erase. Oh gee ae —" j ; b: Wye ert ay wee rane (Nos.left out are unimportant) Cale Bashford Dean N.E.Montrese Dr. Muller J.D. Baker Knoedler . N.Sanbern. R.D, a J. Weiteme yer MeDonough ” AK (order) McDonough (order) Knoedler PP: Baker Goldblatt U.LaReche Me. Deneugh Knoedler. (order) se Gellatte SSS Uke own oon she eee i | SSSSIRRR88 Wyatt Daton R. Thourkeuff $.G0it Brown Louis Loeb §.Beiaks Wlackens Frank Stone R.Peale Preneis Alexander J.Vesley Jarvis F.Hels (Attributed to) Bf eb. Gta” ” A. He Wpant . : George Inness,Jr. te Rob. Newnan 4.3 ..urphy George Inness John Linnell J.DdeHofner A. Seifert Robert De Paw “ayteh (1) 2 paintings Golo Gali. Kelly Art Gall. y E.F.Dutrich C.F, Ds Gall. Bashfor’ Dean Sale Cowan R.Dudersing RD. Leh. Thonpson &. Cpwan 8. Kelly 2 Cowen 27.50 Calo 5. hE lontrese 375. oa 3 &3* a5, Re Lesehrer 17% 50 Seowan 217.50 Dr. lilies 20. “ 100. Cowan 12.50 Dr.Muller 60.77. ! } Re aC 1,206. * RD. 35, Aci. Francis 26. J.D.Boker 105. Kneedi er 130, Dr. Muller 68. All. Froneis 15s DP huller 22.50 Kelly 15. Ali. Francis 25. He Sanborn 120, Dr. Maller 70. RD. 235. He Ke Hoehaehiza 40, J.Weiteneyer 225, MeDonough 50. Galo 80, - 15, a ee a ee ee a ee ee ee ee ee ee eg ee : & | E =f ae a r ' eet , . ; : + ‘o P.Cabrera Canto AuG Cazoria a ng ‘fouds Rhead 7 o.uamecerd David Jomson H.C. Bisphan ’ RF .Field A.Calmimphy, No A.C, Fed. Weugh P,.Cornoyer _ Unknown Robert Kluth — ¥, foulecroix i. Terkurgh we Jules Temes C.%. Yeorhesa PF oie Bicknext Edward Sicbert Edward Moran Lowis Aubry Thenas B.Craig, Aele he hepa s drapgaigiy Nee Y.HeFoote, S.A» We El. Howe, NeaAe i. O0.Walker ReAsblakelock, NeA. Congtent Troyonu A.T.Van Laer Bruce Crave, A.A. Unknown Master Jean Jacques Henner ‘A follower of Purilio &. Greenaningon wWeRtty 6. Durand Je8eLembraec his .eon Richet JeSe TAU quet T Rous sean ¥.S.Gmreh, NeAe Cowen A rebnareing Galo Pusat end 1.Yerboeskhoven Order — T.Weittneyer Coven — heleFs order ‘Aplington Gell. Red. Order F Weiteneyer Arlington UeLe Rocke order hed -Golablatt RK. TYeschner A.M. Freneis e # Wie.Donough Jetutchingon Order 7. Weitmeyes Avlington Orier Cowen A.H.¥rencis Goal bl att lie. Donough AeM. Francis i.bresiin Goléblets Reds Dr. Be Knoedl er JaD. Raker Goldblatt 'MeLa Roche Bedonough &.F.Dulrich KneedLer g . F. Bul righ Omer R.oJ.Horgan Order BaF Dd. Order g Gelakiatt sented od a 4 a? : z é CEN Es Ko * = petanen des: ’ One, in a costume of green and red brocade sumptuously embroid- ered in jewels and gold, wears a stand lace ruff and a head dress of jewels. The other, who resembles Catarina Cornaro, is in a costume of red and gold brocade with an elaborate head dress of lace and jewels. Her necklaces, earrings and comb are set with rubies, pearls and emeralds. The costumes painted with great. attention to detail. (/ulia E. Green coll.) Panels. Height, 27% inches; width, 21 inches. eo Ce aes egies re UNKNOWN . a DUTCH SCHOOL, 17TH CENTURY 3 AN ITALIAN SUNSET 3 ea A traveller, whose form is silhouetted against the sky, rides on a »,— donkey across an arched stone bridge to a town built among the ~ _—_ rocks. The arch way of the bridge frames a boat and a glimpse of the river. The bridge and town with its flat, Italian roofs stand 4. out against the sunset sky. By an artist influenced by Pieter van pLaer. (Julia E. Green coll.) ~~ Panel. Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. R. B. Ss ENGLISH SCHOOL, ABOUT 1825 = 4 THE RESCUE »>{- A boat in the trough of a stormy sea sends out the life line to two 7 men who have been cast overboard. (Julia E. Green coll.) | y, . Canvas. Signed to the right: R.B. Height, 26 inches; width, 36 ( L inches. ” 1 ee ef bine UNKNOWN ITALIAN SCHOOL, 17TH CENTURY THE ENTOMBMENT Three of Christ’s disciples wrap the grave clothes about his inert body, while one with a torch lights the darkness of the tomb. Back of the disciples stand the two Marys, one with hands outstretched in an abandonment of grief, the other weeping with bent head. Above the group fly three angels. (Julia E. Green coll.) On copper. Height, 17 inches; width, 1434 inches. COPY AP TER TEN TEi DUTCH SCHOOL, 18TH CENTURY THE LOSING HAND Two peasants at cards, the one who is ogee urged to drink by a clever accomplice sitting at the end of the bench. The shrewd winner sits easily back in his chair, watching with an amused smile the confusion and anxiety of his opponent. Background of a typi- cal peasant inn with stone walls and floors and vessels and jugs scattered about the room. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches, KK. BAI LC FRENCH SCHOOL CHIU Dew PTR BA Dinas Exquisite painting of a small girl holding a balloon while a cocka- too hovers over her hear. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. UNKNOWN ITALIAN; 16th CENTURY DESIGN FORSASSi a Two paintings in one frame in gray and gold leather. Painted in Lombardy, assuredly by some important Northern master and probably designed for one of the Italian princes. Paintings of this nature and quality are of excessive rarity and it is believed that no other such pair of designs for a shield have been offered at Amer- ican sale. Slightly blistered but could be easily repaired. (George S. Hellman coll.) Upper panel: height, 11 inches; width, 25 mches. Lower panel: height, 9% inches; width, 25 mches. 9 -P. VAN SCHENDEL er . DUTCH SCHOOL Lic HTING THE LAMP Painting showing two men whose faces are remarkably illuminated Ae y the burning coals. (George S. Hellman coll.) mel. Bh eight, g9 inches; width, 8 inches. ot a . __PINCHARD a a FRENCH SCHOOL 10 V OMAN DRYING HERSELF AFTER BATH sty ne example of this delightful 19th Century French painter. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. ait Galt, 15 “a inches ; width, 10 inches. a. EVENING Landscape i in France with church in center foreground, dark fields and luminous sky.) (George S. Hellman coll.) . tives Height, 11 inches; width, 14 inches. L. NEUBERT J-SCHWARZ roy CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PAINTER yi2 VIEW OF LOWER NEW YORK iE As seen from the Hudson River near West Street. (George S. _ Hellman coil.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 5% inches; width, 7% Ls Be inches. - GEORGE H. McCORD 43 MARINE With ships in center foreground and snowy coast at right. A par- vo ticularly choice example of this well-known American painter. = (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Height, 9 inches; width, 11% inches. SADAKICHI HARTMANN CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PAINTER AND POET Ba SPRING LANDSCAPE — With trees with light foliage in center foreground. (George S. Hellman coll.) . Vater color. Signed lower right. Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches. ; _—. |. 2 17 2 ai - nee SADAKICHI HARTMANN CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PAINTER AND POET WINTER LANDSCAPE Showing pine trees heavily laden with snow. (George de Hellman q coll. ) inches. R. THEURKBACGEE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PAINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE : . From the Salmagundi Club sale. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 10% imches; width, 15% q inches. BOLTON COLT SEG CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PAINTER | CALIFORNIA. HILLS (George S. Hellman coll.) aes Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 18 inches; width, 27 inches. LOUIS-EORE LAS TOUR MAC DITE Painting of French landscape with puldiee (the Haunted Castle ?) in center foreground. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Height, 15 inches; width, 20 inches. GEORGE. BY iis CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PAINTER THE WIDOW McGEE The Widow McGee was an old woman of Schuykill, Pa., where Luks painted this portrait. It comes from the Breckenridge Col- lection (in Virginia), the price paid for it in 1902 having been $500. It passed through a fire in the Breckenridge home with some damage to the edges of the canvas, but otherwise with only an improving effect. Mr. Luks considers it one of his masterpieces and among the greatest of his portraits. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Signed lower left and also on back of canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. 4 Water color. Signed lower right.. Height, 15 inches; width, 10 = ETEEN | = a 4 ea fos) i [NUD 20 24 The next five pictures by Wyatt Eaton, coming from the collection of Mrs. Wyatt Eaton, are among a very few examples by this rare American artist that have _ ever been offered at auction. . Wave Ler Os 1849-1896 TELS OUN Te Sie Ae Painting of a mountain lake with hills in the background and brill- lant sky in upper center. (George S. Hellman coll.) | Canvas. Signed note by Mrs. Wyatt Eaton on back of ie Height, - 15 inches; width, 11 inches. WYATT Bears 1849-1896 NUDE STUDY , Painting of the upper portion of a nude man. Painted when Eaton was studying at the Beaux Arts, Paris. (George S. Hellman coll.) . anvas. Signed note by Mrs. \Vyatt Eaton on back of frame. Height, 16 inches; width, 13% inches. | WYA Pi BA ony 1849-1896 THE BATHER Painting of a nude man seated on a white towel at the edge of a brook. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Signed note by Mrs. |! yatt Eaton on back of frame. Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches. WYATDE HATO 1849-1896 LANDSCAPE Painting of landscape near Lake Champlain. (George S. Hellman coll.) . Canvas. Signed note by Mrs. IV yatt Eaton on back of frame. Height, 9 inches; width, 11 inches. WYATT EATON 1849-1896 —-, SILENT UPON A PEAK IN Daa Painting with imaginary portrait of John Keats and illustrating the sonnet, [On first looking into Chapman’s Homer.” (George S. Hellman coll. ) . Canvas. Signed note by Mrs. li’yatt Eaton on back of frame. Height, 11% inches; width, 12% inches. 6 Be Nv ecrtoA Cay LIN S = 2o THE MODEL Painting of a nude model, left corner of a sofa with her clothes scattered around. An especially interesting canvas by this im- :. portant American painter. A sweep of brush from right to left a7 ¢° ~ shows that Mr. Glackens painted this picture over another picture 4 he had already started. (George S. Hellman coll.) : Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 19% inches; width, 23 D Manges ‘ é owe Pe i PRANK SrONE 26 THE LOVERS Charming painting on copper by this rare early 18th Century 78 — painter. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas, oval. Height, 934 inches; width, 7% inches. REMBRANDT PEALE 1778-1860 | eee el) Or WILLIAM COLEMAN Sa, Coleman was one of the founders and first editors of the New York ' # — Ewening Post, a copy of which is held in his hand in this portrait. in This canvas was included in the exhibiton of nineteen American 5 portraits held at the Ehrich Galleries, October, 1917. In frame i/ yf . with oval opening. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 35 inches. DANIEL WEBSTER AND HIS WIFE [Lots 28 AND 28a| The following two portraits to be sold as a pair come - from the home of Mrs. Daniel Webster in 33rd Street near Fifth Avenue. These portraits were left by Mrs. Webster to an old family retainer, Mrs. Mary Sother- land, from whom they were directly purchased by the present owner. They constitute both from an artistic and personal point of view a most important pair of portraits relating to the greatest of American orators. An extensive typewritten article on these porraits accompanies them. -l FRANCIS ALEXANDE® 1800-1881 PORTRAIT OF DANIEL WEBSTER Full face, bust portrait painted in 1825 by a rare American portrait painter, some of whose examples are in the Boston Public Library, and there is a replica in the Dartmouth College Library. This pleasing canvas painted for ‘Webster is the first special item men- tioned in his will in the sentence, “To my wife I give the picture of myself by Alexander.” Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 8 JOHN WESLEY JARVIS ATTRIBUTED TO 28a PORTRAIT OF KATHERINE LEROY WEBSTER Second wife of Daniel Webster. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. 34 inches x 36 ches. 9 29 5 S- afl Vg" . -FRANS HALS [ ATTRIBUTED TO | BO Wawel PR | This painting offers important possibilities for research as its re- markable brush work points, if not to Hals (under whose name it has gone in previous collections), certainly to some other great painter. (George S. Hellman.coll.) Panel. Height, 16% inches; width, 14 inches. J. B-GRE@Zs | ATTRIBUTED TO | 1726-1805 THETA FERRED BOM Painting of street urchin seated and holding a long stick. (George S. Hellman coll.) . Canvas. Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. J. B. GREUZE | ATTRIBUTED TO | 1726-1805 GIRL WITH DOG Young girl seated on a rock by a brook fondling a white dog; background of trees and blue sky. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Height, 13 inches; width, 934 mches. A TL. Wie ADIRONDACK LANDSCAPE | Painting of the Racquette River in the Adirondacks with hills and mountains in the background. Early painting in great detail show- ing the influence of the Dusseldorf School. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 14 inches; width, 23 inches. 10 | j 33 | Go- } mM. 34 < ; - ~— : ~ — Spa's At 4 “ ) . > Tet Gad ea . <1 ant igh : 4 ’ alia ig ; HEN ewig = =_ ~ A. H. WYANT EVENING LANDSCAPE - Painting with pool and trees in foreground and beautiful sunset sky in background. Painted in sketchy manner and said to have been given by Wyant to his landlady in lieu of payment of rent. (George S. Hellman. coll.) ‘Canvas. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. GEORGE INNESS, Jr. CONTEM PORARY AMERICAN PAINTER THE HOUR OF REST Painting in black and white. Hunters in the Rocky Mountains are preparing the evening meal with a group of horses resting on the left and stream and, pa cliffs in the background. (George S. Hell- man coll.) Paigheas: Signed at lower left. Height, 18 inches; width, 16 inches. PoORGE INNESS; Jr. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PAINTER eek LISS STUDIO Painting in black and white showing the artist himself seated at his easel and painting a scene with cattle. Striking and interesting example. (George S. Hellman coll. ) Canvas. Signed lower left. Height, 14 inches; width, 19 inches. GEORGE INNESS, Jr. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PAINTER PeNTING IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS In black and white. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Signed lower left. Height, 15 inches; width, 16 inches. [itty am GEORGE INNESS, Jr. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PAINTER 375 SO LAGSILUN Painting in black and white showing hunters engaged in battle with a herd of deer. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Signed. Height, 15 inches; width, 20 inches. 12 R. L. NEWMAN 1827-1912 38 CHRIST AND MAGDALENE Painting showing repentant Magdalene kneeling before Christ. Rene painting by a rare American artist much sought after by the collector. From the Katz Galleries. (George S. Hellman coll:) A Canvas. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 incehs. JAMES FRANCIS MURPHY AND OTHER ARTISTS L390. TWO DESIGNS FOR A FAN 1 A. Design for a fan whose six panels have delightful little water . colors painted by J. F. Murphy, G. H. Smillie, W. S. Macy, Arthur 4 Quartley, R. Swain Gifford and W. J. Smith. The circular pane! | is a little landscape by J. Ludovici. Each of these panels is signed hey JO — by the artist and constitutes a very remarkable group. : | B. Design for a fan whose six panels have delightful water colors | ~—___ painted by Wm. Sartain, Chas. C. Coleman, A. D. Abbatt, Fred- | Py erick Dielamn, Launitz Raymond and Victor Nehlia. In the cir- ‘ Ph M cise panel the monogram G. L. S. or G. S. L. appears in blue and gold. All together these designs for a fan make a very unusual item. These two items being made for the two sides of a fan will be sold asa pair. (George S. Hellman coll.) GEORGE INNESS 40 LANDSCAPE 4 Painting of woodland scene with brook in foreground. Painted 14 3 I —in 1888 and still bearing on the back of the frame the tag showing ie that it was sent to an exhibition at Buffalo. (George S. Hellman coll.) Canvas. Signed lower left. Height, 9 inches; width, 11 inches. i JOHN LINNELL q ENGLISH SCHOOL, 1792-1882 me 41 THE AFTERGLOW A row of stately trees, dimly revealing through their branches the i last faint afterglow of the sunset. This landscape has in common ; with all of Linnell’s work the pathos with which he invested nature. ds Paintings by this well-known artist are in the Tate and National im Galleries. (Julia E. Green coll.) : s Academy board. Signed at the lower left. Height, 5¥4 inches; e width, 10% inches. MAUL fi JOHANN BAPTIST HONE GERMAN SCHOOL, PUPIL OF PILOTY 42 SHEARING THE SHEEP This is a family scene from Bavarian rustic life, a white family ye teseces in the washing and shearing of the little flock of sheep. In the background the men are scrubbing the patient beasts, knee (Cz deep in the lake, while ashore in the foreground the women folk Va are relieving the sheep of their wool. A little boy has caught up his favorite lamb in fear that it, also, will be subjected to such indignities as a bath and a hair cut and presses the small beast to his breast. An animated scene with figures of human beings and M animals handsomely painted on a grand scale. . 4 Canvas. Signed and dated, 1871. Height, 65 inches; width, 90 inches. ALFRED SET Rita GERMAN SCHOOL, 1850-1901 43 ROMAN GIRL WITH ROSES 4 o A dark-haired girl in Roman costume, with a wreath of pink roses 0 bound about her head. She is seated upon a marble bench with a basket of pink and red roses by her side. A charming composi- tion combining the spirit of Bulwer’s “Last Days of Pompeii” with the lyricism of Alma-Tadema’s painting of Roman life. /\\ Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 20 ches; width, 12 inches. ROBERT DE Pax BELGIAN SCHOOL, ABOUT 1870 44. FEEDING THE PARROT By the open door of a balcony a lady in a full blue dress feeds her 7 parrot while a dog ona chair below the perch watches with interest. Zo (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) Panel. Signed and dated at the right: Bruxelles, 1872. Height, 21 - : inches; width, 17 inches. (yh WIRTCH (?) GERMAN SCHOOL, 18TH CENTURY 45 HEBREW SCHOLARS—TWO PAINTINGS bs 4S Portraits of two gray-haired, bearded old men with somewhat simi- JN lar features, the expression of the one revealing a somber, medita- tive nature and that of the other an alert, aggressive attitude : toward life. (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) Vik Canvas. Height, 6% inches; width, 5 inches. 14 JEAN IGNACE ISADORE GRANDVILLE (?) FRENCH SCHOOL, 1803-1847 feo NINE PROFESSOR A spaniel in professorial dress stands by the side of a table with one paw upon an outspread book and the other thrust deeply into / —)his pocket. His spectacles are pushed back upon his forehead, the entire attitude expressing profound reflection. Pictures of this type, bringing animals into the human comedy according to an artistic fancy of the times, were painted in France by Grandville, | ¢ra.Whose real name was Gerard. For this reason, the painting being | “~*~ signed Gerard, it is in all probability an early work of Grandville. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed at the left. Height, 10 inches; width 8% inches. > a Z By Saat WILLIAM D. KENNEDY SCOTTISH SCHOOL, 1813-1865 | DOG ASLEEP | 1 A skye terrier lies asleep by the open door of the dog kennel. Wf Excellent sketch. (Julia E. Green coll.) ‘| Ponel. Signed in the upper left corner. Height, 534 inches; width, a 734 mches. + 6 " A ~ CARL HUBNER a GERMAN SCHOOL, 1814-1879 | 48 FORGIVENESS — An old peasant mother intercedes for her son, who has just re- ~ f/%o —turned home with his bride. The shrinking girl stands by, the 4 door way, while the son, his hand in his mother’s, stands awaiting z forgiveness. But the old father, still unrelenting sits stubbornly | az by the table on which his unfinished supper is spread, and tries to no, va oe the pleading of his wife. Background of a peasant cottage P -hunting implements upon the wall. (The late Solomon Mehr- = ach coll.) | Canvas. Signed and dated 1885 to the right. Height, 31 inches; width, 40 inches. 15 50 51 CARIZHIFTZ GERMAN SCHOOL, 1885 GAMES A merry group of Swiss peasants are playing games—a group at the table at cards, a young man and woman at a game of forfeits, and two children at the right making card houses. Grandfather smokes his pipe and looks down on the merrymaking below, while grandmother sits by the window reading. The bright peasant cos- tumes and the merry expressions of the faces lend variety and interest to this picture. (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) Canvas. Signed and dated Miinchen, 1885, at the right. Height, 344 inches; width, 45% inches. . C. FE. BOETECH Es GERMAN SCHOOL, 1871 “TOILET. A sturdy peasant girl in a white waist and a red petticoat is comb- ing her long golden hair near an open window with plants standing on the table below. The curtained bed and the-half open chest with a dress hung across it form a dark background for the figure of the girl. (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) Canvas. Signed and dated 1871 at the right. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. ALBRECHT KINDLER- GERMAN SCHOOL, 1833-1876 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD PEASANT MAN an A wrinkled, weather-tanned old peasant smoking a pipe. In the ' lines about the eyes and mouth the artist reveals a shrewd, narrow man come to a defeated and bitter old age. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches L. BARALOW ie RUSSIAN SCHOOL, ABOUT 1880 . THE VISITOR A young lady in evening dress cautiously peeps through the red velvet curtain of an anteroom to catch a glimpse of her visitor, while a companion, also in evening dress, gazes over her shoulder with scarcely less interest than that displayed by her friend. The ww details of costumes and draperies executed with great attention to Lo” ( detail. 4 ee Signed to the left. Height, 20 inches; width, 1434 inches. 16 : : V. CORCOS . ° FRENCH SCHOOL, 1884 mes LHE FIRST KISS q Midway in the descent down a broad stone staircase a lover bends _ to kiss the hand of a charming lady bearing a large bouquet of _*f- daisies and poppies in one arm. Her head is slightly turned to him © ~ in shy acceptance of the caress. _ Canvas. Signed and dated 84 at the right. Height, 40 inches; width, 2414 inches. J. KIELHOFF and E. VERBOECKHOVEN | BELGIAN SCHOOL, 1866 54 THE FARMYARD In the foreground a peasant woman drives the cows and sheep down to a small stream. To the right is a low stone farm house with fine old trees in the yard. A number of chickens run about the lawn.. Background of a vista of surrounding country and a broad expanse of blue sky. The landscape by Kielhoff, the figures by the well-known animalist Verboeckhoven. (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) Canvas. Signed at the right: J. Kielhoff, 1866; fig. E. Verboeck- hoven. Height, 26% inches; width, 41 inches. = -3y0- PecApRERA CANTO f MADRID _ 4 Grand prize, Paris, Rome and Spain; gold medal, =. | San Francisco, 1915 _, 55 WOMAN’S LOVE 4 ,.y Thecatisatriumph. It is worthy of Steinlen. The whole picture, /° indeed, has an air of distinction and strikes a profound note. The 4 title “Woman’s Love,” is Sefior Canto’s. Her love, at her age, 1s a for—the fire and a pet cat. Fu ight, 41 inches; width, 21 inches. £ a ALEJANDRO CARDUNETS CAZORIA 7 BARCELONA % 56 MONTRAY 4 ‘s Montray is a picturesque village in the north of Spain. /2 2 Height, 25 inches; width, 29 inches. 2 17 “ — CovsOa~ * CONS TAN TENO GORE VALENCIA Medals, Paris, London, Turin, Brussels, Madrid and Barcelona; bronze medal, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Fran- CISCO oto silver medal, Panama-California International Ex posi- tion, ‘San Diego, 1916. , 57 FRUIT STAND IN VAEENGEY 20 o qit Water color. Probably the largest fruit piece that has ever been painted in water color. The artist has made a fruit store epical. Height, 26 inches; width, 38 mches. LOUIS Riva AMERICAN SCHOOL, CONTEMPORARY 98 “THE QUAT VOLTALR EIN = coe Is yl A characteristic corner of Old Paris on the embankments of the Seine, opposite the Institute de France, the sacred institution for art and science in France. On the embankment are the boxes of the second-hand book dealers whose clientele is composed of original Paris types; the old professor with flowing hair, the baker’s boy, the priest. The coachman to the right seems more interested in politics than in books. In the background the statues of Pont des Arts and a typical specimen of Paris street architecture. Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 29 inches; width, 41 inches, G. He Mee@Gikas AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1849 59) WW UNTER Re Ss iN ea ae 3 ph poston’ A snowy country road witha house at the side sheltered by fir trees. Background of sunset sky in shades of yellow. Dramatic contrast between the cold gray tones of the snow and the warmth of the sunset colors. | Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 6% inches; width, 10 inches. BR. PPE wie AMERICAN SCHOOL, 19TH CENTURY OO" OX PON Ai as A tree with tints of early autumn and two oxen at rest in the fore- ground. To the left the figure of a man beside a newly felled tree merges with the green brown background of trees and hills. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed at the left. Height, 1134 inches; width, 17% imches. 18 C. HARRY EATON AMERICAN SCHOOL, CONTEMPORARY 61 BETWEEN SHOWERS = Landscape of road and trees with a background of clouded gray QS—sky presaging another shower. A farmer and his team jog along m the road. Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. MAURICE INGRES ' AMERICAN SCHOOL, CONTEM PORARY -NOVEMBER . Landscape with brown fields, bare trees and an expanse of wind- swept sky. = . Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 11% inches; width, 16 inches. by Peal LIE i f : AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1833 i = rer 1 [en 30 la ee lal Oat teeee te eenee —— | hell, ach wr ie = fem tie : { ‘ . ; ¥ “= f =- a ‘ ~ alte ii oy . 7 ae | 2“ a ° vs 4 . 7 Ee - . 3 Gre sUNort ON THE MOUNTAIN POOL A tree bordered pool reflecting the orange glow of the sunset which gleams in bright tints over the mountains in the distance. A charm- Y4 ing landscape with vivid color contrast between the dark tones of the trees and rocks and the orange tints of sunset. (The late Solo- i i? -mon Mehrbach coll.) | Dlbigledanvas Signed to the left. Height, 111% inches; width, 21 inches. a UNKNOWN b EARLY AMERICAN SCHOOL, ABOUT 1840 64 HUNTING SCENE ON THE HUDSON : Hunters and dog upon one bank; across the stream hilly farm lands. — fo— (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) . Canvas. Height, 11% inches; width, 9% inches. Wh lack E DAVID JOHNSON AMERICAN SCHOOL, 1827-1908 65 SCENE NEAR NEWARK VALLEY, NEW YORK A small creek with cows standing knee deep in the water. Back- ‘ te ground of trees with luxuriant foliage and a blue summer sky. 2 (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) : Canvas. Signed at lower left; also on the reverse. Height, 10 Osler, inches; width, 1544 inches. 19 69 4 ame 70 HENRY CBS Eee AMERICAN SCHOOL, 1841-1882 LAN-DSGAREVAND GAyiet Ey Four cows and a calf stand in a small stream bordered by banks with luxuriant foliage. The artist invests both his animals and the background with an atmosphere of placid contentment. (Juha E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed and dated N. Y., 18/4, to the right. Height, 30 inches; width, 49 inches. R. PP Ee AMERICAN SCHOOL, CONTEMPORARY A! SANDY MEADOW AT EASTHAMPTON, L. I. (Julia E. Green coll.) Panel. Height, 5% inches; width, 8% inches. ADA CLIFFORD MURPH a AMERICAN SCHOOL, CONTEMPORARY “SPRINGLIKE” Against a background of fresh green lawn and trees, with a single budding apple tree in the foreground, a girl in a pale yellow dress dances a welcome to spring. A charming picture by the talented wife of John Francis Murphy. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 934 inches; width, 934 inches. FREDERICK J. WAUGH AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1861 THE BREAKERS A rock-bound coast with incoming breakers dashing upon the rocks in a mist of white spray. The distant water a cold blue with the rising swells of a high sea. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 11 inches; width, 15 inches. PAUL-CORN@ AMERICAN SCHOOL—-BORN 1864 THE STREET MENDERS Horses and teams in the middle of the street, while at the side two laborers are at work repairing the paving stones. Background of high buildings almost shutting out the sky. In the impressionist manner. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Height, 10 inches; width, 1134 inches. 20 UNKNOWN DUTCH SCHOOL, MODERN FARM SCENE To the left a barn with overarching} trees, to the right thatched farm buildings. In the foreground a small stream with a woman at work washing. Sky with tints of early morning. (Julia E. Green coll.) “Canvas. Signature to the left (undecipherable). Height, 1734 inches; width, 25 inches. 4 € -. 7 aa { aera, rere Poo en et KLOUTH CONTEMPORARY NORWEGIAN 72 SOYNE FJORD, NORWAY A fine characteristic Norwegian landscape showing the grim snow- capped heights rising abruptly from the water in the middle dis- _ tance, with a little fishing village nestling in the shelter of the green foothill in the foreground. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 20% inches; width, 32 inches. ttonceen iy F. SOULACROIX FRENCH SCHOOL, CONTEM PORARY bic me 75 FLIRTATION 4 Late afternoon in the Park. Old trees: overshadow the lake, in ; which the purple and yellow shades of the sunset are reflected. On is tf5 0 the terrace above the lake a young couple in Directoire costume. a She, resting in a hammock, seems to listen with delight to the E gentle words which the young man addresses to her. a ae signed in the lower left. Height, 24% inches; width, 33V : Order inches. fi TER BORGH DUTCH SCHOOL, CONTEMPORARY 74 RIVER FRONT The varied spectacle of the river front, with boats at anchor, build- aH ings huddled close to the stream, and the slender outlines of masts and smoke stacks. Skillful blending of color in the reds and grays of the buildings and in the varied shadings of the water. I Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 15 inches; width, 20 inches. a 21 70 CALOBRIGEO IN FRENCH SCHOOL, ABOUT 1880 GOING TO SCHOOL | An older girl adjusts the hat and puts the last affectionate touches to the toilet of her little sister who with a basket of books is just starting for her first day at school. (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 23% inches; width, 18% inches. JULES WORMS FRENCH SCHOOL—BORN 1837 THEA SALE OFA IUILE In the street before a Spanish house, a mule iets points out the exceptional merits of his beast to his prospective purchasers—a man and wife with their small son who stand talking over the deal- ers arguments. Two idlers who lounge against the house watch the dealings with amusement. The touches of bright red in the costumes lend a vivid note of color to the picture. (The late Solo- mon Mehrbach coll.) Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 20% inches; width, 28 inches. C.G VOOR TES AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1871 THE RUSTIC BRIDGE Small bridge spanning a stream with background of summer mead- ows and green trees. (Julia E. Green coll.) Wooden panel. Signed in the lower left corner. Height, 5 inches; width, 8% inches. ) FRANK Av BICKNEise AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1866 THE BOAT HOUSE Sketch of a small stream with a row boat on the bank awaiting repair. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 734 inches; width, 934 inches. 22 i” | | >y Cd 19 re EDWARD SIEBERT | AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1856 79 SECRET POTATIONS A rotund monk with his jug steals down the monastery staircase igt to the wine cellar. The background of the monastery with its '2 vaulted stone arches carefully executed. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed and dated ’S4 at the right. Height, 1634 inches; width, 1214 inches. ¢ BFDWARD MORAN AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1862 80 MARINE | An untroubled sea, with a few sails in the distance and in the fore- ground rocks against which the waves dash in a mass of spray. O- (Julia E: Green coll.) Academy board. Signed to the left. Height, 21% inches; width, fae oe AL BR Y AMERICAN SCHOOL, CONTEMPORARY 81 WOODLAND SKETCH 7 Fanel. Signed to the left. Height, 5 inches; width, 8% inches. v4 7 a THOMAS B. CRAIG, A.N.A. AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1849 Sete PE PIELDS Summer landscape of cows browsing in a luxuriant green pasture. Background of trees and a sky with floating white clouds. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed at the left. Height, 9% inches; width, 1534 inches. Maia H. LIPPINCOTT, N.A. (1. Buobor- AMERICAN SCHOOL—-BORN 1849 83 THE DOLL’S BEDTIME A little girl in a blue pinafore kneels by the cradle of her doll, gently rocking her to sleep. The tender, maternal nature of the 36 » little girl is well interpreted in her expression and posture. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed and dated Paris, ’76, at the right. Height, 1234 inches; width, 10 inches. . 23 WILLIAM HOWE FOOTE, A.N.A. AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1874 SEPTEMBER DAY sg Broad expanse of golden meadow bordered by a ibpeme like ‘blag stream. Across the stream trees and hills veiled with autumn haze in paler tints of yellow. The sky with billowy, floating clouds. (Juha E. Green coll.) Academy board. Signed and dated 1902 at the right. Height, 11% inches; width, 15% inches. | WILLIAM H. HOWE, N.A. AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1846 COW IN THE STABLE In the foreground a Jersey cow lies upon the yellow straw on the floor of the stable. The interior presents an interesting study in browns and yellows, the dark brown of the beams and rafters blend- ing with the yellow of the scattered straw and with a gleam of sun- light coming through the low window. Excellent study by this well-known American painter. (Julia E. Green coll.) Panel. Signed at the left. Height, 11 inches; width, 1334 imches. H. O. WALKER AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1858 THE NEW MOON Figure of a young woman against a background of shadowy green trees, the new moon rising over her shoulder. The head is slightly turned, and the expression on her face is wistful. The upper part of the body nude, the lower part draped in gray. Composition with simple, dignified lines. (Julia E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 1934 inches; width, 12 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION NEXT PAGE| R. A. BLAKELOCK A AMERICAN SCHOOL. 1847-1919 LANDSCAPE Autumn scene with trees in the foreground and fields in tints of brown. A gaunt brown tree outline against a cloudy sky. A fine bit of color painting by this famous American artist, revealed here in his first manner. Has been in the possession of the present owner for over twenty years. (Julia E. Green coll.) Panel. Signed and dated 1877 at the left. Height, 5 inches; width, 8Y4 inchees. | 24. mM _ i. > - en eo) — a 4 f2] pa = =) te ve) N 88 4 89 90 7 Cf . iB 7 yoo" 91 Fs: 7 ) J ty Jur roa \U/ 4 £9 CONSTANT “TRO yom FRENCH SCHOOL, 1810-1865 A COW AND DONKEY AT PASTURE , : ens A brown and white cow and a small black donkey against a back- ground of green pasture and blue sky. The painting of the ani- mals has all the realism and the sympathy which mark the best work of this well-known interpreter of animal life. (The late Soto- mon Mehrbach coll.) Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 26 inches; width, 21% inches. A, “To AGNe ae AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1857 SNOW IN APRIL A landscape of meadows and tree-clad slopes with snow still ling- ering in the hollows. The artist is particularly skillful in his inter- pretation of the varied shadings of foliage in early spring. His trees, with their misty greens, browns and yellows have the fresh, growing quality of spring. 7 Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 22 inches; width, 35% inches. BRUCE CRANE AX AMERICAN SCHOOL—BORN 1857 INDIAN SUMMER A landscape with fields in autumn tints of gold and brown grad- ually rising to low purple hills. Background of a broad expanse of clouded gray sky with birds flying southward. By his blending of color the artist imparts the mellow sadness of autumn to his landscape. Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 24% inches; width, 29 inches. UNKNOWN MASTER VENETIAN SCHOOL, SECOND HALF OF 1OTH CENTURY THE INFANT HERCULES Hercules playing with the snake. The body of the child emerging from the dark background in a fine warm chiaroscuro effect, char- acteristic of the Venetian school. Illegible Italian inscription in the lower right hand corner. From the Col. Henry Thomas Chap- man Sale, 1913. (Julia E. Green coll.) | Canvas. Height, 21 inches; width, 35 inches. 26 Ne gi? Fn mi RA er eo =e = a Ae age FDR Cia Aiton > é - i € JEAN JACQUES HENNER . FRENCH SCHOOL, 1829-1905 92 ALSATIAN GIRL Profile view. Girl of fifteen or sixteen, wearing the picturesque Alsatian bonnet with large red bow and streamers and a plaid “- woolen shawl around her neck. A clear type, blond and blue-eyed, ) with finely modeled features. (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 10 inches; width, 8% inches. a. 27 g Sars ire ees ar gl vA 7? 7) BY A FOLLOWER OF MURIEE® SPANISH SCHOOL, LATE 17TH CENTURY 93° ST. FRANCIS OF ASSIST AIL PRAYER St. Francis, bearing the stigmata on his hands, prays in an ecstacy of religious devotion before a crucifix. On a table near him are a 6 skull, symbolizing the transitoriness of human life, a prayer book, revealing the way to devotion, and a rosary signifying salvation through prayer. The picture shows a fine harmony of gold brown foadtones, and unites subtle modelling with more striking accents in the eas interpretation of the head. The artist combines a refined under- standing of the great Spanish master with a fineness of feeling which reminds one of the more delicate art of the 18th Century. Canvas. Length, 29 mches; width, 22Y% inches. GERRIT GROENNINGEN DUTCH SCHOOL, 1754-1825 94. THE ANGRY FISH WIFE ) In the foreground a woman in the picturesque costume of a Dutch o fish wife stands with her hands on her hips and lectures her hus- ae 7 band who is sitting on his boat drawn upon the shore while the other men are out at sea working. (Julia E. Green coll.) ni : Panel. Signed to the right. Height, 14 inches; width, 17 inches. WILTIAN Ea ENGLISH SCHOOL, 1787-1849 95 GRIEF | A recumbent nude female figure, with the head resting upon the fs 7 arms and one leg drawn slightly upward: The lower part of the body lightly veiled. Background of draperies in rich tones of se ire and green, drawn back to reveal a glimpse of delicately ( ai A colored trees and sky at the right of the picture. From the Col. Henry Thomas Chapman Sale, 1913. (Julia E. Green coll.) Panel. Height, 8% mches; width, 1034 inches. CHARLES DURAND FRENCH SCHOOL, ABOUT 1880 S07 THE EAL ZOR Seo The intimacy of an old fashioned workshop before the era of strikes and unions. An old white-haired tailor sits cross-legged on the A 2 table cutting a jacket while a girl in a red dress bends over a piece Se of sewing. The open window with its outlook over the industrious | yp i, city with its rows of smokestacks already predicts the coming of a ~ v, new era. An excellent painting revealing a broad interpretation of light and color values. Canvas. Signed at the right. Height, 56 inches; width, 40 inches. 28 fey GAP IST LAMBRECHTS FLEMISH SCHOOL, 1680-1731 PoSUPPER PARTY IN A GARDEN A group of men and women in eighteenth century dress are gath- ered about a small round table under the trees on which supper is spread. The dark tones of the house and trees afford a contrasting setting for the costumes of the supper party. From the Col. Henry _ Thomas Chapman Sale, 1913. (Julia E. Greeen coll.) Canvas. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. 29 LEON RiGHi FRENCH SCHOOL, 1844-1907 98 THE FOREST OF FONTAINE BERAG ee In the foreground majestic old trees bordering the banks of a rivu- let running over stones. Background of sky and luxuriant meadows and trees. A very charming landscape by this well-known French artist. (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 26% inches; width, 21 inches. 30 JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET FRENCH SCHOOL. BORN 1846 99 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN Side view with the head turned so that the gaze is almost direct. A young woman of the aristocratic class wearing a small black vel- vet hat upon the side of her head, and a closely fitted green coat with a wide black velvet collar opening to reveal a white linen neck piece. In the fine features and the clear gaze of the lovely brown eyes, the artist depicts a thoughtful, innately aristocratic type. (The late Solomon Mehrbach coll.) : Panel. Signed to the upper left. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. Fy en we he Fh a mln ae ny arty \ THEODORE ROUSSEAU [| ATTRIBUTED TO| FRENCH SCHOOL, 1812-1867 elu A SCENE IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU A tree-grown hillside with goats playing among the large rocks in the foreground. Probably an early study by this famous French landscape painter. From the Col. Henry Thomas Chapman Sale, 1913. (Juha E. Green coll.) Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 15 inches; width, 18 inches. 17S bhatt : Rese CHURCH, N.A. AMERICAN SCHOOL, 1842-1917 101 DESOLATION A wide stretch of snow-covered ice with two polar bears in the foreground, one lying on the ice, dying from a wound in the side, the other with head uplifted, letting forth a mournful cry. The pale color tints of the northern sky intensify the broad expanse of ice, heightening the effect of desolation by the monotony of color effect. (Julia E. Green coll.) ; Wash painting. Signed and dated at the left, N. Y., ’86. Height, 18% inches; width. 35 inches. p /od- 0 Abell. 31 THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 WEST 27TH STREET. N. Y. LIST OF ARisc> ALEXANDER, FRANCIS 28 AUBRY, LEWIS 81 BAKALOWICZ, L. 52 BALTON, E. 7 BICKNELL, FRANK A. 78 BISPHAM, HENRY C. 66 BLAKELOCK, R. A. 87 BOETTCHER, C. E. 50 BROWN, BOLTON COLT A CANTO, CABRERA F. 55 CAZORIA, ALEJANDRO CARDUNETS 56 CHURCH, F. S. | 101 CORCOS, V. | 53 CORNOYER, PAUL 70 CRAIG, THOMAS B. 82 CRANE, BRUCE 90 DEPAWN, ROBERT 4. DURAND, CHARLES 96 EATON, C. HARRY 61 EATON, WYATT 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ETTY, WILLIAM 95 FIELD, R. F. 67 FOOTE, WILLIAM HOWE 84 GLACKENS, W. 25 GOMEZ, CONSTANTINO 57 GRANDVILLE, JEAN IGNACE ISADORE 46 GREUZE <4. v2, (30s 31 GROENNINGEN, GERRIT 94 HAL, FRANS 29 HARTMANN, SADAKICHI 14. 15 HUBNEk, CARL 48 HETZ, CARL 49 HENNER, JEAN JACQUES 92 HOFNER, JOHANN BAPTIST 42 HOWE, WILLIAM H. 85 INGRES, MAURICE 62 INNESS, GEORGE 40 INNESS, GEORGE, JR., 34.535, Oot JACQUET, JEAN GUSTAVE 99 JARVIS, TOHN WESLEY 28a JOHNSON, DAVID 65 KENNEDY, WILLIAM D. 47 KINDLER, ALBRECHT 51 KIELHOFF, J. 54 KLUTH, ROBERT LAMBRECHTS, JEAN BAPTIST LIPPINCOTT, WILLIAM H. LINNELL, JOHN LOEB, LOUIS LOBRICHON, C. LUKS, GEORGE B. MORAN, EDWARD MURPHY, ADA CLIFFORD MURPHY, JAMES FRANCIS MURILLO, A FOLLOWER OF MC CORD, GEORGE H. NEUBERT, L. NEWMAN, R. L. PEALE, REMBRANDT PIETERSZ, B. P. PINCHARD RICHET, LEON RHEAD, LOUIS ROUSSEAU, THEODORE SCHWARZ, J. SIEBERT, EDWARD SEIFERT, ALFRED SMILLIE, J. D. SOULACROIX, F. STONE, FRANK © TENIERS, COPY AFTER TERBURGH, H. THEURKAUFF, R. TROYON, CONSTANT UNKNOWN— DUTCH SCHOOL EARLY AMERICAN ENGLISH, SIGNED “R.B.” FRENCH SCHOOL ITALIAN SCHOOL oF RENAISSANCE STYLE VENETIAN VAN LAER, A. T. VAN SCHENDEL, P. VERBOECKHOVEN, E. VOORHEES, C. G. WAUGH, FREDERICK J. WALKER, H. 0. WIRTCH (?) WORMS, JULES WYANT, A. H. BS} \ a j Seliy A oK \ } sot Aah, q =F) 5 | 4 ¥ A i ¢ - Eh Ut Sigur iapcowd rik. oie LAM Np ia pee s wa a S| SAR ere Seo Paks eh \ \ \ SiN TEA 4 HN? Satine , Aue’ 4 aa} A. 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