CATALOGUE No. 1320 uable Oil Paintings By Morland, Winslow Homer, Netscher and others BELONGING TO RUSH ROLAND, Esq. OF CHELTENHAM, PENNA. WILLIAM OGDEN TAYLOR, Esq., OF LONDON, ENGLAND And from other private sources AND Rare Etchings and Color Prints From the same sources EMBRACING MANY FINE AND RARE SPECIMENS TO BE SOLD Tuesday Afternoon, March 6th, 1923 AT 2.30 O’CLOCK JOEL STAN. V. HENKELS (STAN. V. HENKELS, Jr., Assistant) AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT 1304 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA Class Da M. KNOEDLER & Co No. Jog! + 15, Old Bond St.. 7 Ww Acq. No. /$8Y PaTIENCE WRIGHT'S Wax PROFILE OF WASHINGTON No. 16 CATALOGUE No. 1320 Valuable Oil Paintings By Geo. Morland, Winslow Homer, Casper Netscher, Thomas Birch, John Neagle and Anna C. Peale Belonging to Rush Roland, Esq., of Cheltenham, Penna. William Ogden Taylor, Esq. of London, England And from Other Private Sources RARE ANCIENT & MODERN ETCHINGS From the Same Sources By Rembrandt, Durer, Ostade, Whistler, Seymour Haden, McBey, Haig, Brangwyn, Pennell, Bracquemond, Zorn and Proof Colored Mezzotintos By S. Arlent Edwards, Gullard, Smythe, James, and Bartolozzi The whole forming one of the most important collections I have had the pleasure of offering my patrons To be Sold TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 6, 1923 At 2.30 O’clock STAN V. HENKELS (Stan V. Henkels, Jr., Assistant) Auction Commission Merchant 1304 Walnut Street Philadelphia The only Auction House in the country where the prints and paintings are catalogued by the person who cries the sale. TERMS OF SALE Bills must absolutely be paid before 12 o’clock on the day after the sale. No credit given under any circumstances. On mail orders, payment must be made on receipt of goods. Deposits must be made when requested. Bids faithfully executed by the Auctioneer without extra charge, for those who cannot attend sale. In all cases of disputed bids, the Auctioneer reserves the right of re-selling the lot in question. In the case of paintings and other objects of art on which the Government places a Luxury Tax, the buyer must pay that tax in every instance. STAN V. HENKELS, (Stan V. Henkels, Jr., Assistant) Auction Commission Merchant, 1304 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. I ON (NVIYOJW ADUOUL) AM DNILNIVG /200 ry (aya) = CATALOGUE GEORGE MORLAND One of the most noted and popular of English painters. He was born in London, June 26. 1763, and died there Oct. 29, 1804. He was a noted figure and animal painter, and exhibited at the Royal Academy. His most popular paintings were country scenes with domestic animals, and featuring English home life, which pictures have mostly been engraved by the great masters of the Burin. His popularity was such that even today no artist appeals so much to the connoisseur and lover of true life, as do the productions of this great master. Note—The two paintings described below are undoubtedly productions by this noted master. They were purchased about fifty years ago from the late Robert Lindsay, of this city, who acquired seven paintings from an old English family who had purchased them direct from the artist. The present owner selects these as the best of the lot. Quai, Huntine. Signed, “G. M.” On Canvas. Size, 18 x 24 inches. This painting has been painted with unusual care. It depicts an English gentleman in his traditional gunning coat and broad brimmed felt hat, standing in a little open space in the woods with the gun in his left hand. With him are three English setter dogs about scenting the trail of the birds. See plate. EncLisH FARM SCENE. Canvas. Size 18 x 24 inches. The painting portrays a scene in every day English farm life, of a farmer boy in his great coat standing with his sister near a pig trough, at which a black boar and yellow pig are drinking. To the right is a beauti- fully painted figure of an English setter dog. See plate. These two paintings should command the serious attention of the lovers of English art in its very best form. CASPER NETSCHER Was born at Heidelberg in 1639; died at the Hague Jan. 15, 1684. Dutch School. Game and portrait painter, pupil of Koster and Gerard Terburg. His paintings are much sought after by our great public galleries and private collectors. For correct drawing and exquisite color- ing, his pictures cannot be surpassed. A Boy Hotpine a Birp Cace in His Lerr HAnp. Canvas. Size, 11% x 15. This painting originally belonged to Madam Pichnot, widow of Dr. Pich- not of Brussels, who had a collection of fine works of art. Madam Pichnot was by birth an English woman who married the celebrated physician by that name. She was over 93 years of age when this painting was purchased from her for the present owner by the well-known art expert, Henry R. Rittenberg, whose letter to that effect accompanies the painting. See plate. bo 4 WINSLOW HOMER Born in Boston, Mass., Feb. 24, 1836. Elected an A. N. A. in 1864, an N. A. in 1865. Painted with oil and water color, ranking among the most noted of American painters. 4 THE WRECK. Size, 21% x 27 inches. This is a vivid portrayal of a storm at sea, and the wreck of a vessel, with the sailors clinging to the bow of the boat. In the near distance is a small boat with the hardy life guards to the rescue. See plate. THOMAS BIRCH Born in London, 1779. Died in Philadelphia 1851. Portrait and Marine Painter. Noted for his paintings of Naval Battles of the Revo- lution and War of 1812, and for his views in Philadelphia and vicinity. 5 View at Frat Rock oN THE SCHUYLKILL NEAR PHILADELPHIA. Signed. Canvas. Size, 18 x 28 inches. This is absolutely one of the finest specimens of Birch’s painting that has ever passed through my hands. It 1s a view of the historic Schuyl- kill River, near Philadelphia, which county was associated with George Washington and the Continental Army during the Revolution. It shows the “Flat Rock” at the bend of the river and its richly wooded banks. The view is a happy one as it just shows enough of the river to make it appear as a little lake, situated in the most entrancing verdure, and forming a cool secluded spot on a warm summer day. The landscape and perspective are perfect, and along the banks of the stream is shown a carriage with two horses and the occupants. JOHN A. WOODSIDES A noted local Philadelphia painter who flourished in the middle of the last century. He painted many portraits, historical and allegorical sub- jects, and was noted as the decorator of the hose carriages and engines of local fire companies, and the first locomotive. 6 Aw InpdIAN Burrato Hunt. Canvas. Signed. Size, 18 x 24. A vivid portrayal of two Indians on horseback attacking a buffalo bull. It is a very fine specimen of this artist's work, which has now become very rare. JONATHAN TREGO Early Pennsylvania Portrait Painter, contemporary with Sully and Naegle. 6a Mrs. Jane ATKINSON SmiTH, oF BUCKINGHAM, Bucks County, Penna, Fut Bust. ‘Canvas. Size, 22 x 27 inches. This is a_very interesting portrait of an old Quaker lady, with the conventional Quaker cap. It is artistically painted by an artist of whom very few examples are in existence. orRGE MorLAND ico} rh O ial oO foo) Zz = << v0 10 ish 13 14 5 PIERRE LOUIS DELAVAL Born im Paris, April 27, 1790. Portraits and historical painter. Pupil of Girodet. Portrait oF M. Goucer, Prime MINISTER of FRANCE, FULL Bust. (Canvas. Signed and dated 1823. Size, 26 x 22 inches. A very strong portrait. Portrait oF Mapam Goucet, WIFE OF THE PRECEDING. Canvas. Signed and dated 1822. Tue Goucer Famity, ConsistiING oF THREE FINE PAINTED MINIATURES ON Ivory oF GoucEet, His Wire AND Two CHILDREN IN A COMBINATION FRAME. JOHN NEAGLE Born in Boston, Mass., Nov. 4, 1796. Died in Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1865. Student under Bass Otis, married the step-daughter of Thos. Sully, with whom he divided the best patronage in Philadelphia. It has been said, “Sully painted the pretty women and Neagle the virile men.” He was second only to Stuart as a portrait painter. Captain JAcos BAusH. Fut Bust. Canvas. Size, 29 x 40 inches. Jacob Baush was a captain of a sailing vessel and was well-known in the commercial world. With this portrait, which exhibits the artist n his best form (and which could almost be taken as a painting by Gilbert Stuart) will go the ship’s papers, granted to Jacob Baush, commander of the “Ship Missouri.’ Signed by President James Monroe and John Quincy Adams, as Secretary of State. Dated Sept. 15, 1821. The portrait is an unusually strong one, and a fine example of the artist. THOMAS SULLY Born in Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England, June 19, 1783. Died in Philadelphia Nov. 5, 1872. Instructed by Gilbert Stuart and studied under Benjamin West. He was a portrait painter of marked ability and most famous for his paintings of women. A SpanisH Lapy witH a GUITAR. SIGNED AND DATED 1827. Canvas. Signed and dated 1827. Size, 20 x 24. Very beautiful specimen of the artist's work and probably the portrait of some noted Philadelphia lady in the costume of a Spanish beauty. ‘SStuDY OF THE HEAD oF A: YOUNG GIRL. ‘Canvas.- Signed and dated 1867. Size, 14 x 17. JAMES R. LAMBDIN Born in Pittsburgh May 10, 1807. Student under Thos. Sully. Painted many portraits of Washington and other prominent men. PorRTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN, UNKNOWN. PortTRAIT OF A LADY, UNKNOWN. (Canvas. Size, 25 x 30 in, p00 15 6 ANNA CLAYPOOLE PEALE Daughter of James Peale. Still life and miniature painter, for which she earned a great reputation. Stitt Lire. (ApprLe, ORANGE, GRAPES, RAISINS AND GLASS or WINE.) Panel. Signed and dated 1822. Size 11 x 16%. inches. Cc. M. POWELL A prominent English Marine Painter. 15a Men or War (Sailer Rigged) at Anchor in an English Har- 16 17 18 bor. Signed, on canvas. This is a very beautifully painted picture portraying the Men-of- War Ships, before sails were dispensed with. UNKNOWN Mrs. Sippons as THE Tracic Muse. Canvas. Size, 4614 x 39. This painting has been in the possession of an old family in Phila- delphia for over one hundred years. It may be the painting from which the engraving was made. PATIENCE WRIGHT The mother of Joseph Wright, the portrait painter. She excelled in modelling miniature heads in wax. HEaD OF GENERAL WASHINGTON, CROWNED WITH LAUREL WreaTH, PRoFILE IN WAX. Heap Tro RicHT. Ova. SIGNED AND Daten, “P. WRIGHT, 1792.” Size, 64% x 5%. See plate. Excessively rare. It is said that Washington gave a sitting to Patience Wright. Whether this is correct or not she has succeeded in giving us in this model a correct and truthful likeness of the great man. St. Memmin’s physionotrace which was taken from the living features with the instru- ment used by him for that purpose, is almost identical with that which Miss Wright produced several years before. As usual with all Miss Wright's wax models, it is cracked, but fortunately, in this case, the fea- tures only have a slight crack across the forehead, almost imperceptible, but the wax background is cracked in several places. This can be easily repaired. This imperfection can be readily seen in the plate. It will be well to recollect that Patience Wright did not make many profiles of Washington; in fact, any of her productions in wax are of the greatest rarity, and from this fact it can be judged how very unlikely it is that another opportunity will be offered like the present. THOMAS JEFFERSON. MINIATURE ON Ivory. Artist UNKNOWN. MINIATURES ON PoRCELAIN, OvaL, BEAUTIFULLY PAINTED, IN- CLUDING GENERAL LAFAYETTE, JOACHIM Murat, GEN’L, DE- SAIX DE VEYCOUX AND MarsHaL LANNES. Four PIEceEs. sLow HomMER PatntING BY W) No, 4 eo 19 20 7 W. H. SUGDEN Eminent English painter. Botton Aspey, WarTeR Coror, BEAUTIFULLY PAINTED. SIGNED AND DarTeED, 1912. ComPANIon, Furness Appey. SIGNED AND DATED, IQT2. AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF ANCIENT AND 23 24 26 27 MODERN ETCHINGS, COLOR PRINTS, ETC. Note.—The following etchings are from a private source, and should attract the attention of connoisseurs, as they embrace many important sub- jects by Rembrandt, Whistler, Zorn, Bracquemond, McBey, Lepere, Buhot, Cameron, Hankey and Jos. Pennell, JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER An American artist who studied under Gleyre in Paris, and settled in London, and who rose to unprecedented eminence, both as a painter and etcher. ORIGINAL PEN AND INK DRrAwING or A GATEWAY, It is said that Whistler resided for a brief period when a young man im a mansion on the banks of the Hudson River near New York, and it ts thought the drawing represents a view of the house and portions of the grounds and gateway. He has drawn three comic little gnome-like figures over the top of the whole scene. It is accompanied by a letter from the former owner, C. M. Thom, attesting to its genuineness, and with an affidavit of the present owner attesting that he purchased the same from Mr. Thom. La Vieitte Aux Logugs. Original Etching, by J. A. McN. Whistler. Proof. Very fine and rare. Lirrtp RAG GATHERER. Original Etching, by J. A. McN. Whistler. Proof. La Rerameuse. Original Etching, by J. A. McN. Whistler. Proof. Proof. Tue WINE Gass. Original Etching, by J. A. McN. Whistler. Proof. Fuerte. Original Etching, by J. A. McN. Whistler. Proof. Bitirnescate. Original Etching, “1889,’ by J. A. McN. Whistler. Proof. Porrrair oF DROUET, THE ScuLptor. Original Etching, by J. A. MeN. Whistler. Proof. A Swan anp Iris. Original Etching, by J. A. McN. Whistler. Tue Force. Original Etching, “1862,” by J. A. McN. Whistler. 8 31 THe LimEBuRNER. Original Etching, “1859,” by J. A. MeN. Whistler. China Paper Proof. This is one of his most noted etchings and is very rare. 32 Litrte Artuur. Original Etching, by J. A. McN. Whistler. Proof. REMBRANDT One of the most eminent of the Old Masters and the father of etching. Note.—The following described etchings are all more or less important and embrace some of his most noted subjects. 33 THE Goop SAmariTan. Original Etching, by Rembrandt. A magnificent early impression which is denoted by the fact that the horse’s tail is white. 34 Epuraim Bonus. A Jewish Physician. Original Etching, by Rembrandt. A superb early impression of this wonderful por- trait, and of the most excessive rarity. See facsimile. 35 St. JeRoME. Sitting Near the Trunk of a Tree. Original Etch- ing, by Rembrandt. The Large Unfinished Plate, second state. Very rare. 36 A Corrace witH a Larce TREE. Original Etching, by Rem- brandt. A magnificent early impression of the most extreme rarity. 37 CLEMENT DE JONGE, PRINTSELLER. Original Etching, by Rem- brandt. Fine. 38 A Naxep WoMAN SEATED oN A Mounp. Original Etching, by Rembrandt. Fine Impression. B. 198. 39 THE Suir or Fortune. Original Etching, by Rembrandt. Very fine. 40 Curist Berne Carriep TO THE Toms. Original Etching, by Rembrandt. Fine. 41 THe ADORATION OF THB SHEPHERDS, Original Etching, by Rembrandt. Fine Impression, and with several collectors marks on the back. 42 JAn Lutma, GotpsmiTH. Original Etching, by Rembrandt. Very fine. 43 Rempranpr’s MorHer witH Hanp on Her CueEst. Oniginal Etching, by Rembrandt. Fine. ALBRECHT DURER One of the most noted artists of the German school, and as an en- graver he ranked the first and has not been surpassed up to the present day. 44 45 46 47 54 59 9 FREDERICK, ELecToR oF Saxony, called Frederick the Wise. Original Etching, by Albrecht Durer. Fine and rare. St. JEROME SEATED IN A Room, Writinc. Better known as St. Jerome in His Cell. Original Engraving, by Albrecht Durer, “1514.” A magnificent, brilliant impression and very rare in this condition. See facsimile. ANDERS ZORN One of the most noted of modern Dutch etchers, and one who has obtained an enviable reputation as an artist of the first rank. SuMMER. Original Etching, by Anders Zorn. Artist Proof Signed. Excessively rare. Gutui. Original Etching, by Anders Zorn. Artist Proof Signed. Rare. THE Brook. Original Etching, by Anders Zorn. Artist Proof Signed. Rare. Dat River. Original Etching, by Anders Zorn. Artist Proof Signed. Rare. THREE Graces. Original Etching, by Anders Zorn. Artist Proof Signed. Rare. AwLvEeR, Original Etching, by Anders Zorn. Artist Proof Signed. (No. 51.) Bust (FEMALE). Original Etching, by Anders Zorn. Artist Proof Signed, Fine and rare. BALANCE. Original Etching, by Anders Zorn. Artist Proof Signed. Fine. AGAINST THE CuRRENT. Original Etching, by Anders Zorn. Artist Proof Signed. D. Y. CAMERON An English artist who has attained a great reputation as an etcher. WANDERINGS OF THE Wye. Original Etching, by D. Y. Cameron. Proof. On THE Test. Original Etching, by D. Y. Cameron. Proof. DovERDALE. Original Etching, by D. Y. Cameron. Proof. Sweat. Original Etching, by D. Y. Cameron. Proof. Very rare. Sounp oF KirprANNON. Original Etching, by D. Y. Cameron. Proof. Rare. 10 AUGUST LEPERE A modern French engraver and etcher of prominence. 60 Fin pu JournEg. Original Wood Engraving, by August LePere. Proof. 61 La Braconnier, VeNDU. Original Wood Engraving, by August LePere. Signed Proof. 62 La GranpE MarcHe PomMer. Original Etching, by August LePere. Proof. Very fine. 63 La PouLaitter, ATTRAPE LA PLus Grasse. Original Etching, by August LePere. Proof. 64 VEU DE Sr, JEAN pu Mont. Original Etching, by August LePere. Signed Proof. 65 CARRIERES D’ AMERIQUE. Original Etching, by August LePere. Signed. Proof. 66 CuHemin Au Marais. Original Etching, by August LePere. Signed Proof. S. ARLENT EDWARDS Noted modern Mezzotinto Engraver. It is claimed that he is the discoverer of what is known as the lost art of printing in colors. He has many followers, but few equals. 67 Mapvonna. After Phillipi Lippi. Mezzotinto printed in colors. Signed Proof. Framed. 68 Lapy Berry. After Romney. Megzotinto printed in colors. Signed Proof. Framed. 69 THE SHEpHERDEss. After Boucher. Mezzotinto printed in colors. Signed Proof. 70 Mrs. Hamirron. After Raeburn. Mezzotinto printed in colors. Signed Proof. Framed. 71 A GENTLEMAN or Bruces. After Memling. Mezzotinto printed in colors. Signed Proof. Framed. CLIFFORD R. JAMES An eminent modern Mezzotinto Engraver. 72 Lapy Mutcrave, After John Hoppner. Mezzotinto printed in colors. Signed Proof. H. C. GREENHEAD An eminent modern Mezzotinto Engraver. 73 Susiz. (Girl’s Head.) After George Morland. Mezzotinto printed in colors. Signed Proof. iH My i Ercninc By REMBRANDT Low: 11 RICHARD SMYTHE An eminent modern Mezzotinto Engraver. Mezzotinto printed in colors. Signed Proof. ELIZABETH GULLAND A noted modern Mezzotinto Engraver who has obtained the highest proficiency in the art. 74 Miss Foor. 75 Lirrte Miss Crewe. After Hoppner. Mezzotinto printed in colors. Signed Proof. 76 Muss IrvINE BosweLtyt. Mezzotinto printed in colors. Signed Proof. 77 GERTRUDE Firzpatricx. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Mezzo- tinto in black. Signed Proof. WILLIAM LEE HANKEY One of the most popular of modern etchers, and who takes a first place in the ranks of professors of his art. 78 CONDOLENCE, Original Colored Etching, by Wm. Lee Hankey. Signed Proof. 79 A SuMMER Moon. Original Colored Etching. by Wm. Lee Hankey. Signed Proof. 80 Ar Prayer. Original Colored Etching, by Wm. Lee Hankey. Signed Proof. Tue First Born. Original Colored Etching, by Wm. Lee Hankey. Signed Proof. 82 ON THE Downs. Original Colored Etching, by Wm. Lee Hankey. Signed Proof. JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET Original Eeching, by Jean Francois Millet. 81 83. THE CHURNER. Japan Paper Proof. 84 THe Woot Carver. Original Etching, by Jean Francois Millet. Proof. 85 THE DiccErs. Original Etching, by Jean Francois Millet. Proof. FELIX BUHOT One of the most distinguished of modern French etchers. 86 Tue Crock Towser ScENE IN Paris. Original Etching, by Felix Buhot. Proof. Very rare. 12 7) li 87 GEESE. (Les Vies.) Original Etching, by Felix Buhot. Proof. i, 88 Matinee d’Hiver. Original Etching, by Felix Buhot. Proof. Jo 89 TROUVILLE. (Street Scene.) Original Etching, by Felix Buhot. Proof. /b 90 L’OracE. Original Etching, by Felix Buhot. Proof. JAMES McBEY A modern etcher who has attained first rank in his profession. )) o1 Surry Downs. Original Etching, by James McBey. Signed Proof. 5A 92 Tue ApproacH To TETUAN. Original Etching, by James McBey. —o Signed Proof. 4 2 93 JEWIsH Quarters, TETUAN. Original Etching, by James Mc- Bey. Signed Proof. A 2) 94 A TrimBer Mii, Original Etching, by Jas. McBey. Signed — + Proof. } a 95 Tue BreaD Market, TeTuAN. Original Etching, by James Me g J, by . McBey. Signed Proof. y} 5 96 Tanciers. Original Etching, by James McBey. Signed Proof. dies One of his most noted etchings. Very rare. QD 97 Runspoor CHuRcH. Original Etching, by James McBey. ‘ Signed Proof. Very scarce. JOSEPH PENNELL A noted American etcher who has attained a well-earned reputation as an artist and has well filled the opening left by the late J, A. McN. Whistler, his personal friend, and of whom he is the biographer. 1A) /0) 98 CoaL Wuarrs At Staten Istanp. Original Etching, by Jos. 9 A g g, by Pennell. Signed Proof. b 99 In tHE Manoney Vatiey. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. ad State. ‘Signed Proof. ¢ | 100 THE Great CRANES, SoutH KENSINGTON. Original Etching, O | » g g. by Jos. Pennell. Signed Proof. /é iol LyNncupurc, Vircinta. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. Japan Paper Proof. Rare. JO 102 Tue Mininc VittAceE, NEAR TAMAQUA, PENNSYLVANIA. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. Trial Proof Signed. Oo 103. Stock Yarps, CuHicaco. Original Etching, by Jos Pennell. id Signed Proof. 13 104 THE SHor Towers BETWEEN THE BrincEs, Lonpon. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. Signed Proof. 105 Over CHARRING Bripce, Lonpon. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. Signed Proof. 106 ScENH at Taormina, GREECE. Original Etching, by Jos. Pen- nell. Signed Proof. 107 Erna From TAorRMINA, GREECE. Original Etching, by Jos. Pen- nell. Trial Proof. Signed. To8 OtymprA. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. Signed Proof. 109 QuaARRY ON PeENTILICON. Original Etching, by Jos Pennell. ‘Signed Proof. 110 Agcina. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. Signed Proof. 111 Straw Houses, Rome. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. Signed Proof. 112 TEMPLE OF JUPITER. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. Signed Proof. 113. Piror Town. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. Signed Proof on Japan Paper. 114 OUSTERHEIM. Original Drawing, by Jos. Pennell. Signed. 115 Looxinc SEAWARD FROM DiEpPE. Original Drawing, by Jos. Pennell. Signed. 116 Evrretat. Original Drawing, by Jos. Pennell. Signed. 117. La Bovitie. Original Drawing, by Jos. Pennell. Signed. 118 Mapame Poutarn’s, Mount Sr. Micuer. Original Drawing, by Jos. Pennell. Signed. SEYMOUR HADEN One of the foremost etchers of modern times. tI9 Essex Farm, 1874. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. Signed Proof. 120 Out or A Stupy Window. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. Signed Proof. 121 TWICKENHAM CHURCH. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. Proof. 122 THp WiLtows. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. Signed Proof. 123 NENCASTLE IN EmMtyn. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. Signed Proof. 14 124 Ratway ENcROACHMENT. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. Signed Proof. 125 WuNpDMILL Hitt, No. 2, 1877. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. Signed Proof. 126 THE VILLAGE Forp, 1881. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. ‘Signed Proof. Very fine. 127. THE Four Cows, 1882. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. Signed Proof. 128 Kensineton GarDENns. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. Signed Proof of the large plate. Very rare and fine. CADWALLADER WASHBURN A modern etcher who by the excellence of his work has attained an enviable reputation. 129 ON THE GRAND CANAL. Original Etching, by Cadwallader Washburn. Signed Proof. 130 Casa D’oro. Original Etching, by Cadwallader Washburn. Signed Proof. 131 ON THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE. Original Etching, by Cadwal- lader Washburn. Signed proof. FELIX BRACQUEMOND An eminent modern French etcher. 132 Birps Naitep to A Barn Door. Original Etching, by Felix Bracquemond. Proof. 133 Ducks at Pray. Original Etching, by Felix Bracquemond. Signed proof. Fine and rare. 134 Lapwincs AnD TEAL. Original Etching, by Felix Bracquemond. Signed proof. GEO. P. JAMES Noted Mezzotinto Engraver. 135 THe Ace or Innocence. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved in mezzotinto, and printed in colors by Geo. P. James. Signed proof. AXEL H. HAIG One of the most popular of modern etchers. 136 Srcovia, Atcazas, Original Etching, by Axel H. Haig. Signed proof. Framed and glazed. 137 SEVILLE. Original Etching, by Axel H. Haig. Signed. proof. Framed and glazed. ENGRAVED BY ALBERT DuRER Lor 15 138 St. Marx. Original Etching, by Axel H. Haig. Signed Proof. Framed and glazed. 139 Burcos CATHEDRAL, INTERIOR (3rd). Original Etching, by Axel H. Haig. Signed proof. Framed and glazed. 140 ToLepo CaTHEDRAL (South Aisle). Original Etching, by Axel H. Haig. Signed proof. Framed and glazed. FRANK BRANGWYN One of the most noted of our modern etchers. 141 Brack Mitt of WINcHELSEA, Original Etching, by Frank Brangwyn. Signed proof. Framed and glazed. 142 St. NicHoLas, Furnes. Original Etching, by Frank Brangwyn. Signed proof. Framed and glazed. 143 Beccar Musician. Original Etching, by Frank Brangwyn. Signed proof. Framed and glazed. ALPHONSE LEGROS Eminent modern French etcher. 144 ‘Sir E. Paynter. Etching by Alphonse Legros. Proof. 145 Brirrany PEASANT WomaAN. Etching by Alphonse Legros. Proof. NATHANIEL SPARKS Eminent modern etcher. 146 Norre Dame, Paris. Original Etching, by Nathaniel Sparks. Signed proof. Framed and glazed. W. DENDY SADLER Eminent English painter of scenes in the home life of England. 147 Here’s a Heatra Unto His Majesty. After W. Dendy Sad- ler. Etched by J. Dobie. Signed Proof. Framed and glazed. 148 Ir Micur Have Been (Strangers Yet). After W. Dendy Sad- ler. Etched by J. Dobie. Signed proof. Framed and glazed. ROBERT NANTEUIL Celebrated French engraver who flourished in the 17th century. 149 PrerrRE LALLEMONT, CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PARIS. Engraved in line by Robert Nanteuil. 16 LUCAS VORSTERMAN, THE ELDER Eminent German engraver who flourished in the 16th century. Vi 150 THomas Howarp, Eart or ARUNDEL. After Vandyck. Line, by Lucas Vorsterman. 9) 151 CORNELIUS SACHTLEVEN, Painter. After Vandyck. Engraved w by Lucas Vorsterman. » |4-4 152 AntTHony VanpycK. After himself. Engraved by Lucas Vors- Yi =< terman. 450 153 st. Ienatius (the founder of the Jesuits). After D. Segers, En- ji ~ graved by Lucas Vorsterman. |44 154 Antonius CoRNELESON. After Vandyck. Engraved by Lucas i} Vorsterman. WILLIAM HONDIUS Noted Dutch engraver of the 17th century. : 4 f) 155 Portrait or Himserr. After Vandyck. Engraved by himself. SIR ANTHONY VANDYCK One of the most eminent painters and etchers of the 17th century. ¥; 156 Erasmus RotrerpAMus. Etched by Sir Anthony Vandyck. Fine. /0 157. WititAm De Vos, Painter. Etched by Sir Anthony Vandyck. Fine. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE One of the most distinguished of Dutch painters and etchers of the 17th century. JO 158 An ASSEMBLAGE OF PEASANTS, OCCUPIED IN KILLING A Pic (a Night Piece). Original Etching, by Adrian Van Ostade. Very fine. id (FO 159 THE INSIDE oF A CoTTAGE, WITH A WOMAN SUCKLING A CHILD. jira Very fine. MARC ANTONIO RAIMONDI ‘An eminent Italian engraver of the 16th century, whose works are much sought after by connoisseurs. uh / 160 Sant CECELIA, wirH Mary Macpateng, St. PauL anp Two Orner Sarnts. Engraved by Marc Antonio Raimondi. Very fine, B. 116. 230 17 NICHOLAS BERGHEM A celebrated Dutch painter and etcher who flourished in the 17th century. 161 A Man Ripinec on An Ass, SURROUNDED WITH SHEEP, A Woman wit A Basket on Her Heap IN THE DISTANCE. Original Etching, by Nicholas Berghem. Very fine. EDWARD SAVAGE Noted American painter and engraver contemporary with the Ameri- can Revolution. Noted for his portraits of Washington. 162 Tur Wasuincton Famity. George Washington, his lady, and her two grandchildren by the name of Custis (same title in French). Painted and engraved by E. Savage. Stipple, Phila- delphia. Published March, 1798, by E. Savage and Robt. William- son, No. 58 Cornhill, London. Framed and glazed. Beautiful open letter proof of this famous engraving with full margin. JAPANESE COLORED ENGRAVINGS Nore—The three engravings described below are very old and ex- cessively rare specimens of engravings by early Japanese artists; each one with the name of the artist. 163 Lanpscare. SNow SCENE IN JAPAN, Colored engraving, by a Japanese artist. 164 RIvER SCENE IN JAPAN, wiTH A Bripce. Colored engraving by a Japanese artist. 165 A Curious LANDSCAPE IN JAPAN WITH A Curious BRIDGE. Colored engraving, by a Japanese artist. SEYMOUR HADEN One of the most noted of modern etchers. 166 Tue Upper THames. Original Etching, by Seymour Haden. Fine impression. JOSEPH PENNELL One of our most popular etchers. 167 GERMANTOWN AcADEMy. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. 168 Srreet Scens. Original Etching, by Joseph Pennell. 169 WistTeR’s Home, GERMANTOWN. Original Etching, by Jos. Pen- nell, 170 THr Warton House, PHILADELPHIA. Original Etching, by Jos. Pennell. Proof. 18 > F. W. HARER Noted modern etcher. Mr. Jones’ RESTAURANT. Original Etching, by F. W. Harer. Signed proof. ON THE OvTSKIRTS OF THE Town (Manayunk). Original Etch- ing, by F. W. Harer. Signed! proof. DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA. Original Etching, by F. W. Harer. Signed proof. J. A. McNEIL WHISTLER The most noted of modern painters and etchers. CHELSEA. Original Etching, by J. A. McNeil Whistler. BLANCHE DILLAYE Modern etcher. THE JouHNson House AND ONE OTHER. Original Etching, by Blanche Dillaye. Two pieces. FRAMED ENGRAVINGS Patrick Henry DELiverinc His CELEBRATED SPEECH IN THE House or BuRGESSES, VirciniA, 1765. After P. F. Rothermel. Engraved by Alfred Jones. Mezzotinto. Framed. CoMMISSIONERS HALL, SPRING GARDEN, PHILADELPHIA. Colored lithograph by P. S. Duval. Published by Jno. N. Henderson. Rare. Framed. COMMISSIONERS Hatt, NortHEeRN LIBERTIES, PHILADELPHIA. Colored lithograph, after Thos. M. Scott, by P. S. Duval. Very rare. Framed. A GARDEN Party. Gobelin Tapestry, by Alonzo Perez. Very fine. Framed. WILLIAM JENNINGS Bryan. Mezzotinto, by W. H. W. Bick- nell. Proof. Signed by both Bryan and the engraver. No. 12 = of a limited number. Framed. yy Zz 20 Mayor GENERAL ANDREW JAcKson. After Thos. Sully. En- graved in stipple, by J. B. Longacre. Framed. yy Fetrx GruNbDy, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES. Lithographed by C. Fenderich. India proof. Framed. /) SCENE ON THE DELAWARE RIVER AT PHILADELPHIA DURING THE J SEVERE WINTER oF 1856. Colored lithograph, by J. Queen. Very rare. Framed. A view of the populace skating on the ice in the river. *) j Y 184 Hic Street From NortH Srresr, PHmtapeLpHiA. Colored n ye 190 Scarcity 1n Inp1A. After H. Singleton. Stipple, printed in colors, * | Z D | 191 VIEW oF SAN FRANCISCO, FORMERLY YERBA BUENO, IN 1846-7. ~ J Pe | 2 - { 19 engraving, by Wm. Birch, 1800. Original impression. Framed. 185 Liprary AND SuRGEON’s Hatt, on FirraH STREET, PHILADEL- pHIA. Colored Engraving, by Wm. Birch, 1800. Original im- pression. Framed. 186 BuiLpIncs oF THE GRAND CENTRAL Fair, AND OF THE U. S. Sanitary Commission, LoGAN SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. Colored lithograph. Framed. 187 THE Evicrep OrpHans. After R. M. Pyne. Mezzotinto, printed in colors, by C. H. Hodges. Framed. 188 SaturDay Eveninc. THE HuspANDMAN’s RETURN FROM LABOR. After W. R. Bigg, stipple, by H. Nutter. Published, London, 1705. Original impression, Rare. Framed. 189 British Ptenty. After H. Singleton. Stipple, printed in colors, by C. Knight. Published, 1794. Varnished. Framed. by C. Knight. Published, 1794. Varnished. Framed. Colored lithograph by the Bosqui Engraving & Printing Company. Rare, Framed. a 5O 192 THe STABLE oF BETHLEHEM. After Morellis. Mezzotinto, by Val. Green. Published, 1775. Proof before the title. Framed. 193 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half length seated at a table to the left, the thumb of the right hand supporting the chin, a book in the left hand, head to left, with spectacles. Rectagle, Mezzotinto. After D. Martin. Mezzotinto by E. Savage. Fine impression. Very rare. Framed. | 194 Wuti1AM Prirr. After T. Gainsborough. Stipple engraved, by J. K. Sherwin. Published, 1789. Framed. VENUS AT THE WELL. Original drawing, by Henner. Signed - Framed. 1 At Sure MAysvILte or PHILADELPHIA. Jacob Baush, Master, going hs | from Harbour of Havre de Grace. Original colored drawing. i Framed. i This is a picture of the ship commanded by Capt. Jacob Baush, whose portrait by Naegle will be found in this catalogue. 197 THE JEALousy oF Lorp Darniey, Huspanp or Mary, QUEEN or Scots, ALARMED AT OBSERVING Her ENTERTAINED AND DE- LIGHTED By Davin Rizzio. After G. B. Cipriani. Stipple in colors, by F. Bartolozzi. Published, 1803. Original impressions, in con- temporary frame. 4 /Yf Y /Y 20 198 Curip DisaRMED. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi. Oval. Cut close to print. Published, 1772. In contemporary frame. 199 BACCHANALIAN SCENE (Cupids at Play). After Angelica Kauff- man. Aquatinto printed in colors, by F. Bartolozzi. Original im- pression, in contemporary frame. Very scarce. Two pieces. 200 Cupip Stune. Stipple printed in colors, by F. Bartolozzi. Cut close to oval. In contemporary frame. Very rare. 201 Hope, VANity, PRUDENCE, AND Merir. Stipple printed in colors, by F. Bartolozzi. Cut oval, but with fair margins, in contem- porary oval frames. Very rare set. Four pieces. 202 Tue Per Hen. Stipple in brown. After W. Hamilton. En- graved by L. M. Delattre. Oval in contemporary frame. 203 Tue LirtLe SHePHERDESS. After B. Westal. Stipple in brown, by T. Ryder, in contemporary frame. 204 Cupip Capturep. After G. P. Cipriami. Stipple in brown, by F. Bartolozzi, in contemporary frame. 205 Cries oF Lonpon: “Milk O,” “Chairs to Mend,” “Potatoes, Full Weight,” and “Fine Rabbits!” Stipple printed in brown. Pub- lished by Fuller, London, 1812. Four pieces. 206 Exoisa. After J. Opie. Stipple printed in colors, by J. Ogborne. Published 1794. Rare. 207 Tue Bower or Venus. After B. West. Stipple printed in colors, by G. Kellaway. Published, London, 1825. 208 Mitxmaips. Stipple printed in colors, by F. Bartolozzi. Oval. Cut close to print. 209 Love SHARPENING His Arrows, Stipple in red, by Stepano, under Bartolozzi. Proof. 210 VirciL Writinc His ErrrappH. After Angelica Kauffman. Stipple printed in colors, by F. Bartolozzi. Cut close to print. 211 Tue Royat Mam. Original water color painting, by Dickinson and Foster, London, 1878, of two mail coaches running side by side, entitled, Hull, London, Royal Mail, and Wellesley and Lon- don Royal Mail. Size, 20 x 12%. An original painting, signed and dated from which the noted engraving was made. Very fine. 212 Tue TripLe PLea. Colored Mezgotinto. Published by Carring- ton Bowles, London, 1780. n 4 213 JosePH Ricuarpson. After M. A. Shee. Line, by W. I. New- ton. i tal ee PaInTING BY CaAsppR NETSCHER No. 3 ba) 21 = ) af 214 CARICATURE, SWEARING A Basrarp Cuitp, by Rowlandson, 1800. ; 215 ILLUSTRATIONS FROM CENANTES’ Don QuixoTe. After paint- yf ings by Coypel. Line engravings. Published by Jno. Williams, London, 1840. 25 pieces. 4to. = A complete set. ae 4 Y. 4 216 PorvtroLio AND Lor or Prints. gs 217 RowLanpson. Groc on Boarp. Original Colored Etching. Very C i] rare. Framed. 218 Vive Lv’ Empereur. After Vernet. Colored Aquatint, by E. Mas- sard. Framed. fos) 219 CATHARINE Howard AND ANNE BULLEN, QUEENS oF HENRY THE uf EreutH. Engraved by Houbraken. Colored. Framed, 2 pieces. PORTRAITS FOR ILLUSTRATING MASON’S LIFE OF STUART ,) ip rs 220 83 Porrraits For I_LustraTING Mason’s Lire oF GILBERT fe Stuart, the great portrait painter. No duplicates. All engraved, outside of a few artotypes by Bierstadt. A remarkable collection, including portraits of both American and English celebrities. Many of them very rare. ) 5 ” 221 GrorGE WasHINGTON. After Gilbert Stuart. Engraved on wood Hf a by Henry Wolf. Signed proof on China Paper. Very rare. 3 222 JoHN TRruMmBUEL, Artist. After Gilbert Stuart. Engraved on c wood by Henry Wolf. Signed proof on China Paper. Rare. 3 223 Rev. Wm. SmitH, Prevost oF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYL- vania. After Gilbert Stuart. Engraved on wood by Henry Wolf. Signed Proof on China Paper. 7 224 Mrs. Jno. Travis (Elizabeth Bond). After Gilbert Stuart. Engraved on wood by Henry Wolf. Signed proof on China paper. yy) : yy 225 Mrs. Jos. Braptey (Levy Hall). After Gilbert Stuart. En- Of es graved on wood by Henry Wolf. Signed proof on China Paper. 47 226 JuDGE STEPHEN Jones. After Gilbert Stuart. Engraved on pe: wood by Henry Wolf. Signed Proof on China Paper. Pe by, GF 227 Mrs. JaMEs Gisson AND Two Orners. After Gilbert Stuart. we ae Engraved on wood by Henry Wolf and Peter Aitken. Signed Proof on China Paper. 3 pieces. / pe 4 228 25 Puorocrapus made by C. S. Bradford, from portraits painted LP) r= by Gilbert Stuart, including a portrait of Gilbert Stuart, from Naegle’s painting. 4to. These portraits are very scarce. It is seldom we find so many together. They were taken in permanent photography, by Mr. Bradford, who died lately, and no more are to be had. 22 y } 1 4 229 Larce PuHorocrapH (Platinotype) or Gitperr Stuart. From 2 oD , | 7? 3 “ / AO the painting by Jno. Naegle. 230 GILBERT CHARLES Stuart. Engraved by A. B. Durand, from a miniature by Sarah Goodrich. India proof and plain impression. Both on large paper. 2 pieces. 231 A.J. Datias. After Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by Goodman and Piggott. India Proof, Large Paper. The above twelve lots embrace a remarkable collection of portraits by Gilbert Stuart. The prints are not duplicated in any lot, or in other words, they are all different. 232 Culer Justice Wm. TitcuMaN. Painted and engraved by H. Bridport. India Proof, large paper. 233 Mrs. GrapMs, or GrarMe Park, PHiLapeLpnta. Private plate. 3 copies. 234 WitutaM Penn, After J. J. Barralet. Engraved by Lawson. Published 1797. Original impression. Rare. 235 Furry Portraits or Wm. PENN, all engraved and no duplicates, including the rare portraits by Tisdale, Anderson, Smithers, etc. A very fine lot.. 236 Six Encravep Portraits or WM. Penn. Some duplicates. 237 Sixty Porrraits, Views AND FAcsiMILE Documents, for illus- trating the life of Wm. Penn. 238 Grave oF WILLIAM PENN, in the Quaker Burial Ground at Jordan’s, in Buckinghamshire. Drawn on stone by Paul Gauci. Rare folio. 239 Wo. Penn’s TREATY WITH THE INDIANS WHEN He FounpEp THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1681. Colored lithograph, by N. Currier. Very rare. 240 JoHN PENN, ProprieTARy GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA. Litho- graph. Private plate. Six copies. 241 JoHN PENN, SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Etched by H. B. Hall. India proof. Private plate. 242 Lor MIscELLANEOUS PortRAITS.