“yee UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE APRIL) 26, 27, 28, 299230 AUCTION GATALGGUES NEW YORK MADISON SQUARE SOUTH &. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ‘SPANISH ART TREASURES 5 : E. | Sey : — ; = 5 ei “! } ‘ ah 3 = qe Cs ee a ; < aioe i. r / , oa) a ‘ { Me rtdiba ; Pes :

CLOCK AND EVENING OF WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27TH bes. 15 "0? CLOCK UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY FRONTAL AYOR AND ALTAR M RETABLO No. 520—- ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE SPANISH ART TREASURES COLLECTED DURING MANY YEARS AND OWNED BY HERBERT P. WEISSBERGER OF MADRID, SPAIN WHERE HIS FAMILY HAS RESIDED FOR MANY YEARS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE PIBY ORDER OF ITS OWNER ON THE AFTERNOONS AND EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, Mr. OTro BERNET AND Mr. H. H. PARKE, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY ra Se pate oe oa ae PagTh Creo re THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCI DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND ALL DETAILS OF IL TEXT AND TYPOG INTRODUCTORY It took many years of strenuous effort to assemble this collec- tion, which, it may safely be said, is the largest and most important gathering of Spanish art ever offered for unrestricted sale by the American Art Association. Spain, which for many years was a happy hunting ground of lovers of art, has been denuded of much of the wealth of old things which formerly singled it out among the countries of Europe, and is as bare of furniture, pictures, textile and ceramics as is Italy. To-day it is nearly always in the churches, whither they cannot be removed failing the permission of the Papal Nuncio, or in the private collections of the rich, the noble or the patriotic, that examples of really arresting beauty can be found. The owner of this collection has been fortunate. He had, in the first place, a father devoted to the acquisition of treasures of the eighteenth century, and though his own taste impelled him towards the earlier manifestations of artistic craftsmen, he has succeeded so well that his and his brother’s gatherings are among those which are best known and valued by the inhabitants of Madrid. Indeed, many of the objects in their collections are illustrated in the leading contemporary books dealing with Spanish art, including the many publications con- nected with exhibitions held in Madrid by the “Friends of Spanish Art,” as well as **The Architecture and Crafts of Old Spain,” by Pro- fessor A. Meyer. As will be seen, when the succeeding pages are turned over, many of his choicest pieces come from the collection of his Excelencia, the Marqués de Valverde, whom New York will remember as visiting here in 1916 as King Alfonso’s Commissioner, in order to exhibit His Majesty’s Tapestries under the auspices of the Hispanic Society. Other examples come from the great Conventual churches, and others, yet again, from such private collections as those of Don Adriano Lanuza of Madrid, President of the Banco de Crédito, and of Don Bonifacio Diez Montero of Burgos. Spain, until the fifteenth century, after passing under the rule, partial or absolute, of the Phcenicians, the Romans and the Visigoths, was largely dominated by the Moors, who left their indelible imprint on its art. Evidences of this may be seen in the boxes and inlaid work as well as in the wall-tiles to be found in this collection. The Spaniards themselves attribute to the constant wars between the Moors and the Christians their marked religiosity. Be that as it may, it is beyond all cavil that Spain, in the Middle Ages, was the most Catholic of European countries, as it is to-day, and that this was notably expressed in Spanish art and in the lavish decoration of the churches and cathedrals. Thus, many of the pictures here offered are religious in their subjects, and the preponderance is marked of paint- ings of the Madonna, who was not only adored by the Spanish as the Queen of Heaven, but was regarded as their ideal of womanhood. Nevertheless, there are many pictures, of later date and belonging to other schools, which have been selected mainly for their decorative qualities. ) Regarding the furniture, it is perhaps enough to say that rarely, if ever, has so bountiful a showing, strictly Spanish in its origin, been brought to New York. It will be found that, like all good furniture of a good period, it will take its place without question as to the taste exercised in any room and among any surroundings. ‘Tables, chairs, cabinets and chests are here in profusion. It may be mentioned in this connection that the collection is exceptionally rich in Spanish wood carvings, figures, columns and pilasters. Some of these are examples of the Plateresque style, a word derived from the Spanish platero, or silversmith, and many are representative of the estofado, or art of imitating rich stuffs in sculptured wood, the surface being first gilded, then covered with paint which was scratched away to form a pattern. Of ironwork there is an abundance, including what is probably the most important collection of lanterns, both hanging and pole and chiefly of the seventeenth century, ever brought to this country. Spain has always been noted for its embroideries and brecades, some of them worked and woven in the country itself, others imported from Italy and France, and of these the collection has an unusually extensive gathering, while of such objects of minor interest as ceramics and clocks, the latter principally brought to Spain from England, there is a pleasing variety. A last word may be said as to the Italian carved walnut Choir of the seventeenth century, important as regards its size and more so in respect to its admirable craftsmanship, and as to the Catalonian wrought-iron reja, or cloister screen, which was made and erected in the old church from which it was purchased as early as the fourteenth cen- tury. ‘These two pieces are among the chief treasures of a collector who is also a selector, and strike the dominant note of this unusually extensive gathering. 4 Horacre TOwnsEND. CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. Identification and part payment by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. V. Delivery of purchases:Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases may have been removed. Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. on sales’ days and on other days—except holidays, when no deliveries will be made— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made only during the forenoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrangement to the contrary. Deliveries at the storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of 9 and 5. Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made at the discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. VI. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Associa- tion to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the pur- chaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. NOTE: The limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above requirements necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its patrons, whose goods otherwise would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. VII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers ; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. VIII. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfec- tion, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incor- rectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. IX. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Associa- tion for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibi- tion or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstand- ing. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1921 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers i to 203, inclusive SPANISH POTTERY OF THE SIXTEENTH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES I1—Tatavera La Reyna Bow1 Seventeenth Century 5 Cushion-shaped, invested with a white glaze and painted, in col- ors, with a hunt of dogs, deer and hare, and with lions. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 7 inches. 2—THree Tatavera La Reyna PHarmacy Vases / e. Seventeenth Century Pear-shaped bodies with straight necks. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in blue, with scrolled escutcheons enclosing the names of the drugs and surmounted by Marquis’ Coronets. Heights, 9 inches. 2a—Two Tatavera La Reyna Bowt1s Seventeenth Century Pa 4 - Coupe shape. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in colors, one with a dog and trees, one with a bird and trees. (One cracked.) Heights, 6 inches and 41% inches; diameters, 10°, and 8% inches. First Afternoon 3—Pair or Frencu Farence PHarmacy Jars AnD Covers | Eighteenth Century / oa- Cylindrical bodies and domed covers. Invested with a white glaze, and decorated, in colors, with floral wreaths and the names of the drugs. Heights, 8%, inches. 3a—Parr oF FRENCH FarencE PHARMACY JARS AND COVERS / ie Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 4—Partr oF Tatavera La Reyna PHarmMacy ALBARELLI hes Seventeenth Century / x Cylindrical shape, incurved sides, domed covers and circular finials. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in blue, with scrolled shields, enclosing the names of the drugs and surmounted by crowns. Heights, 10% inches. 5—Four Frencu Farence PHarmacy Jars Seventeenth Century Cylindrical bodies. Invested with a white glaze, and decorated, din colors, with floral wreaths and the names of the drugs. Heights, 84%, inches. 6—TureEE Atcora ALBARELLI Seventeenth Century LE Cylindrical shape with incurved sides. Invested with a white ~ glaze and decorated, in colored enamels, with scrolled pear-shaped escutcheons charged with coats-of-arms. Heights, 9% inches. “—Parr or Ancora PHARMACY VASES Seventeenth Century Pear-shaped bodies, domed covers and pointed finials. Invested { ‘es - with a white glaze and decorated, in colors, with circular scrolled medallions enclosing the names of the drugs and with lines of blue. (One chipped.) Heights, 9 inches. S—THrREE Tanavera La Reyna Arparettt Seventeenth Century ~ Cylindrical shape with incurved sides. Decorated in solid blue. ie (Some chipped.) Heights, 1114 and 1014 inches. First Afternoon 9—ARAGONESE FateNcE BENITIER Sixteenth Century ie Rectangular wall plate with scrolled and voluted sides. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in blue, with scrolled leaves and crosses. Coupe-shaped holy water font, decorated, in blue, with scrolls. Height, 1014 inches; width, 414, inches. 10—TeERvEL BENiTIER Early Sixteenth Century ~- Rectangular wall plate, invested with a white glaze and decorated, | 1 ‘in relief and colors, with the Crucifixion and the figures of the Virgin and St. John, under a shell-shaped canopy. Coupe- shaped holy water font decorated, in blue, with gadroonings. Height, 13 inches; width, 6 inches. 11—Tervet Benirier Sixteenth Century Rectangular wall place, invested with a white glaze and dec- oe 0° orated, in relief and colors, with Crucifixion and figures of the Virgin and St. John, under a shell-shaped canopy. Coupe-shaped holy water font, decorated, in blue, with floral colorings and band of interlacement. Height, 12 inches; width, 6 inches. 12—Atcora Disn anv Cover Eighteenth Century Oval shape, with straight sides, ear handles and domed cover / _= with looped handle. Invested with a white glaze and decorated with quatrefoil medallions of floral sprays on a puce-colored speckled ground. Height, 6 inches; length, 16 inches; width, 101% inches. 13—Two Hispano-MavresavuEe Lustrep-ware DisHEs Seventeenth Century LS: Coupe-shaped, invested with a cream-colored glaze and decorated, in copper lustre, one with carnations and leaves, one with a bird and branches of carnations. Both with borders of loops and scrolls. (Repaired and cracked.) Heights, 4 inches; diameters, 151% and 141% inches. 14—Parr oF Tatavera La Reyna Pitrcuers Seventeenth Century Pear-shaped bodies, curved spouts and looped handles. Invested ~ with a white glaze and decorated, in blue, with scrolled escutch- eons surmounted by crowns and charged with the royal coats-of- arms of Castile and Leon. Height, 15 inches. First Afternoon 15—Spanish Guazep TErra-corrA AMPHORA-SHAPED VASE AND STAND Siateenth Century 4. S- Pear-shaped vase with spreading neck and molded rim of red terra-cotta, invested with a brown and green glaze. Stand of three volutes of wrought-iron bars. Height, 20 inches. 16—Triana Farence Grazev Trerra-corra Fountain Seventeenth Century lxee Pear-shaped body with ringed neck, two looped handles modeled as lizards, stamped with Saracenic cartouche. Faucet hole at bottom. Invested with a green glaze. Height, 18 inches. 17—Masouica Pitertm’s Borris Seventeenth Century Flat pear-shaped, spirally fluted body, with ring handles. In- / 4 - vested with a white glaze and decorated, in colors, with an escutcheon surmounted by a coronet and charged with a coat- of-arms. Height, 121%, inches. 18—Itrauin Magsgorica PuatTTer Seventeenth Century Oval shape, with fluted rim and scalloped edge. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in colors, with an oval leaf-bordered medallion. Length, 21 inches; width, 1744 inches. 19—Manises Fountain Seventeenth Century Straight incurved sides, pinnacle neck, ring handles, masked 3 Db -spout and domed cover. Invested with a white glaze and dec- orated in relief with floral festoons and lines of blue. Finial missing. Height, 23%, inches. 20—Manises Fountain Siateenth Century nid Straight spreading sides, pinnacle neck, domed cover with brass O ‘finial, ringed handles and masked brass spout. Invested with a white glaze and decorated, in relief and in blue and orange, with scrolled leaves and flowers, deer, birds, bands of key patterning and floral sprays. ; Height, 2134, inches. First Afternoon 21—Parr or TVatavera La Reyna Vases Seventeenth Century Pear-shaped bodies, spreading necks and straight looped handles. Me Invested with a white glaze and decorated, on both sides, in blue, with scrolled escutcheons charged with coats-of-arms and _ sur- mounted by Cardinals’ hats. | . Height, 20% inches. 22—SpanisH ‘Trerra-coTra VasE Seventeenth Century Pear-shaped body with gauffered rim, looped handles, incurved 6 - neck and foot. Invested with an irregular brown glaze and dec- orated, in relief and dark green, with cherubim and pear-shaped pendants, branches of scrolled leaves and with bands of round arches and cherubim. Height, 31 inches. SPANISH TILES OF THE SIXTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES 23—Ser or THreE Atcora TILEs Eighteenth Century Terra-cotta tiles, decorated, in colored enamels on white grounds, “two with figures of fruit peddlers, and one with figure of Turk with turban. Height, 7%4 inches; width, 7% inches. First Afternoon 24—Parr oF ALcAzAR TILES Sixteenth Century Terra-cotta tiles, decorated, in relief and in blue, green, yellow <4 - and brown enamels on a white ground, with circular laurel leaf wreaths enclosing portrait heads of Roman emperors. Scrolled leaves and ribbons in the angles. Framed. Height, 914, inches; width, 101% inches. 25—Four Atcora TILEs Sixteenth Century S - Terra-cotta tiles, decorated, in blue and green enamels on a white ground, with scrolled acanthus leaves and rosetted circular medallion. Framed. Height, 91% inches; width, 9% inches. 26—Axcora TILE Eighteenth Century 9) D- Terra-cotta tile, enameled in blue on a white ground with pointed figure surmounted by circular medallion of Amorini on a scrolled base with hangings and lambrequin of drapery. Framed. Height, 914 inches; width, 7 inches. 27—Fovur Atucazar TILEs Sixteenth Century Terra-cotta tiles, decorated, in relief and in blue, green, brown and yellow enamels, with scrolled leaves and circular rosettes. Framed. Height, 1014 inches; width, 10% inches. 28—Six ANpDALUSIAN TILES Sixteenth Century Terra-cotta tiles, decorated, in relief and in blue, green and yel- & low enamels, with interlaced strapwork forming circular medal- lions, enclosing leaf rosettes and grotesque mask, with leaf rosettes and quatrefoils between. Framed. Height, 174%, inches; width, 111% inches, 29—E Leven Ororpesa TILEs Sixteenth Century JS dTerra-cotta tiles patterned, in colors on white and blue grounds, } se — with various designs. Various sizes, 30—Set oF ELeven Curerpa Seca Ties Sixteenth Century JD Terra-cotta tiles. Decorated, on one side in blue, green and I’ ‘~ amber-colored enamels, on a white ground with scrolled and leaf borders, and on one side with a leaf and rosette border. zak = Sie S } hee ee . S, aes Various sizes. First Afternoon 31—SerET oF SEVENTY-FIVE Atcora TILEs Eighteenth Century Terra-cotta tiles, decorated in colors on a white ground with Se ircalar medallions of animals, portraits, landscapes and floral sprays. Height, 2°, inches; width, 2% inches. 32—VALENCIA TILE PAanEL Exghteenth Century 35° In the center, in an oval piscina formed of beads, is the figure of the Virgin crowned, wearing a yellow robe with blue mantle, holding a rosary in one hand and supporting with the other the draped Child Christ crowned and holding a rosary. Below is a reversed crescent, while all around are clouds and cherubim. Border of scrolled acanthus leaves in yellow, green and brown with quatrefoil leaf medallions at angles. Framed. Height, 201% inches; width, 14% inches. 30—THREE PaNnELs oF Atcora TILEs Eighteenth Century Two formed of six and one of nine rectangular tiles. Painted, in colors, in the style of Carnicero, with portraits of ladies in [ IS “eighteenth century costumes, with elaborate headdresses, one with a plumed hat. One is making chocolate on a portable brazier, one is carrying two cups of chocolate in cup holders, one is holding a dish of “‘bizcochos.” Surrounded by meander borders of leaves and flowers. Heights, 25 inches; widths, 25 inches and 16 inches. Note: These panels came from the dining-room of Don Dario Chicote, Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Valladolid. MISCELLANEOUS ART OBJECTS FROM THE SIXTEENTH TO THE EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY 34—Capro pi Monte Porcetain Tomer Box Lighteenth Century Oval shape, with straight sides and top pierced with circular / Oe opening. Invested with a white glaze and decorated in colors and gold with rectangular panels occupied by view of a Bridge and Castle and the Island of Ischia surrounded by a gilt border of roundels and on a ground marbled in purple and brown Ital- ian inscription with names of views on bottom. Mark, Crowned “N,” painted in blue. Height, 3 inches; length, 3°4 inches; width, 2°4 inches. First Afternoon 35—Encusn Cut-citass Bowi anp Cover Eighteenth Century Coupe-shaped bowl, domed cover with flat circular finial. Cut /J - with shuttle-shaped medallions of diamond diaper and fans and with radiating grooves. Height, 4°, inches; diameter, 3%4 inches. 36—SpanisH Printed Satin RETICULE Eighteenth Century ie - Spade shape. Of white satin printed, in black and colored, with figures of men and women in eighteenth century costumes, seated and flanked by pendants of flowers and leaves. Bordered with gold cord and finished with cut-steel tassels. Length, 8 inches; width, 6% inches. 387—SpanisH Carvep, PainTtepD anp GittT Woop Pax Seventeenth Century / ‘eS Round-arched frame, carved with scrolls, molded base and scrolled and voluted handle at back. Paneled with painting of anu bietar. Height, 7° inches; width, 6 inches. 88—Portion oF Frencu Fan Mount Eighteenth Century rb Oval medallion, painted, on vellum, in water colors, with a figure of Leda seated, surrounded by Amorini, one of them playing a lyre. The swan in foreground, landscape background. Mount shows traces of sticks. Framed. Height, 5% inches; width, 7% inches. 39—FrencH Ormotu anp Intaip Waxtnut Iyxstanp Early Nineteenth Century qe O~ Inlaid rectangular stand with bowed front. In center, candle- stick with incurved stem and two ram’s-headed rhytons with cut- glass ink and pouncet receptacles. In front are two taper holders. Height, 41/, inches; length, 10 inches; width, 51% inches. 40—EnecusH Girt Bronze Writinec Desk GarnituRE Seventeenth Century U5 Central figure of Atlas supporting starred spheres, enclosing a watch movement with silver dial; flanked by similar figures sup- porting vase-shaped candle-sockets. Circular bases of white marble. Watch dial inscribed “Markwick.” Britten, p. 707, “James Markwick, C. C. 1666-98.” Height, 8 inches. First Afternoon 41—Frencu Portasite SuNDIAL Eighteenth Century 3 5- Shaped as a cube on hinged stem, engraved with hour numerals, eagle and crossed bow and quiver. On rectangular molded and painted stand with glazed compass inserted. ; Height, 7 inches. 42—Parr oF Spanish Vetvet Pistrot Horsters a Seventeenth Century Pistol shape. Of green velvet with shield-shaped flaps bordered with yellow satin. Cylindrical bodies with ends mounted with pierced and repoussés gilt metal scrolls. Straps and buckles. Length, 13% inches. 43—Partr oF VENETIAN LacquERED Tin CacHE-pors Ly | Eighteenth Century Straight sides with looped wire handles, decorated with gold bands on a red ground and with quatrefoil panels lacquered in gold and colors with Chinoiseries. Height, 5 inches. 44——Pair oF Frencu Paintep Trin JARrDINIERES . Early Nineteenth Century 3S. Rectangular shape with straight and curved sides, honey- suckle and paw feet and rectangular bases. Painted, in colors, with trees and figures of man and woman in Scottish and Turk- ish costumes of the early nineteenth century. Removable liners. Height, 9 inches, 45—SpanisH Gitr Copper GOBLET Seventeenth Century Egg-shaped bowl, surrounded by three applied terminal figures. 2. S- Vase-shaped stem, supported by three curved and voluted brack- ets. Molded circular foot, repoussé with band of flowers and leaves. Height, 9 inches, 46—Frencu LacquEerep Leap VaAsE Eighteenth Century Hemispherical body on tripod stand of three tapering terms with oe, b- lion heads and paw feet. Hemispherical cover having seated widow as finial. Painted, in gold and colors on a red ground, with scrolled leaves and with band of black decorated in gold and colors with acanthus leaves. Lions’ masks and paws gilt and terms painted black. Height, 8 inches. First Afternoon 47—AvGcsBURG SILVER TANKARD Seventeenth Century Cylindrical shape, with straight sides. Repoussé with bands of 13 — oval masks and medallions engraved with leaves and _ scrolls, ee domed hinged and engraved lid with finial modeled as figure of Amorino, scrolled thumbpiece and looped handle decorated with a cherub and circular foot. Maker’s mark: “C. R.” crowned. (Caspar Rissenfels, 1677-1712.) Height, 7 inches. 48—STRASBURG SiLveR NEF Early Nineteenth Century Shaped as a square-rigged ship with three masts and high poop. 0-Scrolled stem, pear-shaped base and three trefoil feet. Stras- burg mark of 1810. Height, 8 inches. 49—Patr oF SPANISH SILVER-PLATED ALTAR VASES Eighteenth Century rae S- Pear-shaped bodies, repoussés, with scrolls and medallions. Flat handles pierced and repoussés with C-scrolls and diapers and domed feet repoussés with scrolls and medallions. Height, 9 inches. 50—Pain or Frencn Sitver Canpiesticks Early Nineteenth Century Stems modeled as the figures of standing women supporting fluted “vase-shaped candle-sockets. Cylindrical pedestals appliqués with baskets of flowers. Rectangular bases. Height, 8 inches. 51—Parr or EncuisH Otp SHeErrietp Piatep CanpLEsTicks Eighteenth Century ol 0 Oval, tapering, fluted stems, vase shaped candle-sockets, with oval reeded bobéches. Oval reeded and fluted feet. Height, 91% inches. 52—Pair Otp Frencu Suerrietp Piatep CanpLEsticKs Eighteenth Century WS-Tapering fluted stems and fluted vase-shaped candle-sockets, with shuttle-shaped bobéches and fluted shuttle-shaped feet. Height, 101% inches. First Afternoon 53—Pair or Frencu Brass anp Marsie Canpiesticks of . Empire Period of the Early Nineteenth Century Stems molded as figures of Chinamen holding cornucopize ending in vase-shaped candle-sockets. Cylindrical white marble pedes- tals and circular brass bases. Height, 12 inches. 54—Frencu Brass anp Marsie Canpiestick Empire PeEriop = Early Nineteenth Century / 2 - Stems molded as the standing figure of a Putto holding a branch with vase-shaped candle-socket. Cylindrical white marble ped- estal, festooned with chains and circular black marble base. Height, 121% inches. 55—Patr SwepisH SILVER-PLATED CANDLESTICKS = Tapering square stems with lozenge-shaped bobéches and bases. ao- Molded with bands of leaves and berries Maker’s mark, “‘Norr- koping,” and date “1802.” Height, 14 inches. 56—Ser or Four Spanish SILveR-PLATED PRICKET CANDLESTICKS Eighteenth Century i bf ) -Hexagonal vase and baluster stems, circular tasseled bobéches, on tripod stands with voluted brackets appliqués with shells at the angles and with scrolled medallions surrounded by cherubim between. (Parts missing. ) Height, 30 inches. 57—FrENCH EnaMELED Hot-watTer URN Eighteenth Century Spherical body, enameled in red, with wing handles and sup- 4 J. ported on four tapering fluted legs with paw feet. Incurved rectangular base, cushion feet and removable lid with mushroom finial. Straight spout with handle of twisted serpents. Height, 16 inches. 58—SPpanisH SILVER-PLATED FINIAL Eighteenth Century Fluted vase shaped, with pierced handles, repoussés with volutes 4 > and star rosettes, body with band of engraved roundels, appliques with star rosettes and with festoons of pointed leaves below. Cir- cular molded foot. Height, 17 inches. First A fternoon 59—Pair oF SPANISH SILVER-PLATED ALTAR CANDLESTICKS Eighteenth Century - Fluted columnar stems, appliqués with festoons of leaves, beaded and gadrooned bases. Cylindrical and pear-shaped stands, re- poussés with oval medallions and with three rectangular voluted legs. Cushion feet. Height, 36 inches. 60—AnvatusiaAn Tin VAsE Eighteenth Century Hexagonal pear-shaped body, pinnacle cover with circular finial, IS- two looped handles and molded foot. Height, 18 inches, 61—Venetian WrovcuHt-iron aND WoopEeNn BirpcacE Exghteenth Century 3 0 - Shaped as a house, with windows jalousied with voluted scrolls of iron and canopied doorway. At ends are two pavilions with pinnacled roofs of voluted iron scrolls. Pinnacled top with wooden balconies, two sloping arched wings of voluted iron scrolls and glazed pedimented angles. Rectangular base with scroll- paneled balustrade of iron. Height, 48 inches; length, 29 inches; width, 154% inches. 62—SPaANIsH SILVER-MOUNTED ‘ToRTOISE-SHELL Box Eighteenth Century Hinged lid. Tortoise-shell with silver scrolled paw-feet, applied dey: quatrefoil medallions, hinges and angle pieces secured with silver nails. Looped carrying handles. Height, 244 inches; length, 5% inches; width, 34, inches. 63—SpanisH LEATHER Box Sixteenth Century Hinged dome lid, gold tooled with oval medallion and border, Hs fs sides gold tooled and inlaid with lozenges of black leather. Brass hooks and wire looped handle. Height, 34% inches; length, 51% inches; width, 3 inches. 64—SpanisH LEATHER Box Sixteenth Century Hinged dome lid, blind-tooled with rectangular panel, sides gold- /oL- tooled with rectangular panels. Brass hooks, keyhole escutch- eon and looped handle. Height, 31% inches; length, 5% inches; width, 4 inches. First Afternoon — 65—Irarian Woopven Box Seventeenth Century =9. _Rectangular hinged lid, covered with Hungarian point embroid- ery worked in a characteristic zigzag design and secured with brass-headed nails. Interior lined with stamped cotton. Brass looped carrying handle, swinging looped front handle and pierced keyhole escutcheon. Height, 8 inches; length, 1414 inches; width, 10°4 inches. 66—SpanisH Pino Woop Box Siateenth Century Rectangular hinged lid, the edge in blue velvet secured with brass- Z) . © headed nails. Sides in blue velvet embroidered, in gold thread, with imbrications and secured with brass-headed nails. Wrought- iron keyhole escutcheon. Height, 51%, inches; width, 9 inches; depth, 5% inches. 67—FrencH Brass ann Exony Box Eighteenth Century Rectangular hinged domed lid, fitted with rectangular box with fs sliding lid, molded base and cushion feet. Sides paneled and ap- pliqués with oval brass plates engraved with Amorini and labels with inscriptions in French. Height, 9°4, inches; width, 181% inches; depth, 7 inches. 68—VeENeETIAN Découpace Guiass Box Eighteenth Century 5 Rectangular shape with hinged sloping lid. Of glass with paneled centre decorated with cut out colored engravings of trees and fig- ures. Interior with glass compartment with hinged lid. Edges of wood carved with scrolls and medallions and gilt. Cushion feet. Height, 6% inches; width, 101% inches; depth, 9 inches. 69—SranisH PaintED and GiLtT Woop snp Gesso Box Fifteenth Century 2 b6-Rectangular shape. The front of gesso work in a design of two lions, the back of towers, a balcony and scrolls, the ends with animal, bird and scrolled leaves. Painted red and gilt. Lid missing. Height, 7% inches ; length, 121% inches; depth, 9 inches. “0—Irauian Carvep Watnut Box Sixteenth Century Rectangular shape, with hinged lid fretwork carved with check- 3 O° ered diaper. Front carved with panels of double-headed eagles, trees and towers, ends carved and engraved with figures of kneel- ing Amorini blowing horns, back with David bearing the head of Goliath, and with kneeling Amorini above. Height, 10% inches; length, 17 inches; width, 91, inches. First Afternoon 71—SpanisH EmpromrreD VELVET Box Seventeenth Century Rectangular hinged lid, covered with blue velvet, embroidered — ®- in gold thread and coral beads with vase of flowers and scrolled floral border. Sides of blue velvet similarly embroidered with bands of floral scrolling. Guilt wooden circular cushion feet. Height, 8 inches; length, 1914 inches; width, 12 inches. (2—VENETIAN DéEcoupace Oax Box Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape, with domed hinged lid, decorated with décou- J. S- pages of colored engravings of men, animals, insects and trees on a painted white ground. Wrought-iron looped carrying handle. Height, 81% inches; length, 16 inches; width, 9%, inches. 73—-Hispano-MavresauE Intaip Watnut Box Stxteenth Century Rectangular hinged lid with inner surface inlaid, in light and ie dark woods, with quatrefoil medallion of geometrical interlace- 7 ments enclosing a cross and with panels of octagonal stars. In- terior fitted with three compartments arranged with drawers with inlaid fronts surrounded by bands of inlay. Brass knobs. Height, 914 inches; width, 14% inches; depth, 10%4 inches. 74—SpanisH Wautnut anp Esony Box Seventeenth Century Rectangular hinged sloping lid with molded, bead-carved and 3 SZ. fluted edge, straight sides with carved angles, carved base and cushion feet. Lid and sides glazed and paneled with needlework pictures worked in colored silks and gold and silver threads, the lid with Christ addressing the woman taken in adultery in land- scape with background of city and the sides with landscapes, bridges, buildings and figures. Height, 9 inches; width, 1914 inches; depth, 141% inches. 75—SpPanisH Watnut Box Sixteenth Century S$» Rectangular hinged lid with molded edge, paneled front with GT oe band carved with cherub, birds, buildings and trees, flanked by carved caryatids supporting baskets of fruits and with turned spindles at angles, pear-shaped feet. Interior fitted with re- movable lid covered with red silk damask. Height, 13 inches; width, 24 inches; depth, 18 inches. First Afternoon BRONZES AND BRASS OF THE FIFTEENTH, SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 76—Frencu Bronze Mortar Sixteenth Century 5? Incurved sides with looped lion’s heads and voluted handles. Sides 3 =: ~ decorated, in relief, with shield-shaped escutcheons supported by eagles, surmounted by helmets and coronets and charged with coats-of-arms. Above is a band of French inscription in Lom- bardic characters with name and date “1576.” Height, 5 inches; diameter, 4° inches. 7(—Irauian Bronze Morrar Sivteenth Century a4 Incurved sides with molded foot. =] ; Height, 334 inches; diameter, 5 inches, 78—Irauan Bronze Morrar Sixteenth Century 0 Incurved sides, with leaf-ornamented rim, looped handles and 24° - molded foot. Sides decorated, in relief, with balusters symmet- 1 rically disposed. Height, 3°, inches; diameter, 514 inches. 79—Itatian Bronze Morrar Sivteenth Century 0. Incurved sides with molded rim and foot. Sides decorated, in relief, with cherubim. Height, 4°, inches; diameter, 51% inches. 80—SpanisH Bronze Bett and STAND Sixteenth Century Bell with incurved sides and pear-shaped handle, the body modeled )5- in relief with oval portrait medallions and scrolls, a band of inscription and date “1565.” Circular stand, of later date, with leaf decorated molded rim. Height, 5% inches. 81-——Spaniso Bronze Mortar anp Pestie Seventeenth Century Mortar with straight sides and curved rim, decorated in relief oL 0- with female masks. Cylindrical knopped pestle. Height, 3°, inches; diameter, 3 inches. 82—Spaniso Bronze Morrar and Prestte Seventeenth Century °y) o- Mortar with straight sides and curved rim, decorated in relief with female masks. Cylindrical knopped pestle. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 3 inches. First Afternoon 83—Swiss Gitt Brass Crock Eighteenth Century Modeled as the figure of an Amorino supporting a spherical clock- JSD case with dial inscribed “Coulin a Genéve.” On rectangular red © elie css marble pedestal and black base. Britten, p. 642. “Coulin Fréres, 1780.” Height, 101% inches. BRASS OF THE FIFTEENTH, SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 84—SpanisH Brass IncENsE BuRNER Fifteenth Century Acorn shape, with four voluted winged feet. Decorated with /J - oval settings surrounded by engraved scrolls. Completely gilt. Height, 314 inches. 85—Four Castirian Brass CANDLESTICKS Sivteenth Century Turned baluster and vase-shaped stems, cylindrical candle-sock- 4 a Be 7s ets, rectangular bases with paw feet. Heights, 8, 9, 914 and 9% inches. ‘ 86—SpanisH Brass PLtarep LimosnERo Sixteenth Century / R Coupe-shaped stand with flat rim, with flat shield-shaped stem in . center surmounted by a cross and occupied with figures, in re- hef, of St. Michael and soul in torment below. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 7% inches. 87—Pair oF SpanisH Brass Pricker CAaNDLESTICKsS 3 - Seventeenth Century Vase baluster-shaped stems, saucer-shaped bobéches and prickets. Triangular stands, with sides molded and engraved with cherubim and with three paw feet. Height, 11 inches. 88—ANDALUSIAN Brass Brazier Sixteenth Century Coupe-shaped bowl with two twisted and masked looped handles, 20 m - tapering ringed stem and molded foot. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 18 inches. 89—Pair oF SpanisH Brass Pricker CANDLESTICKS Seventeenth Century 60 ~ Baluster stems with molded saucer-shaped bobéches, tapering incurved pedestals, molded bases and ball feet. Brass prickets. Height, 17 inches. First Afternoon 90—Parir oF SpANisH Brass CaNDLESTICKS Sixteenth Century Cylindrical stems, the lower portions of straight-sided fluted vase 2 &- shape, saucer-shaped bobéches, vase-shaped candle-sockets and circular feet. Height, 19 inches. 91—Castizian Brass Taste Lectern Seventeenth Century Rectangular sloping reading desk of brass, pierced with scrolls =U 0- and the sacred monogram surmounted by a cross. Molded base and circular cushion feet. Height, 11 inches; width, 11%, inches, 92—SpanisH Brass Veton, or Taste Lame Seventeenth Century Cylindrical vase and baluster shaped stem with pear-shaped ad- 2. pd- justable oil-receptacle and four wick nozzles. Finial pierced as a double-headed eagle and twin round arched shade holder. Height, 26 inches. 93—CastitIAN Coprer and WrovcHtT-iron Brazier Fifteenth Century ah S Coupe-shaped bowl with straight sides of copper rimmed with wrought-iron band, swinging ring handles of wrought-iron and three straight wrought-iron legs. Height, 111%4 inches; diameter, 16 inches. 94—Pair oF SPANISH Brass ANDIRONS Seventeenth Century cals Vase-shaped supports, with pear-shaped finials and curved, arched feet of strap iron. Wrought-iron bars. Height, 12%, inches. LATIN BOOKS OF THE SIXTEENTH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES 95—Manuscript ANTIPHONAL Book Sixteenth Century Latin text. Written on old paper with musical notes of Gregor- Sg Q-ian chant. ITluminated and rubricated initials. Title page with sacred monogram in gold. Contemporary blind tooled leather binding with remains of leather clasps. Length, 1734 inches; width, 114% inches. 96—LatTin Breviary Eighteenth Century In four volumes. Rubricated and illustrated with copper-plate ot S- engravings. Bindings of red morocco, elaborately tooled in gold. Two with brass clasps. Printed by Plantin at Antwerp in 1738. Height, 9 inches; width, 5% inches. First Afternoon 97—SpanisH Inutaip Ivory AxtTar Boox Seventeenth Century _ Two rectangular hinged leaves, exteriors of oak, inlaid in dark if 0- and light woods with panels, interiors of ivory plates inlaid, in ebony, with sentences from the Mass referring to the body and blood of Christ in Roman characters, with scrolled initials, panels of interlaced scrollings and C-scrolled borders. Height, 174% inches; width, 30% inches. 98—Manuscriet ANTIPHONAL Book Sixteenth Century Latin text. Written on 86 pages of vellum with elaborately il- : )- luminated and rubricated initials. Bound in leather with brass borders; pierced brass angles and bossed medallion center. Height, 33 inches; width, 24 inches. SPANISH SAMPLERS OF THE SEVENTEENTH, EIGHTEENTH AND NINETEENTH CENTURIES 99—SPaNIsH SAMPLER Seventeenth Century Coarse linen worked, in colored silks, with bands of ornament ‘). — and with a panel of open and drawn work. Length, 2 feet 6 inches; width, 1 foot 91% inches. 100—SranisH SAMPLER Early Nineteenth Century Rar) Coarse linen worked, in colored silks, with bands of ornament, . floral sprays and figure and inscribed with the name of the worker and the date 1807. Length, 1 foot 6% inches; width, 1 foot 514 inches, 101—SpanisH SAMPLER Early Nineteenth Century Linen. Worked, in colored silks, with floral sprays, trees, chair, 7 - birds and sacred initials, bands of ornament, with the name of the worker and the date “1815.” Stained. Length, 1 foot 10 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 102—-Four SaLaMANncAa EMBROIDERED LINEN SQuaREs Seventeenth Century Fine and coarse linen. Embroidered, in colored silks, with floral / D- sprays and ornamental borders. Finished with silk fringe and scalloped lace. Various sizes. First Afternoon 103—SpanisH SAMPLER Early Eighteenth Century Coarse linen, worked, in colored silks, with a vase of flowers, mar as birds and stars, surrounded by ornamental borders and _ in- ) scribed with the name of the worker and the date 1707. Length, 1 foot 111% inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 104—SpanisH SAMPLER Eighteenth Century 70 Coarse linen, worked, in colored threads, with bands of alpha- 29 A. ~ bets, numerals, a vase of flowers, floral sprays and ornamental borders. Inscribed with the name of the worker and date 1791. Length, 1 foot 101% inches; width, 1 foot 91% inches. 105—SpanisH SAMPLER Early Nineteenth Century Rectangular shape. Coarse linen worked, in colored silks, with /9. - bands of alphabets and numerals, a monstrance, trees, animals, 7 birds, buildings, floral sprays and with name of worker and date 1817, . Length, 14% inches; width, 14144 inches. 106—SprantsH SAMPLER Seventeenth Century Coarse linen, worked in horizontal bands of open and drawn work and embroidered in colored linen thread with deer, scrolls, leaf sprays and ornaments. Ja ~ Length, 2 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 61% inches, 107—SpanisH SAMPLER Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Of linen embroidered, .in white, with bands J? of floral meanders and, in colored silks, with bands of men, women, | ek: animals, vases of flowers and floral meanders. At bottom two bands of drawn-work squares. Length, 20 inches; width, 15 inches. 108—SpranisH NEEDLEWORK PICTURE Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape, embroidered on white silk in colored silks J and satin stitch with pavilion having two doves in pointed pedi- / ment and floral festoon, inscribed “El Amor” (Love), flanked by trees, flowers and a sarcophagus inscribed “Muerte” (Death). Surrounded by a meander border of vine leaves and grapes. Black and gilt glass passe-partout. Height, 261% inches; width, 33 inches. First Afternoon 109—SpanisH NEEDLEWORK PicTURE Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Worked, on white satin in colored filoselles with a basket of flowers at the foot of a tree entwined with ivy. _ LA Border of leaf and berry sprays. Height, 44 inches; width, 28 inches. 110—SpanisH NEEDLEWoRK PicTuURE Eighteenth Century Embroidered on a white silk ground in colored silks and satin yo = stitch, with vase of flowers, a group of fruits on a napkin, a ~ butterfly and a bird, surrounded by a floral border and inscribed “M. P.” Black and gilt glass passe-partout. Height, 231% inches; width, 351% inches. SPANISH ENGRAVINGS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 111—SpanisH CoLorep ENGRAVINGS Eighteenth Century |S Set of fifteen. Marine Views and Palaces with figures. 112—SpanisH Cotorep ENGRAVINGS Eighteenth Century Set of ten. Perspective Charts, including one of the Misissippi. IDs 1183—SpanisH Cotorep ENGRAVINGS Eighteenth Century 2 2 Set of eleven. Gardens with figures. 114—SpanisH Cotorep ENcrRAvINGS Eighteenth Century IS- Set of ten. Palaces with figures. 115—SpanisH Cotorep EncRraAvINGs Enghteenth Century 9 Set of six. Churches with figures. 116—SpanisH CoLorep ENGRAVINGS | Eighteenth Century Set of twelve. English and Italian Churches with figures. Pf 4 ~ ome ae rina 7 117—SpanisH CoLoreD ENGRAVINGS Eighteenth Century hes Set of ten. Classic Ruins and Public Squares with figures. First Afternoon 118—Pair or Encusn Mezzotints Printep 1x Corors Eighteenth Century ~ § “Animal Affection,” engraved by Bonnefoy after Miller; and “The Favorite Rabbit,” engraved by C. Knight after J. Rus- sell, R.A. Height, 164% inches; width, 19 inches. 119—Par or SpanisH Guass Pictures Eighteenth Century Painted, in gold on a black background, with trees, birds, fig- [S- ures and rock forms. In old molded and painted wood frames. Height, 514 inches; width, 101% inches. 120—VeENETIAN Guass PAINTING Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. “Daniel in the Lions’ Den” with Angel ) - holding a figure by the forelock. Painted and gilt on glass. Height, 914 inches; width, 13 inches. 121—Paie or Irauian Suate Pictures Eighteenth Century | Enameled in white with rectangular-shaped panels with incurved f D- angles decorated with transfer prints in carmine of architectural subjects with figures surrounded by green marbled borders. In old gilt molded wooden frames. Height, 9 inches; width, 12%, inches. Note: These pictures are produced in a very unusual manner. 122—SpanisH FreatrHerR Picture Eighteenth Century Painted on paper in gold and gouache, heighted with feathers. J? The figure of a Saint holding the Child Christ and a rod with ek floral termination, by his side a disciple with a basket of fruits. Border of scrolls and lozenges. Contemporary molded wood frame. Height, 151%, inches; width, 1134 inches. First Afternoon 123—Seascare anp LANDscaPE Eighteenth Century Italian School Painted in gouache, one with view of seaport, with pavilion, ships, [St ge figures and rocks. One with a landscape with ruins, a stairway — and figures. Height, 3°4 inches; width, 614 inches. 124—Turee Pictures Eighteenth Century Italian School One rectangular, two circular. Painted in blue on a white ground | (pele with landscapes and buildings. Height, 51% inches; width, 8 inches; diameter, 614, inches. 125—Lanpscare By S. A. Lowman Swiss, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (fae - Painted in water colors with a view of a road in a mountainous country with figures. Above is an arched rock and in the dis- tance mountains. . Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. Signed, S. A. Louman. 126—Fovr Lanpscapes spy Luict Fucora Italian, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries b- Views of Naples from Posilipo and Capo di Monte and of Poz- zuoli. Height, 13 inches; width, 1914 inches. One signed, Luie1 Fucora, and dated 1814. First Afternoon 127—Turee Spanish AND Irauian Pictures Eighteenth Century P _ Oval shape. One, painted in colors on panel, with a bridge, buildings and men fishing. Two Italian, painted, en camaieu, with landscapes, buildings and figures. Heights, 13% inches and 91, inches; widths, 18 inches and 121/ inches. 128—Foour Stizi-ure Pictures py G. Antonio FRANZONI Italian, Eighteenth Century § D” Four paintings of pictures of Jockeys on horseback in the centers fastened by pins to striped walls, and surrounded by sheets of - paper secured by wafers and painted with illustrations, cards, portraits, calendars and a Crucifixion. Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches. Signed, “G. Antonio Franzont, F.” 129—Pair or “Views or NapueEs” Early Nineteenth Century Italian School _ 3 S-: Painted in gouache, one with a view of Naples from Cape Posilipo, with the Bay on the right, town and Mount Vesuvius in distance and figures in the foreground; one with a view of Naples with the Bay on the left, town on the right, and shore, with figures, in the foreground. Height, 15 inches; width, 201% inches. 1380—Rutins Eighteenth Century French School Painted, in water colors, with views of classic ruins of arches and pat Be J + columns with buildings in the background. Sarcophagus, statue and vases with figures in eighteenth century costume in the foreground. Height, 16 inches; width, 101% inches. First Afternoon 131—Porrrair Eighteenth Century French School Pastel bust portrait of a young woman in Russian peasant cos- / O- tume with fur cap, brown bodice, lace sleeves and purple mantle. Dark background. Height, 2114 inches; width, 15% inches. 132—Ser or Four Reticious SusseEcts Eighteenth Century Spanish School 7 _ Paintings, in gouache, of the “Flight into Egypt,” with the Vir- gin holding the Child Christ and seated on a donkey led by St. Joseph; “Raising of Lazarus,” with Christ in a red robe and blue mantle; “Raising of Jairus’ Daughter”; “Christ Kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane, with God the Father,” supported by angels above, and shepherds below. Heights, 14 and 111% inches; width, 191%, and 15 inches. 133—LanpscaPE Eighteenth Century Swiss School Painted in water colors with a mountainous landscape. In the / §- foreground a road curves over a bridge with a stream below. In the distance are rocks and trees, with a hut at the side of the road and figures of peasants in broad-brimmed hats. In (old frame, painted, on a cream-colored ground, in blue. Height, 19 inches; width, 24 inches. 134—LanpscaPE Eighteenth Century French School -) Gouache painting of a landscape with groups of trees on a rocky ay 2 Gaas mound. Arched bridges in distance and classical portico with columns on left. In foreground, water and a peasant sitting on a wheelbarrow. Blue sky. Height, 23 inches; width, 30 inches. First Afternoon SPANISH GILT CARVINGS FROM THE SIXTEENTH TO THE NINETEENTH CENTURY 135—Pair or Spanish Girt Woop Finrats Eighteenth Century Zi 5- Shaped as rococo-scrolled vases with shell feet. Semi-octagonal bases. Height, 20% inches. 136—Pair or SpanisH Patintep anp Gittr NiIcHES Seventeenth Century ae Semi-octagonal niches with round-arched and carved-shell cano- ig pies. Painted, in colors, with arabesques of scrolls, birds and leaves. In the angles are carved cherubim. Height, 17 inches; width, 16 inches. 1387—SpPpanisH Carvep, PainTepD anp Gitt Woop PAneEL Sivteenth Century Rectangular-shaped center, carved, in low relief, with strap- 2 0- work forming ovals and rectangles, vase-shaped finials and es- cutcheon-shaped cresting supported by two Amorini. Molded border painted, in colors on a gold ground, with leaf scrolls and | pierced with oval medallions. Painted and gilt. Height, 15%, inches; width, 138% inches. 188—Two SpanisH Carvep, PAInrED AnD GittT Woop Panets Sixteenth Century cry Rectangular shape. Carved with full-length figures of SS. Se- bastian and Mary Magdalene, the former tied to a tree, the latter with palm branch and vase. Painted and gilt. Height, 15 inches; width, 7 inches. 189—TIwo SpanisH CARVED AND PaintepD PANELS Seventeenth Century ee Oval shape. Molded frames surrounded by carved scrollings ol and acanthus leaves. Interiors occupied with half figures of saints holding labels. Painted and gilt. Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches, First Afternoon 140—Parr or Frencu Carvep, Parnrep anp Girt Woop PaneEts Eighteenth Century ed _o- Rectangular shape, centers carved with crossed horns in wreaths of oak leaves and acorns, borders molded and carved with beads and leaves. Height, 121% inches; width, 14 inches. 141—Parr or Spanish Patnrep Aanp Gitt Woopren NIcHEs S b- Seventeenth Century Round-arched semicircular niches, surmounted by carved and painted figures of Amorini holding festoons of fruits. Height, 21% inches; width, 8% icehes. 142—Sert or THREE SPANISH CarvepD, PatnrEep aNp Gint Woop PANELS lee Sivteenth Century Center panel, with hinged round-arched door, carved with cross on Golgotha mound with the arms draped with scourges, sur- mounted by a vase and winged gryphons, side panels carved with voluted scrolls and round-arched niches. All three sur- mounted by panels carved with cherubim. Height, 30 inches; width, 111% inches. 143—Parr oF SpanisH PAINTED anp Gitt Woop Panegts Seventeenth Century SS: Rectangular shape, decorated with oval medallions occupied with 144— oP ak inscriptions from the Vulgate, on white ground and surrounded by scrolls, Amorini, half-female figures with leaf terminations and cherubim. Painted in colors on gold ground. Height, 1734 inches; width, 11 inches. SPANISH CarvebD, PatinteD anp Grrr Woop Mepatiion Eighteenth Century Carved in the center with a Sacred Heart, bearing the figure, in relief, of a kneeling saint, and surmounted by the figure of the Virgin surrounded by pierced and carved scrolled and acan- thus-leaf border. Apron as oval medallion painted ga de- faced inscription and date 1763. Height, 221%, inches; width, 191% inches. First Afternoon 145—SpanisH Carvep AnD PatnteD Woop Pane i Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Carved with figure of Christ in red mantle holding in one hand a cross and arising from a tomb with kneel- ing figures of Roman soldiers below. Height, 281%, inches; width, 24 inches. 146—SpanisH ParntED anp Girt Woop Ficure Seventeenth Century / } = Standing figure of a saint in gold-lined and brocaded mantle, holding in one hand a Chalice and Host. Semi-octagonal molded base. Painted and gilt. Height, 8% inches. 147—Pair or Spanish ParintED anp Gitt Woop Ficures Seventeenth Century a o- Standing figures of Saints with beards, in gold and gold-patterned robes and brocaded mantles. Painted and gilt. Height, 8°, inches. 148—SpanisH Carvep, Parnrep anp Gitt Woop Ficure Sivteenth Century oa °° Kneeling figure of an angel in red tunic patterned in gold and blue skirt, with hands outstretched. Molded semi-octagonal base. Height, 9 inches. 149—SpanisH Patinrep Woop STATUE Seventeenth Century Standing figure of a Bishop Saint wearing a mitre decorated J D- with a cross and wearing a loose robe. In one hand he holds an open book and extends the other. Height, 101% inches. 150—Sraniso Carvep, Parntep anp Gitt Woop REeEtiaquary Sixteenth Century /F- Half-figure of a female saint with black curling hair, hood and : gold-brocaded robe. In the breast is an oval scrolled depression for reliquary. Rectangular molded base. Height, 111% inches. 151—SpanisH Carvep, ParnteD anp Gitrt Woop Busr Sivteenth Century ot O- Bust portrait of a saint with bald head, curling forelock and long curling beard, in gilt robe with blue mantle. Painted and gilt. Height, 11 inches. First Afternoon 152—Spaniso Carvep, Parnrep anp Girt Woop Ficure Se) Sixteenth Century J&R: Standing figure of Aaron in white surplice, blue robe and red brocaded coat, crowned, holding in one hand three loaves and in the other a pitcher. Semi-octagonal base. 153—SpanisH Woop STaTuETTE | Seventeenth Century s—> Modeled as a kneeling angel with outstretched wings holding in ete Oe hand a pricket candlestick. Rectangular base. Height, 14 inches. 154—SpanisH Carvep Woop STATUETTE Seventeenth Century J OKneeling figure of an angel with outstretched wings, curling Sd ke ~ hair and one hand extended. Irregular base. Height, 13 inches. 155—Parr or SpantsH PainteD Woop STATUETTES 9 igs Seventeenth Century Figures of seated angels, partially draped in red robes, with out- stretched wings and both hands extended. Irregular bases. (One wing missing. ) Height, 16 inches. 156—SranisHh Watnut Woopven Ficure Eighteenth Century SJ OStanding figure of a nymph with flowing robe and looped hair, «i A’ ~ holding in one hand an arrow and with one arm outstretched. Height, 20 inches, 157—SpanisH Carvep, Parntep anp Girt Woop Bas-RELIEF Sixteenth Century J? Carved with full-length figure of a Bishop Saint holding a crozier i ~ in one hand and an open book in the other, and wearing a mitre. Above is a scrolled oval escutcheon and two festoons of drapery; below a fluted vase supported by two C-scrolls. Height, 20% inches; width, 7 inches. 158—SpanisH Carvep, Parntep anp Gitt Woop StTratur Seventeenth Century "a 5- Seated figure of a Pope with red robe and gold cope, wearing a tiara, the gloved left hand raised in act of benediction. On semi- octagonal base. Painted and gilt. | Height, 261%, inches. Height, 14% inches. — is, * First Afternoon 159—Spanisn Paintrep Woop Ficurr Eighteenth Century Se Figure of a youth in square skirted blue coat and broad-brim- oy 7 — med hat with one side looped up, standing with one hand on breast and seated cow behind him. Irregular wooden base. Height, 25 inches. 160—SpranisH PainTED anp GILT Ficure Seventeenth Century 7? Standing figure of the undraped Child Christ with curling hair, ww; a: one hand raised in the act of benediction and one hand holding an orb. Height, 23 inches. 161—Frencu Parintep Woop STATUETTE Seventeenth Century J? Standing figure of an angel with loose robe, outstretched wings 2H ° ~ and raised hand. No base. Height, 231 inches. 162—SpanisH Gitt Woop Attar Cross Seventeenth Century Cross with arms carved with scrollings, inset at intersection with QW. 6 - quatrefoil medallion of metal, the arms inset with lozenge-shaped mirror medallions. Height, 48 inches; width, 86 inches. First Afternoon 163—NorruH Castinian Carvep AnD ParntED Woop SHRINE Sd Seventeenth Century 54+ School of Churiguera. Pointed pediment, molded broken cor- ] nice, supported by acanthus-leaved and voluted brackets ; round- arched niche carved with shell and shaped base. Painted in green, red and white. The niche with trees. Height, 321%, inches; width, 26 inches. 164—SpanisH CarvED AND PatntrED Woop Paneu | Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Carved with angels and cherub holding a 0- branches of pointed leaves. Cloud forms below. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. 165—Frencu Carved anp ParntEp Woop Pane Eighteenth Century /d- Rectangular shape. Carved with oval portrait medallion of the profile head of a woman, supported by looped ribbon and with floral pendants. Height, 28 inches; width, 47 inches. 166—Irauian Carvep, Pirrcep anp Gitr Woop Panen : Eighteenth Century ol 0- Rectangular shape. Carved and pierced with a Satyr’s head in center flanked by scrolled acanthus leaves and seated Grecian Sphinxes. Completely gilt. Height, 4 inches; length, 62 inches. 167—Parr or Frencu Parntrep ann Girt CanpiesticKs Empire Period of the Nineteenth Century 3 j- Stems molded as figures of Egyptian women in gilt tunics holding gilt curved candle-sockets. Incurved pedestals and molded bases. Height, 14 inches. 168—Pair SpanisH Processionat Painrep Woop Torcuires Seventeenth Century ae Aone cylindrical stems carved with acanthus leaves and painted. Coupe-shaped metal bobéches, with scalloped edges, repoussés with C-scrolls and volutes. Height, 19 inches. gos rae (2) (asus) First Afternoon 169—Pair or SpantsH Carved, PaIntED ano Gitr Woop Brackets Seventeenth Century ut D- Pear-shaped with molded shells, bodies carved with fluted gad- roons and floral leaf pendants, aprons with bands of beading and pear-shaped leaf pendants. Painted and gilt. Height, 13 inches; width, 13 inches. 170—Parr oF FrencH Carvep, PAINTED ann Gitt Woop Appiievks Eighteenth Century ria - Shaped as herms with fluted tapering shafts, capitals carved as heads of satyrs crowned with laurel leaves and molded and leaf carved bases. Painted and gilt. Height, 1714 inches. 171—Two Spanisu SitvereD Woop CanpiesticKs | Eighteenth Century a. § - Stems as C-scrolls carved with leaves and ending in circular fluted metal bobéches. On tripod stands, with C-scrolled brackets at the angles and voluted leaves between. Completely silvered. Heights, 30 and 29 inches, 172—Pair oF SPANISH SILVERED Woop CANDLESTICKS Seventeenth Century ]S5- Baluster and vase shaped stems carved with scrolls and flutings, saucer-shaped bobéches and vase-shaped candle-sockets. T'i- pod stands, with leaf-carved brackets at angles, leaf-carved pan- els between and voluted feet. Completely silvered. Height, 351, inches. 173—Spaniso Carvep, Parnrep anp Gitr Woop Cerrine Roserre Seventeenth Century J d- Octagonal shape. Carved with a floral rosette in the center, sur- rounded by radiating panels carved alternately with crossed cornucopie and acanthus leaves. Diameter, 211% inches. / bo ~ Qrwhta Ci ew ) ae eo. SPANISH LANTERNS There is one link, at least, which binds the American of to-day to the Spaniard of the seventeenth century. One finds it in the mutual desire for beautiful containers to hold their lights and in their love for light as an adjunct of decoration. It is for this reason that the almost bewildering number of lamps and lanterns, chiefly of the seventeenth century, but reaching back to Gothic days for their constructional details, is likely to prove something of a revelation to those desirous of brightening their rooms, their halls or their gardens with examples of the work of old-time craftsmen. These lanterns are of sizes varying from the enormous cathedral hanging lantern of nearly four feet and a half in height to the small domestic lanterns of a size of only eight inches, and include pole, hanging and standing lanterns. They repre- sent the most outstanding production of the Spanish workers in metal, and are especially noticeable from the skill with which the union of metal and glass is carried out. Especially interesting are those with projecting angles, in some cases having finials of wrought-iron flow- ers in token of their forming a part of the decoration of chapels dedicated to the Virgin, whose Spanish symbol so frequently was the Lily of the Annunciation. 18 Bae! bs 174—SpanisH Hancine Lanrern Eighteenth Century © ~~ Octagonal glazed sides, molded cornice, shaped wire top, molded base and pear-shaped feet. Height, 23 inches. First Afternoon 175—Pair oF SpanisH Pote LANTERNS Eighteenth Century ae Octagonal sloping shape with conical and pyramidal projecting angles, having cruciform finials. Pierced rectangular crestings and circular plates supported by curved brackets. Plain pole. Height, 16 inches. 176—TIwo Parr or SpranisH Pote anp Haneine LANTERNS One pair of rectangular shape with sloping sides, circular plate J 0- supported by leaf brackets and plain socket, one pair of hex- agonal shape with sloping sides, scalloped plates supported by leaf brackets and pointed finials. | Heights, 12 and 18 inches. 177—Two Parr or SpanisH Pott anp Hancine Lanterns uf O- Seventeenth Century One pair of rectangular shape with sloping sides, circular scal- loped plates, supported by leaves and plain sockets, one pair of hexagonal shape with sloping sides, circular scalloped plates sup- ported by leaves, and conical finials. Heights, 13 and 18 inches. 178—Turee Spanish Pott LantTerns Eighteenth Century SPH exagonal sloping sides, one filled with patterned frosted glass, 3 ] - ~ circular cresting and plates supported by curved brackets. One with molded base. Plain sockets. Heights, 17 and 12 inches. 179—Nine SpanisH Pout ann Hancine LANTERNS AND WaLNuT POLE Rectangular and octagonal lanterns, some with colored glass ¥ 7 ~ angles, crown shaped crestings and circular plates supported by curved brackets, two with flower finials. Horizontal pole, carved and pierced with voluted scrolls and leaves. Length of pole, 8 feet. 180—Ser or THree SpanisH Pote Lanterns Seventeenth Century C Octagonal sides, scrolled pierced pinnacle tops, circular leaf O° repoussés crestings, fluted bases and plain pole sockets. Height, 19 inches. 181—Two SpanisH Pott LANTERNS Seventeenth Century / _ Quintagonal and hexagonal shapes with sloping sides filled with colored glass, one with pierced cresting, one with circular plate supported by curved brackets. Plain sockets. Heights, 15 and 10 inches. First Afternoon 182—Fovr Spanish PoLtE LANTERNS Nineteenth Century One of hexagonal shape, with pierced cresting and domed top, A o- one of rectangular shape, with circular plate supported by leaves, one of hexagonal shape filled with patterned frosted glass with domed top and circular cresting, one of hexagonal shape with domed top and circular pierced cresting. All with plain sockets. Heights, 11, 11, 12 and 18 inches. 183—SpanisH PoLE LanTEeRNS Seventeenth Century > Octagonal shape with sloping sides of patterned frosted glass, Vcore colored glass angles, rectangular pierced cresting, circular plate supported by curved leaves and conical finial. Height, 16 inches. 184—SpanisH Haneine Lanrern Eighteenth Century $d Octagonal glazed sides, with pierced and molded cornice, shaped MG 1 - = wire top, shaped and pierced apron and bracket feet. Height, 23 inches. 185—SpanisH Hancinc Lantern Eighteenth Century rete Octagonal glazed sides with repoussé and pierced cornice. Top of curved and molded iron bands, pierced spherical cresting, fluted base and bracket feet. Height, 30 inches. 186—Two Pair or Spanish Pott anp Hanerne Lanterns. One pair of octagonal shape with sloping sides, colored glass ol § . angles, circular, scalloped plates supported by curved brackets and conical finials, one pair of hexagonal shape with hexagonal scalloped plates supported by curved brackets and conical finials. Heights, 13 and 18 inches. 187—Two Pair Spanish Pott anp Hanetne Lanterns Seventeenth Century — et ol - One pair of hexagonal shape with sloping sides, hexagonal plates supported by curved brackets, conical finials and plain sockets, one pair of rectangular shape with sloping sides, circular plate supported by curved brackets and conical finials. Heights, 13 and 14 inches. 188—SpanisH PoLte Lantrern Seventeenth Century §2 Hexagonal shape with sloping sides grazed with colored glass, atl = pierced cresting, curved leaf brackets supporting a circular scal- loped plate. Plain socket. Height, 17% inches. First Afternoon 189—Parr oF SpanisH PoLte LANTERNS AND OnE Hancine LANTERN Seventeenth Century ed. Pair of octagonal shape with sloping sides, colored glass angles, pierced crestings and circular plates supported by curved leaves. Hanging lantern similar but with floral finials. Heights, 11 and 121, inches. 190—Pair oF SpanisH PoLE LANTERNS Seventeenth Century Octagonal shape with sloping sides, colored glass angles, rec- 5 ia - tangular pierced crestings, circular plates supported by curved leaves, pierced aprons and plain sockets. | Height, 16 inches. 191—Pair oF SpanisH Pore Lanterns anp One Hanecine LANTERN ar) Seventeenth Century 3 _ ~Octagonal shape with colored glass angles, circular plain and ] scalloped plates supported by curved brackets. Heights, 1314, and 14 inches. 192—Parr oF SpanisH Porte Lanterns Seventeenth Century Octagonal sides, pierced, domed tops and circular crestings cut 35° with leaves, fluted bases and knopped pole sockets. Height, 19 inches. 193—SpanisH Hancinc LANTERN Seventeenth Century Octagonal shape with projecting angles, having incurved tops JU°- ona pointed finials, octagonal cresting and scalloped plate sup- ported by curved brackets with scrolled escutcheons between. Looped handle as finial. Height, 18 inches. 194—SpanisH Hancine Lantern Seventeenth Century Hexagonal glazed sides with round-arched top and rectangular detached angles ornamented with curved leaves and supporting / 2 O- vases of flowers. Hexagonal top, the under portion glazed, the upper portion pierced, circular pierced, scrolled cresting and pierced apron with band of colored glass above. Height, 18 inches. 195—Turee Spanish Pott LANTERNS Late Eighteenth Century J? Sloping rectangular sides, pinnacle shaped tops with scrolled Ty ~ pierced galleries, rectangular crestings, with flower finials, sup- ported by voluted brackets, scrolled bases and plain pole sockets. a fe ae eR Height, 20 inches. ney t oy, , f°" First Afternoon 196—Pair oF Seiae Potr LANTERNS Seventeenth Century Octagonal glazed sides with curved leaves above and _ below, q D> scrolled leaf openwork tops, pierced cylindrical crestings, conical bases and plain pole sockets. Height, 20 inches. 197—Four Spanish Porte LANTERNS Seventeenth Century One of rectangular shape with sloping sides, colored glass angles, e | - pierced cresting and scalloped plate supported by curved brack- ets, one of hexagonal shape with domed top, and pierced crest- ing, one of rectangular shape with scalloped plate supported by leaves, one of quintagonal shape filled with patterned frosted glass with embossed cresting and scalloped plate supported by curved brackets. Plain sockets. Heights, 16, 14, 2714 and 12 inches. 198—SpanisH Hanernc LANTERN Seventeenth Century SO Hexagonal straight sides, with cresting pierced with balusters, pele circular plate supported by curved wires and leaf feet. Height, 27 inches. 199—Pair or Spanish Porte Lanterns Eighteenth Century eee Sloping octagonal glazed sides, the angles filled with colored ' glass, rectangular tops with colored glass sides, pierced rectangu- lar galleries with scrolled leaves supporting pierced, domed coy- ers. Fluted bases and cylindrical candle sockets. Height, 23 inches. 200—Pair oF Spanish Hanernc Lanterns Eighteenth Century Bell-shaped bowls of blue glass, with white glass knobs, rims “oe y repoussés with beads and scrolled acanthus leaves. Suspended by three chains from beaded ring and with knotted cord of gold thread. Heights, 25 inches. 201—Pair oF Spanish Runninc FoormMen’s Lanterns / is Eighteenth Century a Cylindrical glass bodies with molded cornices, decorated with looped scrolls, pierced and repoussés leaves and rosetted festoons. Hinged, shaped tops, pierced and repoussés with scrolled acan- thus leaves and with repoussés leaf finials. Molded, tapering leaf-shaped bases with pole sockets. Height, 27 inches. First Afternoon 202—Pair oF SpanisH Brass Carriace LANTERNS Early Nineteenth Century yO. Hexagonal sides, glazed with cut glass, cut in a pattern of quatrefoils and with brass angles cast in a pattern of oak leaves and acorns. Molded tops cast in a design of leaves and festooned fruits. Molded bases of brass cast with bands of scrolls and leaves. Cylindrical handles of black enamel above and of brass below cast with bands of scrolls, oak leaves and acorns. Heights, 271% inches. 203—Pair oF SpaNnisH PRrocrssionaAL Swineinc Pott Lanterns Seventeenth Century 3 5- Tapering hexagonal glazed sides with scrolled leaves above and below. Shaped and pierced tops, ball-shaped crestings, with cross finials. Shaped hexagonal bases and ball-shaped pendants. Swinging between two curved iron branches with floriated ends and with pole sockets below. Heights, 31 inches. SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 204 to 434, inclusive 204—Two Iraian Sirk, Damask AND VELVET AND BrocaTELLE Pro- CESSIONAL PoucHEs Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries / 0 - Conical bag shape. One of crimson silk damask, patterned with scrolled leaves and paneled with crimson velvet; one of silk brocatelle patterned, on a yellow ground in rose-color, with scrolls, leaves and pear-shaped medallions. Both finished with netted silk fringe. Lengths, 2 feet 9 inches and 2 feet 101, inches; widths, 2 feet 4 inches and 2 feet 11 inches. 205—SpanisH EMBROIDERED LINEN CuSHION Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Linen embroidered, in red silk, with a bor- — der of quatrefoils. / a. Length, 29 inches; width, 15 inches. 206—Pair or SpanisH Sitk Damask Cusnions Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Crimson silk damask, with linen cover dec- Lho- orated with bands of drawnwork and stamped for embroidery. Length, 49 inches; width, 141% inches. Second Afternoon 207—SpanisH VELVET CUSHION Seventeenth Century J? Rectangular shape. Crimson velvet paneled and bordered with /2Q. ~ gold braid and finished with gold fringe. Length, 201% inches; width, 15 inches. 208—Two SpanisH Sik EmBproiErRED MEDALLIONS Sixteenth Century / i ~ Circular shape. Embroidered in colored silks, one with Virgin standing with clasped hands on cherubim and flanked by build- ings, a Monstrance and a Chalice, one with Virgin with folded hands standing on clouds and flanked by trees and floral sprays. Diameter, 5 inches. 209—Pair oF SpANisH EMBROIDERED SATIN STRIPS Ne 3 Seventeenth Century Crimson satin appliqué-embroidered, in gold braid, with a rosetted and checkered diaper. Bordered with gold lace. Lengths, 4 feet 3% inches and 8 feet 6 inches; widths, 71% inches. 210—Two Spanish EmBromeEreD S1tK LAMBREQUINS : Eighteenth Century Rectangular shapes, one with scalloped edges, embroidered, in colored silks and gold and silver threads on a yellow ground, with a basket of fruits and flowers, scrolled flowers and floral sprays. One of green silk, embroidered, in silver with floral sprays. Lengths, 3 feet 4 inches and 3 feet 2 inches; widths, 1 foot 7 inches and 1 foot 3 inches. 211—Two Irauian Cut-vetver Srrips Seventeenth Century / Ms _ One, rectangular shape, of crimson velvet cut, on a cloth-of-gold ground, with scrolled leaves and pomegranates; one, curved shape, of purple velvet cut, on a purple ground, with scrolled leaves. (One pieced.) Lengths, 5 feet 7% inches and 2 feet 10 inches; widths, 11144 inches and 814 inches. 212—Iratian Emproiprerep Strip Seventeenth Century chs Crimson silk velvet. Appliqué-embroidered, in cloths of gold and 0” silver, with scrolled medallions, occupied by quatrefoil figures with leaves. Length, 9 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 8Y inches. ee . She eae Ci sty | jo Second Afternoon 213—Irarian Sitk Brocapep Hancine Siateenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a white ground in red and white / 0 silks, with a scrolled diaper enclosing floral sprays and with floral rosettes at the intersections. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 21% inches, 214—Frencn Sirk Lampas CoverLet Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape, woven on a white ground in green and cream = color, with vases of flowers, floral festoons and scrolled ribbons. Bordered with lampas woven with oval medallions enclosing vases, curved leaves and palm trees. Worn. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. 215—Two Pisces FreNcH SILK Eighteenth Century - Rectangular shape. One of yellow with red and blue stripes, one of canary yellow finished with silk braid. Lengths, 7 feet 4 inches and 6 feet 6 inches; widths, 5 feet and 3 feet & inches. 216—SpanisH SitK BrocapeEp Taste Cover AND STRIPS Seventeenth Century f O- Rectangular table cover, brocaded, on a cloth-of-silver ground in colored silks and gold and silver threads, with curved leaves, scrolls and floral sprays. Bordered with crimson silk damask. Strips woven, on cream-colored and copper-colored grounds, in colored silks, with scrolls, scrolled leaves, flowers and leaves. Paneled and bordered with varicolored silk fringe. Lengths, 3 feet 11 inches and 2 feet 10 inches; widths, 1 foot 11 inches and 2 feet 21% inches. 217—I rattan Sixx Brocapep Square Seventeenth Century Woven, on a ribbed and cream-colored ground in colored silks and 7. - gold and silver threads, with scrolled looped ribbons and bouquets of flowers and leaves. Length, 3 feet 11 inches; width, 8 feet 5 inches. 218—Irauian Sitxk BrocaTELLeE Tas_e Cover Seventeenth Century J Rectangular shape. Woven, on a blue ground in cream-colored /- ~ silk, with scrolled pear-shaped medallions enclosing clusters of flowers and leaves, floral sprays and pointed oval leaves. Bor- dered with gold galoon. Length, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. Second Afternoon 219—Turee SpanisH Sixx Brocapre anp Damask Taste Covers Seventeenth Century a A: - Rectangular shape. Woven, on a cream-colored and green grounds in colored silks and silver thread, with scrolls and scrolled leaves. One of yellow silk damask, woven with strap work enclosing floral and leaf medallions. Finished with varicolored silk fringe and bordered with crimson silk damask. Lengths, 9 feet 4 inches, 5 feet and & feet 2% inches; widths, 2 feet 914, inches and 2 feet 3 inches. 220—Frencu Vetvet Brocape Hancine Eighteenth Century 52 Rectangular shape. Woven, on a ribbed silk ground in colored i ~ silks and black velvet, with floral sprays and dots. Length, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. 221—Two Iranian Sitx Brocape Tasie Covers Seventeenth Century 15 Rectangular shape. Woven, on ribbed and figured cream-colored silk grounds in colored silks, with bunches of flowers and leaves and with floral sprays. Finished with varicolored silk fringe. Lengths, 5 feet 4 inches and 4 feet 7 inches; widths, 4 feet 74% inches and 3 feet 6 inches. 222—SpanisH SiuK Damask Taste Cover Seventeenth Century ? Rectangular shape with chamfered angles. Light rose-colored / ie — silk woven in white with scrolled leaves, flowers and pomegranates. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 223—I rattan AND Frencu Brocapr Srrirs Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries ane One, French, woven in blue and rose-colored silks on a ribbed | ground, with a diaper of floral sprays; one, Italian, woven, in colored silks on a salmon-colored ground, with palmette-shaped medallions, occupied by groups of conventional flowers and leaves. ( Pieced.) Lengths, 6 feet 7 inches and 5 feet41%, inches; widths, 1 foot 9 inches and 2 feet. 224—SpanisH Eccresrastican BANNER Eighteenth Century gp Swallow-tail shape. Of crimson Genoese velvet embroidered, in /2- ~ gold thread, with a three-branched floriated cross. Finished with gold lace. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. Second Afternoon 225—SpanisH SitK BrocapE LAMBREQUIN AND EMBROIDERED ALTAR CovER Siateenth and Seventeenth Centuries ps. Rectangular shapes. Lambrequin, woven, on a_varicolored ground in colored silks, with scrolls and floral sprays. At the ends applied panels of sixteenth century brocatelle. Cover with center of white silk damask, with ends embroidered, in white silk, with crowned ‘‘M’s.” Lengths, 3 feet 4 inches and 7 feet; widths, 1 foot 8 inches. 226—Pair oF SPANISH EMBROIDERED SATIN PANELS AND MANIPLES ST J Oo | Seventeenth Century / oe’ “Maniples with spade-shaped ends, rectangular panels of crimson satin. Appliqué-embroidered, in gold braid, with scrolls and volutes. Bordered with gold and silk galoon and finished with silk cords and tassels. Lengths, 1 foot 11 inches and 1 foot 10 inches; widths, 1 foot 7 inches and 6144 inches. 227—Parr SpanisH EMBROIDERED VELVET CUFFS Siateenth Century 4 O- Cuff-shaped. Of crimson velvet, appliqué-embroidered, in colored silks and gold cord, with scrolled acanthus leaves. Finished with silk braid and fringe. Length, 2 feet 1 inch; width, 7 inches. 228—Two SpanisH Sink BrocapE AND BrocatTELLeE Corr Hoops Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries IS- Spade shape. One of silk brocade, woven, on a crimson ground in colored silks, with vases of flowers and floral scrolls, bordered with silk galoon and finished with silk fringe. One, of silk damask, woven in yellow silk on a crimson ground with pear-shaped floral medallions and curved and scrolled borders. Finished with silk fringe. Lengths, 1 foot 8%, inches and 1 foot 10 inches; widths, 1 foot 8% inches and 2 feet 2 inches. 229—SpanisH Sirk BrocaTELLE and Damask CuasuBLe Eighteenth Century oA 0 - Double spade shape. Center panel of yellow damask woven with scrolled flowers, side panels of crimson brocatelle woven with scrolled pomegranates and leaves. Bordered with crimson satin. Length, 7 feet; width, 2 feet 4 inches, Second Afternoon 230—Two Spanish CHASUBLES Eighteenth Century ~ Double spade-shaped. One, with center panel of green brocatelle, o D- woven in a pattern of floral scrolls, side panels of crimson silk damask, woven in a pattern of lozenge-shaped floral medallions. One, of green silk damask woven with scrolled flowers and pome- granates. Lengths, 7 feet 8% inches and 7 feet 2 inches; widths, 2 feet 4 inches and 2 feet. 231—SpanisH Sirk BrocapE Corer Sixteenth Century FUSemicircular shape. Woven, on a blue ground in colored silks, i _ “= with scrolled leaves and flowers. Finished with a band of gold ] lace and bordered with gold lace and fringe. Length, 2 feet 1 inch; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 232—SPANISH SiLtK EccizestasticaL Carr Seventeenth Century / 0- Cape shape. Woven, on a cream-colored ground in colored silks and silver thread, in a pattern of scrolled medallions and floral sprays. Length, 3 feet; width, 5 feet. 233—SpanisH SitK BrocapE Caper Seventeenth Century Cape-shaped, woven, on an amber-colored ground in cream- /S - colored and red silks, with pomegranate medallions and scrolled leaves and fruits. Length, 2 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 234—Frencu Sirk Brocaprt Rose Exghteenth Century Robe-shaped. Woven on a cream-colored ground figured with / D-curved diapered bands and leaf sprays, in colored silks, with scrolled branches of flowers and leaves. ( Pieced.) Length, 6 feet 114% inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. 235—Ivrauian Sixx Brocarette AutTar FRrontar St? Seventeenth Century fob — Rectangular shape, with band at top of crimson silk damask, Ve bordered with gold galoon and silver braid and with a scalloped valance below of crimson silk woven in gold thread with scrolled flowers and leaves. The front of silk brocatelle woven, on a purplish-colored ground, with zigzag bands of scrolls and con- ventional sprays of flowers, leaves and berries. Length, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. - eS Pehl, ee eo eee eo Second Afternoon 236—SPpanisH Srtk BrocapE Cops Stvteenth Century 9 Semicircular shape. Woven, on a white ground in blue and yel- 2- low silks, with scrolls, clusters of grapes and leaves. Finished with gold lace. Length, 8 feet 434, inches; width, 7 feet. 237—FrRencuH Sirk Brocape Tasrte Cover Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a rose-colored ground in colored tae silks and gold thread, with scrolls, serrated leaves and floral sprays. Bordered with gold braid. Length, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 238—SpanisH EMBRoOIDERD SiLk T'aBLe Cover Early Eighteenth Century Be Rectangular shape. Cream-colored silk embroidered, in colored silks and gold thread, in the center with a voluted cornucopia of flowers and a flying parrot, and at the angles with scrolled leaves and flowers. Bordered with gold lace and finished with gold and silk fringe. Length, 1 foot 10 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. 239—SpanisH CLOTH-OF-GOLD STRIP Sixteenth Century 0: Cloth-of-gold, woven in a pattern of scrolled leaves and flowers. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches. 240—-SpanisH VELVET PANEL | Sixteenth Century tc Rectangular shape. Crimson velvet, bordered with silver galoon. ol Traces of original embroidery. Length, 4 feet 11 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches. 241—Irauian Sirk BrocaTELLeE PANEL Stvteenth Century SD Rectangular shape. Of green woven in white silk, with a pattern | — of scrolled leaves and flowers, forming a center panel, with five 7]. horizontal bands and side panels of three vertical bands. ( Pieced.) Length, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 1 foot 9% inches. 242—VENETIAN PRINTED SILK COVERLET Eighteenth Century J Rectangular shape. Printed, on a white ground, in colors, with /2v: scrolled branches of blue bells and floral sprays. Bordered on three sides with silk ribbon. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. Second Afternoon 243—Irauian Sirk Damask Hancine Eighteenth Century 5? Rectangular shape. Crimson silk woven in a pattern of scrolled c ~ flowers and fruits and floral medallions. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 244—Frencu Sirk Damask CoverLET Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Blue silk woven in a pattern of scrolled ~ branches of leaves and flowers and floral sprays. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches. 245—THreE Frencno Warp Printep SILK STRIPS Eighteenth Century FG D - Rectangular shape. Canary yellow ground warp-printed, in colors, with horizontal zigzags. Length, 11 feet 2% inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. 246—Iratian Sirk BrocaTeLLeE Hancine Sixteenth Century f? Rectangular shape. Woven, on a rose colored ground in gold, pr with scrolled leaves and flowers enclosing floral medallions. Length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. bo 47—SPpanisH SILK AND GoLtpD EMBROIDERED VELVET PANEL J? Seventeenth Century /2- Rectangular shape. Black velvet appliqué-embroidered, in col- ored silks and gold thread, with a crucifix having a skull and nails below. Bordered with black velvet, appliqué-embroidered, in gold, with a floral meander and quatrefoils. Length, 15 inches; width, 10 inches. 248—Parr oF SPANISH EMBROIDERED SATIN PANELS Seventeenth Century JO= Rectangular shape. Crimson satin, appliqué-embroidered in gold braid with checkered rosetted lozenges, enclosing scrolled escutch- eons embroidered, in colored silks, with the arms of Castile and with interlaced scrolls at the angles. Length, 1 foot 81% inches; width, 1 foot 2% inches. 249—Parr oF SPANISH EMBROIDERED Satin PANELS Seventeenth Century ee Similar to the preceding. Second Afternoon 250—SpanisH SILK AND Goutp EmpBrormpEerED Pane uf. Seventeenth Century o- Embroidered, in colored silks and gold thread, with a round- arched niche, supported by green columnar pilasters and with scrolls on a dark blue ground above, and with the full-length figure of St. Bartholomew with red robe, blue mantle, symbolic knife in one hand and book in the other. Length, 20 inches; width, 9 inches. 251—SpanisH EmpromEereD VeLveET LAMBREQUIN — Sivteenth Century Rectangular shape, of green velvet appliqué-embroidered, in yel- low silk and cord, with band of scrolled acanthus leaves between borders of quatrefoils and scrolls. Finished with silk fringe. Length, 3 feet 5% inches; width, 1 foot 1 inch. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. 252—Pair or SpanisH EmprormpeERED VELVET Requiem Mass Currs Seventeenth Century 3 OD - Crimson velvet, appliqué-embroidered, in colored silks, with oval scrolled medallions occupied by cross-bones, scrolls, volutes and leaves. Finished with silk braid, fringe and tassels. Length, 2 feet; width, 6% inches. 253—Frenco Warp PRINTED Satin STRIP Louis XVI Period of the Eighteenth Century / 0- Rectangular shape. Woven, on a satin ground with vertical stripes of plain green, of white warp-printed with a floral me- ander pattern in colors and of white printed with checkered and diagonal patternings in brown. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 254—VatENcIAN Sink Damask Haneitne Late Seventeenth Century J? Rectangular shape. Crimson silk, woven in a pattern of curved 2H - pointed leaves and floral medallions. ( Pieced.) Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches. 255—VaALENCIAN Sritk Brocapr Hancrne Late Seventeenth Century Crimson silk, woven in a design of floral medallions and curved, J ) ~ pointed and serrated leaves. Finished, on three sides, with black and crimson silk fringe. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet. Second Afternoon 256—Frencn Sivk Pexry Fartte Hancine Eighteenth Century s? Rectangular shape. Woven, on a canary yellow colored ground 4 ] * in colored silks, with vertical varicolored stripes. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 257—Frencu Sirk Damask Hancine Eighteenth Century - Rectangular shape. Blue silk, woven in a pattern of fleuretted ol J - vertical stripes, with border above and below of fountains, scrolls and floral festoons. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 3 inches. 258—Parr or SpaANisH EmBroipERED VELVET PANELS Sixteenth Century + D- Rectangular shape. Of black velvet, appliqué-embroidered, in colored and painted silks, with scrolled leaves forming a central quatrefoil medallion and with branches of pomegranates and leaves, surrounded by twistéd ribbon borders. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 81% inches. From the collection of the Marquis de Valverde. 259—Frencu Sirk Damask CovERLET Eighteenth Century _JSdRectangular shape. Blue silk woven in a pattern of vertical a ’ ~ Jeaf stripes, scrolled bands and floral sprays. Finished on three sides with silk fringe. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches. 260—VaLENCIAN S1LkK Damask Hancine Eighteenth Century 3 o- Rectangular shape. Crimson silk, woven in a pattern of scrolls, vases of flowers and floral medallions. Length, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 261—Frencu Sitk Brocaprt Hancine Seventeenth Century s pRectangular shape. Woven, on a cream-colored ribbed and fig- 24. ured silk ground in colored silks, with scrolled branches of flow- ers and leaves. Length, 6 feet 914 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 262—FreNcH SitK BrocapE Hancine Eighteenth Century Tape Rectangular shape. Of white silk, woven with blue and black stripes and, in colored silks and gold thread, with floral sprays and fleurettes. Length, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. Second Afternoon 263—SpanisH SiLK Prexin Farnite Covertet anp Brocaprt Hancine Eighteenth Century nae Rectangular shape. MRose-colored silk, woven in a pattern of satin stripes, floral sprays, balustradings and waterings. Hang- ing embroidered “L.P.R.A.N.” Lengths, 6 feet and 5 feet 3% inches; widths, 5 feet 9 inches and 2 feet 111% inches. 264—SpanisH SitkK BrocapE Strip Seventeenth Century J? Woven, on a salmon-colored satin ground in colored silks, with 34: scrolled flowers and leaves and floral sprays. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 11 inches. 265—SpaANisH EMBROIDERED LAMBREQUIN “Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Black silk damask woven with flowers, and a7: - embroidered, in gold thread, with vases of conventional flowers and quatrefoils. Bordered and paneled with gold galoon and finished with gold fringe. Length, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. 266—SpanisH EmpromEerep ALTAR CLOTH Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape of black silk damask, woven in a pattern of 2 JS'- flowers, and appliqué-embroidered, in gold thread, with branches of conventional flowers and leaves, leaf medallions and quatre- foils. Paneled with gold galoon. Worn. Length, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 267—SPANIsH S1ItK BrocaTELLE Cover Sixteenth Century SV Rectangular shape. Woven, in crimson silk on a yellow silk Ha- ~ ground, with scrolled leaves and floral medallions, surrounded by a leaf meander border. Length, 6 feet; width, 5 feet. 268—Frencu Sirk Brocape Hancine Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a cream-colored ribbed and fig- §. ured ground in colored silks, with scrolled branches of flowers and leaves, floral sprays and rock forms. (Stained and pieced.) Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches. 269—Vatencian Sirk Damask Covertet Late Seventeenth Century f Rectangular shape. Crimson silk, woven in a pattern of curved, J pointed leaves and floral medallions. Bordered with silk braid. Length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. Second Afternoon 270—Frencn Sitk Hancine Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven in colored silks with vertical bands phe - of yellow and white, divided by stripes of green, bordered with red. The white figured in a moiré pattern with red and green. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 2 inches. 271—FrencH Sirk Brocapt Hancine Eighteenth Century 50 Rectangular shape. Woven, on a blue satin ground in colored sei ~ silks, with vertical stripes, scrolled diapered and scalloped bands and scrolled branches of flowers and leaves. (Stained.) Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 41% inches. 272—SpanisH S1uK BrocapE TABLE Cover Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a rose-colored ground in colored oP ) - silks and gold and silver threads, with scrolled leaves and flow- ers, scrolls and floral sprays. Bordered with scalloped and open- work gold galoon and finished with gold fringe. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches, 273—FRENcH SILK AND Satin Hancine Eighteenth Century live. Blue silk woven in alternate stripes of satin and ribbed silk. ; Length, 8 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet. 274—ItTauian Sirk Brocapt Haneine Seventeenth Century Sd) Rectangular shape, woven, on a cream-colored ground in colored 4 45 — silks, with scrolled flowers and leaves, enclosing vases of flowers and leaves. Length, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 7 feet 5 inches. 275—Iratian EmpromwEreD VELver Paneu Sixteenth Century Rectangular shape. Appliqué-embroidered, on crimson Genoese GS ~ velvet in cloth-of-gold and silver, with arabesque of scrolls, vases, leaves, festoons and pendant. Length, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 8 inches. 276—SpanisH Sitk BrocatTELLE Hancarne Siateenth Century - Woven, on a yellow ground in crimson silk, in a pattern of floral ‘< " voluted scrolls, scrolled leaves and floral medallions. Length, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. Second Afternoon 277—Two VaLenciAN S1LK Damask CovERLETs i an Seventeenth Century Rectangular shapes. Yellow silk, woven in a pattern of scrolled flowers and leaves. Bordered with silk galoon and finished with silk fringe. One lined with old patchwork. Lengths, 7 feet 10 inches and 7 feet 2 inches; widths, 5 feet 6 inches and 4 feet 10 inches. 278—SpanisH SitK BrocaTeELLE Hanerne Seventeenth Century Woven, on a yellow ground in crimson silk, in a pattern of 3 D- scrolled voluted leaves and flowers and floral medallions. Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch. 279—FrencH Sitk Damask Hancine Stvteenth Century Dark blue silk. Woven in alternate stripes of ribs and floral 25 meanders. Length, 11 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 280—Vatencian Sirk Damask Haneine Eighteenth Century $7 Rectangular shape. White silk, woven in a pattern of curved, cm * © pointed leaves and floral medallions. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. 281—SpanisH Sitx BrocapE Hancine Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, in colored silks on a figured light aa D- blue ground, with bands of flowers in vases, floral sprays and branches of flowers and leaves. Length, 10 feet 41% inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. 282—Friounce SpanisH NEEDLE-PoINT Lace Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Patterned with scrolls and quatrefoils and Jane = bordered with checkered pattern and scallops. Length, 3 yards 16 inches; width, 3 inches. 283—SpanisH EmproipERED LINEN CAPE Siateenth Century Semicircular shape. Coarse linen, embroidered, in blue wool, / §- with scrolled flowers and leaves and floral sprays. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 314 inches. Second Afternoon 284—Parr oF SALAMANCA EMBROIDERED LINEN CUSHIONS Eighteenth Century 0- Rectangular shape. Coarse linen, embroidered, in black wool, with conventional scrolled leaves, flowers and primitive animals. Finished with woolen braid. Length, 1 foot 101% inches; width, 1 foot 31% inches. 285—Two SpanisH Emproierep Linen Taste Covers Eighteenth Century / S- Rectangular shape. Coarse linen, embroidered, in colored silks and linen threads, with ornamental bands, floral sprays and quat- refoil rosette. Lengths, 3 feet 1 inch and 3 feet 4 inches; widths, 2 feet 5 inches and 2 feet 2 inches. 286—AtsaTian Linen Hancine Eighteenth Century 3 Rectangular shape. Printed, in colors, with fruits and groups of O- a man and woman in eighteenth century costumes under trees. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. 287—SpanisH EmproierepD Net Hancine Seventeenth Century > Rectangular shape. Linen net embroidered, in colored silks, with ‘ bands of diamonds enclosing floral sprays and medallions. Fin- ished below with netted silk fringe. Length, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Second Afternoon 288—Turee Srcovia Empromerep Linen Tasie Covers Eighteenth Century i Rectangular shape. Coarse white linen embroidered, in black 378 : and blue thread, with panels and square surrounded by borders of voluted scrollings and floral sprays and with initials and crosses. Finished with wool fringe and tassels. Lengths, 4 feet 5 inches, 4 feet and 2 feet 8 inches; widths, 2 feet 2 inches, 2 feet and 1 foot 9 inches. 289—Two Spanish EmproweEereD Linen Taste Covers Early Seventeenth Century of. 2- Rectangular shape. Coarse linen, embroidered, one in colored the other in blue linen threads, with bands of meanders and con- ventional floral sprays. One finished with Van Dyck linen lace, one with embroidered border. Lengths, 4 feet 7 inches and 4 feet 4 inches; widths, 2 feet 3 inches and 2 feet. 290—Two Srcovia Empromerep Linen Taste Covers | Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries ot ih - Rectangular shape. Coarse linen, embroidered, in black wool, with bands of floral and leaf meander, quatrefoils, floral sprays, squares inscribed with initials and floriated crosses, one with date 1805, surrounded by borders of floral and leaf meander. Finished with wool fringe and wool lace. Lengths, 5 feet and 4& feet 6 inches; widths, 2 feet 2 inches. Note: One of these is peculiar, for the reason that the two halves are worked in reverse fashion. 291—THrEE SALAMANCA EmBRoIpERED Linen Hancines Eighteenth Century Coarse white linen, embroidered, in colored silks, with panels L ®- of a vase of flowers, scrolled flowers and leaves, birds, lions, a toothed border. One finished with a flounce of printed cotton, one with silk fringe. Lengths, 6 feet 9 inches and 6 feet 6 inches; widths, 2 feet 3 inches and 1 foot 8 inches. 292—-SpanisH EmpromEereD Linen Strip Sixteenth Century Of closely woven linen embroidered, in colored wools, with a 15: scrolled diamond diaper enclosing stars and rosettes. The ends are paneled with crimson linen embroidered, in colored and gold threads, with a diamond diaper enclosing scrolled quatrefoils. Second Afternoon 293—Siciztian NEEDLEWORK PANEL Sixteenth Century Rectangular shape, in two panels. Embroidered, in colored silks J? and in point au passe, on linen canvas, with vases of flowers, /2° ~ scrolls and floral sprays, divided by quatrefoil and leaf borders. Finished with knotted silk fringe. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. 294—PortTuGUESE CHINTZ COVERLET Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Printed, on a cream-colored ground in vivid es colors, with vases of flowers, scrolled ribbons and floral sprays. Length, 6 feet 11 inches; width, 6 feet 5 inches. 295—Sraniso Linen BrocapE Taste Cover Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape, woven, on a red ground, in blue and white, cS 0- with floral scrolls and medallions. Lined with silk brocade, woven on a gray satin ground, in purple, with floral and barred stripes. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, & feet 8 inches. 296—SaLaAMANCA EmBRomDERED Linen Haneine Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Of fine linen embroidered, in colored wools, Seb ene with vases of flowers and leaves, birds, curved serrated leaves and figures of women and with a scalloped and flower and leaf scrolled border. Finished with a linen flounce, embroidered with a meander, floral rosettes and stars. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. From the collection of Setor Valleurca, Alcalde of Logrofo. 297—Two Spanish Printep Linen anp Corron CovEertLets Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. One of linen, printed in brown and purple with a pattern of oval portrait medallions, birds, fruits, leaves and scrolls. One of cotton, printed in purple with an oval scrolled medallion enclosing a monogram, coats-of-arms, of Cas- tile and Leon, and musical and flag trophies. LS Lengths, 7 feet 5 inches and 6 feet 11 inches; widths, 5 feet 9 inches and 5 feet 6 inches. 298—PortucvuEse Cuintz CoverLet Eighteenth Century o. Rectangular shape. Printed, on a yellow ground in colors, with curved branches and scrolled flowers and leaves. Bordered, on three sides, with flouncing. Length 8 feet; width, 6 feet. Second Afternoon 299—Two Spanish EMBROIDERED LINEN STRIPS so Early Seventeenth Century / “Coarse linen. Embroidered, in light brown linen thread with bands of scrolled volutes and scrolled borders. One finished with linen lace. Lengths, 7 feet 2 inches and 2 feet 9 inches; widths, 1 foot 11 inches and 1 foot 8 inches. 3800—Pair oF SpanisH Emproiperep Liven Bopicrs Seventeenth Century 2 > ~- Of coarse linen. One embroidered, in colored wools, with vases of flowers and leaves and floral sprays. One embroidered, in crimson thread, with scrolled branches of volutes and birds and with scrolled bands. 301—Two AnpDALUSIAN EMBROIDERED Linen Bopices Sixteenth Century AS Of coarse linen, embroidered, at the neck and shoulders, in green and dark rose-colored linen thread, with scrolled bands and quat- refoiled and voluted borders. ‘The sleeves of one with crowned Paschal lambs. ‘Trimmed with linen lace. 302—Lron EmproipERED Linen Bopicr Seventeenth Century Of coarse linen, sleeves and cuffs embroidered, in colored wools, LD with bands of diamonds, scrolled flowers and leaves, animals and birds. 303—SpanisH LINEN BrocapE CovERLET Eighteenth Century yt Rectangular shape. Woven, on a red ground in colors, with 22° ~- diapered and floral meanders and semé with trefoils. Bordered on three sides with cotton flouncing. Length, feet; width, 5 feet. 304—PortucvuEsE CHINTZ COVERLET Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Printed, on a white ground in colors, with J D> Chinoiseries of figure groups and scrolled flowers and leaves. Length, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 7 feet 10 inches, 305—PortucuEse Cuintz CovERLET Eighteenth Century JO Rectangular shape. Printed, on a white ground, in colors, with ‘a “ vases of flowers. Bordered, on three sides, with similarly pat- terned chintz flouncing. Length, 8 feet; width, 8 feet. Second Afternoon 306—SaLAMANCA EMBROIDERED LINEN Cover Early Nineteenth Century <2. 5~- Rectangular shape. Of coarse linen embroidered, in colored silks, with central oval medallion enclosing double-headed eagle and scrolled flowers and leaves on a ground embroidered with scrolled leaves and flowers. Finished with a flounced border. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 307—LEVANTINE EMBROIDERED Sink ALTAR FRONTAL Seventeenth Century aJ- Rectangular shape, paneled with blue silk flanked and divided by strips of linen. Embroidered in a fifteenth century pattern- ing and in red silk, with hooked floral scrolls, trefoils and leaves. Finished with silk fringe. , Length, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 308—PortucuEsE CuiIntz CovERLET Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Printed, on a white ground, in colors, with £ , Chinoiseries of Chinamen in boats and on horseback and with — ~ flowers. Bordered, on three sides, with flouncing. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 5 inches. 309—PortucvEsE Cuintz Bep Draperies Eighteenth Century Rectangular-shaped coverlet and hangings. Printed, on a white 2». ground, in colors, with shuttle-shaped medallions, scrolled acan- thus leaves and roses. Coverlet bordered, on three sides, with flouncing. Lengths, $ feet and 8 feet; widths, 6 feet and 9 feet. 310—SpanisH Grazep Cuinrz Coveritet Early Nineteenth Century A Rectangular shape. Printed, in colors on a white ground, with branches of roses, fuchsias and other flowers. Finished with looped and plaited silk braid. —_ Length, 8 feet; width, 6 feet 4 inches. 3811—Fiemisu Tarrstry Paner Sixteenth Century Profile portrait head in browns and yellows on white ground. ; Height, 121% inches; width, 10% inches. 312—Portion oF Fiemisu Tapestry Borprer Seventeenth Century Cee Figure of a female surrounded by leaves and with panel of fruit and leaves below. Height, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. ma ‘ Coren ht J - Second Afternoon 313—Set or THREE SpPANIsH ParnreD AND EmMBpromERED MEDALLIONS ; Sixteenth Century ie ‘ “Oval scrolled medallions, occupied with painted and embroidered | figures of the Virgin standing upon a crescent, crowned, support- ing the Child Christ holding an orb and with a rosary in one hand, and of two saints, one in a monk’s robe with a cluster of lilies in one hand, one in a nun’s robe with folded hands. Mounted on crimson silk and framed. Lengths, 17 inches and 14 inches; widths, 15 inches and 11 inches. 314—SpanisH Vetvet Priz-Diev CusHion Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Crimson velvet, quilted on one side with a zs) 6 - floral medallion and scrolls, and finished with looped silk fringe. Length, 2 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches. 315—SpanisH VELVET CusHION Seventeenth Century J? Rectangular shape. Red velvet with traces of embroidery, border a: | ‘ _ appliqué-embroidered, in colored silks on red satin, with diagonal billets and scrolled leaves. Finished with silk tassels. Length, 31 inches; width, 16 inches. 316—ITALIAN EmpromwEerRED VELVET Hoop, Banp anp Curr SD Sixteenth Century JS a, ~ Spade-shaped hood, rectangular band and shaped cuff. Of crimson Genoese velvet, appliqué-embroidered, in colored silks, the band with circular medallions originally enclosing skulls and separated by scrolled flowers and leaves and crossed thigh-bones, the hood with a circular medallion enclosing a skull surmounted by scrolled and voluted leaves and with scrolled leaves below. Lengths, 8 feet 8 inches, 1 foot 8 inches and 1 foot 8 inches; widths, 81%, inches, 1 foot 5 inches and 7 inches. 317—SpanisH EMBrormERED Hoop Siateenth Century Spade shaped. Appliqué-embroidered, in colored silks and gold Y _ thread, with figure of the Virgin in red robe and blue mantle, holding on her lap the draped Child Christ, in a triple round Gothic arched niche. Finished with silk fringe. Length, 1 foot 9 inches; width, 1 foot 7% inches. 318—Parr Spanish Datmarics Seventeenth Century re, Double spade shape with shoulder pieces. Black velvet bordered with silver galoon. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. Second Afternoon 319—SpanisH Sik EMBROIDERED AND BrocapED CHASUBLE, CHALICE SD Cover, VEIL AND STOLE Eighteenth Century Af: - Double spade-shaped chasuble, stole with spade-shaped ends, rectangular chalice cover. Chasuble bordered and paneled with silk galoon, the center panel of silk brocade woven in colored silks on a figured blue ground with scrolled bands and floral sprays. The side panels of chasuble, and the stole chalice cover and veil embroidered, in colored silks, with scrolled branches of leaves and flowers on white satin grounds. | Lengths, 7 feet 3 inches, 8 feet Ye inch; 7 feet 8 inches and 1 foot 914, inches; widths, 2 feet 3 inches, 81% inches, 6 inches and 1 foot 8 inches. 320—T wo Portions SpanisH EMBROIDERED SILK ECCLESIASTICAL GARMENTS Sixteenth Century Spade shape. One appliqué-embroidered, in colored silks and gold thread, with scrolled leaves, volutes and birds; one, with inserted panel embroidered, in colored silks on a white ground, with scrolled flowers and leaves and insects, bordered and pan- eled with silk braid, and with side panels appliqué-embroidered with scrolls and birds. Lengths, 4 feet 3 inches and 2 feet 6 inches; widths, 3 feet and 2 feet 2 inches, ad: 321—To.Lepan Sitver BrocapE CHasuBLe Sixteenth Century Double spade shape. Woven, in silver thread on a figured sal- $* mon-colored ground, with scrolled branches of flowers and leaves. Bordered and paneled with silver galoon. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 322—Two VALENCIAN SitK BrocapE AND Damask CHASUBLES Seventeenth Century 3d: Double spade shape. One woven, on a purple satin ground in colored silks, with scrolls, flowers, leaves and fruits. One, in green on a purple ground with leaves, crowns and medallions. Lengths, 7 feet 11 inches and 7 feet 9 inches; widths, 2 feet 4 inches and 2 feet 21% inches. 3823—SPANISH EMBROIDERED Stink DaLMaATIc Seventeenth Century Double spade shape, with shoulder pieces. Embroidered, on a 21 <2 white silk ground in colored silks, with scrolled leaves and flowers. 1) Finished with silk fringe. Length, 7 feet % inch; width, 8 feet 3 inches. Second Afternoon 324—Two SpanisH Sitrx Brocape CHasusies, SToLE anp ManipLe oid Seventeenth Century + a° “Double spade-shaped chasubles, stole and maniple with spade- shaped ends. Woven, on figured green and blue grounds, in col- ored silks, with scrolled diapered bands, scrolled branches, floral sprays, vases and pineapples. Paneled and bordered with gold and white silk galoon. Lengths, 8 feet 4 inches and 7 feet 2 inches; widths, 2 feet 31% inches and 2 feet 2 inches. | 325—SPANISH SILK BrocapE Crasuste anp Two Datmatics Eighteenth Century oe Double spade shape, the dalmatics with shoulder pieces. Center panels woven, on a cream-colored ground in colored silks, with floral sprays and leaf stripes. Side panels woven with strips of checkered pattern and leaf meander. Bordered and paneled with silk galoon. Lengths, 7 feet 21% inches and 7 feet 8 inches; widths, 4 feet 41/4, inches and 2 feet 2 inches. 326—SpanisH EmpromEerep Satin EcciestasticaL Capt anp LINEN ALTAR FRONTAL Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries J o- Shaped cape and rectangular altar frontal. Cape embroidered, on a cream-colored silk ground in colored silks and satin stitch, with detached floral sprays and vases of flowers and flower and leaf scrolled borders. Frontal of linen embroidered, in colored silks, with a rayed sun, scrolled flowers and butterflies. Lengths, 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet; widths, 2 feet 10 inches and 2 feet 10 inches. 3827—VaLENCIAN SrukK BrocapEt EcctesiastTicaL Carr Eighteenth Century . Semicircular shape. Woven, on a purple ground, with horizontal Jus stripes of black satin, with leaf sprays in white and with quatre- foils in dark purple. — Length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 328—Spanisu Sitk BrocapEp EcciesiasticAL CAPE Sixteenth Century o- a : A Semicircular shape. Woven, on a silver and cream-colored ground in colored silks, with scrolled leaves and flowers. Bordered with silk lace. Length, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 8 feet 6 inches. Second Afternoon 329—SpanisH Satin Damask Core Seventeenth Century Semicircular shape with band and spade-shaped hood. Of fawn- Ir ~ colored satin woven, in white silk, in a pattern of floral sprays, scrolls, birds, lions and other animals. Finished with varicolored silk fringe. Length, 3 feet 9% inches; width, 3 feet 11% inches. 8830—Itatian SrtK AND Goxup BrocapE Corr Stateenth Century c= Semicircular shape. Woven, on a cream-colored ground in col- oe _ = ored silks and gold thread, with floral sprays, scrolls and scrolled leaves. Bordered with silver galoon. Length, 3 feet 3% inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches. 331—Iratian SitK BrocapE Copr Late Seventeenth Century Semicircular shape. Woven, in light colored silks on a dark & ; . © plue figured ground, with meander scrolls and floral sprays. Length, 5 feet; width, 8 feet 4 inches. 332—SPANIsH SitK BrocapE Copr Seventeenth Century Semicircular shape, with band and spade-shaped hood. Woven, ub son a figured cream-colored ground in colored silks, with floral 4) sprays and baskets of flowers and leaves. Bordered with gold galoon. Length, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 8 feet 10 inches. 333—SPANISH EMBROIDERED VELVET ALTAR FRONTAL Eighteenth Century SO Rectangular shape. Of crimson velvet, paneled with blue velvet ago t strips and embroidered, in raised gold, with vases of scrolled leaves and oval scrolled medallions. Above is a scrolled leaf cresting of blue velvet embroidered in gold. Below a band of blue velvet embroidered, in gold, with scrolls. Finished with gold braid and gold and silk fringe. Length, 4 feet 6% inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. d34—SPANIsH VELVET CoprE Seventeenth Century 4 Semicircular shape, with band and spade-shaped hood. Black ~ O° Velvet, bordered with silver galoon. Clasp of parcel gilt silver, with two plates appliqués with silver plates pierced and repous- sés with cherubim and scrolls. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches, Second Afternoon 3385—SPaNisH EMBROIDERED VELVET C1LoAk Eighteenth Century JS? Cape-shaped. Dark purple Genoese velvet, embroidered, and ap- a ‘a ~ pliqué in colored silks and satin stitch, with floral and leaf sprays and a border of detached floral sprays. Finished with gold lace. Length, 8 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. From the collection of Don Adriano Lanuza, President of the Banco de Crédito, Madrid. 336—SPpanisH SiLK BrocaTELLe Core Seventeenth Century SD Semicircular shape. Red brocatelle, woven in a pattern of scrolls, 1g |e flowers and leaves and finished with gold fringe. Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. 337—Urrer Portion or Iraian Sirk BrocapEe Cope fo Eighteenth Century 2 2° ~~ Semicircular shape. Woven, on a cream-colored ground in col- ored silks, with floral sprays and scrolled bands. Finished with gold lace. Length, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 9 feet 2 inches. 338—SPANISH SILK BrocaTELLE BANNER Sivteenth Century i: _ Rectangular shape, with spade-shaped panel. Woven, on a crim- son ground in gold thread and yellow silk, with scrolls and pome- granate-shaped medallions. Finished with silk fringe and silk and gold thread tassels. Length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches. 339—SPANIsH EMBROIDERED ECCLESIASTICAL BANNER Eighteenth Century a 0° Swallow-tail shape. Of crimson velvet, embroidered, in colored silks and gold thread, with circular medallion containing floral and scrolled figure and with sun and moon in angles above. Finished with gold lace. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 340—SPANISH SILK AND SILVER BrocaTELLE Cover Sixteenth Century GS. Rectangular shape. Woven, on a yellow ground in crimson silk and silver thread, in a pattern of curved branches of leaves form- ing diamond-shaped medallions enclosing vases of flowers and finished with netted silk fringe. ( Pieced.) Length, 4 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 11 inches. Second Afternoon 341—Itatian Cut GENoEsE VEL- VET PANEL / Ds Fifteenth Century Rectangular shape, with rounded angles. Blue vel- vet, cut in a pattern of pal- mette-shaped medallions en- closing floral and leaf figures and surmounted by pine- apples with scrolled leaves. Partially finished with netted silver fringe. (Pieced.) Length, 4 feet 11 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 342—Frencu VELVET HanciInG ony Eighteenth Century 2A’ Rectangular shape. Apri- . cot velvet. Finished with sil- ver fringe. ( Pieced.) , Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet. 343—FrencuH Sirk BrocapE Cov- ERLET ¢ Oe Eighteenth Century ——— Rectangular shape. Woven, on a dark blue ground in col- ored silks, in a pattern of a scrolled leaf diaper. Bordered on three sides with a blue silk flounce. 341 Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches. 344—SpanisH Siuk Damask Canopy Seventeenth Century fi Oval shape, surrounded by shaped tabs, four of which are di- ~/ 0° vided in the center, and with circular center. Silk damask, woven : in a pattern of scrolled and curved leaves and flowers. Length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. Second Afternoon 345—Itauian Sirk BrocapE Hanaine . Seventeenth Century a Rectangular shape. Woven, on a figured white satin ground in A colored silks, with vases of flowers and scrolled leaves and flowers. Length, 6 feet; width, 5 feet 2 inches. 346—VaLENCIAN Sirk Brocapre Hancine | Louis XVI Period, Eighteenth Century = © Rectangular shape. Woven on a slate colored silk ground in colored silks, with a diaper of leaf sprays and dots. Length, 6 feet 81% inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches. 347—SpanisHh EmproweErep Sirk Lampreavuin Seventeenth Century gm Rectangular-shaped with scalloped lower edge. Crimson silk /7 _. damask, appliqué-embroidered in colored silks bordered with filo- selle braid, with voluted scrolls and birds. Finished with silver fringe. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 4% inches. 348—Frencu Sitx Brocapr Hancine Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Brocaded, in gold thread, with floral sprays a on a ground striped with lines of gold and silver dots. Length, 7 feet 1%, inches; width, 4 feet 21% inches. 349—ITauian Sirk BrocaTeLLe Strip Sixteenth Century fy Rectangular shape. Woven, on a green ground in yellow silk, _ + in a diapered pattern of scrolls and floral medallions. Worn ol A and pieced. Length, 12 feet; width, 1 foot 10 inches, 350—SpanisH Sik BrocapE Strip Eighteenth Century fy) Rectangular shape. Woven, on a changeable ground of blue / 7. — and yellow in colored silks, with branches of flowers and leaves and conventionalized toad-stools. Length, 8 feet; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 351—Frencu Cur Vetver Hancine Early Nineteenth Century Rectangular shape. Of black velvet, semé with cut fleurettes and 4 0-cut with a border of round arched pavilions surmounted by scrolled shields charged with coats-of-arms and occupied by tro- phies and with a round arched arcading between hung with five- branched candelabra. Borders of balustraded chain and twisted ribbon. Length, 12 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 1 inch. Second Afternoon 352—-ALMERIA SILK BrocaDE STRIP Eighteenth Century : Woven, in colored silks on a watered purple silk ground, with 4S. fleurettes and horizontal meander bands of flowers and leaves. Length, 12 feet; width, 3 feet. 353—Frencu Sirk BrocapE Strip Eighteenth Century 42? Woven, on a cream-colored ground piqué with purple dots, in 7 * © colored silks and gold, with scrolled floral sprays and quatrefoils. Length, 10 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 11 inches 354—ToLEDAN SitK BrocaTELLE Hancine Sivteenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a crimson satin ground in a JY J lighter color, with a diaper of conventional floral sprays. Length, 10 feet; width, 6 feet 6 inches. 355—SpanisnH Sirk BrocaTELLeE PaneL Larly Sixteenth Century J? Rectangular shape, with scalloped end. Woven, in red and yel- 4 79.» ~ low on a white ground, with vases of flowers, birds, checkered ] medallions enclosing crowned M’s, and bands of leaves enclosing lizards and cornucopie. Length, 3 feet 1 inch; width, 1 foot 11 inches. 356-—GENOESE VELVET HANGING Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Green velvet, bordered, on two sides, with & SF silver lace. (Pieced. ) Length, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 357—Two Pair VALENCIAN SiLK Damask CurRTAINS AND LAMBREQUIN > Late Eighteenth Century Rectangular curtains and shaped lambrequin. Amber-colored silk, woven in a pattern of scrolled leaves and flowers and floral medallions. Curtains partially finished with silk looped braid. Lambrequin finished with silk fringe and tassels. Lengths, 8 feet 4 inches; widths, 3 feet 3 inches and 1 foot 8 inches. Lambrequin: Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches. 358—SpanisH VELVET HANGING Seventeenth Century bore Rectangular shape. Of black velvet. Length, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. Second Afternoon 359—Varencian Sitk Damask CoverLet Eighteenth Century ¥? Rectangular shape. Yellow silk, woven in a pattern of curved, 3 AX’ pointed and acanthus leaves and pomegranates. Bordered with silk galoon. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 6 feet 11 inches. | 360—SPpanisH SiLK EmprormERED COVERLET Eighteenth Century a Rectangular shape. Embroidered, in colored silks on a white — satin ground, with a scrolled, rosetted center, enclosed by scrolled a. leaves and flowers, ornamented with diapers and surrounded by a broad border of scrolled strapwork medallions, rosettes, leaves and floral scrolls, and by two narrow borders of floral rosettes and leaves and curved scrolls with leaves and quatrefoils. Fin- ished with silk tassels. Length, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 7 feet 1 inch. Second Afternoon 361—Pair or Spanish Empromerep VELveT PaNnets | Seventeenth Century LE D ~ Rectangular shape. Of black velvet, appliqué-embroidered, in _ colored silks and gold and silver threads, with oval panels sep- arated by quatrefoil strapwork medallions enclosing quatrefoiled leaf figures. The angles occupied by scrolled leaves. Finished with silk braid and fringe. Lengths, 4 feet 7 inches; widths, 101% inches. 362—FrencH Paintep Sirk Hancine Eighteenth Century SY White silk stamped, in colors, with military trophies and scrolled QQ bands of ribbons and floral sprays. | 7 Length, 14 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 363—Two Spanish Empromerep VELVET Banners Sixteenth Century Udo Rectangular shape. (Of green velvet, apphiqué-embroidered in colored silks, one with checkered pattern, one with scrolled escutcheon, charged with a coat-of-arms and with checkered pat- tern, the squares at angles enclosing the lion of Leon, the castle of Castile and bees, surrounded by a trefoiled border. Both bordered with gold galoon and finished with silver fringe. Length, 1 foot 11 inches and 1 foot 9% inches; width, 1 foot 61% inches and 1 foot 91% inches. : From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. (Illustrated) 364—SpanisH Emproierrep Sirk Lampreeuin Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape, with rounded angles. Appliqué-embroidered, mee in colored silks and gold and silver thread, with two oval es- cutcheons, charged with coats-of-arms, mantled with ermine and surmounted by a ducal coronet. Surrounded by scrolls, floral sprays and diapers, appliqué-embroidered in cloth-of-silver, edged with silver braid and with silver spangles on a blue ground. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. 365—SpanisH Sirk Vetiver Banner Seventeenth Century meds _ Banner, of swallow-tail shape, of cream-colored velvet, showing traces of appliqué embroidery. Length, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch, OES ROPERS -: i We NNN Ripa RN ¢ . Mocat Gg: Oy Nor ak Me ee ort ea Nate Newt Nt ty - THEE, a: No. 363—Two SpanisH EMBROIDERED VELVET BANNERS (Sixteenth Century) Second Afternoon 366—Parr or Spanish EmBrorpERED SATIN CuSsHIONS Sixteenth Century S a. ) - Rectangular shape. Embroidered, in colored silks and gold and white thread, with scrolls, vine leaves and grapes, ears of wheat, scrolled leaves and flowers, and lambrequined festoons. Finished with silk fringe. Length, 30 inches; width, 21 inches. 367—Parr or Spanish EmpromwereD VELVET ORPHREYS Seventeenth Century / J D- Rectangular shape. Of crimson velvet appliqué-embroidered, in colored silks and gold cord, with scrolls, cornucopiz, birds, beads and volutes and with circular scrolled medallions embroidered, in colored silks, and satin stitch, with a Crucifixion, the Arch- angel Michael with the scales of the Last. Judgment, the figure of a Saint and a Maltese Cross. Length, 3 feet 9 inches and 3 feet 2 inches; width, 7% inches. 368—FrencH Gop AND SitkK BrocapE CHASUBLE Eighteenth Century JF 0 ~Double-spade shape. Woven on a cloth-of-gold ground with a rosetted diamond diaper and floral sprays and paneled with gold galoon. Embroidered with initials and the date 1796. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. 369—Two SpanisH EmBprormERED SILK CHASUBLES Seventeenth Century Be Double-spade shape, appliqué-embroidered, on crimson satin ; grounds in colored silks, with scrolled leaves and quatrefoil ros- ettes, one with circular medallions occupied with the Sacred and Virgin’s monograms. Finished with silk galoon and fringe. Lengths, 7 feet 8 inches and 7 feet 11 inches; widths, 2 feet 10 inches and 2 feet 3 inches. 370—SET oF SPANISH SitK BrocapEp CHASUBLE AND Pair or Dat- MATICS , Seventeenth Century 2 Double-spade shape, the dalmatics with shoulder pieces. Of Mem h brown silk brocade, woven in a pattern of floral medallions on a ribbed ground. Paneled with gold galoon. Lengths, 7 feet and 7 feet 4% inches; widths, 4 feet 4 inches and 2 feet 3 inches. From the collection of Don Adriano Lanuza, President of the Banco de Crédito, Madrid. Second Afternoon 371—Two Totepan Gop anv Sirk BrocapE CHAsuBLES ei Fe Seventeenth Century Double-spade shape. Woven, on cream-colored grounds in col- ored silks and gold thread, with scrolled sprays of flowers and birds. Bordered with gold galoon. Lengths, 7 feet 8 inches and 7 feet 5 inches; widths, 2 feet 7 inches and 2 feet 5 inches. 372—Spanisn Emprowrered VELVET CHAsuBLE Seventeenth Century Double-spade shape. Crimson velvet cross-shaped orphrey em- ft So broidered, on cloth-of-silver in gold and silver threads, with floral scrolls and a circular medallion of the Virgin with crossed arms, wearing a red robe and blue mantle. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. Second Afternoon 373—SPpaNIsH SILK-EMBROIDERED CHASUBLE AND STOLE Eighteenth Century Fe, OE ae Double-spade shaped chasuble, stole with spade-shaped ends. Embroidered, in colored silks and gold thread on a white satin ground, with scrolled flowers and leaves. Bordered and paneled with gold galoon. Lengths, 6 feet 7 inches and 6 feet 11 inches; widths, 2 feet 7 inches and 634 inches. 374—SpanisH VELVET RoBE Seventeenth Century - With exceptionally wide sleeves and square collar and lapels. Plum velvet. In original condition. Length, 4 feet 11 inches. 375—SpanisH Sitk Damask Corr Sixteenth Century a. £~ Semicircular shape. Of dark rose-colored silk, woven in a pat- tern of a pear-shaped floral diaper. Length, 5 feet; width, 10 feet 4 inches. 376—To.epan Sitx Brocapep AuTar Frontar aed a | Early Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a figured gray ground in colored silks and silver thread, with scrolled branches of leaves and flow- ers, tassels and floral medallions. Paneled with gold galoon. Length, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 10 inches. 377—Pair or VALENCIAN SitK Damask AtTrar FRONTALS Eighteenth Century ub p- Rectangular shape. Blue silk, woven in a pattern of curved, pointed and acanthus leaves and pomegranate medallions. Pan- eled with silk galoon. Length, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 8 feet 2 inches. 378—SpanisH EmpromEerep VetveT ALTar FRONTAL Seventeenth Century (i b- Rectangular shape. Of crimson, paneled with dark green, velvet embroidered, in colored silk and gold and silver thread, with a cross with a figure of Christ hanging thereon, a mount with skull and cross-bones below, flanked by a church and tree in stump work. Surrounding the cross are stars, and on either side above, the sun and moon. Length, 5 feet 101, inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. From the collection of Don Adriano Lanuza, President of the Banco de Crédito, Madrid. CS Second Afternoon 379—SpanisH EMBROIDERED BANNER Early Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape, with shaped pendant. Embroidered, on dark purple velvet in colored silks and gold thread, with an oval aes and scrolled medallion, formerly occupied by an escutcheon, with baskets of flowers at the angles and with a scrolled and floral border. Pendant embroidered with floral scrolls and fin- ished with silk tassels. Surrounded by an embroidered border and silk fringe. Length, 3 feet 2% inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. 380—SpanisH Sirk Brocape Attar Frontau LEighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a cream-colored ground in col- ae D red silks and gold and silver thread, with scrolled branches of leaves and flowers and scrolled meander bands. Bordered with gold galoon. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches, Second Afternoon 381—SpantsH Gonp AND S1LuK EMBROIDERED CHasuBLE, Missa Cover, Currs, THree Manipries, Two SToLes aNnD CHALICE COVER Seventeenth Century y os Double spade-shaped chasuble, rectangular chalice cover, man- iples and stoles with spade-shaped ends. Paneled and bordered with gold galoon and embroidered in colored silks and gold thread on a white satin ground, with scrolled leaves, floral sprays, clusters of grapes and vases of flowers. | Lengths, 7 feet 5 inches, 104% inches, 1 foot 10 inches, 2 feet 10 inches, 7 feet 10 inches and 1 foot 8 inches; widths, 2 feet 2 inches, 10% inches, 734, inches, 7 inches, 71% inches, 1 foot 714 inches. Note: This, and the three following pieces, came from the Church of SS. ~ Nicola el Real de Medina of Huete, Diocese of Cuenca, built in the sixteenth century. The church needed funds for repairs, for which reason, with the permit of the Bishop of Cuenca, these objects were sold by auction in 1920. 382—Parr oF SPANISH GOLD AND SitK EMBROIDERED DaLMATICsS Seventeenth Century yh S o— Double spade-shape, with shoulder pieces. To match the pre- ceding. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 383—SPpanisH GOLD AND SitK EmproipEerRED CopPrE Seventeenth Century | XL © Sermicireular shape, with band and hood. ‘To match the pre- ceding. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. 384—SpanisH GoLpD AND SILK EMBROIDERED ALTAR FRONTAL Seventeenth Century AO ° Rectangular shape. Paneled and bordered with gold galoon. To match the preceding. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. (lilustrated) No. 384—SpanisH Goutp anp SitK EMBROIDERED ALTAR FRONTAL (Seventeenth Century) Second Afternoon 385—SpanisH EmprormErReD VELVET ALTAR FRONTAL Sixteenth Century Rectangular shape. Crimson velvet, appliqué-embroidered, in cloths of gold and silver and colored silks, with a scrolled rect- / 20 - angular escutcheon, surmounted by scrolled leaves, flanked by flaming vases and pendants of drapery with masks at angles and festoons of drapery below, containing the figure of St. Andrew holding a book in one hand, a palm branch in the other and with his symbolic cross behind. Paneled with silk fringe and banded with knotted silk fringe. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 91% inches. From the collection of Don Adriano Lanuza, President of the Banco de Crédito, Madrid. 386—FremisH Tapestry Pane _ - Stateenth Century , D - Woven in browns with figures of Greek warriors supporting the body of Patroclus. Architectural background. Scrolls above and below. Height, 2 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet. 387—Two Frencu Petir anp Gros Point CHair Covers Seventeenth Century / /O- Chair shape. Worked, in colored silks and wools, with shaped scrolled medallions enclosing figures in petit-point stitch, one of a Chinaman sitting under a tree with a pool in front and play- ing a pipe, one of a youth in seventeenth century costume danc- ing and playing a horn, flanked by branches of flowers and leaves and surrounded by varicolored flowers and leaves on dark green grounds. One with birds above, one with lions below, in petit- point stitch. Lengths, 2 feet 4 inches and 2 feet 1 inch; widths, 1 foot 8 inches and 1 foot 7 inches. (Illustrated) £ ‘ (hanquay yzuaajzuaaay) SUMAOT) YUIVH() LNIOG SOUL) UNV LILA HONG OMT—L88 “ON Second Afternoon 388—FrencH Gros-PoINtT SETTEE COVER Sivteenth Century ae 389— iS - Settee-seat shape. Worked, in colored wools, with a scrolled panel enclosing two figures of men and one figure of a woman in sixteenth century costume. One man is seated, one man and the woman are dancing. Background of buildings, water and trees. Surrounded by varicolored scrolled strapwork, leaves and festoons on a dark brown ground. Length, 5 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) FreNcH PaintTED SILK SETTEE Coverine Kighteenth Century Shaped and in several pieces. Crimson silk centers, painted, in gouache, with scrolled oval medallions occupied by Classic fig- ures and Amorini. Green silk borders, similarly painted with scrolls and rectangular medallions. Mounted. | oo te (hanquag *yqU2azxI1g) YUaAOD) FAaLLAg LNIOd-SOuXt) HONAUY—8§§8§ “ON Second Afternoon 390—FrencH NEEDLEWoRK PANEL Fifteenth Century Worked, in colored wools and in cross stitch, with a fountain in ees} the center, decorated with a cherub and supported by two uni- / corns, on a dark ground patterned, in colors, with leaves, fruits, flowers and birds. Height, 2 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 7% inches. (Illustrated) 391—Set or Five Frencn Sitx BrocapE Hanernes Seventeenth Century 50 Woven, on a figured gray silk ground in colored silks, with vases 4 ‘ “of leaves and flowers and floral festoons. Some mounted with scrolled silk frogs and tassels. Length, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. 392—Frencu VetveT HarpsicHorp Cover Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape, with two rounded angles. Apricot-colored & 4 - velvet, with vertical stripes lamés with gold. Finished with looped silk braid. Length, 10 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet. 393—Two Iratan Sirk BrocatTELteE Hancines 5 Seventeenth Century ¥ | d Woven, in crimson silk on a yellow ground, with medallions formed of scrolled, voluted and diapered leaves, flowers and fruits and enclosing clusters of leaves and flowers. Lengths, 14 feet 7 inches and 11 feet 6 inches; widths, 3 feet 11 inches and 3 feet 5 inches. (fanjuag yyuezfr7) TANVG MUOMATGIAN HONAYT—OGE “ON Second Afternoon 394—AumMeRiIA SaTIn Damask Hancinc Late Seventeenth Century TF 0 Rectangular shape. Woven, on a green satin ground in crim- ‘son satin, with a design of scrolls, flowers, fruits and leaf me- dallions. Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 395—Frencu Cur Vetiver Hancines Seventeenth Century © 0 Rectangular shape. Dark brown velvet, cut on a cloth-of- ‘gold ground with scrolled quatrefoil floral medallions, diapers and scrolls. Bordered with black velvet. Length, 9 feet; width, 3 feet 6 inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. 396—-ToLEDAN GoLp AND SitK BrocapEp HaneciIne id: Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, in colored silks and gold and silver thread on a figured claret-colored ground, with scrolled branches and vases of leaves and flowers. Paneled with silver galoon. Length, 11 feet; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 397—SPanisH SILK EMBROIDERED BANNER Seventeenth Century 16 Swallow-tail shape. Crimson damask, woven in a pattern of vases of flowers and scrolled leaves and appliqué-embroidered in col- ored silks and gold and silver thread, with a shaped escutcheon, and charged with coats-of-arms, mantled with ermine and sur- mounted by a ducal coronet, a helmet, a crest and a scrolled label inscribed: ‘‘Mas bale Bolando.”’ Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. 398—SPANIsSH EMBROIDERED ECCLESIASTICAL BANNER wep Seventeenth Century Swallow-tail shape. Of crimson velvet embroidered, in gold and ‘silver thread with a scrolled medallion containing a Papal tiara and cross-keys, and with floral sprays. Finished with gold braid. Length, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 5% inches. Second Afternoon Phe ee eee ae ‘ AN = a“ ‘ B a PRS reaper rN ‘ = A ew ard 7" + i oy ‘ fe » 399—SpanisH EmBromErED BANNER Fifteenth Century fea Escutcheon-shaped appliqué-embroidered, on white silk in colored Lh “silks and gold and silver thread, with figure of a knight in armor and a machicolated castle with round arched entrance. (Worn.) Length, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches, From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. 400—Two SpanisH Sirk ann Go~tp EmprorpERED FicurEs Seventeenth Century ep - Embroidered in colored silks, cloth-of-gold and gold thread, one with figure of the Virgin in yellow robe and gold mantle sup- porting on her left arm the draped Child Christ, one with figure of the Virgin in brown robe and gold mantle lined with blue, ex- tending her arm to St. Elizabeth in gold robe with yellow and green mantle and wearing a pouch at her girdle. Mounted on old crimson velvet. Lengths, 23 inches and 21 inches; widths, 13 inches and 10 inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. Second Afternoon 401—Encuish Emprowerep Cuasuste Cross Fifteenth Century Embroidered, in colored silks, velvets, and gold and silk threads, , with Gothic trefoil arched niches containing rayed figure of the / Pf 0- Virgin holding the undraped Child Christ in her arms, flanked by two Saints. Below are round Gothic-arched niches containing full-length figures of saints with colored silk and gold thread backgrounds, one holding a netted pouch. Length, 4 feet; width, 1 foot 7 inches. 402—SpanisH EmBromEreD VELVET CHurcH CusHIoNn Siateenth Century Rectangular shape. Crimson velvet, embroidered, in colored silks and gold and silver thread, with an oval scrolled medallion occu- ae 5?) - pied by the figure of the Virgin, woven in tapestry and embroid- ered, in red robe and blue mantle, standing upon a crescent and clouds and supported by four angels on clouds. Above her are the half-length figures of God the Father and Son, holding a crown over her head, with the Spiritus Sanctus in the form of a dove hovering above. This medallion is on a ground semé with embroidered quatrefoils and is surrounded by six emblems of. the Virgin, each with an inscription on a scrolled label below. In the upper left-hand corner is a portrait, below it a fountain and below that again an open sepulchre. In the upper right-hand corner is a tower, below that a pedestal, and below that again a city gate with domed tower and pinnacles. Border of scrolled strapwork set with jewels in raised silver-gilt mounts set in em- broidered quatrefoils. Reverse side embroidered in gold thread with circular starred medallion enclosing scrolls and the Virgin’s crown and with scrolled quatrefoils at angles. Length, 2 feet; width, 1 foot 814 inches. Note: This cushion, which comes from the collection of the Marqués de Valverde, is an example of the famous peintures daiguille known to us as Needlework pictures. They were worked in the Monastery of El Escorial. the latter being the Palace built by King Philip II and the burial place of succeeding Spanish kings. (Illustrated) mS. eae Finan geen rm ; No. 402—SpanisH EMBROIDERED VELVET CHURCH CUSHION teenth Century) (Sia Second Afternoon 403—Pair or Sirk Spanish EmproipereD EccLesiasticaL BANNERS Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape, with shaped pendants. Embroidered, on a crimson silk ground in colored silks and gold and silver threads ped, ib 9 - with scrolled escutcheons containing a figure of St. Barbara with tower and palm branch,and the martyrdom of St. Catherine, who kneels in front of headsman, with a palm branch in glory above her, and with scrolled leaf angles and floral sprays. ‘The pendants embroidered with floral sprays and finished with gold tassels. Bordered with embroidered twisted ribbon and silk braid. _ Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 21% inches. (Illustrated) 404—Ser or Spanish Sirk Damask EccuestasticAL VESTMENTS AND STRIP Siateenth and Eighteenth Centuries Double spade-shaped chasuble, dalmatics with shoulder pieces pak. O- and semicircular cope. Rectangular strip. Of silk damask, with crimson and rose-colored grounds, patterned in white with scrolled flowers and leaves, floral medallions and fountains. Vestments bordered and paneled with gold galoon. Lengths, 7 feet 4 inches, 7 feet, 4 feet 6 inches and 4 feet 4 inches; widths, 2 feet 41% inches, 4 feet 81% inches, 9 feet 8 inches and 1 foot 10 inches. : From the collection of Don Adriano Lanuza, President of the Banco de Crédito, Madrid. 405—Pair oF SPANIsH Sirk Brocapr Datmartics Seventeenth Century Hho Double-spade shape with shoulder pieces. Woven, in colored silks on a white ground, with scrolled leaves and flowers and floral medallions. Paneled and bordered with gold galoon. Length, 8 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. 406—SpanisH Sirk Brocapr Core Sixteenth Century Semicircular shape with band and spade-shaped hood. Woven, 9 -on a white ground in colored silks and silver thread, with leaf stripes and floral sprays. The band and hood semés with floral sprays woven in colored silks and gold thread. Bordered and paneled with gold galoon. Length, 4 feet 5% inches; width, 8 feet 8 inches. (hunquag yzuaazybrry ) SUUNNVG ‘IVOILSVISHIOOY GXUAdIOUMW'T HSINVdS WIIG 40 YUlVgG—E0PF “ON Second Afternoon 407—SpanisH EmpromEerep VELVET ALTAR FRONTAL Sixteenth Century yi / 0- Rectangular shape. Embroidered, on dark crimson velvet, in cloth of gold and silver, colored silks and gold and silver thread with a full-length figure of the Virgin holding the draped Child Christ under a Gothic-arched canopy supported by spirally twisted columns and flanked by two angels holding crowns and swords. . Length, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches. From the collection of Don Adriano Lanuza, President of the Banco de Crédito, Madrid. 408—Iratian APPLIQUE AND EMBROIDERED VELVET DALMATIC Seventeenth Century 2, 4 0 Double-spade shape, with shoulder pieces. Crimson velvet, em- broidered, in colored silks and gold and silver threads, with paneled apparels of scrolls and leaves. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 409—ARAGONESE EMBROIDERED VELVET CHASUBLE Fifteenth Century Double-spade shape. Of wine-colored velvet, vertically paneled _ with strip, embroidered, in colored silks and gold and silver thread, with Gothic-arched niches supported by spirally twisted columns having machicolated bays below pierced with arches and containing bust-length portraits of saints with curling yellow hair and green, blue and red robes. Scroll-embroidered with gold and bordered with silk fringe. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. 410—Parr oF SpanisH EMBROIDERED VELVET DALMATICS Sixteenth Century Embroidery and Seventeenth Century Velvet ; Double-spade shape, with shoulder pieces. Of crimson velvet with rectangular apparels appliqué-embroidered, in yellow and gold cord, with quatrefoiled scrolls, vases of fruits, and leaf meanders. One panel embroidered, in colored silks and satin stitch, with the figure of S. Sebastian, and one with a Maltese Cross. Length, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 4 inches. Second Afternoon 411—SpanisH EmpromEereD VELVET CuHasusBLE Sixteenth Century Double-spade shape. Of crimson velvet, with vertical center panel » - appliqué-embroidered with arabesques of scrolls, vases, cornu- copie and cherubim and with figures of the Virgin holding on her left arm the Child Christ, and of St. Andrew with symbolic cross, between borders of scrolled trefoils. Finished with silk fringe. Length, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. From the collection of Don Adriano Lanuza, President of the Banco de Crédito, Madrid. Second Afternoon 412—Spanisu Srtxk BrocaprE anp Tapestry ALTAR FRONTAL Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a figured cream-colored ground i 0O0- in colored silks, with clusters of flowers and fruits, the center with an oval medallion of tapestry surrounded by a border of scrolled leaves in gold thread and colored silks, woven with a fig- ure of the Virgin with light-colored robe and blue mantle, stand- ing on a crescent with clasped hands. Paneled with gold looped braid. Length, 3 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 3% inches, 413—SpanisH Sirk BrocapE anp Taprestry ALTAR FRONTAL Seventeenth Century 6 O-Rectangular shape. Woven, on a figured cream-colored ground / in colored silks, with clusters of flowers and fruits, the center with an oval medallion of tapestry surrounded by a border of scrolled leaves in gold thread and colored silks and woven with a figure of the Virgin with light-colored robe and blue mantle, standing, with clasped hands, on a crescent. Paneled with gold looped braid. Length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 414—SpanisH Sirk Brocape Cope Sivteenth Century Semicircular shape, with band and spade-shaped hood. Woven, B o- on a silver thread and rose-colored ground, in white silk,. with scrolled floral diaper. Finished with gold and silver galoon, gold lace and gold fringe. Length, 4 feet 5% inches; width, 9 feet 6 inches. 415—SpanisH EMBROIDERED VELVET COPE Sixteenth Century Semicircular shape, with band and spade-shaped hood and / embroidered in colored silks and gold and silver threads. The oL'o 0- band appliqué-embroidered with arabesques of scrolls, vases, cornucopi# and cherubim, and with figures of St. Andrew with symbolic cross and a Bishop-Saint, between borders of scrolled trefoils. The hood with the figure of the Virgin standing on a crescent with a background of sky semé with stars. The hood finished with silk fringe and a silk tassel with silk and gold thread- embroidered ball and cords. Length, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 9 feet 10 inches. From the collection of Don Adriano Lanuza, President of the Banco de Crédito, Madrid. (Illustrated) ; (hanjuag yzusajxig) adO() LAHATAA CGauadIOUEW', HSINVdS—C[Pp “ON Second Afternoon 416—SpanisH EmproipeRED VELVET AND SILK BrocaTELLE CoPE Sixteenth Century / / ®- Semicircular shape, with spade-shaped hood and rectangular = band. Of green brocatelle, woven with a diaper of interlaced quatrefoils, the band and hood of crimson velvet appliqué- embroidered, in colored silks, with voluted scrolls, flowers and leaves and with tendrils. Bordered with silk galoon. The hood | finished with silk fringe. “ - Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches. 417—Venetian Sirk Brocape Corr Eighteenth Century Semicircular shape, with band. Woven, the body on a yellow 7 )- ground in colored silks and silver thread, in a pattern of voluted cornucopiz, vases of flowers, and broken arches, the band, on a white ground, with branches of flowers, rocks and trunks of trees. Bordered and paneled with silver galoon. Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. 418—Iratian EmpromErRED VELVET COPE Fifteenth Century Semicircular shape, of dark blue velvet with band appliqué- embroidered, in colored silks on a blue silk ground, with scrolls, yk ) J Ovases of fruits and circular medallions, occupied by the sacred monogram and scrollings. Traces of embroidery of scrollings. Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet. (Illustrated) 419—SpanisH EmBRompERED anp Apprigué VeLvET REPOSTERO Seventeenth Century 200: Rectangular shape. Of crimson velvet embroidered, in colored silks and silver and gold thread, with a scrolled escutcheon bor- dered with flower and leaf meander, surmounted by a crown and charged with a coat-of-arms quartered with the royal arms of Castile and Leon. Paneled with gold galoon and bordered with scrolls, medallions, twisted strapwork and leaves at angles em- broidered in colored silks. Length, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches. (hanquag yquaaz {rg ) Ad Or) LAATA A GaddadloudWN yy NVIIVILT SIP ON Second Afternoon 420—ARAGONESE EMBROIDERED VELVET CHURCH HANGING Sixteenth Century Ws ~ Rectangular shape. Center panel of crimson velvet embroidered, — in colored silks and gold thread, with a figure of the Virgin in brocaded robe and mantle, supporting on one arm the draped Child Christ holding an orb, and holding in her other hand a lily, and of St. Bartholomew holding a closed book and his sym- bolic knife, surrounded by a broad border of green velvet, with a rectangular panels occupied by embroidered figures of SS. Chris- , topher, Bartholomew, Andrew and Michael, with figure of a saint below and an irregularly-shaped medallion occupied by the ‘bust of an angel above. Paneled with gold and silk braid and finished with gold fringe and with gold netted fringe below. Length, 8 feet 31% inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. (Illustrated) 421—Five Pieces GENOESE VELVET Seventeenth Century Various shapes. Of purple velvet. : / DO- Various sizes, 422-SPECIMENS OF FIFTEENTH CENTURY TEXTILES Various pieces mounted for display. Various origins, materials, patterns and sizes. 423—SPECIMENS OF SIXTEENTH CENTURY TEXTILES e eons: to the preceding. 424——SPpECIMENS OF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY TEXTILES 0 - Similar to the preceding. 425—SPECIMENS OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY TEXTILES J - Similar to the preceding. 426—QUANTITY OF SPANISH Sirk Damask Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Crimson damask woven in two patterns of i GS. curved pointed leaves and floral medallions. About 110 yards. a 3 ea = Cary, agit Bb ins pire, pe ete oe oe BESS. PP By, No. 420—ARAGONESE EMBROIDERED VELVET CHURCH HANGING (Sirteenth Century) Second Afternoon 427—VaLENcCIAN SitK Damask Cover Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Canary yellow silk, woven with a pattern of curved, pointed leaves and floral medallions. Finished with silk looped braid. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 8 feet 6 inches. 428—Trarian Satin Damask CovERLET Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Of yellow silk woven, on a satin ground, in ie a pattern of oval scrolled and voluted medallions enclosing clusters of flowers. Finished with silk looped braid and fringe. Length, 9 feet 8 inches; width, 9 feet. 429—Frencu Stuk BrocapE Bep Draperies LKighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Yellow satin woven, in colored silks, with uf sae Chinoiserie pattern of scrolled flowers and leaves, forming lozenge-shaped panels, with Chinese figures holding birds and seated on branches and with birds supporting clusters of pointed leaves. Set consists of canopy and three hangings. From the looms of Lyon. Lengths, 5 feet 5 inches and 6 feet 10 inches; widths, 5 feet, 5 feet 3 inches and 1 feet. : 430—Two Vatencian Sirk Damask Hancrnes Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Blue damask woven in a pattern of curved / 7 O- serrated leaves with floral medallions. Lengths, 10 feet 6 inches; widths, 5 feet 4 inches. 431—Patr or Portucurse Sirk EmprorErEep Porrimres Seventeenth Century / Fo . Rectangular shape, with shaped lambrequins. Light rose-col- ored silk damask woven in a pattern of scrolls, volutes and bunches of flowers, paneled and lambrequined with gray silk ap- pliqué-embroidered, in colored silks and cloth-of-gold, with hex- agonal medallions, enclosing quatrefoil rosettes. Bordered with silver galoon, the lambrequins finished with gold fringe. Lengths, 10 feet 1 inch; widths, 5 feet 1 inch. Second Afternoon 432—SpanisH EmpBrompErReED Sitk Damask Baxtpaeuin Canopy J00- Sixteenth Century Crimson silk damask, woven in a diapered pattern of curved, diapered leaves and floral medallions and appliqué-embroidered in colored silks and gold and silver threads, the center with an oval scrolled medallion enclosing two angles holding a mon- strance, the valances with oval scrolled medallions enclosing chal- ices and hosts and sacred and crowned Virgin’s monograms. Fin- ished in silk fringe. Length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches. 433—Pair oF Iranian Sirk Damask Canopies Sixteenth Century g) D - Rectangular shape. Crimson silk damask, woven in a pattern of vases of conventional flowers and scrolled leaves. Paneled with silk galoon and mounted with scrolls of silk braid and silk tassels and buttons. Lengths, 11 feet 2 inches and 11 feet 11 inches; widths, 7 feet 11 inches and 8 feet 2 inches. 434—SPaANIsH S1LK BrocapE Canopy Early Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a white ground in colored silks, ~ with detached floral sprays and scrolled diapered bands. Deep paneled borders. Finished with netted silk fringe, lined with apricot-colored satin. &> Length, 10 feet 41% inches; width, 9 feet. Note: From the Church of S. Nicola el Real de Medina of Huete, Diocese of Cuenca. EVENING SALE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 435 to 520A, inclusive SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ANDALUSIAN SCHOOL 435—MATER DOLOROSA of p- (Copper) Height, 41% inches; width, 314 inches Bust-LenetH figure of the Virgin, with red robe, blue mantle and white hood, with hands clasped, in eighteenth century Venetian frame of twisted glass rods, mirror panels and gilt bronze mounts. SIXTEENTH CENTURY 436—SPANISH CARVED AND PAINTED WOOD PANEL [5 = Height, 17 inches; width, 1134 inches Rovunv-arcHep panel with molded and leaf-decorated border enclosing the head of St. Veronica, who holds a veil on which is seen the head of Christ with long hair and beard and cruciform nimbus. Reverse painted with napkin streaming with blood. Originally forming door of tabernacle with pierced keyholes and lock mortise. Evening Sale FIFTEENTH CENTURY 437—ARAGONESE PAINTED WOOD PANEL wee Height, 15% inches; width, 8 inches Rowunp arch, supported by spirally twisted pilasters, paneled with | figure of the Virgin, in red robe and green mantle, and with folded hands. Gold background. FIFTEENTH CENTURY CASTILIAN SCHOOL 438—FOUR ALTAR PANELS ( Panel) Height, 11 inches; width, 714 inches Recrancutar panels with Gothic trefoiled arches painted with half- length figures of the four Evangelists holding books and with gold incised backgrounds. | SIXTEENTH CENTURY 439—SPANISH CARVED AND GILT ALABASTER PANEL 4 ol is Height, 9 inches; width, 8 inches Recrancuar shape. Carved with a subject of the Annunciation, the Virgin kneeling at a prie-Dieu, the Angel Gabriel standing and a Spir- itus Sanctus Dove above. Wooden frame, molded and gesso-decorated with pendants of fruits and ribbons, painted and gilt. Carving height- ened with gold. Evening Sale SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 440—VIRGIN AND CHILD 12 oe (Panel) / Height, 1514 inches; width, 1014 inches FuLui-LencTH figure of the Virgin crowned, wearing a red robe and mantle, standing on a crescent and carrying in her arms the half-draped figure of the Child Christ. Surrounded by a rayed piscina in yellow. SIXTEENTH CENTURY 441—SPANISH PAINTED GESSO PANEL LD Height, 1014 inches; width, 814, inches RecTaNncuxar shape, modeled, in low relief, with the head of Christ, having dark hair and beard and wearing a crown of thorns, with a rayed and fleur-de-lis decorated nimbus. Contemporary molded wood frame. LEONARD FRANCOIS LOUIS Dutcu: 1698—1786 442—PAIR OF POULTRY PICTURES Y a (Panel) Height, 5 inches; width, 51% inches One with rooster, hen and chickens, one with two hens and nest of eggs. Landscape backgrounds. Evening Sale— EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SCHOOL . 443—POULTRY (Panel) ed) | | / x: Height, 414 inches; width, 534 inches ; PCS : Hens and rooster. Landscape background. FIFTEENTH CENTURY CASTILIAN SCHOOL 444—TWO ALTAR PANELS Lae (Panel) Height, 11 inches; width, 18% inches eg Se Recraneuar panels with Gothic arches and tracery in relief and gilt. Painted with bust-length figures of SS. Bartholomew and Andrew, one holding a knife, the other a cross with diagonal arms. Incised haloes and backgrounds. SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 445—ST. VERONICA’S VEIL | | | Ge: AG (Panel) Height, 1614 inches; width, 1414, inches REPRESENTATION of the veil of St. Veronica with the head of Christ seen in full face with dark hair and beard. | 2a a ae eas Nie Evening Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 446—VIRGIN AND CHILD es a (Panel) a A Height, 924 inches; width, 71/4 inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH figure of the Virgin in red robe lined with black, holding on her lap the draped Child Christ, who turns the leaves of a book. On either side are boy angels playing musical instruments. Dark background with green curtains and lambrequin. Cluster of grapes and apple in foreground. LEONARD FRANCOIS LOUIS Dutcu: 1698—1786 447—PAIR OF POULTRY PICTURES (Panel) an 3. Height, 74/4, inches; width, 9 inches One of a white turkey and hens. Rocky background. One of hens and a rooster with white hen on nest. Landscape background. LEONARD FRANCOIS LOUIS Dutcu: 1698—1786 448—PAIR OF POULTRY PICTURES (Panel) Height, 8 inches; width, 1114 inches a Groups of roosters, hens and chickens; one with fence, one with wicker coop. Landscape backgrounds. Evening Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 449—MADONNA AND CHILD SD (Copper) | ol A: Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches Ficure of the Virgin with long hair and in red robe embroidered with gold and blue mantle, seated and holding in her lap the draped Child Christ. On either side are seen houses bordering a street in an old Italian city. Both figures have rayed haloes in gold. as LUIS DE MORALES, known as EL DIVINO EstreEMApuRA: 1510—1586 450—ECCE HOMO (Panel) ee ; ray Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches Rounp-arcuep panel, painted with the head of Christ crowned with thorns and with bloodshot eyes, and wearing a red robe. Gilt back- ground. FIFTEENTH CENTURY SIENESE SCHOOL 451—PRESENT ATION i) (Panel) eo oko Height, 13 inches; width, 11 inches Tue High Priest with beard stands in the door of the Temple, whose roof is surmounted by a vase, holding the draped Child Christ. In front of him stands the Virgin in blue robe and red mantle, and behind her, SS. Elizabeth and Joseph, the latter holding two doves. In the background is a curtained baldaquin, supported by four columns and on the left a gate with two drawbridges. Blue background. All figures with gold haloes. In old carved and giltwood frame. Evenng Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL ~452—VIRGIN AND CHILD ie. (Panel) Height, 181% inches; width, 1234 inches HaLF-LencTH figure of the Virgin, with red robe, blue mantle and white hood with head inclined, holding with her right hand the draped figure of the Child Christ, His feet resting upon a book, and holding in one hand a cross with two nails, in the other a nail. Dark background. SIXTEENTH CENTURY VALENCIAN MASTER 453—VIRGIN AND CHILD yao Hatr-Lenetu figure of the Virgin, with long hair, purple robe and dark purple mantle, crowned and holding, on a cushion in front of her, the undraped Child Christ, who presses his mother’s breast with his hands. Gilt background. Contemporary molded and gilt wood frame. (Panel) Height, 151% inches; width, 1034 inches Note: A picture by the same master is in the Museum at Valencia. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 454—ASSUMPTION (Panel) tI / ) ; Height, 251% inches; width, 1614 inches Furi-Ltencru figure of the Virgin, in white robe and dark mantle, standing on a crescent with folded hands, while above her are two angels with crown, above these again are figures of God the Father in tiara, God the Son and the Holy Ghost, the latter as dove, flanked by sun, moon and stars. Surrounding the figure of the Virgin are cheru- bim, and on either side are pendants of circles occupied by buildings, altars and chalices. Below is a figure of Satan as a dragon and devils shooting arrows. Evening Sale FIFTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SCHOOL 455—VIRGIN AND CHILD AND ST. FRANCIS (Panel) | als 0 O- Height, 724 inches; width, 614 inches ReEcTANGULAR panel, painted on the one side with Virgin in green robe holding with her left hand the undraped Child Christ. Landscape background. On the other side is painted a portrait of St. Francis of Assisi holding in one hand a rustic crucifix. Old molded and gilt wood frame. From the collection of Don Bonifacio Diez Montero of Burgos. ~ PS Breton’ cetean o Mie - ee ee eee ayer! : Evening Sale © SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ANDALUSIAN SCHOOL 456—F LOWERS (Canvas ) od | / oan Height, 191% inches; width, 25 inches ne Group of flowers, fruits and birds on a rectangular stone slab. Dark background. . LIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SCHOOL 457—CATTLE (Canvas) Height, 171% inches; width, 1584 inches Two cows, standing under a tree with an old woman milking one. At re her side stands a peasant girl in a red bodice carrying a basket on her head. Landscape background. ; SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 458—A COURTYARD OF THE ESCORIAL SO (Canvas) re) } JX Height, 25 inches; width, 33 inches View of courtyard with round-arched arcading on one side and paneled wing surmounted by arched pediment in the background. Figures in seventeenth century costume and dog. Contemporary molded wooden frame. Evening Sale C. DITTRICH Frencu: 181TH Century 459—PORTRAIT OF A RACEHORSE } } S? (Canvas) Height, 24 inches; width, 31 inches STanpinG figure of a saddled chestnut horse with bushy tail, held by an old man in eighteenth century costume. Behind him is an open doorway. A stone on the left is inscribed: “L’Ami.” Landscape back- ground. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 460—STILL LIFE (Canvas) a D e Height, 38 inches; width, 281 inches Vase filled with flowers and standing upon a table. Dark background. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FLEMISH SCHOOL 461—F LOWERS (Canvas) hy, ok a Height, 26 inches; width, 35 inches Group of flowers with bird in front bending down his head while he pecks at a blossom. Scattered flowers in front. Dark background. Evening Sale OUR LORD IN SPANISH ART The Society of Patrons of Spanish Art celebrated, in 1913, the anniversary of the birth of the Emperor Constantine with an exhibition showing the evolution, in painting and sculpture, of representations of our Lord and the Cross. This exhibition was held at the Royal Archeological Museum, Madrid, and Nos. 462, 463, 464 and 465 here catalogued, were therein included. SIXTEENTH CENTURY ARAGONESE SCHOOL eae A 462—HEAD OF CHRIST ee ( Panel) Height, 17 inches; width, 13 inches Heap of Christ with dark hair and beard, seen full face on a brown background with scrollings and leaves of gold and the initials A. R. and H. S. Contemporary molded gilt frame. 7 << - SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 463—CRUCIFIXION Re oy) (Panel) y a: Height, 1614 inches; width, 1114 inches Ficure of Christ hanging on the cross, with an I. N. R. I. label. Em- bracing the foot of the cross is Mary Magdalene in yellow and red robe with the symbolic vase of ointment at her side. On one side stands the Virgin, in purple robe and green mantle, holding a fold of her neckerchief to her eyes. On the other side stands St. John, in a red robe, and holding a book. Landscape background, with towers and buildings of a city. Dark sky. Evening Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY 464—SPANISH CARVED WALNUT PANEL J Height, 111% inches; width, 101% inches RecTancutar panel, with banded laurel-leaf wreath enclosing the head of Christ with long hair and beard, crowned with thorns. In the angles are scrolled ribbons. Originally forming door to tabernacle with pierced keyhole and lock mortise. Evening Sale SEVENTEENTH CENTURY CASTILIAN SCHOOL 465—CRUCIFLXION (Panel) ae 7. Height, 7% inches; width, 534 inches Curist hanging on the cross, with the Virgin in a dark robe and St. — John in a red robe standing on either side. Landscape background = with towers of city in distance. . a. R. KELLNER | _ Frencu: 187TH CENTURY 466—OLY MPUS : ise. (Canvas) a oe Height, 101% inches; width, 1444 mches — PartnTEpD en camaieu, with a scene in Olympus. Chronos with sickle and hour-glass seated in center, with Neptune and Cupid in the foreground. On the right is seated Juno, while Hebe pours wine into a cup held by Jupiter behind. On the left are Apollo, Mercury and Pan. _ Signed: R. Kevuner, Pruyxirt. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SCHOOL 467—SITX VIEWS OF RUINS Canvas Tee Soe | Height, 14 inches; width, 181% inches Views of ruins of classic porticoes, arches and columns with landscape backgrounds and figures, in eighteenth century costumes, and animals in the foregrounds. In old carved and gilt wood frames. (Rebacked.) Evening Sale SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FLEMISH SCHOOL 468—STILL LIFE I) (Canvas) as, a. Height, 13% inches; width, 9 inches Vase of flowers in center, with porcelain dish on the right and scattered flowers in the foreground. Landscape background. Evening Sale L. M. J. WYRSCH _ Frencu: 1732—1798 469—PORTRAITS OF TWO CHILDREN (Canvas) Height, 181% inches; width, 15 inches ROK Ficvres of a girl in a blue dress trimmed with pink, holding a basket of fruits and seated on a goat, and of a boy in a skeleton suit of blue standing behind. Both have powdered hair. Landscape background. — Back inscribed with names of sitters (Antoine and Gabrielle de Bouzies); their ages and heights, and the date 1772. Rea fs" Note: Jean Melchior Joseph Wyrsch was the founder and first professor of the Academy of Painting and Sculpture at Besancon, France, and was killed in the Massacre of Stantz, September 9, 1798. Evening Sale ee ALONSO SANCHEZ COELLO SPANISH: 1531—1588 470—PORTRAIT OF DON CARLOS, INFANTE OF SPAIN ie Meh (Canvas) Height, 1284 inches; width, 1084 inches Heap of the youthful Don Carlos, son of Philip II, with fair hair, seen in three-quarter view and looking to the front. He wears a black gold- embroidered jerkin and a ruff. Dark background. Eien ee Evenng Sale FELIPE DE LIANO SpanisH: 1556—1625 471—PORTRAIT (Panel) JO J a: Height, 11 inches; width, 7°4 wmches Bust portrait of a lady in late sixteenth century costume with cambric ruff, velvet-plumed hat and black dress embroidered with gold. Dark background. Old tortoise-shell frame. Evening Sale EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DUTCH SCHOOL 472—PAIR OF LANDSCAPES ee Ses: (Panel) Height, 151% inches; width, 111% inches One with a woman, child and goat on bridge. id the foreground a a woman and child fishing. Mountainous landscape and Audra ae in_the distance. One with two women, a dog and a waterfall. landscape and buildings. — Evening Sale EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SCHOOL 473—PORTRAITS OF CHILDREN (Canvas) Height, 1 9 inches ; width, 2114 inches Oe Ficures of two young girls in Oriental costume, standing by an altar crowned with a vase having three Putti as a stem. On the steps are seated a young Moor and a girl in a turban, while behind a girl steals forward. Rocky ads: Houmas! with the figure of a girl with a arms. EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH SCHOOL 474—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Rea! Da (Canvas) J . Height, 141% inches; width, 111% inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH portrait of a lady, with white dress, blue shoulder shawl and falling ringlets, standing by a parrot’s cage. Dark background. SCHOOL OF NICHOLAS BERGHEM Dutcu: 1624—1683 475—PAIR OF LANDSCAPES ely re Ci (Panel) Height, 1234 inches; width, 17 inches One with ruins, mountainous landscape, goats and cattle, one with ruins, lake, youth seated on steps of a fountain, fighting cattle and goats. Evening Sale FIETEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL Onn , 476—_S. SEBASTIAN (Panel) Height, 20 inches; width, 15 inches Bust-LenctuH figure of S. Sebastian with curling hair, head on one side, eyes uplifted, hands folded in front and body pierced with arrows from which stream drops of blood. Landscape background with towers and dome with blue sky. In old molded, painted and gilt wood frame. Evening Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 477—VIRGIN AND CHILD JO (Panel) . 4 — . ad ot Height, 1014 inches; width, 74/4 inches SeaTED figure of the Virgin in red robe, lined with black, holding in her arms the draped Child Christ, who turns the leaves of a book. On either side are boy angels playing musical instruments. Dark back- ground with brown curtains and lambrequin. Old carved and gilt wood frame. Evening Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SCHOOL 478—VIRGIN AND CHILD FT D- (Panel) Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches Haxr-Lenctu figure of the Virgin, with long fair hair, and wearing a red robe, blue mantle and white hood. She holds in her arms the undraped Child Christ, with curly golden hair, who grasps a bird in His hands. From the collection of Don Bonifacio Diez Montero, Burgos. Evening Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY CASTILIAN SCHOOL 479—PAIR OF ALTAR PANELS (Panel) 3 b- Height, 40 inches; width, 17 inches Rounpb-arcHED tops, painted with full-length figures of saints. One,a youth, holding a battle-axe, with a landscape, tower and bridge in the distance, and one a Bishop, with jeweled mitre and red cope with — jeweled border, holding in one hand a crozier and in the other an open book. Landscape background. Note: Count de las Almenas purchased an entire retablo, parts of which are still in his collection. Six pieces are in this collection (Nos. 479, 480, 481 and 482) and one was accepted as a gift by the Museo del Prado, where it is on view. The owner has a letter from the Duke of Alba expressing his thanks to the Count. SIXTEENTH CENTURY CASTILIAN SCHOOL Ae 480—CHRIST AND MARY MAGDALEN (Panel) Height, 45 inches; width, 41 inches Supper table spread with linen cloth and with dishes, fruits and vases and with St. John and the Disciples at the back. In front Christ is seated in a chair, with blue robe, rose-colored mantle and bare feet. Kneeling in front of Him is Mary Magdalen in brocaded robe with blue mantle, her hands crossed on her breast and with vase of ointment in front of her. Background of interior with trellised windows. Evening Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY CASTILIAN SCHOOL onde 481—PAIR OF ALTAR PANELS (Panel) Height, 44 inches; width, 17 inches Rounvd-aRCHED panels, painted with full-length figures of saints. One with red cloak and hat, holding an open book in one hand. Rocky land- scape background. One with beard, holding a cross in one hand and a closed book in the other. Mountainous landscape background. ee CENTURY CASTILIAN SCHOOL anette 482—ST.. CATHARINE (Panel) - Height, 45 wmches; width, 41 imches Kwneeine figure of St. Catharine with gold brocaded robe and blue mantle, having above the figure of an angel with drawn sword and in front of her the wheel of her martyrdom. Behind her are Roman soldiers in armor and a combat of soldiers on horseback. In the dis- tance a rocky landscape and towers. Blue sky with clouds. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ARAGONESE SCHOOL 483—PORTRAIT OF DON J. MIGUEL MALLUCA J 0 (Canvas) = aa. Height, 40 inches; width, 3114 inches FuLL-LeNnctTH portrait of a boy in red robe, holding in one hand a tri- corne hat over a table on which stands an apple. Shield charged with coat-of-arms, drapery background and inscription with date 1772. Evening Sale SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SCHOOL (Canvas) 484—_ STILL LIFE TE Height, 1914 inches; width, 23 inches Ova stone portrait medallion of man in flat cap, dated 1672, and wreathed with flowers. Dark background. | SCHOOL OF FRANCESCO GUARDI Irauian: 1712—1793 WAL A_ 485—PAIR OF ARCHITECTURAL SUBJECTS (Panel) Height, 1334 inches; width, 1714, inches —_ One a view of a classical courtyard with figures in a balcony and flight of stairs at back. One an exterior view of an arcaded building, with flower-pots and awnings. A fountain on the right hand and figures in the foreground. In old frames. DEL MAZO MARTINEZ Maprip: 1610—1687 486—DON CARLOS BALTHASAR Cae (Canvas) Height, 22 inches ; width, 18 inches Porrrair of young Prince with long fair hair, velvet-plumed cap, red ~ coat trimmed with silver lace, seated on a rearing horse and holding in one hand a baton. Landscape background with dark blue sky. In carved marbleized and gilt wood frame of the period. : Evenng Sale SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DUTCH SCHOOL 487—HARBOR VIEW 3 S- (Canvas) Height, 16 inches; width, 321% inches View of harbor with ship, boats and mountain in distance. On the left is a square castellated tower and domed building and in the foreground a landing-place with figures in seventeenth century cos- tumes. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SCHOOL 488—PAIR OF FLOWER PAINTINGS Canvas ou ( ) Height, 234% inches; width, 161% inches Born painted with glass bowls standing on rectangular stone slabs filled with flowers and with scattered flowers in the foreground. Dark backgrounds. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SCHOOL ae 489—PAIR OF ARCHITECTURAL VIEWS = (Canvas) Height, 18 inches; width, 2914 inches One with view of the Farnese Palace in Rome, with street and figures. One with a view of a Roman Palace, with figures and fountains. Evening Sale SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FLEMISH SCHOOL 490—F LOWERS (Canvas) 4s - Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches VasE of flowers. Dark background. “In old gilt and painted wood frame. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 491— STILL LIFE SD (Canvas) w, ) Height, 2244 inches; width, 201% inches Ser of three panels of grained wood hung above with pictures of peasants drinking, in frames, and below with unframed etchings of ruins. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 492—THE SEASONS (Canvas) Lf db - Height, 201% inches; width, 16 inches Set of four pictures representing the Seasons, shown as half-length figures of young women, one as Spring with flowers, one as Summer with sheaf of wheat and sickle, one as Autumn with basket of fruits and one as Winter with brazier, cat and mask. (Rebacked.) Evening Sale SCHOOL OF NICHOLAS BERGHEM Dutrcu: 1624—1683 493— SHEPHERDS S7OD (Canvas) rs a a Height, 164% inches; width, 211% inches In the center are two cattle and a youth on horseback, while below are sheep. A woman in a red skirt, with a dog, on the right. Land- scape background with ruins. Blue sky. SCHOOL OF JAN WEENIX Dutrcu: 1640—1719 494—PAIR OF STILL-LIFE PICTURES (Canvas) o oe é: Height, 26 inches; width, 3514, inches One with a basket of flowers with fruits on the right, and dead game on the left, one with a bowl of flowers with fruits below and dead game on the right. Dark background. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SCHOOL 495—THE MUSIC PARTY (Canvas) hig Height, 17 inches; width, 24 inches Interior of a room with round table in the center littered with sheet- music. In the foreground is seated a woman, with powdered hair, play- ing a harp, and on the other side of the table are two men, one with powdered hair, playing musical instruments. On the left, leaning on the back of the chair, is an elderly man with powdered hair. Evening Sale DUTCH SCHOOL OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 496—“THE SENSES” (Three Symbolical Paintings) Gone 4 : (Copper) Height, 274% inches; width, 411% inches Onx, “Hearing,” a female in classic robes seated in an interior and playing a lute. In the foreground an Amorino playing a pipe. Around ~ are musical instruments, including a harpsichord, and on the right a table with clocks. ‘Through a window is seen a garden. One, “Taste,” a female seated at a table spread with a banquet, in- cluding a swan pie. On the right, a table with dead game. In the foreground, Amorini with dishes. Through an arch is seen a formal garden. One, “Smell,” a female seated in an exterior smelling a rose, with an avenue of trees and a fountain in the distance. In the foreground, an Amorino with a flower, and on the left a table with a perfumery ~ still. , EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 499—_SPANISH PAINTED CANVAS FRIEZE gi Os Height, 3 feet; width, 19 feet 8 inches In three portions hinged. Painted, in colors on a blue ground, with a ground of a quatrefoil checkered diaper in black and white and with nine quatrefoil medallions with scrolled borders occupied by paintings of vases of flowers, birds on boughs, landscapes with sheep and deer, seascape with man in boat and landscape with man on horseback. Be- tween are rectangular medallions with scrolled borders occupied by paintings of flowers, fruits and shells. Evening Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 500—ALTAR FRONT (Panel) Height, 24 inches; width, 64 inches ARcADED with molded arches and painted columns, painted with half- length figures of five saints: St. Peter in the center, flanked by St. John with chalice, St. Paul with sword and with St. Andrew holding his cross, and St. James with staff and book on the outside. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FLEMISH SCHOOL 501—FLOWERS care (Canvas) Height, 39 inches; width, 30 inches Vase with voluted handles, sides with figures in relief and stem modeled with two figures, filled with flowers and standing on a circular table. Dark background. SIXTEENTH CENTURY VALENCIAN SCHOOL 502—DEPOSITION 3S- (Panel) Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Ficure of Christ at foot of cross with nail and blood above, supported on one side by the Virgin in white hood, on the other by St. John in red robe. Below is half-length figure of the Donor holding in one hand his cap. Background of blue sky with floating clouds. From the collection of Don Bonifacio Diez Montero of Burgos, accord- ing to whom the figure of the Donor ws that of Christopher Columbus. — Evening Sale a ————— 9 LUIS DALMAU CATALONIAN: FIFTEENTH CENTURY 503—VIRGIN OF MONT SERRAT /3 oe ae (Panel) Height, 44 inches; width, 25 inches Sraten figure of Virgin, in white hood, dark mantle lined with red and — gold-brocaded robe and with rayed and starred nimbus in gilt gesso- work, holding in her lap the draped figure of the Child Christ with starred and fleur-de-lis decorated nimbus holding a carpenter’s saw of which the other end is held by the child St. John the Baptist. At the left are angels. Rocky background with east) tower and figures. — Old ree and molded wood frame. ‘easter iia Re OR ipo : : Ne ee ce oc a ee Evening Sale LORENZO DE ZARAGOZA 15TH CENTURY 504—RET ABLO eee (Panel) HL] D- — Height, 40 inches; width, 34 inches Divivep into six panels by spirally twisted columns supporting Gothic arches and surrounded by a beveled border, painted with lozenge-shaped medallions, charged with coats-of-arms. The upper panel in the center is painted with view of the Crucifixion, with the Virgin and St. John at the foot of the cross with a gold background and incised gold haloes. This is flanked by panels with the figure of St. Jerome in the desert and a Saint in monk’s habit holding a book. Below is a Pieta with Christ in the tomb surrounded by implements of the Passion. In the fore- ground is a Saint kneeling before an altar and adoring a Chalice and Host, flanked by full-length figures of a Saint with a beard and a female Saint in a red mantle lined with ermine. Mira tS tae onsets te Evening Sale EIGHTEENTH CENTURY NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL 505—FOUR DECORATIVE PANELS (Canvas) vE dD d- Height, 39 inches; width, 43 inches QUATREFOIL-SHAPED, painted, en camaieu, with figures of seated women symbolizing the four Seasons. Spring is holding a floral festoon, with Putti surrounding her, Summer holds a sickle and sheaf of wheat, with a sleeping Putto below; Autumn holds out a goblet into which an Amorino presses a cluster of grapes, and Winter holds out her arms while a Putto warms his hands at a brazier below. Evening Sale FERRANDO LLANOS 4; VauENcria: 1521— QAW 2A 506—ST'". BARBARA (Panel) Height, 53 inches; width, 37 inches = FuLu-LeNncTH figure of the Saint in yellow robe and red mantle holding in one hand her symbolic tower and standing in a round-arched niche with carved columns and pilasters. Landscape background. In old molded, painted and gilt wood frame. GRACCO-BYZAN TINE SCHOOL GREECE 507—-MADONNA AND CHILD 4 Sie (Canvas on panel) Height, 40 inches; width, 201% inches SERPENTINE top, with half figure of the Virgin in red robe and hood, holding on her right arm the draped Child Christ. Gold background. Evening Sale EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SCHOOL 508—VIEW OF THE PACK OF BEAGLES OF EMPRESS CATHERINE II OF RUSSIA J ok a (Canvas) Height, 324 inches; width, 491% inches In the center is the pack of dogs pursuing a hare and urged on by huntsmen in red coats on horseback and blowing horns. One is pre- paring to mount. In the distance are the onion-domed towers of a Russian city. -Landscape background. In old carved and gilt wood frame. GHTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 509—STILL LIFE (Canvas) Height, 324% inches; width, 4144 inches -_ Own the left is a vase of flowers, on the right a portion of a ruin with mountainous landscape and a basket of bread and fruits with two slabs of cheese. Evening Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 510—OVERDOOR (Panel) A o- - Height, 17% inches; width, 5714 inches Ficure of a nymph in red robe, seated in a landscape and playing a lute. At her side are musical instruments, including a bass viol and harp and pipes, and an open book of music. In the background on one side is seated a stag and on the other is a town with towers. (Re- cradled.) GIAMPOLO PANINI Iranian: 1691—1764 511—ARCHITECTURAL RUINS SD (Canvas) Height, 37 inches; width, 5214 inches View of a classic arcade, with broken arches and balustrading, sup- ported by Corinthian fluted columns with marble figures at their bases.. On the left is a domed apse supported by Corinthian columns and a courtyard. In the center a group of figures in classical cos- tumes are playing at ninepins, and other figures occupy the fore- ground. On the left is a tree with a statue at its foot. Mountainous landscape background. (Illustrated) Evening Sale FRANCISCO RIZI SpANIsH: 1608—1685 512—PORTRAIT OF THE INFANT A MARIA LOUISA (Canvas) 3 | / 5-0: Height, 56 inches; width, 44 inches HaurF-LenctH portrait of a lady seated, with wide headdress, orna- mented with a white plume, pointed stomacher trimmed with lace on a brown ground, slashed sleeves of lace with red lining, and white skirt trimmed with lace. She holds a fan in her left hand, while her right is supported by the side of her chair. Dark background, with drap- ery hanging. In original carved, painted and gilt wood frame. Evening Sale EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH SCHOOL 513—FWO OVERDOOR PANELS (Canvas) Height, 26 inches and 2844 inches; width, 56 inches and 56 inches PaInTED en camaieu, one with a group of nude Putti playing with a cat, one with a group of nude Putti bathing. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FLEMISH SCHOOL 514—FLOWERS Canvas / Oo 0- res Helght, 3614 inches; width, 49 inches Vase of flowers, with Delft ware dish and scattered flowers on right, and on the left an upright branch of flowers and leaves. Dark back- ground. A SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SCHOOL 515—CASSONE FRONT (Pancl) be 7 Height, 19 inches; width, 59 inches CrenTeER panel painted with the half-figure of Christ holding a Chalice and Host in His left hand with His right raised in the act of benedic- tion. On either side are panels, one painted with an Adoration, the Virgin with St. Joseph displaying the Child Christ to St. Elizabeth, with shepherds standing behind, one painted with a Visit to the High Priest, the Virgin, St. Elizabeth and St. Joseph and the High Priest wearing a red robe standing at the door of the temple. Evening Sale SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 516—SAINT EUPHEMIA (Panel) Height, 24 inches; width, 64 mches FULL-LENGTH figure of a female saint with gold nimbus, in white robe with red mantle and yellow sleeves, holding in one hand a palm branch surrounded by bands of fleur-de-lis and in the other a closed book. Mountainous landscape background with buildings and trees. Scrolled label below with name: (Santa ev Femia). Im old molded and gilt wood frame. i ea CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL v 517—PANEL (Canvas) <2 Height, 38 inches; width, 99 inches HorizonTatty divided by band of scalloped lacework in gold. Painted, above and below, in gold and colors on a light green ground, with conventional flowers, leaves and medallions. | SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH SCHOOL 518—PANEL a 4. (Canvas) Height, 43 inches; width, 80 inches Diviwep into three panels below and one long panel above by painted bands. Center panel below with Giralda of Seville in scrolled medal- lion, flanked by flowers and birds. Panels at sides painted with scrolled flowers and birds. Long panel above with owl in center, flanked by flowers and birds. All painted in colors on a light ground. Evening Sale FRANCISCO XIMENEZ CASTILIAN: SIXTEENTH CENTURY 519—RETABLO MAYOR : a (Panel) ceo faces Height, '75 inches; width, 34 mches Recrancurar retablo, divided into six panels by carved pilasters with turned and carved detached pillars in front, molded leaf and egg and dart carved cornice, frieze carved in relief with scrollings, molded base and plinth carved with scrolls and leaves. Center panel painted with figure of Virgin crowned and seated on a throne, wearing a red robe and white mantle and holding on her lap the undraped Child Christ, to whom she offers her breast. He looks downward at the Child St. John the Baptist, who stands at the Virgin’s side holding a cross in one hand and a closed book in the other, which he offers to Christ. Standing on the arms of the throne are boy angels playing musical instruments, while surrounding it is a label with an inscription in Gothic characters. On the left side is a panel with the Martyrdom of f St. Sebastian, the nude Saint tied to a tree and pierced with arrows, | with two Roman sildiers at his side. On the right hand, a panel with the full-length figure of St. Roche with his pilgrim staff, exhibiting the wound in his thigh to an angel and with a dog holding a loaf of bread at his side. In the center below is a figure of Christ pressing the blood from the wound in his side into a chalice and standing on an altar in front of which kneels a monk in brocaded vestment, hold- ing the Host. The Donor, wife and family are seen at either side. On the left is a panel with the figures of three saints in Roman armor standing in a landscape with a label inscribed with Gothic char- acters below. On the right is a panel with the figure of St. Catherine with her wheel, a sword and a figure of the Emperor Maximin below her feet. ROR OR AE AE a” Evening Sale JAIME VERGOS ann JAUME HUGUET 1459—1503 Spanisn AS 520--RETABLO MAYOR AND ALTAR FRONTAL (Panel) Height, 100 inches; width, 85 inches Recraneuar retablo divided into five panels with painted border. Cen- ter panel painted with Deposition from the cross, the undraped figure of Christ supported by the Virgin and St. John, with Mary Magdalen and another Saint behind, the Virgin with blue mantle, Mary Magdalen and the other Saint with gold brocaded robes, all with gold-rayed haloes. Rocky landscape and blue sky. On the left side above is the figure of St. Peter with tiara and holding his keys, on the right side a figure of St. John holding a book with a lamb. Below on the left side is a panel with an Annunciation, the Virgin and the angel both kneeling. On the right side is a visit of the Magi, the three kings holding vases decorated with gilt gesso work, one kneeling in adoration of the Christ seated on the lap of His Mother, who wears a red robe and blue mantle. Altar frontal below divided into five panels by pinnacled Gothic columns. Center panel painted with Christ wearing a crown of thorns with a rayed halo flanked by half-length figures of saints with gilt gesso-mod- eled haloes and gold backgrounds patterned in red and black with scrolls, leaves and floral medallions. (Illustrated—see also Frontispiece) No. 520—Deposition FROM THE Cross IOVJN AHL AO LISIA—QOGG ‘ON NOILVIONONNY dH T—OGG ‘ON No. 520—St. PrETER No. 520—Srt. JoHn No. 520—A.utTar FRONTAL Evenng Sale ee 520a—Spaniso Carvep anp Gitr Woop Axttrar Canory Sixteenth Century Semi-octagonal shape with trefoiled and looped cresting and five panels flanked and divided by Gothic buttress pilasters, with crocketed pinnacle finials, filled with Gothic tracery. Completely gilt. Height, 221% inches; width, 38 inches. (lllustrated with Frontispiece) THIRD AFTERNOON'S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1921 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.15 O CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 521 to 663, inclusive SPANISH GILT WOOD CARVINGS OF THE SIXTEENTH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES 521—SpanisH Carvep, PatinreD anp Gittr Woop Drsx LEcTERN Early Seventeenth Century - p - Escutcheon-shaped sloping back, carved, in low relief, with strap- work, scrolled leaves and a shield charged with coat-of-arms and surmounted by a coronet, molded book rest, shaped apron and rectangular molded feet. Painted and gilt. Height, 11%, inches; width, 138% inches. 522—SpanisH Carvep, PainteEpD anp GittT Woop Desk LrEctTERN Seventeenth Century Sloping shield-shaped back, bordered with scrolls and surmounted 3 S- by shell, the center carved, in relief, with a spray of rosebuds. Serpentine shaped molded book slab with scrolled and voluted apron. Painted and gilt. Height, 124% inches; width, 14 inches. 523—SpanisH Carvep and Girt Woop Desk Lectern ¢ b- Sixteenth Century Rectangular sloping back, carved with an oval panel occupied by a Maltese cross with leaf medallions at angles and a leaf border. Book-rest carved with leaf border, shaped apron and voluted feet, the sides carved with leaf medallions and scrolled and voluted borders. Height, 12 inches; width, 14 inches. Third Afternoon 524—SpanisH Pino Woop Desk LEcTERN Siateenth Century WS Sloping rectangular back, carved with a C-scrolled oval medal- lion occupied by Chalice, and with shell, scrolls and floral sprays, shaped apron carved with scrolled leaves and flowers and sides carved with C-scrolls and shells. Height, 1014, inches; width, 14 inches. 525—Two SpanisH Carvep, PaintED anp Gitt Woop CoLumMNs Seventeenth Century 15 Rectangular columns, carved with fruit and leaf pendants with tapering rectangular lower portions, molded bases, capitals carved with acanthus leaves and volutes and incurved abaci. Partially gilt and painted. Height, 21 inches. 526—SpanisH Carvep Woop BatustTEer Sivteenth Century / D- Baluster-shaped, carved with flutings and cherubim, fluted coupe- shaped top and triangular base carved with panels of Putti. Height, 201% inches. 527—Pair or Spanish Patnrep anp Girt Woop CoLumns | Seventeenth Century ol OF Cylindrical marble shafts, gilt and painted leaf and voluted capi- tals, incurved molded abaci, circular molded feet and rectangular bases. Height, 281 inches. 528—Parr oF SPAnisH Carved, PatinteD AnD Gitt Woop CoLumNns Seventeenth Century / ©>* Fluted shafts banded and carved with festoons of drapery, acan- thus-leaf and mask capitals. Height, 38 inches. 529—Srer or Four SpanisH Carvep, Parntep anp Gitt Woop CoLuMNS Seventeenth Century jae Fluted shafts. Tonic egg-and-dart carved and voluted capitals : and molded bases. Height, 38 inches. 530—SpanisH Carvep, Patnrep ann Gitt Woop FRirzE . Ma) Seventeenth Century ae ~ Rectangular shape. Carved, in high relief, with a cherub painted i in colors on a gilt ground and flanked by voluted and fluted modillion brackets with guttae. Height, 71% inches; length, 29 inches. Third Afternoon 531—Spanisu Carvep, Parntep anp Girt Woop Panen Sixteenth Century yD> Rectangular shape, carved with Putto’s head and scrolled and voluted leaves, gilt on a ground painted with leaves and scrolls. Height, 12 inches; length, 32 inches. 532—SpanisH Carvep anp Girt Woop Mirror Seventeenth Century ; Rectangular mirror. Frame carved and pierced with scrolled < acanthus leaves, shells, floral sprays and rosettes. Completely gilt. Height, 17 inches; width, 1014, inches. 533—Two SpanisH Carvep, Parntrep anp Girt Woop Mrrrors Seventeenth Century a J- Rectangular mirrors. One in molded frame carved with bead and reel ornament and leaves, one in molded and beveled frame painted, in colors on a gold ground, with leaves and rosettes. Heights, 14% inches and 14 inches; widths, 13 inches and 11 inches. 5384—SpanisH Carvep, Parntep anp Girt Woop Mirror Vas Seventeenth Century 2, 2-~ Rectangular mirror in molded frame carved with leaves. Gilt metal cresting pierced and repoussé with cherub and voluted scrolls. Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches. 535—Pair oF SpanisH CarvepD AND Gitt Woop Mrrrors Eighteenth Century 37 0- Rectangular mirrors. Guilloche carved frames, with crestings carved and pierced with wreaths of leaves, scrolled and voluted ears carved with flowers, and carved, scrolled and voluted aprons. Completely gilt. One wreath missing. Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches. 536—Spaniso Carvep anp Gitt Woop Frame Seventeenth Century ¢? Rectangular mirror, in molded frame boldly carved with leaves. a i ~ Completely gilt. Height, 201, inches; width, 17 inches. 587—Two Spanish Paintep anp Girt Woop Mirrors Eighteenth Century " » ~ Rectangular mirrors in molded frames, with broken and rosetted / angles and cresting carved and pierced with oval medallions. Painted and gilt. Heights, 24 inches and 27 inches; widths, 1742 inches and 191, inches. Third Afternoon 538—Pair oF SpanisH CarvepD and GittT Woop Mirrors ; Eighteenth Century vi 0 Rectangular mirrors. Guilloche carved frames, with crestings carved and pierced with wreaths of leaves, scrolled and voluted ears carved with flowers and scrolled and voluted aprons. Com- pletely gilt. Height, 29 inches; width, 17 inches 539—Parr oF VENETIAN Carved AND Girt Woop Mrrrors . Eighteenth Century O* Shaped mirrors, in frames carved with rococo C-scrolls and shells, cresting carved with shell and scrolled and voluted feet. Completely gilt. Height, 35 inches; width, 13 inches. 540—Spanish CuHurcH Canpie-stanp Early Nineteenth Century Cylindrical stem with finial of leaves, cones and scrolls painted a2, S~ and gilt and of various materials, circular ring set with twelve- floral candle-sockets, supported by four brackets with silk and jeweled bosses. Stem held by seated frog of bronze on octagonal base. Below is a tree-trunk with gilt scrolling and seated figure of Virgin, and below the figure of a Saint kneeling before a bust of God the Father set in trunk of tree. Octagonal wooden base. Height, 36 inches. SPANISH CARVED, PAINTED AND GILT WOOD RELIQUARIES AND STATUETTES 541—SpanisH Carvep, Painrep anp Girt Woop RetievuaRy Sixteenth Century 3 D> Half-figure of female Saint with curling hair and chignon. In the breast is an oval depression for reliquary. Painted and gilt. Height, 8 inches. 542—SpanisH Wautnvut Ficure Siateenth Century eos Figure of Christ from crucifix, elaborately carved in wood, His O” head inclined to one side and wearing a loincloth. Mounted on panel covered with silk damask. Height, 12 inches; width, 11 inches. 543—SpanisH Carvep, Painrep anp Gitr Woop ReEtievary ae Seventeenth Century i - ~ Half figure of Saint Potemciana holding in one hand a pot, the other outstretched. She wears a brocaded robe, in her breast is a glazed scrolled depression as reliquary. Rectangular molded base with voluted side brackets and scrolled label inscribed with name. Painted and gilt. Height, 14 inches. Third Afternoon 544—SpanisH Wautnut Figure Sixteenth Century a eet ae Figure of Christ from crucifix, elaborately carved in wood, His head inclined to one side and wearing a loincloth. Mounted on panel covered with silk damask. Height, 81%, inches; width, 7 inches. 545—SpanisH Carvep, Paintep anp Gitr Woop ReEtiauary sO Seventeenth Century / P ~ Half-figure of Saint Antonio, wearing a brocaded robe and hav- ing in his breast a glazed scrolled depression as reliquary. Rect- angular molded base with voluted side brackets and scrolled label inscribed with name. Painted and gilt. Height, 14 inches. 546—SpanisH Paintep Puaster FicurE Seventeenth Century Figure of a female saint in blue robe, with long dark hair, kneel- a ~ ing with head bowed in adoration and hands crossed over bosom. Rectangular base. Height, 17 inches. 547—Parr or SpanisH Carvep, PainteD anp GILT Woop PaneEts _o~ p - Rectangular shape. Carved with standing figures of St. Ver- onica and Mary Magdalen, one holding a napkin, the other a vase. Background of cherubim in clouds and angels. Painted and gilt. Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches. From the Church of S. Nicola el Real de Medina of Huete, Diocese of Cuenca. 548—Spaniso Carvep, PainteD AND Gitt Woop FicurE > Sixteenth Century eel Standing figure of St. Mary Magdalen in blue robe patterned in gold and gold-lined red mantle and long curling hair, holding in one hand her symbolic vase of ointment. Painted and gilt. Height, 26%, inches. 549—Spaniso Carvep, PaintepD anp GittT Woop Ficure Seventeenth Century J a Standing figure of the Virgin with long curling hair and hands folded in front on her breast. She wears a red robe and blue mantle brocaded in gold. Rectangular molded base carved with flutings. Painted and gilt. Height, 26% inches. From the Church of S. Nicola el Real de Medina of Huete, Diocese of Cuenca. Third Afternoon 550—SpanisH Pott LANTERN Seventeenth Century Hexagonal glazed sides with rounded angles, top with glazed a _ = pinnacle lower portion, shaped pierced upper portion and crest- y ing shaped as a crown, insloping glazed base, ending with shaped leaves and long cylindrical pole socket. Height, 35 inches. 551—SpanisH Porte LANTERN Seventeenth Century SoRectangular beveled sides, beveled angles supporting vases of by 4h ~ flowers, pierced octagonal top and circular cresting, octagonal molded base. Knopped pendant. Height, 31 inches. 552—SpanisH Haneine Lantern Eighteenth Century Octagonal glazed sides with festoons and triangles of colored RY O- 1 : glass, sloping top and bottom of colored glass, cresting of curved strap-iron with repoussé semicircular ornaments between, shaped octagonal base repoussé with leaves at angles and scrolls be- tween and silk tassel pendant. Height, 33 inches. 553—Pair or Spanish Hancine Lanterns Seventeenth Century Hexagonal glazed sides with angles paneled with colored glass, ‘4 d- domed top, the lower portion glazed with colored and white glass, the upper portion shaped and pierced. Insloping glazed base and six conical feet. Interior fitted with four cylindrical candle-sockets. Height, 23 inches. 554—Pair oF Spanish Hancine Lanterns Eighteenth Century Sloping rectangular glazed sides with bands above pierced with rosettes, shaped top formed of four curved branches, fluted fou, oe straight-sided and shaped cresting, decorated with pointed oval leaves and pierced bands. Pierced apron with rosettes at angles. Height, 271, inches. 555—SpanisH Pott LANTERN Seventeenth Century Hexagonal glazed and beveled sides formed into bays. Hexagonal a D~ pierced and shaped domed top, rosetted pierced circular crest- ing, hexagonal shaped and repoussé base with curved leaves at angles and knopped pole socket. Height, 28 inches. Third Afternoon ,056—SpanisH Haneine LANTERN Seventeenth Century _4£7.Hexagonal glazed body with rectangular projecting angles with ] trefoiled tops, pierced domed cover and circular cresting, shaped hexagonal base. Knopped pendant and silk tassel. Height, 28 inches. 557—Irauian Parntep anp Gitt Woop Decorative STATUETTE Sixteenth Century / pJS- Full-length figure of S. Zeno, Bishop of Verona, wearing a mitre and robe. In one hand he holds his symbolic fish. Carved in low relief. Height, 44 inches. Third Afternoon ee ee 558—SpanisH Carvep, Paintrep anp Gitt Woop Ficure ie Sixteenth Century Oe Standing figure of the Virgin in blue robe and gold mantle with border painted with inscription, crowned and supporting on her left arm the undraped figure of the Child Christ, who holds in one hand an orb. Semi-octagonal molded, fluted and leaf- carved base. Height, 40 inches. From the Church of S. Nicola el Real de Medina of Huete, Diocese of Cuenca. Third Afternoon 559—Frencn Patnrep Woop StTaTuETTEe Fifteenth Century Full-length standing figure of S. Ursula, in hat with upturned )~ prim, long curling hair, red robe and blue mantle. She holds in one hand her symbolic arrow, in the other an open book. Semi-octagonal base. Height, 38 inches. Third Afternoon 560—SpanisH Carvep, Paintep ano Gitt Woop Ficurr, By JUAN oe DE JUNI Sixteenth Century Standing figure of St. John in an attitude of grief, with flowing robe and long curling hair. ‘Traces of painting and gilding. Height, 3334 inches. 561—FrRENcH CARVED AND PartntrEp Woop STATUETTE Sixteenth Century yi © 0-Figure of S. Martin of Tours, shown as a beardless youth with long curling hair, on horseback with round cap and flowing cloak which he is dividing with a drawn sword. Below is a small figure of a cripple leaning on a crutch. Oval base. (Painted and in original condition.) Height, 30 inches. Third Afternoon 562—SpanisH CarvED AND PainTED Woop Ficurr, By JUAN DE JUNI Sixteenth Century ee) ~~ Standing figure of Madonna with hood and flowing robe and hands crossed over her breast, face bowed in grief with closed eyes. Circular base. Remains of painting and gilding. Height, 33°, inches. 563—SpanisH PatnrEpD Woop Decorative STATUETTE Late Fifteenth Century / / }® Full-length figure of the Virgin, crowned, in a loose robe, stand- ing on a crescent and holding on her left arm the undraped Child Christ. Carved in low relief. Height, 43 inches. Third Afternoo 564—SpanisH Gitt Woop STATUETTE Seventeenth Century G Modeled as a full-length figure of Aaron, shown as a bearded a man in a loose robe and mantle forming a hood. Both arms are outstretched. Oval base. Completely gilt. Height, 31 inches, 565—Two SpanisH CarveED AND Patntep Woop FLoRONES, oR CHURCH Creminc MeEparrions Sixteenth Century es Circular shape, carved with wreaths of laurel leaves bound with } ribbons and with border of honeysuckles, fleurs-de-lis and scrolled flowers. One with crown of thorns, one with the emblems of S. Peter. Diameters, 35 and 30 inches. 566—ARAGONESE CARVED AND PatnrEp Woop Panet Seventeenth Century , $+ Rectangular shape, carved, in high relief, with a “Deposition.” The figure of Christ is being lifted down, by disciples, from a cross with “INRI” label, against a background of white linen. Below are the kneeling figures of SS. John and Mary Magdalen, while the Virgin with clasped hands stands behind. Below are the Cross of thorns and nails. Naturalistically painted. Height, 32% inches; width, 20 inches. 567—SpanisH Parntep Woop STATUETTE Sixteenth Century Modeled as a kneeling angel, in loose robe with bands diag- pe p - onally crossing bodice, supporting on one knee a voluted candle- stick with octagonal bobéche and iron pricket. Rectangular base. (Restored.) Height, 181%, inches. (Illustrated) 568—Pair or Spanish ParnreD anp Girt Woop STaTUETTES Seventeenth Century 9 ~ Modeled as kneeling figures of angels with outstretched wings and flowing robes holding cornucopie. Irregular rocky bases. Height, 12 inches. (Illustrated ) 567 568 SpanisH Painted Woop STATUETTES (Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries) Third Afternoon 569—Frencu Parstep anp Gitr Woop Grove Sizrteenth Century J? 24 / 570— +t —_ 37). Modeled with a figure of the Virgin, in hood and mantle, support- ing the undraped figure of the dead Christ after the Deposition. In his side is a streaming wound. Irregular rocky base. Height, 15 inches. CasTinian Carvep anp Parintep Woop MeEpatiion Fifteenth Century Circular shape, with gadrooned edge. Carved with the figure of S. Peter in mitre and holding his keys in one hand seated on a throne with lion-headed sides and feet of lions’ paws. Diameter, 27 inches Third Afternoon 571—Spaniso Carvep anp Parxtrep Woop Brest sy Martixez Mox- TaNes (—1649) Late Sizteenth Century £-_Head of Christ with brown eyes, long curling hair, short forked sate beard and open mouth. He wears a mantle bordered with m- cised stars and a loose robe. Naturalistically painted. a = = = E —: =See aaa . , = \—: Nete: Monitanes was 2 celebraied painier and sculpior of the late six- ; +h 3 Sic “ene pele eee eem | 4 eae eee : Sey ie . Se ae IS ot eT ae a ee ae, ee TeSehin and €ariy S€vrenicenin CenturicS JUSUL Freierring to him as the leader : - 2 a aa. SDS ge ge ee i ae a ae a of the great Sevillian wood-carvers. speaks of his “earnest and melancholy - . 2 Awpatrsiax Prxo Woopexn Artem. or Lectern Eighteenth Century . - TAs Bey Se Sot ae es nS Bes pie a Bee loping shaped revolving reading desk with shaped brackets and (pf er urned vase-shaped stem. On tripod stand of three shaped legs. — > , “nF z : Studded with brass bosses. Third Afternoon 573—SpanisH Gotuic CARVED AND PANELED Woop RETABLO OF THE BYZANTINE ScHOOL Twelfth Century ip D-Rectangular shape. Rectangular panel in the center, enclosing a piscena decorated with bands of gesso-work lozenges and round- els occupied by a figure, in relief, of God the Father, enthroned and flanked on either side by four rectangular panels, each with round-arched niche supported by columnar pilasters, and with spandrels decorated in gesso. Each niche contained the full- length figure, carved in relief, of an apostle with halo. Height, 40 inches; width, 68 inches. Note: This retablo hung, inclining forward, above the altar in the apse of a church. It is one of the earliest known examples of Christian art in Spain, of which very few remain, and closely resembles one in the Barcelona Museum. (Illustrated ) 5'74—AracGonEsE Patintep anp Gitt Woop TaBERNACLE Sixteenth Century jae Semi-octagonal shape with molded broken cornice and painted frieze, supported by carved columnar pilasters at angles, painted plinth and broken molded base. Arranged as cupboard with three hinged doors, painted with figure of Christ surrounded by cherubim, and of saints in arched panels surmounted by winged gryphons in relief and gold on painted grounds. ‘The interiors painted with figures of St. Veronica holding the sacred napkin and angels carrying candlesticks. ‘The back painted with kneel- ing angels holding a gilt monstrance. Original wrought-iron lock and hooks. Height, 36 inches; width, 37 inches; depth, 23 inches. 575—Parr oF SpaAnisH Carvep, PAINTED AND GILT PANELS p Sixteenth Century d~ Rectangular shape. Carved with arabesques of scrolled leaves and vases and appliqués with shield-shaped escutcheons, charged with coats-of-arms. Painted and gilt. Height, 84 inches; width, 83, inches. (fanquag Y7{19%],) TOOHIG ANIUNVZAY AHL 40 OTAVLAY GOOM GHTINVG GNV GHAUV) OTHLOL) HSINVdS—€L¢ “ON fe Ny aah wast a 2 i a — SS Third Afternoon 577—AnpDaLustian Pino Woop Factstou, ork Cuurcu LEcTERN Seventeenth Century “4 S- Rectangular sloping revolving reading desk with sides paneled with crosses, turned baluster-shaped stem, rectangular stand, the edges carved with “egg and dart” ornament, the apron with ribbon-bound bands of leaves. Fluted columnar legs, rectangu- lar base and paneled rectangular central stem. Height, 73 inches. 578—Pair oF SpanisH Carvep, Parntep anp Gitt PANELS Seventeenth Century U5 Rectangular shape. Carved with scrolled acanthus leaves, birds, vase of fruits, and half figures. Carving and molding gilt, ground painted white. Height, 10% inches; width, 166 inches. 579—SpanisH Carvep, PAInTED anp GittT Woop BaAsrE JD Sixteenth Century - “Octagonal and circular shape, in three tiers. The two lower / tiers octagonal and carved with sixteen panels of cherubim di- vided by console brackets carved with acanthus leaves and im- brications. ‘The top tier circular, and supported by molded brackets. Height, 18 inches; diameter, 28 inches. [ 580—SpanisH Carvep, ParintEp anp Gitt Woop EscuTcHEON Sixteenth Century / bP se, ~Shield-shaped, scrolled and carved, in low relief, with a coat-of- arms, surmounted by a crown and crest and surrounded by swallow-tail bannerets. Painted. Height, 29 inches; width, 21 inches. 581—Parr or Spanish PainrED anp GiLtT PILASTERS 4 Sixteenth Century 4 Paneled shafts, painted in gold on blue ground with scrolled me- anders, fluted and voluted caps carved with imbrications and with flutings below. Height, 56% inches. 582—Set or Four ZamMoran PLATERESQUE PatntreD, GILT AND CARVED : y= Woop CoLuMNs Sixteenth Century Tapering, fluted acanthus-leaf carved shafts, fluted and carved bases, fluted pedestals, acanthus-leaf scrolled and voluted capi- tals. Painted and gilt. Height, 38% inches. ie Pe Gre bitin 2) / | bh Third Afternoon 583—Two VariapoupiAN PLaTEREsQuE Paintep anp Gitt CaRvED J 0 Woop Pixasters Late Fifteenth Century [ ‘ Lower portions as tapering columns, the shafts carved with drap- ery festoons, carved leaf capitals with human heads at angles. Above are rosetted dies with columns carved with drapery fes- toons and cherubim. Painted and gilt. Heights, 29 inches (for two), 20 inches (for two). 584—Set oF Four Zamoran PLaATERESQUE GILT AND Carvep Woop CoLuMNs Late Sixteenth Century ol, O Tapering fluted acanthus-leaf carved shafts, acanthus-leaf carved vase-shaped bases and cylindrical pedestals, carved, three with classic porticos and religious symbols, one with festoons of ribbons and scrolls. Completely gilt. Height, 34 inches. } i SPANISH POLE LANTERNS 585—SpanisH Pote LANTERN Seventeenth Century — Rectangular molded and beveled sides, beveled angles support- OO — ee a ey ee C~ Fo - ing vases of flowers, octagonal shaped molded and pierced top, circular cresting pierced with scrolls, molded and octagonal base and knopped pole socket. Original wrought-iron cylindrical knopped poles incised with scrolls. Height, 27 inches, 586—SranisH Haneorne LAntTern Seventeenth Century Rectangular glazed sides with chamfered angles, two of them set 4 ae with colored glass, surmounted by vases of flowers, glazed, slant- ing, pierced and scrolled octagonal tops with pierced scrolled circular crestings. Octagonal bases and conical feet. Height, 27 inches, 587—Pair Spanish Haneinc LANTERNS Seventeenth Century Hexagonal glazed sides, hexagonal molded tops pierced. with a 5~ rosettes, circular crestings pierced with scrolls, molded hexagonal bases and conical pendants with silk tassels. Heights, 25 inches. 588—Ser or Four Spanish Porte Lanterns. LKighteenth Century Sloping octagonal glazed sides, shaped and pierced octagonal ~J Ho tops with crestings of curved leaves, supporting disk covers, scrolled pierced aprons and cylindrical candle-sockets. Ov Height, 20 inches. Fe 7 ee ny 74 ‘/ OY er Third Afternoon 589—SpanisH Hancinc LANTERN Sixteenth Century Hexagonal glazed body with rectangular projecting angles with ai % ') -pyramidal tops, pierced domed cover and circular cresting, shaped hexagonal base. Knopped pendant and silk tassel. Height, 29 inches. 590—Pair oF SpanisH Parntep Pote LANTERNS Seventeenth Century ") @ ) Hexagonal glazed sides with scrolled angles, molded cornices, domed covers, pierced with rosettes, pierced and beaded circular crestings and molded bases. Painted in yellow, red and black. Original, painted and molded poles. Height, 42 inches. 591—SpanisH Paintep Pott LANTERN Seventeenth Century é 4 Similar to the preceding. Third Afternoon 592—SpanisH Hancine LANTERN Eighteenth Century " 5 Octagonal glazed sides with molded angles, pinnacle top, octag- onal pierced and scrolled leaf-decorated cresting, rectangular glazed sides and repoussé pinnacle roof. Octagonal glazed base, decorated with scrolled leaves and carved, painted and gilt wooden tassel-shaped pendant. Height, 42 inches. 593—Parr or Spanish Hancine Lanterns Seventeenth Century Hexagonal glazed sides, pierced hexagonal and molded tops with ) D~ circular scrolled pierced crestings, shaped hexagonal bases and conical pendants. Height, 24 inches. 594—Parr oF SpanisH Parnrep Woop PIiLasters )S- 2 Eighteenth Century Rectangular paneled shafts, with Ionic voluted and egg and dart carved capitals. Rectangular molded bases. Painted and gilt. Height, 82 inches. 595—Parr oF SpanisH PaintED ProcrssionaL TorcHERES Seventeenth Century 4 0 - Cylindrical knopped poles painted in red and white with spirals. Pear-shaped tops, with curved supports of wrought-iron acan- thus leaves and scrolled and voluted brackets ending in saucer- shaped bobéches and iron prickets. Length, 92 inches. 596—SeEviLLiAN GittT, ENAMELED AND Patnrep Woop TorcHERE Early Eighteenth Century = vw Rectangular stem, with tapering under-portion carved with floral rosettes and painted, in colors, on a white ground, with floral sprays, acanthus-leaf capital with pierced cylindrical iron candle-socket and pierced pear-shaped iron guard. On triangu- lar base with molded edges and paw feet. Rosettes enameled and moldings gilt. Height, 78 inches. 597—Pam or SpanisH Carvep AND Gitt Woop ‘ToRCHERES Seventeenth Century S, >) ~ Stems turned and carved with flutings, acanthus leaves and fluted vases, saucer-shaped, leaf-carved bobéches, cylindrical candle- sockets, circular molded bases and cushion feet. Completely gilt. Height, 67 inches. Third Afternoon 598—Sevittian PatnTED AND CarvED Woop TorcHERE Ba Early Eighteenth Century SS ~ Rectangular knopped stem carved with acanthus leaves and egg and dart molding, circular bobéche, cylindrical candle-socket with pierced pear-shaped wrought-iron guard, rectangular molded foot and rectangular base with sides carved and pierced. Painted in various colors. Height, 86 inches. % 599—FrencHo PLaTEau Eighteenth Century In eleven sections, the two end ones with beveled angles, sur- a ay /) * rounded by carved and gilt wood guilloche-patterned border. Formed of panels of white composition, glazed and painted with vases, rectangular and lozenge-shaped medallions of landscapes in carmine and blue and figures of Psyche and Cupid in colors, surrounded by an inner Pompeian border of scrolls, lanterns, pendants of circular portrait medallions, classic figures and landscapes with figures, and an outer border of acanthus-leaf rinceaux, vases and rectangular, circular and shuttle-shaped me- dallions. Length, 20634, inches; width, 24 inches. 600—Two Frencu PatntEep Gitt Grass Mirrors Eighteenth Century Rectangular mirrors in wooden frames carved with lead pend- he 3 pants, pointed-leaf borders and paneled with glass painted, in black and gold, with overlapping tessere and husk pendants. Above are glass panels, one with two Amorini at the foot of a broken column with an escutcheon surmounted by helmet and crest and charged with a coat-of-arms, one with circular me- dallion occupied by a subject of “Venus Chastising Cupid” and supported by two women. Height, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 51% inches. (Illustrated) Epiaipmntpesj a eomtip ice, cotta th Ress i ete ies tere ee iss ‘ eR Pe Pee Mirrors H PaInTED GILT GuLass Two Frenc - 600— No Century ) ighteenth (E Third Afternoon 601—SpanisH Painted PiastER MeEpaLiion Eighteenth Century ~ J » - Oval shape. Molded frame carved with cresting rayed tiara and crossed keys and floral festoons. Medallion occupied with figure of Pius Septimus, kneeling before a sacred picture. De- scription below: “prus SEPTIMUS PONT. MAX.” Height, 15 inches; width, 11 inches. STONE CARVINGS AND TERRA-COTTAS 602—SpanisH CarveED AND GitpED Marsie Base Seventeenth Century 0% Octagonal shape, carved and pierced with scrollings and gro- tesque masks. Traces of gilding. Height, 5% inches; width, 8% inches, 603—SpanisH Marsrie Capiran Sixteenth Century »~ Pear-shaped, carved, in low relief, with grotesque masks. oe Height, 9 inches. 604—Pair or Iranian Limestont Meparuions Lighteenth Century ., _. Circular shape. Modeled with portrait heads in profile, one of \ 4 I 35 - Jupiter shown as a bearded man with fillets, one of Juno shown as a woman with curling hair and ringlets. Diameter, 1834 inches. 605—SpanisH Limestone Ficures Eighteenth Century Figures of two seated spaniels on rectangular bases. Le so pa Height, 1714, inches. 606—SranisH Carvep and Paintrep Limestone Pane XY o- Fifteenth Century Shaped as two shields occupied, one with Chalice and Host, one with cherub and two keys and surrounded by inscription in raised Roman letters. Traces of painting. Height, 20 inches; width, 22 inches. bi ‘ i aa | 2 an j . q Third Afternoon 607—SPantsH PAINTED AND Carvep LiImMEsToNE PANEL Seventeenth Century (35- Rectangular shape, with molded borders and carved with scrolled escutcheon charged with a coat-of-arms and surmounted by a Putto’s head and crossed keys. Traces of painting. Height, 31 inches; width, 24 inches. 608—FrencH MarsiE STATUETTE Siateenth Century JO Standing figure of the Virgin, crowned, and in a loose robe, 4 ~~ supporting the undraped Child Christ on her left arm. Right hand missing. Of cream-colored marble incised with lines. Height, 11 inches. Third Afternoon 609—Pair oF SpanisH PainTEeD TERRA-cOTTA STATUETTES Eighteenth Centur eis : A : 3 Standing figures of Angels in red and cream-colored skirts, one holding a cornucopia and one playing a lute. (One repaired.) Height, 10 inches. 610—Pair oF Irarian Marsre Busts Sixteenth Century ee Portraits of Roman Emperors in Togas. Heads in cream-col- ored, togas in gray and yellow veined marble. On molded cylin- drical pedestals. Height, 151% inches. 611—Four Drespen TrErra-corra StatTureTres LHighteenth Century Molded as standing Children and a Singerie figure. One, a girl / AL © —with a basket of flowers, one a boy holding a fish in one hand and a basket in the other, one, a boy playing the bagpipes, and one, a monkey playing a flute. All in eighteenth century costumes. Circular bases. Height, 31% inches. (Illustrated ) tie (hunquap yquaaqybr77 ) SHLLAOLVLGS V.LLOO-VUT"d T, NaAdGSaAd TL awoOO4—TLL9 “ON Third Afternoon 612—FLorRENTINE Bronzep Stucco Bas-RELIEF 6 9- Disciple of Donato de’ Bardi, called Donatello (1383-1466) Modeled with three-quarter-length figure of the Virgin seated and with her head inclined. She wears a loose robe and mantle forming a hood. On her lap she supports the undraped Child Christ regarding the spectator with full face. In the angles are cherubim. Completely bronzed. Height, 341% inches; width, 24 inches. 613—Iratiax CoLtorep Stucco Bas-RELIEF BY Mino pa Fresoie Fifteenth Century 7 2’ 5 -Rectangular-shaped tablet in two portions with leaf border. Upper panel modeled with half-length figure of Virgin in red robe and dark mantle, holding in her arms the undraped Child Christ, while the infant St. John the Baptist looks up from beneath. In the corners are cherubim. Lower panel modeled with a cherub. Height, 261, inches; width, 181/, inches. (Illustrated) . 613—Irartian Cotorep Stucco Bas-RELIEF BY Mino pa Fiesote (Fifteenth Century) Third Afternoon 614—Encusu Trrra-cotta Ficurre, sy Mrs. DamEr aoe Eighteenth Century Modeled as a seated old English Sheepdog, in unglazed terra- cotta. Accompanied by an autograph letter and the inscription: “Portrait of an old Dog, modeled from the life by the Hon’ble Anne Seymour Damer.” Height, 744 inches; length, 17 inches. Note: Mrs. Damer, daughter of Gen. Conway, was a great friend of Horace Walpole. At his death, he left her his famous Strawberry Hill - Mansion. 615—EnecuisH Parntep Mantet Crock Eighteenth Century Rectangular case with domed top and brass ball and pineapple ~9 3D finials, brass dial with frosted center. Pierced cherubim and scrolled brass ornaments in angles. Height, 16% inches; width, 10 inches. From the collection of Don Bonifacio Diez Montero, Burgos. 616—EncuisH Manocany Bracker Crock Seventeenth Century os HE aE Rectangular case with molded cornice, domed top and molded base, brass dial with pierced, scrolled and masked brass ornaments in angles, surmounted by striking dial and inscribed “Stephen Asselin, London.” Brass looped carrying handle. Britten, pp. 547 and 610. ‘Asselin, about 1687-1695.” Height, 18 inches; width, 11 inches, Third Afternoon 617—EncusH Watnut Bracket Crock Eighteenth Century Rectangular case with molded cornice, domed cover and pine- aa apple finials, brass dial with frosted brass center, and pierced scrolled brass ornaments in angles, surmounted by a striking dial and inscribed, “James Smith, London.” Britten, p. 747, “James Smith, Clock maker to George III, 1776-1794.” Height, 21 inches; width, 101 inches. GILT FURNITURE FROM THE SIXTEENTH TO THE NINETEENTH CENTURY 618—Frencu Gitt Stoo. Eighteenth Century Serpentine top, apron carved with shells and floral sprays, cabri- FS ~ ole legs. ‘Top in needlework, worked in colored wools on a green ground, with leaves, flowers, medallions and floral sprays. Frame completely gilt. 619—SpanisH Carvep anp Gitt Woop Frame Seventeenth Century Fae Round-arched top carved with cherubim and leaves, sides carved /. with acanthus-leaf pendants. Painted and gilt. Height, 56 inches; width, 35 inches. 620—Pair or SpANnisH CarvED AND Gitr Woop Mirrors CoA Seventeenth Century Rectangular mirrors. Frames carved and pierced with scrolled acanthus leaves, shells, floral sprays and rosettes. Completely gilt. Height, 17 inches; width, 104% inches. 621—Pair oF SpanisH Carved and Girt Woop Mirrors Eighteenth Century lb ys Shield-shaped mirrors. Molded frames with pierced crestings carved with C-scrolls and shells, ears carved with voluted scrolls and leaves, and aprons carved with branches of pointed leaves, scrolled leaves and circular boss. Completely gilt. Height, 26 inches; width, 16 inches. 622—Pair oF SpanisH Carved, PaintEeD anp Gitt Woop Mirrors Seventeenth Century S- Rectangular mirrors. Molded frames surrounded by female caryatids with wings ending in tapering volutes and by scrolled escutcheons carved with the sacred and Virgin’s monograms. Aprons carved with cherubim and voluted scrolls. Height, 171% inches; width, 14 inches. Third Afternoon 623—Pair oF SpanisH Carvep Woop anp Gitt Mrrrors Seventeenth Century SS Shield-shaped mirror. Molded frame with cresting carved with C-scrolls, shell and three leaves ending in carved flowers, C-scrolled ears surmounted by birds and pierced aprons carved with scrolls and grotesque masks. Height, 261, inches; width, 18% inches. 624—SpanisH Carvep anp Gitt Woop Mirror Seventeenth Century J d- Shield-shaped mirror. Molded frame, with cresting pierced and carved with voluted scroll and acanthus leaf, acanthus-leaf ears with festoons of drapery and C-scrolled carved apron. Height, 8414 inches; width, 22 inches. 625—Spanish Carvep anp Gint Woop Mirror Eighteenth Century Rectangular mirror with shaped top. Molded frame carved with iy D ~ C-serolls and floral sprays, cresting carved and pierced with scrolls, volutes, and flowers, apron with floral sprays. Com- pletely gilt. Height, 331%, inches; width, 20% inches. 626—Parr or Spanish Carvep anp GittT Woop Mrrrors Enghteenth Century e > - Rectangular mirrors. Guilloche carved frames with pierced crest- ings carved as vases, festoons and leaves, scrolled and voluted ears with leaf pendants and aprons with vase-shaped brackets and festoons of pointed leaves. Completely gilt. Height, 36 inches; width, 23 inches. 627—SpanisH Carvep, ParnreED anp Gitt Woop Fire Screen Eighteenth Century Coan Shaped glass panel with frame carved with cornucopie of flowers and with scrolled leaves. Pedestal with voluted medallion in cen- ter and wings of C-scrolls. Molded broken base. Painted and gilt. Height, 25% inches; width, 161% inches. ey ae fal hee eo noe © i vd — > he a > eh oe a Third Afternoon 628—Pair oF FrencH Manocany BAanquETTeEs ae Early Eighteenth Century ‘Rectangular tops, plain aprons, square tapering legs with angles inlaid with brass and brass pear-shaped feet. ‘Tops in con- temporary striped silk rayure of yellow and red. 629—Set or Four Frencuo Manocany BAaNnQuETTEs Early Eighteenth Century 70 ' Similar to the preceding, with tops in striped silk rayure of yellow and blue. 630—Frencu Paintep ARMCHAIR Eighteenth Century Square straight back, carved frame, curved arms on turned sup- |\F- ports and turned legs. Seat and back in embossed plush. 631—SpanisH Patnrep CHAIR Eighteenth Century / + Straight square back with molded frame, fluted apron and turned fluted tapering legs with rosetted dies. Seat in figured plush, back in woven canework. Frame painted white. Third Afternoon 632—SetT or Srxx Frencu Watnvut Cuairs Eighteenth Century Oval backs with carved frames, serpentine carved aprons and 4S 2. = turned, fluted, tapering legs with ball feet. Seats and backs in woven canework. 633—FrReEeNcH PatnTED CHair Eighteenth Century Oval back with carved frame, fluted legs with rosetted dies and S-_ ball feet. Seat and back in woven canework. Frame painted Dede ae ) blue and white. 634—SeET oF Six Spanish Parntrep anp GittT Woop Cuairs Eighteenth Century J e 0 © Open backs with shaped and carved head rails, vertical splats pierced with interlacing voluted scrolls, shaped aprons, cabriole legs and claw and ball feet. (One restored.) Seats in old Span- ish silk brocade woven on a green ground. Third Afternoon rm 635—Set or Six Spanish PaintTED anp GittT Woop Cuarrs Eighteenth Century q Ur Spade-shaped upholstered backs, with molded frames, carved with beads, bowed seat fronts, carved with beads and turned, tapering, spirally fluted legs. Seats and backs in red satin, with bands of eighteenth century French lampas woven, in colors, with flowers on a black ground. 636—Parr or Spanish ParntED Woop Cuairs Eighteenth Century Straight open backs with carved and shaped head rails, bar- i pe shaped vertical splats, carved in relief with leaves, serpentine seat front, cabriole legs, curved side rails and stretcher. Seats in old silk and silver brocade. Third Afternoon 637—SpanisH ParnteD anp Girt Prie-Dirv Cuair Eighteenth Century 7] j - Open back with head-rail as box with hinged, upholstered lid, = curved and voluted side supports carved with imbrications, bowed apron carved with overlapping quatrefoils, turned taper- ing, carved legs. Seat and back in eighteenth century silk bro- cade woven in colors on a rose-colored ground. Box contains a fan with ivory sticks and painted engraved mounts, and an oval tortoise-shell composition snuffbox, the lid set with oval minia-~ ture portrait. | 638—Dutrcu Painted TasLe Early Nineteenth Century Shaped oval tray top with molded edge, painted, in colors, with e 4S an oval panel of landscape, farm building, water, swans and fishermen surrounded by a border of floral scrolls. ‘Turned, vase- shaped pedestal and tripod stand with three flat voluted legs. Pedestal and stand painted red. Height, 29 inches; length, 31 inches; width, 23 inches. 639—Intain Manocany Writine TABLE SD Lows XVI Period of the Eighteenth Century 4 ne ™~ Back fitted with two drawers with inlaid fronts, plain apron ' fitted with drawer with inlaid front, square tapering legs inlaid with herring-bone patterning. Brass knobs and keyhole escutch- eon. Height, 2614 inches; length, 20 inches; width, 15 inches. 640—Frencn Manocany Tape Eighteenth Century JD Circular tray top with plain edge, three incurved square legs, 3 2. ~ rectangular base with plain incurved sides and claw and helf ball feet. Circular stretcher shelf. Height, 32 inches; diameter, 18 inches. 641—SpanisH CurppENDALE Manocany TasLe Eighteenth Century ,Rectangular top with two hinged flaps supported by hinged legs, plain apron fitted with drawer, turned tapering legs with claw and ball feet. Height, 291, inches; length, 541 inches; width, 39 inches. Third Afternoon 642—SpanisH Girt ConsoLeE TasLEe Eighteenth Century Rectangular top, with bowed front and molded edge, carved, in low relief, and painted with rosetted diaper scrolled vase of flow- ers and floral festoons. Apron pierced and carved with ribbon and festoons, Satyrs’ heads at angles, turned tapering fluted legs, bound with ribbons and with fluted bell-shaped feet. Height, 361 inches; width, 241, inches; depth, 151% inches. 643—SpanisH Gitt ConsoLteE Tas LE Eighteenth Century Shaped gray marble top with molded edge. Apron pierced and Lot ped Perel ey Pp a v Pp carved with floral festoons and scrolls, carved cabriole legs with voluted feet and carved stretcher. Frame gilt. Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches; depth, 151 inches. 644—Frencu Iyiar Satinwoop Carp anp Writine TasLe SD Louis XV Period of the Eighteenth Century 4°. ~ Rectangular top imlaid with bands of kingwood and with hinged ] flap, lined with green baize and with oval saucers for counters. Below is a rising writing compartment with hinged book-rest above, the front divided into pigeonholes with drawers be- neath. Plain apron, cabriole legs and claw and ball feet. Height, 311% inches; length, 3114 inches; width, 15 inches. 645—Frencu Carved anp PatntED Woop FiresipE ScREEN Eighteenth Century / p) S -Figure of a maiden cut en silhouette and painted, holding in one hand a candle bracket of iron with curved and scrolled branch, saucer-shaped bobéche with scalloped edge and _ cylindrical candle socket. Height, 63 inches. 646—Frencu CarveD AND PatnrED Woop FiresipE Screen Eighteenth Century Z0 > Similar to the preceding. Height, 63 inches. Third Afternoon 647—SpanisH Carvep anp Gitr Woop Mirror Eighteenth Century ( _s~ Rectangular mirror with rounded angles. Guilloched carved frame with cresting carved as vase of flowers, scrolled and voluted © ears carved with pendants of flowers and leaves, and apron pierced and carved with voluted scrolls, pointed leaves and floral pendants. Completely gilt. Height, 89 inches; width, 2714 inches. 648—Pair oF SpanisH Carvep anp Gitr Woop Mirrors : Seventeenth Century Shield-shaped mirrors. Molded frames, with pierced scroll and acanthus-leaf crestings, pierced ears carved with dripping water and C-scroll carved aprons. Completely gilt. Height, 42 inches; width, 25 inches. Third Afternoon 649—SpanisH CarvED AND PatntED Woop FRAME Seventeenth Century ca 2 - Tabernacolo frame of carved and painted wood, molded cornice supported by spirally twisted columns carved with vine leaves and grapes and set on carved console brackets, plinth carved with vase of conventional flowers and leaves, and inner frame with round-arched scrolled top and broken molded border with tablet above. Painted. Height, 43 inches; width, 45 inches. 650—Iranian Carvep anp Gitr Woop Frame Eighteenth Century ao Rs Rectangular-shaped opening, frame molded and carved with a cresting of a broken voluted-pediment with cherub finial, voluted wings with olive and leaf pendants, rosetted pedestals and apron carved with an oval scrolled medallion, volutes and brackets. Completely gilt. Height, 431% inches; width, 33 inches. 651—SpanisH Carvep Woop, Gresso anp Gitt Mirror Eighteenth Century a ee ecfen gular mirror with shaped top. Molded frame, carved, ) pierced and decorated with gesso with scrolled leaves and scroll- ings, cresting carved and pierced with scrolled leaves and volutes and apron carved and pierced with C-scrolls and scrolled leaves. Completely gilt. Height, 42 inches; width, 22 inches. 652—Pair or Spanish Carvep anp Gitr Woop Mirrors Eighteenth Century be Shield-shaped mirrors. Molded frames carved with scrolls and leaves, pierced crestings carved with scrolled acanthus and pointed leaves and flowers, pierced ears carved with scrolls and flowers and pierced aprons carved with voluted scrolls, leaves and oval escutcheons. Completely gilt. Height, 39 inches; width, 22%, inches. Third Afternoon earner eee ee en 653—SpanisH PainTED AND Gitr Waxtnut Roya CrapLe SO Eighteenth Century 2) 2. ~ Boat-shaped, the upper portion of sides fretwork pierced with flat vase-shaped balustrading, the lower portion paneled with molded wood over linen, carved shell at stern and gilt swan- head at bow. Cylindrical canopy pole at back surmounted by a dove with outstretched wings. Cradle supported by two her- aldic lions, carved, painted and gilt. Base with straight incurved sides and chamfered angles, brass applied masks, ring and casters. Height, 66 inches; length, 64 inches; width, 28 inches. Third Afternoon 654—SpanisH LEATHER CHEST Sivteenth Century / 4 + Hinged domed lid, covered with old leather incised in a pattern of scrollings and leaves, paneled, with brass-headed nails and set with pierced brass rosettes and bosses shaped and pierced in the form of double-headed eagles. Front, with brass swinging rings and hasps, covered with leather incised with scrollings and mythical animals. Sides covered with leather incised with birds and scrolled leaves, with swinging looped wrought-iron carrying handles and studded with brass-headed nails. Height, 14 inches; width, 4014, inches; depth, 191% inches. 655—Nortu Iranian Patntep Watnut Cassone Sixteenth Century Rectangular hinged lid with molded edge, front divided into three ip J panels with molded stiles and raised moldings, painted, the center with scrolled escutcheon charged with coat-of-arms, the side pan- els with grotesqueries, all three surrounded by borders of scrolled acanthus leaves and rustications, molded base and facetted feet. Height, 241%, inches; width, 67 inches; depth, 24 inches. 656—Hispano-Encuisu Lacauerep Tati Crock 9 oo Seventeenth Century Hood with domed top, vase-shaped finials and dies above. Molded cornice frieze paneled with metal band pierced and repoussé with scrollings and supported on columnar pilasters, hinged glazed door. Rectangular pendulum case with hinged door having cir- cular glazed peep-hole, rectangular pedestal and ball feet. Dec- orated, on a red ground in raised gold and silver lacquer, with Chinoiseries of pavilions, trees, figures, quatrefoil diapers, twisted ribbons, floral sprays and oval medallions. Dial, with silvered rim, frosted brass center, raised gilt brass cherubim and scrolls in spandrels, engraved, “Dove Williamson, Cadiz.” Brit- ten, p. 770. “Dave Williamson. About 1700.” Height, 7 feet 6 inches. 657—SpanisH AND EneuisH Oak Tati Crock Seventeenth Century Hood with curved and voluted broken pediment, round-arched / ee hinged door and carved and dentelled base. Rectangular pendu- lum-case with hinged door and curved panel and rosette, carved base, rectangular pedestal. Dial, with silver rim, of engraved brass with circular monogrammed boss above and jeweled bob- pendulum. Height, 90 inches; width, 181% inches. Third Afternoon 658—EneutsH LacevErep Tati Crock Seventeenth Century _ Hood with domed top, pineapple finials, round-arched, hinged, 7 b glazed door and molded arched cornice supported by columnar pilasters. Rectangular pendulum-case with hinged door having arched top and rectangular pedestal with molded base. Dec- orated, on a black ground in colored and gold raised lacquer, with Chinoiseries of trees, figures, toothed borders, birds, scrolls and scrolled spandrels. Silvered dial, with chiming dial above, and raised gilt brass scrolls and shells in spandrels. Center en- graved with scrolled acanthus leaves and “John Taylor, London.” Britten, p. 754. “John Taylor C. C. 1687.” Height, 7 feet 8 inches. 659—SpanisH Paryrep THREEFOLD SCREEN Seventeenth Century Rectangular folds, painted in oil colors with views of ruins and <2 BES oe figures and with bands above and below of Greek key pattern in yellow on a brown ground. | Height, 65 inches; width, 63 inches. 660—Frencu Painrep anp Girt Woop Frame Eighteenth Century Rectangular opening. Molded frame, decorated with applied RS cate oat mask, branches of pointed leaves, rosettes and leaf border. Acan- thus-leaf decorated base. Height, 75 inches; width, 35 inches. 661—SpanisH Carvep, PAaIntTED AND Gitt Woop FRAME Seventeenth Century =a Rectangular opening. Frame on three sides molded, carved with J } scrolled leaves, and gilt. One side of unpainted molding. Height, 38 inches; width, 92 inches. 662—SranisH CarvED AND Gitt Woop Frame Sixteenth Century Saane Rectangular shape. Molded and carved with leaves. Completely ~ gilt. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 8 feet 10 inches. Third Afternoon 663—Pair oF SpanisH PainteD anp Gitr LEATHER PANELs Eighteenth Century ib D=- Rectangular shape. Painted, on blue grounds, one with a scrolled medallion with the figure of S. Sebastian tied to a tree with an Angel extending a wreath, one with an oval monogrammed medal- lion, both flanked by floral sprays and with borders painted, in colors on gold grounds embossed with hatchings, with scrolls, shells, floral sprays and birds. Heights, 3 feet 3 inches and 3 feet; width, 8 feet 7 inches. SPANISH FURNITURE © During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries Spain practically ruled the world. She dominated Flanders, Spaniards ruled Sicily and Naples, a Spanish Emperor sat on the throne of Germany, while with France she was on the best of terms. Small wonder, then, that these tables, these chairs and these cabinets are so largely reminiscent of the cabinet-maker’s art of other countries. It is, however, a noteworthy fact that these foreign influences affected, it is true, but did not stamp out, the Spanish characteristics therein displayed. Sefior Riano has said that ‘“‘the brilliant epoch of carving belongs to the sixteenth cen- tury and was due to the great impulse received from the works of Berruguete and Felipe de Borgona.” It is worthy of note that, follow- ing the examples of their monarchs, the Spanish nobles lavished color and ostentatious splendor upon their churches, while their homes were remarkable for a dignity that almost approached austerity. It is this feature of the furniture of their best period, its noble simplicity, its discreet use of carving and other ornamentation, that renders it so thoroughly at home in our modern houses. Particularly so is this the case with the tables, of which an unusual variety will be found— sacristy tables, refectory tables, library tables, tables with wrought- iron braces, tables with carved and tables with inlaid, aprons, are here in profusion. Nor have chairs, cabinets and chests been neglected, so that the whole showing is full of interest and attraction to the increas- ing number of people who like beautiful things with which to adorn their rooms. Hae FOURTH AFTERNOON'S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1921 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.15 O CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 664 to 850, inclusive 664—SpanisH Watnut StToou Seventeenth Century - Rectangular top with straight edge. Turned legs; square rails. oe ON Hale Height, 17 inches; length, 1914 inches; width, 1314 inches. 665—SpanisH Watnvut SToou Sixteenth Century gpRectangular top with straight edge, spreading reel-turned legs os “4, “with pear-shaped feet and square rails. ( Height, 21%, inches; length, 21%, inches; width, 18 inches. Fourth Afternoon 666—SpanisH Pryo Woop Sroor Sixteenth Century J? Rectangular top, turned vase-shaped legs, turned side rails and ral longitudinal stretcher. Top in old brown leather. Height, 14 inches; length, 26 inches; width, 161% inches. 667—Castitian Watnut SrToou Sixteenth Century Rectangular-shaped top, turned legs, shaped rails. ‘Top in old 3 » - rug cut in a pattern of rosettes and scrolls. Height, 101%, inches; length, 1614 inches; width, 14°, inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. 668—Pair or Swiss Watnut Orcan STOOLS Sivteenth Century Semi-octagonal seats with molded edges and plain aprons and 3 D a 5 c turned spreading legs. On rectangular bases with rounded ends and plain plinths. 669—Spanish Watnut Orcan BENcH Sixteenth Century Rectangular planked top with rounded edge and shaped cross Ree braces, shaped and voluted spreading supports incised with leaves, shaped molded and incised deep front rail and shaped side rails. Height, 18 inches; length, 2714 inches; width, 18 inches, 670—Frencu Grainep Watnut TABLE Eighteenth Century Rectangular top with beveled angles, plain apron fitted with SS drawer and curved, tapering, square legs. Height, 29 inches; length, 23 inches; width, 151% inches. 671—Frencu Intai Wartnutr Tape Nineteenth Century — Rectangular top, with plain edge, inlaid with leaf medallion, J 2 broken angled border and panel of burr walnut. Plain apron = 7] ; fitted with drawer, with wooden knob and tapering square legs inlaid at angles in barber’s-pole pattern. Height, 31 inches; length, 20% inches; width, 161% inches. 672—Castin1an Watnut Tape Sixteenth Century 2 p Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with drawer with incised front, turned legs with ball feet, shaped front rail and square side rails. Height, 21% inches; length, 32 inches; width, 20 inches. Fourth Afternoon 673—ARAGONESE WALNUT SrmvE TasLeE Sixteenth Century J Rectangular top with straight molded edge, shaped apron fitted &A- “with drawer with incised paneled front, reel-turned legs with ball feet and square rails. Height, 2834 inches; length, 3114 inches; width, 20 inches. 674—Castinian Watnut Reapine Tasre Sixteenth Century so Rectangular top with straight edge. Plain apron, fitted with ) ~ drawer with double raised paneled front, turned columnar legs with ball feet and square rails. Height, 23°4 inches; length, 31%, inches; width, 21 inches. 675—SranisH Pino Woop Tasie Seventeenth Century L ee Rectangular top with chamfered edge, plain apron fitted with drawer, turned legs, shaped chamfered side rails and square longitudinal stretcher. Brass keyhole escutcheon. Height, 26 inches; length, 34 inches; depth, 23 inches. 676—CaTatonian Waunut Tape Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and shaped cross braces, y 1 - shaped and voluted legs and rails, crossed wooden meander-shaped longitudinal braces. Height, 29 inches; length, 28%, inches; width, 251, inches. 677—SPANIsH WaLNnuTt Orcan BEencH Sixteenth Century Wan Rectangular top with chamfered angles, molded edge and shaped “eross braces, flat shaped voluted spreading legs, shaped deep front rail carved with diamond diaper and shaped side rails. Height, 221%, inches; length, 25 inches; width, 24 inches. 678—SpanisH Pino Woop Orcan BEencH Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with round angles, molded edge and shaped “4s. cross braces, straight square fluted spreading legs, shaped deep front rail carved with fleur-de-lis and square fluted side rails. Height, 211% inches; length, 30 inches; width, 18 inches. 679—SpanisH Prvo Woop Sacristy Bencu Sixteenth Century 0 _-Straight, square back with reeded edge, wooden seat, turned legs with shaped and carved cross braces, shaped side rails and square wooden longitudinal braces. Length, 81 inches. Fourth Afternoon 680—SpanisH Oak BENCH Seventeenth Century JUStraight square back with molded edge, wooden seat, shaped 9 A* ~ cross braces and flat shaped legs and rails. Length, 70 inches. 681—Spanish Watnut ARMCHAIR Eighteenth Century Square open back with scrolled, voluted and paneled vertical 4s splat, curved arms on turned supports and tapering square legs. Upholstered removable seat. 682—SpanisH Oak CHair Sixteenth Century o- Open arcaded back with rectangular splats and shaped finials, 4 wooden seat, arcaded apron, straight square legs and rails. 683—Two La Mancua Watnvut Cuairs Sixteenth Century Open spindled backs, voluted finials, wooden seats, square and i“ o- turned legs, shaped and spindled front rails and square side rails. 684—NortTH Spanish Watnut CHair Late Eighteenth Century Open back, with fan-shaped vertical splats, shaped and carved 3 5 head rail and molded finials, rush bottomed seat of later SONI chamfered square legs and turned rails. : 685—AnpvatusiAn InLaip Oax CHarr Sivteenth Century £>Spindle back with rounded finials, inlaid head rail, wooden seat, i. ~ turned legs with spindled and inlaid front rail and square side rails. 686—Castinian Watnut Cuitp’s CuHarr And CacE Sixteenth Century = S . Rectangular cage with eight turned supports, adjustable seat and rectangular molded ee Height, 18% inches; length, 16 inches; width, 151% inches. 687—SpanisH Watnut ARMCHAIR ? Charles V Period of the Sixteenth Century I 4, = Straight square back with fluted finials, flat voluted arms on ) square supports, square legs with pierced deep front rail and square side rails. Seat and back in original leather. Fourth Afternoon 688—SpranisH Watnut Carr ! Philip IV Period of the Eighteenth Century J a Straight square back with serpentine top, scroll and_ shell- carved apron, cabriole legs, turned side rails and square stretcher. Seat and back in old leather secured with large brass-headed nails. 689—Two Castinian Watnout Cuairs Sixteenth Century IS Open spindled backs with rounded finials, wooden seats, straight square legs, shaped deep front rails and square side rails. 690—Pair or Spanish Pino Woop Cuairs Sivteenth Century (ae Open backs with shaped horizontal splats and voluted finials, wooden seats, turned legs, shaped front rails, square side rails. 691—SpanisHh Watnut ARMCHAIR Eighteenth Century Open back with shaped head rail and vertical splat pierced and & d- carved with fluted pilasters, festoons of drapery and voluted scrolls, square curved voluted arms on curved supports, serpen- tine seat front and turned tapering fluted legs. Seat in striped silk. 692—CatTatonian Watnout TasLe Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with rounded angles and edge. Plain apron 3 S fitted with two drawers with raised paneled fronts, reel-turned legs. Wrought-iron shaped handles and keyhole escutcheons. Height, 31 inches; length, 49 inches; width, 26 inches. 693—SpanisH Watnut TAasLe Late Sixteenth Century $d Rectangular top with straight edges and plain cross braces, uf =.:~ turned spreading legs and turned end rails. Height, 2614, inches; length, 434% inches; width, 20%, inches. 694—SpanisH Prvno Woop TABLE Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with rounded corners and edge, plain apron, J o> — fitted with drawer with plain front, turned legs, and side rails, and square longitudinal stretcher. Brass swinging looped han- dles. Height, 281 inches; length, 411, inches; width, 251/, inches. Fourth Afternoon 695—AraGonEsE Oak and Watnut TaBLe Siateenth Century TI p _Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with drawer with rosette carved front and notched band below, turned legs, pear-shaped feet, square rails and stretcher. Wooden knobs. Height, 30 inches; length, 421, inches; width, 21%, inches, 696—Casrinian Wautnut TasLe Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and shaped cross braces, l 0 - square spreading legs and square rails. Wrought-iron twisted cylindrical longitudinal braces. | Height, 28%, inches; length, 411% inches; width, 25 inches. 697—CatTaLoniaAn WaLtnuT SivE Tasie Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, shaped apron fitted with Ke - drawer with scrolled carved front, turned vase-shaped legs, with ball feet, square molded rails and longitudinal stretcher. Height, 31% inches; length, 444 inches; width, 23 inches. 698—CataLonian Watutnut Occasionat Taste Sixteenth Century er oe Rectangular top with straight edge and molded cross braces, spreading reel-turned legs and shaped rails. Height, 29%, inches; length, 381% inches; width, 23% inches. 699—SpanisH Intaip Pino Woop Taste Fifteenth Century Rectangular top with molded edge, plain apron fitted with two | Uy — drawers with fronts inlaid with walnut, flat square spreading legs and flat square wooden longitudinal braces. Height, 1914 inches; length, 83 inches; width, 1814, inches. 700—CatTatonian Pino Woop TasLE Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and molded cross braces, ? f= spreading reel-turned legs and end rails and wrought-iron carved knopped cylindrical longitudinal braces. Finished in black. Height, 2814 inches; length, 481, inches; width, 311% inches. 701—SranisHh Watnut Woop Taste Late Sixteenth Century gp Rectangular top with straight edge, shaped apron fitted with 44 2s ~ two drawers with paneled fronts, divided by carved stile, turned legs with ball feet and square rails. Height, 31%4 inches; length, 4014 inches; width, 28 inches. Fourth Afternoon 702—SpanisH Pino Wvop Tassie Seventeenth Century Cal, _ Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with drawer with carved front, square legs with shaped cross braces, square side rails and molded longitudinal stretcher. Height, 32 inches; length, 4034 inches; width, 231, inches. 703—-ARAGONESE WatNnut Sipe Tasle Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with plain edge, shaped apron, fitted with two me Se drawers with paneled fronts, turned legs with ball feet and square rails. Wooden knobs. Height, 27% inches; length, 3434 inches; width, 18 inches. 704—SpanisH Pino Woop ARMCHAIR Eighteenth Century YD Straight square upholstered back with carved head rail, curved 2 ~4. = flat voluted arms carved with overlapping tessere on curved ] acanthus carved supports. Turned tapering fluted legs. Seat, back and arms in old leather. (One leg restored.) 705—Castitian Watnut BENcH Seventeenth Century Straight, hinged back, straight seat front, turned tapering legs / _ carved with oval escutcheons with gadrooned ball feet, carved, 7 d shaped and voluted end rails and curved knopped cylindrical wrought-iron longitudinal braces. Seat and back in old crimson velvet, back embroidered in colored silks and gold thread with scrolled shield charged with a coat of arms. Length, 66 inches. 706—Pair oF SpanisH PainTED AND GILT ARMCHAIRS Fifteenth Century lL | b- Shield-shaped backs, with carved head rail, curved, molded and voluted arms on carved supports, scrolled serpentine aprons. Cabriole legs with paw feet, curved flat side rail and stretcher. Seats and backs in crimson velvet. Painted green and gilt with scrolls and fruit sprays. 707—Two Anpauusian InLaip Oak Cuarrs Seventeenth Century Spindle backs with rounded finials, inlaid head rails, wooden seats S b- of later date, turned legs with spindled and inlaid front rails and square side rails. Fourth Afternoon 708—Iratran ParnteD Woop Episcopant Seat Seventeenth Century SD Rectangular upholstered top, straight square legs, carved with ns * ™ notches, with turned finials and cushion feet, shaped deep front and side rails. Seat in old crimson velvet cut in a pattern of leaf medallions. Height, 25 inches; length, 23 inches; width, 23 inches. 709—SpanisH Watnut CHaiR | Eighteenth Century Square curved back with shaped cresting carved with broken J- voluted pediment and leaf finial, serpentine seat, front carved with shell, carved cabriole legs, turned side rails and stretcher. Seat and back in crimson silk damask. _710—SranisH Wautnut ARMCHAIR - Swrteenth Century te Straight square back with rounded finials, flat molded arms on square reeded supports, deep front rail pierced and carved with interlacing strapwork pattern, square reeded legs, shaped side rails. Seat and back in old leather, the back embossed, secured with large brass-headed nails. 711—Frencu Watnvut ARMCHAIR 3 Louis XVI Period of the Eighteenth Century b e Oval back with molded frame, curved molded arms on curved supports, serpentine seat front with molded apron, turned taper- ing fluted and astragalled legs with pear-shaped feet. Seat and back in woven canework. 712—Fiemish Wautnvutr CHair Sirteenth Century JD Curved low back, turned legs with pear-shaped feet and molded 2: ~ rails. Seat and back in old velvet woven in a pattern of black zigzags on a yellow ground. 713—Castinian Watnut TasLe Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and shaped cross braces, I) - turned columnar legs and square rails. Height, 32 inches; length, 441%, inches; width, 16%, inches. 714—Castiznian Watnut Tasle Sivteenth Century AS Rectangular top with straight edge and shaped cross braces, turned columnar spreading legs with ball feet and square rails. Height, 382 inches; length, 43 inches; width, 1634 inches. Fourth Afternoon 715—Castrztian Watnout Tase Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with S- 7 drawer, turned legs and square rails. Height, 161, inches; length, 28 inches; width, 1914 inches. 716—AraconEsE WaLNnut Sipe Tasie Sixteenth Century fs 0 - Rectangular top with plain edge, shaped apron, fitted with drawer with paneled front, turned legs with ball feet and square rails. Height, 30 inches; length, 331% inches; width, 201%, inches. 717—Towrepan Watnvut Taste Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with two /0d- drawers with paneled fronts carved with rectangular leaf me- dallions, divided by molded console bracket, flanked by braces with notch carved ends and with dentelled and notch carved band below, turned spreading legs and square rails. Height, 33 inches; length, 614%, inches; depth, 28 inches. 718—SpanisH Privo Woop TaBLe Late Sixteenth Century (, 57 Rectangular top with straight edge, shaped apron fitted with two drawers with paneled fronts divided by panel carved with imbrications, turned legs with pear-shaped feet and square rails. Wrought-iron keyhole escutcheons. Height, 32 inches; length, 371, inches; width, 25 inches Fourth Afternoon 719—AraconEsE Watnut TaBLe Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, shaped apron fitted with EF; O~ drawer with double paneled front, reel-turned legs, ball feet and square rails. Height, 271/, inches; length, 261 inches; width, 1714 inches.. 720—ARAGONESE Pino Woop ‘TaBLE Sixteenth Century Sup Rectangular top with straight edge, shaped apron fitted with * drawer with double paneled front, reel-turned legs with cushion feet and square rails. Height, 30 inches; length, 331% inches; width, 201% inches, 721—Cartatoniran WaLnuT TasLe Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and shaped cross braces, [ shaped and voluted end supports with shaped stretchers, wrought- ~ iron curved cylindrical longitudinal braces. Height, 30 inches; length, 42 inches; width, 211% inches. 722—-SpanisH Watnut TasLeE Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and molded cross braces. / 6b 5- End supports of spreading turned legs with square and shaped rails. Wrought-iron curved cylindrical longitudinal braces. Height, 28%, inches; length, 401% inches; width, 15 inches. Fourth Afternoon os sul ebetatateds 723—SpanisH Watnut TasLE Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with & O- drawer with carved paneled front, reel-turned legs with ball feet and square rails. | Height, 29 inches; length, 29 inches; width, 1734 inches. 724—SaLAMANCA Oak CuHurcH BENCH Seventeenth Century Straight back, arcaded, with turned columns and central panel / L A _ carved with scrolled escutcheon enclosing Virgin’s monogram. Above the columns are floral designs carved in low relief, reel- turned legs with circular cushion feet and square rails. Length, 80 inches. 725—SpanisH Watnut Sacristy Bencu Early Seventeenth Century Straight sloping square back with molded edge, wooden seat with shaped cross braces and open lyre-shaped flat legs. Wrought- > = iron, knopped cylindrical longitudinal braces. Length, 81%, inches. Fourth Afternoon 726—SpanisH Intarn Watnut BarcuENo AND STAND Seventeenth Century ‘i ae Rectangular cabinet with hinged fall front inlaid with panel of light wood engraved with scrolls and grotesqueries, interior fitted with seven drawers with paneled fronts inlaid with light wood engraved with scrolls and grotesqueries. Stand, of later date, with rectangular top with molded edge, shaped flat legs and square rails. | Height, 51%, inches; width, 33 inches; depth, 194, inches. (27—CaTALonian Watnut Woop Bripat Arcon, or CHEST Seventeenth Century / q Ne Rectangular hinged lid with chamfered edge, plain apron with notched stiles, front divided into three molded panels surrounded by bands of notchings and flanked and separated by notched and paneled stiles, one end as compartment with hinged door, the interior with three drawers having rusticated fronts, molded and notched base. Height, 22 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 20°, inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. 728—CaTaLontIaAn Pino Woop Bripat Arcon, or CHEST Seventeenth Century he) )- Rectangular hinged lid with molded edge, plain apron with acanthus-leaf carved stiles, front divided into three panels with round-arched arcadings carved with notches and scrolled leaves and divided by paneled and quatrefoil medallion carved stiles, molded base and straight chamfered feet. Height, 201, inches; width, 5414 inches; depth, 201% inches. 729—Bvureos Watnut Arcon, or CHEST Sixteenth Century Rectangular hinged braced lid with straight edge, apron carved Fee: 4- with round arches and quatrefoil medallions, front divided into four panels with linen-fold fronts, straight legs with shaped brackets. Height, 201, inches; width, 47 inches; depth, 181% inches. 730—SpanisH Wautnour Taste Sixteenth Century a ae Rectangular top with straight edge, shaped apron fitted with drawer with double paneled front, reel-turned legs, ball feet and square rails. Height, 2914 inches; length, 33 inches; width, 21% inches. Fourth Afternoon 731—SpanisH WALNUT GATE-LEGGED TABLE Stvteenth Century Circular top with straight edge and two hinged flaps, shaped / > >* apron fitted with two drawers, turned legs and gates with ball feet, square rails. Height, 31%, inches; diameter, 33 inches. 732—SpanisH Intai Watnut TasLe Sivteenth Century Rectangular top, with plain edge, inlaid in dark wood with / uf Nee panels and heart-shaped medallions at angles, and in light wood, with voluted scroils. Ieel-turned spreading legs and side rails and wrought-iron curved, knopped, cylindrical longitudinal braces. Height, 17 inches; length, 22 inches; width, 17 inches. 733—SPANISH CHIPPENDALE Manocany Carp Tasie Eighteenth Century be p- Rectangular top with projecting angles and straight edge with hinged flap, lined with green baize, plain apron fitted with drawer with plain front, cabriole legs, claw and ball feet. Height, 29 inches; length, 32°, inches; width, 28 inches. 734—Castiian Pino Woop Tassie Sixteenth Century ) es Rectangular top with straight edge, spreading, turned, fluted and ie astragalled columnar legs, shaped cross braces and shaped side rails. Wrought-iron, knopped, cylindrical longitudinal braces. Height, 28% inches; length, 58 inches; width, 351/, inches. 735—SranisH Pino Woop Tasie Late Sixteenth Century ra Rectangular top with straight edge, shaped cross braces, turned /4% spreading legs with pear-shaped feet, shaped end rails and wrought-iron knopped cylindrical longitudinal braces. Height, 30%, inches; length, 51 inches; width, 31%, inches, 736—AraconesE Watnour TasLe Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with two draw- / A. © ~ ers with broken paneled fronts and band of carving below, turned columnar legs with cushion feet, square side rails and molded longitudinal stretcher. Wrought-iron pear-shaped drop handles. Height, 31%, inches; length, 68 inches; width, 33 inches. Fourth Afternoon 737— ARAGONESE Oax Kyire TABLE Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with two drawers “- da with carved fronts, turned columnar legs and square rails. Wooden knobs. : Height, 311%, inches; length, 39 inches; width, 25%, inches. 738—CastTitian Watnout TasLeE Sivteenth Century Rectangular top with plain edge, two end supports of spread- | 9) -ing turned legs; wrought-iron curved cylindrical longitudinal brace. Height, 22% inches; length, 44 inches; width, 17 inches. From the collection of Don Bonifacio Diaz Montero of Burgos. 739—-SpanisH Iytarp Waxtnut Carp Taste LKighteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and hinged flap, lined with 65 green baize, inlaid with satinwood and colored woods with three panels of geometrical design, apron inlaid with panels of dark wood and with projecting dies of satinwood engraved with diamond diaper and inlaid with rosettes, square tapering inlaid legs and rectangular brass feet. Height, 30% inches; length, 33 inches; width, 1614 inches. 740—SpanisH Paintep Pino Woop TasLE Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, shaped apron fitted with / 3 - two drawers, the fronts painted in colors with eagle-headed heart-shaped escutcheons and bands, divided by carved and painted console brackets, shaped flat legs and side rails. Height, 33 inches; length, 53 inches; width, 3014 inches. 741—Taracontian WALNUT AND Pino Woop Bripat Arcon, or CHEST Sixteenth Century al |_$ Rectangular hinged lid with rounded edge, fluted apron with notched stiles, front divided into three panels carved with notched round arches and rosettes, flanked and divided by paneled, ros- ette and notch-carved stiles. Molded carved base and plain plinth. 3 Height, 2384 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 21 inches. From the collection of the Marquis de Valverde. Fourth Afternoon 742—Catatontan Pino Woop Brinat Arcon, or CHEST Seventeenth Century wie D - Rectangular hinged braced lid with square edge, plain apron divided by notched stiles, front divided into three panels with round-arched arcadings carved with notches and scrolls, divided by paneled and medallion carved stiles, compartment at end with hinged door, the interior with three drawers with rusticated fronts. Carved and paneled ends. Height, 19 inches; width, 5414 inches; depth, 21 inches. 743—SpanisH Marpre anp Intaip Capiner Seventeenth Century Top of white marble slab with plain edge, body fitted with eleven 7 ) = drawers, the fronts inlaid with tortoise-shell and paneled with slabs of white marble painted in oil colors with landscapes. Cen- tral compartment with hinged door inlaid with tortoise-shell, flanked by columnar pilasters and having above a molded cornice and a balustrade of turned ivory. Molded base and paw feet. Wooden knobs inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Height, 371% inches; width, 3714, inches; depth, 1514 inches. 744 SpanisH Prvo Woop Bripat Arcon, or CHEST Seventeenth Century )o- Rectangular braced top with straight edge, plain apron with notch-carved stiles, front divided into three panels with round- arched fronts and leaf-carved pilasters, separated by carved paneled stiles. One end as compartment with hinged door, the interior with three drawers having rusticated fronts. Plinth with leaf-carved stiles, molded base and paneled ends. Height, 231, inches; width, 5344 inches; depth, 201% inches. From the collection of the Marquis Valverde. 745—CaTatontan Wautnout Tape Seventeenth Century e Rectangular top with plain edge, scalloped apron fitted with ~ three drawers, the fronts appliqués with lozenges and divided by lozenge-carved stiles, turned legs and square side rails. Brass keyhole escutcheons. Height, 33%, inches; length, 4934 inches; width, 28%, inches. 746—SpanisH Watnet TasiE Sixteenth Century ~ -~ Rectangular top with straight edge and shaped cross braces, a . ~ . . plain apron fitted with drawer with raised lozenge paneled front, reel-turned legs with pear-shaped feet and square rails. Height, 28 inches; length, 33 inches; width, 281%, inches. Fourth Afternoon 747—PortucuEsE WatnuT CHaIR Seventeenth Century Flat back with serpentine top, turned vase-shaped brass finials, »- turned legs, shaped, pierced, carved and voluted deep front rail, turned side rails. Seat and back in old embossed leather secured with large brass-headed nails. 748—Two Spanish Watnut ArRMcHAIRS AND ONE SipE CuHarr - Sixteenth Century 4 p- Straight square backs with round and voluted finials, flat molded and voluted arms on square supports with square legs, shaped and carved deep front rails and shaped and square side rails. Seats and backs in original leather, two embossed and secured with large brass-headed nails. 7T49—Two PortucvErsE Watnut CxHairs Seventeenth Century Straight square backs with serpentine tops and turned Side sup- } -ports, turned legs with scrolled voluted and carved deep front rails and square side rails. Seats and backs in old leather em- bossed in a pattern of scrolls, rosettes and honeysuckles and se- cured with large brass-headed nails. (Illustrated ) 750—Pair or ANDALUSIAN Watnut CHairs Sivteenth Century / > . Square open backs with molded frames and vertical molded and ae curved splats, turned legs with ball feet, turned front rail and side rails. Seats in old blue brocatelle. y | lite OnNeony (Aunjuag yyUaa}UIAa9) SHIVHD LANIVAA ASMADALUOT OMT,—6FL ‘ON Fourth Afternoon 751—SpanisH Watnut Woop TasLe Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, shaped apron fitted with fh _ drawer with paneled front, reel-turned legs, ball feet and square rails. Wooden knob. Height, 281% inches; length, 3314 inches; width, 22 inches. 752—Two Spanish Watnut ARMCHAIRS Sixteenth Century , Straight backs, flat straight and curved arms on square supports, a D ' square legs, shaped deep front rails, square side rails. Seats and backs in old leather embossed with panels and diamond diapers and secured with brass and iron-headed nails. (Illustrated) 753—Pair oF Spanish Watnutr CuHairs Philip IV Period of the Eighteenth Century ak 4~~ Open backs with carved and pierced scrolled crestings, shaped, pierced and carved vertical splats, serpentine carved seat fronts and carved cabriole legs with acanthus-leaf feet, turned side rails and shaped, flat stretchers. Seats in old green silk damask. 154—Parr oF PorrucurseE Wautnut CuHarrs Late Sixteenth Century TF Straight square backs with turned vase-shaped brass finials, square legs, shaped, pierced and voluted deep front rail and shaped side rails. Seat and back in old embossed leather secured with large brass-headed nails. 755—SpanisH Pixo Woop GaATE-LEGGED TABLE Seventeenth Century / , 6 - Oval top with straight edge and two hinged drop leaves, painted in colors with oval medallions occupied by ruins and figures on grained grounds patterned with scrollings, and surrounded by border of scrolled leaves on a chocolate-colored ground, turned legs vertically divided to form gates, ball feet and square rails. Height, 281, inches; length, 50 inches; width, 35 inches. 756—ARAGONESE WALNUT TasLE Seventeenth Century / Rectangular top with straight edge, shaped apron fitted with ¥ O “wo drawers, the fronts carved with diamond diapers, reel-turned legs, and square rails. Height, 31%, inches; length, 431% inches; width, 26% inches. (hanquag yyuaajaig) SuIVHOWNY LONIVA\ HSINVdG OM]——ZoL “ON Fourth Afternoon 757—SpanisH WatnutT TaBLe Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and molded cross braces, flat shaped and voluted spreading legs, shaped flat end rails and Ve wrought-iron curved, knopped, cylindrical longitudinal braces. Height, 29%, inches; length, 461, inches; width, 27%, inches. 758—SpanisH Intarp Watnut Tape Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, inlaid with lhght wood, / J 0 - with paneled lozenges. Molded cross braces, turned legs, and wrought-iron, curved and knopped cylindrical longitudinal braces. Height, 29 inches; length, 421 inches; width, 181, inches, 759—SpanisH Waunut TABLE Seventeenth Century 7 D Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with two drawers with fronts carved, in low relief, with panels and bands of zigzags, spreading square legs, chamfered cross braces and shaped side rails. Wrought-iron knobs. Height, 3114 inches; length, 521%, inches; width, 2814 inches. 760—SpranisH Watnut TasLe Seventeenth Century Q Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with “two drawers with paneled fronts carved with rosettes, divided by stile carved with imbrications, reel-turned legs, ball feet and square rails. | Height, 32°, inches; length, 421, inches; width, 251, inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. 761—SpanisH Pino Woop Arcon, or Cuest Seventeenth Century Rectangular hinged braced lid with rounded edge, plain apron / be 5 -with notched stiles, front divided into three panels flanked and separated by notched and paneled stiles. Molded and notched base and paneled ends. Height, 20%, inches; width, 53 inches; depth, 21 inches. (Illustrated) Bi deb HE No. 761—Spranisu Pino Woop Arcon, or CHEST (Seventeenth Century) Fourth Afternoon 762—SpanisH Wautnut TasLeE Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with ’ ) - drawer with lozenge-paneled front, flat, shaped and voluted legs, shaped side rails and flat, shaped longitudinal stretcher. Height, 30% inches; length, 4314 inches; width, 251% inches. 763—ARAGONESE WatNnut TABLE Sixteenth Century 7 - Rectangular top with molded edge, plain apron fitted with drawer with double raised lozenge-paneled front, reel-turned legs, square rails. Brass keyhole escutcheon and wooden knobs. Height, 2334, inches; length, 88 inches; width, 20% inches. 764—Castinian Oak TasLe Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, paneled apron fitted with / 3 6-two drawers with paneled fronts, turned legs with ball feet and flat rails and longitudinal stretcher. Wrought-iron pear-shaped drop handles. —_ Height, 331/, inches; length, 831, inches; width, 23 inches. 765—ARAGONESE Watnut TaBLE Seventeenth Century i D- Rectangular top with straight edge and molded cross braces, carved apron, fitted with two drawers with carved fronts divided by molded brackets. Turned spreading legs and shaped rails. Wooden knobs. Height, 3114 inches; length, 323, inches; width, 2914 inches. 4 ad ee + oe 4 Fourth Afternoon 766—SpanisH Watnut Woop TasLeE Sixteenth Century ‘Fe Rectangular top with straight edge and shaped cross braces, Sea plain apron fitted with two drawers with raised paneled fronts, turned legs with cylindrical feet and square rails. Brass knob. Height, 3214 inches; length, 4114 inches; width, 2614 inches. 767—CatTatontan Watnut TasLe Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and shaped cross braces, ) De plain apron fitted with drawer, the front carved with notched borders and with double lozenge-shaped panels, flat shaped and voluted legs, shaped side rails and spirally twisted wrought-iron stretcher. Height, 3134 inches; length, 48°4 inches; width, 34 inches. 768—SpanisH Watnut KNEEHOLE TABLE Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, kneehole front with three / 7, b- drawers with paneled fronts and two shaped brackets flanked by pilasters with paneled shafts and carved capitals, paneled sides. Wrought-iron pear-shaped drop handles. Height, 321, inches; length, 581, inches; width, 35 inches. 769—Castir1an Waunut TasLe Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with three drawers, the fronts carved with branches of leaves and rosettes, ae mo turned legs with ball feet and square rails. Wooden knobs. Height, 33 inches; length, 73°/, inches; width, 301% inches. 770—Castinian Watnut Sacristy Tape Sivteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with / 4 » . three drawers with cross carved fronts, flanked and divided by shaped brackets, turned legs, ball feet and square rails. Wooden knobs. Height, 3344 inches; length, 70°, inches; width, 29 inches. 771—NortuH Castitian Oax T'as_e Seventeenth Century Square top with straight edge, paneled apron fitted with three 4 drawers with quatrefoil carved fronts, turned legs with cushion / * feet, square side rails and longitudinal stretcher. Wooden knobs. Height, 32% inches; length, 76%, inches; width, 2514 inches. Fourth Afternoon 772—BasauE Watnut Breap Cuppoarp Sivteenth Century Rectangular top with molded and carved edge, body with notch- foo /d- carved apron, arranged as a cupboard with two hinged doors, the front paneled and carved with rectangular leaf medallions and with stiles carved with imbrications, carved paneled sides. Wrought-iron strap hinges. Height, 43, inches; width, 441% inches; depth, 21 inches. 773—SpanisH Inxtaip Watnvut Bripat Arcon, or CHEST Seventeenth Century / bs - Rectangular braced top with rounded edge, apron inlaid with engraved pearwood in patterns of scrolls and birds and divided by notched stiles, front divided into three panels inlaid with strapwork in light and dark woods and in engraved pearwood with panels of landscapes and scrolled leaves, divided and flanked by inlaid paneled stiles, one end panel and stile as hinged door with compartment. Ends paneled and inlaid. Height, 1834 inches; width, 531, inches; depth, 2034 inches. 774—SpanisH Intamw Watnut Bripat Arcon, or CHEST Seventeenth Century / 0 -Rectangular hinged lid with molded edge, paneled apron inlaid with scrolls of dark wood and with stiles carved with leaves, front divided into three broken panels, the centers incised with birds and leaves, divided and flanked by paneled stiles inlaid with scrolls of light wood. Carved feet. Height, 204, inches; width, 55 inches; depth, 21% inches, From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. 775—CatTaLonian Wautnut Arcon, or Cuest Seventeenth Century Rectangular hinged ld with molded edge, apron carved with / } 0 quatrefoil medallions and divided by notched stiles, front di- vided into three panels with round-arched arcaded fronts having pilasters carved with overlapping tesserex, divided by paneled and rosette carved stiles, molded base and paw feet. Height, 201, inches; width, 541% inches; depth, 21 inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. A : e 7 - . 7 Fourth Afternoon 776—SpanisH Waunut Capsrnet Breap Taste Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with rounded edge and shaped braces, front /’) ) - fitted with three drawers, two with plain fronts, one with front carved in low relief, turned legs, notch-carved front rail and molded side rails. Height, 29 inches; length, 46 inches; width, 231, inches. 777—Taraconian Pino Woop Brivat Arcon, or CHEST Seventeenth Century / & ) - Rectangular hinged braced lid with molded edge, apron carved with rosettes and with notched stiles, front divided into seven panels with round-arched tops with notched pilasters and stiles. One end as compartment with hinged door, the interior with three drawers with rusticated fronts. Molded base. Round- arched paneled ends. Height, 1914 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 20 inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. 778—NortH Castinian Watnut Door Seventeenth Century In three vertical sections; formed by raised panels, carved with / ob p - rosettes. Applied side panels secured with wrought-iron bosses. Height, 661% inches; width, 32 inches. 779—-Burcos Oak Door Fifteenth Century a Rectangular shape, with four molded panels, carved in linen-fold ee pattern with plain stiles. Height, 6624 inches; width, 281%, inches. 780—SpanisH CarveD AND PainrED WoopEen Door | é Eighteenth Century 7 Center panel with molded round arch above and below and filled with diamond trellising, cresting carved as a shell with volutes and scrolled acanthus leaves. Lower portion with scrolled, vol- uted and acanthus-leaf decorated arch, and panel filled with diamond trellising. Painted. Height, 811% inches; width, 38 inches. Fourth Afternoon 781—Totepan Watnut Door Sixteenth Century Rectangular shape with front with twenty-one panels, sur- “+ / © younded by moldings and decorated with incised lozenges and carved oval medallions, some surrounded by voluted scrolls. Upper panels incised with names and monograms. Height, 7814, inches; width, 40 inches. Fourth Afternoon SPANISH IRONWORK The iron mines of Spain, the greatest metalliferous country of ancient Europe, were operated as early as the sixth century B.C. It is, therefore, not surprising that the Peninsula is extremely rich in decorative ironwork forged during the Middle Ages. There seems to be something about the intractable metal which appealed to the indomitable temper of the people, and artists of the highest rank worked in it. It was, appropriately enough, in Northern Catalonia that the metal was smelted in a distinctly new fashion, the open hearth being abandoned for a closed one, a forerunner of the modern blast furnace. To-day, in Pittsburgh, a peculiarly fine iron is produced by what is still known as the “Catalan process.” Outside of Spain, it has been said, it is difficult to study the achievements of the Spanish smiths, the size and weight of the gates and screens rendering their removal practically impossible. But mod- ern energy has overcome their removal and some of these large pieces, as, for instance, the Catalonian reja in the collection, have been brought across the ocean in their entirety. Of such smaller articles as brackets, torchéres, andirons and screens there are many _ here catalogued, while special attention is directed to the lecterns, which, as pieces of church furniture, are to-day well-nigh unprocurable. There is also a most extraordinary assemblage of Gothic wrought-iron hard- ware, nails, boxes, locks, keys and pierced bands. These have now become exceedingly rare, and such pieces are the pride not only of a few Spanish collectors but of some American museums as well. He. SPANISH IRONWORK, CHIEFLY OF THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 782—Sretr or Four Spanish WrovucGHtT-1Iron BostcHes Seventeenth Century 2— © ~ Circular shape, pierced with scrolled crestings, divided by bal- uster-shaped finials. Interiors set with pointed iron hooks. Height, 41/, inches; diameter, 1014 inches. Fourth Afternoon 783—PaneEL or SPANISH WROUGHT-IRON CATHEDRAL PortTat Bosses Fifteenth Century fs Fifty-seven fluted bosses and twenty-nine nails. Some with shell- headed nails, some with escutcheon and _ fork-headed nails. Mounted on board to suggest a cathedral door. Note: This collection was exhibited at the Exposition of Spanish Ironwork held at the National Archeological Museum, Madrid, in 1919. 184—PaneL oF SPANISH WRroOUGHT-IRON MounrtTINGS Sivteenth Century ; / XX © _Thirty-seven pieces. Scrolled escutcheon surmounted by a royal : crown and charged with the arms of Castile and Leon, scrolled a plates, pierced borders and bosses with nails. Mounted on old crimson velvet. Height, 1 foot 8 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. 485—PanEL OF SPANISH WrovuGHT-IRON MountTiINGs / Sixteenth Century ® “Sixteen pieces. ‘T'wo panels of pierced wrought-iron scrolls and leaves, quatrefoil-shaped and circular bosses and nails. Mounted on old crimson velvet. Heights, 1 foot 5 inches; widths, 4 feet 4 inches. Y86—PaneEL oF SPANISH WrovuGHT-IRON MounrINGs Sixteenth Century reneite Sixty pieces. Two octagonal panels of wrought-iron keys. Mounted on boards. Y87—PaneEL oF SPANISH WrovucHtT-1roN Movuntinecs 5 ‘ Sivteenth Century Seventy pieces. Panel of wrought-iron locks, latches, hasps, hinges and Bargueno mounts. Mounted on red silk. 788—PaANnEL oF Spanish WrovucuHtT-iron Mountines 1 FD Sixteenth Century Mien Seventy pieces. Panel of seventy bosses, some with nails. Plain and fluted. Mounted on board to suggest a cathedral door. Fourth Afternoon 789—PaneEL OF SPanisH WrovucHtT-tron Movuntines Sixteenth Century 3 4-- Fifty-five pieces. Nails and nail-plates of various shapes and sizes. Mounted on board to suggest a cathedral door. 790—PaNnEL oF SpanisH Wrovucut-1ron Movuntinecs Sixteenth Century 4 5 - Highty-eight pieces. Nails and nail-plates of various shapes and sizes. Mounted on board to suggest a cathedral door. 791—TurReE Spanish Wroucut-iron CanvLE Brackets ree Seventeenth Century ~3 Pde ~ Scrolled, knopped and voluted branches, saucer-shaped bobéches with scalloped rims, and cylindrical candle-sockets. Length, 13 inches. 792—-Pairn oF SPANISH WROUGHT-IRON CANDLE BRACKETS Curved, square iron branches decorated with wrought-iron scrolled 47 p ~ leaves, circular bobéches with scalloped edges and cylindrical candle-sockets. Height, 1514 inches. 793—Parr or Spanish WrovucHtT-iron CanvLEe Brackets Seventeenth Century J S*~ Curved and voluted branches decorated with wrought-iron ser- rated leaves, circular bobéches with scalloped edges and cylindri- cal candle-sockets. (One candle-socket missing.) Length, 17 inches. 794—Parr or Spanish WrovucGHt-tron CanpLEeE Brackets Seventeenth Century Jd 47 Curved, cylindrical knopped branches decorated with wrought- ail . A . . iron leaves, circular bobéches and cylindrical candle-sockets sup- ported by wrought-iron acanthus leaves. Height, 17 inches. Fourth Afternoon 195—Set oF Four SpanisH WrRoOvUGHT-IRON CANDLE BRACKETS _ Curved, knopped cylindrical branches, saucer-shaped bobéches, a 2- “cylindrical candle-sockets and curved and voluted strap-iron arms. (One bobéche and candle-socket missing.) Length, 221, inches; height, 12 inches. 796—Parr oF Spanish WrovucutT-iron Anprrons Sixteenth Century PD Straight cylindrical standards with flat circular finials, curved / a = strap-iron legs and wrought-iron bars. Height, 1314 inches; width, 9 inches, 797——-Parr oF SPANISH WRoUGHT-IRON ANDIRONS oT? - a / ; Iron bar standards appliqués with pierced and bossed quatre- foil rosettes, round, arched strap-iron legs and iron bars. Seventeenth Century Height, 1624 inches; width, 111% inches. 798—SpanisH WROUGHT-IRON ANDIRONS Sixteenth Century J Straight standards of bar iron with spherical finials and two /- ~ hooks at back, round-arched feet supporting ringed hobs. Flat molded fire-bars and molded horizontal front bar with swinging ring in center. Height, 16 inches. 799—Pair oF Spanish WrovucHtT-Iron ANDIRONS SD Seventeenth Century ee Square tapering standards with scrolled and voluted strap-iron side supports, round-arched strap-iron legs and flat bars. Height, 23 inches; width, 114% inches. 800—SpanisH WrovucutT-iron Fintan Seventeenth Century Te Shaped as a vase with straight sides, domed cover, floral finial, (Fin looped, rosetted and voluted handles, conical stem and circular foot. Height, 19 inches. 801—Casti11t1an WrovcutT-1ron LEcTERN Sixteenth Century it _Rectangular stem. Decorated with two flat rings with floral supports and with serrated leaves. Sloping rectangular reading desk of sheet iron pierced in a scrolled pattern. Height, 191, inches. Fourth Afternoon 802—CastTiniANn WrovucGHT-tron ‘T'oRCHERE Seventeenth Century Cylindrical knopped and vase-shaped stem, circular bobéche, with 7 gallery pierced with imbrications, cylindrical candle-socket pierced with cross. On tripod stand with three curved legs of strap-iron. Height, 30 inches. 803—CaraLontan WrovucHT-iron ToRCHERE Fifteenth Century é Cylindrical knopped stem, circular bobéche with serrated edge, : “cylindrical candle-sockets. On tripod stand with three curved strap-iron legs. Height, 54 inches. Fourth Afternoon 804—SpanisH WrovucutT-iron Torco HoLper Sixteenth Century £7) Stem of square iron bar, circular top with four perpendicular / / ‘ = jaws. On tripod stand of three curved strap-iron legs. Height, 32%, inches. 805—Pair or CaTatonian WrovcutT-1ron VoTivE CanpLE STANDS Sixteenth Century 4 D “Hexagonal knopped stems, circular candle-holder set with cvyl- indrical candle-sockets and iron prickets. On tripod base of three curved strap-iron legs. Height, 56 inches. 806—THrReEE CasTILiIAN WrovucHtT-iron CANDLE HoLpErs Sixteenth Century ib b 5 -Cylindrical stems, decorated with acanthus leaves in relief, cir- cular bobéches and cylindrical candle-sockets, one with horizontal bar supported by voluted strap-iron brackets and with four cyl- indrical candle-sockets. All on tripod stands of three curved strap-iron legs. Heights, 3714, and 44 inches. (Illustrated) 807—SeEvILLIAN PaInrED WrovucGHtT-1ron EccLestasticAaL LANTERN Bracket Seventeenth Century Vinee: Straight, square arm, ending in hook, and decorated with ser- rated pointed leaves. Strap-iron cresting decorated with Virgin’s monogram and palm leaves. Front with voluted bracket sur- mounted by Maltese cross. Height, 38 inches; length, 46 inches. 808—Pair or Spanish WrovucHtT-iron Hancine CANDELABRA Seventeenth Century / #5" Colindical stems ornamented with wrought-iron acanthus leaves, four curved and scrolled branches of strap-iron ornamented with wrought-iron leaves and flowers and ending in cylindrical candle- sockets, tasseled pendants. Painted and gilt. Height, 16 inches, Exhibited at the Archeological Museum of Madrid by the “So- ciedad Espanola de Amigos del Arte” in 1919. ai a a (hanzuag yyuaaqrig) SHAGdIOFY WIANV,) NOUI-LHOYDOU AA NVITILSV() aauH [—908 “ON Fourth Afternoon 809—ITraLIaN WrovucuHutT-IRoN CHurRcH VoTIVE CANDLE-STAND fe: Sixteenth Century Tripod stand of three curved iron bars decorated with acan- thus leaves, volutes and voluted leaves pierced with circular open- ings. Above are two rings set with prickets, the upper one sup- ported by three curved strap-iron brackets with voluted ends; finial of pointed banded acanthus leaves and pricket. Height, 611% inches. Fourth Afternoon 810—SpanisH WrovucutT-1ron Bracket Sixteenth Century Horizontal iron bar branch, scrolled and voluted iron bar bracket, 7) & = decorated with wrought-iron acanthus leaves, cornucopia of flow- ers and leaves and scrolled branches of flowers and leaves. Height, 2 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 811—Two Spanish WrovcutT-1ron Brackets Seventeenth Century — Horizontal branches, one of strap-iron, one of knopped spherical : cylindrical knopped stem with applied bossed quatrefoil and scrolled horizontal arm. Tripod stand of three voluted knopped iron-rod legs with flattened voluted feet. Height, 63 inches. (Illustrated) 819—Pair or ANDALUSIAN WrouGHtT-Iron LECTERNS Seventeenth Century a 00 “Sloping reading desks, pierced with fans, cylindrical knopped, vase-shaped stems. Qn tripod stands of three scrolled voluted iron-rod legs. Heights, 59 inches. (Illustrated) 820—IrauiAn WrovucutT-1ron Livery STABLE SIGN nk Seventeenth Century Horizontal looped branch of strap iron. Swinging sign of wrought-iron shaped as a horse’s head—trappings with bridle. Height, 1 foot 10 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches. (hanquay yyuaaqzuaaagy) SNYALOaT NOYWI-LHONOUAA NVISOTIVONY 618 = sis 618 Fourth Afternoon 821—CaTALoNIAN WRroUGHT-IRON CuurcyH VoTIvE CANDELABRUM CS Sixteenth Century Cylindrical stem, ending in point- ed pricket; three flat rings sup- ported by voluted brackets, the two upper ones with serrated edges; cylindrical candle-sockets and pointed iron prickets. On tripod stand with three curved legs. Height, 83 inches; width, 25 inches. 822—-SpanisH WrovucGHT-IRoN LAN- TERN BRACKET Dona Seventeenth Century Horizontal branch with voluted scrollings of strap-iron and leaf- decorated finial and meander bracket. of wrought-iron with strap-iron fleur-de-lis in the cen- ter. Painted. Height, 461% inches. 823—Pair—or Spanise WROUGHT-IRON ANDIRONS” eas tn dLo Ae: = Seventeenth Century Spirally twisted iron bar stand- ards, ending in pear-shaped bas- kets with strap-iron sides, curved feet and horizontal bar of strap- iron. Height, 21 inches; width, 72 inches. 824—Pairz_ or Spanise# WROUGHT-IRON ~ SD Axprroms = sno. 4 Ss i Seventeenth Century Spirally twisted iron bar stand- ards with pear-shaped baskets having sides of bar iron, round- arched strap-iron legs and bar with floriated cross in center. 821 Height, 201% inches; width, 72 inches. Fourth Afternoon 825—NortuH Iranian PatnreD WrovucHt-1ron MEDALLION Seventeenth Century aie Circular wreath of laurel leaves and flowers, enclosing a sheet- iron silhouette of a bear with chain and tree-trunk, the arms of the Barberini family. Painted. Diameter, 38 inches. 826—SranisH WRrovUGHT-IRON CRESTING Seventeenth Century Formed of shaped and embossed plates of wrought-iron, simu- / J. lating candlesticks, with saucer-shaped bobéches and cylindrical candle-sockets. Crossed pendants of leaves between appliqués with blossoms of wrought-iron. (Three bobéches and one candle- stick missing. ) | Height, 10 inches; length, 58 inches. 827—SpanisH WRoOUGHT-IRON CRESTING Shaped and formed of scrolled strap-iron with double volutes, ok 0 “pierced scroll and leaves and shaped lambrequin below, with iron tassels. Height, 1 foot 61% inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. 828—Iratian Wrovcut-iron CRrEsTING Eighteenth Century = vn Shaped and wrought-iron straps, scrolled, voluted and decorated with pierced wrought-iron leaves, quatrefoils, shell and festoons. Height, 1 foot 5 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. 829—Two Spanish WrovucutT-1ron Crestincs Kighteenth Century Shaped, of scrolled strap-iron ornamented with pierced shells in 3 ) = centers flanked by scrolled leaves of wrought-iron. Height, 1 foot 6 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 830—Srer or Four Spanish WrovuGHtT-Iron PANELS Eighteenth Century / ae o Rectangular shape, two with serpentine and two with bowed fronts. Paneled with interlacements and scrolled leaves of wrought-iron straps. Three with wrought-iron locks and all four with hinges. Height, 40 inches; widths, 14 and 23 inches. Fourth Afternoon 831—SpanisH WrovucuHtT-1roN FINiAu Eighteenth Century 3 _Vase-shaped, with straight sloping sides, straight looped handles, 1 2 pinnacle neck and foot. Fitted with wrought-iron flowers and leaves. Height, 2 feet 6 inches. 832—Iratian PaintepD WrovuGHT-1Ron INN Sicn Eighteenth Century Di Dar eaten and voluted cylindrical iron branch decorated with wrought-iron acanthus leaves and knopped with leaves. Swing- ing oval sign painted with hen and wrought-iron bow of ribbon. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 833—IraLtiAn WRrovUGHT-IRON SHOP SIGN Seventeenth Century Horizontal branch of bar iron, with bracket of scrolled and “i _voluted bar iron decorated with wrought-iron leaves and tasseled lambrequin. Branch with scalloped shield at end and rectangular swinging sign of sheet iron. Height, 2 feet 2 inches; width, 6 feet 10 inches. 834—SpanisH WrovucHT-IRON BrAackET AND SIGN S79 Eighteenth Century j aL ~ Bracket with straight spirally twisted branch and circular plate, pierced with a cross. Sign as a crowned lion with claws. Painted red. 835—SpanisH WrovucHT-1ron Window Screen Eighteenth Century _ D- Rectangular shape, square wrought-iron bars with cylindrical vase-shaped upper and lower portions and alternate open lozenge- shaped medallions. Cresting of strap-iron scrolls with trefoiled finial. Height, 4 feet; width, 2 feet 71/4 inches. 836—IraL1an WROUGHT-IRON SCREEN Seventeenth Century Semicircular shape. Vertically divided by iron bars into panels Ro “of S-shaped voluted scrolls, the ends of volutes wrought as leaves. In the center is a circular wreath of wrought-iron leaves, grapes, fruits and ears of barley, enclosing a seventeenth century ship with high poop and crescent-shaped sails. Wreath and ship gilt. Height, 3 feet 9 inches; width,.7 feet 9 inches. 837—PortTIon oF SpanisH WrovucutT-iron Gate Siateenth Century SO Two cylindrical knopped and vase-decorated standards. Por- / ae ™ tion of scalloped cresting with wrought-iron hook. Strap-iron base. Height, 43 inches. Fourth Afternoon 838—Pair oF SPANISH WRoUGHT-IRON WINDOW SCREENS of 0 Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape. Filled with a diapered pattern of strap-iron quatrefoils, and with sides of interlaced and voluted C-scrolls ornamented with leaves. Cresting of voluted scrolls ending in leaves and shaped lambrequins. Height, 3 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. 839—Pair oF SPANISH WroucGHT-IRON WINDOW SCREENS FRO Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape, with projecting lower portions paneled with wrought-iron vertical bars having pointed-arch tops. Crestings of scrolled and voluted iron straps ornamented with scrolled wrought-iron acanthus leaves. Bands of reversed round arches of strap iron below. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 11 inches. Fourth Afternoon 840—SpanisH Wrovucut-rron Window JALOUSIE Eighteenth Century Linegs D ~ Rectangular shape with curved front and serpentine top. Verti- cal wrought-iron bars, band below of alternate ovals, sides of C-scrolls ending in leaves, top of scrolled wrought-iron acanthus leaves with circular medallion in center with Masonic symbol. Height, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 3% inches. 841—SpanisH WrovucuT-iron Srarrcas—E Gate and WINGS Seventeenth Century / \-)? Gate in two portions with arched top and ornamented meeting bars. Panels filled with wrought-iron bar scrolls and volutes ornamented with wrought-iron leaves and flowers. Curved wings of wrought-iron bar scrolls and volutes ornamented with wrought- iron leaves. Height of gate, 56 inches; width of gate, 80 inches. 842—SpanisH WRovGHT-IRON BaLusTRADING Sixteenth Century Rectangular-shaped panel, of bar and strap iron, fitted with // () ae Seventeenth Century Straight square backs with rounded tops, turned legs with pear- shaped feet, carved, pierced and shaped deep front rails and turned side rails. Seats and backs in crimson velvet, cut in a design of scrolled leaves and medallions. 858—Spanish Wartnur Travetinc Armcuair Eighteenth Century fol o- Sloping square adjustable back, straight upholstered arms end- ing with carved women’s heads on molded curved supports, shaped, molded and voluted legs with pear-shaped feet, scrolled hinged side rails and shaped hinged stretcher. Seat, back and arms in sixteenth century Genoese crimson velvet finished with silk fringe. Note: This chair folds up so as to admit of packing and transporting from place to place on mule-back, and the removal of the back converts it into a Bishop’s Throne. Used by the Spanish Bishops on their pastoral trips. Fifth and Last Afternoon 859—Set or Six French Watnvut Cuarrs Eighteenth Century l. ae: Spade-shaped backs with molded, carved frames and pointed finials, serpentine, carved aprons, turned, fluted tapering legs carved with acanthus leaves. Seats and backs in woven cane- work. 860—SpanisH Watnut ARMCHAIR Sivteenth Century Straight square back with molded and voluted finials, flat voluted ot J 0- arms, on square fluted supports, pierced and carved deep front rail, square, fluted and astragalled legs, shaped side rails. Seat and back in old crimson velvet secured with rosetted brass-headed © nails and finished with silk fringe. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. <é ey x LG CG as OS S-98-~, 7 | / ] ; Fifth and Last Afternoon 861—Frencuo Watnut ARMCHAIR Sixteenth Century Straight square back, curved, carved and voluted arms on turned supports, turned legs with rectangular feet and turned rails. Seat and back in Flemish tapestry woven in designs, the back ) ~ in a design of Darius with wife and family standing outside a pavilion, the seat in a verdure design of leaves on dark and light grounds. Secured with brass-headed nails. 862—Parr or Frencu Girt ARMCHAIRS Empire Period of the Nineteenth Century Straight square backs with fan-carved head-rails, curved cylin- / 73 ) = drical acanthus-leaf carved arms ending in lions’ heads, on turned carved supports and square tapering fluted legs. Seats and backs in French damask, one of blue woven with baskets of fruits and birds, one of rose-color woven with octagonal panels and vases. Fifth and Last Afternoon 863—Pair or French Watnut Armcuairs Seventeenth Century Straight square backs, curved voluted arms carved with acan- / / SP thus leaves on turned voluted and imbricated supports, turned and carved legs, acanthus-leaf carved feet, turned, fluted and carved side rails and turned, fluted and carved stretcher with carved voluted center. Seats and backs in sixteenth century French tapestry woven in designs, the backs of seated figures of Knight and Chatelaine with pond and formal garden in dis-~ tance and of youth and maiden with formal garden, buildings and trees in the background and flanked by terminal caryatid figures, the seats of vases of varicolored flowers on light grounds with half-figures below, drapery festoons and figures holding torches above and baskets of fruits. Secured with brass-headed nails. ou : / \ a ae wwe Lae Fifth and Last Afternoon 864—Frencu Intaip Watnour Wririne Taste Eighteenth Century & 0+ Oval top inlaid with parquetry of checkered squares, plain apron fitted with three drawers, divided into stationery compartments and square tapering legs. Height, 30% inches; length, 28 inches; width, 2014, inches. 865—Grisons Intain Watnut Tape Eighteenth Century . Rectangular top with plain edge, inlaid, in colored woods, with o an oval rosetted medallion, a panel of checkered basket-work, cinquefoil rosettes at angles and borders of floral meander and diagonals. Inlaid apron fitted with four drawers and with band below carved with guilloche patterning. Tapering square legs. Height, 31 inches; length, 37 inches; width, 25 inches. 866—Caratonran Watnvut TasLe Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and molded cross braces, / 2 ) -reel-turned spreading legs, shaped end rails and wrought-iron cylindrical longitudinal braces with double knopped ends. se- cured with iron discs. Height, 301% inches; length, 541, inches; width, 36 inches. 867—SpanisH Waunout TasLe Sixteenth Century Rectangular framed top with plain edge, molded cross braces, 3 spreading turned legs with rectangular feet carved with es- a cutcheons surmounted by coronets and charged with coats-of- arms. Square end rails and wrought-iron curved, knopped, cyl- indrical longitudinal braces. Height, 281, inches; length, 65 inches; width, 35 inches. 868—ARraGonEsE WatnvutT Breap TaBLe Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with square edges, plain apron, fitted with 7 » drawers with leaf medallion carved fronts, turned legs, flat molded rails and longitudinal stretcher. Wooden knobs and wrought-iron keyhole escutcheons. Height, 32%, inches; length, 70 inches; width, 261, inches. Fifth and Last Afternoon 869—SpanisH Wautnut TaBLeE Seventeenth Century Rectangular planked top with straight edge, shaped and voluted 1 l, flat legs with molded cross braces, shaped end rails and wrought- “iron cylindrical twisted and voluted longitudinal braces. Height, 321%, inches; length, 67 inches; width, 32%, inches. 8'70—NortH Castinian Watnut Rerectory Tape Sixteenth Century / Fd “Rectangular top with straight edge, paneled apron fitted with two drawers, turned legs, molded rails and longitudinal stretcher. Wrought-iron pear-shaped drop handles. Height, 301%, inches; length, 77 inches; width, 2314 inches. 871—Castinian Watnut Tape Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with <2. © 0- three drawers, the fronts paneled and carved in low relief and divided by carved stiles, turned legs, pear-shaped feet and square rails. Wrought-iron looped handles and keyhole escutcheons. Height, 301%, inches; length, 921%, inches; width, 23 inches. 872—SpanisH Watnut Monastic Lisrary Taser Late Sixteenth Century / ih ae Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with four | drawers with quatrefoil medallion carved fronts, turned legs, pear-shaped feet and flat square side rails. Wooden knobs. Height, 824, inches; length, 97 inches; width, 271% inches. ee ee ee — oT! . a a Se a eee Fifth and Last Afternoon 873—CaTatonian Wautnut TaBLe Siateenth Century Rectangular top with rounded edge, flat shaped, voluted and | 3 yg - carved legs, shaped, flat end rails, and wrought-iron knopped cylindrical braces. Shaped and voluted cross bases. Height, 29 inches; length, 371, inches; width, 221%, inches. 8'74—SpanisH Watnvut TaBLe Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with square edge, shaped flat legs with shaped / 60 “cross braces and shaped end rails. Wrought-iron knopped cyl- indrical curved and voluted longitudinal braces. Height, 34 inches; length, 851, inches; width, 36 inches. 875—ARAGONESE WatnuTt TABLE Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with three ;, 9-drawers, the fronts carved with rectangular quatrefoil leaf me- dallions, turned legs with cushion feet, and chamfered side rails. Ends carved with quatrefoil medallions and leaf medallion in center. Height, 32°, inches; length, 73°34 inches; width, 33 inches. Fifth and Last Afternoon 876—Leron Intaip Watnut Tape Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge with incised and boxwood vi IS -inlaid circular leaf medallion and border inlaid with bands and roundels, plain apron fitted with three drawers, two plain fronts, one with front inlaid in boxwood, raised, shaped and engraved as a landscape, ship and ruins, sides and one end of back sim- ilarly inlaid, turned legs, ball feet, flat square rails, wrought-iron keyhole escutcheons. Height, 821/, inches; length, 67 inches: width, Baanehen Note: This table is a striking example of the characteristic Spanish lack of symmetry. 877—CastTinian Watnut TasLe Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with two / ~ o- drawers with leaf medallion carved fronts and leaf-carved bands below, turned legs, square feet and molded square end rails. Height, 301% inches; length, 85 inches; width, 23 inches. 878—Castiti1an Pino Woop Bripat Arcon, or CHEST Sivteenth Century / | 0 - Rectangular hinged lid with molded edge, plain front, molded base and cushion feet, pierced and shaped wrought-iron lock plate with wrought-iron hasp, shaped and pierced angle pieces and swinging looped carrying handles. Height, 26% inches; width, 36 inches; depth, 20 inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. Fifth and Last Afternoon 879—SranisH Watnut TaBsLe Late Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with square edge, shaped flat voluted legs with a FD “shaped cross braces, shaped flat end rails and wrought-iron curved cylindrical longitudinal braces. Height, 32% inches; length, 571% inches; width, 34 inches. 880—Castintian Watnout TasLe Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with three / b drawers with paneled fronts separated and divided by molded voluted modillions, turned legs and square rails. Height, 31 inches; length, 661, inches; width, 31 inches. 881—SpanisH Watnut TasLe Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, paneled and carved apron / ‘a O fitted with two drawers with paneled fronts carved with rect- angular medallions and divided by medallion carved panel, turned columnar legs, pear-shaped feet and square side rails. Wrought- iron keyhole escutcheon. Height, 32% inches; length, 56 inches; width, 2934, inches. 882—SpanisH Watnut TaBLeE Sixteenth Century Rectangular planked top with straight edge and molded cross or a. braces, turned spreading legs with turned central support, turned end rails and wrought-iron curved knopped cylindrical longitu- dinal braces. Height, 27 inches; length, 651% inches; width, 3934, inches. 883—AraconEseE Watnut TaBLe Late Stateenth Century Va) _ Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with three drawers with paneled and carved fronts, separated and flanked by molded brackets, turned legs and square rails. a Height, 311% inches; length, 71% inches; width, 81 inches. 884—ARAGONESE Watnut TABLE Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with —l } 2 three drawers with paneled and carved fronts, turned legs, square side rails and longitudinal stretcher. Wooden knobs. Height, 3114 inches; length, 8814 inches; width, 26%, inches. Fifth and Last Afternoon 885—Ser or Srx Spanish Watnut Monastic ARMCHAIRS ne hese ie Seventeenth Century Straight square backs with round finials, straight flat voluted arms on square supports, square legs, deep front rails and side rails. Seats and backs in original leather with embossed and sewn panels, secured with large brass-headed nails. 886—Pair oF SALAMANCA PaIntTED WALNuT Sacristy CHAIRS AND SE ee SETTEE Seventeenth Century Straight square backs with voluted finials, painted in colors with central shield enclosing pierced heart and with four cir- cular medallions enclosing portraits on a red ground patterned with scrolls, birds, animals, human figures and churches, straight square legs, shaped carved deep front rails and shaped side rails. Seats and side supports in purple velvet secured with brass-headed nails and finished with silk fringe. (Illustrated) 887—PortucuEsE WALNUT SETTEE Seventeenth Century If d- Back of three chair-backs with serpentine tops, plain apron, reel- turned legs and side rail, shaped and carved deep front rail and turned stretchers. Seat and back in embossed brown velvet secured with brass oval-headed nails and finished with silk fringe. Length, 70 inches. ae (Aanquag yjzucajuaaag) GaLLagG GNV SuYIVH) ALSIMOVG LOANIVAA GHLNIV | VINVNVIVS AO YIVg—988 “ON DOTA cane Sak LIP waht Fifth and Last Afternoon 888—BasauE WaLtnutr CABINET Seventeenth Century Rectangular shaped top with molded edge, body arranged as a J ji Db - cupboard with two hinged doors having double paneled fronts carved with scrolled rectangles in high relief, divided and flanked by stiles appliqués with carved fruit pendants depending from voluted scrolls, molded base and cushion feet. Brass knobs and keyhole escutcheon. Height, 36 inches; width, 37% inches; depth, 18% inches. 889—BasavE Watnut CHEsT Fifteenth Century Rectangular hinged and braced lid with rounded edge, plain / 3 © ‘front, shaped plinth carved with rosettes and quatrefoil medal- lions, wrought-iron keyhole escutcheon and angle pieces. Height, 26 inches; width, 51 inches; depth, 18 inches. us Fifth and Last Afternoon 890—TotEpan InLAID Watnvut CaBIneET Sixteenth Century w¥od- Rectangular top with molded modillioned edge, apron fitted with four drawers with paneled and inlaid fronts, cupboard below with two hinged doors with lozenge-paneled fronts flanked by tapering fluted pilasters with voluted capitals and by raised panels. Plinth fitted with drawer with paneled front, molded broken base and cushion feet. Brass knobs. Height, 3414 inches; width, 42%, inches; depth, 18 inches. 891—-VaLLADOLIDIAN GiLtT, PAINTED AND Carved Woop FRAME iL Sixteenth Century Broken carved and dentilled cornice and frieze carved with cherubim and busts, supported by two pilasters of different designs (one with fluted acanthus-leaf carved shaft, one with plain acanthus-leaf carved shaft) and carved vase-shaped bases on cylindrical pedestals carved with drapery festoons. Painted and gilt. Height, 59 inches; width, 4814, inches. Fifth and Last Afternoon 892—Castizian Intaip Watnut Taste Early Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge and shaped cross braces, plain apron fitted with two drawers with fronts inlaid, in light and dark woods, with Hispano-Mauresque interlacements ; turned spreading legs, with shaped rails. Wrought-iron cylindrical curved longitudinal brackets and shell-shaped handles. 2 S0- Height, 31 inches; length, 414%, inches; width, 25%, inches. (Illustrated) 893—PortucuEsE Pino Woop TasBLE Late Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with gauffered edge, paneled apron, fitted with three drawers with paneled fronts, appliqués with rectangular / LL » - pierced metal keyhole escutcheons divided by molded stiles, and with carved band below. Pear-shaped, bulbous turned legs, — spirally turned rails and cushion feet. Brass mounts and knobs. Height, 36%, inches; length, 72 inches; width, 837%, inches. 894—Castit1an Wautnut TasLE Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with three a dD drawers with carved and paneled fronts separated and flanked by molded brackets and with leaf-carved band below, turned legs with cushion feet, shaped cross braces and side rails. Wrought- iron, rectangular, voluted, longitudinal braces. Height, 3314 inches; length, 6614 inches; width, 26144 inches. 895—Tortepan Watnut Rerectory Tape Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with square edge, lozenge-paneled apron fitted 2s with three drawers divided by voluted modillions and flanked by ‘voluted brackets, turned legs with ball feet and square rails and longitudinal stretcher. Height, 34 inches; length, 73 inches; width, 331, inches. (Illustrated) No. 892—CastTiL1AN INLAiD WaLNuT TABLE (Early Siateenth Century) No. 895—Torepan Watnut Rerectory TABLE (Sixteenth Century) Fifth and Last Afternoon 896—NortH Castinian Watnut TABLE Sivteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with two 2 0 D drawers, the fronts carved with circular rosettes and stars, turned ~ legs with cushion feet, chamfered side rails and longitudinal stretcher, wrought-iron keyhole escutcheons. | Height, 33%, inches; length, 8514, inches; width, 27 inches. 897—Castir1an Watnut Tape Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with two drawers / Bs p -with paneled and leatf-carved fronts, separated by carved panel and with egg and dart carved band below, turned legs, ball feet, chamfered side rails and rounded longitudinal stretcher. Height, 33% inches; length, 7434 inches; depth, 28 inches. 898—Parr oF BasavE Watnut BENCHES - Kighteenth Century Spindled backs with straight head rails, carved with egg and oL <2 o -dart ornament and diamond diaper, carved voluted finials, wooden seats with molded edges, straight square legs carved with diamond diapers and square rails. Length, 40 inches. 899—SpanisH Watnut Sacristy BENcH Sixteenth Century Straight sloping square back with molded edge, wooden seat / + O-with shaped cross braces and open lyre-shaped flat legs. Wrought- iron, knopped, cylindrical, longitudinal braces. Length, 60 inches. 900—SpanisH Pino Woop Sacristy BENcH Sixteenth Century Straight back with molded edge, carved with scrolled escutcheons 4 fé ¢ . charged with crosses of the Knights of Santiago de Calatrava, wooden seat, reel-turned spreading legs with pear-shaped feet, reel-turned side rails and wrought-iron cylindrical longitudinal braces. Length, 73 inches. (Illustrated) 901—SpanisuH Pino Woop BEencH Seventeenth Century Straight square upholstered back, upholstered seat, straight spreading legs, shaped side rails and wrought-iron knopped cyl- indrical curved longitudinal stretcher with branched ends wrought with volutes and rosettes. Seat and back in old eighteenth cen- tury crimson velvet secured with rosetted and medallioned brass- headed nails. Length, 76 inches. % Uist he hapeg RSS No. 900—Spanisu Pino Woop Sacristy BEencu (Sixteenth Century) Fifth and Last Afternoon 902—Pair oF SpanisH Prno Woop Doors Sivteenth Century Rectangular shape. Ejight-pointed stars in center with molded ie ub OD borders carved with scrolled leaves and floral medallions. Above and below are seven panels with molded borders carved with scrolled leaves and floral and leaf medallions. Height, 76 inches; width, 41 inches. 903—SranisH Pino Woop CazpinetT Stanp Late Fifteenth Century ae. Arranged as cupboard, with plain apron, two hinged double- paneled doors, flanked by turned columnar pilasters, rectangu- lar feet and rails. Height, 31 inches; width, 40 inches; depth, 21%, inches, 904—SpanisH Pino Woop CaBINET Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, body arranged with three Tien « drawers with paneled fronts and cupboard below with two hinged doors having raised paneled fronts. Paneled sides and wrought- iron pear-shaped drop handles and looped carrying handles. ; Height, 23 inches; width, 40 inches; depth, 21%, inches. 905—SpanisH InLaip WatnutT CABINET AND STAND Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries 2 9 © “Sixteenth century cabinet with top with molded edge, fitted with two hinged doors, the fronts inlaid with panels of pearwood and central stars inlaid in ivory and ebony. Interior fitted with ten drawers with inlaid fronts and central compartment with hinged f door, the front inlaid with ivory and with round-arched center supported on triple columnar pilasters resting on carved brackets, the interior fitted with three drawers with inlaid fronts, two with panels of engraved ivory. Eighteenth century stand with rectangular top with rounded edge, inlaid apron fitted with drawer with inlaid front and square tapering legs. Height, 54%, inches; length, 4134 inches; width, 15 inches. Fifth and Last Afternoon ih 906—Castitian Prxo Woop BENcH Sixteenth Century Straight shaped back carved, in low relief, with rosettes and / | 0 * strapwork, voluted finials and notched end supports, straight flat voluted arms on square notched supports, wooden seat with shaped and rosetted carved apron, square notched legs and front rail and square side rails. Length, 52 inches, 907—Castizt1an Watnut Sacristy Brencu Seventeenth Century Sloping hinged back with molded edge, wooden seat with molded / uf D “front, shaped cross braces, shaped voluted legs and shaped rails. Wrought-iron strap hinges with fan-shaped ends, secured with iron bosses. Length, 84 inches. 908—SrpanisH Watnout Sacristy Brencu Sixteenth Century Sloping hinged back with molded edge, wooden seat with molded / OD -front, shaped and square cross braces, shaped and voluted legs and shaped rails. Wrought-iron strap hinges with fan-shaped ends, secured with iron bosses. Length, 84 inches. Fifth and Last Afternoon 909—Basavue WALNuT Sacristy CHEST Late Sixteenth Century a fF O° Rectangular hinged lid with molded edge, front carved with rect- angular quatrefoil medallions, rosettes and cross with leaf- carved arms and voluted base, flanked by vertical leaf-carved panels, voluted and leaf-carved apron. Height, 38 inches; width, 64 inches; depth, 25 inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. (Illustrated ) 910—Castitran Watnot TasLe Seventeenth Century /bo- Rectangular top with straight edge, paneled apron fitted with two drawers, the fronts carved in low relief with fan medal- lions, turned legs, square side rails and longitudinal stretcher. Height, 31 inches; length, 931, inches; width, 31%, inches. 911—Norru Irauian Painted CHEST Seventeenth Century /‘) o- Rectangular hinged lid with molded and carved edge, front with two round arches, supported by fluted pilasters, filled with inter- laced strapwork and flanked and divided by vertical panels filled with interlacements. Center panel incised with date “1691.” On painted stand with shaped apron and bracket feet incised with volutes. | Height, 341% inches; width, 65 inches; depth, 26 inches. 912—-AraconEsE Watutnut TasLeEe Seventeenth Century Pee Ge Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with three drawers with paneled fronts carved with leaf medallions and scrolls and flanked and divided by shaped modillions, turned spreading legs, square rails and longitudinal stretcher. Wrought- iron pear-shaped drop handles and keyhole escutcheons. Height, 834% inches; length, 691% inches; width, 32 inches. 913—ARaAconESE WaALtNvuT TaBLE Late Sixteenth Century ot sl oe Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron fitted with four drawers, the paneled fronts carved with scrolls, flanked and divided by molded brackets, turned legs with cushion feet, square rails and longitudinal stretcher. Wooden knobs. Height, 34 inches; length, 851%, inches; width, 3214, inches. (hanjuay yyuaazrig az0'T) LSAaHD) ALSTHOVS LONTV MA anosvq—606 ‘ON fe sane: Fifth and Last Afternoon 914—Bureos Watnut Bripat Arcon, or Cuest Fifteenth Century Deane Rectangular hinged lid with straight edge; front carved with bust portrait of knight in casque and armor within a laurel wreath, flanked by horizontal primitive linen-fold panels. Wrought-iron carrying handles, lock plate, hasp and angle straps. Height, 20 inches; length, 363, inches; width, 181% inches. Note: This chest came from the house of Don Bonifacio Diez Montero, Member of the “Audiencia de Burgos.” Burgos is the town made famous by the Spanish hero and poet, El Cid Campeador. (Illustrated) 915—VaLENcCIAN IntAatiD Prno Woop Arcon, or CHEST Sixteenth Century ey, © - Rectangular hinged lid, apron inlaid, in light-colored wood and ivory, with diamond diaper, front divided into three plain panels with paneled and lozenge inlaid stiles, square chamfered legs. Height, 20 inches; width, 50 inches; depth, 211% inches. 916—SpanisH PaInTED AND GittT Woop Sacristy CABINET 3 5- Sixteenth Century Semi-octagonal shaped top with molded cornice supported at the angles by detached columnar carved pilasters with tapering shafts, and with frieze carved with cherubim. Body arranged as a cupboard, the sides with round-arched tops, the center with a shell canopy carved with the half-figure of a saint and with a hinged door below pierced with circular bosses. Sides carved with cherubim and trophies and with panels of masks and scrolled leaves. Painted and gilt. Height, 444, inches; width, 34% inches; depth, 191% inches. (Aunquay yquaai fiz) LSaH dD) uo ‘Noouy Ivdlug LONTV A SONUNT—_FI6 ‘ON Fifth and Last Afternoon 917—Pair or Spanish Hanorne LANTERNS Seventeenth Century Octagonal glazed sides, pierced and repoussés at the angles, pin- a He nacle domed top divided by pierced and repoussés bands, circular trefoiled crestings, octagonal molded bases with leaf pendants. Height, 29 inches. 918—Parr oF Spanish Hancine LANTERNS Seventeenth Century Octagonal sides pierced and repoussés at angles, pinnacle-shaped eek _tops with octagonal pierced and repoussés crestings, pierced and repoussés molded octagonal bases, with leaf-surrounded pend- ants. Height, 31 inches. 919—Parr oF Spanish Hanoine LANTERNS Seventeenth Century — Rectangular beveled sides with beveled angles paneled with col- > © ~ored glass and supporting vases of flowers, pierced octagonal tops and scrolled circular cresting, in molded octagonal bases and conical pendants with colored silk tassels. Height, 29 inches. (Illustrated ) 920—Pair oF Spanish Hancine LANTERNS Seventeenth Century Rectangular glazed sides with beveled angles supporting vases we d= of flowers, pierced octagonal tops, pierced scrolled circular crest- ings, molded octagonal bases and conical pendants with silk tassels. Height, 32 inches. 921—Pair oF SpanisH Potrt LANTERNS Seventeenth Century Hexagonal glazed sides, with spirally twisted pierced columns at .) 0 © angles, pierced cornice with flowers at angles, pierced and re- poussé domed cover and hexagonal cresting. Round-arched sides filled with colored glass, pierced and repoussé top, insloping glazed base with shaped pierced and repoussé lower portion. Plain pole sockets. Original knopped, carved and painted wooden poles. Height, 42 inches. (Illustrated) rer ree et eee Babess editor 919 # 921 921 SpanisH Hancina AND PoLe LANTERNS (Seventeenth Century) Fifth and Last Afternoon 922——Pam or Spanish Pore Lanterns Seventeenth Century Rectangular beveled and glazed sides, beveled angles, with pierced AS cael Ma tops, octagonal-shaped molded and pierced top, circular crest- “ing, pierced with scrolls, octagonal molded base and knopped pole sockets. Original wrought-iron knopped cylindrical poles incised with scrolls. Height, 28 inches. 923—Parr or Spanish Porte LANTERNS Seventeenth Century Rectangular beveled sides with beveled angles, supporting vases bo b-of flowers, pierced, scrolled octagonal tops and circular scrolled crestings, octagonal molded bases and knopped pendants. Height, 26 inches. 924—Totepan WrovucHT-iron CaTHEDRAL LANTERN Late Sixteenth Century S/d “Rectangular shape with pierced voluted brackets at the angles, pierced framework, cresting pierced as Virgin’s crown; rect- angular top pierced with arcading and apron with pierced voluted brackets at angles. Height, 52 inches; width, 27 inches. (Illustrated) 925—Set or Four Spanish Hancine LANTERNS Seventeenth Century Rectangular glazed sides, with chamfered angles, surmounted Sp ; ' : by vases of flowers, glazed, slanting, pierced and scrolled octag- — onal tops with pierced, scrolled circular crestings. Octagonal bases and conical feet. Height, 27 inches. (Illustrated) 926—Pair oF SpanisH Patnrep anp Carvep Woop TorcHERES Sixteenth Century / fs es Cylindrical stems carved with imbrications, coupe-shaped bo- béches, carved with leaves ending in wrought-iron cylindrical candle-sockets with leaf-decorated iron-rod stems. On tripod stands with scrolled, voluted and acanthus-leaf carved brackets at angles and overlapping pointed leaves between. Height, 581% inches. 924 No. 924—To.tepan WrovuGHT-1RON CATHEDRAL LANTERN No. 925—Srt or Four Spanish Hanoinc LANTERNS Fifth and Last Afternoon 927—SpanisH Intarp Watnut CaBINET AND STAND Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Cabinet, of seventeenth century, with rectangular broken top with “es I/F o- inlaid edge, fitted with six drawers and central compartment with hinged door having broken front, formed as round-arched niche containing a female figure in gilt metal, and flanked by spirally twisted columns of tortoise-shell and appliqué with caryatids, scrolls, cherubim and medallions of gilt metal, interior fitted with four drawers with inlaid fronts, drawer fronts of flanking wings inlaid with raised panels of tortoise-shell and with borders of circles in light woods. Stand, of sixteenth century, with rect- angular top with straight edge, spreading square legs with cross. braces and square rails and wrought-iron curved, knopped, cyl- indrical longitudinal braces. Height, 48 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 1714 inches. 928—Iratian PaintEeD CaBINET Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with molded and carved edge, body arranged a / pr asa cupboard with two hinged doors with paneled fronts having fluted borders and broken leaf-carved angles, divided and flanked by tapering pilasters, carved with leaves, husk pendants and grapes, supported by acanthus-leaf carved brackets. Molded and carved base. Painted. Height, 36 inches; width, 59 inches; depth, 29 inches, 929—Castinian Waunut CaBiInetT Sivteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, body fitted with two drawers with lozenge-paneled fronts, cupboard below with two hinged 7 0 QO - doors with lozenge-paneled fronts and rectangular feet. Wrought- iron knob, ring and looped handles. Height, 34 inches; width, 55 inches; depth, 23 inches. 930—SpanisH Iron anp Woop CHEst Fifteenth Century 9 » — Rectangular hinged domed lid, covered with embossed leather and strapped with bar iron. Front and sides covered with em- bossed leather, strapped with iron bars and with wrought-iron swinging looped carrying handles. Two wrought-iron lock plates with wrought-iron hasps. Height, 24 inches; width, 53 inches; depth, 22 inches. Fifth and Last Afternoon 931—ToLEDAN Waunvut CABINET Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with molded edge, body with four drawers of i » ~ With raised diamond paneled fronts flanked by fluted and astrag- alled pilasters, pear-shaped feet. Wrought--iron pear-shaped handles and looped carrying handles. Height, 331, inches; width, 41 inches; depth, 1914 inches. 932—ItTatian Intaip Watnut ComMopE Eighteenth Century Shaped top with molded edge, incurved apron fitted with drawer, 2 0 0. body with bomb front fitted with three drawers with inlaid fronts, shaped apron and bracket feet. Exceptionally fine embossed gilt brass octagonal ring handles and keyhole escutcheons. Height, 30 inches; width, 483 inches; depth, 201% inches, 933—SpanisH Watnut TaBLe Seventeenth Century Rectangular top with plain edge. Paneled apron, fitted with 6 + three drawers with fronts carved with panels of quatrefoil me- dallions, scalloped band below, cylindrical wooden handles, turned legs, square rails and longitudinal stretcher. Height, 3144, inches; length, 1011% inches; width, 271, inches. Fifth and Last Afternoon 934—Castinian Inuaip Pino Woop Taste Seventeenth Century Rectangular braced top with square edge, plain frieze fitted /wo- with three drawers with light-wood inlaid fronts, flanked and separated by fluted and molded modillions, reel-turned legs with ball feet and square rails. Height, 323, inches; length, 72% inches; width, 311% inches. 935—Nortu Castrnan Watnout Taste Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with two draw- / do “ers with fronts carved in low relief and with band of notch carv- ing below, turned legs with carved dies and ball feet, square side rails and molded rectangular stretcher. Wrought-iron rectangu- lar pear-shaped drop handles and keyhole escutcheon. Height, 32% inches; length, 801 inches; width, 3344 inches. 936—Frencu Iniaip Manocany Gamine TasLe Empire Period of the Early Nineteenth Century Bea Rectangular top with plain edge, inlaid, in ebony, ivory and colored woods, with roulette dial and “Pair” and “Impair” panels at end. Tray below fitted for bagatelle and undertray with two chessboards and backgammon board, apron fitted at ends with drawers and square tapering legs. Guilt bronze mounts in style of the Empire. Height, 351% inches; length, 70 inches; width, 24 inches. 937—SpanisH Intain Watnut BarcuENo Sixteenth Century Rectangular shape with hinged fall front, interior fitted with a eae fouteen drawers and two compartments with hinged doors, the fronts inlaid in pearwood on ebony grounds with a pattern of scrolls and leaves, three drawers, the fronts formed as porticoes with triangular pediments, supported on columnar pilasters, sur- mounted by crosses and pointed finials, and with centers inlaid in pearwood on ebony, with scrolls. Wrought-iron shaped and pierced lock-plate, hinged hasp and swinging looped carrying handles. Stand with braces carved with scrolled shields sur- mounted by royal crowns, arcaded round-arched stretcher carved with rosettes, turned legs, turned center supports and molded cross braces. Height, 50% inches; width, 3914 inches; depth, 15 inches. (Illustrated) (hanjuag yzuaajx19)) ONHADUVG LANIVA\ GIVIN] HSINVdS—Z&6 ‘ON . Fifth and Last Afternoon 938—SpanisH Watnout Tas LE Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, apron fitted with three (9 D- drawers with lozenge-paneled fronts, flanked and divided by notch-carved stiles and with notch-carved band below, turned legs, flat square side rails and double flat square longitudinal stretcher. Wooden knobs. Height, 324, inches; length, 1614 inches; width, 271% inches. 939—SpanisH Watnut TasLeE Sixteenth Century IS p _ Rectangular top with rounded angles and edge, plain apron fitted with two drawers with lozenge-shaped paneled fronts, spir- ally turned legs with fluted and astragalled center supports and shaped and carved cross braces, shaped and carved end rails. Wrought-iron, knopped, cylindrical longitudinal braces. Brass knobs and rosettes. Height, 3114 inches; length, 4634 inches; width, 30 inches. From the collection of the Marqués de Valverde. (Illustrated) (hanquag yyUaaqv19)) HIV], LANIV\A HSINVdS—6E6 ‘ON Fifth and Last Afternoon TAPESTRIES 940—FremisH Taprestry Pane Seventeenth Century / 0 Rectangular shape. Woven, in colored wools, with the stand- .ing figure of a woman, in rose-colored bodice and blue skirt, flanked by caryatids, a vase of flowers and fruits and group of flowers and fruits supported by two female figures. Bordered with linen braid. Length, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 61%, inches. 941—Frencu TAapPEstTRy Eighteenth Century eects Woven, in colored wools, with rocks supporting towers and sur- _mounted by a pointed roof pavilion. Below is water with plants and a stork. On the right, a palm tree and on the left, fruits, flowers and leaves. Flowering plants in the foreground. Height, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 6 inches. 942—FrencuH Tapestry Sixteenth Century 4 “Assault of Rhodes.” In the foreground are two warriors in bo 0 - plumed helmets, one with spear and buckler, and one with a sword. Nearby is a boat, the gunwales hung with shields, and carrying another warrior. In the distance are the towers of Rhodes and the harbor, with the famous Colossus. Above is an escutcheon mantled with standards and spears, surmounted by a crown and charged with the arms of the Maréchal d’Effiat. Height, 9 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) ~' oy No. 942—Frencuo Tapestry (Sixteenth Century) Fifth and Last Afternoon 943—OvDENARDE TAPEsTRY Sixteenth Century Woven in colors with an arcading with two central columns sup- ported by terminal caryatids and side columns with paneled _shafts in the foreground, allowing a view of a landscape with boar hunt with figures of men with spears on horseback, the master and mistress following. Below are figures of a Lion and Unicorn, a stag, a monkey, a fox, peacocks and flowering plants. Surrounded by a border woven, in colors on a light ground, with festoons supported by. half figures, vases of flowers, fruits and leaves and figures of warriors and symbolic figures. ” a OO d St Se ‘é) (6) Height, 10 feet 814 inches; width, 12 feet 21% inches. (Illustrated) (hanquay yquaa,rg) AULSTAV], ACUVNAGAQ—EFE ‘ON Fifth and Last Afternoon SPANISH RUGS OF THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 944—CasTILiAN Rue Early Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a white ground in green wool, ] zy Ee. with a diamond and quatrefoil diaper. Length, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 945—Spanish “ALPUJARRA” Rue Seventeenth Century > Rectangular shape. Woven, in loop stitch of colored wools, <3. ~ with a pattern in blue of rectangular scrolled and diamond me- } dallioned squares and with animals. Fringe. Length, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. 946—SpanisH “ALPUJARRA” Rue Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, in loop stitch of blue and yellow / O0d- rools, with a central rosetted and diamond patterned rectangular medallion and alternate stripes patterned with lozenges. Fringe. Length, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 947—SpanisH “ALPUJARRA” Rue Seventeenth Century gy Rectangular shape. Woven, in loop stitch of colored wools, with ‘diamond quatrefoil stripes alternately yellow and blue. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches, 948—Castitian Rue Early Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, on a white ground in green wool, OG with a diamond and quatrefoil diaper. One corner cut. Length, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 949—SpanisH “ALPUJARRA” Rue Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape. Woven, in loop stitch of colored wools, with rectangles enclosing vases of flowers and birds and borders of diamond interlacements and of vine-leaf and grape meander. a 0 Length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 4 inches. Se eae ee Pe Fifth and Last Afternoon 950—IspaHan Rue Sixteenth Century Field patterned, on a red ground, with varicolored palmettes and O-© scrolls. Inner and outer guards of varicolored rosettes and leaves on red and blue grounds, border of varicolored palmettes, medal- lions and scrolls on a dark blue ground. (Worn.) Length, 15 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 3 inches. 951—-VAaLLADOLIDIAN CARPET Seventeenth Century Shaped. Patterned on a red ground, with a diaper of shaped a © OD and scrolled diagonals in colors on a buff-colored ground and forming diamond-shaped panels filled with varicolored conven- tional sprays of flowers and leaves. Length, 23 feet; widths, 13 feet 5 inches and 10 feet 1 inch. 952—Usnak Ruc Sixteenth Century Field patterned, on a red ground, with varicolored medallions, leaves and scrolls, inner guard of three stripes, of which the at D - center one is patterned, on a light blue ground, with a varicolored floral meander, and border, patterned on a dark blue ground, with varicolored medallions, rosettes, and leaves. (Warn.) Length, 17 feet 8 inches; width, 9 feet. Note: This rug came from the Chapel of a Sevillian Convent. 954—PatintTeED Linen THEATRICAL CURTAIN Eighteenth Century Rectangular shape, painted, in the manner of Bayen, Goya’s ee ener tn lay, with a group of figures representing a scene in a 4 D Harlequinade. The figures from left to right, are Isabel, Harle- quin, Pierrette, Pierrot, the Doctor, Columbine and ‘El Capi- tano.” The latter was called “Sangre y Fuego” or Blood and Fire. Height, 12 feet 4 inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches. Fifth and Last Afternoon FURNITURE OF THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 955—Castirian Wautnut Monastic Tas iE Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge, plain apron, turned legs, with pear-shaped feet and square rails and stretcher. 4 ] 5 - Height, 311 inches; length, 1251, inches; width, 273, inches. From the house of the Alcalde de Logrono, Exmo. Senor Va- lluerca. 956—CastTiniAN Watnut Convent Liprary Taser Sixteenth Century Rectangular top with straight edge. Apron carved with scrolled if D = acanthus leaves and notched bands and fitted with four drawers with leaf medallion carved fronts. Turned columnar legs with flat molded rails and longitudinal stretcher. Wrought-iron pear- shaped drop handles. Height, 33% inches; length, 11634 inches; width, 291, inches. (Illustrated) (hunquay yqUaazr19 ) QTAV], AUVUGIT LNAANOD) LANIVAA NVITILSVQ—9G6 ‘ON Fifth and Last Afternoon 957—SpanisH ParnrED anp Gitt Woop Door Siateenth Century Rectangular molded architrave. Two hinged leaves, each having ) o three panels, surrounded by twisted ribbons and carved with . curved, fluted cornucopie with dolphin-headed terminations. Wrought-iron swinging looped handle. Height, 70 inches; width, 40 inches. >. &” Fifth and Last Afternoon 958—SpanisH PaInteED AND Gitt Woop Sacristy Door Seventeenth Century iia D0 © ~Two leaves with round-arched tops. Round-arched panels, hav- ing pierced and carved scrolled crestings and carved in high relief above and painted, in colors, below. Height, 94 inches; width, 46 inches. Fifth and Last, Afternoon 959—ANDALUSIAN GILT AND PaintTED Sacristy Door Late Sixteenth Century J GRD Rectangular shape, paneled in two sections, with raised paneling, gilt moldings, panels marbled in green and red. Wrought-iron handles and latch. Height, 631 inches; width, 44 inches. 960—Parir oF SPANISH PAINTED AND Gitt Woop PILAstTEers Sixteenth Century yi . Semi-columnar shape, with shafts carved with arabesques and scrolled leaves, tassels, cornucopie of flowers and leaves and baskets of leaves and flowers. Leaf and flower carved capitals, and molded bases. Painted and gilt. Height, 931%, inches. (Illustrated) 961—Pair or Spanish Painrep anp Gitr CoLtumns Late Sixteenth Century 28 A. 0-Tapering, spirally fluted shafts with painted flutings, composite capitals of acanthus leaves and volutes, and molded incurved abaci. Lower portions carved with scrolled escutcheons and symbolic female figures in relief and with scrolled acanthus leaves. Molded bases and rectangular wooden pedestals. Painted and gilt. Height, 711% inches. (Illustrated) a a 960 961 961 SpaNISH PAINTED AND GiL_t Woop PILAsTerRs AND COLUMNS OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Fifth and Last Afternoon 962—Ser or TuHrrEE Spanish Carvep, Paintep anp Gitt Woop CoLUMNS Sixteenth Century To = Tapering, fluted shafts carved with festoons of drapery and acanthus leaves, guilloche and gadroon banded base, carved with lion and human masks, cherubim and festoons of drapery. Fluted cylindrical pedestals, carved with masks, festoons of fruits, and fruit pendants. Painted and gilt. Height, 861/, inches. (Illustrated) 963—PortTion oF CarRveD, PaintED AnD Girt Woop CoLtumMNn Sivteenth Century J” 0 -Similar to the preceding. | Height, 58 inches. 964—SpanisH Carvep, PaintED anv Gitt Woop Doorway Sixteenth Century 2 o »~- Rectangular opening with molded cornice carved with cherubim heads, modillions and rosetted soffits with pear-shaped pendants, supported by diagonally fluted columns with clustered capitals of pointed leaves and volutes, the lower portions of pilaster shafts carved with imbrications. On cylindrical pedestals and molded bases. Painted and gilt. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 8 feet. enteric RONSON tt ENE OATS AR LOIN tt teh ti 2—Set or Turee SpanisH Carvep Woop CoLumMns 96 No. Fifth and Last Afternoon 965—Irauian Watnut FacistoL, on CuourcH LECTERN, AND STAND ae Sixteenth Century Lectern with rectangular sloping revolving desk with molded cor- nice, paneled and inlaid in center with rectangular medallion hav- ing incurved angles, flanked by curved brackets, incised with volutes and with sides carved with imbrications and acanthus leaves, one with two revolving wooden cylinders with wrought-iron handles, molded base. Turned baluster-shaped pedestal, carved with bands of egg and dart, cable and leaf patterning, acanthus leaves and gadroonings below. Rectangular foot. Stand with rectangular top with plain edge and front strength- ened with flat wrought-iron bar. Body arranged as a cupboard with two hinged doors with paneled fronts inlaid with rectangu- lar medallions having incurved angles, flanked by twin console brackets, the sides incised with volutes, the fronts carved with overlapping tessere. Interior fitted with shelves and pigeonholes. Shaped, plain apron and paneled ends, wrought-iron strap hinges. Height of lectern, 4 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. Height of stand, 5 feet 3 inches; length, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) ISTOL, OR CHurcH LECTERN, AND STAND (Sixteenth Centur 1 No. 966—ItTatian Waunot Fac y) Fifth and Last Afternoon 967—SpanisH Wautnut Rerecrory Tape Sixteenth Century VECUGO. Don Rectangular top, formed of one plank of wood, with plain edge, on shaped cross braces, paneled apron fitted with eight drawers with paneled fronts and wooden knobs, projecting molded band below, ten reel-turned legs on cushion feet, square molded rails and stretchers. Height, 2 feet 7 inches; length, 26 feet; width, 2 feet 21% inches. Note: This table, which came from a Monastery of Leon, capital of the ancient kingdom of that name, is considered to be the largest Priory Table ever offered for sale in this country. According to Spanish architects, it is deserving of remark in that, despite its remarkable length, it yet does not give an impression of great size. This is largely due to the perfection of its pro- portions. Watnut CHOIR STALLS No. 968—ITALIAN (Seventeenth Century ) Fifth and Last Afternoon OPERE AC INDUS PRIS GABRIELLIS DE RVBEIS * A BVXETO GVARDIANI ANNO DNI MDCLXXXIII 968—Iratran Wautnut CuHor Seventeenth Century Re Semicircular, on plan to occupy the apsidal end of the church. In the center is a seat, with a pointed molded pediment above the tympanum of which is carved with a scrolled escutcheon supported by shells and charged with the arms of the Franciscan Order (two crossed arms and a cross). Below is an oval panel with carved leaf border inscribed “cHorvs” or (Choir). On either side of the central stall are ten others, each with a hinged seat, above is a broken molded projecting cornice and plain frieze carved with bands of pointed leaves and bead-and-reel ornament. The stalls are panels and divided by square pilasters ending in carved and pierced voluted brackets. ‘The overhanging cornice is supported by carved voluted consoles and the soffits are deco- rated with carved oval acanthus-leaf medallions. Flat carved arms with trefoil ends and acanthus-leaf carved brackets above, carved, pierced and voluted acanthus-leaf scrolled supports, and carved and pierced acanthus-leaf legs. On either side of-the cen- tral stall the frieze is inscribed in Roman characters: “‘opERE Ac INDUS PRIS GABRIELLIS DE RVBEIS * A BVXETO GVARDIANI ANNO DNI MDCLXXXIII.”’ Inner series of twelve stalls, also semicircular, on plan with hinged seats and flat curved arms with carved, voluted arms above, carved and pierced acanthus-leaf supports and acanthus-leaf carved scrolled legs with paw feet. Head rail sloping inward and paneled backs with falling rectangular book receptacles in center. Height of back stalls, 7 feet 9 inches; height of inner stalls, 4 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) Fifth and Last Afternoon OPERE AC INDUS PRIS GABRIELLIS DE RVBEIS * A BVXETO GVARDIANI ANNO DNI MDCLXXXIII 968—Iramian Watnut CHorr Seventeenth Century Po UDED = Semicircular, on plan to occupy the apsidal end of the church. In the center is a seat, with a pointed molded pediment above the tympanum of which is carved with a scrolled escutcheon supported by shells and charged with the arms of the Franciscan Order (two crossed arms and a cross). Below is an oval panel with carved leaf border inscribed “cHorvs” or (Choir). On either side of the central stall are ten others, each with a hinged seat, above is a broken molded projecting cornice and plain frieze carved with bands of pointed leaves and bead-and-reel ornament. The stalls are panels and divided by square pilasters ending in carved and pierced voluted brackets. The overhanging cornice is supported by carved voluted consoles and the soffits are deco- rated with carved oval acanthus-leaf medallions. Flat carved arms with trefoil ends and acanthus-leaf carved brackets above, carved, pierced and voluted acanthus-leaf scrolled supports, and carved and pierced acanthus-leaf legs. On either side of the cen- tral stall the frieze is inscribed in Roman characters: ‘‘opERE AC INDUS PRIS GABRIELLIS DE RVBEIS * A BVXETO GVARDIANI ANNO DNI MDCLXXxIII.” Inner series of twelve stalls, also semicircular, on plan with hinged seats and flat curved arms with carved, voluted arms above, carved and pierced acanthus-leaf supports and acanthus-leaf carved scrolled legs with paw feet. Head rail sloping inward and paneled backs with falling rectangular book receptacles in center. Height of back stalls, 7 feet 9 inches; height of inner stalls, 4 feet 1 inch, (Illustrated) ¢ = : jr Cuoir (Seventeenth Century) i P A | < = Z Fs | < a — i io) i>) No. No. 969—-CaTaLoniAn WrovuGuT-tron Rega, on GATE AND WINGS (Early Fourteenth Century) Fifth and Last Afternoon 969—CaTaLonIAN Wrovucnt-tron Rega, or Gate anp Wines | Early Fourteenth Century Rectangular shape. Central gate, in two leaves, of vertical a ol 0) © + wrought-iron bars, ending in pointed finials ornamented with quat- refoil flowers of curved pointed petals. Below are two panels, with band of cut scrollings above and filled with pointed voluted and carved iron bars, and above are a rectangular panel of ver- tical irons bars, a pointed ogee arch of fourteenth century Gothic tracery, a horizontal band of iron plate pierced with Gothic tracery backed with old canvas, pointed finials ornamented with quatrefoil liliaceous flowers and a floriated cross in the center, with trefoiled arms between. Flanked by buttress posts of iron, the fronts having Gothic moldings, ending in long pointed finials or- namented with quatrefoil flowers. Box lock and hasp molded and incised with panels of herring-bone pattern. Rectangular wings on either side, each formed of fourteen vertical iron bars, ending in pointed finials with quatrefoil liliaceous flowers and with two horizontal bands of iron plate pierced in a pattern of Gothic — tracery backed with old canvas. Height, 18 feet 8 inches; width, 21 feet 6 inches. Note: A Reja, curiously similar to this, is illustrated at page 18 of Byne and Stapley’s “Spanish Iron-work,” published in 1915 by the Hispanic So- ciety of America. ‘The text tells us that this particular style of Reja was introduced into Spain in the thirteenth century by King Ferdinand III (El Santo). AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK a eae AND BINDING BY -TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SAL . oe sre UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF - ad “Ss, < +DERE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION _ €@ 2.7" AMERICAN*ART GALLERIES Wiam Sa ae MADISON SQUARE SOUTH. * aye. Sea ~NEW YORK CLEY, = 2° ais aa rae a ane 4) 1921 ae ais ere a i ay