‘scum a peudbudaa An Anclusive é RICAN ART ASSOCIATION MANAGERS | ae A ao ae 400 GIOVANNI BOLDINI Le Place Clichy Height, 231% mches; length, 38 inches hee EDWARD MORAN In Full Sail Height, 25 inches; length, 34 imches hy $: 3 OO JULIEN DUPRE Milking Time Height, 25 inches; length, 32 inches = JULIEN DUPRE Milking 'Time Height, 251 inches; length, 32 inches RAG Dies rai ggsey HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG Anchored Height, 551% inches 5] length, 71 inches ti FRITZ THAULOW Brittany Farm Height, 254 inches; length, 32 inches ‘ ee sayou TAQg ‘yzpem ssayou Top 7ys1H Aqtoysvuoyy oyzZ ur doyg s0pIwy, ey YWaHTIGVS AGNYG WVITUM { | | SB. of G29 sayour QO “YRpIR Ssayour OF “FY912H Suog asao’y oJ, ODNINOd OOSIONVUL B.S, JOO Sayour GB ‘yppwr Ssayour OG “ZY upooul’y JUVpIsol FO 4lCI,10 INVNODO £ °V WILLEM MARIS Dutch Landscape Height, 17% inches; length, 23 inches a sayour QT ‘ypprur Ssayour OB “Wysiy susd0G aovIA ApURULION W NIZVO SHTUVHO NVA ae Ie S . r/R Tham ‘a7 sayout Veagy “yzpur fsayou Veggy yysiay PPL yy JO stoMopy HAVO HWTTWYAOD SH TOL “sr Height, JOSEF ISRAELS Knitting and Watching 3734 inches; length, 5284 inches “Ss J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. Indian Summer Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches 4 Ss Sp: 7 650 GEORGE INNESS, N.A. Qiiche heal Showery Weather Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches us MARTIN RICO Santa Maria Della Salute Height, 31°84 inches; length, 49 inches | | | -$:3 S00 JOSEF ISRAELS The Neighbours Height, 23°, inches; length, 28‘ inches } | I i OS ee | = ms : Paul LAZERGES JEAN BAPTISTE PAUL LAZERGES Arab Encampment—Night in the Desert Height, 15 inches; length, 18°4 inches espe FRITZ VON UHDE The Discussion Height, 2314, inches; length, 281% inches i? ] by FRANCOIS AUGUSTE BONHEUR Cattle by the Sea Height, 1734 inches; length, 27% inches MADAME MARIE DIETERLE A Corner of the Pasture Height, 231% inches; length, 291% inches . . G00 S$: A. SCO JEAN CHARLES CAZIN A Mill in Flanders Height, 23% inches; length, 28° inches say SF Qy “Yyppwr Ssayour SO% “7ysraH sere Bee Che BU ANOOVE ATINGA SHTUVHO 2 ‘ v oa U 5 i“ > eee ad e 4 Se. f | ; , * > = & i, { a he * } ) +4 se a : 4 ; i= : - 3 H | \ : i vw EKUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Landscape and Sheep Height, 35 inches; length, 43 inches ie JULIEN DUPRE The Valley of the Durdent Height, 4424 inches; length, 57°4 inches JOSEF ISRAELS Mother and Son—Twilight Height, 1734 inches; length, 2334 inches JOSEPH BAIL Teasing the Kitten Height, 1144 inches; length, 14°34 inches FA s Sh Fa hay fe que NODUYE to SIYIUI GS “YP pra St AYU? GE “2Yysra STUNULULO’) ULL dHd TOCV SWIOfLr | sayou VOB “Yyrpwm ssayour Voy “Wysiay STVULTUY jo dno.vg V NOAOWL LNVLSNOO a 4 | | JOSEF BRANDT Cossacks Guarding Prisoners of War Height, 25°4 inches; length, 354 inches JOSEPH H. BOSTON Summer Moon Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches Pelt CHARLES EMILE JACQUE The Farmyard Height, 3914 inches; length, 6334 inches FRANK BRANGWYN Spanish Fishermen Height, 40% inches; length, 50 inches "Oe BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS Baby Asleep Height, 22 inches; length, 2734 inches ZB: J00 sayou Velg ‘yspm ssayour Soe 7yF00 IPA UL OVAUANNAOM AHATOGV WVI'TIEA DAVID ADOLPHE CONSTANT ARTZ The Ride Height, 111 inches; length, 18°4 inches ADOLF SCHREYER Entangled in the Marshes Height, 4814 inches; length, 79 inches DS Gree! _— _ ae Fe LOFO sayourt EG ‘yap Ssayou Gx) “yaa fru al Pp? : LOx ‘ UIWIOMTOY SB AA UvTTe +] ‘V'N ‘SSANNI AOUOUD eases sayour TAG “ypprm Ssayour SSL “qysiayy S19JSIAIVFT OUT, NIZVO SHUTUVHO NVAL FRITZ THAULOW The Mill Height, 2144 inches; length, 251 inches 4 ADOLF SCHREYER The Reconnoitre Height, 271% inches; length, 391% inches ADOLF SCHREYER A Battalion Going into Action Height, 12°4 inches; length, 2314 inches #7 db0 ALEXANDER H. WYANT Autumn Landscape and Pool Height, 19°4 inches; length, 24 inches inches ngth, 391% 7% le inches; On the Scheldt PAUL JEAN CLAYS 2734 Height, ay # FELIX ZIEM «Venice en Fete Height, 3Qt/, inches; length, 471% inches HENRI HARPIGNIES Summer Height, 25% inches ’ length, 32 inches hs I, $00 1 OLS oe prshcmgle” sons Fs Se ae rt eae ed as FRANCOIS PIETER TER MEULEN Return of the Flock Height, 32 inches; length, 3514 inches . | d 4 sayour Teel “yspu ‘soyour Vege 7Y4-910H Supweoyy [I LOId AHdIOGY ANNALLA - aa ne wees Nw JEAN BERAUD Paris Salon, Opening Day Height, 15 inches; length, 211 inches hain ee car PAUL GROLLERON Wounded Height, 251% inches; length, 32 inches -650 ea HENRI HARPIGNIES On the Mediterranean Height, 10 inches ’ length, 12 inches G$-- J. G00 THEOPHILE DE BOCK Truck Farming—Holland Height, 5114 inches; length, 79 inches JEAN LEON GEROME The Prayer Mosque of Caid-Bey, Cairo Height, 24 inches; length, 35 inches J FRANCOIS AUGUSTE BONHEUR Sheep and Ruins in the Highlands Height, 131% imches; length, 18°4 imches r: sayou 8% “yrpim Ssayour TAQ “2yF10 HT PIED pur 1043071 Hova NWT NOA ZNVUt sayour Veg l ‘yrpim Ssayou 0B “1Y919 s}Vog SUIYSIy UssoUIUaAIZIS OVGSHAW WATIIM WIHONAH are JACOB SIMON HENDRIK KEVER Early Morning Height, 3234 inches; length, 38 inches ALBERT NEUHUYS The Morning Kiss Height, 321% inches; length, 36 inches fi Os JOSEF ISRAELS Resting Height, 12%4 inches; length, 16 inches HENRI HARPIGNIES On the Mediterranean Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches JACOB SIMON HENDRIK KEVER Beside the Cradle Height, 2634 inches; length, 32 inches GEORGE INNESS, N.A. Gathering Clouds Height, 2514 wmches; length, 324 inches ett ne ’ oo “ 7 mt sY : ; : ; : = ™ ¢ . . o . a . ~ ; : ‘ 1 4 } £ ; ; , of \ - : - : / - P ‘ : F : id i ; ‘ Ld . : , ; ; ‘ 7 x : ‘ ’ ' La , 4 i ‘ ; ; A 4 i \ A CHARLES HARRY EATON, A.N.A. Indian Summer Height, 2834 inches hes inc width, 23 > EMILE VAN MARCKE The Goose Boy Height, 191% inches; length, 27 IS inches oe ; > SIO ~. | | , : et EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY Return of the Fishing Boat, Brittany Coast Height, 13 inches; length, 22 inches JACOB SIMON HENDRIK KEVER Early Morning Height, 3224 inches; length, 38 inches WILLY MARTENS The Pet Goat Height, 181% inches; length, 22 inches e Chine sayour BT “yzpwm sSsayour Vets “9y.oa pea, [vepl WANNAH SHOGOVE NVvae os) ae q : . ; ; FELIX ZIEM Venice Height, 151% inches; length, 224% inches ANTON MAUVE The Paddock Height, 13 inches; length, 17 inches oy & ~ “e+ y Peet BERNARD DE HOOG A Humble Interior Height, 59% inches; length, 801% inches fe: 4. 000 7 ; - 7% ~ -~ Hs" cae Os Ree aa do i g ' 5 OCR ORY Te PTS awh ae ol JULES DUPRE Marine Height, 12% inches; length, 19°4 inches at ‘ JEAN JACQUES HENNER Magdalen Height, 184 inches; length, 261% inches * mU > ; ~~ ; - . = : j < f s > ‘ - : 4 ® 7 ; . A Mia ~ —- : JOO LEON BRUNIN The Antiquarian Height, 27 inches; length, 31% inches sayou Vegy “yrpem ‘sayou VAgy “Wys1aH SLO[IB T, FULL SUANNOT SHNNVHOL SACUVNUAE vo kee BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS Family Meal Height, 3614 inches; length, 4324 inches sayoum Vegy ‘ypzpur Ssayoum Ly ‘qysiayT Id}SvUsOg asvI[tA ML], SNVINNYAHAO ANOL = dh beth att dam ili pie ee ee el Po ‘ GEORGE INNESS, N.A. Late Afternoon Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches 2: ee CARL BOKER The Bird Seller Height, 38% inches; length, 50 inches ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Despatch Bearer Height, 2084 inches; length, 291% inches ~$: 4 OS0 2 ote Th \ JOHAN BARTHOLD JONGKIND Le Pont Royal, Paris Height, 13 inches; length, 18/4 inches eee ee ntial {Acowes JEAN JACQUES HENNER Red Drapery Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches A. F b00 a FSS JACOB SIMON HENDRIK KEVER The Picture Book Height, 2014 inches; length, 26 inches * JAN MONCHABLON Lucerne et Camp d’Aroine—Prés de Chatillon, Vosges Height, 18°24 inches; length, 25°4 inches 2 / $f. 300 CORNELIS SPRINGER The State House, Bolsward, Holland Height, 2414 inches; length, 3234 inches WILLIAM BLISS BAKER A Barnyard Corner Height, 141 inches; length, 20 inches 1 pea JOHANNES HUBERTUS LEONARDUS DE HAAS Cattle in Holland Height, 2934 inches; length, 49 inches fi 600 ¢ / ay 6 man € enas- re, ayour LB “yzpum Ssayour Vagy ea yeog Surystyy SAVIO NVAL TOVd . 1499 $: V Ove SIYIUI Sr LL ‘yppum ssayour $y “7ycia UBULITGQON ysturdg V LAGAOU ANVNIGUAA ne +. Mr. R homas Ee fey, Startles| - Collection. - ee “¥. Ay a PICTURES TAKEN OUT k ——_e—_____ Vand. *“Showery Weather” First ay, ;Questioned by Artist’s Son. I “Authenticity of two paintings ip pas ing. to. have. been painted - by the late , George Inness having been called in ques- tion After they had ‘been exhibited / and | catalogued. with. the Peter A. ‘Schemm | |collection, it’ was announced at the con- eluding ‘sale last” night that their de struction had been advised. - owt pen: 2 ee Lahey fet mn Se aS tae 5 fe ar eee tht deh ae 5s c/ 0 he dispersal has. been conducted, made oat ee announcement just before} \he: offered, for bids’ another. pieteice) by | : Jnness entitled “Gathering Clouds.” | “Two paintings, catalogue Nos. 904 and 214, ” said he in this formal statement, “offered, in. the™ Peter A. Schemm collec- |tion,’ whic were withdrawn last even-! cae i ing, were exhibited in our galleries dur-| jing, the opening and: the press day of the] hibition,” “Friday,” March* 10,. -and were} } : ah ‘commented upon by” ‘those. ‘who! : _ Toward éyening of the} ene ‘his. ‘father. Rk ceenuine Mr. In-; ness” opinion L immediately” withdrew the} Paintings: from the exhibition and es ma: ely from the sale, and in furtherance: of: yur efforts to’ prevent the. pictures! passing into the hands of other persons, I have suggested to the executors of Mr. | ‘Schemm that they obtain the consent of | his heirs to destroy the two pictnes. Authenticity of “Approaching Storm” | BT ie ‘Thomas ; B. Kirby, of the American i A sociation, | under whose auspices | * Won Praise at Exhibitlons coy ‘Peter A; Schemm was a wealthy. Phila- rectly from the painters themselves. | a very, pleasing ; display, and.-even the >}bore the signature: “G. Innes.’ $1 aia trayed a landscape in which were: , {of the distinguished. painter. to have been: sold: last Thursday . night, printed_in’ the HERALD yesterday, morn- _|ing, in. the account. of that session of; the ‘{Schemm collection.» |: ey Pe No. 127, “Late ‘Kf ternoon te ‘by Inness, was sold for $2,650 last _Wednesday night to. Mr. W. A. Clark, formerly Sena- its authenticity has been raised, \ Sch . After. the jannouncement Mr. ‘ Kjrby offered “Gathering” Clouds,” ‘which’ was {purchased after a few bids by Mr. Otto delphia brewer who, although, possessed |: of no..great technical knowledge;> was a man of unusually correct taste and had an | appreciation of the decorative. in ‘art. Many of his pictures were purchased di- When the three hundred pictures. which, he had | collected were exposed in the galleries of. the: American Art. Association. they. made | Schulteis,? ai dealer, acquired» for’ $1,050} ‘an early” Inness, “Italian Washerwomen.’ Iwas’ fayorably commented: upon. by. col-} | lectors, and. it is: ‘regarded, as likély that 46 his commendation will’ be adopted: 'im- ; pictures which Mr. _Inness, Tre, does ‘not a remember that. his father had, ‘painted and .|.of, the. authenticity. of which’. he, had; his doubts, mada a favorable impression. :Both | “The: incident, of Jast night recalls - the “= No."204;. “Approaching Stommni.showed & golden, yereen pasture in-the foreground} and had a clump of young, ‘trees, and above was.a, mottled sky. No. 214, which was? entitled “Showery ‘Weather,?”" por- re, those notes of , brownish green cand. golden” | brown characteristic. of the. later’ ywork} They were ‘and the fact that they were passed was ‘\which sold for Bernet, of Mrs Mrs Kirhy’s staf, acting as jagentis for\/a® ‘collector. <: Mr.- Henry. | Concerning’ the other Innesses no ‘doubt had been. raised’ ‘by? Mr.’ George Inness Jr, and they. ‘passed ee {Bdge SEES as genuine.: oy The frank: declaration’ ive aes Kirby} mediately bythe executors... eine ‘Recalls: Other. Controversy. is paid... > permeate ae & ok “tid After, iatecites estimony; WAS ‘the Suy rei J theory. ui to Rates and TEPER IP A Cent on the. ge Chuan er the Jast.that the works: were. genuine “and! refused to haye’ “them* destroyed: ' ‘The price of, Innesses is constantly, on the ‘in- tor from Montana, and no question as to}; crease,’ and owing to their enhanced. value} ~‘all such canvases ‘are sikely to: be. care-j ; fully scrutinized. ’ An! interesting. feature: ‘of. ‘the fate was ie disposition | of | Mr... Body Conant’s portrait of Lincoln , nade. ‘in> 1860, ~Mr. Conant. now. being: ninety-two years, ‘old, ‘It was. ‘acquired’ for $3, 500. by” a well ‘known “American collectors aumnder the} inameof. “'Thomas., Benton,” and ‘it’ will} probably: go’ to the: Union. League: Club} or some other social club in which, the! collector is ‘interested. Oy Ns saat ‘ Record of Concluding Sale. ~ The pictures in the sale last night more ~than- $500 each, giving first the name of the painter, then) { the subject, and. finally ’ the, new. andthe price, are as follows:— Jacque, “Feeding” Time,” Mr. ‘Mar- | .tin Beck. cette teceeseeeceesece Henher, “Head ‘and” Bust. of a. Girl,” Mr. W. ‘Sharpe. Kilmer... oi ‘Von Defregger, “The Love: Letter,” 2 ei ‘\ Mr. De S. Derry :. Te eee ereeeccesen , Cazin, “The Harvesters,” Mr.:C. A. - Duboseh o3..: qazerges, ‘“Arab’ ._ Night. in, the. Desert,” Mr.. A. S. » Johnson pet ibeke So die ea ate’ cbecdie creel Maris,’ “Dutch: Landscape,” Mesers. 8. PZ {Gilford . Sere ase area “Picardy, ° ‘Marshlands,” shee ~ 1,000. hay: _ Breezy. Upland, a arts Chase, “Seaside Flowers,’: Mr. Ww: ster Mr. A. Benziger).. vedecv cli 1,950} Sheep,” L. A. Lanthier & Co.... erne-Bellecour,. ‘‘Despatch -Bear-: Py “AL A. Healy eee is cw aa) a Gane 600 Thaulow, “A Brittany’ Farm)” Mr.~ ae yO AL A, Healy cyer ees oo oe 1,000 EG Von Lenbach, “‘Mother and Child,’ i, o> Mrs. JY rederick F. Thompson.... 8,200 “550 Brunin, “The, ‘Antiquarian,’ L. A. ~ a : Lanthier, &* Costs teeth oF es 500: 175 Boldini, “La Place Clichy,” Georges j ee) 1* Petit Galleries’ 470s a, 2 2,400, 925!Clays, \““Near Amsterdam,’ Mr. ~ ; James Elverson, Jr...... . 1,600 : arpignies, “Summer,” Mr. Ma xs 2 O10. tin’ Becky. 02 cepa eri gO, oy N Neuhuys, “The Mor ning Kiss,” + Messrs. Knoedler & Co... ...... ‘3 ever, ‘Harly Morning,” Mr, Otto 4 350 Bernet“3. 0.22) My ee bee oe Blommers, “The Family Meal,” Ar- thur Tooth & Sons..,...2....2.. 2,550 : oeree “The Eursolt. 7 "Mr: W. 3 200| > 3 500 800 Domingo, “The Love. Song,” Mr. ps3 . James. -Elverson, | Jesu iaiaiwee sas” 8,000: ico,’ Santa’ Maria ‘della: Salute,” — “Mr, WY Th Austinin toyed eee ss = Israéls, “Watching .and« Waiting,” ’ Otto Bernetiicie. ss. vseoe. A Bears, ‘Spanish Fishermen,’) . . » Mr. Gari: Melchers jee ot oy fs x) Dupré; 1 “Phe! Valley: of’ _Durdent,”” : Sip Bs Mr A: SM Veracca 7004; Ji acque;: “The Farmyard, "Mr. We [We Fillersvsiare tails ag 2,700 chreyer, “Wallachian Teamster— Mesdag, “Winter Day at Scheven- ingen,” Mr. Morris J. ‘Hirsch. ... ‘{De. Bock, “Truck Farming—Hol- | . Jand,”: Mro W. W. Fuller....... -3,000 | De, Hooch, “A Humble Interior,” M4 Mr. ALS. Vernay ects ey ene eet 1,000 nness, “Ttalian “Washerwomen,” ioe “Mr. Henry Schultheis. .. Swe adhe & L000 Verboeckhoven, “Landscape and 1,050 | i (325° The amount realized from the final sess, 1,050|sion was $102;800, and $185,305 is the total sum received from the dispersal. 8,200}... . “The Reconnoitre” Brings Top - Price—Senator Clark a Buyer » Sa ie —Total Is $83,490. A elt «ll rT _ Seventy more paintings of ‘the collection} - -of.the.late Peter A. Schemm, of Philadel- phia, were sold last night in Mendelssohn |: Aagll; under the direction 6f the American|: Art.. Association. They . , brought $47,290, which makes $83, 490 as the amount realized to date. The sale concludes to-night. 4 ~The top price was ‘brought by “Th: ‘Reconnoitre,”” by Schreyer, for which Mr ‘Martin Beck paid: $7,(00..;Senator W.) A:| Clark ‘bought. a firie Cazin, “The Norman-} dy Village,” for $2,800, as well as a fine ‘ex:| ample of the work of Mr: J. Francis Mur-| yhy, for which he gave $1,425. The cata- ogue recorded that two ‘Innesses,: ‘The |} ‘Approaching. Storm’ and ~ “‘Showery||| “Weather,’’ were to bé sold last night, ; buh | they. were passed... ‘The pictures which were sold for $500 or more ‘were. as.follows, the name of the painter first being. given and then the sub- ject, the new owner and the price:— ~ || Tenfers, the younger,:’“The ola | -Suitor,”’ Mr. George D. Horst........° ' AHarpignies, ‘ ‘On the Mediterranean,” Messrs. Knoedler & Co..:..... eer. TH) X Blommers, “‘The a eOre Mrs. Henry . «Reinhardt..... eealercacstinet occcpeeceveccce | - COO % ‘Mauve, “The Paddock, a Mr. Wis Wee ° Fuller scsi scchuacees songs neck waves cee aly, ChAT - > «Jongkind, “Le Pont -Royal, Paris,” « .\Georges Petit’ Galleries,