jeeate 3 ; yee Sheba Rae eS LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York peas ———— P ee a ——— = ss ee So op st 6 ESE Sees a a a Pa nae aes ow ss SS SS TSS EET = = BEY 4 Hie : eee Ee eare PERSESE TESTE ERED EREEEER ESET EE REET TECE PEER EEE RE TEREAEREREREEEERESESER ESE EE TERETE TREE EE AeTEE eae ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1071, 1920 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DAY OF THE SALE THE ARTISTIC ANTIQUE PROPERTY BELONGING TO CHARLES OF LONDON TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE AFTERNOONS OF NOVEMBER 15TH, 16TH, 17TH, 18TH, 19TH AND 20TH at 2 o'clock AND IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE HOTEL PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58TH TO 59TH STREET ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17TH, 1920 BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK if i i “4 i a , a 4 + } ; + Enrracs ese renee ETE ayes sry es ey chs bp bp | EVENING SESSION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1920 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA Friern Avenvur, 58TH to 591H Srreer BEGINNING AT 8 0 CLOCK ANTOINE BOREL Frencu: 1743—1810 650—THE MOUNTEBANKS (Panel) 1 / oe Height, 17°4 inches; length, 2114 inches ie HULLS er f AL ft U A rrestitep platform at left bears a group of ancient musicians, a tight- rope walker perched above two clowns and a man in blue Directoire costume declaiming to a holiday crowd grouped around him. At left, a row of houses with their occupants watching the performance; at right background is a triumphal arch adorned with many figures. From the collection of Lady Rawson, Gravenhurst, Sussex. I SSS SS OSS Ee SS SSS TES EEE ered GASPAR PIETER VERBRUGGEN Dutrcu: 1668—1720 651—F LOWERS AND FRUIT ) MM: Height, 181, inches; width, 151% inches fo A caproonep bowl of rare pears and grapes stands on the upper tier of a stone table; a beautiful wreath of varied flowers festoons the bowl and falls to a lower shelf. Signed at lower right, Gas P. VerBruccEn. MARGHERTHA HAVERMAN an / SS Dutcu: 1720—1795 Qe we, 652—-FLOWERS OWA Height, 2834 inches; width, 2334 inches A BrAutirut loose bouquet of roses, tulips, anemones and trailing columbine set in a vase standing on a stone slab. ABRAHAM JANSSENS Fremiso: 1575—1632 653—PORTRAIT OF A BURGOMASTER (Panel) ) 0. Height, 29 inches; width, 2584 inches Wu : MM. aR ALi Har-tenern, slightly facing to right, wearing scant hair, mustachios, Vandyke beard, deep double lawn and lace collar semi-transparent over a closely fitting black coat. A coat-of-arms mantled by a floriated helm and bearing two fish has been inserted at lower right. The subject seen through an arched opening denoting the painting’s reduction from an oval. ADRIAEN HANNEMAN Dutrcu: 1601—1671 654 LADY CHOLMELEY OF WHITBY an wo Height, 2414, inches; width, 20 inches MH, Ada id be. Busr length, facing front, wearing long hair to shoulders, pearl drop ear- rings, a double jeweled necklace with pendent crown and cross, low roundish cut robe of red and white brocade trimmed with lace around the bust and a silver and blue mantle over left shoulder. Seen within an oval aperture. In- scribed with name at upper right. In ancient carved frame. From the collection of Sir Henry Dering, Bart., Surrenden Park, Ashford. FRANCOIS LAGRENEE Frencu: 1724—1805 655—LOUIS XVI (Oval) ) 4 0, Height, 27 inches; width, 231% inches J. e beet i Hatr-Lenetu, facing three-quarters to left; wearing gray curled peruke tied with ribbon, high stock, lace jabot, richly inlaid suit of armor, the order of the Golden Fleece at neck, a blue sash and embroidered royal blue ermine- lined mantle over right shoulder. In original carved and gilded frame. PIERRE MIGNARD Frencu: 1612—1695 656—QUEEN MARIA THERESA OF FRANCE ae Wd Ahad: 90 Height, 27 inches; width, 231% inches : ye Haur-Lencrnu portrait facing slightly to left; wearing light curling hair ‘ dressed with strands of small pearls, a lovelock falling to the shoulder, large : pearl ear-drops, necklace festoons of similar jewels, low-cut bodice and ivory stomacher encrusted with jewels and further pearls; an embroidered royal- blue ermine-lined mantle is slightly seen over both shoulders. fo) © In carved and gilded frame of the period. From the Winchester Heirlooms at Andover, Hampshire. SIR PETER LELY EncuisH: 1617—1681 657—MARY HARVEY, LADY DERING }. y) i aaee, te a LG r : fo: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Busr length of pleasant young woman, turned slightly to right within an oval stone embrasure. She wears closely dressed hair curling to her shoulders, a pearl necklace and a lavender robe. Inscribed at right top with title and date 1660. 4 In original carved and grained frame. From the collection of Sir Henry Dering, Surrenden Park, Ashford, England. LOUIS JOSEPH WATTEAU Frencu: 1758—1813 658—-PORTRAIT OF AN ACTRESS WO Height, 30 inches; length, 25 inches (é : 2. Ld t le pe Hatr-tencru, the piquant face slightly turned to right, wearing gray back ribbon in her ‘black hair, gauze ruff at throat, low-cut pale yellow dress, her left hand holding a plum-colored mantle to her left shoulder. In finely carved and gilded frame of the late Louis XVI period. CORNELIUS JONSSON EneuisH: 1590—1664 659—LADY DERING ) LB) f Height, 30 inches; width, 26 inches A yy KA A Hatr-Leneru portrait of a fresh-complexioned masterful middle-aged woman, looking slightly to right; she wears a mobbed black veil over her dark hair, broad Elizabethan lace and lawn ruff over complicated shoulder collars of the same materials overlaid with an oval jeweled miniature, broad black velvet dress with puffed ivory satin slashed sleeves. Seen through an oval aperture. In ancient scrolled carved and gilded frame. Note: Lady Dering was the wife of Sir Anthony Dering and the mother of the first Sir Edward Dering, Bart. From the collection of Sir Henry Dering, Surrenden Park, Ashford, England. ROBERT WALKER Encuisu: 1600—1658 660—SIR JOHN LUCAS ae ey, 5 , hs See ih Os Ravan i, t SGD). Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Har-.tenertu, facing slightly to right ; wearing long curling hair to shoulders, deep square lawn collar, light lavender coat and mantle. Seen through an oval aperture. From the Combermere Abbey Collection. CORNELIUS JONSSON Encuisuo: 1590—1664 661—LADY ASHBURNHAM, BARONESS CRAMOND Wye Height, 28 inches; width, 214% inches i g eve wreve AN ) -G Hatr-Lenern portrait, facing slightly to right, of a fair-complexioned young woman, wearing puffed curly hair mobbed at the back, with a jeweled veil, large lace and lawn ruff at throat and similar flat bertha, jeweled on the border with a double row of pearls and finished with a rosette, over a white slashed dress trimmed with double rows of pearls down front and over the skirt. She stands before a low parapet just seen. Inscribed at upper left with title and by Cornelius Jonsson. In fine ancient carved and gilded frame. From the collection of Sir Henry Dering, Bart., Surrenden Park, Ashford, England. SIR PETER LELY Enecusu: 1617—1681 662—LADY STROUDE OF CHIPSTEAD yn yes Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Q. , Mohlhyy DOS. Consort of Sir Nicholas Stroude. Bust length of a vivacious young woman sitting at a table holding a rope of pearls which drops into a jewel casket. She wears close ringleted hair, a pearl necklace and a crimson dress caught with jewels over a white lawn robe. Inscribed with title at upper right. In rare original English Renaissance carved frame. From the collection of Sir Henry Dering, Surrenden Park, Ashford, England. MARIO NUZZI Irauian: 1608—1673 668—F LOWERS Di Sows, g 5 D> Height, 583 inches; width, 39 inches eawgi q Aw immense bouquet of flowers—roses, poppies, columbine, morning-glories and nasturtiums—fills a mounted two-handled vase almost obscuring a romantic hilly landscape background. (Companion to the following.) MARIO NUZZI Irarian: 16083—1673 664—F LOWERS g 50 ; Height, 53 inches; width, 39 inches aa qd Veco Ow a hillside at left, partially seen, is a fleeting allegorical figure of a night- rider. (Companion to the preceding.) Note: Mario Nuzzi, dit Mario de fiori. Siret remarks of this pre-eminent Italian painter of flowers, ““Exactitude remarquable, pinceau d’une grande légéreté, avec le temps des ombres sont devenues un peu d’ombre,” and also that he is represented in the majority of European Museums. JEAN BAPTISTE MONOYER Frencu: 1634—1699 665— FLOWERS € Ge GL oe. 3 5D ; Height, 3834 inches; length, 4734 inches Aw immense bouquet of beautiful flowers—tilacs, poppies, tulips, lilies and honeysuckle—trails over from an ornate golden bowl to the marble slab on which the bowl stands. A cloudy blue sky forms the background. From the Combermere Abbey Collection. JEAN VAN LOO Frencu: 1684—1745 666—LE SIEUR DE BRISSAC /f) ”) Height, 4914 inches; width, 3934 inches 34.5, pee - THREE-QUARTER length, standing before a landscaped park in which a stag hunt is in progress at right. He wears long curling peruke over the shoulders, a ruffled shirt and deep fawn-yellow large skirted coat. In beautifully carved gray lacqué frame of the period. CHARLES NICHOLAS COCHIN LE JEUNE Frencu: 1715—1790 667—A SPANISH CARNIVAL Ceara, )) , ees Height, 251% inches; length, 421, inches Lare afternoon; gay courtiers, ladies of quality in eighteenth century attire, are mingling with persons of lesser degree, mimes and harlequins, crowded between two buildings in sombre shadow. In the left foreground several persons are leaning over two large open coffers and spreading out their contents of masquerade properties to select further adornments to add to the gaiety. At right a cleric in black is observing the hanging of a sign over the doorway of the building. In the distance are a castellated square edifice and the open country. Signed with initial C on swinging sign board. From the collection of Lady Rawson, Gravenhurst, Sussew. JACOPA MARIESCHI VENETIAN: 1711—1794 668—ST. MARK’S PIAZZA, VENICE 5O: Height, 461% inches; length, 58 inches \ Poarn Tue arched, spired and columned Cathedral is seen at left overawing the Doge’s Palace stretching beyond it, and the distant view of the Canal and Santa Croche; at right are baths and a small-balconied projecting edifice ; the sunny Piazza is animated by many groups of personages variously occupied. (Companion to the following.) JACOPA MARIESCHI VeneTIAN: 1711—1794 669—THE BRIDGE OF SIGHS, VENICE ys Height, 46% inches; length, 58 inches ( \ Tue broad waters of the Canal sweep round from the bridge in center to almost the entire foreground and are enlivened by a motley crowd of quaint vessels and gondolas with their occupants; the shores lined by palaces and imposing edifices, (Companion to the preceding.) eat te etesebesesetsietessiesssetetesess PAUL VAN SOMER Fremisu: 1576—1621 670—LADY HARRINGTON lp 0; Height, 4516 inches; width, 36 inches ang e ‘ Unt, Trreer-quarter length, facing front; seated on a red-cushioned armchair canopied with a crimson drapery at left, a fair young woman robed in black with very deep stiff lace ruffs at neck and wrists, wearing her hair close over forehead and held by a plumed, pearl tiara. In ancient open scrolled carved and gilded frame. From the collection of Sir William Bass, Byrkly Lodge, Burton-on-Trent. SIMON VAN DER PASSE Fremisu: Circa 1590—1644 671—SIR THOMAS SUTTON (Panel) ] i 4 ——— a Ay 4 J V Ee Height, 891/, inches; width, 291% inches A. of, YROA4LNL 6 | g A. 2) Turee-quarrer length of the dignified statesman seated in a high-back leather armchair, his righ hand resting on a hound beside him. He wears iron-gray hair, gray beard and mustache, lawn ruff at neck and a sable-trimmed black robe enlivened with bands of gold embroidery. (Panel rejointed. ) Note: Sir Thomas Sutton, the great Elizabethan merchant, founded those noble institutions, the School and Hospital of the Charterhouse, London, NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE Frencu: 1656—1746 672—MADAME DE LA SUZE Kane Height, 34 inches; width, 2634 inches A.W .U 5 Oe Vy Hatr-tenern portrait of a pretty woman slightly turned to right and seated with her right arm resting on a pedestal and holding a leather tome on her lap; she wears her hair close, falling in curls to shoulder, low-cut blue bodice trimmed with pearls over a lawn robe, a light yellow scarf caught with a jeweled brooch at right shoulder and a light plum-colored mantle falling over her knees. In original finely carved and gilded frame. (Companion to the following.) From the Combermere Abbey Collection. NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE we ee Frencu: 1656—1746 FOS: 673—MADEMOISELLE DE SCUDERY Height, 84 inches; width, 2634 inches Har-Lenetu portrait of a pleasant young woman seated writing at a pedestal; she wears her hair closely dressed with a rope of pearls and curls falling to shoulders, low-cut rose-red bodice over a lawn robe, light gray scarf caught at breast and blue skirt. In original finely carved and gilded frame. Signed at right on pedestal, LARGILIIERE. From the Combermere Abbey Collection. (Companion to the preceding.) FRANCOIS HUBERT-DROUAIS Frencu: 1727—1775 674—MADAME DE MONCHABLON 9 “R oe ee ee ff he gc ian 4) Ge Height, 221% inches; width, 18 inches Ta Busr length, facing toward left, seated in a red-backed chair and wearing curled gray hair tied with blue ribbon, pearl necklace, low-cut ivory brocade robe trimmed with lace and a scarf of blue ruching. From the Denham Place Collection. FERDINAND BOL Durcn: 1611—1681 675—PORTRAIT OF A BURGHER’S WIFE a : . Mn Height, 38% inches; width, 30 inches ol Turer-auarter length, standing facing slightly to left, her hands clasped holding a closed fan. She wears her hair mobbed, with a black cap peaked over forehead and caught with a gold filigreed fillet, plain deep lawn collar and cuffs, black panniered robe slightly exposing a black trimmed gray skirt, jewels at ears, throat and on fingers. Signed at lower left, F. Bow 1653. From the Denham Place Collection, Buckinghamshire. Se: seassisek: 22 Earsrecs it Mpitistireies SitWebs roy e tied ai eat phetebirietstctes th fe ths i; anh! + mane erititie ihitis pipttis abbiaded ered! bisivish sities Wisp phere koen terranes a iitistrisisbes TRL ERIE PEs es» 7 Bend aps ed petotoberebabebe + ALEXIS SIMON BELLE Frencu: 1674—1734 676—A DAUGHTER OF LOUIS XV Qn. Height, 4914, inches; width, 391% inches o Tux dainty little princess stands before woodland and a portico at night; she toys with a bird perched on a stick held in her left hand and wears a spreading brocaded blue dress edged with gold, a dainty corsage trimmed with flowers and lace at the half sleeves, a flower-decked cap and red shoes; her white apron, held up by her right hand, supports a garland of flowers which trails from her shoulder. A little dog watches the bird from the right front. Note: This master is represented in the Versailles Museum by a painting exhibiting the portraits of the Princesse de Montauban and the Marquise de Méziéres. From the Kleinberger Collection, 1918. Seanees zak ne 8 sea5 eesescossrece psfinsisre SSESELESI eee ezEsesestiz: eae vecersessnee res ; JOHN VANDERBANK EncusH: 1694—1739 ; 677— LADY BURLINGTON Hpreling Lug | 9) a Height, 49 inches; width, 40 inches Turee-auarter length, seated before a dark landscape background, the inter- esting subject wears her curling hair close, a lock falling to her left shoulder, a simple ivory satin low-cut gown of ample folds; her right arm rests on an ornate stone jardiniére with growing orange tree and holds over her shoulders a deep pink mantle that appears behind her at right; in her left hand, resting on her lap, is an orange. Signed at lower left, J. VanpurBank, 1721. In finely carved and gilded frame. (Companion to the following.) JOHN VANDERBANK Encuisu: 1694—1739 678—LORD BURLINGTON 2 ay 50 ’ Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches how CAwW I Turer-auarter length, standing before a shadowed edifice and parapet dis- closing the view of a Georgian Palladian mansion; he wears a long lace-ruffled stock, blue coat girded with a narrow embroidered belt and sword, and holds a purplish mantle across his lower waist. Books and a music score are on the parapet. (The canvas broken and repaired.) Signed at lower left, J. VanpERBANK, 1721. In finely carved and gilded frame of the period. Note: Lord Burlington was a most accomplished virtuoso, amateur architect and the patron of William Kent, a famous Georgian architect who designed the Cruikshanks Room exhibited in this collection. (Companion to the preceding.) From the Winchester Heirlooms, Andover, Hampshire. (Illustrated) ois Reabiavas Sips ett fubsisparainbstanes! piitipisiti priest Neteleisteitheicpeettstedetsteieion Wane altrriabebessnsLteee er shat shy es ————— tate: ree receres ror CORNELIUS JONSSON Encusu: 1590—1664 re oo ae ATA ce HERR Zin fo (Siar 679—PORTRAIT OF A PRELATE Awn- m.9 Wrywe a) CO: (Panel) Height, 36 inches; width, 27 inches Harr-.enern, facing slightly to left. He is secant of hair and wears mustache and Vandyked beard, black velvet skull cap and rich velvet habit relieved with lawn ruff and cuffs. He carries a red prayer book in his right hand and chamois gloves in his left. The upper left corner is occupied by a motto, “Firmiora futura,” and a many quartered coat-of-arms mantled and crested. > Yq At upper right is inscription “A° Dmi 1611, Aetates Suae 67.” 5 ’ From the Thomas Agnew Collection. NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE Frencu: 1656—1746 680—LE DUC DE NIVERNAIS yu | cena Yo a Height, 481% inches; width, 4114 inches Turee-quarter length, seated before a wooded park, his left hand resting on a lion-masked pedestal, his left caressing a brown hound at his side. He wears a curling peruke falling almost to his waist, lace-ruffled shirt with full sleeves, an amply draped dull lavender robe exposing his blue-stockinged right leg. In ancient carved and gilded frame. J. DUFFILL Frencu: EigHTEENTH CENTURY 681—MADEMOISELLE DU PLESSIS leprae ee iy) : Height, 491 inches; width, 40 inches A uirrLe maid, elaborately gowned, stands before a draped balustrade over which is a vista of a landscape. She holds a wreath of flowers in her right hand and wears a jeweled lace cap over her curling hair, a low-cut pink dress with lace-trimmed lawn stomacher, similar cuffs and large apron; her little feet are encased in Chinese brocade slippers. Signed on the balustrade, J. Durviun pinxr 1745/5. In contemporary carved and gilded frame. JOHN GREENHILL Eneuisu: 1649—1672 682—JAMES IT p n a C ry) Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches Pr TuHREE-QUARTER length; seated in a gilded chair of state, slightly turned to left, his right arm resting on a table draped with a heavy gold-embroidered cover and supporting the royal crown; a dark edifice as a background, with sky slightly seen at left. He wears dark hair curling deeply over shoulders, state robes of ivory silk and lawn heavily trimmed with lace, a crimson sash over breast, the chain, badge and garter of the renowned English “Order of the Garter” and an ivory silk-lined royal blue mantle caught with heavy long cords and tassels. In carved and gilded frame. From the collection of Sir William Bass, Byrkly Lodge, Burton-on-Trent. ey SIR PETER LELY Enecutsu: 1617—1681 683—PORTRAIT OF ANNE DERING i) y le Gaon y/ Sam ‘ cy is Height, 50 inches; width, 41 inches WW) QU TuHREE-QUARTER length of a fascinating young woman as a shepherdess seated in a romantic landscape, facing front, wearing low blue robe caught with strings of jewels over right shoulder and left arm, lawn bodice and lavender mantle. She holds a crook in her right hand and is feeding a lamb at that side with flowers from her left hand. Inscribed at top right, “Anne Dering, Mrs. Whorwood, by Sir P. Lely.” In gilded, scrolled and cartouched frame of the period. From the collection of Sir Henry Dering, Bart., Surrenden Park, Ashford, England. SERRE: pabse6. Es 3 BErER: csiiiisreisstisisisiess lessee eee ieistpisitesisitassttieettiitigeeaeeeree JOSEPH HIGHMORE Eneusu: 1620—1780 684—THE HON. SELINA WOLLASTON b 0 > Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches (\ ( ie AAD 3o a Trree-quarter length, facing toward left, head turned almost to front, stand- ing before a large column and a wooded landscape. She wears a white feather and pearls in her hair, a low-cut blue robe, and holds a garland of flowers in her hands. Signed at base of column in center, JosepH HicHMore. From the collection of Lady Paget, London. tei Ht jes! rts Diets 17 RE SERS SSSpHGeSa SSE sET are ik site: Cease rrce caee =. reise mo 55 SSE SESSRESESEIED eee: Ppasabaceceler per eose sss = trae Sossieaeseses a eer eres SIR PETER LELY Eneutsn: 1617—1681 685—PORTRAIT OF MR. SOUTHWELL Hr: Height, 491% inches; width, 40 inches I f AAA ie Tur dignified subject seated in a baronial armchair, slightly turned to the right before a dark tawny background. He wears high-dressed hair curling over shoulders, lace jabot and ruffled lawn sleeves and a rich plum-colored robe of ample proportions. Inscribed at top right, “Mr. Southwell by Sir P. Lely.” In ancient carved and gilded scrolled frame. From the collection of Sir Henry Dering, Surrenden Park, Ashford, England. JAMES PARMENTIER Encusu: 1658—1730 686—QUEEN MARY, CONSORT OF WILLIAM OF ORANGE 4-0, Height, 50 inches; width, 3984 inches f Turez-quarrer length, seated before a dark edifice and hilly landscape at left. She wears long hair profusely curling over her shoulders, a low-cut blue dress over a lawn robe enriched at shoulders with jeweled orange and blue epaulets; a fringed yellow mantle is draped round her and she holds a spaniel on her lap. In ancient carved and gilded frame. From the Denham Place Collection, Buckinghamshire. ARTHUR POND Eneusn: 1705—1758 687—_LAVINIA FENTON } el Mg jee: Height, 50 inches; width, 891% inches Trree-quarter length, standing slightly toward left with her right arm over a sundial, before a wooded sunset landscape. She wears a white plumed flat black riding hat trimmed with ropes of pearls, close curling hair, pearls at throat and ears, a low-cut black dress with full skirt jeweled at girdle, lawn sleeves, the cuffs and bosom of dress trimmed with elaborate lace, red velvet bows on the bodice and lawn sleeves. In fine carved and gilded frame of the period. Note: Lavinia Fenton, the famous English actress (1708-1760), married Charles Paulet 8rd, Duke of Bolton. Sold at Christie's London. The property of a Gentleman. SIR PETER LELY Eneutsu: 1617—1681 688—LADY LECON ee a, ) ( h~ «4 f Vig Height, 4914 inches; width, 3734 inches. Q SM, KABA CE (= pet J 7/2 /A. ( U ' [ Turee-quarrer length of a beautiful young woman facing front, seated before a sunset wood landscape. She is robed in yellow, low V-cut, showing an under- robe of lawn; a light blue flowing mantle is draped over her shoulders and held by her right arm. In original carved and gilded frame. From the collection of Sir Edward Lecon, England. DANIEL SEGHERS Fiemisu: 1590—1661 689—STILL LIFE Wks Height, 471% inches; length, 611% inches n- Le 4 In the sunny foreground of a rough shady woodland stands a sculptured stone-pedestalled bust of “Flora,” beautifully laureated and garlanded with flowers which trail over the ground at right. At left is a cornice of a ruined building with large cut and uncut melons, pomegranates, peaches, figs, plums and apples grouped on and around it. Two birds, a white paroquet and a smaller green parrot are perched near the fruit. From the T. J. Blakeslee Collection, 1916. JAN DE HEEM Fremisn: 1650—circa 1720 690—FLOWERS Wie Aw immense bouquet of very varied flowers—roses, tulips, hollyhocks, poppies Height, 52 inches; width, 32 inches N. 0 . ae and sunflower—occupies an ornate red vase standing on a leaf-scrolled archi- tectural base. From the collection of Captain Leslie, Slindon House, Sussex. JOHANNES LINGELBACH Dutcu: 1625—1687 691—_THE FISH MARKET, ANTWERP y- po. Height, 44 inches; length, 72 inches fe. f Ahad ye. Tue open foreground crowded at left with groups of large fish strewn on a table and the ground, at right a fruit and vegetable market profuse in its display ; the scene is animated by the vendors crying their wares and chaffer- ing with cavaliers and their ladies. Closely piled buildings rise at left and stretch out to a distant bastioned point crested by a church and guarding the water. Beyond the foreground groups is a quay with small vessels unload- ing and at left rises a richly carved galleon inbound from the Indies, just arrived, In carved and gilded frame. Signed on table at lower left with initials. From the collection of Lady Rawson, Gravenhurst, Sussex. PETER BREUGHEL, THE ELDER Fremisu: 1530—1569 692—LANDSCAPE my ; : ap pop Height, 40°4 mches; length, 52 inches (Gs B YL U 281 Broan, expansive, hilly and wooded landscape with a stream winding about the center to the right foreground, there occupied by a group of ducks and ducklings; in the middle distance a peasant crosses the stream by a light wooden foot bridge and just beyond a man is fishing before a windmill which crests the steam’s left bank. A farmhouse amid woods is at left and a village and church nestle in the hills and trees toward right. From the Winchester Heirlooms, Andover, Hampshire. EON FLEMISH, ENGLISH RENAISSANCE AND GOTHIC TAPESTRIES AD- sf ee Soon 693—GoLp-ENRICHED Tapestry PaNnEL Italian Sixteenth Century “The Infant Saviour Saluting St. John.” Three-quarter-length seated figure of the Holy Virgin, wearing flowing robes and holding the Infant Saviour in her arms, who leans forward caressing and saluting the little John the Baptist. Two angels are at the right of green-curtained background. The robes are of rich crimson, blue, lavender, pink, green and yellow, beautifully enriched with many passages of silver and gold threads. Bordered with silver and gold open lace over a crimson satin ground. In ancient molded ebony frame adorned with ivory medallions. Total height, 2614 inches; width, 22 inches. Note: The weaving is notable for its wonderful precision, drawing and fineness; there are forty-two warps to the inch. The cartoon for this superb panel has been ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). fe y v Kori «my 694—Renaissance Tapestry Panen Brussels Sixteenth Centdry “The Annunciation.” The laureated and haloed Virgin, wearing em- ie broidered robes, is at right; St. Anne, similarly appareled, is at left avt = with the Angel seen behind her. Bust-length figures standing before a temple. Woven in rich blues, greens, old-red, yellows, ivory, pink and tan. A fragment from a large panel. In ancient carved and gilded frame. Height, rae inches ; ae 36 inches. . 695—F Lemisu Goruic Tapestry Panen ay Gee Coury. “The Adoration of the Virgin.” The Holy Mother kneels in the fore- ground before the Infant Saviour, who reclines on the folds of her 3 oes ample blue robe; behind her are St. Joseph, an ass and a recumbent bull against a background of farm buildings. At left are two adoring cherubs, the three Wise Men of the East and other personages occupy- ing a rugged mountainside crested by a rambling castellated building. Most interesting rose-reds, golden yellows, tawny-browns, blues and ivories invest the theme with a rare color quality. Mounted on stretcher with galloon and mouse-colored velvet. 24 inches square. Note: The weaving is exceptionally fine for this early period and of very unusual diversity 696--Renaissancre Tapestry Borper Brussels he Se enteenth ohn Cupids, landscapes and fruit. Displaying three finely cartouched ovals 6 toe —— occupied by miniature landscapes animated by chateaux and supported by cupids who sustain intermediate festoons of magnificent fruit. Woven in rich warm colors on tawny-brown ground. Length, 5 4 PW 10, inches, depth, 18 ipches. 7 he ee 697—ReEnalssancE Tapestry CANTONNIERE Flemish ee, Century Displaying classic figures of Pomona, Minerva, Diana, Time and Liter- oe within canopied niches and arbors, interrupted with vases of Od ee ruit, surmounted at crowning corners with playful cupids. Woven in crimson, blues, greens, yellows and tans on a lustrous ivory ground. (Has been restored at sides.) Height, 9 feet 10 inches; width, 9 feet 8 inches; depth at crown, 19 inches, and at sides, 18 inches. 698—NeEEDLEWoRK PANEL Dra eal ts cb pr. “Allegorical of Abundance.” Emblematic amply robed female figure ae Vig resting on a staff and seated before a finely conventionalized field of ~ wheat and flowers. At left and right are two gamboling cupids, and at her feet a hound and peacock. The rising lightly wooded distance is occupied by several habitations, and in the clouds the Holy Father is seated in Majesty blessing the abundance of the earth; the Virgin and Saviour at the sides. Executed in low-toned harmonious colors, with golden tones predominating. In molded walnut frame. Height, 53, inches; width, 39 inches. So # jr + 7/30 LAST 699—Tupor ab 700—ALLEGORICAL TAPESTRY Hon EDLEWORK PANEL English Renaissance Gros-point, displaying a scene from Alsop’s Fables. At the foot of a flower-decked wooded hill crested with a habitation are a fox and a dead ——crane. Executed in rare blues, pinks, tans, ivories and green. Beauti- ’ } 2) fo} ful border of very varied clustered fruit on recurring blue ground. Fin- ished with blossom guards. Height, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 8 feet 5 inches. 7 ] /)\ RO eh ke arly othic Period “The Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins.” Composed of two panels parted by an inscribed band. The upper panel is occupied by six figures standing before a conventionalized castellated building with spires at left, where stands the Haloed Saviour within a chevroned niche. At His right are the five wise virgins crowned and joyous, each holding in her left hand her brightly burning lamp. Quaint trees flank the figure of the virgin at left. Below, the arrangement of figures is repeated, that at the left being an old gray-bearded man refusing entrance to the five foolish virgins who hold kerchiefs to their weeping eyes and their empty lamps turned toward the ground. Woven in primary blue, old-red, gray, soft yellow, tan and tawny brown. Finished with a stellate border within a curious latch-hooked chevron, in similar colors. (The outer edges of borders imperfect.) Height, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 3% inches. (Illustrated) /) Ma) YD VY | rn: SKeg: Tne 701—F temisu Renaissance Taprstry Sixteenth Century “Royal Hawking Party.” A rough uneven flower-decked foreground, rising to a chateau amid woodland, is animated by a broadly scattered group of mounted huntsmen, their attendants afoot, several hounds and at immediate left a hawk with a downed heron; above in the sky another heron is falling before the attack of two further hawks. The woodland greens, ivorics and tans are pleasantly enhanced by the crimson and blues of the costumes. Finished with narrow blue guards. Height, 8 feet 3 inches; width, 6 feet 3 inches. are) f hm iL: ey ArAL 702—Perit- anp Gros-pornt Hancine French Seventeenth Century Ur — Resonant black ground displaying grotesqued scrolls amid acanthus leafage, cornucopias and husks developed from a central motive composed of jardiniéres, flanked by two recumbent sphinxes. Broad border ex- hibiting numerous animals and birds amid trailing vines, laden with flowers and fruit. Executed in rich blues, golden-yellows, crimsons, ivories, tans and greens. The borders slightly lower in tone enhancing the coloring of the center. Height, 7 feet; length, 8 feet. No. 700—ALLEGORICAL TAPESTRY (Karly Gothic Period) ¥, y /) On eed ti. ; 703—Renaissance ‘Tapestry Brussels Sixteenth Century ; “Latona and the Rustics.” The weary Latona, bearing one of! her ; 30 ”) (4% small twin deities on her right knee, the other at her side, rests in the a left foreground and asks for “a drink of water” from several rustic i reapers standing in and around a small pool at right; they derisively 5 refuse her request, and stir the beautiful flower-decked pool to its muddy depth. An emblematic frog is seen on the surface of the water, a sinister 7 augury for the fated rustics soon to be metamorphosed into others of # the frog tribe at the behest of the goddess. In the pleasant lightly wooded middle distance is another group showing Latona approaching with her children and two rustics with vessels to draw water from the pool; at right, before a large winding stream, is a group of ship builders, near a small vessel supported on wooden horses and a faggot fire, its columned smoke curling high to heaven. The distant portion of the stream is mantled by rocky hills and habitations. The rich medieval x costumes woven in beautiful pastel colors of wide range, orange, reds and : crimsons giving most subtle tonality to the blues, greens and yellows : of the diversified landscape. Most entrancing, involved and delicate borders, woven in the colors of the field on ivory grounds; display at crown and foot paneled miniature landscapes; in the upper is reclining Diana, flanked by festoons of fruit and flowers, supported by caryatids 8 and cupids and invaded by birds and rabbits. At the centers of the sides, Diana with bow, arrow and hound again appears, standing within a floral arbor supported by a quaintly winged youthful Psyche holding z festooned fruit surmounting further fruit and two cupids seated on a # fruit-wreathed cartouche enclosing a miniature landscape; above Diana is a cupid presenting a laurel wreath to the goddess, and motives sim- ilar to those below are repeated above the cupid. The guards, of unusu- ally intricate character, are composed of clustered laurel leaves inter- +] spersed with cherries and finished with leaf husks supported on a blue i banded ivory ribbon. <3 Height, 11 feet 6 inches; length, 8 feet 2 inches. 4 Note: This superbly woven tapestry with its fine interesting subject, delicacy of coloring and marvelous border, marks the apogee of the Renaissance period at Brussels. From the Stanstead Park Collection, Sussex. BE (Illustrated) ENGLISH, ITALIAN, DUTCH AND FRENCH PAINTINGS GEORGE STUBBS Encusu: 1736—1806 eyes é 852—DOG SURPRISING 4 CAT Vek reer yi / ge (Circular Panel) ( Diameter, 12 inches In the foreground of a wooded and watered landscape, a young foxhound has crossed the path of a tortoise-shell cat. A. V. SAXO MENSIS Iranian: E1gHTEENTH CENTURY : VA 853—STILL LIFE Mnpro- Nye pda V 7 Sa Height, 1414, inches; length, 18°4 inghes ( SpreAp on a marble slab are nuts, a spray of roses and a book sheltering a mouse standing on a document. Butterflies and insects hover over the group. Signed at lower left, A V Saxo Mensts 1738. WALTER MONTAGUE SMYTH Encusu: Circa 1825 vA ny 854—F LOWERS AND FRUIT Jo AW AhwWn_ 90 Peery Height, 18 inches; width, 1334 inches d A soveuet of roses, tulips, lilies and honeysuckle set in a pottery vase en- riched with a cupid’s head; before the base on a marble slab are spread clusters of white and black grapes. shebahiguuniaes WALTER MONTAGUE SMYTH EneuisH: Circa 1825 fy 12) 855—_FLOWERS AND FRUIT Ly } jf Ley: J: we AA 4 f ce Height, 21% inches; width, 1614, inches = Berore a bowl of flowers on a table is a wicker basket of apples, peaches, red currants and a bunch of grapes nearby. A plum-colored drapery is at left. ADRIAAN VAN DER WERFF Dutcu: 1659—-1722 856—THE HUNTSMAN’S SURPRISE Jf Sei! Ww \ coe AVw0ythy d| /9 wad (Panel) ot 4 Height, 191% inches; width, 15 inches Wirurn an old Dutch apartment a young wife is seated before her mirror and jewel-box spread on a table overlaid with an Oriental rug; she is attired in ivory satin with lavender bodice and is playing with her pet spaniel; behind her standing at an open window her maid, with her finger to her lips, is impressing quiet on a cavalier returning from the hunt who wishes to surprise his mistress. From the collection of Captain Leslie, Slindon House, Sussea. MARY BEALE Encuisu: 1652—1697 ee 857—PEAHEN AND FLOWER. } a (yn: \U0 anw Hit Height, 174% inches; length, 26 inches 6 6 ‘~ JarpiniEre of varied flowers seen in landscape at left, a peahen stands in profile at right. PIETER HARDIME Friemisu: 1678—1758 ra 858— 4 W. We. 7ERS we ( 4 BOWL OF FLOWERS Vhs oI. Jar A Cer Height, 221% inches; width, 1814 inches A Two-HANDLED enriched brown pottery bowl stands on a stone slab beside a bird’s nest; a butterfly and snail are in the foreground. The bowl occupied by daffodils, primulx, tulips and poppies. Signed at lower right, P. Harpimt, 1728. From the collection of Paul Delaroff, St. Petersburg. DUTCH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 859—VASE OF FLOWERS 1G OO - n 708 ate Height, 221, inches; width, 171% inches V LY Aw ornate silver vase standing on an old red-covered table, filled with a loose bouquet composed of roses, anemones, tulips and poppies. DUTCH SCHOOL EieHTEENTH CENTURY (Y f a4 a7 “heel 860—F LOWERS ig- = ~» Height, 2734 inches; width, 2024 inches ”) / —— A xoosr bouquet of splendid poppies, roses and lilies set in a vase standing on a stone slab. HUGH HAMILTON Bririsu: 17384—1806 861—A BOWL OF FLOWERS AND FRUIT yf, (On panel) 2 0 gee Height, 25% inches; width, 19 inches Q Ch Rnnrnee_ A vEEP glass bowl with high foot stands on a stone slab; beside the bowl is a silver salver on a red drapery holding a partially peeled lemon and several peaches. The bowl occupied by roses, trailing morning-glories, fox-gloves and an immense cluster of light green grapes. From the collection of Captain Leslie, Slidon House, Sussew. ENGLISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 862—F LOWERS (On panel) r~\ o XY WY ane : Ol, : ayn. Decal rs —— Height, 191% inches; length, 2734 inckes Loosr bouquet of roses, peonies, tulips, hyacinths and hydrangeas is spread on the ground. ENGLISH SCHOOL Karty EicuTreentH Century ~ 8683—FLOWERS AND FRUIT (Two) BP is \) CO)- KY Frnt | OE Height, 191% inches; length, 2634, inches ae \ (a) A vase of loose flowers trailing to the center foreground; at right an upturned pan of grapes and pears. (%) Similar, with peaches among the fruit. SCHOOL OF FRAGONARD Frencu: Eicureentn Crngury / , 2 864—MADEMOISELLE DE CHATEREAUX 3d "ae Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Busr of a young girl, her head turned over her right shoulder observing the ground; she wears roses in her puffed hair and in her bosom, a ruff at her neck and low-cut laced robe of dull pink with pale blue sleeves. From the T. J. Blakeslee Collection, 1916. FRENCH SCHOOL Earty SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 865—PORTRAIT OF A LITTLE PRINCESS yy CO iy | ‘ fn: d y-.| ecfe Sure Height, 251% inches; width, 20 inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH figure of a plump little girl simply habited, almost in Puritan attire, wearing lawn cuffs, apron and black bodice partially cov- ered with a diagonal blue sash. She holds the sceptre of France in her right hand and is seated before a dark tasseled curtain. LUCAS DE HEERE Fremiso: 1534—1584 WA la A : (\ 866—THE COUNTESS OF PEMBROKE MOK cS UAAUW . aoe Y qd Height, 27 inches; width, 211% inches ( Harr-1enern, the delicate oval face turned slightly to left, wearing curly brown hair mobbed and surmounted with curiously lobed and halo-like trans- parent black headgear, square lawn collar tied with black cord and tassels, low-cut black full-sleeved dress disclosing at the top a lace-trimmed lawn robe and pendent jeweled cross with three huge pearl drops. In Renaissance carved and gilded frame. From the collection of Sir Henry Dering, Surrenden Park, Ashford. HYACINTHE RIGAUD Frencu: 1659—1743 : c \ HS : Xx Ahan \e 867—SIEUR DE BEAUPRE = —yb Height, 29 inches; width, 24 imches / ~) V Hatr-1tenern, turned to left, the head facing front. Wearing high dressed hair curled to shoulders, lace jabot and a blue scarf over full armor. In original carved and gilded frame. SCHOOL OF CANALETTO Venetian: Earty EicHrerntH CEntTuRY 868—THE GRAND CANAL (Four) A ©, Ahkarrn \ v ~TF of Height, 2114, inches; length, 274% inches SE Various views of the Grand Canal animated by gondoliers, shipping and many figures. The Bridge of Sighs, the Doge’s Palace, the Campanile and Arsenal. In original carved and gilded frames. DUTCH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 869—FOWL Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches A croup of large fowl in a barnyard; a white rooster defiantly standing in the foreground near two small tortoises. MARY BEALE Eneuisu: 1652—1697 870—F LOWERS Height, 28%/, inches; width, 2814, inches A sranpine silver coupe occupied by a trailing bouquet of roses, lilies and fresia. MARGHERTHA HAVERMANN Dutrcn: 1720—1795 871—FLOWERS AND BUTTERFLIES Height, 28%4 inches; width, 221, inches A BEAuTIFuUL loose bouquet of roses, lilies, poppies, smaller flowers and wheat with butterflies hovering above and set in a vase standing on a stone console. (Canvas restored. ) From the collection of Captain Leslie, Slindon House, Sussex. NICHOLAS POUSSIN Frencn: 1594—1665 872—LANDSCAPE AND RUINS Height, 31 imches; length, 431% inches THe uneven foreground occupied by a pool at left and fallen columns about center, falls to a broad river bordered on the far side by large buildings crested by distant blue mountains; at mid-left is an immense arched Pantheon, before it being many groups of personages, some chaffering for vegetables and fish, others at various vocations or in conversation. At extreme right is a Bacchic statue on a high pedestal. In Georgian carved and gilded frame. From the collection of Lady Rawson, Gravenhurst, Sussex. EDWARD HAWKER Encusu: 1641—1721 873—LADY MARY NORDEN Height, 30 inches; width, 25 mches Har-tenctu of a young woman turned slightly to right, wearing curling hair over the shoulders, pearl necklace and ear-drops, low round cut jeweled robe of dull pink over lawn and a purple mantle falling over both arms and held by her right hand. In original carved and gilded frame. From the Denham Place Collection, Buckinghamshire. HYACINTHE RIGAUD Frencu: 1659—1743 874—DUC D’ANTIN Height, 33 inches; width, 27 inches Haxr-tenern, facing slightly to left, wearing high curled peruke flowing over the shoulders, a richly ornamented suit of armor over which is a red ermine- lined mantle caught at breast with a jewel. Seen through an oval aperture. HARMAN VARELST Durcu: 1643—1690 875—A CEREMONY AT THE COURT OF WILLIAM AND MARY Height, 27 inches; length, 38 inches. Two groups of courtiers stand in the courtyard of the “Tower of London” ; Queen Mary in court robes at center presents the sceptre of England to William, who tenders her a golden apple; beef-eaters, from the famous corps of Tower guards, stand adjacent to the left wall. In original carved and gilded frame. SCHOOL OF PANINI Iranian: E1cHTEENTH CENTURY 876—ARCHITECTURAL RUINS (Two) Height, 25 inches; length, 441% inches Cotonnanes of a large edifice in ruins seen at dusk and animated by occasional figures. Shaped molded frames. Suitable for overdoors. Pook SCHOOL OF BOUCHER Frencu: ErGHTEENTH CENTURY 877— SPORTIVE CUPIDONS (Two) r (Oval) | Height, 25%, inches; length, 3314, inches a a KA A e- ms tp Pn - v (a) Group of Cupidons seated and standing on clouds engaged in and watch- ing an archery contest. Especially rich in color. B) Similar, playing with dove and torch. playing MONFOY Frencu: EichTrErentH Century 878—THE MUSE EUTERPE ML ‘ va ee We, / 6) a Height, 2934 inches; length, 49 inches Tue graceful Muse reclines on clouds; she is amply draped in light green and holds a long trumpet in her right hand; her laureated head is inclined to the beholder. Signed at lower right, Monroy 1783. SCHOOL OF BOUCHER Frencu: EightEENTH CENTURY 879— SPORTIVE CUPIDS (Two) ye / th, ) y Mee Height, 871 inches; length, 52% inches ie, o> (4) “Cupid Overcome.” Six diminutive Psyches are variously grouped about Cupid, who complacently reclines on the clouds amid garlands of flowers, overcome by the Psyches, who are variously preparing wreaths or garland- ing him. (8) “Cupid Triumphant.” Cupid, seated amid arms, wreath and coronet, holds a quiver in his left hand and presents with his right an arrow to an attendant cupid, who holds aloft an arrow bearing a white flag inscribed “Omna vincit amor.” A further Cupid hovers above, carrying flaming torches and two others at left are engaged with bows and arrows. DUTCH SCHOOL EicHTrentu Crentrury r\ f yn 880—F LOWERS NM holbery ai Hs fr Wv : ry -) 0 UO Height, 35 inches; length, 4114\ inches 1 i: ( A arc scrolled shell, filled with many trailing flowers, rests at the edge of a small limpid brook emerging from a shady wooded dell; open country at right. (Canvas has been repaired.) ITALIAN SCHOOL Earnty EicoTrenta CEntury (\ \ A 881—F LOWERS (Two) tak SUA OW ? / “ // 4) (— Heights, 3314, and 33 inches; widths, 2234 and 23 inches (a) A pedestaled vase of varied and beautiful flowers stands in a wooded landscape; further flowers are strewn in the foreground. (w) Similar, the vase standing on the ground beside a ruined edifice. In ancient carved and gilded frames. ENGLISH SCHOOL Earty EicHTrenta Century * I) 882—STILL LIFE (Four) Kn Vat ‘¢ é CO Height, 2714 inches; length, 351% inches A) Bouquet of roses and other flowers scattered to left of an ornate ewer q and basin, the ewer occupied by a poppy; before the basin, turnips, half a lemon, a beet and a bundle of asparagus are spread. (w) Central basket of strawberries set on a small stone plinth, a cut melon at left, in the background growing and blossoming flowers. (c) A dish of pears and grapes to left with a pomegranate and melon at right, “mantled by grapes, vine leaves and flowers. (Canvas imperfect.) (») An ornate ewer stands in center filled with varied flowers which trail over to the ground at left; grapes and large vine leaves at right. ITALIAN SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 8883—STILL LIFE (Two) C7 : 4 (3 Linn res GIS = ) (Oo Height, 25 inches; length, 3334 inches (a) Large green and yellow melons at left and smaller ones of dull orange above at right; spread in the foreground is a large fish with succulent mushrooms grouped at its head and tail. (8) Enormous white squash grouped toward right; several cut and uncut i peaches at left are before a glass vase of flowers; at right are ripe figs 4 on a box. ITALIAN SCHOOL z Earty EichHTrentH Crenrury 884—F LOWERS af. Q Ventre vo Height, 33% inches; width, 25 inches A GADROONED stone vase of rare and varied flowers stands in the foregreund of z] a lightly wooded landscape. ATELIER DE BOUCHER Bz, Frencu: EicnorrentH Century 885—THE FAVORITE DOVE fa x Lb ayn (3 AA OO: : kK _ (Oval) 8 0 — Height, 36 inches; length, 46% inches A smatxi Cupidon, seated on rocky ground, embraces a little Psyche, who tenders him her favorite dove; background of trees with roses at left and right. / SAMUEL BARKER Eneuiso: Earty EicnreentH Century 886—F LOWERS Oe Height, 48 inches; width, 34 inches Aw immense bouquet of roses, poppies, lilies and morning-glories trail over to left and right from an ornate golden vase standing on a stone pedestal only partially seen. In elaborate black wave molded frame inlaid with red tortoise-shell. From the collection of Dr. Robert Green, London. SCHOOL OF LELY EncutsH: SrEvENTEENTH Century 887—LA BELLE STUART Keres VOW. — 90 Height, 50 inches; width, 3914 inches —— Turee-avarrer length, facing front and standing before a dark background in which a large stone vase appears at right. She wears dark hair curling over forehead and a lovelock over shoulder, curious mob cap, large pearls at ears, neck and waist, a low-cut ample dull blue-green robe with yellowish mantle appearing over shoulder, a white glove pendent from her right hand. In fine old carved and gilded frame. LE RICHE FRENCH: EIGHTEENTH CEentTuRY A ( Y 888—STILL LIFE: “FLOWERS” MAG? ee Av OOH ee Height, 32% inches; length, 51% inghes UY Aw ivory Louis XVI urn, enriched with flutings and gilded acanthus leaves standing on a small plinth, is occupied by a large bouquet of beautifully varied flowers which trail over the left side and front toward right in two fine wreaths. Background of sky-blue draped with curtains. Ware a -SOnA ITALIAN SCHOOL Earty EichTeentH CEntrury an a Que; 889—CUPIDS AND FLOWERS / ‘ x ey (X : a Height, 34 inches; length, 60 inches ees _ ~ Turee Cupids rollick amid sprays of beautiful flowers, one reclining, the others playing with branches of lilies grouped before a dark-foliaged bank. An open romantic landscape appears at right, animated by two further play- ful Cupids. In ancient carved and gilded frame. SIR JAMES THORNHILL Encutso: 1676—1734 WJ fa 890—AN ALLEGORY OF PAINTING a Q ot SueY LA. Promo rv? Height, 3484 inches; length, 43 inches | - SU V Tue Muse of Painting lightly embraces Venus with her left arm and holds a paint-brush in her right hand, a Cupid beside them bearing a palette. Three- quarter-length figures standing before a Bacchic terminal at right that is being caressed by a flying Cupid. From the collection of Captain Leslie, Slindon House, Sussex. JACOB DE WITT Durcu: 1695—1754 891—AN ALLEGORY OF WINTER HW / Y on dav ty (Canvas on panel) ie a} — Height, 281% inches; length, 621% inches | A warce festooned, flaming brazier supported on a pedestal is in the center foreground of a low-lying wintry landscape flanked by leafless, snow-clad trees; a well-clothed Cupid at right is tending the fire with wood being hewn by another at his side. At left a further Cupid is seated on rocks warming his hands at the brazier. In the panel of the pedestal is a classic allegory of Winter, in camaieu. Beas) te FLEMISH SCHOOL Earty Erenrernru Crenrury 892—THE FOUR SEASONS (Four) ve Poe lat LMAO Va Height, 491% inches; width, 4514 inches (a) “Spring.” In the center, before a wooded landscape occupied by chateaux at right and left, a husbandman is grafting the stump of a tree; he is attired in buff coat and red breeches; his assistant in green coat kneels near splitting rush for the operation; two peasant women, one in blue the other in yellow, watch the workers. (s) “Summer.” A group of peasants in gay holiday attire are merrymaking in the foreground under the shelter of a tree and a more distant church. At right is an open land: cape with a haywain on a winding road. (c) “Autumn.” In the foreground two peasants are sawing a log; two women watch nearby. At left is an ancient ruin crested by trees and another peasant drawing water from an old spigoted fountain. At right a further peasant is hewing limbs from a tall slender tree. (>) “Winter.” An ice carnival; three ancient peasants are grouped round a wood fire on the near bank of an ice-bound river occupied by a gay sledging party and skaters. The far snowy bank rises to hills occupied by chateaux. From the collection of Sir William Bass, Byrkly Lodge, Burton-on-Trent. FRENCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 893—F LOWERS inn oe Wy ane Height, 491, inches; width, 44 inches ; A scutprurepD vase stands before a clump of trees on the low coping of an edifice partially seen at right; a large bouquet of brilliantly colored flowers fills the vase and trails over to the ground amid a metal vessel, two peaches and mushrooms; a cluster of poppies grows in the left foreground. (Canvas repaired. ) In ancient carved and gilded frame. Ja 60 ie P. CASTEELS Dutcu: ErcnTEENTH CENTURY = 894— FRUIT AND FLOWERS ee DBT yo Height, 40°4 inches; length, 511 inches A LarcE ornate vase of flowers, comprised of exotic lilies, tulips, primule, stocks and poppies, rests amid a group of apples, plums and clusters of grapes, on a stone pedestal partially seen. The vase is canopied by yellow floral patterned curtains at both sides. Signed at lower right, P. CastErts 1734. (Companion to the following.) P. CASTEELS Dutrcu: EicureenruH Cynrury r Y a a \\ 895—F LOWERS TU -_ Agente oe Height, 4034 inches; length, 511% inches A LarcGE vase, sculptured with cupids, stands amid trailing morning-glories on a stone slab. The vase is occupied by curious exotic lilies, hollyhocks, primule, passion flowers and many varieties of smaller blossoms. Signed at lower left, P. Casrrrts 1734. (Companion to the preceding.) ABRAHAM HONDIUS Durcu: 1638—1695 — IP OF tS wy ‘ f 2 896—A GROUP OF DOGS SO ne nee % AS AG Height, 45 inches; length, 57 inches ve fe~ — [ Two strong-limbed hounds dominate the group, one sitting on his haunches at right, the other standing at left, a shaggy white and black greyhound with upraised head partially seen between them; two Charles the II beribboned spaniels are in center and left foreground and a grey-coated greyhound’s head and shoulders is at extreme right. In remarkably fine open scrolled Georgian carved and gilded frame. (Needs restoration.) From the collection of Sir William Bass, Bart., Byrkly Lodge, Burton-on- Trent. PO fa Yj 2) Y / 897—Heratpic HarcuMent English Eighteenth Century On Coat-of-arms painted on a diamond-shaped canvas, used to hang on Jv an outside balcony of the family mansion on important occasions. Ex- hibiting a parted shield displaying at sinister, three rampant demi-lions and pellet in center; on particolored chevron above, Prince of Wales feather guarded by wreaths and surmounted by the red hand of Ulster; below, an elaborate badge. The shield is mantled by a helm crested with a demi-griffon and scrolled acanthus leaves. Labeled motto, “Gradatini Vincimus.” Framed. Height, 59 inches; width, 59 inches. /) L* SAMY | 109: 898—Heraupic HarcuMenr English Eighteenth Century Coat-of-arms painted on a diamond-shaped canvas, used to hang on an bee. outside balcony of the family mansion on important occasions. Ex- / VA —— hibiting a parted shield displaying, at dexter, three eagles’ heads parted by a chevron; at sinister, two horizontal bars surmounted by two leopard heads. The shield, with cupid heads on shoulders, is draped with husks and ribbons; labeled motto under, “Solem Fero.” Framed. Height, 62 inches; width, 62 inches. MG" Jan Ww. 899—Heraupic HarcuMEent English Eighteenth Century Coat-of-arms painted on a diamond-shaped canvas, used to hang on an JO ¢ © outside balcony of the family mansion on important occasions. Ex- hibiting a scrolled shield surmounted by an Earl’s coronet supported by two winged angels holding palm branches, displaying two statant lions, with a white shield above charged with the red hand of Ulster. Labeled motto, “Par Fernis Suppar.” Framed. Height, 68 inches; width, 67 inches. SES No. 1175—UPRIGHT INLAID WALNUT SECRETARY (Queen Anne Period) ANGELICA KAUFFMANN, R.A. Encusu: 1741—1807 We tp / 1178—THE TRIUMPH OF VENUS st MN Tan AG phn Height, 2 feet 5% inches; length, 6 feet 2 inches ve V —— A rain goddess, holding aloft a flowing light-green arched drapery, is seated in a flower-festooned, shell-scrolled triumphal car drawn by two cupids and driven by another. A nymph precedes the car toward left, scattering flowers in her wake; a further cupid flies to Venus, whispering pleasant news. Cupid himself, mounted on a lion, follows at right; he is armed with his arrows and bears aloft a flaming torch. Another nymph, playing a large scrolled harp, and a small vestal bearing incense complete the scene at right. Bought at Christie's, 1902. Note: This and the following beautiful classic composition were originally painted by Angelica Kauffmann for No. 7 Portland Place, London. Portland Place was designed by Robert Adam, architect (1728-1792). (Illustrated) ANGELICA KAUFFMANN, R.A. Encusu: 1741—1807 1179—HOMAGE TO DIANA U,Un> ¢ 7 | Syey «Br Height, 2 feet 5% inches; length, 6 feet 2 inches A coxprn statue of the Goddess of Hunting stands on a pedestal before a green curtain, draped between two sets of garlanded bi-columns; a tripod with flaming incense is burning before the pedestal; at right is a golden vessel, a vestal virgin approaching and offering an oblation with a little girl playing the pipes, behind her Pomona carrying a basket of fruit on her head; at left a nymph, with bow and arrow near her, kneels and offers incense, her right arm resting on a garlanded fawn; approaching her is a further nymph bearing a sheaf of arrows and caressing a little maiden who carries a white dove as her tribute to the fair Diana. Bought at Christie’s, 1902. Note: This and the preceding beautiful classic composition were originally painted by Angelica Kauffmann for No. 7 Portland Place, London. Portland Place was designed by Robert Adam, architect (1728-1792). (Illustrated) teen wtrisi iss No. 1178—THE TRIUMPH OF VENUS pel sks os bs heii l~ fesse habeas os oes No. 1179—HOMAGE TO DIANA / jt HENRY R. MORLAND va is i Encutsu: 1780—1797 1180—FOUR DECORATIVE LANDSCAPES Height, 6 feet 91 inches; width, 6 feet 9Y% inches. tae On (a) Rustic Bridge Over The River Stour Near Norwich. On an uneven roadway winding at left round an old smithy to green woods, a red-coated country squire mounted on a white horse pauses to ask his direc- tion from a rustic holding a saddled brown hunter; a dog is near the group, which is sheltered toward the center by ancient oaks whose branches also bower a sluggish river at right. A market woman with a basket of fruit is debarking from a small boat that a rustic holds to the shore; ducks are swim- ming in the stream. In the middle distance a herdsman and cattle cross a rustic bridge from a village with its church spire looming high into the sky at the distant right. (ws) The Ruined Abbey Church. An ancestral building, with a temporary roof of thatch rapidly falling into decay, stands at left and is overtopped with fine old trees. Nearby is a road- way winding under a large spreading oak, with a group of rustics and sheep; amid the group a red-coated shepherd is seated with his black-coated dog before him begging for something he holds up in his right hand, while two children watch the dog’s tricks. A market wagon slowly advances on the road- way, which passes a distant cottage and is lost in the woodland. (c) The Farmyard. A low rambling thatched-roof farmhouse is in the center behind a paled fence and an uneven roadway rising to a large spreading oak tree at left that casts the foreground into deep shadow. At the half-gated door, in a glint of sun- light, the farmer’s wife appears in conversation with a herdsman who is about to drive cattle to pasturage. The cottage is embowered with trees and toward right a glimpse of a wheat field and a few standing sheaves are seen. (») The Wagoner. A country wagoner is emerging with his quaint hooded cart from a stable, the lower floor of an ancient thatched outhouse; a wooden staircase, occupied by a red-coated rustic carrying a basket on his back ascending to a dwelling above, where a woman watches the wagoner. Two spreading oaks embower the build- ing, which is attached in the rear to the ruins of an ancient Gothic abbey. A eourtyard, enclosed by a dilapidated fence, guards a road crossing from left to behind the trees; on it a mounted packman slowly wends his way. No. 1180—FOUR DECORATIVE LANDSCAPES PLS1— (3) (es i) oe G Aan WwW) Kt frn9 Four Priyrep Wart Hanerincs Directoire Period Classic panels, block printed in gray camaieu in tempera to embel- lish four sides of a Petit Salon. “Olympia.” The Grecian Temple of the Gods rises at left before an animated water carnival. Imperial Jove and Juno are seen in their respective craft amid the Muses; on shore at foot of the steps leading to the temple is a procession in honor of Neptune; the right fore- shore is enlivened by a Bacchic group amid a grove of trees. Height, 8 feet 7 inches; length, 12 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) “The Triumph of Flora.” The goddess’s garlanded shrine crowns a broad flight of steps at left. About center is a pedestaled statue of the goddess canopied by trees; before it are dancing nymphs and vari- ~ ous personages paying homage. At right is an Arcadian shepherd with his lute and a flock of sheep. Cupids, further personages, trees and an arched terrace enliven the balance of the composition. Height, 8 feet 7 inches; length, 12 feet 3 inches. (Illustrated) Renee nye aSi= pypares Tere etters ei bett beets tes: sseeser eit ert rreseabs perreer warns ait : hives tedinets say | j i i i / 4 } i | i i SOEs EE i i ; i i i f i i 55 SPU tei rer niiititts! Catesieletriestrts Seeeeeee al. 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