LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. a 14 East 57th St. New York be + a ‘ Te ; a , i . i » " $ 4 Dee RK ; , ‘ . % s 5 bu af Ls ‘ ¥: nN oe (123 “CATALOGUE tl OF THE \ on Rogers and gf W. a - Collection of Paintings TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION ON THEIR’ JOINT ACCOUNT 4 (AND OTHERS) © , es | On islarene and Friday, January 28th and 29h AT 7.48 P.M., PROMPT poset Chickering - Hall | - Firrn AVENUE, CORNER OF 18TH STREET | ON FREE EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING ORTGIES ART GALLERIES 845 BROADWAY, NEAR 14TH STREET - FROM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20TH, UNTIL DATES OF SALE THE SALE WILL BE MADE BY Messrs. ORTGIES & CO. Mr. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer : UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Mr, SAM’L P. AVERY, 86 FirrH AVENUE 6 NEW YORK 1886 engi (NO tickets of admission to the auction sale will be required, } SPECIAL NOTICE. Admission to Chickering Hall on nights of Sale will be FREE, and as there will bbe NO RESERVED SEATS, persons desiring to attend should be promptly on hand. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be imme- diately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money z/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk on the morning following each session of the Sale between g and 2 o’clock, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or de- stroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Painting is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots, uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re- sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he think fit. R. SOMERVILG., AUCTIONEER, =—" <2 rae he 4 ea 7 _ “i . ‘THE BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS SecOLLECTION OF PAINTINGS. ary . * Mr. Samuel P. Avery respectfully informs the public that he has been intrusted with the selling of the collections of O7/ Paintings, by -_-modern artists, at home and abroad, collected and owned by M7. Fairman Rogers, of Philadelphia, and Mr. J. W. Bookwalter, of Springfield, Ohio. They offer their ex¢ire collection without any reservations whatever. In all, the Catalogue numbers £44 ‘paintings by 111 different artists. American and foreign, forming a combination of great variety, in- terest and excellence, which must prove very desirable to picture buyers. Mr, Rogers’ collection has been well known in Philadelphia for the past twenty years ; some forty of the paintings were in the loan col- lection at the ‘‘ Metropolitan Museum of Art” from May until Octo- ber, 1884, and these are therefore well known to many visitors, Mr. Bookwalter has loaned his paintings to various exhibitions in the Western cities ; anumber of them will be recognized as coming from the important galleries of Mr. John Taylor Johnston-and Mr. Robt. M. Olyphant, of this city, which were dispersed in 1876, ’77. All information will be given, Catalogues forwarded, and orders to purchase attended to, without charge, by addressing Ortgies & Co., 845 Broadway, or Samuel P. Avery, 86 Fifth Avenue, New York. ** Please notice that some of the finest pictures will be sold on the first evening. Indeed, an equal division has been made for both evenings. ~ INDEX TO THE NUMBERS OF THE 144 WORKS AND III NAMES OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN AUBERT, 50, 110. ADAN, 14, 74, 86. ANASTASI, 16. BAZZANI, 42. BAUGNIET, 40. BEAUMONT, 46. BERAUD, s1. GISBERT, 132. GOUBIE, 128. GLAIZE, 117. GUY, 112. GONZALES, 1x8. GUES, 120. GUILLEMER, 7. BOUGHTON, 67, 111, 127. HAMON, 54, 118. BRIDGMAN, 110. BECKER, 95. HOFF (Cart), 144. HOGUET, 82. BIERSTADT, 66, 81, 142, HUYBERS, 64. BRILLOUIN, rr. BRISSOT, 89. CHAVET, 8, 06. CHIERICYI, 59. CASILEAR, 100. CORTAZZO, 55. COROT, 1152. COLMAN, 21, 121. CHARNAY, 57. COLLIGNON, 3. CROPSEY, 43, 88. CICERI, 109. CRANCH, 83. CODINA, 124. COLIN, s. CALIX, 20, 133. DAUBIGNY, 48, 107. DETAILLE, 37. DELORT, 68. DIAZ, 33, 53, 97- DIETRICH, 6r. DE WINTER, 137. DE VRIENDT, 135. DUPRE, 1112. ESCOSURA, 27, 08. FRERE, rs. FALERO, 45. FLERS, 9. HOWLAND, 4, 78. HUBNER (E.), 39. HENRY, 41. HART (W.), 85. ISABEY, 62, 122, 131. INDONY, 11. JACQUE, 60, 136. JOHNSON (B),., 34. JEANNIN, 104. JAZET, 126. KNAUS, 130. THIS CATALOGUE, MACDOWELL, ror. MORAN (T.), 76. MONTICELLI, 13. NICOL (E.), 71. NELSON, 40. PASINI, 125. PICKNELL, 143. PALMAROLT, 123. PALLIZZI, 1, 105. POWELL, 6, 73. PILTZ, go. RICHARDS, 69, 139. SCHREYER, rqo. STEINHEIL, 25. SAVINI, 26. STAMMEL, 20, 87. SCHENCK, 24. SELL, 12, 79. SCHLESINGER, 108. SMITH, ro. * TOULMOUCHE, 32, 129. KAEMMERER, 22,30,114.TROYON, go. KOEK-KOEK, 28. KENSETT, sz. KNIGHT, 56. KIRKPATRICK, 58. LAMBINET, 138. LEPINAY, 103. LELOIR, 36. LESSING, 44. LUMINAIS, 33, 84. LEUTZE, 70, 106. LASSALLE, 7s. MERLE (H.), 72, 141. MEYER VON BRE- MEN, 94- MULLER, 6s. MERLE (G.),r102. TIRATELLI, 23 THOM, 17. THOREN (pg), 63. THOMPSON, 93. VEYRASSET, 80, 134. VROLYK, x0. WORMS, 47. WHITTREDGE, o1. WYANT, 38. YVON, 77. ZAMACOSS, 11s. ZIEM, 31, 92, 113. ZEUGGI, 2. iv eee pall Gees inl 2c ng fo ) Born at Lanciano, Italy, 1813. Pupil of the Academy of Naples. Medal, 1848. _ Legion of Honor, 1859. GOATS. Water-color. IoX7 Pe re oes... y sey sso Geneva ALINE SCENE. 8X 10 6 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. 3 Collignon (Jules), deceased....... Mee Paris Painter and engraver. Died, 1850. WASHERWOMEN. Water-color, 6x8 4 Howland (A. ©)... New York Born at Walpole, N. H., 1838. Pupil of Lambinet. Associate of the National Academy of Design, 1874. ON THE DELAWARE, 8X4 5 Colin (Paul)........, 15.3400) Paris — Born at Nimes, 1838. Pupil of Laurens. Medal, 1875. Legion of Honor, 1883. EDGE CF AW Gere 16 X IO 6 Powell (W. H.), deceased 722) 232 eunee New York Born in Ohio. Associate of the National Academy of Design. Born, 1824. Died, 1879. ; GIRL OF -ALVETC: Water-color. 8 x 10 ND ROGERS COLLECTION. oe (Er ) oe ee Per ans LANDSCAPE AND CA sa deto, 10x 64 peer Pir shavet (V.). 2.8 8S 6 28 FS ® 6 ae oeae ee ive esenaee . Wee Paris Born at Aix, 1822. Pupil of Roqueplan. ‘Medals, 1853, °55, 57. Legion of Honor, 1859. THE READER. Water-color. 6x8 Filers (Camille), deceased.........0% mabe tts Paris Born at Paris: Pupil of M. Paris. Medals, 1840, 747. Legion of Honor, 1849. Born, 1802. Died, 1868. LANDSCAPE. 12x 84g aad Sa re ....Philadelphia di “HESITATION. Mx 7% 8 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. ih Ce end ani ie ee Rome ITALIAN GIRL. Water-color. Ir X16 Ls VF) 12 Sell (Christian), deceased ../ 72... see Diisseldorf Pod Born at Altona. Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy. Born, 1831. Died, 1883. PRISONERS OF WAR. 11 x 84—Dated 1870 /, A x 1g Monticelli......:.... 03 233-2 Marseilles FIGURES Le 17 X 14 56 14 Adan (Emile)... smgek Geant teee eee Born at Paris, 1839. Pupil of Cabanel. Medals, 1875, 82. STREET SCENE, ROME. . Water-color. 12X17 ee BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 9 | Ee oe VER re fet Wad wate Paris ris ne Li Born at Paris, 1815. Pupil of Cogniet. * ; Medals, 1848, ’65. ENVIRONS OF CAIRO. 12X9 Peerraetesi (Atigustc)..........--..-5evee cece Paris © Born at Paris, 1819. ; Pupil of Delaroche.4 Medals, 1848, ’65. Legion of Honor, 1868. 3 HOLLAND—EVENING. 13x 8 - I Ee eee ne ven 4A b Pupil of Frere. A WINTER SUNSET. II X 19 | : te 18 Gonzales (J. A.) 1.26... cece eee eee e ee nees . Paris wa Born at Chiclana, Spain. 2D ‘ Pupil of Pils. “ L Medal, 1876. AN AMUSING LETTER. 8x 12% 1* 10 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. fd 19 Vrolyk (Jan) «20.0.0 200. «ce Hague COWS IN A STREAM. 1rx8 Bon 20 Stammel (C.).... 5. . 0302 ee Diisseldorf ‘ Paver — A MISER. Bo 121g x 15—Dated 1870 SIO 21.Colman (Sam’l).2.2 2.97 New York Born at Portland, Maine, 1833. Associate of the National Academy of Design, 1860. — Member of same, 1862. First President of the Water-color Society. Member of the Society of American Artists, 1878. STRAITS OF GIBRALTAR, From the Robt. Olyphant collection. 13X7 Born at The Hague. Pupil of Gérome. Medal, 1874. SCHEVENINGEN, 16X10 ‘ Ls OR See TiratelliqAyy ee ott anee nee bey te THE SHEPHERD: I5 X12 é BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. II SSIES SE a Paris fd Born at Gluckstadt, 1828. “ ' Pupil of Cogniet. Medal, 1865. Chevalier of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, and Christ of Portugal. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876, DEER IN A FOREST—WINTER. 19 X It ICA a es ee ews Paris 4. hy Born at Paris. Pupil of Meissonnier. Medal, 1882. AN ARTIST.—TIME OF DURER. t2lg x 1536 a ve eee ee ee Florence FG HURCULES AND OMPHALE. 13. X9 Meme seostira (LEON y) ...+.---.--6-- 2 een eee: Paris 2 7 Born in the Asturias. Pupil of Gerdme. Liz Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic, ane Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain, and of the Order of Christ of Portugal. “FIVE MINUTES TOO LATE.” 7 x 9—Dated 1870 12 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. _ ppt 28 Koek-Koek (B. C.), deceased.......... Amsterdam. Born at Middlebourg. Pupil of Schelfout. Medals, 1840, *43. Chevalier of the Lion of the Netherlands, and Leopold of Belgium. Medal at Amsterdam and the Hague. Born, 1803. Died, 1862. BORDERS OF THE Aiiee 8 x 6—Dated 1846 7? 29 Compte-Calix (fF. C), deceased: ) =a ee oe Paris Born at Lyon. Pupil of the School of Fine Arts, Lyon, Medals, 1844, ’57, 59, '63. Born, 1813. Died, 1881. COAST OF ALGIERS r2lg x 844 1 A) 30 Kaemmerer.(F. H.) (.c) 012932 . Paris 2 . Vw ; a YO. a Born at The Hague. \) Pupil of Géréme. ae he Medal, 1874. SPRING-TIME, 6 X I0 BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. = 13 31 Ziem (Felix) 2s... Sree We ed) B08 5. .. Paris a OD Born at Beaume, 1822. Medals, 1851, ’52, 755. Legion of Honor, 1857, VENETIAN DOOR-WAY,. 104% X 14 Pupil of Gleyre. A Bor at Nantes, 1829. FQ Ts sah (le _Medals, I852,,°50,. 61,: 78. aa Legion of Honor, 1870. Ew POS fot i OV ieee 8 X Io mameia tj), deceased 205.055... cee cee ee Paris VY Born at Bordeaux. Pupil of Sigalon. ade y “ Medals, 1844, ’46, 748. cs Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1807. Died, 1876. GATHERING FAGOTS. 14 X IO 14 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. 34 Johnson (Eastman)... ee ..»»New York On Born in Maine, 1824. : Member of the National Academy of Design, 1860. Member of the Society of American Artists. THE YOUNG HOUGSERKERT Ee From the Robert Olyphant collection. 9g x 11—Dated 1862 36 Luminais (E. V.)......... 000 en Paris Born at Nantes, 1818, Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1852, 55, 757, ‘61. Legion of Honor, 1869. HUNTING SCENE, 18 x 146 “30 Leloir (Maurice), nao Me Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of his Father, Medal, 1878. A FRENCH FALE 12 X 16—Dated 1877 BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 15 : | ey; Detaille OU cat lo Paris pers y Dann vais, 84 2937 i? Pupil of Moxicoiniey: oi a Medals, 1869, ’70, ’72. Wz Legion of Honor, 1873. 7 oe Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. aren Y OF LOUESTRIANS., 18 x 23—Dated 1873 Ec) oe i ae New Non ASaa i Born in Ohio, 1839. . Pupil of Gude. Associate of National Academy of Design, 1868. Member of same, 1869. 7, Member Society of American Artists, and American Water-color Society. AN ADIRONDACK STREAM. From the Robt. Olyphant collection. 14 X 16 39 Hubner Pda d csc «on i bee eae Sieee eke. Berlin Sf ov NEAK CAPRI, 16 x 21—Dated 1870 16 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. Y. VA) 40 Nelson (E. D.), deceased-3.%: . 2. sneaame New York Pupil of Durand. WOODS NEAR SCARSDALE: Finished by J. F. Kensett. From the Robt. Olyphant collection. 17 X 23—Dated 1865 Born in South Carolina, 1841. m Ge Pupil of Courhet. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1870. OFF FOR, THE RACES, 19 Xx 10}¢—Dated 1876 AN OFFERING TO MINERVA. 16 x 183—Dated 1881 Born, Staten Island, 1823. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1851. Medal, London Exhibition, 1862. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. Honorary Member of the Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, Member of the American Water-color Society. THE CAMPAGNA—EVENING. vi 43 Cropsey (Jc FE.) -....2....{68 New York From the Robt. Olyphant collection, 16 x ro—Dated 1856 BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION, 17 44 Lessing (C. F.), deceased...... Sg eats eats ie . Berlin / Go Born at Watenburg, Prussia. Pupil of the Berlin Academy. Medal, Paris, 1837. Member of the Berlin Academy. Knight of the Order of Merit, 1881. Born, 1808. Died, 1881. MOONRISE. 25 x 18—Dated 1854 wr Born at Grenada, Spain. THE WAITING MODEL. From the Gov. Latham collection. 45 Falero oe tS uae ee ee ee Paris YEE, Va 10 X 15—Dated 1875 46 Beaumont (C. F. eee ees Paris / GA Born at Lannion, 1821, Pupil of Boisselier. Medals, 1870, ’73. Legion of Honor, 1877. LETE-A-TETE. 17X11 18 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. Q 90 47’ Worms (Jules) o¢.-...5 ese . eee Born at Paris, 1837. Pupil of Lafosse. Medals, 1867, ’68, ’69, "78. Legion of Honor, 1878. THE RENDEZVOCGS, From the J. Taylor Johnston collection. I2 x 16 44 48 sae (C. F.), deceased... 54a 2 Paais me _g Born at Paris. ‘ A ; _ Pupil of Delaroche. Y \ _Afedals, 1848, '53, '55, 57,59. 67. VY fA Legion of Honor, 1859. a of Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased hi aie; Born, 1817. Died, 1878. RIVER IN FRANCE. va? 24 X 13—Dated 1869 ie 49 Baugniet (Chas.) .~........ 40, 40s ae Sévres Born at Brussels, 1814. Pupil of Drolling. [wot Medal, Paris,1865. Vienna, 1873. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. h il Of Isabel the Catholic, of Christ of Portugal, and of the Branche Ernestine de Saxe. LAF NENW PICT Che 17g X 22)¢ BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 19 8 Te ra poten ag . { y- lay Born at Paris, 1824. . @ Pupil of Delaroche. Prize of Rome, 1844. Medals, 1857, ’59, ’61, 78. REVERIE. 16 x 13—Dated 1876 5I Beraud a so Co a a car feat avis LL JO rn at St. Petersburg. Wy Pupil of Bonnat. Medals, 1882, °83. aN LEVENING~PARTY. 28 X 19 52 Kensett (J. F.), deceased............. .. New York bec @ Born at Cheshire, Conn. : Member of the National Academy of Design, 1849. we. Born, 1818. Died, 1873. Wp. Ok ‘2. A SECLUDED Res From the J. Taylor Johnston collection. 13 x 17—Dated 1854 {Ht i We 20 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. 53 Diaz (N. is eee Nese an ee MP Paris N $e ok Born at Bordeaux. Up , We ea pee A\O ad Pupil of Sigalon. \ aA \ t\ Medals. 1844, ’46, 48. ~~ ; Legion of Honor, 1851. ~ Bg Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1807... Died, 1878. POREST SCENE, 25% X 19% Medals, 1853, 55, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1855. Born, 1821. Died, 1874. A BIRD CHARMER. 54 Hamon ,(j. L.); deceased... .. 52 Faris Born at Plouha, Cotes-du-Nord. q Pupil of Delaroche. 24 X 34 55 SOR ee (0). got oe va oldie 6 eS nO Wwe ; y “Born in Italy. THE INTERRUPTED SITTING. 27 x 18—Dated 1870 Born at Philadelphia. Pupil of Meissonnier. ON THE SEINE. 28 x 20o—Dated 1880 BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 21 57 Charday a a SS enlace a a Paris ere V4, jer OVS iy n at Charlieu, 1844. Pupil of Pils. adil yw Medal, 1876. AT THE SEASIDE. 37x18 Meemirmepactick (i. 1L.).. 2... eke. Philadelphia Bz Pa Born at Philadelphia, 1853. Pupil of Royal Bavarian Academy. First class Medal from Munich Academy. THE MUSEUM. 30 X 153¢—Dated 1880 59 Chierici (OE NOS) a ed a Florence /t tA 23 E WARMING DOLLY’S HANDS. +y Let - =e / 22 x 28—Dated 1878 is ae feepeeiie (Chas.), 2.) 2 ote. eee Se Paris | a ZLL# a poate Born at Paris, 1813. ~c2 Medals, 1861, ’63, ’64, °67. YU ne Legion of Honor, 1867. Tage et IIA STREP ETC, 37 = 20 22 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. (b0 61 Dietrich (Adelaide)..... eer .. Dresden FLOWERS. 30 x 36—Dated 1875 ‘he 62 Isabey (Eugéne) .... 1. a eee ceo Paris Born at Paris, 1804. q ; Pupil of his father. Medals, 1824, ’27, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852. d CHURCH INTERIOR—MASS. 32 x 22—Dated 1870 ys y 63 Thoren (Otto de): . 5.300% sae ee Paris Born at Vienna. Medals, 1865, 784. Legion of Honor, 1884. Medal, Vienna, 1883. HUNGARIAN GYPSIES. 34 X 25 * ate 4] p 64 Huybers (J: -D.)... 0°... yo) Hague COUNTING HER GAINS. 21 x 29—Dated 1875 BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 33 65 Muller (Chas. L.).. Peete eee ete eet eee es Paris ee ; Born at Paris, 1815. lt Pupil of Gros. Medals, 1838, ’46, ’48, 755. Legion of Honor, 1840. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1864. tif. MAY QUEEN. 31 x 44—Dated 1880 Bemisrerccact (Albert). 1... ese... New York 45 Born at Diisseldorf, 1820. 8 Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1860. Legion of Honor, 1869. - SUNSET—BAHAMAS. 30 X 18 Semeeouenton (Geo...) os. ieee tee London Born in England, 1834. His family settled in Albany, 1837. 1 ae Pupil of Frere. y al Member of the National Academy of Design, 1871. a \\. : Associate of the Royal Academy, 1879. x Ww Pee RETURN OF THE MAY FLOWSR, The well-known picture. 316 X 20 (O iyys he 24 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. 68° Delort (Chas. B)..32.200s Born at Nimes, 1841. Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, 1875, ’82. LOUIS XIII. AND RICHELIEU. 35 X 25 69 Richards (Wm. T.)......... Pe 3, .» Philadelphia gi = la yi Born at Philadelphia, 1829. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. Prize Medal, Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, 1885. Honorary Member of the National Academy of Design. ATLANTIC COAST. 44 X 23—Dated 1870 Born at Wiirtemburg. Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy. Medal at Brussels. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1860. Born 1816. Died 1868, q lat (E.), deceased...) ..5. an New York THE ICONOCEART: From the Robt. Olyphant collection. 30 X 36—Dated 1847 BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 25 Sia pon MEA is 01) las ct ian London 240 Born at Edinburgh, 1825. Pupil of the ‘‘ Trustees Academy.” Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1867. Member of the Royal Scottish Academy. a _ Associate of the Royal Academy, London = Past WORK, 49 x 36—Dated 1873 - mere (hingues), deceased. ..........6505 005 Born at Saint-Marcellin, Bs Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1861, *63. Legion of Honor, 1866. Born 1822, Died 1881. A YOUNG GIRL OF ETRETAT. 27 X 51—Dated 1868 Ul (3) oe sy Se Q 3 G itegs S Hf Amp fh nit hn ay S pe . GRE) : > ii a “Sk SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. FRIDAY, Fanuary 29, 1886, BEGINNING AT 7-45, PROMPT, 73 Powell (W. H.), deceased Born in Ohio, Associate of the National Academy of Design. Born, 1824. Died, 1879. A ROMAN GIRL. Water-color, 8 x ro 74 Adan (Emile)... , Born at Paris, 1839, Pupil of Cabanel. Medals, 1875, ’82, LEE SLY ABUT ae Water-color, +r X 16 ~, wet ee Mele oe eet BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 27 75 PS Sa GN COU) se ores eed ee cee eee Paris Born at Paris, 1815. Pupil of Muller. WINTER. 8 Xx 10 76 Moran (Thos. ) eee @io ee ntsce te Beets s_ eeceenee New York Born in England, 1837, Kemoved to America, 1844. Began asa wood-engraver in Philadelphia. 1866. Studied painting in Europe, 1862- Member of the National Academy of Design. American Society of Painters in Water-colors, Etching Club and British Society of Painter Etchers. ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Water-color. 14 X10 ly oe ee eee ec et eee Born at Eschiviller, 1817. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1848, 55, 57, °67. Legion of Honor, 1855. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. ITALIAN WOMAN. - Water-color, Io X12 28 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. 78 Howland (A. C.) New Work Born at Walpole, N. H., 1838. Pupil of Lambinet. Associate of the National Academy of Design, 1874. SUNSET ON THE KATE, 8x4 79. Sell (Christian), deceased... 2) suas Diisseldorf Born at Altona. Pupil of Diisseldorf: Academy. Born, 1831. Died, 1883. AUSTRIAN PICKIC Es. 12 x 9 80. Veyrasset (J. J.).......s eu ee spa Dann Born at Paris, 1828. Pupil of. Frére. Medal, 1872. Legion of Honor, 1878. HAULING AAD, Water-color, Ir X 6 joa Feces: AND. ROGERS COLLECTION. 29 3; Bierstadt (Albert)... Go ae an ...New York Born at Diisseldorf, 1829. as - Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy. te "Member of the National Academy of Design, 1860. oats Legion of Honor, 1869. WESTERN PRAIRIES. 1OX7 Born at Berlin. Pupil of Isabey. Medal, Paris, 1848. Member of the Berlin Academy. Born, gA2t. ied, 1870; ON THE SEA-SHORE. 12 xX g—Dated 1854 83 Sranch (C.P.)s.... 0... 1 eee eee seen es Boston Born, Alexandria, Va., 1813. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1864. Member of the American Water-color Society. VENICE. From the Robt. Olyphant collection. 13 x8 10 iS 5 30 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. | 84 Luminais (E. V.)...... ee Paris Born at Nantes, 1818. Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1852, 755, °57, 61. Legion of Honor, 1869. LOGS Water-color. 6x6 SS Hart 3(Wm jos ee rete 6-5. New York Born at Paisley, Scotland, 1822. Associate of the National Academy of Design, 1855. Member of the same, 1858. First President of the Brooklyn Academy of Design, 1865. Member of the American Water-color Society. AUTUMN. 12 xX 7—Dated 1866 86 Adan (Emile):......7...2...- ene Paris Born at Paris, 1839. Pupil of Cabanel. Medals, 1875, 82. COURTIER AND CARDINAL. Water-color. 14 X 21 BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 31 87 erauisel pos 2 Ea ..... Diisseldorf ie | THE NEW GUN. 121g x I5—Dated 1870 88 Cropsey (J. F.)...... As aa See Oo New York ; Born on Staten Island, 1823. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1851. Medal, London Exhibition, 1862. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, Phila., 1876. _. Honorary Member of the Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, Member of the American Water-color Society. AT DORSET ENGLAND. From the Robt. Olyphant collection. 17 X 12—Dated 1858 2 Mimeissot (F.S.)............ Cee, ae ae Paris . | Born at Sens (Yonne), 1818. . / Pupil of Cogniet. i . Medal, 1882. i SHEPHERD AND FLOCK. | , : 18 X 14 | i | ¢ RE es esi nie 8 re wenn ob sine @ Munich ‘ CHOIR BOVS REHEARSING. Jo he we: 4 2 7 a! 1436 x 18—Dated 1 80 32 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. ———__ or Whittredge (W.).......... PE New York [92 Born at Springfield, Ohio, 1820. 4! Pupil of Achenbach. Associate of the National Academy of Design, 1859. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1860. WOOD INTERIOR—CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. 124 X 1516 ) 92 Ziem (Felix)... 4 os «200% 5 see Paris Born at Beaume, 1822. Medals, 1851, 752, °55. Legion of Honor, 1857. A CALM SLAY 10 X15 ee Thompson (A. W2yse\ eens ae, cee New York Born at Baltimore, 1840. Pupil of Gleyre: Associate of the National Academy of Design, 1873. Member of same, 1875. Member of the Society of American Artists, 1878. A POLITICAL CONSULIATLGE. to x 6—Dated 1874 ALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION, 33 Meare fs: he Rerlin as aKSs Born at Bremen, 1813. ~ Pupil of Sohn. _ Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Medals at Berlin, Philadelphia, etc. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. EARLY DEVOTION. oe Ee ieee ~ 5h¢ x 73g—Dated 1877 ohn lations 1 Berlin MAN WITH FUR CAL. . ae Se xkoxet4 is saree ae teh cs Me teed ea eet Falls Born at Aix, 1822. L” : Pupil. of eoancp lay Medals, 1853,’ BS, 575 Legion of Honor, 1859. THE CONNOISSEVRS, . From the Jno. Wolfe and J. Taylor Johnston collection. 7 x g—Dated 1855 Q* g gh yer 34 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. 97 Diaz (N.),. deceased). 7. . 21). eee eooee mug ©, we Born at Bordeaux. Ce Pupil of Sigalon, eh ee Medals, 1844, ’46, ’48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born 1807. Died 1876. ° FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU. 8% x 1044 98 Escosura (Léon y) ......<. Se Born at Asturias, Spain. Pupil of Géréme. Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic. Chevalier of the Order of Charles Ill. of Spain, and of the Order of Christ of Portugal. CAVALIER AND MAID. 8 x ro—Dated 1868 1A A Born at Sevres. kes Trgyon (C.), deceased... 7...) Sie hee 4 Pupil of Riocreux. 4 Medals, 1838, ’40, 46, ’48, ’55. d Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. -_Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1810. Died, 1865. STUDY FROM NATURE. D236 0X916 # v,eeoeoee ewe se ee we wo we BD wo © Bom at New Vork. Pupil of Maverick. ate of same, 1851. SPRING. 7 7 From the er Olyphant collection. =e x 1o—Dated 1864 = ( racDowell Ss Lg Ie a ee pen . Philadelphia af ae) 46 am a - ~~ Born at Philadelphia. ae Pupil of Prof, Eakins. | THE OLD CLOCK ON THE STAIRS. 19}¢ X 27—Dated 1882 = ae ~ Born in Paris. Pupil of his father. VOUNG FISHER GIRL. 39 X 3 103 ieeoinay (i. Gallard), deceased ............: Paris Br Born at Aulnay. ye Pupil of Jacquand. Died, 1885. VENICE, 40 X 26 36 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. a 104 Jeannin (Georges) . 00.2... .. sheen Paris es yO ~ Born at Paris. i Pupil of Vincelot. Medal, 1878. FLOWERS. 34 X 22 105 Palizzi (J-) ..2. 229... #anee eee Paris | A 0D Born at Lanciano, Italy, 1813. Pupil of the Academy at Naples. Medal, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1859. THE ROMAN CAMPAGNA. 27 X 25 Born at Wiirtemburg, Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy. Medal at Brussels. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1860. Born, 1816, Died, 1868. 4 106 Leutze (E.).. deceased -.2 7% «wes e mame New York ABSORBED. (The artist’s daughter.) From the J. Taylor Johnston collection. 13 X 16 ee ry (C. F.), deceased ....-.-+- +++ >i 8 ee ‘ Born at Paris. a oa Pupil of Delaroche. : Medals, 1848, °53, 551 57, 59 67- ~ Legion of Honor, 1859. ~ Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Spintons to the Memory of Deceased Artists. A ‘Universelle, 1878. Soy Bases: Died, ti SPRING TIME. -(vénte Daubigny.) Ig X 24 Bey 26 X at ‘nerd oaecicert (E.), deceased’... .-...+++ +--+: Bes atis Wn “Born at Paris. “ QF a Pupil of his father. rn Medal, 1852. 3 : Born, 1813. Died, 1882. SUNSET. 16 x 12— Dated 1852 38 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. to Aubert. (Jean)... .:0.40.,..... . Paris } \\ 24 Codina-Langian (V.)........... arx 14—-Dated 1875 Bares ePacini (A.)....-....+.. Pets, a is: Born at Busseto, Italy. Pat Pupil of Ciceri. Medals, 1859, ’63, 64. Legion of Honor, 1868. Knight of the Orders of St. Maurice and 18 x 22—Dated 1870 SPANISH CHRISTENING. Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Grand Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. a ‘ALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 43 ie Pease ite. Rome SSG Lazarus. Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia. Honorary Professor of the Academies of Parma and Turin. | ENVIRONS OF CONSTANTINOPLE. ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. 44 126 a (B pees wt eae sh ice te aris Ty fee ae > yh 1e te Born at Paris, 1848. Pupil of Barrias. ASKING THE WAY. 2378 X 174 127 Boughton (Geo. H..)i).2 5 London 1h Born in England, 1834. His family settled in Albany, 1837. Pupil of Frére. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1871. Associate of the Royal Academy, 1878. “BASHFUL (VEL Fon From the Robt. Olyphant collection. 14 X 17—Dated 1864 x eae jr nf 4 haf 128 Goubie G- Rebs Per spbh Feud a Se Paris } eats ; A Born‘at Paris, 1842. Pupil of Gérdme. Medal, 1874. THE RENDEZVOUS. 28 X 21 BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 45 129 Toulmouche (A.) co ESS Saar ea Paris . Born at Nantes, 1828. af Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, 1852, ’59, ’61, 78. ets. Legion of Honor, 1870. WATERING FLOWERS. 181¢ x 25—Dated 1880 iso nats (l.):.:.... oe Menkes | vo... Berlin Born at Wiesbaden, 1829. o Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy. Ge Medals, 1853, ’57, 59. . Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1859. Grand Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, Vienna, 1882. Medal, Munich, 1883. . Professor in the Academy, Berlin. Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Christiana. Knight of the Order of Merit. ‘ Medals at Berlin, Weimar, Munich, etc. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. THE OLD BEAU. From the J, Taylor Johnston collection. 18% x 22% ] 46 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. bs 131 Isabey (Eugene) tive sa aek ee ‘ Born at Paris, 1804, Pupil of his Father. ea Medals, 1824, ’27, 55. ae “ Legion of Honor, 1832. “Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852. SHIPPING BY MOONLIGAT. 2436 X 16 / He 132 Gisbert (Antonio).......m.eun rae sae ray Born at Alcoy. 5 Mavi of the School of Fine Arts, Madrid. ’ Medals, 1865, 67. Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. RELAFING HIS ADVENTORES. 25 X 20 f aS Compte-Calix (F. C.), deceased..........5. , Born at Lyon, . Pupil of the School of Fine Arts, Lyon. Medals, 1844, ’57, ’59, 63. Born, 1813. Died, 1881. RDERS OF THE LAKE: 31}g X 23) ees ! ND ROGERS COLLECTION. 47 g.3)- . Saree “ a a “Born at Paris, 1828. Pupil of Frére. Medal, 1872. Legion of Honor, 1878. THE BLACKSMITH. | o3 a 1877 | I; 5 De Vriendt tin ee oe . Brussels 1 TKS 1 ae eee es Es ae at ‘Gand. | Nae ‘STORV OF THE BATTLE From the J, Taylor Johnston collection, _ 26 x 21—Dated 1866 136 Jacque 5) 2 ever Born at Paris; 1813. JC Z i Medals, 186%; 63, 64,67. Legion of Honor, 1867. eee UNDER AN: OLD: OAK, 26 X 30—Dated 1870 7 De Winter (1.). Bei Paton, ao o re SEUSS MOONLIGHT-—DUTCH COAST. From the if Taylor Johnston collection, 36 x 26—Dated 1859 48 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. 138 Lambinet (E.), deceased... . >.) au earn ; ; pie J + Born at Versailles, N\A Pupil of Drdlling. y Medals, 1843, ’53, 757. ae ge Bi id Legion of Honor, 1867. ao Born, 1810. Died, 1878. THE FARM. 33 X 22 139 Richards (Wm. T.) 7.32 Philadelphia Born at Philadelphia, 1829. . Medal; Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. Prize Medal, Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, 1885. Honorary Member of the National Academy of Design. FIRST BEACH; NEWPORT. From the J, Taylor Johnston collection. 40 X 24—Dated 1876 40 Schreyer (A.)aiaas ey ae oni FS Oa eee Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1828, Medals, 1864, ’65, ’67. Brussels Exposition, 1863. Vienna Exposition, 1873. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864. Painter to the Court of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Honorary Member of the Deutsches Nochstift. THEVPURS UT: 33 X 258 BOOKWALTER AND ROGERS COLLECTION. 49 141 Merle (Hugues), deceased............. nee Paris Born at Sainte-Marcellin. if G j Le Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1861, ’63. Legion of Honor, 1866. Born, 1822. Died, 1881. A LESSON IN EMBROIDERY. 31 x 40—Dated 1877 Meemeveretacrt (Albert),..............05-.. New os oes Born at Diisseldorf, 1829. Pupil of the Diisseldorf Academy. Member of the National Academy of Design, 1860. Legion of Honor, 1869. me wOCK Y (GLEN. 36 X 44 mene (WL). ec lene Paris hee Born at Boston, 1852. Pupil of Géréme. LA ROUTE DE CONCARNEAU, From Paris Salon, 1880, where this painting received an Honorable Mention, The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia Art Union, Boston Museum, and Walker Art Gallery of Liverpool, England, possess pictures by Mr. Picknell. 78 X 41 50 ROGERS AND BOOKWALTER COLLECTION. t44 Hoff (Carl) <<... suse «. Diisseldorf Born at Mannheim, 1841. Pupil of the Academy of Diisseldorf. Medals at Berlin, Diisseldorf, and Vienna. Member of the Academy at Rotterdam. THE UNEXPECTED RETURN. 6336 x 49—Dated 1870 Press of J. J. Little & Co., Astor Place, N. Y. SEARCH INST il | il . ii 3125 0 3551 ‘Pl ak) Per ss Pa ‘ pe 1h eRe @, V4 + ) eee) bi miata’ year y allies d a af : Loerie , : UB Pa AU Z RMP RAR A, ty, 4k pubddaspledalenynrasetatatinerten ta cdatadonpaatasean a $4 Jaren G Se eh er rel ae f BAe AC a Rj4j8la: > it, p78 Ver? Li seh tases Pag wht ‘ th Bese { 4a alt ; t) 5] ‘ i ity4 AC ZOPL PEN eER by iis diatad i) state piers tel bE TN as My he ue ai i His HOD ‘4 alte % rh rotela we lates 4 POL REN MLNS BORLA EOL YS JaFN RRA Hes A ee PCR PE HAN % f s ane if tetrad) i yi uF * “ A Stet i th or COCHIN OCW denis Ta ASMaliHys ee SLAEARSAR RIESE Ta PUP Paar ALES Ae th i Hi set MaSata latest late TT Okt: MLSS ACRE Sty Le Ye Ba nat cae ss fa mein Wee ie rhe he be = cafe Mise ett Soe Sas Se a Cok ee DW Bo : mim Ame Br ras) 7 r fat 13 Parser i nite Aarts iat SOU ML | ALadeisgee STALE WIS , eh at ny 8h Hay Sivt [epest nay i vhs q it : aR ae 4 sieit Flaite \; siete’ aN | SDM AN EE > a 1 Se te “ = aes hema n— era —_. i ee aa - ea ee ee ie 5 See es oe at et ea “+ (wet oe —P- eS — > a sien eee e RH. 2 aay o5 eabiasieel Sa a ae Se oe ties Samra - Le Ng cig Raa = Senge on ae oe NP el ae. a Pe ae ee eee Sicke™ Cae ee ea ee MO a wer Tie A i A ze Fit aaa ox sor hs “nae ao mao ~ ad Pe ee as a, a aa oe eet Pea Fed A et 9 A AB nd ph SA Rr eS Ta oe 533 Pn We. i ilnninn ee ie P oe) Met el Va eit eat ne = = °. See ee a) os ene a ore eee = ~ een. a Ne erie wo > Catt na) ™ te ee Sn aya iiss sy 4 Me ean) M cee “A ae a te a Re oP ie 3 es 2 : 1 ge eet ne = Be ace =, = ea SS z = 6a sas ape ma maeere ; oe a Pmt 2" st Sen aon = z neg ade ge Bea Re gag Mite ees a AT ease gett . ~ gn cnn Bier aly = = a > — 2 Ee bee —*. —s See sie = one ~ "it atin = —# 2 ; Pe ap Da Cg ce OS Ae AS is Nr ol eS Se Te ee a ee a s > = Pg SO z eet a ae ee =o : eae oo ghce mene =~ nes roa x = agen: ee ae ie = ? ‘a by a ca a ee Pee 3 “i eee a a eas