LIBRARY NG 560 M.KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 Fifth Ave. ACC. New York bhai «NR pee cs 4 Chas & rs Pe = D: oA fi me 7 " -tolnad. 2244 : ggerd » Bed fi ms Sane 4 2s gee. CONS Bae ia: ot James VY. Parker Collection, ay Sue ey and others, Peg das Te eae sold at the American Art Association, oan ion at hs New York, Jane4, 1918. 7 te Nos. —-_ Prices Buyers Nos. Prices Suyers Oa & 3105. : A, Rudert, Agt. 56 ® 85. AE. Clegg — 1a See SOD LH. Henry 58 55. " de ta Si ae 40, -4HD.G. Rohifs, Jr. 59 950. Drei, Straus 18 | 47,50. McDonough Gall. 60 356 HeD. Rohlfs pee 19. 60. 4H.D.G. Rohifs 61 130. H. Williams , 20° 200... H, Williems 62 170. FA. Lawlor _ Byes: 665." wr.l. Straus 63 105. MeDonough Gall. ‘B2.: (105,°.> Rudolf Block 64 1300, Clapp & Graham 23 90... A.B. Cleges 65 600. §.5. Laird . ae 24 ‘ioe lf 66 650. McDonough Gall. 28 50. G.S. Pinckney 67 2006 Clapp & Graham 26 J eS Clege 68 45. A, Olivotti — 27 145. “ 69 370. H. Williams — 28 LO. A.A, Hageman 70 210. HD. Rohlfs— BIS aE, Cleese 71 100. R. Sitzer 30 110%: H. Williams 72, 110. AE. Clege Si: Pies . Jede FOx 73 65. " " 35° 5B. Ge Hochstadter 74, 45, FA -Lawlor 3A Og: A. Olivotti 75 220. A.E. Clegg 35 60. Pl 76 525. $.S5. Laird 36 180... AE. ctece 77 120. MeDomough Gall. 37 85. ct 78 2206 Urs.F.L. Harrison 38 190. Henry Schultheis 79 120. F.A. Lawlor 39: 456 G. Hochstadter 80 50. AE. Cleee 40 40. Robt.Glendenning 81 210. He Williams Al BB. AE. Clege 82 70. F.A. Lawlor 42 55. Robt.Glendenning 83 100. D. Charlton 4.5 50, AR. Clege 84 55. EH. Williams — Aa 85....—~—-—«~éBrooklyn Art Gall. 85 95 B'klyn Art Gell. A5 145. Edw.W. Wigeins 86 100. A.A. Hegeman 4.6 45. ALE. Clege 87 Os Ae Olivotti 47 356 G. Hochstadter 88 150, Miss Lenkelheil 50 356 Brooklyn Art Gall. 89 1D. " e 5] BS, AE. Cleeg 90 150. MeDonough Gall. 82. 30. " 92 250. He Wil ioe 53 80. Robt. Glendénning 92 55e 54 75% " * 93 260. 55 45. Jell, Andrews 94 810. — a. a ee i mee ca os . “ at Wb ’ * ; las f ey i : ui 8 ‘ r > : ‘ is ‘ - | t ‘ y &. 4 “y WP Utes ine " : pitty y : / : ; ' 4 } : i 4 ” : 2 x " : AL. p * , wy re , ey é CATALOGUE OF AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF MODERN AND ANCIENT OIL PAINTINGS BY ' FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS _ BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JAMES V. PARKER OTHER ESTATES AND PRIVATE OWNERS brake fa ee are: pote Te day 1.0. TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ‘AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1918 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping ef purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be ee performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association a will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for euployine ty o at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part a for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. q 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s a 2. and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in a caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. ‘ Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed 3 within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. oe 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of catologuing, or any imperfection not 4 noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. | The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot a correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- __ worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. - AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, > ahi ee Pema eRee memes | ae Se ne a eee SALE FRIDAY EVENING = JANUARY 4, 1918 | AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.00 O CLOCK | fe Gok : A E. L. DURAND ? AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY ‘§ (3 (be WN dali FRIEND OR FOE Oe Charcoal Study: Height, 19 inches; length, 241, inches en : Srupy for the painting in oils. Before an open fire a young girl stands in front of a settee and looks apprehensively through the open door at a cavalryman riding past. Signed in the lower right, E. L. Durann. Property of Mr. ConnE Racuet THorn. WILLIAM, WALTON - ConztEMrorary pery playing a ei with a small boy at ies ide playing. On the right is a palm tree and the a oie an embroidered hanging. : basses Property of Mr. Connt Racuer THorn. No. 3 : | (ae UNKNOWN ARTIST ; 7 od | INTERIOR Copper: Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches | utcH interior with figures. In the foreground is a pile of | | Z hie vegetables and at the left is a columned cor Paintings } decorate the walls. = From the collection of the late Mr. Juttus WapswortH, New York. \ | tg No. 4 | CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SHEEP C17, Khao. Lu, Panel: Height, 12 inches; width, 914 inches ” 0 ; Group of sheep and bushes. Evening gloom. Background vee erat of sky aglow with setting sun. Property of Mr. Conné Racuretr THorn. No. 5 ff ALBERT LYNCH Born at Lima, Perv: Contemporary THE BOIS DE BOULOGNE _,) if 4 Water Color: Height, 18 inches; width, 12%, inches In the gardens of the Bois de Boulogne stands a lady 0 Te dressed in a dark brown polonaise robe and small hat. In the distance are the Arc de Triomphe, a pool of water and playing children accompanied by their “bonnes.” Property of Mr. ConnE Racuer Torn. No. 6 : | | S. M. CORY AIS EMINENCE, THE CARDINAL 4 Rrartiban OY A ‘ Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches . ke Bust portrait of his eminence clad in scarlet robe and broad- / = brimmed hat. | Signed, S. M. Cory, at the lower right. From the collection of the late Mr. Jurrus Wapswortu, New York. No. 7 J. GEORGE HENRY HALL, N.A. eed American: 1825— i RASPBERRIES c (3 ' Er andeloy Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches ,00 From an overturned blue and white bowl are falling its con- LS — tents, a pile of raspberries, upon a table. Signed, Gzorce H. Hatz, and dated ’68, at the lower right. From the collection of the late Mr. Jutrus Wapswortnu, New York. , No. 8 o” J @ . EASTMAN JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1824—1906 {— | id A. PORTRAIT OF WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGE | / idle Academy Board: Height, 15 inches; width, 9 inches Ha.r-Lenctu portrait, with face turned to the left. Black __ coat, blue waistcoat and brown broad-brimmed hat. Dark background. Signed, E. J., in lower right-hand corner. Property of Mr. Conné Racuer THorn. No. 9 ah EDUARDO ZAMACOIS . | ry " Spawinix: 1843—1871 PORTRAIT OF JOLIET d l Height, 8, inches; width, 61, inches a ' hurt q \ Boorep and with a red mantle over his gray coat, a young 0 man is shown against a reddish-brown background. He is /lO— carrying his sword under his left arm and is grasping the hilt with his right hand. Inscribed, “a mon ami, Joliet.” Signed, Ev. Zamacors, and dated 1864, at the lower left. From the collection of the late Mr. Jut1us Wapswortu, New York. /4) 7/4 ¥O 4 pi oO oq ike No. 10 a8 LEON Y ESCOSURA ete SpanisH: 1884—1901 j THE TOILET | i. h. Panel: Height, 101%, inches; length, 131% inches wo £7 A FAIR-HAIRED young woman dressed in a flowered gown is 99 “ee seated before a mirror and adjusting a jeweled ornament in her hair. At her right is a casket of jewels resting on an armchair, and at her left, before the fireplace, is an embroidered screen. Signed, Leon Escosura and dated 1873, at the lower left. From the collection of the late Mr. Jutrus Wapswortn, New York. No. 11 y OY DUTCH SCHOOL | \ 4 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY dA PORTRAIT OF A SCHOLAR “Uden, lenrhin bik Panel: Height, 6%, inches; width, 5 inches Do THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH portrait of a seated man with long, i Smee falling hair, a black steeple-crowned hat, falling collar of white linen, black surtout and red sash. Green background. Dated in the upper left-hand corner, 1668. Property of Mr. Conné Racuet THorn. bs a eee x, : e a te ——- 2 Fe ee eT ee Oe Te ae a +e be — — aly ae . ‘i No. 12 7 RAPHAEL CAMPHUYSEN DutcH: 1598—16—(?) | ats . THE TOPER 4. Neches din be : Panel: Height, 714, inches; width, 8 inches } Ge OA | RE DutcH peasant in a dark coat with gray cap, seated by a a 0 oe barrel, having in his right hand a glass and in his left a red pottery kanne. Dark-background. In gilt frame. Signed in lower left-hand corner. Es | Property of Mr. ConnE Racuet Torn. No. 13 VENETIAN SCHOOL “ ; of SrxtrentH CenTURY fiat Lys MADONNA AND CHILD ; Panel: Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches (? he y) Yona _ Tue Maddona in a red robe and with red hair holds on her wae), 0 left arm the nude Child Christ, who raises His right hand M : sit to fondle His Mother’s cheek. Dark background. Reverse of panel painted in tempera, with portion of coat-of-arms. In old pierced, carved and gilt wood frame. Property of Mr. Conné Racvuet THorn. No. 14 it. Ane buen UNKNOWN ARTIST i eg CHRIST AND MARY =. ee \ Panel—on Copper: Height, 8 inches; width, 64, inches A sEATED figure of Christ after the Descent from the Cross, with the figure of a woman wearing a blue cloak at His side. With her right hand she is supporting the right hand of the Saviour, and her left, holding a piece of white drapery, rests on His shoulder. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. No. 15 ADRIAEN BRAUER 0 y Durcu: 1605—1638 THE SMOKER oy My ns, Height, 131, inches; width, 101%, inches Peasant in blue cap and brown coat, seated on a chair by the side of a barrel on the top of which is a brazier of lighted charcoal. In his right hand he holds a long clay. pipe. Interior of a room with open window, through which is seen the gable of a house. Signed in lower left corner. Property of Mr. ConnE Racuet THorn. Wige Svgnet 4.0% 7 N aie” y SI aa hae aM ae the. ee eae ee a eae i are, + a 7: 5 ‘a RP here eo mare iv . : ’ bz i . a Fp id i i = * No. 16 P. P. ROOS yi- eg owe as Rosa pA TIVOLI / 4 Ivatran: 1657—1705 GROUP OF CATTLE ON THE CAMPAGNA Height, 18 inches; width, 181 inches ee In ae center is a white and dun-colored cow lying down, | while behind stands another cow. On the right are two mee et sheep, and on the left a goat and a kid. In the left fore- a - ground is a group of thistles; and in the background a flat e. landscape with a white building. Blue sky. ar ee el cere iy Property of Mr. Conpt Racuet Tuorn. een = No. 17 fe FRITZ ZUBER-BUHLER wv Swiss: 1822—1896 f _ ON THE BALCONY te) 4 “a Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 124% inches ~ A Farr young woman leans on the railing of a vine-covered balcony. Her negligee of white striped silk is touched with red at the neck and sleeves. Trailing green vines cover the wall at her back. Signed, Zuper-Buuter, at the lower right. From the collection of the late Mr. Jutius Wapswortu, New York. | yack cae a No. 18 CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE Fx, Frencu: 1831— SETTER AND BEAGLES Panel: Height, 1534 inches; width, 111% inches A wuire and liver-colored setter with two beagles, at the foot of a tree where the hunter has left his sacks, his gun and lunch basket. The landscape setting shows the trees and foliage of a wood. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late James V. ParKer. No. 19 CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE Frencu: 1831— , 4-074, BUNTING Does Ni 7 ; Ly. } Panel: Height, 15%, inches; width, 11% inches ; A croup of three hounds, one tan color, another white, brown and black, and a third mostly white, grouped together at the foot of a tree where they are tied to the trunk. The landscape setting shows the depths of a forest, with tree trunks and green foliage. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parxer. No. 20 : Pe JULES LEFEBVRE 0 ( Frencu: 1886—1912 Ny fi, VY) ie | is | WOMAN WITH ORANGE "— pe Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 111%, inches ys 0 Q we | Acainst a background of green trees stands a young Italian | peasant woman, whose dress and head shawl are of soft | brown and cream-white with touches of red. In her right hand she holds a half-peeled orange. MET to ok Sap Se Signed, Jutes Lerenvre, at the upper right. From the collection of the late Mr. Jutrus Wapsworru, New York. EO LRAT No. 21 ANTON HEINRICH DIEFFENBACH German: 1831— "ee TWO MOTHERS hn. 9. Sh Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches _Iy the left foreground a young woman is seated at the foot - of a tree holding her baby in her arms, while in a field just 4 beyond a white mare with her little bay colt by her side is looking on. The foliage of trees with ripe fruit embowers the group. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. Mitechs 1687 4 £OK X~> ¥ rh . a , AMERICAN: 1848— i - \’" ON THE DESERT NEAR CAIRO Panel: Height, 12 inches; length, 1414 inches — | i, (shred No. 22 | ; le / LOUIS C. TIFFANY, N.A. Beer A croup consisting of an Arab in white, mounted on a camel, and three companions, walking by his side in a desert landscape. The late afternoon sun casts shadows from the - left and the new moon appears in the sky above. Signed at the lower left, and dated "7%. Property of a Private Collector. No. 23 VA BRUCE CRANE, N.A. oe AmeERIcAN: 1857— i } = a & # eh WINTER LANDSCAPE Ko. x iets f Height, 11% inches; length, 16 inches oo ie AYruat stretch of country, with a little stream in the center foreground, covered with snow and diversified by groups of trees on the right and the left. A gray winter sky shows a stretch of light well above the horizon, and two crows are seen flying high. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Collector. ees ; a 0 “ ARTHUR QUARTLEY, N.A. No. 24 AMERICAN: 1839—1886 FISHING BOATS Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches A TWO-MASTED vessel is seen riding at anchor near the center of the composition. Beyond, on the left, are other sail- boats, and on the right is a headland with a white light- 7 fe 4 5 ? oA t 4 Bt Bi i B . a q i } house. The sky of gray clouds shows a space of blue above. (eee Signed at the lower right, and dated 1879. Property of a Private Collector. No. 25 Jf CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. 0 AMERICAN: 1848— roa / SHEEP IN PASTURE | eae Height, 11 inches; length, 17 inches A Fiock of sheep grazing in the flat meadows in the fore- ground and on a. hillside in the middle distance. The rolling country reaches nearly to the top of the canvas, where there is a strip of gray sky. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Collector. Te (0 aie ee ee ee nd Ce ee ee No. 26 a ‘EDWARD MORAN, ANA AMERICAN: 1829—1901 MARINE Millboard: Height, 12 inches; length, 1814 inghes. Amip the breakers rolling in on the sandy beach of the fore- ground is a great rowboat, with sailors struggling to make a landing. In the offing are the sails of several vessels and overhead is a gray sky. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Collector. No. 27 LOUIS PAUL DESSAR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1867— eae SHEPHERD AND FLOCK Height, 13 inches; length, 18 inches V IN the foreground a French shepherd, surrounded by a flock of sheep, emerges from the doorway of a stable with thatched roof. The effect is in moonlight and a space of night sky appears in the upper left portion of the picture. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Collector. — - . a : F fit Re Fe ee ee ee eee ee w : fp _ No. 28 CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE Height, 18 inches; length, 18 inches Ay Beas ae oy A. Me ie | aa a HUNTSMAN with red cap and cor de chasse, mounted on a oe ee: bay horse, is seen traversing the foreground, followed by a I} L@ _ pack of hounds. The landscape setting shows a roadway F4 | f through a forest in France. On the right, in the distance, . is _ appear the small figures of another huntsman and a lady, beg both mounted. = Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. ! No. 29 pe EUGENE M. E. LE POITTEVIN Frencu: 1806—1870 Height, 12 inches; length, 21 inches fd |“ APPROACHING A SURPRISE ~breviary, which he holds in his hands before him as he fol- lows along a road which leads downward in the foreground. In the immediate foreground on the right, lying on the grass and shielded from the priest’s view by a bank, are a sol- _dier’s red kepi, and the straw hat, parasol and wrap of a female companion. The landscape setting shows level plains and a sky of tempered blue with white clouds. A prissT is seen in the middle of the picture, intent upon his ye bd Signed at the lower right, and dated 1862. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. No. 30 LUDOVICO MARCHETTI a Iratran: 1852— : AFTER THE MASQUERADE e iad t Ww hana Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 1414 inches STANDING in an open doorway is a courtier with extended rapier holding at bay a masked opponent who is advancing with dagger in hand and who has cast his hat and outer gar- ment to the snow-covered ground. ail Frencu: CoNTEMPORARY (90 ed | THE WATERING PLACE Panel: Height, 14144 inches; length, 18 inches coe Turee Arabs have stopped with their horses at a fountain outside the walls of a town. The horses are drinking at the basin while their riders wait, one remaining mounted and two on the ground. ‘Trees reach up above the walls on the left, and on the right there is a prospect of country with a summer sky of tempered blue with white clouds. The effect is in sunlight. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late James V. PARKER. 6045% eng, EB Canis JA-1ESE ZL AAAX ~ OU depart 4Aj888 «BOX ares Es “ No. 62 KARL DAUBIGNY | ‘| ( FrencH: 1846—1886 Panel: Height, 13 inches; length, 221% inches 0 "] foreground, trees and a stretch of country in the middle distance, and a sky of gray and white clouds with some spaces of elas blue at. the upper left. | A Frencu landscape showing a river with lily pads in the /] y Signed at the lower left, and dated 1872. ; eal aia of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. May 1/878 ’ ae No. 68 4 / CHARLES BAUGNIET () Beteian: 1814—1886 ; i | | THE TIRED DRUMMER 47, (Lppoe yf of Panel: Height, 251, inches; width, 19 inches Sranpine before a lacquered chest is a fond mother watching her sleeping child, tired from play and with his toys strewn / der about the floor. Her blond hair falls in ringlets and she is gowned in pale violet. Signed, C. Bauentet, and dated 1875, at the lower right. From the collection of the late Mr. Jutrvs Wapswortu, New York. | agp x if ie / ae 00 ot way, stands in amazed contemplation of a gigantic cooked \ JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT f Fy Frencu: 1840—1902 Ji THE MARVELOUS LOBSTER Height, 2114 inches; width, 18 inches ade Sraeuel in his red robes, appearing near the middle of the composition, where he has just emerged from a door-— lobster which has been placed on a table in his anteroom and decorated with flowers and green leaves. The walls of the antechamber, the panel and door facings, as well as the floor, are of marble, showing tints of grays and browns. J50b- Aina bef halla Mee (SEE - des UXXX4 Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parxen. 6733 Cadel, bows, D. Yrfun doe itpo-Khork Sold. Mpe/27. $90 4 PMNKK No. 65 \, PAUL JEAN CHARLES CLAYS. ee Beiteran: 1819—1900 » FISHING BOATS a\y, Goop-sizED bulky vessel, ae a a, mast and red and “Fellow sails, appears in the foreground waters at the left; back of it are the white sails of another vessel, and in the middle distance in the right center are two other vessels of the same type passing out to sea. Overhead is a at sky of gray clouds with spaces of blue. # Signed at the lower right. { f 4 Property of the Estate of the late James V. ParxKer. \(\X ” gB5t, burgh Xi Aer Gare lls (bbb deo MK q wae oe MefE8 74 USK. ‘or oe GARDEN OF THE N° MARTIN RICO a No. 66 SpanisH: 1850—1908 FRANCHETTI PALACE, VENICE Height, 28 Wehak: width, 181, inches THE composition — shows a landing place and buildings in perspective on the right. The waters of the canal fill the _ left foreground and beyond appear a palace and garden; _ overhead is a sky of blue. Gondolas in the canal and vari- ous figures about the landing place animate the picture, which 1 is ah in a strong effect of sunlight. Signed at the right at the base of a wall, Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parxen. : C2 a te foes 4. 017 Ty Maral tin, Aoarchs 2/1889, BANK X No. 67 fg LEON RICHET FrencH: CoNTEMPORARY “Tigre pools in the foreground, and on the left a white-walled cot- tage with high-peaked thatched roof and groups of trees. The sky is filled with dark clouds; a shower is passing along the horizon, and a gleam of sunlight from a break in the clouds higher up illumines the cottage and the portion of the plain before it. | Signed at the lower left, and dated °72. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. daa - Yort 47p hay —-8 OSX LANDSCAPE - a Se 3 Panel: Height, 19 inches; length, 29 inches cb ag? KS K A tanpscare in France depicting, on the right, a plain w Zu i. . CHARLES LANDELLE ALS ee wera Frencnu: 1821— LN A PRISON IN TANGIERS Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches A youne Arab bread-seller is seen seated on a stone bench occupies the upper part of the canvas. Through a small round opening in the shutter appear the heads of three prisoners, who are doubtless anxiously awaiting the small PRE EPRI Sa tebe sang 1a | loaves that will be passed in to them. i | Signed at the lower right. i Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. ai . | ( | 2 | No. 69 a EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN | e Bexeran: 1799—1880 ‘| LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP | Panel: Height, 22 inches; length, 27%/, inches | In the foreground are two sheep, two lambs and a goat. | In the distance can be seen a steeple of a church, and at the left a thatched stable. Green grass coats the rolling country, | which is dotted by many sheep. Signed, Euckne VerporcKHoveN, and dated 1858, at the lower left. From the collection of the late Mr. Jutrus Wapswortu, New York. just under the shelter of a prison, the white wall of which “3 ’ = ; = = “2 oa cree neePaiectx nite Cae ee ae ee ee ST eS ee ee ee eT, ee - No. 70 GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. Britrisuo: 1834—1905 be 10 ROSE STANDISH HW 04 | | | -y Panel: Height, 251, inches; width, 151, inches | | - _ Aw excellent example of the American subjects of Bough- _ ton. The composition depicts a full-length figure of a - young woman in early New England times, standing with ay her hands folded, in a pathway which leads through a wood. - a The head is turned somewhat to the left and the costume . consists of a gown of grayish pink with white bodice, collar 1 i . | | and cuffs. Around the waist is a black sash, and the head | is crowned 2 ee a black cap with white one: f | o ee Shoo He cage gern eaep os hs AIK fgned at the lower right. + OMA moet ; SE eaieee: of the Estate of the late James V. Parken. , ; i ATK] + nad. Moana” foco Jaw EES KAAMS 4 Lotd- Inawch 0/885 BAXXX No. 71 DON VICENTE PALMAROLI a SPpanisH: 1835— }H° WAITING ay | 3 Panel: Height, 81 inches; width, 20 inches | SEATED on a carved marble bench is a young woman in black 0 hat, blue, lace-ruffled sack and black skirt. In the distance ) a is the sea, at the middle left a stone jardiniére with green Y plant, and at the right a thickly treed background. Signed, V. Parmarout, at the lower right. Purchased from the late Adolf Kohn, 1881. — From the collection of the late Mr. Jurrus Wavswortu, New York. No. 72 EDWARD MORAN, AN.A. | : * | pr ge American: 1829—1901_ Aue : THE MADELINE 4 es Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches PictuRE of a racing schooner under full sail, approach- — ing the spectator and followed by another vessel of the — same rig. The white sails, which catch a gleam of sunlight, — are in relief against a high sky with clouds. 3 Signed at the lower left, and dated 1877. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Panxen. O20 134189] 4 POxx 4 No. 78 ROBERT CROMWELL Meee NAL AMERICAN: 1840—1904 i AMID THE MOUNTAINS & NG ft Height, 16 inches; length, 28 inches. ? ob i sTLING at the base of a mountain range is a building with flat roofs and the garden surrounding it enclosed by a wall. Along the wall, in the foreground, is a road where some small figures. are seen passing. Above the mountain range-is a dark gray sky with a strip of brilliant light. Signed at the lower left, and dated at the lower right, "74. From the Robert C. Minor Sale, New York, 1908. Property of a Private Collector. € Ce eae ee ata yan CW ee >t W3 Saki: i iti ono ane pees Ft Bes one Ne Sek Se aaa Property of a Private Collector. No. 74 FREDERIC W. KOST, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— oY TWILIGHT — Ae Height, 22 inches; length, 28 inches ‘a _ A Fuart stretch of country and a group of trees, fill the lower half of the composition, with a flock of geese in the fore- ground driven by a farmer. A line of hills appears dimly in the distance, and aces is a gray evening sky with crescent moon. Signed at the lower right. No. 75 ROBERT CROMWELL MINOR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1904 . : 6 a MOONLIGHT oe Q. Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches SLopine pastures, a slender tree or two and a pool occupy the foreground; beyond is a glimpse of the sea, the water illumined by a burst of light from the moon which falls from behind the dark clouds which fill the sky. A dramatic effect is produced by placing the burst of light in the middle of the composition. Signed at the lower right. From the Robert C. Minor Sale, American Art Association, New York, 1905. Property of a Private Collector. h. . a 44) “a se sacs IRL gS SE prs oe eee - er. eae Ps, eee Pikes ee caret rentprsapicersisetenlsnteliensena-emen esrreraasepioraripraer nes er eeeet samen reslereeoe a PSE IN aul alae OP Sh CREE Eee Bi ne AS Se Sies val el Jorety Lak hae 2 y "teh ie No. 76 aed MARTIN RICO SpanisH: 1850—1908 THE LOREDAN GARDEN, VENICE Height, 17 inches; length, 84 inches A CHARACTERISTIC example of Rico, the composition show- ing a garden wall extending across the canvas from left to a right, above which appears the foliage of trees and bushes ie the gardens beyond. The sea water in the foreground a’ laps the wall, except at a place on the left where there is a ¥ little space of land. Here a doorway gives access to the “Ao, garden. Over all, a summer sky of blue with some white _ clouds at the horizon. . Signed at the lower auAE 2 hae ' Property of the Estate of the late James V. PaRKER. NFA! tanghh Lae Jaro CANNES. eo O1KK Atl Mee lj bbS. BANXK : No. 77 @ LOUIS AUGUSTE LOUSTAUNAU Frencu: 1846— 4 Ap MEDITATION om ' Height, 82 inches; width, 25 inches 1Z0— By a window which commands a view of rocky headlands and a harbor town is a young woman gowned in pink. She is surrounded by Chinese art objects, and at her left is a Chinese bird cage that contains two love birds. Signed, A. Lousraunau, at the lower right. Purchased from Messrs. M. Knoedler & Co., 1885. From the collection of the late Mr. Jurrus WanswortH, New York. cia nate Se SERS ED SY ong S A a oo > UR ce Cd a a ant re y No. 78 PROFESSOR LUDWIG KNAUS German: 1829—1910 | f : RECONCILIATION va 6 / ca | | Circular: Diameter, 221% inches TWA. f a WNW ey | aa Two little cupids, depicted floating in the sky and embracing , yb f each other. Both are blond-haired and have wings with a ry Be gray and brown tinted plumage. A bit of crimson drapery adds a contrasting note of color. | Signed at the left. ' Property of the Estate of the hats James V. ParKER. : SUS lomngfih CAs Schull Barly futy 1486 + Miho AXXXX Sel Yr phi y B OSKK « | No. 79 XK EMIL JOHANNES HUNTEN Si GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY p THE DESPATCH tr Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches . ‘ Se THE composition depicts an incident in the Franco-Prussian War. In the foreground on a roadway which, lined with | Zo trees, winding through a snow-covered landscape, a mounted soldier has stopped and is receiving an envelope from a helmeted infantryman who stands at his side. On the ground at the right two other soldiers are seated, one of them writing on a knapsack. In the distance, on either side of the road, appear two sentries. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Panxerr. | /b08 ~ frnshh cep bro Auselalog Datarch 1874, tlhes ES X F hold. Mot /2/1b 79, SNS - No. 80 T. C. DIBDIN ° tt f CoNTEMPORARY . i Uo: Ke f AN OLD TOWN IN FRANCE ; ; ie } oe Water Color: Height, 80 inches; width, ) 21 inches | 3 | y Tue foreground presents a roadway which leads into the | “4 picture on the right between old buildings with high-peaked — a roofs and gables. A wagon and a number of people are % seen on the roadway. Over the roofs of the houses on the - left rises a church tower, and over all is a sky of blue and gray. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1871. — Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. No. 81 DON LUIS ALVAREZ SpanisH: CONTEMPORARY IN THE STUDIO rs / 0 i Height, 201% inches; length, 30 inches enc v\ a ) A youne painter in white satin coat and breeches is seated before a picture on his easel and leaning forward as he looks at his model, who is lying on a bench at the left. On the right, in the background, are two ladies looking at a book ” BS: TE uthen f. sketch ger Caria wD Ao 55X%. 54 at the lower right, and dated Roma 1882. oi ae /892 fl ASXX Ss t the Estat the latg J P Mazon boidih oa fas y of the Es SR eM sltie ANN Wee po rey duo 5y/8b2, BANXK- ph Cudlch. Ibo, Ud GA-IS. BANK Sold Hevenbe Yb bS BAKUK. * a Ai No. 82 UNKNOWN ARTIST ea f yA THE RETURNING CAPTAIN ov. Copper panel: Height, 22 inches; length, 29 inches ] ! ee A sOLpIER in armor with red drapery over his shoulder is depicted in the center of the composition mounting the steps _ that lead to the entrance of a palace, where he is greeted by an elderly man in a rich costume including a cloak with ermine lining. On the left, back of the returning warrior, - are some other helmeted soldiers who are applauding, and back of the ruler is a man, nude to the waist, carrying a great basket of bread. A child in white at the right of the picture holds up the ruler’s cloak. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Panxen. No. 88 J. H. L. DE HAAS BErcran: 1832—1880 CATTLE AND LANDSCAPE \/) ch. ie Panel: Height, 231, inches; width, 171, inches A croup composed of a dun-colored and white cow and a / 0 @ young bull, white and brown, in the foreground. Beyond [ f are some other cattle grazing in green meadows, and above is a summer sky of blue with gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late James V. ParKer. $588, Argh é. Miliry Carsc fugue tHe dbo M MOXx - a be /1bb7 Vo LEK No. 84 W. SHAYER | WW by Le “ 4 Britiso: CONTEMPORARY | Soya a eae THE GRAY PONY hy 5 — Panel: Height, 24 inches; width, 1914 inches A FINE gray pony stands in the left foreground, with a peasant woman holding her baby standing at his head. The woman wears a red cloak and is barefooted. Just back of the pony is a dog. The landscape setting, with several figures in the middle distance, shows a stretch of hilly coun- try and a sky with gray and white clouds, relieved by a space of blue in the upper portion. The costumes and the character of the landscape suggest that the scene is in Ireland. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. No. 85 NARCISSE BERCHERE lt 4 Ly 3 FrencH: 1822— HALT OF AN ARAB CARAVAN Panel: Height, 131%, inches; length, 28 inches In the desert, on the outskirts of a town the walls of which are seen in the distance on the right, an Arab caravan com- prising a number of camels, some with palanquins, has : 3 stopped for a rest. Some of the figures and camels are gathered about a circular basin, where there is a water spout. Overhead is a summer sky of tempered blue. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. See /8 41 MSX> ; No. 86 F. VAN OS Doutcu: 1774—1808 FLOWERS — A b. J 4 aghuu Panel: Height, 24% inches; width, 1914 inches 0 0 A LARGE bouquet of roses, peonies and other blossoms in a brown marble vase. Some of the flowers hang low over the rim of the vase and rest on its pedestal, where is seen a little bird’s nest with some eggs in it. Signed at the lower right center. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. No. 87 FRENCH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY : Z, PORTRAIT OF A LADY (J, o hie Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches 0 Je Haur-teneru figure looking to the left. Dark curling 4 hair, with knob of flowers at one side. Large dark eyes, rose neck ribbon. Green bodice, with bunch of flowers on the left shoulder. Dark blue background. Property of Mr. ConnE Racuer Torn. No. 88 | _, ITALIAN SCHOOL’: 4 9ee Lrnhthuk SrventTeentH CENTURY 197 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Canvas: Height, 3434, inches; width, 27 inches THREE-QUARER-LENGTH seated portrait, with head turned — slightly to the left, dressed with a coiffed cap and flowing black veil, a jeweled chain necklace and dark robe with em- broidered border, lace cuffs and gold girdle studded with pearls. ‘The right hand rests on a book; the left holds an open book. Dark background. In carved, pierced and gilt wood frame. Property of Mr. Connt Racuret TuHorn. No. 89 FRENCH SCHOOL | SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Fue Lradstdul PORTRAIT OF A LADY } 30 a Canvas: Height, 371, inches; width, 28 inches Ficure of a lady with long curling hair, standing with her arm resting on a stone pedestal on which stands a vase of flowers. She is dressed in a white under garment and brown robe. In the lower right-hand corner is a group of roses. Blue-sky 5 aoe In carved, pierced and gilt wood frame. Property of Mz. ConnE Racuet THorn. aaa No. 90 FERDINAND HEILBUTH FreNcH: ConTEMPORARY A BOATING PARTY g y The Mere all Panel: Height, 22 inches; length, 38 inches A scENE in France depicting several punts with passengers An: out for a holiday near a landing on the river side, where is / 0 a group of people, including an elderly man, two ladies, a little girl and a baby. In the middle distance the oppo- site shore of the river appears lined with trees, and over- head is a sky of gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parxenr. . x» ; 4 45)? os Gee f Penn. No. 91 LUIGI CHIALIVA Irat1an: CoNTEMPORARY y ¢ SHEPHERDESS AND FLOCK: HH, W Lanne SPRINGTIME na Height, 22 inches; length, 3914 inches Z oD en \e A youne peasant shepherdess is seen in the left center of the ‘composition surrounded by a flock of sheep. She holds a lamb in her arms, while the mother ewe at her side is looking anxiously upward. ‘The setting for the shepherdess and flock is a French landscape in springtime, with a roadway, a river, and on the left a group of trees with houses beyond. A springtime sky of delicate gray completes the picture. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. 6002 - Bergh foo, lle) Carve Jhee ERXK dita Mere Ufpbtd BMAMXX & No. 92 JULES FREDERIC BALLAVOINE ; a ey, 3, Qa Frencu: ConTEMPORARY sis fat? ) “LOVE'S WHISPERINGS Ue yb Height, 32 inches; width, 21 inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH figure of a fair young woman with golden-blond hair, gowned in white with corsage passing under her arms, standing amidst blossoming field flowers before a mass of greenery. She carries pink roses, and cupids whisper at either shoulder to receptive ears. Signed at the upper left, J. BatLavorne. To close an Estate. No. 93 MAX VOLKHART (2 eae German: ConTEMPORARY ae duet. SALUTING THE CARDINAL Height, 35 inches; width, 28 inches a L 0 —~ A croup of eight figures in a richly furnished apartment. The center of interest is the cardinal, in red, leading a lady wearing a white satin gown by the hand as he passes between courtiers who are seen bowing on either side. The costumes are of the period of Louis Treize. Signed at the lower left, with “Op. 91.” Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. F950 4 (reghh ~ Thtas. pedo WSK. Aol fers tT No. 94 EDOUARD TOUDOUZE Frencu: 1844— GRANDFATHER’S BIRTHDAY 4 A. Lain | _ Height, 26 inches; length, 39 inches In a richly furnished dining-room in a French chateau a A / 0 group of little children, accompanied by some ladies and gentlemen, are gathered to wish many happy returns of the day to an elderly gentleman, who is seated in an arm- _ chair on the left of the composition. The little children are all carrying bunches of flowers, and the grandfather, leaning forward, extends his hands to receive them. An elderly woman in gray velvet stands at the side of his chair. The costumes are of the period of Henri Deux. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1881. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. No. 95 LUIGI CHIALIVA Trat1an: CoNTEMPPORARY 7) | SHEPHERD AND FLOCK (, ™ 3. dy foal ~ Height, 401% inches; width, 314, inches 7 A warce flock of sheep and lambs in the foreground, with . y an elderly shepherd among them, and the dog beyond on the My Ny | < left. The flock has apparently come along a road which leads into the picture through the houses of a village in France. Trees are seen in silhouette against a clear summer sky. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. SUA fbength f Bulle, lance Afep hb S-- Feo hoa LOX X Ath Eee 17/1867 , PARSX | | No. 96 ALFRED VON WIERUSZ-KOWALSKY Po.tiso: CONTEMPORARY S URPRISED BY WOLVES y whukthove Height, 281% inches; length, 46 inches d A pramatic episode is depicted in this composition, wherein 4 / l, ~— a sleigh, drawn by two horses and occupied by a man and his wife and baby, have been overtaken by wolves. This group occupies the foreground. The man has fallen out of the sleigh, but still holds the reins of his team, and the woman, kneeling on the straw, is crying for help. A dead wolf lies before the team and another is gnawing something in the sleigh, while a third is bounding forward toward another sleigh which is seen approaching. The setting for the inci- dent is a dreary snow-covered waste in Russia, and over- head is a sky of dull gray tempered with blue. Pasa i at the lower left. Property is the Estate of the late James V. Parker. pods es: Bu rma htt: dB Sota - Iwartle 188k a BASKX 4 No. 97 R. TYMOHLAN iG) CoNTEMPORARY Te, (LW MOONLIGHT 57 — anvas: Height, 391, inches; width, 80 inches | A poou of water, in which is reflected the full moon. On the right are two leafless trees; on the left, a wood with trees. Property of Mr. ConnE Racuet THorn. NY eae No. 98 WALTER SATTERLEE, A.N.A. a ! AMERICAN: 1844—1908 JEALOUSY 4 L. i Be Height, 40 inches; width, 30 inches | by e e ° e THE caresses given to a Saint Bernard dog by a fair-haired hy f Y ed little maid causes her other companion, a Yorkshire terrier, to raise his head and paw in protest. At the right are hollyhocks and in the background is a gray and moss-cov- ered brick wall. Signed, W. Sarrertee, at the lower right. From the collection of the late Mr. Jutrus WanswortH, New York. No. 99 JULIUS L. STEWART Kh fing Lub AMERICAN: 1855— AND CHRISTINE NILSSON PORTRAITS OF SARAH BERNHARDT 5 po" Canvas: Height, 38 inches; length, 461, inches ] In the window seat of a Parisian studio Madame Bernhardt, in a dark blue velvet robe, reclines against a red cushion and turns the pages of a magazine. On the left and facing the spectator sits Madame Rouzand, with a book upon her lap. Left and right are pale blue curtains, and through the window which occupies the entire background is caught a glimpse of a Paris boulevard. In the foreground are a gilt banquette laden with books and a rug of polar bear skin. Signed in lower left corner, J. L. Srewarr, ’83. Property of Mr. Conn&é Racuet THorn. No. 100 THOMAS COLE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1801—1848 A Abe Cuwtor THE SHRINE Joye | Height, 321%, inches; length, 48 inches A GRANDIOSE landscape composition, with a wayside shrine occupying the right foreground. At the base of the shrine is an Italian peasant girl on her knees in the attitude of prayer. In the left portion of the composition is a lake, with high hills on the farther shore. On the top of the hills appear the buildings of a town. Overhead is a sky of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1845. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. No. 101 THOMAS COLE, N.A. - AMERICAN: 1801-—1848 / oo [auArve CLASSIC LANDSCAPE ~ oe a Height, 32 inches; length, 48 inches One of the celebrated landscape compositions of the Amer- ican painter, Thomas Cole. In the right foreground are the ruins of an aqueduct, or other structure, with arches. On the left, a stream where there are some figures of per- sons on the shore. Beyond are hills and mountains, one large peak near the middle of the picture being crowned with buildings. A sunset sky completes the picture. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1845. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. No. 102 HEINRICH ZUGEL German: 1850— THE SHEEP FOLD deny 5 4 Mba _ Height, 38 inches; length, 47 inches A croup of four sheep in a stable, with some lambs on the of left. Looking over a wooden pen is a little peasant girl / j 0 0 who holds a lamb in her arms. Back of her is a glimpse of blue sky and a fruit tree in blossom. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. Comm Mold. 5 ea Pifpb37. BASH No. 103 ITALIAN SCHOOL MAN IN ARMOR 4 Q. be yee: Height, 45 inches; width, 40 inches _ A THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH picture of a gentleman with black Ve a — hair and beard, wearing a full suit of armor and holding a marshal’s baton in his right hand. The figure is in full face view and the head is tipped slightly to the left. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parxer. Was | / rh . p Earty E1gHTgENtH CENTURY 4p Q we No. 104 ’ FRENCH SCHOOL VENUS AND ADONIS Height, 31 inches; length, 46 inches In the center of the picture under a tree sits Venus, nude save for a blue robe thrown around her. She is fondling the youthful Adonis, who sits by her side dressed in a tight- fitting yellow jerkin and a red and blue mantle and with a spear in his hand. On his left an Amorino is restraining his hunting hounds. Landscape background, with hills in the distance. | Property of Mr. ConnE Racuet TuHorn. No. 105 FRANCESCO GUARDI > Iratran: 1712—1793 THE CUSTOM HOUSE AT VENICE Canvas: Height, 26 inches; length, 57 inches On the left is seen the custom house, of Palladian archi- tecture, with a statue of a classic warrior and a flight of steps leading into the water. In front are groups of fig- ures in eighteenth century costume. On the Giudecca, on ‘the left, are three high-pooped barges with masts and large _ yards, a rowboat with people and a sloop with oars. Property of Mr. ConnE Racuet THorn. — No. 106 f FERDINAND DE BRACKELEER Beratan: 1792—1883 LE NOUVEAU-NE ly e Height, 33 inches; length, 45 inches A Dutcu interior, with numerous figures surrounding an aged man who holds in his hands a tiny, swaddled infant. At the right, a young woman is sitting beside a bed set in the recessed wall, and at the left are figures sitting around a table and eating and drinking. Signed, Ferpinann Dr Bracxeterr, and dated, ANtwerPENn, 1866. | From the collection of the late Mr. Jutavs Wapswortu, New York. No. 107 JEAN DE BOULLONGNE Known as VALENTIN Frencu: 1600—1634 Canvas: Height, 38 inches; length, 51 inches THE CARD PLAYERS lon. oe be THE picture represents a game of cards between a man and a woman. ‘The woman, in a robe of rose-colored silk em- broidered in silver and with a mantle of checkered pattern, her reddish hair in a braid wound around her head, and with a pearl necklace, sits holding her tarot cards in her left hand. Facing her the man, in a brocaded jerkin with large sleeves, a gauffered ruff and plumed velvet hat, also sits holding his cards. On his left is a backgammon board with dice. In front of each player is a pile of silver coin and between them a shallow wooden bowl with ae discarded cards. Dark background. Property of Mr. ConnE Racuet THorn. Leer dime iy No. 108 FRENCH SCHOOL CLASSIC PASTORAL LANDSCAPE iN : o | A. 77t nay f Os Height, 88 inches; length, 48 inches hag # ra ee Hy nat (5 Sees F : ' "’ A SHEPHERD, two maids, goats and cattle are seen in the left foreground on the shore of a lake; in the middle distance, trees; at left, an aqueduct, ruined arches and temples. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker, No. 109 PROFESSOR JOZEF BRANDT PoutsH: 1841— | , POLISH CARAVAN Height, 291% inches; length, 52 inches i a! THE composition shows the head of a long train of vehicles i 5 —" approaching the spectator on a road on either side of which | / / appear streams and ponds. The rear of the train is seen in — the distance where the road winds away to the left. The | principal features of the foreground group are a heavily- loaded wagon, drawn by a team of three horses, and a mounted figure who seems to be in command of the party. He carries a gun and has three dogs in leash running beside him. Over all is a sky of tempered blue with gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1879. Property of. the Estate of the late James V. Parker. 1609 Bough Minemd bo Drumuch Ipanth 879 BRSE Sold - Myre 26/1679. BANxKx~ No. 110 L. ROELKLER GERMAN: CoNTEMPORARY A VILLAGE PROCESSION jteradg g ie Height, 341, inches; length, 56 inches A NUMBER of men and women in medieval costume are pass- / ie pi ing across a roadway in the foreground, which leads from a gate on the left in the walls of a town. ‘The towers and roofs of the town are seen in the middle background. Promi- nently placed among the figures are a monk mounted on a gray donkey on the right, a man and woman riding on a cart near the middle of the picture, a young woman with a man at her side addressing her, and a man with one wooden leg on the extreme left, who seems to be a town official head- ing the company. Signed at the lower left, and dated 72. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. No. 111 ANDREAS ACHENBACH GerRMANn: 1815—1910 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Un ) 8K, OA Height, 40 inches; length, 59 inches THE composition shows a belt of trees in early autumn foliage extending across the middle distance. Beyond, a 1, 0 through openings near the middle of the picture, is a view of the blue sea, sandy beach and a headland. The fore- ground shows grass and herbage, and a summer sky with white clouds completes the picture. Signed at the lower left, and dated Roma 1845. Property of the Estate of the late James V. Parker. No. 112 ANDREAS ACHENBACH GERMAN: 1815-—1910 Height, 62 inches; length, 92 inches | ey! S by hss MARINE ae Tue right foreground is occupied by a‘stretch of beach with red rock formation, the whole in sunlight; on the left the sea breaking on the shore. In the middle distance rocky peaks and, over all, a stormy sky with sunlight streaming 3 from a break in the clouds in the right upper portion. Signed at the lower right center, and dated 1848. Property of the Estate of the late James V. ParKer. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. RR La IT . og LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER ACHENBACH, Anpreas Italian Landscape 111 Marine 112 ALVAREZ, Don Luts In the Studio 81 BALLAVOINE, Jures Frépéric Love’s Whisperings 92 BAUGNIET, The Tired Drummer 63 BERCHERE, NARCISSE Halt of an Arab Caravan 85 BIERSTADT, Axzert, N.A. An Antelope and His Family 40 BOGERT, Georce H., A.N.A. Evening 57 BOUGHTON, Georcrt Henry, N.A., R.A. Rose Standish 70 BOULLONGNE, Jean pve (Known as VaLentin) The Card Players BOUTIBONNE, Cuartrs Epovarp Tourists 60 CATALOGUE NUMBER > BRACKELEER, Frrprnanp DE Le Nouveau-né +106 BRANDT, PRroressor JOZEF - Polish Caravan fe 109 BRAUER, ApriaEn The Smoker 15 CAMPHUYSEN, RarHarEr | The Toper | | 12 CHIALIVA, Luter Shepherdess and Flock: Springtime 31 Shepherd and Flock — «95 CLAYS, Paut Jean CuHar es Fishing Boats : 65 COLE, Tuomas, N.A. | _ Che Shrine ~ 100 Classic Landscape ORS CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN Sheep 4. CORY, S. M. His Eminence, the Cardinal. 6 CRANE, Bruce, N.A. Winter Landscape 23 DAUBIGNY, Karu Landscape 62 DE HAAS, J. H. L. Cattle and Landscape DE HAAS, M. F. H., N.A. Marine DE PENNE, Cuarues O1nivier Setter and Beagles Hunting Dogs Hunting Scene French Hunting Dogs DESSAR, Louis Pav, N.4. Shepherd and Flock DEWEY, Cuarptes Mepvitte, N.A. Landscape DIBDIN, T. C. An Old Town in France DIEFFENBACH, Anton HErnricH Two Mothers DURAND, E. L. Friend or Foe DUTCH SCHOOL Portrait of a Scholar FLEMISH SCHOOL Passing Through the Fair CATALOGUE NUMBER 83 43 18 19 28 31 27 56 80 21 11 34 FRENCH SCHOOL Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Lady Venus and Adonis Classic Pastoral Landscape GAY, Epwarp, N.A. Autumn Landscape A Spring Morning Autumn ~ GIRARD, Marte Francots Firmin La Péche GRUTZNER, Enpvarp A Game of Cards GUARDI, Francesco | The Custom House at Venice HALL, Greorcre Henry, N.A. Raspberries HAMILTON, Hamittron The Orchard HEILBUTH, Ferpinanp A Boating Party HUGUET, Victor Pierre The Watering Place HUNTEN, Emit JOHANNES The Despatch CATALOGUE NUMBER 87 89 104 108 a7. 42 58 53 59 105 46 90 61 79 CATALOGUE NUMBER ITALIAN SCHOOL Landscape with Cattle and Sheep 32 Portrait of a Lady 88 Man in Armor 103 JOHNSON, Eastman, N.A. Portrait of Worthington Whittredge 8 JONES, Hucu Botton, N.A. Landscape 45 KAEMMERER, F. H. Knitting 55 KAUFFMAN N, HUGO The Gallant Shoemaker KITCHELL The Forest 51 KNAUS, Proressor Lupwic * Reconciliation 78 KOST, Freperic Kost, N.A. Twilight | 74 LANDELLE, CuHartes A Prison in Tangiers 68 LEFEBVRE, JuLes Woman with Orange 20 LEON Y ESCOSURA The Toilet 10 d 7 ea ES \o eam ua ( : CATALOGUE NUMBER LOUSTAUNAU, Lovis AveustTE 3 ; Meditation © ; : a iri LYNCH, ALsert VAN OS, F. Flowers 86 VENETIAN SCHOOL Madonna and Child 13 VERBOECKHOVEN, Evctnrt Joseru Landscape and Sheep 69 VIBERT, JEHAN GEORGES The Marvelous Lobster 64 VOLKHART, Max 3 Saluting the Cardinal 93 WALTON, WitiaMm i The Gentle Fiddlers 2 WIERUSZ-KOWALSKY, AxFrrep von Surprised by Wolves 96 WIGGINS, Car.ueron, N.A. Sheep in Pasture WOUVERMAN, Puuties Near the Gateway ZAMACOIS, Epvarpo Portrait of Joliet ZUBER-BUHLER, Farrz On the Balcony ZUGEL, Herricn The Sheep Fold CATALOGUE NUMBER 25 35 17 102 FOR IN HERITANCE TAX 4 AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH TELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND. LITERARY PROPERTY S AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED Bio, i? THE ‘AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY Perales: Dy er ets eatiieg te. terete ” ight “\ ant Be eat nan ate t) via ip cater OH aya) ASS Sher) *4. BEAN hese th Tatelortiese wien? nai My SIN aaa ant resets pio ih mit