aa ay a Pee GEM eae 3 a ; ay : bata By: Ratt 2A a pelt a “Waa e ba ae 5 Perey ey . 4 RATT Se bs a iowa: ts Lae; pis +s ae iS ae rcs “7: bys : Me as - © ? ay nae : } - s a te J.J.Sowney C.D.Standish Geo.A. Zabriskie W.A.de Wolf Henry Schuitheis H.A.ALst R.F.Kilpatrick Mr.Stanton R.F.Kilpatrick Geo.A.Zabriskie H.F.Smith Mrs.N.B.Foster Mrs.S.Kowler &.T.Shaw, Jr. Feo.A.Zabriekie J.L.Stanton Dr.¥.Whiting W.W.Miller Herman Duval —— Muller Art Gall. Mrs.C.R.Emry =n t.0 : Jonn Levy Galls. " S.T.Shaw, Jr. Marion H.Zabriskie Mrs.C.R.Emry P.R.BLong J.Read John J.Sowney Macbeth Galls. Ainslie Galls. B.H.Grewthal P.R.~Blong John J.Sowney Ferargil Galls. " Chester Dale Muller Gail. Rehn Galls. R.Pxkii patrick Rudert, Agt. J.Read Walter M.Hill Muller Art Gall. B.H.Frewthal J.-L. Stanton Mrs.S.Kowler H.A.OLst Carvallis Bros. Chester Dale J-Read Frank D.Shea J.L.Stanton J-Read ~ oe Muller Art Gall Edward N.MeeMahon J.L.Stanton H.H.Feiber Chester Dale. J-Reid Geo.A. Zabriskie J.J.Sowney L.Reiheiser Seaman, agt. Mr.O'Reilly L.Reiheiser Milch Galls. . R.F.Kilpatrick Rehn Galis. Milch Galle. Macbeth Galls. Macbeth Galis. R.F Kilpatrick W.A.De Wolf Mrs.S.Kowler J.L.Stanton Geo.A. Zabriskie J.-L. Stanton i B.H.Grewthal W.A.De Wolf B. Frederick Geo.A.Zabriekie S.f.Shaw, Jr. J-UueStbanton. R.F. Kilpatrick B,.Frederich. J«b. Stanton. W Herman Duval H.F.Smith Ainslie Gallery N.M.Vose B.Frederick Ainslie Galls. J.«L.Stanton. R.S.Day. J.Hamilton ft J.Whren J «Hamilton tt Chester Dale J.Hamiiton Chester Dale. ai mi Be ,fbange ? u 2 2 * US : = Lice sek: ‘s otiuit gqetd. 568 | 3: E ce op | ‘godstiogé. 4 pees fo WO:<..: , SEORU Lees eee ud a. ag ull a aotaasasd & ae PC VELA. Ae » a2 ra + — os ap “te 6 SS Bd : at, a : gediot.d.n . 08 -cd BOLITGAGLELA. (A 08 a . ‘ y ¢ p 4 isi tegeed> OBL 88 OSM IS «fe — pfoe.b O28 “we jo tteeoitya. 4.3 atdartdes fi ny Le ie wii yA : iis I= ae ‘2 dot tsagiiar. . oa A ay | silted > ates yu 4 4 aT 2fisd folk O06. 4 . elie aiedoes $0804 1 a) “ sae fev ih tmser cg > ws i a pei 5); ee eee 23K3 es ‘sage mgnaiicamiana Ape sda @ -Us song Oo a = i ests FP ex 7 = < * a a ee a | « SUP * 7 4givoad * Pe ce » ee. ad Dc i ' 2 * : ‘ ; z ee / a be ye af PP aS ng f>iaaedc. i & , . Saber Ge Fae « <>} os e pe mr atuetedss .A. ced if eeliiea ~C.R.Emry — LK C.R: Red. J. Hamilton we 60. Albert Steigiétz ee. OS 80. J.Hamilton. 24. S00. Mrs.P.R.Blong 125. i170. Mrs.Le Roy ireland 328. YO. Girard ae Wy ge 200. S.A.Fatman i2B. 175. Ainslie Galis. i129. S20. W.W.C.Meade 150. 210. W.T.Baird 131. 200. W.L.Clark ise. 175. Herman Duval (155. 70. J-Hamiiton 6-134. 200. W.W.Meade. 1I38:: 100. H.A.Olst 136. 150. S.T.Shaw, Jr. 137. 1. Chester Dale 138. 150. Henry Field a 60. Calo Galls. ae 50. David Roberts _ REGGE Ts i70. Seaman, aft. ide. 210 . J.Read. 143. 150. J .Gawney i144, BS. J.Hamilton 145. 300. Aibert Stieglitz 146. die. J-Hamilton 147. 90. Mulier Galils. 148 TGs Girard 149, 450. Robert T.Swaine 25D. 8c. " pista 450. F.Leval 53% aus J.Hamilton 183. 410. Ainslie Galls. is4. E20. Henry Schultheis 2550 500. Chester Dale. 156. 160. Paul Farrington EST 525° David Roberts 158. 160. Ainslie Gslis. Lae > Leos T.G, Wylie 160. 280. Carvallio Bros. Ao: a Mulier Galls. 162 150. E.A.Nobje . £ Ween ee Hamiiton “ aes Galls. Seaman, agt. Metropolitan Galls. Herman Duval -Rehn Galis. Macbeth Galis. Milch Galls. Ainslie Galls. Henry Schultheis L.Perara. Macbeth Galis. Babcock Galls. Milch Gallis. Robt.1T. Swaine J.Read. W.L. Clark Macbeth Galls. Ferargil Gells. J.Lévy Galls. W.L. Clark Chester Dale. Ainslie Galis. Maebeth Vallis. pS TELL ' J.W.Sowney J.Levy Galis. Miss k,M.Greacin Seaman, agt. Harold E.Whitman Seaman, agt. F.Buscher Paul Farrington R.F.Kilpatrick H.Witteman David Koberts J-Hamilton H.Witteman " pod {taal t nod i imesh. : -Sifev tollum 3 Re 7 Siz: 32 ~eltad nest Loge rey | javud a.em@ oH a. -@L1ieay HAS: | @ilaéy Aadsdoax Siisv foliv * Liskd Siseaia afeniJdiutios yuinsH Eel Oids oi 4 lev. adsdork Bile Soco dat Sligo agit aniswe.T.Jéd< «edH.% eWeek 3s ¥ -Sliav ssdose Bila Ligiaste4 Q@1is2d Yvaedst ? Zt2{9.1.9 slei: tedsodd dope: Silania alisv dvedosM fie, © dn! “2 p ‘ uy” ee cet bom + fee al = b wee aed CBee “By OSE Ga) rnd DeAnda. he ean L924, mses FON. Covers ; ass ON PREE PUBLIC. EXHIBITION | m Saturday, January 1 6, Until Time of Sale Weekdays 9am, Se ue SP m. 6 a, Bie i — Exhibition and Sale at the 2 AMERICAN Art GALLERIES “ MADISON AVENUE + 56h TO 57¢h STREET | 7 New York (ity x 1926 bal a Courtesy of the Salmagundi Club PORTRAIT OF Mr. SAMUEL T. SHAW ~ (By Wayman Adams) THE SAMUEL T. SHAW COLLECTION OF _ AMERICAN PAINTINGS CANVASES BY~-REPRESENTATIVE AMERICAN ARTISTS INCLUDING: BOGERT, CARLSEN, --_ CRANE, CHASE, CURRAN, DESSAR, DE HAVEN, . ~ GAY, HASSAM, McCORD, MURPHY, METCALF, _OCHTMAN, ROBINSON, SMITH, TWACHTMAN, WEIR, WALKER, WIGGINS, WILES AND WYANT sales. (onducted by Mr. Y. Bernet & Mr. FH. Fl. Parke AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC. MANAGERS a a or lad ly eae oe * en oe na CONDITIONS OF SALE I. REJECTION OF BIDS: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. _ Il. THEBUYER: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. IDENTIFICATION AND DEPOSIT BY BUYER: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied sa the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. RISK AFTER PURCHASE: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneers hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. DELIVERY OF PURCHASES: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. RECEIPTED BILLS: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recog- nized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. STORAGE IN DEFAULT OF PROMPT PAYMENT AND CALLING FOR GOODS: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser-or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the pur- chaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwith- standing, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and te hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sus- tained in so doing. VIII. SHIPPING: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a busi- ness in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, : fr however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and. reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assump- tion of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. ; LX. GUARANTY: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description,. genu- ineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judg-. ment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. RECORDS: ‘The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. | XI. BUYING ON ORDER: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or tele- phone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing condi- tions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot ‘differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clear- ness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot num- ber be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the. lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. PRICED CATALOGUES: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. ‘These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. OTTO BERNET ManacGeErs HIRAM H. PARKE AUCTIONEERS TERR LT ee INTRODUCTORY NOTE The Collection of American pictures formed by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq., donor (1892-1906) of the Shaw Fund of the © Society of American Artists, is that of a man who has given a considerable portion of his life to the encouragement of American painting. It is with pleasure that the American Art Association renders, in its endorsement of Dr. Hunt’s appreciation, a small tribute to the honorable unselfishness and enthusiasm of a man who has been an inspiring force behind the progress of so many of the foremost painters of the day. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. ee FOREWORD HE sale and dispersal of Samuel T. Shaw’s collection of pictures will be a milestone, and a very prominent one, on the highway along which American art is steadily advanc- ing. The Shaw collection occupies a place that none other ie has ever filled, or even attempted to fill, because it consists chiefly of canvases chosen by artists exhibiting in our foremost picture ) shows, as the best, technically and artistically, among the thousand _ hung; also because these pictures were done when our American painters had fairly settled into their stride and had given to American art, for the first time, a cachet all its own. Furthermore, Mr. Shaw has gathered and cherished these canvases because of his innate love of the beautiful and his sincere desire to en- courage those men about him who are devoting their lives to art here in America, and has not only sympathized with, but put into practice, Whistler’s dictum: “The final verdict on the merits of a picture must be that of the artist.’’ The Shaw collection is, and will be of far more interest in the history of American art development than any group of ‘‘primitifs,’’—-which were under the sway of the great school of British portrait painters; furthermore, the influence of the artists here repre- sented will be more widespread and lasting than that of the ‘colored photograph”’ Hudson River school, or of all the Dusseldorf gems and bravura posings of Munich put together. The collection is noteworthy for another reason: It marks the epoch of a parting of the ways in American art, and strikingly differen- tiates the standards of taste between romantic, poetic, and ideal pro- ductions, and the now threatened radical movement of realistic rational- ism. he artists who painted these canvases were one with us and our environment, and not men living apart, aloof, detached and outside the current of contemporary humanity. There is diversity in the types of men and their output:—Benson, a pioneer of broken, vibrant color; Theodore Robinson, our first impressionist, and with him Twachtman, Ochtman and Hassam; Prof. Weir and Wm. M. Chase, eminent teach- ers; Wiggins and Mcllhenny, the virile animal painters; H. O. Walker and his appealing treatment of youth; Wyant, atmospheric, his pictures like the note of the hermit thrush in a deep wood; Metcalf and Redfield, portrait painters of nature; Murphy and Ranger, the twain who so long dominated landscape in the realm of art; McCord, © Crane and Granville Smith, imbued with sentiment of sea and sky; Gay, Volk, C. Ryder, H. Nichols, Curran, De Haven,—but why go on when ~ their canvases speak so eloquently? : Clever was the French critic who said:—‘‘Criticism of one’s con- — temporaries ceases to be criticism and becomes conversation.” And he who has made this collection, Mr. Shaw, combines in him- — self qualities very rarely found united in one individual, for he was an art student in youth and early manhood; indeed, in its widest sense he is one to-day, a steadfast patron of art, a connoisseur of Catholic taste and, fortunately, never limited to considerations of how much should be expended whenever faced by the question of buying pictures or giy- |} ing prizes. And here it must be recalled that the first Shaw Prize was given to encourage figure painting in order to combat the idea then pre- “| vailing that landscapes were the American’s only field. The ultimate fate of all collections seems finally to bring them — under the hammer, and more than twenty years ago it was prophesied that ‘‘a collection of such extraordinary merit as Mr. Shaw’s and one made under such extraordinary circumstances if disposed of would prove more profitable than any collection chosen for ‘safe investment.’ ” Unabated enthusiasm and timely encouragement attended every acquisition of these American pictures, and, hand in hand with them, came generosity and judgment. ak LeicgH Hunt. 1 FIRST SESSION THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK HGatalogue Numbers, 1 to 104 inclusive ’ _e. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. ee ie ye AMERICAN: .1857— Wy ap ey | 1-4 SKETCH (EVENTIDE) [HE warm tones of the land in the foreground are merged into the indistinct shapes of buildings at the left, seen only in rough outline against the evening sky filled with yellow and orange lights and cloud forms. Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches. - Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE. 93%, CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. ae daca onc: AMERICAN: 1861-— | 2—MAKING HAY A sunny hayfield, with a woman in sun hat, blue bodice and apron, rak- ing the loose grass into heaps. Behind, a copse of green oak trees, an expanse of cornland and the June sky. Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches. Signed at lower left, CHAS. C. CURRAN, and dated 1887. Purchased direct from the artist. CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. Ore v AMERICAN: I ae RETOLS TEEN GRU IAE : | Pit SANDY grassland rising at the left to a hummock; in the foreground facing half left, the sturdy figure of a black and white bull, the sun light- ing the animal’s body from the upper left. Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches. - |i Signed at lower left, CARLETON WIGGINS. Purchased direct from the artist. eae on -— 7 a CARLE J. BLENNER Rie ese 6.4, Lanitich, AMERICAN: 1864— 4—LUXEMBOURG GARDENS, PARIS A BALUSTRADE at the top of a flight of steps crosses the rear of the playground, and is in the shade of a mass of green foliage, behind which can be glimpsed buildings and the dome of the, Panthéon. Around the shady square are seats with nurses and children, in the foreground a square pool in which small boys are sailing boats in the sunshine. Panel: Height, 9% inches; length, 13 inches. Signed at lower right, CARLE J. BLENNER, Paris. Purchased direct from the artist. CARLTON T. CHAPMAN, N.A. SS AMERICAN: 1860—1925 Gaote fabuehec | 5 MARINE _ Tue sea is deep blue and quiet, under an uncertain ruddy sky, with ) promise of a storm. In the distance, the sails of fishing vessels, in _ the left foreground two smacks close together with sails set, riding at anchor. 7 Height, 11 inches; length, 16% inches. Signed at lower right, CARLTON T. CHAPMAN, and dated 1887. Purchased direct from the artist. CHARLES WARREN EATON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 6-—MARINE: THE PORT GRAY ocean under a cloudy sky, with fishing vessels and steam tugs moving about; behind, the irregular gray line of the buildings and factories of a busy town. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, CHAS. WARREN EATON. Purchased direct from the artist. FRANCISCO LUIS MORA, N.A. YEO ig AMERICAN: 1874— hry Sebel. : | 7—THE PRINT COLLECTOR Dark studio interior, the carpet strewn with books, dane and al brass utensils. Facing the observer are seated three youthful dan- dies in eighteenth century costumes, one of whom is critically eee | the points of a picture to ) the other two. . in Height, 14 inches; width, 10% inches. Signed at lower right, F. Luts Mora. Purchased direct from the artist. Z — * GEORGE ELMER BROWNE, A.N.A. —17 g AMERICAN: 1871— KL heh 8—THE FOREST WORKERS Low grassland with the verge of a wood at the right, where are two men; a timber wagon with two horses is halted in the centre of the scene. Behind is a blue sky, fantastically banked with a huge white pulow of cloud full of sunlight. Height, 14 inches; width, 14 inches. Signed at lower right, Gro. ELMER BROWNE. Exhibited at the Salmagundi Club. , GEORGE M. HAUSHALTER go 7. AMERICAN: 1862— A FAdbfatrcch 9—THE BRITTANY BELLE Bust portrait in profile to the left against a neutral wall, of a young woman with dark hair knotted on the nape of her neck, and wearing a dark green robe with a huge white ruffed Medici collar edged with lace, forming a fan-like halo about the finely modeled head. W ater-color: Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at lower left, G. HAUSHALTER, PARIS. Purchased direct from, the artist. MATHIAS SANDOR Yen. SdewLn AMERICAN: 1857—1920 I0~ 10—MEXICAN INDIAN SETTLEMENT A sanpy plain in summer, with low adobe buildings in the fore- ground, before which are an Indian squaw with a baby and a second attending to a low hemispherical kiln, in which pots are being baked. Water-color: Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches. Signed at lower right, MATHIAS SANDOR. Purchased direct from the artist. CHARLES MORGAN McILHENNY, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1856—1904 Ad Mulfectiich NOVEMBER | A QUIET evening on snow-covered moorlands, gray and white to the horizon, where there flames a band of orange. In the foreground, a solitary clump of trees, before which is the bearded shepherd with his bundle of forage and a scanty flock of sheep feeding from the grass heaps in the snow. : 10 -« Ci Water-color: Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches. Signed at lower left, C. MorRGAN McILHENNY. Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901. Purchased direct from the artist. io LEONARD OCHTMAN, N.A. Bi oe ae _ AMERICAN: 1854— | ; | Heo te fpabrcehs 12—WOOD INTERIOR | SLOWLY rising brown earth scattered with traces of green vegetation, _ with the slender bare trunks of birches and saplings pointing up. na- _ kedly to the sky, the background fringed by the confused gray mass of the woodland under the dull clouds. _Water-color: Height, 16 inches; length, 22% inches. Signed at lower left, LEONARD OCHTMAN. Purchased direct from the artist. ERNEST LEONARD BLUMENSCHEIN, A.N.A. PAD AMERICAN: 1874— AF beech 13—PREPARING FOR THE HUNT THE corners of a country house, seen from the lawn, with a sundial in the foreground; at left and right great trees thrust their foliage into the scene. On the paths a confused crowd of huntsmen, whippers-in, followers in pink, and foxhounds. Pastel: Height, 14% inches; length, 22 inches. Signed below, with initial B. Purchased direct from the artist. SO a FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. GEORGE M. HAUSHALTER Meo AMERICAN: 1862— Yao 413, Avot 14—FLIGHT OF GULLS A FISHING vessel with furled brown sail, anchored on the sluggish water; a mass of white gulls is hovering in the water around the stern, the more daring perched on the planking of the vessel itself. Water-color: Height, 23 inches; width, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, HAUSHALTER, and dated 1911. Purchased direct from the artist. AMERICAN: 1856— Yoo F Molen) 1s—LANDSCAPE WITH A ROAD A SsLow curve in the rough stony dirt road bisecting the scene, flanked on either side by scrubby grassland; a sturdy tree leans out from the right hand over the bend and partly obscures the clouds lighted by the rising sun, which is low down in the eastern sky. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, F. DE HAvEN, and dated 1887. Purchased direct from the artist. iE GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, AN.A. aks bt AMERICAN: 1848—1909 LJ haw fo. | 16—LANDSBORO WOODS : = THE edge of the forest, with a brilliant turquoise sky seen through = Bh heavy foliage and the gnarled trunks of the trees set in the dark earth. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. Be ete lower Ieft, G. H. McCoro. CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. AMO-7w AMERICAN: I1861— Leo: A fbaskes 17—RHODODENDRONS ON the grass, a bare-footed young woman with long auburn hair and bare bosom, loosely draped in blue-gray muslin, is gathering an armiui of pink rhododendrons. Height, 20 inches; width, 9 inches. Signed at lower right, Cuas. C. CURRAN, and dated 1875. Purchased direct from the artist. AUGUST FRANZEN, N.A. 3S 4 AMERICAN: 1863— pk oil 18S—HARVEST TIME ARABLE country, with the brown and lemon-yellow fields stretching away over a broad landscape with houses on the lower horizon. In the foreground, facing each other, a peasant in a peaked cap and holding a full apron, and an old woman in red bodice and blue skirt with her head tied in a handkerchief, leaning on the handles of a barrow. Pastel: Height, 17% inches; width, 16% inches. Signed at lower right, FRANZEN. LOUIS PAUL DESSAR, 0 LG AMERICAN: eas Sud Mihi 19—LANDSCAPE IN EVENING GLOW THE edge of a wood, with a pool at the right reflecting the dying rays of the sun. On the near shore the dark figure of the shepherd sur- rounded by his flock, the orange-yellow sunlight forcing notes of quiet color on their fleeces. | Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, DESSAR. Purchased direct from the artist. EDWARD DUFNER, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1872— UM Gubler A OO 7 20 SUMMER MORNING _ON the grass of the near shore of a lake, in which swans are swim- ming in the sunlight, are three children, two in white, the third standing up at the right and in a pink dress. ‘The bright sunshine fills with points of light the trees above them, throwing high lights on their frocks and golden hair. Height, 14 inches; width, 14 inches. Signed at lower left, EDWARD DUFNER Salmagundi Club, 1923. SG CORWIN KNAPP LINSON sie iat P| 4 Ane ee 3 oh mal : AMERICAN: 1864 Arran Muvak 7 21—WINTER SCENERY a ae LookING down from a height, one is granted a broad view over a — | river valley, with snow-covered rising ground alternating with the rus- 7 / set-red of the tree tops. In the foreground bare saplings, and at the © foot of the hill a cottage; the whole in the strong bluish glare of the 7) sun. : eke - | Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. ~| Signed at lower right, Corwin K. Linson, and dated illegibly. Purchased direct from the artist. JOHN WARD DUNSMORE, A.N.A. So qT AMERICAN: 1856— Tiles tak Yaltay 22—THE COURT JESTER INTERIOR, with a tapestry background. A jester in parti-colored pink and green costume is seated on a Savonarola chair, playing with a — dog sprawled on a leopard skin which covers the floor. In the left foreground a perch with a parrot. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. Signed at lower right, JoHN Warp Dunsmore, and dated 1914. Purchased direct from the artist. ¢ CHARLES WARREN EATON, N.A. Mi Urs AMERICAN: 1857— 23—EVENING LIGHT UNEVEN snow-covered ground, with fir trunks at the right and fringed behind with a belt of dark green trees patterned against the livid yellow of the sunset sky beyond. Over the snow in the fore- ground, an unseen moon has already arisen. Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower right, CuAs. WARREN EATON. Purchased direct from the artist. 8 GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. PO a4 AMERICAN: 1848—1909 | $ . Vi. Boer ay 7 24—M ASSACHUSETTS COAST | RuGGED sloping granite rocks at the left, on which is booming a heavy sea; above, a dull blue sky filled with leaden cumulus clouds, with flying * gulls. | Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, Geo. H. McCorp. Purchased direct from the artist. CHARLES SCHREY VOGEL /70 - AMERICAN: I186I—I912 4 : 25 —THE SCOUT VA 7 sae A NARROW ridge on a cliff overlooking the great broad plain below at the right; mounted on a shaggy brown pony and seen in full profile to the right is an Indian, shading his eyes with his hand and looking down over the surrounding country. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. Signed at lower left, CHAS. SCHREYVOGEL, and dated 1904. Purchased direct from the artist. " 4 ‘ a F am” SOS ~- - - - » inte eae cal Eek ehgiaey tire bi =i : , 8 { | 26—SHEEP | A cart road at the end of a French village with rambling farm build- | ings on either side and a gray sky overhead. A shepherd in a blue ‘| smock with a knapsack over his shoulder is leading a small flock of | sheep down the road away from the observer. F. BRISSOT FRENCH: XIX CENTURY send A SY YY < Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches. i ‘Signed at lower left, F. Brissor. a ™ GEORGE ELMER BROWNE, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1871— bo rau, fo | 27—MARINE b EvenInG, the harbor backed by the low red roofs of houses and a solitary windmill. In the left foreground are three fishing vessels, their _ large brown sails unfurled, preparing to cast anchor, the sun throwing i} a weird greenish yellow light on the sky and the water. Height, 12 inches; length, 16¥2 inches. ‘Signed at lower left, GEO. ELMER BROWNE. ~ Purchased direct from the artist. EDWARD HENRY POTTHAST | 270 - AMERICAN: 1857— THE wet sand of the seashore, at the water’s edge, with a gentle sea breaking in the background. ‘Three small girls, in blouse and skirt, their hair tied with brightly colored ribbons, are dancing round in a ring, in the sunshine. 28—“RING AROUND ROSES” Panel: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, E. POTTHAST. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 Yee £00 Bong | 29—NEAR FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA , bs- _ Russet and green land with masses of autumn-tinted trees at left and right and the figures of woodmen; behind them the great snow-covered bulk of a mountain thrusting a wedge into the brilliant blue sky, and streaked with a riot of colors in the sunshine. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, G. H. McCorp. Purchased direct from the artist. AMERICAN: 1857— : poe BRUCE CRANE, N.A. th Me 30—INDIAN SUMMER RUSSET-BROWN land, with birches and sycamores glowing with the full- ness of their autumn tints. A narrow vista is formed by an arch of trees; a little stream winds down across the plain to a prospect of low hills and reflects the pale gem-like blue of the sky. Height, 13% inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE. we Pe ens ee ae CHARLES SCHREYVOGEL AMERICAN: 1861—I912 fr 31 —DEAD SURE 280 - A busty western plain under a sky of intense blue; a posse of troopers __ galloping towards the observer, with two leaders in the foreground ) mounted on chestnut horses and firing as they gallop, at unseen Indians on the left. ) | | = Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. q Signed at lower right, CHARLES SCHREYVOGEL, and dated 1902. Purchased direct from the artist. pP-iS (27-65 wu Rip AUGUSTE SCHENCK | - | GERMAN: eee wf di 34 2—SHEEP IN SNOWSTORM lea. PLOUGHED field in winter, with a gale blowing freezing gusts of 3 d | ee horizontally across the huddled flock of sheep coming up toward’ ee ‘the observer, with the shepherd and his dog in the rear. A wooden | ence runs diagonally away from the left foreground, eestor its “inrégulae stakes up towards the:leaden sky. ie or | Height, 12 inches; Tes 16 inches. - ’ i ’ £ sd - —" Signed at lower right, SCHENCK. ie co IRVING RAMSEY WILES, N.A. 150 - AMERICAN: 1861— heachth Ualleoe, 33—REVERIE CorNER of a studio, decorated in the Japanese manner. On a sofa 1s seated before a yellow hanging, a young woman clad in black with a crimson scarf and leaning thoughtfully on a ’cello. Height, 20 inches; width, 11 inches. Signed at lower left, IRvinG R. WiEs, and dated 1886. Signed on back of canvas, 1. R. Wixes, and dated 1886. | Purchased direct from the artist. FRANCISCO LUIS: MORAY Nex Loe AMERICAN: 1874— ; : Aunelew Mlle 34--ON THE FARM THE corner of a wooden barn at the bottom of a field, the sky line just visible at the top of the picture. In the foreground, a group of swine, and two laborers in farm clothes struggling respectively with the neck and hind leg of an obdurate pig. Water-color: Height, 17 inches; length, 23 inches. Signed at lower right, F. Luis Mora. BPoOUls PAUL. DESSAR, N.A. 7O - AMERICAN: 1867— B.A Leewthal 35 —SHEEPFOLD RED-ROOFED farm buildings set picturesquely against a pale blue sky, and sheltered by trees. Out of the fold a woman in blue is driving forward toward the observer a flock of sheep, the morning sun throw- ing warm light onto their fleeces. : Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, DESSAR. CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. soa 5: AMERICAN: 1848— Lf 4 y 36—A SHEPHERD AND HIS FLOCK SD aE nae a ene Ss spans - — sn ar aera ; - —————E —— ae A ORS A BLACK sky piled with cumulus clouds looks down on a Brown plain @ with scattered tree copses, and in the foreground a small flock of sheep, — the shepherd and his black dog. Patches of light are formed by the — illumination of the backs of the sheep and the line of the distant plain. — a a aa PTET EEE FO ANE bd dl Ti, — det Cla Height, 18 inches; with, 14 inches. a ee ened SERS mae ete Ee, TA ‘ Signed at lower left, CARLETON WIGGINS. Spare ete Purchased direct from the -artist. = Sgt ae ee = HUGH BOLTON .JONES, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— pep boog THE sky is streaked with clouds and lighted with orange, ahd glows sharply behind the snow-covered ruins of farm buildings and through the brown feathery masses of bare trees in the foreground on the snow- covered plain. A curving road bisects the scene, crossing a water splash; up towards the observer comes the black shape of a sleigh drawn by a horse. Jb 37—WINTER 7 Height, 12% inches; length, 18 inches. Signed at lower right, H. BoLToN Jones. FREDERICK JUDD WAUGH, N.A. 200 - AMERICAN: 1861— lroagl Fallere 38—CORNISH COAST A RUGGED grass-covered cliff slopes down at the right and ends at the sea’s edge in towering granite rocks. A greenish-blue sea is breaking in towards the right foreground with a bush of white foam, in the clear light of early morning. Height, 14 inches; width, 14 inches. Signed at lower right, F. J. WAUGH. Signed on back of canvas, F. J. WAUGH, and dated 1909. — PAUL CORNOYER, Agnes © - ; SLhries™ 7 AMERICAN: 1864—1923 laagh I . 39—WINTER SCENE: 59TH STREET,’ NEW YORI GC 1) THE snow-covered street looking east, with pedestrians, a cart and shovellers attacking the snow heap in the foreground. Background of buildings seen grayishly under a light yellow sky with a pale winter sun. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, PAUL CORNOYER. a LOUIS KRONBERG | by BO AMERICAN: 1872— | 40—BALLET GIRL IN BLUE | - BErore a luminous curtained background, the erect figure of a ballet Ee opaee “A brown hair and blue ecumne, age a green fan in her Height, 20 inches; ae 15 inches. | = Signed at lower ht, L. KRonpere. | Purchased direct from the artist. ~~. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. GO ‘é : AMERICAN: 1857— Mille ae 41I—LANDSCAPE WITH STREAM A NARROW river fringed with reeds curves away in the right fore- ‘ground; beside it a winding sandy foot-path runs off from the left of the canvas among the green meadowland. Behind, a curtain of trees, oe ee Bar dy veiling the rising ground. Height, 11% inches; length, 1514 inches. Signed below, BRUCE CRANE. Purchased direct from the artist. THEODORE ROBINSON 7b - AMERICAN: 1852—1896 42—GIVERNY : LooKkING down from a grassy hillside over the trees of the foreground, the village is seen as a patchwork of gaily-colored roofs, on which the sun glints cheerfully, with the square tower of the church rising above them at the right. Beyond, the ground rises steadily again, and is mantled in green woodland. Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower right, TH. ROBINSON, and dated 1889. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. 4 “wh sa Avey i a THEODORE ROBINSON AMERICAN: 1852—1896 My. 7 Mfeaticch 43—NORMANDY MOTHER THE corner of a field, with a background of emerald foliage. On an upturned box a fair-haired peasant woman, with striped bodice and blue apron, is fondling on her knees an infant in white. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. Signed at lower left, THEO. ROBINSON. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. SF0- | AMERICAN: 18 SS $7 Uderk, Mgenk : 44—SAND DUNES | THE edge of the sea, with hummocks of silver sand intermingled with straggling green vegetation, the rhythm of the shore line accentuated by a small breakwater of rocks, stretching out into the intense blue of the ocean. Above, is a summer sky dotted with small white cirrus clouds. Height, 22 inches; length, 31 inches. Signed at lower left, BRUCE CRAN . Purchased direct from the artist. LEONARD OCHTMAN, N.A. 4 AMERICAN: 1854— fo ip ( ~ 45—LANDSCAPE IN WINTER _ OPEN snow-covered ground dipping sharply in the foreground to the _ bank of a frozen river, fringed on either side by red brick cottages _ with snow-covered roofs and rising abruptly to hills on the farther side crested with woodland. A bright sun casts bluish shadows before the little houses at the left and from the five sentinel birches next them. Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. _ Signed at lower left, LEONARD OCHTMAN, and dated 1896. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Purchased direct from the artist. ~ ‘JULES SCALBERT WIG 6h - Frencu: XIX Century ‘tM ie THE gray waves of the seaside with a rope strate out to. a: auido mast, with three bathers on the far end of it. In the foreground, ag young girl in an old-fashioned green bathing suit clinging to the rope and presenting her back to the white swell of an incoming wave. ¥ : 288 46—FA CE val L’ENNEMI Panel: Hetghi,- 22° tenes width, 18 inches. Signed at lower left, J. SCALBERT. a : : ee a WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849—I1916 Multa bok Lat 47—SELF PORTRAIT Cee AGAINST a dark background the head and shoulders portrait, facing the observer, of the artist in a brown smock, the distinguished oval face with black hair and beard and deep-set, thoughtful eyes. Height, 19 inches; width, 16 inches. | Signed at lower right, CHASE. Purchased direct from the artist. mere io PAUL DESSAR,’ N.A. Loo - AMERICAN: '1867— Vii A Geecoth al 48—RETURN TO THE SHEEPFOLD EVENTIDE, the sheep driven by their monkish shepherd inside a great low barn in the right foreground, with white walls and a huge expanse of roof softened by the trees behind it. Over the whole scene is a fan- tastic greenish light. i Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. i Signed at lower left, DESSAR. Purchased direct from the artist. | E. M. BICKNELL i Boe im AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY Ps yy. a 49—SEASHORE | | 7 Sia SEA breaking gently into the right foreground across an expanse of — wet sand; against the horizon, under a sky with white clouds, are sailing — ships and passing steamers. . 3 } a Height, 1§ inches; length, 30 inches. — Signed at lower left, E. M. BICKNELL. Purchased direct from the artist. , FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. BESO + AMERICAN: 1856— Yl Ve LS, 50——LAN DSCAPE UNEVEN grassy foreground, with boulders at the right, and a screen of trees in full leafage; in the gap at the left is a single oak with its rugged foliage contrasted before the clouded blue sky behind. Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches. Signed at lower right, F. DE Haven, and dated 1889. Purchased direct from the artist. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. Joo~ AMERICAN: 1857— Ao. e.Obk s1—d4UTUMN LANDSCAPE ) A WIND-BROKEN landscape, with the swampy brown land of the fore- ba —2 ground giving place behind to a mantle of black earth on the horizon. eerkt: the left, a solid russet_mass of woodland and a solitary quivering i= “tree set against ae uncertain sky with its banks of rain-clouds. (sgpe = =e Height, 15 inches; length, 19 inches. ot ee. a . + “Signed at lower ie Bruce CRANE. i@ Purchased direct Bonk the artist. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. } q Yeo ae : AMERICAN: 1848—1909 Caveat Vin 52—4 WINDMILL, HOLLAND Tue bend of a canal fringed with rushes, with a group of red-roofed houses on either bank; at the left a windmill soaring into the sky, which is partly overcast with white cumulus clouds re-echoed upon the sur- face of the water with the ominous stillness of a coming storm. Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower right, G. H. McCorp. CHARLES SS TANT ys REINHART XO fy AMERICAN: 1844—I 897 thuly Luk) -53—4N IMPORTANT LETTER ’ Tue corner of a restaurant, marked by a red screen and a table spread : with a white cloth and a bottle of wine. A waiter with a white apron — is standing attentively by, while a young woman with a feathered hat and a long fur-trimmed black cloak is seated, hastily penning a letter. Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. Signed at lower right. C. S. REINHART. JAMES McDOUGAL HART, N.A. ZiO-47 AMERICAN: 1828—1901 ys Mead, §4—TREE IN THE MEADOVS A PEACEFUL green pasture with a pool in the right foreground, domi- nated by the towering branches of an oak tree. On the sunlit grass of the near meadows and the middle distance brown and white cattle are grazing, the low masses of distant hills lying darkly naked under a cloudy sky. 3 , Height, 15% inches; length, 23 inches. Signed at lower left, JAMES M. Harr. American Art Association sale, March, 1914. , 2. Ditw Yturhe Vantew bale 18 0- NMio- & Bk Che CRANE, NjA. Ser ican I AV eae Junk fo, Sheu —GOLDEN MEADOWS a top of a hill covered with a blaze of yellow bracken, golden-rod anc wild flowers, with scattered stones, and crowded by woodland, with ‘ Bet of three trees with their variegated autumn tints dominating he left fae ound. Smadiahiaieemeimemms amemeant “ee * a - | | i o Millboard: eae ay inches; length, 18 inches. “Signed a Blower right, Bruce CRANE. 3 Purchased cet from the artist. Justin stata itn ie Sheed ay re ye pres vs S A ee) re M iE ie ROBERT DAVID GAULEY, A.N.A. vb | AMERICAN: 1875— " s6—DUTCH INTERIOR | ‘3 ‘CorraGE interior with white stone walls and a fire at the right, next __ which is seated the man smoking a pipe; the woman at the kitchen table Pr peeling potatoes. Interestingly lighted through a window at the far end of an inner room seen through the central doorway. Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at lower left, RopERT Davin GAULEY, and dated 1902. _ Purchased direct from the artist. ISO 7 ALBERT LOREY GROLL, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— bah Jabushew 57 AUTUMN WHITE sky and snow-covered ground run together at the left, sepa- rated by a fringe of brownish, half denuded trees. In the foreground the expanse of snow is bounded by two slender trees at the left, and the bare, stalwart trunk of an elm thrust into the sky at the right, in a monotone of brown-black. Height, 25 inches; length, 35 inches. Signed at lower right, A. L. GROLL. Purchased direct from the artist. fe NRY GOLDEN DEARTH, N.A FO a AMERICAN: 1864—1918 - Mead 58—LANDSCAPE BROAD meadows with scattered trees in a late afternoon of summer; in the distance, the white and red walls of a village, and woodland on the horizon. The pale green and violet tones of the clear sky thrust bril- liant notes of color on to the trees and grass. Height, 24% inches; length, 29 inches. Signed at lower right, H. DEARTH. FREDERIC STUART CHURCH, N.A, AMERICAN: 1842—1924 “/ ray, s9—A DOLL MATINEE FO Ok: BEFORE a huge curtain of holly, a smiling, auburn-haired child in a white dress 1s seated holding a doll and flanked on either side by a row of hares, owls and teddy bears, each with a small doll in its arms, with her pet pug dog on a lower branch, similarly occupied. Height, 18 inches; length, 36 inches. Signed at lower left, F. S. CHURCH, and dated 1891. Purchased direct from the artist. | % Yo : FRANK RUSSELL GREEN, A.N.A. B29" 2 i a — | AMERICAN: 1856— Ve Mead | 60—THE GARDENER’S DAUGHTER | 4 _CoTraceEs at rear enclosing an English garden, with a narrow path coming towards the observer, between beds of marigold, pansies and BS hollyhocks. In the foreground stands a young woman in gray bodice, 3 white apron and cap, with a black cloak thrown over her shoulders. -— 2 ee Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches. EE ESijned at lower left, PRANK RussELL GREEN, and dated ENGLAND, 1891. | 1a e Pir chased direct Py the artist. |: — feicho SCALBERT : KO FRENCH: XIX CENTURY et ae 61—UN MOMENT DE REPIT Tue corner of a stage overlooking a broad river with sailing vessels and a wooded bank at the right, and a glimpse of a stone bridge. At the table is seated a young woman in a blue blouse, white skirt and military cap, and facing her, stirring a glass of wine, is a man in a gray and yellow striped rowing vest and cap and green knee- breeches, his chair tilted lazily backward. Panel: Height, 21 inches; length, 25% inches. Signed at lower left, J. SCALBERT. Purchased direct from the artist. WILLIAM GILBERT GAUL AMERICAN: 1855—I1919 y, Lb , 62—TENNESSEE HUNTERS O7 THE heart of a woodland in winter, with snow on the ground pierced here and there by grasses. In the foreground, two hunters, facing the right, in jerkins and leggings; one dragging forward a slain deer by the ~ muzzle, the other erect and about to fire. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches. Signed at lower left, GILBERT GAUL. : Purchased direct from the artist. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 252 ee Pah 31 inches; width, 26 inches. WILLIAM JOHN WHITTEMORE, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1860— pf t kin | ae My LITTLE LADY I | _ THREE-QUARTER length portrait of a girl of twelve in a long old-fash- ioned olive-green dress, seated in a “Dutch” rush-seat chair facing the observer and with clasped hands. Deep blue-indigo background. Signed at lower right, WM. J. WuitTTemore, and dated New York, 7 | Height, 28 inches; width, 20 inches. 1892. | Purchased direct from the artist. S. M. LAURENCE nd O-a Be AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY "ah. ee fal 65—ENGLISH COAST A HAZE envelops the jagged pointed rocks of the background, which | merge into the orange and blue of the heavens; in the foreground, an jade-green sea touched with the scattered light of the sun, is breaking into the wet sand. FT eight, 20 ‘nee Rane 30 inches, Signed at lower right, S. M. LAURENCE. Be | r Purchased direct from the artist. ROY BROWN 180 su AMERICAN: 1879— Cul Ln) 66—EARLY WINTER A BEND in the road with a group of houses and two willows clustered under the lee of a church with a white campanile; snow has fallen, soft- . ening the outlines of the buildings and the woods behind and streaking the whole with patches of reflected color. Height, 21 inches; length, 25 inches. Signed at lower right, Roy BROWN. Purchased direct from the artist. a ERNEST LAWSON, N.A. = 410 ~ AMERICAN: 1873— D aims - 67—LANDSCAPE WITH BROOK A SHALLOW stream, flowing away from the left foreground, is hemmed in between sentinel poles of birches and willows, with their scanty brown leaves, the whole shivering in the chalky light of morning. On the farther bank, a meadow backed by masses of houses, and above their roof-tops the white line of dawn in the leaden sky. Height, 24% inches; width, 23% inches. Signed at lower left, E. LAWSON. Purchased direct from the artist. PAUL CORNOYER, A.N.A. — , ee JOO 7 AMERICAN: 1864—1923 es Pi j So th faheshan q 68—d4 FARM ; Sere w 5: a A srony brook flows into the foreground in the shade between two 4 dark masses of trees; beyond the fence of the farther bank is a cluster _ of white farm buildings in the sunshine, with a background of hills topped by the roofs of cottages and thrust into the brilliant pagans sky. a Se ee ee ee ae = Height, 18% ince length, 24 nae. Signed at lower left, PAUL CORNOYER. HARRY FRANKLIN WALTMAN, A.N.A. /HO- AMERICAN: a 69—LANDSCAPE AND SNOW WINTER landscape, a river dominating the centre of the foreground — between banks piled high with snow, from which project the thin, half- bare tree trunks. Background of forest and pale yellow sky dully reflected in the half frozen stream. : Height, 23 inches; length, 27 inches. Signed at lower right, WALTMAN. Purchased direct from the artist. ——,* Le ae ~ ef jehs ne "th : Ss - BRUCE CRANE, N.A. ee HIS" C Aho AMERICAN: 1857— _ 70—APPLE ORCHARD AN orchard with long rush grass and wooden fence running across the rear to a hut, the foreground broken by a tiny runnel of water. Three trasted sharply with the sombre foliage of a tall elm in the background. meetanse 2 Seinches wiength, 3 Ssinches: Signed at lower left, BRUCE CRANE, A.N.A. Purchased direct from the artist. apple-trees are bowed down under the weight of a gay mass of pinkish- white blossoms giving back the light to a blue summer sky and con- /Moo + JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853—1921 71—AUTUMN Fiat brown country stretching away as far as the; eye can ate be- neath a sky filled with the orange and yellow echo of the sunset. In the foreground at the right, a feathery mass of ruddy-brown dipped trees, two of which thrust slender poles into the clouds. Height, 1014 inches, length, 15 inches. — Signed at lower left, J. Francis Murpuy, and dee 1920. Purchased direct from the artist. (Illustrated ) CRN ‘kydinpy siouvsyg uyor 6g) NAOLOAY—IL ‘oN Joe “Re Gey eee AMBRUGA NG ise _72—MARINE : A CALM sea with a half dozen fishing eek wit rigged sails in the harbor, the vague mass of ‘i into distinctness in the red-roofed houses at th cone is filled with a delicate misty sun hae Height, 25 i Signed at lower left, EmIL Cire Purchased direct atte the artist. Cr Huet gree CY N ‘Uaspin) pimg 7) ANIAVIA[—zL ‘oN , CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. 625% | AMERICAN: a Z hoc 73 EL Gehl PEs ; A winpy hilltop with long grass, stones and bracken and a cloudy blue sky overhead. Four children—two bora and two girls—simply clad, are flying kites in the wind. 1 Length, 30 hem width, 30 inches. — Signed at lower left, Cuas. C. CuRRAN, and dated 1905. Society of American Artists, 1906, Shaw Fund picture. (Illustrated) No. 73—FLyING KITES (By Charles Courtney Curran, N.A. JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY, N-A. AMERICAN: 1853—I921 . 43800 + , AGRO! UP OF SYCAMORES AUTUMN on a desert plain, the central foreground occupied a copse of towering sycamores with stripped trunks and delicate russet feathery foliage merging imperceptibly into the yellowish-gray tones of age sky behind: H eight, 16 inches; length, 22 Seine Signed at lower left, J. FRANcIs Murpuy, and dated 1909. Purchased direct from the artist. (Illustrated ) CRN ‘kydunpy sioupsg uyor &g SUMONVOAS AO dNOYH—+rL ‘ON : "HENRY OLIVER 2 WALK ;, 650 ate < AMERICAN: 1843— 75—THE SINGERS AN ideal group, in the pre-Raphaelite manner, of. gown and a beautiful fair-haired boy in a flimsy | about her neck, singing from a sheet of music in garden, and looking with pious earnestness up a NN No. 75—THE SINGERS (By Henry Oliver Walker, N.A.) THEODORE ROBINSON SELOC 7 AMERICAN: 1852—1896 | 76—IN THE SUN GREEN grass Slowing in the sunlight, and the prone figure of a young girl in white bodice and crimson skirt, stretched luxuriously on the meadow, shading her eyes with a sunbonnet from the glare. 7 a Height, 18 inches; length, 37 vita Signed at upper right, pe ROBINSON, and dated 1891. Society of American Artists, 1892, Shaw Fund pietire Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Panama Pacific Titerncvone Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. (Illustrated ) UOSUIGO S$ ALOPOAY | gq NOS dHL N[—94 ‘ON «) pa Se WILLARD LEROY METCALF _ — AMERICAN: 1858—1925 ‘ 24 lltuce 77—GLOUCESTER HARBOR LookInG down from a height is seen the irregular hump of the inner ~ shore, with intermingled trees and roofs and a spindle-legged landing stage jutting out into the blue water; schooners, and at the left a wharf — with a tall red chimney. On the low further shore, a line of houses 4 with the sun playing gaily on the roofs loses itself’ in a green igeg a behind. a J 3004 Height, 26% inches; hath 29 inches. a Signed at lower left, W. L. MeTcaALr, and dated 1895. Society of American Artists, 1896, Webb Prize. Pan-American Exposition, 1901, Silver Medal. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904, Silver Medal. (Illustrated ) (five SosaT parity &¢) YOMAVET WALSAONOIH—LL ‘on aa a a ee ee IRVING RAMSEY WILES, NA. /050 a AMERICAN: T861-—— ashi ellen 78—A LONG ISLAND ROAD Tue broad band of yellow road runs away from the a8 rca tapering to a narrow ribbon and disappearing amid the woods in the distance to curve off past the houses of a village away at the left. Os either side is scrubby grassland; but, starting nowhere, a sentinel line of slender trees marches at the right hand side of the*'road, the perl spective of their dwindling mass producing a surpassing effect of endless distance. The brilliant blue sky is filled with great white bundles. of cumulus clouds. Ee =f a es . dleight, 31 inches; Vaharhe 3H inches. Signed at lower ee IrvING R. Wines. Purchased direct from the artist. (Illustrated) CRN ‘sappy Sasmvy buiasy sg avOwWy ANVIS] SNOT YW—ss ‘ON WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849—1916 00-7 79—IDLE HOURS, SHINNECOCK THE low sandy brush of the shore sweeps round to the right, forming — an arm of the sea. In the foreground, undaunted by gathering white — clouds, is a group of two ladies in white with parasols and two young a girls, sprawled lazily on cushions in the grass and sustaining bright spots of color. | 3 4 a a er ea a a PROM SIS Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches. : 7 Signed at lower left, Wo. M. Cuase. Purchased direct from the artist. (Illustrated) CRN ‘aspyy misayy mou &F) MOOOUNNIHG ‘sunopT atay—6Z ‘on FREDERICK BALLARD WILLIAMS, NA. Tea | AMERICAN: 1872— htaebl, Gelb, a 80_IN THE VALLEY OF THE PASS4IC. UNEVEN thickly wooded country in summer, with a humped mass of trees at the left and a valley prospect at the right filled with foliage almost as far as the eye can see; in the distance, a town with a back- ground of undulating hills. 7 ie fleight, 30 inches; length, 45 inches. 4 Signed at lower right, FREDK. BALLARD WILLIAMS. Purchased direct from the artist. (Illustrated ) KON ‘Suvi Peleg yep sg OIVSSVg AHL JO AATIVA AHL NI——O8 ‘ON W. GRANVILLE SMITH, N.A. AMERICAN: 1870— 4 LA J q | 81—INDIAN SUMMER | A GREEN meadow with straying geese, crossed by a line of tall elms, | some with bare branches, others with a glory of russet-yellow foliage; — behind them, cottages and farm buildings with a background of woods. | The scene is lighted from the upper left by a sun invisible in the warm afternoon haze. Fy Mio Height, 36 inches; nih 48 inches. | Signed at lower right, W. GRANVILLE SMITH, and dated 1908. Awarded the Inness Gold Medal, National Academy, 1908. = International Exhibition of Art and History, at Rome, 1911. Purchased direct from the artist. (Illustrated ) ( . 6 VN UaWWAS NVIAGN yIUg 2]]10Uv.LL) i ret: M 9) ON WILLIAM ANDERSON COFFIN, N.A. . GO AMERICAN: 1855—1925 : 4. Se Mal : 82—MARINE: EARLY EVENING A CALM ultramarine ocean with rounded brown rocks in the foreground, and in the left distance the line of the coast; low down in the clear sky, where the clouds begin, a full pale sun throws a pinkish light on to the — water. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches. — Signed at lower right, WM. A. COFFIN. Purchased direct from the artist. ERNEST ALBERT Ae AMERICAN: 1857— Nw f Mawler) 83--EARLY SPRING PALE grassland rising to a low hummock at the right, with a beautiful foreground of slender birch saplings and pink and white blossoms quiv- ering in the morning light. A winding path carries the eye away to a hazy background of blue hills. : Height, 24 inches; width, 24 inches. Signed at lower right, ERNEST ALBERT. BROGEoCRANE, NA’ AMERICAN: 1857— eee sind five cee water the expanse of yellow corn land and meadow ersected by masses of trees and rising to the vague line of a hill on - horizon. ‘The heavens are gray and cloudy. Height, 20 inches; width, 1§ inches. igned at lower left, BRUCE CRANE. urchased direct from the artist. | oe - ips ‘ wet 7 ore ‘ide bays he aaaganaiaiii a ‘ + ss we x a oe = Ce ay i oe Te me te Ae Lat . At A a7) T: ‘ wP i Pe 2 “ EDWARD HENRY POTTHAST eae AMERICAN: 1857— Oe ae NY . SN ih i -85—IN CLOUD REGIONS _ Mounrarnous country at high ecides, covered in snow and sloping up to steep brown rocks at the left. The sky is of the clearest tur- _ quoise and piled high with white cumulus clouds, which seem to hang _ closely over the surface of the ground. os) Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches. Signed at lower left, E. POTTHAST. Society of American Artists, 1906, Shaw Fund picture. HARRY MILLS WALCOTT J1O +4 AMERICAN: 1870— fo Ms 86—GOSSIP THE ramp of the sidewalk of a Dutch village, only the ground line of ‘ the houses being visible. Perched along it in a cheerful chattering row, interrupted by steps at the right, are ten young peasant women in white bodice and cap, stomacher and apron, gossiping before an audience of @ white geese. Height, 20 inches; learn 39% inch oe Signed at lower left, H. M. Waxcott, and dated 1902. Society of American Artists, 1902, Shaw Fund picture. _ aaa NY A we Se SS As ee! Sarre oe Aaa eas eats cig : \ FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. [30+ | AMERICAN: 1856— Bt er I 87—HARVEST MOON Two immense masses of red-brown foliage frame partially the vista of © blue lake with reflections of the full moon. In the foreground the — corner of a green meadow is seen and a hummock at the right sloping © down to the lines of the cart track, winding away into the middle dis- tance. A lurid yellow sky makes an effective background for ans areas of broad color. | Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches. | Signed at lower left, F. DE Haven, and dated 1901. Purchased direct from the artist. AMERICAN: 1864— « CARLE J. BLENNER KA 4u boll 88—-THE OPEN FIRE THREE-QUARTER length figure, facing the observer, of a young woman in a filmy orchid dress, with a white muslin shawl, seated before a fire, the warm glow of which falls from the left on skirt and bosom. Her right hand is held out to the blaze; at her left side is a table with tea-cups. Height, 40 inches; width, 30 inches. Signed at upper right, CARLE J. BLENNER. Boston Art Club Exhibition. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1911. Purchased direct from the artist. GEORGE R. BARSE, Jr., N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— bbb 4 89—A4 TRIBUTE TO THE SATYR BEFORE a wall of greenery is a classic poner: bench and a tall pedestal surmounted by the bust of a satyr; against which is fondly leaning a nude girl loosely draped in a lilac chiton and holding up in her arms a = cupid, who is depositing a laurel wreath on the marble head. .. Height, 38% inches; width, 1634 inches. { SA54 Signed at lower left, BARSE, JR., and dated 1895. National Academy, First Hallgarten Prize, 1895. Purchased direct from the artist. /504 ALBERT L. GROLL, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— Leo Wy huts q 90—GERMAN VILLAGE THE single arch of an old bridge crosses in the centre the river which washes the foreground, and is flanked by groups of farm buildings and the straight trunks of birches and poplars pointing up into the quiet sky from which the light is departing, so that the grass of the fore- ground is already almost black. ; Height, 25 inches; length, 35 inches. Signed at lower right, A. L. GRott. Purchased direct from the artist. CAE LUIS FALERO SI. Y, “pe SPANISH: 1851I—I901 91—NIGHT Tue black firmament studded with stars with a huge circular crescent moon; into which, her black veil dropped, is floating the nude dark haired Night with arms upraised and right knee bent in embrace. Height, 40 inches; width, 21 wnches. Signed at lower right, FALERO. From the Collection of CATHERINE WOLF. HERBERT DENMAN bo a a AMERICAN: 1903— 7 fhe lin 92—COQUETTERIE A DRESSING table with a gilded oval mirror, before a neutral wall with a gas light; in a gilded chair, at the right, is seated in profile with her fare turned down toward the observer, a young woman in a white — ay negligée, arranging her hair in a hand-glass. 2 on? Height, 36 inches ; width, 27 inches. Signed at lower left, HERBERT DENMAN, and dated 18gI. Purchased direct from the artist. ar FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. SSO 7 AMERICAN: 1856— Ad Ailfeteck 93—SHEEP IN STORM — THE brown fields are divided in the foreground by intersecting cart tracks, up one of which the shepherd is driving a small flock of sheep. Behind, the trees are lashed by the wind, and from a sombre cloud above a deluge of rain pours down on the hazy scene. Monotone: Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches. Signed at lower right, F. De Haven, and dated 190s. Purchased direct from the artist. — RAIMUNDO MADRAZO meaee> ©€©~—SsiT rata: 1841—1920 /b.. Juctlertehe 94—Ld COQUETTE __ Berore a dark background, the half length figure, facing the observer, _ of a young girl with golden robe and white sleeves, her fair hair dressed with a pink ribbon and her left hand pressed to a corsage of -_ peonies, looking into a hand mirror. | | = Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. 4 Signed at lower right, R. MapRAzOo. = ear Perks WARREN EATON, N.A. | f45 AMERICAN: 1857— Be Linley i? a > 4 | ae 1 wae as bear pose AFTER THE STORM } eA GREEN field with humped grass stacks, in deep shadow, lighted orange in the middle distance by the sun, which has reappeared through a rift in the ink-black storm clouds stretched across the horizon. Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches. BE Signed, CHAS. WARREN EATON, and dated 1897. Purchased direct from the artist. G. CALVES So 7 FRENCH: XIX oa Klin 96—HAULING WOOD a a A busty road bends sharply into the right coxapeoumele in the afternoon glare, around a grass-topped bank; down the road is going a cart laden | with logs and drawn by a brown horse, with two brake horses in the rear and the driver in black hat and blue smock marching beside it on the farther side. =% Height, 32 inches; width, 26 ae Signed at lower left, G. CALVES. Purchased direct from the artist. WILLIAM T. AMSDEN AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY Moana baa CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 105 to 210 inclusive | WILLIAM JOHN WHITTEMORE, A.N.A. E% 5% ; AMERICAN: 1860— of Younilkiae ~ 105—OLD FASHIONED GARDEN A sunny lawn with trees and the gable of a house behind; in the fore- _— ground, among the gay clusters of flowers of an English garden, is a ~ young woman in white with a crimson sunbonnet. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. Signed below, WM. J. WHITTEMORE, and dated 1886. Purchased direct from the artist. ba CAAkLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. JO a AMERICAN: 1861— eae 106—EVENING: PONT ST. MICHEL Tue road and sidewalk glistening with the rain, and four-wheelers, barrows, pedestrians with umbrellas mingled under the lamp light. The hill of Montparnasse in the rear is fringed with buildings and trees under the night sky. Panel: Height, 9% inches; length, 12 inches. Signed at lower right, CHas. C. CURRAN, and dated PARIS, 1889. Purchased direct from the artist. GEORGE ELMER BROWNE, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1871I— VA Khe ; 107—MONTE CARLO EVENING at the Café de Paris, with Chinese lanterns hanging in the ~ blue-green sky. The garden is filled with small tables, at which are — diners in evening dress or in uniform, and waiters in attendance; an attendant is serving Turkish coffee amid a clatter of dishes and conver- sation. JNO 1 Millboard: Height, 14% inches; width, 14% inches. Signed at lower right, GEO. ELMER BROWNE. Exhibited at the Salmagundi Club. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. So - AMERICAN: 1848—1909 oh Aa Vz 108—BY THE SEA A STONE fence with a ramshackle wooden gate shuts off a small grassy enclosure bounded by rocks and a scrub oak at the right, and a small fisherman’s cottage at the left, before which is a figure. In the dis- tance, a calm deep blue sea stretches its expanse under the cloudy tur- quoise sky. 3 Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, Geo. H. McCorp, N.A. Purchased direct from the artist. Pag ear BENJAMIN FOSTER, N.A. JO- AMERICAN: 1852— vs teanulleco 109—GLOIRE DE DIJON A TUB-SHAPED black earthenware vase holds a spray of these beautiful white roses with their subtle internal tints of pink and orange-yellow. Height, 14 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower right, BEN Foster. Purchased direct from the artist. IRVING RAMSEY WILES, N.A. Go - thrli, Only AMERICAN: 1861— 110—COSTUME STUDY BEFORE a pea-green drapery is seated in a chair facing right, her head turned downwards towards the observer, a young woman with her hair dressed high in the manner of the ’eighties, robed in a flowered grayish- black Japanese kimono and holding a red fan. Height, 18 inches; width, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, IRVING R. WILES, and dated 1885. Purchased direct from the artist. fea AMERICAN: 1872— phonation A COLD, barren-seeming land with two pairs of feathery trees before a the purple-gray mass of woodland behind, broken by a gap at the right, O04 GEORGE MS BRUGES Tae t1r1Ii—-NEW ENGLAND PASTURES opening to a further vista. A grayish morning sky lightens towards a the horizon. Fleight, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, Gko. M. BRUESTLE. Exhibited at the Salmagundi Club. Purchased direct from the artist. G. H. STANLEY ; AMERICAN: XIX CENTURY Mukn Sled 112—TWO SISTERS SOMBRE interior of a garret, with stove, broom and impedimenta at the left. A shaft of light from an unseen window falls on the faces of two children, one of whom is seated on a stool sewing, the other standing next her with eager curiosity. Height, 22 inches; width, 19% inches. Signed at lower left, G. H. STANLEY. c, CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. | _ AMERICAN : 1861— hw 6M. bney Seitg3—AUTUMN EVENING _ Lone brown grass and bracken before a mournful prospect of brown and copper-red trees, grouped like upright sentinels in the still air be- fore the pink and yellow sunset sky in perspective, away to the right sot the scene. her Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower left, Cuas. C. CuRRAN, and dated 1888. _ Purchased direct from the artist. a - - THEODORE ROBINSON 3 KOO ~ AMERICAN: 1852—1896 Yacht Eellbeoer 114—NORMANDY FARM In the immediate foreground a flowering shrub bedecked with white blossom, and half concealing the farm buildings behind, with their warm- toned, sloping roofs. By the wall at the right, a woman in an apron is gathering flowers. . W ater-color: Height, 14 inches; length, 16% inches. uk ! . . inte OED Signed at lower left, TH. ROBINSON. Note: The above is the original water-color sketch for the completed oil painting, is No. 169. COLIN CAMPBELL COOPER, N:ALy AMERICAN: 18 i se, bal 11g—THE RIVA SCHIAVONI, VENICE =p THE cobbled place looking westwards, the Molo with its ia columns, | the Duke’s Palace and thes Old Library; on the farther bank i in the left | middle distance, the domes of the Santa Maria della Salute. in thes sunshine men and women and civic guards in gay Costin ess are. e strolling about, with pigeons fluttering in the foreground. — a aaeatne 4 /407 a - Water-color: Height, - inches; length, 26 inches. Signed at lower right, COLIN CAMPBELL CooPER. Salmagundi Club W ater-color Exhibition. Purchased direct from the artist. BS 4 WARREN B. DAVIS Spannllow AMERICAN: XIX CENTURY 116—LADY RECLINING ON DIVAN INTERIOR, with a divan luxuriously piled with cushions; extended at full q length is the figure of a young woman with dark hair clad in a long white gown of the ’nineties and reading a book, a pink carnation twirled _ idly in her right haid. = Water-color: Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches. Signed at lower left, WARREN B. Davis. Purchased direct from the artist. LOO 1 AMERICAN: 1859— CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. 117—IN THE RAIN A STREET corner, seen from above, showing the sidewalk at the base of a building, crowded with pedestrians carrying umbrellas, the road at the left with a black mass of carriages and four-wheelers. In the fore- ground is drawn up alongside the curb, facing the left, a hansom with a tired horse, awaiting a fare. Water-color in monotone: Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower left, CHILDE Hassam, and dated 1896. AUGUST FRANZEN, N.A. So 7 AMERICAN: 1863— ye fonts 118—OLD MAN (ST. PIERRE). ne. BErorE a background of sunny grass and gray sky, the half length — figure of an old peasant with white hair and ruddy face, clad in aaa leather waistcoat and white shirt, the sun ee igs color tones” on to his face and figure. W ater-color: Hugh. 24 inches; width, 17 chee a Signed at lower right, AUG. FRANZEN. Purchased direct from the artist. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. JKO 7 7 AMERICAN: 1848—1909 OA. ming 119—ENGLISH HERRING BOAT THE night sea, with the moon half obscured by trails of cloud, but — throwing a soft light on the tumbled water. In the foreground, the pole of a buoy, and a large two-masted smack, with its triangular brown lateen sails spread, drifting to the right. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, G. YH. McCorp, BRUCE CRANE, N.A. | . AMERICAN: 1857— b 120—MISTY SUNSET , WINTER, with the broad snow-covered road curving away from the ta foreground out to the left behind the walls of a small barn. Over the __ indistinct bare woodland vista at the right, the orange ball of the sun setting in a cloudy haze. Fa Millboard: Height, 11 inches; length, 1734 inches. - Signed at lower left, BRUCE CRANE. Purchased direct from the artist. , CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. } io ee AMERICAN: 1861— ee 121I—THE CABBAGE PATCH e BEHIND the stone wall is a cottage, with lines of laundry hanging out | on a stripped tree; in the foreground, a sandy cabbage patch with a woman in white bodice and apron gathering vegetables in a basket. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. Signed at lower right, CHas. C. CURRAN, and dated MILFORD, 1896. Purchased direct from the artist. ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. b0- CAN: 1842—I9QI YA J Sey AMERI : 1842—I9I14 Shes _ 122—THE HAYFIELD A MEADOW scattered with hay pitched by two men on toa wagon in the | foreground. Behind, the ground rises slowly to the right in a rida of black earth starting from a clump of trees at the left and in sharp contrast to the pale gray heavens. : scitarssemapreanncectiamnimnehr ete a a : = Toes Height, 12 inches; length, 16 ache Signed at lower left, ARTHUR PARTON. Hen OINTMENT STA A, TL LEONARD OCHTMAN, N.A. $0 4 : AMERICAN: 1854— Vi Komi 123—HOMESTEAD GRAss meadows divided by a narrow road running across the scene; on a: the far side of it, a white country house with red chimneys, brave in the sunlight among the green trees which surround it. ‘The sky is of a delicate blue with white veils of cloud. ‘i Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower left, LEONARD OCHTMAN. Purchased direct from the artist. : Ss ALEXANDER H. WYANT, NLA. i pce 7 AMERICAN: 1836—1892 ae bia.—woop INTERIOR - UNEVEN grassland in the shadow at the foot of tall partly stripped elms, whose foliage almost entirely intercepts a view of the gray sky. _ In the middleground where the bracken ends, a glimpse of a forest _ ‘stream. - git, 17% inches; width, 12 inches. _ Signed at lower left, A. H. Wyant. Purchased direct from the artist. EMIL CARLSEN, N.A } 140 *y AMERICAN: 1853— Me ha lhey Saland 125 GARDEN SCENERY , A PLAT green meadow, the far edge bordered by trees; in the fore- ground three half-bare trunks with spreading branches, taking on new green foliage, and sheltering a wispy bush. EF Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. | Signed at lower left, EMIL CARLSEN. Purchased direct from the artist. 704 _ GERMAN: eb: Century ee KOO ADOLF SCHLABITZ Guard 126—SCH UTZENKONIG FULL-LENGTH portrait of an official facing the left, in cocked hat, dat : green military coat and light trousers, bedecked with sword and cigar, * languidly pulling off a white glove; over his right shoulder is trium- 3 phantly draped a buge floral wreath. ‘ ye Height, 26 ices width, 4 inches. SA TE It —— Signed at lower right, SCHLABITZ, and dated oe Purchased direct from the artist. RE INN A EN EIN RE eM BRUCE CRANE, N.A. et AMERICAN: 1857— Sh AL 127 AUTUMNAL GRAYS THE corner of a still pond, the bank at the left knee-deep with brown di bracken, curving round to the right to lose itself in a mass of russet leafage. A blue-gray is) looks down on the whole, and is reflected in the water. Height, 12 inches; length, 18 ‘ache = Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE. Purchased direct from the artist. | CHARLES FREDERICK NAEGELE : 175 - AMERICAN: 1857— 128-—-THE YOUNG MOTHER tuner Gallerie, HALF-LiNGTH picture of a young woman in a rose-pink gown, her back to the observer. The dress is drawn away from the neck so that the light plays on the beautiful white shoulders and the dark brown hair as her head is bent down to the unseen nursing child. Panel: Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches. Signed at upper left, CHARLES FREDERICK NAEGELE. Purchased direct from the artist. ALBERTA GROE ENG Li2O AMERICAN: 1866— toa 2 LIb Meads 129 ARIZONA A BARE flat plain ringed about with low blue hills, their gradual slopes forming the lower edge of a brilliant summer sky streaked with trail- ing masses of white. | Panel: Height, 10% inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, A. L. GROLL. Purchased direct from the artist. CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. LBo- AMERICAN: 1861— IS land 130—PEONIES A DELICATELY painted spray of full white peonies flecked with orange and nested in deep green, wind-blown leafage. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. Purchased direct from the artist. 24, ¥ hn “GN r eee S. CHAPMAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1879— — hh. Xx. black 1g1-NOISES OF THE NIGHT g ig HE edge of a pine forest, with an unseen moon n shining brightly on ?p atches of snow. In the foreground, at left, the massive trunk of a i tree with snow-laden branches, underneath which is a young fawn list- ening, with its Boece errs the observer. & a Z00 ft ; -— Ces , a 4 eee My “ a Beh, 14 inches; width, 14 inches. =a 3 E Boris at lower left, ey Se Sahat and dated 1918. | Purchased direct from the artist. a GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. | 175 - | AMERICAN: 1848—1909 Abcman Oneal 132—-THE RUSSET MARSH. (ARIZONA) Beat brown swampy ground with a reedy pool in the foreground, and _ stunted trees behind; in the middle distance at the left, a white cottage. The windy morning sky is turquoise-blue and banked with white clouds. Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches. Signed at lower right, G. H. McCorp. ae . Purchased direct from the artist. FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. Om AMERICAN: 1856— fi tamblen 133-—-HILLSIDE LANDSCAPE WILD grassland, with scattered stones, rising gently to the right; in the middle distance, a belt of shrubs and a single russet and green trec before a pale wind-swept sky. Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower right, F. DE HAVEN, and dated 1887. Purchased direct from the artist. ROBERT CRANNELL MINOR, N.A. 2007 AMERICAN: 1840—1904 II iade 134—AT SUNSET A GENTLY rising landscape with two clumps of trees flung in graceful silhouette against the varied tints of a cloudy evening sky, warming to a ruddy orange near the horizon. In the foreground between the tree masses, the vague shape of a man leading a pack animal. Millboard: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Purchased direct from the artist. a W. GRANVILLE SMITH, N.A. joe = AMERICAN: 1870— LL WH ( 13 s5—LANDSCAPE Mrapow ann, with a narrow stream crossing the foreground and a c ump of delicate birches at the left topped by thick masses of Biel sec en against a blue-and-white summer sky. - Height, 14% inches; width, 14% inches. ‘Signed @ at lower Bain. GRANVILLE SMITH. + Purchased direct from the artist. {— > of GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. 180 Tid AMERICAN: 1848—I909 aay ‘ 136—ROCKY NECK, GLOUCESTER, MASS. q AY the left the quiet surface of an inlet with sailing ships at anchor; the grassland, crested with trees among which nestle a few houses, runs ~ down to the water’s edge. In the foreground an upturned boat and a countryman carrying a hoe. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, G. H. McCorb. Purchased direct from the artist. IRVING RAMSEY WILES, N.A. SSO 74 AMERICAN: 1861— . | 137—RETROSPECTION THE corner of a field at high noon, fringed with green trees. Seated on a log at the right, with his back towards the observer, is the farmer -_ in shirt and trousers, thoughtfully smoking a pipe, while next him a — brown horse harnessed to his plough blinks drowsily in the sunshine. Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches. Signed at lower right, InvING R. WILES, and dated 1887. Purchased direct from the artist. LEWIS COHEN, A'Nv Gs ENGLISH: 1857—I915 Hany Jad 138—PONT ST. MICHEL, PARIS THREE arches of the massive bridge cross the crowded Seine, and are laden with vehicles and pedestrian trafic. In the foreground at the left, is a stage with workmen; behind, the mound of white buildings which is the hill of Montparnasse, and at the right towering above the river, tree masses. [he whole is bathed in warm summer sunshine, catching points of color in the blouses of the workmen and the rusty metal of the construction apparatus. /3O F Panel: Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at lower left, LEwis COHEN. PAO EA GCORNOY E.R; AUN WA, bo - _ AMERICAN: 1864—1923 Jy, LG Wy ; 139—A HAZY NIGHT A PLAZA with a central obelisk, possibly representing the old Worth monument and Madison Square, New York. ‘The observer looks along a main thoroughfare behind the monument, while to right and left are the dim shapes of buildings with brightly lit store windows. Rain has fallen, and a light evening mist softens the bare trunks of the leafless trees. ) Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. _ Signed at lower left, PAUL CORNOYER. From a Salmagundi Club sale. HOWARD GILES 50 4 AMERICAN: 1876— KmiaAd Udleet: 140—SHEEPSCOT BAY BLUE sunlit water with a low brown coastline at the top of the canvas, and in the foreground the humped mass of a brightly tinted rock. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. Purchased direct from the artist. S7O- a AMERICAN: 1883— ff GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N:A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 2 Seaman, le We 141—DORDRECHT " EVENING on the quiet waters of the Merwede, with a blue sky flecked with clouds spread over the sailing vessels, and the quay at the left with © its cluster of dwelling houses and scanty trees huddled about the dome — and belfry of the Groote Kerk. 3 OR LN LTTE TR PEN Height, 20. in) ncheea Signed at lower left, G. H. McCorp. Purchased direct from the artist. GUY CARLETON WIGGINS, A.N.A. 142—A SEA PORT A SEA of the palest ultramarine under a summer sky, and scattered with small yachts and fishing vessels; at the left the bright roofs of the — town, and the quay with a tall three-masted schooner moored to it and pointing its bowsprit at the observer. Millboard: Height, 12 inches; width, 16 need Signed at lower right, Guy C. WIGGINS. Purchased direct from the artist. JOHN F. CARLSON, N.A. iz JIO 1 AMERICAN: 1857— i Siamay | - 143—WINTER BEECHES % _ Tre forest, with a snow-covered path running laterally across the scene; __ the rest is a mass of stripped upright trunks of beeches, reflecting green- = ish light from the sun. 4 Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. +: Signed at lower right, JouN F. CARLSON. _ Purchased direct from the artist. CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. ; 65 AMERICAN: 1861— VA Yanrllew 144—MILKING. TIME THE corner of a field, with yellow flower-strewn sunlit grass and a cur- tain of dark trees behind. A young girl in pink bodice and blue skirt is milking a brown cow unconcernedly cropping the grass, a dog beside her, while farther off a black calf wanders away into the woods. Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower right, CHas. C. CURRAN, and dated 1889. Purchased direct from the artist. CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A.- L200 ae AMBRICAN: 1848— italy 145—-EVENING GLOW Grassy meadow land rising to the right and fringed on the horeon i a belt of woodland and a detached clump of trees, seen blackly against the uncertain cloudy sky of evening. In the foreground a small flock — of pasturing sheep. | ie : Height, 25 Shee ae 30 inches Signed at lower left, CARLETON WIGGINS. Ss Purchased direct from the artist. ar Wop BRUCE CRANE, ae “ AMERICAN: 1857— 146—ESTIVAL LANDSCAPE THE undulating grass of the foreground is broken by rocks and bisected by a track which runs away into the distance. Along the left of the path an occasional tree is thrust up into the summer sky; an unseen sun casts a great dark shadow across the foreground. Millboard: Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches. Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE. > Purchased direct from the artist. Se RAR aS RATES aioe verre aay aa - LEONARD OCHTMAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1854— byulbevicllrue S 147—MOONLIGHT _ AN inland lake, lulled in the rays of an invisible moon, which shines on the houses of the farther shore and a white sail of a yacht. In the _ foreground a grassy bank with slender tree-trunks cut off at the top of the canvas and arching delicate foliage above the scene. Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower left, LEONARD OCHTMAN. Purchased direct from the artist. CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. Vo AMERICAN: 1861— Gray 148—EARLY MORNING IN JUNE THE cold air is swept in the distance by gray mist which is slowly clear- ing away from the meadowland. In the foreground scattered brown and black cows are browsing in the long grass; a ditch with young willows, and a fence rail bounds the field at the right. Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at lower right, CHas. C. CURRAN. Purchased direct from the artist. HENRY W. RANGER, N.A. AKSEO 7 | AMERICAN: Si 1916 | | be Sa eed eeEN ABI cetETE AND STREAM THE sluggish water stretches across the scene, ee farener bank bor. - dered with lines of slender birches at the left and in the central middle distance by the houses of a village with a white church spire, the line being carried out to the right by four scattered willows. Uncertain blue sky, with balls of yellowish cloud. _ 3 im _ Height, 18 iwcheee length, 26 inches. 2 Henry W. Ranger Collection, American Art Acsounen (ore MATHIAS SANDOR | . | AMERICAN: 1857—1920 Up “UD hee : ya . 1$0—THE THREE GRACES GO THE road curves diagonally away from the left foreground, passing by three tall maples and descending into the valley through the heavy dark green foliage that borders the ridge; on the far side under the ~ clouded blue sky is seen the rise of the violet hills. Height, 2314 inches; width, 20 inches. 4 Signed at lower right, MatTutas SANDOR. Purchased direct from the artist. HENRY WILLSON WATROUS, N.A. KS O 7 AMERICAN: 1857— J. Aeon 1st—d QUIET SMOKE INTERIOR: a table with pens, ink and paper, books and a bottle of wine. Seated facing half left, in white satin waistcoat and knee breeches and bottle-green flowered coat, is an elderly man smoking a clay pipe with epicurean enjoyment. Height, 16% inches; width, 1334 inches. Signed at lower right, WATROUS. From the Ainslie Galleries. FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. JO 4 AMERICAN: 1856— B ba Mey 152 SQUALL ON COAST Inky thunder clouds, broken by a jagged ribbon of angry blue lowering over a wild sea thrashed into white foam in the foreground. Height, 30 inches; width, 24 inches. Signed at lower left, F. DE HAVEN. Purchased direct from the artist. FRANK-WATSON BENSON, N.A. le bal levecs E. Jor . AMERICAN: 1862— 153 MOONLIGHT ON THE WATERS A WASTE of ocean, crossed by the horizontal masses of spume from i® «the breaking of waves; a full yellow moon, low on the horizon, throws a ruddy beam over the water. . ae | . Height, 15 inches; length, 30 inches. Signed at lower left, FRANK W. BENSON, and dated 189g. WEviabited at ihe Salmagundi Club. Purchased direct from the artist. 4 FREDERIC EDE | O Mepeulhz / 4O-7 SWEDISH : CONTEMPORARY 154—WINTER A BEND in the river, with either bank overgrown with brushwood, piled with feathery snow. Over the water is thrown a low red-brick bridge, where a group of cottages stands on the left bank; across it a woman is driving cattle. An uncertain orange-green light is faithfully reflected in the slowly rippling water. Height, 1534 inches; length, 32 inches. Signed at lower right, FREDERIC EDE. aaa é i? a EANGER IRVING COUSE, N.A. 500 ~~ A @ MERICAN: 1866 bhuly 7A) 15s—INDIAN WITH BOWL SQUATTING figure of a swarthy Navajo Indian seen in profile to the right and holding up between his hands white pottery bowl. On the ground at his feet two vessels invested with a purple glaze, and a third with painted Indian decoration. . Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches. Signed at lower left, E. 1. Couse. Purchased direct from the artist. a J. CAMPBELL PHILLIPS JO07 oi Z eae AMERICAN: as 3 fauk Garting tics : . - 156—PROFILE OF 4 YOUNG WOMAN ¥ Heap and shoulders in profile to the right of a young woman with heavy i dark hair, her shoulders wrapped in a chiffon scarf and a cloak of _ peacock-blue. ‘The features are beautiful, with straight nose, small & _ red He an long cae eye- -lashes veiling the eyes. 4 ss ae \ ee Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches. ‘Signed at lower right, J. CAMPBELL PHILLIPS. Purchased direct from the artist. ERNEST LAWSON, N.A. dip teditag ae weet % eb. gf s ~ 7 ek fp de + 2) eet Pome TE ee ee ye ne es tae sale Vad ‘ ¥ t \ 2 r : Sey wii Bi é E S25 AMERICAN: 1873— hota VL eS 157—-MARCH THAW a A CHALKY synthesis of grays, yellows and greens, with curving snow- covered banks at right and left, crowned with slender bare tree-trunks almost invisible in the haze; between them the broad waters of a stream with masses of floating ice, losing its contours in the pale outlines of land and sky. Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches. Signed at lower Icft, E. LAWSON. Purchased direct from the artist. a . ee /60 wate Bias AMERICAN: 1843—1923 158 MERMAIDS A SUMMER sky and a laughing blue sea, aie hove maids ee idly in the wave crests. as" FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, NA. 7 ee A « of WY | AMERICAN: 18 56— AG, 4g & 159 —THE WATERSPOUT A DARK green angry sea with masses of lowering clouds in the ney above linked by the turbulent oPiea of a waterspout swirling ¢ over | wind-swept waters. Bee 24 tac length, 30 inches z Signed at lower left F. DE Haven. — a Nee —- a a. a FREDERICK JUDD WAUGH, N.A. 180-4 AMERICAN: 1861— y LY , 4, Z feo ON PHE CORNISH COAST A MARINE with a wild sea breaking diagonally on massive rocks in the centre ground, illuminated by a glowing evening light from an invisible sun at the right. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. Signed at lower right, F. WauGuH, and dated 1905. Purchased direct from the artist. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. : a 40 7 AMERICAN: 1857— Als ba Le ae 161—FARMHOUSE AND APPLE BLOSSOMS Bee THROUGH the green meadows two paths run away from the ee farom ground, bordered by a line of apple trees gorgeous with pinkish blos- = soms; behind them is a white farmhouse with its thatched roof | and red chimney, topped by trees with their branches already om w Pune leafage against a pale blue sky. Sten, Height, 25 inches; lengthy 35 inches : Signe at lower right, Bruck CRANE, A.N.A. Purchased direct from the artist. EDWARD WILLIS REDFIELD AMERICAN: 1868— €é.G. Yioky 162—BOOTHBAY HARBOR /b70-+ THE waters of the port at night, with an olive-gray sky and sea; the — uneven land-line massed dark, with twinkling points of light, behind i the sails of the fishing boats anchored in the foreground, with their yel- low yard lanterns shining faintly. , Height, 29 inches; length 38 inthe Society of American Artists, 1904, Shaw Fund piles EDWARD GAY, N.A. NO -1 . AMERICAN: 1837— ; tesoblee Glbre. 163—THE MIANUS RIVER ___ A BROAD open landscape of fields and woodlands stretching away to the - horizon. In the right foreground, the narrow stream of the Mianus runs diagonally away, disappearing behind a clump of russet trees, and calmly reflecting the clouded gray sky. | vo. Height, 28 inches; length, 37 inches. Signed at lower left, EDWARD Gay. Society of American Artists, 1903, Shaw Fund picture. 4 JOHN FERGUSON WEIR, N.A. : AMERICAN: Se , A GZ, Y : : 164—LA FRANCE ROSES 10-4 ON a white table cloth, before a sage-green background, is a Venetian _ glass dish and circular bowl filled with the gracious stems of open pink roses. : Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at lower right, JNo. F. WEtR. | - | Society of American Artists, 1906, Shaw Fund picture. LEONARD OCHTMAN, AN.A. JOO = AMERICAN: 1854— Yall Le llerce- 165—MOONLIT VILLAGE THE open meadow, with a pond and the outskirts of a village; at the left a group of trees. In the middle distance are seen the gabled houses of the village with their lighted windows, paling into insignificance be- fore the yellow disc of a huge summer moon reflected in the water. ee eee Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches. eae Signed at lower left, LEONARD OCHTMAN, and dated 1889. Purchased direct from the artist. THEODORE ROBINSON a ae I60 T ae | AMERICAN: 1852—1896 166—NORMANDY FARM BUILDINGS A Low ont fence runs across the foreground, shutting off the ir white-walled heap of buildings with their scattered trees. - Behind, ground rises slowly to left and right, replete with bright tints un sky of blue with one immense mountain of white cloud. - Height, 10 inches ; pleat, 14 x c Signed at lower left, TH. RoBINson.. Purchased direct from the artist. CHARLES FREDERICK NAEGELE SMG 7 AMERICAN: 1857— Le a ze 167—AMERICAN BEAUTY HALF-LENGTH portrait, in a décolleté white gown with a gauze scarf adorned with roses, of a beautiful young woman, seen in profile to right. _ The dark hair is dressed high away from the face with its straight nose and perfect complexion, the light from upper left falling on the white- 4 ness of the neck and rounded shoulders and bosom. Panel: Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. = Signed at upper right, CHARLES FREDERICK NAEGELE. Purchased direct from the artist. ee : 7 ene } ? j bse Mh GEORGE ELMER BROWNE, A.N.A, 170 a AMERICAN: 1871— Lf tf, 168—_STORING THE GRAIN | FarM buildings, with the sun shining on the white wall of a thatched barn at the left, through the window of which a man is pitchforking sheaves of wheat from his perch on the wagon. In the foreground, at the right, is the kneeling figure of a woman, garnering the fallen grain. Monotone (Black and white): Height, 25% inches; length, 32 inches. Signed at lower left, GEo. ELMER BROWNE, and dated 1901. Salmagundi Club, Geo. Inness, Jr., Prize, 1901. 4 2 D ad GlitZ THEODORE ROBINSON | VEL ct | AMERICAN: 1852—I 896 bh: th 169—NORMANDY FARM In the immediate foreground a flowering shrub bedeaeem th: blossom, and half concealing the farm buildings behind, with their w toned, sloping roofs. By the wall at the oe a woman in an — | is eo rhenine flowers. Signed at lower left, TH. ROBINSON. Purchased direct from the artist. ae BRUCE CRANE, N.A. — oa 4NO 7 ; AMERICAN: 185 ae Hi Aan 170—APPLE BLOSSOMS A PALE blue sky looks down on a white cottage and the wooden fence | in the rear bounding the meadow of the foreground, with its lush grass — and tiny brook. ‘Three apple trees form a perspective, blazing in the sunlight with masses of pinkish- white blossoms. : —— Heigl 14 inches; length, 20 inches. E Signed at lower right, BRUCE CRANE. Purchased direct from the artist. FRANCIS COATES JONES, N.A. . — s71—JUNE SrarTep on a stone bench heaped with cushions, under the leafy branches of a tree, is a fair-haired young woman in a white chiton loosely draped with a yellow brocade robe, a tambourine in her right hand, her hair decked with roses, of which she holds one in her left hand. Circular: Diameter, 26 inches. Signed at right, FRANCIS C. JONES. Society of American Artists, 1904, Shaw Fund picture. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904, Silver Medal. Lo - AMERICAN: 1857— 5 umtaas = ee ee ee oe SE OI a ac GEORGE WILLOUGHBY MAYNARD,:-N.A. — 450 if AMERICAN: a Ve | “a | 172 SPORT | = | A FLOWING blue wave in which four mermaids are plunging headlong 7? to the left after a group of flying fish, in the white spume. a Height, 20 inches; length, 40 inches. Signed illegibly at lower left. | Society of American Artists, 1897, Shaw Fund picture. = b _ DOUGLAS VOLK, N.A. k Be? af AMERICAN: 1856— Jtully Alri 173—PURITAN GIRL b * A FLAT snow-bound landscape, with a glimmer of light along the hori- zon. In the foreground, leaning against the bare snow-covered trunk ei: of an oak, is the erect figure of a young girl with black dress and hood, ES in profile to the right, weeping bitterly. Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches. Signed at lower left, Doucias VOLK. E FRANK WESTON BENSON, N.A. SGEO Fs AMERICAN: 1862— deaman, Hpk. —-3174-- SUMMER _ THREE-QUARTER length figure, facing the observer, of a fair-haired girl clad in flowing white robes wreathed about with a flowered scarf, her right hand extended in invitation. Background of green meadows, with the slender pole of a maple set symmetrically on either side of the figure and enclosing the sweep of the cloudy summer firmament. | Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. ie Signed at lower right, F. W. BENSON, and dated 1890. Society of American Artists, 1896, Shaw Fund picture. (Illustrated on cover) — 2 see es - ALEXANDER H. WYANT, KOO 7 AMERICAN: 1836—15 : 175—LATE AUTUMN AFTERNOON A LEADEN sky with a lurid orange line across | the delicate forms of half-stripped russet sapl thickly covered with the fallen leaves and cleft by ing through the centre to the sky’s edge. Height, 16 inches: Signed at lower left, A. H. Wyant. From the Ainslie Galleries. (Illustrated) | Se Sah tae AUTUMN AFTERNOON ant = 4 4 I 175—LAT No ) NA Wy AH Alexander (By SELES pase os I 176—ON THE CANAL FLAT wooded Nomnandy. country, ae the can of cottages. On the blue water is a aiharee dae a on the farther bank, under a summer sky ee ee ae inc nie (uosuigoy asopoay Ty, Kg) IVNV) FHL NO—9ALI ‘ON ia #-! 7 rm - oe os o — = F sv La = i ’ - fs nh a AMERICAN: 1853— 050 4 177—HEMLOCK POOL A CLEFT in the rocks of the bed of a fast flowing its green waters over the fall into a foaming « foreground. : ~ . Height, 30 i1 Signed at lower right, J. H. TWACHTMAN. 5 — (LIlustrated) — a’ e 177—HeEMLock Poor John Henry No (By wachtman) T re , y EMIL CARLSEN, NAL S00 - 2 gene AMERICAN: 1853 ree “ve 7 8—S TILL LIFE—I. A GRAY stone Roan with a sipiee kettle, a ane stontlage three heads of white garlic, lighted from the upper lef Height, 20 inches; a Sigdede at owe left, EMIL CARLSEN, cand dated 190 Purchased direct from the artist. | EMIL. CARLSEN, NAS) ee AMERICAN: 1853— yy, ;) eee I 79S TELE LIFE—I1. x: and at the left a blue and white a Pane Chinese - bowl. a upper left. ae Height, 20 Athen length, 24 Signed at lower left, EMtL CARLSEN. Purchased direct from the artist. (Illustrated) Rare ots aa ana WN ‘uasjiwn jug sg [[—aar]T TI1s—641 ‘oN HENRY OLIVER WALKER, “Awrican: aa ey 9504 I 80—MORNING AGAINST a vague gray-green background d of ms draped in a flimsy aes gleams pallidly in the matinal haze. ek 26 ts 7 180—MorNING No (By Henry Oliver Walker, N.A .) atoO 4 HOBART NICHOLS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1869— ho 181—MIDWINTER rising sharply behind and crowned by the serried masses of steno like tree trunks almost bare of leafage. The wee et sun permeates the whole with a bluish light. Height, 30 inches ; wiih 25 Signed at lower right, HOBART Nicwors. Exhibited at the Salmagundi Club. Purchased direct from the artist. (Illustrated ) 2807 BRUCE CRANE, a ‘ _ AMERICAN: 1857— ~ i82—_SNOW BOUND % DESERTED farm buildings at the right with icy roofs, on thie left a forall about a haystack and a row of bare stunted trees, completing the. triss angular enclosure. The ground is fast covered with snow, a gr a patch in the foreground reflecting the light of the zenith, ya warms: , to a purple-crimson on the horizon. a Signed at lower left, BRUCE CRANE. Purchased direct from the artist. A ee § i aE CS ET ea Sea Sa TS 18 1—MIDWINTER O N (By ) N.A Ms ichols Hobart N F900 1 _ THEODORE ROBINSON es AMERICAN: Oe bye LY, } ' 183—THE VALLEY OF THE SEINE ; 4 THE view is from a green slope in the foreground and embraces ‘hes a | wide valley of the Seine with the river, crossed by an arched bridge, — and the buildings of a town on both banks connected by it. A plain — beyond is bordered by a range of hills, and overhead is a sky of blue — ee with some floating clouds. The effect is in gentle sunlight and the color a scheme shows the delicately graduated tints characteristic of, ‘the 39 painter’s work. 4 Height, 26 inches; length, 33 inches. Siahnel at the lower right, TH. RoBINSON, and dated 1892. a —— From the George A. Hearn Collection, American Art Association, corel a PA (Illustrated ) | | oe ji ¢ “ea mS (uosuiqoy asopoayy Kg ANIAG AHL JO AUTIVA AHT—CR8I ‘ON ae CHAUNCEY FOSTER RY DEK N 6254 7 Moy Wee AMERICAN: 1868— 184—THE OLD ROAD A WINTRY green plain with scattered bene pol S the wind from a grayish-yellow sky; the road, } grass, runs away at the left from the foreground, of boulders at the right, near which is seated the Height, 25 inch Signed at lower right, CHAUNCEY RYDER. Purchased direct from the artist. ee a Parte: | (Illustrated) V N ‘4aphy saisoy Kaounvyy «6g aqvoy GIO AH JT —VEgI ‘ON aug, JOHN FRANCIS Is MURPHY, 3 AOOO vis AMERICAN: 18 531921 18s AUTUMN DAYS oo A FLAT brownish plain rising slowly i inca 1 swell at 1 gray heavens; a central group of sycamores and ¢ trunks half concealed by screens of russet foliage, cate birch saplings, with their wispy branches ; the afternoon sky. Height, 24 i Signed at lower right, J. FRANCIS Morpuy, anc | Purchased direct from the artist. ( I llustrated) — No. 185—AUTUMN Days (By John Francis Murphy, N.A.) ee HUGH BOLTON JONES, N.A. 186—EARLY SPRING | oe a ‘ es A MEANDERING cart road, aay overgrown with of ee alae In the sige foreground, a oe q on to the road. | Gy , H Foe 29 inch cane at lower left, H. Toisas Jones. Society ef, American Artists, 1902, Shaw Fund (I lstrated) ‘VN ‘sauor uoyog yony fq) ONIAdG ATAVY—9I8I “ON BRUCE CRANE, NAL - AMERICAN: 18. ae a ; GIO 189--GREY FIELDS=- 5 ns LEVEL brown land rising slowly in the backgrou woods at the right. The ground is strewn with stumps, and a chain of five bare birches is flung and the pale wintry sky. In the right middle « camp fire, focusing the perspective lines of the « Signed at lower left, BRUCE CRANE, N.A. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 192 I. Be Purchased direct I from the artist. titasPaied ). CRIN SATA ¢ IUDA") IINAT Ada j—LgI1 gq) aye 00 5 , AMERICAN: 1856—1904 188—A GRAY MORNING i a HAZE hangs over the pastures in the cold morning Went so. 5 thae contours of the trees and the hump of the haystack in the backgrc are rounded softly. In the forse nguog two cows and a ae None é ald grass a little way off at the right. Height, 30 inches ; length 40 ‘in Signed at lower right, C. MORGAN McILHENNY. National Academy, First Hallgarten Prize, 1893. Centennial Exhibition, Grand Central Art Galleries, 1925. Purchased direct from the artist. (Illustrated ) CRN PV ‘huuaypow uvbsoy sajavyy Sg) ONINYOJY AVY W—88l “ON : eee “DOUGLAS * VOLK, NAG PPA, oe sau AMPRICAN: 1856 ue I so THE WOODLAND MAID Signed at lower left, Doveras VOLK. ees Society of American Artists, 1899, Shaw Pund pictur (I lustrated ye oe No. 189—THE Woopianp Marp Douglas Volk, N.A.) (By hea EDMUND CHARLES TARBELL, N. hi ene ‘ 3 | AMERICAN: i | "EOG=- fie Beane a INTERIOR, with a sofa covered with white piles td nen : is seated a black-haired young woman, nude and with her f td into a bath, and facing the observer. At the left a maid clad in sp muslin is kneeling to dry the right arm of the beatae prams 2 aes 40 inches ; width, . Signed at lower left, EomMuND C. AD Annee ison Society of American Artists, 15th Annual Exhibition, 1893, s picture. oh oe (Illustrated ) a ee No. 190—TuHE BATH (By Edmund Charles Tarbell, N.A.) | LEONARD OCHTMAN, A.N.A. + LHO 14a AMERICAN: 1854— 19 1—EARLY MORNING THE great heavens, with a hint of Aeetes in the East, Took fownl rolling moorland dipping in the middle distance and disclosing | é ther valley with a solitary white cottage. Horizontal masses, not distinguishable as forests, emphasize the straight lines of the hori: , which is broken only by a solitary tree in the right foreet oun at 2 corner of a stone fenced field. aS Signed at lower left, LEONARD OCHTMAN, and dated.1902. Society of American Artists, 1902, Shaw Fund picture. (Illus tra ted ) CRN P ‘uvmiysQ psvuoaT fg) ONINYO[Y ATAVY—I161 “oN ee ot, eee WILLIAM SERGEANT KEND OO a - OVE AMERICAN: 1869— e 192—-GREEN GNOME | PANELED interior, before a door; in a green facing son is seated a young woman cneseege in b. 2 (Illustrated) No. 192—-GREEN GNOME (By William Sergeant Kendall ata Mare eo : s i200 7 AMERICAN: 1 S49 1916 | 193—d FRIENDLY CALL THE end wall of a studio, hung with ee and Japanese textiles, and a huge gilded pier glass. On covered bench below is seated the dark-haired lady of biscuit-yellow dress, talking to the visitor, a lady robed in with veil, parasol! and flowered white hat. is: Height, 31. anchesy length, Signed at lower left, WM. M. jeune and doicd 1895, a oe ; Society of American Artists, 1905, Shaw Fund picture. ns (Illustrated) ¢ CRN ‘asvy) iUtisayy moyyry Sg TIV) AIGNAMYT Y—t6I “on ee IRVING RAMSEY WILES, NA. bo - POA ; 861— . | MERICAN: 1861 dn sl hi ri | Baer co YELLOW ROSE 1) RN a RRR BAS ny Noni RCN STP OT Ree 465: is putting a yellow rose into her dark Hae SMM TET NTO me TON LT TF ep Height, 5794 inches; width, ay 2 inches. Signed at lower left, IRviNG R. WILEs. Society of American Artists, Shaw Fund picture, 1900. Pan-American Exposition, Igol. Ree Eo . | : Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Seventieth Annual Exhibition, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. . (Illustrated ) 4s Ree ‘ K _ a) N i ELLOW ROSE les, No. 194—THE Y (By Irving Ramsey W -EMIL CARLSEN, : AMERICAN: | 18 353: : : 70 19$—aA CONNECTICUT. HILLTOP SWELLING green meadowland broken iv Bs away to the gray undulating outlines of th ground, at the right, a group of three trees | yellow leafage, forming two great masses s of - summer. VN “uaspany pug Sg) dOLTIUF{ LAOILOANNOZ) Y—S61 “oN CHARLES MORGAN McII.HENNY, A.N.A. — / 40