LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK ssi) eth eI SP Seemiston Mey, ia f - ff aid i / uf fer Le er PALOGUE OF HIGHEY IMPORTANT PAINTINGS | | | REPRESENTING LEADING MASTELS OF SHEVA UROPEAN SCHOOLS, On Exhtbttion at the -FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 366 Fifth Avenue New York From Saturday, March 31st, until time of Sale THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS April 5th and 6th—at 8 o’clock JAMES P. SILO, - - - - - - Auctioneer TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION | en OF vf gt Band LM SEE TH ar Th 2 ¥ CONDITIONS. 1. The highest bidder is to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise be- tween two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. ‘The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, z/ required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be ab- solutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which, the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. ‘The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or 2? more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the purchases no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased canuot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the under- signed are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. . 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money de- posited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter, at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. ARTISTS REPRESENTED, Abbema, Louise, ‘ ; : ; : : 13 Aublet, A., é i : 90 Avigdor, R., : : ; : ‘ ; 66 Barrau, L,., ; : ; ; : F 123 Bathuissen, L., F ‘ : : : : 116 Banerel, C., ; ; : ; ; ; 27 Béraud, J., : , : ‘ i 110 Boggs, F., : - ‘ ‘ : ; 25 Bohm, P., ; : i : ; 24 Bouvet, N., ; : : ‘ : f 139 Bristol, J. B., ; ; ; 20) Cano, A., j : j ; : 18 Cazin, ; : Lene , 128 Claude, J. M., ; ¢ ; 4() Coello, C., ; : : ; 89 Corcos, V., ; ; | 64, 102 Corot, ‘ : ! ; ; 135 Correja, H., ; 133 Cosway, : : : : : 43 Cotes, F., ‘ : ’ ; ; .2)-)42::81,°86 Crogaert,. ; ; Eset Aho f Crome, : 6 a 16 Daubigny, ; : ; 137 Decamps, A. G., 118 DaHaas,G.H.1., . ; : : 105 De Haven, F., , ; : 21 De Heem, : : : ‘ : 3 De la Mar, : : ; : de ; 23 Delpy, C..H., : : 28, 125 Desoria, J. B., - ; : 15 Detti, C., : , 131 Dewey, Ch. M., : : : : , 112 Deyrolle, Th., : : ‘ 71 Diaz, : : 122, 129, 145 Dobson, Wim., : d : : : ’ 32 Dupont, G., F : ; 50 Dupré, Julien, ; : : : i A 101i Dupré, jules, . ee 126, 136 Duran, Carolus, : f : : ; 138 Kngel, J. F., ; ; 127 Elwell, D. J., ; ; ; 49 Etty, . . 14 Falero, L., . : ; : ; 144 Francisco, Z.,_. ; 46 Gainsborough. Th., . 60-96 3roenenegen, . Reta , . ‘ : 88 Gumery, A., : ; ; : P 107 Hogarth, W.,_. : , 144 Hasbrouck, D., : : ; ; »., 8& 89 Heffner, Karl, . ; : ; ? 45 Heinneman, é A ; ; ; 95 Jackson, J., ‘ ! 65 Jacque, Ch., ; : : é , 141 James, D., ; ; 146 Janssens, C., i ; , ; : . 85, 109 Jefferson, J., , - : 47 Jettel, : : : : 9, 10, 60, oe : ‘ 9 Joanovitch. P., RENT Shee ee aa | oo) RRS Ay is anes Mc pba ry phy ee h a y q y i ' Aa Waa A. ; Ltr x ’ * *, - We RR Pe \ ; | iy < Fae oe ” ay a.’ ’ eh vials . ar eviy it oy , ‘ eS A tee ’ mnt ’ ae 2 y c ' ‘om ‘te , Ry va ¥Y a 5 4 es we i, ay % meets Ney aed # i ARTISTS REPRESENTED—Continwed, Jobert, P., Jongkind, J. B., Kaemmerer, F. H., : : ; Sap © Kegelsburg, \ : : 67 ae Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 4 a A Lagrenée, | Wee PE Sy : : : : 9 Lambdin, G. C., Lambron, Lawrence, Sir Thomas, Lebrun, el . Lehman, sedi ; : . : Lely, Sir Peter, ; : ; : 70, 97, 115, 121 Lidderdale, ; : : : Malempré, J,., Mans, F., Marieschi, J., Max, Gabriel, Mengs, Raphael Bone Merle, Metsu, CS. Mierevelt, - Mieris, F., Mignard, P., Mottram, Ch., Piot,:A.., Point, A., Pollentine, A., Pourbus, F., Prieto, I. M., Ramsay, : ; ; ; : Ravesteyn, , : : ' nde er Michet i, Riedel, ; : : : 4 : ie Rigaud, H., ; , ; ‘ : 37, 38, 10 Robie, ‘ : : f : re 5 Roendy, Romney, G., Rossi, L., A ; 4 : Schulz, A., : ; ; ‘ ie meiitia O, akh, : i" : ; ¥ Spring, A., : Hick. ; : ; Stone, H.‘ Thornley, Tocqué, L., Tomassi, a Unknown, ; Van Boskerck, R. W., Van der Helst, : Van Loo, C.,. Van Loo, J. B., 4 Van Santvoort, D. van, Vibert, f ; ‘ f g" Weber, hi, 5 : ; ie Bes” Weisz, AL: , ; j ; ; Wheatley, F., Whitredge, Willcock, J. B Willems, ‘ : : ‘ ; eed Zurbaran, ‘ : ; : ; as GROEGAERT, GEORGES. ( Paris ) FRIDAY Size: Height, 12 in.; width, 9 in. (Water Color.) SCHULZ, A. (Paris) Paris Salon, 1896. PARC DE LA MOUSTIERE, FRANCE Size: Height, 1914 in.; width, 254 in. met abe RAVESTEYN, JAN VAN. Born at the Hague in 1572; died there in 1657. the Hague guild in 1615, a portrait painter of much skill, in 1 the tae ¥ manner of Mierevelt. Pee oe DUTCH PORTRAIT = ee Size: Height, 2614 in.; width, 204 in. (Delft 1567-1641) Size: Height, 27 in.; eet 23 an mg 5) 70 DEHEEM, CORNEILLE. (Utrecht, 1630-1704) ° 5 STILL LIFE Size: Height, 24 in.; width, 28 in. MERLE. ( Paris) 6 CURIOSITY Size: Height, 1044 in.; width, 8% in. PROF. ALFONS SPRING. (Munich, Bavaria) 7 \ Professor in the Royal Academy, Munich. — Honorable ~ mention, Exposition Universelle Paris, 1889. — ea VILLAGE POLITICS, Size: Height, 12 in.; width, 20 in. (Paris) GOOD NIGHT Size: Height, 33 in.; width, 2514 in. A JETTEL. SE ae, 9 DUCKS IN A POND Size: Height, 10 in.; width, 16 in, EUGENE JETTEL. (Paris) a same & Z ED ; Eugéne Jettel’s pictures are mostly in the possession of French and English collectors, but during the last few years some of them already tnade their way to America. The follow- ing American collectors, among others, possess works of Jettel: Mr. Morris K. Jesup, Mr. Charles Lanier, Mr. S. M. Milliken and Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, of New York; Mr. Ch. D. Fisher, of Baltimore; Mr. W. C. Rice and Mr. F. B. Green, of Boston ; Mr. Charles Counselman, s..C. Py Hanford Wins Chariceser Hamill, Mr. O. W. Meysenburg and Mr. A. A. Sprague, of Chicago; Hon. John Wanamaker and Mr. E. T. Stotesbury, of Philadelphia, and Mr. L. Z. Leiter. of Washington. Pictures by Jettel also are in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and Art Institute, of Chicago. 10 VIEW AT GIESEN, SOUTH HOLLAND On Panel. Size: Height, 20% in.; width, 324¢ in. 11 W. F. REUDY. (London) “4s THE OLD JETTY ON THE KENT COAST FLORENT WILLEMS. ( Paris) Born at Liege, Belgium, in 1816, Willems early became a student of the works of the old Dutch masters. At the Paris Salon of 1844 his picture ‘‘Visit to a Young Mother’’ was received with such favor that thereafter he made his home in Paris. He received numerous medals, and in 1851 was made an officer of the Order of Léopold of Belgium. He received the dec- oration of the Legion of Honor in 1853 and was made Command- er of the same in 1878. The picture ‘‘Dressing the Bride’ is an admirable example of the artist’s best style. The handsome bride in her white satin dress and her attendant in pink with the rich and beautifully painted accessories of a luxurious household, contribute to form a composition of more than usual attractiveness and interest. 12 DRESSING THE BRIDE Signed at the left. Size: Height, 25 in.; width, 18 in. 12 ABBEMA, MLLE. LOUISE. (Paris) ag AP Zee Born at Etampes. Mention honorable, 1881. 13 PAVILION AT ARMENONVILLE Size: Height, 254g in.; width, 1914 in. WM. ETTY, R. A, (1787-1849) 14 PORTRAIT OF ‘A LITTLE GIRE VIN BLUE There are no less than twelve of Etty’s paintings in the National Gallery, London, and three in South Kensington Museum. 13 J. B. DESORIA. (1816-18) Half length figure of a young woman with blue eyes and light curling brown hair standing before an easel on which is a canvas with the sketched-in outlines of a face. She wears a low cut white dress with short, close fitting sleeves, has a blue ribbon about her waist and lilac ribbons in her hair. Her left hand, holding a crayon, rests on the top of the canvas. Desoria was a pupil of Restoul, fils. He was in turn Professor of Painting at Evreux, and at Metz. 15 THE ART STUDENT On Canvas. Oval. Size: Height, 31 in.; width, 23 in. JOHN CROME, (Old Crome). (1769-1821) 46 FOREST INTERIOR Crome was one of the greatest of English landscape painters. 14 2b VAN DER HELST, BARTHOLOMEW. -O Born in Haarlem in 1613. Van Dyck alone was his superior, among his contemporaries, as a portrait painter. He died in Haarlem in 1670. 17 YOUNG PRINCESS Size: Height, 48 in.; width, 36 in. ALONSO CANO. 1601-1667 48 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG PRINCE Alonso Cano was a contemporary of Velasquez and studied under Pacheco of whom Velasquez also, was a pupil. Like Velas- quez also, he was employed by the Minister Olivares. He was noted not only as a painter but also as anarchitect. This portrait, which considerably suggests the work of Velasquez, represents a boy with blue eyes and long blond hair falling over his shoulders. He wears a black coat with a broad white collar. The jeweled collar of the golden fleece is around his neck and a belt with a jeweled clasp and a sword with an elaborately chased hilt shown at his waist. On canvas. Oval. Size: Height, 2944 in.; width, 23% in. 15 Pk ie PORT OF DOVER — Size: Height, 13 in.; width, 2134 in. BRISTOL, J. B., N. A, (New York) . NEW ENGLAND SCENERY Size: Height, 141g in.; width, 224¢ in. F. DE HAVEN. (New York) 21 MARINE GEORGE ROMNEY. (1734-1802 ) Born at Dalton-le-Furness, Lancashire, England. Pupil of Christopher Steele (a pupil of Van Loo). -Went to London in 1762 and soon became a rival of Sir Joshua Reynolds and Gains- borough in popularity. He painted the portraits of many of the most prominent persons in English society in his time. The characteristics of his art are grace, pleasant color and agreeable line. Three-quarter length, life size portrait of a handsome young woman with blue eyes and brown curling hair, clad in a light brown dress with golden yellow sash. She wears a broad brimmed black hat with white feathers. Landscape background. 22 PORTRAIT OF MISS WEBSTER On canvas. Size: Height, 431g in.; width,§333¢ in. 17 P. BOHM. . (Munich) « A POLISH MENDICANT BOGGS, FRANK M. (American) Born Springfield, O., 1855. Salon painting of 1881 and 1882 purchased by the French Government for the Luxembourg. 25 WINDY WEATHER Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 253¢ in. UNKNOWN. (German School, XVII. Century ) X\ 3 OE f } Head of a young woman with blue eyes and auburn hair sur- mounted by a monumental head-dress nearly covered with pearls. She wears a dark dress, cloth of gold neckbands and an elaborate gold embroidered corsage enriched with jewels. 26 PORTRAIT OF A LADY On canvas, Size. Height, 284 in.; width, 22 in. 19 CARL BAUEREL. (London) 27 IN THE WOODS DELPY CAMILLE HIPPOLYTE. Pupil of Corot and Daubigny. Medals, Paris Salon, 1884, 1889. Delpy is considered to-day one of the greatest landscape painters; his works show many of the characteristic qualities of Corot and Daubigny, and are worthy to be compared with theirs. They are proof of a direct and intimate study from nature, and give an impression of freshness of pure atmosphere. Delpy is represented in many of the Art Museums of France and England and in numerous private collections. 28 EARLY EVENING Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 25 in. 20 L. MALEMPRE. ( Paris) Bae THE GARDEN WALL A blond young woman with laughing face, standing on the opposite side of a stone wall, leans against the wall and looks straight into the eyes of the spectator. She wears a blue waist with loose white sleeves, and holds in her hands bunches of red cherries. The background is filled with green foliage. Oncanvas. Size: Height, 20 in.; width, 16 in. FRANCIS WHEATLEY, R. A. (1747-1801) 30 IN THE FIELDS The popularity of Wheatley’s work is evidenced by the large number of his paintings engraved. 21 SMITH, CALVIN R. (American) 7 SONG OF THE SHIRT _ Size: Height, 101¢ in.; width, 8% in. WM. DOBSON. (1610-1646) THE DUKE OF SOMERSET THORNLEY. (Parie) Ge J —7) c ( or1v¥ YY Paris Salon, 1897, 1898. Pupil of Josef Israels and of Jongkind. ao NEAR AMSTERDAM Size: Height, 2214 in.; width, 284¢ in, DUBOIS F. HASBROUCK. (New York) 4 Ys TU Born, Ulster County, New York. Self taught. Frequent exhibitor at the National Academy. 34 UNDER THE HEMLOCKS—WINTER Signed at the left and dated. Size: Height, 10 in.; width, 12}¢ in. 23 R. LEHMANN. (London) 95 EA COQUETTE WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGE, N. A. (New York) Born, Springfield, Ohio, 1820. Studied in Cincinnati, Paris and in Dusseldorf under Andreas Achenbach and Lessing. Later, studied in Holland, in Belgium under Robbe and for some years lived in Rome. Elected a member of the National Academy, 1860. President of the Academy 1875-6. Medal, Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876. 36 ON THE PLAINS, AFTER RAIN 24 Ba RIGAUD, HY ACINTHE., Born at Perpignan in 1659, died in Paris in 1743. Won the Grand Prix de Rome in 1682; member of the Academy in 1700 and elected its rector in 1733. 37 PORTRAIT OF COMTESSE DE BERMONT Size: Height, 2844 in.; width, 22 in. os 38 PORTRAIT OF COMTE DE BERMONT Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 25% in. 25 DU BOIS F. HASBROUCK. (New York) Born, Ulster County, New York. Self taught. Frequent exhibitor at the National Academy. 39 A DAY IN OCTOBER Signed at the right and dated. Size: Height, 10 in.; width, 124 in. CLAUDE, JEAN MAXIME, _ (Paris) Stage - o iJ pn Medals, Paris Salon, 1866, 1869, 1872. 1889. 40 TIRED OUT Legion of Honor, Size: Height, 2114 in.; width, 163g in. 26 RAMSAY, ALLAN. Born in Edinburgh in 1713, died in Dover in 1784. Studied in Italy and on his return to London attained distinction as a portrait painter. George III. appointed him his principal painter. 41 LADY ASHBURTON Size: Height, 30'4 in.; width, 25 in. COTES, FRANCIS. Born in London, in 1726; died therein 1770. One of the original members of the Royal Academy. Was famous as a portrait painter. 42 COUNTESS OF ERROLL Size: Height, 2914 in.; width, 231¢ in. 27 COSWAY, RICHARD. Born at Tieverton in 1740, died in London in 1821. Pupil of Thomas Hudson, R. A., in 1771. Was the fashionable por- trait painter of his time and gained the favor of the Prince Regent. 43 MRS. TICKELL Size: Height, 30 in,; width, 25 in. KNELLER, SIR GODFREY. J Q6fU ‘Born at Lubeck in 1646; died in England in 1723. Studied under Rembrandt and Ferdinand Bol at Amsterdam and in Rome under Bernini; met with great success at the Court of England, where Charles II. appointed him Court Painter; William III. knighted him and George I. made him a Baronet. 44 PORTRAIT OF A BOY Size: Height, 19 in.; width, 15 in. 28 i ; PROF. KARL HEFFNER. 45 BY VIEW IN THE ALPS FRANCISCO, ZURBARAN. (1598-1662 ) / U /*' “ Yurbaran was a contemporary of Valesquez and, like the latter was patronized by King Philip IV. He was a pupil of Juan de Roelas, but was much influenced by Caravaggio, and became known as ‘‘the Spanish Caravaggio.’’ ‘This picture re- presents a ruddy-faced man with dark eyes and dark brown curl- ing hair, wearing a coat of black brocade with slashed sleeves, a broad white collar edged with lace and lace cuffs. Painted in a broad simple manner. 46 PORTRAIT OF A MAN On Canvas. Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 2514 in. 29 JEFFERSON, JOSEPH. Deena (New York) The celebrated actor and painter. 47 LANDSCAPE : Size: Height, 24 in.; width, 36 in. THORNLEY. ( Paris ) Pupil of Jongkind and Raffaelli. Salon, 1897, 1898. ; ELWELL, D. J. ( Boston ) 49 Pee DRE Zr DAN, From the Thomas B. Clarke Collection. Size: Height, 15 in ; width, 27 in. GAINSBOROUGH, DUPONT. (1767-1797 ) Gainsborough Dupont was the nephew and pupil of Thomas Gainsborough, R. A. He painted portraits and landscapes which somewhat suggest the style of his uncle, and was distinguished as an engraver in mezzotint. This portrait gives the head and bust of a very young man with blue eyes and long brown hair. He wears a green coat and vest. a white collar and a black necktie. 50 PORTRAIT OF THE POET CHATTERTON On canvas. Height, 2016 in.; width, 1614 in. 31 RICHET, LEON, ( Paris) Pupil of Diaz; Medal Paris Salon, 1888. 3} LANDSCAPE Size: Height, 16 in.; width, 22 in. FRANS POURBUS (the Younger.) (1569-1622 ) At twenty-two years of age Frans Pourbus was Master of the Guild of St. Luke, at Antwerp. Later he was employed by Archduke Albert, became painter to Marie de Medici and also to the Duke of Mantua. ‘This portrait presents an elderly man with blue eyes, white hair and beard, wearing a black velvet coat and a broad, white ruff. Inthe right upper corner of the canvas a coat-of-arms is painted. 52 PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN On Panel. Size: Height, 20 in.; width, 16 in. 32 ROBIE. aah ; VD (Belgium) 53 SHEEP Size: Height, 23 in.; width, 20 in. R. LEHMANN.’ (London ) 54 ITALIAN. GIRL 33 E, TOMMASSI. 55 THE ORIENTAL PASTIMES Size: Height, 6% in.; width, 11 in. GABRIEL MAX. (Munich, Bavaria) erry One of the most prominent German painters of to-day is Gabriel Max. He was born at Prague in 1840, studied under > Engerth at the Prague Academy, under Blaass at Vienna and Piloty at Munich. JLater, he became a Professor in the Munich Academy. In this picture a young woman with light hair, in a red dress and black cape bordered with white fur bends forward contemplating a mandolin wreathed with laurel, which lies on a table beside her. She holds a yellow rose in her right hand. 56 REMEMBRANCES On Canvas. Size: Height, 29 in.; width, 2334 in. 34 a yi FA J MIGNARD, PIERRE, Born at Troyes in 1612, died in Paris in 1695. Pupil of Jean Boucher; went to Rome in 1635, where he painted the portrait of Urban VIII. and of Alexander VII. In 1658 he was called to Fontainebleau by the King of France and soon became the rival of Le Brun, to whose honors he succeeded. He was appointed Court painter and elected director of the Gobelins and of the Academy. 57 JOHN CHURCHILL, DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH Size: Height, 50 in.; width, 3737 in. , JEAN BAPTISTE VAN LOO. ’ © Born at Aix 1684, died there 1745. Son and pupil of Louis Van Loo. Received in the French Academy in 1731. 58 PRINCESS OF CARIGNAN From the Collection Bourbon du Sarty. 1868. Size: Height, 47 in.; width, 37 in A. WEISZ. (Paris) 59 AN ALSATIAN JETTEL, EUGENE. (Paris ) Born at Vienna, Austria, in 1850. Pupil of the Academy at Vienna and of Theodore Rousseau. Member of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts (Champ-de-Mars Salon). Member of the Jury, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. First Class Medal, International Exposition, Munich, 1891. At the left, a calf drinking from a pool, in which on the opposite side are four geese. In the middle distance, near two large wheat stacks, peasants are loading a cart. A fence and a windmill are on the right. 60 DUTCH LANDSCAPE—EARLY EVENING On canvas. Size: Height, 26 in.; width, 351¢ in. 36 ¢) y / fj y, i fwd F, WILLEMS. ( Deceased ) 6) THE SONG PRIETO, IMENEZ MANUEL. 62 PINCH OF SNUFF Size: Height, 11 in.; width, 1514 in. 37 J. BORRILL WILLCOCK. | ( Deceased ) LANDSCAPE y JOHN JACKSON, R. A, (1778-1831 ) In the National Portrait Gallery, London, are portraits by Jackson of the Countess of Essex, Sir John Loane and himself. In the So. Kensington museum is a fine portrait of Harl Grey. 65 PORTRAIT: OF VOPRTR: AVIGDOR, RENE. (Paris) Paris Salon, 1896, 1897, 1898. 66 MEDJEKH Size: Height, 24 in.; width, 19 in. 39 KEGELSBURG. 67 THE FLUTE PLAYER Size: Height, 8 in.; width, 12 in. MENGS, ANTON, RAPHAEL. German school. Born at Aussig, Bohemia in 1728; died in Rome in 1779. Studied the great masters in Dresden and after- wards in Rome, where he spent the greater part of his life. He excited great admiration by his skill in composition and his knowledge of technical processes. 68 PORTRAIT OF JAMES (The Pretender) Size: Height, 44 in.; width, 35 in. 40 JONGKIND, J. B. (Paris, 1819-1891 ) Pupil of Isabey. First medal, Paris Salon, 1852. 69 MARINE Size: Height, 9 in.; width, 11 in. SIR PETER LELY. (1617-1680 ) Court Painter to Charles II. and painter of the celebrated group of portraits called ‘‘The Beauties of the Court of Charles II.’”’ now at Hampton Court. Lely enjoyed an immense patron- age. 70 COUNTESS OF GRAMMONT 41 RS DEYROLLE, THEOPHILE LOUIS. ( Paris ) Born Paris. Mention honorable 1881, first class medal 1887, second class medal 1889, bronze medal 1889. H.C. Society of Artistes Francaises. 73 MUSSEL GATHERERS Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 2334 in. TOCQUE, LOUIS. Born in Paris in 1696; a pupil of Nattier, and made a mem- ber of the Academy in 1734. He was invited to St. Petersburg by the Empress Catherine. He was a good draughtsman and a fine colorist, and died in 1772. 72 DANIEL DE SENS (Monseigneur de Mons.) Size: Height, 32in.; width, 253f in. 42 Oy 4 Me. oo 7 eo” f 7 73 74 | W. MIERIS. (1662-1747 ) Pala ye Al SHE RS TOLL He MANS, FRANCIS. (Holland. Seventeenth century. ) SCENE IN A FISHERMAN’S VILLAGE IN HOLLAND Size: Height, 19 in.; width, 27 in. 43 , / “ 47> j p Garo CARLE VAN LOO. Born in Nice 1705; died in Paris 1765. Pupil of his brother, Jean Baptiste Van Loo, Grand Prix de Rome 1724 ; member of French Academy 1735; Order of St. Michael 1751; director of the French Academy and painter to the King 1763. 75 PORTRAIT OF THE COUNTESS OF EGMONT Size: Height, 3444 in.; width, 30 in. TOCQUE LOUIS Born in Paris in 1696. A pupil of Nattier and made mem- ber of the Academy in 1734. He was invited to St. Petersburg by the Empress Catherine. He was a good draughtsman and a fine colorist, and died in 1772. 76 MADAME DE GRAFIGNY (The celebrated writer of ‘‘ Peruvian Letters.’’) Size: Height, 3834 in.; width, 28 in. 44 SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. FRIDAY, APRIL 6th. AT 8 O’CLOCK. JOBERT, PAUL. Born in Tlemcen, Algeria, August 19, 1863. Studied art in Paris. Pupil of J. Bastien Lepage, Boulanger, Jules Lefebvre, Benjamin Constant and Tony Robert Fleury. Honorable men- tion at the ‘‘ Exposition Decennale,’’ of the Paris Exposition of 1889. Appointed Official Painter of the Ministry of Marine in 1892. Gold Medal at the Paris Salon, 1893. Gold Medal at the Paris Salon, 1897. Hors concours. Received medals in Amster- dam, Liverpool, Versailles, Nice, etc. Painting of the ‘‘ Arrival of the Russian Squadron at Tou- lon,’’ in the Museum of the Palace of Versailles. Drawing of the same in the Luxembourg Gallery, Paris. ‘‘ Grandes Man- oeuvres de |’Escadre du Nord,’’ in the Museum of Cherbourg. ‘Une Bonne Maree,’’ in the Museum of Valenciennes. ‘‘ En Rade,’’ in.the Museum of Honfleur. iit) IN THE HARBOR OF HONFELEUR: Size: Height, 20 in.; width, 24% in. 78 SAILING IN THE CHANNEL Size: Height, 15 in.; width, 18 in. 45 | ’ GEORGE C. LAMBDIN, N. A. (1830-1897 ) Born in Pittsburg, Pa., 1830. Died in Philadelphia, 1897. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Phila- delphia, and later in Paris and Munich. Hlected a member of the National Academy, 1868. 79 THE WHITE CALF Size: Height, 20 in.; width, 15 in. as HENRY STONE, (Old Stone.) (1600-1653) Old Stone was a painter of note in the reign of James I. His method was founded upon his study of Van Dyke. 80 PORTRAIT OF CHARLES I. 46 fy ) (0; COTES, FRANCIS. Born in London in 1726; died there in 1770. One of the Original members of the Royal Academy. 8 LADY CATHCART Size: Height, 27 in.; width, 21 in. GABRIEL METSU. om (1630-1667 ) A Dutch woman in a gray dress, with black velvet cloak bordered with white fur is seated in the room of a handsome Dutch house, engaged in sewing. On a table beside her is a bird cage with the door open and the bird perched on top of the cage. Metsu was one of the greatest of Dutch genre painters. 82 A BUSY HOUSEWIFE On canvas. Size: Height, 144 in.; width, 11% in, 47 RDé A LE. ‘ Og ae CORNELIS JAUSSENS, | / wy, (1590-1664 } Jaussens like many other Dutch painters came to England and was patronized by King James I. and painted many of the nobility of his time. 85 PORTRAIT OF THE EARL OF WINCHESTER FRANCIS COTES, R. A. » OY (1726-1770 ) Francis Cotes was a contemporary of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Gainsborough and Romney and was a recognized rival of these masters in popularity. He was one of the original members of the Royal Academy at its establishment in 1768. The portrait of Mrs. Tinkham shows a lady with blue eyes and dark hair, in a low cut, light blue dress. Red curtain in background at the right; landscape at the left. - 86 PORTRAIT OF MRS. TINKHAM Size: Height, 304% in.; width, 25 in. 49 ue ~ vhs 7 ON y ee Whee ie A ( Size: Height, 9144 in.; width, 13 in. ang : GROENENEGEN. : es (Holland) Roe nd CATTLE soe yO ean Size; Height, 28 in.; width, 21 in. 50 CLAUDIO COELLO. , {) ‘ (1621-1693 ) Y, Claudio Coello was born at Madrid of Portuguese parents. He was made painter to Philip IV. after the death of Velasquez, and was much employed in the decoration of the Escorial. This picture is a three-quarter length portrait of a handsome young woman, standing. She has brown eyes and light brown hair and wears a rich red velvet dress elaborately trimmed with white-and- gold braid, a broad lace collar, lace cuffs and pearls, around her neck, depending from her ears, about her wrists and in an elabo- rate gold head-dress. | 89 Rea DY On THE SPANISH (COURT On Canvas. Size: Height, 453 in.; width, 371¢ in. AUBLET, ALBERT. | iO ( Paris ) Mention honorable 1879, 3d class medal 1880, gold medal 1889, Chevalier Legion of Honor 1890. H. C. Member Société des Artistés Francais. 90 AT THE SEASIDE ~ Size: Height, 16% in.; width, 13 in. 51 SIR GODFREY KNELLER, ene (1646-1723) Beets _ Kneller painted besides Charles II.; Louis XIV., James Tis . Beh William III., Peter the Great of Russia, and Queen Mary. P 5 Nis 91.1) THE DUKE OF MONMOUTH mn) RICHET, LEON. ty 3 | - (Paris) Pupil of Diaz; Medal, Paris Salon, 1888. 92 LANDSCAPE es Size: Height, 18 in.; width, 23 in. 52 9d MIGNARD, PIERRE. A Born at Troyes, in 1612; died in Paris, in 1695. Pupil of Jean Boucher; went to Rome in 1635, where he painted the por- trait of Urban VIII. and of Alexander VII. In 1658 he was called to Fontainebleau by the King of France and soon became the rival of Le Brun, to whose honours he succeeded, being ap- pointed Court Painter and elected director of the Gobelin and of the Academy. 93 MADAME DE BOURBON—CONTI Size: Height, 391¢ in.; width, 32 in. ¢) : ee LAGRENEE, LOUIS J. F. Born in Paris, in 1724; died there in 1805. Pupil of Carl van Loo; received into the Academy in 1755 and made professor in 1758. The Empress of Russia called him to St. Petersburg and appointed him Court Painter; later he returned to Paris; Napoleon made him Chevalier of Legion of Honor. 94 LA CAMARGO (Celebrated Actress of the period of Louis XV.) Size: Height, 32 in.; width, 25% in HEINNEMAN. 95 THE RECTOR’S DAUGHTER. Size: Height, 15 in.; width, 14 in. ‘ THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH. = YO: | (1727-1788) eee | (Attributed.—Early example. ) ; - Two little girls standing out of doors, in front of a wooden — _ settee placed in the shade of a large tree. Besides them sits a — _ black and white dog. Both children wear white dresses, with | 2 red sashes and red shoes. ‘The elder of the two has a white and red cap on her head. a ' 96 PORTRAITS OF TWO CHILDREN On canvas. Size: Height, 30 in.; width, 25 in. — 54 \ ’), , LELY, SIR PETER. Born in Westphalia in 1617; a pupil of Peter Grebber. He came to England in 1641, and was appointed court painter by Charles I. He was knighted, with a pension of 4,000 florins, by Charles II., and died in 1680. Fie COUNTESS OF NOTTINGHAM From the Graves Collection. Size: Height, 44 in.; width, 374¢ in. ; J D P. JOANOVITCH. (Constantinople) Vista of a Turkish street, with a quaint architectural con- struction. In the foreground a woman in a white gauze costume, with a collar of golden sequins, dances on a light red rug with a figured border. At the right, sit three Turkish soldiers in brilli- ant uniforms, intently watching her graceful evolutions, while an old man and another soldier stand near them under an overhang- ing covered balcony. Other figures, with interested expressions, are grouped about the central figure. 98 TURKISH STREET SCENE On canvas. Size: Height, 461g in.; width, 3914 in, 55 VAN BOSKERCK, ROBERT W. (New York) Born, 1855. Member Society of American Artists. Associate of the National Academy. 99 LANDSCAPE Size: Height, 18 in.; width, 30 in. | The get 9, -. SANTVOORT, DIRCK, van. Bese th : (Amsterdam ) ie: - Born 1610; died 1680. Pupil of Rembrandt pe trait painter of great distinction. {00 YOUNG GIRL : ne Size: Height, 28 in.; width, 21% in. 56 DUPRE, JULIEN. ( Paris) Born, Paris. Third class medal 1880, second class medal, 1881. Chevalier Legion of Honor, 1892. H.C. Member Society of Artist’s Francaises. SOS HARVESTING Size: Height, 1337 in.; width, 101g in. po 8 V. CORCOS. ( Paris) Head and bust of an attractive young woman with her back towards the spectator and her face in profile. She has light brown and a headdress of pink feathers and humming birds. She wears a white satin dress with a gauze veil over the shoulders, a black velvet band around the neck anda blue feather cloak fallen down about her waist. 302 A PRETTY GIRL On canvas, Height, 244% in.; width, 1434 in. 57 (1635-1681 ) 103 PORTRAIT OF A LADY (ge Born in Paris 1619, died there 1690. ) Academy and made Court Painter to Louis XIV. in 1660. 4 104 | MADEMOISELLE DE LA VALLIBRE Size: Height, 30 in.; width, 25 in. DE HAAS, G. H. L. ( Brussels ) Born in Belgium, 1832. Pupil of Van Os. Gold Medal, Munich, 1869. Chevalier Order of Leopold. $05 CATILE IN PASTURE Size: Height, 1214 in.; width, 18% in. RIGAUD, HYACINTHE. Born at Perpignan, 1659; Grand Prize, 1682; member of Academy, 1700; its rector, 1733; died in Paris, 1743 106 MADAME DE POLIGNAC Size: Height, 29 in.; width, 26 in. 59 GUMERY, ADOLPHE ERNEST. ( Paris ) Born at Paris, Mention Honorable, 1891. 107 FONTAINE DE LA TRINITE Size: Height, 1244, width, 16 in. as EUGENE JETTEL. J ( Paris) Eugene Jettel, the Austrian; J. C. Cazin, the Frenchman, and Anton Mauve, the Dutchman, are of the present generation of landscape painters who have brought the harmony of tones and the impression of light and nature to the highest degree of per- fection. They are the most prominent of all in these particulars, and really are worthy to be compared with the great painters of the Barbizon school. Eugene Jettel’s works especially show the characteristic qualities of Rousseau, Corot and Daubigny; a direct and intimate study from nature, a great variety of colors and effects, the most exquisite delicacy of tones and the impression of ‘‘plein-air.’’ 108 THE RIVER OISE, NEAR ISLE ADAM, RANCEF On canvas. Size: Height, 33 in.; width, 21 in. 60 A v" CORNEILLE JANSSENS. (1590-1664 ) Jaussens was court painter of James I. He painted the por- trait of Charles I., and many of the nobility of the time, includ- ing the Duke of Buckingham, Sir Christopher and Lady Neville and Admiral Pennington. 109 PORTRAIT OF A LADY in BERAUD, JEAN. ” (Paris) Born at St. Petersburg. Third class Medal, 1882, Second class Medal, 1883. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1887, Gold Medal, 1889. H.C. Member Societe des Artists’ francais. 110 THE BALLET DANCER Size: Height, 22 in.; width, 18 in. 61 SIR GODFREY KNELLER. Born at Lubeck in 1646; died in England in 1723. Studied under Rembrandt at Amsterdam and in Rome under Bernini, met with great success at the Court of England, where Charles II. appointed him court painter and George I. made him a baronet. 55! ~ LADY WINDFORD Size: Height, 49 in.; width, 39 in. CHARLES MELVILLE DEWEY. (New York) Born at Lowville, N. Y. Member of the Society of Ameri- can Artists, New York. $12 SUNSET AFTER RAIN Size: Height, 24 in.; width, 16 in. 62 ' JACOPO MARIESCHI. (1711-1794) Marieschi painted Venetian subjects in the style of Canaletto and his works are highly prized being in many of the National galleries of Europe. 113 VIEW OF VENICE KAEMMERER, FREDERICK HENRI. ( Paris) Born at the Hague. Pupil of Gerome. Medal, Paris, 1874. 114 BRASS BAZAAR Size: Height, 2344 in.; width, 17% in. y SIR PETER LELY. (1618-1680) Lely, who was portrait painter to Charles I. and Charles II. was the fashionable artist of his time in London. Nearly all the beautiful women connected with the court sat to him. This por- trait of Miss Webster presents a handsome young lady with blue eyes and light brown hair, wearing a low cut red dress with a pale green scarf over the right shoulder, caught by a jeweled clasp. In her right hand she holds a basket of flowers. $15 PORTRAIT OF LADY CONYNGHAM On canvas. Height, 30 in.; width, 25 in. ode LUDOLF BATHUISSEN. (1681-1708) Bathuisen’s marines are in the galleries at Amsterdam, Ant- werp, The Hague, St, Petersburg, The Louvre, Vienna, and National Gallery, London. 116 OFF THE DUTCH COAST —— se mes 2 orm, A. POLLENTINE. ( London ) 117 VENICE DECAMPS, ALEXANDRE GABRIEL. (Paris, 1803-1863 ) Received the Medal of Honor at the Exposition of 1855. 148 GREEK FISHERMEN Size: Height, 84 in.; width, 101 in. MARINE 9," : : PIOT, A. ( Paris ) IDEAL HEAD Size: Height, 18 in.; width, 15 in. SIR PETER LELY. (1617-1680) ) | Sir Peter was Court Painter to Charles II. The remarkable series of portraits called ‘‘ The Beauties of the Court of Charles . ’ one — cea . II.,’’ and now at Hampton Court were painted by Sir Peter. POR URALUCOR CHARTERS mils ( Paris) sh DIAZ, DE LA PENA. (Paris, 1808-1876 ) Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES. Size: Height, 10 in.; width, 844 in. L. BARRAU. ( Paris) EASTER O: ROSSI, LUIGL (Paris) Pe Pupil of Fortuny. Medal, Paris, 1889. ADMIRATION Size: Height, 1914 in.; width, 1314 in. (Water Color) ea My sf _ “ple” lore aro Shue Vite v Abs y Fofl i bial aia ay f ~ * 7 ¥ ‘ ~ DELPY, CAMILLE HIPPOLYTE. (Paris) Pupil of Corot and Daubigny. Honorable mention, Salon, 1881. Medal, Salon, 1884. Ex. Un. Paris, 1889. easy © RIVER OISE Size: Height, 151g in.; width, 27% in. DUPRE, JULES. | Born at Nantes, 1812. Learned to paint on porcelain. Bi _ $tudied from Nature and the old masters in the Louvre. Exhib- ited in Salon, 1821, and won the favor of the Duke of Orleans. First Salon medal, 1833; Legion of Honor, 1849; officer of Legion, 1870. Died near Paris, 1889. . $26 | MARINE Size: Height, 15 in.; width, 22 in. 69 JOHN F. ENGEL. (Munich) ; 127 THE DEPARTURE | Medals, Paris Salon, first class, 1880, - Honor, 1882. Officer, 18809. 128 THE GARDEN Size: Height, 16 in.; width, 20% 70 ne Lp ee *% yu ¥ vi (Paris, 1808-1876 ) ‘ Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, | per tS51. . 129 FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Size: Height, 63f in.; width, 104% in. eve W __ LAMBRON. re ( Paris) i Much appreciated in France, where his works rank next to aso ot _ those of Vibert. | THE GARDNER Size: Height, 74g in.; width, 54% in. al DETTI, CESAR. (Paris) Paris Salon, Medal, 1889. Hors Concours. — 131 A HIGH FEVER Size: Height, 22 in.; width, 15 in. - JONGKING, JOHAN BARTHOLD, (Holland) Pupil of Isabey. Medal, Paris Salon, 1852. naar RIVER SCENE IN HOLGLAND Size: Height, 8% in.; width, 13 in. 72 2 HENRY CORREJA. (Paris ) $33 SPANISH INN, PROVINCE OF VALENCIA | ‘oh VIBERT, JEHAN GEORGES. if) WV Born in Paris in 1840. Pupil of Picot and Barrias. A man of very original and novel ideas. A thorough draughtsman and painter, who has made an individual mark. Beginning as a painter of the nude, he has become one of the best known artistic satirists of our time. Hverything he touches has an idea behind it. Heis an able writer as well as painter. Has written for the stage with success, and is represented in most public and private ( | collections. uf ie 134 THE FINISHING TOUCH (Water Color) From the Alfred Hartman Collection. No. 374 of the Cata- logue. Paris, April, 1899. Size: Height, 161g in.; width, 10 in. 73 eg Ser: \ EES 7 ead At ee a . MAO L 1 erties ™ ay ht COROT, J. B. C. Jean Baptiste Camille Corot was born in Paris, 1796, the son of a prosperous tradesman ; pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin, and traveled in Italy in 1826. ‘Traveled much in France, paint- ing from nature and creating a style out of his experiments. Al- though at first neglected by the public, his patrimonial fortune enabled him to live comfortably and paint to suit himself. He received medals in 1833, 1848, 1855, 1867; was given the Legion of Honor in 1846, and became an officer in 1867. He died in Paris in 1875. ‘The influence of Corot on the art of our time can- not be over-estimated. He lifted landscape painting into the realm of idyllic poetry, just as Rousseau gave it a tragic, and Diaz a romantic significance. Hach man painted according to his feelings. The spirit of the south which burned in Diaz, the melancholy of an unhappy life which darkened Rousseau, was re- placed in Corot by a genial gayety of temperament which reflects itself in his works. $35 VILLE D’AVRAY From the Collection of Ph. Georges d’Ay. Paris. Size: Height, 1214, width, 19 in. 99: K DUPRE, JULES. Born at Nantes, 1812. Learned to paint on porcelain. Studied from nature and the old masters in the Louvre. Ex- hibited in Salon, 1821, and won the favor of the Duke of Orleans. First Salon medal, 1833; Legion of Honor, 1849; Officer of Legion, 1870. Died near Paris, 1889. 136 OAK BY ROADSIDE Size: Height, 714 in.; width, 91¢ in. 74 i DAUBIGNY, CHARLES FRANCOIS, | (Paris 1817-1878) 5: Medals, Paris Salon, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859 and 1869. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer, 1874. $37 RIVER OISE Size: Height, 1014 in.; width, 23 in. a p0 ‘ CAROLUS DURAN. eit’ 2 (Paris) President of the Société Nationale des Beau-Arts. Grand Medal of the Salon. Commander of Legion of Honor. 138 PORTRAIT, ee Signed at the left; dated 1882. i‘ iu ah i Size: Height, 2514 in.; width, 15 in. From the Hollender Collection. London. 75 BOUVET, MAX Paris Salon, 1894, 1896. ) Soar THE ROCKS OF KERGOLAY | Size: Height, 2534 in ; width, 391¢ in. eS C. S. LIDDERDALE. a ae a : Sa (London) | THE NAUGHTY GIRL JACQUE, CHARLES (Paris) Medals, Paris Salon, 1861, 1863, 1864. Legion of Honor, 1867. $43 FLOCK OF SHEEP AND SHEPHERDESS Size: Height, 1434 in.; width, 18 in. bd From the Collection of Mr. I. Montaignac. : | HOGARTH, WILLIAM. Born in London in 1697; died there in 1764. Started as an engraver and silversmith, but finding little encouragement in his trade, he took up painting under the direction of Sir James Thorthill, painter to the King, and he became very successful as a portrait painter. 4 $42 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST’S SISTER Size: Height, 29 in.; width, 2434 in. 77 was received at the Academy in 1795; appointed painter to King _ George III.; president of the Academy in 1820. Died in 1830. 143 PORTRAIT OF THE COUNTESS OF WILTON (Oval Portrait.) ae | Size: Height, 30 in.; width, 26 in. LOUIS FALERO. ( Deceased) [44 ae ; PAINTING DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narciso. (Paris, 1808-1876) pede 5X, ets FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Size: Height, 81¢ in.; width, 101 in. iy.’ in the Catalogue. Paris, 1899. | h 0° pa te (London) 79 Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion ‘of Honor, From the Collection of Comte Armand Doria. Illustrated A GROUND SWELL OFF NEWQUAY POINT, A. a Hlate ‘ ( Paris) aN ] anes my | , Pies | eS , | Medal, Paris Salon, 1889. One of the most capable of the younger French followers of the “Primitives.” He designs him- self the frames for his pictures and the result is uncommonly ¥ successful, as can be seen in this picture. igre SAT PRIMAVERA old Italian Altar-piece. Size: Height, 2414 in.; width, 14 in. SS ae ay > Cn td j ng : i A é \ 7 @ | \ i, a | | a ‘ r } ‘ : | z | i iI oa? | > ts f ‘ n y = i ‘| 5 i i i) 4 . ’ ,