Ruins bast nh . Say x atid ‘ag vt SUE OSD Bd a, aa ; i ay its ey mi nn Ue J a oe on so eh. Pf - ae 4 ri a ie ee >. y oe ne ee i be ee : ~~ Pm die bjt. Se Ty A he se iy ‘ : es °F ras Wg? wy is = Cas part" ens ~ “ n a Raye bt a DRA WINGS IN SEPIA, CRAVONS, PASTEL LES, ENGRAVINGS, BRON LES, STALTUAR ¥. AND PLICLES” CF VIRTC, & r te THE MESSRS. O19 BE S f JA a 9) NT AUCTION “BY: OL LEAWT EL ,2 Aries (OM RERS AdALUTAIV ‘LOViSuald “4 ‘UIBOIIA OY} SUISSOIO OT2O — MOUVINUPA’ LIT “a BY ” ” .TED OLD AND MODERN MASTERS, TOGETHER WITH TER. COLORS, PASTELLES, CRAYONS, DRAWINGS a IN SEPIA, ENGRAVINGS, BRONZES, STATUARY, ; wy ee ARTICLES OF VIR U, ETC, ee BELONGING TO GEN JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT THE CLINTON HALL SALE ROOMS. ‘aa ROOMS, 817 BROADWAY, SALE TO TAKE PLACE ON ‘Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, May 238d and 24th, a At the CLINTON HALL SALE ROOMS, commencing at 74 o'clock. HNGRAVINGS, BRONZES, STATUARY, AND ARTICLES OF VIRTU, _—sCON EXHIBITION AT THE CLINTON’ HALL SALE © ~ ROOMS, TO BE SOLD eS 2 Monday Afternoon, May 22d, 1876, at 2 o’clock. at : The Messrs. LHAVITT, Auctioneers. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part pay- ment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, 2” de- fault of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely pazd, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendors, on or before delivery: tn default of which Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. will not hold themselves responstble, tf the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they well be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furnt- ture, Works of Art, or any other article, zs not to be set astde on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhtbttion one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. Zo prevent tnaccuracy in delivery and inconventence in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon faclure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfetted ;, all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (tf any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the De- faulter at this Sale, together with al! charges attending the same. This Condition ts without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at thts Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT &+ CO. Pe Std Cofe, In this Collection now offered for sale, we present not only rare and valuable paintings by the Old Mas- ters, but others, also, of later date, standing between the Old School and the decidedly modern of the pres- ent day; and also, rare and valuable articles of Virtu, such as probably have seldom been offered in this country. These are all from the gallery of Gen. James Lorimer Graham (none others being added), whose cultivated taste has led him for the last fifty _ years to secure and gather together whatever was rare and elegant. «Among the paintings will be found the names of Rubens, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Luca Giordano, Vander Werf, Molinaer, Spagnoletto, Teniers, Wat- teau, Lambrecht, John Fyt, etc. Many of later date, such as Wilkie, Von Beest, Brochard, Henry Inman, Rembrandt Peale, Gilbert Stuart, Carl Hoff, Von Marcke, S. Coleman, R. S. Gifford, and others. Several beautiful and exquisite Water-Colored Pic- tures, now so much in vogue in England and this country, bear the names of the celebrated Teniswood, Langlois, Montague, Robins, Cotman, etc. Among many other beautiful specimens of great value and celebrated in art, are eleven of the exquis- ité drawings in Sepia by F. O. C. Darley, original illustrations of scenes in the Cooper novels. Also included in this collection are some very fine Engravings by good masters, framed—all good subjects and valuable. We wouid also draw attention to the magnificent Iv. PREFACE. and Rare Bronzes to be found in the Catalogue, some of the finest specimens of Fratin, and Mené, which cannot be duplicated now, the models having been destroyed. There are other artists whose works are celebrated for spirit of composition and detail of the finest kind. There are also many articles of Taste and Virtu which must be seen to be appreciated, and which form a part of this rare and valuable Collection, add- ed to which are a few fine Marbles, consisting of heads of Cicero and Franklin, Figure of Devotion, a Mag- dalen, and others, together with a few exquisitely beautiful Pastelles and Crayons. As this present Catalogue is unusually long, we have, for the purpose of a more ready reference, sub- joined a Lest and /ndex to the Mames and Works of the artists contained therein, so that the place which they occupy may at once be found. We would also add, that*in the preparation of this Catalogue, we have been assisted by A. H. Taylor, Esq., who has for many years been acquainted with all the Paintings now offered for sale, and whose reputation as a Restorer of Paintings and Connoisseur of the works of the Old Masters is so widely known to all who take an interest in these subjects. GEO. A. LEAVITT NEw YorK, Jay, 1876, : NAMES OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THIS Gren e TION, TOGETHER WITH A REFERENCE TO THE NUMBERS WHICH THEIR WORKS OCCUPY IN THE CATALOGUE. A. Alfani, D., 126 Allori, 1 Ye) B. Breughel, Velvet, 39 and 192 Borgenoni, ; 107 Boucher, Francois, 74 Blanchard, J acques, 133 Baldung, Hans, 138 Brawer, 16 Brill, Paul, 154 Brasch, “159, 160, 172, 173 Brochard, ; 163 Baerstraetem, J ohn, 5 201 Beisch, Francis Joachem, . 187 Cc. Croyer, Gasper de, 41 Cantarini, Simone, 45 Canspidoglio, Angelo, 51 Cotman, J.8., : 125 Coypel, Noel, 100, 150 Cavallino, Bernardo, 167 Coleman, Ss. Le 35 D. Da Cortona, Pietro, 27 Dorn, ~ . : : 31 and 149 De Latour, 4 Darley, F. O. C., 60 to 7 Da Pauls, L., . 75 Droogsloot, Joost, 18 Denner, Balthasar, 85 De Troy, Jean, 86 De Hooge, Peter, 88 Dalens, Theodore, 102 Dolci, Carlo, Devedeaux, "187 ‘and 184 20 De Troy Juba before Cato), 139 Continence of Scipio), 140 E. Eckhout, Gerbrant, 11, 52 ~~ Fyt, John, Franks, Old, G. Giordano, Luca, Gallait, L. ; Griff, Anthony. Grudo, C., ; Gasper de Croyer, Gennari, Benedetto, Gifford, ’R. Swain, H. Hoff, Carl, Hudson. Thomas, Hemskirk, Hondius, ‘Abraham, I, Inman, Bey, James, Jarvis, N., K. Kaufman, 4 Kauffman, An gelica, Kneller, Sir Godfrey, L. Langlois, N. W.., Luca Giordano, Le Moine, Francis, Lang, Louis, 4 | Le Brun, Charles, Lely, Sir Peter, Lairesse, Gerrard, . Lancret, . : Lambrecht, Largilliere, 5 Lallemant, Philippe, _ 127 and 129 169, 170 ' 1 ’ 22 and 203 148 ; at 72 and 73 95 and 116 : 206 ; 124 22 and 208 : 3 130 | 451 and 152 181 182 M. Morelli, Bartolomeo, Molinaer, Jan, do Klass, Mignard, Nicholas, Maratti, Carlo, Montague, A., Mole, J. H., Mapleston, Nuzzi, Gaspare, oO. Old Franks, Orizonti, Pp, Pater, Jean, . Peale, Rembrandt, R. Rubens, - Rousseau, Rembrandt, Roman, B., Rosenboom, Ryckaert, David, Richter, Reussch, 3 Rokes, Henry, Robbins, Thos. 8., Raffael, : Rosa de Tivoli, Roore, J. De, S. Savory, Roland, Stuart, Chas. G., Schaleken, Godfrey, Schotel ; : Steen, Jan, Spagnoletto, : 193 and 194 | NAMES OF ARTISTS. Swebach, James, Solimena, Francesco, 47 | Snyders, Francis, 135 | Sustermans, Justus, ra: e 121 Teniers, David, 123 do Elder, Teniswood, J. F., Tintoretto, . Tischbein, John, 4g, Tenkate, Herman, Titian (afcer), 80, 81 199 Vv. Van Beest, Van Ahshoven, 9” | Vander Helst, : 162 | Vander Werf, Peter, Van Bloeman, : ae Lepenge an Dyck, Philip, . vl and 38 Vinee Jan, zt i 30a and 86) Won Beest, H., : , 40 Van Diespenbeck, . AS 188 | Van Dyck, 84 Van Mar cke, : pe | Van Femont, Justus, 9% Van Balen, Henry, 93 Vanloo, Louis Michel, 101 | Vinckenbooms, David, 122 Verschuring, Henry, 171 | Van Bemmel, ; 200 Ww. Walker, Robert, 6| Wynants, J., . 28 | Wilkie, David, Watteau, Anthony, 53 | Wycke, Thomas, 136 | Whitford, J., 145 | Wissing, ot i=) Terintoreto, Domenico, * 128 ‘and 146 . 48, 155, 156, 157 54 ; 118 105 and 106 25 48 57 and 58 76, 77 79 87 98 103 1382 147 202 ; 158 "165 and 166 1% 186 ‘ jt 190 ae be ng 2 ee MEPAARBRETICAL LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL SUBJECTS EMBRACED IN THE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS. A. a Elizabeth Signing Death War- Apollo and the Muses,.. . ie rant of Mary, . ; 32 Atropia Cutting the Thread | Europa, . 205 of Life, : 85 Engravings, 213 to 258, inclusive. Architectural Ruins, 35a and 36° F. OE ere ae esis ee 499 Fountain of Laughter, . : 30 y : _ Flowers on Por celain, : 92 do. Companion, 15 ¥ FR A Animals—Death Str rugele 206 | nas ruits to Goddess of Alms-Giver, . . 129/45, aves hai aay a Ti 203 Madromeda, .° «wt 13 | ei etween Lion and Ti- 180 air eB. : ; a) a Fight between Animals, : 206 Allegorical Picture, . . 106) | Hornari > Hea leigh ek ee oe B. tReastof.Canay .)-. J a s1De Bird Concert, . ; : 09 | Br Site =a F : ; 111 Building of Carthage, > -, Lv’) Weeding the Pets... © . °°. 11% Battle Piece, . : : io | G do : . . " Guard-Room, . : : 45 c. Galatea, Triumph of, . \ 90 Carthage, Building of, - 177) Group of se and Gentle- Crayon Head of a Young men, . f 91 and 96 6 soe : . . . . 7 Girls—One playing a Bee 1 ood, * : : Gurd : 98 Crossing the Ferry, . 58 | Gardens Scene—Ladies and Coriolanus Pleading for eA | Gentlemen, ; f ’ 130 Rome, . : ; | Companion to, : ; 131 Christ, Betray al of. ae ; 80 | Girl at Glace. : 143 ; do, Cee ne Away Fa Game, Dead, and Dogs, . 169 oO be Crucilied, . : . Companion to, ; ; 170 Charles the Second, ; 83 | Goddess ee Plenty, : ; 203 Costumes, Italian, ‘ ; 104 Garden of Love, . ; : 108 Cattle Crossing the Stream, . th I. ae Psyche, : "467 | Head of a Young Girl in eae 44 eee ee. . — 183) Horrors of War, al Chirop odist, ; ; : 909 | Holofernes, . : . 45 79 | Head of Girl Singing, ; ‘ 50 Concert of Birds, 2 : é : iat aon ot Teniers, ; 34, Head of a Persian Chief, . 57 Christ—The Legend of St. do. of a Lady (Companion), 58 Veronica, . 146 Holy Family, : : : : 94 Petedeatiand his Daughter, Herodias, with Head of John Mrs. Claypole, . j 96 | _ the Baptist, : : - 182 Crucifixion, The. : i 1 | Holy Family, . : ; : 153 Charity, . ; ; i ’ 112) _Companion to, . : : 184 : D. | Hermits at Prayer, : : 149 | Holy Family, surrounded by An- Eraiines,. the Lost Sacred | géls in Landscape, 153 . Head—Portrait of Charles Kem- Drawings in Sepia, , 60 to 70 | ble, 161 Dauphin and Dauphiness, 165 & 166 Pileadiar Lady Sti Flowers, 163 Dido on Funeral Pile, . : 176 | Brochard, ae: 174 Decamerone, : : ; 6 | Handkerchief, St. Veronica’s, 187 Dead Game, . ys Halt of Soldiers, . est Diana and Nymphs, . 18, Holy Family in a Wreath of Dotch Interior, : . . 1g) lowers, .- ; 192 do : ; : 208 | Head of Saviour, ‘ : 198 E. do. of Young Girl (erayon), 44 Epicure’s Breakfast. . ‘ ot do. Lord Coke, 188 Engraving—Imitation of, . 5D} do. Philosopher, : : 98 8 Head of a Saint, 5 do 19 do 110 Head of an [italian Lady, 171 Head of St. Francis, 188 Interior of Kitchen, 101 Infant Saviour, Imitation of an Engraving, Interior (Ryswich Castle) 102 Infant Saviour, Sleeping on Cross,179 do. do. 185 Juba before Cato. Judgment of Midas—Paul Brill, 154 do, (Vinckenbooms), 175 Joseph Interpreting the Dream, 127 16 | Jolly Party, The K, Kemble (Fanny) in the Grecian Daughter, i. Lady with Basket of Fiowers, 74 do. at Her Devotions, ‘ 6) Landscape and Cattle, 76 and 77 Ladies and Gentlemen at Lunch, 88 Landscape and Figures, e 39, 97, 158 Lawless Soldiery, 33 Light-Ship, . 148 Landscape and Figures, The Good Samaritan, ‘ 187 Landscape, Brasch, 159 and 160 Lucretia, 178 Lion and Tiger Fight, 180 Landscape, “Morning, 189 do. Evening, 190 Lucretia, 191 Landscape and Cattle, Rosa de Tivoli, ee 4. Schotel, . Amsterdam sie 53 CROSSING THE FERRY A good specimen of this master. Tenters, the Elder. * : Born 1582. Died 1690. 54 TENIERS CHATEAU, ¥ GROUP OF FIGURESHNM : Pus : , An undoubted original. Very fine. Unknown. 55 IMITATION OF AN ENGRAV- ING PAINTEDIN BLACK AND WHITE. A remarkable and very curious old picture, always attracting much attention. From the Hunter col- lection. Charles Le Brun, Paris Born 1619. Died 1690. Poe eer AMILY OF CORIOLANUS PLEADING FOR ROME. A grand gallery picture. Peter Vander Werf, Holland . Born 1665. Died 1718. Pee OF A PERSIAN, CHIEF. Exquisite in color and finish. Peter Vander Werf, Holland Born 1665. Died 1718. Pee Or A LADY. Companion picture. Sir David wile Legon 59 SKETCH OF A VILLAGI = Sent as a present to this country as anundoubted Wil- kie. hee Ge Darley, New York DRAWINGS 1 Sie 60 SCENE FROM “THE RED ROY in Res 61 SCENE FROM “THE WATER- WECH 62 SCENE FROM “Hie AND WING.” 63 SCENE FROM “THE WEPT OF THE WISHTON WISH.” 64 SCENE FROM) Tht OPENINGS. Ceo UNE FROM “WING . AND WING.’ feeeetNG. PROM “THE PATH= PEN DER. 67 SCENE FROM «THE PATH- FINDER.’ feo EINE FROM’ “ THE DEER— Sila YER.” 69 SCENE FROM “THE SPY.” fo SCENE FROM “THE DEER- - SAVER.” Anthony Watteau, Paris Born 1684. Died 1721. 71 THE FINDING OF MOSES. Thomas Hudson, London Born'\1701,:: Died 1770. 22° KFC) Rap RAO ey GENTLEMAN. ‘Thomas Hudson, London Born 1701. Died 1779. 73. PORTRAIT OF Ale Francois Boucher, Paris Born 1704. Died 1768. 7A LADY WITH A BASKaas FLOWERS. A perfectly exquisite picture. lta Pais: Paris 75 LADY AT HER DEVO Peter Van Bloeman, Holland Born 1649. Died 1719. “6 LANDSCAPE AND GATT: 7» COMPANION. ‘ : , ' 14, FRANCIS BOUCHER — Lady with a Basket of Flowers. &. BIERSTADT, ALBERTYPE. Joost Droogsloot, Holland Born 1616. Died 1660. 78 VILLAGE MERRY-MAKING. From the collection of the late Nicholas Dean, Esq. John Van Kessel, Holland Born 1626. Died 1707. 79 THE BIRD CONCERT. * This is a very rare and curious picture by an artist who was so much admired by Philip IV. of Spain that he purchased as many of his pictures as could be procured, and appointed him Painter to the Queen. ie be ranks, Holland Born 1546. Died 1616. Somer RAYAL OF CHRIST. Painted on Copper. peel BE PORE. PILATE. The Companion Picture. Both from the collection of Daniel Coit, Esq. Brought _ from Lima. Thomas Wycke, Holland Born 16:6. Died 1686. Pee ote) IN’ THE MEDITER- RANEAN. A fine specimen of this great Master. Dir eter seeks Holland Born 1617. Died 1680. 83. CHARLES THE SECOND ia A BOY. Rosenboom. Holland 84 eEA-SHORE. COAST Tee LAND. Balthasar Denner. Born 1685. Died 17472 85 ATROPIA CUT T DN Gia THREAD Ose iis Jean de Troy. Born 1676. Died 1752. 86 MARRIAGE OF MARY Sawa JOSEPH. Philip Vandyck. Born 1680. Died 1752. 87 MORDECAI BEFORE ~~ Tine KING. Very finely executed. Peter de Hooge, Holland eo ADIES AND GENTLEMEN AT Dey INST, A charming composition. Fine in shade and color- ing. Light beautifully thrown on the figures. David Ryckaert, oy Holland Born 1615. Died 1677. So. THE MUSICIANS. Very fine. From the collection of the late Nicholas Dean, Esq. Gerrard Lairesse. por t640,. Died:1711. Poe PH OF GALATEA, Charming little picture, beautifully finished. John ‘Tischbein. Born 1722. Died 1789. 91 GROUP OF LADIES AND GEN- Tie wv EN. See companion picture No. 96, A Musical Party.. C. Richter. 92 FLOWERS ON PORCELAIN. A. Reussch. 93 TWO GIRLS, ONE PRAY HURDY-GURDY. Carlo Maratti. Born 1625. Died 1713. 94 THE HOLY FAM EEN An exquisite picture. The sweet, calm beauty of the mother’s face, the infant which has drawn its nour- ishment from the mother’s breast and dropped away into peaceful infantile slumber, and the infant John looking in admiration upon the Saviour as He lies asleep—all is most touching and beautiful. Hemskirk, the Elder. Born 1625. Died 171m 95 THE SMOKER. John Tischbein. Born 1640. Died 1711. Come MUSICAL PARTY. Companion picture of No. 91. Jean Pater. Pupil of Watteau. Born 1695. Died 1736. Pee NI OCAPE AND FIGURES. Jan Victor. Born 1600. Died 1670. feet) OFA PHILOSOPHER. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Born 1648. Died 1723. 99 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. 99a COMPANION PICTURE. Noel Coypel. Born 1692. Died 1735. fooee st LEGORICAL. Companion picture of 150. Henry Rokes, called Zorg. Born 1621. Died 1682. ior INTERIOR OF A KITCHEN. Theodore Dalens, Amsterdam Born 1659. Died 1688. io2) ONE OF THE PORTIGO( aa THE CELEBRATED GAS tee OF RYSWICH IN HOLE Remarkable by the treaty signed there in 1697. Per- spective remarkably fine, as also the figures. H. Von Beest, New York 103 SHIPWRECKED SAILORS Ge ROCK. One of his strongest and best productions—represent- ing five shipwrecked sailors and a dog upon a rock, surrounded by the foaming sea, lashed into angry waves. ‘Two of the men are waving frantic signals toa vessel just seen in the distance. A powerful ' picture. | Unknown. 104 LTALIAN COSTUMES Sai SECOND EVENING’S SALE. SALE AT THE CLINTON HALL SALE ROOMS. Tintoretto. feet OF CANA. Pee eeeGORICAL PICTURE. Borgenoni. Pee yd GLb PIECE. Kaufman. Posen hk DEN OF LOVE. Unknown. 1o9 AARON. Unknown. 110 HEAD OF A SAINT. (STUDY.) Unknown. TIE PRESS Unknown. rie] CHARLEY Unknown. 113) DUTCH INTERIQIS Unknown. 114 THE RAISING OF LAZAR Unknown. 115 THE LAST SUPER Hemskirk. 116 THE TOPER: Unknown. Pee ING THE PETS. WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS. J. F. Teniswood, London MomeoN ET PAUL S FROM LONDON Pee DP WIEIGHT. A. Montague, , Lendon fem it e BREEZE. J. Whitford, London momo! Or GRAPES, APRI- Seer ll bE RTS, ETC. J. H. Mole, London ior ee DRACON-FIRE COAST.OF IRELAND. Thos. S. Robbins, London 122 SHEVRING SANDS COAG HOLEAND.: Mapleston, London 123 MUSSEL GATHERERS ee COMING STORM. N. W. Langlois, , London 124 GROUP OF FRUIT. He) Cotman 125 THE NORTH SEA) YAR. ENGLAND. Domenico Alfani. Born 1483. Died 1553. 126 THE ASCENSION GRSiTi GIN. ——— - Benedetto Gennart. Born 1633. Died 1715. fee ooe Pr INTERPRETING THE DREAM. Companion to 129. Vandyck (after) foe vik GlLN AND CHILD. A very old and admirable copy, from the original in Antwerp. Benedetto Gennarti. Born 1633. Died 1715. tao 1 HE ALMS-GIVER. This picture is fine in coloring. The artificer pausing in his labors, turns to bestow charity on the figures at his side. In the upper part of the picture are the Madonna and child. The companion picture to No. 127: N. Lancret, Pupil of Watteau. Born 1690. Died 1743. moe OEN SCENE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. A beautiful and attractive grouping. Mem OMEANION PICFURE. Abraham Van Diepenbeck (after Rubens.) Born 1607. Died 132 HERODIAS WITH THE aia OF JOHN THE BAY iia. An unusually fine rendering of this subject. Jacques Blanchard. Born 1600. Died 1638. 133. THE HOLY FAMILY. 134. PRESENTATION IN THE TEM- PLE. | Companion picture. Jan Molinaer. Born 1627. Died 1686. 135 WINTER SCENE—CHATEAU, WITH FIGURES, SKATING ae: A remarkably fine picture and a good companion pic- ture for 141. Jans Steen. Born 1636. Died 1689. 136 (ERNE eRe The works of this master are deservedly held in high estimation, and adorn some of the royal galleries and choicest collections. An undoubted original. Carlo Dolci. Born 1616. Died 1686. i or. CECILIA. Hans Baldung. Born 1495. Died -—— Boome ial N AND CHILD. Old German School. De Troy. Born 1676. Died 1752. ioe | 8ben BEFORE CATO. WewLroy. Pome tia CONTINENCE OF SCIPIO. Klass Molinaer. Born 1627. Died 1686. 141 A VILLAGE FAIR. One of the finest pictures of this master. Full of life and spirit. Unknown. ' 142 VENUS AND: CUPID: Ale BATH. Porcelain. Unknown. 143) “TRL AT Ar Gils sae Herman Tenkate. 144 METZU, THE PAINTER, IN HIS | STUDY. | Admirable picture. Ribera, called Th—Spagnoletto. Born 1588. Died 1656. 145 A MONK AT HIS DEVOTIONS. This picture was brought from a convent in Spain and is a very strong and powerfully executed work. After spending the night in prayer and conflict, the morning is just dawning upon him in his cell. ~~ ie 146. Van DYCK. — St. Veronica’s Handkerchiefy ‘a with emblems of the Fass:on. —. BIERSTADY, ALBERTYPE. oe et & ’ *Y a ¥ : . : Vandyck. Born 1599. Died 1641. Pee VERONICAS HANDKER- ChibF,, WITH EMBLEMS OF fie PASSLON. This legend is well known. As our Saviour bore the cross along the Via Dolorosa, as He was fainting beneath its weight, awoman named Veronica, step- ping from the crowd, gave a handkerchief to wipe the damp from His brow, and when He returned it, it is said to have borne the impress of His counte- nance in its agony. This subject has peculiar in- terest for all. Van Marcke. Pee tie 6) CROSSING THE STREAM. Pupil of Troyon. | One of the finest paintings of this distinguished master. | R. Swain Gifford, New York oe! 2 IGHT-SHIP. One of his best pictures. Dorn. Bavarla 149 TWO HERMITS AT PRA re Second picture of this artist mentioned as belonging to this collection. The faces of the Hermits are most remarkable, and all the details of the picture are not exceeded by any miniature painting, and will bear the minutest examination. For nearly half a century this painting was in the gallery of the late John Hunter and regarded as one of the choicest in his collection. See first picture of Dorn, No. 3], for history of artist. Noel Coypel. Born‘1692. Died 1735. 150 APOLLO TEACHING CUPID THE USE OF THE Baa Companion picture of 100. B. Lambrecht, Holland 151 THE SMOKERS. An exquisite picture. 152 THE VEGETABLE MARR Companion picture. 149. DORN. — Two Hermits at Prayer. E. BIERSTADT, ALBERTYPE. Henry Van Balen. Born 1560. Died 1632. 153 HOLY FAMILY SURROUNDED PeeeewNGE TS IN AY PAND= Beck. An exquisite picture. maul Brill. Born 1556. Died 1626. 154 LANDSCAPE—THE JUDGMENT OF MIDAS. (Figures by AN- NIBALE CARACCL.) This picture is most exquisite for coloring, grouping, and grace. David Teniers. Born 1582. Died 1649. 155 VILLAGE FESTIVAL. 156 COMPANION. Undoubted originals. fee et RANSFIGURATION. A very beautiful study en Grisaille. Angelica Kauffman. Born 1742. Died 1807. 158’ LANDSCAPE AND FIGURA Allegorical—a very fine picture. Brasch. 159 LANDSCAPE WITH DEER. 160 LANDSCAPE Wits Both originals. Henry Inman, New York 161 PORTRAIT OF CHARLES as bie Admirable coloring. Rembrandt Peale. 1602; CLE OPATRRS Brochard, ‘ Pae 163 HEAD OF A GIRL WITH PE ERS. An exquisitely beautiful Pastelle, lovely in expression and design. Undoubted original of Brochard. ~ See companion picture No. 167. James Swebach. Born 1800, Died 1824. feat NII DCAPE AND CATTLE. Louis Michel Vanloo. Born 1707. Died 1771. feo On kA! OF A DAUPHIN. Companion picture. oer PRATT OF A DAUPHINESS. Two charming pictures. feriardo Cavallino. _ Born 1612. Died 1654. fone vVARKIAGE OF CUPID AND PSY- foie, Cupid and Psyche are in a triumphal car and sur- rounded by Cupids animated by joy and excitement on the occasion. Full of life, the little fellow, with his violin and his foot raised, seems leading the rest, and his very expression says, ‘“‘Come on! come on! let’s have some fun!’ They are full of exhil- aration. Poe EO: ON AVORY. John F'yt. Born 1625. Died 1671. 169 DEAD GAMEAND DOGS—EVEN. ING — RETURNING =o lB) ea lt eiccs on bis Wes Exquisite picture by this great master. John Fyt. 170 DOGS HUNTING — STARTING OUT FORA = CHASE IN THE MORNING: Companion to 169. Both undoubted originals. Raffael (after). 171 THE TRANSFIGURA TS A very old copy. Pronounced by all who have seen the original, one of the finest copies ever made. Unknown. i7ia HEAD OF AN JTALIAN LADae Brasch. 172 LANDSCAPE WITH GRO@Grae HARI: 173 COMPANION-GROUP OF FOXES. Originals. Brochard, Paris 174 HEAD OF A LADY. Companion picture, No. 156. Unknown. 174a LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. A very beautiful picture. David Vinckenbooms. Born 1578. Died 1629. Peete J SCAPE AND FIGURES. THE JUDGMENT OF MIDAS. A very charming specimen of this master. Figures beautifully executed and finished like miniature. Nicolas Mignard. Born 1608. Died 1668. Pope oO) ON THE PUNERAL PILE, 177 THE BUILDING OF CARTHAGE Companion picture. Francesco Solimena. Born 1657. Died 1747. 178 LUCRETIA. After Allort, 179 INFANT SAVIOUR SUCERP IN THE CROSS: Francis Snyders. Born 1579. Died 1657. 180 FIGHT BETWEENALIO“ TIGER. A fierce and terrible conflict strongly depicted. Nicolas Largilliere. Born 1656. Died 1746. ir PORTRAIT OF Aka Philippe Lallemant. Born 1529. Died 1716. 182. JAC HIT hes: “SdAlwag7y ‘i@visugig ‘seplyy jo wwourespuyr ou, — “TTIUT INVd FST Unknown. Pepe ORTRALT OF LORD COKE. Carlo Dolci (A fter.) pee POrSIE. Unknown. fon PME INFANT SAVIOUR. Henry Verschuring. Born 1627. Died 1690. eek | OF SOLDIERS. Francis Joachem Beisch, |= Munich Born 1665. Dijed 1726. i697 THE »§ GOOD SAMARITAN — PANDSCAPE AND. FIGURES. A pleasing picture. Bartolomie Roman. Peete ADL OP SL IRRANCHIS. Van Bemmel. ico) LANDSCARES MORNING. 190, LANDSCAPE, EVENING. Both pleasing pictures and signed. Justus Sustermans. Born 1597. Died 1667, t9t LUCRETIA. Velvet Breughel. Born 1565. Died 1642. TOe ol OLY, FAMILY IN A WREATH OF FLOWERS. An exquisite production. Rosa de Tivoli. Born 1655. Died 1705. 193 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. One of the very finest specimens of this Artist from the Hunter gallery. 194 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE. Companion Picture—Landscape and Cattle. Both undoubted originals. f 3) hie 4 Aes Aw J eae “a ii a es ‘ ve eS = ot in her ie teas dart of love ; the lily by her oe -side—emblem of Purity ; the star upon the brow— < emblem of her hope. Ground-work of the piece is ‘ . -_ blue—the emblem of her constancy ; the red robe , __ bidding defiance to the adversary, with the eyes up- Ps — lifted to Heaven and the world beneath her feet. és ise NTS ' ‘Titian (after). 196 FLORA. Ket ad Wiliam Wissing. | os | 1 ae Born 1659. Died 1687. Mepad oe : ae LADY AND CHILD. - ee iv Born 1656. Died 1740. 199 ‘LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES. J. De Roore. Born 1686.. Died 1747. 200 PRESENTATION IN THE TEM- PIGE; John Baerstraetem. Born 1660. Died 1687. 201 WINTER SCENE, AMSTERDAM. Justus Van Egmont. Born 1602. Died 1674. 202 MEETING OF MARY AND ELIZ-— ABETH? (CUAttereupege Luca Giordano. Born 1632. Died 1705. 203 AN ALLEGORICAL SUBJECT. An offering of the first fruits of the earth to the goddess of Plenty. Devedeaux, Paris 204 THE PROPOSAL. Domenico Terintoreto. Born 1562. Died 1637. 205 EUROPA. Abraham Hondius. Born 1638. Died 1685. Pome ee AND) DEATH STRUGGLE BETWEEN ANIMALS. Fierce and terrible. Unknown. pee teten THERINE. Unknown. foe UO PCH INTERIOR, Unknown. See te. CHIROPODIST. Very fine old painting on copper. James, ~ New#York 210 PORTRAIT OF CAPT. JAMES . LAWRENCE. From the collection of N. Dean, Esq. Unknown. 211 RAFPFAEL’S FORNARINS 272 OANCOLIDS hte rie ENGRAVINGS. To be sold Monday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, 4 AT THE CLINTON HALL SALE ROOMS. NOW ON EXHIBITION AT CLINTON@ RA Ansdell. 213 NOONDAY REST. Proof before letter. Landseer. Peete HOT. Proof before letter. Ryall (after Landseer). 215 WAITING FOR THE DEER TO RISE. Thos. Landseer (after Sir E. Land- seer). 216 RETRIEVER AND WOODCOCK. T. Holloway (after Raphael). 217 PAUL AND BARNABAS REJECTING ites OKlPICE AT LYSTRA. T. Holloway (after Raphael). eee Ue PREACHING AT ATHENS. T. Holloway (after Raphael). 21iI9 THE MIRACULOUS DRAUGI FISHES. ‘T. Holloway (after Raphael). 220 CHRIST’S CHARGE TO Wii T. Holloway (after Raphael). 221 THE DEATH OF ANANDA: ale allows (after Raphael). 222 PETER AND JOHN HEALING THE LAME MAN AT THE BEAUTIFUL GATE. OF THE ITEM ri. T. Holloway (after Raphael). 223 ELYMAS, THE SORCERER, STRUCK - WITH BLINDNESS. T. Holloway (after Raphael). Pomel Ss CHARGE FO°=PETER. Seemciiin (aiter |. R. Elerbert). Pee oe LION OF LIBERTY OF CON- SULENCE BY THE INDEPEND- ENTS IN THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES, 1644. S. Bellin (after M. Claxton). feel) BLESSING. LITTLE CHIL- DREN. Fleming (after J. Absolon).. 227 SUNDAY MORNING. Fleming (after J. Absolon). 228 SATURDAY NIGHT. CoG. Lewis (after Wilkes). 229. THE VILLAGE FESTIVAL (Eraag R. Mitchell (after Marshall). 230 AGE AND INFANCY. 5. Bellin (after J. Bridges). 231 LORD WILLIAM RUSSELU- Tai LEAVE OF HIS CHILDREN PRE VIOUS TO HIS EXECUTION, teaq 232 QUR SAVIOUR BEARING ae CROSS. Shury (after Hogarth), 233 GARRICK SURROUNDED BY HIS FRIENDS. ={Uandseer. Poreoli7hON ABBEY IN . THE OLDEN TIME. Proof before letter. The Abbot is a portrait of Constable, the Artist. F. Bromley (after Geo. Harvey). 235 THE EXAMINATION OF A VILLAGE SCHOOL. W. T. Davey (after J. Absolon). 236 “REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KREEP IT HOLY.” J. G. Murray (after A. Chisholm). 237 THE SURRENDER OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. C. E. Wagstaft (after E. Corbould). 238 CANTERBURY PILGRIMS AT THE ~TABARD, SOUTHWARK. J. Scott (after D. Maclise). 239 SNAP-APPLE NIGHT, OR ALL HAL LOW EVE. J. C. Murray (after A. W. Devis). 240 THE PRESENTATION OF MAGNA CHARTA; H. T. Ryall (atter°F age . 241 MORNING OF THE CHASE—HAD- DON HALL IN DAYS OF Wr W. H. Egleston (after A. Johnston.) 242 THETRIAL OF ARCHBISHOP LAUD IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS) i1Gz2: S. W. Reynolds (after H. P. Parker). 243 THE PROVIDENTIAL DELIVER- ANCE OF JOHN WESLEY, WHEN SIX YEARS OF AGE, FROM THE FIRE BY WHICH THE PARSON- MeanetOuUSE AT EPWORTH, IN LINCOLNSHIRE, WAS DESTROY- ED ON THE NIGHT OF FEB. 9, 1709 DEDICATED TO THE: WES. LEYAN METHODIST SOCIETIES. J. G. Murray (after C. Landseer). 244 MARY OF SCOTLAND MOURNING OVER THE DYING DOUGLAS. After Hildebrandt. eee A. VON HUMBOLDT IN HIs LIBRARY—(COLORED). Tomkins (after Armfield). e240) L[HREE TO ONE ON THE FOX. Tomkins (after Armfield). 247° OUT. FOR A DANS SPOR W. Walker (after J. E. Doyle). 248 CAXTON SUBMITTING HIS PROOF SHEET. Sanders (after Paul de la Roche). 249 THE EARL OF STAFFORD GOING TOEXECUTION: J. Scott (atter Wb ise 250 THE TRIAL OF THOMAS Ar STAFFORD, AT WESTMINSTER HALL, 1641: J. Bromley (after G. Hayter). 251 THE TRIAL OF WILLIAM Rar RUSSELL. T. Huffam (after C. Begas). Peewee riot! WEEPING OVER -JERUSA- LEM. Ryall after (Sign ol). Peete “WOMAN TAKEN IN ADUL- TERY. W. H. Egleston (after H. Lejeune). 224 THE NOBLE ARMY OF MARTYRS PRAISE THEE, &c.—(One Set of 4.) Wilkie. | New York 2544 HEAD OF CHIEF JUSTICE JONES. Steel engraving, framed. Wilkie, New York geae ABAD OF CHANCELLOR WAL- WORTH. Wilkie, New York 2s4c HEAD OF VICE-CHANCELLOR L. H. SANDFORD. Wilkie, New York 2:44 HEAD OF EDWARD SANDFORD, ESO. 254¢ TWO COLORED ENGRAVINGS—IN- FANT ST. JOHN AND COMPAaye ION. ¢ Thomas Landseer (after Sir Edward Landseer). 254 f SPANIEL AND PHEa es 254g RAPHAEL’S MADONNA—ENGRAV- ED BY THE CELEBRATED Via NOYERS. A very fine impression. GOLORRD LITHOGRAPHS. After H. L. Rolfe. 23s WELL MATCHED. Pater Fi, I. Rolfe. Pome mOUL, PIKE, &c.—A Pair. After D’Orschwiller. Peer CRY-—STEEPLE CHASE CRACKS—A Pair. d 258 FEMALE HEADS—(4). BRONZES, CLOCKS, VASES, ORNAMENTS, ETC., ETC. Many of the Bronzes are by the celebrated makers, Fratin and Mené. Bronzes by Fratin are now very rare. Many of these have been im posses- sion of the owner for forty years. NOW ON EXHIBITION AT CLINTON TO BE SOLD AT THE CLINTON HALL SALE ROOMS. 259 INKSTAND — BRONZE FIGURES— MARBLE BASE. 259a INKSTAND — BRONZE FIGURES — MARBLES BASE. 260 ONE PAIR PORCELAIN VASES: Fine. 261 ONE PAIR BRONZE FIGURES— CHARLEMAGNE AND COMPAN- ION. Very fine. ee a i ee 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 PRENCH MARBLE CLOCK. WNE CAIK~ FINE* BRONZE FIG URES—FEMALE. FIGURE AND COMPANION, BY BORIOT. ANTIQUE MARBLE STATUE OF MERCURY. | eevee PAIR PINE CARVED -WOOD FLOWER-STANDS. A GRAND BUST OF DANIEL WEB- STER—IMITATION. BRONZE WITH PEDESTAL. Ove PAIR ELEGANT TALL BRONZE FIGURES — MERCURY AND COMPANION, WITH GAS LIGHTS. ONE PAIR LIONS, CROUCHING— GREEN ITALIAN MARBLE. 2682 ONE PAIR LIONS, CROUCHING— 270 e7k NO has | N 274 WHITE MARBLE—SMALL. ONE PAIR BRONZE FIGURES— BACCHUS AND COMPANION, — Very fine. PARIAN MARBLE .FIGURE—AG- RICUETUIC ms. ONE PAIR SMALL BRONZE VASES ON STAND. Very fine. ONE PAIR JARDINIERES, PORCEs LAIN AND GILT. BRONZE FIGURE—A POINTER—BY PRATIN: BRONZE FIGURE—A SETTER—BY J. MENE. 275 276 278 279 280 281 FRENCH MARBLE CLOCK, BRONZE TOP, WITH BRONZE AND MAR- Bre SIDE PIECES: Very fine. MARBLE FIGURE, RESIGNATION, WITH STAND. ONE PAIR BRONZE AND GILT CAN- DELABRAS. Very fine. OPT Ath PALL BRONZE FIGURES —DIANA AND NYMPH—ON ROSE- WOOD PEDESTALS. BRONZE rIGURE—GOAT. ONE PAIR TALL BRONZE LAMPS. Very fine. ONE PAIR MARBLES — CUPIDS, Witt: PEDESTALS. 282 283 284 285 286 287 ONE’ PAIR. LARGE BRONZEASEIG- URES—MURILLO AND CERVAN- TES; ; ONE VERY ELEGANT AND CURI- OUS TEAKEL WOOD MANTEL OR- NAMENT, WITH VASE, CARVED FROM THE TUSK OF A RHINOCE- ROS. Both beautifully carved. ONE PAIR BRONZE FIGURES— DOG AND GAME—BY P. J. MENE. Very fine. ONE PAIR FINE BRONZES—MUSIC AND SPOR Rha BRONZE FIGURE—CHARLES THE FIRST, AFTER VANDYCE: Very fine. MARBLE FIGURE—-PRAYER, WITH PEDE STAT. 288 289 291 sap) ONE PAIR CARVED WOOD TABLES, Week beE TOPS: BRONZE GROUP—FEMALE FIG- URES AND CUPIDS. Very fine. ONE PAIR ANTIQUE BRONZE FIGURES—HERCULES AND SAT- URN. MARBLE STATUE—GIRL READING —WITH PEDESTAL. ANTIQUE BRONZE FIGURE-— CHARIOT AND HORSES, WITH DRIVER. | Very fine. BRONZE BRACKET, WITH ORNA- MENTS. Fine. N) \O as 296 29/7 298 299 FRENCH MARBLE CLOCK—WITH ELEGANT BRONZE FIGURE ON A NORMANDY HORSE, BY FRATIN: A splendid time-piece. ONE PAIR LARGE) SELES FRENCH PORCELAIN VASES—3 FEET IN HETERO ONE PAIR FINE OLD BRONZE FIGURES—-FISHERMAN AND COMPANION. ONE PAIR ELEGANT BRONZE CAN- DELABRAS. BRONZE STATUE--SLEEP—LARGE, FOR GAS, VELVETY PEDES ia Very elegant. ONE PAIR BRONZE MATGa STANDS. | 301 302 303 304 305 BRONZE FIGURE—THE FIGHTING GLADIATOR. Very fine. ONE PAIR ELEGANT BRONZE FIGURES — PERUVIAN HUNTS. MAN AND FISHERMAN—WITH GILT BRACKETS, FLOWERS AND LEAVES. ONE PAIR FINE BRONZE BAS-RE- LIEFS—CHRIST HEALING THE Siew mN |) LHE. DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE—BY F. LAVAS- etal: ONE PAIR TALL BRONZE AND GILT CANDELABRAS. Very elegant. STATUE OF VENUS DE MEDICI— mirth IZ. TN-PLASTER, BY [HE CELEBRATED SCULP TO Kw Ore FEE. 307 308 309 S12 ONE PAIR ANTIQUE BRONZES— SOCRATES AND DEMOSTHENES: BRONZE FIGURE—THE CRUSADER ONE PAIR ELEGANT FRENCH PORCELAIN VASES — PAINTED MEDALLIONS AND GILT. ONE PAIR ELEGANT BRORZe URNS ON MARBLE STANDS. Very superb. BUST OF FRANKLIN — MARBLE, WG PD BS Tae ONE PAIR TALL BRONZE ‘AND GILT FIGURES—WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR AND CHARLES LE TEMERAITRE. BRONZE HORSE, BY@t hie Very fine. 313 314 315 316 317 318 ONE PAIR JARDINIERES—PORCE.- LAIN AND GILT. BRONZE FIGURE-—-ITALIAN HORSE —BY P. J. MENE. FINE OLD BRONZE FIGURE—NA- POERDLON AT ST. HELENA. ONE PAIR PARIAN FIGURES— VIRGIN AND CHILD, AND COM- PANION. ONE PAIR BRONZE FIGURES—THE FIGHTING CRUSADERS—BY FRA- UN. Very elegant. Pee INCH PORCELAIN TOILET SEF. Very fine. 319 BRONZE FIGURE—STAG FEEDING 320 BOT ioe) bo i) (oS) bdo ios) 324 —BY P. J. MENE. Very fine. BRONZE FIGURE---THE DYING GLA- DIATOR—WITH MARBLE BASE. CARD STAND, FINE SEVRES CHINA, WITH -MEDALLION (PORTIS LOUIS XVI. ONE PAIR SMALL BRONZE BOU- OUET: HOLDERS; POMPEIAN STYLE. ! ONE ELEGANT LARGE BRONZE CLOCK, WITH FIGURES. BRONZE FIGURE—HORSE—BY P. J. MENE. 325 326 327 328 330 BRONZE FIGURE—NAPOLE®ON ON A HORSE—BY FRATIN. Very fine. ONE PAIR PARIAN FIGURES. BRONZE GROUP OF DOGS—BY P. J. MENE. Very fine. ONE PAIR BRONZE FIGURES— CAMOENS AND ARIOSTO. Very fine. ROGERS’ GROUP-—-* UNION.” ONE PAIR GILT BRONZE CAN- DLESTICKS—POMPEIAN STYLE. 331 332 335 Oo Oo OV ONE PAIR BRONZE FIGURES= DOGS—BY P. J. MENE. OLD BRONZE FIGURE—FREDER- ICK OF PRUSSIA. BRONZE FIGURE—MARE AND FOAL—-BY FRATIN. Very fine. ONE PAIR BISQUE FIGURES, WITH CANDELABRAS. MARBLE BUST OF CICERO} ais PEDESTAL. | ONE PAIR FINE FRENCH PORCE- LAIN VASES, WITH (MEE LIONS. Se 338 339 340 341 342 343 BRONZE FIGURE—THE FIGHTING HORSES—BY FRATIN. BRONZE FIGURE—JOAN OF ARC— BY OUESNEL. . Very fine. BRONZE FIGURE—MERCURY. Very fine. ROGERS’ GROUP-—TAKING THE OATH AND DRAWING RATIONS. ONE PAIR SMALL BRONZE CAN- DLESTICKS. ONE PAIR BRONZE CANDLESTICKS PAPER WEIGHT—BRONZE LION. Unique. 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 PAPER WEIGHT—BRONZE DOG AND CART. BRONZE FIGURE—BOY AND DOG. BRONZE INKSTAND—THE WELL. BRONZE INKSTAND. MARBLE PEDESTAL. FIRE GILT BRONZE ShAGe Very fine. A FIRE GILT BRONZE Rint Ur Very fine. LETTER OF GEN. WASHINGTON TO THE MASONS. Fol srt 4 Le pi ae , sees RIE et Wa gOS oy Lind adi * ayy | hs agin alan? iaaiuh - ee oil OE RI eh are He Taye a . | , eA une eigenate “ eat Seer ee Tey ant racine 49 em ies ‘ ear ee! OE im sear eaten’ ~ Nace, aa eat toe me s el pe A Sati ah Ae cae aa er SET A A )s Z “ae = sa bi ee al — + =a ~~ S— -_ - Foil Se. ze _ “ “. + - = 2 2 ait (7 te ; 7x \ - re \ ase ey ‘ ee oa. #0 = » ae a ees Ng = ee SPO ae SP ty S : VA = eae 4 1 Se _ eS = ~ Go ee : - . ) on es E = — SOTA ext pd fat ae ~ : a Yr: = yp ee “ = : re j at er all ai 2 a . / — r = ye i Co as eee : “ PS 2 Fs Be 4 > fy fn \ = \ = Ber, i eh aS. oe ( e ve ~ zs : cap OE cat A] - = j r+ = i Se > a J } i en 2. — — a) ey 4 i me 5 Nie ee .S ag hg a < ¢ aie “ a 2 o $F a —— pi Pe : oa ~ Pe aon a — ae “ t z * “ = = - x = et. 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