Cas if e * i eee mmo ee Rh RE ee ie’ APO Se Bye Lay Penny VIS 2." te j if 7 : / Ze ¥ ’ ' c . Parts I anp II BY HENRY FREDERICK LUTZ -DOCUMENTS FROM ERECH UniIversiry OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN Soeare Pu _ Vol. 9, No.1, pp, 1-115 < Issued December 15, 1927 % UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA¥PRESS BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Lonpon, ENGLAND <>) joa ‘ x n ty : : py re sae Rea! oe ee 1 aoe Sie ee Tits NEO-BABYLONIAN ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTS FROM ERECH Part I BY HENRY FREDERICK LUTZ INTRODUCTION Erech,! the ancient city of southern Babylonia, famed in the greatest national epos of the Babylonians as the home of the hero Gilgamesh, constitutes the provenance of the material presented in the first part of this volume. Here, at Erech, rose the stately Hanna temple, dedicated to the goddess Innina, who in the beginning shared the sanctuary with the great skygod Anu. At first Innina, according to tradition, though a daughter of the moongod Sin, was only a subordinate deity in the household of Anu. But she was a favorite of the old skygod, and she won for herself a distinctive place in the pantheon, usurping the posi- tion of Anu’s spouse Antu, and also that of Ninzalli,? and received Eanna as a present. A later age assimilated Innina with Nana, a daughter of Anu, and also with Ishtar. According to one of the texts,’ it appears that the temple and its sacred precincts were even older than the city itself. It may be that the same order of development took place here in some of the early Babylonian city foundations as occurred later in medieval Europe.‘ This tradition concerning Erech may contain a kernel of truth, and the city itself may possibly have taken its rise outside the enclosed temple precinct of Eanna. If we can believe the ancient tradition, Kanna was a considerable stronghold, and its priests and temple serfs men able to bear arms, for we read that ‘“‘the kingdom of Kish passed to Eanna.’’® The oldest lord of Hanna was a certain Meskin-gasher, whom the Babylonians considered to be one of their great national heroes. There are indications in the mutilated Pennsylvania text that around this hero of Eanna, whom legend had made a son of the sungod, clustered 1 Babylonian Uruk, modern Warka; the classical writers mention it by the name of Orchoé (Strabo XVI, 1, 6; Pliny VI, 26, 30; 27, 31). Spel, 141 ft.) XIT,.738 ff. 3 UP v, No. 2, obverse, col. 2, line 1 ff. 4 Forrer quite recently made the observation that the ancient Hittite town at the Kamyshdjykde-Huyuk had similarly formed around the temple; MDOG, 65, 31. e Lind. e 2 University of California Publications. [SEM. PHI legends similar to those of Phaéthon, the son of Apollo. His son, I merkar, seems to have been looked upon as the traditional builder the city of Erech.6 Enmerkar is followed in the kings’ lists by Lugal marda, Dumuzi, and Gilgamesh, all of whom are legendary.’ The of the town. SE Phe king of Ur. (c. 2472-2454 B.C. tr ules an cared for the temple of Innina.* His successor Dungi, or Shulgi (ce. 24: 2396 B.C.), restored and enlarged it, rebuilding at the same time great temple wall.® Sin-gashid of Erech, who was a prolific bu probably interested himself also in the temple, although no dir mention of his building activities at Eanna is made. Hammur (c. 2123-2081 B.C.) called himself “the lord who gave life to Erech, Ww raised the turrets of Eanna.’!® Even the Kassites did not neglect i sanctuary,!! nor the Chaldeans.2 The Kassite king, Kurigalzu, 3 | over to Ishtar of Erech a large land-grant of about 203 square miles As late as the days of the Assyrian empire the temple still rec the reverent care of the kings. While Esarhaddon (680-669 1 C restored Eanna, and showed especial favor to Ishtar of Energal nn within Eanna,'* Ashurbanipal (668-626 B.C.) returned the godc Nand from Elam, where she had been carried 1,635 years. befo time, and restored her in Eanna, placing her in the shrine called gubanna. 5 In the Neo-Babylonian period, Nebuchadrezzar, aspen active interest in Erech and its ancient fane. He apheei to hav S UPTV .NoAly pis, notes ’ A later king of Erech, Sin-gashid, showed great reverence to Lage rda an built a temple in his honor, and in honor of the goddess Nin-sun, as well. was ‘‘the mistress of the plow, ” and apparently the eee of ae XXI, 18. 14, 91081). SIRI, No. 6; CT XXI, 3, 90006, 900115. oT RQ, No. Il, 3; OT XXI, 10, 11, 90897. % The writer fe since the above was written, come into the posses tablet of Sin-gashid which refers directly to this ruler’s building sch is fs 10 CH II, 37-48. at 1 Karaardnen (IV R 36, 3). te 12 Marduk-aplu-iddina (I R 5, XVII). 13 CT XXXVI, 6 ff.; Keiser-Nies, Babyl. Insc., II, No. 33. 14 BA ITI, 260, 6. » Pi ap ry hei ,?) "oh We coe Vou. 9] Lutz.—Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. 3 the temple anew.'® In the Grotefend cylinder inscription the king narrates: ‘The former distinctions, the ancient cult of Nand of Erech, the brilliant mistress of Erech, I restored to their place. To Erech I restored its protecting deity, and to Eanna its gracious protector. The ancient foundation stone of Eanna I found and examined; above the ancient foundation stone I laid its foundation.’’!® The last Babylonian king, Nabonidus, also extended to Eanna his pious care. In Column III of the Nabonidus stele of Constantinople he narrates: “Innina of Erech, the exalted princess who dwells in a golden dwelling, who harnesses the seven lions, and whose cult, in the reign of Erba-Marduk, the king, the Erechian had suppressed, and had torn down her dwelling place, had rent in pieces her harness, and had departed in anger from Eanna to dwell elsewhere. A divine being not belonging to Eanna was permitted to dwell in her shrine. Innina he * appeased, her dwelling he established again, the seven lions, the mark of her divinity, he harnessed for her. Innina, however, who did not belong here, he led forth from Eanna, and restored. the [real] Innina to Eanna.”’ The cult of Innina continued through the Persian and Seleucid periods, although in the latter period it appears that Anu had somewhat eclipsed the worship of Innina in Erech. Together with Borsippa and Sippar, Erech appears to have maintained its temple school to the last.?” Documents from Erech are available down to the year 139 B.C., while other archeological material, such as broken columns, capitals, cornices, etc., reaches down to the Parthian period. No systematic excavations on a large scale have been carried on, so far, at the ancient site. In 1854 Loftus was engaged in excavation at Warka, where he had worked somewhat earlier. The ruins of Warka are perhaps the largest in all Babylonia. In the time of Loftus they formed a huge accumulation of far-stretching mounds. The entire site constituted an irregular circle nearly six miles in circumference. In the southwestern area of this complex rose Tell Buwériye, a pyramidal mound rising to about a hundred feet. This mound represents the zzggurat or stage tower of the Eanna temple. The present documents, with the exception of three letters, are administrative records from the Eanna temple and its various shrines. They date over a period of some eighty-six years (625-539 B.C.). Although a considerable number of documents similar in type have already been published, additional material will always be welcome for 15 VAV, 4, 170, 1-5. 16 Col. II, lines 50-59. 17 Strabo, XVI, 739. 4 University of California Publications. [Sem. PHIL. various reasons; foremost, its value for a study, after the supply of material has been exhausted, of the relations of the various individuals mentioned in the records, as well as of groups of individuals, with one another; and its value, also, in an investigation regarding the office- holders in Erech and its vicinity during the Neo-Babylonian time. In order to proceed with these and similar investigations, it 1s necessary that all available documents, including the most fragmentary and insignificant, become known. ‘The fortunate circumstance that, for the Neo-Babylonian era, we possess a comparatively large number of similar documents from Erech, makes a new demand on us; namely, to study these records not only with respect to the subject material, but, and primarily, with respect to the persons mentioned therein. It is with this understanding, and as a contribution to further the purpose men- tioned, that the documents here presented are offered. These texts also bear witness to their connection with material previously published by Dougherty, in his Archives from Erech.!8 Here, as there, notice for instance, the repeated mention of Tukulti-‘Marduk,'® son of Kudurru, the shepherd of the sacrificial animals of the temple, as well as the names of other individuals who are mentioned in both publications. Attention should be called to a statement in the interesting letter ~ published as No. 2. Here the queen of Nabopolassar is predicated with deification. .This case is unique, and, as such, perhaps not too great emphasis should be placed upon it. But, at all events, the whole idea of deification of men, and especially of women, is so contrary and foreign to the religious development within Babylonia at this and the preceding period, that this isolated instance seems to point to extraneous influences and contamination. One is reminded of the case of Arsinoé Phila- delphus, whose deification was a gradual process. This queen was made goddess of Mendes in the fifteenth year of Ptolemy Philadelphus’ reign, goddess at Thebes in the nineteenth year, goddess at Sais in the twentieth year, and the whole process of general deification was probably completed in the twenty-first year, when the apomoira were paid to her in all the temples of Egypt. Similarly, it seems probable that, owing, perhaps, to a special interest taken by the queen of Nabopolassar in the Eanna temple and in Erech, a partial or local pronouncement of her deification came about as an acknowledgment of her beneficial acts. 18 Goucher College Cuneiform Inscriptions, Vol. I (New Haven, 1923). 19 This individual is mentioned once in a document published by Keiser, Letters and Contracts from Erech, No. 147:6. ih Se ee Cea ee VoL. 9] 12 13 Lutz.—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. TRANSCRIPTION AND TRANSLATION OF SPECIMEN TABLETS 1. A LETTER Tablet 1 Tuppi ¢Nabt-ahé-iddin a-na “Innina-zér-usabsi ahi-ia “Bél u 4Nabti Su-lum sa ahi-ia liq-bu-G ha-an-ti8 u-mu Si-pir-ta-ia [ta]-mu-ru nu-bat-ti la, ta-ba-a-tu [tu] qa-ap-pa-a-tu — i-Sam-ma su-bi-lam i-na muh-hi kaspa Amél-*Na-na-a is-tap-rak-ka mi-en-kam-ma a-na mub-hi-ia en-na il-[lak] ina pani-ka ina mub-hi-ia] 14 ta-sil-la-’a[. . .] a-na Nag-gi-i [14 ta-sil-la-’a] mi-en-kam-ma te-e-mu elippéti ul taS-pu-ra ina mub-bi elippéti Letter of ¢Nabt-ahé-iddin to *Innina-zér-uSabsi my brother. pronounce peace upon my brother! When thou seest my message, let the holiday quickly come to an end, and buy and send me a hoe. Amél-4Nana is sending thee the money. Why [act] thus toward me? Now he comes into thy presence. Be not negligent toward me, nor be thou negligent toward Naggi. Why didst thou not send the ship reports to the vessels? 2. LETTER OF AN OFFICIAL Tablet 2 Zér-*Nabti Su-lum a-na ~ Mar-duk ahi-Su i-Sa-al tuppu §a ilti Sa ina Ali bel-ti hir-e-ti Zér-4*Nabti greets Marduk his brother A letter of the goddess of the city, the mistress, May Bél and Nabi Ooo»r WN Umversity of California Publications. sa *Nabi-apal-usur Sa-qu-ti mus-su-ra-at *rabititi Sa ina mub-hi izzazu arab-u-time i-tab-Su-’-Su-nu-tu a-a $a SE.BAR ta-hal-liq kap-du a-na muh-hi a-lik u ki-i-tu Su-pur ja-a-nu-u SE.BAR ta-hal-lig u su-hi-e-ti ib-bil-kam a-ki-i na-kut-ti ana lib-bi-fa al-tap-ra ina muh-hi 14 ta-sal-li amélu Sa ili-fa dN abi-musétiq-urra iq-bi-ka a-na biti i-din — bit amél dan-nu Sarra-tu amél rab u Su-lum Sa ahi-ia lu-us-mu [Sem. PHIL. [and] exalted spouse of Nabopolassar, the leader, in whose presence stand the magnates, 3 [and in whom] the magnates have their being! Woe concerning the barley! It is: destroyed. Speedily go in behalf of it and send the remainder. There is no barley! It is destroyed, Although the wants were brought before thee. As [is] the terror in my heart I have written. Do not be negligent toward me. The man of my god,” 4Nabd-musétiq-urra told thee [that] he gave [barley] : to the house. Let me hear (about) the house of the King, the queen, the vizier, and the welfare of my brother. 3. A ReEcErIPT FOR DATES 10 kur sulup[pi] a-na Si-kar [. . .] ina pan »E-zu-u-pa-hir amélu}a ppiru arbusabAtu dmu 5*#™ sattu 19*s™ aN abd-kudurri-usur Sar Bab{ili**] 20 T.e., The man in whom I trust. Tablet 32 1200 liters of dates for wine [making . . .] at the disposal of Ezipahir the brewer. The 5th day of Shebat, the 19th year of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. — VoL. 9] oF WD me WN 21 T.e., temple of the goddess Nana, who bore the epithet Usur-amatsa, ‘‘keep her word, guard her bidding.’’ The pronominal ending above is incorrect. Lutz.—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. 4. A ReEcEIPT FoR EMMER Tablet 64. 1 kur §"kunasi Su-la-a apil "Apla-a 4 pi 1 bar a-na ki-is-sat Sa sist arbunisannu dmu 7*8™ patou J 1s" 4Nabt-na’id Sar Babili*: 120 liters of emmer Sula, the son of AplA [received]. 4 pi | bar [are] for the provender of horses. The 7th day of Nisan, the 11th year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. 5. EXPENDITURE OF FLOUR Tablet 99 [qému] Sa 2Nabti-zér-usabsi amélucaziddaku sa timu 202" ga 2"Diizu a-na ag-ru-tu V4 qa 4Nergal-uSallim ana f-*Usur-amat-su VY qa 4Marduk-sum-ibni amélu-utimmu 4 qa *Mar-duk a-na bit dul-la V6 gd *Mukin-zér amélun sry 5 akalé ‘Samas3-ériba Flour belonging to Nabi-zér- uSabsi, the miller, on the 20th day of Ddzu, for hired labor: 0.2 liter [to] Nergal-uSallim, at £-4Usur-amatsu”" 0.2 liter [to] Marduk-Sum-ibni, the jeweler, | 0.2 liter [to] Marduk at the workhouse, 0.2 liter [to] Mukin-zér, the musician, 5 loaves of bread [to] Samai-ériba. 6. DISBURSEMENT OF OIL Tablet 50 4 q& Samni a-na dN a-na-a-ah-iddin apil "Ar-rab t *sabé Sa ana” ri-ha-a-ti a-na Sarr ) 22 Omit, mistake of scribe. 1.6 liters of oil for Nana-ah-iddin, the son of Arrab and the men, who received and brought to the king 8 University of California Publications. 5 issu-ti it-ta-Su-t the surplus.” 6 19 kusApé Samni — 19 oil-cakes, 7 $a *rab Sir-ki belonging to the chief of the : consecrated temple servants 8 ina pan ‘Samas-Sum-iddin were received for Samas-Sum-ic apil ¢Bél-baldt-su-iqbi the son of Bél-balatsu-iqbi. 9 mabir *8*Dw’ uzu Gmu 15!" ~=The 15th day of Daizu, ca 10 Ssattu 268" 4Nabid-kudurri- the 26th year of Nebuchadrez usur 11 Sar BAbilixi king of Babylon. 7. Sueep ReceIvep FoR SACRIFICIAL PuRPosns a Tablet 33 1 7 immeri™ a-na gu-uk-ku-t 7 sheep for the stated off 2. $a *b¢kislimu Qmu 7" on the 7th day of Kislev Sa ina gat | which are from 3 gu-uk-ku-t Sa arbi us-su the stated offering ofthe 5 passed month, 4 »Tukulti-47Marduk mahiri 5 rbukislimu imu 72m Sattu 21% 21st year op eee 6 4Nabd-kudurri-usur Sar of Nebuchadrezzar, king ts Babili*i Babylon. 8. A RECEIPT FOR SESAME Tablet 4 bei renee SamakSammu a 6 arhé™’ .... sesame for six: nc 2. Sa "abu *e°ultilu 2b for the months Ab, E tasritu Tisri, : 3 *bvarahSamna *ekislimu — Marcheswan, Kislev arbutebitu ~Tebet, 4 pan ‘“Nusku ¢Nabd-balat-su- for the god Nusku, aS iqbi | Nabd-bal&teu-igb of 3 The word rihatu is the plural of ribtu ‘remainder,’ ieenman or is known, at present, concerning the relation between the governme various temples in the country during the Neo-Babylonian period; as well as other texts in which the phrase ‘rib4tu ana Sarri’ occurs whenever there was a surplus in the income of a temple, the surp! crown. Such a procedure does not necessarily imply a curtailmen rights of the temples, but may have been merely a government meas pa revenue by thus indirectly restricting the free-will offe temples Vou. 9] CO “I GO Cr Ee wD apil 4Nabt-étir a-bil erbukislimu tmu 24*4™ Sattu 208" 4Nabi-apal-usur Sar Babiliki Lutz —Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. the son of Nabi-étir has brought. The 24th day of Kislev, the 20th year of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon. 9, PURCHASE OF COPPER Tablet 34 5 ma-na siparru a-na hal-hal-la-ti 1 biltu 3 ma-na ‘s"at-ta-ri*® Sa bit *™*'"nas patri ina pan 'Bul-lut hIm-bi-ia u 7Marduk-sum-ibni nadinanu™® arbuTebitu dimu 6*4™ Battli2 1 3™ 4Nabt-kudurri-usur Sar Babilik 5 minas of copper for tires,” 1 talent, 3 minas, of a freight- wagon belonging to the house of the swordbearer, for Bullut; Imbia and Marduk-sum-ibni are the sellers. The 6th day of Tebet, the 21st year of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. 10. DeELiverRy or BARLEY TO VARIOUS ADDRESSES’ Tablet 57 4 bar 2 gi SE.BAR a-na “Bél sa a-na eli Su-up-ru 3 gA a-na f-ul? 1 pi 5 bar 3 qd a-na sabémes Sa bit makkiri $a a-na sabéme Sa a-na pan améluqi-i-pi mah-ru ittaSu-t 2 pi 2 bar a-na kissat?’-su Sa alpéms 4 bar 2 ga of barley to Bél, » who has been sent; 2 qa for the temple E-ul; 1 pi, 5 bar, 3 qa for the men of the storehouse, which by the men who are with the governor was received and accepted. 2 pi, 2 bar for the provender of oxen, 24 halhallatu is also the name of a musical instrument, as well as of objects round in shape, such as rings, hoops, etc. 25 —atartu. 26 T.e., H-ul-mai, as the temples of IStar-Innina in Erech and Agade were called. 27 Bal=kissatu is unknown, but it must have this or some similar meaning. 10 University of California Publications. 10 »Sa-4Na-na-a-ta’-mit Sa-*Nan4-tasmit mAhir ~ received. 11 *t'mahru sa addéru The 7th day of the second ~ 12 dmu 7**™ INabid-kudurri-usur Adar,... .78 Nebuchadrezzar, 13 sar Babiliki king of met 4S as 11. Iremizep Recorp Concerning ANIMALS Tablet 58 1 13 alpu bu-hal 13 steers 2 203 littu rabitu 203 large cows : 3 13 alpu Sani-i 13 two-year old oxen Tan 4 48 li’dtu Sanitime 43 two-year old cows Hee pire 11 young oxen ae 6 26 littu um-me | 26 mother cows Peet ic Te Z 7 napharu 309 li’Atu alpé™ Total: 309 cows and oxen, 8 ina pén “Na-na-a-éres for ‘Nan4-éreS, Re yi 9 apil “Marduk-ériba the son of Marduk-étiba; 10 a 1A 2 alpu bu-hal complete.2® 2 steers fee 11 8 littu rabi tu 8 large cows sag 12 24 alpu Sani-i 24 two-year oldoxen 13 7 l’atu santh™ 7 two-year old cows 14 51 biréme 51 young oxen 15 37 lV’atu um-me 37 mother cows 16 napharu 129 l’atu alpé7 Total: 129 cows and « 17 ri-e-hu Sa Satti 39" the remainder of the third 18 u Sattu rés Sarriti and the year of the begir the kingship, 19 ina pan “Na-na-a-éreS for Nan4-éres. 20 $a 14 ri-ha-a-nu Receipt without 21 mab-ru-tu remainder. eee 22 arbukishimu timu [- -*9™] Month Kislev, the - - 23 Sattu réS Sarr[dti] the accession year of 24 4Nabii-nd’id gar Babi[li*] Nabonidus, king of Bab *8 Year date omitted by scribe. ‘ 29 $a 14 is an abbreviation for Sa 14 rihanu mahritu ‘receipt wine 1 0 The reference to the third year refers to the year 556 B.C., that i year of the reign of Neriglissar (Nergal-Sar-usur); the nine months’ latter’s son, Labasi-Marduk, was disregarded in dating. VoL. 9] Lutz—Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. ie) 12. A RecEIPT FOR OIL Tablet 59 1 7 ni-sip Samni | 7 jars of oil a-na kal urkit sikaré™e for all the flavoring herbs for beer 3 sa bit id-di-it na-din belonging to the zddit-house were given. 4 -arbuarahSamna imu 25*3™ The 25th day of Marcheswan, Sattu 4'o™ the 4th year of 5 4Nabti-na’id Sar Babili*: Nabonidus, king of Babylon. 13. DELIVERY OF COPPER TO A BUILDER AND His Son Tablet 60 1 12 is*ma-si-hu 12 gauged measures of 2 siparru adi copper until 3 **bsgimanu u *"du’zu Sivan and Tammuz 4 a-na ‘Bél-ibni unto ‘Bél-ibni, 5 amélu_ anu the builder, 6 u ?Ka-di-sum-ibni and ¢Kadi-sum-ibni, apil-su his son, 7 i-din were given. Seo du 24 Uimu 11> The 11th day of Tammiuz, 9 Sattu 4 k= the 4th year of 10 [*Nabd-n]4’id Sar Babili* Nabonidus, king of Babylon. 14. RercorD oF THE REDEMPTION OF A PLEDGE Tablet 74 1 [2 ma-nja 10 Siqlu kaspu [...] 2 minas, 10 shekels of silver... 2 [»Amél-4Na-|na-a apil-su Sa Amél-*Nana, the son of hApla-a apil »Tukulti- Apla, the son of Tukulti- [?{Marduk] aMarduk 3 [....]* Gi-mil-lu apil-su sa .... Gimillu, the son of hBalat-su Balatsu _ 4 ina ida-a*! Sa eqil-Su Sa ina at the side of his field, which is eli nar Sarri [situated] at the lower royal 5 §Sap-lu eqlu tabu’? canal, a field adjoining 4]n-nin-Sar-usur | dT nnin-Sar-usur, 31 Read da instead of ma-hu? 32 yS-sa-du. 12 15. University of California Publications. [Sem. PHIL. apil-Su sa >Mar-duk eqlu taéhu®? the son of Marduk, a field 4Nabd-ah-uSsallim adjoining Nabi-ah-uSallim, apil-su Sa »Gi-mil-lu apil the son of Gimillu, the son of the amélugépu ul-tu keeper, which since Sattu 10"*~ 4Nabi-kudurri-usur the 10th year of Nebuchadrezzar, Sar Babilik king of Babylon, mas-ka-nu sab-tu kaspa-4m as a pledge is held. Money, amounting to 2 ma-na 10 Siqlu "Gi-mil-lu 2 minas and 10 shekels, Gimillu, apil-su the son of Sa 4] bni-4Innina a-na E-an-na_ Ibni-‘Innina received at ma-hi-ir f-anna. 1 ma-na 2 Siqlu kaspu ri-hi-it | 1 mina and 2 shekels of silver being simu mald | the balance of the total price, u eqlu Sa ¢Bél-ahé-iddin and the field of *Bél-ahé-iddin, apil-su the son of sa hGu-da-du-t $a Gudadit, for which 4Jn-nin-Sar-usur- 47 nnin-Sar-usur, apil-Su sa ¢Nergal-usallim the son of 4Nergal-usallim from ul-tu H-an-na E-anna, dul-lam i-pu-su did perform work, a] n-nin-Sar-usur 4Tnnin-Sar-usur a-na E-an-na ma-hi-ir received at E-anna. arbtabu dmu 22 ™™gattu The 22nd day of Ab, the 12th Pea. year of [¢Nabt-kudurri-usur Nebuchadrezzar, Sar Babili*'] king of Babylon. STATEMENT CONCERNING SHEARING FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF Woo. Tablet 79 51% Siqlu gizzu** a-na 51% shekels of shearing for Sipati7 i-rib wool, [being] the produce Sa 4Na-na-a-iddin of 4Nan4-iddin, the son of *4 bTbni-?Nabt Ibni-*Naba. arbudu’zu dmu 28"™ The 28th day of Tammuz, Sattu 20*s™ the 20th year. 83 See Meissner, SAI, 207, gazzu; here, perhaps, rather gizzu. 34 apil omitted by scribe. VoL. 9] Lutz—Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. 13 16. Recrerpr oF Woon FoR THE MAKING oF TENT CLOTH Tablet 25 1 % ma-na 5 Siqlu 1g mina and 5 shekels of 3 Ssipata zagin kur-ra blue wool a-na for 3 subat za-ra-ti ina pan tent-cloth [is] at the disposal of 4 4Bél-ig-bi apil 4Bél-iqbi, the son of 4B él-usallim ¢Bél-usallim. 5 *beaddaru arki The 8th day of second Adar, Gmu 8s 6 Sattu 14%" the 14th year of 4Nabd-kudurri-usur Nebuchadrezzar, 7 Sar Babili* king of Babylon. 17. Recorp CoNCERNING BARLEY BROUGHT TO A BRICKYARD Tablet 26 1 3 ‘*ma-Ssi-hu Sa SE.BAR 3 gauged measures of barley 2 ina 9 ‘ma-si-hu in nine-measure [containers] 3 ri-hi-{it kurrummlati™™ the remainder of the food ana bit libitti they carried 4 Sa libittim™s Sa ti-ib-nu to the brickyard of 5 1i-zab-bil-t-nu ana the straw-bricks, as a Sur-ga present,®® 6 Sa-4Na-na-a-tas-mit Sa-4Nan4-tagmit 7 it-ta-si | received. : 8 ddizu imu 4" Ssattu The 4th day of Tammuz, the 14kam 14th year of 9 4Nabié-kudurri-usur Nebuchadrezzar, 10 sar Babili* king of Babylon. 18. Payment oF Money To VARIouSs INDIVIDUALS Tablet 29 1 4 Siqlu kaspu A shekels of silver 4] nnina-ri-su-u-a 4—nnina-rista, 2 apil *Sil-la-a the son of Silla, 3 4Nabi-Sar-usur 4Nabi-Sar-usur, améluni-sir-a, the Egyptian, 4 4Mukin-zér apil Mukin-zér, the son of hA he-Sa-a, Ahe-Ssa-a, % Surga=Sirga ‘gift, present’; this present was not a personal one to Sa-Nan4- taSmit, but one to the temple, for which he acted as receiver. 14 Unversity of California Publications. 5 wt ®Ina-silli-4Na-na-a and Ina-silli-¢-Nana, 6 apil 4Bél-li’4 the son of 4Bél-li’d, 7 oe pase the hospital* mar-su-tu Servant, 8 it-ta-Su-a received. | 9 *bedu’tizu dmu 23%" The 23rd day of Tammuz, | Sattielic= the 17th year of | 10 4Nabié-kudurri-usur Nebuchadrezzar, 11 gar Babiliki king of Babylon. 19. ReEecorp OF THE DISBURSEMENT OF MONEY > Tablet. 45 ae. 1 2) Siqlu a-na iktén subata -—«-21 shekels for one kurra KUR.RA garment was given 2 a-na »Gi-mil-lu apil to Gimillu, the son of : hMar-duk-a < Marduka, | 3 Sa a-na dul-lu sa ekalhi work for the temple — 4 §Sap-ru na-din ~ had been sent for, 5 1 Siqlu a-na t-di-e 1 shekel for brewer’s _ améluba ppiri utensils Pa : 6 ina gdt »Tukulti received from Tukulti, oe apil *Ardi-a ma-hi-ir the son of Ardia, 7 bugabatu Gmu 16%" The 16th day of Sébat, Sattu 24kam the 24th year of — 8 4Nabd-kudurri-usur Nebuchadrezzar, Sar Babili® king of Babylon. 20. PAYMENT FOR THREE SEAL RINGS Tablet 89 F 1 a-na 3 tim-bi-e For 8 seal rings, ee 2 4n-nin-Sar-usur which he brought, _ 3 114% ma-na kaspu “Innin-Sar-usur oe . 4 méahbir® ittasu ; received 114 minas of 3 36 The sirku was not a consecrated temple servant who was aes ; maré bantti, ‘free men,’ but a serf. He was a temple serf, as the gene amélu§j-ri-ki-ilu-i-tu ‘temple serfdom’ (see, e.g., Clay, University of P series, Vol. II, No. 65, line 13) shows, in contradistinction to the améluaré d-Sarr ‘royal serfdom.’ The equation of amélugiriki = Hebrew néthinim, Number; has been pointed out by Augapfel, Babylonische Rechtsurkunden aus der R zeit Artaxerxes I und Darius II (Wien, 1917). See also Schorr, Géttinger G Anzeigen, 1913, p. 13, and Dougherty, The Shirkitu of Babylonian "Deities, Y V, part 2. The amélugiraku marsitu mentioned in the above text, : new class of serfs, namely, serfs devoted to the care of the sick. Vow. 9] Lutz—Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. 15 21. RecorpD CONCERNING THE ReEcEIPT OF GAUGED VESSELS OF BARLEY Tablet 27 1 15 karpaté ma-suh Sa — 15 gauged vessels of Se.BAR barley 2 4Marduk-sum-ibni apil-su dMfarduk-Sum-ibni, the son of dBél-er-esS tBél-éres, @ .mapir™ received. 4 abudu’dzu imu 16*3™ The 16th day of Tammuz, Sattu 4*2™ the 4th year of 5 4Nabié-kudurri-usur Nebuchadrezzar, Sar Babili* king of Babylon. 22. DISBURSEMENT OF WAGES Tablet 54 1 1 Siqlu kurummatu kaspu 1 shekel of food [is] the wage in- ir-bi a-na si-bu-ti come according to agreement of 2 bAmél-4Na-na-a apil Amél-¢Nana, the son of hBa-lat-su Balatsu, 3 04 2m Maklémeya and the 4 overseers of kurummaté” Sarri the royal food. 4 1% Siqlu kurummat-su-nu 11% shekels*®’ as their food sa *hukishmu for the month of Kislev 5 }Bi-bi-e-a u api(l-su received Bibéa and his mahri| son. 6 *baddaru dmu 23*™ The 23d day of Adar, the sattu 31*3™ 31st year of 7 4Nabt-kudurri-usur Nebuchadrezzar, Sar Babilik king of Babylon. 23. IremizEp Account OF BriIcKS DELIVERED AT VARIOUS TIMES Tablet 82 1 5180 a-gur-ru a-na 5180 bricks for 2 74 na-ad-bak a-na isten 74 layers [and] to each 3 na-ad-bak 70 a-gur-ru ina layer 70 bricks in pani®® ekalli front of the temple 37 Instead of 1 shekel of food for wages, the son of Bibéa, who was probably a minor, and unable to do a full man’s job, received but half a shekel. 8 SAG.KI. 16 co OO 10 11 12 39 ys§-sa-du. University of California Publications. ina dul-lu Sa ina bi-ér ekalli u dari ultu Gmu 12"™ ga arbuyldilu a-di-1 imu 27%" Sa2"b'uldlu Sattu 28*8" 4Nabd-kudurri-usur Sar Babili* sah-pu 270 a-gur-ru a-na 6 na-ad-bak ina tabi®® sa ekalli a-na suqi*? mu-Se-pi-Si a-na isten na-ad-bak 45 a-gur-ru Gmu 29" Sa *8tuldlu ina 1 béri dmukem sah-pat ; 3600 a-gur-ru gab-bi Sa °° satammu*! a-na Uruk*'-a-a lib-na-at *"8"uldlu dmu 29%" 24. RECEIPT FOR COPPER Tablet 37 55 ma-na siparri 2 ku-Sa-ri a-na at-ta-ri sa bit nas patri ina pan bBul-lut apil 4Na-na-a-éres 4Tn-nin-zér-usabsi apil 4Bél-ibni »Ba-bi-ia apil ¢Marduk-éres ¢Marduk- sSum-ibni apil-Su sa "MuSezib-?Marduk arbutebitu Gmu 12*2= sSattu 21*3™ 4Nabt-kudurri-usur Sar Babili* 1 ma-na siparri a-na dul-lu Sa bit 4Enlil-ka-lu-ti-Su-ibni 40 gil-la. 41 améluSag., UD. [Sem. P for work between the temple and the wall from the 12th day of Elal until the 27th day of Elal in the 28th year of Nebucs me aN a chadrezzar, ow ae king of Babylon, were laid. 270 bricks for 6 layers, == along the temple to oe street, a repair job, for each | _ layer : 45 bricks, on the 29th day of Elal in one double hour of the day were laid. 3600 bricks [are] all - 2% which the temple administra [gave] to the Erechian — brickwork, the 29th of Ela 55 minas of copper, [and]. | 2 shafts for the freight. of the swordbearer’s hou: [are] at the disposal of the son of ¢Nané-éres, — 4[nnin-zér-usabSi, the son of *Bél-ibni, Ba , * - the 21st year of | Nebuchadrezzar, oe | Babylon. Pt’ 1 mina of copper for z work of Bit-*Inlil-kalutisu-b 1 Vou. 9] Lutz —Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. 17 25. STATEMENT CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF SHEEP FROM MEN OF BABYLON AND ERIDU Tablet 42 1 10 immeri Sa a-na 10 sheep, which from Q ameluBapiliki mes the Babylonians, ee Eriduk) me and the Eriduans, 4 améluy.;_na-as-tum [through] the kinashtu official 5 *T-ti-ilanim™@ Itti-ilani, 6 ultu Babilik all of them [the sheep] ka-li-Su-nu from Babylon, 7 ina [kiJ-rib »Tukulti- in the absence of dMarduk : Tukulti-*Marduk, 8 4Bél-igisa apil - 1Bél-iqisa, the son of hZér-ukin Zér-ukin, g mela’) sattukki the shepherd of the sacrificial mahir™ animals, received. 10 *“nisannu dmu 22*" The 22d day of Nisan, the Batty 23*™ 23d year of 11 ¢Nabd-kudurri-usur Nebuchadrezzar, king of ~ Sar Babiliki Babylon. | 26. ReEcEIPT oF THE Bopies oF DEAD ANIMALS Tablet 7 1 pag-gar Sa litti rabitit 1 dead body of a large cow, 2 4Bél-ibni apil-Su sa 4Bél-ibni, the son of hKi-na-a Kina, 3 *ml4na-qid mahiri® the herdsman, received. 4 2 ta sa li’ati rabititi me 2 carcasses of large cows, 5 1 &a biri [and] 1 of a young ox, 6 4Bél-usallim apil-su Sa [received] ¢Bél-uSallim, 4Nabd-sar-usur the son of 4{Nabt-Sar-usur. (oe sabatu mu .20"™ The 20th day of Sébat, 8. sattu 17" the 17th year of 9 4Nabi-apal-usur Nabopolassar, 10 sar Babili* king of Babylon. 18 CON OD OR WH bY 10 SERFS Tablet 19 2 ma-na kaspu a-na 2 minas of silver for food kurummati7"" Sa, meu ké” of the temple serfs, ina qdt “Nergal-iddin apil 4Na-na-a-éres a-na “Nabiti-ab-iddin apil 4Na-na-a-éres a-na Uruk*: Su-pu-ul arbuaddaru imu 7*3™ Sattu 12**= 4Nabd-kudurri-usur — sar Babilik 28. STATEMENT CONCERNING OXEN Tablet 39 2 biru Sa ina ri-e-hi Sa Satti 20"2™ ina qt 4Nabti-zér-iqisa apil-su Sa 4Bél-ibni um-ma-nu* 4Bél-ah-uSabsi apil *Sa-pi-4Bél mabiri ina pan *Sa-4Na-na-a-tas-mit amélu mu-Ssa-kil alpé™® 1 biru Sa ina gat hNu-ra-nu apil-su sa hHa-ri-is Sir-ka napharu 3 biré™s ina pan »Sa-4Na-na-a-tas-mit 42 PA.KAB.DUm. ‘8 The carrier was apparently a younger brother of *Nergal-iddin. a 44 amélu before ummanu omitted by scribe. et fe = The 7th day of Adar, from ¢Nergal-iddin, the son of 4Nanda-éres, — through “Nabt-ah-iddin, 43 | the son of ‘Nand-éreS, _ es sent to Erech. 5 the 12th year of Nebuchadrezzar, — king of Babylon. der of ie 20th year, from Nebh the son of 4Bél-ibni, the artisan, : 4Bél-ah-uSabsi, _ : ee. the son of So-pBal re 3 for Sa-‘Nand-tasmit, the feeder of the ‘oxen, ; with] .” 1 young ox, which by Nuranu, the son of Haris, soe was presented. Total: oxen, ae | for Sa-‘Nand-tasmit. — # VOL. 9 | MH 12 10 CoONAMAL WHY arbuaddaru imu 11*s™ Bate 21*8> 4Nabt-kudurri-usur Sar Babili¥ Lutz —Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. 19 The 11th day of Adar, the 21st year of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. 29. REcorD CONCERNING PAYMENT OF MoNEY Tablet 10 2 ma-na kaspu ina bab balatii*® 1 ma-na kaspu a-na rubbi*® assurrakki sa “Ninuras-Sar-usur amélu qi-i-pi _a-na SE.BAR a-na‘” bab balati’ 3 ma-na kaspu ina bél*® Sa 4Ninuras- Sar-usur Sa-la-Si-1 . ina pan ¢Nabi-sum-ibni apil ¢Nabii-épus"s ateabu amu 26"4> Sapir 20 .<5™ | 4Nabt-apal-usur Sar Babiliki 2 minas of silver .at the ‘gate of life’: 1 mina of silver at the enlarge- ment of the river-bed, belonging to ¢Ninuras-Sar-usur, the governor, for barley. At the ‘Gate of Life’ 3 minas of silver from the hand of ¢Ninuras- Sar-usur for the third time, for ‘¢Nabd-Sum-ibni, the son of 4Nabt-épus. The 26th day of Ab, the 20th year of. Nabopolassar, king of Babylon. 30. DeLiveryY or Dates ror WINE Tablet 30 2 ‘s*ma-si-hu Sa suluppi Sa ina gat 4Nabt-ahé-usallim apil ¢Bél-t-Se-zib na-Su-nu a-na Sikaré7"" Sa raba® ré’ime dNabi-zér-ukin ittasi Seid izu imu 1" sate 1/**™ 4Nabt-kudurri-usur Sar Babili*: amélu eel. 46 MAH. 2 gauged measures of dates, which through 4Nabt-ahé-uSallim, .the son of ¢Bél-uSezib, were brought for wine [making] of the chief shepherd, 4Nabi-zér-ukin received. The Ist day of Tammuz, the 17th year of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. 47 The second SE.BAR is dittography, and partly erased by the scribe. 48 Read ina qAt; bél, mistake of scribe. 20 ~J University of Califorma’ Publications. 31. STATEMENT CONCERNING WooL Tablet 15 ina bilti sipati™™ ... Sa 6 arhé™® Sa *™b"nisannu arbugry arbusimanu *8"du’ tzu arbuabu *uldlu bTa-qis-?Gula apil »Ki-rib-ti amet cibeli 2 Siqlu ultu qatéms a-na mub-hil[-su] e-ti-iq arhudu’tizu timu 1s" Sati foe 4Nabd-kudurri-usur Sar - Babili* 2 shekels therefrom > ‘ For a talent of . . . wool ae ne for six months; months: ee Nisan, Lyyar, ut Sivan, Tammuz, Ab, [and] Elil, Taqis-"Gula, the son of Kiribti, Rdg the man from Gublu,® : : for himself able te 2nd year of Nebuchadrezzar, king ¢ of Babylon. ; 32. ReEcoRD CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF SACRIFICIAL SHE 50 immer sattukki Sa hBél-ah-iddin apil-su sa »I-ni-ilu dNa-na-a-ibni apil-su méhir? ina pan »Tu-kul-ti-Sarri ~ apil "Kudurru 'Ki-rib-tu apil dBél-ibni 78’ -~sattukki arhugabétu imu 2*s™ sath 21 4Nabt-kudurri-usur sar Babili* 49 Gublu= Byblos? Tablet 38 his son 4Nan4-ibni — 50 sacrificial sheep, belon iBél-ah-iddin,) 90a the son of Ini-ilu, received for Tukulti-sarri, the son of Kudurru, VoL. 9] Lutz—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. 21 33. REcEIPT FOR ANIMALS Tablet 28 1 11 immeré™@ 1 immeru 11 lambs, 1 female sheep, 12 [male sinnistu 12 [. ...]5°. sheep?] 2 4Nabi-Sum-ibni apil 4Nabd-sum-ibni, the son of bSa-4Nabt-Su-G mahiri Sa-4Nabit-’u received. 3 9 immeré”™ sinnistu 9 sheep, female and zikaru Sa-¢Bél-ibni male, Sa-‘Bél-ibni, 4 apil »Nis-ka-ti m4éhiri" the son of Niskati, received. 5 *bvarahsamna imu 20*™ The 20th day of Marcheswan, Sattu 16%*™ the 16th year of 6 ‘Nabt-kudurri-usur Sar Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babili* Babylon. 34.. Receipt rok Monry RECEIVED FOR WoRK Tablet 16 1 50 Siqlu kaspu ana epesu®! 50 shekels of silver for work sa ki-it-tu on the linen of the 2 sa na-Sab-bli]... nasabbu.... 3 Sa %bélit balati of the ‘mistress of life,’ 4 4Bél-ibni apil Sa "Ki-na-a 4Bél-ibni, the son of Kina, [received]. 5 buyabAtu dmu 24% The 24th day of Sébat, 6 sattu 5*e™ ~ the 5th year of 7 *Nabt-kudurri-usur Nebuchadrezzar, 8 sar Babili* king of Babylon. 35. Recrert or Monty ror BARLEY Tablet 31 1 91% Siqlu 2 gi-ri-e kaspu 916 shekels and 2 girh? of silver, 50 Read uS=zikaru? 51 See Dar. 34:2. 52 A giri=about one-twentieth of a shekel. 22 — Unwersity of California Publications. 2 9 ima-si-hu ga SE.BAR ina pan 3 *Ba-ni-fa [. . .] SEAR 4 428 kurummatu [. . .Jud 5 ina pan »Pir’u apil-su sa (4. . .Jériba 6 Amél-4Na-na-a na-din 7 >Ba-ni-fa u »Pir’u nikasa®? 8 it-ti a-ha-mes 9 it-tas-Su-’u 10.784 [ 5S) Omuis sattu 19*m 11 ¢Nabé-kudurri-usur ~~ (Sea. 9 gauged measures of barley, for | Bania.. . . barley, 424 loaves of bread... for Pir’u, the son of dq... ériba, gave Amél-4Nané. Bania and Pir’u received the possessions ° together. ‘The 18th dey of rr the 19th year of | Nebuchadrezzar, king of Sar Babili¥ Babylon. 36. Notre CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF A CADAVER AND Conce Sar : en Tablet 40 1 1 pag-ra Sa immer sattukki 1 dead body of a sacrificial 2 »Tukulti-4Marduk Tukulti-4Marduk, 3 amélua’4 sattukki 4 mahiri" | received. Bees 5 a-na 1 Siqlu kaspu tabtu 1" For 1 shekel of silver : : 6 a-na Na-din to Nadin, wee 7 apil-Su Sa *Ina-E-sag-il 8 na-din he gave. 9 abutkishmu imu 25*™ The 25th of Kislev, 10 Sattu 22" 4Nabd-kudurri- the 22d year of — ae . usur Nebuchadrezzar, ‘>: 11 gar Babili* king of Babylon. 53 NIG.SID. Or translate: 54 kam omitted by scribe. took up the tyanceeaonare o Cp. the Sumerian phrase nig-Sid-ag =nikasu epee ae VoL. 9] Lutz—Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. 23 NAME INDICES ABBREVIATIONS: f., father; gf., grandfather; gs., grandson; h., husband; m., mother; s., son; w., wife. PERSONAL NAMES AbeSa, s. of 4-Bél-apal-usur, f. of 4-Nergal-nAsir, 53:7 Ab-ittab3i, f. of Sellibi, 51:8 Ah-lumur, s. of 4-Bau-éreS, 71:4 Ahbé-ériba, f. of ¢-Inninu, 62:2; f. of Zér-ukin, 92:2 Ahe-Sa-a, f. of Mukin-zér, 29:4; f. of Zéria, 44:19 Amél-atmi-iqbi-su, f. of Sill4, 71:3 Ameél-4-Ea, f. of Rimiit, 83:3 Amél-4-Enlil, f. of .... étir, gf. of Rimit, 44:6 Amél-4-Nana, 1:6, 31:6, 68:4, 96:10; s. of BalAtsu, 54:2; s. of Ardia and gs. of Tukulti- (4Marduk?), 74:2; s. of SillA, 75:3; s. of Sum-iddin, 92:5; f. of Silli-Eanna, 97:2 Amtu-*?:Nabit, m. of 4Bél-ahé-ériba, 9:6 ~ 4Anum-Sar-usur, 84:3 Apla, 17:5; s. of 4Bél-zér-ériba, 17:3; s. of Nadnd, 23:1; s. of 4Bél-épuS, 23:14; f. of Suld, 64:2; s. of Tukulti-(¢4Marduk?) and f. of (Amél)-¢Nand, 74:2 Ardia, f. of Tukulti, 45:6; f. of SulA, 53:2; f. of Gimillu, 61:3; s. of Nadna, 71:8 Ardi-‘Innina, s. of Ubburu, 80:4 Arrab, f. of 4Nand-ah-iddin, 50:3 BabA, s. of 4Bél-iqiSa, 9:8 Babia, s. of (Marduk-ére$, 37:6 Badarak, f. of 4Nan4-ibni, 92:6 Balatsu, f. of Ilu-zahapu, 6:10; f. of 4Nabd-étir, 44:18; f. of. Amél-4Nana, 54:2; f. of 4Nabi-ah-iddin, 62:15; f. of Gimillu, 74:3 Balatu, s. of 4Bél-uSallim, 9:1 Bania, 8:13, 31:3, 31:7, 63:5; f. of Sula, 24:4 Basa, f. of 4Nabd-zér-uSab8i, 67:5 4Bau-éreS, f. of Ah-lu-mur, 71:4 of 5s ai , £. of Iddin-4Marduk, 8:3 qBél-ah-ériba, f. of Zéria, 17:4 4Bél-ah-iddin, s. of Ini-ilu, 38:1; f. of Mukin-4Innin, 93:2 aBél-ab-uéabki, s. of Sa-pt-4Bél, 39:3 4Bél-ahé-ériba, s. of Amtu-4Nabd, 9:6; s. of 4Ka-Sugurtu-Sarri ie f. of Marduk, 44:15 dBél-ahé-iddin, s. of Gudadd, gs. of 4Innin-Sar-usur, and ggs. of *Nergal-uSallim, 74:13 4Bél-apal-usur, f. of 4Marduk-zér-ibni, and gf. of ¢Bél-iddin and Bél-Sunu, 49:3; f. of AbeSa, and gf. of 4Nergal-nasir, 53:7 4Bél-balAtsu-iqbi, f. of 4Samas-Sum-iddin, 50:8 4Bél-épus, f. of 1Nabd-Sum-ibni, 13:9; f. of Apla, 23:14; s. of 4Bél-uballit, 85:13 qBél-éreS, f. of 4¢Marduk-Sum-ibni, 27:2; f. of Ina-silli-4Nan4, 71:7 4Bél-éteru, f. of ?Uras-Sum-usur(?), and gf. of NAdin, 53:8 4Bél-étir, f. of INabti-balatsu, 8:7 dBél-ibni, s. of Kind, 7:2, 16:4; s. of Nadna, 9:5; f. of *Innin-zér-uSab8i, 37:6; f. of Kiribtu, 38:6; f. of 1Nabi-zér-iqiSa, 39:3; f. of 4Kadi-Sum-ibni, 60:4 24 University of California Publications. 4Bél-iddin, f. of NAdin, 9:3; s. of (Marduk-zér-ibni, and gs. of *Bél-apal-agur, 4Bél-iqbi, s. of ANabd-néallim, 25:4, 47:6 4Bél-iqiSa, f. of Baba, 9:8; s. ae Zér-ukin, 42:8; f. of ee. 91:4 4Bél-li’A, f. of Taeearllacant and, 29:6 RB slemecnans fof iNabi-sériddin, 44:4 4Bél-rimanni, f. of ¢Nan4-éreS, 77:5 eras: Bél-Sunu, 93:6, 94:5; s. of 4Marduk-zér-ibni, and gs. of ‘Bél-apacugee 49: 1; 8. ee Zéritu, 67:2 ; aBéLuballit, f. of 4Bél-épus, 85:14 ome. aBél-usallim, s. of 4Nabd-Sar-usur, 7:6; s. of dN abtenmalar 8:4; f. of sige 9 Le'ok paste eee uSallim, 44:7; s. of 4Nabi-Sum-éreS, 66:2 4Bél-uSezib, f. of 4N abivahewsallimn: 30:3 qBél-zér, s. of Mukallim, and f. of NAdinu, 44:17; h. of Hibil, 53:1 4Bél-zér-ériba, f. of Apla, 17:3 4B élit-Sa-ina-Esaggil-zér, 93:5 Bibi-e-a, 52:6, 54:5 Bullut, 34:3; s. of 4Nan4-éreS, 37:3 Dabibi, f. of 4Nabd-Sum-ibni, 62:8 ~ DanA, 56:5 Dannu, 85:12 Dannu-‘Nergal, 91:8 d4Ba-épuS, s. of Bibi[a], 23:2 4Wa-Sugurtu-Sarri, 44:16 : Eribsu, s. of Hili-iléni, 71:5 as, E-zu-u-pa-hir, 32:3 , i, E-zu-ti-bir, f. of ...... usur, 92:4 Gimillu, 47:3; s. of NAdin, 9:7; s. of Marduka, 45:2; s. of MuSezibu, ade of 53:9; s. of Ardia, 61:2; s. of Baldtsu, 74:3; f. of Nobie tea 74 7 Ibni-*Innina, 74: 10 ye 74: 14 Gurdu-*Nergal, f. of 1Nergal-danu, 62:14 Guzanu, 94:2 Haris, f. of Nuranu, 39:8 Hibil, w. of 4Bél-zér, 53:1 Hili-iléni, f. of Eribsu, 71:5 | Ibni-‘Innina, f. of Gimillu, 74:11 | rk Ibni-4Nabt, 79:2 / ke ee Iddin-4Marduk, s. of 4Bél...... Po) Iddin-ahu, s. of 4Nabd-ah-éres, 62:16 Tlu-nasir-ahu, 94:1 Ilu-zahapu, s. of Balatsu, 6:10 Imbia, 34:4 The a 4 Imgur-?Bél, 43:7 = ets Ina-Esagil, f. of NAdin, 40:7 Trae Ina-Esaggil-zér, f. of 1Nergal-étir, 93:7 nag Ina-silli-4Nan4, s. of 4Bél-li’f, 29:5; s. of 4Bél-éreS, 71:7 a aie Ini-ilu, f. of 4Bél-ah-iddin, and gf. of 4Nan4-ibni, 38:2 2 dTnnina-rista, s. of Silla, 29:1 aid 4Tnnin-Sar-usur, 74:16, 89:2; s. of Marduk, 74:5; s. of aN ergal-uSallim, f f G and gf. of 4Bél-ahé-iddin, 74:14 ae 4Inninu, s. of Abé-ériba, 62:1 . 4Tnnina-zér-ibni, 21:8 ee). VoL. 9] Lutz.—Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. 20 4] nnin-zér-uSabsi, 1:1; s. of 4Bél-ibni, 37:5; s. of 4Nan4-ah-iddin, 53:10 4TStar-risiia, 94:10 Itti-ilani, 42:5 Itti-¢Marduk-balatu, 98:10 Jadib-él, f. of Sula, 92:7 4K adi-Sum-ibni, s. of ¢Bél-ibni, 60:6 Kagi, 1:11 Kalba, 86:5; s. of 4Nergal-bél-usur, 93:3 Kinda, f. of 4Bél-ibni, 7:2, 16:4 Kiribti, 36:3; f. of TaqiS-4Gula, 15:5; s. of 4Nabd-étir, 83:3 Kiribtu, s. of 4Bél-ibni, 38:5 Kudda, 52:3 Kuddia, s. of 4Nand-éres, 46:4 Kudurru, f. of Tukulti-4Marduk, 48:4; f. of Tukulti-Sarri, 38:5 Laba8i, 47:3 Lak[ipi], 18:4 Lisiru, s. of Gimillu, and gs. of MuSezibu, 53:9 Marduk, 2:1, 99:5; s. of 4Bél-ahé-ériba, and gs. of 4Ea-Sugurtu-Sarri, 44:15; f. of 4Tnnin-Sar-usur, 74:6 Marduka, f. of Gimillu, 45:2 ORO 35's 6 2 , 14:3 4Marduk-ab-iddin, s. of Gudada, 5:10 4Marduk-ériba, f. of 4¢Nand-éres, 58:9 4Marduk-ére§, f. of Babia, 37:7 Mankati, see Niskati 4Marduk-sapik-zér, 98:4 4Marduk-Sarrani, f. of Silla, 92:1 4Marduk-sum-ibni, 12:5, 34:4, 99:4; s. of 4Bél-éreS, 27:2; s. of MuSezib-4Marduk, 37:7 4Marduk-zér-ibni, 97:5; s. of 4Bél-apal-usur, and f. of 4Bél-iddin and Bél-sunu, 49:2 Mukallim, f. of ¢Bél-zér, and gf. of Nadinu, 44:17 Mukin-‘Innin, s. of ¢Bél-ah-iddin, 93:2 Mukin-zér, 99:6; s. of Ahé-Sa-a, 29:4; f. of 1Nand-épus, 55:8 MuSezib-*Bél, 62:7 Musezib-4Marduk, f. of ?Marduk-Sum-ibni, 37:8 ag CS a) eae BAe Se dNabt-ah-éreS, f. of Iddin-ahu, 62:17 4Nabt-ab-iddin, 21:2; s. of 41Nand-éreS, 19:5; s. of Balatsu, 62:15 4Nabt-ah-uSallim, s. of Gimillu, 74:6 4Nabi-ahé-iddin, 1:1 dNabt-ahé-usur, s. of 4Nabi-bAni-ahi, 87:7 4Nabi-ahé-uSallim, s. of 4Bél-uSezib, 30:2 4Nabii-apal-usur, 2:4, 3:5, 4:7, 5:14, 6:18, 7:9, 8:15, 9:12, 10:10 dNabi-balatsu, s. of 4Bél-étir, 8:7 4INabt-balatsu-iqbi, s. of 7Nabd-étir, 4:4 4Nabt-bani-ahi, 87:4; f. of 4Nabi-ahé-usur, 87:8 INabi-épuS, f. of 4¢Nabid-Ssum-ibni, 10:8 INabt-éreS, 95:3 dNabi-ériba, f. of ¢Nabi-étir, 76:3 dNabi-étir, f. of 4Nabi-balatsu-iqbi, 4:5; s. of Baldtsu, 44:18; s. of 4Nabt-ibni, 62:9; f. of 4Nand-ah-iddin, 69:3; s. of ¢Nabi-ériba, 76:3; f. of Kiribti, 83:4 4Nabt-ibni, f. of 4Nabi-étir, 62:9 4Nabd-kudurri-usur, 11:9, 12:9, 13:14, 14:7, 15:9; passim em ener eed ok) ist ie eer cs ae 26 University of California Publications. INabi-muSétiq-urra, 2:15 dNabt-Sar-usur, the Egyptian, 29:3; f. of 4Bél-uSallim, 7:6 4Nabi-Sum-éres, f. of 4Bél-uSallim, 66:3; s. of Silla, 75:2 : dNabd-sum-ibni, s. of 4Nabfd-épuS, 10:8; s. of 4Bél-épus, 13:8; s. of Sa-tNabd 28:2: s. of Dabibis 62:8 {tee 4Nabid-sum-iddin, 95:1; s. of Nadna, 9:2, 12:3 ye 4Nabt-Sum-lisir, 21:4; f. of 4Bél-uSallim, 8:4 4Nabit-Sum-ukin, 91:1 4Nabid-Sum-usur, s. of 4Bél-ahé-ériba, 62:12 4Nabi-usallim, f. of 4Bél-iqbi, 25:4, 47:6 dNabt-uSezib, 22:10 aN abii-na’id, 58:24, 59:5, 60:10, 61:6, 62:20, 63:7, 64:6, 65:6 . 4dNabti-ndsir, 95:1 dNabi-zér-ibni, s. of Sum-ukina, 22:5 a Ae dNabt-zér-iddin, f. of ...... balatsu, 23:10; s. of ‘Berra 44 4 cee aNabi-zér-iqtéa, s. of 4-Bél-ibni, 39:2 ale 4Nabii-zér-ukin, 30:6, 88:2 - dNabd-zér-uSabii, 99:1; s. of Basa, 67:4 is NAdin, s. of apél-iddin, 9:3; f. of Gimillu, 9:7; s. of Ina-Esagil, 40:6; 8. of Sum-usur(?), and gs. of “Bél-éteru, 53:8 ; NAdina-ahu, 21:5 Nadinu, s. of 4Bél-zér, and gs. of Mukallim, 44:16 ee Nadné, 23:3; f. of aNabASin aad: A pois i of dBél-ibni, 9:5; f. of sNergal-fumn 1 Be Sine ae 4Nabt-Sum-iddin, 12 3. f. of Ardia, 71:8 es Nagutum, 98 5 s. of aN abd-étir, 69:2 dN and-epus, aa o, eS abQ-Sum-ibni, 35: 3; 8. z Mukin-zér, 55 8 37:4; f. af Kuddia, 46:5; s. of ‘Marduk &riba, 58:8; s. of ‘pélrimann, 77 : BE MAR ated zér-iqiSa, 81:7 dNand-ibni, s. of ¢Bél-ah-iddin, gs. of Ini-ilu, 38:3; s. a Badarak, 92: 6 4Nand-iddin, 24:5, 51:4, 79:2 . 4Nergal-bél-usur, f. of Kalba, 93:3 as i 4Nergal-danu, s. of Gurdu-4Nergal, 62:14 t, dNergal-éteru, 44:5 dNergal-étir, s. of Ina-Esaggil-zér, 93:7 4Nergal-iddin, s. of ¢Nan4-éreS, 19:3 ir 4Nergal-nasir, s. of AbeSa, and gs. of 4Bél-apal-usur, 53:6 a aN ergal-Sum-ibni, s. A N a 11:4 | Pe: ahé-iddin, 74: 15 Pe Nikkati, f. ef Sa-4Bél-ibni, 28:4 . oe ee Naranu, s. of Haris, 39:8 ei _ Nir-e-a, 94:3 Piru, S153; 31:7 Rabbi-El, 9:11 Rimfit, s. of Zér-ukin, 23:9; s. of ....... éti Sum-ukin, 55:9; s. of Amél-¢Ea, 83:2 Sa-4Bél-ibni, s. of NiSkati, 28:3 * Saduni, 44:18 Sadunu, 3:2 dSamas-ab-iddin, 94:3 VoL. 9] Lutz.—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. mae dSamas-ériba, 9:10, 99:7; f. of Zérditu, 70:2 dSamas-zér-ibni, 84:2 4Samas-Sum-iddin, 63:4; s. of 4Bél-balatsu-iqbi, 50:8 Sa-¢Nabt-Su-t, f. of ¢Nabd-Sum-ibni, 28:2 Sa-INand-tasmit, 26:6, 39:5, 39:10, 57:10 Sa-pi-*Bél, f. of ¢-Bél-ah-uSab&i, 39:4 Sellibi, s. of Ab-ittab3i, 51:8. SES-DAS-MAH®, f. of 4Urag-uSallim, 71:6 Sula, 21:9, 53:4; s. of Tab-ba-di-e, 9:4; s. of Bania, 24:4; s. of Ardia, 53:2; s. of Apla, 64:2; s. of Iadih-él, 92:7 Sum-iddin, f. of Amél-4Nand, 92:5 Sum-ukin, 97:8; f. of Rimit, 55:9 Sum-ukina, f. of 4Nabt-zér-ibni, 22:5 Sum-ukinni, 92:3 Silla, f. of 4Innina-risia, 29:2; s. of ZApidaé, 62:3; s. of Amél-atmt-iqbi-su, 71:3; f. of 4Nabd-Sum-éres, 75:2; f. of Amél-4Nané, 75:3; s. of 4¢Marduk-Sarrani, 92:1 Sili-Eanna, s. of Amél-4Nana, 97:1 Tab-ba-di-e, f. of Sula, 9:4 Tabia, 8:10 Tukulti, s. of Ardia, 45:6 Tukulti-*Marduk, 33:4, 36:2, 40:2, 41:2, 42:7; s. of Kudurru, 48:3; f. of Apla, and ef. of [Amél]-4Nané4, 74:2 Tukulti-Sarri, s. of Kudurru, 38:4 Taqis-*Gula, s. of Kiribti, 15:4 Taribi, s. of 4Bél-igiSa, 91:3 Ubhuru, f. of Ardi-4Innina, 80:5 4Uras-Sar-usur, 10:3, 10:6 4Uras-Sum-usur(?), f. of Nadin, and s. of ¢Bél-éteru, 53:8 @Uras-uSallim, s. of SES-DAS-MAH,® 71:6 USabSi-ilu, s. of Zakir, 71:9, 72:2 Zakir, f. of USab8i-ilu, 71:9, 72:2 Zapida, 23:11; f. of Silla, 62:3 Zér-*Bél, 2:1 Zéria, s. of *Bél-ab-ériba, 17:4; s. of Abé-Sa-a, 44:19; s. of 4Nand-ah-iddin, 65:3 Zér-ukin, f. of Rimit, 23:9; s. of Ahé-ériba, 92:2 Zéritu, f. of Bél-Sunu, 67:2; s. of ‘Samas-ériba, 70:2 Bey 655 balatsu, s. of 4Nabd-zér-iddin, 23:10 ig aes 3 étir, s. of Amél-4Enlil, and f. of Rimidt, 44:6 Bihis oi « ugallim, s. of 4Bél-uSallim, 44:7 E-kur-za-kir 14 'Mukin-zér apil-Su Sa > ¢Nabt-usallim apil 4Adad-ballit, apil? Id-di-fa 15 *™luvangd “Innina-na-din-Sum -apil-Su Sa ¢Bél-Sum-iSkun apil *Dabibi 16 *™luganet E-an-na arbuaddaru timu 24" gattu 10*2™ 17 ‘Nabt-apal-usur Sar _ Babiliki “Ardi-*Bél scribe of Kanna. [Sem. I and give him to the governor and administrator. If (Nabi-étir should ) betake himself to another © place .....*. ‘Rinvitujigees dNabt-balatsu-iqbi, and dNabd-épuS | fa shall pay three minas of silver. | to Eanna. ics Witnesses: |. ...)) ) dBél-ahé-iddin . Nak ‘Nabt-tum-iddin, the son n of re Mukin-zér, the son of INabt-usallim, ; son of ‘Adad-ballit, son of Iddia; son of Dabibi, day of Adar, the 10th year of Nabopolassar, ane of Babylon. Aion es : 3 Z. Re Tablet a 1 4Nabt-ab-iddin apil-su sa dNa-na-a-iddin “Bél-ka-si-ir apil-su Sa 4 2 apil-Su sa >Amél-¢Na-na-a hSi-lim-*Bél apil-su Sa hRi-hi-e-ti "MU....... See 2 It is unusual to name the great-grandfather. si? 7 ry y ; ™ J e cme As ae 3% as aNanaadden “Bales, _ the son of.7-2 se Silim-*Bél, the son of Rihéti, MUS ee VoL. 9] 10 11 12 13 . amélu x; Sa bAmél-4Na-na-a "Tbni- 4Tnnina apil-su Sa 4Nabi-iqisa 4Na-na-a-ére§ apil-su [Sa]... .. hTna-silli-*Na-na-a apil-su Sa bSa-4Nabi-su-ti ‘Nabti-usabsi ES ee tNabid-sa-bit-qata-ia hTa-a-qu-pl hArdi-¢In-nin apil-su sa hA-rib-[Su].... hSi-lim-*Bél apil-Su sa qBél-ahé-ertba 4Nabt- mudammiq apil-Su $a “Samag-zér-...... dNa-na-a-ab-iddin apil-su sa 4Marduk-zér-ibni 'Zér-ia apil-Su sa “Nergal-ndsir..... 4Nergal-u-Se-zib Sa Sarri amélurabt, 100™e amélurabti 10™¢ y °™*g)-ra-ki Sa 4Bélit [Sa Uruk... .] i-bu-tu u 2™°gj-ih-ru-tu a-na *Ninuras-Sar-usur aes Sa E-an-[na].... dMarduk-bél-Su-nu apil-su sa 4Marduk-sapik-zér améluxattammu E-an-na 4Nabti-ahé-........ apil-Su Sa *Sa-4Nabi-su-t amélusangt) E-an-na ki-a-am ig-bu-t um-ma #¢gi-ra-ki Sa ¢Bélit Sa Uruk" a-na si-ri-e-in da-lu-t #™*"rab Sir-ki ina eli-[Su-nu] ja-a-nu 4Nabt-bani-ahi apil-Su Sa "Ahi-lu-mur a-na °™ yah gir-ku-tu ina eli-(ni] Lutz.—Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. 35 (the son) of Amél-4Nan4, Ibni- Innina, the son of ¢Nabi-iqisa, dNana-éres, the son of .......... Ina-silli-¢Nan4, the son of Sa-‘Nabi-su-t, ‘(Nabt-usabsi, APUG et] VY) iy ae are ane Ree tNabi-sabit-qataia, Taqupi, Ardi-‘Innin, the son of Eribsu.... Silim-¢Bél, the son of 4Bél-ahé-ertba, 4Nabi- mudammiq, the son of “Samag-zér-.......... dNand-ah-iddin, the son of dMarduk-zér-ibni, Zéria, the son of 4Nergal-nasir......... tNergal-uSezib, of the king the centurio, the decurio, and the temple serfs of the mistress of Erech, the elders and the common citizens spoke to 4Ninuras-Sar-usur, the governor of Hanna... ., 3 dMarduk-bél-Sunu, the son of dMarduk-sapik-zér, the administrator of Kanna, 4Nabi-ahé-.......... the son of Sa-*Nabt-su-u, the priestly scribe of Kanna, as follows: “The temple-serfs of the mistress of Erech remonstrate to us that there is no chief serku over them.” [They say:] “Appoint over us | 4Nabi-bani-ahi, the son of Ahi-lumur, as chief of these 36 14 15 16 17 18 iy 20 21 22 23 Unwersity of Califorma Publications. pi-iq-da-a-ma a-na mub-hi-su ni-ip-hur-ma dul-la Sa Sarri ni-pu-us #™*"qi-i-pi [Sa _H-an-na] amélu y amélusattammu u Sangtl biti u 2™°"8j-ra-ki a dBélit Sa Urukki amelu Si-bu-tu u 2”°"gj-[ih-ru-tu] im-ru-qu-ma 4Nabi-bani-ahi apil-su sa >Abi-lu-mur a-na amélura bh Sir-ku-tu © /e* xe: '@, <0" ey fe t¢ |e améluy; nap-har Si-ra-ki Sa qBélit Sa Uruk*! ma-la ba-su-U-8-Nna si eee it-ti = "hal-pu 5 ma-na kaspu ku-um hal-qu ri-i-qu u 6 ma-na kaspu mah-ru sa. 1802°..° 5 ma-na kaspu a-na hu-sa-bu a-na 22 isuelippéti™® Sa Xattidamma e-Si dh nig) Geni ay is-kar Sa SattiSamma a-di kupri a-na® Sa-pa-hi-e Sa *"elippétims’ 1300 gur SE.B[AR a-na] kurummate™ za-bil Sa 180 sabé™* Sa dul-lu u 6 2™"UR.GAM™ a) isl i Gian. istén 2™*"yisakku 2 améluardi ekallime’ 4 9mlunaooaré elippétim® dNabi-bani-ahi 2™*"[rab Si-ra-ki].... oe 600 wae 6 ie fae 3 na omitted by scribe? [Sem. PHIL. in the temple serfdom, for we gathered around him and performed the work of the king.” The governor [of Eannal, the administrator and the priest of the house, and the temple serfs of the mistress of Erech, the elders and the common people approved the claim and [appointed] 4Nabi-bani-ahi, the son of Ahi-lumur, as chief of those bound to the temple service. All the temple serfs of the mistress of Erech, as many as there are, t0. 772, epee together with the halpu official 5 minas of silver for absconded, far off, and 6 minas of silver received from 1807... 5 minas of silver for the — risping(?) of 22 ships which yearly [are to be smeared] anew with pitches the taking away of the earth which each year with the pitch ~ settles on the ships. 1300 gur of barley for the food being brought for : 180 workmen, and 6 servants of the governor.... one nisakku official, 2 temple servants, 4 ship carpenters, 4Nabi-bani-ahi, the chief of the temple serfs... . VoL. 9] 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 dl 32 33 34 35 36 37 a-ki-1 2 sabéme 3 amélumassaré bit nisirti 1 ®#™Umassaru bit nisirti Soe. s « 5 sabé™* Sa na-as-par-ti sa 4Nabt-bani-ahi a-la-ku ina SattiSamma u.... a-na hi-is-sa-ti 1300 gur SE.BAR kurummati”™ Sa tee! as-la-a-ta ‘"bil-la-nu a-ha istén amélu 5 ma-na SAS. e., 2 bar tabtu™" 2 bar kit-li-e Sa SattiSamma 20 urisé sihré™:. . . 4 gur 2 pi 3 bar suluppi 3 ni-sip 2 qa Samnu a-na Sa Gmu 28*™ Sa 2bukislimu it-ti °™"hal-pu 2 urisé sibré 2 immeré.... dNa-na-a-karabi apil-su meet oe es arbi’ 4 gur SE.BAR kurummat?7"" PRIM IINBDI ls fe oprd care doe o's isuelippéti™= u dul-lu sa COTA ie er aa ae ana mub-hi sir-ki hal-qu u ri-qi a-na [-[an-na] ina qata-su ul ik-kim 4Na-na-a-karabi pu-ut amélun y-ki-nu hfstir-4Mar duk apil-Su Sa 4Nabti-mu-Se-ti-iq- Lutz.—Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. as well as 2 men, 3 guards of the treasury, 1 guard of the treasury of the city.... 5 men for the messages of 4Nabi-bani-ahi, going yearly and (monthly?) as seems necessary (?). 1300 kur of barley for food without.... straps, billanu, for each man 5 minas of wool, 3.... 2 bar of salt, 2 bar of kitlé, yearly 20 small kids.... 4 gur, 2 pi, 3 bar of dates, 3 jars of 2 qa of oil for Clee 6: 6, Fal re S616) ee es ot fee a Ore Se ete) 6 le 8) 0) (a: ey er ee. on the 28th day of the month Kislev, with the halpw official 2 small kids, 2 lambs,.... dNana-karabi, the son of aber wae So 0 ek craters monthly 4 gur of barley as their food: *Na bij. se) un ece. the ships and work of the kingdony andi acy hae a: against the temple serf who has fled or is away tO HATA aii yet pate ee into his hands is not delivered, 4Nan4-karabi shall stand Witnesses: Etir-4Marduk, the son of 4Nabii-muSetiq- 38 38 39 40. 4] University of California Publications. hNa-din apil-su Sa 4Uras-nédin-ahi apil 4Bél-e-te-ru ¢Nergal-uSsallim ApS SAG es ae 4Bél-uballit apil Amél-Sa-tabti-sut Bél-su-nu apil-su 8 Sa aNabd-abé-iddin dTnnina-Sum-éres apil-su Sa 4Bél-Sum-ukin ¢4Adad-ra-ma 4Nergal-ina-esi-étir apil-[Su apil-Su Sa ¢Innina-apla améluxaned Urukk artaddara Umu li" Sattu 26"4" 4Nabd-kud[urri-usur the 26th year of Nach : Sar Babili*'] v INDIVIDUALS Tablet 30 26 gur 3 pi SE.BAR a 4Nabid-zér-ibni apil-su sa »Balat-su ina gat ¢Nabt-ahé-iddin ul-tu eli ™"Pit-qa Sa qBél-étir ina lib-bi® gur bRi-mut *7*"na-qid 14 gur 4 pi 3 bar 3 qa a-na qi-mu a-na 4[n-nin-zér-usabsi u “Samag-zér-ukin amélum an-di-di . 1 gur 4Nabi-bani-ahi 4 $a, mistake of scribe, should be the determinative of person. ‘. 5 ina libbi=Sumerian Sag-bi-ta. the son of Baliieee out of i Pitga, fa for ete Nadin, the son of 4Uras-nadin-ahi, son of 4Bél-éteru, ‘Nergal-usallim, pee the sou:of, ease ee ‘Bél-uballit, the son of ta Amél-8a-tabti-su__ Bél-sunu, the son of “Nabti-abe dain, 4Tnnina-Sum-éres, that son Stak 9Bél-Sum-ukin, 4 Adad-rama, 3 - Nergal-ina-esi-étir, the r the son of “Imina-apay a << the priestly scribe. the 11th day of Ada y * king of Babylon. to dNabd-zér-ibni, Bél-étir. Thereof 7 kors to dTnnin erie and ‘Samakaér-ukin, . 2 se ola > the purveyor, = 1 gur *‘Nabé-bani-abj, Vow. 9] Lutz.—Neo-Babyloman. Documents from Erech. 39 9 1pi3 bar 4Nabi-bani-ahi 1 pi, 3 bar 4{Nabié-bani-ahi, eM cc gare ats a 5 fe s CHEMBOMOLE Vitis oper, damon cs 10 sa 4Nabd-mu-se-tig-urra belonging to ¢Nabd-musetiq-urra, ittasu® received. 11 1pil bar 3 ga 1 pi, 1 bar, 3 ga 4] n-nin-zér-usabsi dT nnin-zér-usabsi, 12 apil-Su Sa Ap-la-a the son of Apla, 13 2 gur 2 pi a-na 1-di 2 gur 2 pi for the rent imer院 of asses 14 u ‘*elippu ariktu and a long boat, 15 1 pil bar a-na 1 pi, 1 bar for akalé*" Sa 2 sabéme bread of the two men 16 a a-na eli SE.BAR who, together with it-ti (Nabd-mu-Se-tiq-urra dNabd-musetiq-urra, 17 it-tas-su brought the barley. 18 *u¥abétu dmu 28k" The 28th day of S&ébat, Sattu réS Sarriti the accession year of 19 4Nergal-Sar-usur Sar Neriglissar, king of Babili* Babylon. 4, DocumMEentT RECORDING THE TRANSFER OF AN INDIVIDUAL FROM THE SIRKUTUSHIP TO THE CLASS OF BANI KaBrumM Tablet 37 1 I-na u-mu ?™"mu-ki-nu a-na_ Hodierno die the witnesses dSamas-bani-zér apil-Su ga testify concerning ‘Samas- bani-zér, bhNAdina-ahi uk-tin-nu the son of NAdina-ahi, 3 ga *™lUxirki Sa 4Bélit that the temple serf of the sa Uruk*: ga bani kab-tum mistress of Erech belongs [now] to the class of the bani kabtum. 4 Ju-t ar-ra-a-ta ina eli Verily, the oaths against arurit-ti-Su.... his hand,.... 5 ina biti-Su lu-ti ina his house, indeed, against his pa-ni-Su ti-ma-Se-ir.... person, are remitted.... 6 ul-tu mub-hi u-mu sa From the day that ernest ku the temple serf 7 $a 4Bélit Sa Uruk*i ina of the mistress of Erech FITS yt. SOc fee eeenna unto hinidell we 6) a. ee ners 40 15 16 17 University of Califorma Publications. . ba(t)-ta-la ib-[til]. .. pie ape pa UrukBhe ooo améluy y-ki-nu »Ardi-?Marduk apil-Su $a....... 5 apil »E-dis-bi agin-ére’ apil-Su 8a 4Nabi-.......... apil *Ibni-ili *Itti-7Marduk apil-Su Sa 4Nabi-Sum-ukin apil "E-te-ru améluxanet ®Gi-mil-lu apil-Su Sa ¢In-nin-zér-iddin Uruk*i tabu dmu 13*™ Sattu 5*9™ bKur-as Sar Babiliki Sar matate 5. DocuMENT CONCERNING THE RENDERING « OF Testimony an Tablet 36 Ina *"8"du’tizu 'Zér-ia apil-su/sh.. loa eee eee apil ¢Dan-ni-e-a a-na Uruk#' il[-li-kam]. pidnu sa ¢Bélit $a Uruk*! Sa méluxirkutu u ri-ha-a-nu sa sénu7"" li’Ati alpé72 SE.BAR u suluppi sa 4Bélit Sa Uruk* Sa ‘ina eli hSi-lim-*Bél apil-su sa hApla-a ul-tu E-an-na i-nam-su-nim-ma a-na Zér-ia u *E-sag-il-be-lit asSati-Su u-kal-la-mu ki-1 pidnu ga °™"girktitu’™ 6 See note 1, p. 45. -Erech, the 13th day of the mon " . -eéased . & i) 2a eee My ..the mistress of Erech. . Withers Ardi-iMacii the ‘son of... ee aaa en ee son of Edisbi,® {Sin-brek, the ee son of (Nabt-...) Se 7 | son of Ibni-ili, Ttti-’Marduk, the son of — eae éNabd-Sum-ukin, son of bean the priestly scribe Gimillu, son of *Innin-zér-iddin. | of Ab, 3 the 5th year of Cyrus, king of Babylon, king of the countrasaie es - A In the month of Tammuz, : Zéria,. the sof Of.) 3. eee son of Dannéa came ao : & Erech and. . eee c oxen, barley and dates belonging were brought ane were aa shown to Zériaand = Esagil-bélit, his wife. When there were shown — th ote VOL. 9] 10 De 12 13 14 15 16 iy 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Sa »Si-lim-*Bél u pidnu sa ri-e-hu Sa si-e-nu l’Ati alpé" SE.BAR u suluppi Sa ¢Bélit $a Uruk*i Sa ina eli-Su a-na >Zér-ia u ‘hH-sag-il-be-lit assati-Su uk-tal-li-mu tuppu Sa a-sib qa-tu ip-Su ina gdt Sa »Si-lim-*Bél ik-nu-ku-ma a-na *F-sag-il-be-lit aSSati-su id-di-nu hi-pu-t-ma tuppu [Sa]’ a-sib qa-tu u assati Sa 'Si-lim-*Bél ik-nu-ku-ma a-na sf-sag-il-be-lit assati-Su id-di-nu pa-ni *Bélit sa Uruk*i id-da-gal ki-i 14 uk-dal-l-mu aSSsati Sa hSi-lim-*Bél ik-nu-ku-ma a-na *E-sag-il- be-Lit iddinu™ pa-ni-sa id-da-gal® améluyyy-kin 4Bél-iddin apil-Su Sa 4Nabii(?).... hArdi-4In-nin-ni apil-Su Sa... . hNiar-4Sin apil-su sa SWabt=. a. dSamas-zér-ibni apil-Su sa dNabii(?).... amélugangt 'Su-ma-a apil-Su 7 $a omitted by the scribe. 8 The beholding of the face of Ishtar refers to some kind of an ordeal. Lutz—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. the (account) table of the temple serfdom of Silim-Bél, and the (account) table of the arrears of small cattle, cows, oxen, barley, and dates, belonging to the mistress of Erech, for which he was responsible, to Zéria and Hsagil-bélit, his wife, . the written document, executed by Silim-¢Bél, they had sealed, and given to Esagil-bélit, his wife. They broke the written document, and the wife of Silim-Bél sealed [it] and gave [it] to Ksagil-bélit, his wife. The face of the mistress of Erech she had to behold, that they had not seen the wife of Silim-*Bél seal [it] and then had given it to Esagil-bélit. Her face she beheld. Witness: ¢Bél-iddin, the son of 4Nabai(?).... Ardi-¢Inninni, the son of.... Nar-4Sin, the son of tNabi-.... dSamas-zér-ibni, the son of *Nabfi(?)-.... the priestly scribe Suma, the-son-ols. ee SDA ee et en 42 25 26 27 oF w bd Ont oda bp wd University of California Publications. Babilu® *b44ru timu 1[0"™]... 4Nabd-na’id sar [Babili*] 4Nabd-apal-usur apil-su Sa hBél-ia apil 4Bél-balat-su? Recorp ConceRNING WHITE CLoTH, Covers, ETC., GIVEN TO T Babylon, the 10th day © of Iyyar, year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. — dNabti-apal-usur, the son of — : : 4Bélia, son of *Bél-balatsu. FULLER Tablet 31 2 ma-na sussan Siqlu - Two minas and one-third of a sheqel of | nalbasu mi-ih-su white, felted cloth, pi-su-ti 3 sirrate™*!° three reins, ae 5 kusite ™#!1 Sa di-du.... five covers of the sidul?. # onec u di-im 9 Siqlu di-im.... and of dim nine sheqels din Sa SibAtu nabasu atartu of red dyed wool, Be is g added Fog 4 Siqlu #pu(?)-’u-sa-a-tu four shegels of fuller’s material hSi]-la-a 2™""pu-sa-a mahiri® Silld, the fuller, received. arbukislimu timu 29*™ The 29th day of Kislev, the sattu 1[e™] first year of } dNergal-sar-usur Sar Babili*i Nerigliesar, king of ia . 7. AN IremizED List or OXEN AND Cows : Tablet 33 : i. 9 alpu bu-hal 9 steers, ; 81 littu rabititi 81 large cows, ; 18 alpé G Sant 18 two-year-old oxen, | 43 littu sittit 43 two-year-old cows, : 28 biréme 28 young oxen, : : 28 litti ummu 28 mother COWS, — ee : naphar 207 total, 207 lV ati alpé74 oxen and cows, 10M 8012. pe 11M 8158. 12 bullcolossus, Sédu (?). ve VoL. 9 | ina Sal-pu-ut-ti!® sa ¢Marduk-bél-ilani u amélé™® gatéms $a 4Samas-ahu-ibni arbukislimu imu 14*«™ Matty 1*s™ 4Nergal-Sar-usur sar Babilik Lutz.—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. 43 in the negligent care of 4Marduk-bél-ilani and [his] men, [are given| over to 4Samasg-ahu-ibni. The 14th day of Kislev, the first year of Neriglissar, king of Babylon. DISTRIBUTION OF VARIOUS AMOUNTS OF VEGETABLES TO CERTAIN istma-Si-hi 2 bar 11% ga er-su 8Hi-ka-lat-i-tu assati Sa ¢Bél-Sum-iskun 2 ‘suma-suh 1 pi 1 bar 11% ga er-su 4Bél-ibni apil "Bi-bi-e-a 4 *stma-Suh 1 bar 3 qa er-Su Dm ke es, 2 *"ma-suh 4 bar 3 qa sSi-lim-aplu aSsati Sa hZa-bida-a 1 *stma-suh 1 bar er-Su sHi-pa-a assati Sa 4Marduk-ertba 4 isuma-Suh 1 bar 3 ga s dNa-na-a..... ni-rl assati Sa 1Nabd-Sum-ukin 3 ma-suh 3 bar er-Su .. apil *Sa-rid 18 One might expect this line to read: INDIVIDUALS Tablet 52 1 gauged measure of 2 bar, and 114 qa of vegetables Hikalat-itu, the wife of 4Bél-Sum-iSkun, 2 measures of 1 pi, 1 bar, 114 qa of vegetables 4Bél-ibni, the son of Bibéa, 4 measures of 1 bar, 3 qa of vegetables 2 measures of 4 bar, 3 qa Silim-aplu, the wife of Zabida, 1 measure of 1 bar of vegetables, Hipa, the wife of ¢Marduk-ertba, 4 measures of 1 bar, 3 qa, CAN IT ee ni-ri, the wife of 4Nabd-sSum-ukin, 3 measures of 3 bar of vegetables _, the son of Sarid. ina pan pati, where generally such lists have simply 1 ina pan; in this case, however, line 11 should read: ina qat instead of qatéme® Sa, emended. The tablet plainly reads Salputti, which I do not think should be 44 University of California Publications. NAME INDICES ABBREVIATIONS: br., brother; d., daughter; f., father; ef., grandfather PERSONAL NAMES Abia-abil-te’, s. of NAnia, 38:4 x tAdadcballit, s. of Iddia, f. of 4Nabd-uSallim, gf. of Mukin-zér, 2: — 4A dad-étir, s. of Tab-harirtia, 38:5 hdad same 24:40 44 dad-sarrani, 39:12 dA dduskummu, s. of . . . . adadu, 38:2 Ahé-e-a, f. of Iddin-¢UraS, 3:6 Ahé-Sa-a, f. of 4-Bél-Sum-lisir, gf. of Bania, 3:3 Ahi-ldmur, 24:13, 16; s. of Ina-qibi ..... , 00:5 Améat-ili, 25:18 Amél- 4Marduk, a 3 s. of Binet il 2 Amél-Sa-tabti-Su, f. of 4Bél-uballit, 24:39 4Anum-Sum-ibni, 54:13 eg tan Apia, 57:3, f. of Ardia, 54:4, f. of 4Innin-zér-uSabsi, 30:12, f. of Muxézi dMa 59:16, . of 4Nabi-étir, 35:31; f. of ¢Nabd-Sum-éreS, 27:4; f. a Silim-* 36:6 Aqar-aplu, f. of 4Nergal-ndsir, 56:4 Ardia, 11:11; 35:20; s. of Nania, 29:26; s. of Apla, 54:4 — Ardi-*Bél, 2:11; s. of Sill4, 35:5; s. of 4Bél-uballit, 38:3 _ Ardi-¢Innin, s. of EribSu, 24:5 Ardi-4Innina, 35:2 Ardi-?Innini, 36:21 Ardi-4Marduk, gs. of Edisbi, 37:10 Ardi-4Naba, f. of Itti-Eanna-budia, 29 :22 aa Ardi-4NanA, s. of SulmAn-iqbi, 25:8; f. of 4Tnnin-ab-iddin, 29 yar Arrab, s. of 4SSamas-ah-iddin, 29:29; f. of hee cag oi 40 oF RAS? s. of INabti-Sum-usur, 29:10 ; 4A Sur-apal-iddin, 57:9 4A Sur-danu, 57:9 4A gur-ertba, 59:5 dA Sur-erba, s. of {Marduk-iqbi, 57:13 4A Sur-uballit, s. of 1Nabd-Sum-edu-ibni, 57:12 headin 4A Sur-zér-ibni, 57:6 | BRN oe: Balatsu, 59:4; f. of 4Nabd-Sum-ibni, 30:2. “i Baldtu, s. of MuSézib-*Bél, 35:11; s. of Na adits ROC Beles at 6 ne spababddia. Ss. of dNan4-ére’, 60 49(0) a VoL. 9 | Lutz—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. 45 dBél-ahé-eriba, s. of Sullum, 4:4; f. of Silim-¢Bél, 24:6; f. of 4¢Nabd-Sum-iddin, 28:9; f. of Na&’id-4Nabd, 29:7 4Bél-ahé-iddin, 2:12; s. of Marduka, 22:4 4Bél-balatsu, f. of Bélia, gf. of 4Nabd-apal-usur, 36:27 2 pe ae , 07:15 dBél-épuS, 2:8; s. of ¢Nand-4Nabtia, 2:2 4Bél-éreS, 39:1; 60:6 (r); f. of Bania, 38:16 4Bél-ertba, 59:3; f. of 7Marduk-ibni, 29:5 4Bél-étir, 30:3; 60:57 (r) 4Rél-éteru, f. of ?Uras-Sum-usur, gf. of NAdin, 24:38 qBélia, s. a 4Bél-balatsu, f. of aN abt-apal-usur, 36:27 aBél-ibni, 5:8; 40:41; 60: 17 (r); 8. of dSamas-zér-iqiSa, 25:6; s. of LAba $1, 40:40; s. of Bibéa, 52:5 qBél-iddin, 36:20 4Bél-igisa, f. of Tabnéa, 59:12 qBél-kasir, 24:1 4Bél-lamur, 38:17 4Bél-mukin-aplu, 55:1 4Bél-Sum-iskun, s. of Dabibi, f. of 4Innina-balat-iddin, 2:15; s. of 4Nabd-ah...., 40:29; h. of Hikalat-itu, 52:3; s. of 4Bél-Sunu, 60:13 (r) 4Bél-Sum-ligir, s. of Ahé-Sa-a, f. of Bania, 3:3 éBél-Sum-ukin, f. of 4Innina-Sum-éreS, 24:40 Bél-Sunu, 23:4; s. of 4Nabd-ahé-iddin, 24:39; s. of Heveaniardnte. 25:7; f. of 4Nergal- Bara ibni Pad 4Nabd-sum-ukin, 25:10 4Bél-Sunu, f. of 4Innin-Sar-usur, 29:12; f. of 4Bél-Sum-iSkun, 60:14 (r) 4Bél-uballit, s. of Ekur-zakir, f. of 4Nabd-Sum-iddin, 2:13; s. of Amél-Sa-tabti-8u, 24:39; f. of Ardi-?Bél, 38:3 4Bél-usallim, s. of ‘Nabi-bél-usur, 3:5; s. of Suma, 60:2 (0) 4Bél-zér-ibni, 3:16 Bibéa, f. of 4Bél-ibni, 52:5 Bulut, 17:6 Dabidi: f. of 4Bél-Sum-iskun, gf. of 4Innina-bal&t-iddin, 2:15 Dada, 39:13 Dadis: 35:28 dDaian-éreS, 39:11 Dannéa, gf. of Zéria, 36:2 4Dannu-ahé-ibni, 35:15 Dihum, s. of 4Nan4-iddin, 29:30 Eanna-ibni, f. of Bania, 29:28 Eanna-Sar-usur, 35:16; f. of Tartbi, 60:14 (0) Edisbi,! gf. of Ardi-4Marduk, 37:11 Ekur-zakir, f. of 4Bél-uballit, gf. of 4Nabd-Sum-iddin, 2:13 4B ]-ahabi, s. of Salam-?El, 38:19 Eribsu, 35:9; f. of Ardi-4Innin, 24:5 Esagil-bélit, w. of Zéria, 36:7, 11, 14, 16, 19 Esi-étir, f. of Rihit, 55:6 Eteru, f. of ¢Nabd-Sum-ukin, gf. of Itti-4Marduk, 37:13 Rtir- PAeer il CE Ce See BEI A EGP SOCLEZEN 5 LE, AAG Cp \ \\) \ NS Y \ \ SS WN ix \) sete Re AY \ YY \\ \ \ \ YY s a \\ \ |e: Ae nee CY DLL avai Nal ay x gen LNG ib gee if i A Lie a EVRA EZ yg TY Za “ite AR rd TY 7 YQ \\ WY Wy) \\ \ WS NY \ \\ WY \ W\\ yes. AW 22 pa fae Faye Ly, ARs ERs EG pate | BN B “5 Ni WAY ANY \ \\\ pe \ WY Ws N \\\} AY \ \\ \ [SemM. PHIL. >—____- ZA AS Fal PTA eRROR LISS GS ey A VOL. 9] as 2 ye Viet Bae: LMM § 242 COE Do IA x ee ee Ca Se ge Oe COLet BE C¢ iil LoS litly Kempe SCSI! POOLE: 26 Z Lf ea fe “4,4 oes ie Cig LLY Eki cco WN EYL! oe ei 47 dG Lf AACLELTEtET = Kg fa % 22 tg fo, y pAQ Sti aA ies A CALLA Me, CARY rb RK 10 eS. ae Ee Ce CI7 ee AYR Tt se cae DOL GE J gg LELLLLG =i Cen YELL C4 ae THETA EA 5 TAT PAAHOEE FS Pete IN-EAR A Be in ee ee P = Hiatt, (ULE SBE KT RA A cone rn ry Ti a ea ak AE ATK PETA Sia pts se 20D icon Bit J UMAR. AH Lutz—Neo-Babylonan Documents from Erech. PRUE STEED - 5 rad FOF ABA phe SATE 26 itaat=kou ae Cane - hb PR SZZAAT TAA ESCH AS Tera Je +4 re ry PRATT AK A HET AL AA oP AAG IB 27 eH TAT — VEN VR AES ees po RAT KAR AS Ho IE 28 CIHR Aa shamed WET PR PS TR ty si ‘ | a 64 University of California Publications [Sem. se TIO TL HELA Pad To eZ ee ny ete cen ee Pee ae St oe j } = be, 4 ‘ *, are \\ WW ANN Qy WN \ \ \ MeO & pa ee & EET assay “Saat ia 31 Sven FREDRORE RS ow We BEE 8 <-RRSR ESA YRS TT ER VOL. 9] ESE aa fe PRA x PARR TPA pss SETI 35 ay AS TS Tree par i Lutz.—Neo-Babyloman Documents from Erech. 65 TUT AQF ey ETE ATA TSR FACTS ot : As be TEAR AEA Ti OR 38 EAT (cle EE ATA KR SK PURE ES Sk PAS AOE IE 39 TARR RRR Re 10 Ge TOGA Th [i PEE ATA, AK CT PEEL 6 ay University of Califorma Publications Rr aers i ae AHS Ts RY a 8 ates P= A KE & 10 bh TROP RET AR HO be | PE BARS SS 0 =O ce oe gee TTY rh TERS fae PE T= 4H MY PANY a ea EH te AB [SemM. PHIL. Fata aang LA HAR | 2 ¥ af 2 pis yaa x > DSSS DAA, BE WZ Gre ee CHO FREY AVG wee Zi eaten uae VoL. 9] Lutz —WNeo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. ee \ \ \) \ . x Ln \N \ SAY \\ A »\ \ \\\ \\\ Ww SSR es \ ae \ RRA XY SRN MY) \Y \\ \\ \ y\ il \ WN Wak i; Wo WV \ \\\ \\\ WY : iy le SY ON S \\\A ie a \ \ \ Ly Li ‘. \\\ \\ 4 \\ \\ nee \Y ve eg Zz Sc Cae PAGERRCAHATS CRA 1a PSEA y 1s SAC TEE od a ia im BPR ATH rs PREAH ESE] PTY A Gags eau 20 < SAT HT SM FP Bera A << MAR ecacres SRS ¢ 1K OW ara, iy Sy ai By « oar aN ry BA 47 67 ae Pe FH Fe fi PAIRS 1 VARS eat Peace: x. —— ATR RE BERISHA aS <4 ies ara 2 as AR TET AA ‘ | Satiesied 4 Be FQ 46 5 JSG 9 = ZS USNC CLM a8 MESA cet Abe a HIS AH IT Pe Sy Prey CRT IE pd tet 68 University of California Publications 49 PARRY Av — VATE PS ee a 10 PRS HR BERET BARS pa — Oe 5 BRAK RORY ET Ad ARE 50 4A te 4B 51 ST SHR ire lites pS OK ea ee PPT hs A 52 es q PHSTA ES ain ETE AY Tt PUAN < Te 4 is an AY pH a RE 10 pal leet tees j= bisaias eh SAN Ap OE CE ROLE AL is 3 LM Se tgs Le oe CE ee eg PRAIA Re PA SZ, ER 2 aie ayy aoe Wet ow Ye 3 ae WY x) \ XN SN oa a aS a \\ \Y NAN WN 0 Ses WYN 53 SS YY WX AW)\\ ma AA NS \ \ N < aH a ANY \ Lutz.—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. 17 | ice Seales ae Wy Yi Z Si ZZGZ Zo ee be Zs b yp. EE re pgs a is ES COECEE EIA G ZG CD egies Yi Gi! ted le LgfllaN CHUA: ZZ RRR CAT AIA aur aiaial pee SET PAA RTS or FR TAP Hay DA ay od ; REPRODUCTION OF TABLETS fs. IN PART. II VOL. 9] Lute—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. 81 1 i So a ee ap aa TECH FE > —<- a ay KEEAT — FN a weet PRE ATIR« BO TE PPA SEAT p : VARI ESE ee =i py ET A 82 University of California Publications PARIRO TTY VARS Rigo 10 PN Po PTH A PRACT RA STs pede 8 BEBE ELE Z| NY pa i Nh Eas \ WY at ; ay x wN ie \ 5 Re xe RAR es Vou. 9] Lutz—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. 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PHIL. . : SAAS we LL NON ~ uN AWS WS A PLS WA QI SASHA AAT SSS ACES SON LON a RAY NYAY \\\ INN YAY QNY WAS AAG ROA AARON VAN AY 8 i AN CS QY GORA AARAT RAAT 8 Y TaN \ QQ WHOA MANAAY NN WY AN MA L WY AY AWN re QQ WLAN MAY TS VSO NNN TW Fe ASW i AQUA YY AN } TER XY NOW , ess OY \ \ \ ae 3 \Y Ms \ AN YeORE) Nee IESE a RS a aula QW A re] come paige : ay; ALI Ff mR car pe Pegs PATEL A TT if Ag rane Ao Hel PEAT APES he BR Rot ae hey TP Sates FES ve HAST PLT WL m= TE CTA cia easel ranGoen( Ay ALS PaATIE bar TP KS AY on SAAT h pet “Ah ae TAT I ACHAT ALTERS EAE OPERA ELH TY Ay el iat pT PETIT COMET TEI ‘ FST At@liginligs Aah ge ALE TAR KS FIA Hes AN eonaeaatae AATF ve “{ i ee VOL. 9 } CONTINUED vty Lutz—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. WRI aes NY RS \ NS \ \ A ‘ ASCII Wa qa wing . \ Qh WO MAN \ ii RAABATEY PLU SH PT ETL \ WY WAMQNQNWA QQ awn» \S SAW 4 FATT Syed THR ae fai Wee. re {peal Zo we ZG jaa AY LEE. 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Se RAT Ba a Te a sige gece iaal ice Thana | BEATERS ape FES ART @ fe REA Se AHN A Ny of California Publications < Ah HA depot VOL. 9 | Lutz—Neo-Babylonian Documents from Erech. oT EEA (ES VAR Sle > aincest = cialis PETE ET TH thd BALA WE 5 fa Pal AYE TRS Sans cH 98 University of California Publications 35 PRD FAK a Z ai \ ~\ AN ¥ ¢ \\\ AQ ge } a \ \ : | x \ ; . Ny ales INS REE HEN Aa AYN \\ NY = 97 i AONE s TN ve WWE Yl p= ANNENEN RY HL NS \ | segs OY xm: \ WN \ fr AAS \\y ao WY NERF ELL WN ag ‘ ANNE EERO CZ Y NY Zoe by tea Se 2 BREE LL Liu tery tet sel AYH AU Hw ER ted Ral eBoy Beat wr IRE ET As 3 et, Ly ay IE ssuanae Ee qf kes TI Et J id tet 1 : =4i)7h bh Blah SHO y ow Bb whe le AI [Zo Bib Sot pti VAS, resi kd aA. 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