoyaL Crown Derspy Porcenain VasE AND COVER Globular, with short incurvate neck, dome cover with floral | terminal, short molded foot, and handles and lip of acan- — thus-leaf scrolls heavily gilded; richly decorated with scrolled cartouche, jardiniére, garlands of flowers and rib- a bons, tinted in soft colors and gilding on deep peacock-blue ground. Height, 141, inches. 279—RoyaL PorceLaIn JAR AND COVER Oviform, with short cylindrical neck and foot; dome cover with pineapple terminal; decorated in blue-black on a clear- white glaze with rococo fountain holding two Cupids and two classic female figures, ‘““Abundance and Justice”; neck and foot with shells, scrolls and rope band in pale red and gilding on deep brown. “Generally known as Seger Por- celain.” Height, 1514 inches. 280—Two JapANESE CLOISONNE ENnameEL VasEs Elongated ovoid, with short necks. Decorated with growing chrysanthemums in blossom and birds, in brilliant colors on resonant black ground; conventional bandings at feet and necks; small Dog Foo handles of bronze. —_ Height, 14 inches. _ } Second and Last Afternoon 281—-Two JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL VASES Depressed pear-shape, with incurving necks. Decorated with growing plants holding yellow, white and blue flowers ; pearl-gray backgrounds. Height, 15 inches. 282—Tatut JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL VASE Depressed oviform, with incurvate neck; decorated with coiled dragons in brilliant enamels on black ground. Height, 1814, inches. 283—Two Roya, WorcrstER PorceLAIN VASES Flattened club-shape, on double molded bases with open floral scroll feet. On the bodies are pond-lilies naturalistic- ally modeled and tinted pink, the leaves gilded; necks and feet enriched with gilded geometric bands. Ivory eggshell glaze. Height, 16 inches. 284—Larce Royat Porcerarn Wine Ewer 1n THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE STYLE Pear-shaped body with molded neck, gadrooned dome cover with ball terminal, long curved spout with winged mask at base and terminating in dolphin head, molded foot sup- porting four leaf and mask brackets, and double scroll handle. In front of body is a raised cartouche sustaining the armorial bearings of the House of Hapsburg; both sides of body decorated with mask cartouche supported by two Cupids. Neck in blue, Cupid heads and fruit garland in full colors and gilding. “Generally known as Seger Porcelain.” Height, 17 inches. 285—RoyaL PorceLaIn JARDINIERE IN THE Lovis XV STYLE Irregular oval bowl, enriched with rococo scroll handles and feet in pink, white and gilding. Both sides sustain scrolled panels of groups painted in the pastoral manner of Wat- teau, flanked by reserve floral panels; grounds of deep ivory. Height, 10 inches; length, 19 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 286—Two Royat Minton Soton PATE sur PATE VAsEs Ovoid, with steeped feet, incurvate necks, molded mouths and molded loop strap handles; bodies decorated in white pate sur pate on a wide band of dark peacock-blue with subjects, “The Goddesses Attiring Cupids,” who are posed on a ~ series of altars and represent Mars, Hercules, Music, Paint- = ing and Comedy. The other similar, with subject, ‘“Love’s Sacrifice.” (One inside lip chipped.) Height, 1534 inches. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, Catalogue No. 891. Second and Last Afternoon ee te os a 287—TIwo Royat Minton Soton PATE sur PATE Vases Etruscan forms, with two tall curved handles on shoulders. Bodies decorated in white pdte sur pdte on deep olive ground. Minerva stands before her temple and holds two large oval shields with which she protects herself from at- tacks on both sides by groups of Cupids carrying batter- ing-rams ; reverse, an altar of victory. The others, Minerva, before a temple, winds a wheel with groups of Cupids on either side winding and unwinding. Necks and feet en- riched with arabesques in colored enamels and gilding on dull olive-yellow grounds. Signed: “L. Solon.” Height, 19 inches. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, Catalogue No. 896. Second and Last Afternoon 288—Tue Famous Dennis VasE anp Cover Oviform, with balustered stem and spreading foot, dome cover with terminal of the winged horse Pegasus in full relief, handles winged arched horses’ heads. Body enriched with figure subjects cut in the milky-white glass, and in- cused in the lapis glass body, “The Triumph of Venus” and “Venus Rising from the Sea.” Cover, lower portion of body, baluster and foot enriched with laurel, acanthus and water-leaf bands, foot with imbrications of feathers. Re- volving body. On molded crimson velours base. Height, 21 inches. This vase is reputed to be the finest and most important example of cameo glass in existence. It was made at the Dennis Works of Thomas Webb and Son, Stourbridge, England, by George Woodall, the noted cutter, under the superintendence of Wilkes Webb, one of the greatest men in the glass industry. It was first exhibited at the | Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878, was complete in 1882 and sent =| direct to Tiffany and Company, from whom the late Mrs. M. J. Morgan procured it. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, Catalogue No. 980 (Illustrated ) 289—Soton PAtEe sur PAtrre Mintons Faience VASE AND Cover Amphora shape; two gilded floral wreaths tied with bow- knots are on the shoulder and form the handles. Decorated alternately with oblong and square panels of pate sur pdate. Obverse with charming group of sleeping Cupids in white on royal-blue ground; reverse contains a circular medallion “Bust of Roman Emperor” with green background sur- rounded by floral arabesque on blue; square side panels with figure and floral arabesques on green. Dark peacock- blue ground enriched ‘with growing ivy and laurel-leaf bands. The -cover and foot recur to the royal-blue with gilded enrichments. Height, 1514, inches. ~ - A £2 . Ff = % yt S ' SII TS S.A the OA Mag Rat 4 “é Ae ap ag oe No. 288—THE FAMOUS DENNIS VASE AND COVER Second and Last Afternoon 290—Royat PorceLain Group 5 “Mars and Venus.” The lightly draped nude figure of | Athena stands on a square block simulating marble which is covered with a skin; Hercules, in armor, is seated and supports Athena with his right arm. Round base, decorated with laurel. Loose circular pedestal, molded and enriched with festoons of drapery in colors and gilding. "a . aa Total height, 23 inches. 291—Royat Porcevain INKSTAND IN THE Louis XV STYLE Irregular oval tray, with rococo scrolling in white, pink and gilding which define the four compartments and han- dles; on the left is a Cupid holding a receptacle for sand and spoon for same, on right is loose covered encrier, in the center is a pedestal painted with seascape surmounted by a loose group representing “Painting,” a lightly draped nude standing female figure holding a painted scroll and her palette in her left hand; at her feet is a seated Cupid. Total height, 1714, inches; width, 18 inches. 292—Royat Worcester Porcrexarin VasE bo Gourd-shaped, enriched in full relief with a finely gilded dragon with emerald eyes and red jaws, which coils over the body almost to mouth; ivory matte glaze. Height, 18 inches. 293—-T wo BonHEmIAN GuaAss VASES Ovoid bodies, with cylindrical molded necks, molded feet, strap and scroll handles and double black and gold square plinths. Decorated with shaped medallions painted in colors with subjects, “Girls Fishing” and ‘Girls and Geese” ; deep sky-blue grounds, enriched with white and gold enam- eled scrollings. | a Height, 19 inches. . { Second and Last Afternoon 294—RoyaLt Worcester Porcevtain Frowrer Bown Ovoidal bowl, with linen-fold flaring mouth and similar spreading foot, both in pale salmon-pink glaze enriched with gilded floral scrolls. Body of matte ivory glaze en- riched with a landscape, “Deer in the Scotch Highlands” ; obverse, a group of hunting dogs. Height, 121%, inches; diameter, 11 inches. 295—Royat PorceLtaAIn Ewer Ovoid body, molded base on scroll feet, incurving neck with deeply scrolled mouth and handle. Bleu-de-roi glaze, finely jeweled and enriched with arabesques in gilding and enamels. Body with reserve medallion painted in soft colors with group, “‘Love and Cupids.” Height, 201/, inches. 296—Royat PorceLaIn VASE Ovoid body, incurving molded foot and neck, supported on octagonal plinth; two parcel gilt coiled snakes terminating in green vine-leavyes, form the handles. Bleu-de-roi glaze, jeweled and enriched with arabesque scrolls in gilding and enamels; reserved circular medallion painted with “Ideal Head.” Height, 181/, inches. 297—Two Royat Porcexain VASES IN THE Louis XV STYLE Quadrilateral trumpet-shapes defined at corners, rims and flaring feet, with rococo scrollings in pink and gilding; panels skilfully decorated with flowers, tulips, roses, asters and convolvulus tied with blue ribbon on deep crimson ground; at the feet, bird in relief and an ideal bust; sides painted with Cupids. Height, 19 inches. 298—RoyvaL PorceLAIn Ftowrer Bown Bowl with incurving molded neck and foot, supported on square plinth; dark peacock-blue glaze enriched with purple and white grapes and vine-leaves in colors and gilding. Height, 1114 inches; diameter, 12 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 299—CrotsonnE EnamMeL Bowt anp Cover, JAPANESE STYLE Low, incurvate bowl and dome cover. Chocolate ground | enriched with chrysanthemum blossoms and recurrent me-— dallions supporting birds, insects and lotus flowers in colors. Cover similarly decorated. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 1614 inches. 3800—TatL CLoisonNE EnamreL VASE IN THE JAPANESE STYLE — Elliptical body, long incurvate neck, bell foot. Growing peonies, lilies, wistaria and birds in brilliant colors enhance the sky-blue ground; scrolled and molded old brass mounting at base. — Height, 261, inches. 301—Tvrevolisrk BorrLE-sHAPED VASE IN THE CHINESE STYLE Ovoidal body, wide cylindrical neck; invested with a lumi-— nous fish-roe crackle glaze deepening toward the foot. (Zinc lining for flowers. ) Height, 17144 inches. 302—LarcrE Rookwoop Porrery VASE Oviform, with wide incurving neck. Decorated from the shoulder with beautiful branches of autumn foliage and eg seed pods among which appear three green dragons; coated with a rich orange-brown glaze. Height, 221, inches. 3038—SeEvreEs PorcELAIN VASE AND COVER Graceful ovoidal body, with flat molded shoulder, incurving neck with molded mouth, flaring molded trumpet foot and dome cover with ball terminal. Delicate pale yellow glaze enriched with gilding, gadroons at neck and mouth, dolphin band at shoulder, acanthus-leaf base. On the shoulder, modeled in full relief, are four cornucopie. The handles are formed of half female figures terminating in festoons of drapery. (Cover faulty.) Height, 35 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 304—Two Zsotnay FaleEnce VASEs Oviform bodies of ivory eggshell glaze, decorated in the Persian manner with brilliant enameled birds and flowers enriched with gilding; spreading necks and feet, with lotus. blossoms on iridescent pink grounds. Mounted in wrought iron; the handles, cartouches with lion masks and rings, and similar bases with claw feet. (Foot of one vase repaired.) Total height, 32 inches. 305—Larce Cuines—e Biue anp Wuire Porcenain Vase Bottle-shape, with long cylindrical neck. Bowl and shoul- der decorated with blossoming peonies, fir-trees and bamboo growing on the banks of a rocky stream; neck and foot painted with reserve flowers, scrolls and animals on dark cobalt-blue ground. Height, 43 inches. 306—Two Porcerain VasEs IN THE RoyaL VIENNESE STYLE Ovoid bodies of turquoise-blue semé with gilded fleurs-de-lis, enriched with scroll and gilded medallions painted with ideal heads in medieval costume; reverse with still life subjects. Necks and bases of onyx, enriched with gilded bronze scroll band mountings, dragon handles and feet. Height, 30 inches. 307—Larcr Decorated Sivres VAsE Ovoid, with deep incurving neck and foot. Rich ivory glaze, enriched in colors with continuous landscape; in the fore- ground is a lake on which grow yellow pond-llies among _ which many dragon-flies alight; neck and foot with rich bandings of flowers; mounted on square gilded bronze plinth. Height, 301, inches. 308—Larcr Dovutton Faience Vase Graceful egg-shaped body enriched with large sprays of blue lilies on a gold-clouded white ground; slender molded neck and foot enriched with myriads of minute blue flowers on gilded ground. Trumpet mouth clouded with gold. Height, 32 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 309—Larce Decoratep Skvres Porcetain VAsE Ovoid body, incurving neck and foot; richly decorated, in red-brown on pale straw-yellow glaze, at the shoulder with ; valanced medallions holding figures of the various Greek 4 Muses, Calliope, Euterpe, Erato and others, inscribed with a their names in Greek; below are garlanded masks and in- 4 numerable flying and gamboling Cupids forming a band. _ a Signed: Fornent, 1885. Mounted on square gilded bronze q base. a Height, 28 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 310—Royat Minton Porcetain Soton PATE sur PATE Vase Heavy ovoid body, deep incurvate neck with spreading molded lip, bell-shaped molded foot, leaf and scroll handles each terminating in two heads of Medusa molded on the body in low relief. Body of rich olive-green enhanced with white pate sur pate figure subjects, “Cupid’s Judgment” ; reverse, groups of Cupids in martial array. Neck enriched with four oval Cupid medallions, leaf and scroll borders and arabesques in rich soft colors and gold. (One handle re- paired.) Signed: L. Solon. Height, 25 inches. A most remarkable ceramic specimen of the nineteenth century, and probably Solon’s masterpiece. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, Catalogue No. 908. Second and Last Afternoon 311—Larcre Royat PorceLain Vase 7 Made in four sections. Egg-shaped body, decorated in soft colors with two medallions garlanded with flowers and held by scrolled cartouches containing landscapes with Roman ruins (after Panini), on gray-blue backgrounds; separate molded foot; neck and octagonal plinth decorated with brown wreaths and bands on gray ground. | | Height, 35 inches. 312—MacniFIcENT SkvrEs PorcELAIN VASE wITH COVER Pate tendre; tall, graceful ovoid shape, with spreading neck and foot, decorated on the body in delicate colors with fig-— ures. and flowers, “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Titania among a group of Cupids, growing flowers and hanging convolvuli vines in which flit butterflies and insects. Signed: “d’Apoil, M. de Sévres.”” Gadrooned cover, neck and foot enriched with fleurs-de-lis alternating with wreaths and — garlands. Revolving body, mounted in gilded bronze with _ terminal of leaves and berries; lip, shoulder and foot with — laurel and other leaf moldings; square valanced base with fluted and pinnacle supports holding a blue enameled insert: sustaining birds and floral wreaths in gold and silver. Carved ebonized pedestal and fluted base enriched with gilded — ¥ egg-and-dart molding, festoons and garlands of laurel leaves. Vase: Height, 4 feet. 3 inches. Pedestal: Height, 3 feet. From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, Catalogue Nos. 867 and 868. 313—HanpsomE Roya PorcELAIN JARDINIERE AND PEDESTAL Oviform, with upright molded collar, short dome foot, and ~ scroll and leaf handles. Decorated in soft rich colors with ‘“Bacchanalian Cupid and Lamb” after Peter Paul Rubens; reverse, with Cupid, Pan and his sheep, in a mountainous landscape; collar and foot with mask scrolls and leaf mold- ings. Circular carved and ebonized revolving pedestal. Height, 2014 inches; diameter, 2114 inches. 11 Second and Last Afternoon 314—Larcer Royat PorceLarn VAsE Ovoid body, molded incurvate neck and foot, leaf-molded oc- tagonal plinth and elaborate acanthus-leaf scroll and mask handles. The ivory ground enriched with gilding and two oval medallions set in strap and floral arabesques, painted in colors with two Cupids playing; reverse, woodland scene with stork. Revolving body. Height, 2814, inches. 315—BeEavuTIFUL SEvRES PoRCELAIN STANDING JARDINIERE IN THE Marik ANTOINETTE STYLE Egg-shaped bowl, with deep incurvate neck and tapering pendant. Fine varied glaze of bleu-de-rot. Rich tripod mounting of gilded bronze, lips with leaf molding, body with Salambier open scroll and flower banding, mask and husk supports scrolled into and holding the pendant and terminating in guilloche molded stems and acanthus scrolls. Molded onyx base with stump feet and center rosette. Height, 3 feet 11 inches. (Illustrated ) 316—Larcre Minton FarteEncE JARDINIERE AND PEDESTAL Circular jardiniére with molded neck and ju-t and ball feet ; decorated in the Chinese manner with all-over lotus scrolls in blue and white on Imperial-yellow ground, bandings at lip, shoulder and foot of deep blue enriched with prunus blossoms, animal head and ring handles in deep blue. Pedes- tal molded top deeply aproned with alternate open scroll and lotus lobes. Three elephant head and trunk supports; open medallion stretcher decorated to match jardiniére. (Pedestal repaired. ) Total height, 3 feet 10 inches; diameter, 1 foot 7 inches. No. 31I5—BEAUTIFUL SEVRES PORCELAIN STANDING JARDI- NIERE IN THE MARIE ANTOINETTE STYLE Second and Last Afternoon | 817—Larce Royat Porcetain Ciock SET In THE Lovis XV STYLE Clock decorated in delicate colors; a male and female figure in full relief support a rococo canopy which is surmounted by the bust of a young girl; on the scrolled base are two sportive Cupids; the intricate porcelain dial sustains gilded flowers on royal-blue with a finely reticulated ivory center. Two candelabra match; male and female caryatids, “Flora” and “Satire,” are supported on Cupid and scroll bases; each has nine gilded bronze acanthus scroll arms holding porcelain bobéche and sockets. (Feet of clock repaired.) Respective heights, 3 feet 114 inches and 3 feet. BRONZE GROUPS AND FIGURES Including Facsimile of the William Cullen Bryant Commemorative Vase 318—Two Bronze Groves Bird and mate standing on rocky ground, one with butterfly and one with snake; molded oval bases. Green and brown patina. Signed: “F. Pautrot, Paris, 1868.” Height, 934 inches; length, 9 inches. 319—Two Gitpep Bronze anp Enamet Frower VAsEs ‘Reclining Cupid holds a cornucopia of blue and gray cloi- sonné enamel which supports an etched floral trumpet-vase of cut-crystal glass; on oval onyx mounted plinths. Height, 1414, inches. 320—GiLpED BronzE anp ENAMEL Cuiock SET Clock, glazed rectangular case with mask and scroll domed canopy surmounted by a gallery and shaped plinth with vase terminal, both mounted with bronze and enameled with fleurs-de-lis in pink, blue and yellow; supported on acanthus- leaf and claw feet which are bracketed and hold a Cupid; back and dial enameled with floral arabesques. Strikes the hours and quarters. By Bigelow, Kennard and Company. Two side vases match. Respective heights, 26 inches and 1814, inches. Aes renirgotet | eee sontah SaaS Second and Last Afternoon 321—GiLpED Bronze VasE IN THE Persian STYLE Open globular body, formed of numerous circular pierced and inscribed plaquettes, molded open lattice neck, three dolphin supports with scroll drop. Lined with ruby glass bowl. Height, 20 inches. 322—GiLpED Bronze Bust | Signed: Z. Rimbez. A young Neapolitan girl, attired in striped kerchief headdress, long curly hair falling over shoulders, embroidered bodice and coin necklace and ear- rings; molded foot. Parts of red-brown bronze. Ebonized base with bronze feet. Height, 27 inches. 323—Oxp Brass Crock Ser in THE Renaissance STYLE Rectangular double-domed case, surmounted by four pin- nacles and vase terminal, supported on mask and scroll feet; garlanded apron, holding two Cupid heads and car- touche; yellow porcelain dial, intricate regulator movement with patent collapsible keys. By Shreve, Crump and Son. Two candelabra match, for eight lights each. Respective heights, 2 feet 61, inches and 2 feet 8 inches. 324—GILDED Bronze Ficure By August Moreau. A joyous advancing Cupid throws a kiss with both hands; molded circular foot. Yellowish- brown patina, parcel-gilt. evolves on fluted and molded base of rosso antico marble. Total height, 2 feet 8 inches. 325—BronzeE Bust By Faure de Broussé, 1876. Marie de Medici wearing a small crown and high braided hair, lace ruffled vest and em- broidered and jeweled bodice; yellowish-brown patina on gilded molded square base. Revolves on shaped black marble base. Ebonized balustered pedestal. : Bronze: Height, 3 feet. Pedestal: Height, 3 feet 11% inches. Second and Last Afternoon 326—Bronze Bust By E. le Guillemin. ‘‘The Sheikh’s Daughter.” Attired with kerchief, veiled headdress, and loose tasseled robe, she is much bedecked with ring and coin ornaments; the features in yellow-brown patina, dress of oxidised silver, ornamentation gilded. Paneled mahogany pedestal, en- riched with many fluted pilasters. On circular Rouge Royale marble plinth. Bronze: Height, 2 feet 1 inch. Pedestal: Height, 3 feet 51/, inches. 327—Bronz Bust ann PEDESTAL Young girl in Oriental costume, mobbed headdress, jeweled bodice, vest covered with necklaces of coins. Patina of black-brown, parcel-gilt. On square molded base. Paneled mahogany pedestal with many fluted pilasters. Bronze: Height, 2 feet 6 inches. Pedestal: Height, 3 feet 514 inches. 328—FacsIMILE OF THE COMMEMORATIVE VASE PRESENTED TO Witiuiam CuLLeN Bryant Oxidised silver-plate. Elliptical body, incurving molded neck, spreading foot, with scroll handles, revolving on square molded base. Body enriched with band of. medallions ; the center is occupied by a figure of the illustrious poet, the others presenting episodes in his life; these medallions are superimposed on interlacing Gothic tracery with floral motives filling the interstices, under being a series of bul- rushes ; the foot is enhanced with recurring pond-lily leaves, the neck with ivy-leaves, ears of barley, flower banding and reeds, the molded handles on both sides with fern motives, on the faces with ears of corn and birds. The rustic and woodland motives are symbolic of the author’s poems. Height, 2 feet 9 inches. The original of this vase, in silver, designed and made by Tiffany and Company, was presented to William Cullen Bryant by his many ad- mirers in honor of his eightieth birthday, November 3rd, 1874, and was later bequeathed by the family of the poet to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. (Illustrated) ; anti foe yoetommndes /nammaendat ¥ \ No. 828—FACSIMILE OF THE COMMEMORATIVE VASE PRESENTED TO WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT Second and Last Afternoon 329—BronzE Group Signed: E. Gregoire. ‘“‘The Lovers.” Engaged in earnest conversation, the lover presents a ring to his mistress; both figures are attired in medieval costumes. On molded cir- cular base. Patina of warm pink and yellows, parcel-gilt. Ebonized pedestal on four fluted columns, circular black marble revolving top. Bronze: Height, 3 feet 514 inches. Pedestal: Height, 3 feet 31, inches. 330—Bronze Ficure Signed: Marius Montagne, 1867. Nude seated Mercury, his short sword at his right hand; the “Pipes of Pan” in his left hand, which hangs over his knee. Patina yellow and gray-black. Circular carved revolving mahogany pedestal enriched with gilded bronze fruit bandings. Bronze: Height, 2 feet 81, inches. Pedestal: Height, 2 feet 8 inches. id 331—Bronze Group By A. Gaudez. “Page and Maiden Dancing on the Lea,” attired in medizval costumes. Revolves on circular molded base. Rose-pink patina, parcel-gilt. Height, 2 feet 1014, inches. 3382—ELABORATE JAPANESE TEMPLE Bronze MytuicaL Group A boldly modeled covered vase is supported by an enormous, ferocious three-clawed dragon who viciously blows from his mouth a spreading conical form of sea-foam in which the vase 1s set. Near one of the dragon’s claws is set a loose, smybolically paneled sacred pearl. Vase, heavy ovoidal shape enriched in low relief with many flying storks and cloud forms; two scroll dragons form handles; plain spread- ing foot. Spreading neck and cover simulate waves of the sea from which a coiled dragon is rising and holds in his fore-paw the sacred pearl of power; a genii stands on the dragon’s back, forming the terminal. Height, 9 feet; width at base, 4 feet 6 inches. Second and Last Afternoon STATUARY MARBLE BUSTS, FIGURES AND | PEDESTALS 333—Carrara Marsie Bust A little curly-haired girl, attired in high lace-ruffled bonnet, large drop earrings and necklaces. On circular molded foot and square plinth. Signed: “F. G. Villa, Milano, 1881. PR es dled tales So - Hoey Height, 241, inches. _ FOS ee ail 334—Onyx MarsBLe ann ENAMEL VASE sehen d Flattened globular body; incurving molded trumpet foot. On square base, with drapery and scroll supports. The neck ‘and body enriched with bands of gilded bronze and enameled floral arabesque medallions. Gilded bronze scroll handles, foot and supports. Height, 171, inches. = 335—LarcE Carrara Marsie Busr anp PEDESTAL . Young woman of ample charms with draped headdress, her i= 7 hand across her breast supporting her cloak. Fitted on an inverted capital enriched with leaf carving. Signed: “A. Felici a Venezia.” Circular ebonized pedestal, fluted in the Ionic style. Height: Bust and capital, 3 feet 41, inches. Height: Pedestal, 2 feet 4 inches. 336—Carrara Marsie Ficure “The Prize.” A young girl stands holding in her extended right hand a book inscribed “Premio.” Her hair is dressed in long ringlets, and her frock is trimmed with lace ruffles and girdled with a sash. Signed: “E. Broga, Milano.” Height, 3 feet 41, inches. Second and Last Afternoon 337—CaRrRARA MarBLE FIGURE AND PEDESTAL “Vanita.” Nude figure of a young woman, draped from the waist down, stands raising her long hair with her right hand and gaze at herself in a small hand-mirror. Circular re- volving half-statuary marble pedestal with molded top and base, garlanded with flowers and ribbons. 3 Figure: Height, 4 feet 9 inches. 3388—Two Onyx PEDESTALS Plain circular shafts, square molded bases, revolving square tops, enriched with gilded bronze mountings of Corinthian capitals and leaf molded bases. Height, 4 feet 2 inches. 3839—Onyx AND SrenaA MarBLE PEDESTAL Cylindrical shaft of onyx enriched with gilded bronze mount- ings of lotus-leaves, square base, capital carved with a series of lotus-leaves. Square top of rich brocatel Siena marble enriched with bead and reel molding. (Repaired. ) Height, 3 feet 3 inches, From the Mary J. Morgan Collection, Catalogue No. 904. FURNITURE AND PEDESTALS, INCLUDING VITRINES AND TALL CASE CLOCK 340—Two Carvep Iratian Watutnut PEDESTALS Circular molded tops, with supports of seated winged grif- fons and square molded bases on small feet. Height, 3 feet 7 inches; diameter, top, 1 foot 1% inch. Second and Last Afternoon me ay a a ca 341—Two Carvep Manocany PepestTats Deep circular molded tops, large ovoid baluster supports en- riched with carved band of sunflowers and foliage in low relief ; molded spreading feet. eL «8 $b Aa aergaige ner ghee Sipe amncoe Height, 3 feet 4 inches; top, diameter, 1 foot 3 inches. 342—Manocany Kipney-sHarep Taste 1n THE Louis XVI STYLE Frieze with shaped drawer, fluted supports, shaped shelf stretcher and cabriole legs. Fine brocatel marble top (re- paired). Mounted with gilded bronze, the top with pierced gallery, frieze and shelf with moldings and pateras, knee and foot with acanthus-leaf scroll appliqués. meee | ood a2 - . ia god Height, 2 feet 71%, inches; width, 2 feet 31%, inches. 343—SEMI-cIRCULAR Manwocany VITRINE IN THE Louis XVI | STYLE-| The upper portion with glazed ends, door and pilasters in- Zz _ laid with brass flutings and lines, mirror back, one plate- glass shelf; top of fine brocatel marble. Mounted in gilded bronze with pierced gallery. Table, similarly inlaid with brass, has one drawer and tapering fluted legs; mounted in gilded bronze with drapery molding at top and rings, caps and toes on legs. (Top faulty.) Height, 4 feet 31, inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 344—Manocany VITRINE IN THE Louis XVI SryLe Shaped front enclosed by two glazed doors; shaped glazed ends and cabriole legs. Rouge Royale marble top; lavishly mounted in gilded bronze with pierced gallery, scroll frieze, rams’ head terminals, knee scrolls and toes; doors and apron with leaf moldings. Interior lined with old red velours and fitted with two plate-glass shelves. Height, 4 feet 41, inches; width, 3 feet 61, inches. Second and Last Afternoon 345—Two SHaprep InLAin ManHocany CABINETS IN THE SHERA- TON STYLE Cabinets with convex glazed doors flanked by a series of three concave shelves at sides, supported by square pilasters and tapering legs holding shaped shelf stretchers; shaped friezes inlaid with flutes, pateras and husk drops. Fitted with two mahogany shelves. Height, 3 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet. 346—Hanpsome BouLE CoMMODE IN THE Louis XV STYLE Coffer-shaped body composed of two drawers supported on open cabriole legs and. unusual connecting scrolled under- braces. Richly mounted in gilded bronze, the drawers and ends with shaped moldings and scrolled handles and escutch- eons; drawers inlaid with brass floral scrolls. The legs have appliqués at knees of winged female busts terminating in flower scrolls. Acanthus-leaf and claw feet. Molded onyx top of cream veined with yellow. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet. 347—Carvep Manwocany CircuLtar TABLE Molded top, baluster support enriched with a spiral of acorns and oak-leaves, acanthus-leaf base supported on incurved triangular base terminated with claw and scroll feet. Height, 2 feet 4 inches; diameter, 2 feet 8 inches. 348—ELABORATELY CarvepD Manwocany Tatt Case Crock Rectangular, with glazed lattice door and paneled ends; molded arched frieze enriched with acanthus-leaves and scrollings. Hood glazed and with pierced brass paneled ends; deeply scrolled pediment with vase and flame terminal and supported by caryatids. Pedestal enriched with flut- ings, leaf moldings and arabesque panel and large claw feet. Silver-plated dial with gilded and engraved scrolls and mounts. Eight-day chime movement by Bigelow and Ken- nard. Height, 10 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 349—Manocany VirrinE IN THE Louis XVI StyYLeE Rectangular. Door and ends glazed with beveled plate- glass; mirror back, fitted with three glass shelves; fluted pi- lasters, fluted baluster legs supporting a shelf-stretcher. Gilded bronze mountings, top and stretcher with balustered gallery, frieze with scrolled leafage, pateras and molding; pilasters with capitals and legs with toes and shoulder rings. Height, 5 feet 434 inches; width, 2 feet 2%, inches. 350—GitpEp Bronze VirrinE IN THE Louis XVI Sryte Rectangular case, with molded top and foot, supports four fluted Corinthian columns; glazed with beveled plate-glass on all sides and door, mirror bottom. Table with guilloche frieze and bracketed corners, fluted legs enriched with Cupid and scroll trusses, shaped molded and rosetted stretcher. Onyx top and deep plinth; gilded bronze molded feet. Height, 6 feet; width, 2 feet 1, inch; diameter, 1 foot 7 inches. 351—Carvep Manocany Larce Circutar Taser | Top enriched with leaf molding; molded frieze; supported on many-sided center surrounded by eight reeded open scroll legs terminating in claw feet. Height, 2 feet 6 inches; diameter, 5 feet. ANTIQUE RUGS 352—Boxuara Rue The deep blue field is occupied by diagonally placed palmette motives woven in varying crimson, blue and ivory; crimson border of geometric medallions, and narrow guards dis- playing zigzag motives. Size: 3 feet 2 inches by 3 feet 2 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 353—-Si1Lk Persian Rue The fluctuating ivory field sustains two floriated trees of life, a jardiniére of flowers which ramify the surface, and at the foot two Lions of Persia; woven in light and dark. green, lavender, purple and passages of blood-red; border of delicate arabesques on a deep purple ground flanked by gray-blue floral guards. Size: 8 feet 6 inches by 4 feet. 354—BoxuHara Rue Eighteenth Century The field occupied by two oblong and two square floral — panels placed unevenly and interrupted by bands of stellate figures. At one end only, is a double series of oblong floral panels. Soft coloring of dark and light blues, ivory and dull crimson on a rich tawny pink ground. Size, 3 feet 3 inches by 5 feet. 355—Hamapan Rue The center occupied by a floral diamond medallion in ivory and colors, imposed on a trellised field semé with simple blossoms in crimson, blue and yellow on a tobacco-yellow ground, with triangular corners to match medallion; defined by two narrow geometric bands flanked by a broad guard of the recurring tobacco-yellow. (Center and border im- perfect. ) Size, 3 feet 6 inches by 5 feet 10 inches. 356—TvurxisH Monarr Rue On a lutsrous turquoise field are three floriated diamonds woven in orange, blue, red and pink; deep floral border with guard strips in the shimmering colors of the center. Size, 4 feet 2 inches by 6 feet 5 inches. 357—SrENNA Rue Closely woven, with an arabesque of dull pinks and blues on a black field which supports a banded diamond invested with a floral pattern of similar coloring on a gray ground. Old-red floral border flanked by guards minutely woven with flowers. Size, 4 feet 3 inches by 5 feet 10 inches. (Illustrated) 7—_SENNA RUG 35 . No Second and Last Afternoon 358—Boxuara Rue Eighteenth Century The field, irregularly placed, is occupied by four oblong geometric panels and defined by borders; at one end are two wide zigzag borders in dull red and blue. Field with dull red predominating over the curious blue, green, ivory and tawny tones. (Has been repaired.) Size, 4 feet by 5 feet 5 inches 359—Kirman Rue Recurring vases of flowers are prolifically displayed on a shafted black field and woven in crimson, old-yellow, red and dull blues; the interlacing major border sustains roses, flanked with an inner guard of rose-scrolls and outer guards of geometric motives. Size, 4 feet 3 inches by 6 feet 11 twnches. (Illustrated) 360—SeEnna Rue | Rich deep pile. Displaying a circular floral medallion rayed with green and holding floral pendants in simple coloring on an ivory ground; intricate floral border of pink with black and green guards. Size, 4 feet by 6 feet 6 inches. 361—Kirman Sitk Rue Woven with a firm, upstanding pile. The central ovoidal medallion occupied by yellow and blue floral motives on a deep purple ground and surrounded by interlacing floral scrolls in dull colors on a wavering champagne colored field. The purple arabesque border and guards exhibit a shifting blue and deep ivory. Size, 4 feet by 6 feet 5 inches. 362—Sarovux Rue On a rich crimson field is displayed a floral lozenge and en- closing arabesque on an ivory ground, with corners to match ; defined by three floral borders in yellow and pink. Size 4 feet 5 inches by 6 feet 2 inches. Gertie of VA cote ar ™ RUG N KIRMA 300 No Second and Last Afternoon : 363—SaRABAND Rue Rose-pink center, invested with innumerable small recurring flowering shrubs woven in blue and black; border of angular scrolls in subdued colors on an ivory ground, defined by narrow floral scroll guards. | Size, 4 feet 2 inches by 5 feet 8 inches. 364—Suiraz Rue Heavy pile with silky texture. The field invested with palmette motives dominated by minute florettes in yellow, crimson and ivory on dark, resonant ground. ‘Three geo- metric and floral borders with crimson and ivory grounds. Size, 5 feet by 5 feet.3 inches. 365—Kazak Rue On a floriated old-red ground are three octagonal geo- metric medallions, the center with white ground, flanked by two in blue; woven in simple, harmonious colors. Ivory , border of plaquettes with narrow guards. ; Size, 4 feet 2 inches by 8 feet 4 inches. 366—InTERESTING SHIRVAN Rue Eighteenth Century Three linked geometric medallions occupy the field and are woven in delicate, pale green, rose, yellow and a rare sky- blue with intermittent ivory blossoms; border of interlacing triangular motives in similar colors, with floriated guards on yellow and black grounds and a scroll band in ivory. Size, 3 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 10 inches. 367—Sarovuk Prayer Rue Closely woven pile. The mihrab exhibits a small vase sus- taining large and small blossoms which ramify the deep fawn ground and are woven in blues, old-red, yellows and green; triangular blue floral spandrils ; border of deep blue bearing a sinuous vine enclosing flowering shrubs, defined by narrow old-red floral guards. Size, 4 feet by 6 feet 2 inches. (Illustrated) K PRAYER RUG 367—SA ROU O. N Second and Last Afternoon 368—CaraBacH Rue The black-blue field displays two large geometric floral mo- tives flanking a lesser one; woven in purplish-pink, ivory, tan and pale blue. Floral border on crimson ground de- fined by ivory guards. Size, 3 feet 9 inches by 8 feet 7 inches. 369—Snuiraz Rue Eighteenth Century Fine, close pile. The field occupied with curious, detached palm motives diagonally placed; woven in reds, soft green and yellow on a dark blue ground. Geometric hatched major border flanked by two floral bands and finished at both ends with three narrow, geometric bands. Size, 5 feet 2 inches by 7 feet. 370—SEnna Rue Close heavy pile. The center occupied by a circular floral medallion with grotesque mask pendants and rising suns, woven in dull greens, reds and yellows on a deep ivory ground; broad arabesque border in the colors of the center, defined by floral guards of lighter tones. Size, 4 feet 3 inches by 6 feet 5 inches. 371—Suiraz Rue Eighteenth Century Recurring floriated palmettes, in red, blue, ivory and dull yellow, occupy the brown-black field which is defined by seven narrow geometric and floral borders, mainly in rose- crimson. (Has been repaired.) Size, 4 feet 5 inches by 7 feet 10 inches. 372—-SHiraz Rue The field occupied with curious detached palm motives diag- onally placed; woven in reds, soft green and yellow on a dark blue ground. Geometric hatched major border flanked by two floral bands, matching center in color. Size, 5 feet 1 inch by 6 feet 10 inches. SENNA RUG 370— oO. N Second and Last Afternoon 373—UnieauE SuHiraz Ruc Seventeenth Century Two diamond medallions, with latch-hook borders, occupy the tawny old-red field and display many unusual geometric floral motives woven in rose, crimson and ivory with touches of delicate blue; border of geometric diamonds on an ivory ground. - Size, 5 feet 1 inch by 6 feet 8 inches. 374—IspaHan Ruc Late Seventeenth Century The field occupied by floral medallions irregularly placed and alternating with interesting blossom motives, in rich reds, lavenders, pink, green, yellow and ivory on a dark blue ground. Major border of large varied blossoms within a sinuous blue leaf-vine. Guards of yellow sustaining floral motives in the colors of the field. Size, 5 feet by 7 feet 6 inches. 375—Iran Rue Eighteenth Century The deep, pellucid blue field displays a geometrical leaf trellis enclosing large, distinguished, geometric blossoms in pale green, blue, yellow and ivory. Major border of quaint scrolls alternating with grotesque animal head motives; small floral ivory guards. Size, 3 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 11 inches. 376—BeEtLoocu Rue Many lozenge-shaped motives are displayed among small blossoms woven in red, ivory and green on a deep blue ground; angular leaf border of crimson defined by geometric ivory guards. (Has been repaired.) Size, 5 feet 1 inch by 8 feet. 377—Iran Rue | Seventeenth Century Three lozenges, flanked by floral motives in pink, ivory and green, occupy the blue field; hatched border of crimson and ivory defined by a yellow band. Size, 4 feet 3 inches by 10 feet. Second and Last Afternoon 378—Hamapan Ruc Heavy, lustrous pile. The field is occupied by a central, elongated, double lozenge, which is partially repeated on its flanks; detached blossoms of old-red, blue, ivory and pale green are placed at intervals and enhance the damasked ivory and fawn of the field. Crimson floral border flanked by in- _ tricate scroll guards defined by an extra outer brown-black guard and finished by a fluctuating tawny banding. Size, 4 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 9 inches. 379—Suiraz Ruc Eighteenth Century Fine, close pile. ‘The central field occupied by three geo- metric lozenges in reds, ivory, green and pale blue on a soft brown ground displaying individual blossoms following in the same geometric contour; triangular corners in brighter tones superimposed on a dark blue ground holding palmate inflorescences. Interesting main border of recurring cano- pied blossoms, with narrow guards, in red, blue and ivory. Size, 5 feet 1 inch by 9 feet. 380—AnaToLiAN Rue Seventeenth Century The resonant old-red ground sustains an arabesque in soft blue; old-yellow border of an interesting geometric pattern with central medallions of aubergine. Size, 5 feet by 9 feet. 381—Surraz Rue The field displays intricate geometric lozenges and octagonal medallions, woven in blues, yellow, reds and ivory on a rich tawny-brown ground. Major border of geometric floral diapers irregularly placed with curious blossoms, in the coloring of the center on an ivory ground. Two ends fin- ished with three small floral bands. Size, 5 feet by 8 feet. Second and Last Afternoon 382—Iran Rue A rich blue field displays large recurring and alternating floral motives within arabesques in soft, rich coloring of yellows, turquoise-green, crimson, pale blue and ivory. Two narrow geometric borders with ivory and red grounds com- plete the well-balanced composition. Size, 2 feet 7 inches by 10 feet 7 inches. 383—Cavucasian Rue Eighteenth Century Geometric motives of an interesting character invade the tawny black field, and are woven in dull red, green and ivory; floral border on yellow ground flanked by zigzag guards. (Has been repaired. ) Size, 3 feet 10 inches by 11 feet 9 inches. 384— Iran Rue Medallions of many geometric floral motives are displayed among other floral motives on a blue ground; three scroll and geometric borders woven in crimson, ivory, yellow, blue and old-red. Size, 3 feet 5 inches by 12 feet. 385—Surraz Rue Eighteenth Century Regularly placed, recurring, floriated palmate motives in dull blue, green, red and ivory, occupy the tawny black field. Border of old red sustaining similar palmettes with dis- tinguished ivory guards of detached floral motives. Size, 5 feet 6 inches by 11 feet 8 inches. 386—Suiraz Rue Eighteenth Century In the center a stepped floral cross surrounded by floriated palmettes, in red, yellow, blue, ivory and tawny brown on a deep blue field. Interesting border of oblong arabesques mostly in crimson and gray with flanking guards of yellow, defined by varying outer bands displaying hatchings, pa- teras and scrolls. Size, 4 feet 10 inches by 12 feet 5 inches. wtitta Second and Last Afternoon 387—Josucan Rue 3 The rich ivory field is occupied by distinguished recurring series of conventionalized rose branches, alternately woven in pinks and blue; deep blue-black border of intricate floral vines, guarded by two rose-pink bands bearing stellate blos- soms. Size, 3 feet 8 inches by 15 feet 4 inches. 388—FrracHan Rue Eighteenth Century Close, heavy pile. The field occupied by a typical recurring floral arabesque in red, blue, dull yellow and ivory on a blue background. Major border of dull red displaying floral motives in the colors of the center. Small paneled guards of yellow sustaining small trees and scrolls. Size, 3 feet 3 inches by 19 feet. 389—Mounair Prayer Rue The mihrab occupied by two curious detached crimson col- umns on a shimmering putty-colored ground; the spandrils are of rich blue, displaying trailing floral vines in crimson and ivory. Two pale blue, ivory and crimson floral panels are at the head and foot. Wide major border of large floral motives and scrolls in crimson and ivory on a brown ground flanked on both sides by three narrow floral guards on crimson and deep blue. ‘Size, 6 feet 10 inches by 11 feet 4 inches. 390—IspaHan Ruc Late Seventeenth Century Displaying varied lozenge-shaped blossoms in reds, blue, ivory and turquoise-green at the intersections of an ivory trellis, on a deep blue ground; border of rose-red, geometri- cally figured in the colors of the center with an added touch of lavender. Guards of narrow floral scrolls on ivory ground. (Has been repaired. ) Size, 6 feet 8 inches by 18 feet. Second and Last Afternoon 391—Monair CarPET | Large, central, stepped lozenge medallion with end pendants, woven with a green, yellow and crimson arabesque on which is superimposed an elongated old-red lozenge bearing blos- soms. Triangular green latch-hook corners occupied by quaint floral motives in orange, blue and red. Wide major border of blue displaying large blossoms on angular leaf- scrolls with two crimson floral guards. Size, 9 feet 3 inches by 11 feet 10 inches. 392—KurpIsTan CARPET “Minna Kahni.” The deep blue field displays a stellate floral medallion surrounded by recurring blossoms defined by arabesque scrolls; woven in yellow, pale blue, old-red and ivory, with corners matching medallion. Old-red major border occupied by blossoms and leaf-scrolls flanked by two floral ivory guards. (Has been repaired.) Size, 6 feet 10 inches by 18 feet 11 inches. 393—FerEracHan Rue Eighteenth Century The field displays a floral arabesque in curious crude color- ing of blue, lavender, ivory, yellow and pale green on a blue background. The old-red border is occupied by a dis- tinguished pattern of an interlacing trellis enclosing palm leaves and geometric blossoms; inner guard of yellow, and outer guard of ivory enriched with geometric motives. Size, 6 feet 9 inches by 18 feet 4 inches. 394—Tran Carpet : The blue-black field displays a leaf trellis defined at the in- tersections by small blossoms and enclosing a stellated con- ventional bouquet, -woven in deep pink, ivory, yellow and turquoise-green. Wide border of old-red bearing Herati leaves and blossoms in dull tones, defined by two narrow guards of angular floral scrolls on yellow grounds. Size, 8 feet 5 inches by 22 feet 1 inch. t ety hom ; 2 /) = ~ 2. C.JeMcDonough 24 =—«#5B100. J Levy 25 30 6 A.Hazarian 26 608 Irving K.Hall 27 1206 Henry Schultheis 28 95 6— Jacob de Jong 29. 3250. Holland Galleries 30 55.6 KeT. Richards 31 135. A-Olivotti & Co. 52 125. Jacob Hilder 33 65.6 Jacob de Jong 34 706 Jacob Hilder 35 65. W-G.Downey 36 1156 Holland Galleries 37 450. S-$Laird 38 60. L.A.Osborne 39 150. A.o.Crooker 49 510. H. LeRoy 4} 1206 Holland Galleries 42 120. " 43 150, U.G. Hogan Prices $ 760. 6100. 240. 280. 45. : 160. Otto Baraat 65. 155. 80. 155, 500. 85. 130. 165. 90. 50. 250. 3 2304 Henry Schultheis i. 100. HB. anemia 465.4 WeG. Hogan ervea 60. G.Henchel ae 110. Henry Sclultheis {x 80. WeGeDowney 400. John Sanford 2250 6 WeGe Downey | s 115. Holland Galleries ; 100. Pe. 1000. béaee Sohisdtueae 300. Aug. Flattean — 100. FPeAeLawlor | 140. Henry Schultheis 180. A.Olivotti & Cos 120, " « 100. L.1L.€.Benedict 95. Jacob de Jong 754 SeJ.Frank 155. Aug.Flattean 450. CeWeKraushaar 135. C.J.McDonough 90.. Aug.Fletteau 120. 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