+4 1" 1 fh Te . r a4 " iz i | ps ; : cy { 3 ; \ ‘ 5 r ; ¥a ¢ , 2 Ay . et pi al ‘ ; ' : 1s Q Le Hai 3} \ tie a3 aad ; Ais COLLECTION OF a FLORENCE: ITALY * iio AINTINGS & onjECTs , 5 ; , . { ve 7 } Peak ta at ; Ae te ‘ Pa th te Py My 4 ; / i 8 iy Ry ys y Fi it. f ' %. , f ri; 4) ia, AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION + INC yaa ¥, MADISON / AVENUE - Shc TO srt STREET | woul | , & Pm Tam . aed 1 - rf - - 4 ‘ ’ ‘ ? ‘ PRE oP Biwi SE SERB Leh From Saturday - December 4 + To Time of Sale Weekdays g a.m. to 6 p.m. x Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. WEN GS PRC De PU BRET Ce SAITE Weeember 8,9, 10 & 11 Beginning at 2:15. p.m. Peet bETONGAND SALE AT THE American Art Galleries Madison Avenue: 56th to 57th Street New York City e SALES CONDUCTED BY * Mr. O. Bernet and Mr. H. H. Parke American Art Association ” Inc MANAGERS 1926 Shalf No Ol No. 808. Parr SCULPTURED MARBLE ANIMAL GROUPS Coc. Y — wine Collkectron of Neh mea Oul Tolentino PAENCI NAG SW THe ENE PRIMITIVE AND RENAISSANCE EXAMPLES INCLUDING AROULPERB PIETH BYOVAN DYCK AND A POs Chinen a DONNA AND CHILD SCULPTURES +, BRONZES FROM THE ROMAN EXCAVATIONS + TERRA-COTTA AND STUCCO GROUPS AND BAS-RELIEFS GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE FURNITURE NEW YORK AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION: INC 1926 Pree (Catalogues Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. Tie AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : Inc Designs its Catalogues and Directs -All Details of Illustration - Text and Typography —— = ° Conditions of Sale CTA,» REJECTION OF Bips. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. THe Buyer. ‘The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. IDENTIFICATION AND Deposir sy Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. CL A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. C, If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. Risk AFTER PurcHasE. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s ham- mer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. DELIVERY OF PurcHasEs. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. . RecErpTeD Bris. Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a re- ceipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the prop- erty has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. . SroRAGE IN DeFauLT oF Prompr PayMENT AND CaLLING For Goops. 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(I, In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. . Surppinc. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, Io. Il. afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. Guaranty. ‘The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of the sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuine- ness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. ML Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Associa- tion will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. Recorps. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. Buyinc oN Orper. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if con- ditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge of commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should.the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association OTTO BERNET - HIRAM H, PARKE = (Ayres eee AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC Managers CATALOGUE \\\ FOREWORD Ic. Raout ToLentino, whose activities as a propagandist of Italian art in foreign countries have recently brought him the high distinction of the Commandership of the Italian Crown from H.M. the King of Italy, has the privilege of presenting, under the auspices of the American Art Galleries, his eighth exhibition in the United States of Italian Gothic and Renaissance art. Comm. Tolentino has long been favorably known for the quality and dis- crimination of his collections, and his beautiful galleries in the Florentine Palazzo Acciaioli, with its frescoed state room by Poccetti [by whom is a desk in the present sale], are well known to the amateurs of this country who have had occasion to request his advice or to compete for works of art at auction with the Cleveland, Boston, Detroit and other national Museums. In the large group of furniture are assembled a number of important rarities: a folding walnut state chair [No. 794] with hinged stretcher, of which type only two or three are known; a pair of chairs with tooled and polychromed leather backs, of the finest Venetian workmanship; two beautiful walnut cassoni in the manner of Jacopo Sansovino, and two other finely carved master-works of the Roman school; a remarkable Florentine gilded pastiglia cabinet on stand [No. 791] of the High Renaissance; a Venetian lectern with a bronze lion of St. Mark [No. 790], a sacristy cabinet of the Flemish school dated 1599, and finely painted with four full-length figures of saints; and a pair of resplendent Louis XV arm- chairs in red Venetian lacquer [No. 778]. Of the late Gothic period are a few cabinets of North Italian provenience, a carved walnut stall with two seats and a Sienese cassone painted after the manner of the Arras tapestries; for collectors, the simple and beautifully proportioned Dantesque and monastery chairs, early sgabelli and library tables of the Tuscan Quattrocento. The fifteenth century is also largely represented in forged wrought-iron work by Gothic torchéres, andirons and fireguards, together with the decorative wall brackets, grilles and garden gates of the Renaissance. An important item is a gilded palace balcony of the French Régence, with an abundance of richly scrolled leafage ornament, fully equal in merit to the famous balustrades of Madame de Pompadour’s Chateau de Bellevue. The rich stuffs of the collection include silk damasks, the sturdy Genoese brocatelles with linen weft, brocades (among which are two sumptuous copes), and velvets of the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, with one or two baldacchini en- riched with appliqué embroidery. A group of seven original silk palio banners with their weighted staves, from the city of Siena, recall a pageant whose origins are in the fifteenth century, and which to this day draws the curious to the City of the Contrade. Sculpture in stone and marble is represented in the exhibition by animal groups and gargoyles, fonts and four original ‘Tuscan fireplaces, including one of the school of Michelozzo. A fine collection of no less than seventeen armorial plaques in Fiesole stone, limestone and marble, has been assembled over a great period of time by Comm. Tolentino, and demonstrates the heights to wnich heraldic deco- ration was brought by such sculptors as the Lapi and the Donati brothers and the followers of Niccold Pisano; these are essentially well adapted to the decoration of halls and gardens. A piece of outstanding interest is a XII century haut relief of the Romanesque period portraying the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, and contemporary with similar carvings on the pulpit of the Cathedral at Parma. This originally belonged to the old Hospital of Bologna and was sold only by permission of the national authorities, to raise funds for this institution. A delightful bronze group of the Flagellation of Christ is by Alessandro Algardi. An assemblage of excavated Etruscan bronzes has been authenticated by the well-known classical scholar and expert of the Vatican Museum, Prof. Albizzati of the University of Caghari; in it are contained two pieces with de- cipherable inscriptions, one a tall candelabrum of an unusual character. Among the reliefs are two original masterpieces by Rossellino, one in stucco and the other in red terra-cotta, and in exceptionally fine preservation. The former is a work hitherto entirely undocumented, and is noteworthy for the introduction, above the Madonna and Child, of a garland bearing the medallion of St. George. Of the Della Robbia family are works by Andrea and Giovanni, the most important being a stanniferous enamel relief, by the first, of Virgin and Child, and a fine armorial tondo by his nephew. ‘Iwo enamels from the hand of Benedetto Buglioni, collaborator of Giovanni, are also included. Two reliefs of the first importance are by Donatello; a large Madonna and Child in stucco and the extraordinary wax bas-relief of the Crucifixion [No. 722], in which more than a score of figures are presented with amazing subordination of detail to composition, and of which a bronze replica exists in the Museo Nazionale in Florence; this is possibly the most exquisite piece of the whole collection. Leone Leoni, sculptor of some of the most important equestrian statues of the late Renais- sance, is represented by a vigorous bust of a warrior, under the influence, as Dr. Bodmer remarks, of the goldsmith’s craft of Cellini. The paintings cover a temporal field of three centuries and more: primitives of Jacopo del Casentino, Giovanni del Biondo and of the school of Orcagna are authen- ticated by Dr. Weigelt and precede a little picture by Jacopo Bellini, portraying an incident from Boccaccian romance, two panels of tondini [probably by Giovanni da Milano] and a charming portrait by Vincenzo Catena of the Venetian school, authenticated by Prof. Fiocco. Dr. Berenson, writing in the periodical Dedalo, has made mention of the beautiful Botticelli Madonna and Child |No. 765], stressing the identity of the head of the Madonna with that of the Venus of the “Spring” and maintaining its superiority to the Lockinge Madonna and the equally well-known group in the Lazzaroni Collection. The painting is full of charm and the most tender sensi- bility, and is of extreme importance. Lastly, we may refer to the monumental Van Dyck, Christ taken from the Cross [No. 766]), authenticated by Comm. Hofstede de Groot of the Hague Museum and Dr. Schaeffer, editor of the Klassitker der Kunst volume, in the most unambiguous terms; the latter has indeed promised to include a photograph of this painting in any future edition of the Van Dyck. Of the end of his first period, when he was engaged in emancipating himself from the influence of his master, Rubens, the work is a powerful Rubenesque composition, in which color is fear- lessly used. An attractive setting for a portion of the collection has been provided by Comm. Tolentino, who has brought over at considerable expense an entire paneled reception room with ceiling, from a castle in Piedmont. For the eclectic are two bathrooms in Oriental onyx, of great luxury. In this short summary we have endeavored to outline the nature and extent of the best collection that this connoisseur has yet brought together, and it is our hope that the many friends of Comm. Tolentino will ensure the success of the present sale by an appreciation of the taste and labor necessary to have assembled such a group of works of art; for, as we have constantly assured our clients, it is becoming every day more difficult to purchase in Europe antiquities of the highest order. AMERICAN ArT AssocraTIon, INc. r : : = - : - mae . - oALE AT THE -4MERICAN -ART GALLERIES The Tolentino Collection DECEMBER 8, 9, 10 & 11, 1926 G7 = x & To save time and to prevent mistakes each purchaser will oblige the management by filling in this slip and handing it to the record clerk or sales attendant on making the first purchase. Purchaser’s Name oe TE a aS Catalogue LNT Amount of Deposit. AMERICAN ArT ASSOCIATION‘ INC * Managers els kesel oS 5 LOAN Mednesday December 8, 1926 at 2:15 p.m. Catalogue Numbers I to 214 Inclusive MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS Two FramMeEpD Ivory MInrIATURE PAINTINGS One portraying interior of tavern with figures; the other a cavalier mounting, outside a mansion. ‘Two FramMep Ivory Miniature ParntTincs One depicting Joseph and Potiphar’s wife; the other after the French School, portraying a lady and her youthful son. Parr ReEpPoussE SILVER CANDLE Ho.peErs Italian, XVIII Century Circular gadrooned grease-tray with leaf-scrolled handle. Four Brass-MoUNTED BLUE AND WuireE PorcELAIN CANDLE PRICKETS AVIIT Century Circular beaded frame with scroll cresting, and supporting single candle bobéche. Mounted with blue and white chinoiserie plaque, having apocryphal mark of Ch’éng Hua. RepoussE SILVER BONBONNIERE Dutch, Early XVIII Century Enriched with scenes of domestic city life in scrolled panels, ornamented with shell motives. Height, 3 inches Rock CrystaL JEWEL CasKET French, XVI Century Brilliant crystal carved into an eight-pointed star and set in a silver-gilded mounting with hinge. Diameter, 5 inches ANTIQUE CHINESE CARVED AGATE ANIMAL FIGURINE rouching figure o erocious Fu-dog in smoky grayish-blue agate. as C hing fig pot. Fu-d ky grayish-bl t H carved stand. Length, 6 inches Collection of Princess W. von Holstein Pair Oxup Capo pi Monte PorcELAIN FIGURINES Male and female figures in Venetian ball-costume, glazed in black, iron-red, yellow and white; square bases with crowned “N” mark. (One repaired.) Heights, 5% and 5% inches 13 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 10. Il. 12. U2: iwi Ese 16; ra, 18. Parr Otp Capo pit Monte PorcELAIN STATUETTES Slender figures of Pan and female centaur before broken tree-trunks, and standing on incurved square bases; brilliant white glaze. Heights, 8% inches BronzE Figure oF A CHERUB Italian, XVI Century Tiny standing nude figure with outstretched left arm. Griotte base. Height, 5 inches PorcELAIN ANIMAL FIGURINE Korean, Richo Period Standing figure of elephant, archaically modeled; the ears colored with a reddish tone. Length, 7 inches BronzE CANDLESTICK Italian Renaissance Square fluted shaft; broad square base chiseled with interlacing scrolled leaf ornament. Height, 6% inches Repousst Brass Bow Tuscan, XVI Century Circular, the bottom enriched with repoussé figure of a stag amid branches of oak, within a ring of cabling. Diameter, 1054 inches Parr Oxtp Capo pit Monte Wuitre PorceLain Groups Allegorical groups, each composed of seated female figure with two attendant putti; one representing Geometry and the other Philosophy. Brilliant white glaze. Heights, 6% and 7 inches CHISELED BronzE COLLAPSIBLE HAaND-LANTERN Persian, XVII Century ‘Top and base finely bordered with floral scrollings, supporting medallions chiseled with portrait heads; joined by collapsible parchment cylinder. Diameter, 8 inches DrEcorRATED GourRD Italian, XVI Century Beautifully engraved on red body with coroneted initials G and R, sur- mounting satyr mask, scrollings and mythological figures. Height, 10% inches ARMORIAL ENAMELED GLaAss BEAKER Rhenish, Dated 1685 Cylindrical, enriched with rings of beading and berry bosses; enameled with quartered escutcheon and dated 1685. Greenish bottle glass. Height, 11 inches BronzE INKsTAND Dutch, XVI Century Globular, the cover surmounted by a nude figure bearing a scroll, the body of the inkwell resting on the backs of two nude kneeling men. Height, 12 inches 14 19. 20. DN Qe a2. 24. 5. a6, First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth Goruic ReEpoussE Brass Prarro Venetian, XV Century Flanged marli having punchings of small fleurs-de-lys; spirally fluted cavetto g gp g Wisk ) and centre with subject, ADAM AND EVE, BEFORE THE TREE; surrounded by medallioned Gothic leaves and blossoms. Diameter, 15% inches LarcE FarENncE VASE Savona, XVII Century Ovoid, with incurved neck and loop handles. Decorated in fine blue with archaic landscape and edifices; bearing coat of arms at front. Height, 18 inches UrsBino PoLtycHROMED FAIENCE COFFER Oblong, on claw feet. Sides and cover decorated with cherubs and Raphael- esque scrollings with animals, birds and cherubs. Scrolled handles and two upstanding escutcheons with supporters. Length, 14 inches SILVER-PLATED VaAsE AND CANDLESTICK Italian, XVIII Century Urn-shape, the body rolling over to gadrooned lip; occupied at centre with candle-socket. On gadrooned baluster and round base. Height, 12 inches Parr CARVED AND GILDED CANDELABRUM FIGURES Italian, XVI Century Figure of mermaid with scrolled tail, supporting on outstretched arm a circular candlestand. Height, 11 inches DeEcoRATED PorcELAIN TEA SERVICE Ginort, Late XVIII Century Comprising teapot and cream jug, covered sucrier, two covered cups and saucers and tray. Decorated with views of ruins, the tray with the Floren- tine Duomo and the Giotto tower. Length of tray, 15 inches GorHic ENAMELED CANDLESTICK French, XIV Century Columnar stem, formed of five clustered pillars bound by molded bands en- twined with wreaths of leaves. Circular spreading foot with a raised shield charged with a coat of arms in blue chamflevé enamel. ‘Traces of original gilding. Height, 15 inches BLUE AND WHITE FarIENCE CENTREPIECE Savona, Late XVII Century Hexagonal body with round pilasters, surmounted by six dolphin spouts and supporting a second hexagonal dish with six spouts. Claw feet. Ornamented with landscapes in blue. Total height, 1534 inches Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue ae 28. 20: 30. a1. a2 33: PorrEry WateER VESSEL Corinthian [Sicily], V Century B.C. Globular, with looped strap handle and flaring spout. Banded decoration of geometrical ornament and tiny archaic figures. Diameter, 13 inches [ Illustrated | Cut Guiass Lamp Mounrep IN Cutvre Dore Directoire Period Pear-shaped bowl, with arched circular base, cut with bandings of faceted motives. Mounted for electricity. Height, 16 inches CarvED WatnutT MINIATURE OF A SEVENTEENTH CENTURY DEsk Oblong, with sl!ant-front and three long serpentine drawers, on molded ser- pentine base. Height, 11 inches; width, 12 inches CUSHIONS, DAMASKS, BROCADES AND VELVETS Litac S1tK BrocaDE CusHION Louis XV_ Period Diapered ground woven with undulating ivory ribbons, alternating with tiny bouquets of green and pink blossoms. Drap dD’ ARGENT ORANGE SILK CUSHION Louis XIII Period Allover design in silver of rows of flowers, swaying in alternate directions. APPLIQUE EMBROIDERED SKY-BLUE SILK CusHION AVITI Century Enriched with five bunches of flowers and fruit in pastel colored silk thread. Parr ANTIQUE ITALIAN CREWEL-WOoRK CUSHIONS Figure of the Dove of Peace within a garland of flowers and fruit, in bril- liant colored silks on a gray ground. 16 34. 35° 36. 37° 39° 40. 4I. i pie 44. First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth PatirR SKY-BLUE SATIN LAmpas CUSHIONS Louis XV Period Chinoiserie design of figures of peasants breaking ground, amid swaying stems of leafage. STRAW-YELLOW AND SILVER BRrocADE CUSHION Louis XV Period Design of serpentine branches and floral bouquets in pastel-colored silks and silver thread. Two EmBrompery aND Damask CusHIONS Italian, XVII Century Ecru silk damask of small pattern; embroidered in rose and golden silks with a large vase of carnations and formal corners. SILVER BROCADE AND CRIMSON VELVET CUSHION Venetian, Late XVII Century Developing interlacing scrolling branches in silver on crimson ground; bor- dered in red velvet. BrussELs ‘Tapestry CusHION XVII Century Verdure field, in greens, yellow and ivories surrounded by a border of scrolled blue shamrocks, on old-red ground. Trimmed with yellow tassels. Parr ANTIQUE ITALIAN NEEDLEPOINT SEAT CUSHIONS Developing a white Dove of Peace within a brilliant border of formalized blossoms, on a brown ground. MuLperry VELVET CUSHION Italian, XVII Century Heavy deep-toned velvet, banded with gold galloon. Cur VELVET CUSHION Italian, XVI Century Ivory field, woven with diamond lattice centred by rosettes. “Trimmed with fringe. Drap DOR ET D’ ARGENT BrocaDE CusHIon Venetian, XVII Century Design of floral scrollings in colored silks on gold ground. EMERALD-GREEN VELVET STOLE AND Manipie Italian, XVII Century Enriched with appliqué gold crosses. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches SILK BrocapE MEDALLION A fter Philippe Lassalle, Louis XV Period A medallion of iris in flower, executed in delicate colors on a white ground, with a border of scrolls in white and green on a pink ground; the whole on a field of old-gold. Height, 26 inches; length, 27% inches 17 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 45. 46. 47- 48. 49. 50. SI, 2s 53: 54. RosE-cRIMson Cut VELVET TABLE COVER Italian, XVII Cenutury Rich velvet with silken glow, ornamented with central design of Genoese drap a argent crimson cut velvet. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet Louis XIV Crimson Cur Vetver TaBLe Cover Symmetrical design of large bouquets of interlacing branches with scrolling leaves. 2 feet 2 inches square Crimson SitK Damask TABLE COVER Italian, Late XVII Century Symmetrical design of flowers and leaves, bordered by scrolling leafage. Length, 3 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches Mu perry VELVET PANEL Italian, XVII Century Heavy deep-toned velvet, banded with gold galloon. 3 feet 8 inches square SCUTARI VELVET COVER Early XVII Century Ivory peach-toned field, woven in greens and crimson with central bouquet and corners developing pineapple motives; scrolled border of the same. Trimmed with fringe. 5 feet by x foot 11% inches Louis XVI SEa-GREEN Lampas PANEL Symmetrical classical design of medallions, vases and floral sprays, running hounds, lyres, temples and scrolling volutes of blossoms, in ivory. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches THREE ScutTarRr VELVET PANELS AVIL Century Rich blue-green field, woven in crimson with oblong floral central medal- lion surrounded by vines and bunches of grapes. 38 by 18 inches REGENCE SILVER-WOVEN Biue BrocapE TABLE Cover Satin ground with border of trellised ribbon design, enriched with sprays of leaves and having scrolled edges; flanked by curved branches of blossoms and leafage directed inwards. Length, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches Maroon VELVET TABLE CovER French, XVIII Century Soft silken velvet bearing traces of former appliqué of swaying branches and bordered with silver guimpe. Length, 6 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 2 inches Drap bd’ORr Brocade PANEL Italian, Circa 1700 Ground of heavy gold thread woven in recurring design of leaves with red and purple blossoms and bow-knot ribbons, and enclosing classical temples. Length, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches 18 55: 56. “Vic Ghee 59: 60. Or, 62. Om First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth SHoT SILK BrocapE TABLE Cover Louis XV Period Ground of rose and blue woven with undulating trellised ivory branches tied with blue bow-knots and supporting brilliant bouquets of flowers. Length, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 10 inches REGENCE EMERALD-GREEN AND SILVER BrocapE TABLE CovER On a brilliant green satin ground a design of scalloped ribbon ogivals en- closing large fringed spade-shaped leaf motives in salmon-pink, ivory and silver thread. Length, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 35 inches SILK BrRocaTELLE HANGING Genoese, Early XVII Century Fawn ground diapered with tiny leaves and woven with rows of alternating swaying stems of pomegranates and flowers. Length, 7 feet; width, 6 feet 2 inches Ivory Satin BrocapE Tas_tE Cover Italian, Late XVII Century On an ivory satin ground a symmetrical design of affrontés figures of vine- yard workers with their dogs, amid buildings and huge swaying blossoms, in brilliant silks. Length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet 7 inches Four JADE-GREEN AND Crimson BrocaTELLE PANeELs Luccan, XVII Century Centre with bold design in crimson of large spatulate leaves within strapped scroll frames of ribbons and leafage; bordered with green floral brocatelle. Length, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet “Inpico-BLuE VELveT HancInc AVITI Century Soft velvet with brownish glow. Bordered in gold galloon. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 2 inches GoLDEN-YELLow SiLK Damask HancING Italian, XVII Century Bold design of huge spade-shaped fringed leaf motives with symmetrical ogival scrollings of leaves and blossoms. Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 7 feet 10 inches FLoRENTINE Louis XIV Crimson Satin BrocaTELLE HancING Symmetrical design of huge ogival sprays of leaves enclosed within leaf scroll- ings. Length, 9 feet; width, 7 feet Parr STRIPED SILK HANGINGS Florentine, XVII Century Moiré design of green chevrons on white stripes, in a crimson ground, Height, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 58 inches LENGTH OF OLIVE-GREEN Cut VELvET — Italian, Late XVIII Century Designed in patterns of conventionalized tulips and scrolled cartouches inter- spersed with fleurs-de-lys and quatrefoil motives on an amber-colored ground. 93 yards From the Moncalieri Ducal Palace, Turin, Piedmont 19 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. LENGTH OF SILVER-EMBROIDERED Damask VALANCE Venetian, XVII Century Crimson damask embroidered in silver with armorial bearings; cresting and ribbon festoons furnished with bell-shaped silver tassels. In various lengths. About 22% yards FURNITURE AND WROUGHT IRONWORK Wrovucut Iron Watt Bracker Tuscan, XVI Cenutry Scrolled angular arm, supporting four large cusped arms for lamp. Extension, 13% inches Two WroucuT Iron Watt LicHts Venetian, XVI Century Rodded back and cross bar, with scrolled pediment and bracket developing — rosettes and tendrils. Extension, 20 inches Parr GorHic Wroucut Iron aNp BronzE ANDIRONS Tuscan, XV Century Short square standard with bronze ball finials; on arched strap base with cusped ornament. Height, 17 inches | One illustrated | RENAISSANCE WrouGHT Iron LANTERN Hexagonal, with cresting and candle support each composed of three volutes, alternating with leaves. Height, 16% inches 20 70. als 72. 73- 75: a0. ee First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December 8th Invtaiw Esony Miniature CABINET Venetian, XVII-XVIII Century Oblong, with hinged double cupboards concealing fall-front and surmount- ing two drawers. Bone inlays of scrolling tendrils and birds. Height, 16% inches; width, 13% inches BAROQUE CaRVED AND GILDED TABERNACLE Italian, XVII Century With fluted pilasters ornamented with scrolled leafage, and broken triangular pediment. Claw feet. Height, 26 inches; width, 19 inches CarvED, EBoNIzED AND ParCEL-GILDED Miniature STAND Oblong, with rosetted and guilloche-carved frieze, with pendent festoons. Fluted stump feet. Height, 6 inches; width, 13 inches BRONZE JARDINIERE Tuscan, XVI Century Globular cauldron-shape, on three stump feet. Loop handle. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 8 inches Parr CARVED AND PoLYCHROMED STATUETTES ON VELVET STAND Venetian, Early XVI Century ST. MATTHEW AND ST. PAUL. Erect robed figures of Saints with book and sword, in polychrome, with remains of gilding. On stand covered with six- teenth century crimson velvet, much worn. Height of figures, 1114 inches Height of stand, 16% inches Two PoLycHROMED SCULPTURED WALL BRACKETS Tuscan, XVI-XVII Century Chubby figures of putti standing before leaf-scrolled cartouches and bearing cornucopiae of fruit; each fitted with iron socket for candle. Height, 27 inches Two Carvep AND GILDED SCONCES Florentine, XVII Century Small husked back, from which emanate voluted scrollings, enriched with berries and leaf husks, terminating at crown in a cusped lly and bobéche with pricket. Height, 43% inches RENAISSANCE TURNED WALNUT STOOL Top covered in amber velvet, banded with poimt d@Hongrie in pattern of leaf scrolling. Walnut turned legs joined by box stretcher. PoLyCHROMED WrouGHT IRon Watt BRACKET Venetian, XVI Century Volute-scrolled arm, enriched with acanthus leaves, bunch of grapes, and sheaves of wheat. Extension, 21% inches 21 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 19: 80. Sir. 82. 82% 85. 86. Oe 88. WroucuT Iron BRACKET Italian, XVI Century One straight and one curved arm; vase-shaped light with candle-pricket. WrouGuT Iron CRrEssET Tuscan, XVI Century Finely scrolled oblong bar, supporting a spirally twisted basket for lamp. Extension, 21 inches Parr IraLiAn RENAISSANCE WrouGut Iron PricketT ToRCHERES Tall rod standard ornamented with clasped scrollings and large circular grease tray. Scrolled tripod base. Height prunes WALNUT AND VELVET BENCH Ligurian, XVI Century Oblong top of amber velvet banded with point d’Hongrie leaf scrolling; on six pillar-turned legs joined by box stretcher. Length, 391% inches Parr CarveD, GILDED AND PoLYCHROMED PILasTER FiGcurREs Italian, Late XVI or Early XVII Century Two figures of winged angels holding a book and paten, each supporting a square stand. Height, 40 inches RoMANESQUE SCULPTURED LIMEsTONE ORCHERE Italian, XIII Century Molded square columnar form, enriched with archaic heads, dolphin, saints and figure of Satan. Height, 12 inches Two PoLtycHROoMED WrouGuT Iron Wa tu Brackets 5 Venetian, XVI Century Strap back-plate, with scrolled bracket supporting pricket. Beautifully en- riched with scrollings of leafage, tulips, asters and tendrils. Extension, 27% inches PoLycHROMED WroucGuT Iron Hancinc Lamp Italian, XVII Century Hexagonal body with pilastered corners; domed foot and crown enriched with naturalistic creepers bearing flowers and leafage. Height, 24 inches Wrovucut Iron Watt BrackET Venetian, Early XVI Century Rodded back, with flame motives supporting a voluted scroll terminating in a cusp, and enriched with intricate stellate motives, husks and tendrils. Extension, 29% inches ReENaIssANCE Wroucut Iron Fire Guarp Italian, XVI Century Round uprights headed by skeleton fire baskets and ornamented with pairs of S-volutes. Scrolled foot. Height, 30% inches ay First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth 89. go. gi. CarvED AND PoLycHROMED Woop PieraA Flemish, XVI Century The limp body of the Christ resting against the Mother’s knee, the two flank- ing figures holding His head and an arm, all facing the spectator. Painted in dark tones. Height, 19 inches PoLyCHROMED Stucco Busr By Pierino da Vinci, XVI Century Head of a young boy, possibly the youthful St. John, in red garment, with blue and yellow cloak. Molded base. Height, 14% inches [ Illustrated | Parntep, CarveD AND GILDED CruciFiIx — Sienese, Late XVI Century Cross painted with figures of the Virgin and Child, the four Evangelists and the Saviour, etc., supported on voluted base enriched with cartouche. Height, 23% inches; width, 15 inches 23 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue Cz 93° 94 95: 96. 97: 09: 100. NEEDLEWORK WALNUT ARMCHAIR Louis XIV Period Back and seat covered in gros and petit point, displaying scrollings of flowers on deep ivory ground. ARMORIAL CARVED WALNUT SGABELLO Tuscan, XVI Century Octagonal seat, scrolled back and legs; plain skirt carrying a large boss, and molded. Back incised with scrolls and carved in relief with a bishop’s coat of arms. NEEDLEPOINT WaLNuT ARMCHAIR Ligurian, Late XVI Century Oblong back, open scrolled arms on baluster supports, round legs joined by box stretcher. Back and seat in Renaissance floral gros point. GorHic WrouGuT Iron LANTERN BRACKET Tuscan, XV Century Balustered horizontal bar, terminating in knob and hook for lantern; rosetted at back. Scrolled diagonally placed bar above. Height, 27% inches; extension, 26% inches Two Goruic WroucuT [Ron ANDIRONS Tuscan, Late XV Century Balustered shaft flaring to straps at base; chiseled with chevrons having frontal hooks and scroll. On arched feet, the terminals of one a voluted scroll, the other a faceted vase. Height, 48 inches WroucuHt [Ron CanpDLE BRACKET Tuscan Renaissance Wrought in scroll form with spiral tendrils, and adorned with blossoms; supporting a socket of lliform leaves. Height, 35 inches; projection, 11% inches WroucutT Iron ‘ToRCHERE Tuscan, XVI Century Upright rod surmounted by skeleton basket and standing on arched spreading foot. Height, 40 inches GotHic WroucuT Iron GRILLE Venetian, Late XV Century Square rodded frame, occupied by circular medallions sustained by loop bandings. Height, 46 inches; width, 46 inches Parr GotrHic PoLyCHROMED WroucGuHtT Iron TorCHERES Italian, XV Century Rod standard with hliform bobéche, on cusped and arched cross-foot. Height, 42 inches 24 First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth IOI. TO2. TO3. 104. Two WroucuHt Iron Watt Brackets Tuscan, XVI Century Triangular form of square rods, finely scrolled with strappings; one pricket and one candle-socket form crowning bar. Pins for hinges at rear. Extension, 29% inches BronzE Morrar Ligurian, Dated 1781 Large ring-molded mortar with two animalistic handles. Decorated in flat relief with festcons, figures and border of rocaille scrolling, and inscribed: DoMENICO GIUSEPPE PAUVESE DI NOVI, 1781. Height, 15 inches; diameter, 17 inches [ Illustrated | CoppPER JARDINIERE ON WroucutT Iron Stanp Tuscan, XVI Century Molded octagonal copper dish, having iron loop handles. Stand with medal- lioned frieze and six angular scrolled and stretchered legs. Heights, 34 and 46 inches Parr IraLtiAN RENAISSANCE WroucGuHt Iron TorCHERES Spirally-twisted standard with circular scalloped grease-tray and ribbon knop; scrolled tripod base. Height, 45 inches 25 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 105. Two WaLNuT SGABELLI Tuscan, XVI Century Octagonal seat, plain bar back pierced with heart-shaped aperture. ‘Three turned flaring legs. 106. Two Wa.nutT SGABELLI Tuscan, XVI Century Similar to the preceding. 107. TurRNED PINE anp CHESTNUT CENTRE TABLE Emilian, Circa 1600 Square molded top with canted corners; on seven balustered and ring-turned supports standing on H-shaped base. Height, 29 inches; length, 47 inches [ Illustrated | 26 ee ee ee ee ee. eee ee _— First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth 108. InLatip RosEwoop TABLE Italian, XVIII Century 109. IIo. IIIf. Oblong galleried top, fitted with tapestry dove marble slab; open frieze inlaid with medallions on three sides; the front with medallioned double doors. On tapering square legs. Height, 34% inches; width, 17% inches CarvED Wa.LNnuTt Bookcase Brescian, XVI Century Rectangular, with molded cornice, scrolled pediment and frontal door with open wire upper panel, the lower bearing a coat of arms of the Marquis Trissino. Base fitted with wire-paneled door. Height, 28% inches; width, 15 inches Four Gros Porinr WaLtnut ARMCHAIRS Italian, Louis XVI Period Square molded back, molded downcurved arms and supports, fluted tapering legs. Covered in rose-pink gros-point semé with leaf pattern in ivory. [ One illustrated | Four Gros Pornr WaLNuT ARMCHAIRS Italian, Louis XVI Period Similar to the preceding. 27 a Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 112. eee ye (ie 116. isles 118. 119. TEZO2 CarveD Wa.Lnut TABLE Umbrian, XVI Century On tapering square legs, horizontally fluted on four sides, supporting ovolo fluted apron with acanthus leaves at the corners, Height, 2 feet 3% inches; length, 2 feet 5 inches; diameter, 1 foot 11 inches WatnuTt TABLE Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong top; supported on finely molded pedestal having cross feet and lower drawer. Height, 30 inches; length, 56% inches CarvED PINE CRADLE Val @ Aosta, Dated 1630 The sides carved with archaic figures in bas-relief representing ceremonies of marriage, baptism, a bishop at confirmation, etc. “Turned peg finials. Height, 12 inches; length, 26 inches InLaip WaLNuT CABINET North Italian, Circa 1600 Oblong, with retreating paneled front having single drawer surmounting a cupboard; geometrical inlays. Molded sides and base. Yellowish patina. Height, 3 feet 2% inches; width, 24 inches Cuestnut Fotpinc Monastery CHAIR Tuscan, XVI Century Canted back and folding seat, each of four bar splats. CarvED WaALNuT COFFER North Italian, XVII Century Oblong top, paneled front adorned with leaf carving between stiles en- riched with coroneted eagle figures. _— Height, 13% inches; width, 19 inches BROCATELLE CARVED WALNUT STOOL North Italian, XVIII Century Square top covered in red and yellow Louis XV brocatelle; rococo quad- rangular leaf-carved legs and stretchers. CarvED WALNUT SGABELLO CHAIR Mantuan, Late XV Century Cartouche-shaped back, enriched with rosettes and scrollings centred by diamond medallion with initials IC. Seat with rosettes at corners centred with a coat of arms blazoned with a rampant lion. On three flaring fluted legs. Carved Watnut Prige-Diru Tuscan, XVI Century Cabinet back fitted with three drawers having bronze handles; bracketed table with two drawers and paneled doors flanked by pilasters enriched with car- touches and husks. Supported by columns on paneled kneeling-base. Height, 43 inches; width, 35% inches 28 17a 122. Goruic CarvED, GILDED AND PoLYCHROMED Bas-RELIEF Venetian, XV Century MAabDONNA ADORING THE CHILD. Kneeling figure of the Virgin in crimson robe and blue cloak before the nude Child, against a blue starry background with gilded festoon. Gilded frame with round arched niche surmounted by Gothic pinnacles. Height, 42 inches; width, 26 inches | Illustrated | THREE Laquts AND PARCEL-GILDED NEEDLEPOINT ARMCHAIRS Venetian, XVIII Century Scrolled carved frame, finished bluish-gray, with moldings and floral relief details gilded. Back and seat upholstered in checkered needlepoint, in gray- blue and dark blue on soft yellow grounds. ag eT Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 123. CarvED PotycHROMED AND GILDED Woop Group Follower of Jacopo Sansovino, Venetian, XVI Century Erect figure of the Virgin in flowing gilded robes, holding on her right arm the nude figure of the Child. Height, 30% inches | Illustrated | 3C First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth 124. Parr Stiry Lire Om Paintincs Flemish Late XVII Century School Groups of carafes, wine glasses, cups and meat, etc., on tables, with dark backgrounds. Height, 19 inches; width, 25 inches | Illustrated | 31 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 1258 120: Th 129: 12 Gs RENAISSANCE CarvED WALNUT AND PARCEL-GILDED CAssETTA Sienese, Early XVI Century Oblong hinged and dentil-molded top, front carved with cartouche flanked by leaf scrollings and having caryatid pilasters. Gadrooned base on claw feet. Height, 11% inches; width, 20 inches [ Illustrated | Parr RENaIssANCE REpoussE Mera Hancinc Lamps Ovoid body repoussé with figures of birds and floral ornament, with four large acanthus leaves, and supporting four leaf-scrolled arms for lights; suspended by five chains to scrolled support. Length, 56 inches extended Wroucut Iron Lamp Northern Italian, XVI Century Annular molded ring sustained on three finely scrolled arms to suspension ring. Fitted with bell-shaped glass lamp. Height, 33 inches PoLyCHROMED WrouGHt Iron Wa.i BraAcKET Venetian, XVII Century Rosetted back, emitting finely voluted S-scrolls; enriched with acanthus leaves, tendrils, blossoms and half bobéche with two birds. Extension, 42 inches Two Goruic Wroucut Iron ANpIRoNS Tuscan, Late XV Century Faceted square shaft with balusters at crown and toward foot. On scrolled arched feet. Height, 33 inches 32 130. it. ees 133. First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth ‘TERRA-COTTA JARDINIERE ON WrouGut Iron StTanp Italian, XVII Century Red mortar-shaped bowl ornamented with molded escutcheons, supported on stand with scrolled and rosetted cross base flaring into two scrolling floral arms. Height, 34 inches | Illustrated | WroucutT Iron Fire Guarp Tuscan, Circa 1500 Quadrangular uprights crested with skeleton fire baskets joined by a bar enriched with lilies. Arched stretchered base adorned with lilies. Height, 47 inches THREE Gotruic WroucuT Iron TorCHERES Italian, XV Century Spirally twisted upright terminating in pricket, on spiraled tripod base. Height of two, 52% inches; height of one, 53 inches Two EMERALD-GREEN VELVET WaLNuT ARMCHAIRS Italian, XVII Century Turned baluster frame covered with contemporary cut and uncut emerald- green velvet. 33 134. THREE BrocaTELLE CARVED WALNUT STOOLS Northern Italy, XVII Century Oblong seat covered in red and white Renaissance brocatelle. Faceted H- stretchered legs with leaf-carved frontal stretcher, 135. Parr Carvep, GILDED AND PoLycHROMED ANGELIC FiGuREs Venetian, Late XVI Century Erect robed figures with displayed wings, supporting pricket torchéres. On square bases enriched with cherub heads, and leaf-scrolled feet. Height, 4 feet 1 inch [ One illustrated | 34 120: Ea, 139. 140. Cae t42: 143. 144. First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth CarRvED WALNUT SERRE-PAPIERS Italian, Early XVII Century Oblong, with slant-front having curious masked sliding drawer. ‘Three paneled drawers with canted stiles carved with mascarons and leafage. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet Two RENAISSANCE WaLNUT ARMCHAIRS AND Two Sipe CuHarrs Square, canted uprights with bar slat, round pillar-turned legs with box stretcher. Covered in red velours with fringe. PoLYCHROMED AND GILDED HAUT-RELIEF Sicilian, XVII Century Figure of the crowned Virgin of the Rosary holding the Child and clad in a full robe, standing on a crescent moon. Within a gilded baroque tabernacle enriched with angels, numerous figures of saints, cherubs, etc. Height, 41 inches; width, 14 inches FiemisH Tapestry WaLNuT ARMCHAIR Italian, XVI Century Straight tapering supports connected by pierced carved front rail, voluted arms on turned rests. Back and seat covered in contemporary Flemish tap- estry, the back picturing camels. CarvED WaLnut OccasionaL ‘TABLE Provincial Italian, XVI-XVII Century Oblong top, single drawer between fluted voluted stiles. Square carved legs and box-stretcher. Height, 24% inches; length, 30% inches WALNUT CREDENZINO Tuscan, Late XVI Century Oblong hinged and paneled top, paneled double doors between stiles with fluted pilasters; molded and paneled base. Height, 3 feet 1 inch; width, 2 feet 5 inches Four CarvEp AND INLaIp WALNUT SIDE Cuairs Tyrolese or Trentino, XVIII Century Rustic cartouche-shaped back, open and elaborately carved with Alpine blos- soms enclosing an oval medallion inlaid with figures of animals and herds- men in mountain pastures; hinged rising seat similarly inlaid. Cabriole legs. CARVED AND INLAID BurL Watnut CENTRE TABLE Tyrolese or Trentino, XVIII Century Oval cartouche-shaped top of burl walnut elaborately inlaid with medal- lions of mountain goats and herdsmen. On leaf-carved balustered column with three rococo-scrolled feet. Height, 2 feet; width, 2 feet 5% inches CarveD Watnut Mirror FRAME Florentine, XVI Century Rectangular, enriched with paneled oblong rosettes; molded base and pedi- ment bearing larger rosette motives. Height, 45%4 inches; width, 29 inches B5 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 145. CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIR AND Iwo BEncHEs Italian, XVII Century Of the late Renaissance type, the aprons and frontal stretchers carved with deep scalloped flutings and supported on turned legs. Length of benches, 37 inches [Lllustrated | E = q First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth 146. TurRNED WALNUT SPINNING WHEEL Italian, XVII Century Delicate baluster-turned legs; spokes of wheel ebonized. Height, 29% inches; width, 22% inches 147. CarveD Watnut OcraconaL TABLE Umbrian, XVI Century Supported on bracketed underframing of X-section, carved with acanthus leafage and buttressed with leaf-scrolled volutes. Length, 44 inches; height, 31 inches [ Ilustrated | 37 148. 149. 150. yin PapreER Macue Ficure Italian, Early XVII Century Half-length figure of the nude Savior, his forearms crossed before his body; wearing a crimson loin cloth. Height, 23 inches [ Illustrated | Four Watnut NEEDLEPOINT ARMCHAIRS Italian, XVII Century Upholstered in gros-point and petit-point, the seats displaying vases and floral scrolls and the backs formal panels of birds in fruit trees, surrounded by floral scrolls with grotesque birds perched on them. Scrolled and turned walnut frames. Lacquer CABINET AND Dressinc Mirror Venetian, XVIII Century Arched mirror swinging between stiles with vase and acorn finials. One drawer enclosing sundry boxes and compartments, and fall front disclosing others. Freely ornamented with chinoiseries. Height, 36% inches; width, 18 inches CarveD Watnut Writinc DEsk Tuscan, XVI Century Molded oblong top, with hinged slant-fall folding backward and disclosing fitted interior. Supported on four columnar legs. Height, 39 inches; width, 29% inches 38 First Sesston Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth 152. CarveD WaLnut Wasustanp Provincial Italian, XVII-XVIII Century Back carved with a grotesque and fitted with swinging mirror and two candle holders; spindled side gallery. On rouleau-carved quadrangular legs with undershelf. With blue and white faience dish. Height, 56 inches; width, 26% inches [ Illustrated | o7 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 15 3: 154. Lace Iratian RENAISSANCE WALNUT CREDENZA Oblong molded top, paneled frieze; double doors with raised paneling be- tween paneled side cupboards. Height, 34% inches; length, 60 inches yi Bi ee Her gnae RENAISSANCE Brass aND WrouGuT Iron Fa.pisroriuM Curule frame with brass feet and balustered uprights, chiseled with leafage, gadrooning and escutcheons; crimson velvet seat with appliqué silk coat-of- arms, | Illustrated | Pair GILDED WaLNuT aND NEEDLEPOINT CHAIRS Florentine, XVII Century Straight backs, molded carved legs; cross-stretchers with shell at inter- section. Needlepoint, in silks of many colors, on a light ground, developing scrolls, birds, grapes and flowers. CarvED Oak ARMCHAIR French, Henri IV Period Quadrilateral legs, stiles and stretchers, straight arms with channeled mold- ings. Between the stiles at back a panel of relief carving with grotesque animals flanking a medallion-head. 40 First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth Ler. 158. 1509. 163. 164. SCULPTURED WALNUT STATUETTE Sienese, Early XV Century THE virGIN. Graceful swaying standing figure with flowing robes, her hair curling to neck. She wears a naive thoughtful expression. Height, 45% inches Two RepoussE SILVER-PLATED Hanoinc Lamps Italian, XVII Century Gadrooned and scrolled urn-shape, enriched with flanged scrollings and cherubs’ heads, the body with honeysuckle motives. Supported on three chains and fitted for electricity. “The handles and heads gilded. Height, 371% inches WaLNUT CUPBOARD-DESK Florentine, XVI Century Hinged slant-front, single door. Stiles richly carved in bold rehef with female busts, flowers and leaf pendants. Dark patina. Height, 31 inches; width, 21 inches DecorateD LaqguE CENTRE TABLE Venetian, XVII Century Molded oblong top, enhanced in gilding with paneled rosetted scrollings; double frieze with similar scrollings, the lower portion canted and sustaining scroll pendants. Ornamentation gilded, on green-black grounds. Height, 33% inches; length, 55% inches ANDREA DEL Sarto Watnut Prig-Dievu Florentine, XVI Century Oblong, sloping book-rest, supported on molded panel, adorned by two very finely voluted brackets having fluted rustications and set on narrow kneeling box. Height, 37% inches; width, 3% inches CarveD Wa.tnut Gros Point ARMCHAIR French, XVIII Century Scrolled arms, armposts, skirt and legs with soft patina. Broad seat and back in gros-point on green ground, with large panels picturing birds and scrolls in white, black and red on tan grounds. Point p’HoncRIE CARVED AND PoLYCHROMED CASSONE Italian, Late XVI Century Oblong with rounded top, the edges carved with imbricated leafage and poly- chromed. Paneled with contemporary yellow poimt d@Hongrie developing rosetted lattice design. Length, 43 inches; height, 20% inches CarveD WaLNur CREDENZINO Provincial Italian, XVII-XVIII Century Oblong top with two paneled drawers overhanging a shelf surmounting a base with paneled cupboard. Height, 3 feet; width, 3 feet 165. 166. CaRVED WALNUT AND TooLeD LEATHER SIDE CHAIR Piedmontese, XVI Century Open oblong back, square legs with box stretcher and frontal stretcher pierced with a Savoy knot. Seat and back with original leather and nails, the back tooled with an escutcheon enclosed within scrollings. From the castle of Saluzzo, Savoy. | Illustrated | EMBROIDERED SILK Fire SCREEN AVII Century On a net ground an embroidery in satin, herringbone and other stitches ar- ranged in four square compartments enclosing symmetrical vases of conven- tionalized flowers. In Sheraton inlaid mahogany frame. Height, 33 inches; width, 26% inches 42 First Sesston Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth 107. 168. 169. Ort PAINTING Florentine, XV Century Maponna AND CHILD. The youthful Madonna in a crimson robe and long blue mantle covering her head, holding on her left knee the nude Child, which suckles at her breast. Gilded background. Gilded and polychromed frame. Height, 30 inches; width, 20% inches [ Illustrated | Parr CARVED AND GILDED PrRocEssIONAL ‘lORCHERES Venetian Renaissance The gilded upper portion fluted with leaf-carved knops crested by cherub- head scrolls supporting festoons of flowers. Fitted for electricity. Height, 7 feet Parr CARVED AND GILDED PRocEssIONAL [TORCHERES Venetian, Late Renaissance Period Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 feet 43 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 170. InLtatp MarQuETERIE KNEE-HOLE DEsk French, Louis XVI Period Oblong, with quadrilateral tapering legs, one long drawer and two narrow ones. Inlaid on all sides with scrolls and floral designs in exotic woods. Length, 35% inches 171. CARVED WaLNuT CABINET Northern Italy, XVI Century Upright, with paneled double cupboards carved with symmetrical Gothic cusped scroll ornament; scroll-carved base on claw feet. Height, 38 inches; width, 31% inches [ [dlustrated | 44 First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth 172. PaINTED AND CarRvED WaLNnut CassONE Umbrian, Dated 1479 Molded and valanced hinged cover; the front with two arched panels having imbricated spandrels and columnar supports; enriched with vases of archaic flowers. Dated 1479. Height, 28% inches; length, 54 inches 173. CarRveD WaLNuT CREDENZA Tuscan, XVII Century Oblong top with modillioned frieze; two drawers and paneled cupboards flanked by fluted pilasters. Base with concave gadrooning on turned feet. Height, 47 inches; width, 52 inches | Illustrated | 45 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 174. GortHic CABINET IN THREE Parts Northern Italy, XV Century Upright, with two drawers and one door in lower section; upper part has one door; base separate, and carved with three rosaces. “The middle door enriched with a lozenge-shaped panel, the upper with a floral medallion. Height, 5 feet 9% inches; width, 28 inches CarvED WaLnutT CABINET Piedmontese, XVI Century Oblong molded top, frieze fitted with drawer flanked by rosetted blocks; the front with rosetted door and [onic pilasters. On paneled base, enriched with gadrooning. Height, 39% inches; width, 29 inches PAINTED AND GILDED SCREEN Venetian, XVIII Century In a richly carved and molded frame on trestles resting on a shaped oblong platform. ‘The screen panels painted with vases of flowers in natural colors on a soft jade-green ground, Height, 4 feet; width, 25 inches CarvED WaLNuT CREDENZA Italian Renaissance Oblong top with fluted edge, two paneled drawers with acanthus-scrolled stiles; double cupboards flanked by stiles carved with mascarons, Molded bracketed base, (Restored, ) Height, 44 inches; width, 52% inches Gros-PoINT WaLNuT ARMCHAIR Italian, Late Renaissance Seat and tall back upholstered in gros-point with a white and green lattice ground, and bearing polyfoil panels outlined in red and decorated with floral designs, NEEDLEPOINT ExTENsION WinG ARMCHAIR English, William and Mary Period Upholstered in needlepoint of conventional designs in a variety of colors, with seat cushion, Legs, stretchers and armposts in vase and knob turning. ‘The top can be tilted back, swinging on hinges, WroucutT Iron GaTE Spanish, XV Century Ornamented with blossoms in relief, surrounding a grille of baluster and ring spindles. Cresting of S-scrolls between vase stiles, and a circular medal- lion painted with the Madonna supporting the dead Christ. Gilded. Height, 33 inches; length, 26 inches BRONZE JARDINIERE ON GoTHiIc WroucuT Iron Stanp Italian, XV Century The basin of broad inverted bell-shape, with a flaring rim on which rests’ a rope-spiral of iron. ‘The stand of four arms and two rings on a short column supported on four scrolled legs with upturned feet. Height, 41 inches; diameter, 33 inches 46 First Sesston Wednesday Afternoon, December 8th 182. CarveD WaLNuT CREDENZINO Ligurian, XVI Century Oblong top with single drawer between bracketed stiles; paneled cupboard. Molded base on claw feet. Carved decoration of straight stems of oak leaves with acorns. Height, 39% inches; width, 33 inches [ Illustrated | 183. Two Carvep Wa.Lnut BaLustraDEs Italian Renaissance Flat molded rail supported on massive baluster-turned pillars and paneled ends. Height, 33% inches; length, 6 feet 2 inches 47 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue me + otanto of ; 2 Let . ie on eee bal sae epi peo 184. Parr Wroucut Iron GarpEeNn GarTEs Florentine, XVI Century a Forming an arched gate patterned with a diamond lattice enriched with quatrefoil bosses at the intersections. Height, 62% inches; total width, 38 inches [ [dlustrated | 185. Carvep Watnut SecreTary TABLE North Italian, XVII Century Oblong folding top supported on frieze slides, two drawers; underbody with double cupboards flanked by crowned caryatid pilasters. Molded base. Height, 33% inches; width, 55 inches 48 First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth 186. 187. 188, ARMORIAL CarvED Wa.tnut BENCH Italian, XVIII Century Oblong back carved with a central rococo escutcheon; flat arms on balus- tered supports, square legs with box-stretcher. Length, 50% inches [ Illustrated | CarveD Watnut Mapia Italian, Late XVI or Early XVII Century Oblong trough shaped top; underbody with two drawers, on quadrangular tapering feet, the sides and drawers carved with various circular and oval floral rosettes. Height, 29 inches; length, 52 inches CARVED AND GILDED VITRINE Italian, XVIII Century Upright frame with rouleau moldings and festooned baroque pediment with papal crown. Fluted base on leaf-carved feet. (Lacks glass. ) Height, 54 inches; width, 28 inches 49 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 189. 190. Igl. [92. 193. 194. 195. 196. WaLnutT CABINET Northern Italy, Isola Terra ferma, XVI Century Oblong top, the rim punched with small rosettes; fall-front enriched with a silhouetted group of personages within landscape in a sunk ground. Sup- ported on square legs enriched with engraving and having undershelf. Height, 44 inches; width, 30 inches DecoratTEepD Lacquer MariInE CHEST Dutch, XVII Century Molded hinged top and frieze adorned with key pattern; the front and ends decorated in gilding and colors with numerous ships of war before green backgrounds. On molded and gilded base. Height, 22% inches; length, 56 inches RENAISSANCE WrouGHTt Iron PascHAL CANDELABRUM Florentine, Early XVI Century Balustered shaft, sustaining triangle scrolled on the inner side and having fifteen prickets for candles. Supported on voluted tripod legs. Height, 6 feet 2 inches CarvED WaLnuT TABLE Mantuan, Early XVI Century Oblong molded top, beautifully enriched with bands of pearl and flute motives having cartouches at corners variously displaying castle, displayed eagle, chimeric dragon and merman. Deep paneled frieze enhanced with rosettes, supported on urn-shaped ends lavishly carved with flute moldings, rosettes and basketry. Height, 32 inches; length, 62% inches WaLnut CassAPANCA Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong, with high back paneled and molded, box seat. Front paneled, grooved and carved with hoof feet; scrolled apron. Dark patina. On molded dais. Height, 5 feet 4% inches; length, 6 feet Base dimensions, 2 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 2 inches NEEDLEWORK WaLNuT CHAIsE LONGUE Italian, XVII Century Composed of two bergéres and one banquette, covered with bands of floriated and beribboned silk needlework in colors on a cream ground. Molded and curved frames on turned fluted supports. Length, 7 feet; width, 27 inches Birue VELveET Waxtnut Fortpinc CHatr Tuscan, Early XVI Century Canted arched back, folding X-shaped legs. Back and seat covered with blue velvet. Crimson VELVET WaLnut CHaIR Umbrian, XVI Century Open balustred back, with scrolled pediment centred by a rosette. The seat covered in crimson velvet of the period; trimmed with fringe. On finely stretchered balustered legs. 50 197. BrocapE Carvep Watnur SraTe CHair Venetian, XVII Century Flaring oblong back, incurved at crown; back and seat covered in blue and pink floral brocade. Unusual scrolled arms developing large acanthus leaves. On balustered well stretchered legs. 1 | we “ pase Me rf SQGRSRGES (RGERORE win? i at SS i ane Hi Li panwe a 198. UnusuaL Carvep WaLNut CaBINET oN Stanp Italian, XVII Century ‘The upper portion simulating the facade of a stone house with doors and windows concealing drawers, and rustication; molded base. On_ under- body with leaf-scrolled apron and square tapering legs. Height, 59 inches; width, 41 inches [ [lustrated | Sat Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205" 206. 207: Gotuic Wroucut Iron ‘[rRreop PRIcKET CANDLESTICK Florentine, Early XV Century Quadrangular standard broadly expanded at the centre and based upon three spreading feet. Very unusual example. Height, 643 uinches Gotuic WroucutT Iron Gate Florentine, XV Century Double gate with scrolling arch top; bolt with bronze knob handle. ‘The pattern of the gates a rectilinear strap-work lattice, enclosing circles cut with Gothic floral designs. Height, 26% inches; length, 57 inches Tuscan O1L Jar AVII-XVIII Century Ovoid, with lozenge-shaped mouth and rudimentary loop handle. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 20 inches Tuscan OIL Jar AVI-XVII Century Barrel-shaped, with two rudimentary handles. Decorated with hatching and a raised escutcheon. Height, 36% inches; diameter, 34 inches Tuscan OIL Jar AVI-XVII Century Barrel-shaped, with two rudimentary handles. Decorated with hatching and a raised escutcheon. Height, 38% inches; diameter, 33% inches CarveD WaLNuT CREDENZA Umbrian, XVI Century Dentil and flute-molded oblong top; front with three doors, enriched with diamond motives and scrolled panels at crown and foot, parted by pilasters developing demi-figures and pendants of fruit. Claw feet. Height, 54% inches; length, 70 inches CarvED WaLnut Liprary TABLE Umbrian, XVI Century Molded oblong top, with fluted apron sustained on open lyre-shaped ends, enriched with acanthus leaves and central ornate vase. Pierced and leaf- scrolled cross stretcher centred with a small vase of flowers. Height, 31% inches; length, 57% inches; width, 24% inches Watnut Hari Seat AnD PLINTH Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong, with molded hinged top, the front and ends exhibiting superimposed panels; back supported on stiles of grooved and reeded pillar design, the square tops having a dentil molding. Between the stiles five vasiform bal- usters. Height, 45% inches; length, 67 inches Watnut ReFectory TABLE Tuscan, XVI Century Massive molded and clamped top, on beautifully scrolled vase-shaped ends having bracketed cross feet and finely valanced stretcher. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 9 feet 6% inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches 2 208. 209. First Session Wednesday Afternoon, December Sth CaRvED WALNUT STALL AND ReEapiInG TABLE ON PLINTH Tuscan, Early XVI Century Cusped shield-shaped table with paneled box-frieze, on cross support. Stall with open scrolled arms and box-seat, having hinged front and molded base. ‘The whole standing on an oblong plinth. Height of table, 27% inches; length of plinth, 47% inches; width of plinth, 29 inches [ [/lustrated | PaINnTED AND GILDED CarvED Oak CaBINET Spanish, XVI Century Upright cabinet in three parts, a midsection closed with a fall-front sur- mounted by a shrine with door and external shelves at either side. The fall- front opened reveals two drawers with fronts carved in relief, painted and gilded, and two compartments. The exterior in polychrome on a gold ground with a venerable figure in a medallion, encompassed by scrolls with inscrip- tions. Height, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet oe 211. DAs: A. Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue CarveD Watnut Lisrary TABLE Tuscan, XVI Century Massive oblong top on X-shaped ends braced with a heavy bar stretcher, Height, 30% inches; length, 6 feet 2 inches [ Illustrated | CarvED WaLnut BEDsTEAD Northern Italy, XVII Century Headboard with broken pediment festooned with drapery and enclosing a central mandorla with bas-relief figures; posts carved with twining creepers and having gadrooned finials. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches ARMORIAL PaINTED Woop CUPBOARD Tuscan, Early XVI Century Upright, with two doors paneled in eight sections each and decorated in poly- chrome with floral scrolls and heraldic devices, the crescent indicating the arms of the Strozzi family. Claw feet. Height, 45 inches CarvepD Watnut BEpDsTEAD Tuscan, XVI Century Posts with knob finials, the upper portion spirally twisted and the lower portion in vase and ring motive. Head and foot carved with scrolls, the head with three turned arcaded arches. Height, 5 feet 5 inches; length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches Wawtnut Harri SEaT AND CHEsT Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong, with high back supporting a cornice, the back paneled and molded; seat with paneled front, on hoof feet; scrolled apron. Dark patina. On molded base. Height, 5 feet 4% inches; length, 6 feet Base dimensions, 2 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 2 inches 54 SECOND SESSION iisday December 9, 1926 at 2:15 p.m. Catalogue Numbers 216 to 434 Inclusive MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 216. Goruic Miniature Carvep Ivory Group French, XV Century VIRGIN AND CHILD. Standing gently swaying figure of the Madonna, in a voluminous robe caught up at the waist and holding on her left arm the robed and crowned Child. On carved walnut base. Height of figure, 3% inches; height of stand, 31% inches | Illustrated | op Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 21 210. 200: 222) Bone 2a 54 Bronze VESSEL Italian, Late XV Century Beaker-shaped, with straight loop handle. Chiseled with four escutcheons. Height, 534 inches ANTIQUE CHINESE CarvED Rock CrysraL INCENsE BURNER Flattened globular body with two elephant-head ring handles; domed cover with chimera finial. Incised with two ?ao0 rieh figures. Height, 334 inches Collection of Princess W. von Holstein ANTIQUE CHINESE CARVED Rock CrysTaL VASE Flattened pear-shape, with two animal-head handles and oval lid carved with crouching monster. ‘The sides displaying a phoenix and dragon figure carved in bas-relief. Height, 4 inches Collection of Princess W. von Holstein Parr PoLyCHROMED FaIENCE ALBERELLI Caltagirone, XVII Century Developing floral and scrolled leaf ornament in brown, yellow and green on a cobalt blue ground, with an oval medallion depicting a nude cherub. Height, 6% inches BronzE FIGURE OF A CHERUB Italian, Late XVI Century ‘Tiny nude figure with upraised left leg and outstretched arms. Marble plinth. Height, 7 inches Parr BronzE Powper Mortars Italian, XVII Century Pyriform; banded with rings and chiseled with a coroneted double escutcheon. Height, 6% inches Parr PotycHroMED Fatence Ewers Caltagirone, Early XVII Century Globular, with straight spout and loop handle; enriched with floral ornament in faience colors on a cobalt ground, and medallions, one with the figure of a saint in prayer. Height, 6 inches Parr BLue AND WuiTe Farence ALBERELLI Faenza, XVII Century Decorated in underglaze cobalt with floral scrollings and a label with Gothic lettering. Height, 7 inches Parr Pratep Bronze Pricker Canpiesticxs Italian, XVII Century Balustered shaft with circular grease tray; molded triangular base. Height, 10% inches 56 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 226. Bronze Figure oF A CUPID - By Niccolo Roccatagliata, Venetian, 1593-1636 Standing figure of a nude winged Cupidon releasing his bow, his right leg raised. Height, 8 inches [ Illustrated | ey BOG 228. 200; 230. 22, 232. 232% 234. Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue CHISELED BRoNZE CoLLAPsIBLE HAND-LANTERN Persian, XVII Century Top and base chiselled with borders of pear motives and joined by collapsible parchment cylinder. Diameter, 10% inches Parr ExaquistrE MIntaTurRE SILVER AND Rock CrysTaL CHANDELIERS Balustered shaft with globular crystal interruptions and supporting eight miniature bobéches and numerous tiers of crystal lustre drops. Height, 11 inches BRoNnzE AND CarvED Woop CruciFix oF Mount ArHos The Cross hollowed out and carved in the Byzantine manner with scenes from the Passion. On bronze base depicting Mary clasping the foot of the Cross. Height, 11 inches Curious FarENcE CANDLESTICK Faenza, XVIII Century In the form of the seated figure of a soldier with arms akimbo and bicorne hat forming a bobéche. Glazed in cobalt, green, and ochre-yellow. Height, 12 inches PoLYCHROMED FalENCE PHaRMACy EWER Italian, XVII Century Globular, with loop-handle and straight spout; decorated with floral orna- ment and label. Ivory-white glaze with fine crackle. Height, 9% inches REPOUSSE SILVER PLATE Florentine, XVII Century Displaying a seated figure of Jove, surrounded by gods and goddesses on the Olympian Hills; Venus, Juno, Mercury and Diana grouped amidst attendant nymphs and warriors. Diameter, 8 inches BRONZE STATUETTE Graeco-Roman, II Century B.C. Paris. Erect nude youth with one hand outstretched and holding an apple, grasping in the other a fold of his scarf. On base with acanthus feet, of later date but also from Roman excavation. Height of figure, 11 inches CHISELED BRoNzE CovERED CAULDRON Persian, XVII Century Elaborately chiseled all over with bands of leaf-scrollings and adorned with caligraphic inscriptions and figures of animals; bail handle. Diameter, 15 inches Parr LacQuERED PorcELAIN BEAKER Vases Venetian, XVIII Century Cylindrical, with flaring trumpet mouth. Enameled in scarlet, enriched with gold lacquered chinoiserie figures. (Lip of one repaired.) Height, 15 inches 58 236. 237. 228. 239. 240. De as 242. 2A. 244. 245. Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth RepoussE Brass Pratrro Venetian, XV Century Circular, with molded rim and central boss enriched with repoussé gadrooning and surrounded by a chased Gothic inscription. Diameter, 1734 inches CUSHIONS, BROCADES AND VELVETS OLIVE-BROWN AND SILVER BrocaDE CUSHION Venetian, Late XVII Century Satin ground woven in silver with swaying scrolled stems of peonies, fuchsias and carnations. Drap D'Or anp Crimson Cut VELVET CusHION Centre of gold and silver brocade with interlacing chinoiserie design; bor- dered by beautiful Gothic crimson ferronnerie velvet of the fifteenth cen- tury. JADE-GREEN SILVER BrocapE Cusuion — Italian, Early XVII Century Satin ground woven in silver thread and brilliant silks with a classical temple in a grove surrounded by festooned draperies of flowers and scrolling leafage. Crimson SILVER-WOVEN Damask CUSHION Italian, Circa 1600 Crimson ground patterned in silver with diamond lattice of leafage enclosing square leaf motives. SILVER BrocapE AND Rep VELVET CUSHION AVIIT Century Centre of salmon-pink and silver floral brocade, banded with crimson velvet. Drap b’ARGENT BrocaDE CUSHION Venetian, Late XVII Century Deep green ground with a symmetrical floral spray in colors and silver thread within a silver leaf ogival. Gotp AND SILVER EMERALD DaMask CUSHION Developing a bird and large scrolling acanthus leaf in gold and silver on a deep green satin ground. RosE-crimson Cut VELVET CUsHION Italian, Early XVII Century Floral trellised lattice design enclosing single blossoms. Parr GoLp AND SILVER BRocAaDE CUSHIONS Louis XV Period Grayish-ivory ground patterned with undulating bands in gold and silver supporting tiny pastel-colored floral bouquets. ae Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 246. oy We 248. 249. ant 252. 252. Zhu. 255. Two AppLIQUE EMBROIDERED AMBER VELVET CUSHIONS Italian, XVI Century Mellow velvet banded with appliqué embroidery of leaf motives in raised blue, lilac and ivory silks. APPLIQUE EMBROIDERED AMBER VELVET CUSHION Italian, XVI Century Heavy silk velvet enriched with appliqué of scrolled leaf design in mauve and ivory silks. Parr SKY-BLUE SILVER BRocaDE CUSHIONS Louis XV Period Developing undulating ribbon-lattice motives with blossoms and leaves in ivory and silver. Crimson, GoLp AND SILVER BrocapDE CusHION Italian, Early XVII Century Patterned with ribbon ogivals enclosing symmetrical sprays of fringed leaves. RENAISSANCE MULBERRY VELVET CUSHION Genoese, XVI Century Superb heavy velvet; the corners trimmed with yellow tassels. CrIMsON AND GOLD BrocapE CusHion Venetian, Late XVII Century Chinoiserie design of flowers, canopies and scrolled balustrades in gold and colors on a crimson ground. Pair APPLIQUE EMBROIDERED SILK BorDERs Italian, XVII Century Exhibiting on a blue ground symmetrical undulating branches of yellow leaf- age, sustaining painted pink and white blossoms. Length, 7 feet 1 inch; width, 11 inches Moss-GREEN Cur VELVET TaBLe Cover Genoese, Early XVII Century Symmetrical design of leaf ogivals with pendent fuchsias enclosing palmettes. Velours border. Length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches Louis XIII Green anp Sttver Brocape Tasie Cover On a brilliant green ground a baroque design of rows of alternately sway- ing blossoms in gold and silver thread. Length, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet x inch GoOLD-EMBROIDERED EMERALD VELVET TABLE Cover Italian, XVII Century Rich velvet, the corners with appliqué coroneted escutcheon in gold embroid- ery. Length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 60 — — os aaa ee oe oe ee Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 256. JADE-GREEN SitK Damask TABLE CovER Italian, XVII Century Design of swaying and mounting branches of blossoms. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch 257. RéGcENcE Gotp BrocapE aND CHENILLE VELVET CHASUBLE On a gray satin ground a design of baskets of flowers and large pendent blossoms and fruits in gold and silver thread, colored silks and raised chenille velvet pile. [ Illustrated | 258. REGENCE BrocapE AND CHENILLE VELVET STOLE, MANIPLE AND Bourse To match the preceding. Lengths, 7 feet 6 inches and 3 feet 61 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 259: 260. 261. 202. 203: 264. 265. 266. 267. CANARY-YELLOW SILVER BrocapE TABLE CovER Louis XV Period Ribbed ground woven with mounting undulating ribbon branches enriched with alternately swaying stems of blossoms in blue and silver. Length, 44 inches; width, 38 inches SALMON-PINK AND GoLp BrocapE Datmatic Venetian, XVIII Century On a satin ground, a swaying design of bouquets of tulips and other blossoms and leafage in colored silks, and gold and silver thread. SALMON-PINK BrocapE STOLE, AND Two Manip.Les Venetian, XVIII Century To match the preceding. Lengths, 6 feet 6 inches and 3 feet Drap D’ARGENT BrocapDE TABLE RUNNER Venetian, Circa 1700 Symmetrical design of shell-shaped vases of flowers between undulating branches of blossom, in colored silks on a silver ground. Length, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches InpIGo-BLUE VELVET TABLE CovER AVIIT Century Soft velvet with brownish glow. Bordered in gold galloon. Length, 7 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 1 inch Louis XIV Drap bd’Or ET D’ARGENT BrocapDE TaBLeE RUNNER On a gold ground a design of symmetrical sprays of wheat and vines in gold and silver, within diamond-shaped compartments of flounced drapery. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches SILVER BrocapDE TasLE RUNNER Régence Period ‘Taupe ground exhibiting symmetrical floral sprays enclosed by garlands and rococo bunches of blossoms, in brilliantly colored silks and silver thread. Length, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 7 inches GENOESE RENAISSANCE BROCATELLE-DAMASK COVER Early XVII Century Woven in raised damask technique on a ground of emerald silk, with a sym- metrical design of large vasiform sprays and leaf scrolls enclosing blossoms in fawn. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 6 feet 9 inches VENETIAN REGENCE BrocaDE ‘TABLE RUNNER Emerald satin ground with large spade-shaped floral design, within sym- metrical scrolling branches with blossoms in pastel colors and ivory. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches 62 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth 268. 269. 270. aT. 273s 274. 275. 276. A77. GoLDEN-YELLOW VELVET CovERLET French, XVIII Century Soft lustrous velvet with pale amber lights; embroidered with gold galloon. Length, 8 feet; width, 7 feet 3 inches InpDIGO-BLUE VELVET HANGING XVIII Century Soft velvet with brownish glow. Bordered in gold galloon. Length, 9 feet; width, 6 feet INDIGO-BLUE VELVET HANGING XVIII Century Similar to the preceding. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 6 feet FRIEZE OF TEN RENAISSANCE EMBROIDERY PANELS Exhibiting on a red ground embroidered in formal design episodes in the lives of Christ and the Saints. Danoriahoutiay feel 6 Tacks WROUGHT IRONWORK, FURNITURE SCULPTURED STONE HAND-MILL Italian, XVI Century Circular, sculptured with three pilasters and a human mask; revolving mill with wooden knob handle. Height, 934 inches WroucutT Iron anp Woop DriLu Italian, XVI Century Rod enriched with a knop decorated with rosettes and supporting a rotating wood cross-bar, suspended by leather thongs. Rare. Parr Wroucut Iron WaLit ORNAMENTS Tuscan, XV Century Projecting bar enriched with two straight branches terminating in curling fringed lihes. Height, 14 inches; extension, 35% inches Parr PoLyCHROMED WrouGHutTt [RON CRESSETS Italian, Late XVI Century Serpentined arm enriched with leafage and bobéches of curled acanthus. Height, 18 inches; extension, 7 inches Four PotycHROMED WroucHT Iron Watt BRACKETS Venetian, XVII Century Baluster back bar terminating in brass urn pinnacles. Horizontal bar with similar terminal and large brass-urn socket and bobéche; enriched above and below with open scrollings developing varied flowers. Extension, 214% inches WroucuT Iron Hancinc LANTERN Italian, XVI Century Octagonal, enriched with leaf ornament; the hinges with spiraled ribbon and rosette motives. Fitted for electricity. Height, 1334 inches 63 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue O70. 279. 280. 281. 202. 283, 284. Manocany MarQurtTERIE MINIATURE OF A SEVENTEENTH CENTURY CaBINET Upright, with arched pediment and double cupboards surmounting a slant desk front; two drawers below. Inlaid with symmetrical leaf scroll designs in boxwood. Height, 24%4 inches; width, 12 inches CertosinA INLaip WaLNUT COFFER Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong hinged top inlaid with chess-board and geometrical ornament, the front with arabesque mosaic pattern. (Needs repair.) Height, 8% inches; length, 19 inches PoLyCHROMED PapiER MacHe HautT-RELIEF Tuscan, XV Century MapboNNA AND CHILD. Half-length figure in red gown and blue cloak draped about the head, the Child seated on Her left arm. The upper corners deco- rated with cherub heads. In antique gilded frame. Height, 15% inches; width, 12 inches GotrHic CarvED, GILDED AND PoLYCHROMED STATUETTE French, XV Century VIRGIN AND CHILD. Graceful standing robed figure in a gold drapery with scarlet cloak and wearing a crown; carrying on her right hand the Infant Jesus, who holds an open book. Height, 12 inches PoLYCHROMED TERRA-coTTaA GRoUP Northern Italy, Circa 1600 MADONNA AND CHILD. Seated figure of the Virgin in red robe and flowing green cloak draped from the head, the nude Child standing on her lap within the circle of her right arm. Height, 15 inches CHIsELED Brass CHANDELIER Italian, Late XVII Century Pierced and scalloped octagonal body ornamented with crescents supporting eight candle bobéches; suspended by chains from a sun in splendor. Diameter, 19 inches CaRVED AND PaRCEL-GILDED Tonpo Italian, XVI Century VIRGIN AND CHILD WITH sT. JOHN. Three-quarter length seated figure of the Madonna draped in a cloak, the nude Child on her lap reaching out His arm towards the two youthful figures of St. John and a female saint, who are holding a book. Gold background. Frame carved with a garland of fruit and gilded. Diameter, 18 inches 64 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth 285. CARVED AND Po_tycHROMED Woop Busr Italian, XV Century Head and neck of a female Saint in nun’s costume, with white collar and black veil. On crimson velvet stand. Height, 13 inches [ Zilustrated | 65 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue ee BN a eee cll a elven alle <= ie i < : : 286. Stucco Bas-RELIEF Florentine, XV Century ~Maponna and cHILp. Three-quarter length figure of the Virgin in crimson robe and green hood and cloak, supporting on her left arm the nude Child, His right hand raised to caress her face. Height, 13% inches; width, 10 inches [Illustrated | 287. Crrtosina InLtaip Watnut CoFrFer Tuscan Renaissance Oblong hinged top inlaid with a chess-board and geometrical ornament, in- terior fitted with drawers and compartments. Sides paneled and similarly inlaid. Height, 11 inches; width, 28 inches 66 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth 288. 200. 290. BOY: 202: 293. Srx ParntTinGs on Grass IN CARVED AND GILDED FRAMEs Italian, XVIII Century Cartouche-shaped frames enriched with rococo scrolling; portraying Cain and Abel, Moses discovered in the Nile, the old age of Isaac, Rebecca at the Well, the Angels appearing to Abraham, and Abraham and Hagar. Each with polychromed wrought iron candle holder. Height, 19 inches; width, 13% inches THREE Parintincs oN Grass IN CaRvED AND GILDED FRAMEs Italian, XVIII Century Similar to the preceding; portraying further Biblical legends. Height, 19 inches; width, 13% inches ARMoRIAL CarveED Wa.tnut Book Rest Tuscan, XVI Century Folding stand bordered with leaf-scrolling, the front with carved and poly- chromed escutcheon flanked by reclining angelic supporters. Width, 17 inches [ Illustrated | Pair PotyCcHROMED AND GILDED PRICKET CANDLESTICKS Italian, XVII Century Spirally fluted and balustered expanding shaft on trilateral base carved with festoons; claw feet. Height, 29 inches CarveED WaLNutT CANDLESTAND Italian, Early XVII Century Octagonal top on baluster shaft of triangular section; on tripod base with hoof feet. Height, 31 inches CarveD WauLnut WALL CaBINET Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong hinged top, molded front carved with scrolled leafage having pendent escutcheon between volutes. Height, 15% inches; length, 23 inches 67 294. CHISELED GILDED Brass PrRocEssIonAL CRrucIFIX ON Mars LE Base XVIII Century Fleurdelisé cross bearing the figure of the Savior and representations of the four Evangelists, a bishop and other figures. Inverted capital base sculptured with curled acanthus leaves. Height, 41% inches 68 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth 295. 297. 298. 299. WrouGuT Iron WALL SCONCE Venetian, Late XVI Century Voluted arm enriched with a long scrolling acanthus leaf, from which branch out five voluted arms for lights enriched with tendrils and floral bobéches. Fitted for electricity. Height, 13 inches; extension, 31 inches WroucuT Iron Watt Bracket Tuscan, XVI Century Voluted arm, enriched with leafage, scrollings and three cusped liliform bobéches. Extension, 18% inches Parr GotHic WroucHT Iron ANDIRONS Italian, XV Century Plain standard with knob finial, on arched strap base. Enriched with cusped buttress support. Height, 214% inches | Illustrated | WroucutT Iron STAND Italian, Late XV Century Round knopped standard on cusped arched foot, supporting four flaring arms. Height, 28 inches PoLycHROMED PapieR Macut Group Venetian, Early XVI Century THE HOLY FAMILY. ‘The beautiful Madonna, seated upon a daised bench wearing illuminated embroidered robes and blue hood, reads a missal held in her right hand. The Infant Savior is on her knees embracing the youthful St. John. Height, 17 inches 69 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 300. CarRvED AND PoLtyCcHROMED Woop Bas-RELIEF Northern Italy, XVI Century Depicting the Annunciation and the Nativity of Christ in colors, within square niches crested by shells flanked by cherub heads and saintly figures. Height, 20 inches; length, 27% inches [ Illustrated | 301. PoLtycHROoMED Papier Macué Group Venetian, Early XVII Century MapONNA AND CHILD. ‘The Virgin is seated, wearing long natural hair, gilded bodice with carnation and blue stellated skirt. “The Holy Child sleeps on her lap. On leaf-adorned semicircular base. Height, 21 inches 70 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 202. 393: 4 © s * * NEEDLEPOINT TURNED WaLNnutT ARMCHAIR Italian, Early XVII Century Oblong back with gilded shell and leaf finials; knob-turned arms, sup- ports, legs and double frontal stretcher. Covered in beautiful contem- porary silk needlepoint displaying a symmetrical Renaissance vase and spray of flowers flanked by birds, amid blossoms. [ Illustrated | PoLYCHROMED Stucco RELIEF Workshop of the della Robbias, XVI Century MaponNA AND CHILD. Half-length figure in crimson robe and green cloak, with long hair, her head bent towards the Child, Who stands in the circle of her right arm on the parapet. In case with folding doors. Height, 24% inches; width, 17% inches 71 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 304. ReEpoussE CoPPER JARDINIERE ON WroucurT Iron Sranp Italian, Early XVII Century Gadrooned copper bowl with greenish patina, on stand of X-section, en- riched with volutes and spiral tendrils. Height of stand, 39 inches; width, 25 inches [ Illustrated | i Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 305. CarvED WaLNutT CoFFEE TABLE Florentine, XVII Century Molded oblong top on open lyre-scrolled legs joined by serpentined and cusped ‘H-stretcher. Fine patina. Height, 19 inches; length, 19 inches [ [/lustrated | 306. VELVET TuRNED WALNUT STOOL Italian, XVII Century Oblong top covered with amber velvet, box frieze; balustered flaring legs and stretchers. 307. CarvED WaLNuT CassETTA Italian, XVI Century Oblong molded hinged top, paneled front and sides with scrolled figures at the corners. Claw feet. Height, 13 inches; width, 23% inches 1G) Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue a ‘ed sanabenanansnnaees oeadesen ee: GOUT TURUMUM ERROR: 308. DercoraTIVE STILL-LIFE Oi Patntinc Flemish XVII Century School Finely painted bouquet of trailing garden flowers in a gilded Renaissance vase. In antique carved and gilded frame. Height, 29% inches; width, 23 inches | Illustrated | 74 Ye o_o eee oe a eee ee eo es FF Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth SOME 310. AES B12). SEG 314. S15: Goruic CarveD, PoLyCHROMED AND GILDED Woop RELIEF Venetian, Early XV Century MapDoNNA AND CHILD. Half-length figure in gold brocaded robe and blue cloak, holding the nude Child in her right arm. In carved and gilded Gothic niche. Height, 2514 inches; width, 15 inches CaRVED AND POLYCHROMED Woop STATUETTE Sienese, XV Century Graceful erect figure of a young patrician lady robed in a scarlet gown, her right hand raised to her breast. Square base. Height, 33% inches Turnep WaLtnut CHILp’s CorNER CHAIR Northern Italy, XVIUI-XVIII Century Curious open knob-turned back with spindles, knob-turned legs. Square seat covered with poimt dHongrie. CarvED WatnutT Boot-JAck Italian, XVII Century Stand with swinging bar carved with a spray of flowers and surmounted by a circular embrasure with shell and leaf cresting. Height, 33% inches TurnED Watnut ToILeT STAND Italian, XVII Century Baluster-turned supports and stretcher on scrolled feet, supporting two small box compartments with drawers. Height, 30 inches; length, 31 inches CarvED Watnut MarriaGE Pris-DiEvu Central Italy, Renaissance Period Fluted top on rusticated pilasters, front with drawer enriched with rosettes and medallion heads. Door below with stiles occupied by figures of bride and groom under draperied Gothic arches. Molded kneeling base adorned with heraldic cognizances. Height, 37% inches; width, 27 inches ScULPTURED LIMEsTONE CAPITAL Italian, Anterior to 1500 Square abacus on leaf-scrolled and imbricated capital with vertical flutings en- riched with vine leaves. Height, 13% inches; width, 13 inches CarRvED WALNUT CABINET Umbrian, XVI Century Molded oblong top, frieze with drawer, enriched with scrolled leaf panel; front arranged with diamond- and rosette-paneled door flanked by pilasters and lower drawer adorned similarly to frieze drawer. On molded base en- hanced with wave, leaf and husk motives. Archaic arched feet. Height, 33% inches; width, 26 inches 13) Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue iad Pe we WNC BE RG ~ 317. CarveD Watnut OcraconaL TaBLeE Florentine, XVI Century Octagonal top with concave fluted edge; on X-shaped underframing with four floridly scrolled legs. Height, 29% inches; diameter, 49 inches [ Illustrated | 318. PiERcED Brass BrasERO Venetian, XVI Century Circular body, pierced with geometric scrollings and having bail handles; pierced cover with three fleurs-de-lys hinged flanges. Interior with iron bars for charcoal. Supported on baluster shaft and finely scrolled tripod legs. Height, 28 inches 76 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth 319. ScuLpruRED MarsLe anp StonE Group Southern French, XV Century Maponna AND cHILp. Graceful erect figure of the Virgin in voluminous draped robes and wimple, holding in her right hand a lily and on her left arm the Child, Who is draped in a cloak and carries in His left hand a dove, His right grasping His mother’s dress. The faces and hands are of marble, the bodies of French stone. Height, 2 feet 11 inches [ Illustrated | 77 320. 221% Bae Pair PARCEL-GILDED WrouGHt Iron WALL BrackETs Venetian, Late XVI Century A florid voluted arm is enriched with gilded rosettes and long scrolling acanthus leaves, and supports a single candle pricket. Height, 20:4 inches; extension, 39 inches WrouGutT Iron STAND Tuscan, XVI Century Annular ring, with three strap supports, tapering to short shaft and arched tripod feet. Height, 31% inches Ya Tl ' i s & 4 2 } i :: ia e 2 Lon 2 Sea: os RENAISSANCE SCULPTURED MarpiE PLaQuE _ Italian, XVI Century Sunk molded frame enclosing a frowning satyr mask with scrolled headdress; pendent from its open mouth a legend with motto: OMNE SOLUM FORTI PATRIA. Ce pe Height, 23% inches; width, 20 inches | Illustrated | 78 Sa Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth Be3- eek 330. Watnut BENCH Italian, XVII Century Molded top with box frieze, on scroll-cut vase-shaped ends. Inscribed at a later date: FOR T° mor TI, 1820. Length, 45 inches Four CarvED AND GILDED CANDELABRA FIGURES Italian, Late XVI or Early XVII Century Two pairs of standing angelic figures intended for use on either side of an altar piece and supporting curved branches for prickets. Square base carved with cherub head, and having claw feet. Height, about 32 inches Fruirwoop Hancinc Wa i Bracket Italian, XVII Century Molded oblong top, with compartment sustained by balusters; the frieze enriched with bead-and-reel molding, occupied by two drawers. Arched pendant terminating in a rosette. Height, 17 inches; length, 45% inches InLaip Watnut CENTRE TABLE Sienese, XVI Century Oblong dentiled top inlaid with scroll medallion and floral corner decorations. Frieze fitted with drawer at back and front, curiously bracketed and inlaid similarly to the quarter panels of the top. On scrolled X-shaped ends with cross stretcher. Height, 29 inches; length, 37% inches Six CarveD WaLnur Sipe CHairs The Marches, XVII Century Square uprights with scrolled splat, balustered square legs with box stretcher. Rush seat, with crimson brocatelle cushion. Six Carvep WaLnuT SIDE CHaIRs The Marches, XVII Century Similar to the preceding. NEEDLEPOINT WaLNUT STOOL Italian, XVII Century Square top on tapering cup-turned legs joined by cusped X-stretcher with turned finial. Covered in gros-point displaying leaf scrollings on a blue ground. Two BrocaTELLE Carvep BEECHWoop SrpE CHarrs Ligurian, XVII Century Square upholstered back and seat covered in Renaissance crimson and ivory brocatelle. Knob-turned legs and stretchers with elaborate interlacing leaf- scrolled frontal stretcher. fe, Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 331. ARMORIAL CaRvED Wa.LNnut CaBINET Umbrian, Late XVI Century Oblong molded top with canted pilasters having appliqué carving of a winged cherub head supporting an escutcheon; paneled double doors. Molded brack- eted base. Height, 46 inches; length, 37% inches [ [dlustrated | 80 ——— Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December @th 332. 355! 334: CarveD WaLNutT ANTEROOM TABLE North Italian, XVII Century Oblong overhanging top. Flaring balustered legs joined by underframing carved with escutcheons and incised rosettes, the feet connected by box stretcher. Height, 30% inches; length, 48 inches | [llustrated | CaRVED AND InLatip Waxtnut Prir-DiEvu Brescia, Circa 1600 Oblong top, front with drawer surmounting lozenge-paneled cover flanked by stiles having lion masks and caryatid figures. Hinged and molded base. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches TERRA-coTTA Bas-RELIEF Manner of Lorenzo Ghiberti, Florentine, 1381-1455 Half-length figure of the Virgin, wearing robe, mantle and hood. Her head inclined to the left side and supporting with her right hand the Child Christ Who has curling hair and is undraped save for a loose robe. Height, 25 inches SI Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 335. PENTELIC MarBLe STATUETTE Lombardian, XVI Century Standing figure of Judith, in full flowing robes, holding the severed head of Holofernes in her left hand. Fine patina. Height, 17 inches 336. ScuLPpruRED MarsB_e Group Southern France, XV Century Maponna AND CHILD. Erect figure in voluminous draped robes, holding the clothed Child in her right arm. ‘The Virgin is crowned and veiled. On marble base sculptured with escutcheon. Height, 15 inches [ Illustrated | 82 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth oi 223 339° 340. 341. 342. 343: 344. Terra-coTta Bas-RELIEF Group Florentine, XVI Century Maponna AND CHILD. ‘Three-quarter length seated figure of the Virgin bearing expression of sanctity. She wears a hooded mantle and voluminous robes and holds her Son to her breast with her right hand and a missal in the left. Rich russet patina. Placed before a background of crimson velvet within a contemporary gilded frame carved with floral and fruit motives. Height, 28% inches; wdith, 22 inches PoLYCHROMED CarvED Woop STATUE Umbrian, XV Century Upstanding figure of the Virgin in brilliant red bodice, covered in a sky blue cloak which falls from her hair and envelopes the Infant Lord. Original polychroming and traces of gilding. Height, 3 feet 7 inches WroucutT Iron Watt Bracket Venetian, Late XVI Century Scrolled extension bar, developing elaborate scrollings, enriched with acanthus leaves and coroneted bobéche. Extension, 28% inches WrovucuHTt Iron WALL BRACKET Venetian, Late XVI Century Similar to the preceding, but not as elaborately scrolled. Extension, 27¥% inches Two Wrovucut Iron Watt Licuts Venetian, XVI Century Cartouche back, with cusped scrolled arm terminating at base in double tendrils and at bobéche with four lilies. Traces of polychrome. Extension, 34 inches CarveD WALNUT CHILD’s CHAIR Tuscan, XVII Century Open back with square frieze and scrolled and coroneted splat having mono- gram, K AC. Square stretchered legs, rush seat. CarvED WaLNnuT CABINET Tuscan, Early XVI Century Molded oblong top; the frieze with central drawer flanked by leaf-enriched demi-vase motives set above interior pilasters; these enclose two doors and are flanked by open recessed columns. Height, 37% inches; length, 38 inches WaLNut BENCH Tuscan, XVI Century Molded oblong top, plain bracketed frieze; on vase-turned ends, Length, 45% inches 83 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 345. WaLnut CENTRE TABLE Ligurian, XVI Century Square top with four segmental drop leaves forming a circle; on five round columnar legs standing on a molded X-base with turned feet. Height, 32 inches; diameter, 45 inches [ Illustrated | 84 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth 346. Irarran ReNaissANCE WroucuT Iron anp Brass F ALDISTORIUM Curule folding iron frame with turned brass uprights having globe finials, and brass feet. With crimson cut velvet cushion. [ Illustrated | 85 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 347. Point DHoncrige WaLnur ARMCHAIR Tuscan, Late XVI Century Square back with gilded leaf finials, short bar arms on gilded leaf-scrolled supports; parcel-gilded. Quadrangular legs with pierced and scrolled frontal stretcher. Covered in contemporary Hungarian point. [Lllustrated | 86 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth 348. Parr CarveD AND GILDED CiRCULAR Mrrrors Florentine, XVI Century Beaded and husk carved frame enriched with four winged cherub heads emit- ting scrollings of husks. Diameter, 35 inches [One illustrated | 3484. Two PorycHromep WroucHt Iron WALL ORNAMENTS Italian, Late XVII Century Consisting of two rods enriched with curling leafage; intended for hanging. Heights, 37 inches and 35 inches 87 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 349. Pair LEATHER AND WALNUT Fotpinc TRAVELING CHaIRs Italian, XVI Century Square back with ears, quadrangular stretchered legs arranged to fold. Orig- inal brown leather back and seat. = BR, % 350. Iratian RENatIssaNCE WrouGHT Iron anp Brass FaLpisroriuM Curule folding iron frame with turned brass uptights having globe finials, and brass feet. Crimson cut velvet cushion with papal coat of arms. | Illustrated | 88 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 351. CarveD CHEsTNUuT CassoNnE Val @ Aosta, XVI-XVII Century Oblong hinged top, front with apron, legs and pilasters incised with diamanté, rosette and wave ornament. Height, 31% inches; length, 51 inches 352. CarveD WatnutT Sipe TaBLeE Italian, Circa 1600 Oblong top, rosette-carved frieze with single drawer on four turned pillars joined by box-stretcher. Height, 36 inches; length, 33 inches [Illustrated | 89 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 325: 354: 355: B50. 25) 358. So. CarvED WaLNuT CABINET Lombardian, XVI Century Molded oblong top, with fluted apron; frieze with drawer adorned with scrollings of vine leaves and bunches of grapes; the front with paneled door inlaid with figure of a nymph symbolic of Music. Atlantes pilasters; on deeply gadrooned base having claw feet. Height, 43 inches; width, 39 inches Two GitpeEp WroucuT Iron Watt Brackets Tuscan, XVI Century Unusual scrolled open bracket, enriched with leaves, flowers, hook for sus- pension of lantern and a leaf-cusped pricket. Height, 38 inches; extension, 31 inches WrouGutT Iron Stanp wirH Hancinc Lamp Italian, Late XV Century Tapering faceted standard on tall arched tripod base; sustaining a scrolled and rosetted frame with suspended lamp. Flicighis gt duces Two PotycHroMeED WroucuT Iron Watt Licuts Venetian, Early XVII Century Strap back, terminating in brass vase forms, horizontal bar sustaining brass socket, bobéche and pendant. Interesting scrolled pediment and bracket emit- ting leaves and flowers. Height, 36 inckes; extension, 20 inches WroucuT Iron STanp Tuscan, XVI Century Faceted shaft, enriched with cusp and: three open scrollings of blossoms; curved brackets at crown, scrolled tripod feet bearing tulips. Height, 33% inches CaRVED AND PoLycHRoMED Woop Group Tuscan, XV Century Full-length figure of the Virgin seated on a stool, clad in a golden robe, about which is draped a blue cloak falling from the head. On her right knee she supports the standing nude Child, Who is wearing a rosary about His neck. Height, 22 inches Collection of Count Alessandro Contini, Rome PAINTING Follower of Carlo Crivelli [1430-1493] Maponna AND CuiLp. ‘Three-quarter length seated figure of the Virgin, facing the observer, the Child robed in a white gown standing clasped within her arms. Red and gold background patterned with ogivals. Height, 25% inches; width, 16% inches 90 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 360. Farence WINE Jar Faenza, Dated 1661 Ovoid molded body with two loop handles. Glazed in cobalt-blue, green and yellow with leaf scrollings and molded bands of raised acanthus leaves, festoons and mascarons, with an escutcheon. Height, 39 inches; diameter, 31 inches [ Illustrated | gI Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 361. ReENaIssaNCE Tapestry CarvepD Wa.nur StTaTE CHAIR Umbrian, XVI Century Oblong back with leaf finials, flat arms on square stretcher; uprights with leaf-scrolled frontal stretcher. Covered in Flemish Renaissance tapestry displaying fruit and a female allegorical figure of Peace between vases of flowers. | Illustrated | Q2 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 362. Parr Decorative Oi PaiInTINGs By G. Van Wittel Views of the Grand Canal, Venice, with the Salute and the church of St. James, the waters crowded with shipping. One signed on boat, Gas. VAN WITTEL. Height, 9% inches; length, 17 inches [ [llustrated | 93 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 363. WroucuT Iron Fire Guarp Tuscan, Late XV Century Spirally twisted uprights headed by spiraled baskets, and standing on cusped arched foot enriched with volutes. Height, 35 inches 364. RENaIssANCE CARVED WaLnut BENCH Tuscan, XVI Century Plain back with valanced cresting, C-scrolled ends. Hinged seat with lozenge paneled base, gadrooned and carved with an escutcheon of the Torrigiani family. Flat vase-shaped pilasters. Length, 5 feet [ Illustrated | 94 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December @th 365. WALNUT AND CHESTNUT ANDREA DEL Sarto CHAIR Tuscan, Late XV Century Open flat horseshoe crowning rail on five baluster-turned spindles. Crescent- shaped seat on four flaring legs. [ Illustrated | 95 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 366. CarveD WALNUT CREDENZINO Provincial Italian, XVII Century Oblong top, front with paneled drawer between scrolled pilasters, surmount- ing a cupboard flanked by caryatid grotesques. Molded base carved with leaf border. Height, 3 feet; width, 2 feet 4 inches 367. TERRESTRIAL GLOBE ON CHERRYWOOD STAND By George Adams, London, XVIII Century Globe supported on arched tripod base with snake-feet, containing compass. Diameter of globe, 24 inches | Illustrated | g6 368. 369. 370. Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth Parr Gros Point Carvep WaLnutT ARMCHAIRS Northern Italy, XVI Century Oblong back with gilded acanthus finials, flat voluted arms on square uprights with interlacing frontal stretcher. Back and seat in brown floral gros point. Wroucut Iron GRILLE Italian, Late XV Century Square, with pattern of linked flewrdelisés quatrefoil motives, bordered with scrolls. Height, 23 inches; width, 27 inches [ Illustrated | Parr CarveED AND SILVERED Woop Hancinc Lamps Florentine Renaissance Flattened baluster-shape, decorated with bands of beading, leafage and con- cave gadrooning, and carved with leaf-scroll ornaments in relief. Three leaf-scrolled handles suspended by triple chain. Height, extended, 43 inches 97 371. CARVED WALNUT AND PasTIGLIA CABINET ON STAND Italian, XVII Century In two parts. Upper portion with baroque scroll pediment, six small paneled drawers and three cupboards, the latter paneled with pastiglia bas reliefs of female Saints and the legend of the SACRIFICE OF ABRAHAM. On ‘table having molded and paneled drawers, with spirally-twisted legs and scrolled X-stretcher having vase finial. Total height, 544% inches; width, 50 inches [ Illustrated | 98 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth 372. 373: O14: 37.5: CarvED WALNUT CassONE Italian, XVII Century Oblong top, paneled front centred with an haut-relief of Virgin and Child surrounded by winged cherub heads in a leaf-scrolled frieze, the stiles with half-balusters and figures of peasant women carrying baskets on their heads. Height, 28 inches; length, 5 feet 5 inches [ [lustrated | CarveD WALNUT CENTRE TABLE Italian, XVII Century Oblong top, apron carved with leaf-scrolls and shell motives, on fluted bal- uster legs joined by box-stretcher, with bun feet. Height, 33% inches; length, 54 inches Four PotycHRoMED WroucutT Iron ‘ToRCHERES Tuscan, XVI Century Rod standard with circular grease-tray and scrolled arched foot of X-section; painted black and yellow. Height, 50% inches CarveD WaLNutT CaBINET TABLE Piedmontese, Early XVI Century Oblong, with ovolo-molded cornice; front with four large drawers and two small end-on-end drawers enriched with medallioned bars supporting leaf scrollings, flowers and bunches of grapes. Height, 59 inches; width, 39 inches 99 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue —e ae 370. INLaip AND CarvED WaLNuT CHEST-OF-DRAWERS Northern Italy, Early XVII Century Oblong molded top, three paneled drawers with line inlays and leaf-carved rails; pilasters with grotesque female caryatids. Leaf-carved foot. Beautiful golden-brown patina. Tleight, 2 feet 9% inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches [ [2lustrated | ee ee eee 100 ee ee ee a eee Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 1 0) a {nl al ml alo! alata) elal ‘ pew 377. ReEeNatissANCE CARVED WALNUT CREDENZA Florentine, XVI Century Oblong, with fluted edge; frieze has two drawers, between acanthus scrolled blocks. Paneled double cupboards centred with medallions, paneled guilloche carved pilasters. Gadrooned base on claw feet. Height, 49 inches; width, 48% inches [ L/lustrated | 378. Parr SmaLtL WroucHT Iron Gates Florentine, XVI Century Design of interlacing ropework forming a diamond lattice. Crested by rosetted fleurs-de-lys. Height, 51 inches; total width, 58 inches Io! Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 379. WroucuT Iron Fire Guarp Italian, XVI Century Quadrangular uprights headed by looped fire baskets and joined by cross bar. Arched feet supporting stretcher. Height, 34 inches 380. Goruic ScULPTURED RED VERonA Marsie Doorway Italian, XIV Century Frame with outer border of dentil ornament and inner of spiral cabling with bracketed spandrel. [ [dlustrated | 102 ol. el Be is Ie: No. 380. Gorntc ScutprurED Rep Verona Marsie Doorway Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 381. RENAISSANCE CARVED Watnut BEeNcH Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong hinged top disclosing a box interior, frieze carved in bas-relief with pairs of affrontés dolphins flanking vases. On scrolled vase ends similarly enriched. Length, 6 feet [ Illustrated | 382. Goruic ScULPTURED STONE AND MarpiE Haut-RELIEF French, XIV Century ST. GENEVIEVE (!). Against the background of a castle wall is the half- length stone figure of a woman in full armor with marble face, holding in her right hand a sword and in her left a shield sculptured with a human mask. Height, 12 inches; width of base, 12 inches 383. Two Wa.nut SGABELLI Tuscan, XVI Century Octagonal seat, plain bar back pierced with heart-shaped aperture. ‘Three turned flaring legs. 384. Parr Turnep Watnut anp CueEstnut BENCHES Italian, XVI Century Open oblong molded back with six baluster-turned spindles. Molded seat with single closed end, on bar legs. Height, 41 inches; width, 43 inches 104 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth = | Oe ida casa 385. WaLnutr CaBINET Provincial Italian, XVII Century Oblong top with fall front and two side drawers on advanced slant front; ends with compartments and cupboards. Height, 39 inches; width, 40% inches [ Illustrated | 105 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 386. Carvep Watnur CENTRE TABLE Emilian, XVI-XVII Century Octagonal top with rosette-carved frieze; on massive dolphin and rosette- carved balustered pillar. Square gadrooned base. Height, 32 inches; diameter, 38 inches [ [dlustrated | 106 a ' Italian, XVI Century 387. INLaip WaLNUT SECRETARY Oblong top with upright paneled fall-front disclosing cupboards and compart- ments; on an underbody with paneled double cupboard flanked by two bal- uster-turned supports, and molded base. Line inlays. Rich dark patina. Height, 63 inches; width, 40% inches [ Illustrated | 107 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 388. InLtaip WaLNuT CABINET Italian, Late XVII Century Finely molded and dentiled cornice, the upper portion enclosed by two doors having arched inlay, occupied by sprays; the interior fitted with drawers. Supported on brackets to lower portion which has three drawers with further inlay of sprays and bronze busts as handles. Height, 67 inches; width, 26%4 inches 389. Parr CarvEep Watnut Arm Cuarrs witu Box Seats Umbrian, Early XVII Century Canted back with scrolled cartouche, flat arms on sausage-turned uprights; hinged box-seat with paneled leaf-carved front. Crimson seat cushions. [One illustrated] 108 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Qth 390. NEEDLEPOINT WaLNuT Fotpinc CHaIR Tuscan, XVI Century Canted arched back, folding quadrangular X-shaped legs; covered in gros point with brilliant leaf patterns on a black ground. 291. CarRvED Watnut Writinc TABLE Tuscan, Early XVII Century Oblong top with rounded corners, rear gallery with paneled drawers. On scroll-cut vase-shaped ends joined by guilloche-carved, shaped bar-stretcher. Height, 40 inches; length, 5 feet 9 inches [ Illustrated | 109 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 392. VERDURE Tapestry TurRNED Watnut BENCH Italian, Early XVII Century Oblong top covered in rich verdure tapestry woven in greens, blues and fawns; on six baluster-turned legs joined by turned and blocked double-H stretcher. Length, 57% inches | Illustrated | 393. CHINESE BronzE STATUE Tang KUAN YIN, THE MATERNAL. Seated figure with crossed legs and supporting on her left knee a nude child, in flowing robes, her bare breast adorned with jeweled necklace and her head with a tiara. Traces of polychrome and gilding; dark patina. Height, 42 inches 394. CopPER JARDINIERE ON RENAISSANCE WrouGuHT Iron STAND Dated 1798 Circular bowl incised with scrollings and inscription, S 1798 M. On scrolled tripod stand. Height, 36 inches; diameter of bowl, 24 inches IIo 395° 396. Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December @th Tapestry CarvED WALNUT STATE CHAIR Italian, XVII Century Arched canted back, open scrolled arms on baluster supports, turned legs and stretchers. Back and seat in contemporary verdure tapestry exhibiting bril- liant orange-colored blossoms. [ Illustrated | CuinesE Lacquer SEWING TABLE XVII Century Oblong tup with rounded front and hinged cover to writing cabinet. On pedestals supporting compartments occupied by carved ivory sewing imple- ments and supporting crimson sewing bags. Delicately enriched with chi- noiserie landscapes. Height, 28 inches; length, 29% inches Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 397: 398. 399; 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. CarvED WaLNnutT CassONE Florentine Renaissance Oblong hinged top, paneled front with an escutcheon and leaf scrolling and guilloche moldings, flanked by pilasters with telamones. Molded base on claw feet. Height, 22 inches; length, 5 feet 5 inches InLaip WALNUT CABINET Lombardian, Late XVI Century Elaborately molded cornice and frieze, advanced over tapering pilasters; front with two doors enriched with recessed panel occupied by inlays of flow- ers. Drawer in molded and paneled base, supported on finely scrolled stump feet. Original strap-scroll forged iron hinges. Height, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 7% inches TurneD Wa.Lnut CENTRE TABLE Bolognese, Circa 1600 Square top with canted corners, paneled frieze with drawer. On bulbous turned legs joined by box-stretcher. Height, 32% inches; width, 38 inches Inrars1a WALNUT CREDENZA Central Italy, XVI Century Oblong molded top with three paneled drawers surmounting paneled double cupboard and stiles. Border inlays of geometrical intarsia work. (Restored.) Height, 42 inches; width, 50 inches CarveD Watnut Hat SEatT Umbrian, Early XVII Century Oblong back crested with echinus molding and supported on seven flat leaf- carved balusters. Molded seat with crimson velvet cushion, on scrolled sup- ports. Plinth base. Length, 55 inches | Illustrated | SET OF E1cHT CHINESE PANEL PaINTINGs ON SILK AVITI Century Portraying in colors Buddhist male and female deities among clouds, festivals at the court of the Emperor and Empress, and pilgrimages of maidens in landscapes. Height of each, 50 inches; width, 20% inches CarveD WatnutT Liprary TABLE Umbrian, XVI Century Oblong top, fluted moldings; the frieze fitted with drawer. Supported on scrolled lyre-shaped ends adorned with floral motives, leaf scrollings and claw feet. Bracketed cross-stretcher with vase pinnacle at centre. Height, 29% inches; length, 47% inches; width, 27 inches WroucutT Iron Fire Guarp Italian, XVI Century Uprights supporting baskets and with two cross bars, the upper enriched with quatrefoils; on scrolled feet sustaining two grotesque animal heads. Height, 37% inches; length, 46 inches a CEC No. 401. CarvED Watnut Hatt SEAT Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 405. Parr Rep Lacquer EncoriGNuRE CaBINETS Venetian, Late XVII Century Quarter-round, with two small shelves surmounting double cupboards lacquered in gold with chinoiserie landscapes and having fitted interior. On three cabriole legs. Height, 63 inches; width, 21%4 inches [One illustrated | 114 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 406. Carvep Watnut Guarp Room TaBLe Tuscan, Late XVI Century Oblong top on shaped vasiform ends, joined by cusped bar stretcher incised with central medallion. Height, 31 inches; length, 55% inches [ Illustrated | 115 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 407. 408. 409. 410. rs Two CarvED AND ParCEL-GILDED WALNUT PEDESTALS Tuscan, XVI Century Sgabello type; incurved tops with masks, shaped fronts carved with volutes, acanthus leaves, husk pendants and masks; paw feet. Height, 4 feet RENAISSANCE CARVED Watnut Desk Tuscan, XVI Century Molded and fluted oblong top, frieze with two fluted drawers. On cabinet having two paneled doors flanked by pilasters and scrolled brackets. Molded base. Height, 32% inches; length, 52 inches Note: In Dr. W. Bode’s Italian Renaissance Furniture, 1921, page 66, is illustrated a similar desk. ScuLpTuRED Maree SraTuE oF A River Gop Italian, XVII Century Reclining nude figure of a bearded deity with his right arm clasped about a cornucopia of fruit. On a stump at his feet hangs an escutcheon. Height, 2 feet; length, 3 feet 9 inches [ Illustrated | InLaip WatNutT and Marie CABINET Lombardian, XVII Century Oblong overhanging wave-molded top, front with paneled double doors en- riched with moldings and inlaid stellate motives and supporting Corinthian mock pilasters. Finely molded base on leaf-scrolled feet. Height, 64% inches; width, 36 inches Goruic WroucutT Iron Fire-scREEN Tuscan, XV Century ‘Tapering square shaft, with C-scrolled sides; open basket tops. Supported on broad cusped, arched feet enhanced with chevrons connected by channeled cross-bar; the upper cross-bar centred with a lily. Height, 36 inches; length, 53 inches 116 dor) UdaALY V AO ANLVLS ATEHUVIA, GAXNLATNOSG ‘60F ‘ON Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue Pek aee oy Syn pe Pend 412. CarvED WaLNuT CaBINET Northern Italy, XVII Century Oblong with triply paneled drawer surmounting double cupboards carved with suns, trees and affrontés game cocks. Molded base with lozenge-paneled drawer, on fluted bar feet. Height, 42 inches; width, 35 inches [ [dlustrated | 118 —- © Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 413. CarvED WALNUT AND PaRcEL-GILDED CaBINET Northern Italy, Early XVII Century Upright, with molded and dentiled cornice; two paneled cupboards, one above the other, carved with rosettes and surrounded by florid guilloche borders, Height, 68%4 inches; width, 36% inches [ [Jlustrated | ‘119 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 414. 415. 416. ANT. 418. 419. Two TooLtep LEATHER CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIRS Ligurian, XVI Century Oblong back of tooled leather, flat arms on square uprights joined by box- stretcher and two bar stretchers in the form of interlacing Savoy knots, Rich patina. CarveD WaLNuT CaBINET A Deux Corps Italian, XVI Century Oblong molded top, two paneled doors carved with central rosettes between pilasters enriched with imbricated leafage and having voluted capitals. Un- derbody similarly. Height, 59 inches; width, 30 inches CarveD Wa.LNuT CAssONE Umbrian, XVI Century Oblong top with long strap hinges; on claw feet. Front finely carved in bold relief with a central panel depicting primitively the Expulsion from Paradise, flanked by caryatids and supporting telamones amid fruiting vines and scrollings. Rich patina. Length, 5 feet 2 inches TurNED WaLNuT Lriprary TABLE Italian, Circa 1600 Oblong top, gadrooned frieze with two drawers; baluster-turned legs joined by a flat box stretcher, on tub feet. Height, 33% inches; length, 6 feet CaRVED AND GILDED CHANDELIER Florentine, XVI Century Oval frame enriched with leaf molding supporting at foot a bracket with amorino; surrounded by scrolled and strapped cartouches developing masks, the pediment with reclining figures of Saints. ‘Two iron suspension chains, Total height, 6 feet; width, 2 feet 9% inches WroucuT Iron Fire Guarp Tuscan, Late XV Century Square uprights interrupted by lilies and headed by spirally twisted fire baskets joined by bar stretcher crested with a lily. Arched stretchered foot. Height, 34 inches 120 Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 420. SCULPTURED Mars_e Bust By a Follower of Guido Mazzoni [1450-1518] Head and shoulders of an elderly prelate with long hair and a stern expres- sion on his fleshy face. On semi-octagonal base. Height, 17 inches; width of base, 202 inches [ Illustrated | I2I Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 421. CarveD WaLnuT BeEpstrEap The Marches, Circa 1600 Low cylindrical head posts with large turned finials; cresting of a car- touche flanked by dolphins. Side rails and foot with concave gadrooning, on short baluster-turned legs. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 4 inches | Lllustrated | Lisp) — ee ae Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 422. 423. ROMANESQUE SCULPTURED Marsie VASE XI-XII Century Large globular bowl sculptured with roses linked by C-scrolls, and a band of gadrooning. On square molded base beautifully chiseled with rams’ heads atethe corners. Height, 35 inches; diameter, 23 inches [ Illustrated | Turnep Watnut Rerectory Taste BENCH Italian, Circa 1600 Oblong molded top on twelve baluster-turned and blocked legs joined by stretchers. Cord seat. Length, 8 feet 4 inches 123 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 424. Two Wroucut Iron Gares Venetian, Late XVI Century Oblong; with cruciform balustered centre occupied by a hand above a flaming motive, symbolic of Fidelity. Flanked by strap scrollings; voluted cresting. Height, 41 inches; total width, 47% niches 425. CarRvED WALNUT CREDENZA Italian, Late Renaissance Period With two paneled drawers surmounting double cupboards carved with grace- ful upstanding sprays of wheat and irises ringed about by a snake, the stiles with female caryatids supporting baskets of fruit and terminating in pendent leafage. Scroll carved base on claw feet. Height, 45 inches; length, 48% inches [ Illustrated | 124 Tee a Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December gth a ee eR ee Se ae re 426. Carvep Watnut Cazinet A Deux Corps Tuscan, XVI Century Rectangular; upper portion with molded cornice; fluted pilasters with un- usual cartouche capitals. Fall-front writing tablet disclosing interior fitted with drawers. Lower portion with paneled pilasters, enclosing door and dentil-molded frieze; on bulbous feet. Total height, 60% inches; width, 35 inches 427. WaLNuT AND PoLyCHROMED CAssONE Umbrian, Late XV or Early XVI Century Oblong hinged top, the front and sides elaborately painted in colors with two escutcheons flanking a mullefleurs field with figures of song birds, after the manner of the Gothic tapestries. Height, 23% inches; length, 74 inches [ [/lustrated | eats Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 428. CarvED WALNUT CABINET Central Italian, XVI-XVII Century Upright, with triply paneled cupboard surmounting six paneled small drawers. Underbody with two paneled drawers and scrolled stiles. Height, 5 feet 10% inches; width, 28 inches 429. CARVED AND INLAID Oak CaBINET French, Late XVI Century Upright, with bracketed cornice and molded base. Superimposed tabernacolo structure with black Doric pillars and broken pediment embellished with a statuette; five drawers. Inlaid with marqueterie and marble in rectilinear panels. Height, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 8 inches 430. Watnut Liprary TaBLe Central Italy, Early XVII Century Massive oblong top on scrolled vase-shaped ends joined by bar stretcher. Height, 34% inches; length, 68 inches 431. CarvED WALNUT CREDENZA Brescia, XVII Century (?) Oblong, with two drawers between stiles carved with square mascarons. ‘Two cupboards paneled with scrolled strapwork between paneled and carved stiles. Gadrooned base on festooned voluted feet. Height, 40 inches; length, 59 inches [ Illustrated | 126 CaRVED WaLNuT CREDENZA Non 43 1. 432. CarveD anp InLaip Burt Watnut BookcasE $ Umbrian, Late X In three sections. Upper section and base with carv chiseled mascaron handles, between stiles carved with scrol : The middle section with book shelves, scroll-carved c stiles enriched with a putto and pendent fruit and di 128 No. 432. CaRVED AND INLatip Burt Watnut BookcasE ATAV], AYOLOAAAY LANIVAA GAAUVD “ELF on Second Session Thursday Afternoon, December Oth 433. CarveD WALNuT REFeEcTory TaBLE Umbrian, Early XVII Century Massive oblong top on three scrolled and vase-shaped supports carved in bas-relief, two with vases of poppy seeds, a third with a large displayed eagle. Height, 34 inches; length, 9 feet 2 inches [ Illustrated | 434. Carvep Wa.tnut TEsTER BepstEap Northern Italy, Late XV Century Slender posts incised and carved in relief with elaborate finials and joined by stretchers enriched with cabling. On beechwood dais carved in relef with interlacing scrolls. Height, 6 feet 11 inches; length, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 4 inches [END OF SECOND SESSION] 131 id '. CA. e ily oar a eae “" eA = ‘es eal ; ~ Pe te oe 7.. Ae ¢. e nie ae at Sars. « N o Te Ti, ee ee a a ‘ ‘ os Pa poten te © ° ‘_ 5 em. ¢ . ¥ ¥ in is 2. ¥ an X y : < ‘ % os5 x » * ‘ > = Sia —_ . etn rah . = wey 3 Fy . - a . . « - tars e Tee nk ie ’ ~ Gos . Ne fe NE gs ee ‘ J eae é s - . ~ s Me i re cs . . 4 ‘ L: A } & ee . cs + sey 7 ~ «* ieee a stree yg - . - - ' ? - ot ar he s-8 Nee ak Co = = Soe ‘ * ~ ad o . a te ze Aa wz oP eS eee? weenie ate be 0 eae Ola ce . « . n . < . ; ra * 3 u Mi os ¢ h Fay ‘ - ~ eS e . . = . ?. . ‘ y 7 * a . os roaaan, & ‘ peaks PROG Rae Fe a . ¢ ce : - . . . ) \ be To re ae - 435. 436. 437: 438. 439- 440. 441. 442. 443. THIRD SESSION Meiaye Wecembcr 10, 1926 At 2:15 p.m: Catalogue Numbers 435 to 040 Inclusive DAMASKS, BROCADES AND VELVETS, INCLUDING SEVEN > ~~ ORIGINAL SIENESE PALIO BANNERS THREE SILK AND Gop TassELs Italian, XVII Century _ Of gold thread and rose silk, with chevronné body and fringed skirt. Two Pairs Sirk TassELs | [talian, XVIII Century Green, rose, yellow and white silks, with knotted skirts. THREE Pairs GoLtp AND CRIMSON SILK J assELs | , Italian, XVIII Century Knotted crimson skirts. Four GoL_p aNp Crimson SILK ‘TassELs Italian, XVII Century Twisted gold wire skirts, knotted with crimson silk. TwELveE SitkK, GoLp AND SILVER TAssELs Italian, XVII-XVIII Century Lampas CUSHION Beautifully embroidered in lemon-yellow, salmon-pink and violet and banded with a knotted fringe in red and white. THREE RENAISSANCE APPLIQUE EMBROIDERED VELVET SEAT CUSHIONS Italian, XVI Century Crimson velvet enriched in colored silks with central vase flanked by leaf- scrolled strapwork, with leaf borders. RENAISSANCE CRIMSON VELVET CUSHION Genoese, XVI Century Beautiful heavy rose-crimson velvet, with broad border of gold galloon. Parr SHELL-PINK STRIPED BrocaDE CUSHIONS Louis XVI Period Striped in rose and enriched with delicate undulating ivory stems of blue, yellow and pink blossoms, 133 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 444. 445. 440. 447. 448. 450. 451. 452. Pair RENAISSANCE EMBROIDERY VELVET SEAT CUSHIONS Crimson velvet with appliqué silk embroidery depicting vases within leaf- scrolled strapwork. Leaf scrolled border. GOLD-EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET CUSHION Late XVII Century Heavy deep crimson velyet enriched in gold appliqué with cusped leaf border and rococo lattice vase ornaments at the corners, CERULEAN BLUE AND SILVER BRocaDE CUSHION Régence Period Symmetrical design of swaying floral branches and leafage in silver on a pale blue ground. RENAISSANCE RuBy VELVET CUSHION Genoese, XVI Century Brilliant rich fabric with pale glow, banded with gold galloon. SILK-EMBROIDERED LEAF-GREEN VELVET CUSHION Italian Renaissance Centred with appliqué detached sprays of blossoms in gold and soft colored silks; border of ivory silk with appliqué embroidery of scrolling floral branches, RENAISSANCE CRIMSON VELVET CUSHION Genoese, XVI Century Beautiful heavy rose-crimson velvet, with border of gold galloon. GoLD-EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET CusHion French, XVIII Century Deep heavy velvet enriched with two appliqué latticed cartouche ornaments. Parr RENAISSANCE SILK NEEDLEPOINT BorDERS On a gray ground, a symmetrical design of leaf scrollings and formalized blossoms with mosaic borders. Length, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 1 foot 14 inches Ivory SirvErR BrocaDE TaBLE CoveER Régence Period Enriched with cusped frames of silver, bearing blossoms, and enclosing sym- metrical sprays of pink and blue flowers with curling silver leafage. Length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 4 inches 134 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 453. 454. 455. RENAISSANCE GOLD AND SILK NEEDLEPAINTED PICTURE Flemish, Late XVI Century ‘THE CRUCIFIXION. Embroidered and painted figure of the Savior on the cross surrounded by sun, moon and stars and flanked by two angels offering chalices; at the foot of the cross the praying figures of the Virgin and St. John. Framed. Height, 18% inches; width, 14% inches Gotp AND Sirk NEEDLEPAINTED PicrurE Flemish, Late XVI Century CuRIST TAKEN FROM THE cross. In the foreground the nude wounded figure of the Savior reclining in the arms of the Virgin, St. John and the Marys, with figures of other Saints behind bearing winding-sheets. Rocky landscape background. Executed in long and short stitch. Framed. Height, 11% inches; width, 9% inches Gop, SILVER AND SILK NEEDLEPAINTED PICTURE Flemish, Late XVI Century CHRIST TAKEN FROM THE cross. In the foreground, the nude wounded figure of the Savior reclining limply on a sheet, the Virgin and St. John bending over him; behind are other figures of mourning Saints beneath the cross. Appliqué on contemporary crimson velvet. Delicate gold-embroidered bor- der. Framed. Height, 16% inches; width, 10 inches Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 456. Cut VELVET TABLE CoveER © a Broussa, circa 1500 Design of circular medallion enclosed within four curving leaves, reserved in fawn within a ground of raised crimson velvet pile) “Rare: Length, 29 inches; width, 2314 inches [ [dlustrated | 136 - Third Session Friday Afternoon, December Toth 458. RENAISSANCE RuBy VELVET TABLE CovER Genoese, XVI Century Soft lustrous velvet bordered with crimson braid. Length, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 1 foot 7 tinches ] de 459. PEA-GREEN Drap p’ArGENT BrocapE TasLe Cover ; Venetian, Early XVIII Century Woven in silver and pastel silk threads with garlanded festoons flanked by symmetrically placed sprays of flowers with silver leafage, in a darker ground. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches The following comprise seven original silk pa/io banners with their weighted staves, used in the annual pageants and races, which have been held in the “City of the Contrade” since the sixteenth century. Each banner is borne by a rider representing a division of the City, or Contrada. 460. Sirk Patio BANNER Running lynx within dentelé medallion with leaf-scrolled spandrels, in red, white and blue. Contrada of the Lynx. Size, 6 feet by 5 feet 1 Jinches 461. SILK Patio BANNER Painted with an angel riding a dolphin and two symmetrical leaf scroll designs in a blue and white striped ground. Contrada of the Dolphin. Size, 5 feet 2 inches by 5 feet 462. SttK Patio BANNER Triple shield with inscription, LIBERTAS; on a diagonally striped green and gold ground. Contrada of the Caterpillar. Size, 5 feet 2 inches by 5 feet 463. Sirk Patio BANNER Crown and dolphin in a striped and dentelé ground of blue and white. Contrada of the Wave. Size, 5 feet 2 inches by § feet 464. StLtk Patio BANNER Adorned with appliqué pastel-colored scrollings enclosing a many-quartered escutcheon. Size, 9 feet by 7 feet 6 inches 137 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 465. SitK Patio BANNER Escutcheon with elephant and castle surrounded by leaf mantling, on a deep crimson ground. Contrada of the Elephant. Size, 5 feet 4 inches by 5 feet 1 inch [ Illustrated | 138 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 466. Sirk Patio BANNER Blue field with central garlanded shell and crown surmounted by a band of scrollings in red on a yellow ground. Contrada of the Shell. Size, 5 feet by 5 feet 3 inches [ Illustrated | Lee] Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 467. APPLIQUE EMBROIDERY AND Ros— VELVET HaLF CHASUBLE Italian Renaissance Soft glowing rose velvet with greenish tones; appliqué with a Latin cross with ajouré Renaissance scrollings and blossoms and enclosing a crucifix with a needlepainted figure of the Savior. | Lllustrated | | 140 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December Toth 468. 469. sap 471. 472. 473- 474. 475. 476. SILVER BrocaDE AND CHENILLE VELVET FRONTAL Hebraeo-Italian, XVII Century In a ground of salmon-pink chenille velvet a beautiful latticed design of interlacing ribbon motive supporting tiny bouquets of blossoms, all in silver thread. With an interesting gold and silver fringe enriched at intervals with bow-knots in parchment. Length, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet Note: This rare piece was originally used by the Hebrew congregations of the XVII Century as a cover for sacred manuscripts, Moss-GREEN VELVET TABLE CovER Genoese, XVI Century Exceptionally heavy rich fabric, ornamented with ajouré gold guimpe. Length, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches AMBER VELVET TABLE CovER French, XVIII Century Soft velvet with yellow lhghts; mounted with gold galloon. Length, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches Two Drap p’ArGENnT GREEN SILK TABLE CovERs Italian, XVIII Century Shimmering ground woven in deep emerald and silver thread; bordered with silver guimpe. Length of one, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches Length of one, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches Cur VELVET TABLE CovER French, XVIII Century Pinkish-gray satin ground enriched with an allover tiny lattice design in raised green velvet pile, of leafy branches. Length, 3 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches AMETHYST VELVET TABLE CovER French, XVIII Century Bordered mn silver galloon. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches SALMON-PINK GoLp BrocapE DALMATIC Venetian, circa 1700 Design of undulating sprays of flowers and fruit in brilliant colored silks and gold and silver thread. Moss-GREEN VELVET ‘TABLE COVER Italian, XVII Century Beautiful. lustrous: silk velvet with deep emerald glow and soft. patina. Length, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches RARE Drap p’ARGENT BrocaDE PANEL Venetian, Late XV or yeh XVI Cee On a ground woven with silver and ivory threads a design of rows of up- right Pech with pairs of parrots, forming ogival compartments which contain symmetrical vases of blossoms, the whole woven in crimson and golden-yellow silk. Museum specimen. Length, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches 141 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 477: 478. Moss-GREEN VELVET TasLE RUNNER Italian, XVII Century Soft silken velvet with beautiful sheen; banded with gold galloon. Length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches Crimson BrocaTELLE PANEL Italian, XVI Century A complete panel, with border of small curving leaf devices surrounding a central cruciform leaf scroll ornament within four S-scrolls. Rare. Length, 45 inches; width, 36% inches Drap D’OR ET D’ ARGENT BLUE BrocaDE RUNNER Venetian, Late XVII Century Damassé blue ground, woven with interlacing design of scrolling branches in gold and silver, enriched with blossoms. Length, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches GoLD-wWovEN BrocaDE TABLE COVER Louis XVI Period Grayish-white ribbed ground damassé with tiny leafage and woven in purple, yellow and gold thread with interlacing branches of pendant grapes. Length, 6 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 7 inches SALMON-PINK AND SILVER BROCADE TABLE RUNNER French, Louis XV Period Design of mounting serpentine branches enriched with tiny leaves and large cruciform blossoms in silver. Length, 5 feet 10 niches; width, 1 foot 10 inches Drap D’Or Crimson Cur VELVET TABLE RUNNER Venetian, circa 1600 Symmetrical design of coronets enclosing interlacing scrolled branches of leaves, supporting rosettes and honeysuckle blossoms. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches GoLDEN-YELLOW SILVER BrocapE TaBLE Cover Venetian, circa 1700 Satin ground enriched with symmetrical design of huge leaves enclosed between knotted branches with large pendant blossoms, woven in pastel-col- ored silks and silver thread. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch SILVER-WOVEN BrocapE TaBLE CoveER Italian, Late XVII Century Recurring design of spray of large formalized flowers with green and silver leafage enclosing a ruined arch, on ivory silk ground. Length, 7 feet; width, 3 feet RENAISSANCE RosE-CRIMSON VELVET TABLE CovER Genoese, XVI Century Delicate velvet with fluctuating rose sheen; banded in gold galloon. Length, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches 142 486. 487. 488. 489. UnusuaL RENAISSANCE SATIN DAMASK TABLE COVER Venetian under Moresque influence, XVI Century On a mazarine-blue ground a recurring design of large cusped oval plaquettes enclosing pineapples, in crimson and yellow. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches [ Illustrated | Drap D’OrR ET D’ARGENT BrocaDE TaBLE RUNNER Venetian, Late XVII Century Crimson ground richly woven in gold and silver and colored silks with an allover chinoiserie floral design with fantastic scrolling leafage. Length, 7 feet; width, 20% inches Crimson Satin Damask HANGING Italian, Early XVIII Century Design of huge vasiform leaves enclosed between gigantic broad scrolling frames of leafage. Bordered in gold galloon. Length, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches Crimson Satin Damask TasLE Cover Italian, Early XVIII Century To match the preceding. Length, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 143 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 490. 491. 492. 493- 494. fringe. GoLp AND SILVER-WovEN Ivory S1LK BrocapE Cope Régence Period Beautifully woven with slender undulating stems of leaves in gold sup- porting scrolling blossoms in silver and shades of red and purple, amid deli- cate green leafage. Hood and orphreys of ivory satin and silver brocade. Length, 9 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 8 inches [ Illustrated | Two Crimson: Cut VELVET VALANCES Genoese, XVII Century Openwork design of leaf palmettes between. undulating branches linked by large coronets and emitting scrolling leaves and blossoms. Multicolored Length, 6 feet 5 inches; depth, 1 foot 8 inches JADE-GREEN SILK Damask HANGING. | Louis XIV Period Symmetrical design of huge ogival sprays of leafage with pendant blossoms, enclosing vases of . flowers. Length, 9 feet 3 inches; width, 6 feet 2 inches GoLDEN-YELLOW. SILVER BrocapE Corr , ._ Italian, Louis XV Period Enriched with a design of undulating silver branches bearing green leafage and salmon-pink and maroon blossoms centred in silver. With fringed hood; mounted in silver galloon. Length, 8 feet 2 inches; depth, 4 feet 1 inch SUPERB BLuE VELVET BALDACCHINO ‘Genoese, XVI Century Heavy indigo-blue velvet fluctuating to original deep sapphire in centre, the corners showing traces of former leaf-scroll appliqué ornament. Length, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches 144 495. ‘497. 499. Third Session. . Friday Afternoon, December roth RosE-cRIMSON AND GoLp BrocapE CopE Venetian, Early XVIII Century On a crimson satin ground a florid chinoiserie design of pagodas, balustrades, blossoms and water plants in gold thread and blue, yellow and ivory silks. Length, 9 feet § inches; depth, 4 feet 6 inches [ [dlustrated | Crimson VELVET BaLpaccHINo French, XVIII Century ‘Rich heavy velvet of deep tone.’ Bordered in gold galloon. Length, 8 feet; width, 7 feet 9 inches Crimson BrocatTELLtE Hancinc Italian, XVIII Century Design of mounting serpentine parallel branches enriched with large. peonies and pendant aap and other blossoms. Length, 7 feet 11 Uda width, 7 feet 2 inches "Dear Or CISELE. Crimson VELVET HaNnciInG Italian, Late XVII ee Fond dor, woven in velvet @ deux hauteurs with symmetrical crimson sprays of leaves picked out in ivory, enclosed between swaying branches of leafage forming ogivals. Superb preservation. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches BROCATELLE-DAMASK COVERLET Genoese, XVII Century Emerald silk ground, woven in fawn linen with symmetrical design of scrolling ogival branches enclosing vasiform floral sprays. Scalloped and fringed borders. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 7 feet 145 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 500. 501. 502. 503: 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. Crimson VELVET COVER XVIII Century Brilliant light silk velvet, bordered in gold galloon. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 7 feet 4 inches RENAISSANCE Moss-GREEN SILK Damask CoOVERLET Genoese, XVI Century Allover design of ogival form, of trellised ribbons linked by coronets and enclosing symmetrical leaves and sprays of carnations. Length, 7 feet; width, 6 feet EMERALD GREEN VELVET COVER XVIII Century Light silk velvet, bordered with gold galloon. Length, 9 feet § inches; width, 7 feet 4 inches APPLIQUE GOLD-EMBROIDERED VELVET ARMORIAL HANGING Italian, XVIII Century Soft silken rose-crimson velvet with appliqué of an Italian escutcheon en- closed within a brilliant border of leafage in heavy gold thread. Length, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 10 inches CERULEAN-BLUE SILK Damask CovER Italian, XVIII Century Symmetrical design of opposed serpentine branches of flowers enclosing sym- metrical floral bouquets. Length, 8 feet; width, 7 feet Crimson VELVET ALTAR FRONTAL Genoese, XVI Century Superb rich velvet with deep ruby tones; cross-banded with gold galloon. Length, 7 feet 10 inches; depth, 3 feet 4 inches LarcE RENAISSANCE CRIMSON BROCATELLE COVERLET Italian, XVI Century Centre of lustrous satin with yellow brocatelle border patterned with inter- laced undulating ribbon ornament supporting pendant peonies, in crimson. Length, 12 feet; width, 7 feet 4 inches SUPERB GENOESE VELVET BALDACCHINO Late XVI Century Heavy velvet of soft greenish blue, the original sapphire-blue displayed in the traces of a former border of elaborate seventeenth century leaf-scroll appliqué. : Length, 10 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 9 inches ‘TURQUOISE-BLUE VELVET COVER French, XVIII Century Brilliant gem-like blue tone, with sapphire lights. Mounted with gold galloon. Length, 11 feet; width, 6 feet 4 inches 146 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December Toth 509. APPLIQUE SILK-EMBROIDERED ARMORIAL HANGING Italian, Early XVIII Century On a crimson cloth ground a huge rococo coroneted escutcheon of the Marchese Trionfi, charged bendy vert and or, backed by a trophy with banners and surrounded by rococo leaf scrollings, with a displayed eagle at the foot. Height, 11 feet 7 inches; width, 7 feet [ Illustrated | 147 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 5 On dy S12: See ora 515: 516. 517: S10. GENOESE BROCATELLE-DAMASK WaLL HANGING AVIT Century Green silk ground woven in fawn linen with a symmetrical Louis XIV design of large scrolling vasiform sprays of leaves. Length, 25 yards 19 inches; width, 18 inches Two LEencTus oF Crimson BRocATELLE Italian, XVII Century Displaying a bold Louis XIV design of large symmetrical vasiform sprays of leaves enriched with pomegranates and sunflowers. Length of one, 57 yards 20 inches; width, 18 inches Length of one, 13 yards 26 inches; width, 24 inches LENGTH OF Crimson SILK REP Italian, XVIII Century About 109 yards FURNITURE AND WROUGHT IRONWORK, ETC. Wroucut SILVER CRUET STAND, WITH BELL Venetian, Early XVII Century Circular gadrooned urn cruet festooned and supported on three winged Sphinxes, on incurved triangular base; surmounted by a bell elaborately chiselled with climbing figures and animals, and with a kneeling female figure as a finial. Height, 8% inches ANTIQUE CHINESE CARVED Rock CrystTaL Birp FIGURINE Finely carved Mandarin duck holding a branch of citron in its mouth, and with one foot raised. Brilliant polished crystal. Has carved stand. Collection of Princess W. von Holstein Height, 7 inches Parr RepoussE SILVER FLoweER Pots Italian, Late XVII Century Lobed serpentine body with valanced lip; repoussé with three leaved shell devices. Height, 5 inches GoLD-DAMASCENED IRON COFFRET Venetian under Oriental influence, XVI Century Oblong, with semi-circular cover. Inlaid in gold and silver with running animals amid upright trees in the Persian manner. Height, 4% inches; width, 5 inches IrmwEsCENT. Giass PITCHER = Syrio-Roman, I Century A.D. Cylindrical body with flattened shoulder. and squat tapering neck with broad fluted loop handle. Pe —. . Height, 8% inches Certostna INLaip Watnut BiBLE Box _ - Fuscan, XVI Century Oblong hinged top displaying an escutcheon within. a beribboned wreath, the front with geometrical mosaic ornament. Height, 8 inches; length, 1834 inches 148 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 519. 520. 5 2.Le ee Ee SOA 525. 526. GorHic SCULPTURED Stone Morrar Italian, XV Century Enriched with a median band of cabling, the lip with leaved rustication ornament. Height, 5% inches; diameter, 9 inches BronzE AND WroucGut Iron JaRDINIERE Tuscan, XV-XVI Century Circular cauldron shape, on three stump feet. Spirally twisted wrought iron loop handle. Height, 10% inches; diameter, 12 inches Two Bronze Ficures Paduan School, Late XVI Century Seated figures of a bearded satyr and a young faun in twisted attitudes, stretching themselves. On wooden bases. Four Bronze PRIcKET CANDLESTICKS Tuscan, XVI Century Graceful balustered and ring-turned shaft on circular base. Height, 25% inches ‘THREE CARVED, SILVERED AND Gi_tpED Watt Mrrrors Venetian, Late XVII Century Large mirror and two companion smaller mirrors, shield-shaped and enclosed between carved and pierced scrollings enriched with putto figures, supporting festoons of blossoms, shells and canopies in the manner of Bérain. Height of one, 27 inches; width, 28 inches Height of two, 16 inches; width, 15 inches Pair RepoussE SILvER Hancinc Lamps Italian, Late Renaissance Period Vase-shaped gadrooned body enriched with median band chiseled with tiny festoons and blossoms. Supported by three chains with lozenge-shaped links, to small canopy. Height, 24 inches Parr CHISELED SILVER Hancinc Lamps Italian, Late Renaissance Period Vase-shaped, with inferior band of long pointed leaves and terminating in acorn finial; cresting of leaf-scrolled anthemia. Supported by three chains. Height, 27 inches THREE FraMep ENG iIsH MEzzorTints After G. Morland THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, MORNING and the First OF SEPTEMBER, EVENING, after G. Morland, by W. Ward, published in London, 1794, by T. Simpson and W. Ward. Untitled, after G. Morland, by Jas. Ward, published in London, 1793, by T. Simpson. Height, 19 inches; length, 23 inches 149 sii, a 527. Two DecorativE Martine Or ParnTINnGs Italian Late XVII Century School Elaborate paintings of fortified ports with sailing ships afloat in the harbor. Polychromed frames. Height, 19% inches; length, 46 inches [ [2lustrated | 150 528. Parr DecoraTtiIvE Marine Ort ParIntTINGs By Tempesta, Italian, XVII Century One portraying a lurid storm with caravels tossing on the waves; the other a harbor with ships at anchor flying ensigns. Height, 19 inches; length, 29% inches | Illustrated | SSS eee ep ees Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 529: 530. Sails By eyeee oo 34: 535: 536. .TERRA-coTTa Haut RELIEF Italian, XVI Century Scriptural scene. Groups of men, women and nude children at the left standing in horror before the figure of a serpent entwined about a Tau cross; on the right figures of bearded men, one with raised staff. Possibly repre- senting Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches BronzE Hancinc LANTERN Italian, XVI Century Tall hexagonal lantern crested by a tiered dome pierced with leaf-scroll ornament. Height, 26 inches VELVET TURNED WALNUT STOOL Italian, XVII Century, Square top covered with amber velvet; sausage-turned legs joined by box- stretcher. PotycHROMED WrouGutT Iron Wa ti ‘ToRCHERE Italian, XVII. Century Serpentined arm enriched with leaves and tendril volutes and supporting a bunch of leaves with candle pricket. Height, 18% inches; extension, 18% inches CarvED WaLNnuT CoFFRET Italian, XVII Century Oblong and narrow. Grooved body supported in front by small leonic feet; hinged lid. Height, 6 inches; length, 30 inches BrussELs Tapestry Turnep Wa.Lnut Fire SCREEN AVIT Century Turned uprights enriched with straight and spiral fluting; on fluted arched feet with claw toes, joined by turned baluster. Panel exhibiting on a brown ground a beautiful spray of red chrysanthemums with greenish-yellow leafage. Height, 4 feet; width, 3 feet NEEDLEPOINT CARVED WALNUT STOOL Piedmontese, XVI Century Oblong top covered in gros point verdure with two figures of storks in petit point; flaring legs with box-stretcher and two stretchers pierced with Savoy love-knots. Two RENAISSANCE WROUGHT IRON CANDLE BRACKETS Florentine, XVI Century ‘The arm four-sided, extending straight to scroll gracefully to the grease tray and pricket. Above, another flat arm scrolled and at its end a circular band. Lower arm crested with trefoil lily, a tendril and a four-leaf clover. Height, 14 inches; projection, 14% inches ho) Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth { q yy { i 4 i # ( 537. CarveD GILDED aND PoLycHROMED Woop RELIEF Venetian, circa 1500 ADORATION OF THE MAGI. At the right St. Joseph with the Virgin and Child, facing the three kings, who are followed by attendants leading a_ horse. Background of columns and arches with figures in a landscape. Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches [ Illustrated | 153 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 538. Finety Carvep Watnut Coverep WINE Jar Northern Italy |? Venice], Late XVII Century Tall beaker-shaped vessel, beautifully carved in high relief with entwining branches of vines having pendant grapes and the figure of a crawling lizard. Fitted with copper liner and spigot. Height, 32 inches [ [llustrated | 154 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 539: 540. 541. 542. 543- 544. 545: 546. 547: Pair Petir Pornr Turnep Waxnut Sroors Tuscan, XVII Century Octagonal seat covered in silk needlepoint developing leaf scrollings. Flar- ing baluster-turned legs and box stretcher. Pair VELVET AND CarvEpD Wa.tnut Fotpinc CHAIRS Italian, XVII Century Open canted back with interlacing, strap splat; seat of contemporary red velvet on folding X-legs. Pair PoLycHROMED WroucuT Iron Watt Brackets Venetian, XVII Century Wrought with clasped voluted scrollings about a projecting bar terminating in a lily, and supporting a pulley suspension. Height, 27 inches; extension, 30 inches CarvED AND GILDED Mirror FRAME Italian, XVII Century Developing strapped scrollings and leaf arabesques. Dull luminous patina. Height, 20 inches; width, 18 inches CARVED AND GILDED TABERNACLE Italian, Late XVI Century Architectural form, with scrolled pediment and supported on caryatids. Height, 31 inches; width, 17% inches Four PureLe VELvET CarveD WaLNuT STaTE CHairs Ligurian, XVI-XVII Century Oblong back with fluted finials, flat arms on baluster supports; quadrangular legs with pierced frontal bar stretcher. Back and seat in purple velvet. PAINTED AND CarRvVED WaLNutT HExaGonaL STAND Italian Renaissance Frieze enriched with ribbon-tied wreaths; paneled sides painted with two figures of Saints and central escutcheon and crested with carved shell orna- ment, between canted pilasters. Height, 19 inches Four RENAISSANCE CARVED WALNUT SGABELLI Northern Italy, Late XVI Century Cartouche-shaped back composed of carvings of monsters created by cherub heads; square seat on four fluted flaring legs. Watnut OcraconaL TABLE Tuscan, circa 1600 Plain top supported on massive balustered column carved with fleurs-de-lys and imbricated leafage. Octagonal molded base. Height, 31% inches; diameter, 39 inches 155 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 548. CarvED WALNUT CREDENZINO Ligurian, signed and dated 1760 Upright with drawer surmounting paneled cupboard; gadrooned and molded base. Carved all over with geometrical rosettes and ornament and inscribed: DE BERNARDI LUIGI, 1760. Height, 33 inches; width, 28% inches [Zllustrated | 156 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 549. DeEcorATED CABINET Tyrolese or South German, XVII Century Upright, with double doors and top painted on the outside with figures of burghers, the inside of the doors with elaborately crested helms. Interior with twelve small paneled drawers and secret compartments, the whole dec- orated en camaieu with elaborate leaf-scrolled ornament. Height, 21 inches; width, 20 inches [ Illustrated | 157 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 550. Sisto ee Wroucur Iron Hancinc TorcHERE French, XVIII Century Cross bar pierced with a Greek meander fret motive centred with a large carnation and supporting a V-shaped base with long curved feathery leaves. With three-leaved candle bobéche. [ Illustrated | CarVED AND GILDED Watt Mirror Italian, XVII Century Upright, the frame lavishly enriched with leaf scrollings and flowers and a scrolled leaf cresting. Original mirror. Height, 20 inches; width, 13 inches CarvED WaLNuT CoFFEE TABLE Umbrian, Late XVI or Early XVII Century Oblong molded top on pierced lyre-shaped leaf-scrolled ends, joined by leaf-carved bar stretcher centred with rosette. Height, 25 inches; length, 29 inches 158 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth Seen 554- 555: 556. WaLNnuT CENTRE TABLE Italian, circa 1600 Oblong molded top, the corners with incised ornament; plain bracketed frieze on graceful round columns joined by box-stretcher, Height, 31 inches; length, 35 inches [ Illustrated | VELVET AND TurRNED Watnut Prie-Dieu Cuair Italian, Early XVI Century Graceful baluster-turned and blocked legs and stretcher, supporting a crim- son velvet seat and a knee-rest on either side of turned uprights with serpentine slat. Velvet arm-rest. MarQuETeRIE MaHocany Ovat TaBLe Italian, Late XVII Century Convex kettle-drum body, the top inlaid with intricate borders; on angular cabriole legs. Fitted with sliding shelf and five drawers and enriched with inlaid borders. Width, 27 inches Pair PotycHROMED WroucGut Iron Fiorat BRACKETS Venetian, XVII Century Graceful curving green branches ornamented with pink roses and large leaves. Height, 40 inches; extension, 32 inches SS) Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 557. Carvep, PoLycHROMED AND GILDED Woop RELIEF Jacopo Sansovino, Venetian, XVI Century Within a round niche, a full-length seated figure of the Madonna with clasped hands, facing spectator, the nude Child sleeping peacefully in her lap. The faces of both are irradiated with a tender expression of tranquillity and devout purpose. In crimson velvet frame. Height, 33 inches; width, 14% inches [ Lllustrated | 160 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 558. 35.9: SCULPTURED ALABASTER HAUT-RELIEF English, Nottingham School, Late XIV Century ST. ELOI AT THE FORGE. At the left the figure of the Saint in bishop’s robes hammering out a shoe on an anvil; under a canopy at the right the smith holding a horse. Height, 15 inches; width, 9% inches [ Illustrated | SCULPTURED ALABASTER HAUT-RELIEF English, Nottingham School, Early XV Century BirTH OF cHRist. At the right the Infant lying in a boat-shaped cradle before a stall in which are figures of oxen, the crowned Virgin kneeling before Him. Behind her, a bearded male figure (probably St. Joseph) and two women with clasped hands. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches 161 560. 561. Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue SCULPTURED ALABASTER HAUT-RELIEF English, Nottingham School, XV Century THE ANNUNCIATION. At the right the standing crowned figure of the Virgin, before whom kneels an angel bearing a huge lily entwined with a banderolle. At upper left the figure of God the Father and an attendant cherub, beneath a canopy. Height, 16% inches; width, 9% inches Parr WrouGut Iron Brackets Florentine, Early XVII Century L-shaped and embellished with a lavish strap pattern of fleurdelisés volutes enriched with curved fern leaves; crested by scrolls supporting a rose and a tulip. Height, 52 inches; extension, 36 inches [One illustrated | 162 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 562. HAMMERED COPPER JARDINIERE ON WrouGuT Iron Sranp Tuscan, XVI Century Circular bowl on square support enriched with scrolled strapwork and stand- ing on cross foot. Height, 38 inches; diameter, 23% inches 563. Carvep WaLnut CENTRE TABLE Florentine, XVI Century Triangular top, with canted corners and gadrooned frieze; leaf-carved balus- tered support on triangular base; three claw feet. Length, 24 inches; height, 31% inches [ Illustrated | 163 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 564. Parr VELVET CARVED WALNUT SIDE CHarIRS Tuscan, Early XVII Century Quadrangular uprights with scroll-crested arcaded back on four turned spindles; sausage-turned legs and box stretchers. Wroucur Iron Hancinc Lamp Venetian, Late Renaissance Period Hexagonal pear-shaped body pierced with scrollings, suspended by three twisted rods from a leaf-scrolled support. Height extended, 49 inches WroucutT Iron Fire Guarp Italian Renaissance Quadrangular uprights joined by three crossbars, two of them terminating in snake heads, and surmounted by looped fire baskets. Height, 42 inches CarveD WaLNuT CHEsT-OF-DRAWERS Provincial Italian, XVII Century Oblong top with thumbnail fluted edge; four paneled drawers enclosed by leaf-carved stiles and rails and fitted with cherub-head scrolled bail handles. Molded bracketed base. Height, 34 inches; width, 28 inches PoLYCHROMED WrouGHT IRoN CHANDELIER Venetian, Early XVII Century Standard enriched with curling leafage and supporting six pairs of voluted arms ornamented with acanthus leaves, with prickets. Tleight, 40 inches; diameter, 27 inches Intars1a WaLNUT CREDENZA Central Italy, circa 1500 Oblong overhanging top with canalated inlaid edge and intarsia frieze; two paneled cupboards flanked by paneled stiles enriched with inlays depicting candlesticks. Height, 39 inches; length, 56 inches 164 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 570. CarveD Watnut OctaconaL TABLE Tuscan, circa 1600 Molded top with rosette-carved frieze having drawer; on square paneled cupboard underbody with round pilaster columns. Square molded base. Height, 32% inches; length, 46 inches | Illustrated | 165 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 571. 572. RarE Carvep Watnut DanTEsQuE CHAIR Florentine, XV Century Folding curule legs and supports, scrolled arms adorned with carved rosettes inlaid with ivory and light woods, the upper sides of arms and supports similarly enhanced at intervals. Original oblong back and seat of brown hide. Four LEATHER CAarRvED WaALNUT ARMCHAIRS Italian, XVI-XVII Century Oblong leather back, flat arms on baluster supports. Square stretchered legs. the frontal stretcher pierced with winged cherubs flanking an eagle with escutcheon. [ One illustrated | 166 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 573- Two Empromerep Vetver Warnut Strate Cuarrs Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong back with gilded leaf finial. Flat scrolled arms on square uprights; pierced and scrolled frontal stretcher. Back and seat in Renaissance crimson velvet with appliqué silver leaf embroidery. SBEETCSCSALEECERESST EKER ESP EER EL ETE See SESE 574. Carvep WaLNnuT CREDENZINO Umbrian, XVI Century Oblong top, paneled fluted drawer between leaf-carved stiles, surmounting male and female caryatids, which flank a paneled door, with square leaf ornament. Gadrooned base on claw feet. Height, 40% inches; width, 34 inches { Illustrated | 167 Sie Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue Rep anp GoLtp LacQguER OccasIONAL TABLE Venetian, XVII Century Octagonal top with chinoiserie ornament, the edges with leaf-scroll ornament; slender baluster support with cross-foot buttressed with reverse scrolled volutes. (Lacquer restored.) 576. aie 578. CarvED Watnut MoNneEy-CHANGER’S TABLE ) Tuscan, Late XV Century Square overhanging top, plain paneled frieze on scrolled brackets; deep box underbody with end drawers, on scrolled bar feet. ‘ Length, 51 inches | Illustrated | FinELy InLaip WaLnut CaBINET Sienese, XVI Century Oblong fluted top, leaf-bracketed frieze with drawer inlaid with bird figures amid shrubbery. Front with door and pilasters inlaid with scrollings and centred with a coat of arms blazoned with a stag; paneled base enriched with a procession of archaic animals, on claw feet. Height, 36% inches; width, 26 inches BaRoQUE WALNUT CHEST-OF-DRAWERS Italian, XVII Ceutury Front and sloping returns each with four paneled drawers flanked by spirally twisted pillars. Lavishly molded base. Height, 36% inches; length, 38 inches 168 579: 580. TERRA-COTTA GRoUP Florentine, Early XVI Century Graceful three-quarter length figure of the youthful Virgin, a veil falling about her head, a draped cloak fastened at the throat. On her left arm she carries the nude Child, Who is grasping her right hand with His infant fingers. On blue velvet pedestal. [ Lllustrated | Height, 26 inches Stix NEEDLEPOINT WaLNut Sipe Cuarrs Italian, Late XVII Century Square arched back and seat with original covering of a species of petit-point displaying dead game within a leaf-scrolled cartouche on a black ground. Molded cabriole legs with incurved X-stretcher and rosetted dies. 169 581. 582. 583. 584. Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue HAMMERED CopPrpER LAvaBpo ON WroucGuT Iron STanp Italian, Early XVII Century Stand with scrolled frieze and supported on four serpentine legs wrought with beautiful strap scrollings enriched with sprays of wild roses. Height, 34 inches; diameter of basin, 15 inches CarveD WaLNuT CABINET Tuscan, circa 1600 Oblong hinged top with plain broken frieze supported on round columns, flanking double doors with raised lozenge paneling. Molded base. Height, 35% inches; width, 34 inches CONSTANT TROYON FRENCH: 1810-1865 LEAsH OF SETTERS In the foreground a group of eight white dogs leashed together and tied to a tree; background of woodland. Height, 22 inches; width, 13 inches Signed at lower right, C. TROYON [ [llustrated | UMBRIAN SCHOOL XV CENTURY ‘THE CRUCIFIXION An oval panel in polychrome and gold, depicting the Crucifixion, with Christ bleeding on the Cross and St. John kneeling at its foot, the holy women standing at either side. In the background hills and the tall buildings of a city. Height, 2534 inches; width, 18 inches 170 LEASH OF SETTERS No. 583 Constant Troyon By Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue . sep 1s ae Po i: gape (et Clon t) om cc ee Fl tl a ne eee al ee GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI [Arrrisutep To] ITALIAN: 1694-1764 585. Pair Decorative O1t ParIntINGs Architectural masses of baroque interiors with figures; arches disclosing a blue sky. Height, 19% inches; width, 14% inches [Illustrated | 172 No. 585. Parr DecoraTIvE OIL ParnTINGs t - H pen mele 7» > SEE ae i $ e " os i — FRANCESCO PARMIGIANINO PaRMEsSE: XVI CENTURY (Gilded and polychromed pastiglia bas relief ) 586. THE ADORATION OF THE SAVIOR Group composed of the Virgin, St. Joseph and other men and women in adoration before the Infant in the cradle. Gilded architectural background of Renaissance buildings, inscribed: PARM: INVENT. and dated 1561. In Renaissance carved and gilded frame. [ Illustrated | Height, 12 inches; width, 11 inches 174 BENEDETTO BUGLIONI ITALIAN: 1461-1521 (Stanniferous enamel haut relief) 587. PorTRAIT OF A PatRICIAN YOUTH Circular, with cobalt-blue ground on which is molded in high relief the head and shoulders of a youth in a light blue cloak over an orange shirt, the long hair and expressive face glazed in white. Contemporary polychromed and gilded frame. Diameter, 15 inches Note: A contemporary and helper of Giovanni della Robbia, from whose work his own is often with difficulty distinguished. A comparison with the full-length statue of S. Sebastian in Barga (Capuccini), illustrated by Schu- bring: Luca della Robbia und seine Familie, page 140, No. 158, and the work of Giovanni, would almost warrant an attribution of the present por- trait to the latter. [ [dlustrated | 175 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA FLORENTINE: 1469-1529 (Stanniferous enamel terra cotta statuette ) 588. Sr. JoHN Tall standing figure draped in a voluminous blue robe lined with yellow, the face and arm unglazed.. The left hand holds a staff and points upwards. On carved wooden plinth. Height, 36 inches Note: An example of the ‘classical’ style of the ever-restless Giovanni, with its hint of Roman sculpture. The simplification of the folds of the drapery is used occasionally by him in his figures of Saints, to whom it adds a certain strength and ascetic feeling. 176 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth GIOVANNI BASTIANINI ITALIAN: 1830-1868 (Terra cotta bust) 589. ELpERLY PATRICIAN Vigorous portrait of an elderly patrician with heavily lined face, wearing a toga. On oblong wooden base. Height, 16% inches Note: The works of this brilliant nineteenth century master, so success- fully imbued with the forceful spirit of the Italian Quattrocento, are found in the principal German and Italian museums. [ Illustrated | 177 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 590. 591. 592. 593° 594: 595: Watnut CENTRE TABLE Emilian, Late XVI Century Oblong dentiled top with paneled frieze, on four round columnar legs joined by box stretcher. Height, 31 inches; length, 37 inches CarRvED WALNUT CREDENZA Ligurian, XVII Century Oblong molded top with double rear gallery, rusticated frieze with two drawers having strap leaf-carving, between bracketed stiles. Paneled double, cupboard below, with guilloche and leaf-carved borders. Height, 52% inches; length, 54 inches Inrarsta WaLNuT CaBINET A DEux Corps Tuscan, Early XVI Century Oblong overhanging molded and dentiled cornice surmounting paneled double cupboards and stiles; the lower portions similarly, with single drawer. Intarsia geometrical inlays. Height, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches CarRvED WALNUT CeNene TABLE, IN Iwo Parts Central Italy, Early XVII Century Of two semi-circular halves each supported on three scrolled legs, carved with pendants and on semi-circular bases. Height, 34% inches; diameter, 48 inches Parr WroucutT Iron Garpen Gates Italian, XVII Century Symmetrical pattern of interlacing reverse scrolls enriched with volutes and leaves. Height, 24 inches; width of each, 27 inches Four LEATHER WaLNnut Sipe Cuairs Italian, XVI-XVII Century Oblong leather back with fluted gilded finials, square legs with pierced strap frontal stretcher. Leather seat. Original brass nails. 178 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth ‘ | ony y} ry Al an 4) Ay y} if} f #£ v4 ie é =. 596. Gornic CarveD WaLNuT STATUETTE IN NICHE Italian, Late XIV Century Sr. youn. Erect figure with draped robe coming up over left shoulder, the right arm bent; in crimson velvet and carved wood niche. r Height. of figure, 44 inches | Illustrated | 179 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 597. Carvep Watnur SIDE TABLE Umbrian, Late XV Century Oblong top, of a single piece of walnut, on vase-shaped ends joined by shaped bar-stretcher. Height, 29% inches; length, 44 inches [ Illustrated | 598. CarveD WALNUT CREDENZA Tuscan, Early XVI Century Oblong top, front with large and small double cupboards paneled and flanked by paneled stiles. Bracketed molded base. Height, 41 inches; length, 55 inches 180 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December Toth 599- 600. 601. CarveD Watnut Liprary TABLE Umbrian, circa 1600 Oblong top, paneled frieze with two drawers, the stiles carved with es- cutcheons and the tree emblem of the Della Rovere. Baluster legs carved with acanthus and joined by box-stretcher. Height, 32% inches; length, 53 inches | Illustrated | WroucutT Iron Fire Guarp Tuscan, XVI Century Spiraled uprights headed by spirally twisted fire baskets and joined by three cross bars, the uppermost crested with lies. Height, 34 inches ReNaIssaNCE WrouGuHtT Iron Fire Guarp Italian, XVI Century Bar uprights enriched with pairs of C-scrolls and crested by liliform orna- ments; two cross bars, the upper with voluted strapwork. Height, 27 inches 181 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 602. ReEpoussE CopPpER JARDINIERE ON WroucGuT Iron Stanp Italian, Early XVII Century Faceted vase-shaped body enriched with gadroonings and leaf-scrolls and having garlanded base; supported on voluted iron tripod stand with spiraled tendril ornament. Total height, 4 feet; width, 32 inches | Illustrated | 182 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 603. WrouGHT Tron Fire Guarp Italian Renaissance Quadrangular uprights flaring into large lilies and crested by spirally twisted fire baskets. “Two cross bars, the upper enriched with voluted strapwork. Height, 32 inches 604. Parr WaLnut anp Crimson VELVET DanTEsQUE CHAIRS Tuscan, Late XV Century Serpentine curule folding frame, the arms terminating in carved rosettes. Back and seat of sixteenth century crimson. velvet. [One illustrated | 183 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 605. Watnut OcraconaL ‘TABLE Italian, Late XVI Century Molded and paneled frieze with two drawers; on faceted legs carved with rudimentary scroll brackets and joined by enclosed stretcher. Height, 34 inches; diameter, 47 inches | Illustrated | 606. PAINTED CarRvED WALNUT CABINET Italian, XVII Century Oblong, with two cupboards paneled and enriched with landscape vignettes, surmounting two drawers. On florid scrolled ends joined by cusped bar stretcher. Height, 6114 inches; width, 57 inches 184 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December IOth 607. E poeeyye enna a wee — CarvED WaLNuT CREDENZA Central Italy, XVII Century Architectural front simulating brickwork, with fluted pilasters flanking pan- eled double doors bordered with leaf scrolling. Above are three leaf-carved and paneled drawers. Height, 44 inches; width, 49 inches | Illustrated | 185 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue . ss AUTOR EY Cee ePECPeUe ePe eee COROT =e ! es CURRAN RAAR LEV ECESERERECERELCSECCECEC ECG. mis ‘ PP Sa ee 608. CarvED WaLNuT CREDENZA Northern Italy, XVII Century Oblong, with fluted top; two drawers paneled with imbrication surmounting two cupboards carved with rosettes, lozenges and serpentine branches, between paneled and fluted stiles. Height, 46 inches; length, 58 inches [ Illustrated | 609. Goruic WroucuT Iron Easter TorcHERE Tuscan, XV Century Hexagonal shaft, with finely faceted baluster about centre; chiseled with wave and stellate motives, supporting revolving bracketed bobéche and pricket. On low, well-scrolled tripod legs. Height, 51% inches 186 610. GEL, Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth Brass Hancinc Lamp on WroucutT Iron Stranp_ Italian Renaissance Rod stand on flat scrolled tripod base, supporting by three chains a pierced inverted bell-shaped lamp, fitted for electricity. Height, 44 inches | Illustrated | Goruic INLaip CaBINET IN Two Parts Lombardian, Late XV Century Upper portion raised on scrolled legs, and having central door; lower part door and drawer. The front inlaid in light and dark wood in diagonal sections and geometrical figures. Molded, scroll carved frieze. Height, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 28 inches 187 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue Gaze 616. 618. Two Goruic WroucHT Iron Watt Brackets Italian, XV Century Projecting bar supporting an upstanding lily and diagonal downpointing spiraled rod. Height, 30% inches; extension, 30 inches PoLyCHROMED WrouGutT Iron GaTE Florentine, XVI Century Composed of symmetrical borders of flewrdelisés strap scrollings, the inter- sections polychromed red, surrounding an oval medallion centred with a cross. Height, 27% inches; width, 38 inches WroucHt IRon AND MarBLE GarpEN TABLE Italian Renaissance Oblong slab of rouge marble, supported on voluted lyre-shaped ends joined by a stretcher clasped with S-scrolls. Height, 25 inches; length, 54 inches Parr WrouGut Iron anp MarsBiE GARDEN BENCHES Italian Renaissance Oblong top of rouge marble, supported on rosetted and voluted lyre-shaped ends joined by spirally twisted serpentined braces. Height, 1414 inches; length, 55 inches CarvED WALNUT OVERMANTEL Mirror Tuscan Renaissance Oblong, with concave fluted edges and sides carved with winged cherubs heading pilasters of rowleaux. Unusual frieze with bas-relief decoration of a man in a landscape of trees and castles. (Base restored.) Height, 33 inches; length, 64 inches Gotnic Wroucut Iron CasEMENT Venetian, XV Century Oblong, with central round-arched panel of spiraled rodding and developing a diamond lattice, stellated at intersections. The outer edge spiraled to centre and enriched with dainty arched tracery. Oak frame. Height, 47% inches; width, 36 inches Goruic WroucHt Iron CasEMENT Venetian, XV Century Oblong, with central round-arched panel of spiraled rodding and developing a diamond lattice, stellated at intersections. “The outer edge spiraled to centre and enriched with beautiful trifoliate tracery. Oak frame. Height, 47% inches; width, 36 inches 188 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 619. CaRVED AND GILDED Heraxpic Lion, SupporTinG PoLyYCHROMED Wroucut Iron EscurCHEON Tuscan, Late XV Century Vigorous figure of a lion erect, facing the observer, and supporting from chains in his outstretched claws a pendant circular coroneted escutcheon wreathed in oak and bay leaves, enriched with a smaller cartouche having snake supporters. On wrought iron stand. Height of escutcheon, 25 inches; height of stand, 36 inches [ Illustrated | 189 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 620. CarvED WaLNuT Lisprary TaBLeE Florentine, XVI Century Massive oblong top on deep paneled frieze with beading and concave gad- roonings, having two drawers; vase-shaped ends carved with escutcheons and joined by a shaped bar-stretcher, claw feet. Height, 3434 inches; length, 6 feet 5% inches [ [llustrated | 621. WrouGHTt Iron CHANDELIER Florentine, XVI. Century Annular ring, occupied by pear-shaped scrollings terminating in fleurs-de-lys ; with eight candle-sockets and cusped drops fitted for electricity. On spiraled chains to arched crown. Height, 39 inches; diameter, 30 inches 622. Bronze JARDINIERE oN GotrHic WroucntT Iron Sranp Italian, Late XIV Century The basin of broad inverted bell-shape, with flaring rim. “The stand with four arms and two rings on a short column, supported on four scrolled legs with upturned feet. Height, 41 inches; diameter, 33 inches 190 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth ji\\ ees ite ‘ ie ( : iy } f 623. Carvep Watnut Ha.v Seat Italian, Early XVII Century Oblong back pierced by a row of baluster-turned spindles within a border of imbricated leafage, the ends carved with leaf-volutes; paneled under- body with scrolled ends. Length, 5 feet 2 inches [ Illustrated | Ig! Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 624. WaLNutT CREDENZA Stenese, Early XVI Century Oblong top with sloping returns, the frieze with single paneled drawer. Front with double cupboard, stiles and returns all enriched with raised and molded panels. Molded and bracketed base. Height, 33% inches; width, 48% inches 625. InLtaip Marsie Font Italian, XVII Century Quatrefoil molded bowl of white marble, inlaid with banding of black and colored marble of the red Verona type; on baluster-shaped column standing on incurved and voluted triangular base. Height, 3 feet 3 inches; diameter, 2 feet 8 inches [ Illustrated | 192 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 626. RENAISSANCE WrouGHT [RON STANDING CANDELABRUM Florentine, XVI Century Spirally-twisted standard supporting scrolled and leaf-enriched wings with three leaved candle bobéches; leaf-enriched scrolled tripod base. Height, 64 inches 627. InLtaip Marsie Fonr Italian, XVII Century Quatrefoil molded bowl on bulbous baluster support standing on voluted in- curved triangular base. “The bowl inlaid with reserved decoration of quatre- foils and banding in red Verona and black marbles. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; diameter of bowl, 2 feet 8 inches [ [/lustrated | 193 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 628. FineLty CarveD WaLnut Cassone Roman, Late XVI Century Oblong molded sarcophagus lid, front and sides richly carved in high relief with elaborate Renaissance leaf-scrollings terminating in female figures flanking the central cartouche. ‘The corners with scrolled caryatid figures. Boldly gadrooned base supported on sejant lions. Height, 30 inches; length, 64 inches | Illustrated | 194 ANOSSV) LANIVAA GEAUVD ATANIY “879 ‘ON 4 4 TROIS 1H IRM fogXt et # te yé a $PLVSS LF dda tem YZ at ee ene mn JUL verre ree Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 629. Wroucut Iron anp Brass Sranp witH Hancinc Lamp Florentine, Early XVI Century Round standard enriched with brass knops and strap scrolling, on scrolled tripod base. Supporting open scrolled frame with pendant lamp. Height, 69% inches [ Illustrated | 196 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 630. SCULPTURED FigsoLE StonE Marzocco Florentine, XVI Century Finely modeled figure of a sejant lion, his paws supporting an escutcheon, on quadrangular paneled pedestal enriched with a half-baluster at the side. Height, 4 feet [ Illustrated | 197 i —————— ——————————————————————————EEE Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 631. CarveD Wa.tnut BENCH Italian, circa 1600 Oblong back carved with a central scrolled cartouche, voluted bar arms on baluster supports. Round columnar legs joined by undershelf. Length, 58 inches [ Illustrated | 198 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 632. Carvep Wa.tnurT Lisprary TABLE Sardinia, Late XVI Century Oblong top, rosette-carved frieze with two paneled drawers; supported on voluted vase-shaped ends centred with rosaces and joined by molded and scrolled stretcher. Height, 33% inches; length, 68 inches Note: This curious table, representative of the peasant craftsmanship of Sardinia, was illustrated in a monograph in the Italian periodical Dedalo. The primitive fishes and masks carved on the piece should be remarked. [ Illustrated | 633. CarveD WaLNnut anp WroucutT Iron Capinet A DEux Corps Tuscan, XVI Century Each section upright with carved edges, two paneled drawers flanked by leonic heads; two doors beautifully carved with round arches between guilloche- carved stiles. The upper with scrolled wrought iron grille. Gadrooned base, on claw feet. Height, 65 inches; width, 35 inches 199 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 634. ReENatssancE WrouGHt Iron GaTE Venetian, Late XVI Century Upright, divided by a cross centred with a spray of leaves within serpentine scrollings ending in leaf volutes; surmounted by elaborate scrolled and leaf voluted cresting terminating in a lily. Height, 7 feet; width, 4 feet [ Illustrated | 200 Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth Ph TO JA oe me 2% ee eae) —— S, ne > ri OO et OO tay ——— 635. Carvep WaLnutT CUPBOARD Northern Italy, circa 1600 Oblong dentiled cornice, front with double cupboards enriched with beaded 5 ? p paneling, the rails with rustic imbricated leaf carving. Interior lined with velours. Fine patina. Height, 58 inches; length, 46 inches | Illustrated | 201 No. 639. CarvED WaLNuT, GILDED AND PoLyCHROMED BEpDsTEAD Third Session Friday Afternoon, December roth 640. CarvED Watnut ReEFeEcTorY TABLE Florentine, XVI Century Massive oblong fluted top, on ends having paneled balusters centred by car- touches and sustained on bracketed cross feet. Exceptionally fine square cross stretcher, balustered, with rosettes about centre. Height, 2 feet 8% inches; length, 7 feet 10 inches ; width, 3 feet 1 inch RENAISSANCE CarvED WaLNuT BeEpsTEAD Italian, XVI Century On vasiform legs with reeded stretcher enriched with leaf carving. Head- board with intricately carved scroll cresting centred with a shield. Dark patina. Height, 4 feet 9 inches; length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet Carvep Watnut ReEFecrory TABLE Florentine Renaissance Massive oblong top supported on two scrolled lyre-shaped ends with huge claw feet and joined by scroll-cut bar stretcher. Height, 30 inches; length, 8 feet 9 inches CarveD Watnut, GILDED AND PoLyCHROMED BEDsTEAD Venetian, circa 1600 Fluted and gilded posts, banded with leaf carving and surmounted by turned gadrooned vase finials. Arcaded headboard crested with leaf scrollings and cherubs supporting a cartouche. Height, 7 feet 3 inches; length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches [ Illustrated | Turnep Watnut ReEFecTory TABLE Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong overhanging top with fluted edge, on six graceful round columns joined by box-stretcher. Length, 10 feet 8 inches; height, 32 inches LEN D .OF DHIRD SESSION] 203 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. POUR Lr eANDE LAST sESsSION Saturday December 11, 1926 at 2:15 p.m. Catalogue Numbers 041 to 813 Inclusive BronzE Morrar Italian, XVI Century Frieze with bas relief of leaping animals and two twisted loop handles; a raised band of gadrooning below. Height, 5 inches MiniaTurE Bronze Morraro French, XVIII Century Inscribed: LE FOUDROYANT: J’APPARTIENS AU GENERAL DE_ DIVISION MONTCHOIsY. Height, 6 inches PaINTED ENAMEL PLAQUE IN PasTIGLIA FRAME Venetian, Late XVI Century Sr. youn. ‘Three-quarter length figure in red robe holding a staff and banderolle with inscription, before a pillar. Renaissance pastigha frame enriched with caryatid figures supporting baskets of fruit. Height of plaque, 7 inches; width, 5% inches Height of frame, 12% inches; width, 11 inches BronzE Morrar Tuscan, XVI Century Flaring ring-molded mortar with two loop handles chiseled with masks. Decorated with archaic figures of cocks and two bas reliefs involving nude male figures, in the manner of Pollaiuolo. Height, 11% inches; diameter, 134 inches ScULPTURED Porror MarsLe Basin Italian, Late XVIII Century Square molded basin centred with a circular shell-carved bowl, the corners carved with displayed eagles at the undersides. On fluted stem flaring into square base. Height, 19 inches; width, 18 inches 205 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 646. 647. 648. 649. PoLyYCHROMED WaLnuT Re iquary Frame Florentine, XVI Century Architectural form, with molded cornice on turned pillars; recessed molded base, enriched with leaf scrolling and a central escutcheon. Height, 13 inches; width, 10% inches [ Illustrated | Two Po_ycHROMED FalENcE PHARMAcy Jars Savona, Late XVII Century Ovoid, with two twisted loop handles. Decoration of floral scrollings and Jegends with inscriptions in blue together with an escutcheon charged with a tower and outlined in cobalt and yellow. Heights, 13 and 14 inches Parr Wroucut Iron anp Bronze Anprrons Italian, XVII Century Iron shaft on scrolled arched base; hexagonal balustered bronze finial. Height, 29% inches Fine.ty TooLtep LEATHER PoRTFOLIO Florentine Renaissance In the form of a thick folio volume enriched with bandings and tooled with horizontal rows of serpentine branches of leaves bearing blossoms. Length, 18% inches; width, 13% inches 206 i i i oO Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 650. 651. 652. PAINTING ON COPPER By Simon de Vos, Flemish [1603-76] ADORATION OF THE MAGI. In the left foreground the seated Virgin in gray robe and green cloak with the nude Child on her lap, St. Joseph behind her in a scarlet cloak. She is surrounded by children, the group of three kings at the right and their attendants in the background. Height, 15 inches; width, 11% inches [ Illustrated | Parr Crimson BrocaTELLE Watnut Fo.tpinc SToois Tuscan, XVI Century Cushion top of Louis XIV brocatelle, on folding X-frame. Two VetvetT TurNED WaLNnutT STOOLS Italian, XVII Century Square top, covered in amber velvet; baluster-turned flaring legs with knob- turned box-stretcher. Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 653. 654. 655. 656. CarpDINAL’s CarvED Watnut Hat-Rack Northern Italy, XVII Century In the form of an escutcheon charged with a double eagle; flanked by leaf scrollings and surmounted by a cardinal’s hat with pendant fiocci. Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches Pair Cuivre Dore CHENETS French, Louis XVI Period Beautifully chiseled with a flaming urn and graceful voluted leafage emitting a nude putto holding out his hands to the flame; on fluted base with turned Vase teets Note: A delightful pair of figures recalling the delicate work of Boizot. [| One illustrated | Parr ReEpoussE SILVER Hancinc Lamps Italian, XVII Century Lobed and balustered body, repoussé with bands of clasped C-scrolls and raised panels enriched with floral ornament. Suspended by three chains from repoussé silver support. Total extended height, 34 inches CHIsELED Brass aNnD WroucHT Iron Fa.piIsToRIuM Venetian, XVIII Century Curule wrought iron frame with scrolled brass uprights and rails surmounted by winged cherub heads; rococo voluted brass feet. Crimson velvet seat cushion. 208 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 657. 658. 659. WaLNuT Fo.tpinc Monastery CHAIR North Italian, Late XV or Early XVI Century Primitive type of Savonarola X-chair with folding seat and low rolling-pin arms. Very rare. [ Illustrated | CarvED CHESTNUT CASSONE OF THE PICCOLOMINI The Marches, circa 1500 Oblong hinged top, front carved in flat relief with figures of lovers within a niche flanked by an eight-pointed rosette and an escutcheon; the ends incised with an escutcheon of the Piccolomini and a representation of a knight riding by a fortification. Height, 22 inches; length, 43% inches ARCHITECTURAL CarvED Watnut TaBEerRNacoLco Mrrror Florentine, Late Renaissance Period Fluted Composite pilasters supporting an elaborately molded and dentiled classical architrave. Height, 19% inches; width, 20% inches 209 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 660. CarvED WaLnut CassETTA Umbrian, XVI Century Oblong hinged top, the sides with strap cartouche ornament. Front beauti- fully carved with three nude figures in bold, relief within round arched niches and enclosed by caryatid pilasters. Molded gadrooned base on claw feet. ‘ Height, 13 inches; width, 18 inches [ Illustrated | 210 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December ITth 661. Pair CHISELED BronzE AND WrouGHt Iron ANDIRONS Florentine, Early XVII Century Square iron upright with arched foot, supporting a leaf-enriched, balustered and turned shaft interrupted by a square voluted capital. Height, 46 inches [ [Tlustrated | 20k Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 662. BEECHWoop SavonaRroLa CuHaiIR Tuscan, Early XVI Century Curule or X-chair of nine braced serpentine bars, the front with thumbnail intaglios. Bar back incised with rosace. | Illustrated | PDN PD Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December rith 663. Parr Rep anp Gotp Lacquer BepstpE Tastes Venetian, Circa 1700 Square top with single drawer surmounting a cupboard; cabriole legs with shell-carved knees. Embellished in gold with floral chinoiseries. | One illustrated | 212 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 664. Two Tapestry CarvED WaLnut BANQUETTES Venetian, XVI Century Oblong seat, covered with Flemish Renaissance tapestry developing figures and vases supporting clusters of fruit and flowers. Unusual rope-motived legs expanding into leaf feet with stretcher of pierced festooned leafage. Length, 25 inches 665. Two Tapestry Carvep WaLnuT BaNQuETTEs Venetian, XVI Century Similar to preceding. 666. TurNED WaLNuT AND Pine ANDREA DEL SARTO ARMCHAIR Tuscan, XVI Century Horseshoe back with fourteen turned spindles and crested with an open comb; circular seat with turned plinth, on three flaring pine legs. Note: The name is derived from the recurrence of chairs of this type in paintings by del Sarto. [ Illustrated | 214 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December I1Ith 667. Carvep WaLnut CENTRE TABLE Tuscan, XV Century Massive hexagonal top, supported on splayed and scrolled tripod legs ter- minating in claw feet. Very fine preservation. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 39% inches 668. Parr RarE WALNUT AND PARCEL-GILDED SGABELLI Tuscan, Late XV Century Unusual trilateral back paneled and with gilded moldings; hexagonal seat with gilded sunk roundel. On three flaring quadrangular legs of diamond section. [ One illustrated | 215 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 669. CarvED WaLnut OcTaGconaL TABLE Tuscan, circa 1500 Top with molded and fluted edge and four deep pendants, on vasiform sup- port of X-section. Cross foot terminating in claw toes. Height, 28% inches; diameter, 28 inches [ Illustrated | 216 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December Ith ea Lo PP CO CEA Ee ee Pete gow! hee 670. Watnut MarQuETERIE CREDENZINO Central Italy, Early XVI Century Oblong, with single drawer surmounting cupboard; the drawer, cupboard and stiles paneled and inlaid with leaf scrolling and two vases of tulips. Inlaid and paneled molded base. Height, 37 inches; width, 25 inches [ [llustrated | 217 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 671. WroucnuT Iron Fire Guarp Italian, XVI Century Quadrangular uprights surmounted by spirally twisted fire baskets joined by three crossbars, the uppermost crested with volutes and a central pinnacle. Height, 38 inches 672. CarvED WALNUT SavonaRoLa CHaIR Tuscan, circa 1500 Curule serpentine frame of eight braced splats supporting flat quadrangular arms; scrolled arched bar slat centred with a turned boss. | Illustrated | 218 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December I1Ith 673. GorHic CarvED CAssONE Val d@ Aosta, Early XV Century Molded oblong lifting top, enhanced with original forged iron strap hinges terminating in fleurs-de-lys and hinged hasp. ‘The front having sunk lozenge panels at centre flanked by incised diapered and floral medallions. Height, 29% inches; length, 56% inches 674. Finety InLtaip WaLNUT CREDENZINO Italian, XVII Century Oblong molded top, frieze paneled with three drawers surmounting a cup- board flanked by paneled stiles, the base similarly, with single drawer and finely molded and bracketed foot. Beautifully inlaid in boxwood with scrollings, a cartouche flanked by reclining cherubs, floral spandrels and a central octagonal plaquette portraying the martyrdom of St. Bartholomew. Height, 36 inches; width, 30 inches [ Illustrated | 219 IS DN ————— — — — —— — — —————e Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue Te a tS Me A OA EOL MESA Ah Sag ROC OB SS Se 675. Parr Cerrosina InLtay Fotpinc Monastery Cuairrs Tuscan, Late XV Century Back with five bar splats crested by arched crowning-rail inlaid with mosaic patterns; X-shaped folding legs and seat, also of five splats and enriched with rows of tiny inlaid quatrefoil blossoms in bone. | One illustrated | 676. Patr RENAIssANCE CARVED WALNUT BENCHES Umbrian, Late XVI Century With concave gadrooned frieze and acanthus-scrolled apron, on voluted vase-shaped front legs. Length, 5 feet 7 inches 220 - 4 ; 677. Earty Goruic CarvED WALNUT STATUE Provincial Tuscan, XIII Century Archaic seated full-length figure of the Virgin facing the observer, the oval face smiling and crowned by long flowing hair; rich patina and showing traces of original polychrome. Height, 36% inches Note: This statue comes from an old Florentine church, the walls of which are covered with frescoes by Giotto. Few sculptures in wood of this primitive Gothic type remain. [Illustrated | 221 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 678. Goruic Wroucut [Ron CANDELABRUM Florentine, XV Century Slender central shaft, terminating in a pinnacle and supporting an open pear- shaped revolving basket sustaining two annular tiers bearing prickets for candles. On scrolled and traceried tripod legs. Height, 6 feet 5 inches 679. GotrHic WroucuT Iron TorcHERE - Italian, Early XV Century Octagonal standard interrupted by knop and crested by basket. On arched and cusped tripod base. Height, 59% inches [ Illustrated | 222 ! j + ' Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December I1Ith The following group of seventeen armorial mural tablets in Fiesole stone, limestone and marble are mainly Tuscan in origin and by the followers and collaborators of such sculptors as Niccold Pisano. They are finely decorative in conception and at the present day of great rarity, being but poorly repre- sented even in the museums of this country. In addition to their function as distinctive emblems of importance, they were used in dedication of pious or monumental works erected by noble families. 680. Parr SCULPTURED MarBLE ARMORIAL PLAQUES Italian, Late XVI Century Each bearing a beribboned pear-shaped escutcheon charged with a vase of carnations, and inscribed: s. LAURENTII DEVIOLIs FT. Height, 934 inches; width, 7¥Y2 inches [ One illustrated | 223 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 681. RENAISSANCE SCULPTURED ARMORIAL PLAQUE Florentine, Early XVI Century Pear-shaped shield, surmounted by a banderolle and flanked by leaf-scrollings. Charged with a fess surmounted by a saltire-wise chain; in chief, a label of four points with three flewrs-de-lys. | Illustrated | 224 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 682. ScuLprurep Limestone ARMoRIAL PLaque Italian, XIV-XV Century Oval, displaying in bold relief the vigorous figure of an eagle with displayed wings standing on a perch; arms of the town of Todi, in Umbria. [ Illustrated | i Sey ee Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 683. RENAISSANCE SCULPTURED MarspieE ARMORIAL PLAQUE Florentine, XVI Century Oval cartouche enriched with leaf scrolling, charged with a bend and six fleurs-de-lys. In upper corners incised letters, A. M. and G. Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches [ Illustrated | 226 Sy ae ie ae Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 684. ScurprureD Marsie ArmoriAL PLaque Italian, Early XVI Century -Voluted cartouche, enclosing a pear-shaped escutcheon charged: with three fleurs-de-lys on a fess; in chief a displayed eagle, in base a field with bendlets sinister. - eth [ Illustrated | Cy Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 685. ScuLprurED Limestone ARMoRIAL PLaque Italian, Late XV Century Upright; beautifully carved in bas-relief with an escutcheon crested by a helm with a demi-horse rampant. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches [Illustrated | 228 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth Florentine, XV Century 686. ScuLpruRED LimMEsToNE EscUTCHEON Kite-shaped shield charged with a crowned displayed eagle in bas-relief, sur- mounted by an inescutcheon charged with a tyger rampant. Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches [ Illustrated | 229 ———————————————————— Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue eee pee ac etre a ee WEA OSE ee ea, Neos SCO pe FVNDAMEN TIS een : 687. SCULPTURED MarspiE ARMORIAL PLAQUE Italian, dated 1594 Beautifully carved in bold relief with an escutcheon crested by a helmet with leaf mantling and motto: FERENDO VINCITUR. Erected by Franciscus Scotia, 1594. “i Height, 36 inches; width, 31% inches From the castle of Saluzzo, in Verzuolo [ Illustrated | 230 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth ; os f ™ 4 Fx 688. ScuLtprureD Statuary Marsie ARMORIAL PLAQUE Italian, XVI Century Depicting an escutcheon surmounted by a helm with elaborate serpentine acanthus leaf mantling and crested by a couped demi-lon rampant, flanked by the letters, H. I.; the border with an inscription in archaic letters. 33 inches square [Vilustrated | 231 : a Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 689. SCULPTURED STONE ARMORIAL PLAQUE Italian, XV Century Shield-shaped, sculptured with an escutcheon divided per pale and charged with a banderolle and a goat rampant; surmounted by a helm with mantling crested with the head of a bull. A rebus contains the monogram: A. P. and a cross. Height, 23 inches; width, 16 inches [ Illustrated | 232 5 - we ind oe“ we ee me ne = ee » ey Peg poy 690. ScuLPTURED STonE ArMorIAL GuILp PLAQUE Florentine, Late XV or Early XVI Century Sunk panel carved in high relief with an escutcheon bearing the letters, G. A. beneath a Latin cross, surmounted by a Paschal Lamb with pennant and IHS; the emblem of the Arte della Lana, or Wool Corporation of Florence. Height, 30% inches; width, 16 inches Note: The important guild of the Arte della Lana took a leading part in the building of the Cathedral in Florence, and its arms, of which the above is a variation, occur twice in the form of Della Robbia tondi in the Opera del Duomo. The lamb is properly surmounted in chief by a label of five points con- taining four lilies. [ Illustrated | 233 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 691. ScuLPTURED Marsie EscurcHEON _ Italian, XV Century Shield with incurvate sides, surmounted by a coronet; quartered and charged _ with the arms of a branch of the Appiani family of Pisa or another quar- tering Aragon Height, 29, inches ; width, 20 inches Note: 1. and 3. (i) Hungary, (ii) Anjou- Sicily, fat Jetasalenn . 2 and 4. , Paly, of Aragon: Ne ot [Tllustrated |’ 234 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth uy 692. SCULPTURED Marsie EscurcHEON Italian, XV Century Shield with incurvate sides, surmounted by the coronet of a chevalier and 1 ; quartered: one and four, paly of Aragon; two and three, with crosses potence, of Jerusalem. —— Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches [Tllustrated | 235 SS nn 00€@€—— NSS eww Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 693. SCULPTURED FIEsOLE STONE EscurCHEON Florentine, circa 1500 Shield charged in chief with three fleuwrs-de-lys and in base with a wreath of vine leaves surrounding a Calvary and letters M. T. O. G. Length, 21 inches; width, 15% inches [ Illustrated | 236 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 694. ScuLPTURED STONE ARMORIAL PLAQUE Italian, XV Century Within a pinnacled niche enriched with leafage a canted shield charged in chief with a lion passant and surmounted by a helm crested with a demi-lion issuant, holding three roses. Height, 26 inches; width, 16 inches [ [lustrated | 237 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 695. ScuLprurRED LimEsTtonE ARMoRIAL PLAQUE Tuscan, XV Century Oblong; sculptured in bold relief with an escutcheon of the Pitti family of Florence; barry nebuly, with two kneeling angels as supporters. - - Height, 27 inches; length, 30 inches [Tllustrated] 238 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 696. ScULPTURED STONE ARMORIAL PLAQUE Italian, XV Century Sculptured in haut relief with a canted escutcheon charged with the arms of Becchi-Fibbiai: a pine tree on a mount of six summits, accompanied by two lions affronty; surmounted by a heaume crested with a male bust. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches [ Illustrated | 239 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 697. 608. Parr NEEDLEPOINT CarRvED WaLNUT ARMCHAIRS Italian, XVII Century Upright back, serpentine arms on turned supports; turned and blocked legs, X-stretcher and frontal stretcher, the last enriched with a baroque scroll ornament. Covered in fine floral gros point embodying cartouches with fig- ures of musicians in petit point. ARMORIAL CaRvED WALNUT CassONE Tuscan, XVI Century Oblong molded sarcophagus top, paneled front and sides unusually carved with a species of strapwork simulating splints, and centred with a coroneted coat of arms of a branch of the Torrigiani family. Gadrooned base on claw feet. Height, 24 inches; length, 64 inches Note: A cassone with similar splint ornament is in the Castello Vincigliata, Florence, and dates from about 1550. | Illustrated | 240 —_— Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December I1th 699. Parr EMBROIDERED VELVET CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIRS Florentine, Late XVI Century Oblong back with voluted finials, flat arms on baluster supports, square legs joined by voluted frontal stretcher with central cartouche. Back and seat in sapphire-blue velvet, the former with beautiful Renaissance appliqué embroidery leaf-scrollings enclosing a vase. [ One illustrated | 241 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 700. fons CarveD WaLNnutT CREDENZINO Florentine, Late XVI Century Oblong top with fluted edge, finely molded snigle drawer surmounting pan- eled stiles and cupboard carved with an escutcheon and initials, P. A., the whole within graceful voluted and horizontally fluted pilasters. Molded base with paneled drawer. Fine patina. Height, 34 inches; width, 36 inches a [ Illustrated | 7 cd ms t s } eer ws - recess P ae = * 3 ARMORIAL CaRVED WaLnut Cassone Roman, XVII Century Oblong sarcophagus top with imbricated ornament, front’ finely carved with an escutcheon amid military emblems flanked by fluted; vase-shaped pilasters and surmounted by a border of Greek meanders.,' Base carved with ,acanthus leaves and supported on claw feet. Uh na a ee Height, 314 inches; length, 68 inches | [[llustrated] — oy ANOSSVZ) LANIVAA GIAUVD IvrNowUy *10L ‘ON pam ir Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 702s 703: 704. 705. Four CarvED WALNUT SGABELLO CHAIRS Florentine, XVI Century Cartouche-shaped back, centred with shield and surmounted on shoulders by two amorini heads. Outer back beautifully molded and paneled; molded shaped seats, supported on cabriole legs enriched with Florentine lilies and guilloche motives; the apron with ball rosettes and mask. Fine nut-brown patina. Four CarvED WALNUT SGABELLO CHAIRS Florentine, XVI Century Similar to preceding. BENEDETTO DA MAIANO FLORENTINE: 1442-1498 [ Polychromed stucco bas-relief | Maponna AND CHILD The Virgin, seen at half-length to the left, regarding her son seated on her lap and receiving an apple from His Mother. She is haloed and attired in close robes and flowing mantle. At left and right background are sprays of hlies. In gilded walnut tabernacolo frame. Height, 23 inches; width, 18% inches ALESSANDRO ALGARDI BoLoGNESE: 1602-1654 [Gilded bronze group] THE FLAGELLATION In the centre the drooping figure of the Savior lashed to a post; on either side the vigorously chiseled executioners, with raised arms. On elaborate molded ebonized base enriched with appliqué silver emblems of the Passion. Height, 19 inches; width, 17 inches Note: This group was originally chosen by Professor de Nicola for pur- chase for the Bargello, Florence, and was only removed from Italy by per- mission of the latter institution. [ [dlustrated | 244 No. 705. THE FLAGELLATION Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue ANDREA DELLA ROBBIA FLORENTINE: 1437-1528 [Stanniferous enamel terra cotta bust] 706. THE SAvIor Head and neck, the head slightly bent and framed by long curling hair and short beard. White glaze with a band of yellow at the base. Height, 15 inches Note: Cf. the closely related Salvator Mundi in the sacristy of Santa Croce, Florence [Paul Schubring, Luca della Robbia und seine Familie, page 117, plate 31] with similar modeling of the face with its forked beard and accentuated pathos expressed by the sensitive mouth. [Illustrated | 246 BENEDETTO BUGLIONI ITALIAN: 1461-1521 (Stanniferous enamel terra cotta haut relief) 707. Maponna AND CHILD Half-length of the Virgin in a brown garment with cobalt-blue cloak and white hood holding on her right arm the Child, their haloes of gold and yellow. In Renaissance carved walnut frame lined with red velvet. Height of figure, 31 inches; width, 18 inches From the old Simonetti Collection, Rome Note: Buglioni was the most gifted of the assistants of Andrea and Gio- vanni della Robbia, ard predeceased the latter by a few years. 247 708. 79: Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue BENEDETTO DA MAIANO FLORENTINE: 1442-1498 | Polychromed stucco bas relief | Maponna AND CHILD Half-length figure of the beautiful Madonna, wearing a halo over her gray-blue mantle, which discloses a dull red robe. “The Holy Child, held on her right knee, toys with His mother’s hoodstrings. Within circular mold- ing enriched with gilded egg-and-dart motives bearing coat of arms at foot and cherub-head spandrels. Framed. 25 inches square ANDREA DELLA ROBBIA FLORENTINE: 1437-1528 [Stanniferous enamel haut relief | Maponna ADORING THE CHILD Against a light blue background the figures, glazed in white, of the Virgin in flowing robes kneeling with clasped hands before the reclining Child. Antique carved walnut tabernacolo frame. Total height, 27% inches; width, 25 inches Collection of Prof. L. Grassi, Florence Collection of Count Alessandro Contini, Rome Note: The subject was a favorite one with Andrea della Robbia and his followers, and numerous examples are known, including thirteen in the Museo Nazionale in Florence; the finest and probably the earliest of them is in the Brizzi Chapel of La Verna, the Madonna and Child watched by a choir of singing angels above while God the Father bestows his blessing. The beautiful subject achieved great contemporary popularity in Tuscany. [ [lustrated | 248 709. Maponna ADORING THE CHILD No. eae thee? ‘ 4 Hi ba MINO DA FIESOLE FLORENTINE: 1431-1484 [Polychromed terra-cotta haut relief | 710. Maponna AND CHILD Half-length figure, facing the spectator, clad in a red gown draped in green and holding on her left arm the almost nude Child, Who bears an orb. Height, 19% inches; width, 13 inches [ Illustrated | 250 eal eee Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth Lal Te, ae aS PS ee ee ee ee eee eee ee ee ee TACOPOSDELUAs@OUERCIA SIENESE: 1378-1438 ee [Polychromed stucco haut relief ] 711. Maponna AND CHILD The Virgin is depicted at waist-length in a red robe with blue cloak, a ruched veil about her head, which is bent down towards the face of the Child, whom she holds in the circle of her left arm. On red damask stand. Height of figure, 16 inches [ Illustrated | 25% Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue BENEDETTO DA MATANO FLORENTINE: 1442-1498 [ Polychromed stucco relief ] 712. MapoNNA AND CHILD WITH ST. JOHN Waist-length figure of the Virgin in crimson robe and blue cloak, her head bent gracefully down towards the nude Child supported against her right shoulder, the child St. John in adoration before Him. Above are two winged cherub-heads. Carved tabernacolo frame with triangular pediment and two gilded wrought iron pricket sconces. Height, 41 inches; width, 26 inches [ Illustrated | 252 : ae . ae Rites Sn IEC mk eh dn ke nh i dd a clay” Ave. oa No. 712. Maponna AND CHILD WITH ST. JOHN * y { } é % f iH ' ANDREA DELLA ROBBIA FLORENTINE: 1437-1528 [Stanniferous enamel terra cotta relief | 713. Maponna AND CHILD WITH St. JOHN Graceful half-length figure of the Virgin in flowing robes, her head bent tenderly down towards the nude Child, whom she holds against her right arm. Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches Note: The characteristics of Andrea are readily recognizable in this delightful group; the tender expression of the face and the pretty sentiment of the pose, together with what has been called the “flower-like bend” of the head of his Madonnas. LORENZO GHIBERTI FLORENTINE: 1378-1455 | Polychromed terra cotta haut relief | 714. Maponna AND CHILD Half-length facing the observer, in a crimson robe, blue cloak and white veil, her head bent down and nestling against that of the Child, whom she holds in her left arm. ‘The parapet displays, in bas relief, winged cherubs holding a wreath and is inscribed: AVE MARIA GRATIA PL. Round arched tabernacle frame. Height, 38 inches; width, 30 inches [ Illustrated | 255 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue FLORENTINE SCHOOL LATE XV CENTURY [Carved and polychromed wood bust ] 715. Porrrair oF A YouNG Patrician Lapy . Portrait bust of a lady wearing a red dress with square-cut neck and thin necklace. On carved walnut base of the period. Height of bust, 17 inches; height of base, 6 inches Note: This fine bust is a product of the Florentine School under the direct influence of Laurana and Desiderio da Settignano, the outstanding portraitists of the Quattrocento. [ Illustrated | 256 CSL ey i pi tows TTR = NZANIIAR NIT ERE Ete Be TH 7 ae i c ws Re cS ii Bae RSE >= i ae ANTONIO ROSSELLINO FLORENTINE: 1427-1479 [Polychromed stucco haut relief ] 716. Maponna AND CHILD Graceful three-quarter length seated and draped figure, a light veil about her head; in her left arm she holds the Child. Behind their heads is a fes- tooned garland of fruit enclosing a wreathed medallion of St. George. At base a bas-relief frieze with nude putti and centred with a cartouche. ‘Taber- nacolo frame. Note: An inédite work by Rossellino of great beauty, noteworthy also for the presence of the rare medallion miniature. ANTONIO ROSSELLINO FLORENTINE: 1427-1479 [Terra cotta bas rehef] 717. MaponNNa AND CHILD The Virgin depicted at three-quarter length facing half-right and seated, clad in a beautifully draped robe and holding the Child, who faces the observer, on her left arm. The expressions of both are of a delightful tenderness and purity. At the corners are cherub heads. Renaissance poly- chromed and gilded pastiglia frame. [ Illustrated | Height, 23 inches; width, 16 inches 258 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA FLORENTINE: 1469-1529 [Stanniferous enamel armorial tondo]| 718. ARMs oF Giovanni Maria vEL Monte Centrally the escutcheon of an archbishop surmounted by his hat and crozier enclosed within a beautifully modeled wreath of apples, lemons, grapes and other fruit in shades of green and yellow. Arms: Azure, on a bend gules three mounts or, each of three summits, accomp. by two laurel wreaths or in chief and base. Diameter, 27 inches Note: The above are the arms of the prelate Giovanni Maria del Monte (1487-1555), who was created Cardinal by Paul III and afterwards be- came Pope under the title of Julius III (1550-1555). He was President of the Council of Trent and was elected in spite of the opposition of the Emperor Charles V, whom he took care to placate during his short pontificate. He was succeeded by Marcellus II. 259 LUCA DELLA ROBBIA FLORENTINE: 1400-1481 [ Polychromed stucco bas relief | 719. Maponna AND CHILD A youthful Virgin depicted at half-length in a green robe with white scarf and crimson sleeves, the nude figure of the Child standing within the circle of her right arm and leaning slightly backwards. Gilded tabernacolo frame. Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches Note: The unusual pose of the Child should be compared with that of the well-known stucco relief in the Berlin Museum illustrated in Bode: Florentiner Bildhauer der Renaissance, page 182. 260 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December I1Ith GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA FLORENTINE: 1469-1529 [Terra-cotta bust] 720. THE Savior Head and shoulders facing the observer, with long curling hair falling grace- fully on either side of the face. The robe is enameled a manganese violet banded with yellow and white at the collar, and draped over the left shoulder with a blue cloak. Height, 20% inches [ Illustrated | 261 721. Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue DONATELLO FLORENTINE: 1386-1466 [Polychromed stucco haut relief ] Maponna AND CHILD The Virgin is seen at three-quarter length seated and facing half-left, her head tenderly bent down toward the Child, to whom she is giving a dove and whom she supports on her right knee. Her robe is brown, and partly covered by the graceful sweeping folds of a white veil and blue mantle, which fall from the head in long flowing contours. Greenish-blue back- ground. In elaborately carved, gilded and polychromed tabernacolo frame of the fifteenth century, painted with an escutcheon and inscription: AVE GRA. PLENA. Height, 34 inches; width, 24 inches Note: This stucco is a very characteristic work of Donatello, embodying all the well-known characteristics of his Madonnas: the tender profile with its classical features, the long flowing folds of the thin veil and the prom- inence of straight lines and sharp angles in the figure composition. Cf. for example the Orlandini Madonna in the Berlin Museum, executed about 1425. The modeling of the chubby head of the Child is almost identical with that of the Christ in the Madonna and Child of the Kaiser-Friedrich Museum, illustrated in Klassiker der Kunst, XI, p. 171. [ TT lustrated | 262 ghee ti eT a a a 9 hE Ot Se “w ee Sa an Naa i i RTE nee a ANE sp Maponna AND CHILD . ie No Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue DONATELLO FLORENTINE: 1386-1466 (Wax bas relief) 722. ‘THE CRUCIFIXION ‘The foreground is occupied by the tall crosses supporting the figure of the Savior between the two thieves, one of whom is being nailed by an execu- tioner on a ladder; at the foot is the weeping figure of the Virgin and Mary Magdalen and other Saints surrounded by the Roman soldiery in the back- ground. Above, in the heavens, appear delicately conceived figures of angels. The whole composition is full of the most elaborate detail and distinguished by the beauty of the drapery folds and the characteristic graceful profiles of the personages. Height, 38 inches; width, 29 inches Note: The corresponding bronze plaque by Donatello with which the above is identical is in the Museo Nazionale of Florence, and is illustrated in Klassiker der Kunst, XI, No. 139. The work was executed about 1455, and is one of the most impressive of his marvelous syntheses of detail, carried out in the maturity of his genius. | Illustrated | 264 ae THE CRUCIFIXION 72a: oO. N POO LOT ONE AT) OG OEE SA BOTA ENE IE TR 9 FORA Gs Ribbes dita? £Mla we Laie dtoie bs nist LEONE. LEONI IraLIAN: 1509-1590 [Terra cotta bust ] 723. PorTRAIT OF A PaTRICIAN IN ARMOR Head and shoulders of a grizzled bearded soldier with resolute expression, clad in armor enriched with cherub head on the breast and a lion mask on the right shoulder; over the left are the folds of a drapery. On Renaissance crimson velvet stand. Height, 22% inches; width, 24 inches Note: A powerful example of the work of this famous architect and sculptor, who, under the shadow of Michelangelo, adorned the Late Renais- sance. The leaning towards classic Roman portraiture is characteristic. Accompanying the above is an autograph signed authentication by Dr. Enrico Bodmer, of the Kunsthistorisches Institut of Florence, as follows [translation]: “The bust of a warrior reproduced on the back [of photograph] is an important work of the first half of the Cinquecento. The virile and energetic expression of the head, the treatment of the hair, the delicacy of the ornament on the cuirass, on which is sculptured a Medusa [sic] head and a mask which covers the right shoulder, indicate the derivation of the artistic inspiration. We have in fact a beautiful and finely preserved work which has its roots in the art of Cellini, the artistic feeling of which is here dis- played with unusual force.” Florence, October 3, 1926. 266 MOR IN AR I ATRICIAN I A )F ( PORTRAIT Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 724. Unique RoMANESQUE SCULPTURED STONE Bas-RELIEF XII Century THE PRESENTATION OF JESUS IN THE TEMPLE. At the right, under a round Romanesque arch, the figure of the high priest receiving the clothed Child from the hands of the Virgin; behind her, Joseph, carrying an offering of two doves. Border with inscription: DUCITUR: AD! TEMPLUM: IESUs: SUB: LEGE: PARENTIS: M. Height, 22 inches; width, 16% inches Note: This rare early plaque was originally in the old Hospital at Bologna and was sold in 1925 by permission of the Bargello authorities for the relief of the hospital. A conspicuous feature of the composition is the presence of the Virgin at the ceremonies of the presentation. The treatment of the draperies and the pose and sentiment of the figures show a close relationship to the frieze on the Romanesque pulpit of the Cathedral of Parma, executed in 1178 by one of the earliest masters known: Benedetto Antelami, a descendant of a family of sculptors living in the Valle d’Antelamo, | Illustrated | 725. Parr GitpED WroucHt Iron Wa tu BraAcKETs Italian, Late XVII Century Graceful design of voluted reverse scrollings enriched with leafage and sup- porting a leaved bobéche with suspension, Height, 26 inches; extension, 28 inches 726. SCULPTURED LIMEsTONE GaRGOYLE AIL Century Fantastic figure of a two-headed monster with imbricated scales, the breast carved with a huge curving leaf. Note: An unusual and curious example of the monster in early Gothic art, originally looking down from the stone eaves of a roof. Capable of being adapted for use as a fountain. 268 s Fg res RELIEF Unique RoMANESQUE SCULPTURED STONE Bas- Ne. 724 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed 1n forepart of Catalogue < CUR OND: Z 727. Patr PoLtycHROMED AND GILDED WrouGur Iron Gates Florentine, Late XVI Century Each exhibiting a central gilded vase containing a blossom and emitting elaborate voluted scrollings, within a border of interlacing S-scrolls. Sur- mounted by turned bronze finials. | Height, 39 inches; width of each, 24 inches [ Illustrated | 270 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth | 728. SCULPTURED STaTUARY MarBLE AND AGATE TABLE Roman, III Century B. C. Bow-shaped top of gray and white onyx agate, supported on a standard finely sculptured with an archaic monster, its breast enriched with a leaf and terminating in a sturdy claw foot; on square molded base. [ [llustrated | : 7 4 j 271 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 729. SCULPTURED MarsLe Hoty-waTer Stroup Tuscan, Late XV Century Circular; beautifully sculptured with four winged cherub heads. Height, 6% inches; width, 11% inches 730. ROoMANESQUE SCULPTURED Mars_e BENITIER Venetian, XIII Century Circular basin, beautifully enriched with imbrication and supported on a square capital with major and minor volutes, standing on spirally twisted column. Foot in the form of a sejant lion. Height, 35% inches [ Illustrated | 272 EE ee Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December I1th 731. Goruic SCULPTURED MarsiLE TABERNACLE Florentine, XV Century ‘Transition Gothic pilasters with Corinthian capitals, surmounted by crocketed pinnacles and an ogive arch enclosing the half-length nude figure of the Savior emerging from the sarcophagus. The base beautifully carved in bas- relief with a winged cherub head. Spandrels inscribed 0 L:1N F. Height, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches [ Tllustrated | 2/3 ~~ -—-— | Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 732. Earty RENAIssANCE CaRvED WaLNuT TABLE Tuscan, XV Century Oblong top, plain frieze with single drawer having knob handle. On graceful vase-shaped ends joined by baluster-turned stretcher. Height, 28% inches; length, 29 inches [ Illustrated | 274 733. DeEcoratep Stant Desk on CarVED AND SILVERED STAND By Poccetti, Florentine, Early XVII Century Oblong top with hinged slant-front, the whole finely painted with medallions and surrounded by angels, cherubs and leaf-scrolling; on silver lyre-shaped legs carved with acanthus scrolls and joined by wrought iron braces. Total height, 35 inches; length, 32 inches 215 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 734. CARVED WALNUT CREDENZA Tuscan, XVI Century Front with two paneled round-arched doors having bronze lion-head ring handles, between fluted pilasters with festooned capitals; paneled stiles with guilloche ornament. Two drawers above, between acanthus-carved stiles. Height, 42 inches; width, 46 inches fi ae ag foe a ane ale [ Illustrated | 276 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 735. GorHic Pine SmiTHy ‘TABLE Tuscan, XV- Century Massive oblong top on two paneled ends incised with reeding, connected by under-shelf and braced by two heavy bar-stretchers. Height, 35 inches; length, 55% inches [ [dlustrated | 34], Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 736. ScuLPrurED FiEsoLe Stone Fireprace Florentine, Late XV Century Frieze exhibiting nude putti carrying festoons and flanking a wreathed escutcheon; the architrave and sides beautifully enriched with ovolo moldings and concave fluting. : Exterior height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches Interior height, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches Note: The above is closely related to a fireplace by Michelozzo in the Davanzati Palace, Florence. [ Illustrated] 27 8 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December Iith 737. RENAISSANCE SCULPTURED STONE FIREPLACE a Tuscan, Late XV Century Frieze with molded cornice and chiseled with a central coat of arms of the Minerbetti family of Florence; three swords in pile, fanwise, within leaf scrollings. At left and right a lion mask. Supported on pilasters enriched with lozenge and roundel ornament and acanthus scrolled brackets. [ Ilustrated | 279 i ea a ee Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue im, 738. Two Important NEEDLEPOINT CarvED WaLNuT ARMCHAIRS % Régence Period Cartouche-shaped back, open leaf-carved arms with arm-pads; carved cabriole legs with leaf-scrolled front rail enriched with shell ornament. Covered in superb needlepoint of the period, the seats displaying figures of birds in wooded landscapes, the backs pastoral musicians in Court costume among trees, in petit-point and point St. Cyr. [Illustrated] 280. prerer SIDI *. ‘fi * Ae No. 738. I'wo Important NEEDLEPOINT CARVED WaLNuT ARMCHAIRS Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue yee eUUL TOLER TUR ELA Ju iwie ele ieie ley jie ijk SS ae ee , Dae — pours: gemecrmetneE ae wi yee { = a ae 739. CarveD WaLnut AND PaRCEL-GILDED CABINET Central Italy, circa 1600 Oblong top with fluted and dentiled cornice, two cupboards enriched with eight square panels ornamented with gilded leaf rosettes, between fluted pilasters with gilded composite capitals. Molded base. Height, 56 inches; width, 37 inches [ [llustrated | 282 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth a = * = * * FN : er e( 4 740. Four NEEDLEPOINT TURNED WaLnutT ARMCHAIRS 741. 742. Italian, Early XVII Century Oblong back with acanthus finials, spool-turned arms, supports, legs and H-stretcher. Covered in silk needlepoint with geometrical lozenge design. [ One illustrated | Parr RENAISSANCE WrouGHtT [Ron ToRCHERES Florentine, XVI Century Faceted rod standard enriched with small bunches of voluted tendrils and standing on arched and voluted tripod base. Height, 60 inches Gotuic WrouGut Iron TorcHERE Tuscan, XV Century Faceted rod standard surmounted by a pricket enriched with a fleur-de-lys ; on arched tripod strapped foot. Height, 54 inches 283 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 743. PoLYCHROMED AND GILDED ARMORIAL CASsONE Sienese, Late XV Century Oblong hinged top, paneled sides and front beautifully enriched with borders of polychromed and gilded leafage enclosing three painted escutcheons flanked by gilded female supporters carrying pennons, the whole incised and worked in blue and red polychrome and gilding. Height, 20 inches; length, 5 feet 5 inches 744. CHISELED SILVER GRouUP Italian, XVI Century CHRIST BEFORE PILATE. Oblong gadrooned plinth supported on four winged pelicans, symbolic of Piety. On it is a square classical canopy, under which is the seated figure of Pilate; facing him the robed and bound figure of Christ with expressively bowed head, between two Roman soldiers whose arms are raised in vigorous gesture. Height, 7% inches; width, 7 inches [ Illustrated | 284 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 745. CARVED, GILDED AND PoLycHROMED WALL Mrrror Venetian, XVI Century Square frame flanked by winged angel caryatids supporting a molded over- hanging cornice, crested by a festooned female head flanked by cornucopiae of flowers; the whole enriched with gilding and blue, red and green polychrome. Height, 4 feet; width, 2 feet 7 inches 746. Parr Rare Farence PoricHEs IN THE CHINESE TAstTE Venetian, Late XVII Century Globular jar with hat cover having yellow kylin finial. Crackle glaze of greenish-white color finely enameled with flowering trees, a warrior pursuing a red kylin before a temple, a leaf-shaped reserve with a grotesque figure of the corpulent Pu Tai, god of Contentment, and other motives, in shades of green, sapphire-blue, coral-red, brown, ivory and gilding. Height, 22 inches | Illustrated | 285 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 747. URsino PLATE XVI Century White glaze with allover enamel decoration of Raphaelesque grotesques and scrollings surrounding a medallion with a coat of arms flanked by two chreubs. | . Diameter, 18 inches [TT lustrated | 286 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December I1Ith 748. Rare Hispano-morEsQUE LustRE AMPHORA XV Century Ringed neck with two flattened loop handles. Of white crackled faience enriched in yellow lustre with bands of primitive geometrical ornament, archaic inscriptions and Moresque arches. Height, 16 inches [ Illustrated | 287 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 749. TERRA Cotra OENOCHOE Pompeian, II Century A. D. Graceful ovoid body enriched with vertical fluting, on molded circular foot; shoulder with two rudimentary double loop handles. Incurved neck with broad flaring lip and molded loop carrying handle. Ileight, 16 inches 750. BLack-FIGURED Hyprtia vs Greek, V Century B: GC, Ovoid, with flattened shoulder and flaring lip; three handles. Frieze deco- ration of warriors and a chariot in brown-black on a red panel. Height, 16 inches; diameter, 12 inches [Llustrated | 288 8SSSSsSsSsmam90aS ee OOOO 751. Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth i Pee Bronze Larartum Ficure oF Virtus Roman, I-II Century A. D. Standing figure of the Goddess of Miltary Valor, clad in exomis and chlamyde falling negligently over the left shoulder, as she appears at the triumphs. Green patina, with incrustations. Height, 7% inches Note: The above has been authenticated by Professor Carlo Albizzati, of the University of Cagliari. For the type cf. the figures of the sarcophagus of the Casa Mattei, illustrated in Roscher, Lexikon der Mythologie, V. 343, fig. I. [ Illustrated | 289 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue ‘ 752. Bronze PaTrEera HANDLE Etruscan, IV Century B. C. Formed of the bent nude figure of a woman (probably Turan, the Etruscan Venus). On her head an ornament recalling the lotus flower. The base has a ring handle. Height, 10 inches Note: The above is authenticated by Professor Carlo Albizzati, of the University of Cagliari. Cf. a complete example in the Vatican, /oc. cit., Pl. 61, 1. 753. Bronze HANDLE oF A VASE Etruscan, IV Century B. C. Nude female figure bent back into a loop. Green patina. Height, 4 inches Note: The above is authenticated by Professor Carlo Albizzati, of the University of Cagliari. 754. Bronze THYMIATERION, OR PERFUME-BURNER Etruscan, IV Century B. GC. Circular dish, chiseled with a border of ovolo ornament and bearing an ivy branch with inscription: ANIovM. Supported by three winged figures. Green patina, with incrustations. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 4% inches Note: The above has been authenticated by Professor Carlo Albizzati, ot the University of Cagliari. [ Illustrated | 290 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December Ith 755. Rare Bronze CANDELABRUM Etruscan, IV Century B. C. In three parts. “Tripod base with bent animalistic legs supporting a voluted capital. At the foot of the standard is the standing figure of Marsyas, his hands bound behind his back, repre- sented like a young satyr with horns and wearing a chlamyde. Above him the standard is encircled by serpents emitted from a female mascaron. Figure incised with an_ inscription: ANIOVM. ‘The lamp is shallow with four projections in the form of lotus heads, on each of which is perched a small bird. Green patina. Height, 21 inches Note: The above is authenti- cated by Professor Carlo Albizzati, of the University of Cagliari. He states that it is of great rarity and may be compared with a similar example in the Vatican, Museum Gregorianum, J, Pl. 82, 5; the type being well known, but the present example an entirely new and im- portant variety. | [//ustrated | 291 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 756. MuinratrureE Bronze Group Etruscan, IV Century, B.C. Sejant figure of a species of ram, on the back of which is a reclining female figure. Width, 2% inches Note: The above is authenticated by Professor Carlo Albizzati, of the University of Cagliari. 757. Bronze VorivE Lamp Roman, I-II Century Circular reservoir enriched with three chiseled masks festooned with wreaths of laurel: leaves; from these project three arms terminating in circular spouts. Of exceptional size and quality. [ [dlustrated | 22.02 Width, 14% inches Pe ss So ie Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 758. Primirive Carvep Watnut OcraconaL TABLE Northern Italy, XV Century Plain top, the edge ornamented with a rude inscription in tiny punched rosettes. Chamfered square pillar support buttressed and standing on X-base. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 21 inches [ Illustrated | 293 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue GIOVANNI DA MILANO [MANNER OF] FLORENTINE: FL. 1349-1369 759. Two PaNneLs witH Six RounpELs PorTRAYING SAINTS Figures of five male Saints carrying pen and book and a female Saint in nun’s dress holding out a crucifix. Polychromed and gilded frames. Height, 7 inches; width, 17 inches Note: With the above is a signed authentication by Dr. C. Weigelt, of the Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence [see illustration], reading as follows [translation]: “These six little tomdi with the half-length figures of saints belonged to a large polyptych as medallions inserted in the cornice of the picture. As an example may be cited the polyptvch of Giovanni da Milano in the Gallery of | the Prato. These tondini have the characteristic style of Giovanni da Milano and were perhaps executed for a frame in the studio of the master.” Florence, October 22, 1926. [ Illustrated | Maniera di Giovanni da Milano: Questi -sei piccoli Tondi con mezze figure di Sane Coen ee nane un grande Polittico come medaglioni incastrati nella cornice del quadro. Quale esempio sia citato il Po- littico di Giovanni da Milano nella Galleria di Prato. Questi Tondini hanno lo stile caratteristico di Giovanni da Milano, eseguiti forse come parti della cornice della bottega del maestro. by. band Se Firenze, 11 22 Ottobre 1926 294 SLNIVG ONIAVULYOG STAGNNOY XIG HLIM STANVd OM], "GS L "ON ena em eateheas ; aS tes BS FSR toy Pct ROMS GOREN S- on i manent ee Mr hee Be eee cae A ee a apc eis satan i ae” “st S 7 7? "a a A ie } a 15 1 Ole ame fn. JACOPOSBEELINI VENETIAN: C. 1400-1470 760. SCENE FROM A ConTE oF Boccaccio A fifteenth century courtyard, with the wife looking on at th his servants. In carved and gilded frame. Beautiful colo tion; originally painted for a marriage cassone. oe Height, 9% inche. | Illustrated | 296 olsdvoo00g dO ALNOD V Wout ANAS “ogl ‘ON Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue VINCENZO CATENA VENETIAN: 1495-1531 761. Porrrair oF A NoBLEMAN Head and shoulders, the head turned to half-right, of a man wearing a brown robe, with short chestnut hair fulled out from under a black cap. In Renaissance carved and gilded frame, within a second of sixteenth century crimson velvet. Height, 10% inches; width, 8% inches Note: The above picture has been authenticated by Prof. B. Giuseppe Fiocco of the University of Padua as follows [translation]: “This little por- trait of a Venetian nobleman is a fine and rare work of Vincenzo Catena that I consider to have been painted a little before 1520, a fact which may be established from the known date of the pala of St. Catherine and Santa Maria Mater Domini at Venice, following Boschini. The contour is still beautiful and the influence of Giorgione is seen in the soft features and delicate chiaroscuro, and the beautiful brown color of the robe. It is a work in which elegance and distinction are combined.” [| Facsimile of original authentication on opposite page | 298 ed ae hed rt caller s we I a ane ne ae: ¢ “ana ne € Aare Keerrds ox a ra ape aes oe tenth iid ae, ae SE LO tne ee = o Ore athraen a See Aa 7) we Fs) ved ee eco es CW aeetn KL 2, qa Ae ee a ema BE eg i ay ee stad eA An r-ndy 5 eS Oeee. eee Re see Giff oe No. 761. FacstMILe oF OrIGINAL AUTHENTICATION BY PROFESSOR F1occo JACOPO DEL, CASEN TINO FLORENTINE: Earty XIV Century, D. 1349 762. Maponna AND CHILD Half-length figure in an olive-green cloak, the hood of which frames the face, showing a scarlet robe beneath; the Child wrapped in a white cloth of dotted design is held in the embrace of her left arm. Gold background. Carved, polychromed and parcel-gilded tabernacolo frame. Very fine pres- ervation. Height, 31% inches; width, 20% inches Note: With the above is a signed authentication by Dr. C. Weigelt, of the Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence (see illustration), reading as follows [translation]: “A good picture of the end of the middle period of the master, when Jacopo still favored the elongated face with broad cheeks in the manner of Taddeo Gaddi. The work is a beautiful example of the painter’s eclecticism. The Madonna recalls the style of the master of S. Cecilia, while the Child shows indications of the manner of Bernardo Gaddi, from whose influence Jacopo was turning away. The painting has also stylistic relations with the half-length Madonna of the Charles Loeser Collection of Florence. [Cf. Richard Offner in Bollettino d’Arte, Vol. III, 1923/24, pp. 248 et seq.] Florence, October 9, 1926.” | Illustrated | Jacopo del Casentino, morto probabilmente 1349 Buon quadro dei taarine dell’epoca media del maestro, cioe quando Jacopo preferiva ancora la faccia allungata con la guancia larga nella maniera di Taddeo Gaddi. L'Opera 6 un bell ’esempio per l’eclettiamo del pittore. Oltre che la Ma- donna ramnenta lo stile del maestro di S.Cecilia si vede Bpecialmente nel Bambino le traccie della maniera di Ber- nardo Daddi, alla cui influenza Jacopo mal poteva sottrarsi. La pittura rivela relazioni1 stilistiche con la Madonna in mez2a figura della Collezione Charles Loeser di Firenze. ( Cfr. Richard Offner in Bolettino d’Arte Vol.III. 1923/24 pag.248 ss.) Firenze 9 Ottobre 1926 | foe: re, Hresget 300 Ase ,- y 2 vf Ala ys Wf yp ) rd yf Y y 7 a fh r No. 762. Maponna AnD CHILD Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue ANDREA ORCAGNA [FOLLOWER OF] FLORENTINE: SECOND HALF oF THE XIV CENTURY 763. Maponna AND CHILD WITH SAINTS Figure of the Madonna in gold brocaded robe and wrapped in a deep black cloak with hood, bearing on her left knee the standing Child, who wears an orange jacket and rose-pink skirt; the whole group within an almond-shaped mandorla, raised on high. On a gold ground at the foot are two figures of Saints on either side, in blue, rose and green robes. Gothic gilded and poly- chromed frame. Tleight, 36 inches; width, 20 inches Note: The above attribution was given by Dr. C. H. Weigelt of the Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence, in a memorandum signed and dated Florence, October 9, 1926. Scuola Fiorentina della seconda meta del Trecento, seguace di Andrea Orcagna Firenze 9 Ottobre 1926 302 ITH SAINTS No. 763. Maponna AND CHILD W Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue GIOVANNI DEL BIONDO ITALIAN: FL. CIRCA 1356-1392 764. Maponna AND CHILD Three-quarter length seated figure, clad in a gold brocade robe with dark green cloak and holding on her lap the Child, who is also wrapped in gold brocade and fondling His Mother’s right breast; her head tenderly bent down towards Him. Gold background with pairs of angels in prayer at either side and the figure of the Father above surrounded by archaic cherub forms and releasing a white dove. Gothic gilded and polychromed frame. Height, 27 inches; width, 21% inches Note: The above has been authenticated in a signed letter from Dr. C. Weigelt of the Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence, as follows [translation]: “A very beautiful and well-preserved picture, which approaches very closely in the type of head of the Madonna, the style of the draperies and the coloring to a Virgin signed and dated 1392 in the Chiesa della Misericordia at Figline Valdarno. [Cf. Poggi e Gamba in Rivista d’Arte, vol. V, 1907, and Thieme-Beckers 4/lgemeines Kiinstlerlexikon, vol. 14].” | [llustrated | Giovanni del Biondo: documentato dal 1356 - 1392 . Un quadro PEO bLnLG bon Sains. che si avvicina strettamente nel tipo della testa della Madonna e lo stile delle pieghe e nel colorito alla madonna firmata e datata 1392 conservato a Figline valdarno nella Chiesa della Misericordia ( confr.Poggi e Ganba in Rivista d’Arte vol.V./1907 e Thieme Beckers Allge- meines Kinstlerlexikon vol.14.) Firenze 5 Novembre 1926 on ee 14 tigi 304 SRE tat Se meteor No. 764. Maponna AND CHILD / Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue BOTTICEEEL Cs FLORENTINE: 1447-1510 MaApbDoNNA AND CHILD Three-quarter length figure of the Virgin, her fair hair beneath a transparent veil, clad in a red robe under a long green cloak and supporting before her the figure of the Child, who, wrapped in a white swaddling cloth, is seated on a rose-crimson cushion. Behind her at left and right are delicate vistas of landscapes seen through window embrasures. Height, 24 inches; width, 17% inches Note: In an article in the periodical Dedalo, June 1925, Dr. Berenson writes of the picture as follows [translation]: “ . . . The head of the Virgin was evidently taken from a painting in a manner and at a moment of Botti- celli’s career so near to the manner and moment of the pala of the Accademia that probably this other Madonna [the present picture] presents to us our original even more clearly than the too-tender Lockinge Madonna or the too-sentimental version belonging to the Baron Lazzaroni. This head, in fact, in so far as a copy [of itself] is able, reveals a character in full harmony with the serious and monumental figures of the Catherine and the Magdalen of our painting [the pa/a of the Accademia]. In addition, we felt that it was not a head unknown to us. Where had we seen her first? Where, if not in the ‘Primavera’? ‘This [head] is nearer to that of the Venus of that symphonic painting than any of the other Madonnas we have been discussing. The original must hence have been conceived during the interval between the prose-painting of the pala and the manifestation of that sublime vision of poetry.” Note: The conclusion, not drawn by Dr. Berenson, but implicit in his criticism, would seem to be that if the entire painting is not the work of the master, the beautiful head is at least by Botticelli himself, and in many respects the superior of two of his acknowledged paintings. It is further to be observed that Dr. Berenson saw the painting in the studio of Mr. Decoq in Paris only in its uncleaned condition. [ Illustrated | No. 765. Maponna AND CHILD Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue ANTHONY VAN? DY CE FLEMISH: 1599-1641 766. CHRist TAKEN FROM THE Cross In the foreground the bent bleeding figure of the auburn-haired Savior wrapped in a white loin cloth and resting on a sheet; His left arm upheld by St. John at the right, clad in scarlet robe under a blue cloak, His right by the leaning figure of Mary robed in blue. Behind her stands Mary Magdalen with clasped hands, in rose-crimson gown with golden cloak, her long fair hair falling over her shoulder. Height, 85 inches; width, 56 inches Note: The above has been authenticated by the following: (1) Comm. Hofstede de Groot, of the Hague. Following a description of the canvas [see reproduction of MS.] he writes: “The undersigned considers this picture as an authentic and characteristic work of the first period of Anthony Van Dyck.’ November, 1922. (2) Dr. D. Gustav Grote writes [see reproduction of the MSS.]: “I. . . consider it a genuine and characteristic work of Anthony Van Dyck. It is an important, powerful composition, painted in the broad manner of his earlier period, when he had already left Rubens’ atelier and formed a new style of his own. Some years earlier he painted the same subject in a picture in the Munich Pinakothek. There the body of the dead Christ is very similar, but the other figures are quite different and show still the almost awkward style of his earliest work. In the picture reproduced here the composition, expression and color are of much higher quality than in the Munich version.” Florence, Feb. 23, 1926: (3) Dr. Schaeffer, Editor of the Klassiker der Kunst volume. Two auto- graph letters signed and dated Florence, October 28 and October 29, 1925 respectively are as follows [translation]: “In. my opinion the picture repro- duced on the back [of this memorandum] is an original work of Van Dyck’s earlier period, influenced by Rubens.” In the second letter he states that in the event of a new edition of the volume Van Dyck of the Klassiker der Kunst series being undertaken, he will include in it a photograph of the present picture. [ Continued] [ Illustrated | 308 No. 766. CuHrist TAKEN FROM THE Cross Tonnes 23% 14, Heb, plotayr yh | IS lta tee hvch Ae cus, Avot It eam Quck Cows’ La TE ey Pe crege orbant [Peet amy lim | peer fost ho pyen PRR breeds prannsr of had porky Gris atin Js prod already ip Baterve’. QiretBnk, Thess fs borg of dead Chacst 5 wiry aémerttur y brat Jw bbe pyr ae puke tiferms ore show fll Ma, alerrart arnMinud Hye of fed wartied ak, on Mh yt pproslred ~The ale AutTocrapH MS. REFERRING To No. 766. Curisr TAKEN FROM THE Cross By ANTHONY Van Dyck 0 Be a Bane rats ea aie CHRIST TAKEN FROM THE CROSS 766 By ANTHONY VAN . REFERRING TO No. AUTOGRAPH MSS Dycxk Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 797. CarveD Wa.tnut CHEst TABLE Tuscan, circa 1500 Oblong molded overhanging top, on deep convex frieze with two paneled drawers; supported on ends with bracketed front, terminating in claw feet. Beautiful golden-brown patina. Height, 23 inches; length, 43% inches Important CarveED WaLnut CassONE Jacopo Sansovino, Venetian, XVI Century Oblong leaf-carved and molded sarcophagus top, paneled front with strapped oval cartouche enclosing figures of a reclining Venus and a Cupid, flanked by scrolled female monsters; ends and paneled stiles boldly carved with female masks. Base with border of concave shell carving, on reverse- scrolled bar feet. Height, 28% inches; length, 66% inches | [/lustrated | ANOSSV7) LANIV\A GsAUVD LNVLuOdW] "ggL ‘ON NOt { DiRP Nw LOLOL OUOL W 9) WNT ie ag ee e Serene ro : Sy cr nn Yi ee GAA x ee “Bw vale HAN ay = WY. e — ies —e SPI sass aeNeNcal Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue & a =f beech) is FRG iO ee ro on 769. GoTuic CarvED Wa.Lnut CaBINET Northern Italian, XV Century Upright molded frame; doubly paneled long drawer surmounting two paneled cupboards bordered with echinus molding and carved with linenfold orna- ment. Height, 50. inches; width, 39% inches [ Illustrated | 314 8 ee Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December r1th / i H ; | { § | 770. Six Watnut ano TooLep LEATHER ARMCHAIRS Piedmontese, Renaissance Period Oblong back of leather tooled with an escutcheon; square arms. Quadran- gular box-stretchered legs having bar-stretchers pierced with a Savoy knot, [ One illustrated | 771. Parr WrouGuT Iron anp Brass ToRCHERES Florentine, Late XVI Century Rod shaft with pricket and balustered brass knops; on elaborately scrolled tripod base of strapwork, enriched with fleurs-de-lys. Height, 57s inches 315 772. Parr Wroucut Iron anp Brass TORCHERES Florentine, 6 Similar to the preceding. al é 773. Rare Goruic Wroucut Iron CANDELABRUM _Spirally twisted standard and tripod base, ‘supportin 3 lights. . ‘These are removable, leaving candle pricket: 28 is) | Late XVI ( e Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 774. WatnutT LEcTERN Italian, Early XVI Century Triangular double reading stand with cupboard ends; on round swelling pillar standing on a molded triangular base. Height, 5 feet; width, 2 feet [ Illustrated | 317 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 775. RENAISSANCE SCULPTURED STONE FIREPLACE Italian, XVI Century Gadrooned overhanging cornice, paneled frieze enriched in bas-relief with festoons about a central wreathed escutcheon; pilasters with symmetrical Renaissance vase ornament surmounted by acanthus scrolled brackets. [ [dlustrated | 318 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 776. SCULPTURED FiEsoLE STONE FIREPLACE Florentine, Late XV Century Frieze with dentiled cornice and escutcheons crested by lions flanking a central coat-of-arms of the Medici, within a ring of cabling. On pilasters enriched with a chain of tiny quatrefoil motives. Exterior height, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches Interior height, 3 feet x inch; width, 3 feet 8 inches [ Illustrated | 319 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 777° 179s 1719: (Mises CarvED Wa.nutT Lisprary TABLE Florentine, XVI Century Oblong top supported on fluted and carved vase-shaped ends joined by shaped and scrolled bar stretcher. Height, 31 inches; length, 69% inches Parr Important Rep Lacquer Brocapg Faureuits Venetian, Régence Period Cartouche-back with shell cresting, open serpentine arms and supports, molded apron and cabriole legs; covered with Louis Seize striped silk brocade. En- riched with gilded floral ornament. | One illustrated | Four RENAISSANCE VELVET WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS Italian, XVI Century Open oblong back, square canted uprights; baluster-turned legs and box- stretchers. Back and seat covered in fine sixteenth century Genoese crimson velvet. Carved Watnut Foipinc DanTEsquE CHAIR Italian, XVI-XVII Century Finely molded curule X-chair with elaborate rosettes at the axle. Crimson velvet seat. [ Illustrated | 320 : ~ & J = * No. 778. Parr Important Rep Lacquer BrocapE FauTEvILs Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 780. ARMORIAL CarvED WALNUT CassONE Ligurian, XVI Century Molded hinged top, recessed paneled front bordered with cabling, between horizontally gadrooned pilasters. Molded and paneled base enriched with wrought iron knobs, on crouching lion feet. Height, 23% inches; length, 63 inches [ Illustrated | 781. CarveD WatnuTt Lriprary Tas_e Umbrian, Late XVI Century Massive oblong top, on open lyre-shaped and scrolled ends centred with rosettes. Height, 31 inches; length, 6 feet 7 inches | Illustrated | 223 No. 781. CarvED WALNUT Liprary TABLE Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue Ay KK eee eae On See WW G estan, 782. Two Pairs Goruic Wroucut Iron GarpEen Gates Italian, XV Century Upright, with incurved upper corners. Strapwork design forming a vasi- form lattice with rosetted intersections. ; Length, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches [One pair illustrated | 783. Ser oF Six NeEpLEPoint TaLi-Back Watnut ARMCHAIRS Italian, XVII Century Scrolled arms and supports, turned legs with knob and ring-turned stretchers. Seat and back in needlepoint with floral designs enclosing medallions por- traying a woman standing between trees and a fruit tree with birds. 324 Saturday Afternoon, December IIth Fourth and Last Session a a) (2) [24 ) na . e) 7 oF, - ate ca . 6 > 7» By AIS LR RSE OD NT ADL FA OER EI a (3) fo E (a) fa) L wal rj eo) Py iG O 784. EMBROIDERED VELVET PoLy Century VI scrolled val- Late X Florentine, shell motives and leaves; Upright beaded panels enriched with anced cresting. of Renais- , > son velvet with applique crim In contemporary ament. scroll orn af sance vase and strapped le 6 feet 4 inches Length, 6 feet 6 inches; height, [ [/lustrated | 325 785. Important PaINnTED Sacristy CABINET Flemish, dated 1599 Upright, with paneled double doors painted on the outside with full-length figures of St. Simon and St. Judas ‘Thadeus; on the inside with St. Catherine and St. Michael, and date 1599. ‘The base bears a portrait head of the donor, a bishop’s mitre and a plaque with Latin inscription of dedication to Joachim, Abbot of Hersfeld, 1575. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 11 inches Note: Hersteld is an old town in Hesse-Nassau near Cassel, with a famous abbey and fortified walls. | Illustrated | 326 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December TIIth 786. GILDED AND PoLyCHROMED PastTIGLIA CASsONE Florentine, Early XVI Century Oblong hinged top bordered with fleur-de-lys ornament, paneled front with raised pastiglia design of a diamond lattice enclosing small sejant winged animal figures coroneted about the neck; the stiles and base with further polychromed and gilded escutcheons and leaf scrolling. Sides divided simi- larly into raised lattice enclosing single fleur-de-lys. [Restoration to pas- tiglia at base. | Height, 29 inches; length, 57 inches Note: A beautiful cassone with exactly similar front is in the Kunst- gewerbemuseum and is illustrated in Paul Schubring’s Truhen und Truhen- bilder der Italienischen Friihrenaissance, 1923, plate I, No. 8. | [2lustrated | 787. CarvED WaLNuT CREDENZA Umbrian, Late XV Century Oblong molded top with three drawers surmounting double doors; gad- rooned base, claw and ball feet. Deeply carved to simulate arched porticos, with floral spandrels and scroll and shell ornament. Fine patina, Height, 45% inches; length, 51 inches 327 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 788. Important Parr GILDED AND PoLYCHROMED LEATHER WALNUT STATE CHAIRS Venetian, Late XVI Century Oblong back with gilded leaf finials, flat arms on baluster-turned supports; turned legs on bar feet with claw toes. Leather seats and backs, the latter finely tooled with a gilded border with winged lions surrounding historical scenes involving Roman soldiers, beautifully polychromed. [ [/lustrated | CarvED WALNUT CABINET SECRETARY Italian, XVI Century Slant top with paneled front surmounting long drawer and two small cup- boards with paneled stiles. On paneled and molded underbody. Rich brown patina. Height, 49 inches; width, 32 inches 328 Ex a le Go ee ee eee ee. FEISS Se ON aa gg) et No. 788. Important Pair GILDED AND PoLtyCHROMED LEATHER WALNUT STATE CHAIRS 791. No. 790 790. CARVED AND INLaID LECTERN wItH GILDED Bronze FIGURE Venetian, circa 1500 Octagonal standard, supporting with — spirally-twisted wrought iron braces a paneled and certo- sina-inlaid reading-desk; _ sur- mounted by a_ powerfully-con- ceived winged lion of St. Mark, in gilded bronze. Octagonal base enriched with leaf-volute ornament, [ Illustrated | WALNUT AND GILDED PasTIGLIA CABINET, ON CARVED WALNUT STAND Florentine, XVI Century Oblong cabinet with fall-front having iron hinge and disclosing sixteen small drawers with sunk panels, beautifully enriched in gilded pastiglia bas-relief with Renaissance vases and leaf scrollings, sportive putti and elaborate scenes of classical legends with vigorously modeled male and female figures and centaurs. On original molded walnut base, with paneled back and leaf- voluted bracketed pilasters. Height of cabinet, 20 inches; width, 32 inches Height of stand, 45 inches [ [llustrated | 330 7 CARMONA AO TNA OE TACT MN OIRO Cotto ee Oe = SETI creer ioe mente ee a | : : —< | ASTIGLIA CABINET WaLnut AND GILpED P No. 7701. Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue SAS aPFLG \ y 792. Important CarveD WaLnut CREDENZA Venetian, XVI Century Oblong, the cornice enriched with leaf imbrication; paneled double doors beautifully carved with a grille of interlacing strapwork enclosing rosettes, between paneled and imbricated stiles. Molded base on finely conceived sejant lion feet. Beautiful deep brown patina. Height, 44 inches; width, 54 inches [ Illustrated | a4 793- 794- Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December I1th ee CarveD Watnut Liprary TABLE Italian, Late Renaissance Period Oblong top on open ends unusually enriched with an upstanding palm tree with flaring leaves, between incurved uprights carved with long acanthus leaves. On molded bar feet joined by double plank stretchers. Height, 31 inches; length, 5 feet 10 inches | [/lustrated | Rare Watnut Foipinc ARMCHAIR OF THE ORsINI [talian, XVI Century Oblong back, flat arms on square uprights joined by interlacing strapped stretchers. Back and seat in sixteenth century cut velvet semé with leaf design. ‘The stretchers are hinged so that the chair folds. It is decorated with the original rosetted nails, and braid bearing the Orsini crest and ancl. Re Note: Folding chairs of the state chair type are extremely rare, only two or three being known. One was presented by Comm. Tolentino to the Palazzo Venezia in Rome in 1922. The above is in original condition. Boo Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 795: 796. CarveD Wa.nut Lisprary TABLE Central Italy, XVI Century Oblong top on carved vase-shaped ends exhibiting figures of affrontés swans about a pendent bunch of fruit, and joined by scrolled stretcher. On molded scrolled bar feet. Height, 33% inches; length, 62% inches [ Illustrated | CaRVED WALNUT CREDENZA Florentine, Late XVI Century Oblong overhanging top, dentiled frieze with two paneled drawers and stiles carved with female heads. Double cupboards with strapwork medallion between paneled stiles enriched with leafage and nude putto figures. Molded base. Height, 46 inches; width, 68% inches Note: A similar credenza is illustrated in Frida Schottmiller: Mébel der Italienischen Renaissance, p. 89, No. 204, and is in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. [ Illustrated | 334 VZNAGda) LANIVAA GaAUVD “962 ‘oN LOLS ON tt Aa Ae NA a ea ig apg Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 497- 798. £99: FINELY CarvED WaLNutT COMMODE Venetian, Late XVI Century Oblong top with dentiled edge, two small and three long drawers beaded and enriched with handles carved in the form of Turks’ heads. The stiles finely carved in high relief with scrolled telamones supporting full length nude figures of Adam and Eve, and leaf-scrolled brackets. Molded base on claw feet. Height, 42 inches; width, 53 inches EMBROIDERY CARVED WALNUT SETTEE Italian, Louis XIV Period Oblong back, molded and scrolled arms on baluster-turned supports. Eight tapering cup-turned legs joined by flat molded X-stretchers. Back and seat covered in silk appliqué embroidery of the period displaying large strap medal- lions, vases and leafage in silks and metal braid on an ivory silk ground. Length, 5 feet 10 inches CarveD Wa.tnuT Lisrary TABLE Florentine, XVI Century Oblong overhanging top, deep bulbous gadrooned frieze carved with an escutcheon and supported on flaring leaf-scrolled legs, standing on a molded H-base. Traces of gilding. Height, 32 inches; length, 71% inches [ [llustrated | 336 ATAV], AUVUMIT LANIVAA AdAAVD *66/ ‘on 800. CARVED ENT REFECTORY TABLE rouleau-carved reverse Sih flaring into ate, fect, aaae and rouleau-carved bar stretcher. : ; 2 Height, 32 inches ye lustrated J ee. 338 adv | 4 AYOLOUAAY LANIVAA GIAUVD *008 ‘ON bea? Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue Sol. 802. CarvED WaLNutT CassAPANCA Florentine, Early XVI Century Paneled and molded hinged seat with closed scrolled ends; paneled back having a guilloche border and central medallion carved with a leonic head. Paneled and gadrooned underbody on fluted plinth base. Original preservation. Length, 6 feet | Ldlustrated | CarRvED WALNUT AND PaRCEL-GILDED CAssONE Jacopo Sansovino, Venetian, XVI Century Molded top with bracketed and gilded cornice; front panel parcel-gilded and elaborately carved with a reclining nude Venus within scrolled cartouche, flanked by chimeras and genii. Paneled stiles with cartouche heads. Length, 5 feet 7 inches 340 VONVdVSSVZ) LANIVAA GIAUVD “108 “ON » Nake ea ALUN a = ee Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 803. Earty REeNnaIssANCE CARVED AND INLatp Watnut BeEpsTEaD 804. Venetian, Late XV Century Arched scroll-cut headboard with a panel enriched with a medallion of scroll- ings, spandrel ornament and an angelic figure; the sides and paneled foot- board inlaid with Renaissance vases of scrollings, and having scalloped aprons. On quadrangular spirally twisted legs. Height, 5 feet 5 inches; length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 11 inches [ [lustrated | Important CarveD Wa tnur Liprary TABLE Florentine, XVI Century Oblong top, molded and carved with leafage, bracketed frieze with three drawers and gadrooned apron. On open lyre-shaped ends embellished with volutes, leafage and rosettes and braced by scrolled wrought iron brackets. Rich patina. Height, 33 inches; length, 5 feet 6 inches 342 dvaisddg LANIVAA GIVIN] GNV GdAUVD AONVSSIVNAY ATUVY] “COR ‘oN ig Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 805. Late Goruic Carvep WaLnut STALL, witH Two Sgats Northern Italian, Early XVI Century High backs with two round niches enclosing figures in bold relief of St. Anthony and the Virgin holding the Child and crowned by angels; pin- nacled cresting with escutcheons and linenfold ornament. Hinged seats, base paneled with further linenfold decoration. Borders of intarsia work. Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches [ Illustrated | 344 Fourth and Last Session Saturday Afternoon, December IIth 806. ScuLpruRED Marsie Founrarn Basin Italian, Early XVII Century Oblong sarcophgaus trough, the front embellished with five winged cherub heads; on massive supports sculptured with classical caryatid heads enclosed within volutes and supported on finely carved curling acanthus leaves. Height, 3 feet 7 inches; length, 5 feet [ Illustrated | 345 Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 807. Earrty RENaIssANCE PANELED WaLNut BEpsrEaD Tuscan, Late XV Century Headboard with molded and modillioned cornice and divided into eight rectan- gular panels; the footboard with four panels, similarly. On paneled plinth base, arranged with hinged lids to form linen chests. Height, 4 feet 5 inches; length, 8 feet; width, 7 feet 5 inches Note: A very similar bed of this early type was in the Davanzati Palace Collection, American Art Association, 1916. 808. Parr GorHic SCULPTURED MarBLE ANIMAL Groups AXJIV-XV Century Beautifully sculptured figures of birds, one perched on the head of a seated sphinx, the other on a young faun; oblong bases. On walnut pedestals. Height, 26 inches Note: These vigorous and finely modeled animal figures are typical of the pride of craftsmanship of the mediaeval cathedral builders. [One illustrated opposite and one as frontispiece | No. 808. Parr Goruic ScULPTURED MarBLE ANIMAL Groups Kindly ie! Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of ; 809. Four Carvep Waxnur CastLe Doors Tuscan, La Each consisting of double doors with upright panels en molding; studded with rows of iron nails. Height, 10 feet af inch; z [ One preva “ti . ’ i Fi aoe cs, ‘1 hoe eiv a: Cyt ry Go sevice ZEN Pee [rd Saerert ny Pore bo Ey akcenreenre ints Sgt ; fs ; “al beampenetchensinrne ED WALNuT CAsTLE Doors No. 809. Four Carv s ag 7 , - ; hey Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Ca 810. GiLtpED Wroucut Iron Batcony French, R. leaves and flanked by rococo trellised volutes and leaf scrol with broad scrollings rosetted and enriched with curling leafag Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, appro: [ Illustrated | No. 810. GILDED WroucutTt Iron BALCONY Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 811. SUPERB ORIENTAL Onyx BALNEARIUM, WITH WALLs AND BaTH Comprising four breast-high walls with wainscot, with magnificent bath having marble interior and standing on oblong plinth. Iwo bronze faucets in the form of mascarons. | [/lustrated | 812. SUPERB ORIENTAL Onyx BALNEARIUM, WITH WALLS AND BaTH Similar to the preceding. 813. Parr WroucuT Iron Gates Italian, XVII Century Pattern of ovals enriched with volutes; surmounted by a border of clasped voluted C-scrolls with florid cresting of scrolling rods, enriched with long curving acanthus leaves. Height, 57 inches; width of each gate, 34 inches 352 HLVg ONV STIV( HLIM SNOIUVENIVG XANQ IVLNAIYO FUAIMNS “ITZ “ON Kindly read Conditions of Sale printed in forepart of Catalogue 814. Entire Carvep Ping anp CHEstNutT WALLs AND CEILING oF A DINING Room Northern Italy, Late XVI Century Comprising four walls, with recessed round arched panels flanked by beau- tifully fluted pilasters with Ionic capitals and surmounted by bracketed frieze; doorway with round pillars and cornice carved with lion masks. Elaborate paneled and carved overhanging fireplace crested by standing putti and a central escutcheon and supported on leaf-scrolled caryatid brackets; ceiling with square deeply recessed panels enriched with leaf-carved acorn pendants, etc., etc: [END OF FOURTH AND LAST SESSi One 354 ve ~* - akon yf 2 uv “ . * : # £ hs 7 * od “ = | ‘ . _. Pobre boas, OR mir y SS LATTES 6 STATE TAX INSURANCE & OTHER PURPOSES Serra lOGUES OF PRIVATE COUUEGLTLONS LEAP _> HE American Art Association, Inc. will furnish appratsements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. The Association is prepared to supplement this appraisal work by making catalogues of pri- vate libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced sales’ catalogues of the cAssociation. @QUpon request the Association Will furnish the names of many trust and insurance companies, executors, administrators, trustees, attorneys and private individuals for whom the cAssociation has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax (Commission and others in interest. Powe ke CAN ART ASS OCILATION «(INC cMadison Avenue at 57th Street NEW YORK 4 a ri . Ly he re _ “a! “+ : e . F ~~ e ‘ > * . ~ ‘ ~~ ad +4 * J t P * ; ‘ 5 ‘ * ‘ ‘ b » . » . ¥ i. , * - > ( » . 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