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Audi ihe TS epee , Ie gigi OE ee : ‘s at i z- ant 7 aR = aoe — eter Se QS EL ae “Gele ce Se ie, eae rt Na hese oe : fee oe gee ee a) a os we x gente card Ale il Ny sayh pep th io Se ae os a it MG Wey i \ ’ Wy : DT ead = ie eS< NS lone \ RSS \ > f YU pee A Tae OCs Ut OF THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OIL PAINTINGS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF H. V. MACHETTH, Esq., DECEASED. To be sold at ‘Pudlic Sale by order of Administrator, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Ger. 61h, (th and Sth, Commencing each evening at 73 o’clock. NOW ON FREE EXHIBIFION, DAY AND EVENING, At the Galleries of Thomas Birch & Son, AUCTIONEERS, No. 1110 Chestnut Street. SPECIAL NOTICE. +to—____—_ The collection of Art offered at this Sale ts per= haps one of the finest and largest private Collections ever offered at Public Sala and offers a rare oppor= tunity to the lovers of Art, to obtain many fine Original examples of the Old Masters, as well as of many eminent modern Artists—both European and American. THE FOLLOWING ARTISTS ARE REPRESENTED. FOREIGN. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Constant Troyon. J. B. Wittkamp. George Morland. Charles and Henry Shayer. H. P. Koekkoek. Ladislas Bakalowicz. F. Willems. F. Frichel. V. De Vos. Louis Robbe. J. B. Irving. John Baptist Madou. T. Boulanger. T. T. M. Damschroder. Josse Impens. Charlotte De Senezcourt. A Eversen. A. Hulk, Sr. L. Gerard. David Teniers. Paolo Veronese. Jan Van Hucht: nburg. Il Bassano. Alonz» Cano. William Shayer, Sr. Alfred Stevens. Kate Gray. Luca Giordano. Ribera. Frank Hals. William Etty. A. Verhoesen. Guido. W. Verschuur. Giorgione. Sassoferrato. Doughty. Thomas Faed. J. Van Breé. Francesco Albano. Bosboom. L. E. Kanneman. Mongi. Francois Leonard Jean Moor. mans. Joseph Neuhuys. J. Blanc. Felix Vanden Ey: kns. J. Bovie. J. E. Craige. A. Canaletto. Jan Van Lockborst. F. Von Severdonck. P. J. Toui-sant. M. Luger. Knipe. Emil Neevl. Karl Heitmayerde. J. J. Dubert. L’enfante De Metz. T. Marohn. F. Verheyden. Manuel J. De Franea. Adolph Theobald. Hermansdorffer. Theo Guairnaert. J. B. De Groot. Spelldoeren. C. Welz. J. Akkersdyk. H. Veldekens. O Schneider. Hugo Veit. Lucius Mantua. L. Gogler. F. Hoffer. A. De Brackaleer. T. A. Jameson. C. Latouche. Gurney. F. Felix. A RTISTS, Foreign— Continued. J. Sauerfelt. Il Borgognone. F. Musin. H. Carpentero. Annibale Caracci. Caravaggio. P. Knarren. V. Janssens. Gabriel Guerin. Aline De Senezcourt. Van Wyngaarden. Dan weter. De Buel. L. Plas. W. J. Boogaard. Gruse. John Gyselinck. Holmes. Knowles. Sanquar. Van Haman. Wood, Laurent De Buel. Snyders. De Wint. Wilson. Mearens. J. Duval. R. Guithorn. L. Smetz. Deveria. _A. Lengke. S. D. Colket. H. Lotte. W. Opetz. A. Watteau. F. Von Seben. A. 8. Dauvyaille. Bergam. A. Morris. Laurent Rebig. . Armfield. J. Peel. AMERICAN. Benjamin West. Thomas Sully. Rembrandt Peale. Joseph Johns, James S. Hill. Russel Smith. J. Woodside. Dr. Ruggles. Paul Weber. Edward and Thomas Moran. Jas. Hamilton. Richard Richardson. J. E. Galvan. H. C. Bispham. Emanuel Leutz (deceased.) Mrs. Elien Thayer Fisher. T. Buchanan Read. Isaac L. Williams. Charles Wilson Peale. J. O. Montalant. V. De Bonfield. A. Van Willis. T. B. Welsh. Wm. H. Brown. T.. PB. Offer. Hermann Simon. ~ John Cranch. Cohill. Thomas W. Searby. Leon Knowley. F. D Briscoe. Cadre. Grunewald. J. Craig Smith. Edw L. Henry. ~ CATALOGUE. LI FIRST EVENING’S SALE. rr Before the Sport. OS Ca eer Sts age eae ee oes ie After the Sport. EIS Munich. Children Praying. (After Meyer von Bremen.) RD is 5 occ ccd occas suvescnescscescvcc PATS eke meee ee Munich. | Children Wading the Brook. | : . (After Meyer von Bremen.) i | r J EO eg os kus a eraclig e's oc o-ndStekidaveeuaveees Sage ....-Munich. Quite Alone. (After Meyer von Bremen.) Ta Z 8 11 13 THOMAS W. SEARBY Under the Trees. L. SMETS. 3 3)cekca de Soa ol ceeds oh sk) ae oe ple Antwerp. Dp: cia ese caimaaes oe OE a Antwerp. cae Sea cc eke hi svdeseceibedibeds¢deeRielea ese Tian an New York. TP, OTTBRRiis dsc. Se Philadelphia. Summer Landscape. JOHN CRANCH......... 020 New York. The Morning cf Life. HERMANSDORIFFER..... Siazcccses. vee iste Munich. Landscape with Cattle. CO EL Dies Gan i. SE ele Philadelphia. Portrait, Thalberg. INA 0.0 .........cseesesdtdsasenrsee¥eo Philadelphia, The Female Scout. PSVERIA ...;...... 2 RRS ee re Market Day. FINELY COLORED PHOTOGRAPH .................... ere The Old Cottage Door. H. C. BISPHAM Philadelphia. Terriers on the Hunt. CHARLES WILSON PEALE Philadelphia. Portrait. A very curious old Picture—The Portrait is of James Gallaway, and painted by Charles Wilson Peale for his collection in the old Philadelphia Museum, James Gallaway was born in Dublin, Ireland. When he was seventeen years old, he entered on board ship of war, and was at the siege of Carthagena, when by an accident, four cartridges took fire,and burnt him, espe- cially about his breast, in a terrible manner. This burn was for many years a bad sore, and it had at last healed up, when it was again unfortunately hurt. As the bruise was getting well again, a small horn, the size of a thumb nail, appeared on the part, which has since continued to increase so much in size, as to render three amputations necessary. From December, 1794 to August, 1795, it had grown rather more than two inchesin length. A piece of this horn is in the Museum amongst the Anatomical Articles. bo i) bo on bo (>) Ls) ~I A. LENGKE Winter in the Mountains. B.D. COLE ET i..i....cecsscegee ps cs paee ec ee. eee London. The Old Windmill. Jv EH. GALV AN ©. iic.vci< caw stab neean Oapepee eee nae Philadelphia ' Winter—Return of the Poacher. EMANUEL LEUTZ, (deceased)................. Philadelphia. Ophelia. REMBRANDT PEALE ............. SLeveeeesseesssPhiladelphia. Battle of Lexington. A very animated Picture, and very well drawn. GUIDO, (after)i ei. Aen ee Bologna, LEON: KNOWLEY 32. 23. 0 New York. Sheep on the Downs. F. D. BRISCOE TTF oo. s ccc... Fy: ees Sauda too New York. | = Winter Scene. MTT e ss, e cacsacec) va secaudaccesctccevdcccvccccceccs Brussels. Fruit Piece. 1’ 81 THOMAS SULLY (deceased),........0.0...00000 Philadelphia. The Love Letter. This is one of Sully’s late and important works. Smt 1 HIN RY... io... icc cce eee ee sees ceecaeene New York Lire View at Kellyville, Penna. peed THROBALD......0 ccc ieee ccc ee cea es Munich. | Italian Peasants and Animals. BP BORGOGNONE 6... .00-.fcccceecicecee ite Bologna, Battle Scene. A spirited Picture end very superior in drawing. TRAC ie et fears. SPR ERIE ak: Paris. Italian Street Musician. EE LGD edi avicainten adouis asec akuetavewolavded @iskata Munich. Indian Camp. Dogs and Cats—The Watchful Mother. - 87a GRUNEWALD......... a Ge .....-Bethlehem, Pa. Rob Roy. so GRUNHEWALD 07... ca sae «Ae sles eee Bethlehem, Pa. Guy Mannering. 39 BENJAMIN WHST..50)..ip i200 ces. see sstesiantei amet tt mentee Pandora. 40 J. CRAIG SMITH (after Ary Scheffer)............New York. Dante and Beatrice. The point chosen by the Artist for the subject of his picture in the first Canto of the “Paradiso” or third grand division of the “Divina Commedia”, The passage as translated by Oary into blank verse, runs thus—Her eyes fast fixed on the eternal wheels, Beatrice stood un- moved, and I with ken fixed upon her, from upward gaze removed at her aspect, such inwardly became as Glaucus, when he tasted of the herb that made him peer among the ocean gods: words may not tell of that transhuman change.” Dante first saw Beatrice Portinari at Fiorence, their native city, in the year 1274, when he was in the twentieth year, and was so struck with that passionate admiration, that he venerated her almost as something superhuman. She be- came the wife of Simone de Bardi at some period prior to 1287, and she died in 1290. Soon after her death, Dante published his ‘Vita Nuova’? (New Life,) in which are exstatic effusions, ex- pressive of his love and that remarkable aspiration that God would take him to himself after he had written of Beatrice such things as had never yet been writtenof woman. The prayer was answered literally. The “Divine Commedia” was finished twenty-five years later, being writ- ten during the nineteen years that intervened between his banishment from Florence and his death at Ravenna in 1321. ALY aMORIN. (after) siwecte ics eek rao eae ...New York. The Memory of the Past. 37. J.B DeGROOT............ccseccsccccsestecceses oy eeee enn ana woe | eee eee OLAS POUSSIN (School of) \....ccc alee Pact: Children in the Fiery Furnace. ere PPO EANDT PHALE .... ccc. cccccccccccdecesees Philadelphia. Portrait of Himself. 44, CHARLES and HENRY SHAYHER.................. London. English Landscape with Cattle. This is a very fine specimen and a credit to any collection. Meee NIBAGH CARACCT......0..............:seceeeeeesse DOlOQNA. Mary Magdalen. omer eA JA MESON.........«< PEG ee RS x eyo London. Marine. | MIM AST UGRiiccccsccsces-ssdescncccests Be aa aes ah od Holy Family. 48 CHARLES WILSON PEALE Phila. (after Gilbert Stuart) Portrait of George Washington. A Picture of merit by an eminent Philadelphia Artist. London. Portrait of a British Officer. This is not only an unquestionable original by this admirable Artist, but its expressive freedom of touch and other excellent qualities peculiar to this master in his best day, indicates approximately the period of its production. Fe ee A FRANK HALS | The Lady Abbess. A very superior Picture by an Artist of the highest reputation. London, elise gs as eee hen // 51 ‘THOMAS SULLY9\.:...neeeenee vocscsseseeesPhiladelphia The Skilful Skater. This is the last Picture ever painted by Sully, and very graceful and spirited. 20S eee Ie BENJAMIN WEST ... Philadelphia. St. John in the Wilderness. MONGI . Antwerp. Children with a Crucifix. DOUGHTY Landscape. (Sketch from Nature.) Artistic in every respect, and a very desirable Picture. 55 GEORGE MORLAND............... Landscape. Beautiful in finish and not often exvelled, Br EEA 56..5... 00000005 Ace Varevwernciset + vee ALAS? Pleasure Party from the Castle. An exceedingly brilliant Picture of a very celebrated Artist. TOA GIORDANO....0000..ci0cccs-cececceeeeeee: Losses. Naples. Joseph’s Dream. A fine example of this Artist, and a very interesting subject. A oe los c cies ccgdbcusavadesesesiueesciictesye London. The Key Note. Seer DMNA (Il Spagnoletto) .cicdececccseee eee Cabins ores ADIGA: Saint Jerome. The Saint is earnestly engaged in transcribing into a volume before him, the contents of another book that is stood up against a skull and crucifix for support. This picture is marked by the strong contrast of light and shade, and sharp definition, characteristic of the master, 60 BOLOGNESE SCHOOL............. seavamnt Mecsas cence ce ican Love and Hate. Cupid, blindfold and prostrate on the ground, is suffering punishment from a vindictive genus personifying HATE, who is further instigated by a fury descending through the sky. The Artist seems to have aimed at illustrating the same truth that Shakspeare expressed when he makes one of his characters say—“‘The course of true love NEVER DID run smooth,” 62 63 64 66 CHARLES and HENRY SHAYKER.,............ Sasa English Roadside Inn. A careful and agreeable rendering of an every day subject. THOMAS FARED ........c52.0400. set London. Head of a Covenanter. The Pictures of this Artist are very much sought after. V.de V. BONEIELD ..... oe tape Philadelphia. Christmas Eve—Country Inn. Lik. KANNEMAN........sc¢.5c00ese0s 4+ 25 miseetenn Antwerp. Marine. Painted on panel, and a very fine Marine. GIORGIONE (Giorgia Barbarelli ).............0:.000 ... Venice. Cardinal ‘‘ Evarardus. ‘The quality of this important work is of the very highest order, and artistically it is not often surpassed. FRANCESCO ALBANO (after Guido)............05.095 Rome. Repentant Magdalen. A very beautiful Picture. othe) Peg LULL) co. bce e ke cecss ccs ucsitaccnvucesenedcccdcvens Antwerp. Amsterdam Market Scene by Candle Light. This is a very superior candle light, and very like the works of Von Schendel. me LEONARDO da VINCI (after) ................. cee: Florence The Lord’s Supper. | A very highly finished Painting on Copper. 69 Mrs. ELLEN THAYER FISHER................... Brooklyn The Heart of a Green Briar Thicket. This is a perfect little gem, and as a water color is not often excelled. BET, DRUG HB ices ec. sites codecs ecetsecceseeees Flanders. Death’s Doings. A Picture full of force and carefully painted. 71L JAMES S. HILL (after Landseer)................ Philadelphia. | David and Goliath. A very excellent copy of Landseer’s great Painting. y neath the shades of a loyal homestead of Eastern Pennsylvania. The bride is welccmed in the family at the old homestead, the aoa elie: to liberty of whose Friendly proprietors many a sable- faced fugitive has witnessed. The widowed mother in a secluded corner mourns her loss, meditating on the pictured ¢ ex- pression of her partner, who returns not with the rest, while the little pledge of their love essays to comfort and console, The table is being spread for the feast in front of the old substantial stone mansion whose | walls are half covered with clinging ivy, and a path irregularly paved with slabs of stone leads” up through the yard to a quaint old portico covering the door. Standing by the pump with modest expression, the damsel espies in the young oavatees v man. (just arrived) the long absent lover, who is being welcomed by members of the family (along with the colored standard-bearer) to the feast. Grouped around the table in the centre are the political disputants, and the difference that excites the spirit and animus between the soldier and his antagonist is the negro. Beneath the arbor the mother receives her wounded son: “the long-look’d-for has come at last. The whole is a scene representing such peace as an intelligent. republican community would have, with doors thrown liberally open, gates swung back, a sociability that sinks all per- sonal hostility, no passive indifference to the duties of the hour, but recognized responsibility; not all mourning for individual loss, nor exultant in victory, but exhibiting an fareleent sub. — mission to the philosophy of events. Around the officer in the foreground are grouped his listening family and friends, whose © attentive faces bear his welcome as he relates his experience and incidents of war, while the children around, catching up the spirit of the scene, are mimicking battle with their fathers’ cast-off swords and guns, or watching the amusing pranks of the playful kittens, hee from intrusion by their indignant mother. 725 A. De BRABKBALEER......25 0a secede es BrUgseree A Brawl in a Dutch Inn. Very animated and carefully drawn. .Paris. ee oe oC ee eeereereeesesee 73 LEJEUNE (after) Cinderella at Home. 74 LEJEUNE (after) .. HS The Broken Pitcher—Companion. * tS =n CaO SER VE Sars SE « S475 EN PT EEG Ls Don aa oc cc cc oc cccacccncccecoccccceecccacds Market Scene at Coblence. 0 SE BL Te ccc cc seis sc cccaccescesceccececcacscccncs Brussels. street Scene at Meyance—Companion. Sauerfelt’s pictures of Street Views probably give more satisfaction than those of any other painter. Not only does he choose subjects of a most picturesque character, but treats the Same with a skill and knowledge, in this department of art, peculiar to himself. re WILLIAMS... 20. .ii cece ccc escccee scene Philadelphia. Moonlight—The Country Church Yard. ‘‘Long by one Grave He leaves with tranquil tears.’’ Vide Reed’s New Pastoral. emer Ly. WALLIAMS 20. ec. cee eee Philadelphia. Fourth of July in the Country. TEM VS TRG EL go oc a sca ven ca ddgncess cssbscavecsecsecees eosceeeee . Portrait—Martin Luther. PT oci cc ced al eassssceaewesen cess seseecccrectccaevcescsveson Building the Temple. ROM TIN GEG By gos ann cv cus cueulev cusses ccicces evavessuntins Paris. a COO SRS SHG EH SSHOSOHSEHHSHSHHHSHOHSEHHHHSHSHEHGEHHEEFORE SE HOES Cattle at the Stream. 88 P. J. TOUISSANT. .........0cccs dees esac cot eeu: aaeeaeenen Brussels. The Young Artist. 84. -T. \BOULANGER:.........,d0ees os ae Dresden. Street Scene at the Hague. 80) TT. B: WELSH ©. .c;.........escees oe eee Philadelphia. King Lear. at OS ME LIU ope nc. sinvc5scssaau ides essies coscvsceeionse Munich. Tyrolean Lake Scene. 87 O. SCHNEIDEB.............0000.. Atop ee Eraser a Munich. Tylorean Lake Scene—Companion. eh oi ey vee cl Mia te bad eee dvds coscccs senses Paris. Winter Scene and Figures. PMV IV ELOTISIIN ...,.