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' Ed fh. hg Sty eae (PO, a - f. ws Lh { { ‘ $ ( 5 Wee A / { \4 bat ae Bary abi ae ial ie pee ham 2 my ¥ Pes 2B; ices * I A ae \ bat og t , ay Ms. ix 1 Te fo, °# ‘ y a he Sif V/ oe Ne ae Me 4 Fad ; \ \ ‘\ ye SYN ; \G Fi Cy ee yi A Ip ! A Spe ays ‘+4 \ HILT y mS j $5 § \ | VA we / j { ; Ww ae a | og ise 7s a a: Sane il ewe Fee oka r v5 a a e eee pee < oeee =e ' See ST a tl ot ; Liars | ay eed Me S))-RX ? fi. yy a ‘ ‘ Nie Phe ow) ey + 4 ~ | 7 t go fy | SALE NUMBER 1928 to PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND CHINESE & JAPANESE PORCELAINS & POTTERIES FAR EASTERN & EUROPEAN OBJECTS OF ART THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE THOMAS ALLEN BOSTON, MASS. FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE BOSTON MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF HIS SON MR. THOMAS ALLEN, JR. EXECUTOR on TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS FEBRUARY TWENTY-FIFTH, TWENTY-SIXTH, TWENTY’SEVENTH, TWENTY-EIGHTH AT TWO-THIRTY O CLOCK / \ 4 48 », 4 | y : 4 ” THE ANDERSON GALLERIES { MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presrpenr | 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 | 3 SALE NUMBER 1928 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND CHINESE & JAPANESE PORCELAINS & POTTERIES FAR EASTERN & EUROPEAN | epee io OF ART THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE THOMAS ALLEN BOSTON, MASS. FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE BOSTON MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF HIS SON MR. THOMAS ALLEN, JR. EXECUTOR A RARE COLLECTION OF JAPANESE CERAMICS MANY OF THEM FROM THE BRINKLEY COLLECTION FINE CHINESE PORCELAINS, INCLUDING A PERFECT MIRROR-BLACK VASE OF THE KANG-HSI PERIOD ORIENTAL & EUROPEAN TEXTILES INCLUDING A FINE 17TH CENTURY JAPANESE VELVET PANEL &? A BRUSSELS VERDURE TAPESTRY OF THE 16TH CENTURY, OF EXCELLENT QUALITY WITH OTHER OBJECTS, ORIENTAL & EUROPEAN CHOSEN BY A PAINTER & CONNOISSEUR TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS FEBRUARY TWENTY-FIFTH, TWENTY-SIXTH, TWENTY-SEVENTH, TWENTY’EIGHTH AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES { MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr | 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 CONDITIONS OF — - ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. | ce Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash haynes on account as may be required, in default of which the bony base de shall be resold immediately. a Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within rene r hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the ae and subject to storag e charges. 4 All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no yee whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. 4 If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the ~ conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such | rT re a ee es ee: ee a Pe ee Re aS RS TIS De eS resale, at its own option. q The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every Hae for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible i for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. q The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. . A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for Fifty Cents for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 93856 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE a ee ee a ’ 2 ae INTRODUCTION HE collection of the late Mr. Thomas Allen of Boston, here of- fered for sale by order of his heirs, is the collection of a painter Ph had many interests and many sympathies. Mr. Allen was a gradu- _ate of the Royal Academy of Diisseldorf, Germany. He studied in ‘Paris, and exhibited at the Salon. In-1884, after he had returned to _ the United States, he was appointed Associate of the National Academy. | He became closely identified with the art life, not only of Boston, but | of the United States. He served as Judge of Awards at the Field ' Columbian Exposition in 1893. He was chairman of the International | Jury of Awards and of the Jury of the Department of Fine Arts at St. Louis in 1904. He was for many years chairman of the Art Com- mission of the City of Boston and gave long service as trustee of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. A few months before his death he was elected president of the Museum. In New York, too, he had many con- tacts, among them his association with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, of which he was a fellow in perpetuity. Though his collection reflects broad interests, it is predominat- ingly oriental. Mr. Allen was one of the pioneers in the appreciation of Japanese art in the United States. His friends and contemporaries were men whose names will always be associated with the art of Japan, among them, Denman Ross, Edward S. Morse, Ernest Fenollosa. Things Japanese are nowadays such a familiar story, that it is hard to realize that it is only about seventy years—the span of a man’s life—since Admiral Perry sailed into Uraga Bay to open to the world “unknown Japan’. Not until ten years had passed was Japan safe for the foreigner. It took another decade or so for Paris to discover Japanese art. Forty-odd years ago, when Mr. Allen was a young artist in Paris, interest was high in the art of Japan—the screens, the lacquer work, the cunningly wrought sword mounts, the delicately carved ivories, the porcelains and potteries, the Japanese color prints, so despised in the country of their origin that they had first come to Paris, not as works of art, but as waste-paper used for wrapping porcelains. The interest on which Mr. Allen’s collection was built was stirred to life in Paris. Some of the objects now offered for sale—a few por- celains, unfortunately not now identifiable; some Persian weapons— were bought there in 1881 at a sale of Objets de l’Orient belonging to M. Jules Jacquemart, held at the Hotel Drouot. eroNy ere Back in the United States, Mr. Allen made the acquaintance of another lover of Japanese art, Mr. Edward Greey, an art dealer of the old school, who was also a student of the Japanese language and a literature. ‘Through Mr. Greey the collection of Captain Brinkley was brought to the United States. In 1884, six years before Fenollosa og began his active missionary work in America for the art of J apan, 4 - Captain Brinkley’s Japanese, Chinese and Korean porcelains and pot- teries, through the instrumentality of Mr. Allen, were put on exhibi- 7 tion at the Boston Museum. A year later, the collection was sold by 4 public auction in New York, and at the sale Mr. Allen purchased the greater number of the oriental potteries and porcelains described in 4 this catalogue. The Brinkley collection was made under most auspicious circum- stances. In the year 1871, the feudal system was finally abolished in fi Japan. ‘The daimyos were retired into private life on modest pensions. — q To augment their fortunes, to provide for their retainers, in some cases — perhaps to prove themselves modern by discarding the old, many of them sold their treasures. Paintings, porcelains, the delicately sturdy = potteries used for the Tea Ceremony, ivories, even swords, “the souls of the Samurai”, came on the market. Captain Brinkley, then one of a very few foreigners who understood oriental ceramics, chose well and bought cheaply things which it would be hard to obtain to-day in a Japan fully awakened to the value of her own art—enamelled Imari of the best period, Satsuma of excellent quality, potteries from the most — 1 famous kilns of Japan. Little by little he added to his collection. When it reached New York it contained many rare pieces, a number bearing the signatures of famous potters, not a few carrying with them the prestige of having been part of the collection of the famous Japa- nese connoisseur, Mr. Ninegawa Noritane, and several really fine Chinese specimens. | Mr. Allen secured for himself some of the best pieces of the Brink- ley collection. Later he added to his collection from other sources. The result is an aggregate of Japanese ceramic art such as is rarely found in the hands of a private collector. While the emphasis of the collection is on Japanese pieces, there are a few Chinese potteries and porcelains of exceptional quality. Among them is the perfect mirror-black vase of the Kang-hsi period, Number 671 of the sale, illustrated as the frontispiece to this cata- logue. ‘The cucumber-green bottle of the Chien-lung period, Number 691 of this catalogue, is also an excellent example both in potting and in color, and the Ming blanc-de-chine beaker, Number 670, is well worthy of note. There are also a number of celadons of first quality, and the few Temmoku bowls, subtly modest, are pieces for connoisseurs. The Allen collection is not entirely confined to porcelains, nor in- _ deed to oriental art. Particularly worthy of mention are the Japanese swords with fine mountings. Of these, Numbers 504-549 (with the ex- ception of 519 and 520) carry. with them the certificates of a Japa- nese Official Judge of Swords named Moto-Kawa, in the translation of Mr. Greey, with certain comments on the mountings by Mr. Greey ; these certificates have been followed in making the catalogue. The group of fine 18th century No-Dancer’s masks is also of interest, and one should not overlook, among the minor objects, the delicately carved netsuke and other specimens of glyptic art, some of them bearing well-known signatures. | In the field of textiles, two pieces stand out: one, Number 720, a _ Japanese velvet of the 177th century, notable for its technical perfec- tion, its bold delicacy of design and subtle coloring, and rivalling in quality the famous piece of the Byng collection, Paris, illustrated in LT’Art Japonais; the other, Number 692, a beautiful Brussels verdure tapestry of the 16th century. There are one or two very good pieces of English silver and a few fine old pieces of European furniture. It is, however, primarily as a sale of oriental objects that the Allen collection is offered to the public. Many of the potteries and porcelains have been exhibited in the Boston Museum. ‘Those that still bear the Museum numbers are designated in the catalogue by the words “Boston Museum”. ‘The pieces from the Brinkley sale, where they are identi- fiable, are marked with the name “Brinkley” and the number they bore in the catalogue of the Brinkley sale, which will be exhibited with the objects. In spite of the fact that in certain instances, in the light of recent knowledge, some slight modification might perhaps have been advisable, Captain Brinkley’s dates and attributions have in most cases been followed. | EvizaBeTH TiTzEL ORDER OF SALE 2, °t) Meg tt WEDNE ‘SDAY - AFTERNOON pak Le TWENTY-FIFTH 1- 33 34-732 SE TA-144 + A AL AN 145-200 e As J }} i ~ash - rat ¢ = ie bo 4 vw 5 7 = f = 3 errs ~ AY AFTERNOON. "FEBRUARY TWENTY-SIXTH NTAL OBJECTS OF ART 201-219 ESE POTTERIES AND PORCELAINS 220-262 263-297 298-312 313-825 326-375 ~ 376-396 oo OBJECTS OF ART FRIDAY AFTERNOON | : _ FEBRUARY TWENTY-SEVENTH 397-418 a 419-489 A AND OTHER SILVER AND SILVER PLATE —_ 490-503 JAPANESE SWORDS AND OTHER ORIENTAL ARMS, | age cra wah OM 504-574 bias? Ri: =< s SATURDAY AFTERNOON eS; < FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH MINIATURE CHINESE PORCELAINS AND SNUFF Bic - BOTTLES 575-612 JAPANESE POTTERIES AND PORCELAINS 613-666 FINE CHINESE PORCELAINS 667-691 _ ORIENTAL AND EUROPEAN TEXTILES 692-720 : ‘JAPANESE NO DANCERS’ MASKS AND OTHER ORIEN- } TAL OBJECTS OF ART 721-747 4 : | ee eae ea cere ete + nae pet ye Tey ee ost ae May ae ee Soe Pepin tad ate 4 ei oa 2 a . ia oar _ SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY TWENTY-FIFTH, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-200 ORIENTAL OBJECTS OF ART -_ NUMBERS 1-33 - THREE ORIENTAL FANS Two with lacquered frames and polychrome figural compositions. The third, engraved mica with silk fringe and lacquer handle. (Asis) (38) TWO JAPANESE BLACK AND GOLD LACQUER SAKE CUPS AND LACQUERED TIN BOX WITH COVER The sake cups with delicate landscape in gold on black. The box - lacquered brown, with rock and tree decoration in red, gold and silver. (3) Diameter of cups about 21% inches; of box, 34% inches IVORY TUSK Length, 1714 inches TWO SILVER AND METAL JAPANESE PIPES Delicate workmanship. (2) Length, 11 inches TWO JAPANESE SILVER AND METAL TOBACCO PIPES (2) Length, 1014 and 19 inches TWO JAPANESE SILVER PIPES Delicate chasing. Bamboo stems. Brocade case. (2) Length, 9 and 934 inches JAPANESE CARVED IVORY TOBACCO BOX To wear on belt. The box with beautiful carving of peonies on rock; attached ivory piece in form of lotus leaves to thrust in belt (to contain pipe). (Slight defect) 1 ee eae ae * eee an < 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 on ivory. (2) TWO JAPANESE PIPES One bamboo and metal; the other silver, in ivory case with ae orately carved i ivory tobacco box, SHS peodes by ivory chain. tee BLUE AND WHITE POTTERY PLATE tion, the rim with landscape, the sides with cartouches of ara- besque spirals on brown. Diameter, 19 inches | a POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY 2 E 4 Square shape, with rounded shoulders. Incised arabesque deco-. 4 ration under beautiful green crackled glaze. Height, 7 inches POTTERY JAR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY a Globular shape, with relief decoration at shoulder. Beautiful — a soft green glaze. Diameter, 5Y2 inches — 4 DERVISH’S ALMS BOWL PERSIA, 18TH ie a Carved wood, with decoration of flowers, inscriptions and figural — a compositions. Length, 101% inches LARGE PERSIAN BOWL Copper, covered with tin. Goblet shape. Inscriptions and floral = decoration. Height, 15% inches THREE PERSIAN OBJECTS | Copper bowl covered with pewter. Scissors inlaid with silver. Folding writing kit to be worn in the belt, iron with silver inlay. (3) PAIR OF ENGRAVED BRASS VASES WITH STOPPERS ~ PERSIA, 19TH CENTURY Graceful shape, with all-over figural design; bands of arabesques and inscriptions. (2) Height, 25 inches) 4 a ee een The cigar lighter of metal; in shape of stem 1 with, fruit = PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY re Decoration in imitation of Chinese; the centre with floral decora-_ PST a aS, CHU MRROITT 2 Wt Het ORNL eR aT RU Soca Nn eS SRR ME ee ery REE ET ETN Ee RST ON LTR ON OE oP EDR ae TY Pe Size, 6 feet 1% inch x 231, inches : ED WOODEN PANEL Paar. 16TH-17TH CENTURY — enting two ducks, eno of conjugal felicity. (As is) a3 Length, 5 feet 3 inches D WOODEN PANEL JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY dercutting, showing a farmer with two sheaves of millet, two foxes i in a ‘pine forest. (As is) Length, 42 inches a git VED OPENWORK WOODEN PANEL eae JAPAN, 17TH-18TH CENTURY SBI ‘tree and fying cranes in subdued polychrome. a Size, 17 inches x 6 feet a 2 1 JAPANESE BRONZE HANGING LAMP In eee of flying bat. (As is) Length, 14 inches } CHINESE STEEL BOX WITH SLIDING COVER a aEere silver inlay of fretwork. auetent defects) Height, 3 inches ! 3 INDIAN OPENWORK CARVED ALABASTER PANEL . . ae e Delicate floral designs. Rectangular. Size, 1214 x 10 inches | | 25 OLD JAPANESE BLACK LACQUER STAND Delicate decoration of gold lacquer rosettes. Size, 19 x 12 inches _ 26 JAPANESE CINNABAR LACQUER TRAY j . Raised peony decoration. Signed by the artist. (As is) Diameter, 121% inches JAPANESE BRONZE VASE Flaring lip. Fret decoration. Openwork grapevine handles. . Height, 7 inches 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 JAPANESE LACQUERED FIGURE OF ELEPHANT Delicate polychrome decoration on wood and ivory. (As is) Height, 8 inches _ q ; JAPANSE BRONZE VASE Wide flaring mouth; detachable openwork handles of floral design. Height, 13 inches © JAPANESE PURSE AND SPECTACLE CASE WITH IVORY AND METAL FITTINGS ne Purse and case leather (worn). Fittings in form of elaborately carved masks. CHINESE BRONZE FIGURE a Man reclining by jar. Length, 41 inches THREE ORIENTAL BRONZES A turtle; a crab; playing Foo dogs. (3) JAPANESE BRONZE VASE | , : In simulation of a basket. Height, 10 inches EUROPEAN PORCELAINS, OBJECTS OF ART, ETC. NUMBERS 34-73 TWO WORCESTER PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS ~ ENGLAND, 18TH CENTURY Cartouches with polychrome pheasants on deep blue ground. (4) THREE PIECES OF OLD PORCELAIN Porcelain plate, China, made for Near East. Chocolate pot, Meissen, 18th century. Porcelain plate with enamel decoration, Royal manufacture, Berlin. (The first two sold as is) (38) OLD MEISSEN CHOCOLATE POT WITH COVER AND CUP AND SAUCER Cartouches in gold and purple with Oriental harbor scenes. Meissen mark. (Asis) (8) 4 — BT - N cee H | 88 te , ar rhs «89 i. 40 41 42 43 44: 45 FRENCH ENAMEL MUG Polychrome decoration in arabesque style; inside and handle silver-gilt. Height, 4 inches ENGLISH ENAMELLED GLASS CREAM PITCHER AND SUGAR BOWL WITH COVER Polychrome decoration on purplish-red glass. (2) LARGE SEVRES PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER _ Neo-classic decoration. Fine quality. Marks. (2) GERMAN PORCELAIN FRUIT BASKET Meissen style. Fine openwork basket with roses, held by four amorini. — Height, 614 inches EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SEVRES PORCELAIN BOWL WITH COVER | Cartouches with polychrome pheasants on yellow ground. Fine specimen. Mark. (Copley Society Exhibition, 1911) Height, 514 inches INDIVIDUAL SEVRES TEA SERVICE FRANCE, 18TH CENTURY Teapot, cream pitcher, sugar bowl, all with covers; cup and saucer. With extremely delicate decoration of purple bands with cartouches and floral designs. Sevres marks. (Asis) (Copley Society Exhibition, 1911) (5) Height not over 41% inches PAIR OF OLD VIENNA PORCELAIN PLATES Purplish-red and gold rocaille border, flower bouquets in centre. (2) Diameter, 7 inches TWO ENGLISH PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS One Worcester with delicate openwork, the other Minton with gold and pale blue decoration. (4) LARGE SEVRES PORCELAIN BASIN DATED 1840 Floral decoration and cartouche with initials of King Louis Philippe on bleu-de-roi ground. From the Tuileries palace. (As is ) Diameter, 1214 inches 46 AT 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 “MALACHITE AND SILVERED FIGURINE ~ Decorated with hunting scenes and French royal coat of arms. SET OF TEN LIQUEUR GLASSES | Bases and tall stems of green glass; the bowls with | engra decoration. (10) ne ROYAL WORCESTER CUP, SAUCER AND MINIATUR VASE (3) | “Nia CUT CRYSTAL GLASS DECANTER WITH STOPPER > ' ENGLAND, ABOUT 1830 Height, 16 inches . RARE MEISSEN PORCELAIN MUG oT . ; SAXONY, 1a CENTURY Polychrome decoration of hunting dogs and attendants. Git = border. Repoussé cover. (Base cracked) Height, 914 Bae Ke SET OF SEVEN RHINE WINE GLASSES — On ribbed trumpet-shaped green glass stems. (7) Amazon on horseback fighting leopard. Marble base. . ay Height, 314 inches oa CARVED BONE POWDER HORN ag With decoration of St. George and the Dragon, and French coal 5 coat of arms. Length, 1114 inches CARVED BONE POWDER HORN Length, 11% inches | q THREE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SALT- — GLAZED STONEWARE PITCHERS — Globular shape, with diverse decoration in cobalt-blue and in relief. (Asis) (3) Height not over 11 inches TWO SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SALT- — GLAZED STONEWARE MUGS 7 : One tall, with amorini in relief; the other with arabesque deco- ration, cobalt-blue and manganese-purple. (Asis) (2) : Height not over 9 inches » i rie 1S oes ee ae a sce et fad —«56 BLUE AND WHITE DELFT VASE cee am a ee HOLLAND, LATE 17TH CENTURY ag past ag acai body ; ; Chinese style decoration. (As is) o pee, Height, 13 inches O ct <. z —: a oat A) x . OF BLUE AND WHITE DELFT VASES ig | a SER 18TH CENTURY * ub <4. « Pa Cee on? Bare eT ee * os HOLLAND, 18TH CENTURY ree v urns with covers ; one trumpet-shaped vase. (Asis) (4) ey Height, 15 inches Bs ;RONZE FI RE OF ELEPHAN T BY BARYE , i # oe ae Green patina. Height, 6 inches ot 30 “ “MANDOLIN ITALY, 18TH CENTURY = 2 ts oa Extremely well-worked sounding box of curly maple. Rich | cs sO _ mother-of-pearl and ivory inlay. (As is) | ; Sale Size, 314 x 21% inches ) 62 MISCELLANEOUS LOT OF SEVENTEENTH AND EIGH- E: eS _ TEENTH CENTURY TOLEDO LEATHER _ Altar fronts, chair seats and backs, etc. Some of it of extremely fine quality. Very interesting collection of documents for museum of decorative art. (As is) 63 FRENCH ENAMEL PAINTING Laughing cavalier in Louis XIII style. Ormolu frame with gar- land and bowknot. Size, 10 x 614 inches _64 TWO OLD SPOONS One brass, the other elaborately carved boxwood with represen- ie: tation of amorini, Dutch, 17th century. (2) 7 65 66 67 68 69 | 70 71 (2 73 74 ine studded with ee glass-pastes. _ Tielke, Hamburg, 1690. (As is) BRONZE GROUP OF SEALER AND SEAL — On glass base simulating ice. TWO MINIATURE SILVER TEAPOTS AND MINI A’ IAT SILVER CUP AND SAUCER _ Tae Woe 5 | et aan FOUR SILVER NAPKIN-RINGS Various designs and monograms. (4) STERLIN G SILVER LIQUEUR CUP HOLDERS ~ “ Repoussé and openwork floral decoration. The cup holders with | monogram. (7) CIGAR LIGHTER, SILVER AND ANTELOPE HORN Monogram. Length, 21 inches. RUSSIAN SILVER WINE POT WITH SPOUT AND COVER > Decoration imitating Persian embroidery. Height, 9 inches SILVER-PLATED CASSEROLE WITH COVER al eines Gadrooned borders. (As is) Diameter, 9 inches — STERLING SILVER SOUP LADLE Engraved handle, monogram. JAPANESE POTTERIES AND PORCELAINS © NUMBERS 74-144 JAPANESE PORCELAIN TEAPOT AND COVERED BOWL — ba The teapot old Imari of excellent quality with blue, red and gold floral decorations. The bowl modern, with panelled floral de signs. (2) a Height of teapot, 234 inches; diameter of bowl, 5 inchet Pa 8 ape, maith four feet; the inside with relief decoration of os Cae and green incense burner on cream-colored | « Diameter, 84 akee 3E IMARI PORCELAIN BOWLS, ONE WITH COVER ith scalloped edge; all-over floral design in colored enamels utside ; inside in blue and white. One with butterfly decora- , the third with dr agon decoration in blue and white with es. s of red (slight chip in cover). (3) hoot Diameter of two, 41% inches; of one, 4 inches ‘OUR BLUE AND WHITE IMARI PORCELAIN BOWLS yuare shape, with dented corners. Decoration of fish and sea- eed. (4) Bae Diameter, 51/4, inches Scalloped edges. Palm-leaf border in relief. Star-shaped central ‘medallion with figures in landscape and inscription. (8) Diameter, 814, inches 50 TWO IMARI PORCELAIN BOWLS, ONE WITH COVER a _ One with medallions of blue and white against coral-red ground on outside, and decoration in colored enamels on inside (Boston Museum). The other with floral medallions in colors and gold on red ground. (Slight chip in rim) Cover. (2) Diameter, 5 and 51% inches OLD IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL Characteristic floral and landscape decoration boldly executed in blue and brilliant colors. Mark. (Slight crack) ae : Diameter, 12%, inches 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Rich all-over ae pattern in red and golds SETO STONEWARE SAKE BOTTLE sapan, 18TH cENTURY ‘ KUTANI PORCELAIN CYLINDRICAL BOWL a ae Irregular gourd shape. Beautifully splashed brown glaze. as =e | | Height, 71/4, inches TWO AWATA BOWLS a One with very fine glaze and crackle ornamented with gold opeat 7 a and pine, bamboo and plum branches in colored enamels; the other with blue and black branches on cream-colored crackle. _ (Repairs) (2) Diameter, 43g inches SET OF SIX SATSUMA PLATES Four-lobed, on low foot. ‘The centre with landscape devouatann a | in colored enamels. The rim with diapered band. (One chipped) (6) } Diameter, 51, inches a OLD AWATA WINE BOTTLE Gourd shape, with bold trefoil decoration on créamy glaze. * Height, 8Y% inches — a SET OF FIVE IMARI PORCELAIN BOWLS _ sapan, 1780 Inside with figural decoration and diaper pattern in colors and __ gold; outside with medallions and borders in underglaze blue. (5) | Diameter, 454 inches IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL JAPAN, 1780 4 Similar to the preceding. | SATSUMA SAKE POT WITH COVER AND BOWL The former egg-shaped, with graceful handle and spout; decora- tion of diapered flower sprays and borders. ‘The latter with floral enamels. (2) Height of pot, 41% inches; diameter of bowl, 514 inches SATSUMA STONEWARE INCENSE BURNER Korean style. Cylindrical shape; decoration of flying storks against diapered background in white and black on soft celadon gray. Height, 3 inches 10 96 97 99 a 4 FOUR JAPANESE STONEWARE PLATES Soft deep green glaze, with incised iris in delicate colors. (4) Diameter, 434 inches DOHACHI STONEWARE BOWL Gray glaze splotched in brown with vivid enamel decoration in blue, white and red, suggesting a blossoming tree. Diameter, 634 inches JAPANESE STONEWARE WATER POT Bucket shape, very slightly tapering to top. Broad handle. White glaze with brown floral ornament alternating with green Peepiashes. 9 28) : Height, 914 inches ANTIQUE JAPANESE STONEWARE BOWL Relief decoration to imitate a basket, glazed in mottled brown. . pte Diameter, 5 inches LARGE POTTERY JAR JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Dull blue glaze; incised frieze of plantain leaves at base, four ring handles for cord at shoulders. Good color. | Height, 1014 inches TWO IMARI PORCELAIN BOWLS JAPAN, ABOUT 1780 Scalloped edges, fluted bodies. Decoration of panels of diapers and floral sprays, with scattered chrysanthemums in red, green, blue and gold. (One mended) (2) Diameter, '714 and 8 inches IMARI PORCELAIN TEA JAR WITH COVER JAPAN, 1820 Enamel decoration in red, green and gold on white. Floral car- touches on red ground against diaper with scattered cherry blossoms. (Brinkley, 56) Height, 3 inches IMARI PORCELAIN TEA JAR WITH COVER sapan, 1820 Companion to the preceding. OLD IMARI BOWL Fluted sides and scalloped edge decorated with panels containing floral designs, alternately on red and on white ground. (Repair) Stand. Diameter, 8 inches 1 100 ‘101 102 103 104 105 106 107 —; ix he a, ire pe ae ae roast % ve Ro hee Fine crackled glaze. (As is) Elaborsere aoe cover. Diameter, 61 TWO PIECES OF JAPANESE PORCELAIN | One an incense burner in shape of a crab (damaged). (Brin 516A. According to Brinkley, Chinese from about 1750). T other a very fine porcelain bowl, mottled yellow and white. = Length of incense burner, 61% inches ; shea of borel, BY i ine JAPANESE PORCELAIN TEAPOT scans Brown-black fe. leaving exposed medallions of bis on pent TWO BLUE AND WHITE JAPANESE PORCELAIN BOWLS | One of semi-eggshell china with chore sprays ; the othe with eeperce and floral spirals. (2) | Diameter, ED ae 4% inche SET OF FOUR IMARI POR ae BOWLS WITH - COVERS ae. Charming decoration of landscape with +ahhe fen pene anc swooping eagle. Ce De 5 inches IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL AND OVAL DISH WITH COVER = The bowl with spiral bands decorated with dragons and conven- o tionalized flowers in rich colors. The dish, four-lobed, with del- : icate sprays of cherry blossoms in underglaze blue and eee 4 enamels. (2) Diameter, 644 and 634 me 4 IMARI PORCELAIN BOX WITH COVER JAPAN, ABOUT 1780 ; Charming quality. On tripod feet. Typical decorations in red a and gold enamel and underglaze blue. Diameter, 5 inches OLD IMARI PORCELAIN BOX WITH COVER ce: Decoration of phcenixes in red cartouches against diapered back- _ ground. (Chip) _ Diameter, 6 inches 12 am ee with defects) (18) : sul oan PM ARI PORCELAIN SAUCERS me JAPAN, ABOUT 1820 ceutifllym modelled, with lustrous bluish glaze. (Brinkley, 121) ; Length, T2 inches GREEN. PORCELAIN JAR JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY - Bulbous | body, with wide mouth. Fine soft blue-green glaze. Stand. : Diameter, 74% inches 4 “cross-arm carry.” (As is) Height, 8 inches 4 JAPANESE PORCELAIN WATER JAR _ Incised decoration of dragon under mottled brown glaze. Lac- - quered cover. -Height, 6 inches 5 PAIR OF NABESHIMA PORCELAIN PLATES JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY ae Pesovation of fans with red and blue floral design on blue and white diaper. (2) Diameter, 414 inches PORCELAIN JAR JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Beautiful color. Fine grayish-tan glaze with brown and green splashes. ‘Teakwood stand and cover. (Defects at neck) 13 117 118 119 120 WHITE PORCELAIN BOTTLE _ sapan, 18TH cENTUR} Globular shape, with cup-shaped lip. Pale blue underglaze decoration of precious things. Height, 7/4 inches : FIVE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SAUCERS e | — JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY _ Floral decoration. (5) Diameter, 334, inches TWO PIECES OF HIRADO PORCELAIN A Pen rest consisting of three scrolls with chrysanthemum: del- icately modelled in the round (slight defects). Small figure of a child. (2) , POTTERY ; JAPAN, -18TH CENTURY © 3 121 122 123 124 125 Inverted pear shape, with ring handles for cord (one missing). _ Lotus decoration in relief, pale yellow on green ground. (As is) Height, 934, inches — a JAPANESE STONEWARE TEAPOT Graceful shape, with cherry-blossoms and pine branches in re- lief under rich brown glaze. Height, 3 inches AWATA TEA BOWL Fine pale rose spots on gray glaze in imitation of Korean ware. Enamel decoration of Immortals. Diameter, 434 inches OLD AWATA WINE BOTTLE Very thin white glaze. Decoration of prunus branch in blue, red, green and gold. Stand. (Rim chipped) Height, 8 inches BIZEN STONEWARE HANGING VASE IN FORM OF SHELL JAPAN, ABOUT 1780 Well potted. Reddish-brown glaze. Mark, Kichi (maker’s name). (Brinkley, 348) (Slight defects) Length, 81% inches HAGI STONEWARE BOWL AND SQUARE PLATE The bowl with white glaze coagulated into drops on brown bis- cuit; the plate with aubergine and green landscape decoration. CZ) | Diameter, 34% and 51% inches 14 AWATA STONEWARE BOWL Very fine decoration of pine-tree, clouds and flying crane in heavy enamel on brown biscuit; the rim with celadon strip . (Repairs) Diameter, 4 inches YEIRAKU STONEWARE BOWL JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Buff crackled glaze, with enamelled decoration of ducks. Yeiraku mark, Diameter, 414 inches | 128 129 130 131 132 133 BLUE AND WHITE SHICHIBEI KIOTO POTTERY BOTTLE JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY - Phoenix, butterfly and Heres decoration under white crackle. Height, 6 inches SMALL AWATA SAKE BOTTLE AND SATSUMA JAR The former gourd shape, with rich tan crackled glaze and mottled pale blue overglaze; silver rim at lip. The latter cylindrical, with floral sprays in delicately colored enamels on creamy crackle. (2) Height, 6 and 4 inches SATSUMA TEA JAR AND YATSUSHIRO BOWL The former with rainbow glaze over brown glaze on brown bis- cuit ; ivory lid; the latter with uniform pale brown glaze decorated with white square containing floral designs under transparent top glaze. (2) Height of jar, 31% nuke diameter of bowl, 3% inches BLUE AND WHITE JAPANESE PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER Octagonal shape, with decoration of figures and flowers. Mark, Zo-shun tei Sam-po sei—‘‘Made by Sampo at the Zoshun (En- closure of Spring) Hall.” (2) TWO BLUE AND WHITE JAPANESE PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS Similar to the preceding. (One saucer cracked) (4) SETO WARE PLATE JAPAN, ABOUT 1870 Of the type made at Bishiu in imitation of satsuma. Decoration of Bodhisattva in high enamel, gold, white and turquoise, with rocks in high relief. Very fine workmanship. Diameter, 64 inches 15 a 184 135 136 137 188 139 140 141 | fhe against background of haat and fovea Designs of quatrefoils and medallions with representatic children. Congratulatory mark. (4) Beek oe mches in red, white and gold. 325 One Sh toca (2) Diameter, iW nel SET OF FOUR IMARI ‘PORCELAIN. BOWLS | COVERS SA KUTANI PORCELAIN SAKE BOTTLE : JAPAN, 187H CENTU Slender square shape, with diapered cartouches, cloud scrolls, e KUTANI PORCELAIN BOTTLE JAPAN, 18TH CENTUR? Inverted pear shape, with flattened shoulders and short ne Decoration of diaper and fringe and tassels in gold and silv Height, 61% inch PORCELAIN INCENSE BURNER WITH COVER : JAPAN,. ABOUT 180 In shape of warrior. Skilfully modelled ; fine white crackled glaz with blue-black. (Repairs) Height, 1114 inche AWATA KIOTO WINE BOTTLE | a JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY _ 4 Charming hexagonal shape, tapering to very narrow neck. The @ panels with floral sprays and diaper patterns alternating in hea brilliant enamels, blue and green with touches of gold. - ieee 10 inches. 4 OLD JAPANESE PORCELAIN VASE Drum-shaped, with enamel decoration of demons. (As is) Ere Height, 12% inches — OLD IMARI PORCELAIN PLATE | Interesting piece, with flower basket in centre and floral sprays on rim in blue, red and gold. Diameter, 854 inches’ a 16 Ditiet cr. 81, ones F IMARI PORCELAIN BOWLS a JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY oa with landseape divided by zigzag bands of red and blue. lox 2) - Diameter, 61% inches ‘aie erépe with embroidered bands showing delicately poly- gk ee chromed flower panels. (As is) Size, 8 feet 10 inches x 4 feet 7 inches : ae indigo-blue with mulberry and white warp-dyed (ikatt) ee _ border. Size, 20 feet x 2 feet 2 inches 4 4" 2 RARE BROCADED JAPANESE TEMPLE HANGING oa Repeated design of floral motifs alternating with running Kylin. (Badly damaged) Size, 21 feet x 2 feet 148 PAIR OF CHINESE EMBROIDERED SATIN CHAIR _ COVERS Dragons, cranes, etc., in gold on red. (As is) (2) Size, 5 feet 4 inches x 1 foot 9 inches 17 149 150 151 152 1538 154 Sait 156 157 ‘STRIP OF VERY FINE SPANISH BOBBIN LACE wit a SILVER EMBROIDERY INSET ; (As is) ‘ » Sage, 4 gece 11 inches x 1 1 foot 7 lee SILVER EMBROIDERY INSET Similar to the preceding. (As is) eerie Size, 5 feet 1 inch x 2 fee 7 inches STRIP OF VERY FINE SPANISH BOBBIN LACE WITH SILVER EMBROIDERY INSET Similar to the preceding. (As is) a 2 Size, 5 feet x 1 foot 7 ne q STRIP OF VERY FINE SPANISH BOBBIN LACE WITH SILVER EMBROIDERY INSET Similar to the preceding. (As is) e: a Size, 5 feet x 2 feet 7 inches -* INDIAN EMBROIDERED VALANCE ‘ Design of peacocks and floral shrubs in delicate tan and pale blue _ silk on pale blue ground. (As is) ) | a Size, 1 foot 6 inches x 6 feet 9 inches a a et aoneds - ae JAPANESE BROCADE KIMONO Floral design in blues and greens on grayish-purple ground. Red lining. (As is) TWENTY PIECES OF JAPANESE OBI SILK 4 Prevailing colors, tan and gold. (Asis) (20) : PAIR OF JAPANESE SILK BROCADE BEDSPREADS Rosette design on pale tan ground. (As is) (2) B: Size, '7 feet 4 inches x 5 feet 11 inches — 4 ote NY pei 9 ahi. «ELA sll ne Chis Kee Llyn euaeaese : «te INDIAN STRIPED SILK FABRIC Various colors, red prevailing. (As is) Size, 20 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 9 inches 18 158 EMBROIDERED LINEN VALANCE sicILy, 17TH-18TH CENTURY : Border of urns with floral motifs, double-headed eagles, etc. Silk Ma embroidery in delicate pastel shades on white linen. (As is) Size, 8 feet 10 inches x 9 feet 5 inches : ; STRIP OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY JAPANESE SILK ~ BROCADE ee een and floral motifs in pale tan on deep indigo. (As is) Size, 10 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 2 inches 2 SCUTARI VELVET STRIP TURKEY, 16TH CENTURY Bold design of arabesque leaves and flowers in silver thread on ue : crimson. (As is) Size, 6 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 1 inch sein hemline iain bie 6-1 ROG: say ee Yrs sat, em eRe Naat ey ee <6 eT ee mf a ’ mae , RS eS on et i : re : ‘ reuse Bf mre % 4 a + N ™ 5 ee : ~ 164 ‘= 165 166 JAPANESE EMBROIDERED HANGING - Heavy embroidery of couched gold thread of dragons and tree motifs on tan satin. Bordered with Japanese obi silk. Velvet- lined. (As is) Size, 8 feet 11 inches x 6 feet 2 inches PAIR OF CHINESE BROCADE CURTAINS Repeated motif of playing children on salmon-red ground; Japan- — ese gold brocade border. Lined and interlined. (As is) (2) Size, 8 feet 9 inches x 3 feet 1 inch INDIAN SILK SPREAD Pattern of subdued colors formed by warp and weft dying (ikatt). (As is) Size, '7 feet 6 inches x 8 feet 1 mch JAPANESE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY BROCADE PRIEST’S ROBE Cherry blossoms and heraldic chrysanthemums in gold brocading on salmon red satin. (As is) Size, '7 feet x 3 fect 10 inches SIX PIECES OF FRENCH CLOTH-OF-GOLD (6) CHINESE EMBROIDERED VALANCE Ivory-white satin with polychrome embroidery of various birds and flowers. (As is) Size, 1 foot 11 inches x '7 feet 11 inches 19 Sr LOT 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 Floral designs on green ground. Irregular shape. (As is) OLD INDIAN EMBROIDERED FABRIC _ ~~ : Frieze of flower-shrubs in silk embroidery on red canvas. ( damaged ) “Size, 6 feet 9 inches x 2 eg 98 CHALICE COVER rurkey, 18rH century Sapphire-blue silk, with silver and silk embroidery of cross ant angel heads. Used in the oriental church. (As is) Ae =a OLD TURKISH EMBROIDERED PANEL Zigzag designs in wool embroidery on silver ground. (As we Size, 2 feet 10 inches x1 fe rt CHINESE EMBROIDERED STRIP Pale yellow silk decorated with pheasants, butterflies and flowers in satin stitch embroidery. (As is) a Size, 1 foot 10 inches x 7 feet 4 inches a TWO SILK BROCADE DIVAN CUSHION COVERS : | ITALY, 18TH CENTURY Made for the Turkish market. Floral designs in vivid colors on red. (Damaged) (2) Size, 4 feet x 2 feet Binches PIECE OF SILK DAMASK ITALY, 18TH Cenrone a INDIAN BLOCK PRINTED SILK FABRIC Cashmere palmettes, rosettes, etc., in red and black on tan milk Size, 11 feet 7 inches x 4 feet 10 ‘chee 4 MOROCCAN EMBROIDERED STRIP a Panels of various colors in heavy crewel stitch on cotton crépe. — (As is) Size, 6 feet x 1 foot 3 inches — 20 a a. leaf motifs i in green ae red silk. (As is) se Size, 6 feet 2 inches x 1 foot 10 inches OIDERED SPREAD | «ITALY, ABOUT 1800 1 gold thread on white satin. In centre tree design in laurel leaves. Floral motifs in the four corners. (As is) «Size, 4 feet 2 inches x 8 3 feet 6 inches .N EMBROIDERED TABLE COVER f roses and star flowers on purplish-brown baskercnnde nt So Size, 2 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 2 inches eee < CHASUBLE — ITALY, LATE Sane CENTURY lions, etc., on pale tan satin. (As is) ex Size, 5 feet 1 inch x 8 feet 2 inches 181 CROCHETED WHITE LACE BEDSPREAD Raised rosette design. Orange silk lining. Fringe. Z Size, 7 feet x 6 feet 2 inches es _ Flowers and twigs in damask effect, delicate tan with touches of ; Size, 6 feet 8 inches x 4& feet 2 inches : Yellow silk with floral sprays in flat silver wire. (As is) pes | Na 5 feet 9 inches x 2 feet 6 inches EMBROIDERY ON RED LINEN INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Bees ‘Conventionalized floral motifs in silks of delicate pastel shades. Set with mirrors. Arranged as pillow case. (As is) ar Size, 4 feet x 2 feet 2 inches 185 ANTIQUE ITALIAN SILK BROCADE HANGING Green silk with flower bouquets brocaded in gold and green damask effect. (As is) ; Size, 5 feet 6 inches x 5 feet YW . 21 virtenenteniniiecmaisinanatnione { q hos i ‘ ' a a raat 4 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 Yellow silk embroidery of grapevine border and central cartou | e. ‘on white silk rep. (As is) ~ Size, 2 feet. x F io 11 inches BROCADE SPREAD sPAIN, 18TH CENTURY | CAUCASIAN EMBROIDERED SILEH MAT EMBROIDERED ALTAR CLOTH _rraty, 18rH cxn Undulated stems in heavy silk brocading, alternating with flower bouquets on ivory-white rep ground. Bobbin lace fringe. (As— is) | Size, 6 feet 2 inches x 5 fect ‘ SILK-EMBROIDERED INDIAN COTTON SPREAD — : All-over design of vivid red flowers on green latticework. White cotton ground. Size, 8 feet 10 inches x 5 feet SCUTARI DIVAN CUSHION TURKEY, ABOUT 1800 | Design of sunburst, floral sprays and undulated border in deca indigo-blue silk velvet on white satin ground. — q Size, 3 feet 5 inches x 1 ay 10 inches SYRIAN RED SILK SHAWL | ee - Deep red with brocaded inscription. (As is) il Size, 6 feet x 6 feet 4 inches 4 TURKISH EMBROIDERED TABLE COVER eee 4 Central rosette with various flower motifs. The field covered with repeated motifs of group of buildings. (As is) 4 Size, 3 feet square HOOD OF COPE ITALY, 17TH cents 4 St. Michael killing the dragon, in colored and gold threads on yellow damask ground. SEVEN MISCELLANEOUS ORIENTAL EMBROIDERIES | Indian, Moroccan, Chinese, Japanese. (7) Geometric designs 1 in blue and white on mulberry-red. © F Size, 3 Bie 1 inch x 2 feet MOROCCAN EMBROIDERED STRIP | ! Diverse geometric designs in gold, red and blue silk embroidery | on linen. Elaborate fringe. Size, 2 feet 11 inches x 1 foot — ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY sign and coat-of-arms on ivory-white satin. (As is) Size, 22 inches x 20 inches | 23 "SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 201-396 “ORIENTAL ( OBJECTS OF ART NUMBERS 201-219 201 ‘#¥ FOUR | JAPANESE CARVINGS AE rious materials, Fruit with wasp on it. Lacquered box with i) masks inside, three figures, two daimyos and lady. Grotesque ape gt igure with fan. Fish-trap with octopus. (4) ———— | ) ian nut with Bion, by Ko-zan; ivory elephant with at- pat endants ; nut with demon among pines; flute-playing boy with é. water-buffalo. (4) : a JAPANESE CARVINGS eC 204 FOUR JAPANESE CARVINGS A hare; a turtle on a shell; a toy dog; a aoree with another : demon i in a basket. (4) 205 JAPANESE AMBER CARVING __- Mother turtle and young. FOUR PIECES OF JAPANESE CARVED IVORY Shaki seeking demon of disease in well, by Shun-ko sai; a rat; a monkey with owl; a tiger. (4) FOUR PIECES OF CARVED IVORY _ Yawning man; boar among leaves; dog; Buddha by Kogetsu. (4) - 25 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 FOUR PIECES OF JAPANESE CARVED IVORY | Monkey climbing bamboo, signed by Masa-yuki; Moe Biwa, by Ran-ichi; group of monkeys; lady with fants FOUR PIECES OF CARVED IVORY Demon in human garment; cat and kitten; lady and attendant child with mask. Three with ee es. (4) i tie : FOUR PIECES OF CARVED IVORY Group of children; actor with two children; actor looking at masks; suppliant and man on horseback. (4) a THREE CARVED IVORY NETSUKE a One, boy spinning top, by No-jitsu Mei-kei sai, signed. One, eh 4 black-fish, pipe-fish, shad and flounder, signed Giyoku-ko sai. 4 One, of ai-fisher, signed Rin-sen. (3) = FOUR NETSUKE > One in form of box, by Tai Shiu; one silver inlay on copper alloy fret design, with attached miniature basket; one with metal ele phant on wood; one metal, showing Shin-do riding water buffalo. (4) FOUR PIECES OF CARVED IVORY | i. Skeleton with fan; demon sprawling on basket; mouse in shoe; balancing figure of manzai dancer, by Sho-un Sai. (4) FOUR PIECES OF CARVED IVORY (4) FOUR PIECES OF JAPANESE CARVED IVORY (4) FOUR METAL AND IVORY NETSUKE One, showing Musushi-to-Benki on bridge with signature of Hiro- aki. (4) ae a, THREE JAPANESE NETSUKE One with manzai dancers—New Year’s emblems on the reverse; signed No-jitsu Mei-kei san. One with Tenaga and Ashinaga, the long-armed and the long-legged man; signed, Minkoku. One, in form of peony; signed Shi-jun-to. (3) 26 ue Pre ee ee ee Se te ghee mabye ate Sc eS Saad hil et - Se ee silane ee ct) rs at ee ee ee ee , ~ <2," hae ane ep ee — ae ie i on a ay: ay a ; et ae ae et A — A hais ey ae ey Se eS 219 220 221 222 223 FOUR JAPANESE NETSUKE One ivory, with section of bamboo containing openwork plum blossom,—signed by Rin-kei; one ivory, with manzai, or New Year’s mummers, signed by Mei-kei Sai; one wood and metal with manzat dancer; one wood with cock and hen, signed by Hayashi, Ichi sen sei ren. (4) MINIATURE FEI-TSUI JADE BOX WITH COVER : CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD Four-lobed shape, with carving of bat among clouds. Stand. JAPANESE POTTERIES AND PORCELAINS | NumuERS 220-262 : THREE SMALL PIECES OF JAPANESE PORCELAIN Fine Kutani teapot, with delicately executed figures and land- scapes in soft colors in medallions against red and gold diaper. (Brinkley, 326) Square Yeiraku incense burner with perforated cover and decoration of Kylin animals and flowers in gold on red. Small Kioto sake cup with gold floral sprays on red. (3) AWATA STONEWARE WINE BOTTLE JAPAN, ABOUT 1790 Rare combination of decorations; the lower part with blue under- glaze landscape; the upper part with peony scrolls and flowers in heavy blue cream and green enamel on brown biscuit. Mark “Hozan”. (Brinkley, 206) Height, 9 inches LARGE TAKETORI STONEWARE VASE JAPAN, aBouT 1820 Inverted pear-shaped body tapering to high, flaring foot. Fine color, a lustrous brownish-black with overglaze shading from greenish-white to green at shoulders. Stand. (Brinkley, 396) (Shght repairs) Height, 15 inches LARGE JAPANESE STONEWARE VASE Club shape, with very fine soft green-blue glaze. Height, 23 inches 27 ie th ie Mee ae eed”. Net ees a 224 225 227 228 229 230 231 SMALL POTTERY TEA J AR WITH COVER JAPAN, ABOUT 1840, Brown glaze crackled to represent sharkskin. Green and w co stars in heavy enamel. (Brinkley, 437) — ae ee pee ee SQUARE RAKU POTTERY FIRE BOX sapan, ABOUT 1790 . The inside with brown glaze; the outside with decoration of shells in colored enamels partly on black glaze, partly on biscui é (Brinkley, 3803) (Slight repair) Latticed wooden box. Square, 914 inches 4 BIZEN STONEWARE INCENSE BURNER a JAPAN, ABOUT 1800 0 In imitation of bronze, showing cock perched on a thatched roof, a in bronze-colored glaze. (Brinkley, 347) Height, 12 inches s AWATA STONEWARE INCENSE BURNER W ITH COVER JAPAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY a Hexagonal shape, with sunken panels containing enamelled floral decoration in relief against diapered background. Perforated — cover. (Brinkley, 220) Height, 2 inches AWATA STONEWARE BOWL JAPAN, ABouT 1810 _ Enamel design of maple leaves and cherry blossoms on yellowish- — gray. Mark, Mokubei. (Brinkley, 202) Diameter, 54% inches a SATSUMA STONEWARE JAR JAPAN, aBouT 1810 | Globular body, with ribbings and nailheads. Panels with floral | sprays and diapers in black under blue and brown glaze. Said — to be after Persian models. (Brinkley, 172A) Diameter, 4 inches “a STONEWARE WINE POT ao According to Brinkley, Korea, 1550. In the form of a man car- @ rying a gourd, which forms the spout. Very fine lustrous cream q glaze with brown splashes. (Brinkley, 783) Height, 8 inches KIYOMIDZU FEATHERWEIGHT TEAPOT JAPAN, ABOUT 1840 j 1 Very fine unglazed pipe clay of soft browns with enamel decora- | tion of cock on drum, flowers, etc. Signed. (Brinkley, 245B) r (Slight repair) Height, 4 inches — 28 _BANKO STONEWARE BOWL . sapan, 1860 Café-au-lait crackled glaze; the inside with medallion of children at play surrounded by red and gold diaper bands. Floral band ___ of red and silver at edge. Specially made for presentation to the | Be Ae Daimyo of Seishiu (Ise). Mark, in square, Akogi no hen (place Poet manufacture) and the characters “painted by Ran yen.” (Brinkley, 372) Diameter, 634 inches 3 AWATA WATER POT WITH COVER JAPAN, 1730 _ Compressed globular shape with large handles (one repaired). Age _ Very fine buff-colored crackle with decoration of thistles in green, “as red, gold and blue. (Brinkley, 228) Diameter, 7 inches L _ SETO WARE BOWL JAPAN, ABOUT 1870 fe Made at Bishiu i in imitation of Satsuma. Fine potting. Decora- (Brinkley, 427A) | Diameter, 41/4, inches 5 LARGE SATSUMA JAR WITH DOMED COVER Design of flowering trees, rocks, bamboo and clouds in delicate enamels on buff crackle. (As is) Teakwood stand. (Brinkley, 171) Height, 18 inches 236 SMALL AWATA INCENSE BURNER AND BOWL e . JAPAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY _ The incense burner ohiitee with conventional enamel decoration ; the bowl a very fine specimen by Rokubei (1780), of irregular shape with pink spots in the buff glaze, the outside decorated with very fine diapers in green, red and gold. (Brinkley, 231P, amaetvo) (2) - Diameter, 234, and 5 inches AKAHADA STONEWARE TEA BOWL JAPAN, 1820 Fine potting, with crackled buff glaze. Decoration in colors and gold of Hotei set in red medallion on green leaf. Signed by Mokuhaku. (Brinkley, 292) Diameter, 44/4 inches KIYOMIDZU POTTERY INCENSE BURNER IN FORM OF TRAVELLING PRIEST JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Cream and brown glaze, the face in cream-colored biscuit. Well- modelled figure, seated with fan and bundle. (Brinkley, 240) (Asis) Height, 6 inches 29 tion of dragon in heavy gold enamel on deep cream crackle. ee PF 8 Bi en, i is 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 AWATA STONEWARE CLOVE BOILER IN TWO SEC TIONS . JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY ; Hexagonal bottom; cylindrical top with down-turned scalloped flange and cover. Very fine leaf spirals in heavy brilliant blue _ enamel on warm tan biscuit. Shell handles. Height, 1014 inches 4 FUKAKUSA POTTERY FIGURE gapan, 1615 Brinkley’s attribution. Representation of old man polishing = temple bell. Said to be by Koyemon, the first keramist to use 4 figures for ornamental purposes. Gens 233) (As is) “- H. eight, 12% inches co SATSUMA STONEWARE VASE JAPAN, ABOUT 1780 4 Square shape. Speckled brown glaze with thick blue overglaze running over shoulders and down sides. Good specimen. (Brink- ~ ley, 165) Height, 5 feet 111% inches — 4 : TURQUOISE-BLUE PORCELAIN BOWL JAPAN, ABOUT 1810 Beautiful potting; resonant blue glaze. Mark, Kairaku-yen-sei, a “Made at Kairaku-yen.” (Brinkley, 402) (Repair) Diameter, 5 inches CIRCULAR PORCELAIN BOX WITH COVER , JAPAN, 1840 Made by Kenya of Tokyo (Brinkley’s attribution). Bottom of box and inside of lid covered with black lacquer. Inside in form of chrysanthemum with green glaze. Top of box with relief deco- ration of dragon among waves. (Brinkley, 438) Diameter, 21% inches - TWO MINIATURE PORCELAIN BOXES WITH COVERS JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY One very fine idzumo with yellow glaze and imperial crest in gold (Boston Museum. Brinkley, 349). One in form of tiger with red fur. (2) EIGHT OLD IMARI PORCELAIN PLATES Scalloped edges. Central medallion with various diaper designs in rich colors; rim divided into six segments, each containing al- ternating fruit and floral cartouches. (8) Diameter, 81% inches 30 250 i= 251 252 253 _ 246 OLD IMARI PORCELAIN PLATTER , a Rectangular, with dented corners. Charming landscape with diapered border. Length, 1434 inches PAIR OF HIRADO PORCELAIN WINE BOTTLES, ONE WITH STOPPER JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Fine white glaze with cord and tassels at shoulder, in relief with brown enamel decoration. Lips bound with silver. (Brinkley, 1380) (2) Height, 7 inches KUTANI PORCELAIN SAKE BOTTLE § sapan, azout 1785 Decoration of blue diapers under green glaze. (Neck repaired) (Brinkley, 313) Height, 81% inches SMALL PORCELAIN BOX IN SHAPE OF HOTEI, WITH _ COVER | JAPAN, ABOUT 1820 _ The god in light brown biscuit with olive-brown glazed robe. Mark, Tozo. (Brinkley, 231F) Diameter, 3 inches IMARI PORCELAIN PLATE , JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Excellent quality. The centre with landscape; the rounded sides with panels showing alternatingly flowering trees and geese in landscape. Diameter, 1114 inches OLD IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL WITH OPENWORK EDGE JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Type showing European influence. Charming maple-leaf decora- tion in underglaze blue and red and gold enamel, the blue pre- dominating. Ming mark. Diameter, 81% inches BANKO KIOTO CAKE BASKET JAPAN, ABouT 1770 Cylindrical shape, with broad handle. Incised rock and wave dec- oration, beautiful green glaze. Banko mark. Diameter, 634 inches IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL WITH COVER Ornamentation of cartouches alternatingly with peonies and diaper against red and gold ground. Diameter, 7% inches dl 254 256 257 258 259 260 FOUR BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN BOWLS N HIGH FOOT | JAPAN, 18TH CE} 7 Decoration of dragons among clouds. Ming Siuen-te mark. (4) H. ee 378 inches SIX BLUE AND WHITE JAPAN ESE PORCELA PLATES | | 2 a Landscape decoration. (6) pine ti ache | SEVEN BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SAUCERS = JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY _ Upturned rim, with fret design. Centres with floral sprays. — (79 Diameter, 41/, inches — SETO WARE BOX WITH COVER JAPAN, ABOUT 1870 — Made at Bishiu. Compressed globular shape. Very rich raised enamel decoration of peacock and diapered and floral bands. Diameter, 51% inches — AWATA STONEWARE WINE BOTTLE a JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY 4 Globular body. with fine turquoise crackle; neck with buff crackle 7 ornamented with red diaper. Mark. Height, 514 inches — BLUE AND WHITE JAPANESE PORCELAIN COVER q REST, INCENSE BURNER AND TEA JAR a The cover rest Imari with landscapes in cartouches against : diapered ground. The incense burner Hirado about 1760, with a round base and conical top, the latter with unglazed circles del- — icately cut in openwork phcenix pattern; decoration of children ~ at play (Brinkley, 104). The tea jar with frieze of butterfly — wings at top; diapers at base and inscription, “Made by the | potter Shuhei of Dai Nipon.” Date about 1835; ivory lid. — (Brinkley, 289) (83) Height, 214, 314 and 3 inches SMALL CORAL-RED PORCELAIN JAR WITH COVER ; JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY According to Brinkley, China, Ming period. Fine color with peony design in gilt. Charming quality. Four character mark. ~ (Brinkley, 758) (Cover repaired) ‘Height, 534 inches 32 261 STONEWARE JAR WITH COVER saran, 181TH cenTURY 3 e Very fine uniform sage-green glaze. Button of cover replaced by _-—__ carved wood bee. Stand. I EN OS TERRE LST EERE OES . aes PLN a ee tee ere ‘ wgray tet ie 264 265 Height, 91% inches 262 TWO SMALL PORCELAIN BOXES WITH COVERS JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Be: i One: Higo ware, about 1700; deep gray glaze with white cherry blossoms on cover; mark, Sai. The other, Banko ware, about po: 1770; cream-colored glaze with floral decoration underglaze in aoa _ reddish- -brown ; mark, Banko. (Brinkley, 359, 364) (2) _ EUROPEAN FURNITURE, BRASSES, ETC. NUMBERS 263-297 | “| PAIR OF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY STYLE SPANISH ARMCHAIRS ‘The backs with elaborately carved panels in the late Renaissance _ taste, supported by two posts ending in acanthus finials. Richly carved scrolled arms supported by square balusters. Seat and arms upholstered in Cordovan leather. Straight square legs con- nected by stretchers as elaborately carved as the back panels. (2) PAIR OF LATE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH ARMCHAIRS Back with elaborate centre splat abhaigearea with Cordovan leather and terminating in scrolled top-rail supported by square pilasters. Curved arms with elaborate rocaille carving. Seat upholstered in Cordovan leather (damaged). Carved pilaster legs connected by curved stretchers. (2) WALNUT ARMCHAIR Elaborately carved back frame with bold acanthus-leaf design. Scrolled arms, carved at the ends, supported by rounded pilasters. Carved apron. Cabriole legs with claw and ball feet and carving, connected by diagonal stretchers. Back and seat upholstered in crimson velvet of the period with elaborate appliqué coat-of- arms in centre of back. Said to have belonged to the Admiral Gravina, who fought in the Battle of Trafalgar, and blew up his ship rather than surrender to the English. (Restorations) 33 SPAIN, 17TH CENTURY 266 267 268 269 270 271 SPANISH SEVENTEENTH CENTURY VARGUENO ae The drop front with elaborate gilt iron openwork PR i ray a on red velvet, enclosing system of lockers and drawers showing q carved and gilt fronts inlaid with ivory ornamented in columns, ‘a arcades and diverse interlaced cartouches. Excellent specimen, a (Very slight defects) “a Height, 25 inches; depth, 17 inches; length, 42 inches 4 : IMPORTANT FLEMISH. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY q OAK CABINET - Upper and lower parts enclosed by two doors flanked il: a | asters with heavy octagonal sunken and raised panels with floral a decoration. ‘Two drawers in the centre. Cornice at top and _ base. Ball feet. Height, 7 feet 2 inches; length, 5 feet 8 inches | ENGLISH SEVENTEENTH CENTURY OAK CHEST Drop lid. The front with four sunken panels carved in simple rosette and leaf design. Supported by band with carved half- rosettes, and two brackets carved with foliage. (As is) | Height, 36 inches; length, 52 inches LARGE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DUTCH BRASS PLAQUE Octagonal, with repoussé conventionalized floral decoration: (Candle bracket missing) Size, 36 x 384 inches DUTCH HAMMERED BRASS PLAQUE (As is. Candle bracket missing) Diameter, 1934 inches IMPORTANT FLEMISH SEVENTEENTH CENTURY CANDELABRUM This candelabrum is said to come from Poland. It was probably made for Polish order: Flemish dinanderie workers used to sell their wares all over the Baltic countries. The candelabrum stands on a triangular ebonized base 42 inches high. The height of the candelabrum itself is about 72 inches. It is surmounted by a globular openwork finial with a double-headed eagle. It has three rows of candle brackets with elaborate scrolls ending in heads of fantastic animals. These brackets are intermingled with numerous other ornaments, in the shape of lions, birds, bulls, ete. Acanthus leaves, flower urns, and other motifs complete the decoration of extraordinary sumptuousness. 34 ; “EMPIRE BRONZE AND ORMOLU LAMP oe ft) FRANCE, ABOUT 1810 te _ Roman shape. | Height, 6 inches (273 BRASS ETERNAL LAMP ITALY, ABOUT 1790 E. Ven ore shape, the chains attached by angel-heads. ay H Eh of lamp, 16 inches 274 BRASS AND COPPER ETERNAL LAMP a FLANDERS, 17TH CENTURY _ Urn shape, suspended by three chains attached by angel-heads. Height, with chains, about 24 inches 5 GERMAN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY LOCK ~ Openwork metal frame. (Key missing) Length, 12 inches THREE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN LOCKS Faces of hammered iron; one with key. (38) BRASS PYXIS Gothic style. On hexagonal base. Length, 614 inches r= 278 OLD BRASS INCENSE BURNER Gothic style. Openwork bowl suspended by five chains. | Height of bowl, 9 inches © 279 SIXTEENTH CENTURY DINANDERIE BRASS DISH Decorated with inscription. Raised boss. Diameter, 16 inches 280 FRENCH HAMMERED BRASS TRAY With portrait of Louis XVI. Diameter, 1444 inches 281 OLD ITALIAN BRASS TRAY Engraved decoration of a Venetian doge, with the flag of St. Mark. | Diameter, 1314 inches i eer t ‘ Saree, | ihe | i i - aa aa os, rt '-* We a y t y “A +, Orme * ta ‘ “¢ if ai ¥ Ns Pg ; | : , oes Sy we omens” ie - + ae te . al r af re rr ‘ J ton # i ie al a. Lk ; 71 ee! ee p re ye ya ve ‘ag iy Seis Pe 4 : | iS H ed Po i 8 i; | pn re; = a : ——— ae * 282 SILVERED COPPER ETERNAL LAMP FRENCH, DATED 1772 Urn shape, suspended by chains. Height of urn, 7 inches 35 * ey Clay aye 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 - Central shaft with six detachable S-shaped candle bracktn or- .. ANTIQUE FLEMISH BRASS CHANDELIER - es Central shaft ending in large brass ball and oe! with s detachable candle brackets with elaborate scrollwork. (As i eg of ck 18 inche: ANTIQUE FLEMISH BRASS CHANDELIER a Consisting of two rows of six S-shaped candle brackets, fittin a into circular sockets, which are mounted on steel rod and | a et terminated by large brass globe. (As is) : . Length of rod about 23 inches ANTIQUE FLEMISH BRASS TWO-CANDLE BRACKET S-shaped scroll bracket supporting plate for two candles. (As is) 4 ANTIQUE FLEMISH BRASS TWO-CANDLE BRACKET S-shaped scroll bracket supporting plate for two candles. (Asis) _ ANTIQUE FLEMISH BRASS CHANDELIER +f Central shaft ending in large brass globe and fitted with x detachable S-shaped candle brackets, which are mounted for — electricity. (As is) Height of shaft about 161% inches — ANTIQUE FLEMISH BRASS CHANDELIER a Central shaft with six detachable S-shaped candle brackets al- _ ternating with small brass reflectors in the shape of shallow discs. - An upper register of similar brass reflectors. (As is) Height of shaft, 2144 inches 4 ANTIQUE FLEMISH BRASS CHANDELIER namented with birds and alternating with shallow brass disc — reflectors. An upper register of six similar brass reflectors. — Iron chains. (As is) Height of shaft, 23 inches LARGE HAMMERED ITALIAN BRASS PLAQUE Frieze of battle of Amazons. Spirited interpretation. 7 Diameter, 26 inches — EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FLEMISH BRASS ETERNAL ~ HANGING LAMP Urn shape, suspended by twisted brass bands. (As is) - Height, 9 inches — 36 nscription, etc., pierced with numerous drill holes which per- 2 bation of the light. Profuse silver incrustation. | Diameter, 21 inches "Brass rings. (As is) Height about 34 inches RENCH LOUIS XV STYLE WOOD AND ORMOLU J RACKET CLOCK a Supporting bracket with finish suggesting rosewood and elabor- “2 ate, well-chiselled brass mountings of Louis XV character acan- . 2 thus leaves. The clock itself with rosewood veneer and similar ef rich ormolu decoration showing amorini, female heads and divers _rocaille motifs. The whole surmounted by canopy with seated ; -amorino in ormolu modelled in the round. Dial ormolu and por- ei a celain with maker’s name, “Arsandaux a Paris”. (As is) pe Total height about 50 inches 3 296 “OLD DUTCH WALL CLOCK ei ‘Square brass case with columns and circular dial set on wall bracket with walnut veneer. (As is) a Height of bracket, 33 inches 297 LARGE SMYRNA RUG mo Border and central cartouche with conventionalized flowers in & vivid colors. Centre field with floral twigs on deep turkey-red. : (As is) - mA Size, 20 feet 11 inches x 14 feet 10 inches 37 . Per ikly decorated with rosettes, geometric farige: | % os) ; blue and creamy sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower left. i ait on the bank in the foreground, figures, punts and boat-houses 4 wd « on the opposite shore where a slope rises, partly wooded and ~ EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PAINTINGS NUMBERS 298-312 a 298 OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS 2+’ Cows in pasture. Monogrammed, 1887. Unframed. sa : Size, 24 x 30 inches 299 OIL PAINTING ON CANVAS ytee esas and sheep. Monogrammed, 1888. Unter : a. ) (Size, 24 x 30 inche JOHN W. CASILEAR, N.A. AMERICAN, 1811-1893 300 LANDSCAPE 4 Panoramic view, with broken foreground animated by sheep, town. 4 in the middle distance, blue mountain ridge at the horizon, pale — Height, 10 inches; width, 18 inches | as. MARTIN RICO SPANISH, 1850-1908 301 WASHERWOMEN A stream with a number of peasant women washing their linen q | partly cleared ; blue sky with fleeting cloud effects. Water color. Signed at the lower right. Height, 13 inches; width, 201% inches a 1 OTTO DE THOREN GERMAN, 1828-1889 302 PLOUGHING IN FRANCE . || Three horses abreast, drawing a plough in a furrowed field, ~ peasant in blue shirt and brown breeches, undulating landscape with several conical haystacks in relief against a deep slaty-gray sky. Canvas. Signed at the lower right. : | Height, 21 inches; width, 28 inches 38 2 | wtumn landscape. Signed F. M. Lamb. ‘Size, 18 x 2514 inches WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN, 1849-1916 ork, 1914 inches; width, 24 inches _ LESLIE P. THOMPSON, A.N.A. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN STILL LIFE _ | COVER : Delicate floral decoration on deep green ground. (Slight defects) . Height, 1414 mches | LACQUERED BRONZE FIGURE OF IMMORTAL RIDING — STAG { Height, 10 inches P| 50 r: d epresenting a daimyo’s court. Clad in armor and delightful B Ee brocades. Tokugawa costumes. (As is) (6) 36 89 SET OF TWELVE JAPANESE FRUIT KNIVES IN WOOD _ SHEATHS Bes: Bone handles ; , gilded blades with incised floral sprays. Sheaths with gold and silver lacquer decoration of birds and flowers. (12) 390 JAPANESE RHINOCEROS HORN CUP WITH COVER ____ The cup in form of tree trunk, with toad, snail and snake on surface. The cover wood, with carved dog. 891 JAPANESE RHINOCEROS HORN CUP _ Carving of boat and boatmen in lake, pinetrees, bamboo, etc., with inlay of jade, coral and mother-of-pearl. ANTIQUE JAPANESE. CARVED IVORY AND TEAK- WOOD TABLE SCREEN The screen of wood carved at bottom to represent waves, from which rise two ivory dragons to encircle the screen; in their mouths they hold the sacred jewel in the form of a brass ball. The two faces of the screen ornamented with legendary figures skilfully wrought in metal and ivory. Height, 1334 inches JAPANESE CARVED IVORY TABLE SCREEN Charming design of playing children in relief; the screen sup- ported by three children modelled in the round. Height, 7 inches OLD CHINESE IVORY BOWL Very delicately etched and beautiful floral design on the outside. The inside with beautiful natural grain and deep color. Diameter, 334 inches JAPANESE CARVED IVORY FIGURE OF OLD MAN CARRYING FAGOTS. Teakwood base. (As is) Height, 7 inches JAPANESE IVORY GROUP A water wheel, the farmer’s family in diverse occupation about it. Carved stand. (As is) Height, 10 inches 51 _ THIRD SESSION NUMBERS 397-574 _-—s« CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES oe J hae oA | ; 55" © ae na men _numpers 397-418 e One Sere; the other blue and brownish-white. (2) a CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD 3 E VARIEGATED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE WITH OLD CORAL STOPPER — CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD ei pane bottle shape, with carved handles in relief. es | rae One glass, with fei- tsui jade stopper ; es inside with grass- ____ hopper, plantain, etc.; the other porcelain with dragon decora- ___ tion under cloudy-black glaze. (2) BROWN AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Pale, clouded color. Pilgrim bottle shape. | TRANSPARENT ROCK-CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE WITH CARNELIAN STOPPER CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD With decoration of landscape and inscription in black, green, red and yellow, painted inside. TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD One compressed globular shape, blue and white with dragon among clouds; one cylindrical splotched yellow, aubergine and green, with dragon outlined in black. (2) 53 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES. CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD a One bottle shape, with famille-rose decoration of dog in land- ». scape. The other pear shape, with figural decoration in under-_ 4" glaze blue with touches of red. (2) a TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES | a CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD One tall cylindrical shape, with famille-rose decoration of legend- ary scene. The other square, with inscription and floral “prey * on turquoise. (2) som TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES 3 CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD _ One pilgrim shape, with famille-rose medallions against blue and — a white diaper. The other cylindrical, with figures in landscape, blue and white with a splash of red. (2) 4 TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES One double, square shape with peony decoration in underglaze blue. (As is) The other pilgrim shape, with birds in flowering trees.. (2) TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD One pilgrim bottle shape, with famille-rose decoration of person- _ ages in landscape. The other cylindrical, with underglaze blue _ and pale green decoration of man leading camel. (2) TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD One pilgrim bottle shape, figural decoration in famille-rose. The other cylindrical with splotched green, yellow and aubergine glaze, and Imperial five-clawed dragon in black outline. (2) TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES WITH STOPPERS CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD One blue and white, with figural decoration, blue glass stopper mounted in silver. The other famille-rose, with figural decora- tion; fei-tsui jade stopper. (2) 54 415 — 416 417 413 TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES 3 : CHINA, TAO-KUAN PERIOD One ovoid, with dragon outlined in coral-red. The other pilgrim shape, with grapevines in colored enamels. (2 ) LARGE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE WITH STOPPER : CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD Cylindrical. Underglaze blue decoration of dragons against red fret design. ‘Turquoise and deep red opaque glass stopper. TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD One famille-noire, with dragon among clouds. The other blue and white with figural decoration. (2) TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES One double cylindrical shape, with famille-rose landscape. The other pilgrim shape with personages in underglaze blue. (2) TWO PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, ONE WITH STOPPER One pilgrim shape, with graceful famille-rose figural decoration ; porcelain stopper set in silver. The other cylindrical, blue and white with lotus decoration flecked with gold; Yung-cheng mark. (2) TWO CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES One pilgrim bottle shape, with delicate famille-rose decoration of legendary scene; green glass stopper; (Tao-kuan). The other cylindrical, blue and white with Imperial five-clawed dragon among clouds; (Chien-lung). (2) TWO CHINESE ROCK-CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLES, ONE WITH IVORY STOPPER One pilgrim bottle shape, with carved handles and stopper. The other elongated ovoid shape. (2) BLACK GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE AND AMBER GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE WITH IVORY STOPPER CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD (2) 590 Sy ee oe - (Pee JAPANESE AND CHINESE POTTERIES AND PO 419 420 421 422 423 424 NUMBER 419-489 PORCELAIN LIBATION CUP JAPAN, 18TH According to Br inkley, Chin Ps: period. On sins blue and brown hes rome to mauve at the he 3r 591) Height, ie BLANC-DE-CHINE PORCELAIN CUP as According to Brinkley, Korea, 1500. Square shape, taperi | base. Sides with sunken panel containing floral sprays, insects, a crab and reeds in relief. (Brinkley, 797) Height, 2 inches i a ARCHAIC STONEWARE INCENSE BURNER W PERFORATED SILVER COVER JAPAN, 18TH CEN RY According to Brinkley, China, Chien-lung period. Han shape, | with high handles on tripod feet. Mottled red and blue glaze. Fretwork band in relief. Repoussé top with phoenix and open- s work clouds. Stand. (Brinkley, 596) Height, 10% inches so bs i= et AWATA STONEWARE SAKE POT JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY : D- a shape; the circular ends with representation of Sages: 2s alia Rett vamboos in high relief; the cylinder with leaf spirals un in heavy blue, yellow, aS and white enamel. Fine quality and ‘ color. Height, 514 inches ee STONEWARE INCENSE BURNER Wii SILVER TOP KOREA, ABOUT 1500 Square top; rounded sides; tripod animal-mask feet. Grayish 4 glaze; on two sides houses and rocks in relief. (Brinkley, 784) (Repair) : : Height, 21/4, inches — me ee NABESHIMA CELADON INCENSE BURNER Ps. According to Brinkley, date 1670. Basket shape, with handles Fine soft green glaze with floral decorations in colored enamel and gold. (Brinkley, 140) Diameter, 31/4 inches 56 CELADON PORCELAIN CELADON PORCELAIN NABESHIMA CELADON BOTTLE—CHIEN-LUNG BOTTLE—YUNG-CHENG BOTTLE—ABOUT 1750 | NUMBER 428 | [ NUMBER 429 | [ NUMBER 427 | rm P ue - = alt he ER | Hi So oe JAPAN, 180 CENTURY ¢ to Brink ey, Can. Ming period. “Archaic shape, with on high tripod feet issuing from animal-heads. Fine brown mottled glaze. Repoussé cover of beautiful ) ‘Stand. AC 558) (As is) | | meas Height, 15. inches TE PORCELAIN WATER. POT rae > Brinkley, Korea, 1500. Hexagonal shape, with 3 _ Rich ivory glaze. Sunken panels with figures in ce 4 arved red lacquer stand. (Brinkley, 798) (Stand _ “a se cd ace ae Ee LASS ‘LADON PORCELAIN BOTTLE CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD ear shape, with three ring handles at shoulder. Body banded , ‘in relief. Beautiful gray-green glaze with giant crackle. Archaic | _ six-character mark. (Brinkley, 473) Height, 1114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 429° CELADON PORCELAIN BOTTLE YUNG-CHENG PERIOD . Beautiful shape, with cylindrical handles and base pierced for ja | ae cord. Soft uniform color. Archaic six-character mark. Stand. (Boston Museum. Copley Society Exhibition, 1911. Brinkley, 498) : Height, 1614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GOURD-SHAPED TURQUOISE-BLUE PORCELAIN PIL- GRIM BOTTLE CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD Graceful shape, with delicate handles. Fine turquoise glaze with fish-roe crackle. (Brinkley, 546) Height, 814, inches 57 431 432 483 434 435 436 437 SMALL CHICKEN-BLOOD PORCELAIN BOWL : CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG | ; A beautiful bit of porcini with fine gradations of color. Diameter, BY i in SMALL ROBIN’S- EGG BLUE PORCELAIN VASE CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PE. STARCH-BLUE PORCELAIN BEAKER CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD © Archaic elliptical shape, with up-flaring rim and ring handles. Neck with hydras in relief. Stand. (Brinkley, 511) (Repairs) ~ Height, vat inches 3 TEA-DUST PORCELAIN BOTTLE = CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD _ ¢ Gourd shape, with graceful handles connecting two parts of — gourd. Archaic six-character mark. Stand. (Brinkley, 544) Height, 10 inches — STONEWARE INCENSE BURNER a CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD. 5: Low ‘globular shape, on tripod feet; handles at rim. Very beau- x tiful mottled blue glaze. Elaborate teakwood stand and teakwood — cover in the shape of a lotus leaf with mutton-fat jade button. — Diameter, 10 inches — . ] a STONEWARE VASE CHINA, KANG-HSI PERIOD ‘ Brinkley’s attribution. Bulbous shape, with mottled blue and — brownish-black glaze. (Brinkley, 570) Height, 9 inches — a SQUARE STONEWARE VASE KANG-HSI PERIOD Brinkley’s attribution. Very fine blue glaze touched with brown. Maker’s mark. (Brinkley, 564) Height, 18 ‘acho 58 a ASI gar atin fre Rh OL a | ‘ : ae Hike ss , ho —a ————— a Tee s So ‘b 488 439 441 442 4.43 444 440 — LARGE CELADON PORCELAIN BOWL CHINA, MING PERIOD _ A very fine specimen, with incised peony decoration under warm green glaze. ‘Teakwood stand and hinged cover. (Boston Mu- seum. Brinkley, 491A) Diameter, 101% inches CELADON PORCELAIN BOTTLE CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD Globular body; narrow neck with flaring rim. Fine color. Stand. (Boston Museum. Brinkley, 484) Height, 1314 inches CELADON PORCELAIN BOTTLE CHINA, MING PERIOD Pear-shaped body tapering to narrow neck with flaring rim; elephant-head and ring handles in relief. Fine color. Stand. (Copley Society Exhibition, 1911. Brinkley, 481) (Slight re- pairs) 4 Height, 11 inches CHINESE PORCELAIN INCENSE BURNER WITH PIERCED SILVER COVER According to Brinkley, Kang-hsi period. Fine lapis-blue, with marbled effect; verses relating to the four seasons in white under- glaze characters. Stand. Ming mark. (Brinkley, 621) Height, 414 inches BLANC-DE-CHINE PORCELAIN BOTTLE CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD Graceful inverted pear-shaped ribbed body, with ring handles at shoulder for cord. Soft, creamy glaze. Incised archaic six- character mark. (Brinkley, 459) Height, 8 inches TING YAO PORCELAIN BOTTLE CHINA, MING PERIOD Extremely elongated cylindrical body widening slightly to shoulder with elephant-head and ring handles in relief. Fine _ deep cream crackle (neck cut). Stand. (Brinkley, 462) Height, 11 inches MAZARINE-BLUE PORCELAIN VASE CHINA, CHIA-CHING PERIOD Club-shaped body; wide neck with flaring lip. Fine deep color. Stand. (Brinkley, 525) Height, 13% inches 59 445 44.6 . 447 448 449 450 451 SILVER Rs eee CHIEN-LUNG P a IRON-RUST | PORCELAIN | INCENSE- BURN ER at rim. ‘Very beautiful, even red glaze with’ metailie spots, wrought cover with bamboo design. __ Diameter, 1% in RECTAN GULAR MAZARINE-BLUE BEAKER — : CHINA, KANG-HSI PERIOD | Brinkley’ S attribution. cit shape, with fretwork handles. ; Very fine uniform blue color. Stand. (Copley Society Exhibi- Ss Spee tion, 1911. Brinkley, 522) Height, 15 inch 8 : TING YAO INCENSE BURNER oS Sse PERIOD ; On tripod feet ; elephant-head handles; incised fretwork band. — | aN fine creamy white glaze. Stand. (Brinkley, 466) Diameter, 12 inches — CELADON PLATE CHINA, MING PERIOD Very beautiful soft glaze, which leaves exposed in brown biscuit _ ‘ two dragons modelled i in relief. (Brinkley, 491) a: Diameter, 65q inches STON EWARE FIGURINE OF DARUMA’S PUPIL | CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD a Clad in flowing robes, shoe in hand. The face, hands and feet . of unglazed brown biscuit; the robes with rich mazarine-blue glaze. Stand. (Brinkley, 526) ’ Height, 914 inches PORCELAIN WATER POT WITH COVER 4 CHINA, CHIA-CHING PERIOD e Persian shape, with long slender handle and spout, globular body — and tall neck. Decoration of red and gold medallions agaley a diapered ground. Cover with carnelian button. a Height, 11 ge Bee a CHINESE PORCELAIN AN CENSE BURNER. WITH ~~ COVER : ete Basket shape, with handle. Peony flowers and leaves on perfor- a ated diaper, in red, green and yellow. The lid with Foo-lion knob. (Brinkley, 737) Height, 5 inches 60 52 SM ty CRACKLE WARE INCENSE BURNER _ CHINA, KANG-HSI PERIOD In centre, the assassination of Cesar. Baroque border. — : Size, oval, 19 x 14 inches s OLD FLEMISH REPOUSSE SILVER TRAY ; a Centre scene from story of Prodigal Son. Border with baroque * floral and acanthus scrolls. Size, oval, 1714 x 1414 inches : OLD FLEMISH REPOUSSE SILVER TRAY Legendary composition. Floral border. | oe Size, oval, 18 x 14 inches _ 2S eee ae GS PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, ABouT 1860 7 Square step bases, fluted columns ; five lights. (2) a Height, 26 inches i" | Re A SP TTS I PIT 66 i i ) | — eS 499 GEORGIAN SILVER WATER PITCHER DATE LETTER, LONDON, 1774 Cover, handle and neck with 18th century repoussé work, while the body has been later rechased with 17th century military compositions. Height, 1414 inches ENGLISH SILVER CUP WITH TWO HANDLES . DATE LETTER, LONDON, 1684 Hammered decoration of lion and unicorn. Handles with angel- heads. Hall mark. Height, 334, inches 500 501 502 503 RARE OLD ENGLISH SILVER CUP WITH TWO HANDLES DATE MARK, QUEEN ANNE, LONDON, 1712 © Slender handles; gadrooned base. Height, 314 inches GEORGIAN SILVER DREDGER DATE MARK, NEWCASTLE, 1745 Probably by John Langlands (mark partly obliterated). Fine specimen, in pure condition, save recent monogram and date. Height, 9 inches OLD ENGLISH LEATHER AND SILVER MUG The cover repoussé silver with representation of Oliver Crom- well. Handle and body leather, silver-lined, with silver escut- cheon. Silver base with inscription, “The legacy of Nicholas Strachey”. ; Height, 9 inches” OLD ENGLISH SILVER TANKARD With coat-of-arms and engraved dedication. Four feet in the shape of strawberries. Date illegible. Height, 51 inches JAPANESE SWORDS AND OTHER ORIENTAL ARMS, ETC. NUMBERS 504-574 { Numbers 504-518, and 521-549, are accompanied by the certificates of the Japanese Official Judge of Swords, Moto-Kawa, translated by Mr. Edward Greey. 67 504 505 506 507 508 JAPANESE PHYSICIAN’S DIRK | ee os ae Deep furrowed blade by Kinitsuna of Kikuchi, Fras et j Shape, hiradzukuri, with deep furrow on both sides. ‘Dull la quer sheath with conventionalized cloud pattern. Unusual carv ivory fittings. Be? LIV inch JAPANESE SHORT SWORD . Very fine damascened blade forged by Hiromutsu of Shoshiu, about 1356 A.D. Signed. Shape, hiradzukurt. Dragon swal- lowing sword on face of blade. On reverse two short grooves and Sanskrit inscription. Granulated lacquer sheath with attributes and familiars of Gods of Luck in polished lacquer. — Sharkskin hilt bound in silk braid. Fittings of fine workmanship, mostly a relating to Gods of Luck. _ Length, 2314 inches » JAPANESE SWORD Heavy, broad blade with deep groove on both sides fred by Uji-shige of Tegarayama, one of the best of the “modern” sword __ makers, about 1764. Signed. Shape, motodzukurt. Sheath of - “curdled” black lacquer made in Nagasaka. Sharkskin hilt, bound with black silk braid. Fittings of plain iron except kodjka, which is of iron engraved and inlaid with gold and silver 4 and menuki, of copper alloy in form of deer. Length, 80 inches JAPANESE SHORT SWORD Beautifully welded blade by Mutsu-no-kami Kaneyasu, of Osaka, . about 1644 A. D. Signed. Shape, hiradzukuri. Scabbard of granulated black lacquer ornamented with crest. Sharkskin a hilt bound with black silk braid. Fittings of good quality. | Length, 2134 inches JAPANESE SWORD . : Blade made by Uyemasa of Mihara, about 1429. Signed. Shape, hondzukuri. One side of blade with deep groove; the | q other side with two smaller grooves. Wood scabbard lacquered with black lacquer to show the grain. Sharkskin hilt bound with white silk cord. Fittings complete and of good quality. Length, 2814 inches | 68 ee a aed re em at toh cache aera ok ne Derrida =n = SPE SPR A REE TFET oe RIG AOR PORE sacar ransenrenraerssonsee Seaman BI EVI fa mt en Nl re ei Na - - *s i teow i a 9 are : "JAPANESE SWORD _ Fine damascened blade; forged by Gassan Seiavech: of Benka Bee. A.D. 1860. Signature of maker. Shape, hiradzukuri. Brown agi and black lacquer sheath with crests. Sharkskin hilt. Copper a. s - guard and excellent fittings. (Slight defect ) ye } oS ey kee an Be a see aera ay 6) ot end 4 oN t - : rok Length, 25 inches F be 510 JAPANESE SWORD Blade by Kane-naga of Yamati, about 1345. Shape, motodzu- _kuri. Black lacquered sheath sprinkled with particles of blue, repaired with leather bearing Satsuma crest. Sharkskin handle. _ Good fittings, the kodjka, or knife handle being an especially - fine bit of iron work. (Slight defects in sheath) : Length, 27144 inches 511 JAPANESE SWORD Excellent blade, forged by Tsunahiro of Shoshu, about 1532; shape, motodzukuri. Black lacquer sheath. Hilt in imitation _of sharkskin bound in black silk cord. Guard and other fittirigs complete and of excellent quality. Length, 24 inches 512 JAPANESE SWORD Beautifully welded regular wave-patterned blade by Kuni-yoshi Fujihara of Musashi, about 1772. Shape, hiradzukuri. Scab- bard of shagreen filled with lacquer and ground down. Shark- skin hilt bound with brown silk cord. Fittings with beautifully wrought cherry-blossom design, with gold and silver on copper alloy. (Kurt-kata missing) Length, 2114 inches 518 JAPANESE ARTIST’S DIRK Excellent blade with maker’s name, Suke-sada of Osafume, Bizen. Shape, hiradzukuri. Red lacquer sheath and black lacquer hilt with silver mountings. Length, 1434 inches 514 JAPANESE SWORD Beautifully marked blade, grooved at top, by Getsu-san of Dewa, about 1222 A.D. Shape, shobu-dzu-kuri (blade of grass). Plain wood sheath and hilt without fittings. Length, 381% inches 69 515 516 517 518 519 520 - Beautifully welded blade forged by Hojoji Kuni-mitsu of Cantal JAPANESE DIRK tion reading, i in part, “an excl’ blade”. Length, 1B ine = JAPANESE ARTIST’S DIRK = Fine blade forged by Masakage of Nagahama, about 1308 AD. Sheath of dull brown curiously mottled lacquer, with engraved — silver fittings. Length, 1534 inches a JAPANESE SWORD about 13894 A.D. Shape, agemi—sword ground off at lower part of blade. Sheath of grained lacquer with crest of Bizen. Beautiful fittings, the sword-guard of iron, with an openwork design of squirrels stealing grapes, especially fine. . vf Length, 2614 inches * JAPANESE SWORD a Fine blade, forged by Omune minamotono Kunishigo of Betsu- ; chiu, about 1716. Shape, motodzukuri. Or one side of the : blade, in deep bas-relief a dragon with sacred jewel i in his claw; _ on the other side, the inscription, in beautiful characters, “The 4 great benefactor of eight banners” (the God of War). Sheath — : of granulated red and black lacquer. Hilt of sharkskin bound — in black silk cord. Beautifully wrought metal fittings, complete. “| (Slight defects in sheath) "Length, 291, inches JAPANESE DOCTOR’S SWORD Bokuto, or mock sword carried by doctor. Amusing specimen, with the doctor’s paraphernalia where the blade should be. In _ place of the kogitana (little knife) is a spoon with the inscrip- _ tion, “If medicine does not make you dizzy, it will not cure you”. ‘ Full description with the piece, explaining the proverb, “A doc- _ tor’s sword kills more persons than the warrior’s”. (As is) a _ Length, 251% inches “a JAPANESE DIRK IN SILVER SCABBARD a Good quality blade with hilt and scabbard of silver, chased and a engraved in floral designs. Length, 4614 inches a 70 JAPANESE SWORD Begs Nery well-tempered blade made be Shinnano-kami Fujihara’ Kimihiro of Yamashiro, about 1596. Shape, hiradzukuri. aie _ Spear-shaped furrow on face of blade. Sword-shaped furrow | with spear inside on reverse. Dull granulated lacquer sheath. Fittings of beautifully chased old red lacquer by Ichi-podo _ Masanori of Mino, whose signature and mark appear on back of ; : ed, kodjka. : ae Length, 24 inches 525 526 2 JAPANESE SWORD a Blade made by Niwo Kiyotsuna, about 1504 A.D. Shape, hond- ~ gukuri. Black lacquer sheath. Sharkskin hilt bound with black silk byaid. Fine fittings, chiefly with representations of horses. Length, 28 inches, JAPANESE SHORT SWORD Blade forged by Kanegawa of Bushu about 1624. Signed. Shape, hiradzukuri. Sheath of ruled hard black lacquer. Shark- skin hilt bound in black silk cerd. Antique sword guard and other pretEs: complete, and of good quality. a Length, 2134 inches - JAPANESE SWORD Beautifully marked wave-pattern blade made by Magoruku Kane- moto of Seki, about 1469 A. D. Signed. Plain wooden sheath and cover. Length, 35 inches JAPANESE SWORD Fine old blade forged by Getsu-san of Dewa, about 1190 A. D. Archaic shape. Plain wooden sheath and hilt. Length, 32 inches JAPANESE SWORD Excellent blade by Yukimitsu of Kashu, about 1504 A. D. Shape, hondzukuri. Black lacquer scabbard with blue lines. and gold- lacquer ornament of phoenix among maple boughs. Sharkskin hilt bound with white silk cord. Interesting fittings, including very old sword guard. Length, 8614 inches 71 527 528 629 530 531 532 JAPANESE DIRK ; : Beautifully marked blade made by Rigel Shige-yaki re Bingo a about 1573, inscribed with Sanskrit text. Plain wooden hilt and sheath bearing description. Length, 1634 inches — JAPANESE LONG SWORD =. Blade made by Sekido Sukemitsu of Gojo, Yamashiro, oan 7 1661 A.D. Shape, hondzukuri. Black lacquer scabbard diagon i? ally grooved. Sharkskin handle bound with silk cord. Well- 4 wrought fittings; the sword-guard old. Length, 37 inches JAPANESE DIRK s Closely welded blade by Mikuabi-no-kami Foie Nohek isn of | Seki, about 1521. Shape, motodzukuri. Sheath of black lacquer ‘ 4 ai dusted with blue. Sharkskin hilt bound with black silk braid. | Good fittings (end of kodjka missing). Length, 91 inches JAPANESE SWORD q Beautifully forged blade by Tangono-kami Kanee of Kioto, about 1688 A.D. Shape, motodzukuri. Grooved lacquer scab- bard; sharkskin hilt wound with black silk braid. Fine fittings, some of them old. Length, 2814 inches JAPANESE DAIMYO’S DRESS DIRK Beautifully welded blade, with one groove, red lneduern et on face, ae FY, as a ee es er en era and two short red lacquered grooves on reverse, made by Hiro- hisa of Yasu, about 1573 A.D. Shape, hiradzukuri. Copper lacquer sheath. Hilt wound with fine silk cord. Fittings of lac- quered iron, etc., with crests and floral ornaments in gold. Length, 201% inches i in ee JAPANESE SWORD Blade made by Kawagi-no-kami Sukesada of Osafune, about 1688 A.D. Shape, motodzukuri. Red and black granulated lacquer sheath of fine quality. Sharkskin hilt bound with black silk cord. Fittings complete and of good quality. Length, 2614 inches 72 si — _— aoe : ~~ - 7 ee eae 2 ITER ES ~ ry hints - n 7 " _ve LP — ae : pe 3 * at fh - NG > s ~ a > ‘s : - i ? “4 Z ft Se ; 2 ™ ~ . " peed pith ile na) ee oie Val a ae os eee : ay =e. "2 ot tah s r ; 4 aon ; ~ Sins rt Ce A sins? 4 ox, = ’ a fe eee) ' we 2 % ‘ bh ~“"* . - \ : rh ~ ‘ . gh 7. we a be i. . are # : q b ’ t * ‘ d i \ i aa 7 < . ‘ pe J 1 PPS . - P a 4 ik oa ‘ “2 a a es wil! wy) cor) —§387 88 JAPANESE LONG SWORD _ Deep-grooved blade by Norimitsu of Osafune, Bizen. Date about 1574. Ribbed black “ebony” lacquer sheath. Sharkskin handle bound in gold braid. Fine fittings, chiefly with wave design. : Length, 381% inches JAPANESE SHORT SWORD - Companion to the preceding. Date of blade about 1592. Length, 2534 inches | JAPANESE SWORD | : Blade, very fine, by Masa-iye of Mihara, made about 1362. Shape, hondzukuri. Ribbed black lacquer scabbard. Sharkskin hilt wound with silk cord. Red copper and copper alloy fittings ; the kodjka, signed by Shige Yuki. Length, 2314 inches JAPANESE FARMER’S SWORD Type permitted to wealthy farmers by their lords. Fine grooved | | blade by Rai-Kuni Yasu, about 1329. Shape, motodzukuri. Curdled lacquer sheath. Sharkskin handle bound with green silk braid; fine and for the most part very old fittings of iron Be srith gold copper, silver and gold inlay. The sword guard espe- cially fine. Length, 29 inches JAPANESE SWORD Beautifully watered blade by Kane-masu of Seki (about 1444). Shape, hiradzukuri. Thin and wide groove on each side of blade. Granulated lacquer sheath. Sharkskin hilt bound in black silk blade. Good fittings (kogitana missing). Length, 2414 inches JAPANESE SWORD Beautifully damascened blade made by Gassan of Osaka, 1854. Shape, hiradzukuri. Granulated lacquer scabbard. Sharkskin hilt bound in black silk cord. Good fittings, partly of very old iron. Length, 2214 inches JAPANESE SHORT SWORD Excellent blade with deep groove on both sides made by Kanefusa of Inuyama, about 1521 A.D. Shape, hiradzukuri. Scabbard of copper-dust lacquer. Sharkskin hilt bound in black silk braid. Fittings of excellent quality (kagatgana missing). Length, 171% inches 73 540 541 542 543 544 545 sheath with HC WRG and plain wooden hilt. JAPANESE DIRK A.D. Shape, ugashira (bird’s bill). Sia ser pe Pits it OF a> ees, 7 JAPANESE DAIMYO’S DIRK wat Fine blade made by Hoshogoro Sadamune of Fauitate? . b 1317 A.D. Shape, wgashira (bird’s bill). Fine groove on side of blade. Sheath and hilt of fine black twisted lacquer. naments with crest. (Slight defect in sheath) : : Length, OV, sae i JAPANESE DIRK ae Closely welded blade forged by Rai Kuni-yasu of. Yacuehine 7 ; about 1829 A.D. Shape, hiradzukuri. Lacquer sheath and ; handle of exquisitely carved black lacquer simulating silk cord. | ; Good fittings (kuri-kata missing). Length, 1b inches z JAPANESE SWORD Blade forged by Kiyomitsu of Osafune, Bizen, about 157 a Shape, motodzuki. Sheath of grooved copper-colored curdled | a lacquer; upper part plain with crest of Hideyoshi, luck mark, E. and crest of the Lord of Nara. Sharkskin hilt bound with black — 4 silk braid. Fittings of good quality with Taiko’s crest and other crests, etc. (kuri-kata missing). Length, 291, inches” P JAPANESE SHORT SWORD “4 Good specimen of work of Idzumono-dai-roku Fujihara, dail e about 1681 A.D. Shape, hiradzukuri. Sheath of black lacquer : dusted with blue. Sharkskin hilt bound in tan silk braid. - Good © fittings, complete. (Sheath slightly damaged) a Length, 20 inches’ 4 JAPANESE SHORT SWORD 2 Blade made by Imoko Tadatzima of Kuritaguchi, about 1688, . with dragon engraved on face and two furrows on reverse. Shape, © - motodzukuri. Rare scabbard of grooved ebony lined with soft — wood. Sharkskin hilt bound with black silk braid. Fine mas, a with dragon ornamentation (kuri-kata missing). 4 Length, 22% inches 74 } @ 3 ie) et S| 9 me @) Ee 642 ‘WHITE. HIRADO PORCELAIN WATER JAR WITH COVER Bae ct Fine quality. Relief decoration of epeouy sprays; basketwork Pes a borders. peeeley, 112) Fike o. -YEIRAKU PORCELAIN BOWL JAPAN, ABouT 1800 Fine specimen, with decoration of characters in gold and blue and gold borders in inside, and Kiri crest and branches of pine, | bamboo and plum tree in gold on outside. Signed “Kahin Shiriu”. Silver rim. Gold and black lacquer stand. Probably made for A _ presentation to the Emperor. (Brinkley, 260) ee Diameter, 544 inches Or am he ae RAL eee ee F f * 87 | | 644 RARE HIZEN PORCELAIN IN CEN SE BURNER WITH 645 646 647 648 649 650 SILVER STAND AND COVER = sapan, LATE 18TH CENTURY =. A masterpiece of potting; beautiful, mellow colors. ‘Openwork — design of storks in pond among lotus leaves and flowers glazed in very soft blues, browns and reds, the whole sprinkled with — gold and silver. Pierced lotus top; stand with lotus deaves _ forming feet. (Boston Museum. Brinkley, 67) } 3 Height, 3 inches : SMALL IMARI PORCELAIN VESSEL FOR ee TEA CLOTH | 7 -. gapan, 1680 | A rare piece. Cylindrical shape, with decoration of dragons in gold on red and bands at top and bottom of green and red _ diaper. (Boston Museum. Brinkley, 35) nege 21, inches - IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL WITH COVER t JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Fine specimen, with landscape and floral decoration in red and gold enamel and underglaze blue. The domed cover with child sitting on drum modelled in the round. Diameter, 7 inches 4 IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL - Japan, aBouT 1780 | Fine decoration in brilliant colors of landscape, pomegranate ei trees, ebc. - Diameter, 75% inches — - | IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL JAPAN, ABouT 1780 Centre with dragon in blue and gold; curved sides with floral and figural decorations and diapered bands. Fine soft color. : | ; Diameter, 9Yg inches — ; IMARI PORCELAIN PLATE JAPAN, ABOUT 1780 Beautiful floral decoration in characteristic brilliant colors. Diameter, 121% inches LARGE IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL JAPAN, 1780 Very beautiful and bold decoration of fighting bulls in landscape _—_| with blossoming cherry trees, in blue, red and gold. Stand. | Diameter, 1714 inches 88 ; aye i” ahr ee oy 654 ( sae a | Be a : F4 | ae ; a ie a ‘ oe £ as = S — 655 — 656 mauve. (Brinkley, 58) “6 V2 Seed - : i 51 4 IMARI PORCELAIN SAKE BOTTLE © sapan, azovut 1760 Square shape. The sides with white panels containing floral ay Bt sprays set against rich background of flowers and diapers. Ex- cellent quality. Wood stopper. (Boston Museum. Brinkley, S tsF>< 438) : Height, 9 inches (65% F IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL ON RAISED FOOT WITH COVER JAPAN, ABouT 1750 _ Beautiful piece with diapers and medallions in rich enamels and gold. At base and top, border of yellow chrysanthemums on Diameter, 534, inches PAIR OF IMARI PORCELAIN BOWLS JAPAN, 1780 Unusual decoration. White paste with incised design. Decora- tion of medallions containing character “Ju” (congratulation) in gold on red; green and red diaper border at top and bottom. Mark, “Fukki Chosun” (wealth, honor, long life and happiness). (Brinkley, 40) (2) Diameter, 434, inches LARGE IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL JAPAN, 1700 Background of deep red ornamented in gold and colors with car- touches containing landscape in blue alternating with “Ju” char- ter (congratulation). Mark, “Fuku” in square. (Brinkley, 29) Diameter, 11 inches OLD KUTANI PORCELAIN BOWL Round centre with phcenixes and diapers. Slightly flaring sides with cartouches with sacred symbols against diapered ground. Fine color and design. Diameter, 7 inches HEXAGONAL IMARI SAKE POT WITH SPOUT AND HANDLE JAPAN, ABouT 1760 Very fine specimen with floral cartouches in turquoise and red on gold set against a gold and yellow diapered background. Stand. (Boston Museum. Brinkley, 69A) (Repaired) . Height, 7 inches 89 657 658 659 660 661 662 IMARI PORCELAIN BOWL es Small centre; wide flaring rim. Rare combination of d dragons, fishes in diapered sea, floral cartouches, ebcy % ir brilliant enamels. Ming mark. (Brinkley, 27) ee Diameter, ™% BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN TEA JAR AND PLA’ BY SHONDZUI GORODAYU JAPAN, 16TH (CENTI Brinkley’s attribution. The tea jar with diapers and circu medallions containing archaic figures. The plate with delic ee bamboo and bird design. (Boston Museum. Brinkley, 1 ak 2) (Both repaired) (2) ‘ae Height of jar, 234 inches; diameter 3 plate, BY é inche : SETO PORCELAIN BOTTLE to top and bottom, showing the seven sages in bamboo grove an various diaper patterns in relief. Thick green glaze of beauti ful nuances. Fine piece. Lacquered stopper. (Brinkley, 417) pct 3 inche, “9 RP a eR RE RS A NES aeaiinnman »-epneamivanm BLUE AND WHITE HIRADO PORCELAIN JAR WITH COVER - JAPAN, ABOUT 1780 © Cylindrical shape, tapering to top and bottom. Wave ‘design a in relief at bottom; design of flying cranes in blue. Cover with turtle in relief. (Boston Museum. Brinkley, 82) a Height, 10 inches — . ee ee Sa BLUE AND WHITE HIRADO PORCELAIN VASE 4 JAPAN, ABouT 1780 — Tall cylindrical shape, with flying cranes and landscape. (Boston — 4 Museum) Stand. . Height, 934 inches qT .. ree HIRADO BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN CLOVE ~ BOILER IN TWO PARTS JAPAN, ABouT 1750 The lower part on tripod feet, with handles and open cartouches; the top with handles and perforated lid. Decoration of “grains —_| of rice” pattern. (Boston Museum. Brinkley, 97) 3 a 1 Height, 71 inches 90 Brinkley, 129) ~ oe ¢ ne pl aca and at einic hive: Cover of rer, Kioto anufacture (repaired). (Brinkley, 10) oo aes Height, 32 inches ees Es spirals and foced-b Heide (Brinkley, 594) aye Length, 414 inches Soe ge eo SL — e ee na or FINE CHINESE PORCELAINS ees NUMBERS 667-691 | “667 _TEA-DUST PORCELAIN BOTTLE ty CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD Excellent quality. Pear shape, with short neck and flaring lip. Very beautiful soft glaze. Stand. (Brinkley, 551) c, Height, 11% inches CELADON PORCELAIN BOTTLE curva, Mine PERIOD Brinkley’s attribution. Incised decoration of lotus, sceptre ends, fretwork bands, etc. Handles. Graceful shape. Soft grayish cies: glaze. Stand. (Brinkley, 506) Height, 10 inches 1 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 REaNGE. CHINE PORCELAIN “BOTTLE, a CHINA, KANG Bell shape, with tall, cylindrical neck; incised decorat dragon and phenix among clouds. nea al BLANC-DE-CHINE PORCELAIN BEAKER > : . CHINA, | MING Fine specimen. Tecan shape. Relief band in imitation bronze with fretwork decomtiGy Lae H ae Ww e IMPORTANT MEU OT: Sea PORCELAIN VASE KANG-HST P Inverted Soran body, wide neck with flaring rim; ; lion and ring handles in relief. Exceptionally fine lustrous : Stand; brocade case. (Boston Museum. Copley Society . hibition, 1911) Height, ie inche [SEE FRONTISPIECE | CELADON PORCELAIN BOTTLE CHINA, MING PERIOD Pear shape, tapering to narrow neck with flaring lip. Ex : tionally fine color. Stand. (Boston Museum. Copley Society Exhibition, 1911. Brinkley, 482) \. *. Height, 11 “< 3 CELADON PORCELAIN VASE ~ CHINA, MING PERIOD | Pear shape, with wide mouth; square handles at shoulders. Deco: 4 ration in relief of bats and fungus-shaped clouds. Wave frieze at bottom; plantain-leaf frieze at neck. Stand. (Boston Mu- seum. Brinkley, 502) Height, 13% inches SANG- DE-BQZUF PORCELAIN BOTTLE ; CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD | Graceful shape, of extraordinarily fine color. (Copley Society Exhibition, 1911) | Height, 17 inches ; BLANC-DE-CHINE PORCELAIN VASE CHINA, MING PERIOI 0D Ovaid body; short neck with upturned flange. Very fine incised decoration of peony flowers and spirals. Beautiful soft white — glaze. Incised. Ching Hua mark. Stand. (Brinkley, 451) Height, wea inches 3 92 : 4 me: a4 IMPORTANT MIRROR-BLACK PORCELAIN VASE KANG-HSI PERIOD [NUMBER 671 | 1 } | 676 © ‘LARGE ‘CELADON VASE CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD _ Cylindrical shape, tapering to top and bottom. Relief decora- on of lotus flowers. Ming mark. Stand. (Boston Museum. rinkley, 503) (As is) Height, 16 inches a ; +B ee - ice » 67" ; BLUE STONEWARE BOWL CHINA, YUAN PERIOD et Beautiful nuances of blue with red splash. Fine piece. Boston useum. Cee: ee Diameter, 7 inches . *AMILLE-VERTE PORCELAIN BOWL _ CHINA, KANG-HSI PERIOD ‘ine aaste ‘Fine white porcelain, with well-executed landscape nd figures in enamels. (Chip) Diameter, 71% inches CELADON PORCELAIN VASE CHINA, KANG-HSI PERIOD color. Stand. (Boston Museum. Copley Society Exhibition, A be 1911. : Brinkley, 500) . Height, 1434 inches LARGE SANG-DE-BQEUF PORCELAIN VASE CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD Club shape. Fine color, with flambé at mouth. Stand. (Ex- tensive repairs) Height, 141% inches CELADON PORCELAIN BOTTLE CHINA, SUNG PERIOD Very fine gourd shape, with peony spirals in relief. Beautiful unctuous glaze. (Boston Museum. Brinkley, 482) (Repairs) | Height, 101% inches IMPERIAL-YELLOW PORCELAIN BOWL CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD Incised dragon decoration. Very fine color. Ming Wan-li mark. Stand. (Brinkley, 534) (Chips at rim) Diameter, 6°4 inches CHINA, KANG-HSI PERIOD Remarkable piece. Low body with handles at rim. Fine leaf- brown glaze mottled with black at shoulders. Silver top with phonixes among clouds. (Brinkley, 647B) Diameter, 6 inches 93 Graceful gadrooned shape, with fluted flaring lip and base. Fine PORCELAIN INCENSE BURNER WITH SILVER COVER © 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 Made for European trade. branches. Silver fittings. BLACK STONEWARE VASE Very beautiful lustrous black glaze. Stand. (Repairs ) LARGE TEA-DUST PORCELAIN VASE CHINA, KANG-1 lief bands of fretwork, archaic characters in medalli (Brinkley, 557) HH eight, 171 CHINESE TEMMOKU TEA BOWL SUN Very beautiful flaring shape, with lustrous black glaze | with silvery metallic lines. Copper rim. Stand. (Boston Mu seum. Brinkley, 652) (Repairs) ee OM. cl CHINESE TEMMOKU STONEWARE TEA BOWL SUNG PE Reautifully Aowing lustrous black glaze streaked with met lines. Silver rim. Lacquered stand. (Boston Museum. — ley, 651) mee 594 CHINESE TEMMOKU STONEWARE TEA BOWL oC | SUNG PEI Very beautifully running brown “hare-skin” glaze with greet black hairline streaks. Silver rim. Lacquered stand. ce Museum. Brinkley, 650) (Very slight repairs) — Diameter, tA in , a ad a4 og Pea et eh 5 = > 4 ¥ FINE FLAMBE PORCELAIN JAR CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PER 6 | Sturdy body with wide mouth ; nailheads at shoulders. see Jey, 611) ane B16 i inche es O43 a te ee a SILK AND WOOL VERDURE TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, 16TH CENTURY [NUMBER 692] “691 IMPORTANT CUCUMBER-GREEN PORCELAIN BOTTLE CHINA, CHIEN-LUNG PERIOD Globular body, with tall, cylindrical neck. Beautiful cucumber- green glaze with giant crackle. Stand; brocade case. Height, 121% inches ORIENTAL AND EUROPEAN TEXTILES NUMBERS 692-720 SILK AND WOOL TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, FLANDERS, SECOND HALF OF 16TH CENTURY | Verdure tapestry of very fine quality, showing forest scene. The foliage of the trees is interpreted with great skill in yellow-greens and contrasts strikingly with the blue-green depth of the inner forest. To the right, a vista of hilly landscape with ponds, _ meadows and trees. The foreground shows a pond bordered by 693 694 ferns, brambles and aquatic plants. In the forest move animals— _ two camels to the left, deer and an uncouth, ape-like animal in the background. In the foreground, at the pond, a pelican de- ‘yours a fish, below the gnarled roots of the tree is a turtle; to the right, a goat comes down to drink. The border, a typical 16th century Brussels border, intermingles bouquets of flowers and fruit with allegorical figures, on a pale yellow background. In the centres of the right and left borders are graceful female dancers in the Rafaelesque manner. In the right and left lower corners, Venus, reclining on a chariot, plays with an amorino. At the centre base reclines a river god. The mark, Brussels Bra- bant, at the lower left. Maker’s mark at the right. (Slight repairs ) Size, 11 feet 4 inches x 18 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION | WOOLEN TAPESTRY FLANDERS, 16TH CENTURY The Judgment of Solomon. Allegorical Renaissance border (in- complete). Size, 5 feet 7 inches x 8 feet 3 inches MANILA SILK SHAWL Heavy golden-tan silk with fine embroidery of diverse floral motifs. Embroidered on both sides. Heavy fringe. Size, 5 feet 5 inches x 5 feet 8 inches 95 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 INDO-PORTUGUESE EMBROIDERED SPREAD SILK DAMASK SPREAD _ spa, Lave 177m “cEx Design of undulated stems, flowers, etc. in pale tan. | stained ) Size, 7 feet x 5 ee Ti i SILK DAMASK SPREAD . SPAIN, 18TH CENT U Very fine greenish-yellow silk damask with bold rocaille desi a Rameeay ore 7 feet 10 inches x 7 feats 2i inches — INDO-PORTUGUESE EMBROIDERED BEDSPREAD | et INDIA, 17rH-18TH CENTU a All-over design of floral stems in pale green, pale yellow and pal 3 pink silk chain and satin stitch on linen. (As is) SO ' Size, 8 feet 5 inches x 6 hae 2 inche INDO-PORTUGUESE BEDSPREAD | cay INDIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY _ All-over design of floral scrolls and medallions with Renaissance urns with flowers, in satin and chain stitch, yellow silk on line ground. Size, 8 feet 11 inches x 5 feet 6 inche INDIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY F, Border and centre field with spiral scrolls to which convention- alized flowers and pomegranates are attached. Yellow silk satin — and crewel stitch on linen. Size, 8 feet 3 inches x 5 feet 6 inches - INDO-PORTUGUESE SPREAD mnpia, 17TH CENTURY Border showing birds in opposite representation and imperial eagle. The centre field with tree designs and various hunting — scenes showing Europeans in 17th century costume. Yellow silk crewel stitch on linen. (As is) 3 | Size, 8 feet 3 inches x 5 feet 9 inches Z ANTIQUE INDO-PORTUGUESE EMBROIDERED BED- a SPREAD e. Embroidery in yellow satin stitch on linen ground, showing spiral scrolls with attached conventionalized floral designs in vm low and russet silk. (As is) a Size, 9 feet 5 inches x 6 feet 1 ingle 4 96 a aye Se ee ee See ee ‘gle emia sti nde rca a eral’ RARE CHINESE SILK TAPESTRY HANGING Children playing at various games. Background of vivid reds and blues forming landscape. (Badly stained) an Size, 6 feet 9 inches x 5 feet 4 inches BROCADE SPREAD SPANISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Delicate pattern of ribbons and floral motifs showing the influ- -- ence of lace designs in silver-white on deep blue with touches of salmon-red. = Size, '7 feet 2 inches x 5 feet 4 inches BOKHARA EMBROIDERED SPREAD All-over design of large red palmette flowers with blue twigs in silk on canvas ground. Size, 7 feet x 4 feet 1 inch ‘CHINESE EMBROIDERED HANGING | Floral sprays and butterflies in pale golden satin stitch on pale salmon-red. ~ Size, 9 feet 3 inches x 5 feet 2 inches LARGE INDIAN EMBROIDERED HANGING Tan cotton weave embroidered in silk with large and delicately designed flowering tree of life growing on a hill embroidered in vivid colors. Unusual example. Size, 10 feet 1 inch x 7 feet 1 inch BOKHARA EMBROIDERED SPREAD All-over design of large burnt-orange flowers surrounded by ser- rated leaves in silk on canvas ground. (As is) Size, '7 feet 4 inches x 5 feet 8 inches JAPANESE BROCADE HANGING Heavy Obi silk with unusual design of cranes and flowers on deep red ground. Size, 7 feet 9 inches x 5 feet 2 inches ~ ANTIQUE INDIAN EMBROIDERED HANGING Silver embroidery on red satin. Prayer-niche design. Elaborate floral border. Scrolled prayer niche enclosing tree of life. Size, 5 feet 8 inches x 3 feet 5 inches 97 re ct 710 its 712 7138 714 715 716 717 PERSIAN “BIGHTEENTH CENTURY ve VELVET SPREAD with Solvents Ae ete., in heavy. broidery on black velvet ground. ‘ Size, 4 1 - inches x 2) STRIP OF SIXTEENTH CENTURY AR APPLIQUE EMBROIDERY | Bold Renaissance acanthus border in yellow ee lined in blue appliquéd on crimson fee : EMBROIDERED BOKHARA SPREAD Floral motifs in various gS on ae ae A mums produced by floating broca digs on ivory-white ¢ ground. (As is) pheasant and eet on views (As is) (2) ae Size, 11 feet 2 inches x 4& feet 3% INDIAN EMBROIDERED SPREAD 98 IMPORTANT VELVET PANET, JAPAN, 17TH CENTURY 7 [NuMBER 720] po TR, ae | 719 720: CHINESE GOLD EMBROIDERED VALANCE Large lotus flowers in couched gold thread heightened with touches of orange on deep blue satin ground. Fine specimen. (As is) Size, 21 feet 6 inches x 1 foot 10 inches TURKISH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SADDLE CLOTH Rich appliqué embroidery of scroll motifs encircling cartouches with view of a mosque on red velvet. Size, 3 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 10 inches IMPORTANT VELVET PANEL JAPAN, 17TH CENTURY Bamboo stems with butterflies in black, gray and ivory-white, partly cut and partly uncut velvet. A masterpiece of Japanese textile art. A similar weave was one of the star pieces of the Bing Collection, Paris, and is reproduced in color in “Le Japon Artistique’’.. Curious hand-colored chintz lining. (As is) Size, 6 feet 8 inches x 3 feet 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | JAPANESE NO DANCERS’ MASKS AND OTHER ORIENTAL 721 (22 723 724 OBJECTS OF ART NUMBERS 721-747 NO DANCER’S MASK JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Representing old man. Silk brocade bag. (Slightly damaged) NO DANCER’S MASK JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Representing Tokubaka, bearded old man. Striking expression. Silk brocade bag. (As is) NO DANCER’S MASK JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Representing Yace Otoko, thin man with high cheek-bones. Very fine quality. Silk brocade bag. NO DANCER’S MASK JAPAN, 18TH CENTURY Representing Sankojo. Old man, “grayish complexion. Real beard and hair. Remarkable quality. Silk brocade bag. 99 425 726 727" eee a 730 731 4382 133 T34 735 NO DANCER’S MASK Grimacing face with black lacquered | tecthal proaade bag. | ee: a ia NO DANCERS MASK AP Representing a grimacing demon. Cleverly cary N 0 DANCER’S MASK Old eee bag. ae is) NO oe MASK NO DANCER’S MASK ee = “— Broad-nosed grotesque face with protruding gilde S IES: bag. (As is) NO DANCER’S MASK sapan, 18H Beautifully modelled face with sunken cheeks; verm 01 Old brocade bag. ( Slight defects) NO DANCER’S MASK Grotesque demon with gilded, protruding eyeballs an teeth. (As is) | NO DANCER’S MASK JAPAN, 189H CENTUR Boldly carved grotesque features. Old brocade bag. (Slight | defects) ho a oar NO DANCER’S MASK JAPAN, 18TH A demon with animal fangs and faun’s ears. Old broca (As is) | at : z ROCK-CRYSTAL BALL } Flawless. Diameter, 8 i ROCK-CRYSTAL BALL Flawless. Silk bag. Diameter, 4 ie: 100 Y | :| I | A i Spf AN PAS GARI 4 Fat S hie pa c H " ; \ doh * "2 ie eZ yh {i Y F . ; } glans : aeehene Is, eo yas by é Pir Keg y ihr “tna c Nos he < Made, — sac (la MT ly (i } : rane v yds t | oy > wry Oe el 3 yp ei rie ee; 20 4 \ of x Ce a wey ae, ne > at, One Ou iy \ celine 2 rig fate See { < Ne meted es in ' Oy, Te aod hi 4 aI Va ash f . Sey aie ho - Zp aa r SOC au) ts nt ‘ ai \ ‘" >» f-¥ Jet, | , | ‘ a R) ee ae 5 \J % a. G feat hag oF pr a A ye ae ape. t Sy lars Gite fe, | Nel Atey A ai ' i i fru, ma ES Fes L KR p =. 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Fe * apa bat MPPs Lie peal Le Pook ania at piay behind 2 = kid a ia IE St edt peas ee Wa sh Vas wise) aca ite Wore P waa, Catia v eae AvGe Biers Nees SN Pune i; PY PP We eu Vane EN nt + Rain eu tb Sha ee ON bene WER ay Pp Wetenn odin 9 eats aa Sah Naas 3 cateeetay shea HARE Bee 8 ‘ eA shy oe mah es potted Hy as shad Aten aa Field ie eT teil =e i it oN Wee Nes an Ay ih se e aa Se AW tal x Eieve nt he in w Petit sata ne a iF : Ne yale Wig ce pte Ni HY * aig) big ey iN hh, ate ; oo Ae. Neg Hitech Sent y Be Weiss Hh ain + Mi! Ys Sta N a i bt iN 5) aa te i i hi i i Ane ; Valine ein eth Bt es ae raat Ny Ain Ta ReNE r ie stat NS gee b , eS aN Pt Nath y ry ‘ei a» ea Se sate / EE Bee hey by ¢ iets yeh. ar RUE bs aoe athe rat Be yaN ec ‘ deus prey ey ‘eee Arts ayy iin AM > fen Bh oer ae Ba en Pann whaay “e! Ty hay, ne 4 shh ' bh nt Sng